#and it was both fun and frustrating to put together šŸ˜…
oldfashionedmorphine Ā· 6 months
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on the same frequency
šŸ“ by @oldfashionedmorphine
šŸŽØ by @kaiminluu
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pairing: will byers/mike wheeler
rating: mature
word count: 57k
tags: alternate universe, not canon compliant, major character death, graphic depictions of violence, grief/mourning, ptsd, blood and injury, supernatural elements, time shenanigans, butterfly effect, thriller, emotional manipulation, abuse, grooming, implied/referenced suicide, angst with a happy ending
Ever since his best friend Will Byers was murdered back in 1985, Mike Wheeler wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Hawkins, Indiana and never look backā€”only each and every year heā€™s forced to make an exception when it comes to the holidays. And when Mike visits for Christmas in 1995, his mom asks him to help clear out some junk in his room and down in the basement before he returns home to Indianapolis. But when he comes across an old trunk containing his Supercom walkie-talkie and ham radio, he discovers something strange that has the potential to change everythingā€¦
(or an AU based on the movie Frequency from 2000)
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special thank you to the @bylerbigbang mods for hosting this event!
@greenfiend @total-serene560 @across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @soyboystan @foodiewithdahoodie @booksandpaperss @likegoldintheair @mandycantdecide @hazmatazz @sparks-olivarpente @1-tehe-1 @karenchildress @rebellius @maru-chu @septembr-moon @kamomillatea @trvbblemaker
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bluehourbucky Ā· 1 year
Oooooo yes. Oki it's a bucky/reader
Reader was an asset at the same time as bucky and her orders were to keep him safe at all costs, so even if it ends with her taking a bullet. So they've had an intense relationship and hydra being hydra uses it against both of them.
Fast forward to the snap, she doesn't get dusted and manages to escape hydra. She meets nat who helps with her trigger words. They don't fix her since shuri is gone but ends up tweaking it so she's really only listening to her handler- nat or bucky as that's a default lol.
Come to the blip and her and bucky reunite and he has some lingering winter solider tendencies when it comes to her and being protective af. So Sam being sam notices it and gives bucky shit. He snaps and essentially says that she reminds him of hydra and can't stand her.
So typical angst troupe. She avoids him until they get put on a mission and she gets triggered. So bucky ends up taking care of her. Can be smutty lol. Like any part of this can be used. Doesn't have to be the whole thing lol
a/n: Hope you don't mind I simplified it cus I think I'd need more than one part to write all of this properly!!!
Hope you enjoy reading this I put all of the angst into it šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
Sorry this is so long šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
To forgive
pairing: bucky x exhydrasoldier!reader
summary: tension between you and Bucky is unbearable and when a misson goes wrong apologies are in order
warnings: f word couple of times / angst a lot of it
Sam actually doesn't know how he managed to get stuck with not one but two super soldiers who have a staring problem but this is his reality right now.
Recently you and Bucky have been staying with Sam since you two could not live with each other alone anymore.
Bucky became your roommate after everyone came back after the snap.
At that point you were 5 years free of Hydra and mostly recovered, you had been found by Natasha and she had helped you a lot and so has Steve. Steve already had experience watching his friend struggle with what had Hydra done and his heart ached seeing his friend in you. The same lost and broken expression made him sad.
They did everything they could, Natasha and Steve even bought you to Wakanda but without Shuri the progress was slow but it was still progres.
Steve before leaving talked to both you and Bucky and suggested you two could help each other out since there was no one else who could understand more what you two had lived through.
It had been good in theory but in practice it was not.
Buckys' recovery was way past yours, and it frustrated you, you were angry especially because you still had this need to protect Bucky at all times.
Being Hydras punching bag was not fun, you didn't blame Bucky it wasn't easy for him either but he was so precious to them that they needed someone to protect the most important asset. It wasn't like you were the only one, you just survived the longest. There had been many before you, who had been removed or just killed in a mission to protect The Winter Soldier.
To Bucky, you were just a reminder of the torture he had survived. Some nights neither of you slept because the same nightmares haunted you, and yet you didn't talk to each other.
You both remember very little about each other from your time in Hydra, the pain is the only thing you both remember so clearly.
It had become impossible to stay together the night when Bucky had a nightmare and you had tried to help, it was awful. That night when Bucky woke up he had thought he was back at Hydra because he saw you. He yelled and screamed and even attacked you, telling you to let him go, and you didn't even defend yourself immediately going back to your training with Hydra.
"Protect the asset no matter what. your life is not important, the winter soldier must be saved. Do not hurt the asset or you will be punished."
That night had changed everything. The weak friendship that you've had with Bucky vanished and all you ever did was fight.
"The dishes aren't washed princess."
"Can the Winter Soldier throw out the trash sometimes?
"Does princess need to be reminded to not use all the hot water."
Oh but the missions are the worst for everyone.
Sam started to bring a spray with him whenever you and Bucky even try to speak to each other because sometimes it is so unbearable that it could ruin the mission.
Sometimes against your wish you jump in to protect Bucky, the Hydra training instincts rooted deep inside you.
"You don't have to protect me!"
"I don't have a choice here asshole! If it were up to me I wouldn't care less if something happened to you!"
But when Bucky had jumped from an airplane without a parachute your heart had dropped. And it was not because your instincts had kicked in, you had watched the man you've been protecting many decades jump from an airplane that was like 30000ft in the air!
You put a parachute on you and brought one with you and jumped after him.
"Dumbass you forgot something!" you had yelled over the wind catching up to Bucky.
He'd ignored the parachute you tried to give him and left you to just watch him descend.
You have no idea how he survived but you were pissed off and were ready to kill him yourself.
You had pushed him hard enough so he stumbled a bit but that's only because he didn't expect it. Bucky had also received a slap to the face which Sam might have enjoyed way too much. It had caused an actual fight between two of you and it took Sam 30 minutes to separate you. By the time you had to fight people you had come to fight in the first place you and Bucky already had battle wounds.
Tonight you're in Madripoor and the plan was that Bucky pretends to be The Winter Soldier, it made you nervous.
Sharon had give you a dress and some flat boots in case you needed to run, Bucky and Sam had received some very nice suits.
When you saw Bucky in a suit your heart flipped at the sight of him. You've never seen him in a suit before and you weren't sure how to feel about it. He looked handsome, it's not the first time you had that thought but usually there was annoyance clouding any other thoughts about Bucky.
When Bucky looked at you as you exited the room you were changing in his brain and heart malfunctioned. He'd never seen you in a dress before, you preferred clothes that covered your body completely - the scars on your body made you feel very insecure - Bucky was the same the more his body is cover the less attention he has on himself.
But God, have you taken his breath away. It isn't like he thinks you're ugly, you're gorgeous, and if you had known each other back when he was himself and before you had been brainwashed to protect him he would've loved to have taken you to a dance. Unfortunately your situation was too complicated and it had made it impossible for you two to have any kind of relationship not only romantic.
Bucky and you have a very awkward moment where you made eye contact and then quickly looked away. The tension in the room grew to a 100 real fast.
"So ugh about the plan." Sam coughs to fix the awkward vibe that has enveloped the room.
While Sam is explaining the plan you and Bucky glance at each other when the other isn't looking and Sam pretends not to notice.
The club is crowded and the atmosphere changes when people start to notice The Winter Soldier.
You're on edge the entire time.
Suddenly a fight begins but all you hear are the trigger words which do not affect Bucky but you're entirely a different story.
As Bucky was about to get punched you had jumped in front of him stopping the hit with your hands. You break the the guys hand and turn around to hit another big guy.
"Get out of here I will take care of this."
"No you won't."
And when you don't Bucky pulls you by your hand and you have no choice but to run with him.
When you finally arrive at a safe destination away from everyone who's trying to kill you Bucky turns to you.
You only stare back at him not even blinking.
"Bucky stop she's not okay can't you see?" Sam puts a hand on Buckys shoulder backing him away from you.
"She fucked up she wasn't supposed to engage."
"Bucky look at her."
That's when Bucky notices that you're not looking at him you're looking at the floor, your hands behind you as if waiting for punishment.
And suddenly it clicks, your trigger words. Some of them were the same as his.
"I'm so sorry. I- I didn't notice I'm so sorry."
You stay in your place not moving an inch.
Bucky tries to touch you and at first you flinch, he doesn't know what to do - he hugs you, surpsing himself.
He stands there his arms tightly around you.
When you finally come back you start sobbing and Buckys heart breaks. He was supposed to know better.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should've known I should've said it was a bad idea I'm sorry."
You're shaking in his arms and his heart breaks a little more with every whine.
It takes you 45 minutes to stop crying and that's only because you've exhausted yourself with crying.
Bucky carries you to a dodgy motel that him and Sam found. Your limp body in his arms makes him feel incredibly guilty. He feels awful, he'd been awful to you for months and you're right he's been selfish. Bucky can only hope you can forgive him.
You wake up with a headache the light coming through the window indicates that it's for sure not early morning. The sun is gentle and you can tell that sun is about to be gone. To the right of you there's a night stand and to the left is Bucky sleeping on a chair, sitting up.
You notice that you're in Buckys shirt and your pyjama pants.
You turn at Buckys voice.
