#anti-fairytale au
plus they turned morgan into max goof
Yep what an original personality… not! Morgan was done so dirty in the sequel, and her sarcastic personality felt so unoriginal, and the plot seemed a little too reliant on her schadenfreude before and after the wish such as her wardrobe getting barbecued as a sick form of cruel and unusual punishment and coffee was spilled on her her. We also don’t even know the reason why her relationship with Giselle became strained because ‘Nothing happens’ in Disenchanted.
That’s why I’m drastically changing her personality in Tftoml to make her feel like a more relatable and likable teenaged protagonist and what’s helping with shaping her character is her good sibling relationship with 6 year old Sofie and her love of fairytales (which I’ve kept in my fic) helps enhance her own perspective on her own growing interests. In conclusion, my whole strategy in writing The fairytale of my life is, “take everything Disenchanted failed to accomplish, and do them 10 trillion times better.” Here’s hoping that Gabriella Baldacchino gets a better acting career in the future and that she doesn’t have to keep playing an outdated stereotype. Heck if Disenchanted came out in 2017, maybe they would’ve kept Rachel Covey. Spoilers, for The fairytale of my life imagine Morgan being portrayed by a teenaged Rachel Covey.
Also as mentioned in the previous ask, this will be the last Tftoml related question I’ll answer since I’m going to be busy this November writing the remaining chapters before typing them out in Docs. I’ll update soon when I’m ready to answer once I’ve finished posting more tftoml chapters.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
Mai and the Spider Woman
For the Year of OTP prompt, Fairytale.
Mai hated the palace. She hadn’t always. When she was a young girl, she loved visiting. As a special guest of Princess Azula, she had been treated with high honor. As Fire Lord Zuko’s girlfriend, she had been bowed and scraped to, as the palace servants fell over themselves trying to court the favor of the woman who might one day be Fire Lady. Now, though, she was no one in particular. Her father’s tenuous hold on his seat in Fire Lord Zuko’s council brought her back to the opulent palace more often than she cared for, but nonetheless, she never turned down the opportunity to go with Ukano.
Every visit brought Mai back into Zuko’s circle. She had never had the ability to fake enthusiasm, but he knew her well enough to know that her sarcastic barbs weren’t meant to be taken seriously. He had known her apathy was her way of self-preserving. That her smirk was as good as a giggle and smile. It had been enough for years. Whenever they had broken up before, it hadn’t taken much more than a smirk and a nod to bring him back into her arms. That had been her plan after she’d gotten past the argument that had led to their last break-up. And she was certain that it would be their last break up. They were in their twenties now. Too old for the break-up to make-up game. Zuko had been ready for commitment for years, and now, Mai was too. So when Lord Ukano was called to the palace, Mai only put up a token protest before agreeing to travel with her father.  Mai was sure that both she and her father had the same goal. He was well aware of the pattern. It was an old dance that had gotten Mai back into her position so many times before that she never considered that one day it wouldn’t. Mai was flummoxed when Zuko greeted her with polite disinterest. The problem presented itself at dinner that night.
She was there. Mai’s jaw clenched when she saw the Avatar’s waterbender take the honored seat to Zuko’s right. She did it casually, as if it were her rightful place, though she hadn’t been in Caldera for more than a couple of months. It had been years since Mai had seen her, but she knew that she and Zuko had been in touch. That had never bothered her because Zuko had kept in touch with all of his little friends. None of them had ever stood out before. Now, Mai wished she’d paid more attention
Read the rest of the story here
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doobea · 7 months
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synopsis: After his brother takes a nasty fall and calls out before the new season starts, Rin has to step up as your new figure skating partner.
✰ ✰ ✰જ⁀➴ PLAYLIST.
contents: an ice skating au fic (very much yuri on ice inspired), fem!reader, ice skating terms and irl figures thrown around but not that super important, lmao probably inaccurate depictions of figure skating, sfw, kinda enemies to lovers but its really just rin being anti-social and cold, sae is a decent brother in here, characters are in their early-mid 20s, talks about ISU grand prix, mentions of mental health (depression, anxiety, burn out, imposter syndrome), heavy narration, rin centric, multiple parts will be added but no set scheduling of course word count: 4.3K (sigh there will be more) a/n: you know... whenever i feel like i hit a writer's block... thinking about rin always helps me break out of it so thank u...
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For as long as Rin can remember, he's always followed in his brother's footsteps. 
Whatever that meant being interested in the same shows, books, and sometimes even hobbies, Rin would always be one step behind. It was a long-time habit that he picked up ever since he was little. There was a small running joke that if you wanted to find Rin, all you needed to do was find Sae. If anyone were to ask him why, he would probably shrug and refuse to answer, though his parents would gush on about how much he looks up to his older brother, and… it’s not a complete tall tale. 
His brother is talented and not in a ‘he can totally balance a stack of rocks in one try’ type of talented—though Rin is pretty sure that Sae can do that—but in a ‘he’s born with a natural gift to be absolutely perfect at everything he touches’ type of talented. So, regardless if Rin is always one step behind his brother, he knows deep down that it will always be Sae standing on the very top of the podium with a gold medal around his neck. 
Sae delved into figure skating at the age of eight, and Rin quickly followed suit. It began on a family night in, the brothers gathered around their small, worn-out television, fixated on the Winter Olympics in muted colors. Although ice skating initially served as mere background noise while their mother knitted, they both felt an undeniable pull.
Rin was only thirteen when he first won silver at his junior debut competition. In that same year, Sae also moved up to the senior-level groups and gave his first professional appearance during the Japan Figure Skating Championships. Unsurprisingly to no one, Sae effortlessly won gold, putting the whole world on notice and overtaking the competition by over 40 points. From that moment forward, Sae was recruited by an international coach and was sent aboard to different training facilities. 
It burned in Rin’s memories of all the irregular Facetime calls they would have of Sae giving him a walking tour of the cities he stayed in. New York was too loud and bright. Chongqing felt like something out of a fairytale and a cyberpunk city at the same time. Saint Petersburg was too cold but Sae liked grabbing pirozhki from a street food vendor before practice every morning. Despite being only two years older, he sometimes felt like he was worlds away from his brother’s place. 
Still, after everything, Rin looks up to him. It doesn’t bother Rin that he’s always ‘second best’—according to those poorly written sports magazines—because this is something they can bond over, something that only they can understand.
And maybe this is Rin’s motivation to eventually surpass him.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t go exactly how he imagines it. 
“You’re going to sub in for me.” 
Sae is sitting up on his bed, his right leg bandaged tightly all the way up to his knee, and he’s saying this with his usual straight-laced expression. Their mother has always complained about being unable to read Sae’s emotions and Rin always thought it was pretty amusing growing up. But now, he finally understands what his mother was talking about.
Rin straightens his back in his seat, a colorful plastic chair from their childhood that’s now too small for a person his size, and almost drops his phone. “Did you hit your head too?”
His brother rolls his eyes and continues, “I know you’re taking a break this season but I promised one of my juniors that I would compete with them. Luckily,” and he points to his injured leg, “this isn’t a permanent issue but I think it’ll also be good for you.”
Sae’s injury happened during practice overseas at a training facility in Madrid. It’s a mild ankle and knee sprain from overexertion and stress factors from jumping too often. He was treated briefly before their parents suggested flying back to Japan to fully recover. It’s not uncommon for skaters to suffer from these types of injuries but why does Sae feel the need to bring Rin into this? 
