#anyway i was gonna log off for the day but i got so freaked out i had to let it out somewhere lol byeeeee
verdiesque · 19 days
the day i stop diagnosing myself according to whatever stupid video i saw on instagram will be the day i find peace
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arthur-r · 1 year
arthur fact as of today. high school graduate. not doing that whole thing anymore
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robynbaldurlogs · 3 months
baldur log day 1 + 2
day 1 i dont have much to show for this day visually bc i wasnt actively documenting... but essentially, i: made my character, went through the beginning tutorials and stuff, took the little brain guy with me, saved shadowheart, and crashed on the beach. then i stopped playing. here is the only image i took before i got off LOL
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day 2 ok. so: shadowheart is cool as fuck. i LOVE her already. cannot wait to strengthen the social link with her or whatever the hell you call it. get the friendship numbers up. this fuckass poem had me dead:
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shoutout the bitch queen ig whoever you are. keep serving also i love this fucking guy. i can tell hes a conniving fuck but ohhhh hes kinda hot though!
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like why is he kinda cunty. but yea anyways he joined my party. also met this guy. gale. he is strangely charming. but he also gives me zephyr breeze vibes (which is bad) and jack sparrow vibes (which is very good). told my friend speves that and that i thought he looked like a smart himbo and she was like "i dont blame you for that read" + "we'll see" which i Dont Know how to take. my judgements were based off the literal first minute of conversation btw
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+ really stupid visual glitch i almost didnt notice. theyre fusing
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shadowheart talk your shit man.
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"just waiting, like a lovesick puppy?" ...... thats a bad thing? whatever you say man. gonna scare shadowheart with commitment. COMMITMENT JUMPSCARE BOO also little parentheses shadowheart is the most fucking dementia raven way ass name and i love it but it was hard to take it seriously for a little bit. warrior cats ass name. also i got crazy fucking lucky with my rolls. dont have many screenshots but i kept getting high numbers it was lucky as shit up until gale talked to me about needing to consume magical items like crack i read his mind with the mindflayer tadpole and found out it was cus he consumed some crazy ass Dark Magic or something, got a critical failure first, then just used some inspiration i had to get it right, and rolled high as shit LMAO
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hit the rolls TWICE btw. read his mind once and then went deeper into his mind which had a 15 dc and got that too. hell yeah baby. also afterwards i was totally honest with him about reading his mind and he freaked the fuck out which fair i read your mind. i get it. but still
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then i calmed him down by being like "hey man i had to know. youre dangerous" and passed the persuasion check :sunglasses: easiest game of my fucking life oh i talked to shadowheart abt her pains before that which was cool every conversation i have with her makes me like her more.
i met wyll. great guy. i went to camp to long rest and he dropped some INSANE fucking knowledge on me. like. i could live by this
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so i switched gale out in my party with him LMAOOOOOOO and had a conversation with astarion about how hed kill me if i started turning. i asked what he would prefer personally and he said decapitation. which was CRAZY. so i was like yeah sure king decapitate me if i turn. do your thing. i trust your judgment
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also talked to shadowheart bc i will seize every chance to learn more about her
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then i left camp, talked to kagha while looking for a healer, got them to free a tiefling girl through more persuasion rolls (BECAUSE IM GOATED) and talked to the healer nettie who was fixing a Regular Bird
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she told me how strange it is that we arent turning, to swear on my life id drink a poison if i saw any symptoms (which i of course agreed to, shadowheart approved and astarion did not) and stopped playing on the way to rescue halsin. fun times!
p.s. days doesnt necessarily mean im playing this daily but rather just what happens when i play per irl day... days just works as a way to categorize tbh
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drakothedragon55 · 10 months
You remember the devlogs from Kaycee’s Mod? Well, here’s my spin on them for the Apocalyption AU. If they were real, they’d be accessible without Kaycee’s Mod (though still needing to be unlocked.)
— Devlogs and DATA (Part 1/2) —
Today I finally get to do something meaningful with this company. From the day they hired me, all I got to do was bug hunt and playtest weird games from franchises that no one has even heard of.
I know that I’m not the most experienced coder out there, but come on! I can do so much more than what they’re letting me.
Anyways, they’re letting me work on this new project. Inscription, I believe it’s called? I know virtually nothing about it. But hey. I’m sure It’l be more fun than reporting glitches all day.
It’s been a day or two since I started working on Inscryption, and I have to admit: it seems promising. I mean, how many virtual card games are out there? At least it’s not an UNO clone.
I’ve only done small things so far like making sure that certain animations display properly. It’s another 2D game, just like GameFuna’s previous works, but it looks like some 3D stuff will be implemented later on, which is cool.
I’m considering poking around the files when I get the chance. Wonder what other neat stuff I can find in here before it’s inevitably left on the cutting room floor.
So, I was looking through some folders when I found this file that looked out of place. It was labelled as ‘OL_CARD.zip’, so I decided to unzip it. What I got was a single exe file that did nothing when opened. Must’ve been a card placeholder or something?
Anyways, I left it alone because the last thing I want is some higher-up getting mad at me for ‘tampering with the game.’ Besides. I kinda want to look into it some more.
Now all I gotta do is find it. Call me crazy, but it’s not in the folder I last saw it in. I swear, I’m gonna be seriously angry if this is some virus.
Note to self: redo log 4.
I still don’t know what’s going on, but when I booted up Inscryption, there was this red mass of pixels right outside Leshy’s cabin. I tried interacting with it, and a text box full of gibberish showed up.
I decided to ignore it and check up on the scrybe, and I found that Leshy seemed…off. His personality still isn’t very fleshed out, but he seemed to be on edge. The other NPCs in the area were, too. That’s when I shut off the game.
But that damn red thing was on my desktop now. It couldn’t open a text box with Inscryption closed, so it opened Notepad instead. Let me copy and paste what it said.
H̷e̶l̴l̷o̶ ̴t̴h̴e̸r̸e̵!̸ ̵:̸)̶
I wish I was making this up. Is this some kind of advanced AI? If so, why are they keeping it hidden in this random-freaking file tucked away in the back of a card game?
I have so many questions. And a part of me wants to ask this thing for answers.
Out of every single employee, I’m the one who gets the haunted game. Seems about right considering my luck.
Well, I’m not sure if this thing is a ghost or not. I’ve been talking to ‘Olcard’ by adding text into the code, and it’s been responding with those bugged text boxes. At least it’s getting better at using them.
Whatever it is, it’s really curious about the game and its development. I’ve asked my fellow coders if anything similar is happening to them, and they all give me weird looks. I’m half expecting to wake up any minute now.
I’ve finished up Leshy’s area and I’m working on Grimora’s next. Olcard gave me some good tips when I got stuck, so I think keeping him around a little while longer wouldn’t hurt anyone.
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treetownconfessions · 8 months
new-ish to the blog (been here about a month....,,) and i wanted to finally get this off my chest bc it was killing me. i'm queer as hell now but BACK THEN when i was 11-13 i was a cis boy who just liked reading comics and doing a jump everyday in hopes of becoming the tallest jumper in the world. and at the time i found out about happy tree friends and got into it very fast, both bc the gore and extremity was edgy and cool to me and because i genuinely liked the characters. i developed a crush on flippy, because, who didnt, and finding out a LOT of htf fans felt the same made me happy at first. but it became really clear nearly all the people who crushed and fangirled over him were girls irl and i felt like a weirdo about it because i was a BOY and i had a crush on flippy who was ALSO a boy. BUT seeing those same people ship flippy with other boy-characters in the show gave me massive mixed messages, because everyone seemed to love it when it was in-show only and i hadnt EVER met another boy online who had a crush on flippy so i wondered if it just wasnt allowed when it was outside of that, even though i wanted to express it with everyone else so bad. i couldnt go to my irl friends bc none of them were into htf and i was worried theyd think i was weird anyway. so my solution to keep crushing on flippy while still being normal to everyone else was making a htf oc that was quite literally a self-insert of myself, all the way down to the comics i liked irl, and shipped him with flippy. but i never told anyone it was my self-insert and just said it was an oc very unrelated to me and i wanted to keep it that way. i made horrible art of us and wrote equally horrible fanfic of this "oc" and flippy, bc i thought it was a genius solution to expressing my adoration for flippy whilst keeping the handful of followers and online friends i had satisfied bc it was boy x boy stuff. i never wrote/drew raunchy stuff about them bc as far as i can remember it was just shit like going on a date with flippy at the library or having picnics with him etc etc. but once i shared a recent fic with one of my online friends about them and at some point they went "you wrote it like an x reader so i thought it was self insert lol" and i was genuinely in shambles. i thought they were accusing me of having a crush on flippy myself and they were about to expose me or something (they didnt even know i was a boy irl so i dont know??) so i defensively told them it wasnt a self insert and i wasnt attracted to flippy in the slightest. but i was really rude about it and they replied saying they never said that, they never accused me of having a crush on flippy or anything like that and it was just a mistake. i dont remember the entirety of our messages but i remember getting so butthurt and angry i kept telling them to fuck off and that it wasnt a mistake on their end and they HAD to be accusing me of actually liking flippy. i blocked them and i cried so hard into my pillow i could barely breathe and i considered running away from home that day bc i was convinced that person was gonna tell everyone i liked flippy even though i was a boy and somehow get to my irl friends and family and i would be considered a freak for it forever. i stopped posting my art and fics of that "oc" and flippy after that and i didnt know how to delete my account at the time (it was on deviantart) so i just logged out and never touched it again. ive been thinking about it recently now as an adult and i forgot the password to that account so everything is still up and there hasnt been a new comment since 7 years ago but it keeps me up at night thinking about the person i cussed out and all the published stuff
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1044: Beartrap & Me (Epithet Erased)
6:45 p.m. at Sweet Jazz City's Beachy Shores
Molly: (Giggles Softly While Sitting Next to her Boss Beside Her on a Campfire Log) No way!~ Did that seriously happened?
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, really! Like, a literal moutain goat, (Quickly Grabs his Chin) not really sure who it belonged to by the way, just barging in, starts chasing everyone of us around the house, and wrecked and chewed off almost EVERYTHING inside! The plants, furniture, wires, he even demolished Ben's 3DS with his own hooves!
Ben: (In the Distance Helping the Rest of the Voyz Cook on the Grill) A Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time 3DS! Which costed me MY ENTIRE ALLOWANCE BY THE WAY!! I hate that FREAKING GOAT!!!
Giovanni: (Immediately Covered Molly's Ears While Glaring at his Minion in the Distance) LANGUAGE, BEN!!
Ben: Sorry, Boss.
Giovanni: (Let's Go of Beartrap's Ears) Sorry about Ben. He's been salty about that incident ever since.
Molly: (Smiles Sheepishly) I-It's okay, Boss. I've heard a lot worse from actually.
Giovanni: Wait, you have?
Molly: Yeah. Mostly from the customers I had to deal with back at the Toy Store.....
Giovanni's face suddenly turns dark as the words "customers" and "had to deal with it" are in the same sentence.
Giovanni: They were giving you a hard time?
Molly: Yeah. B-But the most I've gotten were complaints and narcissism! So it wasn't all that bad. (Gives Gio a Motherly Like Glare) And you're not gonna try plotting vengeance on them for my sake either.
Giovanni: (Playfully Scoffs) Oh come on, Beartrap! What makes you think I wanna doing something like that?
Molly: (Faces Flatters onto a Deadpinned Look) Boss, it's written all over your face. Why else were you giving me that look for?
Giovanni: To...show how....(Slowly Shrugs With an Awkward Smile on his Face) Intimidating I really am?
Molly raises an eyebrow at her boss in silence. It didn't take a five year old to know that she's not falling for his half baked lies.
Giovanni: ('Groans in Defeat') Okay, fiiiine. So maybe I was planning on getting them back for you. (Frowns a Little) I just don't want anyone to make my #1 minion feel bad. (Quickly Looks Back and Forth Before Turning Back to Molly, Whispering to Her) Don't tell anyone in here I said that by the way.
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I won't~ Just promise me you won't let it bother you too much, okay?
Giovanni: (Happily Gives Molly a Thumbs Up) You got it, Beartrap!
Molly: (Notices her Boss' Other Arm is Sticking Out From Behind his Back as She Gives Him a Teasing Smirk) WITHOUT crossing your fingers together from the back~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly as Moves his Other Habd From his Back) Okay, okay. I promise for real this time. (Grabs his Chin Again) Now where was I in the whole goat story?....(Suddenly Snaps his Fingers) Ah yeah. The part where it destroyed Ben's 3DS or whatever.
Ben: (In the Distance) That goat can go suck the RIGHT PART OF MY-
The Boyz: BEN!
Ben: I'M SORRY! I just....really missed my game a lot!
Giovanni: (Rolls his Eyes) Anyways, after that ordeal happened, the goat kept chasing us around the house a few more minutes till Crusher suddenly swooped in out of nowhere, grabs him by the horns, and delivered the most devastating DDT throwdown I've ever seen in my life!
Giovanni: (Got Up and WVe at Crusher With Big Grin on his Face) WELL SAID, BIG GUY!~ SO PROUD OF YOU!~
Crusher: (Immediately Starts Stammering and Blushing While Watching his Crush Boss Happily Waving at Him) Y-Y-Y-Your p-p-p-proud!!!?~
Flamethrower: (Places his Hand on Crusher's Shoulder) Hey, eyes back on the grill, big guy. Don't want our food getting burnt, now do we?