"I'm sorry about last night I was out of line. I've been out of line for a while. And I'm really sorry I've put you in danger-"
"No I need to say this, please."
you nodd.
"There's so much I regret but I regret putting you in danger and giving you shit the most. I've done nothing to make your life easier I've only made it worse. And you were right I was selfish. I was in my head too much and you're the only person who completely understands what I've been through. Last night shouldn't have happened but I was stupid. I hope you can forgive me and I'll do everything in power for the rest of my life to make it up to you."
"Bucky... I-... What happened to us is not fair and we both did stuff we regret, I also wasn't fair to you. I'm not okay. I haven't been a while and last night wasn't your fault. I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for calling you The Winter Soldier and for hurting you purposely. And you have nothing to make up for nothing that happend is your fault."
Bucky and you stand in silence for a while each trying to process words and the situation you're in right now.
"Fucking Hydra."
Bucky breaks the ice with that statement and you both laugh.
"Bucky, could I ask you for a favour?"
"I haven't been well for a while and last night only showed how much I need help. I'd like to go to Wakanda so they get me in cryo to fix my brain. Please be there for me when they put me under and when they wake me up."
"I promise."
True to his word Bucky is there when they're preparing you for cryo.
"It's going to be okay. These people are the best they know what they're doing. Besides they had their experiment animal way before you!"
"Oh shut up..... Thank you Bucky. I'll see you when I wake up?"
He smiles and gives you a tender hug full of emotions but mostly love.
"I promise."
The last thing you see are Buckys blue eyes looking at you softly he doesn't let himself cry.
The next time you see Bucky is when your new life begins.
This is gigantic udhdhdudud I'm not sure If I should've written so much but it was fun?
Likes reblogs and Comments are appreciated <3
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midn1ghtdreamer Ā· 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could write Izuku x reader he thinks the reader is somewhat enigmatic because no one knows anything about them, so he tried to and realizes that they don't have any friends? Sorry if it's kinda angsty šŸ˜… and feel free not to write it if you don't want. (If you do, could you make it gender neutral?) Thank you and I love your writing <3
Of course I can! thank you so much for sending this request in it was so much fun to write. I hope this met up to your expectations. I decided to add a little bit of angst for flavor. Once again thank you for this request and feel free to make another one if you would like. šŸ˜Š
Izuku X Reader
Strangely Alone
Izuku has an analysis page for everyone and when I say everyone I mean everyone. He even goes into to a deep dive of what everyone can do and how they interact. For example, Bakugo can only make a few large explosions before his quirk dwindles out, and he always smells like sugar when he walks by.
He did this list for every person he met hero or not, but there was one person that he was missing. You.
He could never understand you and your habits, he couldnā€™t even understand your quirk. It caught him by surprise at first. The thought of him not knowing anything about you only made him more curious.
He took his time watching you, hoping to find any pattern in your movements or other mannerisms. Yet, he found nothing. You didnā€™t talk to anyone in class, not even at lunch when everyone has a chance to mingle. Everyday you sit by yourself with no one to talk to, in fact, it seemed that no one tried to talk to you. You kind of reminded him of Shoto and his quiet ways, but Shoto became friendlier over time unlike you.
You always sat with you head in the clouds or writing in your notebook. He would even catch some of his friends whispering about you and how you were still ā€œstudyingā€ even though the exam was over. Little did they know that you heard every word they said.
Itā€™s not that you wanted to sit by yourself with your book as your only form of company. You wanted to talk, to laugh, to have friends. You wanted it all, but it was hard for you when it came to those types of things. You didnā€™t realize how much the lack of friendship would affect you.
You made efforts to talk plenty of times before, but no one ever heard you. No one besides the half asleep teacher at least, he didnā€™t count in your book. You even found yourself crying at some point, all the frustration of trying to make new friends slowing breaking you down.
The more you sat alone the worse the thoughts got. Why am I always alone? Why is talking so hard for me? Is one person too much to ask for? You had to keep your head down to hide the tears, each thought slowly consuming you.
Izuku noticed you sitting by yourself once again, but something seemed different about it this time. You werenā€™t writing anything down or eating, you were just sitting by yourself. Something about you called to him. Without hesitation he grabbed his tray, ignoring all of his friends questioning faces, and walked to your table.
ā€œIs this seat taken?ā€ He questioned. You looked at him in awe, your eyes shining for your tears. You shook your head, allowing the green haired boy to take a seat. ā€œTodayā€™s training was really difficult, right?ā€ He was trying to make any attempt at a conversation and his efforts seemed to be paying off.
ā€œIt was, but Iā€™m sure there was a good reason for it. We all know how our teacher is.ā€
Izuku agreed with you and continued to make small talk. By the end of the period you found out that you had some things in common. You both liked the same heroā€™s and both struggled in the same subject. Ther was even a small disagreement over what kind of katsudon was better. Yours was obviously better.
The bell marking the end of lunch caught you by surprise. The time never went by this fast when you sat alone. You liked the change. You liked the company. ā€œCan we eat together again tomorrow?ā€ You asked as you put your tray away.
ā€œOf course.ā€ Yeah. You definitely liked the company.
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xjulixred45x Ā· 11 days
ThanZag is the Catradora done right
okay, first of all, I haven't been part of the Shera fandom in a while, but I've watched the series several times, other than that I feel like this is something worth pointing out because it could have been the perfect way to have developed the WORST couple of the entire series.
I'm in my phase with Hades from Supergiant, and while I was watching my tenth gameplay, I realized something watching the Interactions of Thanatos and Zagreus, and that is that these two have some similar characteristics to Catradora.
think about it.
1- both were raised by the same maternal figure.
2- They had a relationship of rivalry/friendship since they were children (in Catradora's case "rivalry/friendship")
3-the main drama in the relationship begins when one of the two wants to leave home (although in Catradora's case, there were already GOOD REASONS for wanting to leave before the series).
4-the other member of the relationship has to prevent or try to prevent the other from achieving their goal (although the only thing Thanatos does is try to prevent people from giving supplies to Zagreus, nothing more. He doesn't even fight with him as such. Catra tried to kill Adora several times)
5- this member in specific has mommy issues and a "tsundere" attitude (in Catra's case, she is rather abusive. Than is such a Tsundere that it is difficult for him to express what he feelsšŸ˜…).
6- the protagonist is smarter than they give them credit for, they are considered royalty, they use swords, etc (seriously, what is the need to say that Adora is stupid? Didn't you see the show?)
These are the """"similarities"" that I could find with my sister. but as you can see, there is a BIG difference in execution, and I am going to go into more detail with each one.
1- Zagreus has his own parents, and although he spent his entire life thinking that Nyx was his mother, his dynamic with Thanatos was never of siblings and he always referred to him as a childhood friend. It wasn't until the Events of the game (when he wants to find his biological mother, Persephone) that you can have the option to fall in love with and romance Thanatos(and You can just select to do a friendly route).
Aside from it being implied in the game that while Zagreus gets along with Nyx's children, he did not grow up with them. and that Nyx raised him more like a Nanny, or that she left her children aside to take care of him. I mean, they didn't grow up as part of the same family. Nyx was not a mother figure to all of her children.
Not only did Catra and Adora never refer to themselves as childhood friends, but they had a TOO close relationship with the SAME mother figure, even if they were adopted, they are still sisters having GROWN UP TOGETHER.
and it's worse when you see in the OFFICIAL ART that they refer to Catra as ADORA'S SISTER.
2- The friendship and rivalry of Thanatos and Zagreus was nothing more than a friendly and healthy competition for mutual fun, apart from the fact that whether they win or lose, they congratulate and RECOGNIZE each other's qualities. They are not merely hostile simply because they are competing. Even when Zagreus fails an escape attempt or beats him, Thanatos isn't really mean or insults him.
Catra and Adora on the other hand are the complete opposite, Catra always ALWAYS finds a moment to tell Adora that "she's an idiot", the first thing she tells her is that "she looks ridiculous", that "she's crazy", she puts her down and she constantly makes fun of her to make herself feel better.
3-Zagrues wants to leave the Underworld because he discovers that his mother could be on the surface, apart from the fact that his relationship with his father is quite bad because of this since Hades does not want him to leave, treating him badly and taking out his frustrations on him. and although Zagreus throughout the game understands the consequences and all the good things he leaves behind for wanting to go after his mother, no one (besides Hades) expects him to change his mind.
Adora decides to leave the Horde because she realizes the horrible damage they do to Etheria, also leaving her toxic adoptive mother and Catra (her even more toxic sister/"friend"), but is constantly called selfish by Catra for leaving and "leaving her" BUT in turn, she herself does not want to go with Adora.
They both essentially want to leave their toxic environment, it's just that one has a circle of support and Adora has, unfortunately, Catra, who hopes that Adora will remain miserable in the cycle of abuse that SHE created.
4- Thanatos has direct orders to try to prevent Zagreus from leaving the Underworld, however the "fights" with him are usually short-lived, apart from giving Zagreus things like life and coins if he kills more monsters than him or they tie. Thanatos makes no REAL effort to stop Zagreus. He's just bitter that he left without saying goodbye. that's all. children's fights. that after a while they pass and return to their normal dynamics. healthy.
