#and go for one? ill always hate it. but what if i REALLY hate it and suck at it. idk. jealous of ppl who have and stick
miley1442111 · 3 days
the picture- a.hotchner
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summary: a late night issue turns into something very nice when your boss that supposedly hates you decides to come clean.
pairing: grumpy! aaron hotchner x sunshine! reader
warnings: none
Aaron Hotchner hated you, that was one thing you were sure of. From the morning when you would give him a small wave from your desk, one that he would never be caught dead responding to. To the evenings, when he walked straight by your desk as you wished him a good night, again, something he would never respond to. 
He hated you, and you were ok with that. 
Aaron Hotchner was in love with you, that was one thing he was sure of. From your kind gestures in the mornings and evenings, to the small things you did to brighten his days. The way you smiled at every small joke Spencer made, how you geeked out with Penelope over totally niche things, how you always seemed to outrun or outperform Derek at the gym- and subsequently tease him for it all week, how you would trade recipes with David, how you shared a love of cats with Emily- always sending photos back and forth of your cats, and how you were always there for Jj when she needed a babysitter, a friend, or just someone to talk to. And… how you didn’t mind how awfully rude he was to you. 
He loved you, and he was not ok with that. 
“Hotch, have you seen the picture that was on my desk? It’s a small gold frame with just a photo of me and an older woman outside the bullpen from when I first started working here?” you asked, popping your head in from outside his office.
“Y/l/n, what have I said about knocking?” He groaned, irritation flowing through him.
“Aaron, it’s 9:43pm, you’re not exactly on a work call, nor a personal one, and you’re clearly packing up. Please just answer my question.”
You’d never been so direct with Aaron. He’d never seen you get even slightly ill-tempered with anyone, let alone the slight curb of annoyance in your voice. 
“No, I haven’t, sorry.” LIE. Aaron knew exactly where that picture was. It sat in the locked drawer of his desk, underneath some files of paperwork that were really just blank. Penelope had found it, and handed it off to him to put back on your desk because she had to run off. Aaron obviously didn’t put it on your desk, since it had stayed in his desk drawer for the past three days. “Maybe if you tidied your desk up, it would be easier to look?”
One thing Aaron didn’t love about you, was your habit of not keeping your desk very tidy. There were files stacked on top of more files, bright stationary and colourful trinkets Penelope had given you, as well as one small teddy bear you’d won at a carnival with Henry when you’d babysat him a few months ago. It drove him mad to see your desk get progressively worse, have Spencer help you clean it (for the most part, he was just jealous of the fun that he saw you and Spencer having when you cleaned, he wished it was him- even if his conscience wouldn’t let him admit it), then watching the mess pile up again. 
You gave him a curt nod and left his office without another word, another oddity. Aaron tried to do his paperwork, but ended up watching from his window as you cleaned your desk for a whole 45 minutes, only to not find the picture. 
Then he watched as tears welled up in your eyes and his heart broke. Why was this picture so important? 
He pulled it out from his desk drawer and looked at it. The older woman and you looked eerily similar, and you’d taken personal leave for an entire week to go somewhere, somewhere you didn’t explain to everyone. You’ve seemed more distant, and a little less happy in recent weeks, and you've been texting and calling your sister back home a lot more often. 
It clicked and he knew he had to come clean. 
He walked out of his office and stopped at your desk, putting a hand on your shoulder. You shuddered away, wiping your tears away, then looked up to see the picture. Your frown was replaced by a bright smile, your arms wrapping around his neck in a comforting hug. 
“Thank you so much for finding it,” you smiled. “Thank you Aaron.”
Aaron’s brain was short-circuiting. Here you were, hugging him. His chest was against yours, his hands were on your waist, your arms were around his neck. His face slotted perfectly into the crook of your neck, where he could smell your sweet perfume. God, he loved your perfume. 
“Thank you so much,” you beamed, pulling away. Aaron just nodded with an open-mouth, still slightly in shock. “You seriously don’t know how much this means to me.”
“I’m glad I could help,” he smiled politely, but couldn’t seem to pull himself away from your eyes. You were magnetic. Your beautiful face, your friendly demeanour, your gorgeous smile. Why was he denying himself the one thing he wanted? Why was he denying himself the pleasure of your company? 
“Is everything alright?” you asked, noticing how the tension changed from your regular flat and slightly annoyed exterior, and changed to be something more… intimate. You suddenly realised how close he was standing, how you could feel his breath on your face, how the small freckles on his handsome face made constellations only you could see. 
“Y/n…” he spoke, swallowing the lump in his throat. 
“Aaron…” you responded, unable to look away from him. 
Suddenly there was no gap between the two of you. Aaron’s hands had grabbed your waist and pulled you into him, kissing you passionately. 
God, you loved kissing him. He loved kissing you. Win-win. 
You pulled back, confusion and adrenaline running through your mind as you stared at him. You just kissed your boss- actually; your boss just kissed you.
“I’m so sorry that was-” He started but you cut him off. 
“I thought you hated me.”
Aaron wracked his brain and yes, all the evidence was there. But how could you not see the hidden meanings, the secret things he did for you, the way he looked at you? Did you seriously think you just happen to get the window seat in the jet that also reclines, even though it’s Jj’s favourite spot? I don’t think so…
“I’m in love with you,” he said, breathless from the kiss. “Sorry I ever made you feel differently.”
Now it was your turn to be confused. “What?!” you squeaked.
“Do you actually want me to say it again or-?” 
“You’re in love with me?” You started pacing the floor, head in your hands as you attempted to process the insane revelation Aaron had decided to drop on a Tuesday night. “But you-you hate me! Everyday I wave-” “A wave I want to return-” “Every night I say ‘good night’,” “I know I ignore it and I’m sorry-” “when I came to you with a complaint you brushed it off-” “not liking someone’s attitude is not a grounds for dismissal, as much as I wish it was-” “You tried to get me fired!”
“No I didn’t?” He sighed, exasperated. “How could I see your beautiful face everyday if I got you fired?”
You stared at him. “Fair,” you shrugged. 
There was a moment of silence between the two of you. 
“This is the part when you ask me out,” you whispered, a flirty smile on your face. Aaron’s cheeks blushed and it took him a few seconds to collect himself. 
“Yes! Umm, Y/n, will- can I take you to dinner?” He asked, and you nodded. 
“Sounds like a plan,” you smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “See you tomorrow, Hotchner.”
Aaron watched as you left the bullpen, a bright smile on your face, very much looking forward to your first date. 
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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i-yap · 1 day
Batboys x quiet! reader(who is not quiet in private)
( some of the reasons for the quietness is a bit traumatic so uhh warning)
Dick grayson -
opposites attract is possibly my favorite trope ever. And that is exactly what you guys are . Not exactly golden retriever x black cat though people who didn't know you guys well assumed such .
Dick would get exhausted spending forever being charming and charismatic for even the most extroverted of people get tired when they had to manage multiple superhero teams, a detective squad and the whole batfamily.
You were silence, peace serenity almost..until you weren't. Grayson was worried about this relationship in the start, after all you guys were really different. He was afraid you were going to be annoyed by his sunshine self, and that when he isn't feeling like talking, the conversations would go silent.
But you really are so different when comfortable with someone, and its tough not to trust and drop your shield with grayson.
It took him by surprise slowly seeing you open up and show your weird side. It somehow made him cherish it more and even want to show sides of him that only you got to see.
When he asked you why you weren't like this with everyone you said " My parents had a habit of talking over me, sometimes outrightly not hearing me speak at all. No matter how loud I spoke..i wondered if they couldn't hear me...if anyone even wanted to you" "why me then?" asked dick , "you're nothing like my parents, I know you care" and he does..he really does. He won't ever let you feel like that every again. He will make sure everything you want said is heard, and if not he will burn it into the skyline
Jason todd
he appreciated it, a quiet person in public. He hated being in public, he hated the buzz the noise the push the touch of humans around him. He felt strange
till he feels you hold his knowing you felt just as strange as him. Leave the gala and walk around the library , one earphone in each ear listening to whatever you wished to play.
Pulling you close in crowded areas- was it for you or for him? Glaring at anyone who dared tease you about your quietness. A single glare usually does the job but don't worry ...other ways exist too.
He loves that when you two are alone, you are a completely different person. It makes him feel special, like he is the only one who understands you. Because you're the only one who understands him.