Crusher: (Immediately Comes Back to his Senses and Continues Cooking) R-Right. Sorry.
Giovanni: (Sits Back Down) So yeah, after that glorious display happened, the goat's owner eventually came by and picked it up a few minutes later.....with all of our moms standing behind him the whole time. Giving all of us those....(Shivers at the Memory) menacing Mom Glares and whatnot.....
Molly: It was that scary, huh?
Giovanni: The most terrifying thing in the world, Beartrap. And they did what all moms do when they caught their kids red handed in a party: they kicked the guests out, they yell and scold us while the moon still shines, they use our allowance to repair all the stuff that was broken stuff in the house, and then grounded us for a whopping month in a half.
Molly: Yikes. That couldn't have been fun.
Giovanni: ('Sighs Heavily') Trust me, Beartrap, it wasn't.....(Smiles a Little) But we did managed to become the talk of the class for the rest of the school year, so it's not all dreadful
Molly: (Smiles Back at her Boss) Oh that's good to hear at least. It's been a while since I've ever been to an actual party myself.
Giovanni: Seriously? What about your birthdays?
Molly: (Chuckles a Little Awkwardly) Yeeeeeah, funny you mentioned that. I....um....don't think I've ever celebrated my birthday in.....let's say.....three or four years....
Giovanni: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You haven't celebrated your birthday in THREE TO FOUR YEARS!!!?
Molly: (Gets Startled by Gio's Sudden Outburst) I-It's not like I didn't want to celebrate it or anything! Lori's kept using her epithet to create her own fantasy world in her room all day, dad's been busy doing everything that doesn't remotely involve anything work related, meanwhile I'm the only one out if the three of us who not only have run the store as per usual, but also have to keep our home from being a literal pig stock! ('Sigh Heavily') So yeah.....Not really the best birthday memories if....I do say so myself personally.....
The words coming out his faithful minion's mouth has infuriate Giovanni to absurd extent. He knew her father was clueless, irresponsible bum of a man the first time he met him in that fantasy world Lori created a day ago, but to hear that he made his own daughter miss four....FOUR of her birthdays that she should've been celebrating at the time due to his and the older sister's lazy and careless antics has sparked a flare of anger within him that never felt before in his life up until now. If we're given the opportunity to turn back the heads of time to that day of the incident, he would most certainly uses it to bash Martain's head in as many times as he wants, regardless if it would tire him out or not.
But alas, as nice as it sounds, he is still in the present and his sweet, little Beartrap needs him now more than ever. So he takes a mental deep breath, letting his anger fade out within in and puts on a sincere, faithful grin on his face that he could Muster at the moment.
Giovanni: Well you can say goodbye to those crappy years, Beartrap. Because in a-uh- (Whispers into Molly's Ears) When is your birthday again?
Molly: In a couple of months.
Giovanni: In a couple of months! Me and boys will throw you the best birthday party could EVER hope for! Oh and your friends are invited too of course. As well as that Rick Shades fellow. I like him.
Molly: (Smiles Softly at the Thought of Rick Shades) Yeah. I like him too. And thanks, Boss. You really don't have to go out of your way to do this for me.
Giovanni: Of course I do. You're my #1 minion. I'll be always be there for you, kiddo. With that being said..(Starts Looking Away Nervously) uh....Molly?
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) know I might've already asked you this question last night, but.....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Turning Back to Molly With a Worried yet Firm Friwn on his Face) Are you really okay this? With me....kidnapping you and everything?
'Distant Chatter and Sound of Smaller Waves Coming to Shore'
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (Starts Getting Up From his Seat and Pace Around a Bit) I know, I know it was a really bold, reckless, stupid move on my part to do last night, trust me, I already have enough crap from Trixie and Sheep Girl about it as it is-
Molly: Boss.
Giovanni: But I couldn't help it, okay? You were miserable in that toy shop and the fact that your own dad and sister never once bothered to help you out in anyway really ticked me off to no end!
Molly: Bosssss.
Giovanni: Like seriously, why the hell are you making your own twelve year old daughter do all the work while you lay around doing jack SHIT when you know damn well it was YOUR responsibility since day freaking ONE!!
Molly: Boss!
Giovanni: And it doesn't help the fact that hardly anyone sees anything wrong with this! Not even the authorities! All they seem to care about is getting their damn, stupid toys out if the shelves, no matter who is running the register! The fact that your friends, your teacher, a weird but cool wizard guy, and an annoying, useless, wannabe villain are the only ones cares more about your health and happiness than your own family and everyone else in this dumb city speaks volumes about society AS A WH-
Giovanni: (Finally Stops Ranting and Gives Beartrap her Full Attention) Y-Yeah, Beartrap?
Molly: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, first off, don't you EVER talk bad about yourself again! You're one of the most sweetest, passionate person I've ever have the pleasure of meeting and I refuse to believe and let you think otherwise, got it!?
Giovanni: (Immediately Salutes to Molly) Yes, ma'am! Won't ever happen again, ma'am!
Molly: (Simply Nodded) Good. And second....(Gently Grab Hold of Giovanni's Hand) Please don't stress yourself out. I'm.....(Gives Gio a Confident Smile on her Face) one hundred and one percent okay with this.
Giovanni: You...you really are?
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. I mean, sure, it's a lot to get used to, being kidnapped by the greatest supervillain this town has to offer and whatnot.
Giovanni: (Forms a Small Pout on his Face) You're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?
Molly: Noooo, I mean it! You are a great villain and a boss. And I like I said: it'll be a lot to get used to. But to be perfectly honest, if there's anyone in this world I would spend the rest of my life with.....(Smiles Brightly at Giovanni While Gently Squeezing his Hand) I'm so glad it turns out to be you in the end.
And there it was. The bright, sparkle in her eyes, the warm, comforting she brings in the area, and a smile that would light up even the most angriest of people's moods. All of that and more was just enough to ease Giovanni's worries and focus on what's really important in front of him.
Giovanni: You know something, Beartrap? I'm a lot of things
Molly: Hm?
Giovanni: I'm loud, obnoxious, thick headed, arrogant to the extent, and above all else, I...may be am full of myself.
Molly: Boss.....
Giovanni: (A Smirk Starts Creeping Up on his Face) ('Heh') But even then, that STILL won't stop me from achieving my dreams to villainy and fulfilling my promises. That I....(Points Up into the Sunset Above Him) GIOVANNI POTAGE, will not only continue to provide my Boyz the upmost care and support....(Looks Back at Molly Woth a Determined Look.in his Face) But to also become the best damn guardian you could ever ask for. (Places his Thumb on his Chest) And that's a promise I'm willing take for the rest of my life!!!
'Sounds of More Waves Coming in and Out the Tides'
Molly: (Sighs While Putting on a Bit of a Pouty Look on her Face) Honestly.....I thought I told you to never talk down on yourself again, mister.
Giovanni: ('Sigh') Yeah, yeah. I know. Just trying set example here is all. But...you do get where I'm coming from in all of this, right?
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah, I do. And I'll support and root you every step of the way. (Points her Finger and Moves it Up and Down at her Boss) But ONLY if you promise not to work yourself too hard for my sake and let me and the others help you out. We're a team now and teammates always help each other in need.
Giovanni: Very true, Beartrap. (Happily Nodded) Alright, I accept your promise. But only if YOU promise me to start going out more and enjoy being a kid for as long as you can. You're still have a lot if years ahead of you, you know?
Molly: (Nodded Back at Giovanni) Right. And a promise is a promise.
Giovanni: Spendid! As of today, Beartrap, you, I and our Boyz will take over this city and show em what we're really made of! And soon....(Picks Up Molly and Twirls her Around, Causing her to Giggle in Place) The whole WORLD will ours for the taking!
The duo turns to see Flamethrower staring at them in the distance.
Flamethrower: We're finally done cooking!~
Car Crash: (Smiles Brightly) Yeah and Ben hasn't made the food burnt into a crisp this time!
Ben: (Immediately Glares at the Duo Snickering Among Themselves) H-Hey! Name one time I've burned something food related!
Dark Star: Do you really want us to bring up last year's summer party incident?
Ben's eyes starts to widens as he mentally hears loud fire truck sirens and the fire burning around the house Itself, with his boss screaming out "GODDAMMIT, BEN!" ringing in his ears throughout all of it.
Ben: ('Gulp') No. I rather you not.
Dark Star: (Simply Nodded) That's what I thought. (Turns to Gio and Molly From a Distance) You guys, hurry up and get here before fire boy here strikes again.
Ben: Dude!
The Boyz: (Starts Laughing at Ben's Dispense)
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, you heard the man, Beartrap. Let's mosey our way over there before our food gets cold. Or burnt.
Molly: How did Ben even managed to do all of that in the first place?
Giovanni: It's another long story that I'm willing to tell ya if you want.
Molly: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. I'd like that.boh and boss?
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly moves her head over to Giovanni's cheek and gives it a soft kiss before hugging lovingly in his arms.
Molly: I love you.
Giovanni: (Hearts Begins to Melt in Pure, Genuine Happiness) Oh Beartrap.....(Happily Hugs his #1 Minion Back) I love you too. Always have and always will.
And so the duo of mischief finally begins to make their way towards the rest of the group to eat their long awaited BBQ meals. There's no telling what the future may have in store for either of them, but as long as they faced them together, side by side, they're more than up for it, as newly found villains.
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
( - @aegislash-logs )
What's the most lethal injury you've ever gotten?
Let me preface this by saying it was entirely my fault. I was inexperienced, rash, and under a lot of pressure to "catch 'em all" for Birch's research, so I wasn't really taking the emotions of wild pokemon into account when I went to capture them. I learned a lot from this mistake, and it definitely could have ended worse than it did.
Okay? Okay.
I was travelling through the desert on Route 111. I was already pretty out of my depth because I honestly had zero answers for ground types at the time apart from Scout, and I completely forgot to wear goggles on top of that, but I wasn't gonna let it stop me. Anyways, I found a Sandshrew a ways off the beaten path. Tiny little guy, I figured he would be easy to catch and would make an easy dex entry. I mean, he was crying, screaming, wasn't even putting up much of a fight.
I didn't see his mom through the sandstorm until her claws were in my throat.
Beyond that, everything kind of happened in a daze. I couldn't speak, I could hardly breathe. There was blood everywhere. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt much in the moment. Some hiker saw it happen and got me back to town I think. I blacked out along the way, I don't know. I woke up in Mauville's ER with stitches in my neck and direct orders to not move for a while. It fucking sucked. I couldn't even eat right for weeks.
I don't hold anything against the Sandslash. Like I said, it was my fault. I shouldn't have been so relentless, I should have taken the hint and not gone after something that wasn't fighting back. She was just protecting her own. Can't say I wouldn't have done the same.
They still kind of freak me out these days, though.
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I don't know how to say this but I need to say it.
I have been questioning my gender for almost three years now, and I think I finally figured out. I don't feel like an specific label is made up for me, the closest I get is being a non binary girl. I kind of like being a girl but I also fricking would love being enby. So that's that.
Early in the day while I was still figuring out this, I was way more open about it. I didn't really got out of the closest, but I allowed myself to experiment with a made up binder (I sometimes look back at that time and think about how idiot I was back then, once I tried to bind with some big hairbands and I didn't even last an hour until I was choking. Another time I tried to use a bandana and got it stuck so I went all my day of school with that thing badly tied around by stomach. Gosh I was so dumb xdd. Don't worry y'all I eventually got my hands on two way-to-small tops that were the safest way to go and I used them responsably.) I allowed myself to put she/they on my social medias (my parents don't usually check my media and they don't really know much english so I was safe). I even dared to draw my flag sometimes and it would make me so happy.
But the things is that, recently, some of my close friends came out as another gender. One is trans and the other is non binary. My parents eventually heard of their thing through different ways.
The thing is that my parents aren't homophobic. They always told my siblings and I that they wouldn't have any kind of problem if we liked girls when we grew up and that, and they seemed really supportive of mtf and ftm trans people.
But when my friends did come out (kinda)...
They say that they believe they are just seeking attention. They laught at my enby friend's gender, they kind of low key mock it off. They say things like the world is going mad and that next thing is someone identifying as an animal or something. I have to laught along. They say they support but that holy cow that sounds invented and things like that.
I also had a problem with my classmates. One of them, somehow found my old twitter account, that I hadn't touched in months and in which I have the pronouns they/them specified. They leaked it to my classmates and they were asking me about it, including some girls that are really mean to me. I freaked out and I made up a story about some old friend of mine that used to be a girl but was now nb and whom I gifted my twitter account, I even logged in to make some fake tweet addressing it. They kind of belived it. But then again, they started mocking that one friend for their gender. I knew they weren't real, but it hurted.
Because of this reasons I decided to make a decision.
I am gonna be a non-binary girl, but no one will know. I am never coming out to anyone ever again.
At this point I came on terms with my boobs, they are small anyway and since I love baggy clothes most of the times they don't show. My parents leave me dress as I want anyway so it's pog on that sense. I can't really use my fake binder atm cuz I had covid and since then I haven't really recovered and it hurts so bad and I can't breathe, but if it ever goes away and I need it, it's there.
It's ok if I can't use they pronouns too, she/hers are also good and I can deal with it. It's not like in spanish we have any that sound good and on the internet most people would call me a she anyway.