Catra is on the opposite side of Adora in a war, however she shows no problem being especially sadistic and enjoys hurting Adora when they fight. She WANTS to hurt her. She WANTS to beat her and prevent her from archiving her goal no matter how much it makes her miserable. she does not care.
5- We don't have much idea of what the relationship between Nyx and Thanatos was like, but Nyx seems to have played the role of mother mostly to Zagreus over her own children (either by will or by orders from Hades) and it could also be that Thanks to this little guidance, Thanatos does not know how to adequately express how he feels about Zagreus or his departure. but still respects his decision.
Catra grew up with an abusive mother who pushed her aside to favor Adora, generating this "love"-hate dynamic towards her and causing her to only show "interest" or attention towards her by lowering her to her level, either by insults, violence, manipulation, etc. More than a Tsundere, she is a sociopath.
6- Zagreus is a very good fighter, who knows how to take advantage of the blessings that his relatives have and that in the story of the game he manages to leave the Underworld several times to reunite with his mother (having to fight with his father MANY times) and even helps to fix the family dynamics between his family and Olympus (because more than a toxic family, they count more as a dysfunctional family. but not without repair).
Nobody denies these merits to Zagreus. much less Thanatos or Megaera (another romantic interest to which I may dedicate another post because I love her).
Adora is literally SHERA, the legendary warrior, she has commanded several attacks against the Horde, she commanded the rebellion at some point, she is a great warrior even without Shera, she guided rescue missions, she saved the Horde Prime universe, etc.
and yet Catra continues to consider her an idiot just like the fandom....
As you can see, the similarities these ships share are no bigger than their writing gaps, and it's SAD to think we could have had something like ThanZag in Shera, because they are proof that it COULD work, but the creator's fetishes They got in the way.
all this without talking about the ROMANTIZATION that the Catradora has! It's repulsive how people (and especially the creators) can really see this pair as something romantic!
ahggg I already went too far writing. This was supposed to be shorter but I expanded, I hope you like the product of my suffering. and ThanZag forever.
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Polyship with Daichi and Suga
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Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koshi x GN! reader
Warnings: none!
A/N: This is the request from @alreadyinsane! This is also the final request from the pride series!
šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ
Ahh the daisugayn ship is finally coming
I've been waiting for this one šŸ„°
Mostly because I love writing for Daichi and Suga
Suga is like the opposite of Daichi but they work so well together
And imagine add YN šŸ¤ššŸ» oh boy
Ok so I see this as one of the few polyships that you could get away with in secret
Like Daichi and Suga don't feel the need to brag about their relationship to others
Unless šŸ‘€ they are jealous
Which THANK GOD there isn't a super dramatic person writing these headcannons šŸ˜ƒ
So we are going to do these a little different than we normally do
You, Daichi and Suga have already been together for a while now
And nobody knows
Because you all act normal around each other
I mean, Daichi and Suga argue like a married couple constantly, thats no different in private
"I just don't see why you don't put more trust in me"- Suga
"šŸ˜šŸ™„ Literally you are the leader of them!"- Daichi
"I'll have you know I'm a GREAT upperclassmen"- Suga says
"You literally make fun of the other teams more than Tanaka and Noya"- You add
"YN WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON"- Suga, offended
Please that's literally your life YN šŸ¤£
You guys walk home together, at together and somehow manage to keep things somewhat stable at Karasuno
Your relationship doesn't really get in the way much because we just know Daichi and Suga are professionals
Until they aren't...
Because one thing can be said about Suga and Daichi šŸ‘€
They can be petty af šŸ’…šŸ¼
And their true pettiness comes to shine when they go to summer training camp
Now Daichi and Suga are level headed
But when it comes to Kuroo and Akasshi šŸ˜¬
They most definitely are not šŸ™ƒ
"YN it's so good to see you again! When are you going to transfer to Nekoma?"- Kuroo says smirking
Daichi šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜šŸ˜‘
"Oh YN! How good to see you again. I'm looking forward to seeing you around camp" Akaashi says waving at you
Suga šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜šŸ™„
You smile and wave at the boys as you go about your business getting the teams gear together
Suga and Daichi are brooding in the corner
"Can you believe Kuroo? Like YN would ever go to Nekoma!"- Daichi says
"Akaashi can stop the nice guy crap anytime"- Suga adds
You are completely clueless to your partners frustration
But never fear YN, there is more awkwardness to come šŸ™ŒšŸ»
We all know the training camp for Karasuno doesn't go the best šŸ˜¬
And it only gets worse the more Kuroo and Akaashi push Daichi and Suga
While our precious angels are running up the hill, Kuroo comes and asks you if you can help the third gym squad later
Suga and Daichi reach the summit, see Kuroo and INSTANTLY run back down the hill šŸ˜…
Daichi and Suga pull up behind you as your talking to Kuroo
"Oh hey! Kuroo was just asking me if I could help with their practice later-"
Please you don't even get the final words our before you see Daichi and Suga glaring at Kuroo
Akaashi walks up and asks Kuroo is he asked you to join them
"Well YN what do you say?"- Kuroo asks
"I'd love to-"
"YN is helping US with our synchronized attacks!"- Daichi interrupts
You šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘€ I am?
"Yeah we need YN more than you do!"- Suga says putting his arm around you
Please they are both so possessive šŸ˜…
"Come on YN, let's go"- Daichi says grabbing your arm and pulling you away
Suga walks backwards, literally making this gesture at Akaashi and Kuroo šŸ‘‡šŸ»
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Kuroo just smirks and Akaashi watches you be dragged away
"Will you two stop being so weird!"- you say
"YN they are doing it on purpose!"- Daichi adds
"How? They literally have no clue we are dating"- you say to Suga and Daichi
"Well still. They know it bothers us when they talk to you like that"- suga
You šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜šŸ™„ omg
"Listen, you two are so important to me and I care about you. I wouldn't be dating you if I didn't. So stop this weird possessive caveman act please?"-you
"We will stop when they stop hitting on you!"- Suga adds
You šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜ I can never have nice things
If that statement isn't hard facts šŸ˜…
Because what's about to happen next will shock not only the whole camp but you as well
Because Kuroo isn't going to give up easily and let's just say, Akaashi isn't one to be deterred either
At the end of the days practice matches, Kuroo manages to catch you alone without your entourage
"Hey Yn"- he says
You look up, smiling amd returning the greeting
"I was wondering if you'd be able to help toss for Akaashi so Bokuto and I could work on our spikes and blocks"- he asks
"Umm well I'm about to help Karasuno with their-" you start to say when it all breaks down
"WHAT DID I SAY KUROO?"- Daichi says losing his ever loving mind
He snatches you away, holding you close
Akaashi approaches
"Kuroo was just asking YN for help"- he says
Ope šŸ‘€
"You two have been all over our YN and it stops here!"- Suba says coming up besides you
Kuroo and Akasshi šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ¤Ø you're YN???
"That's right! YN is dating me AND Suga"- Daichi shouts
The entire gym šŸ‘‰šŸ» *silence*
Kuroo and Akaashi šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜³šŸ˜²
Tanaka and Noya šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ huh??
Nekoma šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘€šŸ˜¶
Asahi and Ennoshita šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø
Kiyoko šŸ‘‰šŸ» I knew it šŸ™„
You šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜ƒ well this is awkward
"So back off of YN before you feel our wrath!"- Suga adds
"Suga why did you say that. Now it sounds weird"- Daichi adds
"What it's a warning!"- Suga says
"Is it really tho?? It's not like you are that scary Koshi"- you say
Suga šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ˜ betrayed by my own partners
You just smile and look to Kuroo and Akasshi
"I'd love to help you but unfortunately I can't tonight. Maybe tomorrow?"- you say
Kuroo and Akaashi šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ sure
Daichi and Suga look so smug as they both hold your hand and turn to walk away
"I'm not dramatic YN"- Daichi
"You two really need to learn to be less dramatic"- you
Am I the drama??
"You literally just outted us in front of the entire training camp"- Suga
"I said what needed to be said"- Daichi says looking away
You just smile and kiss your boys on the cheek
Please YN you are so lucky šŸ˜«
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onelastfic Ā· 17 days
Always got a hankering for more Nenet and Ashur, but what about Nenet and the Hydra šŸ‘€ or even Ash in his Dragon form?
Gonna choose Nenet and the Hydra (don't want to be unintentionally spoil anything with dragon form interactions šŸ˜…)
Nenet stood firm, her gaze unwavering as Hydra circled her, his presence both intimidating and oddly captivating. Nenet was wary of what to do.
"You know," Hydra began, his tone dripping with arrogance, "Ashur is far too noble for his own good. Always doing what's right, always putting others first. It's pathetic, really."
"Better than being a selfish, egotistical prick," Nenet shot back, her eyes flashing. On one hand she really wanted to punch him, but that would mean punching Ash in the face, which is not something she really felt comfortable doing at the moment.
Hydra's eyes narrowed, but the smirk remained. "Ah, but isn't there a part of you that's curious? A part of you that wonders what it would be like to let go, to embrace the chaos?"
Nenet's tail flicked in agitation. "Not if it means turning into someone like you."
Hydra's laughter filled the chamber, echoing off the walls. "Careful, little cat. You might find you enjoy it more than you think."
Nenet glared at Hydra, her fists clenched at her sides. "Why do ya always have to make things so difficult? Why can't ya just let Green Bean be once in a while?"
