#as an aquarius moon i literally forgot about it already.
trannakinskywalker · 10 months
Fine go be hot and successful see if I care
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sixthwater · 2 years
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Hi! This was a requested topic from a follower quite a bit ago, but due to some life restrictions I was unable to get to it until now. You may ask 'why are people attracted to me', but I asked what your attractive qualities are in general
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Tarot of the Divine, Archetype Oracle, Traditional Manga Tarot, Arcana of Astrology Oracle, believe in your own magic Oracle
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Pile One
Personality: Ace of Swords Rx, II of Wands Rx, Seeker (Shadow)
There’s a bit of fogginess present which makes me think of how people with Piscean energy tend to space out or get caught in their thoughts. It’s not a confused energy, but it’s how your brain is working so much, having an active imagination or very present thought process. The Two of Wands can stand for messy plans but it’s really not that I’m getting chaos or being unprepared, it’s more like an active energy, very excited and bouncy but it’s not loud like a fire sign. Also now that I’m realizing, I already forgot to get your archetype so how fitting. Aaannndd you would not believe it: Seeker in the shadow trait which says, “Inability to commit to a path once found”. It reminds me of Mutable energy overall, if I want to be specific then Gemini, but it’s the idea that there are a lot of neat and interesting things out there and you just don’t want to miss it. Due to this, you have a lot of facets that have been unlocked and you’re a very interesting person to talk to. You can be approached by a lot of people because you take interest in a lot of things. Now promising that you’ll be present, or you won’t be distracted mid conversation? That’s hard to say, but you can hold people’s attention, or have very intriguing ones because they don’t just die out. I like the art on the the Two of Wands because that’s what it feels like quite literally in your mind sometimes. You want to go in both directions at once, like you wish you could split up and then reconvene and share the stories between your ‘two experiences’ afterwards. Really strong Gemini Moon vibes but really it’s still just Mutable overall. Honestly some Aquarian / Air energy overall because there’s a feeling of being a ditz on the surface but you are very complex and intelligence underneath, there’s just some difficulty in taking all your thoughts and making a coherent or cohesive sentence with all of it. Regardless, everything in the world seems fun to you, and sometimes this can lead to a bit of decision paralysis because everything seems so tantalizing, but this tends to draw people in.
Physically: King of Wands Rx, IX of Wands Rx, Temperance Rx, Chiron, Eris
Interesting and Fun! You know how they always talk about how you can spot an Aquarius placement from a mile away? That’s you. There’s a chameleon? Lizard? There’s a reptile sitting on the King’s shoulders, the guy in the Nine of Wands is decked out in feathers, and Temperance is reversed. Whatever you choose to go out in, you wear it loud and proud. There’s a three different ways this is coming out. For the first group; there’s specific jewelery you like to wear or you like tattoos or piercings/jewelry that isn’t subtle. So, according to societal standards: septum piercings, full sleeve or back tattoos, gauge earrings — stuff like that. On the flip side it can also be a cherished necklace or accessory that you’re always seen with regardless of wardrobe, or you happen to dye your hair a lot (or your chosen colors are very striking). For the second group, you make sure you stand out, but in a more subtle way. It’s like everything that’s put together for the outfit is chosen very carefully, but in a muted sense. So you still fit in with the colors of the season, you’re not being brazen, but you make sure you can catch people’s eyes with the way you fit into the outfit or that when the outfit all comes together, it’s a statement or it’s definitely A Look for the gram (the type to dress up decently for a late night snack run). For the third and last group, it could simply just be that you’re a minority in your community. So someone black growing up in a community that’s mainly white, which will make you stand out. From the amount of intense rock songs that started to play as I got to this part, I’m thinking the majority of you will resonate with the first section, or eventually want to shift your style to that. Regardless, you are someone who wants to be known for you, it’s not really about being different, but you don’t like watering yourself down to being accepted by others. Which I think is so interesting because with these messages we have two Conflicting ass asteroids: Chiron and Eris. I believe you have to have some dreamy or bright eyes, or a bright smile. There’s also the feeling that when people see you presenting yourself as authentically as you please, it gives them some comfort that it’s not as embarrassing or as bad as it might be? Like they’ll stick out like a sore thumb and people will mock them for it like they’re cringe or something, but that’s not the case. So you help soothe other people’s worries even if they don’t actively tell you. I’m really getting the eye or smile feeling though. Like when you interact with others it’s really contrasting to the intense nature of your looks. Eris backs it up though that like, you do have an intensity about you at the same time. It’s not intimidating but it’s more like. You are who you are and no one can take that from you. Which is really neat. The girl in Temperance and Chiron really back up the energy felt within the first section though that there’s this somewhat soft and explorative energy to be sought within you. There’s also a chance of having a generational planet within your first house as strangers might sense some familiarity within you even though there...won’t actually be any.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Lavender — Surround Yourself With Love
Exactly!!! I think it’s quite obvious that you don’t associate with people that make you feel less than. You’re not one to quickly judge others and you give everyone a bit of a chance, but if people don’t extend the same openness and warmth to you then it’s over. Like I said, you’re quite sure of yourself and you don’t waste your time on people who want you to abide by their rules if it means abandoning parts of yourself. Iconic as the kids say.
Also! So many reversed cards, it’s like an active ‘I’m standing out I’m gonna be me’ statement it’s really cute!
Songs: Born For This – The Score, Big Yellow Taxi – Counting Crows, Beautiful Bride – Flyleaf, F**K You – Sleeping With Sirens
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Pile Two
Personality: VI of Wands Rx, VIII of Pentacles, Child: Magical
A quiet hard worker. Someone who is okay with blending into the background and let’s their work speak for itself. It’s crazy how in sync all of these cards are because the princess in the Eight of Pentacles is sworn to silence until she is able to finish making the sweaters required or the curse will never be lifted (despite the toll it’s taking), the warrior in the Six of Wands is being rewarded for stepping from under her father’s light and making a name for her own (but it’s reversed), and the magical card talks about being enduring and always seeing the light within the most mundane and even in the worst of times. Being able to see the good end despite what’s happening. You are someone who is very co-operative with others, and I’m getting a strong sense of loyalty. It’s not undying, nor is it foolish, but it’s like...you don’t feel the need to always be the star of the show. Strong Virgo energy, that’s all that’s coming through. Also a very quiet pile as well. It’s a feeling of what you have you always share with others. There is a lack of ego, but it’s not concerning? You are a hard-worker and you always make sure whatever you’re putting your effort towards (relationships, projects, hobbits, etc) turns out polished and full of love, but you don’t need to be praised for it because it’s expected in your eyes. Considering that this is what’s attractive, you are really appreciated by those that know you. They realize that you’re a catch and no one puts in the work like you do. Especially unprompted. I keep glancing back at the princess crying in the Eight of Coins and the only thing is that you raise other people up while you— ah yes the song that’s playing. You support and raise others up but you shy or run away from the same thing, or you shrug it off as if you don’t need it. So people tend to see you as someone very strong and indomitable but you are still human so please be vulnerable so they can send that love right back when you need it. I also kept fighting the urge to go back and Actively work on Pile One, since I usually just go and make final changes once I’m done the entire thing, so please don’t be afraid to take up space or soak up the limelight guys.
Physically: The Devil, X of Swords Rx, Aquarius, Neptune
A lot of things are coming in so some might resonate or it might not. A good lot of you might have chosen this pile because the cards are very excited to talk, but I also think that you guys just don’t get the chance (choose) to vent a lot. So immediately I get the feeling that you might have a visible scar or birthmark. Doesn’t have to be big but it’s a ‘cute little quirk’ or defining feature. There’s something with the back that people or someone really likes regardless of the other messages I’m trying to talk about with this card because I keep coming back to physical traits. Those little angel wing tattoos? That people get on their backs are coming up as well. Anyway, you’re not how you appear is the second main message. Some might look at you like you’re a fallen angel (I always think of a back-stabbed angel with this card for some reason) who could solve all of their problems. Like you’re really innocent, but of course as we know your personality isn’t necessarily like that. It’s a calm muted energy but you’re not just an innocent dating sim NPC. You can come off as tantalizing to some people, or like it’s addicting to be around you (as in you have a fun energy), but I mainly get the feeling that you mirror people. In a way that you match whatever vibe is being thrown at you. Again, you really fall into the background by choice most times, so matching the energy levels would make sense because it’s along the process of making sure others are comfortable. There’s a feeling of containment, especially with expression, but sometimes your authenticity can come through. It could be that you maybe decorate your bag or desk with little objects of your liking so people can pick up on your personality, but I feel like it’s more tiny slip-ups.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Grey – Endings are Inevitable
You’re a realistic person. You’re the friend who helps ground others but not in a pessimistic sense. It’s more like; yes it’s going to rain, and it’s going to be cloudy for a couple of days, but then the sun comes out and then we get to go for a walk again. People like that you can balance coming off as practical while still being a sweetie and idealistic. This is such strong Sixth house energy it’s kind of crazy. There is a high chance that many people come to you for advice, or see you as somewhat wise—someone who has a lot of resources saved or has a lot of life experience. I will say that maybe this energy is currently happening because young forever started playing as I got this song so I hope you guys treat yourself kindly throughout this process.
Songs: Nesshoku Starmine – Roselia, This Day – Jingle Jangle (The Musical), Calm Me Down – American Authors, Life In Color – OneRepublic, Young Forever – Nicki Minaj
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Pile Three
Personality: The Lovers Rx, V of Swords Rx, Midas / Miser
Oh no a goofy pile. Before I explain that, I immediately got independence and knowing when to walk away from disputes or a difficult situation. You use your wit, charm, and knowledge to avoid getting yourself into situations like those of the Five of Swords. The downside of this is that you don’t seem the most open or friendly? To be fair, when people think of ‘friendly’ they think of customer service friendly and chatty. You are quite smooth and flexible—you know how to work a crowd or your ‘audience’ when you need to and then you usually go into hiding right afterward. It’s funny because to strangers it’s like ‘ooo this person is strong and independent they don’t need anyone’ and you know how that draws people in, because they want to be the one person that you bend to. However from your end you’re just quite literally kind of introverted. You don’t really need to always be around people, if you’re around people then cool, if you aren’t then cool. You don’t feel strongly one way or the other, it kind of depends on the day lmao. So you probably have your Sun opposing your ASC, or strong energy in your Tenth that’s blocking out your personal planets or more muted placements that displays how you truly come across. People take delight in speaking to you or hearing your ideas because you’re ingenius and also just really funny? Quite literally if you look at the Midas / Miser card that’s how you come off. In public or when you’re flexing your abilities, you come off as the blonde (?) one. When you’re able to retreat you immediately start acting like the guy at the bottom haha. Also. Slime by Danny Gonzalez immediately started playing when I pulled your cards and if you’re not familiar, it’s a song poking fun at how adult youtubers who make very specific content for children have to navigate their lives offline which...was way too on the nose for this.
Physically: Page of Wands, King of Wands, Lunar Eclipse, First House
Oh you’re lying!!!! I was thinking about this when looking at The Lovers card but I always think of interracial couples because it’s represented by Beauty and the Beast, so with it reversed I was thinking “oh they’re probably conventionally attractive but that doesn’t really matter right now” but apparently it did!!! I guess so because I brought up the ASC up there but whatever!!! With the First House yeah I feel like either a Venusian or Scorpio Rising? I also keep thinking of Sagittarius thanks to these Wands but I’m putting that on pause and saying Jupiter/Venus in first. Venusians are usually the rising signs that people see as conventionally attractive, not because they are, but because of how they carry themselves and interact with others, there’s less of a push back on them. Scorpio Risings have that previous impression of “oh you’re not talking therefore you are alluring”, and people just enjoy the jovial energy of a Sagittarius rising. There’s just something about the way you present yourself that draws people in. I’m not really getting the way you dress with this pile, it’s more about the way you carry yourself. The Lunar Eclipse is definitely giving me this ASC-Opposition feeling. It doesn’t have to be the sun, but a very important planet (chart ruler or the moon) is being masked by your rising. It’s giving me strong Seventh house vibes though because that always deals with the “omg I didn’t know you were like that” “I literally said this five days ago” frustrated feeling. I think people enjoy getting to know you though because it’s refreshing? You seem very routine-based to them so when they get to see you act outside of that it’s very exciting? Now these wands...lost my mind. One part of it is that I think people enjoy seeing you grow. You’re never halting your progress and you always like to expand your knowledge or ‘business’ (idk why I keep using business as an example///). However for others, you just have a very light-hearted and free-spirited energy and a very good song came on for this! You’re never too bothered about appearances yeah. Both court cards look very extravagant but when you look closer it’s just kind of...it’s just some fabric. You might also have an ‘unsual’ pet. It’s not exotic or anything but it’s not someone’s first choice so think like ferret, birds, snakes, etc. Due to that, it’s not a forgettable quality.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Castle – It’s Time for Healing, Not War
You give good advice. You’re a little different from Pile Two in regards to this. People already seek you out for your charisma, but this is an unexpected element in the interaction. During conversations and interactions, you throw in little examples of your experiences and people begin to realize there’s a lot more to you. I think that’s why people enjoy when you peel back a bit of those layers because it’s a nice change. People seek you out for a lot more than the usual, because you have more to give than just your regular brand, whatever it might be. They enjoy just. Talking to you to be honest. I’m not sure how many realize this, but you’re not a perfect person. You are not an angel here to spread whatever gospel every other person is always trying to preach as if they’ve never done anything bad in their life, which is really nice to interact with from time to time. Also I don’t know why I want to say this but you can be a little blunt at times too, which can be funny.