During last year’s Grand Prix Final, Rin had barely finished in the top ten. He fumbled with his short program and free skate, failed to land his quad jumps three times, and had a sloppy step sequence, both of which were supposed to be his strong suits. That day, he didn’t bother joining his coach at the kiss and tell, ignored all the swarming paparazzi self-proclaimed journalists, and uninstalled every social media app on his phone. His fans, coaches, and his family were all concerned as to how someone like him was able to fall that low compared to his higher-than-average stats. Rin had blamed it on something he can’t even remember, maybe a stomach bug, he thinks. 
Obviously, that wasn’t the case, everyone could see right through the lie but not entirely the truth of it. News outlets flooded the market with headlines shaming him for not living up to his older brother’s standards, not being a good representative for his nation, and that it was all karma for having an ‘unbearable’ personality to work with. His coaches retired after his flimsy performance and all but two of his sponsorships dropped him. Rin hasn’t officially given out a statement regarding anything. 
Depression is a hell of a thing to deal with. Rin’s dealt with it in the past when Sae first moved aboard. Luckily, Sae is perceptive to this kind of thing. The daily calls helped, despite the harsh timezone differences, and eventually Rin was able to move past it. The reality of it though, is that depression never really fades away, it’s almost like an addiction. Sometimes it takes hold in a moment of weakness, one that Rin doesn’t even realize he has until it’s too late. Maybe it’s all the rigorous training, all the comparisons to his brother—he tries not to think too much about it.
He didn’t know when the feeling hit him or why it decided to affect him that day. 
For the past several months, he’s been spending time gliding around their local ice rink, teaching some kids on the side to keep his mind preoccupied because, if not that, then he’ll probably end up laying in his bed all day. It works and it’s at least a healthy distraction but, at the same time, he can’t shake the gnawing feeling in his chest every time someone mentions his last performance. 
Rin feels like he’s hit a wall. A thick, towering, uninviting wall. And he doesn’t know if he’s ready to face his baggage yet.
“I’m not going to do that.” He finally answers and watches as his brother’s face stays unfazed.
“I need you to.” Sae presses on. “You need to get out of whatever rut you’re in. You’re not happy and going back might help. Forget about competing in singles and join pairs.”
Sae might be talented in everything else but, like Rin, he’s bad at choosing his words and comforting. Rin knows what he means though and he can’t exactly blame him. He’s lost weight, most of it being muscle, and whenever he does get back from work, Rin holes up in his room playing horror games all night long. Rinse and repeat. 
At least there’s a level of concern and sincerity behind Sae’s tone, unlike the vulture-like glee from the tabloid reporters.
“I’m…” Rin’s throat feels heavy all of a sudden and he struggles to find an excuse. 
Instead of answering, he fixates his attention back to his phone, it’s a news article about Sae’s injury and his withdrawal from the skating season. The article also has a photo of you posing next to his brother, elbow resting on his shoulder while your other hand raises a peace sign towards the camera. Rin hasn’t heard much about you, not that he actively keeps up with any of his competitors, but Sae has mentioned your name here and there before since you both share the same coach.
From what Rin knows, you started skating around the same age as him. You won a few local competitions and managed a bronze medal in the women’s singles category during the Japan Skating Championships. Supposedly, this year you’re attempting to take a shot at qualifying for the Grand Prix Final for pairs. With Sae out of the picture, Rin really hopes the responsibility doesn’t fall on him.
The look that Sae is currently shooting at him is making him backtrack his thoughts.
“It’ll be good for you,” his brother reiterates. Sae scoots closer to the edge and plucks the phone out of Rin’s grasp. “Plus, I already told her that you would do it.”
Rin’s eyes widen. “You did what?”
Sae hums, and taps his fingers away at the screen, before handing it back to him with your contact information placed in. “She’s actually on her way over here.”
“I haven’t even—”
Sae throws a hand up. “No, you don’t get a choice, Rin.”
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Despite being three years younger than Sae, you had no issues barging into his room, suitcase in hand and hair in a frenzy. Rin is still seated, having to process his brother’s ridiculous request and now having to make himself semi-presentable to you. He also eyes the suitcase because… there’s no way that you’re actually staying with them right?
“Hope the flight here wasn’t too rough,” His brother starts casually.
Your cheeks are puffed out, eyes slightly baggy from the presumably restless flight, and you let out an exasperated sigh. “I hope you know that I didn’t tell coach about any of this.”
“Any of what?” Sae asks slowly. Now Rin is internally panicking.
Your eyes fall on him and they sparkle in recognition for a brief moment before you turn your attention back to his brother. “Um, that I flew all the way from Madrid to Tokyo?”
“I thought you said he approved of it.” Sae looks visibly annoyed.
You give a sheepish shrug and try to smile. “Yeah, I might’ve lied a bit.” It looks like you can’t decide if you want to be embarrassed by this fact or want to burst into tears.
Now it’s Sae’s turn to sigh. “Well, you’re already here so there’s no point. I’ll come up with something if Ego asks.”
You’ve made yourself practically at home within the next hour. Sae had told you that you could transform their home office space into your bedroom for the next several months in preparation for the competition, much to Rin’s protests. Right now, your makeshift living space composes of a shitty air mattress that Rin had in his closet since childhood and one of Sae’s extra pillows and blankets. You still need an actual mattress and a bedframe, and Rin doesn’t know if he wants to suggest the local hardware shop down the street. Because, if he does do that, it’ll mean he’ll be accepting his fate for the next upcoming year.
“Are you guys both hungry for dinner? I can whip up something real quick!” You’re saying this as if you’ve been living with them forever. It throws Rin off but Sae is unphased by your informality. 
“Pork katsu curry sounds nice.” Sae muses from the living room couch. He’s streaming a figure skating compilation video from the previous Winter Olympics on the TV while jotting down some notes on his phone. “Why don’t you help her out, Rin?”
“Do I have to?” 
“Yeah,” and Sae lifts his eyes away from the screen to give him a knowing look. “You have to.”
Three protein shakes. A pack of half-eaten grapes. And two boxes of forgotten leftovers from god knows how long ago. There’s not much in Rin’s fridge. His parents have been traveling around the world ever since he got back and usually, Rin would just get himself takeout to save some time. When he rummages through his pantry, he almost feels embarrassed by how barren it feels. A box of cup ramen, some curry cubes, and a small bag of rice on the bottom. It would honestly be better just to order takeout than to bother cooking up something less satisfying. 
“We should—”
“Let’s go to the store!” Of course, you offer that up. Rin can feel his shoulders immediately tensing when he sees you grabbing your jacket and wallet.
Sae throws him another penetrating gaze and Rin recedes. “Give me a second.” And maybe a drink or two.
You’re the complete opposite of what Rin expected. 
Bright, bubbly, and almost downright annoying. It reminds him of how he used to act when he was younger.
The first few minutes of the walk are silent not because Rin doesn’t know what to say but because he doesn’t want to say anything. His mind drifts off to an MMO he’s been currently playing with two of his ‘friends’ that he made during his last competition — if you count only exchanging numbers for the sake of playing games and talking about nothing else. That’s what friends do, right? It’s evening and, if it weren’t for Sae and you, he could be online right now, clearing a dungeon with them. This week is a double drop event and he’s going to miss out on it because you want to buy katsu curry ingredients. 
After passing the third block in the neighborhood, you start to see a few local shops and grocery stores lined up down an alleyway. There are more locals around, some are walking their dogs, others sweeping the sides of their house entrances. You decide to take this time to finally talk to him.
