#and pavitr just looked adorable? (which he WAS)
I had low expectations for hobie brown and he blew them all to smithereens by being the Best ™
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redstarwriting · 1 year
pda/general affection hcs | i.
ft. hobie brown & miles morales
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request?: yes
request: “Hiiii!!! I am absolutely IN LOVE with ur the clash series and I can't wait to see how it progresses!!! Could u do some pda/general affection hcs for the spider verse characters? I would love to see Miles and Hobie hcs but it's rlly up to whatever characters u would wanna write for. Endless thanks!!”
warnings:  language, cuteness, mentions of dying, mentions of injuries, mentions of throwing up, mentions of being overwhelmed
a/n: i love hcs lol this was actually how i first starting writing and it’s so fun bc i can be my sarcastic self without having to change any of it teehee, thank you for requesting anon! thinking of doing this for other characters to, what does everyone think?
i’ve made a pt ii. to this with gwen and pavitr if you wanna check it out!
hobie brown | spider-punk
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- he’s kind of a middle ground - not crazy about it - not against it at all - he just - hold onto your hats for this one - ✨he does what he wants✨ - ofc it also depends who’s company you’re in - if y’all are with Miles, Gwen, and Pavitr, he’s super comfortable and a part - of his body will always be touching yours - but it’s not like he’s goin out of his way to be like LOOK AT MY PARTNER - HOWEVER - if he’s ANYWHERE where there are authority figures? - *cough* miguel *cough* - he will just start to make out with you - LMAO - “Hobie, can you stop kissing your partner and listen to me.”   “No.”   “You’re aware of how rude you’re being?”   “Good.” - if you don’t like it ofc he won’t but he WILL be touchier with you in those moments - because it pisses people off - and he loves that - also if he felt threatened? - he’d probably get a little touchier than usual - but honestly he almost never feels threatened so who knows if you’d ever experience that - and if he did ever feel threatened he would feel better knowing that you always wear one of his studded bracelets - ppl will ask where you got it and you’ll be all - “Oh! My boyfriend Hobie!” - he loves seeing the hope drain out of anyone’s eyes when he appears behind you after that statement, he finds it so amusing every time - he’s only obsessed with a few things - like there is something he will ALWAYS do - he is OBSESSED and i mean OBSESSSSSEEDDD with having his hand in your back pocket - at all times - only if it isn’t around your shoulders (another obsession of his) - like y’all are going to one of his shows? - you enter with his hand in your back pocket - after gets offstage? - hand in back pocket - walking home? - hand in back pocket - sometimes y’all will walk instead of him picking you up and webbing back home JUST BECAUSE he wants to put his hand in your back pocket - he also LOVES using you as an armrest - if you’re short, he places his arm on your head like an armrest - if you’re average height, he’s still using your head as an armrest - if you’re tall or as tall as him he will climb a wall to use your head as an armrest - it gets you flustered and he thinks it’s adorable! - and eye contact? - he will keep his eyes trained on you at all times - he’s always looking at you - or else he’s looking for you - only looks away SOMETIMES when he’s talking to other people - “Hobie, I’m over here.”   “Yeah, I know.”   “So stop looking at them, I’m the one talking to you.”   “Yeah, but you ain’t the fittest person in the room so piss off, eh?” - that being said - there is something he just doesn’t do in public - he doesn’t hold hands - i do feel like he would hold pinkies with you upon request - but holding hands just isn’t his thing - in public👀
general affection
- THIS MAN HAS THE WORLD FOOLED - he acts all nonchalant about it - acts like he only does pda to go against societal rules - which he does BUT ALSO - he is so touchy - he isn’t clingy by any regard - but he LOVES being affectionate - just like the smallest things - every morning when y’all wake up in the same bed together and he wakes up before you (which is a lot bc he doesn’t sleep well) he will place a feather-light kiss somewhere on your face so he doesn’t wake you up - but like clockwork - he will do it - and after he will just lay there and hold you for a bit - even when during the night the two of you separate from each other he will always reach out for you during those times - and he will maneuver you back into his arms so he can just lay there with you for a bit - every time you ask him why he just tells you you make him a “bloody softie” - which yeah you do - but also - he gets scared when he comes home, you won’t be there - with his job that isn’t really a job and all, he gets so nervous that you’ll just be fed up with it and leave - or worse, you’ll be used as bait for him - bait which he would immediately take, of course - he even does it because he thinks about the possibility of him not coming home one day - and he wants you to feel like you were loved if that happens - he also just loves the little smile that comes to your face every morning - when you realize he’s done it again - and that is just ONE THING - he hates getting injured, but would lie if he said he hated getting patched up by you - when you’re cleaning his wounds with alcohol the two of you hold hands - he’ll squeeze when it stings and you’ll squeeze when you feel bad - so you’re kinda squeezing his hand the whole time - but you know how i said he doesn’t hold hands in public? - at home it’s a different story - watching tv? - hands are held - looking at the stars from the top of a building? - hands are held - throwing up after drinking too much? - hands are held - so is hair - and he rubs your back - you rub his - he adores back scratches (not when he’s throwing up just in general LMAO) - one thing he didn’t realize he loved so much until it happened was when he was sitting and playing his guitar on y’alls bed - just mindlessly finger picking some melodies - and you came up and sat behind him and put your head on his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his waist and kissed his cheek and just - stayed there - it made him melt - he loves it so much - he especially loves it when you hum along - even if you can’t hold a tune - it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard he doesn’t care - you can expect him to be all over you the minute he gets back from being Spider-Punk - especially when he has a bad day - i could probably give more examples but this is already kinda long lmao oops
- he LOVES affection - public and private - if he loves you, he’s gonna show it - he’s gonna scream it, literally and figuratively - everyone will know y’all are together - which he loves - but that’s not why he does it - he just loves you - and doesn’t care what other ppl think 🤭
miles morales | spider-man
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- omg this lil man is so awkward - i’m far older than him and he makes me think of how nervous and awkward i was at his age when it came to any type of romance - so i can see him being SO unintentionally awkward in public - he tries so hard to be cool - but omg - the tiniest thing will go wrong and he’ll go from 😏 to 😟 - everything is the end of the world until you assure him it isn’t - like the time he saw you outside around Brooklyn Visions Academy and thought it’d be so cute to go up behind you and cover your eyes and say “guess who :)” - except it wasn’t you - you were across the street and watched it all go down - he literally made eye contact with you the minute he tried to be cute - the HORROR on his face - he was immediately apologizing to the random person he just did that to - in the moment you were so confused - but when you and him were in his dorm and he was flailing his arms around -and yelling in lowercase explaining it? - oh my god - hilarious - he was all pouty when you started laughing so you had to attack his face with little kisses to make him cheer up - one would have done the trick but he was grateful for all of the ones you gave him regardless - or the time he went to wrap his arm around your waist during lunch because he wanted to be all cute in school and you turned around as soon as he put his arm out and tried to walk and his sturdiness and strength made you literally drop your lunch tray and the food went everywhere - and there you were again in his dorm as he was flailing his arms around and yelling in lowercase apologizing because you just got new shoes and he ruined it and— - shut him up with a kiss, would you? - a display of public affection that always happens though is you’re always in his jacket - to the point where he has two of the same jacket now so you guys can be twinning :,) - “Look, babe! Same jacket!”   “Oh my god wait! We’re gonna be so cute!”   “I know, right? Pretty smart and cute of me, huh?”   “Very smart and cute of you, Miles.” - he also loves to have his hand on top of yours whenever he can - he’ll do it in class - if y’all go out to eat - if he’s sketching and you’re next to him - and holding hands in public is a favorite of his - it’s very tiny things that he does because every time he tries something big something goes wrong - like opening a door for you and motioning you to go in before him - and always being ready to steady you if you would trip (which happens more than he thought it would) - and always fixing your necklace that he bought you for your birthday (with the help of Rio) when the little clasp comes down in the front - he’s constantly staring at you with a dopey grin on his face - literally will get called out in class because he’s just 👁👄👁 - and then he gets all flustered  - but the smile you get on your face letting him know you like him that much will relax him - will go from “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to draw attention to you!” to “yeah, you like that? imma do it more then.” - he’ll also pretend to drum on you with his pencils when you’re near him - especially if he has his headphones in - he likes to play this game where you guess which one of his songs he’s jamming out to - sometimes he says you got it right when you get it wrong just to see you get excited - and he doesn’t necessarily mean for this to be a public display of affection, - but his constant drawing of you is frequently watched by other classmates - the only person who has successfully seen his bold moves of affection is Ganke, and he pretends to gag every time lol
general affection
- he’s such an affectionate boy 🥹 - like i said, Ganke is the only one who successfully sees his physical affection plots work - he’s much smoother when people aren’t around - and yes, he has shown you the shoulder touch - you did it to him once and he short-circuited - i’m so serious he accidentally shocked you - but then he hugged and kissed you for like 40 minutes afterward cause he felt bad - so it wasn’t too bad of an experience - but when it comes to physical affection in private, he’s worlds better at it - any time he plays video games, whether that be with you or Ganke, he has his leg over top of yours - He loves watching movies with you where you lay your head on his lap and he just mindlessly draws little shapes on your shoulder - he also loves having you laying on top of him while y’all cuddle - it makes him feel safe (and he gets to steal soooo many kisses from you) - you’re kinda like his very own weighted blanket but not even because his spider strength makes you feel like a feather - but it’s also an easy way for him to keep a hold of you and feel like he’s protecting you - he also loves to take you web swinging - holding you super close and taking you to a tall building away from anyone who can see y’all - he loves that - sometimes he’ll have like a whole picnic type date set up and y’all will just have a cute lil date on the top of the one world trade center - he also loves having you over to his place - his parents love you - and you love them - they make him keep his door cracked when y’all are in there together but it’s mainly because they love to peek in and see their son so in love - Jefferson took like 74 pictures the first time he saw y’all napping together - And Rio took like 52 pictures when she caught the two of you on the roof of the building and he was playing you a playlist he made for you - he does that a lot but that was the first time Rio saw it - she was ecstatic lol - he occasionally will just poke you for no reason - and by occasionally i mean he does it constantly - “Miles? Why did you do that?”   “Do what?”   “I literally saw you poke me.”   “No, I didn’t”   “…”   “…”   “I did, you’re just so cute, I don’t know.” - he also loves drawing on your hand - the back of your hand has constant Miles doodles - sometimes it’s stuff like the two of your initals in a heart - sometimes it’s Spider-Man - sometimes it’s just whatever was on his mind - but you love your constant Miles hand drawings - and he feels like it’s some sort of way for other people to know you’re his - but when he does it it’s so cute - cause he’s so gentle - and no one is watching - but you’re sitting there and just smiling as he creates a work of art on your hand and the playlist he made full of songs that remind him of how you made him feel the first time he saw you is softly playing in the background - he calls them temporary tattoos and one day you’re going to actually get one of the doodles tattooed on you somewhere - he’ll probably have a heart attack from how much he loves it but hey that’s fine he’ll recover - speaking of he loves to draw with you - he doesn’t care about your skill level, he just loves to be creative with you - he also is very much all about making sure you’re eating - getting enough sleep - prioritizing yourself above everything else - and if anything is ever bothering you - he is There - he will always be there and it’s very comforting - he just wants you to be happy all the time and does his best to do so - and you feel the same - so any time the responsibility of Spider-Man is too much for him - or when his parents get on him because he’s hiding half of who he is - you’re there for him - often times after he comes home from a long day of Spider-Manning he’s the one who is being held, but you’re fine with that - cause he can be vulnerable with you and he needs it
- Miles is getting the hang of being in a relationship - he really does love pda but is so bad at it lmao - when he gets better beware - you will be a melting mess in public all the time - but for right now it’s just behind the scenes where he’s able to show how he really feels - give him all the hugs he needs ‘em
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ghxstmxchine · 1 year
ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴄʟᴏᴛʜᴇꜱ
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☆ ᴀ/ɴ: letting myself be a teensy bit self indulgent on my first post bc this is my favorite thing ever. super excited to start posting more on here!
