#also mom mentioned one time someone tried to curse my aunt
miinatozakiii · 9 months
i don't know what you mean to me,
detective!jihyo x spiderwoman!reader (pt.2)
summary: jihyo completely ignores what the chief had told her not to do, she can't help it when it involves working with spiderwoman.
wc: 6k
warnings: cursing ; brief mention of a scar ; that's it i think ; lesbians flirting ; rushed proofreading
pt.1, pt. 3
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a/n: this has been sitting in my docs for a while, tried to make it a bit exciting! I wasn't planning on making this a series, but here I am. enjoy!! hope it lives to your guys' expectations (T-T)
“how’s your job?” the chief asks, swirling the coffee in his cup.
“it’s good. they said they were impressed with my work.” you mumble against the cup of coffee before taking a careful sip, trying not to burn your tongue. 
“that’s good. you’ve always been so smart like your parents.” your uncle says, his eyes softening. you smile, though it’s a small, weak smile and your heart aches a bit at the thought of your parents.
would they be proud of you now? and your side ‘job?’
you had a cliche backstory for someone with powers, a "hero" backstory. life was great until middle school, your parents died around that time. you were also too smart for your own good; sure, it was a plus in school, but it was not a plus for your teenage social life. you had pretty comic-worthy trauma and yeah, it hurt to think about it here and there, made you ponder and sulk at the ungodly hours of the night, but it was a while ago and you learned how to cope. 
despite the emotional damage it caused, it definitely made you stronger, shaped you into who you are today, and is the reason you play "hero." bad experiences give you good lessons, that's what your mom had told you. your dad had told you something similar, something along the lines of "with great power, comes great responsibility," your dad always had a way with words.
the loud sound of a folder making contact with the wooden table is made so abruptly and you flinch a bit, looking up to see who had slammed it down so aggressively: park jihyo–the same person who had patched you up two weeks ago. 
the detective wore a stern expression on her face, something mixed with anger and worry as she furrowed her brows while also deepening her gaze on your uncle, eyes filled with a certain flame of authority. park slides the folder toward your uncle: the chief of the police department. 
chief l/n isn't the best guy to be related to when your part-time gig is swinging around the city as the person he's not too fond of. unlucky you.
“chief, this one is… just look.” jihyo sighs. your uncle's brows crease as he pulls the papers out from the orange, paper folder. jihyo continues to speak, “5 people dead, and fourteen severely injured.”
jihyo looks at you for a split second, and you look back at her. it's not the best time to start reminiscing, but theres a sudden memory of you that she recalls—the first time she met you. 
the first interaction she had with you was four months ago; the impression you had left on her was a great one—it really piqued her interest in you. it's really not time to start having flashbacks to when she had met her boss's niece, but here she is.
“jihyo, this is my niece y/n.” chief l/n had introduced, smiling and patting you on the back.
chief l/n had always forgotten to bring lunch, and your aunt hated that. your aunt turned you into a personal messenger, a cheap (not even, you got scammed) delivery woman, so you were forced to drop off lunch for your uncle, some type of udon soup thing with fishcakes scattered around in the thermos (you couldn't lie, it smelled good and you were a bit jealous that she hadn't made you any lunch the first time you started living with them and working on your own).
the first thing jihyo noticed was that you had the chief's brown eyes, and you two were similar in the way that you were taller than most – your uncle being 6’4 inches of pure muscle and strength, a whole tank for a chief and his build fit the role. jihyo had guessed you were around 5’8, you also seemed to have some muscle from what she could tell, a prominent build with broader shoulders and toned arms, you seemed rather fit and active. there were common similarities in physical features and body language; you two were definitely related. 
the detective had also noticed that you were particularly pleasing to look at.
your face looked like it had been sculpted to perfection: you had a strong, sharp jawline, and prominent cheekbones that rivaled even some models she had seen in the magazines at the local grocery store. your eyes were similar to your uncles, they had a softer look, though, and were noticeably striking. your lips were a dark peach color, beautiful and plump. every aspect and feature on your face was put together to construct such a captivating sight, it honestly shook jihyo up slightly.
“it’s nice to meet you y/n,” jihyo had greeted, “i never knew you had a niece, chief.”
“ah, well this little one-”
“i’m 24.” you sighed, furrowing your brows as your uncle chuckled playfully.
“whatever, whatever. you’re still very young,” the chief responds, “she landed a great internship at minatozaki industries, so she’s been staying at my place for the time being, probably a long time.” he adds proudly, hitting your back again and it makes you tense up a bit from the unintentional strength in the contact. your eyebrows crinkle and you wince—just for added effect.
“you’re a scientist?” jihyo questions,
“i’m a researcher for them.” you simply reply, “i journal and edit sometimes too, well—i've only written one article, actually.” you add with a shrug.
“that’s impressive,” jihyo says, and it really is because you’re a year younger than her and somehow you've landed an outstanding internship at one of the most thriving corporations in the city. you nod and end up transferring a bit more eye contact, which communicates a shared understanding and fondness between the two of you, there’s an exchanged interest. 
the eye contact breaks when a repeating buzz is heard from your phone,
“oh, i have to go,” you mumble, “it was nice meeting you jihyo, hope we can talk more." 
"me too, y/n," jihyo responds. you simply shoot another awkward grin.
"i’ll get going now. uncle, i’ll be home by six.” you finally add, waving while fixing the bag that slings across your body.
jihyo thinks you’re impressive.
“jihyo?” he says, still holding the paper of the report, but looking up at jihyo. the shorter woman sighs and bites the inside of her cheek,
“listen to me, just hear me out okay,” jihyo says. the chief focuses all his attention on the woman in front of him, all 5’3 inches of stubbornness and authority: his most outstanding employee, his favorite detective.
jihyo lets out a small breath.
“the suspect was reported to have been a lizard, chief. you think we can fight a man-sized, not even—it was bigger than a man, taller and bigger than you, apparently.” jihyo sighs, “i think we should find a way to contact spiderwoman-”
“absolutely not.” the chief says almost immediately, almost breaking the pen he had been holding in his hand. “i’m not letting that criminal ruin anything else.” he used the word criminal, it made your heart sink just a bit.
“chief, i don’t think you get it. this is a lizard. it’s something out of a comic, or movie. this isn’t some secret operation or regular thief, numerous officers were injured and people are dead l/n. one of the sergeants had lost his arm, and he barely made it.”
“what?” the chief voices in disbelief, his eyes widened. jihyo looks down at a spot at the coffee table,
“sergeant moon l/n. moon taeil, his arm…” jihyo trails off, looking down and biting the inside of her cheek. 
your uncle pauses for a moment, looking down at the paper in his hand with incredulity. he darts back up at the woman and leans back in his chair, staring at the desk still perplexed. his jaw tightens up again as he closes his eyes, letting out a stressed sigh whilst pinching the bridge of his nose.
“i don’t trust that spiderwoman at all, detective. i know she saved your life twice, and yes i'm glad she did, but you shouldn’t trust so easily.” he starts. you seem to be a bystander, they seem so invested and heated in this conversation. you listen carefully. 
“look, if you think about it: the lizard and that spider girl are the same, they have those special abilities. you might think ‘spider girl’ is good now, but she has the power to do as much harm as that lizard, and assumably more brains too. she could be extremely dangerous, what if we were to trust her? what if she takes advantage of us and boom, everything goes to shit.” the chief exaggerates the last part a bit, it takes both you and jihyo by surprise at how much emotion he uses as he expresses his distrust for spiderwoman. 
“you really think we can take that lizard?” jihyo questions, her eyebrows crease and the hand that held her up as she leaned on the table tightens its grip on the edge of it. you take a sip from the banana milk in your hand as you listen, impressed and surprised at how heated your uncle is about his distrust for your other identity.
“jihyo, i get where you’re coming from, but it’s just not safe. i don’t trust her, especially after that damn drug operation incident. i mean, how would she have known about that? she just showed up and fucked up our plan, she could fuck up more than that and we’re just lucky it happened to be a crime scene that she had ‘tackled.’ do you get what i’m saying, park?”
jihyo nods, but she doesn’t make eye contact with the head of the police.
“yeah, i get where you’re coming from,” jihyo responds, “just a suggestion.”
you sit there in silence and stare at your uncle, a bit bewildered that he hates you that much, imagine if he knew that spiderwoman had heard him talking so much shit about her—you kind of want to laugh, even if it's belittling. 
jihyo has this expression mixed with defeat and concern, it makes you frown. you don't like seeing jihyo so beat, especially because of your unwavering uncle. the chief of the police and you are close enough so that you can scold him playfully and talk to him like an adult, but this matter would leave you in an argument that you could never win. your uncle was stubborn and scary, even with you occasionally.
you wanted to talk to the detective as spiderwoman, you know she trusts you and you want to reassure her, it sucks to see her getting shut down like this. if it were just the two of you right now, you'd go on about how persistent and ridiculous your uncle is for shutting down this suggestion, you know you could work this out, but not now, not with chief l/n present.
“alright, i’ll get back to investigating this. let me know if you um, have any better suggestions that don’t involve her.” jihyo mumbles, voice getting smaller as she mutters the ‘her.’ 
before departing, detective park adds one more thing, “also, um, they’ve already planned to have a gathering of some sort for the victims, it was moon’s idea. i forgot to tell you, but it might be in your inbox." jihyo chokes out. "i’ll get going now.” 
detective park can deal with rejection, and detective park can deal with her tenacious boss.
jihyo looks at the chief for a bit before her gaze sets on you. eye contact is made and you shoot her a "sorry about that" smile, and she replies with an “it’s okay” smile. you’ve always had this way of communicating quietly, at least in front of your uncle—no words needed—even though you two had known each other for only a bit. 
detective park walks away with the papers she had taken back, her shoulders sink a little as she strolls out the door.
“that was kind of harsh.” you chide, almost glaring at your uncle with narrowed eyes.
“i just can’t stand that spiderwoman.” 
thanks, you almost reply.
 “i trust jihyo—don't get me wrong—she’s always been one with great ideas and plans, but this one… god that vigilante…” 
“she can’t be that bad, what if she’s just doing it because, i don’t know,” you’re trying to frame your response as best as you can because how does one who isn’t spiderwoman word her motives for doing what she does? they'd either have to know her personally, or be her. “maybe she just feels a sense of responsibility with her abilities.”
“or maybe she’s a threat to us.”
“well,” and you almost continue, but this is chief l/n.
you stop trying after that.
jihyo almost died right then and there from shock.
“hi.” spiderwoman had said so casually—too casually for someone who had appeared behind the marble counter in the center of jihyo’s dimmed kitchen area.
“you just love breaking the law do you?” jihyo says in a stable tone, though her heart had been beating a little too fast from your unannounced visit (she tries to excuse it with how you shocked her, but it might just be from being able to have your stupidly charming self in her home).
“you’re not the chief, and i know you love me. i'd like to call my ‘law breaking’ a friendly surprise.” you beam, moving so you can sit on the counter. detective park can tell you're grinning, even with that stupid mask on. jihyo sighs and sits on her beige couch. she leans into it with a small, exhausted groan. 
“what do you want? did you hurt yourself again?” the detective says with annoyance, but deep down there's some worry laced in the question—she’s also been wanting to see you again, especially after she had been rejected so harshly by her boss.
you shake your head. “no, just wanted to see my favorite worker in the police force.”
“yeah sure.” she groans, “how are your injuries?”
“aw, you care about me?” it comes out as almost a chuckle.
“never mind.” jihyo says, rolling her eyes playfully. a laugh leaves your lips and it’s a heartwarming moment, but it's strange to the both of you because you’re spiderwoman, a whole ‘criminal’ in jihyo’s apartment and you converse as if you’re two good friends. 
“my injuries have been healing well,” you begin, “they closed up three days after you patched me up, it’s like they weren’t even there—kinda,” you explain. maybe you were lying a bit, there was still that faint scar that most people get after getting cut (in this case, you were cut much more than the average person would've been). the detective sits up from her seat and looks at the vigilante wide-eyed, her brows furrowing, and eyes narrowing as she looks at you in disbelief.
“are you serious? let me see, there’s no way.”
“hey, woah woah, usually women would take me out to dinner before they undress me.” you tease, laughing to yourself and jihyo knows you have that stupid grin on your face—though, she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to see it again.
jihyo crosses her arms then leans back into the beige couch, you’re unbelievable.
(her heart warms up a little, she's extremely intrigued.)
“what are you here for? there’s no way you broke into my apartment for no reason.” jihyo probes, and she says it with such authority that it kind of makes you nervous, her tone makes you tense—it's kind of hot.
“the lizard thing,” you mutter, “i wasn’t there in time to stop him from hurting all those people.”
there’s a sudden guilt that takes over—the whole mood of the room shifts slightly, but you compose yourself even as your jaw tenses. the floor suddenly looks a bit more appealing now because you’re doing anything to not look at the detective before you, feeling at fault.
“you can’t save all of them, i know how it feels.” jihyo mutters softly, her voice is deeply comforting and you fold a bit. “did you manage to do anything about that giant reptile?”
“no, but i think i know what it is, and how it, well… how it turned into that."
“what? i honestly thought it was a science experiment gone wrong, maybe some lizard accidentally drank something, i don't know, i'm not a scientist. i was actually going to ask the chief's niece since she’s a science genius, very smart.” jihyo shrugs. your mood is lifted again after being complimented, after hearing the words "science genius."
she thinks of your alter ego like that? well, technically spiderwoman is your alter ego, not that nerdy minatozaki industries employee. you hold back a snicker.
“you’re not one hundred percent wrong on the science experiment part, i guess.” 
“can you just get to the point?” jihyo groans.
“alright alright,” you make your way over to jihyo, standing slightly closer to the tired detective and leaning against the wall. “i’m this way because i’m technically a science experiment gone wrong, but at least i’m not a hideous monster. anyway, i got bit by this spider, it wasn’t a normal one, it was more of a science experiment that turned me into one.”
jihyo quirks a brow. “so you’re actually a spider?” 
“well, no detective.” you scoff, “do i look like i have eight legs? well if i were a guy maybe i’d have three-”
“i hate you.” jihyo complains, “so much.”
“sorry sorry, it was funny.” you joke (you have the humor of a thirteen-year-old). “anyway, that spider basically lets me shoot webs out of my wrists, climb walls, stick to things, a sixth sense? hmm, i think i'm missing something...oh! i can turn invisible too-”
“you can what?” jihyo says in utter disbelief. you just keep surprising her more and more with every word that escapes your mouth.
“i can turn invisible yeah yeah whatever, it's cool i guess—but that’s enough about me. what i'm trying to say is that i’m a science experiment gone right and that lizard is one that went wrong.”
“harsh," she murmurs, but she's entertained by your amusing little explanation, "but how so? how do you know you won't go wrong?” and now jihyo’s really interested in your little backstory.
“that's a harsh way to put it detective." you pout, but continue nonetheless. "well, i didn’t turn into a spider and i ended up with some fun little abilities. this guy must’ve gotten bitten by a lizard or something? i don’t know, but instead of getting some cool fun powers, he became the lizard. i’d be crying on the ground if i were a were-lizard, must suck.” you finally explain. jihyo giggles at your last little remark.
“so what do you think we can do? how does this help at all?” the detective’s head tilts, and you think to yourself, humming for added effect.
“it’s probably like a werewolf, just without the full moon. maybe it will turn back to normal again?"
“and what if it’s permanent?” jihyo adds. 
you shake your head, “a giant lizard can’t fit into many places without being noticed.” you respond, “i think if i can lure it or something, maybe even capture it with my webs—we can wait for it to change back: we can stop it from killing any others.”
jihyo nods and you both take a moment to consider. 
the detective’s face lights up as she figures out a plan, and she almost laughs thinking about how this is everything the chief had told her not to do. she didn’t care though, this was the best option, the most effective one (and she also just wanted an excuse to work with you more often).
“there’s going to be a ceremony soon for that incident, three days from now i think. i bet you that lizard is going to sabotage it.”
jihyo's brows crease again, “half the police force is going to be there, including some civilians. if i were a hungry, ugly, big reptile, i think'd target that for sure.”
“glad you’re not a reptile because who knows what you’re capable of.” and jihyo scoffs at your response. “you’d probably be a small reptile though.” you exaggerate that last remark by putting your hand out, pretending to compare your height with her; detective park narrows her eyes again, and you think she might consider turning you in soon.
“how can i let you know when to show up? what if you’re not there in time again?”
you shrug your shoulders. “i’ll be there. i have my ways.” 
“you’re so ominous it’s annoying.” park scoffs,
“just admit that you want to take me out on a date, i know you want to know more~ i mean personally, i’m up for it.” you smirk. "what about something simple, a coffee date? i'm a latte person-"
“i’ll take you out and turn you in soon,” she scoffs. you simply laugh at her response and make your way to the opened window to leave, much to jihyo’s disappointment (she kind of (really) enjoyed your stupid flirting and company).
“it’s a date then?” the tone of your voice is filled with hope, excitement, and wonder. your tone is extremely inviting. “maybe you can undress me after since you've seemed so eager,” you add with a chuckle. "i'm not against skipping to that part." 
jihyo is about to get up to actually chastise you, even if her cheeks are flushed and her heart skips a beat. she really can’t believe you’re putting the image of a naked spiderwoman in her head right now, she doesn’t even know who you are or what you look like under that suit and mask—except for the bottom half of your face—but fuck you're really making her want to.
you leave before she can do anything, or even respond.
“dear, you have to come, it’s respectful and i know you’re free today.”
how the hell are you supposed to swing in to save the day as spiderwoman at the ceremony when you’re also being forced to sit near the big, buff chief and his highest-ranking men?
as much as you’d like to argue, you really can’t win this argument because that would make you sound like a really big asshole for not attending a ceremony for the injured and dead. would you be a bigger asshole for not being able to save them at that same ceremony? you’ll figure it out (you hope).
you’re not able to win an argument with the 6’4 tall, incredibly built chief of police, you'd never be able to in this type of situation. 
now, you stand in front of the mirror buttoning up a white dress shirt to cover the little spider-shaped device that turns into a suit. the person in the mirror is looking at you with eyes that say “please don’t fuck this up” 
you stare back with a look that responds: “trying my best.”
how the hell are you going to be two people at the same time, same place, while being near the people who hate your guts? 
the venue is this random building a couple of minutes down the street from the police station.
various tables with white cloth surrounded by brown chairs are scattered across the room; there are already people dispersed across the room in their respective areas, chatting with each other. your uncle leaves your side and decides it’s okay to leave you in a place filled with strangers, great.
as you wander around the room some people seem to recognize you by the way they greet you so warmly. various people who you’ve seen once, or maybe twice greet you formally; you blame your uncle for why you’re being treated like someone with slight authority.
you’re finally alone about ten minutes later at the drink station and you fill your plastic cup with some iced lemon water. it’s a little less overwhelming in the mellow corner, away from the people who are a little too lively for the reason it’s even being held. 
“hey.” a voice says, and you flinch, spilling some water on the dress shirt you have on. jihyo stands there next to you after tapping on your shoulder and making you look like a fool. 
you pat down your shirt with the napkin on the table, “hi.” you respond, trying to sound a little leveled.
“did i scare you? sorry about the shirt, let me help.”
“just startled, haha.” you wish you could be as smooth as spiderwoman would in this interaction. jihyo helps you out by grabbing a napkin and patting at your chest, she’s literally patting near your boobs and your face is probably red from the way she does it so obliviously. spiderwoman would probably, no–she'd definitely be making a comment about jihyo wanting to be near your chest–something like that.
“so, how is everything so far?”
“it’s just really strange.” you sigh, finally patting down the button up dry, there’s just a big patch of water that hasn’t dried off yet. “i feel a little too respected.” 
jihyo laughs and you feel a smile tugging at your lips.
“well, if i didn’t know your uncle as personally as i do now–i’d probably be the same.” jihyo confesses. “your uncle can be scary.” and she exaggerates the last remark by widening her eyes and raising her brows slightly. you laugh.
“and if you didn’t know me personally?”
“well, i’d be a bit skeptical of how this tall, striking woman had spilled water all over her chest just from me tapping on her shoulder.” jihyo jokes. 
“you think i’m striking?” and you send her a grin. the grin sends a shiver down her spine and the detective pauses in her place as she watches the way your lips curl, almost identical to the vigilante's stupid grin. jihyo is a bit shaken up from the similarity and it takes her a bit to respond. 
“a little.” she admits. 
ever since you had met jihyo, something in that interaction sparked a casual friendship. a friendship that was so similar to one between people who had known each other in college, or maybe something close to that.
it always started with comforting, regular greetings, and there wasn't any awkward small talk. there was slight joking here and there, some teasing remarks, small ‘gossip’ about your uncle and anyone else that you two knew. it was a refreshing and friendly relationship that you had with jihyo—even some mutual attraction; in fact, you’re the reason jihyo had been hesitant to flirt with spiderwoman, she would be lying if she said she didn’t have a slight crush on you—though it could never work out—your uncle would kill her (probably).
“you know what my uncle said to me earlier? he’s a strange one.” 
“and what was it?”
“he told me to sock any guy that tried to ask me out, it’s so weird.” and it really is, because everyone here is present for the events that took place a couple of days ago. why would it be someone’s first instinct to ask out the niece of the chief?
jihyo laughs at your remark, shaking her head. “honestly, i’d listen to him. the guys in the force that are single can be pretty strange.”
you nod in agreement, “yeah… what was his name… mark? he asked me out with the worst pickup line i’ve ever heard. something like ‘usually coffee is the thing that wakes up my senses, you seem like you’d wake them up too.’ the laugh i had to hold back…” 
jihyo laughs upon hearing that very amusing information (which, she’ll likely use against her colleague). “he’s like that.” 
the conversation is cut short when you hear the noise of someone tapping against a microphone. a familiar voice is heard throughout the room, it’s one of the sergeants who had welcomed you so warmly: taeyong. the guy seemed young for his position, maybe 3-4 years older than you, all you knew was that he was young for someone so highly ranked.
he cleared his throat before speaking. “welcome everyone. we’d like to thank every guest for attending.” 
jihyo taps your shoulder and tilts her head to signal you to a table, just so you two can look like you’re listening. the two of you pull chairs out and sit at a small, round table that seems to be unoccupied. jihyo scans the room subtly, there was one thought that had been occupying her mind the entire time she had been in the venue: where is spiderwoman?
the detective knew that the lizard showing up wasn’t necessarily guaranteed, but she sort of wished it were. she wanted to see you, even if it meant a giant lizard barging in.
park jihyo should not be thinking of this. maybe the chief thought you could've been a bad influence, jihyo believes you might be a terrible one with how she's thinking right now.
taeyong had been finishing up his speech, that’s about the same time the low, goosebump-inducing rumble was heard and felt. 
the entire building trembled.
jihyo looks around frantically, this should be your cue to show up, this should be your time to swing in and piss off the officers.
this should be the time she gets to see you again. 
to be fair, you had shown up, just not as your little arachnid alter ego. just yourself, though jihyo didn’t know that. 
the building shudders again and overwhelms all your senses, and everyone in the room. goosebumps creep up your back, and your so-called “sixth sense” starts acting up.
all the guests who had been in the venue started to chatter quietly; hushed whispers and sudden panic filled the room. the building shakes again and everyone seems to get the message that this isn’t normal, that something is happening and the fact that they don’t know what the hell is happening disturbs them greatly. worry and fear start to crowd the room when a piece of the ceiling falls, it makes you instinctively scan the room—keeping your guard up.
“y/n,” jihyo mutters. she’s observing the space with her narrowed eyes, the other cops seem to overlook with caution too. “stay close.” 
“what’s going on?” you question, but you know the answer to your query as soon as another piece of the ceiling falls over and splits into pieces, leaving some dust. jihyo looks at you for a second, panic and worry in her eyes. all you can think is: i need to get out of this damn place.
taeyong turns around and as soon as he does the wall in front of him completely breaks down. the enormous (and really ugly) lizard invites itself in, emerging (more like barging and breaking in). taeyong falls back, no, he's practically flung away from where he was before; he lands with a blunt thud.
terror fills the room completely. jihyo’s eyes widen at the sight of taeyong on the floor, some blood seeping out of him as he lies there hardly conscious.
the guests scream and run towards the exits while the officers pull out their guns hurriedly and point them at the lizard in sight, their hands quiver and their bodies tremble in fear from just seeing this unbelievable monster. 
you gulp at the sight, it really is an enormous lizard, maybe ten feet tall. the lizard was an ugly, swamp-green shade, it’s really disgusting to look at and its eyes are something out of a nightmare–gross.
 the spider-shaped device under your button-up practically calls out your name, it’s almost screaming in your ear “press me! press me!” and as much as you’d like to listen to it so you could magically turn into a so-called “hero,” you can’t risk people knowing, especially not the cops that are scattered around. 
you’re hidden from a few cops, though it would definitely be noticeable if some random suit had been wrapping around you out of nowhere, someone would notice. despite the commotion that goes on and the panic that's heard from various screams and whimpers, someone would certainly notice the chief’s niece turning into the “friendly neighborhood spiderwoman!”
and that wouldn’t be good, especially if your uncle found out.
there are two options: run away with jihyo and let her find out about your little secret, or let people die. you don't have much time to think—or plan for that matter—maybe you can risk letting jihyo know, it’s about time. it’s your last resort anyway, 
a groan leaves your mouth and you scan the room impatiently—there are broken chairs, tables, and debris all over—you’re trying to think of how you’ll escape this very inconvenient situation. you spot the sign that says “restrooms” from the corner of your eye and quickly pull jihyo by the arm, rushing over. jihyo’s expression turns into one of surprise and confusion, she looks at you with worry and furrowed brows while you drag her, almost debating whether she should fight against your grip on her.
“what the hell are you doing?” jihyo questions, looking at you distressed as she hears a sudden high-pitched scream and another sharp, loud sound from outside. your fingers work at the button-up you wear, and jihyo quickly turns away as you do so, “y/n? what the hell is wrong with you? why are you stripping now? we have to help-”
“fuck, jihyo.” you mutter, and you give up as you rip the dress shirt open, showing your bra-covered chest. this is not the time for jihyo to be checking you out right now, but shit, your body is like a magnet—one with toned abs and an incredibly satisfying physique that pulls her look towards it. you glance at the quivering bathroom door and continue, “i can’t explain everything now, but i swear i will soon, and please don’t get mad at me. there’s too much going on and i just, i have to go.”
“what the hell do you-” jihyo starts, but her question is quickly answered as you press on the spider logo.
your suit stems out from it and covers your body in seven fleeting seconds. the familiar suit covers your body, and she realizes it's you. her eyes widen and her mouth opens slightly, she looks at you in such shock and nearly stumbles back. 
“i told you i’d be here,” you say. jihyo is left speechless, though she manages to choke out a broken, stuttered response to your "big reveal."
“y/n, you- what the hell?” 
“let’s talk later yeah? help gather the people that aren’t cops, bring them somewhere safe,” you say, and jihyo is still baffled by everything that just happened at the last minute. you put a hand on her shoulder and start again. “jihyo?”
“you can't just, you can't just leave like that? you can't-” 
"i have to help them, detective," you say. your eyes lock with hers as if they could convey a certain understanding.
"god y/n, you... you have to explain everything, i swear to god." she manages to sputter out. you nod at her,
"it's a date then, on me." you joke, trying to lighten the mood and calm her nerves so she can assist you in dealing with this situation. now jihyo knows it's really you. the detective watches you leave the bathroom quickly, though you stop at the door to give her a small thumbs up before departing.
jihyo is at a loss for words—she's not even sure if all her senses are working properly. there's too much to process, but the detective has to do her job, she has to try and save these people, she's going to do what you told her to do.
detective park can do this, detective park can overcome anything, detective park can do her job and compose herself—so that's what she does, and she's completely disregarding whatever the chief had said a couple of days prior:
jihyo is going to work with spiderwoman, she's going to do what spiderwoman says.
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absurdthirst · 5 months
Unexpectedly Reunited {Joel Miller x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 15.5k
Warnings: No Outbreak AU, cheating, infidelity, surprise reunions, flirting, mentions of loss of a child, seemingly unrequited love, past crushes, abandonment, fingering, vaginal sex, rougher sex, oral sex (female and male receiving), cum eating, feelings, miscommunication, angst, degrading comments
Comments: Running away to the Cape, you find someone you had never expected to see again. Joel Miller. The blast from the past manages to heal your broken heart and you learn where life has taken him to bring him here.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
**Follow @absurdthirst-writes and turn on notifications to stay up to date on all new fics.
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"You motherfucker!" You yell at your boyfriend who is currently buried inside of the co-worker he told you to not worry about despite you discovering him in your bed after you decided to surprise him with lunch since he works at home. He scrambles, pulling out of Sienna and you shake your head, "it's over. Get your shit out of my apartment. Today." You shriek and he covers himself up with the blanket you got from your mom for your birthday. 
"Baby please. Let me just-" He tries to explain but you cut him off. 
"Today, Jason. Today!" You yell, spinning on your heel and you rush out of your apartment with tears in your eyes. You sob as you get into your car, the lunch abandoned in the kitchen and you're no longer hungry. You sit there for hours, watching from afar as Jason moves his stuff from your place and you call your mom to tell her what happened. 
