#and considering this little bastard is a hunting dog
felis-cervus · 1 year
holy shit my dad is going to get my kitten killed
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
Moon Boys react to Reader's annoying ex-partner
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(A small self-indulgent, venting headcanon idea)
Steven Grant:
*Softest boy has claws, and will use them against whoever bothers you, including your ex, whom you have mentioned a couple of times and Steven knows two important things about: one, they're asllholes, and two, he hates them.
*So, your ex met you by accident in a place and now they're insisting on seeing you again and even inviting you "like friends". This is ruining your mood and Steven notices it, so you end up explaining to him what's going on. "Oh, really?" he says after you told all the story, with this unamused voice of him "Such a little bugger, this person"
*Will politely ask them, either by phone (if they managed to get your number) or face to face, to leave you alone. Your ex may think this weird-looking dummy isn't a threat, but Steven doesn't give up a (mostly verbal) fighting if it's needed.
*"And who are you, bud?" "Steven Grant, nice to meet you -well, not really nice, just being polite" "Are you (Y/N)'s boyfriend or what the hell?" "Their personal life is none your business, now why don't you turn on your heels, begin to walk and dissapear?"
*Extra: Steven apologizes for acting so "rude" towards your ex, thinking you may feel bothered for his interventions. But he's wrong, you love feeling protected by your sweet gentleman and you make sure to "reward" him.
Marc Spector:
*Oh Ennead gods, this man... You don't even need to tell him anything about this ex trying to contact you, poor idiot dared to bug you in front of him.
*And at the slightest sight of discomfort from you, Marc will step front. "Hi, buddy, can I help you?" he greets with this tense smile and murderous look that makes you wonder why your ex isn't running away to hide in the mountains or something.
*Will gently (I mean, in Marc's idea of gentleness) tell them to back off and leave you alone, and just to make things clear, he'll do some menacing, discrete gesture with his hands, the kind of "look I'm not saying I'm going to break your jaw but-" gesture.
*Unfortunately, your ex is stubborn and won't give up though (you know by experience) they lack of advantage against Marc. And if there's a need for some punching exchange, Marc will gladly do it. And win.
*But -what if that bastard tries to go further? Well, I hope they're ready to meet Moon Knight, 'cause that's the last thing they'll see before waking up in a hospital.
Jake Lockley:
*Overprotective to the point he can feel (almost smell) when somebody is making a move towards you. So, this person who approached you the other day in the supermarket and made you go uncomfortable (who dares to discomfort his precious corazoncito?) is his next target.
*We can consider Jake as some sort of hunting dog, he'll follow your ex's steps and take mental notes of everything, getting ready for a single but lethal blow, specially if he knows they're your ex who mistreated you.
*He won't appear next to you while they're bothering you. No. He'll wait until they take a turn or something and then... they just feel a pair of gloved hands grabbing them by the shoulders.
*"Hey there, care for a walk?" something in Jake makes everyone feel automatically menaced, and this is not exception. "So, I've seen you a couple of times around this cutie... (Y/N), you know them? Such a lovely little thing, I know... Well, the thing is... I don't want you approaching them or... calling them or anything again, ¿me entiendes? 'Cause if I find out you contact them again..."
*Maybe you ex will try to play the thug card, but it just make things worse for them. Jake knows how to play rough, and will. No surprise the next time they meet one of them will end up bleeding and with a broken leg and a missing finger in a trashbin. A small clue: the poor bastard won't be Jake.
*Extra: "Jake, remember I told you about this ex who was... bothering me? Well, it seems they grew tired 'cause I haven't see them in a while" "I'm so pleased to hear that, mi amor, I'm sure they won't come back"
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Oh yeah. I'd say the transformers baring the beastformers ie Maxamals, Predacons and Ravage their food web is N/A. In a world like TFP they're basically all n/a except for Predaking and he drinks cubes. I'm leaning TFP since i know it best.
Orcas, Dolphins, and fricken octapi would definitely terrorize any Cons in the water. As would the larger sharks.
And humans being omniverous we could get energon from cyber plants, other cyber animals and just cronch the crystals raw as well as drinking cubes of refined energon. There's evidence even as far back as two million years ago our ancestors were hunting megafauna to extinction. And being turned into robots to serve Deceptacon overlords? People would be Pissed. Homo Sapiens techni would be a terror to the Deceptacons as would most megafauna. Scraplets with a vendetta that wouldn't eat you alive just chase you untill you colapsed untill you were too tired to run anymore.
Can you imagine a herd of bison or moose? They will ef up a mofo, and his vehicle. The poor vehicons wouldn't stand a chance agains cyber-ungulants.
Tarantulas where ever he is would be over the moon though. Here you have mechanical organisms retained their organic body plans. And now their easier to fix! Surgons being able to remove and replace wonky organs more easily. Even in the Pit, he'd be swooning with joy. Shockwave would also find this intriguing.
This isn't even getting into the whole Unicron at the center of the earth thing. Would that make us resistant to Dark Energon or more susceptible to it?
Do you think Homo Sapiens techni would be able to transform? Cause in the cosmology Primus is a benevolent diety. Would he adopt the Bastard Children Unicron abandoned? Especially if Optimus did something with the matrix to intervene?
Yeppp, so they absolutely are not prepared for this :)
Goddamnnnnn technoorganic cephalopods would be terrifying, and honestly giving them longer lifespans as a treat WILL probably mean they get to learn more— not necessarily more intelligent, sure, but they'll get more time to apply it. This Will Have Consequences
Also consider: cyberformed dogs. And I don't mean the little yappy fuckers, I mean large hunting dogs and sheep dogs. Imagine how fucking cool they would be, and they too are persistence hunters.
Nopeeeee, ohh. Oh they are in for such a time. Moose are so much bigger than you would anticipate, and I feel like cyberforming would make a lot of these larger herbivores even more bold.
Also bears, don't forget bears.
Tara would be! I've been thinking a lot about Tara but in tfp, and I imagine his little technoorganic spark would be in love with this place regardless of which characterization we're rolling with here. Hell, in this situation, I can see him turning against the cons if we're rolling with a more beast wars style. After all in BW didn't he try to overthrow Megs?? If we're going for Earthspark Tara I feel like he's liable to just fuck off into the CyberEarth woods to study it all. Shockwave's gonna be stealing ideas from Mother Nature: enhanced addition
ooo ohhh adding dark energon into this shit will be interesting as fuck, because we KNOW that shit interacts in interesting ways with energon and if it interacts with the technoorganics... It wouldn't be a surprise if some of the CyberEarth animals that die don't stay dead. zOMBIE SHIT Y'ALL
Adding transforming into this gives us so many more fun things
Not even just including your typical humanoid to vehicle or animal, but being able to transform different weaponry— technoorganic humans and animals alike. Can you imagine if a wolf could have a form more optimized for damage and one more optimized for speed? New opportunities for amphibious lifestyles?? Taking retractable claws and fangs to a whole new level?? I'm staring at a Curious Archives video on "The Future Is Wild" so I might be in the same spec bio heaven mode as Tara is. It would be so goddamn fun if Primus did intervene for the sake of his brother's wronged children, if he (and Optimus, to some degree) wanted to give what's here of humanity and nature a better chance.
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shewhowas39 · 3 days
chapter title: "Vampires Will Never Hurt You" chapter summary: in which the cat(starion) is out of the bag about the vampire in the camp, and a wild Karlach finally appears! content warnings: mentions of blood
A/N: i'm so excited to be at this point in the fic! expect so much banter and sexual tension from here on out.
Astarion makes his way back to the cave a couple of hours before dawn, giving him just enough time to trance before the others will want to begin their daily trek. He finds that he’s smiling, feeling almost giddy.  Gods, if this is what sentient creatures taste like, it’s no wonder Cazador forbade his spawn to drink from them. It would have filled the mansion with more joy and excitement then that miserable bastard could tolerate. 
He’s so jubilant that, for a moment, he considers going to June again, shaking her awake and begging for another sip. 
He glances over at her bedroll, near the back of the cave. She’s facing the back wall, away from him and the others, so he can’t make out much more than a mass of dark blond curls. Beside her, the dog is fast asleep, one of his front paws twitching as if he’s dreaming of chasing a rabbit. 
The bloody dog. If he hadn’t interrupted, Astarion could have kissed her. 
That thought tempers his giddiness a little. Because he had not planned to kiss her. Not yet, at least. Not in a tiny cave with their sleeping companions mere meters away, where sleeping with her wouldn’t exactly be feasible without causing a whole heap of unwanted attention and drama. 
Drama he’d love to witness occur between other people but not deal with himself. Not when he’d just revealed his secret.
That had been another thing Astarion had not planned. But he’d been feeling agitated, cooped up by the storm that trapped them in this cave, and hungry, unsure when he’d be able to hunt again. And June had smelled so good. Even being within five meters of her had him salivating, and there wasn’t much farther for him to go in this cave. 
So he’d decided to go for a nibble. Just to see what it was like. It’s not like he’d really thought it through. And he certainly hadn’t taken the dog into consideration. 
He also hadn��t taken her into consideration. It never even occurred to him that she might say yes if he’d asked. Sure, he knew she would be the least likely to stake him if he got caught. At least, he knew that before Alfira was killed. Though he does actually believe June when she says she doesn’t remember doing it. Still, even if she had let him live, the possibility that she might willingly allow him to feed on her… 
His mad mage is full of surprises. 