When he asks " well I guess I never felt like people liked what came out of my mouth.. my humour too dark, my words too dumb and I didn't make sense. So I stopped trying" don't worry about being cringe..he understands you completely
Tim drake
he is intruiged. How do you pull such a perfect facade. How does one look so poised and collected with those rich assholes and so wild and untamed with him?
He could never really perfect the act the way you did. He's seen you grow up, but somehow its like you were born with two people living in your brain.
If you're this mysterious to your childhood lover, how does anyone in the world even think that they could know you, both versions of you.
Dont get me wrong, he loved it, A mystery he never could solve, not even with your help.
" Teach me your ways master" "I remember you wanting me to call you that last night..oh no wait it was si-" "shut upp" "fine ill tell you timmy boy, I just believe those rich stick up their ass puppets don't deserve to see all ..this.." "what about school kids, friends , teemates-" "I don't need anyone to get me as long as you do"
He will never get it, even if someone engraved it into his skin he wont understand everything about you , you'll always be the case he couldn't solve.
AND WE ARE BACK BICHES , send in requests and stuff, inbox open again blah blah I'm feeling much better now but I might push angst stuff more
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crazyforclones · 3 days
I am so ill over Mario and Peach
Continue reading to listen to me absolutely lose my mind over these goobers
Establishing character:
I just adore Mario and Peach so much. And before I get those funny people always like “oh Mario hates peach,” or “peach never “gives” Mario anything for saving her! He probably only does it to get something from her-“ Ima need yall to shut your trap ok 👹
First of all, Nintendo, especially with Mario characters, had no idea how to characterize their characters in the beginning. Peach changes in almost every single different medium. Take the old Nintendo power (I think) comic called the “super Mario adventures.” in which Peach is a lot more outgoing, strong, sassy, and a literal general.
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Not saying this is a bad rendition of peach I actually like it! But I use it as an example of how these characters have changed over the years. And also, often times in games or stories like these where they focus more on the characters than gameplay, we see a more accurate and fleshed out character. Which is why in some other Mario games, characters often say things that might seem rude or out of character but is put there for comedy. (Nintendo obsession with making fun of Luigi in every rpg game is an example 💀). And the same goes for Mario, he’s changed a lot. But I feel in the current renditions of the characters, they have a much more stable idea of their character.
Also another cute picture from the comic-(sorry quality poopy I took it from mine)
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This is peach dreaming about marrying Mario btw.
Mario’s character:
From what we see now, Mario is just an average blue collar man in his late twenty’s who is quite short and also plump. Despite this he is still THE most brave, athletic, talented, determined, occasionally hot headed, and an overall idol to the entire mushroom kingdom. He is often labeled as THE Mario. And people also express their surprised when they actually see what he looks like 💀. But the reason I bring this up is Mario is quite literally just some guy. He’s some guy who entered this foreign kingdom, heard there was a Princess in trouble, and as a New York Italien blue collar worker he could’ve easily just went on with his day or ignored these random peoples pleas, but instead, he immediately decides he will travel multiple worlds so he can save this princess and help the kingdom (also cause the game needed a incentive but still-). From the get go mario was ready to help people. He helps them not expecting anything in return, but because he has a good sense of Justice. There’s hundreds of side quests you can do with Mario, sometimes they’re ridiculous. But you know what? Mario will do it. Because he likes helping people. Because he’s a role model. And because he’s just a good guy.
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Mario and Peach as a couple:
Most of the time, people who criticize or make fun of their relationship are often doing it as a joke which is fine, but this is for the people who genuinely think Peach is a jerk for not giving Mario “more” for what he does.
People often say “Mario has saved her so many times and all he gets is a kiss on the cheek!”
Now despite the fact Peach doesn’t owe Mario anything just because he saved her, I can see why people might be upset over this. However, like I said before, Mario does things not expecting rewards, but just because it’s the right thing to do and he has a duty.
People forget one dire things when it comes to love like this:
Love can be shown in many different ways
Peach kissing Mario in the cheek wasn’t proof that they were in love or together. I’d argue they weren’t really at all in the beginning. Except maybe a slight crush. A kiss on the cheek is often just a gesture of gratitude. Peach usually kissed anyone who saved her. It’s just her way of saying thank you.
What really shows that Mario and peach love one another is how they interact. The things they say and do. They don’t need to kiss to prove they’re in love, it’s simply implied with how they interact with one another. Whether it’s small gestures like holding one’s hand before a big game, or something such as trusting the other person to give you a boost so you can save your partners rabbid version of themselves from an evil space fish.
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Or! It can be something more direct, like peach literally looking Mario in the eyes and saying this:
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Or when she is scared but assured herself she will be ok as long as she has Mario!
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It’s these little things that speak larger than words. Mario and peach simply have a relationship that is there but doesn’t need to be forced down your throats to convince you that they’re in love. They simply are. And their love is shown in many ways. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and so does Mario and Peach!
Now have Mario dancing like a middle aged dad snapping his little fingers to make Peach laugh :)
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AITA in this friendship? give me a minute here, it's more complicated than it sounds
I'm 19 years old, female. So there's this friend, we'll call her B (also 19F). We've been friends for years, since elementary. We've been good friends for that time, I thought.
But especially during high school, it was hard to spend time with her. She was always convinced the friend group hated her even though all I'd ever hear was that they liked her and were confused/frustrated/hurt as to why she thought that. She's always had a lot of mental illness going on (depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc) so I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. She spent most of her time in another part of the school refusing to spend time with me or the friend group saying she wanted "alone time" even though she was surrounded by other friends.
I knew she was feeling unwanted within the friend group, so I tried to spend time with her when she would let me. But it kind of alienated me from the rest of the friend group so I spent a good portion of my lunches alone. Plus, even though she would say its ok for me to be there, sometimes it felt like she hated me and my presence. But then she would turn around and tell me I was the only one she could be truly honest with, etc, etc.
The reason I tried not to pay too much heed to the idea that she might really hate being my friend is because I also struggle with anxiety pretty badly. I've been working really really hard to just listen to what people tell me, because I can't trust what I'm telling me.
But this feeling continued after high school, and it felt like there was something I didn't know, like she secretly hated me and only put up with me.
Almost every time I would invite her to do something, she would try to invite someone else too. That's fine, but when it happens almost every time... it made me feel like I was unwanted.
I got really clingy. I'll admit that. I texted her often (most days a week) and would get anxious when she didn't respond within a couple of hours, leading to me double, triple texting most of the time. She told me not to text her during work, but how am I supposed to know for sure? She told me her hours once, but I have no record of it and I don't expect her to memorize my schedule so I feel like that's unfair. Plus, if I didn't press for an answer, I often wouldn't get one at all or wouldn't get one for days. Like one time I tried to schedule a time to hang out a few weeks in advance. She told me she would get back to me, but then the day before, still nothing. I texted over and over again, trying to get an answer, until she got mad at me for texting so much and told me she didn't think hanging out would work out. But the point is I got clingy, in a way that I understand made her anxious.
My anxiety got the better of me and I decided to stop contacting her. I held to it for a couple of months, aside from wishing her happy christmas/new years. But my birthday came and went for the second year in a row without a word, and I decided I needed to talk to her about it.
I did, and although she refused to do it in person like I wanted, I thought it was a pretty good conversation. She told me about a couple things I was doing to make her uncomfortable. I promised to work on those and being less clingy. I told her I need her to be honest about the things that bother her, and she said she needed time to work on that skill. She said she was thinking a month, maybe less, so i agreed not to contact her first during that time and she promised to contact me soon.
I didn't hear from her for three months. I finally broke down and texted her, asking to talk it out and telling her this arrangement wasn't working for me. She didn't respond for almost a week. I needed peace of mind, so I said I was done with waiting and I would be open to rekindling the friendship later, but I wasn't going to hold my foot in the door for her any longer. No response again.
I remembered I owed her money and asked her when would be a good time to drop it off (it was not like five bucks, it was a fair amount of money so I didn't want to like leave it on a doorstep or something). No response again for a day. I told her if I didn't hear from her in a couple of days I was going to keep the money.
She finally responded a day later, saying she didn't have the energy for a "high maintenance" friendship and to leave the money in her mailbox.
I don't know who was at fault here. I mean, I was clingy and I ended the friendship, but she didn't give me a chance to change and didn't stick to her word. But I don't know if contacting her again after those three months was clingy? I really don't know, and the end of this friendship has been tormenting me. I just want to know who was at fault and then I can deal with it, but I honestly don't know.
