#anyways as much as i can write about the sci team (and have) i wanted to keep each thing brief this time
eliasdrid · 1 month
you keep putting these tokusatsu shows on my dash for months and I have less than zero context what they're about. what's the cliffnotes version to get me interested in whatever these odd looking robots or perhaps creatures are doing?
Alright I'll try my best but it might get long.
To me, the most appealing thing about them is that the suits are very much suits, they often try to use practical effects where they can and there's a lot of neat choreographed fights. There's also often sci-fi elements (which I'm a fan of). Each season of each show seems to be made with love and passion for the genre* too and I've read/seen a few interviews which support this. There's also some very talented actors and it's amazing to watch them play pretend the colorful plastic weapons are real and can hurt you (they really sell it to you if you can suspend your disbelief a little and have some fun).
*edited - I wrote labor of love but forgot it is a specific thing and might not apply very well here?
Anyway. I'll give you the basics. The three big tokusatsu shows you may often see around are: Kamen Rider and Super Sentai (both from Toei) and Ultraman (from Tsuburaya).
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Screenshots from: Kamen Rider OOO (2010), Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger (2021) and Ultraman Blazar (2023)
There's others! like Dogengers (screenshot below) - but I'll try to focus on those three.
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In general these shows are aimed at young audiences so you have to watch with that in mind. Also, like any superhero show, they will want to sell you merch (figures, toys, plushies, etc).
Another important thing to know is that the seasons of these shows are usually self contained, and each have their own theme, so you can pick any season that catches your eye to check out with no previous knowledge. There are crossovers events (movies and especials) and anniversary seasons which will explore and/or showcase previous content too! I personally really enjoyed Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger (2021) which is a 45th Anniversary Sentai season and I had watched only two other sentais before it.
Now, some differences! so you can tell the shows apart and also know what you will potentially have in store if you decide to watch any. I'll put a read more because this is getting long 👍
Kamen Rider and Super Sentai air all year long, for this reason, seasons usually have 45-50 episodes. All the Ultraman shows I've watched have 25 episodes per season. Meanwhile Dogengers has kept a 12 episodes per season formula so far. Spin offs, specials and reboots have no defined number of episodes (to my knowledge).
I feel like I should mention that (especially in the case of 45-50 episodes shows) the episodes might feel a bit off sometimes? Be aware there's often release schedules with toylines involved* From what I've noticed this usually happens past the mid-season point the closer you get to finale territory. My guess is that, generally at that point, the writing team (or writer) was trying to do things they forgot to properly set up before, tie loose ends and/or finish arcs quickly. *Sometimes other things affect production, like COVID or an actor suddenly not being able to continue with their role.
All shows value The Power Of Love and Friendship and usually feature a team of heroes (or allies) fighting against an enemy faction. There's also, almost always, some sort of transformation device involved and in all these shows the heroes must collect some season-themed item to get power ups. The key difference between each show will be how they decide to play with these things.
Super Sentai is what Power Rangers is based on. If that tells you nothing: there's a team of heroes ("rangers"), color coded suits that are generally not too complex in design and one giant mech vs. giant monster fight per episode (on average). I've not seen too much Sentai so that's all I got for you.
Kamen Rider gives its heroes more complex suit designs and (usually) multiple forms (ascending in strength/skill). Kamen Rider's signature elements are probably: the drivers (belts), the henshins (transformation scenes) and the fact that they often have motorbikes (they gotta ride something).
Ultraman has more of a shared universe between seasons situation going on than the previous two so there's recurring lore. I won't explain that lore to keep this as short as possible. Either there's a host-alien situation (to varying degrees) or the protagonist has the ability to transform. In this show there's always an almost guaranteed Titular Ultraman vs. giant monster fight per episode.
More visuals that might help you tell them apart:
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Screenshots from Ohsama Sentai King Ohger (2023)
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Screenshots from Kamen Rider Ryuki (2002), Kamen Rider Den-O (2007), Kamen Rider OOO (2010), Kamen Rider Build (2017)
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Screenshots from Ultraman Orb (2016), Ultraman Geed (2017) and Ultraman Blazar (2023)
I hope this was helpful! sorry it got long!
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alovesongtheywrote · 7 months
nightmare academia is just so *chefs kiss* i would LOVE another part !!!!
♥ Summary:  here you go :D here's the outcome of spencer's most recent prank- and the reader's well deserved revenge [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: threats of bodily harm
♥ A/N: keep the requests coming, i love writing for these two SO MUCH
♥ Word Count: 1268
Series Masterlist
Spencer wasn’t surprised when you burst into his classroom, the image of barely contained rage burned into your features.  He was surprised that your voice sounded so sweet when you called out to him.
“Hey, Doctor Reid?  Can I talk to you outside for a second?”
You gave an apologetic look to his students.  It looked genuine.  Still, Reid couldn’t be fooled.  He knew his plan had worked.  Garcia had gotten into your PowerPoint slides.  He was under your skin.  Smirking, he followed you out the door and into the hallway.
The second the door shut behind Reid, you rounded on him with fury in your eyes the likes of which he had never seen.
“You little shit.  I’m gonna fucking stab you in your left butt cheek.  You fucked up my fucking slides.”
Spencer paused before he spoke.  It looked like he was doing his best not to laugh, “You brought this on yourself.”
“Did I?  Did I really bring this on myself?  I gave your students a typewriter to bother you because you were being a dick.  Explain to me how this is appropriate vengeance!”
You didn’t need that explained to you.  Honestly, it was the perfect form of vengeance.  You had targeted his anti-tech tendencies with malicious compliance, and he had attacked your technology in return.  It was perfect.  You couldn’t let him know you thought that, though- and there was something else about the prank that stood out to you.
Spencer hated technology.  By his own admission, he could barely send an email without losing his mind.  It made you wonder- if he hated technology so much, then how had he hacked your slides?
“Look, you’re the one who decided to bother an MIT graduate.  I don’t know if you know this, but we have a history of going nuclear.”
“Oh, you’re proud of that one, aren’t you?” you hissed, “How long did it take you to come up with it?  Twenty minutes?  Thirty?”
Reid blushed, and you knew you’d struck some sort of nerve.  You decided to press down harder, “Y’know, I doubt that it was just your MIT-grad-ass conspiring on this little project.  Who helped you, Reid?  Was it Evans?  Peters?”  
You kept listing librarians and comp sci profs, but his facial expression never changed.  You were heading in the wrong direction.
You stopped, falling silent so you could think for a moment.  Reid moved to fill the silence, but you shushed him, holding a hand up to stop him in his place.  You thought back to the search you’d done on Reid.  His team had a technical analyst- she’d seemed cool, but was she cool enough for this?
After a while, you turned back to Reid.  Raising an eyebrow, you asked, “Did you get your FBI girl to break into my PowerPoint slides?”
He stuttered, face taking on a pink hue as he tried to find some sort of excuse or distraction- it was too late, though.  You already had your answer.  
“Holy shit!  You got your FBI girl to break into my PowerPoint slides!”
“Wait, no, I-!”
A massive grin broke across your face, “Oh, fuck.  I must really bother you if you called the fucking Feds on me!  Jesus Christ.  How often am I on your mind?”
“You’re not- you’re never on my mind,” Reid’s face was bright red now.  His arms were drawn across his chest protectively.  You almost felt bad- but not quite.  
“Y’know,” you snorted out a laugh, “I’ll be honest, I’m impressed.  This took work.  It took planning.  Patience.  And I mean, it’s a good PowerPoint to boot, so…”
“I- thank you?  I-” Reid’s stuttering made it very clear that you had broken his brain.
“No problem, sunshine.  Anyway, since you made such a good presentation, and you worked so hard to get my attention by putting it where I would see it-”
“I don’t want your attention!”
You spoke over him, “I’m gonna let you off easy- on one condition.”
He looked at you with wide eyes, and at that moment, it didn’t matter that he was a million inches taller than you.  You had the high ground.  You relished it.
“Are my original files safe?”
Without another word, Reid nodded.  Another massive grin split your face, “Perfect!  Now I don’t have to stab you in the throat!”
Reid was at a loss for words- and you took advantage of that.
“Unfortunately,” you leaned towards him, “You can’t just go unpunished.”
