#and none of his other LIs have felt interesting
exhuastedpigeon · 23 days
The only love interest of Buck's since Abby that has been developed enough to have me actually invested in was Taylor, specifically the Taylor of s4.
Now I think I'm in the minority on this, but I've always thought Taylor was an extremely compelling character - even if s5 ruined her and Buck's relationships for me. If they'd kept her on her growth path they set her on in s4 that relationship could have become something.
None of Buck's other love interests were as established as Taylor was. If they have a connection to the other characters, that connection isn't highlighted. His other love interest haven't bought in to Buck's shenanigans the way Taylor did in season 4. His other love interest don't have the depth or development that Taylor did.
Taylor who called Buck asking for a miracle in Breaking Point because there were vaccines that were going to go to waste if they weren't used. She called him after Buck essentially tricked her into a double date with Veronica and Albert. Whose feelings Buck hurt and she still called him back because she knows that isn't who Buck is - she knows he's good and would be there to help when she called.
Taylor who teamed up with Buck to try to find out who ran Sue over in the parking lot. Who was willing to go dumpster diving to get to the truth. Who showed up at Buck's loft after the guy was caught, not to celebrate her career getting a boost, but to celebrate justice.
Taylor who Buck teamed up with during Treasure Hunt. Who was as into the treasure hunt as Buck was. Who didn't mind that Buck invited Eddie along because she knows they're in each other's pockets. Who Buck goofed around with.
Taylor who showed up at the hospital, not as a reporter but as a friend, when she heard a firefighter had been shot. Who helped Buck calm down enough to go talk to Christopher. Who yelled at Buck for being reckless when he climbed up the crane. Who came to Eddie's welcome home party.
In my opinion, Season 4 Taylor is Buck's most interesting love interest. They made her likeable while keeping her complexities and flaws. They made her Buck's friend first and foremost. They made that friendship something that could be the foundation for a relationship.
Season 5 undid most of Taylor's growth and showed the audience that maybe they weren't so compatible after all (Buck kissing Lucy, Taylor not telling Buck about her past until she had no other choice, Buck asking her to move in out of guilt, Taylor reporting on Jonah even after she said she wouldn't), but season 4 Taylor? That was a love interest for Buck that had potential because we saw her growth from s2 to s4 and we saw her and Buck's chemistry transition from just sexual to friendship to more.
If the show wants us to get invested in a love interest for Buck, they need to take the time to show us why that character is someone we should want for Buck. They can't just tell the audience things and expect us to accept it at face value, that isn't interesting. We need to see that character and Buck function as a couple on screen for more than a few minutes. They need to flesh out a love interest so they aren't just a love interest.
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elodieunderglass · 15 days
On the topic of the monarchist animals I'm just really curious. What makes the winnie pooh real animals bourgeois? It's not like they own much more than the others. Do they just have bourgeois energy?
(In reference to my addition on this post; https://www.tumblr.com/elodieunderglass/748488762087047168/hold-on-lets-do-this-properly-paddington)
In the post I state that none of the stuffed/toy animals in the Winnie the Pooh series are monarchists, but that the real animals are bourgeoisie. Obviously this is tongue in cheek, but it’s still politically interesting to me because nobody ever reads Winnie the Pooh as an actual book. They just draw depressed Disney Eeyore and think they’ve done something.
Owl and Rabbit are real wild animals that live in the Hundred Acre Wood. The other characters in the story are Christopher Robin’s stuffed animals.
The “real” animals (reasonably) consider themselves to be separate from the stuffed ones, but where it becomes unreasonable is how they assume superiority and how they use this to exert authority.
(A charming response about how the stuffed animals view this: Piglet points out that Rabbit is both clever and Has Brain, and Pooh replies that this is why Rabbit “doesn’t understand anything.”)
Owl is characterised by being a bit of a fraud. The stuffed animals respect him for his presumed education and literacy, but even a preschooler understands that Owl can’t actually read. he actively deceives the other characters in order to maintain a higher social status over them. (Actually, Rabbit’s the most literate character in the Wood.) Owl gains relatively little advantage from this status, apart from his belief that he is superior and the pleasure in everyone deferring to him. A notable theme throughout the written series involves characters approaching Owl for advice, based on his self-made reputation of being wise and thoughtful, and him giving explicitly bad advice, rather than admit that he has no idea how to help. Also, they forcibly give him someone else’s house, in such a way that the actual possessor of the house (Piglet) feels he can’t speak up. Pooh immediately offers to Piglet that he move in with him, which even as a kid felt like an incredibly unsatisfactory solution to having the shyest character’s actual house given away to the character who casually lies about everything just to feel superior.
Rabbit is a grown-ass adult real wild animal. He is the social leader of a massively large family and an extended group of hangers-on (he has fifteen or seventeen close relatives, and the extended Friends-and-Relations are a sort of army); he is the only actually literate person in the narrative, so it is understandable that he feels this (although he also believes Owl can read.) literacy and Brain are considered very important in the Wood.
Rabbit believes in his own superiority and believes himself to serve as a sort of cadet to Christopher Robin. In the series Christopher Robin is the ultimate judge, and a kindly ruler; Rabbit positions himself constantly at Christopher Robin’s right hand and wants to be his enforcer. Christopher Robin, who is five and a fairly distracted God, does not really enforce anything. This does not stop Rabbit from trying to organise the entire Wood. It’s frequently mentioned that Rabbit wants to feel important, he wants to be the Boss. A beautiful, beautiful commentary on his character is when he wakes up feeling “important, as if everything depending on him… it was a Captainish sort of day, when everybody said “Yes Rabbit” and “No Rabbit” and waited until he had told them.” Fantastic!
However, we can see where this leads him. In the first book Rabbit is shown being hostile and actively anti-foreign in his approach to other people. When kanga and roo arrive in the forest - sanctioned by Christopher Robin who has received new toys - Rabbit instantly says they have to get rid of them. Like there is NO friendship in Rabbit’s heart here. There is no “god has placed a new friend in the wood so we have to get on with it.”
Rabbit’s anti-immigration stances are funny, and in-character, and shown by the narrative to be wrong and unfair. But they’re pretty unleashed.
His plan is to kidnap the baby and hold it hostage until the mother agrees to “leave the forest forever and never return.”
This is not a normal response to a new character. It is in fact fucking unhinged. Coming from the most normal-adult real animal in the story, it comes out of nowhere. “We have to eliminate them instantly. Take the baby hostage, blackmail the parent and deport them” Rabbit these are war crimes.
Anyway it’s all very heartwarming as Rabbit learns that he likes Baby Roo. (Their relationship grows warmer as Baby Roo says “yes rabbit” and “no rabbit” better than anyone else.) We never really learn why Rabbit is so violently anti-immigration that he instantly jumps to doing crimes, but it’s possible that he doesn’t like the threat to the status quo. Baby Roo, by deferring politely, thus turns out to be a valuable social inferior for Rabbit’s power base.
But in the next book we also get another new character introduction: Tigger. rabbit does not like tigger. In fact, he stops visiting Roo because Tigger lives with them. Rabbit, frustrated by Tigger’s bounciness, also decides to deliberately trick and bully Tigger in order to make him “small and sorry.” The fact that this comically backfires on Rabbit is part of the Pooh-lore storytelling style, of course, but it’s still something obvious even to the preschool audience - that isn’t how you treat your friends.
In conclusion, due to their hoarding of (social) capital and behaviors that prop up an unjustly unequal social system, I think the real animals in Winnie the Pooh are a bit bougie.
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
One of the most tragic and compelling aspects of Dunmeshi, to me, is that we’ll probably never know (unless Kui tells us lol) how Delgal actually felt about Thistle. I’ve seen people say that he genuinely cared for him as a brother and his journey to the surface was to save him from his madness as much as it was his people. I’ve seen people say that he saw Thistle as nothing more than a fancy accessory or tool that ended up going astray. Others I’ve seen (and personally agree with) say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But honestly, I think any one of these interpretations has the potential to be correct… and that’s just heartbreaking.
After all, Delgal is dead. Like, dead-dead. The very first chapter of the manga starts with his spirit leaving this mortal coil, taking that answer with him. And…
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How he talks about Thistle here… it’s interesting. He does not ask for him to be talked down, or captured or imprisoned, but instead “defeated”. Which Mithrun interprets as asking for his death… which is reasonable, because that’s likely how the vast majority of adventurers interpreted his words, too. Obviously as he was crumbling to dust he probably didn’t have the capacity to be particularly verbose or explain the complex backstory to how the kingdom ended up this way, but the effect is the same no matter how he may have felt with it. He asked for Thistle to be killed.
But… even in situations where he wasn’t under any such time limit to explain what was going on, he still seemed not to. Most glaringly:
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Yaad seemingly has no idea that it was Delgal’s fault that Thistle sought the demon’s power. Obviously he couldn’t talk to him about it because Thistle was, uh, a little out there by that point, but why didn’t Delgal explain? Was he embarrassed? Mournful? Couldn’t find the words?
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Delgal was scared of dying. He wanted prosperity at any cost, and how could Thistle possibly refuse? Did he even realize that what he was the one who pushed his own brother— One who basically helped raise him despite being a child himself, and in many ways is still a child— down this path? Or was it like watching an overzealous employee misinterpret directions?
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The way Yaad describes things here makes it sound like Thistle simply dug too deep in his studies and fell into madness, but we know that’s not true. Delgal didn’t “suggest” he learn magic, he wanted a mage who could help himself and his people defy death, which he admits to Thistle openly:
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So, why? Why not tell his grandson, at least, the truth of the matter? Did he worry it might make the remaining residents more likely to upset Thistle, and therefore suffer the consequences? Did he just not care? For what it’s worth though, Yaad does suspect the truth from Delgal’s behavior.
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He “always blamed himself” for his descent into the dark arts. This is just Yaad’s observation, and that’s without knowing that it was quite literally Delgal’s fault Thistle went down this path. So, why? Why was it all kept a secret?
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Of course, this made things ripe for the winged lion to manipulate to its advantage. Clearly despite knowing he’d pushed him into using it, Delgal still thought the lion was a force of good that was misused by Thistle as a result of his madness. His face in that last panel is particularly haunting. He looks terrible, gaunt and pale with overgrown hair and missing teeth. Had he gone mad, with grief and sorrow, as well?
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Could he no longer see Thistle the way he did when they were younger? No one can ask him, because he died long before the story even began.
To go back to the original question, well, how did Delgal see Thistle? None of the previous points make a definitive answer any clearer, and I think that’s just brilliant. And so, so tragic.
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wandasfifthwife · 1 month
such a bad girl ₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺
— wandanat x fem/afab!reader
༺ tw || SMUT MDNI, hot tub sex, dom!wandnat, sub!reader, top!wandanat, bottom!reader, threesome, making out in a moving car, mean dom!wanda for a minute, degration/praise, dom/sub relationship, reader is described to be wearing a scandalous bathing suit that’s easy for them to undo, mention that W has a glass of wine (no drinking description), r’s neediness changes her shy personality, fingering (v & anal ; r receiving), mention of oral if you squint, exhibition kink if you squint, grinding, orgasm denial, NOT PROOFREAD
༺ a/n || I’ve never personally been in a dom/sub relationship, so if I get things wrong that’s why! If you’re getting into one— don’t use this as a guide/reference
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— 🌷masterlist ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ 3.9k words₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺ next part 🌻—
Their text coming in during your long shift was a savior because if not for it you would’ve collapsed. None of your designs were accepted. Each time it got rejected you felt your motivation slip from you, the negative tension in the building getting to you. That was until Natasha’s contact information came in. It was as simple as ever, but it made you smile. The text read, “pack a small suitcase and meet us at our apartment at 7PM.”
It sparked an interest in you to do your best despite the recurring turn out. The knowledge of a weekend trip with them was exciting, providing you with a sense of purpose to finish the day well. You pulled your suitcase out of hiding after arriving home, stuffing in whatever clothes looked most appealing.
Your phone then dings, home screen lighting up to show her second text reading, “pack a swimsuit.”
At the time you didn’t think much of it, packing whichever one was at the top and throwing it almost the other strewn together outfits. Once it was reaching the edges you shut it, dragging it behind you. Natasha was the first to see you, smiling up at you when you enter into their apartment room.
“Hi kitten—how was work?”
“Oh, it was fine,” you slide your shoes off, “where’s Wanda?”
“Working in our bedroom.”
Her words have you looking over to their room, finding the skinny white door shut. She pats the seat beside her on the couch, adjusting the laptop on her lap for you to see.
“Wanda has an event in the mountains and during her time there they’re paying for her stay at this cabin.”
Natasha flips through the pictures, stoping when you point out the hot tub, “is that why you asked me to bring a swimsuit?”
“Might as well take advantage of it seeing as we get it all to ourselves for a day.”
“How far is it?”
“About a two hour, thirty minute drive. I’ll be driving a majority of the time since Wanda will have to work.”
She shuts her laptop, setting it aside so she can guide you to lay your head on her lap. You shiver at the feeling of her fingers moving lightly around your neck, drawing chills down your back.
“Wanda has an important call to take during our drive—you’ll need to stay quiet for her, understand?”
When she doesn’t say anything after you fear you’ve upset her. You crane your neck to look at her, finding her eyes set on yours. The expression on her face tells you what’s going unsaid.
“Okay, daddy.”
She hums, leaning to press a kiss to your lips. Neither of you wish to pull away after, enjoying the small moment of intimacy. Any chance to deepen the kiss flies out the window when Wanda returns.
She looks to her watch, “we have to leave now if we want to make it to the cabin before sundown.”
She greets you both with a quick kiss as she works to remove her work coat.
“Did you pack everything you need?”
“Yes,” you point to the corner of the room where your suitcase lies, “I packed everything you asked me to.”
Ans you had, everything that lied packed away in the suitcase was what they asked for you to bring. Everything was, but you’re unsure about the specific contents of the items mentioned—such as your bathing suit. You’re excited as well as nervous to see their reactions if you ever end up utilizing the hot tub.
Natasha took both hers and your suitcase to the car, denying you any chance of carrying it yourself. The garage is connected to their apartment complex. It’s a public garage, each spot set to each individual resident. Their car was left on third floor, to the right of the elevator.
“Where do you want me for the drive?”
Wanda looks up from her phone momentarily, “uh—I prefer it if you sit up front so I can set up in the back. I need to use the charging ports.”
Once Natasha’s finished putting the suitcases in the back she slides in the drivers seat. Her hand lies behind your seat so she can look behind, helping her back the car out from the spot.
“My meeting isn’t until four thirty. Once it’s over I’ll verbally say when you can begin to speak again,” Wanda says from the back, sounds of the keyboard clicking as she gets situated.
“How’re you feeling,” Natasha asks her, looking back at her through the rearview mirror.
“I honestly just want this to be over with, this company has miserable employees. Anything I send out they never respond until days later and then they blame us for the problems they’ve been coming up.”
“I’m sorry, that sounds rough,” you add.
“Not your fault,” she gives you a short smile.
Natasha makes short conversation with you, asking about random things and laughing at some of your answers. You keep looking back at Wanda, feeling guilty about the way her eyebrows are furrowed.
“Is there any way I can help you?”
“No,” she sighs, “I’m sorry, I’ll be a lot better tonight once everything is over.”
“Don’t apologize. I just wanted to ask, see if I can help in some way.”
Through the mirror the two make eye contact, one that you can’t decipher. It was too quick for you to come to terms with what was being discussed.
Thirty minutes pass, the countdown until her call coming closer and now is only twenty minutes away. Natasha’s pulled to get gas, wanting to fill up and not stop once you’ve reached the cabin. It was right after she had shut the door that Wanda had begun to speak again.
“Come sit in the back with me.”
It was simple enough. It’s only an invite to come sit with her, but you highly doubt it’s to cuddle. You grow nervous, glancing around at the people wondering about at the gas station. The gas station is large enough, decent amount of distance between each pump, but there were still people. You’re still in public.
“Wasn’t a question.”
You’re climbing out immediately, avoiding eye contact with anyone who may look over at you. Nothings happened but already you feel like it has, you feel that others could sense the tension arise and how your body’s burning with need.
You sit in the seat by her, separated by the drink console. Her laptop is set on top, the console being used as a makeshift table.
“Look at me,” she says, only continuing after you do, “do you think I want you to sit there?”
“Uh—no, sorry.”
“Then fix your mistake.”
She makes no effort to help and doesn’t look remotely concerned when you have to slide out of the car again to climb in where she’s seated. It’s uncomfortable at first, but you find a comfortable position straddled over her thighs, facing her. It’s a small fit, the positioning forcing you to be pressed up against her body. All it’s done is make you warmer, the heat between your legs growing as you eagerly wait.
“I don’t want a single sound from you,” is all the warning she gives as she begins to pull up the work call. It’s on zoom, and you begin to panic about the video screen.
“Wands, they’ll see—“
“They won’t see,” she says, turning her screen off, “but they can hear. Can you be a good girl for mommy and be quiet?”
You nod and she’s surging forward to connect her lips to yours. Her hands are under your thighs, using her grip to pull you closer onto herself. Wanda’s lips are smooth when brushing against yours, feeling better each time they come back against yours.
A breathy moan escapes when she flicks her tongue against yours, eyes open and set on you. It’s the only sound she allows from you as each one following earns a pinch to your thigh. You wonder if she’s paying any attention to the call seeing as she’s working her way around intentionally to make you squirm.
“—agreed. And Wanda do you have anything to add, you’ve been mighty quiet.”
