#anyway thank you so much for the question and i apologize for its answer i'm just feeling things
aehvs · 6 months
𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐏𝐭 1
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𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐮 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐦𝐢𝐱𝐞𝐝!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Mizu didn't expect to meet someone so similar to her in a brothel.
𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞: fluff
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Mizu was known far and wide for being a ruthless demon. A soulless halfbreed with one goal in life; revenge. And maybe part of it was true, she always considered stuff like friendship or love to be useless, nothing but a distraction towards her greater goal.
That was, until she met you.
While she and her 'apprentice' were in madam Kaji's brothel, you'd caught her attention immediately. Your slightly lighter, curly hair stood out like a sore thumb amongst your coworkers. You were the only worker there who hadn't tried to seduce her or Ringo.
"Master, do you see that lady? Do you think she's like you?" was the question Ringo loudly asked. Mizu just shook her head in dismissal. What did it matter if you were like her. You were nothing but a prostitute anyway.
After her conversation with madam Kaji, she retreated to a private room for the night. Just as she started to relax, a silent knock was heard on the door, before it slid open slightly. "I already stated I didn't want company." her cold voice pierced the small space.
"I am not here to seduce you, sir. I'm merely here to serve you fresh tea. It is included in the price of your stay" your voice was a stark contrast to hers, soft and gentle. She turned to face the door as you slid it open, bowing politely while holding the tray with tea and some rice cakes.
She eyed you closely as you set the tray down, taking the teapot to pour her a cup. Her bright blue eyes were cold, yet held a spark of intrigue in them. You did indeed look a bit like her. You were quite beautiful, your features unlike anything she'd ever seen before, aside from herself. Your pretty curly hair was loose, falling down your back in a way Mizu couldn't help but admire.
You noticed the intense stare directed at you, most importantly at your hair. It didn't bother you too much, it was nothing new. You handed her the small cup of tea while bowing your head politely "Here you go, sir. I hope it is to your liking. I brewed it just a few minutes ago."
"Thank you." the answer you received was curt, but polite.
Before silence could cover the room, you started speaking again "May I ask your name, sir? I don't think you ever mentioned it" you spoke kindly with a smile on your face.
Mizu felt slightly conflicted. On the one hand, she didn't know you, you were just a prostitute in a brothel, and now you were asking her name? But, a part of her was interested. "Mizu. My name is Mizu." She spoke curtly and carefully, clearly still somewhat suspicious of you.
You smile turned brighter upon hearing her name "Thats a very beautiful name, Mizu. My name is [name]. Its a pleasure to finally meet you. I noticed you and your friend when you entered, but I didn't wish to bother you." You couldn't help but stare at her as you introduced yourself. Everything about her screamed confidence and strength.
Your gaze lingered at her eyes for a moment. They were absolutely beautiful, a striking blue that you could gaze at for hours.
Upon noticing your interest, Mizu frowned "Whatever insult comes next is better left unsaid. I've heard it before" the sudden harshness made you break out of your little trance, your eyes falling down onto the tray infront of you.
"Oh, no, I wasn't going to insult you, I promise! It's just that.." you trailed off "Uh, your eyes are absolutely beautiful"
That... wasn't what Mizu expected. At all. 'Beautiful'? That was a new one. To say you threw her off-guard would be an understatement. Usually she wouldn't believe that whoever complimented her eyes was being genuine. She'd argue it's just a tactic to insult her in some way by lying.
"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable, I've just never seen eyes so clear. I see water in them, water is impossible to catch and can erode through even the toughest metals. It adapts to any weather and condition. And, I can understand what it's like to be regarded as something weird. As a monster" you touch your hair while speaking, eyes slightly solemn.
Mizu took in your words with shock in her eyes. Your little ramble sounded so sincere, and the way you were looking at her with the kindest, sweetest expression she'd ever seen anyone give her. It shook her to her core and made her even more inclined to believe your compliment.
"...Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me" she spoke quietly, almost as if waiting for a punchline to a cruel joke. But it never came. Your smile only brightened at her quiet, almost shy voice. You were happy to finally meet someone who could understand you on a level that many others couldn't. Being judged harshly for something neither one of you had a choice in.
"Ofcourse" you started speaking again while pouring her another cup of tea "I understand the fear. Believe me, Ive met my fair share of assholes here" you chuckle, making Mizu smile faintly "People here are just closed-minded. There is nothing wrong with us, sir." you gave her another one of your pretty smiles.
Mizu had to be honest, you were starting to grow on her a bit. Your soft voice and kind eyes were something she could definitely get used to. She looked at you, her eyes were softer than before "Yeah, I suppose you're right. People can really be cruel. It's difficult to not start to believe it yourself.."
You hummed understandingly "I suppose so. It's important to not give into the cruel words, though. And to find people that actually accept you" you looked right in her eyes again, this time your eyes held a look of adoration "You're always welcome here, sir"
Yeah, Mizu could get used to this.
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gojoidyll · 7 months
Imagine that you're very sick and have some sort of heart disease that has cursed the main branch of your clan for generations, and without fail - death always come when they turn 18.
Already 17 years old, you know what is bound to happen within the next year, so you try to enjoy life as much as possible. You eat what you want, sleep when you want, mess around and play games however you want.
Thats how you decided to live throughout your remaining months, well, until you met Sukuna. The king of curses himself.
It was an unexpected encounter. You were laying in a flower field. A coughing fit ripping through your chest as you covered your mouth, only to bring your hand away to see a splatters of blood coating your skin. Wincing as your chest throbbed, the blood dripped from your palm and onto a single flower. The white petals coating into a dark red.
You apologized as you plucked the blooming plant. Your gaze watching as you fell back, arm outstretched as you held the flower above you and let the sun cast a shadow over your face so you could see as your blood soaked into the petals even more so.
"Thought I smelled blood, but its just a sick little fawn."
The new voice that broke through the silence was rough and mocking. You sat up, unalarmed, and smiled at the newcomer. Taking in his appearance, his four arms, two faces, and imposing stature - it was obvious that this was Ryomen Sukuna. The king of curses himself.
And seeing you smile up at him irked him to no avail, which was why he didn't hesitate in pointing the blade of his spear at your throat.
"Smiling now, are we? Are you that confident in your life being spared?"
You shook your head, "I'm afraid my life is already forfeit in less than a year. My family has been cursed with a terrible heart disease and without fail, we always die at the age of 18. So even if you were to kill me here, the outcome would be the same."
You stood up and placed the flower behind your ear, your hands then clasping behind your back as you grinned up at the king.
"Besides, i never met you before. So even if I am to die today and not a year from now, would you be so kind into answering a few questions for me?"
You then waved your hands quickly in front of your face, "not that I'm demanding you or anything. Its just, I don't exactly have anything to live for, so making the best out of these situations and what not is the only thing I'm good at."
Sukuna had many thoughts as he looked at you, one of the main ones, however, was how much of a cheery fool you were.
The spear that was held at your neck was put away, and much to your surprise, Sukuna sat down and motioned for you to follow.
"If a pathetic human like you is going to die anyway, then you might as well entertain me before I get rid of you."
You couldn't help but to say thank you.
"Ok, so my first question... if you ever need glasses, would you need them for all four of your eyes, or just two?"
Yeah .. Sukuna was right to think of you as a fool, and maybe he was a fool of sorts, too. Because he never did get rid of you. Even as a year passed, he still found himself searching for you even when you were already gone.
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sughuru · 6 months
curses, its so bitter.
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- geto suguru x reader
The burden of consuming curses takes an emotional toll on Suguru, elevated by the recent loss of Amanai Riko. As Suguru retreats into his own silent struggles, the caring intervention of their partner becomes a source of warmth and healing.
genres/warnings: angsty, fluffy, hurt/comfort, minor character death, spoilers for JJK season 2(?)
notes: got an exam tomorrow but i'm writing this instead 😭 anyways, enjoy!! i'm going to sleep now, gn (nah i'm going to study fr wml!) as always, english isn't my first language, so ignore the grammatical errors, sorry!
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Exorcise. Absorb. No one else understands what cursed spirits taste like. It's like swallowing a dirty rag that’s been used to clean up shit and vomit. Geto Suguru believed that no one in this world understood what he was going through; maybe he’s right. After all, it's rare for a curse user to actually like the taste of it.
You knocked on his bedroom door, “Suguru?” your voice laced with a hint of worry. 
Suguru remained silent, his form unmoving on the bed as he replayed the details of the earlier mission in his mind. The echoes of the mission played relentlessly in his mind, each moment etched with the bitter taste of failure. The weight of regret pressed upon him as he struggled with accepting the harsh truth – he couldn't save her. Amanai Riko; the girl had dreams, and Suguru couldn't forgive himself for failing to shield her from her doom. 
You quietly entered the room out of concern for your boyfriend, “babe.”
You approached his lying figure, “you haven’t eaten all day…” you worriedly muttered, your hands reached out to touch his shoulder but he quickly turned around, his back was now facing you.
“Not hungry.” he replied briefly, you noticed the slight crack in his voice.
While you may have not been a curse user but you were well aware of his habits. Whenever Suguru ate a curse, the lingering taste of the curse would hinder him from eating actual food. Combining that and the death of Amanai Riko, he wallowed in grief and sadness with an empty stomach.
Of course, as the loving significant other you are, you refused to let your boyfriend starve or struggle for another minute.
“Don’t be like that…” You sighed, touching his back. This time, he didn’t flinch or move away. That’s good.
You gave yourself some time to think, “how about tea? I can make some tea for you right now.” 
Suguru hummed, not having the energy to respond to you. Honestly, he felt bad for ignoring you like this. All he wants to do right now is pull you close to him and mutter apologies for being so…so emotional right now, but he doesn’t have the energy to do so.
You left the room and once again, Suguru was left alone in the room with his thoughts.
Was he being too harsh on you? Will you leave him because he’s treating you like shit right now? Is it wrong of him to be pushing you away like this?
So many questions yet none of them had a concrete answer.
You returned with a cup of tea in one hand, some leftover cookies you baked from trying out a new recipe. You set the cookies by the night stand, “I got your tea.”
He ignores you.
“It’s your favorite. Chamomile with a teaspoon of honey.” 
Suguru shifted, facing you before mustering the energy and courage to sit up. His voice, hoarse and weary, as if he hadn't had a sip of water in days. "You... really didn't have to trouble yourself, really," he replied, acknowledging the concern you showed. The fatigue in his tone hinted at the toll recent events had taken on him.
“Nonsense.” she smiled, handing him the cup, “I enjoy taking care of you.”
Suguru managed to smile slightly, you noticed his eyes didn’t wrinkle like it used to, it no longer had that spark and his eyebags were more prominent. Of course you weren’t blaming him but you can’t help but feel sad realizing just how much his technique has been impacting him, especially after his most recent mission.
“Now,” she said as her hand slowly made its way to his free hand, “do you want to talk?” He sighs, “Okay.”
"I just–" he starts, "eating curses, it tastes like shit. I hate it, yet I have to do it," he says, his voice carrying a mixture of frustration and resignation.
“Worst part is,” he adds as he squeezed your hand, “the worst part is, when you eat real food, you think of the curse you most recently ate…making it taste like it.” he explains as he took a sip of his tea.
You stroke his hand with your thumb, reassuring him in your own way, “I’m sorry you have to go through that.”
Suguru’s tone changed into more of a hateful tone, “it's because of those…those monkeys. I have to eat their curses.” he muttered, “I hate them. Useless monkeys.”
"Humans. Non-sorcerers," he explained, taking another sip of his tea. "Curses spawn through non-sorcerers' negative energy," he continued, his tone carrying a distinct bitterness, as if the very thought angered him. 
Why the hell should Jujutsu sorcerers lose their life over something non-jujutsu sorcerers do? Why should they protect the weak, why should the strong protect the weak?
It angered him, the bitterness evident in every word as he expressed his frustration. "Not only are humans – monkeys, useless, but they're also the reason why Jujutsu sorcerers die on a daily basis. At the very least, if you’re useless, don’t make shit harder for us," he muttered with a tone that carried a mix of irritation and exhaustion.
You continued to hum, your thumb stroking his hand gently. Suguru rarely opened up about his true feelings. If anything, he played the role of everyone's therapist, ‘everyone’ being you and his best friend, Satoru.
