#also poor Alice šŸ˜…
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slexenskee Ā· 10 months
The Continuation of Satoru Supremacy
Am I just going to slot this poor boy into every fandom? Signs are pointing to yes at this point lol. Ok so I've had either a JJK/HOTD and JJK/GOT crossover rumbling around my brain for ages now and its gotten to a boiling point lol. The JJK/GOT would probably be Satoru/Robb Stark and the JJK/HOTD probably Satoru/Aegon II. I have them pretty fleshed out in my head ngl.
THE PROBLEM is that I love his name, Satoru, and it literally makes no sense to have him reincarnate into ASOIAF works and somehow end up with that name, which means I would need to change it, and I don't know wtf to change it to.
Literally grasping at straws rn lol. I lowkey like Soren since it sounds Valyrian enough and also I feel like Satoru would be over the moon about it because he'd share a name with one of his favorite Fire Emblem characters.
Anyway the HOTD one would be a isekai/reincarnation AU with Satoru as Daemon and Rheanyra's surprise brothel baby that Rheanyra had to get shotgun-wedding'd to Leanor for šŸ˜… so yeah Satoru is once again causing chaos and problems for other people just by existing... this time before he was even born! He's also called the Radiant Prince and also still the Honored One because he's basically a god and everyone in HOTD is going to damn well know it.
In this life, as in his last, his birth was heralded with reverence and veneration, and wrought with untenable legacy.Ā 
He was the firstborn son of the Realmā€™s Delight, lovely and fair and every bit as preternaturally beautiful as his mother. He was said to have his grandmotherā€™s Arryn blue eyes, the kingā€™s tousled white curls, his motherā€™s smile, and the very birthright of his great Valyrian heritage etched into his very existence; from his heavenly features, to his dragon, to the very name bestowed upon him.Ā 
For days on end the whole realm celebrated his birth as a magnificent affair; bells tolled long into the night, nobles spilled from the four corners of Westeros bearing gifts of abundance and splendor, the smallfolk celebrated en masse along the streets of Kingā€™s Landing.Ā 
They called him a blessed child, a perfect child, a glorious new heir for the throne.Ā 
Upon his very birth the Princess Rheanys was said to have looked into his heavenly eyes and pronounced him a gift from the gods of old Valyria. Those same eyes, a precious, celestial blue resembling the late Queen Aemma, were said to have reduced his grandfather the King to tears from the moment he opened them. Lord Velaryon had named them a mark of the godsā€™ favor; such a curious, mystifying color, never settling no matter the lighting, as mercurial as a tempest sea.Ā 
Just the mere sight of such a marvelous child, a mortal so obviously marked by the gods, so destined for greatness, could easily quell the rumors beginning long before his birth.Ā 
Such derelict hearsay would never grace the ears of such a divine prince, of course.Ā But he heard it anyway.
They rushed the wedding, they said.Ā 
The princess was meant to start her royal procession to select her prince consort, but instead was married to the Velaryon heir within a moonā€™s turn. (The King had to appease the Velaryonā€™s somehow, after the way he snubbed their pure Valyrian heiress for his Hightower bride.)
The babe came earlyā€” so suspiciously early. (The Princess Rheanyra was so young, of course she would have difficulty carrying to term. Didnā€™t you see him? The babe was born so small!)
And he looks every bit a Targaryen, not a speck of Velaryon to be seen on him. (But of course the blood of Aegon the Conqueror would run strong within the royal lineā€” and the Princess Rheanys is his paternal grandmother, such features run on both sides. Why, look at Queen Alicent's children! Do they look Hightower to you?)Ā 
The Rogue Prince dotes on him, shockingly so. He perhaps even reconciled with his brother just to remain near the young prince. (The Rogue Prince has always remained stoutly devoted to his family, no matter his unsavory reputation, his loyalty to the throne is unquestioned. That he is just as devoted to his brotherā€™s heir as he is to his brother is merely filial piety.)Ā 
No matter the rumors swirling around him, it only took a single glance from his blessed blue eyes to halt the whispers in their tracks.Ā 
His divine beauty and grace, his mystical eyes, his magnificent dragonā€” such pedestrian slander seemed silly and absurd in the face of them.Ā 
To question the legitimacy of the Radiant Prince, the Honored Oneā€¦ no mere mortal could possibly be capable of uttering such blasphemy.Ā 
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missglaskin Ā· 2 years
I donā€™t know if youā€™re taking requests but if you are, how would the yandere!hotd world react to the read falling ill suddenly? I would imagine sheer and utter chaos as people argue over where to treat the reader, who best to look after them, what to treat them with etc. Poor reader would almost end up feeling worse after all of it šŸ˜…
Panic spreads across the whole family. The Hightowers, Velaryons and Targaryens are all sending their own maesters to take care of you. Viserys lets the others focus on the maester and servants, while he's by your side.
Though it ends with the measters not doing anything, as many of them offer to help you instead. Such as Rhaenyra arguing with the maester on the certain medicine you're meant to take. Corlys making sure you're given the most comfortable pillows and warmest blankets. Rhaenys insists on being the one to press the wet cloth to your head. Alicent making sure to adjust the bed to your liking and even offers to give you the medicine herself. Even if they're not involved, the maester is terrified for his life, feeling Otto and Daemon watch over his every move.
The children all come to be by your side. They were almost going to fight in the hallways on who gets to see you first.
Aegon clings to you the entire time, holding your hand or trying to hug you close. He says he won't end up sick, but does. Luke also clings to you, which ends with him sick as well. Helaena like her mother would do anything to make you comfortable. Jace, Rhaena and Baela all speak with you for the time. Aemond is also by your side, reading a book until you recover.
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drakaripykiros130ac Ā· 2 months
Hi. I'm a huge fan of ur user site, especially talking about The TEAM BLACKS.
Also, I'm on team Black. I had been watching hotd. I'm so excited for S2.
Here are my loong thoughts about team Green.
1. Alicent is no innocent nor a victim but a high hypocrite skank who abused her queenship power against Rhaenyra, who in fact DID her duty and sacrifice ( as Alicent ranted like a mad woman ) She litterly put all her children and grandchildren in terrible danger the moment she falsely placed crown on Aegon the Drunken Fool's head. She even willingly hid her son's heinous indescritions. She is no Saint but traitorous one. Plus, I was furious when Alicent praised Rhaenyra that she'd be a great queen when yet she placed the crown on her son's head instead after Rhaenyra gave an apology, which she didn't have to. Alicent couldn't keep her high mouth shut when she spread rumours about Jace, Luke and Joffrey.