☆ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ: SFW // includes: Miles, Hobie, Miguel & Pavitr (x gn!reader) // w.c: 0.8k
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ᴍɪʟᴇꜱ ᴍᴏʀᴀʟᴇꜱ
Not the biggest fan of people stealing his clothes especially when everything he owns means so much to him, but when it comes to you, he’s always willing to make exceptions
He might be a bit shocked when you show up wearing the jacket he’s been tearing his room apart looking for, but he’s quick to reassure you that you can keep it and even wants you to take it
It’s different when it comes to you, he knows it comes from a place of love. You adore him so much that you want at least something of his to keep with you, especially with how busy his schedule tends to be
It’s not a one way agreement though, he most definitely returns the sentiment by taking something of yours. He likes having something that reminds him of you, it makes him feel safer sometimes
Will completely deny that it’s yours whenever you point it out, but his smile is giving him away as you chase him around trying to reclaim your jacket.
“Miles, is that my jacket?” “No? I bought this.” “It’s literally my jacket.” “Okay, then why does it fit me so well? Might as well be mine” “Miles…”
Goes clothes shopping but keeps you in mind while buying stuff
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ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙʀᴏᴡɴ
Always so quick to compliment how something of his looks on you, He can’t help but be such a flirt and it’s a nice surprise to see something he loves on someone he loves, he has to make sure you know how good you look 
When it comes to things such as his battle vest, he offers to make you one or at least teach you but you stubbornly only take his which he teases you for plenty because you can’t seem to get enough of him
Since you both seem to be sharing it anyways, he’ll let you add on pins or patches that you like. He also never complains if you accidentally tear it because it’s just an excuse to add another patch
When he takes your clothes he’s very loud and proud about it, walking around shamelessly in something you own. (“Don’t I look good? Almost looks better on me, don’t you think love?)
Claims that your clothes are much more comfortable than his but he’s not one to ever care about buying new things so he definitely takes advantage of anything you may have just bought
He’s very careful with your clothes, it’s almost a miracle how he never gets anything (dirt, makeup, blood, etc.) on it. For someone so punk he's so stubborn with keeping your things clean & undamaged
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ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ ᴏ'ʜᴀʀᴀ
He’s tricky, he’ll be a bit annoyed if it’s anything he needs at the moment but doesn’t complain if it’s anything else. He might make a comment about making sure not to ruin it but with the way he’s looking at you all day, you know he’s all bark and no bite
Flips some possessive switch on in his head and suddenly he’s looking at you like you’re some meal, he gets a lot more touchy when he sees you in something of his but won’t admit it
Even when he asks you to give it back to him by the end of the day, he never pesters you about it again, too busy staring at how good you look
Very, very rarely will ever take anything that’s yours. Half of the time it’s on accident when he’s trying to find something of his in the dark bedroom, and it’s even harder to get him to admit that it’s yours
He’s too scared he’ll ruin something of yours if he gets into a fight, especially since you take such good care of what you steal from him. He’d rather accept small things like bracelets or rings to wear
Make him one of those friendship bracelets and he’ll wear it till it falls apart
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ᴘᴀᴠɪᴛʀ ᴘʀᴀʙʜᴀᴋᴀʀ
Will completely gush for hours about how good you look in anything of his. He feels so honored that you chose something of his to wear, especially if it makes you feel comfortable
He just can’t get over it, he’s such a hopeless romantic and you wearing his clothes is automatically so romantic to him. He’s also super quick to offer up something of his if you ever need it
It always smells so good, he takes super good care of his belongings and has a very distinct cologne he wears that rubs off on everything he wears. Also his clothes are super soft, overall they’re very comfortable
He’s not one to take anything without asking, he could be freezing to death and still make sure with you that it’s okay for him to take a jacket. He’s very big on respecting others’ belongings
Wears your jacket with him on patrol sometimes, much like Miles he finds it comforting to have something from you while he’s patrolling, especially on taxing days
Washes and folds everything before returning it to you because he’s just an absolute sweetheart. He’ll let you keep anything of his for as long as you want, he’s not one to complain
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slushycoookie · 18 days
My Husband Has a Symbiote! Pt.5
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5
Relationship: Miguel O'Hara x AFAB! Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Content: Lactation kink, pregnancy sex, childbirth, MINORS DNI!!!
Summary: In the final stage of your pregnancy, you find out a new thing your husband likes.
A/N: This will be the "last" part of this mini-series. I'm leaving it open-ended just in case I have another one in me. But count this as complete! I appreciate anyone who's been reading! (And I totally forgot to make a tag list. I will do that next time I do a series.)
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“Aww, you shouldn’t have!” You hold up the hundredth spider suit onesie designed for an infant.
Miles' small smile was something you couldn’t be upset at, “It's no problem. But there's more.” He points to the tissue paper, causing you to look deeper inside. You gasp at the hand-drawn baby book. It's colorful and bright with a story about how a young spider made her way to find her family.
“Miles! This is adorable.” You squeal with excitement, holding it up for Miguel who was watching from afar with a smile. You motion Miles over to proceed to kiss his face with gratitude. Miles accepts your appreciation before politely pulling away.
“You're welcome.”
“My turn!” Another spider jumped in with another present.
For some reason, you've never pictured yourself having a baby shower. At HQ, out of all places. Plenty at Spider Society wanted to give you gifts to celebrate the baby. Which mainly consisted of their spider merch for babies.
Others were thoughtful. Hobie gave you a few CDs of punk music for the baby. He said it was supposed to help with developmental growth. Pavitr and Gwen collaborated on buying some baby toys. It was mainly stuffed animals. Somehow you also noticed the stuffed version of their spider personas in there. And Margo gave a few video games that also helped the development of the baby. Although these weren't going to be used until your child was big enough to hold a controller.
You were ecstatic to have a large circle who loved and cared for you genuinely.
“Oh, you're…leaking.” A spider pointed out. You looked down and your blouse was getting stained by milk droplets from your breasts.
Miguel was immediately by your side with a few wipes, “We can stop if you want-”
“I'm ok.” You said, “It's just a little milk.” In fact, it's been happening occasionally throughout your third trimester. Milk staining your shirts, preparing for your baby. Your husband lingered by your side for a moment and you caught him glancing at your breasts. Probably out of concern.
After getting home from the baby shower, Miguel insisted you relax on the couch. Making you watch him carry endless boxes from the party through the portal, setting them inside the house.
“I guess we don't have to worry about getting baby clothes for a while, huh?” You joked, losing count on how many baby spider onesies you all received.
“I'm not having our daughter just wear clothes that look like spider suits.” Miguel sighed, looking amongst all the boxes. Trying to figure out where to put them. You stood, ready to come to his aid. “I got this, baby. Go sit and relax.”
“I've been sitting all day.” You reminded him. “I need something to do.” You picked up a marker and started to go through what was in each box and label it. The two of you agreed to keep a few boxes in the house and put the rest in the garage. ‘It's what they're for’ as your husband would say.
It was a comfortable silence while you two dove in the boxes. After spending all day surrounded by people who constantly congratulated you, giving you stuff you needed, it was nice to enjoy the quiet. You two were pretty much ready for the due date in a couple of weeks. Miguel was not going to stand being underprepared if he couldn’t help it.
The boxes were almost done, your husband paused and honed on your breasts. “It's happening again.”
“God.” You huffed, going to the nearest bathroom. Quickly grabbing some paper towels. You understood that you had to produce milk for your baby, but it was getting a little annoying.
“Shut up.” You heard your husband say. It caused you to peek out from the doorframe in question.
“What was that?”
“Nothing!” Miguel quickly said, “It's just Ravage.”
You blinked, decided to not indulge and went back to cleaning yourself up. You were actually surprised by Ravage's willing cooperation throughout your pregnancy. The alien was still insatiable though and you were hesitant at first. Once the doctor reported that you should expect to have a healthy pregnancy, the symbiote was on to have sex a lot. Not letting a baby bump stop them from getting what they want..
It was actually nice though since your hormones have been off the charts. If you even looked at Miguel, you'd get horny. Not caring where you were at all. As long as he fucked you.
“Need some help?”
Miguel asked, standing by the door with a washcloth in his hand. He closes the door to the bathroom to create some more privacy like you two didn’t have.
“It's ok.” You try to decline but he takes away the paper towels, tossing them in the trash.
“It's not. Let me.” He dabs the warm, damp cloth on your breast. A much better feeling than the coarse texture the paper towel gave. You didn’t protest, knowing he was going to care for you in any way he can. But you watched his eyes.
They were honed in on your breasts. As if he was under a spell. Enraptured by the rag soaking up the milk droplets from your nipples. You held your breath, worried that if a small gust escaped you, it would break him from his trance.
“I think you're good.” Miguel snaps himself out of it, shooting you a small smile.
“Are you okay?”
“I'm ok. Why?”
You weren't sure whether to bring up what you just saw. Maybe it was your hormones acting up again. “Nothing. Nevermind.” You reassure him with a kiss.
While getting ready for your due date, you wanted to get ahead on things. You spoke to Jess on some breastfeeding tips. You figured it would be a good idea to ask since you've been leaking every five minutes.
The spider woman helps you on how to hold the baby, demonstrating by holding the air. You were listening to what she was saying, but you wondered if it would be better to have a visual aid.
“I would show you with Gerry, but he's a bit old to be breastfeeding now.” Jess laughs, “But I think there's something that could help.”
She shows you the breastfeeding dolls. Designed to do exactly what the name says. A baby with its mouth partially opened, giving you ample amount of practice to hold your baby correctly while they're feeding. And you could customize the baby too.
You quickly bought one, excited when it arrived a few days later. You undressed your fake baby from the plastic, eager to try it out.
With the help of Jess’ advice and a few diagrams from the pamphlet that was with your baby, you practiced. Holding the child close to your chest, making sure the mouth was positioned correctly so your not real kid was fed. How convenient that while you were practicing, milk started to leak from your nipple again. Into your fake baby's mouth.
“What are you doing?”
You turn from your position on the couch to see your husband, back from work. His face twisted in question. “Practicing. Wanna see?”
“Practicing what?” Miguel hesitantly walks over, answering his question as he sees you and the fake baby. “You need to practice breastfeeding?”
You nod, still cradling the child in your arms. “I want to make sure I get it right. I don't want to mess it up.”
“You won't mess it up.” He sits beside you, “I know you won’t.”
“Thanks. But I just wanna make sure.” You go back to pretend feeding your baby. Miguel is still next to you, watching you practice. It wasn't weird, you figured he wants to see how it works.
“And you need a fake baby to practice?”
“Yes, Miguel.” You give him a quick kiss to make him hush and you think that works but…
“This baby doesn't have fangs. Our baby might.”
You purse your lips, “I know. We already talked about the genetic make-up of our kid.” It was concluded that there was a strong chance your daughter would have fangs and red eyes. Since the percentage of spider genes in your spouse was 50/50. But you didn’t care. You'd love your daughter if she had eight eyes.
“Then maybe you should practice with something that has fangs.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, “The baby design options were not that detailed. And we don't know any babies with fangs. Not that I'm saying to steal a baby, I'm just-”
Miguel takes the fake baby from you, placing it behind himself. Your eyes follow his movements when he turns you to face him.
“I have fangs.”
You blink, “They retract.”
“So, I'm not going to breastfeed you.”
“Why not?” He looks at your chest again, still exposed from your practice. Milk leaking out once more.
You force out a chuckle, “Mig, you don't want to drink from my boob.”
“I didn't say that. Why are you implying that I don't want to taste?” His thumb presses against your nipple, drops of milk pouring down his digit. “It's food that helps feed our baby. It's not dangerous or anything.
You bite your lip as he flicks your nipple to watch the milk pour out. You didn’t want to admit out loud that seeing him like this was sexy.
“Is this you or Ravage being like this?”
Miguel leans forward, his body right above yours, “This is me and Ravage.”
“Oh.” Your face starts to get hot, “How long have you two been like this?”
“Since you started leaking. I'm not proud of the unnecessary thoughts I've had.” He ducks his head in embarrassment. But you couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that your husband wants to suck on your tiddy.
“I don't mind.”
Miguel groaned, his hands gripping the couch. “Sure you don't. I feel like a…pervert.”
“You're not a pervert.” You reassure him by resting a hand on his cheek. “You're just…discovering something new.”
“That's putting it lightly.” Miguel starts to push away, shutting himself down from what he craved deep down. But you didn’t want him to make him feel ashamed. You wanted him to do it.
By taking his arm, you make him stay. Removing your shirt, ignoring the milk dripping down to the underside of your breast. You keep calm as Miguel’s eyes darken at the sight of you. Licking his lips at the sight of the liquid. “Do it. It's ok.”
He bends down after your permission, capturing a breast between his lips. Miguel sucks, his body rumbling at the taste of your milk. Because of your hormones, everything was dialed up to 11. The sensation of his lips on you was enough for your wetness to stir down below. An embarrassing whimper escapes you, while you clutch at him in need.