The call goes silent, everyone shown to be focusing in on her screen for a response. Instead of responding she’s hiking your shirt up, lips glossing over the soft spot on your neck. There’s an attempt made to pull her back to reality, that being tugging at her shirt but it’s misunderstood. She takes it as continue, too far consumed with you to care about some boring work meeting. It wouldn’t go anywhere if she replied, so instead she’s putting in the effort on you—enjoying the way you try and hold back your sounds while the call’s still silent and waiting for Wanda’s reply.
“If you dont reply in the next five seconds we’ll be moving forward,” he says, but her attention is still fixated on you.
She continues her ministrations, playing mind games that get you heated but do not satisfy you. All of Wanda’s needs are met with your quieted reactions—pulling at her hair, gasping into her mouth, grinding your hips down on her thigh for some friction.
“Okay, moving on now—we have a short time together so I hope to see you at each event scheduled while we’re here.”
You’re incredibly thankful the call ends there because if not they would’ve all heard your choked moans—what’s worse is the screen would’ve showed Wanda’s in the middle exposing her. Yet it didn’t happen, you were safe now to whine when she rubs you back and forth on her leg, fingers teasing around your nipples from where they lie under your t-shirt.
Once she realizes the calls ended, she stops everything, pulling back to check her phone. She leaves you sitting on her lap, needy and waiting.
“Don’t be a brat,” she sighs, not looking up from her phone, “I never said I’d get you off.”
She clicks her tongue when you look back at Natasha for sympathy, her fingers gripping your chin and pulling you back to face her.
“She’s not going to do anything because she knows you’re in the wrong. I’ll repeat it again so your little dumb mind can understand—I never said I’d get you off.”
This side of her isn’t helping the heat burning within you, setting a blaze in how harshly she’s treating you. Shes right, and it’s turning your thoughts into nothing.
“Darling,” she says, tapping your cheek with her finger, “how’re you feeling?”
“Good—I’m good.”
She smiles at your confirmation before returning to where she was a second ago. You make a sound of protest when you feel her adjust you on her lap, motioning for you to slide into the seat beside her.
“Sit here and be a good girl for us until we arrive at the cabin.”
“But that’s so long.”
“If you continue to act up I’ll extend it until next week.”
You shut up. The sound of the AC whirring about and the smoothness of the car running lulls you to sleep, head resting against the window. It’s a deep sleep you realize once you’ve awoken to spot the red marks lining your arms. Wanda’s the one who wakes you up with a hand resting on your arm, rubbing the skin softly until she sees you stir.
“We’ve already brought your stuff inside,” she starts, slowing when she notices the slowness in your movements, “wanna be picked up?”
She laughs when you confirm your needs. Natasha comes behind the two of you to shut the front door, asking Wanda about her schedule for the rest of the day.
“There’s really only two today that are mandatory, every other one I can skip. With the others present on this trip, I’d rather stay here.”
Natasha hums, coming by to kiss Wanda quickly, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she says, laying you down on the bed, “it’s a part of life, can’t avoid stupid people.”
“Am I stupid,” you ask, eyes half open and blearily looking at her, “you called me stupid earlier—so mean.”
“You’re such a tease,” she leans to slap your thigh, smile widening at the sight of you moving away with a laugh.
Natasha sits beside you, watching Wanda wonder about the room. You’re still half asleep beside her, looking around the room but always trailing back to the two of them as they discuss a plan. So far it seems you’ll be staying at the cabin with Natasha until Wanda returns, then dinner, and then you have plans to relax here.
“I do have to leave now, but I’ll be back once it’s all over. I’ll send you a text,” is the last thing she says before the front door shuts.
You hear the sheets rustle, feeling Natasha get up. She hears you whine her name out, fingers still holding onto her wrist.
“Sorry,” she kisses your wrist before removing it, “I’m on strike with you too until she’s back.”
“She doesn’t have to know.”
“Still no.”
You groan, sliding off the bed and following suit, “then why, I’m-“
“Don’t care what you are. I’m also in charge,” she starts, rolling your suitcase a short way until it’s in front of you, “take this to our bedroom.”
She points you with a look when you cross your arms, standing stubbornly in your spot.
“Please take it to our room, I’m not doing anything in return. Either that, or I’m moving it to a week.”
“Just wanted a kiss.”
She looks suspicious, but leans in close despite it. She falls for you easily, both of you finding yourself pressing each other up against the corridor’s wall. The wall’s texture is almost engraved into your back with how close she is to you, breasts pressing against yours. You’re growing dizzy, tilting your head to kiss deeper. It’s when you moan that she’s moving back, slowing her movements.
“No!—daddy please, I’m so needy.”
She walks away, something she continues to do for the remainder of your time. You do spend some time together like making a late lunch and cuddling on the couch as Natasha reads a few emails.
The sun’s falling on the horizon when Wanda returns, flinging her high heels off, “sorry, I know I said I’d be here earlier. Have you guys had dinner yet? I already had gone ahead with the team and got some.”
“We made a late lunch, we’re fine,” Natasha responds from the living room. You remove yourself from her hold to find Wanda, hugging around her waist.
“Hi Kitten,” she mumbles against your skin, “how was your one on one time with Natasha?”
“I’m not rude for sticking to a rule.”
Wanda coos, “needy still?”
Natasha responds for you, listing off your attempts at getting the attention you crave. From how it started in the corridor to where it ended in the kitchen, Natasha settled between your thighs. By now you’re dying, wishing for it to be over and for the two to cave in and sooth the ever growing need.
They don’t give any answer as to when, leaving you to be good despite such a vague answer.
What you hope to happen is a small miracle. There’s a reaction you wish to spark out of the two of them with an outfit packed away in your suitcase. You’re almost in your knees hoping it works. It wasn’t the original plan, the outfit originally was a last minute throw in but now it may be your saving grace. Twenty minutes have passed since Wanda’s arrival, and you’re growing restless. You feel greedy, bad almost to interrupt the two of them but the need has consumed almost every other thought, thighs rubbing against each other after being edged for hours.
The slightest thing is a trigger. Their hand resting on your thigh, seeing the two kiss lovingly, or noticing how the top buttons to Wanda’s blouse has been unbuttoned. It’s entirely possible that they notice the cloudiness in your eyes, your lust for them showing else than your thighs moving against one another.
“Mommy,” you whine, surprised the plea came out loud enough, “can we go in the hot tub?”
“Do you need help getting ready?”
Oh they know about how you’re feeling. The sympathetic expression and tone is welcoming, but it’s not what you’re looking for.
“No,” you state, getting up on shaky legs.
In the zipper compartment you find the swim suit you packed earlier in the day. The fabric left almost nothing to the imagination. It was small, showing more skin than necessary. Originally the outfit was bought with your friend years ago for a trip and since then you’ve not pulled it out as you felt it was too much for most pubic places. But tonight at a private cabin was perfect.
You slide the glass door, stepping out onto the back patio. The wind outside was a tad cold. You tried to warm up by wrapping your arms around the top half of your body. Wanda and Natasha had yet to come out, and you wondered momentarily where they were as you sunk down into the hot water. You sighed once inside, closing your eyes and letting your muscles relax. There were crickets in the back making an appearance.
It was dark save for the white lights in the hot tub, the glow reflecting on the roof above and creating a fun shaky pattern.
“You got ready fast,” Natasha states, keeping the sliding door open for Wanda, “how’s it feel?”
She makes her way in, moving at a quicker speed than you had been. After the water has reached past her shoulders, she stands to reach for her phone set on the side of the hot tub. You can’t help the way you watch her, eyes following the water droplet as it trails down her neck and between her breasts. It’s entirely attractive, reeling you over the edge.
She hums, looking over from her phone when you’ve gone quiet. What she finds is a mess, eyes darkened and chest heaving air in. The moving jets create enough conflict in the water, the bubbles hiding the swim suit you have on. You’re just above the water for her to already notice how far down your swimsuit goes, cleavage already on show for her.
“Fuck what’re you wearing?”
“Why don’t you come over here and find out.”
Her eyes come to match yours. She’s shutting her phone off, moving towards you. With how you’re sitting she’s towering over you, using it to her advantage when she leans down to connect her lips with yours. You’re moving to lock your arms around her neck, hoping with every part of you that she’ll stay this time till the end. Her fingers trail down your chest, feeling until they bump against the small cloth covering your nipples.
“Could’ve just walked out naked,” she says, slipping it off you and pinching at your hardened buds. You gasp, chest pushing into her. Your movement exposes your neck, giving her room to press featherlight kisses.
“Please—I can’t wait anymore.”
“Need me?”
“Obviously,” you state, wincing after from the pinch she lands on your thigh.
“So mean. Who knew you had this in you.”
She shuts you up when she moves to kiss you breathlessly again. You could kiss her all day and never grow tired of the action, each time she does you feel you’re being poisoned with need. You’re pressing back harder each time until she’s grown tired of your attacks and completely takes over.
Wanda follows about later, closing the door with a huff, “you both let a few moths in.”
There’s a moment of realization. The wet sounds and gasps, also the image reflecting in the door all bring her to turn around and witness it in real time. She had been too focused on not spilling her wine she glazed over how the two of you were connected, wrapped in each other.
She sets her glass down on a table, rounding the hot tub to sit behind you. The wooden floor of the patio is cold, but it’s bearable with the bit of hot water splashed out from the tub due to the two of you. You gasp in Natasha’s mouth when she lifts you up, sitting you on the edge of the hot tub.
It’s overwhelming feeling the both of them touch you. Natasha’s hands slipping under your bottoms to push them off, Wanda spreading you open. You fluster, hands moving to cover yourself. Natasha shushes you, gentle removing your hands.
“You’re beautiful,“ is all she says, eyes focusing in on your cunt. It’s drenched, but it’s hard to tell seeing as you were just lying in the tub a second ago.
You’re resting back on Wanda’s chest, legs resting on either side of Wanda’s thighs. Your bathing suit top rests lazily on you, clothes moved to the side so both can see how puffy Natasha’s sucked and rubbed the skin.
Wanda leans in close to your ear, “what do you need.”
“You, both of you—”
“Don’t care, please—oh!”
Natasha takes the ‘don’t care’ literally, finger moving to press and rub against your clit. After hours of being stimulated, just a bit of friction brings you into your heavy mindset. Natasha runs her fingers around your puffy lips, gathering the wetness there and pushing it up against your clit again. She draws her finger lower, confusing you for a second until it circles your other hole.
“Fuck wait—!”
It’s too late, her finger’s already pushing through. The size of her single finger already provided such a stretch. She wiggles it around, eyes entranced by how you pull her in.
“When did you last finger yourself here?”
You look at her, eyes teary and almost feeling guilty, “last night.”
She hums, already moving cleared with adding another finger. You take it easy, hole wrapping around her fingers. Wanda’s moving her left hand, fingers reaching your wet cunt to draw the wetness onto your clit, circling it to provide a stronger sense of pleasure as Natasha continues her ministrations.
You’re flinging your head back on Wanda’s shoulder, gasping, “ah! Oh—please! please!”
Wanda’s hesitant, fingers hovering over your entrance until you nod. The second hers slide in, the pleasure is melting you into the floor. Nothing but how good they’re making you feel flooding your mind. They both have two fingers in, pressing in hard and fast. You’re gripping Wanda’s hand, broken ‘ahs’ spilling from you with each deep thrust.
“Ah-ah! Feel so good, ah!”
“Needy slut,“ Natasha mumbles, pressing her fingers up so they collide slightly with Wanda’s.
They don’t string you high this time, leaving you alone with your near-orgasm. Wanda’s finger is moving fast, the added rubbing brings you to your orgasm faster. It was sudden, two thrusts later and you’re wetting their hands until it drips into the water below.
You pant, fingernails still digging into Wanda’s wrist as you come down from your first high of the night. Wanda’s frustration from work leads her to fuck you mercilessly in the shower after, energy and lust on similar levels to you. Natasha’s since passed out, snores sounding from her in the bedroom when you and Wanda creep back in.
“Moving forward, I’m adding a rule—in the morning we can confirm with Natasha if she wants to make a dual rule,” she whispers, chills appearing in your body from how gentle she rubs your shoulders.
“What is it?”
“Can’t touch yourself without our permission.”
“I didn’t do that today?”
“No— it wasn’t specified so at the time you could’ve but you chose to be good and listen and wait.”
“Because I only want you, only you satisfy me.”
— 🌷masterlist ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ taglist below₊✩°。⋆˚ ⁺ next part🌻 —
@simpforlizzie @maggieromanov @angelbeingatitspurest @cerberus-spectre @olicity-boo @huggingkoalas @wandasbunnyy @babykingslayer @marigoldenblooms @godhatesgoodgirls @evmaximoff @tobiaslut @lzzysfreak @caporaI-nino @mommysfavouritegirl @gemz5 @dorabledewdroop @foxherder @madamevirgo @natashaswife4125 @peaceitsnaee @radcherryblossompainter @sagesayshi
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circeyoru · 3 months
Collection of Overlords = Requested
[Alastor x Soul Owner of All Overlords!Reader]
The Request
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Overlords. The sovereign rulers of various domains and areas of the Pride Ring. Sinners that rose to power through dealing with souls and troppling over the weak to show who’s the one in power and control. Together, they own millions of souls and representing the controlling powers of the city
Yet what sets them apart from the other demons in power? Why were they the sovereign rulers of their specialty and not another that claims or tries to threaten them so? 
There’s a system, a power even beyond them combined and rival that of the King and Queen’s, that stablizes them. A supporting system, if you will, one that approves of the Overlords’ existence. As other rings have their Sin to impose power and their form of order, Pride has something similar. The founder of the Overlords and owner of their souls; the Collector
To call yourself an Overlord and rule over some form of territory, be it a street, a block, a town, a building complex, you have been approved by the Collector. No, one doesn’t seek the Collector out, the Collector seeks them out. It proves potential, it proves worth, and it proves attention-worthiness. All Overlords know who were the real one by the mark on their souls, a stamp of proof, that they’d take pride in
Rarely to none would the Collector gather Overlords together. So they make their own gatherings to keep track of any new members to their collection. There were times when some would fake their claim, they were viciously shredded where they lied. There was barely any proof, the mere aura and presence was enough to tell
All Overlords were the Collector’s prized souls, their worth to the Collector is shown when their mark remains intact as time goes by. Once the Collector deemed the Overlord as trash, they are let go and the other remaining Overlords will devour to keep the collection worthy
It’s the Overlords’ goal and duty to remain relevant and strive to be stronger. Not only to secure their title as an Overlord, but to also stay within the Collector’s elite collection
“Do you hereby swear your allegiance to me, the Collector, so long as you are in my favour? In return for entering my collection, you will be protected and secured of your authority and strive in your domain. Know that only I am able to throw you away and none other should you fall beyond my interest and favour.”
“I solemnly gage (I solemnly swear).”
“Yes, as you wish.”
“Why, absolutely, Darling!”
“F**k yes!”
“Of course, Dear.”
“Whatever you say.”
“Hell’s yes!”
Alastor felt it, his soul like a beating heart when one meets their love. His smile widening and excitement building up within him. At the same time, there was the touch of nervousness too. He quickly made his way down to the lobby where Charlie was seen welcoming a few guest that wanted to be redeemed
Well, the hotel has been gaining popularity after the battle with the exterminators and the fact that they won was no secret or easy feat to pull. Maybe the renovations also played a part. But Charlie was none the wiser whenever someone was expressing a want to be redeemed 
Though to Alastor, it was a bigger deal when he spotted what was among the group of newcomers. There was no mistaken it, it had to be. While you were in disguise, you were still as elegant and commanding as the day he sold his soul to you and be the only one to have gained your attention and favour the fastest among your collection
Alastor held himself back, he wasn’t proper of him to interrupt Charlie’s little welcoming speech and you wouldn’t like it if he did. Luckily, while Charlie was busy with settling the other guest before you, he was given his chance to greet you
“Alastor, pleasure to be in your presence,” Alastor took your hand and kissed your knuckles, his eyes staring up at yours while he bowed low to show respect and the need to please. “Quite the pleasure.”
“Charmed.” You let a smirk form on your face, though it quickly fade to keep up with appearances
“May I inquire as to what brings you to this fine and renewed establishment?”
Charlie arrived in time to greet you as well. Being her usual cheerful and upbeat self even after all these years, and surviving the horrid battle against the angels. If you weren’t in disguise, you would have given her a pat on the head and a hug to comfort her. Yet you stick to your little plan and stayed level headed
It was merely to fine a place to stay, you explained how Vox was someone that had no sense of privacy with how he bugged everything. You kept the spying on you part to yourself, though you knew Alastor caught on when you mentioned Vox’s devices. Then you gestured to Alastor and praised that he was a perfect counter and addition to the hotel building since he cancels out Vox’s devices naturally
Alastor let out annoyed radio static when he learned of Vox displeasing you, how disrespectful. If only Vox could do even worse to be dropped out of the collection, then there’d be a real battle. Since deathly fights between the Overlords was forbidden. Still, Alastor could feel his smile widening at the superiority over Vox he had and praise he received, even with his 7 year disappearance, you didn’t let him go
Vaggie was quick to reject your stay and attempt to push you out when you weren’t even lying to want to be redeemed. Saying that the hotel wasn’t a rent-free place for demons to just show up to crash for their own amusement
Alastor was smart and quick to interject and maybe nearly slap Vaggie lobby but he managed to keep his hands behind his back. He gestured to the other guests as he made a point that turning away guest was rather rude for someone wanting to redeem demons. You added you can pay if it was too much, or just leave. Which gave Alastor a mini panic
Charlie agreed in the end and Vaggie received a look from Alastor while you thanked them with a smile. Alastor followed closely behind you while the tour was underway with the other new residents. When Charlie was arranging everyone’s stay, Alastor immediately had your room key ready, promising that it was the best room the hotel can provide. If you lacked anything, he’ll provide!
