#and being desensitized is bad and if you start to get desensitized maybe it's time to take a break from true crime
All the true crime girlies talking about how that Jeffery Dhamer series wasn't even that disturbing or upsetting need to realize that bragging about how desensitized they are to the suffering of real people isn't the flex they think it is.
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icanbeyourgenie · 3 months
[ A very scared Zelda hiding under Aeron's desk, in the Captain's cabin, after a violent attack ]
“Ah, there you are.”
Aeron was still covered in blood when he found Zelda. He didn't think the girl would hide in his own quarters, since he was, after all, the reason she was so terrified. At least partly. He had searched in other hiding places in vain, and ended up figuring out that the girl would come out when she felt like it. He went back in his cabin to clean the blood. Aeron had no problem getting blood all over him. But when said blood started to dry and become crusty, that was a truly unpleasant sensation.
When he saw Zelda flinch and stay under the desk, he decided to wait a bit and resume what he originally came for. He got over the bassin and started cleaning off the blood. He took off his shirt and started searching his closet for a clean one. In the corner of his eyes, he could see Zelda starting to relax. Her breath getting more even. What a perfect opportunity for a joke.
“Usually seeing me shirtless takes people's breath away, but it gave yours back. I'm not sure how to take it.”
He was quite amuzed, and he figured Zelda would be too if she was still not recovering from the shock. When he finally put on a clean shirt, he came closer and sat on the floor, at the foot of his bed, just in front of the girl's hiding place. Their eyes locked for a moment and he could see she was still terrified.
Aeron didn't expect her to react this way. He sometimes forgot that most people weren't used to the same degree of violence he became desensitized to. They were in the middle of a perfectly fine conversation about a mad hatter who was particularly fond of tea when a few of his crew came to interrupt rather vigorously. Protesting about how a girl on a ship was a bad omen, how Aeron was distracted ever since she got here. He was distracted, but a mutiny wasn't something he would allow. (And clearly these mortal boys didn't meet his mother if they think girls were weak). So it got bloody really fast. Two died at the hand of the fae. One by being sent overboard in a particularly sharky area, the other with a sword through his chest. It lasted only a few seconds and had the rather efficient effect to remind the others that they shouldn't go against their captain. But Zelda had been mute ever since. And then she went away.
“Do you want me to drop you at the next port we'll land in?” Aeron asked, which had the effect to snap back the blonde to reality. She looked at him again.
“I could do that if you wanted to.”
“...... Do you want to get rid of me?” She asked in a little voice.
“No. That's not what I want. But Zelda, staying here means you can't freeze when I get violent. We were lucky the past weeks, but if you stay you'll witness more deaths. More violent that these ones.”
“I didn't mean to freeze. But I got scared.”
“Which brings me back to my original question. Do you want to leave?”
“No. I... I don't want to be alone.” She almost stopped shaking now. She confessed that to him one night where she came into his bed and he changed her nightmare into a dream. “Why choose to be a pirate? If it's so... violent.”
He smirked. “I don't mind the violence. Most times I actually enjoy it. But I don't think violence is in your nature.”
“Didn't you say that most faes had a talent for violence? Maybe it's why I'm a changeling and my parents got rid of me.”
“I don't think you're a changeling, because I don't think you're a fae.”
She locked eyes with him again, confused. “But you said-”
“You lied earlier.” He had not realized this sooner, because she had been mostly honest with him, but today she did lie. “When John came closer to us with his knife and you said you weren't scared. You were. That was a lie. A great one, it's what you should say. But still a lie.”
“It was just a small lie... Something I said on instinct.”
“Faes can't lie at all. Not even a little. We bend the truth but we can't lie. Which means that you're an elf.” She raised an eyebrow and he laughed. “I don't know how I didn't notice this sooner. Usually you guys live in the trees now.”
“What's an elf? You didn't talk about elves.”
The was a lot to unpack there. Talking about elves would mean talking about the war, and he had a feeling she was not stable enough for this conversation. She had come out of under the desk to sit next to him, the curiosity calming her. Even with dried tears and blood, she was beautiful. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to do more than just kiss her. But he just sighed and answered instead.
“I didn't think it was necessary. I'll tell you about elves tonight. But then you'll need to decide what you want to do. Tomorrow we'll arrive in Egypt. We'll stay there for a few days, there's a few repairs I have to do on the ship.” He was actually excited at that prospect. He always loved mechanics. “You'll have until we leave to decide if you're ready for that life or if you want to try to find peace elsewhere.”
“.... Your crew don't like me, Aeron.”
“I don't give a fuck what they think.” He slowly touched her cheek. He didn't know why, he just did it, and then pretended to wipe a tear away. “They'll warm up to you eventually and if they don't, I don't care. As long as you stay with me, they won't touch you. But I can't protect you from everything. So if you decide to stay, we'll have to teach you some basic self defense skills. And maybe get you a sword. I have a feeling you'll do great with a sword.”
She was smiling now, and it was truly unfair because Aeron wanted to kiss her again. They almost kissed a few days ago, when he called her intriguing, but they were interrupted. And she responded quite well to his flirting. But he understood enough to know that he shouldn't do the first move. Even if they got closer now, and she took his hand, and she said in a happy voice:
“You think I could use a sword? You don't think I'm weak because I ran away?”
“I called you intriguing didn't I? I'm only intrigued by strong people, know that. I'm not a generous or good person. If I thought you were weak I would've asked you to leave already.”
“But it's not what you want.” She said, repeating his words from before.
“No, it's not what I want.”
“So what do you want?”
She had whispered those words. It was a sign of how close they were now. Their sides were almost pressed together and she didn't let go of his hand. She was looking at him with those deep green eyes that made him feel light-headed and her lips looked so soft. They were in dangerous territory, but he always loved danger, so his smirk grew wider.
“You don't want to know what I want.”
“Tell me anyhow. Please.”
It looked like a challenge, and he never backed down from a challenge. “Fine. I want you to stay with me. I want you to want to stay with me. I want us to get you actual proper pirate clothes when we land so you can stay, and lead us to some more treasures and adventures. And I want to kiss you.” He paused a second, just to examine her reaction. “But I won't. You have my word. Not until you do it first.”
It's when he let go of her hand. He was used to flirting, probably harder than that, but he was not used to want to kiss someone that much. It was unsettling. Which is why he got up before she could answer.
“I'll let you change now. I'll go assess the damages I'll need to repair. Take some time to make up your mind.”
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felidacy · 1 year
Vampire!Tim early Robin days
A little more about the idea I had without any context to what happened before or after. Maybe someday I get enough motivation to actually write and post it. 
The first few months of being Robin for Batman –Batman only never Bruce Wayne, because they aren’t close and beyond nightly activities they do not interact– are a harsh adjustment for Tim. However, not in the way that Agent A, Nightwing, or Batman assume. The training is hard, Tim will not deny that when he bears bruises and broken bones from the sessions they hold, but it is his morals that have the hardest time adjusting. 
Now Tim does not believe in killing when it’s avoidable or else he would have never considered himself a possible candidate for Batman, whom he blackmailed so the man had no option to begin with when it was Agent A who gave him the suit to save Nightwing and Batman. So Tim can’t take all of the blame. Tim had become the cuckoo that snuck into the nest even though both parties denied themselves getting closer to each other. The thing is, Tim even before being Robin or following the pair of vigilantes was desensitized to a more gruesome degree of violence, and quite honestly he couldn’t understand why you should hold back when they are the bad guys. ( Not that any of them knew about the secret of his and he didn’t plan on ever revealing it as well. )
Batman was all about punishing the bad guys, but he never truly committed to the cause of it. He called himself the justice of Gotham, the vengeance that the people needed, and yet he never truly stops them. He is too soft in Tim’s eyes. 
This is why Tim finds himself standing face-to-face with a bunch of asshole goons. Alone even though he shouldn’t be on solo patrols yet, what the bats didn’t know couldn’t hurt them. Batman thought that Tim seriously went home already? To that cold mansion where the silence persists at all times? Safe to say that Tim prefers working in the shadows instead. That belief of Batman makes the man incredibly naive. 
(It hurts less than the alternative of the man knowing, but not caring enough about Tim to make him stop. Tim always cared too much about those that didn’t feel the same way about him and he only realized that when he was dropped by them. So far Batman didn’t so Tim hoped desperately that for once someone could start caring about him the same way.)
“Look at that boys! A little birdy dropped in on us.” The front and biggest man grinned and that earned laughter from his fellow comrades. 
