maryamsweb · 10 months
I WILL, miles morales
“make it easy to be near you
for the things you do endear you to me”
synopsis: in which black cat finds her spider-man.
a/n: this is apart of my other story, “holy ground,” just writing some blurbs before i continue writing atsv!
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felicia sat in her dimly lit squat, perched upon a rickety wooden chair that creaked under her weight. the early morning light streamed through a cracked window, casting faint rays of hope onto the worn floorboards. it had been two grueling days since she last slept, and exhaustion clung to her like a suffocating cloak, its weight pressing down on her fragile frame.
her mind, weary and burdened, was consumed by a relentless whirlwind of thoughts. the echoes of her father's haunting words reverberated through her being, their bitter sting seeping into her very core. how could someone who was meant to love her unconditionally brand her as a monster? the wounds inflicted by his condemnation festered deep within, each syllable tearing at her fragile sense of self.
and yet, in the depths of her soul, another voice lingered—the voice of her mentor, peter. the memory of their conversations played out like fragments of a half-forgotten dream. peter saw her not as a monster, but as a hero with untapped potential. the contradiction of these perspectives gnawed at her, tearing her apart from within.
the weight of her father's disapproval bore down heavily upon her shoulders, threatening to shatter her resolve. the ache of lost affection, the realization that she was denied the love she so desperately craved, haunted her thoughts. how could she bear being seen as a monster by the one who should have shielded her from the harshness of the world?
her mentor, on the other hand, saw something different—a flicker of greatness buried beneath her flaws. the remnants of their shared experiences painted vivid images in her mind. the words of encouragement and belief that had once fueled her aspirations now seemed to dissipate into the stagnant air, leaving only a hollow ache.
both her father and mentor now lay in the realm of the departed, their absence a gaping void that no amount of time could fill. felicia’s heart ached with the weight of guilt, for in her desperate attempts to save them, she had failed. the bitter taste of regret mingled with her weariness, amplifying her anguish.
as the pale light of dawn stretched across the room, a solitary tear cascaded down felicia’s cheek. she found solace in the solitude of her squat, a place where her deepest sorrows could roam freely. here, amidst the rubble and faded memories, she was left to grapple with the fragments of her fractured identity and the weight of the world that rested upon her shoulders.
a gentle knock interrupted the somber silence that enveloped felicia’s squat. startled, she turned her weary gaze towards the window, only to find miles standing outside her window. a spark of surprise danced in her eyes, momentarily distracting her from the remnants of her tears. swiftly, she brushed away the evidence of her vulnerability, hoping to present a composed façade.
"hi," felicia murmured, her voice hushed yet tinged with a hint of curiosity. silence lingered for a moment, as if the weight of unspoken words hung between them, until miles broke it, concern etched on his face.
"you look tired," he observed, his voice filled with genuine worry. felicia couldn't help but let out a weary chuckle, her laughter a delicate melody tinged with a touch of self-deprecation.
"yeah, i look like shit," she admitted, her words laced with a raw honesty that she rarely allowed herself to express. but before her thoughts could dive deeper into self-deprecation, miles quickly interjected, his voice earnest and heartfelt.
"no! you look beautiful," he exclaimed, his words breaking through her defenses like a ray of warmth penetrating the darkness. felicia turned to face him fully, her eyes locked with his in a silent exchange of emotions. a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and unspoken desires swirled in the air between them, their gazes an unspoken language of longing and understanding.
her eyes, momentarily drawn to his hands, widened in surprise as she noticed the delicate bouquet of flowers he held. a soft gasp escaped her lips, her heart fluttering with a mix of bewilderment and gratitude.
"you brought me flowers?" felicia’s voice held a delicate tremor, an unexpected vulnerability creeping into her tone. she blinked, trying to hold back tears that threatened to spill over, as a wave of emotions crashed against the walls she had meticulously constructed around her heart.
miles swallowed nervously, his eyes darting between the flowers and felicia’s bewildered expression. "yeah, uh... i thought you'd want something to liven up the place. i asked my mom, she said orchids were good." his words were tinged with uncertainty, as if he feared his gesture might have been inadequate.
felicia remained silent for a moment, her eyes fixed on the colorful bouquet that seemed to hold a world of possibilities. slowly, she closed the distance between them, drawn towards him by an invisible force. her voice, cracked with emotion, found its way through the tangled maze of her thoughts.
caught between the desire to make things right and the fear of overstepping, miles’ voice trembled as he blurted out, "but i can go and..."
"no! they’re fine. it’s just... nobody ever got me flowers before." her words hung in the air, heavy with a mixture of longing and disbelief. In a delicate exchange, miles tenderly passed the bouquet to her, their fingers briefly brushing, and she accepted them with a tremulous smile. tears glistened in her eyes, unshed but unmistakable.
overwhelmed by the weight of her emotions, felicia pulled miles into a tight embrace, seeking solace in his presence. she could feel his arms enveloping her, offering both comfort and a reminder that she was not alone in her struggles. with a voice that wavered, filled with gratitude and vulnerability, she whispered, "thank you."
miles held her tightly, his embrace a sanctuary against the harshness of the world. "no problem," he replied softly, his voice infused with tenderness. reluctantly, they pulled away, but the unspoken connection lingered between them, the air electrified with a potent mix of yearning and possibility.
hey, if spider-man ever needs a partner, black cat's always free." her words hung in the air, a daring invitation tinged with a playful undertone. she couldn't help but steal a glance at miles, searching his eyes for a flicker of understanding.
miles, captivated by her audacity, couldn't help but smile brightly in response. “i’ll keep that in mind.” his expression softened, reflecting a mix of admiration and a touch of something deeper, hidden within the recesses of his heart. the spark of connection between them danced in the air, an unspoken understanding that held the promise of something more.
time seemed to slow as they gazed at each other, the weight of unspoken words pulling them closer. in that suspended moment, every line and contour of their faces etched itself into memory, eternally capturing the fragile balance of friendship and a yearning for something beyond.
abruptly, miles' attention snapped away from felicia, his eyes drawn to the buzzing intrusion of his phone. a flicker of panic washed over his features, his face contorting in shock. the impending reality of his responsibilities pulled him away, breaking the spell that had enveloped them. "shit, i have school. i’ll see you later," he exclaimed, the urgency in his voice a stark contrast to the tranquility of the moment shared.
without hesitation, driven by instinct alone, miles leaned forward, his lips gently grazing felicia’s cheek in a fleeting, impulsive kiss. the warmth of his touch lingered on her skin, electrifying the air between them. the unexpected gesture left felicia stunned, her heart caught between the gentle thrill of their connection and the lingering question of what it could mean.
as miles swiftly made his exit through the window, felicia stood rooted to the spot, a mix of shock and delight coursing through her veins. she moved with hesitant steps toward the window, her eyes fixated on the sight that unfolded before her.
a soft giggle escaped felicia’s lips, resonating with a touch of infatuation and the excitement of newfound possibilities. the romantic tension that had simmered between them, suspended in that brief, stolen moment, still lingered in the air, an ethereal promise of what could be.
"bye!" she called out playfully, her words carried away by the wind as miles disappeared into the distance. with a heart brimming with anticipation and curiosity, felicia retreated from the window, the glow of hope illuminating her features. the world seemed a little brighter, a little more full of possibilities, as she savored the tantalizing prospect of a future where their paths might intertwine once more.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
series: HOLY GROUND, miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
blurbs: ILLICIT AFAIRS, miles morales
WORST OF YOU, miles morales
KINGSTON, miles morales
EXILE, miles morales
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maryamsweb · 11 months
EXILE, miles morales
“you didn't even hear me out
you never gave a warning sign”
synopsis: in which miles and felicia break into prison.
a/n: this is apart of my other story, “holy ground,” just writing some blurbs before i continue writing atsv!
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the moon cast its cold, dark rays upon the rooftop, illuminating the vast expanse of the prison compound below. felicia and miles stood side by side, their bodies silhouetted against the backdrop of towering cell blocks and coiled barbed wire. the air carried a hint of anticipation, mingled with a touch of danger.
miles adjusted his gloves, his eyes fixed on the sprawling penitentiary. "okay, let's go over this one more time," he said, his voice hushed yet determined. felicia, her expression tinged with impatience, let out a sigh that hung in the air for a moment before dissipating.
"my dad's in the d wing," felicia explained. "i drop in the c wing, you go to the e wing. we meet in the infirmary." her eyes darted toward the edge of the roof, as if longing to take the leap.
as they walked closer to the edge, felicia's adrenaline began to surge. but just as she prepared to jump, miles reached out, his hand closing tightly around her wrist. in an instant, he flipped upside down, suspending himself in front of her. His voice, filled with urgency, cut through the silence. "if they spot us, it's over. we need to take them all out. quiet as a cat."
a mischievous smirk played upon felicia's lips, a reflection of her unwavering confidence. "sneaky as a spider," she replied, her voice barely audible. with a graceful twist of her body, she somersaulted over the edge, disappearing from sight as if swallowed by the very shadows beneath her.
miles, emboldened by her as, followed suit, hurtling himself off the rooftop. As he descended, the wind whistled past his ears, carrying with it a sense of exhilaration and trepidation. his landing was precise, as he entered the prison through a conveniently placed sunroof.
meanwhile, felicia gracefully twirled through the darkness, her slender figure guided by the silk thread of her trusty rope. it snaked through the maze-like corridors of the prison, ensuring her safe descent to the lower floors. her eyes scanned the environment, taking in the details as she assessed the path ahead.
a pair of vigilant officers stood guard near the exit door, their imposing presence a reminder of the challenges that lay before them. felicia moved with calculated precision, each step a delicate ballet of stealth and control. she approached the guards, her movements fluid and soundless, blending seamlessly with the oppressive atmosphere.
as felicia drew nearer, her eyes locked with those of the unsuspecting officers. the glimmer of mischief danced within her gaze, foreshadowing the inevitable twist of fate that awaited them. with a measured and deliberate pace, she continued her approach, her determination unwavering, ready to execute her plan flawlessly.
the dimly lit prison ward was a battleground of shadows and desperation. felicia, the epitome of grace and lethal precision, moved with cat-like agility, her lithe form gliding through the chaos that ensued. the clatter of alarms echoed through the corridors, mingling with the distant shouts of alarmed guards.
