#ask respons
dreamtydraw · 1 year
hii! it's me again!
I didn't know you were also into obey me!! <3
the stickers look absolutely adorable!! <33 I'm definitely going to get them in a get the chance!
I wanted to ask, who is your favorite brother??
Hello plant anon ! Always nice to see you !
Glad to know you like the stickers ! I had a lot of fun.
Assume i played most of the well known free otome, because i did.
I always been into obey me since it first came out, but it's not my favorite game and i stopped playing for real last year. This is one of the rare time where i mainly enjoy an otome just by watching the content and not really feeling a need to draw stuff about it, the game is already too moe. I still read fanfic tho, the fandom is great for those.
My favorite bros are Mammon and Beel, i first started playing BECAUSE of Beel lmao. I also have a soft spot for Diavolo and Barbatos.... Also the asmo simps got me but i only like the fanon version.
Since you got me to talk about om, lemme reshare here some stuff i made with my mc Sierra !
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Ehehe my babygurl
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 3 months
Hiya! If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog.
I have been writing a spy novel for the last four years.
I use a single letter as my name generally.
I don't like potatoes. I hate potatoes and I hate being alive.
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so it seems like you believe Palestinians should have the state of Israel. What is going to happen to Israeli Jews if the state doesn’t exist? Israel is one of a way more safe spaces for Jewish people, and you want to take it away
So Israel, despite experiencing the “bloodiest day for Jews since the Holocaust”, is “way more of a safe space for Jewish people”. Hm. If this were about safety, then antisemitism in America, Europe, Latam ect would have been taken seriously by our political bodies but instead, we’re encouraged and even paid to move to anothers land in the Middle East because the Western hegemony does not want to actually deal with antisemitism— certainly not on their soil. So again, I want anywhere to be a safe space for Jewish people, I do not want a hyper capitalist ethnostate built on death and destruction to be my safe space. I do not think only for myself, but those around me too— Palestinians will not pay for Europe’s crimes of allowing antisemitism and Jew-hatred to fester.
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bloody-bread · 4 days
Someone asked "Why is Finneas so evil? How high is his kill count?"
I'll say this, he's not evil, he's a researcher and he has the right (and the wrong) to experiment on it, whatever consequences it may bring upon any world is part of the process of discovering something in a field so novel as it is the dreamscape. Now, he does feel guilty for doing interacting with those dreams, an evil person would not stop to think about if what they are doing is wrong or not, does he keep doing it? yes, but I don't think that makes him evil, a bit stupid yes, but no evil.
Can you blame him tho? He's exploring something that probably the average Evalas inhabitant would call "afterlife" (if they even believe on something like that) , with endless possibilities and outcomes, worlds that may not have the same amount of magic that Evalas does but that are precious and rich on their own way.
And let's not forget that the mere existence of the dreamscape breaks every believe that has it's roots in Evalas (exagerating, idk what they believe in there but you get what I mean), he needs to understand how all of this works before anyone else finds out about it, there is powerful people that may want to use this as a source of power so he can't just go out there and ask questions or debate with other people (aside from his listener Ig) about whatever he has found out until now, he's alone in this, he's the only one (again, aside from the listener) that stands between whoever wants to take advantage of this dreamscape and it's habitants.
So I would never cal him evil, he's the one protecting them even if it may not look like that from their point of view, he commited a few mistakes, yes but in the gran scheme of things is just a small price to pay for the good of the whole dreamscape and Evalas.
And at least two, but that's just theories /hj.
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ghostlywhiskey · 8 months
have you ever written anything about simon with a breeding kink?
no but i've definititely thought about it more often than not oops
i'm actually writing something with price & a breeding kink rn, so i might do simon too honestly, but my brain has been protesting against me every time i try to write grr
but simon with a breeding kink is top 5 brain rot thought next to price with a breeding king. like price genuinely wants you pregnant and carrying his child, man will not stop until he's hit like 3 to 5 kids. if the thought of you getting impregnated is in his head, he's working on making it happen asap. completely blinded by the thought.
and this is where i feel simon differs and is hesitant at first when the thought of getting you pregnant crosses his mind and he genuinely sits on the thought for a few days. and for him its a tiny event/scenario that really kicks it into gear - like seeing you hold a family members baby, or the way you smile at a toddler in the supermarket while waiting to check out at the register attempting to make the toddler laugh. because then it further rationalizes the idea in his head because he can't help but think of you carrying his child, knowing he would have helped create the growing baby inside you. and how good of a mother you'd be - attentive, loving, patient, etc. and when your getting ready for bed later that night, he'll come up behind you in the bathroom, one hand on your waist while the other slides to the front of your stomach. his hand gently rubbing the area. his breath against your ear making you shiver but its his words that making your body freeze in shock. "gonna be a good girl and give me a baby, alright?"