Spencer shivered at your words.  You didn’t notice.
“Since you made my class such a lovely presentation, why don’t I go and share some fun facts with your students?”
The smile on your face turned fiendish, and before Spencer could even think of moving, you were already in his classroom with the door locked tight behind you.  He could hear your voice through the door, incredibly chill as you addressed his students.
“Hey, kids!  Quick aside,” You sounded so incredibly chill despite the fact that you were full-on hijacking a class.
“Did you guys know that a midsize private jet burns a low estimate of one hundred and ninety-eight gallons of jet fuel per hour at minimum?  Isn’t that neat?”
Spencer fought the internal urge to scream- the urge to bang on the door and demand that you let him back in.  He had a reputation to protect.  He had to come off as composed.  Therefore, he made the professional decision to stand outside, cross his arms, and pray to the science gods that you would come out of that room sooner rather than later.
To his surprise, you did.  You were in and out in the course of five minutes- though it did feel like longer.  As you made your exit, you stretched your arms out in front of you, cracking your knuckles as you did.
“And there we go.  We’re even, now!  My class is educated in the ways of handwritten notes, and yours is educated in the existential horrors of climate change and private jets.”
You gave Reid’s arm a casual pat with the back of your hand.  You moved to pat him again, but you stopped when he flinched.  The smile on your face dimmed slightly.  You didn’t even notice it, but he did.   
The two of you just stood in the hallway for a moment, staring at each other.  You were both still, both quiet.  You could hear his students starting to mumble behind the door.
“You should get back,” your voice was quieter than you wanted it to be, “They’re about to go crazy.”
“No thanks to you.”
“Yeah, well,” you shrugged, “Keep making your students handwrite things and the typewriter will be back to ease things over.”
“Is that a promise?”
Your smile was back to full brightness.  Reid wondered why he preferred it that way.
Despite the fact that his classroom door was wide open, Reid stayed in the hallway.  He watched you leave, the shape of you growing smaller and smaller until you were gone.  When he finally did re-enter the room, all eyes were on him.
“Well,” he clapped his hands together, his lips drawing together in an awkward smile, “Now that that’s over, how about we talk a little about the dark figure of crime?”
His students allowed him to control the lesson without complaint- but he could feel their eyes on him even after the class ended.  Worse than that, he could feel you.  Your eyes were still on him, your words still under his skin.  
He’d get you back for this.  He had to.  He couldn’t let you win.
♥ Tags: @icarusignite
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clonerightsagenda · 4 months
lucy carlyle for the ask game!!! :)
(Ask meme here)
We are 2 for 2 for teen girls hanging out with the dead tonight huh. Maybe Aradia should be Lucy's next dead girlfriend.
First impression
Stroud likes his scrappy teen girls, huh? I respect that. A man can have worse stock characters.
Impression now
While she clearly shares DNA with Kitty (insert the 'he she lost her whole squad' meme) she is her own character and I like that she's petty and irrational and unfair in ways that make sense for her age. Honestly she is so extremely 13-15 it is hard for me to imagine what she will be like once she is an adult. But yknow. Tossup whether she'll make it that far anyway.
Favorite moment
I go on about all the CEOs she kills but siccing a guy's dead ex-girlfriend who he murdered on him after he threatens to kill you because he thinks you're the weak link was a great move. Really set my expectations.
Idea for a story
While I respect Stroud writing technology out of the world because he simply does not want to deal with it, I would love to see Lucy Carlyle unleashed on social media. I think she'd do numbers (derogatory). She'd write lengthy screeds about ghosthunting procedures and then tell people disagreeing with her to kill themselves. Meanwhile Lockwood has a google alert for his name and George is on fantasy Sci Hub. They can still have their intervention like 'Lucy you are putting too much trust in mysterious beings whose true faces and intentions you can't ascertain, it's drawing you closer to a realm inimical to human life that will warp you beyond all recognition if it doesn't kill you outright' but it's just because she has some weird tumblr mutuals.
Also don't think I didn't notice that when Lockwood goes "yeah I told Barnes there's no way we're doing anything with the other side ever again" and the rest of his team loudly agrees with him Lucy is conspicuously quiet. She's keeping her options open. Maybe she wants to go beat up Marissa Fittes again. She deserves to.
Unpopular opinion
Leaving the agency when she did was probably the right call. She and Lockwood's clashing personality traits and priorities were bringing out the worst in each other and making everyone else miserable. (I am so sorry Holly.) They didn't really resolve everything either, so if that workplace relationship is going to work out they should probably get therapy. Bright side is there must be loads of child therapists in this universe right. They'd probably have to be dragged kicking and screaming though. Maybe if you told them the office was haunted and then locked the door behind them.
Favorite relationship
If Lucy and Lockwood have clashing traits that bring out the worst in each other, Lucy and the skull just share a lot of their worst traits already, and I think that's very funny. Instead of saying she is so empathetic and pure of heart that she can befriend sinister ghosts Stroud was like yeah they just both suck in similar ways and thus get on, to everyone else's confusion and dismay. Honestly surprised they got anything done during their flatmates era besides coming up with mean burns about their neighbors.
Also this is a hostage situation. I appreciate Stroud's willingness to make his leads complicit. Marissa delivers the classic "we're not so different you and I" villain speech, but she has a point. They're both trapping and exploiting the dead to protect their lives and careers; it's just a difference of scale, and once you've justified something, scale is negotiable.
However I'm very invested in Show!Lucy's doomed girlfriend so watch this metaphorical space for whenever I finally meet her.
Favorite headcanon
Talent seems largely random but Lucy is described as being connected to the other side even before she crosses over, so I think maybe she was a preemie or almost died some other way as a child and that's why she's Like That.
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Shiv and Misty could be such a power couple for real, Misty has so much of what Shiv loves about Tom while also being content to get kicked as long as she can always come back. Question is how they would get together, but maybe in school when Misty caught on that Shiv didn't have any real friends.
I desperately want to write a Shiv/Yellowjackets au, but I kind of want to wait until the show is done so I can have a better picture of just what the girls brought with them out of the wilderness. But I'm also super impatient, so I may start something anyhow and add to it as the show progresses.
Anyway, that's a roundabout way of saying I'm using your ask as an excuse to dump a half fic/half meta snippet as I work it all out in my mind.
Instead of a New Jersey public school, this would have to be an upscale New York private school, because otherwise no way would Logan let his Pinky attend. So in this au, Misty's family would have to be at least a little bit loaded for her to afford to go there. It doesn't help her lack of popularity and friends at all, but she does have a little money. Ooh, unless she's there on a scholarship!
Shiv is by far the richest girl, taking Lottie's place in that regard. I'm going to age Shiv up just a tiny bit from Sarah Snook, giving her a birth year of 1985. So it would place all this around 2002/2003.
Anyway, it all starts when Misty is approaching the girls in the hallway before the bell rings, handing out invitations to her birthday party. So far, the same laughter as always, the same little digs that she deliberately ignores. Her heart skips a beat when she sees Siobhan Freaking Roy getting books out of her locker. The richest, smartest, most beautiful girl in the school (that shiny hair! Those eyes! That smile!). Shiv doesn't hang out with any of the other girls that much, not even the ones on her team. She's so...aloof, alone, but on purpose (right?), unlike Misty. And she actually engages with their teachers in History, English, and Poli-Sci, just like Misty. She'd never called Misty up to ask her if she did anal and laugh at her. She ignored her, because why wouldn't she?
But maybe this is the day that changes everything.
"Hi Shiv! Would you like to come to my birthday party on Saturday? I'm baking a funfetti cake. And my mom says we can use the pool! We can" --
But what Misty doesn't know is that Shiv is fuming. She had a really ugly morning with her brothers.
Since joining the Yellowjackets, she's been ever more the apple of Logan's eye. He's even come to matches (not once has he attended any of Ken or Rome's few after school events). He'd embarrass her from the sidelines when his inner Hibs fan comes out, if she weren't just so thrilled he's there. He usually never stays through the whole match because as always, something comes up at work. But he will often play the obliging king and pay for the girls to get pizza after. The girls start teasing Shiv by saying "Thank you, Mr. Roy" in unison whenever word comes down their dinner is covered.
