#and that i just kind of cheese with the bird
foxstens · 1 year
i just second tried the apparently tankiest boss in the game
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lifebloodless · 11 months
Inflicting videos of the documentary about birds of paradise mating rituals I'm rewatching on ppl on snapchat
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Damian being a gen alpha implies in gen alpha Jon too ...
[at a sleepover]
Damian, whispering: Jon?
Jon: Yeah?
Damian: Our planet is doomed.
Jon: Yeah, it is.
Jon: Wanna sneak downstairs for snacks?
Damian: Sure.
Steph, as a Batburger cashier: Sorry ma'am, that product was discontinued months ago.
Jon: *secretly starts recording*
Margie: You didn't even bother to check! What kind of lazy service is this? No wonder the world is the way it is with your generation. I should call the corporate hotline right now and report you for refusing to serve a paying customer. See how you like it when you lose your job.
Damian: Hey Karen, she said they don't have it anymore. Either get something else or leave. Some of us have places to be.
Margie: And who do you think you are?
Damian, pointing to Jon's camera: The best friend of someone with 150,000 followers.
Jon: Say hi to the internet!
Damian and Jon: *putting up hand-drawn posters around town*
Comm. Gordon: What are you kids doing?
Damian: Advertising our joint channel.
Jon: We're gonna have an epic Cheese Viking and Fortnite mashup tournament.
Damian: Proceeds go to the Wayne Foundation.
Comm. Gordon: *scribbles a note and hands it to them*
Comm. Gordon: If anyone asks you for a permit, it's on me.
Damian and Jon: *huddled around the Batcomputer*
Jon: I think we should sort it by distance instead.
Damian, typing code: Good idea.
Barbara: What's that?
Jon: Our new website.
Damian: It allows people to report stray animals they see without the risk that comes with physical contact.
Barbara: Oh, cool. Carry on.
Kara: What do you want to drink?
Jon: Mountain Dew. Dami, you want one?
Damian: Depends. Is it vegan?
Kara: *starts typing into Google*
Jon: Hey Alexa, is Mountain Dew vegan?
Jon: Dami, get on Discord.
Damian: Why?
Jon: Live-action One Piece streaming in the Gay Minecraft server.
Jon: Ms. Kyle, check it out!
Selina: What is it?
Damian: TikTok added a set of Catwoman stickers.
Selina: Show me.
Kate: I still think you are far too young for things like Instagram.
Damian and Jon: *snicker*
Kate: What?
Jon: Well, Ms. Kane, how should we put it...
Damian: No one uses Instagram anymore.
Jon: *takes a 0.5 of him and Damian with Dick in the background*
Damian: You're in our BeReal now. Deal with it.
Dick: What's a BeReal?
Damian, handing Jon a rock: I would like to buy this playhouse.
Jon: Too bad, the economy just disappeared.
Lois: What are you doing?
Jon: We're playing Society.
Damian: Alfred, we're hungry.
Alfred, on the phone: *makes the thumb and pinky gesture and mouths "I'm busy"*
Jon: Huh?
Alfred: I'm on the phone, boys.
Damian: I think he meant this.
Damian: *puts his palm to his ear*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *hops over a log*
Jon: Parkour!
Jon: *climbs a tree*
Damian: *recording*
Clark, to Bruce: That's one way to play.
Bruce: Mhm.
Clark: Do you ever get worried about, you know, how these kids are turning out?
Jon: Parkou—
Damian: Wait, stop, there's a bird's egg here. I wonder what species it is.
Jon: I have an app that can scan it.
Bruce, to Clark: I think they're gonna be alright.
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aliennooboo · 1 year
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I was asked to tell more about the holidays in my legacy gameplay, so here is a super long and detailed post on the subject! 😊
How I use holidays in my game
I used to hate the holidays, cos I saw them as something my sims had to participate in and there was always so much pressure to complete all the traditions! But then I cracked it...
Holidays are a great way to add objectives to gameplay! When every day is some kind of a holiday with its own theme, there's always something for my sims to do.
I tick the "day off" box only if the holiday is a major one or the traditions would feel too rushed if my sim worked on the same day.
I try to have a lot of outdoor/traveling holidays in the spring and summer, and more home lot based holidays in the autumn and winter.
For some holidays, I add a diverse set of traditions and then choose only one or two to complete every sim year.
Sometimes my sims are just too busy with other things in life to participate at all. The No more "awful holiday" sad moodlet mod (linked below) is super useful because it completely takes the pressure off of completing holiday traditions!
It's very refreshing to use custom icons for the holidays, it matters more than you'd think! I use the More selectable icons mod (linked below) for this feature.
I've taken ideas and inspiration for some of my holidays from countless lists made by other simmers over the years.
Holiday mods
Please note that some of these mods feature some of the same traditions - pick and choose so you don't get duplicates! Every custom tradition I use in my game is from these mods.
Icemunmun's traditions
LittleMsSam's traditions
Kiara's traditions
Renegadesims's traditions
Lychee's traditions
Pet traditions
Toddler traditions
Kids traditions
Occult traditions
Crafting traditions
Relaxation traditions
Eco-friendly traditions
Food traditions
Baking traditions
Writing traditions
A Night Out traditions
Cottage Living traditions
More Cottage Living traditions
Island Living traditions
Snowy Escape traditions
More Snowy Escape traditions
Paranormal traditions
University traditions
Realm of Magic, Paranormal & Vampires traditions
More selectable icons
No more "awful holiday" sad moodlet
Holiday traditions in my game
The number next to each tradition shows which mod it's from. If there is no number, it's an EA tradition.
🌅 New Year's Day (day off) A chill day for spending time with your family after New Year's celebrations.
Family dinner ³
Cook pancakes ³
Play cards ³
Tell stories
🌟 Resolution Day It's time to make those New Year's resolutions reality! At least on this one day of the year...
Donate ³
Volunteer ³
Find penpal ¹⁵
🔫 Play Day Play is the work of the child. Child sims should invite their friends over for some play time!
Activity table ⁸
Make an experience ⁸
Monkey bars ⁸
Play pirate ⁸
Space explorer ⁸
🌄 Explorer's Day (day off) Once per season, sims have a day off for exploring the world! Maybe this year you could go on a mini vacation to Granite Falls to experience it in every season? Whatever you decide to do, this is a day for adventure!
Go hiking ³
Go for a walk ⁶
Go on a vacation or travel
Go sailing ³
Go camping ³
🌍 Earth Day You take care of nature and nature takes care of you.
Apply eco upgrades ¹²
Give gift to wild animal ¹⁷
Island clean up ¹²
Socialize with wild birds ¹⁷
Go hiking ³
🥪 Picnic Day Pack some tasty snacks and go on a picnic with your friends.
Go picnic ¹⁸
Invite guests
Play horseshoes ³
Collect bugs ³
💝 Love Day (day off) Take your significant other on a date and show them how much you love them! Or stay in and watch a romantic movie... with a special someone or alone, either way is fine!
Romantic spirit
Go on a date
Out for coffee ¹⁶
Send love letter ¹⁵
Watch romantic TV
🌮 Dining Day Today's all about eating as many different meals as you can. Taste something new or stick to old favorites!
Eat cultural dishes ³
Eat grilled cheese ³
Eat pizza ³
Hot pot ¹³
Order food ¹³
🧨 Gnome Day It's gnomes. Just gnomes. We can survive this. It's only once a year. We just have to keep them happy. It should be easy, right?
Holiday gnomes
🧽 Spring Cleaning Spring gives you a boost of energy. It's time to clean the house and fix anything that needs fixing!
Do laundry ³
Upgrade animal shelter ¹⁷
Upgrade chicken coop ¹⁷
Water crops ¹⁷
🪩 Party Night No self-respecting sim stays home on this wild night! It's time to partaaaaaay!
Out for coffee ¹⁶
Drinks at the bar ¹⁶
Go bowling ³
Bubble blower ³
Party spirit
🛠️ DIY Day It can't be that hard, the tutorial made it look pretty easy... Famous last words.
Build-a-bot ¹⁰
Crafting ¹⁰
Fabrication ¹⁰
Juice fizzing ¹⁰
Woodwork ¹⁰
🐇 Bunny Day (day off) Children's favorite holiday that's all about bunnies!
Egg hunt
Socialize with rabbit ¹⁷
Flower Bunny
Give gift to wild animal ¹⁷
🌺 Festival of Flowers A celebration of the spring turning to summer.
Flower arranging ¹⁰
Give flowers
Visit flower stall ¹⁷
Sunbathe ³
☀️ Start of Summer It's finally summer and you can do all those fun things you dreamed of in the dark of winter!
Go fishing ³
Go swimming ³
Kiddie pool ⁷
Play basketball ²
🐶 Pet Day Show your pet how much you love them on this special day!
Feeling the love ⁶
Pamper pets ⁶
Play with dog ⁶
Play with laser pointer ⁶
Teach tricks ⁶
🌄 Explorer's Day (day off) Once per season, sims have a day off for exploring the world! Maybe this year you could go on a mini vacation to Granite Falls to experience it in every season? Whatever you decide to do, this is a day for adventure!
Go hiking ³
Go for a walk ⁶
Go on a vacation or travel
Go sailing ³
Go camping ³
🧸 Children's Day Spend time with your children today. Take them to the park or the beach, or play with them at home.
Voidcritters ¹
Build sand sculpture ³
Puppet show ³
Space explorer ⁸
🐄 Farm Day Visit a farm in Henford-on-Bagley and get to know the cows, chickens and llamas!
Harvest animal produce ¹⁷
Harvest crops ¹⁷
Take care of farm animals ¹⁸
Make animal treats ¹⁷
Socialize with villagers ¹⁷
🌞 Summer Vacation (3 days off) Enjoy summer to the max with 3 days of vacation!
Go on a vacation or travel
Go swimming ³
Invite guests
Sunbathe ³
Water fun
🍼 Toddler Day Take your toddler to the park or arrange a toddler play date.
Ball pit ⁷
Kiddie pool ⁷
Slide ⁷
Tiny treehouse ⁷
Jungle gym ⁷
🎵 Music Day Enjoy music in all its forms. Sing, play, listen.
Dancing ²
Music ³
Party spirit
Watch live performance ³
🌻 Garden Day Does anything make one happier than a thriving garden? Shower your plants with love (and water) today, make a new garden plan, or sow new seeds.
Sow seeds ¹⁷
Fertilize crops ¹⁷
Collect bugs ³
Plant oversized crop ¹⁸
👩‍👩‍👦 Family Day Sometimes life feels so busy that you barely see even your own family. Make sure to spend some quality time with your loved ones today.
Family dinner ³
Puppet show ³
Water fun
🏝️ Beach Day (day off) Celebrate summer in Sulani!
Build sand sculpture ³
Interact with dolphin ¹⁹
Go snorkeling ¹⁹
Go sailing ³
Collect seashells ⁵
🍃 End of Summer One last chance to enjoy a warm summer evening... Have a barbeque with your family and friends!
Sunbathe ³
Hot tub ³
Eat ice cream ³
Juice keg ²³
🔥 Bonfire Night Dark autumn evenings are perfect for a little gathering around a bonfire. Look at the stars, roast some marshmallows, and wrap yourself in a blanket when it starts to get cold.
Stargaze ³
Tell stories
Fire dance ⁵
🧛 Occult Night They're creepy and they're kooky... mysterious and spooky... They're the occults and this is their night!
Alien powers ⁹
Mermaid powers ⁹
Use vampire powers ⁹
Cast spells ⁹
Use cauldron ⁹
🎲 Game Night Play some games with your family or friends to bring a bit of fun into this dark season.
Go bowling ³
Play cards ³
Play darts ²
Play foosball ²
🌄 Explorer's Day (day off) Once per season, sims have a day off for exploring the world! Maybe this year you could go on a mini vacation to Granite Falls to experience it in every season? Whatever you decide to do, this is a day for adventure!
Go hiking ³
Go for a walk ⁶
Go on a vacation or travel
Go sailing ³
Go camping ³
❓ Life Change Day Do something today that has the potential to change the rest of your life!
Meet or adopt ⁶
Go on a date
Write a book ¹⁵
Go on a vacation or travel
Run errands for villagers ¹⁷
💡 Skill Day Learn something new today! Either work on skills you already know, or try doing something outside of your comfort zone.
Art & music spirit
Woodwork ¹⁰
Juice fizzing ¹⁰
Candle making ¹⁰
Craft wool items ¹⁷
🛋️ Couch Potato Day After the toil of yesterday, take it easy in good conscience today. It's not a day off, but you could always call in sick... Cough, cough.
Watch a movie ³
Sports TV
Sauna ¹¹
Read a book ³
Relaxing soak ¹¹
🍂 Autumn Day Enjoy the crisp air, the sunshine on the colorful leaves, and cosy autumn activities!
Fall fun ⁴
Canning ¹⁸
Drink tea ³
Candle making ¹⁰
🧓🏽 Parent's Day If you're in good terms with your parent(s), today's the perfect day to remind them how much you love and appreciate them.
