#appreciate the fluff
kawarikisaki · 1 year
Hakuba but he’s a fox boy now
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ffsg0jo · 1 month
yeah manwhore gojo is great but what about touch starved gojo who fantasises holding your hand. spends his nights dreaming about the way you would feel cuddled in his arms. his entire face red and blushing at the mere thought of your lips chastely pressing against his. he can't stay thinking about that too long though because it'll result in him giggling and kicking his feet all night and getting no sleep.
gojo who sits downs next to you and almost combusts feeling your soft thigh lightly pressing against his. he just yearns to be close to you in any way possible. his leg wrapped around yours whilst you're sitting opposite each other, his pinkie always reaching for you. he's always blushy and giggly around you and it's the most adorable thing ever. this man loves you so much and he's not afraid to show it at all. he wears the simp title like a badge of honour.
it's not just physically either. he no longer thinks in his own voice. his entire brain has literally been rewired ever since meeting you. your voice is always replaying in his head, the way you say his name is on repeat 24/7. the sweet little nicknames you give him too.
like yes, he is your sweet little cuddlebug and he is your cutie patootie blue eyes white dragon. and he's so proud of it. yk those titles people have after their names like DClinPsy and MBBS, he has that in his bio too, but it's just silly little nicknames you've given him.
this man is a true loverboy through and through.
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mothmanadjacent · 3 months
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I think about this man every day 😭
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nonranghaes · 4 months
"you made these...?"
mingyu can't stop staring at the box of cinnamon rolls, face heating up. from scratch? you hadn't really admit it at first until he asked where you got them, and now... the thought's really sinking in. you made these for him? for him? why him?
you nod. "from scratch," you affirm again. he's repeated the sentence twice now, still floored. "if they're not good, you can throw them away--i don't mind. don't force yourself to eat them or anything--"
he's already taking one out and taking a bite, and immediately he tastes the love first and the sweetness of cinnamon and sugar and cream cheese frosting second. how many batches have you made? how long did it take you to perfect this? and why would you spend your time making it for him...?
"they're perfect--" he says, although it's through a mouthful of cinnamon roll. he apologizes immediately, swallowing the bite. "they're delicious. you really made these for me?"
you nod again. sheepish as can be, you make some excuse about going grocery shopping as you take off down the hall. mingyu pushes the door shut with his shoulder, and trails back into the apartment. seokmin and minghao look up from their drama.
"the neighbor again?" minghao already knows immediately. mingyu nods, and minghao continues on, "what is it this time?"
"nothing." he closes the box. where can he hide these? no one else gets to have them. normally, mingyu would share... but something in him wants to be possessive. no sharing these. not when you looked so cute giving them to him.
seokmin's casual as can be: "it smells good--"
"it's not. don't eat them." he pushes them onto the top of the fridge. "okay?" he's already grabbing his keys and his wallet.
minghao leans over the arm of the couch as he watches mingyu slip into his shoes. "where are you going now?"
mingyu's eyes are twinkling when he looks up. "grocery store. i'm making dinner tonight. i'll be back!"
the door shuts. the two share a look. maybe neither of them will win the bet if the two of you continue to be oblivious like this.
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neteyamyawne · 10 months
RDA Jake is the cutest clueless fucking thing and i love it 😭
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His RDA era is still my fucking favourite and i can't get enough of him 😩✨
Just look at his cute face oh my god *faints*
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somethinginworl · 2 months
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Hi!! I've been working on this for months!! Now I'm proud to present to you; My Kirby gijinkas!
Let me know whatcha think!
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hanafubukki · 2 months
For Bat Appreciation Day:
Imagine being Lilia Vanrouge, a bat fae who was demeaned repeatedly. Told he was the lowest of the low and then those closest to him find out about this day?
Malleus would gift Lilia the roses he planted in his personal garden. Something grown with love and care by him. Tended by him alone and no one else. It would represent the love he has for Lilia. The one who raised him and loves him with the same way as any father would. Malleus would kiss Lilia on the forehead as Lilia has done many times on top of his scales.
Silver who would buy him a video game they both can play together. Late nights game days with snacks and drinks are some of his favorite times with the warmth at his side that would make him gradually fall asleep. Silver would kiss his eyes. Always hoping for happiness for his father as he has always brought him.
Sebek would get him cute mugs or shirts with puns on them. He knows how much Lilia loves to joke around and he’s one to always make others laugh with his antics. Sebek would kiss him on the cheek while flustered. He recalls the many times Lilia would do it to him as a kid just to see his reaction.
Your gift to Lilia was a handmade scarf. Lilia loves flying in the late night sky and sitting on the rooftops watching the moon and stars. You wanted to give him a gift that would keep him warm. A reminder that he was loved constantly as he reflected on his life. You would kiss him on the lips because that smile of his is just too tempting not to.
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
Hi. So this was a request that I thought was such a cute idea. I hope you enjoy it.
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Description: Moments were Lucy helps take care of R when she's clumsy
Word Count: 2.8k
TW: Injury
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You were clumsy. That had been a fact of life since you were born. In nursey, you had a designated Mr Bump ice pack that was used solely by you. In primary school, the office lady who doubled as the nurse was your best friend, often spending more of your playtime with her getting something patched up than running around with your friends. In secondary school, things didn’t get any better. You often sported random bruises that you didn’t know where they came from. You would think that being placed into a sport that required a level of coordination and skill from a young age and then becoming a professional footballer would improve your balance and dexterity, yet you were often on the ground in matches due to your own idiocy rather than a harsh shove or poorly timed tackle from the opposition.