Tim’s eyes went past the four men to the little blonde girl that was held down by another one of them. He had only stopped when Tim intercepted. It was a sickening feeling that began bubbling up in Tim as he took in the disgusting men and what they were about to do, could still do because Tim has yet to free her. Gritting his teeth he can feel the sharp fangs start to dig into his own lips and the taste of blood rushes through his mouth. That is when the familiar greed to get more, to still his hunger, comes over him. Batman should be far away enough by now. Hurriedly Tim glances around to make sure that neither cameras are in the alleyway they are currently in. Satisfied when he spies none of them, Tim retracts his Bo-staff and gets into a fighting stance. 
“You underestimate us if you think you can beat us with those thin arms of yours, Robin! Where is your daddy bats, huh?!” Spats another one of them. 
Of course, that is a true statement when one looks at his physique. Watching as the men spout more poor jokes, he tilts his head to the side much like a curious bird would do. None of them know yet of the danger that will befall them any moment as the eyes behind the mask slowly change to an unsettling dark void. Tim was always more slender, small, and light to the point even Agent A doubted he could put on muscles or grow in size. When the old butler looked at Tim it was as if he was looking at someone else. The pained expression said it all and Tim knew that he was just an awful reminder of a boy that was forever gone. Tim was used to those looks ever since his parents presented him to high society and they wondered if he would even live long. As a result, Tim learned to live off of spite as he began to hate looks of pity just because the human eye was too shallow to see beyond. 
They saw him as a weak human, not anyone but his parents being aware that he couldn’t be any less human. 
He was quite literally the monster. And right now, alone in this alleyway with the goons and a girl that will forget because she’s in too much of a shock, Tim feels like being a monster again instead of being Robin. 
“You are wrong,” Tim states, which makes the goons snarl at him in return and throw swear words at him he isn’t impressed by. “You are underestimating me.” 
It all happens so fast from that point on. The goons pull out their weapons, guns and knives respectively, in their anger and that is what makes them predictable. Tim flashes his bloody teeth at them while the moonlight reflects off of his fangs and lets out an incredibly chilling, hollow laugh that is so unlike the cheery laughter he normally has as Robin. 
But right now he isn’t Robin after all. Being the monster, not acting on the morals of Batman, that is when Tim is the most comfortable. Sadly for them, that also just brings greater danger to them. 
The men are taken by surprise as they stumble back and that is all Tim needs. Flexing his jaw, Tim launches at them. They hardly have a chance to scream as his fangs and hands that sharpened to claws rip at their flesh. Blood splatters against the walls and their cries for help are drowned out by gurgling until they fall silent. One by one he stalks them like a predator, unforgiving just like they had been towards the girl. (Tim would like to say he does it for justice. He is a liar.) Any attacks of them are in the end meaningless as the wounds heal again when the sweet elixir of life for Tim runs down his throat. 
He is exhilarated, the best kind of drug for his kind making him ecstatic. 
- - - -
Only one of the men gets to live long enough to run and spread the word that Robin is dangerous and slaughtered them all. Of course, none of them believed the man. Along with a certain blonde girl that saw more than she was supposed to, but unlike the man she was smarter and held on to the secret. It is Robin, after all, not even Rogues would assume that a child would be capable of such a massacre. 
But then over time, more bodies pile up along with the initial survivor and a warning to them all. Robin would always be close by and show a seemingly sweet smile and act innocent next to Batman and Nightwing, but whenever neither of them was close the teeth behind it were sharp on occasion and the voice was cold whenever directed at them. 
None ever disclosed the older vigilantes about their little Robin that hid in the shadows and held a dangerous edge to himself. They believed that the two were turning a blind eye to the young one (wrong) or that Robin was talented enough to hide it from the two and was barely kept on the good side because the bats had a tight leash on him (right). 
Nobody ever dared to voice out loud that they were thankful the feral child –if one could call him that– was not killing all of them. The underworld of Rogues began fearing Robin to an unreasonable amount and began working on a ‘feral Robin safety measures’ warning system in secret because of his unpredictable behavior. They began to fear for their lives when the boy got more regular solo patrols or even later on when none of the other bats were in Gotham. It was a red alert and not even one breakout would happen then. The bats would always wonder about it and make quips, unaware of the truth. 
(Red Robins paired with the Red Hood nights were the most silent.)
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meili-sheep · 1 year
As a Diluc simp and former main (I use Dehya, SORRY MY BELOVED 😭😭😭) I really love your Diluc Harem!
I wonder how the harem will react if Diluc got kidnapped, how do they find out and save him?
Sorry I'm just craving for Diluc contents 🥲
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So you aren't going to find me throwing stones. Because I love Diluc and Dehya. And in particular, I put them together as Pyro Claymore siblings. And, of course, with little sister Xinyan.
Of course. Let's get to the Harem.
First off, let's make it clear Diluc being kidnapped is rare. There probably were a few attempts when he was a kid, so he's a little desensitized. But honestly, to really kidnap him, they will need to knock him out and probably keep him knocked out. And probably needs to be through a sedative.
Albedo is a knight of Favonius, and while his priority is studying Alchemy. He still is a knight.
When the knights get the ransom letter. Albedo is already setting in motion his plan for punishment. And way to prevent it from happening again. You see, Albedo isn't really a person who gets angry. But when he is, his anger is very, cold, very calculated, and every action he takes is well thought out to deal with the problem that has angered him. And there is no mercy. You've put so much effort into getting him this angry it's only fair you get its full effects.
So he would act as the Mediator between the Knights and the Treasure Hoards and act like he's going to go pay them the ransom. But the minute he sees (sedated) Diluc and Puts him into some form of safety. He will unleash hell.
Moment of birth? More Like a Moment of death. Megadeath.
And he probably gets Jean to assign someone to watch the Dawn manor afterward. Maybe even being a "personal" bodyguard for a bit.
Al Haitham
So I see this more as someone trying to get to Al Haitham through Diluc. And we know how Al Haitham feels about indirect actions. And I generally think the moment Al Haitham gets a bad feeling, he starts planning for the worst-case scenario. So when he gets the note saying, "We have your lover," He already has a plan and an idea of who it is.
So the upset scholars or old Sages only have like an hour after Al Haitham gets the note before he's there in front of them. And not happy.
Because they have wasted their time, Diluc's time, and his own. He would again probably work closely with Cyno and make a few... requests. Regarding proper punishment. Maybe even getting Nahida involved.
So again, this is probably the Nobushi trying money or something from the Yashiro commission.
Like Ayato. He's an asshole. And partly, he's intentionally an asshole. But he is a master of the game. "Fuck around and Find Found."
Because here is the thing. He wouldn't really be politically limited. He could totally go to Tenryou commission and be like. "I am going to hunt some nobushi because they have interfered with Yashiro matter." And what's Kujou gonna do??? Stop him??? So hell is coming and it's coming with a smile.
And the thing. Ayato would let them live and eventually had them over to Kujou. Just to keep things friendly. But he would still probably... Make some agreements with Sara.
Diluc? Oh, he's getting majorly spoiled afterward. Also a bodyguard that follows him back to Mondstadt just to give Ayato "Piece of mind."
Do you know how to spell the word DEAD? Because I do. And anyone that touches Diluc will learn.
Afterward, Diluc had to deal with Fatui patrolling the winery afterward. And if it was the Fatui. haha Oops! Childe accidentally destroyed the whole base.
So this is another treasure hoard case.
But the moment She gets the note, she doesn't waste or really think. Eula will absolutely act almost instantly. She will hunt them like dogs. And she would personally drag them back, probably getting Amber to escort Diluc home while she deals with the Hoards.
From there, she probably takes up duties as his personal bodyguard for a bit. Because it's revenge for worrying her so much.
I can see there even being a chance where Diluc just offers he a job as his bodyguard if she's really that worried, but I don't know if she would take it or not as much as she (and I) would love it.
This is a tough one because, well, I have trouble seeing how Itto would even know Diluc got kidnapped. If fact, I can see him being mistaken as a kidnapper.
But let's say that maybe Itto is going to see Diluc but see some Nobushi dragging a pass-out Diluc away. It might take a second for it to click. But I feel he would be terrified because Itto's really not the type who gets mad, per say.
I think he definitely would remind people he's an Oni, though. And He'd do everything in his power to make sure Diluc gets back safely, even if it means he has to go and beg Sara for help.
So I definitely see Kaveh trying to pay off the people who kidnapped Diluc. Digging himself deep in debt. But of course, they wouldn't give Diluc back. Because they've milked money out of Kaveh, it's time to milk the Winery itself.
But Kaveh would instantly go to Cyno and Al Haitham for help. If Diluc was in trouble, he'd absolutely give up any pride. And while I think he's strong and he knows he can take care of himself. He's not a fighter. So he'd ask people for help.
Then afterward big himself into EVEN MORE DEBT to pay Dehya to be Diluc's bodyguard.
Thoma doesn't not ask a lot of Kamisato siblings. Even if they ask him to. They want to help him to ask friends. But he's not the type to ask for anything. He much rather is the one helping.