Family dinner ³
Gift a parent ³
Hug parent ³
Tell stories
⚽ Sports Day Whether you like pumping iron or shooting hoops, do some exercise today.
Go rock wall climbing ¹
Play basketball ²
Play soccer ³
💋 Date Night Whether it's your significant other or someone you don't even know yet, ask them on a date tonight!
Go on a date
Woohoo ³
Romantic spirit
🕯️ Other Side Day The veil is thinning... If you have business with someone in the afterlife, today's the day to get in touch.
Summon Bonehilda ⁹
Summon a ghost ²²
Conduct a seance ⁹
Commune with the departed ²²
🌽 Harvestfest (day off) Give thanks for everything the land has given you this year. Treat your garden, treat your animals, treat yourself.
Invite guests
Grand meal
Thankful spirit
Make animal treats ¹⁷
Harvest crops ¹⁷
🎃 Spooky Day (day off) It's time to get spooky!
Carve pumpkin ³
Spooky spirit
Trick or treat
Wear costumes
Use cauldron ⁹
🥧 Baking Day Get your baking supplies out, because today's all about the magic of flour and sugar! Have pancakes and coffee for breakfast, and bake all your favorite pastries.
Cook pancakes ³
Drink coffee ³
Decorate cookies ¹⁴
Make cupcakes ¹⁴
🌄 Explorer's Day (day off) Once per season, sims have a day off for exploring the world! Maybe this year you could go on a mini vacation to Granite Falls to experience it in every season? Whatever you decide to do, this is a day for adventure!
Go hiking ³
Go for a walk ⁶
Go on a vacation or travel
Go sailing ³
Go camping ³
📚 Written Word Day Read your favorite book in your favorite armchair, or go the library to find something new to read. Write a letter to someone, or finally start writing that book you always dreamt of.
Find penpal ¹⁵
My private journal ¹⁵
Writing skill ¹⁵
Read a book ³
Send love letter ¹⁵
💥 Chaos Day It seems like everyone's lost their social filter today! It's chaos all around! I hate all my friends! OOPS, did I say that out loud...
Air grievances
Mischief spirit
Magic duel ⁹
🎁 Do Good Day Today is all about being good to others. Make the world a better place by helping those around you.
Donate ³
Make pet food ⁶
Run errands for villagers ¹⁷
Volunteer ³
Vote for policies ¹²
🤝 BFF Day Invite your best friend over for a nice cup of tea or coffee. Share secrets, cry and laugh, have some fun.
Invite guests
Drink coffee ³
Drink tea ³
Play cards ³
Out for coffee ¹⁶
🧘 Mindfulness Day Take care of your mind and body.
Meditate ¹¹
Sauna ¹¹
Massage ³
My private journal ¹⁵
Do yoga ¹¹
🏔️ Snow Day (day off) Celebrate winter in Mt. Komorebi!
Go rock climbing ²⁰
Go skiing ²⁰
Go sledding ²⁰
Go snowboarding ²⁰
Hot springs ¹¹
🏡 Homebody Day (day off) Have you ever dreamed of just staying at home when it's dark and cold outside? Well, today you can!
Canning ¹⁸
Knitting ¹⁰
Cross-stitching ¹⁸
Practice herbalism ¹
Make pet food ⁶
🎄 Winterfest Eve Put up decorations for this wintery holiday, cook a delicious dinner, and then enjoy the evening as you wait for Father Winter's visit.
Attend holiday ceremony
Festive spirit
Father Winter
Grand meal
☃️ Winterfest Day (day off) It's the most peaceful day of the year. Spend it with your loved ones.
Invite guests
Family dinner ³
Go skating ³
Open presents
🎨 Creativity Day Get your easel down from the attic, find your old camera in the garage, or pick up the knitting needles that have been collecting dust on the shelf. Let's do some arts and crafts!
Art & music spirit
Activity table ⁸
Cross-stitching ¹⁸
Writing skill ¹⁵
Knitting ¹⁰
❄️ Yamachan Day Travel to Mt. Komorebi to meet Yamachan!
Yamachan ²¹
Make a Tanabata wish ²¹
Hot pot ¹³
Order from Mt. Komorebi festival food stalls ²¹
Go hiking ³
🥂 New Year's Eve It's time to celebrate the year gone by, and welcome the new one that's right around the corner.
Countdown to midnight
Eat pizza ³
Make resolutions
More holiday ideas
If you want to create your own holidays, but struggle with coming up with ideas, here are some things I always consider when I create holidays.
Can you match a world with a season? Summer holidays in Sulani, winter holidays in Mt. Komorebi, etc.
Alternatively, have a summer holiday in Sulani when it's winter elsewhere, a winter holiday in Mt. Komorebi when it's summer elsewhere, etc.
What if you took the default holidays and placed them in a different season? Celebrate Winterfest on the beach in the summer!
Can you match a world with a theme? Nature holidays in Granite Falls, city holidays in San Myshuno, etc.
Think of a simple theme for your holiday (games, sports, food, animals, books, etc.) and choose traditions based on that.
Create a holiday that requires your sim to travel from world to world to complete all the traditions.
Have a 3 day holiday for a vacation trip, with different traditions to complete each day.
Create holidays for specific life stages. What would a teen or an elder sim do for their holiday?
Create a holiday for each occult type. How would a Spellcaster spend their holiday?
Can you think of a way to combine holidays and clubs?
Put two really different holidays right next to each other so you have lots of variety in gameplay.
If you're playing a legacy, create a holiday for each heir sim based on their personality, and have their offspring celebrate these holidays to honor them.
Research real life holidays that are celebrated around the world to find new ideas.
Can't find the traditions that you need in your game? Follow this tutorial by LittleMsSam to create your own traditions!
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taeyongdoyoung · 1 month
strawberries & sunshine
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summary: your adorable best friend takes you to a picnic in a secluded spot but his intentions may be far from innocent... pairing: haechan x reader genre: smut, established relationship warnings: cnc/dubcon, corruption kink, innocence kink, pet names (angel, sweetie, my flower, etc.), mention of doctors/made-up sickness, manipulation, bf2l roleplay, inappropriate touching, rubbing, fingering, unprotected sex (pls dont), public sex (there is no one around but still), creampie, safeword is referenced but not used, swearing, degradation (reader is called slut), aftercare author's note: this concept has been haunting me for a while now and i finally gathered enough courage to put it into words 🥴 word count: 1.7k
Your best friend is the sweetest guy in the universe. Haechan is thoughtful, funny and always does kind gestures like bringing you flowers or your favourite chocolates without asking for anything in return. Despite being talkative himself, he always listens to you rant about what’s bothering you, checking to see if you want advice or simply emotional support.
Haechan is also very cute and pretty. Spending time with him truly energizes you and you trust him to have your best interests at heart 100%. Which is why you don’t think twice when he asks you to go on a picnic with him. You love eating and nature, but more importantly, you love being around Haechan, so you find no reason to worry.
When he first mentioned this idea, you assumed you two would go to a park inside the city. But now that the sunny day you chose for your picnic finally arrives, you are stunned that Haechan is driving you two out of the city, entering the mountain nearby.
“Woah, isn’t that a little far away?” you ask in amazement.
“Relax, angel, I’ll take you to the prettiest place,” Haechan responds.
You nod absentmindedly, not even a little bit concerned.
After what seems like forever, Haechan stops the car. He insists on carrying the picnic basket, as well as the blanket, and leads the way into the woods. You walk for around 15 minutes when you are eventually greeted by gorgeous green grass, surrounded by tall trees and birds chirping.
“It’s so lovely, Haechan! How did you find this?”
“I like exploring every once in a while,” he shrugs humbly.
You lay down the blanket, spread out the insides of the picnic basket and sit down, satisfied with the results. There are strawberries, little croissants, ham and cheese sandwiches, French macarons, some homemade kimbap and lemonade. It is so peaceful and quiet here, you really needed an escape from the big city.
You don’t talk much, too busy eating, enjoying the sweet strawberries, the bright sunshine and the lovely atmosphere.
“Oof, I’m so full,” you groan at some point.
“That’s the whole point of picnics, isn’t it?” Haechan chuckles.
“So true!” you laugh.
You two put the remaining food back into the basket and place it on the grass, making space for you to lie down on the blanket.
“To be honest, I’m still kinda hungry,” Haechan murmurs bashfully.
“What? Why didn’t you say so before we put the food away?” you exclaim in surprise.
“Not hungry for anything inside the basket.”
“What do you mean?” you ask innocently.
“I’m not just hungry, I’m also in a lot of pain.”
“Huh? Should we go back to the city for you to see a doctor?” you are instantly concerned for your friend’s well-being.
“Oh, I’ve talked to many doctors already and they all said the same thing. There is only one cure possible for my sickness,” Haechan explains patiently.
“Well, what is it? If there’s anything I can do to help you…” you offer without thinking.
“There is, actually. But do you promise to do anything for me? You’re my best friend, right? You wouldn’t want me to be in pain?”
“Of course not, Haechan! I promise I’ll try to help you but you gotta tell me what kind of pain are you talking about?”
“How about I show you instead?” Haechan’s lips tilt in the slightest of smirk. You are confused by the change of his expression, when he grabs your hand and puts it on his heart. “First, it hurts here.” Then, he moves it so that your hand is now placed on top of his cock. “But it also hurts here.”
“Oh, Haechan,” you sympathize with him. Truly. “This is so strange but I think I might have the same sickness?”
You take hold of his hand and place it on your breasts.
“It hurts me here, as well,” you blink at him softly, then move his hand to your clothed pussy so he touches it through your floral dress. “And here.”
“My angel, I had no idea you were also suffering from this cruel sickness. Do you think maybe…we could be each other’s cure?”
“I don’t know, Haechan…Isn’t it wrong to feel this way?” you express your doubts.
“Oh no, sweetie, it’s completely normal, at least that’s what the doctors said. If we help each other, the pain will disappear.”
“Well, then I guess it’s for the best,” you concede. “The hurt is becoming quite uncomfortable.”
“Same here, my flower. I think we should hurry if we want to cure ourselves of this terrible illness.”
Haechan wastes no more time trying to convince you and climbs on top of you, pressing you down. He spreads your legs apart with one hand, touching and brutally rubbing you through your panties.
“Hyuck, n-no, this isn’t right,” you cry out and try to push him away.
“Shh, my sweet, I’m just trying to cure you first. Don’t you want it?”
“N-no, I’m not sure anymore, please stop,” you whine helplessly but he is too strong to fight off.
“It’ll be over before you know it, just stop struggling, my dear,” Haechan assures you and continues to attack your pussy with his hand. Eventually, he tears your panties apart, sticking his long fingers inside of you.
“P-please, you don’t ha-have to do this,” you try your best to resist but your damn pussy betrays you, squelching noises revealing your juices all for your best friend to see and hear. You would be embarrassed if you aren’t so turned on right now. You come around his fingers so quickly and powerfully that you are unable to think clearly any longer.
“You can help me now, no? I healed you, so now it’s your turn to give me the cure,” Haechan tries to talk you into this.
“I don’t know…” you shake your head. “Maybe there’s another way.”
“There isn’t. Trust me, okay?” Haechan insists. “You promised…”
His reminder, paired with his soft yet cruel smile is more than enough to convince you. But you say nothing as he unbuckles his belt, lowers his boxers and enters you in one swift movement.
“N-no, it h-hurts, Hyuck, p-please,” you whimper around him, as he goes deeper than you could ever imagine, stretching you out to your absolute limits.
“Take it, you slut, going alone into the woods with a guy, acting as if you had no idea what’s gonna happen to you,” Haechan’s words are so unkind, so unlike the sweet guy you’re used to seeing.
“I didn’t know, I swear,” you insist, pushing against his chest with your tiny hands.
“Shut the fuck up,” he laughs meanly, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head.
“N-no, this is wrong, H-hyuck,” you sniffle pitifully. “We’re best friends, we shouldn’t do things like that.”
“Well, best friends ought to help each other no matter what. So, take it like the good little slut you are and cure me of this sickness you caused,” Haechan keeps fucking into you, making you feel so full and satiated.
“Am not a slut,” you argue.
“Oh yeah? Then, why didn’t you wear a fucking bra, huh?” Haechan asks, letting go of your wrists and sliding his hand under your dress, grabbing your tits roughly.
“F-for you,” you admit shamelessly. “Wanna be your good girl, Hyuck.”
“Too bad, because I wanna turn my good girl into a slut,” he snickers at you, spilling his seed inside of your pussy. You come around him without thinking and are foolish enough to think he’s done with you. Taking his cock out and using his fingers to fuck the cum threatening to spill out back into your pussy. You are too exhausted to fight back but you do your best anyway.
“W-what are you doing?”
“Making sure the cure is permanent,” Haechan explains calmly as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
Then, without bothering to ask, he flips you around so that you are on your knees, face down, and slips back inside of you smoothly.
“N-no, that’s enough!” you scream in frustration.
“It’s enough when I say it’s enough,” Haechan grunts loudly.
“Nngh, aren’t we cured already?”
“What are you talking about? The disease is only spreading further,” Haechan laughs maniacally at this point.