Nothing fills Shiv with more fierce joy than after winning a match, feeling her father's hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. Seeing that fond twinkle in his eyes. "You did good, Pinky."
But there's a flipside to all that. A flipside Kendall and Roman enlightened her on this morning.
Logan had actually eaten some of his breakfast with them. Kendall was home from college for conferences. Roman was done with military school, and was half-heartedly working on college applications ("Why do I even have to do this? I could send my dookie wrapped in the application and they'd still give a Roy son admission.").
Their father scoffed as usual when Ken tried to talk to him about his econ class. He'd dart a withering glance at Rome whenever he'd giggle in that high voice. But again that light in his eyes when his gaze fell on Shiv. "So what's that idiot Scott got planned for today's match? He has no fucking clue about form. When is Martinez going to get his head out of his ass and actually coach you girls, for Chrissake?"
Of course he didn't stay for the whole breakfast. He glanced at his watch after grilling Shiv and left for the office.
Shiv was left with her brothers' dark dead eyes staring her down.
"You're real cute, Shiv, y'know? Daddy's shiny little bait he dangles over our heads."
"Fuck you, Ken. What does that even mean?"
Roman snorted. "Come on Shiv. You know why Dad puts on this big fucking display whenever we're all together, right?"
Kendall laughed into his coffee. "No, she doesn't."
Shiv's neck and face muscles tightened. She was on the lookout now, on the defense. "Know what? Just fucking say what you mean."
"Aw Shivy," Ken laughed in that stupid sinister way that really gets under her skin. "He's using you to get at Roman and me. I mean, he doesn't really take you seriously, you get that, right? But he plays it all up because he thinks that will make me and Roman fuckin', I don't know, start wrestling for his attention or something."
Roman imitated Logan's Canadian-Scottish brogue. "If this pair of dumb walking tits can kick a ball, you two pricks can stop jerking it for two minutes to do something manly, manly, dirt, blood, fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck." He took a delicate sip of his orange juice. "And so on."
Shiv heard buzzing in her head. Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz...
"That's the most paranoid, deranged shit I've ever...what, did he say that?"
Roman and Kendall didn't reply. Instead, they gave her that look.
Her breath hitched.
It was the look on her father's face just before he left for the office. He'd given it to the boys. Shiv ignored it at the time, but now she knew...
He'd raised his eyebrows at them, then pointed his gaze toward Shiv. As if telling them, look at her. Look. Your little sister. What are you going to do about it?
The blood rushed to her face. She pushed her plate away and grabbed her backpack. "You don't know what you're talking about."
She saw murder when they laughed as she rushed away.
The buzzing and the blood and the murder follow her to her locker, so when she sees Misty fucking Quigley staring at her with those stupid fucking saucer eyes like a puppy with rabies --
She laughs the same laugh as Kendall and Roman. "Oh, yeah, Misty. I would love to come. I would just love nothing more than to go sunbathing with you in your Little Mermaid one piece and eat your clown cake. But, see, I've got something I'd rather do that day, which is to get as far away as possible from that shit show. Don't worry, I'm sure Teen Vogue will cover the whole thing, talk all about your custom Lisa Frank sweater dress."
She slams her locker door.
Then she sees Misty's face. It doesn't change expression, but Shiv sees the blood drain away.
Like how she felt this morning.
But Misty bravely swallows. That's not the worst thing she's ever heard. Not at all. It's okay. It'll really be okay. She'll just throw away all the rest of her invitations and try to grab one of the pigeons pecking at crumbs outside --
"Ah, shit."
Misty turns around. Shiv's eyes are closed and she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, Misty. That was -- that was horrible. Awful. Bad. Whatever. I'm...yeah, I'm really sorry." She opens her eyes and they're looking directly into Misty's, Misty's, and they're-- beautiful. And kind. "Just -- I hope you have a nice party."
Misty's had prank calls, filthy and degrading, had guys knock her science fair volcano out of her arms, had girls who've said things that Shiv's insult couldn't even touch.
None of them ever apologized.
She stands in the middle of the hall, watching Shiv walk away.
The most beautiful, intelligent, kind girl in the whole world.
The next day Misty asks Coach Scott if she can be the team's equipment manager.
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tryingtimi · 2 years
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Taglists for the WIPs in the individual posts. To sign up for any of the taglists, please fill out this form. I will also share snippets and crumbs from projects other than these three as well. Those will be tagged with timis other stories, but I'll make them a masterpost someday for organisation purposes. ♡
〄 METALSEA SERIES settled with this one for now
When Cronyl, the exiled young driadlin man tries to fight against a fairly corrupt kingdom alone in a reshaped world that no longer bears humans on its back; an unexpected Turn of the Metalsea happens to upset everyone's plans — and life itself on both half of the planet it holds together. Confused and disoriented, Cronyl teams up with the people who he stumbles upon in the chaos and they begin to wander together, revealing more and more secrets about their roots and the world they thought they knew.
genre: epic fantasy, adventure, with a sprinkle of romance pov: past-tense, third person limited, also a lof of character (i think i have at least 5 MCs) setting: fairly typical high fantasy, but i try to come up with as much original stuff as i can — hopefully original races for example, also a little bit steampunkish later in the story status: slowly starting the first draft — when i can finally stop worldbuilding plus note: i plan this to be a series of 4 or 5 books, because i can't write short stuff if i happen to start writing tag: #Project Metalsea
◉ IQRUS temporary title, sometimes I call it Project Icarus
A slowly growing, great gap separates the two borther, Dane and Adran Cohren, when they begin to fight againts Aetherius' otherwordly horrors on the brink of human extinction.
genre: sci-fi, fantasy, eldritch-lovecraftian horror or thriller (not sure yet), probably a little grimdark pov: past-tense, third person limited, more than one character pov setting: cyberpunkish, futuristic, deepwater stuff and a fair amount of bullshit science status: outlining and drafting plus note: i know the description is very vague but i couldn't write one without too much worldbuilding (yet), so i'll make it up some later, maybe when the individual post is up already tag: #IQRUS
☏ LONEL settled with this one for now
Lonel has two secrets. One, he is the last of his kind since his mother was killed. Two, he is certain a vampire is to blame. These, however, are secrets he can’t tell anyone about. Vampires do not exist, and he can't be sure if his mind could be trusted anyway. Until one day, during his daily forensic cleaner job, he witnesses a scene that changes everything.
genre: neo-noir, thriller, urban fantasy pov: past-tense, third person limited setting: Wolf Among Us and 1960s-esque city with full of crime and all. status: brainstorming and outlining plus note: i need to come up with a better summary, but all in all this is it. everything is subject to change, especially since i may or may not want them to be vampires or werewolves but something a bit more unique, even tho the base concepts are the same. tag: #Project Lonel
TIMISRECS. I reblog works from here to keep others' works I enjoyed in one place. TIMISHELPSAVES. The URL says all. I reblog writing advice, helpful tips and such from here.
#timisramble | #get to know timi | #timis general worldbuilding
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bears-necessity · 2 years
im curious of what you think about the yiik characters. i need to know what other yiik fans think. alex is my personal favorite (i want to kick him down the stairs) but i like michael a lot too. theyre all stupid nerds. honestly if you have any headcanons id love to hear them.
OMG THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME TO BE ABNORMAL I HAVE SO MUCH THOUGHTS ABOUT THESE GUYS OKAY SO im putting this under a cut just so its not super long on ppls dash here
first off every YIIK character is queer and neurodivergent becuz I'm queer and neurodivergent and I said so, the specifics of that depend on my mood and what sort of au bullshit i'm coming up with at 2am in a VC with my friends tho
Alex is complicated. i hate him hes a massive douche but also I really do get what the devs were trying to with him. the occasions when he's being nice and having fun with his friends are where he shines and honestly at heart hes just some guy who needs to get a grip and get his shit together (relatable). if i knew him personally i'd probably slap him and then we'd be good, he probably specialised in sci-fi/fantasy creative writing for his libarts degree and definitely wrote an essay at somepoint about videogames as an art form. He has tattoos but they're all probably really cringe and embarassing because they were super trendy when he got them and then fell out of fashion, he has one of those barbed wire ones around his upper arm.