So when he comes in on hands and knees begging for their help in safely reducing Diluc. They both would give it their all. And Diluc would be home before the day's end.
To be honest the whole of Rito would probably get together to save Diluc just for Thoma's sake. And After they would see that both Diluc and Thoma would get any care they need.
I do not know what to tell you
Because first off. Xiao would never allow this to happen. NEVER. Second. If it did happen. Their head would be disconnected from their bodies so fast it wouldn't be funny.
So Do you wanna meet Morax?
Because that's how you meet Morax. Like Zhongli does his best to live a happy and peaceful life. But if you wanna see the Geo Archon? Then that's how you see the Geo Archon. Probably Dragon form and all.
And he might even stay like that for a bit and just cuddle around Diluc. Big lizard around the tiny warm boyfriend. Very sweet. Very good.
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smokee78 · 10 months
This is such a vague question but how did you do it? I'm assuming therapy helped a lot but like. Idk did you have to unpack all of the trauma or like. Idk. It sounds like a whole lot of effort and honestly congrats. I'm just curious how you managed to achieve it
Yes thank you so much for the question!
So I started EMDR therapy in April 2022, which is a type of therapy that helps process and desensitize trauma memories, and negative beliefs held due to trauma. You don't need an exact clear image/memory of the trauma for this to work, and in my experience it worked really well for my complex/ongoing traumas (ex. neglect and long term bullying) as well as for our "one time incident" more PTSD-like traumas.
shortly after beginning EMDR, a lot of our DID symptoms began to fluctuate, some weeks they were really bad, some they were noticeably much better. this is because EMDR doesn't only happen during sessions- your brain actually continues the reprocessing being the scenes in the background, which can cause extra stress in the meantime! but the end result is worth it.
of course, EMDR comes with a lot of safety measures and checking in before starting the therapy to make sure you are safe, and have a plan if things get to be too much.
I'd say maybe a few months in, we had a big even we dubbed "the fusening" in which many of our fragments "gave up" their form as they no longer felt it necessary to stay separate. some "larger" and more dominant parts fused at this time too, some 1:1 with another part, and others just seemed to dissipate.
I'd say by 4-5 months in we'd gone from over 90 identified parts down to a nebulous 30-50. We were also nearly (80% of the time?) always blurry, so it was hard to identify who was left.
we also identified some new parts at this time, who had been dormant and stuck behind a layer that previously was not able to contact us before processing trauma.
we stuck around 10-20 parts for a whole, working our way through traumasostly chronologically, and hit some big targets. it was hard and exhausting work, and left me on edge almost 24/7. but I could tell despite the exhaustion, I was getting better. I was still getting amnesia, but switches and headaches were much less noticeable, we were no longer finding new parts or splitting new parts, and it felt like I had the control to find healthy coping mechanisms on my own with out my brain trying to cope for me (by splitting).
these past few months I've actually been on a break from EMDR- my therapist noticed my avoidant behaviours to dealing with a lot of the trauma I faced from my parents, and I have a big school exam coming up. so we left it for the summer, to reconvene in October after my exam.
at that point I'd had about three alters left, two nearly identical, the current host and a similar alter, and in the process of trying to meld, and one of the earliest alters and most developed, and distinct we'd had.
in the meantime, I started regular talk therapy with a new therapist, less intense but to hopefully get some help with non trauma processing based issues, maybe try to grapple some of the parental issues without trauma targets.
We focused a lot on identity, as, despite having over 90 at one point, I felt completely lost! I didnt know who I was, what I wanted, and who I could be if I let myself. I was trying my best to "go along with the flow", but I didn't realize that didn't mean I had to like *everything*, even if I was open to new experiences!
I learned how to be on my own and still have fun in the absence of other people. I started broadening my horizons and going to local punk shows and learning it was okay to not be mainstream and still be safe! I came out to more people about my gender identity and started the process to transition medically, and started being more open socially about being gender non conforming. I learned I really, really, hate cooking, and that's okay.
about a few weeks ago, I had a falling out with my parents. I won't go into detail because I don't think it's relevant, but I decided our relationship wasn't healthy, and I cut them off for good. I'd previously done this two years ago as well, but we reconciled and tried to make it work. but this time, it was clear the only person that was interested in changing to make things work was me, and after finally getting a taste of figuring out who I could be, I was done sacrificing myself for the sake of making them happy.
stem, the last part to fuse with beau, held pretty much all the resentment for sacrificing ourself and not getting to be ourself. she held all the bitterness, the teenage and adulthood angst, all the rage. she'd been very stubborn about it all. to the point where beau as the host (this is getting confusing to type- I'm both sten and beau now. I'm one. but I'm trying to talk from beaus perspective about stem), had finally said "look. I know we wanted final fusion. but I'm okay if you want to stay stem and we'd changed our minds. we don't have to final fuse to still be an advocate for compassion towards those who choose final fusion, and we're not betraying ourselves or anyone else if we stay separate."
stem said "thank you" to this, which was the first time she'd shown any genuine positive emotion towards beau or the rest of the system. (she was a persecutor at one point, turned to no role/sort of protector ish role).
beau was shocked, as he never thought stem would let go of the bitterness she'd held to the rest of the system, the fact that she'd gone dormant and lost the host role at one point, and many other traumas.
there was genuine understanding and compassion towards each other as individual parts.
that night, stem was around and feeling list and hopeless about the reason we'd cut off our parents again. we vented to our friends, they listened, validated our feelings and... we felt better. the feelings laid to rest a little, though the grief was still fresh.
we left the conversation, and noticed we had a headache+foggy feeling we usually associated with a split. we commented to a friend we may be splitting, which hadn't happened in a while, but was understandable with the stress we were dealing with
except. it wasn't a split. we fused. stem was heard by herself and her system, and validated and respected by her friends. despite losing her adoptive family (not blood- we were adopted at birth), stem had found acceptance and love from our new chosen family and friends. that was enough to let go of the hate and bitterness and rage and let herself be one with the full range of emotions and personhood final fusing could give us in this way. I also use Stem as a preferred name in addition to Beau now, which I feel is fitting. I'm them, they are both a part of me even though we're all one now.
I hope this answered your question! one other thing to note, through a lot of hard work and cooperation, we were previously able to fuse a fragment and an alter together before any therapy, with a lot of help from those who'd already experienced fusion. it's not impossible to fuse some alters on your own. (though I would say it would be very unlikely to final fuse without outside help)
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ripeteeth · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @another-lost-one!
How many works do you have on ao3?
106, all in. (105 under ripeteeth, 1 orphaned)
What's your total ao3 word count?
966,792. God, I'd love to hit 1 million before the end of the year, but that's extremely unlikely.
What fandoms do you write for?
Way too many. The main are: The Terror, MDZS, Disco Elysium, Harry Potter, Good Omens.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Salinity (And Other Measurements of Brackish Water) [Good Omens]: 3094 how a resurrection really feels [Disco Elysium]: 1479 Vigil Strange [The Magnus Archives]: 1266 the art of asking your boss for a raise [Succession]: 1154 no son of mine [Beyond Evil]: 993
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but I get easily overwhelmed and sometimes don't. I feel awful about it, I'm so sorry. I am so grateful for every comment, truly.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess it depends what you consider angstier? I have some centered around grief and loss and some focused on fucked-up relationships and characters continuing to make choices that hurt them. It's kind of cheating to say Asterius is my choice, considering that I haven't published the end of it yet, but anyone familiar with the story of Theseus and the Minotaur should hear the beat of the story I'm telling there.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
For some reason, I think it's either The Passion or How A Resurrection Really Feels. A believable happiness feels the most relatable to me, and two middle-aged, damaged-but-still-here-godammit men finding a bit of comfort in the midst of all of it just feels right. Like a comfortable boiled wool jacket just a little big in the shoulders. The one that smells like your father's cologne. That kind of warmth.
Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah. It was really bad for awhile, and was the main reason I left Good Omens and turned off comments and orphaned Salinity. I'm pretty desensitized to it now.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write pretty much only smut. I don't know what I'd categorize it as other than that tbh.
Do you write crossovers?
No, never felt the interest.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! It was a really cool experience and I felt really honored.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I've tried to but I'm terrible at it. It doesn't help that I've had terrible writer's block for the past several years though.
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I have no idea how to answer this. All of them I've ever shipped?
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Revachol Calling. God, I want to finish it so badly. There was a very specific something in me while I was writing it, and then a lot of everything happened. Anyway, I've lost it, that je ne sais quoi. I started replaying Disco Elysium again recently, so maybe it will come back. Here's hoping.
What are your writing strengths?
Imitation. Hearing the music in a sentence. Being fascinated by everything and bogging the reader down in necklaces of useless fact.