i want to be euthanized or maybe just pregnant with simons baby but anyway time to add simon with a breeding kink to the list of things to write about
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sunnydayart · 2 months
I absolutely LOVE how you draw gcbc (and all the other lego movie characters) your artstyle is just so pleasing to look at and depicts them so well theyre all so silly whenever you draw them and i love it so much and especilaly how you draw good cops face and his eyes those big bug eyes man you draw him so well i just love to look at your art! and the expressions theyre just so perfect yu always draw the silliest expressjons for these guys i swearr i love your art so much oh my god😭😭
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(Gcbc (purple) design belongs to superpeeboy !!!:D)
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 2 months
*When Danny was still new to Shego-ing*
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This is old I'm crying it looks so bad to me now(T-T)
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cornedbread · 5 months
Hey can u drew dave plz?
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I’ll do you one better, I draw a Dave and David.
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dueling-jesters · 2 months
What are your thoughts on women romanticising or fetishising gay men via shipping. And when you draw the line when this happened. (Sorry for bad english)
Anyone who's been following me since I started this blog knows that I'm personally annoyed with the fetishization of gay people that has run rampant in fandom spaces for decades. Shipping on its own is completely fine, but I think it becomes something of an issue when people use it to implement harmful stereotypes or to hurt someone directly.
One way I often see is when some people will take two male characters and change their appearance and personalities to project heteropatriarchal standards upon them, essentially turning them into a stand-in for an abusive straight couple. This is, of course, an extreme example.
One related form of it is,via headcanon, the association of body type, personalities, and sexual positions (i.e., making the shorter or curvier male character more feminine, weak, and submissive). This oftentimes overlaps with fandom racism (making a darker-skinned character aggressive and abusive) and transphobia (people who have a trend of making all of their transmasculine-headcanoned characters soft, submissive bottoms exclusively paired with cis-male-headcanoned characters).
One of the most obvious indicators of someone doing this is if they are obsessed over whoever is the top and who is the bottom in a way that's one step from asking "But who really is the guy and who's the girl in the relationship?". This becomes incredibly apparent when a multishipper exclusively headcanons submissive/feminine bottoms and dominant/masculine tops, devoid of any variety or versatility. It's a telltale sign that someone may not care what gay people are actually like in reality.
This doesn't necessarily mean that top and bottom headcanons are inherently fetishizing, but rather, when there is an amalgamation of it being a fandom member's main priority in shipping alongside reinforcing heteronormative stereotypes.
I personally think it's fine for someone to be primarily focused on shipping characters in fandom. It's extremely common for lgbt+ fans to project their experiences onto characters or to otherwise feel connected to them through shipping-even if they're of a different gender/ orientation. (Cisgender, heterosexual fans can be avid shippers as well without harming gay people!) A fan lusting over a character and shipping through projection is not inherently problematic, either. Perhaps my stance is biased as I am guilty of both. There could be a grey area or situations that may seem suspicious if taken out of context.
The perpetrators of fetishization are not exclusively women, nor should they be blamed for it as a whole. Just as some gay people are homophobic, and some trans people are transphobic, there are occasionally members of our community who treat gayness and/or transness as an "othering" quality- whether they separate themselves from the rest of us in doing so, or if it's a form of internalized bigotry.
There are, of course, plenty of cisgender, heterosexual men who display a similar, dehumanizing attitude towards lesbians and bisexual women - whether through media or in-person. In its entirety, this is not a fandom-exclusive phenomenon.
Fetishizing behavior has been weaponized in harassment and abuse towards gay people. Essentially, the preconceived bigotries and assumptions one may have fuel harmful stereotypes cast upon fictional characters, which in turn reinforce one's beliefs and can result in one holding the same assumptions about actual people. I won't go into much detail, but I have personally experienced and witnessed sexual harassment from self-proclaimed allies and fellow members of the lgbt community due to fanfiction-influenced mindsets.
In many aspects, I think the fetishization of gay men in fandom runs parallel to the patriarchal gaze prevalent in similar spaces - although it can absolutely converge at times. It can definitely make someone who would otherwise participate as a fan, or even as a shipper, feel alienated.
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chrysopoeias · 2 years
I just really like the way you draw Hawkeye ❤️
thank you anon ;u; I try to improve just so I can draw her better
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digital999placebo · 4 months
“as a woc”? Didn’t you say in another post that you’re European?
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dreamtydraw · 1 year
Please tell me everything about Leander. What you love about him, what he does in the game, ect.
I'm unable to play the game because my laptops broken so i want to know everything :)
Ok hello i will make this simple.... What charmed me about leander...