Songs: Slime – Danny Gonzalez, Kyouran Hey Kids!! – THE ORAL CIGARETTES, Blowback – The Killers, smiling when i die – Sasha Alex Sloan, Nobody’s Home – Avril Lavigne, Tongue Tied – Grouplove, Spectrum – Florence + The Machine
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Pile Four
Personality: X of Wands Rx, Knight of Wands, Knight
So interestingly enough, I was almost immediately denied access to get your cards, but obviously I’m here so I was let in, and then I get all these cards as well as your first song lmao. So quite the dramatic change. Your pile has such a light-hearted energy. I want to say pile because I. Feel like the authenticity is a bit protected right now lol. So for right now, the pile is giving off some fun and light-hearted energy. It feels like playing pretend, like if you look between the two knight cards (ironically), it reminds me of kids laying down their rules and making up their world and someone is going to go save the princess. There’s an romanticism of love movies and scenarios—it’s a very pure and cute energy. It’s not soft though, it’s very loud and brash almost. Your pile doesn’t like dealing with pessimism, or I should say they don’t believe that life or love has to be hard and heavy or deep. Not in an immature way, but like you can have a happy and breezy time while still be undying and intense like the way media always tries to talk about love. There’s a reckless side of your pile too that can be quite obnoxious. I always take this Knight of Wands card to be a bit loud and a sign of someone not knowing when to shut up because of it’s story haha. It’s also an energy of someone who isn’t afraid to go against the grain and be themselves. I feel like people are expecting the prim and polished personality and appearance of the first card, but what they get for life is the second knight card. Both are cute but the second one is just a lot more to handle when it’s unexpected, however both are true to who you are. Giving big Leo energy.
Physically: IX of Wands Rx, X of Pentacles Rx, Full Moon, Gemini
I’m not taking it for your song, but Dangerously In Love by Beyonce is playing right now. I think you really captivate people by your dualistic nature, but at the same time you don’t...it’s a bit difficult to explain. So there are different sides to you, but they’re both authentic. You’re not putting up a front, it’s just that sometimes one is more prominent than the other or you’re just feeling that mood more than the other. It’s not something you really hide either, like if you pay attention to conversations or details, it’s very clear that both the prim and proper knight as well as the rowdy knight are both you, and that bleeds over into your appearance as well. It’s weird because I need to interpret this Ten of Pentacles in both ways. The Nine of Wands just completely stands for you not really caring about appearances. Fully. It’s not something that you really give much thought unless you’re kinda forced to, which brings us to our Ten. On some days, you are looking Extravagant very put together 10/10. It could be that your outfit fits your style and look perfectly, or it’s for an event, etc. However sometimes there will be a few things out of place or maybe it’s like a bit messy—feels like those like ‘messy bun’ hairstyles? Due to the influence of this Nine of Wands. Then on other days you just go back to be completely natural full on sweatpants no attempt at wardrobe—complete contrast to what people are imagining in their head. I don’t know why I get the sense that people don’t immediately meet you first before they get to know you lol. However the way you can just jump from both ends of the spectrum at random moments and still look pretty good is really impressive to people.
What Do Strangers Find Attractive About You: Escapist – Come Home to Yourself
Yup! You have a great imagination and you don’t stress the practicality of it all. I don’t really get that you avoid things too much, even though this card does warn of it, but this is one of your strengths. You enjoy having a good time, and you encourage those around you to de-stress and just do something they enjoy every once in a while (or thrice in a while, fuck it). People are drawn in by that charismatic nature you have quite easily. I’m going to sound annoying, but I think just being careful balancing Fifth and Sixth house energies (so hobbies in contrast to stuff like daily chores) will give you a pretty strong mindset.
Songs: DOLLA SIGN SLIME (feat. Megan Thee Stallion) – Lil Nas X, Just Around the Riverbend – Pocahontas (Movie), Alive – Krewella, I’m Like a Lawyer with the Way I’m Always Trying to Get You Off (Me & You) – Fall Out Boy
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cosmousee · 21 days
I am back with another one ahahaha, this one is New Moon in Taurus messages for you based on your signs!
(I forgot to clarify to my deck about the sun/moon/rising so take whatever resonates with whatever sign!)
You can follow me on Insta at @cosmousee itself. I usually post the same readings, but if you guys have anything specific in mind, let me know!
Okay onto the reading now!
Earth Signs🌍
Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Show the world the real you, Aquarius full moon
Queen of wands and The Star🌟
New moon is a time of setting intentions and defining your goals. Cards are saying it's time, take the step and show the world what you're made of! Queens are wise! You might be taking steps backstage for your self or your dreams. If you want to put yourself out there, this is the time! You're the star baby! Take that step and watch how the limelight finds you in seconds🥰 Queen is the 13th card, which equals 4 and Star is the 17th card which equals 8, it's literally doubling up!!
Fire Signs🔥
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Your commitment is being tested (first quarter moon) and its time to take action (new moon in Aries) sigh i asked for one more card and then my deck went boom! So yeah here you are with 6 cards!
Judgement, 9 of pentacles, The Hierophant, The Hanged man, The Chariot, King of pentacles
Pheww, the judgement might be coming from your own inner dialogue. You may realise that you can do much more in the things you're pursuing. You're testing yourself of how far you can go. You might change your perspective and change your belief system and IMMEDIATELY see yourself propel towards abundance which you already knew you could achieve. You just needed a new angle to look at things, some things to add or release from your belief system. It's not that you weren't abundant before, but this change has sent you straight to the King of pentacles from the 9 of pentacles. So take your time love, and don't be so hard on yourself, you're doing everything just perfectly🥰🌻
Water Signs🌊
Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
dont let your past hold you back (south node) Ofcourse, let me just start by saying, you guys are WATER!!! It flows forwards~ learn everything from the past and move forward love~
4 of cups, 6 of wands, Wheel of Fortune, The Hermit, 10 of pentacles and King of pentacles
You're looking at the things of your past when spirit is desperately trying to make you look towards the future! They're giving you a cup and you might be missing that! You've done your hermiting and its time to get up and get moving. Wheel of fortune is on your side but it won't move until you do! You gotta give it the energy to provide you with luck and abundance! Try to look forwards towards the future where you're celebrated, where you are healthy (mind, body, spirit everything) you're full of energy and financially as well. You're at the top of the world, just gotta let go of your past, whether it was good or bad. Its not to say you should just dump it and move on. Be gentle, take your time with your goodbyes and move at a pace which works for you🔆 Also got October from this, might be important!
Air Signs💨
Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Believe in the impossible (blue moon) and Emotions are running high supermoon 7 of wands, 8 of swords, Ace of swords and 3 of wands
Are you guys having a difficult time with yourself and other people as well?😶Or maybe people are spewing unsolicited advice or throwing jibs at you which is then seeping into your own inner dialogue. You gotta believe in the impossible right now, honey. Yes it might feel impossible to get out of this rut, especially if the people fighting with you are close and dear to you. But keep holding on and keep doing you. A breakthrough is RIGHT THERE, you might get some sort of an epiphany💡 or an idea and you'll go BAM! I DIDN'T THINK THIS COULD BE DONE! But there you are, with an idea in your head and hell lot of potential to pursue that idea. This might be an idea of how to handle the conflicts or a way to avoid it all together, or show them that their claims make no sense because now you have proof! Keep going love, don't let this deter you from what you want to do, keep your spirits high⬆ and everything will fall into place~
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earthyaries · 1 year
I'm really sorry I literally forgot to add my chart.
I'll just add the info here again so you don't have to switch between them. I'm comfortable with both fem and masc clothing. I'm a pale white person.
Thanks again!! Have a great day!!
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Hi!! Hahah no worries, tysm for ur payment & ofc ! <3
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1H - Taurus ascendant: Dark earthy tones. Comfort-oriented. High quality materials. Gold/steel/silver jewelry. Relaxed fits. Down to earth vibe. Tousled, fringey hair. Effortlessly cool. Taurus rules the neck so consider investing in a signature neck piece or having a daily rotation of necklaces. Stack ‘em ! Use accessories as a tool to elevate your more laxed style. Personal opinion, I love to see ear & nose piercings on Taurus placements 🙈
2H - Gemini (moon + Mars): The 2H is all about self esteem, so incorporating the 2H into the way we style ourselves will give us more self confidence. Ruled by Mercury, Gemini is versatile & playful. Add some color + texture to your looks to make them more fun & representative of your inner nature :) Greens, blues , & gold are Mercury’s colors so make sure to incorporate those for an extra confidence boost. Manicured hands; jelly nails. Rings !! Having your moon & Mars here, you can mix the themes of the two planets. Red accents, pearls, lace, leather, mixing feminine & masculine fashion… follow your instincts on what you think would look good! Think outside the box. Challenge yourself to “dress intuitively” from time to time
Sun in Aries (12H): The sun rules over self expression; we can use our sun signs as a tool for fashion, & doing so will bring forth more confidence, as well as make us feel more in tune w our charts. Your sun is in Aries in the 12H; having your sun in your 12H, you don’t like to call toooo much attention to yourself; nonetheless, you’re a bit competitive & would never want to get caught lacking lol. You don’t really need excess or flash, but having one or a few quality items (like a designer pair of shades, some nice shoes, a fancy chain, etc.) will bring a quiet flair to any simple outfit. Oversized tees, ripped jeans. Smudged eyeliner. Shorter hair &/or a shaggy hairstyle would suit you.
Venus in Aquarius (11H): Venus rules over personal aesthetics & all things "beauty”. Your Venus is in Aquarius in the house of Aquarius, so I think it’s safe to say your personal aesthetic is nontraditional! Uranus is known for its androgynous energy, as well as its newness + uniqueness. It sounds like you’re already on track, as you are comfortable w both feminine & masculine elements! I would recommend going thrifting, buying secondhand, or repurposing clothes you already have ! Get innovative w your looks. I can see you being very fashionable & having a really unique, personal sense of style!!
I hope you liked it <3 thanks again for booking w me :D
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augustnotes · 3 years
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omg heyyyyy!!! fasha is back with another astro observation post and i apologise in advance cause this time its hella long but i hope yall will still enjoy¿?
DISCLAIMER: these are all observations made based on personal observations and experiences. none of this is factual so take it all with a grain of salt!!
CW: there's a short nsfw part (don't worry i mentioned where)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  play music  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
music for you to enjoy while you read <3
pisces placements are rarely actually Ni users, instead they use Fi. Fi and Ni can be confusing and it makes sense since pisces placements are always confused between their intuition or feelings.
aquarius moons tend to be Fe dom/Fe aux.
gemini placements tend to have Ne.
virgo placements are the epitome of Te.
sagittarius/pisces moon are commonly isfp.
aries moon tend to be infp.
aries sun are commonly Fe users.
cancer (usually sun) men are always estp.
virgo placements (usually venus) are also common in estp.
the estp forum on reddit ive come across once discussed a common way for them to drop hints of liking someone is by doing little things for them that they would never do for others.
e.g. drive you home, open doors for you, wait for you to tie your shoes, collect stuffs you forgot to bring and etc.
story time: i remember a friend of mine who dated this guy that was clearly estp and we had to do a last minute birthday party planning for one of our friend, and he went back and forth just to get her anything she needed. a phone call i rmbr them having was:
her: hi where are you now?
him: im omw there, im actually entering the area now
her: oh ok nvm then
him: wait why what's up?
her: i wanted you to get us some ice at the usual place but you are already way passed the location so it's all good
him: oh no its chill i can go back and get it for you
they went back and forth to argue on whether he should or shouldnt and he insisted anyways so he went to buy what she needed like EVEN AFTER HE ARRIVED AT THE AREA.