I feel it would be easier this way. I will hide the non-binary part of my gender away. The good thing tho is that one day I will live on my own. I wouldn't be able to come out on the public but maybe, one day I will be able to have a little nb flag. I will hide it when people come visit, but I always wanted one and it will be so pog. My little secret.
It's kind of sad that I have to hide it, but I'm trying to find the positives. Less backlash plus I get to be a little spy among the other girls. It sounds so dumb but I like to thing of it like an adventure to not be sad.
I can't not say my name for obvious reasons, but to all of you. I'm here. I can't say hi. I can't reveal who I really am but I'm here, hidden. I'm here. I'm they. Please don't forget about me.
And if you ever come across a blog, talk about them with neutral pronouns in default and I don't correct you... that's cuz you are not wrong.
Maybe one day I get to come out, if the world ever changes enough but for now I will wait here. I'm not giving up I swear.
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scumgristle · 2 months
So I got a stack of tapes Got a name and maybe date They're gonna be worth Something someday
That is if I pop that song Just about three minutes long 'Bout how you done me wrong Or make the outrage safe
And if before my time I decide to take my life You could take these treasures And pull them up into light
Make every song a gem Take every one of them Release a collection Of cacophonic hits
And remix, and remaster My disasters Our first-track words And never-before-heard Acoustic takes, it's yours
From the shoebox to the online store
Bury me in analog Pull the reels up Nearly burn that water log And release it
They bought it, you sold it Got nothin' for everyone They bought it, you sold it Got nothin' for everyone
And when it goes out of print You could then re-issue it Trade off the publishin' rights To the highest bid
To a queen or king of pop Sell revolution off It's an investment, man I can't make this stuff up
And the brats I leave behind Will party every night And sleep all day 'til five And live the trust fund life
And they'll call the radio Complain and curse and moan 'Bout how everybody thinks It's cake to live this way
And my grave will be showered With the latest in flower power And the freaks will drive by my street And cry and sing and dream
And listen to the new CD
Bury me in analog Take the suit and You can have it auctioned off Couple thousand They bought it, you sold it Got nothin' for everyone They bought it, you sold it Got nothin' for everyone
Bury me in analog Every paper That I ever scribbled on Is a treasure
Chart-topper, best seller Yeah, it'll be yours to take
And buy it and sell it It's all garbage anyway
The b's and the suckers Have all gone out to play
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xiuminscheeks · 6 months
New episode so im back :DD
-I may be in love with Mr lee. I cant help it he has the shiniest wettest puppydog eyes of all time and the energy of a melancholy widow skhsks i would do anything he asks of me 🥺 hes still fucking terrifying and all powerful tho dont get me wrong (complimentary)
-I was gonna make a joke about yul at the table thinking 'kids these days always on their phones smh' but then he went on the sweetest protective rant over ms han T.T 
Edit; aksjsj poor all suffering yul giving the talk TWICE in one day to both parties,,, still its v cute of him
-Mr jins smug smile making coffee and listening to ms han lying her ass off is murdering me... the tangerine grab.... the school shenanigans... oh they are SOOOOO unsubtle i just know theyre immediately going to get caught
Wait tHE PINKY HAND HOLDING they are so freaking adorable
Also the dramatics of the curtain scene 💀 this show is endlessly goofy i cant deal
-Yul with the spirit banishment antics....where did that come from sksjk... but !!! Were getting to see more glimpses of the past 👀👀
-SKSJJS the sister falling for woo taek, i fucking knew itttt was coming!! And good! Hes been such a supportive and caring friend, 10/10 i approve of this matchup u.u
-I love that theyre all daring and clingy at school but as soon as they get some time alone theyre theeee most awkward fuckers on this planet, 5ft apart cos theyre NOT daTing definitely not
-love how mr lee just has the housecode and barges straight in like hey :) ive decided im gonna hang out here now and theres nothing you can do about it :D theres never a moment of peace in this show its just back to back misfortunes of awkwardness xD but its worth suffering through the second hand stress for that closet scene <333 sleepy kisses. Actually theres tongue in there nvm wow (did they fuck in the closet. I. we may never know.)
-MR LEEEEE DONT BE SAAAD AND THEN ACT EVIL ABOUT IT OTL i could fix his loneliness. sorry this is turning into me being obsessed w him but i mean. His deeply sad and sinister demeanour has enchanted me. AND HES BACK TO SCARY HES GOT A WHOLE ASS SWORD. I kindly request you dont murder the main characters theyre sooo important to me and they only just got to be happy T.T
-Also next weeks preview is making me insaaaane i knew those bracelets were nothing good >:( but every glimpse of the past we get to see i get more excited!!!!!!
Anyway AAAA i might have to start another show off your list to tide me over cos i cant keep waiting for new episodes with nothing in between 😔
- 🌱
HEY! I just logged in on desktrop and saw this. hopefully its not been long since you have sent it. the app sometimes doesnt show me all the notifications.
love everything you said cause I feel pretty much the same. the show is so good at balancing the comedy and the drama, its crazy.
Yul was definitely the mvp of the episode, despite the steamy closet scene the leads shared. he is just too adorable/
as for mr. Lee, yes, you (and I too) could fix him. I'm still convinced that whatever happened in the past was just a misunderstanding, and that no one is evil, and I cant wait till the truth reveals.
let me know what other show from my list you start! also, let me suggest to more that I started and are SO GOOD OMG. The story of park's marriage contact and My Demon. trust me, you wont regret it
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erikaqueenpauline · 2 years
so this is continuing the story of me and my wife. so we ditch meta house and now we on the run, we go get high on DXM and I sing to her for the first time and she tells me she loves hearing it. honestly I expected us to maybe last a week or two at most before getting caught by law enforcement. so we're kinda running wild, stealing dxm from stores, stealing food, we get some blankets and sleep by the river the first night (or maybe that was the 2nd night) and it was a blissful feeling to wake up with this soft warm gorgeous goddess snuggled up next to me. so we gravitate towards hanging out under this bridge (I will attach photos). and there's this kid named Jade who has a blue couch down there that he sleeps on, so we start sleeping under the bridge and hanging out down there sitting on the couch trippin on dxm and bumpin music. we have a few salvaged couch cushions for our bedding so we're not sleeping on the rocks, we just sort of camp out under the bridge for a while, getting high, getting freaky lol. yeah I'm not gonna say a lot about our sex life bc I feel she wouldn't want me to, just know that we were both FREAKS, NYMPHOS, and we did all kinds of crazy CRAZY ass shit you probably wouldn't even believe if I told you 😆. needless to say our sexual chemistry was explosive, off the charts, fulfilling all of each other's freaky fantasies and kinks. not gonna get into details but we were both very kinky and into some weird shit! so anyways.... we are trippin on stolen dxm every day, fucking like rabbits, laughing our ASSES off about stupid shit and having a lot of fucking fun! we didn't care that we lived under a bridge, I was used to being homeless for several years before that and she just kinda went along with it. we would go in this McDonald's every single day and buy one item and they'd let us sit there all day if we wanted. we'd charge up our phones, use their wifi, take care of hygeine in their restrooms (brushing teeth, shaving, washing face, combing hair, etc) we had so many good memories in that McDonald's and we met some interesting people there too. there was this group of people that would come to the McDonald's parking lot every Wednesday I think, and give all the homeless people food, hygeine products, a cup of hot coffee, all kinds of stuff. it was this organization that got us a tarp (and eventually two tents and a sleeping bag) but I'm getting ahead of myself. oh at some point we aquired a shitload of thick, cozy blankets from a laundromat, not sure exactly how that came to be but they gave us a ton of blankets. so at first we were going under the bridge, but we soon moved into the Wig-wam or as we called it the "wiggety wam" 😄 it was a little like house built of sticks and tree branches, I don't know how to explain it but someone had made this structure out of tree branches and logs and it was like a little igloo kind of, if you can picture that but instead of ice, tree branches. so we moved into this little hut and made a whole bunch of improvements, including the tarp that covered most of it to keep out the rain. we put cardboard down on the floor and made our little bed in there, by now we had some really nice plush couch cushions for our bed, and all those blankets. this was in October mind you so pretty chilly at night.
these are pics of under the bridge I took in 2021 - YUNG PAULINE still there after all this time. ha!
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: TOO META, m*sturbation, mentions of s*x
Requested: nope
Summary: I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me... Y/N Y/L/N writes Marvel fanfictions. One day, Sebastian stumbles upon her account and, unable to help himself, reads all the stuff she has written about him. He didn't mean to fall so hard for her but he does. How can he not? She has shown him parts of himself that he never even knew existed.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Okay so a few weeks ago I read a similar (but dark) fanfic and I really wanted to write a softer version of it... Enjoy!
Same old, boring routine.
Y/N hit post and slumped against the headrest of her bed, sighing. She waited; a minute, then two passed and she noticed that someone had liked her post. She smiled to herself as she kept her phone away. Though boring, she wouldn't trade her life for the world. Y/N… well, she was a university student first and foremost but she was also a writer.
Being a big fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she had started writing fanfictions a few years ago. She posted them on Tumblr, where her blog, though not very well-known, stood out enough for her posts to get around 800-1000 likes per post. She loved it; she loved writing, she loved posting her stories and especially, she loved the feedback.
Sometimes people were rude, but most times, the reviews she got were fantastic. She read each and every one of them, smiling goofily as people freaked out over her fanfictions. It warmed her heart. A smile automatically blooming on her face, Y/N lay down on the bed and decided to go to sleep, it being almost 3 am.
Unbeknownst to her, someone else was up at the same time, tossing and turning in his bed, restless.
Sebastian sighed as he sat up, running a hand through his hair. He drank some water and lay down again, closing his eyes but it was like sleep was mad at him. Refused to be anywhere near him. He groaned to himself and picked up his phone from the nightstand, deciding to go through Instagram, hoping he'd finally fall asleep to the glare of the screen.
As he logged into his account, he skipped the activity page and went straight to the explore page. Bored, he continued scrolling until his eyes landed on a specific photo. And the breath escaped his lungs when he clicked on it; the woman in the picture was absolutely gorgeous. He just couldn't resist going to her page, smiling widely when he read her bio.
It gave him her basic information; her name, her age, the university she attended. But what caught his eye was the link below the bio. My Marvel Fanfictions Master List. Marvel fanfictions? She was a writer? Smirking, he clicked on the link and it took him to Tumblr. Of course, he'd heard of the site, but didn't have an account on there. At 3 am, his mind sure wasn't working right.
A post popped up on the screen, the same master list she had mentioned earlier. And his eyes bulged out of their sockets; damn, those are a lot of fanfictions. He went through the whole thing, smirking again when he noticed that she had written the most fanfictions about him. Not Bucky Barnes, no, Sebastian Stan.
He clicked on the first one. The date of posting was way back, in 2019. He started reading; nothing about it felt weird to him; he was intrigued, if anything. And as he continued reading, he couldn't help but imagine her being in the stead of the female protagonist. Her, the writer. The woman whose picture had made him end up reading in the first place.
When he finished the story, his heart thudded wildly in his chest. Wow, she really has a way with words. And he had also noticed how in the author's note, she used a lot of slang but reading the story had made him realize that she had an amazing, extensive vocabulary. He went back to the master list and clicked on the latest post under his name.
Posted: 15 minutes ago.
His breath hitched in his throat when he read the warnings: there was going to be sexual intercourse in this one. For one moment, he hesitated; did he really want to read this? "Oh fuck it," he huffed and scrolled, starting to read. The more he read, the more his shaft twitched in his pants. He wasn't really like that during… but oh damn, he wasn't complaining.
"Oh, Seb…"
His hand slid down and he rubbed himself through his boxers, unable to take his eyes off the text in front of him. His strokes got harder and faster as the sex got steamier. "Ungh, I'm gonna cum—" And he suddenly came in his boxers, groaning. Slumping down on the bed, he quickly finished reading the rest of it, going back to the master list.
He took a screenshot with the account's name in it and then went back to her Instagram account to take another screenshot. Keeping his phone away, he slipped out of his boxers, cleaned himself and pulled the covers on top of him, finally feeling tired enough to fall asleep.
Y/N was walking across the campus of her university, going to the cafeteria when her phone buzzed in her pocket. Taking it out, she opened Tumblr to read the message someone had sent her just then.
his-username: Hi there! I was binging your account last night, you write really well
your-username: Omg thank you!!!! I really appreciate it, I love getting feedback! 🥺❤
his-username: You're welcome! Especially your latest post, that was really good ;)
your-username: hehe 😈 glad you liked it!
Smiling widely, she kept her phone away and continued walking, not knowing that the person who had texted her was the same man she had written about. Sebastian smiled to himself when he read her text. After getting up in the morning, the first thing he had done was install Tumblr on his phone. Then he made an account for himself.
Figuring out the app was easy; he found out that there was an option to keep your liked posts and the accounts you followed hidden, and selected it immediately. No one needed to know what he did on the app. Then he went back to her account, pressed the follow button and started binge-reading her fanfictions again. Last night had he read only two, and that had left him wanting more.
Funny how much things can change in a night. He liked and reblogged all her posts without a second thought; he even read all her Bucky Barnes posts. She understood his character so well, put him on what he thought was an undeserved pedestal while writing about him. Some of the stories were AUs, which he found out stood for Alternate Universes. Mostly mobster or mafia stuff.