So he had drank from her - been so swept up in the unbelievable taste and the feel of her body beneath his and the sweet little noises she made as she clung to him - that he’d nearly gone too far. Thank the Gods she had the wherewithal to stop him. Because that would have been a mess in the morning.
And then he had almost kissed her. And he's pretty sure she had been leaning up to meet his lips before the dog showed up.
check out the full fic on ao3! we're inching ever closer to some spicy territory!
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*my body gets hurled against your door with a loud THUNK* Hello
Do you think your characters are irredeemably evil?
Why is Daniel buried all the time. He’s a fucking landlord he has houses
Which of my ocs do you think would hold up against yours in a fight?
Someone’s childhood memory? Good or bad
What makes a character shut down. Like completely unresponsive (it increasingly sounds like I’m planning to fight your ocs lmaoooo)
Who needs to be put on a leash. Like, legit restrained from doing shit
Do your characters have any phobias?
What‘s an opportunity they would never pass up?
Character range. Rate your characters from „my bby“ to „my nasty little bastard.“
That’s all I’m probably having a presentation this afternoon so I’m actively dying. I’m sorry if these questions are weird but my mouth feels really weird rn I think me experiencing anxiety supreme edition. See ya
*I hand you a cup of tea that is not poisoned* Hello!
I don't think so, no. Some of them are pretty fucked up for no easily discernible reason, others got fucked up by things outside of their control, but I think there's some good in all of them and they could eventually be redeemed.
He just likes dirt tbh? Sure being surrounded by tons of concrete is great but the pressure of the earth all around is just something he likes. Man probably owns like seven weighted blankets. The smell is nice too.
That's an interesting question. It can of course depend a lot by location (Daniel for example can bring down any building and crush everyone inside but himself, but outside he pretty much can't do shit) and what would be "allowed". I'm fairly certain that most of them wouldn't survive a magical bomb if it was just dropped on them randomly and most wouldn't survive even if they knew. If we're saying one-on-one combat without magic, there are of course some people that would immediately lose. The Kilmoores seem pretty strong, so I think they could beat most of them. With using all the magic we'd probably have to compare to really know who would be most effective against who. If the museum archives people do things with life and death, they could probably get Leon to actually die but idk they don't seem the people the attack random 9 year olds. Also unrelated but I think Tara would make an exception to their "no blood on my hands" rule and punch Treeve on sight.
Avery's memories of her childhood are mostly from the hunts, which seem to all take place in the early hours of the morning when there's a lot of fog and the sky is grey with the feeling from before rain. Mary and Daniel have mostly bad childhood memories, both of the school and their parents, but they have a few of them standing up for each other or running away together for an afternoon one time that they would never admit they still remember or care about. Daniel has one he remembers well of a storm passing through and Mary letting him sleep in her bed so he wouldn't be scared. Jamie remembers hiding in his closet so he wouldn't have to go to school and pretending he didn't exist. Camilla's most vivid childhood memory is finding her brother dead on the street :D (Rip)
Good question but also. What are you planning. For Mary it's being trapped in a very tight space. Camilla it would be if someone were to take all traces of nature from her, kill her bugs, remove the moss from her hair. Daniel has some triggers that can just completely make him shut down, mostly ties, being shouted at directly by someone he considers a threat or is he's scared and being touched suddenly without asking. Both Arthur and Jamie would absolutely shut down in bright public spaces when everyone is looking at them. Leon isn't easily scared and immune to death himself, but seeing any of his dads or sister dead would fuck him up™️. For Avery, being backstabbed by someone it trusted completely. I'm sure there's more, but none I can think of right now.
Granny. She's like one of those horrible tiny dogs that bites except she also gives you a headache too look at. And scratches.
Mary has claustrophobia. Daniel is scared of heights and large open spaces. Jamie has scopophobia and Mikaela hates spiders. (I am once again worried 🧐)
That's a hard one, actually. Camilla, Toby and Arthur would want to bring Leon back to life. Leon would want to actually die. This one's abstract, but Arthur would absolutely leave into the sky to become a star. Toby would give a lot to have his 'powers' of stealing other's happiness etc taken away and Camilla for all humans to disappear. (I don't know why I'm so focussed on them lmao.) If Tara could have every person that has done what they consider a bad thing fall over and die they would, no matter what it would lead to. I guess a few of them would just kill each other if they had the chance.
I made this instead of eating lunch.
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Good luck on your presentation remember to drink water and until I next make myself known by throwing things at your windos.
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sallertiacallidus · 1 year
also top 5 foxes?
Ok, ok, ok, hold on, this gonna take a while akamskkssmsk
1. Arctic Fox
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LOOK AT ‘EM!!!! SUCH GOOD PUBBIES!!! They’re the most pubby of foxes, and I love them for it.
Compared to other species, they’re stature is small and, as the name suggests, live in arctic tundra biomes. Their dens are complex tunnel systems in snow-free, slightly elevated ground, that have probably existed for decades and has been used by generations of foxes!!! And from what I read, they seem to be mostly chill (ba dum tss) animals, especially if you compare them to other foxes, lol. They’ll keep their distance from red foxes, but if the local red foxes are away, they’ll use their dens instead.
Oh! And they’re also called lemming fox since that’s their main prey in tundras.
2. Red Fox
The Vulpes Vulpes, alsk known as European Fox or simply the fox in British English, the usual foxes that cover most of the planet due to their expansion alongside humans (and is on the Top 100 invasive species due to being shipped to Australia, lol), which is kinda surprising considering how hunted they were and the fact that fox fur farms is still a thing (to my absolute disdain), but they survived and prospered all around the globe and became the ‘base’ fox. Basic bitch fox, if you will, but the basic’s very good and deserve to be here.
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(Random fun facts round: males courting females will turn their ears outward and raise their tail horizontally with the tip raised; when afraid, they grin, with their ears pointing back and tail flicking about; sometimes, foxes will sit on their family members head or body, that’s because on the underside of a fox’s tail, there’s something called “violet gland” that releases pheromones, which they use to mark things and other animals as ‘theirs’, so when they sit on other foxes, they’re marking them as family (domesticated foxes will also sit on people’s head, and it’s adorable); one of foxes’ social activity is opening their mouth wide to each other to “show their impressive dentistry”, people thought they were being aggressive or “establishing dominance”, but nope, they’re just chilling.)
3. Gray Fox
They climb trees. VERTICALLY. They can grab onto a vertical tree trunk and climb up to 18 meters!!!
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They also jump from branch through branch through the woods and even make their dens up there during the day (they’re crepuscular and nocturnal animals)!!!!
Also, they’re very neat foxes. The most catty of foxes, and that’s pretty neat of them.
Oh, and if I recall correctly, they’re not exactly a “true fox” because they’re not in the Vulpes family (they’re more like that distant skrukly cousin).
4. Fennec Fox
Smol body. Big ears
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Beautiful creature.
(Their ears are so large so that they can hear their preys underground and its also something that helps them deal with the heat of the savana.)
5. (honorary position) Manned Wolf
Kind of a reach, but one of the names they’re known for is red fox on stilts, so I’ll take it!! (even though it’s neither a wolf or a fox).
It’s actually the ONLY living species in the genus Chrysocyon (Golden Dog)!!
This fucking badass is the only South American large canid to survive the Pleistocene extinction (the one after humans started populating the globe). They’re closest found relative is an extinct genus called Dusycion. As for living relative, the closest is the bush dog.
And just–
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Also! More than fifty percent of their diet is a fruit that we here call lobeira or fruta-do-lobo (wolf’s plant) that is also known as Wolf Apple! :D
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Day 8: Mean as a Snake
The Courier gets a new companion, and no one knows what to make of them. 431 words.
The Courier’s Shadow appears one day from seemingly out of nowhere. They receive the moniker of Shadow because they almost never leave the Courier’s side, and for their habit of sneaking up on people. Almost immediately, rumors start circling about the stranger, ranging from mundane to outrageous. The Shadow is a robot, a vault dweller, a ghost, a normal human. They’re from the NCR, a raider gang, the west, the east. The Courier made them in a lab, raised them from the dead, or just recruited them like their many other companions.
The Courier’s inner circle seem just as confused by their new compatriot as the rest of Vegas, and several months pass before the Shadow’s real name is revealed (it’s Sam, which many found disappointingly normal). Still, the intrigue remained, as Sam rarely spoke more than a few words at a time.
Eventually, however, everyone realized that Sam was kind of a dick.
Their sentences were short and clipped, and they seemed to resent any conversation held with anyone who wasn’t the Courier. They were smart and made no effort to simplify things for other people. They cursed a lot. They walked away from people they found annoying. And so on, and so forth.
(The collective perception of them did eventually pull together that they behaved a lot differently around children, animals, machines, and the Courier, but Sam would clam up pretty quickly upon noticing another person present. Still, this was enough to soften their image somewhat)
For the politically minded, Sam’s quick ascension to being the Courier’s left hand made perfect sense. The Courier needed someone able to do the dirty work they couldn’t afford to be associated with, and regardless of their origins, Sam was certainly capable of dirty work. Multiple people reported Sam hunting Legion soldiers seemingly for sport, although very few were particularly upset by this fact.