In game he is the only one (that we know yet) who can handle mc's curse and he propose to helps them ( offering them a place to stay and some food) You can play his endings of the demo and decide to stay with him at the bar and have a soft moments where you hold hands ( or touch his face ) for the second time wich makes him blush and is very heartwarming of mc who has been cursed their entire life and never held someone's hand before.
Now what got me....
-his tits
-his nice aura in a gloomy shitty world ( sus af but who care, mc needs some love and i am down taking even the lowest sign of affection )
-hand holding ! Sir this is my weak point, hand holding is so intimate dang it
-All the red flags of a possible yandere behavior. When i first played i didn't saw them and after some scrolling learned the flags by the comunity and tbh, i like a good yandere when well written. The complexity of love and toxicity facinate me ( again if well written, else it will just trigger and gross me out )
-I think he match the best with my main oc so therefore, get a privilege pass
-In fantasy universe i have a soft spot for the sort of the characters who have mercenary/ hanging in bars vibe x an outsider, i like the dynamics !
-The heavy under text of reincarnation / necromancy cause i based my oc of that theme too and the coincidence is nice
-His tits
Thanks you for asking about my current fixation and sorry to hear you can't run the gaaaame :( Maybe you can find let's play on youtube !
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prof-peach · 2 years
Peach’s quotes to stuff in PLA? Examples like being detected, dodging attacks, being struck, badly injured (low on health), fall damage, defeated, inflicted with status ailments like sleep, poison and paralysis? 
None of her quotes would be suitable for a child-friendly game like that haha!
She is nothing but pissed off in the past, its a slew of swears and curses no matter what fate befalls her. fall damage? shes shouting bloody murder. aislment? hella mad at whatever did it.
She's an untethered ball of rage (her tethers being Grey and Plum, a thousand years away from her)
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tikkunolamresistance · 2 months
Purim isn't for Jew haters. Did you miss the part of the Megillah where the Jews fought back against the people seeking to kill Jews, and we killed them in triumph? Delete your blog.
Good thing we’re not Jew haters! No, we didn’t miss that part actually. I think it should greatly inspire us to destroy the facist Zionist ideology that’s puppeteered by Christian Zionists! Those people who want us in Israel to trigger the rapture, which will force Jews to convert to Christianity, killing those who wont.
The Rapture (belief that living & dead believers will ascend into heaven to meet Jesus Christ at the Second Coming) is a generally agreed upon aspect of the Second Coming. “Dispensationalists deem this phase “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” in which [at least] one-third of Jews convert to Christianity & are saved accordingly, while the majority are killed.” Remember: “Among Christian Zionists the belief is common that Jews will not be saved due simply to their status as God’s chosen people within Old Testament prophecy. Conversion is considered... necessary for Jews to be a part of Christ’s reign on earth.” After the Rapture, there will be a seven-year period of global turmoil marked by natural disasters, wars, & oppressive regimes. Afterward, Jesus will return with his true believers to establish a thousand-year reign, during which Jerusalem will be the world's capital. Palestinians & Jews are canon fodder; collateral damage; merely pawns to move into position in order to summon Jesus. Dead or alive. [Taken from this wonderful write up on Christian Zionism and it’s antisemitism]
We are being convinced that the State of Israel is our “only safe place”, that we have nowhere else, so that Christian Zionists can feed their delusions, or biblical prophecies. We are pawns in their game, and we must resist, we must aid Palestinian resistance.
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heung-mins · 9 months
kady i want to present an important question to u. i consider conte a hag because of both his looks and his general hag energy....... like i think of something like a swamp hag and there's drippy gross hair involved but maybe i simply consumed a lot of fantasy books as a child fkhefkkjrkof BUT i wouldn't consider pep a hag because........ the looks and energy aren't aligning in a hag direction for me SO my question is - what parameters must a man meet to be a hag in your eyes
ok so being a hag has a little to do with age... it is a state of being... sometimes you see a man and you are like Wow! why do they make me feel weird? why do they have this weird aura and energy around them? why is it that if their aura was a smell, it would be mothballs? like maybe some hags have swampy energy.. men in football may be different from men in other areas of life... but what hags in the football world have in common are: 1) being washed 2) mothball energy 3) being delusional (derogatory) 4) stuck in the past 5) are often like 40+ but it mainly depends on their energy… i may have forgotten a couple of criteria but yea. pep does not give off hag vibes.. yet!
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ghostlywhiskey · 8 months
you just better hope i dont make it angsty cause i know no peace when i write for simon ive killed him off, made him leave the reader, etc.
i’ll try to incorporate fluff but im quite terrible at fluff i think LMAO
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