The bruises to your ego hurt more than the ones on your skin, but you often just laughed it off, accepting the hands that came to help pick you up off the floor and wipe away the grass stains. The hand that, more often than not, belonged to Lucy. She was always the first to come to your aid with a poorly concealed laugh and a kind smile. In a match, it was followed by a raised eyebrow and a squeeze to your shoulder as she shook her head, trying to remain professional on the pitch. In training, it was a gentle kiss to the forehead and an arm around your waist as she steadied you. In your daily life outside the training ground, you could never fully fall as she often tucked you safely into her side or had a firm, supportive grip on you if that wasn’t possible. In your own home's privacy, you could hardly move without Lucy fretting over you. She had seen too many injuries occur for you to be allowed to do much without her personal supervision – not that you really minded your girlfriend’s near-permanent presence.
It was a wet and windy day as you battled it out on the pitch. It was not the most ideal conditions to play in regardless, but with your inability to stay on your feet, you were having more trouble than most. You were making a run up the wing when you tripped, stumbling over your own feet as you went flying, skidding painfully along the sodden grass. You groaned, embarrassed that you had, once again, ended up face down on the pitch. You lay there for a minute, waiting for your mind to catch up with what happened before rolling onto your back.
“You good, love?” Lucy laughed as she came to your side.
“Ow,” you groaned, but reaching for her to help pull you back to standing.
“Are you ok?” Lucy asked again, a hand coming to rest on your shoulder as you drew level with her again.
“Yeh, sweets, I’m ok,” you sighed, wiping the worst of the mud off your jersey. Her eyebrow raised, silently asking if you were being honest with her. "I might be a little sore tomorrow, but I’m okay,” you mused. You had gone down a little harder than normal and could already feel the ache in your body as a result.
“Do you need to come off, bubba?” She asked, face full of concern as she scanned you discreetly.
“No, I’m ok. My ego took more of a battering than I did,” you laughed, lifting your shoulder to trap Lucy’s hand between it and your cheek. She squeezed three times and winked at you. You stuck your tongue out in an attempt to playfully lick her hand, demonstrating to her that you were clearly fine.
“C’mon, then. Let’s try to stay vertical with your feet on the ground for the rest of the match, shall we?” Lucy teased as you moved back into your respective positions.
“I can try, but I make no promises,” you joked back, grinning widely at her as you separated.
She shook her head at you. “I love you,” you mouthed at her.
“I love you,” she mouthed back.
“Shit,” you said as you stumbled up the stairs to the training pitches.
“Careful, idiota maldestre.” Aitana called as she came to steady you.
“Mi héroe,” you thanked her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “And I’m not an idiot. I might be clumsy, but I’m not an idiot.” You slipped her into a headlock that she quickly broke out of.
You came to stand beside Lucy in the huddle before training started, her arm automatically drawing you into her side.
“No quiero ninguna herida,” Jona said as he finished his pre-training speech, his eyes lingering on you for a second longer than everyone else. You just smiled at him.
“Now, what are we going to do today, love?” Lucy asked in a serious tone, but you knew she was teasing. Her hands came to rest on your hips as the others split off into their training pairs.
“Stay upright,” you replied in an equally severe voice.
“Good.” She squeezed you lightly before glancing around and pressing a swift kiss to your cheek. You rolled your eyes at her antics and beamed anyway.
Your promise only lasted about 20 minutes. You were in a trio with Alexia and Patri; Alexia pushed against you with a yoga ball as Patri passed the ball for you to kick back. It was going well. You remained strong and firm, leaning back into the shoving and stabilising your core muscles. But you were so focused on keeping your body straight that you forgot where you planted your feet.
“Fuck,” you exclaimed as you went tumbling to the ground, Alexia and the giant blue ball following you. Patri stood, slightly stunned, as her group was no longer in front of her; instead, there was a pile of limbs on the floor. “Ay, dios mío. Estás bien?” Patri asked, recognising the grimace of pain on your face. “Ow,” you winced as you tried to wiggle it. Now standing again, Alexia left your side, heading toward your girlfriend.
“Bubba?” Lucy’s concerned voice reached you as you shifted to sitting, her hand coming to rub your back as she crouched by your side.
“I’m ok, sweets. It’s just my ankle. I put my foot down wrong.” You tried to move it again, but it didn’t hurt, though it definitely felt funny.
“Ok, let’s get you up and to the medics.” Lucy moved to help you up, taking most of your weight. You gently added more pressure to your foot, relaxing slightly as no pain radiated up your leg. “What did I ask you about injuries?” Lucy sighed dramatically as she guided you to the bench where the physio was waiting.
“I’m sorry,” you said guiltily, your cheeks flaring with an embarrassed blush.
“I know you are, love,” she said, depositing you on the seat and pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. “No funny business,” she said seriously as she cupped your face. "And listen to the doctors.” You nodded, taking her hand and kissing her palm lightly.
“I love you,” you whispered.
“I love you,” she answered, equally as quiet before she returned to training.
“Anem, anem,” Aitana chanted, her excited calls encouraging everyone to increase their speed as you walked to Manuela’s. There was finally a break in the busy schedule, so naturally, you used it to your advantage. The drinks were flowing, and the carefree atmosphere helped relax you immensely.
“Oops,” you muttered under your breath as you tripped over the uneven pavement. You didn’t go very far, not with Lucy's iron grip on your hand.
“Okay?” She asked you as you shook off the jolt.
“Yeh. You saved me, sweets. My knight in shining armour.” You lifted your intertwined hands and pressed a loving kiss on the back of hers.
“Ew, ustedes dos son asquerosas,” Mapi gagging as she fell in step with you. You clicked your teeth.
“Girl, you have no leg to stand on with that. You and Ingrid are so in love, it’s hideous to witness.” You laughed at how offended she seemed.
“Es cierto,” Lucy agreed. Ingrid giggled at her girlfriend’s expression.
“Uhh, mi Princesa, no deberías estar de acuerdo con ellos.” Mapi continued, outraged at the apparent attack on her relationship.
“She just recognises the truth,” you goaded, drawing Ingrid closer as she swung her arm around your shoulders.