"I always told you he was a piece of shit, baby. He's an asshole. You're better off without him. Better to find this out now instead of later." She says softly. "Your aunt has that place on the Cape and she's in Italy for the next two weeks. Why don't you go there? Go relax and get out of town. Take time to get yourself together." She suggests.
The Cape, the idea has a certain appeal. Texas is currently hot, too hot, and you don’t want to be anywhere near your old group of friends and acquaintances. People that know Jason. People that might pity you, or secretly approve of him cheating on you. You imagine walking along the beach and letting the salty air seep into your skin. Maybe read a few books in a lounger and find some bar where you can just have a few drinks. Or, the house is nice, maybe you will just sit out on the deck and drink wine. “I guess. If I leave now, I could be there late tomorrow. Are you sure she won’t mind?” 
Your mom snorts through the line and you can imagine her face. “Of course not. Get your bag packed and get on the road. The key is in a little box on the garage door. Combination to open it is 9-26-13.” 
You sigh, watching as Jason closes the truck of the car with the last of his stuff. “Thanks mom, I’ll be on the road in twenty minutes. I don’t want to spend a night in that bed. I’m going to have to order another one.” 
When you arrive at your aunt’s house; you are exhausted and waste no time showering and getting into bed. The emotional drain of the past 36 hours is too much and you take a nap. When you wake up, it’s late and you have some of the snacks you brought with you while on the road. You’ll go food shopping tomorrow. You eventually fall back asleep, eager to explore tomorrow which comes far too soon when you’re woken up by drilling. You startle awake, checking the clock to see it’s 7:30 am and you whine, rubbing your eyes as you shuffle out of the bed, ready to reprimand the asshole who is drilling next door.
“Goddamn header.” Joel grunts out a curse, taking his hand off the hammer drill he had been using to wipe the sweat that is rolling into his eyes. “Send me some fuckin’ lumber that’s straight and I’ll fix the goddamn thing.” High up on the scaffolding, he’s cursing everyone from the lumber distributor to himself for taking this job. It’s been a shit show and it doesn’t seem like anything is going to go his way today.
You wrap your robe around yourself and huff as you stomp outside, raising your hand to cover your eyes from the early morning sun as you look up at the scaffolding. “Excuse me!” You yell and Joel continues drilling. “Excuse me!” You yell again and the drilling continues. “Fuck me!” You scream and the drilling stops. 
“That’s a mighty nice offer darlin’ but I barely know you.” Joel jokes as he removes his headset. 
“Why the hell are you drilling at this time in the morning?” You yell at him and he sets the drill down so he can climb down the scaffolding to talk to you. You wait, tapping your foot impatiently. 
“I was hired to do this job. I have a permit. I am starting early to avoid the rain this afternoon. Not that I have to explain myself to - wait…do I know you?” Joel asks, frowning as he removes his sunglasses to get a better look at you.
When it dawns on him who you are, his eyes widen and he murmurs your name. Never expecting to see you again. “Holy shit. What are you doing on the east coast?” He asks when he can speak again. The last time he had seen you was at his wedding. After that day, you had just….ghosted him, making him feel like your friendship had meant nothing.
As soon as he says your name you recognize him. “Joel? Joel Miller?” You gasp in shock. It’s been a while since you’ve seen the man that was your teenage crush. He was your next door neighbor and a lot older than you but you always had such a massive crush on him. You became friends after you got back from college to live with your parents again and that’s when you truly fell in love with him. Then he met Helen and you knew he would never feel the same way. Resigned to being his friend, you supported him but always secretly hoped he’d realize what was right in front of him. He didn’t and you ended up leaving town after watching him marry Helen on a beautiful summer day. He’s just as handsome. Shit, just as sexy. “I- this is my aunt’s house. You know the one who is a journalist.” You explain, “I- I came here to escape the Texas heat.” You lie, “what the hell are you doing here?” You ask, genuinely curious how a typical Texan like Joel is in the northeast.
Joel’s expression shutters, his eyes flattening slightly and he grunts. “Work.” He lies, having sensed you are lying too. You have puffy eyes, like you’ve been spending a lot of time crying, though you’re still just as beautiful as the last time he saw you. “Like I’m tryin’ to do now. But it’s a bitch and-“ he twists his neck towards the dark clouds rolling in from the west. “I want to get this sealed up before the rain starts.”
You nod, “I understand. Sorry for yelling. I just got in last night from Texas and I’m exhausted from driving nonstop. I didn’t expect the work to be done so early. I’m awake now, so carry on. I’m gonna get some coffee. Anywhere local you’d recommend?” You ask when his eyes meet yours once more and you are taken back by how handsome he is. Your memories did him no justice.
He feels bad for being rude, sighing slightly and wiping his forehead again. “Two blocks over there’s a dinner called The Fungus Among Us.” He tells you with a grin. “Vegan place, really into mushrooms, but they have great coffee. You just have to use their non-dairy creamers.”
The last person you expected to frequent a vegan cafe is Joel who used to enjoy platefuls of barbecue at the family cookouts back when you were younger and you chuckle, “you gone vegan on me?” You ask and he shakes his head, “no. Still love some ribs but I can appreciate good coffee.” You hum and he shrugs. “I’m gonna go get changed. You want me to bring you a coffee back?” You offer, wanting to make up for being rude.m
“I’m good.” He looks up towards the sky again. “Too fuckin’ hot for coffee up here.” He looks back down and smirks slightly. “Hurry up before you get wet. New England summer showers are no joke.”
You nod, “I’ll be fast. I, uh, I’ll see you around. It was great to see you again.” You wave awkwardly at him as he flips his sunglasses back down. You aren’t sure if he’s married or has kids or what his situation is so you don’t want to overstep by suggesting a reunion of some kind. 
“See you around, sweetheart.” Joel says and you offer him a smile, “bye Joel.” You say as you head back into your aunts house to get ready.
He won’t deny that he watches you when you re-emerge from the large cottage next door, or as you walk down the street. His eyes follow you as he takes what he tells himself is a five minute break. He was rude to you. And the Joel you had known wouldn’t have done that. He sighs, twisting around and trying to pop his aching back before he glances at the cloud again. They are rolling in fast and he only has about twenty minutes to finish up for the day. “Shit, Miller, get to work.”
You return back with your coffee - a good recommendation from Joel - and you’re disappointed when you don’t see him working. You feel the droplets of rain and decide to have your coffee then go grocery shopping after the rain has come and gone.
The drilling happens a little later around 8:45am the next morning and you look out of the bathroom window to see Joel working on the house. He lifts his shirt up to wipe his face and you can’t deny that your jaw drops. He’s still as sexy as you ever thought he was but then you remind yourself that he’s married and you shake your head to clear your lust. You decide to walk to the coffee shop again and head outside just as Joel jumps from the last section of scaffolding. “Sure I can’t get you a coffee?” You ask him, “I’m gonna head over there now.”
“I think I owe you a drink, since I was kind of an ass yesterday.” Joel admits, shuffling slightly and wiping his hands on a work rag before tossing it down. “I’ve got a few minutes, can walk over there with you, if you want?” He leaves it up to you, knowing that you might not want to do anything more than be nice.
You offer him a smile, “I’d like that.” You say and he nods, grabbing his keys and he yells out to his partner to keep an eye on things. You walk along with him and you’re quiet for a minute or so before you ask “so how long have you lived here?”
It takes Joel a moment to think back and he sighs. “Fuck.” He snorts. “Nearly ten years? Hard to think about but I’ve not even seen you in nearly twenty-five.” He wants to ask why you just stopped talking to him and coming around after he had married Helen. He hadn’t even been able to tell you that she had been a few months pregnant because his wife had wanted to keep it silent until after the first trimester. 
"Has it really been that long?" You shake your head, "I- wow. It feels like yesterday you were just getting married. Is Helen enjoying it here?" You ask, not noticing his lack of wedding band but you haven't really had a chance to look at his hands.
Joel snorts. “Helen left me when-” He breaks off and there’s that familiar ache in his chest at the thought of Sarah. “A year after we got married. Don’t know where she’s at, don’t really care, if I’m honest.” She had abandoned her child, something that he could never understand or accept. “What about you? Sure you’re married and happy, husband on a business trip and you decided to take a vacation?” 
It’s your turn to snort, “no. No. I, uh, I haven’t been married. I - I walked in on my boyfriend fucking his coworker in my apartment so I told him to pack his shit and be gone by the time I get back. Decided to take a break to avoid the pity looks and whispers around town.” You confess, glancing down the street as you adjust your purse on your shoulder.
“Wow. You must have been with a real douche bag.” Joel scoffs. “I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to cheat on you. There’s no fucking way he’s right in the head.” He shakes his head and huffs. “Idiot. I’m sorry, I know you don’t want to hear that. But that bastard didn’t deserve you.”  
You offer him a self deprecating smile. “I appreciate you being pissed for me. I pretty much cried the entire way to the Cape. I- I thought he was gonna propose. I’m an idiot. I believed all his lies and I- I thought he was going to be the one.” You shake your head at your own stupidity. “Well, at least someone to spend the rest of my life with.”
“You’ll find someone better.” He predicts. “Someone who cheats on you isn’t worth your time. Or your tears.” Joel looks over at you and gives you a small smile. “Maybe you’ll find one of those romance story type guys here on the Cape.” 
You chuckle, “who is already married or has more skeletons in his closet than a haunted house. I think I’ll accept the reality that I’m destined to be alone and I think I’m okay with that. It’s not too bad. Getting to do whatever you want without answering to anyone. Romance is - it’s just something they sell to give people hope.” You confess with a sigh, “I’ll stick to reading about it in novels.” You chuckle softly and turn into the coffee shop, about to open the door but Joel does a little jog to open it before you can. “Don’t lose hope. You never know who’s gonna appear.” He says and you bite your lip as you brush past him, knowing he’s the man you’ve always envisioned when you read those romance novels.
The inside of the cafe is trendy, quirky. It seems like a place where Joel would look completely out of place with his buttoned up shirt and jeans, heavy boots. No one has given him shit about it and been friendly, even though he stays away from a lot of their menu. “Have you tried the muffins? They are pretty good.” 
You shake your head, “no. I had the chia pudding the other day.” You giggle when he wrinkles his nose. “The blueberry muffin sounds good.” You hum, crossing your arms, “and a latte. You seem like a black coffee kind of guy.”
“Only way to drink coffee.” Joel agrees with a smirk. He guides you to a table and pulls out a chair for you. “I know you probably like all those syrups and half pump venti shits.” He rolls his eyes, although he likes the way you sound when you snicker. 
“I’m a vanilla girl.” You reveal and Joel raises his eyebrows playfully. “For my coffee order.” You clarify with a smirk and he walks over to the counter to order your drinks and he returns with a blueberry muffin for you. “You didn’t have to pay.” You shake your head and he shrugs, “to make up for the early morning wake up calls.” He explains and You offer him a soft smile, reaching out to touch his hand, “thank you. I- I’ve missed you, you know?”
“You missed me so much you just….disappeared?” Joel asks, wanting to know why. “I tried calling you a couple of times. Wanted you to come out with me and Helen to dinner. You just didn’t ever call me back.” 
You sigh, withdrawing your hand. “I…it was complicated.” You glance around the coffee shop, feeling his eyes burn into you. “I couldn’t stay after you…I had to get out of town and figure out what I wanted. I’m sorry I disappeared but it was for the best. You had a new life…a wife. You didn’t need me hanging around.”
It’s not an answer that satisfies him, but from the set of your jaw, you won’t give him a proper explanation. “I- you missed a lot, obviously. I had wanted to tell you that Helen was pregnant. We weren’t announcing it before the ceremony.”
You swallow harshly, not realizing that he’s a father. “Did Helen…you have a - wow. That’s - I didn’t know. No one told me - my parents didn’t tell me anything. I asked them not to.” You finish with a murmur, shifting to sit back and look at Joel just as they call his name to get the coffees.
Joel stands up, happy to go get the drinks and muffins so he doesn’t have to show how that idea upsets him. Why does he care after twenty-five years? He shouldn’t. Bringing the tray over to the table, he sets it down and doles out the items quietly.
You bite your lip as you look at him, he’s broader than ever. He was gorgeous when he was younger and he’s still gorgeous with the grays scattered in his hair. “Is your kid in the Cape or elsewhere?” You ask him, wanting to change the subject.
Joel frowns slightly, looking down at his coffee. “No.” He tells you. “She- she died. Twelve years ago. It’s why I moved here. I couldn’t live in Texas anymore.”
Your brow furrows as you gasp softly. “Oh. Oh Joel. I’m so sorry. I- shit. Me and my big mouth. I’m so sorry. Oh God. That - that’s terrible.” You choke, squeezing the coffee cup in your hand as you see the devastation in his eyes.
“It was a long time ago.” The wound is still fresh and if it were anyone else, he wouldn’t even bring it up. But you had never met Sarah, you didn’t know how wonderful she was.
“I’m sorry Joel. I know that doesn’t mean shit when you endure that kind of pain but…I really am sorry.” You say and reach out to squeeze his hand again. “I understand why you left to come here.” You tell him and his dark eyes meet yours, clouded over with the pain of losing a child. “Do you…do you maybe want to come over for dinner sometime? Catch up properly? I meant what I said. I’ve missed you.”
His immediate response is to tell you no. That it wasn’t necessary, but he can’t get the words out. “Sure.” He figures it’s a nicety. That you are saying that and then you’ll politely avoid him.
You sip your coffee as he goes quiet. Joel was never one for small talk. “So have you got a wife or girlfriend here?” You ask after a few moments, wondering if that’s why he was hesitant to accept an offer to catch up over dinner.
“No, nothing like that.” He shakes his head, frowning slightly when he remembers Tess. He should have been better to her, but he ran out of time. “Not anymore,” he adds, looking back down at his cup. “So how long are you here?”
"Two weeks. Figured that was enough time for the dust to settle and for that asshole to get his shit out of my apartment." You sigh, looking down at the table before you flick your eyes up to meet his. "I really am sorry we lost touch. All I can say is it's complicated and too much time has passed to dig into it all again."
“Yeah.” Joel just shrugs. “It’s in the past.” He knows he’s changed a lot from the man you used to know. He’s harder, his heart is cold and most times people are wary of him. “People change, move on, whatever.”
You frown at his pessimism and you know he’s changed but he always used to be so playful and fun. Life has been hard for both of you, especially Joel. You finish your muffin and soon you’re walking back to your aunt’s house. “You wanna come for dinner tomorrow?” You offer, not wanting to end this interaction on a spur note.
“Sure.” He finds himself agreeing, not minding your company and he would love a meal he didn’t cook for himself. Or Ellie cooked. “Oh- uh, I should have told you. Can someone come with me?” He asks, not sure if you’d want a kid around.
You are surprised but don't ask who, wondering if he has a friend or something. "Uh, sure. Yeah. That's fine. Any allergies or things they don't like?" You ask, wanting to be sure before you plan what you want to cook.
“Nahhhh.” Joel snorts, shaking his head at the crazy things that Ellie has eaten. “She’ll eat anything. Nearly indestructible stomach, I swear.”
You are curious, barely able to swallow down the inquiries but you manage and offer him a smile, "sounds good. Wanna say seven?" You ask and he nods. You stand on your aunt's driveway and Joel rubs the back of his neck. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says and you rock on your heels, crossing your arms. "See you tomorrow, Joel." You smile and watch for a second as he spins on his heel and makes his way back to the neighbor's house.
“So whoooo are we having dinner with?” Joel rolls his eyes and ramps down the urge to bite back with something sarcastic. That would only make the girl more curious about who you are. 
“She’s an old friend.” Joel explains, “she’s in town and I thought I might be good to not have to put up with your shit cooking for a night.” He reaches over and pulls on her ponytail, grinning when she scowls and slaps his hand away. 
“Hey man, not my fault your cooking tastes like shit. You taught me.”
You wipe down your apron as you watch the water boil for the pasta. The doorbell rings and you take the apron off, making your way over to the door to open it to greet Joel and his mystery guest. You had purposefully avoided looking out of the windows this morning when Joel was working. You are shocked when you see a teenager with Joel, having convinced yourself it was another woman and he was trying to hint at it but you didn't pick it up.
“Woah. She’s a babe!” Ellie’s eyes widen and she sends Joel a smirk. “No wonder you didn’t talk about her. You gotta date, old man? Why the hell are you bringing me with you?” 
Joel rolls his eyes and reaches up to smack the back of Ellie’s head. “Behave.” He warns her before apologizing to you. “Sorry. She’s feral. Not a goddamn manner in her body.”
You fluster at the girl's compliment and you look at Joel with a chuckle, "don't worry. I've had worse with my cousins and their kids." You promise and step aside so that he and the kid can enter. You tell her your name as she walks past you and she offers you a grin and tells you her name is Ellie. "Hope you like chicken parm." You hum as you shut the door behind you.
“I love anything that he didn’t cook.” She hooks her thumb over at Joel and smirks. “He thinks heating Chef Boy-r-dee is a good meal.” She tells you, knowing that Joel is shuffling in embarrassment and not caring a lick. She likes to bust his balls.
You chuckle, remembering how hopeless Joel was in the kitchen. He even called you up one night to ask you to rescue the meal he was trying to cook Helen for a date night. It had been hard to help but you would’ve done anything for him back then. Still would if you’re honest. You ask Ellie what she wants to drink when they enter the open plan kitchen. “Damnnn. This is a nice place you got here.” Ellie says and you shake your head, “it’s my aunt’s. I live in Texas.” You explain and Ellie glances at Joel. 
“Texas, huh?” She says, raising her eyebrows and Joel ignores her. 
“Yeah. Joel and I used to be neighbors.” You explain a little more.
“So you can tell me what he used to be like?” She asks conspiratorially. “Before he became so boring.”
You lean in conspiratorially towards Ellie. “He’s always been boring.” You whisper playfully and Joel rolls his eyes. 
Ellie nods, “makes sense.” You chuckle and Joel huffs, biting his lip to smother his smirk. 
“Joel has always been a good guy. Grumpy, but he has always done the right thing.” You say, “and he tries to let everyone think he’s a grumpy bastard but he’s actually got a good sense of humor.” You say and Ellie shakes her head, “he doesn’t laugh at my jokes!” She whines and you smirk, “oh he’s laughing. Just on the inside.”
“No, I’m not.” Joel grumps and huffs, trying to hide a smirk. He likes to bust on Ellie as much as she busts on him, just in different ways. If he tries to be too soft with the girl, she will shut down. “Hope it wasn’t too much trouble for dinner. We would have been good with pizza.”
You shake your head, “it’s nice to cook. I am usually so busy with work and my ex…he was a vegan which made it almost impossible to cook what I know but I love cooking. I’ve missed it. Hopefully it’s good.” You say and turn back to the stove to put the pasta on to cook. “You want a soda?” You ask Ellie, knowing Joel will want a beer. The teenager nods and you hand her a soda before handing Joel a bottle of beer. “Go sit at the table. Dinner will be right up.” You say as you set your glass of wine down.
“Ellie and I will clean up.” Joel offers. He might suck in the kitchen, but he knows how to clean up a mess and it wouldn’t be fair to expect you to wait on them. “Sound good?”
“You’re my guests.” You protest but Joel shakes his head, “we can do the dishes.” You sigh, knowing you’re best to not argue, and turn back to the stove. It doesn’t take long for you to set the serving dishes on the table. “Dig in.” You order and Ellie groans, “shit. That looks good.” 
“Ellie.” Joel warns softly and you chuckle, “hopefully it tastes good.”
“I'm sure it’s great.” Joel tells you with a quick smile as he cuts into the chicken cutlet. “Thank you, it’s nice to have a good meal.” He admits. Often times it was something from a box or fast food for them. “And did you remember what beer I drink? Or was it a lucky guess?”
You bite your lip and fluster slightly, “I, uh, I remembered.” You confess, having remembered every detail about the man opposite you. Your heart is still thumping when his dark eyes meet yours. 
Neither of you notice the way Ellie smirks as she cuts into her chicken. “This is fucking awesome. You’re a great cook. Right, Joel?” Ellie hints at her foster dad.
"Huh?" He's been trying not to make it obvious that he's having a moment with the chicken farm. Looking up, he sees that he's being asked a question. "Yeah, oh yeah, it's delicious." He praises. "I don't know if I've had chicken parm this good in forever." He promises.
Your stomach twists with their praise, pleased they are enjoying it and you dig in yourself, hungry after cooking for most of the afternoon. “So Ellie is your daughter?” You ask Joel and Ellie snorts, “he wishes. I’m just his foster kid. He and my mom were friends and when he found out I was in home after home, he took me in.” Ellie says and you smile, “always knew you were a softie.” You tease and Joel grunts his response.
The truth was more complicated and filled in infinitely more guilt. Joel had gone down a dark path after Sarah had died. He was Ellie's mother's dealer. Giving her the drugs even though she was using more and more and that it could kill her. He had told himself that it wasn't his problem until he had learned about Ellie. He had started avoiding the woman's calls until he learned she had died of an overdose. No other family other than Ellie, it had felt like it was his fault so he had done the work to become the kid's guardian.
You can sense there's more but you don't push. The three of you have small talk, Ellie mainly asking questions about what Joel was like when you knew him back in the day and you explain that you were good friends until he got married and you decided to leave town. "You left? And didn't keep in touch?" Ellie asks with a frown and you tap your fingers on the table, "it was complicated."
Joel snorts and doubts that, but he doesn't voice it. You keep saying it's complicated, but you won't even say more than that to him. Ellie rolls her eyes and sighs. "Just say you love him already. There. Done." She turns to Joel and pitches her voice up slightly. "Joel, I was in love with you so I couldn't stand to see you married." She says, pretending to be you before she looks back over at you with a shake of her head. "Now. Was that hard?"
Your jaw drops slightly as the teenager calls you out and reveals the reason you left within an hour of meeting you. "I, uh, it - um -" You stammer and Joel shakes his head. 
"Ellie. Don't be rude." He reprimands her and she waves her hand towards you, "I'm right, aren't I?" She asks and you stand up, grabbing your plate. 
"I have dessert. You like chocolate cake?" You ask and grab the teenager's plate.
“Stop being a little shit.” Joel hisses the moment you disappear out of sight. “She doesn’t love me. She’s just getting over a break up.” Ellie’s grin falls and she looks upset over her comments. “And you have to open your big mouth.”
You sigh as you cut into the cake you bought earlier and serve three plates. You carry them back over to the table on the tray and Ellie’s eyes widen as she takes it in. “Holy shit, that looks delicious.” She says and you chuckle, “I didn’t make this. I’m not a good baker.” You confess as you sit back down.
“I doubt that.” Joel tells you. “I’m sure you are a good baker, but Ellie never turns down cake.”
“I never do either.” You wink at Ellie, wanting to lighten the atmosphere and you dig into the cake. After the cake is eaten, Ellie tells you about her school and how she wants to learn to play the guitar. “Joel used to play guitar.” You reveal, remembering how you used to hear him practicing in his bedroom.
“You never told me that.” Ellie sounds downright offended that he had never told her about his musical proclivity. 
“Haven’t told you a lot.” He grunts, smirking slightly when she pouts at him. 
“But you can teach me, and then I won’t have to pay someone.” 
He chuckles and raises a brow at his foster kid. “I’ll take payment in the form of chores being done on time and completely.”
You chuckle and realize that Joel is just as soft as you remember him but he’s covered by a hard exterior…like a piece of candy. Sweet but sour. “Deal.” Ellie says despite knowing she will slack a little bit she hopes Joel will at least teach her the basics. “So are you gonna be seeing Joel again?” Ellie probes and you shrug, “well, he’s working next door so I think it’s inevitable.”
Joel rolls his eyes at the scheming tone of the girl’s voice. “Maybe I should ask you when you are going to see Vanessa again.” He huffs with a small smirk. “You seemed to be really into hanging out with her.”
You lean in a little closer with a smile, “who’s Vanessa?” You ask and Ellie blushes, “she’s, uh, she’s this girl from math and she - she’s really pretty.” Ellie murmurs and you reach out to touch her arm, “then maybe you should tell her that.” You suggest and Ellie rears back and shakes her head. “Oh no. No. I, uh, I don’t know if she likes me.” Ellie confesses and you say, “well, you’ll never know unless you ask.” You suggest softly and Ellie bites her lip until her expression hardens a little, “I could say the same thing to you guys.” She says, looking between you and Joel. 
You shake your head, “we are friends. Have always been friends.” You say and don’t notice Joel frown slightly. “Anyway, I, uh, I’m sure you have an early start. Do you want to take the rest of the cake home? I won’t eat all of that.”
“I know the kid will want it.” He won’t admit that he might go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to sneak a piece. “Come on.” He motions towards Ellie. “Let’s get in there and clean up. Show our appreciation for the good meal.”
Ellie, for once, doesn’t groan about doing dishes and you already have most of it in the dishwasher so it’s only the serving plates and plates you ate off of. “It’s okay.” You try to argue but Joel and Ellie already have a well rehearsed wash and dry system. You stand there with your glass of wine and admire Joel.
You had obviously washed as you cooked, so there weren’t as many dishes as when Joel decides he’s gonna actually cook. Once the last one is washed and handed off to Ellie to dry, Joel rinses the rag and starts to wipe down your counters. “Tell you what?” He jokes. “You feed us like that and we’ll do all the dishes every time. Might even do your laundry too.”
You chuckle and hold your hand out towards Joel, “that’s a deal, Miller.” You joke and he squeezes your hand, sending electricity up your arm at his touch and your heart thumps. You stare at him for a moment until Ellie clears her throat and looks between you with a shit eating grin until Joel lets go of your hand. They finish washing up and you hand them the box of cake to take with them when you escort them out of your house “it was great to meet you, Ellie.”
"It was pretty cool to meet you too." Ellie smirks. "I think I'll probably see a lot more of you too." She predicts before shooting out the door. "Thanks for the food!" She shouts as she waves the cake box over her head.
You chuckle when Joel rolls his eyes, “she’s a handful.” He says and you reach up to squeeze his shoulder, “she’s a good kid. And you’re a good man for taking her in.” You say and he leans in to softly kiss your cheek. 
“Thanks for dinner, sweetheart. See you around.” He winks at you and you fluster, nodding before you shut the door. Your heart is fluttering, the ghost of his kiss on your cheek and you know that your love for him has never gone away, it’s just been concealed. 
The next morning, you’re woken up by Joel and his crew again and you sigh, getting ready for the day. When you open the curtains, your jaw drops as you come face to face with Joel working , his shirt looped into his jeans. “Shit.” You hiss, your stomach twisting with arousal as you watch his shoulder muscles move.
Joel sees the curtains opening on the bedroom you are obviously using in your aunt’s house. He looks back down at the board he was nailing into place and smirks. It was hot as hell today and that might have prompted him to take his shirt off. All the while, telling himself that Ellie’s prodding about how much you two obviously liked each other was a bunch of BS. You had been friends. He’s sure he had taken his shirt off around you at some point, so why shouldn’t he be comfortable.
Your mouth is dry as you try to discreetly watch. You hadn’t seen Joel without his shirt off and the muscles moving has you wanting to get back into bed and imagine Joel in it with you. Instead, you force yourself to get ready for the day and brew some coffee. The doorbell rings around mid morning and you brush yourself down as you move to open the door. “Joel. What’s up?” You ask, his shirt still off, he’s covered in some kind of grease, and you swallow harshly. “I hate to ask this but do you think I could use your shower? I got grease all over me from trying to fix my tool. Can I - I’ll be quick.” He asks and you nod, “of course. It’s upstairs to the left.” You say, “I can run your stuff through the washer if you want?” You offer.
“Thanks.” He shoots you a grin. “I appreciate it. This job has been nothing but a pain in my ass, but at least the view is nice.” He tells you, aware that he’s flirting, but he can’t help himself. He’s been thinking about you all day. Wondering what you’ve been doing.
You bite your lip as he grins at you and you aren’t sure if he’s flirting or not. You watch him as he carefully makes his way upstairs after taking off his boots at the door and you try to busy yourself by making some iced tea for when he’s done showering. Logically, you know he doesn’t have a spare set of clothes yet you’re still surprised when he appears with a towel wrapped around his waist and you swear your heart stops. Fuck, he looks gorgeous. You want to lean in and lick the drops of water speeding down his chest and stomach to be absorbed by the towel.
Joel shuffles slightly. “Sorry. I didn’t think about the fact I had nothing to put on.” He admits, rubbing the back of his neck. “And I- I swiped some of your deodorant.” He chuckles awkwardly. “Probably the best I’ve smelled all day.”
“That - That’s okay.” You nod, torn between stepping forward to rip the towel from his body and running to your room to disappear. “I, uh, I made some iced tea if you want some.” Joel nods and you pour him a glass. “I’ll put your things in the washer.” You hold your arms out and take the dirty clothes, quick to walk into the laundry room to put his clothes on to wash.
He hadn’t missed the way your breaking hitched, and he reasons that Ellie was right. You want him. Instead of drinking the tea, he puts it down and quietly follows behind you. Crowding in behind you as you close the lid to start it and smirks when you gasp as you turn around. “Sorry, realized I forgot to give you everything.” He rasps out, reaching for his towel. “Can’t forget that.”