Miguel makes sure both of your breasts are tended to by licking a strip of excess milk up from your other breast. His groans fill the open space and your ears.
��You taste delicious.” He compliments after getting the remaining droplets from your skin. “Our baby will love it.”
You notice his bulge amongst his pants, “You're loving it too.”
Miguel’s hand dips inside past your sweatpants and underwear. The lightest touch amongst your folds makes you croon as he feels your wetness. “So are you.”
Miguel became relentless once he started tasting your breast milk. The two of you played it under the guise that you were practicing when this was nowhere near that. Whenever you two were alone and you started leaking, instead of using a tissue, he used his mouth. Collecting every ounce of milk that came from your nipple.
It was addicting.
Your husband taking turns with the symbiote, tongues lapping at your nipples, tasting every single drop. Satisfied for the day. Especially when it came during sex.
You wondered if your belly would be in the way but Miguel took care of that. Using his strength to make sure he did all of the work, not you.
He would secure you by gripping your thighs. Spreading your legs just right before lifting you up and sinking you down on his gigantic cock. You refrain him from taking his symbiote form while having sex during the last trimester, unsure if his larger length would affect the baby. But his normal body was more than enough.
You'd whine while taking him as he lazy thrusts up into you. His face buried in your chest as he did so. Sucking on any drop of milk, groaning with his movements. Your arousal coated his cock, easy for him to slip and slide right in. And then a sense of satisfaction waved over your body once you were finished.
You had to enjoy these moments while you still can.
Your due date was coming in a few days. In a perfect world, Miguel would stay by your side. Watching over you and ready to go once the big day arrived. Instead, there was an influx of anomalies popping up in different dimensions. Leaving your husband to take care of it.
Plans had to change. He connected his watch to yours so he'd be informed when you call him for the big moment. He promised to pick up right away. You noticed his annoyance of the change of plans, knowing he didn't like not being nearby while you were like this. But you took it in stride. Soon, your baby girl will be here in your world.
Miguel had to go once more, kissing you goodbye along with the usual spiel of what to do when your water breaks. You decided to do a once over the baby’s room for the fifth time this week. A wide range of emotions consumed you, from excitement to fear. You want to be a good caretaker for your daughter. But you didn’t want to mess it up. All the self-help parenting books in the world wouldn't help you with the real thing.
A strange rush of fluids went through your lower body, staining your pants and the floor in the baby's room. Did your water just break?
Sharp pains riddle your stomach as you lean on the crib for support. The baby was coming. You tried to call Miguel through your watch, taking slow, deep breaths. You weren't going to panic. You two had planned for this.
He wasn’t picking up.
You could hardly move. Any attempt committed shockwaves across your entire body. You can't have the baby here, by yourself in the baby room. So you called Lyla.
“Heyo! What can I do for ya-oh that's not good.” Lyla says while watching your hunched state.
“Where's my husband?”
The AI shows you a bunch of screens you couldn't understand at the moment. “Tech issue while on a mission. Margo and I are working on it but communication is currently difficult.”
“H-How long will it take?” You were hoping for a good answer, anything to soothe your worries.
“ETA is ten minutes for all communications to be back online.”
That was definitely something you were not looking for. “In ten minutes, I'll be having this baby-” You groan, a contraction hitting you. “I-Is it possible…to tell Miguel that our baby is coming?”
“I can but it'll be delayed. He won't get the message right away due to his location.”
“Would anyone get it at HQ?”
“Oh yeah, there’s no issues there.”
“Who's at Spider Society?”
Lyla did a scan. It was quick but in your current state, she took forever. “Ben is.”
“Will the message be delayed if you reach out to him?”
“No, he should get it instantly.”
You told Lyla to send messages to Miguel and his left-hand man. You knew your spouse was going to be upset that he missed the start of what would change both of your lives. But you don’t think you could wait for him any longer. With all the strength you could muster, you grab the baby bag and place it on your shoulder. It takes everything you can to maneuver to the living room so Ben could pick you up quickly.
To your relief he was there in a flash, blue eyes darting around to get a clear look at the situation.
“Hi, Benny.” You gave him a weary smile, “Can you get me to the hospital?”
He quickly nodded, putting the baby bag across his shoulders. “I can't wait to tell Miguel I came to the rescue. You think he'd give me a metal?”
“Maybe.” You pat his shoulder as he gently picks you up, positioning you tight as he goes through the portal.
Your husband made sure there was a maternity ward and a birthing center in the building. Making sure you get top-notch level care throughout your pregnancy. Right when Ben takes you in, Miguel picks right up.
“Are you okay? Lyla told me the baby's on the way.” Before you could answer, you whined, a contraction stopping your words completely. That was enough to answer his question. “I'm coming. Just breathe like in those exercises we saw, okay? Like this.”
He starts breathing through the watch in a certain rhythm and you follow it as your doctors put you in a room. You lean against the hospital bed, the nurses helping change you into a gown.
“I really need you here, Miggy.”
You didn’t want to admit that you were scared. You had nine months to overcome your fear but now that you’re facing it, you wanted him there.
“I'm coming. Don't worry.”
True to his word, Miguel is in the delivery room not long after. Still in his suit but instantly by your side. You felt much better by his presence, gripping his hand as the birth of your baby began.
The entire labor was eight hours. You were doped up with medication so you couldn’t tell. The trials and tribulations of pushing, Miguel holding your hand to help you through it all. Thank goodness for his spider strength. It was hell, you weren’t sure if you wanted to get pregnant again after this. But it was all worth it for your baby girl.
Gabriella was beautiful with her brown skin, gentle red eyes and curly brown hair. Almost a spitting image of her father. A person you two made together after going through constant efforts of conception.
Miguel wipes his eyes, unsuccessful at holding back tears of joy. “She's beautiful.” He kisses your daughter's head and then yours.
Ravage comes out, the symbiote getting a good look at the sleeping baby in awe. “She smells. Like baby powder.”
“She does.” You press your nose to your daughter’s head, taking in that new baby smell. “Thanks, Rav. For helping us have this baby.”
The alien gets taken back. You wanted to express your gratitude, knowing your baby wouldn’t be here without them. “You are welcome.”
“We’re not letting you babysit though.” Miguel says, making it clear.
“At least until Gabi's older.” You clarified.
Ravage hums, “Fine. As long as we can have intercourse again.”
Miguel fights the urge to pinch his nose while you giggle. “Of course. Don't worry about that.”
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summary them reacting to you making a playlist for them!
a/n first time doing headcanons so bear with me! i thought this idea was really cute and i just had to do it! had to include some hindi for pav bc!!
warnings none js super fluffy!
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˖   ࣪ 𓂃  1610!MILES MORALES ☆  ׂ  ׅ*
he was definitely shocked when you made it, and would not stop listening to it. he would be walking down the street with his headphones in and it would be your playlist playing through his headphones. he would constantly ask you to keep adding songs because he kept getting to the end of it, and he loves your music taste especially. someone would ask him what he was listening to? the playlist you made him.
“this playlist is so good!”
“could you add more songs? just one more i swear!”
˖   ࣪ 𓂃  GWEN STACY ☆  ׂ  ׅ*
at first she would be soo skeptical, like, questioning why you did it. but then after reassuring her a few times, she would come around and ultimately listen to it. she would definitely make new beats to the songs and have you sing along to it on her drums, making a better version of the song. you would for sure come over to her apartment one day and just hear the drums clanging along to one of the songs.
“this is for me? are you sure?”
“hey y/n, do you think i’m getting this beat right?”
˖   ࣪ 𓂃  HOBIE BROWN ☆  ׂ  ׅ*
now he would definitely judge you… not an exaggeration. he would send you a detailed response to all the songs, letting you know which ones are good and which ones aren’t. if you added one song he didn’t like he would definitely lecture you about how “bad” and “basic” your music taste is and eventually put you on some different music. he would make a playlist in response to show you what the “good tunes” are (and play something for you too). though, he would like how you thought about him and put in the effort of making him a playlist.
“now this song is good, this song isn’t.”
“y/n if you didn’t want me to judge your music, why make me listen to it?”
˖   ࣪ 𓂃  PAVITR PRABHAKAR ☆  ׂ  ׅ*
he loves your playlist! he would be so cute about it too, constantly talking about it and it becoming his newest obsession. he would make you dance with him to it and make you sing along. he would be so sweet about it, absolutely adoring it and listening to it while he’s studying. whenever you two were on secluded dates, he would quickly put on the playlist you made him and make you get up and dance with him.
“yar (buddy, dude), this playlist is so good!”
“chalo (come on), get up and dance with me!”
˖   ࣪ 𓂃  42!MILES MORALES ☆  ׂ  ׅ*
i just imagine him looking at you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, like he finally succeeded when you made him this playlist. he would be really chill about it at first, and just be like “oh cool,” as his initial response to seeing the playlist you made him. but oh, did he listen to it on repeat every. single. day. he was obsessed with it, obsessed with that you decided to make him out of anyone a playlist. you would hear the music blasting in his room, walking into his room and seeing him startled. you caught him listening to it, and boy did that make your heart flutter.
“of course i love it, you made it.”
“mamí you gotta make me more of these, ‘s amazing.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
I don’t know if you have this but please can i request headcandons of the spiderverse Boys with their lover reader wearing their (spider boys) clothing like a hoodie or a t shirt?
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Miles thought he had stopped breathing when he saw you wear the jacket he has been searching high and low for the past fifteen minutes.
He had been wanting to see you in his clothes but the poor boy didn’t know how to say it without tripping and stumbling awkwardly over his words like a new born baby deer.
‘Hey, have you seen my jacket-‘ his words faltered and then later died on his lips when he raised his eyes as he entered his room, only to see you wearing the very jacket he had been searching high and low for. ‘You’re wearing it.’ His voice cracked and out of embarrassment Miles cleared his throat and tried again. ‘You’re- You’re wearing it.’
You smiled at him, finding his attempts in keeping his cool amusing, especially when it was doing something small like wearing his clothes but you couldn’t help yourself! The jacket was still somewhat warm from previous use and smelt like him, which brought you comfort for the days where he couldn’t always be with you as it felt as though you had a part of him always with you. Though it doesn’t compare to actually having Miles with you, it still brought you a sense of relief and security that you always get when with the young lad.
‘Did you want it back?’ You asked, about to take it off when Miles exclaimed ‘no!’ Making you both jump with how loud it came out but made you both laugh none the less. ‘I mean, no, keep it on as long as you want. You look great in it.’ Miles admits, running the back of his neck, highly aware of the heat radiating within of every part of his body, from the tips of his ears to his chest and even to his feet, as though it was going to burn him from the inside out.
‘Just great?’ You teased, brows raised.
‘Did I say great? I meant you look beautiful, handsome, pretty, beautiful, cosy, comfy.’ Miles rambled and you knew you had to intervene before he hurts himself, which lead you to walk towards him and hold his face in your hands, internally melting when his beautiful doe brown eyes looked into yours as though they’re the only thing grounding him right now. ‘Relax, I’m only teasing babe.’ You reassured him, thumbs stroking his cheeks as means of calming him down. ‘Now are you comfortable with me wearing your stuff because I can stop if you want.’
Just when you were about to pulls your hands away from his face so you could remove and hand back his jacket, Miles placed his hands over yours, keeping them glued to his face as he looked at you adoringly. ‘It doesn’t bother me at all.’ He tells you. ‘In fact it makes me really happy just seeing you in my stuff,’ he chuckles to himself. ‘I swear it feels as though I’m still dreaming sometimes.’ He finishes.
Miles loves it when you wear his clothes as it means that even when you were apart, you’re thinking about him, always and wishing for his safe return. He feels loved, extremely loved.
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Pavitr’s day is immediately made a thousand times better when he notices that you’ve been wearing his clothes. He fucking adores it so much to the point that he’s already making plans on just letting you use his wardrobe at your disposal.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad day because seeing you in his clothes even on days where he’s mentally, emotionally and physically okay, he’s automatically made even more chipper and happy to the point he will not shut up about his rant on how cute and adorable you look in his shirt.
He’s talking about a mile a minute that you were starting to get concerned when you saw he wasn’t stopping for breath. When he does remember to breath, you were able to realise the breath that you didn’t know that you had been withholding yourself.
Probably has a multitude of pictures of you wearing his clothes and might’ve made one his lock/Home Screen or maybe both, so that when he was doing his spider-man stuff, he’d be reminded that you were waiting for you Pav to come back safe and sound.