Satoru looks for him after an earful from Yaga or calls him whenever he has no one else to try out the newest mochi shop that opened just around the corner. Suguru was also your rock; you'd go to him when you felt down or depressed, and even if you didn't, he always found out and looked after you.
Slowly, everything– being the therapist friend, Amanai Riko’s death, curse eating, school, it was all too much for him; instead of seeking you out and finding comfort, he chose to keep quiet, letting his negative emotions swallow him, making him feel like an empty seed.
“You know what else hurts?” He dryly laughed, “the fact that no one– well, almost no one noticed I’ve been quieter, I’ve been going out less and less.” He looked at you with hurt in his eyes, an expression you’ve never seen before.
“Shoko is busy studying to be a med student, Satoru probably could care less about how I feel, and you…” he looked away, “you’re probably only here out of pity.”
You widen your eyes, “Suguru, no, of course not.”
“Why?” he looks at you once again, “why did you come find me today?” Suguru asks, his eyes were looking for something in yours, an answer, perhaps?
You played with his fingers, tugging on them gently one by one, “you’ve been severely sad these past few days, Satoru, Shoko, me– hell, even Nanami and Haibara noticed as well.” You laughed dryly, “I couldn’t just sit here and leave you alone.” 
Suguru pulled you into a hug, “thank you, love.”
You hummed, hugging him back before he suddenly laid back down onto the bed, turning the hug into a cuddle, “now, will you please try and eat something?” you giggled.
Suguru, who seemed to be feeling better smiled, “okay, maybe a bite of that cookie won’t hurt.”
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lotusarchon · 5 days
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loverboy(s) (sun wukong + macaque x reader
content warnings: reader is IMPLIED female, second pov (you/your), foul language, minor threats, mini headcanon for macaque
author notes: to that one anon, happy birthday! i apologize for taking forever but i hope you liked this! its a bit funny seeing a few people who share the same birth month as myself (my fave lesbian genshin impact writer also shares the same birth month with me YAYY). i hope you had a wonderful day today, nonnie <3
“I told you. The cake goes on that side, fucking dumbass.”
“Who the FUCK are you calling dumbass? No, no no, come here. Come here and face me, you snarky little bitch. Come over here right now and tell me to my face I'm a dumbass. You wanna lose your other eye, huh? You want me to beat the shit out of you, is that it!?”
You mentally sigh as the monkey turns away, obviously not in the mood to actually pick a fight. Of course, it could also be because MK had begged the two monkeys to just get along if only for today, just for your sake, which, you won't lie, you did appreciate the sentiment but …
Holy fuck they hated each other's guts.
You won't deny being surprised that they had bothered to show up. MK had insisted you hold a party for your special day, and well. You can't exactly say no to the most stubborn person you'll ever meet. You'd think the party would be small and mainly of the Monkie Kid crew, but god no. 
That noodle boy invited everyone he knew.
And I mean, everyone. Even the little Bai He was here, playing with Mo.
And of course, the Great Sage Equal To Heaven and the amazing Six Eared Macaque too.
You almost contemplated making a run for it when Macaque approached you, but Pigsy gave you such a scolding to not break MK's fragile heart (pft), and so, you were trapped in a social conversation.
(Oh, the horrors.)
“Nice party you have here.”
Yeah, I forgot to mention; you two suck at making a good conversation. Well, not so much you than Macaque mainly, who tried, you know, he really does, but inevitably just sucks.
But that's fine. Macaque's quiet most of the time and it's a little comforting. You don't like speaking much anyway, so it works out for the both of you. A bit.
You can't say the same for Wukong though. He's…well. He's certainly very outgoing. The minute he shows up he goes straight for the food (Pigsy is not gonna be happy about that), and then he finds his way to you as well.
“Hey there birthday girl.” Wukong gently pinches your cheek. He smiles warmly, and you can't help but return his smile with your own. “Nice party you've got going on. How come you didn't invite me yourself, mmh? Too shy to meet the awesome Great Sage?”
Before you can reply, Macaque scoffs, “MK invited most of us, don't be an ass.”
Wukong sighs. He glances at his ‘friend’ for a minute, and glances back at you.
“I can't believe MK invited him.”
“I'm allowed to be where I want, thanks.”
“Uh huh. I call dibs on the cake, by the way.”
“It's not your cake you fucking dick.”
“Blah blah, me and (Name) can't hear you.” Wukong turns with you in his arms, guiding you in the opposite direction of where Macaque broods. You wave at Macaque before allowing Wukong to take you…god alone knows where, and he pats your head affectionately. “Sorry about that. Still, happy birthday (Name)! I got you something!”
He releases his hold on you, and you give him a look.
“Is it made out of hair?” You demand, watching as he pouts and looks offended.
“Hey! Not everything I have is made from hair!” He protests, but you can definitely see the way his eyes dart away―he most definitely did, in fact, contemplate giving you a gift made of hair. You loved the guy but….you really had to question how his head works sometimes.
Well. At least you don't have to worry about hair strands all over your room…
“Is it a peach?”
Wukong groans. “(Name), could you have a little faith in me?”
You look him dead in the eye, and answer gently, “Absolutely not.”
“Rude. But fair. And no, it's not a peach. Those are my specialties.”
A pause.
“And I also ate them on my way here.”
You sigh and move to call Pigsy, but Wukong latches onto your wrist and falls flat on his face.
“I haven't even finished!”
“I'm scared what you even bothered to get me.”
Wukong whines, “It's a cool gift, I promise!”
“Wukong, I am not taking Nezha's fucking brick!”
“I wasn't gonna give you that! Nezha took it back anyway!”
Now you understand why everyone wants to wring his neck every time he appears. Even you, who still admires the Monkey King, contemplated wringing his neck like a chicken.
Wukong holds you still and digs through his pockets for something. You cross your arms, waiting, and when he finally grabs the object he's been searching for, he holds it in the air like it's the greatest treasure he's ever found.
He places it in your hands, and you blink.
“A rock.”
Wukong coughs behind his palm. He seems embarrassed by the obvious remark, and you notice a light flush on his expression, a deep red. He looks away before standing, finally, and turns the rock in your hand.
It's about the same size of your palm and oddly shaped as most rocks are, but this rock is different. This rock is painted white, and on the side is a clearly illustrated drawing of a certain Monkey King, hugging a certain figure that bears a strong resemblance to you. The side you had been staring at has a carving, written in Mandarin, ‘My peach and me.’
You flip the rock back and forth, eyes wide. It looks a little silly to be considered a proper gift, but you've already come to realize that Wukong, for all of his confidence, just sucks at expressing himself properly. He has an ego but you know truthfully, he just has no idea on how to act around others and hence why he's always…a little weird.
The rock looks like a silly gift, but you can't help your smile. He could've given you something extravagant as his title, but instead.
He gives you a rock.
“Um. If you don't like it it's fine,” Wukong tries to say, a sheepish smile on his expression. “I mean uh. I'm the Monkey King y'know? I'll get you another gift―”
You cut him off by blurting out, “I love it!”
You smile at Wukong, squeezing the rock between your hands. He looks back equally amazed, and equally confused.
“I love it,” you repeat, and kiss Wukong's cheek. “Trust me. You're an amazing artist, Monkey King. I hope you don't mind if I keep this in my room, right?”
Wukong blinks like you'd just told him Pigsy loves him (as if.) A smile adorns his expression and he nods, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Ha! Well!” The Monkey King laughs boisterously. “If that's whatcha wanna do, go for it! It's your gift y'know?” He scratches his cheek and looks away. “I just. Figured you'd want something…from the heart. Ehem.”
You smile, “I do. Thank you.”
You're too busy smiling at Wukong to have noticed Macaque had sneaked up on both of you, making Wukong visibly jump in surprise when he speaks. You look at the dark furred simian who barely spares the Monkey King a glance, and instead looks to you with a rare, barely visible smile.
“Since we're giving gifts so soon,” Macaque muses and pulls out something from behind his back.
Unlike Wukong's gift, which is quite frankly the opposite of extravagant, Macaque's is wrapped in a light purple colored paper, and tied with a neat, darker purple bow on top. It's a bit strange to think the Macaque would actually give you a gift, but nonetheless the gesture is sweet, especially when he seems very proud of himself to even wrap your gift unlike the Monkey King.
You accept it with a smile and allow your rock to sit peacefully in your pocket. You try to take care in tearing the paper, but give up when it tears unevenly.
“Oh? A doll?” You blink and look up at Macaque, who is smiling, but a little more nervously this time.
Even Wukong looks impressed, eying the container with a whistle. “Didn't know you got better at making those. It looks realistic.”
Macaque looks surprised at the compliment. You knew they always had bad blood ever since an incident in Wukong's journey, and yet to think Wukong still seemed to remember his old friend's hobby makes even you surprised.
Macaque coughs in his hand, nodding. “Yeah, I practiced a bit,” he admits and looks at you with a sheepish smile. “I hope you like it. Sorry it's not the best.”
A daruma doll sits in your palm, round as a squash with your brows and a smile to imitate your excitement. It wobbles with any movement, and it's really, really cute.
“It's beautiful,” you say, a smile on your expression as it wobbles. “I love it!”
You pause, and look at Wukong. “Not anymore than I love yours, Wukong. It's not a competition.”
Wukong grins, “But if it was, I'd win, right?”
Macaque rolls his eyes and remarks, snidely, “You painted a rock. Not sure how you'd win with that, dumbass.”
“It's better than yours at least. Suck my dick.”
“You should suck mines cause mine is bigger.”
“Shut up you gay ass!”
“Says the walking fruit―”
They bicker, as they usually do, but you don't stop them. Not when you're admiring your gifts, both made with you in mind, with care and consideration. 
A smile adorns your lips later that night, the daruma doll and painted rock sitting on your bedside table.
“Mine's better.”
“Dude shut the FUCK up!”
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@lotusarchon , 29.05.2024, all rights reserved. do not copy, repost or translate my works without permission. comments, reblogs and likes are appreciated!
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lxmbr · 8 months
Luxiem when you propose first! 💍
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cw: suggestive in vox and ike's. not proofread
notes: thank you so much anon!! i'm so nervous to post this so i really hope this is up to your expectations! so sorry it took so long to make but i actually had a lot of fun! 🩷
Vox Akuma -
• Vox is a pretty traditional man so i think he'd be a bit bummed at first
• of course he'd say yes
• would probably still propose to you anyway
• he might even try to "1 up" you lol
• you mightve done it at a resturant but nonono he planned for weeks to get something "better"
• he ended up popping the question to you where he first asked you on a date
• he'd ask the other luxiem members to help set up the area with flower petals and candles/whatever you fancy
• he does the cheesy prep talk before he finally pops the question
• "would you, (first and last name) make me, Vox Akuma the luckiest demon on earth and join me in ruling my clan?"
• afterwards he'd totally rizz you up to make you forget he just "beat you" in a fake competetion
• after BOTH proposals you know what happens ;)
• in the end he would happily say yes but be very flustered as he didnt expect you to be the one to do so. 
• the fact that you proposed first was both hot AND sweet
• he'd still want to give his go at a proposal too though :)
Mysta Rias -
• This boy- man would SCREAM
• he'd be hella surprised
• after he asesses the situation i think he'd do that cringy white girl thing 
• "OH EM GEE!! NO YOU DIDN'T! YES IF COURSE I WILL BABE!" while jumping and fanning his face with his hands
• after the jokes he'd say yes genuinely and kiss you happily
• "ah babeeee in so surprised but..im so happy" with his  sheepish giggle
• would give you the BIGGEST HUG ™
• since you asked him he'd treat you to dinner that night
• "its on me loves..gotta treat my future wife don't i?~"
• wouldnt. stop. talking. about. it. all. week.
• he might cry a bit but he would hide it for sure. maybe only a tear or two would come out
• would be soooo clingy the rest of the day/night
• "can we shower together??" 
• in the end he wouldnt mind all that much..hes just sooo excited to get to marry you!!
Luca Kaneshiro -
• you decided that day was THE day...but..so did he..
• oops! you both proposed the same day!
• of course the 3 year anniversary would he perfect!! why wouldnt he think of the possibility that you'd do it?!
• when you get on 1 knee he'd look around with a shocked expression and would give his awkward laugh
• "WHAT?!" 
