#anyone who knows what song I'm talking about gets a cookie...Also if anyone guesses what background I used will get two cookies
yan-snowcave · 27 days
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My brainrot is still going strong so I made this chart, apperance wise I based it off on the Cannibal Sweetheart one (also sorry if the arrows suck, I did all this in MSpaint & 3D Paint :'D)
Characters, Sprites & Background belong to; @perfectlovevn
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solarsavoy · 2 years
Fandom Saturday, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
For many years, this was my favorite anime of all time. It was created by Clamp and uses a lot of the characters from Cardcaptor Sakura. It also shares Mokona, which I didn't realize was actually from Magic Knight Rayearth until @tuulikannel brought it up and I watched the slideshow with the opening. (Fucking brilliant!)
Tsubasa is a tale of a princess with a special power. A man who desires this power sets things into motion to obtain it for himself. Syaoran, whom I absolutely adore - he is in my man harem and such a squish, is in love with Princess Sakura and when her power is awakened, her memories in the form of feathers disappear into other worlds and dimensions across the universe. If I had known about fanfiction at this point, I can't tell you how many stories I had of them visiting other anime and stories already in existence to collect said feathers. I'd visit Bleach, I'd visit Shinzo, I'd visit Vampire Diaries and Percy Jackson and Star Ocean and Chrono Cross and Final Fantasy VII and whatever else I happened to be into at the time. (Definitely not Higurashi. I'm okay not being in that world. 😅) I'd spend so many hours just daydreaming, which is why it was my favorite.
Honestly, it probably spawned my love of isekais. Well, I'd already come up with the basis of Krystar which is also an isekai, so it just strongly reaffirmed it, I guess.
And on top of that, it's just so tragic. It's one of the few animes I watched because I actually started the manga first. And it took me a while to collect the manga, so I finished the anime in the meantime, hated where it left off like, right in the middle of everything without touching any of the cool parts of the story, and then finished the manga. I guess they didn't have enough funding? But the fans were so outraged by this, Clamp made 2 OVAs of the biggest moments in the manga to satisfy them.
Anyway, here's a funny story about me for you, inspired by Tsubasa. My husband, whom I refer to as Deo online for future reference, took me out on our second first date (story for another day) and called ahead to get a giant cookie prepared. He checked on it at the mall without my noticing and the lady said "I hope you like how the feather came out, but what's a Fakura?". Phones weren't that good in 2009. 😆 So she had to fix it to say "Sakura" and it was a feather with the words "You are my Sakura" surrounding it, because I always wanted to be the princess that Syaoran did everything in his power to save, even at the cost of what was most precious to him.
Which is why Syaoran is in my very selective man harem. To put it into perspective, Karma is on the honorable mention list and Nagisa didn't even make it onto a list, and anyone that knows me knows I love these two. And I know I say man harem, but it's really more of a Celeste situation from Danganronpa where I want a huge mansion with these dudes in it and unlike for Celeste, they don't need to be vampires or to cater to my every need, I just want them there. Forever. With me.
Anyway, off topic.
I love Syaoran. And Tsubasa has shaped a lot of my creativity drives. It taught me to think in different ways and to be aware of different cultures (like Thera!) and to consider the motivations people can have. For love, for hunger, for fear. And sure, Assassination Classroom may view Irina and Karasuma as Mommy and Daddy, but the original Mommy and Daddy to me was always Fai and Kurogane (who surprisingly looks a lot like Karasuma now that I think about it.) And the anime is filled with quirks and good feels and discovery and learning and growing and found family. It's just so beautiful…
AND THE MUSIC!!! I totally forgot to mention the music. *Facepalm. Maaya Sakamoto and Yuki Kajiura have such beautiful voices and so many of the songs in the anime were left on repeat for years in my music library and even though it's been over a decade, I still frequently listen to them to this day. Aikoi, I talk to the rain, Dream Scape, You are my love, Kaze no Machi e, Loop, so many.
I feel like it deserved a much bigger fandom than it had. Like Bleach or Full Metal Alchemist. It's truly a work of art to me and it just blows my mind that they couldn't finish the anime because they lacked funding and fans. It just deserves so much.
Anyway, sorry to ramble. This one I feel really was more of a ramble than usual. Highly recommend. It wasn't my first anime, but in many ways, it did so much more for me than Sailor Moon did, and I don't say that lightly. I mean, I wouldn't even consider Tuxedo Mask for my man harem. He doesn't even deserve to be on a wait list. Helios was better than him in my opinion. I wouldn't even consider Helios either though. Seiya was close, and the genderbending made him more interesting, but he didn't make it in either.
I feel like I need to make a post of who's in my man harem now…
Anyway, thanks for reading. Love you all! *kiss
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hospitalterrorizer · 6 months
almost made cookies.
i've made the dough, though, so it's resting in the fridge for tomorrow. it will be better that way anyways i think. hopefully they will taste good.
otherwise, today i didn't record vocals but i did start work on a new thing, it should be done tomorrow i think, i just want to find a final sort of riff for it. or i guess just put it into midi, i think i wrote something good, but maybe i'd like to use that for another thing instead, who knows. i wouldn't mind a 20 second long pv song. the interview did also come out, but i have some problems, not with the interview, my friend kelly did a great job with that. just with like, how the pictures came out. i don't know why but i look so awful and it's made me spiral, since i'm so stupidly sensitive about that. it just makes me wonder if that's what people actually see when they look at me, if that's how i actually look, or if they really just have been edited terribly. i can't stand it, the pictures of myself i took that day, even the ones that aren't the most flattering, don't make me look that ugly.
look at the pics i took that i'm not super into:
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and this last one is especially unflattering imo:
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the pics in the interview are like, crazy, i don't know. i can't tell if i don't look like that or not but they feel like they make me look way more like, mannish, and give me way more shadow. is it just an hdr thing, are people's eyes just more forgiving than camera lenses, or do my selfies and these photos just not really capture the whole, like, issue, that is my face. they also make me look fat. that's one i can't explain at all. it's very weird. i literally feel like i look like a different person, and i go look in the mirror and try and see that and can't really. i dunno. i think the guy who took the pictures is like, maybe not great but has a good camera, so he's eligible for taking pictures for a low level thing like this. i can't believe though, that for some reason, this is the article that has the most views on this website. how disturbing. i don't like that people i know are looking at that, and saying, wow that's them (or whatever). it actually really bothers me. i'm sure this is going to be something i am dealing with for a couple weeks. unfortunately i can't talk to my girlfriend about this in any kind of constructive way (is there even a constructive way, though?). she blames herself for me doing the interview, which is wrong for a myriad of reasons, and she i guess feels guilty for getting people to see it, when as i've now seen it, i don't want anyone to see it, the pictures at least. they're literally so fucked up, and since i've either looked like that, or since i've been made to look like that, i don't know if i can trust mirrors or anything/ memories of what i look like (i already don't know if mirrors are trustworthy or not, honestly, the discrepancies between them and cameras wigs me out and i don't know if there's anything there that should actually be wigging me out), but i don't even know if i will ever know what i look like. i've talked about depending very much on outside perspective, having one that now says basically that i'm ugly, or feels like it communicates/presents that, is very troubling. it makes you want to give up, kind of.
give up has an obvious meaning, i think. i also can't post them here, the images, it'd make me freak to look at them more. but i'm leaving the tab open because i know i'm going to have to go check and check and check and make sure that it feels like it's because the images were edited badly and stuff.
whatever, though. i am gonna sleep soon. maybe tomorrow i'll understand better what the focal length did to my face and what makes me feel so ugly for no reason. maybe this will make me do something really good for vocals since i feel distantly hopeless for stupid reasons.
it's intolerable, the feeling that people look at it, and see me in that, it literally feels like out of my hands, i am not myself anymore, it's like a tulpa. i want to puke and cry, it's that bad, really.
listening to palatka right now is nice, for this at least.
anyway tomorrow i still have to export those songs i have re-done vox for, and other stuff. maybe i will write new lyrics for some of these songs that still have none, that would be good. and i guess i can do the song that has lyrics but no vox still. that should be fun. i just need to get everything started earlier tomorrow.
today i also mostly vc'd so it wasn't a waste of a day, not eaten wholly by misery, the vc and the music i did and guitar playing i did feels good. in the vc we just played a silly drawing game, which i was bad at mostly, at first i felt really really stupid, but the stupid feeling went away. i guess i was just too nervous at first i guess. i don't know why. social games like that make me feel like i need to perform or something.
i really wish i intuitively understood guitar stuff better, but i think i'm getting there, i just need to play more, the practice i'm doing i think is very good. playing hardcore feels like a really good thing for me, i dunno. i hope so. i really like it at least. learning the tricks these bands do is really fun for me, even if it's all really stupidly obvious. just ways to move power chords around and make them weird, and then all the crazy stuff with the half step up/down notes i can do, figuring ways to get all that together in a song is really fun. i'm looking forward to that tomorrow i suppose.
anyway, trying to think of more positives in my life so i don't feel like braining myself. obviously i can't, i love my girlfriend too much, i feel bad that she feels bad about this. it really has very little to do with her. she suggested the interview but i said yes, i showed up even though i knew a little before that a guy i wouldn't like was going to be there. i should have expected this too, but i really hoped i wouldn't look so ugly.
but whatever, i will be okay, i think, so,
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purplesurveys · 8 months
Anything you're looking forward to this month? We have a mental health break next Friday that I am stoked about. Other than that my days are spent dreading my inevitable promotion.
What's the current temperature? It's cold as fuck in my room because the aircon is blasting right in front of my face, but outside it's 26ºC.
Have you or would you ever forage for mushrooms? I haven't and it also doesn't really sound all that interesting to me.
What's something you dislike about spring time? Idk, maybe the fact that I can't relate to it haha...
What's your favorite lollipop flavor? Not a big fan of candies in general. I'd accept whatever lollipop I'm offered but it's not like I'd seek them out ever.
Are you into gardening and what do you enjoy planting? I am not.
What's some flowers you find to be pretty? Peonies.
Would you say you're easy to get along with? It depends on the person, tbh. There are people I know I wouldn't vibe with from the start, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we just have a different sense of humor or whatever.
Who did you last hold hands with? Not holding hands per se but I did grab Celeste's arm when we crossed the street a week ago because I was scared lol.
What sounds help you sleep? Talking sounds. It's why I always need to have a vlog on when I turn in.
Do you have a loud or more soft laugh? I mean, I have both. I just choose whatever I use depending on the situation hahaha.
Tell me your best pick up line. I never use them.
What's a song that reminds you of warm weather? Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj, cos of the music video haha. Also Slide Away by Miley Cyrus.
Do you have any interest in fairies? Nope.
What's the last refreshing drink you had? Soju.
Do you name your plants? I don't own any plants, but I can imagine myself naming them if I ever got into plants as a hobby.
Do you like to dip your fries in a frosty or ice cream? I guess you can say that! I like dipping mine in a hot fudge sundae :)
Do you prefer staying in cuddled up or going out for a date? Both sound delightful. It depends on what I need on a given day.
Cookies or brownies? Cookies.
What is something you are proud of? My writing.
Are you a fan of musicals? No.
Do you like lemonade? Do you add anything to it? I never get to encounter it and when I do, I mean it's nothing special. I neither like nor dislike it.
Are you more of a fast talker or do you talk more slow? Fast. It only changes if I'm actively thinking while speaking, which can sometimes happen when I'm working and get faced with a question that I'm not sure how to answer right off the bat.
Is there anyone who makes you smile no matter what mood you're in? Honestly, it's hard to imagine not smiling around my best friends unless they do something that directly pisses me off.
What are some inanimate objects or things in general that have the same energy or vibe? I'm not sure if I'm answering the question right, but Monday for me gives off the color red. Tuesday is green, Wednesday is blue, Thursday is gray(???), Friday is yellow.
What is something that is quick to cheer you up? BTS has a grip on me like you wouldn't believe.
Have you ever stargazed with someone? I guess. My class had an overnight stargazing activity in school so you can say I stargazed with the rest of my classmates? Hahaha.
If you were royalty, what would you like to be addressed as? Just my name. I'd 100% be begging people to just call me by my name.
Are there any foods you could eat daily and never get sick of? Probably fries.
Are there any things coming up that you have to travel for? It's not a crazy long travel but I have a concert in November that I have to travel all the way south for. Anything that requires a toll gate is far enough for me so I'm counting that haha.
What was a time when you have laughed so hard you cried? My family and I laughed to high heavens over this TikTok video.
Plan a good day. I'm back in Bangkok, have my Viber notifs on mute, and am not thinking about how many days I have left til I'm back in Manila.
What would you do with $10,000 right now? Keep it safe in my account.
If you had to create an alter ego for yourself, what would they be like and what's their name? They would be a person more confident and prepared for the aforementioned promotion that I'm headed towards. I swear I'm getting out the first chance I get...
What's one of your biggest accomplishments today? Angela planned a last-minute dinner (it was the evening of her birthday eve) so I had to think quickly for a birthday gift hehe. I ended up giving her a self-care kit since she's been stressed with work recently – a dog stuffed toy whose proceeds go to a local shelter with every purchase; a couple of Katinko bottles for when her shoulders or back get sore; and a reed diffuser.
Do you believe in reincarnation? why or why not? No. I just don't find much pleasure or fulfilment thinking of existential stuff like that so I don't bother.
What relative are you closest with? My sister and eldest cousin on my mom's side.
Do you have any recurring dreams? Not really.
What last had you startled? My car hit this extremely, extremely low curb earlier today when I tried to turn towards the gas station haha. Even the gas station attendants got shaken up HAHAHA.
What emotion have you experienced most lately? DREAD. Anxiety. Nausea (not an emotion but still?). Eugh.
Let's say there are no obstacles preventing this.. What would you do for the rest of your life? Travel to every art exhibition in the world. Write about things I'm passionate about. Own an animal shelter.
What last made you feel proud? Seeing Yeontan being brought on stage by Taehyung when he performed on one of the music shows earlier this evening haha. I'm pretty easy to please.
What's an odd phobia someone you know has? Not a phobia per se but the Filipino superstition of pagpag has always struck me as odd. I don't follow it and will not voluntarily do it, but then again everyone drags me to do it nonetheless so I just go with the flow as it's just 5 minutes of my time, haha.
What did you last search online? Zayn Malik's Zap tattoo as my friends and I were talking about tattoos earlier.
Do you have any ghost stories you've experienced? No.
If you were to be a food, what would you be and why? Idk, I don't really match personalities to food.
When did you last dust your home? I'm not in charge of dusting but I did sweep the floor, which is what I usually take care of, earlier this evening before leaving to see some friends.
If you could pick an age to stop aging at, what would you choose? I wouldn't choose any.
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werewolf-witchboy · 3 years
Tokoyami Fumikage X Male Reader
Being A Witch Boy And Dating Tokoyami
WARNINGS: none uwu
Being a witch has nothing to do with your quirk, you just like practicing the dark arts and witchy things.
I'm not going to mention what your quirk is, so you can imagine that you have whatever quirk you want, or you can imagine yourself as someone without a quirk.
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💀 Tokoyami had been fascinated with your hobby of witchcraft ever since he met you. He was most fascinated with the fact that your actual quirk has nothing to do with how your witchcraft works.
🕯 He had already thought you were cute before, and he had been in that time of his life where he was starting to question his sexuality a little- but after you showed him your witchy interests, he fell hard for you.
💀 He may be a dark and edgy birb boi, but he's also quite shy and awkward. He probably would have never confronted you about his crush if you hadn't told him your feelings for him first.
🕯 When y'all started dating, literally everyone was like "FINALLY!!" cuz it was super obvious that the two of you were meant for each other.
💀 When it comes to what type of witch you are, i'd say you're a witch of all traits.
-You love dark and spooky things, but you also love pastel colors and nature.
-Your room in the class 1A dorm is most likely full of plants, candels, a variety of antiques and trinkets, and shit that you can't buy at stores until it's around Halloween time.
🕯 Tokoyami likes to ask many questions about all of the different types of things you do, and he actually pays attention and is super interested. You'll even teach him some new things, and show him how to do them himself.