Since everything simmered down, you were in your room waiting for Alastor’s knock on your door to bring him to his radio tower that was guaranteed to not be listened in. He showed up at record time and offered you his hand to teleport the two of you to his tower
With a snap of your fingers, you let your disguise fall, revealing you in your glory and natural look. You sat on his desk while Alastor stood. The two of you started chatting then inquiring about the other’s well-being and current entertainment
It was rare, but you do visit your Overlords from time to time just to chat or catch up, it not only shows a want to connect and understand your souls, but also your continued interest in keeping them. There were times when your meeting with them could be a sign of you removing your hold over their soul, then it was a matter of time before the other Overlords knew about this development and hunt them down to own or destroy
An example was Husk. In your observant and keen eyes, you watched as he bet on the power and protection you granted him without a second thought, thinking that he would win back soon enough. Not soon enough for you as it would appear. You didn’t even visit him, you merely let him go without a word of warning. In fact, your patience and the extra time were your warnings
One that he didn’t even realize he was given. So Alastor set out to dominate Husk when he was removed from the collection. With Alastor’s win, he owned Husk’s soul and revealed that he was history to you. The look on Husk’s face was enough of a dedication to you, Alastor returned his dues
Though there were times when you allowed some lesser demons into your circle. Namely the Vees, specifically Valentino. He was at risk of your removal, yet time and time again, he was saved by Vox and Velvette who proved they work better as a team than individually like other Overlords. So to keep Vox and Velvette, Valentino was allowed to stay
That’s until you find more worthy ones
Yet it was in the Overlords’ nature to be the remaining one in your collection. To put down the other as a method of showing their superiority to you. You knew this ploy, so you set that they weren’t to fight or belittle the other with the aim to kill. You didn’t need or want souls that would harm other souls you hand picked
The Vees were your unique case. A case that was fragile to maintain. Wrong moves here and there, disrespectful words spatted out, risky actions committed. And they risk their entire group gone from your collection. Was there one that was save from your removal? Hardly, it was with a comparison does Vox and Velvette appear to be better
“When are you going to show me your wound, Alastor?” You got to your goal. You knew of the battle, you also knew Alastor took up the impossible task of defeating Adam to show you he was strong to remain in your elite. You knew your souls do their best to maintain your interest in them. Alastor was no different, especially when he disappeared for 7 years.
“A mere scratch! Nothing for you to worry over.” Alastor laughed, who was he lying to?
“It wasn’t a question.” You spoke with half-lid eyes staring back at him.
He flinched and bowed his head, slowly undoing his coat and shirt, finally showing you the large bandaged wound that was soaking with more blood by the minute. “It’s… not as bad as it seem…”
You becken him closer to you so you could inspect it. Silence filled the room. Alastor was ashamed, the silence was deafening to him, he can’t handle it. His heart beat fast, his mind wondered if you’re throwing him away like you did Husk. This was the calm before the storm.
His head jerked up when your soft hands pressed against the center of his chest, he’d have felt more of your touch if not for the layers of bandages. A warm feeling covered his wound and he felt energized and relaxed, his knees caving in when your hand retreated
He didn’t even realize his head was in your lap as his ears pinned back while your hands combed through his hair soothingly. His eyes closed from the peace he felt
It reminded him of the time when he first met you. How foolish was he to want to overtake you, to think you were weak, to think that you were only relying on the souls you collected. No, you held real power, power he can’t even imagine
“Alastor, you know I’m never going to let your soul go, right?”
“Thank you, My Liege.”
When another Overlord meeting was held, nearly all were in attendance. The news of your appearance was enough of a goad to draw in the others. Even the Vees were all present
Once everyone was seated, Alastor took the floor. You approached him, he wasn’t released by you, and you were staying where he was. As expected, there was an uproar. How was Alastor this lucky?!
Alastor directed to Vox, retelling your displeasure in his stalking while he defended that it was for protection. More eyes directed to Vox, seeing him as the reason why you weren’t as active as before, you were uncomfortable because of all the devices and camera Vox has around the city
“Hahaha! However you spin this to your favour, you can’t deny that Our Lovely Protector and Liege is vexed by your actions. So much so that Our Liege has seeked me out for haven! Now what’s to be done about that, hm?”
“You little!!!”
Meanwhile, you watched from the comforts of your room while a holographic display. A fond smile on your face and a chuckle of amusement let out, “I’ve collected quite the group, huh? I never get bored with them around.”
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Note: Yes~ This is out now!! Wonder if you guys like this one. I'm wondering if I should add 'yandere', but then it's more like that, more of devotion and loyalty. Anyways! Love to hear your thoughts (if you have any)
I got a challenge for you though!! Can you name, in order, all the Overlords that were used to illustrate swearing allegiance to?
Circe Y.
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vettelsvee · 12 days
YOU'RE JALEOUS | Charles Leclerc
f1 masterlist | wattpad | ao3 | instagram
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charles leclerc x reader
summary: charles gets jaleous of lando when he sees him talking with his girlfriend 
wordcount: 1529
a/n: it's been a long time coming but i'm finally here! i've actually had this saved on my drafts for quite a long time BUT never posted it. however, since we got charles pole today, i thought you might like this even tough is a crap (i'm so sorry, you absolutely deserve better works) :)
you can send your one shots requests here or via anon! feedback, as well as comments and reblogs, are truly appreciated!
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Charles and you decided to attend a party they had been invited by someone the driver didn’t even know, that took place at one of the most famous venues in Monaco. Although you initially felt intimidated because none of Leclerc's colleagues had appeared yet, as you drank a few drinks, the music seemed interesting enough for you to dance along with the twinkling lights.
To say that Leclerc was happy with his performance on the track that afternoon would be a li. His pride was immense because he had finally achieved the victory: winning not only for the first time in 2024 season, but also winning his very own home race for the first time ever. This had led to great acclaim not only from his fans but also from specialists, the press, the team, and even his colleagues, who were eagerly awaiting il predestinato's return to the victories.
In those moments, with his shiny black suit highlighting his appearance and, especially, his trained body, he felt unique, and even more so with you by his side. You were matching your partner perfectly with the dazzling dress you were wearing and that fit you perfectly.
As you enjoyed a drink in a quiet corner after a long time on the dance floor, Leclerc wrapped his arm around your waist, intending to bring you closer to his side. Your eyes met, somewhat mischievous, leading to a playful smile forming on your lips.
"Charles, you’ve been incredible in today's race," you exclaimed with excitement, proudly praising your boyfriend's talent. "I'm so proud of you."
Charles returned your smile, feeling filled with joy by your unconditional support.
"Thank you, darling. But what I'm proud of, and also lucky for, is having you in my life," he responded tenderly.
You continued chatting animatedly without an apparent topic of conversation, ranging from what would be your next holiday destination to the upcoming race, which would take place in Canada. However, when you started talking about a charity event that Charles would have the opportunity to lead, your gazes turned to a familiar figure approaching you: Lando Norris.
"Hey, Charles! Congratulations on that first place!" Norris exclaimed, excited to see his friend.
"Thanks, Lando!" the mentioned replied enthusiastically, patting the McLaren driver on the back. "You did great too. A sixth place is not what I expected from those cars, but it was truly impressive taking into account the strategy they had for you."
"Stop talking about McLaren when you know we can talk about Ferrari," Norris joked.
You observed the interaction between the two drivers with a mix of pride and curiosity. At first, you decide to give space to both guys, letting them freely discuss the day's events without the attentive gaze of a girl. However, when you finished checking your social media and posted a few Instagram stories with photos you took that morning, you decided to join the conversation.
"Lando, have you forgotten about me?" you teased. "I'm still in shock from today's race. It was a real spectacle."
"Thanks, Y/N!" He stopped looking at you and instead turned to his friend. "What do you think if we celebrate our incredible, but true, achievements together now? No one else is coming, and I talked to Carlos earlier!"
You looked at Charles, seeking his approval. He, a bit tipsy, nodded with a smile.
"I had other plans in mind but I think we can actually postpone them. Right, Y/N?"
With such a declaration, you three headed to the dance floor, not without first ordering something to drink to accompany you in your enjoyment full of laughter, excitement and dance moves that were surely the ones from someone who’s had enough drinks for a day.
As you moved to the rhythm of the music, Charles noticed you stepping away from his side to join some members of the Ferrari team. He decided to follow you, ready to talk to his coworkers. To his surprise, you were chatting animatedly, in the midst of the crowd, with Lando, who had excused himself to go to the bathroom minutes before.
Jealousy and anger coursed through his body in a shiver. The Monegasque felt an urgent need to intervene and mark his territory. As much as he knew you didn't depend on him, and you were both completely independent individuals sometimes, moments like this were the ones where he felt a hint of insecurity about those who, apparently, dared, even minimally, to intrude on your relationship.
Forgetting his discretion and good judgment, Charles rushed towards you and the Brit, his eyes filled with determination and a threatening look on his face, ignoring the insults he had received from those drunkards he had punched.
"What's going on here?" he demanded to know in an authoritative and tense tone.
You and Lando turned, surprised, at Charles's intrusion. You looked at him, confused by the jealousy in your boyfriend's face. You were simply discussing with Norris the idea for a special party in Monaco the following week, just before the next Gran Prix, in honor of Charles’ recent victory.
"Love, you're misinterpreting things," you said, trying to stay calm. "We were just talking as friends," you emphasized the last word.
Leclerc clenched his fists in an attempt to control his anger.
"I don't want you to keep talking to him," he communicated harshly, surprising you greatly.
Lando intervened, trying to alleviate the tension and, especially, to calm his friend's apparent sadness:
"Dude, you have no reason to make a scene in front of everyone over an insignificant bout of jealousy. We're just having a friendly conversation about something for next week, okay?"
Leclerc's expression became even tenser, and his eyes narrowed as he noticed the symbiosis that you, his girlfriend, and Lando, his friend and opponent, seemed to have in hiding something.
"I wouldn't want to ask you again, so... What were you talking about?" Charles inquired in an even sharper tone.
Feeling you boyfriend's murderous gaze, you tried your best not to burst into tears over something as stupid as Charles's insecurity.
"Seriously, believe us," Lando spoke, trying to calm the brunette down. "You have to trust us, we were just talking about something we came up for next week just before Canada!"
The Ferrari driver tried to control his anger, if it was still possible. Meanwhile, he took his time to look at you with, once again, a mix of anger and disappointment, mainly for not answering him.
"And you, why don't you answer me? Are you only interested in him now?"
You looked at him surprised by such a comment, and tried to explain quickly:
"I'll repeat it again, honey: we were just having a friendly conversation! Lando is my friend and your rival, friend, or whatever you want to say it, but there's nothing more to it!"
Out of nowhere, Charles gently took you by the wrist and led you to a place where you could talk quietly. The green-eyed, despite having a bit more alcohol in his system than he should, knew he messed up and needed to fix it somehow.
"Y/N, please be honest: what were you talking about?" Leclerc asked with a concerned expression on his face for the scene he had caused.
"About what we could do in Monaco, here, next week, alright?" you responded, trying to reassure him. "You don't have to worry about anything"
"But why are you talking to him about racing?" the Monegasque insisted again, trying to calm his tone of jealousy. "I don't understand why you have to make plans with other drivers when you're my girlfriend."
"Charles, come on, don't be jealous!" you scolded with a playful smile. "Besides, what we were planning was a surprise party in your honor because, in case you don't remember, you just won your first home race ever. I don't think that's anything bad."
Charles felt really stupid at that moment.
"Are you jealous, my dearest friend?" Lando decided to intervene, who had been attentive the whole time to the intimate scene between the couple.
"What? No!" Leclerc replied as calmly as possible, his attempt in vain.
"Well, it seems quite the opposite to me," Norris said. "You should relax a bit. There's nothing wrong with your girlfriend talking to other drivers, even more so when she's preparing a party for you."
Il predestinato realized Norris was right and decided to calm down.You really didn't deserve the jerk behavior he was displaying at you at the moment.
"I guess you're right, Lando," he turned to you, timidly reaching for her hands. "I'm really sorry, Y/N, I shouldn't have behaved like that."
"It's okay, Charles. I understand that sometimes jealousy can be hard to control, I feel the same way sometimes about your fans, but I manage, not like you just showed me tonight!" you answer with a smile, hitting him in his arm.
Charles felt relieved to see that you had no interest in Lando beyond friendship and planning a failed surprise party in the process. Therefore, he just enjoyed the rest of the night with you, with his friend, and without having to worry about anything else.
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tinkerbelle05 · 1 year
could you do like a bookworm kinda quiet reader with E42 Miles?????
I Always Got You, Got That?
Characters: E42!Miles Morales x Fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Going on an impromptu bookstore shopping run. (Requested) Thanks for the request sweets 🖤
Warning: none :)
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While sipping your coffee, you continued to walk throughout the mall when you spotted the bookstore. It was practically calling your name but you didn’t have enough money and you already took too much from Miles.
You weren’t exactly sure about what his job actually is, but he made a lot of money from doing that. So realistically he wouldn’t have a problem with you asking but you didn’t wanna seem like some gold-digger. Your mama raised you better than that.
“You wanna go in there?” Miles asked you. He caught you eyeing the place but was confused as to why you didn’t go in.
“Oh, no. We don’t have to go on and it’s probably boring for you,” you answer and turn back around.
“Nah, nah.” He takes your hand and starts pulling you into the store. “If you wanna go in, then go in. And don't worry about the price, you know I always got you.”
“But you already spent a lot on me,” you argue. And he has. Last week, he took you on a date to a fancy restaurant and the week before that a concert to see your favorite artist. Both of those were extremely expensive and you felt guilty about it when you searched up the prices.
“Because as my girlfriend, you deserve to be spoiled. It’s how I show my love.” He gives you a playful pout and comes closer to you, “Are you gonna stop me from showing you how much I love you?”
“Of course not,” you're quick to say.
He gives you a smirk, “Good.” He drags you into the store, “Now shop to your heart’s desire, okay?”
You nod and go deeper into the store. You pick up some books that caught your eye and put them back because they didn’t interest you as much as the others. You weren’t that greedy.
Little did you know Miles was behind you and picking the books back up to buy them. He watched as you went around the store, going into different sections; YA, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, etc.
Miles loved seeing you smile as your fingers glided on the book spines, he loved the way your eyes lit up as they read the summary of the book. He loved how you talked so passionately about the books you’ve read and are planning to read. The ones you loved with all of your heart and the ones you hate with every fiber of your being.
You turned around to see Miles carrying a stack of books that pales in comparison to the ones you have in your hand. When you looked closer, it was every book that you liked but put back.
“Miles…” you narrow your eyes at him and walk back to meet up with him. “Why are you picking up these books? I didn’t take you for a fan of romance.”
“1, don’t put me into a box and 2, you can’t carry all these books so I’m carrying them for you. That’s why you put them back because they were getting heavy,” he explains and lies without any shame knowing damn well that’s not the reason.
“Now Miles.” You say and stare up at the ceiling to combat the incoming headache. He doesn’t have to keep spending all this money on you.
“Hey.” Miles called out to you and lifted your head by your chin to meet his eyes. “Listen I told you this before and I will tell this until you get it through that pretty little head of yours, hermosa. My money is yours, okay. You need something you got, you want something you got. I’ve always got you, got that?”
He was being so intense about this which was unusual for him since he’s probably the most nonchalant guy you knew. You suspected there was more to this issue, but you decided not to push it. With being a nonchalant, Miles is also not the most emotionally vulnerable person in the world.
You give him a smile, “Okay then, don’t come crying when I drain your bank account.” You turn to continue shopping, being more liberal in your choosing. And where do you put all the books you pick up? Right in Miles’ hand.
He chuckles at your response and carries the mounting books with ease, “Trust, you won’t hear a peep outta me.”
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Tags: @butterfi, @justbeethings, @jam-skullz, @zomb1te, @dreamxcollide, @shibble, @sleepdeprivationis4coolkids, @somber-starz, @maypersonne, @hoeboat101, @rosebunny, @midnight-the-shadow-wolf, @mur-docs, @eight-cats-in-a-box, @emgavi, @sawi-06, @707xn, @niktwazny303, @nagi3seastorm, @ghostsimp000, @cloudstrifefantatic, @vixqn, @yourtsahik, @angelzira, @im-jisoo-im-okay, @andhdi68a, @itstooearly-its3am, @universallypeanutpizzapersona, @sodapopzds, @sciamachy-after-dusk, @peter-parkers-gf, @liural, @mewzxz, @star-light18464, @gricelovesu, @wraithlueintheirlittleworld, @targaryenstormborn
Taglist & Masterlist & Reqs Info
Reqs are open!!
A/N: Thanks so much for 1K notes guys!! 😊😊
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
Hii this is my first ever request so I'm so sorry if it's bad😭 But recently this has been like in the back of my head and I couldn't find any fics abt it. So basically it's Brothers best friend Bakugo... I'm low-key so embarrassed but I thought it would be cool for some angst 🤭 I love your works and I hope I'm not bothering, i hope you have a nice day!!