What are your writing weaknesses?
See above, turn it up to eleven.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?:
Not unless I'm reasonably fluent and confident in the language.
First fandom you wrote for:
Ghost Story, for Harry Potter, first posted in December 2018. It's surreal to think that it's been five years. What a strange five years.
Favorite Fic You've Written?
Either Revachol Calling (for Disco Elysium) or Blood, Bones, and Butter (for MDZS). I think there's something deeply personal about Revachol Calling that both makes me struggle with it but also resonate the most with it.
For Blood, Bones, and Butter, it was one of the more fun fics I've ever written and I really enjoyed being able to add layers to what the reader knew by simply adding an additional viewpoint, kinda triangulating their messy beginning through three men who are each extremely certain that they're correct. (Yeah, I'd watched Rashomon recently, why do you ask). That's the fascinating thing about songxuexiao for me, each of them is so certain they've got the others all figured out, but they're also all holding back aspects of their own interiority.
Either way, they're both important to me.
Tagging: @pearwaldorf, @et-in-arkadia, @danpuff-ao3, and anyone else who likes!
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
I assume the are some demeaning and offensive jokes about demons told by sorceresses and angels. How would demons react to a new exhange student who tells those jokes all the time.
Hi! I tried my best, I hope you like it!
the obey me cast when mc tells bad jokes
-> brothers + diavolo and barbatos
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mc implied to tell bad offensive jokes (??), sabotaging food (barbatos' part)
you can say whatever horrible joke as long as it's not about him or diavolo directly
also don't you dare tell any of them when you're in public he will lecture you
lucifer thinks you're only making yourself look like a fool with these jokes, not his business and therefore he doesn't care most of the time
he might laugh if you are insulting one of his brothers
but if the joke is aimed at him? mammon will not be happy
'oh you think that's funny? ya looking for a fight?'
said fight is either playfighting or ends up with both of you strung from the ceiling
levi will start insulting himself when he hears you make any joke
'ah yes, mc, not only am I a demon, but I am also a filthy gross otaku-'
depending on how much he likes you he might also genuinely get sad over the jokes
so, maybe don't tell bad jokes, especially around levi
he doesn't care, he thinks you're just looking for a fight or you're just a fool for telling these jokes in the devildom of all places
if you get in trouble at rad or something don't come running to him
but if the joke is aimed at satan himself, that might not have been your best idea
sometimes solomon makes these jokes too, so he got pretty desensitized to them
but he will never be okay with a joke directly aimed at him
in fact he might not forgive you for days depending on how bad it was
maybe he'll hit you back with the most vile, diabolical, creative and painful insult
doesn't care in any scenario, even if it's directly meant to insult him
'hmm, what did you say? okay'
and then he proceeds to continue eating his cheeseburger
beel might side eye you when you're joking about his brothers but that's it
same as beel, only he might be a little more offended when it's about family other than lucifer
but belphie's kind of snarky for somebody who doesn't care
'mc, listen, I don't care, find a hobby'
sometimes he'll tell a joke about you to get back at you
he's heard jokes like this before, and as long as it's not meant to offend anyone he's cool with it
if it is, that's what the exchange program is for, to strengthen bonds between the three worlds and help these jokes with bad intentions out of the worlds
also if it's aimed at him he'll act like he's not a little mad
he shares the same mindset as diavolo, but when his master is being insulted he will get mad
you can tell jokes about barbatos himself all you want, but leave diavolo alone
this applies to both you and solomon (who he's heard saying these jokes)
one time solomon insulted diavolo and barbatos put rocks in his cake
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
More brainrot of the modern isakai AU but imagine if it was Venti’s first Halloween. Imagine reader telling him he can wear his normal clothes again and he cheerfully does so, trick or treaters immediately saying what a good Venti costume that is.
Imagine if Venti sees an actual scary costume and thinks reader is in trouble. He’s so confused lol
☁️ anon
Halloween time!!!
Halloween and cons are pretty much the only time he can don his default attire in public, so he's gotta take advantage of that of course
But he'd get an absolute kick out of trick or treating, despite the weird looks both of you get for being 'too old', would straight up grab your hand and run from house to house while laughing, sneaks all of his really good candy into your bag though
Maybe make sure to keep an eye on exactly how much candy he eats too, he could probably get sick pretty easily from it
But it's another opportunity for him to explore your worlds traditions, so learning as much about it as he can allows him to recreate it when you do finally go to Teyvat
I'm telling you he would probably go all out, I'm talking full decorating whatever place you share together with all those fake spider webs that are really annoying and lights and other fun things
I also think he would be super into matching costumes, like the really stupid ones, if you happen to know of any Halloween parties you're going to he insists on wearing them together
And then imagine one of your friends ends up dressing as some slasher killer for said party and starts acting it out with you, but it's not like Venti knows any better, that might not end well—
Let's just hope he doesn't act on his instinct to immediately throw the guy 50 feet away with a controlled wind blast, you might not be able to play that one off
Ok here me out, horror movie marathons
I personally love horror movie, so just the dynamic where you're totally fine enjoying it and Venti's about to have a heart attack, full on wided eyed hiding his face against you at the really bad parts, nervous laughing at the dread inducing suspense music
I'd say it's debatable whether or not he'd be more sensitive to that stuff or less sensitive, on one hand it's hard to be desensitized to it when you don't actively watch it very often, it's not like they just have incredibly violent and gory movies in Teyvat and some of it can look very realistic, but on the other hand war criminal and all, so—
In conclusion yeah, he's gonna give anything you like a try obv, and I feel like he'd easily get into the spirit of things, got to make sure that every day you spend with him is better than any day you spend without, which especially includes holidays
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lizhly-writes · 7 months
cnovel shenanigans: a different kind of twins au. had this in my giant wip document in a while, decided to polish it up to take a break on what i'm supposed to be working on. surprise! it's yang haoshu and yang haoran (og).
Yang Haoshu glanced at the door that linked her room to her brother’s.  At the ever-auspicious hour of four in the morning, there was still light seeping out from under it.  Maybe Yang Haoran was passed out on his desk with the lamp still on, like he’d been prone to when they were younger; maybe he was still obediently, diligently hard at work.
There was really only one way to find out.  Delicately, Yang Haoshu twisted the doorknob and stepped inside.
Yes, he was clearly awake, squinting at his desktop monitors, one hand tapping at his keyboard and the other scribbling in a notebook.  He didn’t notice her as she stepped in, didn’t notice her as she got closer, didn’t notice her as she hovered a hand over his shoulder.
He very much noticed when she slapped her hand down.
It was a little like watching a bomb go off – body going tense, whirling around with sharp, furious, motion, ready to bite off the head of anyone who even looked at him wrong –
“Hi, it’s me, your sister!” Yang Haoshu said.
She did so in a cheerful, innocently oblivious voice, the kind that heightened mild annoyance into pure rage.  It always worked well enough on Jiang Mingxi.
It didn’t have any real effect on Yang Haoran, desensitized by long-term exposure. He simply sighed, rubbing at his eyes.  “Haoshu.  What are you doing up.”
“I just woke up,” Yang Haoshu said.  “Because unlike you, I went to bed at a regular time.  Don’t you know that staying up after midnight is bad for your skin?  What will happen to your pretty face then, huh?”
Said pretty face twisted in distaste. “Don’t start that again, is it so important to you that I care about how I look –”
“It seems like such a shame to finally win the looks competition just because you don’t care.  This is the sort of sentiment that’ll make you old before your time, you know?  You’ll look forty at age twenty–”
“Haoshu,” Yang Haoran said forcefully.  “What do you want.” He was twitching faintly.  If it was because of irritation, no harm done.  If it was sleep deprivation, though…
When was the last time her darling brother got a full night’s sleep, anyway?
“Nothing, really,” Yang Haoshu said, instead of straightforwardly asking this question.  “I just wanted to see what you were doing.”  She leaned forward, peering at the neatly arranged windows on his monitor.  “You’re trying to get up-to-date with company info?  What a good, dutiful son you are, hmm?”
Yang Haoran bristled preemptively.  “Don’t start that again.”
“What am I starting?  I thought you liked being told you were such a good boy.”
“Why do you have to make me sound like a dog.”
“But aren’t you, though?  I mean–” Yang Haoshu gestured at his notebook for emphasis – “look at you!  Diligently learning what needs to be learned!  Unwaveringly doing whatever your owners want!  Did Mother or Father even tell you do this?  I don’t think they did!  You’re jumping to heel without even being told!  How well-trained!  What a good prize hound!  If they enter you in a competition, you’re award-winning for sure!”