2. As for Otto Hightower, the pure mastermind of the Dance of Dragons. At first, I didn't understand why he suddenly wanted Aegon on the throne when he suggested Rhaenyra to be the heir. That was when I realised it was a plot to remove Daemon Targaryen, who knew who Otto really is. Ironically, Otto is the second son of Hightower, like Daemon. It is clear Otto cared for his ambitions, not for 'the sake of the realm' as he claimed. He always used misyongy cards to reason that Rhaenyra is not fit to sit on the throne just because she's a woman. Geeze, that weasel clearly forgets that Rhaenyra was a cupbearer and often listened to the meetings. It wouldn't surprise me if Otto Hightower committed more heinous actions against the Targaryens. For example, Otto got the King's Hand position AFTER Baelon ( Viserys and Daemon's father ) died suddenly when he was still young. Also, he might have ordered the maesters, who were from Old Town, to suggest the intercision that killed poor Queen Aemma Arynn along with her stillborns and caused miscarriages. Clearly, the man is the green flag for danger and not trustful.
2. Ser Crispin Cole was clearly a red flag man. It was appalling that he was still a knight. I mean, he killed an innocent man ( Laenor's first lover ), belittled Rhaenyra's children out of spite and murdered Lord Beesbury, who clearly supported Rhaenyra and knew King Viserys the longest. Criston seems to have signs of being unstable. Let's hope he was given an unhonourable death in battle.
3. I admit, Aemond is handsome. But, when I observe his personality, I find it so šŸ˜‘. He's clearly trying to be Daemon 2.0 when the original was more interesting. He was quick to anger and temperamental. Accident or not, he was the first one to shed blood the moment he killed Luke, which triggered the war and anger the mama dragon, Rhaenyra.
4. Aegon the Drunken Fool was a fool. People forget that he held influence over Rhaenyra's sons when they play pranks on Aemond. He raped poor girls in the Red Keep and produced bastards.
5. Helaena, however, was a sweet, poor soul that caught up in gruesome war. Her children were paid the price for Luke's death. I think she knew she was never going to live as she's a dragondreamer. Her dark predictions came true.
In a short conclusion, the Greens except Helaena were a bunch of cold-blooded killers who would murder anyone who stands in their way for power. Ironically, the Greens stand out greed. I'm glad Alicent's line will die out while our Realm's Delight, Rhaenyra's line, will prevail for centuries.
Sometimes, we must know and imagine that if the BLACKS are capable of doing bad things, so will the Greens. The Hightowers hide their ugly actions behind the cloak of righteousness and piety. If Rhaenyra is not Saint, then Alicent is not as well. In this world, everyone is capable of killing.
Sorry for my long rantšŸ˜… That's how I felt about the TG after reading everyone's comments.
I agree with everything you said šŸ‘
All in all, I feel like the showrunners are trying to create a balance and make the audience sympathize with the greens.
I can never bring myself to do that because despite these showrunnersā€™ efforts, the Greens are greedy upstarts who resorted to stealing and murder which started a whole war. There is no ā€œthere are two sides to every storyā€ or ā€œboth sides do terrible thingsā€. No.
The Blacks are not angels, but they are the anti-heroes. They make some questionable choices but which are ultimately for the greater good.
The Greens are vicious and the spitting image of villains. All they care about is taking power for themselves. Otto and Alicent Hightower were conspirators from the start. So I canā€™t understand how anyone would ever root for them.
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zodiac-senpai Ā· 11 months
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As of now, we have about 74 days until the release of Sword Art Online: Last Recollection. (proud to say I preordered this wonderful game :) And with almost two months left, we so far know this:
Over 40+ playable characters.
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The Bed Scenes will be in the game as ā€œDLCsā€. (supposedly as part of the ā€œheroine packsā€, which yes, includes Eugeo šŸ’™ they might make them separately too; who knows(?)
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My only gripe here is we need more male characters with bed scenes but thatā€™s a personal thing; I know Eugeo being ā€œthe only guyā€ with one is meant to show how unique he is as a ā€œmale heroineā€ (and Kiritoā€™s sole male love interest/harem member) but still, with options like Iskahn, Renly, Eldrie, or hell, Bercouli, the skyā€™s the limit. Iā€™d be lying if I didnā€™t admit I was a little concerned still for how theyā€™d handle Kureha and Zeliska, since unlike Lycoris, these are the REAL ones coming into Underworld and giving them bed scenes would beā€¦ more than complicated (šŸ˜…) Now, if they do their best to show them in a platonic light and mainly talk about the Fatal Bullet MC, I can respect that. Probably make sense Itsuki doesnā€™t get one, since he more or less was jelly of Kirito being around us (šŸ˜‚) but what got me most excited is what steamy outfit are they gonna give Eugeo (šŸ‘€šŸ’•).
Yuuki will appear in Underworld, apparently as the game-original Goddess, ā€œGladiaā€. (poor Lunaria/moon goddess)
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No fishing but weā€™ll have other activities (yay šŸ˜‡)
Our boi Itsuki is returning, courtesy of Protagonist-kun asking him to in his stead.
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With Yuukiā€™s confirmation, we got Asuna (Stacia), Sinon (Solus), Leafa (Terraria), Lisbeth (Ignia), Silica (Aeria), and Yuuki (Gladia) using Goddess Accounts.
All the ga(y)meverse heroines (yes, that includes Itsuki, cowards šŸ˜‚) will appear in SAOLR: Itsuki, Kureha, Zeliska, Medina, Philia, Premiere, Rain, Seven, Strea, and Tia. (GIMME EIJI AND ROGU!!)
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Argo and Yui will also appear (not sure if Yui is gonna be playable or not)
Weapon types are: One-Handed Swords, Two-Handed Swords, Dual-Wielding, Rapiers, Bows, Daggers, Maces, Katanas, Spears, Whips, Axes/Shields, and the new weapon type, Scythes. (with characters like Argo and Iskahn being playable, odds are weā€™re getting a unique weapon type for them).
No more ACC (accuracy).
Kirito, Eugeo, and Alice will be slaying some new outfits for WoU (War of Underworld) as evident by the trailers.
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And last... but not least...
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Definitely shaping up to be the best SAO game in the franchise
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alannybunnue Ā· 1 year
I already imagined a whole story around Vaegon's child šŸ’–šŸ˜Š
Suppose the girl Vaegon impregnated is from House Mallister (a very proud House in the Riverlands šŸ˜…).
The child is a boy they named Gaemon and he and his mother live in Red Keep because J&A took Gaemon and his mother under their wing. (I headcanon that Gaemon's mother fell in love with Vaegon and never stopped loving him even when He returned to the Citadel. She died young and waiting for him.šŸ˜¢)
Since they were born not much of an age difference, Gaemon and Daemon are friends and a couple of threats, only, like his father, Gaemon is more focused on books than swords. (I get the idea that Gaemon reads to him Valyrian fables and tales to Daemon to pass the time šŸ’–). He was the only rider of Greyghost (the dragon only trusted him. This dragon deserves more love šŸ’–)
As for DoD, I think Gaemon loves all of Viserys' children (He inherited his mother's heart of gold šŸ’›). He offers love and comfort to Aegon, Aemond, Jace, and Luke, plays with Helaena and her bugs, and serves as a counselor to Rhaenyra and Viserys.
