#and RILEY
livmoorez · 1 year
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Favourite moments of the 2023 NCAA gymnastics season:
Florida scores a programme record 49.800 on bars, including back to back 9.975s from Kayla DiCello, Trinity Thomas, and Leanne Wong.
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comet-wire · 2 years
About my Muse-sona for the Hello Puppets muse AU (By @handeemuse , check out their rad stuff)!
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When the curse/spell overtakes them from the neck down, they were already somewhat excited, they become more excited because this means they are able to do their own body mods without any huge cost. They absolutely gave them self top surgery to be more flat and experience their own gender euphoria! I feel like they'd feel more like themselves after that point.
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Personally as a non-binary person I want to say as a reminder, not every trans person is able to bind, whether that be because they don't have the resources to do so or it's something physical/biological that prevents them from binding and/or getting the surgery. And trans people don't owe you any androgyny etc, everyone's gender expression is different! :)
Do not repost my art!! REBLOGS are appreciated!!
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Tried to have my parents help me decide a name but I'm even more stuck now so I'll update later when the decision is made 👍 Their original name candidates are:Nyx, Onyx and Nova. New suggestion by my bestie Mel:Dottie (🥺)
Body type update:
Notes: Whether or not it be because of the curse they are flatter now
They have always been meant to be on the chubbier side; specifically a triangle/pear body type!
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•Their hair is naturally black but they slapped some blue dye over it one night so in the light it'd give off a blue illusion aside from their highlights that are now just ✨blue✨ -definitely not basing this off my own experience when I had black hair/hj-
•They like to wear flowy things! Hence the ankle lengthed skirt and sometimes a shawl
•The rings on their ears can come off, they're ear cuffs! Those probably confused the puppets at first, I'd imagine they never seen someone take it off so they'd assume it's permanent but who knows
•theyre super into self expression hence the hair and nose ring (a symbol of rebellion) and they have a small sun and moon tattoo on their right wrist, although covered by their favorite sweater
•29 y/o-early 30s; non-binary demisexual/asexual
•former burnt out art student
•ironically they started out as a simple stage hand but later moved to the art department via encouragement of Nick
•probably leaves lil paper mache/origami frogs around the office
•unlikely friends with Owen because they hand him paper mache/origami frogs sometimes without saying a word or they just present them like "Dude calm down. Look. Frog." gentle melancholic chaos
•Has a tendency to pick up Nick like a wet cat because ✨manlet shaped✨
•Being more puppet like makes them feel ✨gender✨
•They came to the handeemen studio to continue giving kids a childhood, as they teetered off having a rocky childhood themselves
•They naturally have bushy eyebrows but shave them down to beans, but sometimes they just don't care and let them grow out
•I can see them being obsessed with space, so I can only imagine them and Riley infodumping about astronomy
Parent of Caleb
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volos-wish · 2 years
Still super mad they gave Cynthia a Lucario alt and had the AUDACITY to name it (aura). Shes not even an Aura Guardian and Riley is right there. 😭
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ender1821 · 1 year
Watt, but Riley actually didn’t have a landline in her house pre-act 2, and it’s because of Annleigh’s continuous questioning about her house’s landline that she gets one for her house
Like, during the time between act 1 and 2 Annleigh just keeps pestering her for a landline
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mcntsee · 2 months
The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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robinthisbank · 9 months
TikTokers are such pussies when it comes to ships. “B-but they’re not canon 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😖😖” honey back in my day we shipped characters from entirely different medias uphill both ways in the snow
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l0velysmut · 3 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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kurogxrix · 7 months
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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stinglesswasp · 6 months
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Patience 💤
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dumb-djarin · 9 months
so what if I sucked his dick. his knuckles were split and bloody from defending my safety and my honour what else was I supposed to do
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simonzmama · 12 days
i just imagine simon to be so casual while balls deep… like toooo casual yaaa feeel??
like your legs sittin all hiked up n pretty on his shoulders, the insides of your calves being rubbed absolutely raw with the drag of his scruffy cheeks n chin against em.
“how was your day, mama?” he shrugs slightly, your thighs jigglin’ with all the movement as he presses himself to the absolute hilt within you, balls pressed against the crease of your ass.
“w-wha-… simon,” you’d gasp, fingers desperately reaching out for his. in which he complies real quick, tangling his fingers between yours and pressing em down to the mattress forcing your thighs to burn in a deep stretch with the way your knees brush against your perked nipples.