For those inclined to scandal, the Courier and Sam’s relationship was teeming with potential analysis, especially considering that Sam wore a dog collar with their own name on it. But the Courier and Sam’s casualness about their partnership quickly led to the rumor mill growing bored and setting upon other unfortunate souls.
And the Courier’s rag-tag team of companions generally seemed to be of agreement that Sam was pretty strange, a little off-putting, definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but honestly they’d come this far as a group, what was one more bastard added to the mix?
(And Sam themselves, well, no one knew what they thought of any of it. But they seemed content enough in their role)
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bradsmindbrain · 1 year
So (at least according to the wiki page) Jack has a sister Lissa whos also a werewolf. Maybe him inviting her over to meet Ted, since he's now married?
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Summary: Jack and Ted are visited by someone neither of them quite expect.
TW: None
It was lunchtime when Ted heard Jack’s doorbell ring. It was a nice meal, some chicken empanadas ack had made for the two of them, and as always, Jack’s cooking was delicious. He watched Jack’s head perk up when he heard the ring, obviously confused. Jack hadn’t said anything about guests coming over today, so this was very puzzling indeed. Jack took one last bite out of his empanada before gesturing for him to get out of sight. He complied, ducking into the laundry room as Jack made his way to the front door.
He heard Jack give a surprised gasp when he opened the door, “Lissa!” 
Lissa? He tried to recall where Jack had brought that name up from before. It took a moment, but then he quickly recalled that Lissa was the name of his younger sister. Jack never talked about his family all that much, and he knew better than to pry about the topic, but Jack had often talked fondly about Lissa, and how much fun they had together when they were younger.
He remembered Jack saying that Lissa knew about his condition, hell, she also had it, so there was no reason for him to be hiding. 
“Come on in,” he heard Jack say.
“Nice place you have here,” he heard Lissa say, hee voice much like her brother’s, cheerful, comforting, warm.
He peeked out the door to get a look at her and he had to admit, she was very pretty. He could immediately tell she was related to Jack, with her shoulder-length brown hair, tan skin, and moss-green eyes, but she looked a bit younger than him. He watched as Jack led her into the kitchen, a smile on his face, “My apologies for not getting anything ready, la hermana, your visit really caught me off-guard.”
“It’s fine Jack, I would’ve called, but I wanted my visit to be a surprise,” Lissa replied. “Who were you eating with anyway?”
He practically heard Jack smile, “My husband, Ted.”
Lissa laughed, “Well where is the lucky bastard?”
He figured he’d show himself now, opening the door with a creak and stepping out. He made his way into the kitchen, standing behind Lissa before grumbling.
She turned around and practically jumped a foot into the air when she saw him. Jack gave a small laugh, “He says, “Hello.””
After a moment, Lissa laughed, “I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.”
Jack rolled his eyes, “Ha, ha, very funny Lissa. At least I have a husband.” 
“Wow, Jacob, that was really uncalled for,” Lissa responded.
Ted practically snickered, Jacob? He had always assumed that Jack was short for something; but never once had he considered that it was short for Jacob. He grumbled with amusement.
Jack looked at him, “Yes, it’s short for Jacob, Teddy Bear, it’s not that funny.”
Lissa snickered, “You deciding to shorten it to Jack when you didn’t know that a Jack Russell is a breed of dog on the other hand is pretty funny.”
He gave a rumbling laugh, giving Jack a gentle shove.
His husband looked at him with mock offense, “Really, Theodore? You’re taking her side?”
He rolled his eyes, grumbling back in response.
Lissa smiled, “Regardless, I’m happy for you, Jack. It’s nice to know there’s someone looking out for you.”
Jack turned her attention back to Lissa, “Thanks, Lissa, it’s nice to hear that.”
He grumbled, looking at Jack.
His husband grinned at him, “Ted says thank you as well.”
Lissa grinned, “So how did you two meet, and what’s his story?”
Jack grinned, “Well, a little over a decade ago I was hunting a particularly nasty beast in the Everglades. He was a lot tougher than I thought, but Ted here rescued me and incinerated it.”
Lissa cocked an eyebrow, leading Jack to clarify, “Uh, he senses people’s emotions, and when he senses fear he creates this acid that burns people. His emotion sense is also how I can talk with him, I’ve been with him so long it’s created this… I dunno, telepathic bond.”
She nodded, “That makes sense, I guess, but where did he come from?”
He looked at Jack, prompting his husband to respond, “I think it’s best if he tells you once he establishes a bond with you, it’s kinda a touchy subject for him, but he was a human.”
Lissa nodded before trying to change the subject, “So do you have any empanadas left or?”
Jack shook his head, taking his off his plate and taking a bite, “I can make you some, can’t guarantee they’ll be as good as mom’s though.”
He watched as Jack finished off his empanada before heading back to prepare some for Lissa. He had to admit, it was nice to finally meet his sister-in-law, and he was glad she accepted him. He trilled as he watched Jack cook. God, he was so lucky to marry into such a nice family.
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nickitxrres · 7 months
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where Zack and Nicki run into each other and Nicki tries to offer a little olive branch @zackastor
Zack Astor
-he is rifling through the supermarket goods, looking mostly for a new harness for Rex; he hears steps nearing and casting a glance back, he sees Nicki coming towards him- You got some more rocks you wanna throw?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki is in the supermarket already, scanning the shelves looking for anything to occupy her time as she waits for the final medical clearing to go back out. She spots Zack and breathes out before walking up to him- Lucky you, I threw my last rock a couple hours ago. What are you looking for?
Zack Astor
-he considers her carefully, seizing her up before returning his attention to the shelf- Harness for Rex. I'm gonna train him for hunting.
Nicki Torres
-She glances over the shelves and hums- I haven't seen any but I've only been here for a few minutes. You should try further in.
Zack Astor
Already did. -well, he could always train his dog without a harness- What are you looking for?
Nicki Torres
-Nicki shrugs as she crosses her arms and leans against the shelves- Something to do. Val gave me another week or so before I can go out and I'm getting bored to death. And Ike has me in social rehab.
Zack Astor
And you're listening to him? -he scoffs, turning his attention back to the shelf, though he knows he won't find anything there-
Nicki Torres
Well, he asked so nicely and it benefits you so you shouldn't be making fun of it.
Zack Astor
I ain't making fun. And I don't need his help. -he pulls out a collar from the pile; he wonders if it'd fit Rex- Just noting that you get real quiet whenever he tells you to be.
Nicki Torres
-she rolls her eyes and shakes her head- He's just trying to take care of me, just like I know I take care of him. You know, we care about each other. Have each other's backs - which isn't always a bad thing, Zack.
Zack Astor
Did I say it was? -his eyes narrow slightly-
Nicki Torres
You certainly act like it.
Zack Astor
Am I supposed to be happy you and Ike are joined at the crotches or something?
Nicki Torres
No, Zack. I'm referring to you. How you shield yourself off from everything and everyone. Tell me - have you not pissed off anyone here?
Zack Astor
-he turns to face her, eyes narrowed- I'm not shielding myself.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki raises her brow as she looks up at him- You know, you can intimidate people all you want with that look but it doesn't do anything for me, right?
Zack Astor
-he keeps staring at her- What do you want?
Nicki Torres
You to talk. You keep reminding me that I don't now jack shit about you but you did just go through something and from where I'm standing, you don't have anyone to talk about it with.
Zack Astor
-he is quiet for a few seconds, not averting his gaze- Did Ike put you up to this?
Nicki Torres
Nope. He simply suggested I stop punching people in the face. But I did have a talk with him and I felt a little better so figured it might work for you too.
Zack Astor
-he looks at her wearily for a moment longer before he turns back to the shelf, scoffing- What the hell do you want me to talk about? You know what happened. David told you all about it, probably.
Nicki Torres
-although it doesn't appear on her face she is smirking- Actually, not really. He just mentioned you two had a run in with the Daybreakers and then I ran off to find you. So no, I don't know anything. But right now it's not so much what happened as it is what's going on with you. What's going on with you.
Zack Astor
You want me to go and talk about my feelings or some shit?
Nicki Torres
Feelings? Wait, you have those? -She shook her head - I'm asking to know what's going on in that head of yours, lobo.
Zack Astor
-he doesn't turn back to face her- Right now I'm trying to figure out ways to best hit those bastards where it hurts. And how to train Rex in helping me hunt.
Nicki Torres
Alright, well use me as a sounding board then.
Zack Astor
-he takes a slow, long breath before finally turning to her again- I don't need a damn sounding board, Nicki. Or an intervention, or whatever shit you're trying to do. -he stares at her- You barely gave a shit about what was going on with me before now.
Nicki Torres
-this time she glared at him - That's where you're wrong. I've always given a shit. You just don't think I do.
Zack Astor
Yeah, you've shown that a lot. -he narrows his eyes at her, returning her gaze, even if it seems not quite as biting as usual- I'm fucking pissed right now, Nicki.
Nicki Torres
I can see that. What's got you pissed?
Zack Astor
What do you fucking think? -he scoffs- You. David. The fact that I got turned into a bitch by the Daybreakers. Take your pick.
Nicki Torres
You know, your sarcasm is my favorite thing about you. -She, of course, is being sarcastic - How about you elaborate
Zack Astor
Which one? -he shifts, leaning against the shelf; he seems more weary than anything-
Nicki Torres
Alright, start with me.
Zack Astor
-he considers her for a moment; eyes narrowed- You'd slit my damn throat without hesitating for a second if you could save Ike or Mayra.
