#like I was excited to see miles and Gwen and I was so thrilled to see a new take on Jessica brown??
I had low expectations for hobie brown and he blew them all to smithereens by being the Best ™
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vhstown · 7 months
POV: 1610!MILES 🗡️ [halloween one shot]
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summary: What's your favourite scary movie?
word count: 2.4k
content/warnings: depictions of murder, blood and stabbing
a/n: unedited :/ tew busy and i have never written fic that isn't x reader so! that's all erm have fun?
“Oi, Miles — wake up, mate.”
With slight surprise, Miles opened his eyes to see the dimly lit living room. Freeing himself from the confines of his friend’s shoulders, he blinked a few times to make out a rather bemused-looking Hobie. The punk’s eyes left his a moment later, and Miles was soon bombarded with the troubles of a movie night with people who had never had Netflix before.
“Give me the remote back, I just wanna—”
“We are not watching Ghostbusters again, Pav!” Hobie let out a slight laugh as a stream of web, and then a remote control, flew past him — right into Gwen’s hand.
“Ghostbusters is a perfectly fitting title for the occasion!” Pavitr protested, Hobie narrowly dodging the hand that flew up in frustration.
“He’s got a point — that Murray lad is scary lookin’,” Hobie chimed in. Gwen narrowed her eyes at him, as if to say “thanks a lot, Hobie”, before turning to Miles.
“You know what? Maybe Miles should pick. He’s been asleep all night anyway.”
“Hey! Not my fault my ma’ made me clean the whole house ‘fore you guys got here!”
Miles’ eyes felt like closing again at the memory; who knew using your webs to help with chores would need so much clean up afterwards? Not one of his brightest ideas, since he was all out of webs now. Though he would’ve been out of a home if his mom saw the kitchen covered in them.
“Where are your parents anyway? Perhaps on a romantic outing?” Miles rolled his eyes, like it’d do anything to subdue Pavitr’s less-than subtle expression.
“On Halloween night? Your lot must love a thrill, mate.” Also a lot less-than subtle — thanks a lot, Hobie.
Cheeks prickling with warmth, he snatched the remote from Gwen’s hand, frowning at the TV screen. Halloween movie…
“Well, if he’s anything like Rio and Jeff, he should be able to pick a movie.” Gwen crossed her legs, and everyone else shuffled back on the tiny couch.
“Thanks,” he mumbled through gritted teeth. Gwen’s knee, Hobie’s elbow, and Pavitr’s stare prodding him at either side, Miles sifted through the different shows and movies.
“How about Annabe—”
“Nope nope nope…!” As the preview came up, Pavitr shielded his eyes. “Anything besides dolls.”
“At least it’s better than Ghostbusters,” Gwen muttered under her breath as Pavitr peeked through his fingers.
“Oi, Gwendy, cheer up, yeah?” Miles ducked his head as Hobie reached over to slap Gwen on the shoulder. “She looks just like you!”
“Hobie!” was shouted from both ends of the couch.
Miles smiled, and grimaced. At least the two of them could agree that Hobie wasn’t any good when it came to movie nights.
Looking through the movies, none of them really interested Miles, or his friends. Each one would be met with an excited “wait!”, and then a disappointed groan, or another heckle from Hobie (it was one way to decide not to watch the movie.)
“Dude, Halloween’s almost over. Let’s just watch Ghost—”
“Just gimme a sec…” At this point, Miles had given up on listening to anyone, clicking through titles after a glance. It wasn’t like it was helping, though.
“Pick your favourite, or something,” Gwen suggested with just as little enthusiasm.
“Well it’s not Ghostbusters…” he mumbled to nobody in particular.
“Hey, not you too, Miles!”
Scream 2 appeared for probably the 5th time on screen. It’d have to do, he supposed.
“You guys seen Scream?” His tone didn't have enough energy to sound like a question.
“Well Hobie hasn’t, because he lives in the stone age,” Gwen started. “And he looks like Ghostface.”
“Don’t need ol’ Ghosty when we’ve got murderers in government.”
“Dude.” All Miles got was a shrug from Hobie, and then a sigh from Gwen. Crossing her arms, she fell back on the sofa with a creak.
“What? Fed up already?” Hobie questioned, brow raising by a twitch.
“It’s been like, 4 hours and all we’ve been watching is Ghostbusters. We ran out of popcorn ages ago.”
“You guys finished the—” Miles stood up, looking into the bowl. All that was in it was his reflection, staring back at him with disappointment. “Damn…”
“That was all Gwendy — swear on my life.” Hobie declared half a moment of silence later.
“Was not!”
“Okay, okay! Fine! Let’s just watch Scream.”
Miles turned on the movie, chucking the remote on the spot he was sat in. The introductory sequence started, and the room went dark with the screen.
“I’m gettin’ more popcorn — caramel popcorn." That got a groan out of everyone.
“If y’all use your webs…!”
He didn’t finish his threat as he walked into the kitchen — his mom could probably do that for him anyway.
The kitchen door swung open, shutting on its own weight. Miles held his wrist out to the cabinet, but all that came out was a click — out of webs. Right, of course.
A crackling bag of “Crunch ‘n Munch” caramel popcorn on the stove, Miles leaned his arms on the counter, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. He’d been feeling groggy since he’d woken up, but the dreary tiredness was still lingering. Maybe sitting out here with microwaveable kernels popping on the stove would help. Stretching and letting out a groan, the cheap decorations on the windows caught his attention. He could guess that people were starting to head back from trick-or-treating. It was late, after all. Miles had grown out of it, at least for this year. Going out with his friends who technically weren’t meant to be here wasn’t exactly a good idea, though. Besides, being Spider-Man for Halloween again wasn’t really doing it for him.
Both of his parents were at work, but it didn't bother him too much. They were always busy, and so was he. All of them were keeping Brooklyn safe in their own ways, he supposed. And having the house to himself wasn't so bad.
Faint murmuring — excited, or panicked — could be heard from the living room. Miles laughed through his nose, the crackling of the popcorn getting louder as he haphazardly reached out to flip the bag. That was, until, a searing, high-pitched noise rang out.
Miles almost jumped, before realising that it was coming from the phone: the old-fashioned cordless phone his mom kept for emergencies, or, for making sure he was “actually at home like you said you’d be, because if you and your friends are out somewhere I don’t know about then—”
Better safe than sorry, he thought, picking it up without any thought but an exhale.
The faint whirr of static could be heard on the other side; it was dull among the pop of the kernels and giddy buzz from the living room.
“Hello, Morales.” Okay, definitely not his mom.
“Uh, who is this?”
“Take a guess.” Miles took the phone away from his ear, frowning at the screen. These types of phones didn’t seem to give any useful information.
“Ganke? That you?” he humoured.
“Try again. Two more guesses.” His half-smile immediately dropped.
“Okay, nope. This is weird.”
Declining the call, Miles put it back on its stand, rolling his shoulders in discomfort. It was probably just a prank — kind of creepy nonetheless.
Krrrrr….! Miles’ attention quickly turned back to his popcorn, registering the smell of burning. Damn it…
Wooden spoon in hand, he turned off the stove, biting his lip as he assessed the damage. A second barrier of defence against his friends, at least. Come on man, you gotta wake up—
RIIING RIIING! Miles cursed under his breath, and then winced in guilt.
RIIING RIIING! Again? Well, it could be his mom.
“Why’d you hang up? Don’t you want to play a game?”
“Okay dude seriously? Couldn't you be at least a little original? I don’t have time for this, I literally just burnt my popcorn!”
Miles didn’t know why he was suddenly ranting to a stranger on the phone, but maybe it’d get them to break character, or something. It must be some kids behind the stupid crackly voice — or maybe it was his dad. He tried to stifle a laugh at the thought of his dad trying not to laugh and his tightened expression, even though nobody would hear. Well, whoever this was might.
“You’re making popcorn?”
“Uh-huh. Was gonna watch a movie, actually. And relax — you know, without weird phone calls at midnight.”
“How about this? I ask you a different question this time.”
“Yeah? What is it?” Miles let out a sigh, hands on his hips as the burning died out in the pan.
“What’s your favourite scary movie?”
“Not even a little improv..." he mumbled under his breath. Might as well stick to the script. “Uh, I dunno. Scream?”
“Scream? That one where the murderer wears a mask and goes around killing people?”
“Yeah, and where the murderer makes dumbass phone calls to their victims beforehand.”
“But that’s your favourite?”
There was a pause on the end of the phone, before the modulated voice replied.
“You know... me neither.”
“Hey, what the…?!” Miles looked around him, but couldn’t make out anything. The power was out. “You can’t be serious…”
“Scream’s too old-school, don’t you think?”
There were equally confused reactions from the living room, and the voices of his friends got louder as he stepped into the hallway, phone in hand.
“Guys?” he called out, cordless phone by his hip and his own phone flash pointing into the hallway.
“They won’t hear you,” the voice from the phone said. Miles stopped, turning his phone and seeing something catch the light. "When you scream."
Moving, it shot towards him, his web-shooter sputtering empty air at the knife that surged past mere inches away from his face. No webs.
Miles pointed the flash up, only to see what looked like a Halloween mask that was melting: Ghostface. He would’ve laughed; it was crude at best. But right now, it was terrifying.
He booked it for the living room, pushing against the door only for it to push back against him. Locked — the panic surged in his chest, but his Spider-sense hadn’t gone off.
Thunk! Knife in wood — right where his face was a millisecond ago. His cheek stung only for a moment before he grabbed the knife out of the door, holding it to the darkness.
His mouth opened, and then closed. Should he call for his friends? Would it put him in more danger? Why couldn't he... Where did the masked person go—
A short breath came out of his throat, strangled. And then hot searing metal, right through his stomach. Why couldn't...
No, the metal wasn’t cold — it was the blood. The pain only seared for a moment, when the knife was pulled out. Miles’ hands went to the growing patch of darkness near his abdomen, bile in his throat and eyes wide, stinging from the dry air.
It was suddenly cold, and his mind was blank. Something that sounded like wind — a laugh, emerged from behind him.
He didn’t feel the second stab.
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“Oi, Miles — wake up, mate.”
With slight surprise, Miles opened his eyes to see the dimly lit living room. Freeing himself from the confines of his friend’s shoulders, he blinked a few times to make out a rather bemused-looking Hobie. The punk’s eyes left his a moment later, and Miles was soon bombarded with the troubles of a movie night with people who had never had Netflix before.
“Give me the remote back, I just wanna—”
“We are not watching Ghostbusters again, Pav!” Hobie let out a slight laugh as a stream of web, and then a remote control, flew past him — right into Gwen’s hand.