Also, WIBTA for contacting B again and trying to rekindle the friendship?
Please do not ask multiple questions in a single submission. It just confuses things and makes it hard for people to vote in the poll.
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espiepuffs · 2 days
It’s been a while!!
Characters: Geeta, Kieran, Nemona & Rika (x GN reader!!)
Summary: You’ve been away from your home region, Paldea, for several months. How does your partner react to seeing you back again??
Notes: Hello!! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, because I had a really bad art block and lost a bit of interest in pokemon :cc but I still love writing for the characters, and although it’s been a while since I’ve touched the games and writing, I hope it’s good regardless ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა requests are still open although I’m a bit slow on them atm due to the writer’s block!! PS: sorry that these are shorter than usual,, i swear ill make up for it ^^
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Geeta would be delighted to see you back in Paldea once more. As much as she’d hate to admit it, she’d missed you awfully, and nothing felt better than having you back in her arms.
Of course, when she was able to find the time in her day, she’d call you. The two of you would’ve had a specific time to call eachother <33
The calls would’ve probably only happened weekly, since Geeta was (and still is) extremely busy running the Pokémon league most of the time.
Anyway, back to the present! The day you come back, Geeta would’ve made room in advance just to have a day for just you and her to be together!!
She’s very dedicated to her job, but she treasures you more and wishes to spend time with you. As much as possible.
(It pains her that she couldn’t spend more time with you, but she’s a busy woman, so one day was all she could put aside…
She spends her day off with you glued to your side. She may not show it, but she missed you so, so, much and she just wants to relax with you!!
You two spend the entire day indoors, lazing about like two snorlax, tangled in each other’s limbs.
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Rika takes time off to come see you at the airport, arms open and waiting for you to fill them!!
When you’re away, she’d always call you after work hours, listening to you as the day ends (in Paldea anyway.)
Her calls are always unexpected, yet frequent, but you can’t help but smile when you see Rika ringing.
If you don’t call, you get daily texts which always have cute and affirmative messages like ‘Miss you lots babe! Hope you’re having a fantastic time so far :))’
When you come back she’s like a puppy, always at your side!! She just wants to spend as much time as possible with you, please indulge her
She’ll go absolutely anywhere with you!! She just wants to spend time with you once you’re back, she’s missed you lots!
She’s not opposed to staying home either, as said, she just wants to spend time with you so she doesn’t mind what you do.
Unfortunately, the fun won’t last forever as Rika has to go back to work after. It physically pains her to take her arms off of you in the coming morning…
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In this case, your home reigon would be Kitakami. Whether you’re off In Paldea, Kalos or even the Johto region, he’d miss you a lot.
Since he’s not a working adult unlike the previous two, he has much more time to talk and contact you while you’re away. Messages and calls are sent your way daily, he just wants to know how his s/o is doing <33
He could, and would listen to you talking for hours. He finds your voice incredibly relaxing!!
Depending on how long you’re gone, Kieran’s poor heart will ache until your return. He values you so much and really wants to see you in person again :cc
He’s like a sad cat when he mopes.
He’s so happy when you return to Kitakami though!! Surprise him at his door!
When you’re back, he’d probably spend time going out and about around Kitakami with you. Now it’s your turn to listen to him, he’ll talk to you for ages about all sorts of things!!
His school life, home life, and interesting events are all things he’d bring up. He wants to make the most of his time today with you!
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Nemona would be buzzing with as much electricity as a Pikachu when she finds out you’re coming back!!
Beforehand, she’d make do with calling and texting you when you’re free, but she’d much rather see you face to face.
She’d love to hear about where you’ve been, and what the region is like!! Please talk her ear off <33
She’s so happy when you’re back. She practically bolts off in excitement with you in hand!
You two make up for lost time outdoors. Nemona will spend as much time as she can with you outdoors, going all around the region doing all sorts of things.
Sightseeing, checking out shops or simply going on a stroll is plenty enough for her! Nemona is definitely into quality time with you <33
But you know what the thing she wants to do most with you is??
That’s right, a battle! She’d love to see how your pokemon have grown since you were last on Paldea. You got any new ones?? Show them in battle!
She’s excited to have you back on Paldea, so enjoy your time together!
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Changes I'd make to Tim Drake (Warning: may be controversial)
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As my favorite Robin, I've needed to make this post for a long time. I know my opinions may not be agreed upon, but I hope my dedication is still appreciated, nonetheless.
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He isn't dragged for his superhero goals--Any poor mistake that DC makes, they decide to pin it on him having poor judgement, which is really unfair. As many things that get ignored/retconned (even if they arguably shouldn't be, depending on the subject), it feels bizarre to drag Tim for things like his ill-fated "Drake" costume and era, especially when it was walked back on so quickly. On top of this, people seem to look down on him for genuinely enjoying being Robin. Robin wasn't always a move on position, per se; Dick had been Robin for consecutive decades before deciding he wanted something different, while Jason was murdered and became someone else as a reflection of this. Tim became Robin because he saw that Batman NEEDED him, and deduced Batman and the previous Robin's identities on his own. If he wants to do stop being Batman's partner (or sidekick, depending on perspective), it should be his own choice, not everyone else saying "this was a temp job and you're out."
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He has his own unique color, costume, and maybe even codename--Even if he remains by Batman's side, Tim deserves to be distinct; his codename and color scheme are shared with all his brothers, and it doesn't do much for him. I'd definitely prefer a cowless take on his Savior costume (unsure about the codename; it feels a bit too on-the-nose, but it also feels like it represents his need to help others) or bring back his N52 Red Robin suit WITH the wings as well as making him the brother in purple, which goes well with the Batfamily's aesthetic as well as signifying his romance with Stephanie and friendship with Bunker.
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He's going for a psyche major--I feel like this fits so well with his motivations. It's weird that the Batfamily doesn't put more stock in studying psychology outside of Harley (who rarely uses this skill, much to my chagrin). Tim wants what's best for everyone, and became a hero in order to help people. He isn't simply trying to stop problems, but prevent them and make Gotham a better place for everyone. While he can still go for a cyber-related degree (I don't remember his exact major), I'd prefer he also go for a degree that furthers his desire to understand and improve others, plus it's good to help him better understand himself as well.
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He isn't bi--Hate me if you must. I'm a gay guy, and I just didn't vibe with this reveal. During the mid-2000s, it was stated by one of his artists that he and the writers kind of already saw Tim as bi, though DC never made this canon until 2021. As far as I know (as a 2010s comic person), it never seemed like DC was keen to lean into LGBT sexuality for Tim, and given that they've been treating him poorly post-N52, it feels like this was a random "let's find a way to make Tim as popular as his brothers" by making him stand out in a way that they didn't. I know this is a bold claim, but this is a feeling I've had for a while now, especially since his personal life now mainly revolves around Bernard (personal bias, but I'm usually not a fan of heroes dating non-heroes; I'd prefer him with Bunker--or Connor, if he's romantically into guys). And they haven't done him many favors since; DC infamously described him as the "always-online bisexual" in a now deleted tweet embodies my concern that they're just defining him by his sexuality now, as well as a solo comic with horrendous art for most of the run. If Jason or Damian were depicted as bi (with the latter being the least controversial choice, imo, given his younger tenure in comics and romantic life not as fleshed out), I'm almost sure they'd be better handled, probably because they've been better handled as characters in recent years. Overall, I found Tim's retcon of sexuality unnecessary (yet when we have bi characters such as Ghostmaker who were LGBT from the get-go and don't get nearly as much attention) and overall used as a metaphor for his "indecisiveness" at making decisions that DC forced onto him.
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He still has a (biological) family and life--A big problem with writers and artists is that they sometimes have a problem with trying to make the 4 Robins identical in appearence and lives. Unlike Jason and Dick, Tim wasn't an orphan adopted by Bruce, not originally anyway. He had his own life and chose to be part of Bruce's world, and the need to make him an orphan with pretty much nothing going on in his civilian life (is he still an Olympic-level gymnast? Kinda love the idea that he takes time off for "me time" here and there and that's when Damian or another Batfam member jumps in). Let him have friends and family as Tim Drake, not just as Robin. Let Bruce be his dad without killing off his biological one. Let Tim have autonomy and individuality!
