#also tagging other cool people bc thats the only way i know how to make friends
desertsportshipping · 7 months
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So @texasflowers made an art post explaining how they think the Snag Machine works, so obviously I had to contribute.
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eeteernity · 1 year
Gekko x reader
im witting this bc when i was on the gekko x reader tag i was in the top blogs and i felt like an imposter so now i have to write one
cw: fluff
you want an indie boyfriend who skates and introduces you to music, clothes and overall just loves you? Gekko is right there in the corner staring at you in adoration
You were quite new in the protocol, you joined right after neon, so only 2 more people joined after you. You pretty much got along with everyone there, even being tolerated by viper and reyna. (you think reyna only didnt hate your guts because you were a radiant)
though you did like to hang out with neon, raze, jett and phoenix a lot. Those 4 you seemed to mesh really well with, very loud and outgoing people. Which is why it was such a shock when another agent joined.
“Everyone this is gekko, The new guy who will be joining you guys on missions, make sure to treat him well.”
Brim said sternly, while gekko just gave a bit of a goofy wave. It was love at first site.
“he’s so fine omg.”
“i know…”
you and neon whispered to each other. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, he was just so different to most the people here, he looked more relaxed and chill. Sage then took him off to show his room.
“yo (y/n) you should get to know him, he looks so cool.”
neon said with a sly smile.
“honestly I will.”
reyna looked over to you and neon and just rolled her eyes muttering ‘kids’ under her breath before walking away.
you decided to leave him alone for a bit just for him to get settled in. Sitting in the common room you switch through channels trying to find something interesting to watch. However you didn’t have to wait for long to talk to the new guy.
“hey you’re (agent name) right? sage told me your name by the way. im not a stalker or anything!”
he said putting his hands up defensively with a small smile.
“oh hey! yeah I’m (agent name) but you can call me (y/n), I don’t keep my name a secret here. It’s nice to meet you! are you liking it here?”
“yeah it’s super chill, i’m loving the vibe here. my name is mateo by the way”
he says as he sits near you on the couch.
“anything i can help you with? or did you just want to talk to me?”
you say in a teasing tone, causing his cheeks to go slightly pink.
“oh yeah i was actually wondering if you knew any places to eat around here? specifically chinese im really in the mood for that right now! But i also wanted to talk to you!”
he again said defensively.
“oh yeah i know a shit ton. you want me to go with you or just give you directions?”
“oh sí that would be great if you came along, you could help me order!”
“okay let me just go put on some shoes”
you and gekko went off to a near by street that had many food places, on the way you engaged with the usual first meeting talk like ‘how old are you?’ ‘favourite colour?’’where you from’ just the normal stuff. You got to the food place and decided to eat it there instead of takeaway. it was a small place, a family owned business. it was quaint
“so (y/n) what do you plan to get?”
“hmmm i’ll go with this one”
you point to your usual oder on the menu.
“i’ll get that too!”
you and gekko order and just keep talking. its nice, he’s really nice, and chill, and good looking and you’re staring at him again.
“so you wanna tell me about the people we work with? por favour.”
“oh yeah okay so, everyone’s really nice. Maybe not viper and reyna but they’re nice deep down… i think.
“ohhh reyna is actually the one who trains me!”
“really?! that’s cool as. Omen was the one who trained me when i first arrived. but anyway, keep your eardrums safe around raze she can be a bit loud.”
“veo, veo.”
you two keep discussing everyone until your food arrives.
“woah this looks good as, great pick (y/n)!”
“yeah, also i’ll pay for you if you want. I got spare cash”
“really! thats so nice!! gracias!”
eventually you get back, completely stuffed from the food.
“yo (y/n)! Gekko! you’re back. You guys want to watch a movie with me, raze, killjoy, sage, jett and omen?”
neon asked as soon as you walked through the door.
“yeah im down, what about you (y/n)?”
“yeah same! what movie are we watching?”
“a horror! its going to be so fun, just come to the common room when you’re ready.”
neon says before sprinting away. You look over to gekko and see him slightly frozen.
“you scared of horror movies or something?”
gekko nods his head slightly.
“don’t worry you can grab onto my arm if you get scared!”
gekko blushed a little at this.
“haha thank you (y/n)…”
the two of you walk to the common area and the movie starts. Everyone is sat in twos, Killjoy and raze, omen and sage, jett and neon.
the movie starts out well not too many scares but then the first jump scare happens. Making neon and Gekko jump
“oh shit!”
he says as he grabs onto your arm.
“sorry, didn’t mean to grab onto you.”
“its alright mateo-“
jett shushes the both of you.
the movie continues. With gekko basically clinging onto you for dear life. so like a good person you rub his back for him to clam down. he shivers at your touch. The movie ends, and killjoy and raze are giggling to themselves about how bad it was. omen and sage thank everyone for watching the movie as they walk to go do their own thing. while jett is comforting neon.
“neon it wasn’t that bad!”
“yes it was jett! what if that weird thing is going to come for me!!”
“come on lets go get you some water…”
which leaves you and gekko alone.
“you feeling alright?”
you ask him concerned.
“yep… yep. i’m alright. Man how do you not get scared?!”
you just shrug your shoulders.
“anyway i’m going to get ready for bed. If you get scared i don’t mind you waking me up or anything. I’m here for you.”
“okay, thanks for spending the day with me (y/n) it was really nice to get to know you!”
you leave.
He’s so cool..
i really like her..
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kittycathat · 4 months
Shuffle on repeat trend, but not
except its my AURORA only playlist, which is pretty much my on repeat playlist atp
except not tagging people / wasn't tagged because i dont have friends /hj
except im doing more than 10 because its tumblr, i get to ramble
open under cut bc its a long post, lots of images lol
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"I know I'm just a girl, but can I change lives?" literally big inspo right here,, i love this song sm
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such a catchy song,, but its not a bad thing bc i love it (plays in my head on repeat while running. partially against my will. but its ok)
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recently discovered this song is about being queer so i love it even more ahaha also the music video is fire
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i like this song but not as much as the others yk? but its still rlly cool and spooky. i have no idea what the lyrics are or waht they mean and want to look them up but also i think its fun to interpret stuff ur own way
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recent addition, I don't know this song very well yet tbh. but its rlly pretty <33
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i love the live versions of this on yt,, would highly recommend! also have no idea the lyrics/meaning for this one but thats. ok
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"Im tired of the rules and your corrections" "if i'm not pure, i guess that i'm too much" "the television lies and now my mind hurts" bro this song has so many lyrics that are just gems
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"are you awake or are you sleeping?" i have listened to this song while falling asleep. so i guess i was both?
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"you are the victim, the victim of my love" this song is fire <33 and the music video?? its so cool asjdhflaskd
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"it fills my heart up and it breaks me at the very same time" IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL LISTENING TO THIS SONG <333 its so pretty im dying (also its crazy its been 3+ weeks since it came out?? bc like how did time go that fast)
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just added this song to my playlist i dont know it well at all tbh
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same with this, saw it while watching a concert recording so i just. threw it into my playlist.
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"father, dont blame us for trying to live" very cool religious references very very cool song
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Pretty good song, a lil bit overused (imo) but thats ok.
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"let love conquer your mind" as a person who believes in kindness myself, i love this aaa
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<3333 the live recordings of this song are soo pretty! pls go look it up on yt right now akldsjfhal the "cinematic dream" and "simulated dream" lyrics itch my brain so good aa
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"And i was running far away, would I run off the world some day?" this song is RIGHTFULLY aurora's most popular song. like come on ofc everyone likes it /gen
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has helped me multiple times getting through math class, from being stuck in my head. ily aurora for writing this lol (also the music video <33)
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"do you miss the sadness when it's gone?" i used to think this song was ehh but it's grown on me sm lol
anyways tysm for reading my rambling have a good day
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
Moots game!
Pair your moots with members of txt you feel like they'd be most suited with <3
so i got this a few days ago ( perchance a week) but the thing is like, im bitchless ( excuse my crude language.) so basically, i have a few moots but like I've never really interacted with them to know them bc im scared of initiating convos. but now like I know a lot (there's like 5-6) of them not bestie level yet ( im waiting!) —so hear it goes!
✸ @itz-yerin — straight up beomgyu, and that's not even because he is her bias. but I genuinely they will vibe sooo good together. like yerin is chill, but also has her moments where she's like super duper bright and she has a very cool, and calming sort of vibrations about her which i think would stimulate beomgyu enough to be hyper also not make him feel like he's being too much to handle, so he can be himself with her.
✸ @mintxts —high key the most softest and cutest person ive ever seen in this hell hole, like so so so empathetic! that's why i believe hyuka and her would be so cute together bc they jusy give off like those radiating sunshine couples who has nothing hut good words for each other and genuinely bring each other and people around them up.
✸ @mazeinthemoon — she is so incredibly talented, and like so cool. i also love how confrontational and so comforting she is, which i think taehyun would love too! ( great segue wi) but like really I think taehyun would really appreciate those qualities, and it would probably make him feel like he has a place where he could get peace. (?) [im an empath i know how taehyun feels]
✸@ox1-lovesick —okay she's fr hilarious and she quotes tiktok a lot ( assumption lmao [i post headcanons for a living you can't take assuming things away from me!]) but i feel like she would, which is why I was like. okay hyuka but they is giving hella best vibes, thats why I wanna pair you up with soobin and just watch him try to like get in the vibes and roll on them cool tiktok trends only for him to bring his radio and bust down I got you by bebe rexha sunbaenim! no but the pair would be so funny to see fr!
✸@1800-beomgyu —omg so freaking nice?!? and for what and so polite while coming off like we've been born on the adjacent hospital beds! (i was a home birth) but as i was saying just so cool and so easy to get along with, she would vibe so well with yeonjun, and might even be nice to him! if she is with her, guys we might get the cocky yeonjun back! honestly would make him feel so welcomed, like yk even in close relationship one might feel like they need to act in a certain way to feel accepted, and that won't be the case with her.
✸ @wezbin — we haven't talked a lot, but she seems so nice and genuinely cute. I've gotta give hyuka to them , they would so cute together. might raise plushies or do those very infuriatingly cute things!
lol and that's a wrap! and ik it's not a tag, but id love to see people do this! im a sucker for this kind of games, like i might just start a rank txt from least to favourite late night ramen cooker and pass it around the community for fun. i love conversations like this!