“Ghostbusters is a perfectly fitting title for the occasion!” Pavitr protested, Hobie narrowly dodging the hand that flew up in frustration.
“He’s got a point — that Murray lad is scary lookin’,” Hobie chimed in. Gwen narrowed her eyes at him, as if to say “thanks a lot, Hobie”, before turning to Miles.
“You know what? Maybe Miles should pick. He’s been asleep all night anyway.”
“We were doing fine!”
“No we weren’t, Pav — I was about to fall asleep.”
“Like Hobie said, Murray is a good representation of the horror genre!”
“And not the literal ghosts?”
“The ghosts too!”
“Hey.” Miles flinched a little at how close the voice was. “You alright? You look a bit pale, mate.”
The three of them went silent, attention turning to him. Hobie’s expression was laced with concern. Miles just nodded, though he wasn’t looking at anyone. He was fine, right? That was…
“Yeah, yeah — I’m cool. I just…” That wasn't real. He was fine. “Tired. Ma’ made me clean… and stuff.”
“Where are your parents anyway? Perhaps on a romantic outing?” He glanced at Pavitr, but it didn’t do anything to subdue Pavitr’s less-than subtle expression.
“On Halloween night? Your lot must love a thrill, mate.” Also less-than subtle. If it weren’t for the fog clouding his head, he would’ve been annoyed.
“Just watch… Anabelle, or something.” The sofa creaked as he pushed off of it. He winced at the feeling of his abdomen reeling in on itself. “I’m gonna get some—”
Two eyes met his: the reflection in the popcorn bowl. It was empty. Figures...
“That was all Gwendy, swear on my life.”
“Was not!”
“Oh, Miles is mad guys.”
“Hey, don’t look at me.”
It wasn't real.
“It was literally Hobie!”
Just a dream — of course.
“Miles…? Where are you goi—” Pavitr’s voice faded as the kitchen door swung shut behind him.
“Just need to call my mom,” he muttered to himself, grabbing the phone off the stand.
“Mira — I’m going to call this phone, okay? You need to call back from the call log. I'm showing you once.”
“Like—” This…
The call log appeared on screen.
31 OCT. 11:42PM Accepted
31 OCT. 11:40PM Accepted
31 OCT. 4:21PM Missed
Only the last one was his mom. Miles clicked out of the call log, met with the tiny blue home screen. It read: TUE 31 OCT.
The time right now was 11:39PM.
His friends were in the other room, still arguing about what to watch.
“…Anything besides dolls...”
“…It’s better than Ghostbusters…”
“…She looks just like you!…”
With half an inhale, Miles picked up the old-fashioned cordless phone, thumb over the green button. It was the phone he’d answered before, and for some reason, minutes into the future.
The phone he’d answer many, many more times to come.
thanx 4 reading! thats it okay cya i havent slept more than 6 hours in a hot minute goodnight x_x oh n tagging @phoenixinthefiles :P
find my masterlist here !
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amageish · 8 months
Spider-Man 2 Post-Credit Spoilers
Time for some more signature Amageish overthinking!
How about that Cindy Moon appearance, huh?
From this Gizmodo article, we do have a bit of insight into the decision to have her appear where they mention the challenge of making a Cindy unique to the GamerVerse specifically - though it's obvious they are keeping their cards close to their chest here as well.
io9: Along with giving Miles a promotion, you’ve introduced Cindy Moon, aka Silk, into your universe. Of all the Spider-heroes, I don’t think anyone was expecting her. What made her so appealing over someone like Eddie or Gwen Stacy? Arfmann: Cindy’s always been a really compelling character in the comics who, similar to [SM1's] Martin Li, hasn’t really gotten a ton of exposure outside of the immediate fanbase. There’s something really exciting about taking a character who we love, who not everybody’s had a chance to meet, and exposing her to a wider audience. Morris: I’m so excited to see what we do with Cindy. Arfmann: Exactly. That was the real drive with her, and figuring out who Insomniac’s Cindy Moon is a really exciting challenge. And we also have this interesting complication that [Cindy’s dad] Albert is dating [Miles’ mom] Rio, and we’re thrilled to explore how that creates a new iteration of this character that folks already love.
So this confirms that they will be changing stuff too! This is going to be a unique take on her, but they are also self-aware that this will be plenty of people's introduction to the character.
The main question on my mind is a pretty basic one: Does Cindy Moon need to be shoved into a bunker for 7-10 years in order to be recognizably Cindy Moon? Her father is already in the game, so we know the "parents are missing" story is probably off the table, but does she need to still spend all that time in isolation to be Cindy?
In the comics, her time in the bunker is credited in-text with being a source of so many of her defining character traits.
It is something that separates her experiences from Peter and the other Spider-heroes.
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It's something that fills her with a drive to prove herself and is the experience that made her such a talented martial artist.
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It informs her understanding of modern technology and the level of pop culture awareness she has - the former of which helped her develop her uniquely positive relationship with J Jonah Jameson.
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And, lastly, the time she had in isolation is credited with causing her to develop her anxiety disorder and communication challenges.
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So, with all that in mind, it feels like Cindy does have to be put into a bunker, right? As it's such a core part of her backstory?
Well, no. Maybe this will be a hot take, but I honestly don't think she does.
While I do think everything I've listed here is a key aspect of Cindy Moon as a character, I don't think they need to lock her in a vault for 7-10 years in order to explain why a Korean-American woman in New York city has anxiety or practices martial arts or feels a need to work twice as hard to have her accomplishments recognized. These are all very relatable experiences that do not require a fantastical superhero origin story to justify them.
Honestly, with how emotion-forward the Insomniac Spider-Man games are already, I think her being a woman who has had a depressive episode recently which she describes as having felt like being trapped would work just as well as literally having had her be trapped by a supervillain. I would not be surprised if the ability to tell a story about anxiety and depression was a factor in them selecting Cindy as the next playable character as well - the potential for a Silk game that incorporates actual mindfulness and grounding techniques into the gameplay is really high IMHO.
I also think that the final scene kind of supports the idea too? Cindy has no lines, but she does have a silent awkward wave. Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but her introduction makes me think she already has social anxiety - so unless she's already been in the bunker and we'll get a story about how she escaped, then I think she will probably jut be getting powers and moving forward from there.
Anyway, that's a lot of thoughts brought about by like 5 seconds of Cindy waving. I'm just really eager to see where things go from here and am hoping we'll get a DLC trailer or a Silk expandalone announced sometimes soon...
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(PS: Having Peter already be in a committed relationship with MJ and Miles, who is also already in a relationship with Hailey, being in a psuedo-sibling relationship with Cindy is an excellent way of desexualizing the Cindy + Spider-Men relationship. I have no fears about Insomniac stumbling on that particular hurdle.)
(I do, however, have fears that I will be seeing unironic speculation about pheromones in reddit threads for the next 2 years until whenever Spider-Man: Miles Morales 2 or Silk: Cindy Moon is announced... but that probably cannot be changed, unfortunately.)
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casiopealistener · 1 year
Join the discord server for updates and other stuff about Hobie :https://discord.gg/UXqgQRSj
As soon as you stepped into the portal, you knew you wouldn't come out of it unscathed. Even with your hand tightly clasped in Hobie's, the swirling tube that surrounded you felt like a thrill ride from hell. It spun in every direction, making you move faster than a freaking airplane. If this didn't stop soon, you were about to unleash your dinner in a spectacular fashion. Despite the chaos, you managed to catch Hobie's whispered words in your ear.
"We're almost there, babe."
True to his word, a few seconds later, you landed on solid ground. Hobie stood tall and steady on his two feet, while you... well, you were sprawled out messily. He chuckled mockingly, extending a hand to help you up, which you swatted away with a glare. He laughed louder, feigning a wounded expression.
"Is that how it is?"
"Stop making fun of me!"
You pushed yourself up, facing him head-on. That annoying little smirk plastered on his face.
"You know I'll never stop," he said, his voice dripping with mischief.
As you regained your composure, a mixture of annoyance and amusement flickered across your face.
"Alright, Mr. Irresistible," you retorted, playfully rolling your eyes. "But remember, payback's a bitch."
Hobie chuckled, taking a step closer, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glimmer. "I wouldn't expect anything less, darling. Bring it on."
At that very moment, a teenager who looked around 16 or 17 years old burst onto the scene, shouting, "Hobie!"
Hobie's face lit up with a beaming smile as he raised his hand in the air, inviting the young man to give him a high-five. "Miles! What brings you here, kiddo?"
"Just passing through," Miles replied casually. "Gwen's here too. But hey, what about you? It’s been a while since the last time we saw you here!"
Hobie playfully pointed a finger in your direction, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm escorting this gorgeous lady to Miguel. Looks like we're about to add a fresh face to the Spider-Verse."
Miles finally noticed your presence and instantly went into a frenzy of apologies. "Oh, dang! My bad, I totally forgot to introduce myself! I'm Miles Morales, a.k.a. Spider-Man, just like... pretty much everyone here. So, you just became Spider-Woman, huh? How did you meet Hobie?" Miles asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Well, actually, we're from the same universe," you replied.
Miles furrowed his brows, turning his attention back to Hobie. "Wait a sec, is that even possible? Two Spiders in the same universe?"
"That's precisely our problem," Hobie chimed in. "But hey, we gotta go see the Big Guy now. Oh, and if you and Gwen are still around after we're done, we should totally hang out! It's been too long."
"Definitely! We could even invite Pavitr. What do you think?" Miles suggested.
"Perfect, kiddo. Catch you later," Hobie said, waving Miles goodbye as he headed in the opposite direction.
Curious, you turned to Hobie and asked, "Um, who was that?"
Hobie chuckled and gave a brief explanation. "Just some kid who messed around with the universes and caused us a whole lot of trouble.” Hobie said, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. “He's a real party for villains, that one."
"You’ve got issues, Hobie" you remarked.
He laughed, and you added, "And what about Gwen and Pavitr?"
"Gwen is a friend of mine, and probably Miles' girlfriend, even if they won't admit it. And Pavitr is another buddy. He's Indian. A bit quirky, super funny. I'm sure you'll like him."
"Hobie Brown actually has friends? No way," you teased.
You laughed at his utterly shocked expression. "Oh, how dare you, mademoiselle? Stabbing me like that after all I do for you? Wow, I am genuinely shocked right now."
He joined in your laughter, and you continued, "Well, I can't wait to meet them."
"Miss, how could you?" Hobie continued with mock indignation. "After all the pain and suffering endure for you. Truly shocking."
“C’mon, you know I’m kidding!”
They continued their journey through the Spider-Verse, encountering all sorts of different Spider-Men and Spider-Women along the way. It was pure magic for you. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined witnessing something like this. Being friends with one Spider-Man was already incredible, but seeing a hundred of them in one place? It was beyond anything you could have fathomed.