“Who’s your favorite skater?” It comes out as a blurt like you’ve been holding it in.
Rin blinks. “What kind of question is that?”
“A normal one,” You pick up a small shopping cart by the entrance and make a beeline towards the produce section. “Plus it can tell you a lot about a person.”
Can it really? “You first then,” Rin tells you.
You answer without much thought, throwing a couple of apples and potatoes into the cart. “Has to be Nathan Chen! He’s super bold and flashy with his programs.” He’s heard of him before, Rin thinks he’s around the same age as his brother. 
“Yuzuru Hanyu.” He answers right after.
You make a noise, and Rin assumes it’s a good one by the way you’re smiling. “I can definitely see that, he’s really elegant when he skates.”
The two of you fall silent again but it’s a bit bearable. You finish off by buying pork, onions, and a few soft drinks before heading over to the self-checkout. Rin pays for the entirety of the grocery run since it’s mainly his fault for having an empty fridge. If he had kept up with a healthier lifestyle then maybe he wouldn’t be in this current mess.
Dinner, for all things considered, doesn’t go horribly. It’s been months since Rin has picked up a knife, let alone use his cutting board, and you’re nice enough to show him how to properly score meat. And yeah, he just learned what scoring meant outside of sports. He’s learning a lot today. 
Adding apple chunks to the curry really made an immense difference. Tastes a lot sweeter but also comforting. The pork comes out crispy and tender enough for him to easily bite through and practically melts on his tongue. Maybe he should get back into cooking soon.
Sae wipes his mouth before setting down his utensils. “I’ve also taken the liberty to coach you guys too, so don’t let me down.” 
You blink. Rin looks like he’s going to drop his fork on his plate. He seems to catch himself though, and for just a moment. Your heads both tip to the side, and there’s a strange moment of eye contact, one where you are nervously glancing at Sae, and Sae is caught in a strange back-and-forth with Rin.
Yeah, Rin is learning more today compared to the average person.
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The next day at the ice rink is a surreal experience for Rin. A year ago, when he did skate professionally, he was used to practicing alone or occasionally sharing the rink with a few other skaters, but now there's a new dynamic—a pair dynamic. You and him. The thought alone sends shivers down his spine, and not the good kind.
Sae is sitting on the side, his injured leg propped up on a chair, and he's observing with a critical eye. Rin can feel the pressure, not just from the expectation of his brother, but also from the fact that you're now involved. His comfort zone has been invaded.
“Let's start with some basic warm-up moves,” Sae suggests, and Rin reluctantly nods. 
The two of you glide on the ice, trying to synchronize your movements to a random classical tune that his brother placed on shuffle. Claire de Lune—he’s warmed up to this song plenty of times before. It's awkward at first, the pacing and speed is off, and you’re both too tensed to initiate physical contact. 
“You need to trust each other,” Sae instructs, his voice echoing in the cold rink. 
Rin shoots him a dirty glare. Trust has never been his strong suit, especially not with someone new.
You decide to break the ice, quite literally, by attempting a lift. Rin braces himself as you come at him with speed, and then, in a moment that feels like slow motion, he lifts you off the ground. Success. You're now spinning in the air, and Rin is holding his breath, hoping he doesn't drop you.
“That was good, Rin!” you exclaim when you land back on the ice.
He's slightly out of breath, both from the physical exertion and the anxiety that came with it. “Yeah, great,” he mutters, avoiding eye contact.
After what seems like an eternity, Rin begins to find a rhythm. It's still not perfect, he’s not used to skinship so he can tell his grip around you is either too firm or barely there. Sae’s a rough teacher and quite possibly the king at micromanaging, the two of you bond quietly over the fact. Rin also learns that you’re pretty good at hydroblading and the Biellmann spin. Well, you’re pretty good at a lot of things. He’s surprised that you haven’t tried out for more international competitions prior.  
By the end of the day, both of you are exhausted—well, you look fine, it’s more like Rin feels like his quads are about to burn off. This is the most he’s done physically and with his career in the last several months. Sae, with his usual unreadable expression, nods approvingly.
“You’ve got potential,” he comments, and Rin is unsure if it's a compliment or just a statement of fact. “So, what’s the theme?”
Right. They need to figure out that first before deciding on anything else. Rin has always struggled with coming up with themes and settles with essentially the same one every year since he feels comfortable with it. The past years he’s played around with ‘solitude’, ‘dormant’, and ‘night’—and all of his programs contained dark, moody instrumentals that went along with it. 
You’re shuffling awkwardly by the benches, fiddling with your gym bag, and raise a hesitant hand. “How do we feel about ‘love’?”
Rin tightens his lips. “Isn’t that kind of vague?”
“Weren’t all of your themes the same?” Sae shoots back and it makes him quiet. “What songs did you have in mind?”
You’re quick to pull out your phone, a playlist pops up with songs that you’ve either wanted to skate or skated to. The song choices aren’t bad, most of them being soundtracks from musicals and pop artists.
“This Love.”
Rin lets out a loud scoff. “Guess you’re into that sappy stuff.” He remembers one of his skating colleagues was floating around the idea of skating to that song when they first jumped into a relationship but decided to shelve it once they found another person.
“It’s a good song,” You say with a huff, to which Rin only rolls his eyes.
“Guys,” Sae claps his hands three times, a signal that Rin recognizes from his earlier childhood days of basically saying ‘shut the fuck up’. “I need you to work together.”
Your index finger jabs into Rin’s ribcage. He manages to hold back every fiber in his body to not yell at you, especially not when Sae is staring right at him. “If you’re going to make a comeback, I think maybe you should get back on social media again to promote!”
“I’ll sleep on it.” He says with a clenched jaw and furrowed brow.
“We’ll see you later back home, gonna do a couple of laps around the neighborhood before we end the night.” You’re lacing up your sneakers while Sae grabs his car keys. Rin assumes his brother is just going to be ‘encouraging you’ from the driver’s seat. Classic big brother move. 
“Sure thing,” It’s the tone that says he’s decided. He’s done. End of discussion. Rin just really wants to lay in his bed right now.
As he walks home, Rin mulls over your suggestion and decides to reinstall some of his social media apps. Surprisingly enough, he still remembers his passwords (he definitely does not have the same password for everything, nope) and immediately logs onto Instagram, fighting back the weird twists and turns in his stomach as the app slowly loads.
There are maybe over a hundred notifications in his DMs, most of which are from random strangers giving half-assed ‘advice’ on how he can be a better skater and some messages from people he’s skated against asking how he was doing. He starts from the bottom of his inbox and recognizes a few of their usernames.
itsyoiboi — sent ten months ago are you doing alright? let me know if you need anything
hyo.chigiri — sent nine months ago Just checking up on you. Coach told me that you left.
megugu_skates— sent nine months ago (。┰ω┰。) rinrinrin!!  dont tell me ur quitting for good?? =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ ( ´ Д `)ノ (⋟﹏⋞) u have to come back!!
baroushouei — sent eight months ago Hey, get your head out of your ass. We’re all worried about you.
Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Rin semi-appericates the sentiment but he didn’t ask for it. He doesn’t need any of them checking up on him for the sake of it. None of them were ever close to him so why bother?
He eventually reaches back to the top of his inbox. What Rin didn’t expect was to see a message from you.
yn.is.here — sent a week ago um  hi there!! sorry we haven’t officially met before but your brother said you’ll be able to help me compete in skate pairs?? he told me that you’re thinking about coming back this season.  sorry if this comes off as weird!
