#apologies for the sudden influx of posts about this
albino-whumpee · 2 years
Finished watching the space kitties movie and I got thoughts.
I hate the story of avatar. It doesn’t make sense! Compels me tho.
I have said this since I watched it the first time. What I liked about the movie was the world. I guess that’s the only thing the narrative did for me. (Think that the world was that captivating)
Anyways, I watched this movie last time when I was like 15? 13? However, don’t be fooled. By then I had already watched it more than 50 times. 50 of those from a terribly recorded pirated movie my parents bought me. So I know the story inside and out, but I was a kid and holy fuck, I would throw that kid off a cliff anytime. I wanna think my critical thinking has improved since then.
The Pocahontas storyline is absolutely true, in the same amount that it is a fantasy for the main character. New world, new body, new people to make an impression on. Kinda isekai ahahah.
The way things fall in the best course of events to have a dramatic twist later is like patchwork for a story full of holes. I mean, the movie has the “i see you” and “open your eyes” motif all throughout it, but what do they mean inside the story itself?
This is so blatant in everything from the way the protagonist gets into the program, the function of everything in the planet, to how the avatars work. To how the protagonist, an alien puppet, becomes a part of their people.
That is the dream of one Jake Sully. His dreams of flying were about fleeing? About being free to do as he pleased? About stopping being “himself” and be something else entirely and yet be seen as who he was?
It’s funny a story that is about connection relies heavily in the question of “who are you really?” And runs with the option “I wanna be the second version of myself that’s completely fake”
No wonder I loved this movie when I was young.
To me, the story is one big beautiful dream that has the potential to become a nightmare.
But if we kinda dig deeper into some things, there was so much wasted potential.
- The avatars are created using dna from humans and the kitties. But there’s really never information that talks about the avatars state when not in use. It’s taking a big ass leap to say “neural connections is what makes a consciousness a person. How that synapses happens is unique to each individual and can be recreated even in another brain”. But running with it…
- Avatars are an incredible project if thinking about permanently switching the brain where the connection happens. Imagine that. A new body to transfer your consciousness to. Forever. Blue kitties is just a form you could have.
- Avatars are incapable of forming their own consciousness? Can they wake up from their dream? The movie shows the death of an avatar controller but doesn’t show what happens to the avatar. Did it die of natural causes a few days later? Or did it die alongside its controller? It’s so creepy to think it’s a biological suit.
- That brings me to another thing. The native kitties knew about the puppets and were disgusted by them, butttt, they don’t really act logically when the protagonist says “I wanna learn” because they go “…we wanna learn from you too. Come! Be part of our tribe! :)” like..??? Where is the hostility??? It pops on and off as the story sees fit and that’s so annoying. (And the trying to upload all of someone into another body? I mean, I would have loved to see the thought process for that)
- It’s kinda awkward to see the “let’s learn from you” phase of the story be written like that after so much whump reading. As if the character was trusted from the beginning, he wasn’t observed. He was literally pulled to learn from them rather than them learn from him. It’s such a big loophole and I think if it had been exploited a bit more, giving time and more thought to the protagonist actions to get their trust, it would have been great. Maybe even showing more than a one second attempt to reach by some random kiddo being intercepted by her parents would have been amazing to show this. (I’m aware that this was supposed to be shown with the other guy, but the lack of solitary moments because the girl was always with him muddled it up)
- People don’t blend in into the culture like that and I hate there was no cultural shock shown in order to keep the escapism motif. Like damn, that’s the best nonverbal way to show someone has to wake up!!!
- Also, the protagonist is supposed to be no much brain only brawn and with a big need to escape his life. So his actions make sense, but in a way, gah, an smarter protagonist would have been cool to see. Our regular guy trope is not so fun when our regular guy is modeled after a mediocre white man.
- No, but the fact that the guy’s personality was a big part of the conflict pisses me off. If you wanna show there’s an amazing world you wanna and should protect that’s ~real~ then why cater to this specific dude’s fantasy? Because he is owed that much? Because he is the protagonist?? His problems got solved too easy to be satisfactory. (Even in the war?!)
Sorry for the word vomiting but if anything this movie has left me with yet another great idea for a puppet whumpee horror story. :D
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vermil1ion-sky · 1 year
Streamer AU
Some of our favorite characters as streamers or youtubers! Including some I haven't seen done before so I wanted to bring something new to the table.
Characters: Ayaka, Xiao, Wanderer/Scaramouche
A/N: this ended up... being really long so I did less characters than I originally intended but if you guys like it I can do more!
A fashion-focused youtuber, who occasionally dabbles in traditional practices, such as tea ceremonies and dances, and explains the stories and origins to her followers.
Most of them follow her for her fashion content but they religiously watch whatever she posts because her demeanor is so polite and elegant, it's almost like they can't look away...
Found a sudden influx of comments about her brother the first time he appeared in one of her videos, in the background asking if she wanted dinner, which she finds entirely embarrassing (Ayato thinks it's amusing).
After a lot of convincing from her fans, she ocassionally collabs with Ayato, both of them posting content on their respective pages featuring each other. Those videos tend to be their most popular.
Ayaka thought the teasing over her 'hot' brother would end after the hype sort of died down...
She was right but wrong as another wave of playful, teasing comments was soon to come.
You, like Ayato, appear first on accident; you just wanted to check in on your girlfriend who hadn't left her room in a while, unaware she was recording.
Ayaka turns to the door opening just as she was trying on another outfit from a recent purchase. She sees your face, blushing slightly though its entirely off camera and just for her to see, and giggles when you start to apologize.
"It's alright love." Ayaka's voice is... softer than her followers are used to. In the video, they can hear your voice in the background as you speak. "You... look really cute... Cuter than usual I mean."
She laughs at your awkward compliment but smiles, soft and lovingly, as she thanks you.
"Maybe you could wear that for our next date." That's the sentence that made Ayaka blush, making her turn towards you and punch your shoulder playfully, off camera.
"Aight sorry, I'll go, have fun." You kiss her cheek, your face only appearing in focus for a second, before leaving the room.
Even though it wasn't related to the video, Ayaka kept the footage in because she found it endearing.
She slightly regretted it as 90% of her comments after that were yelling that they wanted to know this mystery person that Ayaka's clearly dating.
She tries to draw attention away from you but it only works for a little bit. people really seem to want to know you.
Ayaka sighs, her face in her hands, but a small smile on her face. Guess she should bring it up with you one day, to see if you were okay with the idea of appearing once in a while.
A gaming streamer, famous for beating most games without much effort.
People flock to his streams for his careful plays, like he's analysing every possibility to win fast and easily. Also his voice and looks are nice, so it's a bonus for them.
Does both single and multiplayer content. The latter he usually games with his friends, also streamers.
Gets along the best with Venti, argues the most with Scaramouche, gets eye twitches when Heizou purposefully does a bad play to see everyone's reactions (but otherwise he bites his tongue and stays quiet) and with Kazuha, he's oddly patient, with him being the least into games in the group.
People are naturally curious about his life, as Xiao's usually very reserved and doesn't mention anything private. He tries to keep it at an arms' distance from his fans, just because it's what makes him feel more comfortable.
That quickly comes crumbling down when you make an unexpected appearance in his stream one day.
Xiao's usually very aware of his surroundings even while gaming, so catching him off guard is extremely hard. This time, however, the volume on his headset was higher than usual and he doesn't hear you enter the room.
You call out his name and he can't hear you but his chat definitely can. They're exploding the chat, asking who that is; unfortunately for him, he's entirely too focused on the game to look at chat.
You call him again, touching his shoulder slightly and he immediately jumps, cussing outloud, his headset falling from his head.
He sighs as he tries to steady his heart thats about to jump out of his chest. The chat can now hear your voice clearer.
"Sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you..." Your voice is soft, a hand reaching from off camera to run your fingers through his hair. Xiao closes his eyes and starts to lean into your touch but stops midway, remembering he's live and hopes his chat doesn't notice.
They definitely do.
"...it's okay..." He speaks softly, looking at you and it's so obvious that theyre's a lot of love behind that stare. "Did you need something?"
"Oh no, I just... I thought you'd be hungry after playing for so many hours... I brought you some almond tofu, a little snack..." You smile shyly at him and Xiao can swear he feels his heart melt, grabbing the plate so gently.
"...thank you..." He smiles and it's so soft, so full of affection... His cheeks are dusted with a slight pink color and everyone's teasing him about it. "...let me know when dinner's ready I'll join you..."
"...yes of course... I'll leave you to it, have fun baby." You lean closer, slightly in frame as you kiss his forehead, before stroking his cheek lovingly and leaving the room, leaving behind your flustered boyfriend who is only now reading all the comments.
From people asking to know his significant other, fans and even friends, to others teasing how red Xiao's face is, how 'whipped' he is, etc.
You can hear him yelling from outside the room, into the mic that he's not a 'simp' and you can't help but giggle at how... flustered he sounds.
