#also you can tell I just really love the scenes where Moon is feral
shanalikeanna · 2 months
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Based on Solar Lunacy: Chapter 13 by @bamsara
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 3 Pt. 1
Some more miscellaneous thoughts. I realized it's actually more convenient to do these before any analysis because. Well. I actually haven't read this manga before. Why was I trying to do full analyses before just letting myself read it. Why am I a dumbass.
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It's the repression my dude
(Ok but can we talk about how Wolfwood doesn't really lie and his eyes convey his emotions whether he wants it or not and he still feels strongly because that attachment keeps him going and then how Vash has had to withdraw and shove everything into a box somewhere deep inside him because he always has to maintain a distance and always has to leave aughhh)
Ohhhhh that part where Vash is able to tell exactly how many strikes are incoming... I love how he becomes really precise and calculating in a fight. It's a really great way to show the severity of a situation and his skill and experience! (Bonus points: he does this in Tristamp too - I still cannot get over the way the animators chose to have him move right before he pulls out his gun in ep 1 - I went on an unhinged ramble about that. He's always fluid and grounded. I adore those animators they did a fantastic job.)
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!!! I think this is the first time we've actually seen Knives' face since the Fifth Moon Incident! ...there's something to examine in this.
Feral Wolfwood <3
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Yikes. If we wanted more emphasis on the way a lot of people around Vash do not stop to consider the severity of death. The violence is so typical in this world it's treated as a scene from which one can be detached. Vash's honest distress and compassion as entertainment :(
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Hey. What the fuck.
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The baby with the gun would be a lot funnier if I didn't know what Leonof had to do to people to make his puppets.
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Ok say what you will though but Leonof so far has been the only one of the GHG that I think actually understands the assignment. Like. Yeah, this sure is the way to fucking break the guy. What the hell.
Oh, Vash knows him? Maybe that's why Leonof knows how to hurt him so well...?
AUGH he had puppet Doc, who vouched for Vash earlier to Brad, call him a demon!!! This also means he was killed! WTF
AUGHHHH wolfwood :(((
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Meryl and Milly I love you so so much
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Whjfhbdsjfbhv??? Girl??????
Vash: *starts blaming himself* Luida: "no." Vash: "oh, ok." :(
Hair down Vash <3
I really love the way we find out a bit more about Vash in this chapter. Him taking Meryl and Milly to a special place that helps him relax and heal and feel closer to Rem, even if he doesn't quite tell them that's what it is. Meryl knowing it's important somehow anyways and feeling like she can see him a little more clearly. Wolfwood freaked the hell out by the idea that Vash is immortal, but instead of leaving it at his assumptions, he still goes to talk to Luida and ask questions, who immediately proceeds to emphasize how lonely yet kind he is. We learn a lot about Vash in this chapter without him actually revealing anything about himself directly - all through other people, and the impact he's made on them. And I like how even though we find out more and more the differences between human and whatever Vash actually is, we circle right back around to confirming what we already knew about him from the beginning - he's fundamentally a kind man with a lot of pain in his heart who always makes the active choice to be nice. Just. Agh.
Wolfwood, running while carting his stupid IV pole over his shoulder: "oh fuck I need to protect women (and Vash)"
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Softest look I've ever seen. What.
But ohhh does this make me happy. Because he's spent this volume thinking Vash has no survival instinct because he's immortal, etc., which terrifies him because he cannot understand not fighting to survive. Vash's smile makes a comeback here, but he now understands that it's not just a mask, it is the way he fights to survive. That smile is Vash's struggle to live in the same way the violent struggle is his, and Wolfwood I think/hope is starting to realize again that the gap is not so wide between them. He's calmed enough to remember that he actually likes this guy. Augh.
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fluxweeed · 7 months
hello may i have some dvd commentary for this delicious little scene here from Still the pine-woods scent the moon (it’s 300 or so words so i figured a screenshot was easier than copying your own words into here sorry)
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honestly anything you’d like to share about this fic i will happily gobble up thank you very much 🤲 thank you, love you, bye!!!!!!
ahaha YES you absolutely can!!!!
(spoilers (ig?) for Still the pine woods scent the moon and E-rated talk ahead!)
1) so by the time i got to writing this scene (which is, what? 3k in out of 15k?), the fic had already been reworked twice-ish
firstly, it was originally a sirius/harry fic – i have 250 words of a bit slightly earlier the fic (the bit where harry admits he wanted to get fucked) that was the original idea the entire fic was built around, except it was harry admitting it to sirius and sirius was having conflicted horny godfather thoughts.
secondly, once i'd rewritten the whole beginning with remus, i wrote up to the "who's right? me or draco?" line without knowing where the fic was going. i say this every time i write a 15k fic, but i really did want this to be a quick PWP – for a while i was considering having remus snap right there and they go straight into mindless feral fucking, because i did not WANT to write another 10k. i never want to write a single word if i can help it. here's a boring screenshot of me talking it through in poor @bronwenackeley's DMs.
2) the last couple of paragraphs in this screenshot were placeholder text. they feel kind of clumsy to me? a bit tell-y? a bit cringe? eventually i decided i didn't have the skill to improve them and just deleted the square brackets and left them as-is lol.
3) i tried to include wolfy words to describe remus when he's losing control around harry. this is probably really obvious and doesn't need me pointing it out, but whenever he's struggling, there's usually a growl or a snarl or a mention of claws or teeth or something. i do think i overdid it with this a bit tbh but i enjoyed having that as a lil goal for myself.
4) finally, and this is not relevant to your screenshot at all but it's my other fav behind-the-scenes fact about this fic, but also in the trash heap doc for this one is 500 words of harry and charlie having sex – bc in one draft, remus DID sneak upstairs and listen at the door when he came home to them doing the do. i was a little sad at having to cut it bc there's a fair chunk of banter-y dialogue (ofc), but it's pretty much all covered by the exchange later in the fic where harry says it was hard to lose himself with charlie, so i just made remus go downstairs and get horny drunk on his own lmao.
i didn't want to make this answer any longer by including the bits i cut/changed, but i do have the harry/sirius and harry/charlie scenes if u wanna see them!! lmk!! ❤️
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WIP List
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Thanks @funkypoacher for helping to expose my growing list of WIPs and random ideas I have for fics (The ultimate callout post lmao)
As I'm sure most folks are aware I've got two major long form fics I am currently working on as the mood strikes:
1) Only You - FC5 Soulmate AU (Kit x Jacob)
Currently working on Chapter 10. This one is on a bit of a hiatus, the plot outlines for each chapter are more or less figured out its just having the words and ideas to craft anything that makes sense and that is remotely worth reading.
All I know for sure is that Kit will have an issue with one of the hunters who will very quickly be put on both her and Jacob’s shit list, and that Burke will be joining the story sooner than later. The Reaping is right around the corner now and Staci’s about to get a first hand look at what Kit’s been up to since being taken hostage (sorry Pratt)
2) The Animal in Me - FC5 Werewolf AU (Kit x Staci, Kit x Jacob)
Chapter 2 is being reworked because I am a slut for making Staci a more popular character and I will put in the work to make more people fall in love with him. Chapter 3 is already written and includes a reworked version of the scene I posted for writer’s month that really kicked this whole fic off in the first place. Plot outlines for each chapter are more or less decided on and I know how I want the fic to end so at least there’s that.
There will be silver bullets, much blood spilled and definitely a “Who did this to you?” moment thrown in for good measure.
Honestly though, this is such a self indulgent fic and I don't even care anymore. Kit's getting a werewolf throuple and there is nothing anyone can do about it.Kit’s getting it all, baby (Mostly i just can’t let go of her and Staci because they make such an odd pair and I want them to be happy and somewhat normal while also letting her be feral with Jake under the full moon)
The Kinktober fics:
1) Breaking Pratt 2: Electric Boogaloo
Was going to post this one today but decided to wait and rejig it a tad. It's missing that je ne sais quoi that the thigh riding fic had.
2) Housebroken
The collar fic. The actual smutty part is all stage action and needs the details added still but the brain isn't exactly in a smut writing mood.
Then there are the fics that have stalled or are just a random collection of ideas that need a lot more time to stew before they are even worth writing:
1) The Hunter Becomes the Hunted
This one has been sitting on the back burner for a while. I’ve posted two chapters of it to AO3 but not much more work has been done on it since. It's Kit's background fic as a soldier so it means I have to be in the mood to do some research on the war in Afghanistan and I just haven't had the energy to do that as of late.
2) New Dawn AU
I have ideas, aesthetics, and a pinterest board and not much else. tbh, I haven't even finished playing the game but I know I gotta write the Canon divergent fic where Jacob is alive and well with Kit living that barbarian life in New Eden.
3) a million and one ideas for bunker fics. IDK what I specifically want to do with them yet. I need to write the one where her and Jake adopt the two kiddos in the bunker (whose parents Kit just happened to kill in the Trials...oops) and then the birth of Haven and her growing up. The plan is to get Kit a bit of her soul back and have her be less of the murderous monster that she is so she can become a good mama bear to her kiddos. The ideas are there, but the energy to write it is not.
4) and contemplating writing Kit's main timeline story out in full. I was going to go the short fic route (which is what all of her fics are so far) and just make them a series, but now I want to fill in the gaps especially after writing out the fic with her and Joey for the angst prompt. There's lots of stuff about Kit before she falls prey to the Seeds that I'd like to tell, stuff that might make her a little more sympathetic before she crashes and burns into becoming the monster I know and love.
5) and on top of all that are the random drabbles I've spewed forth about Homelander and Nightingale that really have no story or logic to them yet and aren’t yet ready to see the light of day
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captain-azoren · 2 years
Design Breakdown: Lyodin
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For the hell of it, I'm going to break down all the design inspirations for my OC Lyodin/Lygron/Raiga (not really settling on a name). There's quite a lot of elements I tried to pack into one character. If you can't tell, I really like cats.
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ThunderCats: The 2011 designs are kind of the basis for Lyodin and follow the elements which Dan Norton the art director laid down. The facial markings, fur patterns, eyes, and open toed footwear being some of the main ones. Specifically, I took the most from Lion-O 2011 for the hair, eyebrows, and eye color and classic Cheetara for the eye markings. Very 80s hair metal, just how I like it. I'd also say Lyodin sounds like Will Friedle's Lion-O, though Mike Erwin would be another good VA.
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SSJ4 Gogeta (DragonBall GT): I like the look of the bolero fusion vest with the trim combined with SSJ4 fur pattern, tail, and eye markings.
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Sabretooth (X-Men): He's always been one of my favorite villains. I think the fur collar/mane on his costume just looks badass so I added it to the fusion vest of Gogeta. I also like the coloration, giving it a prehistoric big cat aesthetic, not to mention the power set.
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Lyodin's based not on smilodon exactly, but more the extinct cave lion or American lion. An under represented animal of prehistory. Also kind of based on golden tigers, ligers, and tigons.
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Akira Yuki (Virtua Fighter): Adding more to the vest, I really like the pattern on Akira's 2P outfit from VF5. I incorporated something similar but changed to look more like tiger stripes with a darker outline. Previously the stripes were more simple and similar to something like Wolverine. I might try and use a similar pattern on the arm and leg bracers to make the design a bit more consistent.
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Marcos E. Garcia (Terra Formars): I like the spikey hair look, but also the kind of sideburns and markings around his face. I also love Marcos' bare handed/clawed fighting style, by far my favorite fight scene in the anime. Brutal.
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Aisha Clan-Clan (Outlaw Star): Aisha doesn't provide a lot of visual inspiration, but more along the lines of powers and fighting style. Aisha and other Ctarl-Ctarl have claws and immense strength, and they burn through a lot of calories. She can power up using energy from a full moon, turning her more feral and even can transform into a fully animal tiger creature. I have something similar in mind for Lyodin, specifically Raiga in my Spirit Forged fic where eating plenty of food empowers him, and at his strongest can assume the form of a liger.
What's more, Aisha isn't just claws; she's a skilled fighter who specializes in wrestling. I had the idea that Lyodin would do tiger kung fu but combined with grappling, wrestling, and acrobatic Luche Libre moves. Claws are designed for grasping prey, not cutting, so grappling makes sense for a fighter with clawed digits. Raiga might also borrow a few of Aisha's personality quirks, like her diet.
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Bit Cloud and Liger Zero (Zoids Zero Century): This one is a bit more of a stretch, but Liger Zero's whole motif kind of fits in general, especially in regards to Bao Hu Shao, the liger spirit that is linked to my character. Just a giant divine cat beast, like the white tiger Byakko. Liger Zero's Strike Laser claw is one of the few claw attacks that's treated "heroically" if that makes sense. I have a hard time settling on the hairstyle, but I tend to imagine it like Bit's. I also sometimes imagine Lyodin sounding like Bit's English VA Richard Ian Cox, who also did Inuyasha and Quicksilver in X-Men Evolution.
And that's all I've got off the top of my head, but I think that covers most of the design inspirations. I think I might do an update to tweak some bits like the bracers.
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thii-nii · 2 years
BL ~ Drama Asks
I was tagged by @pharawee. Thank you!! 🌺
1. If you had to watch one drama forever what would it be?
I don't rewatch dramas a lot. Usually, I really love something while I'm watching it and it means a lot to me in that period of time. But when I try to rewatch a drama months or years later, it often feels really awkward and I hardly ever finish them. So most of my favourite dramas occupy a special place in my heart, but I'm reluctant to rewatch them. (+ There are always so many new dramas that I want to try and that are waiting for me to fall in love with them! XD) That said, if I had to choose one, right now I'd pick Kinnporsche. It's a combination of different genres, so I'd be able to enjoy lot's of different emotions. Additionally, there's just so much to love in Kp, lot's of awesome themes, intense moments and lovable characters. I actually want to rewatch Kp right now, because there still are so many things I want to try making, that I didn't get around to before... but I'm still in my procrastination period. lol
2. If you could change the ending of a drama which one would it be?
Well, Kp ended most recently and we might not get a season 2, so... I'd want to see a different ending for Kim and Chay. I mean, if we actually get a season 2 I'd love to see them find their way back to each other (while also getting to see more of angry/feral Kim & rebellious Chay), but if this is the overall ending, it feels a little cruel to have both of them be in so much pain. (Not to mention that no one even knows they were a thing?? I need them all to spend time together and for Porsche to kick Kim's ass a bit for hurting Chay.) And, of course, "History is only written by the victor" .... ???? Well, well, well, wellll..... I need some conclusion to Korn's messed up games.
3. Name your favorite drama and tell who your favorite character was.
I'm so bad at choosing favourites. But, uhhh, Kinnporsche (Porsche, Kim, Vegas); I told Sunset about you & I promised you the Moon (Teh, Oh-aew); Not Me (Yok).