Your eyes widen and you bite your lip to stop the whimper escaping. Joel is naked. In your aunt’s laundry room. You spin around and place the towel in the washer before pressing the button to start it. His hands find your waist and he pushes up against you, “Joel.” You whimper, “I- oh God.” You gasp when he kisses your neck. 
“I want you.” He confesses, “you want me, darlin’?” He asks and your knees would buckle if he didn’t have you pressed up against the washer. 
“I need you. I’ve wanted you since I met you.” You confess breathlessly.
His hardening cock twitches against your ass and he groans. “That is why you left.” He huffs. “Fuck, I wish I had known.” He squeezes your hips and then slides his hands around so he can unbutton your jeans. “I would have taken you to bed before I met Helen. Always thought you were a pretty thing. Never seemed like you wanted more with me, so I didn’t push.”
You turn your head to kiss his jaw. “I thought you thought of me as the dumb kid next door. Never saw me as the woman I became. I thought you just saw me as a friend. When you told me you were engaged to Helen - I - I couldn’t stick around and watch you be a family.” You confess as he pulls the zipper down and you gasp when he shoves your jeans down your thighs, his hand quickly pushing into your panties to rub your clit. “Joel.” You moan, reaching up to turn his head so you can press your lips against his.
He knows that this will change everything but he’s tired of being alone. Tired of the regrets he has and you have always been one of them. His work rough fingers press and rub your clit while his other hand slides under your shirt and pushes your bra up so he can fondle your tits. “Never thought you were a girl. You aren’t that much younger than me. Hated how much I wanted you. How much I thought about you.”
You gasp when he rubs your clit just right and you grind your hips back against his aching cock. “God. I- I thought about you all the time.” You confess and reach behind you to grip his cock in your hand. “I want you, Joel.” You whimper, needing to feel him inside of you after so many years of wondering what he would feel like.
“Then you’ll get me.” Joel promises. “Right after you cum on my fingers.” He twists his wrist so he can push two thick fingers inside you and rub your clit with his thumb. Groaning and twitching in your hand when your walls squeeze his fingers tight. “I’ll fuck your little pussy right. Make you forget all about that douche bag in Texas. Show you how a man should be treating you.”
His words send a whine up your throat and you squeeze his cock in your grip as his fingers stretch you out. “Oh God. Jo- Joel.” You gasp when his thumb presses harder against your clit. It’s more than you’ve felt in years while having sex and you are grateful for his hand squeezing your breast to keep you upright and pressed against the washer. “Shit. That - it’s so good.” You pant, knowing that Jason never made you feel like this. He never used to finger you until you came, just until you were wet. You’re a little embarrassed when you look back on it later to say that you came astonishingly quick, clamping down on his digits with a moan of his name.
“Good girl.” Joel moans when he feels your body tense and shake. “Fuck, your such a good girl for me. Bet you taste delicious, don’t cha?” He groans, the slickness coating his fingers makes it easier to work you through your orgasm until he feels your knees buckle and you collapse against the washing machine. “Fuck. You needed that, didn’t you. Still want me to fuck you or do you need a cigarette?” He jokes. He’s throbbing in your hand, but if you don’t want to go any farther, he won’t push. He doesn’t want you to regret it or feel like he’s taking advantage of your broken heart.
You squeeze his cock again, "don't you dare stop, Miller. I- I've wanted you for forever. I need you inside of me." You plead breathlessly, pussy still fluttering around his fingers, "please." You add pathetically, needing this even if it's one time.
“I’m so fuckin’ glad you said that.” Joel confesses as he pulls his soaked fingers out of you. “Otherwise I was gonna need to jerk off right now.” He kisses your neck and pushes your feet apart with his own to spread you out. “It’s gonna be quick.” He warns. “Been a long fuckin’ time for me.”
"I don't care. You can cum inside of me." You promise, bracing yourself on the vibrating washer as he positions himself at your entrance and starts to push inside of you. You whine when his cock slips inside of you, already stretching you out. "Fuck. You are so big." You moan, knowing that you've never had anyone this thick inside of you.
​​Joel groans your name roughly, rolling his hips until they are pressed against your ass and both hands are filled with your tits. “So goddamn tight.” He rasps in your ear, twitching when you clench around him. “Better than my dreams, better than I could have ever imagined. So tight around my dick.”
You reach behind you to tangle your fingers in his damp hair. He starts to move inside of you, a whine escaping your lips as the friction is delicious, and you rest your cheek on the washer. “Soooo gooood.” Your voice vibrates too and Joel chuckles darkly, making you clench around him again.
He moves his hands down to grip your waist, holding tight to you as he braces his legs. Starting to rock into you faster and harder to make your body slam against the machine you are leaning against. “Fuck baby, you’re goddamn perfect.” He grunts out, gritting his teeth. “Touch your pretty little clit while I fuck the shit out of you.”
You cry out in pleasure, your hand shaking as you push it between you and the machine to rub your clit. “Fuck Joel. Joel. Oh shit.” You practically sob and his fingers dig into your flesh, likely leaving bruises you’ll cherish. “Harder.” You demand, wanting to feel him for days after he leaves you.
He growls, deep in his chest and his pace increases. Slamming into you harsh enough that he rocks the machine. Loving how you take him and beg for more, how tight your cunt gets when you spasm around him. “Gonna cum.” He warns, feeling his body starting to tense. “Need you to cum, sweet girl.”
You rub your clit a little faster, wanting to cum before he does and his grunts echo in the laundry room, getting deeper and faster along with his thrusts until you fall apart. A cry rips from your mouth as you clamp down on him, practically shaking against the vibrating machine as you climax around the man you’ve wanted for so long.
As soon as you clench down around him, Joel is lost. The strangled groan pushes out of his throat as he buries his cock just as deep as he can. Painting your walls with hot spurts of his seed while he grinds into you and whimpers your name. Overwhelmed by how perfect you feel around him.
You pant, resting against the washer as Joel twitches inside of you, his lips kissing along the back of your neck. You are speechless. No one has ever fucked you like that. Your legs feel like jello and you know you'd collapse if it wasn't for him keeping you pressed against the machine.
Panting, Joel presses against your back, kissing along your neck as he tries to catch his breath. He’s out of practice, but the way your legs still shake makes him think he did it right. “Fuck.” He chuckles. “We shoulda done that years ago.”
You chuckle softly, "yes but you were married." You snort and Joel caresses your side. "I think I'm gonna need a nap after that." You confess and he smirks against your skin, reluctantly pulling out of you.
“Well, I can’t go back to work with no clothes on.” He reminds you with another chuckle. “Why don’t we take that nap?” He’s already told his crew what to do and he doesn’t want to leave you right now. Caressing your back, he watches his cum start to well up at your little hole, trying to push out.
You smile, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra after he steps back from you and you finally feel like you can stand up. You toss your bra and shirt into the laundry basket along with the rest of your clothes after using your panties to wipe his cum from between your legs. “I need to pee and then we can nap.” You say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “You wanna head upstairs while I pee?” You ask.
“Yeah.” Joel smirks slightly when you wobble as you walk to the hall bathroom and he strides into the kitchen to grab you a bottle of water before heading upstairs to the bedroom you are using. Feeling great and hoping that you enjoyed yourself, he’s gonna have to ask you when you come up.
You struggle to get upstairs but you do it, finding Joel sitting on the edge of the bed, still naked and you admire him for a second. The sun coming through the curtains highlights the gray in his locks and you find yourself falling for him all over again. You shift to lay down on the bed, closing your eyes, “you’ve worn me out, Miller.” You joke playfully.
“You’re worn out?” It’s fucking ridiculous how he wants to touch you again, even though he knows it will be at least half an hour, maybe more before he could get it up again. “And here I was thinking about eating your pussy.” He flips back on the bed beside you. “Guess that’s out.”
You open one eye, “now I didn’t say I was that worn out.” You tease, shifting onto your side and opening both eyes to look at him. “I would happily cum on your tongue if you want to do that.” You murmur, reaching out to caress his chest.
“Figure I owe you that much.” He grunts. “Fucked you over a washing machine. Not exactly the classiest first time.” He shoots you a grin. “Shoulda been in the bed of my truck.” He leans in and presses his lips to your as he rolls you onto your back and covers you with his body. “Wanna find out how you taste. Used to think about it when I had my dick in my hand.”
​​You reach up to caress his shoulders and back, “the bed of your truck. The stars above while the radio plays. That might’ve been something I dreamed about a lot.” You confess as he kisses along your neck. “I want to suck your cock too. Imagined it so many times. How you’d look, how you’d sound.”
“Fuck.” He groans, imagining it. “You’d look so fucking pretty like that.” He agrees. “But right now, there’s no way I’m gonna get hard, baby. I’m old.”
You scoff, “you’re not old. You just need some time.” You murmur, caressing his back as he slides his hand down your side. “We have time.” You promise softly despite knowing you are on borrowed time in your aunt’s house. “Now…you mentioned something about eating me out?”
He laughs as his tongue slides between your breasts, looking up at you with a grin that makes him feel younger, lighter. “I was telling you that you were going to scream my name.” He boasts, kissing across your belly as he shuffles down the bed to move between your thighs.
You grin as you watch him until he kisses your inner thigh and your mouth falls open with a moan. “Joel.” You sigh when he kisses along the sensitive skin until you are moaning his name as his tongue slides through your folds. “Fuck.” You tilt your head back, sitting up on your elbows.
He hums, knowing you are watching him but his eyes are closed as he tastes you. Enjoying the musky, tangy taste, even mixed with his own cum. Using his hands to push your thighs apart more, he flicks his tongue over your clit before sliding down and pushing his tongue inside you.
You gasp in delight as his tongue curls deep and you shift your weight onto one elbow so you can reach out and tangle your fingers in his hair. "So good baby. So good." You coo, rocking your hips up slightly to push his tongue deeper.
Joel groans into your cunt as he tongue fucks you enthusiastically. Loving your responsiveness and how you moan his name. His fingers dig into your hips, dragging you closer as he feasts voraciously without even wanting to pull away to swallow, his spit and your juices sliding down to soak the bed under you.
"Oh God." You pant, chest heaving and you let go of his hair to squeeze your breast, pinching the nipple while his nose presses against your clit. "That - ohhh just like that." You cry as his tongue curls just right with his nose pressed against your bundle of nerves.
He hums, rubbing his broad nose against your clit to give you more. Desperate to hear you cum again and to feel you soak his face. He feels so fucking alive right now between your thighs.
"Shit. I'm - you're gonna make me cum, Joel." You pant, thighs clamping around his face as he sends you over the edge. "Fuck!" You squeal as you soak his face, almost suffocating him with your thighs as your stomach clenches with your orgasm.
Joel groans, his softening cock starting to twitch and harden. Loving how wet you are getting and how much you are soaking him. Working you through it, his eyes are fixed on your face while you moan and cry out for him.
You collapse back onto the bed, gasping to catch your breath and you swear your heart has stopped from how hard you came. It’s more than anything you felt with Jason. It’s all consuming. “So good.” You finally murmur, loosening your grip on his face as your legs come down to lay flat on the bed when he rests his chin on your mound.
He smirks, looking at your blissed out face. “Good to know that it was good.” He strokes your thigh and your hip with his hands. “Now we can nap.” He teases, winking playfully.
You shift onto your side after he snakes from between your legs to flop down on the bed beside you. “You don’t want me to-?” You ask, noticing his semi. 
“Nap first then maybe you can ride me.” He says, closing his eyes and you nod, shifting to curl into his side, watching him for several moments until you eventually drift off to sleep. 
You aren’t sure how long you’ve been asleep but you wake up to Joel snoring. You chuckle softly, knowing he would never admit to snoring, and you watch him for a moment, unable to believe you’re here with him. Your gaze slides down his body to his hard cock resting on his belly and you grin, carefully shifting to be able to kneel over his body. You gently grip his cock and lean down to take the head into your mouth, wanting to surprise him when he wakes up.
Joel grunts, the wet heat and suction around his cock pulling him out of the nap he had been enjoying. Confused for a moment before the last few hours come rushing back to him and he groans out your name. Reaching down to cup the back of your head as his eyes open. Seeing you looking up at him with a smirk in your eyes.
You take him deeper, gripping the base of his cock as you widen your jaw and choke for a second. You haven’t sucked a cock like Joel’s before and it takes you a few tries to get him down your throat without gagging.
“Good girl, fuck, watch you take that.” He marvels. Reaching around to caress your jaw and feeling the way that your jaw unhinges. “Couldn’t wait, so eager for it that you had to wake me up?” He teases.
You moan around his cock, closing your eyes as you take him deeper, your saliva dripping down his length and you pull back after a moment, working his cock with your hand. You twist your wrist and dribble some more spit onto his cock. “I couldn’t resist.” You confess, pumping him as you lean in to suck on the head, pressing your tongue against his frenulum.
“Shit.” Joel hisses, his toes curling in pleasure and his thighs tensing as his body responds to your tongue. “Cock hungry.” He grunts. “You gonna swallow? Or are you gonna tease me and not let me cum in your mouth?”
You pull back again, pumping him a little faster. “You wanna cum down my throat or do you want me to ride you? Your choice, handsome.” You coo, “I can do whatever you want. Just want you to feel good.” You promise, taking him back into your mouth.
“Fuck.” It’s such a tantalizing choice but he knows he lasts longer the second time around and then he’ll be done. It would make your jaw ache and he doesn’t want that. “Ride me, baby.” He groans. “Want to see you bounce on my cock.”
You don't argue despite wanting to watch him as he cums down your throat. You let his cock drop from your mouth and you shift to straddle his thighs, shuffling closer until you can wrap your fingers around his slick cock and position him. You sink down onto him with your eyes fixed on his, that dark gaze sends a shiver down your spine as he stretches you out. "God, Joel." You whine softly, placing your palms on his chest.
“Fuuuuuuuuck.” Joel goans out, his fingers digging into the soft flesh at your hips while you clench down around him. You’re even tighter in this position and he has the bonus of being able to look into your eyes. See your face. “Does that feel good, baby?”
"Joel. It's...shit. It's so good." You confess breathlessly and your nails dig into his chest a little as you start to rock your hips. "Shit. How does it feel so good? Never been like this before." You confess as your eyes meet his and your heart pounds in your chest, silently giving you the answer to your question.
Bracing his feet on the bed, he rocks his hips up to meet you when you lift off of him. Making both of you groan at how good it feels. “You look so good on my dick.” He groans. “Your ex is a fucking moron.” He doesn’t want you to think about that asshole, but he wants you to know that it wasn’t you. One hand slides up to cup your breast, squeezing gently. “Never wanna leave this pussy.”
His words make you clench around him and you whimper, falling forward to press your chest against his so you can kiss him. Your lips pressing against his and you tangle your fingers in his hair as he thrusts up into you. His arms wrap around you and you kiss his jaw when you pull back to take a breath. "Never want you to stop fucking me."
Joel grunts, shifting to take control. “Good-“ he pants. “Good thing I last the second time.” He starts rocking his hips up, pinning you to him as he fucks you. “It’s why I wanted you to ride me. Probably take me an hour to cum.”
You are surprised by that. Most men you've been with tend to leave you unsatisfied after finding their own orgasm. "Fuck, really?" You gasp and he chuckles, thrusting a little harder. "Yes. Gonna make you cum over and over again." You cry out when he hits deep, nudging your cervix, but you love it. "Yessss." You hiss, "do that again baby."
Joel groans and does as you demand, snapping his hips up sharply so he can push against that spot again. He might be getting older, slower, fall asleep after dinner in his chair, but he’s not going to disappoint you. Not when he has this time with you like this. Trying to give you the same performance if he had fucked you years ago. “That?” He teases. “I’ll do that as much as you want.”
The sound you let out is between a wail and a moan as he hits that spot again. “Oh shitttt.” You hiss, lost in the sensations. “Again. That- again.” You beg and he does it, making you shake above him. “Joel. Oh shit. Baby. I’m gonna - you’re gonna make me - fuuuu-” The word fading into a choke as you clamp down on his cock, soaking him as you shake above his body, your fingers tugging on his hair.
This time he slows down, rocking you through the pleasure slowly and finally stopping when you slump down into his chest. He’s still hard, buried inside you, and he hums softly as he lets you catch your breath. “That’s good, baby?” He asks quietly. “You want another one?”
You lean back to look into his face. Fingers coming up to trace the lines that have been etched onto his skin over the years you’ve not seen each other. He’s still just as devastatingly handsome though. Every line is a story you don’t know about. “Yes.” You murmur, pressing your lips to his and you shift to sit up, wanting to ride him again. Your hips rock as you reach for his hands, joining them with yours to give yourself something to hold onto as you rock on his cock.
This time, you ride him. Truly ride him. You roll your hips and circle them around and make him groan. He squeezes your hands, but he doesn’t urge you to go faster. Knowing you will cum again before he does. He doesn’t want to hurt you or wear you out, so he’s just along for the ride. Aware that the sounds from next door have stopped and the guys have gone home.
You tilt your head back as you rock your hips. It’s slower, not as frantic, and you love the way he groans when you grind down onto him. “So good Joel. God, I- I can’t believe it’s so good.” You confess, squeezing his hands before you let go of him and lean back to place your hands on his thighs, grinding forward onto his cock.
He chuckles and watches you with a sense of wonder. “It’s because you’ve not had good sex in a long time.” He downplays his prowess because all that matters is that you enjoy yourself. “God, your pussy is fucking magic.” He moans quietly, twitching violently in the warmth of your walls.
You whimper, loving how he looks beneath you, and you moan his name again, “can you-?” You reach for his hand to bring it to your stomach, sliding it down to rub your clit and you moan when he rubs it just right. “That’s it baby. Shit.” You pant, rocking a little faster and you are soon clamping down on him again, head tilted back as a choked cry escapes your lips.
Joel watches you through heavy lidded eyes as you come apart again. Enjoying the pleasure you take as much as you do, although your body is the one shaking. He rocks his hips up slightly when your pace falters to work you through it. Groaning out your name and humming as you collapse against his chest to kiss you.
You caress his cheek, “I need a second.” You admit, chest heaving as your heart pounds in your chest and you pull off of his cock. Shifting to lay beside him and you reach down to grip his length, starting to pump him slowly while you lean in to kiss him. “Can’t believe you’re in my bed.” You murmur against his lips.
​​“Hard to believe since we haven’t seen each other in so long.” Joel agrees. “But it is pretty damn good, I think.” He reaches up and cups your cheek. “I know you deserve the fucking moon.”
You grin, turning your head to kiss his palm. “So do you. Always thought you were too hard on yourself.” You murmur, continuing to pump his cock. “I want you on top of me.” You request, letting go of his cock.
“Ready for more?” His brow shoots up and he huffs. “It’s a good damn thing that I didn’t cum.” He teases you, already moving to his knees so his could climb on top of you.
You giggle, reaching up to caress his shoulders and down to his chest, reaching for his cock to position him at your entrance. “I want you to cum. Fill me up again.” You promise, “and I’ll always want more.” You reassure him and he looks at you for a moment until he swallows harshly.
“Yeah?” He asks gruffly, not waiting for you to give him an answer, just lunging forward to fill you up again while he kisses you. Swallowing your cry when he pushes deep and immediately starts to rock into you.
You moan into his mouth, tongue tangling with his as he starts to rock his hips. It’s intoxicating and you are certain that you’ve never been fucked this well before. He kisses along your neck, biting your collarbone and you pant, closing your eyes. “So good baby. So good.” You whimper as he lifts your hip higher to sink deeper inside of you.
“Glad you like my fucking.” He huffs, chuckling breathlessly. He hasn’t worked this hard to fuck a pussy in years and he’s not regretting it. You both deserve this. He actually feels like he deserves this, surprisingly. You make him feel like he does.
“Oh God.” You can’t stop rambling about how good he feels, your heart pounding in your chest and you cross your ankles behind his back, your hands caressing his shoulders, strong from his years in construction. He lowers his hips and you swear you’re gonna cum again when the hair at the base of his cock brushes your clit.
“That’s it.” Joel grunts. The position has you perfectly positioned. Loving how tight you feel and how good it feels to be cradled between your thighs, he knows he’s gonna cum this time. “One more.” He begs. “Give me one more and I’ll fill you up again.”
You pant when he pushes deeper and drops his hips again and you swear you almost black out from the extent of pleasure he’s given you and you swear you are going to gush as he hits just right and you clamp down on his cock. “Joel. Joel. Joellll.” You squeal as you cum, soaking him and your ankles pushing against his ass.
Joel groans, unable to stop himself from pushing deep and letting go. His body draws up taunt like a guitar string. “That’s it baby, gonna cum.” He moans, feeling his cock pulse as he spills ropes of cum into your perfect cunt. Emptying himself as he holds his breath, feeling like his heart is about to beat out of his chest.
You sigh, closing your eyes and tilting your head back against the pillows as he paints your walls with his cum. You feel exhausted and yet feel like you could conquer the world. Alive and vibrating with pleasure from the man above you. The words would be so easy to say. The words you’ve wanted to say for so many years but you swallow them down.
Joel groans and pulls out of you slowly, flopping onto his back with a sigh. “Now I need another nap.” He huffs, closing his eyes even as he opens his arms if you want to snuggle to him again. “Wore me out, woman.”
You shift to curl into his side, throwing your leg over his thighs and not caring about his cum dripping out of you. You sigh and kiss his chest. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.” You confess, closing your eyes as you cuddle into him.
“Good.” Joel hums sleepily. “Best damn sex I’ve had too.” His hand curls around your body and closes his eyes again, exhausted and for once, the nightmares don’t come.
You smile as Ellie sets the blankets up in the back of Joel’s truck. You watch Joel as he comes back to the truck with an armful of popcorn. “Fuck yeah.” Ellie says and you chuckle, taking the popcorn from Joel. “You’re excited to watch Dawn of the Dead?” You ask her with amusement and she nods, “duh. It’s the original. The remake is good but it has nothing on this one.” She says and you watch Joel snort. “Come on, let’s get in the truck, it’s about to start.” He says and you climb in after he does, taking his hand.
Joel can’t believe that you wanted to spend time with Ellie, but it makes him smile as she settles down and you sit beside her. Leaning him to squeeze in on the outside. “It’s always nice when they run these.” Joel admits. “Been a long time since we’ve been, but I always loved it as a kid. Remember all those times we would hang out at the drive in? Damn thing was the only movie theater for twenty miles.”
You shift to snuggle into Joel's side after the movie begins. Ellie chomps away on the popcorn and you inhale the smoky scent of Joel as he shifts to get comfortable with the pillows behind you. The past week has been incredible, spending most days with Joel after he finishes working on the house next door and you've had dinners at your place with and without Ellie. You've wanted Ellie to feel included, that you aren't taking Joel away from her all the time, and the teenager says she's happy she doesn't have to see the miserable old bastard all the time. That made you chuckle and Joel grumble, causing Ellie to go "see? My point." You flinch during the movie, on edge despite seeing this classic before, and Joel rubs your shoulder.
He ignores the way that Ellie eyes the two of you and snickers under her breath. Pulling you against him to where you roll to your side, hooking a leg over his. He tucks his other arm behind his head. “Maybe we can do that thing downtown next week.” He mentions casually, keeping his voice low. “Kid wants to go. Could be fun.” The little town loves to hold festivals and events, especially during the summer. 
You hum, looking up at him. “I would love that.” You have been having dinners with Ellie and she’s a great kid. Feisty and her manners could use some work but she’s a good girl really. She’s gonna be a ball buster when she grows up. You and Joel have grown closer and he told you about Sarah. How he asked her to pick up milk on the way home from school because he was too busy with work to pick her up himself so she said she’d walk home and she ended up involved in an armed robbery of the grocery store. She made one wrong move to try and help a pregnant woman and ended up shot. You held Joel after he told you what happened, both of you crying for the little girl who would never grow up. Since then, you’ve spent as much time as possible together, even spending the night at Joel’s house. You never want to go home. You want to stay right here forever. You kiss Joel’s jaw when it tenses and he turns his head to softly kiss you, making your heart flutter.
Joel hums into the kiss, keeping it soft and light since the kid is sitting right next to you. He’s already planning on having you spend the night. Getting used to the feeling of your body next to his and when he’s holding you, he doesn’t dream of Sarah. He doesn’t hear her last breaths as he sleeps. He nuzzles your cheek with his nose when he pulls away. “Enjoying yourself, baby?”
“Always with you.” You whisper softly while Ellie chomps on popcorn and laughs when someone new gets bitten. It’s the most at peace you’ve been in so long. You want to tell Joel how you feel but you don’t want to ruin this between you. When you arrive back at Joel’s, you bid goodnight to Ellie and Joel is dragging you to his room. “Someone’s eager.” You giggle and he shuts the door behind you.
“Always with you.” He uses your words from earlier, but it’s true. He’s always eager to touch you, to taste you. Feeling your skin against his is unlike anything else and he’s addicted to it. He quickly pulls off your shirt and unclips your bra as he kisses along your neck, moving down to take a nipple in his mouth.
You gasp, body still on fire as much as the first time whenever he touches you. You reach for his jeans, unbuckling them and reaching in to grip his cock, loving how hard he is for you. “Joel.” You whine when he bites down on your nipple, groaning into your skin.
He loves how you whine, how you beg for him. Switching to your other breast, he shows it the same attention, squeezing your ass and then hastily unbuttoning your shorts. Needing to feel how wet you are for him.
You let go of his cock so he can shove your shorts down and he groans when his hand dives into your panties and he finds you soaking wet. You’ve never been so turned on by a man, wet from just a few kisses from Joel. Even looking at him. You whimper when his calloused fingers find your clit. “Yesss baby.” You hiss softly, reaching back to squeeze his cock.
“Fuck.” He groans against your tit. His fingers rub your clit and then he slides them deep inside you and curls up. “Want you to cum for me, then I want to fuck you.” He growls.
You can’t deny him when he wants you to cum for him. His thumb pressing against your clit and you’re so close already. “Joel. Baby. Shit.” You hiss as you clamp down on his digits, soaking them and your grip on his cock tightens.
It seems like he’s learned your body perfectly over the last week. Groaning happily when your cunt gushes around his fingers and makes it squelch when he continues to finger you. “So good baby, so good.” He praises. “You’re so good for me.”
You whimper, “yes. Yes. All yours. I- shit. Need you inside of me.” You plead, letting go of his cock to reach for his shirt. You want to pull it over his head so you can touch his skin.
It’s a frantic rush to get both of you undressed. Acting like teenagers again. He chuckles when he nearly trips over his boxers as he moves you towards the bed. “So damn eager. All the time.” He grunts, pressing his lips to yours as he pushes you down onto the bed.
You giggle, looking up at him as he shifts to kneel between your legs. You stop giggling when he looks at you and you reach up to caress his cheeks. “It’s because it’s you.” You murmur, your heart pounding in your chest and you know you can’t say those words and ruin this so you surge forward to press your lips against gis.
Joel closes his eyes and moans into your mouth. Gripping his cock and guiding himself towards your dripping entrance while your tongues tangle together. Flattening his hands on either side of your head as he starts to push inside you.
You tangle your fingers in his hair, lifting your thighs up to rest on his hips so he can sink deeper inside of you. “Joel baby. Shit. Always so thick. Stretching me out. Would’ve - would’ve let you fuck me in your truck during the movie if Ellie wasn’t there.” You reveal when he leans back to kiss along your jaw.
He hums quietly. "Could you have kept quiet?" He asks, sliding a hand up and covering your mouth. "Or would I have had to fuck you like this? Keep those pretty sounds for myself while I fuck you?"
Your moan is muffled by his palm and you whimper when he starts to move inside of you. Your cunt clenches around him, making him chuckle darkly, and you swear that alone could make you cum. His hand slides down to your neck, holding you there but not squeezing. “I would’ve tried. The - the horror screams might’ve covered mine up.”
He hums, smirking as he watches you squirm underneath him. "Maybe." He tells you doubtfully. Your screams are too loud when he's really fucking you. Although you normally save that for when he's fucking you at your aunt's house.
You slap his chest playfully and he grabs your hand, pressing it into the mattress above your head. “I could’ve kept quiet.” You huff and he thrusts particularly hard into you, making you moan a little louder than you shoulder. His eyebrow raises as you open your eyes and you roll your eyes, “okay, you made your point. Now, you gonna fuck me, Miller?” You tease, leaning up to nip his jaw.
“I’m fuckin’ you, aren’t I?” He grumbles even though he’s smirking again. He’s been doing a lot of that around you lately. Reaching back, he grabs your hand and lifts it up over your head while he slams into you again. “Addicted to it. To you.”
Your mouth falls open, all joking gone as he hits so deep inside of you. “Fuck.” You gasp, closing your eyes as he rolls his hips on the next thrust. “Shit. Me too. Addicted. To all of you.” You promise, having seen some of his darker moments when he’d wake up in the middle of the night and momentarily forget he lost Sarah. You’d held him while he settled down and neither of you spoke about it the next morning. It’s his decision to talk or not talk.