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dollfaceksj · 10 months
you are kinda reaching with some of these asks.
“why would you need a warning about something like that if you don’t get hurt easily anyway?”
the same way fics with tags work? ppl just want to know beforehand bcs some stories gradually shift in the later parts? and there is also nothing wrong with wanting to try something out of their usual comfort zone (in this case, reading a genre they don’t usually read) as long as they aren’t running their mouth about it.
while some asks are being annoying asf, there are also some who seem to genuinely enjoy your fic and just wanted to share that fact with you bcs it brought out a good/new reaction out of them.
you need to relax and realise that not everyone is trying to come for you.
yes… you literally just .. proved my point?
“the same way fics with tags work” exactly. the masterlist has warnings, you can find the tags there. why do i need to personally warn you about the same things i’ve already mentioned?
and like i also already said, i’ve gotten multiple anons who tell me they hate fuckboy fics and then go on about how jk makes them sick and it’s like you can totally have an opinion but why do you feel like i need to know about that? why do you feel the need to tell me ur hating the main thing about the fic? it’s clearly not gonna change. the tags are there. it’s a very popular fic trope and it’s very repetitive. you *know* how the story is gonna go one way or another
i’m very very grateful if people step out of their comfort zone with one of my fics, i’m not talking to ppl who have never read a fuckboy fic before and just now are becoming interested, thats cool, it’s flattering even
but telling me u actively avoid fuckboy fics for personal reasons but u like mine makes me feel pressured because why do you avoid the fics? the toxicity? personal reasons meaning itd be triggering for you? the angst? all of it is going to happen one way or another. and going out of your way to tell me this makes me worried that y’all are not gonna like what i put out
i quite literally started adding polls because i can’t decide on what direction i want the story to go in, so i wanna go with what the majority wants. the only thing i have a good view on is that it’s going to be just like any other typical toxic fuckboy fic filled with angst
i hope you realize y’all can only see the anons that i decide to answer. you don’t know what kind of asks are in my inbox so for you to tell me to relax when i’m literally speaking my mind on how i don’t feel like it’s necessary to tell me, the author, that you hate the type of story that im writing
i’m not talking about those who are enjoying my fics and stepping out of their comfort zone. i love reading the feedbacks, i love reading the long feedbacks, they’re my favorite even. i love reading these reactions
and yes, that includes genuine criticism but there’s no criticism in telling me you hate this genre of fics that i’m actively writing
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carpedanneel · 1 year
Ya’ll are fucking wild here. no wonder why this rp has just been the same 5 people for the last 4 years. But I thought maybe things are different, maybe it’s changed. Wrong. Admin, you still make rules to cater to the admin or the “inner” 3 other members they’ve deemed “worthy”. You make rules that cater to pretty much you only. You dont care about how you make other people feel, as long as you're getting your way. And the members here have been so brainwashed by the bullshit either theyre too scared or too intimidated to say anything. You still find a way to corrupt people from playing certain fc’s you have history with STILL forcing history on certain fc’s. A history ONE player expects you to remember every detail to even if you don’t like the plot. That one player who makes SO MANY people uncomfortable, whether they want to admit it or not, who also just happens to be the main admin. The main admin who doesnt even do a god damn thing on the main, and then will make every excuse as to why not. Sarah, you’ve found so many ways to provoke, gaslight, bully, guilt or force threads, histories, plots on probably every single player here. It’s gross. You deserve every call out youve gotten. But I don’t even 100% blame you. I also blame most of the spineless people you claim to be your “friends”. Here they complain and shit talk behind your back but then turn around and lick the ground you walked on. But probably because you’ve bullied them into it. I love how you post this long ass thing from the main saying how this place isn't for everyone and if youre bothered, blah blah. Just say this place is for you to do whatever tf you want whenever you want, and be done with it. At least be honest. How many times did you ask if you should drop certain chars looking for pity and how many people begged you to stay, Sarah? No one. That's telling. But its good to know this group is only here for you and your bullshit. Since this group is "anything goes" then the second someone calls your character out ic, you do the same thing you do ooc and come up with every excuse on why youre not wrong. Amd then kick them out! Maybe instead of always blaming everyone both ic and ooc, maybe look inward.I tried, I really tried to come in with an open mind that maybe this place had changed over the many years, but it clearly never will.Also, on the subject of bullying, Lena, you're also a god damn bully, which is funny since youre barely even on. But you still found a way, thought it was okay to message me and try to get me to drop ashley. First time we spoke you instantly were guilting me saying I swiped up Ashley before you could. And then to actually IM me the other day trying to guilt me into giving her up? So fucking rude. But at least you got your wish. Ya’ll have zero class. RP should be fun. This place sucks the fucking life out of you. I now remember why Sarah used to be banned from so many hollywood rps back in the day and why this place was basically blacklisted. Why i used to have to block her and other members here from my character pages bc youd steal shit. I bet I could log onto an old blog and find FANMAILS of her TRYING to force ships and plots in old rps, thats how long its been going on. I will say i do feel bad for some of the quality players in this group. I just dont know why you put up with it when there are groups out there where you dont have to be foeced into ships or plots just bc youve known someone for so long. Where you dont have to NOT come on the dash bc a player/character is being redundant and miserable 24/7. You dont have to sit here and keep letting sarah and this group take advantage of you. Anyways, I'm out. To the few here who actually reached out to plot or even just to chat, ya'll are cool and feel free to dm me or hmu on discord. New members, I'd beware if I was you.
Just for context, this was what I wrote in the ooc of an rp I just left. I'm sure it got deleted but I wanted to put it in the tags to let the rpc know this rp is still a problem and so are some members. Beware if joining, it's all shady.
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Quick! Tag your top favorite byler blogs (as many as you want) and tell my why you love them in one line to spread positivity on the dashboard and make someone's day!
just wanna say im sorry if i forget people, and this *will* be a long list and be used as a way to gush about my mutuals B)
thank you so much for your contributions to the fandom with your banger theories and analyses!! you made me consider things i never thought and not to mention someone who is amazing at art and overall a swell guy! love seeing your energy on my dash and keep doing what youre doing 💙
love your presence on my dash, and youre actually one of the blogs i first followed! youre overall just seem to be a a really cool blog along with theories, byler reminders and posts that make me kick my feet. and also thank you for spreading the bi mike agenda because youre SO real for that
@andiwriteordie @astrobei @blackdeathmamba
how do i explain in words how your fics make me FEEL. you guys are amazing and so creative and you just GET the characters so well and thats number one in my book!! its always so enjoyable along with a perfect balance of heart wrenching moments. i really appreciate the hardwork you guys do in your fics and im here to tell you its shown!! keep doing what youre doing 😁
yvie and i met in a discord server i made because i was Raging after vol2 and we just clicked! their theories and analyses on certain aspects of chars like mike with his playlist is so fascinating! their takes and scenarios make me scream always, hes also overall just extremely talented and hilarious, and i really am proud to be friends with him! please go check their art out, it is simply a staple for the byler fandom and you will love everything you see ❤️
initially a scawy Big blog i followed, but ended up being one of my favorites simply because of their presence and scenarios. extremely funny, good asf takes, and their tags always make me feel so validated 💙💙💙 thank you also for paying attention to my succ liveblog JSJSJS
ABBY MY BESTIE ABBYYYY whats not to love??!?!!!? their scenarios and fic drabbles they post are AMAZING and overall such a sweet and welcoming person!! she was essentially my first interaction here in bylertblr and i couldnt be happier that it was!! i love exchanging compliments and thinking and talking about byler in the dms with you, and i hope we get to interact more in the future 🥹 ily girlie
your scripts. your takes. your posts and scenarios overall make me lose my MIIIND. and overall you just give this really cool vibe, like youre so cool to me and it makes me so happy we’re mutuals!! i love what you do and keep up the great work on your stuff!!
(also fun fact remember that anon that asked you about your process in scriptwriting? that was me <33 seriously love what you do)
i think st writers should just hire you because not only do you get mike’s char, you get ALL of his relationships with others. you analyze them to such an intricate degree and break them down in a way that never made me consider certain things before. im currently giving you a badge of The mike truther, along with others. also i just generally love your tags and your presence is energetic and positive!
eevie your art your posts your takes oh my god it makes me shake in my boots in the best possible way thank you so much for your contributions everything you do and say is QUALITY and youre gen one of my faves here how the hell did i forget im so sorryturhdjejfjs
if you saw my tags in your mike theory videos you know damn well what i think of your blog
if you dont? im losing my mind. it made my jaw drop. your edits are so creative and groundbreaking!! showstopping, cinematic, smooth, and thought provoking!! its literally one of the most creative and cohesive ways to present a theory while keeping your audience engaged!! im sorry i just. I LOVE YOUR EDITS SO MUCH I THINK ABOUT IT EVERDAY IM SHAKING IT IN A PRINGLES CAN
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
Throwing in fun (not fun) facts to contribute esp bc I was tagged in the essay: (Sorry in advance this is literally my career and special interest AND I just got back from a training conference about this SO obv I am going to talk too much. Disclosure: These statistics are from peer-reviewed sources AND the National Children's Alliance. The NCA IS an American association, though, so take this all with a grain of salt bc we're applying it to someone whose bg is not American lmao. This is an essay for funsies. CW: discussion of and stats about CSA, Child Abuse) Relevant to the Jo stuff is also that victims of one/any kind of abuse are statistically much more likely to subsequently face overlapping abuse, so knowing he comes from a home where abuse and potential neglect was actively occurring sets Jo-boy up for some sad statistics. I am looking for my notes on the stats for that but it's something stupid high, I wanna say over 30 or 40%.
Additionally, 47%~ of CSA victims are revictimized. Abysmal statistic but mostly just an interesting note if this IS the case/if we choose to interpret Jo this way bc of the other things mentioned in Masu's ask, specifically if we're viewing his unhealthy and ultimately traumatic relationship with Ikumi as a potential example of that revictimization (similarly, coming from a like background, it may have been revictimizing for Ikumi if she had ever experienced something like CSA, as well. It's one of those cases where they both got hurt even if neither of them were at fault for "playing house" as Jo calls it).