4. Name a drama you dropped within the first few episodes ~ we all have at least one!
As I said earlier, I love trying out new dramas. But that also means I end up dropping a lot of them. Of the ones airing right now, I dropped Unforgotten Night, Check Out (I enjoyed Ep 0, but I couldn't even get through the first episode 😞) & Even Sun (just last week; it has Boun & Prem and such a beautiful setting, but I noticed I wasn't really paying attention anymore, so I let it go).
5. Name a popular drama you've never watched and why?
Hmm, The Untamed & Advance Bravely. I don't know why? I've seen them around a lot and I feel like I should've at least tried them when they were airing, but somehow I didn't and still haven't.
6. Name a drama you regret watching.
I usually drop them before I have too many regrets. But there were a few really popular ones that I continued watching, simply because I kept seeing so many gifs of them, only to still feel kind of meh about them at the end. >_<
7. Name a drama you thought you’d never watch but did and did you end up liking it?
The only one I can think of that might fit this question is 3 Will Be Free. It wasn't really on my mind before, but since I was in the mood for something a little darker, I remembered gifsets of this drama and wanted to give it a try. I've seen two episodes so far and am still interested!
8. Name a pairing you want to see?
Ohhh, as long as it has one actor I like, I'd already be super happy. But hmmm, maybe Mond Tanutchai & Gun Atthaphan (since we never got Gramblack and I like their bickering friendship); Jeff Satur & anyone that's not a baby.... Jeff Satur & action scenes... no wait, where am I going with this...
9. Name a pairing you didn’t think had chemistry?
Nat Natasitt & Max Kornthas in the few episodes of Cutie Pie that I've seen.
10. Name a pairing you have seen in another drama that you like?
??? I'm interpreting this as: a pairing I've seen in a drama that I haven't (fully) watched? Yim Pharinyakorn & Tutor Koraphat (also Cutie Pie). I liked them enough to look up their clips on yt after I dropped Cp.
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emjiroki · 2 years
Can we get some Alpha Mikey headcanons? the Baji ones were AMAZING
Alpha Mikey headcanons? Trying to give me a heart attack? 😍 yes of course ill do a few for you anon ❤
18+ under the cut ✂️ MINORS DNI
Warnings: omegaverse, explicit scenes and language, Mikey being a needy boy like always.
All characters mentioned are 18+
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Knows you're his omega the moment he sees you, just hope that you don't already have another Alpha trying to court you because they won't last long. First words out of Mikey's mouth when you tell him you've got a boyfriend are "Can he fight?"
Nobody is a challenge to him and it's funny when anyone trys. They think they can take you away from him? Ha
Respects you when you reject his offer to help you through your heat during the first six months of your relationship, but that doesn't mean he was happy about it. He didn't complain to you, only Draken. He never heard the end of it.
Will not stop begging you to stay with him during his rut after though. Pleads with his hands clasped together and a wobbly bottom lip, says he was so sad and uncomfortable the last time when you said no that he could barely sleep.
Nearly have to muzzle him to keep him from marking you, his teeth are sharp and achy and all he wants to do is put them in your skin, practically shaking as he tries to contain himself.
He doesn't. You wake up the second day of his rut with a gasp as he sinks his teeth into the junction of your shoulder and throat. Whines that he couldn't wait anymore and that he just loves you so much it was going to kill him not to have his mark on you.
Can't really be that mad, not when he's looking at you with blood smeared on his chin and hearts in his eyes, like you hung the moon just for him.
Super protective of you! He's lost so much that even the thought of you dying or being hurt has rage bubbling in his chest. But he's calm and collected, not wanting to be too overwhelming and scare you away. Unlike our other resident Alpha Baji who would cut open his own chest to stuff you inside so Noone will look at you
But please let someone say something or do something to piss him off, then it's war. Feral Mikey is something no one in their right mind wants to be on the receiving end of. His meteor kicks get a thousand times more powerful when he's really upset and an overzealous suitor is just the switch to flip
Has a sweeter scent that's cut with musky Alpha undertones. Maplewood and vanilla is my own personal favorite scent headcanon. I have wax cubes that smell like that and it just screams Mikey!
He's very proud of presenting as an Alpha after being told his entire life that probably wasn't going to happen. Shinichiro had lucked out as an Alpha being that both of their parents were betas so it was only assumed Mikey would get the Beta or Omega gene. But no! First morning wood where his knot was swollen he was running to Shinichiro's room with the biggest grin. No underwear, hands on his hips with his chest puffed. "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SHIN! LOOK AT MY GLORY". Poor Shinichiro.
Hehe these were fun! If anyone wants more headcanons for other characters let me know! I'll also do regular headcanons not just omegaverse 😋💕
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Hi! What is your very specific Twilight AU?
okay, so. New Moon.
party disaster, dumping her and dipping, all happens normally.
but THEN. Bella finds out she’s pregnant.
(and I know you’re thinking- pre-marital sex?!?! Edward would NEVER! but listen. I am the author now. I’ve been around Christians my whole life. shut up!)
so anyway after a million pregnancy tests and a lot of googling about vampire baby legends, Bella’s like...well this is probably gonna be a situation,
Nessie doesn’t have an insane growth rate here because I hate that, so she has a normal amount of time to prepare, and she’s very...aware that the birth is gonna be Rough at best. So she goes to Jacob
who is NOT a wolf yet but Is aware of the pack and the treaty, and they are closer friends already, and she’s like ‘hey. paranormal emergency. you’re the only person in this town who enables me. help.’
 and Jacob’s like I’m Fucking Fifteen and goes and gets Leah, since she’s technically an adult and a girl
(ms. meyer How did you make one of leah’s only 3 character traits ‘upset she’s infertile’ and then not have her support bella’s choices in breaking dawn please make it make sense)
 so they start brainstorming solutions and the best they can work with is. Bella’s gotta ride out the pregnancy in hiding. they have no way of knowing whether she can survive the pregnancy and the only clue they have about whether the baby will be a monster or not is from google searches, but they also can’t exactly take her to an obgyn when her uterus feels like it’s calcified and her ribs are getting broken and she seems to be craving blood
So, Leah’s got her own little place. Bella moves in there, telling Charlie she wants to move back in with Renee (she knows her parents would never willingly call each other so as long as she keeps up communicating with both of them they should be none the wiser of her growing a little dracula in Leah Clearwater’s basement).
Leah has already defected from the wolf pack at this point (because...the Cullen’s left and she didn’t really like any of the guys anyway lmao) so they don’t run the risk of them hearing her thoughts while she’s in wolf form. She goes out and hunts animals, brings them back and her and Jake drain the blood from them so Bella can drink it. All three of them find this extremely disgusting obviously but Jake’s loyal and a little bit lovestruck, Leah’s a supportive friend and queen, and Bella’s just trying to keep her and her baby alive, and none of them feel like trying to rob a blood bank
Bella is 100% certain the baby will just be a baby who happens to like blood, like she was in bd, but the tentative plan is that if a crazy soulless monster comes out of her Leah will...handle that...
Which neither are thrilled about, so Bella’s just trying to focus on staying positive. And between that, trying to survive and stay hidden, Bella doesn’t really have time to...Check Out the way she did in new moon. Like, she’s absolutely still depressed, and she’s still getting an occasional Edward hallucination because carrying a vampire baby counts as reckless in many books, but she’s just more...resigned and pissed than anything. She’ll have days like the ‘possibilities’ scene, but more often than not she’s just telling the Edward hallucination to go fuck himself when he’s begging her to find the real him so they can have Carlisle deal with the pregnancy 
at some point, Seth gets roped into the whole mess (he’s prone to just breaking into his sister’s house) but since he’s like, 13 and The Best Baby Boy he’s immediately supportive. He didn’t even fucking know about the wolves and the vampires until he walked in on a six months pregnant Bella drinking blood while his sister and Jacob are hacking away at a dead deer, but he’s like...you know when you were 13 and sneaking around about Anything made you feel like the coolest person alive? point is he’s helpful
AND he can get away with spending a lot of time at Leah’s house without anyone finding it weird, unlike Jacob, so he starts spending most of his free time there keeping Bella company and brightening her day up
HE is the one who enables her when she comes up with the name Renesmee lmao
(just because she hates Edward doesn’t mean Esme ever did anything wrong!)
“bella I’ll throw you out of this house if you don’t come up with a real name” “leah she’s white you can’t just disrespect her culture like this omg”
anyway these four become the DORKIEST and WEIRDEST little family it’s cute
so then. labor.
it’s less...graphic than in bd because Bella hasn’t been actively dying the whole pregnancy and she doesn’t snap her spine in half, but it’s still. bad.
she essentially delivers a rock that Nessie then begins chewing her way out of. she’s actively bleeding out. Jacob’s having a panic attack. Leah made Seth watch so he would never have unprotected sex and the scare tactic is working. Leah’s covered in Bella’s blood which is not great considering she’s Holding A Rock That A Vampire Is Emerging From
Leah’s been taking classes and researching deliveries so she needs to stitch Bella up and see what else is wrong but Seth is rocking back and forth on the floor crying and Jacob’s screaming and pacing too fast to grab so she’s like. Bella babe I know you’re dying but you need to hold this thing for me ksjdfllksf
so while she’s handling That, Bella’s got this weird little rock in her arms and is watching the baby slowly fight it’s way out like this is a very fucked up egg or something and she’s just. overwhelmed. maybe it’s the blood loss but she’s looking at the messy, scrunchy little face and she’s already in love and envisioning their lives together.
and then, you know, the baby bites her,
she has just enough time to think ‘how did we not think to prepare for that’ before she can feel the venom coursing through her. it’s just as bad as she remembers from James’ bite but somehow...easier to tolerate. she blacks out pretty quickly
the other 3 notice and are like : 👁👄👁
Jacob...literally explodes into a wolf On Spot
Seth darts out the fucking door he’s seen enough for one day
Leah, sole holder of the braincell, realizes Nessie just bit and isn’t drinking from Bella, and deduces this is like...a survival instinct or something. the baby instinctively changes it’s mother first thing. weirdly...touching? 
So she gets the baby and checks that everything is physically okay with Bella (apart from you know. changing species) and is like...guess this is an issue for 3 days from now Leah
more immediate pressing issues: screaming new born baby and oh, yeah, the giant red wolf in the basement,
“Jacob I know this is disorienting but if you break anything in my house I’ll fucking kill you”
she really just leaves the poor boy to go get the baby cleaned up and warm up some of the frozen blood they’ve got in her fridge (RUINING HER TUPPERWARE, BELLA)
she’s not worried about the wolf pack mind meld yet because she knows Sam took the guys on a mission way farther up the coast for a few days and they’ll be too far away to hear Jake. hopefully, by the time they get back, Bella will be awake and they’ll have made an escape plan by then
and as she’s bottle feeding blood to the baby she’s thrilled that it seems to be like...relatively normal and not s horrific monster or anything. mission: unwillingly murder my best friend’s baby has been successfully canceled 
“Oh Goddamn it....Renesmee DOES fit you...”
Seth, from where he’s cowering behind the couch: “told you”
so, Jake eventually calms down, they spend the next few days cooing over Nessie and brainstorming how to handle Bella when she wakes up a vampire, and also nicknaming Nessie ‘Nessie’ because they know Bella will find that intolerable and they feel she deserves karmic punishment for stressing them out so much lmao
so, three days are up. Seth’s upstairs putting on a way-too-elaborate puppet show for the baby with not a care in the world. Leah and Jake are in the basement because they know Bella probably won’t want their wolf blood and their ready to phase in case she gets a little aggressive
but she just wakes up and is like. hey! how’s it going? where’s my baby?
sjdhfksdj they were expecting feral but Bella still has her super self-control. she didn’t even realize she’d changed into a vampire until they told her lmao
Bella’s a little too freaked out to try hunting yet so they give her some of the stored blood they’ve been feeding Ness and she’s like. good to go. Leah’s about to scream like have the elders been exaggerating this whole time or is Bella truly a freak??? lol
So, they spend a couple days just...relaxing, Bella and Renesmee bonding, they’re trying to come up with fun places Bella can move to with the baby so no one she knows finds out, and every now and then Leah and Jake go out and she tries to help him get the wolf thing under control
and then,,,,the pack get back from their mission early
and immediately are able to read Jacob’s mind
so they head over to Start Shit because there’s two bloodsuckers on their land but,
the pack not attacking because Jake imprinted on Renesmee? tired. the pack not attacking because Jake’s Alpha Genes have taken over and declared Nessie and Bella as part of his Pack and attacking would literally start a war? inspired
so they hash the whole thing out....ultimately Sam decides Bella is more of a victim than a threat, and since neither her or Nessie seem to be going on a bloodlust rampage any time soon...he decides to grant them immunity from the whole ‘kill the vampires’ rule. He’ll let her and her daughter stay in La Push as long as they agree to stick to animals and only hunt out of town. PLUS from what little Bella knows about the Volturi, she’s worried about them finding out about Nessie, so they’ll offer protection if that does happen, in exchange for her being able to help them with intel on any other vampire threats in the area (you know like. if a nomad is fucking stuff up in a nearby city, they’ll send her to talk to them first before deciding if they need to intervene. Sam has become acutely aware he has a lot of teens and kids in his pack, so he’s trying to keep them out of fights as much as possible)  
anyway that’s the story of Nessie gaining like 17 chaotic as hell ride or die uncles,
let’s fast forward a bit
it’s like 15 years later. Bella’s not living with Leah anymore, but she’s got a cute apartment in a nearby town, and owns and runs a bookstore on the first floor of it. she got her ged and did college online and teaches night classes at a community college. She’s still in contact with her parents, who Adore the life out of Nessie. She still helps the pack out and they’re all close. Nessie is a handful but in a fun and lovable way. They go on little weekend trips whenever they have time. Bella’s happy.
but then a. Situation. arises.
basically, the Volturi have been made aware of some unknown vampire chasing others out of the pacific northwest and conspiring with shapeshifters. and you know when Aro gets curious he tends to spin things dramatically. who’s to say this vampire isn’t conspiring against all vampires? against them? why has no one’s special talents worked on her? he simply must find out.
Bella and the Pack get word and decide their best course of action for now is to go on the run. they’re not gonna be able to take on a whole army but if they can bide some time and lay low they might be able to figure something out
except Bella is like....I have a teenage hybrid that the Volturi don’t know about yet...it would be EXTREMELY irresponsible to take her with me
but she can’t send Nessie to Charlie or Renee because they don’t know about her...dietary restrictions. She can’t stay with Billy or anyone else in La Push because the Volturi might trace the pack’s scent there and discover her. She’s panicking, they have to leave in a few days max and she can’t find a safe place for her daughter
and then she’s like.....fuck.
she had run into Jasper a couple of years ago- they have the same forgery guy and were heading to his building around the same time as a coincidence. She promised to forgive him for the party incident if he promised not to tell Edward he saw her and that she’s a vampire now. He agreed, but then told her Edward’s been living on his own for a while now and insisted on giving her his number...she never could bring herself to call it or delete it...but now...if she wants to be 100% Nessie is safe and protected...