With your confession, his pace falters for a moment before he starts rocking into you faster. Snapping his hips as harshly as he can to slam into you roughly. Knocking your breath and his own out of you as he fucks you.
You lift your hips higher, sending him impossibly deeper inside of you, and you can barely breathe with the way he’s pushing deep inside of you. “Fuck baby. That’s it. God. Feels so good. So good.” You moan, squeezing his hands in yours.
“You’re so good.” He’s done everything he fucking could to show you how sexy you are. How desirable. That your ex is a dumbass. He squeezes your hand and despite the rough pace, his lips are tender on yours.
His hips grind against yours and you are close when he rubs your clit just right. “Shit. Jo-Joel. Fuck. I’m gonna - I’m gonna - Shitttttt.” You hiss as you clamp down on his cock, soaking him and your lips hover against his as he works you through it.
It’s always so surprising how quickly you cum. Making him groan as your walls squeeze hum like a vice, begging him to fill you up. He kisses you again, keeping his cock working in and out of you as he chases his own high. Thinking about you and how sexy you are, different times he’s fucked you. Wanting to cum and snuggle with you while he can. “Fuck, fuck, baby.” He pants. “So fucking good for me. Soaking my cock. Moaning my name. You’re mine, ain’t cha?”
You nod, “yes. Yes. Yours. Always been yours. You just didn’t know it.” You confess and he groans, pushing deep inside of you with a hiss as he starts to cum. “That’s it baby. Cum for me. Yes. Yes. God, that’s it.” You squeeze his hands as he scrunches his face up while he paints your walls.
“You should stay.” Joel groans out as he collapses on top of you and buries his face into your neck. Panting breathlessly and trying to find the words he needs, even though he’s never been good at them. He needs you. Much like he needed Ellie, just in a different kind of way. He doesn’t want you to leave and he knows you’ve only got a few days left.
You want to stay. More than anything. You often daydream about a life spent with Joel but you have a life back in Texas that you need to sort out. You want to stay, forget everything in Texas but you have an apartment. “I can’t. Not yet.” You murmur and caress his back, “I have stuff to figure out in Texas.” You wish you could stay with him but you have to get everything sorted.
Joel doesn’t say anything. He knows it was a long shot. He kisses you softly and pulls out of you with a groan and rolls onto his back. Quiet and suddenly wondering is you are going to go back to that asshole now that you’ve fucked someone else.
You shift into his side, kissing his chest, and you know it’s hard to explain to Joel who sees the world in absolutes. You know he isn’t happy with your answer and you’ll try to explain it better in the daylight. He is soon snoring in your ear and you murmur to him, “I love you.” You will call your parents tomorrow and see if they can help you out. 
Joel looks at you as you finish making the sandwiches for lunch. “You nearly finished with the house next door?” You ask him as you set the iced tea down in front of him as he shifts to sit at your kitchen counter. 
“Nearly.” He says and he’s been quiet since last night when you told him you weren’t staying. 
You set the plate in front of him just as the doorbell rings. He looks at you and you shake your head, “I didn’t order anything.” You say and make your way over to the front door. You open it and gasp, “Jason?”
His heart sinks as he hears your gasps but his first instinct is anger. Lurching out of his seat, Joel rushes to the door and pushes you out of the way so he can grab the asshole who hurt you. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He growls, satisfied that the man nearly squeals and flinches when Joel draws his fist back to punch him.
Jason winces and you reach up to touch Joel’s arm. “Don’t. He’s not worth it.” You say and Joel glances at you, confused that you don’t want him to beat this guy’s ass and you say no. “What do you want, Jason?” You huff and Jason adjusts his shirt after Joel lowers his arm. 
“I want you back. I made a mistake. I'm sorry baby. Please. I miss you.” You ignore that to ask him how he found you. “Your phone…still has the location shared with me.” 
You hiss at your stupidity. “I don’t - I don’t love you Jason. You hurt me. So much. Just go.” You plead and he shakes his head, trying to push into the house but Joel puffs his chest and Jason backs away. 
“Fine. Whatever. Clearly you’ve moved on. Good luck, man. She’s batshit crazy.” Jason growls, “and she needs to do some fucking kegels.” 
Joel hisses and surges forward to grab Jasón but he manages to dodge Joel and runs down the path. “Motherfucker.” Joel hisses and tries to catch him but you place your hand on his chest, “leave it baby. It’s not worth it.” You remind him and Joel shouts out, “you worthless piece of shit!” You sigh and shut the door, feeling a little shaken by Jason’s random appearance.
Joel’s angry. Pissed off that you apparently still have feelings for that fucking loser. Enough that you wouldn’t let him beat the shit out of him and teach him some fucking manners. “Charming asshole.” He grunts, not even hungry anymore. “See why you want to go back to him.” You just said you didn’t love him, but why else would you give up on everything the two of you have if not to go back to that worthless piece of shit.
Your eyes widen, “go- what the hell are you talking about, Joel? Go back to him? That’s the last thing I’d ever do. I didn’t think he’d track my fucking phone to come and find me.” You shake your head, “I don’t want him. I want you. I only want you.” You want to tell him how much but you don’t want to risk your heart again.
“Except you aren’t staying with me, are you?” He demands. “You’re gonna fuck off back to Texas and maybe tell your friends that you rebounded with some dumb construction worker who knew you from back in the day.” His own fears ride to the surface and he lashes out at you. “Poor son of a bitch actually thought he had a chance and asked you to stay.”
You shake your head, “Joel. No. I- I have to go home because I have an apartment. A job. I can’t just up and leave everything. I want to stay. More than anything in the world but we aren’t kids, we have responsibilities and I have to handle it all before I come back here. I want to stay. More than anything in the world.” You assure him, noticing how tense he is and you feel guilty for not explaining yourself before.
“Whatever.” He’s angry and irrational. A little embarrassed about how he just flung his heart out there. “I’m- I’ve got to get back to work.” He picks up his tool belt off the back of the chair and turns towards the door. Hating how vulnerable you’ve made him feel and how easily you can hurt him.
You want to run after him, scream at him that you love him, that you've always been in love with him. No one has ever made you feel like he does. Instead, you stare at the kitchen counter. You told him you'd come back but he pushed it aside. Maybe it's best that you go home before you destroy the last of your relationship with Joel. You work on packing your things, booking a flight home, and you text Ellie to tell her you are heading home first thing. She tries to call you but you ignore it, wanting to have a glass of wine or two to smother the way your heart aches at leaving Joel again. You never discussed why you left. You never told him and now you doubt you will. You organize your aunt's house, leaving it how you found it and get into bed without Joel.
“You’re a fucking dumbass.” Joel ignores the jab coming from the teenager as he stirs the pan as if it was a mission to whip the water and milk mixture the boxed dinner called for. “Joel? Joel? She’s leaving.” She stresses again. “You know, not being here anymore?” 
Slamming the spoon down, Joel turns around to glare at Ellie. “I fucking know. What do you want me to do about it?” He demands. “She’s a fucking adult. She can go where she wants.” 
The girl’s eyebrows arch up to her forehead and she rears back at the anger in Joel’s tone. “Man, you got it baaaaaaad.” She huffs. “You need to tell her how you feel.” 
Joel snorts. “I have.” He admits, shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter, stay out of it.” 
Ellie harumps at him and crosses her arms. “Go talk to her.” She demands, staring him down and he knows she won’t let this go. 
“Fine.” He grumbles, slapping his hands on his hips to search for his keys. “Won’t do any good, but I’ll go talk to her.”
The doorbell rings and you frown, getting out of bed to see who it is. Hoping it's not Jason coming back. When you see Joel through the peephole, you sigh and open the door. "Hey." You say weakly as you stand there in your pajamas in the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Joel asks, shuffling slightly on the steps and wondering if you would tell him to fuck off. He had overreacted and fucked things up. “Please?”
You nod, stepping aside so he can walk in and you shut the door behind him. “Ellie told you I booked a flight home?” You ask and he nods, pushing his hands into his jeans. “Yeah.” He clears his throat and you bite your lip, taking a moment. “I don’t think you understand me, Joel. I- I don’t want to leave. Ever. If I could stay here forever, I would. But I can’t. Not because I don’t want to. I want to. I have a life back home. A home. A job. I can't abandon that stuff. I have to sort it out and then…I was planning to come back.”
His shoulders round, knowing that he hadn’t heard you say that when he was busy being upset. “I- I’m sorry.” He murmurs quietly, hating being wrong and feeling like he’s fucked things up. “I shouldn’t have- I didn’t hear you say that. I’m- no excuse.” He tells the kid to own up to her mistakes all the time and he should do the same.
You aren’t angry with him, just upset. “I- I never told you the reason why I left when you got married…did I?” You ask and he shakes his head, his hand coming up to run it through his hair. You fiddle with your fingers and lick your lips, giving yourself a moment. “I left because I couldn’t stand to see the man I love be in love with another woman, marry another woman. It tore me apart and I thought it was easier to leave than to watch you live your life without me being the woman you chose to be with. I was so in love with you and you didn’t see it. I had to go.”
“Oh baby.” Joel closes his eyes, pulling his hands out of his pockets so he can pull you close. “I wish you had told me.” It wouldn’t have changed things, he had married her, but maybe he could have kept you as a friend. “We didn’t last a year. She wasn’t the one for me. Not really, and we both knew it.”
You know he wouldn’t change a thing because he had Sarah because he married Helen but you hug him, breathing him in. “You had Sarah so life happens for a reason and you’re here now and I - I still love you. I’m still so damn in love with you, Miller.” You confess as you pull back to look at him.
“I love you.” He murmurs softly. “I - I was going to offer to come to Texas.” He’s not stepped foot in the state since his daughter died and he really didn’t want to go back, but he would for you. “To visit you. It would be hard to move Ellie.”
You caress his cheek, “I won’t be long.” You promise, “I can work remotely so I just gotta head home to pack up and find somewhere here to buy.” You tell him, “I won’t be gone long enough for you to need to visit me. I know you can’t move because of Ellie so I’ll come here. I don’t want to run anymore. I want you.” You promise, leaning in to nudge your nose with his.
“You don’t have to buy anything.” Joel murmurs quietly. “You can move in with me and Ellie.” He knows you might not want to move in with him after your ex cheated on you in your home, but he wants to offer. “No need to waste the money when you’re gonna be in bed with me.”
You smile, pleased that he’s ready to jump all in. “You want me in your bed?” You ask and he nods, “every damn night.” You giggle softly and kiss his lower lip. “As soon as I’m back, I’ll never leave your bed.” You promise, “I’m yours. Forever. If you’ll have me.”
“Baby, I want you.” Joel wraps his arm around you and pulls you close. “I promise you, I want you. Forever. Your asshole ex threw away the greatest thing he ever had and I’m not stupid enough to do the same.”
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starsofmilos · 2 years
True Power (Adrian Chase x witch reader)
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Request: OKAY! basically, I wanna see a badass witch!reader oneshot in which the team is on a big mission however, chris being chris (🙄 lol), keeps doubting reader and her powers, saying that she might not even be as powerful as some people say she is, sure she isn't taken out multiple people but a big alien thing they're after?? yeaa, he doubts it. however, she proves him wrong and even proves the team about how truly powerful she is. adrian is also supporting her being all like "my gf is so powerful, her mind is powerful" lol. please? thank you!!
AHH I have so many witch reader requests!!! I’m so excited for the next one I’m introducing Constantine!!! I used to have the biggest crush on Constantine too growing up! He definitely will be someone I hope to have reoccur in this series! Anyways requests in general along with witch reader requests are still open hope y’all like the story!!
Witch reader Masterlist
Warnings: cursing, violence, mentions of sex, fluff, witch craft 
“I wanna learn more about my abilities!” You exclaimed one night during dinner. Adrian tilted his head. 
“Dude you’re already powerful as it is?” 
“I know I am ! But imagine how much stronger I’d be if I could get my demon side of my magic under my control!” Adrian hummed. 
“I mean if that’s what you really want-” 
“It is!” You smiled excitedly. 
“It’d give me the peace of knowing I won’t go berserk and wipe out the entire town the next time I get upset. Would you mind helping me though Adrian?”
Adrian nodded, “Of course I will silly.” 
You smiled happily. “Thank you...” 
Adrian spent any free time with you helping you study. “We’ve been over the basics!” You both groaned. 
“Magic is hard.” 
You nodded. “I learned all of this from my aunt when I was smaller. My mom...well she didn’t like her magic so she tried to hide it.” Adrian nodded. He knew the story. 
The town hated you because of what your great grandmother had done. They tried to kill her and she cursed the town once she broke free. 
She then made a deal with a demon infusing her blood with it and passing it on to her bloodline.
It made him angry at times seeing everyone around belittle you. As if you mean nothing. They hated you for rumors. Which made no sense to him, they were just rumors. Yeah the rumors were true, but they didn’t know that. 
Adrian sighed holding your hand with his. “So you know magic itself, but not your demon side right?” You nodded. 
“Alright let’s think..” 
You sighed kissing his cheek. “You don’t worry anymore. Let’s stop for today, I’ll figure it out eventually.” Adrian pouted a bit. “I’m sorry-” 
“Don’t apologize. This is super hard to understand maybe I should reach out to my aunt.” 
You both jumped hearing Adrian’s phone buzz. “Team?” He nodded. “How’d you know?” 
“Witches intuition.” 
“No you have megamind saying hello for the team’s group chat text note.” 
“Oh....you know for you I have a heartbeat noise.” You smiled as he stood up to get ready. 
“I know you do...Be safe okay?” Adrian nodded before stopping.
“Emilia’s asking me to bring you?” 
“Oh?” You sat up nodding. “Okay well I did say whenever you all needed help to contact me.” Adrian nodded as you grabbed a small bag to take. 
“What’s in the bag?” 
“Stuff for certain situations.” He tilted his head confused, but realized it’d be easier for him not to question you. 
You didn’t do anything without a reason. “You coming?” He grinned hearing you.
Once arriving, you flashed a smile to everyone. “Hello!” Adebayo grinned waving at you along with John.
“Perfect Vig you brought her. This next mission is an all hands on deck situation. There’s no other way to say this but this might be the biggest thing we’ve ever gone against. Literally. It’s a Mothra.”
You all stood silent in shock hearing her. Adrian grinned in excitement though. 
“A what?” Chris asked in shock.
“A mothra.” Emilia repeated. “Look I know what you’re all thinking-”
“Do you?” John asked in shock. “How the fuck are we supposed to kill that?!” 
You slowly raised your hand gaining everyones attention. “Um...I can do it.” 
“What?!” Leota looked at you a bit apprehensively. 
“Yeah I can do it..” Emilia smirked at your words. 
“This is why I said to bring the witch-” Chris’s laughing interrupted her. You glared a bit at him in annoyance already knowing what he was going to say.
“You taking down a mothra? Yeah I doubt it. What are you gonna do ride a broom and cast a spell on it? Don’t worry you can be the backup Y/N we’ll try to figure out a way to take it down-”
“I can do it.” You cut him off a bit angrily. 
“I know I can do it. A mothra should be nothing and it’ll give me a chance to practice my magic anyways.”
“Just practice your magic on the people protecting the mothra. I don’t want you risking everyone’s lives because you want to practice.” 
Emilia sighed as Chris began to argue with you. It was times like this she swore she worked with children. 
“Enough! Smith I called Y/N here because she has an expertise on these things! If you’d let me explain this isn’t a regular mothra, I think someone or something created it! It has these ruins engraved into it!” 
You raised an eyebrow questioningly grabbing the file from her. Your eyes widened once seeing it. This was created by another witch.
“She’s right...This was created by another witch.” 
“How do we stop them?” Adrian asked confused. 
“Witches are still human you could easily kill them, but from what I’m seeing they stupidly did the spell wrong tying their body to the mothra so we kill the mothra we kill them.”
“I’m assuming they thought no one would be able to kill the mothra?” Leota asked.
“I’m assuming so too, but you guys have me so I can help you fight it. Chances are since it’s tied to it’s user it’ll be able to use magic as well, so I better start working on protection hexes right now.”
You grabbed your bag pulling out the items you needed. “Oh does anyone have a black pen?” John tossed one to you as they all stared seeing you work.
“There is no way a piece of paper can protect us from a mothra!” Chris laughed as you glared.
“How about you stop doubting me and wear the ‘stupid’ piece of paper? And now that I’m thinking about it it’s not even a piece of paper!” You snapped out. 
“Adrian that reminds me I’m not gonna make you one of these. Your tigers eye is basically one of these but ten times stronger.”
“Shouldn’t we get tiger’s eyes too then?” John asked. You shook your head.
“I don’t have anymore. It took me three days to get Adrian’s and I’m assuming we don’t have that kinda time.” Emilia nodded sighing.
Everyone stared at you as you began to work.
“Well don’t just stare at me! Harcourt start formulating a plan.” You snapped out a bit angrily. Chris was had gotten on your nerves. 
Adrian wrapped his arm around you as everyone prepped. “Calm down..” He whispered to you.
You relaxed a bit as he sat down pulling you to sit next to him. “Can I watch you work?” 
You nodded letting him hold your hand as you began casting a protection spell on everyone.
“Okay are we all ready?” Emilia called out loading up the van.
You nodded handing out the hexes. “Okay you can only take so many hits until the spell wears off so be careful okay?” 
Chris snorted, “Sorry I know you are a witch and stuff, but no little magic is gonna help us against the mothra.” 
“Dude Y/N is fucking strong dude. You gotta stop underestimating her. She’s like so fucking cool...” Adrian chimed in patting your leg. 
“You’re gonna regret saying all this shit when she saves your ass in the field.” John also pitched in laughing a bit. Chris laughed hearing him once more. 
“I doubt it. Besides she’s only here to combat the mothra. The rest of us are gonna do the actual work.” 
How could Adrian look up to this guy so much? He was an asshole.
You clenched your fist. “I’m just here to help how I can. I only plan on stepping in with the mothra when I see you guys need the help.” 
“I bet we won’t.” Your eye twitched. 
Once arriving at the location, you gasped in shock seeing the size of the mothra tearing apart trees. “Holy shit!!” 
Adrian smiled in amazement grabbing the chainsaw from the back of the van. “Hey no!” 
“But look at the size of that thing Harcourt! This is the perfect time to use it!!” She gave him a small glare. Adrian whined throwing it down. 
“FINE!! But I swear if someone else but me uses a chainsaw today I am going to lose it!” 
You sighed hearing Adrian before seeing a small group of people protecting the mothra. 
“Okay so what’s the plan Harcourt?” You asked her readying yourself. 
“Well John stays here, Y/N cover us with your magic. Me and everyone else will start off with the smaller fries.” She pulled her gun out. 
Everyone nodded in agreement readying up. “Alright on my go!” She called out. 
“Go!” You yelled out stopping the mothra from landing on all of you. 
“John drive off!!” Emilia yelled out as they all moved out of your way. 
Chris’s eyes widened in surprise. You sent it flying grunting from the force of it. 
“What are you guys waiting for!? Get out of here!”
They nodded heading towards the group. A black light surrounded your hands as you blocked off all of the attacks from the group. 
The mothra roared out pointing at you. “KILL THE WITCH!!!” 
“IT CAN TALK?!?!” You heard everyone yell out in surprise. The people under the mothra’s controlled turned towards you. 
“Shit..” You cursed seeing them all begin to yell at you. Chris moved to help you but stopped as two people jumped on him.
Emilia yelped out as the mothra swiped it leg sending her flying. “Harcourt!!” Chris yelled out worriedly. 
A swarm of thirty were running to you. Adrian grunted as he was tackled as well. It was too many and with the mothra sending out attacks you all were struggling. 
“Y/N!” Adrian yelled out for you as you pushed all of the men away from you. The mothra took it’s chance attacking the group. 
“Shit shit!” Leota yelled out avoiding hits. Adrian got the person off of him getting up to start shooting at the mothra to get it away from Leota. Chris stood up helping Harcourt who had been sent flying from the mothra up.
“Harcourt we need to go back and regroup!” 
“We can’t!! It’s now or never!” She yelled out groaning in pain sore from her ribs. Two of them were broken. 
Emilia had made a promise to thank you later she could imagine how much worser she would’ve been from that hit without your protection hex.
“We have to help Y/N she can fight the mothra-” 
“No she can’t!! No one can dude!!” Chris yelled out before hearing Adrian yell out. 
“Vig!!” The mothra had sent him flying knocking him hard against a tree rendering him for a moment. It stalked towards him stopping as a person flew by it’s head.
You panted standing over the men that had raced towards you. “Thanks for the help!” Chris looked in shock as you picked up abandoned trees sending them flying to the mothra. 
The men that you had taken down began to stand back up. “Can you guys cover me?!” You asked Emilia and Chris. 
Chris nodded, “I got your back! Kick that stupid aliens ass!” You smiled at his words opening the back of the van with your magic grabbing the chainsaw. 
“Sorry Adrian...” You mumbled out turning it on using it as a sword of sorts to fly around the mothra. 
Your hand glowed with the black light as you struggled to keep your eyes from going red. If your demon side came out there’s no telling the damage you’d do. 
You yelped out as a person tackled you. “Get the fuck off of my girlfriend!!” Adrian yanked them off of you stabbing them with his sword. 
“You’re using the chainsaw!!” He whined as you smiled sheepishly. “Sorry..” 
“No it’s fine..I hate how you look fucking hot right now..” 
“Cover my back Adrian!” He nodded with a grin running to Emilia and Chris. Adebayo went to the group. You glanced at the group they were a good distance now. 
That’s what you were waiting for. 
Your eyes turned red as you dropped the chainsaw. The mothra looked in shock seeing your eyes and magic color. It finally paid full attention.
“You’re magic..It’s tainted!!”
You nodded with a smile, “I have my great grandmother to thank for that!” 
Adrian grinned in excitement as you tore the mothra apart with your bare hands. You clenched your hand after lifting it off the ground crushing it. Sighing in relief you were able to hold back somewhat.
You grimaced as it guts flew everywhere. “Eww...” You gagged a bit wiping your face. The people the mothra had been controlling fell to the floor.
“THAT WAS SO FUCKING COOL!!!” You grinned hearing Adrian. He ran to you ripping his mask off to fully see you.
“Oh my god!!” He tackled you in a tight hug. 
“You’re so fucking cool and hot! That was fucking amazing! See dude!! I told you she was fucking strong!!”
Adrian grabbed your face, “Adrian wait!” You made a small muffled noise as he pulled you into a deep kiss.
You tried to pull away yelping as he tightly held you pushing his tongue in your mouth. Once he pulled away, he panted happily. 
“Dude I had blood all over me..” 
“I’ve kissed you with way worser things in your mouth-” You kissed him again to silence him. 
“Okay you’re right!” He grinned pulling you along. 
“Guys my girlfriend is a fucking badass! Did you see her?! She fucking exploded the mothra!! She made it her bitch!” 
Chris nodded as you all walked to the van. John smiled letting you all in. You groaned feeling gross as the blood began to seep through your clothing.
“That was so cool! You used the chainsaw like it was a sword and then then-” Adrian’s words trailed off for you as you leaned your head against him exhausted.
“Hey.” Chris called out to you with a small smile.
“What?” You grunted opening your eyes to stare at him. “Adrian wasn’t wrong that was pretty bad ass.”
You smiled, “Told you I could handle it..” 
“You were right sorry for doubting you. Vig is right you are one cool hot witch.” Adrian looked down at you then Chris.
“Hey! You can’t have her!!” 
“What?!” Chris and you asked in shock.
“Just cause you’re impressed by her and think she’s cool doesn’t mean you can date her! She’s with me!!” You laughed hearing Adrian blow up on Chris.
“Dude I don’t want your girlfriend!! She’s not my type-”
“Bullshit! I’ve hung out with you plenty of times to know when you find someone attractive! You’re practically undressing her with your eyes! Only I can do that!!” 
“What the fuck?! I don’t want your girl dude! I swear!”
“It better stay that way! I will fight you!” You grabbed Adrian kissing him softly.
“You realize I’d have to agree to be with Chris right?” 
“Well yeah, but Peacemaker is really cool and stuff and you’re cool and stuff. It’d make sense-”
“Adrian shut the fuck up. He literally was doubting me the entire time. I don’t want him. I want you..the one who believed in me full heartedly.” 
“I don’t know if I should be offended or not!” Chris yelled out. 
“You should be.” Leota and Emilia spoke up at the same time. You chuckled leaning on Adrian.
Once you got home, you showered meeting Adrian in the kitchen after. “I feel great without all that blood now.” 
He smiled pushing a plate with pizza on it. 
“Oh you bought pizza?” 
“Duh my witch girl deserves the best after kicking ass today and destroying Peacemaker who kept doubting you.” 
Adrian kissed you pulling back to push a slice to your face. “Eat.” He grinned as you took a bite. 
“I’m so fucking proud of you dude! You didn’t lose control when you used your demon magic!” 
You smiled softly, “It’s because of you. I was able to hold back because I knew I could possibly hurt you and it help knowing that you believed in me.” 
“Yeah Adrian...You never doubt me and you genuinely love me..Everything I have good in my life now is because of you..”
He smiled a bit as you hugged him sighing deeply. “I gotta be more careful though. I don’t wanna ever lose control.”
Adrian chuckled, “You’re fine...I know you’ll figure out your magic stuff eventually.”
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
I heard you want twisted wonderland req can I request headcanons for yandere Malleus , vil and jade with reader who don't know what love is ? You know ,they are being abandoned and neglected by their family that they don't know any form of love ??
Sure, chief. Hope you're doing okay This is a sensitive topic so I tried my best to tone it down a bit.
Yandere! Malleus, Vil, Jade with a Neglected! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Poor homelife implied, Jealousy on Jade's part towards Floyd, Mentioned plots of violence.
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Malleus Draconia 🐲
- Malleus is quite concerned yet intrigued about this.
- He always thought humans were social creatures, yet here you were all alone.
- He finds it odd how your guard is up around him even when he's just trying to say hello.
- It concerns him even more when you get to know him and cling to him all the time.
- He'd be lying if he said he didn't like you clinging to him for affection, but he wanted to know why you were so different.
- When you tell him about your family problems he's even more concerned.
- A human who has been cast aside, huh?
- He's holding you in a tight grip, head on yours as he scowls.
- How dare they abandon such a kind little human.
- If no one else has shown you affectionate interactions, then he will.
- He's one of the few who show you affection.
- You're his human now, giving you a fanged smile as he kisses you gently.
- No need to worry now, you don't need anyone else but him
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Vil Schoenheit 🍎
- Vil has wondered why you're sheltered from the rest, not taking care of yourself and having trouble speaking to others.
- He's surprised at the reason, offering to help you out.
- He has such a mom/aunt vibe-
- He'll be so caring to you, fixing up your appearance and helping you talk to him more.
- He's so loving and caring towards you more than others, it's comforting.
- He's upset your parents abandoned someone with so much potential, just look how beautiful you are with him!
- He assures you he'll treat you much better than those fools.
- Vil gives you the best skincare, clothing, diet, he's honestly looking out for you.
- Behind the scenes, he's plotting.
- Your parents are ugly creatures, not seeing the beauty you have.
- He'll just have to whip up a curse or poison to teach them a lesson....
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Jade Leech 🐚
- Jade is calm and collected, he's also eerily nice.
- He finds it odd you come to the lounge alone, wanting a table away from everyone else as you stay in the corner.
- He comes to talk to you, seeing your guard is up.
- He assures you that he means no harm and was just curious of you.
- This sparks a nice friendship/relationship between you and the Leech brother.
- Once you're comfortable enough, or he uses Shock the Heart on you, you reveal why you have such odd behavior.
- Jade feels upset when he hears your story, how could your parents do that?
- You're like a precious pearl to him, how could someone cast you away into the depths of the ocean?
- He does his best to comfort you, holding you close and rubbing your back.
- You're allowed to come to him if you have any trouble, he'll help you through it.
- There is a high chance if you're close to Jade, Floyd will also be attached to you.
- Jade warns Floyd to back off, however, as Jade wants you to rely on him.
- Jade knows he needs to be civil so he can't give your parents a piece of his mind, but that doesn't mean Floyd won't-
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beomglocks · 3 years
i was gonna request a pt. 2 for mr. choi but i just saw another anon already asked that 😌 bUt maybe yn’s mom goes out of town on a business trip or sth, so she has yn stay at the choi’s house so she isn’t home alone for a whole week, and her and soobin have to sneak around his son or sth hsjdbnd
but this is just a suggestion and honestly anything with dilf!soobin would be great 😩✋
[8:23 pm] w dilf soob
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warnings & other: some touching, does this count as exhibitionism, nvm, beomgyu is clueless, age gap, reader is legal, sexual tension?, there's a curse
you bit your lip as you stood outside the choi residence. the house you'd passed by many times to and from your way to school. you never knew what it looked like inside or who was in the house besides mr. choi but alas today was the day you would find out.
ever since soobin had visited your house for the first time, your mom had taken, what you can only describe as a liking, towards the man with the pink hair. to be fair, you don't blame her.
all of a sudden the stranger danger warnings and the "don't trust your neighbors because you never know what they're truly like" speeches flew out the window because here she was letting you stay over.