“Relax, min skjønnhet. She’s only teasing.” Ingrid placated her girlfriend, extending her hand out for Mapi to take. You watched as she and Mapi fell into a quiet conversation, love clear on both of their faces. You turned to look at Lucy and found her already looking at you, her own adoration clear on her face, which you were sure echoed in yours. She squeezed your hand three times, causing a blush to bloom on your cheeks. You squeezed back three times and watched as she looked down, slightly shy under your intense gaze.
The problem with alcohol for you was that it caused you to fumble even more. You had gone outside with Ona and Keira to get some air – the sweaty club was getting to all of you.
“So, yeh. I think I want to try to get a long weekend away in soon ish,” Ona finished her conversation. You weren’t really paying attention, your minds drifting between the chicken nuggets you would pester Lucy for on the way home and if you wanted another drink or not – the world spinning slightly as you sucked in the cool night air.
“You alright over there, clumsy?” Keira asked, noticing you staggering somewhat as you drifted away from the pair.
“Um? Oh, yeh. I’m a-ok,” You threw Keira the universal ‘ok’ sign – pausing slightly as you commanded your fingers to do what you desired. Your drunkenness was obvious; you blinked a little too slowly, and you were clearly not in complete control of yourself, but your speech wasn’t slurred yet.
“Sure, you are,” Ona laughed as you tried to wedge yourself between them, throwing too much weight into the action and launching yourself forward. You crashed heavily into the ground, your knee taking most of the force. You yelped a little at the pain before flopping down on the floor behind the bar. You looked down, and a slight graze on your right hand captured most of your attention until Ona gasped.
“What?” You looked around, trying to see the cause of her alarm.
“Su rodilla,” she said as she pointed to your knee. Your drunk brain didn’t know what she was referring to, but you followed her finger and came to stare at your bloodied knee. You gasped.
“My knee,” you whined, only now becoming aware of the throbbing cut.
“I’ll get Lucy; you stay with her.” Keira rushed back inside.
“Oni, I fell,” you pouted. You looked from your knee to her and back again, your frown increasing with every minute. Ona had to admit, drunk you was very adorable.
“Love?” Lucy appeared, looking around frantically for you.
“Sweets?” You perked up, looking somewhat like a meerkat.
“Hey, lovely. How are you doing?” She asked gently, taking a seat next to you.
“I fell,” you said wetly through the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks.
“Oh, Bubba. It’s ok.” She cooed, drawing you to lay your head on her collarbone. She shushed you gently, used to your drunken antics after the number of years you had dated. It was easier for her to treat every issue with just as much seriousness as you did. “It’s just a small cut. Let’s get you patched up, and we can head home, ok?” You nodded, refusing to leave the sanctuary of Lucy’s chest. “Do you want me to do it, or are you ok with Manuela’s staff doing it?” she asked, leaning back slightly to hear your answer.
“Want Mazza to do it,” Lucy sighed. You often missed your best friend when you were in Barcelona and she was back in Manchester.
“Mary’s not here, Bubba. How about Keira?” Lucy comforted you, nodding to Keira to take the first aid kit from the security guard who had joined you outside. You sniffled slightly, burring yourself further into Lucy as the alcohol wipe stung your cut.
“Can I have nuggets?” You asked, your mind still lingering on the food you craved.
“Sure, love.” Lucy laughed as you sat up straighter at her response.
“I love you,” you said, staring straight into her eyes.
“I love you,” she responded, leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
You stared at your relatively empty fridge. An onion, a pepper, some leftover chicken, and 3 eggs stared back at you. It's not particularly inspiring, but it would do. You gathered the ingredients, deposited them on the chopping board, and started cutting. You should have started with the pepper to avoid having watery eyes as you chopped everything, but you weren’t thinking and now you were regretting it. The lingering sting of the onion made it harder to see what you were doing. The front door opening also distracted you even more. Lucy’s calls of arrival made you not watch where you placed the knife and try to cut the pepper.
“Fuck,” you swore loudly. The red liquid came streaming out alarmingly quickly. “Ow, ow, ow.” You blinked away the tears.
“Love, what’s wrong? Are you ok?” Lucy ran around the corner, skidding on the hard floors as she rushed into the kitchen. You were aware of how scary it must have looked, you standing wide-eyed at Lucy, blood running down your hand with a knife in the other.
“Oh, Bubba.” Lucy soothed, her gentle fingers taking the knife from your hand and manoeuvring you to stand by the sink, letting cool water wash over the cut. “What happened, lovely?” she asked her.
“I was trying to make us tea,” you said dejectedly. Why couldn’t you do anything right? All you wanted was to do one small thing for Lucy, and here you were, bleeding into her sink. You looked up to the ceiling, trying really hard not to let the tears fall. She gently patted your finger with a clean towel before holding it tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. “So stupid,” you whispered dejectedly.
“Hey, stop that. Accidents happen.” She chastised gently, pushing some hair out of your face.
“Not just this,” you waved your injured hand around. “I constantly trip and fall, and it’s just so stupid. I’m an adult. I’m an athlete. I should be less of a fucking clumsy idiot.” You had heard it your whole life – people teasing you over your clumsiness, calling you affectionate nicknames based on your inability to stay upright. You sniffed, staring hard at the floor.
“Hey, no, stop it.” She said firmly, her free hand forcing your chin up until you had to look at her. “I love that you trip all the time. It’s part of who you are,” she kissed your cheek. “And I like that I can help you,” she admitted softly. “It makes me feel important,” she whispered.
“Oh,” you said, surprised. “You are important. And not just to me. And not just because you help me when I trip.” You spoke with such conviction. She leant in to press a passionate kiss on your lips. You hummed quietly at the feeling. “I love you,” you proudly stated when she drew away.
“I love you,” she said declared back.