He dodged the issue of succession like a bullet, and married a bastard commoner from Lys, much to the horror of Otto and Alicent, who wanted to marry him off to a Hightower šŸ¤£.
He and his family survived the war and served as an advisor to Aegon III until his death. His son was a fine knight, and from him descends Ser Duncan the Tall.šŸ˜šŸ’–
Sorry if I get carried away, but I have a huge imagination and 0 writing skills.šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
Oh my god, i love this so much!!!
Thank you for easing our job, honestly never thought i would have a kid here named Gaemon. Because i forgot that named existed.
And the best is that he is the ancestor of Dunk, who also falls for a Lady and steals her away (In my story, but...shall we connect?)
Now, the sad part is my poor reader, she spendin her life alone and waiting for Vaegon, feeling all kinds of insecuritys while he lives his life in the Citadel.
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Can you make a list of all known/implied deaths in Poptropica? Just curious.
I'm not a perfect person... so I might be missing some šŸ˜…
Nabooti Island:
Those two ghosts
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Astro-Knights Island:
Binary Bard most definitely killed some people, being a space tyrant and all!
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Mordred mentions his mom at one point, who's probably dead.
Counterfeit Island:
Black Widow probably killed some people, cause thief
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Skullduggery Island:
Captain Crawfish probably killed some people, cause pirate.
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Also Governor Ridley, and you see his gravestone.
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Steamworks Island:
Captain Ziggs
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Wild West Island:
Mustachio probably killed some people, cause bandit. Among his other crimes.
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Ghost Story Island:
I mean... it's Ghost Story Island...
Aside from the known ghosts in the island, this Pee-wee Herman looking guy's uncle is dead.
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Vampire's Curse Island:
Count Bram and Annabelle
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Also his cat too I guess...
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Cactus Von Garlic killed some vampires during his career.
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Some people...
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Super Villain Island:
An unknown amount of people who went into the villainā€™s dreams and never came back... thanks Zeus.
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Survival Island:
Actually, there's no evidence that MVB started hunting humans before Max McGullicutty. But we can assume :) For obvious reasons.
Arabian Nights Island:
An unknown amount of people who were killed by Scheherazade in order to find the genie lamp. Although it was undone by the end. (Yay?)
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Mission Atlantis Island:
The Atlantis alien
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PoptropiCon Island:
Omegon is dead? I guess XD
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Although he reappears in Wild Safari, so they patched him up!
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Haunted House:
These people who died from strange reasons, and the ghost cat.
Some of these monsters are dead, or undead.
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Spook Central:
There are some ghosts that Dreadnaught catches.
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Dr. Hare's Revenge:
RIP Carotenoid the Rabbot, who was killed by Dr. Hare for not being sinister enough.
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Poptropica Comic
Balloon Animal Island:
Jorge pops some poor babies :(
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Poptropica Graphic Novels
Mystery of the Map:
Thorlak got blown up by that cat!
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The Lost Expedition:
Lieutenant Rogers got killed by that polar bear.
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The H.M.S. Terror crew died in real life.
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The Secret Society:
Octavian killed some people...
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although it was (presumably) undone by the Protectors.
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Also erased the ancient Egyptians, and Spencer Albright went with them.
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The End of Time:
Those Pompeii people died, including Paulla.
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Mya's mom died from an unspoken sickness.
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Poptropica Books
Astro-Knights Island:
Simon and Alice's parents are completely MIA (although Alice does mention her father was a thief). They're forced to work as servants in the castle to survive...
Cryptids Island:
Harold Mews' mentions his father, who is most likely dead.
If you have any more, I'll add it to the list :D
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SCREAMING WTF at the top of my lungs. Youā€™re insane and I love you. Aemond is gonna catch these hands, second eye GONE. Otto is a greasy slime ball in every fic, I want him DEAD. My jaw? CLENCHED. My pearls? CLUTCHED.
Mimi šŸ˜­ rest easy Queen. Enjoy your heavenly jacuzzi and gimlets.
This is just gonna turn into ranting. PROTECT THE WOMEN?!?!! Io is doing literally everything?!?! Mimi is gone! Helaena canā€™t deal with it, okay?? Sheā€™s just a baby. Alicent is trying literally her very best?? Ludwika is girlbossing and Iā€™m so proud of her for that, I hope she gets her hands on more pills and kills Otto after he brings her mom to the states. Aemond too. Io could def get the country to forgive her for it.
Is Daeron okay?!?! Leave my little brother alone!!!!
Fosco is everything to me šŸ˜­ if anything happens to him Iā€™m coming for you.
Just waiting for Io to swing on Aemond. I canā€™t wait, you better be rubbing your devious little hands together like a fly to make it happen.
I canā€™t even speak about Aegon or his children. Cosmo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ MOTHERLESS?! The next five chapters better be Aegon and Io and their kids moving to the reservation and living happily ever after, but you never let us have anything nice without ruining us first!
I stg if this doesnā€™t have a happy ending youā€™re paying my therapy bills Maggie!
Anyway I hate you and I canā€™t wait until next Sunday šŸ˜˜
Save the women!!! Save Daeron!!! Save Fosco, the honorary wife!!!! Save poor drunk sad horny Aegon who just wants to be unemployed and spend all day every day hooking up with his 23-year-old sister-in-law šŸ˜­ He just wants to be her short king 24/7 šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
The number of readers who are inciting violence against Aemond is truly inspiring. He shows up and y'all are like:
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"The next five chapters better be Aegon and Io and their kids moving to the reservation and living happily ever after" uhhhhhhhhh no comment whatsoever šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…šŸ˜¬ don't count on it, bestie šŸ«£
Also I think Mimi's kids will be okay, she interacted with them approximately twice in their entire lives, like orphaned geese they've imprinted on Fosco and they think he is their mother and father šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚
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lemonhemlock Ā· 1 year
I have seen ppl speculate (mostly as a joke about Alicent "passing the gay gene" to one of her kids) that the showwriters could make Daeron gay when he shows up in S2. Are there any hints in the books that point to this being a possibility?? I know there was a different Daeron from another generation who fans believe was gay and had a knight as a lover but I don't remember which one. Also some ppl ship him with Addam (or was it Alyn??) because of that line from the book about Tessarion and Seasmoke doing a mating dance?
Basically, what are your thoughts on this? I think it'd be interesting for his character but it could go wrong if the writers fumble the bag.
Daeron is 14-16 during the Dance, so a little young for be having torrid love affairs. He doesn't really get a romantic plotline. I don't think him and Alyn could ever meet, since Alyn doesn't have a dragon and he's mainly on Driftmark-Dragonstone. You also wouldn't want Daeron to have a relationship with this guy; he's such an unnecessary movie sequel.