Although, you had to admit, amidst the sea of spider-powered heroes, Hobie remained the epitome of coolness. Spider-Punk, with his unique costume, spiked hair, guitar slung over his shoulder, and rebellious attitude... It was hard to deny his undeniable charisma. But you couldn't let him know that. He'd take way too much pleasure in teasing you about it.
Finally, you reached the end of the vast corridor, and there, a little higher up, you deduced that the man meticulously examining files was none other than Miguel O'Hara. The moniker "Big Man" made perfect sense now. Hobie cleared his throat and called out to him:
"Yo! I've got something for you. I think you should come down for a sec."
Seeing that Miguel wasn't budging, Hobie repeated, his voice more serious this time, "It's important, man."
"Hobie, I don't have time to fix your messes. Ask Peter," Miguel responded, his attention still fixed on the files before him.
"I don't think he can do much about this. I'm talking about some serious interdimensional stuff here. The kind of stuff Miles messes with. The kind that seriously sucks."
Suddenly, Miguel appeared right in front of you. How did he move so fast?
"What's going on?" he demanded, his gaze fixed on Hobie with an intensely dark and piercing stare.
"Well, hello to you too, Miguel..." Hobie tried to keep up his playful demeanor, but the gravity of Miguel's gaze caused him to abandon the joke.
"Alright, here's the deal. This young lady here is a brand new Spider-Woman. She got bitten just tonight. The problem is, we come from the same universe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's never been two Spiders in the same universe at the same time. What do you think?" Hobie explained, looking at Miguel expectantly.
Miguel scrutinized you from head to toe, his brows furrowed and a stern, intimidating expression on his face. He then turned back to his elevated desk without uttering a word. Confused, you glanced at Hobie, and he simply shrugged, letting out a sigh.
Miguel's fingers danced across the floating screen in front of him, and suddenly, you saw a picture of yourself and your personal information displayed. He approached you both and declared, "Well, I think I know what's happened. Hobie, do you remember Miles' story? The spider that bit him came from another universe. However, since the previous Spider-Man of his universe had just died, he took his place. That's why he was alone. You two, on the other hand, there are two of you. You were bitten by a spider from a different universe. And since Hobie didn't die, you both instantly realized there was a problem."
He had figured all of that out… in a matter of seconds?
"So... are you asking me to kill myself?" Hobie joked, but his words fell silent as he saw the dark look in Miguel's eyes. "I was just kidding... So, what does this mean? Is it that serious?"
"It depends on the reason behind the spider's arrival in your universe. If it's the same situation as Miles, then we're in trouble. Otherwise, I suppose it'll be possible for you two to cooperate and become a duo. For now, I'll give your friend a watch, and we'll keep a close eye on what's happening in your universe. At the slightest hint of something suspicious, we'll be there."
"I'll take care of the watch!" Hobie exclaimed, as you noticed a piece of torn metal in his pocket. What on earth...
"I don't even want to know," Miguel retorted. "Just don't break anything."
"Don't worry!" Hobie replied with a mischievous smirk. And even after leaving that place, his smirk remained intact. You didn't notice him discreetly detaching some parts from various machines in the headquarters.
You returned to Miles, who was accompanied by a young woman with a unique hairstyle and an eyebrow piercing. As soon as she saw Hobie, she rushed into his arms.
"Hobie, finally!" she exclaimed.
He returned the embrace, laughing. "Hey, girlie! What's up?"
She stepped back in front of him and replied, "I honestly thought Miles was lying when he said you were back. What are you doing here?"
"I'm accompanying my lovely Spider-Woman on a tour of the wonders of the Spider-Verse," he replied.
The nickname caught you off guard, but it was just Hobie. It didn't mean anything.
"Hey! Miles told me about you too. I love your piercings, they're so cool ! So, another universe anomaly, huh? It must be cool to be with Hobie when stuff like this happens," she said, laughing, and you quickly joined in.
"Let's just say he has a knack for attracting trouble. But you probably already know that," you said.
"Yeah, I've had a taste of it already. Anyway, just know that if you need anything, especially being a Spider-Woman, I’m here to help. And I mean it. We're pretty rare around here.
So if this toxic masculinity around there starts getting to you, just call me with the watch you should receive soon, and I'll come to your rescue in a heartbeat," she said.
You thanked her with a warm smile. She seemed genuinely kind, although strangely, seeing her in Hobie's arms had caused a twinge in your heart. Well, it was probably just a side effect of the spider bite. After all, anything was possible. But it wasn't a big deal, no need to worry.
"Alright, where's Pavitr?" Hobie asked.
"We'd love to know. Probably off making out with his girlfriend in his universe. We tried calling him several times, but his watch is off," Miles explained.
Hobie seemed to ponder for a moment, then grinned devilishly and turned to everyone. You didn't like that grin at all.
"Hobie, whatever you're thinking, it's a bad idea," you said.
"Oh, but I think it's a great idea. Guys, why don't we pay a visit to Pavitr? It'll bring back some memories," Hobie suggested.
Miles seemed immediately on board with the idea, but Gwen appeared more hesitant.
"Hobie, you know we shouldn't disrupt the balance of the universes..." she said.
"C'mon, Gwen! Everything will be fine as long as we keep our watches. We've done this thousands of times before. Remember all our missions together in different universes? It always went well. Come on, it'll be fun!" Hobie insisted.
"Fine... but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you, and I don't really want to be yelled at by Miguel. Well, not under these circumstances, at least," Gwen replied.
"What's that supposed to mean exactly?" Miles asked, looking concerned.
"Nothing of your concern."
Hobie laughed and urged everyone to move forward.
"Alright, let's go. Let's find a more discreet spot to do this first," he said.
He led everyone to a secluded area without anyone around.
"Alright, here we go!" Hobie entered some completely incomprehensible information for you in his watch, then pressed a button that, like before, opened a portal between universes. Miles and Gwen immediately rushed inside, but you were a little scared of this portal of doom...
Hobie noticed and extended his hand towards you, smiling.
"I won't let go," he reassured you.
You smiled back and held his hand tightly. And off you went, once again, through those strange, colorful tunnels. Hoping with all your heart that it would stop soon. But at the same time, the warmth of Hobie's hand in yours was rather pleasant. So, in a way... maybe it could last a long time without any problems.
The trip finally came to a halt, and with a pang in your heart, you reluctantly released your hand from Hobie's grip. As you looked up, a breathtaking sight unfolded before you.
A kaleidoscope of colors painted the scene, but it was the chaotic mix of vehicles that stole the show. Cars, buses, motorcycles, vans, and bicycles swarmed the streets, creating a vibrant tapestry of movement and sound.
"Where are we...?" you began, unable to contain your awe.
"Welcome to Mumbai, love!" Hobie exclaimed with a grin.
"Wait, what? We're in India?" you asked, a mix of surprise and excitement coursing through you.
"Yep, that's right! I did mention he's Indian," Hobie replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think we’d… actually go there.”
You gazed around, captivated by the new surroundings. While you had traveled to a few countries before, India was an unexpected destination. The liveliness, the colors, the energy—it was a sensory overload that filled you with joy. A wide smile spread across your face, reflecting the sheer delight you felt.
"I knew you'd like it," Hobie commented, his own smile matching yours as he met your gaze.
Miles and Gwen seemed to have already dashed off, undoubtedly in search of their friend. Feeling a slight flutter in your chest from Hobie's lingering gaze, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes.
"It's beautiful. So, when do I get to meet this famous Indian guy?" you asked, eager to make his acquaintance.
"In just a sec, princess," Hobie replied, his enthusiasm palpable.
With agile grace, he effortlessly swung from one building to another, momentarily forgetting that you couldn't replicate his acrobatics. But you knew that in time, you would learn and adapt. It was all part of your journey.
Suddenly, Gwen and Miles returned, accompanied by a Spider-Man. A Spider-Man who wasn’t Hobie. A Spider-Man who was unmistakably Pavitr Prabhakar. They came to a landing right beside you on the rooftop of the building where the portal had brought you. The boy was buzzing with excitement to meet you.
"So, it's you, huh? Finally get to put a face to all the hype!" he exclaimed.
"Do we… know each other?" you asked, a little confused.
"I know you. Hobie's been singing your praises forever!" he replied, bubbling with enthusiasm.
Just then, Hobie swung back into view, giving Pavitr a solid high-five.
"Reunited at last! Man, I missed you!" he said.
They started cracking jokes and sharing stories, speaking in a language you couldn't quite decipher, but it was still a joy to witness their tight bond. It hit you that this was the first time you'd seen Hobie interact with someone who wasn't you. In your universe, you were his one and only friend. Not out of obligation, but by choice. Hobie wasn't exactly a people person, so you felt honored to be part of his inner circle. It also felt weird because he didn't act the same way with others as he did with you. Less touchy-feely, less flirty, almost... like a regular person. Well, maybe it was because you had the same attitude as him.
Finally, Pavitr remembered your presence and turned to you.
"My bad for spacing out! What were we talking about again?" he asked.
You figured it was time to give Hobie a little grief, sporting a smile as you said, "Oh, just discussing how long Hobie's been yapping about me."
Hobie turned to Pavitr. "Dude..."
Pavitr chuckled, then added, "Oh yeah, that! I've been itching to meet you for ages, with all the wild tales Hobie's been spinning! I can already confirm one thing he got right—you look very cool!"
"Aw, thanks! I love your costume! Though, can't say the same because Hobie never talks about his friends. But I bet he'd say the same about you if he did," you replied.
Pavitr glanced at his friend, hand over his heart.
"Whoa, so that's all I am to you, bro? You don't even mention your best friend to the girl you spend the most time with? Thought we had a tight bond... But I guess you're just like everyone else," Pavitr teased, playfully taking a jab.
Hobie chuckled, a mix of amusement and embarrassment after what Pavitr said about him to you, and fired back, "You know I can't spill the beans on the other Spider-Men to someone who ain't in the club. Besides, it ain't even an issue no more, now that she's one of us. And seriously, don't you ever dare say I'm like everyone else."
"No accepting that excuse, my man. Since when do you play by the rules?" Pavitr retorted.
"Since I don't want the spider feds snatching her up 'cause she knows too much about us, genius. She wasn't even supposed to know I'm a spider!" Hobie shot back, getting a little too into the debate.
Seeing Hobie getting all worked up, you jumped in, "Alright, alright. How about we hit the road and explore? Pavitr, would you mind showing me around? It's my first time here, and I’d really like to see everything."
Pavitr instantly forgot about Hobie, turning to you with a spring in his step.