He will shamelessly scream it from the rooftops that you were wearing his clothes and say loud enough for all those within the radius to hear. He’s not ashamed in the slightest and will brag about it until he can’t no more. His friends, Hobie, Miles, Gwen and Margo were often subjected to these bragging sessions more so then anyone else.
To the point where Hobie and Miles dog pile him in getting him to shut up about you wearing his clothes for a second. Yes they get it, it’s really cut that your wearing his clothes and how when you return them to him they smell like you’ve never left.
They get it, Pavitr is an absolute sucker for you in his shirts and whilst they found it cute themselves, pav didn’t need to get all dramatic with his long winded speech about how his clothes on you looked as though they were tailored to fit you like the did him, nor how he believes that was a sign for him that you two were meant to be together forever.
Overall Pavitr gets overwhelmingly affectionate when you wear his stuff to the point where your being smothered alive by his constrictive hugs and flurries of kisses raining down on your face. He loves, loves, loves seeing you in his clothes. It makes him happier then he’s ever been.
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Hobie is the definition of ‘what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is yours.’
So let’s say you find his vest with the pins spanning across the lapels and the spikes that traversed across the shoulders, draped over the door and decided to wear it for a while until Hobie notices it’s absence.
Jokes on you though because Hobie never left anything of his without it being purely intentional and Hobie left his vest over at yours with the intention that you’d pick it up and wear it out of your own fruition, rather then having him telling you to wear it.
Outwardly his reaction upon seeing you wearing his vest is relatively neutral but that’s only to those on the outside but you could see the smile etching it’s way across his face along with the mischievous, all knowing glint within his eyes that told you all that you had willingly fallen right into his trap, just as he expected.
You’ve been had but you couldn’t be mad because it meant that Hobie had this in mind for a while and played the waiting game to execute his little plan. He wanted to see you in his clothes that he was willing to leave his beloved vest in your hands.
Hobie isn’t territorial but just seeing you in his clothes makes him feel all sorts of things but he just chalks it down to being a spider attribute he got from the bite and nothing else.
All this cheeky fuck would say to seeing you in his vest is; ‘guess I was right, it suits you.’ Which might as well have been his way of telling you that you were more then welcome to steal his clothes but just don’t be surprised when you start seeing some of your own stuff disappearing now and then.
Can’t find your crop top?
Hobie’s wearing it the next time you see him.
Needless to say Hobie loves it when you wear his stuff, so he’s going to do the exact same but with your clothes because he loves the expressions he gets when you ultimately realises who had been stealing your clothes for the past few days.
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Miguel may act cool, calm and collected with a smidge of feral his heart isn’t immune from melting at the sight of you wearing his clothing.
It doesn’t even matter how long you’ve been doing it as it always made this secret softy feel as though it was the first time all over again.
Miguel is so occupied with his work to unhealthy extent that he doesn’t realise your wearing one of his shirts, and even when he does; it takes him a minute due to the lack of sleep affecting his ability to comprehend his reality before he’s doing a double take upon realising that yes, that was his shirt your wearing.
It’s cute watching his eyes nearly pop out of his head upon realisation.
‘Is that my shirt?’ He’d ask, although already knowing the answer. He’s not against it, he’s just surprised that you’d even want to wear anything of his. He doesn’t think he’s deserving of such a gesture but it touches his heart nonetheless.
‘I missed you.’ You replied, tugging at the bottom of his shirt. ‘You’re so busy with work that I don’t often get alone time with you anymore. So whenever your away and I’m missing you, I go through your closet and pick a shirt out, and wear it for the rest of the day because it makes me feel as though your here with me.’ You finished with a shrug.
Miguel couldn’t help but feel his heart hurt upon your admittance of missing him. He knows how often he prioritises his work that he was completely blindsided by how it affect you, so much so to the extent that you sought out comfort from his clothes because he was nowhere to be found.
‘You look at home in my clothes.’ He tells you as he decided then and there to cut out some time of his day just for you and be there for you like a lover should be. ‘And I’m sorry that I haven’t been here as much as I should but I promise that’ll change.’ Miguel practically pleads to you as he holds you against his muscular chest, his hands rubbing your back, secretly loving how his shirt looked on you more so then anything.
Seeing you wear his clothes became Miguel’s favourite sight to see first thing in the morning and last thing at night. He takes pride out of it but the reasoning behind it will always make him upset at himself at his failings of being a partner.
It’s something he’s improved on ever since and you couldn’t help but get giddy when you felt him walk up behind you in the mornings, burying his head into your neck, greeting it with kisses, as his arms enclose on your waist, speaking to you in his low raspy morning voice about how beautiful/ handsome/cute/pretty/stunning you looked to the point where you wanted nothing then to bury yourself into his chest so he couldn’t see the dopey, lovesick smile beaming across your face.
Miguel isn’t immune to seeing you wearing his clothes and he never will be because it’s a declaration of love in its own unique way.
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Peter B would find you wearing his clothes unbearably adorable.
He just wanted to squeeze you tightly but knew that probably wasn’t the smartest idea considering with his strength but that never stopped him from taking photos of you doing mundane things in his shirt or sweatpants that you had to tie up by the drawstrings.
Peter has taken too many pictures that he might as well have dedicated an entire album to you wearing his sweats, shirts or even his pink bathrobe and doing mundane things such as making breakfast, watching your favourite shows on tv, playing with Mayday and the like.
So don’t be surprised when he starts showing anyone that would listen over at the spider society pictures of his lover looking absolutely gorgeous/handsome/pretty/beautiful/adorable in his clothes 24/7. Miguel especially but Jess, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, Hobie and Margo were also some that got pestered by Peter.
Peter B is also very vocal and would smother you praise of how good you look in his clothes because what he says is 100% genuine.
For example;
‘Look at you! You look amazing!’
‘You’re so cute in my clothes, please don’t stop wearing them.’
‘How could my lover look even better when they’re wearing my clothes. It shouldn’t be possible but here you are, proving me wrong.’
This corny bastard would teasingly call you a mini version of him since you want to wear his stuff so badly.
You’ve defiantly caught him admiring you from afar when you wear his clothes. His eyes are soft and half lidded as he rests his face against his hand, he wasn’t aware that he was leaning so much to the point that before long he was on the floor. It’s so cartoonish and goofy but it’s just so Peter that you can’t help but let out a little chuckle before going over to help your lover off of the floor.
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gejo333 · 1 year
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Miguel x fem! Spider! Reader
Pt. 2
Summary: You spend all your time training the new recruit which makes Miguel jealous. 🤭
Extremely light fluff.
It’s been a while since I did one-shots. But reading so many amazing Miguel fanfics sparked my passion again. I stayed up late finishing it, so I apologize in advance if I made any grammatical mistakes.
Miguel x reader one shots requests are open.
word count: 1.4k
Miguel began to grow annoyed by how quiet his office at the Spider HQ had become in recent days. Before you came into his life, he liked the silence. But for the past year he has heard your sweet voice echo through these walls. Your laugh, your rants…he enjoyed listening to you.
While he worked, you would usually be near him trying to help in any way you could. You would watch one or two of the screens to help find anomalies to help ease his stress. During your early days here you were lost, which at the time greatly annoyed Miguel. But your persistence on helping him, finally had him cave as he then taught you a few things you could monitor. After that, you became part of his daily life. You always tried to ask him questions about himself, which bothered him at first, but now he cherished the conversations he had with you.
Except, in the past five days you have barely been around. Most likely because you were mentoring the newest recruit, Gwen. You were so excited when Miguel brought Gwen to HQ. Finally someone you can mentor. However, your attention towards the young female spider made another spider jealous.
“I don’t get it. How do you shoot your web like that without looking in that direction?” Gwen huffed in annoyance as for the tenth time she couldn’t do what the older female spider could. You chuckled at her frustration.
“It takes a lot of practice Gwen. It took me months to perfect that skill. I only showed this skill to you this afternoon.” You shot your web out, grabbing a water bottle without even glancing in the direction. You then tossed it to Gwen.
“Let’s take a small break and then we’ll continue your training.”
“Awesome!” Gwen tried again to shoot her web out like you did but she frowned when she heard Pavitr yell in surprise. Her web landed on the side of his face, scaring the poor spider half to death.
“Sorry Pavitr.” Gwen cringed which made you laugh at the scene.
“All good Gwen.” Pavitr chuckled as he removed the web.
“I see your learning from the best Gwen.” Hobie walked over, curious about what the trio was doing.
“Yep! Hopefully I can be as awesome of a spider-woman as her one day.” Gwen smiled. You pulled her into a hug from how adorable she was.
“Aww Gwen! You’re so sweet! But you already are an amazing spider woman.”
“Get use to the hugs Gwen. She’s a hugger.” Hobie chuckled as he saw Gwen slightly surprised by your gesture.
“Hey Y/N?” asked Gwen.
“What’s up?”
“Who taught you all your cool tricks?”
“I’m actually curious as well.” said Pavitr.
“I never told you guys?”
“Nope. But I thought you were just naturally gifted.” said Hobie.
“You’re sweet Hobie, but nope. I was once an amaterr too. I was taught by-” You paused when you saw Lyla appear right next to you. “Speak of the devil.” You mumbled out loud. Your comment earned you a few confused glances from the young group of spiders.
“What does he want now?”
Ever since you started training Gwen this week, Lyla has appeared multiple times a day telling you the same thing. Miguel wanted you back at the office.
When he sent Lyla to do this at the beginning of the week you complied. But you quickly realised he only wanted you back in the office for no particular task. Today it was the fourth time Lyla has graced her presence during Gwen’s training today.
“Same thing. I’m assuming it's the same response?” Lyla sighed.
“Yep.” With that she was gone. You sighed, hoping it was the last time she appeared today.
“Wait, hold up. Miguel O’Hara. Mr. Grump. Trained you?” Pavitr's eyes widened, jaw open.
“He did. And he isn’t a grump all the time. You just have to get to know him a bit better.”
“Oh God, training with him must have been hellish.” Hobie chuckled.
You chuckled remembering the first few weeks of your spider training with Miguel. Hobie wasn’t wrong. Miguel was not the most patient and easy-going instructor. At least for the first couple of months.
“It's ok if you need to go back to the office. He seems like he needs your help.” Said Gwen.
“I don’t need to be at the office. My time is more important here, training you to kick-ass!” You ruffled her hair slightly, which she tried to swat your hand away. Gwen didn't have an older sister. But definitely felt like Y/n was her sister.
“Breaks over! Now let's see how long you can last hanging from your web.”
Gwen began her endurance training as you timed her. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Jess. She looked nervous.
“You alright Jess? What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine. I’m just worried about what's going to happen to you. Miguel is looking for you. And he looks more annoyed than he normally is.” Jess chuckled.
“Thanks for the heads up Jess. I’ll handle him later when I’m done. You got this Gwen. Hold on a little-” You gasp as large hands grab you by the waist and throw you over a well-built shoulder.
“Miguel! Put me down!” You bang your fists against his back. You gasp from him pinching your cheek to make you stop.
“Y/n?!” Gwen asked, confused why her mentor was slinged over the boss’ shoulder. Jess stopped her from going after you as she chuckled. That poor spider was going to get it tonight.
“Pay up Hobie. I won the bet.” Pavitr pushed out his arm towards Hobie, asking for the money.
“Now hold on. You both lose. I said he would get her in five days. You said a week, Pavitr.” Jess grinned, to which both disappointed teenagers handed her the winnings.
“What just happened…” said Gwen.
Miguel enters his quarters where he finally removes you from his shoulder, setting you down. Your cheeks were red, from the embarrassing journey here. Being carried like that in front of all her colleagues. It was humiliating.
You notice Miguel went into his bedroom, coming out a few minutes later already out of his suit and into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that perfectly shaped him. He handed you a pair of short sweats and tank top that were a part of the few clothes you kept at his place.
After you slipped on what he gave you he gently grabbed your hand as he led you to his bedroom. He got on his side of the bed before you suddenly were grabbed by the waist and laid in between his legs, your back pressing against his chest. Now that you were both settled you finally broke the silence.
“So, what was that all about? Constantly asking Lyla to come fetch me and then carrying me here like a sack of potatoes.”
Miguel knew you were annoyed with him, but this was the first time in a week since he got to see you.
He kept quiet as he left butterfly kisses along your neck. Of course, if you weren’t annoyed at him you would melt into his touch. But he wasn’t going to get away with his actions.