Also a gaming streamer like Xiao, and they usually play together with their other friends. Those two are also the two who fight the most and Kazuha's the one who breaks up their spouts.
Besides the occasional gaming with his friends, he's mostly a single player content kind of guy. He just gets mad at random people if they don't play as well as he does.
Gets jokingly called emo boy by his fans, which terribly annoys him.
Also similar to Xiao, he keeps his personal life to himself, not wanting people to meddle on his business. So, he tries to keep you off camera and not mention you while he's live.
Unfortunately for him, he chose to date someone who enjoys teasing others and being a little shit just as much as he does.
You really never minded the possibility of appearing on Scara's streams but he never offered so you kept it at that, not wanting to possibly push a button by asking.
Still, one day you feel particularly cheeky and want to play a small prank on him.
With his stream on your phone, you pick a time when he's clearly too focused on playing to possibly noticing you entering your shared bedroom/recording room. You open the door slowly, his back facing you as hes hunched over, mashing keys as he seems to be trying to beat a hard boss. You smirk slightly, slowly coming closer, waving at the camera and putting your index finger to your lips, to tell the viewers to not say anything or redeem any tts that might startle Scara.
Right as he died again and he grabs his face, sighing in frustration, you make your move. You grab his shoulders quickly, out of nowhere and it's impossible to not laugh at how he jumps from his seat, yelling and falls off his chair, with only his legs in shot.
Well, that and you laughing way too hard, clutching your stomach as you cant stop giggling; your boyfriend's glare certainly doesn't help, he looks entirely not amused at how you're laughing at him.
"The fuck's wrong with you?!" "So many things babe, take a pick."
He grumbles as he picks his chair up and sits back down, running a hand through his fringe. You smirk, hugging his shoulders from behind and it's certainly funny to you how he tries to shake you off with no real malice nor effort.
"You're so cute when you're mad, Kuni." "I swear to God one of these days I'm going to change the locks of this house." "Oh noo I'm soo scared~"
Scara rolls his eyes, and yells at his chat to shut up with all the comments professing their love towards you. You get closer to read them, still clinging to his shoulders and you laugh.
"They love me already, probably more than you do~" He frowns when you say that. "That's not possible you-"
He catches himself too late, realizing what the implications of his... choice of words could come across. You stare at him in slight shock but it soon wears off. tightening your grip on him and nuzzling his cheek.
"Oh, my Kuni is so sweet~ Chat aren't I lucky?" You wink at the camera and the blush on Scaramouche's face is bright pink; his face gets redder as you press a kiss on his cheek as he tries to push you away.
"Oh my God get OUT." You giggle as you finally release your boyfriend, waving a goodbye to the camera, leaving your boyfriend behind to deal with the onslaught of comments asking for more details about you.
You turn the stream back on and see his cheeks are still red, partly from what happened and from how mad he is at his chat. It makes you smile as you can hear him yelling in your room to his chat to stop trying to get you back in.
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starmonsterrr · 5 months
[ * Ayyyy introduction post i guess??? Erm... Anyway HELLO WORLD ]
[ * With a sudden influx of people following this blog and catching me by surprise, I figured out it would be a good idea to make an intro post about myself. Fun i guess? ]
[ * Anyways, please refer to me as Io! Or Aurum. Either way works... I slightly prefer Io, though.]
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[ * Identity things? I guess? ]
[ * My pronouns are it/its and I identify as enby! ]
[ * I am also non-human, though I recognize that (to my dismay) I have the body of one. ]
[ * Further elaborating, I'm otherkin (dragon), therian (silver fox), and fictionkin (well... OCkin. And it's Io! info post link here). ]
[ * (Also tiny fun fact, I do the Undertale text box thing for fun and also as a nod to my source being the UTMV. I may not always do it but oh well, there's a 50 percent chance i may forget to do it and i don't have the guts to go back to it mid-conversation) ]
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[ * Hobbies!!!!! ]
[ * The main thing you'll see is drawings. Many drawings. I enjoy drawing a lot! I have been drawing ever since I have memory. I also occasionally compose music and write, but I have yet to post any of that in this blog... ]
[ * And I also animate! Because of the effort it takes, it is quite rare to see me posting animations. But I still do it! I have a YouTube channel dedicated to it, in fact. You can find some of my animations there. ]
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[ * Fandoms!!!! ]
[ * UTMV (Undertale Multiverse, also Undertale by extension) (my main thing tbh as in 99% of my blog is that) ]
[ * Deltarune ]
[ * Geometry Dash ]
[ * The Owl House ]
[ * Gravity Falls ]
[ * My Little Pony ]
[ * Creatures Of Sonaria ]
[ * ...More I may be forgetting ]
[ * Honestly I'm inactive in most if not all of these except Deltarune and UTMV ]
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[ * Miscellaneous things? (Extra info, tags, links, DNIs, cool looking badge thingies I find online) ]
[ * I'm Ink's wife and girlfriend (in a non-binary way if that makes any sense) for all eternity, and I post about that fairly often. ]
[ * I also enjoy being an astronomical level of cringe... And I refuse to apologize for it. In fact if you dare insult me for it, or for anything really, I will channel the hatred into more cringepower. Cringe culture is dead and I am mauling its corpse :3 (That is an AMAZING quote. Might put it as a blog title eventually) ]
[ * Tags I use (recalling from memory... May miss a few.) ]
#corv reblogs
#corv friend interactions
#corv gets an ask
#corv draws • (usually full drawings)
#corv doodles • (low-quality drawings usually made for silly reasons)
#corv rambles about lore
#corv's io • (posts about Io)
#corv's aurum • (posts about Aurum)
#the starry night (selfship) • (Ink x Io)
#corv doodle request • (doodle requests I draw)
#corv doodle request status • (status updates for when I open and close doodle requests)
[ * Stuff I'm working on ]
OuterRenaissance (Undertale AU, Outertale variant) (has an official blog! @outerrenaissance though I gotta actually get started using it.)
Some info on star-born monsters! I think.
[ * Links for things ]
[ * About Io (UTMV self-insert, sona number 1) ]
[ * About Aurum (UTMV meta ""self-insert""??? lives outside UTMV technically but still interacts with it, also sona number 2) (NEEDS MAJOR-ISH DESIGN UPDATE) ]
[ * About Therian!Ink ]
[ * My Youtube channel ]
[ * Cool looking badges/user boxes!!!!! ]
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[ * And lastly... ]
[ * Please, do NOT interact with me if you... ]
Support Israel
Are an anti-furry
Are an anti-therian/anti-otherkin/anti-fictionkin/anti-alterhuman in general really
Are queerphobic in any way (homophobic, transphobic, etcetera)
Support racism
Support cringe culture (as in harassing others over things that are """cringe""")
Support any kind of discrimination towards any group
Support ships involving characters that are minors, have a major age gap, or are closely related (ex. Parent and child, siblings, cousins,), generally ships that involve someone or something that cannot consent. Basically any problematic ship
Support real-world acts of z00ph1lia, p3d0ph1lia or any other p4r4ph1lia that endangers any living being, be that you, an animal, another person regardless of age or any other factor, etcetera.
TLDR for above: if you are a proshipper
Following the above; if you are friends with a proshipper, or overall proship-leaning neutral, you're on very thin ice.
Support AI generated content with the intent of replacing the work of artists, writers, and the like, trained using content from non-consenting creators.
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Support any kind of harassment
[ * That's pretty much it! Have a nice day! ]
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sweetfirebird · 6 months
Pink and White Berries
Okay! The first of the charity prompts to be posted here! (I am still working on them but am slowing down. My body said I had to. ugh)
This is for @sdlibrarian who asked for Zelli and Tahlen and a winter holiday.
Content tags: I shamelessly stole mistletoe it's fine. Some public teasing. Pining. Some drinking. Spoilers for A Suitable Bodyguard.
Pink and White Berries
When there were no remaining signs of autumn, and morning frosts lingered into the afternoons or never left, but before the weather changed into months of driving, endless rain, villagers in the valley of the Tialttyrin held Winter Fairs. There were three at various points along the valley, set up in the larger villages to draw visitors from the smaller ones for one last opportunity to trade, share news, and have some fun before the winter rains made travel too difficult for anything short of an emergency.
One of them was held ever year in the village at the base of the hill below the Tialttyrin fortress, which was currently bustling with the influx of people despite the snow visible on the distant mountains and the chilly air that had Zelli bundled up in layers upon layers.
He was there to fulfill duties that his grandmother had planned to do, but the day’s sudden, even more intense cold had made her joints ache. He would have come down anyway for a chance to ride Lemon Blossom, and stretch his legs outside of the holding’s walls, and listen to gossip from around the valley that he probably wasn’t supposed to hear.
He had always liked the fair and the chance to see people from farther away, even if usually not all that much farther, especially with the fighting in nearby territories that thankfully had so far not spilled into their own.