in a blur of acrobatic prowess, felicia engaged the first guard with a lightning-fast strike, her body twisting effortlessly as her hands found their mark. a swift kick to the midsection sent him sprawling, gasping for breath. with a calculated leap, she lunged toward the next unfortunate target, her claws extending from her fingertips like deadly extensions of her will.
a symphony of violence ensued as felicia danced through the room, her movements a whirlwind of precision and deadly intent. her claws slashed through the air, severing the ties of restraint that held the guards' weapons. the clinks of falling ammunition and the groans of incapacitated foes resonated with each victorious strike.
as felicia dispatched guard after guard, a flicker of desperation colored her eyes. her heart thudded in her chest as she neared her ultimate goal—the bed where her father lay. sweat glistened upon her brow, but her determination remained unyielding.
however, her path was blocked by a doctor who stepped forward, an obstacle in her path. the doctor's face contorted with fear and determination, knowing the gravity of the situation. "i can't let you take him," the doctor uttered, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and resolve.
felicia has lips tightened, a mix of frustration and empathy etched upon her face. She locked eyes with the doctor, searching for any signs of understanding. "look, i know you're just doing your job," she reasoned, her voice laced with a touch of desperation. her heart pounded, knowing that time was of the essence.
the doctor stammered, his resolve wavering. "i’ve already alerted security!" he managed to utter, his voice trembling with the weight of his decision.
felicia’s eyes darted to her father's still form, lying vulnerable upon the bed. the inner turmoil reflected in her gaze, torn between her duty and the love she held for her father. with a heavy sigh, she steeled herself, knowing what had to be done. "i really don't want to have to kill you," she murmured, her voice laced with regret.
with measured steps, felicia closed the distance, each footfall an echo of determination. but just as she was about to reach her father, the doctor rushed in front of her, desperate to protect his charge. time seemed to slow as felicia’s fist collided with the doctor's jaw, a sickening thud reverberating through the room. his body crumpled, rendered unconscious, as felicia moved past him with a heavy heart.
finally reaching her father's side, felicia knelt beside him, her trembling hands reaching out to touch his face. her voice trembled with a mix of relief and sorrow as she whispered, "dad, i’m here. well get through this." the room faded away, leaving only the two of them, bound by the unbreakable ties of love and family in the midst of chaos.
miles' heart raced as he burst through the door of the hospital room, his breath coming in short gasps. "felicia!" he called out, his voice laced with urgency and relief. his eyes scanned the room, searching for the sight of his partner in the tumultuous mission they had embarked upon.
felicia's head snapped up at the sound of miles' voice, her eyes meeting his with a mix of weariness and determination. she rose to her feet, her movements fluid yet laden with the weight of their actions. "let’s go," she replied, her voice steady, a glimmer of hope shining through the fatigue etched upon her face.
together, they approached the bed where felicia’s father lay, vulnerable and in need of their protection. with gentle yet swift movements, they carefully lifted his frail form, their arms supporting him as they guided him towards the open window. the moonlight spilled into the room, casting an ethereal glow upon their determined faces.
as they stepped onto the windowsill, a gust of cool night air brushed against their skin, carrying with it the scent of freedom and the promise of a new beginning. miles and felicia shared a determined glance, their unspoken bond strengthening their resolve.
with a synchronized effort, they braved the precarious ledge, their steps measured and sure. miles' strength complemented felicia’s agility, their collaboration a testament to their trust and shared purpose. the wind whipped through their hair as they descended, inch by inch, towards the ground below.
once their feet touched the solid earth, they hoisted felicia's father onto their shoulders, his weight a reminder of their mission's significance. together, they moved swiftly through the darkness, their steps guided by muscle memory and the lingering nostalgia of felicia’s childhood home.
the path was etched in her memories, every curve and corner familiar, like a melody ingrained in her soul. the moon illuminated their way, casting long shadows that danced with the shifting leaves of the surrounding trees. the quiet hum of the night embraced them, a symphony of anticipation and bittersweet relief.
at long last, they reached the worn threshold of felica’s childhood home, a place where memories intertwined with secrets and whispered promises. with gentle care, they crossed the threshold, their burden a testament to their unwavering loyalty and the lengths they would go to protect those they loved.
the dim light of the living room revealed familiar artifacts of felicia’s upbringing, a collage of mementos that bore witness to the life she had left behind. as they laid felicia's father upon a weathered couch, a sense of solace settled within the room, a respite from the chaos they had escaped.
felicia’s gaze locked with miles', her eyes brimming with gratitude and unspoken emotions. i’m that moment, a silent exchange passed between them, a wordless acknowledgement of their shared journey and the sacrifices made along the way. she nodded, her lips mouthing the words "thank you," the weight of their unspoken connection heavy in the air.
miles returned the nod, his eyes filled with understanding. he recognized her need for solitude and closure in this moment. taking it as his cue to depart, he cast one last glance at felicia before quietly slipping out of the room, leaving her to confront the lingering shadows of her past alone.
as felicia’s turned her attention back to her father, walter’s eyes flickered open, his gaze finding hers with a mixture of confusion and vulnerability. "my girl," he rasped, the words carrying a lifetime's worth of affection and regret.
a solitary tear trailed down felicia cheek, her heart aching with a blend of sorrow and love. walter’s question hung in the air, his voice ragged and strained. "how did i get here?" he pleaded, a sense of lost time etched in his words.
felicia’s hand gently clasped his, her touch conveying a tender reassurance. "i brought you here," she whispered, her voice steady but laced with a tinge of sadness. the weight of responsibility settled upon her shoulders, a burden she willingly bore.
walter’s breaths grew ragged, punctuating the silence in the room. "i’m sorry, fefe," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of a fractured bond. a tearful smile tugged at the corners of felicia’s lips as she leaned closer, her voice quivering with both vulnerability and strength.
"no, daddy, you have nothing to be sorry for," she assured him, her voice filled with unwavering devotion. in this intimate moment, past grievances and missed opportunities melted away, replaced by a profound sense of connection and forgiveness.
walter’s weak voice trembled as he continued, his words laced with regret. "please, half your childhood i was gone. i told myself i did it to help you and your mother. i did it because i liked it. and now you're just like me. I never wanted it to be like this. you’re supposed to be better."
felicia’s voice cracked as she spoke, her own emotions cascading through her words. "i.. i am better," she insisted, her voice wavering but resolute. yet her father's words had struck a chord, awakening her deepest fears and insecurities.
walter’s lips curled into a raspy, humorless laugh, his frail body struggling with each breath. "was," he managed to say, his voice fading.
felicia’s world shattered as she watched her father's chest grow still, his breathing silenced forever. with a cry of anguish, she flung herself upon him, her tears flowing freely as she pressed her head against his chest. the room reverberated with her sobs, the rawness of her pain echoing through the stillness.
she clung to the hope of resuscitation, her ear pressed against his unmoving heart. "daddy? dad! no, please!" she pleaded, her voice choked with desperation. "please, i’m sorry. i’ll be better! please," she implored, her grief pouring out in a torrent of heart-wrenching cries. she wept, her body trembling with an inconsolable anguish, mourning the loss of her father and the crushing weight of their shared legacy.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
KINGSTON, miles morales
“baby, tell me what you wanna know
give you everything i have and more”
synopsis: in which miles and felicia devise a plan.
a/n: this is apart of my other story, “holy ground,” this is just a blurb before i write for atsv!!
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miles glanced around the apartment, taking in the bare and humble surroundings. a solitary mattress lay on the floor, accompanied only by a single lamp that cast a dim glow across the room. "this is where you live?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
felicia rolled her eyes and replied, "well, it's not exactly a palace. i had to find a new squat." she pulled out blueprints from her bag and spread them on the worn-out table. "this is the prison," she pointed, circling a specific area on the map. "he’s here, in the prison ward. there will be at least one nurse and two officers. but to get in, we'll have to navigate through dozens of officers surrounding the place."
as felicia looked up at miles, she found him already gazing at her intently. "what?" she asked, slightly unnerved.
miles hesitated before speaking, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and concern. "it’s just... you seem to have thought about this a lot. You keep referring to 'he.' the person we're breaking out is your father, isn't he?"
felicia sighed and sat up straight, her eyes filled with a mixture of weariness and determination. "yes, it is," she admitted.
miles, visibly taken aback, ran his hands through his face and exclaimed, "you can't be serious! the man my father helped put away?"
felicia's voice softened as she looked into his eyes. "you've already agreed to help me," she reminded him.
miles argued, his frustration evident, "that was before i knew who we were breaking out, felicia!"
in a sudden outburst of emotion, felicia blurted out, "he’s dying!" miles' expression shifted from anger to sadness as he absorbed her words. "what?" he whispered, his voice filled with disbelief.
with a mixture of desperation and vulnerability, felicia continued, "when i went to visit him, he said he had months. but now, i assume he has only days. he will die rotting, surrounded by strangers if you don't help me."
miles fell silent, grappling with his conflicting emotions. felicia reached out and gently took his hands in hers, her eyes pleading. "please, miles. i have never asked you for anything. ever."
reluctantly, miles relented, his resolve wavering. "okay," he conceded. "what do we do once we get in?"
felicia slowly released his hands, her voice resolute. "we'll go at night when the guards are tired, vulnerable. we launch our attack, make our way to the hospital ward, retrieve my father, and leave. simple."
miles let out another sigh, realizing the weight of the task ahead. "simple," he repeated, his voice laced with both uncertainty and determination.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
WORST OF YOU, miles morales
“my left hook, a no-show
'cause I'll just keep letting you in”
synopsis: in which miles agrees to help felicia.
a/n: this is apart of my other story, “holy ground,” just writing some blurbs before i continue writing atsv!
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felicia stood quietly by miles' bedroom window, her eyes fixed on him as he sat at his desk, absorbed in his drawings. the rhythmic tapping of his pencil on the paper echoed in the room, accompanied by his soft singing.
"needless to say, i keep a check. she was a bad-" miles' voice trailed off as felicia smiled, thoroughly entertained by his impromptu performance. intrigued, she decided to break the silence and share a secret she had been keeping.