“Haechan, please, stop, I can’t…” you cry and plead and whimper, again and again.
“You know what to say if you really want me to stop,” Haechan reminds you. But when you say nothing, he continues using your body, right there in the middle of the woods, too far away from society, where no one could possibly hear you asking for help, where you are left entirely at your best friend’s mercy.
Eventually, he exhausts himself after cumming too many times, inside of you, on your back, on your belly, and all over the poor blanket. Haechan reaches his hand out to get water from the picnic basket, thoughtfully giving it to you. After you are both done drinking, he does his best to clean you up and make sure you are...well, alive. Taking a deep breath, he lies down next to you, enveloping you in a warm and soft hug.
“Was that too much?” he wants to know and brushes a piece of hair behind your ear gently. You melt under his touch, just like always.
There he is. Your sunshine boyfriend is back.
“No, it was perfect. So much better than what we talked about previously,” you reply honestly.
“I wasn’t too mean to my baby, was I?” Haechan needs to make sure.
“Just the right amount of mean,” you laugh. “Did I play the innocent angel part well enough?”
“Too well,” Haechan praises your acting skills. “Maybe because you were my innocent best friend back when we first met.”
“And look where that got me,” you sigh. “Miles away from home, overflowing with cum, no one to save me. Such a tragic fate.”
“Oh, come on, don’t pretend you don’t like it,” Haechan rolls his eyes.
You lean in to kiss him softly.
“Loved every minute,” you admit. Then, you grab his chin firmly. “But next time, I’ll be the one corrupting you.”
The End
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thethirdromana · 1 year
Mem., get recipe for Mina: a food guide to Dracula Daily
Inspired by There and Snack Again (in which you eat along with the LOTR movies), this is your guide to eating and drinking along with Dracula Daily.
All under a cut because there's no way I can do this without extensive spoilers. I strongly recommend not reading this unless you already know what happens in Dracula. Also only if you're comfortable reading about alcoholic drinks - there's a lot of booze in this novel.
Let's eat!
2 May We start with the famous paprika hendl. Google "chicken paprikash" and choose whichever recipe most strikes your fancy.
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3 May For breakfast, choose from mamaliga (cornmeal porridge, similar to grits), "impletata" (vânătă umplută - stuffed aubergine) or anything with more paprika in it.
4 May For dinner, Jonathan has robber steak: "bits of bacon, onion, and beef, seasoned with red pepper, and strung on sticks and roasted over the fire".
5 May Slivovitz, if you'd like it (Jonathan declines). Then, for dinner, Dracula serves up roast chicken, with some cheese, a salad and a glass or two of Tokaji wine.
6 May "A cold breakfast" for Jonathan. In Romania a cold breakfast might include boiled eggs, telemea (sheep's cheese), franzela (bread) with assorted spreads, sliced cucumber and tomatoes, and sunculita taraneasca (sliced smoked pork). Jonathan also has "an excellent supper", but doesn't tell us what that includes.
16 May Would it be too bleak if I suggested eating a symbolic Jelly Baby?
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26 May A glass of wine as Quincey and Jack congratulate Arthur and drown their sorrows.
18 June There's a kind of Scottish fruit slice called "flies' graveyard". That might make a suitable snack given Renfield's meal today.
24 June I guess a gingerbread woman, for the wolves? IDK, it turns out doing this for a horror novel is a bit grim.
8 July Thankfully the internet has hundreds of ideas for spider-themed cakes so you can eat along with Renfield.
18 July The voyage of the Demeter begins! Celebrate by eating like a sailor: have some salt pork, or make ship's biscuit.
20 July Renfield has just eaten several sparrows. Provide redress by feeding birds near you, bird flu guidance permitting.
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24 July Imitate the "feet-folk" from York and Leeds by drinking some tea or eating some cured herring.
10 August Lucy and Mina enjoy a "severe tea". There are lots of severe teas in Victorian literature, but few writers actually describe what's in it - e.g. the Churchman's shilling magazine, 1868, has a story with a severe tea "which implies coffee, tea, and muffins, with substantials". What are substantials? I have no idea, but that's what you should eat today.
11 August Dracula has a little nibble on Lucy. I don't suggest doing this for every vampire bite in the novel, but given this one is particularly significant, how about marking the occasion with some black pudding?
30 August No food details for a while, but in this entry, Lucy notes that she "has an appetite like a cormorant" and "Arthur says I am getting fat". Celebrate with some cake.
3 September Van Helsing has been! And surely he wouldn't have come all the way from the Netherlands empty-handed? Acknowledge his visit with some gouda or a stroopwafel.
4 September Eat some sugar, which Renfield has requested for his flies.
7 September To stay in line with what the characters actually eat and drink, have a glass of port (though ideally not if you've just given blood). But for the real spirit of the day, consider a corn-on-the-cob.
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9 September Free space! Jack has "an excellent meal" but doesn't say what it is. Dig into your favourite dinner.
10 September A sip of brandy, with which Van Helsing wets Lucy's lips.
11 September The garlic flowers arrive. There's lots that you can make with wild garlic - personally, I like it in risotto.
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17 September A boxful of garlic flowers arrive for Lucy every day. Time to make chicken with 40 cloves of garlic. Other options for today include more black pudding (in honour of Renfield lapping up Jack's blood) or sherry.
18 September The Zookeeper enjoys a teacake, and so shall we.
20 September No food, but the labourers have "a stiff glass of grog". This is rum diluted with water, but you could also add lemon or lime juice, sugar, and/or cinnamon.
25 September Nibble another Jelly Baby for the Bloofer Lady.
29 September A lot happens in this entry, but there's not a lot of food. There are thirsty labourers, however. Maybe have a beer?
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30 September Mina makes everyone a pot of tea. Also, we don't know what they have for dinner, but they eat it at 7pm, if you'd like to time your evening meal accordingly.
1 October More tea! Since this is being gulped down by a working man, make it builder's style - strong, sweet, lots of milk.
2 October Jonathan visits the Aërated Bread Company. He only has a cup of tea, but you could have whatever you like best from their menu:
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3 October Dracula forces Mina to drink his blood like "a child forcing a kitten's nose into a saucer of milk". You could either have some more black pudding, or drink a glass of milk in solidarity with Mina.
15 October The Crew of Light aren't focusing much on meals any more, but they have travelled on the Orient Express. Here's the 1887 dining car menu.
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(source - I can't vouch for the accuracy of a random person on Twitter but it looks plausible)
29 October No one is thinking of food in this bit of the novel (though Mina makes yet more tea), but as they're heading to Romania, have some sarmale. These stuffed cabbage rolls are the Romanian national dish.
31 October Mina and Van Helsing have "a huge basket of provisions". Have a picnic in their honour, if it's warm enough where you are.
1 November Mina and Van Helsing have "hot soup" into which the local cooks have put an extra amount of garlic. Consider having a truly extra amount of garlic with this 44-garlic-clove soup.
7 November The Crew of Light return to Transylvania. No details of food, but in honour of their journey, I would suggest a final round of chicken paprikash, to bring us back to where it all began.
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Could we please have your headcanons of non-human Ace?? Is he a cuddly fox?? Or a coyote?
I would say a fox would suit him pretty well, cute little troublemaker.
Soft fluffy fur that matches his hair and covers his arms and legs but is black from wrists to hands and ankles to feet. There's fur above where his tail is attached and there's a small patch of white fluff on his chest, and his underarms along with a thin but soft happy trail of white fur starting below his belly button.
His dark claws that are semi-retractable. Sort of human hands, the skin is dark to match the dark fur on top of his hand and the patting on his fingertips along with the pad on his palm also matches the color. The padding is kind of soft. Touches your hands and teases you for them being small and clawless, totally not because he wants to hold them.
Foxes hunt by stalking and pouncing on their prey, regular human Ace already likes startling you, especially with the cute noises you make. It’s gonna be way worse with him being an actual predator made for hunting and sneaking. You will hear nothing before he pounces and man will he laugh once he has you. Said laugh is a bit fox-like but not quite.
Foxes actually have small spines on their tongues, you discover that when he decides to give your cheek a lick. No, he’s not being affectionate he just knows you humans think that stuff is gross, and he wanted to mess with you…totally the reason.
Even domesticated foxes have a very strong digging instinct, they will absolutely attempt to dig through floors, carpets, and your yard. He mostly grew out of it but you might catch him digging a hole or two in the Heartslabyul garden or even behind Ramshackle. Sometimes for no reason or other times to hide something from Riddle.
He is such a freaking snack thief.
Despite being a canine species, foxes actually resemble cats more than dogs in many ways. Like his animal counterpart, Ace’s pupils are catlike, vertical slits, which gives him excellent night vision. Many foxes are also excellent climbers, routinely scaling trees and roofs to stalk birds and squirrels. So, you might catch him on your roof or hanging out in a tree and he will likely encourage you to join him up there. Oh, the little human has trouble climbing? Well, he…he guesses he could help you if you give him some snacks later- no wait come back! It’s too bad most of the others here are beastmen or else it would be way easier to cheese it after causing trouble.
Foxes are naturally curious animals. As such, they occasionally check out other animals—even the ones that would, in other circumstances, be their bitter enemies—and make friends with them. For instance, dogs (and, to a lesser extent, cats) tend to have an antagonistic relationship with foxes. This does nothing to stop individual foxes from sometimes approaching and playing with both cats, to the point where the fox and the other animal actually befriend each other. Ace is similar in a lot of ways, though unfortunately as we all know, Ace’s version of making friends involves a lot of teasing. He’s lucky humans aren't a bitey bunch and can be easily won over by floof. He knows this is a weakness of yours and uses that to his advantage, acting like he's allowing you to pet him out of the goodness of his heart and not because it feels freaking amazing. Too bad for him Foxes are a vocal bunch, especially when happy and he sucks at hiding the feel-good fox noises when you find a good spot.
Interestingly enough recent research has found that one of the earliest animal species foxes have befriended may actually be . . . us humans. A 16,500-year-old cemetery in northern Jordan was found to contain a grave with the remains of a human male and his companion fox. Seeing as the grave is roughly 4,000 years older than the earliest known human-dog burial, it would appear that foxes were playing around with humans long before we got around to domesticating dogs. So…it was all most meant to be that you guys become friends…and he's obviously your favorite, right?
Be it with family, a friend, or something more foxes can be especially affectionate. Grooming, playing, and cuddling are the big three ways they show it. Though with grooming he often seems to be the one insisting you do it for him, he's pretty proud of his tail and is smug about it with others that you love his so much.
It…nice how you gently hold his hand while filing claws that got a bit too long. He’s ready to fall asleep, half lying on you as you brush out his fur, humming soothingly as you do it. It's in that relaxed half-awake state when he unconsciously tries to groom you back using his tongue. Will deny everything if you bring it up later. However, once you're officially together things change, and you'll end up with a lot more licks and Ace going after your neck and face along with a lot of nibbles.
Oh, the cuddling. Foxes cuddle not only to keep warm but also as a form of security blanket for each other. Their close physical contact provides comfort and reassurance within their social circles. Best believe anytime either of you has some stressful stuff going on a cuddling sesh is going to happen. He doesn’t even need to ask about sharing a bed since it's just normal for you guys now. Will still say he does it for your benefit, but we all know the truth. The nights he spends with you are the ones where he sleeps best, and he’ll get kind of grumpy if you don’t get to do it often. He’s clingy in his sleep and a living heater. Expect to either be used like a personal body pillow or straight up get laid on. Too bad for you if you get too hot or have to pee. The tail always manages to get wrapped around you. A cuddle pile with him, you, and Deuce is not uncommon.
Playing, there are the usual things he does for fun, along with his pranks but…for some reason chasing and catching you seems to be one of his favorites. Will give you a bite once he has you but is surprisingly gentle with it. That fluffy tail will swing around like nuts and the happiest noises make their way out of him as he rolls around on the ground with you in his arms. Tease him about it and he might give you a harder bite.
The others are sure he's making it his life's goal to have you always smell like him. You've lost track of how many times he's tossed a spare shirt or hoodie your way saying something about how a furless weirdo like you needs to stay warm. Arm over your shoulders, head resting on top of yours, if he's not touching you, he's at least sitting close. Gets grumpy if he smells anyone else on you and will straight up say you stink.
As far as courting goes, a lot of the guys assumed he was already doing it with how he already acts with you. Aside from him bringing you more food and getting into more fights it's mostly the same. Male foxes court the vixens and often fight with other males during breeding season. The female chooses which one receives her favors. The males follow the female until she makes her decision. The guys probably thought you were just taking a really long time to make up your mind or felt too guilty to reject him yet.
Fox Breeding and sex are mentioned below. ⬇️
Interestingly enough male foxes only produce sperm during their mating season. With many animals, the male is triggered into season by the female going into heat, but even after researching it for a whole day, I'm not sure if that also applies to foxes since this seems unique to them. What does this mean for Ace? Will he only be in the mood when his season comes around? Will he still be affected by his partner ovulating?
Or is this possibly something that wouldn't necessarily affect his libido but just means he'll be having dry orgasm until he's in season? I mean, the latter means no mess or need for contraceptives so that doesn't sound too bad, especially with giving oral so maybe we will just go with that.