Ugh, of course, his brother would plan this whole thing behind his back. It doesn’t surprise him, and it explains why any of this is happening. 
When he finally gets back home, he kicks off his shoes and heads straight to his bedroom. Rin plops and eases his back into the mattress, thumb rummaging through his photo album and trying to find a dumb professional photo to post on his page for stupid promotion purposes. He’s about to pick out an old photo from nearly two years ago when your text notification pops up. You sent over ten attachments—guess Sae took photos and videos from today’s practice run.
Rin shifts through the options before settling on a photo with the two of you in it. You’re both gliding side by side, hands barely touching. He looks scruffy, well he looks scruffy in all of them, the smile he tried to make came out more like a scowl, while you look like a complete natural—what’s new? On top of his skating, Rin needs to work on smiling and his skincare routine next.
Rin uploads the picture with a simple caption, ‘im back’, and turns off his notifications. He’ll worry about the lousy reporters tomorrow morning.
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[DISCUSSION THREAD] Rin Itoshi's Icy Resurgence, Unraveling the Mystery Girl, and the Journey Without His Brother by [MOD] Dooby
In the world of figure skating, Rin Itoshi is no stranger to both triumphs and challenges. The seasoned skater, known for his graceful performances and technical prowess, recently made headlines by returning to the ice after a brief hiatus. Taking the place of his brother in the figure skating pairs category, Rin has partnered with the talented and rising star, Y/N, to form an unexpected yet promising duo.
[yurio.fan.cl0b] - 17 minutes ago he’s going to make an embarrassment out of himself AGAIN just go back into hiding  [VICChan] - 15 minutes ago Lololol he thinks that piggybacking off another skater it’ll guarantee a gold medal lolol who is even y/n anyway… never heard of her???? [porkkatsu] - 14 minutes ago shes a nobody just like rin *shrugs*  [ISAGINUMBERONE] - 12 minutes ago ^ been a rin itoshi fan since day one — i believe that he’ll make a great comeback!! rin if you’re reading this please ignore the haters!  [itsJJStyleX0X0] - 9 minutes ago are you actually an idiot? there’s no way that they’re going to take gold, not at the level he’s currently at. compared to his brother, rin’s past performance was sloppy and weak. if he’s going to win gold then he’ll probably end up doping himself [SaeItoshisWIFE] - 7 minutes ago Can we please refrain from spreading rumors like this? Doping is a serious accusation to make…
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next rink!
a/n: ok... i meant to keep this in my drafts until i finish it but then i realized it would've been like... way too long with the number of scenes i wanted to write.... so here's some content until the next part bleh >:(( i need to fixate on one project at a time but at the same time i love sharing stuff w you guys haha
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
Ever After High/Princess Tutu Au: Duck
Fakir • Mytho • Rue
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Since Princess Tutu dies without ever being with her prince she has no children. Thus, a volunteer is needed to fill the role of Tutu in the Prince and the Raven. The Ever After High faculty searched long and hard but could not find an eligible student who would agree to Tutu’s fate for this iteration of the Prince and the Raven. Only when Drosselmeyer, a rogue narrator cast out for his attempts to drive stories with happy endings to tragedy, interfered with the course of the story that a suitable candidate was found: a little duck who longed to be human. Duck is given human form and a spot at Ever After High on the condition that she follows Princess Tutu’s fate and confesses her love only to vanish.
Royal or Rebel?
Rebel. Despite her obligation to fulfill Tutu’s fate Duck does not want to turn into a speck of light. However, she is afraid to speak out as a rebel for fear her humanity will be taken away from her. While she grows bolder as the story progresses, initially she resigns herself to looking for ways to break her curse in secret.
School Life:
Duck is terrified of falling in love as she knows it will be her demise. She has a crush on Mytho, and she tries to avoid him as much as possible, though they are often placed in the same classes as they are from the same fairytale. Duck avoids dances and dates. She has a hard time making friends. If she starts to feel as if she has the potential to fall in love with a person she runs away. With her fear growing stronger as her destiny approaches, this happens all too often.
Magic Abilities:
Duck can transform from duck to human form. She can also walk on water. Unfortunately, she was not gifted with Princess Tutu’s ability to dance gracefully and effortlessly, so she has to work twice as hard in ballet class.
Friends: Rue, Fakir, Briar, Cupid
Rue always rooms alone and so she was less than pleased when she was assigned a room with Duck at the last minute. Moreover, though neither of them are fated to be with him, the two princesses share a prince. Despite Rue’s wariness at the new girl, Duck’s earnestness wins her over. Rue eventually agrees to tutor Duck in ballet and the two become good friends. However, Rue becomes jealous and resentful upon learning Duck means to change her fate and as such the two have a complicated relationship.
After a rocky start, Fakir became Duck’s best friend. They bond over their deaths in their shared fairytale and their commitment to changing fate. Duck feels safe around Fakir because they have an agreement to keep their relationship completely platonic. Duck confides her fear of falling in love and vanishing, and he understands completely. Fakir fully expects to die young, and dating is the last thing on his mind. They even go to various dances and events like Thronecoming as friends.
Duck relates to Briar a lot as they’re both terrified of their fate but scared to try to change it. Duck stays up with Briar when she’s too scared to go to sleep and they chat all night long. Briar throws Duck a no-dates-allowed anti-prom so she can feel included.
Love is one of Duck’s biggest fears and she often goes to Cupid for advice. Cupid feels immense sorrow at Duck’s fate but tries to help as best she can.
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shiftingwithmars · 7 months
About Me
Names:Mars, Jaden
Age:Secret(Age reveal at 1000 follows?)
Gender: Genderfluid(Maybe trans)
Sexuality: Aroace, unlabeled(in terms of romance), questioning?
Pronouns:He/They preferred although any are fine
Rules: Bigots and Anti-shifters DNI
(Non-shifters who are supportive and kind about it are always welcome😌)
Lore: Hopeless Romantic|Mentally married to Mattheo Riddle|I hate math|I’m a simp for dark-haired Slytherins
Rules for fic requests: No nsfw or really anything immoral. Most of what I do is Fluff and Angst.
Common tags: #Marsrants #Marspolls #Marsgifs #Marsconfesses #Marsistired #Shiftingwithmars
Currently in a shifting slump.
Notable blogs to check out:
@slytherinslut0 @helpimhopelesslyinlove @finalgirllx @theeslutintheroom @maddies-chronicles @annaisabookworm @florashifting @urimaginarygirlfriend @faeriemarie @doremimosasol @theshifterbear @writingsbychlo @zipperrants
Masterlist (WIP)
Mattheo Riddle(My husband)
Favorite Fangirl-Mattheo Riddle(Band Au)
Mi Vida-Mattheo Riddle
Scars-Mattheo Riddle
Nightmares-Mattheo Riddle
Disaster-Mattheo Riddle
Dial Tone-Mattheo Riddle
Theodore Nott
Only you-Theodore Nott
Ebony-Theodore Nott
Your Hoodie-Theodore Nott
Tie The Nott-Theodore Nott
Barty Crouch Jr
Taking A Break-Barty Crouch Jr
Mattheo during your period
Theodore Nott Headcanons
✨|~Clingy~|✨Mattheo Riddle
After Class with Mattheo Riddle
Barty Crouch Jr Headcanons!