AND AFTER THAT, when he arrived with the bag of ice she needed, she asked if he had his lighter with him and he said he didnt bring it this time so she said it's fine but he literally drove somewhere after that like IMMEDIATELY just to BUY her the lighter she needed.
i would agree with you if you tell me he was just head over heels for her (which he clearly was) but he does the same for his friends.
capricorns are always esfj.
it makes sense when you think about how the functions are Fe Si Ne Ti
esfj tend to have air sign as their north node/north node houses.
e.g. libra north node, leo north node in the 7th, gemini north node, taurus north node in the 11th and etc.
my speculation is that unhealthy esfj are common. despite being Fe dom, they can be very selfish by using the Fe dom for personal gain and against others. They are in service of others usually not because they care for the community, they need to function that way since their dominant function is people oriented.
the air north node/north node house is to help them healthily develop their Fe.
gemini sun scorpio moons are always strong Fe users.
e.g adriana lima, lucy hale, chris evans
earth placements ALWAYS have Si in their mbti functions.
they have very good use of storage memories. they can easily learn from mistakes because they all have a common mindset of "if it didn't work out before, it won't work out now. but if it did, keep doing it".
they always often think they use Fi instead of Si but the difference is why they are vocal about certain things. is it because it is from a strict personal belief system? or is it because it's unfamiliar and there had always been a specific ways to do things so you should just stick to it? if it's the latter, it's most likely Si.
also, Fi personal belief system is often formed based on their feelings through their own experiences despite the norm for their surroundings. on the other hand, Si is often formed out of memory of what your surrounding was like.
besides, earth placements really value tradition which is also a common trait in Si users.
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air and fire moons are the most intuitive in comparison to water moons struggle to tell whether it's their feelings or intuition.
air because they can easily detach from their emotions so when they get an intuition, they can tell. also because they have the capability to rationalize their emotions too much but when it comes to their intuition, they just turn a blind eye because they cannot rationalise it.
fire moons because their impulsiveness is their intuition. when they act on things without overthinking it, it's usually their intuition pushing them to do so. however, when they overthink, they are more likely to think that is their intuition instead, when really it's just their clouded thinking.
capricorns live off comparison. whether that's through their achievements, friend group, career or etc.
because of this, they struggle to be happy for others since they cannot help but compare themselves to others which evokes jealousy.
the sign in your 5th house is usually the signs you consider as close friends whereas the sign in your 11th house are often the signs you have quite surface level friendship with whether that's one on one or a group.
this is because 5th house is leo and leo centers around personal love (attachment). on the other hand, 11th house is aquarius and it centers around community love (detachment).
men with cancer placements (usually mars/sun) ALWAYS have daddy kink.
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PERSONAL OPINION: libra moons SHOULD BE PROTECTED AT ALL COST. they do nothing but be concern over justice and equality over people but they really need to learn to stand up for themselves more.
the sexual tension between libra moon and romcom.
the sexual tension between aquarius and being a taylor swift stan.
i saw an observation once about this but IT'S TRUE. your chiron house is how you hurt others.
it's also true that your saturn house is also the karma others get after you both argue/end in bad terms with. however, the karma goes to whoever initiates the conflict.
7th house synastry can create an extremely codependent relationship.
moon conjunct 6th house synastry is the most underrated synastry in my opinion because the moon encourages & motivates 6th house person to really get through their daily routine/task.
virgo placements are mainly the ones occupying simp nation.
leo sun cancer moon combo always do quite well in the music industry.
e.g mingi from ateez, nessa barrett, dua lipa, chrissy constanza
having pisces in the 6th house means romanticising your life to cope with it on a daily basis.
i mentioned this before but it also means being so health crazy/paranoid but also feeling completely immune/invincible to any form of drug/alcohol.
natives with 6th house in pisces often have a really concerning and unhealthy relationship with caffeine cause their caffeine consumption is off the fucking roof, they're just fueled by coffee.
taurus have a much bigger ego in comparison to leo. this is more obvious when you compare leo moon vs taurus moon.
it's because taurus are extremely stubborn in comparison to leo. leo have the tendency to alter themselves for people they love just to get them to stay whereas taurus always believe people should learn to accommodate and tolerate to how they are and if not, they can simply leave.
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—that's all from me!! i hope you enjoyed reading and feel free to share your inputs!! also, happy spooky szn!!!
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dreamyaqua · 3 years
Hello! Would you mind taking a guess at The Boyz' rising sign? Are there any that are confirmed?
I forgot to add but I personally think Changmin's ascendant is either in Aquarius or Aries.
Hello, so I've been training my intuition and observation (since those are the only things I'm good at lol), and decided to try and guess rising signs. Specifically with my biases, Hyunjae and Haknyeon. I'm on my laptop so I can't double space (cont.)(cont.) I personally think Hyunjae's a virgo sun, aquarius moon and aries rising. Not to be offensive, thought it may be, he seems to have visually dry-ish skin. He has that aries t-zone, if ykwim. His body has that athletic type of body even if he isn't. His eyebrows are pre thick. He also has that vibe of someone who likes to be the topic of a conversation. At first, intimidating but then they start to feel more warm. His curly hair also contributes to it, He's also youthful, personality-wise––he also just has that aquarius moon vibe yk? On to Haknyeon, He just looks it. Idk how to describe it. Looking at descriptions of pisces sun + taurus rising combo just sounds like Haknyeon. He feels welcoming, has that slow-paced/chill vibe, and has that earthy look. His cheeks feel very Taurus rising. He has that signature style that's so him that he can't NOT be a Pisces sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus rising. Could be wrong. (cont.)(cont.) he also has that possessive feel. Anyway, yeah. What do you think :))?
I decided to answer these questions together as they both talk about TBZ's rising signs. First of all, yes, there's 4 members with a birth time:
Sunwoo was born at 8pm which makes him a Scorpio rising.
Jacob was born at 9:45am which makes him a Leo rising.
Both Sangyeon and Juyeon said they were born at dawn (so between 4-6am) which could lead to two possible rising signs for them. For Sangyeon it would be Libra or Scorpio and for Juyeon it would be Sagittarius or Capricorn. I strongly believe Sangyeon to be a Libra rising and Juyeon to be a Capricorn rising.🥺👉🏻👈🏻
And now onto the members whose birth times we do not know. Firstly, I'll respond to the second anon's asks about Hyunjae and Haknyeon. I can only say I agree with both guesses.
Hyunjae does seem like an Aries rising to me and I also believe him to be more of an Aquarius moon and not a Capricorn moon. Hyunjae has that jawline and a super youthful/childlike look. The only other guess I'd have besides Aries would be Gemini. However, some people at the company kept saying how Hyunjae and Sunwoo were & looked similar when they got to know each other, and since Sunwoo is an Aries sun, I feel like Hyunjae being an Aries ascendant would make sense!!👀
Most of TBZ's first impressions of Haknyeon was that he was so handsome and had amazing, glowing skin which already makes me think of a rising sign ruled by venus. Since he also loves food and eating, I totally agree with him being a Taurus rising. The second guess would be Libra as it's the other venus-ruled ascendant, plus some members also described him as a curious and bright kid.
Now onto Changmin which the first anon guesses to be Aquarius or Aries. I can only say Changmin is such an enigma to me. Most members said they were scared of him and that he looked like he was "the boss", I find it super hard to pinpoint what his rising sign may be but I'd say Aries or Scorpio (however, I'm not sure about this because he's already got so much Scorpio placements. However, Chanhee was the only one who gave him a bad first impression and as a Scorpio rising, Chanhee would have his sun in Changmin's 7th house which is not only the house of partnerships but also enemies - that could've been the reason for the not so friendly feelings) but Aquarius could also be a possibility (I've seen someone guess him as an Aquarius rising before). But tbh, I found him the hardest to guess-
Younghoon always seemed like a Scorpio rising to me when I analysed his vibe. He just gives off that intense but reserved, cold and dark first impression that I associate with a Scorpio rising. He's neither cold nor dark AT ALL but he really seemed that way to me at first.
Chanhee striked me as a Leo rising at first but I could also see him be a Pisces rising. Leo rising because some said his first impression was cool, manly, and fashionable and he also gives off a bit of a dramatic vibe to me. Plus, the potential square between his sun and ascendant could make him seem cool despite having a shy personality!! (I'm a Leo rising myself and I look confident but am super shy, and I suppose my sun opposite my ascendant definitely plays a part in this) However, since Chanhee's also described as shy and not talking to strangers often and I can see something very soft and water-energy-like about him, I could also see him as a Pisces rising.
Eric has to be an Aries rising, he just gives off such Aries rising vibes. He's got that excited, little puppy vibe going on, like a little boy, and Aries isn't the "baby" of the zodiac for nothing. He's quiet at first but loud and talkative after a while. He's so energetic that people have to tell him to calm down and relax sometimes. It just seems to match that fiery Aries energy.
And last but not least, my bias Kevin. I've observed him the most and I feel like he's an Aquarius rising with his Uranus conjunct the Ascendant, giving him an unconventional beauty type of vibe. I've written a whole essay in my notes on why I believe him to be an Aquarius rising but I don't want to bore you with that (if you want to know about it, though, feel free to ask^^). The only other possibility I could see for him would be a 3rd decan Pisces rising with Saturn in the 1st house - the members kept saying that they thought he was a teacher and that he looked like a "hyung" to them. Saturn would give the ascendant that mature look and Pisces is said to be an old soul anyway. However, Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus can also bring unpredictable energies to someone's appearance, so my stronger guess is definitely Aquarius rising.
With that being said, I literally have no idea what I'm doing here and these are just my guesses, so take them with a grain of salt!^-^
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levinneheart · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a matchup? :)
My name is Cecilia, and my pronouns are she/they! I am a Aries sun Aquarius moon and Leo rising. Im Bisexual ( I don't really have a preference in gender tbh) and im a ENFP-T. When it comes to the physical aspects, I am 5'8, I have dark brown hair and eyes and I have freckles on my face (like my face is FULL of freckles). I'm also chubby and I have the fear of accidentally squishing people if I sit on their laps or if they carry me 😀. And I'm kinda blind lol I use glasses bc I can't see shit without them 😃. I would like to add that im mexican with spanish and Italian roots. I am an amvibert, but depending on my moods and my hormones I can be more inclined to being a extrovert or introvert. When someone meets me for the first time you will either get the first impression that im a rude and sarcastic person that doesn't care about anyone and I will kill you (basically a person with a resting bitch face) OR I am one of the nicest human beings that you will ever meet on the planet earth. There isn't really a in-between. BUT, usually when I warm up to people I can be really chaotic and fun. oH I also am a really clumsy person (I will trip over air, literally...). But I tend to be a very snarky and loud person, and some people might not really like that. Some people also say that I act like this or try to have this personality bc im trying to be "qUiRkY aNd dIfFerEnT", but in reality I'm literally just plain weird 😐 (like actually what normal person screams at 3 AM bc they just felt like it, scares everyone in the house and goes back to sleep like nothing happened-). Some of my hobbies are to listen to music, read books, ride my bike, roller skate, play video games, watch horror movies, drink orange juice at 3 AM while singing and dancing along to the titanic flute song, and scaring children and my dad😄. I also really enjoy learning new languages and for now I speak 4; Spanish (which is my native one), English, Portuguese and Russian, I'm trying to learn Japanese. I hate strawberries, thunderstorms and hateful people.
Thanks and have a nice day, take care and stay safe 🥺💓
❝ Hi I wanted to know if I could participate in your 200 follower even :). I sent a matchup some days ago but forgot to ask if I could participate. Anyways thanks and have a nice day! Happy 200 followers lovely!!!! ❞
a/n: hello, lovely! dw, you didn’t forget to ask if you could participate! also, welcome to my blog! hope you enjoy your stay here~ <3
i match you with...
Sugawara Koushi!!!