Seconding/Adding on to Masu's thoughts about Jo's behavior being as self-destructive as it is because of the compounded trauma of his life, victims of adolescent abuse "engage in health-risk behaviors such as substance use, physical fighting, and risky sexual activity," in far higher numbers than non-victims. We know for facts that adolescent Jo checks at least 2 of those 3 boxes, and that he still puts himself in unnecessary danger as a full grown adult (the Heian Tower fight, and Hoshino's Office fight): An interesting and well-written cycle of trauma and abuse on RGGs part, tbh, but also so narratively telling about how he saw/sees/continues to see himself as more an object than a person. (Love your notes on that btw, it rings very true. I could write an essay on that alone tbh.)
Another weird little thing I notice from both a Doyalist AND Watsonian perspective: Jo's disclosure of his father's abuse would classify as what we call an "accidental disclosure" in the field even though it's clearly intentional that he shares it with Ichi - it's offhanded and markedly unimportant in the story he's telling. He says it passively in a literary sense, as well: "The only thing waiting for me at home was my father's fists." Like homie, that's the most roundabout way you could have said "My dad beat me." Interestingly, up to 50% of [specifically CSA] victims do not state outright that abuse occurs, but disclose it accidentally/offhandedly; and in general, accidental disclosure is more common among people who have also delayed disclosure. Up to 66% of admissions from victims of child abuse come delayed if they come at all.
I think it's a very in-character remark of him to make, but statistically, it lines up with other victims of abuse as a whole. I think it's also just cool that from the Doyalist perspective, writing his lines in this way was intentional. It's part of the whole "Everything Jo says sounds like it could mean more than one thing" thing. He speaks poetically - it's intentional not just for the character but for the writer.
Okay, I'm done for now I'm sorry I just wanted to throw some added stuff into the convo bc I love applying my everyday usage of adolescent-focused trauma care and pysch shit to blorbos and seeing what sticks. Anyway, I also have a shit ton of thoughts on Masumi Arakawa as an abuse survivor but THATS another essay I won't dig into now. If I am still in your good graces after this long ass spiel I will consider it not only amazing but perhaps even cool as hell.
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[ continuity of this ask ]
#long post#cw csa#its related im keeping it LMAO#snap chats#love the implication that you'd be 'out of my good graces' for sending this LMAO NO YOURE FINE WHY WOULD I BE MAD#i wouldve chewed out masu at this point if that were the case i enjoy readin these#the thing is we just have to accept im very stupid and wont have a lot of commentary. just quiet note taking#and i very much do appreciate posts like these cause its a nice reminder for things im aware of but have become very passive to#like jo's passive exposure of his traumas is something im aware of and because of that i dont focus on it as much as i should#so thank you- to you and masu for writing as extensively as you do#again im just very dumb so i wont have anything else to add on that hasnt been already said#or it wont be anything i can just sit and write in a couple of minutes its something thatd prob take a while to write as in-depth as i want#which is why i feel bad for responding. Not At All with these types of asks LMAO CAUSE EVIDENTLY a lot of effort is done by you guys#and i appreciate it a lot so thank you again for writing in#arakawa as an abuse survivor is something i think of a lot and remembering his abuse as a child shines light on his actions and mentality#so i mean if you wanna share your thoughts on that go ahead ! just know. i prob will Also not have a lot to add on to it LMAO#LIKE THE BEST WAY I CAN INTERPRET MY LINGUISTIC INEPTITUDE IS JUST ME LISTENING my sister tells me i listen really well#and i do enjoy listening. because again im not smart enough to think of things on my own or i dont think its worth sharing some things#so always happy to read whatever you want to share
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figureone · 1 year
Yk i used to really disagree with your theory about the mindflayer, mostly because it's a trope i really dislike, but now I'm seeing all those completely insane theories/analysis about henry never having murdered anyone, Henry having clones and I'm like ????? Suddenly the mindflayer influencing Henry is a great idea in comparation, at least it makes some damn sense, i mean, people can theorize whatever they like, i know it's supposed to be fun, but acting like it's 100% canon and everyone else is stupid for not noticing it is annoying, they used to mock Henry apologists and now Henry is a saint and he has an evil brother/clone or whatever that is the actual murderer, they now claim to love Henry but for some reason ignore everything Jamie has ever said about his character unless they can twist it to fit their narrative
Anyway, i really like how you talk about Henry, and how you write him in your rp blog, do you have a degree in psychology or something? Because you write really well
Its been a ride hasn't. I mean they explicitly made posts mocking and dragging me personally for my posts only to turn around and start saying some of the exact stuff I said that they mocked me for, ONLY instead of actually being logical and normal about why they think xyz they started coming out with these absolutely batshit insane and outlandish theories of why Henrys cool actually while simultaneously maintaining this horrific shit about how hes a pedo and rapist. Like I dont get it?? What?? I mean, I think I blocked everyone in the tags (save for my followers LOL) about the time they started saying Henry's actual crime is rape and it was VIRGINA (Who is also a pedophile and a rapist, and Henry's rapist specifically -shudders-) who ACTUALLY committed all the murders and also something about "Peter Ballard" being Henry's gay lover or whatever, I don't know, I refused to read most of the posts and after blocking I haven't seen any for ages. Like I def missed the clone stuff and surely A LOT of other out of touch shit, lucky me. But EXACTLY! You're right. This is meant to be fun and I like(d) reading different peoples takes and thoughts, even if I don't or didn't necessarily agree. HELL I love making crazy AUs and playing with concepts that aren't even canon and just having silly fun like that but like. They had the audacity to be mocking me and other Henry fans for being Henry fans, then turning around and coming out with all that and then suddenly calling themselves Henry fans. What in the fuck? Never seen a lack of self awareness quite like it before. The self-absorbed, holier than thou tone and way they imposed this on "stupid Henry Creel apologists" like me only to get to where they are now with the shit they post is just ??? They're really like "I can excuse pedophilia and rape, but I draw the line at murder in self defense." Also I love how that watchman anon was a whole thing, bc ofc they had be going on about how Dr Manhattan was in his 30s and having some relationship with a 16 yr old or some crap and that this is relevant to Henry which is literally not and then Jamie came out and confirmed thats all bullshit like I hate to say I told em so but. Then I've seen folks making posts about shipping Henry/Vecna and Will and at first I thought they were joking / mocking but now I'm sure they're serious. I even had like an ACTUAL blog for shipping Will/Vecna follow me the other day (which I promptly blocked like that was low key traumatic for sec there, like the edits made me feel unwell give how UNDERAGE Will clearly is and looks as a young boy / teen vs Henry/Jamie's pics who def looks like a grown ass fucking man in his 30s ... Ugh.)
And this all isn't actually surprising to me bc a lot of assholes I've encountered in fandoms like this usually have all these secret "taboo" turn-ons (like pedophilia and non-con) and have secret accounts on sites like ao3 and twitter and flist and whatever to produce content surrounding that sort of stuff while acting like the head purity police in public on tumblr. Which is why I think some folks come out here talking so much nonsense surrounding those things, like its secret psychological fetish mining because suddenly people are agreeing like "oh yeah this character could be / is a pedo / a rapist / haha vecna has a crush on will / vecna raped will / this is all so obvious!!" etc, like its all just... So far out of touch with the source so canons def not where its coming from or why they're obsessed with those takes and that kind of stuff, and when ppl rb it and spread it, it validates them in a sort of roundabout or even direct way. And given the first ever post like that I saw from that group about Henry/Vecna as gay (and a rapist/pedo) was spoken about in a weirdly self indulgent, hurt/comfort, wump/wumpee, fanficcy type of way including Mike having to like, win Will with his pure gay love vs Vecna's evil gay lust. Took me back to 2009, I thought they were gonna sign off with some shit like "YAOIZ FOREVER!!! SO SMEXY!!! xDDDD :3 owo" Really makes you wonder. ANYWAY, big ol ramble aside, THANK YOU! Maybe I can turn you into a mindflayer theory truther 😉 sjfkhfjkd. Also thanks so much about the writing, thats been the highlight of my day ;_; TBH I don't have any professional skill at all. I taught myself to read and write (I mean that literally as the autistic kid everyone not subtly gave up on.) so I'm kinda blown away by that as a compliment. 😭 I think it maybe just comes down to the fact that I have personal experience with child abuse / abuse / mental illness / trauma / neurodivergence and also a big love of the horror genre and those things are mostly where I write from so they probably work well for Henry/Vecna's POV, but IDK. Tysm. ❤️❤️
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snow-and-saltea · 2 years
For the characters- Yanfei, Jean, and Xiao por favor~!
tex my beloved!!! anything for you!!!!
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
I LOVE HER SMMMMMM i think i mained her in a reaction party since 2.1 or so? cus i remember i got her cons during ayaka banner (up to c2) and i was like :0 might as well build her cus she's cute and i love her va! and then i pulled for her again during yelan banner and now she's c5. i love her sm, she's very witty and has a way with words, the entire serenitea pot quest was just a yanfei quest in disguise. she's also the first adeptus (technically half) that genuinely has a happy story that's not about Suffering. i love how talkative and rambly and nitpicky she is. and how she has a weak spot when it comes to divorce / emotional cases!!! and how her "contract" is literally just to live a happy life? im tearing up!! thats so cute!!!
jean gunnhildr:
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
my Wife. i think i've already told this before somewhere in my genshin tag but i lost 50/50 to her the first time i tried to pull on a limited chara, zhongli. and she has NEVER left my party unless i'm trying to gain friendship xp. i use her w literally any chara bc i can't bear to bench her cus she's too pretty and i want to do everything w her. i think i legit make teams around her LMAO like xiao hypercarry? that's fine, jean can be anemo battery and healer. i now have built bennett and raiden? cool, time for sunfire jean! freeze team? oh we'll need a cryo res debuffer! ill put jean on. she just works so well for so many things??? 🧎 who needs zhongli when mhy can just powercreep enemies by introducing corrosion? u know who doesnt need a shield to be good? jean. i have her on c2 and im planning to get her to c4 so she can shred anemo res!!!
tho tbh what made me fall for her first was her character and personality. i just really love hardworking earnest and "justice-like" knight girls.... i think they're so cute. my fave lines from her are "You have my complete and full support. Of course, if your path ever deviates from justice, I will not hesitate to point it out." and "I swear by this sword, victory shall be yours." LIKE PLEASE. .... AND HER FINAL ASCENSION LINE????? "Wind, please forgive my selfishness. Not as the Acting Grand Master, but as Jean - I hereby swear that my sword shall always go with you."