You weren’t really paying attention as Leah moaned about something someone had done to her. It was very trivial, but she took it as a personal attack. You spotted Lucy walking down the path to the field with two water bottles. You saw her spot you and speed up slightly, smiling at the thought of her hurrying to get to you. She was practically speed walking down the gentle slope, her movements slowly becoming less controlled. You saw her foot catch the uneven pavement from a tree root. Before you knew it, you had abandoned your conversation with Leah and rushed to Lucy’s side, getting her just in time to stop her from falling painfully onto the concrete.
“Easy, sweets,” you teased, leaning your body into her to help steady the both of you. “You ok?” you asked her, scanning her features for any discomfort.
“I’m all good, bubba. You caught me.” She smiled broadly at you.
“You always catch me. I thought it was only fair.” You pressed a kiss to the underneath of her jaw.
“I love you,” she said happily.
“I love you,” you replied, equally as joyful.
I hope you enjoyed it <3<3<3<3
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pixqlsin · 11 months
GOALS — ⋆·˚ ༘ *
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pairings: earth 42! miles morales × reader
summary: best couple fr, couple goals
notes: i may of, possibly accidentally deleted my tumblr. so i’m reuploading my recent fic which is this one. i’m currently trying to get my account back which is highly doubtful. but i love yall pooksters im gonna go coo coo. also thank you to @fictarian for helping with this fic <33
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taglist : @jrrantss @luvstarrstruck @fictarian @zalayni @st4rtiles @k4tsu3 @nanvxs
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et6rnalsun · 1 month
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ᡣ𐭩 chris sturn x fem! reader
warnings: nothing !!
summary: judging met gala’s outfits with your bf while being sick
you were always excited for the met gala. curious to see the outfits and be able to judge them — especially those that completely missed the point.
but what excited you the least, in that moment, was the fact that you were sick. luck wasn't much on your side, and the annoying burning in your throat and runny nose made the experience fucking torture.
your boyfriend, on the other hand, was never really interested that much. he simply scrolled through Instagram posts to see the various celebrities, without going further.
and instead, there he was, taking care of a sick and almost delirious you while forced to watch the met gala.
you two were lying on your bed, the only lights on were those of your led’s, set to blue, and the one emanating from the screen of your laptop placed on both your legs. your head rested between the crook of his neck and his chest, with your hair falling completely over him as he ran his fingers through it in a soothing way.
"i'm here to see women, anyway. all men are always so boring" you muttered, rolling your eyes after seeing the simplicity of chris hemsworth's outfit. chris chuckled, shaking his head at your bad judgment. "you're judging them all" he raised an eyebrow. "and you do it while you're in your fucking pajamas, baby"
you made a sound of mock offense, lifting your head to look at him. "well, my pajamas have more sense than some of these outfits" you shrugged, chuckling.
“trust me, i can agree” he nodded, bringing his hand down to your ass which he then squeezed between his fingers with a force that made you huff in amusement. “they make your ass absolutely perf-” you silenced him with a simple look, his hands raised in a innocent gesture.
in fact, only women were receiving your total love. the one you favored the most was tyla, for whom you had to sit on the bed while slapping your hand against your mouth for the shock — and with chris having to force you to lie down and pull the covers over you again.
"i think you can express your love even while lying down too" chris sighed amusedly, placing a hand on your forehead gently to see if your temperature was still high.
you let out a grunt, snuggling into him again as you closed your eyes briefly at the contact of his hand. “no i can't, baby” you complained, shaking your head.
soon after, you weren't even paying attention to the laptop anymore. your fever had most likely risen again, and your eyes were fighting the urge to close and sleep. chris's warm embrace didn't help at all, your senses seemed expanded as his chest felt like a big cloud more comfortable than ever.
“oh my god” after a while, you were fully awake again, and the words came out of your mouth almost like a scream. this worried chris, who sat up slightly on the bed as he looked down at you. "what? are you okay?"
"no!" you huffed, pointing to the laptop. THE mike faist had appeared on the screen, and your brain had screwed up the 'all men are boring at the met gala' mentality "i should be there with him, but instead i'm here in bed dying"
chris blinked. 1 time. 2 times. "i'll be here watching you die then, doing nothing" probably didn’t appreciate your comment at all.
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likes & reblogs are highly appreciated
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pearlywritings · 8 months
Remarkable comparisons
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synopsis: you just never seize to surprise him - your words make his heart flutter as you find the new ways to admire the parts of him.
prompt: 20
requested by: my dearest @lunargrapejuice
pairing: Diluc, Kaveh, Neuvillette x fem!reader
tw: fluff, established relationship, Diluc has thick eyebrows (because I love Rae's (@bobaboob) design of him), tiny mention of injury in Kaveh's
word count: 2.3k+ words in total
a/n: check my Token of appreciation writing event!
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“Congratulations, Kaeya,” you smile, saluting the Cavalry Captain with your drink. “Maybe this is a sign and you should really start dating someone.”
“One letter with a confession is all it took you to give me this piece of advice? Why, I am very honored to receive one,” the man teases, cheek supported by a hand and the fingers of the other drumming against the bar counter as he’s waiting for his own treat for tonight. “Not to mention, you getting together with Diluc in the past didn’t really solve the exactly same problem, am I correct?”
There is a grumbling sound coming from the bartender’s throat, and you snicker, knowing that the redhead is certainly rolling his eyes.
“Careful, Kaeya, or you might get your drink dumped into the sink.”
“Surely my brother wouldn’t do something like that to me,” your friend decides to pay your words no mind, turning to look at your husband instead, “right, ‘luc?”
“Oh, I actually might.”
“Ouch, you wound me.”
Diluc gives him a half-hearted glare, and you shake your head, too used to their quarrels over nothing. Tuning out their voices, you close your eyes and try to relax, enjoying your favorite beverage - always courtesy of your beloved - and humming the melody the bard is singing further into the room. The evening can be called unwinding, and if it continues to be so, it won’t be a hard task to wait Diluc’s shift to be over, to help him close the tavern and make your way home.