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chubby? plus size? say no more than the ever so chaotic Suga
he also has that two-faced persona when meeting people; either feral or momma suga, there’s no in between
he thinks your cute when you lit trip on nothing but air, dw he won’t make fun of you
instead, he will kith kith on pain away like a fking dream boat that he is 😘😘😘
meeting each other
you guys met during Halloween when you scared his students away from him during his break
he thanks you and insists on taking you somewhere to repay you cuz those damn hooligans always pester him (lmao he sounds old 🤣)
you’re just like: yay, free food cough him cough
falling in love
i feel it in my bones that you two hardcore pin for each other, like date already 🤦‍♀️
everybody is so shocked when they ask you, if you’re dating Suga and you’re like no
i lowkey think they would ship and otp you guys LMAOOOO
i feel like this is one of the coincidences that you two would confess on the same day
idk how and why, it just happened
just goals, like you two are the literal definition of relationship goals
as a couple
he likes doing your hobbies along with you as a stress reliever
very chaotic!!!
but he will stop at a reasonable time when he feels it’s getting out of hand
loves being a little spoon 🥺🥺🥺
he whispers sweet nothings to you that makes your heart go 💗💗💗💕💕
he got that tongue technology 👅 this is a joke and a reference to Suga from BTS (i couldn’t help but add it 🤪)
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— other potential candidates: osamu, daishu, & kageyama
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xiaosmoon · 3 years
Congrats to your milestone! I’d love to request a matchup, tho take your time and make sure to drink lots of water!
Pronouns: she/her
Zodiac: Sun Aquarius/Moon Capricorn/Asc Capricorn
MBTI: ENTP-T (this is already a bad combo hdnsjdjskdjdn)
Weapon: hmmm probably a catalyst, tho I wouldn’t mind a bow—they’re both fun to use!
Likes: Dancing, writing, English literature, spending time with friends (doesn’t have to be something huge, just sitting beside them is perfect), debate, baking, gaming, fashion
Dislikes: any type of arsehole behavior (e.g. transphobia, homophobia, misogyny… you get the gist), liver (very specific, but It makes me barf), people underestimating me based on my appearance (apparently people with purple hair can’t be smart or some shit), lies
Miscellaneous: I tend to be pretty rational since my entire family is pretty emotional. Tho, I’ve been thinking that I have to be like this for quite a long time, so I kind of…. Unlearnt how to function properly? Like, I’ve got ADHD, and I’m pretty much horrible at human interactions. I’m outgoing, but vvvv awkward, and I have to get used to people and how I should react to them. I’m also quite clumsy and forgetful, and I appreciate people with patience because of that.
I heavily live by the principle that respect had to be earned, and even if someone is older than me, I won’t show them respect if they turned out to be a person with questionable behaviour. I get in a lot of verbal fights as I’m very outspoken about topics such as racism, but its kind of impossible for me to keep my mouth shut… thus, I also tend to be blunt when I shouldn’t be. Overall, I’m just a mess, and I like to joke that my intelligence is my only plus point… uh yeah
Matched: with a guy pls!
Thank you sm in advance!
i would've totally matched you with yanfei but,
your vision & s/o would be...
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vision: electro
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for your first date, you guys would go to an art museum!
diluc would totally be into looking at the art and thinks you would like it as well
you guys would walk hand in hand admiring all of the beautiful work
i feel like diluc is a bit of an art enthusiast so he would tell random facts about some of the artists
as a couple, i could see you dragging diluc to do more things socially! he really needs to get out of his office
you would also bake him things once in awhile if he's ever working himself too hard
you would help him get out of the house and actually do fun activities
diluc would be your schedule, always reminding you about things you've probably forgot.
he literally has a planner just for you
he loves how passionate you are about justice and always hears you out
he also totally finds your clumsiness adorable
overall, you guys would be a perfectly balanced couple! yin and yang
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sureivy · 4 years
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is that HALSEY? no, that’s just IVY CALDER. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR years old and is an EMPLOYEE AT DON’T FRET & PAWS 4 LOVE. rumor has it they’ve been in town for FOUR MONTHS / TEN YEARS. on a good day, they’re CREATIVE & VERSATILE. but watch out! they can also be IRRESPONSIBLE & VOLATILE. TRIGGER BANG BY LILY ALLEN (FT. GIGGS) plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
hello my pals ! i’m amy ( 20 // est // she/her ) and i am super excited to be here! we also over here bringing back a fairly old muse (i,, apparently,, play her during election years,,) with a couple of tweaks, so we love that for me! also! pls forgive me if this is lowkey disorganized, we’ve been in and out of airports all day! can’t wait to contract that sexy corona!
full name: ivy rose calder
date of birth: may 2, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: taurus sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: high school diploma
enneagram: 7w8?
mbti: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
positive traits: creative, versatile, passionate, compassionate
negative traits: irresponsible, volatile, impressionable, hedonistic
triggers: brief implied sexual abuse, suicide, a lot of death talk?, drug abuse ( desoxyn ), overdose
ivy lived the first eight years of her life in newark, nj. she had a mere family of three – her mother, a model-turned-stay-at-home-mom, her father, a politician, and herself. she was much closer to her mother, but she and her father were close at night.
when her mother finally found out about this, she wasted no time in taking ivy’s father’s side. what a good mom! instead, ya girl was already getting in touch with cps herself... but wow... it was gonna ruin his career in politics :\
“Now, one thing I lerned from Storys is, when something big is about to okur, a riter will go: Then it hapened! This tells the reeder: Get Reddy. Here I go: Then it hapened!” - fox 8
then it happened!
humiliated, clearly never getting a platform back, and absolutely bitter, ivy’s father killed himself before being sent to prison. 
Very Tragique™
ok. so. to distance themselves from the poor memories, but to save money, ivy and her mother moved to springhill, temporarily sharing ivy’s aunt’s apartment while her mother began collecting enough money to buy an apartment of their own and keep it.
during this time, ivy was seeing a lot of people and she didn’t know why! they asked questions about her mental health, but she didn’t know why! i mean, totally not traumatic, right?
yes. instead of managing communication well, she became very fascinated by the concept of death. she had many questions about it, she, a youth, had some extended conversations with clergymen about it –– she never killed any animals, god forbid, but she was absolutely fascinated when she ran across them.
ok, i’m gonna skip ahead a little. now in teen years and still fascinated by death, but in a healthier way!, and no longer in therapy because... like... that costs a lot of money!
she dealt with it the best she could. became enamored with music... because why wouldn’t she? some covers here and there, some originals here and there, living that youtube lyf, but not expecting anything to come of it. just liked validation! mood!
she also dealt with it the worst she could! became enamored with drugs! naturally, it started out small. some weed, some lsd, some molly –– you know, just drugs that you don’t typically think of as addictive. although her grades suffered, it was harmless enough...
upon graduating high school, she figured... no college. instead, with barely any money to her name, she was like “i... will go to new york... and i will become famous.”
and she did! she did go to new york! she found a few sketchy places that didn’t charge much for a few nights as she began networking - both socially and “i would like to be known for music” (i literally just forgot the word for networking like..... employment wise.... y’all i’m so dumb). when she’d made some friends, she began crashing on couches that were not quite as sketchy! 
but :\ she did meet these friends in sketchy places :\ and they were like “ok here r some new and more addictive drugs for u to try!”
what she wound up abusing using the most was desoxyn. it kept her awake, it kept her focused, it even shed a few pounds to create an excellent figure! what wasn’t to love! 
i mean it’s literally a prescription methamphetamine,,, when abused,,, literally almost exact same effects as meth,,, but when meth mouth, skin lesions, acne, etc aren’t occurring as a side effect? who was she to care!
20, she released an actual ep with the help of a super cool friend who made everyone call him puppy mills! wow! things were excellent! it wasn’t necessarily seeing mainstream traction, but there was a decent enough following! enough to release an album at 22!
perfect timing, btw! desoxyn was starting to become too expensive for puppy to afford and trying to fake having such a severe form of adhd that desoxyn would be prescribed as opposed to something like ritalin or adderal when it’s literally illegal to prescribe in some countries now?? too hard :\ but the money from the album helped her and puppy!
*olaf vc* puppy died. *end vc*
she was there for it too. she thought it was just a freak-out, took a LITTLE too much, but not OVERDOSE worthy... then he l i t e r a l l y died. and it was a painful death!
“oh wow! maybe prescription meth isn’t super cool after all! shucks!” but that was also an opening?? to visit death herself?? like... she didn’t necessarily want to die (sort of), but she wanted... an answer to the question that had plagued her her entire life... so she was like “ok hope i die then someone revives me but if i die then :\ i guess i die!”
did not die. but also did not get a satisfying answer to her question. the only way it would’ve been truly satisfying? if she had been dead for longer than a minute - then it would’ve given a definite answer! because the answer she received was just nothingness which, while peaceful... is it true?
she tried to detox alone, what because rehab is a business, and it... only... sort of worked. she would be clean for a few weeks, then fall back in, then clean for a few weeks, then fall back in. whenever she wasn’t just naturally focused and awake, or whenever what she was focused on was the past, she would fall back in.
i mean, a side effect is memory loss, so win/win!
she made the semi-wise decision to move back to springhill. wisest would’ve been to just move to a town/city she had absolutely no memories in, but better than moving back to newark!
so... without much to show, and with an unreliable streak, she knew she wouldn’t be able to start looking for much of an occupation – but she still needed money! so she began working at don’t fret out of a love for music, then began working at the animal shelter after completing training.
the main training was, of course, for putting animals to sleep.
ah yes. how she pretends it’s healthy... even tho there are studies and statistics relating suicide to veterinarians and shelter workers who euthanize animals... ah yes.
has been back for four months now. love that. do not know how to finish this.
TL ; DR:
born in newark. moved to springhill at 8. childhood trauma that she is still carrying causes fascination with death. “i love music.” moved to ny at 18 because realistic. childhood trauma also causes dependency on desoxyn. releases an ep and an album. does not become famous, but they both have decent traction. moves back after an overdose. relapses... often. now sells records and puts animals to sleep. miss american dream since she was 17, amirite?
one person one week, a totally different person the next.
wants to please people, but also wants to be her own person? it’s a whole deal!
in spite of her slight icarian incident, she still hopes to maybe one day become a real musician and performer. until then, we selling records and saying ‘goodbye’ to sweet animals!
can truly flip like a switch in interactions! does love ruining things for herself! almost always feels bad after bc :\ damn :\ alright :\
i’m very bad at these sections i really hate that i always include them!
is still avoiding healthy coping mechanisms. love that for her.
favorite movie is, unironically, the bee movie. favorite horror movie is cats.
SO GOOD at memorizing random lines or trivia. could probably recite literally all of who’s afraid of virginia woolf? other than that?? her memory is so bad. hate drugs for that :\
she uses her hair to express herself! (that sounds really boring.) ...she uses her hair to express herself!
but no. seriously. wears the black shag weave the most, followed by the blue/yellow combo ( we stan the badlands aesthetic ). occasionally forays into other colors and styles when money permits, but it’s usually gonna be one of those two!!
was an envy on the coast stan in high school which makes an inappropriate amount of sense.
will go out and steal the dumbest shit when she’s drunk. has a history of stealing chickens.
once again: hate that i always include these!! feel free 2 j consult the personality parts in the quick facts!!
ok we gonna list some general ones for right now! all are open to multiple people unless there’s an asterisk by it!
close friends –– moonie, teagan,
ride or die
childhood friends –– moonie,
bad influence ( mutual or her on them ) –– veronica ( mutual ),
good influence ( them on her ) –– presley, hayden, gabrielle,
exes ( can be from high school or something like that if based in springhill, can be from 20s in new york if based in new york )
fwb –– trent,
will they, won’t they –– presley,
someone who knew her music ( can be neutral, a fan of it, or hate it afhkjsl ) –– presley, moonie, teagan, indiana, 
will also possibly be sending in some wanted connections for things that are! more specific!
truly anything!! also up to brainstorm and/or look at yours if you have them!!
UPDATE: i have created a wc page so we luv that for me.
OK. like this or hmu if you’d like to plot!
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/full-moon-in-ariestaking-us-deeper-within-self/
Full Moon in Aries~Taking Us Deeper Within Self
Full Moon in Aries~Taking Us Deeper Within Self
By A Gift From Gaia
This week begins today on an incredible full moon in Aries whilst gaining energy from a few interesting planets, such as Eris, Pluto and Jupiter highlighting the magnificent transformation we are collectively moving through and giving an almighty flush though our field to assist in our expansion of light.
The planets are our map, our way of making sense of our experience, a way of understanding self until the language of energy has been remembered and can be translated through the symbolic guidance our field provides, and once this is realised we see that the All is moving like the mechanics of the finest and yet intricate clock and yet whilst we have been gazing into the cogs and movement we forgot somewhere that there is a face in which we can read, tell, exactly where we are as a race.
Some may say the planets control All, I say we are All One moving together in a space and time the human can only comprehend as far as the limited mind allows, the visions we see, the spaces we find ourselves in often are untranslatable upon waking, and therefore currently non-shareable as we have no reference to be able to explain, a gift from me to me from the words of a poetic light code I once transmitted “don’t try to figure out what the soul already knows” allows no judgement when these mysterious patterns, shapes and what appears to be tools, equipment or machinery appear in the minds eye, just a simple smile to know all will be understood humanly when required and an inner knowing all is moving as always.