• after your speech he got down on HIS knee ans then proposed to you..at eye level since you were still kneeling 
• everyone around was shocked. the other luxiem members aw-ing and laughing
• another loud one
• he'd call back home, YOUR mom, the waiters and waitresses, the lucubs...EVERYONE
• would also be clingy af 
• couldnt look you in the face from pure shyness but you caught him staring at you multiple times
• he wouldnt stop praising you for your proposal
• "omg that was so good baby i loved it!!"
• never lets go of you, your arms and hands are ALWAYS intertwined 
• gets jealous and possessive easily
• he'd pull you away from everyone..mainly the other guys
• "excuse you IKE. my FIANCE is BUSY with ME." while dragging you toward him and pouting
• no one is ever letting you guys live this down
Ike Eveland -
• he already was calling you his fiance/wife/husband before any of this
• he panicked
• after your proposal he pulled you into a quieter place frantically without answering 
• everyone thought it went bad and they all were upset
• you finally saw how red he was and he apologized and wanted to yell "YES" in your face..but he didnt
• "y-yes..i'd love to marry you min kärlek." 
• wouldnt let go of your hand
• makes sure YOU put the ring on his hand, not him
• when you guys come back out hes holding your hand timidly, making sure to show off the ring
• "GUYSSSS STAWPPP" when everyone cheers
• takes you to your favorite place afterward for food and then books a 5 star hotel
• "come on darling...pack up your things! <3"
• lets just say...yall had a NIGHT
• tries his best to be romantic all night
• surprisingly can play it cool with you after the initial shock unlike luca
• while he might be internally freaking out he could calm you down and rizz you up so. easily.
• absolute baby boy ™
• so. SO. excited to start planning
• "so we can have half of the venue (your fav color) and the other half blue!! and omg i can have- and you can- and can we please-" 
• basically very surprisee and panicked but once he gets you alone he very quickly gets insanely excited 
Shu Yamino -
• he already knew 
• was very nervous and wary around you often since he didnt know when but he knew you would yk?
• of course he didnt say anything, he didnt wanna ruin it
• actually he didnt even tell you he knew
• was actually caught off gaurd when you did it at first
• the rest of the proposal though he was able to keep it cool
• he actually bought you a ring and flowers in preperation
• "i would..love to marry you" as he grabs your hand and slips on your ring while you slip his on
• "ah..ive been waiting for this..im so happy"
• only tells close people such as family, luxiem, and manager-san
• asks staff-san for a week off that same day for a pre-wedding honeymoon
• gets shy whenever you call him your fiance/husband and vise versa
• he adores you and is clearly SO excited
• you caught him searching for weddingspo one night when he was supposed to be working
• buys new flowers every week until the day of the wedding
• lowkey had a dream about it and it made him giddy all day when he woke up
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claymoresword · 8 months
I Choose Her | Chapter 15
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 4.3k
Warnings: character death, mentions of animal abuse, y/n and hermione are so protective of each other it's sick
Note: Hello! wow this one took forever, I feel bad that I'm always apologizing for delayed updates but oh well here we are :/ this one is more to move the plot forward and I wanted to follow canon in a way that would make sense for this story
anyway, as always thank you so much for the continued support and an even bigger thanks for your patience! crossing my fingers that updates will be more frequent from here on out. that's it, i hope you enjoy this one!
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1
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Hermione stands over you as you hold out the thick strand of hair, pinched in between your fingers.
Harry and Ron stare at it with bated breaths, the air in between the four of you is still; anticipating.
You didn't have to consider for too long to know it belonged to your mother. You had nearly mistaken it for your own, if it weren't for the grayish undertones, only fully visible when illuminated.
It seems every time you saw your mother, her hair would be a shade lighter. As time did its duty, as the years passed, the older each of you got, the less you resembled the other.
You don't see your mother when you look in the mirror, not anymore.
"Are you sure that's hers?" Ron asks as you rise from your crouching position.
The painful lump in your throat prevents you from answering him.
You swallow thickly.
"I'm sure." You finally say.
Silence once again, as Ron reaches out to carefully pick out the strand, retrieving it from your grip, he drops it into the flask he held in his other hand with even more precision.
The only noise that fills the air is a faint sizzle, as the polyjuice potion consumes its final ingredient.
You feel Hermione move to your side, her fingers curl around your bicep, her other hand firmly intertwines with yours.
"Are you certain we'll be allowed into Bellatrix's vault?" Harry asks, he looks at you expectantly and you grace him with an assured nod.
"I've seen my mother retrieve things for her dozens of times, it'll work." You claim, but Harry's immediate skepticism doesn't evade you, and honestly, you can't hold it against him.
Your plan is far from foolproof. Like many times before the four of you are simply hoping to get by on pure chance and luck.
"How do we know what it is, when we get in her vault? I mean, a Horcrux could be anything." Ron asks, a question you were all wondering.
"I'll know." Harry quips plainly.
You glance at Hermione to shoot her a look before returning your attention back to Harry.
"It's hard to explain but– I'll just know." He adds, and none of you wish to push on the subject further.
You watched as Hermione lifted the flask filled with polyjuice to her lips, but then she pauses. Her shoulders rise as she takes a deep breath, as if preparing herself.
"Wait–" You interject, rising from the bed, in three large strides you are standing before your girlfriend.
"Let me drink it." You then place a hand over Hermione's, but she pries it off lightly.
"No, I'll do it." She counters, and you don't attempt to mask your disapproval.
"You can't drink it." Hermione reiterates.
"When we get to Gringotts, it'll appear more believable with you by my side, you know it." She adds, and you hate that Hermione is right.
You sigh.
"Darling, it's too dangerous." You breath out, your hand travels up her forearm, eventually tenderly cupping her face.
Hermione instinctively shuts her eyes at the sensation, she leans into your touch, her muscles no longer tense, her body visibly reacts to your warmth.
"We're all in danger." She finally claims, once your eyes meet again.
"This is the only way. There's another Horcrux hidden in her vault, we just have to find it." Hermione states assuredly but it does nothing to convince you of the plan.
You remain staring at your girlfriend, Hermione always had a way of making your heart feel like it could just implode within your chest.
You are overcome with love, care, and longing, all of these feelings encapsulated in the sheer dread of what's to come, of what might happen.
Hermione finds no trouble in returning your gaze.
This wordless exchange lasts for several seconds until Hermione decides to take advantage of your unmoving state. She leans in, passionately capturing your lips with her own.
Your hands quickly shift to rest on her waist, you then feel Hermione's hand move to the back of your head, pulling you closer.
You are taken aback as she opens her mouth wider, deepening the kiss, soon enough her tongue makes contact with your own.
You have no air left in your lungs, but the last thing you wish to do is pull away.
Hermione lets out a light hum as she presses her body up against yours; her eagerness causes your entire body to tremble, you worry your legs might give out at any moment.
The kiss ends as abruptly as it began.
A sharp gasp leaves Hermione's lips as she takes a step back, as if it proved a real struggle for her to cease the kiss.
Soon a sense of euphoria overcomes your entire being, even if it is fleeting, you feel at peace and it translates into a boyish grin across your face.
Hermione notices, and she has to bite her bottom lip to hide a smile herself.
She places a lingering hand over your chest before shoving you away playfully.
"Go on, wait outside. I'll meet you there." Hermione orders, and you know better than to protest.
You continued to pace back and forth, the usually maddening feeling of sand repeatedly filling your shoes does nothing to distract you.
Trepidation rapidly materializes within you the longer you waited for your girlfriend.
By taking the Polyjuice and assuming your mother's identity, Hermione is putting herself in immense danger, and you are expected to stand by and simply witness it, again.
"It'll be fine." You hear Harry's voice, but you don't acknowledge him.
You can't feel anything beyond the incessant pounding in your head; you possessed barely any strength at all, you mustered just enough to stomach this.
Soon enough, Hermione emerges from the hut and the sight you are met with is unsettling.
The woman standing before you appears to resemble your mother. Wearing the clothes your mother would wear, there was no trace of Hermione, beyond her voice.
Harry and Ron fail to speak alongside your silence. Hermione looks between the three of you impatiently.
"So, how do I look?" She asks, and you can't help but grimace.
"Disturbing." You quip.
Then you had no choice but to look away.
"Come on, let's just get this over with." You release an exasperated breath and Harry emerges next to you with Griphook.
"Griphook you give that to Hermione to hold onto, alright?" The man states, but it mainly sounded like a warning.
The Goblin lets out a subtle gripe as he hesitates, before eventually sheathing the steel into your girlfriend's bag.
"You get us into Bellatrix's vault, and the sword is yours." Harry reassures.
Ron finally takes out his wand so he may alter his own appearance, with a single wave, his hair is inches longer. The beard that appears on his face ages him, and makes him nearly unrecognizable.
"Now remember the plan, I'll be under the cloak with Griphook. Y/n and Hermione you'll try to convince the Goblin to let you through. Ron, you stand back in case anything happens." Harry runs through the plan once more and this time you don't suppress a scoff.
Hermione grabs your arm, wordlessly asking for you to stand down.
"This is a terrible plan." You say it anyway, and Harry doesn't retaliate, instead he nods in agreement.
"I know. But it's still the best one we've got."
You had to remind yourself to breathe as you walked through the doors of Gringotts.
Although certain the anxiety you are feeling at this moment is incomparable to the terror Hermione must be experiencing.
You had to battle every instinct urging you to reach out and hold your girlfriend's hand.
Ron trails closely behind the two of you, Harry and Griphook somewhere close by, hidden by the cloak of invisibility.
You brace yourselves once you get to the podium, a moment passes, but the Goblin on duty fails to acknowledge your presence entirely.
Hermione takes it upon herself to clear her throat.
Still, nothing.
She glances at you for help, and you nod, urging her to speak.
"I wish to enter." Your girlfriend states curtly, her best attempt to appear menacing.
In any other instance you would find it a little humorous, but right now, Hermione's poor imitation only makes you wince.
The Goblin fails to acknowledge either of you still, your patience rapidly thinning out.
"My mother has been sent to clear out Madam Lestrange's vault. I am certain you understand why you mustn't delay us." You say and the creature finally looks up.
His entire demeanor shifts, but it only helped to annoy you further.
"Madam, forgive me I did not realize it was you." Bogrod says, feigned cordiality.
"Of course you may enter.. but first, do you mind presenting your wand?" He adds and there is a pause.
You can sense Hermione's panic, but she tries her best to maintain a composed front.
She folds her arms over her chest.
"I hardly think that's necessary." Hermione states.
"I'm afraid I must insist." The Goblin's grin falters, and you realized you had to quickly step in
"Why?" You say, instinctively stepping forward, partially shielding Hermione with your body.
"New policy, I'm afraid." Bogrod explains, but before you can argue your case, the creature's expression shifts.
Your eyes catch the waft of green smoke seeping into the Goblin's nostrils.
You manage a quick glimpse of what looked like the tip of a wand being retracted, it disappears seemingly into thin air.
Y/n quickly realizes that Harry has sensibly, stepped in before things got ugly.
In an instant, the Goblin changes his tune.
"Very well, Madam, if you will follow me." He says with a dopey smile.
You hear Hermione let out a sigh of relief, you can't help but do the same.
The ride through the dungeons was nothing close to pleasant. The cart transporting you zoomed at an unfathomable speed, the abrupt turns and twists would have made you nauseous, if you weren't feeling sick already.
Hermione continues clutching your hand in hers, tighter than usual, your grip is similar in turn.
Finally, the cart halts, and before you know it, the six of you are free falling dozens of feet.
You reach for your wand in your pocket but Hermione beats you to it.
"Arresto Momentum!" She exclaims, and your bodies hang mid air, inches from the ground. Soon the spell wears off, the six of you fall onto the cold, wet, stone, front first.
"Thank you, Hermione." Harry says, as he helps himself off the ground.
You quickly do the same, rushing over to help your girlfriend up.
Hermione gladly takes your hand, when your eyes meet, you notice her appearance, she is back to her usual self.
The Polyjuice potion had entirely worn off but Bogrod, still under the Imperius curse, is unable to do anything about it.
"Come on, this way." Griphook shouts, he leads the four of you to the vaults.
He navigates the dark cavern with ease, as you try to get your eyes to adjust, a piercing screech fills the air, and it causes both you and Hermione to glance at each other.
You warily follow Griphooks lead, but the sight you're met with when the six of you turn the corner makes your breath catch in your throat.
"That's a Ukrainian Ironbelly–" Ron points out, awe and disbelief you shared.
