#also nick is the guy who gets thrown out the window
hufflebibin · 1 year
Hello I very much need to know what your Emperors New Groove au is, thank you!!!
Thanks for asking! I absolutely adore this au - it’s so incredibly silly and fun.
The Emperor’s New Groove AU is, like most things (/j, /aff), Lev’s ( @willexmagic ) fault.
Basically, the guys are Kuzco, Julie is Pacha, Caleb is Yzma, and Willie is Kronk. From there it’s pretty much the movie with a side of Willex.
Here’s the opening scene!
“Do you see those llamas over there?”
“They don’t see anything, Luke, this is a story, not a movie.”
“Can’t a guy build dramatic tension for one minute, Alex?”
“Absolutely not when you’re referring to something the audience literally cannot see!”
“Fine. So we were turned into llamas by an evil wizard that we pissed off, did some stuff, and now we’re here.”
“Did some stuff? We were on our way to get turned back and your dumbass ruined everything!”
“Alex! That’s too far. Luke, try starting a different way. The movie’s like 20 years old, we don’t need to perfectly recreate the introduction.”
“Sorry, Reggie.”
“Sorry, Reggie.”
“Sunset Curve was literally on top of the world until—”
“We weren’t literally on top of anything, Luke!”
“Are you telling this story or am I, Alex?”
Alex heaved a sigh and looked at Reggie. “Why did we decide to let him narrate?”
“Because he’d pout and be generally insufferable if we didn’t?” Reggie shrugged.
“I wouldn’t — I’m not — whatever,” Luke spluttered.
“Sunset Curve was figuratively — happy Alex? — on top of the world until Caleb Covington and Julie Molina ruined everything.”
“Luke,” Alex admonished.
“Fine, we had a little something to do with that too, but it was mostly Caleb and Julie.”
Reggie sighed. “You know what, maybe we just tell the story and let everyone decide for themselves.”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “let’s do that.”
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almondamaretto · 3 months
hii i loved ur crossfaded story, do u think u could do some stoner matt bf hcs? 🫶🫶
YESSSSS omg girl u have good taste
i was looking for an excuse to write ts. also not proofread!! and not good because i was high!!
stoner!matt x afab!reader
warnings: use of weed, smut
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— ok lets get one thing straight, this man is one of those deep thought, random fact stoners that make you rethink everything about the world.
— "who decided that the alphabet was in alphabetical order? maybe we wanted e first, yknow?"
— always has at least one joint or the makings for one joint on him at all times. not as bad as chris who i would imagine carries around like 2-3 all the time.
— i would give anything to see this man rolling a fuckin joint.
— feels like an unpopular opinion i'm not sure, but he definitely thinks watching his girl roll one is hot. especially if you're not as experienced as him, yet still make an effort to try and impress him.
— if you're a stoner, he's buying you cute shit. cute papers, a cute grinder, lighters and stash boxes.
— is either non-verbal while high or actually yapping with no in between, but the simple truth his, he wants to be touching you at all times.
— imagine js sitting there, chatting his ear off, reflecting on your day n he's just staring, completely engrossed. meanwhile his fingers have been trailing up and down your thigh...
— or, he's running his mouth while taking a hold of your hand, leaving chaste kisses all over your hand, face, neck, and lips, only quiet whilst doing so.
— would def always be down to smoke w you, he could never say no to his sweet girl.
— loves to smoke in a group with his brothers, closest friends, and you cause he is a big quality time guy, but there is something so satisfying about being alone with you, watching the way you move through the haze filling the room.
— i think he would get more jealous while under the influence, you just look so good and he knows what every other guy is thinking.
— he is obviously very touchy and needy when he's high, but he also speaks in such an insatiable way, voicing all his dirty thoughts with no reserve.
— "and that's when- wow i can't shut up" "i could think of a few ways to shut you up."
— and you're gagged. figuratively and literally.
— one day, the friend group is at a party or some type of event. you and matt are nowhere to be found though, tucked away in some large room behind a locked door, the window cracked open.
— the roach of a used up joint was thrown onto the bedside table, hands now busy with pulling each other impossibly closer.
— he had pulled you up onto his lap, large hands gripping your ass as you pressed against his hard-on. your lips were quickly pressed together in sloppy kisses, your hands exploring his torso enthusiastically, his grazing up your sides and ass.
— "you were sittin' so pretty down there for me doll. did you really expect me to not pay attention?"
— he grumbles out while his lips ghost over your neck. you practically melt into his hands.
— chris came banging on the door, talking about something neither of you had interest in. matt never faltered in his movements, continue to squeeze your ass and nibble on your neck and chest.
— "matt!" "shh, stay quiet for me baby, he'll leave soon."
— when chris persists, he's groaning loudly and laying you gently on the bed, leaving a final kiss to your lips. he swings the door open to reveal only himself, blood-shot eyes and lip gloss smeared over his lips. his hair was jostled every which way, chest heaving slightly.
— chris just grins and shakes his head, mumbling something to matt that undoubtedly makes him roll his eyes.
— "nick and i wanna go to this other party madi's going to, you gotta drive us."
— he immediately refuses and goes to shut the door, but somehow chris convinces him with the reasoning of "less people means less chance someone tries to barge in."
— side note, you always get whichever seat you want and aux when matt's driving, it makes the other two go insane.
— mornings when you both don't have anything important to do or wake up a little earlier than usual, he wants to do two things.
— 1. wake and bake
— 2. morning sex.
— i mean seeing you first thing in the morning, getting high, and then fucking you dumb? thats his own personal heaven.
— it's doesn't take long for you to end up face down whimpering into a pillow while he drills into you from behind, senses heightened by the drug.
— he's struggling himself to keep quiet, opting to let out small grunts and whimpering into your ear, otherwise biting his lip to stay quiet.
— you fill all of his senses so well, your sounds sounding so heavenly to him, your walls squeezing him so well while he thrusts into your tight cunt.
— "doing so good for me mama, takin' me so well." he strains out as he gets close. you're both especially sensitive, highs coming all too soon.
so sorry if this is bad y'all 😭
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
Day 8: Skullduggery
This one is so sappy! I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m this way. 
10/8: Skullduggery
Universe // Characters: Den of Thieves // Benny “Borracho” Magalon x IT Reader
Benny sits on the fire escape outside your apartment and smokes a cigarette. He can see into the bedroom when the breeze moves the sheer curtain aside and he watches your sleeping form around the curling smoke in front of his face. Every once in a while he gets like this, where his mind is too loud, too many thoughts and not enough space to box them up and shove them on the shelves. It also doesn’t help that his phone is blowing up from the guys who are still partying at the hotel and trying to get him to come over to finish out the celebration. 
Missing a good time, B! 
Nick lost BIG in the poker game. Fuckin hysterical! 
Girls are high class tonite, man. Got an extra too.
Lots of booze left since u not here bro. 
Nina was asking for you. 
This text was followed by a picture of a pouting redhead that he didn’t even recognize or remember from previous parties. He deletes the picture with a sigh and puts the phone face down next to him. There had been other times when he had to miss the post-drug test party due to family commitments and he remembers reading those texts and feeling like he was missing out on the fun. Now, he takes a deep pull on the cigarette and releases the smoke in a long, steady stream, he wants nothing to do the riotous party scene. He wants this, this silent contemplation in an actual home with someone who smiles when they see him. Is he getting soft? Losing his edge? Maybe. A few months ago that may have bothered him. 
He glances through the bedroom window and sees the rumbled sheets, the empty bed. You must have just gotten up. The night is chilly so you had thrown on a pair of sweatpants and draped one of the throw blankets around your shoulders. He moves over to make room for you in the small space. “Hey.” 
You climb through the window and sit next to him, your hip against his. You open the blanket and he takes the invitation to slide even closer, pulling the fabric over his shoulders. “Wasn’t sure if you wanted company.” 
He doesn’t want company. If he did, he would be at the hotel. He just wants you. But he doesn’t say anything to confirm or deny his wants at the moment. His phone lights up with yet another notification and since it’s trapped under the blanket, the entire enclosed space lights up and he huffs. 
“Your friends up to the regular Friday night skullduggery?” 
He almost chokes on his last pull on the cigarette. “Skull what?” 
“Skullduggery. Mischief. Bad behavior.” You laugh, causing your shoulder to vibrate against his. “You mean to tell me a good ole Irishman like Big Nick O’Brien doesn’t use words like that?” 
Benny shakes his head. “Nah. His favorite word is fuck.” 
“Huh. I thought that was his favorite thing to do.” 
“Say, do, same thing.” He drops the cigarette butt into an empty glass of water he had brought out with him. “So what do you know about the Friday night…skulldig-” 
“Skullduggery.” Your good humor diminishes and you fiddle with the fringe on the blanket. “Just rumor really. What the people in the building say about you guys.” 
“And what do they say?” 
“Well, in IT, we often refer to Major Crimes as Neverland. You know, Peter Pan and his lost boys.” 
That is actually a good analogy, accurate in a Disney-esque coloring. “You want to know what happens?” 
You think about it for a moment. “Actually, no.” 
Surprisingly, he is willing to tell you, to break that brotherhood trust bullshit that Nick talks about all the time. No one is going to snitch if the punishment can come down on them as well. That’s how Nick keeps them all in line. The alcohol, drugs, and girls are nothing more than dirt to bury the entire team when the time comes. And they all just keep shoveling away, week after fucking week, digging their own graves. 
“Can I ask you something, though?” 
His heart rate spikes. “Sure.” 
“Why me? I mean, when we first…started this, I thought it was just some bet you guys had going on, who could bag the dorky IT girl. But then you seemed genuine about it and I just…I don’t know why you would choose me to be with?” 
He has a mental book filled with reasons why it’s you, only you, that he wants to be with every waking moment. Reason upon reason, so many that they logjam in his throat and he can’t seem to spit just one out. So he switches tactics. “I could ask you the same question. Why are you slumming it with me?” 
“Slumming, huh? Clearly you haven’t met some of your predecessors.” 
You’ve never gone into details about your ex’s. He knows you have them, there are phrases and quirks that you have that tell him of a past even if you haven’t told him the details. You apologize for the most random shit, half of which he never noticed in the first place. There was one time that he opened a cabinet to get a mug and you flinched. That still bugs him. He slips his hand into yours and you squeeze it, pressing your palms together. It must give you some courage. 
“It’s just, there’s ten years between us. I don’t know if I’ll ever get into the FBI but if I do, I don’t know where it’ll take me. I’m all intellect, I can’t walk and chew gum, I hate exercising, and I’d rather stay home and read than go out…partying. You have an established career, you’re in LA to stay. You’re action driven, fit, and like-” 
“The skullduggery,” he finishes with a smirk and you huff a nervous laugh. “You are onto something with the whole lost boys thing. You can’t stay young, no matter how much you try to hold on to youth. You have to grow up sometime. So maybe I got tired of following Peter Pan towards the star on the right.” He turns and looks directly at you, your eyes wide and focused on everything he’s saying, like he’s handing out the secret to life. There is such raw, honest hope in your face that his chest twists slightly. “Maybe it’s time I tried following a different star.” 
You lean your forehead against his and smile. “Sounds like a lost boy just got found.” 
“And I’ll follow you for as long as you’ll let me.” 
“Straight on till morning.” 
Benny tilts his head and presses his lips to yours, praying for thousands more mornings with you. 
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capitalnineteen · 6 months
Nancy Drew Rewatch
Season One - Episode One: Pilot (Continued)
So Nancy finds Tiffany’s body and yells for help. The only people who come are George, Bess, Ace, and Nick from across the street. Ryan and the guys he’s meeting with don’t respond. 
I realize this is for fully Doyleist reasons: we want the shot of our gang of five circled around the body, not cluttered with the husband and some anonymous dudes. But… it *is* odd. They’re sitting right up front, at the window, and they’d be able to look over and see this girl is standing beside Ryan’s car screaming for help. Oh well! Meeting continues uninterrupted! 
Come to think of it, they didn’t even react to the lights going out, just pulled out their phones for light and continued on. I’ve been in restaurants when the power goes out. People tend to react. I’m not saying get up and run around but - people do tend to sit up and pay attention, look around, check to see if other businesses are affected. (Ace does call out that the whole marina is out, but Ryan and the guys he’s with aren’t the type to take someone’s word for something like that, generally.)
Again, it’s all for show reasons, not in universe reasons. But things like that definitely lend to the subconscious impression that Ryan doesn’t give a shit about his wife, even before we’re given more concrete evidence.
And boy those cops arrive fast. Maybe one of the earliest examples of Horseshoe Bay’s time jiggery!
When the cops question the gang and everyone offers their whereabouts, it’s Ace’s that’s the noteworthy one. He’s the only one with an alibi: he was delivering food to Ryan and his friends. (Also, as he tells us/the cops this, he’s sitting at their table, eating leftover food.) But it’s his “since the waitresses were nowhere to be seen” comment that sticks out. 
Episode one Ace isn’t quite dialed in as a character - far more than the others. Of course, he’s also quite literally informing for Chief McGinnis, so that quick volunteering of info isn’t that wild. Still, it’s hard to imagine the Ace we come to know later being so quick to offer such a comment. “Not that I think they did anything wrong.”
Once Nancy, George, Bess, and Nick are all taken to the station, it’s Nick who spells out that the cops are trying to come up with enough to charge them. 
“Charge us?” George asks. “With what?” Well, future lawyer, George… I’ll give you a minute to take a guess. Starts with an ‘M’… ends with ‘urder.’
McGinnis lists off his assessment of their characters, we get one of my favorite exchanges in the episode.
McGinnis: I’m looking at a decent four-pack: town screw up, ex-con, city girl, and Nancy Drew.
Bess: Why does he say your name like that?
McGinnis: She used to complicate my job.
George: You mean do it for you?
This quick back and forth further establishes that McGinnis is an antagonist, has Bess’s comment about his tone (which just tickles me for some reason), and has a very George-like rebuttal. It’s surprising, giving the animosity between George and Nancy but, especially when McGinnis responds with, “Ah, Ms. Fan. I haven’t thrown your mom in the drunk tank this month. How’s she doing? Say ‘hi.’” It’s easy to see why he ranks higher on her shit-list than Nancy does.
It’s also interesting to note that Bess outs herself about the shoplifting but Nick is outed by McGinnis despite the information being in sealed records. 
I think the pilot does an excellent job of keeping that finger of blame and recrimination spinning. They all look to Nick after the ‘ex-con’ revelation, then Nancy’s “You never told me you went to jail” gets her noticed. George and Bess must be wondering why he would have told her, which is answered quickly when Nick responds, “One of the many things you never asked about.”
Nancy is quick to sidestep the issue and redirect the conversation by pointing out Tiffany’s husband, Ryan Hudson, is a far more likely suspect and it’s concerning that McGinnis doesn’t seem to be interested in him. 
McGinnis takes Nancy into his office and she suggests a medical condition could have killed Tiffany and he responds by playing her the 911 tape. (This guy just doesn’t care who he shares what information with, does he?)
When Nancy mentions Tiffany’s ring - there when she delivered the food, gone when she found her dead - McGinnis suggests Nancy could use it to pay off medical debt from her mom’s death.
Sure, I guess? But wouldn’t it be odd for her to be the one pointing out the ring was missing if she stole it? But that’s applying a level of reasoning McGinnis is woefully shy of.
Karen - sorry, Detective Hart, while we’re in the station - has called Nancy’s dad and he shows up to play concerned father, a role Nancy was happy leaving unfulfilled. They trade tense words and we see, Nancy doesn’t seem to have many people in her life that she’s letting in anymore.
Nancy storms out on her own, walking down a bizarrely uninhabited street where she hears the charming ‘Dead Lucy’ chant: Lucy Sable once was able to look upon the sea but someone got her in the water now that’s where she’ll always be.
We know that ‘Dead Lucy’ is a thing in the town. (When Nancy later shares her not-fireworks-but-instead-lurking-shape-in-the-mist-just-before-Tiffany-died video with the the others at The Claw, Ace mentions she’s blamed for things as varied as baseballs through windows and another woman’s jewelry in someone’s marriage bed.) But gosh, were post Y2K kids making up poems like that about local legends? 
Amid the echoes of phantom children chanting about a dead girl, Nancy sees her reflection in a shop window, her face above a pink dress, and more mysteriously, Sea Queen crown on her head. Is this the first example that this isn’t the ‘Carolyn Keene’ Nancy Drew we might have expected?
Nancy goes home, watches her terribly framed for fireworks but perfectly framed for watching Tiffany’s last moments phone video, and sees our next and far more solid (though ‘solid’ isn’t the word for it, is it?) evidence of the supernatural.
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She shows it to The Claw crew as mentioned above and Bess is quickly Team Ghost. Nancy dismisses it, takes back her phone, and George lets Nick in. Nancy didn’t bring him coffee like usual. (Come to think of it, we did see a lot of paper coffee cups amid those shaking books when Nancy was, uh, ‘delivering coffee’ to Nick at the garage the day before.)
He gets her to admit they’ve been involved. (While Ace drinks the coffee he brought out for Nick who Bess points out no longer seems interested in the beverage. I do kinda like this running bit with Ace.)
When Nancy tries to remind everyone there’s more important things going on than acknowledging she and Nick have been having coffee, like that they’re all murder suspects even though the real culprit is probably Ryan Hudson, George is quick to defend him. Bess also thinks it’s unlikely. But Nick aligns himself with Nancy on Team Look at the Husband. (Team name might need work, I’m not sure it’ll fit on the t-shirts.)
Nancy goes on to explain how she’d investigate Ryan - if she was doing that sort of thing, of course - and Nick seems very interested in what she has to say. 
Before we cut to the next scene where Nancy is, in fact, doing that sort of thing, Nick wonders if she’ll change her mind. George tells him that Nancy’s been different since her mom died. Another little crumb of information about Nancy falls into Nick’s hands.
Nancy sneaks into the home of Ryan and not-killed-by-a-ghost Tiffany Hudson, rushing under the closing garage door after Ryan leaves. She creeps through the house, an open window makes curtains flutter complete with creepy passing shadow, the bedroom door slams shut behind her, startling her into a tiny table with a big glass vase which she just catches before it falls, and a motion detector blinks, summoning security. They drive up and are witnessed by Nick, who’s sitting in his truck nearby.
Inside, Nancy finds a hidden compartment in a drawer and steals a necklace and a note. Nick comes to warn her and the two run across the wide open back lawn while security guards wander the house oblivious to the pair. The only sacrifice: Nancy’s knit cap was caught on a tree as they escaped.
They get to Nick’s truck and Nancy doesn’t seem too thrilled by his help. Nick points out that he was worried and, as the one with a record, had a lot on the line by helping. When Nancy asks why he did, he tells her, “Because it was worth it.”
He drives her home, sees her mom’s car (“Doesn’t run or I’d be driving it,” she explains) and tells her if she ever wants to talk about her mom, he’s there. Nancy’s surprised he knows about her mom. He tells her he likes her, he’ll tell her his messy past and she can share hers. She pulls back, says she’ll be in college soon so there’s no need for them to start anything serious. Nick takes it as implied insult - she’ll be gone and he’ll still be there fixing boats and going nowhere. 
Their one step closer, two steps back dance continues as Nancy yells at his departing truck, “See? This is why it’s better not to talk!”