“Hey, hey, Y/n,” but of course Kaeya has to disturb your just established peace and quiet, and when you open your eyes again, there is already a full glass in his left hand. Looks like the tavern owner was convinced not to throw it away as he threatened to do.
“What is it, Alberich?”
“You decided to hurt me too,” he gasps painfully, clutching his chest and mimicking the face of a kicked puppy. “My favorite sister-in-law is bullying me with my last name.”
“I am your only sister-in-law. I get the privilege.”
It doesn’t escape you how Diluc snorts at your answer. Kaeya only grimaces.
“We’ll come back to it later. Now I am more curious, how did you handle all those love letters my brother received? I don’t believe you’ve ever told me.”
“I probably didn’t,” you agree, putting your empty glass down, only for it to end up in the redhead’s hands a minute later. “But that was fun.”
“Yeah, fun. Ever since Diluc started courting me and I returned his affections, he’d come to me with every letter - sometimes with a whole pile of them - and we would sit down and read them together.”
The star-shaped pupil darts to the unfazed man and meets with the gaze of crimson eyes - it is as if he knew that his brother would question his reaction.
“I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea,” he states while pouring you another drink. “Just throwing or burning the letters without any prior explanation could leave some trace behind and cause misunderstanding, so I decided to tell her of the very first one I got when in a relationship with her. She found it so entertaining that ever since she demanded to read every single one of those.”
“You can call it my own research on the creativity of his suitors’ compliments,” you grin, thanking your lover for the new drink, leaning up to plant a kiss to his cheek. “I’ve counted around 120 comparisons of his eyes or hair to anything related to fire, a little bit more than 60 saying of his wisdom and owlishness, something like 46 cases of titling him a ‘prince’... But there were original ones too - ‘locks like waterfall of Fontaine’, ‘the dark master of my dreams’, ‘the perfect father for my children’”, Kaeya chokes, while you simply shrug your shoulders. “Yeah… I have a whole list somewhere actually. I can show you later, just remind me the next time you visit the winery.”
“You are the menace, my dear. Diluc, I can’t believe that after all those…fluttering words you were blushing over that compliment your now wife gave you about your eyebrows!”
“I mean,” Diluc clears his throat, furrowing the aforementioned brows, “They’ve just grown back after that accident with my vision…”
“And I jumped on him, kissing all over those beautiful thick bushy lines atop his mesmerizing eyes. I really missed them,” you sigh dreamily and the Cavalry Captain isn’t sure if you are serious or exasperated.
“It… it was the first time I'd heard them described that way. Or mentioned at all,” Almost unconsciously your husband reaches to move the fluffy fringe to the side. You can’t help but raise your hand and smooth the thumb over his eyebrow. Archons, your man is handsome.
“It was the first time I used such words too. I tried to be romantic. And creative. Creatively romantic.”
“I guess it worked…” Kaeya mumbles averting his eyes from the display unfurling before him. Maybe staying single wasn’t so bad.
“My love, you should be more careful with them, you know?” Softly caressing the bandaged knuckles with your thumb, you scoot even closer to your sulking husband. Your shoulder is immediately occupied with his golden-copper head, cheek flush to your bare skin and you can only assume that he is staring at the lock of your hands.
“Of course I know,” he sighs, turning his palm up and gently grabbing your fingers to draw the back of your hand to his lips. “My hands are basically the source of my income. But accidents happen at the construction site. It’s just that this time I am the one who ended up hurt. Thank the Dendro Archon no one else was affected.”
You want to scold him for being so dismissive of his own health, you want to scold him for not treating the injury well enough right away and jumping back into work again, you want to scold him for diminishing the role of his hands - his own role - to a simple instrument of making mora.
But you almost instantly push those thoughts away - after all, Kaveh knows all these things very well, and you are not about to ruin his mood even more.
“I hope they’ll heal soon,” you offer instead, turning your head and kissing the top of his. “Your hands are very important!”
“They are?” The blonde finally looks at you and there is an unmasked interest in them. “You mean, more than for drawing blueprints?”
“So much more! No other hand can hold mine. No other fingers can push a strand off of my face when the wind is too playful. No other palm is as perfect as yours to plant kisses upon. No wrists can compare to the work of art that yours are - also perfect for kisses.”
“I don’t know, birdie,” you are so beautiful in your pretense of playful hesitation, gleaming eyes averted and lips pursed. “What if this emotion doesn’t suit me so well?”
“But my muse,” the corners of his lips tug in a smile, akin to a shy morning sun, “all these things and so much more I can still do even with my hands bandaged.”
“I know, Kaveh, I know. But, there is something else, and, quite honestly, I might get shy if I say that outloud.”
“Oh?” Yes, that Kaveh-like lilt is back in his enchanting voice, and now he is sitting with a straighter back, half-turning to face you, but keeping your hands together on your knee. “Now I really want to know.” 
“Come on, tell me~” And he is pushing his forehead against yours, gently butting, eyes full of determination staring in yours. “I wanna know what else my sweet loving wife thinks of my hands~ Or I might just attack you with kisses!”
“Wait, I joked-” and you erupt in giggles, when the architect surges forward to shower your smiling face with pecks big and small.
“...and what if I want it?”
“Then you shall receive.”
“Alright, alright! I surrender! I see your hands as the creators of our future home!”
The attacks abruptly stop. The pretty pink padparadscha eyes blink a few times, mind processing the words of your sacred confession. And while he is at it, you decide to elaborate.
“I adore the place we are currently renting. But I hope that one day we’ll build our own house - based off your blueprints, based off your vision of our home, cozy and full of light. So,” you reach your free hand to take his second one to lovingly hold them in your grasp, “for me your hands are also the creators of our future home, if you ever wish to share my idea.”
“I… Wow, Y/n, you caught me off guard,” the gaze full of wonder falls to his hands, currently wrapped in white bandages and looking imperfect in his own eyes. “It… it's the first time I've heard them described that way.”