He usually wandered around, and traded politely for or bought one or two things, being friendly and treated well in return but reminded all the same that he was not of them. Zelli was a Tialttyrin even to the villagers who seemed to like him. He was noble, and not entirely human, and so best kept at a distance. It was unspoken but clear in the space always left between him and villagers who were careful to never get too friendly, and who made sure their children did the same.
Zelli was used to it, and would smile without lingering too long at any of the stalls.
Although this time, he had to in order to praise and spend the coin Grandmother had insisted he spend both to please the villagers and in case Zelli found something he needed.
There wouldn’t be anything, Zelli knew from experience, not that he needed. And the rest, things he wanted, tended to be hot drinks or sweet, once-a-year treats. He planned to hand out most of the coin to the musicians and had even offered some to Tahlen to spend, since Tahlen of course was the guard to ride down with him even though Zelli had insisted he didn’t need to bother; no invading force was on the way, and no one was going to get close to Zelli at the fair, not even to harm him. Not that anyone would have anyway. The villagers might be wary of Tialttyrins with their fae blood, but they adored Grandmother.
Tahlen, stone-faced and disapproving, had actually frowned at Zelli for the offer. Zelli had quickly withdrawn it and apologized. They had not exchanged a word since except for when Tahlen had stiffly informed Zelli of where he would be waiting and watching and then paused, as if expecting Zelli to insist Tahlen stay with him. Grandmother might have done it, and Tahlen would have been happy to stay with her. Zelli hadn’t been about to force Tahlen to suffer with his presence no matter what he wanted and gave Tahlen the same polite smile he gave each and every trader before assuring Tahlen he could rest while Zelli took care of things.
Tahlen’s frown had disappeared, his face going blank again. Zelli had quickly turned away so he wouldn’t upset Tahlen further, and Tahlen had gone to where he’d said he would to wait.
Zelli shivered by a stall of full of ribbons and buttons, not glancing over across the small square to where Tahlen was being approached for dances by nearly everyone his age… and some considerably past it, in Zelli’s estimation. Tahlen wasn’t dancing, but that didn’t seem to be deterring anyone. It might have been because they had gotten him to accept a drink, something which made Zelli grimace and then quickly smile in apology to the confused vendor.
If Zelli had tried to push a drink on Tahlen, Tahlen would have not-scowled—and yet somehow made his disapproval known—before reminding Zelli sternly that he was on duty.
Some of those around Tahlen were very pretty. Nearly as pretty as Tahlen was. Perhaps that was enough to make Tahlen forget his duty.
Zelli was not especially pretty, but especially not so today. He tried not to think of it and bought five buttons he didn’t need but perhaps Nia would like. Then he thanked the vendor without asking them about their home village as he had meant to and hurried to the next stall.
He crossed his arms so he could put his gloved hands in his armpits to warm them and not because he was sulking. He had no reason to sulk. It wasn’t as if a nose red from frozen air and his winter pallor set against a backdrop of frost and a hint of ice on the ground had been going to make Tahlen inclined to think warmly of him. Likewise, the nicer clothes Zelli had changed into for the fair were now hidden beneath the thick cloak Tahlen had insisted—silently, with steady, unrelenting looks—that Zelli wear. Zelli’s hair was currently too full of life—wisps going in all directions because of drier air. That couldn’t have helped matters.
It wasn’t as if he could hide his hair either. The colors that had begun to shift from red to red and orange, to red, orange, and several yellows, were unfortunately very noticeable even in summertime when some flowers might have given them some competition.
Zelli stopped in front of a table full of bracelets and necklaces made of shell and polished stones and examined them appreciatively. Already pretty Tahlen would look lovely with some of that pearl-like shell worn in his hair. Zelli considered that, and how he would never be able to give such a thing to Tahlen but he could dream of it, and how Grandmother had wanted him to be free with his money here, so he bought it, immediately feeling guilty once it was done.
He left too much coin on the table behind him, making at least one person happy today, and shoved the tiny decorative comb into his cloak before anyone could see it. Before Tahlen could see it. Not that Tahlen was looking at Zelli. Not beyond a glance or two to ensure Zelli hadn’t been attacked, or stumbled into an icy puddle, or had too much to drink, or whatever scrape Tahlen thought him capable of falling into.
Zelli was of age. Not a child. Simply because he wasn’t as experienced as Tahlen didn’t mean he was completely ridiculous. Even Grandmother thought so. Yes, she was trying to protect him, she claimed, with her talk of finding him a good alliance that would take him out of their valley, but she still had to believe Zelli would do the Tialttyrin some good there. Zelli was capable. He thought he was at least that.
He reached up to grip the rowan tree charm at his neck but resisted the urge to wish, even silently. The fae could be near at any time, but would very likely be around a Tialttyrin village on a fair day. They’d be drawn to the crowds who had journeyed here to tell stories and enjoy rare treats and music and dancing, and to carry on little traditions and rituals no one remembered the origin of anymore, not even the oldest Tialttyrin.
Rushlights and candles and oil lamps would keep the fair lively even at night. Boughs of greenery decorated doorways and windows. Nuts and dried fruit appeared in nearly every cake and pie. Oranges and pomegranates were plentiful. Songs of winter and winter loves filled the air. Dances were performed for the Winter Fair that were never danced at other times of the year. And faeberry bouquets were pushed into the hands of unsuspecting individuals by matchmaking or mischievous friends.
Zelli spied some bouquets tucked into sashes or belts, one worn boldly in someone’s generously displayed cleavage. The bouquets, more posies really, were just a few springs of faeberry leaves with perhaps a small bunch of the vividly dark pink and white berries in the middle, tied together with string or strips of old fabric.
Wearing the bouquets could mean the wearers had already kissed whoever they had been intended to kiss when they’d been given the berries. Or it might mean they just wanted their hands free. But if they found someone they wanted to kiss, then they simply had to hold the berries up—over the other person’s head, although that would never be possible for someone as short as Zelli—and then a kiss had to be granted.
That kiss might be a peck on the cheek or the top of the head, the way some kissed their children or relatives, but granted it would be. It wasn’t forbidden to refuse, but Zelli had never seen anyone do it.
He stopped at the window of a building set up as a temporary food stall and paid for a cider. The seller smiled at him but didn’t meet his eyes. Zelli wondered what color his eyes were at the moment to cause that. Not a human color, very likely. Zelli thanked them anyway, was again generous with his grandmother’s coin, and turned to look for another stall or table that wouldn’t take him near the dancers, and Tahlen, and Tahlen’s admirers.
He spotted two of the fortress’ other guards, clearly off duty, heading into the village’s pub hand in hand, and quickly hid his face, and his eyes, behind his large cup of cider as he finished it. Since that meant he could also practically feel Tahlen’s attention sharpen on him, he spun around rather desperately for one more thing he could do that might for once make Tahlen think well of him before he drifted back toward where Tahlen was waiting.
There was nothing. Zelli took one step closer to the space set aside for dancing, then shivered and turned around so fast he wobbled over a small icy patch.
The sensation of being watched, of not just by Tahlen but by everyone else and especially Tahlen, made the back of his neck warm.
He nonetheless went to return his empty cup, checking carefully for ice in his path first, but the seller took it only to hand him another full one. Zelli could hardly refuse it.
He resolved not to drink at least, as he picked his way reluctantly to the square and the dancers.
And Tahlen.
Always Tahlen. It wasn’t fair.
Tahlen’s gaze was fierce at the moment, no matter how still the rest of him was. Zelli met that gaze quite bravely, he thought, although it created a new pool of warmth in his chest that quickly went lower when Tahlen didn’t look away.
He wouldn’t, Zelli knew, and took a sip of cider just to wet his dry mouth and coincidentally give him a reason to break the stare. He could look forever, but didn’t think Tahlen would enjoy that or whatever Zelli’s eyes were doing. Zelli kept meaning to check for himself in a mirror but had yet to do it. He suspected his eyes did something special when he thought of or looked at Tahlen, and perhaps it was better than he not know what that was.
The musicians to one side of the dancing nodded a greeting to him when he turned that way. Zelli nodded back gratefully before reaching for the coin pouch at his belt.
A tiny hand stopped him. Or rather, the sight of a tiny hand holding out an oversized bouquet of faeberries stopped him.
The posy was in Zelli’s hand a moment later, though Zelli couldn’t remember reaching for it. It was tied with dark pink ribbon, although he couldn’t imagine who would waste a fine ribbon on such a thing. The bouquet itself was so heavy with pink and white that some of the berries spilled onto the ground at his feet. Zelli stared at them in stunned amazement for far too long and when he raised his head, the child who had pressed the bouquet into his hand was gone.
Zelli swept a look over the fair and the stalls behind him without a glimpse of any mischievous giggling figures darting away, or any children at all that seemed even the slightest bit interested in him. The giver would have had to have been a child; no one else would have been so foolish or daring. Even now, the villagers nearest to Zelli were stepping back or looking away, very probably hoping Zelli wouldn’t hold the berries over their heads to demand a kiss.