Like a regular fox, he indeed has a knot. For some reason unlike wolves or dogs where it takes around half an hour for them to get unstuck from knotting, foxes stay together longer, typically for an hour but can go for even longer.
Foxes scream when they mate...a lot...and really loud. I'm not saying that he will actually scream but he can get pretty loud with the moans during sex and will make at least some fox noises.
After mating is usually when foxes get to work on their den. Since Ramshackle is away from everyone else he's likely going to consider your room your guy's den. Expect him to leave a lot of his stuff in there and if your bed isn't that big, he is going to make a pillow and blanket nest for you two on the floor, maybe it will even be like a fort. Perfect for cuddling in, mating, and having babies.
Does not actually want kids but that won't keep him from talking about breeding you during the act....now that I think about it, I think a lot of the twst dudes that don't want kids would do the same thing. "No baby, only breed."
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robynlilyblack · 2 years
A snake and his little bird
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Regulus Black x fem! sunshine! reader (gn! version)
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Summary: Y/n has been keeping her relationship with a certain Black brother secret, but when James starts investigating why she's always stealing the map she's in hot water
Warnings: swearing, some angst, hurt comfort established relationships (reader x regulus, wolfstar), kissing, mentions of food, eating, sex, toxic family and abuse
A/n: 4.1k words, reader is in regulus' year but is a marauder and like them a Gryffindor x thank you for the request! Enjoy 💛
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You doodled in the margin of your parchment, mostly little drawings representing you and your friends animagus forms. A stag for James, a dog sitting in a crescent moon for Sirius and Remus and a rat laying a top of a cheese block for Peter
You were just adding detail to the wings of your own form when a little bit of paper landed in front of you. Looking up at the professor you saw he was still droning on about some kind of charm, merlin did you hope Flitwick would be back soon because this guy sucked 
Although one silver lining was with him not paying attention you could unfold the paper, smiling as you instantly recognised the impeccable handwriting
You look pretty today
Glancing to your right you see Regulus sitting with Barty at the other end of the classroom, Barty seems to be busy trying to do what seems like origami while Regulus is already subtly looking at you
You scrawl on the paper holding it up, you say that every day, you bite your lip
His lips tug gently, an act most would miss but not you. He writes on his own parchment, because it’s true, and in my defence I said cute yesterday, he holds it up briefly, long enough for only you to read and not even Barty notices, although the boy wouldn’t really mind anyway, just give your boyfriend a good teasing for it
He revels in your reaction, that smile that you always wore just that little bit brighter when he was around, he gives you a little nod before returning to watch Barty and you go back to your drawings  
Around 10 minutes pass and you were just beginning to sketch the constellation Regulus lies in when a little flower lands on your desk
Picking it up you unfold the little flap that says, open me, doing as it says you smile at the words, still on for our date little bird?
You look over, noticing Barty’s flowers are terrible compared to this one and you nod ‘Just need to grab the map first’ you mouth to him and he nods
Soon enough class was over and as you walked out Regulus gently brushed his hands with yours, whispering a soft ‘see you at your spot’. You watched him walk off with Barty, Evan and Pandora with the biggest smile, your relationship wasn’t exactly secret, his friends knew, and Lily knew being the one to cover for you in your dorm, but really you kept your relationship on the down low so your fellow marauders wouldn’t find out
You were two years younger than the boys but being Remus’ childhood friend, you were pretty much welcomed in the moment you got on the train in first year. In their fifth and your third they became animagus with you doing the same the following year…and yes it took entire year of you, James, Sirius and Peter begging for Remus to finally cave and let you do it too. Earning the nickname ‘chirp’ when you succeeded, not only from your form but because you were always upbeat and happy
Of course, they hated Slytherins, well, James and Sirius did with a passion while Peter and Remus were just wary of them. You didn’t mind them, sure there were Slytherins you wanted to punch and in fact had done as such back in second year, but most were actually pretty nice when the Lastrange’s of the world weren’t watching
“Prongs!” you call out as you see him passing, waving to him from afar
His head scoots up at the call, looking around until he spots you. A grin grows on his face, turning back to say goodbye to Marlene before jogging up to you
“Hey haven’t seen you all day” he throws his arm around you, pulling you roughly into him and making you giggle 
“Nice to see you too”
“So, what did you just escape from?” he asks, his arm more relaxed as you both walk aimlessly down the corridor
“Charms” you inform, leaning your head into him
You were closest with Remus but after he and Sirius began dating, you and James bonded more whilst they were being all couple-y. Peter was there too but he usually changed into a rat and went a nap in order to escape their pda. Which was something James couldn’t inconspicuously do, although, you and he did manage to convinced everyone you were his pet bird for a month last year…and may have helped him cheat just a bit on some tests and steal a bunch of stuff from the class storerooms
“Godric with the substitute?” you nod “How did you survive?” he wonders rather dramatically “No but really, how? Teach me your ways dear birdy” he uncouples himself and bows before you
“You’re silly” 
“I know” he takes it like a compliment as he should, returning to his previous position
“I just doodled and listened pans as she explained her latest experiment” 
He nods “Fair enough, although…” you keep your smile but you know that although “…just watch out with Pandora, she’s a little weird and that’s fine but she’s friendly with Slytherins alright?” he says it softly, like he’s trying to protect you
You give him a little nod “Sure thing Prongs” you say, not wishing to ruin the moment nor your chances of why you sought him out “Say” you stop walking “You mind if I borrow the map for a couple hours?” you ask sweetly
He nods right away, moving to get it out of his satchel “Hear ya go” he hands it over with a smile
“Thanks Prongs” you slip it into your own bag “I need to go but I’ll see you later in the common room?”
“Yeah see you then” he gives you a wink and smile, waiting until you walk off before it drops and he digs into his bag again to retrieve a certain cloak
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James felt guilty following you, so much he almost turned back as well. Almost. He just had a funny feeling you were keeping something from him and the others, he didn’t think that something was necessarily a bad something, more he was just curious as to why you needed the map so often. 
Along the way he saw you stop at a window, checking your hair and putting on some lip balm. That’s when he smirked, you were seeing someone
He and the boys were protective, they’d defend you till the say they died but they weren’t so protective they would stop any person from seeing you. Still he knew why you might keep it a secret, Remus and Sirius kept theirs quiet for quite a while as did Alice and Frank, even if everyone and their grandmother could see it coming
“Back of the library, classy” he chuckles as he follows little ways back, this area was known for secret liaisons, yet he as he followed he ended up in an area he’d never been before, which wasn’t uncommon for him since you and Remus did the schematics for it
He watched you place your books on the table, satchel hanging over the back of the chair along with your robe, looking like it was any other study session until…
“Saucy” he notes, watching as someone wraps their arms around you from behind, kissing your neck
He was about to retreat and give you some privacy but then he registers the green tie as you turned around. Pushing his glasses up he grimaced at the scene, watching you get pressed against the bookshelves by a snake of all people…and not just any snake
“Pads is gonna flip…fuck” he curses, shaking his head and quickly walking out of the library, debating all the way back of what to do with this new-found information
It was a shame he left so early, completely misinterpreting the scene as a hook-up rather than what it truly was, two people who were more than a little in love with one another meeting for their bi-weekly study date
“Sorry lovely” Regulus apologies, his thumb trailing over your now plump lips 
You shake your head lightly, not wanting to disrupt his movements “You never have to be sorry for kissing me” you can’t stop the smile from spreading on your face, not when he’s shining down at you like this 
He pecks your smile “Still” his arms gently peel you off the bookshelf, one slithering around to rub the impact mark “Didn’t mean to give you a possible bruise…in more than one area” he nudges his nose into your neck
You sigh at the small circles on your back “It’s okay, doesn’t hurt so don’t worry your pretty little head” his cheeks raise, a dusting of pink coating them at you calling him pretty
This was the Regulus few got to see, the mushy one who was a complete softy for you, his Gryffindor birdy. The one that could make him flustered beyond compare with a single word, touch or glance
“You okay there gorgeous?” you tease him just a little and he licks his lips
“Stop” he says holding back the biggest smile 
He encourages you over to sit at the table, trying to compose himself but it’s hard when your around
“Or what beautiful?” you smirk
You watch as he quickly shrugs off his robes and cardigan, dragging the chair around so he can sit beside you before he pulls you down into the adjacent seat, his movements soft while his voice is firm
“Or I’ll do more than press you against the bookshelf” he warns, hand squeezing your upper thigh before sliding down towards the knee and resting it there
You let out a little gasp at his actions, remaining quiet as you open one of the books before whispering a soft “Handsome”
He chuckles, that small bit of firmness he held fading “You swallow a thesaurus?” he wonders kissing your cheek
“No” you shy away with a pouty smile playing on your lips
“How many more do you have because you better get them out now or we’ll never get through Slughorn's essay” his hand wraps further into your inner thigh, thumbs gently sweeping across the thin fabric of your tights
“Cute, stunning, charming…” you say quickly,
“Done?” he asks sweetly, the tint in on his face darkening
“Exquisite” you kiss his cheek “Magnificent” then one to his nose causing it to scrunch oh so cutely “Wonderful” you finish with a peck to the lips “Now I’m done” you grin turning back to the books and leaving him positively flustered
“Maybe over the course of two hours would have been better” he admits and when you glance back his cheeks are crimson “Merlin you make me soft” he lets out a little laugh 
“How soft?” you ask, positively beaming at him and his state
“Like the blankets we take the astronomy tower had a baby with a cloud and…I mean…okay I really don’t know where I was going with that but you get the idea” he covers his face as you both start giggling, leaning into you as you laugh together
“You’re adorable” you add and he pretends like he got a dagger to the heart
“You can’t surprise attack me with that you cruel women…I’m a puddle now”
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You really were a ray of sunshine when you returned to the common room, that was until you were greeted with no one but your friends sitting around the couches, looking like they were plotting for war
“Who pissed us off this time?” you giggle, dropping your bag off your shoulder and letting it drag as you reach the couches
They didn’t laugh. Remus and Peter looked nervous, the former rubbing Sirius’ back in a soothing motion, something he only had to do when his boyfriend was beyond upset. Your eyes flicked to James, he didn’t look as angry as Sirius but more disappointed, and somehow that was worst 
A pit started forming in your stomach
“Where were you?” Sirius asks, voice cold
“The library” you try to keep your smile, hoping maybe they’ve just had a bad day
“With?” he says shorty, pressing his lips together to spot himself saying more
“Why does this feel like an interrogation?” you swallow hard, heart thumping in your chest hoping to merlin this wasn’t happening, that maybe you fell asleep during study or this was some weird prank
Sirius sits forward “Maybe it wouldn’t if you weren’t off fucking my little brother?” he comes right out with it
You froze, feeling like all life left your body as they stare you down, the judgement in his voice, the disappointment, the rage
“I…I wasn’t” you try to speak, to explain, but James just huffs a laugh
“I saw you, y/n” that was the moment you knew they may never forgive you, he used your real name “That why you’ve been asking the map multiple times a week since we started back? Off to your little corner in the library to get pressed up against it” he accuses
You felt your face warm at the knowledge he had seen you and then the guilt spread across your face 
“Are you going to keep lying to us?” 
Sirius stares you down to the point Remus sits back, an unreadable expression on his face as he knows he can’t prevent whatever his boyfriend will say
“I’m not lying” you insist “If you had just waited…” James cuts you off
“Waited to see you fuck a snake? Ugh no thank you” he almost sings the last bit with a look of disgust 
“My brother of all people” Sirius cuts in, his voice demanding “Why…just why?”
“I love him” you answer honestly as lies wouldn’t save you, besides you were done pretending
Their expressions freeze 
Peter and Remus looking taken aback and in thought, clearly processing, James just skips everything and goes straight to an almost sympathetic disgust, and Sirius just goes straight to angry, standing up and pointing
“No” he shakes his head “You don’t” he tells you “You don’t” he repeats harder
You felt tears prick your eyes but you hold it, trying to stay strong. You were the happy one, no one had ever seen you really cry and if they did it was usually due to pain
“But I do” you say weakly but there’s a firmness to it which makes Sirius look at you with pity
His hands grip your shoulders “I grew up with him so you listen to me when I say he is incapable of love. He’s a miserable sod, a grumpy bitter guy that cannot and does not love you” he slows down so the last words sink in
You shake your head “You’re wrong…you’re…you’re wrong” you manage to get out, voice breaking and it makes the boys wince
“I’m not, I wish I was but I’m not. You can’t see him anymore, he’s just using you to get to me. He doesn’t love you y/n, you mean nothing to…”
“Stop it!” you shout, pushing him away
They flinch at your tone “Y/n” Sirius tries to reach out but you step backwards
“No!” you let the tears fall not caring anymore “I love him and he loves me. You are all just too caught up in your own ideals and hate of Slytherins to notice how good a person he is”
“He’s a purist!” James exclaims “He called Lily a mudblood in his first year”
“Yeah James in first year! When he was 11 and scared, scared because guess who was also in that corridor? Malfoy, a 6ft platinum giant with a cane up his arse that won’t quit. Merlin of course he did because what was the alternative?”