He had the day off, and he spent the entire time cooped up in his apartment, on his bed, reading. The more he read, the more he started fawning over her, over the version of him that she put out to the world. Dominating, suave and just perfect. He loved it. At the end of the day, he decided to text her again, hoping she wouldn't think he was weird or find out the truth.
his-username: do you wanna be friends, maybe? I'm new to the app, don't really have any friends here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That was a lie, he knew Mark Ruffalo had an active Tumblr account. But it's not like he could tell him.
your-username: Yes sure!!!! I was also thinking of making some friends on this app lol
his-username: You don't have any on here? But you've been here for years, haven't you?
your-username: haha yeah, but I don't really reach out to people much. Sometimes people leave their feedbacks on my posts, text me but that's that
his-username: Ohhh
his-username: well, let's start with names. Mine's Sebastian
your-username: Really?????? omg that's so cool lmaooooooo (didn't think you were a boy but 😳👀)
his-username: Not a boy, I'm a man 😤😂
your-username: 🤣 im y/n, btw
his-username: Y/N, that's a nice name
your-username: thank you!!!! So, what do you do?
his-username: nothing really that interesting, I'm in theatre
your-username: theatre is nice! I'm studying at [university] in New York lmao
his-username: Wait you're in New York? So am I!
your-username: ASDFHKSHKGF that's awesome!!! also I noticed that you've been going through my account the whole day 😏 notifications upon notifications keeping my phone busy
his-username: Oopsie?
your-username: 😂😂 I really don't mind, it was great! Despite the amount of likes on my posts, I only have a few loyal followers lmao gaining one more felt nice
your-username: You a big fan of Sebastian Stan? Cuz I noticed that you were only reading his and Bucky's fics 👀
Sebastian's face heated up.
his-username: kinda yeah 🤷🏻‍♂️😁
your-username: Cool cool cool, I'm a big fan of his too!!!! also got a crush on him but whatever 😳
Sebastian smirked at his phone. A crush on him, huh? That… was acceptable. He suddenly felt his cocky side coming out; the one she described in nearly all her fanfictions.
his-username: wouldn't blame ya, I mean, look at him. You have also written the most fics about him and Bucky
your-username: right????? damn that man has raised my standards. Anyway, I gtg now, I have to finish a paper before midnight. ttyl!
his-username: Bye! 👋🏻
He kept his phone away and took in a deep breath. This was the most fun he had had in years, and he was not letting her go so easy. He realized he was quickly falling for her; rather unhealthy, but he couldn't help it. Look at her. She looks like a goddamn angel, writes like one, makes him feel like one, do you really expect him not to fall for her? That's insane.
Months passed by like a breeze. Y/N and Sebastian had become very good friends, and he knew his way around words just enough to keep her from finding out his identity while not lying to her. Y/N also appreciated his friendship, because he was the one to whom she could rant about her most favorite man in the world— Sebastian Stan.
Sometimes, she thought about how weird of a coincidence it was that her new friend and the actor shared the same names, but then she used to brush it off; that was a common name, right? They talked for hours on end; Sebastian (her friend, not the actor) was extremely witty, smart and fun to talk to, she had to admit. Sebastian felt the same way.
His feelings had worsened. Y/N entirely owned his heart now. Somedays, he'd just go on Instagram, go to her account— her username memorized by him— and stare at her photos until he grew tired; he'd never get tired of looking at her beautiful face but his stiff body afterwards begged to differ. She was just so Elysian. He longed for the moment when he could meet her in real life.
His personality had also changed majorly, and people had caught on. Especially his Marvel co-stars, who knew him to be introverted, shy and, in Anthony Mackie's words, "boring". They were surprised at his sudden change in attitude; he knew his worth and Y/N had helped tremendously in finding it. Now, all those adjectives that she used in her fanfictions fit him perfectly.
Sebastian was never tempted to read fanfictions about himself from authors other than Y/N. No, he only loved her work. He was sure no one else could write as beautifully as she did, he was her #1 fan. Y/N even sent him funny Marvel memes she found on the app and he used to enjoy them heartily; God, the others have no idea what they're missing out on. Our fans are awesome.
Everything was going well.
Until one day.
Sebastian was getting bored at home, so he decided to go to the nearby library to clear his mind. He had read not one book in the past few months, hung up on Y/N's fanfictions. At this point, he was obsessed with her and he knew it. It was nothing dark, per se, it was— it was similar to how Y/N was attracted to Sebastian. How she was a fan of his work.
Just the same. He was a fan of her work in the same way. Just how she was attracted to him, he was attracted to her. Walking into the library that he visited often, he gave the librarian a smile and ventured further into the dark place. He checked his watch; the library closed at 12 am, it was currently 9:30 pm.
Not many people were around, heck, nobody was around. He thought himself to be all alone until he heard it. A sigh, coming from a few aisles away. He walked in that direction and peeked around the corner, freezing when he saw the other person. Y/N? Her books were strewn all across the table as she sat alone at the booth, rubbing her temples.
"You okay?"
She looked up and her breath caught in her throat. I'm dreaming. This is not real. Now I know for a fact that Sebastian Stan is not standing in front of me, asking me if I'm— "Hello?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face, pulling her out of her thoughts. "I, uh— I'm— h-hi," she stammered and he almost chuckled. "Hi." She gulped visibly and blinked at the table, not meeting his eyes.
"Can I have a seat?" He wants to sit with me?! "Y-Yes, sure, sir," she blurted out and he easily slid into the booth next to her. "Hey, please, call me Sebastian. What's your name?" He gave her a friendly smile, even though all he wanted to do was push her back into the booth and kiss her wildly. His shaft twitched just by thinking about it; Y/N was a thousand times more beautiful in person.
"I'm Y/N, it's very nice to meet you, I'm… I'm a fan," she admitted, playing with the ring she wore on her left thumb. I'm your fan too, sweetheart, the biggest one. "Y/N, nice name. You come here often? I haven't really seen you around." She shook her head. "Oh no no, I moved to this part of the city just a week ago, this is my first time here. The library is cozy," she shrugged, easing out of her tense position.
Sebastian nodded. "Yes, I know, this place is awesome. Got all my favorite books here," he chuckled and she smiled at him. "What's all this?" A groan left her lips. "Ugh, stupid university work. I have to write a book report but I don't even know what to write about." He smiled gently. "Well, I have a few favorite books, would you like some suggestions?"
"Oh, please! Tell me!"
He started listing some of his favorite works and Y/N noted the names down until he said the last name. At that, she froze. That's the name of my latest— She looked up but he had a smile on his face. "Oh, and the last one is by my favorite author." He took a pause. "Y/N Y/L/N." She froze completely, staring at the man with her jaw dropped.
Sebastian grinned. "We finally meet, Y/N, I've been waiting for months." Her mouth opened and closed several times as she recalled every interaction she had had with her online best friend— scratch that— her celebrity crush. All the times she had confessed her love for Sebastian Stan, all the dirty and inappropriate memes that she'd sent him…
Embarrassment flooded her entire body as she exhaled shakily. "It was you," she croaked out, "On Tumblr, the account— I'm so sorry—" Sebastian frowned in confusion when she blinked back sudden tears, a few still rolling down her cheeks as shame replaced embarrassment. "Y/N, please don't cry…" She looked up at him, his figure blurry due to her tears.
"You've read everything, haven't you? I just— I'm sorry, I don't want to make you uncomfortable—" He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Y/N couldn't hug back, though she appreciated the hug especially since it came from him. "You don't know how much you mean to me, doll," he mumbled into her shoulder, using the nickname she often used in the stories she wrote about him. He grew accustomed to it easily.
He pulled away to wipe her tears. "It was an accident," he admitted, "But I stumbled onto your Instagram account from my explore page. Then I clicked on your account, saw that you wrote Marvel fanfictions and I just couldn't resist the urge to read what you had written. Blame it on 3 am me, to be honest. You're a great writer, and I was immediately drawn to your works. They're awesome.
"They've helped me so much in the past few months. You see this changed attitude that everyone's been talking about lately? All because of you, sweetheart. I'm sorry for keeping my identity secret, but after reading your works, I knew I had to get closer to you. I made the Tumblr account just for you, just so I could talk to you. I'm sorry for lying, but thank you."
Y/N dumbfoundedly stared at him for a few moments, her heart beat getting steady with each thump. Here was a man she admired, loved more than anyone else in the world, telling her that he harbored the same feelings for her. How crazy was that?! Not trusting her words, she simply pulled him into another hug. Sebastian wrapped his arms tight around her, pulling her flush against him.
"Can I kiss you, doll?"
She slowly pulled away from him and nodded, shyly biting her lip. Grinning at the endearing gesture, Sebastian cupped her face and leaned in, gently pressing his lips to hers. The kiss grew hungry in a matter of seconds, and Y/N responded just as eagerly. His hands slid down to her waist and tugged on it, pulling her on his lap. She straddled his thighs as they continued kissing.
"Fuck," he groaned when they finally pulled away from each other, out of breath and panting. "You see what you do to me, doll?" Sebastian spoke huskily as he took her hand, placing it right on top of the tent that was forming in his pants. "Oh," Y/N whimpered when she felt him, the sound going straight to his shaft. "How about I take you home and we recreate some of the scenes from your stories, hm?"
"Good girl."
A/N: What a meta experience 🤡 Leave a like if you enjoyed, thanks for reading!
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fangurk · 3 years
She’s Always There (Paul Lahote x Reader)
Y/n: Your Name
Y/l/n: Your Last Name
Y/n/n: Your Nickname
Y/e/c: Your Eye Color
Y/h/c: Your Hair Color
Prompt Given To Me By @ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhh.tumblr.com: hey!! so the reason I'm messaging is because I wanted to request something but can't fit it all into an ask lmao. anyways could i please request a Paul Lahote x reader where the reader has been super close to the whole pack for years and has been Paul's imprint but doesn't know it (bc Sam thought it would be best to keep u away from it all) and they decide to finally tell you about being shapeshifters and being Paul's imprint and you're so mad about them not telling u earlier and there's a huge argument and they and Paul tries to calm you down but you say stuff like 'leave me alone' and things like that and it sounds like you're rejecting him/the bond in ur angry breakdown. anyways Paul is heartbroken and can't get out of bed or eat or anything so the guys finally convince you to come back bc they and Paul need you and it's just the reader cuddling with him and getting him out of bed to take a shower and eat and he realizes that you're not going anywhere and it's just like healing the imprint bond? sorry for this WALL of text, I've just had this idea stuck in my head for a while lol. if you don't want to do it, that's completely fine!! thank you for your time ♡
ok so my guy,, bc this fic has been stuck in my head for a bit, some scenes have developed? so idk i hope this isn't too much, but if u do write it, would u be willing to add like some angst to it, obvi, and maybe a scene/part lol where when the reader tries to get him to shower (bc the misinterpreted rejection made him like super depressed and he just felt low about himself) he won't shower, because he doesn't want to come out and the reader is gone. so either they shower together (not smutty just angst&fluff) or she sits like in the bathroom while he showers LOL. and when he feels a bit better, they go down to eat and he's touching some part of her at all times. if this is too much to like,, include then that's a-okay. i just need to get this OUT of my MIND ugh lmao!/!
Reader Gender: Female
Summary: The Reader has been friends with most of the pack members for her whole life. Which is why, after months of silence and strange changes, she was willing to let them back into her life— until she finds out she’s been told lies that leave her in danger, of course. After a big freak out and two weeks of avoiding them, the boys come begging for her help; it turns out that Paul has some wolf-y claim on her, and whatever she said to him has left him worse for wear...
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Nudity, Angst, and Cursing.
A/n: this is literally like a whole novel I’m so sorry I got carried away. this is kinda based on a lot of fics I read where the imprint has the potential to really hurt people and I named Paul’s dad.
Word Count: 2.9k+
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“The legends are real!?”
Y/n Y/l/n hasn’t ever been so disturbed in her entire life.
After weeks of radio silence, Sam Uley’s little ‘gang’, mostly consisting of people she’d known since childhood, had slowly trickled back into her life. What started as a grocery run with Paul or a movie with Jared had turned into big bonfire parties including Jacob Black and his gaggle.
But that was months ago. Months. And now, as she sits by a fire, surrounded on either side by them, they decide to tell her their little secret?
“Y/n.” Sam says as she abruptly stands, eyes stern and hand raised placatingly.
His actions only served to upset her more and her skin bristles with irritation. Sam was acting as if she, a human surrounded by shape shifters, was the unstable one. As if she could do any damage to things built to kill vampires.
“Don’t you dare, Sam.” She clenches her fists, glaring right back at him. “It’s been months- months- and you’re telling me now?”
“It’s not exactly an easy thing to bring up.” He reasons, voice a little less demanding. “We all wanted to be sure that you were ready to know.”
“Ready?!” Y/n laughs mirthlessly, y/e/c eyes wide with disbelief, “When was I supposed to be ready Sam? W-when one of you gored me? When a cold one ripped me apart?”
Her hands shake as she puts them on her forehead, blinking back tears. Growing up all she’d ever heard were stories of humans getting dragged into fights between wolf and vampire, and she couldn’t bring herself to look Emily in the eye because it was suddenly apparent that wolves alone could hurt people too.
It was so bad, whatever happened to Emily, that they said a bear mauled her— Y/n didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“It’s not like that, Y/n/n.” Embry chimes in, reaching out to grab his friend's arm.
She yanks her body out of the way and gathers her belongings quickly.
“What is it like then, Call?” She holds her bag to her heaving chest, “because it seems to me that you all have the ability to turn into giant, slobbery freaks that are built for killing vampires and, after completely dropping me for weeks, you decided to keep it secret from me for months. Did it even occur to you that I would’ve been better off knowing right off the bat?!”