Because Zelli was not pretty enough or, equally likely, he was too fae and they would not risk it.
But he couldn’t drop the gift. That would be rude, and he wouldn’t hurt the child’s feelings if they happened to see. If others couldn’t refuse a kiss, the one given the berries couldn’t simply toss the posy away either.
He stared at it in consternation while the warmth in his chest turned to painful cold. It was an exceptionally beautiful posy, and it was meant to offer color and cheer and affection before the bleak winter months really began, and Zelli had nowhere to use it. Nowhere he could, and nowhere he wanted to, except…
He didn’t mean to look up. He truly didn’t.
Tahlen stood on the other side of the square, tall and beautiful and alone even when surrounded by others. Hints of pink and white at the edges of Zelli’s vision said some of the dancers and some of Tahlen’s admirers had faeberries of their own. He wondered if they’d asked to kiss Tahlen, and if they had, and wasn’t sure if he was grateful that Tahlen had done it in moments Zelli hadn’t seen. No one had pressed a bouquet into Tahlen’s hands, perhaps perfectly aware that Tahlen did not need any help or prompting to get kisses. He was as exceptionally beautiful as the posy in Zelli’s hand.
His braid rested over one shoulder, his shining brown hair unadorned even for the Winter Fair. If the cold air reddened his cheeks and nose, it wasn’t noticeable. His gloves probably kept his hands very warm. Surely his ears must be raw in the cold, since he wore no scarf around his neck and kept his cloak hood down. Cuffs and decoration would not suit him. Zelli could comfort himself with that thought; no one would else would be allowed to gift Tahlen combs or jewelry either, but it did not feel a comfort now.
Tahlen’s lovely mouth was pressed into a flat line, as though he was displeased, and it was that which made Zelli look quickly away from Tahlen’s rosy lips only to get caught in the fire of his gaze. Zelli was warmed and couldn’t stop shivering as though he’d just come in from the cold.
He moved, he wasn’t certain in what direction, but he took a step and thought Tahlen did the same, as if there were no dancers between them. As if only a few steps would bring them together. And if they were close, oh if they were close, Zelli would do something reckless.
Tahlen’s lips grew soft again, the lower one plump and pink as the ripest faeberry, and Zelli thought of it between his teeth and continued to shiver helplessly while he wondered faintly what that thought might do to his eyes. What Tahlen might see.
The music ended. People turned toward Zelli. He was standing on the edge of the dancers. Maybe they thought he wanted to join them or to say something. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw them, the musicians and dancers and the rest of the crowd, and finally tore his gaze from Tahlen to see smiles and grins on too many faces.
Tahlen wouldn’t like that. Zelli being obvious inside the fortress was one thing. Zelli mooning over Tahlen where the entire village could see would lead to teasing. Not to Zelli, they wouldn’t dare. But Tahlen would more than likely suffer through some.
Zelli cringed to imagine it.
“Lovely music,” he said quickly, although he didn’t know if he was supposed to address the crowd. He tried to smooth the tremor from his voice. “Don’t stop because I am here. Please.” He remembered the cup in his other hand and downed its contents so as not to offer any possible additional insults. He did not look at Tahlen. “Thank you for the gift,” he told everyone with his head down. “A truly beautiful posy. But I think it was meant for someone else.”
He left the sprig, with his empty cup and coins enough to buy many more drinks for everyone gathered nearby, on the end of the bench the musicians sat on, then turned and made his way over icy patches to the other side of the village square.
When Tahlen came for him not long after, Zelli was halfway back up to the fortress on Lemon Blossom.
“You can return to the fair if you like,” Zelli told him without risking a look to see if Tahlen was frowning again.
Tahlen rode with him all the way back into the fortress and didn’t say a word.  
Zelli was not avoiding going to the Winter Fair. Grandmother once again did not feel up to a long visit, although they were readying space for her in the pub for tomorrow, the second day of the fair. She would sit before a cozy fire to ease her pains, and traders and craftspeople would have to carry their ware into her. Today, however, Grandmother expected Zelli to go in her stead again, and Zelli had smiled and nodded and ducked from the room without agreeing.
Which had not fooled her of course, or Tahlen, who had regarded Zelli with questions in his eyes last night and had nearly asked one of them this morning before the other guards had thankfully called him away on some business.
Zelli should go to this year’s Winter Fair. He had every reason to attend and only one reason not to, and that reason was foolish indeed now that he and Tahlen were… now that they were lovers.
More than lovers, to most people. Well beyond courting, according to Grandmother. Hand-fasted in all but deed, according to Fy and his smirks, who insisted he would like to be invited to that event when it did happen. Tahlen was Zelli’s, according to Tahlen, and that should have been enough to make Zelli forget his embarrassment of the year before.
One would even think Zelli would be used to embarrassment by now. He certainly had worse things to blush over.
But one mention of the fair and his stomach had churned. Then he listened to the new guards ask about it and watched them grow flustered and excited over the thought of a posy of faeberries, and he’d thought as he hadn’t let himself then, that someone had given him that posy of berries to be cruel. Anyone in the village had to know how Zelli felt about Tahlen, he’d made it clear enough over the years, and they had slipped him the berries so they could make a joke at his expense.
That was when Zelli realized he could not bear going there again.
He was in his room, their room if Zelli had his way, struggling to find a good excuse not to go that wouldn’t alarm Tahlen or anyone else, when Tahlen returned, his winter cloak and boots on, some color in his cheeks. His short hair was held back with a simple clasp, which only reminded Zelli of the shell comb, buried and forgotten somewhere in one of his jewelry boxes, like the rest of Zelli’s shame at the memory.
“You’re hiding,” Tahlen said bluntly, stopping just in front of the chair by the fire where Zelli was curled into a ball, not even pretending to read the household accounts on the table next to him.
“I’ll go,” Zelli assured him without looking up. “No one needs to worry.” Maybe later in the evening, when it would be darker and everyone would be more interested in their drinks than Zelli.
Tahlen did not seem assured. “I thought you liked the Winter Fair. The cider and treats. The music. Talking to all the people. You always seemed to enjoy yourself, except for possibly last year’s.”
Zelli didn’t let himself twitch. “Are the newer guards yearning to go? Everyone gets a day off to attend, some might just have to wait. At least they’ve been properly warned how to behave if any berries should end up in their hands… or over their heads.” He tried to smile. “Fy will enjoy that either way. Is Esrin going to try to catch Vint? I don’t understand him, but I suppose you do.”
As a distraction, it didn’t work. Tahlen grunted, then said merely, “Vint is a fool, but that is his problem.”
And Esrin’s, Zelli thought, with some sympathy for her. 
“Is it the berries that concern you today?” Tahlen went on, too sharp for Zelli. “You used to enjoy that tradition.”
“Yes. Well.” Zelli crossed his arms. “They are not always harmless, are they? Just… give me some time and I’ll be ready to go. I’m being silly.”
“Is the Mountain Wolf scared of some posies?” Tahlen inquired evenly.
Zelli scoffed to himself. “Tahlen,” he complained softly a moment later, “I expect people to avoid me, or fear me, or simply not like me. But last year….”
“I thought you were going to ask me for a kiss.” Tahlen’s voice held something stirring and warm.
Zelli shivered despite his mood, then frowned. “I was going to. I nearly couldn’t help myself. It was only the stares of others that brought me to my senses.”
Of course, as he said it, he remembered that Tahlen had asked to court him only a few months after that, so, in that moment, he might have wanted Zelli to bring the posy to him. 
He raised his head.
In one hand, Tahlen held a small posy of faeberries tied with a strip of undyed linen.
“Who gave you that?” Zelli demanded instantly with no time to think better of it.  
Tahlen met and held Zelli’s stare. “I asked for one.”
“You rode all the way down to the village this morning just to ask for faeberries?” Zelli asked blankly.
Tahlen heaved the deepest of sighs and then held out his arm, and the berries.
Zelli slowly looked up at the posy above his head, then back at Tahlen. “You rode all the way down to the village this morning to ask for faeberries so you could kiss me?” He blinked. “You can kiss me whenever you like, Tahly.”
At the nickname, Tahlen’s mouth curved with a hint of a smile. “I rode all the way down to the village this morning to ask for faeberries so I could kiss you as we did not kiss last year, and you could wear this when you visit the fair. So they would know,” he added when Zelli only stared. “So you would,” he went on, frowning for not even half a moment. “I wanted you to ask me last year, Zelli.”
“I should have,” Zelli admitted quietly with some shame, this time for his cowardice. “I didn’t because…”
“I know why you didn’t,” Tahlen cut him off. “I didn’t then, but I do now. Although you should know they weren’t laughing at you. Not… not like that. Not meanly. That’s how they always look when they are teasing,” Tahlen made a pained sound, a sign of his own embarrassment, before continuing, “young couples. Moreso when they give one of them the posy so they can watch them squirm.”