"your aunt called and she wanted me to go over there for a while. i know you don't want to come along with me and i won't force you but im also not leaving you alone so im letting you stay with someone i trust," she had said before she left.
thankfully that someone she trusted was mr. choi soobin across the street.
you knock on the door lightly. it's around 8pm which isn't too late but from what you can tell, a lot of the lights inside are off. you wonder if your mom had told soobin the plans in advance and if he was waiting for you.
the thought alone made you excited until the door swings open to reveal someone who isn't mr. choi.
"you must be y/n?" a boy who looks to be around your age asks. you nod slowly until it clicks that this must be mr. choi's son.
a part of you deflates at the fact that you won't be alone with soobin but obviously, his son would be at his house. "yep, that's me, my mom did tell you i was staying over for the week right?"
he nods in confirmation, letting you in. the house is cleaner and neater than you thought for there to be two males residing in it. the various plants and abstract art pieces around the walls give the place a more homey feel than you expected, very domestic.
"my name's beomgyu by the way," beomgyu smiles at you. he seems nice enough and a small part of you feels like you would be attracted to him if not for his father.
"is that y/n?" you bite your tongue in excitement as a small rush flows through your body at the sound of your name from mr. choi somewhere in the house.
"yeah!" beomgyu calls out to his dad. he leads you to the living room where mr. choi is sat watching a movie on the tv screen.
he seems to still be in his work clothes with the button down and the slacks still on him. his legs are spread open and his arms are lazily laid across the top of the couch. his hair is also messy as you can only imagine what the previous hours were like for him.
"hello mr. choi," you greet him. he looks you up and down subtly before saying hi back. "you can sit on the love seat if you want," beomgyu says as he walks past you into the living room.
you quickly walk in too, "actually is it ok if i sit on the couch?" you don't give him a reason as you can't conjure up one quick enough that would make any semblance of sense but thankfully he doesn't question it, and takes the love seat for himself.
once you settle in, you look at soobin who's already looking at you. "how was your day sir~?" you ask coyly. he smirks at the way you know how to address him. he places his hand on your exposed knee, "it's got better- now that you're here," he wants to say the last part out loud too but figures that since beomgyu is still in the room that would be inappropriate to voice.
beomgyu speaks up about how his father took the week off to work from home to watch over you both and soobin automatically detaches his hand away from you. you hold back a visible frown.
there's no way soobin agreed to have you stay over without expecting to get closer to you, well you were determined to make this week worthwhile.
"is it ok if i have a glass of water?" you ask beomgyu specifically. as expected he obliges to your command since you are a guest and his father wouldn't have gotten up regardless.
once you confirm beomgyu is out of ear and eyeshot you quickly go to straddle soobin's lap. you know it's risky but you love how he automatically holds your waist. "sir~" you purr. he leans down swiftly to catch your lips in a sweet kiss. you hum satisfied that you managed to get this out of him at least.
you grab onto his shirt to push yourself deeper into the kiss if even for a couple more seconds but he pulls away teasingly, letting you chase him. "i hope you know i didn't agree to this for no reason," he breaths.
you shift on his lap and look up at him through your lashes. "glad we're on the same page" is what you say with the movements of your body on his. you're about to lean back up to kiss him when the creaking of the floorboards saves you from your almost mistake. you practically throw yourself back to where you were previously and soobin shifts in his spot, wiping his lips from your tinted chapstick.
"water," beomgyu proudly holds out the glass to you. "thank you," you mumble, keeping your head down in slight embarrassment.
after that, the impromptu movie night for your arrival goes as you'd expect from you sitting next to soobin.
you could've cared less about whatever family movie was playing. it was hard for you to ignore soobin's subtle touches as he would slowly inch up your thigh every couple of minutes.
if beomgyu would even so much as stretch his arms, he would retract his hands as if you were a flame on the stove, afraid of being caught by his son.
as for you, you don't want to come off as suspicious but to be fair it was fairly easy for you to touch all up on soobin without beomgyu getting too suspicious, with the excuse of it just being innocent gestures.
somewhere between the middle of the movie, soobin leans down to your ear.
"by the way... i didn't mention this earlier but-" he kisses the skin right under your ear subtly. fuck. you try to convince yourself that beomgyu won't notice what's going on, simply thinking his father is whispering to you, not wanting to talk loudly over the movie.
"what were you thinking wearing this?" he says referring to your short skirt. you look down at the clothing choice and bite your lip, rubbing your thighs together. he places his hand on the couch close enough to your upper thigh that it doesn't look too suspicious, letting his fingers play with whatever part of the skirt he can reach.
you both watch his fingers lift your skirt playfully as if he could flash you if really tried but he simply teases you by lifting it a little and putting it back down and feeling the fabric. "last time i was this close to you you wearing those shorts." he hums thinking back at the first time he ever saw you. "did you think it would be easier for me to fuck you if you wore something i could easily slip my fingers into? tell me that you miss my fingers," he rambles. "i bet you must be feeling so disappointed."
at that, your eyes flit over to beomgyu who you catch staring at you for a brief moment. you can't tell what his expression means but you want to say he looks confused at the proximity between you and his father.
"is y/n ok?" he asks his dad. soobin fixes his posture to sit slightly further from you but still close enough to not draw suspicion. "yeah she didn't understand the plot so i just explained it." he says, cooly. thankfully for you, his son seems to buy it.
soobin looks over at you with a wink and smirk before placing his hands on your knee, rubbing your skin before leaving you alone for the rest of the night.
you can only look between him and his son thinking that this will be one hell of a week.
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loubrary · 3 years
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader
Headcanons: You’re new in town and help Billy become a better person.
Warnings: mentions of violence and homophobia, hints of smut.
A/N: This doesn’t really follows the ST timeline but who cares about canon or accuracy, am I right?
[ Masterlist ]
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Your parents move you a lot due to their jobs, they’re always researching something in some strange corner of the world. You can’t understand how you went from living in South America for the last six months to living in middle-of-nowhere Hawkins Indiana.
You’re out to your parents, and they’re very supportive. You consider yourself lucky, they’re very modern and open-minded people.
The kids at your new school don’t know what to make of you with your different clothes, hair and accent. Some of the teachers are fascinated to learn of the places you’ve been to. 
When you met Robin your gaydars went off and you’re both excited to have a Fellow Gay in town. She introduces you to her friend Steve and the three of you become very close. Soon you are also helping Steve take care of his kids.
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Billy hears of this strange new kid and goes to look for him to show him who owns this school. When Billy sees you he is enthralled, the world stops and all he sees is you, he feels a strange sensation inside, and he hates it.
In the days that follow, Billy makes his moves. He is mean to you, calls you names. He tries to intimidate you and scare you. But you’ve dealt with his type many times before and you have some tricks up your sleeve. 
Billy hates that you don’t react to his taunting. You just smile and laugh.
“You too?! Wanna go on a date, darling? Bad boys with pretty hair are totally my type, Hargrove.”
His words don’t work, so he changes his tactics. 
You’re walking through an empty hallway when he attempts to grab you and slam you against the wall. Only to find himself on the floor completely immobilized. He had no clue you had trained in various martial arts. 
Putting the pain aside, Billy is turned on by the feeling of being dominated, he feels himself hardening against the cold floor. 
You lean down and whisper in his ear, “think twice before daring to touch me, pretty boy.” You let him go. 
One side of him wants to fight but when he sees the determination and fearlessness in your eyes he backs down. “This isn’t over,” he huffs and leaves stomping the floor.
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Billy leaves you alone after that. He only glares at you and curses at you under his breath. He hates that he can’t stop thinking about that day. He hates that he enjoyed being under your control. He hates how he can only cum to images of you. But at this exact moment he hates seeing you with Steve laughing. 
You feel his eyes on you, how they follow you as you move. When you face him his face hardens and his fists clench, but there’s something in his eyes you can’t decipher. 
One day you’re alone in the showers, or so you think. You turn and see Billy checking you out from the other side, completely frozen. You notice his hard-on and his eyes open wide. He thinks you’ll say something but you just smile and wink at him. He leaves hurriedly trying to control himself. 
That confirms your suspicions and you know what is up with Billy. You’ve met guys with internalized homophobia, but never like Billy.
After that, teasing Billy becomes one of your favourite activities. You pay him visits at the pool, making sure he gets a nice view of you. You notice when he covers his lap with his magazine, and tries to focus on something else. 
“Why do we come to the public pool? We both have pools at home,” Steve complains. Robin laughs at the clueless boy, and proceeds to explain the situation.
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One day Billy finds you alone and he attempts to make a move on you. He was so confident believing you’d accept his advances. 
“I’m not some desperate lonely gay boy, Billy. I don’t bend over for any hot guy that offers me his dick.” “So you think I’m hot?” He smirks. You scoff leaving him there.
Billy hates that you rejected him. How is it possible? He thinks of the guys he tormented and then fucked back in California, how easy they fell to their knees for him. 
Billy has never met a gay guy as confident and unafraid as you. Deep inside he feels jealous and admiration for you. He secretly wishes he could be as open and be free as you.
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You get paired for a project, you are prepared to do all the work and let him take part of the credit. You’re shocked when he asks if you want to get together to work on the project. You’re even more shocked when you learn that he actually understands the material and is quite smart. 
Against your better judgement you invite him to your place. You’re surprised he shows up on time.
When he greets your parents, it’s like he’s a completely different person. He laughs at your dad’s jokes, compliments your mom, and even asks about what they are working on.
Billy is even more jealous of you when he sees how loving and caring your parents are, how happy and peaceful your home life is. 
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The second time he comes over he has to excuse himself and go to the bathroom to splash some water on his face and calm down. All he can think of is everything you have that he doesn’t.
He finds you and your parents sitting tightly together as your mother reads a book out loud in french for you and your dad. 
“Sit down honey, I’ll translate for you,” your mother says. 
By the fourth day he accepts your parents’ invitation to stay for dinner. He has fun, he’s fascinated by your parents’ stories and their research work. 
You get a glimpse of the real Billy and can’t help but smile. 
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One day during dinner your mother talks about your exes trying to embarrass you, and asks Billy if there’s a special boy in his life.
Billy’s breath hitches and starts to sweat. He stands up quickly bumping into the table, saying he has to leave. 
Your mom tries to apologise and your dad asks him to stay. 
You follow him outside the house. “Billy, wait!” 
He turns around to face you and his eyes are red as he tries to hold in the tears. “Hey, it’s all—“ “I’m not a... I’m not.” he grunts before getting in his car and speeding off. 
Billy parks somewhere secluded and hits the steering wheel with his fists, he cries and yells in anger. He’s angry, sad, jealous. 
He cries for his mom, for a life he wishes he had, for the love and support he yearns for. 
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Billy returns the following week to finish the project. He plans to just focus on the project, finish it and never return. 
Your mom answers the door. “So good to see you, love, we’ve missed you,” she says warmly rubbing his arm, “sorry about the other day”. He almost doesn’t hear the last sentence, he hasn’t heard those words or felt that way in a long time. Someone being happy to see him, missing him, calling him love. 
Your dad greets him and calls him son, and asks him to join him later in the study to show him their latest findings. 
You and Billy don’t talk about what happened. You focus on your project.
“Have you always been out to your parents?” Billy blurts out.
You decide to be honest. “Yeah, they sort of figured it out when I was little.” You tell him how growing up you met all kinds of people through your parents. You tell him about your parents’ gay friends that you call uncles and aunts. Telling him how you always felt free to be yourself with your parents even though you know the world is cruel and unaccepting. 
After a moment of silence Billy speaks. He talks about the only openly gay person he ever met, a friend of his mom back in California. He tells you about how his father hated his mom’s friend and got in fights with his mom about it. 
He tells you about his dad, how aggressive and angry he is. He doesn’t tell you about the physical abuse. He went on about how unhappy he was, and how different your lives were. 
You start to see why Billy acts the way he does. Bullying others is his way to feel he is in control.
“How do you do it?” 
“Being gay like that, you don’t hide.” 
“We only live once, I’m not gonna let a world full of bigots tell me I can’t be myself and be happy.” You pause. ”Billy? You can always be yourself here.”
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After you finish your project, Billy keeps coming to your place to hang out. 
He’s more relaxed and tones down the attitude. He even starts being nice to Max.
He’s still the bad boy to everyone else, but when he enters your home all that stays outside.
You learn more about the real Billy. How he likes science and music. How curious he is. How funny he can be. And you slowly start to fall for this Billy.
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One day Billy and you are in the living room listening to music lying on the carpet and giggling when your mom comes in. “Honey, your friends are here.”
You both look up and see a shocked Steve and the kids, and a grinning Robin. Max is especially shocked by the whole scene.
“Oh hey guys, you know Billy, right? We’re just listening to this new album.”
Billy panics, and stands up to escape, “I have to go.” You understand, not wanting to force him into anything. 
The others sit down looking suspiciously at Billy as he leaves. Billy avoids all eye contact. “What did I get himself into?” Billy thinks. 
Meanwhile Robin and you have each other’s arm over your shoulders as you sing dramatically.
“Is anyone going to talk about how you were on the floor giggling with Billy Hargrove?” Mike asks. 
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One rainy night, Billy is driving to your house. His eyes sting, his knuckles turn white gripping the wheel. He feels his cheek and eye starting to swell. He stays on the driveway debating on what to do. He sees your bedroom light on and goes to ring the bell hoping that you open the door.
It’s your mom that opens the door. “Billy? Come on in, love, you’re soaking wet.” When he steps into the lit hallway your mom finally sees his face. “Oh my god, sweetheart. What happened?” 
“Who is it darling? Oh Billy!  Are you okay, son?” Your dad asks him.
Billy wants to lie, he had this planned, he would have said how he got into a fight with another guy and didn’t want to go home looking like that. “I got—I...” he tries. But he can’t keep it in anymore. “It was... My—my dad...” he chokes as he lets out a cry. 
He feels two sets of arms engulf him, and he lets is all out. He cries like he’s never cried before. He thinks he hears your name being called. He hears your parents’ voices, encouraging and supportive words he can barely make up. He cries even more when he think of how these people that he met not long ago care more about him than his own father. 
You find your parents consoling Billy. Your mom is holding him while your dad rubs circles on his back. And Billy holds on to them like his life depends on it.“Billy?” He looks up to you and you see his broken face, all the pain and suffering he has endured and your heart breaks for him. 
You help him get up and walk him to the living room. Your dad goes to prepare the guest room and your mother prepares some tea. Billy is curled into a ball under a blanker with his head on your lap. You run your hand through his hair as you rub his arm comfortingly. 
When he calms down, he starts telling you of everything his dad has done. All the punches, the bruises, the hurtful words. 
Later you take him to the guest room, you help him get his clothes off and rub some medicine over his bruises. 
“Can you stay with me?” 
“Of course.”
You hold him close, his face pressed on your chest. 
For the first time in a long while Billy sleeps peacefully.
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After that day your parents take action, they’re on the phone with their lawyers, looking at how they can help Billy and Max.
Your parents help him get custody of Max. 
The both of them move in with your family. 
“Can’t believe you’re taking me to live with your boyfriend,” Max tells him. “He’s just a friend,” he groans. “Yeah, right.”
That night Billy is in your bed as you read to him, his head on your lap. “Thank you,” he says pulling your book down to look at you. “What for?” You ask, running a hand through his hair. “For saving me, and Max.” You smile and kiss his forehead and continue with the story.
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In the morning you wake up to Billy facing you, looking at you and he smiles. 
“You okay?” He nods and reaches for your hand, holding it tightly as he scoots closer to you.
You move a loose strand of hair behind his ear, caressing his cheek, feeling how soft his skin is. 
You two stay like that for a while just enjoying each other’s warmth in silence, playing with your hands and looking into other’s eyes. Neither of you can’t stop smiling. 
“I love you, (y/n).”
“I love you too, Billy.”
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sassymoon · 3 years
i won by loving you \ s.r fanfic
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pairing: spencer reid x reader summary: reader is terminally ill and is saying goodbye to her loved one. genre: angst. all the angst. word count: 1.7k cw: mentions and talk about cancer(melanoma), death of reader, some curse words, nicknames (angel,love). prompt: "for what its worth" a\n: hi loves! this is my entry for @spareau celebration! i know this is a difficult subject and i wrote it from my experience of losing someone to melanoma. please dont read it if it can trigger you. masterlist - -
Spencer should have seen it coming- you told him about your aunt passing from melanoma when you were younger, he knew you went to a dermatologist for a checkup every year. He should have seen the signs, he should have checked your spots himself, he should have known that those back pains were more than just tired muscles. But he missed it all, and now you were on stage 4, the cancer had spread and it was too late. But it can't be it, he can't lose you. You can still fight this, you can find a clinical trial to partake in. you can't just give up!
“No! I won't accept you backing out! I will find a doctor, somewhere in the world there is a person that can cure you, and we will go to him. Please just don't lose hope”
You looked at the love of your life breaking in front of you, and for a moment you thought about indulging him and continuing with the treatment, just for him. But this wasn't right. You couldn't do it. You stepped closer to Spencer, your hands resting on his cheeks that were wet from tears, and kissed his forehead.
“Spencer, my love. We tried everything. Chemo, radiation, Immunotherapy. Nothing works and now it's too late and the cancer spread too far”
You choked a sob and rested your heads together.
“The doctor gave me 3 months”
his head shot up with eyes black from horror, anger, fear. His mouth hung open as he tried to think about something to say, but nothing came up. His head that was usually busy and filled with thoughts, ideas and facts was empty. He could only focus on your words. 3 months. That's all he gets to spend with you.
“I don't want to spend my last time on this earth locked up in a hospital room with a needle up my arm. I want to be at home with you. I want to spend every minute I have left with the person that gives me joy. I hope you can respect my decision.”
Spencer knew in his head that it made sense, You have lost so much in the last 6 months. You had to quit your job at the museum, you stopped getting your period and had a freak out about never being able to get pregnant (oh how silly this seems compared to the current situation), your beautiful hair was shedding in pieces and on one horrible weekend you both got a buzzcut together.
He saw you fighting, but he also saw the light disappear from your eyes after every visit to the hospital. He saw the marking you had on your skin from scratching it too hard. He knew you were suffering, and if it really was the end, then you were right. You should not waste it in a fluorescent lit hospital room, you should spend it doing things that make you happy. He moved his shaking hands to catch yours and pressed it against his lips to kiss them, before staring into your big eyes.
“I understand, and you're right. I'm gonna take 3 months off so we can spend every moment we can together, you'll end up getting sick of me.”
Y\n laughed, one of those big heartwarming laughs that Spencer hasn't heard in awhile. It filled his heart with joy, even if it's just for a second.
“Never going to happen angel!”
Spencer took her little weak body in his arms and spun them around in the kitchen. He's planning on making the best of the time they have left, making every moment count.
“Now I have to tell my mom about this, and she's probably going to take a flight so she can come kill me herself. Wish me luck!” Later that night, as they sat on the sofa watching reruns of some stupid sitcom, eating takeout in their pajamas, spencer knew this was the right moment, and he will never get another one.
Her face moved from the tv towards him with a gentle smile.
“Yes love?”
taking both of their plates and putting them on the table, he moved closer to her and intertwined her fingers with his. Their hands always fit perfectly together- like two puzzle pieces looking for each other.
“This isn't how I wanted to do this, and it's far from romantic. But I know I only have 3 months left with you and I don't want to spend it without asking you this, without having the pleasure of calling you my wife. So please, will you marry me?”
As she lunged her body forward to hug him, her mouth said the same word over and over again in different ways.
Yes, absolutely, beyond a doubt, definitely, of course, willingly. All they ever wanted was to share a life together, to be bound to each other for infinity. - 4 months have passed, and y\n died. She went to sleep one cold November night, kissing her husband goodnight, and never got up again. Spencer's head told him that this was the best way she could go, without any pain and without feeling the life drain out of her. But at the same time, he would never be able to forget the feeling of her cold hands in the morning, how he couldn't hear her breath next to him when he woke up, how her eyes never opened despite him crying. As he stood over her headstone, trying to imagine her standing next to him and smiling, a woman carrying a bouquet of daisies came up next to him. He watched her as she laid the flowers down, wondering who she was and how come he never saw her. Will now be the right time to ask her how she knew you? Can he even bring himself to talk? How did she know your favorite flower, she must be close to you.
“Youre dr. Reid, right?”
“I- yes I am. How did you know y\n? I didn't see you at her funeral last week.”
The mystery woman smiled weakly, reaching into her bag and holding an envelope.
“We used to date a long time ago before I moved to Europe, her family hates me so I thought i shouldnt come to the funeral.”
She played a bit with the envelope in her hands, turning it a few times before handing it in to spencer.
“She sent me this 4 months ago, when she knew her time was about to end. It's for you.”
As soon as she finished talking, and Spencer took the letter, she walked away. Leaving an infinity of unanswered questions behind her. But Spencer couldn't focus on that. His hands burn at the touch of the last thing he will ever receive from you, at the last words he will get. he opened the letter slowly, his breath stopping and tears already forming in his eyes.
My dearest spencer. My years with you have been the happiest of my life, I never knew I could feel so good in my own skin before you showed up. You taught me how to love, how to care and how to see beauty in everyday life. I'm writing you this letter the day after our wedding. I can't even begin to explain to you that I am the luckiest woman in the world, and I can't believe I get to call myself mrs. Reid, even if it's for a short while. As I walked down the aisle yesterday with my parents, I couldn't see anything but your bright smile waiting for me. Nothing else mattered, the whole world disappeared and it was just me and you, promising each other forever. I don't know if I believe in the afterlife, or even in reincarnation, but I know that we will meet again some way. Maybe we will both be trees in a forest, swaying together to the wind. Maybe we will be two dolphins swimming in the ocean, or even two pages in the same book bind together while a lucky person gets to read us. It doesn't matter, as long as I can have you by my side again. My darling, it was my pleasure and privilege to love you. I will cherish forever our time together, and all the memories- the good and the bad. I know you don't believe in astrology and the science of the stars, but ever since I was a little girl I had a feeling that I would fall in love with a scorpio. And for what it's worth- you are the best scorpio I could ever wish for. Spence, baby, I am asking you, please don't wallow in pity and never allow yourself to love again. I hope you will find another person that can make you smile, that will hear you spit facts, that will get to enjoy the way your hair is tangled in the mornings. I know you will never forget me, but I want you to move on, I want you to find another chance of happiness. I will love you forever, until the universe turns to dust. I will love you through eternal silence and through the pulling hands of the afterworld. Goodbye my love, I wish you all the good life can bring.
Mrs. reid.
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wilteddaisies · 3 years
Yours - Chapter One
Azriel x Female!Reader (acotar)
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You are Feysand’s daughter and you’ve just come home from your studies in the Day Court. Azriel needs someone with extensive training in magic in order to complete a mission for the Night Court. You happen to be just what he needs.
Fic Warnings: age gap?, probably cursing, eventual smut, wing kink ;)
Chapter Warnings: injury, mentions of blood
Note: The first chapter is here! I am so excited to share this fic. I usually don’t write fanfiction but I just couldn’t get this idea out of my head, so here it is. As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated!
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Gods, you loved flying. Sure, winnowing back to the Night Court would have been faster, but there was absolutely nothing like soaring through the clouds, so high that the ground below faded away and there was nothing but you and the wind in your wings. You sighed as Velaris came into view. As much as you loved the ancient libraries and golden light of the Day Court, the winding streets and twinkling night lights of Velaris would always call you back home. 
Your father was waiting for you in front of your family’s river estate. You landed gracefully before taking off again in a sprint into his open arms. You squealed as he lifted you off your feet and spun you around.
“Daddy!” You laughed as he set you back on your feet, but still held you. You breathed in his familiar scent. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” He gazed down at you and smiled warmly. “Your mother is at the studio but she should be home soon.” He picked up your bags and led you inside, prattling on about your mom’s business and the hell Cassian has been raising in the Illyrian camps. The elegant river house was just as you left it in the fall. The familiar lavishly furnished rooms and ever lingering scent of flowers welcomed you home. You followed your father up the staircase and to your room. 
“I’ll leave you to unpack and settle in,” he said, setting your things on the bed. He turned around to place a kiss on your hair. “Welcome home.” 
A welcome home, indeed.
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That night, the entire inner circle met at the river house to celebrate your homecoming and the completion of your studies with Helion in the Day Court. The atmosphere was warm and lively in the dining hall, Cassian had no trouble convincing your father to open some bottles of his precious good wine to celebrate. You were happily chatting away with Mor about how difficult it was to focus on your studies with so many gorgeous Day Court males around, when Cassian chimed in.
“Males? What males? What are their names? I just want to talk,” he said with mock intensity. 
“You do know I am old enough to date, don’t you, Uncle Cass?” you laugh. “But anyways, they’re all too intimidated by me. And by who my father and uncles are, of course.”
“Damn straight.” He winked and Mor elbowed him in the ribs. 
“Come on, there must have been someone that kept you company while you were in the Day Court,” Mor insisted, her eyes twinkling with mischief. Even Amren and Nesta looked interested to hear your answer, but your father just tried not to look too invested in your conversation, looking down at his plate in a miserable attempt to look disinterested. 
“Well. . .” you began, trying to steer the conversation away from the truth, which was that you had never actually felt that sort of connection with anyone. Well, no one except a certain broody shadowsinger who was considered very, very off limits. 
Thankfully, you were spared the trouble of coming up with some half-assed excuse when a loud crash sounded outside the manor. Everyone at the table tensed, the mood instantly shifting. The darkened eyes and battle ready stances of your family were quick to remind you that centuries old warriors were beside you. Suddenly, weapons you hadn’t even realised they had concealed were drawn. You should have known that no one in your family would show up anywhere unarmed. Cassian drew a sword from who knows where, Mor and Amren held daggers, and Aunt Nesta just summoned her power, that alone being a deadly weapon in itself. Your mother drew your Aunt Elaine close to her. You could see darkness curling around your father’s fingertips and you followed suit, the familiar tingle of magic in your veins sparking a rush of adrenaline. 
Your father led the way as you all stalked out the front door to see. . . Azriel. You rushed forward, pushing past your father to kneel by a bleeding Azriel. 
“Oh Az, your wing.” Your heart shattered at the sight of his broken left wing, the flesh in shreds. It must have been done with something strong and fast, very fast if it managed to reach Azriel, who was amazingly swift on his wings and with his winnowing. The rest of the circle gathered around him, trying to help him up and assess the damage.
“The mortal queens,” he managed to croak out, “I heard whispers of a weapon they made to rival the fae. And when I tried to investigate it, I encountered the beast that guarded it.”
“That’s enough.” Feyre said, “Let’s get you cleaned and healed up. I’ll summon a healer immediately. You can tell us the rest after.”
“I can help.” You say and everyone turned towards you. Your hands were still shaking and your voice wavered at Azriel’s state but you steeled yourself. “I learned a lot of healing magic while I was in Helion’s court. Let me help you.” You met Azriel’s eyes and it was like he tethered you to earth, the strength and resilience you found in them seemed to flow into you, too. 
He nodded once. That was enough for Cassian and Rhys to haul one arm over each of their shoulders. 
“Where to, boss?” Cassian teased but you found pride in his eyes. And when you looked to your father, you saw the same thing. 
“Get him into my room. I’ll take it from there.”
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The inner circle had retired to the river house’s various guest rooms by the early hours of the morning, but you stayed awake, the gentle glow of the healing magic from your palms never faltering even though it had been hours. After Cassian and your father got Azriel onto the bed, you made him a salve from the various powders and tonics you brought from the Day Court that would assist the healing process. Aunt Elaine had even supplied some more supplemental herbs and flowers from her garden. 
They all stayed for nearly an hour after you started the healing spell, watching as flesh and bone slowly knitted back together, when your mother finally ushered them all out, insisting that you needed to focus. You shot her a grateful smile as she also stepped out and shut the door behind her. Now that everyone was gone, you could finally focus on the spell. Well, focus as much as you could with Azriel’s shirtless torso gleaming with perspiration. You would think after training in and mastering healing magic, you’d be unfazed by the male body, but Azriel’s stunning beauty was not something you could just get used to. 
It was nearly two in the morning when you heard a soft knock on your door. Your father’s head poked in.
“Sweetheart, you need to take a break.” He said and wiped a bead of sweat from your brow. You hadn’t even realised you were this physically strained. 
“I can’t, dad. Not until he’s healed.” You turned back towards Azriel’s healing wing when your father’s hands enveloped your own, stopping their magic. 
“Dad! He needs-”
“You’re the one who’s going to need healing if you try to continue this spell without taking a break.” His brows furrowed with concern. You knew what he saw, you must have looked a mess. Hair mussed, dark circles under your eyes, and a near permanent wrinkle on your forehead between your brows from holding your deadly focused expression for so long. 
“I know.” You sighed, giving in. “I suppose I could stop for a moment.” He enveloped you in a warm hug that you hadn’t realised you needed until that moment. “I’m just. . . I’m worried about him, dad. He’s always going off on these dangerous quests with the interests of the court being a bigger concern than his own well being.”
“You’re one to talk.” He scoffed. “What was that you said about putting other people’s needs over your own well being?” He brushed a stray lock of hair from your face and then sighed. “That’s my girl, always so selfless and always so stubborn.” He planted a kiss on the top of your head. “You’re a lot like your mother in that way, you know.”