No one says anything. Eight shifters and two of their girlfriends sit there, just staring at her like she was speaking a different language.
“You know,” Y/n has to clear her throat to steady her wavering voice, “had you guys really been souped-up on drugs like everyone says, maybe I could’ve handled the lying. But my life was clearly potentially in danger, and you let me hang around without saying anything. I- God I don’t want to see you people right now.”
She leaves with that, stepping over logs and storming back down the beach with determination. Faintly over the roar of her heartbeat, she can hear someone scrambling to stand behind her.
“Wait!— shit, sorry-” Paul grunts, jogging to catch up with her- “Y/n-“
With an unusual gentleness, his warm hand wrapped around her forearm. For a moment, deep in the back of her mind, a foreign feeling tells her to stop, to listen; but that small voice is quickly smothered by the rational part of her brain, and she wrenches her arm from his grip.
“Don’t touch me!” She snaps, lowering her voice, “Leave me alone- I need to be alone.”
Paul stands there, dumbstruck, an unreadable look in his eyes as she walks away. And he’d continue to stand there, looking like a kicked puppy long after her retreating form became a blur amongst the darkness of the beach.
“Paul?” Sam is hesitant, hand hovering over the younger boy’s shoulder a minute before he touches him, “You okay?”
Shrugging his leader’s arm off his shoulder, Paul sighs. “No...I...I’m just gonna head home.”
Instead of going in the directions of the cars, the wolf stalks off toward the woods; Emily stands from her seat, wrapping her sweater more around herself as she watches Paul leave. Concern is written all over her features.
“He’ll be fine, Em,” He pulls her in for a hug, “it’ll all work out eventually.”
Y/n does a good job of avoiding them for a while.
She turns her phone off a few days in and avoids going to First Beach, even when Washington gets a rare, warm summer feel. Books that have sat long forgotten on her shelves get read and TV shows she’s always meant to catch up on get watched; it’s boring and she runs out of options, at one point thinking of dying her hair y/f/c just to spice things up, but it allows her to think. (Or at least it allows this strange little voice in the back of her head to tell her that she needs to go back to them.)
The next time she sees any of the boys is exactly two weeks after the bonfire incident.
She’s curled up on her couch, picking at some of the Clearwaters’ fish fry and barely watching an episode of ANTM, when a fist comes banging down on her door. Turning off the TV, she tiptoes to the window, peeking under the curtain as carefully as she can.
As she expected, Jared Cameron and Embry Call are on her porch, the former standing in front of her door with his hip cocked, the other rooting around in her mother’s plants for something. Cringing, she hopes if she’s quiet enough that they’ll just go away.
Her front door opens within minutes, however, and she realizes her hoping is fruitless.
Should’ve known you can’t hide from wolves, she can’t help but think bitterly.
“Y/n?” Jared calls out through the house, “we know you’re here.”
“Yeah, and you guys should probably move your spare key,” Embry tacks on, flicking the light switch to the living room up, “I've known you forever and it’s still in the same place.”
From her spot by the window, the y/h/c haired girl glares at the two boys, arms crossed over her chest. Embry gives her a lopsided grin and holds the key out to her, his bud plopping down on the couch and pulling her abandoned plate into his lap.
Y/n extends a hand to take the key.
“Has it really been in the same place?” She sounds a little more defeated than she’d like.
“Yeah, it’s always been in your mother’s cornflower pot.”
“That’s...kinda sad.” She wrinkles her nose, pocketing the key with the intention to hide it better later, “but uh, I’ve been ignoring you for two weeks for a reason. Peacefully breaking into my house kinda furthers my need for space.”
Embry scratches the back of his neck.
“Well,” He says, “we need you to come back, man. Paul won’t talk to anyone- Sam doesn’t know if he’s eating, and he won’t even get out of bed for patrol! He needs his imprint-”
“His what?” She cocks her head to the side and Jared snorts from the couch.
“She left before we got there, nimrod,” Jared mocks through a mouthful of food, “she doesn’t know what an imprint is.”
He lets out an indignant “Hey!” as Y/n walks by, snatching her plate back from him on her way to the kitchen. Embry chases after her, a grumpy Jared jumping up from the couch to follow.
“You’re his imprint— you’re basically his soulmate!”
“Really?” She says warily, sealing the fish and putting it back in the fridge.
Both boys nod clumsily.
“You remember a few weeks ago when you saw each other for the first time again and he kinda just stood there like an idiot while you talked?”
“Yeah? Oh!-” She brings her hands up to her mouth, brows furrowed as she recalls.
It was exactly Jared had said. She and Paul had seen one another for the first time in a long time and the minute her y/e/c eyes looked into his, it was like he’d been struck dumb.
Embry gives her an encouraging look, “An imprint is...It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. When you snapped at him last week he thought you were rejecting him….”
A part of her thought about how absurd it was that he knew that whole speech. But the bigger part of her came to a realization that made her stomach churn.
“So he's all depressed… because… of me?” She whispers, leaning back on the counter.
Embry, always a rather sympathetic person, opens his mouth to comfort her, but Jared cuts him off.
“Basically. So are you going to come with us so we can help Paul or are you going to continue being petty?”
In any other circumstance, Y/n probably would’ve thrown something at her for calling her petty. She felt she was completely justified in her actions. A part of her wonders if she can really believe them— they’d spent months lying to her after all. But a larger part thinks about Paul, curled up in his bed, slowly desecrating because he thinks she rejected him.
If it were really all some ploy to get her to listen to them, then she’d at least be the person who chose the well-being of her friend over a petty disagreement.
“I’m coming.” She affirms, pushing herself off the counter, and letting the boys lead her to the car.
Jared and Embry drop her off in front of the Lahote household. They tell her something but she can’t really hear them over her heartbeat, she doesn’t even know they’re gone until it’s too late to turn back.
Getting into the house wasn’t the hard part. Paul’s father, Cyrus, had been leaving as she arrived, and, after he watched her stare at the house with a fearful expression for a few minutes, he happily let her in. The hard part was willing her legs to take her up the stairs to Paul’s room, and then it was opening his bedroom door.
Y/n has known Paul since they were eight, but she was afraid of him until they were eleven. He wasn’t mean, per se, but his anger made him do mean things; she wasn’t entirely happy with puberty and it’s monthly gifts, but whatever it did to make her suddenly un-afraid of him she was grateful for. But now, standing in front of his bedroom door, she had a nagging fear that Paul would revert to that eight year old boy who threw lunch boxes and twisted arms behind backs until people cried.
The door creaks slightly as she struggles to push it open.
His room is almost completely dark except for the light coming from the hallway behind her. Trash and dirty clothes have formed a compact layer on his bedroom floor, foot sized holes leading up to the twin sized bed in the corner. On the bed, amongst the blankets she’s sure he doesn’t need, is Paul— or at least, a Paul sized lump.
As gross as it is, she’s kind of relieved he’s been eating.
“Paul?” She whispers tentatively, stepping toward the bed.
The lump flinches and turns toward her.
If the room and the description of his state weren’t heartbreaking enough, his voice definitely was. Hollow, rough, and small, everything it never was, everything Paul wasn’t.
“Is that you?”
“Yeah...it’s me..”
She carefully steps over to the bed, and Paul slowly sits up, pushing his blankets to the side. There’s a beat of silence as she stands between his legs, his reluctant hands coming to rest on her waist after a minute. Y/n let’s him have another to gather his thoughts.
“You really came…” Tears well up in his eyes and loops his arms around her back.
She runs a hand through his hair. “I did, and I’m so sorry, if I had known—”
Paul nuzzles her stomach, “S’fine, you didn’t know, and you’re here now.”
There’s a sort of cute, euphoria lacing his voice and he’s visibly much more relaxed.
“Just don’t ever say that again…”
“I won’t, I promise.”
She’s surprised when he manhandles her into his lap, but she doesn’t really mind. He’s warm and strangely familiar and something about it just— clicks.
“When was the last time you spent, I dunno, a minute or two out of your room?” Y/n asks softly, y/e/c eyes glancing about the room.
The shifter’s only response is a shrug, too busy nosing around her neck with vigor. When he finds a certain spot, it makes her squeak, and this seems to excite him like a puppy finding out its favorite toy makes noise.
“You need to bathe, eat something substantial,” She intertwines their fingers, “and the...pack...they’re really worried about you— are you even listening to me?”
He looks up at her then and flashes her a sheepish smile, answering her question. Pursing her lips, she pulls his arms from around her.
“C’mon, Paul.” She stands up and takes his hand. “We’re gonna get you cleaned up.”
She moves toward the door, urging him forward, only to be jerked to a stop as he stays put. He looks a little distressed when she turns back to him, brows furrowed, almost like he’s in pain.
He grunts, jaw clenched as the cogs turn in his head. Y/n cocks her head and reaches out for his other hand. It felt like some sort of supernatural intuition, one she’ll blame on the imprint and ask Emily about later.
“Paul, hon, why won’t you come shower?”
“I’m afraid you'll leave,” He says bashfully, “it’s stupid, I know, but part of me is afraid you’ll leave while I’m in the shower.”
Y/n couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken at his confession. Paul was part wolf, and part of being part wolf was imprinting— she almost wishes she’d have stayed long enough to listen, or been able to focus as the boys debriefed her on the ride over because only being able to speculate how much she’d actually hurt him was eating her alive. He wouldn’t even shower, something he desperately needed to do, because of what she’d said.
Taking a deep breath, she barely registers the words she’s about to say.
“I’ll wait with you, I’ll sit on the toilet, you’ll see me there.”
And true to her word, Y/n does sit on the toilet while Paul showers, reading the information on soap bottles to distract herself from the fact that he was there next to her, very naked. Occasionally he asks her what she’s doing, and she reads the ingredients out loud to the best of her ability, and he laughs a little— she tries to hide her smile, but she was too happy he was laughing.
She closes her eyes when he gets out, letting him dry himself off and pull on some clean shorts. He throws the wet towel at her when he’s done, eliciting a “Hey!” that makes him laugh again.
Now that he’s clean, the two of them descend into his quiet house. Y/n navigates the kitchen, her wolf attached to her hip and being less than helpful, and makes them both something to eat— he doesn’t do much more than stand behind her, wrapped around her, making her life more difficult.
“I’m so happy you came back.” He says, watching her work.
“I was always going to.” Y/n responds, her voice sure and steady.
They talk as they eat, sitting across from one another at the too big table in the Lahote household. Talk about how this was going to work, admitting feelings that always lingered, and everything in between; she hooks her leg around his, watching him scarf down his meal with a wrinkled nose and fondness glittering in her y/e/c eyes.
He’s...gross...but he’s hers, she’s kind of stuck with him.
A date is planned. An actual date.
Paul promises to take her to the local diner (and to wear a shirt, for once.)
“I’ve been saving up for something like this.”
“Yeah, and you can get that dessert you like.”
Y/n laughs softly, but heat spreads up her neck and settles in her ears and cheeks. It’d been a long time since that had been her favorite food, but it was the thought that counted...
When Cyrus Lahote returns from work later that night his son and the Y/l/n girl are awkwardly situated on his couch— him on his back, snoring, her lying on top of him, face tucked into his neck, also fast asleep. The older man turns off the TV and tosses a blanket over the pair, ascending up the stairs with a smile on his face.
Y/n Y/l/n was trustworthy. She’s always there when Paul is in a rut too big for him to handle...
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Dream SMP Recap (February 26/2021) - ...What?
DreamXD helped George build a McDonald’s, Quackity’s double joined, Jack and Andrea went on a date with Sam and Foolish joining in as wingmen, Andrea was lured to the Egg, Wilbur (non-canonically) had a heart attack during a horse/footrace and died...
Just an average day in the Dream SMP, I suppose?
Captain Puffy
Jack Manifold
[Andrea’s VOD was deleted due to leaked info, nothing to worry about though!]
- Puffy and Foolish work on their fast food restaurant
- After attempting to solve the mystery behind why George was banned on TikTok, Quackity decides that George should build a McDonald’s in Minecraft.
- DreamXD, the god of the server himself, appears to help them. As the owner of the land, he suggests that they renovate the Deal or No Deal house into a McDonalds. He happens to have some very convenient stacks of supplies. 
- They burn down the old house and begin to build. Wendy’s replies on Twitter and Dream ratios them.
- Quackity starts chasing George so he calls for Dream’s help and DreamXD attacks him as Quackity repents for his sins. Quackity logs out and DreamXD builds a pit and they fill it with lava.
- George shouts for Quackity to log in while dramatic music plays. 
Quackity: “Then so be it. So be it! I don’t care! So be it, George! If this is the destiny that I have to face, then I’ll face it with honor, George!”
- He’s known it all along...Quackity is the one who got him banned. Quackity’s the one who got them all banned! Quackity begins to chuckle. George finally put together the pieces.
Quackity: “You have no idea how much power I have, George...and guess what, I have no issues doing it over, and over, and over again.”
- Quackity decides that he’s not going to log in so that he won’t give George the satisfaction of watching him die. DreamXD types a suggestion to ban Quackity in chat.
George: “I have Dream on my side! DreamXD, he is the god of the Dream SMP server! He will RUIN you! He will delete you from the lore!”
Quackity: “DreamXD...you think gods scare me, George? Gods don’t scare me, George, they don’t.”