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My Brother's Bestfriend Is The One For Me!
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details: umm little confessions at the end tee hee, nothing too crazy. reader gets in their head about some tingz, silly katsuki
Word Count: 1k
hello im sorry i replied a little late, thank you sm for your request this is an awesome idea :D i hope you have a nice day too <3 i tried my best at some angst 🥲 i hope i did your request justice! also plsss someone know what im referencing in the title lolol. its not exact but its close XD
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ever since you were a kid, you had a crush on your older brother's best friend-katsuki bakugou-who was also older than you, but only by two years! so it wasn't that bad, really.
watching him grow up into the handsome man he is now was hard, especially when you were always seen as the annoying, younger sibling that just wanted to hang out with the older kids.
though something that was even harder was having to watch people throw themselves at your childhood crush, only to see them grow disappointed at his arrogant personality.
this frustrated you because you knew katsuki better than any of those losers did. you knew how to work around his rough edges, how to tell apart his real anger from his teasing words, and so many other things about him.
but if you knew him better than everyone else that was interested in him, why didn't he want you back? did he still only see you as his best friend's annoying, younger sibling? he couldn't have, right?
that exact thought lingered in your mind every time katsuki was around. there was no way you didn't have at least a small chance with him, especially considering the fact that he'd never had a serious relationship before. it wasn't that he couldn't get one, because he definitely could, but it was because he chose not to.
katsuki was ambitious, and he didn't want to let anything get in his way while he was training to become a pro-hero, and that included relationships. now maybe you were naive for this, but sometimes you really thought you were different in his eyes, and you would have a chance with him.
so here you were, sitting at the dining table in your parents house across from katsuki. your brother had invited him over, like he usually did. you forgot the reason why, all you knew was that your crush was coming over, so you were excited.
but now that you were sitting across from him, you couldn't help but squirm in your seat nervously under his gaze.
"what's up with you?" he asked, causing your family to turn their attention towards you.
your face burned. "er-nothing. i'm just tired... i didn't sleep well last night." you lied, making katsuki squint at you while your family shrugged off your excuse and went back to their conversation.
the rest of the dinner continued on, with you occasionally picking at your food and glancing up at katsuki, who had caught you looking multiple times.
once everyone was done eating, you immediately offered to wash the dishes, just trying to find any excuse to get away from your crush's intense gaze. since you were cleaning up and it was late at night, you could hear your parents go to their bedroom and your brother tell katsuki he'd be waiting in his.
as you were washing dishes you felt a presence behind you, and you knew exactly who it was.
"hey, buggy." he said, ruffling up your hair and making you groan in annoyance. 'buggy' was your childhood nickname, given to you by none other than katsuki, when he found you playing with a few bugs one day.
he hasn't let you live it down since.
"i don't even play with bugs anymore! i was like five, katsuki." you said, growling at a particular stain that wouldn't wash off very easily.
he crossed his arms, and leaned against the counter next to you, silently watching as you continued to wash the rest of the dishes.
when you were done with the last dish, you dried your hands and turned to him. "why are you here, stalking me? shouldn't you be hanging out with my brother or something?" you snarled, getting frustrated at his company. usually, you'd appreciate it, but these past few weeks he'd been oddly quiet around you - especially when you two were alone.
"maybe i just wanna hang out with you, buggy. is that a problem?"
you clenched your fists, feeling your frustration boil over. how could he act like he wasn't doing anything wrong? did he not realize that he'd been making you feel flustered and confused all the time?? these past few months he'd been behaving strangely around you, and you didn't know what to think of it.
"stop messing with me." you said in a serious tone, looking down at your feet. "you always confuse me with all the shit you say and i hate it! i don't know what to think anymore!"
a part of you felt bad for yelling at him like this, but you couldn't help yourself.
you glanced up at his face and saw his shocked expression, and you wondered what he was going to say next. probably something stupid.
he sighed heavily and ran a hand through his spiky hair, "'m not tryna confuse you... i just-ugh. you're actually not a shitty person to talk to." he confessed, reluctantly of course.
you shook your head at his words. "you don't have to lie, i know i'm probably more of a little sibling in your eyes anyway." you said, making your way around him to go upstairs to your bedroom until he stepped in front of you, blocking your way.
"you actually think that?" he sneered.
"well it's what you make me think!"
your words made him sigh and he put his hands on your shoulders. "shut up and listen okay? i'm not good at this crap, so just let me talk." he demanded, making you pout, but nod in agreement.
"i like your dumbass and i just don't know any other way to tell you..." he said quietly with bright red ears. you just continued to stare at him, not believing his words, which scared him.
he shook your shoulders slightly, "say something dammit!"
"sorry! i...i just don't know what to say." you said, bring your hands up to your shoulders to grab his and hold them in your own. "but, i like you too. i have liked you for a long time."
after hearing yourself admit you like him out loud, you let go of his hands and brought them to your face to cover your burning cheeks.
he laughed his loud cackle and brought you in for a bear hug, "no way, little buggy actually likes me?" he teased, "i always thought you were scared or somethin'."
"well, i was scared sometimes..." you mumbled.
the two of you continued to embrace each other for a while, silently, until katsuki spoke up. "y'know you're mine now, right buggy?"
your heart fluttered, "only if you're mine too."
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authors note
i lowkey got lazy in the end im sorry if you can tell 😔 but i hope you enjoyed !
taglist for bakugou fics: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @b134ch-m4h-ey3z
212 notes · View notes
Maybe in Another Life |5|
Pairing: Clarisse La Rue x Hunter of Artemis!Reader
Summary: You are a Hunter of Artemis, but you start to question what you truly want when you meet Clarisse and get to know her.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 3.4k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12
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You swung your stick, the loud whack as it came in contact with Clarisse’s echoed through the early morning. You seemed to be the only two awake at the early hour. You had been hanging out with Clarisse and Silena while being stuck at camp. Most of your time was spent with Clarisse, training, and sparring. Sparring with your sisters was fun and you enjoyed kicking their butts but training with the same people every day for hundreds of years made their moves predictable. You liked a challenge, needed the challenge, winning wasn’t satisfying when there wasn’t a challenge. Winning didn’t mean anything if it came easily or if you had won against the same people so often, which is why Clarisse was so exciting, she was new to spar with and though you were vastly better than her, she was still good, she had skills and had managed to surprise you a few times.
You would train with Clarisse until Silena found the two of you and dragged you both away, usually to get something to eat. You watched how everyone at camp reacted to Clarisse, everyone was afraid of her, the way they would cower when she so much as glared at them. At dinner the night before, a kid had been walking by and dropped his spoon, Clarisse glared at him, and he had taken off running, forgetting his fallen spoon and dropping the rest of his plate in the process. But with Silena, Clarisse was different, she was still sarcastic, but she laughed and joked around more, she seemed lighter around Silena.
You didn’t like the way they were with each other, so touchy and friendly. You weren’t sure why you were feeling that way, you had never felt that way in your entire existence but whenever you saw Silena giving her a hug or smiling at Clarisse you didn’t like the feeling in your stomach. You didn’t think they lied when they said they weren’t girlfriends but at first you thought they were just in denial or oblivious, that they were best friends but would eventually figure out they liked each other in a romantic way.
As you watched them the last few days you saw that wasn’t the case, they really were just best friends. Clarisse was sarcastic and slightly less of an asshole to Silena, but she would support and defend her and listen to her drone on and on about something Clarisse clearly wasn’t interested in. Silena was the same, she wasn’t afraid of Clarisse like everyone else, she treated her like another person and would just roll her eyes when Clarisse said something snarky, she never let it dampen her mood and she was one of the only ones to call Clarisse out on her shit. Seeing Silena make heart eyes at Beckendorf helped solidify that her and Clarisse weren’t into each other.
You still did training with the other Hunters, but most were either taking care of Phoebe or they were doing training on their own. There were still a few times a scuffle between a Hunter and another camper would break out, but you were quick to neutralize it. They all clearly missed Zoe and Artemis, they all shared the same worry, but none of them seemed to have the same feeling of dread. It was hard to be with your sisters without your mind going to the worst-case scenario and feeling like not everyone would be returning from the quest. Hanging out with Clarisse was a nice distraction, your mind was still filled with worry for your goddess, but it wasn’t all consuming when you were in Clarisse’s presence.
Despite your distracted mind you still managed to block Clarisse’s final attack. The two of you had sparred with a variety of weapons and decided to go back to basics and use sparring sticks for the day. It was actually fun, not going at it like crazy trying to one up each other and just spar. She did try to trick you a few times, but you just smirked and blocked her, but she managed to block all of your blows as well.
Clarisse stepped back and the two of you were left panting, a nice coat of sweat on each of you. You followed Clarisse to the bench where the two of you sat your stuff. Each of you grabbed your water, then Clarisse grabbed the sticks and put them back in the shed with all the other sparring equipment. By the time the two of you were walking down the hill from the sparring area the rest of camp was just beginning to wake up. The two of you passed sleepy campers making their way to breakfast, the both of you continued to walk the opposite direction. You each had a granola bar and were done sparring before Silena got to you so she couldn’t make the both of you sit down and have a ‘real breakfast’ as she liked to call it.
You followed Clarisse through the woods until you reached the creek. “This is my favorite spot,” she said quietly as she pulled herself up onto a rock and plopped herself down.
“It’s nice,” you said, looking around. It was a relatively secluded spot, far enough away from camp that you couldn’t hear any of the noise from the other campers but close enough that the two of you shouldn’t run into any danger.
“Though I bet this is your usual surroundings,” she gave you a knowing look.
You couldn’t help but nod. “This would be the ideal spot for Artemis, it’s pretty perfect. We don’t always stay somewhere nice, even if we have our tents.”
“I don’t think I could ever take the oath, being a Hunter doesn’t seem overly appealing honestly.” You looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “No offense,” she held up her hands. “But you guys seem to have it made, traveling all over, fighting monsters, that’s like the dream.”
“I mean it’s not all that glamorous,” you chuckled. “We’ve spent months tracking the same creature before, to the ends of the earth and back. I’m sure you have plenty of excitement here.”
“Yeah right,” Clarisse scoffed. “Besides my quest last year, the most exciting thing in my life has been going to an amusement park.”
You gave Clarisse a blank stare as you tilted your head. “What’s an amusement park?”
Clarisse broke out into laugh which only confused you more. Her laughter died down when she realized you weren’t laughing with her. “Wait, are you serious?” She asked through another chuckle. You could only nod. “You’ve been on this earth for like a thousand years. How do you not know?”
You shrugged. “I joined Artemis a thousand years ago. I’ve been with her ever since, we don’t usually spend time going to amusement parks,” you said the last words slowly as if it they were foreign words.
Clarisse blinked a few times as she processed the fact you truly didn’t know what she was talking about. “Don’t you guys ever like,” she waved her hand around to try gesturing, “interact with society?”
“We do,” you said defensively. “But Artemis doesn’t really like mortals, neither do the rest of the Hunters. If we need something in town, I’m usually sent to retrieve it. It’s always a quick trip.”
“So, you’ve never been on a rollercoaster?” You shook your head, scrunching your eyebrows once again at the new word. “You have to have seen one before.”
You could only shrug. Clarisse looked at you in disbelief before throwing her head back with a groan. When she was satisfied with her dramatics, she jumped right into explaining what a rollercoaster was, waving her hands in the air crazily as she tried to help explain it better when her words weren’t working. You were sure you only looked more and more confused as she continued explaining.
“Sounds like something Hephaestus would make,” you said after she was finally done.
“He probably has,” Clarisse said with a shrug. “You’ve really haven’t seen one?”
“I mean,” you bobbed your head back and forth as you tried to recall what she described. “Maybe? Definitely haven’t been on one or been to an amusement park.”
“Guess this means I have to take you to one some time.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You weren’t sure how that would ever work out, you didn’t get much free time and definitely not enough to go off and do something like that. When you and the Hunters weren’t tracking a monster, you were training or having a lazy day, no one really had time to go off and meet with someone else or do something on their own. You liked the sound of going to an amusement park with Clarisse though.
 The two do you talked until Silena came running up to get Clarisse. She was screaming Clarisse’s name until her eyes fell on the two of you. She froze, her mouth hanging open, you furrowed your brow not understanding what that look was for. You caught that look a few times from Silena like she was watching you and Clarisse, like she knew something the two of you didn’t but then she’d quickly hide it.
“Your brothers are fighting with the other campers,” Silena said, breathless.
“So?” Clarisse said, slightly annoyed. Clarisse tended to not get annoyed by Silena, but it was definitely clear she was not happy about being bothered.
“Clarisse,” Silena said sternly, crossing her arms and tilting her head.
Clarisse rolled her eyes and got up from her spot on the rock. She walked over to Silena before turning back to you. “You coming to the bonfire tonight?” She asked. She looked down at the rock, if you didn’t know any better you would say Clarisse was almost acting shy. You knew that wasn’t possible though, there was no reason for her to be shy about asking if you’d be at the bonfire.
“Of course,” you said, giving her a small smile.
You and Clarisse stared at each other for a moment, Silena’s eyes darting back and forth between the two of you until she finally pulled Clarisse away. You watched them leave, a small blush appearing on your cheeks, you weren’t sure what caused it. You quickly brushed yourself off before making your way back to the cabin.
You didn’t realize how long you and Clarisse had been talking. The two of you started training before the sun was even up and didn’t stop until the early risers were beginning to wake. Walking back to the cabin you noticed all the campers awake, running around and doing various activities. The sun was high in the air and based on the position it was just a little after noon. You and Clarisse had literally talked for hours and yet it felt like no time had passed. You couldn’t remember the last time you enjoyed talking to someone about anything and everything.
When you got back to the cabin you noticed all the Hunters up. Some of them were still lounging around the cabin but most seemed off around camp somewhere, most likely training. You gave Phoebe, who was resting in her bed, a nod. Phoebe was pretty much fully recovered but she still had no desire to hang around outside the cabin. She mentioned wanting revenge against the boys who gave her the shirt, but you reminded her Artemis ordered all of you to behave, despite really wanting to get revenge as well.
“Where were you?” Phoebe asked.
“Hanging out with Clarisse,” you answered as you flopped down on your own bed.
“You sure have been hanging out with her a lot.”
“She’s fun,” you smiled to yourself, giving Phoebe a little shrug. Phoebe just hummed causing you to sit up so you could look at her. “What?”
“You just,” Phoebe nodded her head back and forth as she tried to come up with the words she was looking for. “Don’t usually hangout with other demigods or anyone really.”
“We’ve been training together.” You gave her another shrug; you weren’t sure why you were getting so defensive over your friendship with Clarisse. “She’s a new challenge.”
“Okay,” she said, though she didn’t sound convinced. “I’m going to get food.” You watched her with scrunched up eyebrows as she walked out of the cabin.
You didn’t see Clarisse the rest of the day, but you also didn’t hear any news about any campers being maimed and Ares kids getting in trouble, so you assumed everything went well with Clarisse’s sibling. You spent part of the day in the cabin then the rest of it training with your sisters. With Artemis and Zoe not around, it was your job to make sure they stayed on top of things and to make sure all of you were ready to leave the second Artemis gave the word.
Before you knew it it was nighttime, and everyone was getting ready for the bonfire. You made your way to the bonfire with the rest of your sisters, laughing and joking around. The bonfire for the night was on the beach by the lake. As you stepped down onto the sand you instantly caught sight of Clarisse standing by the fire, talking to Silena. You sucked in a breath at the sight of her, watching how the fire cast a gorgeous glow around her. As if sensing your eyes on her she looked up, meeting your gaze. You both smiled at the same time and without another word to your sisters you made your way over to her.
“Hey,” you said. “Hi,” you looked to Silena.
“Hey,” Clarisse replied.
“Hello,” Silena said. You furrowed your brow, there was something in Silena’s tone and she tried to hide a smirk by quickly taking a sip of her drink.
“Everything work out with your brother?” you asked, nodding to her hand where you saw her knuckles already starting to bruise.
Clarisse rolled her eyes and nodded to a place across the bonfire. You followed her gaze and saw a son of Ares sporting a new blackeye. You couldn’t help but shake your head, silently chuckling. “He thought he didn’t have to listen to me,” Clarisse mumbled.
“It was actually kind of entertaining,” Silena added.
You sighed and followed the girls to a log near the bonfire. Clarisse sat in the middle, with you and Silena taking the spots next to her. You glanced around the bonfire, seeing it in full swing, campers grouped up laughing and joking or couples snuggled up together. You even saw a couple Hunters being cordial with some fellow campers.
“Did you know she’s never been to an amusement park?” Clarisse asked. When you turned to glare at her you saw her looking at Silena before turning to you, leaning back so you got a full view of Silena’s shocked expression.
“What!” Silena shouted, sloshing her drink onto the ground.
You just shrugged. “We don’t really go and do mortal things,” you said. “We don’t have much down time and when we do, we’re usually in the middle of the woods somewhere.”
“Not going to an amusement park is like never having seen a movie!” You titled your head and gave Silena a shrug. “What!” she shot to her feet causing you to lean back as other campers turned to look at the commotion. “How is that possible?”
“Like I just said-”
“You were literally around when movies were invented!” she held out her arms as if that would change the fact that you’ve never seen a movie.
You just shrugged. You turned to Clarisse for help, but she just shook her head. “Guess that’s something else we’ll have to do,” she said, smiling at you.
“Showing me my first movie,” you said, smirking. “The pressure is on.”