Hydra's expression darkened, a flicker of genuine anger in his eyes. "Because the prince is weak. He's shackled by his own morality, his ridiculous sense of duty. I am his true strength, his true power."
"The fuck you are! If anything, youā€™re the weakling here, bub," Nenet shot back. "Feeding off his darker impulses, manipulating him for ya own gain."
Hydra's lips curled into a snarl. "Careful, little cat. You're treading dangerous ground."
"Someone has to call ya out on all ya shit," Nenet retorted. "And if that someone has to be me, so be it."
Nenet paced the corridor, her tail flicking with agitation. She had been waiting for Ashur to wake up. Heā€™d taken a nasty hit on the head by a Tarturus beast in the recent battle and still hadnā€™t regained consciousness yet. She turned to the now opening door to see if Ash had finally woken up but instead, Hydra emerged from the shadows, his eyes glinting with draconian power.
"Looking for someone, little cat?" Hydra's voice was a low, alluring growl, dripping with his usual arrogance.
She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at him. "Where's Green Bean?"
Hydra smirked, stepping closer. "The prince is taking a little nap. Thought I'd stretch my legs and enjoy the company."
Nenet sighed, her frustration evident. "Why do ya always have to show up at the shittiest of times?"
Hydra chuckled, the sound dark and malicious. "Because it's fun, darling. And it annoys you."
Despite herself, Nenet couldn't help but feel a flicker of relief. If his Hydra side was still there then that meant Ash was still there. "You're insufferable, ya know that?"
Hydra leaned in, his breath hot against her ear. "And yet, you still tolerate me. Why is that, I wonder?"
Nenet's tail swished with a mix of annoyance and something elseā€”something softer. "Maybeā€¦Maybe because I know you're just another side of Green Beanā€¦ A side I donā€™t mind dealing with if it means being together with himā€¦"
Hydra's eyes widened briefly before he regained his composure, masking his surprise with a smirk. "Is that so? How intriguing."
The moonlight bathed the garden in a silvery glow as Nenet walked, lost in thought. She didn't notice Hydra until he spoke, his voice a low whisper in the night.
"Out for a midnight stroll?"
Nenet turned, her surprise quickly masked by a casual demeanor. "Just needed some fresh air. Things get pretty stuffy if too many gods are crammed into the same room for too long."
Hydra stepped closer, his movements as smooth as a predator stalking its prey. "Mind if I join you?"
She shrugged. "It's a free garden, but donā€™t try any funny stuff or Iā€™ll headbutt you again."
They walked in silence for a while, the tension between them palpable. Hydra, ever the instigator, finally broke the silence. "You know, you could do better than the prince."
Nenet glanced at him, her expression unreadable. "Is that so?"
"Yes," he replied, his tone smug. "Someone like me, perhaps. Someone who understands your darker side."
She stopped walking, turning to face him fully. "And what makes you think you know me so well?"
Hydra's grin was feral. "Because I see the same darkness in you that I see in myself."
Nenet raised her brow. "Ya sure? Because I bet my fucking fangs that darkness isn't all there is."
Hydra's expression wavered, a hint of vulnerability peeking through. "And what else is there?"
She stepped closer, her hand brushing against his cheek. "Light. Green Beanā€™s light. And the choice to be more than ya instincts."
For a moment, Hydra seemed lost in her gaze, the usual pridefulness replaced by a flicker of something gentler. "You're a mystery, little cat."
She smiled. "And you ainā€™t as much of an asshole as you pretend to be."
Ash/Hydra belongs to @thepaladincosplays
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lilyoffandoms Ā· 8 months
Blades Drabble - Tyril x Maiele, Mal x Daenarya (Daenarya x Maiele, Mal x Tyril)
Warnings & A/N: So what ifā€¦.
Do I post this šŸ™ˆ do I keep it? I know I shared it with ya already @storyofmychoices but putting it out to the world makes it feel real, doesnā€™t it? šŸ˜… But Iā€™m choosing to do so because Iā€™m crazy enough to want to and also, why the hell not!?
A follow up/Daenaryaā€™s POV by Dani.
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Thatā€™s how it had started. Enough people assumed they were a couple with how often they held hands, how close they danced, their shared soft quick kisses, their easy laughter, and their time spent whispering stories to each other tangled on couches in dark corners at parties.
ā€œArenā€™t you two the cutest couple,ā€ a stranger would say in passing at the market.
They would squeeze each otherā€™s hands and laugh it off, as they had every time before.
ā€œHow long have you two been together?ā€ a stranger would ask at some boring royal event at Whitetower.
They would turn and smile at each other and draw closer together and say in teasing, a few years now.
"Do you think if we said it was our anniversary, we could score some free drinks or something?" one would ask the other as the four of them walked into a pub.
ā€œDefinitely,ā€ they would respond through batted lashes as they slid their bodies closer together.
They laughed it off again and again, had fun with it again and again. It was a joke, a game, until one day it wasnā€™t.
It is a tricky thing when you develop feelings for your best friend. Everything suddenly feels less sure and somehow more right than ever before.
Itā€™s not that he felt the same toward her as he did Tyril. It was different. But he could no longer pretend he didnā€™t feel more than just platonic friendship for her.
Somewhere along the line of their game their hugs grew warmer, their ā€˜pretendā€™ kisses deeper, their bodies angled closer. Somewhere along the course of their running joke, lines felt more blurred.
ā€œWhen are you two going to stop pretending this is still a game?ā€ Tyril teased him one night over dinner after Mal and Daenarya had left to dance alone on the non-existent dance floor they had made amid the tables.
Maiele had been strangely silent as he looked over to her, thinking, and then back to Tyril beside him.
ā€œAbout the same time you stop pretending to not enjoy Malā€™s company?ā€ Maiele smirked.
Tyril scowled playfully at him, ā€œDaenarya and you forced me to the realization months ago, love. So what is your next excuse?ā€
He leaned closer with a teasing smile.
Maiele simply sighed and slipped his arm into Tyrilā€™s and slid down on his chair to rest his head on Tyrilā€™s shoulder.
ā€œIt not as simple for us. You and Mal have always had that underlying chemistry. And donā€™t you dare deny it,ā€ Maiele chuckled before Tyril could protest.
ā€œFor us, I donā€™t know, itā€™s different. Sheā€™s my best friend. I donā€™t want to lose that just because I want our kisses to be more. I donā€™t know,ā€ he groaned in frustration.
ā€œYou know I would have no issue with you and her-ā€œ
ā€œNo, I know that,ā€ Maiele interrupted quickly, worried that putting it out there would somehow make it more real. ā€œButā€¦,ā€ he trailed off and gestured vaguely into the air.
ā€œYou were not raised that way?ā€ Tyril asked after a moments hesitation.
ā€œYeah. I donā€™t have the benefit of an elvish upbringing. Riverbend wasnā€™t exactly the most accepting and open place for any relationship outside what was considered normal.ā€
ā€œSome humans have a strange way of viewing things,ā€ Tyril said and pulled Maiele closer. ā€œHave you talked to Daenarya about this?ā€
ā€œYeah, we have. I think we both kind of keep treating it as a joke. But at the same time it doesnā€™t feel like a joke anymore when we talk about it. Plus, I donā€™t knowā€¦. Itā€™s difficult. Its not like sheā€™s talked to Mal about it.ā€
When the silence stretched and Tyril didnā€™t say anything Maiele sat up and turned towards him.
ā€œOh my gods! You know something donā€™t you? What arenā€™t you telling me?ā€
ā€œItā€™s uh, itā€™s not really my place to say,ā€ Tyril stumbled.
ā€œHas she talked with Mal?ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know,ā€ he paused. ā€œLike I said, itā€™s not really my place to say.ā€
ā€œYou are the worst liar,ā€ Maiele beamed.
ā€œAnd you wear your feelings on your sleeve,ā€ Tyril grinned. ā€œNow that you know, go, talk to her, and stop torturing yourselves.ā€
Maiele kissed him before sweeping out of his chair and across the dance floor.
ā€œMight I cut in?ā€ he asked Daenarya.
ā€œAlways,ā€ she smiled.
ā€œAlways?ā€ Mal teased and earned a smirk and quick kiss from her.
Maiele whispered something to Mal as he stepped away from Daenarya.
ā€œYou two have fun. I know I will,ā€ Mal said before kissing Daenarya and then sauntering off back to their table.
ā€œSo,ā€ Maiele grinned, rather sheepishly.
ā€œSo,ā€ Daenarya echoed, with a shy smile.
Maiele cleared his throat and said, ā€œI was thinking maybe you and I-ā€œ
He was cut off by her soft lips, a whisper against his, until they both deepened the kiss.
Tyril watched with a smile on his face as Mal plopped down beside him.
ā€œAbout fucking time,ā€ Mal laughed.
ā€œIndeed,ā€ he grinned.
ā€œSo,ā€ Mal purred as he leaned in against Tyrilā€™s chest. ā€œI was asked to keep you,ā€ he dragged a hand lightly up Tyril chest, ā€œentertained tonight.ā€
ā€œWere you now?ā€ Tyril blushed.
Mal smiled and leaned in even closer.
Tyril leaned in closer still.