Nicki Torres
-She blinks a few times- Seriously?!? You think I'm that heartless?!?
Zack Astor
Ain't about being heartless. You wouldn't have my back if it came down to it. -his gaze is weary- If Ike beat the crap out of me first, you wouldn't be busting down his door to throw shit at his head. You'd be laughing at me and telling me I deserved that. Mayra threw a damn knife at my head and you're probably thinking about clapping her on the back for that right now. You were at my damn throat because I threatened to not keep her little fuck up under wraps. What did Mayra get for endangering the entire fucking town? A stern talk and a hug? -he scoffs- Your loyalty sure as hell ain't with me, but you act like it is. And like I owe you for that. That's what's pissing me off, Nicki.
Nicki Torres
-She feels the urge to punch him square in the face but recalls what Ike said and presses that urge down- oh por el amor de Dios.... you're an idiot. You know that, right? If not, I'm getting you a hat to wear so you can't forget it. I'm gonna quote you - you don't know Jack about me. If Ike had beaten the shit out of you first I would have actually fist fought him and it wouldn't be the first time so you can get that lie out of your head. Mayra probably threw the knife at you because you're an asshole. But yeah, I was at your throat for threatening my best friend and I would be at anyone's throat for that. If anyone threatened anyone I give a shit about I'd be throwing wrenches at them. So again, I say, you're a fucking idiot.
Zack Astor
-he considers her carefully from his narrowed eyes as if seizing her up- I ain't here to argue. -he scoffs but then seems to relent somewhat- Alright. Sure. I'm a fucking idiot.
Nicki Torres
-Nicki was glaring right back at him, as if challenging him to call her a liar. But he relents and she keeps the smirk to a minimum- That you are. Maybe I should start calling you idiota. -the last part was a joke and she made sure he saw the grin on her face when she said it-
Zack Astor
-he doesn't seem to be in the mood for jokes, though he recognizes it as some sort of peace offering or an offer to return back to normalcy; he huffs, turning back to the shelf, though his voice isn't combative when he speaks- You done?
Nicki Torres
Pestering you? Never. But I'll give you a break for now. -she passes by him- You obviously didn't check the back enough - pretty sure I saw a harness back that direction that could fit Rex. Last shelf on the right. You're welcome.
Zack Astor
-he doesn't turn around to watch her leave, his jaw muscles set tightly- Thanks. -he turns away from her and heads deeper into the store-
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themculibrary · 8 months
Supernatural Elements Masterlist 2
part one
Adrenalize Me (ao3) - LightningStriking steve/bucky E, 58k
Leaning against the side of a wall, taking an indolent drag of a cigarette, there he stood. Watching Bucky with an inscrutable gaze. Staring at Bucky for long seconds, the blond seemed to consider him before breaking the silence. “You know, nice guy like you walking alone at this hour – people might think you were looking for trouble.” Trying not to shudder at the sound of that voice, which wrapped around him like smoke, Bucky managed a smirk, lifted a brow. “Well, if I was, it looks like I found it.”
Two strangers meet in a dark club. One just happens to be a vampire.
a marvelous gift (ao3) - biblionerd07 steve/bucky T, 74k
Summary: Bucky Barnes has a curse: he has to obey any orders he receives. It gets more complicated when he becomes best friends with Steve Rogers--the prince who will one day be king.
Bedtime Stories and Nightmares (ao3) - scifigrl47 steve/tony T, 29k
Summary: Tony Stark was comfortable with his life. And why shouldn't he be? He's brilliant, rich, powerful, a super hero. He's got a team he trusts, a job he enjoys, his work and his creations, and he's sleeping with Captain America. Tony's life is just fine, thank you very much. He knew that it would change, life always changes, but he wasn't in any way prepared for how it was about to change.
Tony never intended to be a parent, and even if he had, he could never have anticipated this particular change.
Cat Nipped (ao3) - Akira_of_the_Twilight bucky/tony T, 71k
Summary: When cats and dogs collide there is bound to be trouble.
Command Me To Be Well (ao3) - tumtatumtum steve/bucky, peggy/angie E, 29k
Summary: The first time Bucky meets his new partner, he’s shackled to the wall of a filthy torture chamber.
Incubus!Bucky and Priest!Steve travel through 16th century Italy hunting HYDRA monsters for the Vatican, kicking ass and trying not to fall into bed with each other.
Well, Steve tries. Bucky's mostly a flirtatious little shit.
Down Into The Golden Lands (ao3) - alby_mangroves, Speranza steve/bucky T, 9k
Summary: "Did he leave a forwarding address, the emigrating bastard? Steve Rogers, 50 Main Street, Valhalla?"
I’m a Sucker for a Wild Boy (ao3) - jinlinli steve/bucky T, 9k
Summary: Steve is a vampire who’s never met a werewolf in his life before. Bucky is a werewolf who doesn’t even know vampires exist. Naturally, neck biting means two very different things to them.
In which Steve goes for a midnight snack and accidentally gets himself werewolf married.
Into the Open Air (ao3) - SilverSlashes bucky/steve/tony E, 30k
Summary: A Stuckony story based very loosely on the myth of the faoladh, or Irish werewolves, and the song Into the Open Air, from the Brave soundtrack.
Steve is a werewolf missing his mate. Tony is a retired hunter desperate for a cause to take up. They’re both looking for something out in the idyllic, Victorian Irish country-side. They both find it. But the entanglements of love and honor, the bonds of pack and family, and the capricious nature of fate and forgiveness could force three hearts together or tear them all apart.
Never odd or even (ao3) - memoriaeterna T, 80k
Summary: Time. Space. Reality. It’s more than a linear path. When faced with the impossible, magic does the unthinkable. Now bearing the words of their worst enemies and greatest allies as the markers in pursuit of three different ends, the question is whether they can accomplish what they came back for without jeopardizing each other?
Or: A group of time travelers unintentionally ending up in the same past to fix three separate future problems is a recipe for disaster.
Our Names in Blood (ao3) - OhCaptainMyCaptain steve/bucky E, 29k
Summary: The super soldier experiment results in Steve becoming a lethal killing machine. Isolated, alone, and terrified, Steve finds his way to Europe where he learns Bucky's been taken by Hydra. When he finds him strapped to a metal slab and moments from death, Steve faces the choice: either let his childhood best friend - and the love of his life - die, or turn him and condemn his soul.
Pardon Me While I Burst Into Flames (ao3) - poisonivory matt/foggy E, 9k
Summary: He moves his mouth a few times, soundlessly - a sure sign that he's working out what to say and doesn't think Foggy will like it. "I, uh, I...remember how I told you I was a demon?"
"That's pretty memorable," Foggy says, because, well.
"I…may have neglected to tell you what kind of demon I am," Matt says.
There are different kinds of demons? Matt's expression is nothing shy of abject terror, so Foggy makes a heroic effort and keeps his voice very calm. "What kind of demon are you, Matt?"
Matt gulps audibly. "An incubus."
Sniff (ao3) - Shi_Toyu bucky/tony T, 19k
Summary: When Bucky's Wolf takes control and follows a tantalizing scent, it leads to a few interesting situations with a certain genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
So Here I Am Alive At Last (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint E, 9k
Summary: He’s not sure what happens, but the next minute Clint’s eyes are flicking towards him, something dangerous and feral in his stare. And there’s blood still smeared on the corner of his mouth. For a minute, he’s not entirely sure he’s not going to be attacked, because all he can think is that this isn’t a human in front of him, this is a predator.
The Little Things Unknown (ao3) - coaster steve/tony M, 27k 
Summary: Tony Stark has three certainties in life: one, that science was where his mind worked best; two, that, since ghosts had become a science, anything was possibe; three, that he would never know if Captain America was that much of a paragon because the man was long dead. The subject of Certainty Three might be sitting at the foot of his bed.
Steve is a ghost. The Avengers bust ghosts. And Tony isn’t sure what to make of Cap here. But hey, at least his other hauntings have stopped, right?
The Lost and the Wretched (ao3) - Veldeia steve/tony T, 58k
Summary: After his reanimation, Tony has yet to find a reason to continue his existence that isn’t hatred or bitterness. After decades of captivity in Arcadia, Steve doesn’t know if he even has a soul anymore. When the vampires of the Covenant of the Shield organize a mission to rescue Steve, it is a new beginning for both of them.
The Underwater Basket-Weaving Society of America (ao3) - thisiswhatthewatergaveme loki/tony E, 130k
Summary: Loki's crash landed, which is great. Only what do you do with a powerless, power-hungry ex-god looking for retaliation?
Weighing of the Heart (ao3) - scifigrl47 steve/tony M, 46k
Summary: Steve Rogers hasn't really had a particularly easy life. He's struggled along, he's proud of himself, he's self-sufficient and capable and he works damn hard. He has friends and a purpose and he's only a few semesters from graduating college. He's managed, but his life has been far from easy.
That's mostly because of a slight filing error.
The last thing that Steve needed was someone to watch over him. The only thing that his Guardian Angel needs is a second chance to make a first impression.
Whisper of breath (ao3) - CoopPenny steve/tony T, 33k
Summary: Spirit - the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. Tony’s always seen them, always been able to interact with them, talk to them, he’s even seen them as family. But his greatest pleasure is also his greatest secret…
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valtharen · 2 years
Tumblr media
Snow drifted through the air, the light flakes almost suspended in the gentle breeze. Amidst a grove of sap covered pines stood a tall form, an Elezen man enveloped in fur-lined armor. Platinum blond locks played in the light stream of air, obscuring the man’s face more than the armored plate already had.