“Miguel.” You groaned as you sat up and turned yourself to face him. “Please answer me.”
“Te extrañé, mi amor. It's been a week since you laid in bed with me. You spent all your time training Gwen.”
Your annoyance with him faded and was replaced with guilt. He had missed you being by his side.
Your breath hitched at the way he sat there in front of you with starved eyes, wanting only one thing. You. You moved back over to him and sat in his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you gave him a loving kiss on the cheek. You chuckled.
“¿Por qué te ríes?” Miguel frowned slightly, eyebrows furrowed. You placed your hand on his cheek which he took and placed gentle kisses on your wrist.
“I think it’s cute that you’re jealous.” You lightly giggle. Your comment made his loving affection briefly stop as he sent you a playful glare.
“I’m not jealous.”
“Baby, you don’t need to lie to me. You totally were.”
Your giggles soon stopped as Miguel flipped you on the bed, now on top of you. You stare wide-eyed up at him as your cheeks were dusted pink.
A grin makes its way to his plush lips. He slowly begins kissing you up from your collarbone to your cheek as he removes your shorts. Now lips right against your ear, he whispers, “You won’t think twice about ignoring me after I’m done pounding myself deep into your pussy until morning.”
Translations: “Te extrañé, mi amor.” = “ I missed you, my love.”
“¿Por qué te ríes?” = “ Why are you laughing?”
My Spanish is not the best so I needed a bit of google translate to help.
But I hope you enjoyed this light fluff one-shot. There will be plenty more to come!
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your-averagewriter · 11 months
Imagine the Spiderverse characters with a flirty reader
Including: Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar Miguel O'Hara, Peter B. Parker
Miles Morales - Miles likes to think he's smooth and don't get me wrong he can be, sometime he really flusters you but often times it's the other way around. Whilst Miles prefers pre-prepared pick up lines you prefer being more spontaneous and coming up with flirty comments on the spot which somehow always catches him off guard leading to heat rising in his cheeks especially if it's in front of others like Peter (B Parker).
Gwen Stacy - Gwen can flirt, she can flirt well but when people flirt back with her she doesn't know what to do with herself. Imagine you complement her music or style, something more personal and she doesn't know what to say, she's already swooning. It takes ages for her to get used to the constant compliments and flirty comments but eventually she manages comebacks to your comments making you chuckle at the way her voice wavers and her cheeks turns red. Not that you're making fun of her of course, you just find her so adorable!
Hobie Brown - Hobie is a very chill confident person so when you flirt with him, he flirts back easily and often catches you off guard. When you compliment him he usually replies with a "Thank you, darlin'" or "Thanks babes" knowing that pet names are a weakness for you flipping your attempt to fluster him back on yourself. Hobie is also quite a flirty person with someone he likes so you have to be prepared for your energy to matched.
Pavitr Prabhakar - Pavitr isn't flirty but he is very polite and sweet meaning that he's always complimenting your outfit or hair or makeup. But if you try and fluster him with flirty comments he probably not realise your flirty and just thinking your being nice so it will often end with him thanking you with a smile not usually him getting embarrassed although if you're being really obvious and he does pick up on it then he probably will get embarrassed and try to play it off (but not very well).
Miguel O'Hara - Miguel is known for having a cold exterior and not really getting involved with people and most of the time people don't even try flirt with him so when you do he's caught off guard (not that you'd know unless you were looking for the reaction) but then he quickly dismisses the comments. If you're in a relationship then he will be more receptive to your flirty comments sometimes even flirting back (in private). If Miguel does flirt back he will do it well, you will be completely unprepared and get entirely flustered and embarrassed - Miguel allows himself a small smirk at the small success.
Peter B. Parker - Peter is a very sweet, loving guy so if you guys were dating I'd think he would thank you or hug you - it would create some very cute moments. If you're not dating though and it's been a while since he's dated or flirted with anyone then you flirting with him would catch him off guard for a bit but then he'll get a little scared when he realises he likes you as his last relationship didn't end so well. After a while he'd get more comfortable and start flirting back and even start initiating flirty conversations with you.
AN: I hope you enjoyed reading!
Miles Morales, Gwen Stacy, Hobie Brown, Pavitr Prabhakar Miguel O'Hara, Peter B. Parker
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MORE Spider Society Headcanons
Halloween: Spiderween
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First of all: DECORATIONS??????
The ENTIRE campus done up with jack-o'-lanterns and lights and smoke machines and COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF SPIDERWEBS for the Spooky vibes???!!!
Spider decorations EVERYWHERE. From October 1st.
There's a haunted house on campus - filled with volunteers AND REALLY REALLY good jumpscare holograms made by Lyla
The food court starts serving Halloween specific food. Like a Vampire Miguel Milkshake at McMiguels.
TRICK OR TREATING Some people stay home at their universe and people portal over for candy and they get to see a glimpse of your universe
Or you get to hop universe to universe dressed like a Spider-person dressed like a giraffe. And since it's Halloween, it's fine if a bunch of Spider-people are running around dressed ridiculous because so is everyone else on most Earth's, Miguel's like 'yeah sure okay'
BIG BONUS POINTS if they dress up like ANOTHER Spider-person but like... Still over the suit.
Like wearing the crappy costume Miles had over your actual suit and 'acting' like someone else.
And EVERY TIME you see someone dressed as you, or wearing the same costume -
You know what you must to do.
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One year Hobie comes as Ben Reilly. All dressed up in punk but with a blue hoodie crop top to match . He spends the whole day wailing about the harrowing memories and crouching on ledges. Dramatically collapsing in people's arms
Is your Spidersona small? Imagine them dressed as Miguel. Walking around acting and irritated and fake angry and DOING THIS TO MIGUEL
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Miguels like 'are you serious? Cut that out-'
"aRe yOu SeRiOuS?? cUt ThAt OuT'
(and Lyla's like 'oooo that was good. They sound JUST like you Migs')
Lyla being a very popular costume
A bunch of Spider-people wearing fur coats and heart glass and they just decide to spend the whole day being useless to Miguel.
They all lounge around on all the seats like her, some even in bob cut wigs, and they follow Miguel and trying to get selfies with him LMAO
The Lyla with the cutest or funniest Miguel selfie gets put in the Campus newspaper
ALL the lazy Spider-people wanna throw a red party city wig over their suit and be like 'I'm MJ'. NO YOU'RE NOT.
Or some will even wear their MJ's clothes. Walking around calling everybody, Tiger. (Mayday gets the joke - they're supposed to be her mom - she thinks it's HILARIOUS and giggles the whole day)
Sidebar - can you image Gwen with a wig over her suit BUT LIKE under her hood??? SO SHE WOULDN'T LOOK BALD?? I'M SCREAMING AIRPOD LOOKING AHH
VILLAIN COSTUMES - Spider people dressed as Doc Ock over their suits, coming in with fish bowls on their head and going 'Look, I'm Mysterio!! Lol'
While the caged villains are looking at them like
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('y'all mfers got a lotta nerve')
I bet some people get REALLY REALLY into it and go all out, designing everything to a T. (Like the perfectionist!pavitr)
Some friends even do joint costumes - WebSlinger makes a costume for Willow so they match. Hobie does all his costumes DIY and it's like the ONE thing on campus he participates in.
Because he loves the DIY spirit. And the chance to mock his bosses on company hours.
Goes ALL IN on him and Gwen's (he wants to match) costumes. Or maybe he doesn't participate cause-
What's even better is people 'Punkifying' their suit to be like Spider-punk is a popular costume too!!
They throw together their own vest and jeans and jewelry and boots. And follow Hobie around, hands in pockets, and they all act all cool and fake punk all day , Hobie hams up the act for the occasion
Hobie of course weaponizes this by annoying Miguel with his 'clones'.
Ten Hobies outside his office sturming untuned guitars REALLY badly and Hobies likes 'Keep it up you !! U sound great!!'
Miguel's office full of Hobies and Lylas, Last year Margo went as Jess and Jess was touched
Then there's some Spider-people that are broke as hell. But since they all have top tier humor they make the intentionally cheap or out of the closet costumes. that ends up being stupidly hilarious.
Like wearing boxes and drawing a Spider-suit on it. Boom - Lego Spider-man.
Sometimes people might wear their makeshift suit over their new suit. So like a Spider-person having this as their costume OVER their suit
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And arguably the funniest of them all - having a really elaborate overdone homemade costume of a specific hero on campus, and everyone is like woah so cool have they seen you in it yet?
And you take off the costume mask... And it's just you... AS YOURSELF Like it's just the same mask underneath LIKE A HAT ON A HAT
Venom and Deadpool.
Venom is too risky. Deadpool is not allowed on campus and if THE REAL ONES seen they have to evacuate and deploy the capture team cause he gets too excited (you'd be surprised of what one man is capable of in the need of Spider-attention)
Anything else is fine though-
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aphroditessaturn · 1 year
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pairing || miguel o'hara x venom!fem!reader
summary || Miguel is cold, bossy and grumpy. You on the other hand are warm, considerate and sunshine. The two of you couldn't be more different, but that’s exactly why you were made for each other
warnings || no smut, just fluff! I wanted smut but then didn't have the motivation for it so here it is. ngl I kinda hate it, but I'll let you be the judge of that
note || this does not fully follow the story line of the movie - none of my fics do, just wanted to put that out there. This is for all my girls who want to be a sunshine but are not and of course for our sunshines! who are too cute too walk this earth. Also someone please tell me they have the same problem that they just don' wanna disappoint anyone. please reblog/comment and give feedback!
legend || ven aquí, cariño. ¿Por qué estás llorando?  = ?come here, darling. Why are you crying?; ten cuidado cariño = be careful honey; mi amor = my love
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Saving a universe was nothing new to you, only the Spider-Man you just met was. Miles Morales, a young boy who wore a black and red suit and was amazed by the people he just met.
It seemed he already knew Gwen, but Hobie and Pavitr were yet unknown to him as were you. For a while you just observed them before holding out your hand for him, introducing yourself. You adored how excited he was, “he looks yummy too,” a voice in your head-butted in. “Venom, stop it!” you giggled and turned all the attention to you.
Miles tilted his head up in confusion, “who are you talking to?” he questioned looking around.
“Oh, my symbiont Venom, because of him I have this cool suit,” you gushed showing off your suit. Your whole body was covered in black, with one huge white spider on your chest and unlike most your mask only covered your eyes, making them look white.
Your hair was slicked back to prevent any loose strands from falling into your face. The rest of your hair was open with dark strands of black.
“Yeah, she got this weird thing inside ‘er,” Hobie said and pointed at you as behind you a tentacle emerged, Venom heard exactly what Spider-Punk said. As a result, he lunged at him, which Hobie could duck, “come on, mate!”
“You know better than that!” you gently scolded him with a grin as Venom retrieved himself.
Jessica interrupted the moment, telling Miles that Miguel wanted him in the HQ, with excitement you jumped up and down. “You’re gonna love it in the HQ, everyone’s so cool,” you explained and followed Jess, “he’s already waiting for you,” she whispered to you. Her words made your heartbeat faster.
You all walked through the HQ, though you had a tad more speed on you than the others, “someone’s got a pap in their step,” Venom teased you, but he was already aware of how much you loved Miguel.
“Well why wouldn’t I? I haven’t seen him in forever,” you spoke out aloud, “yesterday, you saw him yesterday,” he told you. Playfully you rolled your eyes at him, smiling to yourself at the thought of your boyfriend.
No one paid your conversation any attention, besides Miles who was still amazed how you talked with Venom.
Quickly he caught up with you, “so that thing in your head…what exactly is it?” he asked you. “Thing? I’m not a thing!” Venom got louder in your head, you chuckled at his actions.
“He’s an alien who was brought to earth, at first he wanted to kill everyone,” “still kinda do,” but now he wants to fight the bad guys,” you told Miles and ignored Venom’s comment. It wasn’t true, he was just being protective over you.
“An alien? That’s so cool, but is he like a parasite?” Oh, no. Venom hated the word ‘parasite’, “what did that little shit just say?” “Hey, calm down, he didn’t mean to be rude. Miles is just curious,” you tried to smooth Venom and excused yourself for a moment.
Miles stood back dumbfounded, processing what just happened as suddenly an arm wrapped over his shoulder, “you’ll get used to it,” Hobie shrugged.
When you were a few more steps away from them Venom’s head came from your shoulder looking as dangerous as ever. “You can’t take to heart everything that people say,” you said with a smile, “but I’m not a parasite,” he argued. You noticed him pouting to which you giggled, “don’t be sad, you’re not! Ignore it.”