Daeron has already died by the time Tessarion and Seasmoke have their "mating dance", though I believe that to be more of a metaphor than anything else. I don't see how Daeron can be shipped with Addam when they don't even get the chance to interact. Tessarion is such a fucking queen though, my girl was loyal to the greens until the very end!! Even with Daeron dead she attacked the blacks & fought for the rightful king! V woke of her. Such an ally.
I'd be down with making Daeron gay, but, for the love of all things holy, let's not pair poor Daeron with black supporters. šŸ˜… He doesn't even like the Two Betrayers. We're all watching an incest show anyway, his (2nd) cousin Lyonel Hightower is right there and age-appropriate. Let's steal him away from Lady Sam! šŸ’… That way we get another Hightower army for our Aegon!
PS. The Daeron you're talking about was the son of Aegon V (The Egg), the one betrothed to Lady Olenna, Margaery's grandmother.
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just-kit-ink Ā· 9 months
Oh! To add onto the Kitty in Toontown AU. Poppy being the white rabbit would mean that she works for Judge Doom, right? (I'm not quite sure what the rabbits title was, though I'm guessing he was like a sort of announcer for the queen?)
I'm thinking maybe the date that Poppy is late for could be a jury duty date. Like she got called in to act as part of the jury for some kind of courtroom case (that Kitty becomes a part of). Poppy would be sooo anxious around Doom's kangaroo jury and vulture XD or she could be the auditor? Or whatever the title is for the person who records everything going on in the courtroom?
//Aww no, she's fumbling over everything in the courtroom and the vulture is snapping his beak at her poor dear šŸ˜…
That would also mean Kitty ends up stuck in her house šŸ¤£
Benny the Cab and Baby Herman: We'll smoke the monster out!
Poppy: We'll smoke the monster out WAIT NO!
Poppy writing "Not guilty!" in huge letters in the jury panel when it becomes clear Kitty was just lost and a bit befuddled (just like she gets!) as Kitty goes on to testify she has been respecting ToonTown's laws.
In contrast to Alice who goes along with the madness but just wants enough of this nonsense, Kitty embraces the nonsense and is sick of the madness.
In the end, the jury takes over and awards Kitty custody of Doom's animals šŸ˜‚
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thegrimalldis Ā· 2 years
omg omg omg new hotd i was on the edge of my SEATTTTTTTTT. i'm firmly team black now alicent went way too far and is out here raising these crazy kids like nope i can't support them.
poor jace, luke, baela, and rhaena šŸ˜­ those poor kids so scared and traumatized.
also idk how i feel about laenor abandoning his family. like i'm glad rhaenyra didn't actually kill him (and tbh i can't tell if she and daemon planned for him to escape alive or think he's actually dead and qarl/laenor are just fooling them both) but well i guess this needed to happen for daemyra to marry.
sfkjsfkj I could never support Alicent but I do really like her daughter Helaena and what they are doing to her character. Definitely fleshing her more out than in the books. I love the actor who plays older Aemond - but I just hate that character sm šŸ˜…
This ep made me feel even more for the kiddos šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Jace, my son is like I am grieving too! And he should be able to grieve but he can't because of *appearances* šŸ™„ I'm actually glad they clarified why Rhaenyra was having kids with Harwin. It makes sense now, she did try to do her duty with Laenor but it wasn't happening between them.
Rhaenyra and Laenor had such a platonic love for one another, I loved that final scene between them.
As for the Laenor twist....apart of me is glad he is getting his own happy ending cause many characters (maybe all of them) won't have that and I also never wanted to believe Daemon and Rhaenyra had him killed cause he was Laena's brother and Rhaenyra was raising kids with him (and Harwin) but it also leaves us with a lot of questions. Like I'm glad you are happy Laenor but your family, your sons!!!! They all know a war is coming. Make it make sense HBO!
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catholicdaredevil Ā· 2 years
Ezra my love I lost you for a while šŸ˜… couldn't remember your @
But pls tell me your thoughts on the dragon show who are your poor little meow meows??
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first are foremost i am a rhaenyra apologist she has never done anything wrong in her life never will and i am ready to steadfast support and defend any war crime she deems necessary!!!!!!!!
my favorite dragon is CARAXES!!!! he's just a little guy!!!!! he's got a super long neck and a deviated septum so he whistles and squeaks when he yells and roars and i'm obsessed with him he's the best boy ever and i will defend him as well forever!!!!!!!
and HARWIN OH MY LOVE HARWIN!!!!! HE'S THE PERFECT MAN EVER!!!! he's such a loving father and partner and such a respectful big sexy man i'm so horrifically carnally viciously down bad for him i want him to get me fucking pregnant and i wanna get him pregnant back!!!!!!
(honorable mentions: rhaenys, laena, laenor, helaena, luke, jace, rhaena, baela, syrax of course, i go back and forth on alicent. show alicent is both a victim and a villian and i feel bad for her in ways but also girl ur an adult at a certain point u gotta take responsibility for ur actions. i also go back and forth on daemon, he's cool at times and i love a menace but also makes ... decisions.....)
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tyonfs Ā· 9 months
hai alice! how have u been itā€™s been saur long šŸ™ iā€™m sure youā€™re living it up since ur a NEWLY GRADUATE YEAH YEAH!!!!!
but thereā€™s a šŸŽ€ update waiting 4 u ! basically a lil update on that friend thing ermmmm itā€™s been three weeks šŸ˜… and counting i have not talked to her. sheā€™s commented on my insta post for eid and slid up on my story AND reposted my post on her story and iā€™m just like leaving her on delivered bc i really am not up for talking to her. saur yeah! eid went rlly well me and my friend took pics the whole time and my henna was amazing. chaand raat was also super fun! i have exciting news too! iā€™m going to new york in july!!! i grew up in new york so iā€™m excited to visit my family and just have a well deserved break!
me and cam r going very very well šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ just yesterday i went out to run errands and he called me the entire time bc poor thing is sick :((( i was gonna ask if he wanted me to get him anything and he said he didnā€™t wanna get me sick and just having me on call was more than enough and omfh my heart melted.
anyways enough about me!!! give us some updates girl we miss u šŸ«¶
- šŸŽ€
iā€™m just now realizing i probably should have read all of your asks first before replying to all of them,, but this feels like a live reaction so itā€™s kinda fun šŸ¤© but update yes!!!!
omg protect your peace honestly !!! i support šŸ™ i cant believe she still hasnā€™t noticed that she upset you ?? like surely she had to pick up on the tension šŸ˜­ but yk iā€™m glad that youā€™re not wasting your energy on trying to figure it out !! also omg i hope you had fun in new york !! šŸ’—šŸ’— tell me ALLL about your trip when you see this šŸ„° i want to go soon to meet my friends there so give me recommendations on places to go/eat šŸ¤­
awww iā€™m so glad you and cameron are going strong šŸ„¹ thatā€™s so sweet that he didnā€™t wanna get you sick sobsobs but stay safe !! covid is unfortunately going around again šŸ˜”
omg i went on a trip with my friends recently which was rlly fun šŸ’˜šŸ’˜ and then i was grinding out this fic that i wrote so i was sort of dead while that was going on HAHAH and then iā€™ve just been adulting and meeting up with friends and adulting some more šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
0 notes
songbirdtana Ā· 2 years
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by: @vaelerius Thanks so much lovelyšŸ’™
ā€¢ relationship status: Iā€™m single and super content with it! I get so much meaning from the platonic relationships in my life instead and I love thatšŸ„° (Iā€™m at a point where Iā€™m not avoiding one but Iā€™m also not interested in chasing after one - whatever happens will happen and thatā€™s fine with me!)