You reluctantly pull away from his arms. “I know, dad.” You rolled your eyes and huffed a sigh, stretching your back, you just realised that standing over Az for so long had really taken its toll on you. “I suppose I could take a shower and change out of this dress.” You were still in your cocktail dress from dinner, you also realised. 
“Yes, please do. I mean this in the gentlest way possible sweetheart, but you stink.” You halfheartedly shove him out of the room. 
“Gee thanks, dad. It’s no wonder how mom fell for that suave charm.” And you shut the door in his face, but not before catching his teasing smile that only he could pull off, somehow managing to look loving and full of himself at the same time. You rolled your eyes before walking into your en suite.
Author’s Note: Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I promise the next one will have more Azriel and a bit more spice. If you wanna be added to the taglist for this fic, you can leave a comment below :)
I do not consent for my work to be reposted or translated on tumblr or any other site, but reblogs are always welcome!
Taglist: @moonchild-cf​ @pansexual-booknerd​ @huffypuffyme​
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swtltlmrvlgrl · 3 years
Accidents Happen
The story is set in an alternative MC universe where Tony Stark is still alive and is paying for Peter Parker’s college tuition fees. The college life is not really something that he looks forward to, especially when he’s far away from Ned and MJ. But luckily he was able to meet the reader!
This story is part of my one-shot compilations inspired by the song “You Shine” from the musical “Carrie”, wherein two people see the way each other shines.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warning: Fluff, awkward university students, accident, injury
Word Count: 2,906
First Day of School. Peter Parker cringes at the thought. It’s not that he hates school, he just feels uneasy at the thought that he’s new and he doesn’t have his friends, Ned and MJ, with him.
And I’m Spider-Man, I have better things to do, he thought.
If it wasn’t for his promise to Mr. Stark, to finish his college degree in exchange for full access to the Avengers Compound and all the tech that comes with it, he would’ve webbed his way out of the school before he could even get in the school.
Tony Stark, a genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist, initially wanted to enroll Peter in the most elite school in America but good thing Peter was able to convince him not too. With the looks of how the students dress up and the amount of cars outside the parking area, this would’ve gotten much worse if he followed Mr. Stark’s initial plan. Peter adjusts his second-hand, thrift-store-bought backpack and walks straight towards his classroom.
Before entering the classroom, he double checks the text written on his ID to see if it matches the name of the room. He slowly enters the room and lo-and-behold, a classroom that can be converted to an IMAX movie theater, welcomes him.
He scans the room and decides to sit on the desk located a few meters away from the exit door. With his elbow on the desk and his chin resting on the palm of his hand, he observes the students already forming groups amongst themselves. Peter made no attempt to join a clique or to join any group, just looking at his wrinkled plaid shirt over his 5-year old white shirt, he knows he doesn’t belong. But he knows that’s not enough of a reason to just stop making new friends.
You’re an Avenger, man. With all the courage that he could muster, he scans the room and tries to find at least one person who hasn't had any chance to make friends yet.
Before he could turn around to check if the seat behind him is also empty, you walk towards Peter’s direction. You were wearing a blue oversized sweatshirt. A tinge of reds were peaking through the gaps between the folds of your black denim pants and white sneakers also caught Peter’s attention.
This is my chance.
Before Peter could even speak with you, a voice coming from the professor disrupted Peter’s plans.
“Hi class. Good morning.” The professor flashes his name and the subject name on the screen of the projector. “For today, I will be discussing the syllabus, I think we’ll finish early. I won’t be sharing the soft copy of my slide, so please take down notes.”
Bummed that he wasn’t able to talk to you, Peter made a mental note to at least try to start a conversation with you after class. He then rummages through his things, only to realize that he wasn’t able to bring any pens. He vaguely remembers Aunt May borrowing it earlier, but he’s not really sure if she was able to return it. “Oh no.” He whispers and takes out his notebook instead.
Peter is in the middle of pretending that he’s taking down notes, when he feels a soft tap on his shoulders.
“You can borrow this if you want.” You offer a ballpen to Peter.
Peter is taken aback by this sudden interaction.
“Ah!” You exclaim. “Don’t worry, the case is pink but the ink’s black.”
“T-thanks.” Peter stuttered. “I - I don’t mind the color.”
I don’t mind the color?? What the hell does that mean?! Peter smiles at your direction while mentally cursing at his awkward self on the inside.
The professor finishes up his lecture and you start to fix up your things.
“Thank you for this.” Peter interrupts, while you were in the middle of putting your notebook in your black leather backpack. “I-I left my pen at home and -” With his left hand, he rubs his nape, as he hands you the pen with his right. “I’m Peter, by the way, Peter Parker.”
“Y/N. Y/N, L/N.” You respond and push back the pen. “You can have the pen for a while. You’ll probably need that for your next classes.”
“Oh. Uh!.” That… makes sense. Not gonna lie, Peter was a little surprised by your response, he definitely did not include that in his list of possible scenarios. “Right. I’ll just return this tomorrow.”
“Sure! What time’s your lunch tomorrow?” You ask, as the two of you walk out of the room. “My lunch time is...” He looks at the back of his ID, “a little early… 11:30AM. How about you?”
“Ow. Too bad. Mine’s 12nn.”
Your small pout wasn’t left unnoticed (and it was a little cute and Peter couldn’t help but smile.) “Wanna compare schedules?” Peter asks.
“Sure!” you answer excitedly.
“So…” Peter scans your schedule. "We’re classmates in… Literature… and…”
“History.” You add. The two of you looked at each other and smiled.
“I guess we’ll see each other a lot?” Peter comments.
“Yeah. I hope so.” You answer and smile at him.
The two of you started eating together ever since the day returned the pen to you. Seating next to Peter is probably one of the best decisions that you made in your life. Having someone to eat with during lunch time was a thorn out of your chest because eating alone is one of your fears.
Generally, it takes a long time before you can adjust yourself to someone (contrary to the popular belief that you’re “friendly’), but Peter’s obvious awkwardness and warmth just made it more comfortable for you. Knowing that someone is as shy as you, but still trying to converse with you is something that you really appreciate 0 it makes you want to try to converse too.
From having lunch together, you two ended up walking home together, as well. Some days you would wait for him, some days he would wait for you and then some days he has to go earlier because he had something to do for Mr. Stark. Walking home together wasn’t really something that you explicitly told each other to do, it just felt like a natural thing to do.
“Hey.” you say, one day. “Let’s go to the clinic on our way home.”
“Why?” Peter asks, his voice sounds a little worried.“ Do you feel sick?”
You don’t answer and continue walking instead. After arriving at the clinic, you open the door and Mary, the University nurse, greets you with a warm smile.
“Y/N! What’s up?” Mary inquires.
“Hi Mary!” You stride inside and Peter follows. “Can I have some of your bandages?”
“Sure! Why? Don’t tell me you got injured again.” Mary echoes your soft chuckle. “No, not me this time.”
Mary pauses whatever she’s doing and observes you, as you point at the empty chair to where Peter can sit while you look for the bandages in the cabinet. Peter looks a little confused. With a white square bag in one hand, you approach the chair where Peter was seated.
“Give me your hand.” You instruct Peter, he hands you his left hand. “Your other hand, you silly.” You smile.
“I don’t think -” The pain he felt after you touch his right hand stops him mid-sentence.
“Sorry.” You whisper. Peter was wearing a long-sleeved flannel shirt that you had to slide up. His hand is swollen as you expected.
“I-” Peter starts. “I fell from the stairs.” Of course that is a lie. Because, he, in fact, fell from a building because he was running late for Literature class. He didn’t really mind it, because it happens all the time and he knows he’ll heal eventually.
You gently place a cold compress on Peter’s hand. “I noticed that you were having a hard time writing a while ago.” You pause for a while and look at him. “You don’t have to explain anything Peter. Plus, since you injured your dominant hand, I just thought you might need help with wrapping this up.”
“My mom’s a nurse.” You mention, while wrapping the bandage around Peter’s hand. “We used to pretend to be injured and wrap bandages during play time.”
Peter hums, amused. “You’re amazing, you know.” He comments. “You’ve always been like this since the day we first met. It’s like, you can read my mind.”
You laugh. “I don’t know why, but I always get that comment about me.” You pull down and button up Peter’s Sleeve. “But I don’t think I’m amazing, though.”
Before Peter could say anything, you stand up, fix the chair and return the bandage to where you got it. “Let’s go home?”
Peter nods and you bid goodbye to Mary.
“Bye, Mary. Thanks.” Peter echoes and waves his hand briefly.
“Take care, you two.” Mary responds.
On your way home, Peter stops in his tracks and points at the ice cream truck by the park. “Hey. Let’s get some ice cream. Sit by the bench over there.” He pauses and looks at you. “I’ll go get you some. My treat.” He winks and runs towards the truck.
You sit down on the bench located under a tree, stretch your arms a little while taking a breath of fresh air. A few moments later, you see Peter striding towards the bench. He stops in front of you, with two ice creams in his left hand - his fingers strategically intertwined to make sure the ice creams won’t fall down. One of the ice cream was probably cookies and cream flavored and the other one was chocolate for sure.
“You know” You comment, as you reach out for what you assume as the cookies and cream flavored ice cream. “If you can hold two ice cream cones in one hand you should might as well try to write with it.”
Peter laughs and sits next to you and hands you a paper towel. “I’ll put that on my to-do list.”
You grab the paper towel that Peter handed you and the two of you proceed eating. You were silent for a whole minute until Peter started speaking again.
“I still think you’re amazing though.” Peter comments. While you were focusing on eating your ice cream, he looked at you briefly and looked away when you started laughing.
“Why are you bringing up that topic again?” A layer of ice cream got stuck on your throat making you cough a little, you clear your throat, and continue. “I don’t think being… hmm… how should I call this?” You pause to think for a second. “Sensitive? I don’t think it’s something amazing.”
“Why is that?” Peter was curious. “It’s like you’re a mind-reader! It’s amazing!”
You chuckle. “Why? Are you going to recruit me to the Avengers or something?”
Did she notice that I’m Spider-Man, too? “Hehe-he.” Peter laughs awkwardly and continues eating his ice cream.
“But seriously though.” You continue, while chewing some of the ice cream cone bits in your mouth. “As much as being...err...hyper-sensitive with other people’s non-verbal nuances is a good thing, especially when I have a friend like Peter Parker who tends to keep their struggles to themselves.”
“Hey! I don’t do that…”
You glare at him, smile a little and take a deep breath. “It’s not particularly amazing when I have to stand in front of many people…” You finish up with your ice cream and crumple the piece of paper towel on your hand. “...and notice every little change in expression each time you utter a word… Or when you sit alone in the middle of crowded places and just feel the eyes of people staring at you, judging you.” You look at Peter and smile a little more as you try to make it look like it’s not that big of an issue.
Peter had finished his ice cream as well. “Y/N…” Peter might not be as sensitive as you, but he looks at you as if he sees beyond your half-hearted smile. Peter moves and scoots closer to you while adjusting himself to face you. He takes your hand, opens it, and takes the balled up paper towel that you’ve been gripping while you were speaking. With his left hand, he puts the paper towel into his bag’s side pocket, while making sure that his right hand never left yours.
“I’m sorry… I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable.” You look at Peter. He was gazing at you, looking straight into your eyes.
“It’s fine, Peter. It’s not like you -”
“Y/N.” Peter cuts you off. “Whether or not I wanted to, I made you feel uncomfortable and I have to apologize. Okay?” Peter pauses. “Can you promise me one thing?”
“What is it?” You ask.
“I - I’m not as sensitive as you and I might not always notice whether you feel bad or not.” Peter continues. “If it’s alright with you… can you promise to not hide your feelings when you’re with me? I mean - it’s difficult, you know. Having to hide your feelings all the time. At least if you’re with me… even if it’s for a short time, you don’t have to carry the burden of hiding it.”
You smile at Peter, tears welling up on your eyes. “Peter…”
“But if you’re not comfortable with that, it’s fine -”
You release your hand from Peter’s hand, form a fist and raise your pinky finger. “I promise.”
Peter smiles and entangles his pinky finger into yours. “Promise.”
“Just promise that you won’t fall down the stairs again.” You joke.
Peter chuckles while reaching out for your face to wipe the tear that you didn’t notice fall from your eye.
“If you have presentations where you have to speak in front of the class, whether I’m your classmate or not, I’ll try to be there and maybe you can try to focus on me?” Peter clears his throat. “I mean… just to keep your attention out of the other people.”
You laugh and Peter joins you too. “Thanks, Pete.”
“I have something to buy at the grocery.” You tell Peter while the two of you are waiting for the traffic light to turn green. “You can go ahead.”
“Take care!” Peter shouts as the two of you go your separate ways.
“You too!” You shout back and make your way towards the grocery.
Peter waits until you’re out of sight before he goes to the alleyway to change into his suit and start his patrol. He webs his way up the building and gets a glimpse of you entering the grocery. He nods a little and webs away to find people he needs to help out.
Normal. That’s what Peter would probably describe the first hour of his patrol today - stopping thieves from running away, saving cats that got stuck on a tree and telling a lost man the directions. It was all just normal everyday, neighborhood Spider-Man things.
He was about to take a break when he felt the hair in his arms stand up.
Peter tingle.
“Y/N!” He exclaims as he hurries down towards the direction of the grocery where he last saw you.
I hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m wrong. He repeats in his head. Y/N, please, please be safe.
You were on your way to cross the street when a running child and stumbled into you, causing your groceries to fall down. You squat to pick up the groceries, you look up to search for the child, only to find him still running.
Towards the pedestrian lane.
Red light.
Huge truck.
You stand up and dash towards the kid, leaving your groceries scattered across the pavement.
Will I make it?
You run as fast as you can.
I won’t make it. The truck’s too fast.
You run faster.
A little more.
You reach for him and you push him towards (what you think is) safety as hard as hard as you can. All the energy in your body had left you and the last thing you can remember was the loud honk from the truck and then everything was silent.
Your eyes are still closed when you feel an arm tightly wrapped around you. You look up only to find yourself swinging in the air while being held and carried by none other than Spider-Man.
The two of you reach what seems to be the top of some building, you're not even sure what building it is because everything happened so fast.
Spider-Man put you down at last.
“Thank you.” You tell him as you pat down and straighten your clothes. “I’m sorry you had to...carry me. Is the - uhm - is the kid safe?” You ask him.
Spider-Man chuckles. “You were literally about to die a while ago and the first thing you think of is the well-being of other people.” He sighs. “Are YOU okay?”
You pause for a second to the sudden idea that popped into your mind while you're face-to-face with THE Spider-Man.
Oddly familiar.
His voice is a little muffled, but you know that voice. You hear that voice every day. And that height. You take a step forward. That scent.
That warmth.
“Peter?” You step closer to the man that you’re 90% sure is your friend, Peter Parker, dressed in the Spider-Man costume. “Is that you?”
A/N: It's my first time writing for Peter Parker! How was it?? Haha. I hope I did his character justice.
I'm so excited to write five different stories with different pairings inspired from the song "You Shine". I haven't watched the musical but whenever I hear that song, I feel so encouraged and it makes me feel assured that somewhere out there, there are people who can see good things in me that I can't see for myself. Next up, Bucky Barnes x Reader! Look forward to it!
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lahelasaveiro · 3 years
Tainted part 2.
Pairing: Tatum Mendoza x F!MC Amelia ‘’Amy’’ Monroe
Words: 1.9k
Summary: Part 2 of Tainted! 
A/N: So sorry it took me so long to write part 2! I’m still adjusting to living in one house with my boyfriends parents and as my boyfriend had a week off I focused on that. Also my motivation to write since Tainted was on an incredibly low. I’m not very convinced about this part, but I did my best to get some closure. Anyways, I hope you guys like it! 
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Tatum looked out of the window of his car. DeMarco is behind the wheel but he has been silent ever since their plane landed in Rutherland. The familiar trees and roads welcomed him back to his parental house and his heart sank in his chest. He had to explain his father that he would no longer be with Amy anymore. He cursed at himself and regretted the happy phone call to his father after he and Amy got official. How would he explain his cowardice? He just let her go, as if she meant nothing. His pulse quickened in response. Of course she meant the world to him, she always did. His body tensed when the car stopped at a cottage with a garden full of colourful flowers.
DeMarco awkwardly coughed and looked at Tatum, which seemed like the first contact they had ever since he was escorted back by his own friend. ‘’Listen.. Tatum. I know things are weird right now, but they will get better’’ Tatum snorted while he opened the door and gave DeMarco a hard stare. ‘’Sure. As long as I stay away from her, right?’’ He wanted to get away. Away from the car, from DeMarco. Away from Rutherland. But not from Amy, never her. ‘’I- I really am sorry. You know I wanted to see you both happy’’ Tatum closed his eyes and counted to ten. It used to work when he was younger, to recollect himself and not to lash out to people who wanted to help him. ‘’No, I’m sorry. I know you are only following orders’’ DeMarco seemed relieved at his apology and nodded with a smile. ‘’I don’t know how I would have reacted in your place, Tatum’’ He opened the car boot so that Tatum could get his duffel bag out. The two friends gave each other a goodbye hug just as Tatum’s dad came running out of the door.
‘’Where is my amazing new daughter-in-law?’’ The older man wobbled towards them with his older sister running after him. Tatum’s  voice got caught in his throat and his dad stopped dead in his tracks when he saw his sons facial expression. DeMarco gave Tatum one last look before he stepped in the car and drove off. His father slowly walked over to him and took his son in his arms. For the first time Tatum relaxed and even felt some tears flowing over his cheek. ‘’I let her go, dad’’ His voice broke and he felt his father’s hand hovering over his shoulders and back. ‘’Oh Tate. I don’t know what to say’’ He got out of the embrace and faced his dad. ‘’It was her, wasn’t it? Melissa’’ Tatum couldn’t do anything but nod. His aunt came over and laid a hand on his shoulder. ‘’Come on. Let’s go inside and get some refreshments’’ Her voice was calming but commanding, just as she always was. It made him feel like home when he sat on the familiar couch. He couldn’t help but wonder how it would be with Amy next to him, being introduced as his girlfriend. His father and aunt weren’t strangers to her, but she still would feel a few nerves. Because in that moment she would truly be family. She would be the one he would spend his life with, who his father already see as a daughter. His aunt would make sure she eats enough, and then a little bit more. His father wouldn’t stop smiling, because after years of asking Tatum to stop walking away from his feelings, he finally got together with her.
And yet, there he was. In his old living room, without her. In the same room they would spend so many time together back in the day. In the same room he first realised his feelings for her when he was 14. She would spill some sauce from her sandwich on her new dress and stress about how Melissa would kill her, all while her mouth was covered in the same sauce. He smiled and realised how beautiful she actually was. How her clumsiness seemed to fit his. How when she smiled, the entire room lit up. Thinking of those memories made him want to go the Presidential Manor and carry her to a place no one would ever find them. He would make her happy and she wouldn’t have to ask for anything for the rest of her life. Instead, they were apart once again. How much time did he waste in the army? Time he could have spent with her. His heart was breaking all over again thinking about all the missed chances.
‘’Tatum?’’ His fathers voice got him out of his trance and back to earth. ‘’Sorry, dad. What were you saying?’’ His aunt got him a glass of juice and stared at him with the same confusion as her brother. ‘’I don’t understand what happened. When you called… It made my heart so happy. I could hear the joy in your voice…’’ He didn’t dare to finish his sentence. Not while his son looked so forlorn. ‘’I was happy, dad. More than I ever thought I could be. For the first time in my life, I felt complete. I finally knew what you and mom had. What it felt like to be truly loved as how I was. And then that got taken away from me’’ His shoulders slumped and he buried his face in his hands. His father shared a look with his sister and he could tell his sibling shared his anger. Slowly but surely Tatum told them of the encounter with Melissa Monroe. How Amy tried to fight for him but failed. How Melissa’s cold words stabbed right through him. How she forced the two star crossed lovers to be apart, once more. But most of all, how he let her go. Once again, the two older siblings shared a look.  ‘’Come on, Lucas, I need your help in the kitchen with dinner’’
Tatum reached for his phone in his pocket and his finger hovered between calling a contact and the home button. He should be mad for doing this. Everything he did the last 5 years stood against this. Yet, he saw no other way out. In a frenzy he tapped the green phone and hold the phone to his ear. His heart was pounding in his chest and he had to take the familiar military breathing exercises to calm down. The phone was answered with a cocky voice and Tatum knew the recipient was smirking. ‘’Well, hello loverboy’’ Tatum cursed internally. ‘’Blaine’’ he responded shortly. ‘’Let me guess. Shit hit the fan and you decided to call the expert’’ ‘’Look, I don’t have time for your games. So if you’re gonna be like this I’ll just look for another way out-‘’ He heard a sigh on the other side of the line. ‘’Ugh okay fine, Kevin Costner. Amy told me what happened, so I know what this is about’’ The mention of her name made the butterflies in his stomach come to live again but died a second later. He felt a pang of sadness when he thought about the fact that she talked to Blaine before him. The thought of losing her became much more vivid. He didn’t fought for her and so she went to Blaine. He couldn’t blame her either. She deserved someone who would do everything for her. ‘’This was a mistake, sorr-‘’ He started but Blaine cut him off. ‘’No, it isn’t. Look, the reason she called was to ask how much influence her mother would have here. The answer is none. The Peace Summit doesn’t mean she has more power in Ardona. I can take care of a visa for you and your family. Amy doesn’t need to because she is a First Daughter’’ Tatum looked from his feet to his father and aunt in the kitchen, whispering with concerned looks on their faces. The lack of response made Blaine talk further. ‘’I can take care of everything, you just need to get here with her and your family’’
Tatum coughed to stall time and looked once more to his family. ‘’I will have to discuss this. I can’t expect my family to leave behind any loyalty they have to Rutherland. And Amy… She would be a child of Rutherland in Ardona..’’ Blaine took a deep breath before he replied. ‘’Then they value their country above family. You’d be better off without them. As for Amy, she knows the risks and is willing to take them’’ An anger started deep inside him. ‘’Listen here, dipshit. You might not care much for your family, but I do-’’ ‘’Yeah yeah, I know. Just get here safely, jerk’’ With that, Blaine hung up. With perfect timing, his dad came back in the living room with a plate of food in his hands. Tatum felt nauseous of nerves when he knew what he had to ask from his dad. To run away from Rutherland, move out of the house where he and his wife made unreplaceable memories together. He cleared his throat before his dad took a seat on the sofa next to him. But before he could start, his dad started talking. ‘’You know, the thing about love is.. it’s worth fighting. Worth sacrificing everything for. Your mother did that for me. It is time I paid back the favour for my son’’ He looked at him meaningfully. ‘’I- I talked to Blaine Hayes..’’ Tatum started but was cut off by the hand of father on his own shoulder. ‘’I overheard. If we need to go to Ardona, then so be it. If it means my son can be happy, I will go there. We can make home everywhere in the world, because home is right here’’ He pointed to his chest, his heart. A weight fell off Tatum’s shoulder. ‘’Does that mean..’’ His aunt took the other seat of the sofa. ‘’This family won’t be used to keep you from your beloved. We won’t be pawns in her game. We are better than that, we take care of our own. She betrayed our trust, now we betray her by doing the worst a Rutherlandian can do’’ There was a fiery determination behind her eyes.
Without hesitation he walked outside and ran towards the mansion. But before he could reach the gate, he saw a figure in the distance running towards him. He didn’t needed to second guess who it was. The curves of the body, the shoulder length brown hair… He stopped in his tracks and opened the gate for her. As she collapsed in his arms, he finally felt whole again. Behind him, his aunt and father already started to pack the car with their most needed belongings. For his aunt that meant food, for his father it meant family photos. Amy pulled back and give him a sheepish smile. ‘’I really do need to do something about my physical health, huh?’’ He let out a roaring laugh. ‘’I can’t believe you actually ran away again, just for us to be together’’ She shrugged her shoulders. ‘’I will do everything for you, Tate. I called Blaine and-‘’ ‘’So did I. He explained everything. Everyone is on board already. My main concern was getting you out of the mansion’’ Her smile got even brighter. ‘’Problem solved, you big softie’’ Her hands cradled the side of his face and pushed her lips onto his. The kiss was one of relief, passion and love all at once. Just like that, Tatum knew everything would be alright. Even in Ardona.
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Tagging: @drakewalkerfantasy​ 
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Will It Ever Be the Same (Part 1)
Fandom: Nancy Drew (TV 2019)
Characters: Ryan Hudson, Nancy Drew, Ace, Bess Marvin, George Fan, Ned 'Nick' Nickerson
Prompt(s): This is based on two prompts. One of those prompts is from Alicia, who asked: "Could you do one where Nancy is 13 instead, has blonde hair like Lucy, and blue eyes like Ryan? She goes to his place like in 1x17 to get help for the ritual and on the way out she gets dizzy because she's been working herself to exhaustion. In that moment Ryan notices how similar she looks to Lucy and himself but decides not to say anything but also knows Nancy is his. She eventually tells him before doing the ritual. They go back to his place and he just says 'I know it's you'. She gets overwhelmed, almost passes out, and he just sits with her and tells her to rest."
This is also for @nancydrewcentral's week 2 hiatus prompt: Time Period AU.
Warnings: Panic/Anxiety attacks, mentions of anxiety and coping mechanisms, mentions of character deaths (past and present), mentions of suicide
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Nancy wrapped her arms around herself as she bent over, heaving shallow breaths into the air. The sky grew lighter now, as she’d been running for most of the night, and she found herself unsure what to do or where to go next.
“You’re DNA wasn’t a match for the female hair.”
“It’s a mother-daughter match for Lucy Sable.”
“She’s me. The baby is me.”
She couldn’t believe the information she had just found out, and she wished she were older. She thought that if she were older, she might have had more experience in life to handle this sort of life-shattering revelation, but being only fourteen years old, all she felt was betrayal.
And heartbreak.
And panic.
So maybe she felt a lot of things, Nancy admitted to herself, but she felt she had the right to do so. Her whole life had been turned upside-down in a matter of a few hours, and she wasn’t sure what to do now.
She’d been told stories of how hard freshman year in high school could be, but she was positive her friends hadn’t meant this.
She saw headlights approaching and ducked behind a tree, holding her breath as they passed. Though she knew it could be dangerous for someone as young as her to be out alone all night, she was in no mood to face her father. Besides, it wasn’t like she was inexperienced.
She was Nancy Drew, after all.
Or was she?
She let herself plop onto her butt in the grass as she contemplated what to do next. She couldn’t face Carson—for calling him ‘Dad’ now was too hard—but she couldn’t stay out there for too much longer. She’d left her jacket as she climbed out her bedroom window and had started to shiver as soon as she had stopped running.
Her heart ached for the only woman she’d ever known as mother, Kate Drew, and her feelings were mixed there. She didn’t want to be bad at her…whatever she was to her now. Kate had died only a year earlier, and coming to terms with the fact that she’d lied to her hurt more than she wanted to admit.
Then she shivered again and realized she had to find somewhere to take shelter.
She could go to The Claw, she knew. She and her friends had picked up summer jobs working there for cash—under the table of course and no pun intended—and Dawn had always said they could go there whenever they needed. But her friends wouldn’t be there for a few hours yet, and Nancy wasn’t entirely sure she was ready to explain her new parentage to them yet.
As the rush of memories from the night prior filled her head, she picked out one statement that kept replaying itself.
“Ryan Hudson is my biological father.”
She’d seen Ryan Hudson in many different ways over the last few months. For fourteen years, she’d known him as the rich, arrogant hill topper who only graced their town when it was convenient for him or his business dealings.
Then his wife had died during her shift at The Claw, and they’d all been thrown into what she thought would be the weirdest time in her life. Being a murder suspect at fourteen wasn’t what any of her friends had expected for their lives, but it had happened. It was while she was trying to solve that case that she started to see a different side to the man.
Then she’d found out everything regarding his painful loss of Lucy Sable, and her heart broke for him.
Though she’d wanted to help him and Lucy’s ghost in some way, she was forced to put her feelings on pause as even crazier things came to pass—it would be just their luck to call to a sea spirit that wanted them dead—and she’d had to change her list of priorities.
Now all she could think about was how she knew the difficulty in trying to reconcile something in your brain that you had no control over and no knowledge of, no matter how hard you tried.
Standing from her spot in the damp grass, she took a deep breath and started walking again.
This time she knew exactly where she was going.
Her phone rang just as she was approaching Ryan’s house.
Groaning as she assumed it was her…Carson, again, she lifted it to hang up but stopped when she saw that it was Ace instead.
He’d been at The Claw with her the night before when she’d read the DNA match on John Sanders’ laptop. So far, he was the only one to know her secret outside of herself and Carson, and she’d only let him stay because he refused to leave her side.
Though he was usually more ‘chill’ than that, he could be a very protective boyfriend when he wanted to be.
She knew that he would be worried about her, especially considering he knew her better than anyone else in her life. So, deciding it would be a good idea to at least tell him she was alive and not eaten by a bear or killed by the Aglaeca, she answered and lifted it to her ear.