We are now rapidly expanding our fields, and this is becoming evident as we experience huge influxes of light that allow for instant manifestations, whatever is required will appear the moment the choice has been made, that’s the part that confuses many during these energies as those choosing to experience restriction find it very difficult to surf, getting confused by the energy navigation because all they perceive to manifest is repeats or restrictions, which is only ever a reflection of the choice to stay unconscious, the choice to continue with the same program frequencies and a refusal to expand the mind in order to open more gateways to the heart. It is always a choice and these choices will always show where they are standing in their own way and the more light that enters the more obvious it becomes. However when using this light as intended it is opening into opportunities to create super spaces in which we experience fields of unconditional love, the ever flowing never stopping streams of peace keep the fields fertile to continue building upon our new templates we anchor.
This full moon takes us deeper within Self, to make more adjustments, bringing in more self love, some may be focused on their out there world, relationships out there are nothing but a mirror of the relationship with self and whilst some may not realise this and be totally hooked up in the physical drama, that chaos and repeating pattern will begin to become so loud that going within will be the only place to figure it all out on a Divine level, again a choice, some will continue to reflect the dis-ease in this world and that is OK, it must die out and unconscious choices are down to the individual, we are not here to be the saviour, we are here to shine light, to be the example and through doing so we share the most divine codes. By caring about self, by opening the heart as wide as possible, by saying no without defence, judgement and blame and being open to renewal when understanding that a sorry is only ever a changed behaviour then we open into the most wonderful frequencies of compassion which is ultimately the greatest healer, seen as tough love until realised it is simply about respect and responsibility.
There is a key I share called the Sacred Fields that is available in the SOUL-AR Alignment Program space, a key that opens the magic of the field that creates spaces and experiences aligned with the heart frequency, whilst it is a key that takes full commitment to Self to use it is a key that will transform your earth experience into that of our Divine Purpose, creating Heaven on Earth.
The Full moon in Aries seats us firmly in the I am space, how this is experienced is completely dependent on the core frequency we hold but this may highlight attachments to the out there as Aries wants you to come back to self and begin again, Aries wants action, however sometimes Aries is a little too impatient, a little too pushy, and in its lowest octaves never pays attention or reads the fields which could possibly be experienced with some narcissistic type conversation, overly emotional connections, dramatic connections will be like crazy crossfire, ricocheting and pinging off every surface and nothing actually being a direct hit, the emotional moon, opposing the sun in libra ultimately wants us to move into harmonic frequencies, to level out our foundations and to make sure they are solid.
Some will find the mind is incredibly active, loops appear as repeating thoughts, repeating songs, repeating words, confusion heightens until the crack, the decision is made or the belief is released, higher octaves will lead the now clear mind into incredible spaces to expand, reading, finding out information on new pursuits, new hobbies, new reasons and motivators begin to arise…….palmistry is opening up into something I am really injoying learning about.
The Moon square Pluto continues the October theme of transformations, Pluto is a huge player in our evolution and will be continuing this ground level change until 2024 when he moves into the new phase that Aquarius will show. I think its also fair to say here that whilst we are preparing for the Great Conjunction in January what perhaps we should remember is that our personal planets are now getting prepared for their own conjunction with these bad boys, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars are heading rapidly towards Jupiter who is rapidly heading into Capricorn to join Saturn and Pluto this means we have HUGE conjunctions waiting in the wings, and lets be honest, the collective have been experiencing the gnarly squares and oppositions, the intensity is only going to rise as they meet and take our race through a major reset.
The Full Moon is also conjunct Eris, I have been looking at my own personal journey this morning with these conjunctions, specifically Oct 2013 and October 2016, funny enough both of these were significant repeat endings of the deep wounding type of a relationship I once had, the pattern is so clear, 2013 experiencing what I would then have called narcissistic relationship, complete breakdown, silent treatment and all the rest, whereas in 2016 the pattern shifts from unempowered not knowing anything to 2016’s ahh I understand it through to todays realisation of completion and heart wide open.
Eris points to discord and can reverberate some of those deepest primal instincts, violence and abuse may well become topical for clearing, rebellion rises as do the emotions but don’t lose sight, this is being seen for the completion, the moon is also in conjunction with the fixed star Baten Kaitos which holds a very similar chaotic energy, heightening the emotions, showing depression for the self avoidance it is and yet guiding all within to the space of solitude to figure it all out, well it talks of isolation but that is just the lower unconscious octave of the heavenly space of solitude, its all rainbows and spectrums really.
Well that’s quite a sucker punch to shift the collective! The energy of this week is set and we can see we are heading deeper within to make more adjustments, make more space for light and expansion and to continue reaping what we sow, which as I said is instantaneous, because wherever we appear to move there is something just above us that says, choose conscious and you will reap a bountiful harvest and this Full Moon has just this, it is trine to Jupiter who is now in his final transits for 2019, he has been our planet of expansion, wanting in every moment for us to see our worth, our value, to appreciate, to share and to love MORE and what makes this Moon so super exciting is whilst you may well be diving into some choppy waters, you will also be diving so deep you will be able to pick up some ancient gems that have been long hidden from view. Cosmic surfers and deep conscious divers prepare for incredible gems to be surfaced, gems that have the ability to literally transform and expand upon the completion of those karmic experiences that brought you to this space, as I said it’s a reap what we sow energy and the fruits are ready to harvest.
In a couple of days we begin moving through the need for nurture, as Lilith and Ceres square off, Ceres being the ultimate Mother and nurturer and Lilith, oh Lilith I love you so and I don’t feel comfortable speaking about her as I have learned through the books and words of others, lets just say she is misunderstood in so many ways and I suggest you learn her story in order to harmonise this out within because there is likely to be some conflict, validating the inner child will be required which many find incredibly hard, especially to those who think themselves into healing the broken feminine connections which is what this transit highlights, the ability to move through the process of healing means at first we must feel once again the pain of that inner child, the let down we felt from the Matriarchal suppression, meaning we must stop suppressing the hate and the screams of the inner child that we held towards our Mothers, instead allowing it all to resurface from the septic wound that never healed, this is the most liberating journey, it is the most purest cleansing that can close those wounds, and though the validation of the child we can then introduce the understandings of the adult you, we can then and only then begin the invalidation of the programs because at the point of meeting with the inner child is the point in which the separation is healed and the trust for self is regained.
For those learning to balance out support, understanding about over supporting and finding the point of equilibrium which enables more to be shared with ease and no effort, this again assists those clearing out the programs of the unhealed healer and when we think we got it all we always realise there is more to be adjusted, the unification and coming together of those in your field is the best gauge, are you surrounded by those in need or are you surrounded by those who share, are you energised when you are with your tribe or are you depleted and needing rest.
By mid-week we have a powerful alignment with the Sun entering the domain of the fixed star Spica, our Babylonian Ancestors knew exactly the potency of this star and the following star, Arcturus in which both are incredibly beneficial stars to those who have aligned, I will come back to write about the incoming energy as we are due to receive some solar winds which will change this course of energy somewhat, from a within transformation to a dynamic reality transformation with the physical materialising as though the hand of God moved through delivering gifts, but again what this highlights is the ability to surf some incredible experiences by simply aligning to Source codes, allowing the movements to take us into areas that require attention in order to see the amazement of the higher frequency timelines that are available.
Another diverse week, the entire spectrum is open once you realised the power of the keys observation and choice, the space is here to expand before next week we begin with the Mars square the Nodes setting the tone for the next phase of our journey.
Sending All so much love!
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vipsonly · 3 years
AHHH okay so I'm literally obsessed with the netflix original Love is Blind #nonspons UNLESS THEY WANT TO THO. but anyways after I finally saw all the couples get married/not get married I was so shocked and I immediately looked up everybody's zodiac sign because duh. I talked to my friend about it and then I talked to another bestie about it and she didn't even watch the show but she thought it was so interesting and said it should be a blog post or something and i was like wait I literally have a blog... so here we are. shoutout hope <3
Obviously before i start HUGEEEE SPOILER ALERT. IM ABOUT TO BE DISSECTING THESE PEOPLE LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS BASED OFF ASTROLOGY and I will obviously be exposing if they ended up getting married or not sooo please go watch it all THEN COME BACK and read this so everything can make sense.
Lauren: Nov 16, 1987
Cameron: Jul 3, 1992
oh my god. this couple is literally the cutest couple ever. you already know they are two very sweet loving water signs! Lauren is a Scorpio and Cam is a Cancer. In my opinion, I feel as if this couple was not shown as much on screen until toward the end because they didn't have much issues, not much drama. I think if I remember correctly they literally were the first couple to get engaged?! They are just too cute, their only obstacle was being a biracial couple but it didn't really present as that much of an issue I think LIB just tried to hype it up for views you know. At the one year reunion the host-couple asked everyone who shocked them the most I guess physically because they all dated so it's just pure curiosity. Mark responded so fast to this question, the little pisces, about Lauren! Of course another water sign attraction over here, but he said she was just so gorgeous and I think someone else agreed and chimed in which was just so cute but duh! She's a scorpio baddie and it made everyone freak out, she has gorgeous alluring eyes and such a brighttt smile holy. But at the same time it's like, do you even know anything about her?? so mysterious. I fuck with it. And then Cameron is such a cancer, sooo sweet. And he is sexy! I swear they are such a cute couple I'm so obsessed. But I think after Cameron met Lauren's Dad her Dad's response upon first impression was something about him being a bit boring for Lauren. But Cancers are just shy!! Cancers are all about comfort, thank you moon energy. When he talked to Lauren's Dad not once did I cringe. With every other couple I probably did 394930823 times however Cam... This man has a way with words! It was so calm and direct, yet soft. He was totally in control of the situation yet was giving Lauren's Dad 1000% full respect. He was just so sweet I love him so much. Their parents all merged so beautifully and it's just COMPLETE GOALS. They truly show that Love is indeed Blind which is just so crazy aw. They for real came out of complete no where for me I don't even know I just, like I said, felt like they weren't shown much I kind of forgot about them but I think that's a good thing! Because they were the behind the scenes really building such a strong a beautiful relationship so GOOD FOR THEM!! team Lameron all the way.