At work the next day, Nancy asks for George’s help in the limited area of ocean-themed jewelry. George explains what the mariner’s good luck charm is and how it works, Nancy admits it was Tiffany’s, George is shocked Nancy broke into Ryan’s house, and Bess… Ah, Bess is shocked that Nancy stole Tiffany’s jewelry. What a funny thing to focus on, Bess. So weird.
Bess and George are impressed. (Ace is impressed, too!)
The three (not including ‘hey-can-I-come-with-you’ Ace) head outside to dissolve the glue holding the necklace closed and reveal what’s inside. Inside is the seahorse logo from the Sea Queen crown and an address to a medium. The three head off together (to Nancy’s reluctance) to talk to the medium. (After a quick change out of their uniforms. So maybe they wait until after their shift is over instead of ditching Ace completely.)
The medium’s pitiful little show is interrupted by a bang on the table and her croaking out “Find the dress! Find the dress! Find the dress!” She tells them to leave. “That wasn’t supposed to happen. I heard a voice. From the dead.” George: “You’re a medium! Occupation hazard!” Nancy: “Who’s voice? Who’s dress?” Medium: “That wasn’t Tiffany.” Bess: “That was Dead Lucy.”
Meanwhile back at Nancy’s house, her dad and Detective Hart - wait, they’re out of the station, maybe she’s Karen again - are discussing Nancy’s hat. She found it at Ryan Hudson’s house, took it from the crime scene, and brought it to Nancy’s dad to destroy. Karen doesn’t believe Nancy is involved and is trying to protect her. They kiss which of course Nancy walks in on. 
She’s not exactly throwing a party for the couple. She and her father butt heads, she grabs her hat, storms off, tells him she’ll reapply for school and get the hell out of there. Then she takes off.
And goes to Nick’s.
Nancy admits how out of control her life is and that pretending it wasn’t hasn’t worked. The only thing making it any better, she admits, is Nick. She tells him she wants to get to know him and they kiss.
Nancy stays with Nick at the garage and he drives her home in the morning, telling her about the abrupt and early end to his football career and she asks him about the jail thing. When he doesn’t immediately answer, she backs down, telling him he doesn’t have to tell her now. Nick: Why? Because girls love mystery? Nancy: Because I can wait until you’re ready.
This time, instead of an argument and yelling, they kiss before she gets out of the truck. She goes inside to find her father waiting. He saw Nick dropped her off and he tells her that despite the problems between them, he’s concerned about her and wants her to stay away from Nick. Nancy: Oh my god, were you his lawyer? Her dad: You know I couldn’t discuss it even if I was. Nancy, internally: That’s totally a ‘yes.’
Cue Nancy heading into his home office with a screwdriver, going for his file cabinet.
(Sidenote: I’ve been calling him ‘Nancy’s dad’ because I don’t think - or just haven’t caught it - that he’s been introduced as Carson Drew yet. The ‘Drew’ is implied of course, but still…) 
She gets Nick’s file, finds out his charge was manslaughter and that he was found guilty after Tiffany’s testimony.
So that finger of guilt swivels again just as Nick pulls up with the tow truck to get Nancy’s mom’s car so he can get it working for her. 
Nancy realizes everyone at The Claw really is a suspect and begins setting up to investigate everyone and we get a montage of everyone else being shady: George going to Ryan’s, Ace recording George at Ryan’s and sending it to McGinnis, Bess with Tiffany’s ring, and Nick finding something hidden in Nancy’s mom’s car.
And then, as Nancy sits at her desk compiling her notes on the case, the power goes out just like it did at The Claw before Tiffany died. She wanders the house with her flashlight and the attic stairs drop open, beckoning her up. Nancy goes.
In the attic, she finds a loose edge of wallpaper. As she tears it away, she finds that creepy Dead Lucy chant  carved into the wall beneath it, this time with the ending ‘Count to five and hope the killer doesn’t get you.’
And then, just like in that memory from when she was a kid, the one her mother had told her was a dream, Nancy finds a chest.
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Inside is a pink dress, blood stained dark across the front.
“Why is it always the ones you love most, who have the most to hide?” Nancy wonders to herself, unaware of Dead Lucy appearing behind her.
I think the pilot does a great job of setting up all the characters. (Again, I still think Ace needed to be dialed in a bit more but his character isn’t that far off and he’s definitely got some fun quirks that make him memorable.) It also juggled a LOT of character relationships and did a good job of see-sawing the trust/suspect balance with them. It was solid! And it’s a lot more fun on rewatch when I’m not so puzzled by the supernatural aspects. I’m also surprised by how warmly I still feel about Nancy and Nick even though I’m very much a Nace and… is there a ship name for George and Nick?
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cadencejames87 · 2 months
Hey! Hope you’re having an amazing day!🩵
Who are your top 3 favorite Sebastian Stan characters and top 3 favorite Chris Evans characters?
Why are my asks always hidden from me 😭 Sorry this took way too long to get to this.
You want me to choose, I want all of the Sebastian characters! I made a post once and had to reblog it because you're only allowed 10 images per post. After this, I'll have to re-reblog with more missing characters. First off, Tj, Jack, & Leo deserved so much better!
As did Bucky who will always be in my tops. That sweet, nerdy Pisces just wanted to keep the little guys safe and live his life in peace 😭😭
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I usually say Frank because that era of Sebastian, the hair, the beard, it was fantastic! But I really couldn't handle anyone who enjoys 🌨️ which then also cancels out Mickey and is hilarious to say because all my morals are thrown out the window and I feel like I could somehow fix Steve Kemp, and Max. I'd be worried about Nick or Lance betraying me, which would also include the two I just mentioned; Steve & Max. I spent so long, scrolling back and forth through Sebastian's roles. I wanted to choose Hal but...
I think currently, God the Bounty Hunter is also in my tops. I want to see a whole movie based around these bounty hunters. You just know they've had run-ins with each other and it would be off the handle.
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Jefferson, he just wants his daughter to have everything and when they are in the new "au" all he cares about is her happiness, even if he's literally going mad trying to get it all back.
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As for Chris, I'm still mad at Steve lol
Ari is literally nomad Steve without the inevitable betrayal to Bucky. Plus this...
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Harvard Hottie & Curtis are F*ck boys and I wouldn't have the patience to reach that sweet boyfriend payoff.
Frank, ugh, the sweetest uncle protecting his niece for his sister. Plus he's gorgeous & smart
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Curtis & Nick Gant were always in my tops for the longest time, but characters like Jensen and his nerdy, humourous, loyal, family man, hero type won me over. I mean even the COD soldier in the one ad he did had me on my knees. Ransom, the same reason I couldn't choose Charles for Sebastian, assholes who only care about money.
I was literally about to type Andy but then remembered Cole, that sweet, awkward, farmer existed and I can't help but giggle when i think of him. He's adorably sweet! Plus he reads!
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Thank you for this, Asks like these make my day!
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jacket | p. gasly
pairing: pierre gasly x reader word count: 5.2k words (sorry not sorry)request: yes/no by an anon: "39 fluff, 49 general, mr pierre gasly if you would 💖" and a lot of people who wanted a part two to pillow<;3 prompt: 39 fluff: "you're safe now. i'm here." & 49 general: "have you been sleeping?" from this prompt list warnings: language, fake-dating, idk what else. a/n: how many times can i write this trope with pierre until it gets old? hehe. thank you all so much for your patience, i'm really glad i took my time with this because otherwise, i wouldn't have liked the way it turned out. so, here it is.
my masterlist / this is a part two to 'pillow'
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after waking up on the last day of the camping trip, things between you and pierre were… weird. you stayed away from him most of the time, you felt his eyes on you as you gathered all your things, but he didn’t speak to you at all.
not even a snarky remark as you were dropped off at your apartment building.
life moved on, you moved on as if nothing had ever happened. or at least that’s what you told yourself to convince yourself.
days later, you found yourself in a club, one of your friends had convinced you to go out just for one night, let loose from all the stress of the week and just enjoy a night of fun drinking and dancing to the beat of the deafening music coming from the speakers.
you were surrounded by sweaty bodies, people grinding on each other with their drinks in their hands. you tried to stay away from most of them, not liking the idea of bumping into a mass of drunk people. your friend abandoned you at some point of the night, she’d found a handsome blonde and ditched you for him. you rolled your eyes as you walked to the bar, asking for a refill of your drink as you kept your eyes on your friend. her eyes met yours, and she gave you a thumbs up, telling you she was okay.
you relaxed a little, with your back against the bar and your drink in hand, you drank a little as your eyes scanned the room. you felt an intense stare on you, and you turned your head to the side, finding a handsome man, you knew that face. you also knew the person that was clinging to him desperately. his intense gaze stayed on you, even though the girl he was with tried to get his attention. you turned your head to the front, taking a sip from your drink as you watched out of the corner of your eye as the man whispered something in the girl’s ear.
well, shit.
you looked frantically over the crowd of people, your initial plan of getting help from your friend was quickly thrown out of the window as you felt your phone buzz, she’d texted you and told you she’d left with the guy she found a while ago.
time for a new plan. don’t panic. it’s just your ex. and the girl he, obviously, said you had nothing to worry about. and look at them now.
you could see them leave their spot, walking down the spiral staircase and heading to you.
“i thought you didn’t like clubs,” you flinched as you felt hot breath on the sweaty skin of your neck. you turned around, and you couldn’t tell if he was an angel sent from above or a devil from hell.
“yes, well… never again,” you shook your head.
“(y/n)?” you heard your ex, nick’s voice, behind you. with your back to them, you rolled your eyes as you mustered as much courage as you could.
“isn’t that your ex?” pierre said, frowning.
“yeah,” you whispered, looking at the floor for one second, "and my ex best friend…" you lifted your gaze, seeing pierre frowning, before you turned to look at nick and jessica. “oh, hi!” you faked a smile.
“it’s been so long, i…” he paused, looking you up and down, “you look amazing,” did he really just say that?
for some reason, you felt pierre tensing behind you.
“thanks, um. you too,” you said, taking a step back. you flinched as you felt a hand on your back. “you remember pierre?”
you felt bad for dragging him to this mess, but if he hated you already, why not add another reason to the mix?
“yeah… didn’t you use to hate each other?” jessica lifted an eyebrow, you wanted to scream at the top of your lungs.
"well, you know what they say," pierre replied, sliding a hand over your back, his fingers around your waist, you froze. "there's a very thin line between love and hate," you turned your head up, looking at him with a confused look on your face. he tightened his hold on you, "once we realized that we were just being stubborn by denying the tension between us, things just kinda fell into place," he smiled, looking straight at you. you stared at him, frowning. "isn't that right, ma belle?" he told you, leaning down and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
you still didn't know if he was your savior or your doom.
"play along, i'm in a good mood," pierre whispered in your ear. your breath hitched as you felt his lips so close to you.
"so you two are… together?" nick asked, his finger pointing between you and pierre. you could see… was it confusion? anger? something flaring inside his eyes.
"we are," you answered this time, cutting pierre off, who was about to reply. you relaxed your shoulders, leaning back against pierre's side, you moved your hand, resting your fingers on top of his. you watched the two pairs of eyes follow your movement, and you smirked internally as you saw what was definitely jealousy in them.
“we should all hang out sometime,” jessica said, her eyes intently on pierre. you noticed, and leaned your head back against his shoulder, slipping your arm around his waist and pulling him even closer to you.
“sure,” you nodded once.
“did you hear that kate’s getting married?” nick said, you nodded. kate had been one of your first friends from college. you, kate, and jessica were like the three musketeers, always together, always there for each other. “maybe we’ll see you at the wedding, then,”
“yes, we’ll be there,” you spoke way too soon, and ignored the tight squeeze pierre gave your waist.
“great, we’ll see you then,” nick nodded, taking a step closer to you, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “take care, you’re still as beautiful as that last day.” he whispered, before leaning back and grabbing jessica’s hand. you watched them leave, suddenly too aware of what had just happened.
“how could you ever date someone like that?” you heard from beside you, bringing you out of your thoughts. you realized you were still wrapped in pierre’s arms, and gagged as you removed his touch from you.
“not a word,” you pointed a finger at him, turning your back on him and walking out of the club.
“you’re welcome, by the way,” he said as he reached your side.
“i. said. not. a. word.” you repeated, pausing between each word.
“come on, (y/l/n)! is that really how you talk to your sweet boyfriend?” he threw an arm around your shoulder, and you grabbed his hand, lifting his arm and ducking underneath, walking the other way.
his fingers held your arm, pulling you back to him. you placed your hands on his chest, trying to create some space between you. his arms slipped around your waist, his hands holding you firmly against him. you looked around at the nearly empty street, not wanting to get any attention.
“gasly, if you would like to have children at some point in your future, i suggest you let go of me,” you said, narrowing your eyes at him.
“enough with the empty threats, (y/l/n). you should be thanking me right now,” he smirked, and you wanted to slap it right off his face.
“nobody asked you to do anything,” you were still defensive.
“true. but is this really how you repay my kindness? after i saved you from embarrassment tonight, and will save you on the day of the wedding…” he shook his head.
“you’re not coming with me to the wedding,” you stated, chuckling humorlessly.
“so you’re going alone?” pierre raised an eyebrow, “don’t you want to rub it in their faces? how you’ve moved on, have the job you’ve always dreamed of, are dating a famous, handsome, wealthy athlete…” he said, holding both of your wrist to his chest with one hand, whilst the other moved a strand of hair away from your face. “think about it…”
“and why do you care about me, all of a sudden?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“i don’t care about you. i care about me. think of this as an alliance, i help you, you help me.” he smirked, which only made you frown as you finally freed your wrists from his hold.
“and what do you need my help with?” you raised an eyebrow expectantly. he looked around, noticing the guy at the entrance of the club glancing at you.
“let’s go somewhere else,”
the plan was simple.
pierre would help you get back at your ex, by shoving your new, perfect relationship in his face and make him regret ever leaving you. you’d get back at jessica for backstabbing you, by dating the driver she’d fancied all throughout college.
it would be perfect.
but, in return, you had to help pierre with his public image. he’d been seen with many women in the past year, and it started affecting his career, his sponsorships. which, in your opinion, was insane. no matter how much you despised the guy, he still had every right to go out with whoever he wanted. so, his team suggested he get a girlfriend, show the people and brands that he was responsible, capable of settling down.
“and what if i say no? what if i don’t want you to come with me to the wedding, and don’t want to help you out?” you asked, crossing your arms over the table. you were at a small cafe that was opened 24 hours.
“you wouldn’t do that.” he smirked, making you frown.
“what are you talking about?”
“i know you. i know that if you say no right now, and you go home, you won’t be able to sleep, you’ll toss and turn and stay awake all night. and in the future, when things start going south for me, you’ll feel guilty. you’ll think 'damn, i could’ve helped him get his life back together'.” he said, his lips curled up in a half-smile. you were left breathless, speechless. you hated admitting that he was right. he was.
“you’re taking advantage of me,” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“a favor for a favor.” he leaned in, imitating your posture, crossing his arms and placing them on the table. “what do you say?”
“are you sure there are paparazzi outside?” you asked.
“i already told you like fifty times. there are. they followed me here.” pierre said, exasperated.
you huffed, looking out the window, spotting the guys holding cameras.
“i see them,” your eyes flew back to pierre. “what do we do now?” you leaned in. suddenly this whole thing felt very real.
“first, you have to relax,” pierre instructed, placing a hand on top of yours. instinctively, you pulled it away. “give me your hand, they’ll take pictures,” he faked a smile, talking through his teeth. slowly, you slid your hand back in place, ignoring the tiny electric shock you felt. “good. now, smile, you’re on a date with your wonderful boyfriend, not being held captive against your will,” he said.
you shot him a look, before rolling your eyes, faking a giggle. you placed your chin on your closed fist, leaning your elbow against the table.
“that’s debatable,” you said. and that made him laugh. like, a real laugh, not a forced chuckle for the cameras.
“my dear (y/n), we’re going to have so much fun.”
you thought back to the night at the club. angel or devil.
devil. definitely the devil.
after agreeing to this fake dating arrangement, pierre sent you an extremely detailed, color-coded calendar with details for public 'dates'. he only got a middle finger emoji as a reply.
but, there you were, at the very crowded, very public restaurant, waiting for your food to arrive, holding hands with the guy you hated with your entire heart.
“okay, so i guess this is a good opportunity to discuss the wedding,” you said after throwing him a murderous glance. “we’re already here,” you shrugged your shoulders. to your surprise, pierre just nodded, no additional comment. “okay, so, you obviously remembered nick. my ex.” you started, he nodded again, your eyes drifted down to your joined hands, where his fingers were playing with yours. “and there was jess, my ex-best friend, his new girlfriend.”
“you need to get better friends,” he butted in.
“i have charles now,” you shrugged. “so, this will actually be perfect, because when i met her in college she used to have a crush on you. when she found out i was friends with charles she immediately asked when he could come over, and if i knew you. honestly, to this day, i still don’t know what she saw in you, but,” you snickered as he rolled his eyes. “payback’s a bitch,” your wrists were pressed against the table, fingers facing the ceiling, slowly, you curled them down, slipping them in the space between his own.
your eyes flew down to your joined hands, you were holding your breath, noticing the way your fingers fit perfectly together, how each curve of his knuckles and the back of his hand felt like it was made for you to hold.
you found yourself speechless, gaze shifting upward, finding pierre staring intently at you.
god bless the waiter that brought your food out, giving you the perfect opportunity to slip away from his hold.
“so, we’ve got an asshole ex-best friend, douchebag ex-boyfriend, anyone else i need to worry about?” he asked once the waiter left, unaffected by the whole hand-holding interaction.
“kate… my friend who’s getting married… she-she’s a hopeless romantic. she loves reading romance books and romanticizes the hell out of life, so she’s going to be all over us, wanting to know every single detail about how we got together and stuff. so we should probably work on a story to tell,” you spoke between bites, pierre nodded at your words.
“from what i’ve seen in movies,” he started, placing a hand in his chest, raising an eyebrow, “you should never stir too far away from the truth. when’s the wedding?” he said before taking a bite of his food.
“december 18th,” you answered, you had about a month and a half to prepare. “the wedding will be in italy, so we’ll have to go right after the last race, maybe a day or two later.” you explained.
“because they have all sorts of activities planned for the guests, like wine and cheese tasting, sightseeing. then on friday we get to the villa where the wedding will be, that night will be the rehearsal dinner, saturday’s the wedding. sunday is the post-wedding brunch, and we’re free to go either that night, or monday morning,” you finished, grabbing your glass of water and drinking from it.
“huh,” pierre seemed speechless. "that’s a lot,” he sighed, leaning back against his chair. he stayed quiet for a few moments, and you could hear the gears in his head turning.
“no turning back now, superstar.” you leaned in, grabbing his hand. you pulled it up to your lips, pressing them against his knuckles. to say he was shocked would be an understatement. he held his breath, you noticed, and stared at you as if you’d grown a second head all of a sudden. “the photographer was getting bored. you’re welcome.”
weeks passed, you and pierre posted cryptic instagram stories of the other. you went out together to restaurants, concerts, the movies, everything the usual couples do. as expected, the headlines regarding him changed. no longer was he associated with the word ‘womanizer, player’. now, he was recognized as ‘charming, devoted, sweet’.
after staring at pictures of you two for what seemed like hours, you thought about how much your… relationship? friendship? whatever you had with pierre had changed over the last few weeks. for most of the time since you met him, you could barely look at the guy, and now -and you’d never admit it either to yourself or anyone who asked- you started looking forward to whenever you got to see him. you locked your phone as you looked out the window of the backseat of the taxi, headed to kate’s for the night.