Tired!Mattheo Riddle
Soft!Barty Crouch Headcanons
Incorrect Quotes-Teen Wolf Dr
incorrect quotes-Teen Wolf Dr Pt. 2
Semi-Book!Accurate PJO fancasts
OUAT Fairytales for DR
Who I plan on telling that I shifted
Me and Scott-Teen Wolf DR
Marvel Dr incorrect quotes
Marauders DR Incorrect quotes
Avatar DR Edit
Me And my S/O in my Ideal CR
Teen Wolf DR intro
Daily Diary (WIP)
Daily Diary #1
Daily Diary #2
Daily Diary #3
Me and My Girls<3
Us as incorrect quotes
Us as incorrect quotes pt 2
Ree Core Fifi Core Mars Core The Girls
Me and Mattheo
Our nicknames for each other
Feral and Unhinged
Twitter ≈ Tumblr
Crush vs fictional character
Starting shit with Zipper
Duolingo Song
Me and Zipper Core
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
It’s August, that means it’s time for more AUs. Send a number for an AU, dynamic, or trope that will be used to write either a drabble or starter. Send 💫 for a random number instead. You’re welcome to send multiple in one ask to combine them.
001. aristocrat au  002. assassin au  003. bakery au  004. band / musician au 005. coffee shop au 006. college au 007. cyberpunk au 008. dark fantasy / grimdark au 009. dystopian au 010. high fantasy au 011. historical au 012. monster (vampire, werewolf, etc.) au 013. murder mystery au 014. paranormal au 015. pirate au 016. roommate au 017. royalty au 018. superhero / supervillain au 019. time travel au 020. zombie / undead apocalypse au
021. alien invasion au 022. circus / performer au 023. deserted island au 024. host (alien, parasite, etc.) au 025. host club au 026. imaginary friend au 027. mad scientist au 028. mmorpg / virtual world au 029. no humans au 030. penpal au 031. podcaster au 032. private investigator au 033. role reversal au 034. influencer / streamer au 035. space opera au 036. street racing au 037. treasure hunter au 038. underground fighting au 039. urban fantasy au 040. writer au
041. Alice in Wonderland 042. Among Us 043. Animal Crossing 044. Assassin’s Creed 045. Avatar: the Last Airbender 046. Battle Royale / Squid Game 047. Beauty and the Beast 048. Dead By Daylight 049. Dragon Age 050. Dungeons and Dragons 051. Mass Effect 052. Peter Pan 053. Phantom of the Opera 054. Pokémon 055. Scooby Doo 056. Silent Hill 057. Stardew Valley 058. Stranger Things 059. Studio Ghibli (any film) 060. The Lost Boys
061. bad guy won’t die 062. break the cutie 063. conjuring evil 064. dead cell phone 065. deal with the devil 066. everything is a simulation 067. false friend 068. final boy / girl 069. fire-forged friends 070. found family 071. found footage 072. hidden in plain sight 073. idealist vs. pragmatist 074. library full of secret knowledge 075. nightmare on Halloween 076. secret heir to the throne 077. the chosen one 078. the powerful artifact 079. the reluctant hero 080. the world that never progresses
081. aw, look! they really do love each other! 082. awesome, but impractical 083. bad guys doing good things 084. blessed with suck 085. condensation clue 086. dark is not always evil 087. dead all along 088. eviler than thou 089. false chosen one 090. genius bruiser 091. genius ditz 092. golden hero to anti-hero 093. good people with evil powers 094. light is not always good 095. mood whiplash 096. nature’s revenge 097. really 700 years old 098. villain is actually the hero 099. you are number six 100. you can’t fight fate
101. afraid to commit 102. bet / dared to date 103. dating app 104. drunk / Vegas wedding 105. enemies to lovers 106. fairytale retelling 107. fake relationship 108. fated mates / soulmates 109. forbidden love 110. friends to lovers 111. grumpy person with sunny person 112. holiday fling 113. love at first sight 114. marriage before romance 115. marriage pact 116. playboy / girl in love 117. right person, wrong time 118. secret admirer / unrequited love 119. there’s only one bed 120. work rivals
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Bachelors x MLM Werewolf S/O
In conjunction with my Bachelorettes x WLW Werewolf S/O post here.
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He's a little sad, but that's only because he can't stand to have to be alone for one night a month. He doesn't mind the fact that you're a werewolf: just the need to be apart. He didn't have much anxiety about telling his family you're a werewolf, considering how well they took him coming out and dating a masc partner. Jodi's reaction was a little resigned. She just needed some time. Kent was a little more upset, coming from the war he is very sensitive to anything dangerous. Vincent, however, was all over it.
He signed up for cute MLM romance, not this. To be frank, when you come out about it to him, he's a little taken aback. He doesn't know how to feel. But give him a few days to a week and he's more accepting than anyone else in town. Elliott just needed some time to think it over, is all. He's not very good at handling you when you are turned, but he'll handle all the preparations beforehand.
He nopes right out of there. He cares about you so much, but that's not something he's prepared to deal with. After a few months he'll start to try and insert himself in the process more, but it takes time. Telling his family was very difficult. They handled your relationship well, but he doubts his partner being a werewolf would be handled very well. The first one to really accept it is Maru, who if you've read my companion post for this, you'd know she previously thought werewolves weren't real. It's honestly Demitrius who comes forward next, not Robin. She just needs time.
Harvey freaks out. When you tell him he goes into full on panic mode. Even if werewolf hunters aren't a thing in his world, he's going to lose it. Your safety! Your privacy! Werewolves aren't common; what happens when the media finds out? He demands to be with you when you turn under the full moon, watching silently from behind a door with medicine in hand.
Shane sort of avoids you for a while. He really needs some time to think over what he's going to do. He doesn't plan on leaving you by any means, but he knows he can't take any risks to get his family hurt - no matter how well you can control yourself. After about a week he comes to you with a detailed plan on what you're going to do. This, of course, includes telling Jas and Marnie. Marnie already knew. I HC in a werewolf-inclusive AU she'd previously have had werewolf friends, so she'd recognise the signs. Jas is a little... less happy. She's read enough anti-werewolf fairytales to not trust you.
Alex also goes into panic mode. But he's less nervous about what you'll do to yourself and more how others will treat you. He'll make sure nobody is around on full moon nights and will take any precautions necessary to prevent you from going rampant across town (even if it means hurting himself). Coming out to to family was hard. George took time to come around to him being in a MLM relationship, and it took even more time for him to accept his partner was a werewolf of all things. Even sweet old Evelyn needs some time. But in the end, they both come around and welcome you into their family once more.
This was super fun to write! Feel free to send in more asks like these lol. I don't mind.
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prowerprojects · 10 months
AU & fic ideas masterpost
I just thought I'd put it down for myself, but if any of those interests you, feel free to ask me questions about them! (Most of them are Tails-centric because of course they are)
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General ideas & aus building off the mainline setting
I probably wouldn't actually write fics about those but but some of them hardly qualify as "aus" to me. Also most of those don't have actual names
Sunflower au – this is just my general Tails-centric au where I dump all of my worldbuilding headcanons. I base some of the other aus off it.
Roadtrip au – this one is about Tails and Sage as adults going on another soul-searching roadtrip.
The one with Tails's parents – ok I firmly believe that Tails doesn't need parents in canon and I'm glad that it's left up to interpretation, but I was like "what if he has a human name because one of his parents was a human?" And then it kinda happened.
Parents au – similar name to the other one but this one is actually about Knuckles, Amy and Sonic coparenting Tails together. Everyone is older in this au, except for Tails.
Tailswap – this one is just Tails getting bodyswapped with a version of himself from another universe where he only has one tail. They try to swap back (It's not compatible with some of the other aus because alternative universe Miles has different parents)
Bodyswap au - another bodyswap idea, but this time it's the core four getting swapped around. It's just shenanigans all the way through.