PLEASE ..... I LOVE YOU SO MUCH..... 🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎
who? | only know their name | loathe | ugh | overrated | indifferent | dead | alive | just okay | cute | badass | my baby | hot | want to marry | favorite 
hehehe!! as mentioned before, i use him a lot w jean! i dont have much to say about his personality or lore since i think what i would say are things that things that have been echoed by a lot of other people. but in terms of the game and gameplay wise, i super love his novelty. his gameplay is completely not reliant on elemental reactions at all which i SUPER love. i think i told this story already, but like. for a good chunk of genshin i legit didnt know we were supposed to build teams around elemental reactions. bc my first two limited 5* charas that i got were xiao and eula, whose whole playstyle revolves around being a "selfish" dps who does crazy consolidated dmg. and i thought elemental reactions in genshin worked like pokemon where it was like... "ok water beats fire. i guess i shouldnt put hydro and pyro charas in the same team!" <- a complete fool. that was the opposite lesson you had to learn.
i think he's been my main dps ever since i got him! in 1.3, so february last year. right now i switch between yanfei elemental reaction team, ayaka + yelan freeze team, and xiao hypercarry with bennett and xiangling as supports. he's super fun to play as, though i wish he wouldnt cause enemies around him to get knocked back as i plunge using his burst TwT
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choibinn3 · 3 years
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txt members as those unreturned feelings you wish you could let go of :*)
tags; angst, fluff, ouchies but yk, young love or whatever, grammatical errors, college/high school au!
warnings; feelings of inadequacy, mild jealousy, self-deprecation, cursing
note; not used to doing hcs yet, so this is messy.. 😓 but also, i saw the boys rejecting in the same way, so some of these r left for interpretation or indirect rejections!!!
tbh the hcs just get longer&longer as u read on
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⌗ choi yeonjun!!
popular boy alert 🚨🚨
guys fucking everywhere, its so hard to get rid of him, and whenever you see him hes with a biiig group of ppl you dont know
youd gaze at him smacking his leg in doubled over laughter and feel an invisible barrier between him and yourself
but for some reason he always makes sure to say hi to you in the mornings or include you in class activities
and hes unfortunately very funny, and devastatingly pretty, so you cant exactly hate him just bc hes popular
your feelings probably start when youre both assigned cleaning duty or youre stuck next to each other in a group setting
it makes you feel weird in general bc no one with that many friends would want to do smthng like that, but then you realize maybe thats why hes got so many ppl hanging around him
after that, whenever he makes plans he always makes sure to ask you if you want to join,, and youre always confused
after that, whenever he makes plans he always makes sure to ask you if you want to join,, and youre always confused
after that one lengthy convo suddenly youre on his friend list now??? does he just put ppl on that randomly and quickly??
you almost blocked and ignored him the first time he sent you an invitation, convinced it was either a prank or the wrong number
"me and some other kids from this class are eating out tonight, wanna come?"
"excuse me, who is this??"
if you do agree to one of these plans though, more often than not itd be you clinging to him bc hes quite literally the only person you know
but its thrilling in a way to be technical friends with someone so fun and laid back. hes just so likable and all his mannerisms are just somehow cool, you cant help but want to be associated with that
and with the way he notices you and makes you smile, itd be hard not to fall for him
plus.. hes a natural flirt. charmer, whatever you call it when he smirks. you dont know if hes doing it in a friendly, fun manner or hes actually flirting
hes a tucks your hair behind your ear when listening to you talk, throws in an "ahh, youre so pretty today," randomly in conversation, idly playing with your fingers kind of flirt
he always keeps his arm around your shoulder, like, always. it has you questioning and scared if youre maybe too sweaty sometimes, but its just always there
when youre next to each other, walking, sitting, in fucking class if its possible?? he somehow does it everywhere, and yet also somehow makes it look like he isnt desperate to do it either
plus petnames. you see how he called wooyoung "cutie" and "darling" on that vlive?? it comes out of his mouth so smoothly you almost assumed it was a part of his vocabulary since birth
and its especially bad for your heart when youre just simply trying to tell the dude about class that day TT geez...
if you ever mention that youve never tried smthng (boba, sushi, anything really), will absolutely look at you incredulously before planning to go try it
"you—you what? do you live under a rock? no, no, we are going there next week."
"?? i have plans next week."
"not anymore, make room for 3pm. im paying."
oh yeah, he also NEVER lets you pay. its stupid, and even in group settings he somehow manages to convince everyone that its on him! no matter how stubborn the people are
all too quick though do you realize that all that you are is one of his friends. one of the many people surrounding him almost at all times
hes just as attentive as he is with you to his male nd female friends, as well as quite actually everyone else in your damn class (why does he have to be so kind?)
he flirts with them too,, all too often do you have to swallow that lump in your throat when watching him call his girl friend an exaggerated beautiful goddess
you know hes either joking or teasing—or both, with some truth, because hes never totally serious with it, but never not serious (whatever that means, but it makes sense in terms of yeonjun)
but you just cant help but tell yourself that all those times hes done the same with you were all fake, sweet lies
and you dont exactly have a deep connection with him, nor do you exactly know too much about him, so its all a weird conflict of emotions
youre his friend right?? just not close enough to text him at 4am, or to have vulnerable, soft moments together... it feels so distant, so out of reach
maybe youll have the confidence one day to send him a text, ask him to hang out one on one instead of a group thing
would he even make time for you though?? these sorts of things take planning, and youre almost certain his schedule is full, since hes just around everyone
it feels bad, and youre full of anxiety by the end of the time youve decided that tomorrow!! youll send him that text tomorrow
or next week, yup !!
⌗ choi soobin!!
hes absolutely perfect.
you probably met him through a mutual acquaintance on a friendly outing or randomly in class
"is this seat taken?" sort of meet cute
you guys would hit it off right away, and you honestly couldnt even begin to describe how perfect of a person he was
hes protective, attentive, and this has got to be more than any boy (or friend for that matter) has ever been willing to do for you
hes protective in the sense that hed ward off any creeps on trains with his staggering height (albeit maybe unintentionally), and then grab your waist so you dont stumble
attentive in the way that he buys you coffee or any of your favorite drinks before your morning class, and will memorize your order. it means a lot bc he has to wake up extra early, the coffee lines are always way too long in the mornings ☕️
he lets you take his notes and cram the day before any big test or exam, offering to quiz you afterwards if youre up for it too
for someone whos self-labeled himself as lazy, choi soobin sure is good at putting in effort for you :')
there to listen to any woes or complaints about any professors you have, and it feels like an actual friendship—if you ignore your festering feelings
it happens one day, you cant exactly pinpoint when, but it happens. youre all of a sudden conscious of yourself giggling at your phone when you realize how deep in you are
at first, you had just seen him as your tall, cute friend that youd be mistaken as a couple with.. but suddenly all those teasing comments from mutual friends has you impossibly flustered
it doesnt help that hes so, so sososo affectionate. in a casual way though, oh yeah. just grabs your hand or hits your shoulder when he laughs too hard, and absolutely does he back hug you
"[name], have you eaten yet? we can grab lunch later at the food place you like."
you can feel his chest on your back and it drives you insane, but for the sake of keeping it cool you shove that all down
his back hugs are almost just,, all consuming?? in a way? they envelop you fully, and sometimes on cold days you just sink in and it feels like your own coat lol
hes a tall dude, so whenever he hugs he either drapes himself over you or hugs you in a way that makes you feel so safe and secured it should be illegal
and his flirting... should you even call it flirting?? maybe youre reading into it too much
^ like the way hed wipe off any excess foam on your lips, or when he offers you food and goes "say ah~" before feeding it to you
bc friends do that. for sure, its totally fine and cool, but then he laughs so hard he has to rest his hand on your thigh. rest, as in it stays there for longer than your heart can handle
holds your hand when youre least expecting it. walking on the street, when youre focused in on an essay, playing around—its just bad for your health each and every time
youre not exactly sure what to do anymore when that old lady down the block from your apartment calls you a "lovely young couple!"
usually youd brush her off and promptly correct her, but now thats soobins job, because youre too busy losing your shit over his large hand being interlocked in yours
ultimately, you would feel like itd be best to just wallow in your feelings and think abt how cutely shaped his lips are T_T
bad, but... what was the better option?? risking a friendship with the first boy you found that wasnt scum???
if you do decide to risk it all and confess, oh boy, youll be the one feeling more guilty by the end of the day
hed be so apologetic, telling you that he didnt mean to lead you on, and if you dont reassure him the dude would swear to repent for the rest of his life
soobins really too nice.. which is why this would hurt even more
its sort of cute, how much hes fretting. tell him that you just wanted to get it off your chest, but still hope to remain as friends and things will go back to normal
well, as normal as it could be. you both have to ignore how he hesitates and then retracts his hand when hes laughing too hard and has to lean on you
also the fact that his hugs arent as warm, hes so reluctant to even touch you now, and instead of wiping off any foam himself, he hands you a napkin
its bittersweet really 😓
⌗ choi beomgyu!!
yet another mfker you cannot get rid of!!
not bc hes necessarily popular, hes just everywhere. beomgyu is somehow just someone everyone knows, and often you would find him annoying a rando teacher
you sort of grew up with him though
going to the same elementary, middle school, high school etc. he was always just the kid in the class over or the guy you slept next to during kindergarten nap time 💤
hes known for being a bit bratty and excitable, but tbh youve probably only had one or two conversations with him?? ^^;;
hes amusing, and when hes around you love watching his antics
the way youd fall would be at a party
not a crazy, wild, totally off the hook!!! party, but a small sort of gathering your class put together to commemorate the end of the semester
everyone was chatting and sipping something (hell if you knew), and he was playing his guitar like some sort of mystic indie boy about to change your life
you went up to him (mightve been smthng in that drink, wow) and ask how he even got the thing there, and he replied with something both cute and humorous enough to make you giggle
he was funny, not that you had expected him not to be, but you hadnt thought he would answer so quick and wittily when he hadnt interacted with you much either
his skills on the guitar werent a joke though. the way he played was like he was humming, making you hear invisible lyrics that werent there, it was just impossibly soft but loud. sickly poetic, right?