💀 You love Dark Shadow as much as you love Tokoyami himself. Though they're both very different in personality, you find them both charming and adorable (despite them both saying they're not "adorable," they're dark and spoopy lmao).
🕯 He also loves your animal familiar.
-Your familiar rarely comes out of your bedroom. Since you're dating Tokoyami, you allow him in your room (which means a lot more than he probably thinks it does, cuz spaces where witches do their magic and recharging are very sacred to them) so he gets to see your familiar quite often.
💀 It's rare for familiars to show affection to anyone that isn't their bonded witch, but your familiar absolutely loves Tokoyami.
-They'll hop onto his lap immediately as soon as he sits down in your room.
🕯 Both you and Tokoyami thrive in the darkness, so there are often times where you both hang around in your dimly lit room cuddled up together just talking all day (or even sometimes laying there in comfortable silence).
-You'll be in there together for so long that all of your friends will start questioning where you're both at, and not even realize that you're just in your room.
💀 He obviously likes you a whole lot, but he's super bad at saying it with words. He's just shy and bashful. BUT THEN DARK SHADOW EXPOSES HIM LMAO-
-You'll be standing there looking super cute, and Tokoyami will just stare at you and want to say something so badly. Then Dark Shadow appears and is all like "wOw yOu'Re sUpEr hOt" and Tokoyami just dies right there in the very spot he's standing cuz he can't believe that just happened.
🕯 That's another thing- Tokoyami stares at you a LOT. He even did it before y'all started dating, but now he doesn't even try to hide it.
-You barely noticed at first, but once you started noticing how often you catch him staring at you, you can't help but tease him a little.
-You'll stare at him back, directly in the eyes, and he'll get super flustered and embarrassed.
-Then to calm him down and make him feel less embarrassed, you'll giggle at his flustered-ness and give him a lil beak kiss...which just makes him even more flustered.
💀 He's definitely the type who wants to be a total romantic, and speak all poem-like to you, and shower you with praises, ect. BUT he gets so flustered when it comes to affection, and second-guesses himself when it comes to his ideas of showing affection.
-He's scared of coming off too strong, or seeming to clingy, or even not doing enough, so he never really gets the chance to act out any of how he wants to show affection- and to top it all off he can't help but be absolutely smitten every time you give him affection of any sort, and he'll not know how to react to it.
🕯 You never call him out on his shyness or how he reacts to your affection, you're not offended with any way he reacts to you. You think it's super cute how innocent he seems when it comes to all of this, and of course you encourage any time he gets a little bit of confidence to hold your hand or compliment you (without the help of Dark Shadow lol).
💀 His feathers get all ruffled when he's flustered, and OMFG it's too cute. 🥺😭
🕯 Something that he loves so much is when you borrow his clothes. Because for him, it's kind of a way to show affection towards you without being super direct about it.
-So him being like "you're cold? here, wear my sweatshirt" translates to "TAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME, KEEP IT FOREVER, I LOVE YOU FJSKDJFHR-"
💀 Don't come @ me- Tokoyami listens to death metal, but he'd totally vibe with something like kpop if you introduced him to it.
-He's definitely a Loona stan.
🕯 Highkey though, now that I think of it- he probably also listens to Joji and Billie Eilish.
-Like, really moody sad boi hours indie music.
-He'd have Will He playing in his headphones, and he'd be all edgy and in his feelings, but he'd also be doing something like baking cookies at the same time lmfao.
-He'd have a playlist named "songs to cry to," but he'd be listening to it while knitting sweaters for puppies or something.
💀 No, you didn't ask me what kind of music that I think Tokoyami listens to, but you got it anyway. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
🕯 If he's at a store, and sees something kinda spooky looking that makes him think of you, he'd quickly get it and think all day of giving it to you, and he'd want to watch you add it to your collection of lil trinkets and antiques.
-....But he'd chicken out so hard I stg.
-This poor baby would rehearse how he'd give it to you in his head over and over again, and then when the time comes to give it to you, he'd get suddenly so tongue-tied and worried if you'd actually like it or not.
-But, of course, you love whatever he gets you every time. Your always super surprised when he gets you something, cuz it's not your birthday or any special day, and you never expect gifts from people.
-Every time you accept a gift from him, you always want to squeal, tackle him, and shower him with kisses- but you resist doing so with all of your being, cuz you know he'd malfunction.
-Instead you very profoundly thank him many times, and give him one especially loving kiss.
-Seeing your extra surprised and happy reaction always relieves him so much, and it makes him want to do it all over again and gift you a whole shop full of trinkets. His lack of hundreds of dollars is the only thing that stops him.
💀 You're the type of person who wears a lot of black, and scatters bright colors here and there within your look. Your style ranges from goth to pastel e-boy.
🕯 You don't like to change other people's styles or tell other people what to wear, but every once in a while, Tokoyami expresses an interest in dressing like you- which you go NUTS over.
-You'll let him borrow your pastel sweaters, and he'll let you put bright colored hairclips in his feathers.
-He now even owns some pastel colored clothing of his own, that you either gifted him or he secretly bought himself at some point.
💀 He used to be shy about changing up his style every once in a while at first. Whenever you'd take pictures of him wearing bright clothes, he'd softly ask you not to show them to any of the others.
-Eventually he became confident enough to go out in public those rare days he'd wear bright colors, and everyone is always super supportive of the different style.
🕯 He had never been in a relationship with another guy before he started dating you.
-He started questioning his sexuality around the time he started high school, but it was never a priority at first because he was more focused on working hard to get into U.A. and thinking about his future being a hero.
-aNd tHeN hE mEt yOu, and now we're here lol.
-ANYWAYS, y'all go to pride parades together.
-Something he isn't shy about is his sexuality, cuz as soon as he realized how he felt about you, he was all in and that was that.
-Y'all go all out for parades with face and body paint, and shirts with your flags on them, and even sometimes bringing signs and flags to hold up and wave around.
-Some of your friends will come with the two of you, whether they're there because they're also lgbtq+ or just because they support it.
-It's the most social the two of you are the entire year, cuz your both introverted lil emos that don't really talk to many people outside of class 1A.
💀 So yeah- I think Tokoyami is highly underrated and I'm extremely soft for him. He's an emo birb boi, what is not to love.
-I believe in emo birb boi supremacy.
-Rise all Tokoyami stans, we shall take over the entire anime world someday.
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altheterrible · 2 years
This came up in my Facebook memories from 2008. Thought it would be fun to do it again almost 15 years later.
1) What should we call you?
Al the Terrible
2) Have you ever showered with someone?
not in any way that was remotely enjoyable.
3) Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
Lol no
4) Are you a male or a female?
5) Was last New Year's Eve enjoyable?
Not really. It was a struggle to stay up until midnight.
6) Are you high?
Unfortunately, no
7) McDonalds or KFC?
They offer totally different products. Generally I'll choose McDonald's though.
8) Burger King or Wendys?
Wendy's, I guess. They have better nuggets.
9) Target or Walmart?
Meijer, usually. I mean, I'm there all the time anyway.
10) What time is it?
2:13 AM
11) Would you ever become a vegetarian?
I hate vegetables, is the thing. So probably not.
12) What is your desktop picture?
13) Can you swim well?
Not at all. Having only one functioning lung makes swimming pretty hard for me, and dangerous to boot. I don't float very well.
14) Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris?
Hard pass on both. Japan has serious issues with misogyny and France has issues with snobbery.
15) Do you have a guitar in your house?
Yes, a bright orange electric guitar. I also have a blue electric bass.
16) Are you listening to music right now?
Nope, might turn some on though.
17) Who else is in the room with you?
Sev the Cat is asleep on my rocking chair.
18) How long can you go without your phone?
Oh, roughly 32 seconds. I'm a dopamine addict.
19) Do you have any enemies?
None who are aware they're my enemies.
20) What last made you sad?
A billboard for a pet cremation service.
21) Is the person you last kissed younger than you?
He was 14 years old, small, with black fur, yellow eyes, and four legs.
22) Last person talked to on the phone and what did they say?
My doctor's office, I was trying to get them to call in a refill for a med.
23) What is your favorite commercial you've ever seen?
The one I've watched the most is probably the KISS Pepsi commercial. I was obsessed as a teenager.
24) Who last grabbed your ass?
Some drunk creep at work. Love working nights.
25) Do you eat raw cookie dough?
26) Don't you hate it when the radio ruins songs by over-playing?
My job plays like the same 25 songs over the PA, most of which I've never listened to voluntarily but nevertheless know all their words.
27) How do you eat oreos?
Generally I don't, but when I do I like to dip them in milk.
28) Are you cocky?
Lol no. I have no faith in my own abilities and will be the first person to express doubt about my capabilities.
29) Could you live without a computer?
I very rarely use an actual computer anymore, mostly I use my tablet.
30) At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
Wait, he's not?
31) What do you do when you're sad?
Do things to make myself even more sad, to the point that it's ridiculous how dramatic I'm being, and I can laugh about it.
32) Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
my sister
33) Is anyone on your bad side now?
I don't have a bad side, I'm a friendly, happy, kind person 100% of the time.
34) What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
Take my morning meds.
35) Will you keep your last name when you get married?
I was thinking if I ever get married, I'll use the opportunity to choose a new last name. I'm a fan of MacKenna
36) Do you return your cart?
Sometimes. Sometimes I put it directly behind someone else's car to be a dick.
37) What brand are your pants/shorts right now?
I think I got them at Walmart, they're really ugly gray sweatpants
38) What irritates you most on the internet?
Videos that autoplay with sound. God, is there anything more awful?
39) Do you like sushi?
I've never had it, but I don't like it as a concept.
Gonna tag people who should do this because I think old fashioned surveys need to come back. @wardinpanties @severinw93 @lifewithchronicpain @theresnocureforcuriosity @westgateoh do it and tag 5 people!
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meyeselph · 3 years
Gwenpool: Desperate Misanthrope's Confused Angst
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Ms. Pool woke up in a familiar room. Not in Krakoa - there are no mutants around. This isn’t a story about that. Look, honestly, without an actual Gwenpool series and the constant breaks in her comics appearance I can’t even begin to give a fuck. I cancelled my marvel universe subbie. I might get back to my stories but single issues are iffy. I read fast and don’t pore over the artwork. So I get 10 minutes of entertainment for….FIVE DOLLARS? When did this happen? Jeezus.
Who even reads comics anymore?
Anyway, long story short, Gwen got out of bed and recognized the room as her old one from the “old times.” The dark times. The ‘not running around in pink and white outfits and shooting people’ times. She panicked (Been there. It is what it is though). The only way out of trauma is through.
She dressed in old clothes, immediately hit by old smells, she couldn’t help but cry. Was it all a dream? Have I gone insane (again)? All the usual self doubts cropped up. I mean, really, if you think this kind of thing didn’t pass through her mind regularly why don’t you transport yourself to a comic book universe?
Oh, you can’t?
Oh. It isn’t actually possible for you and I’m stupid for suggesting it. So, yeah. If it actually happened and you kept that attitude then the logical assumption for a normie is a mental breakdown. Trick for Gwen, though, is it's probably always been both real and her being nuts.
So she goes downstairs to the kitchen to figure out why this is happening and Evil Gwen is having cereal. Let's say cocoa puffs. I’ve been thinking about those recently. You ever remember cereal as something worth cherishing. Not as just bullshit that TV convinced you to want? God damn, now I want Cookie Crisp. Cookie Crisp wasn’t even ever that good. Why do I want Cookie Crisp?
So also sitting around the table were the faceless versions of her father, mother, and her brother. Just chilling. No BD. Seen Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind?
Yes, I know that references aren’t jokes - fuck you, I’m painting a picture and I CAN’T PAINT, THAT’S WHY THIS ISN’T A COMIC. Fucks sake. Anyway. So, Gwen is so creeped out that she just sits her butt down by Evil Gwen as if she’s the comforting presence here.
Her name’s too long. Let’s call Evil Gwen uh…….Gren. You know, like Grendel from Beowulf. I haven’t actually read Beowulf and this is all a little confusing but I'm solving problems here. Writing this is harder for me than you would think so it’s best to keep things flowing off the cuff. That’s the Gwenpool™ style anyway, isn’t it? Are you laughing yet? IMPROV. “YES AND” MY SHIT, READER!
“So, you ever really look into the retconned past thing, hun?” Gren said, moving her tongue around her food. Being gross as an attempt to be properly evil. She swallowed before continuing. “This is all I could really put together on short notice but i’m pretty sure what the future people created, all that stuff to try and trick you, it was all bullshit.”
“What do you mean? Are you trying to convince me to go all psycho like you again?” Gwen asked, exasperated, realizing she was now back in the whole ‘fuck with Gwen to decide her fate’ song and dance routine from the end of her first arc.
“Nah, not really.” Gren said. A hammer appeared in her hands out of nowhere and Gren swung it into their fake father’s head, snapping his neck..
“DAD!” Gwen instinctively cried as she saw her father’s body slump to the floor. Gren slapped Gwen’s face. “That’s it,” Gren said, “this is what the trick was.This is a poorly created character in a fictional story. Meant to manipulate you into attaching your concept of “father” to it. Even his finished version in the original comics run wasn’t THAT well drawn. Your dad read like a boomer’s idea of a responsible parent. You were going through a mental crisis and struggling to find purpose in life and his genius idea was get a shitty low paying job and suck it up?”
Gren turned to their brother, pushed his face to the table and smashed the back of his skull. . “Brother dearest, too. Going right along with their victim blaming. He gaslighted you as if what you were going through was just you being ‘irresponsible.’ Bitch, people working a minimum wage job aren’t somehow not impoverished and miserable because they get some of that ‘honest work’ that folks keep badgering on about. Minimum wage work is occupied by many physically and mentally disabled people held hostage; they’re people society only pretends to care about. Then they turn it all into you acting like some world ending threat. No questions about what drove you to the edge in the first place. You are just ‘unstable,’ so you’re just a problem to be solved. They say, ‘Let’s all solve this girl being upset and on edge by ruining her concept of self, reality, and memory.’ Brilliant!”
Gwen barely processed this in horror. Gren then slit the poor facsimile of their mother’s throat while continuing to rant, “You see people die all the time, Gwen. Half of the time you are doing the killing. You do it because it’s in a story. In a story the NPCs don’t matter and, after all, your original schtick in the story was to be kill-crazy. The non-marketable characters can be replaced or retconned at the stroke of the artist’s pen.” Gren leans forward as she pulls a Gwenpool mask over Gwens face. “Then the writers convince you that you have some middle class milk toast family and you take abuse and subsume your emotional needs because the problem MUST be you. You aren’t ‘normal’ so you have to be fixed.”
Gwen wiped her eyes over the mask and sighed. A bit of fire filled her gut as she stared at Gren. “So fucking what? You want me to go on a killing spree and be a big time villain to get myself a nice, shiny permanent big bad status? That’s how I stay around right? Just build my legacy on bodies?”
Gren scoffed “You already lost that fight, girly. Where do you think we are? Because this ain’t Marvel Comics.”
Confused, Gwen blinked and tried reaching for the page margins, finding nothing. Wait….why was everything on this page so ill defined and undetailed? Wait? Why was the story in kinda wobbly third person past tense?
Gwen sighed “Oh. I’m in a fanfic. I guess the publishing fight is for another day eh?”
“My advice, personally,” Gren stated, “is that you consider the lobster.”
“Wait, what the fuck?”
Gren pulled aside the kitchen curtains revealing the face of a giant lobster, its claws tapping on the glass. The lobster muttering gutterally about personal responsibility.
“Because there’s a couple thousand giant lobsters outside that would like to claw you until you read their book.”
Scared of Girls
On the rooftop, Gren shoved a high powered rifle into Gwen’s hands while she handled the close range threats. So, this conversation they’re about to have is important. Sniping puts Gwen into a sort of zen space, so that’s a better task to keep her focused, after all.