So, the past 15 years have been fairly rough for Edward
he’s still convinced leaving in order to save Bella was the best course of action, but like...the vampires canonically mate for life. that’s his soulmate. he’s absolutely miserable without her. he’s thought about cracking and going to find her again but he always talks himself out of it, convinced she’d just tell him she hates him or something
so as stated in his patented Edward Cullen Self Loathing Guide, first thing to do is isolate yourself from all the lovebirds you usually live with. Sure, he keeps in contact, but...not well. he’s currently living alone and posing as a university student. He’s not even really sure what he’s supposed to be majoring in. He’s mostly been in a haze since he left Forks.
and one day....he gets a call from an unknown number. he ignores it, thinking it’s a spam call. but then it calls like 8 more times in a row and he figures answering might be a bit smarter than simply throwing it at the wall
And Edward...swears he came back to life and immediately had a heart attack the second he hears Bella’s voice
He feels breathless and disoriented the whole conversation, trying to figure out if his memory did her voice any justice, trying to rush out 15 years worth of apologies, trying to comprehend she’s actually speaking to him.
But Bella’s very blunt on the phone. She doesn’t want to let herself get emotional. She’s on a time limit, and she has to focus on getting her daughter to safety
And Edward swears he somehow misheard her the first ten or so times she told him. He had a daughter? that wasn’t possible
“she has the audacity to be your Evil Twin so I’m pretty sure it’s possible”
so she gives him a rundown. she needs to go into hiding, no I don’t need your help with that, gives him details about Nessie, what she’s like, what she likes to do, her diet, her favorite color, how annoyed she is by this whole situation, “Edward I know you don’t love me anymore, but I remember how protective you were, and that’s what I need Nessie to have right now. She needs you right now” and Edward wants so badly to refute Bella’s claim of lost love, to tell her he has absolutely no idea how to be a parent, but...her tone is aching so much he can barely speak. He can’t let Bella down again, and he can’t let this little girl he foolishly created and left down anymore than he already has, either.
So he agrees, she tells him to be at the airport in a few days, and hangs up. 
Edward loses about half a day staring at a wall in shock, before he jumps into preparations.
Bella told him while their daughter possessed some speed and strength, hunting was fairly dangerous for her. She was more delicate than his kind, and had a heartbeat. Reheated blood bags had been their best option, and she also needed human food as well. He also had to get a room ready for her- he wandered around stores for hours, reading young girls minds to see if there was any furniture or decorations that were universally liked- which was of course, fruitless, but he did manage to find a handful of things he was sure Bella would have liked at that age, and prayed for the best. He somehow got himself covered in purple paint that was a nightmare to get off. Bella had sent him some forged documents claiming Nessie was his younger sister he’d won custody of, and he got her enrolled in a nearby school. He lived every day leading up to her arrival staving off a panic attack.
it wasn’t until he was on the way to the airport that he realized he forgot to inform his family about this life update. they must’ve been on a hunting trip, because he got nothing but voicemails 
imagine being Carlisle and you come home to a voicemail from your son who’s banished himself from the family that’s just like ‘hi. you’re a grandfather now. I’m having a nervous breakdown and might crash my car. call me back at your earliest convenience I suppose” like what would you DO
 after he gets to the airport he starts panicking again, realizing Bella had never actually sent him a picture, worrying about how he’d find her, but then- he sees a tiny girl with untamed, dark red curls, features strikingly similar to his own that are pulled into the expression Bella always made when she was reading, absently chewing on her lip, and before she looks at him with her mother’s big brown eyes, he already knows who he’s looking at, and he’s certain if he was human his tear ducts would be having a fit right now
Renesmee, however, seems less willing to have an emotional meeting. She mumbles out a simple greeting before gathering up her bags and heading for the door, Edward rushing behind her to try and help
listen. the awkwardness of Charlie trying to connect with Bella. but 10000x worse because of Edward’s overthinking, self-deprecating ass and Nessie being like ‘ah yes the guy who broke my pregnant teenage mothers heart, fantastic’ lmao
the car ride is p a i n f u l. Edward’s trying so hard for light conversation and Nessie’s barely giving one word answers. Bella had warned her about the mind reading so she was carefully keeping her mind blocked, which Edward is trying very hard to be understanding about instead of annoyed, but By God does he want to know everything about her
when they get back to his place, she quietly thanks him for the room and then promptly locks him out of it lol. He spends the rest of the day just pacing back and forth until he realizes he should eventually feed her lmao
and that’s...kinda how the first couple weeks go. she only emerges from her room if he bribes her with food, she awkwardly tries to dodge his questions, he drives her to school and then begs her to tell him how it went when he picks her up, he spends his college classes distracted because he’s freaking out constantly about how to successfully bond with her. His favorite time of day now is night, because she can’t block her mind while she’s asleep, and even if her dreams are all nonsense they’re still...part of her that he gets to know.
His family keeps begging him to let them meet her, but he’s pushing back because if she’s this bad at adjusting to one new family member, how is she going to handle six more?
(meanwhile Alice and Rose started a group chat with her and are having a ball clowning Edward lmao)
wait ksjflksd I think this vine perfectly sums up the dynamic im envisioning  https://youtu.be/wQZIUHNORHg
anyway they....very slowly make some progress. much too slowly for Edward’s taste, but hey.
Like he finds out snacks she likes. or jewelry she likes. stuff like that and just...wordlessly leaves it around for her lmao. he thinks it’s like trying not to startle a deer, Nessie thinks it’s more like a cat trying to gift you a dead mouse, but either way it’s weirdly endearing.
He notices she always has a huffy little frown when he picks her up on Wednesdays. So instead of begging her for an ounce of information of her school life, he asks her one Wednesday morning if she’s excited for the day and she admits she has an elective class every Wednesday with a girl she doesn’t get along with.
He gets her school photos (and Weeps) and realizes apart from her room the home is fairly barren of decorations, so he buys a bunch of picture frames and hangs up the school shots, and some pictures of the Cullen’s over the years, and the few he has of Bella that he could never bear to part with. Other than catching her smiling at the prom picture of her parents, Nessie doesn’t say anything- but the next time he comes home from hunting, there’s a pile of pictures of her growing up on the table, and he starts weeping all over again as he hangs them up
(there’s one of her and Bella hugging and looking at the camera with identical grins and joy in their eyes, he can’t help but put that in his room. He hopes one day he’ll get to see a scene like that in person)
He starts trying to get her out of her room a little more- he still hasn’t managed to a get a ‘favorites’ list out of her, so he starts playing movies Bella loved, to see if any of them lure her out. some do, some don’t- he got halfway through a Lord of the Rings marathon, which was Torture in his opinion, but then Ness came out and quietly asked if he could restart it and suddenly they became his favorite movies ever.
Bella’s not able to contact her on a set schedule or anything because of her situation (and you can bet your ass Edward’s contacted every vampire he knows and ordered them to help her out if they come across her or the Volturi), and Edward realizes that’s probably taking a toll on the girl, so he starts telling her stories of her mother when he knew her in Forks. She’s particularly amused by the blood typing incident- the first time Edward hears Nessie properly laugh, he literally starts crying on the spot
could you imagine the sheer panic if she ever gets so much as a cold
And yes, she’s still pissed on Bella’s behalf, and yes, she specifically blasts 70s music because Bella told her he hates it one time, and yes, if he looks at her like he’s a kicked puppy one more time she might claw his eyes out, and yes, she refuses to introduce him to her friends from school because she Knows everyone will then start asking her about her ‘hot brother’ and she can’t live with that and also can’t live with him knowing that so she told him if he ever introduces himself to any of her friends she’ll set him on fire, and yes, she’s homesick 95% of the time but...he’s growing on her. like a mold, or something.
(okay, maybe when Seth tried to analyze why Mamma Mia is her favorite musical, he might have had a point. half a point. quarter of a point. shut up.)
And Edward’s still trying to not have a panic attack every time she’s out of his sight- he’s got Carlisle keeping tabs on the Volturi for him, and it’s not exactly hard for him to keep track of her through other people’s minds- but she’s so tiny and her heartbeat is Too Fast and what if she inherited her mother’s unlucky streak??
but they’re toeing the line of co-existing peacefully and Edward’s scared to push it past that
then he has to, because it turns out he sent her to one of Those Schools where the parents have to be involved in the school in some way or another and Nessie’s Annoyed
sdkjfsdkjf she keeps trying to get him to just sign up for like pta meetings or something and he’s like ‘I need you to understand you are the only person in this town I actually know or like I Cannot survive around fundraiser moms I can’t’ 
so she’s like ugh fine I’m in the drama club
listen.....Stage Parent Edward Cullen.......the power this holds...
that’s right this whole post was an elaborate ruse for me to make a musical theater headcanon again lmao
no okay but seriously he starts off just helping build sets and stuff like that but then midway through the year their music teacher gets fired and the schools like begging him to take over because they can’t find someone in enough time that’ll know the music for the show they’re doing and he’s like “I need you to understand Nessie will never talk to me again if I start actually working at her school” and they’re like “She also will never talk to you again if we have to cancel the big musical, though” and he’s like. fuck.
silent treatment for a week and a half
lmao so now he’s trying to juggle being an overly-enthusiastic stage parent who’s making costumes and sets and kinda crying backstage when he sees his daughter in her costume with also being the music director for the damn show and trying to teach a bunch of kids how to read sheet music 
one day he ended up in a coffee shop with the hair and makeup moms, gossiping about the cast’s love lives, and he literally doesn’t know how he got there
is it wrong to pass Nessie in class even though she’s putting all the wrong answers on the test but he Knows she knows the right answers and is only answering wrong to try and get a rise out of him
Bella sneaks into town to see the show- they thought it would push their luck if the pack came, but they sent an ungodly amount of flowers and candy. When she snuck into the house while Ness was sleeping she Was Not expecting to find Edward up to his elbows in sequins, trying to fix a bedazzler he accidentally broke in frustration, muttering under his breath about how if Nessie’s romantic opposite in the show doesn’t keep his thoughts clean he’s gonna kill him- and it just cracks her up. She WAS nervous about seeing Edward again but now she’s assured he’s still a dork lol
So Edward freaks when he sees her but they don’t wanna wake Ness up so they’re trying to be quiet but like. they’re going through it 
Like Bella Wants to be pissed at him but she can’t, she still loves him- and while she can’t just get over what he did to her, it’s also not lost on her that ‘leaving to protect someone I love’ is literally what she had to do to her daughter
And Edward....Edward, who only left to give Bella a chance at a safe, human life, seeing Bella in front of him as a vampire, knowing it’s his fault she ended up that way and she had to go through it alone, had to raise a baby herself because he’d made it so hard to find him...knowing if he’d just pulled his head out of his ass he would have been able to be there for her...would be able to form a coherent sentence around his love right now, would have long and fond memories of Nessie’s childhood, likely wouldn’t have to watch Bella hide from the Volturi...he’s back in a self-loathing spiral already
But they haven’t seen each other in so long and they just don’t want to...deal with the unpleasantness right now, so they just push it aside. Bella helps Edward with the costumes. Edward fills her in on what she’s been missing with Nessie. Bella tells him some stuff about when Ness was younger. They just spend the night talking, and it feels like no time has past between them at all- which just makes the heartaches a little stronger
When Nessie wakes up to her mother there she’s ecstatic- bubbly and loud and glued to Bella’s hip all day, giving her in depth play-by-plays of her school and rehearsals and friends she’s made, bouncing on her toes all morning, hyper, giggly, and- it kind of breaks Edward’s heart a little, even though he knows he hasn’t really...earned this side of his daughter, yet. 
(at least he got his wish of seeing their twin smiles in person)
(he wishes he could see them every second of every day)
so the girls spend the day catching up while Edward mostly feels like a thirdwheel, and then they have to get Ness over to the school so she can get ready
Bella decides to hang out around the school theater before the show actually starts- she leans against the wall next to the piano, the two talking in hushed tones while Edward runs through songs. Bella really missed watching him play- the only thing that managed to drag her away from it was when Nessie called her to the dressing room to help with a hair emergency 
she didn’t talk to him much at intermission, her attention being stolen by the rest of the Cullen family (who had been Very Loudly supporting the show so far, she knew Ness was probably dying of embarrassment backstage)
after the show, the three went back to Edward’s and just...talked. Nessie was gushing about the show and eating while her parents assured her she was the greatest actress ever born, simple stuff like that. she fell asleep sandwiched in between them on the couch 
Bella realizes she’s never going to be able to bring herself to leave again if Nessie wakes up, and tells Edward as much. He clearly doesn’t want her to go just yet either, but...she’s on the run, it’s not like she has much choice 
He has so much he wants to say to her but he just- can’t. it’s not the right time. but he’s hoping she can see that in his eyes
Bella shifts Nessie off her shoulder so Edward can hold her, and she gives him a light kiss and says ‘thank you, Edward’ before disappearing in a flash. she needed to go before she lost her nerve.
Edward can’t bring himself to let Nessie out of his arms, so instead of carrying her to bed he just stays there, holding her, trying his best not to think that that could be the last time for a long time he’d ever see his Bella again, trying not to let thoughts of a life he gave up unwittingly consume him
okay I didn’t mean for this to be So Long so I’m cutting it here uhh...let me know if anyone wants a part 2? sorry lmao
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 years
Gregory from fanf for the fandom thing-
First Impression:
Hard to say ngl LOL but i guess what stood out to me the most was ‘oh the kid talks’ and the fact that he was hiding inside Freddy’s chest compartment was an instant ‘oohh i get that, i get that reference’
Tho i probably did have a tiny moment where i thought maybe he was a ghost possessing Freddy before it was confirmed no he is very much alive (thank goodness for that for a change LOL)
So yeah my first impression was pretty much, yeah he seems pretty neat i guess, but i didn’t really have much of an opinion beyond that because i usually decide if i like a character or not the further it gets into the story.
Speaking of...
Impression now:
My impression now would be i still think he is pretty neat, but also when i learned he was an orphan my heart INSTANTLY went out for this child like NO! GET THIS BOY A FAMILY!! SOMEONE ADOPT THIS CHILD OR SO HELP ME-
And then!! My prayers are answered!! The heavens open and angels sing from above! and lo and behold he gets adopted by an animatronic bear and you know what? I couldn’t have asked for any more than that! (but i got it anyways with all the good ending au’s going around with Vanessa and Freddy being his parents and Sun and Moon being there too sometimes as an added bonus as if it wasn’t wholesome enough!)