and you noticed that whenever he would mess up a chord, he would scrunch his nose up a bit—which you found cuter than you shouldve
plus over the whole school year he had grown his black hair out, letting it curl to frame his face and the back touch his neck
it was... brutal to say the least how good it looked on him. and brutal for you how you didnt realize how good he looked before ..
you would be knocked out of your observations (read: admirations) by him asking you for a song recommendation, and youd just have to give one from the top of your head
"oh! i love that song!"
he said it with such a big smile that it had you beaming with pride in your music tastes
was this really the boy youve seen around all your life?? you were that blind? 😵‍💫
the way hes strumming, smiling softly under the dimmed, tinted lights has you unconsciously blurring your surroundings, only focusing on him
afterwards, you would ask for his number with the lame excuse of "since we have such similar taste in music!!"
from then on whenever you found a song that you thought sounded like him, errr... reminded you of the songs he liked.. youd send it to him
and whenever youd run into him on school grounds, your only talking point would be "oh!! heres the cd you wanted to borrow haha"
its always a quick thanks! before hes gone, and you cant help but want to go to more parties in hopes hed be there again
youre not sure youll ever be able to get over him bc now whenever you listen to any song you think "oh.. would beomgyu like this??"
the thing is, he would also send you songs back 😓 which makes the whole thing even worse
"heyy!! this melody reminded me of you!! its pretty sweet lol :]]"
and you almost faint at the message, was there supposed to be a double meaning??
if it goes on for long enough i feel like beomgyu would make a whole playlist for you, and it just about sends your body into overdrive..
theres just something so special about a whole playlist dedicated to you, he listened to these songs specifically and thought of you!!
occasionally, or if you ask for them, beom sends you videos of him playing his guitar
sometimes its soft indie, sometimes its a riff on the electric guitar you cant quite decipher, but each time it makes you press the replay button
if youre lucky, his playing could be accompanied by gentle humming or murmured lyrics
..its genuinely so quiet you cant hear sometimes, but that doesnt matter much when each time he sends a video, youve already made sure to turn your volume up impossibly high 🔊
whenever youd see him on campus youd flash him a smile and usher him over to listen to what you had playing, but it always felt like he left too early ://
these conversations felt so brief. you were close but yet.. so far???
honestly though, all of these messages and texts late into the night are mostly about songs? you wish you knew about his other interests
with the way things were looking, there was no way he would realize your feelings, and you were running out of these songs quicker than you wouldve liked
you hovered over your text before quickly deleting it
"do you think you could teach me guitar? :)"
could this be something more? or were you just doomed to just looking at him with lovelorn eyes??
well, cant give you too much hope!!! this is supposed to be unrequited after all, ahh
⌗ kang taehyun!!
i struggled a bit too much on this one..
100% class president or representative
youve seen him around and hes maybe asked for you to hand in a sheet like once or twice, but otherwise you dont really know him
you would admire him heavily though, for both his grades and his looks. he seemed so far above all the rest at times, almost otherworldly with how compassionate and smart he was
it all starts when either you ask him to tutor you (nervously, fidgeting lol) or the teacher suggests it
he says yes (ofc, so nice), and the first session ends without any conversation outside of learning, and you cant help but feel stiff around him
its up until the third time you met after class that taehyun suggested you take a break, right after you struggled with his explanation
youre a bit embarrassed that he thought you needed a break, but.. what exactly does a break entail??
he asked you for your drink of choice and left to the vending machines, leaving you to sit there a bit confused until he returned shortly after with 2 cans
you thanked him and told him that you could pay him back, and he refused your insisting until you decided to cave in and open your beverage, seeping in slight awkwardness
but then he opened his own soda and it just EXPLODED like a fountain ⁉️ the carbonated juice was everywhere, and you had to back up a bit to not get it on your pants
he was panicking, quickly trying to cover the spray with his hand, then his jacket, his eyes impossibly wide n mouth open,, and you just about burst out in laughter
soon enough he would be laughing also, his hand still over the top, and the both of you making eye contact as the fizz stops entirely and the giggles die out
you felt a bit guilty, laughing at him.. 😓 but hes always so calm and collected, so seeing him with such an expression made him seem so endearing
you would apologize and hed just wave you off with a chuckle (which made that organ in your chest thump louder than it shouldve), but you have to wonder.. when was his soda even shaken up??
you had a sneaking suspicion he did it on purpose, but for what?? to make you laugh? you didnt wanna get too ahead of yourself, but you wouldnt put it past him
the type of person to sacrifice his own dignity to get someone to loosen up, that was the kang taehyun you observed ♥️
the next few sessions incorporated small breaks in between, which you noticed usually happened when you got stuck and overly frustrated.
by the end of these breaks though, youd always be laughing or smiling to yourself, mind cleared from any fog
he made you less stiff in various ways, doodling crude drawings, telling you embarrassing stories, all of the works!! it felt nice, and you felt almost special to be seeing him like this...
during the fifth session, he would talk to you about his magic tricks!!! you had expected to be doing origami or drinking pure sugar by the machines again, but he suddenly pulled out a whole deck o cards
the way he spoke about it and demonstrated them made your pulse quicken.. he just looked so passionate, so animated and eager
if you stared at him long enough hed offer to teach you some magic, and his eyes would positively light up if you agree
mess up a few times and he would go, "here, let me," and envelop his hands over yours, properly moving them in the correct manner
"can you try it on your own?"
you dont have the heart to say you cant, because as soon as he had touched your skin, your mind blanked entirely 😵‍💫
taehyun also isnt the type to be offset by eye contact either, so when you catch his gaze he holds it and even has the nerve to ask, "what? are you having trouble with something?"
and sometimes he gets too close when explaining stuff and it has you sweating buckets, confused on whether it was his long eyelashes or nose bridge that had you distracted
tbh im not sure you would even be able to confess properly before being rejected indirectly, bc such a person as kang taehyun has a lot of people pining after him
—and hes surely bound to notice one of them, right?
it would be a day free from tutoring when you decide to visit the library to return a couple of books
its almost immediate when you spot taehyuns hair, having gazed at it so many times. you didnt think much of it though, bc taehyun is top of your class, so of course hes in the library!!!
you would turn the corner to say a quick greeting, but stop in your tracks at the sight of him next to another girl—one you didnt recognize from his group of friends
it wasnt a tutoring or study session, no way, there were no textbooks in sight. plus, there were drinks by their side, her beverage and his usual soda, and theyre laughing, flirting—blushing.
a clearer look at her face tells you that you do in fact know her, and shes the vice president with high grades and a pretty face, the one thats practically his only equal.
the greeting you had prepared was swallowed down by your throat
hes so close to her now, and you want to cover your ears, but you hear it anyway—
"do you want to learn a magic trick ive been working on?"
and you dont think youve ever left a building faster than you left that library behind, urging down your tears in the process
⌗ huening kai!!
long bc i am in l-word with him and i want to h*ld his h*nd 🤢
the boy you stared at sometimes during your teachers ramblings. you swear its bc youre zoning out and hes just,, there
—but when he smiles your heart does a small pitter patter and it doesnt feel healthy.. ヾ(´・・`。)ノ his lips curves in such a way that makes your eyes widen slightly bc wow, fuck, are you an angel?
incidentally, youve also accidentally made eye contact with him during some of these moments, and always does he look away first
it feels like puppy love, and you almost tell yourself its a mutual crush, but youve never really spoken to him have you?
its a seating change that gets the both of you closer, bc who would actually approach first??
you didnt think much of it when your teacher made you all pull numbers for seats, but then he plopped his backback down on the chair next to you
and all so suddenly does your heart skip, hop scotch, and reverse all at once
you tell yourself to act casual, cool, level headed and introduce yourself
"hello, my name is [name] [l. name]. i hope we can get along."
you applaud yourself, mentally giving your back a dad-worthy clap in pride—but oh fuck, you said all of that without making eye contact
thankfully, huenings the type of boy to just laugh (albeit a bit awkwardly) and introduce himself back, and he does just that
first stage: cleared!! but.. whats the second stage?? youre not sure....
the boys a great seat mate though, not raucous or painfully oblivious to his surroundings like the other boys in your class
hes a bit clumsy, but its somehow a part of his charm ♥️
he also drops his pencil and desk supplies frequently, most of the time to simply twirling his pencil around or knocking things off with his arm nd elbow
once, you mustered enough courage to be the helpful deskmate! and pick it up for him, but his hand was faster than yours
—which, ended with your palm on top of his, and with an embarrassing squeak you had to pull it off hastily
he gave you a glance and a smile that sent your face into a hot blaze, uttering a small "thank you," even though you technically didnt even do anything except squeak (oh god)
if you ever lose your textbook or forget it for a day, he is always willing to share (that whole cutesy desks together thing, looking over at each other to see if theyre done reading) 📖
—actually, hes willing to just give up his whole textbook entirely
youve compared him to an angel before, because theyre both known for their innocuous demeanor and infinitely generous personalities, and its fairly true
your teacher was very strict with forgetfulness, constantly reminding your classmates that it isnt a trait that should be common among young adults such as yourself, so sharing textbooks was still frowned upon in your classroom
instead, students would be basically publicly humiliated before being sent out of the classroom to grab an extra textbook from the library 😓.. jerk
when you had rummaged through your bag and found nothing, you had already resigned yourself to being scolded like a 5 yr old like many others were before you
but all of a sudden, a coy hand slides that hardcover book you oh so dreaded seeing (but needed) over to your desk
you glanced at him like he just offered to sacrifice himself into a volcano for your sake, and he just simply smiled at you and sent you a cute wink like (^_-)☆
before you can even think of giving it back to him, your teachers voice cut off any coherent thoughts you couldve formed
"huening kai, correct? wheres your textbook, mr huening?"