“Not doing that! I didn’t stoop that low at his age” Sirius crosses his arms
“Yeah because you gotta come back here…” you gesture to the common room “...and be praised for it. Bet it be fucking different if you had to go down the dungeons like him, sleep a mere few rooms down from someone 6 years older that would have no remorse in beating you up for it”
“You’re being silly” Sirius says, clearly not wanting to listen because if he did then he would be the bad guy here, he knew the guilt that would come from it “You’re trying to justify it because you know he’s no good”
You scrunch up your face, so disappointed in your friends “Maybe you’re no good” is all you say taking the map out of your bag and shoving it into Sirius’ chest before walking quickly up to your dorm, ignoring all of their calls
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The next morning the boys headed down for breakfast, with James and Sirius facing the Slytherin table, eyes fixed on Regulus as he chatted with Barty and Evan. He hadn’t noticed the stares, nor did he know you were currently in a little ball in bed crying and would be for most of the coming days.
James was half watching while Sirius gaze was fixated on his brother, trying to figure out what his endgame was with you. His eyes only tore away when Lily and Alice entered the great hall without you
Regulus noticed too, his normal little glance to see his girlfriend’s smile was now a sad stare at the girls, a stare Sirius noticed but choice to pass off as confusion instead of clear mild concern
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You had managed to drag yourself into the shower today, now wearing the charmed jumper Regulus gifted you that smelt like him, already sniffling and ready to read the saddest, most depressing book in your collection
That was until there was a noise from your window, followed by its opening and your boyfriend tumbling in, hitting the floor with a thump
“Are you okay?” you crawl to the end of the bed
“Yeah yeah I’m fine” he says groaning and definitely not okay by his wincing as he clampers over to the bed, kneeling on the ground in front of you “Are you okay?” he asks a little breathless “I’m sorry for barging quite literally in but it’s been days” 
Your heart flutters and breaks all at once, how could the people you love not see this adorable puppy dog of a man in front of you that literally almost broke all his bones flying up and into your window to check you were okay
“They know” you start to tear up again “They know Reggie” 
His eyebrows knit before the realisation hits, his face morphing to fear briefly before he stands and moves to sit on the bed next to you, engulfing you in his arms
“We’ll be fine” he assures you both “No matter what”
Your hands clutch to his robes, not caring that he is freezing from the cold morning air “I know” you nod into his chest
He gently pulls your face back, cupping it as he wipes the tears “And you know I love you right?” his own eyes are glassy, both of you knowing that things were gonna be a little bit harder from now on but you wouldn’t let them win 
“I love you too” you return it softly
He gives you a small smile before leaning in to kiss you, lips salty from your tears but neither of you care. Unfortunately, the moment is cut short when your door opens, banging against the wall as it does and making you jump apart
Regulus’ face hardens, turning off the emotions switch he had developed in order to survive
“Hands off her” Sirius points at his brother
“Love” Remus tries to pull him back, the only one seeing the scene for what it was
Sirius shrugs out of his grip “No” he stares you and Regulus down “You are going to leave and never see her again, I’m not going to let you use one of my best friends to get back at me”
“Like hell I am” Regulus wraps his arm around you, feeling you nuzzle your head into his chest, fresh tears soaking through his shirt 
“Sirius” he returns his brother's angered tone threefold “I am not leaving when she’s upset. If anyone should leave it’s you, you made her cry” 
Remus, James and Peters expressions soften at that but Sirius doesn’t let up 
“I’m not leaving until you leave”
“Fine then I guess you better get comfy” his other arm comes around, cupping the back of your head in a soothing motion before he whispers reassurances to you
“I’m…” Sirius stops himself as he watches his brothers’ actions “…Why?” is all he can say
Regulus holds you close, peering up at his brother “Why what?” he knew what he was asking, he just didn’t know how to answer it just yet
“Why her? Of all people Regulus why one of my best friends” 
“You can’t control who you fall in love with” he says, looking down at you
You raise your head, letting him plant a kiss you’re your forehead before you burying yourself back into his embrace
“You can’t love” Sirius shakes his head, tears forming “You can’t because you never loved me…you never showed any emotion after I left for Hogwarts” 
Everyone’s heart broke, the cracks in his voice, Remus having to take James’ hand to stop himself from hugging his partner while Peter rubs his back
“I do love you” Regulus’ hard expression finally breaks “I never stopped”
“Why didn’t you come with me then? When I cried, poured my heart out while I was still bleeding…you closed the door in my face” 
Regulus winces at that, you don’t have to see him to know. You kiss his chest, hugging him tighter as you knew how much he hated himself for that, how much he wanted to go back…how he had also packed a bag but by that time Sirius had already left and it was too late
“I wanted to, I was just scared” he confesses “When you got sorted into Gryffindor mum and dad were so mad they spent every waking moment conditioning me to…” he makes little bunny ears with his fingers “…not make the same mistake you did”
Sirius moves to sit at the end of your bed, signalling the other boys can stay when they attempt to back out
“They hurt me too when I asked why it was a bad thing, eventually after talking with Evan he told me that the best thing to do is to pretend. Have a switch you can turn off and just feel nothing…and for a while I did that, to the point I was just existing” 
He caresses your hair before looking back at his brother
“Then one day I was in the library and y/n came along, sitting next to me like it was nothing” he lets out a small chuckle “Talking my ear off about some kind of plant and how it was so cool…”
“It was cool” you mutter earning small chuckles from the room, James and Peter moving to sit on the bed next to yours while Remus sits behind Sirius, placing a kiss to his shoulder
“Sorry what I meant was she was telling me about this super awesome…ouch love” he groans as you pinch him “Anyway” he turns back to his brother who is watching him curiously, a lips tugging upwards as he observed yours and his interactions “After a few weeks I finally spoke back, realising she wasn’t a…ploy from you” he winces “She helped me. That switch that had been stuck off was finally on again when she’s nearby” 
You shift away from his chest, still leaning on his shoulder but you could see your friends again
He looks down at you “She helped my live again, smile again” he says, doing just that “I love her and I love you. I never meant to hurt you Siri” he turns back to his brother, seeing the surprise yet comfort the old nickname from their youth brought as it slips out
“I never wanted to hurt you either” he nods, blinking the tears from his eyes “I love you too Reg”
“Fucks sake hug!” James says sniffling with Peter tissues in their hands “Please you're killing us” he waves for them to embrace, this tissue causing him to resemble one of those mothers from period books
You and Remus giggle, moving away from your significant others to the middle of the bed. You intertwined your hand with his while he wrapped his other around you, both watching as the brothers hug for the first time in 7 years
“We always joked about being siblings but in a few years that might actually be true” Remus whispers to you
“We always were overachievers” you whisper back, giggling together while James seems to cry harder…and they call Remus the mum of the group
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Thank you for reading 💛
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peachesofteal · 1 year
Heartbeat / Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Heartbeat. Same pairing as Picture and I got you.
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Simon Riley/female reader 3.9k words - part of the Sassy series - AO3 Warnings-Tags: 18+ Minors DNI, pregnant reader, pregnancy complications, Simon is soft for you, flashbacks, emotional hurt/comfort, medical inaccuracies, military inaccuracies, violence. You're slipping in and out.
“But not the thick crust kind. The thin kind, well done. Tell them-“ You heard the sound of a door being shut, and the little jingle of his keys.
“I know, Sass. I know.”
“that I want it with black spots top and bottom. And extra cheese! Last time they forgot it and-“
“I got it.”
“Erm, right.” You hang up the phone with a sigh, rubbing a circle on top of your belly. All you can think about is that pizza right now. Gooey, cheesy pizza with a crispy crust. Your mouth practically waters and you cast a glance at the full laundry basket in the living room with a sigh. Tiny baby clothes aren’t going to fold themselves.
You yawn when you finish, little pants and shorts and onesies all categorized and stacked into piles across the coffee table, sorted by color and size so you’d know where to put them in the dresser. You grab two of the piles to bring upstairs, the idea of a nap sounding better and better as the minutes tick on, and you’re already thinking about how you can convince Simon to feed you the pizza while you lay in bed. A twist in your lower abdomen makes you wince mid stairs, and you groan. Being pregnant is for the birds. When you get to your room, you feel a twinge in your belly, this time stronger, and it nearly causes your knees to buckle. Alarm bells ring in the back of your mind. That didn’t feel normal. You try to take a deep breath but white-hot pain blooms across your body, the sharpness making you gasp, and you fumble for your phone, trying to get the screen unlocked while your body trembles.
“F-fuck.” You hiss against another surge of pain, leaning against the side of your bed for support, dropping the phone completely. It clatters to the ground a few feet away and your legs give out, your body falling to the floor with a thud.
The ceiling of your bedroom is the last thing you see before everything goes black.
Soap whistles. 
“Shew, Sass. You’re lookin’ pure dead brilliant.” Your skin goes hot across your nose.
“Shut up, Soap.” 
“You got a date or something?” 
“Or something.” It wasn’t a date, not really. Just a few drinks with another operator from this base. The 141 had been here for a month, between ops, and Price said you didn’t leave for Belize for another three weeks still. You were bored. You were tired of waiting around. 
“Who with?” Gaz pipes up from the corner and you roll your eyes. 
“It’s not a date. I’m just getting off base, having a couple of drinks, no big deal.” A blur of shadow catches your gaze behind Johnny, and you track it with your eyes until it steps into the light. Ghost. 
“You’re goin’ off base?” he asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest. 
“She’s gotta a date, LT!” Soap practically shouts. Underneath his seemingly innocent smile, there’s a smirk of something hidden. Something he knows that you clearly don’t. You glare at him. 
“It’s not a date, I-“ 
“Did you get going off base cleared with Price?” Ghost tilts his head. Is his stance a little wider? You sigh in exasperation. 
“No. I didn’t think I had to considering we’re ‘consulting’ and this is not a state sanctioned op.” Johnny’s eyes dart between the two of you. Ghost says nothing, just studies you. His eyes travel from your feet to your mouth, and heat blossoms in the pit of your stomach. You turn on your heel and Soap yells to your back. 
“Have fun!” 
You’re sitting at a table, across from your ‘not date’, Johnathan. Very nice guy, communications specialist. He’s spent the last two weeks making small talk with you in an effort to get you here, off base, where he can try to lay it on. Which he is. Trying to lay it on, that is. Succeeding, you weren’t so sure. He was cool, you guessed. Talked a lot. 
“So, I forgot I don’t actually know what you’re doing at Humphrey’s?” You bite your tongue. He didn’t know because you never said. You tried to keep your affiliation with 141 off the radar when the lot of you were on a base. You’re about to launch into some drawn out, confusing explanation, but he makes a weird sound in his throat and looks over your shoulder. 
“Holy shit. Is that Simon Riley?” he practically whispers in awe. This. Cannot. Be. Happening.
You turn nonchalantly to see the giant man in the skull mask standing in the doorway, Soap and Gaz filing in behind him. 
“Yeah. Guess it is.” You’re going to kill all of them. 
“He’s infamous. Like a legend. I heard a rumor the 141 was here but didn’t believe it. Did you know he-“ 
“Aye lass!” You close your eyes. 
“Soap.” You grit out when he gets closer, smug grin plastered on his face. He’s had a few beers, you can tell by how relaxed his posture is. Ghost looms behind him like the god damn grim reaper. 
“Who’s your friend?” Johnathan stands immediately, extending his hand which Gaz takes readily, making introductions like this is some group social outing. Soap asks him what he does, and starts peppering him with questions, effectively stealing the entirety of his attention. Your ‘not date’ devolves into anything but a date in a matter of minutes. 
“Sorry about your date, Sass.” Ghost’s voice rings out as you exit the bar, and you turn with a glare. 
“Are you?” He doesn’t say anything, just watches you from behind the mask until he’s pushing off the side of the building and heading back inside.  
The room is incredibly white. Sanitized. Your eyes flick back and forth, trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s loud, and there are people talking. The ceiling tiles are the ugly kind, small porous patterns bobbing and weaving above your face. More noise. A ripping sound. And then, another. Cool air. You think you hear Simon, above it all. Maybe. He sounds off kilter, unnerved. That’s odd. What’s happening? Somebody shines something bright in your face and you wince. Jesus. Blind a girl, why don’t you? You hear Simon, again. He’s saying your name, first and last. Not your call sign. You want to protest. Then he says your birthday. Your blood type. You try to turn your head, but you can’t. It’s stuck in something. You feel a pinch. Simon. You try to say his name, but another pinch in your arm steals your breath. You fade away.
Your lungs are screaming, tac vest compressing your chest as you sprint across the building before diving forward behind a half wall. 
“This was not the plan.” Gaz says from behind you, and you nod. You knew that. This was definitely not the plan. You were operating so far outside of the plan right now, and you still had not set your charges. 
“Look, take-“ shots pop and whiz by your head, forcing you lower. Your low position is a disadvantage against where these guys are sitting a floor above you, and you’ll both need to move in a matter of seconds. “Take this.” You shove the drive into his hand. “And meet Ghost and Soap at rendezvous.” He stares at you like you’ve lost it. You feel a little bit like that too, but it doesn’t matter. 