ā€œLike you didnā€™t plan to come find me tonight anyway,ā€ he smirked as he caught Mal off guard with a hand beneath the table that ran slowly up his thigh.
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pillowfriends Ā· 16 days
Lord of Chaos new reader thoughts: Chapters 6-10
Chapter 6: Threads Woven of Shadow
oh this was a juicy chapter. I'm interested in the relationships between the Forsaken and I'm enjoying all the information we're getting about their backstories, motivations and current plans. Sammael and Graendal working together and having been allies for a long time... I feel like your relationships after 3000 years are all going to be batshit. in my mind the Forsaken are the most fucked-up polycule of all time. like the Lyctors from The Locked Tomb but honestly the Forsaken probably won't be as interesting.
Semirhage: what theeeee fuck. I listened to this part while I was getting coffee on my lunch break and by the end of it my eyes were SO wide. first of all her whole backstory was like "I liked torturing people for fun at my doctor job but everyone else didn't want me to do that :( but I literally deserved it because I am so smart and they're so out of pocket for not letting me :(" GIRL??? and then torturing the Aes Sedai and her Warder. ow ow ow ow. this was my favorite chapter yet but it did fuck me up lol.
Chapter 7: A Matter of Thought
Elaida's stole has no blue stripe... the SHADE!! and demoting Shemerin to Accepted?? she is such a messy Amrylin. I have no choice but to stan.
Beonin is an evil-sounding name to me. there have to be Black Ajah in Salidar, so based on literally nothing I'm guessing she's one.
overall, I continue to really like tel'aran'rhiod as a setting and I like that it has rules that we're learning along with the characters. also all the Aes Sedai bitching is both fun and frustrating. we'll see which way the scales tip for me on that.
also! I forgot that Nynaeve and Myrelle are both in Salidar now!! I'm putting on my clown nose and wig and shoes hoping for a Lan/Nynaeve reunion this book.
Chapter 8: The Storm Gathers
this was a good chapter but I don't really have anything to say about it. yay for spending time with Moggy. I continue to dislike Gareth and love Nyaneve, what else is new.
Chapter 9: Plans
totally zoning out for the Whitecloaks politics sorry. I know this is important but I have better things to do (pay attention to the Aes Sedai instead).
Chapter 10: A Saying in the Borderlands
this chapter was WILD so I'm just going to work through it in order.
Rand you listened to Lan's advice a little too well. you might be the Dragon but you're also still a human being and it's okay to want things!!! on that note, please talk to Aviendha, good lord.
the Emond's Field girls were a gut punch to me, wanting to go to Tar Valon to become Aes Sedai. they're so young and hopeful and don't know about the Tower split! also Alanna mourning her Warder got me.
AND THEN SHE NONCONSENSUALLY BONDED RAND. first of all, what the fuck. second of all, why the fuck. third of all, no one in this situation reacted well to anything except Verin trying to be motherly to the EF girls when they were scared, although her attempt to be motherly did include giving them a bunch of brandy so... you know. I don't fully understand why Alanna bonded Rand or the implications of it, but after the initial shock wore off I'm not that surprised - I mean, she said outright in book 4 that someone should bond the three boys, and Elayne's nonconsensual bonding with Birgitte set up that possibility clearly enough that I did expect her to try to bond one of them.
Alanna fully breaking down with Verin was a standout scene to me. this woman is Not doing well and she isn't making decisions of sound mind and body. I mean, neither is Rand, so I'm morbidly curious about how this situation will work out.
overall: definitely hitting my stride now with this book. future posts might be shorter because while I love to talk, I'd also like to get a move on with this series šŸ˜… it's starting to feel like I'll never finish, and I'm at a point where I need to know everything.
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thescrumptiousstuffs Ā· 9 months
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Dangerous Romance Episode 3
In which Kanghan and Sailom are basically dating without the labelling āœŒļøšŸ«£
We see the boys getting close together with Kanghan agreeing to be tutored by Sailom. For someone who hemmmā€¦until recently despise Sailom, he spends a lot of his free time with the latter - not only daily tutoring but sending him home with rides on his bike, eating dinner in expensive restaurant, and Kanghan even casually buying food for Sailom to share with his brother (now that was sleekly done Kanghan! šŸ˜)
Even on his birthday, and Iā€™m surprised but also sad Kanghan didnā€™t think much of his birthday, just shrugging it off when his 2 besties asked what his plan for the day is, saying he needs to check in with Sailom whether they have tutoring or not. You can tell he has fun with Sailom during their tutoring sessions, even if Sailom got them to do really questionable things - whatā€™s with the bar scene? (Iā€™m sorry, I snorted and laughed šŸ˜‚ with the whole scene of them pretending to be Korean tourists speaking English, and Kanghan straight up just asking for people IG šŸ«£ as a bad pick up line to ā€œpractice English.ā€)
But obviously, there is the sinister undertone I kind of expect with this series - we see Pepperā€™s character (Name) saw the 2 boys drinking beers and chatting up with the foreigners, and he seems to clock on Sailom. Similarly, when Sailom was innocently waiting for Kanghan to finish his business in the loo, he got approached by said foreigner who believes Sailom is a willing rent boy (and when Sailom firmly decline, the foreigner didnā€™t like the answer and almost start sexually harassing him until Kanghan intercepted (hot-headedly, if I may add).
Sailom definitely starts to notice how Kanghan is more than just a bully in this episode. I think for someone who has always been self-reliant and independent due to his financial constraints, having Kanghan casually giving him rides on his bike, feeding him dinner etc is such a novelty for Sailom. And Sailom has enough self awareness of his own attraction to Kanghan but knows the latter is still oblivious to it (plus other barriers including the obvious one of their different social class). (Really, Kanghan can be such a lame dork šŸ˜…, but he can be endearing too - otherwise I donā€™t think Pimfah, Max and Nawa would have stick around that long as his friends).
This episode also highlight and give us a bit more in-depth look at Kanghan and his fatherā€™s relationship. On the outside, he is the perfect doting dad who spoils his only son with all the material wealth Kanghan ever need. But I find it weird his dad never has any expectations on him (and I will again reiterate this is so unusual for Asian parents!!! Kanghan mentioned something about his dad has been like this ever since his mom passed away? So I wonder if there is a connection? Mom passing away from illness maybe and Kanghan may have similar illness? So dad donā€™t want to put any expectations on him? Iā€™m just speculating nowā€¦)
Nevertheless you can see this has shaped him, where he feels anchorless. No matter what he does (good or bad), it doesnā€™t seem to matter with his dad. And even when he tried his hardest to finally set expectations to himself (and by default also his dad) by promising to pass the midterm to get the motorbike he wanted, his dad undermined him - by getting him said bike šŸļø without him needing to do anything. You can see his frustration (Perth is very good with micro expression and the way his eyes tensed, jaw locked while he smile to cover up his disappointment when he accepted the bike from his dad šŸ˜”)
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We end up with Kanghan and Sailom having a mini celebration of the formerā€™s bday by the pool and with Sailom giving a pep talk to Kanghan to start thinking about making himself AND Sailom proud (and again the micro expression in both boys - Kanghan stunned that someone does belief in him, and Sailom fiercely protective already)
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But whatā€™s this? a childhood connection - Sailom has met Kanghan and his mom before where they gave a ride home to Sailom? And Kanghan giving one of his paired umbrella ā˜”ļø to Sailom? But Kanghan canā€™t remember he gave it??? (WHYYYYY? Did he get into an accident and has amnesia? and thatā€™s why his mom passed away? Or maybe Iā€™m way off and he just has a bad memory šŸ˜…)
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*not much from our side characters today but I still love šŸ’• Sailomā€™s friendship group and Kanghanā€™s cronies are growing on me - itā€™s clear they have genuine friendship between the 3 (despite their flaws) of them plus Pimfah!!!! - the way they celebrate his birthday with a surprise cake and presents, I thought the scene was sweet ā˜ŗļø
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gulnarsultan Ā· 1 year
Imagine: Inside the bedchambers Yandere Cersei Lannister hugs Targaryen Reader (Prince) who was sitting around the desk, and she starts kissing his neck and (you know) things get hot šŸ„µ When they are in a middle of their love, Tyrion accidentally opens the doors to their chambers (heā€™s drunk and he wanted to get inside his chambers, but he got the wrong door), meanwhile Young Y/N was walking through the hallways with Joanna Naerys. Young Y/N and Joanna Naerys were holding hands and then they saw uncle Tyrion and they heard sounds of their mother. So of course Joanna Naerys gets worried and runs towards the sounds. Luckily Young Y/N got there first and closed Joanna Naerys eyes, Young Y/N is old enough to know what was happening inside the bedchambers. As for Prince and Yandere Cersei, Prince covers himself and Cersei with blanket, so their children wonā€™t see them naked, before Joanna Naerys run towards their chambers.
Joanna Naerys with her eyes closed: Y/N, why did close my eyes? Is mother okay? šŸ˜°
Y/N holding Joanna Naerys closing her eyes, only for Y/N to see that her parents are covered in blanket, so she opens Joanna Naerys eyes: Mother is all right, donā€™t worry. šŸ˜“Mother and father were having fun. šŸ˜‰
Joanna Naerys: Oh. Mommy, daddy why are you on the bed? Were you sleeping?