JESSICA X MARK - ♋︎ x ♓︎
Jessica: Jun 26, 1985
Mark: Mar 1, 1994
Okay... So obviously this couple was just not even a couple. I hate to slander on them like this but after I looked up the zodiac signs I completely understood everything. It all actually makes sense! Jessica a cancer, a water sign. She was very in tune with her emotions yet they were everywhere. I think she had love for Mark but also mostly just wanted Barnett the entire time. She's a cancer and Barnett is a SCORPIO! So this totally makes sense because I mean think about it, they would just be Team Lameron part 2. But I think the age factor really bothered Jessica. Everyone kept telling her it was okay, everyone was okay with it, I mean honestly nobody even cared they were just like okay? And she was just so uncomfortable and I think at the end that's why it didn't and wouldn't work. Because She was uncomfortable. She kept trying to seek approval from everyone so she could justify it and feel better and nobody was even bothered by it but ultimately Cancers need to be comfortable! And I think she wanted to not hurt Mark, she wanted Barnett, she didn't want to leave, she wanted to love Mark, she wished things were just different and felt too I guess sheltered and shelled to do the things she really needed to do. But I respect her for coming back to the reunions after everything and being so sweet and strong. She really came back and made me feel different about her. Honestly I never hated her or anything, she kept coming back to reunions saying she's the most hated person on TV right now and I just don't hate her! I think the only thing that was ouch...was when she was drunk and she said that thing to Mark... Poor Pisces. Oh yeah let me talk about Mark, but ultimately I think she saw Mark as sweet little pisces. And he was! He never gave up, he was consistent, he listened, he gave her space, he simped, he did it all!...but Pisces is 2 fish he's still 2 faced, apparently he cheated on Jessica! Which I guess eh Jessica was all over Barnett. J&M relationship just made me cringe not for any reason except that it just felt so so fake when it could've been so so real. Love is Blind really opened my eyes and mind to realize there really is 3 major steps for a relationship. Emotional, Physical, Real-World. And I think jessica and mark just never truly got to the physical stage and that's why they couldn't get over the age factor together, because they were stuck at the physical stage. I also kind of feel like Barnett made Jessica feel special things in between her legs oops, but he's a scorpio so obviously this makes sense... I think Mark was super sweet though, I do feel bad for him because he put in so much effort but I think he also is just borderline overgiver? A true pisces, who doesn't know what they need for themselves but are willing to do it for others. He's real sweet though, I do know that he has a girlfriend though, now fiancee, who is pregnant with his baby. Actually I think his baby is here by now! In the reunion however it was revealed that he cheated on her and on Jessica and on LC! So like also fuck Mark. Really? Cheating on your pregnant girlfriend... wow. LC is apparently born February 17! So she's an Aquarius-Pisces cusp. That totally fits her, I felt she was sooo sweet, but also a little aloof and ditzy, but it made her hilarious I literally love LC she's my goals. But she was super chill, well not super chill but coming from a Venus in Pisces, she seemed like she was able to get over the situation fairly easily. It's really interesting that LC and Jessica have the same type?? Do Aquarians and Cancers have the same type, something that we must investigate. Ultimately, it made sense that Jessica and Mark even had an attraction in the first place, two cute little water signs, but I think they couldn't past the emotional stage honestly. The real world served to be too much, but they still both agreed that love is blind! So that made me happy because they did seem somewhat happy and in love at some parts:)
Amber: Apr 3, 1992
Barnett: Oct 23, 1991
I love them so much honestly. This is a cuteass couple that dealt with honestly a lot of shit but handled it and took it like it was nothing if that makes sense. They stayed so strong, did not budge a bit. But I remember at the one year reunion they said they almost divorced which makes so much sense I was sensing they would have struggles but however make it through. In my opinion there are no other two signs more willing to until death than Aries and Scorpio. Aries the warrior and Scorpio the sign of extremes and persistence, control and intensity. Both signs are so intense and it probably can become a lot sometimes but they work through it because they are willing to fight it out. I instantly knew Amber was an Aries because I was like so irritated with her, then I thought she was soo annoying, then I instantly realized she's literally me that's why I'm so irritated and of course she's a full phoenix of an April Aries. I also just realized Barnett is a cusp! Scorpio-Libra which is beautiful because Amber is a lot of energy that someone is going to need to be able to handle and really rise up to it instead of being a wuss and walking away. His Libra energy will help to balance out the relationship and the Scorpio energy makes him just as intense, in-depth, and really there, being receptive. But Aries are ready to fight literally anybody and so that's why she came on so strong with Jessica because she was literally trying to get on her property. Jessica the Cancer, a water sign very concerned with emotions. I remember the entire time to Barnett she kept saying she was concerned that their energy was just sexual and they weren't actually connecting emotionally. Which doesn't even make sense because this show is Love Is Blind? He literally chose her based on not even seeing her, based solely on an emotional connection but I get it, homegirl was hurting. But this makes sense too because the Aries energy from Amber, and the Scorpio energy from Barnett is a lot of Mars energy. Both signs are ruled by Mars, some argue Scorpio isn't some say scorpio is ruled by mars&pluto (up to you what you believe). But Mars is the physical planet, actionful planet, all about sex too. So I understand why Jessica and maybe others might have been a bit on edge about Amber and Barnett being a real type of couple emotionally but the truth is they just have a ton of sexual energy. The amount of sexual energy they have doesn't take away from their emotional connection and energy it's just the same amount honestly. Aries and Scorpio got some intense, in-depth energies, not everyone gets it honestly. They did have a hard time adjusting at first, Aries a fire sign and Scorpio a water sign, these are opposing elements so it can cause difficulty but ultimately serve to be very very balancing and calming for both parties. They just ultimately work because they want the same things from life and scorpio is possessive and aries are die-hard-loyal and like possessiveness.!
Giannina: Apr 3, 1993
Damian: Jun 15, 1991
I remember seeing Gi and literally falling in love. She's GORGEOUSSS and I love her energy she's so bubbly and fun. I instantly knew she was an aries with all that energy. Giannina and Amber actually have the same birthday! I was shocked about this for real. I don't think I saw the two interact much but they would've been best friends. But G and Damian really hurt my heart because it felt like a personal attack! Their love story was a wee bit too relatable </3. I loved them though, yes through their ups AND downs. They were cute and could've truly made it but nevertheless, a gemini will forever be uncommitted and just too damn curious. Like seriously? Showing up with Francesca threw me the fuck off. And everyone was angry at her but it was obviously she thought Gi was a person of the past BECAUSE Damian made it seem like that. Makes sense though he would choose Francesca as his sneaky link, she's a Sagittarius! Gemini x Sagittarius, the forbidden duo, seriously. Haha all jokes but Harry from Too Hot To Handle, if you have watched that show too, actually was a Gemini too! So maybe there's something about that restless axis... But I hated him for bringing her. There was genuinely no reason for him to do that, he was just angry at Gi. But it only leaves me wondering what she did to him... He probably is just a lonely boy who felt his mommy/giannina wasn't giving him enough attention. Like you guys are in a committed relationship?? It just broke my heart but Gi is a bad bitch Aries and really beat Francesca up a little verbally at the 2 year reunion. I think Gi and Damian could really have been a beautiful married couple but Aries and Gemini are such childish signs. Aries ruled by Mars is too impulsive, they jump first, think second. They are all over the place, full of so much energy, curious and ready to try anything. Then Geminis are the twins, the children twins, also so curious and ready to try anything and EVERYTHING. But their air element quality makes them not as intense as aries. He felt he was kind of "dealing" with Gi a lot instead of just loving and being with her. She isn't too much and he isn't not enough, it's just different amounts of energy and either party is ready for the others'. These signs have a slow-time truly growing up and ultimately that is the downfall for this couple. Gi would get angry too quickly too fast, she took a lot of offensive and got defensive a lot as well. Damian was very airy, tried to stay calm and communicated efficiently and effectively like Geminis do, he liked having her to lean on as well as she's very diverse and unique. That's another thing I noticed, I feel both of these signs really are a bit weird and enjoy others like that. I think this couple was able to get through emotional stage, the physical stage, and the real world, but I think their downfall is honestly their emotional state within themselves. Which breaks my heart so much. I think they both are victims of self-sabotage and then because of it, began to play a bit of a game with each other. It kind of breaks my heart so that's why I loved this couple so much but I understand that they won't work because neither party is truly ready. Maybe in the future, but I feel at this point it's just deadbeat:( #RIPGamian
KELLY X KENNY - ♌︎ x ♈︎
Kelly: Jul 24, 1985
Kenny: Mar 28, 1992
Okay. this couple just made me cringe only near the end. Because like everyone else of course I loved them. They were so so cute and sweet. It seemed honestly so perfect. I think both people are so sweet and Leo x Aries is a POWER DUO! two Raging fire signs! But I think they just didn't get to the physical stage. Which is literal because they never ended up having sex. I feel like Leos kind of have a reputation for liking douchebags who are hot as fuck and I feel like that's what Kelly was talking about a bit about her past relationships. Which made me sad because her and Kenny would actually be perfect I feel she self-sabotaged. Because she couldn't get past the physical stage with him then they could never go into the real world. I think maybe Kelly just wasn't really attracted to him sexually because she did say she just saw him as a best friend but before she was so ready to marry him before she saw him. I feel bad because Ariens are so sweet, protective, and loving. SO i know they would've actually been beautiful together and a thriving, healthy couple. Their parents and family even really loved each other but.. I'm happy for Kenny I know he has a new girlfriend and I think Kelly may have some regrets because at the one year reunion she seemed upset I think she cried. But there's going to be someone else amazing for her and will fit the needs in her head and heart. I know this shocked everyone that they fell apart though. I feel that with two fire signs their spark starts initially and then slowly fades out if both parties arent willing to add more fuel. Also I feel Aries are so sweet and have a tendency to give off best friend/bestie vibes instead of the true romantic intimacy they are giving and crave.
Diamond: Sep 10, 1991
Carlton: Nov 21, 1984
Ugh okay. So carlton is a scorpio but hes like a Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, one day before the change. I was talking to my sagittarius friend about that and she said it made sense why he was so defensive. I feel he was very defensive and a bit secretive. I understand why Diamond was upset because she felt he was being secretive and not trusting. But her virgo traits were fr coming through, I felt she overanalyzed the situation to "he doesn't trust me" instead of "he's just scared." He was scared of what would happen, and his biggest nightmare literally came true. That's why I felt so bad for him I love him so much he's just a kind guy who I feel like dealt with soo much shit for no reason. Scorpios take a long time to trust people so even if she thought he didn't trust her she should've allowed him room to speak and feel comfortable. Her response, starting with her literal physical facial response to her words and then physical actions all honestly really sucked. Carlton definitely could have responded a lot better. But I just felt her response was so homophobic, I understand it wasn't her intent she mostly was just hurt but I don't even understand why it was that big of a deal that's why I felt it as so homophobic. Suddenly a small thing had turned into a hugeee thing. She literally could've listened and even maybe asked questions, I'm sure he would've answered and explained, but instead both parties stood their ground, got defensive, picked at each others insecurities, and left it at that. And because of that they never got past the emotional stage and I think for Diamond though a huge reason of why she was offended is because they were now supposed to be at that physical stage but she was still learning emotional things about him. I think if you're not apart of lgbtq+ community you'll never truly understand the struggles. He deserves someone more understanding even he said, he can't do anything except live his truth which is so true.
Anyways! Message me, republish, whatever! about this I love talking about this because it was just so interesting. Regardless of all the things that happened, the obstacles they faced, every person at the one year reunion said they think Love is Blind.
So love has been proven to be blind and real. But in relation to astrology does it all make sense. Could the marriages for season 2 even be predicted during the Pods?
Love is Blind and Love is Real, but is astrology?
haha something to think about
- aryana
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nahcam · 4 years
look! it’s cambriel ‘cam’ slovak. they have been living in south kingsboro for two years. they say the twenty three year old can be impulsive but also loyal, but i just think he looks a lot like logan lerman 
this too me ages to do ajkvndfsjv but here is this trash bags intro ! i’ve had cam for probably almost a decade now ( yikes lmfao ), he’s a super old character of mine & i never thought i would be bringing him back but here he is, slightly revamped !!
tw: drug and alcohol abuse, abuse, mental illness, violence, mentions of miscarriage 
Tumblr media
full  name : cambriel  mikhailo  eleazar  slovak
nicknames : honestly  just  cam , he’ll  probably  scream  at  you  if  you  call  him  anything  else  lmfao
gender : cismale
height :  6 ‘ 0
age : 23
birthday : october  21 ,  1996
zodiac : libra  sun  ( libra - scorpio  cusp , also  known  as  the  cusp  of  ‘ drama  and  criticism ’ ) , aquarius  moon , scorpio  ascendant
right  handed  or  left  handed : left  handed
eye  color : really  baby  blue , looks  darker  in  some  lightings 
hair  color : jet  black
piercings  &  tattoos : no  piercings , the  libra  symbol  on  his  right  ankle , the  name  ‘ eleazar ’  on  his  left  wrist ( grandfather’s name ) , this tattoo of an unborn fetus on his upper left bicep which represents him because his parents say he was ‘the abortion that got away’, but this also represents his unborn child with ellie, and these finger tattoos right here !