Michael is my FAVORITE GUY OF ALL TIME HES SO SILLY but also i've made him horribly angsty in my brain as well it's so. i think him and alex have a really good "friends who are used to each other's bullshit" dynamic but also i ship them a little bitty bit just cuz i'm a sucker for besties who are obliviously in love with each other as a trope. He would hate-watch ancient aliens and buzzfeed unsolved because he thinks he knows better than them. If you read his comments on ONISM he also seems to be a really sweet and supportive guy with the userbase and thats rlly cool hes such a guy Aside from that though he has the most unexplored depth as a character imo, since it's confirmed he isn't from the present reality and at some point definitely becomes aware of that fact I like to think underneath the funnyman bestie thing he's probably having a crisis about who he is and stuff because even before he's consciously aware of it he probably felt this vague subconscious feeling of like,,,Not Belonging ig? idk i think he probably knows this isn't where hes really meant to be and hes trying to truck through it but the impostor syndrome is definitely there. I love michael so much he is a certified blorbo
Rory is sooo mecore I stole his name online because he's so mecore we are both emo/scene kids and his canon favorite song according to some questions directed at the dev team is a brighteyes song that i also love its like fate. ANYWAY I feel really bad for Rory because i think his character is probably handled one of the worst just with the tonal whiplash a lot of his character-centric moments has. I bet he listens to weezer and radiohead. If YIIK was set now he would be into creepypasta and he would get michael into it since it ties in with his paranomal urban legend stuff, they would vlog hunting for slenderman together. him and alex run a gaming channel together (THIS IS AN INSIDE JOKE BUT I HAD TO PUT IT IN I COULDNT HELP MYSELF)
Vella is pretty and I think she's super cool, one of my besties LOVES her so I kinda let him be the friend group CEO of vella stuff but my biggest takeaways from her is that I hope she gets back into making music again, but for her own fun this time instead of to fulfill some success pressure. maybe she starts a crappy little garage band with some of the gang and they write terrible songs about aliens who smoke pot and dance the macarena and she's the only one there who can actually play but they have fun with it. She also knows all the videogame cheat codes and keeps setting high scores that alex and michael cant beat. Also her mind dungeon reminds me of yume nikki and thats super cool cuz i love yume nikki
Chondra and Claudio deserved way more time for their characters to develop and also their lore is weird and confusing and I think the whole missing brother thing is rlly weird too becuz of the reveal of how that all works with alex and shit. BUT if they had been handled bettter they probably would be my favorites because I think claudio is super fun and his VA sounds like he's really going for it and he's just such a chill guy and he's super passionate about his interests and i respect that and 100% would be his bestie chondra is super cool too, she's clearly really into sports and I bet she hangs out at the local skate park and impresses everyone cuz of her roller skates and also probably gets vella into skating too and they go together and have matching customised helmets just for the extra cool factor. alex and michael and rory come and watch them but are too pussy to try (alex has had enough from that stupid skateboard ability you get in vella's dungeon). Maybe she goes to some competitions for it and stuff too
uhhh some other various stuff the essentia is really cool but also confusing and it took ages to make sense of her lore but i LOVE her voice the effects to make it robot-y are *chefs kiss* and essentia 995 is just SO idk how to describe it the part when she says "often it is necessary to lie to oneself to get a tough job done" hits really hard for some reason. shes metal as fuck, metaphorically and literally. sammy is literally a caricature of a real life dead girl and i think that's pretty fucked up and they shouldnt have done that, but she would have been really cool if it wasn't for that big yikes. in general i really love a lot of the influences yiik has i'm a huge fan of rpgmaker horror and murakami books and a bunch of the other shit that it references so hehehehehe thats cool
this is long but also this is everything I can think of off the top of my head thank you for letting me be abnormal about this stupid game i hate it and love it so much :D
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shadowron · 2 years
The Rise and Fall of Matrix 1.0 in Shadowrun
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If you know what this is, then we are friends. Hoi chummer.
If you don’t then I’ll first start with what it’s not:
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Matrix (mathematics)
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John Matrix from Commando
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Extracellular matrix
Like most cyberpunk elements within Shadowrun, the use of “matrix” as a virtual-reality driven computer environment derives from William Gibson’s Neuromancer, published in 1984. So yes, Shadowrun rips this off, though not to the infamy that…
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…this franchise did.
The Matrix came out in 1999. It was revolutionary in its special effects, realizing Keanu Reeves had a greater range than being Ted, and getting a generation of sci-fi fans to read Baudrillard.
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Baudrillard did not write this book.
I’m sure there’s been much written about the central tenet of the movie – that we are living in a simulation – so much so that I’m not bothering to do any research on that topic and get back to the main topic.
Matrix Topology
In college, a group of us Shadowrun nerds tried to recruit a computer-savvy friend to make a character and join our campaign. Naturally, we suggested a decker, and soon had him trying to infiltrate his first system, looking for some mcguffin.txt file that our team was hired to find.
Him:      “Well, can’t I just grep it or something?”
Us:          “Uhh… that’s not how computers work.”
Him:       *already out the door*
The thing to remember about all implementation of computing and hacking in games is that:
It is absolutely nothing like how it works in real life, yet…
…some people will believe it to be chip-truth anyway.
Which is true for every aspect of RPGs – especially combat systems. Sometimes this is amusing – like watching D&D players trying to swing a real sword, and sometimes this leads to the United States Secret Service raiding the offices of Steve Jackson Games over GURPS Cyberpunk.
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How can you consider this a threat to the Nation when The World of Synnibarr exists?
The Matrix – in Neuromancer, in the film franchise, in Shadowrun – is built upon telephone networks. In order to connect to a Bulletin Board System (BBS), your computer’s modem (a telephone that speaks computer) had to dial an old-fashioned phone number. Which meant that you had to know what that number is beforehand – there was no equivalent to Google. This is why in the movie WarGames (1983), Ferris Bueller is wardialing – calling every number in an area code to search for the few that connect to computer systems. So much of the presentation in Shadowrun is based upon knowing the address to where you want to go:
Regional Telecommunications Grid (RTG) – this is analogous to country codes. These are letter codes abbreviating the area. The RTG that covers Seattle is NA/UCAS-SEA (North America, United Canadian & American States, Seattle).
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Local Telecommunications Grid (LTG) – this is analogous to a local area code. Every system will have its own LTG, encoded by a number. The examples given all have four digits but presuming there to be more than 10,000 computer systems in Seattle, they could have any value necessary. From the book:
Players should not know what is in the gamemaster's phone book because system owners guard their LTG locations jealously. Player characters will have to hunt down an access code or acquire it during an adventure to know where an LTG system connects. Let them keep their own phone books.
Supposing your decker already has the number, they can try to access the system itself. If connecting from outside (the RTG), then the decker starts off trying to infiltrate the SAN: System Access Node.
Computer systems are constructed out of a network of connected nodes, each of which having a particular purpose, represented by a standard shape, and each actually corresponding to a real part of a computer:
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Sub-Processing Unit (SPU)
Input/Output (I/O) Port
Slave Module
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Because the decker (more specifically, the persona program running on their cyberdeck) is intrusive, there are dice rolls involved in gaining illicit access to every node, dice rolls involved in getting the node to execute your commands, dice rolls to deal with the Intrusion Countermeasures (IC, “ice”), and so on.
The Behind the Scenes chapter of the core book gives rules for randomly generating Matrix systems, populating them with ice, and determining the value of any paydata found in datastores.
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Which is when you realize that Matrix 1.0 is just a reskinned one-PC dungeon crawl.
A dungeon with locked/stuck doors, monsters to protect them, and treasure to be found in them. It became cliché at our table that when it was time for the decker to do their thing, the rest of the party went to get snacks and shoot some hoops outside. Yes, it was thrilling for the decker, but at the end, they either got they needed from the system, or they didn’t. Unless you were running a campaign of all deckers (which would be AWESOME), you’re better off just having an NPC decker as a contact and contract out that work.
So, it was not surprising that, by the time the 2nd Edition version of Virtual Realities was released, it contained a completely different set of mechanics, dubbed Matrix 2.0, which became the standard when 3rd Edition was published, that greatly streamlined and sped up the gameplay.