Tyrion: Iā€™ll explain you later.šŸ˜…
Prince: Y/N dear, can you take Naerys to your chambers and visit Joffrey, please?šŸ„°
Y/N: Of course, come on sister. Letā€™s visit our baby brother.ā˜ŗļø
Joanna Naerys: Yay, letā€™s go! Come on, come on!šŸ˜šŸ„°
And they left (run away to visit Joffrey)
Meanwhile Tyrion is standing by the doorway: Well, this is awkward.šŸ˜³šŸ˜…
Yandere Cersei: TYRION GET OUT! šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬
And then he left and apologised for that. Meanwhile Prince and Yandere Cersei are shocked and try to process what just happened.
Prince: Our children could have seen us like this šŸ˜³
Yandere Cersei: Iā€™m gonna kill Tyrion for that.šŸ˜”šŸ—”ļø
Prince: My love, donā€™t. Thereā€™s no need for that.
Then Prince grabbed Yandere Cersei and gently pushed her on their bed. Prince locked the door and then they continued their passionate love, also to let Yandere Cerseiā€™s frustration out, by letting her be on top (dominant)
Imagine the reactions, what do you think about it? Also can you write NSFW with Yandere Cersei and Prince, after awkward situation? If you can of course
Tyrion is always number one in inflicting Cersei's wrath on him.šŸ˜…šŸ¤—
Prince wife Cersei is getting into bed. Lips meet lust and desire. Prince caresses Cersei's breasts. Cersei whines to the pinching of her nipples. The prince giggles at the groans. Prince takes one of Cersei's breasts into his mouth, and after not drinking for a while, he starts to suck the other breast. Cersei's breasts are in a very delicate condition. The prince puts his hand between Cersei's legs. The fact that her Cersei is wet makes the Prince laugh.
"My wife is too wet. She wants more."
The prince's fingers are getting into Cersei's pussy one by one. Cersei gasps every time a finger is inserted. Prince fingers cause Cersei to ejaculate in a short time. The prince thrusts his penis into Cersei's wet cunt. A groan escapes Cersein's mouth. Prince Cersein pushes her legs forward and goes deeper. After a while, they both reach orgasm. Prince Cersei ejaculates deep in the pussy. After the prince cleans his wife, they lie down together.
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sothischickshe Ā· 1 year
šŸ•Æļøwas there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
šŸ’Ž why is writing important to you?
For the Fic Writer ask thingy please and thanks love!
Hey sweetie, thank you! šŸ‘‹šŸ‘‹šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜ŠšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ™‡šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
So I think I actually answered both of these but ofc I can't link to a post in my queue bc this app is stoopid so lemme try to answer more fully šŸ¤”šŸ˜…ā³
šŸ•Æļøwas there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
The one I'm (sortašŸ˜“) working on atm def springs to mind! It was supposed to be sillier and smuttier and shorter but it's shifted angstier and longer. I think it's bc the show intrigued but also frustrated me, and espec in the later seasons really didn't feel to be giving due weight to the emotionality of the characters it was putting in these situations, so that was something I really wanted to address and honour. But...that can be taxing! And hmm, dredgey? šŸ˜…
šŸ’Ž why is writing important to you?
This is such a hard question! Even if I'd never written or wanted to write anything even vaguely ~creative, writing would still surely be important to me. Writing (especially if you take a fairly broad definition, which I would) is responsible for stories which entertain and inspire me, for jokes which divert me, for educational materials which taught me, for all kinds of bs which angered and motivated me in opposition. And it's a communicative tool like duh -- this here is me writing to you HI!! the fact that I can make lunch plans or w/e with a bunch of ppl all together without needing to track them down in person or on the phone is v important to me!!???
But from the other side, well it's all v through gritted teeth atm bc im struggling ha but it remains true: creating IS fun! Improving IS incredible! & I think writing/words are probs my clay of choice, or at least the medium which comes easiest and/or makes the most sense to me??
Real questions
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hunterxmilo Ā· 2 years
Thank you for answering my ask....if you don't mind me, can I ask something (again) from Kuroko no Basket? What do you think are Kuroko and Kagamiā€™s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....Thanks....
No problem at all! I took some time to figure out exactly what I wanted to write while at work so I think I have a clear enough answer šŸ˜…
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Starting off with Kagamiā€™s weakness Iā€™d have to say itā€™s how he can get fired up TOO much over things that get him angry and ultimately hinder his performance on the court. Itā€™s one thing to get fired up and use that passion to get stronger but itā€™s another thing if you go to far that it hurts your performance instead.
His strengths lie in how much drive and passion he has for basketball. He knows he wants to be the best in Japan and even though heā€™s told this or that about how he plays or that heā€™s weak or whatever, but nothing stops him from pushing himself further and solely focuses on getting stronger himself to and to help his team.
Kurokoā€™s weakness was tough to boil down to one thing but it comes down to himself being too reserved about himself and his self doubt at times. Although seeming calm and collected can help not cause any concern for others, letting things that bother him and letting his mind jump to conclusions isnā€™t healthy. This is especially seen when he mistook Kagamiā€™s words saying they couldnā€™t work together anymore. Instead of having him explain and find out what Kagami meant by this, he kept quiet and his mind went straight back to Aomine abandoning him and thinking Kagami and him were saying the same thing. (Thankfully this gets resolved and Kagami being blunt saying heā€™s always meant for them both to get stronger and then come back stronger together is such a happy moment.
Now for his strength is similar to Kagamiā€™s being determined and passionate for basketball. No matter how many times heā€™s told his style of playing or what makes someone the best gets shot down by his old teammates, he still never gave up or submitted to their way of thinking. He always has strong hope and belief in Kagami and Serin to help them and him reach their goals.
Their Dynamic:
They keep surprising each other. When one begins to fall the other is there to push them forward or take the lead. Earlier mentioned even when it seems Kagami is giving up on them acting as a team, itā€™s Kagami that surprises Kuroko showing his mind set isnā€™t like the rest of his ex teammates/friends and that he never has given up on him believing Kuroko will lead his team to being #1. Kuroko on the other hand also surprises Kagami (not just with cute jump scares) with his own strength and personal growth.
Thereā€™s so many other moments that show how strong the bond these two share, along with how much they care for each other. Itā€™s seeing Kuroko defeated/frustrated tears and him starting to lose hope during their second game against Aomine that Kagami admits that Kuroko has always been the one to save him and that it was finally time for him to save Kuroko. That moment plus entering The Zone just gives me chills.
Lastly (cause this is turning into an essay šŸ˜…) is that off the court they are literally like an old couple who loves bickering when theyā€™re not sharing a heart to heart. Kurokoā€™s cool and composed personality is such a great balance to Kagamiā€™s fiery temper. Kuroko has such great monotone sass that next to anyone would seem boring but when Kagami overreacts over his simple jabs even that makes Kuroko seem a bit badass for riling up the tiger.
Thanks again for this ask! It was really fun to take time to think about it this and put it into words even though I felt I could write a short book about them but I had to restrain myself for mine and everyoneā€™s sake šŸ˜….
(Just look at this precious child)
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lunathehungry Ā· 2 years
Plot Structure Analysis for Love in the Air (ep 7)
Iā€™m back!
Iā€™m including a very brief description of the beats so that people can actually know what Iā€™m talking about this time šŸ˜… A full (and better) description can be found in Romancing the Beat by Gwen Hayes.
I realized I added stuff about character arcs last time that arenā€™t really part of the Romance Plot Structure, but my brain automatically puts it together. Some of the info about character transformation, internal needs vs external goals probably came from one of K.M. Weilandā€™s books, like Creating Character Arcs. (I have read too many writing craft books).
Link to Part One, which covers eps 1-6.
Last time we left off on the last beat of Phase 3. Often the rest of these beats occur very quickly, sometimes in the same scene.
I forgot to mention that each Phase typically equals approximately 20 to 25% in a novel. I have not done this to enough shows to know if itā€™s also true for dramas. I suspect it might not because of the emphasis placed on finale episodes.
...continuing PHASE 3
Break Up
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This beat is a dark moment where they let their fear overtake them and dictate their choices. This is the beginning of the episode when Payu finds Rain missing. As we established in episode 5 during the Inkling of Doubt beat, Payuā€™s fear is Rain disappearing. Because of this, theyā€™re in constant contact with each other, they're shown texting each other throughout the day, Payu gives a sincere apology when he lets his phone die, etc. So when Rain canā€™t be contacted, he allows fear to dictate his actions, speeding down the road, panicking, and yelling at Saifah.
Dark Night of the Soul
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This is basically rock bottom, where the character feels the lowest. This is when Payu gets the phone call from Stop, finds out what happens to Rain, and blames himself. He raced Stop just because of his pride and now Rain has to face the consequences. (I mean, itā€™s Stopā€™s fault, but this is what Payuā€™s thinking).
Wake Up
šŸš§This beat has been moved! It will return soon.šŸš§
Grand Gesture
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This is pretty obvious. The character puts it all on the line for love. Payu lets himself be humiliated and beaten up to protect Rain.
(The Return Of) Wake Up
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This is the moment your character pushes down their fear and chooses love. It normally appears BEFORE the Grand Gesture, but in LITA theyā€™ve moved it after to give extra tension to the kidnapping and a surprise reveal. Payu realizes someone is watching, gets a handle on himself and gives the phone to Saifah, deciding to stall until help arrives.