Then Griphook picks up an object you quickly deduced to be a certain type of bell. As he shakes it, the dragon's screeching intensifies, it flails around as if trying to escape the noise.
It was only then you noticed the thick metal chains around its neck and legs.
"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears this sound." The creature claims and Hermione releases you so she may step forward, following his lead.
She speaks once she is in earshot of the Goblin.
"That's barbaric." Your girlfriend says, a certain tenor to her voice, you knew her well enough to recognize that she was truly indignant.
The dragon's screeching continues as the four of you slip past it.
It only retreats to cowers silently in the corner once the noises from the bell stops.
The vault is now in sight, as the group approaches you can't help but notice that Bogrod has disappeared.
You glance out at where you spotted the Goblin last and sure enough. He was standing in front of the dragon, simply staring at it; the curse has evidently impaired his judgment and all sense of danger.
"Wait– what do we do with him?" You gesture to Bogrod.
Although before anyone can respond, the Ukrainian Ironbelly takes a large step forward, then from its mouth, comes flames, big and blistering enough to turn the entire space scorching hot in an instant.
The once Goblin was now burnt to nothing but ash.
Hermione, Y/n and the boys only manage to stare in utter shock.
"That's unfortunate." Ron finally quips.
"Come on, we don't have much time." Griphook warns, he advances forward and the four of you follow.
As you arrive at the vault, it appears familiar to you, but only distantly.
It was not the vault Snape led you to a few months ago but it appears almost identical.
"Is this where you got the sword?" Hermione asks in a hushed tone, and you quickly shake your head.
"No, the key Snape gave me led to a different vault." You explain, but your girlfriend doesn't say anything, expecting your response.
As the five of you enter Bellatrix's vault, it is worse than you expected.
It is filled with random trinkets, some valuable, some not.
The three of you sport a defeated expression, but Harry was not going to give up so easily.
He steps forward.
"It's in here, I can sense it." He states.
You observe silently as The Chosen One approaches a particular cup, amidst an array of objects that look nearly identical to it.
Soon enough he reaches for it.
Harry holds out the cup, nothing is said, but there is an energy that reverberates through the air.
It's unmistakable. He has a Horcrux in hand.
"Pass me the sword." He extends his arm and Hermione scrambles through her bag, eventually retrieving the steel.
She passes it to Harry, he grips the pommel, but doesn't get the chance to do much else as a noise captures your attention.
Ron knocks over a goblet by accident, instead of breaking as it touches the ground, it only multiplies.
As the duplicate makes contact with another object it does the same thing. Soon objects are spawning at a rapid rate, filling up the already limited vacant space by your feet.
"What's happening?" Hermione exclaims over the loud noise, you instinctively step to her side as she nearly loses her balance.
"It's an enchantment, everything you touch will multiply." The Goblin explains, you aren't given much chance to come up with an escape plan as the objects quickly engulf all five of you.
For what felt like eternity, you fought to keep your head above.
You spot Hermione and Ron doing the same, but you can't see Harry anymore.
Amidst the chaos, somehow, Griphook gets a hold of the Horcrux.
Then, Harry finally emerges from the sea of gold and silver. He frantically looks around, in search of the object, but his attention shifts to the Goblin as he proudly holds up the Horcrux.
"We had a deal, Griphook!" Harry bellows, and the creature only grins, malicious, irritating.
"The cup for the sword!" He strikes up the bargain, and you curse under your breath.
It is getting increasingly difficult to stay afloat, and you watched as Hermione and Ron struggled the same.
Harry begrudgingly hands over the sword, the Goblin then returns the Horcrux back to him.
"I said I'd get you in, I never said anything about getting you out." Griphook quips, he holds his hand up against the door, unlocking it.
Soon the objects begin spilling out of the vault after him but the four of you continue to struggle to make your way to the exit.
If only you could retrieve your wand, you could stop the Goblin from going any further.
"Hermione, can you reach your wand?" You shout, and the struggle in your girlfriend's face is evident.
"I'm trying!" She replies.
After moments of struggle, the four of you miraculously manage to make your way out, but it was too late.
The Goblin is nowhere to be seen.
"Griphook!" Harry calls out in anger, he doesn't expect a reply, and he doesn't receive one.
His voice echoes through the dungeons, and it only works to disturb the dragon ahead.
It lets out another deafening screech.
You approach slowly, in search of the object that you know will subdue the beast, but you can't find it anywhere and you know for certain Griphook is the reason for it.
"The bell- it's gone." You don't try to conceal your distress.
"That foul creature– how are we supposed to get out of here?" Ron curses and you begin looking around for some type of solution, an idea to come to you.
You take an experimental step forward; careful, quiet.
You consider that perhaps, if you moved slowly, the dragon won't react.
However, your theory was quickly proven incorrect as the beast storms towards you within the confines of its chains, soon opening its mouth.
You were only inches away from getting charred alive before Hermione harshly grabbed your arm, yanking you to her side.
The pins you up against the pillar, out of the dragon's sight.
Ron and Harry stood a few paces away, their backs also against the wall.
"What on earth was your plan there?" Hermione hisses, and you are staggered for a moment.
You've never seen her so furious with you.
"I just thought if I moved quietly–" You start, but then another loud noise pierces the atmosphere.
Clearly, your stunt only exacerbated the dragon's already agitated state.
The sounds that follow suggest that the formidable beast was now fighting to be released from its restraints.
"Don't you ever try something like that again–" Hermione warns, her hand still gripping your collar.
You nod apologetically, suddenly you almost feel like a child being reprimanded.
Your girlfriend finally loosens her grip on your shirt.
The beast's actions begin to get larger and louder, in its outrage it clamours at the stone walls, chipping large pieces off.
"What a joke– did we go through all of that just to die in here?" Ron quips.
"We can't apparate.." Your girlfriend mumbles to herself, mentally debating an escape plan.
"Hermione?" Harry asks, it sounds closer to a desperate plea.
You were all stumped, only hoping that the mostly brilliant mind out of the four of you will manage to think of a plan to escape.
Hermione finally looks up at you, and by the look on her face you can tell whatever it might be; she's figured something out.
"I've got an idea, but it's mad." She admits, with a raised voice and truth be told you hated the sound of that.
Harry and Ron stare at her expectantly and you only grow more nervous by the second.
Hermione turns to y/n, you don't speak a word to her but it is not required as she already senses your anxiety, she places a firm hand on your chest right above your heart, you were certain she can feel it pounding against her palm.
"Just trust me." She reassures, too swiftly for your liking, as she completes her sentence she retreats.
You can only anticipate her next move, and it is not one you'd ever expect, in fact it nearly sends you into an early grave.
You watched as Hermione leaped off the balcony, landing on the dragon's back.
"Hermione!" You exclaim.
She struggles to get a grip of the beast for a moment, you are stunned when the dragon stills, it doesn't try to force Hermione off it's back.
"Come on!" Your girlfriend shouts, and you were first to mirror her earlier action. With a single large leap you manage to grab onto the dragon's horns, you pull yourself up, situating yourself behind Hermione.
The dragon reacts the same, but it is too fixated on the chains wrapped around its neck to care.
Soon enough Harry and Ron manage to climb on as well.
There is a point of eery stillness as the dragon seemingly appears too tired to continue fighting.
"Now what?" Harry poses a good question, and you take it upon yourself to fish out your wand.
"Relashio!" In one swift move, you fling the spell, aiming for the dragon's tail.
The beast reacts violently, in the process, the spell breaks the chains tethering it to the ground, finally freeing the beast from its restraints.
"Defodio!" Your girlfriend exclaims as she holds out her own wand, and soon enough, the dragon takes flight, bursting through the ceiling.
In an instant, Gringotts Bank is reduced to fragments of wood, glass and stone as the dragon flees the building, taking the four of you with it.
You have been on dragonback for what felt like hours, however an uncanny feeling of serenity, fills you as the beast flew through the air, past villages and hillsides.
As you approach the vast water, the dragon begins to fly lower; it appears the beast aims to halt its tiresome journey through the city soon.
"We're dropping!" Harry exclaims, panic begins to set in amongst the four of you once again.
"I say we jump!" Ron suggests, but you aren't particularly fond of the idea.
"What?" You bark.
"When?" Hermione chimes in.
"Now!" Harry responds as he lets go, you watched as he falls into the freezing water below.
He is quickly followed by Ron and Hermione, and you let out a groan as you release your grip on the dragon.
"Damn you, Weasley!" You exclaim as you freefall into the lake.
As your body touches the water, it immediately feels like hundreds of blistering hot knives are incessantly puncturing your skin.
It is almost unbearable, but then your head rises to the surface and pure instinct kicks in. The four of you, with some difficulty, eventually manage to swim to shore.
Hermione grabs your hand to help you up, in your weakened state you barely manage to climb the cliff.
Harry storms ahead, seemingly unaffected, no doubt driven by pure adrenaline.
"He knows." He blurts out.
"You know who." Harry explains, and Hermione lets go of your hand to catch up to the dark haired man.
"He knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes." He admits.
"How is it you know?" You ask, jogging slightly to catch up, Ron following closely behind.
"You let him in?" Hermione asks, her tone dissaproving.
"Harry you can't do that–" She says but her bestfriend interrupts.
"Hermione, I can't always help it! Or maybe I can, I don't know." He retaliates.
"Never mind that, what happened?" You interject.
The four of you halt as you get to the top of the cliff.
"Well, he's angry– and scared too." Harry starts, he holds out his hands as Hermione retrieves her bottle of Essence Of Dittany from her bag.
She places a few drops on his palms, doing the same on yours, and then Ron's.
You rub your hands together as Harry continues speaking.
"He knows if we can find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll do anything to stop that happening." Harry finishes and you scowl at the thought.
Soon, the boys begin stripping so they may change into dry clothes.
Hermione instead retrieves a large blanket from her bag, she drapes it over you, before pulling you close to her body so she may share your warmth.
"There's more– one of them's at Hogwarts." Harry explains.
"What?" Ron says in disbelief and his friend only nods.
"You saw it?" Your girlfriend asks, skeptical.
Harry nods again.
"I saw the castle, and Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her, we have to go there now." The Chosen One states, assuredly.
"What? We can't do that, we've got to plan, we've got to figure it out." Hermione counters.
"Hermione when have any of our plans ever actually worked?" Harry recounts, his gaze shifting between y/n, Hermione and Ron.
"We plan, we go there, all hell breaks lose." The dark haired man states, and neither of you have an argument, he was stating the plain truth.
"He's right– just one problem." Ron starts.
"Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door."
Then there's a pause.
You can feel Hermione shivering against you, you swiftly wrap an arm around her, an attempt to keep her as close as possible.
"Well, then we'll go to Hogsmeade. To Honeydukes– take the secret passage." Harry offers a solution, and you nod in agreement.
"I think– there's something wrong with him–" He adds, and the three of you wait for Harry to explain.
"In the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts– now everything just sort of feels disconnected." The dark haired man says, he adjusts the glasses on his face.
"Maybe it's the Horcruxes? Maybe he's growing weaker, maybe he's dying?" Ron suggests but Harry was quick to shake his head.
"No, it's more like he's wounded. If anything he feels more dangerous." Harry states plainly, and now you are shivering for an entirely different reason.
Hermione glances at you, as you exhange a look, you can't help but acknowledge that all too familiar sense of impotence as it looms over all of you.
The uncertainty and impending doom; it feels as though the more Horcruxes you uncover, the more uncertain the end seems.
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naomi-nana · 6 months
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: promise me?
doctor!albedo x fem!reader
cw: ooc, two dense people in love, mention of death, angst, grammar mistake.
a/n: ik this ain't realistic but cmon its fictional so hehehehhe
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what are the most wonderful things in this world? if you were to ask any other people in this world that question, i'm certain that their answers would be different. i'm pretty sure that their answer would all be fascinating, but not to a certain doctor. each time he is asked that question, the answer remains the same. "that patient for me is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me." he looked at his colleague with a straight expression on his face. "what's so interesting about her anyways?"
he stayed silent. no one knows. even he doesn't know. why does he care that much about her anyways? she is just a patient. oh, but the way she smiles when he entered the room. the way she greets him with such gentle tone that it would make anyone fall for her. "good morning, my doctor."