"ah," he smiled sheepishly, standing up from his desk. "i forgot it today, sir."
the angry old man rant from your teacher lasted 5 mins minimum before huening was sent for his walk of shame to the library
and when he made it to halls, he caught your eye again, and sent you an impish grin that set your heart aflame
oh god, huening kai is a boy. thats not good, not good at all, because now hes not just an angel.. hes a boy with a strangely heart thumping mischievous streak to him
also if youre noticeably down, hes all more than willing to doodle in the corner of your notebook, accompanied by words of encouragement and later a juice box on your desk :')
return the doodles and it might develop into games of tic tac toe, and then childish hand games—but huening kai is cheater
how youre able to cheat in simple juvenile games like that, youre not entirely sure, but he managed to do it anyway and giggles innocently when you catch him
youd always let him off and the cheater goes and does it again, but it doesnt matter too much as youre too caught up in his laughter to care
being next to him also warrants much more opportunities to stare at his face, or more so just glance at it
hes got a sixth sense or smthng, always being able to catch your eye and make you smile awkwardly before turning back to your desk ^^;
but even with all these small moments, it doesnt feel real—maybe like youre still in a pipe dream, hoping for him to like you, when all of your friends tell you that he clearly does
so when you go to enter your classroom in the morning, hoping to maybe get an answer that day, you had to stop short
not because of anxiety or nervousness, no, because you could hear his voice casually deny any crush on you to your classmates
"[name]? oh no, the both of us are just friends. shes cool and all though, you should talk to her sometime too!"
his tone was kind, full of friendly cheerfulness that made you somehow sick. never once did you think hearing him with a smile would make you feel this way.
it couldnt have been a misunderstanding, because why would he say it so normally if it werent true, right?
you entered the classroom, saying your usual greeting to him (he smiled and said good morning), and you almost immediately had to leave to the clinic—because you couldnt take the normalcy
your teacher sent you off with a quick message to not stray and mess around in the hallways, and you stood up to leave
but before you can make it a foot away from your desk, huenings hand caught onto your wrist
"are you feeling ok?" he whispered, concern clearly laced in his eyes. your head ached more, and your shoulders felt heavier than ever
"im fine," you said back, pulling his hand off your skin. it burned. "ill be back soon."
you fully planned to ditch the class, spending the period rotting under the clinic bed sheets until you no longer felt nauseous
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how was the read?? did u enjoy it? i always listen to feedback, so if u have any writing advice or want to be friends, im always here :D
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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lovesanmotion · 3 years
Light - Jeong Yunho
summary: cool uncle by day but mafia boss at night, jeong yunho is ready for anything; except for falling in love.
tags: @couchpotatoaniki (yes i am tagging you bcs you blossomed this idea to me hihi)
A deep sigh left Yunho's lips, lighting up his cigarette and sticking it between his lips before releasing pearly white smoke. His once neat suit was now covered in sweat, dust and a trickle of blood from earlier events, singlehandedly killing a mafia group from the neighboring city. He lifted his wrist watch and checked the time - 10:01pm. Sandwiched between his middle and index finger, Yunho raises his cigearette stick onto his lips and puffed out a smoke.
His once cool composure broke when around the corner, the slim but curvy figure of his neighbor - y/n y/l/n came into view. She had her head hung low, shoulders drooping down and walking gloomily home. But Yunho stared at her. Around y/n, he felt like a high school boy who has a crush on her. He didn't also missed the fact that it was too late for y/n to go home. Work hours ends at 5-6pm, but 10? Yunho wondered if you took an overtime.
As y/n passed him by, he couldn't help but smile to himself. Feeling his face heating up. Getting up from the bench, he dropped his stick and stepped on it before following you home. With his hands tucked inside his pockets, Yunho wondered why you ever chose to live in a dangerous city like this. Was it because the rent's cheaper? Or to live close to your office?
He stopped his tracks and hid behind a pole, watching you get inside your home building safely. Watching you get home safely is what Yunho's been doing ever since you moved into the area and with a smile on his face, Yunho walks back home.
As the sun sets into the blue sky, Yunho packs up a lot of candies in his pocket before leaving his home and strolling to the neighborhood park. Clad in a bright red and white striped shirt and pants a bright smile on his face, Yunho would never be mistaken as someone who killed a group of guys last night. The cool breeze swept past him, causing his bangs to fly away.
As he found the children playing merrily and happily in the park, his heart swelled with an overwhelming feeling. How he wished these children would grow up into kind and humble adults. When the children saw him coming up to them, a chorus of "uncle Yunho!" greeted him, followed by all of them running up to him for a hug, some even hugging his legs.
Sitting down on the wooden bench, he gave each child a piece of candy and chocolate. Their little smiles upon tasting the fruity and sweet treats brought a smile on his lips too. However, Yunho mentally did a head count on the children.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. One was missing, and the one missing happened to be his favorite. He was about to open his mouth and ask them where y/s/n when a small but cheerful "uncle Yunho!" greeted him from behind. Turning around, his eye's widened.
His neighborhood crush, holding an ice cream cone with one hand and the other holding hands with his favorite child from the playground.
"Mommy this is uncle Yunho! He's the one who always watches us and gives us candy when we play here!" A deep shade of red plastered on Yunho's cheeks. Slowly he turned away and sunk a bit lower on his seat, feeling himself getting shy. But he was a little surprised to know that y/n has a son.
Yunho watched as y/s/n joined the other kids in the slide and on his left side became occupied by you.
"Doesn't it get a little sad when you watch them slowly grow up? One day they are only crying for attention and the next thing you know you walk with them to preschool." Y/N spoke, taking a lick on the vanilla cone.
"Do you have kids at home?" Yunho shook his head. But he would very much like to have one with y/n.
"I'm y/n by the way!" He looked at the hand extended out for him to shake before looking at your smile. Yunho's heart beated loudly inside his chest, not missing the sight of the ice cream on the corner of your lip. He slowly leaned in and raised his hand, wiping the cream away with his thumb.
"Nice to meet you, y/n. I'm Yunho." He smiled at you, seeing that pink tint across your cheeks. Yunho thanked the gods that this might be the chance for him to properly talk to y/n. He turned to his side and striked up a conversation with you, slightly getting distracted with the way how you lick your ice cream.
"Uh..hello? Earth to Yunho?" Yunho snapped out of his trance and shook his head, batting his eyelashes. Yunho stared at you. "What was that again?"
"I was asking you earlier if you wanted to have lunch with me and y/s/n. Think of it as a thank you for watching over my son." Turning his head, he saw the children leave one by one until it was your son left sitting in the swing.
"I-I would love to!" He blurted out, maybe a little too loud. Yunho suddenly backed away, suddenly feeling shy but he only found y/n chuckling at him.
"That was cute. Anyways, let's me show you where I live." As Y/N got up, so did he. He took the pleasure of carrying y/s/n in his arms as he followed you to your place, he had to pretend he didn't know where you lived. How was he going to explain that he has been following you for months already?
"Welcome to our place!" Spoke Y/N in a cheerful tone. The place didn't look half bad. As he sets y/s/n down and removes his shoes by the doorway, he took in the appearance of your place. It isn't big nor small, perfect for two people living, light wooden floors, cream colored walls, yellow and green cupboards and a mini bookshelf thats occupied by books about numbers, letters, alphabets and story books.
"This is a nice place you've got" Yunho says, sitting down on the couch only to be sunk lower as he didn't noticed how the couch was small.
"I guess I was lucky to find this one. More greenery in the province than just seeing buildings in the city." Y/N spoke, Yunho watched her enter the kitchen. He got up and excitedly followed her like a high school boy following his crush around school.
"What are you going to make there?" He asks as he stood behind Y/N making her jump a little. Yunho didn't realized how close he has gotten to her, but he felt like his heart would burst at how small she is close to him.
"Does pasta sound nice?" Y/N tilted her head to the side. If only his mornings were spent this close to y/n, Yunho would be in heaven already.
As Yunho was about to say something, in came little y/s/n holding his school bag.
"Mommy, can you help me with my homework?"
Two heads snapped to look at y/s/n who stood by the doorway of the kitchen.
"Your mom would love to!" Yunho smiled at y/s/n, held y/n by her shoulders and pushed her out of the kitchen despite her many protests against it. Yunho opened the fridge to check what ingredients were available, he grabbed whatever he needed and placed them on the counter and started cooking.
It was only like last night, he was using the very same knife to slice throats and now he's slicing meat with the same knife. But Yunho was only occupied by the merry thought of cooking for his crush.
After half an hour passed, Yunho beautifully plated three pasta bowls on the table. He gave himself a pat in the back for doing an excellent job and was about to call y/n and y/s/n to eat when he heard some talking.
"Mommy do you like uncle Yunho?" A small voice, y/s/n, as Yunho thought. His heart raced upon hearing this kind of conversation. There was a moment of silence, Yunho was fidgeting to know your answer.
"Mommy can uncle Yunho be my dad?" Yunho clutched his chest dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. But there it was again, that silence.
"Let's see, y/s/n. Want to see uncle Yunho if he's done?"
Yunho started to get up from his spot but hit his knee in the process, an inaudible sound came out of his mouth and suddenly the door swung open. Y/N and Y/S/N stared at him with a blank yet confused looks on their faces.
"Uh..lunch is ready!" Yunho smiled and instantly stood up from the ground. As he lead them to the kitchen, he was proud to see their expressions and sat down, paying attention to y/n's reaction before eating.
"So what do you do, Yunho?" Y/N asked while twirling pasta with her fork.
Yunho racked up his brain to think of what should he say. But he choked up in between.
"I'm unemployed at the moment" He says. There was no way he is ever going to tell that he kills people, raids warehouses and factories and regulates drug deals within in and out of the country. "What about you? What do you do for a living?" Yunho gulped the food down his throat before facing you.
"I, uh...I just work at, at a very boring corporate office. They don't pay much."
"Is that why you do overtime and get home late at night?"
Yunho stared at y/n wide eyed. That was wrong of him suddenly mentioning it to you. He shook his head and carried on the conversation by changing the topic.
For the whole afternoon, Yunho stayed with Y/N and Y/S/N, watching kids movies while having a snack. Y/S/N falling asleep in the middle of the movie. Yunho took the pleasure of letting y/s/n sleep on his chest, he could get used to being a househusband. With the sun setting, Yunho thought it was best for him to go home. But was stopped by y/n to join them for dinner. On the outside, Yunho thanked you. But on the inside, Yunho was giggling.
He cooked once more in the kitchen, clogging out y/n's protests. Dinner became a happy meal as all three of them became full. While y/n was cleaning up in the kitchen, Yunho asked permission if he could take y/s/n out for a walk, promising he'd be home by 8pm.