Alone in the woods, Valtharen lifted a hand to remove the armor covering his face. His glacial gaze swept around the surrounding woods before lifting a hand to his lips and loosing a loud high-pitched whistle which echoed off the treetops. All he could do now was wait and hope his call did not go unheard.
“You take a risk, boy,” a low growl cut through the quiet of the snow.
Valtharen turned on his heels, grabbing for his lance as he did. He was met by an older Elezen, hair once a lustrous crimson now dull and streaked with gray. Piercing green eyes settled on the younger man, cold as the frost clinging to the needles of the trees surrounding them. A scar rode his dour expression from eye to lip, hinting at a tale of combat. His blade was already drawn, shield at the ready. The only thing that prevented him from running the younger Elezen through was his honor.
“You take one yourself, father,” Valtharen replied. “Conversing with a heretic,” he said bitterly.
“You chose this path,” Thalosius replied, jaw setting as he leveled his gaze on his son.
“I did not choose to be labeled a heretic,” the younger man snapped. “I did not choose to be condemned by my brothers and sisters. I did not choose to be hunted like a damned dog!” His voice boomed against the settling snow.
“You chose this path when you felt sympathy towards the Dravanians,” Thalosius said evenly. “I did not raise you this way,” his voice grew pleading. “Please… come back. We can fix this.”
Valtharen laughed bitterly. “No. I do not believe we can. Not when Witchdrop is on the table. Not when you have sent people to attack my friends.” He shook his head slowly, feeling his gut twist. “Not when you try to burn down my life and those I care about.”
“You cannot keep this up,” Thalosius frowned. “You cannot keep running and endangering those around you.”
“They are only endangered because of you!” Valtharen replied, jutting a finger towards Thalosius. “You could have just let me go!”
“Let you go? To what end? You are a knight of the Tempest Riders. You do not belong amongst mercenaries and drunkards,” the older Elezen replied. “You are better than that.”
“Am I?” Valtharen replied, brows knitting. “These people have become family to me - family that you never provided.”
Thalosius flinched at that, taking a step forward to thrust his shield towards Valtharen. Not having expected his father to react in such a way, Valtharen stumbled back as the cold metal connected with his armor. 
“You ungrateful wretch!” he snarled. “You spoiled little bastard! Everything I did was for you! That house, the Order… your damned title! What more could you want?”
“Freedom,” Valtharen responded softly, shaking his head. “That is all I ever wanted; the freedom to choose.”
Thalosius stared at Valtharen, shaking his head. “You always have a choice. And now, you can choose to come back with me.”
“I choose trial by combat,” Valtharen replied evenly, his gaze leveled on his father’s. The younger Elezen had made up his mind and there would be no talking. He had enough. The time to end this all had come. “If I win, I will have proved my innocence and you will leave me be. If I lose?” he gave a shrug. “I will find freedom in death.”
Thalosius’ jaw worked, his teeth grinding as he considered his son’s words. “You had best settle your affairs, then. Say your goodbyes and the like.” The older man’s gaze fell briefly towards the snow underfoot. “Say something to your mother.”
“You say something,” Valtharen retorted. “You tell her that she will be childless because of you.”
The feel of steel slammed into the side of Valtharen’s head, knocking him to his knee. A hand lifted to feel a stream of warmth flowing from his temple where the shield had connected. A whirlwind took over the younger Elezen. Part of him couldn’t believe the cold distance his father had kept - the other remembered the years of training and punishment growing up. Valtharen balled his hand into a fist as he slowly rose to his feet.
Just then, Cirrus appeared overhead. Valtharen turned his gaze to the shadow overhead then back to where Thalosius was standing only to find himself alone. Lifting a hand, he rubbed at his face before turning towards the lanner. He had a duty to the large falcon. He would not let it be interrupted by the exchange.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Will mafia!h and Y/N will have babies? 🥺💓
39. " I'm not saying a goodbye."
It was raining. Skies a gloomy shade of cinereal. Harry’s sleek car came to a screeching halt infront of the vast threshold of his home -- his grin pearlish, eyes twinkling a spark as he gets out of the car not caring to close the door behind. He greets his staff and strides two steps together with a gorgeous bunch of his lovie’s favourite flowers now dewy with raindrops and his nose twitched upon sniffing the vanilla-y smell while passing the kitchen and with his beam never vanishing he leaned into the doorframe asking the people inside, “’Ave y'seen Y/N?” Only for them to shake their heads in uncertainty.
She hasn’t showed herself downstairs since morning and even though it’s very odd of her not to chirp around the mansion nobody went to knock at her door to inquire, they think she deserves privacy.
This time they should have because when Harry barged inside their room it was caliginous with curtains shut and lights dimmed to zero.
“Lovie?” His cheery voice clamoured against the walls, a sour feeling he couldn’t be aware of pinches him in throat as he bobbed his head around to look for her and it perked up when a shadow falls on his feet.
“Baby?” His smile quirked back onto his confused features and he narrowed his eyelids to take in her presence through the darkness of wardrobe, “Harry.” A shaky whisper floated towards him and before that sweet call she was falling against his chest.
“Y/N ... baby —-,” His stumped chuckle halted, his brain numbed for a moment when his fingertips brushed up her back to push her closer to him and they trembled as they collected the wetness there. His heart bleaks a stinging pain into it’s cords, his breath shuddered coldly, flowers falling sadly beside their feet and his eyes earths with tears of panic, angst and torment.
His fingertips coating in his love's thick blood.
“I –- ‘m .. you –.. you’re h-hu —- hurt,” He stammered through a whimper hand wrapping around the dagger whose half end’s stabbed into Y/N's spine, her weak frail body unresponsive though she could listen to him.
“Who did this to you! Who did this to you!?” His screams and cries startled everyone downstairs and they rushed up to see what’s happening, to be shocked by their sights of Y/N limp in Harry’s embrace.
He turned his neck to shout at them, “I need a hand t’help me!!” His eyes bloodshot and Niall his best-man scurried over to them as Harry carried Y/N and laid her on her tummy on the bed, he slips onto his knees putting his chin on the mattress to look in her hazy painful eyes -- tears caged in them but never flowing down.
“Harry ...” She mumbled grittily in agony lifting her shaky fingers to pet his face and like an affection starved kitten Harry doesn’t let her tire herself and gets closer to her himself, “Niall bring the first aid, it’s under the sink.” He commands him not letting his eyes drift from over her angelic face.
“You’re okay baby. You’re okay, I know how to stitch up knife wounds.” He sniffled sucking in a breath trying to be brave for her and she just smiled gorgeously, lips blue and cheeks draining out of her usual berry stain.
“Jesus. Harry she’s been stabbed thrice, those fuckers,” Niall’s words wavered in fear and sympathy for Y/N. He squeezed Harry’s shoulder as Harry sobbed upon hearing that, “No –-... no, no! It’s still okay yeah poppet? I’m g’na get y'alright.” He wanted to covers his eyes to block the hurting groans Y/N elicited and he cradled her soft face in his warm palms in comparison to her temperature, touching their temples to pray together.
“Harry li .. listen to —- to me,” She gasps eyes flittering over his shoulder towards Bambi and Thumper the two dogs that had gotten overly fond of her, Harry’s blurry gaze follows her enfeebled gesture for them to come near her.
They whined and howled sadly flopping beside Harry and Harry hiccupped into his elbow shaking his head when Y/N put her hand under their ears in effort to scratch them but wasn’t able to unfortunately, “Hi babies. You’re gonna look after dad after ‘m gone?” Everyone cried at that watching her soul leave their dull lives that watered colourful upon her arrival.
“Don’t say that! Don’t y'dare say that!” Harry sobbed rushing to hug her tightly, the front of his shirt loathing crimson and she hissed looping her arm against his neck when Niall pulled the dagger out from her lower spine gradually and slowly not to hurt her.
“’M so sorry baby, sorry for being the reason of y’pain.” His tears dampened her already sweaty crook of neck, “Pr – promise me t-that that you’ll have some —.. someone who lov‐-.. loves –--,” She whimpered. Her body jerked into him with a force and she pushed him weakly away to stitch her lips tenderly against his's.
“Tell me bubby. Ha—- have I loved y'enough?” She cooed into their kiss and Harry bolted his eyes shut, poisonous sobs wrecking out of his chest.
“Tell me before, I go ...” Her heartbeat started dropping insanely, her lips wobbled, toes curling with life excavating out of her, “Y'have. Y'have don’t go baby, I’m not saying a goodbye!” He cried showering her in kisses for the one last time and pets her hair, eyes closed praying she takes him with herself because he'd never recover from the pain of loosing the only person he loved more than himself, the person who made hum love himself.
“I love you ..” She whispered, her loving kind eyes locked against his’s and the pool of honey around her rims expanded, her lips parted around the gasping breaths and Harry begged and pleaded — a side of him no-one has ever witnessed as he twisted in anguish considering himself the unluckiest man on the earth for letting his lover go like this, in the worst possible way.
“I love you, I thought I’d never be capable of, y'made me worthy darling. I'll always love you baby....” He shrieked into her chest heaving her up gently to embrace her properly and even though he knew she was no more with him, he fooled himself into thinking so.