"you know, when i left earlier, i may have... 'borrowed' your phone," felicia admitted, her mischievous grin widening. with a slight bounce in her step, she moved to sit on his bed, observing his reaction.
startled by her unexpected revelation, miles turned around in surprise, accidentally knocking his pencils off the desk. "how did you...? wait, you listened to that song the entire time?" he stammered, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and amusement.
ignoring his question, felicia continued, her tone growing more serious. "i need your help, miles. i want us to break someone out of prison."
miles froze for a moment, his eyes widening in shock. "what?!" he exclaimed, unable to comprehend the gravity of her request. before either of them could say anything else, the door burst open, revealing miles' mom standing in the doorway.
"mijo, qué pasa?" she asked, her gaze shifting from miles to felicia. her eyes lingered on felicia for a moment, noting her presence. "i didn't know you had a friend over."
felicia stood up from the bed, extending her hand toward miles' mom with a warm smile. "hi, mrs. morales. i'm felicia," she introduced herself politely.
rio shook felicia's hand, returning the smile. "felicia, hi. nice to meet you. miles talks about you a lot," she remarked casually, causing miles to facepalm and mutter, "mamí!"
rio's attention turned back to miles and felicia. "you should stay for dinner, felicia," she suggested, her hospitable nature shining through.
miles quickly intervened, positioning himself between the two women. "no, i think felicia should-" he began, only to be interrupted as felicia forcefully shoved him aside, taking charge of the situation.
"thank you, mrs. morales. i'd be honored," felicia graciously accepted the invitation, leaving miles to frown at her audacity. rio smiled and left the room, leaving the two teenagers to face each other with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.
"you talk about me a lot, huh?" felicia teased, a playful glint in her eyes. miles rolled his eyes, trying to hide his embarrassment, but the telltale blush creeping onto his face gave him away. "shut up," he muttered, playfully defensive.
miles and felicia walked over to the dinner table, with felicia taking a moment to look around the house. the sight of the familiar surroundings brought back memories of what her home looked like before her father was locked up. as they approached the table, felicia noticed a man already seated there, giving her a curious glance. she looked back at him with a polite smile and asked, "who's this?"
rio, miles' mother, took it upon herself to explain felicia's identity. she said, "this is felicia, miles' friend," and she winked, sharing a knowing look with her husband. felicia nodded and greeted the man, saying, "nice to meet you, sir." miles observed felicia, wondering how someone who had once resorted to such violence, like clawing a person's face off, could now be so respectful.
rio initiated the conversation by asking felicia, "so, felicia, do you and miles go to visions together?" miles chimed in, saying, "yes, we do." jefferson, the man at the table, squinted at miles while taking a bite of his rice. "you look familiar, felicia," he remarked. felicia took a breath and replied, "maybe you've seen me around?" jefferson nodded, and rio added more plantains to miles' plate, saying, "well, i'm just glad miles has another friend."
playfully, felicia asked, "another?" the whole table erupted in laughter, except for miles, who discreetly kicked felicia's foot under the table. trying to steer the conversation away, jefferson asked felicia, "what did you say your last name was again, felicia?" felicia hesitated for a second before answering, "hardy." jefferson's fork clattered onto his plate. "hardy? as in walter hardy?" he questioned. felicia clenched her jaw and replied, "yes."
rio looked confused, her eyes shifting between the two. "qué? who's walter hardy?"
jefferson explained, "i arrested him for the murder of officer jenkins."
all eyes were now fixed on felicia. she took a deep breath and continued, "my father... was a dangerous man," she winced, "but you can't judge a daughter for the sins of a father."
the room fell into a heavy silence as the weight of felicia's revelation sank in.
the dinner continued awkwardly, with no one asking any questions after. as they finished, felicia spoke up, breaking the silence, "thank you for the food. It was delicious." rio responded with a tight-lipped smile and gently squeezed her shoulder, saying, "dont hurt him." felicia returned the smile and replied, "o would never."
miles, observing the tension, decided to intervene. her walked up to the women and said, "i’ll walk you out." as they left the apartment, miles couldn't resist breaking the tension with a light-hearted comment. "so, who are we breaking out of prison?" he asked with a smirk.
felicia paused for a moment, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "i knew i could count on you," she said appreciatively.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
ILLICIT AFFAIRS, miles morales
“so you leave no trace behind
like you don't even exist
synopsis: in which felicia comes back to brooklyn.
a/n: this is apart of my other story, “holy ground,” but could also be read as a standalone! this is just a blurb before i write for atsv!!
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miles swung through the darkened streets of brooklyn, donning his spider-man suit as he embarked on his routine night patrol. the city was alive with the familiar sounds of cars honking, people chattering, and the occasional distant siren. as he perched on a rooftop, he noticed a faint glow emanating from a nearby museum.
curiosity piqued, miles decided to investigate. he descended gracefully from the rooftop, landing on the street below. making his way towards the illuminated museum, he noticed that the lights inside were still on. with caution in his step, he approached the entrance and peered through the glass.
inside, he saw the flickering of fluorescent lights, casting a surreal glow on the artwork displayed within. the museum seemed deserted except for a figure moving about. from the distance, miles couldn't make out the person's face clearly, but he assumed it was just a janitor going about their duties.
deciding to give the person some privacy, miles turned around, prepared to resume his patrol. but just as he shifted his weight, he heard a subtle sound—a soft, barely audible thud. his spider-sense tingled, alerting him to the presence of someone nearby. he swiftly spun around, only to catch a glimpse of felicia, gracefully leaping out of a roof access door she had cut open.
“you look good.” she landed silently on the museum floor, a sly smirk playing across her lips.”been working out?”
“no.” he adjusted his stance, clearing his throat and placing his hands on his hips, attempting to regain his composure. "i mean, yeah, i've been hitting the gym," miles replied, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and amusement.
felicia scratches her claws on the glass door, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "you got that suit from aunt may? you two still in contact?" she asks, her voice laced with curiosity. miles appears nervous, his gaze shifting slightly. "that's a lot of questions," he stammers.
felicia smirks and leans against the door. "well, I'm curious," she replies, her tone playful. miles can't help but smile. "i hear that's bad for cats," he teases, attempting to regain his composure.
without warning, felicia reaches out and takes a painting off its display. miles' eyes widen in surprise. a mischievous laughter escapes her lips as she effortlessly snaps the painting in half.
miles exclaims, alarmed, "hey, what are you doing?!" his voice echoes through the museum. felicia swiftly retrieves a flash drive from inside the broken painting. "it was really nice seeing you, spider," she says, her voice dripping with amusement. With a quick leap, she vanishes through the hole in the roof, leaving miles standing there, calling out to her desperately. "hey! f-felicia!"
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
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felicia hardy found herself standing in mary jane's home, having snuck in through the window with a mix of curiosity and trepidation. she cautiously stepped into the living room, her eyes scanning the surroundings. as she looked around, her gaze fell upon a picture frame on a nearby table. she picked it up and saw a photograph of peter parker and mary jane, their smiles capturing a moment of joy and love.
just as felicia was lost in her thoughts, mary jane unexpectedly walked into the room and spotted the intruder. their eyes met, and there was a brief moment of silence before felicia mustered the courage to speak.
"hi," felicia said softly, placing the picture frame back on the table. "i'm felicia hardy. i'm not sure if he ever mentioned me, but—"
mary jane interrupted her, a warm smile forming on her face. "felicia, yeah, he did mention you. a lot, actually," she said, her voice filled with a mix of sadness and affection.
both women shared a mutual understanding, the connection between them growing in that moment. felicia felt a wave of relief wash over her, knowing that peter had spoken about her to the woman he loved so deeply.
as tears welled up in felicia's eyes, she whispered, "his death... it was my fault."
mary jane immediately stopped her, her voice filled with reassurance. "no, felicia. peter never did anything he didn't want to do. he made his own choices, and he chose to be a hero. it wasn't your fault."
felicia struggled to hold back her emotions, her voice trembling as she responded, "but he didn't want to die."
mary jane took a step closer, gently reaching out and taking felicia's hands in hers. their eyes met once again, and there was a profound understanding between them. "you're a good person, felicia. he cared about you so much. we never got around to having kids, but if we did, i'm sure he would've wanted them to be like you."
felicia's tears began to flow freely now, her emotions overwhelming her. a small sob escaped her throat as she embraced mary jane, seeking solace and forgiveness. the two women held each other tightly, their shared grief and love for peter forging an unexpected bond.
miles stood at the edge of the rooftop, watching felicia as she walked along the narrow ledge. he took a deep breath, gathering his courage before calling out to her.
"you disappeared after the battle. you do that a lot," miles said, his voice filled with a mix of concern and frustration.
felicia glanced back at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "why are you here, red?" she asked, her tone guarded.
miles took a step forward. "i just wanted to talk to you," he replied, his voice gentle.
felicia scoffed, her lips curling into a smirk. "if you want to talk to me, you have to come up here," she challenged, her words laced with a hint of playfulness.
miles hesitated for a moment, considering his options. finally, he made his way to the edge of the roof and joined felicia, balancing carefully on the narrow ledge beside her.
"i don't see you differently, you know," miles began, his voice earnest.
felicia hummed, her eyes fixed on the cityscape before them. miles pressed on, his words filled with conviction.
"what you did—"
felicia cut him off, her voice firm. "i did what i always do: what i had to. no matter who it hurts."
miles looked at her, his gaze steady and unwavering. "felicia, you're a hero," he said, his words carrying a weight of truth.
she shook her head, a bitter smile forming on her lips. "i'm no hero. i'm a thief. born a thief, raised a thief. die a thief."
miles smiled softly, reaching out to gently touch her arm. "maybe i can change that," he offered, his voice filled with hope.
there was a comforting silence between them, the night air whispering around them. felicia finally broke the stillness, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
"i'm gonna be gone for a while. visiting my dad," she revealed.
miles looked visibly saddened. "how long is a while?" he asked, his concern evident.
felicia smirked, stepping closer to him, her gaze fixed on his eyes. "why? you gonna miss me?" she teased, her voice laced with a mix of playfulness and vulnerability.
miles felt his heart skip a beat, his breath caught in his chest. he stammered, "what if i said i would?"
felicia smiled at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of warmth and mischief. she placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek. miles was left stunned, his mind racing, and his heart pounding.
"i'll see you around, spider," she whispered, her voice carrying a hint of longing.
and with that, felicia leaped off the building, leaving miles standing there in a state of shock and disbelief.