Note: It is not unusual to move beats around or to add double beats, but the more you mess with the beats, the more it can affect the pacing of the story. Put them too far apart and that section will feel ā€˜draggyā€™ or like ā€˜fillerā€™, drop beats and that part will feel rushed. I suspect thereā€™s a group of people that felt incredibly frustrated with Payu for running off without getting help - this is the cost of moving this beat.
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Chaiā€™s arrival is an external plot point that doesnā€™t have anything to do with the romantic plot. Iā€™ve just included his pic for thirsty Chai ā˜• fans. Both Pakinā€™s and Chaiā€™s novels shot up to the top of the Y category after his appearance, lol. Iā€™ve seen that actor as a side character in several lakorns, but he made an awesome Chai. I hope he gets a series.
(The Return Of) Grand Gesture
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A second Grand Gesture beat, how fun! Most of the time, the second character is just accepting the first characterā€™s Grand Gesture, but Rainā€™s a guy whoā€™s not going to leave without showing off his love for Payu too. Yes, itā€™s when Rain goes over and kicks Stop.
What Hole-hearted Looks Like
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This is the beat where we get to see the happy ending our couple deserves. Payu and Rain say "I love you" out loud, come out to Rainā€™s friends, and get cute in the car.
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Here we get a mirror of a scene in episode one. Rain is hanging out with his friends as one of them tells Rain he's too annoying to attract a romantic partner. The show has already established this as Rainā€™s character wound. It doesnā€™t seem to bother him though, since he now has a boyfriend who happens to like his type of annoying.
Generally, writerā€™s like to mirror stuff in happy endings, to give the audience a feeling of how things have come full circle or changed.
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This is a glimpse into their future, plus a hint at the next couple in a series. This is Prapai asking for Skyā€™s number from Rain, Payu revealing that he sabotaged Rainā€™s car, and itā€™s where we are now, as weā€™ll be seeing bits of them for the rest of the eps.
Different Endings
As I mentioned before, this is an example of a 'weaker', less angsty ending in a Romantic Plot Structure because the conflict is external. Stop is the person keeping our couple apart, not their own feelings.
An example of a show that uses ONLY internal conflict instead. Spoilers for Cutie Pie.
-Keua fears that Lian wonā€™t love him if he finds out about his real personality and interests which prevents him from accepting Lianā€™s proposal
An example of a show that uses both external AND internal conflict. Spoilers for Bad Buddy.
-External conflict: Pat and Pranā€™s families do their best to keep them apart.
-Internal conflict: The love they have for their families and the fear of losing them prevents Pat and Pran from just running away to be together permanently. Pat and Pran's own feelings are also keeping them apart.
Something I donā€™t think I explained well in the last post is that the Romance Plot is the structure of the story itself. While it is a very character driven plot, it doesnā€™t necessarily match up with a characterā€™s arc or actions. After all, there are 2 main characters in this romance and they might not be developing at the same pace.
For example, Payu showing up and getting hit by Stop is the Grand Gesture beat for the Romantic Plot. If Payu had his own Grand Gesture beat it would also be here. But this doesnā€™t match for Rain. If he had his own beat at this moment, it would actually be the Break Up and Dark Night of the Soul because heā€™s being overcome with his own fear of Payu getting hurt.
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A second example would be the Adhesion beat in episode 2. This is where the story introduces a reason the couple needs to be around each other. Payu insists Rain owes him a debt for fixing his car. If Rain had his own beat, placement would match up with the Romantic Plot Structure. This is not the case for Payu, since we know he experienced his own Adhesion beat earlier, the moment he decided to pursue Rain.
Also, this means that their first meeting in the rain is Payuā€™s personal Meet Cute beat, not their second meeting at the party, which, for some reason, I find adorable since it's the beat that (romantically) rocks their world.
Hopefully, this makes sense. You have 2 main characters, each experiencing their individual character arcs that happen to revolve around each other and the Romance Plot Structure - plus whatever external plot you put in.
Brandon Sanderson (Author of Mistborn and a whole lot of other stuff) describes the romance plot as a braid, Gwen Hayes uses the image of a caduceus.
The beats in a Romance Plot represent the story structure as presented to the audience. The beginning of the story revolves around Rainā€™s perspective, so many of those beats will match up with Rain as Payu is hiding his intentions. A lot of this last ep is more from Payuā€™s perspective, so itā€™s his actions that match the Romance Plot.
I mentioned last time that one of the difficulties of a very romance focused plot is that it heavily relies on chemistry and interactions between the leads to maintain tension, but thatā€™s also one of its best features. If the couple has good chemistry, it really gives them a chance to show it off. The audience gets to see both big and little moments of their relationship and explore the connection between them in a short amount of time.
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Thatā€™s it! It was super fun to do and breaking a story apart also gave me a creative boost. I wrote so many ideas down while working on this, lol.
While thereā€™s a lot of things I would do differently if it was my own writing, there is only one thing I wish they had done different in the show. After the bathroom stall incident in episode 2, Rainā€™s anger has him push Som and then Sky to find out where Payu is racing so he can get back at him. The same thing happens in the novel, but it also includes a line where Sky wants to know why heā€™s so angry and Rain admits that he actually feels hurt.
Specifically, his feelings were hurt when Payu said ā€œI may not look it, but Iā€™m very particular.ā€ Thus implying he wouldnā€™t choose Rain as a romantic partner and was just messing with him in the bathroom stall. The rest plays out like the show. His hurt expresses itself as anger, he impulsively goes to the race, and, as usual, decides to directly challenge whoever looks down on him - by making Payu fall for him instead.
I really liked that line because it showed just how much Rain was open and attracted to Payu very early on, and maybe, it would have connected some dots for people confused as to why Rain suddenly kissed him.
ā€¦ok, thereā€™s also a particular scene they skipped that i still have hopes will appear, but thatā€™s just, like, for funā€¦
Feel free to ask for clarification. Iā€™m sure I forgot a lot of stuff.
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dragodina Ā· 2 years
13, 18, 19 :)
With a bit of overtime, I finally made it to the weekend, yay šŸ„³ What better way to start it off by answering your questions šŸ™‚šŸ˜Š
13. Do you listen to music while you write?Ā  If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
For me, without music there would be no writing. I can only write with music playing. My usual writing music is Sigur RĆ³s, JĆ³nsi & Alex, Hammock, Ɠlafur Arnalds, CHPTRS and several other artist from the ambient genre or my pretty endless playlist thats full of artists no one knows šŸ˜…. I started to add the tracks that inspired me for stories/chapters in the notes so if people that are interested can check it out. The song that stuck with me the most though recently and that had a huge influence on me to start writing again is "Last Chance" by CHPTRS. I can't even explain why exactly, but somehow, together with seeing Tatorts episode "Schattenleben", it sparked something in me and inspired the whole story for "Last Chance" (and it might play an important part in the final chapter of that story, huuuh, spoiler alert šŸ™ˆ).
18. Do you enjoy research?Ā  Which fic of yours required the most research?
Depends on the topic šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I would say 50/50. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. If a topic is too tough or dry or it's something I have not much interest in in general, like legal topics, it can turn quite frustrating šŸ˜„. So far I would say "Last Chance" required the most research, just because of it's length.
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
Both. I love to come up with own characters but also love to write the canon ones. And then putting them together is were the fun really begins. For example, I do like how the Tatort Hamburg fandom created their own version of Tine Geisslers parents and how similar we wrote them independently from each other. The OC character I came up with recently and found I actually grew quite fond of him myself is Stefan Hendrich in "Last Chance". He was planned to only be a small side character, but will probably get a bit more story time šŸ˜Š.
Vielen lieben Dank fĆ¼r die Fragen, das macht wirklich immer wieder SpaƟ šŸ„°ā¤ļø
Ich wĆ¼nsche dir ein hoffentlich schƶnes und erholsames Wochenendeā£ļø
WĆ¼rde mich Ć¼ber weitere Fragen freuen, wer Lust hat: Writing Ask
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lokisprettygirl Ā· 2 years
hii lol forgive me if this is too oddly specific orwhat hehe šŸ˜… but can i request a loki x reader one where reader is really insecure w her flat-chests or small boobs along with her chubby stomach/tummy? so like she feels her body type is just really unattractive?
..im sorry for making this request a reader-insert hehe ignore this if u dont want to do it thank u sm! it's so annoying how almost on any form of media--movies/tv shows/music videos/porn/etc--big boobs are almost always the ones being represented like- šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ok imsorry for the mini-rant :<<
Hey don't be sorry my dear, and I understand the frustration, and it's a sad reality. But loki isn't someone who'd be into someone just for their body or figure, he'd value a person based on their personality and their kindness.