“(y/n)! oh my god, i feel like i haven’t seen you in ages, this wedding has been consuming all of my energy,” kate said as she opened the door to her house. she pulled you in for a hug, which you returned with the same fervor. you had seen each other just less than a month ago, but so much had happened in that time.
“i know, i missed you.” you smiled as she let you in. it would just be you and some of kate’s friends and bridesmaids. a chill girls night before the final countdown for the wedding. as you walked out to the patio, where the rest of the girls were, you flinched internally when you saw jess was already there.
the night went by between cocktails, gossip and gushing over the bride-to-be. you felt a shiver down your back, regretting only bringing a light shirt and no jacket. as the night passed, you thought you were safe from the questions about your ‘relationship’, but when one of the bridesmaids opened instagram to post a story, she gasped.
“(y/n), oh my god!” she yelled, and all eyes were on you. you frowned.
“what happened?” you asked, but the girl was looking back and forth between you and her phone, completely speechless, “what?” you said again.
she turned her phone to you, you walked to her, holding her phone close to your face as you scanned the screen.
of course, the idiot you were fake dating had to post a picture confirming your relationship to the public that night.
“hurry up,” you said as pierre climbed a few of the stone steps.
“jesus, shut up.” he rolled his eyes as he sat on the edge of the step.
“my name’s not jesus. so hurry up, i want to go home.” you muttered, sitting on the step below him, between his spread legs.
“you two are pathetic,” charles laughed from behind the camera.
of course, pierre had to have a whole photoshoot just to post one picture on instagram. and, obviously, charles knew about your plan. it was pretty much impossible to keep a secret from him, and it was the best option if you wanted to avoid all of his incessant, confused questions.
you were currently in a deserted park, trying to copy a picture pierre had found online.
“just take the damn picture, charles.” you muttered, leaning back against pierre’s torso, who in turn, leaned forward. you placed one arm on top of the other, and pierre placed his hands on top of them. you heard the click of the camera a few times.
“you look tense, try to make it seem like you’re in love,” charles said, making you groan and roll your eyes. you leaned your head back, seeing pierre’s face on top of yours. you stuck your tongue out, making him laugh. “there, keep going,” charles lifted his thumb. “wait, i want to join,” he said, setting the timer on the camera and running to you, he, naturally, tripped on his own feet, falling face forward.
you laughed, a huge roar of laughter leaving your chest, leaning back as you watched charles fall to ground. pierre was laughing as well, you could feel the vibrations of his chest against the back of your head.
later that night, pierre sent you the pictures. you could barely see charles’ body falling to the ground on the last one. but the real stars of the picture were you and pierre. he had tightened his hold on you, his face was turned to you, checking to see if you were laughing as well whilst your face nuzzled against his chest, eyes closed as you laughed.
naturally, he chose to post the last picture, conveniently cropping charles so it was just you two in focus.
“you look so cute together!” “oh my god, i want a boyfriend who shows me off like that!” “you’re so lucky.” “why didn’t you say anything?”
you were bombarded by voices, questions thrown at you, and you wondered if this was what pierre felt like whenever he went out in public.
“you have to tell us everything,” kate smiled at you. "this is just like a movie. it's so exciting," she grabbed your hand and dragged you to the center of the couch, you were surrounded by the rest of the girls in an instant.
all except one, you noticed. jess was standing to the side, staring at her phone with a harsh look on her face.
you were about to speak when your phone rang. you thanked the stars, your stomach felt like it was in knots at the sudden, undivided attention by everyone there. the girls booed as you grabbed your phone.
“dickhead?” kate asked, reading the contact number.
“pierre,” you gave her a small smile as the girls giggled and swooned over the frenchman. you stood up from your spot, walking to a far, quiet corner. you felt all the eyes on you as you walked. “hey,” you picked up.
“did you see it?” you could hear the smile on his face.
“yup. everyone saw it. thanks for the heads up, by the way,” you rolled your eyes.
“i can hear you rolling your eyes at me, (y/l/n). don’t do it, you should be thanking me,” he said, and you could hear the low rumbling of an engine.
“are you driving?” you asked.
“yup. i’m in monaco for the weekend,” he said.
“oh, where are you going?” you asked.
“to pick you up,” he said, casually.
“i know you car broke down last week, so i just thought, you know…”
“i can go back to the hotel if you don’t want to come with me, or-”
“no! no, no, it’s fine. they were starting to ask me questions about us, so…” you interrupted him, your foot playing with a stone.
“okay, i will be there in like, ten minutes,”
“okay,” you breathed, feeling your cheeks starting to hurt. you lifted a hand, touching your face and realizing you were smiling a bit too hard.
“this isn’t the fault in our stars, pierre. hang up the phone,” you said, and you heard him laugh. you chuckled lightly as well.
“so bossy, i swear.” were his last words before hanging up.
you brought your phone down from your ear, smiling as you recalled the conversation.
luckily, the girls had moved on to another topic while you were gone, so now you just sat and listened to whatever they were talking about, checking your phone every minute. a honk brought you out of your thoughts, seconds later, you heard the doorbell.
“were you expecting someone else?” jess asked as kate stood up, walking inside. kate shook her head as all eyes followed her. you bit back the grin as you heard soft gasps, sighs and what you thought had been a moan, once kate opened the door, revealing pierre on the other side.
“hi, i’m here to pick up (y/n/n),” he gave her a small smile, his eyes flying past kate, to the group of girls outside who stared at him longingly. once his eyes settled on you, his smile widened.
“come on in,” kate smiled, moving to the side to let him in, “she’s outside,” she closed the door, leading pierre down the hallway that led him straight to the group of girls. “behave,” she mouthed. her back towards pierre.
you smirked, feeling powerful. you lifted yourself from your spot, walking to him.
“hi,” you smiled shyly as you felt all eyes on you.
“are you ready?” he asked, taking one step closer to you, you felt his fingers grazing yours. “you’re cold,” he noticed.
“yeah, i- left my jacket at home,” you mumbled. pierre let go of you, taking off his own jean jacket before draping it around your shoulders. against your will, you felt heat rushing to your chest, to your cheeks. “thanks,”
“there.” he smiled, his fingers finding your hand again, slipping his between your fingers. “ready to leave?” you just nodded, suddenly feeling too overwhelmed by everything. “nice seeing you ladies, we’ll see you at the wedding.”
“you’re coming to the wedding?” kate asked, smiling. “oh, this is amazing.”
after saying your goodbyes, the girls all gathered by the front door as pierre opened the passenger door for you, helping you in. once he was sitting on the driver’s seat, he turned on the car and sped up, leaving the house, the girls, and jess, behind.
you didn’t speak the entire way, you just leaned back against the seat, watching the trees, the beach passing by, disappearing into the dark of the night. your arm was resting lazily over the console, and you felt pierre’s finger brushing against it as he turned up the volume of the radio, or as he pressed a button to lift the top of his convertible car.
“this isn’t the way to my home,” you smiled.
“i know,” he replied.
those were all the words you shared as he kept driving. he reached a cliff, parking a few meters away from the edge. you slipped out of the car, sitting on the ground as you looked at the water, the sound of the waves hitting the rocks was a familiar lullaby. you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, the salty water air filling your lungs.
“it’s so peaceful here,” you whispered, finally opening your eyes. pierre was sitting next to you, his knees up to his chest as he stared at the water. “i was so mad when charles showed this place to you,” you giggled. “this was our spot,”
“why is he here?” seventeen-year-old you asked, frowning as you saw charles and pierre walking to you.
“i invited him,” charles said, you just stared at him.
“but why? charles, this is our spot,” you said, feeling a sharp pain in your chest.
“well… it can still be our spot, for the three of us.” charles smiled, and you felt like you’d just been betrayed by the most important person to you.
“i haven’t come back since,” you whispered.
“i knew about this spot,” he said, abruptly. “i showed it to charles, when we were about thirteen,” his voice was soft. you turned your head to look at him, feeling the air leaving your lungs. “i knew you’d always loved the beach, and i knew he would bring you here,”
“w-why?” you managed to let out.
“i used to have a crush on you,” he chuckled. “i never told anyone. not even charles knew,” he shook his head. “but no matter how much i tried to get you to like me, even stand to look at me for over two seconds, you never did,” he shrugged his shoulders, looking at the water.
“pierre,” you whispered.
“it’s fine, don’t worry. i eventually grew out of it. it’s just funny, that… you know,”
“we’re fake dating now?” you guessed.
“yeah,” he chuckled.
“i’m sorry. for… how mean, rude and fucking childish i’ve been to you. i don’t know, i-” you started.
“it’s okay. i mean, it’s not like i was expecting you to forget all the awful things i did to you, so… i guess we’re even,”
“yeah. let’s… leave that behind us, a new start,” you smiled, feeling tingles down your back as you saw him smile at you.
“a new start. i’d like that.” he grinned.
he drove you home, parking the car and walking to open the passenger door for you. he helped you out and you gave him a small smile. you stepped inside your building, walking a little too close, your arms were pressed together, and you felt his finger brushing against yours with each step you took.
he walked you to your apartment door once you reached your floor. you took your keys out of your handbag, unlocking the door and stepping in. pierre leaned against the doorframe, his lips barely curled up.
“do- do you want to come in?” you felt the air leaving your body as you spoke. feeling small sparks of excitement.
“i should go,” he said, and you had to force the smile to stay on your face as you nodded. “i’ll see you in a few days.”
“okay. goodnight,” you stood on your tiptoes, placing a hand on his shoulder for support, pressing your lips softly against his cheek. “good luck on the race,”
“thanks. goodnight,”
“night,” you leaned against the door, watching his figure walking to the elevator. “wait, your jacket!” you said, and he turned to you right as he was getting in the elevator.
“keep it,” he gave you one last smile right before the doors closed.
you fell asleep with a goofy grin on your face, wrapped in pierre's jacket, his scent lulling you to sleep.
“i’m going to fucking kill you,”
“good morning to you, too,” pierre said, moving to the side as he let you in. “to what do i owe the pleasure of your company?”
“why are you telling everyone that i’m going with you to jeddah and abu dhabi?” you asked, your hands on your hips.
“because you are,” he replied. “it’s on the calendar,” he reminded you.
“i can’t go, i have things to do,”
“not my problem, it’s on the calendar,” he muttered.
“what’s going on with you? you asked, watching him walk past you.
“i’m not in the fucking mood, okay? if you don’t want to go, then don’t. i don’t fucking care,” he said, storming to his bedroom. you flinched as you heard the door slam shut. you stayed quiet for a few seconds, waiting to hear any sounds. once you heard nothing, you moved quietly, walking to his bedroom.
the wood creaked under your steps, revealing your presence there.
“pierre?” you asked softly, leaning against the door and slowly, carefully, twisting the knob. you peeked your head in, finding him sitting on the floor with his knees up to his chest. “hey,” you whispered.
“go away,” he said, you stopped in your tracks. “go,” he repeated.
“no,” you shook your head, kneeling next to him on the floor. “not until you tell me what’s wrong,”
“nothing. i want you to leave,” he lifted his eyes to look at you, you could see the dark circles under his eyes, his face looked a little thin.
“have you been sleeping?” you asked, raising a hand, touching his cheek.
“what? i-”
“what’s on your mind? talk to me…” you let go of him, resting your back against the wall, nudging his shoulder with yours. “i’m here.” you smiled at him. he just looked at you for a few seconds, seeing nothing but honesty in your eyes.
he dropped his head, moving his body until he rested his head on your lap. you hands immediately went to play with his hair.
“do you wanna talk about it?” you whispered, nodding as you heard him say no. “that’s okay. i’m here. you can rest, you’re safe now. i’m here. i’ll always be here,” you whispered as you tangled your fingers in his hair.
“thank you for being my pillow,” he said, making you grin.
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A feeling.
This was requested by the lovely @ben-c-group-therapy who asked for this:
< Hi! So I’d like to request a story between Nick and reader. Reader is Nick’s pregnant wife who gets kidnapped and held most likely due to a case Nick had been involved with putting the person away for etc. (of course that’s up to you lol.) She and baby would be fine just she would have some bruises or something from where they tied her or whatever. Idk. I don’t have enough courage to write it and I wanted to come to you with it. If you like the idea I’d love to read it! Thanks!>
Hope this hits the spot for you lovely and it’s what you were looking for. A I bet you could absolutely write something like this and it would be amazing. 
Warning: angst, a lot of angst, talks of SVU cases, talks of kidnapping,  happy ending and soft soft Nick. The pinch of Spanish that’s in there, sorry if its wrong I used google.
WC: 1770
Enjoy x
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Nick had been day dreaming since he got back to his desk after court that morning, he hadn’t been this happy in a long time and he was finally starting to feel more relaxed now your maturity leave had started, you had only been married for 6 months before the two pink lines showed up and you were both looking forward to adding to your existing family. He knew you had an appointment with your OBGYN that lunch time that he couldn’t go to because he was in court.
But as he sat at his desk, he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that was filling him. His phone started to buzz in his pocket and when he pulled it out, he frowned his brows at the doctors office number flashing on it, confused at why they were calling, you weren’t due for another 2 weeks,
“Hello, Nick Amaro”
“Mr Amaro, its Jill, Y/N didn't show up for her appointment today, I have tried to call her cell but she didn’t answer. Have you heard from her?”
All colour drained from his face and he froze just as Liv walked out of her office and Sonny jumped up from his chair walking to Nick and taking the phone off him to find out what was going on. Sonny hung up after talking to Jill and turned to Liv, Amanda and Fin filling them in. Nick was looking ahead, fear filling him and everyone tried not to show how worried they were as well, it wasn’t like you not to show for an appointment and even if you didn’t Nick always knew why you weren’t going. Sonny grabbed Nick’s shoulder and shook him to snap him out of his head,
“Come on man, I’ am sure she is having a nap, we all know how tired she is. She only has 2 weeks left. We’ll go and check on her, ok?”
Sonny drove as fast as he could to your apartment building, they rode the lift up to your floor while Amanda and Fin worked with TARU to track your phone as you still weren’t answering and Liv made some calls around to local hospitals and your family to see if you were at any or if they had seen you.
Nick and Sonny rushed out the lift door down the hall to the front door. At first it looked like it was shut but when Nick tried to put his key into the lock, the door opened up. He raised an eye brow at Sonny trying to hold back tears and they both reached for their weapons, drawing them and started to walk into the apartment. Nick had to remember to breath at the state of it and tried to push away the horrible feeling that washed over him as his eyes scanned around your shared home. Sonny’s eyes blew wide at the mess around, the whole place was trashed and there was a smashed coffee cup with coffee pooling around it on the floor.
They both searched the apartment finding you nowhere, Nick yelling your name at the top of his lungs, but he panicked even more when he walked into the bedroom and found photos spread out on the bed of Nick with a recent victim, who had to go into hiding after testifying against her FBI husband,
“Carisi” Nick shouted trying to hide the fear in his voice. Sonny came rushing through the door and his eyes set on the photos, and he too had to try and hide the panic that bolted through him,
“I’ll call Liv” Sonny pulled his phone out of his pocket and made the call to her.
The next few hours where a blur and Nick found it hard to focus worrying if you and the baby were ok. TURU and the FBI agents sergeant finally found the location on where you were and they were getting ready to move in, Nick given strict instructions to wait at the car. Liv, Sonny and FBI were busting into the front of the old factory and Amanda, Fin and SWAT were getting ready to move in from the back.
Nick had seen first hand what this guy was capable of, you had as well, it was the last case you worked on before your maternity leave started and you knew how much Nick was there for the wife and helped her get out with her kids. He kicked himself for not knowing this was coming, and now you had been gone for hours, heavily pregnant and although he was trying to prepare himself for what he could be walking into, he also knew you were strong and he was hoping for nothing but the best for the whole situation.
They all moved in as quickly, but quietly as possible. As they walked into the big room, Liv and Sonny saw you in the middle of the room tied to a chair still in your pj’s, rope around your wrists to the chair arms and duct tape on your mouth. Sonny could see your tears in the shine of the sun from the windows behind you and the FBI agent was screaming in your face and holding something up to you throat,
“Stop, police” Amanda’s voice filled the room.
Shots where fired and you squeezed your eye’s shut, sobbing hearing the shots being rung out of the room and fading away into the background. As soon as Nick heard the shots, he did what he was told not to do and he ran as fast as his legs could carry him into the factory. It didn’t take long for him to find you sitting in the middle of room shaking and crying,
“Y/N, mi amor” his voice echoed through the room.
Your eyes sprung open and you sobbed uncontrollably watching as Nick ran towards you dropping to his knees in front of the chair undoing the rope on your wrists as quickly as he could. As Nick undid one rope he saw the deep marks around your wrist from how tight the rope was around you. He then moved onto the other one and when he pulled off the rope, you were bleeding slightly. Rage filled him even more when he looked up your arm just under your sleeve and saw a bruise from where you had been grabbed too hard,   
“It’s ok Y/N, I’ am here now, you're safe. You’re ok. Baby, you’re ok”  Nick repeated over and over till he reached up pulling the tape off your mouth.
You launched onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck hugging him tight and he did the same wrapping one arm around your middle tight and his other rested on your large belly, tears spilling from his eyes when he felt the baby kick his hand,
“Nick” you sobbed squeezing your arms around him tighter.
Nick kissed all over the side of your face, the hand around you rubbing over your back and his other rubbing over your belly,
“It’s ok, I’ am here my love. I got you”
Without pulling out of your embrace, Nick moved to stand up, pulling you up with him and he scooped you up carrying you out to EMT’s. Nick spent the rest of the day with you at the hospital while you and the baby were checked to make sure you were both fine and getting your wrists patched up, Amanda and Nick’s mum went back to the apartment to pack bags for you both, Amanda dropping the bags and his mum back at her place where you were both going to stay for a while and Sonny organised a cleaner for your apartment for when you were both ready to go back. Liv told Nick to start his leave to keep an eye on you, while she, Fin and Rafael worked on the case against the FBI agent to make sure the book was thrown at him harder this time.
You were finally back at Nick’s mum’s sitting on the spare bed after having a shower and his mum making your favourite dish, Nick just got out of the shower and he was making you a tea. He walked over to sit next to you on the bed, sitting the cup on the bedside table and he sat down right next to you, his arm going around you and his hand resting on your belly.
You moved yourself to lay into his side, his arm coming down to rub up and down your arm, kissing the top of your head and then resting his head on top of yours, a comfortable silence filling the room till Nick broke it,
“We will stay here as long as you want to, I’ll go and pick up the bassinet and the new born stuff tomorrow and we will look for another apartment we can move into as soon as we can, a secure one this time”
“I like that idea”
You sat up off him and your eyes locked with his, you both sat there for a moment looking deep into each others eyes. Your hand rose up to his cheek, a smile pulled to his face and he lent into your hand,
“You were on my mind the whole time” you whispered.
“You were on mine too. Everything was out of my control, I wanted to go out to find you, I felt so helpless. I needed you to be safe” a tear rolled down his cheek and landed on your thumb “I couldn’t lose you” you both giggled when the baby kicked hard and Nick lent down kissing your belly and muttering into it “You too, mi pequeña niña, Te quiero” Nick kissed your belly again.
Nick sat back up and rested his forehead on yours, both of his hands moving to the sides of your head. Nick pulled back slightly, his hands still on your head and yours on his cheek. Nick titled his head to the side looking into your eyes again,
“Nick, kiss me, Please?”