"oh my god... oh my god... oh my god," he muttered to himself, his mind buzzing with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.
felicia sat on the train, her mind consumed with thoughts of miles. as the train rattled along the tracks, she couldn't shake off the worry that clung to her heart. she knew deep down that she would see him again, but the fear of losing someone else weighed heavily on her.
her mind kept replaying their encounters, his words echoing in her ears. as she reached into her pocket, her fingers brushed her latest theft. she had taken miles' phone and headphones with her.
a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she looked at the device. she couldn't help but recall the song he couldn't stop singing, the one that seemed to follow him wherever he went. curiosity got the best of her, and she decided to indulge in a moment of connection with him, even in his absence.
carefully, she plugged in the headphones and unlocked his phone. scrolling through the playlist, she found the song he held dear. as the first notes filled her ears, she closed her eyes and let the music wash over her.
the familiar tune enveloped her, and in that moment, she felt an invisible thread connecting her to miles. she could almost hear his voice singing along, his enthusiasm and joy seeping through the melodies. the song became a bridge between their worlds, allowing her to experience a piece of him when he couldn't be there.
and as the song came to an end, she carefully unplugged the headphones, returning the phone to her pocket. the melodies lingered in her mind, a reminder of the moments they had shared.
in that train compartment, felicia found solace in the music and the connection it brought. It fueled her resolve and kept the flame of hope alive. and as she looked out the window, she knew that their paths were bound to intersect once more, and she eagerly awaited that day.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
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felicia and the rest of the spidergang huddled on the roof of fisk's gala, their eyes fixed on the scene below. they watched as fisk, standing at the podium, addressed the crowd with a self-satisfied smile.
"thank you. it's nice to be with you this evening to celebrate spider-man. he and i were very close," fisk declared, his voice dripping with false sincerity. felicia seethed with anger, her mind flashing back to the haunting image of fisk ruthlessly murdering peter.
gwen couldn't contain her disgust. "What a pig," she muttered quietly, her eyes burning with anger and sorrow. spiderham, taking offense to the comment, interjected, "im right here."
spidernoir, always keen on details, diverted their attention to the waiters' attire. "hold on. get a load of how the waiters are dressed," he said, a mix of curiosity and disdain in his voice. "it's in poor taste, but... it can't be that easy."
as felicia and the spiders made their way towards the entrance, pen halted felicia's progress. "wait, felinia you don't have a spider-man costume," peni pouts, concern evident in her voice.
felicia smirked confidently. "I'll find a way," she replied, determination gleaming in her eyes.
dressed in her sleek black attire, felicia blended effortlessly with the dimly lit surroundings.
as felicia observed the bustling crowd, her sharp instincts led her to a waiter discreetly serving a table nearby. with swift precision, she closed in on him, timing her move perfectly. with a swift strike to his neck, the waiter crumpled to the floor, unconscious. taking advantage of the chaos surrounding her, felicia swiftly stripped the waiter of his attire, slipping into his uniform with expertise. adjusting the cap and straightening her borrowed attire, she became an inconspicuous part of the restaurant staff.
moving with an air of confidence, felicia stepped out into the audience, her heart pounding with excitement. the patrons chatted, oblivious to the dangerous game unfolding within their midst. her gaze roamed the room, searching for her target: wilson fisk.
she discreetly made her way between tables, expertly blending with the busy waitstaff, all keeping a close eye on the guests. felicia knew she had to be careful, for fisk's security detail was formidable. but her years of training had honed her skills to perfection, and her confidence soared.
finally, she spotted him -a towering figure in an exquisite suit, surrounded by loyal associates. fisk's presence commanded attention, yet felicia knew that in the chaos of the restaurant, she could go unnoticed. her adrenaline surged as she moved closer, keeping her movements smooth and calculated.
as she approached fisk's table, felicia feigned professionalism, balancing a tray of drinks with a practiced poise. she maintained a calm demeanor, her heart pounding beneath her borrowed uniform. within her, the thrill of the heist mingled with the risk of exposure.
with a calculated glance, she confirmed fisk's identity. there he was, the target of her intricate scheme. but as felicia observed him, a sense of caution washed over her. she needed more information, more time to ensure the success of her mission. so she bided her time, observing, analyzing and preparing for the perfect moment to strike.
she sees the spiders leave towards to door. most likely making their way to the collider. she stays put, waiting to follow fisk.
fisk made his exact, surrounded by his entourage of security guards.
with practiced grace, felicia stealthily followed him, each step calculated to avoid detection. as she closed in on him, she swiftly took out his four security team members one by one, silently disabling them before they could even react. fisk remained oblivious to the danger that lurked behind him.
their path led them to a sophisticated laboratory that overlooked a massive collider. felicia observed fisk giving orders to the scientist, instructing him to initiate the sequence. her sharp eyes also caught sight of fisk's group of vicious villains closing in on a group of unsuspecting spiders
determined to put an end to the chaos, felicia tapped fisk on his massive shoulder. "hi," she said, her voice filled with an air of confidence that matched her elegant demeanor.
fisk turned, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the woman who dared interrupt his plans. a smile across his face. "ah, the black cat, he growled, voice drinning with arrogance "you couldn't resist getting involved, could you? well, let's see if you're as formidable as they say."
with those words, the confrontation escalated into a fierce battle. felicia and fisk clashed in a whirlwind of speed, strength, and skill. each move was executed with precision, the sound of blows reverberating through the lab.
fisk, relying on his immense size and strength, delivered bone-crushing punches and sweeps aimed at overwhelming his nimble opponent. "you're just a pest, felicia!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the lab. "i've dealt with pests like you before, and they all ended up squashed!"
felicia evaded his attacks, relying on her agility and acrobatics to stay one step ahead. her claws extended, she lashed out, leaving deep scratches on fisk's body.
their fight continued, a battle of contrasting styles and strengths. felicia's finesse and speed matched against fisk's brute force. furniture shattered, equipment malfunctioned, and sparks flew as the conflict raged on.
felicia and kingpin engaged in a brutal fight within the confines of the lab. the clash of their skills echoed through the room as they exchanged fierce blows. however, despite her agility and precision, felicia found herself gradually being overpowered by kingpin immense strength.
a devastating strike from kingpin caught felicia off guard, sending her crashing into a nearby console. the impact left her momentarily stunned, her vision blurred. seizing the opportunity, kingpin swiftly moved towards his next target: peter and miles, who were shutting down the collider.
as felicia groggily regained consciousness, her eyes widened in alarm. she saw miles valiantly trying to hold his ground against the relentless fisk. she propelled herself into action.
with renewed determination, felicia launched at fisk, catching him off balance. her claws sliced through the air, striking true and drawing blood from the crime lord's face. crimson droplets splattered across her own face and clothes, a stark contrast against the dark fabric.
miles watched in surprise as felicia joined the fray, their combined assault putting kingpin on the defensive. together, they unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks, exploiting any weakness they could find. fisk, disoriented by the sudden turn of events, struggled to counter their synchronized assault.
felicia, agile and stealthy, relied on reflexes to dodge fisk's powerful strikes. she swiftly weaved between his attacks, using her acrobatic skills to maintain her distance. her lithe body moved effortlessly as she landed precise blows, exploiting any opening she could find.
miles, on the other hand, relied on his unique spider-powers. he activated his web-shooters, creating intricate webs that enveloped fisk, momentarily restraining him. this provided felicia with the opportunity to deliver powerful kicks and punches temporarily incapacitating the crime lord.
fisk, however, was not easily defeated. his sheer strength and brute force allowed him to break free from miles' webs, sending the young hero sprawling. but miles quickly regained his composure, his determination unwavering.
as the train hurtled forward, miles shot out webs to swing back into the action. he combined his spider-sense with his agility, anticipating fisk's moves and narrowly evading his devastating attacks. with each dodge, miles retaliated, launching a barrage of web strikes to weaken the towering adversary.
felicia, being a master of strategy, analyzed fisk's fighting style. she exploited his size and limited mobility, darting around him and delivering swift blows to his vulnerable areas. her strikes were precise, aiming for fisk's joints and pressure points to disrupt his balance and weaken his attacks.
yet, in a desperate bid to regain control, fisk unleashed a tremendous blow that sent miles hurtling across the train they were fighting in. felicia found herself isolated, facing off against fisk once more.
undeterred, felicia refused to back down. she fought with unwavering determination, each strike fueled by a burning desire to protect the city from fisk's tyranny. blow by blow, she gained the upper hand, her agility and cunning outmatching the crime lord's sheer brute force.
as felicia forced fisk to the ground, she could taste victory. seizing the opportunity, felicia lunged at fisk with a ferocity fueled by grief and rage. she clawed at his face, leaving deep, bloody gashes across his cheeks.
felicia clawed at fisk's face with all her might, tears streaming down her cheeks as she unleashed a primal scream. lost in the heat of battle, she didn't even realize the mixture of anguish and fury fueling her relentless assault. her nails dug deep into fisk's flesh, leaving behind angry red marks, as her cries echoed through the chaotic train car.
just as she was about to deliver the final blow, she felt a sudden restriction. miles had used his web-shooters to bind her hands together, preventing her from delivering the fatal strike.