“Did you only come in here because you wanted to call me a dog first thing in the morning?”  Yang Haoran said, hackles raising, his pen stabbing into – no, through – the notebook by the strength of pure irritation.  Well done, gege! “You couldn’t have even waited until breakfast?  Did you just want to be certain this was the first thing I heard all day? Are you really this bored?  You really don’t have anything better to do?  Here’s a suggestion: sleep.  Didn’t you just say staying up after midnight is bad for your skin?”
“Now, isn’t that hypocritical, A-Ran?  After all, you’re still awake, killing yourself trying to be as good as Da-jie, aren’t you?”
Yang Haoran narrowed his eyes.   If she had been a stranger, he probably would tried to kill her (subtly!) for saying this kind of thing, but Yang Haoshu had the advantage of being the only sibling he liked.  Instead of going for the throat, he only said, “Get out.” 
“Really?  You could at least let me finish.”
“You give me the same lecture every time.  It gets old, I don’t need a refresher.”
“You always need a refresher, because you never understand my point.”
“Your point is that I should give up,” Yang Haoran said flatly.  “What’s to understand?”
“You make it sound so bad. It’s good advice, I’ll have you know.”
Yang Haoran wasn’t the only one who had tried living up to their parents’ expectations, after all.  Yang Haoshu had done the same; it was just that, unlike him, she had realized that there was absolutely nothing she could do that could ever compare to what Yang Haoli had done before the both of them.
Grades, talent, skill, intelligence, pure fucking luck – Yang Haoli would always beat them both.  When it came to their parents’ attention, Yang Haoran and Yang Haoshu would always lose.
The only way to win was not to play.
“What, you’re saying I should be like you?” Yang Haoran said derisively, who had never been convinced of this line of thought. “Accomplishing nothing of any importance, failing at the very start just because I can’t be bothered to try for a higher standard?  Just because you can do it doesn’t mean I can do the same.”
Ouch, gege.  If Yang Haoshu was anyone else, she might be – y’know – hurt.
“That’s a pretty uncharitable way of looking at it,” Yang Haoshu said.  “You sound just like Ming-jie.  She says this sort of thing about me, too.  You know, about how I’m irresponsible and taking my privilege for granted and how I’m wasting all my time on frivolous things.”
His expression twisted, obviously dissatisfied.  Wasn’t this what he just said, in different words?  But ah, it was only gege who was allowed to insult his very cute meimei, huh?  Even his fiancee wasn’t allowed!  One could even say that especially his fiancee wasn’t allowed!
There weren’t very many people Yang Haoran hated more than Jiang Mingxi, after all. 
“But then again, maybe I should expect this from you,” Yang Haoshu said.  “You’ve been getting along much better with Ming-jie lately, so maybe it’s not so much of a surprise that husband and wife are speaking with the same mouth.  All those ‘training spars’ alone – ”
“What exactly are you trying to say here,” Yang Haoran said, scowling heavily, which was disappointing, she was honestly hoping to get a more telling reaction out of him.
“What, me? Am I trying to say anything?  Who’s trying to say anything? I’m straightforwardly implying you two fucked, but that’s just a guess on my–”
“Do you want to die, is that it? I can help you with that.”
“So touchy, A-Ran.  Picking up habits from Ming-jie, aren’t you?  She’s such a bad influence, I should tell her to stop infecting my brother with her delicate sensibilities.  It’s no good to be so…”  Yang Haoshu clicked her tongue.  “Emotional.”
The corner of his mouth twitched.  It wasn’t a smile.  But it wasn’t not a smile.  Yang Haoshu had finally steered the conversation into territory they both liked: making fun of Jiang Mingxi. “If you tell her that,” he drawled, “you really will die. Calling her delicate and emotional – do you have a death wish?”
Yang Haoshu blinked innocently. “But gege will defend me though?”
Now that was a smile – a little too sharp to be presentable, but a smile, nonetheless.  “Defend you? How do you know I won’t help her?  You keep saying that we’re getting along so well lately, after all.”
Ah, A-Ran was always so happy when he got to be mean.
“That would be such a betrayal,” she pouts.  “How could you?  And when I’m always on your side when Ming-jie attacks you–”
“You’re on my side because you think it’s fun.”
Well.  That wasn’t wrong. It was incredibly fun antagonizing Jiang Mingxi, which was why Yang Haoshu did it so often.
Still, Yang Haoshu pressed a hand over her heart, mock-hurt.  “How could you say that, can’t it just be that I care?”
He scoffed, like he always did at the thought of anyone doing something as plebeian as caring about him. 
Yang Haoshu was really so tired.
“And because I care so much–” she patted his shoulder.  “I’m telling you to go to sleep, A-Ran.”
“Haoshu.  I have things to do.”
“You’re really driving yourself to an early grave, you know,” Yang Haoshu said, and, because she knew that Yang Haoran had never really been afraid of dying young, she added, “Anyway, do you think you do good work when you’re sleep-deprived?”
Yang Haoran paused. Yes, she had him there – he didn’t give a shit about his health, but when it came to his work quality, that was something he cared very much about.  
“It’s fine,” he said.  To anyone else, he would have sounded really rather sure of himself.  To Yang Haoshu?
He did very well with sleep deprivation, she knew.  Much better than the average person, just like Yang Haoshu, and like-but-not-quite-like Yang Haoli. But even he had his limits, and while those limits were very high –
“When was the last time my darling brother got a full night’s sleep, anyway?”
Yang Haoshu didn’t know the answer.  She was betting neither did Yang Haoran.
“It’s fine,” he repeated, as if saying it with enough force would be enough to make it true.
“Is it?  Oh, but what do I know.  It’s not like I’m used to looking at this.” She tapped the row of numbers on the screen – revenue, profit, expense, debt.  Quarterly reports for the family company and quarterly reports for every single other competitor they had. 
All meaningless garbage.  
“Gege is so accomplished,” Yang Haoshu said.  “So sure you haven’t, ah… misplaced a number somewhere?”
If Yang Haoshu had wanted to be mean, she would’ve added something about Yang Haoli – how reliable their jiejie was, a machine that never needed to shut down for maintenance, no sleep no food no drink necessary for perfect work.  It would have even been true.  Their older sister, inhumanly perfect, impossible to live up to, worthless to try against.
But that would really do nothing but start a fight.
It was 4AM. Yang Haoshu really had better things to do – sleep, for one.
“Go to bed, A-Ran.  I promise you’ll be much more efficient in… well, I’d say in the morning, but we’re already there, aren’t we?”
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
Finished watching “House of The Dragon” for the first time a few weeks age and for the most part I really enjoyed it. But then then I started involving myself in fandom discussions ….is it weird that I thought it was weird how many people shipped Daemon and Rhaneyra? I would like to point out that I’ve not read Fire&Blood yet so maybe their relationship is different/better in the books but.....show wise I haven’t really seen anything to make me want anything they have (in their romantic relationship that is) for myself. Then the fact that he’s her Uncle has always rubbed me the wrong way. Of course people can ship what they want and I’m not trying to shame them or anything like that but it’s just a little weird to me.
I’ve been on the internet for a long while now so of course I know that fictional and real world incest exists and that there are different literatures that have incestuous relationships but for the most part (from what I’ve seen) either the book/show/movie paints it in a bad way or the actual fandom itself points out that it’s weird and unhealthy because it’s incest. I think “House Of The Dragon” may be the first show I’ve seen to do otherwise. Maybe I haven’t been properly “desensitized” to it since this is the first time I’ve ever really had an interest in anything by or based off of George R. R. Martin’s work. So tell me are the relationship(s) different in the books? Better? Worse?
It is very odd and no their relationship isn’t described as any better/romantic in Fire & Blood. In fact you could make the argument that it’s worse considering 1/2 of the passages that Dumbnyra stans argue show Daemon and Rhaenyra’s “love” are when she’s underage🙃
She’s like 8 here and Daemon is in his 20s:
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Oh so romantic. Daemon loves his niece so much except gasp he took away his affection once he knew that she was going to be made his brothers heir and not himself:
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He comes back though when he realizes he can be closer to the throne if he compromises her and forces daddies hand. Being groomed and having your rep ruined is the stuff of Jane Austen novels😍 She’s 14 here and Daemon is 30:
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Does it get better when Rhaenyra is finally legal? Nope.