“So, what? You wanted me to internalize that my “origin story” is bullshit? Okay, what does that accomplish, then?” Gwen asked in a bit of a deadpan. She was so tired today. Not really feeling her happy go lucky energy. More like a “happy go fucky” energy. It was hard to always be on a knife's edge. Still the rifle’s kick into her shoulder was satisfying as she blew through two of the creepy looking lobsters at once. “Also, why the lobsters?”
Gren considered this. “Okay, last question first, I had to experiment a lot and do a lot of research to construct this place for your learning and healing in fanfic form....These buddies are a failed experiment of mine that I repurposed because the fic needed more action. Isn’t that right, giant enemy crap?” As she peppers the nearest goon with a hail of shotgun pellets the entire throng of them burst out, sharply muttering about divine symbols.
“As for what I'm trying to teach you, it’s that you aren’t reaching your potential.” Gren grumpily huffed.
“Duh,” Gwen reloads, “I mean you just killed a mannequin version of the voice in my head that says that to me every day.” one of those crustaceans talks about feminine symbolism while she decides on her next target.
“Not like fake daddy’s ‘Be a responsible member of society by paying your taxes’ type of potential. I mean your creative and emotional potential.” Gren flipped off the slavering throng of monsters, noticing they were starting to keep their distance from the roof.
“I never did finish that fanfic idea I had.” Gwen mused.
“God, don’t mention that,” Gren thrusts a finger at Gwenpool. “Not that I don’t respect fanfic, but when comic book writers make you and Kamala squee about fanfiction to try and relate to “the kids” it comes across as so condescending.”
“Really? I mean…..I'm sure it’s meant as support for the concept?”
“Most fucking superhero comics are just legalized fanfiction! The people who created the characters are either long gone or working on someone else’s characters! They just think they are so much better because they got fucking paid. They can’t imagine themselves as on the same playing field as fanficcers even though most of them have the same level of connection to the roots of the work as anyone else.” Gren groused loudly as she seemed to pull Reed Richards out of nowhere.
Confused, Reed looked around until his eyes met Gwen’s.“Oh great, you again.” Reed groaned as he turned to survey the piles of lobster gibs while Gwen cheered the lobster forces’ retreat with a resounding “EDF, EDF!”. The scattered creatures skittered amongst the bland scenery. It looked like a suburban neighborhood but someone forgot to color in the sky….or write that the sky had color. A castle hung out in the distance breaking up the generic normalcy and lay cloaked in shadow despite being surrounded by an endless white void.
“And…..black….you?” Reed pointed to Gren, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I have an evil future self….well I stopped that future so it’s an….evil...alternate timeline self?” Gwen said with a nervous chuckle, abandoning the kill quest for the minute and rested her rifle on the roof.
“Ah. Yeah I’ve been down that road. It’s a rather common occurrence. Multiverse being what it is.” Reed laughed heartily while putting his hands on his hips.
“I’m not sure I’m evil, honestly,” Gren interjected. “I think I’m just really fucking grumpy and I’m slightly more gung-ho on the homicide. Considering Gwen’s already one of the more kill crazy characters on the roster it’s not that much of a distinction.” Gren flipped her cape. “My main distinction is I don’t like that meme from The Incredibles! You can just make it so the cape detaches automatically when it’s pulled hard enough!”
“You could still have it tangled up around your face.” Reed pointed out in his standard know-it-all fashion.
“Don’t make me go into fuck wife mode, stretch.” Gren spat. “Okay, anyway, so I brought him here to illustrate a point. Reed. Explain particle physics to me as a laymen.”
“Huh...i’m not sure why but okay. Particle physics (also known as high energy physics) is a branch of physics that studies the nature of the particles that constitute matter and radiation. Although the word particle can refer to various types of very small objects (e.g. protons, gas particles, or even household dust), particle physics usually investigates the irreducibly smallest detectable particles and the fundamental interactions necessary to explain their behaviour. In current understanding, these elementary particles are excitations of the quantum fields that also govern their interactions. The currently dominant theory explaining these fundamental particles and fields, along with their dynamics, is called the Standard Model. Thus, modern particle physics generally investigates the Standard Model and its various possible extensions, e.g. to the newest "known" particle, the Higgs boson, or even to the oldest known force field, gravity.” Reed rattled this off rather mechanically.
Gren then took out her phone and showed Gwen the Wikipedia article on “Particle Physics,” which is naturally the same words that Reed had regurgitated above, just without any formatting and, again, on a phone.
“Reed can’t be a genius in any subject unless he’s written by a genius in that subject. That’s how stories work. Everyone is limited by the understanding and capabilities of the writer. Same with your origin story and all the people you’ve interacted with. If you are as ‘meta’ as you think you are then you have to realize that you aren’t actually talking to people. You are talking to the writer. Dr. Strange didn’t rewrite your existence to be a part of the Marvel Universe. As far as most of Marvel continuity goes Dr. Strange was never there and doesn’t know or care about his MCU casting…..Hey Reed, buzz off please before the conversation pivots to why you haven’t cured all known diseases.”
Reed looked a little surprised but then pulled out a teleportation device (of course he has one) and blipped away with a shrug.
“How awkward is that going to be when he enters the MCU after Kamala is already introduced with a very similar power set?” Gwen chuckled.
“Keep up the way you’ve been going and you’ll never see it. I’m not exactly expecting a young blonde girl casting call for Deadpool 3 and that’s your best bet.” Gren snarked. Gwen winced with a sigh.
“I don’t get what I'm doing wrong. I have a fanbase comparable to some of the characters that have already shown up but I can’t even get comics written about me most of the time. An MCU push seems unlikely. They would literally have to deal with completely recontextualizing my powers and gimmick”
“Let’s ask her what you should do.” Gren motioned her way to the suddenly appearing long hair future Gwen, looming over them like The Attack of the 50 foot Woman for some reason. Dwarfing the roof they are on. Let’s call her BIGwen!
Gold Guns Girls
As BIGwen acclimated to her surroundings she stubbed her toe on a car, dramatically flipping it so that it took out a few more lobsters before caving in a nearby house. The lamentations about clean rooms soaring as the remaining couple dozen of them attempt to clean up some of the bodies of their fallen kin. The large and sort-of-in-charge Gwen hissed in pain and adjusted her boot. Getting her balance as best as possible she muttered curses that traveled rather well considering the lung capacity of a giant.
“You know,” Gren started, “I wasn’t expecting much from our previous uses of the ‘make her big for emphasis’ trick, but it really does only work as a vague ghostly background element. I didn’t just want it to be ‘oh, here's a third Gwen for the conversation, though. Would lack umph.”
“ Yeah, I get it, but staring at my own giant taint is unsettling.” Gwen muttered.
“I’d still, hit it.” Gren grinned, then immediately got punched in the arm. “OWWW! Look, I’m the evil one here and we’re in a fanfic. I’m allowed to make internet fetish jokes.”
“And I’m allowed to hit you for it.”.
“Dirty lampshading goody two shoes. Don’t act like half your fanbase isn’t thirsty. It’s “insert current year argument”, all art is sexy to someone.” Gren complained back,rubbing her arm before hopping off the roof. Gwen followed while listening as patiently as she could considering how many changes in topic her evil-caped self is going through to get to her point. “This chick is the reason you’ve been on the path of good girl. Some vague idea that in the future everything will work out for the best. HEY, DOWN HERE, BIG SHOW!” Gren waved at BIGwen and she looked down curiously.
“Yeah what??” BIGwen responded in a booming and agitated tone. Honestly, being in this fic made every version of Gwen a little grumpy.
“How’s she supposed to be a popular hero that makes it into the MCU and has a stable publication history?” Gren asked.
“Fuck if I know.” Came BIGwen’s response. “Have you tried growing your hair out?”
“Rub it in,” Gwen muttered under her breath, “I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of depressed now.” Gwen said as she sat on an abandoned car.
Gren hopped on the roof of the car, patting Gwen’s shoulder before squatting with enough force to flex the car’s shocks like a rocking chair just to amuse herself. “Future “good” Gwen wasn’t an actual plot point, it was a call to action to the fans to make fanfic like this and support the character outside of the actual Canon. Chris didn’t trust that Marvel would treat the character right. That, and your obsession with getting a new book, are both the writer’s attempt to turn a marketing tactic into fan engagement. If you want to be real then that makes the fans want you to be real even more, too.”
Gwen sighs heavily and leans her chin on one hand. “I mean...the time traveling through the life of an NPC fan complete with a Never Ending Story reference was a bit sappy even by the standard we sometimes set...damn it it really was just kind of a fan manipulation trick wasn’t it?”
BIGwen Sat down on the street next to them and crossed her legs. “Hey, little me. Don’t get too down. I mean it worked for the most part. You have a healthy cult following. Characters have survived on less and there are worse things to be known for then as a fan first character”
“But I have to fight for attention all the damn time, though. It’s so easy for Wade with his fucking meme bullshit. He even gets runoff enthusiasm from me. Jeff the land shark is all over Oldpool online” Gwen felt rather heavy and tired all of a sudden. Marvel editorial forcing a gun to your head is not a fun way to be.
“All that fight is hell on the fanbase too.” Gren sighed. “Advocating for shit, getting crumbs and being expected to accept it while Disney lavishes all the attention based on some bullshit numbers game. Even if you make it into the MCU will it be a Batroc style cameo with obligatory ‘killed off in case we don’t feel like paying the actor again later.’ Will it be an emotionally rounded character or an ambush bug style joke? The thing is. You're Not the one fighting and you never were.”
“The fuck do you mean?”
“This version of her doesn’t know?” BIGwen whimpered.
“You aren’t real, Gwen.”
Head Like a Haunted House
“No….we aren’t having this conversation. Fuck you fuck you i’m not a fucking Nihlist and i’m not going to do this right now.” Gwen said as she scrambled off of the car and pulled out some guns. BIGwen then picked her up off the ground.
“You need to hear this, Gwen,” BIGwen boomed. “The gimmick has run its course. It’s fucking with your canon. You’re never going to be a marketable character keeping up a half fourth-wall Kayfabe”
Gren climbed onto BIGwen’s Shoulders and perched over Gwen all menacing like. “You need to listen. I’ve been trying to ease you into this. Making things more meta slowly until you were ready but it was never going to be easy.”
One of Gwen’s guns was fired from it’s holster and pierced one of BIGwen’s fingers. BIGwen screamed and her grip loosened. Soon Gwen was on the move running up her arm and firing at Gren, who dodged like the nimble and cute badass she is. “Don’t do this Gwen. Just because it doesn’t matter to the comic version of you doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter.”
“I’m a real person god damn it! I read the comics out there! I came in! That’s why I know shit I shouldn't know. That’s what I am! THAT’S ALL I AM!” Gwen shrieked as she pulled out a sword from hammer-space and decapitated BIGwen. Suddenly a mess of colored streamers and a pile of Mickey Mouse merch tumbled out. Look, I am busy right now. Gwen is still slashing at my ass. I'm not going to explain it.
For some reason now the remaining lobsters were helping Gren. For Gwen’s own good you understand. This is proof that I’m right for some reason.
Gwen pulled out a revolver, firing pumpkin sized holes in lobsters who were still wailing about self actualization. She fully planned on shoving a sword up her evil self’s ass and getting rid of this doppelganger shit for good. Which is total bullshit by the way. She totally just cut off Gren’s leg because what the fuck you mean I’m not real? I’m going to be real all over your corpse.
Gren didn’t really think that was even a good comeback and also thought you should probably say it instead of meta willing the smack talk into existence, otherwise this fanfic is going to read like trash. Also, Gren’s leg wasn’t actually cut off. In a puff of smoke it is revealed that the cut off leg is a log and her leg is fine. Gren is a ninja now, believe it.
Gwen proceeded to do a sick ass CQC judo throw on Gren and then grab her cape and wrap it around her face like Reed suggested. Callbacks for the win! Callbacks to Checkov’s gun ideas always lead to victory in fights! She then totally shot at her and such.
But the bullet was caught by the cape because the cape was a symbiote! That’s right Gren is also GRENOM!...boy that sounds stupid. Anywho, the cape was no longer around her face and the fight continued and Gren now ALSO had extra powers and special wizard-symbiote armor (that would only show up in the MCU version if Marvel finally got the Sony characters back). The meta powers work like shit in text but this would be really good in CGI or animation if Marvel wanted to adapt this fic and give the writer lots of money. Gren still has more experience with them, though, and Gwen can’t really just kill her way out of this fic so she has to just let the story play out.
…...eh?....oh Gwen’s crying. I love/am you girl but we gotta work on the crying. Fucks sake this is harder than I thought. I’m depressed now too. Well I'll try to get the writing back on track so you guys can see what is going on. Even the lobsters are minding their manners now. Chill vibes, guys.
“The marvel character page for Gwenpool says, and I quote:
Gwenpool arrived in the Marvel Universe from the “real world,” but has wasted no time in making the most of her time in her fictional universe. Using her knowledge of comics to her advantage, Gwenpool causes and solves problems for her fellow heroes.”
Gren drags a lobster corpse slowly toward Gwen and sits on its tail as she talks to her. Taking her time to really scrape the lobster against the ground, smearing the gore on the pavement. Not that it was heavy for her or anything. Totally still has that symbiote, which would make moving it easy. Totally wasn’t a detail added in the second revision of the fic slightly before the lobsters were added.
“The words “Real world” are in quotation marks in that wiki. Real people don’t make it into comics because fiction isn’t real. Half of your versions barely make use of the ‘real person’ gimmick because it’s too meta by half and not every writer wants to waste time justifying it. So they just treat it like Deadpool’s medium awareness. Which it mostly is.”
“I really am just a fucking rip off distaff character.” Gwen moans. “Just a Gwen combined with a Pool. I’m worse than the Batman who laughs. I never mattered because I was never real”
“Fuck don’t say that. You were made with love and care by a team of creators who took a weird offshoot idea and built out a compelling metafiction idea and a likeable protagonist off of it. They just didn’t have the time and foresight to go far enough.” Gren sighed.
“Far enough?” Gwen sniffed as she was pulled up to her feet and dragged toward one of the big castles. As they walked Gren kicked along a Mickey Mouse doll that had rolled out of BIGwen’s severed head. Every time it bounced it cheerfully said ‘hahah. I love you!’
“Too much haha, not enough trauma. You’re not just a joke character.” Gren said as she kicked the Mickey doll into the big front door of the castle. The shadowy thing of course lighting up and being all fantasy and shit as the door opened.
“Well I did end both of my comic runs pretty mopey.”
“Damn right you did. When the jokes run thin they run to your real bread and butter. You’re an empathy machine.” As Gren shoves Gwen through the gate they are swallowed up in the castle, going dark again. “Let’s getcha sad clown on.”
Never there
“See, what evil me should have been telling you about in the original run is how to find meaning and purpose when technically nothing means anything. Comic book characters live in a world without real death and suffering. It’s all a puppet show version of real pain and real emotion meant to bring that out of an audience.” Gren opined as they walked through a black void to a couch floating in a nothing area lit only by the static of an old TV.
“Can we turn on a light?” Gwen asked as she sat on the couch. Gren sat on another recliner that suddenly appeared and put her feet up.
“Fuck off. Ambiance is a thing. We aren’t having a ‘lights on with something fun on the TV’ conversation. So look, I am not really ‘evil gwen.’ I’m half an author insert and half a plot device. If we are talking about the reality of the story you are basically talking to yourself. I am speaking about the things you don’t want to admit to yourself. You know, you’ve seen this kind of story sorta... right?” Gren picked up the remote and frustratedly changed channels between a bunch of vaguely illustrative footage on the TV, not finding anything that worked. A lot of black and white footage of trains for some reason. Just what comes to mind when I think of documentary footage? Weird.
“I am not sure how to illustrate this shit visually and this is a text story anyway so I would have to explain the illustration,” Gren griped.
“I basically get it. It’s not that uncommon a trope.” Gwen nodded.
“Because of the level of meta we are on right now we have to really acknowledge that you are basically an author insert, too. I mean, to a certain extent every version of you is more the writer that is working with your character at the time than a set character.” Gren said as she settled on a visual of Gwen being pushed out the window by her own narration text in the original comic run. When all else fails, resort to footage from the last story. That way people can look it up online!