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marklikely · 2 years
a while ago you said you hated the movie the eternals so I was wondering what you didn’t like about it? just bc I’m vindictive about marvel lol
god they just literally didnt do even a single thing right.
the acting was really bad from just about everyone (except maybe kumail nanjiani who was the only person who decided he would try to play an actual character), like everyone was just phoning it in. im going to chalk it up to bad directing because people also seemed like they had no idea what they were supposed to be doing on set, plus some of these people are decorated actors that have proven they were good at their job in other movies.
it could also be because the writing was just a mess on every level. like, how good could the acting be when no characters were given any solid motivations or personality traits (any motivations or traits that they DID bother to put in the movie were either told with 0 evidence, or just changed whenever it suited a plot twist to try and create some tepid and meaningless conflict within the team). the lore was tedious and nonsensical, there were no stakes because absolutely nothing felt earned or consequential at all, the overall goal of the plot changed like 8 different times as well as constantly being interrupted by flashbacks with no rhyme or reason as to when we would see a flashback or what we would flash back to, which led to a pacing nightmare.
and the tone was too dour and serious to be able to ignore any of this for the camp or fun either!! because there was absolutely no fun!!!!! it's like they wanted to make a Prestige Drama out of a movie that's 75% exposition dumps and half-assed sci fi lore and 0% actual character moments that make dramas work.
ok im typing too much so let's just rapid fire the rest: the color pallet was atrocious, just concrete and mud. the costumes looked like absolute garbage, cheaply made and extremely bland even just on a design level (i'm talking specifically about the hero uniforms here. the civilian clothes for every character were also boring and pointless, though). the effects were literally laughably bad, the object designs (like for the spaceship and other alien stuff, i'm not sure what to call this category) were ridiculous and never fully came together into something interesting or otherworldly. the score was trash and the needledrops were distracting. the diversity was shallow and insulting, you can't just constantly brag about diversity when you couldn't be bothered write those diverse characters to be actual, yknow, characters.
anyway if you want a well-made superhero movie about ancient heroes who have a deep love for humanity, that has diverse characters who are actually fleshed out and treated like characters instead of an Inclusivity Checklist, that has serious moments with emotional impact but is also capable of being fun, that has clear intra-team conflicts and morally grey characters that you can actually understand, that doesn't look like total garbage, then literally just watch The Old Guard. just watch The Old Guard im literally begging you. if you liked eternals just watch The Old Guard and see what it looks like when a movie actually does what eternals pretends it's doing.
#sorry anyway i decided a while ago that eternals is the new number one worst movie ive ever seen xoxo#if i could say one nice thing about it uh. again kumail nanjiani hard carried and he wasn't even that good.#its just that the bar was literally so low that him deciding to actually try and play a character was still leagues above everyone else.#uh. the opening song was by pink floyd and i like those guys.#although the song they chose was time which is like. completely antithetical to the entire movie so idk.#i guess they were just like oh its about time and these guys are eternal it must be perfect *does not actually listen to the song*#asks#the diversity thing really fucking bugged me too like they wont shut up about diversity but#then when we watched the making-of documentary to try and see what we missed that would make this movie make sense#like there was this one section where they all listed a bunch of personality traits for each of the characters#(and for most of the characters they either listed things that are not actually a personality or were things that were NOT in the movie)#and for one girl literally all they could come up with was that shes fast and Deaf and she taught them asl.#which is like. so fucking insulting. you couldnt think of a single personality trait? shes just fast??#shes just fast and she taught the hearing people some asl because as we all know thats the only role a Deaf person can have right?#we dont need to give her an actual character we just need someone to fill the Deaf Marvel Character quota.#idk. if it were me and i realized that i couldnt name a trait for this character besides 'knows asl' and 'has super speed' id like#stop patting myself on the back for my Great Deaf Representation. because thats not good representation at all its just pathetic.#and the other characters were all similarly shallow but she's just. the best example of it bc they couldnt even PRETEND that she was deep.#movie diary#and again if the movie was even slightly able to have fun id be a lot less hard on it but it took itself so fucking seriously#and patted itself on the back so much for being like this Highbrow Next Level version of a marvel movie#and like. no. this is the worst marvel movie by a nautical mile even if youre judging by really strict standards of Art.
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melancholia-ennui · 1 month
hey, I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. you did something silly that actually really helped my severe anxiety and insecurities and gave me new perspective; it may have seriously changed my outlook and/or possibly future life.
Warning, this is detailed and a bit heavy at times. Feel free not to read - if you decide not to, just know that you did something I'm deeply grateful for.
Here goes.
a while ago you made this post (https://www.tumblr.com/melancholia-ennui/744585335612293120/so-the-thing-that-i-find-fascinating-about-the?source=share) weighing in on the walrus/fairy poll debate, talking about how many of the people on team fairy who got hung up on "but a fairy is impossible" were possibly demonstrating a somewhat stubborn mentality and getting too wrapped up in the impossibility of a fairy etc to actually consider the poll's actual question.
you didn't say it directly (at least I don't think so - if you actually did and I missed it then I am very sorry, feel free to piss on the poor me etc etc), but I interpreted this as a dig at the type of people who refuse to change a belief when confronted with increasing amounts of evidence that contrast that belief in favor of continuing to consider something 'impossible'.
I'm a bookworm and a lover of fantasy, sci-fi, everything that lets me escape, and in childhood I was definitely the type (and still am to some extent) to constantly wish for some fantasy world to come true to set some grand adventure in motion. I would have *loved* a fairy showing up at my door.
As stated previously, I have pretty severe anxiety, specifically social anxiety. My insecurities are heavily related to not appearing stupid or foolish in any way. When I grew up, I began to always accompany the wish for some fantasy aspect to appear in my life with the thought "but even if it ever were to happen, you cannot let yourself believe in it, because, since it's impossible, it is definitely a prank or trick set up by someone, and if you get seen believing in whatever magic shows up in your life, people will laugh at you for being stupid enough to fall for it and you will have deserved it too. You can avoid this fate by, in the unlikely event that something like this ever happens, adamantly refusing to believe in magic so that you don't look stupid, gullible, and childish to others."
(I actually did not realize until I got to this part of writing this out that this mentality was most likely not helped by an incident in which my family members gifted 8-year-old me, who was at the time very obsessed with Harry Potter*, a Hogwarts letter, watched me freak out over it and jubilantly think I was going and waited two whole days to tell me it wasn't real.)
*yes I grew up since then and realized JKR sucks but I was 8 then and didn't know any of this
Anyways, your post was a bit of a mirror to me. It made me realize that, really, this isn't a way to live. Considering current observations, I do not believe in magic, but if solid evidence were to present itself to the contrary... maybe I shouldn't stick my head in the sand out of fear that someone is lying to me. That's how conspiracy theorists generally operate, after all. And while applying this to magic is a bit silly, it goes for all facets of life - being afraid that people will find me stupid for changing longstanding previously held beliefs in the face of convincing evidence otherwise will do nothing but bring me stubbornness, unhappiness, and a reputation for being closed-minded.
I really can't express how much your silly walrus/fairy discourse post opened my eyes and made me realize I shouldn't let social anxiety color my logic like this. I mean it in every way possible when I say thank you.
Thank you.
so this ask has been sitting in my ask box for a while now because every time I go to reply I get stuck so this time I'm just going to try and write something and if you're reading this it means I decided that 'something' was good enough.
firstly, thank you for reaching out - I'm glad whenever anything I do can be helpful to someone else, so it's always nice to hear.
I'm also sorry to hear how shitty your family has treated you - making a joke out of children's fantasies is just cruel, and I'm sorry it happened to you.
as for the post, it wasn't meant as a jab against a particular sort of person per se, just a lightly humorous observation on what I considered an interesting pattern of epistemic behaviour. with my background in philosophy and psychology I'm always interested in ways that people think and how those can fall apart or get in the way.
I would say that in most cases, epistemic dogmatism - holding any belief with so much certainty that no evidence of any degree could ever change your mind - is best avoided. we, individually and as a species, know an awful lot less than we think we do, and maintaining an attitude of humility towards knowledge - being open to changing our beliefs in accordance with the evidence - is the best way to navigate a complex world. this is something humans are actually really bad at - we're incredibly defensive of our constructed world views and will, on average, tend to undervalue evidence that challenges what we already believe and overvalue evidence that supports it. this has it's epistemic uses in moderation (as any Bayesian could tell you), but it can be very harmful when left to run rampant.
that said, I also don't think that 'what other people think of you' is the best yardstick for developing a robust method for gaining knowledge - whether that's avoiding challenging evidence because you don't want to be taken for a fool, or changing your beliefs too readily because you don't want to be seen as stubborn.