- Bad falls into the pit and has to get out.
George: “He’s quacked!”
Quackity: “I’m gonna walk out the door with honor, George, and I’m never giving you the satisfaction of watching me die.”
- Suddenly, DreamXD hits George into the pit of fire, revealing that he’s been with Wendy’s this entire time! George perishes in the fire as Quackity taunts him. 
Quackity: “LOOK AT YOU! Look at you fall into despair and death, thinking you’re one step above, but you have no one on your side, George. Nobody...nobody is on your side. Nobody has ever been on your side, George. That’s the funny part! That’s the funny part. Your little moments, your little moments where you think you have any sort of power...they’re just amusing, George. They’re so amusing to me. Have you realized it yet? Have you realized how you hold no power, ever, at all? Take this to the grave, George...you’re nobody.”
- DreamXD tells Quackity it’s clear to log on, but Quackity still doesn’t die. DreamXD then says that it was all an attempt to trick Quackity into logging in and calls for George to log back on.
DreamXD: “I was never with him, George...I’ve been by your side since the beginning, George...I promise.”
- They walk back to McDonald’s. DreamXD assures George that Quackity will pay for this. He murders Bad to cheer George up. DreamXD also makes George a server operator for a short moment.
- George runs back, shouting at Quackity to log in. Quackity replies that as long as he’s outside of George’s realm, they have no power over him. The instant he logs in, they have control. He won’t give them that satisfaction.
- George threatens to canonically ban Quackity for eternity. Bad warns him of the mark this might make on his soul. George presses enter...and it doesn’t work. 
Quackity: (laughing) “George...you really thought you had the power! You really thought you could do anything to me! George, you can’t! You can’t do anything to me! Not now, not ever, not as long as I live, George.”
“Long live Quackity, George...I never die.”
- Quackity announces that he will be building a salad store right across the street from George’s store, and there’s nothing George can do about it!
- quackitynumber2 joins the game. George tells him that if he sacrifices himself to the lava, he’ll forgive him. Quackitynumber2 does just that. They rescue real Quackity from the lava.
- DreamXD takes George to the Oogway Shrine to “pray.” 
- Sapnap comes on, very confused. They continue to ratio Wendy’s.
- Jack preps for his date. Foolish gives him a pep talk, then Wilbur briefly joins to ask if Andrea’s there yet. Antfrost arrives in a maid outfit.
- Andrea eventually comes onto the server. She dies once and Sam declares it canon. Sam gives Jack gifts for the date at Spawn.
- Jack and Andrea ride around in a boat a bit. The date continues as Antfrost and Sam work as diligent wingmen.
- Sam turns Jack into the waterman and shouts about Dreamons as he attacks. Jack runs away and waits for the invisibility to wear off while Sam, Punz and the others show Andrea Egg propaganda.
- Sam says they can see the Egg soon! Punz remarks that the Egg is nice. Jack freaks out when he hears about this and runs over, eager to stop Andrea from being mind-controlled.
- Jack makes it to Puffy’s McDonald’s and reunites with Andrea. 
- They continue to walk around, near the Eggpire meeting room. Sam greets them there, leads the two into the egg building and tells Andrea to stand in the center. Jack and Andrea jump down into the Egg Room.
Sam: Break it Andrea. Save the server. Do it.
- Jack warns her against breaking the blocks. Andrea jumps down from the Egg and looks at it.
Andrea: SIR
Sam: Yes?
- She says this reminds her of health education classes. A fun way to teach people about the reproductive system. Sam tells her to break the Egg again.
- Sam tells her they need to break the Egg to leave, but Andrea dies by lava instead. Jack warns her that she only has one canon life left.
- Jack struggles to swim back up to the surface through the chute. Sam tells Andrea that he doesn’t see her surviving the night.
- Jack makes it to the surface and tries to get back to Andrea. Meanwhile, Sam tells Andrea that he’s way richer than Jack is. 
- Jack meets Andrea and Sam at Lemon City. Sam gets Andrea a horse. They decide to do a race. Andrea proposes that they sacrifice the loser. Foolish accuses Sam of cheating on Ponk.
- Ponk comes online.
Jack: Hi Fonk
Ponk: Shut up home wrecker
WilburSoot joined the game.
- They make a call for all the racers. Wilbur joins and asks Jack for a few words in private.
- Once alone, Wilbur urges Jack to get out of there. This is not going well, he says. Jack insists that everything’s going fine! Wilbur tells Jack that Andrea asked him to serenade her.
- Jack points out that Wilbur did this last time. Wilbur tells him that was just him being a silly quirky goofster. This is him being real.Wilbur tells Jack to trust him.
Wilbur: “I have a plan...basically, you’re doing a race, right? What’s the worst thing that can happen during a race, you may be asking? I’ll tell you what:
“Wilbur Soot has a heart attack and dies.”
- The plan goes as follows: they start the race, Wilbur has a heart attack and dies, and in his last dying breath, he asks Andrea to tell the truth.
- The two rejoin the call with the plan in mind and meet at the Community House with Sam to begin the race.
Wilbur: “I sure hope my arteries will hold up!”
- The race begins! Jack, Andrea and Sam all start running, Andrea still on horseback. Wilbur calls out that his chest is hurting and Jack turns around to run back to him.
- With his last dying breath, Wilbur says to Andrea that she should tell Jack what she said to Wilbur. He then dies before they can perform CPR. Sam points out that Wilbur Soot is not the type to waste his last words. Andrea replies that they were going to sacrifice him anyway.
- Jack has the messages from Wilbur.
Sam: “Can you read those to us please? I wanna imagine that he wrote them about me.”
Jack: “Okay, he said -- you’re gonna struggle, it has my name in it.”
Sam: “Well, just, when you read your name, just say ‘Sam’ instead.
Jack: “Okay, he says, ‘I want to date Sam. That sounds fucking brilliant.’”
Sam: “Wilbur said that about me?! Oh my god, I have chills. I literally have chills right now. I got ghost bumpies.”
- Andrea asks what’s going on between Jack and Wilbur, and questions whether Jack is really in love with her. She decides to run away.
- Sam shows her the prison he built and brags that he’s the warden. Andrea’s horse explodes. Sam asks if they should lock Jack up, and Andrea says they should.
- After Andrea sings “My Humps,” Sam rapidly comes to the conclusion that he no longer wants anything to do with this date. 
- Jack and Andrea’s date continues as he leads her to the restaurant he made. 
- Afterwards, they go back to the mainland and Andrea sees L’manhole. Jack explains that this is where L’manberg was destroyed, and he fell into Hell. Andrea remarks that there used to be a sign here that said “I <3 Andrea” that now says “You </3 Little Penis” instead.
- They sail out into the ocean together. 
- Afterwards, Jack brings her to Foolish’s Temple of Undying. Jack says he’ll see her on their next date, if he’s still alive by then.
- Andrea leaves, and Sam speaks with Jack alone.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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ryozoro · 3 years
Hades Playlist - iv.
NOW PLAYING: Memories - David Guetta [ft. Kid Cudi]
an; yo, sorry if the transitions are a little sloppy; I’ll go back in and fix them when I have the chance :,)
last song 🔊 EP 🔊 playlist 🔊 next song
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“We try to hide our feelings, but we forget that our eyes can speak.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“Oh, fuck - sorry,” yn moved out from behind the counter, “forgive me, I’ve been daydreaming a bit. What kinda model do you got?” Yn said as she walked the nice lady to the side of the store where parts are displayed on the wall in lamented posters. “You’re very pretty, sorry if I keep staring.”
“HA,” the lady snorted as she played with her wedding ring, “you sound like my husband; you are like - the first girl I’ve met who has thought I was pretty. Thank you, it truly means a lot.” The lady smiled as she began pulling out her wallet and a few written down notes, “it’s uh - fuck hitto, you write like a kid, it’s a 2016 Ducati?”
“2016 Ducati Full Throttle,” yn said back with a small smile as the woman laughed again, “I’m assuming it’s your husband’s old bike?”
“Yeah,” she played with her ring as her smile softened, “he wants it in good condition before he gives it to one of our neighbors. It’s tradition for his - occupation..”
“He in a gang?” Yn asked as she began shuffling through shelves, “Don’t sweat it, I’m not gonna freak out over trivial matters.” The young ryuguji chuckled as she finally found the part she’s been looking for. “Here,” she place the part on the top, “its the G2 Throttle Tamer Ducati you needed. I’m assuming he’s still in a gang by the looks of how you covered for him, but don’t worry - it’d be hypocritical if I got scared you were involved with a delinquent.”
“Oh,” the lady sighed out, “thank gods. You can call me Kaku-san if it’s alright with you? Could you install the part by yourself? Sorry, my man is just always busy with work and was hoping to have someone install it for us..”
“I can’t personally install it, but my brother can! He gets back from his lunch break in about twenty minutes, so I know its a long wait -"
"I'm so sorry, I'll just turn that off-," yn went to hit 'decline call.'
“I can wait, no sweat!” She smiled as she began digging through her mini backpack, “I need to check and see if my loser has ate lunch yet. I'll be outside for a bit." With that, 'Kaku-san' had walked out as she dialed her husband.
"Fucking hell," yn breathed out before hitting accept, "Inui-senpai, hey - what did you need?" Her breath hitched in her throat as she heard his low laugh.
"Just checking to see if my favorite girl has ate yet - so, have you?" Yn could just hear the smile that creeped upon his face, but for some reason - she didn't feel as in awe as she once did.
"Ah," yn scanned the shop and began totaling the price for the repair and writing further notes for her older brother, "no, I haven't ate yet, but I was planning on just heating up some of the leftovers that Souya-kun gave me."
"You know, if you keep being as cute and clingy as you are around him," yn could hear him moving around paper bags of what she assumed was to-go food, "shit, sorry. As I was saying, if you keep being so cuddle buddy with him, he's goin to fall for ya."
"Or," yn rolled her eyes as she began to document minor details on the log for each hour, "maybe, you're just reading in too deep on the fact that Souya is just an overall easily flustered person. Being a decent human does not make my kind actions count as flirting; if it does, well, you men around me are just dumb."
"Oh, don't be like that, princess," inui said in a rather sarcastic tone, "you know I'm just teasing you. Leaving that matter, I got you lunch - your favorite lunch, might I add."
"Thank you senpai, but -,"
"Inui-kun~ why aren't you getting off the phone yet? You promised that you would pay attention to only me today!" Yn heard a whiny voice - a woman’s whiny voice - through the phone, “I thought you said after we get lunch we’re just gonna lay in bed all day.” Inui mumbled something to her that seemed to have shut her up, clearing his throat, “sorry about that, are you still -,”
“I’m pretty busy and I plan on going out with a friend for my lunch break,” she cut him off, “have fun on your day off.”
yn knew she shouldn’t be angry; inui was never hers to begin with, but she was hoping that he’d at least spare her feelings. maybe this was good. maybe knowing that he has someone, even if it’s just a fuck buddy, will help her clear her mind and finally let go.
tani senpai <3: ft during your lunch break?
tani senpai <3: wait do you play cod? if you did that’s be kinda hot
tani senpai <3: I meant dope but hot works too
tani senpai <3: OH, wait rain check on the call, why don’t we just meet in person? ;) after all, I still have your necklace.
tani senpai <3: I cleaned it up because I was wearing it so I wouldn’t lose it.
tani senpai <3: lmfao I really made it a blood diamond at one point
kaku-san paid her total for the part and repair and ensured yn that she’d be back around five. sighing once the older woman left, yn went to check her phone that had been buzzing incessantly since she hung up on her brother’s best friend.
you: I’m gonna punch you in dick next time I see you :,) I was helping someone and I had to act like my phone was not going HAAM in my pocket
tani senpai <3: uh uh uh , leave ran jr. alone. he did nothing wrong :p plus, you’d have to kiss it better if you hurt him
tani senpai <3: [location] a small nightclub @ 16:00 tonight :) I would offer to buy your dinner, but you threatened my best man.
you: I hate you :,) but um,,, I don’t exactly know — what to wear to a nightclub..? Can I just go in a hoodie and some sweats and talk to the bouncer like “hey, I know the haitani bros — lemme in.”
tani senpai <3: LMAOOO,, nah I would to see you size the man up. as for clothes — you don’t have anything like ,, that radiates “hot girl” shit ?
you: no, if I’m not in my uniform — I’m either wearing my brother’s clothes with some cargo pants or sweats. sometimes I wear my own clothes, but that’s usually just merch.
tani senpai <3: as much as I want to see you in school uniform or in full need mode, I don’t think the bouncer would just let you in. OH, wait — fuck them. I forgot that I’m literally a god to them lmao,, wear what you want , I’ll wait outside for you and we can walk in together :)
you: wait really :,) I’m gonna try and make use of what I have tho ! I’ll lyk when I get there :)
tani senpai <3: wow so you’re not gonna ft me :|
you: you licherally said “rain check”
tani senpai <3: but I just finished my tasks for today, call me or I’m calling you
you: sorry , my brother just got back, I’ll talk to ya later :p
tani senpai <3: fine :| I’ll just bother Rin then.
the young ryuguji chuckled before locking and pocketing her phone once she noticed her brother’s presence. sure, she was still hurt at the fact that inui is currently hooking up - maybe even dating - another girl, but at least she could look to the eldest of the Haitanis and feel herself forgetting all about her first love.