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More A-list connections--This is being petty, but most of his friends are next-gen people with no major stuff going on for themselves, just like him. Surrounding yourself with important people can help you become important, too. I'm not telling friends to drop his friend groups (him and Conner have one of the best male homosocial relationships in comics and it sucks how it got overshadowed by Damian and Jon), but giving him more relationships with well-known characters could help his status. I have similar feelings for Starfire (we need more of her friendship and Superman).
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Never lose sight of who he is--The idea with Tim (at least from what I've absorbed) is that he's the most optimistic, maybe even naive, version of Dick, committed to wanting to help people and support them, and not one to brush them off of devalue them. He's got a heart, not just a brain, and I like to consider him one of the glue sticks that holds the family together. He doesn't need to be edgy or cool in the way that Damian and Jason are, nor should he be reduced to a sex object like Dick (which is another post entirely).
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s-rosie · 2 days
hiiii!!! i hope everyone is doing wonderful and taking care if themselves, with that said, i hope you like these!
jameson can rub avery’s stomach in just the right way, it gets rid of her period cramps
they make each other those aesthetic, cute, and meaningful gifts when the other is feeling shitty
they tried that “you need a hug” trend when the boyfriend jumps on the girlfriend’s back, and avery fell over and hit her nose (jameson then felt so bad, he gave her so many cuddles and kisses)
they have onesies that are stitch for jameson and angel for ave
they sing musicals together and assign each other characters to play
i hc that ave has hormone problems, so jamie will help her by holding her hair when she throws up, holding her when she gets dizzy, and giving her cuddles (not me projecting again 💀)
in their room, they have a whole corner filled with cute stuffier
they take long drives sometimes and just talk about life and scream sing their fav songs
jameson once pulled ave into a closet (😏) and oren was going crazy trying to find her because he thought she was kidnapped again (they then had to sit through a 20 minute lecture)
everyone online calls them “america’s favorite couple”
jamie loves going shopping with her and he has good fashion taste, so he will help her find outfits
one time nash told them to get a room, so jameson was like “fine maybe i will” and avery was like “fine by me” as a joke (not really) and nash was mortified
xander once dared them to play 7 minutes in heaven, and it got a bit heated
they went on a trip to nyc, and jameson taught avery how to ice skate at rockefeller rink because i hc he plays hockey
i hc ave is allergic to metal, so jamie covers all of his rings and jewelry with a clear coat so she can hold his hand, and he always makes sure to gets her hypoallergenic jewelry
they are both obsessed with combat boots, especially doc martens
they have spa dates before big events to make sure they look ✨fabulous✨
jamie and avery are the best at just dance, like if they team up against you you know its over for you
after “activities” (😏) jamie will carry her wherever she needs to go until she can walk
ave always takes the blankets and makes herself a burrito in the blankets (jamie acts annoyed but he obviously finds it adorable)
jameson loves olives, but ave hates them (the olive theory)
one time at the beginning of their relationship, she got overwhelmed by jameson touching her so she pulled away, and he felt like he did something wrong. she assured him it was ok and she just got overwhelmed so they made a secret tap that ave can do on jamie’s arm so he knoes to let go and give her space (though, she uses the tap less and less now)
at their wedding, jamie cried seeing avery walk down the isle, causing her to start crying and they met at the alter a bawling mess
they always hype each other up and stand up for each other no matter what
since i think it is pretty much cannon that jameson does nascar at this point, before his races, ave gets really scared that he will get hurt, so she will tell him things like “don’t die” and “if you die, ill kill you” and he just laughs and tells her he will be ok
at any event that either of them do, the other always brings them a gift pertaining to that event
ave is SUPER tickle ish, and jamie will tickle her sometimes until she cant breath (she pretends she hates it, but jamie kbows she loves it)
thank you so muchhhh! i hope you like these as much as i enjoyed making them. please give me some recommendations as to what yo make next. i will be busy for a while, so if i post few and far between, just know that i will be back (tho i will post more then that) so if i dont get to your request right away, just know i will eventually. thank you 😊
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noturlondonboy · 2 days
Werewolf. Were… Wednesday?
Part 1
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
Werewolf Wednesday AU
A/N: I really love this concept so I’m excited to see if others like it too. Enjoy!
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Enid had a bad feeling about today as soon as she woke up. For starters, it was her actual alarm that had her rousing instead of Wednesday's intense gaze inches from her face, and that in itself had her mood a bit jilted.
Breakfast proved another point. Yoko was sick and therefore absent to indulge in Enid's latest gossip, and Bianca wasn't exactly very chatty. This left the werewolf with Ajax and a very sleepy Xavier. The two boys were leaning into each other and giggling softly every time the artist would start to doze off against his boyfriend's shoulder, only for one of Ajax's snakes to poke at him through the beanie.
Damnit. Enid missed Wednesday. She couldn't handle being single in front of all this cute gay shit by herself. Where had her roommate gone? It was unusual for her to miss breakfast. It was the only meal they tended to share and the girl hated when her schedule got messed up, even a little.
It started raining as soon as she stepped foot outside.
"Great." Enid walked quickly across the quad in a mess of grumbling and wet blonde hair, and she shook herself out best she could before making her way to her first class of the day- potions.
Another thing about today being an absolute thumbs down. Enid sucked at this class.
But she perked up immediately once she walked through the door and spotted Wednesday in her usual seat, her soft squeal earning a confused smile from Divina in the back row. Wednesday heard her as well and turned to watch as Enid skipped her way to their desk and slid into her spot, grinning at her dark friend.
"Hi, Wednesday," Enid whispers excitedly, trying to be mindful of the fact that class was technically starting. Wednesday is just looking at her with her normally blank expression, but then the neutrality seems to lessen and she almost looks amused.
"You're soaking wet, Enid. You're going to have our room stinking of wet dog."
Enid beams at her. "Yeah probably."
That gets an entire eyebrow raise. "Have you fallen ill? You're happier than what I'm accustomed to and it's making me want to stab Xavier."
"Hey!" Xavier goes ignored from behind them.
Enid shakes her head but does make an effort to ring out her hair a bit more so she doesn't accidentally smack Wednesday in the face with a damp pink strand. "Nope, just happy to see my roomie after missing her all morning." Today was starting to feel a little less terrible already.
Something strange crosses over Wednesday's face but she's interrupted before she can respond. "Good morning kiddos!" Mr. Faroshti claps his hands to get everyone's attention, his fangs glinting as he grins widely.
That was a dangerous look when it came to him.
"We're doing something a little special today, and it's gonna be partner work- so if you're not happy with your table mate... deal with it." He shrugs and walks to his desk as a couple of students groan. Xavier and Ajax are making kicked-puppy eyes at each other from across the room. Enid just nudges Wednesday with her shoulder and wiggles around a bit.
Even if she was more likely to blow something up than not, Wednesday was always patient and willing when helping her as long as she was actually trying to stay focused. Everything would be fine.
Mr. Faroshti passed around a medium sized box to each desk and instructed them all to open it and get started on what he was only now calling a "mystery serum." Wednesday seemed rather bored of the activity, right up until she was halfway through reading the instructions and gave an actual smile.
"Good, it involves blood. That puts me at ease."
Enid grimaced, looking warily down at the open box and what could see of vials and containers full of whatever they were going to use. "Of course it does."
Wednesday almost starts to hum as she busies herself with carefully removing all of the ingredients, handing the instructions over for Enid to read. "You'll be fine, puppy. I'll handle the blood."
Enid doesn't know how to react to the name or the girl's thoughtfulness, so she just does as she's told and ignores the glow on her cheeks.
Halfway through the potion, Wednesday excused herself to the restroom and levels a stare that has Enid sitting ram-rod straight. "Get the next two steps done while I'm gone, they're relatively simple. A pinch of whatever animal essence is in that sealed bag, and a few drops of liquified bone marrow. Stir how it shows you." And then she's gone, her braids swishing lightly behind her.
Enid blinks, bringing herself back to the task at hand. The remaining ingredients are spread out over the table around their mini mixing cauldron, and she located the animal bag and bone marrow before starting to panic. Each box held a different animal essence for each potion, and it was just by chance that the one given to her and Wednesday contained a tuft of wolf fur. The problem was that it looked quite a bit more than a pinch.
But it wouldn't have anything in the box that didn't need to go in the potion, right? Enid looks at it quizzically for a moment before shrugging and dropping the entire bundle into the concoction. The fur sizzles for a moment, then dissolves into the steaming liquid, leaving it a deep brownish red.