languages  spoken : ukrainian ( native  tongue ) , pretty  decent  hebrew , english
sexuality : tragically ? heterosexual / heteroromantic  ( 🤢🤮 )
place  of  birth : odesa , ukraine
last  3  songs  listened  to : stadium  arcadium  by  red  hot  chili  peppers , a  gondola  ride  in  paris  by  the  messenger , weight  of  love  by  the  black  keys
character  inspo : a  mix  of  lip  and  frank  gallagher  from  shameless u.s , james  cook  from  skins  u.k  ( huge  muse  from  this  one ! ) , a  mix  of  fezco  and  rue  bennett  from  euphoria , billy  hargrove  from  stranger  things 
soo cam was born in odesa, ukraine to a bulgarian mother ( danijla ) and a ukrainian father ( mikhailo ). now, to put it simple, neither mikhailo nor danijla wanted to have a kid at all. his mother had just turned sixteen when she found out she was pregnant and his father was barely nineteen. the only reason they even had cam is because they were literally told ‘you’re too far in the pregnancy to abort’. needless to say, he was not a wanted child at all
his first few years were mostly him staying with a terrible babysitter his parents hired to take care of him while they were out partying, since he was too young to attend school
he grew up in poverty. most of the time, his parents weren’t really around and there was nothing to eat. he grew up wearing hand me downs from his older cousins, basically broke AF tbh, and his parents cared more about getting fucked up then feeding their son ( and their only son, at that )
from a pretty young age, he remembers living in pretty shitty conditions. his house was always a mess, always scattered with empty bottles of alcohol and a lingering smell of weed, sometimes even meth, but he was too young to know the smell of that
things were never really okay for him, but he managed and learned to fend for himself early on. it wasn’t until he was around six, almost seven, that shit started getting real
his mother began cheating on his dad. when he wasn’t home, she would bring over the same guy and lock the door of their room, telling cam the man was her brother and also his ‘uncle’. cam, of course, was too young to see what was really going on. he never said anything when the man would leave minutes before his father would come home, mostly because he didn’t think it was important
he was going to school one day when he forgot to knock on the door to his parents room. he basically barges in and catches his mother having sex with the guy she claimed was her ‘brother’, and even though he was young, he knew better. luckily, they were too into what they were doing to notice cam walking in, so he quickly walked out and went to school. it’s a lot to witness your parent cheating on your other parent, and it’s even worse if you’re fucking six years old. cam was determined to tell his father, but he didn’t have to
that day, when he came home from school, he found his father drinking on the floor, tears in his eyes, claiming his mother had packed all her things and left. from that moment on, it was just cam and his father
you would expect things to get better from there on out, since mikhailo no longer had anyone to go out and party with, but things just seemed to spiral downwards. mikhailo became angry and began to drink and do drugs ( mostly just coke ). and, if you guessed it, he began to take out all his frustrations on cam
it wasn’t even that big at first, mostly just insults, him telling cam that they meant to abort him, but waited too long and found out too late to do so, petty, petty shit that obviously hurt cam, but he managed it, because his father was the only person he had left
after a while though, it became physical. cam began to notice how differently his father would act when he was sober ( almost never ) versus when he was fucked up. he became violent, little words setting him off. it was almost like he had a split personality of some sort, with the way cam would watch him switch off one moment then switch on the next
he became a victim of abuse, and of course, this led to pretty violent behaviors from pretty early on in his life. all the abuse he would endure, he would quickly take it out on anyone who crossed him the wrong way
this went on for quite some time, but, as sick as it sounded, cam didn’t have the heart to snitch on his father. he wasn’t a doctor, but he could tell he had some type of mental illness, and just add drugs and alcohol to that mix, and he was practically a mess. the only reason they weren’t kicked out of the house was because they owned the house, but most of the time, if not always, they were missing basic necessities like food, clean water or even toilet paper
his life was shit and he knew it, but again, he didn’t have the heart to snitch, even though he knew his dad didn’t love or want him, so, he put up with it. he took it ‘like a man’, as his father said. he did such a good job at hiding his bruises and avoiding talking about his private life
he basically mimicked what his father did to him and did the same thing to other kids. he knew it was wrong, because all the things his father did to him made him feel like shit, empty on the inside, the type of things you cry yourself to sleep with, and maybe that’s exactly why he was so fucking mean and violent to everyone – he wanted them to feel all the pain he was feeling. he didn’t think it was fair that kids his grade had such big houses, such great parents and loving siblings, pets, basically everything he wanted to have but lacked
the amount of times he was suspended from school before he was even ten years old was surprising. it was mostly just violence, but he also got in trouble for stealing and basic bullying. his teachers and basically everyone at school called him ‘the devils child’
he thought he could keep his secret going forever, but everything has to come to an end. he was being reprimanded by one of his teachers when she grabs him by the arm to take him out the room, to which he winces. long story short, but she found all his bruises, then realized he was covering up a bunch on his face with concealer
it was obvious he had a serious problem when she asked him ‘how did this happen?’ and his literal reply was ‘if you tell anyone about this, i’ll hurt you and your entire family’, before pushing her desk to the floor and running out before she could catch him
he thought it would all settle down after a while. he didn’t go to school the following days to avoid seeing her, but his encounter with her bought everything to light. after the fourth day of staying home, police raided his house and arrested his father, taking cam to a group home
instead of feeling relieved because he no longer had to put up with abuse, he got even angrier, if that was possible. he had to testify against his father and he was living with a bunch of people he didn’t even know. if his life was already shit before, it turned even shittier now
he basically became property of the government, a foster child, when he was thirteen years old. he was jumping from group home to group home, foster home to foster home, basically living a much more unstable life than he had with his father
he repeatedly blamed the teacher who snitched on him and even went as far as egging her house and slashing her tires ( crazy mf tbh ). he was getting into constant fights at his foster homes ( which resulted in him being transferred constantly ), stealing, and during this time, experimenting with drugs
as depressing as it sounds, but he was so young and constantly thinking about death. he fantasized the ways he would die, how it would happen, and he constantly asked himself what he did wrong in his past life to live the life he was living now. being a foster kid wasn’t a step up at all. if anything, the kids he lived with were more fucked up then he was. everyone had their own story and some serious trauma they carried with them. everyone acted out one way or another
for cam, it was drugs, violence, and crime. he was doing so much bullshit at such a young age, literally lived way more at his thirteen years than most people do by like, twenty five. his entire life was a fucking trip. he even went to juvie a good three times, and he was literally fucking thirteen
authorities deemed his father unfit to take care of him ( as if it wasn’t obvious ). however, it was revealed that his father had more mental health issues than cam thought. he had borderline personality disorder, or bpd, and was beginning to show signs of early dementia and possible schizophrenia, mostly psychosis. instead of putting him in prison, he was put in a mental asylum, which deeply depressed cam when finding out because he did that. even though it was probably the best thing that happened to him, he lived with constant guilt and blamed himself, despite knowing his father obviously needed professional help
it seemed like his life would remain crappy forever, like he would be stuck living the rest of his life in ukraine, probably in prison before he was even nineteen. luckily for cam though, authorities managed to track down a family member he had who was living in new york, his grandfather named eleazar, or his dad’s dad
cam didn’t even know he had a grandfather to begin with. he just assumed most people from his family were either dead, too old to care, or just didn’t want to meet him. he was even more surprised when he was told his grandfather wanted to take him to new york and legally adopt him, meaning he would leave behind everything he’s ever known
he was expecting his grandfather to be just as bad as his father was, but he would do anything to leave foster care, so he agreed to meet him
he was not expecting the man who wanted to adopt him to be the way he was. it was almost as if his father had been adopted, because he had absolutely nothing in common with his father ( or cam’s grandfather )
cam discovered a ton of things when he met his grandfather. for starters, he had absolutely no idea he was jewish at all. his father never practiced any type of religion and never told him anything about his family bg, so finding out his entire family from his father’s side was jewish was pretty shocking. he also discovered that his grandfather had been in ww2 ( literally ), in camp auschwitz in southern poland, from 1943 till the end of the war. he even had the tattoo he was forced to get when entering the camp when he was eight years old, basically a survivor. he was separated from his mother, father, and older sister and hasn’t seen or heard of them since, but suspects they’re all dead. when he was old enough, he moved from poland to ukraine
talking to the man fascinated cam in every sense of the word. it wasn’t just because he was his grandfather, but cam had truly never met anyone like him at all. he was basically everything that cam wanted to be, a survivor, a fighter, brave, genuine... the list of his good qualities were infinite. it took a while, but cam was finally moving to kingsboro, new york with his grandfather when he was fourteen years old, after he had officially become his legal guardian 
from there, life seemed to get a little better. he learned english and was taught hebrew by his grandfather, and he listened to his war stories every day and even asked him to repeat the ones he had already told. his grandfather was walking, living proof that the things cam had gone through were tough, sure, but they were nothing compared to what his grandfather lived through. in a way, the man gave him hope that things would eventually get better, and they definitely did
his bad ass tendencies never went away, but they certainly got a lot better since living with his grandpa, since his life was a lot more stable. he had a clean, spacious home, food, ac... could he really ask for more? 
with the help from his grandpa, he even agreed to go to therapy and speak with a psychologist about his issues. he was getting so much better, less angry, but there was still trauma there because how does one even get rid of that?
now, fast forward to high school and he’s, tragically, selling drugs for extra money, but not really doing anything hard, hard, mostly just dealing. on his senior ( or junior? ) year, he meets none other than ellie, basically the first girl he’s ever really loved, and of course, they start to date, fall madly in love, and she gets pregnant with his child
this is enough to make cam straighten out his act because unlike his father, he wants to be there for his kid. in his head, he’s thinking he’s going to marry this girl. he’s thinking they’re going to have a kid and live happily ever after, but, as always, tragedy hits and she has a miscarriage, which of course, devastates cam a lot
we all know how this goes tho 🤡  after some time, they seem to drift apart. cam really wants to make things work, but ellie throws herself in her school work and starts pulling away from him, resulting in their breakup six months after the miscarriage
he takes this harder then he should and goes to jersey to stay with a high school friend for a while, ghosting everyone ( minus his grandfather ) completely. this kind of triggers something inside him and he’s suddenly back to his old habits ( old habits die hard, huh? )
catch him selling drugs, fighting people and snorting ketamine like it’s candy, bitch! he hasn’t even hit rock bottom yet, but he’s definitely getting there. it was like the breakup and losing a kid makes him snap back to his old self. them drifting apart just further reminds him that everyone leaves him eventually for someone better, because he’s fucked up and unlovable. he constantly tells himself that his own mother and father never loved nor wanted him, so why would ellie? the most fucked up part is that he doesn’t even blame her for doing what she did, because he would have done the same if he was in her shoes
now he’s back in new york and he’s slowly but surely turning into a fucking ketamine junkie. he knows what drugs and alcohol did to his family, but he’s doing it anyways, because he doesn’t give not one single fuck tbh 😂
i feel like the only person he has that’s actually there for him is his grandfather, but the man is 86 years old. cam knows he doesn’t have long, and honestly? the day his grandfather dies is probably the day he actually does hit rock bottom, but we’ll wait for that day to come by lmfao
libra-scorpio cusp with hella more scorpio tendencies!! he’s a sneaky little fuck, and he can be super manipulative when he wants to be. also curses like a fucking sailor, saying ‘fuckin’ at least 6 times in one sentence LOL
he plays guitar and is actually really fucking good at it ( think like, john frusciante , david gilmour , dan auerbach, or even jimi hendrix ), he also writes poetry and short stories as a way to let out his frustrations, but he keeps this super lowkey. most people think he makes all his money from drug dealing, but a good amount of his money also comes from publishing guitar covers on youtube. he never shows his face and goes under the alias, trickfinger. he has 3 million subscribers on his channel, but no one knows its him
this is already superrr fucking long so i’m going to end it here, but i’m going to put his birthchart below this for some extra #tea
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cow1sequester · 4 years
EPISODE 3 - “Truly and honestly everyone’s strategies this round is making no sense” - Owen
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TWIST: Moral Dilemma (Fewest Votes)
ELIMINATED: Adam (Battle Match) // Austin (Battle Match) // Christian (Wheel of Misfortune)
I love Raul, if he won I would be happy
Okay I’m sorry it’s been a hot minute but here are my thoughts on the first two rounds of the game: First of all WHAOOOOOOOH this cast is STACKED!!! I was pleasantly surprised to see Will and Autumn again. Love my boy Jared. Love Juls, Isaac, Ryan, IAN!!!! Beck and Blake legends.... But then there are also quite a few I’ve never played with before that seemed cool hehe so I’m hype! This first round I focused a lot on connections and Jared and I got together and dreamed up a bomb ass alliance of me, him, Jarod, Autumn, Juls and Isaac. Genuinely love talking to and playing with all five of them so I am hopeful that we all go far. But I did spend some time with other connections as well. I LOVE Christian, he told me he wasn’t the best at typing so I added him on WhatsApp and he sends me voice memos all the time hahaha if my alliance is the brigade then he is the Britney to my Lane <3 love him. Raul is awesome as well. Nash legend. Ian and Will I knew before but haven’t played with in FOREVER which has been fun to catch up with. Will was first in the chain reaction thing and was thinking of giving to Ian and I was like Ian is gonna hold a grudge if u do that why not pick Nik instead !!!! Lmao. It all worked out cause I was safe and the alliance got their way <3 I haven’t really looked for LOS at all I guess I’m waiting for more clues :( I would love to have one but it seems like endless possibilities rn. ////// split here Round two is where shit got interesting because we got split into two groups and suddenly everyone I’m working with was in my house..... 5/9 of us were part of the alliance which was great, but then the other four were Christian my love, Ian and Will my other loves, and Austin.... so right away I tried pushing Austin’s name and even saying I didn’t care if he tries battling me but nobody else on my team had talked to Will at all. Which I was in hindsight fine with doing will bc he hadn’t been around and he wouldn’t choose to battle me :) So I told Christian he needed to be super social and that he should talk to the Jarod’s and maybe to Will so that Will didn’t pick him lmao Then TWENTY MIN BEFORE VOTE WILL  DECIDED TO BE AN ABSOLUTE WHACKASS NUT AND TRY TO CARE ABOUT THE GAME AND FLIP !!!! So I acted like I was gonna help him flip it but as a contingency plan in case we couldn’t and it was him I told him that Austin was easy to beat in challenges xo The whole thing worked, will picked Austin and said he was told to but honestly if Austin comes back and knows I threw his name to will then whatever idc. I protected everyone this week and it feels good <3 except for will but at the end of the day when I’m aligned with 7/8 other people, one of them is going to have to go into battle, and I’m glad it was him just bc he hadn’t been around :(
Let's read some bitches: Akeylah - This girl is SKETCH.com I told her I was voting Nathan, she left me on read and like 15 minutes later Nathan came crying in my DMs for what happened in round 2. I didn't have great expectations about her, so I have my eyes on her. Autumn- She's a fuckin CAPRICORN. Sis werk. She was willing to vote Nathan  so that tells me she's willing to work with me some time. Beck- Boyfriend 2.0 His voice... TEA. But then he demonstrated that he doesn't have my back as I would have had his when I told him about what Nathan's plan was. He seems like someone who I'm gonna have to cut on the long run. You can be all cute you want but I'll cut a bitch. Also he's a Scorpio... NEVER trust a Scorpio. Blake - I've working hard for him and I to work. I wish he was a bit older so I could flirt a bit, but him being 18 seems kinda weird. We had a "F2" deal day 1 cause of his introduction video but ain't nobody taking that serious. Christian - A Taurus. He seemed sketch, I def need to talk to him more, but he could be my Tommy and carry him until I can't no more. Speaking Spanish is def a bond he won't have with anyone else. Ian - There's something about him that I want to trust but something tells me he's SKETCH. He's someone I need to read better. Isaac - I do not enjoy him, his humor is like NOT funny and people laugh at what he says? I don't get it. I'd be over the moon to sent his ass home but he seems like someone with some power with some people so it needs to be something done carefully. Jared - Now this is MY baby. I literally love him already. Aquarius king. He's a sadboi, musician, like bitch is really tryna make me fall or something. For some weird reason I trust him too much so I should be careful but for some reason I feel like he should fuck me up. Jarod - Now this is SURPRISE, I've really enjoyed talking to this Aquarius. Are Aquarius my new Sags? For some reason I really enjoy him, also he has all the cast eating his palm so I'm not even gonna try to take him out, unless someone is like "we have the numbers, let's take this bitch out", cause I might trust him but I ain't dumb. Juls - Is she inactive? Nobody has ever mentioned her name for the bad or the good. She made me vulnerable Round 1 and since she hasn't talked to me, she knows what's up I guess cause I'm not forgetting sweetie. Nathan - The snake of the season. I even forgot his horoscope, maybe Leo? He's not dumb, we're probably gonna gun for each other at some point. Fake bitch. Owen - Boyfriend 3.0 This is the flirt that goes the most both ways. I enjoy him, also I think he was a lot of power so bitch I want a ride to jury at least. Also another Capricorn so I have to like him. Patrick - He seems kinda dumb and not a good strategic player but good at challenges, this bitch needs to be gone before he gets more chances at battle thingys. Ryan - He's not the best player obviously so his a great ally, I had Adam therefore I had him but now I have to work for him to like me and want to take me somewhat far also. Will - This bitch is LOST lmao. He's picture screams 4.0 GPA the bitch is scary. I wouldn't mind having him as an ally in a BB but here being a comp beast doesn't seem to work in my favour at all.