“What ya lookin at brat,” Ken laughed out as he went to pat her head, “hey, who has you smiling like that?” He has always been protective; it was just his nature as a big brother. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re happy, but if it’s about a boy I would LOVE to know who.”
“It’s just a stupid thing that emma-senpai sent me,” yn attempted to play it off, “anyways — how was lunch?”
“It was good,” draken said as he went to put his jumper back on, “but it coulda been better if inui didn’t bring his ‘friend girl’ around. She kept hittin on Mikey and asking about my necklace and I almost called you up to come deck her.” He quickly grabbed his chain and kissed the ‘Emma’ that hung in the middle just before tucking it back under his white tshirt; it was his routine.
“I woulda showed her that ‘Draken Uppercut’ if I was there big bro,” yn made a small show of what she did in hopes of making her brother smile.
“You’re an idiot,” his smirk plastered on his face in a proud manner, “but I don’t need you wasting your energy on her. It just — like who the hell do you think you are touching a random stranger, especially around their neck. Like who?” She could tell that he was upset that he couldn’t have done anything; Draken was just brought up to be extremely respectful. “The worst part,” he threw a wrench at his ‘anger wall,’ “she kept asking shit like: “who names their kid emma,” “was she at least pretty,” and the one where I almost put my hands on her, “is she dead or something? what you just can’t let go?” Yn, I was so close to knocking her daylights out. She honestly got lucky takemitchy had tackled Mikey, or she woulda got her shit rocked.”
“I,” yn was at a lost for words; she had never heard someone disrespect any of her family this openly, “what the fuck did inui say? Did he just sit there through all this shit?” she moved from behind the counter and rolled out one of the bikes he was scheduled to work on, “please don’t tell me he did.”
“No,” draken rolled his eyes as he recalled the previous events, “just prop it up by station one, gotta get the new 340 mm rear air shock absorber suspensions, oh, could you jot that down, please? But nah, this fucker,” draken lifted the bike up so the back was in the air and put it on a lift, “just found every way to piss me off. Like I love him, but he fucked up today. He told us ‘sorry, she’s just cranky so don’t take her words to heart.’ If she called me ugly or some dumb shit I’d be okay, but he really told me not to take to heart the fact that she spoke on Emma’s name like that.” He tugged on his dark locks as he undid it, “could ya put it back up for me, it’s not tight enough.”
“I gotcha big man,” yn gently massaged his scalp as she went to put his hair in a tight but loose bun, “you know, she’s probably really proud of you right now. Bet she’s smilin up there too.” she could feel his tenseness fade as she comforted him; she’d do this one hundred times a day if it meant that he’d finally stop blaming himself for all those years ago. “There,” she smoothed over the top of his head once more, “all done.”
“Thank ya,” he hums as he begins to work on the bike, “oh, do you want to come with later? me and the boys are gonna head to mitsuyas before we go out so you can hang out with the other brats.”
“Actually, I um,” yn felt the sweat gather in her palms as she walked back to her station, “I was wondering if I could go out tonight - with a friend..”
“What friend,” yn flinched as her brother snapped his gaze towards her, “do I know said friend?”
“N-no,” she cleared her throat and began writing on sticky notes and receipts, “he — they were nice to meet when I first got back in town and offered to hang out - so, I felt that it’d be rude to -,”
“Nah, you’re not going,” draken turned his attention back to the bike, “you’re either going to stay home or hang out at mitsu’s house. No in between.”
“That’s fair,” yn sighed, “can I just have a reason as to why I can’t go?”
“Because I don’t know em and the streets have been rainin havoc since Mikey got out,” he sighed as he put his tools down. He stood up to full height and gently patted the leather seat of the propped up bike, “I just don’t want you to get hurt, bub. Yer my number one right now and I don’t know if I’ll be able to go on if you even get the slightest bit of hurt.”
“I understand big draco,” she laughed softly, “Can I just stay in then? I promise I won’t leave; I just feel like being in my own bed tonight.”
“Anything for you, yer majesty.” Ken smiled as he concluded that he had the best sister in the world.
“Alright, yn, we’re about to head out,” her big brother knocked on her door, “can ya at come say bye?”
“Fuck,” yn got up and quickly put an oversized sweater and some basketball shorts that reached just below her knees, “gimme a minute! Sorry, I was taking a nap.”
“We’ll be out in the living room, dumbass.”
If anything, yn was just glad none of them walked into her room to see her basically bare figure - shout out to her Ken-nii for knowing his sister. Once fully covered, yn made her wait out the room and noticed everyone sitting on the couch in the living room, even inui.
“Yn,” souya barked out, “you’ve ate right? If you haven’t ‘m gonna fight you!” He stood up and approached yn as all the other boys smirked and whistled in the back. “You guys shut the hell up.!”
“Neh neh,” nahoya laughed, “you need to stop bein so flirty over there, angry.” Smiley always teased angry, but that was just brotherly nature; however, if anyone else were to continuously pick on angry — it wouldn’t be a shock if Smiley was on top of them and imprinting the curve of his elbow into their forehead. “He just missed you, little Ryu. Make sure to let us know if anything happens-,”
“We’re going to get Ken-chin laid,” Mikey said with a mischievous smirk as he began pushing his taller friend out the front door. “Choi~.” The other boys followed either patting her head before they left or hip bumping her; hakkai decided to be the odd man out and hug yn to his chest and dramatically walk out the door as if they won’t see each other for fourth years.
“BYE,” she poked her head out then quickly shut the door and disregarded her hoodie, “now that they’re gone..”
“OH MY GOD, WHAT,” picking her phone up off the coffee table she fell back onto the couch, “what do they want-,”
Incoming FaceTime: tani senpai <3
“Shit.!” Yn quickly sat up and answered with an apologetic face, “heeeey, what’s up?”
“You look cozy,” he eyed the tops of her shoulders with only her bra straps decorating them, “cozy enough to make a man stand outside for, hmm - what does my watch read - thirty minutes.”
Yn looked thoroughly confused as she cocked her head to the side and fell back, “what does you standing outside of some random building have to do with me?”
“Did you really —,” she watched the man shift and bring her golden chain into view, “you were supposed to meet me tonight in order to get your precious necklace back. You stood me up and now I look like a fucking idiot who got stood up.” He deadpanned into the camera and had a small pout, “you had all the guys laughin at me, darlin. You really disappointed me.” Yn felt her heart slowly tear; she hated disappointing anyone. “If you were going to show up you could have at least said so.” Just as she was about to speak, Ran hung up and left her to wade in her thoughts.
You: Ran-senpai, I promise it was on accident ! I meant to tell you earlier, but it just slipped my mind (read 8:44 p.m.)
You: pls forgive me :,) I fell asleep as soon as we got off work and came home; draken-nii told me to rest up since I can’t go out so I figured I might as well (read 8:45 p.m.)
You: yk if you’re going to read my text, the least ya could do would be to respond. I said I’m sorry. (read 8:47 p.m.)
You: yer a fucking brat , man child who throws a fit and refuses to actually try and listen to others when they try to talk it out with you. (read 8:48 p.m.)
You: self made bitch. (read 8:50 p.m.)
You: yk what, fuck you. I tried to be nice to you and I actually enjoyed talking to you for what-? A week ? You’re mad because I can’t just do what I want? Sorry I’m a great sister who doesn’t want to make her brother worry. Sorry I don’t just abide and do as you please because I’m not a fucking sheep. Keep the necklace for all I care; I’ll just get a new one. Stupid cunt. (read 8:52 p.m.)
You: Fuck face. You probably just wanted to get in my pants and dip; fuck you. Leave me alone, if I see you on the street; I don’t give a fuck if I get shot or jumped, I’m gonna punch you in the throat, pussy ass bitch. (read 8:54 p.m.)
tani senpai <3: give me your address so I can drop this necklace off and get out of your life since you so desperately want me to.
You: no way in hell, just keep it.
tani senpai <3: if you don’t want it then I’ll just drop it off with your brother tomorrow.
You: you fucking —
You: ugh, fine, just drop the shit off and leave . [location] (read 8:59 p.m.)
With a knock at the Ryuguji’s front door, yn shrugged the jacket back on and checked through the peep hole. After noticing it was the infamous older brother of the Haitani duo, she quickly yanked him inside and made sure to lock the door quickly.
“You know drop offs don’t usually require the said delivery man to be in the house, correct?” He asked with a bored expression as his eyes scanned the small space. “‘S cute for someone with you and your brother’s income.”
“I only pulled you in because my neighbors like to talk about what goes on throughout everyone’s house,” she rolled her eyes and pulled in the strings of her sweater, “hurry up and give me the fucking necklace so you can leave.”
“I did all the work of coming here,” he brushed past her as he took off his shoes and made his way to sit on the couch, “the least you could do is offer me a drink or some food.” Ran laid back into the cushions and spread his long legs as he slowly turned his gaze to the TV, some random anime blasting in the background. “Well, if you don’t mind, a water will do.”
“Cute for someone with you and your brother’s income,” she mocked as mumbled under her breath and grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge, “here, your majesty.” she tossed it into his lap and stood in between his legs to block the tv and make him focus all of his attention onto her.
“To what do I owe you?”
“My necklace, home invader.”
“Take it off of me then,” he raised an eyebrow, “you didn’t expect me to do that as well did you?”
“Fine,” her shorts hiking up as she moved to straddle his hips, she took note that he had been eyeing her thighs since he arrived, “I’ll take off the stupid thing.” She buried her chin into the crook of his neck, “just sit still so I can -,”
“You know,” he flattened his palms against the bare tops her knees and barely sliding his finger tips up the rim of the pants, “you hiding more just makes me want to see you in less.”
“Heh,” she chuckled as she slowly wrapped her arms around the middle of his torso, “yer a fucking perv as well as a bastard.”
“You know your necklace isn’t dangling along my spine, right?” He chuckled as he gently kneaded her flesh, “am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah, feels nice,” she chuckles when she feels him gently dig his finger tips into her skin, “‘m makin you uncomfortable?”
“nah,” he jokingly mocked her as he took his hands and slid them farther up to the tops of he thigh, “boxers?” He pulled back slightly so he could rest his forehead on hers.
“mm, never really wanted to bother ken-nii when he did the laundry, so I just get boxers,” she laughed, “what? Did you honestly think I’d be chilling at home in a thong or something? Women gotta breathe too.” she felt her heartbeat pick up as his finger tips danced along the material; yn wondered if he could tell that she’s never had a boyfriend as she lacked - in takemichi’s words - ‘ettick.’
“You are respectful yet have anger issues, a smart mouth, and embody the term ‘I don’t give a fuck,” he swiftly took both hands from under the clothing and lightly placed them on either side of her face, “you are so fucking gorgeous, didya know that?” His rings were cold on her heated skin, making her smile softly.
“..you know,” yn laid a chaste kiss on the bonten’s left wrist, “… ‘msorry..”
“Couldn’t hear ya,” he chuckled deeply as he maneuvered his right hand at the back of her neck and squeezed lightly, “repeat it more clear this time. You wanna be a good girl, right? Be the best girl you can and repeat it.~”
“Motherfu-, AHEM,” she scrunched her face up in hopes of hiding how happy it made her to have a second chance at being a ‘good girl,’ “‘m sorry you don’t know how to communicate.”
“Ah ah ah,” he squeezed his right hand a little tighter, causing her to ground her hips down and lean forward into his chest, “that’s not what I want to hear.” she heard him groan, but she was too busy fighting the battle in her head as to why she felt more secure when he gripped her tighter.
“I said,” she nuzzled her nose between his lean pecs, “‘m sorry.” Yn got up and placed one of her hands at the base of the bonten tattoo and squeezed gently along his Adam’s apple, “I’m not saying it again, so you better have heard me the first time.”
“You’re so angry; a wolf under sheep’s clothes you are,” ran hummed as he leaned back in, noses brushing, “yer forgiven little lamb. I don’t know - you barking up the wrong tree knowing that I could hurt you just turns me —,”
Both bodies had turned their heads towards the door in confusion.
“Are you expecting guests?”
“No,” yn quickly got off of Ran’s lap and grabbed the crowbar that rested by the umbrellas, “fuck, if it’s those fucking assholes that want to fight ken-nii, ‘m gonna kill em.” She went to look through the peep hole, only to be pulled back to the older man’s chest.
“Let me get it,” ran signaled for her to hide behind the kitchen wall as he pulled out his signature baton that hung on his belt loop, “be quiet, little one.” Ran opened the door to a young man, about a year or two older than yn, dressed in a pizza delivery uniform with 3 large boxes in his hand. If he wasn’t just some kid, the Haitani would’ve beat him just for openly sporting a scowl towards him.
“Oh, hi sir, are you,” the young man looked back at the receipt then back at the Bonten executive, “Kawata Souya? I have one pepperoni, Hawaiian, and plain cheese.” Ran’s head shot to the side at the sound of you rushing towards the door.
“A-ah ! That would be me I guess,” yn guided Ran’s hand behind her to hide the weapon as she widely opened the front door, “sorry my brother’s friend probably ordered it since they went out -,”
“Huh,” she looked up at the man, “oh shit, hongo?! I thought you were in Osaka right now for Uni; you still play there, right?”