"i've told you to stop calling me that." he narrowed his eyes. "just call me by my name." she laughed at him. he only stared at her face in awe, the way she laughs and smiled sincerely at him. her laugh makes him feel all warm inside. he doesn't know why, maybe it's an incurable disease. he's been drinking all sorts of medicine to stop that feeling but it still came, weirdly enough, it only happens when he is with her alone. "well, apologize for my rudeness, sir albedo." he looks at her with a straight face, as if he hasn't been repeating the way she called him.
his name sounds nice when it's said by her.
"what a pity," she mumbles, "it's only a week left before i'm gone from this world." ah. he forgot about that. having spent most of his time trying to cure her disease makes him forgot about the time left. "may i ask something to you?" his ears perk at her question. "ask away."
"will you please stay with me until my death?"
he doesn't know why, but he agreed. it's been 2 days after that promise with her. he is now standing besides her bed, listening to her talk about random stuff. "you know, i'd really like it if you made me one of these.." she spoke, as she plays with the little stuffed animal that he made by hand. "i love the designs." she smiles, slightly pressing the eyes of the stuffed animal. "you're complimenting me too much. it's only a stuffed animal."
"but you made it by hand."
"well, yes. but it's not that much of a deal for me."
she sat up and grabbed his hands with hopeful looks in her eyes, "make it for me, pleasee??" he squints his eyes. he wants to decline but, looking at her hopeful eyes makes him feel all..ah. maybe it's worth a try. "..sure. but, promise me something." she smiled in excitement. "what is it?!"
"don't die before i finish it."
it's been 3 days since that promise. he is walking over to her room just like usual. he brought little gifts for her today though. "eh, really? this is for me??" she looks at him in awe. the fact that he is willing to go out of his way just to give her a necklace is really heartwarming. "yes. do you not like it?" he ask hesitantly, the nervous feeling started to bubble up. he is scared, for some reason. he is scared to see her feel disgusted by the random gift he gave. "i love it! you are the best, albedo!" ah, there it is. the warm feeling again. maybe it really is an incurable disease at this point.
he took the necklace gently from her and put it around her neck. "you look pretty.." he mumbled. ah, he accidentally let out one of his thoughts. before he could cover his mouth in embarrasment, she chuckles lightly. "thank you." his eyes slightly widened at the sight before him. the sun shines through the window and illuminates her, she looks ethereal. the gold necklace with a turquoise pendant hang nicely around her neck.
oh, how pretty.
it's been 4 days since that promise. the stuffed animal she requested is not done yet. he decided to bring it with him to her room today. "you seem to look much more ill than the last few days." he spoke, catching her attention. "ah, maybe i am. who knows," she touched the pendant gently and smiled, "this pendant may be the only thing to keep me alive." she continues. he stopped sewing midway and pursed his lip.
"that's nonsense." he replied, making her chuckle. "oh, you and your hopelessly dense heart." she smiled. he is not dense, he thinks to himself. he just thinks that a pendant can't keep someone alive.
"maybe you'll understand someday, albedo."
it's been 5 days since that promise. her state seems to have worsened throughout the days. it made him worry. "you should eat your pills more." he gave her an advice, but she only smiled as she gaze towards the sunset, "it's only a matter of time before i'm gone."
"what's the point in trying to be healthy again? i've lost hope in my life."
"that's not true." she broke her gaze on the sunset and stared at him instead. "how so?" she asked, he pursed his lips. "you still want to live."
"if you hate life so much, why still go through the trouble of eating everyday?"
it's been 6 days since that promise. the stuffed animal is almost ready, it just needs a little more sewing. "that's so cute!" she stared at the stuffed animal in awe. "you are so incredibly talented! why choose to become a doctor like this?" he narrowed his eyes at that question.
"that's an incredibly rude question, but i'll answer." she laughs awkwardly at his reply. "i just like alchemy and it's stuff." she blinks her eyes at him in doubt, "that's a really bland reason." he grumbled at her reply. "but you are a really bland person too, so it's okay!"
"how is that supposed to make me feel better?"
it's been 7 days since that promise. he finished the stuffed animal already, and his work is all done by afternoon. his routine is always this way, do work till afternoon, and look after his dear patient. he walks over to her room with the stuffed animal in hand. as he opens the door, the bed is empty. the windows are opened, and the wind blew the curtains gently.
ah, he remembers now. she passed away at midnight. he remembers vividly what happen back then. the way she calls for his name and finally let out her last breathe made him feel all empty inside.
there is no one in this room now. all he can see is a room full of memories.
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naomi-nana. do NOT repost, do not use,(with or without permission), do not reccommend or talk about my works outside of tumblr.
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ghostsvacuumcleaner · 10 months
Hello! i was wondering if you could write me a req bc i saw your reqs r open (bc I ✨respectfully✨ suck booty at writing)
basically, reader made friends with Ghost while working together on deployment, and became friends, they hang out sometimes bc they live kinda close, blah blah blah. then, Ghost doesn't hear from reader in months (which isn't normal, bc they text like once a month, just to make sure one another is okay when they can). then, one day, in the middle of a meeting Ghost gets a call from an unfamiliar number and almost ignores it until he sees that the area code is the one reader lives in, so he decides to answer it. boom, guess what? the reader is in the hospital, sustained r/srs injuries, and is in need of emergency surgery, and the reader made Ghost the emergency contact (lets also say they traded dog tags bc fluff?)
homie gets all sad bc Reader might die and is in a mini coma, blah blah blah, realized he r in love w the reader, and uh
you can decide whether or not the reader dies and what happens next
i fr scream YIPEEE when i saw your req open, i adore your writing, like top tear, makes me cry but laugh and scream bc how are you so good?! srs, im so jelly of your writing! okay anyways, hope you have a lovely day, you dont have to do this is you dont want or if im jus a silly fucker and mis read and your reqs r closed or sum
Hellloooo! Thank you SO MUCH for the beautiful compliments and for this request <3 I loved it so much I started writing the day you sent it to me. But since it's very emotionally charged, it took me a little while to finish and I'm sorry bout that, and I rly hope you're still around and eager to read it!!! Well, there it is, my take on ur req, hope you like it.
Take me back (to the night we met) | Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
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✦Word count: 2.1k ✦ Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley xf!reader ✦Summary: Simon gets a call from the hospital saying that you are hospitalized, in a coma and in great life risk. ✦ TW and general warnings: sensitive topics, lots of angst, fluff though, death implications, open ending, sad af read at ur own risks cuz i'm crying in my room rn;
I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met
“Johnny and I make our entrances fast. I clear the way, he goes front, three of you get in by the back and we surround the site to get enough space for the hostages to come out. Any questions?” Ghost asks sternly, as is the usual of his tone especially coming down to work. He was being brutally professional at the moment - if there was rather a sign of an existing Simon, it was gone the moment he got inside the briefing room. Silence follows for the next seconds while the crew seems to be pondering over what he said, analyzing the map over the big round table sticking to the center of the room.
As it is expected, no questions. He nods with his head assuming by the silence that they’re all understood.
“Our orders are to neutralize any individual we find on the site whose face doesn’t match with our hostages, which means we do it fast before they get the chance to call for reinforcements. We don’t wanna make a mess out of this.” Price then continues his own talking, marking X’s over the tactic map and giving the next orders to every one of them. It is when Gaz opens his mouth to say something, that Simon’s phone rings for the third time in a row. He curses mentally - he muted his phone the first time; now, it was vibrating in his pocket. Awkwardly, the vibration itself is heard by everyone in the room and they turn their eyes on him almost instantly.
“Hell.” He curses out in a low voice before shaking his head. “My apologies, Captain.” His voice tries its best not to come out too annoyed, but he fails and it does; despite the timing being inconvenient, no one seems to be bothered. Johnny furrows his brows in concern, and looks over at Price, who seems to have the same, perhaps even more intense, look on his face.
Ghost mentions to pull out and turn off his phone once again, but Price is quick to intervene.
“Riley.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Third time in a row; seems like somethin’ serious, get out and pick up.” He states comprehensively.
Despite being slightly reluctant, Ghost agrees - it must be something serious. What, he couldn't come to imagine - but if for a moment in his life he had something close to a hunch, it was now, and it said he should take that call.
“Alright, one minute. Move on without me.” He nods and leaves the room, phone in hand and a worried sigh leaving his nostrils. When the door closes behind him and he walks a bit further down the hallway, he picks up.
“Is this Lieutenant Simon Riley?” A feminine voice asks from the other side. Sounds in the background, beeps and small, muffled voices.
“Affirmative, who’s this?” He frowns.
“This is from the Special Forces Manchester Hospital, are you familiar with the name- hmm…” She seems to be taking a couple seconds to read, and continues saying your name. 
He freezes in place.
How long has it been since he last heard this name? How long has it been since you vanished like thin air, disappeared, stopped calling or answering? Busy. That’s what he thought. Busy with work, busy with anything. The two of you had always been two busy people, in a desperate need for time.
For a moment, in those torturous seconds of silence, Simon found himself praying to a God he wasn't even sure he believed in, that this nurse wouldn't tell him you’re dead.
“Yes.” It’s all he manages to say, with his eyes running down to the ground in a dead stare. Dead eyes. He gulps, after the despair in his chest makes him speak once again, “Why?”
“Well- sir, you’re her emergency number, we’re calling because we couldn’t manage any family members… She’s in a coma. She was severely injured in combat, and [...]”
His heart stops, like it never did before. He doesn't react, his eyes look around as if he's searching for something - as if searching for his own reaction hidden somewhere within that empty hallway. The weight of your dog tag around his neck seems to be suffocating him now. 
To his silence, the woman continues.
“[...] it’s… currently sort of impossible to predict her state within the next few days, she’s fighting but struggling lots; can you come over?” 
“Yes.” He sharply replies, immediately. His eyes are still on the ground as he closes his eyes, and nods. “I’ll be on my way, yes.” 
“Good.” She replies, and he turns off.
For a moment, he stops to breathe; Ghost wipes his hand over his mouth in a somewhat guilty expression, he should have reached for you. He should have reached you the instant he missed you, your calls. 
“Hell…” He shuts his eyes for a moment, his heart stings like he’s poisoned, it hurts - some sort of pain he swears to god, he probably never felt before. Not when he lost his training dog, nor when he lost friends before - maybe because there were always a lingering possibility between the two of you. It was nothing but a friendship, never had been - but every word, every phrase was full of underlines of sentiment, an immense desire to reveal his interior and spit out the fears he refused to speak about to anyone else.
It's the possibility that kills him now. Even after all this time, not for a second did you cease to exist in his troubled and saddened mind. Suppressed by all the worries and feelings he thought were more important than you.
Not for a moment did he stop thinking about that pleasant end to his career, the retirement he knew he deserved, a house at least isolated from the rest of the world with trees and streams, the snow falling when winter comes and the sun scorching the land. land when summer finally arrived. You, on the front porch. 
You.  You.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears When you had not touched me yet Oh, take me back to the night we met
You were leaning back on the sofa, your legs stretched out by the small table that marked the space between you and the balcony railing of his apartment.
The rain fell calmly, some thunder, but few drops. The sound of them falling against the roofs of the houses below the level where you were was echoing in your ears, and he seemed busy drawing patterns among the heavy clouds that covered the sky. 
He gave up trying to find any stars in that rainy sky and found comfort in finding your eyes instead. They were already watching him, almost expecting him to say something, even though the silence between two of you usually speaks volumes more than words itself; you’ve never been good with them, much less him. 
Simon looked down at your dog tag, lying brightly on your bust exposed by the tank top you wore. 
“What do you want to do after retiring?” He asked, his voice calm, his eyes almost closed. He took your necklace between his fingers calmly, and watched your shiny name exposed on the icy metal.
“Gotta be honest with you, can’t see myself retiring.” You replied, with your usual brutal honesty - something he particularly always liked so much about you. “What about you?” 
You don’t mind him, you allow.
“Don’t know.” He was, too, brutally honest. “Seek fuckin’ forgiveness for my sins before I die and end up in hell, I suppose.” 
You laughed.
“Oh, fuck. Gonna die trying to find that, mate.” You admit, raising your eyebrows in another big sip of your beer. “We’re all going to hell… At least we’ll all party there together.” You sounded fun, and your eyes turned into little lines with the genuine smile you let out when noticed that he too laughed at your joke. 
“We’re partyin’? Tell me Johnny isn’t going…”
“He’s my first guest.” You laugh harder.
“Thought that’d be me.” 