Storybook au - this one is just the classic "characters get trapped in a book and have to finish the fairytales to get out", this already kinda happened to Sonic, but this time it's with 6 more people. (Each for a chaos emerald). Each of them is the main character of their own fairytale and they only recover their memories when they get to the end of their story and get the chaos emerald (this part is inspired by the iseakai stories Sonic Channel is doing rn)
Sickfic idea - Tails gets sick for the first time after meeting Sonic. This one I kinda do want to make into a fic.
Memory loss idea - basically Sonic gets a... very specific fantasy version of memory loss (accident in Tails's lab). It's meant to explore how unconventional Sonic and Tails's sibling dynamic is to an outsider, except the "outsider" here is Sonic himself.
Hanahaki idea - I honestly don't have anything specific for it, but maybe I'll come up with something.
Anti au - basically Sonic & his closest friends (at least Tails and Amy, I'm not sure what I want to do with Knuckles here) are... well not evil necessarily, but they cause destruction with no regard for others, they just want to have fun mostly and don't care who gets in the way. Eggman is still not a good person, but he's not as open about his villainy and tries to present a good image to the public. I need a better name for this.
Alvin and the Chipmunks crossover - I just feel that the aatc cast would fit so perfectly into the world of Sonic. I don't know.
Aus that are more explicitly alternative universes
Superhero au - this also doubles as a high school au. It's the classic teenage superhero thing, but it's probably my favourite au and I have a lot of stuff for it.
Magical girl au - magical girls! and boys. Chaos emeralds help the characters transform so it's only 7 people getting the power. Each of them gets a unique power that they can use even without the transformation (for example for Sonic it would be his speed, etc.)
Tangled - au based specifically on Tangled the Series. It's mostly me putting the Sonic characters into scenes from the show and amusing myself with it.
Wizard of Oz - not actually based on the Wizard of Oz, mostly its vibe. Cream and Shadow are the main characters there.
Actual Wizard of Oz au - au where the characters take on the roles of the Oz characters from the first book. It's kind of supposed to be a comedy, all the characters know they're doing a parody.
Aus that are based on specific adaptations
Ever After High au - that's what it is. I'm having a bit of a trouble assigning the characters fairytales, especially Knuckles (he's a very important character there)
Magic School au - eah au is too complicated with assigning the characters and all, so I've decided to also make a regular magic school au
Aosth au with Amy and Metal Sonic - exactly what it says it is. Except Amy has a plot with Scratch and Grounder, while Sonic and Tails try to fight Metal Sonic. It's mostly about Scratch and Grounder leaving Robotnik and Amy becoming a freedom fighter in her own right.
Au based on the Martin Adams novels (with Amy and Metal Sonic) – Metal Sonic here is actually the character that already exists in the novels, I'm just making them into this universe's version of Metal Sonic. But this au is actually mostly about Sonic & Tails's relationship. Sonic has a quarter life crisis.
Boom au where Tails does become Eggman's lab assistant - ok so you know how in like episode 3 Tails offers to become Eggman's lab assistant for the return of his robot, but then the team gets him out before he signs the contract? But what if they were too late? This au is mostly Tails and Eggman being insufferable to each other, also it could be an interesting challenge to rewrite s1 episodes to be without Tails.
Au where Aosth Tails ends up in the Boom universe - exactly what it says it is. It's mostly shenanigans.
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Thinking about my Good Jacques/SDC for my AU and given ideas from @oddlyhale’s take and just make him a good dad who’s an eccentric dry-witted fop and trickster(cus Jack Frost) who is just struggling with other companies against Watts’ mega corporation in Atlas
Even losing his wife to Anti-Faunus milita he doesn’t loose sight of what’s right and always tells his kids fairytales, notably heroic knights and fair maidens, to keep them on the right track
And he occasionally goes to Galas just to piss off Watts and the other upper class as a reminder of the traditions and morals of old which the rest of the upper class North is selling out.
I mean my older idea in the link maintains the Schnee family conflict, but I’m leaning more and more to the mindset
“Who gives a flying f*ck?”
Either way, Jacques, James, and their team were basically The Dover Boys of Atlas Academy
RWBY!SOR and the Emperor-Verse as a whole is meant to be cathartically joyful so I’m not sure
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“Tftoml is not going to have the story be blatant Caucasian Conservative propaganda” do you feel like the original Disenchanted was that? (genuine question)
Yes I really do think it was that. To sum it up, it basically focused on it’s white protagonists trying to live in their new suburban home, Giselle goes from being a successful fashion designer to a stay home mom and not once does she make anything out of the carpet, curtains, and duvet cover (that’s when you know something’s off.) Malvina and later Giselle act like the competing Karen moms over the allegorical PTA leadership and it enforces heteronormativity through Morgan and Tyson’s unnecessary and poorly built up romance. Sorry if that’s all I got for my answer, I’m busy trying to finish Chapter 2 this November. Tftoml’s going to be my own Nanowrimo fanfic project.
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unexpectedrame · 2 days
Dragons and princes
University AU (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter)
This is an idea I’ve had for a long time but didn’t know if I wanted to continue. Basically, Draco and Harry grew up together (no Voldy world) playing fairytales together, Harry would be a prince waiting for a knight in shining armour and  Draco would be the dragon keeping him captive. As they grew, Harry developed the biggest crush on Draco but since high school, they’ve been almost enemies. Now, in university, they find themselves forced together more often than not, leading to new feelings and dynamics coming alive.
Harry enters the house and throws his head back with a lovesick smile on his face that breaks once he hears the well-known voice of Draco.
“Had fun on your little date with your charming prince?” Draco says with venom dripping, but still manages to keep his cheeky smile.
“Actually yes. If you excuse me, I will like to go talk about it with Sirius,” Harry continues before feeling the grip of the other boy on his wrist and feeling butterflies erupting in his stomach.
“Not so fast, prince. You and I have something important to do together.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“What I mean is that you and I are going on an anti-date," he says proudly while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Look, Draco, it’s really late, can we do this another time?” Harry sighs knowingly tired of the boy’s erratic behaviour.
"Cedric might have been your first date, fulfilling all your expectations,” Draco says, getting closer and closer with fire in his eyes. “But, you know me, I’m your unpredictable and I’m taking you on your first ever anti-date.”
"That is super stupid, Draco.”
"My absolute specialty.”
They continue staring at each other in a silent war of gazes. Harry almost forgot about the amazing date he had just been in, just because of the pair of electric eyes that were encouraging him and once Draco took his hand and started playing with it, he knew he didn’t stand a chance.
"Agh, fine. Can I even know what we’re doing, dragon?”
“It’s a surprise. Now put on something warm.”
– Dragons and princes.