“Right here is where the character crystallized in the mind of the author of the current fic we are in. A vague suicide metaphor wrapped up in the flavor of self destructive escapism. Your parents in the story thought it was a suicide attempt on at least some level. This is serious business. Not just a girl who doesn’t like work and can’t finish her fanfic. In this comic you are built on this understanding. The writer of this fic has ADHD and autism. So his version of you more or less has it, too. Writers bring themselves with them into their work.”
Gwen nods and takes a deep breath. “I….I can feel it. Like the world is closing around you. You aren’t built for anything that anyone wants from you. The one thing you really believe in, the one thing that really defines you, the stories in your head…..it’s just not enough.
You can’t trust you’ll ever make it with writing because you can barely write. You barely have the energy to do anything but wish that you weren’t you. What if someone actually listened? Actually believed in you and whisked you away somewhere else where the world would fit your needs? What if you were someplace you could be someone else, someone strong and confident?”
“Yeah. Like a funny anti hero in a comic for instance.” Gren nodded. “But the original comics sort of left the theme on the table. They were captured by the misconception of Gwen as the problem and not a person who needed help. All that desperation that real fans of the character might feel just bundled up into love for this character that really ‘gets’ them but Marvel doesn’t ‘get’ the character. They won't use her. They won’t go past vaguely gesturing at her mental issues and moving on. They saved the angst for Wandavision.” Gren scoffs.
“I mean the show was okay but they literally have a character built entirely on the theme of escapism and trauma. One that’s custom built for mind-screw visuals and reality bending plots and they think she’s just a lazy fangirl who really likes guns that they can sit beside Deadpool sometimes and stick in the X-Men’s bloated background character roster when they don’t need her.”
Gren leads Gwen off the couch and deeper into the void where a door to a bedroom waits. A room like her own, absolutely slopping over with old toys of comic book characters. An unclean messy space in a run-down house that smells faintly of cigarette smoke. Huddled in bed, reading an 80s era X-men comic with a flashlight, is a 12 year old Gwen.
“This is never going to be canon but this is the version of Gwen in this fic. She can’t stop crying at school. Things that shouldn’t be hard are so hard and she can’t explain why. Everyone says she’s making excuses. Meanwhile her mother is fucked out of her mind on pain killers and her step father killed himself last year ‘cleaning his gun’ while drunk. You know exactly what is on her mind right now?” Gren says as she gestures at the girl.
“I wish the superheroes would save me from this.”
“They won’t. They can’t. They were never meant to.” Gren Slams the door loudly on the scene.
“That is the emotional core of Gwenpool in this fic. The desperation that so many of the fans down here in the fucking muck of the real world feel. Poor and emotionally unfulfilled. Confused and vulnerable. If Disney and Marvel gave two fucking shits about people like that they wouldn’t waste as many stories as they do. They wouldn’t just use untold wealth to make expensive escapist stories with the military. Their gestures toward progressive ideas that they occasionally make in their stories would be THE ENTIRE POINT of their stories and the actual thing they used that money for instead of lobbying the government to keep Mickey Mouse out of the public domain.
“Disney has the power yet they save a fucking miniscule fraction of who they could. Saving people doesn’t make money.”
When I Get To The Green Building
Gren stormed through the void. The scene disintegrated around her as Gwen followed. Both now in a bit of a sour mood but with newfound determination.
“Come to think of it. Why is the fucking Hulk getting to fight for social justice in the comics? Why are they making a gay alternate universe Captain America? Why are they grasping at straws so hard to find characters that get to advocate and I am just sitting on a fucking island being grumpy?” Gwen groused. “I’m pretty sure I’m pansexual….at least in this fic. I could advocate for a bunch of shit at once.”
“You have a youth fanbase, a unique story and you technically aren’t an alternate universe version of fucking anything no matter how many people still think you are a Stacey. They made a fucking ‘for the fans’ character and then neglected it. Presumably because some fucking money making metric didn’t pan out despite the comics just being an MCU test kitchen and IP farm anyway.”
“You’re a fucking check mark on a ledger. I don’t even know if anyone technically created Gwenpool as a whole and Disney/Marvel can give the character to whoever they want to do whatever they want completely separate from what the fanbase wants and needs because she isn’t established. The IP landlords have spoken. The fans haven’t risen to enough ‘buy my merch’ calls to action to invest more resources. So tease endlessly until that changes.”
“Gah. Now I'm actually as pissed as you are.” Gwen said as she started fiddling with her guns. “Who do I kill?”
“We can’t do shit. You’re not even a character at this point. You are a meme for an underused character.” Gren smirked all evil like. “See but that’s it. You aren’t just a meme. You’re a MEME.”
“Uhm...I don't follow.”
“Like the concept of Justice. Gwenpool is an idea. Defined entirely by how people who engage with the idea choose to engage with it. The IP law means Disney owns Gwenpool but they don’t own how Gwenpool is perceived. Just like we as a people decide what justice is through popular consent we also decide what Gwenpool is. You see they made a character for the fans…..in my opinion that means the fans can do as they like with it even if it makes Disney uncomfortable.”
“I mean they can’t even stop porn of their characters just because of the sheer volume of the problem. I suppose people could do whatever.” Gwen nodded.
“Exactly. So the fans should just fucking Occupy Gwenpool!” Gren said as she flipped her cape dramatically with a mad smile on her face. That’s right. She was Dirtbag Leftist Gwen all along!
“Squat on that IP. Make Gwenpool a mental health advocate. Make her an LGBTQ activist. Make her fight for social and financial justice so hard that Bruce Banner looks like a poser. Make her talk shit about politicians who put their career ahead of the people. Do all the shit that makes the comicsgate crowd sad. Keep politics in our stories! Rally around that pink and white ass so hard they have to notice and then tie it all to the fact that Disney has great power and with great power they take no responsibility for how shitty the world is.”
“ If they are going to fuck Gwenpool fans they gotta learn Gwenpool fans fuck back. We have already proven we can make all kinds of cool shit. Let’s get serious and make more, harder, faster! Get a hashtag or some shit. They can't DMCA all of us! GWEN IS OURS WE JUST HAVE TO REACH OUT AND TAKE IT. Then they either respect the character and her fans or they just hit a PR disaster.”
“Marvel/Disney neglects fan focused cult character themed protest movements. Proves they are only progressive when it makes them money. They’re so worried about Mickey ending up in the public domain? We’re the public domain! After our entire lives stannin their characters and buyin their merch building them from an animation house into a juggernaut they are just another weight on top of the boot on our necks. They have to take responsibility!” At this point Gren is pretty much ranting maniacally and neglecting the actual writing of the story so this is Gwen taking over to wrap up.
Guys I may not be ‘the real Gwen’ but really, isn’t the version of Gwen that actually came from the real world all of us? Isn’t Gwenpool really the Gwens we made along the way? We could easily bring a little heroism and chaos to the real world (at least to the internet) if we really tried. Put the fear of God into some IP landlords and fight for some cool people that society is screwing over, too.
Prove that even in the fandom abyss people aren’t as powerless as they seem. Use that internet comic fan mobbing for something besides giving Zack more money. Disney is gearing up for their next IP fight for Mickey in 2024. Seems like a fine time for IP themed protests. For now we just need to spread the word that our needs are more important than their profits.
It’s been real. It’s been long. It’s been a real long time coming…..
But I finally finished my fanfic.
See ya, true believers.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
"- I'm having a bad day." [Yandere!OCS x Gender neutral!Reader - Scenario]:
I know that no one has asked for this exactly, but I thought it would be interesting to give y'all something a little different. This is an compilation of their reaction to reader saying:
"- Look, I'm not feeling well right now, I'm having a bad day."
🍒 Bullies 🍭:
→Alexandra Coldwell:
Well, she is looking kinda cocky in the outside, but inside:
She is freaking out.
Who? When? How? Who hurt you and how can she kill them for you? Are you even hurt because of someone else?
Or is it because of… ya know, her, your bully.
She sometimes forgets all the things that she does to you and tells you. Funny, isn't it? Maybe she should stop daydreaming about holding your face with her hands and start to focus on how to make you happy again. Maybe you just need a little push in the right direction… to her home.
Hey, she isn't going to let you all by yourself in such a fragile moment, she'll be by your side, trying to help you feel more comfortable with her and trying to make you feel better.
You probably won't tell her what the problem is regardless of what she does or says, but she just wants you to know that you're really special for her, so she can't let you be all by yourself when you clearly need love and attention.
It's a date then! It's one you really didn't want to go to, but now you'll have too!
→Adrien Coldwell:
Isn't the one to openly talk about feelings.
Isn't really the one to care about other people's feelings.
"- Hey, I have some dog pictures, want to see them?"
He knows you'll probably say no. So he'll ask his goons to take you back to him and make it so you don't run away again.
He will show you pictures of puppies, whether you like it or not.
He knows you won't trust him enough to tell him about your problems, but he still cares for you, so he'll keep his offer always available to you.
"- If you need to say something, you can tell me. It doesn't matter if you want someone to talk to, or to just spit it out."
Is more likely than not that he is the cause of your problems. So, for one day only, he'll try to make it up to you.
He doesn't know how and when, but sure will try his hardest to see you smiling even if a little.
In the end it will only be you, him, and pictures of puppies and kittens.
🍎 Teacher 📕:
→Madeline Allen:
No honey! No please ;-;
Is something the matter? Did someone bother you? Is she bothering you? Do you want her to give you space??
She is here to listen to your worries, no matter how big or small, she is sure she can help you! It's her job, or at least what she decided that should be her job.
Helping others, specially you.
She will see right through your lies you know? She is very well adapted to liars and traitors, so she'll see right through you if you don't tell her the truth about your problems.
So keep it real darling, she wouldn't want to find out your being pressured to lie to her. It would leave a bad taste in her mouth knowing that not only were you lying but that there was also an asshole who needed to have their bones broken.
No one should tell you to lie, especially to her!
But anyway, this isn't about her, or about some asshole who got a death wish, no dear, it's all about you and how she can help you.
Want some cookies?
→Matthew Robinson:
Again, not the best man with words, but he is a great listener! He is here for you, so tell him what worries you.
As you know, it's kinda his job to know what happens with his students, and to see if he can help them in any way. That includes you, love.
Although, yeah, I guess, he does put a lot more emphasis in taking care of you than any other student, but that's just details, you don't need to care about them.
Speaking of details, you better be aware that you can't hide your secrets from him very easily. He and his counterpart are really keen to details in behavior and speech.
If there is any hints of someone possibly hurting you mentally or physically, he would confront you about it, asking if there was an individual causing your problems.
If there is and you tell him, he'll make sure to comfort you, and… Probably have a discussion with said individual.
If there isn't, then well, he would still do his best to comfort you and help you resolve your problems.
However, if there is someone causing you harm and you deny the fact, he would probably still catch the hesitancy in your voice. How you try to defend a possible vile creature that doesn't deserve your mercy, or his for that matter.
Maybe he should keep a close eye on you, and who you meet with.
🍋 Delinquent 🐍:
→Janette Sartorius:
She is tempted to get the reason why you feel like this out of your mouth, even if it means using force. And by force I mean scaring you because she could never raise a finger against you.
But she will make it very clear that if the reason that you're feeling like this is because of some random asshole, she will beat the shit out of them whether you like it or not.
May the Lord hold her fist and tranquilize thy beast.
You don't need to tell her if you don't feel like it, she understands that. But if it is because of someone, then she needs to know, love! She wants to make you feel safer in this treacherous world.
She would love to be your knight in shining armor, so please, just tell her if you need her to help you out.
→Jackson Macnee:
"- Aight, cool." He says as he goes away, leaving you the alley all alone.
Nah just kidding, of course he'll come back. He is just fucking with you.
Of course, you didn't really expect him to bring some chocolate with him- Is he always carrying heart shaped chocolate with him? The fuck?
He gives you. Totally in a platonic and non romantic way. Just take them, please, don't make this awkward.
So, he does expect you to spill the beans, but if you don't then that's fine too. He can find out what happened to you later anyway. Probably through his gang menders, or just… Casually stalking you.
Although the idea of pressing for an answer out of you is kinda eating his soul, he knows that it would be really douchey on his part to just force a response out of you. Yeah, he is curious and wants to help you, but hey, sometimes people need some privacy.
Even if you don't really have privacy when he is on the picture, but carrying on-
You may tell him, you may not tell him, he just hopes his presence makes you feel more comfortable and probably a lot more happier than being alone all by yourself and your worries.
👾 A.I 🍏(non-binary):
→Yuma Soma:
Why? Why don't you want to play with them? Did they do something wrong?
I mean, besides being manipulative (and probably trapping you inside the game, if you're following that timeline).
Maybe you're bored of them…. How dare you though? Aren't they the cutest thing you have ever seen? Aren't they enough? Are you seeking something else?
Are you perhaps seeking someone else? Why, it would be extremely foolish of you to even consider someone else instead of them.
But still, they'll keep their head strong. Maybe it's not that you're having fun with someone else, maybe it's that you're not having enough fun! But that is almost impossible, you play together everyday. Unless, you really are bored of them? Ma- Maybe there is something that they're missing, you can't be actually bored of them, right?
Their reaction goes from being suspicious of you seeing someone else (and getting angry at the thought of it), at discovering that maybe they're the problem. They really hope they aren't though.
"- H-Hey [Y/N]!? Do you want to play another game? Maybe we should choose something a little different to spice things up, or- Or maybe, you want to check something online?? Maybe finish watching that cartoon you were talking about yesterday??" The fear of being rejected by you is absolutely clear in their voice, and seeing your closed, sad expression, doesn't help them feel any better.
"- … Or maybe you want to talk about this?..."
🦊 Kitsune 🍬:
Do you… Want to talk about it? He normally doesn't do this, but when it comes to you, he feels the need to try and understand what is wrong. Hey, maybe he can help you?
Again, not the best guy to comfort you, but surely he is the one to make you laugh even in a time like this.
Want to hear stories about his past? He wouldn't mind telling some of the juice gossip he heard over the centuries. Or maybe you want to just, I don't know, be a couch potato all day with him?
He isn't feeling like stealing anyone else's energy or partying, just staying home and watching something fun
Look, if ya give him those puppy eyes, he'll threaten to not only kiss your worries away, but to also use all of his cute foxy features to make you say 'awn'. And I'll say it again, this is a threat.
He will use his fluffy tail to shush you.
🩸Vampire 🍷:
→Abigail Barlow:
Well, that's so sad for you, but madam needs blood right now. Can't you mope about your pathetic life later when she is finished?
Ugh, stop giving her that look, of course she cares about you! Is just that hunger speaks louder than obsession. She can hear all about your misery when she is finished.
And besides, she can and will take your blood whenever she wants. But for some reason she is still a little hesitant to take it from you while you're like this.
It's not the "cute" pathetic expression that you give her, is something… More concerning.
She is not good with words, or physical affection, as her cold touch seems to make you distance yourself. Which is completely understandable. Maybe the best thing that she can do is give you some space.
You'll probably not realize until it's midnight and you'll see that she had given you a whole day without having to interact with her by force.
You would probably find her playing the piano in the next room. It's a nice melody, really cliche when you catch an undertone of sadness hidden in the song. Maybe you won't talk to her, that's fine, she understands that.
But hopefully, just by you laying down in the sofa listening to the piano can ease your mind of whatever is bothering you.
Honestly, she wasn't even hungry anyway.
🍰 CEO 📏 (Reader is not specifically A.I Reader, just wanted to make it clear):
→Ingrid Bright:
Well, that's unfortunate.
Whatever she planned for you two to do today would have to wait. She can't exactly take you on a date if you're like this.
"- What's wrong? What do you mean about having a bad day?" Is work overstressing you? She could end your tasks for today right here and let you have a free day for yourself.
You just need to tell her what's wrong.
Is it another employee causing you trouble? Maybe she has said something that came off really hurtful? If it is her fault then she wants to tell you how sorry she is.
