#if anyone else has hag criteria please tell me...
heung-mins · 9 months
kady i want to present an important question to u. i consider conte a hag because of both his looks and his general hag energy....... like i think of something like a swamp hag and there's drippy gross hair involved but maybe i simply consumed a lot of fantasy books as a child fkhefkkjrkof BUT i wouldn't consider pep a hag because........ the looks and energy aren't aligning in a hag direction for me SO my question is - what parameters must a man meet to be a hag in your eyes
ok so being a hag has a little to do with age... it is a state of being... sometimes you see a man and you are like Wow! why do they make me feel weird? why do they have this weird aura and energy around them? why is it that if their aura was a smell, it would be mothballs? like maybe some hags have swampy energy.. men in football may be different from men in other areas of life... but what hags in the football world have in common are: 1) being washed 2) mothball energy 3) being delusional (derogatory) 4) stuck in the past 5) are often like 40+ but it mainly depends on their energy… i may have forgotten a couple of criteria but yea. pep does not give off hag vibes.. yet!
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