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"Wishing it Wasn't" by kazoosandfannypacks
Chapter 1/18: The Most Dangerous Bluff Pairing: CaptainSwan Rating: Teen (for gun usage in later chapters) Word Count: (1K/19.5K) Summary: Season 2 Canon Divergence: When Neal tells Emma he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and blurts out the first fairytale name she can think of: Captain Hook. Killian agrees to this ruse, but when feelings grow between the two, will the con be more than they can handle? Chapter Summary: After meeting Neal again and finding out he has a fiancée, she claims to have a new boyfriend of her own, and, upon inquiry, gives the first storybook name that comes into her mind. Unfortunately for her, that name is Captain Hook, but as soon as she remembers her ex's personal family history with him, she realizes this opportunity is too good to pass up. Tags: season 2, canon divergence, gun violence in later chapters, angst with a happy ending, fake dating, mild character death, mildly anti neal Author's notes: When I first came up with this fic, I didn't expect to ever finish it, or even get it past the first few chapters. I then made the mistake of telling a certain discord server about it, and they encouraged me to finish it. Anyways, without further ado, here's the captain swan s2 fake dating au! Taglist: @zahara @kmomof4 @jonesfandomfanatic @booksteaandtoomuchtv @jrob64 @tiganasummertree @anmylica @teamhook @undercaffinatednightmare @gingerchangeling @lonelyspectator @caught-in-the-filter @ultraluckycatnd @cs-rylie @pirateprincessofpizza [if you'd like to be added to or removed from this list, hmu in my dms or askbox!]
Also on Ao3!
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 Cars and taxis inched by in the usual hubbub of New York traffic- but Emma hardly noticed them as she stood on a sidewalk, talking to a man who she'd never wanted to see again- until she was called upon to track him down in New York.
 Discovering that her ex was Rumplestitskin's son was quite the shock, but she was handling it like a pro, just like she handled everything else life threw at her.
 "Emma, there's something else you need to know." Neal said. 
 "What's that?" Emma asked. She was already surprised enough that Neal had decided to come back to Storybrooke to be with his father and his son- especially after abandoning both before. What more could he say now? 
 "I, I can't stay in Storybrooke forever." He said. "I have a life here- a job, an apartment, a fianceé."
 "A fianceé?" Emma thought. "It figures that he would've moved on already, found someone else. Why should I care?"
 "That's nice." Emma said. "I'm really happy for you." She was thankful Neal didn't have her superpower.
 "So there's no hard feelings?" Neal asked. "No jealousy or trying to steal me back or rivalry or any of that?"
 "Of course not." And she even faked a laugh as she faked her next sentence, "I have a boyfriend too."
 As soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted them, but she couldn't take it back without looking like an even bigger fool.
 "Oh," Neal said, looking down at his shoes, "that's nice."
 Emma smiled a little. "Yeah, he's a really great guy."
 "Can't wait to meet him." Neal said. "Does he live in Storybrooke too?"
 "Yeah," she said, because the best way to lie is to stick with the first thing your brain says, so there's no suspicious pauses in the conversation.
 "So he's from the Enchanted Forest too?"
"Who was he in my worl- our world?"
 Emma tried to think of a guy in Storybrooke who she wasn't related to, and blurted out the first fairytale name she thought of. "Captain Hook."
Several curse words ran through her mind. Why hadn't she said "Pinocchio" or "Mad Hatter" or even "The Huntsman" or something?
 "Captain Hook?" Neal asked. He blinked a few times in disbelief, then ran his fingers along the bridge of his nose. "You're dating Captain Hook?"
 "Is that a problem?" Emma asked.
 "Is that a problem?" Neal repeated, then smiled. "I don't mind at all that the mother of my child is dating the same pirate my own mother ran away with. Doesn't bother me at all."
 She'd forgotten he had a personal connection like that with Hook- this bluff might prove better than she'd expected.
 "Glad to hear it." Emma echoed his previous sentiment. "No hard feelings, right? No jealousy? Trying to steal me back? Rivalry?"
 "Of course not." Neal said, seemingly unbothered by her rebuff. "I'm glad you've found someone who makes you happy."
"Yeah, you too." Emma smiled sadly. She didn't know what felt worse, the fact that she hadn't found that happiness yet, or the fact that she was lying when she was glad for Neal's happiness- or the fact that she knew that when Neal said he was glad she was happy without him, he wasn't lying.
 "Well, I guess I'll be seeing him when we get to Storybrooke." Neal said.
 "Oh, yeah." Emma said, having forgotten entirely that now she'd have to, you know act the part. "That's not going to be awkward for you, is it?"
 "Of course not." Neal said. "As long as it wouldn't be awkward for you if Tamara came to Storybrooke with us."
 "My fianceé." Neal smiled. "I didn't want to invite her because I felt it'd be a little awkward for you, but since there clearly won't be any jealousy or tension, I see no reason why she can't join us."
 "The more the merrier." Emma lied.
 Emma had told Neal that Henry was unaware of her "relationship" with Hook, that she'd been intending to tell him about it on the way home from this trip to New York, but the double whammy of meeting his birth dad and finding out about a potential stepdad might be a lot for him, and Neal agreed, so he kept his mouth shut about the whole thing all the way back. When they arrived in town, she sent Gold and Henry to give Neal and Tamara a tour of Storybrooke, while she set out to look for the Captain- unfortunately for her though, she ran into her mom first.
 "Emma!" Before she saw Mary Margaret or even heard where her voice was coming from, Emma found herself wrapped in a hug from her.
 "Oh, uh, hi, mom?" she said.
 "How was New York?"
 "I called you, like, eighty three times while I was there." Emma said. "I found out Baelfire was Henry's father, we brought him and his fiancee to Storybrooke…" she saw Mary Margaret's face fall as she mentioned Tamara. "Are you disappointed?" Emma asked.
 "In what?" Mary Margaret asked.
 "That the father of your grandson is engaged to someone else?"
 "Why would I be…?"
 Emma saw through her lies. "Look, mom, maybe fairy tales are neat, cut and clean, but whether or not we come from them, our stories are still messy." Emma bit her lip and decided to change the topic. "Speaking of 'messy,' is our friend from the Enchanted Forest still in the hospital?"
 Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. "Hook is doing fine. After he got out, he unleashed Cora's giant- who has now befriended us and is one of the dwarves- and we haven't seen him much since. Why?"
 "It's a long story." Emma said, not even trying to consider how a giant became one of the dwarves. "Any idea where he is now?"
 "Probably hanging about near the mayor's office." Mary Margaret said. "He's been working with Regina and Cora."
 "Alright." Emma started to walk in that direction, but her mom called her back.
 "Where are you going?"
 "Long story." Emma said.
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lichfucker · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
oh this is adorable. I love this so much.
five is an interesting number because-- discounting the four wips I consider active and the fan music I've written-- I've only published seven fics. so this'll be less a question of which ones I include and more a question of which I don't.
all right. let's get into it.
in no particular order:
Through His Stomach - Black Sails - E - 24k - ongoing this is my dark fairytale au. when I refer to "hagfic" I'm talking about this piece. Thomas is dying, and Flint strikes a deal with a mysterious magical entity known as the Cook to save his life. this fic is full of hunger and magic and psychosexual fixation and devotion and desperation and cannibalism and some of the most gorgeous prose I've ever written in my life. I learned how to write smut for this fic. it's my pride and joy. it has my heart in a way no other fic ever will.
Ner Tamid - Black Sails - M - 3k - complete if Through His Stomach has my heart, Ner Tamid has my soul. this is a character study about Silver and judaism and grief, masquerading as canon divergence wherein he cannibalizes Muldoon's corpse in the doldrums. I had a fun little mental health episode the night before my mom's birthday and wrote this whole thing in one ten-hour sitting. it's a pesach story-- the doldrums the plagues, Muldoon Nachshon, the dairy goat the paschal lamb, and Silver the prophet. Silver Moses. it's about the burden of responsibility and the burden of survival. it's about seeing how far you'd go just to keep shouldering that weight.