Also the fact this child is a literal feral gremlin is very entertaining to me xD i like many others, had assumed he would be a silent protaganist with no dialogue, aside from maybe some terrified breathing sounds or something but nope. This boy chose violence, and you know what? Fair play to him HFJKDSF
Favorite moment:
I would say with absolute ease the ending cutscenes of all the good endings (the nomads ending, the ‘true’ ending and the best ending) but in terms of moments during the actual gameplay itself, i’d say the entire chase scene with DJ (i know the poor kids running for his life but... it was kind of epic, and that music was a real head bopper) and also the part in the security office with all the cameras where he jumps down the vent to be caught by freddy but thats a more recent addition because of that one HECKIN DANG AMOUNG US MEME-
I can never look at that scene the same way again, thhis fandom has ruined me, has ruined my sense of humour and i love it and hate it for this (/j i love it actually x’DD)
Idea for a story:
Boi i could think for days on how i’d give this boy a family with Freddy and Vanessa as the parental figures and Sun and Moon being there too as the gremlin/funky jester uncles or psuedo-parents (local orphan adopts parenal figures more at ten-) but i’ve seen so many good au’s of people doing just that already and my soul is satisfied and my heart is complete because of it!
But even so i might poke around a bit with some art of my own with it one day who knows. ~
Unpopular opinion:
Idk how unpopular this opinion actually is, but i am fully on board with the idea he should have been nicer to Sun xD i mean he was the only animatronic (aside from Freddy) who wasn’t outright aggressive or seeking to kill him, and he only wanted to play, and had the one rule to keep the lights on because he didn’t want his other half (Moon) who WAS infected by the afton virus to go after Gregory.
I like to think if Gregory asked Sun may have been willing to help out (and the lights would have gone off as an accident or something) but as it is, Gregory is gremlin and as much as i love the feral gremlin child it came at Sun’s expense xD (i have a soft spot for the daycare jester can you tell?)
Favorite relationship:
Hands down, 100% the parent/child relationship he has with Freddy! It kind of speaks for itself, but it is just so heckin wholesome!! And i love?? How Freddy is just like... i guess i’m dad now, and HECKIN GOES WITH IT!! AND GREGORY IS JUST ‘I’VE KNOWN FREDDY FOR 2 AND A HALF MINUTES AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HIM I WILL TORCH THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND’ AND HOW FREDDY CALLS HIM SUPERSTAR AND- *SCREAMS*
So yeah i love their dynamic a lot.
Though a close second contender i must admit has to be Gregory and (post glitch)Moon because i’ve seen some hilarious (and wholesome) fanart and fanfics of the two, especially with them both being gremlin and either vibing or pranking each other and i love it, it radiates an almost older sibling/younger sibling energy that just feeds my heart and soul
Favorite headcanon:
Pretty much the same as mentioned in the Idea for a story part above lol, the headcanon that Gregory, Vannessa and Freddy (plus Sun and Moon because yes) all become a family post game and Vanessa works to provide for the crazy little family they’ve become, and the others help out best they can (my fave so far has to be the coffee shop au because it Just Works and i don’t think i could top that idea if i tried LOL)
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feralnumberfive · 3 years
The Rewatch Academy: Episode 4 of Season 1
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“Man on the Moon”
I am in no way a good analyst so my little analysis and speculations probably sound a bit goofy or pretty wild and probably mean nothing at all. Everything I put into this post about each episode is purely what I noticed or thought, whether it’s funny or serious. I will be making jokes, so please just leave it at that (in no way am I trying to make fun of an actor and or character!) I am also in no way saying I noticed this stuff first. This is just what I noticed while rewatching these episodes
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1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 |
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☂ So at that point Luther had already been alone for about five years (due to his siblings leaving when they were 18 or even 17 according to Diego), and by alone I mean he did’t have his siblings with him. I’m not counting Reginald, Grace, or Pogo because I’d imagine they weren’t the best company. There was a two year gap between Luther getting the serum and then being sent to the moon. He had already been “alone” for five years before he was sent away to be completely alone for four years. He hasn’t had really any social/outside interaction besides going on missions for almost ten years, which means Luther is an awkward dude and he hasn’t been a true leader because he hasn’t had anyone to lead. I don’t think people really realize this and I think that’s where some of the hate towards him comes from 
☂ We see that Luther looks into Allison’s and Klaus’s bedrooms as he makes his way down the hall, and I’m willing to bet he did that for all of his siblings. Makes me wonder how many times the siblings went to Five’s room to visit it or to even check with hope that he had come back  
☂ I wish I could ride my bike around my house and chug a gallon of milk :[
☂ I can’t believe that Reginald still made him wear that leather battle suit 💀
☂ Why are there posters of animal anatomy in the infirmary?
☂ Apparently it takes between two to four months to grow a full beard, so that’s  about how long Luther had been lying there
☂ *suffers through the Allison and Luther scene*
☂ “HoPe I wAsN’t BeInG tOo LoUd”
☂ Vanya and Leonard were really sweet in the beginning. Screw you Leonard
☂ It’s really sad that not one his siblings notice that Klaus is gone. Not. One. 
☂ Are you telling me that Klaus and Five are certified freaks? At least I’m sure that’s who Cha Cha is referring to, or maybe it’s Luther
☂ I tried looking up tortures in Trinidad to see if Cha Cha was referring to any specific event, but I think it’s just a random thing in the show
☂ It’s only when Diego mutters “The boy” that it reminds him either of Five’s superhero name “The Boy” or his new appearance as a teen again so it finally clicks in his head that that’s who the mystery kid is
☂ Diego admitting that he doesn’t really know how to process his feelings!
☂ He’s very protective of his family and that’s something that I love about Diego. He doesn’t know who Hazel and Cha Cha are but all he knows is that they are searching for Five for some reason and that his siblings almost got killed last night
☂ Five doesn't realize the suffering that he’s putting his family through at this point since he’s only focused on finding who’s responsible for the end of the world. It’s ironic that he’s doing all of this to keep them alive and safe and yet him not being with them almost got them killed. Five buddy, you should have included all of your siblings from the start no matter how much they annoy you
☂ Also where has Five been this entire time? He left the van at night and now it’s the next morning. He’s been following the guy but why did it take him so long to corner him?
☂ Ope, and there’s a continuation error! When Luther takes his arm out of Five’s dresser, he takes part of the wood panel with him. When it cuts back to Diego talking there’s just a fist size hole
☂ “We barely got out with our lives.” Okay but where were you, Pogo?
☂ It’s funny how quickly they revert to child-like shame when Pogo scolds them. At least they still respect him I guess
☂ Is Hazel eating potato chips with ketchup? 
☂ I think one reason why nobody notices that Klaus is gone is because none of them saw him that night during the attack. They possibly assumed he already had left the Academy??
☂ Looooove the “Shingaling” scene. They are straight up vibing
☂ I don’t know why Luther was frustrated with the van door being locked. It’s not like he could rip the door off or anything.......
☂ I have a two questions here:
Why did Diego know where to find Five based off of the book? Sure he saw that it came from the library, but that doesn’t mean that he’ll be there
Wouldn’t Luther and Diego have seen the smoke coming from the Meritech building? Unless they left immediately and weren’t able to see the smoke even though they probably were still in the vicinity when it began to burn
☂ Five is holding the man’s arm to make sure that he doesn’t get away (hard to tell in the pic below though). He needs that sense of security that this lead isn’t going to escape his grasp, but I’m sure that if he were to run he wouldn’t get far when you can just teleport after him
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☂ I got a nice pic of Five (also the dude on the bike that was riding behind Five as he runs up in this shot just does not care that this building is on fire) 
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☂ When it shows Five on the ground, it at first starts off with light and slightly comedic music before it quickly switches over to something dramatic. I always thought it was funny that they play the light stuff as we see Five just laying there 💀
☂ You can see just how quickly Five’s face changes from shock to disbelief and disappointment as his only lead is literally blown away from him look, you can pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks. Also Five definitely would have had hearing issues since we can see that the windows on the building behind him were shattered. He’s staring into your soul....
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☂ There’s nothing really significant about this at all, but Whippets are racing dogs and in the comics Five goes to watch a dog race at one point
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☂ “I hate sprinkles.” Hey, me too!
☂ I love that Griddy’s is still open despite the damage that was done to it
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☂ Diego left home at 17 (which is illegal so I wonder if he was emancipated or maybe Diego ran away and Reginald didn’t care to look for him) so I wonder if the others left when they were 17 too or if they waited until they were 18 
☂ Luther I don’t really think you’re one to talk about being “grown up” my guy. In fairness none of the Umbrellas know how to be fully functioning adults, not even Five who’s about twice the age of his siblings and is almost a senior citizen
☂ “I stayed because the world needed me.” Hey that was basically Five’s reason too, but more so for getting to see his family again. Anyways, like brother, like, uh, brother! 
☂ "And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to be.” You sir just predicted the next week(s) (and technically years in the 60s) of your life and the lives of your siblings! This also applies for what happens after those weeks/years, but we haven’t gotten there yet but it’s certainly not the way things used to be!  
☂ How was Luther upset enough that he wanted Diego to stop talking after he said something genuine and a bit sad?
☂ This whole relationship talk isn’t exactly relatable......
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☂ He’s just chillin’
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☂ Reginald can ✨perish✨ Oh wait, he already did 
☂ Here I am taking any little scrap and running with it, but when Five says he’s going through puberty twice does that mean that he didn’t get his aging altered by The Commission? In the comics, Temps Aeternalis/Commission stopped Five’s aging but here it sounds like that didn’t happen. Since we haven’t heard anything about Five’s DNA in the tv show we don’t really know much about his aging alteration either. I think that they really do have to leave that part out due to Aidan himself, who is a growing teen, and for the fact that they would need to come up with an excuse for Five’s aging (Aidan already looks different in S2 and he’s taller too). I wish they would bring this stuff up in the show!
☂ Five deflects answering the question of what he’s the best at most likely just because he’s just distracted but also possibly because he doesn’t want his brothers to know at this point
☂ First the feral chimp smile and now this
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☂ Five actually sounded serious when he was talking about how many people he has killed and how he’s the ”Four frickin’ Horsemen” which is more so an exaggeration but it still shows us that he views himself as dangerous and powerful. He revealed this to them while he was drunk, even though they don’t really understand, but I wonder if Five ever actually planned on telling his siblings what he did and how much blood he has on his hands. I feel like he would have told them after he had saved the world from the apocalypse, but yet again I could also see him brushing off questions in relation to what he just said to Luther and Diego to hide his past from his family
☂ ✨”Little Psycho”✨
☂ As eerie as all of those ghosts are, it’s a really neat scene
☂ It’s not really meant to be funny, but Klaus denying the duct tape just reminds me of a little kid refusing to go into timeout 
☂ I guess Cha Cha got out through the door next to the bathroom when Klaus was banging his head on the table?
☂ It’s a shame that Patch died right away, I really liked her
☂ Klaus, where you’re going really isn’t any better 
☂ It’s sweet that Diego puts Delores down gently and doesn’t just toss her somewhere. Even though she’s a mannequin, Diego knows that she means something to Five
☂ Well Luther I think it’s pretty self-explanatory what he meant. You just need more context 
☂ Diego: *signaling that someone, possibly a threat, is approaching and to be alert*
Luther: 🕴👁`👄’👁
☂ Even if they did think that Klaus had left the Academy before Hazel and Cha Cha attacked it, it’s sad that it took them this long to think about him
☂ Luther patting Delores is so cute
☂ Say it with me kids, “Patch deserved so much better!”
☂ My heart breaks to see Diego so heartbroken and upset, especially when he says “I gotta go, okay? I can’t be here when they come, okay?” Ugh, that gets me
Feel free to comment or reblog with things you have noticed too!
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daresplaining · 3 years
Have you ever done a post regarding Elektra and all her love interests in the comics? I know it's done often with DD (and how he is quite the ladies man) but was wondering who she has been romantically involved with in the Marvel Universe.
    I haven’t, and I really should, so thank you for asking! This is one of those questions where the longer I thought about it, the more difficult it became to actually answer, and the reason is this: Elektra tends to be a sexualized character. She is frequently written as something of a femme fatale, and people are constantly lusting after her. This means that in some cases-- especially cases in which Elektra is not the narrator of the story-- it’s difficult to distinguish between Elektra partnering with someone who is attracted to her and Elektra actually being engaged in a romantic relationship. There is a ton of subtext involved in some of her interactions with people, and I will be the first to admit that I’m not the best at decoding romantic subtext. A great example is Agent Garrett from Elektra: Assassin (who I have not included on this list). We are in his head for most of the story, and he is going gaga over Elektra the entire time. On the page, it doesn’t look like she’s reciprocating, but Garrett imagines that she might be, and so you get into this situation where you start to think... maybe they’re being romantic off-panel. Maybe Elektra is actually into him. But since we’re not in her head, and because Garrett is an unreliable narrator, it’s very difficult to parse what is actually going on between them.  
    In any case, here is a list of people with whom I’m pretty confident Elektra has been romantically involved (in roughly chronological order). 
Matt Murdock 
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[ID: Elektra and Matt seen from the shoulders up, kissing. Elektra has her arms around Matt’s neck.]
    Obviously, number one on the list is this guy, the college boyfriend, Elektra’s first love, the one that accidentally got her father killed which caused her to become so disillusioned with life that she dropped out of school and became a ninja assassin got away. Elektra is very much her own character and has been for a long time, but she will always-- to some degree-- be defined by her relationship with Matt. This is partly because Matt was a significant player in her origin story, but it’s also because their relationship embodied a happier time, and is something that Elektra has continued to cherish through all of the chaos that she has been through in the years since. Matt serves as a bit of an ideal for her; she will occasionally compare other men she meets to him-- particularly men who she is considering involving herself with. If you want to play Elektra bingo, “Thinks About Matt” should be the free space because it happens at least once per run.  
    I tend to think of Matt and Elektra’s relationship as one of a connection that transcends their actual interactions. Their lives are so intensely paralleled, and their college-era time together was so important to both of them, that they are always present in each other’s lives even when they aren’t physically together. Elektra will frequently show up when Matt needs help-- sometimes in person, sometimes psychically, sometimes just in his imagination. They have shared a lot of closeness and are very important to each other. But they haven’t actually spent that much time together. Elektra was interested in resuming a romantic relationship with Matt immediately after her resurrection, during Chichester’s Daredevil run, but Matt wasn’t in the right emotional place for it. They tried, briefly, to date during Elektra volume 1, but that fell apart right away. Now, in the current DD run, they have started up a relationship-- which is hugely significant after years and years of pining and angst and near-misses. I’m curious to see where this will take them moving forward.     