Here they marry six months after both their spouses die which they claim is “romantic,” but it really reads more like a quickie wedding cause Rhaenyra got pregnant(and if they were really f*cking while Laena is alive why didn’t her dumba** get pregnant with Daemon’s silver haired child to throw off the scent that her children aren’t Laenor’s and why didn’t Daemon get her pregnant if he couldn’t stand to be apart from her and wanted to “protect” her🙃):
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They also try to argue that Daemon(after disobeying his wife and queen's orders to save the actual woman he loved) died for Rhaenyra cause he’s taking out her greatest threat:
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Even though her greatest threat is Daeron who has an army in addition to a dragon:
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Keep in mind this was even before Ulf and Hugh betray Rhaenyra which may or may not have been in that letter, but Daemon for sure knows the greatest threat to Rhaenyra’s safety/reign is Daeron and not Aemond. Aemond was the minor leagues and getting himself “killed” to take him out did little to help Rhaenyra out. She’s most certainly be in dead water after he’s dead because she’d no longer have the dragons needed to win. They’d technically be tied at first, but one of her dragonriders is a child who’d easily be killed. It becomes a 2:3 fight and yeah Addam (bless him cause he actually should’ve left her behind) and Rhaenyra are going down.
And Rhaenyra even considers his abandoning her and saving Nettles an act of betrayal:
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They try to use the book to support their ship, but if you read there is nothing romantic about this ship.
Very few prior to this show were hardcore Dumbnyra stans. In fact, most people said Laena was Daemon's greatest love(as a Nettles girl I don’t agree with this), but they screwed her and their relationship over on the show after they race-bent her.
Dumbnyra stans for whatever reason watched the show and thought a man grooming his underage niece (they call the scene where he’s giving her a necklace at 14 romantic) because he wanted to be closer to the throne/his bro was the hottest thing since sliced bread so they’ve said and done any and everything to support their delusions.
Dumbnyra only has the fanbase it does because it’s the only “real romantic pairing” with two white leads on the show thus far. They don’t really care about incest(although it’s a bonus to some of the extremely mentally ill members of their cult) they just like that they are two blonde haired white people. Plus this ship kinda has a built in fanbase(Jonerys, another another dry incest ship. They've not met in the books yet, but it's probably hearing that way if George ever finishes the books🙃).
A great deal of the shippers who do ship Dumbnyra do so because they thought for whatever reason Dumbnyra on HOTD would be Jonerys 2.0 done right since their last ship ended like this😊:
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Honestly Dumbnyra shippers set themselves up for failure cause Dumbnyra was never supposed to be this epic romance that they made it out to be in their delusional little heads(a man giving his 14 year old niece jewelry isn’t the romantic serve they think it is and abandoning her in a brothel sure as hell isn’t hot. Those are literally the “best moments” of their ship on screen unless you want to count that beach scene🤣).
Which is why they gloated over Laena being screwed over (and still are obsessed with her despite the fact that she suffered from biased writing), tried to say that older!Dumbnyra have “mature chemistry” when two rocks have more chemistry than they do, why they started spazzing out after choke gate(which up until that point 90% still acted like this ship was the sh*t), and why anytime you bring up Nettles they have a panic attack and pretend like she won’t be on the show 🤣 It’s a sight to see.
I wouldn’t rag on them so much if they weren’t proven to be racist morons, but alas they seemingly can’t help targeting Black characters and Black fans(besides the ones who tap dance for them) with harassment so at this point f*ck 99% of them 🤷🏽‍♀️
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exilethegame · 2 years
since most commanders have fangs (except for phoenix commander if i'm not mistaken), i wonder how the ROs would react to commander accidentally biting them when they're kissing like who would make fun of it, who would end up liking it etc? 👀 and also!! jost and nikke have fangs too, right? imagine commander trying to kiss one of them and like they bite each other or their fangs clash 😭😭 idk it just sounds so funny in my head
There'll definitely be fang shenanigans... I mean, how could you have characters with fangs and not???
That being said, answers are beneath the cut!
Vethna is totally into fangs, but they will never admit it no matter how painfully obvious it is. They're 110% into biting of any and all kinds, and don't mind if a bit of blood is drawn, either. (If you really want to get them flustered, bite their neck.)
Nikke + Jost: Fangs + gorgons go hand in hand, so any fang things are just culturally normal to them. Clashing teeth, accidentally nicking a lip, etc, etc are just normal non-human things and aren't enough to really warrant a reaction other than maybe an amused or annoyed huff.
That being said, I've mentioned in the past that biting your partner as a gorgon is actually culturally common. Committed partners tend to purposely inject the other with venom to slowly build up their partners immunity to avoid any accidents from occurring. It's also just a general sign of trust from both parties-- one trusts the other not to hurt them, and the other is slowly giving up their most powerful defense.
Amilia: ... uh, she can be a versatile lover. There's also two main ways for her personality to go, so depending on how she develops in your game, she can go one of two ways.
1.) Does not enjoy being bitten at all-- doesn't like the pain, is generally scared of blood, reminds her of some not-so-great memories in her past, etc. A bad accidental bite could be enough to completely frighten her for a few minutes.
2.) Doesn't mind being bitten, kinda likes it, but only when things are steamy and you're both worked up. Otherwise, she's just kinda 'eh' about it.
Sabir: Is into the feeling of MC's fangs against his skin but doesn't actually want like... pressure. A little nibble is fine, but nothing rough or painful. Just enough to make the adrenaline start going and to fill the mind with anticipation.
If MC accidentally nicked him or bit him, it'd probably yank him out of the moment a bit depending on the situation and how bad the bite is. He's the one most likely to just brush over it with a little teasing.
Syfyn: Syfyn actually also has fangs-- and honestly, if your teeth kept clashing or something she'd genuinely get all pissed and worked up which can either work in or against MC's favor depending on what MC's into lol.
Otherwise, Syfyn's fine with biting and being bitten-- sometimes she's super into it, other times she's not. She'll be sure to let you know real quick in the moment.
Freedom: Also has fangs... and is also pretty desensitized to any fang shenanigans to the point there's not really much to write about.
That being said, they would enjoy being bitten. They're very big on sensuality of all forms, and aren't afraid of a bit of pain. It's all part of at the physical experience, no? And who says passion should only be expressed through pleasant things?
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phlyaros · 9 months
need more on that monster attracted to death benry au STAT. it's so good actually
Firefox fucking crashed while I was typing this the first time im going to kill god. Tysm but god typing all this out again WOOF.
Okay so it starts here with “I use au's and shipping to explore concepts/characterization that I feel is overlooked/unexplored in canon” and Benry already has a lot of associations with death to me (the skeletons, his explicit dying whereas everyone else has other explanations, his 'song of death', “there are no predetermined deaths”, him being a inscrutable and inevitable force that is only your enemy if you make him so)
this is a horror-aligned thing so uh body horror and other violence under the cut
I have other stories with benry that explore his relationship with death as well, this is just the one where Benry understands how fucking bad it is for Gordon in the first place and it's more of an interpersonal conflict than one of misunderstandings. They still do misunderstand each other but like.
Anyways most of the basic stuff also goes for how I generally interpret Benry; he's a simulacrum of human life basically. He's always been dead, he's never been dead, he's always been alive and he's currently living. I made a thing a while back out of cut up wiki pages to try and explain what I think of him better but never got around to prettying it up.
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Anyways. He's something like that one interpretation of a changeling to me; something that's usurped the body and eaten it from the inside out, until all that's left is him. Partially this is a plural thing to me. Old host chipped away over time until it's something else entirely. Whoever he was before doesn't exist anymore. There is only Benry. (what is benry? well, he is.)
And so uh, Deathry specifically is the horse edition of this. He actually looks human most of the time but it's fun to draw him as silly little beasts. Deathry as established is drawn to death; he feeds from this somehow (the horror hunger enjoyer in me said so) but i'm not sure yet if it's a physical sort of eating or more of an energy-based one. Leaning to both, like a vampire.
I tried making him as compatible with canon as possible on the mechanical level at first. Something that's drawn to the doomed and the damned? Well, we all know what the rescas was like. I think he's just so desensitized to death that he does understand the gravity of it on a deeper level but nobody cared when HE died so why bother.
The story itself isn't compatible though because I was listening to my fucked up and evil music and thought to myself “well if two guys were out hiking alone in the woods and one tried to kill the other with an axe would that be fucked up or what” and now that's thoroughly lodged in my head. and uhhhh the personal drama of it all.
Listen. I am a gay man. I think about frenrey and think about them choking each other to death and I giggle and swing my feet. I love when they are violence and killing.
But also I am a gay man and thinking about a literal embodiment of the condition of death sitting in a tent as the guy he personally cut the arm off of (yes, him, personally!) is slowly succumbing to the cold; wrapping Gordon in his jacket, quietly laying on top of Gordon as the weather gets worse through the night, unsure of what else he can do... comparing Gordon's blackened frostbitten fingers interlaced with his own skeletal black hands, Gordon's slowly crawling pulse to his maybe one heartbeat a minute, Gordon's once loud and comprehensive speech slowly descending to confused muttering, becoming more like him. More like dead. The rituals are intricate okay.