“It's the first time I used such words too, my dear husband.”
You want to protest when his palms slide out of yours, but as they cup your cheeks and draw your lips to his - you eagerly close the distance, putting your hands on top of his.
Something tells you that Kaveh very much shares your idea.
Your lover’s shrewdness has always been a well-known fact, an unprovable wrong at that. But even he at times could get stuck on a tangled case, especially in a moment of lacking some crucial details - though the public is never aware of it, because when the Iudex of Fontaine takes his rightful place in the courtroom there is no doubt that he knows more than enough to start the trial.
Only you and the melusines have ever witnessed him in a state of stalling as he is analyzing the information he has again and again until the missing piece is discovered. Today is exactly one of these days. No trials are scheduled for the day, so Neuvillette can dedicate his full attention to looking over the cases he will be taking care of tomorrow. Admittedly he never feels annoyed or discouraged when his thoughts reach a deadend, but having you in the same room always brings him comfort even though it was unnecessary in the first place.
You came earlier in the afternoon and brought him lunch, knowing that he’d barricade himself in the office till the late hours of the evening, and decided to stay, promising to handle any issue his subordinates could end up visiting his office with. The man has his full trust in you and your abilities to take care of the administrative part of his job - you’ve spent many decades by his side and involved in his field of work and possessed much empathy towards humans.
Same empathy you hold for him. It’s clear to you, as his beloved, his mate, that your partner needs a break. It’s been some hours since lunch and the desk in front of him has been getting crammed with more and more thick folios. If Neuvillette was a mek, there would be gears turning into his head intensively.
Suddenly an idea pops into your head.
Putting away the reports Sedene delivered half an hour ago, you quietly rise from your spot on the plush sofa. The carpet muffles your steps as you move closer to the desk and round it, stopping right by the chair, putting your hand on its back. Your lover doesn’t even lift his head, too used to your presence, never questioning your actions. You admire the parts of him that are in your sight - his long, silky hair, thrown over the left armrest - a habit he developed, too tired to sit onto his own locks; then there is some of the skin of his neck is opened, transforming into the sharp jawline which you suddenly have desire to kiss; the broad shoulders that look even wider because of his coat and you put your free hand on his elbow, bending down.
And then there is his ear - pointy and delicate, it becomes the center of your plan.
Neuvillette’s whole frame shudders when you hum against the shell of it and then press the side of your head to his. It takes a moment to realize that it’s your ears that are touching and you lean into him even further, finally breaking his focus, eliciting a confused sigh out of him.
“Beloved? What’s wrong?”
“Mmm, absolutely nothing, darling,” you hum again, yet do not move anywhere from your spot. “It’s just your thoughts were running so fast in your head that I thought I was hearing the crashing of the waves.”
“...pardon me?” Now the confusion is in his voice too and you draw your face away to look at him with a glint of amusement in your visage.
“Well, you know, they say ‘a shell of an ear’. And if you press your ear to a seashell you’ll hear the sounds of a distant ocean. Come to think of it,” your finger touches the pointy edge and travels the length of it, sending another shiver - this time a pleasant one - down the man’s spine, “your ears look like the prettiest shells.”
When your digit stops its ministration it’s his own gloved hand that reaches up to touch the place you’ve just been tracing.
“It… it's the first time I've heard them described that way,” his voice is soft, inhuman eyes closing as a tender smile graces his lips.
“Well… It's the first time I used such words too, my love. I am glad the comparison is to your taste.”
“It is indeed,” the chair is pushed away and in a moment your lover is standing, fondly looking at you and offering his hand. “How do you feel about a walk at the shore?”
“Wow, if complimenting you will always result in taking a break from work I should start making more of those,” you can’t help but tease, eagerly taking his hand though. “I feel positively about it. Let’s go.”
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elitadream · 2 years
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Been thinking a lot lately about how Mario and Peach might have gotten to know each other better and what subjects could have brought them closer together, so here are several little headcanons I had which I’ve combined together for this one scene. 😁
- Whenever Mario mumbles to himself or thinks out loud while working alone on a project, he usually does so in Italian.
- Peach has been fascinated by the language ever since hearing it from the bros and truly finds it beautiful. 
- She adores Mario’s accent and could listen to him speak for hours.
- She learned an Italian word on purpose in the hope of catching Mario’s attention (and was secretly thrilled when it obviously did).
- She asked for possible lessons because she longs to spend more time with him and figured this was a good way to do exactly that.
- Mario was genuinely impressed that Peach could memorize something she heard only once and was touched by her will to learn.
- When around her, Mario gestures with his hands a lot and unconsciously makes all sorts of small flourishes.^^
- Peach is usually the one who initiates proximity and is just slightly less shy about standing close to him than he is to her.
- Mario’s patience and natural enthusiasm makes him a great teacher.
- They will soon develop a pattern from this and take to showing new things to one another as a recurring activity. 
I love these calm, peaceful moments so much! They’re among my favorite things to draw. 🥰
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gojo-mochi · 1 year
One Piece Men + Where they like to kiss you:
Content Warnings: Fluff + Little Suggestive + Slight Angst on Sanji’s Part
Pairings: Monster Trio + Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
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❥ Luffy: Everywhere I swear… Any opening he can find, he will kiss you there. Wearing something off the shoulder? Bam! Shoulder kisses! Wearing shorts? Oop-! You’re getting thigh kisses now, even if you’re both out in public. Your face gets 80% of the kisses that Luffy gives, usually in quick succession. Sometimes he will Gomu-Gomu his way to you, arms tightly wrapped around your waist, yelling your name, as he crashes his lips onto your face, like literally crashes.