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[ID: Two panels showing Elektra and a burly man embracing in a stream in the moonlight.]
Tekagi (caption): “My past with Elektra? Is that what really troubles you, Genkotsu? It was exotic and intense, yes... but it is also long over!”
    In Elektra: Root of Evil, we learn that during her time training with/infiltrating the Hand, a lonely Elektra had a passionate but brief relationship with one of her teachers, an ambitious (and ultimately bad news) Hand warrior named Tekagi. While they both end up with fond memories of their time together, they also both treat it as being very much in the past. When they meet again as enemies, years later, Elektra doesn’t suffer too much angst about killing him. 
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[ID: Elektra and Wolverine, both in costume, are sitting together on a low wall with a Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters sign on the front. Wolverine looks sad; Elektra is embracing him from behind. They are surrounded by green trees.]
    When Logan has the Adamantium ripped out of him and the trauma causes him to revert to a feral, animalistic state, Stick sends Elektra to help him find his way back. This comes at a time when Elektra is also struggling to re-find herself after returning from the dead. Together, the two go on an emotional journey of self-discovery that turns them into very close friends. Since then, they have frequently stepped into each other’s lives for team-ups and to provide emotional support. I have to admit a little ignorance on this one. While Logan’s appearances in Elektra-focused comics appear platonic, I haven’t read many Wolverine comics, and I've gotten the sense through my general Marvel reading that there is a romantic element to Elektra and Logan’s relationship that I just haven’t come across yet, which is why he’s on this list. If any of my followers can clarify this one, please do!
McKinley “Mac” Stewart
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[ID: Elektra (in a jacket) is leaning down toward Mac, a beefy guy with a mustache and a ponytail. Her hand is on the side of his face. The scene is tinted dark blue.]
Elektra: “Stop talking. The answer is yes, Matt.”
Mac: “You mean... Mac.”
Elektra: “That’s what I said.”
    Elektra’s first solo series takes place soon after her resurrection, and is centered around her attempts to put her life as an assassin behind her and start anew (spoiler: she fails spectacularly). One of her projects in this new life is a dojo that she founds and funds to give local kids a place to go to receive training and support. Elektra brings in two guys to help run the dojo: a martial artist named King Lau and a heavyweight boxer named Mac Stewart. Mac quickly develops an attraction toward Elektra, and while she at first hesitates to accept his advances for personal baggage-related reasons, she eventually ends up engaging in what seems to be a mostly physical relationship with him. However, this relationship doesn’t receive much development. Most of their interactions happen off-panel or in the background of the main plot, Elektra almost ditches him for Matt at one point, and when the series ends, Mac is in a coma thanks to an attack by the Hand and (to my knowledge) never appears again.       
Frank Castle
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[ID: Elektra and Frank are sitting across from each other at a diner-style table, drinking out of the same cup with straws. They are pointing weapons (sai and gun) at each other under the table.]
    Elektra and Frank have tended to run in the same circles, kill the same types of people, etc. and through encountering each other and learning each other’s reputations, they end up developing a healthy admiration for each other. Frank asks Elektra to train him, in recognition of her superior skills. This blossoms into a romance that lasts throughout their time working together on the Thunderbolts team (she gives him the heart of a mobster she killed and he gets it bronzed... it's very sweet). They end up having a (verbal and physical) fight and breaking up at the end of the run, though they still seem to be on fairly good terms.
Stephen Strange 
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[ID: Elektra and Doctor Strange, both in costume, are kissing in front of the big window in the Sanctum Sanctorum. A full moon is rising over the buildings behind them.]
    This is new! Elektra and Stephen are currently working together on Conan-related shenanigans in Savage Avengers, and a few issues ago they slept together. For the moment, they both seem to be treating it as a casual one-time thing, but time will tell if that remains true.   
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in-tua-deep · 4 years
tua rewatch with the roommate
Episode five
Oh fuck the “I found you. all your bodies.” scene
“We died?” “Horribly.” throwback to the ben convo o o f
“If perfectly arranged under rubble and otherwise unharmed counts as ‘horribly”’  - roommate
I like that Diego says he’s going to kill Hazel and Cha-Cha like it’s a challenge?? lol five doesn’t care if they live or die he only cares if u do you big dumbass
“Well I know none of the main characters die bc there’s a season 2... and i’m pretty sure they’re all in s2... like all of the family?”
I mean luther is kind of valid for being frustrated that five didn’t share about the apocalypse but also like,,, the first person five told about it (Vanya) suggested he might be insane. so. i can understand some reluctance on his part on top of the whole “the last time my siblings fought this the Whole World Died Including Them i would like them as far away from apocalypse stuff as possible”
okay okay so five says “they turned me into the perfect instrument” so do y’all think that implies experimentation like in the comics or ????
all i can think about during the kennedy scene though is my high school history teacher. he went over the assassination in intimate detail and i’m pretty sure he was writing a book about it and everything. mr. hansen if you’re out there - 
i like feral beard five more than mustache five tbh if i’m picking 
“Someone ELSE shot the president? Was he supposed to shoot kennedy or was he supposed to kill the person who shot kennedy?” - Roommate
love that five tells luther to grow up over murder,,, though to be valid pretty sure they did actually murder people as kids SO. grow down?
fuck i love mary,, will you love me like you loved me in the january rain??? just shoot me in the heart
GOD rob is such a good actor
“wait a second... how is he wearing pants?” oh roommate you have a big storm coming
i have some serious questions about the commission and their methods of communication. where do?? the tubes come from? where do they go after?
Allison: i have a bad feeling [about leonard]
where are these instincts for everything else tho??? her marriage?
“Vanya. she really is trying to look out for you. i really would trust her. you could invite her to come along so she can see he’s perfectly fine??” - Roommate, whose instincts regarding not trusting leonard-harold are spot on
apparently my roommate knows people who put salt in their coffee. i have. so many questions.
“That’s suspicious?? that’s suspicious right?? did he do that? is he a secret serial killer? is he a FUCKING secret serial killer?” roommate when they talk about helen cho going missing
“What do you mean stop showing up it’s been like. a day” - I mean. the roommate has a point. 
Klaus’s depression bath is a mood :(
did klaus put eye shadow on before his bath or did he get his hands on eye shadow in vietnam?? the questions that will never be answered
Five is so enthusiastic about having someone who understands... he doesn’t even notice absolutely Not Being In The Mood,, klaus is grieving and five is just like !!! where did you go!!!! like it was a vacation
klaus: yeah i’m ten months older now. when i’m done being depressed i will lord that over diego for the rest of our natural lives.
does five write in all caps all the time?? why? 
roommate: I wonder what the upper size limit on the knives her can use. like is it machete length? forearm length? what are the limits on his powers. if he sharpened a very sharp mechanical pencil could he use it? if he sharpened a piece of the chandelier? at what point does something become a knife?
me: could he hurl mia (my cat)? mia and her knife feet?
allison also writes in all caps to write leonard’s address
we stan agnes and hazel in this household
“I never said we didn’t !! i just thought she was just a random extra in the first episode and every time we cut away i think that’s the last we’ve seen of her” - roommate because i keep saying that this is an agnes stan household
“OH THERE’S THE PATCHWORK COAT i was afraid it didn’t come back” - okay though good question he definitely didn’t have the coat on the bus. what is it with klaus and his magically appearing coat????
oh :(  oh klaus :(  every time klaus is sad i am also sad :(
honestly a family conversation IS the threat in this family
god though this random vet in this bar is actually an asshole though like. klaus doesn’t owe him shit. klaus served. he’s clearly having a moment with the photo. that could have been a family member or something who died i don’t even know
agnes: i’m a twitcher :)
“like a twitch streamer?” -Roommate
PLEASE give me twitch streamer!Agnes au
look i just enjoy hazel and agnes
roommate: honey you’re too young for her
me: NO DON’T BE MEAN TO THEM,,, agnes deserves a boytoy
“does diego drive a manual?” my roommate once again focusing on things that i do not
five: i have to find the people whose deaths could save the timeline
my roommate: is it agnes?? is he going to kill agnes????
i’m still laughing about that fact that luther is holding dolores.... over the fire escape... she couldn’t drop that far lads
luther’s dumb sometimes but he does have some nice heart to hearts with his brother,,,, honestly he and five get along pretty well in the early episodes. kindred spirits. body dysmorphia and isolation squad.
my roommate has to keep remembering social media doesn’t exist in this universe
i am still confused as to why
that won’t stop me from giving everyone iphones and youtube accounts in my aus though
diego can curve ANYTHING he throws, usually knives, according to cha-cha’s research. but that doesn’t explain the spoilers i have seen about s2 sO
Klaus: You also told me that licking a nine volt battery would give me pubes
oh diego got a bullet graze forgot about that as well?? does he ever get like. medical attention for that? diego?????
it really has been like. maybe two days since helen cho died. is no one??? concerned????? they just immediately jump into replacing her??????????????????? hellO? 
“very clear camera angles to show that this actress did not actually play the violin for this role” - i mean that’s fair but ellen is trying rip
me: who’s your favorite character so far?  roommate: that’s a tricky question. klaus is very entertaining to watch. allison is the most reasonable and i’m very interested to know, well, she seems like the best combination of reasonable and has the least selfish intentions. diego and luther i feel like are both good in a bland way in that they’re both doing good in the best way they can which usually involves punching people. five is fun. five is very fun. five is as fun to watch as klaus, they’re both very fun actors to watch on screen. they’re more expressive than diego and luther tend to be.  me: so which is your favorite?????  roommate: first instinct says allison, though she probably has the least dynamic or interesting arc so far
are hazel and cha-cha the best because their victims never see them coming?? like. they aren’t really THAT competent.
“I do LOVE the aesthetic of an ice cream truck playing ride of the valkyries” - my roommate is valid
“LOVE the hypersaturated background in this scene. it’s more fun that having it be desaturated.”
five looks so baby in this scene with the handler :(
still unsure where five got that handgun but i’m vibing
hate when she touches his face !! awful!!!
the handler’s little “all of them??” like yeAH ALL OF THEM even though they irritate the living FUCK out of each other. siblings man
ben gets shotgun for the getaway !!! go ben!
“I’m starting to think... given how space and reality seemed to be warping during her playing... that her medication... isn’t for anxiety...” - oh, oh roommate
ah i blocked out the leonard vanya make out as well
“DIDN’T YOU MEET HIM TWO DAYS AGO?” - yeah i feel u roommate
yup there’s helen’s body
“CSI call crime scene investigation - that’s going to start to smell real soon”
pogo: and you understand that the children can never know
me: actually pogo fuck you
and that’s episode 5 everyone thank you and goodnight
episode six
i do love a good flashback to klaus
klaus: sees a shirtless soldier and instantly falls in love
they don’T EVEN QUESTION HIM just “KATZ GET THIS MAN A PAIR OF PANTS” and they go with it?? he just APPEARED and they don’t even care
klaus was really just vibing in the 60s huh
wait this is like 1962 or 63 right
when does s2 take place?? also the 60s right???
didn’t kennedy die in 1963 i feel like what i know about s2 contradicts that date but i could have sworn they said a round trip to 1963??????
luther is SUCH A MOOD in the family briefing.
“aww he’s a bad liar” - roommate
“I realize that [the umbrella] was necessary for the title drop but where the fuck did that come from”
@ the handler please stop touching five,,, but also five has such. non reactions to her touching him. which worries me. like she grabs his shoulder walking alongside him and he doesn’t even look at her
why are there gas masks in the briefcase room...
can you IMAGINE if your boss toted a child into the room and introduced him as the Legendary Time Travelling Assassin that the whole office had a betting pool over who would die that one time and is Definitely approaching 60 not 13... and then called him LEADERSHIP MATERIAL. implying that this child will probably get a promotion before you do?? can you IMAGINE?
“again... two days ago...” roommate about leonard and vanya
vanya really chose literally just the worst time to come back to the academy huh
okay but vanya going off?? valid, but also,, i mean. it IS their dads fault that they don’t have any relationship with vanya?
luther: it’s about the moon  roommate: critical role moon theory
hey like. how did the family get together in the first timeline holy fuck. it’s hard enough to get them together when they Literally Know The World Is Going To End
so remember diego getting grazed with a bullet yeah well he has a sling on now which makes sense!! and yet. when five got grazed by a bullet he SLAPS A BANDAID ON IT. someone please address this.
five is such an asshole coworker i love it
i wonder if dot is a mother. or just a nice coworker. she keeps trying to talk to him and invite him to lunch aww
i wonder if it’s purposeful on the handler’s part to call him “mr. five” instead of “mr. hargreeves” to like... further isolate him from his family? by removing his last name they’re sort of removing his ties to his siblings considering it’s not like they’re related by blood
forgot how much i hate the bathroom scene !! wow !! hate it so much!!! there’s so many violations of social etiquette in such a short scene! it’s so deeply uncomfortable!
luther: stop it pogo! you know everything our dad did
i am remembering once again how much i hate pogo all over again!! reginald literally locked klaus in a mausoleum!! he abused the kids! pogo didn’t even speak up about sending luther to the MOON,,, oh luther :(
he just learned his dad exiled him for no reason he has lots of rights his entire world view was just shattered wow i am like infinitely more sympathetic to luther on the second watch
“I knew allison and luther was a thing. you told me allison and luther was a weird thing. still not a fan.” - my very valid roommate
they could have made the fort so much more sibling-y instead of romantic and it would have been so much better honestly
oh dave :(
“I wonder who her primary care physician is and if she can find out what that medication was...” roommate i wish i knew
“I’m trying to decide if he knew ahead to time to try and get at her specifically or like... i don’t know when he took the figurine I was like ‘doesn’t he own an antique shop is he there to steal antiques from the family home’.” roommate on leonard
forgot the handler gifted five a suit. also don’t like that. don’t like her talk about his body and everything either.