ā€¢ favourite colour: I love red, blue, yellow and purple!
ā€¢ favourite food: Spaghetti bolognese or pizza from that one chippy near my house lmao
ā€¢ song stuck in my head:Ā Iā€™ve had As it Was by Harry Styles stuck in my head cause my friends got tickets for us to his show on my birthday next yearšŸ„° also I have Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac stuck in my head, it just feels like the absolute Vibe rnšŸ„°
ā€¢ time: 22:21
ā€¢ dream trip: I loved to travel somewhere I can see the northern lights! Also Rome, Paris, and NYCšŸ„°
ā€¢ last book I read: The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun
ā€¢ last book I enjoyed reading:Ā  The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun! It genuinely might be the best book I have ever read I swear!Ā Canā€™t recommend it enough
ā€¢ last book I hated reading: Okay I didnā€™t hate it but I tried to read Loveless by Alice Oseman (because we love ace representation!) but I just donā€™t think it was written in the right tone for me, really struggled to get into it, and I was so sad because I really wanted to love itšŸ˜Ŗ
ā€¢ favourite thing to cook/ bake: I make a really great trifle ngl, also love making butterfly cakes - both my grans recipes
ā€¢ favourite craft to do in my free time: I recently got super into embroidery and Iā€™ve been loving it so so much!
ā€¢ most niche dislike: I absolutely cannot stand those tiktoks that are like ā€˜use this sound if you want X thing to happenā€™ ā€˜you have to like/share/comment to claim this or it wonā€™t happen/youā€™ll get bad luckā€™ - shit like that! It really annoys me because itā€™s really harmful to people with like OCD and stuff because it feeds into a lot of peoples need for compulsions to control their lives, idk if Iā€™m making sense here? But it just pisses me offšŸ˜¤
ā€¢ opinion(s) on circuses: Just donā€™t exploit animals or people and then I have no opinion on them whatsoever!
ā€¢ do you have a sense of direction: in life or generally? Because both are so so very pooršŸ˜…
Tagging: whoever wants to hop on this and do itšŸ’™šŸ’™
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ristoranteivorykeys Ā· 2 years
notes on your kisses with him
hi everyone!! (*Ā“ź’³`*) this is a pretty different post from what i usually do, but i really want to thank you all for the kind messages sent for the latest hc that i posted (yes, your screaming in the tags is counted as kind messages in my book ļ¼ˆļ¼¾Ļ‰ļ¼¾ļ¼‰i relish in those). especially after seeing those messages , be it on discord or on tumblr, i decided to share my notes on how i wrote these hcs and why i wrote in certain details !! hopefully, these notes can deepen your appreciation of the hcs
if you havenā€™t seen them, click here for quick access! (iā€™ll also have to update my masterlist aaaa (*Ā“Š”ļ½€*))
this post will be under the cut since it will touch on gen notes + individual character notes, so it will be long ^^;
general notes
to start this off, these hcs were originally supposed to be confession hcs instead of kissing hcs. i donā€™t know what possessed me, but i wanted to present these confession hcs not in the typical bullet points that i do, but in a prose poetry style where almost everything is an incomplete sentence, pretty much how people would describe a certain aesthetic. riddleā€™s hc was originally going to be something like:
Books towering over him. Papers scattered across the desk. Head spinning. Alice spiraling down the rabbitā€™s hole. Confusion. Confusion. Confusion.
but my good friend @mobagehelllocal suggested doing kisses instead, and i realized how much more fitting kisses would be with the kind of writing style i wanted to do ā•°(*Ā“ļø¶`*)ā•Æā™” so kissie kissie toime
when i wrote heartslabyul and savanaclaw, they were all incomplete sentences merged in one paragraph. as i finished jackā€™s, i had so many ideas for azul and his kisses that a paragraph couldnā€™t do it justice!! (*Ā“Š”ļ½€*) and when i looked over what i had written out, i realized that not everyone might not understand what it is i want to convey. more than anything, i really want my audience to understand the pictures iā€™m trying to paint in their heads. so i hastily changed their paragraphs into the current descriptions you see todayā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ and by hastily changed, i meant i changed six of them at midnight of valentines in the bathroom while procrastinating by watching videos
i wonā€™t lie, i had no idea how erotic my writing came out until people pointed it out šŸ˜³ i knew it had that eroticism due to the sensual descriptions, but i didnā€™t think it was by that much šŸ˜… well, i do have plans to write nsfw in the future ;) but iā€™m still not sure yet on that!!
character notes
riddle rosehearts
ah yes, he was the first character i wrote for. heā€™s definitely one of the few with a softer more innocent description xD his scene is written with the idea of it being his first kiss, hence the nervousness.
the thing i want to highlight in these notes is this line:
Grey eyes quiver while gazing at you, the eyes of an Alice lost in her way in this Wonderland and not a Queen of Hearts who commanded the room.
this was the first thing that came to my mind when i wrote for riddle. i think whatā€™s fascinating about riddleā€™s character is that heā€™s his own kind of alice despite being based off of the queen of hearts. the poor boy only knows how to cast magic, study, and obey & enforce the rules. otherwise, heā€™s pretty clueless about the world (Ā“ļ¼›Ļ‰ļ¼›`). i wanted to show that side to him especially since he wants to make sure youā€™re okay with this and that you feel comfortable with him šŸ„ŗ
speaking of, riddle is one of the few good bois, at least in terms of nrc standards ahahaha we know treyā€™s one hell of a pushover for him, but he is right in saying that riddle isnā€™t a bad person. he isnā€™t at allā€” he does look out for everyone in ways that he sees fit, even if he may not know that what heā€™s doing begets more harm than good. thatā€™s why his description is fluffier than most of the boys.
lastly, the ā€œnote of lost childhoodā€ line is probably one of my favorite lines in this hc overall xD but truth be told, i didnā€™t know how you can really taste that. i just thought ā€˜ok he probably drank some bitter tea that day lol i hope no one questions itā€™
trey clover
oh this man was hard to write for. i already knew that heā€™d be such a tease, but to make his part seem moreā€¦ artsy?ā€¦ was pretty hard. itā€™s mostly why i threw in a bunch of sweets there just to make it seem nice.