Silena let out a groan. “It’s going to be some boring action movie.”
Clarisse turned to her friend, offended. “Better than some lovey dovey rom com you’d choose,” she scoffed.
It was Silena’s turn to look offended. The two of them went back and forth arguing about rom coms and action movies and which was better. You couldn’t keep up and didn’t understand the majority of what they were saying. You thought they were screaming movie titles at one another, trying to prove their point, but you couldn’t be sure, some of the titles seemed weird. They continued to argue until Beckendorf came over, shyly asking Silena to hangout. You and Clarisse watched the two of them walk away, the backs of their hands lightly brushing against each other, both too nervous to make the move and hold the other’s hand.
You stayed next to Clarisse the rest of the night. Neither of you moved from your place on the log as you continuously engaged in conversation. Since learning you had never been to an amusement park or seen a movie, she was determining everything ‘normal’ as she liked to call it, that you missed out on and hadn’t experienced yet. She was making a list of everything she intended to show you and do with you. Every time a new revelation was made of something you hadn’t done, you pointed out something you had done that no one else had. She learned you hadn’t been to Disney World, even though you didn’t understand how that was different than an amusement park, you countered telling her about one of your hunts deep in a jungle where you came across an incredible waterfall.
She was mind blown you had never driven a car. She assumed, like Silena with movies, that you were around when the car was invented so you must have driven one. You pointed out that there has never been a reason for you to drive a car. You and the Hunters traveled with Artemis everywhere. If all of you needed to cross the country or go to a different country, you either walked or used non-mortal methods of transportation. You tried to argue that you had been on a boat, it wasn’t with other humans, but you had been on a boat. She said that didn’t count because when you were a kid boats and walking were the only means of transportation.
When there was a pause in your conversation you looked up, noticing most of the other campers and Hunters were gone. The fire was still going but it wasn’t as large as it had been during the beginning of the night, there was just enough left to light up your surroundings. The few campers that were left were either rubbing their eyes as they made their way back to their cabins or were falling asleep in the sand.
“Guess we got carried away,” you said. “Didn’t realize it was so late.”
“Yeah,” Clarisse whispered.
You turned to her, ready to suggest turning in but the words died in your throat when you caught sight of Clarisse. The dying fire illuminated the side of her face, creating a gorgeous golden glow. You noticed her eyes flick down, yours did the same motion, landing on her lips. You held your breath as the two of you began to lean in.
Your noses had just brushed when realization hit you, making you pull back just ever so slightly. Clarisse paused her movement when she noticed you pulled back. The two of you sat there, your noses barely touching. You closed your eyes, before letting your forehead touch hers.
“I can’t,” you whispered.
Before Clarisse could respond you abruptly got up. You didn’t look back as you rushed away, trying to put as much distance between you and her. You didn’t know if she understood, if she was hurt, all you knew was that she didn’t chase after you, and you were grateful for that. Your hands were shaking at the realization of what you just almost did. You couldn’t believe you had been so careless; you almost just threw away everything, your entire life.
Your conflicted and confused feelings were given so much clarity the second you walked away from her. You were attracted to Clarisse, you had been flirting with her, even if you hadn’t realized it, Phoebe had barely left the cabin and even she noticed it. You weren’t mad or hurt about Clarisse and Silena’s closeness when you thought they liked each other as more than friends, you were jealous. You were a Hunter of Artemis and for the first time in your thousand years of existence you had a crush.
Taglist: @cxcilla @touchmyfracturedomens @luclue @manu-007s-world
163 notes · View notes
unreliablesnake · 1 year
The Bet – part 2 (Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader)
Summary: Ghost admits that he wants more from you, and so the two of you go on your first official date.
Note: Here's part 1. I didn't expect people to like it this much, so I decided to write a short part 2. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button. I don't have a taglist.
Part 3
Warnings: none, it's fluff.
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It had been there for weeks. An invisible string connecting the two of you, pulling you to the other no matter how hard you tried to resist. Again and again you found yourself staring at him in secret, watching him intently even in crowded rooms. You didn’t care that anyone could notice it, you couldn’t resist the urge to keep an eye on him.
And Ghost was aware of this. His eyes often met yours, his gaze resting on you for longer than it did when he looked at other members of the team. Could it be that he felt it too? Could it be that he noticed that string as well?
All of this had begun when you licked his arm because of a stupid dare. Ever since he touched you, you had been yearning for more, you wanted to feel his hands all over your body, pleasuring you in any creative way he could think of. He lit a fire inside of you, and you didn’t know how you could put it out.
Not like you truly wanted it to end, after all it was the kind of sweet torture many often choose to experience. But they usually knew they would eventually get what they were waiting for, but in your case Ghost was off limits. He was a lieutenant, and as such, he was your higher up. It couldn’t happen. Not without consequences.
“Are you listening?” Ghost asked you, one palm placed on your shoulder, his thumb absentmindedly massaging your neck. “Sergeant, I asked you a question.”
Why did he have to do this? Did he really have to touch you? It made your knees weak and you were struggling to stand straight. His hand stayed where it was, maybe even gripping you a little harder now, keeping you in place.
You cautiously looked around, making sure no one was around, then stood on your toes and placed a soft kiss on his mask. He drew in a sharp breath as his dark eyes fell on you, watching as you stepped back and folded your hands behind your back.
Despite his initial reaction, he looked surprisingly calm, maybe even a little cold. “What was that all about?” he asked you with his head slightly tipped to the side.
“I don’t know,” you lied. Because you knew. Deep down you knew you wanted him to know you were interested in him. That you wanted him so badly that it made you stupid.
Ghost shook his head as he inhaled loudly. “Don't lie to me. Just say it. Tell me the truth.”
“I can't… I just,” you tried again, but your voice faded as you failed to put your thoughts into words.
His eyes suddenly softened and he even took a small step towards you. “I already told you, love, only do things like that when you really want it, not because of a bet,” he told you, although his voice was kind.
Letting out a sigh, you shook your head. “It's not a bet, not this time,” you assured him.
Ghost reached out and took your hand, gloved fingers lacing with yours. It took you some time to look him in the eye and see how expressive they were now. Those warm brown eyes were locked on you, telling you that he was eagerly waiting for your explanation.
“While we were away with Price and Gaz, I–I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done. I know it was just a stupid, childish bet, but–”
“But you want more now,” he interrupted you, his voice carrying a hint of hesitance despite sounding confident. You nodded, silently waiting for his reaction. “You're not the only one,” Ghost finally admitted.
This brought a smile to your face. He wanted you as well. So you weren't imagining things, he truly felt the same way about you. You raised your free hand to his masked face, resting it on his chin that was free of the hard plastic skull, and he immediately leaned into your touch.
“You haven't even seen me without my mask yet,” he suddenly said, earning a shake of your head in response. “And if it turns out I'm not your type?”
“I know you and that's enough for me. Do you want me to tell you about all the things I want you to do to me?” you asked suggestively, your hand moving from his chin to his chest, a finger hooking under his vest to pull him closer.
“Stop teasing me, Sergeant, or else…”
“Or what?”
Ghost let out a deep growl as he let go of your hand and simply pushed you until your back hit the nearest wall. Your entire body trembled from the excitement you felt, eagerly waiting for him to take off his mask and finally kiss you. But he had a different idea as he wrapped his hand around your throat and ran his thumb over your jawline before leaning closer to you.
You didn't say anything. You couldn't say anything. He didn't do much, yet it was more exciting than anything you had imagined in the past weeks. This man could play you like a violin, knowing perfectly well how to make you lose your sanity. You thought you were teasing him? No, you were just playing some stupid game.
This. This right here was the definition of teasing.
“Mission's almost over,” he began quietly, “why don't we meet once we're done here? We could have fun.” Even though you opened your mouth to respond, no sound left your throat. “I'll send you the time and the address. I won't wear my mask so I'll find you there. Just be patient, that's all you have to do.”
In the message Ghost told you where and when to meet, and he even warned you to call him Simon outside of work. It was okay, you couldn't wait to test what it would feel like when his name rolled off your tongue.
You smiled to yourself after you silently mouthed his name while sitting at the bar, looking at your cocktail. As you stirred your drink with the straw, out of the corner of your eye you noticed a guy looking at you from a few seats away. Could it be him? He seemed tall and big enough.
“You shouldn't be ogling other men when you're waiting for your date,” someone suddenly whispered into your ear.
You turned your head to the side to face the source of the familiar voice. That's when you truly saw him, looking at you with the sweetest smile you'd ever seen. Is this what he had been hiding under that mask all this time? You gulped, having a hard time figuring out what to say. Should you kiss him? Or would it be too soon?
Before you could make up your mind, Ghost pressed his lips to yours, cautiously tasting you, as if he was unsure about the whole thing. Your heart wanted to jump out of your ribcage while you were kissing him, the excitement you felt being too much to bear. He was excellent at making you feel good, and he was certainly aware of the effect he had on women.
“You look absolutely gorgeous, love,” he told you before taking the empty seat next to you.
Giggling like some stupid schoolgirl, you twirled your hair and looked at him through your lashes. “You can't complain either, handsome.”
What the fuck was wrong with you? How did you turn into this giggling mess all of a sudden? It was just a handsome face and a kiss that felt too good to be true. Closing your eyes for a moment, you took a deep breath and listened to Ghost ordering a bourbon for himself.
You were screwed.
You were brought out of your thoughts by Ghost when he reached out to take your hand in his, large fingers enveloping it tightly. “Simon,” you began, enjoying the way it felt to say it out loud, “are you sure about this? I mean, about being here with me?”
The lieutenant flashed a surprisingly wide smile at you as he raised your hand to his lips. “I wouldn't be anywhere else.”
And you believed him. You believed every word he said because he was so nice, and warm, and soft, everything he wasn't while working. He was usually focused on the mission, and even though he was often worried about his teammates, he never seemed this relaxed.
“Do you live here? In London, I mean,” you asked.
Ghost shook his head. “No, I'm from Manchester. Lived there my whole life.”
Your face began to hurt from smiling so much, but you couldn't stop, not with him around. Simon and Ghost were so different that if you hadn't known he was coming here to meet you, he could've sat there next to you the whole night and you wouldn't have noticed it was him.
Simon seemed perfect so far–nice, and kind, and loving, unafraid to show his emotions. The more you found out about him as you talked, as you kept questioning him, the more you understood the use of the mask. He was building a barrier between his private and work personalities. He was protecting himself, and maybe even those he cared about.
Then your series of questions came to an end, and it was his turn to ask you about yourself. He wanted to know about your family, about your hobbies, about your taste in music and movies. He wanted to know everything, really. And he paid attention to your words. He truly wanted to get to know you, it wasn't just pretend.
“Why don't we watch a movie?” he asked you, referring to the new part of a series he now knew you loved. “I have time.”
But you didn't want that. You wanted something entirely different, something more intimate. You wanted all of him, finding out what it felt like to be touched by him. So you began to massage his hand with your thumb, giving him a seductive smile that easily told him what you truly wanted now.
“Or we could go to my hotel room,” he corrected himself with a smile.
You leaned over to place a soft kiss on his lips, one he eagerly turned into a more passionate one. He slowly slipped off his chair and stood next to you without breaking the kiss, hands resting on the sides of your neck to keep you focused on him. Little did he know that he didn't need to do that, you were already hyper-focused on him, forgetting about the outside world completely.
“I'd rather choose this latter option,” you said quietly, your forehead resting against his.
Ghost smiled at you before giving you another quick kiss. “I'm glad you said that.” He extended his hand, offering you to take it. “Come on love, let's get out of here.”
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lovra974 · 3 months
Slow burn
Bakugo and relationship, it's only fluff, somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Bakugo isn't one for irrational actions. In his hero work, he learned to think fast. In his personal life, he was a casual kind of guy. Didn't mean he was not passionate, passion and determination were core values for him. He knew now he showed love through act of service and quality time.
He readed a lot of romance. Like a lot. But he never felt overwhelmed. He has very strong feelings, it's part of who he is. But the bubbling mind, the butterflies, the flushed cheeks every two minutes, he never felt. But still, it didn't mean he had not strong feelings.
He would shake the hell out of Deku if he told him he felt like a bad hero. He would do the groceries for his parents or with his father every few weeks. He would, without a second of hesitation take a bullet for that damn idiot with shitty hair.
His love life was quite desert for a long time. It was not his priority after all. But when he began to date, he waited the feelings to wash over him. It didn't.
He was interested, he felt comfortable, he felt better definitely but nothing about the craving, the addiction of the other. It destroyed most of his romantic relationship when they would inevitably ask "How much do you love me?" and none of the truths sounded like the good answer. He never lied.
He mets you and bounded slowly with you. Your relationship was how he liked it, casual. The friendship deepen each time he saw you. Until someone would ask him if there was something between the two of you and point out how much like a couple you acted.
Yes, you spoke every day. And you invited the other over every week. Yes you had a serie you watch together and together only. Indeed, you planned your calendar depending on the other. Yes... he missed you when he couldn't saw you but he was fine !
It bothered him. He didn't like when people put their nose in his business. He felt confortable with you. You supported each other. Was the butterflies really needed ?
Did you really need to put a label on ?
Kirishima questioned him to know if he was okay that someone ask you out.
"Why would they say yes ?"
"You know... Maybe they want to date, to have a life partner?"
This kept Bakugo thinking at night. Did you you really want that? And him, what did he want ?
He didn't want you to leave him. Really, he couldn't imagine his life without you in it. Would you go to someone's place and watch series ? Would you planned dates and go to your parents with them ? Would you cuddle with them at night, a smile on your face and safety in your heart ?
He wanted that domesticity with you, only you, if you wanted him too. Just like you were doing.
He felt pretty possessive toward you and it made him feel strange. He really was not used to it.
Through the days, his thoughts grew. It became good to think about you like that. It woke a yearning he did not anticipate. But the fear, the possibility of getting rejected, of destroying the balance you've built. It was gut wrenching.
"So, what are we watching?" you asked, the remote pointed toward the television.
He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants before sitting next to you, tense.
"Don't know."
"Mmh... What about that one?"
He nodded without watching. You looked at his far away eyes, noticing his posture on the couch.
"Hey, you're okay?"
"Yeah, why ?"
"Oh, come on ! I asked if you wanted to watch a documentary without heroes in it and you said yes !"
You got closer, your warmth washing over him and soothing his nerves. He sighed.
"What do you think about dating ?"
He grimaced once he said the sentence. But you didn't laugh. It was a good point.
"What do you mean, what do I think about dating ?"
"Do you think it's a good thing ? Do you want it ?"
He was getting frustrated, thankfully you knew him well.
"I think it's a good thing only if you want it. If you think it will make you happy then yes it's a good thing."
"And do you want to date someone?"
You took your time to think.
"Honestly, aren't we? If you're not comfortable with the label I'm okay to keep it like that."
"Wait... You're saying... You want to-to date me ?"
You smiled, loving his disbelieved face. You got even closer.
"I said it was a good thing only if you wanted it too. Do you want it ?"
His eyes went down to your lips. You pecked his once, testing the waters. You knew he needed time with PDA. He did it a few second after, trying to gauge if he liked it. You were soft, pliant against him. You let him kiss you, slowly at first, learning how you liked to get kissed.
There was no butterfly in his stomach. But he felt relief in his bones. The kiss became more intense, and Bakugo decided he liked it. He liked how you felt against him. He liked the safety and warmth you wrapped him in.
This was more precious than the addiction he heard about.
"I've got you Katsuki, whatever this is I'm okay with it as long as your okay too."
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Any Time You’re Ready
After another lousy date, Oliver’s parents remind him that love might be closer than he expects.
Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
1.7k words
Warnings: none, fluff, kissing, embarrassing parents
A/N: Inspired by the Shawn Mendes song “When You’re Ready” because I’m obsessed with “What if my dad is right/When he says that you're the one”
“Goodnight, Oliver.”
“G’night, Casey.”
The girl stepped into the green flames in the Wood family fireplace, called out her address, and was gone. As soon as the flames resumed their usual orange tint, Oliver turned around and strolled into the kitchen. He found his parents, sharing a slice of cake and sipping tea. Their heads snapped up as he walked in.
“So, what’d you guys think?” Oliver grinned as his parents.
“She seemed nice,” his mom answered with a shrug.
His dad nodded. “Yeah, Cadie seems like a nice girl.”
Oliver’s face fell. “Casey, Dad. Her name’s Casey.”
“Right, right.” His dad took a sip of tea, clearly not embarrassed by his mistake. “But what about-”
“Dad, stop,” Oliver groaned. He already knew what his dad was going to say; he said it every time Oliver showed interest in a new girl.
You and Oliver grew up next door to each other and had been best friends from the time you could walk. Going to Hogwarts only brought you closer together, with all the time you spent together both in and out of the classroom, practically attached at the hip. And both of your parents had been convinced for years that the two of you belonged together.
Oliver’s dad held up his hands in defense. “’m just saying, son. I don’t know why you bother going out with these other girls. You’ve already got a great girl right next door. You’ve been friends since you were born. And everyone knows a friendship like that is the foundation of a solid relationship. Just look at me and your mother.”
“Dad,” Oliver said slowly. “You asked Mum out on your very first day at Hogwarts.”
“Yeah, and we were friends for the whole trip on the Hogwarts Express before that. Good foundation, like I said.”
“Right.” Oliver grabbed a tin of biscuits from the counter. “Well, ’m heading to bed. See you in the morning.” He waved at his parents and headed upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
He should have been more surprised to find you lying on his bed, reading a book.