Venom could be a real drama queen but enjoyed it just as much, he was just too cute when he was mad.
After he felt better you rejoined the group who now stood by Miguel’s platform, with one jump you were next to him. Miguel looked as grumpy as ever, once he saw you however his face lit up a little.
“We finished our mission successfully,” you told him with a proud smile as you came to a stop in front of him. “Mhm, I saw that…you did an amazing job mi amor,” the last part was only meant for your ears, whispered just loud enough for you to hear.
You interlocked your fingers with his and looked up at him with heart shaped eyes. Your expression held pure adoration for Miguel and his was no different.
Miguel would do everything for you - does everything for you. Because for him you were the apple of his eye, the one he got a second chance with and would never lose again.
“Miles meet Miguel O’Hara,” Gwen introduced the two, Miguel glared at them. He knew Miles already - hell he knew everyone - and wasn’t fond of the boy - okay there were like three or four people Miguel liked.
Suddenly Venom decided to make an appearance and stick his head out, moving between you and Miguel, “he called me a parasite,” internally you smacked Venom, that little drama queen. Miles jumped back once he saw what came from your shoulder, Venom did his usual scary face.
Miles caught himself and started telling Miguel how he could speak Spanish too, that he got him an Empanada. Long story short, Miguel didn’t like it and threw the Empanada across the room. From the corner of your eye, you saw Hobie snatching the Empanada which caused you to giggle lightly.
The sound made Miguel relax a little, but he was still in rage over Miles which was interrupted by Peter Parker, “go easy on him Miguel, he had a terrible teacher.”
Excitement overtook you as you saw him, “Mayday!” you shouted and jumped from the platform, “ten cuidado cariño,” Miguel called after you, concern laced in his tone. The toddler reached her hands out for you, and you gladly took her.
You walked with her back to Miguel, “hold on tight yeah?” you told her and jumped back up to Miguel.
“Oh, of course that would explain why he blows holes into the multiverse,” Miguel snapped at Peter, his words made your ears perk up. You thought you had ended the mission with success, but if there were holes then that would mean the opposite.
“I thought we were successful,” you voiced your concern to your boyfriend who looked at you. Suddenly he was at a loss of words, how could he tell you that saving the people was wrong? It tore his heart apart when he saw your disappointed expression, he decided on the only thing he could bear.
“You did, the mission you had was successful,” assured you, the answer had you confused. Was your mission different from the others?
When he spoke to you his voice turned softer, more considerate as when he talked to Miles and Peter. He didn't want to hurt your feelings hence why he couldn't tell you.
For a moment you studied him, you weren't stupid you knew something was up. The look on his face told you that saving the people was wrong, the canon had been broken. You pouted, you hated upsetting anyone, especially Miguel.
Miguel’s body language drastically changed, his once confident and intimidating posture faltered. His expression was helpless, “mi amor, please don’t pout, you did the right thing. It’s what you do,” his hand rested on your heated cheeks. You looked up at him, teary eyes and not knowing what to do.
“You don’t need to sweet talk me, we should’ve let the canon event happen and not stop it…,” you said, all of a sudden not being able to meet his eyes, instead looking down at your feet.
“Hold on, why is what she did right and I did wrong?” Miles questioned, pointing at you. He was offended, Miguel had lectured him and Gwen but you get away with it? “Shouldn’t she know better as well?” he added, taking a step forward.
Miguel turned back to the boy, face hard and a cold stare. He stood tall, posture back with a hint of possessiveness.
“It’s not the first time you blew a hole into the multiverse and you think you can just come here and act as if you didn’t do anything?” Miguel’s rage picked up with every second he looked at Miles.
The reason why he didn’t lecture you wasn’t because he loved you – though a part of him didn’t because of that – but because you went on the mission last minute. You weren’t supposed to come with them, you didn’t know what event had to happen.“Miguel, I’m sorry,” you said, trying to calm the situation, “don’t take it out on Miles,” you lifted your head to meet his eyes, hand gently touching his forearm.
Everything was wiped away the moment he heard your soft voice, felt your touch. His blood pressure calmed down, relaxing slightly when turned to meet your gaze. No, it wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t have to apologize.
“This isn’t over, now go,” Miguel snapped at the three Spider-Man variants before giving you his full attention.
You felt guilty, maybe you shouldn’t but you did. You have been in the society almost as long as Miguel and should’ve informed yourself about the mission. Now here you were the reason Miles and Gwen got a lecture from your boyfriend while you thought the mission went well. Apparently not.
“Stop it, mi amor. I can see your thoughts running. You did nothing wrong, I could have told you what needed to be done,” his tone was soft, quiet.
Miguel laid his hands on your cheeks, thumb stroking over your temple and resting his forehead against yours. That was when he felt the first tear running along his hand, “vYou wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging him as tight as you could.
“I disappointed you,” you mumbled into his chest, fingers interlocking to keep him as close as possible. He closed his eyes, his heart burned with pain.
He hated seeing you fault yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. You also didn’t disappoint him, it was an impossible task, “mi amor, if there is one thing you could never do is disappoint me. Yes, you broke the canon, but you didn’t know what was canon and I will not fault you for that.”
You sniffed, his words only made it partly better but his hug. Oh, his hug made everything better. Miguel O’Hara gave the best hugs in the world.
— — — —
Miguel hated eating in the cafeteria. Everything and everyone was so loud, they wanted to talk, sit next to you and make their "funny" jokes.
You loved eating in the cafeteria. Everyone would tell their stories of whom they fought or just something funny.
If it weren't for you, Miguel wouldn't set a foot in there but you liked eating there so here he was. Sitting with you on one of the tables, as far away from everyone as possible.
He had his usual grumpy expression on while you told him about the cows you so the other day. Occasionally slipping Venom some of your french fries. The story of how you feed them warmed his heart, he could listen forever – until unwanted guests came.
"Hey, sunshine," Peter B. greeted you with Mayday sitting in front of his chest. The nickname was a common one amongst the spider people.
"Miguel, my friend! See I just wanted to come and ask you some things," he enthusiastically said and sat down beside him. Mayday escaped him and crawled towards you, Venom who had one of his tentacles out started playing with her.
"So I was thinking," Peter started and Miguel already let his head hang low, "why don't we make like a little get together to celebrate-," "dios mío, no," Miguel instantly shut down the idea.
"Come on, it will be fun!" Peter continued to try and convince Miguel, but it was no use.
"It's dangerous, we have missions and we can't ignore them," Miguel shook his head and went back to eating his food. Peter pouted and looked at you for help, you didn’t immediately notice him as you were busy with Mayday.
Once you did your eyes widened, quickly it downed on you what he was asking of you. “I think it could be fun, it doesn’t have to be big and nobody has to come.”
Miguel stopped eating and looked at you with a cocked brow, his expression was one you got often when you asked him for something because of someone else. Well he couldn’t exactly say no to you.
“Mhm, can’t say no huh?” Venom said to him as he showed his face, Miguel grumbled something under his breath which no one could make out.
“Fine,” he stated and got up from his seat to leave for his office, Venom turned his head to you, knowing you’d follow him. “You’re welcome! I’m already excited and we would love to come. Oh, you know what, I'm gonna bake some cupcakes with little spiders on top, they’re gonna look so cool!” you gushed at Peter with a huge grin before skipping after Miguel.
“Miguel this is gonna be so much fun, we gotta have music and food! Maybe you could bring some decoration, like these spider garlands you can get on Halloween,” you ranted, telling him all the ideas you had.
Your eyes were filled with excitement, it made Miguel happy to see how much you enjoyed planning this. He knew it was dangerous but maybe for one little moment it could be okay.
“Stop frowning,” you commented and nudged your hip against him, in response he rolled his eyes sitting down in his chair. Slightly offended, you gasped, “did you just roll your eyes at me.” Miguel chuckled and pulled you into his lap
“Don’t act as you never roll your eyes at me,” he argued to which you gave a huff, “I do not!”
His hands traveled along your waist, head leaning into the crook of your neck, “mhm, I seem to remember how your eyes roll when I have you filled to the brim with my cock,” his words made you shiver and cheeks heat up.
You whined when you felt his lips kiss along your neck, “Miggy,” he was teasing you. Arms wrapping around your waist to keep you close.
“How about we recreate that, mhm mi amor?” His voice was deep, filled with lust and you could feel his hardness pressing against your ass. Your panties were already drenched, thighs pressing together.
“Yup, that’s my que to leave.”
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please reblog/comment and give feedback!
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dearest-painter · 11 months
No she’s MY daughter PT.2
Summary: Y/N Drew is the adopted daughter of Jessica drew as a 6 soccer year old girl. What she doesn’t know is that she looks a bit to familiar to her mom’s boss, in his eyes she’s the reincarnation of his dead daughter. When Y/N and her friends have to help an anomaly stay alive it reveals that more people want her as family.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is basically Gabriella O’Hara aka Miguel’s dead daughter but you can change your looks just some things will look like Gabriella,Reader is a soccer player which is based off of my experience,Reader is 6 years old so no romance bc duh,very out of character characters,this is a series,Her mama brought her to a chase,Reader is BFFS with Pavitr,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
PT.1 PT.3
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You’ve been waiting for your mama for so long that coloring became so boring! “Miss Lyla, if your an AI can you tell me where my mama is please?” “I can try kid!” You smiled as she began looking for your mama, you’ve seen Miguel every so often asking if your hungry or thirsty..he’s sorta scary in your eyes as the dark room doesn’t help with his skull spider logo. He’s the same height as your dad so that made you less scared of him…sorta. “Okay kid, your mom is coming with some other people”
You nodded your head then started move your ankles in a circle motion at different times as your shoes were getting annoying so you then decided to just untie them to loosen them up. “Much better!..what to do is the question…” you made a ‘tch’ sound multiple times as you thought, steal from Miguel since in Hobie’s words ‘Big man don’t need it, he already got to much power’ or something like that, take a nap, or fix the little gizmo in your pocket…fixing the gizmo it is! You took the gizmo out and your double sided screwdriver (basically it can come out of the holder and it has a different screwdriver head on the other side). The gizmo is just a little robot fella named Gizmo.
Lyla watched as she secretly recorded it as she liked to see you happy. “There’s my girl!” “Mama!” You stopped and ran to hug your mama’s legs which you did! You then hugged Hobie which he hugged back then Gwen but you stopped at the new guy. “What’s your name? I like your outfit!” “Thanks! I’m Miles Morales!” You smiled and held your hand out to be nice. “Y/N Drew!” Miles shook your hand then looked at your mother then at you as he didn’t know what to say next. You looked around to see Pavitr as you missed your best friend.
“Where’s Pavy?” “Pavitr is busy but don’t worry, you two will see each other soon” “Yay!” You jumped a bit not paying attention to the conversation that’s currently happening between Miles and Miguel. “Don’t blame him! He had a bad teacher!” “Peter!” “Hey!” “You have a baby!” “I have a baby!” You smiled as you held Mayday as you two giggled, she then wanted to go to the wall so you walked to the wall and she started crawling on it. Miguel was say something in Spanish but you didn’t understand as you giggled seeing Mayday run or crawl away from her dad.
Jessica smiled as she knew you’ll be a great big sister with the way you take care of Mayday, your baby sibling will be so glad to have you as a big sister. Her and her husband always loved the way you ramble about how your going to protect and annoy your baby sibling as it seemed so adorable. Miguel looked over a bit to see you and Mayday playing together and laughing in joy.
He smiled a bit as it was a cute sight to see his daughter playing with a toddler. He knew Lyla was recording with the way she was squealing silently in joy so that no one payed attention to her. He wish he could take you home right now so you’ll be safe and far away from all these annoying assholes as you don’t need to be around all of these people as they’ll rot your brain.
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“He was a Punk, She did Ballet Bharatanatyam”
A Hobie oneshot
The idea for this oneshot was based almost completely off of @hobiebrownismygod ‘s post here! <3
Pairing: Hobie Brown (Spider-Punk) x Indian!Reader who does Bharatanatyam
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Uses of Y/N, reader pushes herself past her limits a little bit?, reader’s just a teensy bit rude to Hobie at first, my ✨interesting✨ attempts at writing Hobie’s accent and slang
A/N: I wrote the reader to be Gayatri’s cousin because I thought it might be interesting to look through the perspective of someone who knows Pavitr from Gayatri’s side! And partly because I used to be in a similar situation - my younger cousin would always randomly call me and spill all the tea of whatever had happened in school :) (she still does haha. mwah i love you my little butterfly xx 🫶)
Originally intended for it to be romantic but it I think it could also be interpreted as platonic!