i do think that a romantic relationship with trey would be full of light teasing kisses!! for no particular reason, heā€™ll kiss any part of your face and then walk away. and when you do beg for him to kiss you more, heā€™ll just laugh and say no.
but if you do press his buttons right, youā€™re in for a sweet ride that no cake or chocolate can take you on šŸ˜Œ
cater diamond
holy shit, caterā€™s is my favorite hc to write, along with jadeā€™s. when i first wrote it, i knew i was spewing out words, and before i knew it, i made caterā€™s part so good that i felt my standards raise (Ā“ļ¼›Ļ‰ļ¼›`)
i deeply associate cater with the high school romance. young, carefree, spontaneous, thatā€™s my association with him. for whatever reason, i imagine reader being in a sports car with him where they drive on the road at sunset, singing songs like tiktok (by kesha), party in the usa, teenage dream, and dj got us falling in love again. bonus if itā€™s a bridge theyā€™re driving on so thereā€™s a view of a river on both sides. he radiates that sort of nostalgia too.
i also associate cater with the hookup culture to be honest. itā€™s part of why i wrote in the lines:
Your tongues dance like feet on a disco floor. Spontaneous. Stimulating. Seducing. Perhaps there are passers-by, but the world no longer matters except the spotlight illuminating you and him.
i do associate parties with being places where you end up meeting people to hook up with them šŸ˜… maybe it could be a narrow-minded way of seeing them, but the association is strong. and the passers-by line? i thought of the stereotypical fuckboy who probably kisses someone in the halls, and i associate them with the hookup culture as well.
of course, caterā€™s got āœØ depression āœØ so his partā€™s not gonna be so sunny. the sunset imagery already hints at that, actually: the end of a bright day, having to say goodbye to the sun and hello to the darkness once again. and thatā€™s why forever canā€™t exist for him. Ź…ļ¼ˆā—žā€æā—Ÿļ¼‰Źƒ
ace trappola
oh, aceā€™s was fun to write. i also associate him with the high school romance + fuck boy trope, except heā€™s a bigger shit than cater is. where cater is pda at sunset with a touch of depression, ace is a bet made for fun, and he always ends up winning. i wanted to be a shit to ace too, though, so i was compelled to write a reader who is not gonna stand being a rug stepped on by him šŸ˜¤
his part is especially inspired by gigaā€™s ch4nge. thereā€™s a line in the chorus where he sings ā€œiā€™m the only one who can take that aceā€ (eng tl from dongdangā€™s cover), so i went ā€˜aw hell yeah, this is made for ace trappola.ā€™
most importantly, i wanted to highlight his immaturity through the cherry taste and the way reader easily gained control. actually, i never eaten cherries or cherry pie before, so i just went screw it and winged it ĘŖ(Ė˜āŒ£Ė˜)Źƒ sweetness represents naivety to me. it gives me the image of a child who only really wants to be fed sugary things. you also see this in riddleā€™s part. as for reader gaining control over him, i imagined ace thought victory was in his grasp for sure, but nah he just didnā€™t think that far ahead lol so now heā€™s gotta fight for control again kek
deuce spade
the other sweet boy whose descriptions are fluffy! i really envisioned first time kisses with him like with riddle, so heā€™s just as nervous as well. xD the difference between him and riddle is that riddle is straightforward and will commit to it while deuce is still a bit scared.
i never thought of sunny mornings with momā€™s breakfast cooking in the kitchen with deuce until i wrote that. he definitely fits that! he loves eggs, and he loves his mom so much. not gonna lie, though, trey probably became his second mom in nrc because who else would be cooking eggs for him? xD
deuceā€™s eyes are one of my most favorite eyes. i can never get over how vibrant and clear they always seem, like a bright sky on a sunny day. then thereā€™s his school uniform vignette where he describes feeling like heā€™s one with the wind when he rides a magical wheel and when he runs. so i went with the imagery of the sky. thereā€™s just no other way for me to perfectly describe his eyes, honestly šŸ„ŗ
leona kingscholar
man, leonaā€™s was hard, but truth be told, he was the easiest to write for among the savanaclaw boys. all i knew was that his kisses were going to be possessive and domineering.
thing is, i donā€™t want to write something thatā€™s just all carnal action unless thereā€™s a purpose, you feel? i didnā€™t want to say ā€œmoans in the room. sheets on the floor. tongue greedy for you.ā€ and be done with it. especially for leona, who is a deeply complex character that i still havenā€™t fully grasped, i needed to add something.
and then i remembered: kings canā€™t rule alone. it is true. queens are allowed to rule without kings, but kings arenā€™t allowed to rule without queens. of course, i didnā€™t want to write in something like ā€œhe needs his queen by his side, so youā€™ll indulge him this onceā€ or else it might sound like iā€™m writing solely for the female gender, which iā€™m not.
in a way, that also works in my favor because in the story, leona doesnā€™t actually use king in the literal sense. he doesnā€™t really want the literal crown, he wants the crown of adoration and praise. he needs that support too šŸ˜”
ruggie bucchi
i think among the characters, ruggie was the hardest. itā€™s mostly because heā€™s one of the characters i barely pay attention to, so i had no idea how to write his part or how to make it artsy. all i knew was that kisses with him would be like eating a feast or quenching a parched throat, but again, i donā€™t want to make it all carnal action.
a friend suggested the taste of donuts, and i remembered all those cheap donuts that i would be forced to eat as a kid xD i really didnā€™t like them because the sweetness tasted so cheap and artificial, and thatā€™s what i imagined as i wrote ruggieā€™s part. he definitely chowed down on those sort of donuts especially before nrc. this is probably the only part of ruggieā€™s that has some feeling and emotion xD
jack howl
honestly, jackā€™s is probably my simplest and shortest one. itā€™s (i think?) the least erotic of savanaclawā€™s hcs because he would date to marry. heā€™s not gonna fuck around and kiss just about anyone.
thatā€™s why i gave him this imagery of refreshing-ness. in a world where lots of people casually date and hookup, i think a guy like jack is like finding a green plant amidst a dead field. he is a loyal guy, and he will take a relationship seriously. when heā€™s willing to have a passionate kiss with you, it means a lot.
azul ashengrotto
remember what i said about not writing pure carnal action unless thereā€™s a purpose? wellllllll thatā€™s going out the window for azul and the tweels. šŸ¤” octavinelle has the most erotic hcs (not intentional), and it says a lot that itā€™s my favorite dorm.