I also struggle and have struggled with social anxiety, but the unfortunate truth that I've come to realise is you will look like an idiot. a lot, actually, if you're anything like me. and you might be able to avoid looking like an idiot sometimes by giving up on or hiding away the things that bring you joy, or by curling in on yourself into a cynical little ball, but from my experience? you just end up looking like an idiot anyway for some other reason, only now you look like an idiot and are also miserable. so it's all rather pointless really, and you'll get through it all with a lot fewer bumps if you bring a bit of joy and wonder along with you. that's my experience anyway.
as for magic, well, I subscribe to the Sir Terry Pratchett school of thought that it doesn't stop being magic just because you found out how it's done.
just take a look at, say, Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy - especially the early chapters on the properties of the elements - you'll realise that a surprising amount of stuff that Renaissance musicians sought to achieve by alchemy and art we can just. Do now. the method and theory is a fair bit different to what they had in mind, it involves a lot less cosmic rays from the upper spheres and a lot more bottled lightning running over arcane sigils inscribed in magic rocks, but it's still the same stuff: creating images in the air, speaking into someone's ear from a great distance, etc etc etc.
beyond works of Art, there's much magic of the more ephemeral kind - what I suppose CS Lewis would class as magia as opposed to goetia, to misuse a framework - all around us. just walk through a forest, listen to the birds, listen to some live music by a local band no one's ever heard of, share a meal with a friend, watch the sun rise, read a story that changes your brain chemistry then go and do the dishes after.
I mean I could say a whole lot more about what I believe about magic, how it fits into my own epistemology and ontology - but this is already long and rambly enough, and my thoughts are still underdeveloped enough, that I don't especially intend to subject you to them too.
suffice to say that when it comes to believing things I think it is wise to thread the needle between dogma and naïvety, to hold all beliefs lightly (both those you have and those others try to hand to you), now suspending judgement, now taking a line until you have good reason to abandon it, just as long as you stay humble with an eye out for where you might be wrong. i also do believe there is much that is magical and wonderful in the world, and that life is better for taking the time to revel in that wonder.
I hope you find your magic, anon.
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isthilll · 7 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
@jxstnn thanks for tagging me i love questions💙
coke or pepsi: no preference
disney or dreamworks: fuck these companies but how to train your dragon is one of my all time favourite movies
coffee or tea: tea forever
books or movies: movies. I wish I read more but I need to work on my attention span for that
windows or mac: who cares both bad
dc or marvel: again fuck these companies but I love spiderman and wolverine
x-box or playstation: I have an xbox
dragon age or mass effect: dragon age
night owl or early riser: night owl despite the fact that I looooove mornings, I always miss them
cards or chess: C A R D S ! ! ! love cards I fuckin suck at chess. uses too much working memory
chocolate or vanilla: vanilla probably
vans or converse: I only wear boots
lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: sigh. adaar to fulfill my futile dream of being tall
fluff or angst: neither tbh
beach or forest: beach in cloudy/rainy weather, forest in sunny weather
dogs or cats: depends on the individual. I love an animal who will nap with me all day but some dogs are too energetic and some cats are too independent
clear skies or rain: rain :)
cooking or eating out: COOKING. restaurants are unpleasant places
spicy food or mild food: spicy
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: I'm already forever a little too cold so I’m used to that
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: SHAPESHIFTING
animation or live action: depends on the context but I like way more live action media than animated
paragon or renegade: idk I’ve played like 4 hours tops of mass effect
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: lol both bad but I’ll hate ironman eternally for personal reasons
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy probably
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “you can do whatever you want forever”
youtube or netflix: youtube I guess. I don’t really use streaming services
harry potter or percy jackson: I like percy more anyway but I’m also trans so it’s a double win for percy
when do you feel accomplished: idk if I ever really do. I live a very low-effort life working retail and staying in my normal parents’ houses and I don’t do anything that’s all that impressive. I suppose I do feel accomplished when people like me
star wars or star trek: I think I’m about equal on both. they’re alright
paperback books or hardcover books: I don’t read books often enough to have a preference
to live in a world without literature or without music? depends on how you define literature. if we’d just be lacking some forms of published writing, I’d rather music still be around
who was the last person to make you laugh? my friend :)
city or countryside? countryside, but only because I don’t get to see it often. if I was there all the time I think I’d miss the city too
favorite chips? chicken and tomato flavour
pants or dresses? BIG PANTS 4EVER
libraries or museums? libraries are more important admittedly but I visit museums more frequently
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven 100%
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks that are just spare scraps of paper
dream job? idk jobs just seem like they suck perpetually, especially as someone with very little drive or interests or energy. I have fantasies of working on a small farm but I’m too physically weak for that atm
(added question) What gives you comfort? being around animals, going for walks, napping with friends
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pucukmerah · 8 months
I gotta write some stuffs (scenarios) for my own archive
wanna say ocs but theyre actually just characters I came up to in order to fit/being actor for the scene (I only have few 'proper' oc stories, maybe 3 or 5)
should've work on my proposal proposal proposal anyway
Throwback to the one post about train invitation, I imagine it in sci-fi environment with a little supernatural kinda thing genre. The concept was/is that the protag got into a train full of sus attendees, with level-headed personality and yeah going thru the common storyline-there're cases ahead. But the main thing is I just wanted to tell that protag might will come up forming a duo with deranged berserker.
Onto another scenario with different setting, it's that for I wanted a good-good brother siblinghood, I started to imagine a story where -> the little brother is talented, -> the older brother is quite being shunned in family, the lil bro is able to read the minds of the older bro (whilst there're other siblings in the fam). So then, influenced with so much stories I read abt fam sibs killing e/o, they too had to go thru it, but the older bro is nevertheless a sorta kindhearted towards the lil one. They ended up not doing so 👍 though the main scene I imagined is when the young older one cried over how much he doesnt want to do that kill e/o thing and the lil just went off to hug him.
Another one, is a "oh noes I got framed as the culprit....even more with the deceiving evidence directed towards me, I didn't do it though, but will anyone even believe me :( too bad." with "care for yourself for a bit wouldn't you, also we've still got team assignment don't you dare flee." duo. The pasrah one has a pretty good combat-ish and hmm quick witted? probably.... the other one can be a coward at times but often able to get a hold of himself and actually p good in solving (cases) (think abt Leo from kekkai sensen, eh a fragment of it).
Other one is a very rough concept of a taxi driver that oftentimes serving ppl who are involved within cases and is fed up with it, might will mix it with another thought of character that is very often gets injured cause (supernatural event that) enables him to (conscious or unconsciously) transferred other ppl' incidents/injury.
why am I struggling in writing academic literatures while I go like paragraphs with fiction stuffs.
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playinhooky · 11 months
thinking about the shitty sci-fi I watched growing up, because I was explaining it to the beloved last night, and I want to write a freaking crossover.
like why not, Dark Angel x Ruby crossover fic??? as if I didn't already have a zillion ideas for fics.
anyways here's my DAxRWBY thoughts:
Ruby is our Max, an escaped genetic experiment/weapon turned bike messenger in post apocalyptic Seattle.
Emerald is her roommate, they squat in an empty building. Ruby pays the rent with her meager earnings from Pony Express Bike Messenger service and also does some cat burglary on the side. Emerald probably helps, probably taught her the best tricks.
Em is better than Original Cindy in every way because she is not a caricature, and like, she has more like.... agency, I want to say? plus, I think it's better if Ruby has an ally from the start that knows what's up and like has a more active part in her life other than occasionally being the sassy black roommate who comes in to be like "gurrrrrl, this is out of my depth".
uhhh, lesssee, I keep going back and forth between making Weiss or Blake Logan/Eyes Only. honestly, I think Blake has more of a social justice background than Weiss, so ultimately Blake would be the brains of the operation and the one doing the legwork and Weiss would be the benefactor/funding the work and being the piercing Blue gaze. ultimately, it's a good team effort, and I can build some Monochrome chemistry into it, which is spicy and delicious!