“Ace.” She breathed his name out like he was the life raft she needed to save her from drowning.
“Nancy.” She could hear the concern in his voice. “Where are you? Are you okay? Your dad called my parents and said that you ran away.”
She bit her lip. “Carson told me the truth after I confronted him.”
“Oh, Nance…” He used her nickname, and it squeezed at her heart.
“I’m sorry I made you worry.” Her voice was thick with tears as she felt them rush to her eyes. “I can’t be around him right now.”
Ace’s voice was soft as if he were calming a scared animal. “You could have come to me.”
She shook her head, though she knew rationally that he couldn’t see her. She had the brief thought that maybe he had hacked a satellite and could possibly see her. When they’d started dating, he promised he would do anything he could to keep her happy and safe.
“I’m sorry. If I had come there, your parents would have told Carson, and I just….”
“I get it.” His voice was equal parts comforting and protective. “Just tell me if you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.” She sniffed.
“Good. Because I know you’re dealing with a lot, but uh, George’s mom says the Aglaeca’s coming after us.” He said it quickly as if ripping off a band-aid.
This stopped her in her tracks, and she paid no mind to the fact that she stood on the side of a dangerously curved road in the middle of nowhere.
In her silence, he continued. “Nick, Bess, George…we’ve all gotten these really weird visions. Portents. Have you?”
She sighed and closed her eyes in defeat. “I vomited up a seaweed wreath yesterday morning.”
“I would say that qualifies.” He said lightly.
“When I went to look for it later, it had turned to sand. Are you saying the Aglaeca did that?” She hadn’t believed in the supernatural before Tiffany Hudson’s murder, but she wholeheartedly believed in it now.
“Yeah.” Ace hesitated. “Apparently, it’s like a bloodhound. And because the Aglaeca responded to your call for Lucy’s bones, you’re acting as its gateway.”
“What, Ace? What aren’t you telling me?” Nancy knew her boyfriend well, and he was holding something back from her.
“Uh…well, that also means you’re the one that’s capable of stopping it.”
“You don’t sound hopeful about that.” Her heart lurched in sudden anxiety. “Do you not trust me to do it?”
“No!” He said quickly before correcting himself. “I mean, yes. Obviously, I trust you. It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
It was his turn to sigh. “Well, George’s mom says that you can throw it off your trail by mixing your blood with somebody else’s. Disguising yourself so that, you know, the curse can’t find you, because if it can’t find you, it can’t find any of us.
“Uh, but…the ritual has to be done with a relative. Your blood relative.”
There was the catch and the reason for his earlier hesitation. “Well, that’s a problem, because…you saw the test results last night. My closest relative is not my blood relative.”
“But Ryan Hudson is.” He sighed again. “Listen, I know that poses certain challenges, and don’t worry. You know your secret is safe with me. But…”
“I, uh…” She started walking again and let the gears in her head turn. “I think I have a plan.”
“Nancy, babe, what are you going to do?” His voice held concern again, but also admiration.
He constantly made sure she knew how in awe he was at her detective skills and her ability to make the best of even the worst situations.
“I’ll meet you guys at Bess’ aunt’s party, okay?”
“Can you at least tell me the plan?” Ace was quick with his words, knowing full well that she could hang up at any moment.
“I have to talk to my father.”
Ryan crouched on the ground, frozen in place as he looked at the papers scattered in front of him. He’d been up nearly all night searching for any clue as to why Lucy hadn’t talked to him before taking her own life.
Then he’d picked up on the clues she’d written in her journal, and his mind had stopped.
Stroking his finger over Lucy’s baby picture he’d found in her yearbook, he allowed his mind to wander to every what-if scenario that came at him
What if Lucy had been pregnant? Were either of them ready to be parents at eighteen?
What if she’d told him about the baby? Would it have made a difference?
What if she’d lived? Could they have raised their baby together?
What if his parents found out? Is that why they threatened her?
Ryan was so lost in his thoughts that he almost missed his front door opening and whipped his head up to make sure it wasn’t either of the elder Hudsons coming in. He couldn’t have them knowing what he knew—they could react any number of ways. If he did have a child out there, he didn’t want them anywhere near his parents.
Then he caught sight of Nancy and sighed. “What, did you break-in? Figured you and your dad would be celebrating by now.”
Nancy remembered how Ryan had thanked them after the hearing had adjourned. He’d been upset by everything that happened but also grateful that they’d found out the truth of what happened with Lucy.
She felt horrible for having to go back on those things and hurt him again.
She wondered how she was supposed to once again break the heart of this man who had been through so much. He was only thirty-two and had lost the love of his life and his wife. Now, after twenty-four hours of thinking he knew exactly what had happened, Nancy was supposed to add more to his plate? It was causing her heart rate to spike, and she knew a panic attack was coming.
She saw the hopeful look in his eye and couldn’t do it. She wasn’t going to be the one to deal another blow to his fragile mental health.
“I need your help.”
“Uh, sorry, I can’t today. I have to get over to the free clinic in Trenton.” He was still crouched on the ground as he spoke.
Her face scrunched in confusion, and something shifted in his brain that he couldn’t quite place.
“Don’t you have rich people health insurance?” She questioned him as she moved over to the counter.
He rolled his eyes at her teenage sarcasm. “It’s not for me, okay? I’m trying to get answers on Lucy. The court clerk gave me a copy of her journal.”
Her already accelerated heart rate sped up as she turned to him. “Why?”
“Why?” He sounded appalled by the question and stood. “Because my dad threatened her! I wanted to make sure he wasn’t being physically violent. I didn’t see anything in her journal about that, but I did find some other helpful things.”
Every time he spoke, he made her anxiety worse, not that he was aware of it. “Like what?”
“I mean, you’re still young, so I don’t want to read some of it to you, but in early spring of 2000, she was writing stuff that makes me think….” He trailed off, unsure if he should tell her what he found.
She was only fourteen, after all. He didn’t know what she knew or if she was even comfortable with the subject.
“Go on.” She looked at the back of the papers in his hand, not being able to meet his eye. “I’m not a child.”
Ryan sighed. “I think she might have been pregnant.”
Nancy fought to keep the gray from edging into her eyesight as she swallowed down the rising panic within her. She knew if she didn’t give into the feelings soon, or at least do some techniques that she’d been taught, she’d pass out or worse. But she didn’t want to give away her secret to him just yet—if ever—so she shook her head.
“And you think the baby was yours?”
He scoffed. “Of course, it would have been mine! Lucy and I were…dating…around New Year’s, and so yeah. Mine.”
“You mean you were sleeping together around then.” She corrected for him and rolled her eyes at the shocked and slightly horrified look on his face. “Oh, stop that. I’m in high school now. I know these things.”
Then she caught the new look on his face and froze. He no longer looked shocked or horrified by her words but stared at her as if he was looking right through her. She felt her throat tighten and took a step back.
Ryan stared at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. Whatever had shifted in his head minutes earlier when she’d scrunched her face had returned the moment she rolled her eyes at him, and all the puzzle pieces had come together.
Both of those faces were exact replicas of his and Lucy’s expressions respectfully, and suddenly he was seeing what he hadn’t through their entire “working” relationship.
Besides the fact that Lucy had been haunting both of them, the young detective had told him she was allergic to wasps’ stings, and so was he. In addition to that, he remembered seeing her bite her lip when she was nervous, a trait that Lucy had right up until the day she died.
Then there were her looks. Her blonde hair may have been turning redder every day, but it was undoubtedly Lucy’s, as were her blue eyes his. She was the perfect combination of them, and he knew the truth in his heart.
Lucy had been pregnant. And Nancy was their daughter.
Then his surroundings came back to him, and he saw how she looked at that moment.
Her usually snarky yet confident expression had turned to fear, eyes wide and pale skin merging together to make her look gaunt. Ryan saw her throat moving quickly and knew she was trying to either swallow down tears or suck in air. Her hand, which now gripped the papers he’d handed her, shook enough to be visible, and she looked utterly exhausted.
He knew a panic attack when he saw one and knew that she also knew the truth.
Not wanting to push her, he told himself he wouldn’t bring it up to her. But, still, he had to make sure she was okay. The last thing he wanted was for her to be hospitalized because she was panicking over this added thing in her life.
“Nancy?” He kept his voice even, though he could hear the worry in it. “Are you okay?”
As he said the words in the same way Ace had said earlier, she told her brain that it was her boyfriend’s voice she was hearing and forced herself to relax. “I…”
“Can I get you some water?” Ryan moved away from her, walking to the sink. “You look pale.”
“Yeah, I, uh…didn’t get any sleep last night.” She forced herself to take some deep breaths while his back was turned and felt a bit more stable when he brought her the glass. “Counteroffer…I’ll help you find out if Lucy was pregnant if you do me a favor after.”
He’d do anything she asked of him, he realized, even if it meant doing her favors or playing along with something she clearly didn’t know he knew. “Deal. Do you need to call your dad?”
He saw the way she cringed at the word ‘dad’ and confirmed his theory that she wasn’t doing as well with the news as he was.
“Uh, nope. I’m good. He’s probably at work anyway.”
He didn’t call her out on the lie, instead holding the front door open to follow her to his car. He’d find out more about that situation later.
She’d lied to him. She’d looked him right in the face and lied to him.
They’d taken the trip to Trenton, and acting like a spoiled, entitled rich guy had made Ryan realize just how shitty of a person he probably was in everyone’s eyes. After Nancy had insisted on speaking to the doctor herself, he stood in the waiting room and thought about it.
He knew that he was different from everyone else in Horseshoe Bay, but until he was pretending to threaten to shut down the clinic, he had never realized how those people might see him. It was hard to come to terms with the fact that you had been an asshole for thirty-two years of your life, but Ryan had decided at that moment there wouldn’t be another.
He was going to change for Nancy, even if she never knew it was for her. He never wanted to see the look on her face as he had when she’d shut him up or told him a flat-out lie after leaving the clinic.
Sitting in the driver’s seat of his car, he thought about the story she’d spun for him, telling him that Lucy had been pregnant but had died with her child still inside her womb. He had done the math and had figured out that Nancy had been born weeks earlier than her due date, and she must have too.
Her knowledge of life and her ability to spin a tale baffled him.
“So, are you going to like…tell me why we’re going to Diana Marvin’s house?” He questioned, not wanting to sit in silence any more than they had.
Nancy huffed. “It’s Bess and her cousin Owen’s house, too.”
Owen Marvin was quite unlike the rest of his family. Being their age and having so few family members that were, he sometimes joined Bess at The Claw during her shift to hang out with their group. Of course, they all knew that he primarily came to flirt with Nancy but had been sweet enough to stop once her relationship with Ace had come out.
“I know, but still. You know that I’m like persona non grata, so you want to tell me what this favor is or what?”
“Yeah, in a minute. Can I ask you something?” Nancy had shifted her head lazily on the headrest so that she could look at him.
She still looked slightly pale, something the doctor had also noticed when they walked in, but her breathing seemed to be better, and she looked less like crying.
“Yeah, sure.”
She opened and closed her mouth only once before speaking. “What would it have meant, if-if you’d had the…the baby? Do you think you were ready to be a dad at eighteen?”
He should have known this question was coming. Even so, he answered honestly as he figured she’d be able to tell if he was lying. Besides, she looked too vulnerable as she stared at him.
“At eighteen? No…” He chuckled slightly. “No, hell no. A kid like me, I was dumb and spoiled, and I had horrible parental role models, as you know, so no. That would have been a disaster.”
He thought of his parents again and internally cringed, promising himself he’d do everything in his power to keep them away from Nancy.
“Do you think…do you think that you would have tried to…?” He saw her tuck a strand of hair out of the corner of his eye before she froze and started pulling at her hair. “Oh my God.”
“Hey, you okay?” He glanced at her now, then nearly hit the breaks as she started choking. “Hey. Hey, h-hold on.”
He swerved dangerously to the side of the road and brought the car to a park. Nancy was throwing herself out of the car the second they were stopped, and he followed her actions, panic welling up inside of him.
He wasn’t sure if she was having a panic attack again, but it looked different than it had before back at his house. When he finally got around to her side of the car, she was breathing again. He reached her side the second she slammed the door shut and watched in confusion as she stared at her reflection in the tinted windows.
“Hey, what…what, are you having a panic attack?” He knew he wasn’t supposed to ask, but it scared him.
Then he saw her look at her hand and the pile of sand that sat in it that had definitely not been there a moment prior. “No, no, uh…it was a portent.”
“A portent?” How did she even know what that word meant? He sure didn’t at fourteen. “What, you mean from Lucy?”
“No. From something completely different.” She looked scared now, but differently from before.
This had nothing to do with their familial relationship, and that seemed to worry him even more. He wondered if her whole life would worry him, as she seemed always to be ingrained in some dangerous happenstance.
“This is the favor that I had to ask you, actually.” She sounded upset, tears threatening to fall. “A few days ago, I did something unusual to get the evidence to exonerate my…to exonerate Carson. Uh, my friends and I did this ritual to call to this sea spirit.”
He was completely confused but tried to keep up. “Sea spirit. Like…like dolphins?”
She shook her head as she sat on the ledge overlooking the sea. “Stay with me. It’s a local legend. Uh, and it worked. The Aglaeca answered my call. But the problem is…is I couldn’t hold up my end of the bargain.
“The…the Aglaeca wanted Owen Marvin’s blood. All of it. So we couldn’t go through with it, and now we triggered this, uh, curse, and I have to fix it. And in order to do that, I need to do another ritual to make sure that the spirit doesn’t lock onto its target, and…and that’s where you come in.”
She hated having to get someone else involved, but she was desperate for anything that might save the lives of her and her friends.
Though he wanted to wrap his arms around her and whisk her away to be somewhere safe from all this nonsense, he knew that wouldn’t solve anything. He’d seen enough of Lucy’s ghost to know that supernatural creatures existed, and if his daughter was tangled up with one, he couldn’t let her down.
“Why me?” He was genuinely curious and hoped it didn’t come off as a refusal. “I mean, unless this Aglaeca takes cash, then I’m….”
“It’s not about your money this time, Ryan.” She snapped at him now, and he could see the panic setting back in. “It’s about you specifically, because….”
He froze, watching her face carefully, and wondered if this was the moment she would reveal that she knew she was his daughter.
Then he watched as she hesitated and shook her head. “It’s a long story, uh, and one of which you don’t need to know all the details. But if you just come with me….”
He nodded immediately. “Yeah, no, of course. I mean, it sounds urgent.”
They stared at each other for a second, and he watched as Nancy tried to blink away the tears that had pooled in her eyes. He felt his resolve breaking before taking a deep breath and deciding to take a leap of faith.
“Do you need me because I’m your father?”
Part 2
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Along For The Ride: How it Started
Word Count: 2.4k
October 12th, 2016
Although Carson was aware someone was talking to her, she didn't respond since she was a little distracted by the direct message she had just received on Instagram.
She was in her seat on the VIA Rail train she and her friend Stephanie were taking from Toronto to Ottawa. It was the first Maple Leafs game of the season, so they were making the commute to watch since it also happened to be Mitchell Marner's, Carson's cousin and Steph's boyfriend's very first NHL game ever.
"Yeah?" She asked, jumping slightly as she was suddenly brought back to reality.
"I was asking how your class was this morning," Steph chuckled while shaking her head.
"Oh, uh, it was fine," Carson tried to play off her distracted state. "Lexie and I did our law presentation. I think it went alright."
"Law? Aren't you in journalism?"
"Yeah, we took intro law as an elective," she explained before looking down at her phone screen again and biting down on her bottom lip.
Steph observed as she did this and knew well enough that Carson would not mention whatever was happening on her phone unless it was brought up. "What's got you so flustered?"
"Nothing!" Carson insisted but only received a pointed glance in return from the girl sitting across from her. Thanks to Steph's relationship with Mitch and just how close Carson was with her cousin, the two girls formed a great friendship which led to them being able to read each other like books. It tended to be a blessing and a curse. "Ok fine, maybe not nothing."
"Explain, please."
Carson sighed.
"Well, you know Auston, right? Like, Matthews?"
"I've heard of him," Steph teased, knowing that Auston started following Carson on Instagram entirely out of the blue a little over a month prior. "Kidding. Yes, of course, I do. He and Mitch have gotten pretty close since he moved to Toronto."
"Right, 'cause he's not from here, is he?" Carson asked, genuinely curious.
"No, Scottsdale, I think. Why?"
"Uh, no reason," she replied. "It's not that important, I guess. He just messaged me on Instagram, though."
"Did he!? Let me see," Steph gasped before snatching the phone right out of her friend's hand.
Carson watched as Steph effortlessly typed in the passcode and opened Instagram. She was still kind of surprised that she'd gotten a message from Auston at all, but it did make sense.
When the two girls first got on the train, Carson took a selfie of her and Steph in their Maple Leafs gear with a Go Leafs Go hashtag. They were sporting matching Marner jerseys and had received a few compliments from other fans getting on the same train.
The brunette thought nothing of the post she made, so when she received a DM from Auston replying to her story and saying "wish us luck," she was very caught off guard.
"Well, are you going to reply?" Steph asked while handing the phone back.
"I guess," Carson told her and looked back to the screen. "It's just a little weird that he messaged me, don't you think?"
"Not really. People message people on Instagram all the time."
"Yeah, but like, he's this huge hockey prospect, is he not? So why message me, of all people? Let alone follow me in the first place..."
"Ok, I will admit that Mitch and I have hyped you up a bit," Steph said while sinking back into her seat.
"He's new to the city," she explained with a shrug. "When he first got here, he didn't really know anyone other than the guys on the team and some of their girlfriends. So we were telling him about people he'd probably meet eventually, and you were one of them."
"I see," Carson responded and looked back down at the cellphone screen. She typed back a quick response to Auston's message saying "good luck" before tucking the device back into her bag and glancing up at her friend again. "I guess it's not that weird; I have made friends with a few of the guys on the team."
"Yeah, I know. Mitch told me how you ran into Willy and Kappy a couple of weeks ago while you were out."
"Mhmm, what started as a date night with myself ended up being a night of hanging out with those two... Oh, shit, we're like 20 minutes away from the station. Any word from the fam in Ottawa yet?"
"Your aunt texted me saying that she, Paul and Chris were almost there. Is anyone else coming?"
"No, just me," she said. "Dad and Nate are watching from home, but they'll be at the game in Toronto on Saturday. Mya said she'd watch the game as soon as she was done class too. She wasn't sure what channel the game would be on in Vancouver."
"Is it not the same there as it would be here?"
"That's what I said!"
"Fair," Steph replied with a smile. "Anyways, guess we better make sure we have all our things. It's going to be a long night."
And it was a long night... but it was also insanely fun.
The two girls were picked up by Carson's aunt Bonnie, uncle Paul and cousin Chris at the VIA station in Ottawa before going with them to grab something to eat and eventually making way to the Canadian Tire Centre to watch the game against the Senators. They definitely weren't the only Leafs fans in the building, but the Ottawa fans kind of outnumbered them. However, that didn't dampen their mood, and they were more than ready for the game to start.
It was the most surreal feeling for Carson to not only witness her cousin and lifelong best friend skate out onto the ice wearing the jersey of their home team but also just to see that he was finally living out his dream. She couldn't have been more proud and was convinced that she and Steph alone were two of the loudest cheerers in the entire arena as they began yelling along with the crowd.
Not only did she think it was cool seeing Mitch out there, but she also loved seeing all the other players that she'd gotten to know over the past couple of months. Carson quickly spotted Willy and Marty. She then chuckled when Steph sent a zoomed-in Snapchat video of number 17 skating around to his girlfriend, Sydney. However, it didn't take long for Carson's gaze to fall on number 34.
Leading up to the beginning of the season, all Carson heard about how good this Auston Matthews guy was; she would've been lying if she said she wasn't a little excited to see him in action. And boy did he put on a show.
With less than 12 minutes left of the first period, Auston scored the first goal of the game and the first goal of his NHL career. The Leafs fans went wild, as did Carson and her family while they watched the other guys skate up to congratulate their teammate. That was pretty cool to see, but Carson was not prepared for what the rest of the game held.
The Senators pulled ahead by scoring two goals, but that didn't last too long because Auston scored another goal before the period was even over.
"Oh my god," Carson said aloud as everyone went nuts again. "He's really good."
"I know," Steph replied, looking just as shocked as Carson felt. "I mean, Mitch said he was good but... wow."
A couple of minutes into the second period, he scored again, and Carson was speechless. It took her a second to register that this kid had just gotten a hat-trick in his first NHL game, but she was quickly brought back to reality when a ton of ballcaps started flying past her as they were thrown onto the ice. She looked down at where Mitch was on the bench and smiled as she observed him cheering along with his teammates about what had just happened. The energy in the arena was just insane.
After watching her cousin for a few seconds, Carson moved her gaze to the people in her section and saw a couple cheering so loudly a few rows behind them. The woman then started crying and was pulled into the embrace of the man next to her.
"That's Auston's parents," Steph explained, and Carson could basically feel herself melt after witnessing the genuine reaction of two very proud parents, sending Auston's mom a soft smile when they briefly made eye contact before looking back to the ice.
Then, just before the second period ended, he scored a fourth goal, and none of it seemed real anymore.
The Leafs ended up losing 5-4 in overtime, but that still didn't prevent a buzz in the crowd after everything that happened in that game. Once everyone began clearing out of the area, Carson and her family made their way down to the wings, so they could congratulate Mitchell on his first game as a Maple Leaf before eventually having to head back to Toronto.
The five of them knew they'd have to wait for a little bit, seeing as Mitch would have to change out of his equipment and possibly do a post-game interview. Still, soon enough, the NHLer made his way to his family and Carson couldn't help but laugh when she heard her cousin approaching before actually seeing him.
She stood to the side as she let her aunt, uncle and cousin greet their superstar, but as soon as Mitch was done talking with them briefly, he looked in Carson's direction, shaking his head before taking a few short strides and engulfing her in a hug.
"Congratulations! You killed it out there."
"Thanks, Carse," Mitch replied before moving away. "It would've been nice to score a goal, but it still feels amazing regardless. Thanks for being here."
"You know I wouldn't miss it," she told him with a smile. "And it looks like you'll just have to score in Toronto on Saturday to redeem yourself."
"I'll try," he told her with a pointed gaze before moving on to Steph and pulling her into a tight hug next.
Carson watched with a grin as the two lovebirds interacted for a second before going to step away and stand with her family. However, when she went to step back, she came in contact with what felt like a brick wall and completely lost her balance.
"Oh, shit," she muttered as she blindly reached out to grab onto something so she could steady herself, all while bracing herself for impact. However, the impact never came. Instead, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and was able to prevent her from falling on her ass. With a sigh of relief and embarrassment, she straightened herself out and stood back up straight before finally turning around to look up at the person she had just collided with. "I'm so sorry..."
Before she could say anything else, Carson felt her breath hitch as she realized she was face to face with none other than Auston Matthews.
"It's alright," he told her with a slight smile, giving a look as if to say that he definitely recognized her. "I wasn't watching where I was going either."
"I-." Before she could say anything else, an arm wrapped around her shoulders and Mitch's voice sounded from beside her.
"Auston, I see you've officially met my baby cousin Carson."
"Baby?" Carson scoffed and looked up at her cousin with a mortified expression. "Mitch, you're literally 12 days older than I am."
"Older and wiser."
"I don't think so," she told him before elbowing him in the gut so that he'd take his arm off her.
He groaned and hunched over in pain, making sure to send her a death glare as he tried to recollect himself.
"Uh oh, the twins are at it again," a voice spoke as someone else approached from down the hallway, and Carson looked up to see William Nylander approaching.
"Twins?" Auston asked and looked between Mitch and Carson with an amused expression.
"The more you see them together, the more you'll see how true that statement is," Steph said as she wedged herself between the two cousins to keep them from annoying each other any further. She then looked at Carson and nodded. "We have to get back to the station real soon if we want to catch our train back to Toronto."
"Right," Carson responded. "I'm good to go whenever you are."
"Ok, cool, let's just say our goodbyes, and then we can split on a cab there? Deal?"
The small group that had formed dispersed as new conversations formed, and Steph started saying bye to everyone seeing as Mitch was driving back to Toronto with some teammates, he was going to visit with his family. They were in no hurry to leave. 
Unfortunately, though, Carson had class at noon the next day, and Steph had to return to London for her classes as well, so they really did need to get going.
Before moving to say goodbye to Mitch and the rest of her family, Carson looked back to Auston once more to see him still smiling at her.
"You played a really great game tonight," she complimented and smiled back. "Congrats."
"Thanks," he chuckled. "It's all pretty crazy to let sink in. I definitely think your good luck message helped, though."
"Oh, I'm sure it did."
The two laughed before becoming quiet again. Unsure of what else to say, Carson, glanced at her family and figured she should start making her escape. She looked back to Auston, and surprisingly enough, he was the first to speak up again.
"I, uh, I guess I won't keep you from catching your train back to Toronto," he started and looked away slightly. "It was nice... officially meeting you, Carson."
"Yeah, I should probably get going before Steph comes back over here and starts dragging me out," she replied, causing him to laugh. "It was nice meeting you too, Auston. Congrats again, maybe I'll see you around."
"I'd like that. Get home safe."
"You too, well, to wherever you're going," she mumbled and sent him one last smile before walking away, trying to keep a straight face at the look Steph was giving her as she approached everyone else and said her goodbyes.
What she didn't notice, though, was how Auston watched her for a second as she walked away, intrigued by the entire interaction he just had with her and couldn't help smiling to himself as he shook his head and went his own way.
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The Difference
Companion Piece to The Pool  | Masterlist
Pairing: Benny ‘Borracho’ Magalon x Reader Rating: Mature (no explicit sexual content) Warnings: Fluff, cursing, sexual innuendo, canon-typical sexism, alcohol, cigarette smoking... I think that’s it? Notes: Uh... I love this man? Summary: The pools haven’t stopped, but now Borracho’s involved, too. 
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The dynamic in the office doesn’t change. I mean, sure, the guys know that you and Borracho are together, but you expected to take way more teasing about it. If they get on Borracho’s case about you when you’re not around, he doesn’t tell you. But when you’re at work, you’re at work. The two of you aren’t affectionate there, you don’t make it a point to take your breaks at the same time or grab lunch together. Things are as they were. Where the teasing does creep in is when you all have downtime - when you’re grabbing a drink as a team. The pools haven’t stopped, either, but now Borracho’s involved, too. Henderson’ll bate him with, “Nah, but I bet Borracho doesn’t even know his girl’s birthday,” (He does). Connors’ll tack on, “A pitcher says Tech can’t tell us where he got his nickname from,” (You can). And Zapata? “Tech’s favorite topping, for all the marbles?” (It’s hot sauce, but you bat your eyes and coo, “Borracho,” and the guys groan and make gagging noises as Borracho throws his head back and laughs).
“Man, tell your girlfriend to behave herself,” Henderson scoffs. They say shit like that a lot. It irks you, and Borracho knows that. If he were anyone else he might lean into it, but he doesn’t. “She’s got herself handled, Henderson,” Is his answer that time. Another, when you’re kicking Connors’ ass at pool, Connors looks to Borracho as he comes over and says, “Dude, tell your girlfriend that hustling people is fuckin’ rude.” “He’s just being a sore loser,” You justify to Borracho, even as you stare Connors down. Borracho’s hand settles on your lower back and he leans in, pecking your cheek and murmuring, “Fuck it up, sweetheart.” 
The Magalons aren't like your family. You grew up in a much more formal household - you only saw aunts and uncles once every couple of months, and you knew at least a week in advance that you'd be going by, or that they'd be coming over. 
But the Magalons? They have an open door policy that astounds you. And once you and Borracho are dating, it extends to you, too - his mother and sisters make sure that you know it, tell you that you can drop by any time, with or without Borracho. The prospect is daunting at first. You don't want to offend them, but you just don't... Quite know how to do that. Borracho is gentle as he waves off your worry.
"They like you, sweetness. They just wanna get to know you a bit better, is all," He murmurs, "Stopping by doesn't have to be a big thing, stay for a cup of coffee and then say you have to run errands-- but don't stress yourself out about it."
His thumb smooths over the wrinkle in your brow before he leans down and pecks your lips. 
You try not to let it stress you out, really. That first visit to his mom's house is a little awkward for all of you - Isobel and Nadia are there with their kids, and you still don't know one another very well - but you're trying, and by the end of it, you get a hug from them. One of Isobel's daughters even asks you when you're coming back. You don't have to mention it to Borracho when you see him. Apparently your drop-in made the family group chat - there's a picture of you having a tea party with two of his nieces. 
"Maybe I should get you your own tiara and tutu," He teases, and you roll your eyes. 
It isn't always that smooth, of course. Sometimes you have plans to go over and see them and you get called into work on short notice. You feel awful when that happens, but they understand - they've been dealing with it with Borracho for years.