If it was possible he’d have clawed his ribs to pluck out his heart in return of hers and he felt like the sun and earth had crashed vanishing away the time spaces as he sat there crying and crying mourning the loss of his lovie that could never be healed by anything in this whole word.
He keeps on holding her, rocking back and forth as he lulls her to slumber of death.
It hurts. It hurts so bad.
His heart weeps.
His soul aches.
When rain stopped and that tranquil silence doomed over them, rage filled his every pore and vein.
He knew who did this. Harry has played dirty but he has never played unfair. It was this gang of companies who sabotaged and destructed the orphanages at the property which belonged to his mother (but the papers weren’t clear) to build restaurants and apartments there so Harry took revenge by burning acres of their illegal drug running underground factory and rebuilt the orphanages and took Y/N to one of their charity events.
She was the happiest he had ever seen her.
It’s like a gun barrel clicked in. A firecracker catching the fuse of ashe to burst everything into flames as Harry laid her with ever most tenderness and kissed her temple, her lifeless eyelids and her chapped lips.
Cleaned the streak of blood with his sleeve and didn’t wipe his tears away bashing out of the room, everyone stepped away as Niall lunged infront of him to stop him before he goes to cause damage to himself more than to them for being in such a vulnerable and weak state.
“Step away.” He growled angrily, gaze fiery and dangerous.
“No.” Niall sighed.
“I wouldn’t get her buried in sucha cold blood. She didn’t deserved this, hell nobody does.” Harry kissed his teeth together gripping at his hair ruthlessly, cheeks dry with tears, his limbs trembling, his head spinning.
“Anyone who wouldn’t follow my orders gets their kneecaps blow-off.” He grunted -- nostrils flaring and saying this he went away, snatching his guns from the console and ordered his men to find the security guards that had their duties at the main gates.
In just a day he hunted each of those monsters down like a hungry wolf and gave them such punished, tortured deaths that each one fell in Harry’s feet for his mercy but his heart was turned into a stone already because the only warmth it had there was because of one person and that person’s gone leaving him to survive in this hellhole alone while he dragged these bastards to the depths of firepits.
Once, coming back home to her. To his sunshine, to his soul and life, to his reasons of getting up every morning so he would get to spend time with her —- he broke down. Into shattered bits and pieces of remorse, guilt and sadness feeling himself so small and hurtable as he cried to himself all alone in their garden with no-one to console him where he’ll come to meet her daily.
He wants to rip his skin apart and set it on fire for his beating heart to stop, for it stop feeling.
He feels sick. Fainting, in urgency and desperation to hold his baby and never let go.
To lay down with her under the soil if that's possible.
his only reason to live.
His only beloved.
The wind giggles through pink leaves of cherry blossom tree, lush grass resting peacefully and Harry smiles to himself treading towards his two most favourite people in the world.
The spring being their heartiest month.
“Azalea! What y’chattering ‘bout t'mum?” He asks and nods proudly when his lil boy stands up from his cross position on the ground from beside his mother and brushes the grassy spikes from his cherry printed shorts with his little pudgy hands.
“My first day at school dada!” The four years old squeals and Harry scoops him up in his arms, kissing his cheek again amount less times, “Is that so, huh! huh!” He tickles his little bun.
Y/N was right. Isn’t she always. Harry chuckles. Even if she’s gone he still feels loved from her, she’s in the rains, in the sweaters he wears when he feels shallow, in the scent of his pillows, she’s in the vanilla smell of their favourite cupcakes – she’s in his dreams and that name of their son, Azalea.
She always wanted to name their first born Azalea, a blooming flower that happens to be a vibrant pink, a gift of spring, are floriferous in sunshine and she'd always say that Harry would be their sun.
Their ever source of happiness.
Azalea was three days old when his mother died and Harry took him home even though not sure of his own decision but something in those little eyes that matches his mommy made Harry’s heart attract towards him so much he brought him without another thought.
A home he built with Y/N. The curtains of the mansion still remains pushed back wide, flower vases on every furniture, not a day goes by when anyone doesn’t misses her and the ducklings has grown so much that Y/N would have been spinning in happiness around.
Nothing has changed, life’s fleeting for everyone except for Harry. He counts each day and night that goes without her beside him in his sleep, in the little picnics with Azalea and Niall, in the story reading at nights with his baby, in kitchen to watch the winters first rain prattling against that one window that’s old enough to carry the remains of his ancestors, she’s never there to share a noodle pot with him while he sits and eat alone, never there to patch his favourite socks back, to kiss his forehead whenever he leaves home, to call him sweet names and to laugh with him on his silly jokes, to do thumb fights, to get angry with him whenever he refuses to layer himself in cold.
Never physically. But, she’s always there in his heart, her presence lurks around him and he could feel the warmth of her wrapping around him whenever he falls asleep watching telly.
“What did y'learn today bubba?” He asks Azalea and grins cheekily when Azalea babbles, “Colours!”
“That’s fuckin’ amazin'!” At that a huge gush of breeze hits him in face a tiny branch of the tree they’re standing under falls on his head.
“Kay' kay fine! No cursing.” He squeaks in defence pouting down at the grave of his lovie and his face splits into a grin when his hair glittered up with cherry blossom leaves.
“We miss you very much,” His voice heavy and sad. He gulps chokingly and blinks away the glossiness, stroking a thumb up Azalea cheek who’s sitting in Harry’s lap.
Every evening they come to meet Y/N, the hole in his heart couldn’t fill up of her void but the soothing feeling of relief that she’s in their garden and nearer to him has lessened the grief.
“G’na meet you tomorrow, our baby’s mighty hungry.” He chuckles hearing the grumbling noises coming from Azalea’s belly.
“You’re so cheeky baby.” His eyes glimmers and he feels himself swooning into breeze, “How’s it going in heaven?” He asks airily tracing his initials beside her beautiful name engraved at the tombstone and it’s like she’s scolding him when he gets a nip on his pointy finger.
“Azalea kiss mommy a goodbye.” Harry breaks into laughter when Azalea bobs his head and almost tumbles of his daddy’s lap in the effort to reach the tombstone.
“Goodbye beautiful.” Harry whispers kissing the top of her tombstone and his heart bursts into lilacs when once again he’s showered into petal like leaves.
“I love you too, baby.” Finally he has accepted to say goodbyes.
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reginarubie · 2 years
In AGOT, Ghost fought with black dog for meat and won. Hound is described as black dog for his sigil of black dogs. Ramsey also had a black bitch to hunt. Jon will protect Sansa from Ramsey and Hound.
Ciao anon!,
Would you look at that?, that had gone completely over my head. Reason millemila+ why Jonsa might be canon! Ghost (which represents and is bonded to Jon) fights with a black dog (the Hound/ Ramsay and his bitches) for meat and won (I hate the idea that Sansa might be considered meat but it does hold a good parallel I will get to it in a bit).
A bit of background we are in Jon I, AGOT; during the welcoming feast for Bobby B arrival to Winterfell and dogs are wandering around the laid tables, Jon is sat there, in Winterfell, albeit to the side and not with the family, and one dog (a black one) tries its luck with Ghost over some chicken:
One of them, a black mongrel bitch with long yellow eyes, caught a scent of the chicken. She stopped and edged under the bench to get a share. Jon watched the confrontation. The bitch growled low in her throat and moved closer. Ghost looked up, silent, and fixed the dog with those hot red eyes. The bitch snapped an angry challenge. She was three times the size of the direwolf pup. Ghost did not move. He stood over his prize and opened his mouth, baring his fangs. The bitch tensed, barked again, then thought better of this fight. She turned and slunk away, with one last defiant snap to save her pride. Ghost went back to his meal. — Jon I, AGOT
Jon is a bit of a late bloomer, he isn't very tall (which he despairs about especially since Joffrey of all people is taller than him, but I digress) and thinking on how the Hound is considered big and broad and bulky...well if the consideration that ‘she (the black dog) was tree times the size of the direwolf pup’ really makes me think of the Hound (who is older as this dog is) and taller than Jon and Jon will/might have some stare-off about Jon's sisters and specifically Sansa.
Why, specifically Sansa?, because Hound tried to rape her, threatened her life and terrorised her while also trying to fulfil the role of the knight defending his lady-love, a trope Jon will fulfil rightly in Sansa's journey, imo.
Also, everyone treats Sansa as meat, exactly like the chicken Ghost is consuming, Sansa is not a girl, she's the key to the North, she's wanted for her claim, she's used for her claim. Guess who is the only one who puts Sansa the person above her claim? Jon Snow.
To the Hound Sansa is only a pretty, stupid girl who he desires physically despite her being barely a girl — basically meat; for others Sansa is merely her claim (the Tyrells, the Lannisters, Lysa); to LF, Sansa is his Cat-look-alike and her claim. To Jon?
Sansa is Sansa. It's his little sister, who loved songs and who loved tales of magic and knightly valour. She's the rightful lady of Winterfell because she's Sansa Stark despite having been married to Tyrion and so considered lady Lannister. She's not meat, she's not just her claim. She is Sansa and no matter what last name she bears, simply on virtue of being Sansa she's the lady of Winterfell for Jon (and yes, it does play a part in Jon the fact that he doesn't want to prove Catelyn right, even if he does want Winterfell, still believing Sansa might be dead or unreachable, he still defends her claim).