The bone marrow goes in without a hitch (ignoring the fact that a fourth of it splashed out onto Enid's hands-it burned like hell for a moment) and then the werewolf carefully stirs the potion until it smooths out. Wednesday appears moments later, surveying the scene.
"You didn't catch your hair on fire. Good."
Enid scowls as her roommate sits back down. "That was one time!"
Wednesday glances at her, lips twitching. "Did you finish the next two steps?"
"I- yeah."
There's a nod of acknowledgment, and Wednesday takes over, measuring and pouring the rest of the ingredients in. Once the shimmering gold liquid is contained in a vial, Mr. Faroshti comes around from where he was helping a struggling Ajax to take a look at it.
"Excellent work, girls! That was done in record time," he beams, holding the potion up to the lantern lighting to peer at it. He hesitates, then frowns, turning the vial this way and that to get a better look. "That's strange..." He carefully holds it close to his nose and wafts the scent closer to him for a second. Mr. Faroshti visibly holds back a gag. "Hoooh boy, that's a strong Werewolf smell. And I think the gold shading might be a little off."
Wednesday's eyebrows shoot up on her head, and she turns to a nervous Enid. "Enid, how much of the animal essence did you put in?"
Enid feels the need to shrink in on herself, tugging anxiously at her damp hair. "Um, well, there wasn't very much of it so..."
"Ok, I added all of it!"
Mr. Faroshti whistles and shakes his head. "Yeah, that's why it looks weird. Go ahead and pour it back in and water it down to balance it out, and I'll take another look at it." He hands the vial back to Enid, who takes it sheepishly with her rain-wet fingers.
And promptly drops it as the glass slips out of her hands.
Said vial crashes onto the desk and shatters into a mess of glimmering gold liquid...
Right onto Wednesday.
Everyone in the room freezes, including Wednesday. She had her blazer off and her sleeves rolled to her elbows today, which meant the potion had coated her arms and splashed to splatter over her chest and neck, dripping onto her skirt. Her eyes were wide and she had her hands up off the desk, as if she didn't quite know what to do with herself. Enid was staring at her roommate with a horrified expression.
She's going to kill me.
But Wednesday turned to Mr. Faroshti, grinding her teeth. "Sir, what kind of potion were we making?"
He swallowed tightly, red eyes ping-ponging over the mess in the hopes of properly assessing the situation. "It was a temporary transfiguration solution. But it was too potent and it got onto your skin..." He shook his head and seemed to come back to life, getting the attention of the other students. "Everyone, Bianca is in charge for a short time while I take Wednesday to the infirmary. Please be very careful when reading the instructions, and leave your work inside the mixing cauldrons for now, until I'm back. Nobody touch the spill."
He hurriedly had Wednesday up on her feet and rushed her out the door, and Enid gaped after them, chest feeling tight. What was that potion going to do to her friend?
Ajax and Xavier slid onto her bench on either side of her to console the werewolf, but she barely heard them through the ringing in her ears. She just looked down at her now dry hands and tried to keep breathing.
Bad day it was.
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saesitoshi · 20 hours
try to forget her.
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sypnosis. rin knows you’re far from reach. he didnt mean what he said, he knows he never will. hes slowly spiraling into madness. fully aware you may never come back. What will happen after he comes back from Blue Lock?
pairings. itoshi rin x fem! reader
content. angst, swearing, casual sae hating, au! before blue lock project but he later on goes into it, intrusive thoughts, mentions of self harm, depression, mentally ill rin, starvation, coping mechanisms, basically really mentally ill rin. unstable relationship, mentions of underage sex. dunno what else
wc. 2.7k
a/n. sadly very ooc.. not proof read. heavily inspired by tyler the creators snippet *try to forget her* i saw an edit and immediately thought i should do some type of angst fic with it. PART 2 IS CONFIRMED!!!
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itoshi rin, a man full of disgust towards anything and everybody. many thought of him as self absorbed, selfish, a man with a distinctively huge ego. many admired him only his looks, some because of his brother, some not at all.
but if there was one thing everyone know about itoshi rin, it was that he was a hell of a striker. many acknowledged his skill at the sport, he led his team to victory, but was it really for the team, or for him?
it was no secret that rin had a brother, more successful and skilled. nobody had ever known why there was such tension between them, no one bothered to ask why.
rin hated being compared to the man he hated the most, he wondered if it was hate, admiration, jealousy maybe? he never really mentioned it. not that he had anyone to mention it to.
Rin did not set differences aside, he wanted to do everything his brother accomplished, but better.
Rin wanted to be completely better than Itoshi Sae. he wanted to have his own title in the soccer world. he wanted to be admired for being Itoshi Rin, not Sae.
He thought, “whatever i have that he doesn’t, will be one step closer to getting to my goal.” he desperately tried to obtain every skill he could to stand out.
Rin wasn’t exactly worse than Sae.. but he wasn’t any better. one could say there was just a tiny 10% that separated them, only in skill.
Rin was attractive. he had a good body, good voice, good grades. he was every girls dream man. his personality didn’t stop any woman from being head over heels for him, but it would always change once they saw his brother, only being blinded by the richness and success, rather than looks.
one could argue they were equal in everything but soccer.
it had come to the point where Rin couldn’t figure out what he was missing. until you showed up one day.
there was an exchange student, not only exchange, but foreign. you were from (country) and it just so happened to be the one Rin had always dreamed of going to.
when he set his glowing teal eyes on you, he was mesmerized. you didn’t look like the average japanese girl, or obviously an average tourist.
your beauty was something he couldn’t comprehend.
your hair looked so silky. your skin so smooth yet had the faintest texture. your outfit was carefully picked out, obviously not having a school uniform yet. your makeup so beautifully done, not being too packed with it, just enough to make him acknowledge it.
your lips were plump and glossy, your cheeks were flushed and shiny, all red from the embarrassment.
your lashes so long, not as long as his he thought, but long enough. your eye color wasn’t anything special but he just felt like it was. your eyebrows so perfectly shaped, but natural.
he looked further down, to your body. he could care less but he had to take in the amount of beauty you carried..
your legs looked so perfectly long and smooth, you were obviously shorter than him, just right. your arms rested by your sides so perfectly as well. your cutely done nails, how your hands had no scars, obviously belonging to a woman who’s taken care of herself.
he listened as you spoke, your voice had no roughness, no cracks no nervous vibrations. it was smooth and quiet. calm.
you were sat next to him, what a coincidence. the teacher put you there temporarily next to rin because he was the top student, we could help you catch up.
Rin introduced himself to you, catching you looking at his lips as he spoke, he remained nonchalant and just did as he was told.
you had told him you weren’t very fluent in japanese, but knew the basics, you could understand japanese, just not speak. your father was japanese, from the kanto region, and had gone to america for work, meeting your mother.
he taught you many things and helped you improve your japanese.
a couple months passed, you had asked him to meet you on the stairs before the top floor.
thats where you had confessed to him, he could never forget what you said.
“itoshi-kun..i am very sorry if i butcher this but.. ive been meaning to tell you for a very long time, about how i feel. so if you will let me, may i share this with you?”
rin chuckled at the hesitation and nervousness in your voice, knowing you didnt have to be so fancy with honorifics or anything, or call him by his last name.
“Yeah sure, go ahead.” he smiled at you slightly.
“Ever since you and I got closer, Ive felt a weird feeling inside my chest. everytime i heard a girl talk about you my heart would sink. i started caring more about your whereabouts and opinions. i found myself being worried about you, and caring about what you thought. i would get up in the morning excited to see you, trying my best to look pretty for you. i tried to go to all your games and support you even if you wouldnt see me, even if i would blend in with other girls. i was glad i got to sit next to you, i am grateful for it now. because it led me to become closer to you, and not anyone else. Itoshi Rin, i like like you. i love you. and i want to be together, as a couple. i understand if you dont feel the same way bu-”
“y/n.. i love you too.”
you two went on to have the best memories together, you had told rin a 9 months into your relationship that you were a virgin. you two ended up having sex. you went out together, he met your parents, he didnt feel comfortable about his family so he left it at that. you understood.
you two were in love.
you guys went on to date for 2 years, but whenever rin turned 16 things started to get weird.
you and him were always fighting. he would ignore you at times, sometimes hours, sometimes days.
you were understanding of his soccer career, not that it was much of a career, yet you never told him.
you just wanted him to be there for you, with you.
the start of november, you decided to confront rin about it.