They don’t mind you being touchy with him, either. That throws you. You’re touchy with Borracho when it’s just the two of you alone at one of your apartments, but when you’re around the family, at first, you just a little skittish when Borracho starts getting affectionate. Your family was like that, too - just, very concerned with propriety and appearances around everyone else. Borracho tells you that no one cares, tries to coax you into giving him more than just a peck when the two of you are able to spend an afternoon with his family. It’s Megan, Borracho’s oldest sister, that finally kinda convinces you that it’s fine. It’s not anything she says, it’s just the way that she is - you see her cozying up with her new boyfriend, and it warms you. You relax after that, slowly. Giving Borracho a few kisses, teasingly slapping his ass when you pass him in the kitchen. It’s not salacious, it’s just… Comfortable. You’re not even offended when Isobel tells you later that she’s glad you’ve finally ‘chilled out’, cause you kinda have. Later, when you’re sitting on Borracho’s knee and leaning against his chest, he turns his head and noses along your neck, and murmurs, “You know I love you, right?” You look down at him as he leans away and you nod, brow furrowing a little. “Of course I know,” You say quietly, “I love you, too.” He nods, murmurs, “I know,” And smiles up at you. He leans up for a kiss, and instead of tensing up and leaning away like you might’ve a few weeks ago, you give it to him, and then another, and then another. -- You don’t talk about marriage at first - it just hasn’t come up. You know that he married his high school sweetheart, but they were only together a couple of years before they divorced (all of the guys on the team have been married and divorced at least once). His sister Nadia tells you, too (“Just in case -- Look I love my brother and all, but sometimes guys don’t tell you everything they’re supposed to, you know?”). And you appreciate that, of course, but you’re not worried about it. The two of you are fine the way you are. 
It’s Borracho that brings it up. Megan gets engaged to her boyfriend - fast, I’m talking six months in. You’re happy for them, though. Sure, it seems a little rushed to you, but who are you to judge, and they seem really happy. The night after the engagement party, as the two of you lay in bed, Borracho murmurs, “You ever think about it?” “What?” You’re half-asleep; the last thing the two of you were talking about was whether or not Connors wears a baseball cap all the time ‘cause he’s getting a bald spot. Borracho doesn’t say it. He takes hold of your left hand and lightly runs his thumb over your ring finger. You tip your head up to blink blearily at him in the dark. You don’t need to ask where the question’s come from, but it’s just caught you so off guard. “... I’ve thought about it,” You’re afraid to say it too loudly, in case he’s putting you on. He intertwines his fingers with yours and squeezes your hand gently. “What have you thought?” You shrug. “I don’t know… Just the-- The idea of it, I guess.” “To me?” “No, to Henderson-- Yes, to you.” “Thank god you clarified, I was afraid I was gonna be stuck in line behind Henderson.” You flick Borracho’s chest before resting your head back down on his shoulder. “We’d never last. He wouldn’t buy me the right kind of hot sauce.” “That’s the only reason?” Borracho laughs. “Well, I’m also kinda in love with you. It would put a damper on the marriage.” “I’d make a great second husband.”
“You’d make a great first one.” The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them, and even though the two of you have been teasing, you’re worried Borracho’s going to really laugh at you. He doesn’t, though. He won’t - you’re too dear to him and he’s too good, he wouldn’t do this to you as a joke. “I didn’t the first time around,” He admits, “We were young and I was pretty stupid.” You’re surprised he’s talking about it. So far the conversations around his ex-wife have just been that he has one. You’re quiet as Borracho tells you about her, about them; you’re not jealous, you’re comforted, actually. He’s trusting you with this. “...Have you ever wanted to marry anyone you’ve been with?” He asks after he’s gone quiet about her. You shake your head a little bit. He perks up at that, and you can practically hear how his brows have risen as he presses, “Really?” “Why’s that so surprising?” “What changed?” You’re quiet for a few moments, looking down through the dim light of the room at where your hands are still intertwined. “I couldn’t see a future with them.” And then his hand is cupping the back of your neck to tip your head up, and his lips are sliding over yours in what you’re sure is the softest kiss this man has ever given you. He lifts your joined hands to rest over his heart, and you ache with loving him. -- “You need to come get your man.” Well that’s a new one. You’ve had the day off, and you knew that the guys were going to grab drinks after their shift, but you didn’t expect a call like this from Henderson. “Big night?” You ask dryly. Borracho grunts, taking one long, final drag from his cigarette as he gets into the passenger seat of your car. “Big night,” He mumbles, flicking the cigarette out of the window, adding, “Sorry.” “It’s okay, baby,” You chuckle as he does up his seat belt. He leans over for a kiss, sliding a hand between your thighs. You smile into it. “Someone’s in a mood,” You tease. “I’m always in a mood when it comes to you,” He mumbles, kissing your neck. You huff, squeezing your thighs shut to stop his hand from moving. “Wait ‘til we get home, baby.” “Do we have to?” “I’m not getting pulled over because you’re horned up.” “No fun,” Borracho grumbles, settling back in his seat and tipping his head back against the headrest. 
“Big night?” You tease as Borracho crowds up behind you at your kitchen counter. His arms loop around your waist and he presses his face into your neck.
“Stop yelling at me,” He mumbles. You giggle, unable to help it.
“Wow, someone really did it up, huh.”
He hums.
“Coffee? Or I’ve got room-temperature gatorade and white rice.”
“God I love you.”
You don’t find out just how big of a night out Borracho had until about two hours later, when his phone buzzes. The two of you have been settled on the couch with the tv volume turned way down, zoning out to Breaking Bad reruns. He reads the text, and he groans.
“What is it?” You ask.
“...You’re gonna find out, anyway,” He mumbles and passes you his phone. It’s a text from Nick, Checked public records - no wedding certificate for Borracho and Tech. Henderson and Connors, pay up.
Your brow furrows, and you hand the phone back.
“I may’ve had a... slip of the tongue last night.”
He’s suddenly very interested in the tv. You’re stunned for a few seconds.
“We were talking about that stuff the other night, it was on my mind… I was drinking…” He adds.
“And they thought we’d eloped and neglected to tell them?”
“And put money on it.”
“Classic,” You sigh, leaning back against the couch cushions.
“...Would you want to elope?” He doesn’t look at you as he asks.
“Your sisters would kill us.”
The two of you watch tv for a few more minutes in silence.
“Did you realize, or--”
Borracho shakes his head, “Henderson caught it.”
“So do I have to ask Henderson for what you said?”
“I said, ‘shit, it’s getting late, I should text my wife’.”
You’re grinning, and you think you feel a little lightheaded, but in the good way.
“You switched to water after that, huh,” You tease.
“Bet your cute ass I did.” 
142 notes · View notes
Our Little Secret Part 9
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries / The Originals
Series: Our Little Secret
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // 
Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 // Part 15 (Final)
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x Reader
Warning/s: none
Word Count: 1,369
Summary: Y/N Gilbert tried to put Mystic Falls - it’s problems, and her whirlwind romance with Klaus Mikaelson - behind her after she graduated, but all it takes is one unusual phone call to bring her right back to where she started and into the path of her first love as she races to solve the mystery threatening the lives of everyone in her home town.
Tags: @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce // @april-14-blog // @akshi8278 // @keiko0 // @mylovehes // @your-new-mom​
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The Salvatore School looked like a fortress, but you’d know that building anywhere, a sense of nostalgia settling in as you approached it’s chained and heavily fortified gates. 
“Something’s wrong,” Klaus slowed his walk, on high alert as he glanced around. You could feel it too, the shift in the air, hands ghosting over your weapon as you surveyed the surrounding area. 
You were fast, but Klaus had vampiric advantage, catching the crossbow bolt as it shot out of the trees towards you, inches from your shoulder as had already begun to dodge the attack. 
“Wait! They’re friendlies,” a voice called from the other side of the gate, Klaus practically growling as he snapped the arrow in his hand. You smiled as the figure got closer, finally becoming visible in the dim light of the moon. Alaric. 
A second figure emerged from one side, a teenaeger, dark curly hair and apologetic eyes as he lowered a crossbow. “Sorry,” he told you, shouldering the weapon and heading towards Alaric, both their party and yours meeting on opposite sides of the gate. 
“Alaric Saltzman,” Klaus greeted, looking the man up and down. He looked older than you remembered, but then, it had been years. 
“Klaus,” Alaric nodded, his face softening as he turned to you, “hey Y/N, you’re one of the last people I expected to see here.”
“Got a strange phone call from Hope Mikaelson,” you told him, he and the teenager exchanged a look. 
“Where is my daughter anyway? She could explain it better, it seems this school has managed to avoid the slumber effecting the rest of the town,” Klaus looked expectantly at Alaric.
“Wait, Hope isn’t with you?” The boy asked, looking immediately worried. 
Klaus’ face fell. “Why would she be?” He asked, and you could see the fear in his eyes.
“Well, she left the grounds yesterday- no one’s seen her since,” he answered as the colour drained from Klaus’ face. 
“Maybe you should come inside,” Alaric decided solemnly, glancing around warily before opening the gates enough to let you and Klaus slide in, locking the gates again tightly with a chilling clang. 
Klaus was quiet all the way inside. You didn’t have any children of your own, but you knew she was his world, and now she was in trouble. 
“How come no one here’s affected?” You blurted soon after stepping inside. Students of all ages were milling around, preparing weapons, researching, practicing spells... It was the only part of Mystic Falls seemingly untouched.
“Wards,” Alaric explained briefly, one eye on Klaus the entire time as you passed by the students and followed him into his office, the boy still in tow too. “Landon, you don’t need to be here for this,” he told the boy, who shook his head adamantly.
“If Hope’s in danger I have to help her,” he insisted.
“Ah, so you’re the Landon Kirby she’s told me about,” Klaus said with a tone that told you this Landon was his daughter’s boyfriend. This could be interesting.
Landon, to his credit, held Klaus’ stare. “Yes, and I want to help.” Klaus nodded after a moment, you needed all the help you could get. Plus, you suspected he wanted Landon to stick close for other reasons too.
“Tell us everything,” you said to Alaric, who nodded gravely and gestured for you to all sit down. It was finally time to get some answers. 
“We don’t know what is causing this... sleeping curse, but it seems to put everything it comes into contact with into a deep, unwakable sleep, so no one who’s seen it can tell us what it is. But what we do know is that it doesn’t affect vampires, so we’ve theorised that it has something to do people’s life forces maybe?” Alaric explained, both you and Klaus listening intently. 
“It also can’t get past the school’s wards, thankfully, but it all happened so fast that by the time we’d figured it out it was too late to bring anyone into the safety of our walls,” he continued, taking a breath to prepare himself as he got to the bit Klaus was most eager to hear, “Hope snuck out sometime yesterday, against direct instruction, to try and investigate, she’s part vampire so she hedged her bets on being immune. But... she hasn’t been back since, and the few vamps we could spare to search the woods closest to the school found nothing. We didn’t want to risk sending them further, just because they aren’t put to sleep, doesn’t mean we know what could happen to them.”
There was a snapping noise, making you jump as you looked to Klaus, who had been gripping the arms of his chair so hard he’d crushed to wood into splinters. 
“Some myths of vampires have them eating people’s energy,” you mused, earning surprised and curious glances from your audience, “what? I mean they aren’t thought to put an entire town to sleep, but energy and life force could be interchangeable here, and your regular vampire isn’t exactly alive by that definition.”
“Take the girl out of Mystic Falls...” Alaric gave you a faint, proud smile.
“Yeah, I’ve thought that once or twice since I got here,” you replied, looking to the crossbow you’d leant up against your chair. 
“It’s happening in New Orleans too,” Klaus revealed to Alaric, filling him in on what little he knew, and how it linked to your phone call with Hope.
“One of the only people any of us actually know who got out of this town in one peice,” Alaric said maybe a little too cynically, but he wasn’t exactly wrong. 
“So how do we find my daughter?” Klaus voiced, his singular focus clear, not that you could blame him, you wanted to make sure your sister and her family were safe too.
“She’s a witch too right?” You asked, a thought forming. Klaus nodded. “Landon, did she say anything since this started about any spells? Protection? Locating? Maybe even trying to wake someone up?”
You doubted she’d have told Alaric about any potentially dangerous plan, but her boyfriend? You’d told Klaus all your secrets back in High School, and teenagers didn’t change much.
Landon looked a little guilty, “she did mention something about locating an epicentre? She said whatever was doing this had to be hiding somewhere, even if it did originally come from the Malivore pit,” Landon rubbed the back of his neck as Alaric quickly filled you in on what the hell a Malivore pit was. Huh, Mystic Falls had really been having the time of it in recent years. 
“Did she tell you if she found anything? Her aunt Freya did a similar spell, but it only pin pointed Mystic Falls, not a specific location in the town,” Klaus tried to clarify, desperate to understand what his daughter was doing. But you didn’t wonder too hard, she was her father’s daughter afterall.
“Sorry, no, really she did,” Landon told you, and you believed him, he clearly cared about her too much to protect a secret that might be putting her in danger. 
“Well, I mean, it’s Mystic Falls - has anyone checked the High School?” You piped up, “hundreds of children in one place? Youthful life energy rife to be fed on?”
Alaric considered it for a second, “even if you’re right, I can’t afford to send my kids, they’re children.”
Klaus was about to argue when you shot out your hand, putting it on his arm and shaking your head. Alaric was right, risking the students of the school wasn’t fair, even if you’d been younger than some of them when you’d been thrust into the path of danger. 
“Well I’m going,” Klaus rose, determination clear.
“So am I,” you said, standing with him as he turned to object.
“Absolutely not, you’re human, not even a witch Y/N-” Klaus began but you cut him off.
“I’m a Gilbert, with training, and Hope called me. I’m here to help her Klaus, and I’m going to,” you told him, leaving no room for argument. 
This had been your home once, Klaus the man you loved, and that still meant something. You had to see this through.
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non-navigational maps
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y/n's new to the giant busy crowds of new york so she wanted to ask someone for help
pairing: peter x fem!reader
status: strangerz
Warning: shy reader (idk if this is a warning but just in case)
y/n's POV
new york sure is loud, like really really loud. but thankfully i found a park or something so i can relax a bit and really look at my map. i couldnt understand a thing. seriously how do people use a thousand subways just to get to one place?
after a few minutes i gave up and tried to ask someone for help which isn't very fun for me considering i barely talk to strangers...too shy for all of that but my familly will murder me if i wasnt home by 6 and most importantly im STARVING. hmm lets see, a mom and her toddler? nah shes probably busy as it is trying to stop her little boys tantrum, the old man in the bench infront of me? yeah why not- nope his ice cream just spilled on his shirt poor thing. i wanted to help him out but someone already did, a boy i think wait no he looks older maybe my age?  i dont know, i can only see his back, his hair looked cute though soft, brown, light, did I mention soft?- ok y/n stop it.
"Damn it!" The old man cursed "should've gon for the vanilla" he shook his head, I laughed his comment, he 'should've' gotten vanilla coz his t-shirt was white and it wouldn't stain that much *laughing* ugh so wholesome
I heard another voice, a much younger voice. I looked up from my god damn map to meet the back of the boy who's helping the guy out, laughing at what he said. His laugh is cute too
"But chocolate tastes better sir, I think you made a great choice" he wiped the excess now I know chocolate ice cream off the old mans shirt
"I always make the right choices kid, the names Stan" the once grumbled old man, smiled just from an act of kindness by a boy my age, he held his hand for him to shake
"Peter, Peter Parker sir" he shook his hand and smiled he said something to Stan which made him laugh. I giggled from their interaction just happy from what I've witnessed. for some reason I find guys my age helping others attractive it really shows me how good of a person this guy is, it makes me feel like not all boys my age are bad, I don't know hopefully I'll see him soon
*A/N: YES IM PUTTING A STAN LEE CAMEO IN HERE, if you didn't ask...The old guy I'm talking abt is Stan lee ;)*
After looking at my map a billion more times to try and not talk to people I gave up again and kept looking around, since there wasn't anyone else in this side of the park I decided to walk, if I'm staying for a while might as well get some exercise am I right?
I walked for a few minutes until I found a group of benches again so I looked for someone unoccupied, not sketchy, and hopefully is in a good mood, till i found a beautiful woman probably in her 40s or something ( but she looked amazing though)
she seemed nice as well, she just had that vibe to her so i decided to ask her, yayy can you feel the sarcasm?? I'm TERRIFIED
she was sitting on the bench, lifting her glasses every once in a while to read the book she had in her hand. i slowly walked up to her, nervous. what should i tell her? that im new to the area and if i couldnt find a Mcdonalds soon ill turn into the next hulk? the nerves seemend to fade away once we we locked eyes, she had brown welcoming eyes, a smile ill probably never forget plastered on her face.
"hello sweetie, what can i do for you?" her voice was like honey sweet, and calming as well.
"oh uhm sorry to bother you but i- i am kinda lost and i-i cant find a burger place kind near the are-" i was a stuttering mess! But thankfully i got interrupted from humiliating myself...by the- who is this guy? Oh wait! That's the guy that helped the old man! Peter? Yeah Peter, Peter Parker
"sorry i took a while aunt may, theres this old guy named stan, he spilled his ice cream all over his shirt so i decided to help him and i bought him a new one! should we go..." the boy trailed off, he looked cute not gonna lie, he had the same features as the woman infront of me, brown eyes, soft brown hair, and a kind spirit definitely. "s-sorry was i interrupting something?" he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed
"no its okay peter, this lovely lady right here is just lost would you be a doll and help her? im bad at maps as it is" she laughed pointing at me. the second he looked at me blood rushed to my cheeks, he really was cute. i gave him a small wave and a barely audible 'hi' but luckily he picked it up and replied with a 'hey'
"Peter, yeah I know. Kinda heard saw helping the guy out. That's really sweet of you...what you did" I blushed "a-a-anyways I'm y/n" I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans to take the sweat off quickly before he shook them.
"Uh nice to meet you too?" he fiddled with his hands his smile growing bigger with every second he looked at me "y-you needed help?" He asked blushing and also eyeing may like he's frustrated from her or something, I laughed at his face and opened the map in my hands
"Uhm, well i-I'm supposed to go to the 21st street 3rd Avenue or somethig by 6 coz my parents will kill me if I was late since were new here, but I think there's enough time to go find some burger place or something since I'm starving and there should be a Macdonalds around the corner right? Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm rambling...I do that a lot when I'm frustrated.....and hungry haha" I nervously laughed mentally kicking myself for being such an idiot to a boy I potentially liked
"Oh no no, I don't mind. So uh you live in queens?" He started off smiling a bit, I was scared for a second since i didn't tell him about that part how would he know that?
"Oh uhm, I'm from queens and the 21st street 3rd Avenue is in queens" he probably got nervous since he saw my slightly frightened face, but it softened once I knew that he wasn't a creepy stalker or some shit
"Y-yeah yeah queens, sorry" why the the fuck am I apologizing?
"No it's fine, you don't need to worry. You probably couldn't find the 21st because you held the map upside down?" he chuckled flipping the map and I just died in embarrassment like can the floor eat me or something?
"I'm such an idiot oh my god" I face palmed and laughed a little the world has something against me I am sure of it
"No you're not, you're new to the busy subways and noisy streets it's fine" he assured me and continued on chuckling, can this day get any worse? "well ironically there isn't a burger place near this area" well great "but t-theres this deli sandwich shop that I always g-go to, uhm I don't know if you'd like that but it's uh really good" he squeaked red swarming to his cheeks and the tip of his ears
"He can show you, if you want? Since you're new and everything he'll be happy to help" the woman buts in smirking, turns out she's been listening to our conversation than reading her book. She sent Peter a wink and packed her stuff
"But what about the library may, you said you wante-"
"It's ok Peter, just come home before 7 and be safe!" She patted his shoulder and gave me a smile. It all happened so fast but I smiled back. Guess I'm gonna go eat with a handsome stranger?
"Well uhm sorry about my aunt" he cleared his throat "wanna g-go grab a sandwich? It's like 10 minutes away and uh we have like" he checked his watch " 3 hours before it turns 6 so plenty of time..." he trailed off, I could either decline and not explore with a cute boy and get lost again? Or risk it and potentially get kidnapped....yeah the answer is pretty obvious
"..uhm yeah sure, let's go" I ushered him taking the map and stuffing it in my bag "well, after you"
I'm thinking of doing a part 2 idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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fae-fucker · 3 years
Zenith: Chapter 76-79
Chapter 76
Andi has a nice little poetic nightmare. It’s irrelevant. The next morning has the girls preparing for the ball, complete with dresses and makeup.
Some things to note include Lira saying that in Adhiran religion (which is global, I guess), one has to mourn for three days before “letting” the souls of the dead pass on into ... everything.
Andi tries to say that it’ll take time to heal from it all, but Lira is having none of it.
“It will take time to move past what happened on Adhira,” Andi started, but Lira held up a hand.
“My three days of mourning have passed. Lon’s and my aunt’s, too. Now we, and the others who lost loved ones during the attack, must give the lost spirits to the stars, to the trees, to the wind.”
Which basically means that she’s done feeling bad about the unexpected and brutal attack on her home planet, so that’s convenient. Well, if one of our main characters doesn’t care about her people getting senselessly murdered, then why should we?
She also lets us know that her aunt has fixed up the Marauder and brought it here, because of course. Lira wants to arrange for Lon to be transferred to the Marauder, and though she has a logical reason for it (taking him home personally), it’s only a setup so we know why he’s on there at the end of the book when Andi’s bleeding out and needs a universal donor.
Spoilers, I guess.
Andi’s mother, Glorya, intercepts Andi as she tries to leave her crew to their makeover montages, just so we can move into a scene where her mom is brushing her hair and babbling on about gossip and vapid high society stuff.
But Andi, of course, gets lost in a flashback that’s so amateurishly written it’s honestly embarrassing and only highlights Shinsay’s helpless reliance on flashbacks as a storytelling device.
Her words faded away as memories took their place. Andi lost herself to them.
The whole flashback is written in italics for some inexplicable reason, even though it would’ve been fine as just regular text since we’re clearly told what’s happening now and what’s a memory.
Also, there’s one bit where the memory “fast-forwards” to a different one. Shinsay, this isn’t a fucking movie. This isn’t a screenplay. What the fuck are you DOING.
The flashback and the mother’s inane babbling are all there to illustrate how vapid and brainless Glorya is and how she only ever cared about her status and not about her kid. Glorya pretends that everything is back to the way it was but Andi curses her out for abandoning her when she needed them most and how “the way it was” was actually always shit.
I mean it’s fine. It’s all right. I see what they’re going for, it’s melodramatic as all fuck but it works for what they’re trying to do? I can see this as being a realistic way for an emotionally neglectful family to look like. I wish it was more nuanced and wasn’t just shoe-horned in here (Glorya doesn’t show up before or after this bit, this is the only time she’s ever present or even mentioned in this book in any meaningful capacity) for the sake of making Andi’s friends look better and for her to not have anything that anchors her to Arcardius, but like, I won’t say this isn’t realistic.
And then Shinsay can’t stop themselves and it’s back to silly time:
“Really, Androma...” 
“That is not my name,” Andi whispered. She allowed the darkness to come up into her voice, the mask of shadow and steel to sweep across her face. “My name is the Bloody Baroness. And if you or Commander Racella ever so much as utter a single word toward me or my crew again, I will personally strip the skin from your body and wave it like a flag from my starship.”
Glorya let out a soft squeak. Andi snarled with all of her teeth.
Guys I can’t breathe this is too fucking funny. And not in a good “woo vindication!” sort of way, but in a “they really put this right after an emotional confrontation about parental emotional neglect/abuse huh?” way. They really thought this was ... badass? Revenge? Andi, sweetie, you’re, like, traumatized? Presumably? I can’t really tell. But maybe get some therapy?
Do Shinsay think this is somehow a win and that Andi’s threat means she’s fully released from the hurt and pain her parents have caused her through their neglect? It’s honestly written as if Andi just confronted her mother and her own hopes of coming back to her family in this one short scene, and then upon realizing her parents never loved her, she scares her mom a little and then is all smug and satisfied at the end.
That ain’t how it works, darlings.
Then the annoying Marketable Space Pet runs in and starts biting Glorya’s toes and she runs away shrieking like a defeated Disney villain.
Way to undercut your own drama, Shinsay.
The chapter ends with Andi thinking about how her crew is her True Family for the bajillionth time. Because we’re all idiots and Shinsay wants us to remember that.
Chapter 77
It’s the evening of the ball and Andi thinks about how she missed Bavista, which is apparently your generic coming-of-age ball held at Arcardius for every 16-year-old. I’m guessing it’s a yearly thing? The book never clarifies. Not sure why the fuck it’s here tbh.
Actually, it’s a pretty good demonstration of how the worldbuilding in this book is presented so here, have at thee:
She could still remember seeing the otherworldly dresses and suits float by her on the feeds as she watched the girls and boys glide into the A’Vianna House in the Glass Sector. They seemed light as air, full of pride, bursting at the seams with excitement. Once inside, they would be greeted by members of the Priest Guild, who would award each young person three items.
The first was a vial of water from the Northern Ocean, symbolizing strength. For growth, they accepted a single leaf from the oldest tree on Arcardius, known as The Mother, which was said to have been planted when the Ancients first arrived. Lastly, they were given a single floating pebble, no larger than a child’s fingernail, chiseled from the very gravarock where the Cortas estate was. It represented the wisdom of rising above.
Is this relevant to anything? Does this help you understand this world or its inhabitants? Does it tell you anything of the culture of Arcardius or its youth and what’s expected of them? No? It’s just a really generic list of things thrown together using Mystical Proper Nouns as glue? Weeell heeell.
Also what does “it represented the wisdom of rising above” mean? This is utterly generic and means fuck-all, that’s what.
Anyway, Andi’s admiring herself in the mirror. Her dress is very sexy, trust me, I can’t be bothered to include it so just imagine your favorite My Immortal outfit description. It does include sword holsters at the back, which are Andi’s favorite part, because she’s a strong independent woman who don’t need no man. She never actually uses them or brings the swords to the ball so ... Idk what the point of this was.
We also get some shit about how Andi actually LOVES dresses and being pretty but she never admitted it to anyone. But don’t you worry, this badass space criminal LOVES all things girly, because that’s feminism! Can someone check in on Shinsay? I’m not sure they’re getting enough air with their heads so far up Sarah J Maas’ asshole.
Admitting to herself that she looked pretty was something Andi kept private. She didn’t want to give her crew the satisfaction of knowing her true thoughts about fashion. How even though she was a fierce, hardened criminal, she could still appreciate the joy of a beautiful, impractical ball gown.
Huh. And here I thought they were your family. That’s weird that you’d keep this information from them, especially considering all of them seemed pretty excited to be prettied up in the last chapter. I guess they’d really just haaate the idea of sharing this joy with their captain, huh? Why aren’t you admitting this to them, Andi?
You’re saying shit about how “even though” you’re a hardened criminal, you can “still” appreciate beautiful gowns, like those two are somehow contradictory. Are you, mayhaps, ashamed of having this traditionally girly interest? Hmm! Interesting. Why could that be, I wonder? Why would having traditionally feminine interests or even caring about one’s appearance be seen as something inherently shameful or embarrassing, as inherently contradictory to being fierce and “hardened?”
This is all just so *clenches fist* feminist.
Forreal though, somehow Shinsay managed to take their entire made up GALAXY and make it subtly and not-so-subtly sexist. Good job, morons. Really girlbossed that one, huh?
The only bit I like about this whole mess is this:
The dressmaker had also accented her gown with a sparkling necklace full of jewels that Andi didn’t plan on giving back.
This is the one and only space pirate-y thing Andi does -- sorry, considers doing -- in the whole book and honestly could’ve been used to build her character more, but it’s just a one-off joke here. Wasted.
Valen comes to fetch her and we get some subtle foreshadowing.
“Valen the Resurrected.”
He stopped to look at her, brows raised. “What?”
She shrugged. “It’s what the press is calling you in all the feeds.” Valen let out a deep chuckle.
“Something tells me things are about to change for the better,” he said. “I’m ready to see it all happen.”
Andi wondered what he would do now that he was home with a whole planet at his disposal.
He deserved to have some fun.
Is it bad that I’m rooting for Valen to destroy everything? And this isn’t my villain-fucker coming out, I just want this poor bastard to absolutely annihilate Andi and her gang of acolytes.
Chapter 78
Andi and Valen arrive at the ball. It’s all very pretty and space-y and aesthetic. There’s a bunch of aliens everywhere. Andi sees a woman with funky eyes and assumes it’s a body mod, because I guess she knows the genetic characteristics of every species by heart and can tell when something is real or not.
An old classmate of theirs comes up to talk to Valen and congratulate him on being alive, then Andi reminds him of who she is just to be a smug asshole and the guy fucks off in a panic. She’s just so cool and badass, you guys.
Then it’s time for Valen and Andi to dance, and of course General Cortas looks like he’s about to lose his marbles because these darn kids! >:(
The chapter ends on Andi noticing Dex pouting in the distance.
“Relax,” Andi whispered. “Let’s give them something to talk about.”
She flashed him a wicked grin as the music began.
And as Valen spun her into the first move of the dance, Andi saw Dex standing on the fringes of the crowd, an expression of longing clear on his face.
Chapter 79
This chapter is exactly 298 words of Dex moping around about how he’s actually not over Andi at all when he thought he’d done such a good job of repressing his feelings, and how he should be the one dancing with Andi instead of Valen. If you’re surprised, you’re clinically dead.
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