A small smile pulled to his face again and he licked his lips before he closed the gap and his lips met with yours, fitting together. The kiss never deepened, it was soft, slow and loving. Nick peaked your lips, then along your cheek till he hugged you tightly in his arms pulling you into his warm solid body as he sat back on the bed head. You laid into him, your head resting under his chin,
“I love you mi amor, so much”
“I love you too babe”
Tags: @beccabarba @alwaysachorusgirl @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo
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thatsbucknasty · 3 years
she used to be mine (xi) waitress au
summary: Inspired by the broadway musical. Y/N Beck is a pie baking force to be reckoned with. She’s pregnant with her lazy ass husband, Quentin Beck’s baby. As everything around her turns upside down, Doctor James Buchanan Barnes charms his way into her life.
pairing: Y/N x Bucky
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author’s note: Alrighty guys, we’ve almost reached the end of this story. I hope you’re still reading, please tell me if you are!
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chapter 11: she used to be mine
I wake up startled by a searing throb down the side of my belly. I quickly remove the sheets and there’s no blood so I try to lift myself up from the bed and start walking to the kitchen to get my decaf ready. I remember Bucky talking about the Braxton-Hicks contractions in one of our appointments a couple weeks ago and he told me I should walk so I walk. I have one of Wanda’s pregnancy books that she keeps sending me and walk, walk, walk for what feels like hours, although it’s only been 15 minutes.
I see myself in the mirror and I can’t recognize myself. My body’s changed so much, I’m pretty sure I have a few more wrinkles around my eyes and a few more freckles from all the damn walking under the sun. But that’s not what bothers me the most about all these changes. I just don’t feel like the person I used to be. She was good, a bit messy but always kind, she had a lot more hope in life for herself and those around her. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy, or the divorce, or everything combined that’s made this version of me so bitter. And this isn’t something I can fix with a little more butter and sugar, in fact I don’t think it can be fixed.
It’s been the longest week of my entire life. Old Nick and Sam collectively decided to gang up on me, and I feel Bucky had to do with it a little bit too. They forced me to go on a “stay-at-home-vacation” until the baby is born, which should be any day now, so I’m just here, alone on a Saturday morning, while everybody is working, Quentin is sleeping with that woman and hasn’t even bothered to call me or show any interest in either his unborn child or our imminent divorce.
This is boring, I feel useless and I need to get out of here. This house, this awful, lopsided couch, that crooked picture frame of me and Quentin at prom so many years ago. I want to throw all of it away and start fresh in a nice, picket white fence house, just me and my baby. Wanda and Nat would come visit and I would bake some of my “La vie on rose petals and vanilla ice cream pie”, we would have a no boys allowed day when it’s just us, and sitcoms, and I could have wine or coffee again, little peanut could have a puppy or a kitty to play with and I would give her all my love and we could be a real, whole family. If I wasn’t tied to this place, these curtains that never let any light on, that man who was always so violent and disgusting but only just showed his true self, maybe I could have that pastel colored life that I should deserve. But what if this is what I deserve?
I called Quentin six times this week. Matt finally was able to send me the divorce papers that I already signed, but that lying, cheating, bastard hasn’t sent them back to me and won’t even dare to answer my calls or texts. I cleaned every surface of this dingy house and put every item that reminded me of my screwed up marriage in a box outside for the garbage collector to take away. Quentin can buy new shirts and underpants, if he can’t answer the stupid phone I can throw away his stuff. I don’t even care anymore.
I find myself walking again but not around my kitchen. I’m waking to the diner cause I felt trapped in the house and I need to cook, something with lots of garlic or onions, I will call it “Wrecked home scrambled eggs pie” served with sauteed bell peppers on the side and a spicy sauce dripped on top of the crust. 
I go through the back door and into the kitchen before the girls see me, Sam reacts by giving me a side eye and continuing flipping the burgers he’s working on right now.
“Table 9 order’s ready!” Sam calls out and Wanda takes it.
“We have a pregnant lady in the back, stress baking”.
“I can hear you!”
“Alright good, well you shouldn’t be here. You’re lucky it’s a busy day so we can’t just drop everything and drive your ass back home where you should be!” Nat’s in the kitchen window scolding me now too, perfect. I knew this was coming and to be honest I prefer their banter than the deafening silence I felt at home.
“Just so you know, I’m texting Bucky and he’s coming over” Sam interjects.
“Wha- guys, I’m just baking one pie and then I’ll go, tell him he doesn’t have to come”.
“Why couldn’t you bake this one pie at home then?” Wanda asks with genuine curiosity in her voice.
I decide to be truthful.
“I felt trapped and lonely, I missed the diner. Plus I didn’t have any bell peppers at home and I was craving them”.
They all look at me weirdly, there’s no pity in their eyes, there’s just… tenderness.
Bucky arrives an hour after I got here, with a stern face and his lab coat still clinging to his frame.
“Hey, what’s up, sweetheart? You’re supposed to be resting”. He rubs my shoulders and all I can think is how grateful I am for this little family and this man life blessed me with.
I explain how awfully sad and stressed I was feeling at home and he takes a seat between me and Steve, who’s eating a slice of pie while Wanda’s showing him what she calls “satisfying cleaning Tik Toks”, and Sam’s chatting with Nat about a concert he’d like to take her to next week. Everything about this feels so calm and I’m even starting to feel sleepy with Bucky’s skilled hands rubbing my knotted neck and shoulders.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s decided to finally stop being a fucking hypocrite! It’s Y/N and the stupid fucking Doctor. Tell me, Doc, did you enjoy gazing at her lady parts when she’d go for a “check up” and fell in love because you too are lame and boring?”
I grab Bucky’s hand and stand between him and Quentin, using my other hand to protect my belly.
“What the hell are you doing here, Quentin? You’re not welcome here anymore”. I say, head up high but voice trembling.
“Came home to drop your divorce papers- that I’m not signing by the way- and to tell you to fuck off because whether you like it or not, I’m gonna be a father and you can’t do anything about it baby girl. It’s you and me! It’s always gonna be you and me, so tell you precious Doctor and your friends goodbye. We’re coming home!”
Quentin grabs my hand and tries to yank me away from Bucky but before I can do anything else Steve and Sam are already punching the shit out of Quentin, sitting him down on the floor and pushing his arms around his back. Bucky is taking me away from the fight, shielding my eyes from the view, he knows I don’t need this kind of stress. Nat called the cops when Quentin arrived, knowing the asshole would pull out a stunt like this. Minutes pass and I can’t step away from Bucky’s embrace to see his ass handcuffed and thrown into the police’s back seat.
Bucky takes a step back to look at my face as he feels me trembling and his shirt soaked with my tears.
“Y/N, sweetheart, it’s over. He’s gone”.
I try to form words but then it hits me.
The pain.
This is not what I asked for.
The excruciating cramp-like aches in my lower stomach.
If I’m honest, I’d give this life back for a chance to start over.
The water running down my legs.
I would rewrite the story, from beginning to end.
I can’t feel my legs. All I feel is fear, pain and anger.
This is the life that I’m bringing you into, little girl. I’m so sorry. To you, but also to the little girl I once was. Because she also deserved a good life and she’s gone, but she used to be mine.
chapter 12: contraction ballet
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heroesandlovers · 2 years
Nancy Drew 3x06 "The Myth of the Ensnared Hunter"
Nancy is tracking Trott’s childhood newspaper route (how she knows that is how he found the Frozen Heart Killer I’m not sure). She’s calling Hannah for help who never seems to call her back (I obviously missed this in my first watch).
Nancy calls for a group meeting but
…George and Bess are off to manifest a goddess (aka figure out a way to separate her and Odette’s souls
….Ace is on a “personal mission”
….Nick can’t leave the youth center
So Nancy is left with Ryan
Ryan asking Nancy to tell some stories from her childhood crime-solving days is super cute. Someone should tell Ryan that her childhood adventures have been meticulously chronicled in a famous book franchise.
In turn, Nancy asks Ryan to tell her about Lucy. 😍
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When they get to the cite that Nancy suspects has the hidden cell where the Frozen Heart Killer had been hidden, Ryan falls through a sinkhole into the underground tunnel. They find the cage and Nancy is surprised to learn that the killer HAS in fact been coming back on a regular basis.
They meet the guy face to face. He seems more interested in the doll Nancy found in the cell than in either Nancy or Ryan so they are able to escape. They find their way through the tunnels until they come out in….the Historical Society.
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All of this leads Nancy to suspect that the victims are not random but chosen very specifically. There must be something in common between the victims.
Ace’s “personal mission” was to testify against Bobbsey. Apparently Carson is now able to be Ace’s lawyer despite NOT being able to last week. Ace’s parents show up at the police station and Ace finds out that someone had thrown a brick with “rat” written on it through his bedroom window.
“Forget me. I want my parents protected”- My selfless hero.
Carson advises Ace to find Bobbsey. Right now he is at risk of going to jail unless he can offer up Bobbsey.
Enter Amanda. (I almost forgot they were still dating). Ace tells Amanda about his interactions with her Dad, and that he may be on the hook for one of her Dad’s recent assaults. He tries to appeal to Amanda for help in finding Bertram and turning him in. Amanda doesn’t know where her Dad is and wouldn’t give him up even if she did.
We soon realize she is lying though as her next scene shows her bringing Bertram groceries while he’s at the boat. She appeals to him to turn himself in. She doesn’t even mention Ace and that by NOT turning himself in he is putting her boyfriend at risk.
BUUUTTT, Ace KNEW Amanda was lying and had her followed (gasp). THHEEENNN Amanda claims she knew Ace would follow her all along, this was her way to turn her Dad in without her Dad thinking it was her. (Kinda sneaky…and I don’t know if I believe her). Amanda ALSO gives Ace a key to her Dad’s locker which has all his relics…where he may be able to find the soul splitter George needs.
Despite saying she knew what Ace would do, Amanda is still hurt by Ace’s decision.
“You know what your problem is? You always think that you’re the good guy”.
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George and Bess and Nick
Nick is giving George the cold shoulder after her visit to George Sr. Or at least George thinks he is. George, meanwhile, is inspired by her visit, which reminded her of all she's had to fight for in her life, to keep fighting and to not accept her fate.
Bess and George go the historical society and they find an interesting book of Hannah’s given to her by “Father Jonathan” who appears to be an expert in “soul entwinement” He delivers the bad news that all the “soul splitters” were destroyed because modern clergy didn’t like that they were created with dark magic. He also drops a name “Beckett Dow” who designed his own version of soul splitter sometime during the Civil War.
George and Nick finally have a good talk where George tells Nick that he needs to wait for her to be ready to talk to him and not take it personally. It’s a good and healthy talk. Probably the healthiest talk I’ve seen between the two of them.
Episode cliffhanger- The group see footage of Hannah going into the underground tunnel with the key that released the killer!
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Wedding Bells (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader
Summary: The happiest day of your life is the worst day on Luke’s life. Could there still be a happy ending if he’s not too late?
Warnings: angsty. Language and mentions of alcohol. Slander on the name Phillip (sorry to all the Phills but it’s true, look it up) Some grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 4.9 k
Author’s note: let me guide you through my thought process: I was writing You Said Forever and accidentally got caught up on the Olivia x Joshua x sabrina drama, that lead me to the Miley x Nick x Selena drama, which lead me to the song Wedding Bells by Nick Jonas. So this is loosely based on that. Remember that Reblogs, Comments, Feedback and Likes are very important and welcomed, you don’t know how much it helps and I love to hear from you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy Reading ✨🦋🌻
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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His head was pounding, loudly.
Every beat sounded like an echo that ran through his whole body. Speaking of his body, goddamn how it hurt, how everything hurts.
His eyelids were closed, eyelashes stuck and tangled with each other, heavy as the sun shined through the window, begging him to get up. His mouth was also dry, he couldn’t figure out if it was because he slept with his mouth open or because he doesn’t remember the last time he drank a drop of water.
He groaned as the pounding in his head continued. A never-ending pain that matched the loud banging on the door.
“Luke! C’mon, we’re going to be late!”
Ashton's voice sounded far away as his mind was not fully awake yet. He didn’t want to be awake yet, maybe not ever again after this day.
If his eyes were awake he would roll them. Couldn’t Ashton understand that he didn’t want to go? He made it fairly obvious for the past few months! He was not going.
Luke hid his head farther in his pillow, trying to avoid any kind of contact with the outside world. But that was almost impossible as soon as he heard Ashton pick on his lock.
That bastard.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to mess with a bloke from the outsides of town?” He said with a teasing tone. Luke knew he was bluffing, his doorknob was messed up since the moment they bought the house, so it was easy to get in if you knew the right tricks with a safety pin - oh the irony of it all.
Luke mumbled something close to a word his mum wouldn’t be proud to hear. But Ashton simply ignored it as he walked towards the windows to open the curtains, letting the sun illuminate the room at its full capacity.
Ashton sighed at the sight of the room. Clothes were thrown out everywhere, the same goes with the hundred liquor and beer bottles and cans that were scattered around the floor. He grabbed the half-empty bottle of vodka that rested on the nightstand and clicked his tongue.
“You bought this yesterday,” He said, totally unimpressed. Luke didn’t answer “C’mon, buddy, up to the shower you go”
Ashton patted Luke’s back, encouraging him to get a move on, but the blonde just brought his sheets over his head and stayed put.
“Mmnphf” He mumbled.
“What?” Ashton walked to the foot of the bed and grabbed the tall Australian by his legs, pulling him out of his comforter in one swift move that made Luke fall out of the bed with a thud.
“Motherfuck-“ He complained, rubbing on his bumped head, which was still pounding by the way.
“You were saying?” Ashton said with a smirk as he crouched down to be face to face with Luke, the teasing smile quickly fading away because he didn’t like what he saw at all.
The baby blue eyes that once shined with gleam were dull, red, and empty, and probably angry about his interruption. His curly blond was sticking to his forehead and his body language seemed to have given up on keeping him with a straight figure, making him physically close himself up to others.
“I said I’m not going!” His voice was hoarse due to the heavy drinking he’s been doing these past few days. He tried to sound harsh, but Ashton could easily see through his bluff. He was hurting, every part of him.
“Of course you are,” Ashton scoffed.
Luke glared at him “I’m. Not. Going” He said through gritted teeth. The drummer rolled his eyes. He’s had this conversation before and it was always the same speech.
“You are because she wants you there, so you’ll be there” Ashton stated as if that was the only reasonable answer.
Luke closed his eyes, cause he was sure that if he opened them he would punch Ashton in the mouth. Why couldn’t he understand? “I can’t go, Ash”
His voice broke at the end of the pleading, breaking Ashton’s heart in the process. He hated to see him like that; to see him throw away his life so carelessly without asking for or accepting anyone’s help. It’s not like he ignored what was happening, but he was sure this would do good for him; close cycles, help him move on, and that shit. How else could you mend a broken heart?
“And besides,” Luke continued “She doesn’t want me there” The words felt like poison in his mouth, bitter and dry “She invited you guys, you are her friends and I’m just her stupid ex”
That was a lie and he knew that. When the invitations came he made sure to throw his away before he even got to open it. Making the others believe that he wasn’t invited at all. He didn’t even tell them that you were the one who dropped them, him being unlucky enough to answer the door.
“It’s in June,” You said, eyes avoiding him “Hope you can make it”
Whatever words Luke had stuck in his throat stayed there as he swallowed the pain of seeing you standing there, inviting him to see you love someone else. All he could say was “You’ll look beautiful in white”
You practically ran away after that, leaving him alone with the invitations. Just looking at those envelopes hurt more than he could imagine. He knew this day would come eventually, he hoped he would. He just hoped that his name was engraved on paper next to yours.
“Maybe,” Said Ashton with a grin “But if she didn’t want you there then why did she ask me to RSVP for you?” Luke’s eyes widened like plates, he knew Ashton had called his bluff once again “She said you never answer yours so I did it for you. Cause she wants you there, Luke. You were her best friend, too”
Luke groaned and covered his face with his hand “Why did you do that?!” He asked with an exasperated tone, wanting to hate on the drummer but knowing that that was impossible.
“Because you need to go, mate! You can’t leave her hanging like this!”
“And what am I supposed to say?!” He yelled, he was not used to yelling but he was at the ends of his wits ``‘Oh, hey Y/N! A beautiful day isn’t it? Perfect weather to break my heart into a million pieces while you marry another guy and I’m sitting there watching, wishing I was him! I’m happy for you, though I’m really not cause I know it’s been like what? 3 years 5 months and 24 days since we broke up? but I’m still in love with you. Okay have fun?!”’
He grabbed an empty can from the floor and threw it away, hitting the door of his closet. He was beyond furious and frustrated. You were getting married and he can’t do anything to stop it; to stop you.
Ashton sighed, heartbroken by this whole ordeal “You’ve been counting?”
“Ever since that day. It was my greatest mistake and now I’m suffering from it. Karma really is a bitch. Did you know our anniversary is supposed to be in 5 days? And now it’s impossible to ever get her back”
The drummer placed a hand on Luke's shoulder, he wished he could make his pain go away. He’s never seen his friend so heartbroken before and it pained him knowing that there was nothing he could do about it.
“Luke,” He said in a fatherly tone “You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. But believe when I tell you she wants you there, she misses you” Luke turned his head towards Ashton, his eyes begging him not to lie “I’m serious, she’s always asking about you but she’s too scared to talk to you thinking that you don’t want to speak to her. She needs you there, man. Not as a bitter ex and to show you she’s moved on, but as a friend. And I know for a fact you can’t say not to her, even when you’re mad”
Luke sighed. Ashton was right. He could never deny you anything, even before you were together and you were just his best friend, you were always his weakness.
He misses you too, every day since you broke up he’s been missing you. And he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to see you at least one last time, given that your last interaction was awkward as hell.
“I can’t go, Ash”
Ashton nodded with a disappointing sigh as he got up from the floor, but before he could walk out the door he heard Luke say “I can’t go because I don’t have a suit!”
Ashton smiled “I got you covered, buddy” And left the room so Luke could take a shower.
Ashton’s suit was itchy, but Luke was grateful that he didn’t have to show up in jeans and an old BonJovi shirt.
He was surprised to find out that they were actually on time, although he wouldn’t be surprised if someone told him that Ashton woke him up much earlier than needed to get there on time.
They met with Michael and Calum in the parking lot, they greeted each other and started talking as if Luke’s heart wasn’t about to burst from the anxiety he was feeling.
To show up at a wedding is something; to show up at your ex’s aka the love of your life’s wedding is… unsettling. He understood why his friends didn’t want to make it awkward for him, yet the awkwardness settled at the moment he stepped foot out of the car.
“She’s getting married in a church?” He asked no one in particular.
“Yeah? That’s why we are here, mate” Calum chuckled.
Luke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. You never wanted to get married in a church or even a chappel. No, if he remembers correctly, your dream wedding was somewhere outdoors; either a park or a forest or even someone’s backyard. You used to say that love was the most beautiful and natural thing in the universe, so it was logical to celebrate something as powerful as a wedding in the eyes of nature, so it all came to be one for love and love can be one for all.
He remembers he laughed at that, not to mock you in any way, but in awe of how beautiful you put it. Everything you said sounded like poetry to him, even if you were just reading a menu in a Chinese restaurant. But now your poetry would belong to someone else, and he only hoped that that someone deserves to hear it.