Yunho took y/s/n to the convenient store, handing him a whole bar of chocolate in his small hands. But the little boy stared at him.
"But mommy says I can't have too much sweets" the small boy pouted.
"But your mom isn't here right? This'll be our little secret. You and me." Yunho grinned at the small boy who flashed a toothy smile in front of him.
"Uncle Yunho do you like my mommy?"
"Very much." Yunho suddenly stopped as he looked back at the child with him, now grinning at him.
"Okay, that's another secret between us. Don't tell your mommy about that too okay?" The small boy nodded his head quickly, Yunho held his hand and walked back home with him. Unaware of two eyes following them as they head back.
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(gif is not mine! credits to the rightful owner!)
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wickedpact · 3 years
Crim pls do a J/N fic rec post at some point in the future I trust you more than I trust myself looking rouge through AO3
im kinda eh abt the concept of fic recs myself just bc the whole 'Different Strokes For Different Folks' thing (idk how many times someone i liked in a fandom made a fic rec list and i ended up not liking anything they posted). plus i have weirdly specific tastes and i.. .. honestly havent read a ton of joenicky fic! (i have a FAT to-read list) but ive been asked this a couple times now so i will slap together a couple joenicky fics i like (not comprehensive, i only spent like 15 minutes making this. also not in any particular order.)
Kiss Each Other Clean by moodlighting
i like this whole fic, but the last 6 or so paragraphs in particular SEND ME TO SPACE, i love cuddling. also [joe voice] nickel neekee
what you seek is seeking you by bankrobbery
i actually recced this one once before. idk its cute i just Like It. (also nicky pretending not to know english bc a customer is pissing him off is Very Funny and i love it)
with every inch of my heart by smilebackwards
i like this one a lot, i think nickys pov should Always be this tender. i dont like miscommunication trope much, (esp with joenicky) but i do like this fic-- the miscommunication in question is far-fetched but its joenicky so of course it is. just enjoy the Angst™
i love michelangelo seeing nicky all dirty and bloody after a fight and being like 'DAMN this bitch is fine' (same). (AND the fact that nicky only agrees to travel with him in the name of wasting the pope's money lmao). the fact that joe and nicky broke up But They Still Snuggle. nile knowing like 2 things about joe and nicky's breakup & pretty much immediately taking nicky's side. joe looking at the creation of adam and bein like 'EH'.
nicky carrying around his little joe drawing? nicky carrying around a spare toothbrush for booker? nicky telling little children stories about a princess locked in a coffin under the sea? ('perhaps someday, if an iron coffin is caught in a net or washed up onto the shore, they’ll remember the princess, a victim and not a monster' EXCUSE ME)
(also 'I have drawn you a thousand times since we parted. I sculpted your likeness, just so that I could pretend to cup your cheek. You are so much warmer than marble, hayati.' R O M A N C E)
Pas Un Ange by inlovewithnight
there are a lot of fics i love in a way thats like 'this fic is fun but it doesnt feel like something that would happen in the Actual Canon' (which is fine!) but this one Does feel like it could happen in The Actual Canon which is cool
this fic also has probably my favorite depiction of nicky's relationship with god/religion in any fic ive read ('[nicky's] peace had come only after walking away from faith as a competition of intensity in favor of faith as a steady compass that he followed like the beat of his heart in his chest.'). i love the whole Drama played out by the background characters and how they all have their own ideas and motivations & nicky is just kind of resigned to being caught in the middle of it.
(also love how near the beginning joe's like 'the Right thing to do in the situation would be stay at this river and help these people.... ... ....... ... .... ... anyways see ya guys later gotta go find nicky'.)
also joe chatting up a pig and the five minutes later chatting up some goats was so cute. & nicky trying to tell the baby's mother how to save it!!!! </3 AND THEY ARGUE ABOUT CHARITY on the way home (not before joe injects a comment abt nickys ass into regular conversation bc Romance™) its a bit of a sad fic tho, that poor baby 🥺
Intercession by PrincessDesire
can i interest you in some Swamp Man Nicky in this trying time?
someone recced this fic to me and i dont remember who. but note that the major character death tag is not, in fact, for a major character but for a background one. neither joe or nicky perma!die in this. also normally i dont like fics where joe or nicky are bi bc Thats Not Canon Babey but i do like this one, i love joe's relationship with Grace and how nicky's perception of that relationship gets flipped on its head halfway thru the fic. i also love joe's Weariness Of Immortality, like when joe talks about how 'youthful' nicky makes him feel. his pov just kind of Feels like an old man and i like it
theres a smut scene in this fic which im personally not big on smut scenes but theres this bit where joe tries to figure out condoms and its very cute. also 'You have many kinds of magic, Nicky. All your spells have worked.' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
also i just like how WHIPPED joe is from like the first 3 seconds he sees nicky. theres one bit where nicky's like 'ill come visit you!' and joe's like 'when🥺' and nicky's like 'as soon as you like!' and joes like 'now?????🥺🥺🥺 literally come home with me???' incredible.
also the Magic System was cool. i also love how nicky just Accidentally made himself immortal. what a man. also i like this line 'it would never occur to [nicky] to attend any service that wasn’t going to have a direct outcome. Grace takes comfort from it, so maybe that’s the only outcome needed.' idk its so sweet
edit: also i cant believe i forgot the iconic line 'Yusuf is a man of two minds, one large and underutilized, the other small and underutilized.' absolutely iconic & relatable
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
I saw y'all discussing potential zodiac signs for Pascal's characters, what's your take on the major ones? I personally believe Marcus Pike is a cancer, Catfish's a pisces, Din's a virgo, Whiskey's an aries, Oberyn's either a leo or a libra, Ezra's a gemini or a sag, but I lean towards gemini. Javier's the poster child for Scorpio. Don't know about Maxwell Lord.
pedro character star signs
i’m so sorry it took so long, i was tweaking this so much bc i wanted to make sure i got it right! these are just what i think based on my astrology opinions, i hope you like it! 💕 i added their moon signs for flair bc i can. gonna tag a few friends i think may be interested, hope it’s not an inconvenience
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max phillips: aries sun & moon. his ambition and charisma paired with the carefree attitude and optimism are an optimum fire sign duality and despite the fact i shouldn't, i love it so much. he has an inner child that he spoils with the riches of his conquests (good and bad) & gets emotional contentment when he succeeds in achieving his goals. knows what he wants & is quick to make those wants known. you never have to worry about where you stand with him because he will not hesitate to tell you.
javier peña: taurus sun with scorpio moon (the real guy is a taurus & i can see it but w heavy scorpio influence). he has his own structure and routine and will fight to the death to maintain it. very work oriented & does his best to rationalize his emotion-driven scorpio moon with his taurean logic, it's a tossup as to whether it works half the time. has a lot of emotional needs that aren't always met day to day & thats why he smokes and drinks and fucks. but don’t let anything make you doubt his love for you because the only thing stronger than his stubborn streak is his heart and its capacity to love you so damn much.
maxwell lord: libra sun with a sagittarius moon. the charisma? attractive and engaging af. oddly adept at chameleoning himself into whatever social group he's trying to vibe with. will draw eyes no matter what because so many people know him & if they don't already, they sure as hell want to. it takes him a while to learn to balance healthy relationships and his work life but when he does, you can visibly see how much healthier he is because of it. normally tends to his emotions in private but with help, he can start sharing a bit more. more optimistic than he sometimes should be but it could be worse
frankie morales: pisces sun with a cancer moon. his caring and sometimes cautious nature (with a twinge of homicidal tendencies) make him one that you don't just casually fuck with sexually or otherwise. catches feelings very easy & makes a lot of emotionally-driven decisions. these two water signs have a propensity towards codependence & defensiveness when hurt. is at his best when he feels loved and is supported by those he loves. emotions are always fluctuating and there’s some trouble with self-discipline (which is not the same as self-deprecation). because of this, he needs someone who can ground him
jack "whiskey" daniels: his swagger!! his charm!! his generosity!! the protectiveness over people he cares about!! this has the makings of a leo sun. this charismatic sun sign paired with his capricorn moon create a living example of the most balanced "work hard, play hard" you've ever seen. has a tendency to set high standards for himself and others & is a smidge more accepting when people fuck up, wanting to help them be better in the future. his emotions are often repressed in the name of responsibility but when he feels safe, he isn’t shy about them in the slightest. very confident in his skills & one of those that he’s the proudest of is his ability to cheer you up when you’re sad
din djarin: he is the most virgo virgo to ever virgo, a double whammy of it in both his sun & moon placements. very logical, disciplined, and tradition-oriented. knows how to bargain and budget, approaches problems with as little emotional attachment as he can (doesn't always work though), and is selfless af. needs something to keep him from being a worry wart bc otherwise he will spend every waking moment fretting over anything he can find. remarkably well-rounded & somehow the most emotionally stable
ezra: everything about this man radiates aquarius sun + gemini moon and you will never convinve me otherwise. he's just enough of an intellectual elitist (the big words and flowy shakespearian vocabulary) for it to border on unique and fun & annoying as fuck. every aquarian i've met has a quirk that sets them apart from everyone else & ezra's quirk (besides murder) is his vocabulary. it takes him a long time to learn to not talk over people on accident (sometimes he does on purpose just to be a bastard), but you can tell when he’s really trying to be conscious of it.
marcus moreno: now this man is what you call a pisces. a softie with a heart of gold that is constantly being underestimated, he has more power than most think. his silly and carefree nature detracts from the badassery he's capable of so it sometimes catches you off guard when he goes into Badass In Charge™️ mode but it’s there. his moon is also in pisces, which adds to his gentility and desire to be understood by his partner. this man just needs some love dammit, give it to him already!! his empathy makes him the Cool Dad™️ bc missy and literally any other kid get the vibe of “yeah this adult will actually listen to me and value my opinions”
dave: capricorn sun, aries moon. he thrives with people who can handle their own shit competency kink anyone? and doesn’t have patience with those who should know better. his standards are higher than a stoned giraffe, and is at his best in controlled environments. has a strong sense of self & a short list of people he would risk it all for. not as outwardly expressive but he does have a couple cues that you learn over time. also knows what he wants and is very meticulous in how he goes about getting it; there are very few places where he takes no for an answer. is a very good provider but don’t expect him to be mushy when you thank him for things he does for you.