'stop, felicia! this isn't what peter would have wanted!" miles pleaded, his voice filled with concern and compassion.
confusion and realization swept over felicia, her breathing erratic. she looked down at her bloodstained hands, her body trembling with a mixture of adrenaline and sorrow. the weight of her actions hit her like a tidal wave, and she hyperventilated, unable to comprehend the chaos she had become.
miles rushed to her side, enveloping her in a gentle embrace. her held her tightly, repeating soothing words. "you're okay, felicia. it's going to be okay."
as felicia clung to miles, tears mingling with the blood on her face, a sliver of solace crept into her shattered heart.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4. 5
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FELICIA MADE HER WAY TO MILES’ UNCLE’S APARTMENT, SLIPPING THROUGH THE WINDOW WITH EASE. she greeted miles with a quiet, "hey, spider," before sitting down beside him on the floor.
miles looked up at her with a somber expression. "a year ago, i used to get picked first for everything," he said. "sports, friends, academics. how the hell did it end up like this?"
felicia felt a pang of sympathy for miles. she understood what it was like to feel like an outsider, and she didn't want him to have to go through that alone. she reached out to grab his hand, resting her cheek against his shoulder. "i’d pick you first," she whispered.
the two of them stayed like that for a while, finding comfort in each other's company. but then, miles suddenly felt a chill down his spine. he said, "someone’s here."
miles turned invisible, leaving felicia to hide stealthily. she remained calm and level-headed, but her heart was pounding with adrenaline.
it was then that the prowler appeared, taking off his mask to reveal that he was uncle aaron. miles grabbed felicia’s hand, and the two of them ran down the fire escape, the prowler hot on their trail.
they raced to aunt may’s house as miles swung them through the streets, dodging danger at every turn.
miles and felicia burst through aunt may's house, their hearts pounding with fear. they found the rest of the spider-people relaxing, unaware of the danger that lay ahead.
miles spoke frantically, "my uncle. my uncle aaron, he's the prowler."
peter put his hands on miles' shoulders, trying to calm him down. "slow down, miles," he said.
felicia chimed in, "he works for kingpin."
miles yelled, "he tried to kill me!"
spider-noir spoke up, "this is a pretty hard-core origin story," causing peni to hit his arm. "it's okay. we're gonna figure it out. were you followed?" peter asked.
felicia said, "most likely."
at the same time, miles said, "no, i don't think so."
the doorbell rang, and before anyone could react, doc ock knocked a hole into the wall. "cute place. real homey," she said, her tone mocking.
aunt may rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "oh great, it's liv.”
miles said sadly, "i guess i was followed."
peter told him firmly, "get out of here, kid."
miles tried to run out of the kitchen, but tombstone blocked his way. "you messed up, kid. real sloppy," he said, revealing scorpion behind him.
peter backed into the living room, ready to face their foes. "let me guess. you're scorpion. well, we're the spider gang."
aunt may pleaded with them, "would you mind taking this outside?"
peter replied, "we don't pick the ballroom, we just dance."
as felicia faced scorpion, her heart raced with adrenaline. her cat-like instincts kicked in, and she sprang gracefully into action. she moved with such fluidity and precision that scorpion could barely keep up.
felicia's claws flashed in the light as she attacked. she struck with such power and precision that she was able to slice through scorpion's armor. she dodged his attacks with ease, her reflexes honed by years of experience.
scorpion lunged at her, but felicia was ready. she flipped acrobatically over his head, landing behind him before he even had a chance to react. she swiped at his back with her claws, causing him to stagger.
despite scorpion's superior strength and durability, felicia held her ground. her agility and quick thinking proved to be her greatest assets as she evaded his attacks and struck back with deadly accuracy.
in a flurry of motion, felicia darted in and out, attacking scorpion with a series of swift strikes. with every blow, she weakened his defenses, leaving him vulnerable to her next attack.
finally, in a burst of energy, felicia delivered the final blow. her claws sliced through scorpion's armor, leaving him immobilized on the ground. her eyes follow miles around the house, watching as he leaves with the prowler chasing after him.
felicia chased after prowler and miles, but it was too late. aaron had been shot by fisk and lay unmoving on the rooftop. felicia rushed to the scene, hoping against hope that she wasn't too late.
as she approached, she saw fisk aiming his gun straight at miles. felicia's instincts took over and she lunged forward, grabbing fisk's arm and pulling it back with all her might. the gun went flying out of his hand, skittering across the ground.
with one swift, fluid motion, felicia delivered a powerful kick to fisk's head, sending him spiraling back. as he hit the pavement, she stood over him, “this isn’t over fisk.”
felicia was the first to slip through the window of miles' dorm room, followed closely by the rest of the group. as miles wiped his eyes, felicia walked up to him with a reassuring presence. peter spoke up, asking, "hey bud. you okay?" but miles remained silent, lost in his own thoughts.
peter placed a hand on his shoulder, saying, "we've all been there before. for me, it was my uncle ben." noir added, "for me, it was my uncle ben too." peni spoke softly, "for me, it was my father." gwen said, "for me, it was my best friend."
spider-ham sniffled from behind them, saying, "miles, the hardest thing about the job..." he took a deep breath before continuing, "you can't always save everyone."
miles finally spoke up, saying, "look, it was my fault. you guys don't get it."
but felicia knew better. she said, "but i do. i could've saved peter, and i didn't. his blood is on my hands." they all shared a solemn moment together, united by their shared grief and guilt.
suddenly, miles' roommate walked in and caught them off guard. without a second thought, they all scurried up the wall and hid from him, moving as he faced them. after a brief moment of awkward silence, miles finally spoke up, addressing his roommate with a nervous "hey there."
spider-ham couldn't help but whisper, "do animals talk in this dimension? i don't want to freak him out."
but before anyone could say anything else, the roommate passed out.
as the rest of the group remained occupied inside miles' dorm room, felicia quietly slipped out through the window unnoticed. she knew they were all distracted, but that didn't matter to her. she had a mission to accomplish, a fight to win. she couldn't risk miles or anyone else getting hurt.
making her way across the city, felicia prepared herself mentally for the battle to come. she knew that the stakes were high, but she was ready to face kingpin on her own. she couldn't bear the thought of losing another spider-man and was determined to do whatever it takes to prevent it from happening.
arriving at her squat house, she found stray cats lounging around. she smiled at the sight of them, their presence providing a sense of comfort and familiarity. she reached down to pet a black cat, whispering, "hey, baby."
focusing on the task at hand, felicia began to prepare herself for the fight ahead. she knew the odds were against her, but she refused to back down. she had trained for this moment her whole life, and she was ready to use every skill in her arsenal.
as felicia stuffed knives into her suit, she became aware of a presence behind her. her reflexes kicked in, and she threw a knife without even looking. it whizzed past her ear, embedding itself in the wall inches away from gwen's head.
gwen looked shocked, realizing that she could've been seriously injured or killed. she was grateful to still be alive and looked up to see felicia turning toward her, a fierce gaze in her eyes.
"sneaking up on me is like trying to catch a ghost in the act," felicia quipped, her words tinged with a mixture of sarcasm and aggression.
gwen backed away slightly, sensing the intense energy emanating from felicia. despite feeling intimidated, she remained calm and composed. finally, she spoke up, her voice steady and firm.
"you can’t take out kingpin on your own," gwen said.
as gwen stood there, felicia scoffed at her suggestion of working together. "you think i need your help?" felicia replied arrogantly. "i can handle myself just fine, thank you. and i'll take kingpin down on my own if i have to."
gwen looked at felicia with a mixture of disdain and concern. she knew that felicia was a skilled fighter and wasn't one to back down from a challenge, but the idea of going up against kingpin alone was foolhardy, even for someone as talented as felicia.
"i get it," gwen said, "you're tough and you don't want anyone to interfere with your mission. but kingpin is too big for any one person to take on alone. we need to work together if we're going to have any chance of stopping him.”
but felicia remained unmoved, her eyes flashing with determination. "i can and i will," she said, her voice firm. "i don't need anyone else slowing me down. trust me, i've taken down bigger and badder guys than kingpin before. i can handle this."
as felicia turned to leave, gwen knew there was still hope for getting through to her. she spoke up, trying to reason with felicia one last time.
"we don't have a black cat in my dimension," gwen said, "but i wish we did. you're valuable to our team, and you're too skilled to let yourself get killed. we need you alive and fighting."
felicia paused, considering gwen's words. she knew that gwen was right. she had a unique skill set and a valuable perspective that could make all the difference in the fight against kingpin.
finally, felicia nodded her head, ready to join the fight alongside the group. "fine," she said. "but don't slow me down." with that, she turned and walked away, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy x miles morales
1. 2. 3. 4.
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AS FELICIA SET BEHIND GWANDA AND MILES ON THE BUS, SHE LISTENED TO THEIR CONVERSATION INTENTLY, REMAINING SILENT AND UNNOTICED. they spoke of their mission to save their world and those that they held dear, with miles clearly driven by his desire to protect his family. but as felicia eavesdropped, she couldn't help but wonder what would happen once their mission was complete. would miles want to continue being spider-man, or would he hang up his mask and live a different life?
felicia was lost in thought, her mind wandering to what would happen after their mission. but her train of thought was interrupted as gwanda turned to her and asked, "where are we going?"
felicia looked up at gwanda and simply said, "You'll see."
gwanda, miles , and peter stood at the doorstep, peter wondered why the address on the mailbox looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. felicia rang the doorbell, and an elderly woman opened the door.
as soon as the woman saw felicia, she pulled her into a hug, taking notice of the bruises on her face. "are you okay?" she asked, genuinely concerned.
frlicia nodded and stepped to the side as Peter looked at the woman. suddenly, his eyes widened in recognition. "aunt may?" he whispered, his voice filled with sorrow.
as aunt may walked towards him with her hand over her heart, peter looked sad, and aunt may caressed his face. "you look tired peter.”
peter smiled weakly and muttered, "i am tired."
aunt may looked at him closely, noticing the changes in his appearance. "you look older," she said hesitantly. "and...thicker."
peter sighed, knowing that everyone was reminding him of his increasing age. "yeah, i've heard that already," he said with a grin, trying to make light of things.
as aunt may opened peter’s jacket, she immediately noticed something that made her gasp. "oh my god," she exclaimed, "are those sweatpants?"
gwanda and miles looked at each other awkwardly and smiled. "yep, that's what those are," gwanda confirmed.
miles spoke up, trying to break the tension. "i was there when it happened," he said, moving closer to may. “ i am so sorry.”
"what dimension are you from?" she asked.
mikes replied, "brooklyn," causing felicia to chuckle.
pulling out the override key, miles made his request. "did peter have a place where he could make another one of these?" he asked.
aunt may led the group to the backyard of her house, and peter sarcastically said. "oh yeah," he said with a smile. "i got one of those too. a little old shed where i keep all my spider gear."
as aunt may opened the shed, it revealed an unexpected sight. inside was a silver elevator, illuminated by a bright light. the group looked at each other, surprised and impressed at what they were seeing.
as they stepped into the elevator, peter couldn't help but comment on aunt may's shed transformation.