He doesn’t know the groom, he believes his name was Phill? Or something like that? Ashton always said he was kind of a jerk, but you loved him enough to marry him so maybe he wasn’t that bad. But for Luke he would always be the man that stole you from him.
All three of his friends started walking inside the rustic church and Luke followed, incapable to think about anything else that wasn’t you at that moment.
However, the minute he entered the cold building he knew something was wrong.
The church was filled with people he didn’t know, he assumed they must be from the groom’s side of the family, but he would bet the 35$ Ashton left in his pocket that you didn’t know half of these people either.
You never wanted a big wedding, hell, you didn’t even want a big birthday party, no matter how much Luke insisted on it.
“Those kinds of parties are not for the ones being celebrated!” You told him once “If it was truly important then all you need is your closest friends and your found family. What else is there to love?”
Your words kept repeating themselves inside Luke’s head. What else is there to love? Indeed.
That wasn’t the only thing catching his attention though. With every step he took towards his seat he found out more things out of place, out of you.
For example, the color scheme was terrible and he knows you didn’t pick it, your favorite colors were nowhere to be seen. Then it was the flowers, if there is one thing he never forgot about you were your favorite flowers. You used to fill the house with them saying that they were your little serotonin boosters, he remembers how happy they made you and how one time he nearly bought all the flowers in the shop to surprise you when you were having a bad day. Now he cannot even look at them without thinking of you.
The more steps he took the more flawed this wedding looked. And yes, he knows that sounds bad, especially coming from him. But it was the truth. Not even the music sounded like it would come from you.
The words ‘This is not right’ Kept screaming at the back of his head.
The Y/N he knew would never choose those flowers or those colors or that guest list or that venue, nor the song that was playing over the speakers. She preferred live music over all the rest and, if she would’ve asked, she’d known that all four of them would perform for free on the happiest day of her life, even if it was the crappiest day for him.
If someone were to tell him a year ago that this is how your wedding would look, he would’ve laughed cause this is not like you. This wedding, this… charade of glamour and show.. this wasn’t you. This wasn’t Y/N. And it's supposed to be your day!
He couldn’t understand why you’d choose this? This was so unlike you, unless… unless he never really knew you at all.
And just like that, the sinking feeling of dread came upon him as he tried to figure out who was the person he knew and who are you now? What changed so much to make you lose all that you once were?
What if?
What if he knew how to love you better? He wouldn’t have let you walk away from him. He would’ve fought for you, for the two of you, instead of just giving up like he did.
Luke knew he loved you. Fuck, he still loves you like the first day. And now you are loving somebody else cause he didn’t know how to keep the most beautiful thing he ever had; the most beautiful thing he let die. He messed up, but his biggest fuck up was realizing it and doing nothing about it.
And now it was too late.
“Dude, are you okay?” Michael whispered when he noticed his friend's frown.
Luke nodded, lips pressed together in a thin line “What were you saying?”
Michael smiled with mischief “We were just laughing at how ridiculous Phillip looks. That suit does not suit him at all”
For the first time since he came, he looked over at the altar. Standing there was the so-called Phill you were going to marry. He was talking to his groomsmen and laughing obnoxiously at what seemed like an inappropriate joke. What did you see on that guy?
“Did you know the name Phillip means horse lover?” Said Calum, trying to stiff a laugh with the other two friends.
They were doing their best to keep Luke distracted and he appreciated that. But seeing the groom so unpreoccupied, so chill and uninterested made his blood boil. How could he be so at ease? If it were him, if he had the wonderful chance to marry you, he’d be a ball of anxiety. He’d be wondering just how beautiful you’d look, if you were feeling as nervous as he was, if you were as happy as he was and how he couldn’t wait to marry you… He would do all that because he will know that he is the luckiest man on earth. But that’s not his truth at all.
“I’m going to take a walk”
Neither of them told him that the ceremony was about to start or offered to accompany him. They knew he needed time and they wouldn't pressure him at all. Luke silently thanked them for that.
He walked out of the ceremony hall and started pacing around the halls, quickly getting lost as he tried to ease his mind.
How could he go through this and pretend that he’s okay? He remembered Ashton’s words from this morning and knew that if you wanted him here then he would be here, but that still didn’t make it any easier.
He would go through the ends of the earth for you if you asked him to, but this? This might be the hardest thing he has ever done, second only to let you go.
His curls were getting messy because of all the ruffling he did with his hands. He needed to pull himself together before the ceremony, he needed to seem okay in front of you. He-
The soft cries coming from behind the door caught his attention. They were hushed but they seemed completely broken. Whoever was behind that door must feel just as hopeless as he did.
“Hello?” He said, knocking on the wooden door “Hello, are you okay in there?”
The sniffing sounds stopped “Luke?”
It was quiet, almost like a whisper. But Luke would recognize your voice anywhere, especially after not hearing you say his name for 3 years.
The door opened with a click and revealed a supply closet and, inside that supply closet, there was a bride. There you were.
Luke’s breath almost disappeared as you knocked the wind out of his lungs. You looked beautiful. Stunning in your white dress. Magical as your hair was perfectly styled. Breathtaking with your waterproof makeup still intact, although you would look breathtaking without it as well. Ethereal as you looked at him and he realized that all the times that he missed you seemed small at how much he missed you now and how he would miss you all his life.
If there were any other adjectives to describe how you looked, he would take them all out of the dictionary and give them to you in the form of a song. Cause in his eyes there was no other beauty that could compare, that even the sadness in your eyes seemed to compliment your magnificent. And that was something he couldn’t ignore.
Without thinking it twice he took a couple of steps in front of you and cupped your face in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumb as he murmured: “What’s wrong, love?”
Hearing his voice so worried and soft shook something in you, something that you didn’t know you still had but at the same time knew that it would never go away.
More tears started streaming down your eyes as your gaze met his, making you get lost in those baby blue marbles.
“I- I don’t know what I’m doing, Lukey” You confessed in a whisper.
At the sound of his nickname, Luke felt like he could float away in a cloud of happiness. He thought you’ve forgotten. But the look on your face denoted a fear he hoped he’d never got to see again.
Your eyes were puffy red and your cheeks were flushed, not only because of the blush. And your eyes, they were terrified and Luke didn’t know what to do, so he just said.
“You’re getting married today” You didn’t miss the hint of sadness that laced those words. You hoped that could mean something.
You placed your hands on his wrist, holding his hands that were cupping your face and making them stay there. Right now it was the only comfort you got.
“I don’t know if I should-“ You choke out a sob “Luke, I’m scared- I’m so scared”
“Do you love him?” The words pained him, cutting right through his heart. But you and him were here for a reason, and that reason was waiting at the altar.
He secretly prayed that you would say no, that you would beg him to take you away and run away together, maybe elope somewhere far away and not come back to this place ever again.
He saw the hesitation in your eyes and he knew his answer.
“Y/N, I love-“
“There you are!”
Luke closed his eyes in annoyance when he felt his words get stuck in his throat as the stranger’s voice came closer to them. You quickly pulled away from him and that only made his heart break more than it already was.
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Said one of the bridesmaids Luke has never seen before, he assumed that it was from the side of the groom as well, just like everything else “The ceremony is about to start, we need to go now!”
She quickly grabbed you by the wrist and practically draged you to the ceremony hall.
You were desperate. Your pleading eyes searched for Luke, begging for him to do something. But what could he do now? His shocking state left him standing right there with his eyes glued to your figure being dragged away somewhere he didn’t know you wanted to be. It all happened so fast that the only thing he could think of was that this might be the last chance he’s got to see you and all he could do was stare into your pretty eyes cloud with fear and tears.
‘Here comes the bride’ started playing through the speakers of the church and Luke clenched his fists to his side. You hated this song.
He went back to his seat minutes after the ceremony started. His three best friends were looking at him with curiosity and a thousand questions in their minds. They knew the minute that they saw you come in that those tears were not of happiness and, judging by Luke’s hard, emotionless face, he had something to do with it.
Throughout the whole ceremony, Luke couldn’t stop staring at you. It was eating him inside the fact that he knew you didn’t want this and yet you were still going through it. He couldn’t understand why. He is losing you right before his eyes and he couldn’t take that.
He knew that the moment you say ‘I do’ would be the moment his soul would die forever.
He knew something was wrong. He knew it the moment he parked the car in a freaking church and your eyes filled with tears just confirmed it to him.
“Luke, are you okay?” Michael whispered once again, concerned about the white knuckles on his best friend’s fists.
He loves you. He loves you so fucking much and he can’t let you do this.
He won’t let you do this.
“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace"
“Fuck it,” Luke said before standing up.
In one second, all eyes were on him. He could feel the stares of strangers, the judgy whispers of the families, and even the shit-eating grins from his best friends sitting beside him. But all his attention was on you. On you and your relieved face.
“I object to this union,” He said in a firm voice that overshadowed the murmurs, leaving everyone completely quiet.
He could see your eyes clouding with tears and the way your lips seemed to be saying his name in one breath. That was all he needed to keep going.
Luke took a few steps to the side, walking until he ended up in the middle of the aisle, looking at you and only you.
“Y/N, I love you,” He said, earning a few gasps from the public “I love you since the day I met you, the day I first asked you to be mine, and even on the day I lost you. I was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of the magic we created and decided that it was best to let it go before it went out of hand. But you, you always believed in magic; you always believed in me and, Y/N that’s why I’m here telling you that I am still in love with you. And that you are making a big mistake here, just like I did when I lost you. But we are still on time to make everything right.
This, however, is not right and you know it. Where are you in all of this? Do they know your favorite flowers or that your favorite song includes a swear word? Do they know the way you take your coffee or your favorite colors? Do they know how much you love to dance, especially when no one is watching?
I know you, baby. I know you enough to say with certainty that this is not what you wanted. I know how much you love rain and how you wish time would stop every time you take a shower so it could last longer. I know that you cry during every movie, even if they have a happy ending because you always believed in them. I know you never want to break someone’s heart so you are willing to take the hurt as long as the other person is okay. I know that my biggest regret is losing you, cause you are the only thing I got right in my life.
You are life, fire, spark, patience, and love. You are the kindest person on earth and you deserve so much more than this world could give. No one deserves you, darling but I would spend the rest of my days trying to.
I’m in love with you Y/N L/N. Please, don’t- don’t marry him”
Luke’s eyes were watery as he swallowed down a sob on the last part of his speech. His eyes never left yours for a second as his body visibly shook with anxiety and fear, waiting for your answer.
You, on the other hand, were smiling through the tears “I love you too, Luke” You said loud enough for all to hear, and Luke felt like he could breathe again, a smile growing wide as he let a few tears roll down his eyes.
You ran down the aisle to his arms, fully sinking into them as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Luke’s chuckle reverberated through his chest as he picked you up and spun you around in your wedding dress, finally putting you down and looking right into your eyes, now clouded with happy tears.
“I told you you were going to look beautiful in white”
He kissed you with all the love he had in his heart. It was honest, pure, and filled with happiness as the two lovers finally reunite, making the entire church erupted in cheers.
The groom, however, didn't share that excitement. He was fuming red as he started walking towards Luke with his groomsmen, calling you derogatory names as he was ready to start a fight.
“Oh, fuck no” Said Calum, walking down to the middle of the aisle along side Ashton and Michael, creating a safe distance between the two of you and the fight that was about to start. Phillip was not happy, but before he could give the first punch Calum’s fist was already on his face, making him tumble back with a bloody nose “Take that horse lover!”
All hell broke loose in the middle of church as punches were thrown carelessly. The three Australians seemed to be winning the fight with ease, beating the asses of your now ex-fiancé and his friends.
The public was too distracted by the fight to notice how you walked away from the aisle as you cheered on your friends to kick their kneecaps. Luke took your hand and pulled you towards him, still laughing as he began tugging on it for you to follow, and so you did.
You ran as fast as you could, leaving everyone behind without a second thought. The only thing in your mind being the love you had for each other and how you won’t take it for granted this time.
“I love you,” He said as you reached the car, placing his hands at the side of your waist and leaning in for a kiss filled with adrenaline “I fucking love you, Y/N”
You wrapped your hands around his neck and kissed him back with all the love you kept from him during all these years “I love you too, Luke. We are meant for forever”
“Forever and beyond”
It was a crazy sight from every point of view. The man with the messy hair and the girl in a wedding dress kissing in the middle of a church parking lot while the guests all peered from the entrance of the building, four of them bleeding through their nose with tears in their black eyes, and three of them with their clothes all messed up and sweaty, smiling triumphantly as they watched their friends live their love again.
With one last kiss, Luke helped you get inside the car and he quickly got to the other side, starting the engine just in time to hear the bells chime. Marking the start of your real happily ever after with the love of your life.
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @sarcasticallywitty15 @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @notinthesameguey @myloverboyash
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justaluckybitch · 3 years
Private Lessons (NSFW)
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Rating: +18 (Explicit) / Smut
Relationships: Nick Jonas/Reader
Original Post (Part of my “Me & Mr. Jonas” collection)
Notes:  English is not my first language so if you see any grammatical errors please tell me in the comments.
If you have requests just leave in the comments.
I woke up early as usual, went to shower and get ready for school.
I left the bathroom wrapped in a towel and opened the curtains in my room, when I did that I came across someone at the window next door. It was a man, he was looking at the street, but when I opened the curtains he looked directly at me.
He was very handsome, he wore only sweatpants, showing off his nice and hot body. He was holding a mug that looked like it had coffee inside.
He smiled and nodded. I nod and prepared to close the curtains again and get dressed, I was still wearing only a towel. That was when the idea of having that man looking at me seemed interesting. I bit my lip, turned my back to the window and dropped the towel, looked over my shoulder and he was still there, smiling. After that I left the window and went to get dressed. When I came back he was gone. I didn't know who that man was, but I loved the idea of his window being in front of mine.
I went downstairs, had coffee and went to school.
The day passed normally until the last class arrived. The history class.
When the teacher went through the door, my heart raced, it was the guy at the window and I could not believe my eyes. He was incredibly sexy wearing a blue button-down shirt and a black tie.
"Good morning, class. I am Professor Nicholas Jonas and I am your new history teacher. Professor Andersson needs to be away for health problems and I will stay with you guys for the rest of the year... so, let's introduce ourselves, I want to know the name of each one of you."
I would be one of the last and I was nervous, time passed quickly and my turn came, I took a deep breath and said my name, he smiled and the presentations continued.
The class was really good, Mr. Jonas was a really great teacher, he avoided exchanging many looks with me all the time, I, on the other hand, could not take my eyes off him.
When the class came to an end everyone stood up ready to leave and I would try to leave without attracting the slightest attention, but he called me.
"Miss Y/L/N I would like to talk to you about your grade in the last semester."
I froze, I couldn't move, everyone left and there I was alone, standing in front of the desk of Nicholas Jonas, the man who saw me naked that morning.
"What would you like to talk to me about, Mr. Jonas?" I asked, praying it was just about my grades, even though I knew it wouldn't be just that.
"I would like to talk about your grade, you got a C in the last test and I think you can be much better than that" he said and for a moment I was relieved.
"How do you think I can improve this?" I asked innocently.
"I could give you some private lessons, since we are neighbors" he smiled and my face flushed.
"I'm going to talk to my parents, Mr. Jonas"
"Okay ... But I have a request ..." he said seriously "I would like that in our private lessons, you would dress the same way you were dressed this morning" he bit his lower lip.
"I'm sorry about that ..." I started, but he interrupted me.
"No need to apologize ..." he stood up "I really enjoyed the view ..." he stood beside me "do you always show off like that to your neighbors?"
"No ..." my cheeks were on fire, as well as my whole body "I never did that, I didn't know you were my new teacher".
He smiled even more "It was a beautiful surprise, I moved a few days ago, my wife is traveling... We have a very big bed, I would love to teach you some lessons in there".
"Mister Jonas, I don't think that's right" I tried to hide that although I was nervous, I was also loving the situation.
"Do you think it's right to leave me like this?" He took my hand and placed it on the large bulge in his pants, holding my hand, rubbing the entire length. He whispered in my ear "I know you are a little bitch... who likes to show off to married men... I don't know how many guys you've already teased, but I'm not gonna stay just looking... I'll fuck you right here and right now" He kissed my mouth, his hands slid down to my ass, while one of mine was still stroking his member over his pants.
"No... please, Mr. Jonas... stop..." I spoke between kisses. Trying to look like a good girl. But he knew that I was not.
"Yeah..." he turned me around, leaving me with my back to him, his erection rubing my ass and his hands were now on my breasts "Pretend you're not a whore who loves this" he pulled my skirt up and lowered my panties and then slapped my ass followed by a kiss "So beautiful... I want this ass every day..." He turned me over again, kneeling in front of me. He looked up, our eyes met and he smiled, ran a finger over my vagina, showed that it was wet "Do you know what this is? Proof that you're dying to be fucked" he licked his finger and stuck it in me, started to finger me, lick, suck and bite my clitoris. I moaned softly, threw my head back, feeling an incredible sensation, that man knew what he was doing.
He stopped for a moment "You won an A for having the hottest pussy I have ever tasted" I smiled and he went back to work. It didn't take long for me to feel my body shake, it was an orgasm coming, right in the mouth of Mr. Jonas, who licked everything and smiled.
"A + actually" he said making me laugh, got up and kissed me, sharing my own flavor with me.
He broke the kiss and stepped away a little, taking off his tie and tossing it on the desk, starting to unbutton his shirt then, revealing his body that was even hotter looking closely.
"You look good, you taste good, now let's see if you have a good mouth" he took off his shirt, tossing it next to his tie and took off his pants, revealing his big hard dick.
I knelt down, took it with one hand and licked the tip, looked at him, our eyes fixed on each other, I started to masturbate, he opened his mouth slightly, letting out some low moans.
I started to suck and lick his dick, he grabbed my hair, holding my head, while his cock went in and out of my mouth, he fucked my mouth for a few minutes, groaning like an animal.
Soon he stopped and pulled me up.
"I can't take it anymore, I want that pussy now" he laid me on the desk, spread my legs and stood between them, he was so handsome and sexy, it was the vision of paradise, he rubbed his cock at my entrance a few times, making me moan and be more anxious to have him inside me.
"Do you want this?... Do you want my big cock inside your little pussy?" I could only moan and shake my head saying yes.
He walked away to get something in his pants pocket, I saw that it was a condom.
He ripped the package with his teeth and covered his dick with the condom.
"Ready?" I nodded and he started to force his dick into my entrance, it was big and it took a few tries, but he was soon inside me.
He leaned over and kissed me, starting to fuck me slowly, his hands tightened on my breasts as his thrusts started to get stronger.
The only sound I could hear was our moans and the sound of our bodies colliding.
"Tell me who's your man, his owner..."
He looked at me, his eyes on fire, groaning like an animal, slapped my ass and repeated "Who's your man?".
"Y-you, Mr. Jonas"
"Who?" He asked again, this time louder.
"You, Mr. Jonas"
"Who?" Louder.
"You're my man, Mr. Jonas" I screamed.
"Yeah... He turned me around, bending me on the desk and penetrating me again.
He pulled my hair and slapped my ass, then he pulled me, bit my ear, thrusting harder and faster, one of his hands slid up to my neck, squeezing it and choking me slightly. The other hand went down to my clit, rubbing it while he didn't stop a single second of fucking me.
Soon I shivered again, feeling a mind-blowing wave of pleasure all over my body, it was another orgasm that came while I was screaming his name.
It didn't take long for him to moan loudly announcing that he was coming.