Sanguine - Ted Lasso - M - 19k - complete my Trent/Ted vampire au featuring Trent as the vampire (I got nearly 30k into my Trent/Ted vampire au featuring Ted as the vampire, but I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish that one). Sanguine is an s2 canon divergence wherein Trent goes into a frenzy after Ted lies about his panic attack and kills someone. it's about want and monstrosity, about seeing the grotesque and loving it anyway. I'm especially proud of how the narrative voice shifts between the scenes from Trent's pov and Ted's. it's just… a good story. Ted Lasso is the biggest fandom I've written for, so it makes sense that this is my most popular fic, but it very much deserves to be my most popular fic regardless. it's just a good story. it's a good story.
Cold, Dark, Depraved - Black Sails - E - 10k - complete my latest crime, extremely heavy on the angst. I nicknamed this fic "anti-comfort fic" on purpose. a canon-compliant look at s3 and s4 wherein Silver and Flint had been sleeping together for a long while, then broke up when they got to Maroon Island. it's about grief and cruelty and saying, "there can be no happiness in the world, and to prove it I will go out of my way to eradicate any shred of happiness I can find." this is a fic about beating yourself half to death and digging your fingers into every bruise. it's about love and denial and care and grief. grief is my favorite subject.
Five Girls Annie Almost Kissed and One She Did - Community - T - 11k - complete this is the earliest fic on my ao3 (I had a different account I used in high school; it's still out there somewhere but it's not worth finding). a canon-compliant character study of Annie from middle school all the way through the first few seasons of the show, chronicling her journey towards discovering lesbianism. I'm sure if I rewrote it today, six years later, it would look very different, but it's precious to me as it is. this is a fic about Annie, and it's a fic about me in equal measure.
there it is. that's my five. shout-out to the two I didn't include (Fraught, 15k of fucked-up smut for a book series three people have read, and Crawl 'Til Dawn, the Annie/Britta vampire au I left unfinished for four and a half years but finally got me back into writing, another piece I'd do very differently if I wrote it today).
thanks for letting me gush about my work. it makes me so very happy to do.
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shellshocklove · 11 months
Okay LISTEN it’s not the ideal ending for them but it is for the series..yk? Yes I’m so sad but that ending I still love cause it’s actually beautiful in a way. The whole ‘not everything has a happy ending’ thing. I lovedd loved the story as well as the ending. 🫶
this fic was kind of my anti royal fic (both anti monarchy and the au lol). it's not a fairytale, and it was never supposed to be either. i wanted it to be tragic. i wanted it to be unfair. like you said ‘not everything has a happy ending’. in the series i wanted to explore two lonely people finally finding someone who understands them. the circumstances were against them, and how do they deal with that. are they selfish or self-sacrificing? what would you give up for someone you love?
and the post-epilogue blurbs was fun for me. it's easy to write them, but the blurbs also more tragic than the series. the circumstances are even more against them. i guess there's a trauma in both of them now. of losing the only person you've ever truly loved. and how do they deal with that? tom pushes gen away. the weight on his shoulders are even heavier. he's desperate for connection, and he seeks it out with y/n, like he used to do. but it's selfish, it's horrible of him, but we still want that for him, and for y/n. but it obviously hurts them both. they're not perfect people. y/n loves him, but she can't love all of him. she can't love his family's history, or his title. she's selfish too, to reject being with him when it's what they both want. again they're not perfect people. they're messy and they're human (or at least that's what i hope people are left with feeling about them at the end. and empathy for them as well).
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dancingwiththefae · 2 years
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙the calm after the storm | T | 648 words | AO3 |Tumblr
mild hurt/comfort, referenced past torture and injuries
Jaskier still feels like an outsider in Kaer Morhen and struggles with the memories of Rience. Help comes with a knock at the door.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙give me shelter | T | 649 words | AO3 | Tumblr
fluff, established relationship, kissing
He warned him about the rain. In fact he told him several times. There was a storm coming. He could smell it in the air. But Jaskier was adamant that they had to leave that morning.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Kiss me once, kiss me twice | T | 708 words | AO3 
first kiss, fluff
Jaskier had been flirting with Geralt since the minute he set eyes on him, but he never seemed brave enough to take it further. So Geralt decides to do it instead
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 when you know I can’t love | G | 731 words | AO3 | Tumblr
bittersweet, unrequited love (kind of)
Blue eyes caught his from across the room. A subtle smile offered that Geralt could not return. Jaskier didn’t seem to notice. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙“I can’t leave now” | T | 826 words | AO3 | Tumblr
Hurt/comfort, blood and injury
Geralt is about to leave town when a commotion in the alley stops him in his tracks
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🌙fed up | G | 841 words | AO3 | Tumblr
hurt/comfort, anti-witcher sentiments, understanding Jaskier
Geralt is having a bad day. Jaskier tries to distract him. It doesn't go as planned.
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙A simple hunt | T | 916 words | AO3 | Tumblr
Hurt/comfort, death, established relationship 
Jaskier knew that a witcher's life was not a fairytale, but it was different seeing it close up for the first time.
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🌙 “I need you to distract me” | T | 967 words | Tumblr
hurt/comfort, character injury, healing wounds
Jaskier gets badly injured during a contract
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 These inconvenient fireworks | G | 1.1k | AO3 | Tumblr
Modern AU, meet-cute
Jaskier is running late for work and in his rush he doesn't see the terrifying hulk of a man until his coffee is already down his shirt. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Buttercup in bloom | E | 4.4k words | AO3
Homophobia, biphobia, frottage, further tags on AO3
Jaskier discovers he's bisexual in a world that doesn't accept him
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🌙Deep into that darkness peering | M | 17.4k words | AO3
Major Character Death, heavy angst, implied/referenced torture, angst with a happy(ish) ending
Geralt is being haunted. Even in death, Jaskier dogs his every step
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙 Mind, Body, Yours | E | Ongoing | AO3
Rience/Jaskier, Geraskier endgame, non-con/dubcon, mind control, further tags on ao3
Jaskier wakes up tied to a chair, injured and no memory of what had happened. Rescue comes in the form of a strange mage who gives him refuge as he heals. Jaskier quickly finds himself falling under Rience's spell. And when he tells him that Ciri would be safer with him than with Geralt and asks him to take her from under the witcher's nose, Jaskier cannot say no. 
゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*
🌙Addicted Series:
🌙Cold turkey | E | 8.1k words | AO3
Higher Vampire!Jaskier, blood, addiction, dub con, further tags on AO3
Jaskier accidently exposes his vampiric nature to Geralt. The witcher gives him an ultimatum: stop drinking human blood or be put in the ground for a few centuries
🌙new beginnings, old friends | E | Ongoing | AO3
Blood drinking, addiction, jealousy, further tags on AO3
Geralt and Jaskier try to manage their new relationship, Jaskier's recovery from his blood addiction, and call upon an old friend to help.
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Meet Bl@ckB#rrory! (Blackberrory)
Main info:
Age - 13-15
Gender - Female
Sexuality - Polysexual
Pronouns - She/Her
Lives - Anti-Void (small corner)
Paired with - Tsuny and Nee by @groovygladiatorsheep ?
Personality - big mood swings , positive, easily puzzled, curious, optimistic, can be slightly annoying
Hobbies - Reading any fantasy/myths/fairytales, Exploring AUs.
Extra Info:
Has the ability to speak in a glitch language!
The “fun” glitch changes its text depending on what she is thinking.
Her soul is kept in a bag, her soul isn't stable to roam free so instead it's locked away!
Knows almost every fairytale story
Considers Exorcist her big brother!(Exorcist is a GenoError kid)
(reference is out of date, need to update)
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