Jon said, "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa."
"I have heard all I need to hear of Lady Lannister and her claim." The king set the cup aside. "You could bring the north to me. Your father's bannermen would rally to the son of Eddard Stark. Even Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse. White Harbor would give me a ready source of supply and a secure base to which I could retreat at need. It is not too late to amend your folly, Snow. Take a knee and swear that bastard sword to me, and rise as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North." — Jon IV, ADWD
"How can I lose men I do not have? I had hoped to bestow Winterfell on a northman, you may recall. A son of Eddard Stark. He threw my offer in my face." Stannis Baratheon with a grievance was like a mastiff with a bone; he gnawed it down to splinters.
"By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa."
"Lady Lannister, you mean? Are you so eager to see the Imp perched on your father's seat? I promise you, that will not happen whilst I live, Lord Snow." —Jon I, ADWD
Jon states and states and states, time and time again, that Winterfell is Sansa's, no matter that she's lady Lannister, no matter that she could be dead for all he know. Winterfell is hers by virtue of her being Sansa no matter who has married her to get their claws in her claim.To the point Stannis is deeply frustrated by it. Also, did you notice the connection, again, to dogs and meat?, Stannis (who is trying to dispose of Sansa's claim as it fits best his own goals) is like a mastiff (which is a synonymous of hound and btw in Italian the Hound is called il Mastino) with a bone.
So for sure Jon will defend Sansa the person, his sister before being a lady and a princess, from those who seek to hurt her in any form (like the show hinted at us), and most probably will deliver Winterfell from Ramsay and Sansa will later be its lady, and will fulfil the role the Hound failed to fulfil in Sansa's arc; just like he is defending her from Stannis and his intention for Winterfell which belongs to her.
This really should be added to the endless list of Jonsa foreshadowings. The fact that the first scene happens in Winterfell, a feasting Winterfell and the second one (Stannis as the mastiff who tries to uses Sansa's claim to get his throne) happens to be about Winterfell, and that both Jon and Sansa consider and identify themselves as the blood of Winterfell, only makes this foreshadowing even greater!
Thank you for your ask, it was really a good catch!, hope you enjoyed the read and I wish you a very nice day!
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“Thanks, I owe you guys one.” (Fellowship x Reader)
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Synopsis: you’re being chased by men who enjoy hunting down humans, but fortunately, you run right into the middle of the Fellowship’s camp.
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The night was dark and barren throughout its snowy wasteland—a temporary home for the Fellowship to call that evening, as they set up camp around a flickering fire at the base of a pine tree-lined slope.
Low hushes made their way across the cold camp, as each tired member spoke of their glum day through the snow. They had since trekked through the forest to find their little snowy slope—a haven for mortal and immortal eyes alike to observe the stars above.
It was almost as if you could see them clearer in the piercing cold, Pippin mused at one point. Legolas softly agreed, and confirmed that to be true.
However, for all the distant howls of wolves and hoots of owls, none could possibly expect nor imagine what was happening on the other side of the slope.
Y/n ran desperately through the snow, chattering through her teeth as every inch of the white powder slowed her down. The stars above taunted her and reminded the girl of another wasted night.
Three days she had been on the run from these cruel hunters—hunters well-versed in the game of mounting human heads on their log cabin walls.
Naturally, as to be expected of a fatigued human, Y/n’s strength failed.
She could hear the thudding of the hunters’ dogs behind her—gaining with every second she slowed. They were unmistakably some variation of wolves, as evident from the gnashing teeth and vicious growls.
She next made the mistake of looking over her shoulder. She barely had time to dodge, as a homemade arrow whizzed past her ear. It caught the flesh and produced a new wound. It matched the dripping gash on her temple, leaving a clear trail of red in the white for them to track.
A sharp gasp escaped Y/n, as she ignored the arrow and instead paid attention to what it meant—they were gaining on her, and very fast, too.
“You can run, but you can’t hide!” one of the cruel men laughed out. He had his bow forever ready in his hands, always pointed at Y/n.
The other two also had bows, as well as long hunting knives. They glinted bright in the moonlight, brighter than the teeth of the wolves.
Y/n willed her legs to go faster up the slope, praying for it to descend soon. However, the snow was thick—up to her knees. She would not go any faster, not at this rate.
“Back off, you spooky bastards!” Y/n shouted in vain. It sounded more annoyed at this point, though, but fear was evident in her tone.
At the bottom of the slope, Legolas lifted his head and knitted his brows. He sat on a log before the fire, and looked at all his friends to see if they had heard what he did.
Aragorn caught his blonde friend’s antics, and questioned him aloud. “Legolas, what do you sense?”
At this, all in the camp lifted their own heads, and paid attention to the elf.
“Foul language and foul omens approaching,” he replied.
Legolas threw a glance over his shoulder and up at the slope, where he eyed it off apprehensively. With the dawning of hunting howls, he quickly shot to his feet, as did everyone else in the camp.
“Is it wargs?” Boromir asked, breathlessly.
“No,” Gandalf answered, drawing his staff at the ready. “These are no wargs…but they are not entirely friendly, either.”
The Fellowship, practiced in their stances, formed a protective huddle around the hobbits, and drew all their weapons. Their eyes, either wide in alarm or narrowed with precision, sized up the snowy slope, where the howls were growing from.
Now at the top, Y/n gasped—for two reasons. At the same time a wolf lunged at her from behind, she tripped over her feet, and fell down the long slope. The wolf did the same and skidded to the side.
Both tried desperately to find their footing again, to which Y/n did. She ran down the snow at a rapid pace, yelping with every snap at her ankle.
“There!” Gimli shouted, pointing up at the approaching girl.
“Shoot the wolf, Legolas!” Aragorn ordered.
In a swift manner, Legolas did as told. The next yelp upon the slope came not from Y/n, but from the nearest wolf, as it tumbled down the slope behind her—dead and leaving a reddened trail of its own.
Y/n caught this exchange and snapped her gaze down at the campfire. Before she could register the ushering hands of the hobbits for her to hurry towards them, the shouts of the men from atop the slope caught her ears.
Her heart hastened in its pace, as did her legs, as she realized they were angrier than ever at the shooting of their hound. They yelled louder and drew more arrows, running faster now downhill to catch up with her.
Y/n looked away from the men and continued running down the hill, where she soon met a flatter surface again. With the acceleration of her descent thrusting through her legs, Y/n, melting in her knees like jelly, flew through the huddle of foreign men.
They welcomed her quickly with a parting of Aragorn and Legolas, as they herded her in with protective ushers of their arms. She then soon found her way to stand with the hobbits in the middle.
In a warrior’s instant, the front line of the Fellowship’s weapons were drawn again, this time pointed at the hunters, rather than their hounds, which had since been called off.
The men slowed their gait to an arrogant strut at the bottom of the slope, and they upheld two fingers each to halt their snarling wolves.
“Good evening, gentlemen,” the leader of the hunters greeted. He had a coat made of animal fur, and a flappy hat of the same material. A row of human teeth crafted a necklace around his collarbone.
“We are not looking for trouble, but we have no issue getting involved,” Aragorn cut to the chase. His sword was drawn idly, and his expression unnervingly neutral.
Y/n creased her brows and sucked on her lower lip, with a quick glance thrown at the back of Aragorn’s head. She soon looked back at the leading hunter, however, the moment he cracked a breathless smile and spoke again.
“I can assure you; we’re not looking for trouble either,” he began. “Just hand over the girl, and we’ll call it even for killing our dog.”
“Try it, I dare you,” Legolas warned, tightening the drawstring of his bow. “I’m in the mood.”
The man huffed a laugh again, and momentarily looked back at his two comrades. They, too, had bows drawn, and were looking to their leader for direction.
He, in turn, slowly rolled his tongue over the inside of his cheeks, and nodded with a faltering expression. He knew they were outnumbered by the Fellowship, wolves or not.
He looked at Y/n, who stiffened in response. Lifting his crusty hunting knife, the man gestured to Y/n. On cue, every member in the Fellowship huddled in closer, and darkened their eyes.
“We’ll be seeing you around, runner,” he said.
Reluctantly, and with a prolonged stare held on Y/n, the man turned on his feet. Snarling, his wolves followed, as did the other two men.
Once they were far enough away up the slope, the Fellowship collectively sighed, eased their shoulders and dropped their weapons.
Y/n shifted uncomfortably and nodded around at all of them, as they looked to her with softened eyes and gentle smiles, as if to say, “You’re safe now.”
“Thanks, guys,” she said, sincerely. “I owe you one.”
“Think nothing of it,” Gandalf promised, nodding his chin high. “An occupational hazard at this point.”
“Exciting careers?” Y/n laughed.
“You could say that,” Boromir laughed back. He walked back to his spot on the log, and ran a tired hand through his hair.
“Going anywhere exciting?” Y/n asked next, shrugging slightly in hope.
“You could also say that,” Frodo answered, sharing a nervous smile with Sam.
Smiling, and considering all her options, Y/n tried her luck.
“You’re not going east by any chance, are you?”
“Welcome aboard.”
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whimsicallyreading · 2 years
Do with this as you will:
I was trying to get my dog in the car and accidently used your name instead of the dogs.
May or may not be based on a real story.
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Ahh!!!! I love this so much. Thank you for the prompt, I hope you don’t mind I made it into Quinlar. 🤣 I just can’t get enough of these two right now.