"man, this place is pretentious," he said with a chuckle.
felicia, rolling her eyes, retorted, "you're just jealous."
as the elevator doors smoothly closed, the group felt themselves being taken deeper underground. peter, miles, and gwen couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as they descended further, eager to see what aunt may had in store for them.
as they emerged into a large, underground laboratory, the group was awestruck by the sheer size and scale of it all. it was a high-tech, state-of-the-art facility that seemed to have endless possibilities.
miles couldn't contain his excitement as they stepped into the lair. he turned to peter and asked, "dude, was yours anything like this?"
peter chuckled. "mine was like this, but without the jeep," he said. "imagine way smaller and add a futon."
gwanda examined the suits on display, running her fingers over the sleek, high-tech material. felicia , on the other hand, was deep in conversation with aunt may.
she asked may if her suit had been updated yet. aunt may presented her with the suit, pointing out the new features. "i added sharper claws and longer hooks," she said proudly.
felicia thanked her, feeling a sense of gratitude towards the older woman. hut then, aunt may surprised her by asking, "have you talked to mary jane yet?"
felicia shook her head. aunt nay looked at her with concern. "she won't blame you, felicia," she said softly. "i didn't."
those words warmed felicia's heart, and she knew that aunt may was right. she would talk to mary jane and make things right. but for now, they had a bigger task at hand, and she focused on preparing for the fight ahead.
aunt may looked at the board, sighing as she did so. "peter knew how dangerous the job was," she explained. "but he figured the only ones who could stop this guy were spider-man and black cat."
gwanda’s eyes widened in surprise, and she turned towards felicia , who returned her soft smile.
miles, on the other hand, was anxious, worried about the upcoming battle. he said, "kingpin knows we're coming. we’re going to be outnumbered."
aunt may, however, surprised them all by pulling out four nametags and two markers, saying, "you might need these."
the spider-people looked at each other in confusion, their spider senses tingling.
she continued, "you think you're the only people that thought to come here?"
out of the darkness stepped spider-noir, his coat and hat shrouding him in a mysterious air.
"hey fellas," he said, his voice gravelly and stoic.
miles, ever the curious one, asked, "is he in black and white?"
felicia looked around, feeling a sudden breeze. "where is the wind coming from?" she wondered aloud.
gwanda added, "we’re in a basement, there shouldn't be wind."
“and wherever i go, the wind follows.”
they suddenly heard a bubbly voice say, "hi guys!" they turned to see a girl jumping off of a machine that was colored in the same red and blue as spider-man’s suit.
peter stands there confused as he says, “this could literally not get any weirder.”
infamous last words.
a pig dressed in a spider-man costume appears. “it can get weirder. with every step the animal took it dropped water with him. “i just washed my hands that why they’re wet.” he extends his arms, “no other reason.”
all three new mysterious people blurt out the same thing at once. “you’re like me.”
peter, feeling curious, stepped closer to spider-noir and asked him, "so, uh, how did you get here?"
noir took a deep breath before answering, "its kind of a story." he shrugs his shoulders. “maybe not that long.”
“and now we’re just tryna find out way home.” said peni.
noir speaks up again. “the only way home is back through that collider gizmo. the only trouble is..”
the pig jumps on top the costume showcase, brandishing the classic superhero pose. “one of us has to stay behind and destroy it.”
in typical superhero matryrism, all 5 displacements say, “i’ll do it.”
"you guys don't get it," miles said, his voice filled with concern.
peni asked, "get what?" but as soon as she said it, she glitched, making it hard for her to understand what was happening.
felicia added, "if you guys stay, you'll die."
miles stepped forward. "i’m the guy that's going to turn it off," he said confidently. "and I'm going to get you all home before i do. look, i made a promise, and im going to keep it."
as everyone in the room looked at miles with sad eyes, the moment was interrupted by spider-noir, who asked, "who are you again?"
felicia scoffed and said, "this is miles."
spiderham chimed in, "and who are you?"
peter smiled and answered, "that’s felicia. they’re going to save the multiverse."
miles smiled, feeling grateful for the recognition. But then, peter pulled him close, saying, "this kid can turn himself invisible. watch this. he can do it now."
miles strained to turn invisible, feeling the pressure of everyone's expectations on him. "i can't do it on command," he said, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“he can’t do it on command. but it is cool. show me the zappy thing, miles.”
miles strained again to activate his electric powers. felicia was sure he was going to pull a muscle.
peter moved on to “well, this kid has claws," he said, grinning.
felicia rolled her eyes, “they’re not real.”
peter continued, "they're not real. but she can see in the dark!"
felicia felt her face flush with embarrassment. "peter," she groaned. "please, no more."
while the rest of the spiders look unimpressed, gwanda comes to their defense, “look i’ve seen these 2 in action. felicia’s a great fighter and miles got potential. i think they’re gonna get us home.”
as the group prepared to leave, spidernoir started interrogating miles . "okay, little fella, kingpin’s gonna send a lot of mugs after ya. i’m talkin' hard boys, real biscuit boxers. can you fight them all off at once?" he asked, his voice gruff and serious.
miles responded honestly, admitting that he had never actually fought anyone before. spider-noir yelled "surprise attack" before knocking miles off his feet. felicia turned away, feeling second-hand embarrassment. she was overwhelmed with the barrage of questions that the group had been bombarding miles with.
deciding she'd had enough, felicia finally yelled, "stop! not everyone is gonna start out at level 90. give him some time.”
she turned around only to find that miles had turned invisible and was already making his way up through the lair. Infuriated, she muttered, "you people are useless," before trailing after him.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2. 3.
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you would think the “spectacular spider-man,” a man who dedicated his life to saving others wouldn’t stop a diner in the face of a reality shattering, earth collapsing threat.
felicia and miles just watched as peter destroyed a burger.
“mmm. i love this burger. so delicious. one of the best burgers i’ve ever had. in my universe, this place closed six years ago. i don't know why. i really don't. mmm.”
the waiter slowly places the check on the table as peter pats his jacket pockets. peter was frantically patting his jacket, searching for his wallet. felicia was sitting across from him at the restaurant, seemingly unperturbed by his panic.
after a moment of searching, peter looked up at miles and felicia. "do you happen to know where my wallet is?" he asked, a glimmer of frustration in his eyes.
felicia reached into her pocket and nonchalantly placed peter's wallet on the table, taking some money out and putting cash on the table.
peter looked at the wallet in shock, then at felicia with an incredulous expression. "is that my wallet?" he said, pointing to the leather item on the table.
felicia simply nodded, smirking. "yeah, that's your wallet," she said, taking a sip of her drink.
leter furrowed his eyebrows. "how did you even get it?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.
felicia leaned back in her chair, an amused expression playing on her lips. "i stole it," she said bluntly.
peter's eyes widened. "you stole my wallet?" he said, both surprised and amused.
felicia nodded, still grinning. "i did," she said, clearly enjoying herself.
"well, at least your parents must be proud of you for all your thieving skills," peter quipped, his tone biting.
felicia face darkened and she went silent. peter felt a pang of regret for his words. seasoned in the art of reading people's body language, miles noticed felicia’s reaction right away and tried to shift the mood.
"can we focus?" miles interjected, trying to get them back on track.
“mm-hm. sure.” with a lick of his fingers, peter finishes his burger.
miles starts, “the other peter...”
“you gonna eat that? i’m listening.” peter interrupts, gesturing to miles’ fries.
“the other peter said he was gonna be - showing me the ropes.”
“you got any spider-man tips you can tell me now?”
“are you really gonna take spider-man tips from him?" she asked, her tone skeptical.
miles hesitated for a moment before answering. "yeah i think he’s gonna be a bad teacher" he said.
“uh-uh-uh? look up where alchemax is.”
"i already know where alchemax is," felicia interjected.
leter looked at her with an amused expression. "of course you do," he said, chuckling slightly. "i’m guessing you stole something from there?"
felicia just grinned, not denying his accusation. "maybe," she said coyly. i
miles, who had been listening intently, couldn't contain his excitement. "oh man, this is going to be amazing," he said. "peter ,you can teach me to swing on the way there!"
peter looked at him skeptically. "i’m not swinging all the way to hudson valley after a hearty burger breakfast," he said.
felicia couldn't help but join in on the laughter. "great, road trip it is," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
as they made their way towards alchemax, miles couldn't help but steal glances at felicia. Finally, unable to resist his curiosity any longer, he turned to her and asked, "felicia, can I ask you something?"
she looked at him, a hint of amusement in her eyes. "sure, miles," she said with an indulgent smile. "what do you want to know?"
miles hesitated for a moment before choosing his words carefully. "why do you steal if you're supposed to be a hero?" he asked, looking genuinely curious.
felicia's expression grew more serious, and she took a deep breath before answering. "my father was a thief," she said softly. "he taught me everything i know about stealing."
niles looked surprised, not expecting such a personal answer. "did your father get caught?" he asked gently.
felicia nodded. "he did," she said. "and after he went to prison, my thefts started to get more elaborate. that's when peter decided to help me use my abilities for good. he's the reason I'm not like my father."
she paused for a moment, "i’m good at stealing," she continued, "so why not use it for good?"
miles couldn't help but feel impressed by felicia's dedication to do good, even when her past had given her a different path. "that's pretty cool," he said with a smile. "you're like a reformed thief."
felicia returned the smile. "yeah, something like that," she said.
miles asked her which school she goes to and if she liked it.
felicia looked at him and said, "I don't go to school."
miles a bit surprised, asked her why not, and what her mom thinks about it.
felicia replied sarcastically, "Oh, my mom could care less."
miles said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry."
felicia shrugged. "it’s fine," she said. "she isn't really my mom. at least, not in the way that matters."
“do you like your school, miles?"
miles looked up, seeming a bit surprised by her question. "it’s okay, i guess," he said hesitantly. "but i miss my old school."
felicia nodded, understanding how that feels. "yeah, change can be tough," she said, trying to relate to him.
"do you miss going to school?"
felicia shook her head. "not really," she said. "i never really fit in with the other kids. but that's okay. i have other things going on."
mikes nodded, acknowledging her perspective. "do you have any friends or maybe someone you like?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation engaging.
felicia raised an eyebrow at him, amused. "no, not really," she said with a smirk. "do you have any friends?”
miles chuckled,"well, there was this one girl," he admitted. "but I think i found someone else." a comfortable silence filled the air before felicia interrupted.
"we’re here," she said, gesturing towards alchemax.
peter took charge and said, "alright, here's what we're going to do," when felicia interjected.