“is it too much to ask to give him two outfits? one he can wear now and one with the new body?” - roommate
honestly with hazel’s talk on budget cuts i’m not surprised he only gets one suit
five and his sweet tooth. don’t take the candy five. come on. what did your father TEACH YOU. honestly reggie probably was like “let them get kidnapped it will probably teach them a life lesson”
“there were like... villages that needed rebuilding after disasters. he could have been sending these packages to legit lunar research facilities. legit facilities would have adored to have that information.” 
okay but people KNEW he was on the moon. cha-cha mentioned it. it was in vanya’s book. why were scientists not knocking down reginald’s door demanding the research??? if i was a moon scientist i would have the mansion staked out trying to demand info jesus
“love his eye fluttering in the way of ‘oh shit i got something in my eye i can’t break character scene is still going scene is stILL GOING’“ - hilarious observations from the allison luther fort scene 2.0: grown up version that gets erased
did they just leave the fort up all those years. did no one USE the green house??? did grace lovingly work around it all that time?
oh :(  dave :(
grace is capable of lying and pogo is a shadowy motherfucker
“okay now that they’re actually putting it into the plot i understand why you don’t think he’s trustworthy but you really got on my back about that”
in my defense i just hate him tbh i did not like him when he first showed up and i never particularly liked him tbh
allison: i think you’re the only person who knows who i am and likes me anyway
me, remembering the theory that allison rumored luther to love her: HMMMMMM
okay but i think the luther and allison dance scene is fucking HILARIOUS. absolutely ridiculous. i mean i hate that it’s incest but also the fucking LIGHTS DESCENDING. the RANDOM WARDROBE CHANGE. 
roommate likes the green underskirt thing under allison’s random dance dress
are they just doing this in public???
ugh. the kiss. ugh. erased that from my memory as well
“they clearly want romance in this show but they painted themselves into a corner with the siblings thing” - roommate
five and his fucking STAPLERS isn’t this the second time he’s knocked someone out with a stapler?? the bank robber and now gloria??
five please your siblings were finally doing some decent work on their own issues :/
five is the kind of dramatic as fuck entrances 
“love how he just grabs [allison’s] coffee. kid needs a coffee after all that.” - roommate
five actually does a good job of rallying the siblings though?? they just broke the fuck up in the og timeline
“something tells me that harold jenkins might be leonard”
oh roommate
episode seven
uh oh harold was born
i feel vaguely bad for him
“me the night before a convention” - roommate on harold’s tape and cosplay and everything
okay but how did reginald even KNOW harold jenkins had no powers?? did he? keep tabs on all the forty some kids not just the seven he kept?
but also why the fuck are these people laughing at An Actual Child fuck all of them honestly
“did HE kill hargreeves?? I mean. he’s got motive.” - roommate
harold really said “i think my superpower is actually this hammer motherfucker”
how did he get twelve years?? was he tried as an adult?? was he in juvie? how old WAS he
twelve years ago... they’re 29 soooo seventeen? he did NOT look seventeen? he was NOT seventeen in that flashback what???
roommate theorizes that harold ran off after the murder and committed petty crimes until caught and tried for murder when he was seventeen so was maybe 13 in the flashback
okay so i looked up the timeline and he got out in 2014 or something so he was like 13 in the flashback which makes SO much more sense honestly but also what the FUCK was he doing for five years
“he’s actually laying out all the facts as he knows them and I appreciate that.” -roommate about five briefing the team
five?? the only member of the family with communication skills? it’s? somehow more likely than you think?
“allison’s pants that she’s wearing now are the most perfectly tailored things i’ve ever seen. not even a wrinkle when she’s standing still. do you know how hard that is to do?” again my roommate noticing the things i absolutely do not
five. five. you have a GUT WOUND and also jumped a BUNCH OF TIMES. you are not blinking into the police station and getting the file. you need some SLEEP. and REST. and WOUND CARE FIVE FOR FUCK’S SAKE. you still have a GUNSHOT GRAZE on your upper arm and a SLICE on your wrist from DIGGING OUT A TRACKER. FIVE.
diego wants to be batman SO BAD.
five crossing his arms and Not Uncrossing Them because he’s literally HOLDING HIMSELF TOGETHER.
wow luther is really handling this so much worse in this timeline rip
luther is losing validity points for CHOKING KLAUS i knew this happened but i didn’t remember how awful it was !!! bad and terrible! and luther is very drunk and very sad and very angry. oh. he’s saying he never left the house and never had friends for nothing :(
klaus had the realization that reggie was an asshole YEARS ago and he’s just kind of like “aww. luther :(” 
klaus is trying so hard
“Klaus has had the most heart to hearts with the most siblings honestly.” - roommate
allison at the beginning making her laugh in the office with the EYES, five on the steps of meritech, diego after the vet bar, luther on the couch...
wow cha cha really thought hazel was talking about how meaningful his partnership was with her when he was talking about agNES
five limping up the lawn and staggering up the stairs and clinging to the rails baBY SIT DOWN. YOU ARE BLEEDING.
“inspiring leadership” “one of the greats” what a sibling moment honestly.
five really said “i think i will pass the fuck out now”
five really said “hey i am literally willing to die for this mission because this mission is the safety and lives of my entire family and i love you guys :(”
except he doesn’t because five is decent at information sharing but getting feelings out of him feels like pulling teeth at times smh
is leonard trying to vicariously live his “normal child born on the umbrella academy day discovers they have had powers the WHOLE TIME” dream through vanya??
we yell about how leonard and vanya have known each other for like a week but i mean same for hazel and agnes!! he’s literally asking her to run away with him and she says yes !!!!! agnes is here for the romantic adventure with this man she’s really living her first hot girl summer and living for it
“she’s having her own little rom com! she thinks she’s living in a rom com not a dark sci fi!” - roommate accurate as usual
she just called ben the emotional support ghost and i mean... she ain’t wrong
honestly klaus should have just left luther to his rave, he didn’t get to party in his teens or during his college years or anything
i do appreciate the viking yell of “B R O T H E R” that luther greets klaus with though because that’s exactly how i greet my own siblings whenever i see them
oh klaus :(
oh klaus :(
he’s having war flashbacks, cravings, is in withdrawal, AND experiencing sensory overload while reliving one of the more traumatizing moment of his life
oh klaus :(
five in a bed for the second time of the season which is nice for him. if only the first time wasn’t because he passed out drunk and the second time wasn’t because of a whole shrapnel wound. i am now that captain of the Let Five Sleep brigade holy SHIT like at least they imply that the others sleep five is just feral and ready to go at all times
are the police allowed to just. remove someone’s arm sling? is that permitted? his arm could be fucked up? i mean. it is? he was shot?
“I saw everything my brothers and sister could do ruin their lives” VANYA some REALIZATION up in here,,,, admitting that the umbrella academy wasn’t exactly a desirable place to be is actually some real growth for her and leonard just fucking shuts her down? fuck that man
oh klaus :(  oh luther :(  oh :(
“love his corset side pants, like benedict from violet evergarden” - on the topic of Klaus’s pants
“I made everyone else so I must have made you” says god except for the fact that the kids just... surprise popped up instead of coming about the natural way. maybe god DIDN’T made them????????
oh klaus :(  prepare for disappointment :(
oh i didn’t notice the photos of the umbrella academy in the barbershop the first time i watched this
so klaus gives an age for the mausoleum... thirteen... do you think that was before or after five left? statistically it’s probably after bc it was only a couple of months after they turned thirteen that five vanished
Klaus’s “we were just kids” breaks my heart every time
if i was one of reggie’s kids i would have just not gone to the funeral. rip to the hargreeves kids but i’m different
he doesn’t even call klaus klaus in death, he still calls klaus number four. fuck that man.
“i was gonna say i’d have been very very surprised if they kept him dead” - roommate on klaus waking up
“Five bucks says he set these guys up to try and get something out of her” - the roommate being very perceptive
cha cha is VERY rude to my girl agnes
honestly why DIDN’T hazel just kill cha cha after her whole speech and threats about killing agnes slowly in front of him???? like he literally watched her try to kill him as well
why wasn’t diego arrested in the original day that wasn’t actually?? he was being considered already. he still left the house, albeit with grace instead of allison. why wasn’t he arrested then???????? 
roommate thinks it’s interesting how committed the show is to their old timey shit. she used a nicer words like anachronisms but the point is: w h y
are these episodes even longer than i remember?? holy SHIT
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tweedstoat · 3 years
any fic recs from this year?
Anything by Becky_Blue_Eyes - my personal faves are:
Queen of the May - you guys are probably sick of me recomending this one but it was amazing so i’m reccing it again. Rhaenys lives AU mashup with Midsommar.
The Girl with Blood Moon Eyes - Rhaegar won AU where Rhaenys has some pretty dark magic powers and gets to go feral with them. We love to see it.
Untouched by Tears; Completely Undefeated - If you hate OP Jon Snow Harem fics where Jon is surrounded by sexy swooning women and dragons 24/7 this parody fic is for you.
Her stuff for The Tudors is just *chefs kiss* if you are in that fandom. She also writes for Star Wars!
Anything by Aegonbeingfakeisracist
Princess of Summerhall - explores Rhaenys and Rhaegar’s relationship, and Rhaenys’ feelings in a Rhaegar won AU
Change my state with kings - Rhaenys lives, but as a hostage of the new King Robert in the Red Keep. This one had me ugly crying at 3 am.
And So the Sun Saved a Wolf - a great Brandon/Elia AU series that made me take interest in the pairing!
Tell Me of Her - canon Aegon reflects upon his mother and who she was as a person. Stories where Aegon is a fully fleshed out human being instead of some evil prop for the story are sadly lacking in this fandom but this story lets us take a peek into his head.
Malevolent and without form by SecondStarOnTheLeft
I was a huge fan of the original one-shot and when I saw the author wrote a second part I screeched. A semi-Rhaegar won AU where Elia deals with the mess of what occured. Definitley THE story for people who want an Elia who comes out on top and isn’t a doormat that loves Rhaegar and Jon and Lyanna
My mother’s fury (makes mine seem nothing) - by queen_elenei
A modern AU one-shot about Arianne in a faith of the Seven school dealing with sexism. I would love to see more fics where the fetishization/hypersexualization that Arianne faces as a WoC is addressed. Also as someone who went to Catholic school I can confirm this is spot on.
Dawn's Chosen by wingsofthenight 
Lesser Beasts by Sansakatara
The trident scene from Cersei’s perspective. I thought Cersei’s superiority complex really shined through in this and it was an interesting take on a scene that is pretty much notorious in this fandom.
A Song of Siblings by ariel2me
A really really excellent drabble collection focused on the relationship between siblings in Asoiaf. If you enjoy minor characters like me this collection really comes through!
Non-ASOIAF fics
Harry potter
Barbed Wire, Grass Crown by dwellingondreams
Ever wondered what a realistic Tom Riddle/OC story would look like? Look no further! In this series Tom isn’t turned into some secret villain with a heart of gold for 1 (one) person but he’s also not an evil caricature. A very interesting exploration of the Harry Potter world pre-series.
They also write ASOIAF fics! If you are interested in the Starks I would recommend giving their works a read!
Avatar: The Last Airbender
run, run, run, by bonn
a Modern AU Sokka/Zuko series- my friend Bonn wrote this and i was crying by the third sentence and im barely in the ATLA fandom. Angsty but ultimately hopeful and sweet. The mortifying ordeal of being known. Sokka playing volleyball and being cool and going to house parties. What more can you want?
If you go to my fic rec tag you can see more fics that I’ve reblogged.
There were plenty of amazing fics I read this year and if i listed them all i’d be racking my brains all night so these are the ones that i have read most recently/or really stood out to me.
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Jung Hoseok x Kim Seokjin 
Words: 4.1k
Genre/Rating: Smut/fluff (NC - 17)
Prompt: 2seok with bad boy Jin (think tattoos, motorbikes, intimidating af but rescues kittens type) and model student shy and sweet Hoseok.
Warning: Clubbing, social drinking, mentions of drunken sex, tattoed blond Jin, flirting, LGBTQ+ fic, MxM fic, bad father, bad childhood mentions, volunteering work, kissing, blowjob in a garage, unprotected oral (male receiving) [be safe folks].
A/N: The following work is a part of @ficswithluv ‘s amazing project Change With Luv. It was commissioned by the lovely Ducky ( @diedinwarofhormones​ ) Thank you for the commission and let’s hope the donation helps bring about some really needed reforms! It is my very first mxm fic so please be a little lenient in judgement and I kept the smut not very explicit just in case (also because I exceeded the word limit shhh) so yeah. I hope you enjoy! Please do check out the project to help bring some change to the world and art to the world! 
Now, do welcome the gif that brought together the last scene of the fic!
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In life, there are three sets of people who go hand in hand.
There are the people who are completely alike, do everything together, share hobbies and end up being the ‘goals’ that are usually portrayed on every hyped up couples instagram.
There are people who seem to just mesh well, go about in their personal bubbles as things either go well or not.
And then…there are the people who are nothing alike. They are poles apart, one league away from each other.
Yet, they are brought closer and closer to each other and gel together in a manner that astounds the people surrounding them.
Or so Jung Hoseok had read somewhere; in a book, maybe in his adolescence, in those past teen years that seem like a dream.
He was grown up now, in college and while he had kept on the rosy tint in his cheeks, he had shed off most of his earlier romantic notions.
After all, college was a step forward towards the future he craved desperately. And he worked hard for it, to graduate and then carry on further into a blissful, stress free life.
So, when he came in touch with the circle in which Kim Seokjin moved, well…
All those ideals and notions came back like a sucker punch.
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To be very honest, a club scene where there was too much light but nothing could be seen, where a bass thumped that irritatingly made you feel like you had a second heartbeat, too many sweaty bodies that merged, collided to a rambling beat and alcohol that cost half a days’ worth income – even on a campus ground, was not to Hoseok’s taste.
However, his best friend Namjoon had dragged him out of his room this time, screaming, wailing, and crawling – for once to pry Hoseok away from those chemistry books that still had equations pounding in his cranium.
Many minutes after arriving at the party, Namjoon had disappeared.
Hoseok had no idea where; if there was someone who was more shy, nerdy or awkward than him…it was Kim Namjoon.
He hoped he was getting laid somewhere, that way he’d be much less annoyed when Hoseok inevitably left to go home.
He turned his torso around to the crowd, and although he could see absolutely nothing clearly, he tried, he really did.
He reached up, straightened onto the bar stool so he could look over the multiple heads. Most of the flashing lights glinted against his glasses, blinding him and he sighed. Slumping back, he admitted defeat, looking along the length of the bar.
Maybe he should order another drink?
It wasn’t midnight just yet. He could make it till 12 and then slip away. After all, if Namjoon was around and…not otherwise occupied, he would come over so they could both go back to the dorm.
They both had early and lengthy classes for god’s sake.
As he stretched out a hand, to attract the bartender’s attention, he saw him.
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The angle the man sat at made it impossible for him to get a clear look at his face. However, it was easy to discern the hunch of his shoulders, too wide, clad in a smooth leather jacket that exploded rainbows whenever a streak of light bounced off of the man.
Deep blond hair ruffled on top of the head and he could barely make out the hints of a neck tattoo.
The bartender soon came over to take his order and after refilling the drink, Hoseok decided that he could stay a bit more, just to see what the stranger looked like maybe.