"Hell yeah, beauty! Hop on."
"Hop on?" you questioned. He spun around, pointing at his back. Oh, he wanted you to ride piggyback on him, using his spider webs for transportation. Without a word, you complied, while someone else seemed utterly appalled.
"Seriously?" Hobie muttered.
You laughed in Hobie's face, who usually played the role of... transportation when you traveled together. He begrudgingly followed along, alongside Miles and Gwen, who were engaged in their own adorable banter and laughter. From the perch on the Indian boy's back, you had an even better view—a vivid tapestry of sights, the street vendors enticing with local cuisine, the bustling crowd animatedly chatting, shouting, and strolling, the laughter and merriment, the free-roaming animals mingling among the people, the multi-tiered houses, the charming little shops... You wished this adventure would never end.
They all decided to head to a bustling café, filled with vibrant colors, aromatic spices, and the sounds of lively chatter. Gwen and Miles sat close to each other, and Hobie, true to his nature, found a way to inject his flirty and teasing remarks into the conversation, directed directly at you.
As they settled into their seats, you and Pavitr found yourselves sitting next to each other. You exchanged curious glances, intrigued to learn more about one another. Pavitr, with his charming smile, initiated the conversation.
"So, what's your deal, chica? How'd you end up tangled with our friendly neighborhood Spider-People?" Pavitr asked, leaning back casually.
You smirked, playfully returning the question, "Well, I could ask you the same thing, Spider-Dude. How'd you wind up here?"
Pavitr chuckled, leaning in closer. "Oh, it's a long story. Let's just say, when destiny calls, I don't ignore it. And trust me, it's been quite a ride."
Hobie, overhearing their conversation, interjected, "Ain't that the truth! This guy here has more stories than a comic book store."
Pavitr shot Hobie a mock glare, then turned back to the girl. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous that my adventures are way cooler than his."
Hobie raised an eyebrow. "Jealous? Nah, I've got my own flair. But hey, if you two are gonna compete, at least make it interesting."
Gwen chimed in, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Oh, I love a good competition. What do you say, guys? Who can come up with the funniest Spider-Man moment?"
Miles perked up, excited to join in. "Yeah! Let's do this. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
The café patrons glanced over at their table, intrigued by the lively group of Spider-People engrossed in their banter. You couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"Only in the Spider-Verse would you find a group like ours having a contest over who's the most spectacular Spider-Man," you exclaimed, shaking your head in disbelief.
Pavitr grinned, leaning closer to you. "That's what makes it fun, chica. We're a unique bunch, from different universes but brought together by the spider-threads of fate."
Hobie, unable to resist the opportunity for a clever remark, quipped, "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I'm the one weaving those threads."
Gwen rolled her eyes, playfully smacking Hobie's arm. "Dream on, Hobie. The real fun starts when we swap stories and realize how similar we all are. And hey, maybe we'll even learn something from each other."
As their laughter echoed through the café, the Spider-People settled in, weaving together their stories, their experiences, and their unique perspectives. First, it was Miles : he found himself caught in a sticky situation when he accidentally webbed himself to a lamppost while trying to stop a purse snatcher. As he struggled to break free, a group of pigeons mistook him for a human perch. It took some creative maneuvering and a lot of embarrassing bird droppings to finally escape the feathered frenzy.
Then, during a battle with a group of bumbling bank robbers, Pavitr's web-shooters malfunctioned, resulting in a webbing mishap. Instead of shooting strong, sticky webs, they sprayed silly string all over the criminals, turning the serious confrontation into a ridiculous, colorful mess. The villains couldn't help but burst into laughter, allowing the Spider to apprehend them easily.
Gwen attempted to deliver pizzas across the city to make some extra cash. However, her superhuman agility and webs caused more chaos than efficiency. She accidentally flung pizzas onto rooftops, tangled them in power lines, and even webbed a pizza to a passing bird. The customers were amused, and the pizza shop owner ended up giving Spider- Woman a lifetime supply of free pizza as compensation for the hilarious mishaps.
Finally, Dance-Off with the Villains: Hobie found himself in a bizarre showdown when a group of villains challenged him to a dance-off instead of a typical battle. With his signature acrobatic moves, he showcased some unexpected dance skills, surprising both the villains and onlookers. The showdown turned into a lively street dance party, with even the villains unable to resist joining in on the fun.
Listening to them recount their adventures filled you with longing. Suddenly, you had an overwhelming urge to become a true Spider-Woman and embark on thrilling escapades. But, of course, you needed to start by mastering your newfound abilities. Leaning in towards your new friends, you inquired, "So, I've got a question. How does one become Spider-Man exactly? I mean, how does it all go down? How do you make it official?"
"For the official part, it's a piece of cake," Gwen replied with a smirk. "Just swing around the city, saving a couple of people here and there, and soon enough, everyone will be talking about you."
"And when it comes to learning the ropes, no worries, darling. That's what I'm here for," added Hobie nonchalantly.
"Alright, Spider-Punk, tell me your secrets. How do you plan to make it happen? I don't even have a costume. Or any gear. Or a name. Basically, I'm empty-handed," you retorted playfully.
"Well, actually, correction time. Drumroll, please!" Hobie extended his hand, revealing a gadget. "Behold, your gear. Your very own watch, connecting you to the Spider-Verse."
"Wait, where did you get that? Who handed it to you?" you asked, puzzled.
He chuckled mischievously. "Made it myself, babe. No biggie."
"Huh? Seriously?" you persisted, wanting to know more.
"You know me, always got some tricks up my sleeve," Hobie replied, shooting you a wink.
With a sigh, you surrendered and donned the oversized watch on your wrist. Inconspicuous? Not so much. Instantly, a holographic interface materialized in the air, displaying your personal details: name, address, age, spider number, and a myriad of other information. To be honest, it was a bit scary.
"Now that you've got that, what do you say we head back home and start training?" Hobie suggested.
"Already? No way! Stay a little longer! We've just reunited!" Pavitr protested. "Plus, it's not fair to hog her all to yourself. I want to hang out with her too!"
He was referring to you, and it brought a smile to your face. Assuring them, you said, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Just as soon as I'm ready."
Pavitr mulled it over for a moment before nodding, accompanied by a sigh. Once again, you hopped on Pavitr's back for the return journey, much to Hobie's chagrin. The goodbyes were swift but tinged with the promise of a reunion. You knew that your paths would cross again soon. It all depended on your dedication, and you were brimming with determination.
Finally back home, after braving those hellish tunnels, you collapsed onto the couch. Hobie, who had followed you here and naturally invited himself in, looked at you with a defeated expression.
"What do you think you're doin' here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm resting. Maybe it's just another night for you, but personally, I'm not accustomed to interdimensional travel in the middle of the night."
Indeed, even though it was still daylight in Mumbai, it was as dark as when you had left here.
"And what about our trainin’?" Hobie inquired.
"Hobie, I'm sleeping. Shut it," you replied with a tired murmur.
He laughed and shook you.
"Come on, we gotta train!"
You freed yourself from his grasp and whispered wearily, "Tomorrow..."
"Why wait till tomorrow when we can do it now? Nighttime's always the prime time!" he insisted, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Are we still talking about training?" you asked with a smile.
"You'd like us to talk about something else, huh?" he retorted, sporting the same smile.
After giving him a playful tap on the head, you made your way to your room, closing the door in his face. You heard him take off his clunky shoes and flop onto the couch. He would probably spend the night here, as he often did. Even though you never explicitly told him, it didn't bother you that he spent so much time at your place. It was actually quite comforting, especially at night. Well, he wasn't just anyone; he was Spider-Punk. But... he was also Hobie. Drifting off to sleep, the distant sound of the television accompanied your thoughts, imagining your friend peacefully dozing in front of it, most likely still fully dressed in his tight jeans. A smile lingered on your lips, mirroring his.
The next morning, unfortunately, it wasn't the gentle morning sun that woke you up. It was the cacophony erupting in your kitchen. Also known as Hobie attempting to cook. Goodness, you had no idea what to expect, but you knew you were about to enter a nameless chaos. You emerged from your room without paying much attention to your appearance so early in the morning.
Hobie was standing in the kitchen, preparing what seemed to be eggs. There were wrappers everywhere, the television blaring, and the blanket he must have used during the night lying on the floor. Noise, agitation, colors. Just the way you liked it.
And, seriously, it wasn't fair. How could Hobie look so good even in the morning? He probably woke up not too long ago, yet he was already radiating. His hair perfectly in place, eyes wide open, silver piercings gleaming, clothes appearing impeccably clean... while you most likely had messy hair, enormous bags under your eyes, and an old, wrinkled t-shirt you had slept in.
However, as soon as he spotted you, his entire being lit up as if you were the eighth wonder of the world.
"Hey there, sunshine! Slept well?" he greeted.
"I think so... What's all this about, exactly?" you said, pointing at the mess he had created.
"That, young lady, is the fuel you'll need to be at your best during trainin’."
"Wow, all this for me? Might as well propose to me right away. It'd be quicker," you teased.
He laughed, though he tried to hide his face a bit.
"I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for that."
"You'll probably replace me with another girl eventually, like everyone else," you said playfully.
“Enough with everyone sayin' I'm like everyone else! What's with y’all? And you know damn well you're irreplaceable to me, darlin'," he affirmed, winking to emphasize his words.
"Um, yeah, whatever," you replied dismissively.
He handed you a full plate, tilting his head and declaring, "For my amazing Spider-Woman."
"Actually... I came up with a name last night.”
He waited for you to continue, staring at you in the eyes.
“What do you think of Spider-Veil?"
"Ohh, I love it!! That’d be so cool!! Do you have any ideas for a costume to go with it?"
"More or less. I'll figure that out later."
"I could help you if you want. I made mine myself. Well, you don’t have to, but..."
"I'd love that," you replied with a warm smile.
"Okay, great. Perfect. Let's do that. Well, finish eating, and we're off, my Spider-Veil."
My... Well, no time to dwell on insignificant details. Those eggs were actually amazing, even if you’d never tell Hobie. He’d take too much pleasure in your praise, and we was already proud enough as it was. You hurriedly devoured your plate, Hobie doing the same, then turned to him, realizing something.
"Wait, where do you plan to train me? Is there some kind of dedicated room in the HQ?"
"A room?" he laughed. "Nah, not really. We're going to do it on the rooftops."
The rooftops? The rooftops... Of course, the rooftops... It was Hobie, after all. What did you expect? Well, this day held promise... you wondered if you would make it through in one piece. Or if you would make it back at all, for that matter.