Clank Thunk. Clank Thunk. … ClankClankClank That was the sound of Luffy’s sandal hitting the wooden boards of The Thousand Sunny, as he ran around the desk of the ship looking for something fun to do. (Or someone to bother). Unfortunately for him, Usopp was below deck with Franky working on a new project, Chopper and Brook were in the Medical Ward checking on supplies, Sanji already kicked him out of the kitchen twice now, and Zoro was sleeping somewhere…
Jinbei and Robin were reading some boring books or whatever, and Nami is scary when she’s mad, so Luffy didn’t bother her much. So there left you… all alone and clueless as you were enjoying sunbathing out in this weather in your new bikini. Shades on and frizzy drink in hand. Not a care in the world at the moment. Until you start hearing… Clank.. Thud … ClankClankClank
Luffy called out your name as he ran, stretched his arms on to your lounge chair, and slammed himself on to you. Your shades flew off into the sunset, and your drink poured the rest of its content onto you and Luffy as it fell from your hand.
“Lu!” You scolded your captain, who only gave a sheepish grin in return. “ShiShiShi, Sorry bout that.” He doesn’t seem that sorry about it, but how could you stay mad at him when he gives that signature sunlight smile? You sigh and start to get up to clean off the sticky residue that your drink left on the front of your chest.
“Wait-Nooooooooooo, Don’t goooooooooo, it’s boring out here, play with me, pleaseeee!” Luffy whined out, throwing his lips out into a pout at the end of his pleas. To make matters worse, he began to wrap his arms around your waist, multiple times, to ensure that you would stay and relieve his boredom. The soda had also splashed on his arms, so it was making you even stickier than before. You heave out another sigh, still getting up, this time dragging along your whiny Captain with you.
“I need to go get clean, Lu, I’m not staying out in the hot sun with this (You gesture at the soaked bikini) all over me. You can join me if you like, though.” You huffed out.
Luffy grinned, happy to do something that wasn’t just running around the ship bored. Still with arms wrapped around your waist, he started to kiss you on any open, bare skin. And with only a bikini on, there were a lot of places he could choose from. Your belly button? Smooch! Your collar bones! PeckPeckPeck. Your hands that were now trying to push him off? Kiss, Kiss, and a Lick.
“ShiShiShi, you taste good, Y/N.” Luffy smacked his lips as he tried to go for another lick off of your fingers. You grab his face as your own starts to heat up, “That’s cause of the drink that you spilled all over me.” You hissed at him, walking faster to get to the showers, you can have some privacy. Luffy just stares at you for a moment before leaning out of your grasp to kiss your lips this time.
“Nah, I think you taste good all the time!”
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❥ Zoro: The top of your head. Zoro isn’t the openly affectionate type, preferring to show his love in more subtle ways and behind closed doors. It took a while for the two of you to start holding hands in public! Nami got a good laugh out of how red Zoro’s face was that day. That is why he finds it easiest to just go for a brisk kiss on the top of your head if you are out in public or near anyone. He can just lean down, plant a kiss, and stand back up straight without most people noticing a thing. Though, He still prefers to kiss you in private…
“One hundred and one, one hundred and two, one hundred and three….” You counted out lazily from your place on top of Zoro’s back. You wanted to spend time with him, but he was still in the middle of working out, so you compromised by including yourself as part of his workout. It was boring, to say the least. After the first hour of just ogling your boyfriend’s pecs and muscles, you thought he was done already, but here he is still on another set.
You began to trace the outline of Zoro’s back, up and down his shoulders, across his neck, down to the middle of his spine, and back up again. He was sweaty, but you didn’t mind it much. Fingers drumming along his tan skin, outlining old battle scars that have yet to fade. Unbeknownst to you, Zoro was slowing just a tiny bit due to your touches, his cheeks turning pink in color. His arms wobbled just a little when he felt you get off his back, he already misses your presence and your touch…
You yawned out loud, stretching out your limbs. You turn to your boyfriend with a sleepy gaze and say, "I'm going to go to sleep ‘ere alright?” You walked over to a corner of the room without waiting for a response and plopped down. Leaning your head back against the wall and letting the slow rocking of the Sunny lull you to a peaceful slumber Zoro’s gaze never once left you, when your warmth left his back. He still had more sets to go, but seeing your sleeping form, he decided, maybe it was time for a small break…
After wiping off all the sweat from his body, Zoro walked over to your corner. He settled down next to you, just watching the soft rise of your chest, the way your head tilts a bit when the Sunny hits a small wave, how you part your lips open so invitingly…
Still… no matter how inviting, he hates to wake you up if he tries something. Instead, he just leans in closer, arms snaking around your shoulder, letting your head fall softly onto him. He spends a good while just sitting there, listening to the creaks of the Sunny and the noises of his crewmates down below. Once he felt his eye starting to droop, his free hand went up to lightly caress your cheek. He stares for a moment, then just as softly kisses the top of your head. Smelling your shampoo, feeling how soft your hair was, and just enjoying your presence. Once done, he nestled his cheek against your hair, pulling you in even closer as he let his tiredness wash over him.
“…I love you, Y/N.”
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❥ Sanji: The back of your hand at first. When he was first courting (simping) you, Sanji would pull out all the stops to try to impress you. By being the best Gentleman he can be; opening doors, pulling out your chair, , helping carry shopping bags, and the works. Alright, alright, he already does this for Nami and Robin and practically every girl he comes across, but he’s serious this time! When you finally started to flirt back, he was over the moon about it, Still wanting to keep up with his Gentlemanly act, he would take your hand and kiss the back of it, every time you went on a date or an outing. Sanji would keep the kisses simple, one on the cheek if you allowed it and most on the back of your hand, as he bows so deeply when meeting with you.