“Yeah,” the worker replied, “oh shit, this like.. a date or something?” He threw his glare at Ran and softened his features once his gaze returned back to the young ryuguji. “Nah, nevermind, that’d be dumb considering you swore off dating,” the bonten men felt as if his heart had been pricked with a small needle, “especially since you used to swear to draken we were gonna get married and stay together forever and ever.” Yn was visibly embarrassed as Ran watched her take the pizza from Hongo’s hands and start trying to kick him off the porch. “Wait, before I go,” he said as he jotted down his number on the receipt, “let me know when you’re free. Maybe ya could come see me play one of these days? Summer games start back up next week so I’ll be headin-,”
Ran pulled on yn’s wrist before slamming the door, interrupting Hongo’s spill. He made show of how hard he locked the door so anyone outside could hear that the house was closed and not expecting anymore visits.
“Ooo,” yn placed the pizzas down onto the small kitchen table and looped her arms around Ran’a slim waist, “are you upset yer not getting all the attention?” She giggled as she kissed the symbol that marked the center of his neck.
“Why would I be upset over some 4 incher maxed college boy,” he smirked as he brought his hand to the side of her face and let his thumb brush along her bottom lip, “plus, if anything he should be the one whose upset. You can’t hate me or push me away if you wanted to; your desire for me to show you the depths of the world is visible just by looking in your eyes.” Yn felt her breath quickening and her head going numb as his words made way into her; making her feel far more intoxicated than any alcohol or drug could have ever done. “You can try to deny it, but what sane person would invite one of the most violent people with the most blood on his hands into her home?”
“I’m the farthest thing from sane,” yn breathed out as she placed a chaste kiss onto his lips before burying her face under his chin, “because I find myself wanting to do this more. I’m so glad I don’t look where I’m going when I’m on my bike.” Ran laughed as he connected their lips, but this time he deepened the kiss; her knees gave out and his tongue slipped in making her lungs just as weak.
“Princess, youre fucking gorgeous,” he broke away before holding her in his strong arms, “but I don’t want to just ‘get in your pants.’ I want-,”
“Good, because im not easy,” she cut him off as she tried to catch her breath.
Ran laughed as he dragged her back to the couch, leaving her to fetch each of them two big slices of cheese pizza. He sat beside her, kissing her temple, and devouring the free meal, “yknow, this taste ten times better than any food at the shitty night club.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” she said as she harshly swallowed the dough, “ish bad mannirs..”
“You,” he leaned in and kissed the sauces covered corners of her mouth, “also taste better than any food at the club.”
“Well you’ll have to wait until you can taste all of me,” catching ran off guard - she flirted back, “after all, the fruit taste better when ripened.”
“Princess,” Ran attempted to shake her tired figure off him, “believe me, I want to stay. I really do, but I don’t want to cause a stir or heated argument between you and your brother.”
“We we’re just playing Mario kart and you said,” yn stared up at him with an unimpressed glare, “I’d fuck you on the counter of the pizza place just to embarrass that pizza boy,’ and now you’re scared to be caught by my brother?”
“Not scared,” he bit the tip of her nose gently before freeing himself of her limbs, “just cautious. Want my little girl not to have any complications; plus, I’d have to kill your brother if he made you cry.”
“Wait,” she pulled his sleeve, gaining his attention, “text me when you get back home.” He leaned down and kissed her forehead before making his way out her front door, “okay, little lamb.”
Within the span of 4 hours, draken arrived back home and yn managed to make the house rid of any clues of guest over; she even masked the smell of Ran’s cologne by bringing the box of pizza to the living room to spread the smell of grease and regrets. She rested easy on the couch, allowing some random movie to lull her into the comfortable cushions.
draken sobered up a bit after he came back and went to get a late night snack from the kitchen. spotting his sister on the couch, he chuckled softly as he gently rubbed her forehead, “thanks for bein a little angel, ya gremlin.”
it’s as if the gods above could sense draken’s obliviousness and caused yns to vibrate several times. Much to her brother’s curiosity, he checked the notifications and felt his blood boil.
tani senpai <3: hey, made it back home. hope you rest easy, princess. thnx. rin also says “thanks for allowing him to annoy you so I could catch a break
inui. : yn can we talk? I promise it’s not what you thought; idk what to say. Just remember, you’ll always be my favorite girl ..<3 lmk when you’re ready.
inui. : idk jus tseeing yuor brothr without you attached at the hip just made my stomak hurt, I wanna see you more.. maybe it’s because I’m drunk and finally thinking sobre, but yer awlays my fav
inui. : look, unsot having talked for like — a weakk? Has Ben eating me up, I really miss you. I’ll see you at the shop ? dream well, pretty girl.
takemitchy: wait, can you send me your brownie recipe ??? Hina loved them :,)
he didn’t know whether to be upset at the fact that there was some random “tani senpai” texting his sister and he didn’t know jack shit about them, or the fact one of his best friends was talking and drunk texting his sister. Nothing a beer and pizza can’t help.
After grabbing a full pizza box plus some beer and bringing it to his room, ken stared at his tv processing everything he just seen. Maybe this is just a dream? Maybe he’s so dizzy from the dancing and whiskey that he can’t seem to think straight? There’s just no way that his little sister would actually go for his friend; let alone, his friend returning the affection, right ? There’s absolutely no way that his sister would be letting random boys in the house. Nah, maybe he’s just scared of letting her go to university and growing up on him. This is all just a shitty nightmare.
“Whatever,” draken burped out as he took the cheap beer bottle to his lips, inhaling the last of the liquid, “heh, maybe it’s kisaki’s ghost hauntin my head with dumb thoughts.” He felt himself drifting to sleep, but stirred once he realized he almost forgot his nightly routine. Untucking the chain from his neck and pulling it towards his chapped lips, “g’night emma.”
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Taglist: @richiyo @haitanigigi @chifuyusprincess @legravalice @l-ilysm @katariinasworld
154 notes · View notes
takenbyheartstrings · 3 years
Yes, I’m Changing | Corpse x reader
pairing: Corpse x fem!reader
summary: as y/n infiltrates Corpse’s life and his life, he seems to be happier and more alive.
warnings: mentions of anxiety and depression, crying, fluff, angst and more fluff.
request: hello can i please request a corpse x reader where the reader and corpse meet and instantly become best friends and he starts to get happier around her and get a little less anxious - maybe like she’s his saviour? idk, also could you please make her voice the complete opposite of corpse himself? tysm 🤍🤍
a/n: tysm for requesting! i hope this lives upto your expectations ^-^ OBVIOUSLY most of this is made up - and i’m talking about the Leslie and Corpse storyline - so please don’t come @ me S,JDFNKJSDNF
You sighed as you logged onto discord ready for your stream, your setup was your favourite colour, so you clicked on your webcam with a smile and clicked to start the stream. People soon started to flood in.
“Hey guys!” You smiled taking a drink of water, “Welcome to the stream, we’re playing Among Us today with Rae and Sykkuno and a few more new friends! I think Corpse is coming to play with us, I’m excited to meet him!”
You quickly joined the discord call, Ludwig, Rae, Sykunno, Toast, Leslie, Poki, Felix and Sean had already joined, so as soon as I joined that was 9/10 of the lobby.
“Hey guys!” You giggled happily.
“Hey Y/n!” They all greet you happily, as you adjust your headphones on your head, pulling your mic a tad bit closer.
Soon one more person joined the discord call, “Hey,” a deep yet soothing voice speaks up.
“Woah.” You mutter quickly realising your mic discord isn’t muted.
Corpse laughs, you two were the only one’s in the lobby who didn’t know each other, “I’m Corpse, and you must be y/n.” You can hear his smile through the screen, “Big fan.”
Your face flushes red and chat takes notice, “Yes, that is me, I am y/n, and I, personally am very excited to meet you!” You cheer, trying to keep your cool.
“Holy shit guys.” Rae chuckles, “Their voices are complete opposite - it’s like the angel and the devil.”
“Hmmm maybe,” You perk up, “I guess I’d be the devil then.”
Corpse chuckles at your comment as the round starts as you smile because of his laugh, proud of yourself that you made the man, the myth, the legend, Corpse Husband laugh.
That was a year and a half ago.
You knocked on the door tugging on your grey sweater as he opened the door quickly, letting you in, before pulling off his mask as soon as the door had closed behind you. Corpse smiled at you as you hurried inside placing Grocery bags on the kitchen counter.
The two of you decided to rent a place together in LA to be closer to your friends and open up a new line of opportunities. Well, that’s how you pitched it to your best friend.
Anyway, it was game night at the Corpse x Y/n residence, last week was at Sykkuno’s house where you all played What Do You Meme, now it was yours and Corpse’s turn. Playing Cards Against Humanity because they all knew you guys had the largest collection of cards. You quickly set out everything on the table as Corpse just admired you from the couch.
“You could help, y’know.” You glared at him as he sat there watching you.
Corpse pretended to think about it, “Well, if I try to help you’re just gonna push me away and do everything yourself anyway.” He smirks - he’s right. You know he is. He knows he is. Everyone know’s he is. You’re a control freak.
You huff, “So what?”
“So what?” Corpse lets out the loudest laugh he can, “Last time you almost broke my finger!!”
You pause, before leaving it at that, Corpse just chuckles as he sits there, you finish in no less than ten minutes, “It’s gonna be fine.”
“Never said I wasn’t.” You retort.
Corpse looks at you, “I know you better than anyone, y/n.” It’s gonna be okay.
And he was right, the night went great. Everyone was smiling and laughing and having fun. It was a night to remember, mostly because Rae almost got blackout drunk and Toast and Sykkuno had to take her home early. But she’d just laugh it off in the morning after you call her and make sure she’s okay.
Corpse stands up, “Anyone need a drink?” He questions, as everyone shake’s their heads. Leslie actually changes her mind and follows him around the corner to a small kitchen.
A lot of people wouldn’t have known this, but Lesilie and Corpse met way before he met Felix or anyone current. She looks at him with a soft smile as she watches him get her a drink from the fancy fridge they have in their house.
“What?” Corpse questions noticing Leslie’s look.
Leslie chuckles, “You love her, dude,” She sighs before he can protest it, “Don’t try to say that I’m wrong either. She’s changed you, you’re slightly happier now, you’re making your way up there, she lifts your spirits every single day and you should see the way you fucking look at her, because I know you don’t know. You love her dude and she loves you too, think about it.”
Leslie leaves the kitchen as her and Edison are the only ones left in the house, it was kinda sad to see it without people in it but you smiled regardless. “That was really fun tonight, thanks Corpse!”
Corpse smiles as you do, “Always. But I’m super beat, gonna try and get some sleep.” In reality, he wasn’t. He was just gonna think about what Leslie said all night.
She was right. You loved him. But you couldn’t tell him that because 99.9% of the time they didn’t reciprocate those feelings back. She had learned not to try with love anymore. So you were sitting in bed that night thinking about a life where you had something good. You had love and comfort. Though you felt it was never going to happen.
Corpse was doing the same - he didn’t take the shots because he was scared. He thinks about her. All the fuckin’ time. How he’s so glad she joined that lobby. Leslie was right she made him happier. She made his life better. Way fucking better. He thought about a life with her, that it would be so good to call her his girlfriend. Never have to see her with another guy again - because yes. He was jealous of all the one’s she’d bring home after a night out with her friends. But she didn’t know they would come out and he’d scare them off.
He didn’t know he was doing that - not intentionally.
Your music fades out of your head as you try to fall asleep to it, but it fails coming back into earshot. You turn to the opposite side of the music. You tossed and turned before standing up out of bed. You had to do it. You had to tell him how you feel and you had to do it now. Something made you compelled to do it. Something made you need to do it.
You opened your bedroom door stepping out of it quickly walking down the hall over to Corpse’s room. 
Your anxiety started to spike, you could feel tears on the brims of your eyes - you were starting to overthink.
“What if he doesn’t love me back”
“What if he’s in love with someone else”
Corpse was having the same spike of anxiety, as he started to overthink feeling his stomach - his gut churn. He knew he had to tell you. No matter how anxious he was, he was willing to take that 50/50 chance. You were practically speed walking, and so was he. The two of you ran into each other, falling onto the floor opposite of each other, your hands catching you, breaking your fall. You yelped before you both chuckled and Corpse helped you up. The two of you hadn’t realise how close you were until Corpse spoke and you could feel the warmth of his breath and minty toothpaste on your face.
“Corpse I- I need to tell you something.” He stopped you.
“No- I do.”
“Corpse I have to tell you!”
“Y/N I LOVE YOU!” Corpse yells pulling away from you as he starts to pace, “I can’t go a day without missing you - I can’t go a day without you here. I crumble, I fall apart. You make me happier, nobody’s done that before. You are a light to my life, you are my sun, you are everything to me and I don’t know how to live without you - how to function. You went to VidCon for three days and I fell apart completely. I. Love. You.”
At this point Corpse didn’t know what he was saying. He was just going with his gut. You sat there shocked. You just smiled at him after a while. You ran towards him and jumped into his arms pressing a kiss to his lips and then pressing them all over the rest of his face.
He was relieved to say the least - probably guessing this is what you were going to tell him and he loved that - he could finally love you.
He carried you to his bedroom, which would soon be the two of yours as it was larger in size and fell asleep comfortably in each others arms as the warmth of Corpse’s body radiated onto yours. His arms around you, holding you to never let you go. To never get hurt. To protect you from all the bad in the world.
The two of your feelings were finally at peace. It was a beautiful masterpiece called love. You changed Corpse for the better and he changed you for it too. You both lived in perfect harmony with each other. It was a comfort you had never truely felt before - same to him. Something that the both of you never wanted to let go of. Let alone each other.
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