On the rooftops, the urban landscape sprawled out before you, a maze of buildings and alleyways stretching into the distance. The wind tousled your hair as you and Hobie stood side by side, ready for your training session. It was still pretty early in the morning, so you got to see the sunrise, which you had to admit was beautiful from where you were. It maybe was not such a bad idea, after all. Hobie wore his signature leather jacket, the spikes and studs reflecting the sunlight, while you sported a makeshift outfit that blended comfort and flexibility.
"Alright, love, listen up," Hobie began, his voice carrying an air of authority. "First lesson of the day: mastering your web-slinging skills."
He pulled out a pair of web-shooters, showcasing the sleek design and intricate mechanisms.
"Now, watch closely," he instructed, his movements swift and fluid. He demonstrated the proper technique, shooting webs into the distance, each strand attaching to a nearby building.
"Your turn," he said, handing you a pair of web-shooters.
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding with anticipation. With a flick of your wrists, the web-shooters sprung to life, and you aimed at a nearby lamppost. After a moment of hesitation, you released the web fluid, watching as the strand shot out, wrapping around the lamppost and holding strong. You were actually proud of that. That was your very first intentional Spider-move, after all.
"Yes! That's it, Spider-Veil!" Hobie cheered, a proud grin on his face. "Now, let's work on your agility."
He guided you through a series of intense acrobatic exercises, leaping from one rooftop to another, balancing on narrow ledges, and executing impressive flips and spins. With each leap and bound, you felt a surge of exhilaration, the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You didn’t know how you were doing all of this, but you didn’t even try to find out. You never felt freer before. And since when could Hobie do all of that? You already saw him fight some villains a couple times, but it was nothing compared to what was happening in front of you now. You had to admit you underestimated him.
His encouraging shouts echoed in your ears, spurring you on to push your limits. He challenged you to move faster, jump higher, and react quicker. And with each challenge, you surpassed your own expectations, surprising even yourself. You were determined to be a better Spider than him, no matter what it would take.
As the training session progressed, Hobie introduced combat techniques, teaching you how to utilize your newfound agility in a fight. He demonstrated various punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers, emphasizing the importance of speed, precision, and adapting to different opponents.
You engaged in mock battles, exchanging blows with Hobie, testing your reflexes and honing your combat instincts. The rhythmic sound of fists meeting air filled the rooftop, accompanied by your shared laughter and banter.
Hobie's training style was unconventional yet effective. He pushed you to your limits, yet always made sure you felt supported and encouraged. His words of guidance echoed in your mind, motivating you to dig deeper and unlock your full potential.
He cracked his knuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, love, time to put your skills to the test. Get ready for some real combat."
A playful smirk danced on your lips as you assumed a defensive stance. The air crackled with anticipation, an electric energy enveloping the rooftop. You locked eyes with Hobie, the unspoken challenge hanging between you, both eager to showcase your abilities.
With lightning speed, Hobie lunged forward, aiming a swift kick toward your side. You swiftly dodged, spinning away from his attack with a graceful backflip. The wind whistled through your hair as you landed, a confident smile playing on your face.
"Not bad, Spider-Punk," you teased, your voice laced with a hint of flirtation. "But you'll have to try harder than that to catch me."
Hobie chuckled, a mix of amusement and determination in his eyes. "Oh, I intend to, Spider-Veil. Brace yourself."
The rooftop became your dance floor, as you engaged in a mesmerizing display of acrobatics and combat skills. Each move was a calculated maneuver, a testament to your agility and reflexes. You traded blows, each strike resonating with a resounding thud, a symphony of movement and adrenaline.
As your bodies intertwined in the rhythm of battle, a playful banter flowed between you. Quips and jests accompanied each feint and strike, the tension between you tinged with a magnetic chemistry.
"You're fast, but can you keep up?" Hobie taunted, a glimmer of challenge in his eyes.
"I'm just getting started," you retorted, a playful wink accentuating your words.
The rooftop transformed into your shared playground, a canvas for your dynamic fighting styles. Hobie's moves were a blend of raw power and finesse, each punch and kick executed with precision. Meanwhile, your agility allowed you to weave effortlessly through his attacks, retaliating with lightning-fast strikes of your own. As the battle intensified, a flirty energy crackled in the air. The close proximity between you heightened the anticipation, the adrenaline fueling the fire that burned between two kindred souls.
"You fight pretty well, love," Hobie complimented, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "But can you handle this?"
In a dazzling display of skill, Hobie executed a series of intricate flips and spins, his movements fluid and captivating. It was as if he moved with the grace and agility of a seasoned dancer, his every motion a tantalizing invitation.
You met his challenge head-on, mirroring his elegant maneuvers with a touch of your own flair. The rooftop became a stage, the battle a captivating performance, and the unspoken chemistry between you intensified with every graceful step.
The ebb and flow of the fight mirrored the dance of two souls entwined. There were moments of close proximity, where you could feel the heat of each other's breath, and electric tension crackled like lightning between you. It was a game, a dance of desire and playful flirtation, each move a seductive invitation.
But amidst the exhilaration and playful banter, there was an unspoken trust and respect. You knew that behind the flirtatious facade, Hobie had your back, just as you had his.
Together, you were a force to be reckoned with, a dynamic duo that complemented each other in every way.
As the battle came to a close, a mutual understanding passed between you. You had tested each other's limits, pushing yourselves to new heights.
You didn’t even realize you just spent the entire day here. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Hobie called for a break. You both sat at the edge of the rooftop, catching your breath and admiring the panoramic view.
"You're doin' amazing, Spider-Veil," Hobie said, his voice filled with genuine pride. "I knew you had it in you."
"Thanks, Hobie," you replied, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in your voice. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance."
He smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of friendship and admiration.
"That's what friends are for, right? Now, let's rest up…
You and Hobie made your way back home, the exhaustion starting to settle in. Yet, the excitement and the sparks of the fight still lingered in the air, infusing the atmosphere with a playful energy. You were both so tired you even forgot to eat.
As you entered the familiar comfort of your space, a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline fueled your interactions. Hobie's playful nature took over, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he looked at you.
"Phew, that was one intense workout, wasn’t it? You held your own up there," he complimented, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You grinned, playfully swatting at him. "Well, I had a good teacher, didn't I? You definitely pushed me to my limits."
Hobie laughed, the sound filling the room with warmth. "That's what partners do, isn't it? Push each other to be better."
The exhaustion tugged at your limbs, but the playful banter between you kept the weariness at bay. You found yourselves engaged in a game of light-hearted teasing, each remark laced with a flirtatious undertone.
As you both lounged on the couch, the day's events melted into a blur of laughter and shared secrets. Hobie's fingers traced patterns on the back of your hand, a gentle touch that sent shivers down your spine.
"So, love, any thoughts on the costume we talked about earlier? I'm curious to see what you come up with," he said, his tone tinged with genuine interest.
You tilted your head, pretending to ponder his question. "Hmm, I might need your expert fashion advice. After all, you're the one who made his own killer suit."
Hobie feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Hey now, no need to belittle my fashion prowess. But I'd be more than happy to lend you a hand. We'll make you look even more amazing than you already do."
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you leaned closer, your voices lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is that even possible, Hobs? I thought I already had you under my spell."
Hobie chuckled, his voice dropping to match yours. "Oh, you definitely have me captivated, hun. But a little costume fashioning never hurts, right?"
The air crackled with a mix of excitement and unspoken tension as your eyes locked. In that moment, the playful banter faded, replaced by a shared understanding. The connection between you deepened, and the line between friendship and something more blurred.
However, the exhaustion began to take its toll, and the need for rest started to outweigh the desire for continued playfulness. With a contented sigh, you leaned your head against Hobie's shoulder, finding solace in his presence.
"We should probably get some sleep. Can't save the world on an empty tank," you murmured, your words laced with genuine fondness.
Hobie's arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer. "You're right, love. We'll continue our adventures in dreamland tonight. But remember, tomorrow's another day for us to conquer the world together."
As you both settled in for the night, the teasing and flirting transformed into a shared warmth and comfort. With a soft smile, you closed your eyes, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Hobie's chest against your back.
In the hushed silence of the room, the echoes of laughter and playful banter whispered their way into your dreams. And as sleep claimed you, the promise of a new day and the thrilling possibility of what lay ahead lingered in your thoughts, intertwining with the warmth of Hobie's presence.
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maryamsweb · 1 year
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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felicia and the rest of the spidergang huddled on the roof of fisk's gala, their eyes fixed on the scene below. they watched as fisk, standing at the podium, addressed the crowd with a self-satisfied smile.
"thank you. it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate spider-man. he and i were very close," fisk declared, his voice dripping with false sincerity. felicia seethed with anger, her mind flashing back to the haunting image of fisk ruthlessly murdering peter.
gwen couldn't contain her disgust. "What a pig," she muttered quietly, her eyes burning with anger and sorrow. spiderham, taking offense to the comment, interjected, "im right here."
spidernoir, always keen on details, diverted their attention to the waiters' attire. "hold on. get a load of how the waiters are dressed," he said, a mix of curiosity and disdain in his voice. "it's in poor taste, but... it can't be that easy."
as felicia and the spiders made their way towards the entrance, pen halted felicia's progress. "wait, felinia you don't have a spider-man costume," peni pouts, concern evident in her voice.
felicia smirked confidently. "I'll find a way," she replied, determination gleaming in her eyes.
dressed in her sleek black attire, felicia blended effortlessly with the dimly lit surroundings.
as felicia observed the bustling crowd, her sharp instincts led her to a waiter discreetly serving a table nearby. with swift precision, she closed in on him, timing her move perfectly. with a swift strike to his neck, the waiter crumpled to the floor, unconscious. taking advantage of the chaos surrounding her, felicia swiftly stripped the waiter of his attire, slipping into his uniform with expertise. adjusting the cap and straightening her borrowed attire, she became an inconspicuous part of the restaurant staff.
moving with an air of confidence, felicia stepped out into the audience, her heart pounding with excitement. the patrons chatted, oblivious to the dangerous game unfolding within their midst. her gaze roamed the room, searching for her target: wilson fisk.
she discreetly made her way between tables, expertly blending with the busy waitstaff, all keeping a close eye on the guests. felicia knew she had to be careful, for fisk's security detail was formidable. but her years of training had honed her skills to perfection, and her confidence soared.
finally, she spotted him -a towering figure in an exquisite suit, surrounded by loyal associates. fisk's presence commanded attention, yet felicia knew that in the chaos of the restaurant, she could go unnoticed. her adrenaline surged as she moved closer, keeping her movements smooth and calculated.
as she approached fisk's table, felicia feigned professionalism, balancing a tray of drinks with a practiced poise. she maintained a calm demeanor, her heart pounding beneath her borrowed uniform. within her, the thrill of the heist mingled with the risk of exposure.