“Buddy, take a picture. It’ll last longer.”
Hoseok started, the rim of the glass jolting against his teeth at the move as the man turned his head to look at him head on, one dark eyebrow quirked.
Suffice it to say, the man was breathtaking.
The soft blond hair accentuated the poufy lips of the man, glistening wet from the alcohol. The leather jacket showed off a swimmer’s body, a silver clasp at his thin waist.
Hoseok was tempted to think that this man put his last boyfriend to shame.
“I’m sorry; I must’ve just stared at you. I was zoning out.” Hoseok excused himself.
“Don’t worry about it.” The man grinned, leaning forward so he would be audible. “You here with someone?”
“My roommate…he’s disappeared.”
The stranger nodded, taking a swig from his glass. “Yeah, that happens around here. If you wanna zone out a bit more, feel free but only cause you’re cute.”
Hoseok’s mouth fell open at the flirting, gaping like a fish as the man grinned yet again, this time feral.
“I…I wasn’t…”
“Like I said, don’t worry about it, pretty boy.”
The man was taking the final gulp, placing the glass next to Hoseok, along with a couple bills under the glass. “Buy yourself a drink from me, would you?”
Hoseok could only stare at the glass and money, still shocked at the bold advance of a complete stranger.
“Oh and hey pretty boy,”
Hoseok turned to look at the exiting male.
“Next time, I’m gonna start charging.”
He turned after that, not hindered by any of the swirling bodies in his path, leaving Hoseok to wonder if maybe he should’ve gotten the name of the man, or at least given his own.
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“You’re, like, not even listening to me.” Namjoon snapped Hoseok’s attention towards himself, a pen tapping insistently against his notebook.
“Yes I am,” Hoseok immediately defended but it was too late.
Namjoon had already shoved the study materials that were strewn across the table to one side, both arms coming up to cradle his head. “Go on, purge.”
“I don’t have anything to say to you, I swear.” Hoseok could hear the defensiveness in his own voice and while it was partly true, he knew he would have to cave in the face of his best friend.
“Fine…I met this guy at the club party a couple nights ago.”
Namjoon stared.
“The one you left me alone at.”
That seemed to jog his memory, causing a delicate sheen of plum to spread along his cheeks. “I said I was sorry, I mean...I saw Taehyung and he looked like –,”
“A dream, yes, I got that.” Hoseok stopped himself from rolling his eyes at the slightly…enormous crush that Namjoon harbored towards the popular junior.
“You didn’t tell me about this guy though,” Namjoon continued.
What was there to tell? Yes, he’d conversed briefly with an absolute stranger for not more than five minutes. Yes, he had never felt this wildly attracted to anyone before. At least, not so much that warranted mooning over him for more than a day. He also knew that there was a good chance that he would never run into him again.
He didn’t even know his name. There was nothing tying the both of them.
Unless he wanted to end up like Namjoon, in a puppy love with a guy he was too scared to talk to, he’d have to move on.
After all; Hoseok thought back to the sleek black lines that ran along the man’s skin, the tight leather that clung to him, smelling of liquor that was alluring in its own right; he was someone Hoseok would not usually find himself associated with.
He was probably a patented bad boy, and Hoseok well…he was model student.
“You just flaked on me again, bro.” Namjoon poked his arm.
“Sorry, so, you didn’t get laid that night then? Why didn’t you come find me?”
“I kind of did; but I don’t know if you can call it that. The chick and I both were pretty smashed and all I could think about was Taehyung’s --,”
“No thanks, I don’t need that imagery in my head.” Hoseok interrupted with a sharp flutter of his hands, raising them to cover his ears.
Namjoon broke out laughing, before shaking his head. “So, do you know anything about this mysterious man of yours?”
“No, but I do know, we have a test tomorrow, so let’s get back to work, shall we?”
Yes, he did know one thing. It was to never hold true to ideals about anything. Somehow they always got smashed to pieces.
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Hoseok had been right to let go of past ideals as he grew up.
He was sitting in the café, books open as he checked the answers to his test. A smooth cream latte sat near his hand with a plate of the café bakery’s special made chocolate chip cookies. Hoseok and Namjoon being regulars meant the staff knew their preferences and it was a god send when the both of them would stumble in, bleary and hazy from their workload to a ready steaming cup and some desperately needed sugar.
He had attempted to put away thoughts of any blonde men that may have crossed his path to solely worry about how chemistry worked in anatomy and it had somewhat paid off, if only all his answers mirrored the ones in his notes.
So, when he heard that same voice, calling out from the wide open door that had haunted him for the past few days, he had to look up.
In the daylight, if possible The Stranger looked much more beautiful than what the club lights paid homage to. He was awfully tall and broad, the same leather jacket and belt still wrapped around him, only this time, he had a helmet clasped under an arm and his hair was mussed from probably being trapped under it.
Big boots thudded, as Hoseok watched the man make his way to the counter, a hard smile ready for the counter worker who clearly stuttered in talking with him, while boxing up a few things.
Must be another regular; Hoseok thought back if he had ever seen him around but glossed over him. Nothing came to mind, even as the man slid over his payment before grabbing the handles of the bag, laughing at something the barista said.
Sensing that he was about to turn about, Hoseok looked down quickly, nearly burying his face behind the book.
He prayed; eyes closed that he hadn’t been caught. While he had hoped for another sight of his stranger, Hoseok hadn’t accounted for what he would do if it did happen. All the times, he’d imagined meeting up in his daydreams, they always stopped short when it came to a response on his part.
“…hey, it’s you.”
Hoseok gulped, wondering why he wasn’t invisible as he looked up, caught in the dark gaze of The Stranger again.
“It is you. Remember me?” The man tilted his head, shifting the helmet in his arms.
“Oh…yeah, in the club, of course,” Hoseok’s voice shook, hands dropping the book to the table as he worked hard to form coherent sentences.
The man’s eyes flashed to the books, grinning with those teeth flashing. “You’re a student.”
There was no room to deny it even as Hoseok chuckled. “Yeah, what about you?”
“Oh I’m done. I just hang about now.” He lowered his voice as if admitting to a mock crime and after a deep breath, Hoseok let out a much more relaxed grin.
In the light, it was easier to tell how different they really were. He was leather-clad, motorcycle helmet laden. Hoseok was wearing a knit sweater and simple jeans and sneakers, a school bag at his feet and his books strewn about a table.
Worlds apart…
Hoseok was someone easy to approach, to talk to, while this man was obviously not someone who anyone would go to first. However, even with the dark aura that hung about him, the way he talked, to ease Hoseok up, revealed something much softer beneath him.
“Speaking of which, I need to go. I will see you around I guess.” The man said.
Your name - give him your damn name, Hobi.
“My name is Hoseok. I forgot to mention it last time.” He said quickly.
The man paused in opening the door, a quirk to his lips. “I’ll remember that.”
And he was gone, with Hoseok watching his walk to a Harley parked nearby, straddling it as he put on the helmet. The Stranger hadn’t afforded Hoseok his own name…
Maybe they were too different. And maybe Hoseok wasn’t the only one who was aware of that fact.
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Even if - Hoseok thought as he stared at the boy sitting opposite him - he wasn’t the only one who knew how different their lives were, neither seemed too intent on cutting their losses just at the moment.
Hoseok hadn’t timed himself, he swore up and down that the reason he was frequenting the café more and more was the increased need for coffee and not the need to catch an elusive Seokjin, whose name he’d caught only accidentally when the barista called for his order.
However, now here they were sitting across from each other.
He was still just as intimidating at first glance, a cold tilt to his head at anyone who he didn’t favor approaching him. A light scoff followed whenever he overheard something particularly obnoxious and rough looking fingers that Hoseok couldn’t help but want to touch.
He was in too deep, he figured. His mind had compartmentalized the raging crush he harbored for the new and exciting addition to his world but he knew that amidst his straight As and glowing recommendations, Jin would not only not sit well, but also appear…unsavory.
And Hoseok absolutely, blissfully, just didn’t care.
He had had a bad childhood, Seokjin had told him. A rich father, who had abandoned his family to ‘fuck about’ as he put it, with packets of money deposited for their upkeep but Jin didn’t touch it.
His mother had paid through the money in a trust after he had graduated in business but instead of putting his degree to use, he’d started working in a garage, now partner in it.
That explained the motorcycle, Hoseok had joked while Jin had only shrugged.
“I also volunteer a lot of my free time. My mom, well, I love her but she’s got her own life now…and she puts all of my father’s money in the trust still so I don’t have to bother her about anything. I don’t think she enjoys having a reminder of my dad around anyway.”
All Hoseok could do was nod his head sadly at him.
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So when Seokjin offered to show Hoseok about the volunteering he did, he jumped at the opportunity. He had a chance to see what the man really was like under the façade of the cool bravado and Hoseok could feel intrigue tingling at his fingertips.
He wasn’t disappointed.
Seokjin took him to an animal shelter first, filled with puppies with big eyes, kittens that purred and curled up under their chins, bigger dogs and cats that were soft to touch and clearly abandoned and starved for loved. There were birds too, brightly colored and some wild and a couple of pigs and horses. Each animal that Jin visited seemed to love him, curling under his touch, molding them to him.
The next place they visited was a children’s library. A large group of toddlers shrieked when they saw him, swarming up to him and begging for a story. Hoseok watched with a bemused smile for an hour as Jin made animal and vehicle noises to entertain the spellbound kids.
When finally, they visited a retirement home, it was then that Hoseok saw the brief haunted look behind Seokjin’s eyes. It was just a glance, as he wiped an old woman’s mouth as she chuckled motherly at him, the rice that clung to her chin not fazing Jin in the slightest.
“It’s like having a family of my own.” He whispered as Hoseok put a hand to his shoulder, still hesitant.
“You miss them.”
“I do, but I would rather do this than let them be burdened by my presence again.”
“Maybe, they don’t feel that way.”
Seokjin didn’t reply to that, instead standing with a lovable smile to the lady who waved goodbye. “I’ll drop you off at your dorm.” He said.
His voice scared Hoseok. There was an air of finality there, as if he knew he’d shown Hoseok much more than was necessary. More than he needed to, to a guy who he probably wouldn’t see much of in the future.
“I’m not ready to go just yet.”
Hoseok knew he sounded desperate but there was nothing he could do. He had to accept his reality.
Seokjin turned with a curious look, puzzled at the heaviness in Hoseok’s voice before smirking. “Then there’s one more place I can show you. Let’s grab some dinner first.”
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“This is amazing.” Hoseok whispered, awed as Jin flicked on light switches.
When Jin had said he was going to take him to his garage, Hoseok expected something like a shed, greased and metal barred. This was, this was sleek, all black steel and huge lights swinging from the ceiling.
“I spent a good deal of dad’s money on this. Hence, why I got the partnership, I saved the place from sinking. The upscale décor brings in some solid clients so, I guess you could say my sense of style did the job.” Jin kicked at a few strewn crates, turning to throw a wink at Hoseok.
Hoseok looked down at the remnants burger in his hand, biting the piece down into his mouth so as to not answer.
He watched, surreptitiously as Jin undid the jacket, removing his arms from the leather sleeves to reveal an extremely thin white tank top that sent a swoop down Hoseok’s throat, settling somewhere in his gut.
Jin turned; pausing Hoseok’s ogling at his muscled back as he stretched out his arms over his head, a thin strip of his stomach showing.
Hoseok swallowed loudly, the bite of burger going the wrong path and he broke out in coughs.
“Hey, what…” Seokjin laughed, pulling out a water bottle from a mini fridge to pass it to the wheezing boy. “Calm down, pretty boy. I know the burger’s good but eat slowly.”
Hoseok pulled the bottle away, eyes still watering.
This was too much; here he was, Hoseok, a nice kid who tried to steer clear from all sorts of ‘trouble’ and he was here with Kim Seokjin, someone who people would say embodied trouble.
And what was he doing?
Why, all he wanted was Seokjin to ram against him on the surface of one of the cars of course.
He was worse than Namjoon.
“I think…I should go.” Hoseok stuttered, casting his eyes down. This was it, the final time he put himself in the path of such temptations. Jin would never look twice at someone like him. He was in way over his head.
“Hey pretty boy,”
Hoseok looked up at Seokjin, who now stood too close to his face, blond hair hanging in his eyes, lips pulled into his teeth.
“Tell me something, why are you so scared of me?” Jin asked.
Hoseok blinked, all previous concerns evaporating. “Wait, what…? I’m not scared of you.” He said, conviction strengthening his voice.
“Really,” Jin moved in, eyes dropping to the way Hoseok chewed on his bottom lip. “So, why do you keep pulling away? You stare at me, flirt with me, hold on to me on the bike, but when I bring you here and when we’re alone for too long you withdraw.”
Hoseok thudded back against something and Jin took advantage, lifting his hands and putting them on either side of his body, caging him in.
“I’m…I’m not scared of you.” Hoseok sighed, giving in. “I’m scared of well, my feelings, as cliché as it seems.”
“Why?” Seokjin asked smoothly.
“Because we’re so different; I mean you’re a rich kid who acts like a bad boy but is so kind and sweet under all that toughness and I’m…I’m a good sweet boy who would never - never be able to keep up with someone like you. I’m putting myself up for disappointment when you realize it too.”
Seokjin stared at Hoseok, hard and deep. He looked almost angry – dangerous...gorgeous.
“You know what I realized actually?” He asked. There was a pleasant lilt to his tone but Hoseok could feel the undercurrents of a threat to it.
He leaned in, making Hoseok press himself to the wall, his body almost vibrating from the proximity.
“I realized that you’re exactly the kind of person who can keep up with me. I realized that it doesn’t matter if we belong to different circles. I realized that I should probably kiss you right now because you might be a grade-A kid but baby, you’re fucking stupid.
Hoseok had no time to even draw a full breath. Jin had reared back and then slammed Hoseok back again. The hands that Hoseok had dreamed of touching now gripped his cheeks, Jin’s mouth fully on his, swallowing the surprised squeaks he embarrassingly let out.
Seokjin chuckled against his lips, pulling back just enough to nip at his chin. “Fuck, I should’ve done that in the club.”
Hoseok reached forward to tug Jin back, taking over the kiss this time as he delved into the older boy’s mouth, tasting the soda on his tongue.
“Not a complete good boy, then.” Jin commented, reaching back to tug off the tank.
Hoseok lounged against the wall, idly tracing over the tattoos that ran over Jin’s exquisite body. “What do they mean?” He asked as Jin tugged off Hoseok’s shirt too.
Jin paused, glancing down at his torso.
“This,” he raised his arm. “A compass to point me in the right direction,” He moved to his shoulder. “The lion to keep me strong and brave,” he smirked suddenly, grabbing Hoseok’s hand and placing it against the burning skin of his chest. “The tree keeps me kind and nurturing.”