"i’ve been here before, i’ll just steal the equipment and leave," felicia said confidently.
miles furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "what are we going to do?"
felicia responded with ease, "you can be the lookout."
peter chimed in, stating, "the lab is pitch dark and full of lasers."
felicia didn't seem concerned at all as she quipped back, "i can see in the dark."
miles’ eyes widened, impressed. "that’s cool," he said.
before she could enter, miles gave felicia a warning. "hey felicia, don't get caught," he said, trying to keep things light. "be as quiet as a cat."
felica smirked at him, knowing what he was getting at. "or as sneaky as a spider," she quipped back, feeling a sense of pride in her abilities.
miles couldn't help but smile back, admiring Felicia's confidence and skill.
peter, who had been quiet for a few moments, rolled his eyes at their exchange. "cute," he said sarcastically, though miles and felicia could tell he was secretly impressed.
felicia moved with ease and precision as she snuck into the lab. she had done this before, so she was confident that she could navigate the lab undetected.
as she surveyed the room, she quickly took note of the laser beams that crisscrossed through it, guarding the computer of the head scientist. felicia knew that she had to avoid these beams if she wanted to get her hands on the data she was after.
with nimble grace, she began evading the laser beams, flipping and leaping over them with practiced ease. she felt an adrenaline rush as she made her way closer and closer to the computer, her heart pounding in her chest.
but then she heard a noise behind her. turning around, she saw peter and miles, who had followed her without her knowledge. they had tripped one of the laser beams and set off the alarm, alerting the scientist to their presence.
the three of them froze, knowing that they had been made. suddenly, the head scientist walked into the room, her expression confused and alarmed.
felicia acted quickly, diving beneath the nearest desk to hide. she watched as the scientist studied peter, asking him questions about his dimension, age, and consent for testing on him.
as felicia hid under the desk, the scientist attacked peter, who was barely able to avoid his blows. In a split-second decision, felicia launched herself at doc ock from behind, trying to give peter an opening.
doc ock, caught off guard, momentarily switched his attention to felicia. but it didn't last long. she quickly saw miles, who had stolen her computer, and focused her rage on the young boy.
as peter and felicia chased after miles, dhet asked peter , "did miles just turn invisible?"
peter let out a short laugh. "yeah, it's a thing," he said, enjoying how impressed felicia seemed to be by miles's powers.
as they continued fleeing from doc ock, they dashed through the cafeteria, stealing a few bagels as they passed. felicia ran on the ground, darting and weaving between the tables, while peter took the opportunity to teach miles how to swing with his webs.
as they fought, doc ock's tentacles slammed felicia to the ground, leaving her at a disadvantage. her team seemed to be losing the fight, and they began to realize they couldn't win. suddenly, they felt d i ocks’s arms getting webbed to the trees, and they looked on in amazement as a new spider-person appeared.
the new spider-person removed her mask and said, "hey guys," causing miles to recognize her, "gwanda?"
as peter and felicia expressed their shock and confusion, gwanda explained, "i'm from another dimension. I mean another-another dimension."
as peter and miles fell to the ground, felicia landed on her feet flawlessly. miles, trying to flirt, said, "i like your hair."
but gwanda wasn't having any of it. "you don't get to like my hair," she responded sternly.
felicia grew increasingly annoyed by the conversation between miles and gwen, telling them, "we don't have time for chitchat.”
peter and gwanda swung into the distance, leaving miles and felicia behind.. felicia desperately admitted, "i don't have spider powers."
miles, ever the hero, put an arm around felicia’s waist, telling her to hold on tight. but felicia couldn't help but issue a warning: "drop me, and i'll kill you."
miles replied, "i would never."
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
"spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose"
pairing: felicia hardy × miles morales
1. 2.
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felicia, was feeling extremely defeated after Peter's death. the guilt was eating her up inside, and she found that she couldn't even face mary jane, knowing that she had failed to save the man she loved.
in her grief, felicia debated giving up fighting crime altogether. she felt like her whole identity had been based on being spiderman’s partner, and now that he was gone, there was nothing left for her.
felicia decided to visit peter’s grave; she just wanted to feel closer to him. but as she arrived, she saw someone there already, a young man who looked lost, much like herself.
"hey there," felicia said softly, trying not to startle him.
the young man turned to her, his eyes widening with recognition when he saw her.
"black cat!" he gasped, sounding a little starstruck.
felicia smiled weakly, feeling a little uncomfortable with the attention. "hey," she said. "and you are?"
the young man blinked, seeming to come back to reality. "oh, sorry," he apologized. "my name's miles morales. i met peter before he died.”
"i remember you," she said, nodding. "you were there when we were fighting green goblin."
miles nodded, his eyes filling with tears.
"before...you know, he said he'd help me balance my powers, that he'd teach me how to be spider-man ," he said, sounding desperate. "but now he's gone, and I don't know what to do."
felicia felt a pang in her heart; she felt the same way. peter had been her mentor, her guide, and now that he was gone, she didn't know how to move forward.
"i know how you feel," she said softly. "peter meant a lot to me. if he was willing to teach you he must’ve of believed in you. he believed we could be heroes, and we can do that. together.
miles looked up at her, his eyes pleading.
"but how?" he asked. "i can't do this without him."
felicia understood how he felt. peter had always been there for her, and she didn’t know how to be a hero on her own.
"we’ll figure it out together," she said, offering him a small smile. "we’ll help each other, just like peter would have wanted."
miles was about to accept felicia offer to help him when his spider-sense began tingling, alerting him to something behind him. without thinking, he turned around and webbed whatever was there, pulling them behind him.
but to his surprise, his webbing suddenly backfired, and he was pulled backwards too, crashing to the ground. felicia hurried over to help him up, but both of them were stunned by the sight in front of them.
the man miles had webbed was wearing a full spider-man suit, and for a moment, felicia thought that it was peter laying in front of him. The man was identical to peter, from the slant of his eyes to the curve of his lips.
"peter?" felicia whispered, her voice quivering.
with the cops yelling behind them, miles fumbling for his web-shooters, accidentally triggered the webbing and ended up getting tangled in it. he was yanked back just as felicia began to run, pulling her back with him. they realized that their best bet was to grab the man who looked like peter and swing away before the cops could get to them.
miles and felicia managed to get to the man and hoisted him up, but the cops were almost on top of them. miles tried to shoot a web, barely managing to catch onto a nearby building, but they didn't have enough momentum to make it. they were going to fall.
but then, miles managed to get another web out and shot it at a passing train just in time. he quickly handed felicia the man and took off after her, swinging blindly through the city as fast as they could go.
it was chaotic; peter kept slipping in and out of consciousness, and they had to keep dodging obstacles and buildings to avoid being seen. for a moment, felicia regretted ever coming to the cemetery.
as they swung through the city, he kept getting knocked out, only waking up periodically to mutter things about his own mortality.
after swinging around the city with peter’s unconscious body, felicia and miles finally managed to find a break and swing onto a pole. as they tried to untangle themselves from the webbing, both of them were breathing heavily, their hearts racing with adrenaline.
but as they managed to get free, miles and peter suddenly lost their grip on the pole and fell to the ground face first while felicia landed perfectly on her feet. miles groaned, feeling a little embarrassed as he stood up.
"i see why they call you black cat,” miles said, grinning awkwardly.
felicia just smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"oh, you've only just realized that, have you?" she replied mischievously.
miles felt a blush creeping up his neck as he realized what she was getting at. felicia was just teasing him, but he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about his awkwardness.
“where can we go?”
miles brought felicia and peter’s body back to his uncle aaron’s place, a dark apartment. they webbed him up to his punching bag after 10 long minutes of miles straining to get his webs out.
miles and felicia waited for peter to wake up, both of them feeling antsy as they watched him webbed to the punching bag. felicia couldn't help but think about how much this peter resembled her peter, and it was starting to make her wonder why.
as she looked over at miles, she noticed him staring at her. when she caught his eye, he quickly turned away, whistling a tune. felicia rolled her eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable with all the attention.
"this is taking too long," she muttered, walking over to the sink. she filled a bowl with water and splashed it on peter’a face, hoping to rouse him from his unconsciousness.
miles looked at her with surprise, but felicia just shrugged, feeling impatient.
"we don't have all night," she said. "let’s get this over with."
Miles stepped forward, trying to sound authoritative.
"we have some questions," he said in a falsely deep voice.
felicia shot him an incredulous look, but miles kept up his facade until peter lunged forward and thrashed in his hold.
miles looked over at felicia, noticing that she was staying quiet and just observing peter closely.
“why do you look like peter parker?”
peter looked at him for a moment before responding, "because I am peter parker."
miles looked unimpressed. "then why aren’t you dead? and why is your hair different? why are you older?” he takes a step closer to peter, glancing at his bulging belly. “and why is your body different?”
peter look offended. "I'm pretty sure you just called me fat.”
miles waved his hands in offense. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that!”
felicia shook her head, looking annoyed at miles' line of questioning. her patience was wearing thin with peter. finally, she did something that surprised even miles.
"listen here," she said, her voice cold and dangerous. "you either tell us where you're from and why you're here, or die it’s your choice."
miles looked shocked at her words. He thought she was nicer than this. but felicia’s tone made it very clear that she was dead serious about her threat.
peter looked at her, his eyes narrowing. "it’s not that simple.”
felicia stepped forward, her hand on her hip. "make it simple," she demanded. "or I'll make it simple for you."
miles looked back and forth between them, feeling a little uncomfortable with the tension in the room. he wondered if things were going to escalate even further.
“are you from another dimension? like a parallel universe where things are like this universe but different? and you're spider-man in that universe? but somehow traveled to this universe, but you don't know how?” miles blurted out, hoping to ease the tension.
peter looked surprised. “wow. that was really just a guess?”
“this is amazing! you can teach me like peter said he would.” miles was way too excited for felicia’s liking. they didn’t even know if “peter” was telling the truth.
felicia remained impassive, her expression unreadable. finally, she said, "is that what happened?"
peter looked at her, seeming to shrink under her gaze. ignoring her question, he said, “here’s lesson number one, kid. don’t watch the mouth. watch the hands.”
“trust me, kid. this'll all make you a better spider-man.” peter turned to face felicia, “and you les murdery.”
the girl scoffs at his words. ready to spit some fiery remark, her train of thought gets cut as peter glitches. miles jumps to peter’s aid.