“Why do you always fucking ignore me for that shitty ass sport?! all you do is make fake promises and go on and say how youre sorry and youll do better but do the same thing but just worse. im not asking for alot itoshi but for the love of god please act like you fucking love me again.”
rin was on his last straw, he didnt know why he was so mad, maybe it was because by the day his brother was getting better and more popular, he was determined to be better than him, even if it meant ignoring you, and setting you aside.
“Look y/n, i dont fucking know why you care so goddamn much. mind your own fuckin’ business and find something to do. all you do is complain, i need space okay?! Im not sorry to say this, and im gonna dumb it down for ya, your annoying, wasting my time, and i just need you to leave me the fuck alone alright? stop fuckin’ running yer mouth and be good at somethin’ for once. fuckin’ bitch. all you use your damn mouth for is to complain, go get a job or sumthin’ i dunno. wish you never fucking came to japan.”
you never said anything and walked out of his house.
2 days later you had sent him a message sending him farewell and you loved and hoped he would grow on his journey as a soccer player.
ever since that day, no matter how much rin tried to find your whereabouts, he always failed.
he felt miserable. he wanted you back.
how could he? he said so many things to you, he meant them at the time, but it wasnt his fault. he didn’t mean to bottle everything up. he wouldve talked to you about it, maturely.
he blamed it on his brother, like he always did.
he thought it was some kind of bad luck spell Sae had given him.
Rin suffered in silence.
he missed you he missed your touch, the way you would look at him and hold him, how you would whisper cute things in his ear while you cuddled.
he missed how he would open every door for you, he made you bento boxes, he missed your home made chocolate. he missed how he would spot you in the bleachers at his soccer game, he would pretend to not see you out of embarrassment.
he dreaded sitting in the same seat he sat in whenever you met, seeing you sit next to some other random dude.
how could he just forget about you? when you’re there everyday at school. he hated seeing you look miserable, alone.
he knew you still werent that good with the language, so you were unable to make friends, let alone girl ones. they all hated you for your relationship with rin.
he was worried. he wish he could have you in his arms and tell you everything was going to be okay.
he felt extreme guilt as the days went by, remembering how you have your own family problems, your own health problems.
how did he just leave without a fight? how did he accept you two were done and went on with his day.
he remembered about all the memories. how you two had sexual relations, despite being dumb teenagers. you didnt do it more than 3 times, but he still thought of it as special.
he missed how you cradled him in your arms, rubbed his cheeks, gave him massages after practice or games.
he missed you playing with his hair. your kisses. your soft warmth of your body. everything.
he wish he chased you, fought hard to keep you, beg for you.
but he didn’t.
thats when the thoughts started happening.
rin would find himself on the edge of his bed thinking about how your life would be with another man.
he sat on the floor of his bathroom and sobbed, knowing there was a zero chance in hell you would forgive him for anything.
he hated himself. he hated what he was, who he was.
it got so bad rin started praying night. he prayed for you, about you, for both of you. he begged and sobbed to the man he believed was up in heaven somewhere judging him for his actions. the man he believed put him in this situation to suffer.
he would never harm himself, he knew that. but he fought his intrusive thoughts. he didn’t want to make any cuts on his arms, he always thought they were unnecessary.
instead, he unconsciously starved himself.
rin couldnt eat, he couldnt sleep.
he couldn’t take care of himself or his room, he was a mess.
he wanted to disappear, he wanted to just pretend he never came into this world. he hated his mother for birthing him, he hated his brother even more.
he couldn’t think anymore, he layed on his bed. staring at the inanimate objects around his room.
he missed you, he thought about you.
about your mother, and father whom he met.
about your siblings and pets.
he missed who he was.
he tried to forget those things
“try to forget her.” he said to himself as he woke up for yet another day of school.
rin liked to think he could telepathically, someway, talk to you when he really tried.
“i just hope you saved my number,” he thought, “Call me when you can.”
he knew you had blocked him, but had you really? what if you missed him too. what if you couldn’t forgive him, but you could miss him.
he thought surely you missed your long talks at night on the phone, cuddling with him, having lunch together.
was it all a blur to you? did your people not care for relationships?
Rin went out on walks sometimes, to help cope, to help him forget, to ease his mind. he stared at the ponds, the fish, the trees. the sky, the clouds. he wondered what the plants felt like, being all alone, unable to move or speak. how they felt whenever a dog would urinate on them, or how a tree felt when a couple carved their initials on it.
did they need to scream? cry? laugh?
he went into a state of derealization at one point, for about 2 days, he thought he wasn’t here.
he was just a ghost, you were a dream, his brother wasnt his brother, he was just a sad dead person with free time. alot of it.
he hated being here.
Rin repeated the same cycle everyday.
wake up, shower, eat breakfast, brush teeth get ready for school.
see you in class, sitting alone, sometimes with a random person you had assigned seats with.
go up to the rooftop for lunch, seeing you at the stairs as he went up, trying his best to not acknowledge you.
go to soccer practice
walk the path to your house, then to his.
check the mail. go inside his house.
take off his clothes, take a shower, lay in bed, and eventually, after some tears, fall asleep.
Rin felt lost, he lost his will to try.
he continued exceeded at sports and school.
that he never worsened in, he was always top 1 and remained that way.
that was until his teacher asked him to help you again, since you were failing.
“I understand if you two have broken up, it is none of my business really. But if you could set your arguments aside and focus on her academic work, that would be amazing. She’s really struggling again, Itoshi-kun. If you are unable to please let me know.”
Rin had a selfish feeling, he was glad to know that you were also struggling like him over the breakup.
he let his ego get to him, sometimes the thought that it might just be your family crossed his mind. but he always settled on that it was the fact that you two broke up.
rin planned to talk to you about class, of course it being just an excuse.
he decided he was gonna do it the following day, november 20th, 2018.
unfortunately, you weren’t at school that day.
he thought nothing of it, he was just gonna ask you tomorrow. same plan same everything.
he was gonna confess his feelings of regret, and guilt. he was going to own up to missing you.
rin went home that day, devastated, but a slight excitement for tomorrow.
he was happy, that tomorrow might be the day that everything goes back to normal.
he checked the mail.
he had received a letter, something claiming that he had been chosen to go into some stupid Blue lock project. saying the meeting is in september 4th.
he ignored it.. but it interested him. he was gonna go, he thought why not?
you hadnt gone to school all week.
rin asked his teacher if he knew why you hadn’t attended school, claiming he just needed to talk to you about tutoring you.
“Oh, y/n-san? she’s gone to america, to visit her grandmother, she should be back september 4th.”
september 4th? thats the day he had to go to that meeting. that tuesday he would be gone and you would be back.
he began to worry, what was he gonna do?
the day of came. he decided to go to the soccer program, figuring he would just see you the next day.
“is this the right place? it looks all weird. i wonder what bullshit they’ll say.” he scoffed, looking at the letters address slightly looking up, matching it to the building number.
they had told him they wouldn’t be allowed to go back home, they would stare at this Blue Lock, until they fought to find the best striker in japan.
Rin was angry. Angry at himself, angry at this strangers.
part of him lured him to do it. he wanted to become better. he wanted to be the best.
but what about you?
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ive never written angst before i hope i did good for my first time..😭
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elliebyrrdwrites · 2 days
(disclaimer: I'm sick and so I am blah and mushy and not at all confident about what I am writing, so I will post them all here but I am liable to delete and rewrite every section in some ill advised temper tantrum)
“Pansy Parkinson?” Hermione was dumping food into the sink from a plate when he entered the kitchen. “Are you serious? She hates me!” She scoffed and shook her head. “And you think she’s going to train me to defend myself?”
“I do.” Draco nodded, watching her from where stood near the door.
“Well, I’m not doing it. I refuse to be ordered around by you or Pansy Parkinson. The two people who made most of my formative years a living hell!”
Draco wasn’t surprised by her displeasure. He was, however, surprised by the way her body seemed to shake with all of her pent up rage. He had, of course, made her life hell as much as possible. Pansy always willing to go along because she did genuinely dislike Granger.
But, Draco didn’t and he knew that no matter what he said or did now, it would be nearly impossible to make Hermione forget the way he had treated her as children.
And now, she was angry with him again but this time, with her bare back exposed to him. When he had apparated behind her in the parlor, he was jolted by the realization that her dress open to her lower back.
He had enjoyed the feel of it pressed against his chest, the warmth of her skin seeping into his own, even through the shirt he wore.