“I can’t leave you here!” more bullets fly between the two of you, and you lean forward to peek, firing off a few shots before turning back to him. 
“I am telling you to. I will be right behind you.” before he can argue, you press the button for your comm. “Gaz is enroute to rendezvous location, over.” 
“Roger. What’s your location?” Soap’s voice crackles across the radio but you ignore it, giving Gaz one more beseeching look before you start to crawl towards the other side of the room. “Sassy, location. Over.” Soap radios again. You duck around a corner, walking low in a crouch to make your way down the stairs and into the dimly lit hallway. When you don’t answer, you hear the radio click again, but nobody calls through. A few seconds pass, and then- 
“Sass report your location.” It’s Simon now, and you can practically hear the sound of his teeth grinding. You were breaking protocol. Smashing the plan to hell. Ignoring your superior. 
You were operating blind. 
When you come to the first set of joists, you set a charge, fingers flying over the wires until you were satisfied. Fifteen seconds, not too shabby. 
“Come in Sass.” He calls again, something different in his voice this time. A low vibrato, the echo of mounting desperation every time you don’t answer a call. Your eyes catch your next chokepoint, the long beam running along the first floor. You’re underneath it in a beat, but the charge is giving you an issue, forcing you to close your eyes and take long, slow breaths to steady your hands. Too long, it’s too long, those guys could be on top of you any second, this is taking too long, it’s- “Sass. Report your location. Now.” You take another deep breath, counting in and out until your hands still and the wires cooperate. “Report your location Sergeant, that is an order.” You rip the comm from your ear and toss your radio to the ground. The pit in your stomach widens, threatening to suck you in whole. Simon never calls you by rank. 
You’re blinking and staring at different ceiling tiles now. These are a softer color, like a beige. You think. Everything is fuzzy. You blink again, but this time your eyes stay shut. You try to force them open but it’s too hard, and you huff in frustration. Wherever you are, it smells like disinfectant and bad mess hall food. You wrinkle your nose. Simon laughs quietly in that gentle, throaty way that you only get hear every now and then. Simon?! You really want to open your eyes. Really, really bad. You try, and then try again but can’t, so you try to speak instead. A hand smooths over the crown of your head, and you swear you feel the press of a mouth against your cheek. None of it matters though because you slip back under in a heartbeat.
“Don’t use my name right now.” Simon is yelling at you. He steps closer, close enough that you can see the cracks in the paint around his eyes. “You had no idea what you were doing out there!” He roars, thrusting a finger in your face. “You were operating blind, like a fucking idiot.” Your mouth falls open in shock. “Are you a bloody idiot, Sass?” His raised voice has captured Soaps attention, who drifts closer to where the two of you stand. You glance at him. “I asked you a question.” Ghost snaps, and you feel like melting in the ground. Soap steps between you both, hand out towards Ghost like he’s trying to catch a wild animal. 
“Take it easy, LT.” 
“-from her too, because I don’t want ya to end up with my ugly mug.” It’s Simon, and you can feel the vibrations of his words through your skin, but you can’t see. Everything is dark. “Hopefully, you’ll get her smarts. She’s really smart. Smarter than me. Good with words, and puzzles. Everything.” You want to protest, but your mouth feels like cement, and you can’t even get your eyes open. “You got real lucky, havin’ her as your mom. I’m not gonna be… as good as she is. At this.” The sound of his voice fades and you frantically try to hold onto it before you fall into the inky black of sleep.
He’s watching you pace back and forth, your fingers tapping a staccato rhythm across your belly. You don’t need to look at his face to know he’s clocking your every step. You can feel weight of his eyes, the searing heat of his gaze working its way under the collar of your shirt. 
“I don’t want you here. You can’t just… keep showing up and sitting in my driveway. That’s called stalking.” 
“The other night-“ 
“Was a fluke. I’m fine. I had a moment of weakness but I’m fine.” He doesn’t say anything, just tracks you from where he sits on a tiny kitchen chair. They’re really normal sized, but he dwarfs the one he’s in, jean clad thighs spread wide, arms crossed in front of his chest. 
“Don’t ‘Sass’ me. Just-“ He stands and your words die in your throat. You turn on your heel mid pace, eager to escape whatever it is he’s about to lob at your armor, whatever weapon he’s wielding that will undoubtedly breakdown your defenses. 
“Sass.” He cuts you off, hands folding over your arms, holding you still. You immediately look at your feet. You’ll break if you look up at his face, and he knows it. “Look at me.” Rage flickers in your blood. 
“No.” You step away, slipping out of his grip. “Fuck. You. You don’t get to just waltz in here, after everything, and pretend it’s all okay because you said you’re sorry. Because you have some self-awareness all of the sudden.” 
“I don’t think everything’s okay, and I regret what happened. I-“ 
“You… You’re such a dick. You pushed me away!” Your voice warbles a little and you swallow it down. “And then you did worse, and I’m so… I’m so fucking angry with you. You were supposed to have my back.” 
“I know.”
“No, you don’t. Your job didn’t get messed with. Your boss and… your… me, didn’t make a backhanded deal to get rid of you! I trusted you. I-“ 
“I know.” 
“STOP saying that.” You’re really yelling now, words flying out of you with no filter, anger taking control of your mouth. “You don’t know shit, Simon Riley. You only know about yourself, you don’t care about me, or this baby, you’re just here to alleviate some weird guilt.” A shadow flickers across his face, and the baby jams his foot into your left ribs, making you wince. Simon takes a half step forward and reaches out towards you, muscles tense. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You grit your teeth and shake your head. “Your son likes to play soccer with my organs.” You tap your foot impatiently, rubbing your hand in a circle. You usually hum, but you won’t in front of him. Something about it feels too intimate.
This time, when you blink, everything feels a lot clearer. You can tell there’s a tube in your nose, and something, a few things probably, are taped to both of your arms. The lights are bright, and they feel like they’re shining up under your eyelids into your skull. Someone makes a pitiful noise, a half whimper, half groan. No, not someone. You. You blink more rapidly, trying to clear your vision, and turn your head from side to side. Where… where are you? What’s happening? 
“Sass.” It is Simon. Simon’s here. You try to speak but the only thing that comes out of your mouth sounds like garbled nonsense. “Shhh, sweet girl. It’s alright. You’re okay.” Thick fingers stroke across your cheek. Where are you? What’s happening? What’s- 
The pain. The baby. 
Your hands press across your body, eyes wide with panic. The baby, the baby, what happened? Simon’s big hand envelopes yours. You wet your lips with your tongue.
“Baby.” You croak, but it doesn’t really sound like baby, it sounds more like abby, or bubby, or something. Why is your tongue so heavy? Why is your throat so dry? You focus on your bump, trying to feel for your son’s movement or kicking. Your chest suddenly feels tight, and the beeping sound in the background gets steadily faster.
“Hey, hey. Everything’s okay. You’re okay.” You watch him look up over your bed, eyes fixing on something you can’t see before coming back to you. “I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath. Just try.” You do, feeling your chest expand a little further and he rubs his palm in a soothing circle against your belly. “Good girl. Another one.” You get a deeper breath in this time, and his eyes crinkle, just a little, so that you can tell he’s smiling behind the mask. “That’s it. Just relax for me, alright?” You hear the click of a door, and a woman’s voice. She approaches you from the other side of the bed, speaking in low tones to Simon, who doesn’t take his eyes off you. When you glance over at her, she gives you a warm smile.
“There she is!” She says as she presses some buttons on the machines next to your bed. You hear the scrape of a chair and feel the sudden lack of Simon’s presence. You try to call his name, but it doesn’t come out right. A big hand bleeds warmth onto yours.
“I’m right here.” He’s sitting now, head just about eye level with you. Oh. You want to ask him what’s going on, what happened, but your eye lids tug low, and you yawn. “Go back to sleep, Sass. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
“Where did you learn to cook like this?” You raise an eyebrow. 
“It’s just shepherd’s pie.” 
“Better than a ration pack.” You snort, stabbing the last piece on your plate with your fork. 
“It’s not that hard.” You sigh, leaning backwards. Simon finishes too, and then reaches across the table for your dishes. “I got it.” You say, hand flying forward to stop him. Your fingers brush across the skin of his wrist and you shiver involuntarily. 
“You cooked. Let me.” He rolls up his sleeves, bending forward so he can reach into the sink. He’s washing dishes in your kitchen, the realization settling into your brain as his arms dip below soapy water with a sponge. It’s so… domestic. You feel like you’re in a daydream. You pull yourself onto your feet and say his name over clink and clatter of Ikea plates and the running water, his broad back flexing when he turns to look at you. He wipes his hands on the dish towel. 
“Sass? What is it?” He leans down to catch your eye, brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing.” You whisper, and watch his face, every quiver, every twitch of every muscle, everything you’ve never seen before. You wonder if the baby will have his nose. Maybe they’ll have the sandy blonde hair too, or the deep brown eyes. “Simon.” You say his name, and he frowns, probably thinking you’re about to try to throw him out, again. “I want… I want to trust you. I want to believe you, but this-”
“Give me a chance.” 
“How? You… you wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t pregnant.” His mouth abruptly closes, and he stares at you for a few long seconds before speaking. 
“I think… I would be. That somehow, I would’ve found you again, pregnant, or not.” You take a deep breath. 
“Why did you do it? Why did you shut me out? Why did you have Price get rid of me?” He’s silent for a long time, eyes trained on the ground before he reaches out to take your hand. When he looks at you again, you see it. The fear. The pain. The trauma, rippling across his face clear as day. When he speaks, his voice breaks.
“I was scared.” 
The next time you wake up, Simon’s face is squished next to your ribs. He’s wearing the black hoodie, with the hood up over his head, and the civilian face mask. You clear your throat, grasping for the cup of water sitting just out of your reach, and he’s awake and lifting the straw to your lips before you can even blink.
“Hey.” Your voice sounds a little better. He doesn’t say anything at first, just stares at you for a while. It feels like forever until-
“Bloody hell, Sass.” He slumps forward in the chair, sliding the mask down his face and pressing your palm to his lips. You smile at him, but the stupid tube across your nose tickles, and you reach to yank it free. “No.” He grabs your hand and brings it down by your side. “Leave it be.”
“Simon, what-“ You’re cut off when there’s a knock at the door. Your OB stands on the other side when it opens, her face carefully blank.
You’re sitting across from Ghost, listening to Gaz and Johnny ramble on and on about an op that went south last year, too many things going wrong in one day. 
“It wasn’t the worse we’d been through though, huh LT?” Johnny laughed, ribbing the larger man with his elbow before catching a death glare. You smirked. 
“What about you?” Gaz piped up, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You took a sip of your beer, slowly. These guys didn’t know too much about you, and you didn’t like to divulge too much. Getting too personal with them would be a mistake, you know it. 
“I made a mistake with an IED once. It was on a teenager, thought I had it. Two power sources.” You didn’t say anything else. You didn’t have to. The look Soap gave Gaz was enough.  
“You lose ‘em?” Ghost breaks the silence. 
“And a few others.” Nobody says anything. Ghost nods, eyes never leaving yours. He knows. Better than anyone. 
It’s placental abruption. Minor, or as close to minor as you can come without having to deliver, spurred on by your high blood pressure and previous abdominal trauma, risk factors both you and her have discussed at length. A pang of guilt stabs into your heart. You’ve been shot. Stabbed. Blown up. Worked a burn pit. Inhaled a million different chemicals. You knew this, and still decided to keep the baby. It was hard not to feel the weight of your decision. What if it had been worse? 
She gives you a sympathetic look as she explains, and Simon traces his thumb across your knuckles in the same pattern, repeatedly. You nod robotically as you listen, fingers curled in his.
“So, I want to send you home, but you’ll need to be on bedrest. Ideally, we would like to get you to thirty-four weeks.” Six weeks of bedrest. You stifled a groan. Simon is going to be insufferable. You sneak a look at him. He’s watching and listening like a hawk while she talks about activities you can and cannot do, things you should watch out for, the importance of keeping your stress level non-existent. Once she’s done, she promises she’s going to get you out of here as soon as she can and leaves the two of you alone again.
“I wanna go home.” You whine, scratching at your arm where the IV port is while beating back a yawn that’s creeping up your throat. He looks down at you and your heart breaks. He’s afraid. You squeeze his hand and try to comfort him, even though there's not much you can give. “Everything’s going to be okay.”
“I know. And I’m gonna take you home as soon as they let me.” He combs some hair away from your face with his fingers, careful not to get them caught in the tangles. “Just rest for now, okay?”
“Okay.” You mumble, already feeling the pull of exhaustion again. An errant thought enters your mind before you fade away. “Hey. Did you get extra cheese?” He laughs, and you slip peacefully into the warm embrace of sleep. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Chloe Logarzo x Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend comes to your place
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It was a little strange, Chloe thinks, that she's never been to your place before.
"You want to?" You ask when she brings it up during a date night.
"It's just a little odd, isn't it?" She says," Don't you think it's a little strange? I mean, what's wrong with your place? Are you secretly very messy?"