Warning : 18+
Loki x Reader with Small boobies
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As a girl, when puberty hit you and you didn't find yourself staring at big boobies in front of the mirror, you felt insecure, while your other girlfriends upped on bra sizes and started wearing cute fitting tops to show their curves you just felt embarrassed of your breasts. You even went to the doctors to see if something was wrong, maybe a hormonal issue that stopped your breasts from developing but nothing was wrong.Ā 
Now in your early 20s you were still flat chested, you hated using that term but that's how you felt when you looked at your bare breasts. Your personal life was a mess since that one guy who you dated in college, you always used bra pads whenever you wore tight dresses or tops, when your ex noticed that the first time you tried to have sex with him he humiliated you and left. You haven't dated anyone since then. Not only did you have non-existing breasts but you also had belly fat, both things together just made you feel awful about your figure.Ā 
The only good thing in your life was that you were smart and you ended up working for Stark Industries. That's where you saw him the first time, Loki. The god of mischief, he had a tall curvy blonde woman wrapped around his arms as they conversed with other folks at the party. When he caught you staring he winked at you, and you felt yourself getting warm, he was too attractive for his own good, why did he even look at you?Ā 
You had developed a crush on him instantly, it's not everyday that you get to be in the presence of a literal god. When you got promotion, and got closer to Tony in a professional manner, he invited you to his birthday party, while everyone was dressed up in stylish clothes, you just put a baggy shirt on and a pair of jeans. There you saw him again, he had a different woman around him this time, every time you saw him after that he'd have someone new accompanying him. He'd always look at you, give you a nod , say hello from a distance or just wink at you, he even tried to talk to you once but you left the party.
The last thing you needed in life was for a god to make fun of your physique, you had a huge crush on him and you didn't want yourself to get hurt by getting involved with him. He didn't seem the type who'd be interested in someone like you. When you met him again, he smiled at you and you saw him approaching you so you turned around in an attempt to hide somewhere but you bumped straight into him.
"How..did ..you were" you looked at him confused, and he was just smirking at you. He was so tall and prettier up close. Damn!!!
"I can teleport" sexy voice, great, does he have flaws?Ā 
"Of course" you clutched onto the glass you were holding so tightly, he smelled so good and he made you extremely nervous.
"As adorable as I find you when you're running away from me, can we talk ?" He asked you so you looked at him. Adorable? You? Yeah rightĀ 
It was the first time you had a proper conversation with him, he asked for your number and then there was no stopping him after that. When he asked you out on a date, you felt too nervous, you didn't dress up, you just put on a lose shirt and he still looked at you as if you were the prettiest thing to exist. When he kissed you for the first time, he tried to roam his hand around your body but you grabbed his hand and placed it on your hips instead.
He never crossed a line or asked you to go further than you wanted to, it was getting hard for you to keep your hands off him, his thoughts infiltrated your head every second. You wanted to have sex with him but you knew as soon as he'll see you naked he will leave and the thought bothered you deeply, you were not ready for his rejection.
"Mmm fuck.. I have been thinking about you all day" he mumbled as you kissed him, he had you lying under him on the couch as you both made out.Ā 
"Whyy?" You mumbled between the kisses and he looked right into your eyes
"Because you drive me insane love" he sneaked his hands inside your shirt but you grabbed it instantly.
"I want you to fuck me so bad" his eyes widened as you whispered that in his ears.
"Yeah??" He smirked and kissed you again
"Mmm pleasee" you mumbled and he sat up to take his shirt off, his perfect physique just made you feel awful, your eyes teared up and he noticed it instantly. So he pulled you into his arms as you cried. You couldn't hold it anymore, the Insecurities, the fear of rejection,it made you bawl your eyes out.
"Ssshhh you know I'll wait for you when you're ready right darling? We don't have to do it if you don't want to" he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs as he spoke softly.
"It's not that..it's.. can I keep the shirt on while we do it?" You looked at him and he raised his eyebrows.
"Why would you say that sweetheart? What's wrong?" You heard the concern laced in his voice and it made you sniffle
"I just.. I don't think you'd want me when you see me naked" his heart clenched and he kissed you softly
"Now that's just silly"Ā 
"It's not ..I have seen the kind of women you have been with before, you love them curvy with flat stomach don't you and I don't have it, okay? I don't have full breasts you can squeeze when you're fucking me or watch them jiggle when I'm riding you and the one thing that's supposed to be flat..well it's not"Ā 
He chuckled as he heard you, so you glared at him.
"It's not funny"Ā 
"It's not..it's just I have been thinking about you riding me and that made me so hard so quick..see"Ā he placed your hand in his bulge and it made your face heat up instantly
"That's what you do to me and I haven't had you naked underneath me yet"
He cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. Then you told him about your ex and his jaw clenched, just wanted to find your ex and punch the shit out of him.
"You really think that's all I care about don't you? Just your body"Ā 
"That's all men care about"
"I'm not some midgardian man darling, your societal beauty standards are so damaging it bothers me deeply, and even if I was just another mortal man I wouldn't care about some extra lump of fat and skin or a lack thereof" you looked at him to see if he was messing with you but he was being serious.
"You know what makes me want to ravish the daylights out of you? Your mind, you're so smart, so beautiful. Your cute adorable face, you caught my eye the first time I saw you, then you tried to hide from me for so long and now that I know the reason and why you did that, somehow I just want to go back to that moment, take you in a secluded corner of that party and fuck you right there, fuck all those insecurities out of you"Ā 
You felt your face heating up at the remark and he pulled you in for a kiss again, this time you didn't stop his hands from wandering, he ran his hands all over your breasts and then took your shirt off. You closed your eyes as you felt embarrassed but then you felt his lips on your nipples as pecked on it softly, his tongue circled around them and then he sucked it in. He spent a good amount of time just sucking and worshiping your breasts.
He got you all naked and then sat up to look at you
"You have no idea how beautiful you are to me darling, all bare and dripping, so soft to my touch" You moaned as he kissed on your torso and moved down. He couldn't wait anymore, he had waited so long to have you, he wrapped your legs around his waist as he thrusted in and out of you.
"So fucking tight"Ā 
Ā You couldn't stop moaning as his cock made you feel so full.Ā 
"Look at you my love, you sound so sweet to me, such a good girl, taking every inch of me so well and what were you saying about me not being able to squeeze you?" he cupped your breasts and gave it a harsh squeeze, not enough to hurt but enough to make your eyes roll back into your head.
"Oh goddd lokiii" you moaned and gripped on his shoulders, he groaned as he felt your nails digging into his shoulder.
"Oh yes.. gorgeous..you're gorgeous my love..your pussy looks so good when it's stretched around my cock"Ā 
As he made you cum around him, For a brief moment you forgot everything, you forgot about the lifelong Insecurities you had, he looked at you as if you were the prettiest woman he had been with. He didn't pull out even after he had filled you up, he stayed in as he leaned down and kissed you.
"Thank you for accepting me the way I am, even though I can't do it myself"Ā 
You teared up and he kissed your forehead. He made it his mission from that day onwards that he'd make you realize how beautiful you are, he promised himself that he'd make you fall in love with your body someday, just the way he was.Ā 
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doriana-gray-games Ā· 2 years
If MC wasn't into spontaneous sex and instead always preferred to set a time and date to prepare beforehand (like shower, put on perfume, lingerie) how would ROs prepare? If they don't usually, then let's say it was their first time being intimate with MC, and MC expressed wanting to set a date and prepare so the moment could be special for their first time?
Anon, I really like this question šŸ¤”
I feel like H would be really into thisā€”would gladly make it a little tradition/ritual of sorts. Sending you lovely sexy letters throughout the day leading up to the proposed time. Making sure it is on your mind as much as theirs. Having little plans or possible buying gifts for the occasion. While they are not a huge fan of perfume, they might put on something faint. But, oh. Then when itā€™s time, all that anticipationā€¦ well, Iā€™m glad you had time to prepare šŸ˜—
A would be the worst of them all about this. Like, the first few times, the novelty of it all might be extra exciting. Really fun evenā€”delayed gratification and all that. But then they have to walk around all day distracted by whatā€™s to come, and they canā€™t handle that very well. Impulse control and removing spontaneity would be a little bit of a downer for them, I think, in the long run. But, both MC and Adler are creative. Iā€™m sure you can both come up with something together that works šŸ˜˜ (Adler would wear perfume and increasingly elaborate costumes.)
W would probably like that for the MCs and theirs first time too. Might calm some of their nerves and allow them to perform better. Would John do push-ups and crunches before running across the hall to your room to see you? Yes. Would Jane pinch her cheeks twenty times, smell her own breath over and over, and whisper encouragement to herself in front of a mirror? Also, yes.
In the beginning, L would mostly just be freaking out all day and not being able to concentrate. Just digging themselves deeper and deeper into a mental hole. But after they find themselves more comfortable in your relationship, they would cherish having something to look forward to at the end of the day. Having someone to come home to, having a reason to leave work, and not dreading it. And if the day has been frustrating, perhaps you can both work on that togetherā€¦
And all of the ROs would be very understanding and kind about an MC who wanted to make the first time specialā€”isnā€™t that common decency? And also, sex was a bigger deal back then than it is now (in those circles), so Iā€™m sure it wasnā€™t taken lightly.
Iā€™m not sure if you wanted me to, like, list what everyone did exactly? But umm, haha, they all bathed in preparation and took care of relevant personal hygiene. I suppose shaving of the body was less of a thing, so not that. Iā€™m sure everyone did some mental planning, if not physical planningā€”stretching, perhaps. I have no idea if this is what you wanted me to answer, sorry anon if I did this wrong šŸ˜…
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