with a calculated glance, she confirmed fisk's identity. there he was, the target of her intricate scheme. but as felicia observed him, a sense of caution washed over her. she needed more information, more time to ensure the success of her mission. so she bided her time, observing, analyzing and preparing for the perfect moment to strike.
she sees the spiders leave towards to door. most likely making their way to the collider. she stays put, waiting to follow fisk.
fisk made his exact, surrounded by his entourage of security guards.
with practiced grace, felicia stealthily followed him, each step calculated to avoid detection. as she closed in on him, she swiftly took out his four security team members one by one, silently disabling them before they could even react. fisk remained oblivious to the danger that lurked behind him.
their path led them to a sophisticated laboratory that overlooked a massive collider. felicia observed fisk giving orders to the scientist, instructing him to initiate the sequence. her sharp eyes also caught sight of fisk's group of vicious villains closing in on a group of unsuspecting spiders
determined to put an end to the chaos, felicia tapped fisk on his massive shoulder. "hi," she said, her voice filled with an air of confidence that matched her elegant demeanor.
fisk turned, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the woman who dared interrupt his plans. a smile across his face. "ah, the black cat, he growled, voice drinning with arrogance "you couldn't resist getting involved, could you? well, let's see if you're as formidable as they say."
with those words, the confrontation escalated into a fierce battle. felicia and fisk clashed in a whirlwind of speed, strength, and skill. each move was executed with precision, the sound of blows reverberating through the lab.
fisk, relying on his immense size and strength, delivered bone-crushing punches and sweeps aimed at overwhelming his nimble opponent. "you're just a pest, felicia!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the lab. "i've dealt with pests like you before, and they all ended up squashed!"
felicia evaded his attacks, relying on her agility and acrobatics to stay one step ahead. her claws extended, she lashed out, leaving deep scratches on fisk's body.
their fight continued, a battle of contrasting styles and strengths. felicia's finesse and speed matched against fisk's brute force. furniture shattered, equipment malfunctioned, and sparks flew as the conflict raged on.
felicia and kingpin engaged in a brutal fight within the confines of the lab. the clash of their skills echoed through the room as they exchanged fierce blows. however, despite her agility and precision, felicia found herself gradually being overpowered by kingpin immense strength.
a devastating strike from kingpin caught felicia off guard, sending her crashing into a nearby console. the impact left her momentarily stunned, her vision blurred. seizing the opportunity, kingpin swiftly moved towards his next target: peter and miles, who were shutting down the collider.
as felicia groggily regained consciousness, her eyes widened in alarm. she saw miles valiantly trying to hold his ground against the relentless fisk. she propelled herself into action.
with renewed determination, felicia launched at fisk, catching him off balance. her claws sliced through the air, striking true and drawing blood from the crime lord's face. crimson droplets splattered across her own face and clothes, a stark contrast against the dark fabric.
miles watched in surprise as felicia joined the fray, their combined assault putting kingpin on the defensive. together, they unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, exploiting any weakness they could find. fisk, disoriented by the sudden turn of events, struggled to counter their synchronized assault.
felicia, agile and stealthy, relied on reflexes to dodge fisk's powerful strikes. she swiftly weaved between his attacks, using her acrobatic skills to maintain her distance. her lithe body moved effortlessly as she landed precise blows, exploiting any opening she could find.
miles, on the other hand, relied on his unique spider-powers. he activated his web-shooters, creating intricate webs that enveloped fisk, momentarily restraining him. this provided felicia with the opportunity to deliver powerful kicks and punches temporarily incapacitating the crime lord.
fisk, however, was not easily defeated. his sheer strength and brute force allowed him to break free from miles' webs, sending the young hero sprawling. but miles quickly regained his composure, his determination unwavering.
as the train hurtled forward, miles shot out webs to swing back into the action. he combined his spider-sense with his agility, anticipating fisk's moves and narrowly evading his devastating attacks. with each dodge, miles retaliated, launching a barrage of web strikes to weaken the towering adversary.
felicia, being a master of strategy, analyzed fisk's fighting style. she exploited his size and limited mobility, darting around him and delivering swift blows to his vulnerable areas. her strikes were precise, aiming for fisk's joints and pressure points to disrupt his balance and weaken his attacks.
yet, in a desperate bid to regain control, fisk unleashed a tremendous blow that sent miles hurtling across the train they were fighting in. felicia found herself isolated, facing off against fisk once more.
undeterred, felicia refused to back down. she fought with unwavering determination, each strike fueled by a burning desire to protect the city from fisk's tyranny. blow by blow, she gained the upper hand, her agility and cunning outmatching the crime lord's sheer brute force.
as felicia forced fisk to the ground, she could taste victory. seizing the opportunity, felicia lunged at fisk with a ferocity fueled by grief and rage. she clawed at his face, leaving deep, bloody gashes across his cheeks.
felicia clawed at fisk's face with all her might, tears streaming down her cheeks as she unleashed a primal scream. lost in the heat of battle, she didn't even realize the mixture of anguish and fury fueling her relentless assault. her nails dug deep into fisk's flesh, leaving behind angry red marks, as her cries echoed through the chaotic train car.
just as she was about to deliver the final blow, she felt a sudden restriction. miles had used his web-shooters to bind her hands together, preventing her from delivering the fatal strike.
'stop, felicia! this isn't what peter would have wanted!" miles pleaded, his voice filled with concern and compassion.
confusion and realization swept over felicia, her breathing erratic. she looked down at her bloodstained hands, her body trembling with a mixture of adrenaline and sorrow. the weight of her actions hit her like a tidal wave, and she hyperventilated, unable to comprehend the chaos she had become.
miles rushed to her side, enveloping her in a gentle embrace. her held her tightly, repeating soothing words. "you're okay, felicia. it's going to be okay."
as felicia clung to miles, tears mingling with the blood on her face, a sliver of solace crept into her shattered heart.
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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Here’s a phrase I don’t understand: superhero fatigue. The Greeks had their gods, 13th century Britons had their Knights of the Round Table, and we have superheroes. Superheroes are the mythical figures we’ve chosen to use at this current moment in time to explore what makes humanity great and not-so-great. Maybe I’m just a slut for good myths, but I don’t know how you get tired of that - I think what movie reviewers people call superhero fatigue could really be simplified to “I’m tired of superhero movies that are just ‘meh’.” Or, if you break that down, “I prefer it when movies are REALLY GOOD.” Oh, do you? Wow, I can’t believe you would be so brave to admit to something so controversial. I’ve read 4 reviews so far for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse that contain some version of “I’m sure we all have superhero fatigue BUT this movie is really great!” and I gotta say, I think these reviews are getting it all wrong. How wrong? Well...
This is movie is really great precisely because it is a superhero movie. It is the ultimate superhero movie. It is everything that superhero movies could and should be, and it’s also really, really fucking beautiful.
Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) is an average Brooklyn high school kid. His dad (Brian Tyree Henry) is a cop, his mom (Luna Lauren Valez) is a nurse, and he’s going to a ritzy private school for the first time which is causing some father-son tension because Miles is crazy smart but he misses his neighborhood friends. The only person he can talk to is his uncle Aaron (Mahershala Ali)...that is, until he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and weird, very Spider-Man-like things start happening to him. He goes back to find the spider and stumbles on the REAL Spider-Man (Chris Pine) doing battle with the Green Goblin, and Kingpin (Liev Schreiber) is there too, and there’s a giant hadron collider that goes off and suddenly there are dimensions that aren’t Miles’ bleeding into his reality. And some of that bleed-through takes the form of other Spider-people, including Peter Parker (you know, the one from OUR reality, here voiced by Jake Johnson), Gwen Stacy (Hailee Steinfeld), Spider-Man Noir (Nicolas Cage), Peni Parker (Kimiko Glenn), and Spider-Ham (John Mulaney). Together, they have to help Miles figure out how to be Spider-Man and defeat Kingpin before he destroys all of Miles’ - and everyone else’s - dimensions. 
Some thoughts:
I’m not exaggerating when I say this film contains the most beautiful visuals I've seen all year. It’s a smorgasbord of sumptuous colors and textures. 
Other than the visuals, the best asset the film has is its stellar voice cast. Every single person is creating a nuanced, incredibly interesting character - sometimes with 5 min or less of actual dialogue or screen time. It’s masterful work, and the chemistry between all the Spider-people is off-the-charts which is particularly incredible because, like most animated voice-over work, these actors weren’t recording in the same place at the same time. 
The screenplay by Phil Lord (with input from Christopher Miller) of 21/22 Jump Street and The Lego Movie fame, is bursting with the kind of sly humor and quick wit that keeps up with the dazzling visuals. Jake Johnson is a particular treat as a 40-something Peter Parker having a mid-life crisis and becoming the gruff and unlikely mentor to a wide-eyed newbie like Miles. 
Loved the shoutout to Donald Glover and Community - there’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot of the first episode of season 2, in which Donald Glover’s character gets out of bed wearing Spider-Man pajamas. I’m still in the #donaldforspiderman camp, so that was a thrill to see.
A superhero is only as good as their villains, and Spider-Man is blessed with some of the best. All the villains in Spider-Verse are actually scary. and the peril feels real. Part of this is some excellent character design (the Green Goblin is an actual GOBLIN which is way scarier than Willem Defoe in a metal su...ok actually Willem Defoe is pretty fucking terrifying. But the character still looks amazing here.) and part of it is the fact that these villains cause real harm. People die. The stakes feel high in a way that a lot of other superhero properties just can’t achieve. 
The score and music are used masterfully to better illuminate Miles, his neighborhood, and the different personalities of all the Spider-people. This is not only how you do visual storytelling but aural characterization as well.
There is no forced love story between Miles and Gwen and I want to send a basket full of mini muffins to Phil Lord and Christopher Miller for honoring Spider-Gwen’s character arc and not ruining something that is so perfect thank you thank you thank you.
That Stan Lee cameo broke me. I thought I was ready - I wasn’t. 0 to crying instantly.
I can’t express enough what a joy it is seeing all the Spider-people interact. Nicolas Cage is playing, essentially, himself when he says things like "Wherever I go, the wind follows and that wind...smells like rain." 
More than anything, though, the joy of seeing a half-black, half-Hispanic superhero who is learning that he can be Spider-Man exactly how it makes sense for him...what a gift that is. Anyone can wear the mask - anyone can be better than they think they can be, and that's the kind of woke storytelling that doesn't feel forced or like it's cashing in on a #moment. That's what superheroes were made for.