but thereā€™s a purpose to this. i wrote this with the idea that azul and the tweels are kissing the reader because they get something out of it, and same goes for reader. until octavinelle gets their personal issues fixed, thereā€™s no sweet romance for this part. Ź…ļ¼ˆā—žā€æā—Ÿļ¼‰Źƒ
anyway, zooming in on azul, i feel like i didnā€™t make his feel azul enough, if it makes sense? i feel like i could probably rewrite it, but iā€™m mainly saying this because azul is my all time favorite, and with all time favorites, itā€™s never enough. šŸ¤Ŗ
since itā€™s canon that azul can sing well, i envisioned the tales of sailors drowning because of sirens. his kisses would have that sort of effect. heā€™ll make you want him so bad that you wonā€™t care if you drown just to chase for him.
the push and pull description for azulā€¦ he has a duality to him. heā€™s so well guarded and smug, carrying himself with confidence and a bit of arrogance, but he also hides a sensitivity he has. if he were to fall in love with someone, i imagine his feelings being like waves on a beach: retracting and pulling away to maintain a sense of perfection, but eventually coming back because he wants you so much.
jade leech
i mentioned earlier that jadeā€™s is my other favorite hc i wrote. itā€™s mainly because of two things.
from the start, his hc is based on his um ā€œshock the heartā€. thatā€™s why there are descriptions of sparks and electricity. now thereā€™s also another thing i was referencing here: the lightning that zapped ursula in the movie (at least, i think it zapped her, but my memory is foggy). the same kind of reference is also seen in floydā€™s but in a different way of course. to make up for the lack of sweetness in the kiss, i put in references. xD
the second thing is that i just like the way it turned out. among all the tastes that i described, jadeā€™s is my favorite because i liked the way i tried to say mushrooms but not quite. the intoxicating part was to reference mushrooms as well since some fungi are poisonous. and yet, he knows exactly what to do to get you to take in more of the poison. maybe thatā€™s why heā€™s kissing you, heā€™s just trying to force feed you mushrooms.
notably, jade doesnā€™t touch you as much as how azul and floyd touch you. admittedly, this was accidental, but i like to think that itā€™s because jade is the best at hiding his true feelings among the trio that he wouldnā€™t be as touchy. heā€™ll hold your cheek of course, but he wouldnā€™t full on embrace you.
floyd leech
like jade, i referenced floydā€™s um here. this is technically spoilers for en-only players, so i wonā€™t mention the name, but if you have been reading the wiki or have been hearing from other places, youā€™ll most probably know what itā€™s called.
his part also references ursulaā€™s death, except itā€™s the part where she drags down a ship as she sinks to her death. thatā€™s why thereā€™s a lot of holding and touchiness in the fic.
when i wrote the part about his taste, i did notice that itā€™s similar to azul such that thereā€™s a variety of tastes. floydā€™s is more like a fun explosion of flavors that somehow work, whereas azulā€™s seems more put together, if thatā€™s the best way to describe it. honestly, it was also unintentional. xD
if you reached the end, congrats W(`0`)W !! and i want to thank you guys again for the messages you gave for that hc. at the rate itā€™s going, i might make a part 2 with scarabia, pomefiore, ignihyde, and diasomnia, so do look forward to that šŸ˜³
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everythingsinred Ā· 2 years
i just saw that post you reblogged a few days ago, the one that was like ā€œSend me a character and a number and Iā€™ll tell you my headcanons for..ā€ and just.
is it too much to ask for all of them for natsume šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ or if thatā€™s too much just whatever ones you feel like doing, i just love what you have to say about him
thank u for sending this to me :,) it means a lot. yes i can attempt to do all of them bc this kid has been on my mind for more than a decade now <3
theres a read more bc this is long :) i hope the answers are satisfactory
1) Something this character is truly proud of. this is hard to say bc he lives for other people. he'd be outwardly very proud of ruka, mikan, and aoi for their achievements and for having such amazing loved ones but i think eventually, after some working on himself he might recognize his own deeds and be proud of himself (or at least... thats what i want for him)
2) Who they want to please the most. also hard to say hhhHHHH bc although he definitely has a martyr complex i dont really consider him a people pleaser. ig in some ways, same answer as above (aoi, mikan, and ruka). i think in the future when he and mikan are dating he'd be a very annoying and doting boyfriend.
3) Who depends on them. bc of his martyr complex, plenty of people. more or less same answer. although its not bad for people to depend on each other, i think it would be good if in the future natsume could work on himself and not take on everything for everyone bc its not healthy for anyone involved.
4) What they would do if they had one month to live. i feel like he's perpetually in this situation bc of his alice shape lmao. he knows, especially before mikan inserts her alice stone into him, that he has very little time left before he croaks. if we were to say this is in the future and all the previous obstacles that held him back before were removed, i think he'd just wanna spend as much time with his loved ones as he can, but he wouldn't tell them what's happening (assuming he knows he only has a month left). i mean he already monopolizes mikan in kageki so he would just double down on that i think.
5) A cherished personal belonging. well he doesnt have the alice stones from mikan anymore, but the promise ring that replaced them would probably be his new precious belonging. i also think that the hourglass ruka gifted to him for his birthday would be another cherished belonging.
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back. in an abstract way, id say the four years that he and mikan were separated. in kageki he can see aoi pretty frequently, and im assuming communications have been somewhat laxed so he can talk to his dad sometimes??? (i fucking hope or im gonna have to throw hands with the principals) all in all i just think he'd try not to regret many things and instead just take advantage of the time he has left bc he's been on the brink of death for like half his life.
7) This characterā€™s favorite character. he loves manga so its probably a manga character. hes read some crazy stuff from what we can see, anything from shoujo to shounen, sanrio catalogs to yaoi (insane that he just reads all this shit in the middle of class without any shame whatsoever). i cant really speculate what kind of manga he'd enjoy from that, or what characters, but i think he would DISLIKE characters like himself. he'd understand them, but he wouldn't enjoy them. he'd like happier, more cheerful characters that remind him of his loved ones. i think, especially in lonelier times, that he would find comfort in them.
8) What kind of car they would drive. outside the academy, natsume grew up poor, but inside the academy he got a pretty hefty allowance. idk if that really adds up irl, or if he's been saving properly, but maybe he'd have enough to buy a sweet ride. i cant name makes or models bc im too busy knowing more important things like every thing that ever happened in the gakuen alice manga, but i think his dream car would be something pretty awesome. i feel like he'd ideally drive a four-door red car with black leather seats. in all my fanfiction so far tho hes driven a shitty car bc i like to write him poor. (i am also poor and my car is shitty as well but not visibly so)
9) What calms them when they are upset. i think he'd like physical attention, like hugs and cuddles. if he cant get that from his bff or gf i like to imagine he'd read manga or eat chocolate.