“How was your date?” you asked casually, eyes still on your book as he closed the door behind him.
“Fine,” he answered, crossing the room to close the window you had climbed through. He lied down next to you and opened the tin.
You took a cookie and shoved it in your mouth. “What do we think? Potential girlfriend?”
Oliver shrugged, helping himself to a cookie. “Probably not,” he admitted.
“It’s just as well,” you said, closing your book and tossing it on his nightstand. “She’s a bit of a dolt, if you ask me.”
A snort flew out of Oliver’s nose. “I don’t remember asking you.”
You elbowed him. “Well, you should’ve. I could’ve saved you a night of ‘Oh Oliver, you’re soooo funny, let me grab your muscles.’” You let out a fake high-pitched giggle and squeezed Oliver’s arm.
He warmed at your touch. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, he had finally admitted it to himself when he was fourteen: Oliver Wood was in love with you. So for the last two years, he tried to act normal, like he wasn’t thinking about you every second of the day, like you were just his best friend and nothing else.
But laying on his bed with you right next to him made it really hard to pretend.
“You’re so mean,” he laughed, trying to sound even. “Casey’s a nice girl.”
“Yeah, but she’s not right for you.” You wrinkled your nose.
Oliver turned onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, facing you. “Oh, and you know what’s right for me?” he challenged.
You mirrored his pose, your nose close to his. “Of course I do. That’s what best friends are for.”
He felt a little tug on his stomach at the word friends. “Yeah, sure,” he scoffed, trying to play off the sting he’d felt every time you called him your friend over the last two years. “What about you? Any dates so far this summer?”
“A couple,” you admitted. “Nothing worth mentioning.” You flipped back onto your back, gazing at Oliver’s ceiling. “Why do we have so much trouble dating?”
Oliver stared at your profile, admiring the shape of your adorable nose and your perfect lips. “What d’you mean?”
“Well,” you sighed, “think about it. We’re both very good-looking, popular enough, definitely not idiots. Yet neither of us can get more than a couple dates out of a person. What gives?”
“Mmm.” Oliver thought a moment. He knew why none of his dates panned out, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why you, the most beautiful and perfect girl he knew, didn’t have a boyfriend.
Not that he minded.
“It’s not like I don’t have theories,” you continued, ignoring Oliver’s non-response. “Personally, I think you’re just too good for any of the girls at school.” Oliver felt his cheeks go warm again. “As for me, I’m going to go ahead and blame you.” You turned your head and smiled at your best friend.
“Me?” he asked with a dry chuckle. “How do you manage to blame me for your lack of boyfriend?”
You shrugged. “Think about it. Boy, girl. Best friends. Boy is good-looking and could probably beat up most of the boys in our year.” You popped another cookie in your mouth. “So, no one wants to date his girl best friend.”
Oliver stared at you a moment. Despite the fact that he definitely did not want to see you all cozied up with any of the boys at school, he couldn’t help feeling bad. If you wanted a boyfriend, you should have one. He never wanted to get in the way of your happiness.
It was as though you could feel his guilt. “It’s alright though,” you assured him with that sweet smile you usually reserved for Oliver. “Not like any of those boys are worth my time anyways. You’re the only decent boy in our year honestly.”
“Oh really?” he asked in a teasing voice, as though his heart was not hammering. The two of you had been doing this a lot lately: compliments, teasing just this side of flirting, skittering around a line no one was quite willing to cross, playing a game of chicken neither of you was willing to lose.
Tonight, you were the one who broke first. “So what’d your parents think of Casey anyways?” Your eyes were back on the ceiling of Oliver’s room, following the wizards flying around his Puddlemere United poster.
“They thought she was nice,” he answered, following your gaze. “My dad’s just disappointed that she’s not-” Oliver stopped himself, his eyes darting back to you.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. “Not what? Smart?” A smirk played on your lips.
Oliver thought a moment. You weren’t a mean girl typically. You were sweet, and you had plenty of girlfriends. The only people you were mean about were… well, the girls Oliver dated. The gears turned in his head as he calculated the risk he was about to take.
“Well, not you,” he finally admitted. “Dad’s disappointed she’s not you.”
“Oh.” You blinked a few times. Oliver could see the rapid thinking behind your expression. “And… what about you?” You sat up and looked down at Oliver, all the playfulness gone from your eyes.
Oliver heaved himself up as well. “I… I mean…” He licked his lips and sighed. Just spit it out, he told himself. “Sometimes I wonder if my dad’s… right?”
“Right about what?” You fidgeted with the hem of your t-shirt, a nervous habit Oliver knew well.
“He…” Oliver cleared his throat and took your hands in his. He saw your eyes flicker to them before meeting his gaze again. “He says that you’re the one.” Oliver winced, preparing himself for rejection and the end of your friendship, the thing he’d been dreading for two years.
“The one?” you echoed, your hands still in Oliver’s.
He nodded. “You know. The one.”
The smirk playing on your lips broke some of the tension between you. “What would that entail? If I was the one, I mean.”
His fears melted slightly at the sight of your small grin. “Well, it would probably start… with this.” Oliver closed his eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against yours.
Much to his relief, you kissed him back, letting go of his hands and wrapping your arms around his neck while his hands settled on your hips. He could taste your bubblegum flavored Chapstick, the one he borrowed annoyingly often, and you could taste the chocolate from the biscuits that now sat forgotten near the foot of the bed.
When Oliver let go, he didn’t bother trying to play cool; instead, he grinned from ear to ear, not caring how goofy he looked.
Likewise, you couldn’t help the giggle that tumbled out of your mouth, your hands still on Oliver’s shoulders. “Starts with that, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s just the beginning.” Oliver leaned forward again, his mind racing with excitement. He laid back, pulling you on top of him-
“I think you mean that’s the end of the night,” came a voice from the door neither of you noticed opening.
Color rushed to your cheeks as you scrambled to sit back up, pushing Oliver off you. “Hey Mr. Wood,” you managed, as if he caught you making out with his son all the time.
Your best friend’s dad nodded pointedly. “You should probably head back out that window, young lady. I’m sure we’ll see you tomorrow. When you use the front door.”
With one last awkward smile to Oliver, you jumped off the bed and opened the window, clambering out the way you’d done millions of times before. Trying to be a gentleman (especially in front of his dad), Oliver watched carefully as you climbed down the tree by his window, tiptoed across his backyard, through the gate between your houses, and through your first-story window, where you disappeared after a quick wave in his direction. When Oliver turned around with that still dopey smile, his dad was still in the doorway, a smug grin on his face.
“Told ya so, son.”
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the-offside-rule · 4 months
Pablo Gavi (FCBarcelona) - Love Lies
Requested: yes
Prompts: 32) "Keep the jersey on."
                   43) "I'm in the better position to be giving a tantrum right now."
Warnings: smut, 18+, cheating (???), angst, kinda sad at the end
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The final whistle blew and up stood Ana, clapping meloncholically along with the other fans in the Parc Montjuiic. Y/n stood up too to clap along. "What a game." Ana said, disappointed. "But Pablo is going to be so happy because of his assist." Y/n rolled her eyes as Ana mentioned her boyfriend again. Pablo Gavi was known to most as the young and upcoming talent in Barcelona, but Y/n knew him as her ex-roommates annoying boyfriend that would stop at nothing to annoy her. "Yeah, he will be so happy." Y/n said sarcastically. "Oh come on. Don't be like that. We still need to get you a date with Pedri or one of the other guys." Ana smiled, slinging her arms around her friend. "If they're anything like your golden boy, I don't want them."
Ana and Y/n stood awaiting Pablo and in the meantime rated different players for Y/n to date. Unfortunately for Ana none of the players peaked Y/n's interest, and thankfully for Y/n, Ana's boyfriend had finally showed up. "Hi babe!" Y/n looked at Pablo, more like a glare. "I'm so sorry about the game." Ana offered a soft smile to her boyfriend. "Yeah. It happens." He replied. "Y/n." She arched a brow. "Gavira." He chuckled. "I thought you said we weren't allowed to be like this anymore?" Pablo asked Ana. "I- You're not. Y/n what the hell?" Y/n rolled her eye set again. "Yeah, roll your eyes further. You might find a brain in that skull of yours." Y/n gasped. "Okay! Stop! This is no way to treat your guest, babe!" Both Pablo and Y/n looked at Ana confused. Guest? "Come back to ours!" Y/n looked back to Pablo, rolling his eyes at the sheer idea of her coming back for a few drinks. "I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Oh come on! Please?" Y/n looked into her friends eyes. She couldn't say no. "Only for a little while." Y/n replied quietly. Ana squealed and hugged her friend tightly. "My two favourite people having drinks with me. My lucky day." Ana chuckled. The trio got into the car and headed home. It was how their hangouts usually went; Pablo and Ana talking the whole time whilst Y/n sat in the back on her phone, practically forgotten about. Y/n was walking around the house aimlessly as Pablo and Ana did....couple things. She felt uncomfortable and the sooner she could get home, the better. Her phone buzzed, pulling her from her thoughts.
When you're coming up, could you bring me some perfume from the en suite plz???
Y/n looked at the text a bit confused, but wanting to be a good friend, she agreed. Y/n walked upstairs to meet the couple but make a quick stop at their bedroom. She stopped as she spotted Pablo rummaging around for something in the bathroom. "What are you looking for?" Y/n asked. Pablo looked back to her. "Just Ana's perfume. Do you know where it is?" Y/n looked confused. "But she sent me to-" The pair jumped as a loud thud was heard by the bedroom door closing. "I just say we tell her we can't find it. I've been looking for a good 5 minutes now and I don't think-" Pablo cut himself off as he tried to open the door. He pulled again, then started pounding at it. "What's wrong?" Y/n asked, clearly annoyed. "It's locked." He replied. "And how is it locked?" Y/n tried it for herself. "Ana! Ana, let us out!" Pablo shouted through the door.
"Let us out!" Y/n almost screamed. "Not until you two stop hating eachother!" Ana shouted back. "I'll go out to get dinner and when I get back, you guys better be on good terms!" Y/n and Pablo stood trying to convince Ana to let them out, but it didn't work. Ana still left and shut the front behind her. "That's at least a half an hour I have to be stuck with you." Pablo groaned and sat on the bed. "Believe me, I'm just as mad at this as you are."
"Why do you not like me? The sooner you tell me, the sooner we would be able to leave." Y/n said calmly, walking towards him. "Because Ana wasn't the friend I was meant to end up with that night." Y/n pulled a confused face, looking at the spaniard. "What do you mean?" She asked. "When we met? I didn't intend for me to bring Ana back to my place, I wanted you instead. But I saw you with some other guy so I didn't bother and I went home and slept with Ana." She was dumbfounded. "You liked me?" She asked, almost breathlessly. "I did, until you started arguing all the time. You got annoying and I couldn't get rid of you. You are Ana's best friend." They didn't know how but they had managed to get close, a little too close. Her eyes looked between both of Pablo's and do to his delicious looking lips, before trailing back up to his eyes. "Don't look at me like that." He whispered, sounding more like he was pleading. "Im not looking at you any differently than I always do." She whispered in turn. He had somehow gotten closer.
Pablo's hands rested on her hips, his lips closely shadowing hers. She felt his hot breath on her skin. "We shouldn't be doing this." Y/n whispered. "Then stop." He replied as if it was a simple solution for her. "I- Pablo. We-" She looked between his eyes. "I can't." His hands moved from her hips up her torso. "If you can't then stop me." He whispered. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. "Don't ask me to do that." She begged. "Why? Because you don't want me to?" She nodded shamefully. "Then we can keep this quiet and brief." Without much more warning, his lips began kissing the nape of her neck, her head falling back to give him more access. "Pablo." His name fell from her mouth like a sin. "Please." Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling and gripping the curled locks.
A wild grin fell onto his face. "For someone who can't do this, you're very eager." He said before kissing her hungrily, both lips fighting for dominance. "Listen, I am in the better position to be giving a tantrum right now. I just lost the game." Pablo walked backwards, with each step he hoped he would be landing on his bed and eventually he did. Y/n squealed at the sudden drop, making Pablo laugh. "That was funny." He chuckled. "Shut up." She said before delving right back in for another long kiss. Pablo turned them so he was on top. As each of his kisses deepened, he got harder and harder and it was difficult to ignore it. His hips began moving forward, trying his best to relieve the burning desire he held for her desperately. Y/n's hand made it's way down to his umissable bulge, a grin plastered on her lips.
"Dry humping? What are you a teenager?" Y/n challenged. Pablo sat up quickly and undid his zipper. "Alright then. If you want to be like that." He mumbled, before pulling at her trousers. Y/n reached down to the hem of her Barça shirt beginning to lift it when Pablo grabbed her hands. "No, keep the jersey on." Y/n let go of her shirt and smiled. "Whatever you want." She winked, before Pablo hooked her panties with his fingers and tugged. In one swift movement, the fabric was removed. He looked at her hungrily. "Fuck." He mumbled. "Well? Are you just going to stare or actually do something?" She asked.
Pablo's hands traced up her legs slowly, teasing her mercilessly. She whined as he pressed gentle kisses on her thigh, looking up at her almost coming undone from this alone. "Doesn't this have to be quick?" She asked, her hands falling to his head and tangling in his hair. "You're right for once." He rasped, taking his length out and lining up with her. The chain he wore dangled from his neck, prompting Y/n to reach up and bite it, grinning. In turn, this generally innocent act drove Pablo crazy and prompted him to delve into her. She gasped as Pablo took the first few thrusts gently.
She gripped onto his biceps as the noises slipped from their mouths like a sin. "It's okay?" He asked. Y/n nodded. "Quicker." With her permission, he sped up the pace. Her fingernails dug into his back, leaving light scrapes that would easily be gone by the morning. In turn, his teeth nicked and nibbled her neck, leaving marks behind. His name tumbled from her lips over and over again, whilst a chain of curses came from his. "You feel so good." He whispered, his thrusts becoming irregular and sloppy. She hummed in response. "Just for you." His hand traced a line down her middle, ultimately ending on her clit. He massaged it in a circular motion. He would be dammed if he finished before she did. Her mouth fell open as a soft gasp came with it. "You like that?" She nodded, not able to string together a sentence. "Good girl." He growled, turning back to kissing her neck. Her skin was ruined with dark lilac marks that looked like watercolour.
His hand travelled under the barca shirt, lifting it slightly. "You said-" His lips met hers. "Just be quiet and watch." He growled. She nodded in compliance as she focused on how his lips carefully drew bruises right down her core in an almost perfect straight line, his eyes looking up to make sure she was watching how he ruined her. "Can we make this any quicker?" He grinned. "Of course." His hips moved at a rapid pace as Y/n crumbled beneath him, each curse growing louder and louder until she finally came undone, her fingers pulling at his hair as she did. Pablo finished only a few thrusts after as the pair lay in eachother's arms for a moment, both just enjoying their highs, their foreheads resting off one another's. Their eyes opened to stare back at eachother and it settled in. They fucked up and they fucked up badly. Pablo swallowed the spit in his mouth and pulled out, heading to the en suite to grab a towel, chucking it to Y/n.
Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, lifting her shirt to see how her skin looked almost painted in red and purple. Pablo pulled up his trousers, stealing glances of Y/n as she stared at her reflection. "You should get ready. She'll be back soon." Pablo said quietly, his actions finally just settling in. "What do we tell her?" She asked. Pablo shrugged, heading to make the bed. "I don't know. I was thinking of ending it with her." Y/n turned, looking at him almost in disgust. "Over this?" Pablo scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself. I've been thinking of doing it for a while. This-" He wagged his finger between them. "Just confirmed I don't love her. So, I am going to break up with her next week and thankfully-" He paused and looked over to her. "We will never see eachother again." She nodded along. "Good. I don't think you deserve a girl like her." Y/n said. "I don't think you do either." He replied and he was right. What kind of a friend does what she just did?
A knock startled the deathly glances between them. "Are you finally friends now?" Ana's sweet voice asked through the door. Y/n didn't answer. She couldn't. "Yes, yes we are." Pablo answered. Ana unlocked the door and smiled. "Oh thank God. Now we can be civil." She pecked Pablo's cheek as he looked right back at Y/n. "Of course. Anything for you." He smiled lightheartedly. "Are you gonna staythe night?" Y/n looked between them both. "I might actually head home. I have class tomorrow." Ana looked at her confused. "But tomorrow is Sunday?"
"Yoga. I do yoga classes."
"Since when?"
"It's a six week thing? First one is tomorrow." Ana nodded. "Okay, well have fun. Message me when you get home." Y/n hugged her friend. She felt like she was lying right to her face, she betrayed her. "I'll see you tomorrow, Ana." She smiled, anticipating the moment she could leave. "Okay, I'll see you later." Ana smiled, unaware of the sins that had happened just moments ago in her own bedroom.
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Oscar the Matchmaker: Chapter Five
Oscar Jack Piastri x Reader x Max Verstappen
Summary: a deep dive into the readers background and a reappearance of a pair she never wanted to see again
Warnings: toxic relationships, mentions of past abuse, reference to SH, mentions and allusions to r*pe and SA, drugging, toxic media
Notes: it's long.... really really long 🫠
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She didn’t hide her past relationship experiences. Partly because she couldn't.
Her and Oscar had been friends for years before they started dating. He'd been with her through many breakups. Most of them messy. Some of them even made him question humanity.