She's teasing you but you bite at your lip and confess," I don't think you'd like my place. I mean..." It feels like make or break for you like you're about to confess something so horrible that Chloe will break up with you.
You take a breath.
"You don't like birds, do you?"
"You told me that a few months ago. You don't really like birds."
Her brow furrows. "What's this got to do with hanging at your place?"
You give her a look of disbelief. You let the silence stew for a moment, letting her work it out by herself.
She doesn't seem to understand and you sigh.
"You don't like birds, Chloe," You say," You can make the jump."
She thinks for another few moments before clarity dawns in her eyes. "Oh...Oh. You have a bird?"
"Two. You're meant to buy budgies in pairs."
"Can...Can I meet them?"
That wasn't exactly what you expected her to say. "Now?"
"If that's okay."
It doesn't take long for you both to walk to your place. You feel a little nervous to introduce your girlfriend to your boys. You'd kept them separate for a reason.
Chloe didn't like birds. You'd known that for a while now. You also knew that your boys could be pretty boisterous with new people. You were a little worried to be honest.
"They're free-roaming," You warn Chloe as you unlock your door," And they're very sociable."
"It's fine," Chloe says though she doesn't sound too convinced by herself," I can take it."
"Okay then." You step through the door and whistle, trying to get your boys to come straight to you.
It works for the most part. A blur of yellow and a blur of green come to land on your shoulders and you scritch both of them on the head.
"This is Cheese," You say, tapping the yellow one and then your green boy," And this is Celery."
Chloe barks out a soft laugh. "With names like that, they don't seem so scary."
"My boys aren't scary," You say," They're little sweeties." You grab some seeds and pour them into Chloe's hands. You adjust Cheese and Celery to sit in your palms.
"Stay very still," You say to her," And...maybe lose the nervous smile."
"Is that obvious?" She lets out a few anxious chuckles.
"My boys will be gentle," You say," They eat out of my palm all of the time."
You bring your hands closer to Chloe so Cheese and Celery can softly eat the food presented to them.
"See? Very gentle boys."
Chloe's concern has turned more into wonder as a small smile graces her features. "It kind of tickles," She admits," They're so tiny. Are they brothers?"
"Lovers, actually," You reply," They're a bonded pair. The shop I got them from tried to get them to bond with females but they preferred each other."
"That's cute."
"They are." You whistle softly and Cheese and Celery disappear back to their nest.
"They're kind of like us then," Chloe says.
"How so?"
She shrugs and loops her arms around your waist, pulling you into her space. "We're a bonded pair, aren't we?"
You shake your head in pure amusement at her antics. "Yeah, I guess we are. Next thing you're going to say is that you've gotten over your fear of birds."
Chloe laughs. "Not quite but your boys are incredibly polite. I think I can learn to like them."
You press a kiss to her lips. "Perfect."
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
Salut madame hedgehog moss!
Maintenant je me prépare à déménager à une toute petite ville au nord-est des États Unis près de la frontière avec Nouveau Brunswick (donc une ville peu peuplée et très rurale). Maintenant j'habite dans une grande ville alors je suis certaine qu'il y aura un peu de décalage au début. Je sais que t'as déménager de Paris vers une très petite village donc peut être tu as des conseils pour comment je peux m'intégrer dans une telle communauté?
Désolé pour des fautes de grammaire. Le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle.
Hi! Your French is really good! :)
I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask for advice on how to fit in with a small rural community, as I chose to live in the woods a few km away from the nearest village because I moved to the countryside in search of solitude. I only leave my lair for groceries once every ten days or so—I'm on a solid "easy friendly small talk" basis with most locals, but I'm only better acquainted with a handful of them, the ones I interact with regularly by force of circumstance (the librarian because I'm a devoted library-goer, the postwoman, the farmer who owns the pasture next to mine...) and that's a level of integration in the community I'm happy with.
I suppose the main thing is to show curiosity and appreciation for the local way of life, rather than expect to live exactly the way you did in the city, but the specifics of what this entails vary a lot depending on locality. Participating in the local small economy, if there is one, is good—I try to attend the yearly events and fairs at the village, like the potter's market; I bought a jumper from the wool shop in town rather than ordering something online, and I buy fruit at the summer market and seedlings for my garden, and some cheeses, from the local farms that sell them, rather than getting stuff from the supermarket even though it would often be more convenient. But I'm glad there are still family farms and local artisans so it's important to support them. There's also a thriving informal gift economy in my village, I offer eggs from my chickens and homemade jams or syrups and later down the line neighbours reciprocate with seedlings or firewood, etc, the more you'll participate in this sort of thing (if it exists) the more connections you'll make.
Another thing re: being appreciative of the local way of life—I know the city people who are disliked around here are the ones who buy land and use it like they would a suburban plot, e.g. build a swimming-pool, mow the grass, remove all 'weeds' indiscriminately (I know brambles are annoying but birds nest in there and eat the berries, you've got to leave some...), or cover their dirt road with asphalt instead of just shovelling some gravel when it gets muddy, etc. Again the specifics vary depending on locality, but people are attached to their local landscapes and way of doing things and as someone who owns some land and has seen the way locals reacted to other people who bought land around here, you're clearly perceived differently if you have a spirit of maintaining and repairing and appreciating the place for what it is, rather than remodelling and innovating and adapting it to what you want it to be.
Also you've got to accept that it can take a very long time to become part of a close-knit community, and try not to take things personally—I remember someone commenting on one of my posts a few years ago that she felt rejected by the people in her village because she was still seen as an outsider, and not allowed to take part in the organisation of some local events, several years after moving there. I wouldn't see not getting to help organise an event as a hostile behaviour towards me, I don't really expect to be included on every level, if locals feel like some things are for people who've lived here their whole lives, okay. I know rural communities are not the most diverse places and I'm not saying to accept discrimination due to bigotry of any kind, but in terms of "being kept out of some things or treated differently because you're not from this specific place", I do see it as something to be accepted. If I'm still seen as a city person and an outsider twenty years from now, so be it, as long as people aren't outright rude about it. I don't think of not being welcome to everything as rude, there are just boundaries that exist and so be it. I'm not saying someone would be wrong for being hurt by this type of exclusion, just that it helps to have this "don't take it personally" attitude when moving to a rural village.
Having a llama also really helps! The only reason I got acquainted with lots of local people in my first year here was because Pampe kept running away and I kept having to knock on people's doors with like a photo of her and go hi, have you seen this criminal. And then people would stop me at the grocery shop or something two weeks later like, did you end up finding your criminal? And I'd complain about her and they'd sympathise and tell me about their own annoying animals. I can't recommend animal misdemeanours enough as a source of friendly mutual understanding with rural neighbours.
Oh and speaking of complaining—another obvious way to integrate in a small community is to fight together against a common enemy. This is anecdotal but last year a state-owned company started to build a metallic structure (I'm trying not to be too specific) outside the village and it spoilt the landscape a bit, and I hesitated to grumble about it when making small talk because I was half-expecting to come across as an annoying city person, complaining about aesthetics while local people's livelihoods would be improved by this thing—but not at all, people also hated the look of it and were like "they hardly even consulted local authorities on this, they think we don't get to have an opinion on what our land looks like" and we went to the town hall to complain and the mayor agreed with us and eventually we complained enough that the company replaced the metal parts with wooden ones, so it at least looks more natural and more discreet in the landscape. It was very satisfying to come together and have this happen, and I never felt more integrated in the local community than when I was in the town hall complaining with everybody else.
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deepouterspacecandy · 1 month
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What if—and stay with me here—you and Abigail Anderson meet after the nuclear war? Thank you for being here and for all the messages and comments so far. It means the world. Violence and sexual themes, my works are 18+ only. All screenshots on my blog are from my personal gameplay.
For the past twenty years, you’ve watched the same tropical fish, electric blue and fire-engine red, gliding across your computer screen in an agonizingly predictable rhythm. It’s only now that you find yourself longing to experience the texture of the water they inhabit.
You know very well that it would not be wise to go outside.
The blinding flashes of light and the thunderous clap of explosions are an acid burn against the labyrinths of your mind. The horrifying sight of the only landscape you’d ever known reduced to rubble while your family scrambled to get you to the safety of the bunker.
Maybe the loneliness has finally caught up with you, or perhaps it’s the relentless glare of the artificial lights slowly eroding your sanity.
But what if, contrary to their warnings, it’s not a desolate wasteland anymore?
As you ponder the enchantments that lie beyond your impermeable tomb, vibrant hues of coral reef and gently swaying anemones taunt you.
“Stupid sea turtles. You probably have twelve eyes by now,” you mumble, your plight only heard by the dust on your bookshelves and a solitary pair of slippers near the entrance to your sleeping quarters.
It’s time to take your daily dose of vitamins and choke down another prepackaged meal that tastes more like chemicals than actual food, and your stomach doesn’t even have the decency to growl. You reluctantly pry yourself away from the evening’s entertainment, your eyes darting to the digital clock above the whiteboard to count down the minutes to your dinner alarm.
On the menu for tonight are three delicious options: chicken and potatoes, beef mac and cheese, or a warm and comforting bowl of sloppy, insipid oatmeal with apple slices that never quite rehydrate as the package promises.
Truth be told, everything tastes like a monotonous heap of nothingness, and you’re tempted to paint the walls with it instead.
Alas, when the clock chimes at you like an insouciant bird suddenly forgetting it hasn’t seen the sun in over a decade, you begrudgingly get up and continue with your daily routines, trapped in the monotony of it all.
Just as you are about to tear open your lavish foil packet of sustenance, a strange, unrecognizable sound echoes from the desk. At first, your heart skips a beat, mistaking the warbling sound for a warning alert, indicating a potential issue with the air ventilation system or some other critical failure in this sterile foxhole you’re forced to call home.
Despite this, as you plod your way across the frigid floor on your brisk return to the computer, you nearly trip over your own feet at what you discover.
It’s a chat box of some kind, from an interface you’ve never seen before.
A: Is anyone out there?
Your eyes strain as you read the unexpected message, the words blurring together until you’re finally jolted out of your trance by a second one.
A: Please tell me I’m not the only one left...
Gripped by the sudden fear that you might have quietly descended into madness, you blink hard, hoping the mirage might disappear so you can go about your riveting night with at least half your marbles intact.
A: God, it’s been so long since I’ve touched anyone, I forget what it feels like.
The chat box flickers impatiently, awaiting your response. Your fingers hover over the keyboard, unable to produce a reply.
This can’t be real.
You spent years curled up by the radio, desperate for human connection, and not a single living creature drifted along those frequencies. The possibility of finding other survivors through the computer disappeared when the population and all its infrastructure vanished into sheets of vapor.
The buzz of florescent bulbs above your head is making it difficult to concentrate. You glance up at the long-abandoned treadmill beckoning you to step aboard to bring some order to your lunacy. You contemplate it until the next message appears and captures your full attention, keeping you firmly planted in your seat.
A: I swear if I have to scarf down another bag of chili mac, I’m going to lose it.
This person knows exactly what you're going through, struck by the same hardships. Finally, your mind and body synchronize, and you regain sensation in your fingertips.
⚡️Does yours come with peppermints? Mine does. They taste like shit, but I’m building a chess set with the ones I can’t bear to eat.
A: Holy fuck.
⚡️I know. I don’t even remember how to play chess.
It’s your first meeting with something other than the lifeless mop tucked away in the cabinet, and you scold yourself for coming across so indifferently. There is still a part of you that remains convinced you are in some sort of dream.
A: I can’t believe it finally worked. Are you for real?
It’s a relevant question, one you’ve battled with for some time now if you’re honest.
⚡️I’ve wondered the same thing lately. Maybe I’m just trapped in a really bad dream, or the air ran out in my bunker and I’m dead as a motherfucker.
A: Seems like a cruel way to spend the afterlife.
⚡️You should try the oatmeal. If there’s a Hell, I’ve got about four hundred packets of it in my pantry.
You take another quick look at the clock, and it's been around five minutes since you last replied. It’s not that you expect this person to read you a bedtime story, but if you're feeling anxious about losing them already, there's no one around to criticize you for it.
A: The one with the apples, right?
Your heart leaps with pure exhilaration. Either your brain is playing tricks on you, reflecting your experience to keep you from bouncing off the walls, or this person is destined to become your closest companion.
⚡️Do they get stuck in your teeth, too?
Your kitchen timer is rattling angrily on the countertop, and you're unable to determine how much time has passed since it started buzzing. The fear inside you grows, convincing you that leaving at this moment would somehow sever the connection. Putting yourself in harm's way is a real possibility when you choose to skip a meal. In response, you decide to sprint there and back, unwilling to take any chances.
A: No, but that’s because I know how to cook them properly.
With a loud clatter, your porcelain bowl lands on the desk, and the sauce immediately oozes onto your mouse pad. An indignant huff escapes your chest as you lick your fingers clean and plop back into your chair, almost losing your balance as it threatens to roll away.
It's possible that you're not as offended as you initially thought, as a slight stinging feeling radiates through your cheeks. How long has it been since you last smiled?