Once you got more comfortable in the relationship, you told Sanji that he didn’t need to keep this act up or keep holding himself back from you. You could obviously tell that Sanji wanted to do more than just simple kisses, but his fears didn’t allow him to push further lest you abandon him too… Now that you’ve reassured him that wasn’t the case, he found a new favorite place to kiss you…
You were both cuddling together in the lounge of the Aquarium. Legs tangled together, pressed right up against Sanji’s Chest, arms squeezing your waist and rubbing your back. You sigh contently, nuzzling up to Sanji, purring when his fingers came up to ruffle your hair, his nails tenderly scratching the base of your scalp. It took you a lot of time and puppy dog eyes to finally convince Sanji to take a break for a day and let someone else do the cooking for once. Franky even offered to host a barbeque in his stead!
However, Sanji insisted on at least helping marinate the meat for the barbeque before he could take a break. You practically had to drag him down to the lounge after he saw Usopp and Luffy messing with the grill. But now that you’re both here, in each other’s arms, the light of the aquarium basking over you, it’s peaceful and quiet. Something you know Sanji definitely needed. While you love your boyfriend for being so chivalrous and helpful, you could tell it takes its toll on him sometimes. He always does something for someone, never takes a break, never dies anything for himself. You were worried that maybe he didn’t know how to treat himself properly.  
Now that you were here, though, you were going to treat him right and make sure that he knew what he meant to the crew and to you most of all. “Y/N… thank you for this..” Sanji murmured, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You giggled when his facial hair tickled you but didn’t move away. Squeezing your arms around him tighter, you say “Of course, my love, anytime you want a break, you come find me, ok?”
Sanji didn’t respond with words but instead gave you faint kisses on your shoulder blades and neck. Trailing up to your ear and back down again. It made you vibrate with desire, but Sanji just held you close and did not advance any further than kissing. To be honest, this was his favorite place to kiss you, at the small junction between your neck and your shoulder. The first time he kissed there, your knees immediately went weak, and you shivered in his hold. He enjoyed having this type of power over you in the sense that he could be the one that made you heat up so much.
It showed him that you desired him, maybe just as much as he desired you. Now wasn’t the time for anything more than just kisses, though; he wanted to stay here, with you in his arms. Just feeling you close and knowing that you loved him was more than enough.
“….Thank you for loving me…”
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losttheclown · 5 months
I'm just gonna leave this here for everyone
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Edit - Artist is Kanga3egle on Instagram
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awtonomie · 2 months
joel miller just adores sleepy angels .
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— eyes barely open , half lidded and slightly red ? lips jutted out in a pout when u can ’t get a word out cus ur poor brain is jus so tired ? blinking rapidly so ur poor eyelids don ’t cave down ?
…. well don ’t u worry ur pretty little head any longer . joel and his ( surprisingly ) comfortable lap , large hands ( to stroke your hair ) , and soft voice ( to whisper precious things down at u ) are at ur rescue as soon as ur eyes start to slowly flutter shut . he ’d beckon u over with a hand , “ c ’mere sweet thing .. jeez , so tired , hm ? what ’s got u so tuckered out ? ” his low voice would mutter softly as he pulled u into his warm and wide embrace .
his fingers snaked their way into ur hair, tucking ur hair behind ur ear , then tracing ur jaw & cupping ur cheek . “ poor baby , ” he ’d coo softly as he tilted his head to the side to admire u , a light chuckle rumbling gently in his chest . he just adored u . precious baby . his precious baby.
wc : 181 💀.
a/n : hai first post … sorry , i lowkey got lazy , but i just wanted to write a tiny thing . hope u like it :) .
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squishycheekanon · 5 months
Your Sukuna fic was so fricking hot! Pls pls pls write for Nanami!!!!!
SugarDaddy!Nanami x reader
Warning: 18+, smut, slight degrading, praise, age gap.
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The music and chatter downstairs was drowned out by the bed creaking with each roll of Nanami’s strong hips. The blonde man twice your age had ditched the party he was hosting, completely abandoning his rich friends all so he could take you upstairs and have his way with you.
The bedroom was a sight indeed, lit candles scattered around the room, rose petals on the floor, and a pile of cash spread aimlessly across the king sized bed. A testament to Nanami’s comment about a week ago when you’d asked him exactly how much money he makes, “Enough to fuck you on.” Was his reply.
You couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, it was all too much. How were you supposed to cope when Nanami was absolutely destroying your poor pussy. And you were doing so well in trying to be quiet at the start of this, something Nanami wasn’t having at all.
“Don’t worry pretty girl, I’ll make it so you can’t.” He smiled tantalisingly, removing himself from you and heading to your closet before coming back with one of the many vibrators he’d bought you.
Your beloved sugar daddy slipped it inside your clenching cunt, pressing the on button on the remote. You became a moaning and whimpering mess even before he’d slipped back inside you groaning at your tightening pussy.
“Dumb little bunny, all you know how to do is spend my money and take my cock.” your hole stretching around him in a way that made him look at you with an animalistic grin.
He watched you ravenously, your lips parted and wet and fuck he wanted in. His mouth crashing onto yours sinfully pushing his tongue in, licking into your mouth. Nanami’s large hand coming up to grip your jaw potently, it leaves you breathless just like the kiss.
He groaned his head thrown back in the throes of passion, sweat trickling down his thick skin, blonde hair slicked back with little strands falling over his brown eyes. He was fucking perfect, in his own world of desire the deeper he fucked you and all he could manage to say was, “Fuck that’s it bunny.”
Pleasure burns through you, it’s hot and almost hurts as he thrusts deeper each time, it makes you moan, wanton, crude, dirty. He’s hitting that rough patch so deep in your cunt, striking it viciously, desperately until your body becomes ridged and even you don’t recognise the sounds that slip out of your mouth.
His large arms enclose around your waist, one hand toying with your hard nipple, fucking you through your high until you’re completely spent.
You’re catching your breath when your gorgeously large man says, “That’s one bunny.” he chuckles deep and heavy, the sound spreads across your sweet glazed skin, a shiver racking through your exhausted form. There was more to come, he was going to pull as many orgasms as he could out of your helpless body and when you can’t take anymore, he’ll tell you that you can. Because he knows you can.
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