“You hate parties.” You raised your eyebrows.
“I don’t hate you.”
You silently smiled and looked away. 
“Fair enough.”
When it came to the two of you, there was nothing but connotation.
You could spend hours in that apartment alone with him - and you did. Did plenty of times, and yet, among subtle touches and heartfelt conversations, the end would be the same. Not in his bed, not in yours: by the door, with a rueful look and smile on your face. 
With a held back hug you never gave, a held back kiss you never allowed and an uncertain goodbye before departing on a mission that could take your or his life.
There was a phone call, once.
He called you late in the night. He was drunk. Too drunk. 
“I’m scared.” His voice was low, fluttering, like those cold days he’d be waiting for his dad’s arrival in his bed, under the covers, terrified and alone. “I’m scared. Can- can I see you? Can I come over, please?” 
As you hugged him on the couch in your own apartment now - that huge, strong, self-sufficient man collapsing in your lap like a baby in need of comfort, your heart was never right about anything like it was right about loving him. In that moment you knew it, you were fucking lost, taken, desperately in love.
You departed; you gave him your dog tag, he gave you his. A memory, an attempt. Do not forget me, you said. Don’t you dare forget me if I die, Simon Riley.
“I didn’t.” 
He looks at you with regret. The devices that help you breathe keep him from seeing you fully, whole - but still behind all those hospital beeps and sounds, you're still as beautiful as the first time he saw you.
He wants to go back to the past. Reverse everything he did, redo it from scratch; the first time he saw you, the first time he felt his heart ache listening to you talk about another man, all the times he repressed his feelings and swore not to love you.
“I want to be with you.” He mutters, his eyes emptily stare down your almost lifeless hand resting over his. “After I retire. I want to be with you.” He says again, closing his eyes, shutting them tight like he’s trying his very best to repress the tears he wants so bad to let fall. 
“I fuckin’ need you- I- how did this happen, how did you…” He gasps as the clock ticks, low, the sound of the hands ringing like doomsday inside his head. Every second that passed was one less with you. There are twenty minutes left for you to enter that operating room, and maybe you’ll never leave it again.
His eyes water and his legs give out, he kneels beside the bed, his suppressed voice sounding like a low, painful moan. The cry of a child who lost everything he had; of a confused teenager who would become a soldier, cold, dead inside, incapable of love - who loved you. Who loves you. “I’m scared. I’m scared- I love you.” He’d mutter, praying to all known gods to not take you. Take anything, anything from me; anything but her.
When the doctors came into the room and hurriedly moved your gurney to the ward in a desperate attempt to get your heart working again with the transplant, Simon sat in the waiting room with his face buried in his hands, his legs trembling. and the false hope that you would come back.
That you’ll be on that front porch, resting ever so happily, a bottle of beer in your hand and the dogs running around. He will have gotten rid of the mask and the habit of wearing it and you’ll be happy. You’ll be happy. You’ll be alive.
“God, please.” He mutters. “You’ve taken so much from me, now please, not this.”
He stands up as the doctor calls his name, with his heart on his hand and regret flashing his face off, he just wants another minute with you, another second with you, enough seconds so he can tell you he love you - he had, for most of his life and now, and he will, for the rest of his days with or without you.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met.
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sarahreesbrennan · 4 months
Hi Sarah, I'm so excited to see your upcoming release. (Villainess deserve representation too!) I was rereading Love From Both Sides for the dozenth time - as one does - and I was wondering if you had any plans for a spin off with Adara and Natalie? Their story has so many uncharted possibilities, I'm dying to know more. And relatedly, we're gasping out here for more sapphic media that goes as hard as your work does 🥺
I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered before, I couldn't find anything in your archives. Thanks again for writing In Other Lands, a precious and rare delight. I hope you're having the bestest day with at least one friendly nuzzle from a puppy
Hey my love, Never be sorry for asking anything! This world is bettered by the questioners, and it’s a great compliment to me that you care.
As regards Adara and Natalie specifically, I couldn’t tell you. I’d love to write more in the In Other Lands world (about which more later) - but whether I could do a short story or a series of books would obviously change my answer. It’s not entirely up to me, but I definitely do have plans for Adara. She’s a foil for Elliot, and the kind of character I really like - one who I see treated shallowly in other media, when few people really are shallow. If there’s too much skimming the surface, I long to explore the depths. And with the depths come adventures. Thank you for your care!
I also thank you for being excited for Long Live Evil. Villains and villainesses do definitely deserve representation, and have long been beloved by me because they’re often complicated, witty because they see the world differently, and queer-coded. I was also thinking when writing it about the different ways audiences can come to a story, and using the same evidence how different people presume characters are (for example) straight or bisexual. And often the ending will be very uniformly heterosexual. But if you go into the story, and change its direction… Are the things you presumed true? Are the things characters presumed about themselves true? Would certain subtexts surface, and certain texts submerge? How do we influence art by engaging with it? Anyway, I am categorically not making any promises because that’s got me in trouble before. But it’s an ensemble story (I was inspired by the group dynamics and relationships, all given weight, of Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows) and these are some of my preoccupations when writing it. I hope you shall find much to enjoy.
In the meantime, if you seek sapphic media that goes hard, and Sappho knows we all do… The Jasmine Throne and the Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri - this series is a huge favourite of mine - and not just mine, it won the World Fantasy award. Its central f/f pairing features one party holding the other at knifepoint for fine reasons and they have a brilliant dynamic based on understandably conflicting ideologies and complicated family situations! I love it.
Thank you for a delight of a letter and your kind words. I write this being yelled at by a cat for skritches, which is pleasant as puppies. I wish you a beauteous day with animal companions of choice, with apologies I couldn’t answer more definitively!
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Putting a bunch of answered asks in one post so I don't spam your dashes too much. Under the cut because it's a very long post. If your ask isn't here, don't worry! The ask box is far from empty, and I'm sorta trying to group them by topic. Enjoy?
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Anonymous asked: you mentioned in another ask that there were a few things you were probably going to check out from doing these polls and I was just curious which ones those are, if you don't mind sharing fjdjsj
I don't mind sharing! I had to go through the archive to remember which ones I wanted to check out, but a few of them would be The Walten Files, Red vs. Blue, The Murderbot Diaries, I Am In Eskew, and The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality. Many of the characters posted here look interesting, but I'm such a slow watcher/player/reader/etc. that it'd take me decades to go through everything lol
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Anonymous asked: Have you considered doing like uhhh idk how to explain properly, but statistics/data from loads of polls in a summary every so often? I've seen some poll blogs do a most known/least known type bar graph every so often. And I would be super interested in seeing this sort of thing for this blog!! It's fair enough if not though, obviously this would create a lot of extra work for you. Anyway, thanks for running this blog :-) Anonymous asked: I just asked a question about seeing the data statistics/ bar graphs - please ignore it! Just reread your pinned and realised I'd missed that bit :'). BUT, last point remains, thank you for running this blog and putting up with repetitive anons I bet aksjskdjsk
I haven't put the data in a graph yet, but if I figure out how to organize that in a way that's both comprehensible and actually tells us something new, I'll give it a try for sure. Until then, we do have the spreadsheet. And no worries, I'm glad you're enjoying the blog! :)
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Anonymous asked: *sees a poll blog* "I must answer each and every poll I can"
Godspeed on your journey and remember to stay hydrated! 🫡
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Anonymous asked: this is my favorite blog! Every morning I wake up and check the polls like they're the paper, just to say "I don't know them" Truely a humbling experience!
Happy to be your neighborhood paperboy!
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@iceice-baeby asked: Are olyou fearing the day someone submits Solid Snake from MGS and you will choose the wrong picture Because everyone always seems to choose the wrong picture
The only difficulty will be in not using this one:
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Anonymous asked: Just scrolled back through your blog up to posts from Dec 3rd and I know why those polls are closed now but I cannot describe the genuine anguish I felt seeing Mr Orange and going NO I KNOW HIM - I KNOW HIM!!!! Anyway I found this blog like ten minutes ago and I love it
Don't worry, he's A-OK! 👍
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(Also, thanks! I appreciate your dedication.)
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Anonymous asked: scrolling through to catch up on the characters and knowing a whole three of them was so bizarre. im not supposed to press the yes i know them button, im supposed to do my sworn duty and vote no with unending confusion. the world has been flipped on its head 😵‍💫
I bet the next 30 were characters you've never heard of, just for balance to be restored.
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Anonymous asked: Whenever i misclick I feel sooooo bad like im sorry my dear friend for not recognizing you I apologize for my rudeness
No polls so far ended with only one vote difference between answers, so you don't have to feel too bad. For now. 👀
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Anonymous asked: this is fun cause i’ve definitely submitted some characters but i’ve immediately forgotten who. so i’ll also be pleasantly surprised to see my beloveds on the blog.
A gift from you to you, courtesy of unreliable memory! Sweet!
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Anonymous asked: Devastating. I keep missing the voting for the only characters I know.
You'll do it one day, I believe in you!!
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@iceice-baeby asked: Would you consider writing in the tags if YOU know a character or not You have done it sometimes before, but I'd be curious if you do recognise some of those random niche as all hell blorbos Also I can't wait for my Blorbos turn. Because either He-and-she is gonna take most obscure place, OR I will actually find maybe more than two people, myself included, who know him-and-her and who I can ramble at for hours until they block me
Oh yeah, for sure. I didn't think anyone would be interested to know, but I can do that when I remember to!
Did your blorbo show up already?
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Anonymous asked: I have been having the opposite problem of everyone else, apparently. I'll see a name and be like, "I don't know who that is". But then I see the picture and realize… Yes I do!
That's why I take the time to include fitting pictures, helps jog the memory!
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Anonymous asked: I feel very superior every time I know a character most people don't
Hey, nobody likes a show-off. (<- Joking)
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Anonymous asked: Wait, has Beetlejuice not been submitted?? I could've sworn I submitted the musical version! Anonymous asked: Oh wait no I didn't submit musical Beetlejuice to you, got you mixed up with @/every-character-ever-poll lol my bad
Indeed he hasn't been submitted yet, maybe next time!
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@thetisming asked: sorry for saying something negative in the replies to a post someone was being a dick about jukebox musicals
No worries, but don't let it get to you. People are allowed to dislike your favorite things even without any good reason. It's a matter of taste, which is highly subjective. It's more constructive to focus your attention on people who do enjoy the same things as you!
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@autism-criminal asked: What is your favorite color of the rainbow (red orange yellow green blue indigo purple) ?
Orange! 🍊 What's yours? :)
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Anonymous asked: "data is not accurate" bro if ur going to a tumblr poll blog for accurate data you NEED to reassess some things asdfghjkl; anyway this blog is great thank you for running it it's a lot of fun and has resulted in some very funny interactions between me and my fiance. notably "what the fuck do you MEAN 6% of the sans undertale website doesn't know who sans undertale is" and "i'm sorry i simply don't believe that ANYONE doesn't know who DRACULA is"
Different people come here with different expectations, I suppose. Which is fine, I don't mind, but they're bound to be disappointed if they expect 100% accuracy all the time. But anyway! I'm happy to hear I can provide a new form of enrichment for you and your fiancé!
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@sweetpollyolliver asked: So many manga and anime characters and I know like 1% of them 😭
I'm ngl, I'm not a big manga/anime connoisseur either, so I'm just as lost as you most of the time lol 🤝 (<- shaking hands in solidarity)
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@cringelordofchaos asked: If I go insane one day I am going to try to make an English translation for Mesec Boje Purpura so everyone can know who veštica Noks is
I'm fully behind you! Keep us updated if you do.
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Anonymous asked: I scroll through your blog. I don’t recognise any of these characters. ‘No,’ I click, ‘no,’ ‘no,’ ‘no.’ I am content in the darkness of the rock I live under. But, alas, all things must end. I continue my scroll, the glee of the irrelevant rampant in my veins. But what’s this? It can’t be… My shelter is cruelly ripped away and the brutal light of knowledge seeks me out like a bloodhound, it gives me no place to hide. ‘Yes,’ I sob, defeated, ‘Yes, I do know the jjba character.’
A modern-day Greek tragedy, truly 💔
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Anonymous asked: was really surprised to vote and see that a character was 100% know them. then I noticed I got there early enough to be the only vote
For one shining, brilliant moment they were 100% known and surely that counts for something.