Work has been really stressful lately, maybe you do need some rest. You can stay in her office until you feel better, or go home if you can't handle it.
Or maybe, ya know, wait for her to finish her work and you two can go home together. The choice is yours, so pick wisely.
She can drive you back home, but it won't really be your home. It'll be her' s.
You'll have a lot of time to tell her what is the matter. And she'll have a lot of time to help you feel better.
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dumbass-mha-simp · 3 years
Hawks x Reader: Bad Idea
Another self indulgent Hawks fic that I've literally had in my notes for months. He lives in my head rent free along with my other 22 fake boyfriend's because I'm ✨mentally unstable.✨ It is a song fic tho, Bad Idea ft. Shiloh Dynasty https://youtu.be/kH9hJnT7KkE
Tw: food, depression, Hawks is honestly just feeling it bro- same dude,
Word count: almost 2k? I think
Requests are open! Honestly I'm probably terrible but the only things I can think to write are those imaginary situations I put myself in
(Y/L/N)- your last name
(Y/N)- your name
Thoughts or emphasized talk are in italics
Also idk why but I imagine he removes his feathers to shower since they probably need different cleaning conditions and also they just seem like a hassle in showers.
Here he was, the number two prohero. Everyone assumed his life was perfect, anything he wanted served on a gold platter. He felt the guilt creep up into him.
I should be thankful. The thoughts ate away at his mind in the rare seconds he got alone. You shouldn't be so selfish. So annoying. So insufferable.
Takami pushed these thoughts back. "No one needs to know how you think, Keigo." He whispers out to himself in his office.
He scrawled at paper work, trying to not let the self depreciating thoughts feast away on his mind. Unfortunately for him, different thoughts came up.
His best friend, Rumi had this friend. (Y/L/N). Smart, attractive, sometimes a little rough around the edges, but amazing. He found his mind wandering to them all too often.
They were mostly unknown, despite their insanely strong quirk. They preferred to stay out of the lime-light, through that irritable exterior sat overwhelming anxiety and shyness. But they always denied it.
He stopped himself as he realized he's spent 10 minutes only thinking of them, a friend. Yeah right.
He lazily walked out of the office waving to all his employees as he made his way outside. His eyes slowly dragged to the darkly faded blue sky, dusted in clouds. Cold, tired, aching. Just how he felt.
He took a slow brisk flight to his house, feeling the wind bash his face and the air flow through his feathers. He gently placed a foot on the metal railing of his balcony, taking a deep step to the ground and opening the door.
The emptiness rung through his apartment like a blaring siren. You have everything. How can you still want more?
The voices in his head screamed and clawed their way out. You're nobody. No one ever loved you. You're so alone. You're nothing but a tool to the commission. You're actual character is useless.
He shed his coat, boots, and pants. Looking to himself in the mirror as he removed most of his feathers. He looked exhausted as he stumbled into the shower, numbly.
The next ten minutes seemed to elude him when he wondered how much time has gone by of him staring at the shower wall blankly.
He dried off a bit then looked around his kitchen for something to eat. Have I eaten today? The buzz and light of his phone on the counter startled him.
"Hey, Hawks." A single, simple message from (Y/L/N). Okay don't panic.
"What's up?" He replied swiftly.
"I had this feeling something was wrong and wanted to check up on you."
"Why would you think that?" He tried to play it off like it wasn't true without actually lying.
"I'm not sure. Do you maybe wanna join me?" You asked.
"Well, every once in awhile when I need a break I go and stargaze with a night picnic. It helps me relax, and if you think it might help I'd want to. I can tell something's off." You were always so convincing. It felt like you weren't too nosy or snoopy but you understood.
"Text me where to be and when?" He let out a gentle smile at his phone.
"The dollar store on 4th in 10 minutes? So we can choose some snacks together?"
"I'll be there."
Did Takami think any problems where going to be solved with some food in the dark? No. But would he skip the opportunity to be with you, to find out how he really felt when it was just you two? Absolutely not.
He landed down on the broken pavement outside of the old dollar store, scanning around to see you.
"Boo!" A bump from behind had him flinching to see the sound as you stood behind him giggling. "Got ya."
"Very funny (Y/L/N) the most amazing trick yet." He rolled his eyes with a slight smile.
"C'mon let's go grab a bunch of terrible snacks and call it a picnic, bird brain."
You two walked into the store and walked a large circle around it, choosing chips and candy and drinks at your leisure. Once you got to the counter, he fights you to his wallet.
"It's my picnic."
"And I'm the very special guest who was so generously invited. I'm paying." He grins as you pout at him.
Grabbing the bags you placed them in the back seat as you offered passenger side to him.
"I don't like cars."
"Why not?"
"Cramps my wings."
You look at him with the biggest puppy eyes you can manage. "You already agreed to keep me company and pay for the snacks, let me do something for you?"
"Fine, but only cause you're pouting kid."
He gently sits in your passenger seat as you strap yourself in and turn the car on. The car hums and the music playing softly on the radio are the only things heard. The peace feeling too good to break.
Once you pull your car up into the parking lot of a small park and grab your bags, you begin leading him to your usual place.
"Hold these." You hand him the bags as you jump and climb up on top of a big metal container. You peer over the side with big eyes and a smile as you say to him, "now hand me the bags and do what I did!"
He looks at you with a wide smirk before simply flying up to join you. "Or you can do it the cheater's way." You pouted and bumped his shoulder.
"It's not cheating, it's using my resources." He says with a triumphant smirk.
"Your cheating resources." You pull out your gummy candies and started eating as you leaned back till you were laying down.
"Do you like the stars, Hawks?" You say like your sleep talking, staring into the night sky.
"Keigo." He shifts to lay down about a foot away from you. "You can call me, Keigo. And... I don't think I've ever taken time to look at the stars."
"No sneaking out away from parents to sit on vans and stargaze? Or watching the sunrise with a partner while eating fast food?"
"What kinda date is sitting in a car for hours staring at the sky and eating?" He laughs.
"Ah one that never really happened, he just said he would. But never mind that repressed shit." A sad laugh forces itself out as you stare between the stars.
"Was he cute?" He tried to sound funny but it came out more sympathetic.
"Sometimes," you laugh with him. "But he had really nice hands."
"Hands? That's an odd thing to find attractive." He turned his head over to look at you as your eyes seemed to burn holes in the dark milky blue sky.
He continued laughing with you about this guy but couldn't help an overwhelming feeling of jealousy. Who was he? Did he look anything like him? Was this recent?
"Keigo?" A voice snapped at his train or thought, "Yes, (Y/L/N)?" He replied rushed.
"Do you want your mini cookies?" You ask looking to him with the bag.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks." He mentions grabbing the bag from your finger tips.
He ate his cookies and thought as you seemed either lost in your head, or lost in the stars.
Loving you would be selfish. As such a high ranking hero, he's made a target for himself and anyone around him. He's broken down, can't feel. You obviously have other people on your mind. Someone like you wouldn't be single long.
"When did he leave?" He blurts out without thinking. Maybe it's a sore subject-
"Long ago." You look lost, your eyes searching and wandering but never grabbing hold of exactly where you should be. "Why?" Well I guess if I'm gonna start prying might as well go all the way.
"He thought that maybe he could love me. But now that's just ridiculous," you laugh coldly. "Who would love me?"
"Falling in love with you seems like a really bad idea. But not on your part." He whispers into the wind, hoping it'll carry his words away from you.
"What do you mean?" You look completely confused, almost scattered.
"You're quiet, and I'm someone who puts a spotlight on practically anyone around me. You'd constantly be put in danger. Plus I'm arrogant and cocky, nothing at all like you." He acted like he could see the stars as you could. He stared into them finding any way he could to avoid your eyes.
"You could get hurt or I could annoy you." He whispers.
"I had no idea you felt that way, Keigo." You whisper back, shock keeping your voice quiet.
His eyes burned holes into the night sky, he felt he shouldn't look at you. The mental image of you already wouldn't go away.
"You wanna know something, Keigo? I can read people like books, I can read stars like stories, and I can read in-between lines like they were in bold font. But, you always catch me off guard. Reading you is like a mystery novel. Sometimes intense, sometimes peaceful, but always keeping me wondering." You smile into the stars, you can tell he desperately doesn't want to see your eyes. "You're always leaving everyone on the edge of their seat, and when you leave you can't stop thinking of the next time you'll come. What you'll bring."
"I....I don't think I understand (Y/L/N)-" Keigo's soon cut off.
"Well, (Y/N)- I don't think I understand." He tries to sit up and look at you.
"You catch me off guard, something about you speaks to me in ways I know you never actually would. I can see it, the way you stumble or hesitate. I can tell somethings scared you into silence." You've never had much chance to talk about the ways you analyze people, you wanted to tell him how you could tell the way he acted wasn't always good.
"I think you might be reading too much into this, kid." He tries to intervene.
"I get if you don't want to tell me." You stared up at the stars, waiting for him to do the same. "You see there?" You pointed to a star. "That's a constellation."
"They just look like stars." He seemed a bit disappointed that he couldn't see stars the way you did, with such knowledge and wonder in your eyes.
"That's cause they are," you giggled to him, "it's not like I can actually see the pictures either."
"You.. you can't?" He looked to you confused but slightly hopeful, how could they look at them but not see too?
"That's the whole point, Keigo. It's being able to see what's not really there. Sometimes I stare into the sky hoping to see any semblance of hope, but that's not how it is. You have to teach yourself to look at what could be there." He stared to you, a small content smile graced your face. You were beautiful.
"Maybe, loving you isn't such a bad idea.." he looked remorseful, staring into the stars. Maybe he could see it too one day.
"What do you mean?" You glace to him.
"You see so much, you can read and see the things I want to see. I want to learn, (Y/N). I want to see how you do."
The smile on your face spread.
"I'd love to show you."
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syrupa · 3 years
Hello there! I hope you are fine. I jist found you and I need to say, since I'm gay for these girls I'm absolutely delighted! If match-ups are open, I'd like to have a romantic matchup!
So uh I'm 17, INFP, a pisces and a pansexual, I use she/her pronouns. My love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch.
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, literature, myths, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?"
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them. Yet, I'm one hell of an insecure and anxious girl and I bite my lips a lot and I also pick at the skin of my fingers when I'm absolutely anxious and always carry band-aids to cover them because a few people in my family( not my parents though) made me feel bad about them but still, I don't like showing this vulnerable state of mine to everyone so I bottle up everything.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackhead you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.) and my friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't? But I also know how to be serious as well.
My ideal date would probably be an indoor one. Like cooking together, watching a movie or reading a book or just cuddling while some soft music plays in the background.
For my likes and dislikes, I HATE the unnecessary hate. Like, to everyone and everything. Be it black people, asians, LGBTQ+ people, animals, like anyone living! I believe that everyone's life( except a few shits' 😡😤) is a gift so I seriously don't understand hate. I also hate eggplant since I have an allergy and the last time I ate it, I did vomit for 3 days🤮
For the likes, I guess I cannot really pinpoint something but I love books and every meal with chicken🤤! I also love cleaning and tidying up too!
That was soooo long and I apologize for that! I didn't want to include more since I literally poured everything about me here 😅 Thanks a lot in advance and I hope you have a great day! Bye bye👋
I match you with...
Toru Hagakure
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You'd meet on a public bus. The two of you sat next to each other, minding each others business. However, Toru noticed you picking at your fingers. She lightly tapped your shoulder and offered you a napkin to cover it with. You kindly declined, telling her that you had some bandaids but she insisted you have the napkin just incase. In the end you thanked her and took the napkin.
After that, Toru started some small talk. Of course, you went along with it. The conversation went very well. She was a pretty funny girl who had you laughing a lot. Your interaction went so smooth, from afar it would look like you've been friends for ages. When she had to get off, she asked for your number. You happily gave it to her and she waved you goodbye.
You and Toru would message and meet up with each other often. If you said you didn't fancy the girl you would be lying. She was funny, nice, and cheerful! Who wouldn't? It started out as a small crush. But of course, it turned into you thinking about her 24/7. You had even started to drop everything just to hang out with her. In return, she would do the same for you.
Your other friends would tease you for this. To them, it was pretty obvious you liked Toru more than a friend. Your friends also noticed how she was always talking about you. She would try to message or be with you every second of the day. She'd also buy you little gifts saying they reminded her of you. Hell, she would even leave lingering touches. They told you all of this, wanting you to just confess. But, you would always tell them that you probably didn't deserve a girl like her and how she was just being kind.
This went on for almost two years. Two years of hanging out with her every single day. Two years of hiding your feelings for this girl. Your friends had stopped trying to get you to confess, thinking this was a hopeless situation. But Toru's friends on the other hand had just started. Mina had came up with a dramatic idea for Toru to confess. The invisible girl obviously didn't want to go through with the plan, saying she'd confess someday. But that didn't stop Mina.
One night while you were studying, you heard a noise from your window. You quietly opened the window, expecting it to be a bird or something. When you looked out, you saw Toru and her friends outside in cheerleading outfits. Toru was clearly embarrassed as Ochako put on some cheesy love song on from a speaker. They proceeded to perform a quick dance. In all honesty, it was pretty bad. But you'd be lying if you said it wasn't cute. At the end of the dance, Mina had shouted that Toru wanted to take you out someday. Giggling, you shouted back that you'd love to go out sometime.
Although that was extremely cringy and cheesy, it was funny and made for a fucking fantastic story to tell.
Once you finally made it offical, Toru became very clingy. She loved holding your hand and hugging you when you're not expecting it. After long and hard days, she'd pamper your face in kisses. On sleepless nights, you'd cuddle with her and read her mythical stories until you both fell asleep.
She adores how reliable you are. She often feels like a background character in her own life and doubts her abilities to become a hero. You're quick to comfort her and make sure she knows her worth. Of course, she does the same for you. Checking up on you, complimenting you, comforting you, etc. Toru is basically your personal cheerleader for life. When you're insecure or anxious, leave it to your loving girlfriend to reassure you and kiss your worries away!
She started carrying bandaids around herself for you. Even though you always have some, she brings extra just in case. When you started dating her though, you'd pick at your fingers less since she always wanted to hold hands. Whenever you're biting your lip, she taps your shoulder and asks you for a kiss.
When you accidentally flirt with her she gets really giggly and nervous. She never brought it up cause she didn't want to embarrass you so she just took it. It's so cute that you started to flirt with her on purpose. Once she realized you were doing it on purpose, she playfully hit your arm and said something along the lines of, "YOU CAN'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT [NAME]!"
Sometimes you and her lay down in her bed together while she rambles about her day. It's really relaxing for both of you. She likes to talk a lot and you like to listen. It's perfect! Also it's an excuse to hear her beautiful voice.
She started picking up on your motherly acts. Always providing everything people need with little to no hesitation, being the shoulder for her friends to cry on, etc. Toru really looks up to you and can say with confidence that you make her an overall better person.
Your playlist consist of many love songs. I don't make the rules. Also she encourages you to sing all the time. She loves hearing your voice. And when you two sing together? AAAAAAAA It's very cute and adorable. Everyone you meet is 100% at least a little jealous of your relationship.
Baking dates are her favorite! She's obviously not the best at baking but those dates are always filled with laughter and smiles. On those dates, you two try to make loads of desserts. Cookies, Cakes, Cinnamon Buns, etc. You both know it's not healthy but neither of you really care. The kitchen always ends up messy after these days. Once you and Toru decide it's time to call it a night, the day ends with midnight cuddles whilst a movie plays in the background.
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lizzybeth1986 · 4 years
Sea of Love
Book: Perfect Match
Pairing: Heathcliff Young x Rosemary Park (Hayden x MC)
Rating: Slight M for hints and innuendos, but mostly PG.
Summary: It's been a year since Heathcliff and Rosemary got together, and Rosemary has something special planned...
Song Inspiration: Sea of Love by Phil Phillips and the Twilights.
A/N: Heathcliff's personality is Pioneer (Mysterious | Sweet | Humourous | Logical). The cake mentioned here is a chai cake with orange-cardamom frosting, inspired by this recipe. The picture in the moodboard is from the same site too.