⚡️Hold up, are you saying I don’t know how to cook?
A: Not necessarily. How would you rate your ability to read directions, though?
Giggles slip out of your mouth, catching you off guard. The stark contrast between the gloomy ambiance of the space and the vibrant, hopeful sound is startling. But something warm and playful rises inside you.  
⚡️That’s it. I'm turning off my computer.
A: Please don’t go.
Even though you've never met this person, the desperation in their tone weighs heavily on you.
⚡️Don’t worry, I won’t. I was only kidding.
The response is lightning fast, leaving you no time to acknowledge your meal—steadily cooling and forming an unappetizing skin across the surface.
A: Oh. Okay. Well, good then. I was messing around too... the apples are the fucking worst.
You stare in disbelief at the conversation so far, your mind a chaotic blend of empty thoughts and a flood of words waiting to burst out.
⚡️I knew it. They weren’t any good even before they expired!
A: Do your gardens still work?
It's been forever since you had the chance to look after them. The systems malfunctioned early on and gone were the days of fresh vegetation. You cried yourself to sleep for weeks.
⚡️No gardens.
A: I’m sorry, that blows. Broken, or you never had them to begin with?
⚡️Yeah, the first one. A while ago, now.
Your bowl of goop sits untouched as you reminisce about running your fingers over the lush, waxy leaves.
A: I’ll share my apples with you. Got any books over there?
Regardless of your unwillingness to accept it, your bunker boasts an extensive collection of literature that you have diligently read from cover to cover. Since the universe only gives so much at a time, you jest.
⚡️I hear the postal system is on hiatus. Any chance you were in bumfuck Montana when the world fell apart?
Her answer is so electrifying that it sends shivers racing from your scalp down to your toes and you have to steady your breathing before you can fully absorb the details.
A: Born and raised. I’m Abby, by the way. It’s really nice to meet you.
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anistarrose · 1 month
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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gabessquishytum · 6 months
Leaning into Dream=weird gremlin to everyone else but Hob.
Hob is new in town and is out and about getting the lay of the land. He bumps into Dream and is instantly captivated. (And Hob meets him doing something weird - rearranging paint in a store into some order only he understands///at the check out line with only oatmilk, one cheese stick and pickled ginger in his hand basket.)
Hob desperately (tries to) strikes up a conversation; but other than look at him with a raised eyebrow, Dream doesn't really engage. Dream just walks away, while Hob cranes his neck to keep looking at him and is all distracted while he's paying.
What happens next,,,,if the Hob were living in a horror movie, would mean he's about to wake up dead --- every person he talks to over the next week cryptically warns him away from Morpheus Endless.
Hob: Is that his name? Morpheus 😍🥰
Random "Neighbor": You want nothing to do with that strange boy who lives up the hill and talks to birds........
Hob: He likes birds,,,, wait he lives up the hill?!? I live up the hill. 🤩
Hob has figured out that he and the pretty boy are more or less neighbors. He now just has to figure out how to turn Morpheus's attention to him.
I'm glad you're feeling better!!🤩🤎🩷❤️🖤
Yesss weirdo x guy who loves the weirdo. It's so good, isn't it?! Although if he wasn't immortal, I think that Hob would definitely be the first to die in a horror movie.
As it is, he decides that he's got to find a way to bond with his crush/neighbour... so he'll get into birds! He buys a bird spotter's guide and some binoculars, and he sets out to find his man! Before long, he comes across Morpheus sitting perfectly still with a bunch of ravens/crows/corvids of some kind, Hob didn't study his book yet. Being careful not to disturb him, Hob sits close enough to be companionable, and he... watches the birds.
It takes approximately 3 weeks of this routine, but it pays off. He sits down in his usual spot, and then Morpheus is beside him - dropping a handful of shiney objects right into Hob’s lap. And he offers a shy little smile too.
And Hob knows that he's totally (somehow) got his weird pretty boy <3
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miryum · 1 year
Hi hi! i love your writing and i was wondering if you could do a newt x reader where newt explains his limp to reader and they pamper him for like a week and are super caring after they learn about his ykyk? 🫶🫶🫶
Thank you for your kind words! You are too kind!
Warnings: Established relationship, love confessions, sexual innuendos, Frypan being brotherly, all of the cheese. Didn’t exactly turn out the way I wanted, but I hope you like it! 😬😅
“Hey Newtie,” you affectionately said, sitting down next to the boy. “Could I ask you something?”
“Anything, love,” Newt smiled kindly. He stretched out his legs, enjoying the heat off the monthly bonfire. 
Your lips quirked up stiffly, fully aware of what you were about to ask. However, the question had been pushing at you, wanting to burn its way out. “You don’t have to answer,” you started carefully, “but how did you get your limp?”
Newt’s face fell and you immediately knew you overstepped your boundaries. You had only been dating a couple weeks and didn’t want to make the boy feel uncomfortable. You shifted towards him as if to begin apologising. “Are you sure you wanna know?” He asked quietly, speaking before you could.“You’re not gonna see me the same after I tell you. I’ll be this ugly, delicate, depressed, misshapen monster-”
“Newt,” you cut him off. “You could never change in my mind. You will forever be my kind, loving, adorable Newt.”
Newt flickered a smile at you. “I jumped,” he said softly.
“You jumped?” You didn’t want to press him.
He nodded. “Th- There was this time, a couple years ago, when things got really bad.” He swallowed roughly and avoided your eyes. “I didn’t wanna go on so I ran into the maze, climbed a wall, and jumped.” His words hug, suspended in the air. All other sounds around you two faded, leaving a bubble of just you and Newt. After a deafening silence, Newt slowly continued, “Minho found me. He brought me back here and Clint and Jeff patched me up. But they said my leg would never be the same.”
“Do you wish it worked?” You asked before you could stop yourself. 
Newt sighed. His body was angled into you, and yours to him. An intimate position for an intimate conversation. While this would forever change your and Newt’s relationship, it would never be the reason you stopped loving him. If that was even possible. Only a couple weeks into this relationship and you already knew Newt was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
“At first, yeah,” he admitted. “When I woke up and realised nothing had changed except for a crippled leg, I wanted to run back and try again. But Alby and Minho made me go on. And then you showed up.” For the first time since you began this conversation, Newt looked at you. His brown eyes held a deep sadness, one you wanted to erase away and make him new again. But this experience had changed Newt. If you erased it, you would be erasing him. You couldn’t do that to the boy you loved. 
“I came up?” You wondered.
“You came up,” he confirmed. “And everything changed. You made the sun shine brighter, the grass grow greener, and the birds sing louder. You lit up the Glade. You lit up my life. And then I had a reason to be happy again. You changed everything.”
You melted. Reaching forward and grabbing Newt in a hug, you said, “You’re not a misshapen monster. Depression doesn’t make you ugly. I love you and nothing will ever change that.”
“You love me?” Newt broke the hug to look at you, a large, hesitant smile growing on his face.
You couldn’t meet his eyes and stammered out, “Well, I mean like, you know, we were friends before we started dating and I really loved and valued your friendship so yeah, I loved you then and ever since we started going out, I mean, love doesn’t go away, there’s different kinds of it. I don’t know if I love you romantically- I mean, of course I do, I love you a lot, but it’s too soon to tell you, so-”
Newt stopped your rambling with a kiss. You two had kissed before, but this felt different. More passionate and caring. More trusting. 
“I love you too, you know.” Newt confided, his lopsided grin making you want to kiss him again. So you did. 
“And nothing will ever change the way I feel.” You hugged him tightly, your bodies fitting together like they were meant to be.
“Hey Fry,” Newt said, standing in line to get his food. “How’re you?”
“Your girlfriend’s fine,” Frypan rolled his eyes. “Seeing as that’s the information you really wanna know. She got up early this morning to make something special for the Glade.”
“Yeah, I know,” Newt frowned. “She was gone when I woke up.”
“Okay, ew.” Frypan shuddered, slopping some food into a bowl for Newt. “I don’t need to hear that.”
“Our hammocks are right next to each other, you shank!” Newt defended himself. “But what’d she do?”
“Made pancakes for everyone.” Frypan grinned, proud of his protege. He showed a plate to Newt, piled high with pancakes. “She made this plate just for you.” 
Newt carefully took it, his cheeks lighting up with a blush. Next to the delicious looking surprise of pancakes stood a piece of paper, folded in half. On the outside was a drawn heart and on the inside a scribbled note that said: Good morning! Hope you like the pancakes. Love, Y/n.
Frypan groaned as Newt stood there, smiling softly at the note. Fry said sternly, “Shuck off, man. You’re holding up the line!” 
Newt shook his head at the impatient cook, still beaming because of his girlfriend. Going to sit next to Thomas and Minho, his friends cheered when they saw him. “The man of the hour!” Minho cried, already on his second plate. He had put off running the maze to eat more of Y/n’s breakfast.
Puzzled, Newt asked them what they meant. 
“Clearly you did something to butter Y/n/n up,” Thomas mumbled through a mouth of food. “Because these are delicious. Word is that she made them for you but then decided to make them for all of us.”
“You’re the reason we have pancakes this fine morning.” Minho pointed his fork at Newt, “so whatever you’re doing, keep it up. Ask for waffles next.”
Newt rolled his eyes. “I’ll stop by to thank her later.”
“Good that.” Minho said. 
Eating quickly to see Y/n sooner, Newt hurriedly dumped his empty tray. Using his second- in- command rank to get out of fifteen minutes of early work, Newt knocked on the side door of the kitchen. 
Frypan opened it and once he saw who it was, closed it. 
“Fry!” Newt protested. 
“You’ll only distract her!” Frypan yelled back. “We need to start lunch.” 
“Let me talk to my girlfriend!” Newt shouted. He heard Y/n’s laugh from behind the door and he involuntarily smiled at the sound of it.
“Frypan,” he heard you say, “I’ve finished the dishes- I’ll be two minutes.”
“Yeah, cause that’s all the stamina he has,” Frypan muttered. 
Newt’s jaw dropped. The door suddenly opened and you pulled him away, chuckling nervously. “Did he just say-” 
“He didn’t say anything!” You said quickly. “Now, what did you wanna talk about? Is something wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong!” Newt assured you, “In fact, the opposite. I wanted to thank you for the pancakes. They were really good and everyone loved them.” 
“Well, I just thought that you needed a picker- upper after last night,” you shrugged. 
“What the shuck happened last night?!” Frypan’s voice cried through the door.
“Slim it!” You yelled in response. 
Newt then wrapped you in an unexpected hug. “Thank you,” he murmured. “You’re a really great girlfriend. I love you. And I love that I can finally say that.” 
You hugged him back. “I love you too, Newt,” you said. “And don’t you ever forget it.”
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weirdmarioenemies · 3 months
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Name: Sacksquatch
Debut: Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
Look! It's a burlap sack! I don't know what it is about burlap, but I love when a creature is made of it. It just feels right. I think scarecrows establish that burlap is destined to become a creature, and we all know that scarecrows walk around at night and when no one is looking, stealing crops from rival farms to use for bartering with birds.
So why shouldn't non-scarecrow burlap be able to come to life, too? It just makes sense! The one improvement I have in mind for Sacksquatch is that it does not contain potatoes, my preferred thing for a burlap sack to contain.
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Instead, it contains sand, because it is a Sandbag! The kind you use to batten down the hatches (I am not using that phrase correctly), or to lighten your hot air balloon, or a whole bunch of things. I'm sure it can be nice to hug one if there's no one else around, or even if there are people around who you like less than a sack of sand. Sacksquatch in particular is said in one game to be from a factory, and in another to be from a construction site. The implied branching timeline of Sack Of Sand!
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Here is the funny sack in its debut on the DS! It debuted as a bonafide Monster, an enemy to get in your way and be fought, and this rough-textured ruffian just loves to blow sand in heroes' eyes to temporarily blind them. That is VERY rude, but I can't be mad at it. What else is a leaking sack of sand to do? Drop a grand piano on you? This is just what they do!
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As with most Dragon Quest monsters, Sacksquatch would appear in Dragon Quest Monsters games, where it can be YOUR friend! Will you welcome it? It will probably sprinkle sand in your undergarments for a giggle, but that's probably how it shows affection! And in the recent DQM3, if you fuse it with a killer hymenopteran...
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You get the all-new Saccharine Sacksquatch! I know this looks like cheese, but it is honey! Unlike gray sand, honey is a substance which I am actively a fan of. Saccharine Sacksquatch is a strange concept! I would not think to fill a burlap sack with honey (and I would not eat honey from a sack), but it is certainly more striking than if it was full of oats or dirt or something. These sacks love to eat honey and try to raid the nests of killer bees, but I think a perfect solution would be for it to allow some regular bees to nest within its body. A sack full of bees! Don't squeeze it! I like to think it would be able to taste any honey it contains.
Sacksquatch makes a small cameo in Dragon Quest Builders 2, where it is the icon for Faerie Fertilizer. Though made of bones, petals, and dirt, the description calls it "manure", so I will not be including the image. Just in case. Perhaps an unwholesome appearance, but I appreciate it. Compost Is Cool!
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