Zelli scowled reflexively at the idea, then raised his head even higher to consider his posy once again. He should be used to how Tahlen could do or say things to make him warm inside and out, but he wasn’t yet and hoped he never would be.
“Would you grant me a kiss, Zelli?” Tahlen asked gravely, as though the matter was serious indeed. But his faint smile returned as Zelli reached for the sprig and then pulled it close to his chest.
“Oh, at least one,” Zelli agreed breathlessly, and fought to stay still when Tahlen bent down to get the kiss he’d asked for.
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eternitysoup · 2 months
I apologize if this post comes across as incoherent; I'm feeling a bit off today.
I have a strong dislike for my manic energy and the strange sensations it brings. It's a peculiar state where I feel wired, jumpy, and easily irritated, even when there doesn't appear to be any cause. I've made a conscious effort to avoid caffeine (I did have a little yesterday to be honest.) since it tends to exacerbate these feelings, but even without it, I still experience them.
This sudden surge of energy is a stark contrast to my usual state of chronic tiredness. Oddly enough, it's not my body that craves high activity levels but rather my mind. It conjures up unnecessary guilt and an incessant feeling of needing to be constantly engaged. Being still doesn't seem like an option during these times.
I attempt to cope with this restlessness by cleaning, exercising, or stretching, but it's a challenging task. I find it difficult to regain a sense of centeredness when I'm in this state. At times, I even question if there might be an underlying condition causing these fluctuations. Why is it that some days I can barely stay awake while on others, I feel an urgent drive to do everything?
I've come to assume that perhaps I'm naturally prone to being a bit spazzy and living in a somewhat chaotic manner. I've always attributed my frequent fatigue to my weight, believing that being overweight is the primary cause. However, even after losing 44 pounds, I haven't noticed a decrease in my overall fatigue levels, although I'm pleased with the weight loss itself.
I used to attribute my constant stomachaches to my eating of greasy or spicy foods. However, even when I eat healthy meals, my digestive system still seems to react adversely. I'm uncertain about the root cause of these symptoms.
Even if I were to have a medical condition, the financial burden of seeking professional help is a major obstacle for me, and there's always the concern that I might be dismissed due to my weight and occasional erratic behavior. I worry that medical professionals might perceive these symptoms as simply a part of who I am, and therefore not take them seriously.
So, what can I do on my own? Well, starting with a nutritious diet and regular exercise is a good first step. Engaging in brain-training activities, like the Elevate app which I found helpful in the past, might also assist with mental fog. I'm considering resubscribing to it after having canceled my subscription a few months ago to save money.
Speaking of finances, I need to improve my money management skills. It's challenging to complain about funds when I allocate money towards purchasing weed. I often struggle to justify this expense, as I feel it could be better utilized elsewhere. I find that marijuana genuinely helps me calm down.
I've been without it for the past two days, and as a result, I feel agitated and restless. It would be wonderful if this influx of energy came with enhanced focus, but instead, I experience a sense of unease without a discernible source. I'm left wondering where these feelings originated from.
Regardless, I'm determined to harness this energy. After all, it is my body and my brain, and I should be the one in control. I am committed to addressing and improving these aspects of myself, as functionality is key.
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styxlupus · 9 months
apologies for the sudden influx of Ghost posts you're about to see I am Unwell™
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princesssmars · 2 months
can you do a aki menzies x reader 🥺 please
all the money in the world!
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an aki menzies x reader
aki grapples with a rapid influx of popularity, and finds solace in someone who doesnt even know who he is.
wc : 1.227
contains : fluff
a/n : anon. anon. this is so late and i am so sorry 😭 tbf in the first season i did nawt like aki and i was bipolar to him in the second. so i hope this suits your fancy.
yet again, aki's life was being ruined by his friends.
ok, hes being dramatic. normally the "ruin" comes in the form of being dragged along to some party, or monet forcing him to photograph her and the girls on the steps of the met while they ate lunch.
but this time it was bad.
the day started normally. he woke up, got ready for school, and gave his mom a goodbye kiss on the cheek. meets up with his friends at school. does pretty good on an english test. everything fine.
until they're all getting lunch from some pop-up nearby. he's relaxing at a table, enjoying the taste of his odd fusion cupcake when he hears a giggle and looks to his right, being met with the black of max's iphone. he smiles, used to his friends' antics around lunchtime before gently smacking the phone away.
it was simple. and normal. until he woke up the next day to thousands of notifications. tiktok, instgram, twitter, fucking whatsapp?
and at the top of his lock screen, a little message from max.
the literal devil : oops! :)
so the next two weeks are...rough. max posted the little lunch video onto his socials and it blew up for no reason at all. well, aki knew the reason. he knew he was attractive, he'd had his share of girlfriends and boyfriends over the years. but this was a lot. dozens of dm's on multiple sites, and he didn't even want to know what the comments sections looked like. his normally quaint insta profile of mostly skateboarding and basketball videos now had an infinite stream of girls, guys, and everyone in between thrusting over him.
and then it leaked into real life. girls in his classes leaving notes in his locker, one of his teammates giving him a flirty comment after the game! sure he might've gotten their number, but that's beside the point. aki was a low-key person, and this insane amount of sudden attention was the opposite of what he wanted.
the only place where he doesn't have to worry about any of it is the skatepark. the whole viral fiasco was only mentioned once, with one of his skateboarding friends teasing him about it when they were sitting by the edge of one of the drops.
its a random saturday when aki decides to skate to let off some steam, when he sees some new little jazz cafe only two blocks from it. he isn't a big fan of jazz but decides a quick snack couldn't hurt. he orders a little snack and as he's turning into a girl and spilling her drink all over her front.
he groans out about twenty apologies in under a minute, telling her he'll buy her a new drink and enough to replace her outfit if she needs it. she laughs and assures him its fine, that she was returning her drink anyway. that based on his beaten-down skateboard she wouldn't want to run his pockets dry anyway.
and he laughs. like, really laughs. probably one of the first girls in weeks outside of his friends who hasn't fawned over him and she just called him broke within two minutes of meeting.
you exchange names and he gets your number. he feels like he's walking on air. he can't even find it in him to care that the wheel on his janky-ass skateboard falls off.
he texts you as soon as he gets home. and when he wakes up the next day. and whenever he's at lunch. and dinner. and before he knows it you're texting everyday, graduating to phone calls after only three weeks.
he learns so much about you and vice versa, such as the beautiful and life-saving fact that you don't have social media and go to a school in brooklyn. he's so overjoyed to have someone treat him normally that the tiny little dickhead voice inside of him tells him it would be a great idea to keep his identity from you. and he nearly considers it until you tell him one of your friends recognized his picture in your phone and told you who he was.
great. perfect.
and then the next day some stranger must have taken a picture of you sharing a milkshake on your date because his group chat is flooded with messages. tales of betrayal and disgust and "you sure you don't wanna share?"
he's scared about the idea of inviting you to meet his friends, but you don't seem too worried about it. you tell him you don't care if they're rich and famous or whatever, that at the end of the day, they're just people like you. it makes him feel better if not a little scared.
its decided you'll tag along to some informal dinner party aubrey's mom is hosting, having come into a good deal of money with the boom of her fashion line. it takes a lot of convincing to get aubs to agree to let a 'civilian' into her mom's party. all he had to do was find her some obscure signed book from some swedish author she liked.
and god, was he thankful they all seemed to like you. jordan complimented you bag, leading the two of you to bond over how you both loved some shop down in queens, and once jordan started to warm up to you it was only a matter of time before the others did.
as soon as monet and luna were talking about how your hair 'wasn't as bad as they were expecting', he knew everything would be fine.
now that his friends were off the board, there was only one thing left. to go public.
he could tell you were actually nervous about this, and he was too. while he jokingly referred to his friends as the final boss of dating, he knew that teenagers on the upper east side were much worse.
but, yet again, maximus wolfe just has to interfere.
it was going to be a boring weekend until max told everyone he wanted to go to dumbo. aki was able to extend an invitation to you, and damn was he glad when he sees you in your outfit. it was new, something you'd picked out during a shopping trip with jordan. so he cant really be blamed when he's cuddled into your side while you're sipping into your drink, just enjoying the night with his friends.
until he hears you giggle and ask max what he's doing, opening his eyes to see his camera pointed at the two of you.
"max, no."
"what, im not doing anything!"
the next morning, aki realizes that when max wolfe says he won't do something, he's going to do it.
you send him the link to max's near bare tiktok account, the most recent video having nearly double the number of views as the last one about aki.
its only fifteen seconds long, the camera pointing straight at you as you talk to obie beside you as he tiredly rests into your shoulder. opening the comments he's expecting the worse, until he sees a wall of compliments about the pair of you. well, most about you.
he gets a message notification from th etop of his screen.
yn : well, at least that part's over.
god, he wouldn't change you for the world.