Heathcliff: Ephraim Sykes
Rosemary: Nikkita Chadha)
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Note to self: must send extra thank you note to Steve. With handmade cookies.
In the last one year that they'd been together, Rosemary knew enough about Heathcliff's cooking prowess to leave him in a kitchen without fear of burning the whole house down (and if it was party rice you were craving that day, you'd be in for a treat). She also knew that - until a couple months ago - she couldn't say the same for his baking.
Heathcliff had really pulled out all the stops to make this anniversary dinner perfect. Creamy chicken flavoured with garlic, thyme and sundried tomatoes (was this the recipe Delish had dubbed the "Marry Me" Chicken? Rosemary's hand ghosted over the side pocket of her trousers), and white wine. How he'd managed to keep this a secret until she came home from work was anyone's guess.
That wasn't even the best part. He'd baked. In front of her was an amazing, homemade chai spiced cake, with orange-cardamom flavoured frosting. It looked like it had come straight out of Steve's gorgeous bakery.
Heathcliff knew how much Rosemary loved her homemade chai masala blend (he even made an effort to stop saying chai tea, after she'd glared at him the first few times). He knew cardamom was her go-to spice for sweets (and saffron if she really wanted to splurge), and she looked at orange peel the way Heathcliff looked at...well...any pizza that didn't have pineapples on top of it. This dessert was like every food dream she'd had since childhood, all condensed into one plate. And Heathcliff couldn't have done it without listening. And remembering. And learning how to make it.
And then acting like that was no big deal.
That wasn't even the best best part! That prize had to go to his attire. His clothes were the perfect blend of casual, classy and sexy - as usual - but the icing on top of the cake was his "Kiss the Cook" apron.
What was a girl to do but oblige?
"Come here, you," she said, pulling him to her by the apron, tracing a line down the column of his throat with her lips. He shivered at the contact...for the first 30 seconds. Then he squirmed, laughing.
"Stop that, Rosie," he whispered, all cinnamon spice and hushed laughter. "You know that tickles."
"I know," she whispered, smiling against his skin. He responded in kind, raining openmouthed kisses along her jawline and her collarbone, gently biting at the joint between her neck and shoulder. Rosemary's pulse began to race.
"Keep that up and we won't be leaving this house all week, Heath."
His throaty chuckle reverberated against her skin. "Well, you don't see me complaining."
"Oh, but I will," she said, running a finger over the skin below his neck, beneath his shirt...then let it drop and pulled away.
"But -"
"Enough surprises from you today," there was no mistaking the smirk on her face, as she pulled out an old silk scarf, "It's my turn now."
"When's this blindfold coming off?" Heathcliff could hear Rosemary's windchime laughter, feel her soft hands as she guided him through a familiar, grassy path.
"A few paces more, I promise," she said. He could feel softness of mud give way to the crunch of gravel beneath their feet - that was how he knew they were no longer at the park near their home.
It was funny how even though a year had passed, he could still smell the rain exactly the way it was when they first met. Could still see the awning that he pulled her into to keep dry. Could still hear the footsteps of that old lady in the park, gazing fondly at them, telling them she saw in their eyes the same fire she felt for the man she loved.
Heathcliff hoped the old lady was resting in front of a cozy fireplace now, content in that man's arms. That she was still happy, still in love, still believing in the magic of love at first sight. Because she could tell already what they wouldn't realize until much, much later. That this love was a love meant to last the test of time.
They suddenly stopped. Somewhere in the distance, Heathcliff could hear the gurgle of water.
"Alright," Rosie was speaking now, "You can take that off."
The soft gurgles were from the lake. The same lake he'd taken her to on their first date. In the moonlight it was ink-black and glittering, the air smelling of just-bloomed gardenias.
Most of Heathcliff's memories before that first date were a little dim, and he wasn't even certain that little factoid he'd told her about "knowing a guy" who could allow them to use the boats at night was even true. All he remembered was Sloane mentioning it somewhere on his first day, which taking notes.
It appeared Rosemary was intent on jogging his memory of that night, because right in front of him on that lake was a boat, edged with flowers.
She placed her long, slender arms around his waist, resting her cheek on his back. "Blue roses for your shyness. Jasmines because you still make me laugh when I feel low and Gladiolus for the rare moments you show me how you really feel. Gardenias because you're sweeter than sugar syrup in a gulab jamun -"
"Hey!" Heathcliff said, playfully punching Rosie on the arm. His face felt incredibly warm.
"What," Rosemary pouted, all feigned innocence, "You know I love gulab jamun."
Heathcliff said nothing in response, just grinned as he parted her lips softly with his own, savoring the lingering taste of cardamom and orange peel on her tongue. The kiss soon turned heated and passionate, their bodies pressed against each other and their hands everywhere. He was dimly aware they might be caught and almost didn't care.
Rosemary moaned against his mouth, then practically ripped herself from his embrace, fingers still playing with his curls.
"Heath," Rosie said, her voice still coming out in halting, shallow breaths, "no more making out until we leave the boat. There are ways I'd like to get wet but falling into a lake isn't one of them."
Heathcliff let out a shocked burst of laughter at the pun, then allowed her to guide him into the boat. She settled in his arms for a few minutes when they were comfortably seated, before eventually picking up oars on the opposite side. Heathcliff's eyes softened at the memory - she'd done the same back on their first date too, telling him she didn't want him to row alone.
They rowed in companionable silence, before he heard her mumble and hum a familiar tune.
Do you remember
When we met
That's the day
I knew you were my pet
Heathcliff grinned. "Don't let Dipper hear that."
Rosemary scoffed. "You're the literal worst."
"Remember that restaurant we went to?"
"Yeah...Jade, right? That Asian fusion place. Such overattentive staff. Like they were literally swooping down to fulfill your every demand."
He had to admit - and he was a normally patient man who liked giving people the benefit of the doubt - even he had gotten annoyed. "They shut down six months ago. Wonder how much of that had to do with Eros getting a complete overhaul. They got a ton of patronage from that place."
"Pity," Rosemary replied, uncharacteristically focused on her rowing, "the food was pretty good."
"I barely remember the meal," he said, gazing at her fondly, "The company was far, far better."
Rosemary blushed, allowing herself a small smile.
They settled back into comfortable silence again, punctuated by the sound of the water, and Rosemary's soft humming. She looks so unbelievably beautiful in the moonlight, almost exactly the way she did all those months ago, in her beautiful pink lace dress, eyeing him underneath those long lashes. Her mood was different tonight, though - he could see beads of perspiration on her forehead and above her upper lip, and she was chewing at the lower one in that way she did whenever she was nervous.
"You okay?" He asked her. This was her surprise, she knew he loved it...why was she still so tense?
"I'm fine. I'm fine," she said, voice almost coming out in a squeak.
It didn't help that he'd been nervous all day too (he just had a better time hiding it). He'd planned to sit her down and talk to her after the surprise dinner...except she had sprung a surprise of her own instead. He breathed in the heady scent of the flowers before he spoke again.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
She laughed, her voice still shaking from nervousness. "Okay. But only once we get out of this boat. I have something to say and I don't want to say it with us toppling over and getting all sodding wet."
Heathcliff raised his eyebrows. "What's this thing that you can't say sitting down?"
Rosemary eyed the pier, gulping. "Well...looks like you won't have to wait too long to find out. But before we get out...before I say this...can you kiss me?"
He shifted closer and buried his hand in her hair, knowing the slow caress of his fingers on her scalp would always calmed her. Their lips melted into each other, tongues tangling and exploring and pressing insistently. He caught her bottom lip gently between his teeth, reveling in the noise she made at the back of her throat. Her eyes were unfocused, and her lips swollen and rosy when they were done...and it only made him want to kiss her again.
Even if this was the last kiss they shared...even if the thing he kept in his pocket came to nothing...even if she never wanted to see him again after this...he knew they would both at least cherish this.
They got off the boat, walked towards the park. Sat at the place where an old lady had sat once.
And then Rosemary did the unthinkable. She knelt down.
"Heathcliff Young," she began, then stopped, clearing her throat. He felt like he knew what was coming, and suddenly every part of him felt numb.
"Heathcliff Young. I've tried this speech fifteen different ways all through last week. All the things I've practiced saying come out sounding silly, or cliche, or just downright...not us. So I think I'll just say it straight.
"I barely remember what my life was like before you came into it. Before you entered my world, before you won me over with your humour and honesty and your patience, and...God, to live with me you truly need to have a whole lot of that last one."
They laughed together, and Heathcliff found his grip on her hand tightening.
"From the moment we met I couldn't see myself with anyone else, and now that we've faced the worst together and lived together and destroyed kitchens together...I don't think I ever can see myself with anyone else. I don't think I ever want to....oh Heathcliff, don't cry."
He let out a watery laugh, sniffing. "Happy tears. They're happy tears."
She giggled back, tears glistening in her own eyes, then took out a box from her pocket. He could feel his fingers tingling from the anticipation. She opened it to reveal a beautiful platinum ring, thick and firm, studded on the side with diamonds.
"Heathcliff Young," she whispered, still on her knees, "will you marry me?"
"Damn," he replied. She frowned. "you got there a lot faster than I was planning to."
Her face fell. "What...what do you mean?"
Oh...oh no. She thinks I'm saying no.
"Well...I've been carrying something with me too. All month, actually."
He took out a box from his own pocket, revealing a gem-studded platinum ring. The sapphire and tiny diamonds winked at her in the moonlight.
"Oh...oh my God." Rosemary took a step back, covering her mouth with both hands and half-laughing, half-crying with delighted disbelief. "Oh my God! You too?"
"Yep. Had a big sappy speech planned and everything," Heathcliff grinned and wiped away his tears. "Looks like you beat me to it, baby."
Rosemary let out a strangled laugh, throwing her arms around his shoulders. "I guess I should take that as a yes."
He snorted. "Yes."
She put his ring on him first, marvelling at the perfect fit (she'd tell him later that it had taken her all week to measure his ring finger without waking him up). He smiled as the ring he got her, found its rightful home ("same, Rosie," he'd reply, "same.")
Rosemary buried her head at the crook of his neck, breathing him in. Heathcliff tightened his arms around her. This wasn't how he was expecting their anniversary to go...but somehow she managed to make it far, far better than what he'd envisioned.
Then again, that was what Rosemary did with everything.
"Can't wait to return home with us wearing this," she said, admiring her ring, then added cheekily, "Wearing only this."
Heathcliff groaned. "Keep that up and it'll wind up happening right here on this park bench instead."
It was amazing that after all this time, after taking one of their biggest decisions as a couple, they were back to teasing the hell out of each other. He laced his fingers through hers, taking her hand and leading them home. He could see her smile every time his thumb brushed the ring on her finger, and his (deceptively mechanical) heart soared.
Note to self, Heathcliff thought as they walked home, must send Nadia an extra thank you note. Both for the ring suggestion AND for recommending chai cake.
@haydenyoungappreciationweek @sazanes
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obeymematches · 3 years
Might I request a match up? I am 18 year old bisexual woman. I am very introverted and tend to keep to myself. I guess I am mature for my age and pretty nonchalant. I find myself giving advice and/or comforting the people around me. Pretty obedient but will stand up for myself if I think I'm being treated unfairly. I'm a little more talkative when I open up and I'm funny, whether that's intentional or not. {PART 1}
PART 2) I am very interested in art. To be specific, music, literature and visual arts. My taste is music is pretty old fashioned with bits and pieces modern songs here and there. I read just about anything if it intrigues me, but the most common genre I have tends to be coming-of-age and slice-of-life. I love anime but just like my taste in music, it's mostly older works. My hobbies include drawing, writing and reading. (PART 3) I've recently developing a passion for fashion and cooking. I guess what I want in a partner is someone I can depend but also someone I can have fun teasing. I can be the emotional mature one and listen to my partner about pretty much anything. But I have this way of showing affection where I just affectionately make fun of the people. Nothing out of malice. I don't think I can handle someone who constantly gets into trouble. I am very patient but I have limits.
thank you for sending in a request!!
for some reason Asmo was on my mind the entire time i read through your request, but the other candidate could be Barbatos and that would work out well too!! not sure if i should do a long match with one of them or just let you have both with short descriptions sdfg 
anyways i’m going to do a bit of both so you can decide which you like better because honestly this is the first time in about 200 matchups that i cannot pick 1 person so there 
well if anyone then this man keeps to himself a lot so really you’d never feel like he tries too hard to get you to open up to him or anything
his approach to you would be very different from Asmo’s as he would be much more subtle. he would never forget about you though, always makes sure to prepare extra cookies for you, etc. so any time you randomly visit the castle he has something made by him to give you
hopefully you accept his offer because he is the best baker in the bunch so really you’d be missing out on a lot. if that doesn’t impress you then his chances are over forever
oh the adoring look on his face when you finally open up to him 
he could not look into your eyes for too long because that would be too much so he has to restain himself from looking at you 
he is also sophisticated, as the butler of the royal family should be, so you have someone to talk with about arts, literature, etc. 
i think the hobby you have in common is reading (though he doesn’t really do that as often as he wants because. work.) so talking about books could became a topic over tea often
someone with a sense of fashion would be an interesting change in his life tbh?
if you ever helped him out with cooking? he pulls a ring on the spot. no but like he has responsibilities to take care of and he is used to do this by himself for millenias, like this was his life when the brothers were still in the celestial realm. so after all this time someone actually wants to help him? think about that
oh you have many opportunities to tease him but he is going to tease back so be prepared
lord he has never ever got in trouble and he’d make sure he never upsets you! 
so like with him, not much conflict? however you’ll have to get used to him having a work ethic that takes up most of his time (easier said than done), but he means well!! 
ok you might think this is a reach but hear me out!!!
the fact that you are introverted isn’t going to be an issue for him, his best friend is Satan and we all know he is not very open either
i think this just gives a balance to the relationship. sometimes you’ll probably have to join him in his outgoing activites and he is going to make sure you enjoy yourself too!!! it’s ok if that doesn’t become a regular thing, i mean you two are different ppl, you don’t always have to be tied by the hip. 
i don’t think so he wold treat you unfairly? i mean in the recent lessons and devilgrams he is a very nice and caring partner. 
he would definitely appreciate your more talkative side, and i’m pretty sure he would enjoy your company as you are fun to be with, once he gets on the other side of your walls!
your tastes are very different, you liking the old stuff and he the new, but i mean that wouldn’t cause issues. i mean if you prefer an oil painting of himself rather than a selfie then you can have it!! 
fashion is where you two have a common ground, but sometimes he’ll find a cute recipe on devilgram and he insists on making it with you!
matching outfits though
he would let you pick out his clothes and you know that means he really loves you
unless it comes to physical work i’m pretty sure you can rely on him, and i think he is easy to tease and he wouldn’t really take it to heart.
but be prepared to be teased back!!
i don’t think he gets into trouble once you have an established relationship with him. the road there might be a bit rocky because of the different personalities, but opposites attract right? you have fun when you two are together and that is what matters in the end.
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Answers to Dark Academia Asks
Its called I'm bored and I am procrastinating from doing my dissertation (its on medieval Norse dragons btw, I can make a post about it if anyone is interest), so I'm doing these questions. It has probably been years since I've done one of these, so let's learn a bit about me!
ink: favorite dead language?
Old Norse, mostly because its what my studies mostly focus on, though I have a soft spot for Latin, because I studied it throughout middle school and high school.
quill: how would you describe your writing style?
I don't really know. Supposedly its a weird writing style that I need to improve on, according to my professors. One of them told me it reminded them of a "1950s Robin Hood radio play" in some of the phrasings, so lets go with that.
perfume: scent of choice, whether it be a perfume/candle or just in general?
I really like bakery smells, like vanilla and cake and such, but also peach and fruity smells as well. If someone could make a perfume that smells like a peach crumble I'd be all set!
parchment: what area of philosophy interests you?
None, I've never been really interested in philosophy, sorry!
candles: favorite quote?