Yang is probably the Zack character, big sibling vibes, much more hardened than Ruby because she feels responsible for the other kids that escaped and has been watching over and keeping track of every single one of them from the shadows. pppprrrrroobably not gonna do the whole ship thing that sort of happens in DA between Zack and Max because I'm not really feeling enabler vibes. Also I'd have her stick around once being revealed instead of driving off into the night. Team RWBY has got to bring the fight to Manticore or.. maybe I'll call them Remnant? hmm yes maybe, anyways they gotta bring the fight to them and free all the other genetic experiments and stuff!
I have no idea who I'd cast as the military people because I don't want it to be James, I don't want to make him a bad guy at all. maybe ozpin? I dunno I haven't thought that far ahead. I only just woke up with the idea after all.
Oh! Mercury would be Alec, that's for sure. Jaune would be Sketchy, Ren would be Herbal, Nora could be..... Kendra? I think that's pretty chill.
I was trying to think of who Cinder would be, and then I was like, she'd be that character in season two that started a mini cult surrounding her blood. yep. that one.
I dunno, they're ideas I had to write them down.
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skypancake · 1 year
fall 22 + why i started this blog
it’s a bittersweet time as the semester comes to an end, the profs i didn’t like i’m happy i don’t have to do any more work for them, but on the other hand the ones i do like i don’t get to be in their class anymore ;-; or i suppose i could take their class again, but it doesn’t really make sense to, you know? one of my profs is retiring, and preferred we write good things about her on rmp lol
next semester should be interesting, 15 units, i’m taking physics, psych, history, and comp sci. i wasn’t able to get them all online like i’d wanted to, so i’ll have to expend some gas, but maybe i’ll actually see some friends more often now that i’m on campus. should i get a board? i don’t know how much sense it makes considering i’m not on campus all day, i’d probably wanna get new shoes too, then, considering i feel i should know at least some tricks, and i don’t wanna tear my canvas shoes as is
i think my parents think that by pursuing a cs major i’ve an innate interest in the subject, which isn’t necessarily true. i mean, i don’t hate it, but i don’t have a passion for this craft, either. my actual goal career-wise is to own a/multiple successful business(es), and i’m told comp sci is a useful skill across many disciplines, while you’ll learn more by actually doing business than looking at it from an outside perspective, possibly the instructor being a dinosaur who doesn’t know a thing about what they’re teaching. but yeah, my mum pulled me over and showed me the microsoft teams and other shit she was doing, i think she and my dad are trying to set up my mind into the idea that i’ll be working for someone else my entire life, a pitfall i’m doing my best not to fall into. if money’s tight i’ll give in to the traditional system, but my time is mine. i own it, and i’d rather not sell it to somebody else
i made a topic change for my final essay in english 10 days before the semester’s ending, but seeing as i got more research done in 3 hours compared to less in 4 with my other topic it should hopefully be that much better, i guess this topic just speaks to me more. one of the other ideas was based on bo burnham’s “welcome to the internet” delving into how the internet has changed people, but that might be too broad/specific a topic considering i couldn’t find anything about that specifically (like comparing the 80s-90s to now), though i might’ve also just been using the wrong keywords. another i just thought of was how negative the american news is, don lemon looks like he’s dying, and all these awful stories combined with the negativity bias and availability heuristic can make taint the image of the world in someone’s eyes, this is an idea stolen from jarvis johnson, i don’t remember which video. unrelated, but he also mentions at some point while giving advice to somebody (about relationships?), to not be burdened with the present or past if things went south, because something way better could be right around the corner. i also couldn’t find which video this was
another one of my profs is the whole reason i started this blog, she had a survey at he end of every week asking how we were doing and the like, which i absolutely poured my heart into with thoughts and stories, and her compliment of they being engaging and such inspired me to possibly put these things out there for more people to see. whether they do or don’t is fine, i write these things in a google doc for myself anyway
i am wondering how to publish things like poetry or short stories though, is tumblr the right platform to do that? i would assume the platform itself matters somewhat, idk 
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simptasia · 5 years
For the character ask thing: Please let me know your thoughts on Best Boy Miles Straume
favorite thing about them: he’s funny! (besides that he’s deeper than i expected him to be. but of course he’s a sad boy. this is LOST)
least favorite thing about them: that “more screen time please” thing i said with daniel. i suppose him being a meanie to his friends sometimes? but thats a part of his character and he gets better-ish. mainly i don’t dislike him rather than certain choices the writers made with miles (how underdone his what i assume is friendship with daniel and charlotte was. he barely reacted to their deaths!)
favorite line: i like pretty much all his lines but i don’t have a Favourite off the top of my head. tho special mention to his reaction dan/char petting each other and smiling together to be a flat “yeah, i’m fine too” because that sounds like something i wrote. in general he’s got some good one liners that are okay on paper but are made great by ken’s delivery
OH another special mention to when pierre says “miles, i need you” and miles’ voice cracks when he replies “you do?” AWWW BABY
brOTP: miles/hurley, miles/sawyer, miles/juliet, miles/claire, miles/kate, miles/charlotte, miles/naomi (miles has a lot of Implied off screen friendships with women and i love them). the anti social get the MOST friends
OTP: miles/richard and a OT3, dan/char/miles
nOTP: i’ve yet to see a pairing im opposed to. if anybody ships it, i doubt it, miles/naomi solely cuz i hc naomi as a lesbian
random headcanon(s):
aro bi
depression (and was on psych drugs for a long time because well, his powers come across like mental illness)
sexual mascohist (to keep it brief, he can like it pretty severe)
he took his face piercings out but his body piercings remain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
he loves the ghostbuster movies and is embarrassed about that
animals don’t like him because they sense something is Not Right
unpopular opinion: he’s not an ENTIRE asshole, he’s a bit of an asshole who gets better (whilst still being a snarky boy because of course). also he’s not entirely deadpan snark the entire time. miles emotes. his voice gets high when he’s angry, goes all soft when he’s sad. he does have range
song i associate with them: boulevard of broken dreams. for like, no reason besides he’s emo. like that and “bring me to life” are the first songs that come to mind when i think of emo/punk/goth people. throw in “teenage dirtbag” too
favorite picture of them
technically this is ken, not miles
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but look at this and tell me its not in character
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munohlow · 3 years
Ok real quick gonna propose an idea for that powerpuff girls reboot:
But it if they really must (they shouldn’t!), there’s some better ways I think they could go about it, as well as what I’ve seen floating around (like don’t).
Pretty much all of these are assuming they’ll go the gritty reboot route because that’s pretty popular atm. A dark gritty take on anything is getting a bit tired, I think people are more open to weird and sincere stories, whether they’re adaptations or original. But recently a lot of comics (good comics!) 10+ years old are getting faithful adaptations (good adaptations!) and reviving that early/mid 2000’s taste for “what if Superman, but bastard?”
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Aright one route they could go would be like that of Samurai Jack season 5 on Adult Swim. Written and animated by the original team and keeping to its truest nature while maturing it a bit along with the original fan base and maybe have an overarching plotline. The difference being that keeping it like the original ppg would create a stronger contrast with more mature and brutal violence, similar to Invincible’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man vibes and use of graphic violence.
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This would be the second best way to adapt besides not doing it at all..... but that would also take more money and might not last beyond a season, ending with a solid conclusion like Samurai Jack did. Plus I’m semi doubtful the original team would be on board to drag out the girls’ story, especially like this.
Addressing the leaked script, a common comparison made was to the Netflix adaptation of The Umbrella Academy. Both are loose adaptations about child superhero siblings coming together after years of being apart, dealing with childhood trauma and their parent’s wrecklessness as adults.
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And talking monkey.
Where Umbrella Academy made changes for the sake of depth and character development amidst the sci-fi madness, the CW Powerpuff Girls script attempted to be edgy and gross for the sake of being edgy and gross. They just want to be mature and topical while ignoring everything enjoyable about the original. It also just straight up sucks. I’m no writer but it seems like a lot of people who are writers are pretty pissed about paid professionals pushing this to the point of post-production. Well not post production, it was being filmed, but I enjoy alliteration. That’s also pretty far into development for something this bad, while it was rejected and is being reworked, it still got approved by enough people to shoot a pilot. If the leaked script itself isn’t a marketing ploy, I imagine that’s the real reason it was shut down. CW probably would’ve went through with it, otherwise. Maybe just keep it cancelled, yeah? Yeah.