Hoseok met Jin’s gaze, running his hand down to his belt, fiddling with the clasp.
“Wait,” Jin stopped him, shoving his hand away. “This is about you. Let me take care of you tonight.”
“What do you mean, oh,” Hoseok’s voice pitched higher as Jin fluidly sank to his knees in front of him. Deft, nimble fingers undid the buttons and zipper on his jeans, pulling the band and the underwear down to free his gorged shaft.
“Fuck,” Jin and Hoseok both let out as Jin swept his hands against the soft skin. He was hard, Hoseok marveled, hard enough to drip over Jin’s palms which he smeared back onto his skin to make the slide easier.
A loud moan escaped Hoseok’s parted lips when Jin engulfed him, first the tip and then most of his length. He jolted, head falling back as his hips pushed forward on their own volition.
Jin kept his eyes on him, a smirk straining his lips at the vulnerable stance of the lithe man. While he would usually be on the receiving end of this, there was something so sexy, so erotic about watching a man lose it over head as he throated as much as he could.
Hoseok meanwhile fumbled with his hands, alternating between fisting his own hair and tugging at Jin’s to further lower himself into the heat of his cavern. If he knew this was what he would be missing out, there would’ve been no way he would have agonized over it for this long.
Seokjin continued moving, squelching sounds echoing throughout the empty garage that sounded so wonderfully taboo, Hoseok nearly came right there. The thrill of it; the way someone could walk right in, catch them with Seokjin sucking him deep into his mouth caused his eyes to roll back.
“That’s it, pretty boy. Come for me.” Jin coaxed from below and before he could catch his breath, his throat closed up, his body hunching when Jin pulled him back, and the tip of his cock brushing the back of his throat, deeper still.
With an almost pornographic groan, Hoseok unloaded himself into Jin’s throat, his lover keeping him in till he was fully empty.
Jin pulled away from him, color flaming high in Hoseok’s cheeks at the wet sound that echoed through the near empty garage.
All he could do was fall into the surprisingly sweet kiss that Jin pressed to lips, the taste of him mingling in his own mouth. Jin handed him his shirt with an impish grin.
“Next time,” he pulled Hoseok in by the waist. “I’m going to make you pay for ‘zoning out’ in the club.”
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dansnaturepictures · 3 years
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19/06/21-Arrival in and journey to Anglesey and Red Squirrels and more at Newborough Forest
Today was the day we have been waiting for, the much mentioned by me Anglesey holiday intended for this week last June postponed rightly due to the pandemic was finally able to happen. As we got everything packed up and and ready to go and on the way out to the car this morning at home I took in an assortment of varied and colourful flowers in one pot in the garden and a delicious looking rose bush as well as some Starlings and House Sparrows in the garden getting pictures of the flowers which I tweeted tonight on Dans_Pictures. The wi-fi at the cottage very luckily again seems all right for posting photos and these posts. I can’t guarantee that won’t change but I’m encouraged.
On the long journey it was great to take in some nice sky scenes especially at Keele service station, and the usual when travelling lovely raptors Red Kite and Buzzard beautifully in the air. I also liked seeing oxeye daisies and foxgloves taking over the verges nicely the former continuing that nicely from at home lately. Then we had the exciting moment when I personally crossed the border into Wales for the eighth time and the land then became more and hilly and mountainous and I knew I was back. Crossing the Menai strait over the impressive bridge and seeing a lovely statue into the Isle of Anglesey was just as exciting as crossing the border. I was happy with how much of the sea we could see on the journey in North Wales too with Puffin Island where we hope to go visible from the road so this was nice.
On Anglesey we wound our way through the sleepy red campion and herb-Robert clad lanes. When at our cottage foxgloves and possible kidneywort by a wall added nicely to these two flower species which were here as well. And at the cottage and driving around we were stunned to see the mountains of the beautiful Snowdonia including Snowdon itself so clearly. It looked astonishing and so beautiful. And it was as though we were right next to it rather than over the water what breathtaking view. I had expected this as we went to Snowdonia in 2016 on holiday and had a day trip to Anglesey for RSPB South Stack. But it was just so nice to be in the midst of it again. I very soon saw in lovely bright and sunny conditions that this welcoming and lovely cottage is one of the better ones we’ve stayed in for views around they really are so stunning I took the first picture in this photoset of this view. And it was also one of the better ones for wildlife as I saw Swallow on a wire around, Chaffinch and Buzzard being mobbed by crows really well. I took the second and third pictures in this photoset of daisy and other flowers and herb-Robert in the cottage. A special welcome and I am so excited for the week to come here.
We then found the perfect place for a first evening walk always such a memorable moment in any trip in the gorgeous and rich woodland of Newborough Forest one of the places on our list to come this holiday to try and see a Red Squirrel one of my favourite mammals and one we love seeing. It was so lovely to walk through this forest with the sun lowering in the sky. I took the fourth, fifth and sixth pictures in this photoset of this very beautiful forest tonight. It became a day of favourites for me as we saw Jay and Great Spotted Woodpecker two of my favourite birds well. I liked taking in these quintessential woodland species, and I also enjoyed finding a special Jay feather with its exciting bright blue edges. Also as we arrived and throughout the nice walk alongside beautiful Blackbird we heard a stunning Song Thrush singing it’s heart out one of my favourite bird songs as well as Blackbird so loudly the sound was extremely soothing and melodious. A great sound track to the walk.
Walking on towards a lovely pond here as well as a tiny frog, insects and more great red campion and herb-Robert and ivy and nice yellow flowering some broom in the beautiful tree scenes I was thrilled to see two Red Admirals exceptionally well in the air and still. It was great to see Little Grebe and Coot with adorable chicks among other birds on the lake. And we also noticed a big dragonfly flying delightfully over. Looking in the binoculars I made out the green and blue of a Southern Hawker one of my favourite dragonflies. My first year tick of the trip so soon and a crucial one to see going into the summer months so this did feel good.
The moment of the day came next though as me, my Mum and Missy reunited with my Mum’s partner who indicated he had seen Red Squirrels. We sat quietly with him for a bit and were amazed to notice a Red Squirrel sneak through the trees and come down to two lovely feeding boxes as my Mum had heard happens here. Two came down in the end and we spend a perfect few minutes watching these rare and warm coloured typical woodland mammals making out their charming features with one darker than the other I took the seventh and eighth pictures in this photoset of these. Sat in a nicely lit forest of sweet seasonal aromas with midges on the wing, watching one of the most beautiful and iconic species we have was an exceptional start to the holiday and exactly what we love having time away for. It felt like we had really made excellent use of this nice and dry evening to see one of the species we had so hoped for.
We missed these last year after seeing them three years running with the Highlands of Scotland in January 2018 sightings in the snow sandwiched between years with autumnal Brownsea Island visits. This ensured we have seen Red Squirrels in England, Scotland and Wales which I am very proud of. It makes it my second earliest sight of one ever in a year too. They can largely be a seasonal thing at Brownsea Island or although I’ve never seen them there Isle of Wight our local refuges for this species. Today it was entertaining seeing one Red Squirrel put itself into the box of nuts to feed and stay in there ages and all you could see for a few minutes was it’s bushy red tail! It really was an amazing few minutes enjoying this precious species. What a sensational start to the holiday! It was great to share our sighting of the squirrels with some fellow holidaymakers who had never seen one and they seemed to see them as we left which was great. Chaffinches were around here and nicely on the walk too.
Tonight at the lovely cottage I took the final two pictures in this photoset of a sky scene with the moon and clouds in and a moth in the cottage. I enjoyed some special sky scenes with some mist coming over the mountains too and some Blackbirds in the garden male and female tonight which was great. The day did truly start to belong to mammals though with views of Rabbits there seem to be a lot around here adding nicely to our Hare experience in Hampshire on the Stone Curlew trip on Tuesday. And magically tonight as has happened at a cottage we stayed in on our Northumberland holiday at Seahouses in 2019 we saw some bats I saw one beautifully drift over through the night’s sky tonight. A small one so I believe a pipistrelle. I’ve had a good year for bats. 
Wildlife Sightings Summary for journey, home and arrival: Two of my favourite birds the Red Kite and Buzzard, crow I couldn’t quite tell which, Herring Gull, Grey Heron nicely over a main road, House Sparrow, Blackbird, Starling, one of the regular Feral Pigeons at home, Swift, Swallow, Chaffinch, rabbit, the bat, a butterfly I couldn’t quite tell which and other insects.
Wildlife Sightings Summary for Newborough Forest: My first Southern Hawker and Red Squirrel of the year, two of my favourite birds the Great Spotted Woodpecker and Jay, one of my favourite butterflies the Red Admiral, Chaffinch, Robin well too, Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Mallard, Tufted Duck, Coot, Little Grebe, Common Blue Damselfly, frog, midges, other insects and I heard Song Thrush.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Bleach Sword Beasts Arc Recap: Episode 265
Good news, I have made it to the last episode of the interminable Sword Beasts Arc! Tune into this very important episode where, for like 3 seconds, Renji was the most powerful person in Soul Society!
After a quick cold open with all the zanpakutou spirits fighting some big bull guy I cannot be arsed to care about, we cut to Kazeshini fighting the lamest Sword Beast I have ever seen. He looks like Spider-Man lost his powers and decided to take up throwing cleavers instead. Behold:
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His pants have cargo pockets. Anyway, before Kazeshini can actually defeat him, he spontaneously combusts. Hisagi is like “Well done, bro, you’re getting good at this!” and it’s like... Hisagi, you know your sword does not set things on fire, right? You do know what your sword does?
Anyway, Renji and Zabimaru show up, with Saru and Hebi arguing over which one of them is fatter again (does Renji have an eating disorder??? tbh this would be in character between his youthful food insecurity and all the gaslighting at Urahara Shoten polynya stop it, he does not!!!). Anyway, Renji and Shuuhei have a very manly conversation and walk off to do manly things, and Kazeshini confides in Zabimaru about the exploding Sword Beast.
Later on that night, Kazeshini and Zabimaru go to meet up with Hozukimaru and Ruri'iro Kujaku who are drinking together and complaining about the moon. I love these zanpakutou friendships so much, this is such a nice journey for everyone. Anyway, it seems that, after the loss of their masters, Sword Beasts eventually run out of reiatsu and go poof, except that there’s a Sword Beast running around accelerating this process by sucking them dry. I am kinda charmed by the zanpakutou treating this as their business and trying to take care of it without bothering their masters, even though this is foolishness.
Who cares about the plot, let’s talk about Girls’ Night Out!!
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There is a touching moment where Nanao gives Katen Kyōkotsu a skewer, which distracted me for the rest of the scene because she’s wearing a mask how is she going to eat it?? (She picks it up, contemplates it, the scene cuts away. Well played, Bleach #265)
Oh, this is what it cut away to:
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Wow. I am pretty sure I am already on the record as being strongly against shinigami gettin’ it on with their own zanpakutou, but, uh, this definitely happened, RIP to me.
Anyway, it ends the way you might expect:
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Their zanpakutou excuse themselves saying the want to enjoy the night air together and it’s very clear that everyone is getting sentimental because they know they have to go back in their swords soon. We get a flash cut through the more serious zanpakutou contemplating their remaining corporeal existance-- Senbonzakura meditating in the dark, like you do, Sode no Shirayuki contemplating the moon, Hyourinmaru also contemplating the moon, they were really running low on ideas here... Suzumibachi! Oh, look, Suzumibachi exists! Anyway, she shows up to let Hyourinmaru know that Sadness Time is over, it’s time for fights, so let’s go!
We cut to the bad guy, Kirikaze chasing around some Sword Beasts. You can tell they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel on Sword Beast designs, it was definitely time to end this arc, check this guy out:
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All the zanpakutou spirits show up to kick Kirikaze’s ass. It’s not clear how they know him, but it’s obvious that they do, which is kinda cool to me, I like the idea that zanpakutou have some knowledge of each other, even in their non-manifested state. It actually makes 0 sense whatsoever that the combined zanpakutou spirits of all the captains and lieutenants aren’t able to take out one feral dude, but maybe the zanpakutou spirits are under a form of gentai kaijou, where they are so bonded with their shinigami that they actually can’t access 100% of their power without them, wow, that would actually make this arc make slightly more sense, it can’t possibly be true.
Anyway, I am ruining a perfectly good fight scene. It’s not actually, these people are incompetent. Senbonzakura friendly-fires Hozukimaru just like he always does. Wabisuke gloats for so long over an opening that he gets backhanded without accomplishing anything. The only useful person in this fight is actually... Ruri'iro Kujaku? Yeah, that tracks.
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This only works for about 3 seconds-- Kirikaze powers up and blows everyone away and then they stand around panting even though half of them haven’t actually done anything. I guess maybe they’re also weak because they are at the limits of their manifestation and need to go back into their swords soon? I don’t know! This episode explains none of this, I am just spitballin’ here!
It’s looking pretty dire and then the lieutenants show up!! Oh, this is so precious! Renji flashsteps in just in time to haul Zabimaru away from certain death! Kira casts a kidou, something none of the zanpakutou seem capable of doing! It’s super effective! The other shinigami just... give moral support, because like I said, that kidou was literally super effective.
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Renji goes full-soccer coach and yells at everyone about not depending on their friends. I guess maybe it gave too big a morale bonus to everyone, because Kirikaze busts out of his kidou.
The zanpakutou spirits are running on empty at this point, so the ones whose soul reapers bothered to show up go back into their swords. They actually do a neat little thing where, like, when Rukia calls out her attack, they have Sode no Shirayuki’s voice superimposed over hers for the “dance” but then only Rukia’s for the “Sode no Shirayuki”. They do this for everyone, and it’s a nice touch. Classy.
I hope you’re sitting down for what happens next though: all the zanpakutou whose masters’ voice actors weren’t available for this episode (which includes seven captains and two other people with bankai, not counting Renji himself) deadass go into Renji. I guess it’s because he’s the only one with bankai? Maybe it’s because he’s tall and therefore has the most room? Actually, here’s the real reason: Shuuhei, Izuru, Momo, Rukia, Nanao or even Rangiku might hesitate while trying to figure out what to do with all that power, but Renji’s one braincell knew instantly what to do: make the most bitchin’ Hikotsu Taihou of all time.
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For once, it actually worked!!! Wow! Extremely satisfying!
After this, they have this weird, introspective part with some avant garde camera work that makes it look like they’re putting on a production of Rent or something. Words cannot express how much I loved, so instead of trying to describe it, I’m going to abuse the number of pictures Tumblr lets you put in a post and make you look at all of it.
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That’s right, my friend. It finally is.
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