CW- Possible HOSAB spoilers if you squint
Bryce has faced demons, archangels, the asteri and princes of Hel. She’s led soldiers into battle and even walked between worlds. It’s safe to say, that there is very little now she considers daunting.
But traveling to Nidaros by car?
Damn near impossible.
There was a reason Randall and Ember usually traveled their way, even when she was in college. Bryce never liked the stress of packing and travel. She loved her city with it’s public transport, short walking distances and overall convenience. Nidaros was nearly six hours by car.
She’d begged Hunt to fly them there but he’d look at her bemusedly. “You think I can fly us there faster than a car can take us? I’m flattered sweetheart, but that’s not happening.”
Bryce pouted, but he’d found other ways to make it up to her.
It was nearly time for them to depart. She’d rented a car and had the back nearly loaded with stuff. All that remained was a small square of empty space where hopefully Rhun’s luggage would fit. He was supposed to have met them at their apartment half an hour ago, but as usual, he was running late.
After her eleventh trip up and down the stairs of the building, all she had left to do was get Syrinx settled in the back seat, then they were off. Unfortunately, the gathering clouds overhead had other plans.
A light rain began to fall just as Bryce got the agitated chimera to the threshold of the building. Syrinx made a low whining noise in the back of his throat and pulled backwards on his leash.
“Oh come on,” Bryce pleaded. “It’s just five steps and you’ll be in the car. I have your bed and some treats for you. Let’s go, please?”
His ears pricked at the mention of treats, but as a slew of water sputtered from a gutter and splashed onto the concrete, his resistance flared in full force.
Hunt materializes beside her. He has his Sunball cap in place and their bag of snacks tucked under one arm. “Uh oh, it looks like it’s raining.”
“No kidding,” Bryce hisses as one of their neighbors walk past them, eyeing their disgruntled companion warily.
“Is that the car we are taking?” Hunt frowns, “I thought the company was sending us the large SUV?”
Syrinx yowls rise to a new pitch as a clap of thunder sounds overhead. He nearly slips his collar, but Bryce ducks down and catches him around the middle before he can bolt. “No you don’t. You are getting in the car.”
“I don’t think my wings are going to fit.”
“We’ll roll the seats back,” Bryce locks her arms around the squirming creature. He throws his head back and nearly clips her jaw with his skull. “Calm down,”
“Roll the seats back? That’s cute.”
More screeching, Bryce nearly loses her grip but she takes a stumbling step towards the car.
Hunt runs a hand through his short locks. “This is fine I guess. I can fly part of the way, or maybe hold onto the roof like spare luggage?”
Bryce almost has Syrinx to the car when a stray paw catches her shirt and cuts a hole right through it. Frustrated, she squeezes him tighter. “Hunt! Stop it.”
“Sweetheart,” Hunt croons. “Did you just call our pet by my name?”
Syrinx growls at the term pet, but it’s all Bryce needs to shove him in the back seat and shut the door. “Maybe.”
Bryce goes to open the passenger seat but Hunt places his hand on the door and pushed it shut. “You’ve called me a lot of things. Alphahole. Bastard. Ass. Yet somehow, I take the most offense to this.” There’s a glint in his eye that sends a thrill though her.
“Then I must be losing my creativity,” Bryce pushed a lock of wet hair behind her ear. They are both soaked and if Hunt thought cramming his wings into the back seat would suck then spending the next few hours in damp clothes was worse.
Arms wrap around her waist to keep her from walking back into the building and a smile ticks at the corner of her lips. “Aren’t you going to ask me why it’s worse?”
Bryce turns in his arms, “Tell me Your Highness, why is it worse?”
“Because Syrinx can’t do this,” he bends down and when his lips press to hers, a flush of warmth spreads through her body. All the stress of traveling, the frustration, it all melts away. Hunt’s scent floods her senses and she melts into him happily as he deepens the kiss.
Bryce pulls away with a gasp, “You are right. I’ll never make that mistake again.”
“We need to go upstairs and change,” Hunt tugs at the back of her damp, ripped shirt with the arm he has wrapped around her. “‘Maybe we can have a little fun while -”
“Oh, come on!” Ruhn fakes a gag as he spies them. Bryce hadn’t even realized Hunt had her pressed against the vehicle and one of his hands had wandered a little too low on her thigh. “You guys knew I was on my way. Why the hel are you rubbing up against the car we will be spending the next several hours in.”
“Sorry,” Hunt smiles, not sorry at all.
Ruhn glares. “You aren’t the one who has to look at the smudge-outline of your sister’s ass on the window.”
“Sorry Rhun,” Bryce smiles. “Now that you are here, would you mind sitting in the car with Syrinx. Me and Hunt have to go dry off.”
“What-“ Ruhn starts but Hunt, always in-sync with with her, was already pushing her back into the building. “No. You guys. Go one at a time. The smell.”
Her brother shouts his protests, but as they cross the threshold and Hunt whisks her up into his arms, she knows Ruhn is just going to have to deal with it.
“Let’s go see what other names you have for me, Quinlan.”
Bryce nuzzles her face into his neck contentedly, “I think I can come up with a few.”
Later on they would be crammed in the car together. Hunt smushed in the backseat with crammed wings and a yowling Syrinx. Ruhn keeping his eyes firmly on the road, a new car freshener dangling from the rearview mirror. But the satisfied smirk Hunt had put on Bryce’s face would linger, and for once, she thought a road-trip had finally gotten off to a good start.
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letsunity · 2 years
The Mandoverse Characters As Animals
Din Djarin - The Aye-Aye
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The poor LSD monkey that’s desperate for some peace, quiet and yearns to just hide in the background. They just want to vibe and not be involved, the one-off side character. They are considered bad luck and often deemed a harbinger of death but just wants to chill. 
Boba Fett - The Honey Badger
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A small little beast of sheer willpower and silly ferocity. They will take on a pack of lions and bully food away from leopards. They can shrug off bullets and have the determination of meth heads. You can stick them with a machete and they’ll keep running at you - make sure that they’re dead or they’ll come back!
Fennec Shand - The Orchid Mantis
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The pretty bitch with the sharpest claws. She can look like a flower, waiting for you to get lured by her beauty. Within a second, her blades slice through your body, another number to her ever-growing tally. 
Greef Karga - The Platypus
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An oddity to the world that’s a moral and scientific grey, neither friend nor exactly a foe. They prove to confuse those around them and those who seek them. The amalgamation of beasts have several little tricks up their sleeves, including a venomous spike on their heels if male. 
Cara Dune - Giant Japanese Spider Crab
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The embodiment of “fuck that” with a side of “hell no”. This beastie can make others step away with its appearance alone. Would probably be the mount for the Orchid Mantis to war. 
Ahsoka Tano - Spiny Bush Viper
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A being of sheer beauty rivalled by lethality. Though of the snake order, they are a league of their own. It is best to be respectful of this beast, to leave it be unless you want a pair of white fangs in your chest. 
Moff Gideon - The Okapi
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An elusive bastard that many thought to have not existed or gone extinct, only to shove their stripy ass in your face. They’re the Skeletor of wild animals, deceiving people into thinking that they’re zebra when they’re actually stumpy giraffes. 
Peli Motto - The Maned Wolf
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Not a dog in the slightest, nor a fox or a wolf - they’re in a league of their own. Nobody is as unique or eccentric as this beastie. Though they have marijuana smelling piss, it’s quirkiness is a freshness we all need.
Bo-Katan Kyrze - The Asian Snub-Nosed Monkey
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If the meme “Pathetic” was an animal, it would be one of these frigid bitches. A poor example for gingers everywhere and insults the monkey lineage. The Aye-Aye deserves a better monkey cousin than these snubs. 
Koska Reeves - Bat-Eared Fox
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Hears a lot of shit and talks a lot more. Though not scientifically a rival, they’d have a staring contest with the Honey Badger. They look cute but will bite your nards away. 
Paz Vizsla - The Marine Iguana
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A lizard so high maintenance that you can’t even have them in zoos. If they don’t get exactly what they want, they die out of sheer spite. 
Cad Bane - Mantis Shrimp
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Not only are they the fastest hit in the west, these devas can’t even be kept in aquariums due to punching their glass tanks. Even if they don’t hit you directly, the water around them boils to a point you just perish. They’re a colourful cowboy that’ll dab on your remains because screw you.
Cobb Vanth - Margay
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An elusive and secretive little sweetie that’ll make you fall in love with a stare. With a flick of their tail, you’ll discover that you’re a silver fox and kiss this dear upon their forehead. We’d love for them to have a tiktok dance. 
The Armourer - The Tasmanian Devil
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Though small, these devils are as fierce as they come. They fear nothing and will screech at whatever comes near. They’re so ferocious that they’ve been known to even eat steel wool. 
Black Krrsantan -  Komodo Dragon
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If nature ever developed a middle finger, it would be this beast. Not only is their mouth filled with bateria, they’re venemous. This fortnite dance of an animal will run you down be you on land or water. Even the dead aren’t safe as they dig up graves for an easy snack. Their own children aren’t safe, often swooped up and hunted by their own parents. 
Grogu Djarin - Hippopotamus
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Though certainly adorable, especially when a baby, they’re actually the deadliest animals. They have the power to yeet you through a tree with minimal effort and are far faster than you’d think. 
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