“hey, are you okay?” miles asks, concerned.
“no i’m not.”
felicia squints her eyes in confusion. “what’s going on with your body?”
“i don’t think my atoms are real jazzed about being in the wrong dimension. look, i’m not looking for a side gig as a spider-man coach. i got a lot going on in my own dimension.”
"you don't understand," felicia said firmly. "if you don't come with us and help shut down that collider, you won't have a dimension to go back to. kingpin created it, and it's tearing apart reality. we have to stop it."
peter looked at her skeptically. "what collider?" he asked, looking confused.
miles spoke up, explaining the situation to peter. "the collider that brought you here. it’s in brooklyn, under fisk tower," he said. "we have to shut it down before it's too late."
peter seemed to process this information before attempting to leave. "okay, i’ll jump in when it runs and get back to my dimension," he said, making his way out the window.
felicia and miles exchanged a worried look. "peter, no!" miles said, trailing after him. "the point is to make sure the collider never runs again. everyone is going to die if we don't stop it for good."
“ ‘everyone's gonna die.’ that is what they always say. but there's always a little bit of time before everybody dies and that's when i do my best work.” peter argued.
felicia was simmering with anger as peter refused to help them stop the collider. she couldn't believe his lack of concern for the fate of the multiverse.
"peter, you're being ridiculous," she snapped. "you can't just sit this one out and let everything collapse. we need your help."
miles interjected, “besides you can’t do anything without this.” he holds the override key in the air, waving it in peter’s face.
peter’s face turn into a mocking smile. “aw, you have a goober. give it.”
before he could get the chance to grab it, miles pulls his arm back.
“it’s called an override key.” felicia corrected.
“there’s always a bypass key, a virus key, a who-cares key. i can never remember, so i always call it a goober.” peter extends his hand. “give it.”
felicia turned to peter, a look of determination etched on her face. "we need it to stop the collider," she said firmly. "we need it if we're going to have any chance of stopping the collider."
peter looked at her for a moment before speaking. "I need that key to go home.”
“i’ll swallow it.”
miles’ comment caught everyone off guard, and for a moment, there was stunned silence before they reacted.
peter was the first to react, looking at miles skeptically. "don’t play with me." he said.
felicia shook her head, seeming a bit amused. "what? no," she said, looking at miles.
“the collider created a portal that brought me here. and i have to get... did you break this?” peter took a look at the broken key.”
“no, it broke. i don’t remember what happened.”
peter facepalms. “see this is why i never had kids.”
“can’t we make another one?” miles queries.
felicia grabs the key and inspects it. “we can’t do anything. i have to re-steal everything from alchemax now.”
“if we don't turn off the collider after you leave, everyone in this city, my parents, my uncle and millions of others, will die.” miles pleads to peter. “and you're just gonna go home and leave us here to figure this out for ourselves? you good with that, spider-man?”
felicia was growing more frustrated by the second. "you don't get it, do you?" she spat. "this is so much bigger than any of us. if we don't stop the collider, every dimension will be destroyed, and everyone will, seriously, 100%, die. you have to help us."
peter’s eyes flicker between felicia’s stone cold stare and miles pleading eyes.
“alright! you guys win. come on we don’t have a second to lose.”
before the teenagers followed behind him, miles grabs felicia’s arm.
"black cat," he said tentatively. "are you okay? i mean, with what you said before?"
felicia turned to look at him, seeming a little surprised by his question.
"i’m fine," she said dismissively. "i needed to get answers, that's all."
miles nodded, but he wasn't entirely convinced. He wondered if felicia had a darker side to her that he hadn't seen before.
"you don't have to call me black cat all the time, miles," she said, looking at him seriously. "my name is felicia. just felicia."
miles looked a little surprised at her words, but couldn't help but smile back at her.
"okay, felicia," he said. "and I'm miles."
felicia gave an awkward smile, feeling a little self-conscious about their sudden exchange. "uh yeah. i know," she said, looking away briefly.
miles couldn't help but stare at her for a moment, taking in her fierce and determined posture. ge felt drawn to her in a way he couldn't quite explain.
their stare was interrupted by peter clearing his throat loudly, trying to regain their attention.
"hey, lovebirds, are we going to get back to business?" he said, looking between them with a hint of amusement.
miles felt his cheeks flush a bit at peter’s comment as felicia rolled her eyes, feeling a bit flustered.
"right, sorry," felicia said, turning back towards the task at hand.
miles nodded, trying to shake off the strange feelings he had been experiencing. he knew they had a job to do, and they needed to focus on that above all else.
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maryamsweb · 11 months
HOLY GROUND, miles morales
“spinning like a girl in a brand new dress
we had this big wide city all to ourselves
we blocked the noise with the sound of 'i need you'
and for the first time I had something to lose”
pairing: felicia hardy x miles morales
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she tells herself, `everything is for a reason.’ a mission went bad? maybe trouble was coming. her father getting sent to prison? to teach her a lesson. but getting roped into saving the world with spider-man?
she had to have had questionable critical thinking skills.
felicia was currently in a battle with the green goblin as she and peter try to stop the collider.
she quickly draws her claws and engages with the green goblin with ferocity, dodging his attacks while landing blows on his glider. meanwhile, peter goes on the defensive, trying to avoid the green goblins's pumpkin bombs barrage.
the fight reaches the point where the heroes are backed into a corner. as they try to come up with a plan, the green goblin makes his move and charges at them, swinging his glider, threatening to thrust them out the window.
without hesitation, felicia launches herself at green goblin, delivering a series of kicks and punches, hoping to unbalance him. but the green goblin is ready and slams her with his glider, sending her flying towards peter. he catches her and sets her down, checking if she’s still capable of fighting.
as they stand face to face with the green goblin, he throws more pumpkin bombs destroying the underground. felicia’s eye catches peter swinging to the ground. as she approaches, she unzips her leather bag and pulls out some black and metallic claws, flicking and twirling them expertly before landing them in the back of her gloves.
the green goblin circles them, determined to take them out. but felicia lands a fierce attack, and begins to wonder where peter went. surely he didn’t leave her to fight by herself?
felicia now left to fight alone with the green goblin dodges his relentless attacks and fights back with deadly precision. but despite her best efforts, he proves to be a formidable foe, and she's having trouble holding him off on her own.
as peter swung back to the battle, felicia was barely holding her own, breathless and tired. the green goblin was gaining the upper hand until he arrived to turn the tide of the fight.
with peter back in the fight, the duo was once again a formidable force, and they began to deal heavy blows to the green goblin.
“we’re running out of time peter! use the override key now!”
just as peter was about to insert the key, kingpin’s inner circle intervenes, emerging from the shadows to take down the two heroes.
felicia lunged at the prowler with her claws, but he was too quick, dodging and weaving her attacks with ease. meanwhile, order, using his web-slinging and spider-sense, was able to keep the green goblin at bay, avoiding his bombs and the deadly glider.
the fight became more intense as the prowler landed a few hits on felicia, sending her reeling back. peter quickly came to her aid, knocking the prowler off his feet with a well-placed kick, but the battle wasn't over yet.
as the trio exchanged blows, the green goblin launched a new attack with a modified collider, constructing a black hole in the facility. the collider is dangerously unstable, and spider-man knew he had to act quickly to stop it.
in the chaos, the green goblinnoticed a moment of vulnerability in felicia. using his glider, he launched himself at her at full speed, knocking her down. she tried to get up again, but felt that something was wrong with her leg.
with no time to assess her injury, peter and felicia fought through the pain to stop the collider from going off. in the midst of the fight, peter saw his opportunity to seemingly destroy the collider and dove in.
but his heroic act proved futile as kingpin emerged to reveal that he only needed the collider for a few more moments - enough to complete his plans and finally eliminate his hated foes. as fisk smugly watched from a safe distance, green goblin threw peter into the black hole.
felicia watched in agony as green goblin used his glider to send letter tumbling into the collider's black hole. the sound of machinery grinding to a halt was followed by complete darkness and utter silence in the facility.
she tried to get to her feet to go to peter’s aid, but the pain in her leg was too much. as she gasped for air, tears rolling down her face, she realized that she was now alone in the facility with no way to rescue her fallen friend.
as she struggled to move, kingpin emerged from the shadows, snickering as he approaches. felicia’s rage burned bright, ready to take down fisk, but she knew she was too injured to fight him.
fisk stood there, triumphant over his victory and relishing in felicia’s heartbreak. he explained how the collider would be of great use to him and how careless she and her dear spider were to think they could interfere with his plans.
felicia watched from a distance, barely able to make noise, as fisk brought his hands down on peter’s chest, killing him. she watched as kingpin and his goons left.
she was barely able to make sense of what had just happened. everything felt like a blur, but as she started to come to her senses, she knew that there was one thing that she had to do.
ignoring her own injuries, she crawled towards peter’s body, crying with every groan of her body. she knew that she was powerless to save him, but she was determined to stay with him until the end.
as she got closer, she saw that his wounds were critical - there was no way that he could have survived what he had just been through. she took a deep breath, praying that he would hear her words, even if he wasn't able to respond.
"peter," she said, her voice choking with tears. "i’m so sorry. I never thought that this would happen. I wish that I could have done more, that I could have saved you.”
her heart was shattered into a thousand pieces, and all she could do was cry. the tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she gazed at peter’s lifeless form, unable to comprehend what had just happened.
she crawled to his side, hoping against hope that he would move, that he would smile that cocky grin of his, that the two of them would go back to the way things were. but as her hand came to rest on his chest, she knew it was too late.
her voice shook as she spoke to him, telling him how much he meant to her, how much he had taught her, how grateful she was for all the time they had shared. she talked to him as if he was listening, though she knew deep down that he wasn't.
felicia paused for a moment, her sobs choking her voice. she took a deep breath, forcing herself to keep talking.
"i’m so sorry that i couldn't save you," she whispered. "i tried, i really did. but it wasn't enough. i’ll never forget you, peter. I'll remember all the good times, the tough times, the victories, and the defeats. I promise you that I'll keep fighting, that I'll keep trying to make the world a better place, just like you did."
felicia leaned down and kissed peter’s forehead before sitting back and gathering her thoughts. even though she was heartbroken and didn't know what to do next, she knew she had to keep fighting, to continue being the hero that peter parker had helped her become.
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