“how was your day, baby? cmon.” he smiles down at you, the bush of his thighs slapping against the back of yours. “ya’ went out with the ladies, huh? how much ya’ spend today?”
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animentality · 2 months
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thephantomsdream · 23 days
Can't stop thinking about Captain John Price, your good friend's boyfriend, listening to you talk about how you are considering getting a guard dog, and he whole-heartedly agrees with you. John likes you, you're a fantastic friend to his dove and you're sweet, and sweet girls do need protection. So he nods along and tells you he'll look into getting you one, a big one to protect you.
Two weeks later, you're invited to your friend's house, her telling you days before that John might have gotten you a dog, so to prepare! She wasn't sure, he just hinted at it on the phone.
Tell me why, after knocking at your bestie's door, she opens kinda pale and awkward, maybe even a little bit annoyed, inviting you in. Instead of a proper, legit, literal dog, John introduces you to Simon Riley, who stands there awkwardly but tall and intimidating while your friend apologizes, calling her boyfriend an idiot. But John isn't an idiot. For a while now, he thought you'd be perfect for his Lt., this just a funny way to introduce you both. And the only thing that took Simon to agree (after a sharp yet bored no when firstly asked) was to send him a picture of you at a bar, smiling.
"So... you come with a leash?" You joke with the tall man, whose eyes wrinkle in amusement. He has been more on the silent side although very atentive, his intense brown eyes on you all evening. Now that you were both alone at the balcony, abandoned by the two love-birds, you tried to ease the tension.
"I don't do leashes but I can pull a spiky collar." He smiles as you giggle. Hell, he felt relief that you did. Even happiness...
"Yeah, it would fit you."
"Yeah?" His voice was low and buttery. "What about a tag with your name on it?" He leans down a little, just enough in your personal bubble, and your stomach flipped. You felt your cheeks warm.
"Can it be heart shaped?" You stare prettily at him and all he can do is to snort to ease the tension.
"However you want it." His reply was quick, eager.
"Deal. But first take me on a proper date."
"Perfect." He smirks.
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Which characters can you spot?
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whinesandwhimpers · 6 months
down bad simon may look a little like this
You've stepped outside for some fresh air so when Simon walks out a few minutes after you and lights up a cigarette, your face immediately scrunches up in disgust.
He catches your expression. "Not a fan of smoking?"
"Came out for some fresh air."
"Hm, seems like more than that." He muses, turning his head away to blow out some smoke.
"I just think it's gross."
He's silent for a few moments and you think maybe he's offended even, but then he turns back to you and clears his throat.
"That one of your deal breakers then?"
"Deal brea—yeah. It is. Don't think I could bring myself to even kiss a smoker. Why? You interested?" You joke, expecting a laugh and dismissal of the conversation.
He immediately throws his cigarette on the ground and snuffs it out with his shoe, then walks over to the bin and pulls the half-full carton out of his pocket and throws it and his lighter out. Just like that. He walks back over to stand in front of you, his large hand coming up to rest on your cheek, an intensity simmering in his dark eyes as he looks at you.
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ghostsgrl666 · 27 days
roommate!ghost who's waiting for you when you get home in the middle of the night after going out with your friends. Sitting on the couch in those fucking grey sweatpants when you stumble through the door and drop your keys. Has to stare at the crack on the ceiling when you get down on your hands and knees to find them, pretend for his own sanity that he hasn't seen the tiny excuse for underwear you've got on under that little black dress.
Like clockwork, he's got you sitting on the icy bathroom counter as you giggle, telling him all about your night. He's got cotton pads and makeup remover in one hand and the other holding onto your thigh because you started unconsciously squeezing his broad frame when he stepped in between your open legs. He gently wipes away all the traces of the night, carefully mapping out the contours of your face like you're a masterpiece he's carved from some precious stone. Until he gets to your lips. The shiny, fucking sparkly gloss is all thats left on your skin but his hand freezes as he studies the crease in your bottom lip. You catch up two seconds later in your dreamy, relaxed haze, and without even thinking about it you close the gap, softly pressing your lips to the one's silently hovering over yours.
His breath catches and his grip on your thigh becomes molten hot as you just as quickly pull away. Innocently you smile at him, like you hadn't just killed him, like you hadn't just made him start planning your wedding down to the way your eyes would shine as you walked down the aisle, all for him.
Your laugh is the only thing that can pull him out of his stupor, "you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that." 
But he does, he really, really does.
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