We both stood there for a minute with our sweaty bodies stuck together.
He kissed my shoulder and walked away, taking off the condom, taking care not to discard it in the classroom's trash, but wrapping it in paper to be thrown away in the street trash.
He came over and kissed me again, we got dressed and he gave me a ride home. My parents worked all day, so they didn’t suspect anything, nor the fact that Mr. Jonas always started showing up at home when they weren’t there and I going to his house when his wife wasn’t, after all, he was mine favorite teacher.
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waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Half-Priced Chocolate
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Words = 2.8k
Summary = You hate Valentine’s Day. Nick tries to change your mind. 
Warnings = One swear word
A/N = Reader is described as a similar height to Nick, and taller when she wears heels. Also I didn’t mean to write this, it just sort of happened so sorry if it’s not very well thought out ahaha
Posted to AO3
“You know, I’d pegged you as the type of girl who would do anything to ensure she had a Valentine’s date.” This observation comes casual as anything from your boss, Mayor Wasicsko, as the two of you work together to build beds in the town hall. 
A combination of a lot of snow, an early thaw, and then rain, had resulted in flooding all around the city, many having to be relocated. And so here you were, on a night that most were celebrating with their loved one across an over-priced bottle of champagne, some heart-shaped chocolate and probably something red themed, in the town hall, setting up extra accommodation with Nick. 
Who you should probably call Mayor Wasicsko in your head. 
You’d been here for hours, first building the beds with other volunteers, all of whom had melted away as the night had gone on. All, apart from you and Nick.
“Yeah? Well I pegged you as the type of mayor to sit on his ass all day.” You snipe back, not thinking for a moment, before slapping a hand to your mouth in horror. “Sorry, Mayor Wasicsko, that was really unprofessional of me-”
You stopped your rambling, because … was he laughing?
You flip your end of the sheet the two of you are attempting to fit to the bed, successfully causing his end to yank out of his hands, flying up and causing enough of a breeze to dislodge his hair enough for a strand to flop onto his forehead. 
Not that you’d noticed. 
“I told you, call me Nick. And it’s ok,” he’s still smiling, annoyingly. “I just - you don’t have some annoyed boyfriend who’s sitting at home waiting for you?” 
You shake your head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no.” You finally tuck in the corner of the sheet at the top of the bed and move to the bottom. “And anyway, I hate Valentine’s.” 
Nick throws you a pillow and a case when you hold your arms out. “So you hate love? And happiness?” 
You roll your eyes at him, busy stuffing the case, leaving him to struggle with the duvet, gathering the new sheets for the next bed as you talk. “No. I just … I hate the commercialisation of it.” 
You wait for Nick to finish with the duvet, before attempting the next bed. “It’s like … so what? If my hypothetical boyfriend doesn’t get me flowers, and chocolate and some shitty card on this one specific day of the year, he doesn’t love me?” You scoff. “No thanks.” 
Nick tucks in his corner, thinking about his response. “I think it reminds people to be thankful for the people they love.” Oh God he’s one of those. As if he hasn’t managed to drop in the fact that he’s woefully single for the last two hours whenever the opportunity arose.
“Only romantic love,” you remind him. “And,” you continue, remembering more and more reasons. “It’s all over-priced anyway, and it’s just so couples can feel smug while they walk hand in hand down the street, trying to get a table to a restaurant, where the prices have been upped for two people, and so single people, specifically women, can feel shit about themselves?” 
You harrumph again, handing Nick the other end of the sheet. “There is good about it though.” He’s looking at you differently, and you’re not sure how, but maybe it’s because you’re having the first real conversation with him tonight, despite having worked for him for the last year. 
You’d talked before, of course, but it usually had something to do with politics, Nick ducking out of his office to ask your opinion on something, before returning back to his phone and papers. It had never been a two-way conversation like this, never nothing to do with either of your jobs. 
You raise an eyebrow, tucking in your corners as you wait for him to make his point. “What about the half-priced chocolate the next day?” And … he nearly has you. Until you remember a counter-argument.  
“So it’s back to its normal price?” 
Nick looks at you like he’s never seen you before in your life. But he changes tack, which you take to mean that you’ve won that particular battle. 
“And what’s wrong with celebrating love? Even-” He anticipates your response before you do, “-if it is just romantic love?” He grabs the pillow before you can, leaving you to struggle with the duvet this time. 
You’re smiling now, unable to help yourself, as you watch the Mayor of Yonkers, of all people, pick up a pile of bedding. He looks good like this, you think, shirt rolled up to his forearms, collar open, tie left behind somewhere with his jacket. Not that he doesn’t normally look good. 
You’ve become more relaxed too, you can feel it, as though every bed that the two of you have completed has shod you of another layer, making you feel lighter. Your heels are by the door, and you are a similar height to Nick without them, which you’ve never noticed before, either being taller than him, or sitting in his presence. There’s something weird about it, but also nice, in a domestic sort of way, as your stocking feet pad around the beds, occasionally catching on the wooden floor. You hope you don’t get a hole. Or worse, a ladder. 
But you know it’s your mind which has relaxed the most. Allowing you first to smile at his jokes, then joke back, the tension in your shoulders melting away. And now this. A deep conversation. Which you suppose was bound to happen, the two of you alone after the last volunteer had called it a night at 1am and gone home. But love? Really? 
“There’s nothing wrong with celebrating love. It’s just forced, somehow. Like you’re a bad person for not doing it, just because of some long-dead guy who’s now in our calendar.” You finish your duvet, and move to help Nick. 
“I think you’re wrong.” And maybe it’s the way he says it, like it’s the most simple thing in the world. “I think it makes sure that people take a breath and appreciate what they have.” 
He looks so hopeful, you stop the scoff in your throat, instead letting yourself consider his point. “Well it doesn’t matter, it’s …” You pause and check your watch, blinking in surprise. “Fuck. It’s four in the morning. It’s not Valentine’s Day anymore.” 
And then you look up. Properly. 
There’s one bed left. You turn around, admiring all the made-up beds. Ok they could be neater, but so what? 
“Well.” You turn back to look at Nick as he speaks. “Do you want to take advantage of those sales, or not?” 
You blink at him, even as he gestures at you to take the other end of the sheet, unsure if you’re dreaming now. 
When you exit the town hall, the sky is the cool blue of pre-dawn. Grey clouds still hang, heavy and angry over Yonkers, a precursor of the rain to come. It’s been a cold night, a glimmer of frost on the ground, but you can already feel that it won’t last the day.
You yawn, rubbing your eyes with one hand, while your other holds your heels. Nick’s thrown his blazer over one shoulder, the tie hanging out of his trouser pocket. “C’mon.” Is all he says as he walks towards his car. 
It takes a second for your brain to engage. “What?” Your voice has become hoarse from a lack of sleep.
“Can I show you something?” And how can you say no, when he leans against the car roof with one arm, opening the door for you, and looking like that?
Inside the car it’s warm, and tiredness sinks down on you until you can hardly keep your eyes open. Nick only asks for your address, which you give him, and then you’re asleep. You wake when he stops the car on the high street, but fall back asleep when he tells you he just needs to pick up some groceries. 
You don’t wake up when he comes back, nor do you wake up when he sets off again. You open your eyes when he gently shakes your shoulder. The sky is much brighter now, the sun peeking over the horizon and you blink, looking at your watch. It’s nearly 7. Which means Nick let you sleep for 2 hours. It takes a second for your surroundings to fall into place, green and brown surrounding you.
Nick’s sitting next to you in the driver’s seat. And in the back seat are his groceries. 
You blink again. Harder this time.
Praying your makeup isn’t smudged all down your cheek, you move to sit up straighter, where you’d fallen asleep against the window. “What … where are we?” 
Nick doesn’t answer until he’s grabbed one of the bags, clambering out and opening your door for you. “We are in one of the city’s finest parks.” He announces, using his Official Mayor Voice.
As far as you can tell, it’s a pretty basic park. The only notable point is the view. You can see the full scrawl of Yonkers below you, as the sun rises to your right, still fighting the storm clouds left over from yesterday. Funny. You’d heard there was going to be more rain. 
As you step out of the car, you put your heels back on, and wince a little. Nick hands you a blanket to carry and sets off towards a clear area without too many trees, and you follow him, spreading the blanket for the two of you to sit on. Nick’s put his blazer back on and you try not to be disappointed, reminding yourself that he’s your boss. 
He places the bag between you, and … it’s stuffed with half price Valentine themed food. Chocolates, champagne, even a small teddy. You can’t help it. You let out a laugh as the two of you sit next to each other, the bag between you. 
“I never knew the Mayor would be a cheapskate.” You’re only half-serious, and you think Nick knows this, catching the glint in his eye as he replies. 
“You’d rather I bought you this full price?”
You shake your head, grinning, but confused on the inside. You must be tired. Hearing that the Mayor, your boss, wants to buy you something for Valentine’s? You must be misinterpreting this. 
“And I’ll have you know, that everything in this bag came to less than what it would be in a normal month.” He winks and you groan, theatrical and over the top. 
So instead you open the chocolate, grabbing the first one you see and popping it in your mouth. “Nice though,” you mumble, without having swallowed your mouthful, savouring the sweetness of it as it coats your tongue, eyes closing as you lean back on the blanket, missing the way Nick looks down at you. 
“Yeah? Worth every cent, aren’t they?” You smile, shaking your head. 
“Yes, Nick.” You finally sigh, giving in. “Worth every half-price cent.” You squint open an eye, waiting for his reaction, glad when he laughs, propping yourself up onto your elbows so you don't fall asleep again. And then you look down, and your eye catches on a bottle of champagne. 
You reach for it, twirling it on the ground. “So Nick, seeing as how you’re the Mayor and my boss,” you start, sure you’re going to get what you ask for, “and we worked all night long, can we have today off?”
You look at Nick to see him watching your face, amused at the long winded way you’re going about this. Finally he nods. “Yeah I think we deserve the day off.” 
You grin widely then, sitting up properly with a burst of energy, and pop the cork. You take the first sip straight from the bottle, leaving a small ring of lipstick behind. You use your thumb to wipe it off before passing it over, the bubbles still tingling on your tongue, washing away the chocolate. 
Nick takes a healthy swig as soon as his hand is wrapped around the cool bottle, and you can’t help but watch the way his throat bobs when he swallows, wiping at a drop that escapes his mouth. 
You turn to the rest of the bag to distract yourself. There’s at least 3 boxes of chocolate, a pack of strawberries, and a small bear. All of them have the tell tale yellow half-price stickers in clear view. You pull out the bear, amused. “He’s cute.” 
Nick hands the bottle back to you, running a hand through his hair. “Got a name for him?” 
You think about it for a minute, before deciding. “Arthur the Fourth.” And you place Arthur at the bottom of the blanket, so he’s looking at the two of you. 
Nick frowns, looking between the two of you. “The Fourth?” 
You laugh, biting on another chocolate. “Yeah. Throughout my childhood, I have had three other teddies, all named Arthur. He will be the fourth.” 
“And you lost them all?” 
“No, I still have Arthur the Third.”  You wash the chocolate down with another sip of champagne, and when you go to scrub away your lipstick again, Nick’s hand stops you. He shakes his head, like he’s having a secret conversation within your public one. 
“Shame to hear about the first two though.” You let him take the bottle from you, watching as he - his mouth - touches your lipstick. You can feel your heart rate raise, thumping inside your chest like a drum. You can still feel the ghost of his hand, warm where it touched yours. 
You look down on Yonkers again, unable to cope. “Yeah, well. It’s how it happens in real life, I guess.” 
The two of you fall silent as the sun climbs pathetically further and further, finally disappearing behind angry storm clouds. Conversation is quiet observations, both of you feeling wrapped up in a bubble of tiredness. 
You lie back down, ignoring how the cold of the ground is seeping through the blanket now and closing your eyes as you take a chocolate from the box which you intend to be your last, and you can hear Nick’s smirk when he talks. “Chocolate’s not too bad then?” 
You just hum, pretending to think about it. “Yeah not bad,” you finally agree, opening your eyes and turning your head to watch Nick as he leans back on his hands, “But it’s not Valentine’s day so you haven’t changed my mind …” 
And Nick’s looking at you like that again, and you could never in a million years anticipate his next question. “So you wouldn’t count this as the best Valentine’s Day date you’ve ever been on?” 
You freeze, what? You decline in that moment to mention that it’s the only Valentine’s date you’ve ever even been on, and you also choose to ignore that it’s not Valentine’s Day anymore, shaking your head. You can’t quite believe what you’re about to say, heart beating faster than normal, blood thrumming in your ears. “I would count it as the best date I’ve been on.” 
And then you’re laughing at the look of shock on his face, quickly stopping when he ducks down to kiss you. 
Nick, your boss, the mayor of Yonkers, is kissing you. 
It takes you a second to respond, shock freezing you where you lie. But then your hands are on his neck, pulling him back down over you as he deepens the kiss, tongue exploring your mouth. His forearm is resting on the blanket next to your head, supporting his bodyweight, his other hand cupping your cheek. His moustache is tickling you slightly, but you don’t care. 
He tastes sweet, from the chocolate. But then, you can taste the bubbles from the champagne, you can taste how cold it was, you can taste the birds chirping in the trees above you, and you can taste how warm the sun’s rays felt five minutes ago.
It’s perfect.
Until the clouds open above you.
It starts gently, and you don’t feel it at first, and when you do, you ignore it, more interested in snogging Nick. Your feet are becoming wet quickly and the rain falls in large drops. 
Nick’s the first one to pull away, and you follow him, chasing his lips with your own, not wanting to open your eyes. When you do, you realise your feet are wet from the bottle of champagne falling over, and Arthur’s looking to be in danger of rolling away. 
You can feel the rain on your head, and the drops are falling faster. You snatch Arthur and the now-empty bottle up, Nick scrambling to get everything back in the bag. At the last second, you ball up the blanket, ignoring how it brings half the floor with it, and the two of you run towards Nick’s car, laughing as the rain soaks the pair of you. 
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
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Will It Ever Be the Same (Part 1)
Fandom: Nancy Drew (TV 2019)
Characters: Ryan Hudson, Nancy Drew, Ace, Bess Marvin, George Fan, Ned 'Nick' Nickerson
Prompt(s): This is based on two prompts. One of those prompts is from Alicia, who asked: "Could you do one where Nancy is 13 instead, has blonde hair like Lucy, and blue eyes like Ryan? She goes to his place like in 1x17 to get help for the ritual and on the way out she gets dizzy because she's been working herself to exhaustion. In that moment Ryan notices how similar she looks to Lucy and himself but decides not to say anything but also knows Nancy is his. She eventually tells him before doing the ritual. They go back to his place and he just says 'I know it's you'. She gets overwhelmed, almost passes out, and he just sits with her and tells her to rest."
This is also for @nancydrewcentral's week 2 hiatus prompt: Time Period AU.
Warnings: Panic/Anxiety attacks, mentions of anxiety and coping mechanisms, mentions of character deaths (past and present), mentions of suicide
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Nancy wrapped her arms around herself as she bent over, heaving shallow breaths into the air. The sky grew lighter now, as she’d been running for most of the night, and she found herself unsure what to do or where to go next.
“You’re DNA wasn’t a match for the female hair.”
“It’s a mother-daughter match for Lucy Sable.”
“She’s me. The baby is me.”
She couldn’t believe the information she had just found out, and she wished she were older. She thought that if she were older, she might have had more experience in life to handle this sort of life-shattering revelation, but being only fourteen years old, all she felt was betrayal.
And heartbreak.
And panic.
So maybe she felt a lot of things, Nancy admitted to herself, but she felt she had the right to do so. Her whole life had been turned upside-down in a matter of a few hours, and she wasn’t sure what to do now.
She’d been told stories of how hard freshman year in high school could be, but she was positive her friends hadn’t meant this.
She saw headlights approaching and ducked behind a tree, holding her breath as they passed. Though she knew it could be dangerous for someone as young as her to be out alone all night, she was in no mood to face her father. Besides, it wasn’t like she was inexperienced.
She was Nancy Drew, after all.
Or was she?
She let herself plop onto her butt in the grass as she contemplated what to do next. She couldn’t face Carson—for calling him ‘Dad’ now was too hard—but she couldn’t stay out there for too much longer. She’d left her jacket as she climbed out her bedroom window and had started to shiver as soon as she had stopped running.
Her heart ached for the only woman she’d ever known as mother, Kate Drew, and her feelings were mixed there. She didn’t want to be bad at her…whatever she was to her now. Kate had died only a year earlier, and coming to terms with the fact that she’d lied to her hurt more than she wanted to admit.
Then she shivered again and realized she had to find somewhere to take shelter.
She could go to The Claw, she knew. She and her friends had picked up summer jobs working there for cash—under the table of course and no pun intended—and Dawn had always said they could go there whenever they needed. But her friends wouldn’t be there for a few hours yet, and Nancy wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to explain her new parentage to them yet.
As the rush of memories from the night prior filled her head, she picked out one statement that kept replaying itself.
“Ryan Hudson is my biological father.”
She’d seen Ryan Hudson in many different ways over the last few months. For fourteen years, she’d known him as the rich, arrogant hill topper who only graced their town when it was convenient for him or his business dealings.
Then his wife had died during her shift at The Claw, and they’d all been thrown into what she thought would be the weirdest time in her life. Being a murder suspect at fourteen wasn’t what any of her friends had expected for their lives, but it had happened. It was while she was trying to solve that case that she started to see a different side to the man.
Then she’d found out everything regarding his painful loss of Lucy Sable, and her heart broke for him.
Though she’d wanted to help him and Lucy’s ghost in some way, she was forced to put her feelings on pause as even crazier things came to pass—it would be just their luck to call to a sea spirit that wanted them dead—and she’d had to change her list of priorities.
Now all she could think about was how she knew the difficulty in trying to reconcile something in your brain that you had no control over and no knowledge of, no matter how hard you tried.
Standing from her spot in the damp grass, she took a deep breath and started walking again.
This time she knew exactly where she was going.
Her phone rang just as she was approaching Ryan’s house.
Groaning as she assumed it was her…Carson, again, she lifted it to hang up but stopped when she saw that it was Ace instead.
He’d been at The Claw with her the night before when she’d read the DNA match on John Sanders’ laptop. So far, he was the only one to know her secret outside of herself and Carson, and she’d only let him stay because he refused to leave her side.
Though he was usually more ‘chill’ than that, he could be a very protective boyfriend when he wanted to be.
She knew that he would be worried about her, especially considering he knew her better than anyone else in her life. So, deciding it would be a good idea to at least tell him she was alive and not eaten by a bear or killed by the Aglaeca, she answered and lifted it to her ear.
“Ace.” She breathed his name out like he was the life raft she needed to save her from drowning.
“Nancy.” She could hear the concern in his voice. “Where are you? Are you okay? Your dad called my parents and said that you ran away.”
She bit her lip. “Carson told me the truth after I confronted him.”
“Oh, Nance…” He used her nickname, and it squeezed at her heart.
“I’m sorry I made you worry.” Her voice was thick with tears as she felt them rush to her eyes. “I can’t be around him right now.”
Ace’s voice was soft as if he were calming a scared animal. “You could have come to me.”
She shook her head, though she knew rationally that he couldn’t see her. She had the brief thought that maybe he had hacked a satellite and could possibly see her. When they’d started dating, he promised he would do anything he could to keep her happy and safe.
“I’m sorry. If I had come there, your parents would have told Carson, and I just….”