oberyn martell: gemini sun & leo moon. he’s got more charisma than can fit in the ocean and sometimes it gets him into trouble. this man thrives on validation from loved ones. there is never a worry about not knowing what he’s feeling because oh boy is this man expressive. he’s a protector and a provider (and a gossip but don’t let him hear you say that). can and will cause a scene if there’s ample opportunity, he enjoys watching shit go down. will only interfere if it directly impacts him or someone he really cares about but otherwise will just pop the popcorn and pull up a seat. somehow has all the details of everything that ever happens but you learn to not question it.
pero tovar: scorpio sun (but specifically october scorpio) & aquarius moon. he’s highly rational when it comes to emotions but does have a temper. he’s observant af of his environment & the emotions of everyone around him, and chooses his actions carefully based on those. doesn’t confront his deeper emotions as often as he should bc it’s easier to default to Angy™️ and let the rest of the world come to their own assumptions. has no tolerance for lies and other bs, wants the truth and though it makes him seem power-hungry and manipulative, that’s not his intention. it’s just his way of looking for someone he can trust with the most intimate parts of him
marcus pike: this man? taurus sun, cancer moon. has a fear of abandonment that takes a while to quell but once it’s gone, he’s all in. he’s very empathetic and observant af, will know exactly what you need before you voice said need. will feel guilty for his baggage sometimes and the guilt will make him recluse for a short period until he’s reminded just how appreciated he is. does not play around when it comes to affection & is very eager to give and receive it whenever possible
my friends that i think might be interested: @scribbledghost @autumnleaves1991-blog @dyke--grayson @max--phillips @dindjarindiaries @pikemoreno @ohnopoe @pedropasscals @forever-rogue @engineeredfiction @bitchin-beskar
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bahorell · 3 years
Les Amis (& co.) and what they’re like camping
Enjolras: Is kinda scared of the woods. Also he’s that guy that really has a hard time putting his phone down because “I just have to respond to this one email”. “Yeah give me one second I’m dealing with a work thing”. “omg did you hear about what’s happening in Canada? It’s horrible those poor people” “Enj the point of this is to get away from everything for a couple days” “Right I know…”. So if there’s even one bar of service they gotta go find a different place. When he isn’t on his phone he’s very active in all his friends activities. He’s not super outdoors-y so he mostly tags along when other people do things. He’ll have Baz or Courf take him on rides on their paddle boards. He’ll tag along when Chetta and Ferre go on hikes. He’ll be Feuilly’s little helper person when Feuilly’s working on building the fire. Or he’ll just hand out with people at camp or on the beach of the lake/river and just talk.
Combeferre: Loves camping because of all the bugs and critters! Found the tiniest little frogs on the shore of the lake one time and made everybody look at them. Brings plant and animal and bug ID books with him and will take little leaves or flowers and stick them in the pages of the book when he thinks he found a match. He doesn’t usually snack too much when he’s at home but when he’s in the woods he is always eating something and it’s really when he’ll let himself just go balls to the wall with the junk food. The only thing he doesn’t really like about camping is that he doesn’t get to go on jogs in the morning because he’s smart enough to not run into the woods in the middle of nowhere with no service by himself.
Courfeyrac: Has an inflatable paddle board that he bought! He likes to play lifeguard and will paddle around to all his friends who are swimming and give them rides to shore. He likes to share his paddle board with his friends but he didn’t have enough money to buy a super super fancy one that has a large weight capacity so usually if someone else is on it with him it sinks into the water enough to stress him out. Also he shares a big tent with Combeferre and Enjolras and he likes to sleep in the middle of the two of them.
Joly: Invested in a super super cute small teardrop camping trailer a couple years ago. It’s easier for him to get in and out of than a tent or god forbid a hammock (Bahorel has to lift him into it then Joly wants to get in one… this is also partially because Bahorel sets up all the hammocks and they are p much impossible to get in unless you are also 6’7”) The inside of the camper is just a bed and the back hatch opens up to cabinets and drawers and a counter and stuff that makes a nice little make shift kitchen. He’ll set up the camp stove and the cooking area right next to it. He’s not super involved in any of the cooking it just gives him less stress when the food area is organized and the table legs are on a flat surface.
Jehan: Jehan tells the ghost stories. They aren’t very good at telling ghost stories so nobody really gets scared (except for Marius and if they’re really doing a good job Enj will get a little spooked). They also wake up with the sunrise so they’re up and ready to start the day at like 5am… and they really aren’t quiet about it so they manage to wake up 2/3 of everybody else at camp. Has more dietary needs than other people so when every one gets together to build a grocery list and meal plan for the trip they’ll make their own list. They really don’t mind because they HATE sharing snacks so having their own little baby cooler all to themselves is the best. Bousset: Somehow manages to have the most amazing balance and can get on and off Bahorel or Courf’s paddle boards like it’s nothing but when he gets in the canoe with anybody they somehow always tip it over within like 20 seconds. He is the opposite of Jehan he’ll sleep until like 2 in the afternoon if one of them doesn’t come to wake him up. He’s also usually in charge of getting all the booze together for the trip bc he’s very aware of what everyone likes to drink. He takes turns with Chetta sleeping in the trailer with Joly since not all three of them can fit. When he’s not sleeping in the tent he’s sharing a tent with Grantaire.
Feuilly: Fire guy. Loves the fire. Is always excited for the sun to go down so he can start the campfire. Will not take his eyes off the fire. I mean seriously. They once played never have I ever and when it got to be his turn they timed him to see how long it would take for him to realize it was his turn bc he was too busy staring at the fire to pay attention (it was a solid 4 minutes). Sleeps in a tiny little one person tent that would make anybody else claustrophobic but he LOVES it. He does set up a hammock right next to Bahorel’s. He doesn’t sleep in it but the two of them will take naps together in their hammocks. He also has to dowse his body in SPF 10000000000+ because he’s the whitest person ever, and somehow he still manages to get a sunburn on some part of his body.
Bahorel: He’s the guy thats super picky about the camp spot. “eh i mean this one is cool but it’s a little too close to the other campsite and I don’t wanna be that close to other people thats the point of this trip is to get away from everybody.” “This one WOULD be perfect but it doesn’t have good access to the lake so it’s gonna be hard for those of us that have boats to get down there” “Bahorel the boat ramp is like 1/8 of a kilometer away we can just walk down to that…” “i mean we COULD… but it just kinda sucks” Also Bahorel has this super nice hammock system with like a bug net and a rain tarp, he will not sleep on the ground because he is scared of bugs and also the baby boy likes getting rocked to sleep. He always follows Feuilly around when he’s looking for a place to put his tent and he’ll set up his hammock right next to him. And he WAILS to Feuilly when they get back home because his SKINCARE ROUTINE GOT MESSED UP FEUILLY OHHH MY GODDDD
Grantaire: Not super big on camping but if he’s with his friends he’s having fun. There’s something about being in the woods that makes him quiet… but not in a sad way. He feels really peaceful when he isn’t dealing with a bunch of people in a big city (Even tho he loves the city). He always brings stuff so that he can draw or paint the mountains or his friends on the lake but he usually doesn’t get enough time to really make anything more than a sketch. He’s not scared of water but he avoids going in the lake if it’s not a part of it that’s deeper than his tummy. He won’t get in the boats unless there’s a lot of coaxing (usually by Enj)
Marius: LOVES being in the woods. I mean really loves it. Surprisingly it’s usually Marius that sends out the text to the group chat that’s like “hey is everybody free in a couple weekends? I wanna go camping!” He just really doesn’t like going by himself or going with just one or two people. He wakes up super early as well and usually will sit with Jehan and share coffee waiting for everybody else to wake up. Sometimes the two of them will go on a little walk together. He winds down pretty early in the evening though since he wakes up so early and is usually ready for bed by like 8:45pm. He’s also that guy that wants to eat all the berries on the bushes they walk past and has almost given Combeferre a heart attack like 7 times.  
Eponine: She’s… alright to camp with. She gets kinda grumpy in the mornings because of how cold it is but she warms up (both temperature wise, but also her mood) once she’s eaten and it’s gotten warmer out. She really just likes to lay in one of the communal hammocks and read book after book. She’ll also tag along with Gavroche on a lot of his little adventures. When she’s not with Gavroche or letting Combeferre show her all the little bugs and cool plants he found, she just sunbathes. For HOURS straight. Going camping for her is just a really long fun weekend to get her tan on.
Cosette: She’s so fun to camp with!! She’s like… the best person to camp with. She always does the planning and researches everything there is to do at and near the campsite. She knows all the hiking trails nearby and what areas have service and which ones don’t. She knows which campsites have lake/river access. She also makes the best camp coffee. It’s really the only time she drinks coffee unless it’s like… finals week or she’s got an early flight or something. She also ALWAYS has to tell her dad where they’re going. She shares her location and route with him on the drive there and texts him to let him know she’s about to lose service and texts him the second she has a bar of service. He’s just very protective and she wants to make sure that he knows she’s safe. Plus if anything DOES happen he knows where she’s going and can come save the day.
Musichetta: She sleeps like the entire time she’s camping. She’ll wake up in the morning and move from her tent or the camper and go lay in one of the communal hammocks near the fire ring and doze off with her hot chocolate… which she has spilled a couple times. Once it warms up a little she’s walk down to the lake or river and lay down, get her tan on, and take a nap. One of her favorite things is to go on hikes with Combeferre. He’s one of the only people in the group that can keep up with her. If they go with other people usually by the time they reach the end of the trail the rest of the group is about 2 miles behind them. One of the best parts of camping for her is going home and showering after not showering for like 3 or 4 days.
Gavroche: Spends the entirety of the first day trying to find the perfect tree to put the perfect swing on. He also likes to try to find any big rocks near the campsite and go bouldering and run around on top of them. He still really has that childhood curiosity about everything and no fear. He’ll run off trail trying to find deer or elk. If he doesn’t get back home with a couple scratches or bruises he doesn’t consider it a good camping trip. He also will swim out to Bahorel’s paddle board and Bahorel will grab him out of the water and throw him back in. Gavroche thinks it’s the most fun thing in the world even though he’s growing really fast and it’s taking a little bit more muscle every year for Bahorel to throw him as far as Gav wants him to.
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