Her first relationship wasn't bad. A small one in high school with a guy. They found that they just weren't made for each other, and that was okay. It ended mutually.
Then, there was some experimentation. A few parties ended in interesting ways.
Then, her first series relationship. This was where she was in love, dated, and then fell in love again. She'd spent nights crying on her floor over it and long ass calls with Oscar, who had no clue what she was on about.
Then she tried to explain. Drunk one night and her brain attempting to throw her in the deep to drown her in dark thoughts. She'd come out to him and it was the first time she truly said it out loud to anyone.
Turns out her partner at the time was listening in and left her because of it. Many filthy words leaving his mouth that had her spiraling for weeks.
So she stopped dating all together. She put all her effort into racing. Her friendship with Oscar was also blooming. They had a way of understanding each other that nobody understood.
She explored having multiple partners. None of it ended well. Mostly couples just looking for a good time. It hurt. She wanted something real, and when they said it was, she was gullible enough to believe them.
In Formula 3, she met a couple. Not on purpose, she'd just been around town, and they started a conversation. One thing led to another, and she ended up being in a trio with them.
She spent a year with them. She thought it was a good year. She wanted so badly for it to be good. But Oscar saw right through what was happening.
They lived together, and she traveled. They lied and manipulated. They used and abused. She felt stuck. But she didn't feel like she could tell anyone to help her out of the situation.
She had to keep up appearances. She couldn't let anyone in. The fear of what it would do to her career at the age of eighteen weighed heavy on her. She was barely an adult!
She struggled that year. Everyone saw it.
Thankfully, her racing was improving. She wasn't winning as much as Oscar, but she was keeping up with him. They got to move up at the same time. The Redbull junior ranks wanted to move her up as soon as possible because of her potential.
Formula 2 was intense. Her partners were basking in the fact she couldn't will herself to leave.
Why did love hurt so much?
Her and Oscar were in her hotel room the night after a race in the early season. The fact that anyone would take advantage of her kindness made him angry. The fact that she'd been used for sex tipped him over the edge.
Then he saw the bruises littering her skin. The thin red lines that she'd definitely given herself. And he lost it.
He was her guardian angel. Helped her cut contact with them.
He'd helped her go get her things. It was the first time she'd even let him into the flat.
Red flag one: her room was separate. Their room was definitely big enough for all three of them, but it's like there was no trace of her.
Red flag two: it's like she only existed as a reprieve to them. There was hardly a trace on her anywhere. There were no pictures of all three of them. Her shoes and coats weren't even in the closet by the door.
She moved in with him after that. Then she just never left.
Neither of them were sure of when it happened. The growing feelings for each other were not going away. So they did something about it.
She was absolutely terrified to lose him. He was all she had in terms of stability. Her family didn't agree with her choices, and even though she stayed in contact, they didn't particularly try to be involved.
They'd taken it so slow. He was so gentle with her. She was the kind soul who wasn't afraid to defend him with her life. He was absolutely smitten.
Still is.
She looks at her two lovers in the press conference with her. Grateful that they are here because she tends to get certain questions that make her eyes roll.
Max loves to answer them for her. Oscar lobes to be sarcastic with them. Either way, it worked out, and she always ended up with a smile on her face.
The three walk through the paddock together. To everyone else, they were just close friends, and Max saw potential in them - or something like that.
Charles and Lando found out the hard way what was going on. Christian is supportive and is always making sure you guys have a safe space if neccecary. Logan has known the female and Aussie for long enough to know that something was going on and figured out out when he saw the three leave together late one night. Yuki was just outright oblivious, and she is grateful for that.
She didn't like people knowing. She'd been called things she never wanted to hear again. She'd had friends leave because of it. She'd lost family over her incessant need to have sex with more than one person. It made her feel gross, and She'd determined the best thing to do was not tell anyone.
Unfortunately, this weekend, she would get outed to the world.
Smiles are on the menu today. She couldn't be happier despite the fact her car is ridicoulusly difficult and arguably the slowest on the grid. Her three points are really nothing to scoff at when you take into account that fact.
They are in Silverstone. One of Oscar’s home races and he has new upgrades on his car. Why wouldn’t she be happy about that?
They agreed to meet between practices. The rendezvous being Max’s driver room. Mostly because Christian knew already which made Redbull the best option.
Whilst they were walking, she spots a couple familiar faces in the crowd. Her heart jumps to her throat and her body freezes with a feeling she can’t describe.
They catch her gaze and it’s like her her entire world falls apart. Her breath is heavy as they walk towards her.
Oscar follows her gaze to hopefully see what she’s seeing. He does. The couple walking towards them incredibly familiar.
She can’t register the two attempting to guid her away. Ducking behind corners and opting for the McLaren garage instead since it’s closer. Oscar successfully gets them inside undetected.
His hands are cupping her cheeks. The distant stare not helping his concern.
Max looks between them hurriedly. “What’s going on? I’m worried and I don’t understand why-“
“Her exes are here.”
Max wasn’t sure if this technically could be deemed a safety issue, but he doesn’t care. He sneaks his way through to the Redbull garage and locates Christian. The only person he knows who could help them out.
“Christian! Do you have a second to talk privately?”
He spins around on his heels to face Max. “Sure. Everything okay?” They start off in the direction of his office.
“We have an issues.”
“And by we you mean three, right?” They enter the space and Christian closes the door behind them and takes his seat at the desk.
He nods to confirm. “Her exes are here.”
“Your going to have to explain to me why that’s an issue. I don’t doubt there is one, but I can’t help if I don’t understand.” Christian had always been good at helping him understand exactly what he means.
“They abused her in ways that I can’t describe.” Max grimaces at the words. She’d told him the story. She’d struggled to breathe as she did so.
Christian leans forward over the desk. His gaze turned up to Max who decided not to sit. “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you.” Max’s voices is threaded with appreciation.
There was still no word from Christian when practice two starts. Max and Oscar had made sure she was safe before leaving her at her garage. It was terrifying being alone knowing that they are around.
She was under the assumption she’d never have to see them again. They didn’t follow racing vigorously and they lived in separate places. she probably let herself get to comfortable in that thought.
Practice two was harder but she managed to get some good laps in. She’s much less excited about getting out of her car. Leaving the car means talking to people and that was something she didn’t feel like doing at the moment.
she coax’s herself out of the car and slips into her driver room to catch a breather. Her phone buzzes in her pocket and she prays that it’s one or both of her lovers.
It’s not. Instead all of her phone is lighting up with messages from the PR team. Her mind goes blank reading the messages over and over again.
“We need to have an emergency meeting.”
She tried to listen, but everything was underwater. Franz and the PR team are seated around the table looking at the posts. Then looking at her. Then back at the screen.
Her exes had not so subtly posted pictures very clearly showing that the three of them were together at some point. The captions making bold allegations against her and what she supposedly did to them.
She knows the team can see she’s trying her best. Her performance coach came to sit with her when she saw the young drivers puffy red eyes.
She didn’t want anyone to know and now it’s out for the whole world to see.
Her manager goes over things with her before the separate for the evening. She’s not to say anything about it because technically speaking it’s not their business. She can choose not to answer.
Explaining to her team her story also wasn’t fun, but they needed to know. It did ease the pain when they all believed her.
She has yet to text either of her partners. They’d probably heard about it already.
She just slips back into her room in the motorhome and pretends things are okay for the moment.
Oscar didn’t know what to expect when Lando came into his room without even bothering to knock. At least he has clothes on this time.
“Mate! Have you heard from Y/N?” Lando scrolls through something on his phone. Despite his lack boundaries at times, the Brit is a good friend and is fiercely protective of the three of them.
“No? Is she okay?” Oscar can clearly see the anxiety in his body language. It’s concerning after the encounter earlier today.
“You may want to find her. I was on Twitter earlier, and these pictures with her exes, I’m assuming, keep popping up. They’re saying some nasty things about her. Like she used them or something.”
Oscar snatches Lando’s phone out of his hand. The pictures are awful to look at. She looked trashed. He remembered that night all to well. It was after this he’d helped her get out.
She’d been refusing them. Trying to keep them at a distance so she could eventually just leave. They weren’t getting what they wanted so they’d spiked her drink. She called him at around four in the morning, her voice broken and confused.
He’d gone to get her. It took everything in him not go inside and confront the two who did it. Then he spent the entire night cleaning her up. She was bruise and bleeding and shaking in fear over the fact she didn’t know what happened.
Now those pictures of her that she probably has no recollection of them taking are on the internet for everyone to see. Even more was that she’s being out to be the villain.
“I’ve only ever see you angry one time, but you have that look in your eye that makes you look like your plotting a murder.”
Max had a smooth FP2 and is now having a friendly conversation with GP. His race engineer confirming a few things and talking about some upcoming vacation plans.
Max smiles when he sees Christian approach the two. The other, however, looks solemn. “Max, have you looked at your phone recently?”
“No, why?”
“And you’ve seen no social media?”
“I don’t really like being on it, so also no. What’s going on?” Max is a bit frustrated now that his team principal isn’t telling him something.
“I’ll explain on the way there. We’re going to the AlphaTauri garage.”
Christian tugs Max along, and the Dutch sends the engineer an apologetic smile before walking next to Christian. “Please give me some context. I have no idea what’s happening.”
"Someone leaked photos of y/n. They aren't good, and they are saying she's the aggressor."
Did Max ever think he would be suppressing a litteral growl? No. But he is. The urge to hit something is becoming incredibly difficult to suppress.
The questions enter his brain at a pace he can't keep up with. Why would they do that? Is Oscar with her? Is she going to be okay?
The walk there is a blur. His mind to be occupied to register it until they get in the conference room. He assumes Christian told him what was going to happen on the way, but he was listening.
He feels slightly better when he spots the bright papaya color of Oscar, Zak, Mark, and someone who he assumes is Oscar's PR manager.
Max's PR manager is also at the table along with y/n's team. Though, the girl herself is missing. "Where is she?"
"Her trainer is trying to coax her out of her room." Comes the familiar voice of Franz Tost. He's a stern man. He has to be when he's dealing with rookies and drivers in their early careers all the time. Yet he can see the concern on his face.
Then Max makes eye contact with Oscar. Neither of them say anything, but it's obvious they are both frustrated. "And I'm assuming now that everyone in this room knows?"
All of them stare at him with confusion. Except for Oscar, who is mentally face palming at his partners current obliviousness. "No, only Christian does. I was here as emotional support as were you." Pipes the Aussie. Max groans in defeat.
Everyone looks between them expectantly. So Max looks at Christian, who nods his head, then at Oscar, who also nods.
"The three of us are dating."
To say there were a few shocked faces is an understatment.
She doesn't move when her pysio opens the door. She doesn't move when she hears Oscar and Max. She doesn't move when they sit next to her, and the door closes behind, leaving the three on their own.
"I know you don't want to right now, but there are people who want to help make this better waiting for us in the conference room." Max is straightforward and yet gentle at the same time. His hand on her knee is a reminder that she's not yet a ghost.
Still, she doesn't move. "Max may have outed us to the people in there." Oscar chuckles and attempts to lighten the mood. She smiles just a tad when Max grains and mumbles something under his breath.
"Were they upset?" She questions. Voice small and cracked from her previous crying.
"Nope. Not at all." Max kisses her head and Oscar gets up off the floor.
"Originally, the plan was that the two of us would make statements since we're 'close,' but now they reckon we should just come out to the world."
"Wouldn't that make things worse?"
"Not if we show everyone how happy you make us and how you wouldn't hurt a fly."
She takes a deep breath in and let's the boys help her up.
It was a terribly long meeting, and they are all exhausted.
The good outcome was that they would have the full support of their teams, and everything would come out on Monday.
The bad part is that she still has to get through this weekend. It's terrifying to think about.
They coached her through every possible question she might get asked. Again, terrifying. She didn't want the world to know nothing about this, and here she is, trying to memorize answers about what happened in a vague sense.
They slept in Max's room. The fear of leaving the conference room was so bad that Christian and her trainer actually made sure everything was clear before they left. The way up to the hotel room wasn't any better.
The two males had tried to get her to sleep, but her brain refused. Her thoughts on overdrive all night and into the early hours of the morning.
She didn't go anywhere without her headphones in the next day. The fans had lost their minds. People were calling for her to be replaced.
Her team made sure they kept people away from her. Some were becoming more aggressive, and it was unerving walking around.
The Redbull team had done its best to keep her and Max in close proximity to each other. While McLaren couldn't do that, Oscar was aloud to step away if needed.
Qualifying went about as well as it normally did for her. But she was still happy with her lovers. Oscar managed to qualify third, and Max is on pole next to one of his closest friends.
She got ushered off to get her interviews out of the way early. The hope being she wouldn’t have to deal with to many questions about the photos because of her less then ideal qualifying.
Her PR manager spent more time pulling her away from the invasive reporters then she spent answering questions. All she wanted wanted was to disappear by the end of it.
Thankfully they gave her time to breath before the debrief. They didn’t ask to much of her there either.
Yuki caught up with her afterward. They talked, but she wasn't engaged. She felt guilty because she knew he was trying to distract her while she waited to go back to the safety of the hotel.
Obviously, he knows now. There was no way of not telling him. He is spared all the details, but he is also supportive and is trying to be a good friend. Something she is grateful for while navigating this weekend.
Finally, it’s race day. The feeling of almost being done with the weekend makes her ecstatic to get in the car.
The booing from the crowd is downright unbearable. It’s once again the reason she has headphones in. Max and Oscar had been struggling with not intervening all weekend. The only thing stopping them being their plans come Monday.
Another race with an unsatisfying result. And to top it all of the media is asking her if it’s karma. Usually her PR manager is level headed, but now she looks like she’s ready to give her own statement.
Max had won and Oscar is fourth. She wants nothing more then to celebrate the fact the Aussie among them finally has a good car. But she can’t seem to pull her head out of the water. She’s drowning and she knows it.
She ends up catching a ride with Yuki back to their hotel. The hote that she was staying on regardless because max has the same one. It was convenient for the most part.
she does not go to his room however. She goes straight to hers and collapses onto the bed. Untouched and clean since she hadn’t touched it til now.
As much as she tries to stop them, the feeling of inadequacy and guilt creep around her skin. The idea that her two lovers would have an easier time without her finds the front of her brain. It’s suffocating.
Maybe this is all karma or something similar. Maybe she’s finally getting what she deserves.
Her phone buzzes in her pocket. She doesn’t take it out.
Then a knock at the door. Then another. And another.
Enough for her to get up and open it. Her mind assuming that it’s the boys looking for her.
She tries to put a smile on her face as she swings it open. Only for her exes to be standing on the otherside
Osacar looks at Max worriedly when the third call goes to voicemail. She’d sent them a text hours ago when she left the track. the two of them had been held up with post team celebrations and discussions.
Now they stand in Max’s hotel room that is noticeably lacking said female. They’d checked everywhere. Even in inconvenient places like cupboards and drawers.
“Do you think she’s in a different room?” Shouts Max from a different room.
“Like mine or hers?” He clarifies.
“We’ll think about what Yuki said.” Oscar thinks back to when they’d caught the shorter driver before they were taken to the media pen. He’d mentioned that his teammate felt she was upset when Oscar had an amazing race. He’d not thought about it much then. He’d had a feeling it would be hard and he was fine with it. But now-
“She’s isolating because of the guilt.”
It was one of her worst habits. When she feels guilty, she’ll shut them out and isolate herself even if she’s done nothing wrong. The anxiety throwing her into dark places that frankly scare the two males.
The first place they check is her room since it’s in the same building. A mere three floors below them.
They decided the stairs will be faster then waiting for the lift. Oscar almost trips down the steps which would make it faster, but it would also hurt. He blames the nerves for making it harder to control his body.
When him and Max are in front of her door, Max takes out the extra key card that he has. After Lando stole his room key, they made sure to get extras for each other. Something he's so glad they decided to so this weekend.
Max takes the lead this time around, putting himself between Oscar and the door then gently pushing it open. It opens with a small creak and the first thing Oscar notices is the sound of running water accompanied by an unfamiliar female voice.
The Aussie pleads with whatever higher power will hear him that it’s not her exes. Whispered begs fall from his lips as Max continues forward.
Clothes on the floor. Furniture knocked over. The bed sheets a mess.
Oscar is grateful that her room is smaller then Max’s. Everything is more compact and visible once you get past the entry.
Max looks around a bit and the Australian can hear his breathing pick up. Then he strides over to a corner in the room that Oscar couldn’t see due to Max being in the way.
What he sees after he moves breaks him. He wants to scream in anger. Let every person in the vicinity know just how fucked up this world is.
Her body lay curled in the corner, unconscious and naked. Bruises have started forming around her neck and thighs.
It takes Max mere seconds to be down at her side. Yet Oscsr can't seem to move his body. The overwhelming anger clouding his mind makes it hard for him to decided.
Max has her in his arms, assessing the damage done. Supposedly, whoever did this is in the shower.
"She needs a hospital." Oscar snaps out of his trance. Max is trying to tell him what's wrong with her, but he can't get his mind to focus. "I think I have an idea, but you have to trust me."
Oscar shakily nods his head to show he's listening. "What's the plan?"
Max looks at the girl him and Oscar wrapped so gently in a blanket. Lando looks at her and the bathroom door. "Why haven't you knocked their teeth out yet."
"Legal reasons, which is why you're waiting here with Oscar for the authorities. You're to keep them here while I get her to the hospital."