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(he’s so gorgeous akdjsbcjdbcjcnd i love him sm <333)
It was late.
Late enough that you should’ve been packing up and heading home, not inside an empty dance studio practising your steps till your feet ached and your legs felt like they were liquefying slowly.
You were trying to perfect the fast-paced jumps and footwork, pushing yourself ruthlessly despite being on the brink of exhaustion, and now your heels hurt from the force with which you were slamming them into the ground. The ghungroo bells that were strapped around your ankles jingled almost tauntingly as you kept going off-beat.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you sat down on one of the benches placed on the side, sliding your ghungroo bells off your ankles and stuffing them into the side pocket of your bag. You were about to gather the strength to get up and go home when you heard the door swinging open and your gaze darted toward the sudden creak.
“Oh, hey Y/N. What are you doing here?”
Pavitr stood in the doorway, looking completely soaked to the bone and struggling to open an umbrella.
Gayatri was your slightly younger cousin, so naturally you knew Pavitr quite well since she would call you and gush about every little thing he did that she found absolutely adorable. Initially you had been frosty and skeptical towards him and he found you downright terrifying, but over time he had managed to charm you with his sunshiny personality and deep affection and respect for Gayatri.
“Hi, Pav. I was trying to practise my bharatanatyam but I think I should call it a day,” You responded, stretching your sore legs out and squinting through the glass panels of the door. “Is it raining?”
“Yep, we got caught in it while-” He cut himself off with a yelp as the umbrella opened suddenly in his face and he instinctively moved it behind his shoulder. You heard a soft ‘mmph’ come from someone right behind him who he had accidentally hit with the sharp spikes of the opened umbrella edge.
You tilted your head to look behind Pav as the person who had been hit stepped forward into the light, his hands out to prevent any further attacks from the umbrella. He flashed a charming smile at you, the studio’s warm light glinting off his piercings.
There was something slightly… odd about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. It wasn’t his large wicks that were, somehow, completely dry though he had clearly been with Pavitr in the rain, some drops still sliding off of his spiked vest. It wasn’t the small, silver-spiked red fabric sticking out of his pocket either that he tucked out of sight the moment he saw your eyes drift toward it.
His outline - if you could even call it that - appeared to be in constant motion, seemingly shifting and changing colours every few minutes. You blinked a few times, simply chalking it up to your tired brain playing tricks on you.
“Oi, watch where you’re pointin’ that thing, mate. Y’might jus’ take someone’s eye out.”
You raised your eyebrows as you heard the sharp cockney British accent.
“Yeh aadhmi British hai. Vah yahaan Mumbattan mein kya kar raha hai?” (This man is British. What’s he doing here in Mumbattan?) You asked in Hindi. You realised, the moment the words left your mouth in your mother-tongue, that you were being quite rude by talking in a language he probably didn’t know. His eyes darted toward you, studying you intently as if trying to understand what you were saying.
“Vah itna bura nahin hai, mujh par bharosa karte hain. Aur vah sirph… yaatra kar rahe hain.” (He’s not that bad, trust me. And he’s just… visiting.) Pavitr gave a sheepish chuckle, bringing a hand up to run his fingers through his rain-soaked hair. [I know that yaatra technically means travelling, but I can’t remember the Hindi word for ‘visit’ so if anyone could tell me how to say visiting instead I’d be very grateful!]
“‘Ello to you too,” He laughed it off, the smooth, rich sound filling the air. “My name’s ‘Obie. ��Obie Brown. Nice to meet you.”
You assumed he was saying Hobie and gave him small smile, getting up to go over to them and shake his hand. “I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, Hobie.”
Pavitr leaned forward to whisper quietly to you, his tone lightly teasing. “Hamne aapko kaanch ke darvaaze ke maadhyam se naachte hue dekha. Vah ghoorana bandh nahin kar saka.” (We saw you dancing through the glass door. He couldn’t stop staring.)
You felt your cheeks heat up slightly at his words and you scoffed, suppressing a smile tugging at your mouth. “Aur vah bilkul bhee daraavna nahin hai.” (And that’s not creepy at all.)
“Well, I was just about to head out,” You would’ve liked to properly get to know Hobie, but your vision was starting to swim in front of your eyes and his subtle flickering didn’t help.
“Careful. There’s a ‘ell of a lot o’ pleasure and pain out there.”
You blinked in surprise and glanced at Pavitr for an explanation, trying to understand what Hobie had just said but also not wanting to come off as rude.
“It’s raining cats and dogs out there,” Pavitr translated, snickering slightly at your confusion before your unamused eyebrow-raise shut him up.
“I have an umbrella. I’ll be fine, don’t worry. Besides, it’s just rain.” You took out your umbrella, looking through the glass into the rain. It was pouring quite heavily, but you’d just have to manage.
Pavitr got a gleam in his eye that told you he was plotting something. You narrowed your eyes with suspicion. “What are you thinking?”
“Ah, nothing, but we were headed that way anyway, for that padoka stall a little further on. We can come with you!” Pavitr gave you a grin and held his umbrella out in front of him, pretending to examine it critically. “The only problem is… my umbrella can only cover one person.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you realised what he was playing at. “Pav. Ab matchmake ka samay nahin hai,” (Now is not the time to matchmake) You hissed under your breath, giving him a death glare.
Pavitr simply ducked his head, giving you and Hobie a little wave as he moved to stand outside in the rain, the umbrella spread over his head. “Well, are you two coming or not?”
Hobie chuckled softly, turning to you. “Let’s go? I can walk in the rain if you want, I really don’t mind getting wet.”
“No, no, you can stay with me. Sorry if I was rude earlier.” You opened the umbrella more skilfully than Pavitr had done, angling it so it could shelter both of you as you stepped outside into the rain and followed Pavitr.
“Nah, you’re good. It’s nice ‘earin’ you and Pav talk Hindi, actually. How long ‘ave you been doin’… what’s it called?”
“Bharatanatyam.” You giggled softly at how Hobie’s eyebrows lifted at the word, his piercings sailing up along with them. “Quite a while. It’s almost like an Indian ballet, if ballet was more about fast-paced movement and quicker beats rather than grace and controlled technique.”
“S’different from what I’ve seen. More chaotic, but beautiful. Do y’always wear those jingly things around your ankles?”
“Ghungroo bells? Yeah, they just serve as something to accentuate the rhythm that we tap out with our feet so that the audience - and the dancers themselves - can hear it better.”
Hobie’s eyes - were they always that shiny…? - were on you as you talked, slightly wide as he took in what you were saying with the utmost attention. “Hey, lovebirds! The rain stopped, in case you didn’t notice. Y/N, you’re here.” Pavitr’s teasing voice cut through your thoughts, which were albeit a little foggy the moment you saw how pretty Hobie’s eyes were.
You put the umbrella down and, sure enough, the rain had almost entirely stopped, reduced to tiny droplets that drizzled pinpricks of water on the pavement. Well, that was Mumbattan weather for you. Pouring one second and sunshiny the next.
“I’m never making gajar ka halwa for you ever again if you don’t stop talking,” You warned as you heard Hobie chuckle slightly awkwardly at the nickname Pav had given you both.
“Nononono please— I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that!”
You rolled your eyes and closed the umbrella, glaring at him.
“Fine, fine, just stop giving me that look. You’ll get your gajar ka halwa.” You softened your expression into a smile as you turned to look at the man you had just met. “Bye, Hobie. It was really lovely meeting you. I’ll see you around?”
Hobie smiled at you, dipping his head in a nod of farewell. “Yep. See y’around.”
You keyed open the door to your house, closing it behind you only to be greeted by Gayatri lying sprawled on the couch. You were used to her visiting unannounced, and your mother absolutely adored her, so you’d often come home to see her waiting for you, with new stories - whether they were scandalous gossip from the modelling agency, a few texts or actions from Pavitr that had made her lose her mind with how adorable he was being, or just random shower-thoughts she’d have (not to be confused with the ‘deep philosophical ponderings’ she had at 3am in the morning that she felt the urgent need to share with you straight away)
You could smell the sharp tang of spices wafting out from under the closed kitchen door as your mother cooked.
“Pav told me everything,” Gayatri giggled before you even had a chance to properly say hi to her. You groaned and flopped down on the couch next to her, moving her legs to rest over your lap so she didn’t take up all the space. “Brilliant. What did he say?”
Gayatri smirked up at you. “You met his friend Hobie? The one who’s visiting?”
You considered reaching for the cushion a few inches away on the floor, wondering if you could take it and throw it at her before she could bat it away. “Yeah, I did.”
Gayatri made her eyebrows jump up and down teasingly. “Do you think he’s cute?”
“Oh, come on! This is totally like a rom-com. He was a punk, she did ballet — but make it Indian!” She mimed clicking a camera, now fully laughing, her eyes scrunched up mischievously. “Wow, and the guy’s British too. Who’d have thought? I think he’s here for a few more days, in case you want me to ask Pav to set up a date—”
You reached for the cushion, snatching it up and holding the fluffy patterned corner as threateningly as you could.
“Chhoti behen?” (Little sister)
“You know I love you.”
“But stop talking.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Gajar ka halwa is a carrot-based sweet dessert pudding made by placing grated carrots in a pot containing a specific amount of water, milk and sugar, cardamom and then cooking while stirring regularly.
A pakoda/pakora is a fritter originating from the Indian subcontinent. They are sold by street vendors and served in restaurants in South Asia. It consists of items, often vegetables such as potatoes and onions, coated in seasoned gram flour batter and deep fried.
‘Pleasure and pain’ is Cockney rhyming slang for rain. (At least I’m pretty sure it is because I saw another website saying it’s ‘ache and pain’ so I’m not really sure which one it is)
Ghungroo bells are anklets that consist of small metallic bells (going from 50 to more than 200 bells depending on factors like the expertise of the dancer and the desired amplitude of the bells) knotted together. Ghungroo bells are used in many Indian classical dances such as Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Lavani, Odissi, Mohiniyattam, and Kathak.
I don’t do Bharatanatyam, so some of this might be wrong. Please lmk if anything is incorrect! <3
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blueysobssesions · 11 months
ASTV reacting to you being a bunny!spiderwoman
: miles morales, gwen stacy, hobie brown, miguel o' hara, pavitr prabhakar
Miles Morals
"Aww" he says
He didn't expect seeing a bunny spider woman! Which is really cool and cute.
"Hi! My name is Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you Miles!" you greeted with a smile and held out your hand. He was hesitant at first because he was too focused on those bunny ears of yours. "Nice to...meet you? Are those bunny ears...?"
Please let him touch them, but it's definitely okay if you're not okay with it.
"Sooo, how did you get your bunny ears?" "Do you have a bunny tail too!?" "Woah! You can jump so high!" Dude doesn't stop praising you and it makes your ears twitch.
Receiving head pats from him and everyone makes your heart flutter and sometimes makes you sleepy.
"Good job Y/n!" he says before giving you a head pat. "MiLeS!" you whined.
Gwen Stacy
"How cute"
She loves racing with you through the city, you were hella fast, she couldn't even keep up.
Loves to hear you talking about how you got those ears and some backstory about you.
Girl best friends forever >:D
"Don't tell miguel that I took his empanadas!" you whispered to her, she nodded and giggled.
She likes the way you aren't scared of that big grumpy O'Hara, It's like your the one teaching him.
Hobie Brown
Mans teasing you about it especially your height
"Ay, your smaller than I thought" 
"Here, got 'ya some carrots" "HOBIE, I DON"T EAT CARROTS EVERYDAY"
He sometimes suggest you get piercings, which you declined
He always put things at the top of the shelf or a cabinet just to see you jump just to get it.
He gives you headpats too ofc.
Miguel O' Hara
Secretly like you okay?
You did offer him that he can touch your ears but he rejects, but honestly he was just shy
"Miguel, take a break. I'll take it from here" "No, I can't"
He adores you oh mah gad
"I got empanadadas!" Miguel doesn't order anyone to get his food but only you
Oh and those ears of yours? It's cute, he just can't say it
"Looks like someone's getting soft for y/n~ Is it her bunny ears?" Lyla teased, "Shut up"
Pavitr Prabhakar
Loves it
"Aww, you're cute!" "Are these really bunny ears!?" "Can I touch them????"
I can hear him whine when you said no
Gives you headpats 24/7
Buys you a pet bunny that matches your colrocolor hehe
"Pav..." "Here I got you something!"