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hazelenergy · 10 months
✨ 👉👈
Send ✨ or ( ‘SPARKLE’ ) and i’ll tell you at least one thing i like most about you, your blog, your portrayal, or your muse.
1. I still remember the first time our characters met. You were the only other thinblood in play at that time. I remember the sudden influx of messages telling me/Hazel ic and ooc there was another thinblood. And I was ecstatic to talk to you and be your friend based on that fact and that fact alone. I was literally jumping around with excitement. Look at us now. Being very normal about our thinbloods together.
2. The sibling dynamic Hazel and Tommy have is a very important one to me. They both so desperately needed each other and are willing to commit atrocities to protect the other. The platonic/familial love that'll drive them to do horrid things is so. Tasty.
3. I love that they can ground each other. When Hazel is spiraling and chugging malk juice, Tommy can pull her out of the swirl. When Tommy is hastily covering every mirror in the haven, Hazel can make sure she feels safe.
4. I apologize for snagging some of Tommy's flirtatious posts, I'm only half doing it on purpose to be her annoying little sister. The other half is I am not doing a reading comprehension.
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aryawinterfell · 8 months
Bitcoin’s Price Surge and Subsequent Apology: The Spot ETF Approval Mix-Up.
In the world of cryptocurrency, a recent episode involving Bitcoin’s price surge and an apology from a major crypto news site has captured the attention of the crypto community. The incident revolved around false claims of a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) approval, triggering significant market fluctuations.
Bitcoin enthusiasts had their hopes briefly elevated when Cointelegraph, a prominent crypto news outlet, posted on its X (formerly Twitter) account that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had granted approval for BlackRock’s spot Bitcoin ETF application. This news sparked excitement among traders and investors.
However, the enthusiasm was short-lived. Other media outlets and even BlackRock itself promptly refuted the claim. The announcement turned out to be inaccurate, and the SEC had not approved the spot Bitcoin ETF. In that short period of misinformation, the price of Bitcoin surged up with almost 10% above $29,300. Reality ensued thereafter and price retraces back at around $28,100.
Cointelegraph, in a measure of honesty and transparency, had resolved to take responsibility for having propagated the wrong information. The news site expressed public apologies and even launched an internal investigation on how such wrong information had disseminated. Cointelegraph would later report that the wrong information had emanated from an “unconfirmed screenshot posted by an X user who claimed it was from the Bloomberg Terminal.” The social media protocol breach happened when the unverified information got posted on X without the editorial verification as required. Most importantly, no article was the official one by Cointelegraph posting this news. Worth nothing is the fact that Cointelegraph has quite a significant following of roughly 1.9 million users on X.
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This is what a spot Bitcoin ETF could imply if streamlined. However, the concept has garnered immense anticipation amidst crypto community and it’s expected that it can further open the doors for the traditional institutional investors to enter the volatile one, under more regulated conditions, licensed by some entity. This is in contrast to the navigations on the more perilous decentralized set of platforms.
Currently, sundry spot Bitcoin ETF applications are awaiting review by the SEC as the regulator makes overall cautious steps towards the wider cryptoverse. That above situation was even responded to by U.S. SEC warning people about being keen on consuming the on-line contents. They noted it is always better to refer, or get information about the SEC, from authoritative sources. This incident exposes essentials cryptocurrency volatility levels. Even the most stable digital currencies like Bitcoin can demonstrate sudden and drastic changes in prices because of investor emotion, technical factors, and world events.
Furthermore, it should be noted that there might be knock-on effects which spot ETFs would create in the cryptocurrency market. As long as issuers put aside a percentage of their Assets Under Management (AUM) to invest in such ETFs, its impact shall only be more money being made accessible to flow into the Bitcoin market. This influx has the potential to impact Bitcoin’s price, potentially driving it to new heights Besides, historical data points out that Bitcoin’s market capitalization tends to increase greatly in every bull-market. In this sense, for every dollar invested is the cryptocurrency, the market capitalization could grow with a multiple of that figure heightening the extent of stages by much.
In conclusion
The recent incident on how Bitcoin’s price surged and Cointelegraph had to apologize over it brings to light the awareness in being cautious to and verify cryptocurrency news. With prospect of spot ETF approval, the crypto community has to be ultra-cautious by relying on verified sources plus enough due diligence in deriving meaning from market information. During the continuously changing way of the crypto market, keeping updated and wise is the mainstay not only for experienced traders but also just a real necessity to become only a part of it for newbies.
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epiphlyte · 1 year
still alive! apologies for not posting as much lately. im about 4 assignments behind in every class of mine and of course catching up with all that takes first priority to tumblr. i have some destress doodles but i usually refrain from posting those since they're very sketchy and not my usual style of art!
i'm not sure when i'll be active again, but i do have some things in the works. posting this because i've noticed a sudden influx in followers and thought i'd update them, thanks for indulging in my art nonetheless :))
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catboyidia · 4 hours
idk if anyone waiting for an answer to an ask will see this but im gonna answer them all!!! im so sorry its taking a few days, and it might take a few more, ive been really really busy with life, and i know some of the people that have sent me asks before know that sometimes i normally take a few days to answer already! i promise i’m not ignoring any! plus ive gotten a sudden influx in asks which is making it take a lot longer too (im not complaining though! and if anyone has any please feel free to send it! thats why im not closing my asks, i genuinely feel so happy that people like what i post enough to request stuff from me!) i just really want to apologize for the delay because i really feel bad about it
i also always answer them in the order i got them, but thats adding to the delay, so i apologize but i think i might have to start going out of order! because some asks take a lot more time than others, im really sorry! no matter how long it takes though, i swear i will answer every single one!
i just ask that you guys please be patient with me for the foreseeable future, i promise im trying my best, and again, i am truly sorry for how long its all taking! and thank you guys so much for even sending me these things in the first place, it sounds kind of stupid but it really does mean a lot to me!
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suqqubus · 9 months
I apologize for the sudden influx of sad posting but tumblr is the only place I can document my deteriorating mental state with the possibility of external validation teehee
I don’t vent on other socials bc I don’t want people in my life to know anything about me that’s not in accordance with the meticulously fabricated lore that I myself create and present
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gh0stlymoth · 2 years
Apologies for the sudden ace attorney post influx, sometimes i think about Gregory Edgeworth and the dl-6 and everything that came after and i fucking loose it lmao
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jimines · 3 years
Whats actually happened between you and taemaknae? I read about it on the tea blog and still confused
This is an insanely long story so I'm going to put it below the cut so for anyone interested in this absolute shit show, continue on.
Essentially, I posted these headers about a month ago:
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It was a set of like 8 colours and it was the first time I had ever posted any headers or anything. The issue nic had with these, was the ripped paper bottom. Because apparently you can trademark that. I had asked a (now ex) “friend” of mine if she knew where I could find the ripped paper effect because I had seen the effect on the header of her network blog and I had been trying to find a similar thing for months and google images never gave me anything good. She ended up referring me to google images anyways and after like an hour of dedicated searching, I found this ripped paper effect and used it. This ex “friend” went on to tell another friend of mine that I had "asked where nicole gets her resources for her headers" and then screenshotted my dm as "proof", which still confuses me because I never mentioned nicole there lmao. I've seen the screenshot.
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Tell me where I said nicole. It was literally just a question born from seeing the header they had on their network lmao. I feel it’s important to mention I didn’t know this person ran said network at that time, which is why i said “these people”.
This other friend then came to me and just said my headers "may be seen as similar to nic's” and said she noticed it on her own and never mentioned my other “friend” approaching her. I was confused because other than that ripped paper effect that I know many people on tumblr use, I saw no similarities. Nic's headers are usually more complex and more than just a coloured background with a little effect in it. I just wanted to make some simple headers for fun because I was bored. But, regardless, I messaged nic about it to make sure she didn't feel the same way. I told her a friend of mine was worried nic might think my headers are similar to her's and I assured her that if she found them similar I would take them down, no questions asked. Nic told me she was surprised this friend brought it up and told me that it was entirely up to me if I found the headers similar. She never once told me she felt they were the same, never mentioned anything about them, she insisted it was up to me to do as I pleased. So, since I genuinely found no similarities, I left them up.
About a week went by and things between nic and I were fine, or so I thought, based off the fact that she was interacting with my posts, sending me cute asks and replying to a lot of my comments and stuff being kind and whatnot. Then, I decided to post a small list of my creations and the series I had running at the time. 
After that, all of a sudden I got an influx of rude hate anons:
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To anyone I mentioned the anons to, they agreed with me, you cannot trademark circular icons. This anon also accused me saying “just the fact that you had an anxiety attack about it proves you copied them” Like no sweetie, it’s called three strangers walked into my house and I got anxious.