going to call with juls tonight, i'm considering letting her know i have the los if i feel confident enough that she won't tell anyone then i might try and call with beck afterwards but I'm not sure yet ideally i can maneuver through the game without much trouble and then use the los in an effective way, while keeping bigger targets around me, that is why this alliance is so good for me
Truly and honestly Everyone’s strategy for this round is making no sense to me. I don’t get why people would self vote. You’re literally guaranteeing yourself to have at least 1 vote instead of 0?????? I can see self voting if you KNEW for a fact someone else was voting for you and giving you two. But if a bunch of people self vote....??? Let’s say 11 people self vote and 5 vote for one of those 11. That still means six of those 11 who self voted have the lowest. I really don’t understand why jared thinks that’s a smart idea but whatever. I think my alliance of six should split our votes on six of those ten people. That way it makes a bigger chances some of us get 0 votes because I doubt all ten of those are gonna throw a vote on some of us especially with all this self vote talk. I really really don’t get why that isn’t clear to everyone but whatever. I don’t wanna be too pushy but literally no one but jared is contributing to strategy and I don’t like his plan lmao. If he wants to self vote he can go ahead but I genuinely hope no one else votes for him And he gets himself sent in to the revote lmao
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handfulofsighs · 7 years
i was tagged by @tireless-mess and @hippostitches​ (thanks yo) sorry i didn't do this sooner i was busy doing summer things and wasn't on here a lot anyway here’s some facts about me!

rules: answer these questions, and tag 20 followers that you would like to get to know better
name: cassandra nickname: cassie, cass, anything that starts with c with some people eg. caramelhead, cactus, chamomile zodiac sign: aquarius hogwarts house: gryffindor from potter more but I've always thought id be in ravenclaw height: 5′2, 5′3 idk sexual orientation: not really sure, definitely some level of gay just not sure how gay  ethnicity: pretty white, half brazilian  favorite fruit: plum or fig  favourite season: idk maybe spring but i have pros and cons for each so idk favourite book series: hoooo boy there is no way i can pick an actual fave here it would either be hunger games or harry potter (or lotr or kane chron pjo or tmr) favourite fictional character: ??? i cant just pick a favorite person out of millions of universes but i guess i could say captain jack sparrow  favourite flower: marigolds  favourite scents: coffee but also this really sweet perfume that always makes me think of slow relaxed pretty days when i was traveling in europe favourite colour: dont have a fave color cuz what i like in colors is how they contrast and stuff but i guess id say red rn  favourite animal: my dog favourite artist/band: oh god this is gonna be a fat paragraph.. hiatus kaiyote, the beatles, declan mckenna, hippo campus, spoon, little joy, fleet foxes, tame impala, frank ocean, cage the elephant, chance the rapper, kendrick, the 1975, dr dog, those emo bands (u know them), grizzly bear, half moon run, the strokes, the devil makes three, lorde, los hermanos, seu jorge, david bowie, pink floyd, tom waits, leon bridges, corrine daily rae, arcade fire, mj, king gizzard & the lizard wizard, probably a lot more did i already say arctic monkeys? red hot chili peppers? KEVIN ABSTRACT I FORGOT  coffee, tea or hot chocolate? coffee average # of hours of sleep: 8ish number of blankets: 1 comforter but sometimes none dream trip: all over the entire world sometimes in flats in cities and sometimes backpacking cross country, lots of time in india and belgium and new zealand last thing i googled: alexa chung and pete wentz cuz i was very confused and had mixed up alex turner and pete blog created: i think last summer? maybe last fall? how many blogs do i follow: 487 yeahhh i need to unfollow some shit blogs number of followers:  like 50 pls help me?  what i usually post about: literally anything but theres a fair amount of hippo do i get asks regularly: nope
tags: not gonna tag 20 cuz i have so few followers lol (sorry if i tag u and u’ve already done this, feel free to pass ofc)
@toetedeineidole                 @laurenthemermaid               @hippocampussouth      @sunlight-veins       @opportunisticc        @suicidesaturdaze       @spocampus 
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raccooncityaliens · 7 years
Tagged by @annamarcellie ! Thank you!
🌻rules: once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
1. Drink: Coffee, still morning for me
2. Phone Call: The local crisis center (they called me)
3. Text Message: Uhhh the library telling me my books are late
4. Song You Listened To: Marina and The Diamonds - Froot
5. Time You Cried: Um... I cried a lot on Friday but don’t even remember if I’ve cried after that
6. Dated Someone Twice: Uhhh kinda, and that would apply for the last two of my lovers before H....... oop
7. Been Cheated On: Yeah, I don’t think there was actual sex involved but
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Impulse control crap so yes
9. Lost someone special: Not to death but otherwise yes
10. Been depressed: Got first diagnosed at 13 so lmao yes
11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: Too many times....... You’d think one would learn
12. Purple
13. Dark teal? what are color names
14. In general I navigate towards black and grays but let’s say muted greens
15. Made new friends: Yes!! Amazing
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes, the worst was around Christmas when we were playing a word board game with sis and I thought I was going to choke and die because I laughed too hysterically........ still funny tho
18. Found out someone was talking about you: No...! Not including my fiancée. But I’m pretty sure someone’s spreading shit because people are being weird.
19. Met someone who changed you: Yes
20. Found out who your true friends are: I think I’ll see soon
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yah sure
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Almost everyone who lives/lived in Finland
23. Do you have any pets: Not really but I’m an adoptive parent to a hamster grandpa
24. Do you want to change your name: Legally yeah
25. What did you do for your last birthday: That is a hell of a question....... I think sis was in town and we spent time with mom?
26. What time did you wake up today: Around 9:30 which is really weird
27. What were doing at midnight last night: Getting ready for bed
28. Name something you cannot wait for: Mass Effect Andromeda, getting more money, our handfasting
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: Friday evening
30. What is one thing that you could change about your life:  H getting healthy..... or at least getting healthier and more time here on Earth. Also less intense mental illnesses would be gr8. Also top surgery.
31. What are you listening to right now: More Marina, currently Girls
32. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: No, actually
33. Something that gets on your nerves: People telling me that being positive fixes everything
34. Most visited website: Just really tumblr. Then fb, youtube. Or maybe google really, I google a lot of stuff.
35. Elementary: School? Uhhh how would these translate into Finnish school system.... Trauma period continued but I didn’t realize it at a time
36. Secondary: More trauma, mental illness hitting full force
37. College: I’m at uni but it would be gr8 if I had more spoons and less..... illness
38. Hair colour: Two shades of brown because my undyed roots are like half of my hair
39. Long or short hair: Short
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes *v* tho I think we’re far past the crush stage already
41. What do you like about yourself: I try my best to be a decent human being
42. Piercings: Ears, one stretched, labret, tongue, helix, navel
43. Blood type: B+
44. Nicknames: Ppl just call me Luka or Karo
45. Relationship Status: ENGAGED
46. Zodiac sign: Taurus sun, aquarius moon.
47. Pronouns: They/them. He/him works too but not always.
48. fav Tv show: at this exact moment: Hannibal always, Star Trek TOS always. Just got into Skam tho
49. Tattoos: Kenaz on my right ring finger
50. Right or left handed: Right
51. Surgery: I’ve actually never had surgery miraculously enough
52. Piercing: Well ears when I was like 7, but labret.
53. Best friend: Was this piece of crap girlie but first real bff @murdercutie
54. Sport: Uhhhhhh........ Dance? Badminton?
55. Vacation: France when I was like 2. Dad’s friend lived there.
56. Pair of trainers: I have literally no idea
57. Eating: Nothiiing I should have breakfast
58. Drinking: More coffee.......
59. i’m about to: ....Drink coffee........
60. listening to: Forgot to put music back on, thanks
61. waiting for: My brain to wake up
62. want: MoONEeeyyy
63. get married: Yah in the summer !
64. career: I’m a student in theory lmao not gonna get a single credit this year. Hope to be a researcher at some point, unless I find another cool job in my field.
65. hugs or kisses: Hugs actually
66. lips or eyes: Eyess I guess
67. shorter or taller: Shorter so I can feel tol
68. older or younger: Idgaf, H is younger
69. romantic or spontaneous: Romantic? And spontaneous to a limit too
70. nice arms or nice stomach: Either way!
71. sensitive or loud: Sensitive def
72. hook up or relationship: Relationship always and forever, hook ups have been terrible for me
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker 8>
74. kissed a stranger: Yep
75. drank hard liquor: Ooh yes
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: Well colored contacts yeah
77.  turned someone down: Yup
78. sex on first date: :)))))
79. broken someone’s heart: Maaaaybe? Once maybe?
80. had your own heart broken: Shattered to fucking pieces
81.  been arrested: Nope
82. cried when someone died: Nobody in my social circle has died. When my dog died yes tho. For... weeks.
83. fallen for a friend: Yeeees
84. yourself: Idk like in what way? But no I have BPD
85. miracles: I want to
86. love at first sight: I was like definite nope but now I’m like.... well, shit
87. santa claus: Well not in that sense
88. kiss on the first date: Sure
89. angels: I think they exist but I don’t really work with them
90. current best friend’s name: Katariina still!
91. eye colour: Like amber or something. Or brown or green. Who knows really.
92. favourite movie: I can’t choose????
I don’t want to tag anyone specifically but mutuals do this!!
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