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Anonymous asked: You should make up a character and make a poll for them and see how many people lie or misclick
Well....... I'm not going to comment on that. 🐰
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Anonymous asked: I follow this blog and another blog that does smash or pass and occassionally I will come to one of your posts and examine the images to decide and then remember this blog's gimmick before trying to hit smash
Imagine voting smash there and then coming here to vote "I don't know them at all" on the same character. Brutal.
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@ink7blot asked: *sees big naturals* I hate that. *reblogs*
A job well done, then 😌
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batrachised · 6 months
I am SO curious what you think of specific LMM short stories - namely, The Waking of Helen, The Doctor's Sweetheart, and The Growing Up of Cornelia - but also just all of them bc there is so much going on in literally all of them (not even counting the insanity that is tannis of the flats). apologies if you've talked ab them before but I am intrigued as to if you've read them/have thoughts
Thanks for this ask, I find it really interesting! I also find it very appropriate for this kilmeny shebang, because I think kilmeny provides a very good illustration for this.
I don't think I've read all of LM Montgomery's short stories, although I know I've hit a good chunk of them, so that in and of itself tells you something. There are some I really, really love and that I think are LM Montgomery at her best (The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's), but I find a lot of them to be LM Montgomery at her worst. Some of them encapsulate LM Montgomery's strengths in a really potent, concise way; a lot of them emphasize her weaknesses in parallel.
Because I haven't read a lot of them since I was a teen, I mostly have dim memories of the ones I liked, or of ones where I was like hmmm...that's funny, or the ones that I liked but now looking back am like hmm...that's funny. I used to love the Growing up of Cornelia quite a bit, but now I squint at it for obvious reasons. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the fake dating one because I thought it was hilarious (this spinster lies to the town about having someone courting her, someone she completely fabricates - only for a man who happens to fit the description to a tee show up in a sheer shenanigan of fate). The Strike at Putney is my sister's favorite (the women of a church go on strike to combat sexism).
So overall, there are some jewels in in the mix. The form of a short story is such that in some ways, you have to strip writing and storytelling down to its bare elements. As such, I think the form of a short story is particularly well-suited to demonstrating Maud's strength of humor. When they're good, they're good.
However, as referenced, that often means when they're bad, they're bad. Some are technically well-written but gross in plotline (these are the ones that tend to be the ones I liked as a child, but as an adult..); a lot are both disturbing and imo pretty poorly written, much like a certain novel we've been discussing lately. We have Tannis (YIKES), the Education of Betty (YIKES), and others which kind of pull back the curtain on Maud.
LM Montgomery was no angel, and even beyond aspects of her you'd expect historically, she was just...kind of mean. I remember reading a letter of hers where she visited some equivalent of a girl scout troop and frankly talked about how she couldn't imagine any of the girls finding husbands because they were so plain and ugly. You see it pop up in her books, but it pops up a lot in her short stories as well. In the end, to answer your question in a general sense, I feel like overall the short stories have more kilmeny's than anne's.
Regarding the specific stories, I'd have to reread them. We did discuss the Growing Up of Cornelia on here a while back - I used to LOVE that one, but now as an adult I'm like more errrr. It is interesting to me because Sidney is the Dean Priest figure that ever haunts LMM's work. As for The Waking of Helen, iirc this is @mzannthropy's favorite! Unlike Kilmeny, it actually commits to its premise and so I think it works. I'm not really familiar with the Doctor's Sweetheart - I looked it up and nothing rang a bell.
For my favorite short stories (You didn't ask, but I shall answer anyway) - here are the ones that I remember even years later:
The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's: iconic, in a word. endlessly quotable. A spinster woman who hates men quarantined with a confirmed bachelor who hates women? Much like the blue castle, this takes a basic fanfic trope (for tbc, 'where is my wife;' for this, quarantined together) and so successfully executes it you're left with your jaw on the floor.
The Strike at Putney: this is a sister's favorite, and I can see why. Women of the church learn that a missionary will not be allowed to occupy the pulpit to speak because she's a woman, and so they go on strike. It's also a emphasized critique of the undervaluing of women's work.
The Materializing of Cecil: GOD I REMEMBER LOVING THIS ONE. This unmarried woman is embarrassed to be unmarried at forty and so flagrantly invents a lover to her sewing circle - only for a man who fits the description to SHOW UP. It's hilarious. However, as a content warning, I reread it to find there is less than fantastic description of a Chinese man near the end.
The Little Brown Book of Miss Emily: guess what? this one is in first person, and that person is ANNE. 😱 this one...it's sad, but it always stayed with me. I have read quite a few lmm stories and forgotten most, but not this one. Also, its final line is beautiful to me.
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f1-stuff · 2 months
omg that part two snippet of girldad! carlos had me literally screaming, the way you write is just so *chef’s kiss* i can’t wait for the to see what happens next
its gonna be so cute when charles starts speaking french with ana and they both start bonding, carlos already has it down bad for this man but he’s going to be in love love with this man when this happens
the idea of the both of them being dads is just so… compelling, we really need more fics of them being dads and being all domestic
im sorry for this ranty ask but i just got so excited when i saw u posted the snippet, i love that fic so much already
and if you don’t mind, could you post the giver au pls :))
sending you lots of love mal, thank you for everything!! <33
Hi! Do not apologize!! Every fic writer hopes and dreams that ppl will get excited about their fic 😭 and I completely agree - we need more charlos dads. They are literally so married and charles wants a kid so badly...
Anyway yes! You can have a snippet of the Giver AU - i've shared a bit of it before, but essentially, the premise is that society requires everyone to take suppressants to dull their emotions, eliminating pain/conflict/anger/fear etc., but also eliminating passion/love/joy in the process...
I'm thinking of doing a major rewrite of this actually...so honestly what you read here might look very different by the time I post it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Hola, teammate.” It’s accompanied by a grin and a nudge to his arm. Charles raises an eyebrow.
“Hello, again.”
They’d seen each other not forty-five minutes ago, but Carlos seems to insist on greeting everyone like it’s the first time that day no matter how long ago they parted ways. He also keeps calling Charles, ‘teammate,’ like he thinks anyone needs to be reminded of this. 
“What are we doing now?” Carlos asks, rubbing his hands together like he’s impatient to get started. 
Charles doesn’t know why he would be - they’ve been doing promotional obligations all day, and his head is starting to hurt from all the bright lights. It’s all videos and photoshoots for their sponsors and social media accounts. Tomorrow will be the more important agenda - seat and race suit fittings are the first things on the schedule.
“A video for the fans, I think,” Charles says, in answer. “Where we ask each other questions.”
“Ah, so I can discover all of your secrets.” Carlos lifts his brows up and down in a way that Charles isn’t sure he’s ever seen someone do. 
He knows it’s a joke - one of Carlos’ strange ones, where he doesn’t really mean what he says. But Charles still finds himself wanting to protest the remark.
“I don’t have secrets.” Why would he? He has nothing to hide. Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Okay,” is all he says.
Charles has the sense he’s disappointed him somehow. Not that it really matters, but he’s still trying to figure out his new teammate. He wants them to get along, since they’ll be seeing a lot of one another. So far, he feels like Carlos is perpetually amused by him for reasons that Charles can’t determine.
“The questions are prepared,” Charles adds. “They wouldn’t have us ask whatever we wanted.” This seems obvious to him, but maybe Carlos isn’t yet accustomed to how structured things are at Ferrari. 
Practically their every movement is planned by some coordinator on the team - the only time it can’t be is in the car, when the drivers themselves hold the steering wheel. And even then, the team tries to control everything with strategy and radio communications during the race.
Carlos gives him a searching look, which Charles attempts not to shy away from. He isn’t shy, anyway. Poor choice of words.
“Do you ever... Mm- how do you say it?” Carlos takes a second to himself, mulling over whatever it is that he’s trying to ask. “Do you ever go against the script?”
“The script?” Charles frowns.
“The rules. The path. The plan.” Carlos studies him, as he processes the words, like Charles is a bug in a jar. It’s not a sensation he particularly...enjoys, though he can’t pinpoint why. 
“I’m not...” He swallows, unsure of himself. “I don’t-”
“Boys!” someone is saying from across the room, gesturing them over. 
There’s a beat of silence between them, and then Carlos is saying, “Never mind, mate,” patting Charles on the shoulder. 
He walks away then, and Charles is left with a strange hollowness in his chest, like he’s failed at something - like when he’s driven badly or made a mistake on track. But he hadn’t done anything like that. He’d just been talking to his teammate...
He takes a deep breath, then moves to join Carlos across the room.
WIP Wednesday
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nabbit-unmasked · 3 months
Hello there! Apologies for asking but is there any asks from me in your inbox? I cannot quite remember if I sent anything recently or if Tumblr has been eating my asks.
Secondly, I come to you with a question. How do you avoid/disengage in discourse within the alterhuman community? I am asking because, as of recently, the amount of discourse has gotten to me and I want to be able to take a step back from everything before I have to leave like I did with other communities I am in. Apologies if this isn't something you can answer, but I thought it would be worth the shot.
- @batty-babbles
Hi batty! I do have something, here it is:
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I took a little break from answering asks because I needed to recover my mental health before giving any detailed responses. Instead of making a whole new post, I'll just answer it here and say thank you for the kind words ^^ I'm gonna go ahead and delete the ask since I pretty much addressed it here.
As for your second question, I've definently been there before. Discourse sucks, and the are three ways I've been able to deal with it:
• Laugh to yourself about recurrent gatekeepers or bullies.
- If there's one person that keeps getting on your nerves, you could try to laugh when you read their posts. What kind of a clown would have a take like that?
• Take a break or step away.
-If the discourse is happening on a specific platform, try exploring the community on another platform. I stepped away from Reddit after discourse and debating and gatekeeping because popular, and I cane to tumblr where I'm having a good time.
-Also, from what I've noticed, Tumblrs algorithm will show you content related to whatever you've previously searched or interacted with, or it will even reccomend new blogs from other blogs you already follow. If you want to stop seeing so much discourse on your Tumblr feed, search up other things your interested in or interact a lot with the blogs you can trust.
• Know that you're mindset is all that matters.
I'm not sure if its personally affecting your identity or not, but I think this is helpful advice anyways.
You know yourself best, more than anyone else does. Only you know what's going on inside your head. Therefore, only you can know what you identify as, and only you can define alterhumanity for yourself. If you don't fit the mainstream-gatekeeping-antifake definition of whatever you are, no one will know, nor will they care. They can't see inside your mind, remember? We all identify ourselves, and no one can tell us what we are or aren't. That makes us all valid on the basis of alterhuman identities. It doesn't matter if you aren't mainstream---thats the whole point of alterhuman, unique experiences that aren't like any other.
Even if you aren't feeling this way about yourself, it applies to everyone. If you see someone you disagree with and they're spreading discourse, keep this in mind for whoever they're targeting.
I hope this was helpful :) let me know if you need anything else ^^
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Hello! I’ve been following for while now and I absolutely love all of your work. This is the first time I’m requesting something.... My idea is something sweet, I love Tokoyami so if you don’t find him weird can I have him with reader who’s his secret admirer? She writes him poems from time to time until she gain the courage to confess giving him flowers? I want to make him feel loved
Hi sweetie ❤️ thank you so much for reading and loving my work! It means more than you know, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting though, I really am 🥲 this is the first time doing something for my sweet Tokoyami and I wanted to do it right for him and for you, that's why I kept writing and rewriting. I apologize and I hope it doesn't stop you from requesting again ❤️
Anyway, I really hope you enjoy it *kisses*
Title : Secret admirer
Characters : Tokoyami/ Gender neutral reader
Genre : Angst/ Fluff (mostly fluff)
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Another one? This is weird, flattering, but weird.
Fumikage Tokoyami is not really used to having admirers, let alone ones who would send him letters or write him poems. So when he had received his first one he was genuinely confused, and thought it was probably a mistake.. if not a prank. But they kept coming on a regular basis, so maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a mistake.
It was still strange, who would possibly waste their precious time to send him letters after letters filled with words of praise and admiration accompanied by beautifully written poems? He couldn't tell. But even if it turned out to be a prank, he would still be grateful since someone actually cared enough to invest their time and energy in doing it. That's what he kept thinking.
What he failed to realize though, is that it was never a mistake, nor was it a prank.
What he failed to see was the way your cheeks flushed and your heart hammered in your chest everytime he passed you by.