My expectations were high. What the movie delivered exceeded those expectations in every single way. Miles Morales is a regular person thrust into extraordinary circumstances, and he’s scared and excited and vulnerable and strong. He is a superhero because we all have it in us to be superheroes. We all have it in us to be the exact right version of ourselves, and to use what makes us different to become something greater. That idea makes me feel so many huge, powerful emotions - and none of them are fucking fatigue.
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comicsdi · 5 years
Could we ever have had a Lagos Comic Con bigger and better than the Lagos Comic Con 2018? This was the major question on my mind at the end of the Lagos Comic Con 2018 which took place at the Landmark Event Center, Victoria Island, Lagos. The sparks and success fireworks that followed the event trended on the social media and became the toast of countless prominent platforms several days and months after the event was long ended so much so that in my candid opinion that year’s event seemed to be the peak of the yearly event doped the biggest geek and Pop culture event in Africa. However, my conclusions changed when the Fearless Lagos Comic Con, 2019 hit the ground. Gissss! It was phenomenal. But did I really anticipate the massiveness of the event? I don’t think so. Maybe it was just me. So, in a way, the event exceeded expectations in my opinion.
The 2019 geek event was a three day event which took place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of September. For the first time in the history of the event the con took place simultaneously in two venues: the Silverbird Galleria and the Alliance Francaise, Mike Adenuga Centre, Ikoyi, Lagos. The event, a brainchild of Musterseed Limited with Mr Ayodele Elegba as the Arrow Head was sponsored by Fearless Energy Drink and Alliance Francaise. I personally thought the turnout at the grand finale of the event on Saturday would be drastically reduced due to the fact that the event had been ongoing for two days previously in two separate venues. I was wrong. The crowd on Saturday the 21st was explosive. Though the day started quietly and as at 11am things were still at a very low key and I could barely feel the vibes. But within a very short time Alliance Francaise transformed into a Mecca of some sort with comic geeks flooding the venue of the event. There were a good number of vendors at the event too, featuring the who is who in the growing creative industry: Vortex made a major grand appearance after disappearing from the comic scene for a long while. The fast raising star of the industry “Epoch Studios” was not left out. Their stand was continually bubbling with Fans that clamored to purchase their own copy of an Epoch Comic book.  Also, among the vendors at the event was the ground breaker “Youneek Studios”, Peda Studios, Shadow Black and a host of others. Though I however did not see the stand of the towering giant of the industry “Comic Republic” even though a number of dudes in the signature vest of the comic brand.
One of the most engaging aspects of the Con for me was the panel sessions. They were insightful and very revealing. Every forward thinking brand CEO and creative geek that attended either the master class session or the general session will agree with me that these powerful sessions were more than worth it. A few high points at the event blew me off completely and made a daring statement in the industry. One was the Spoof session were creative geeks had the first hand opportunity to view the short animation work produced by Spoof titled “ Hero Corps”. The 2D Animation work actually got two standing ovations from the marmot crowd in the hall! Agreed, they succeeded in blowing people’s mind. The voiceovers and audio quality of the animation was nothing short of amazing. Another high point at the event was the premiere of the ground breaking Malika 3d animation short film produced by the phenomenal Youneek Studios in conjunction with Anthill Studios. I had previously seen Mr Roye Okupe, the CEO of Youneek Studio before the premiere and told him I could not miss the premier for anything at the event. The crowd that thronged the entrance of the viewing hall only reminded me of the crowd at the film house the day I went to watch one of the most anticipated film of the year “Avengers-ENDGAME”. Malika lived up to the hype. The images were beautiful to the eyes. The quality of the animation lived up to international standard making a clear statement that regardless  of the limitation that bedevils this African environment of ours we can live above it and produce something world class. Kudos to the brilliant minds at Anthill and Youneek Studios. Despite how thrilled creative geeks were however, at the back of my mind I kept asking, “hope the creative industry here in Nigeria is ready for the emergence of the animation industry and do we really appreciate the level of work that goes into making animation?”. It is no longer news that one of the greatest challenges of the creative industry is funding and making even a short animation the likes of Malika requires millions of naira. We were thrilled and mesmerized by Commotion Studio’s Sango:The Dawn of Thunder last year but at the moment we are still waiting on the mega project. We have the skills, we have the brilliant minds but are we ready for the emergence of the animation industry? Will creative minds that are pumping money into such ventures be able to eventually recoup their huge investments? Will there be enough funding to expand projects like these in the days to come? What does the future hold in a place like Nigeria for high budget projects such as animation? I have followed the animation sphere in Nigeria with keen observation. Before now there has been amazing works produced by the leader labels in the budding animation industry. The rib cracking Skelebe animation by Quandron Studios, Frogeck produced by Anthill Studios and of course how can I forget mind blowing animations like SIM and PLAYMATE by the amazing Eri Umusu of Anthill Studios. Regardless of this, the worrisome thing for me is whether the effort put in by these creative geniuses translate into substantial cash that makes up for all the sweat and sleepless night put into all these landmark animation projects.
The event gradually wrapped up with the Cosplay session and the Fist award night to reward excellence in the comic scene.  The Cosplay session this year received some of the most exciting characters from the Marvel and Dc Universe. We had the likes of Thor from the MCU, Gwen Stacy and Miles Morales from Through the SpiderVerse and the psychopathic Joker from the Dc Universe all joining the Cosplay competition and bedazzling fans. At the end Mr Joker carried the day with a winning price of a cool N100,000.00 presented by representatives of the event’s sponsors “Fearless Energy Drink”.
The Fist Awards eventually wrapped up the huge event with best writer and illustrator going to KBS Studios: Kelly Kalu winning  best writer while Chima Kalu won for best illustrator. Queen Malika did not leave empty handed as “Malika fallen Queen” won for the best packaged comic. Epoch Studios did not fail to appear in the spotlight again as they cleared three awards straight: Best cover for AEGIS episode 5, best colorist won by Tarella Pablo for Seraph episode 4, and Comic book of the year for their comic “Prophecy”. The best studio of the year however went to KBS Studios while PEDA Studios won  Neophte award for their comic “Mbuze”.
So, while I thought the 2018 Con will remain the peak for a long time, the Fearless Lagos Comic Con, 2019 actually broke the previous record set by the 2018 Lagos Comic Con! In a way, the Fearless Lagos Comic Con is the dawn of greatness for the industry, from here, expect some quantum leaps by the industry that will create new records of greater achievements!
Ayo Makinde is the CEO of comicsDI,
He writes from Abuja.
Inked art is the cover art of Duro, an African Mythological Comic by ComicsDI.
The post THE FEARLESS LAGOS COMIC CON, 2019: THE DAWN OF GREATNESS appeared first on Comicsdi.
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thesmithfamily08 · 3 years
January 2, 2021
Woohoo, We have made it to a new year!  
Christmas was really great this year, the kids all ended up with too much stuff as always.  Max got the new zelda game and a case, Penny got a ton of art supplies, and Lily got a supermarket store toy.  They all seemed pretty stoked on Christmas morning, Robby and I got each other gifts this year too which is years past we usually have not.  I got a new purse and a ton of awesome fuzzy socks, also a new hair dryer which I really needed.  I got Rob an ancestry thing which I’m totally excited for his information to come back from.  I also got him a Keurig coffee maker.  We had three other Christmas events, the first one was with Katie and Daniel and Gwen and John’s house.  This one almost didn’t happen because 2 weeks before Katie got covid, then quickly after Daniel got it too.  They just missed the quarantine window and were able to come.  They are fine, they did both lose their sense of smell and taste for a while and were pretty down for a couple days.  We also celebrated at my dads house on Christmas Eve and then we went to Jesse’s house on Christmas Day with my mom and Mike.  Overall it was a really nice chill holiday, this is the one year when not having a huge family worked out well because we were able to be with everyone relatively safely.
The vaccine is now available, but only for certain groups of people.  It started with front line people at hospitals and now we are in phase 2 which includes other nurses and health care people, along with people who live in large communities like nursing homes and prisons.  My mom got one just this last week!  I have a feeling we are kind of at the end of this but people are saying a lot of things may still be shut down and masks may still be around well into 2022.  I am just not sure how to feel about it all, it really hasn’t effected the schools nearly as much as I would have thought.  The kids all go back to school in 2 days so hopefully they will make it through the rest of the school year without any more issues.  I am pretty upset still about not getting to go on any field trips or getting to see their holiday or graduation programs, but in the end I’m happy they are at least getting to go to school and not having to have me be their teacher mom anymore!
On another happy note, I booked Disney again!! 2021 is going to be our year, and it is totally going to happen.  I have a condo right by Disney booked and I rebooked our plane tickets!  I feel a little less excited then I did about this a year ago I think just because there is always a chance it wont be able to happen.  I am trying to have faith it’ll all work out.  
Katie’s baby Caroline is growing!  Katie is about 30 weeks now, we have just under 2 months until she is due!  We are so excited to meet her, the baby shower is going to be in 2 weeks.  I’ve been stressing out about it more than I usually do things like this but I think I have gotten it all figured out at this point.  I have been feeling a little unmotivated lately.  Which has just been stressing me out and not helping with actually getting anything accomplished.  Either way the shower is in two weeks and hopefully I’ll have it all figured out by then...
I got to watch Miles, Natalie’s baby for 3 days at the beginning of Christmas break.  He is a really good baby, he is just over 6 months now and almost sitting up on his own.  He seems to hate all baby food and spits it all up but he doesn’t cry much.  He naps really well but man he doesn’t like to be left alone.  He wants to be held 24/7!  The kids were all really big helpers, Penny especially seemed to really enjoying playing with him.  I ended up making like 5 batches of cookies and 4 pies one of the days I was watching for Christmas and Penny helped me play with him when I couldn’t.
So Max had his wellness appointment at the beginning of December.  He is at the 30 percentile which kind of surprised me because I felt like he was always around the 50 percentile but the Dr said he was about the same at last year.  Either way he is 4 ft and 4 inches and weighs 59 lbs.  He had only been to the dr once since his last wellness appointment, when he and Penny were sick over the summer.  Pretty impressive when they can go that long without being too sick!  He made a new friend at school this year which has been so great, I know he was really wanting to find a friend who he actually got along with and I think that has finally happened.  His name is Aiden and he came and spent the night with us on New Years eve!  The boys were both asleep around 11 and I was just after them, haha...we watched the ball drop in NYC time and that was enough for us!  He is getting ready to go to Aiden's house to stay tonight too, this will be his second time staying the night with a friend.  His first time was with Michael and Eli a few months ago.  Max got a ton of new books for Christmas but he mostly has his nose in his Nintendo lately.  I’m letting him have it until the break is over then we will try to get back into a more healthy screen time routine.