And uh something that makes me crazy is that Benry in canon was explicitly the thing that was holding the rift between worlds open and he didn't even. Notice. With Deathry that sheer power manifests as freak weather events, flocks of birds dropping dead mid-flight, interrupting radio signals, making compasses go crazy. That sort of shit.
Deathry also takes pictures in places he ends up. Gordon is fucking flabbergasted at the underwater caves, dive bells from the outside, impossible angles on known landmarks, but it makes sense to him later. Gordon's probably more riled up by all the random shit Benry's collected over the years - what do you mean you don't want this coat covered in decomp?? aren't you cold??
Anyway. Au is also a fun excuse to think about frenrey shenanigans. Turns up in a hospital after being missing for 3 months raving about a guy who defies all physics with wounds that are only a few days old. Thinks about him for the next month until he randomly shows the fuck up with photos of Gordon bleeding in the snow with benry posed with the axe in front of him like they're having a fun girls night out
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hag-o-hags · 28 days
There's a trainer in my area who's apparently considered a ~wonderworker~ with Problem Dogs. My friend took her boy to this lady's program and came back with
Detailed instructions for using the shock collar
Spray bottle
Wand of Rolled Up Newspaper
Bigger issue with defensiveness over the dog's behavior, reactivity, and needs than before
NOW, this poor boy won the Behavioural Issues Lottery
(weened at 4 weeks)
(because his dam was too young and trying to kill her litter)
(herding dog mix)
(first 13ish months living mostly in an apartment)
(mom works in the hospitality industry so schedule and stability for dog is NOT GREAT!)
(several issues with VERY BAD pet sitters) (all relatives of mom or other mom) (moms were furious and none of those people are allowed to be alone with EITHER dog)
so like. I'm not at all gonna pretend like this kiddo doesn't have some pretty bad issues. I've been on the receiving end of his warnings a couple times, but he was warning me -- very clear visual snarl that he didn't want me near the barrier that he was behind (kennel once, pet gate once). I backed off and we were immediately cool. I got some sniffs when we were back on the same side of the gate.
And that's my thing with this boy. He's got Needs. Me too man, I'm right there with you.
I'm pet sitting right now, and in all honesty, all we're doing is hanging out. Nobody's getting redirected beyond "don't jump on me, and quit mouthing my sleeve". We had one incident of Misdemeanor Countersurfing and Resource Guarding with Intent. And I know -- I know -- how scary and intimidating it is to be on the receiving end of a reactive dog's warning! Second Mom is very scared of trying to take food from him and they have a whole protocol that uses the Wondertrainer's techniques.
But all he needed to give up the forbidden food was a normal ass dog biscuit. Swapsies, nabbed the remains, reactivity back to zero.
This dog, not least because of Our Lady of Aversion Training, is treated like a live grenade and the moment something SLIGHTLY bad happens, oh god no, klaxons, strobing lights, women and children to the lifeboats first.
He's not, though, he's just a boy who has had ALL his boundaries and communication ignored, and people are stressed out AT him. All the time. I'm sitting outside writing this, and the dogs run up, get up in my business hoping that this is a Sharing Doughnut I've got here (NOPE!!!!!) We started this weekend with him kinda sorta being okay with some ear scritches after he gave my hand a good sniff. This morning he wasn't fully sure about me initiating head pets, but he communicates that super clearly if you know what you're looking at. I'd offer, he'd get tense, I'd back off, and WHAT DO YOU FUCKIN KNOW. Now he running up and shoving his head into my elbow for pets.
BECAUSE IT WASN'T A BIG DEAL WHEN HE TOLD ME NO. Nothing he can do can make me freak out, so HE'S not gonna freak out.
Super bonus, I've been working on muzzle desensitizing with him as well, because right now the method is Mom And Only Mom Traps Him And Tough Tits If You Miss The First Time, Call The Vet to Say We'll Be Really Really Late. Which. Mmrg. Muzzle was a requirement to attend the Wonderclasses, which I get, it's a basket muzzle, we want everyone to stay safe. I guess the instructions were "Bring the dog muzzled and shock collared and be prepared to zap him if he gets aggressive or out of line." (FUCKIN. WHAT ARE PEOPLE PAYING THIS LADY FOR. JESUS FUCKING. SHRIEK.) (I mean where even is the fucking spray bottle in this hierarchy? FUCK.)
Anyway, boyo does not care if I walk around with the muzzle, will HAPPILY eat peanut butter off a plate with the muzzle ... this is a very, very teachable dog. He's not a live grenade, he's like. At WORST a firework. If you're a moron and you fuck around, sure. Finding out may involve losing your arm. But MAYBE you shouldn't have been fucking around that hard and engaged your giant primate brain for 12 seconds. Don't try to douse a fire with gasoline maybe?
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the debut season of the Camp Camp webseries by Rooster Teeth. change & alter as needed.
“What a waste of time! We could be working on that flamethrower right about now!”
“You know, Juliet should have done karate instead of kissing boys. Maybe she wouldn’t have died then.”
“You’re just adding to my anxiety!”
“All right, people, get your shit together!”
“I’ve been told to tell you no.”
“I would just like to apologize for the sheer absurdness that you’ve witnessed.”
“You’re not going to do anyone any good if you keep letting [name] get to you like this.”
“The moon landings were a hoax filmed in Area 51, orchestrated by the government as a publicity stunt designed to humiliate the Russians in the space race.”
“I know what you’re thinking... and you’re totally right.”
“What do you mean, ‘we’?! This is all you!”
“I just wanted to show him that his entire philosophical outlook on life is flawed, and that the fundamental beliefs and ideologies he holds so dearly are trivial, so he’ll start crying himself to sleep like the rest of us! I’m not a monster!”
“I’m suddenly regretting multiple recent choices.”
“I am not moving back in with my parents.”
“I can’t do this alone, which means that you’ve got to pull yourself together!”
“Okay, maybe don’t phrase it like that.”
“What if we just, I don’t know, give him a hug? That always makes me feel better.”
“I just want to have his British babies!”
“You know, my uncle believed in tough love. Turns out that Child Protective Services didn’t, though.”
“You’re not like the other kids. You’re bad.”
“Being tough isn’t the same as being an asshole.”
“We are going to do things my way — with aggressive pacifism!”
“Big deal. It’s not like I’m gonna lose sleep over it.”
“What irks me is that the math just isn’t there, you know?”
“I’m gonna go get some breakfast before this scars me for life.”
“Magic only works for those who believe in it.”
“I’m gonna go sit in the shower for a while.”
“I was just gonna throw them away, but that was way cooler.”
“[Name], don’t do this! You’re not properly trained in the ways of magic!”
“Look, man, I’m a sheep. I don’t ask questions.”
“You want to throw this whole thing and roast ants with a magnifying glass?”
“Darn it, [name], you know I’ve got a crippling gambling addiction!”
“I think I speak for all of us when I say I don’t want to become some fascist militant peon.”
“[Name], don’t break character!”
“Do good every day? That’s just bad grammar.”
“So, can my prize be cigarettes?”
“I can’t believe I frenched a platypus for this!”
“Life sucks, and we live in a world of desensitized, apathetic assholes. Why don’t you just get with the program, and stop giving a shit?”
“That’s why I’ll never stop trying. Because somebody fucking has to.”
“Do not look too deeply into this!”
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tarrenterror25 · 8 months
Entering your Fear Lounge one last time to request 🕸️ Caught! Klaue taking your mind off being jumpy from a scary movie night maybe? 👀🖤🖤🖤
🕸️ Caught! - Send in a character with a prompt/theme and I will write a drabble for you! (Less than 500 words)
Fear Lounge
THIS!! 💕 Love your mind, Amalia!!! This is so soft and we could all definitely use more soft Klaue!!
I hope you like it! 💕🕸️
Soft!Klaue x Reader and comforting you after a horror movie.
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Ulysses forgets that you're not as desensitized to some things like he is he's seen real life horrors.
Klaue is a black-market arms dealer so of course movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre wouldn't bother him. In fact, he found them a bit silly at times. The blood and gore are always so over the top and he often has to restrain himself from providing his own commentary during the films lest he break the immersion for you.
In hindsight, maybe staying quiet this time was a bad idea.
As the two of you clean up the remains of dinner, Klaue notices how uneasy you are.
Your phone chimes and you nearly jump out of your skin with a sharp gasp.
Klaue chuckles a bit, but quickly stifles himself at seeing your hand on your chest as you try to calm yourself.
“Don’t think the movie was such a good idea, love,” he says.
“What? No, no, I’m fine,” you say, though it sounds more like you’re trying to convince yourself rather than him. “I just need to- “
You stow away the leftovers in the fridge and scream when Klaue’s hand barely grazes your shoulder. He quickly retreats his hand. “Hey! Hey!” he says. “Just me!”