She smelled like vanilla and burnt sugar and something else. Something floral and all around intoxicating.
It drove him crazy. She drove him crazy.
“Calm down, Granger.” He bit out.
A plate came flying towards him, and Draco barely had the chance to duck before it shattered against the kitchen door, right where through the spot his head had been positioned. When Draco looked up, wide-eyed and suddenly charged with fresh energy, he found Granger standing with another plate in hand, her wild curls framing her furious face.
“Stop telling me to calm down.”
Draco smiled as he straightened, flicking bits of broken porcelain from his shoulder, shaking them from his hair. He stepped toward her and she lifted the plate over her shoulders in a silent threat.
“What’s really got your knickers in a twist, kitten?” His eyes flicked to the sink full of food, before running over the dress and heels she had obviously put on for a reason. He lifted his eyes back to her face and quirked a brow at her. “Are you jealous of Pansy? She and I used to date, you know.”
The plate flew at him but this time, Draco was prepared and apparated to the other side of the kitchen table.
“I’ll take that as a yes?”
“Get out.” She seethed, lifting her proud little chin.
“Make me.” He smirked.
Suddenly, her wand was in her hand and several glass cups and porcelain mugs from the cabinet beside her head came floating out of their place, causing Draco to laugh.
One mug flew at his head and he managed to dodge it before another mug flew at his feet. He jumped, dodging the sharp pieces that flew up and around him.
“Why are you really mad?” He eyed the food in the sink. “Did you make dinner?”
She lobbed another mug at him. This time he apparated in front of the door that led to the backyard.
“Granger!” He panted, suddenly irritated with the task of dodging lethal dishes as his focused on something else. His mind was slowly starting to piece together the evidence. The dinner, the dress, the heels...the anger at seeing Pansy arrive with him.
He dodged a glass, this time jumping to the right as it hit the wall beside the back door. “Godsdamnit, Granger, cut it out!”
Her nostrils flared as he threw the command out.
“Go home, Malfoy.” She kept her wand trained on him as he stepped over the shards of glass and porcelain littering the floor.
“When I said I would be here by six...” He glanced down at the floor before taking another step, careful not to stop on any of the pieces. “You made us dinner?”
She scoffed. “No. I wouldn’t dare cook for you.”
“You ordered dinner.” He amended, lifting his hands up as he stopped in the middle of the kitchen. “You got dressed up for me.”
“I did not.” But she was lowering her wand and glancing toward the refrigerator. “I like this dress. It’s a lovely dress.”
“I agree.” He nodded. “But you’re lying. You wore that dress for me.” He lifted his chin toward her. “You wanted a do-over of last night’s dinner.” Her eyes hardened. “Am I wrong?” He certainly wanted a redo of last night.
For a moment, he thought she might deny it. That she might lob another plate at him. But she rolled her eyes and moved her hands to her hips. “Are you ever going to kiss me again, Malfoy?”
Draco might have experienced a premature ventricular contraction, because he felt a gallop in the rhythm of his heartbeat, forcing his lungs to compensate, a cough forcing its way out.
He still had his hands up, but his feet had suddenly solidified and were weighed down to the floor as her words repeated themselves over and over in his head.
She stared back at him, expectantly. Waiting for him to respond. Waiting for him to do something.
She had hoped he would kiss her tonight, clearly, judging by the food and the dress and the heels.
And now she was practically asking him to and he could barely process the idea of her wanting him to kiss her again even after he just pissed her off to the point of throwing dishes at him.
He realized, in that moment, that she enjoyed it all as much as he did. The fighting, the rough handling of one another’s emotions. He’d always been in love with Granger, but he never thought she would enjoy his little games. Never imagined her actually being the woman of his dreams. Because he didn’t deserve those things. Definitely not with anyone like her.
And when she sighed and lowered her hands from her hips, he knew he was about to let her down yet again. She shook her head and he knew she was about to walk out of the kitchen then. Away from him. Abandoning the idea of another kiss.
So, Draco apparated again.
This time, he appeared in front of her, so close that she gasped and jumped back. But before she could finish taking the step away from him, he moved forward. He pounced on her, his hand finding her face, cupping it as he crashed his lips against hers.
Her hands flew to his shoulders, gripping at the fabric of his shirt as his other hand moved to the back of her head, positioning hers just so, making it so he was able to angle his own so that his mouth slanted easily over hers.
Their first kiss was soft, an exposition of what lay deep beneath the surface; a pouring of his adolescent heart into her soul. His desperate attempt to tell her how sorry he was, how much he loved her. How fucking good she was and how much he didn’t deserve her.
This kiss was different. It was years of pent up sexual frustration. Only, it wasn’t just his frustration at not being able to touch her, it was hers. She hadn’t forgiven him for the kiss that he had left her with seven years ago.
And now Draco understood why.
Hermione’s lips were hungrier than before. It was her who forced his mouth open as she pulled at his shirt, at his hair, all in an attempt to get her body closer to his. Draco obliged and crushed his body against hers, pinning her to the kitchen counter behind her. The hand in her hair tugged while the hand at her cheek drifted to her neck. He ran his fingers along her skin, relishing in the feel of tendons moving and working as she kissed him as hard as she had hit him that day in his and Harry’s office.
Hermione’s hands found their home at the nape of his neck, working her fingers through the hair there. They were magical, those little hands. Working and moving against his skin and through his hair, creating little shudders of ecstasy to course through his body as her lips branded his, as she swallowed every breath he exhaled. She was marking him, whether she knew it or not, as hers.
And hadn’t he always been? From the moment she marched into that little compartment and jutted that stubborn little chin of hers out, her bushy hair flying all over the place, he had been enthralled by her presence.
Every year, he would watch her own a room, dismantle her enemies and still have heart and love and passion in abundance to give away.
She was tasting every bit of his desire with her tongue, her lips, the tips of her fingers as he worked his hands down to her hips. She made delicious little noises as he palmed her ass, massaging the flesh beneath her dress. And then she was wrapping her arms around his neck and he was lifting her up.
Her legs wrapped around his hips and she somehow managed to push their chests closer together, crushing her breasts against him. Her arms were cradling his head, her hands in his hair, as Draco carried her out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
He passed the spare bedroom with the torture bed and kicked her door open instead. She continued to assault his lips with her own the entire time, somehow lost in a violent bout of lust.
Part of him wanted to look around the room she stayed in. To steal a glimpse at her personal space, would it give him insight into her soul? But the majority of his body and mind was too fixated on the feel of her body moving against him. The warmth of her core against his stomach as he moved his way towards the bed in the center of the room. The tightening of his trousers as he considered laying her onto the bed and taking in the sight of her flush with desire.
There was a small part of him that was anticipating something stopping them. Stopping him from finally having her, even as he laid her down on the bed, even as he positioned himself over her, propping himself up with an elbow beside her head.
He pulled his lips from hers and looked her over, waiting for her to push him away.
When she didn’t, he thought he might try and make her push him away, even as her heavy lidded eyes swept over his face, as if transfixed by the looks of it.
His hand moved down her side, and slipped under the hem of her dress, watching her, waiting for her to curse him.
When she did no such thing, he hooked his finger and ran it up the inside of her thigh. A near silent, little moan pushed past her lips and then Draco was looking down at where his hand had disappeared. He moved his finger to the center of her thighs, finding it warm and soft and moist and welcoming.
“Here, kitty-kitty.” He murmured, moving his index finger over the center of her core. Over the fabric of silk underwear. Another attempt at pushing her away, and forcing her to push him away.
She snorted but the lust hadn’t left her eyes.
“I said you would fall into bed with me,” He continued to coax her into little breathy moans with his finger as he watched her face. Her lips had parted and her eyes were fluttering closed.
“You still haven’t taken me out to dinner.” She breathed before her hand reached for his neck and pulled his lips back down to hers.
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valeriefauxnom · 5 months
Euden: suddenly vanishes before their eyes, to who knows what kind of danger.
Midgardsormr: Thoughts and Prayers, guys, thoughts and prayers.
Really, that's what he does.
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Mids, all I gotta say is that at least that one can really work in your world.
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s0fter-sin · 1 year
“maybe if i, an 8yr old, managed to talk sense into my groomed and deeply traumatised 13yr old brother, maybe he wouldn’t have accidentally almost killed himself and become a villain” and no one in that room disagreed with him??