Despite me not seeing the issue, I messaged nic, assuming she wouldn't care about the icons (it wasn't like I was taking her exact work and copying and pasting them as my own) and that made her very upset. When she responded to me, she was incredibly heated and gave off the vibe she was waiting for me to message her about it. 
She said things like "this has actually been bothering me for a while", "i expected you to be able to read between the lines and delete the headers", "i don't know who that anon was but clearly they recognize my style". For starters, she never told me that she was annoyed with me, she was being very kind to me publicly. And I have no idea how I was meant to “read between the lines” of what she said especially considering how kind she was to me the following days. I also never accused her of knowing this anon, she just insisted it wasn't her and she didn't know them right off the bat. She also insinuated that I copied my gifs from others as well, which ticked me off because I made my 100+ layer psd myself thank you very much. But I kept my cool, and I told her I had no idea she felt the way she did, and I told her I would delete the headers (which i did as the conversation was going on), and that I would stop posting my icons and bringing attention to them because no one ever paid it any mind before that point. And I asked her “please tell me straight up the next time you have an issue with me because I am generally pretty dumb with social cues”, I have my adhd to thank for that. And instead of replying, she just blocked me. And conveniently, the hate anons stopped dead right after we blocked each other and I haven't received any since.
Also, these are the kinds of icons I posted:
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Looks pretty generic and idk, universal, right?
Then, as I've recently found out today, she was in an "anti-loverjimin" groupchat with at least 2 other bloggers. 
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Which explains why this all went and fell into place. I know who the two other bloggers are because of what happened two days later but I won't name them just yet, but these two people had been "friends" with me for several months. So, a day or two after nic blocked me, all of a sudden some good friends of mine were blocking me and not talking to me when I asked what was going on. I found out soon after it was because nicole and those two now ex “friends” of mine had taken old dms I sent them and were showing them to people. And I will go into detail about them but I won't name the people they are about for privacy reasons.
Before I move on, to clarify some lies nic has been spreading about me, I never once shit talked nicole to my friends. One of these ex friends also said I was trying to get people on my side. I would have reacted to this all very very differently if that were the case. I would be dragging everyone through the fucking dirt but I don't get off on drama or micromanaging what my mutuals do. My issues are with these people, if you're still friends with them that's your decision i could not care less. So, back to it, the only thing I said about nic was that she and I had a stupid small fight over icons and that she was spreading lies about me, based off of what nic said to jordan.
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That exact message, or slight variations of it, was sent to anyone I interacted with because I didn't know if nic was going to stop at jordan or try and get to everyone I fucking knew lmao. Some of the people I messaged this to told ME nic had done this kind of thing before, that she has sent hate anons, launched hate campaigns, cancelled people, etc. Over stupid shit like icons lmao.
Here are some responses I received after I mentioned nicole:
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And nic or one of her friends also took it upon themselves to send anons to that tea blog to blow shit up and named everyone and made it an even bigger mess when they saw no one was actively trying to fight me after the dms got out. 
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I also love that in this following ask, they named my two “friends” that were behind the whole dm drama and backstabbed me, as well as two other people I never badmouthed, that story was twisted. But we’ll get into those details shortly.
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And she also told people I clout chased big blogs and only cared about notes. At one point, yes, I did care a lot about my statistics. However, never once did I think clout chasing was worth my fucking time or energy, Nic is the biggest clout chaser on this damn site and there are receipts of that, ask jordan lmao. And I couldn’t give two shits about my statistics anymore lmao, much less anxiety that way. Do I still crave validation sometimes? Sure. But it's not a driving force of my tumblr experience like it used to be.
But, moving on to the dms, the first one was sent when I first came back to tumblr full-time and didn't understand why people self reblogged things, I found the pretence of self reblogging annoying and greedy and I complained about it and it was a comment fuelled by two bloggers that i would see sr a lot on my dash. But I never thought THEY were annoying, as these people are saying I did, it was self reblogging I found annoying and as you can see I have come to understand why people sr and I do it myself too. I didn't even know these two bloggers at this time either. That dm was cropped to hide the fact that this "friend" agreed with me and hid the date as well so it seemed recent, and was sent to one of the bloggers I mentioned as an example, someone I had since become good friends with. 
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I didn’t befriend one of the people I mentioned there until mid to late June. That friendship is now over thanks to this drama and all the lies. The second friend of mine they went after was never spoken about in dms, they went and turned her against me through lies and manipulation so that friendship has ended too. And while those two were doing that, nic went off to try and turn jordan against me.
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There was a particular user on here that I did say some nasty things about but we weren't friends, as many people have been made to believe. I was particularly mad at this person in those dms and was hurtful, I admit, and I have since apologized and owned up to all of it to these people. I did call them fake and/or two-faced. 
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And what in the gassing me up bullshit was their response though lmao. I also sent this following dm before I even talked about the issue with this person. They urged me to continue and to name drop the person, and I stupidly thought they were trustworthy.
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My reasoning for what I said wasn't unwarranted though, I don't make a habit of going around shit-talking people, unless they do something to me first. I vent when I am upset and this person had sent me a passive aggressive ask and then denied sending it when I asked and I thought that was just very fake, especially since she was so kind to me in dms before the ask came in. But all of these dms were cropped too to hide timestamps and responses, and in most cases, like those screenshots prove, these "friends" either gassed me up or egged me on to continue ranting or to name the people i was mad at and they had agreed with me on several, several occasions. Turns out they were trying to get dirt on me to use in their cancel campaign. But the point is, nic has made me out to be this horrible person that befriends "big blogs" (an overrated statement) and then shit talks them behind their back without remorse. Yet it was one person I said rude things about and I, again, owned up to it all and apologized to them the first day. I would've done it sooner had I a) remembered feeling the way I did all those months ago or remembered the dms themselves or b) felt that way still after meeting them. But neither is the case.
I find it really amusing though that these people wanted things to be kept quiet and didn’t want anyone they spoke to to talk to me about it because I was going to “out them on my blog” and “make a big scene”, then they three went and made it a big fucking scene and ruined my friendships. I’m familiar with this pattern of manipulation as it has happened to me in real life before and it’s the most childish bullshit to witness.
Before this callout day for nic, I had never once been directly rude to or about her, same goes for those ex “friends” that betrayed my trust and friendship. The fact that they plotted against me in a group chat while still actively talking to me and being all buddy buddy is just disgusting. Both of them were talking to me that day at the same time they were sharing the dms and shit-talking me to my friends. But yeah, that's my side, the untwisted side, of the whole story. I tried to be mature and talk to nic and when I didn't do what she wanted me to do, she blocked me and launched the hate campaign with dms and the power of photoshop. I’ve been hesitant to make any of this public because it was meant to be a silent ordeal but I’ve grown tired of her constantly publicizing everything without consequence while I remain silent like I promised.
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electricopolis-net · 2 years
The State of Electricopolis
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…It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
Apologies for the long, long, long hiatus–the past few years have been crazy, as anyone can tell you. The good news is that Electricopolis has been getting a sudden influx of new readers and appreciators, which means I have more drive and motivation to work on it! Everyone wins!
The next story is completely written, and has one finished illustration out of about seven or eight. When I have enough of a buffer that I can start posting them without worrying about running out of material, I will; I’m expecting this to be no later than the end of February, and I’ll post one chapter a week, just like I used to. This story will mark the end of Season 2. I won’t reveal many details, but I will say that the title of the story is “The Game Show Killer.”
Seasons 3 and 4 are totally planned out, but have yet to be written. I have big plans for the arc of the story from here on out, so I hope you enjoy it! Hopefully it won’t take another four years to get there!
I will also be using this blog more to mirror content from my Twitter, like illustrations and standalone snippets and things like that. Here’s one to kick off the new year!
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Before I go, I’d like to say welcome to all the new fans, and thank you to the ones who have stuck by me and supported me this entire time. I hope all of you enjoy what I have in store!