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:33 jealous pavitr x reader bc the reader just bought merch of him in his spider form and its an adorable little plushy and he gets mad bc they keep kissing and cuddling it instead of him the entire day/night
I'm (Not) A Jealous Guy
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Pairing: Pavitr prabhakar x Gender neutral!reader Tags: Jealousy Summary: Pavitr is totally NOT jealous of a Spider-Man plushie. Not at all. Never. (..or is he?👀) Jealousy prompts credit :  @creativepromptsforwriting
Also Read on AO3
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“Pavitr!”, you yell, hugging your wall of muscle from behind. He smiles, pecking your cheek.
You were out shopping with Pavitr Prabhakar, your boyfriend and your superhero. He evidently hates shopping, with what having to stand for hours at a clothing store, but savours evey moment with you. The increasing crime rate in Mumbattan has him on his heels all night, and with having to study for finals it’s a tad too much of a stressor- which is why he never turns down an opportunity to let you pamper him.
Plus, it’s a great excuse to be cozy. To constantly hold your hand, kissing it intermittently, throw an arm around your waist and hug you close to feel your comforting warmth and, of course, admire you in your little moments -the kink in your brow when you think too hard, the amazed eyes when you find the exact thing you were searching for…
Is it even possible to fall for the same person so many times? Again and again and again?
“Look what I found!”
Your cheerful voice snaps him out of his reverie and he looks down at the toy in your hand. Oh, wait- it’s a merch: a plushie. Not just any plushie, it’s a plushie of him.. as Spider-Man.
Pushing his coveted raven curls aside for closer judgement, his eyes narrow in scrutiny. Huh. No one told him they made these. (Aren’t they supposed to get, like, a copyright or something from him..? )
“You don’t like it, Pav?”, You ask, seeing his slightly frowned lips and narrowed brows.
The plushie had a big head and comically smaller body, stuffed to make him look more like a teddy than a crime-fighter. The mask was a lot less detailed -admissible, but –good God, are those webs under his armpits?!  Well, at least they got his hair right. Just the perfect amount of curls, nothing less or more. 
“No, I’m just.. surprised”, he said, finally. “He’s okay.. But, Y/n, do I really have a big head?”
You giggle, giving his shoulder a playful punch as you hug the toy close to your chest. “Of course not, babe. It’s just a plushie, it’s made to look comfy. And sooooo cute!”
“Hey!”, he pouts, “You said I was the cutest! And he doesn’t even have dimples like me”
Pavitr aggressively points to his dimples to make a point but you take the opportunity to poke and pinch his cheeks. He tries to slap your hand away, giggling.
“Gods, I have made a terrible mistake”, you say dramatically, failing to hide your laughter. “You’re right! Nothing matches your cuteness, Oh, Prince of Dimples!”
“Y-Y/n..”, Pavitr stutters, going instantly pink in the cheeks, bashful. He’s always been shy about his dimples. You’re the only person allowed to touch them, apart from Maya aunty, which you take full advantage of.
You giggle clutching the plushie closer and pull him towards the next aisle, not noticing his eyes comically narrow at his cotton counterpart. As if he vows rivalry with it.
‘This isn’t over, fiend.’
The plushie is evil. That’s the only reasonable explanation Pavitr could think of. A minion sent by some evil overlord to take your love away from him. Yes, that must be it!
What else makes sense? You’ve been spending more time with the cotton-head than with the real him, cuddling it all the damn time and taking it with you everywhere. You no longer hug him, preferring the stuffed imposter instead.
His nostrils flare comically as you snuggle the plushie closer to your chest, kissing it. Oh, the audacity! It has even commandeered Maya aunty’s attention, making her call it cute and adorable!
Pavitr must put an end to this before the evil plushie minion harms either of you.
“Why do you insist on flaunting him in my face?”
Maya auntie had invited you both over for tea and you were watching TV when Pavitr asks this out of the blue.
In his defense, he’s had enough of his stupid fabric-faced doppelganger taking you away from him. 
The cookie is stopped halfway to your mouth as you turn to him, brows raised in confusion. “Who?”
Pavitr makes a stressed noise, jerking his hand towards the plushie seated cozily in your lap. As if it owns you.
“I just don’t understand what you see in him.”
Amusement colours your features as realization dawns. “Pav, babe”, You begin as normally toned as possible, trying so hard not to giggle in his face. “He’s a plushie.”
“Exactly! Why would you need him when I’m right here?”
With a smirk he stands up on the coffee table and stretches his arms out in the classic Shah Rukh Khan pose.
You can no longer control and burst out laughing, clutching your tummy as you fall sideways onto the couch, much to Pavitr’s confusion.
“Oh my God, you’re so jealous! This is great to watch! Maya aunty, come, you have GOT to see this!”
He jumps down, mouth fallen open and cheeks gone pink as he stutters out a denial. “W-what? You’re crazy! Jealous? Me? Pff. Never.”
The face he makes as he tries to save face is even more funny. Maya aunty passes by, tapping her nephew’s shoulder. “Oh beta, jealousy can wreck a relationship.”
Pavitr scoffs, putting his hands on his hips for emphasis. Oh yes, he definitely isn’t jealous of a toy.
“M-maya aunty, I’m not jealous, I’m being absolutely reasonable. What would I even be jealous about? Pfft! Why would I ever be jealous of a.. a plushie? That's ridiculous. You’re being ridiculous. I am sooo not jealous, Y/n”
But even Maya aunty can control for only so long. She cups her mouth to hide her giggles, holding onto the arm of the couch for support as she sits down.
Pavitr huffs, watching the two important people in his life laugh like crazy at him. He just squints his eyes at you both and turns away, pouting.
“Oh, Pavu…”, You go up to him and hug him from behind, finally managing to get your reigns. Turning him around, you cup his face and press your foreheads together. A shy smiles blooms in his face as your noses touch.
“The plushie is no match for you, meri jaan, you’ll always be my hero; my Spider-Man. Nothing can replace you.”
He laughs, pulling you Into an embrace, blushing and giggling as you kiss his dimples.
“Plus”, you say, pinching his dimples as you feel them go hot under your touch, “You’re so adorable when you’re jealous.”
“I…- I’m not- oh, C’mon guys!”
Maya aunty joins your laughter when Pavitr pushes you away, playfully rolling his eyes as he escapes your pinching fingers.
A/N: look who's alive !1!!! Sorry for going mia all of a sudden! Hope you enjoyed the fic tho <3333333 lots of love - plhh
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yandere-kokeshi · 11 months
Headcanons for yandere Pavitr x oblivious male reader please.
I imagine Pavitr using his natural charms and his overall kindness to kinda make the reader believe everything is all right and Pav is just a nice person and definitely has nothing to do with the murder of their neighbor. Pav would never do that
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Warnings: yandere behavior, talks about death, marriage, and stockholm syndrome.
A/N: this... made me foam at the mouth. Thank you for the request darling <3
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He’d be surprised. But with his delusional state, he immediately accepts it. You were perfect the day he first met you, and now you don’t see any problem with his questionable behavior. You two were made for each other, weren’t you?
Pavitr always jokes that he’s your protector. But he’s not joking. The more dependent you are, the worse he gets; the more suffocating. He always states he’d defend your honor, saying things that you may find adorable.
But in reality, he’s a menace to everyone. They all get awful stares and sometimes have chills down their whole body from how hard he’s staring. And if they dare to flirt with you? He’d immediately use this chance to protect you. Show you he’s your knight in shining armor.
When the police announce a work accident, your neighbor tripping and falling into a window, causing him to fall into the road? He knew you wouldn’t suspect him. I mean, who would? It was just an innocent accident. Your flirty neighbor was getting on your back, therefore, karma got him. He should’ve known better.
And if you somehow find out? He takes advantage of your obliviousness. Saying the guy was all sorts of things, he was a villain, an awful man who deserved what happened. You believe him, of course.
Before you know it, he gets you to move in. Not only is he amazing, loyal, and kind. But he looks out for you. While you try to do the same, Pavitr always assures you that it’s fine — that he needs to protect you. Focus on you only. You’re the one who deserves all the gifts!
He’s even clingier. He follows you around, with or without your awareness, and accompanies you to places that nobody would expect him to come — meetups with your friends, grocery shopping, heading to the shops to buy clothes, and even the bathroom. Usually, he waits outside; bringing you into a hug when you come out as you ‘took too long’.
Both of your parents love him, and I mean, who wouldn’t? They’re treating their son with respect. True love that they want to see you both get married; a wonderful wedding that’ll shed tears. They adore him, asking where he is when the two of you aren’t spending time together, which is rare.
He spoils you rotten. Whatever you want, he’s immediately nodding with a huge smile, swinging to the shops to grab a thing or two of what you wanted. He always surprises you with your favorite food, flowers, and tea.
Masterlist || Please consider reblogging and commenting instead of liking, it helps me as a creator!! Stay well!!
© yandere-kokeshi 2023 — Do not copy, modify, edit, repost, or use my works for ASMR readings, tiktoks, or other content.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
hobie brown (spider-punk!!) is giving me severe brain rot, i love him sm 😭
if you ever decide to write for him, could you do some relationship hcs??
ty ^^
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Not sure wether this is what you wanted but I hope it was worth it.
Music from the heart:
One of the most obvious ones is that Hobie would have a plethora of songs about you, it’s fucking adorable and so sweet, and so he would play them for you within the comfort of your room because where else would you rather be serenaded?
If anything it makes the moment more special and memorable for the both of you as something you can look back on with fondness.
Though you probably try teasing him one day by asking how many more songs of you he had in the works and Hobie would either say ‘too many to count.’ Or ‘a whole albums worth.’ He’s not going to hide the fact that he’s got notebook after notebook filled with song lyrics dedicated to you.
Pda though not quite:
Hobie isn’t the type to heavily involve himself in PDA but isn’t against the likes of:
holding hands.
his hand being placed on the small of your back when guiding you somewhere else.
the classic arm over the shoulder.
Thigh holding
His/ your head resting on each others shoulders and or laps.
Guitar pick:
This one came to my head out of the blue but I’m gonna add it here even though I’m not too certain but here it is anyway:
if Hobie uses guitar picks to play his guitar -which he probs doesn’t but idk- I’d like to think he’d make you a guitar pick necklace from one of his old picks.
Sure he hates gifts and such but this is the sole expectation alongside any and all handcrafted jewellery you may give him because he wears that shit with pride.
Terms of endearment:
Impromptu sleepovers:
Hobie crashes at your place more often then not to the point he might as well be living with you in regards of how often he leaves something of his at yours, so much so you’ve begun to wonder if he was doing it intentionally or accidentally.
Either way you made sure that his stay was comfortable by having a makeshift bed set up for him so he didn’t have to constantly sleep on the uncomfortable couch and wake up with a crooked neck.
Hobie appreciates all that you do for him but would often tell you it’s not necessary but you weren’t about to get into a discussion about whether or not he was deserving of help because the answer was obvious and that answer would always and forever will be; yes.
Also he’s a bit of a cuddle bug but only with you but that’s your little secrete.
Date nights:
Most, if not all of your dates are either just the pair of you being your natural selves in the comfort of your own home where’d you would talk about anything and everything that came to your mind, free of judgment.
showing Hobie your undying love and support by showing up to his gigs and scream the loudest because he is talented as shit and deserves a lot more in your eyes.
Either way as long as you were within each others company, anywhere you both went could be considered a date.
Spidey business:
Now this is all dependant on wether or not you know he’s Spider-Man:
If you did then you’d probably would help him patch up his wounds after every fight he had
If you weren’t due to Hobie wanting nothing more then to keep you and that life as far from each other as possible, you’d most definitely would be concerned when you see him with any sustained injuries he tried patching up himself.
No matter how hard you try to get him to tell you what’s wrong, Hobie would just tell you it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
Meeting his friends/ Bragging rights:
Before introducing you to the likes of Pavitr, Miles and Gwen(if you haven’t already met her), it’s almost an 100% guarantee that he brags about you anyway he knows how which only intrigues them more and more to the point they’re just pleading with Hobie to introduce his cool, kickass partner to them.
So when he does, the three are practically hounding you about your relationship with Hobie and when you looked back at him for help in wrangling in his over excited friends, the little shit merely smirks and shrugs his shoulders as though he had no idea they’d react like this, all the while leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest; happy to see all his favourite people he cares about a lot interacting with one another to the point that by the end of the day you’re very good friends with each of them.
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