Your back against the fridge, you let out a huge sigh of relief. “Oh god….sorry, I just…”
The movie definitely wasn’t a good idea.
“Come here, love,” Klaue says.
Klaue works to take your mind off the movie and the horrific thoughts running in your mind. He offers that the two of you check on those Halloween themed “gingerbread” houses you started on. Klaue smiles and eats a few pieces of candy from the cookie graveyard and feeds you a tombstone cookie.
“How about tomorrow we go pick out those pumpkins you want?”
You start to answer, but a noise outside catches your attention.
“Hey,” Klaue says gently as he steps to you and takes your chin in his hand and makes you look at him.
You look into his blue eyes for a moment and he pulls you into a comforting embrace, one arm around you while his other hand cradles your head against him, thumb gently stroking your hair.
The two of you return to the couch, but this time you watch a horror movie that’s less gore and jumpscare oriented. It’s a monster movie so it has more intrigue and this seems to occupy your mind. Twenty minutes into it and you’ve stopped looking over your shoulder at the slightest of sounds. Klaue has his arm around you as you lean against him. He retrieved your favorite blanket and helped you get settled in on the couch next to him with some pillows.
He kisses the top of your head. The gesture is gentle and tender, his lips lingering a bit. You relax into his embrace, a sense of comfort washing over you.
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growling · 2 months
I recently remembered your au where Yuma quits being a detective after the train and Yomi is caught for his crimes much earlier and they meet
They'd have such a fascinating dynamic... plus with Shinigami in the mix it'd be so funny. Yuma's a magnet for trouble and I can imagine Yomi just continually flabbergasted over just how much trouble Yuma brings to the table accidentally. Not to mention how much Yomi himself brings, being on the run in a city he can't leave
zkajsdhkwadiadkj this ask made me stim for minutes before I could coherently answer.. omg people think about my older stuff still....
I've used to like have. Very. A Lot of those Yuma + Yomi forced to interact aus, most notably
Prrrreetty much same premise as this one, except Yomi doesn't get booted out the company and it's just Yuma wandering around (alone) (fucking loser) until he accidentially ends up somewhat benefiting the peacekeepers with his instakill torment labirynth powers when he uses it once after arriving in KW in front of them and now he's stuck working for the guys if he wants to keep his spleen. Nobody has any fucking idea about him having a pact with a shinigami of course (most of them thinks its some extremely op forte. they do have other theories though. some of them scarily close), but all Yomi has to know from his Polite Interrogation is that if Yuma can stop time to solve any mystery and if he succeeds the culprit drops dead. He has lost his only hitman so far just a few days ago (F.Zilch/Aide rip in fucking rest) so Yuma sounds like a great deal and a decent replacement, especially with his killings being instant leaving zero marks -- while he won't ever truly replace Aide as one of his closest advisors and the person he was to him, (and Yomi will never hesistate to scream at him about it every single day) (but he still simultaneously treats him like one, why couldn't you act more like that dead guy that really liked me that you will never be like no matter what you do, you know his death matches what you did to that other guy right when we first found you? if you really did kill him too which I already made up my mind about you must really make up for that sin by filling in the hole he left which you can never do by the way, and by acting like you can would be insulting his memory (and me) almost as much as it would if you didn't even try, anyway here's your paycheck for this week *hands him 30000 shien which makes Yuma feel slightly better*), as long as he can keep killing people and being such a pleasure to have at meetings (but be careful!). Yuma's main "job" is to find out the identities of people (or just the exact intricacies of their actions) who are actively wronging or interfering with Amaterasu corp and then make them go poof. Though Yomi never sics him on Huesca despite complaining about him so much, for some reason. Yuma is so stressed the whole terrible, no good, very bad time he's at KW, his health starts rapidly declining, and due to being extra irritable from being tired/in pain constantly he turns into a really unpleasant person to be around which makes most people avoid him except for a few select people (that are fucking unhinged btw. which makes him feel even worse), that coupled with regularly being exposed to Yomi's radioactive miasma and slowly getting desensitized to death via being a hitman, he starts thinking hey maybe murder is ok actually sometimes like you know theres nuance yknow... That doesn't mean he doesn't still retain some of game Yuma's overall kindness he had even if he wishes he could stop caring (ugh why do i have morals this sucks), he's not like, a terrible person per se the way Huesca or Yomi (admittedly, sighing emoji) are, he's just. Yeagh. Sometimes he's got a good day and he decides today he's gonna try and mediate between Makoto and Yomi again so his shit boss would get himself together and stop yapping to him about his shit boss every day because he doesn't have the patience for this this is so stupid I do not care who started it now go hold hands and apologize to each other or let me disengage from this situation please. I don't know how much aware Yuma is of Makoto wanting him obliterated too, but it sure must be interesting at the headquarters with this homoerotic hatred triangle. I had way more to say originally but this is getting *scrolls up for a brief moment before starting to sweat* Long I've got the paragraph text limit and had to delete it lmaoo
The Yomigami au I also posted about earlier where essentially Yomi is Shinigami and you will never ever in a million years guess who the director is instead. Originally a joke but then I started thinking and as you know this is usually where it all descends downhill into the madness. Anyaway canon Shinigami was morbid already and had a morality far removed from humans, Yomi/gami is just cranked up to 100 with all this and sprinkle some sadism on top. He purposefully drags Yuma out every day to get involved in as many cases as possible until he just has no choice but to enter that labirynth (fun bonding activity). Yomi/gami is also EXTRA against Yuma working for the resistance in that one chapter, he really really really hates criminals and poor people and especially poor criminals dohya's so scary guys let's go Kokohead let's leave this pit :(((((( anyway putting all the funky labirynth details I got aside as to not make this too long, canon Shinigami already was pretty lonely (in that book (gay baby jail) for an ambiguous amount of years) before but in her own way focused on what's best for Yuma's growth as a detective even if they'll have to part ways eventually. Yomi/gami is not like this even if he doesn't act like he cares abt Yuma he's not just gonna let him leave so he can rot in the book in total isolation again just a few weeks after he got out of it. He does everything in his power to impede on Yuma's progress and get him as far away from the reason he came there for so their contract will last longer he's latching on he's a parasite he's lonely. He would NEVER suggest to Yuma that he can stay in the labirynth in chapter 5, he HAS to reap Makoto's soul there is no other option. And if Yuma did by any chance choose to do so anyway, Yomi/gami is absolutely not letting him take the emergency exit he'd rather let him die in there than to let him leave and just move on without him and forget he existed at all lmao. You could go anywhere you want to see others like you and have anyone you could desire I only have you do you really hate me so much you can't stand to know me any longer is that why you're so eager to abandon me the first chance you get. That is so cruel of you and makes you even more of a terrible person you already are for killing so many people for your own selfish pursuit of the truth but it's okay because I'm the only one who could ever understand you and why you've done all this and forgive you even if you don't deserve it because we're bestiessssss foreverrrrrrr <33333 in short: it's a trashfire. Vivia and Makoto both wish they were never exposed to whatever this is and that they remained oblivious for the rest of their lives. Having a lot of trouble with the ending though since I cannot decide between whether 1) Yuma Fucking Dies if I can't have you no one can *compresses you into a cube and yeets it directly at Makoto's skull 2) Yuma has to epic battle his 1000+ yr old weird shinigami buddy on creative mode so he'll let him get his memories back (yomigami voice that you willingly gave to me you knew the terms very well why are you suddenly going back on your word huh. huh??) and Yomi/gami just kinda accepts any relationship he forms with anyone is never gonna last and just goes back to sleep until somebody else wants a temporary pact with him again 3) secret third option where nobody's depressed and Yomi/gami gets to have some kind of way to avoid being isolated forever and start forming longer lasting connections with people that doesn't require Yuma to set himself on fire to make him warm but I'll be honest chief I have no idea how they could possibly do it. So that's that. And before anyone asks: Yes this is yaoi to me
A lot of other smaller yumayomi/kokohell AUs where they mildly enjoy each other's presence, widely ranging between "actually somewhat surprisingly healthy" and "good lord somebody stop them from fucking killing each other or dragging anybody else into this shitshow they got"
And this one of course. the one who started the yuma + yomi madness <333333333 One detail about it that managed to actually stick (so much about it im just. continuouslyc changing ksdhgyrsjsg) is that Yuma gets much more involved with the resistance after being in Dohya for that long before just kinda stopping or avoiding them because uh, *gestures at the hellsmile he's currently in close proximity with* you know. And yes the dynamic would be unparalleled Yuma has no normal friends. They never get a moment of peace before bringing another disaster onto themselves it's always fucking something... Id say something else but i used up all my energy now brain not work anymore defeated looking emoji. A glimpse into my fucked up yomi/yuma mind I will milk them forever
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