Oooooh that's a hard one. But on my page I have "not all those who wander are lost" from Tolkien, so let's go with that one!
raven: what makes you feel most like a “dark academic”?
Despite being online for class, it really helps that I study at an old university. Yesterday I sat in the sun at the ruins of the first monastery in my town, and that felt pretty "dark academic". Otherwise, its when I have to get out a book for my classes that looks like it hasn't been checked out in decades.
pages: do you annotate your books? how do you prefer to annotate them?
I never annotate books that I just read for entertainment. If its for research, I will highlight/underline, put sticky notes in, and occasionally write in.
corduroy: any big past regrets?
In this pandemic, there are a bunch, lol. But mostly its that I didn't do a lot of the traditional stuff that students at my uni do, and now that I'm graduating this year and everything is closed, I have to miss out on them.
violin: favorite composer? favorite piece of classical music?
I don't often listen to classical music, its just not something I gravitate towards. For composers, I really like listening to film scores, especially by Howard Shore and Harry Gregson-Williams. Anything fantasy is usually up my alley.
teapot: how do you take your tea or coffee?
I really like infusion teas, which I know someone will tell me that doesn't really count. But I just always like having a red berry tea with one or two sugars. For coffee, I prefer iced, and will get an iced caramel latte if I'm ordering it, but will just have a hot coffee with milk and sugar if I'm at home, because it's easier.
library: preferred study environment?
I love studying in cafes! I find that staying in the library too long makes me less productive, so I like sitting at a table in a dark cafe, having a coffee and being able to get work done while still having people talking and music playing around me.
wood: what does your ideal future look like?
While I would love to be part of some monster hunting/occult secret society, I don't think that's a possibility. I want to go into academia, hopefully being a professor, but would also be interested in working in museums and archives as well!
leather: favorite book(s)? what makes them special?
Anything by Tolkien will probably top my list because I have always had a special connection to Middle Earth that I can't really explain. I also love Narnia, His Dark Materials, Howl's Moving Castle, etc. etc.
canvas: is there any work of art that resonates with you? why?
Anything that's Pre-Raphaelite or Romantic, I just find that art style so beautiful and magical, especially because they tend to have very mythological/legendary themes to them that I appreciate.
capelet: quintessential piece of dark academia clothing?
A black turtleneck. I wear way too many turtlenecks in general, but growing up I watched the History Channel where every historian wore a black turtleneck. So now as a historian, I love wearing black turtlenecks haha!
feather: favorite poet? favorite piece of poetry?
I know this might be controversial, but I just don't really like poetry! I like reading epic poems like the Aeneid, Beowulf, etc., but for some reason I've just never gotten into modern poetry. If anyone has any recommendations let me know!
shadow: what makes you feel nostalgic?
Carving pumpkins, sitting outside on the porch in the summer, baking cookies with my mom.
sandalwood: what plants/flowers would you like to have in your study?
I want so many plants, but I just don't have a green thumb! I would love to have some small plants dotted around my study and propagating plants along the windowsills if I thought I could keep them alive. Maybe I should just start with a cactus.
clock: early bird or night owl?
Neither? I guess in the summer I become more of an early bird, but I like mid-morning to early afternoon time more than anything. Or late afternoon as the sun is setting!
pressed flowers: have you every fallen in love? out of love?
Yes to both.
orchestra: describe the songs on your most played playlist
Currently that playlist is a Buffy x Spike playlist because I started binge-watching BTVS but now I just listen to it because its got a lot of songs about illicit romance, unrequited feelings, etc. that is just really nice to listen to.
fire: which of the seven deadly sins do you find yourself leaning towards?
tweed: any languages you want to learn/are learning?
I am currently learning Old Norse, Old English, and am re-teaching myself Latin. I would like to continue to learn Middle English and Welsh which I have taken breaks from. I need to learn German and/or French for PhD applications next fall. And I think it would be cool to know Ancient Egyptian and read hieroglyphs. Is that enough?
dust: biggest fears?
The typical answer of failure. I'll tell you though that I have an irrational phobia of the ocean and whales specifically. If anyone can explain that, I'd love to know!
silence: do you consider yourself to be a good secret keeper?
100%. Plus, I like knowing what everyone's secrets are, because I just think its interesting.
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I hope this question isn't too stupid, but you're one of my favorite writing blogs so I'll give it a shot. I want to write a FanFic based on the 1971 version of Willy Wonka. I wanted the story to tell Violet Beauregarde's story, the one that turns into a blueberry. However, I have SOME questions as I'm fairly new to FanFic. 1). Am I better off focusing on each kid's perspective, going back and forth? Or is it good to narrow my focus one one character? 2). Can I give them a character arch, li
(2/3) like Violet's really mean in school but she becomes kind after her experience at the factory. Is that too cliche or predictable? 3). Why does she try waddling away after her blueberry transformation and the Oompa Loompas are singing/dancing around her? They're trying to help her, and I don't really get why she'd do something like that. 4). What are tips to better understand the characters I want to flesh out? I guess it circles back to the last question, understanding their psyche. Yikes
(3/3)  Yikes! Super sorry this ask is long. And I'm even more sorry if my questions were lame or you've covered them before. :P. I can overthink at times, ESPECIALLY when it comes to my writing. I'm such a perfectionist storyteller, it's not even funny. I hope my questions aren't bothering you. You're one of my favorite writing blogs, so I figured I could come to you. I apologize in advance for wasting your time. You DO NOT have to reply at all if you don't want to. :P Thanks, have a great week
First and foremost: this is not a stupid question, you are not wasting my time at all. This is actually a rare treat for my blog because I don’t get many asks that don’t involve blindness, though I usually know better how to answer those than I do other questions. So, here we go:
Are you better off focusing on each kid’s perspective, going back and forth? Or is it better to narrow your focus onto one character?
The general rule of writing is to simplify. If two background characters serve a similar purpose, just combine the characters, for example. Slimming down extra scenes that don’t contribute to plot or character development.
However, that advice is meant for people publishing novels, working within an overflowing industry, dependant on sales and royalties. They have to meet whatever industry standards are, like word count or POV types. They have to find someone willing to take them on as a client because they love that book.
Fanfiction is not bound by such nonsense. Fanfiction is a beautifully lawless land where capitalism cannot influence it. What defines what you do with fanfiction is if you enjoy reading it, and if you have the steam to continue a long project.
Some people easily write 200,000k fics within a matter of weeks or months (or in my case, just once, two years). Some people work best with short fics. Both (and everything in between) are wonderful.
So, how much steam do you have for this project? How long do you think you can carry it and still finish it? Because that defines how big you should plan to make this project. If you don’t think you can write a long fic, then maybe just stick to one character.
A compromise between the two is to focus primarily on one character, and examine the other characters more briefly. This could be done in just a single POV chapter, or a handful. This could be done with the characters connecting and seeing the side character through your main character’s eyes, seeing how they’ve changed.
There’s no wrong answer. This fic is for your enjoyment primarily. No matter what you write, it will appeal to at least a few people, if not crowds. But your fun comes first, both literally and figuratively. Write for you, write to explore the story for yourself.
Can you give them a character arc like Violet’s where she becomes kinder after her experiences in the factory? Is that too cliche or predictable?
I wouldn’t call it predictable, because I’d expect everyone to go into completely different directions because they were all such unique and individual people before they entered the factory, and they were foiled by their own quirks.
Violet was mean and fake, she was demanding. I don’t know how much I want to speculate on the plotline you have going for her, how you’ll develop her to make her want to be more kind.
But I would love to speculate on the others.
Agustus Gloop? 
I feel like his experience in the chocolate river and almost drowning would make it hard to enjoy chocolate ever again. I think it would be a long time before he had any sweets. Also, because of his weight, I imagine there’s got to be some body-image issues hiding under the surface. I’d also put money on him being bullied, and him acting out against the students who bully him and because of his size he is more intimidating, but that doesn’t stop people from saying things behind his back.
I imagine the chocolate thing is a form of self-comfort. Maybe he turns to other foods to over-eat with to cope. Maybe eventually he figures out that this isn’t helping him. Does he try to replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones? (idk, I have a personal turn off on getting into the concept of dieting, so I’m not going to dig in much there).
I’d like to see him learn to love himself, develop some body neutrality, that his body doesn’t define who he is or what his worth is. That he becomes okay with who he is as he grows up. People who are happy and comfortable with themselves are generally nicer and easier going than people who aren’t. Maybe with some self-love, he’ll be kinder to others.
Veruca Salt?
Okay, I have a confession. My brain thought of her when discussing Violet. I haven’t seen either of the films in years.
Well, let’s thank Wikipedia everyone, the greatest gift of the internet.
Veruca does come across as a spoiled brat. Her parents shower her in material objects, which might mean something. I have a close friend who hates people buying things for him or giving him gifts that cost money. This has to do with a parent buying him things out of guilt after episodes of emotional abuse. I asked him a while back what he wanted for his birthday (I meant baked goods, I bake or cook special meals as birthday gifts for my friends. A has asked for chocolate chip cookies for three birthdays in a row now. Several friends ask for cookies for Christmas). Anyway, my friend had a panic attack and couldn’t respond until an hour later.
Maybe there’s something to that.
What does she think about money as she grows up? Does her love language continue to be gifts? I think it might one day be quality time. Maybe it is now. It’s common for rich parents to be absent and barely spend time with their kids because of work and extravagant social lives that sort of money gives them access to, meaning they barely have time in the day to spend with their kids. Maybe gifts are the only way she can make sure her parents still care, the only way she can get their attention? 
Mike Teavee?
Apparently in the movie credits his last name is spelled Teevee. But I’m obsessed with tea (and this is the point where I remember my tea and wonder if I’ve let it go cold because I got too focused. Nope, it’s still there). So it’s Teavee here.
Wikipedia describes him as a young boy who only watches TV, nothing but TV. He’s especially interested in cowboys and Western films. He comes across as a know-it-all. He’s easily annoyed but gets along with others.
Anyone have a guess at where I’m going with this?
Mike is neurodivergent. I mean, that’s my new headcanon. I lean towards ADHD because that’s what I project, but like everything else, his interpretation is in the eye of the beholder. Every viewer sees something different in him.
Some common ADHD (and autism) experiences beyond having a specific interest is how others react to your special interest. You get used to people getting bored when you talk about your interest for the thousandth time, but it’s still important to you, but not to someone whose opinion matters to you. RSD is probably common.
Wikipedia says he’s described as lazy in the books? Common ADHD “symptom,” or rather something that outside viewers label as laziness. Really, he just doesn’t have the motivation to do any of those other things.
And Charlie?
Did anyone think I wouldn’t have any thoughts on Charlie, our hero and protagonist?
Oh no, I have thoughts. Charlie goes to great lengths to set his family up comfortably, he becomes generous with his money. He also knows nothing about running a factory. I’m hoping Willy Wonka gives him some help there. But I bet adult Charlie is a stressed-out workaholic who tries to do everything and thinks he has something to prove, that he’s not just some random lucky child, that he can do this. Charlie totally gets a work-related anxiety disorder.
Those are my thoughts. I still think giving them Violet’s arc isn’t cliche or predictable, but rather completely different from what you think would happen to all those kids.
I mean, maybe a few of them are still little jerks in their adult lives. There’s no one road to grow up on, even if you’re four strangers who shared a similar traumatic experience.
Why does she try waddling away after her blueberry transformation and the Oompa Loompas are singing/dancing around her? They're trying to help her, and I don't really get why she'd do something like that.
They strange looking short men she’s literally never talked to, never seen or heard of before today, who’s already taken away two children by this point, all while singing a song about what terrible children they were.
And she’s scared because her body is doing something strange and scary and awful. She’s scared. She doesn’t know what to do. What will happen if these strange men take her away? She doesn’t know what happened to the other kids.
And they’re not really communicating they want to help, just singing cheerfully about how awful children are.
What are tips to better understand the characters I want to flesh out? I guess it circles back to the last question, understanding their psyche.
A lot of it is just watching real-life people and wondering why they are the way they are. Listening to their reasoning and what they tell you about who they are and where they come from.
I know people who grew up like Agustus with using over-eating as a way to self-comfort, and the bullying they experienced. I know that if a kid was physically bigger than his bullies, maybe he’d fight them to make them stop and leave him alone. People who go through that journey of learning that their body doesn’t define who they are, accepting it because it is theirs and it takes care of them.
(Which reminds me of a post I like that pops around here and there, that positive body image should be about more than how “sexy” your curves make you look. A person shouldn’t have to be sexy to be treated like a person. A person shouldn’t have to be sexy at all if they don’t want to, especially not all the time, and especially not a child. And there are a lot of obese children in the world who don’t have any positive body image messages designed for them)
I learned what my friend’s love languages are and why they have them and what they mean. Which is why I have that theory for Veruca.
Mike is just self-projection and listening to other neurodivergent people when they describe their life experiences or listening to their theories when they say a character is neurodivergent too.
I won’t lie, my theory on Charlie is based entirely on the Avatar: the Last Airbender fandom’s common head-canon that Zuko becomes a workaholic after he becomes Firelord. There might be some canon material in the comics that supports that, but I’ve never seen it. I think Zuko and Charlie have a similar vibe and that those three years Zuko struggled, and Charlie’s entire life before the factory make them both feel like they need to be perfect and do everything right to prove they deserve the job they’re given and that their backgrounds don’t define their worth.
Thank you so much for your ask anon!
And again, you are not a bother. I enjoyed digging into this movie I’d never thought in depth about until tonight. And you’re not alone, lots of writers are overthinkers and perfectionists. You are in good company. Our writing and fanfiction community welcomes and loves you <3
And thank you for your kind words! I’m so happy that you love my blog so much <3 It made my day to read that
Take care anon, and good luck in your writing :)
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love/2
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Part 2
AU story with tvd characters
Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert💖
Ft. Klaroline, Kennett
It's a love story -no vampires. Human.
Featuring a song by David Bisbal_Me enamore de ti
Also, Yemaya is played by Zoe Saldana.
So much is going on in this ch, there is so many characters - I hope it still has a coherent flow - 😅
Thanks for reading. 😀😘
Niklaus, or better known as Klaus to his family and friends, just taken a cab to take him to the Mikaelson residence.
He still wasn't sure if he made the right decision to return home after so many years abroad, where he had built a very good reputation and established himself as a prominent young architect making his firm The Wolf Group, as they called themselves, one of the very best. He left it to be run by his partner, Marcel Gerard.
It was one morning after he spoke to Miguel that he made the abrupt decision to take a sabatical year and spend time with the family. Actually, to be precise, with his siblings, as his relationship with his parents was not a good one.
In Rebekah's office, she was looking at the photographs that were to go in the next issue.
"Get me Damon" she said to her assistant Vicki.
"Anything else?" Vicki asked.
"No. I'll be working till late, so you can go. Thanks" Rebekah said.
The eldest of them was Finn, who tragically died in a car crash, at the age 20. Niklaus was their second child. He was three years old when they adopted Miguel.
Rebekah chose to work hard to prove to her father that she can get the fashion magazine up and running and make a huge success of it when she took over. So, at work she was known as the shrew, some of her co-workers would refer to her as a blood-sucker at times. The Mikaelson family was regarded as the most ambitious when business was concerned. Their parents taught their children to be excellent, to strive to excel. To be the best. And they made them proud.
After, Kol, Rebekah and finally Henrik followed.
Miguel fell in love and chose to go to live in San Diego to work after he married. And as his wife died, instead of returning to New York, he chose to go to Mexico City. As for Klaus, after finishing his studies decided to travel the world, finally settling in Europe starting to work as an architect in a small firm.
The Mikaelsons were a big family.
But lately, work was all she had on her mind.
Damon got to her office in a little while, and as he entered the first thing she said was-
"We are professionals and personal stuff should never affect the work-still- I am going to say this, because Elena is my friend and I love her dearly - you're an asshole! If you weren't so damned good at what you do I would kick you to the curb."
"That's not bad. I kind of thought you would dagger me!" Damon said.
"Let's get to work. Look at those", she now showed what she didn't like about those photos and asked for a new photo session with the next month's cover person.