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
the love club — miya atsumu
twenty six: the spectacular now
masterlist | prev. | next
a/n: thank you all so much for sticking around and watching tlc grow! this smau turned out to be more popular than i thought and i’m so glad for all the support! there were times where i was stuck on the plot and genuinely thought of putting this smau on hiatus,, but i’m glad i pushed through and didn’t. reading each and every one of your comments and reblogs made making this smau really fun. tysm 🥰
also the ‘read more’ link is making this post super glitchy and repeating paragraphs for no reason 😔😔
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(continuation of the convos last chap cause i couldn’t fit it in lmao)
atsumu’s chest heavy feeling upon arriving at the last and final train station in tokyo filled him with unnecessary unease. an abundance of worry had crashed upon him in a blasting flurry that even the early onset heat of japan in the spring was the last thing on his mind to complain about.
there were many things that could go wrong with such a flawed plan birthed from suna’s spontaneity. for one, you could very well reject atsumu the moment he finally came into your reach (this was the worse case scenario for him) and it could honestly evolve into something worse knowing his parents would beat his ass if they were to find out he took this trip with nothing but his phone, wallet, his brother, and a friend.
yet at this point, he had nothing to lose.
he was already in tokyo and wasted half his day coming all this way, there was definitely no point in going back and have all his efforts go to waste. if anything, you were atsumu’s pushing force, the strong current that pulled him along with the tides just to see you. he only needed one reason and that one reason was you.
a weary sigh emitted from his lips as osamu’s patted his brother’s shoulder with his free hand whilst the other was carrying a picnic basket. call it twin telepathy or just being plain observant, but the cacophony of atsumu’s erratic thoughts were evident upon his expression for osamu to notice. hell, even a random stranger with half a brain cell would know that the setter was going through some internalized anxiety.
this was osamu’s only way of comforting him as the only thing that would completely wash away atsumu’s fear was for you to take him back.
the feeling of dread didn’t cease for atsumu as it continued in a raging downpour on the way to the convention center in shibuya. the event had already started hours ago and the boys had no idea where to find you—not even kita who was great at taking the lead—he was captain after all.
by the time the four volleyball players entered the largely crowded convention center, they had no other choice but to breathe out their hopes in finding you in the midst of chaos.
by the time the four volleyball players entered the largely crowded convention center, they had no other choice but to breathe out their hopes in finding you in the midst of chaos.
“alright, the plan is...” kita huffs as his eyes scanned the bustling crowds that messily serpentined through booths. his gaze met back to the boys who surrounded him with intent written to their faces. a bittersweet smile melted upon his lips as it reminded him of giving pep talks right before games... no doubt he was going to miss it.
“i suggest we split up and find her,” osamu adds in first.
kita shakes his head, “this place is gigantic, it’ll take ages for us to even call and find each other if we do.”
“or i could steal a mic from somewhere and pretend y/n’s a lost child or something...”
“we’re not doing that, suna.”
“damn,” he sighs as he looked down in faux defeat.
a shaky sigh left atsumu’s lips again, “let’s just stick together and try and find her.”
with that the four of them delved into the crowd.
the convention center was certainly bigger than atsumu thought, and he certainly didn't remember the walk from the entrance of the event up towards the dense middle area where he was right now. perhaps it was the simmering and leftover fervor upon entering that his mind was too clouded to even know where he was going. at this point, he wasn't even trying to find you anymore, instead, he wandered the labyrinthine array of booths in self-indulgence until each turn appeared the same and he was back to the same spot he started.
where were you?
atsumu was at the cusp of giving up. even osamu who was supporting him the entire time was starting to complain. with the aching in his arm from carrying a heavy picnic basket of all the foods he made for you and his brother was weighing him back. even suna who was carrying the picnic blanket was sweating just by holding it.
“guys,” the setter sighs in defeat. “i think we should call it a day and—”
suddenly a hand wrapped around his bicep, pulling him aback and capturing his attention. atsumu whips his head around only to look down upon a familiar face. a face that filled him with constant warmth and caused his heart to immediately quicken by the millisecond.
it was sudden. too sudden for you to even comprehend that the moment you spotted atsumu’s familiar figure looming over in the crowd, it was game over for you. your legs started walking by themselves as if they were being controlled by your heart rather than your head.
it wasn’t like you to do this, anyway—this confrontation. if anything, you were the type to pretend you didn’t see atsumu’s face, to turn back around into the crowd and act as if nothing had happened. but there was this aching in your chest, an abundance of tightness until it squeezed every last bi of unspoken truths out of your lungs.
was it guilt, sadnass, or anger? love?
you weren’t entirely sure, yet its dissonance couldn’t be ignored. even if you did try and avoid atsumu, you’d end up right in front of him either way.
“what are you doing here?” you asked, the tone in your voice and even to your expression was unreadable to atsumu.
he had no idea if you were excited to see him or if you were completely shocked and wanted him to leave immediately.
atsumu hoped it was the former.
“i–um...” he tried forming the words upon his tongue, but his thoughts were moving too fast for him to even comprehend what he was going to say to you.
hell, he even rehearsed what to say for this exact moment the entire train ride here to tokyo, yet he was completely slipping up.
his usual confidence and somewhat cocky attitude was nowhere to be seen. and it’s even crazy to think that you’re the only one who can make him act this way.
your grip on his upper arm tightened by the slightest bit when atsumu didn’t answer, “i’m about to present, tsumu, i don’t have enough time...”
you still call him that? even after all that happened?
if only he could just melt into your arms right then and there. he was so close to finally alleviating that yearn, but your comforting warmth left his body the moment you let him go.
“i’m here to apologize.” he swiftly answers as you were about to turn your heel, “...even though i’m three weeks late.”
your eyebrows furrow slightly as you teetered your weight back in forth, your nerves building up. atsumu hadn’t seen you do that since your project presentation together. “i should be apologizing too,” you sighed with instantaneous releif coursing through atsumu’s body, “but now’s honestly not a good time.”
“i know, but matsui told me that you might be moving away this summer and i wanted to see you.”
you swallowed the lump in your throat, cursing to yourself as you felt the sudden influx of crimson blush swearing from your cheeks to the edges of your ears. “so you came all this way?” your voice was a bit shakey.
could he tell you were nervous?
“only because i like you... still”
yup... he could definitely tell.
maybe that slight pinch awkwardness between the two of you was more beneficial that you thought. from the sheepish smiles and stolen glances, it eased you to your surprise. “i can’t believe i have feelings for an idiot.”
atsumu hums in amusement, eyes lighting up when he saw that familiar smirk on your face. “are they good feelings?”
“of course they are,” you scoffed, “why? would you rather have me back to hating you?”
the boy before you shakes his head. “no, i like it this way,” he mutters before pulling you into his chest without a second thought.
it was overwhelming. from how his much broader and taller body embraced you in such familiar warmth to even his scent of honey and mocha. despite being miles away from hyogo, it was atsumu who reminded you of home.
this was nice considering you weren’t exactly planning on forgiving him so easily. perhaps it was the way the moment you spotted his familiar blond undercut in the crowd he towered over caused a switch in your brain to flip. perhaps you miss the way he was right beside you almost everyday.
perhaps you couldn’t keep your distance from him anymore.
pulling yourself out of the hug, your eyes flicker over to a trio of volleyball players standing a good six feet away away from you two. their shoulders basically touched as they all gave you a smile and a wave.
eventually, your eyes dropped to picnic basket in osamu’s hands and the blanket draped over suna’s shoulders.
a slight chuckle emits from you lips, “what’s up with them?” you asked atsumu.
his head turns over his shoulder before looking back down at you. his arms still lingered around your waist as he hesitated to even let you go again. “remember back when we had our date during nationals, we visited the park?”
“so it was a date?” you almost explained.
“it thought it was,” atsumu shrugs, “we saw a couple on a picnic date and you thought it was cute so i figured we could go on one.”
“and you remembered that?” you questioned as you arched a brow towards him.
“every single detail.”
atsumu didn’t have to ask you to go on this date with him. at least at this point, he’d know you would’ve said yes. like what kind of person would reject a date from the love of their life who traveled five hours just for them?
only a idiot would and you were certainly not an idiot... not right now at least.
a saccharine-sweet smile appeared upon your lips as you looked back towards atsumu, “i’m free after six o’clock. you think you guys could stick around for a few more hours?”
“if that’s a chance to meet chef suzuno and eat dessert, then yes.” cut in osamu the moment you asked.
you and atsumu weren’t exactly in the most private of places, so but it wasn’t like you two cared at this point.
suna clears his throat, “um, my parents don’t even know im in tokyo right now, so if i get murdered tonight that’s on you guys.”
“either way, i gotta get home. i have to pack before the weekend ends.” kita adds as he pats suna’s shoulders, “which means you’re coming back to hyogo with me. (y/n) and the twins can take care of themselves.”
“but—!” suna tried to retaliate but was pushed back into the crowd and disappeared to go home.
you sighed in amusement before turning your attention back to atsumu.
“i have to go, now.”
atsumu nods, “samu and i will walk around then before watching your presentation.” he explains but as he was turning over his shoulder, you captured his arm again.
you planted a kiss on his lips. it was much softer than it looked and for a second the commotion around you two seemed to slow.
it felt like it took ages for atsumu to feel your lips against his, but the wait was worth it. his entire plan that ended up failing was worth it. the five hours of his ass hurting from sitting on the train seats was worth it. finding you within this impossible crowd was worth it. you were worth it—more than anything.
osamu fake gagged as he looked at you and atsumu in disgust, “can you two not make out in front of the cupcake display?”
fun facts! —
after the event ended, atsumu and y/n went on that picnic date just in time for sunset while osamu waited awkwardly by the swings
in the end, y/n moved to tokyo after being well liked by chef suzuno
the twins helped y/n pack and osamu even had to pull atsumu off of her cause he wouldn’t let her go 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
because of the long distance, atsumu and y/n go on minecraft dates cause theyre quirky
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