Oscar looks distantly at the girl, and Max can see the pain in his face. He'd been through this once with her already. The Australian wants to see them put away so badly.
Max had originally offered himself to stay with and wait. He knows the connection between the two in this is something he doesn't fully understand. But Oscar needs the closure more then him. He needs to see this through and he made that very clear to Max.
He places a kiss on Oscar's head before leaving. "Let me know when things are tied up, okay?" He hums, but Max can still see him staring. The familiar look of white knuckles gripping so hard at nothing.
With that, Max leaves the space and makes it to his car through back entrances. The staff understands completely and helps his get through the doors.
He made a point to warn them about the authorities arriving sometime soon. Though he's not sure when.
He also thanks himself for sprinting back up to his room to grab her clothes. Well- not her clothes. Max and Oscar's clothes because she likes them better. At this point, he just wants to make her as comfortable as possible, so he can't be bothered to care. Their clothes look cute on her anyway.
He sets her in the passenger seat and speeds off to the nearest hospital. It takes a few minutes to get there. The night traffic of the weekend still steadily makes its way through.
Finally, he pulls into the emergency entrance and runs her into the waiting room where hopefully somone can help.
Something inside him snaps, however, when he's being forced away from her. The nurses are trying to speak with him, but he can't hear what their saying as he watches them take her away.
Eventually, he's calmed himself down enough to answer their questions. Specifically the ones about her safety and if he knows her. The most awkward was explaining their occupation. Until someone recognized him, and then all hell broke loose, and they had to take him somewhere private.
The wait was terrible. He had to call Christian to help him get through it. The older man told him he'd get things sorted with her team and then come to meet him.
He almost fell out of his chair when Oscar's contact lit up his screen.
"Oscar! Everything okay? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Lando and I are getting ready to head to the hospital."
Max sighs with relief, but he can't help to notice the slight edge in his voice. "Did something happen?"
"Max... he said she deserved it. They both mocked her for leaving them. I couldn't take it anymore, so I hit him." The crack in Oscar's voice made the Dutch wince. "Lando pulled me off, and the authorities grabbed him before we could continue fighting."
"It's alright now, Jack. I know that angry feeling. But you can rest now knowing that they aren't going to be around ever again."
Max can hear the little sniffles and Lando's voice in the background telling them it's time to go.
"I love you, schat."
"I love you too, Maxy."
Her head hurts. Her body hurts. Her eyes hurt.
The steady beeping of machines and alcohol smell is doing nothing to help. Where is she?
She cracks her eyes open just a tad. Only to be met with white walls and the soft yellow of dim lights.
She mover her head around gently. An attempt at getting her surroundings.
Hospital. She's definitely in a hospital.
Oh god.
The memories from earlier play in her mind. They way they'd said they just wanted to talk. She was stupid to believe yet not strong enough to slam the door on their faces.
They did talk at first. Kind, like how they treated her before. Like when she thought she loved them. Maybe she did at one point, and that's how they got her.
She was dumb enough to leave her water glass in front of them. Idiotic enough to turn her back for a moment.
They spiked her drink with something, and it was all over from there. It felt and looked like they were trying to stage something.
She fought so hard. They just had the advantage. Like they've aways had. Two against one who's drugged is never a fair fight.
The beeping from the machine gets faster, and she finds herself entirely too hot and nauseous to continue lying down.
She shoots upwards, startling someone from outside the door. Her voice is hoarse as she screams for a bucket or something to which she ends up spilling her guts into. Their timing was impeccable.
"Are- are Max and Oscar here?" She asks a nurse when things calm down. The nurse says something, but the girl only registers the soft 'yes' that comes out of the nurses mouth.
The tears of relief pool in her eyes when she sees them. The two are quick to her side. She can see them trying to be strong for her. But she can see the tear tracks on both and Oscar's wrapped knuckles.
The nurses leave them alone for the time being. None of them broke the silence that lay between. Not that she could say anything if she wanted. The sobs were making it difficult to speak.
"They went away. They can't hurt you anymore." It's Oscar first.
She looks at him with something mimicking confusion. "I don't understand." She switchs her gaze between them.
Max intertwines her hand with his while Oscar sits on the edge of the bed. "We found you." Explains the Dutch. They were still there and so we called the authorities. We shouldn't ever see them again."
The weight that's been sitting on her chest for almost two years is lifted. She can breathe again. The deep wounds are certainly far from healed, but just knowing that they won't be coming close to her again brings a sense of justice.
Apparently, she'd been heavily drugged and was on the verge of death for a couple of minutes. It's given her a new perspective that she should live life less afraid then she has been.
Who cares if people see her as a slut? Who are the to judge!
Her hospital is currently home to Lando, Oscar, and Max. The three are preparing to send out the post that they'd originally planned as something else.
But with everything that's happened, a leaked video of Oscar's fight and someone tweeting that they saw Max at the hospital, plans had to change.
They all posted the same photo of the three of them on her bed. It's a cute picture even though she looks halfway to dead. Lando claims she shouldn't say anything because he's a great photographer.
It was terrifying, to say the least. The entirety of Redbull put out a statement last night. Nothing in depth about what happened, just what people are bound to find out given time.
Lando took their phones so they can't look at anything people are saying. Completely unplugged until they are forced to go back to racing.
She looked at the boys who were smiling because she was simply awake. Something she's not sure she could've seen herself doing a couple of years ago. And even if she's going to have to work on moving forward, at least she knows that she has two boys who aren't leaving her side.
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klausysworld · 11 months
could you please do a klaus oneshot where the reader is a siren/mermaid?
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Treasure digging
When Hayley got pregnant by Klaus and moved in with his family, she wasn’t alone. Instead she brought along a friend. One who didn’t say much, she kept to herself and supported Hayley through everything no matter the turn out. The few times she spoke to Klaus is was either because it was on someone else’s behalf or because it was only him to talk to.
He didn’t mind much, he was rather glad he didn’t have another person throwing their personal views at him every second of the day.
Plus whenever they did have their small talk sessions she was never directly rude to him. She avoided any cruel things he had done either recently or in the past and asked him minor questions, like how he was finding the new paint brand he had purchased.
He didn’t really know anything about her, none of the Mikaelsons did and none of them really noticed or cared. She didn’t pose as a threat so they weren’t interested.
Of course until it clicked in Klaus’ mind and he realised he didn’t even know how she and Hayley met. So when they next spoke, he decided to ask
“Foster system” she answered plainly but he frowned, he could tell she was lying just by her tone.
“In a group home?” He questioned further
“Mhm group home”
“How old?”
“I dunno like 14” she mumbled
“Strange wasn’t Hayley on the streets after breaking her curse and being thrown out?” He pressed with his eyes narrowed on Y/n.
She glanced back up at him “why the sudden interest?” She asked
“Why the obvious lies?”
They both stared at each other for a moment before the front door closed and she got up to go see Hayley who had returned with a small hope in her arms.
And from that day, Klaus wanted to know more.
“What’s your last name love?” He asks once and he saw her frown briefly
“Delphia, why?”
“That means dolphin doesn’t it? How peculiar” he muttered and she furrowed her brows
“Is it?” She breathed to herself making him smirk a little to himself, knowing he was getting at her.
Then when he came across Y/n and Hayley whispering about something with the kitchen tap running, he knew there was some sort of secret he needed to find.
And when he had his mind set on something he always seemed to get it. Hayley and Y/n knew this and so knew that they needed to be careful. So they made a cautious trip to a powerful witch, that Y/n had befriended years before, and made sure her shell necklace was fully powered. The necklace meant that Y/n could touch and be in water without any worry.
Klaus had noticed the necklace before, seen it on Y/n’s neck and on her bedside table when she was in the bath. Sentimental meaning he assumed it was, as she didn’t appreciate people touching it including Hayley and Hope which was odd to see.
So because he was who he was, he decided to try and steal it. But it wasn’t an easy task.
“That’s a pretty necklace love, where’s it from?” He asked while reaching forward to touch it only to have his hand smacked rather harshly and to be glared like he had murdered her family. “Easy love, it’s just a piece of jewellery though it is quite the charm, shells and pearls hm?” But each time he went to get any closer she got closer to tearing his throat out and he could see it in her eyes. She ended up shoving him away and hurrying off leaving him thoroughly confused and all the more intrigued.
And after a lot of failed attempts, he was able to slip it off her while she slept. And the second he touched it, he felt the heavy amount of magic that flowed through it.
“What in the world…” he whispered though soon hushed himself when she stirred in her sleep. He froze from where he stood over her bed and held his breath as her eyes briefly opened and her head raised slightly, she looked at him for a moment before groaning softly and hitting her head against the pillow to fall back asleep. He sighed quietly and carefully clipped the necklace back around her neck, being sure to gently move her hair out of the way and put it back after.
He closed her door quietly and immediately began researching.
It took far longer than expected and also took him digging further into her past, finding out how she truly met Hayley and how they ended up where they were before they got here.
And when he found out the ultimate secret, he was beyond shocked. And skeptical so he had to be sure. He needed to test his theory.
Klaus had only been in Y/n’s room very few times, the necklace incident included and so when he went in, he wasn’t too sure what he was looking for.
He had opened and gone through every drawer and shelf, looking for anything that would confirm or deny the theory of her being a mermaid. He had almost given up until something shiny caught his eye from under her bed. The girls (Hayley, Y/n, Rebekah, Davina and Hope) had all gone out for the day and he had cleared his afternoon specifically for this. So finding something was making his efforts worth it.
He pushed her bed aside and frowned when he dug through the boxes and found nothing. It resulted in him getting angry and slamming his fist down against the floorboards only for it to spring up under the force instead of break/dent.
His brows flew up in surprise as he pulled another piece of wood away to find a box underneath. He could feel a smile tugging at his lips as he pulled the lid back and looked inside. His lips parted in wonder at the array of treasures inside. From pearls to pure gold, jewels in even better condition than the ones he had collected and priceless artefacts. And as he moved some of them aside, a tiara made of entirely shells of the finest condition and a few perfectly cut diamonds. It lay on top an envelope which held unbelievable photographs of Hayley and Y/n at the beach and in swimming pools, in the sea with dolphins and orcas. We’ll mostly y/n being in the water while Hayley rest upon her surf board. And the images which included Y/n’s tail had him feeling enchanted. Just as he went to look at the next picture, he heard very familiar voices and giggles from downstairs.
He panicked instantly and very carefully put everything back as he found it, not without stealing one of the images of her beautiful form and a shell or two.
He closed her door with a quiet click before vamp-speeding to his art room to behave as though he had been there the whole time.
What he didn’t know was that Y/n knew instantly.
She wasn’t stupid, she always checked on her things and she knew straight away what items were missing and what had been touched. Hayley found her packing her things before they had a whisper-yelling match over whether they should stay or run away.
Interrupted of course by toddler Hope who came in and loudly asked where auntie Y/n was going which attracted the attention of the rest of the Mikaelsons including Klaus.
“You’re leaving me?” Rebekah asked confused
“Uhm well no-“ y/n began
“You’re not?” Hayley whispered and Y/n looked back at her with an expression that said ‘would you shut the actual fuck up or what!?’ Which resulted in Hayley raised her arms out in a ‘come at me’ manner which quickly became a silent argument.
“Y/n” Klaus stated breaking them both out of their little trances and making both head snap to his. “Perhaps you’re overthinking your reasoning to leave?” He gave her a look and she glared back
“Niklaus what did you do?” Elijah sighed and Rebekah frowned looking between Klaus and Y/n
“Hold on is something happening with you two?” She asked with a confused frown
“God no, he just doesn’t know when to leave stuff alone!” Y/n grumbled
“Oh and I shouldn’t be worried about who is living in my house!?” He sneered
“If it had happened two years ago then maybe I would understand. I though we had gone past it and were heading for something close to trust.” She wasn’t sure now whether to be angry or upset, but either way she wasn’t happy with him.
“Well maybe if someone had at least let me know what you are then-“
“Woah, hold on what is she?” Kol piped up looking straight at her.
“Nothing- it doesn’t matter” Klaus shook her head
“Then why are you so angry about it?” Rebekah asked still not understanding anything that was happening
“Can we all please just go to sleep and do this tomorrow?” Hayley yelled holding an upset Hope who was reaching out for Y/n.
Rebekah, Kol and Elijah chimed all at once but Y/n was already shoving past them toward the front door.
“You better fucking fix it” Hayley growled to Klaus who was quickly following behind her.
“Y/n, love, would you calm down and stop running away” he called as he chased her to her car
“Why do you can yell at me for being such a big lier? Piss off Klaus this isn’t about you. It’s about me and the fact that your stupid kind is the reason I can’t live normally” she slammed her door shut only for him to appear next to her in the passenger seat.
“Well I personally haven’t had anything to do with the extinction- almost extinction of mermaids” he corrected
“I don’t care. You made the vampires who were and I wouldn’t have cared if you hadn’t been so rude as to not only go through my things but take them. Do you know what those things mean to me!?” She yelled “no! You know why? Because you didn’t ask! Maybe a gentle confrontation would have made this a little easier!”
“Well if you hadn’t lied already about who you are-“
“How am I ever meant to tell you anything Klaus? You use everything anyone says against them just for your own benefit! You are a selfish, power hungry hybrid with no regard for others!”
If looks could kill, then both of them would have been dead.
“How dare you-“
“No Klaus. How dare you. Now shut up, get out of my car and go tell your precious family exactly what I am, come and hunt me down just to frame my tail and steal my property like the filthy mutt you are” she damn near screamed while shoving him out the door. Tears streaked her cheeks as she foot her foot down and drove quickly despite the passenger door being half open.
She knew exactly where she was going, the only place truly safe for her. The ocean.
(I dunno why I’m making everything so angsty?)
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theyluvv4riii · 25 days
Can you do a yandere class 1a x reader if that's ok? (If u don't that's fine!)
EDITED 06/05/24
ON THE DAY YOU CAME TO UA, you ended up tripping infront of the entire class. It was embarrassing, but instead of anyone laughing, most of the students ran up to you, asking if you were okay.
Uraraka and Izuku were the two who helped you stand up as your face flushed red in embarrassment. 'What a good way to start a new school, Y/N!' You thought to yourself. Suddenly, your new teacher, Aizawa, called you to introduce yourself.
"Uhm- My name is Y/N L/N! But please, call me Y/N!" You gave the class a warm smile, nearly lighting up the room with your beautiful face. The room was obviously happier then it was moments before, most students already interested or intrigued by you.
"Any questions? Yes, Midoriya, go ahead." Aizawa spoke after you, followed by Midoriya nearly immediately raising his hand.
"Whats your quirk?!" He asked overly excited, he already wanted to know everything about you! Your quirk, your favorite foods, your hobbies! The longer the list went on however, the creepier it got. Not like you'd find that out, though.
"Ah, right! My quirk is sort of odd, its blood manipulation! Basically I can control anybodys body, and animals too! Just anything that has blood in it!" You said excitedly.
The classes interest peaked, you even had Aizawas attention now.
Midoriya asked questions about your quirk one by one, always followed by a happy answer. The questionare went on practically till lunch time, the classes questions cut off by the ringing of the bell.
The students decided they wanted to sit by you, but none of them wanted to sit by eachother. Arguing started between the class, and you were forced to stop it. "H-hey! Guys- I'll sit with uhm- Ochako and Midoriya!" You tried to tell them, but Bakugou ended up getting extremely upset, leading to you earning an explosion in your face, leaving a mark similar to Todoroki's, just on your cheek.
The class froze in fear, while you had tears in your eyes, yet you refused to let any fall. You couldn't be weak, you couldn't cry like a wuss on your first day. So instead, you just ran away, going straight for the nurses office. You decided you wouldn't snitch on bakugou, and just make an excuse that you tripped and fell..
Recovery Girl was worried, even more worried when you lied to her. No fall could give you a mark that bad! But she let it go. After you had left the nurse's office, Recovery Girl told Aizawa what had happened, and why you were going to be late to class.
After lunch was over, everyone was silent, nobody uttering a word about what had happened, nor having a simple conversation with anyone. When you walked back into the classroom, nobody even looked up at you, too ashamed they couldn't stop Bakugou.
The mark on your cheek was going to scar slightly, just lasting as a small explosion scrape. When Bakugou finally looked up at your beautiful/handsome face, for the first time in his life, he felt guilty.
Bakugou stood up from his chair, walking over to you before you had the chance to sit down. "Hey.. Uhm- Im- Im sorry." He managed to spit out, ashamed of himself that he could barely let out an apology, nor talk to you.
"Hi!- Its okay, I guess.." You mumbled, still slightly upset about the whole ordeal. But he wouldn't be truly sorry if he wasn't apologizing right now, you could tell that much by the way his confidence was near zero, unlike the strong, tough personality he had earlier.
Bakugou was shocked you forgave him so easily, but that didn't mean he wasn't happy. He managed to let out a small, true smile, just for you.
For the rest of the day, you and Bakugou were the only one's who talked, your voices drowning out the others sorrows for you.
During this time, Bakugou only could fall harder for you, and the others saw it in his deep red eyes. He practically had heart eyes for you as you ranted about your old school, or even just your interests.
Saying the other students were jealous was an understatement, they were envious. You should be talking to them like that, it should be them looking at you like that, not him. He hurt you, couldn't you see he was bad for you?
Taking care of him could be for another day, today they had to watch out for your safety. THEY KNEW WHAT WAS BEST FOR YOU, OF COURSE THEY DID.
so like, the end🔥🔥
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