Penelope, my beautiful Penelope, she is like a little teenager all of the sudden.  Not like moody or anything but all the sudden she wants to dress more mature, not little girly, no big bows or bright colors.  She is super into makeup and fashion.  She got a ton of art stuff for Christmas and has been painting quite a lot.  We got her a big stand up easel and she wants to take it to a park somewhere and paint a landscape like they do in the movies.  So yeah we are definitely going to make that happen as soon as it warms up a little bit.  She is doing fantastic in school, she just won as the best mathematician in her class then got 4th in the grade!  She is reading extremely well for her age too.  She has made friends with two girls who live down the street and they play often which is awesome.  I’m happy that she has that like I did when I was little.  She had Macy come over and stay the night on New Years Eve as well and they stayed up until 3 in the morning!  So they ended up sleeping like all day the next day haha but I’m sure they had fun, I wouldn’t know I was asleep at 11.
Lily turned 6 since I last wrote on here!!!  My baby is 6, gah I can’t even deal.  Her birthday party was great!  I was hoped a few more people would have come but it all turned out perfect and no one got covid out of it, haha.  Lily had a friend from her class that got to come and that totally made Lily’s day!  I took her to his yearly wellness appointment too and She is in the 40th percentile and weighs almost 50 lbs and I can’t remember how tall she is but I think it is 3′11″.  I’ll have to check that and update it later*** What else is going on with Lily, well she started sucking her thumb again, I don’t even know, she had stopped, like totally stopped and now it is back like she never stopped if not worse.  I’m trying to give her a couple weeks to let everything calm back down and then we will try with the bandaid again and try to get her to stop.  She lost her first tooth!  Bottom left, and the one next to it is almost out and both of the new teeth have already popped through.  We were really hoping to have her stopped sucking her thumb before her front teeth came in, which is pretty soon now.  Hopefully we will get back there soon!  What else is Lily up to, she is thriving in school, her teacher tells me that she is really good at following directions and she is nice to everyone like they are her best friend.  She is getting perfect grades on everything and seems to be exactly where she needs to be.  She is getting good at her sight words but hasn’t found the confidence yet to totally say she is reading yet.  I have a feeling by the end of this school year she will totally be there though.  Lily has been wanting to have a friend come over and stay the night so bad, we have tried with Ivy and Olly a friend from school but their moms think they are too young, which I totally understand but still, she sees Max and Penny doing it and feels left out.  Don’t grow up too fast baby girl :)
Well it is a new year and I set myself a hefty amount of goals for the new year.  My first goal was to write on this more, like once every 2 weeks.  
I am going to try to have at least one date night a month with Robby
We are going to Disney
We are going to start, and dare I say finish the kitchen in 2021
I’m going to see 100 on the scale...
I’m going to try new recipes and healthier recipes
One day a week will be tech free, this includes the kids (Max is thrilled)
Also I want to get better at crafting and sewing, I’m going to try to make a new thing once a week, stop pinning on pinterest and start creating
Read 2 books every month
It seems like a pretty overwhleming goal list but everything is totally doable and I think hopefully It will make for a great year!
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clearcrownmilkshake · 5 years
Maybe I should take a physical break from online honestly. Getting this overexcited isnt healthy really. I already have the server muted but, ugh-
My mind is running several miles an hour over this, over several thoughts that are irrelevant. Im not going to lie that whole week of that multi rp aggravated me. I didn't even want to interact- AT ALL with her. Yet everyone has the fucking mouth now??? I was never excited or thrilled with it and I was the prime one involved.
Gwen has no place to say shit given that she wanted to see Boris have his ass handed to him and caused drama over it. Well now Winona is getting just her desserts- robbed of power AND enduring corruption. I don't think that link was worth all that- but hey, trial and error right?
Mystique should shut the hell up too, she rushed that whole thing. Amy should stfu as well, he placed us in the foyer and i didnt even wanna be there, I even held them off, that should have been a sign that I didn't wanna get into it-
But w/e I'll bound Devin to me, bc honestly the shit with him not having anyones thumb on him is bullshit, its time the tables turn on his op plot armor ass. I don't appreciate bein erased from the story like that, but that's ok, with how things are going right now in the rp, its making it incredibly easier for me to execute my coup d'etat.
Maybe THEN I ought to reobtain my relevance. Because thay truly was a dick move to erase me the way they did. And rn what Winona the oc is going through and what Devin the oc will go through is nothing more than karma. Mystique is just playing around honestly, so w/e.
I wanted a plot with her but with how things are going now, I'm not sure how that will be until well after I bound Devin to me AND overtake the realm.
Allison, not sure right now- she's with Silky, though I should push it.
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bikechatter · 7 years
With City’s embrace, an ‘Even Better Naito’ returns to the waterfront
Naito will never be the same. (Photos by J. Maus/BikePortland)
In 2015 it was just a wild idea by a few ambitious urban planning activists: What if we reconfigured Naito Parkway so that there was more room for biking and walking?
A protected place to walk and roll — at least for the next five months.
That idea led to the first iteration of “Better Naito” by the upstart group Better Block PDX. With a few thousand dollars, a few traffic cones, and some wood pallets stapled hastily with astroturf, they cordoned off the eastern lane of Portland’s marquee waterfront street. It wasn’t pretty; but it worked.
After years of being held hostage by the fumes and fear created by people speeding by in cars and trucks, people who wanted to travel through and/or enjoy Waterfront Park under their own power finally had room to breathe and to safely walk and roll.
The City of Portland liked the idea so much they allowed it to return a year later.
This morning, Better Naito took its biggest step yet: It opened as a project funded and implemented — not by an activist group with the City’s permission — but by the City itself. Using $350,000 (over five years) passed by City Council last year, the Portland Bureau of Transportation has taken the baton from Better Block PDX. The result is a project that has taken the project up a considerable notch (no offense to our friends at Better Block!).
At the launch event this morning a spokesman for the City called it, “Even Better Naito.”
Using 470 consistently-spaced plastic bollards that are neatly screwed into the pavement, the new lane looks much better than previous years. Starting just south of the Salmon Street Fountain, there’s now a physically protected lane that runs just over a mile all the way north to the condominiums past the Steel Bridge. Unknown to me before today, PBOT has also added the screw-in plastic bollards to the newly buffered bike lanes between NW Davis Street and Ironside Terrace (across the tracks from Union Station).
In addition to the bollards, here are the key elements of the project:
New signal at Naito and SW Main St (complete, just waiting for electricity from PGE).
New 20 mph speed limit (down from 30 mph).
New intersection treatment at NW Everett and Naito that will make it like SW Salmon with a left and right turn lane and a bike-only lane in the middle.
New bike-only signal at NW Davis to separate straight bicycle traffic from people turning right onto the Steel Bridge ramp (about a month away). This signal will also trigger a project to make the existing bike lane from Davis to the Steel Bridge two-way, so that bicycle users don’t have to ride the Waterfront path through the Japanese Historical Plaza!
Bike-only signals at Morrison, Taylor, Salmon, and Pine.
A loading zone using two parking spaces on the NW corner of Taylor.
New loading zone hours for Saturday Market vendors: 5:00 am to 10:00 am Friday and Saturday (to unload) and 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Saturday and 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm on Sunday (to pack up). These hours are significantly compressed compared to the usual permit which allowed vendors to load and unload any time between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm. Their new permits also require them to park as close to curb as possible so as not to block traffic in the new protected lane.
The entire length of the project will be monitored by Parking Enforcement and everyone is encouraged to call 503-823-5195 to lodge complaints.
Waterfront festival vendors must have a permit ($50 each) and can only be parked for a maximum of 30 minutes.
The screw-in bollards are a big improvement over traffic cones…
Design details like this matter a lot. Note how PBOT has ground away the bike lane symbol to maintain the curbside area as a walking-only zone…
I was very happy to see that PBOT has also extended the bollards to the existing (and permanent) bike lane north of Davis that connects to the Steel and Broadway Bridges. PBOT is now working on a project that will create a contra-flow bike lane between the Steel Bridge path and where Better Naito begins south of Davis…
At this morning’s launch event, PBOT Director Leah Treat said Better Naito is part of the City’s effort to “Encourage people to get out of their single-occupancy vehicles and bike and walk and take transit more,” during the busy summer construction project season. She also referred to the project as, “The largest temporary street transformation in the country” and said it’s the perfect companion to Portland’s busiest Biketown bike share station at Salmon and Naito.
Will Naito wants it to be permanent.
The CEO of the Rose Festival Foundation, Jeff Curtis, said the new lane is, “A great enhancement to the waterfront.”
And Will Naito, the grandson of Bill Naito whom the street was named after following his death in 1996, wants to see it become permanent. “I ride here on my bike commute on a daily basis and I’m thrilled… hopefully this is the next step to getting this cycleway as a permanent part of our transportation infrastructure.”
“Hopefully this is the next step to getting this cycleway as a permanent part of our transportation infrastructure.” — Will Naito, grandson of Bill Naito
“As I was riding in this morning through the Japanese American Historical Plaza,” Naito continued, “I thought about what this project would have meant to my grandfather and his legacy. I think he would have been very happy to see this evolution of transportation in our city.”
Like many evolutions and revolutions, things that now seem obvious were once considered outlandish. No one knows that better than Gwen Shaw. Now a professional transportation engineer with Toole Design Group, I first met Shaw in 2015. She was sitting on a curb on Naito with a clipboard and a pencil counting bicycle users and walkers on one of the first mornings of Better Naito. She was a student at Portland State University back then and worked closely with Better Block PDX. She was downright giddy this morning as she biked toward the press conference that would launch what was once a crazy idea into an official piece of infrastructure.
Speaking about the City of Portland during her remarks, Shaw said, “We pushed their limits a couple years ago and they’ve come back with endless support and structured opportunities to make projects like this happen all over the place. Seeing this project evolve and become what it is today has been amazing. Having PBOT take ownership and expand it further and seeing what we can do in the next five year is the most exciting thing.”
Where it all comes together: Gwen Shaw of Better Block and Toole Design Group; Timur Ender, a Better Block volunteer, former policy advisory for Commissioner Steve Novick and now PBOT project manager; and PBOT Capital Projects Manager Gabe Graff.
As you can imagine, not everyone will be excited for these changes. And you can bet City Hall is hearing their voices. It’s also worth noting that PBOT has a new commissioner. Former Commissioner Steve Novick was Better Naito’s biggest cheerleader (he literally jumped up and sang and cheered at last year’s launch); but new PBOT Commissioner Dan Saltzman might still need to be convinced of this project’s value and necessity. Please consider sharing what you think by sending an email to [email protected] and/or leave voice message at (503) 823-4321. Online you should tag your social media feedback with #BetterNaito.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and [email protected]
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