10) How they deal with pain. not well! like sure he probably has a pain threshold that's through the roof, but he never communicates it, physical pain or otherwise, so nobody can ever help him and the pain is never alleviated. he just sits there and pretends like everything is normal. i want him to get therapy so he stops doing that
11) This characterā€™s favorite piece or pieces of clothing. ugh his sense of fashion is incredible. boy wears feather boas and tartan shorts and sleeveless shirts with gloves, all in clashing patterns and colors. maybe thats just the official art, set in crazy and abstract situations. but still! in the memorial book he wore a sweater vest with no shirt under and it makes me so upset i get physically ill. he maybe has a sense of fashion, but it's not socially acceptable at all and it shouldn't be. on one hand, his fashion sense is so bizarre it wouldn't surprise me if a short sleeved, zip-up turtleneck (like shiki's) was his favorite, or something similar. on the other hand, i also wouldn't be surprised if he didn't really have a favorite piece of clothing at all bc i could understand if his fashion eccentricities come from a place of complete apathy as opposed to actual eccentricity.
12) How they sleep. well we saw a lil bit of him sleeping so... he's a restless sleeper for sure. he has nightmares and experiences sickness and physical pain when he's sleeping. bc he's unconscious he can't pretend like he's not in pain so he has an expression of agony. horrible. still, i'd like to think he'd start sleeping better in the future, when his life-shortening alice is cured and he's no longer experiencing perpetual physical torment :) maybe he talks in his sleep! how funny would that be
13) What kind of parent they would be. i feel like natsume would be hesitant at first to be a dad. like he'd be super happy to find out mikan is pregnant ofc but he'd be hesitant. maybe he wouldn't voice it. he'd be uncomfortable on several counts: 1) life shortening alices are genetic and he would never want his child to suffer as he has. 2) he'd be scared that he wouldn't have as much time to spend with his kid as he'd like and would be sad to miss out on important milestones in the case that he dies too young. in my mind the life-shortening alice gets cured after a few years so these become non-issues and thus he gets very happy about having a kid.
naturally he'd be selfless and giving, like any parent should be. tho mikan would be way more outwardly affectionate, he'd be a huggy father i think. and he'd spoil his kids 100%. and he'd have a zero tolerance policy if anyone even looked at them wrong. a good dad i think. he will be a dad i decided long ago about this and if higuchi says otherwise then she is wrong im sorry but this is non-negotiable.
14) How they did in school. he's a special star, but that wasn't rly earned by merit. then again, i think the academy wouldn't take any stars away just bc the esp is gone bc. like seriously how fucked up would that be?? and kageki said that although he graduated early, it wasn't because he studied; it was bc he earned credits through missions. anyway natsume is smart but lazy and unambitious and he doesn't study for tests. in the anime he scored high on the exams despite the fact that he DIDN'T EVEN TAKE ALL OF THEM??? i choose to believe that's canon in the manga too. he's smart but extremely lazy so he performs well but is never valedictorian or top scorer on account of the fact that he can't outperform fellow smart kids who actually do try, like yuu or hotaru.
15) What cologne or perfume they would use. HHHHHH okay my sister zoe and i have made a lot of jokes about natsume using axe bodyspray and i have never let go of that so i'm team axe, at least during his teen years. as he gets older, people keep gifting him fancy colognes for christmas and birthdays so he ends up using those instead, mostly out of convenience than personal decision to switch. most of my headcanons about natsume actually involve a sense of apathy or going with the flow bc its easy. he's just so lazy imo
16) Their sexuality. he's straight 100%. he only has eyes for mikan. except for that one time misaki did the cosplay challenge during the relay race. to be fair to him, everyone had eyes for misaki then. but mostly mikan. this is very skewed bc he fell in love as a child and he's so fully devoted to her he'd never consider anybody else.
17) What theyā€™d sing at karaoke. i imagine he'd be unhappy to be invited to karaoke at all and would stubbornly sit out for the first half. let's imagine they're older so he might be loosened by alcohol or maybe by pestering of ruka or mikan so he might be persuaded eventually to do a duet, maybe a love song like a thousand years with mikan or bohemian rhapsody with ruka. i can't imagine he'd choose to sing on his own though.
18) Special talents they have. we'll ignore alice-related things, like lighting fires that don't burn. he's good at reading people, so he can see when someone is trying to hide their sadness which comes in handy bc mikan needs someone who pays attention and can notice when she's not actually feeling as smiley as she's letting on. he's also of tactical and strategic mind (on account of the DA class) so he'd probably be REALLY good at laser tag
19) When they feel safest. when he's hanging out with his loved ones. this feels like a cop-out answer but i can't really answer any other way. especially considering the LIFETIME of trauma he's experienced, he would frequently get triggered or reminded of painful memories so he'd feel a lot more comfortable in those situations if ruka or mikan was around to show him compassion, or aoi who was also abused by persona and can relate to him and understand him.
20) Household chore they hate the most. this is such a weird question to me bc isn't cleaning the bathroom universally the worst chore? bathrooms are inherently disgusting and deep cleaning them is painstaking. ig if i dont count that, he might hate dusting the most. he has sensitive lungs from coughing every day for his whole life so dust doesn't sit well with him.
21) Their fondest childhood memory. another awkward question on account of him being a child during the manga's run but let's just make this about his life before the academy bc let's be honest he had to stop being a kid entirely when he went to the academy. i think he'd have very few memories of his mother bc she died when he was so little, but he would treasure the vague and faded memories he does have of her. he'd also love the memories he spent with his family. simple dinners with his dad and aoi would mean a lot, especially when he was separated from them. also he treasures the memories of meeting and befriending ruka, who is his first and dearest friend.
22) How they spend their money. he buys manga and snacks. i think, for the four years that mikan is away, he would sometimes decide to eat in his dorm as opposed to going down to the dining hall/cafeteria and having to socialize, so he'd keep his room stocked with things to eat. he also buys people presents. if they pass a store in central town and mikan goes "ooh look at that! that's cool!" he'd just shrug and buy it for her.
23) What kind of alcohol they drink. man im so unqualified to have thoughts abt this bc im a bad slav and i dont drink often (like maybe a few times a year). still, i do have thoughts. i think he'd be a bad influence and would drink some during the four years mikan was gone, maybe once he's fifteen or so. he'd partake a bit. narumi said he misbehaved a lot during her absence so maybe drinking is part of it, but he also has people who really care about him, especially ruka, and aoi when she gets into the opera school, so they'd curb his bad behavior a little. when he gets reunited with mikan, i think he'd drink socially instead of in a troublemaking sort of way.
i think he'd try to stick with manly drinks at first, like whiskey, but then he'd try some sweet fruity cocktail that mikan orders and then he'd like it and start ordering those instead.
24) What they wish they could change about themselves. boy has self-esteem issues but most importantly he would change his alice situation, which is later dealt with on account of the cure and all.
25) What other people wish they could change about them. ruka and mikan both just want him to value himself more and stop sacrificing himself for others. over time, with their help and maybe some therapy he'd eventually get to a healthier place with his self-esteem
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