You liked him so much, and had plenty of chances to confess, but never the courage to let him know.
You're shy and awkward, same as him, and that was part of why you kept your feelings a secret for so long. Besides, you two have been friends for years, and you feared losing him in case he didn't feel the same way about you, so you settled for being his good friend.
_ "Look I found another one, can you believe it?!" He shook his head in disbelief as he finally joined you for lunch.
_ "Oh, yeah?.. well, apparently someone truly likes you," you responded aloofly making sure to keep your focus solely on the food placed in front of you, "hey lunch break is almost over and our patrol is scheduled right after, so hurry up and eat." you had to change the subject.
Will you ever be able to tell him the truth? For a long while, that was the only question you had no answer to.
Until one day..
_ "Hi y/n, are you ready for the morning assembly?" you had just gotten into your costume and was waiting to receive your orders of the day when he joined you.
_ "Oh, hi.. umm.. yeah I'm ready." you didn't mean to sound flustered, but for some reason you couldn't control your reactions around him.
The meeting went by in a blur, and you couldn't for the life of you focus on any of the instructions given.
"I'm going to make a mess today, I can already feel it." is what you kept thinking to yourself.
And you were right, nothing went according to the orders you were given.
_ "Heads up y/n! What the hell are you doing?" your supervisor wasn't happy at all.
_ "I'm sorry! I'm on it!"
From the corner of your eye, you were able to see Tokoyami eying you anxiously, he was aware of your distress but couldn't understand its reason, so you had to get it together first and leave everything else for later..
_ "Y/n, can I talk to you for a minute?" he approached you, eyes filled with unanswered questions.
You had just changed out of your costume and was about to head home and try to forget everything that happened earlier, but his sudden appearance changed your plans.
_ "What.. yeah, sure. Do you want to head to the cafeteria?"
_ "Let's just leave, I'll walk you home and talk on the way."
You nodded and left the agency side by side with him.
Numerous thoughts had battled inside your head, what did he want from you? Did he find out about your secret crush on him? Did he want to scold you for messing up earlier? Or maybe it was none of that. Whatever it was, you wanted to hear it and get it over with.
_ "So, what is it Fumikage?" you tried to play it cool, offering him a smile as you asked.
_ "Are you feeling alright?" his tone was gentle, as usual, "you were distracted today and I was really worried."
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat quickened as his words sunk in. He was worried about you.
Should you get your hopes up? Obviously none of it would mean anything if you don't gather your courage to confess your feelings.
_ "I'm fine Fumikage I promise, thank you for checking in on me." you took a deep breath and looked away from him before asking, "so, have you received any new letters?" you obviously knew the answer to your own question but you couldn't find any other way to bring up the subject.
_ "Oh, yeah, they're coming in as usual." he responded awkwardly, looking down at his feet.
You felt a little bolder so you decided to go a bit further, "what if one day you find out their identity? Or better yet, what if they finally decide to confess their love properly?"
_ "That's never going to happen." he sounded unusually stern, but there was a hint of something else that you couldn't quite understand, "I still don't think it's real." was he hurt? Disappointed? Both? Whatever it was, you hated it.
You wanted to let him know the truth more than anything else: "Fumikage.."
_ "Yeah?"
_ ".. No, never mind." you were still not confident enough for such a huge step, and telling him something important so casually like you were about to didn't seem right.
_ "It's fine you can tell me anything." his voice was warm like it's always been when addressing you. What more did you need?
_ "It was me.. the one who keeps sending you letters, that's me." you were a bundle of nerves as you finally confessed your biggest secret.
_ "Was it fun for you?" his tone had changed, "did you have a good laugh?"
What was happening? "Fumikage.."
_ "No no, that's fine, I was right after all." he raised his arms defensively and took a step back, "it was a prank, that's what friends do to each other right?"
You opened your mouth to explain yourself but it was too late, he turned around and walked away already, leaving you all alone..
Why did he react the way he did? Why did he misunderstand you?
You wanted to follow him but your body was stiff and your vision was blurry. You couldn't even tell when your tears started falling..
Things changed ever since that evening. He started avoiding you, not even a greeting or a polite head bow. You wanted to talk to him, to tell him that you were serious but he gave you no chance to do so.
You hated losing him so easily, if he didn't return your feelings, than you were to be content with your life long friendship. If only he would give you a chance to explain yourself.
_ "Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" he was startled as he found you outside his appartement one evening.
_ "Can we talk please?" you stood nervously half expecting him to shut the door on your face, but he didn't. His eyes traveled down to the cute little flower bouquet you held in your hands.
_ "Yeah sure." he stepped aside allowing you to walk in.
_ "This is for you by the way, a peace offering." you handed him the bouquet as soon as he closed the door behind you two.
_ "Thank you, but you didn't have to do any of this." he declared, placing it on the dining room table.
_ "Yes I did! This is the least I can do after hurting you that day! But please allow me to explain, it's really not what you think." you were desperate.
He looked at you for a moment but said nothing, and simply gestured you to carry on.
_ "I truly like you, not just as a friend but so much more", you took a few steps towards him as you decided to keep nothing in, "the reason why I haven't told you for so long was because I was.. scared." your voice trailed off and your eyes traveled down to your feet.
_ "Scared? Why would you be?"
_ "It's because I wasn't sure of how you would react, I honestly didn't want to lose my best friend, but I'm afraid I already have." you wanted to cry at that point, but forced your tears back before he took notice.
_ "I feel like an idiot." he chuckled nervously, "I was a jerk to you and didn't take your confession seriously, I'm really sorry for the way I acted."
Your face finally lit up after days of suffering, but for some reason you could no longer hold your tears back.
It was at that moment that he realized how serious you were about him.
_ "So, do you want to go out on a date with me? Say, tomorrow after work?" he cautiously requested, as he gently wiped your tears away.
_ "Ye.. yes, yes I do." it was the last thing you expected to hear him say. But not only did you have your best friend back, you also had a chance to go on a date with him. You were the happiest person alive.
What you failed to realize though, was that your feelings have always been mutual. And at that moment, he too was as happy as you were.
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fakesimp · 1 year
🐒 anon here to raid ur ask box again, hope im not doing this to much lol, lov u chia 💕 for putting uo w my shit
bUT ANYWAYS MONKE THOUGHTS 🤡🤌 mutual pining, idiots clearly inlove with eachother and they know, but theyre both too shy to admit it for shit, they always find looking for eachothers company, Lxm always txting their crush after or during their streams to ask if they watched or not 🤛🤛, too stupidly inlove for eachother, just having a soft spot for the other just makes me feel so 😭💕🤌 like its not even an official relationship, no label was ever talked about, it just happened, every moment they spend is their date. Thats it. Thats the tweet.
🐒 Anon !
Love you too, thank you for dropping your oh-so-gracious monke thoughts on me.
Why so shy admitting them when it's so clear they like each other heeeyyyy Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)
Short hcs utc !
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Vox would just drop that "Why are we not dating yet." As a joke, and you usually would just ignore him or laugh it off sarcastically while your heart is either having a race or you felt butterflies in your stomach, until one day you decided to reply to his flirty remarks with "I wonder why. Why don't we start dating then?" Making him just sat there speechless. But you did enjoy his flirtatious remarks, sometimes you even look forward for it. Tho denying it when he points it out.
"You actually liked it when I tease you aren't you." "No, I don't." "Aww, my heart." "I SAID NO??"
Mysta would be the Constantly talking about you either you're watching or not, does he realize it? Maybe? If someone points it out will he accept the truth? Probably in denial but lowkey accepting the truth. There is one time he talked about how cute you are when you're focused on something you're doing when both of you are meeting up irl, everyone in the chat would awe at both you and him, awing at him for just straight off calling you cute when both of you are not having the official relationship yet. Sometimes the Mystakes would ask 'So when are you going to give your shot mysta?' making the Detective blink in confusion.
"My shot? On what-" .... "My Confession to- HUH?? I thought I already answer y'all that I won't do it yet."
Luca would make you fell to his traps so many times to the point you're mad at him, but you couldn't stay mad at him for long since he's just. Someone that you couldn't stay mad with, Lucubs sometimes are worried about you, worried that Luca's joke went too far. But he knows you actually don't mind, he knows his limit. He knows when not to joke around and be serious, such a sunshine. There's also time when he would chat you, asking if you wanna company him in his stream. Sometimes he'll also invite you to play multiplayer games! Lucubs lowkey ships both of you together,
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Come here look at this-" "I don't want to die again for the millionth time Luca." "Trust meee I won't kill you this time-" "Can I trust you with that" "Hehe."
Ike, this man, barely talks about you but when he do he would almost mumble everything about you for awhole hour. Talking about how great you are, how he loves your work, he would compliment how talented you are. Everything about you, he would just rant about it to quilldren. He would apologize tho if it's too much, the quilldren favors you. They found it cute when you both replied to each other's tweet ever so cutely. He sometimes accidentally asked if you're watching or not at the beginning of his stream, making the quilldren go 'Shall we summon them?' 'Summon (Y/n) moments'
"I was just asking once and this is how you all act--" *You sent a 'hi' in the chat* "Oh- Hi (Y/n)-! I'm sorry if the quilldren are disturbing you, I swear it was not intentional.. but since you're here want to company me in the call?"
Shu sometimes would send you some questionable memes, but you appreciate it. Some of them actually made you laugh, even brighten up your day! Sometimes you would too, share some memes you found funny. In his streams, Shu would slip up a joke about you. And coincidentally you just opened his stream, you immediately sent 'oh wow.' making the Sorcerer laugh at your reaction in chat.
"Oh no (Y/n) is heree runn-" *reads your chat* "Come here then, join me, I appreciate your company-" *You joined the next second* "Oh, hi." "Just why." "Pft-"
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A bit ooc? Apologies (⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠)
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
Okay first as a disclaimer... Yeah I guess my first disclaimer was unnecessary I'm just paranoid and stuff
But on to the follow up I might not have explained myself properly or given enough context or my question was incoherent? But for context while I do like plenty of canon ships, my favorite ships tend to be MxM ships of characters who don't have canon female love interests. My fandoms tend to be fujobait/card game anime plus video games. (Honestly I kind of feel like the guy you called 'some fuck' in your answer tbh lol (Hopefully I'm not as obnoxious and arrogant as them though)).
Anyway the stuff I was mostly thinking about was stuff like the Ike/Soren defenses and the Ash Ketchum shipping wars. (Although I only read that instead of participating) But from your answer and thinking over it I realized that I had actually seen a good amount of Hassel/Brassius hint finding etc but I didn't realize it was the kind of stuff I was thinking of (probably because they weren't being defensive or worried about homophobic attacks). So yeah the kind of stuff I was asking about does exist but I just didn't realize it.
Anyway on the anti stuff... I feared that people interested in this stuff disappeared because they became antis but fortunately it seems that's not true.
Anyway thank you for the answer and apologies for any inconveniences and vagueness in my asks.
Ahaha. Really, anon? Your whole preamble was pure canon het shipper from big US TV circa 2005 in its tone.
Now I'm even more confused about why on earth you think you and I have beef.
I think the basic answer to some of your questions may be that:
Yes, people who like all kinds of things exist.
But if you're looking for shippers of something very specific, 99% of media and ships never generate A Fandom™ in the Destiel/Sterek/Drarry/etc. sense. Canon, not canon, slash, het: doesn't matter, most are small.
Have a look at that other recent post about what percentage of AO3 fandoms are what size.
Guys from "fujobait" who don't have canon female love interests seem like... not actually canon ships?
This just seems like the same speculation and looking for confirmation that all the other m/m shippers are doing unless they're into MDZS or Jordan L. Hawk novels something.
I'm not clear on what sets what you're talking about apart from... just the average shipper on tumblr.
I don't know much about the social dynamics of Pokemon or Fire Emblem fandoms except for a vague sense that FE has the usual modern fandom full of young idiots harassing each other problems.
People do move on from particularly unpleasant fandoms... but... mostly, people just move on from everything and usually quite quickly.
The only fandoms people stay and stay and stay for are those that are generating a huge volume of new material, usually fan-made, often in the form of novel-length fic. And even then, it takes a specific fannish personality type to stick to one particular ship or fandom for ages. There are people still shipping those two dudes from The Professionals and nobody else, but they're a rare breed.
I still don't understand what you were asking in the first place.
Someone who knows these fandoms, explain????
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