“I get it.” His voice was equal parts comforting and protective. “Just tell me if you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.” She sniffed.
“Good. Because I know you’re dealing with a lot, but uh, George’s mom says the Aglaeca’s coming after us.” He said it quickly as if ripping off a band-aid.
This stopped her in her tracks, and she paid no mind to the fact that she stood on the side of a dangerously curved road in the middle of nowhere.
In her silence, he continued. “Nick, Bess, George…we’ve all gotten these really weird visions. Portents. Have you?”
She sighed and closed her eyes in defeat. “I vomited up a seaweed wreath yesterday morning.”
“I would say that qualifies.” He said lightly.
“When I went to look for it later, it had turned to sand. Are you saying the Aglaeca did that?” She hadn’t believed in the supernatural before Tiffany Hudson’s murder, but she wholeheartedly believed in it now.
“Yeah.” Ace hesitated. “Apparently, it’s like a bloodhound. And because the Aglaeca responded to your call for Lucy’s bones, you’re acting as its gateway.”
“What, Ace? What aren’t you telling me?” Nancy knew her boyfriend well, and he was holding something back from her.
“Uh…well, that also means you’re the one that’s capable of stopping it.”
“You don’t sound hopeful about that.” Her heart lurched in sudden anxiety. “Do you not trust me to do it?”
“No!” He said quickly before correcting himself. “I mean, yes. Obviously, I trust you. It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
It was his turn to sigh. “Well, George’s mom says that you can throw it off your trail by mixing your blood with somebody else’s. Disguising yourself so that, you know, the curse can’t find you, because if it can’t find you, it can’t find any of us.
“Uh, but…the ritual has to be done with a relative. Your blood relative.”
There was the catch and the reason for his earlier hesitation. “Well, that’s a problem, because…you saw the test results last night. My closest relative is not my blood relative.”
“But Ryan Hudson is.” He sighed again. “Listen, I know that poses certain challenges, and don’t worry. You know your secret is safe with me. But…”
“I, uh…” She started walking again and let the gears in her head turn. “I think I have a plan.”
“Nancy, babe, what are you going to do?” His voice held concern again, but also admiration.
He constantly made sure she knew how in awe he was at her detective skills and her ability to make the best of even the worst situations.
“I’ll meet you guys at Bess’ aunt’s party, okay?”
“Can you at least tell me the plan?” Ace was quick with his words, knowing full well that she could hang up at any moment.
“I have to talk to my father.”
Ryan crouched on the ground, frozen in place as he looked at the papers scattered in front of him. He’d been up nearly all night searching for any clue as to why Lucy hadn’t talked to him before taking her own life.
Then he’d picked up on the clues she’d written in her journal, and his mind had stopped.
Stroking his finger over Lucy’s baby picture he’d found in her yearbook, he allowed his mind to wander to every what-if scenario that came at him
What if Lucy had been pregnant? Were either of them ready to be parents at eighteen?
What if she’d told him about the baby? Would it have made a difference?
What if she’d lived? Could they have raised their baby together?
What if his parents found out? Is that why they threatened her?
Ryan was so lost in his thoughts that he almost missed his front door opening and whipped his head up to make sure it wasn’t either of the elder Hudsons coming in. He couldn’t have them knowing what he knew—they could react any number of ways. If he did have a child out there, he didn’t want them anywhere near his parents.
Then he caught sight of Nancy and sighed. “What, did you break-in? Figured you and your dad would be celebrating by now.”
Nancy remembered how Ryan had thanked them after the hearing had adjourned. He’d been upset by everything that happened but also grateful that they’d found out the truth of what happened with Lucy.
She felt horrible for having to go back on those things and hurt him again.
She wondered how she was supposed to once again break the heart of this man who had been through so much. He was only thirty-two and had lost the love of his life and his wife. Now, after twenty-four hours of thinking he knew exactly what had happened, Nancy was supposed to add more to his plate? It was causing her heart rate to spike, and she knew a panic attack was coming.
She saw the hopeful look in his eye and couldn’t do it. She wasn’t going to be the one to deal another blow to his fragile mental health.
“I need your help.”
“Uh, sorry, I can’t today. I have to get over to the free clinic in Trenton.” He was still crouched on the ground as he spoke.
Her face scrunched in confusion, and something shifted in his brain that he couldn’t quite place.
“Don’t you have rich people health insurance?” She questioned him as she moved over to the counter.
He rolled his eyes at her teenage sarcasm. “It’s not for me, okay? I’m trying to get answers on Lucy. The court clerk gave me a copy of her journal.”
Her already accelerated heart rate sped up as she turned to him. “Why?”
“Why?” He sounded appalled by the question and stood. “Because my dad threatened her! I wanted to make sure he wasn’t being physically violent. I didn’t see anything in her journal about that, but I did find some other helpful things.”
Every time he spoke, he made her anxiety worse, not that he was aware of it. “Like what?”
“I mean, you’re still young, so I don’t want to read some of it to you, but in early spring of 2000, she was writing stuff that makes me think….” He trailed off, unsure if he should tell her what he found.
She was only fourteen, after all. He didn’t know what she knew or if she was even comfortable with the subject.
“Go on.” She looked at the back of the papers in his hand, not being able to meet his eye. “I’m not a child.”
Ryan sighed. “I think she might have been pregnant.”
Nancy fought to keep the gray from edging into her eyesight as she swallowed down the rising panic within her. She knew if she didn’t give into the feelings soon, or at least do some techniques that she’d been taught, she’d pass out or worse. But she didn’t want to give away her secret to him just yet—if ever—so she shook her head.
“And you think the baby was yours?”
He scoffed. “Of course, it would have been mine! Lucy and I were…dating…around New Year’s, and so yeah. Mine.”
“You mean you were sleeping together around then.” She corrected for him and rolled her eyes at the shocked and slightly horrified look on his face. “Oh, stop that. I’m in high school now. I know these things.”
Then she caught the new look on his face and froze. He no longer looked shocked or horrified by her words but stared at her as if he was looking right through her. She felt her throat tighten and took a step back.
Ryan stared at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. Whatever had shifted in his head minutes earlier when she’d scrunched her face had returned the moment she rolled her eyes at him, and all the puzzle pieces had come together.
Both of those faces were exact replicas of his and Lucy’s expressions respectfully, and suddenly he was seeing what he hadn’t through their entire “working” relationship.
Besides the fact that Lucy had been haunting both of them, the young detective had told him she was allergic to wasps’ stings, and so was he. In addition to that, he remembered seeing her bite her lip when she was nervous, a trait that Lucy had right up until the day she died.
Then there were her looks. Her blonde hair may have been turning redder every day, but it was undoubtedly Lucy’s, as were her blue eyes his. She was the perfect combination of them, and he knew the truth in his heart.
Lucy had been pregnant. And Nancy was their daughter.
Then his surroundings came back to him, and he saw how she looked at that moment.
Her usually snarky yet confident expression had turned to fear, eyes wide and pale skin merging together to make her look gaunt. Ryan saw her throat moving quickly and knew she was trying to either swallow down tears or suck in air. Her hand, which now gripped the papers he’d handed her, shook enough to be visible, and she looked utterly exhausted.
He knew a panic attack when he saw one and knew that she also knew the truth.
Not wanting to push her, he told himself he wouldn’t bring it up to her. But, still, he had to make sure she was okay. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hospitalized because she was panicking over this added thing in her life.
“Nancy?” He kept his voice even, though he could hear the worry in it. “Are you okay?”
As he said the words in the same way Ace had said earlier, she told her brain that it was her boyfriend’s voice she was hearing and forced herself to relax. “I…”
“Can I get you some water?” Ryan moved away from her, walking to the sink. “You look pale.”
“Yeah, I, uh…didn’t get any sleep last night.” She forced herself to take some deep breaths while his back was turned and felt a bit more stable when he brought her the glass. “Counteroffer…I’ll help you find out if Lucy was pregnant if you do me a favor after.”
He’d do anything she asked of him, he realized, even if it meant doing her favors or playing along with something she clearly didn’t know he knew. “Deal. Do you need to call your dad?”
He saw the way she cringed at the word ‘dad’ and confirmed his theory that she wasn’t doing as well with the news as he was.
“Uh, nope. I’m good. He’s probably at work anyway.”
He didn’t call her out on the lie, instead holding the front door open to follow her to his car. He’d find out more about that situation later.
She’d lied to him. She’d looked him right in the face and lied to him.
They’d taken the trip to Trenton, and acting like a spoiled, entitled rich guy had made Ryan realize just how shitty of a person he probably was in everyone’s eyes. After Nancy had insisted on speaking to the doctor herself, he stood in the waiting room and thought about it.
He knew that he was different from everyone else in Horseshoe Bay, but until he was pretending to threaten to shut down the clinic, he had never realized how those people might see him. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that you had been an asshole for thirty-two years of your life, but Ryan had decided at that moment there wouldn’t be another.
He was going to change for Nancy, even if she never knew it was for her. He never wanted to see the look on her face as he had when she’d shut him up or told him a flat-out lie after leaving the clinic.
Sitting in the driver’s seat of his car, he thought about the story she’d spun for him, telling him that Lucy had been pregnant but had died with her child still inside her womb. He had done the math and had figured out that Nancy had been born weeks earlier than her due date, and she must have too.
Her knowledge of life and her ability to spin a tale baffled him.
“So, are you going to like…tell me why we’re going to Diana Marvin’s house?” He questioned, not wanting to sit in silence any more than they had.
Nancy huffed. “It’s Bess and her cousin Owen’s house, too.”
Owen Marvin was quite unlike the rest of his family. Being their age and having so few family members that were, he sometimes joined Bess at The Claw during her shift to hang out with their group. Of course, they all knew that he primarily came to flirt with Nancy but had been sweet enough to stop once her relationship with Ace had come out.
“I know, but still. You know that I’m like persona non grata, so you want to tell me what this favor is or what?”
“Yeah, in a minute. Can I ask you something?” Nancy had shifted her head lazily on the headrest so that she could look at him.
She still looked slightly pale, something the doctor had also noticed when they walked in, but her breathing seemed to be better, and she looked less like crying.
“Yeah, sure.”
She opened and closed her mouth only once before speaking. “What would it have meant, if-if you’d had the…the baby? Do you think you were ready to be a dad at eighteen?”
He should have known this question was coming. Even so, he answered honestly as he figured she’d be able to tell if he was lying. Besides, she looked too vulnerable as she stared at him.
“At eighteen? No…” He chuckled slightly. “No, hell no. A kid like me, I was dumb and spoiled, and I had horrible parental role models, as you know, so no. That would have been a disaster.”
He thought of his parents again and internally cringed, promising himself he’d do everything in his power to keep them away from Nancy.
“Do you think…do you think that you would have tried to…?” He saw her tuck a strand of hair out of the corner of his eye before she froze and started pulling at her hair. “Oh my God.”
“Hey, you okay?” He glanced at her now, then nearly hit the breaks as she started choking. “Hey. Hey, h-hold on.”
He swerved dangerously to the side of the road and brought the car to a park. Nancy was throwing herself out of the car the second they were stopped, and he followed her actions, panic welling up inside of him.
He wasn’t sure if she was having a panic attack again, but it looked different than it had before back at his house. When he finally got around to her side of the car, she was breathing again. He reached her side the second she slammed the door shut and watched in confusion as she stared at her reflection in the tinted windows.
“Hey, what…what, are you having a panic attack?” He knew he wasn’t supposed to ask, but it scared him.
Then he saw her look at her hand and the pile of sand that sat in it that had definitely not been there a moment prior. “No, no, uh…it was a portent.”
“A portent?” How did she even know what that word meant? He sure didn’t at fourteen. “What, you mean from Lucy?”
“No. From something completely different.” She looked scared now, but differently from before.
This had nothing to do with their familial relationship, and that seemed to worry him even more. He wondered if her whole life would worry him, as she seemed always to be ingrained in some dangerous happenstance.
“This is the favor that I had to ask you, actually.” She sounded upset, tears threatening to fall. “A few days ago, I did something unusual to get the evidence to exonerate my…to exonerate Carson. Uh, my friends and I did this ritual to call to this sea spirit.”
He was completely confused but tried to keep up. “Sea spirit. Like…like dolphins?”
She shook her head as she sat on the ledge overlooking the sea. “Stay with me. It’s a local legend. Uh, and it worked. The Aglaeca answered my call. But the problem is…is I couldn’t hold up my end of the bargain.
“The…the Aglaeca wanted Owen Marvin’s blood. All of it. So we couldn’t go through with it, and now we triggered this, uh, curse, and I have to fix it. And in order to do that, I need to do another ritual to make sure that the spirit doesn’t lock onto its target, and…and that’s where you come in.”
She hated having to get someone else involved, but she was desperate for anything that might save the lives of her and her friends.
Though he wanted to wrap his arms around her and whisk her away to be somewhere safe from all this nonsense, he knew that wouldn’t solve anything. He’d seen enough of Lucy’s ghost to know that supernatural creatures existed, and if his daughter was tangled up with one, he couldn’t let her down.
“Why me?” He was genuinely curious and hoped it didn’t come off as a refusal. “I mean, unless this Aglaeca takes cash, then I’m….”
“It’s not about your money this time, Ryan.” She snapped at him now, and he could see the panic setting back in. “It’s about you specifically, because….”
He froze, watching her face carefully, and wondered if this was the moment she would reveal that she knew she was his daughter.
Then he watched as she hesitated and shook her head. “It’s a long story, uh, and one of which you don’t need to know all the details. But if you just come with me….”
He nodded immediately. “Yeah, no, of course. I mean, it sounds urgent.”
They stared at each other for a second, and he watched as Nancy tried to blink away the tears that had pooled in her eyes. He felt his resolve breaking before taking a deep breath and deciding to take a leap of faith.
“Do you need me because I’m your father?”
Part 2
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nicklightbearer · 3 years
whatever here is the fic
we happy few, nick lightbearer is once again hunted by foggy jack but this time he fights back. just..... not.... well.
this is a tickling fanfic fair warning <3
“Nick.. Nick!”
Rolling over, Nick Lightbearer grumbled and pulled the sheets over his head.
“Virgiiiiiiiiillll.. Five more minutes…” “In five minutes you’ll be dead, idiot! Up, up!”
Nick blinked a few times before feeling a small something land on his stomach- with a high-pitched screech, he sat bolt upright, scrambling to throw the blankets off. There was an oof! from the floor where they landed, and Nick shivered as he peered over the bed.
A rat. There had been a rat- wait- Virgil?
“.. What? What! You’re dead! I- I already avenged you- what do you want now??”
The rat huffed indignantly.
“Well, maybe I’m trying to keep your stupid arse alive, huh? He’s headed here already- so put some pants on, for god’s sake, and find a weapon!” “He? He who?” “Oh, for fuck’s sake. Who do you think??”
Who would- ah bollocks. Nick leapt to his feet, clutching at the wall for support as his head spun. God, even the reds and yellows were wearing on him..
“Foggy- Foggy Jack?? But I- I thought he-“ “Oh, come on. Put two and two together, Nicky.” “Ooh, if you weren’t dead, I’d right love to throttle you for the stupid vague clues…”
Virgil wheezed out a laugh that made Nick roll his eyes as he dug through the dresser.
“You may have blasted the bastard right hard, but it’d take more than a riff or two to kill a man. He’s more starstruck than ever, now.” “See, that wasn’t so hard! Straight answers, Virg, straight answers!”
The room wavered again and Nick cursed angrily as he toppled over trying to pull his slacks up.
“Who taught you how to quip back, huh?” “Could have something to do with the fuckin’.. Broken mood booth outside.”
Grumbling, he finally managed to stand up and pull his pants up proper, tugging on his jacket with only a moment’s hesitation. The blue one, yes, he’d rather wear dark colors if he’s hiding from a serial killer.
“Anyway- where is he now?”
There was a pause, and Nick looked up. The rat was gone.
“Virgil..? Dammit.”
A sudden jiggling of his door handle made him gasp, and he backed away before bolting towards the window.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckit in a bucket, ooh, I don’t have my-“
The front door splintered under a heavy blow, and Nick squealed another curse to himself before nearly leaping into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.
”Guitar!” “Mr. Lightbearer.. Do open up, please! I brought ahh.. Some whiskey! A gift from a fan!”
It almost gave him pause before he shook his head wildly.
“No, no. Focus, Nicky!”
He cast his gaze around the room in a panic. Empty pill bottles littered the sink and floor, and he shoved a few of them out of the way to rummage through the cabinet. Nothing.
Nothing but a plunger next to the toilet- though he considered it, the flimsy weight felt more useless than his own fists, and he discarded it quickly.
That left.. the tub.
Wait. The tub! He leaned over to whip the curtain back, and cringed slightly at the sight of the woman inside- thank god, she was clothed. But in her hand was his goal- just last night, he’d been on the.. Receiving end of…
Pulling it carefully from her grasp, he sighed in relief before jolting at the sound of the door splintering again. Fuck, fuck! He couldn’t let Jack see this poor bird- wait-
Checking her pulse, he sighed in relief. Okay, problem for later. It wouldn’t be the first time a woman woke up alone in his house. He quickly pushed out the door again, closing it and jiggling the lock just to make sure it wouldn’t open again- yep!
Then again, that left only himself and the eye that now peered through his former front door, which was largely splintered to bits. He backed up a little before dashing to his bedroom, both hoping and not hoping that Jack would follow.
“Ohh, Mr. Lightbearer… Nicky~!” The slip from formal to a deeper purring tone sent a shiver down the rockstar’s spine, and he clutched at his makeshift weapon nervously as he pushed his back against the door.
“Hey, lock it and get back, idiot! He just broke the other one down, what happens when he slams an axe through this one??” “Virgil- ooh, you’re right!”
He’s always right. Nick jumped back, casting his gaze around the room after clicking the lock shut. Not much to work with, really, but he could.. He could hide- er- well, the closet would be too obvious, right? Or would it be so obvious that he wouldn’t check?
“No, he knows you’re stupid, Nick. Fucksakes.” “Well, what- ooh!”
Pulling open the dresser drawers, he started throwing clothes on the floor next to the window. The rat perched on top of the dresser sighed as he watched, but Nick ignored him for the moment.
“And what, pray tell, is the plan here? D’you have a gun you never told me about? A machete? Hell, even a baseball bat-” “No- I’m fine for weapon, thanks. This is- well- you’ll see!”
Shouldn’t say it out loud, not with how the door groaned as a weight was thrown against it. Nick shuddered as he pushed the clothes haphazardly closer to the wall, then scooted behind the curtain. The pile on the floor was enough to hide his feet- and the curtains were against a black window, so no light would give him away…
It wasn’t perfect. But if the closet was checked first, he’d have the upper hand.
The door splintered after only a few more hits, and Nick held his breath. He could just barely see through the fabric, having his face so close- and seeing Jack again, albeit this time with a slightly more ruffled appearance, made his heart leap into his throat. Terror was enough to keep his fist gripping the weapon, and he watched with wide eyes as the killer stalked into the room, the red glimmer from his own eyes casting an eerie light over the room as a cloud of fog rolled in after him.
It was nothing if not dramatic, he mused, almost inspired by the sight if he hadn’t been fearing for his life.
Jack hummed to himself as he glanced around the room, the familiar tune to Cheer Up bringing a grimace to Nick’s face. Genuinely, the guy was still a fan- it felt bad to be holding a weapon towards any fan for any reason, but..