#none of them?#not one of them went hey maybe it wasnt on us literal children to try and help him?#this is where the endeavour redemption completely lost me#it was as well written as it could be up until this point#natsu still hating him fuyumis trauma response of lets just bury everything and be a normal family shoutos conditional forgiveness#especially when endeavour said ill buy you all a house and you never have to see me again#i could live with that. i hate it (make him face a lasting consequence for the love of god) but i could live with it#he doesnt deserve forgiveness and he deserves every ounce of emotional pain hes experiencing bc holy shit he irrevocably ruined five lives#but then they really turned around and said yeah us victims share the blame for how touya turned out#what the fuck#reis level of blame is debatable since even if she was mentally stable she was still always in the mindset of hey this guy Bought Me#and his continued Buying Me will fund my parents who Sold Me to him#even before any anbuse happened she was never going to be able to stand up to him#endeavour groomed touya just like afo did with shigaraki except even worse bc it happened from day dot#then he completely cut him off from the thing he groomed him to be and dumped him on rei until he got the child he wanted#dabi was never anything but endeavours fault and the fact that the narrative is trying to make them all share the blame#and frame it as a see endeavour when we all share fault and support you isnt it easier for you? cant you stand up and solve the problem now?#its the most classic victim blaming ive ever seen and were supposed to just take it and be like aw theyre facing dabi as a family#fuck off#and even then he still freezes and makes shouto fight dabi#you cant do it so i the 16yr old you also abused will fight my brother the kid you drove to accidental suicide for you#and when he finally gets over himself (after shouto is nearly killed dont forget that) and decides hes finally strong enough to fight him#were supposed to cheer that moment?#yay hes finally going to look at touya! were the fuck was he an hour ago cause he aint done shit against afo#the family needs to share blame and support him so he can face the blame and support himself fuck off#go beyond plus ultra#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#endeavour#dabi#todoroki shouto
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carcarrot · 14 days
old man yells at cloud about constant sequels
#i wantttttt to like the beetlejuice sequel (just saw the trailer) and i don't want to be a hater. however#i dont knowwwww i mean theres a lot of callbacks to the original. which is good. its just#maybe its seeing some of these same effects done in cgi. or something#like it just looks like every other modern movie except w some of that beetlejuice imagery#im assuming the sandworms are cgi. bring back the claymationnnn bring back practical effectssss#idk im just really getting to hate the way movies nowadays look that are likely shot digitally and are just so subdued color wise#is any of this making sense.#like thinking of the original beetlejuice like whoa the colors were popping! greens reds purples!#and theyre so important and tied to the look of the movie and how it sticks in your mind#(im sorry. beetlejuice has always been one of my favorite movies. but anyway)#and now the sequel just looks ehhhh. you know#also we still should have had beetlejuice goes hawaiian instead. if we had to have a sequel#plus the story of the sequel seems so dependent on the story of the first movie like is there going to be anything original?#what made the first movie so good was not only was it a fun different storyline of these ghosts and everything#but it was also a good satire of the yuppies of that era as well as the idea of the afterlife and ghosts and all that. which was different!#im probably not making all of my points clearly and this doesnt really matter anyway but anyway#i need movies to be standalone movies. i dont want everything to be part of a series#i dont want beetlejuice to be called beetlejuice 1#bc then ill be saying 'back in my day we had only one beetlejuice'#LIKE. yes some movies are really good and you could watch a whole tv show more with the characters in that movie#but it doesnt actually have to be made. thats for you to imagine in your mind#like wow i love those characters in beetlejuice. i wonder what it would be like going forward for these people to live with ghosts#but thats for you and your imagination!!!! ugh i dont know is any of this making sense i ask again. i keep trying to wrap up this post#but im very passionate about films and as i think about my own main movie idea/screenplay#i love my characters and i could put them in dozens of scenarios that would be very funny for them to deal with#but i dont think they need a five film series. the one movie is enough for the main storyline#ok im going to eat something. enough bitching from me about the current state of film
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skunkes · 9 months
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hella1975 · 1 year
im being so serious besties i am not cut out for academia
#like yes i know ive had a very uniquely shit experience in doing a degree i actively not only hate but also am BAD AT#but also i just. cannot hack it#'but hella you go mental and pessimistic every single exam period' i know that but. im right also#like the other day i said to my mum how much ive just been enjoying my job recently#and how huge a deal that is bc i HATE my hometown and ive never ever considered my time here as possibly being good#and my 20s will hopefully be a lot of travelling but in between that to save easier im gonna live at home#so i dont have to worry about rent so alas that means when im saving up for my next trip I WILL BE IN MY HOMETOWN#and as excited as i am for my twenties that is one huge downside to me but i was really cheerfully saying to my mum#that literally for the first time ever ive considered it might not be too bad bc lately i have just enjoyed my job#like i enjoy the people and the work and the lifestyle of it and while it's never gonna be ideal as a means to an end it's actually good#and instead of focussing on that she went OFF on one about how she wants me to stay in education and keep getting qualifications#and she was like 'you could do an english degree you've always wanted to do english or how about open university-'#and i was just sat there blinking at her like girl.... no#like i could FEEL myself shutting down like the terror of having to return to this environment when ive got my sight so set#on that 'one more year and im done one more year and im done' mindset like that has been the only thing getting my through#is that im halfway through the course now so im closer to the other end than i am the beginning and if i can just push through#ill be free from it for the rest of my life. so the thought of immediately returning to academia even for a subject i adore? i felt ILL#and my mum apologised the next day without me even having to say anything bc she realised she kinda bulldozed me there#but i just know whether it's the adhd or ive actually been traumatised by this econ degree#(<- and im being serious there like ik 'traumatised' is a big loaded word but idk what else to use#and this degree has done so so much damage to me like it has convinced me that i am fundamentally a stupid person#to the point i refuse to add up bills when with friends or do answer any sort of intellectual question even if i KNOW i know the answer#bc ive just gone so so long of being bad at the only subject im studying like just SURROUNDED by it and being bad at it relentlessly#and i dont think people realise how damaging it is to very simply just... feel stupid all the time. but oh my god i used to be so confident#and bright and now i wont even do basic addition in front of people)#i really truly dont think i can do this again in any capacity. like the constant exams and studying and assignments#i just cant do it. maybe i just need a year or two away from it after this degree but my goddddd rn i cant see it#yes it's exam time for me can u tell. it always makes me existential and on the verge of vomiting at any given moment#i hate it here i hate it here i hate it here i dont care about iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies shut the fuck up#hella goes to uni
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borderlinegerard · 3 months
i hope i die, you broke my heart
#personal#my posts#so fucking tired oh my god#just yelled at my sister so loud that my throat is sore over a piece of fuciing plastic#sometimes ecerytbinf feels so bad and its like. what do i even do#like ok i relapse and i need a break from someone and they loose their fucking shit on me#taljing about how you always deal with my shit and youre tired of how i see you as the worst in the group#as if i didnt literally repeat to you over and over again that i love you and that i always will even when you kept denying it#all of the times youve left all the servers and the gc and all that and i was there to comfort you#theres a reason im always the person you go to#byt yeah . im neverrrr there for you#like is it just that im not there for you in the Same Way that youre there forme ??#does it need to be completely equal to be fair#and idk. i know hes struggling too but its so fucking stupid because ive been struggling for months and i dont treat u like tjat#im tired of feeling like i have to do two times more than everyone else ro be worthy of their love#like sorry man but im fucking sick and tired#i know ill be fine without you but like youre so sick right now that i dont know what youll do without all of us#idk im just like. you used to be so kind but now youre writing your name in mu blood#and sometimes i feel bad because i didnt mean evedytbinf i said to you but lets be honest#you didnt mean everyrbinf you said either#and i dont know if you were ever the right person because a lot of the time i think we are just two chemicals that werent meant to mix#but ill always remember you when i hear that one song and im making it sound like this is some kind if goodbye but it Really isnt#but like there was a time when i would tear myself apart for you. mot even because i liked you that much#i guess i just wanted someone that liked me as much as you did???#and when j say that it isnt even about one soecific oerson. its an amalgamation of ecery person tgat has ever loved me#a little more than they were supposed to#i think i hate ahen people love me Too Much because i dont want to be adored like that it scares me#iknow what thats like and i dont want to be someone fp Its so scary#okay if im being honest i dont know whbat the fuck im saying right mow#byt like. idk. im tired and i think im done. tbh
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