This idea isn’t mine either but instead of the child star allegory, it could be more interesting to sort of see it carry on from where it left off, as the continued adventures of the powerpuff girls. Similar to the The Venture Bros. (a show I have not watched but know vaguely about, again this is someone else’s thought, I just think it sounds good) the girls can be grown up but start to realize they want to explore their lives and goals as individuals outside of heroism.
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This at least appeals to me because you can keep the show’s status quo, keep the characters together, and have them grow into better more interesting characters as opposed to starting with a dour world where everyone is dead or just worse insufferable people. Instead, begin where audiences are comfortable and open to a new interpretation then let the characters realize there’s more to life and explore what kind of people they can become. (Or just don’t do it.)
Also just hear me out, but maybe, possibly? perhaps the professor was a good dad in the original cartoon? And let’s keep that? Let him remain a wholesome father figure? Is that okay? Don’t make this reboot? But if they do, keep him a nice loving parent?
Since this is the CW/ Warner bros who own DC comics, the best case scenario (cancelled) would be to make it more like the MANY SUPERHERO SHOWS THEY ALREADY MAKE. The good ones, anyway. I’m pretty sure the girls have crossed over with some DC characters in the cartoon already, why not make them canon DC characters? Maybe not. Could be cool! Better not, though. But they could still model the show after some of their better shows. Flash, Arrow, Supergirl are all not bad depending who you ask. I just finished Gotham, that was neat. Superman and Lois sounds like it’s pretty good so far. Powerpuff girls would better suit an earnest, straightforward, lighthearted take. Keep the humor, idk maybe up the violence to keep it dark and cool if that’s what people want (we don’t) and have it contrast with family drama like Invincible. All that to say that a darker, comical, well-written, DC-ish superhero thing they should look to for reference should be Doom Patrol.
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This show fuckin litty. It’s like the better parts of Legends of Tommorow and Titans put together, as in it’s super weird and dumb but in a way that’s fun and moving. I recently rewatched season one as refresher before getting into season two and dammit if it didn’t get me in my feels amidst the quarantine. It’s about broken people working through their issues and pulling themselves together to help one another. Admittedly, it doesn’t have the best representation of those with disassociative identity disorder, as one character sometimes referred to as “Crazy” Jane has a different superpower with each of her alters. The character is very much a product of the 80’s but the writers of the show do their best to show that Jane respects the alters and their free will. But it also deals with topics of abuse, self-image, trauma, disabilities, homophobia, discrimination, and more in a way that gave me some catharsis while watching after all that’s been going on the past couple of years. Aside from all the comedy and action, it all flows together naturally, which is what you want in any series, not just your gritty superhero show. Doom Patrol is also batshit weird, every episode feels almost self contained/ freak-of-the-week while still following the main overarching plot, and Powerpuff Girls is very much like that, without the bigger plot or mature themes (as it should remain, let it be). Many will find it vaguely similar to The Umbrella Academy because GERARD WAY WAS INSPIRED BY DOOM PATROL TO WRITE THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY. The og comics, not the show, but still.
Also let’s address this
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The hell was this about?
Anyway Idk maybe I sound like “Old Man Yells at Cloud,” but this really isn’t the way to go. Don’t do it, CW. Leave it alone, CW. Just don’t do it. We don’t need more sequels and reboot cash grabs, there’s plenty of up and coming writers with good original ideas waiting for their shot. And even with all those new edgy shows and movies, some of which are actually not bad, not everything needs to be so grim. Like sure Teen Titans Go! is a goofy reboot but it’s still just a fun dumb cartoon, it’s not bad, I bet that other ppg show was also just fine. Maybe YOU are “Old Man Yells at Cloud.” But what do I know?
And all THAT to say you should go watch all those other things I mentioned and some old ppg episodes back to back, instead. Don’t fuckin do it, CW
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Haikyu Headcannons
I recently got into Haikyu and I love it. This is my time writing headcannons and it’s fun. Also these are some of my favourites from the show, but not all of them. I have more Hiakyu fics coming. Also if you want to be on a taglist, let me know!
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Tohru Oikawa:
Lives for rainy days and movie marathons with his nephew
Hates wearing his glasses, but does late at night
He does that thing where you lift the glasses and rub at your eyes when your tired
Melts when you lift them and kiss the bridge of his nose and above his eyebrows
More specifically wears them in a huge alien sweater, those plaid pants while watching a crappy alien movie on T.V.
Watches scary movies if you convince him (pull out the puppy dog eyes) but ends up plastered to your side the entire time
He wants to be tough, he really does
Takes you and his nephew on dates together and smiles at you because Takeru really likes you
It almost makes him jealous
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Aone Takanobu:
The best boy ever, seriously he deserves the world
Will blush profusely when you tell him how good he is
The first time you held his hand he almost flinched away, panicked grabbed your hand tighter so you wouldn’t pull it away, and panicked again because he thought he hurt you
He just wanted to hold your hand so bad
You laughed and reassured him you were fine, and he could hold your hand tighter if he wanted
You always wear his spare jersey to his games and it completely swamps you
My mans is huge
You always cheer the loudest for him, and Kogenegawa gets jealous, so you cheer for him too, but not as loud as for Aone
The first time you use his first name, he blushes to the roots of his hair because it sounds so good and just freezes
It takes you several tries to get him to respond, but once he does he smiles for the rest of the day
Brings you flowers he picked and they’re a little droopy and some of the petal are missing, but he’s so cute holding the bouquet that you say thank you and press a kiss to his cheek
You take them and place them in a vase of water and once they were starting to wilt you dried them
He loves to bring you little trinkets that he sees and they make him think of you
Remembers anything you tell him
He can tell when you’re feeling down and brings you things that make you feel better
He also treats you even more like a princess
Lets you decide on what to do
He’s a huge teddy bear
He just loves you so much
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Sugawara Koushi:
He will sacrifice anything for you, just say the word
Sick? Misses school. Missing him? Waits for you to fall asleep on the phone, even it means he gets less sleep than he needs
You would do the same tho tbh
Brings flowers for your guardian anytime he comes over, without fail
If it's raining and you forgot your jacket, he lets you stand in the rain for a bit before giving you his
Likes to pinch your side or arm because the way you jerk away he thinks is funny
Very physically affectionate
Always wants his hand on you or some part of you
Holds your hand all time
Hand around your waist, and oops! It slipped to your ass
He won’t move it though
Likes to play footsie with you and when you go to stand he likes to try and trap one of your feet
He thinks its fun
Thinks its fun to call you weird nicknames like: my coffee-poo, gummy bear, or that one sock I love unconditionally
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Kuroo Tetsurou:
Also one for weird nicknames
Like he tells you your the 53rd moon of Jupiter or that you’re as important as the red spot on Mars
Also insults you in the weirdest ways
Like one day he called you tin, because your basic
Is always giving you his jacket, whether you’re cold or not
Teases you to no end
But you tease him too
He’s wrapped around your finger, so you get him to carry your purse because he looks funny with it
He complains but secretly loves it
Watches really shitty sci-fi movies and lives for bad FX, LIVES for it
Likes to gently tug on your hair when your walking in front of him
Or just in front of him in general
Brings you over to Kenma’s uninvited and tells you to calm down when you get embarrassed because you weren't invited
He scoffs and says it’s fine, its his house he practically lives there anyway
You sit there and listen to Kenma roast him while they play games
You occasionally toss a volleyball back and forth
He loves when you come to watch him practise, he’s even harder on the team and does his absolute best to impress you
You also love it because him? In charge? Yes please
You have to force him to relax some days, he won’t do it on his own
Those days you show up, shut his phone off and sit on him
He complains so loud, says he’s a busy man, whatever you ignore him 
Anytime he tries to get up you whine and throw a fit, which makes him feel bad so he doesn’t move or get up
He secretly enjoys it because it shows you care about his well being
Eventually he calms down and you let him lay on you as you run your fingers through his hair and talk about what happened that day while a shitty sci-fi movie plays in the background
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