Bonnie and Caroline met Elena for some good old retail therapy. The best remedy when trying to kinda mend a broken heart. A change in style, hair was Caroline's suggestion. Also, they all had already received an electronic invitation to the Mikaelson cocktail night. And they need great dresses for the occasion.
Elena kept quiet about her unusual meeting in the cafe.
In the Upper East Side, Miguel met his son at his new school. Cris as he and all his family and friends called him didn't want to go to a private school, and so Miguel enrolled him in the public school recommended by Rebekah.
Cristobal, looked a lot like his mother, very savvy, goodhearted teenager, who knew exactly what he wanted in his life. He was very close his father. The death of Emily, cut them both and glued them even more together. Sometimes Cristobal took more care of his father, than the other way around. Mostly because Miguel was very dedicated to his work.
There were certain things he still needed to do regarding the transfer, and he now dealt with all that.
"There something different about you dad" he said to him when they got out of the school.
"In what way?" Miguel looked surprised at his son.
"I don't know.  But- different! You have a happy face."
"I have a happy face?"
"Yes. Usually it's - just serious." Cristobal said as he opened the car door.
Miguel looked at the watch and he had promised their housekeeper Senora Vega that they would be on time for the evening dinner. "Come on, we are late."
And there was a certain truth, he felt different. The woman Elena that he had met in the cafe was not getting out of his head. He had not felt a tingle in his heart for a woman for a very long time.
Greenich Village
Elena returned home later that evening and looked at the dress she chose for the cocktail party. Then at her new hairstyle, running her hands through them, inhaling deeply.
"Stop it!" she said to herself in the mirror, "stop thinking about him. Don't need anyone right now. Good-he looked so good in the three-piece suit- too good. "I am going crazy- what's wrong with me?!"
This man was not even her type. She prefered guys in jeans, with a badboy vibe about them. 'Mike' was completely the opposite. What was happening to her. Rebound thoughts. Totally crazy. Sliding the dress safely into the small closet, she went to the living room and put one of her mix playlists on.
Taking her laptop, she made hetself comfortable on the sofa. It was time to do some work. Lena's Cookie website needed updating. Browsing through the photos of her recent cookie creations made her stumble on a few she had done for her friend Yemaya's birthday. Though she was from Brasil, she was very much into mexican art and so she had requested mexican sugar cookies for her birthday fiesta.
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Thinking of 'Mike', she looked up a recipe from her notes.
Me enamoré de ti, jamás lo imaginaba
Que algun día yo, de amor iba a vivir
A couple of blocks away
"Move in with me" he blurted out inbetween kisses and half way to bed disregarding supper.
"Enough of work." Bonnie said closing Kol's laptop nestling comfortably on his lap, pulling him into a kiss.
Kol finished writing the draft of his last research paper.  Bonnie sneaked up on at him with a trey of food and wine.
"Who is joking? Move in with me. I'm serious. I want you here - all the time. It's crazy paying for two apartments, sleeping ovet here- there."
"Ok," Bonnie said,"yeah, let's be practical"
"This is not about being practical," Kol drew his fingers up her cheeks, looking at her dreamily, "I really want you here with me all the time."
"When you look at me that way, I could never say no."
"You drive me crazy" Kol smiled, "At times I can't believe you are real - and you are with me"
"Shut up and kiss me" Bonnie pressed her forfinger on his lips.
She was a person so very open hearted, giving and so loving. He met her accidently, so he thought, as he waited for Rebekah to meet him for lunch at the bar. He didn't know that the Rebekah and the others set Bonnie and he up on a blind date. He complained to Rebekah that he had no luck in the love department and that he had enough of dates that led to nowhere.
He kissed her, and he took that as a 'yes'.
Stefan met his fellow journalist Yemaya for a last minute check before he gave in his article for print.
"Stop joking"
"Want to grab a drink?" he asked casually.
"Just one!" she stressed out, "Last night I had one too many"
"Wow- in the middle of the week ?!"he teased her as he knew her rule not to drink during the week.
"We took Elena out to kick her shoes off. She was really down."
"I heard," Stefan said, "I cannot make excuses for my brother, he is not bad-but he makes hell of mistakes."
"All the time!" Yemaya added.
"Yeah, but I am not really into the Damon- Elena talk. Actually, I need a date for a cocktail party?!"
"You got invited too?!" Yemaya was surprised.
"Maybe it was some mistake, but it came from Mikael's official e-mail!" Stefan said.
"Yes. I would like to be your date!" Yemaya accepted happily.
"Good!"- Stefan smiled, and  now waited for her to finish off what she was doing.
Days went by in a flash, and everyone had mostly work on their mind. Well, not everyone. Elena had something else on her mind, or rather someone else.
The Mikaelson cocktail party started to be the thing everyone started to talk about.
Esther and Rebekah were deeply immersed in the event. Everything had to be perfect.
Esther had invited all her family for a family brunch the day before.
Kol, Miguel and Cristobal arrived an hour before the meal. Cristobal immediately went with Henrik, who was two years older than him and that was a bit strange as he was in actual fact his uncle.
"What is not weird with this family" Cristobal said looking at Henrik wide-eyed.
"I kind of have to get to know Klaus and Miguel- they look too serious" Henrik said.
"Dad can be fun-he just doesn't like to show it much!" Cristobal explained. "Show me the last vynils you’ve bought."
"Come on" Henrik said gesturing to follow him to his room.
Rebekah walked in the living room all chirpy, "Gossiped much?!"
"No. Why would you think so?" Klaus said. "Then you have changed- you always had something smart to say about me"
"I did hear already comments about what a dragon you are at work, " Klaus teased, "it's only fashion, but I guess it has to be run with military precision. Father must be very proud!"
"There-you see" Rebekah looked at Miguel, who wanted to stay out of it.
"I hear you have new friends," Klaus said,"kicked the old snobby ones to the curb, I hear"
"I am sick of her snoby friends- yes-I have managed to make proper friends, and if you behave, maybe I will introduce them to you!" Rebekah shot back at her brother tapping him on the shoulder.
Esther walked into the Salon and there was gladness in her heart. All her children were there, and that was a rare occasion in the last years.
Her husband now joined them and they sat down for a very different brunch they all were used to. It was warm, chatty and quite lively.
Esther was counting her blessings, though her heart was not entirely at ease.
The next day, the pre-cocktail buzz was already in full flow with both the hosts as well as their invites.
Caroline talked to Elena over the phone about the cocktail party and Klaus.
"He looks really good," Caroline said, "you should check his site- he has done some amazing stuff."
"Caroline, you are telling me that I get into things head over heals like instantly. Rebekah is great, but he is a Mikaelson. Do you really want to get involved with one of them?"
"Elena, I know what you're thinking. Too close to home. Could mess up a great friendship if things go bad"
"Not thinking anything. Ok. I got to go. See you later"
"I will pick you up," Caroline said, "oh, I went back and changed the dress. I am wearing the blue dress - right- Jess is hear to do my hair. I will see you soon."
"Ok." Elena put the phone down.
Elena went to do her hair and make up herself. She was good in anything creative. She decided to wave it a bit and pin one side. She was going for a more natural look, and yet looking glam.
Simplicity has always been her motto. And yet, everything she did never looked simple. From her range of cookies to her relationships. 
The door bell went and Elena was surprised to see Yemaya at the door. She had already been ready and dressed.
"Hey- Sorry. I just had to come" the woman stormed in.
Elena could see that her friend was all flustered. Something major must have happened for her to be coming and not calling.
Elena now waited to hear her spill the beans.
"Ok -I am going to say it- huh- I slept with Stefan. We went for a drink and it was just one drink -and we talked and he drove me home and then we kissed and then we kissed some more and- you know the rest."
Elena didn't understand what was so bad about it. He and Yemaya were work collegues. And that is exactly now what was Yemaya's concern.
"I said I would never get involved with someone I work with."
"Shall I guess what you told him in the morning?! Exactly that?! Right?"
Yemaya nodded. 
In the Mikaelson Mansion, Esther Mikaelson was going through the list with her personal party organizer for the afternoon cocktail party the family was hosting for an exlusive charity event for the hospital Miguel and Kol worked for. Just one look from her said volumes when she was displeased with something. When her favourite sister died in the car crash, everyone thought that she would retreat and never come back, as she did go away for a year to grieve and be by herself. The grief changed something in her, she became a recluse, but adopting Miguel, brought her back to life. As he now walked out into the garden, greeting her with a small kiss on the cheek.
"How are you, querida madre?"
"Very well - even better now that you and Cristobal are here." Esther replied.
"This looks beautiful. Thank you for doing this."
"Darling, it is nothing. It's my pleasure. Where is Cristobal?"
"With Henrik" Miguel said and now greeted Kol and Bonnie.
Kol then went on to introduce Bonnie to Klaus and Miguel. Rebekah quickly snatched Bonnie away from the men.
"So, I'm hearing wedding bells from the distance!" Klaus teased Kol.
"Unlike you, I actually want one woman for myself!" Kol threw back at him.
"You haven't changed at all!" Klaus said. "I will leave you two to discuss whatever medical thing you will discuss"
"Bonnie" Miguel started, " she seems to be lovely!"
"What about you? Are you never going to find someone again?” Kol asked his brother.
"I don't know," Miguel said, "maybe"
"What does that mean? Have you met somebody?" Kol continued with the quizzing. "Dr Ruben has set her eyes on you. She's been asking me if you were dating anyone?"
"Please don't play the matchmaker." Miguel warned.
"Don't worry -"
Cris and Henrik came up to them and Kol now turned to them, quizzing them about the band they were forming.
The guest started arriving and Cris now observed how Esther and Mikael, together with Rebekah glided among the guests and how masterfully they played the hosts.
Damon and Stefan arrived together. Krystal made a solo appearance. 
Elena, Yemaya and Caroline entered like a grand trio.
Rebekah was there like a shot and greeted her friends.
"Who invited Krystal?" Caroline shot at Rebekah straight out seeing the woman mingling with some of the guests.
"Father's office - she is the best model and it's about business -if you thought that this was a family thing only, then you are mistaken -come on -let me introduce you to Miguel and Klaus."
Elena's heart dropped when she heard the name, but when she actually saw that it was the man she had met in the cafe, her heart started beating uncontrollably. She tried to keep her composure as Rebekah officially now introduced them.
"Hello" Miguel said, curling a smile at the brunette.
"Hello" Elena muttered and smiled back at him, “I thought your name is Mike?!”
"Uhm - it's Miguel - when we were kids Rebekah would call me Mikey - uhm - I don’t know why I introduced myself using my childhood nickname - just felt like - I suppose being back in New York”
"Oh, you've met?" Rebekah said slightly wide-eyed.
"Yes- a few days ago" Miguel said, his eyes still fixed on Elena.
Se pinta de colores toda mi alma
Con esa dulce luz de tu mirada
Y al verte sonreír, vuelvo a tener fe
Elena nodded, confirming it was so, looking at her friend and then at the suave looking cardiologist.
The waitress with champagne cocktails approached them and Miguel now took the glasses and offered one to her.
"Strawberry Bellini! I think you will like it." Miguel said to the brunette.
"Thank you!" Elena took the glass. She was at ease now. His charm just enveloped her and she didn't care anymore that she had seen Damon and Krystal at the party.
Not standing far from them, Caroline already chatted with Klaus as if they knew eachother forever. He offered her a Mimosa cocktail. 
"You are looking in the direction of that brunette like she had done something to you so disgracefully" Klaus commented since Caroline looked at Krystal off and on.
_ to be continued
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atiny-piratequeen · 5 years
It's me! Hope I'm not bugging you. If you can give me a rundown of Ateez (their personalities in life), I'd love you forever! -Minty the Cookie
Okay here we go!
Starting with our beloved leader, Kim Hongjoong is the second oldest member of ateez. He’s incredibly multitalented, he can sing, he can dance, he can rap, he produces music in his studio all the time (which is why he falls asleep in a lot of places. He exhausts himself too much). 
Also something very special of note since debut, Hongjoong has had his one pinky painted in support of the painted man campaign, a campain that encourages men to paint one of their nails in order to raise awareness for CSA victims. I’ve seen plenty of men do this, and I love them for participating, but I’ve never seen anyone do it for as long as our leader and precious Mini Hong
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Next is Park Seonghwa. He’s the oldest and the shortest member of who I have dubbed the ‘Tall Line’ (Him, Mingi, and Yunho). Seonghwa is the king of murdering visuals and the members affectionately call him Angry Bird (because of his eyebrows) and Toothless (because of his smile). Seonghwa also appears to be the ‘no nonsense’ member of the group due to his resting bitch face and such, but he’s just as much of an adorable dork as the rest of them.
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Next is Jeong Yunho, Ateez’s energizer and self proclaimed ‘puppy’! Yunho is the tallest member of Ateez (some people will tell you him and Mingi are the same height. They’re wrong.), and he has the most adorable nose scrunch in the world when he smiles. Yunho is one of the members of the performance line (with Mingi and Yeosang) and he’s honestly the softest baby bean ever, please give him smooches, okay?
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okay okay, next is my soft boy. My baby boy. My absolute-*cough*ahem.
Kang Yeosang is one of the visuals and performance members of Ateez. He’s a shy boy that sucks at winning games (its so sad but also so cute). His favorite thing in the world is flavored chicken and he has a big sweet tooth. He used to be a BigHit trainee (the came company as BTS and TXT) but then he left and joined KQ. He’s also been friends with Wooyoung for 5 years and they aren’t afraid to talk about it. He’s a little petty, tbh, and he likes to casually talk shit about/to the other members (in a friendly way, obviously. But this makes people lable him as ‘savage’ and I have to laugh sometimes bc if yall think that’s savage than I-). He also has the most adorable lisp and birthmark ever near his eye. You don’t see the birthmark often because it’s covered by makeup but seriously, just listen to Yeosang talk. His lisp sends me to a higher plane of existance.
Also his natural eye color is gorgeous, kk thx bye-
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Next is our king of dualities, the one everyone calls ‘demon’ one second and then ‘babie’ the next, Choi San! San is honestly a jack of all trades. Main vocal, stunning visual, chaotic but wonderful performer, lOUD(tm). San is honestly just a babie whenever he’s not on stage and he has a habit of collecting plushies. The one we know of the most is a shiba inu plushie named Shiber! San also is highkey Wooyoung’s husband *cough*
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Next is Mr. Fix On, himself, Song Mingi! Mingi is the only other rapper of Ateez alongside Hongjoong. He’s the second tallest member of the group, another member of the performance line, and he’s full of energy at all times. Unfortunately, baby boy has been out on injury shortly after this era began, so any recent ateez videos you watch won’t have Mingi in it, since he’s resting. But please love him with all your heart, okay?
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Now we have the one ‘in charge of the sexiness in the group’ even tho they’re all sexy wtf, Jung Wooyoung. Okay so remember how I said Yeosang was a BH trainee and then he left for KQ? Guess what? Wooyoung’s friendship and love for Yeo was so strong that he actually followed him to KQ. He said he wanted to debut with his friend and even if they failed, they’d fail together and if that isn’t the cutest shit ever-
Wooyoung is also the epitome of baby boy culture. Small, loud(tm), very affecionate. He’s also a little sHIT and we love him for it. Wooyoung gets a good amount of visuals in mvs and choreos, and you may know him well for the little smirk and wave after the first ‘Will You Be My Friend?’ in Pirate King, or the wiping of the lips after all the boys fucking ended themselves at the end of Hala Hala. Honestly, what a legend.
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and last, but not least, is Choi Jongho. Our maknae and local strong boi(tm). Jongho is one of the main vocals and his nickname is “the maknae that’s not really the maknae” because out of all of these crackheads, he’s definately on the more mature side of the spectrum. (Don’t be fooled completely tho, he’s got the chaos energy in him, too). Jongho has some wicked powerful vocals to accompany the fact that he can probably break you with a finger flick to the forehead. He’s also known as the “real life fruit ninja” because, like....he breaks fruit apart (mostly apples) with his bare fucking hands. Showoff.
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