Seeing the glittering knife that Jack held whipped his perspective back instantly. Fuck, this guy was absolutely bonkers- though, granted, that only made him feel worse- he couldn’t afford to be wishy-washy about this!
As predicted, Jack didn’t even notice the curtains, instead peering under the bed before turning towards the closet.
“Nick, Nick, Nick… Really, I can’t believe you’d let yourself be cornered so easily. Really, I expected more resistance. No activated security system-”
Fuck! He’d forgotten to turn it on in his drunken stupor the night before!
“No bobbies to guard the house, and not a single manager in sight.. Oh, wait!”
A flash of anger nearly made him leap out right there- but no, he’d wait and bide his time.. For just the right moment…
As Jack grasped the handle on the closet, Nick tensed.
“I suppose you don’t have one of those, do you?”
He flung the doors wide with a taunting laugh that died slowly, his outstretched arms lowering with confusion.
Nick leapt from his hiding place, nearly tripping on all the clothes but somehow managing to stumble so that he was standing on the bed- not unlike someone hiding away from a mouse, except the mouse was a person and that person had a big knife with his name on it, possibly literally.
However, his unsure footing made him miss his target of ‘back of the skull, god, please let me just knock him out’ and instead slam the instrument across Jack’s back. The impact made him tense, and he squeezed the handle nervously-
Only for electricity to zip out of it, making his palms tingle as the killer gasped. Oh, fuck on a stick.
But.. Something was off. Rather than immediately whipping to stab him, Jack stumbled, slamming against the dresser and clutching at his suit.
“What- what in the blazes-”
Well, no time for hesitation! He swung again, this time holding the button down with purpose. Anything to catch this guy off guard, right? It was also far easier to tap repeatedly at his body rather than his head, and… It worked.
Somehow, it worked. Jack’s arms were glued to his sides and he shimmied away from the assault, expression shifting from a confused pout to a more.. Well, his cheeks puffed out and he cringed, but a smile still seemed to tug at his lips. This smile was different, though, and seemed far more genuine than the mask let on.
“Stop- hey, stop! What- waha- wait!”
Ho. Ly. Shit.
Foggy Jack. Serial killer, menace to society, his personal fuckin’ stalker….. Was ticklish.
Okay. Okay. Well, this information was definitely going to be put to use- let’s see- right the fuck now. Nick slid down from the bed, using the Tickler to bop Jack closer to it- an easy task, given that he nearly tripped himself right onto it. With a quick push.. Perfect!
Foggy Jack was now on his bed. Disheveled, covering his mouth to hold back giggles, and with an expression bordering on infatuation shining out from behind his hand.
For a minute, he was stunned, before remembering the knife. Glancing down, though- oh, he wasn’t holding it. He’d dropped it- there, on the floor.
Jeez, it was almost like he didn’t want to kill Nick.
….. Shelving that thought to dwell on later, Nick grinned with as much menace as he could muster.
“Well, well, well. Ya know, mister Foggy Jack, you’re not half so scary like this.”
Jack yelped as the Tickler was pushed squarely against the middle of his stomach, trying to grab it but letting go quickly as Nick tapped the button a few times. The sensations of light electricity dancing across his torso quickly gave rise to more giggles, ones that he could hardly hold back for all the delight he clearly felt.
“Really! Sheesh, if I’d known about this before, all this lot of stuff would have been so much easier.. Hey, arms up!”
Nick huffed, pushing the arms that seemed nearly glued to his sides before just wiggling a hand between sleeve and shirt. For practiced fingers like his, coaxing out more shocked laughter was easy- and with the Tickler now running up and down his stomach, Jack finally broke.
“Waihihihit! No- stop! St- ahaha! It tickles!” “Well, I sure fuckin’ hope it does, lovely… That’s the point.”
Though, to be honest, he wasn’t sure how to handle things from here. Sure, he could wear out Jack and- wait, perfect. He’d just tickle the man until he properly passed out, then run and find a bobby. Perfect!
Though, as he watched the man writhe beneath him, escalated to proper laughter as skilled fingers squeezed at his sides and the Tickler continued tormenting his stomach, he was a tad hesitant. The ticklish near-agony that made shrieks ring out was… Hm, fun!
As he listened to more of that adorably broken-up laughter, he wondered how addicting this sort of drug might be.
“PLEHEASE- DON’T- DON’T TICKLE ME- IHI CAN’T, I CAN’T TAKE IT! M- MAHAHA- NNNNICK!” “That’s Mr. Lightbearer to you, mister Foggy. Go on, ask me proper to quit, maybe I’ll think about it. Probably not.” “Mr. Light- eehee! Lightbeareheher! Please!” “Please what??” “Plehehease- dOHON’T! Stoooohohop tickling mehehe!” “Don’t stop tickling you? Don’t mind if I do, sweetheart!”
Though the petname didn’t go unnoticed by either of them, Nick chose to eliminate any chance of a response by ducking down- the sudden closeness of their faces made Jack go silent, breathless with both laughter and starstruck awe. Nick winked before ducking his face down and  blowing a raspberry right against his neck, sliding the Tickler to press down against his torso again.
The response was immediate. Jack flailed wildly and cackled, beating at Nick’s back weakly as he choked out wordless pleas. Of course, none of them were heeded, and a few more raspberries were instead strategically placed on the man’s neck. In all his years, even knowing that most people were at least a little ticklish around the face (due to the masks, certainly), he’d never garnered a reaction quite this intense. Must be extra sensitive- therefore, weak, and the wheezes between laughs made Nick grin.
It was honestly.. Kinda cute. He was glad that his goal was to tickle the man to pieces, since otherwise he’d normally give a break by now.
As the struggling became weaker, and the laughs reached pitches that frequently dipped into silent snorts, Nick hummed to himself. Now would be a good a time as ever to drop a little.. Finale, let’s say. He pulled back for a moment, easily readjusting their positions- now, with Jack laying limply on the bed and only weakly with his arms linked around his waist, he climbed on after him properly. It wasn’t hard to sit above his prey, wiggling his fingers a little for extra effect- and relishing in the burst of giggles and flinch- before tapping his chin.
“Now, let’s see.. Something tells me you’re nearly tuckered out. But I’m not quite done, oh no.” “N.. No??”
Something about the way his voice was suddenly softer, even shy in a way- it made Nick’s stomach do a few flips.
“No! Of course not. You’ve been awful rude, banging my door down and threatening me. But I can put that behind us.”
Bending down again, he placed a hand on either side of Jack’s head, their faces nearly touching- once again, Jack held his breath, eyes wide.
“.. Close your eyes for me, Jacky.”
The speed at which his hesitation faded to nervousness, then to giddy anticipation.. It was adorable. Jack finally closed his eyes, then covered his face with a shuddering giggle.
From there, it was easy for Nick to unbutton his jacket- and even easier to bury his face against Jack’s stomach, nibbling through the shirt and earning a new set of squeals.
“No! No- ahaha- ooh, you-!” “Go on, give me a laugh! Just for me, Jacky! Ooh, those could be lyrics..”
He hummed a bit with the idea before returning to his previous actions- and it wasn’t long before the laughter died down, Jack barely writhing beneath him. Nick sat up eventually, finally giving it a rest as he watched the killer gasp a few times before he was silent.
… He leaned forward to check for a pulse. Yep. Hammering away, actually, but calming down.
Honestly, he wasn’t sure what to do. Sitting back on Jack’s legs, he gazed down, watching him sleep with a foggy confusion building in the back of his skull.
Sure, a bobby might.. Be able to help. But he was so tired. And Jack was warm- warmer than he expected, and…
Maybe a little nap wouldn’t hurt. He did crawl over to the side of the bed to push the knife under the dresser, first, but.. Yes, a nap.
Popping a spare Joy he found under one of his shirts, he flopped onto the bed, resolving to take care of the matter later. It was probably fine.
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sidemenyesplease · 4 years
Hi, I love your writing and I was wondering if you could write a Harry imagine where the reader is one of the other boys sister and her and Harry see each other again for the first time since lockdown. Maybe some protective brother too? Sorry if it doesn’t make sense xx
Harry - unlocking
Requested – yes
Warnings – none
a/n - this is one of my longest ones yet yay, I hope you enjoy sorry it took so long to get out but here it is, I also added some fake social media bits into it, enjoy🥰
Posted 11.7.20
Word count : 1297
(Y/n’s pov)
“Y/n” I heard my brother Simon calling my name as I felt him starting to shake me. I was in bed trying to get back to sleep not wanting to be awake again
“Get up” he whined then I felt the bed sink as he seat on the edge making me huff knowing he won’t leave me alone. I slowly opened my eyes trying to adjust them to the bright light shining through my window
I looked at the edge of my bed seeing Simon sitting waiting for me to wake up. He chuckled at my mood as I tried to sit up but just laid my head back down being way to tired
“What time is is?” I grumbled tiredly rubbing my eyes trying to get the sleep out of them as Simon looking down at his phone
“2 pm” he answered making me groan and roll over on my bed so now my back was facing him as I heard him groan annoyed and then I felt a pillow being thrown at me but still not getting me up
“It’s to early” I tiredly spoke
“It’s 2pm” he repeated making me roll my eyes
“Exactly, to early” I complained making him groan as he ran his fingers through his hair then his phone began to ring
“Hello” he answered as I finally decided to sit up
“Yes man I’ll be there soon I’m still waiting on my sister getting up” I heard him reply to I think wss JJ’s voice as he rolled his eyes looking at me
“Ok come on we really have to be going soon to film” he whined getting up of my bed as he began texting on his phone
“What do you guys want for breakfast?” I heard as we both turned out head towards the door to see our mum smiling behind it making me smile
“Can I have pancakes please?” I asked sweetly seeing Simon roll his eyes at me as mum nodded her her
“I’ll have the same” he said to mum as she left the room Simon stood up and walked to my door
“Now go get ready” he huffed making me giggle slightly at how easy he can get annoyed. I unplugged my phone from my bed side table and turned it on to check my notifications that I got whilst I was sleeping since everyone always liked to message me when I’m asleep not when I’m awake
I smiled as I opened it seeing Harry texted me
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After finaly deciding that it was time to get ready I got dressed into something casual and Male on my natural makeup still not being able to go full out
After I got ready I heard mum calling for breakfast, so grabbing my phone I went downstairs to see mum, dad and Simon sitting in the kitchen
“Finally” commented Simon as he munched on his pancakes earning mum to slap his arm making him yelp as I giggled softly sitting down
I felt my phone buzzing on the table so I lifted it up to unlock it, smiling when I saw i was a notification for Harry posting on Instagram
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I felt myself smiling and liked it
“What got you smiling like that?” Asked Simon earning my head to look up over to and blush as I bit my lip
“Just Harry” I answered smiling to see him roll his eyes making me sigh and look back down on my phone texting Harry
“You’re still with him?” Asked Simon as mum and dad left to clean their dishes making me huff
“I’m suprised, you haven’t seen him in months, you still trust him?” Simon asked again making me stare at him
“Come on lets go” he mumbled standing up as we left saying by to mum and dad and got in the car
The whole car journey we never said a word just had the radio on the background as I kept texting Harry
“Can you please accept me and Harry?” I asked my brother as he parked outside wherever we where meting up with the boys
Sighing he didn’t says anything just got out of the car making me sigh to but slowly getting out as well
As I got out of the car I smiled when I saw Harry standing with the other boys talking, he didn’t realise we where here yet so I quickly ran over to hug him
“Jesus you scared me” was the first thing he said as I went into his arms
“aww cute” Josh said in the background making me blush lightly as I nicked my face into Harry’s necks missing his hugs
Let go of the hug he give me a quick kiss making me smile as he wrapped his arms behind my back basically giving me a back hug as we started walking to film
“You don’t mind being in the video right?” Checked Kon with me, I nodded in response as he started filming
“We’re going to go a walk for a bit if that’s ok?” Asked Harry to Simon as I rested my head on his shoulder looking up to my brother who just sighed again but nodded his head making Harry smile and grab my hand walking to another direction than the boys
“NO FUNNY BUSINESS” yelled Josh making me roll my eyes and flip him of
“Simon still doesn’t like me being with you does he” Harry mumbled whilst he had his arm around my shoulders as we walked back to find witb boys
“I don’t think so” I replied whilst I eat on my ice cream sitting down on a radom bench in the park as Harry followed me sighing
“What do I have something on my face?” I asked starting to touch my face when I saw Harry looking at me
“You’ve got a bit of ice cream on your mouth” he chuckled making me go turn for my tissue but stoped as Harry but his finger under my chin turning me around to face him again
“I’ll get it if for you” he said making me blush as he got the tissues and took it if but kept looking at my lips
I saw him start to lean in making me do the same as our lips touched making me smile as I missed him
“Wow wow wow what’s going on here” we heard JJ’s voice making us both jump and pull apart
“She had ice cream on her mouth” Harry mumbled becoming shy in front of his friends
“So you wanted to get it of by your mouth?” Simon commended making the other boys laugh as i rested my head on Harrys shoulder
“Can you please accept us?” Harry pleaded to my brother making the other boys pause what they where doing becoming interested in what’s going on
“Look I’m sorry for the way I acted, I will try I’m just jealous and want time with my sister to” replied Simon making my eyes widen not knowing that was why
“Simon I still love you” I chuckled making him smile a little as I stood up and give him a hug
“I’m giving you a chance don’t hurt her Harry or I’ll fuck you up” Simon warned making Harry throw his arms up in defence but smile finaly getting my brothers approval
“And same to you y/n don’t hurt him even though you’re my sister his my best friend” simon said to me making Harry smile more as I nodded
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My Mistake part 3.
Warnings: All the angst!! Also talks a stab wounds and an attack.
WC: 1335
Enjoy x
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Sonny shook you awake way earlier than you needed to be just in case he needed more time to drag you to the airport. You guys got there and checked in and you had finally boarded the plane. You couldn’t work out why Sonny was sitting 2 rows in front of you, but he said something must have happened when they booked the flights and the seats were swapped around. You had settled into your window seat with your neck pillow, kindle on your lap staring out the window when a flash of black caught your attention, making you look up,
“You have to be kidding me” you sighed looking up at Nick in dark jeans, a dark t shirt and a leather jacket “You were meant to have left yesterday” you whined.
“I changed my flights, Carisi swapped seats for me” Nick sat down in the seat next to you “I plan on making you listen to me by the time we land”
“Good luck with that” you rolled your eyes.
It was two hours into the flight and you tired your hardest to ignore Nick. You had done well till now.
“Follow the spiders why couldn't it be follow the butterflies” Nick lent over whispering in your ear with the worse British accent you had ever heard, making you giggle like he always did when he knew you were reading Harry Potter. A smile spread across your face, “Please talk to me Y/N”
“You have four hours” you raised an eye brow at him “And I won’t promise that I’ll want anything to do with you once we get to LA though.”
“I just want you to hear me out”
“Go on” you crossed your arms in front of yourself.
“That night was the biggest mistake of my life. I was so happy with you, but I thought I could get back what I used to have and it was far from it. I never ever should have done that to you. You are worth so much more. I made a bad, a really bad decision that I’ am paying for now and I have ever since that night”
“How long did the happy family last” you looked over at him and his eyes were wet with tears.
“3 months. I threw you away for a fantasy”
“I get why you left for LA I would have done the same if I had kids, but I don’t get why you did what you did behind my back. You knew I was in love with you, you had all of me- I was yours. All those nights, those weekends you told me to go home and rest, wanted some father time, to have a break, you were doing that. You should have broken up with me before the first time it happened” you felt the tears prick in your eyes “I loved you Nick, you met my family. You have no idea what I went through telling them that you left me for your ex-wife and then to tell them Rafael left me for my- never mind, I’ am worthless and bitter”
Nick grabbed your hand and pulled it to his mouth pressing his lips to the back of it,
“Left you for your best friend” you looked over at him eyes wide open “Sonny told me after the night at Rollins, I never should have thrown that in your face anyway- my temper. But how can you forgive him and not me?”
“I haven’t forgiven Rafael, he told me he loved me, but they didn’t do anything behind my back Nick. Rafael told me he was in love with me and then broke up with me, he never should have started a relationship with me in the first place. He and Sonny started a while after he broke up with me. I’ am happy for them, it was just done the wrong way and it broke my heart and Rafael knows that’s.”  
“Do you think you can ever forgive me?” Nick kissed the back on your hand again.
“Maybe, I don’t know- but doesn’t mean I can trust you again. You broke that”
From the moment you landed in LA till Tuesday morning at the grand jury it was a whirl wind. Appointments with LA ADA’s, preparing for trial, running around the labs for evidence reports and visiting other witness’s to make sure they were still good to testify. Sonny, you and Nick were testifying on Tuesday morning and the days after that Sonny and the other ADA were sharing the witness load. You and Nick were still on rocky ground after the talk on the plane, but you could be in the same room and not want to rip his head off and you were talking, only small talk but it was a step in the right direction. And although you wanted nothing more than to forgive him and give him another chance, you couldn’t risk him hurting you again.
You had all got to court on time and you were waiting to be taken to the witness rooms to wait before you were called,
“Just let me run to the bathroom” Sonny and Nick nodded and you walked off.
Sonny and Nick were standing in the hall waiting for you to come out when they saw two women dressed as security walk into the bathroom not thinking anything of it, so they continued talking till they heard your muffled screams coming from the bathroom and the two women running out in a hurry. Nick’s blood ran cold.
Nick and Sonny not even thinking bolted into the ladies room and seen you laying on the floor in a pool of blood. Your face was swollen and purple, you were in the fetal position holding your middle with one arm and gripping your bleeding arm with the other, your dress pants sliced at the thigh, blood pouring out of it sobbing muttering “Help”, “Sonny” and “Nick”
“Y/N” Nick gasped “Carisi get help now” Nick screamed.
Sonny ran out of the bathroom to get help. Nick rushed to you ripping off his leather jacket wrapping it around your thigh to try to stop the bleeding. Nick then pulled off his t shirt leaving him in a white tank top wrapping it around your arm.
“Nick- they had a razor blade, it was a warning if I testify” you tried to take a breath and screamed in pain “They will find me and finish the job if I do. One of them was his sister. They knew my address and- the hotel address”  
“I won’t let anything happen to you, not here, not when you go home” Nick started to run his finger through your hair and lent down kissing your temple. Tears were free flowing from his eyes looking at your body and what they had done to you and the amount of blood you had lost.
“Nick- if anything happens, I forgive you- I always have and I always will love y-“  
“Y/N- Y/N” Nick sobbed.
Sonny came crashing through the doors followed by EMT’s who asked them to leave the room,
“What happened?” Sonny’s eyes were red and wet looking at Nick’s blood stained cloths.
“It was warning, if she testifies they will come back for her, she said one was his sister. They know the hotel address and her home address. I need to see the video footage from the hall”
Sonny seen the change in Nick’s face, the rage in his eyes, he grabbed Nick’s arm and pulled him back from walking away,
“She needs you, don’t do anything stupid Amaro come on”
Two more EMT’s rushed into the bathroom with a stretcher. Sonny wrapped an arm around Nick as he cover his face to hide the tears. Sonny’s tears also free flowing down his face.
“Her last words before she passed out” Nick chocked out a sob “She forgives me and she loves me”
 Tags: @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @witches-unruly-heart @teamsladsandgents​ @permanentlydizzy​ @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo​ @amorestevens​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @wanniiieeee​​ @mrsamaroevans​
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