#also if anything looks wrong then well.. yeah
kanmom51 · 2 days
This one is kind of personal and a lot mushy
(And as I'm writing this, a bit of a rant as well)
*Be advised.😅
Been a bit.
Well, I was kind of busy. On one of those 'once in a lifetime' trips you take to celebrate a big one, this one being my 30th wedding anniversary.
And while I was on this trip (and I am sure to share some pics, cause why not, seeing we got some spectacular ones) I got to thinking about Jikook. Because, who doesn't think about Jikook on their 30th anniversary trip, right?
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Let's be real for a sec. Who doesn't think about Jikook ALL THE DAMN TIME?
Obsessed much?
Hell yeah!!!😂
Proudly admitting it!!
Look at those two:
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Can you seriously blame me?
Nah, but seriously.
I couldn't help but think about who I am, where I've come from, how my partner and myself came to be, our love and respect for each other, how we fought through everything life swings at you and how our love not only survived all of it but seems to have flourished even more. I can honestly say that I love my husband today even more than I did when we got married. It's a different kind of love. A mature love. A love that survived many trials and tribulations. Some you know of when you tie the knot but many more you don't expect.
And thinking of us I couldn't help but think about those two young men and how they met, what brought them together, how they connected, how they have been through so much together, the hardships, the struggles, the amazingly good and the terribly bad, all making their bond even stronger.
There are those that cannot fathom how 2 young beautiful talented men could be in a committed relationship when they have this whole smorgasbord of beautiful people just wanting to lay a hand on them. Everyone wants a piece of them and here they are in a committed relationship with each other? A long term committed relationship? How ever could that be?
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When you love someone to the core, which is exactly how those two feel (people can deny it all they want, but it won't change the facts, these two have chosen each other every single time over anything and anyone else), when you get to know that one person and fall deeply in love with them, know their ins and outs, know their flaws and issues, seen them at their best and at their worst. When they are happy or sad, healthy or sick, elated or furious, and find them attractive through and through, still want to be by their side.
Need to be by their side.
Want to be there when they are happy, share their joy, but also be there when they are sad or down and stand by their side to support them through it (even with and despite all those flaws and issues and difficulties that at times can also infuriate you and basically make you want to ring their necks at certain points in time) there is no love (between partners) deeper than that.
I do know, we all should, that what they experienced and how they are living cannot be compared to us regular folk. Their circumstances are such that they have to deal not only with an industry and society that deems them as 'wrong' (that includes a big chunk of their own fandom btw), but also a lifestyle that is nothing like the one we know or have experienced. The hours, the cameras in their faces close to 24/7 (up until their break and hiatus and even prior to that during the pandemic - which btw is one of the reasons people have gone mad at that point given we stopped getting an influx of BTS content for such a long time), growing up and maturing in the limelight, enjoying the fame and exposure at first and then fighting for privacy and 'anonymity' when you realize there is a price to that fame. None of us have experienced that. Yes, we can find the similarities and by extension make conclusions about them, but at the same time we always need to remember that their lives are different than ours and that we cannot always hold them to the same standards of behavior that we are used to in our own lives and relationships.
This is beside the point that every relationship is different. I will just say this. A healthy long term relationship is built on 2 or more (I ain't judging) individuals that stand as their own person and chose to be with the other/s. They don't necessary have to have the exact same interests or likes. What they do need is to love, respect, trust each other and understand that part of that is allowing your significant other to do what they love, even if it means doing it without you. Even if it means doing it with someone else. You all know where I'm getting with this right? Going out with others, travelling with others, drinking with others, spending time with others, choosing to spend time alone without your significant other, none of them diminish from your relationship if indeed it's building blocks are solid. And brace yourselves (well, those that are in long term relationships know this already...), but all of the above actually helps maintain your relationship. Can make it better and stronger.
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I've been lurking a little on SM, even while away, only to find that once again, or should I say still (surprise surprise... NOT) there are those that are doubting the bond that these two young men have. It's solos and cultists trying to create an alternative universe in which JK and JM are not close and even distanced (some would love for them to actually hate each other - good luck with that psychos). Or it's once again those insecure 'Jikookers' that seem to need that constant affirmation from a real life queer couple that most certainly will not be giving them that. I keep asking myself why is it that a couple like JM and JK need to constantly prove they are together (all while they actually can't come out and say it due to their circumstances - industry and society they live in), when a heterosexual couple, say Zendaya and Tom, for example, are not expected to? How come a blurry clip (which I still say is fake) released at a very suspicious point in time, together with other obviously edited clips and serious claims of misconduct that are clearly made up and were intended to cause JK harm, have more of an impact on them than years and years of interactions, talk, actions (including just before the clip was released and after it as well)? And now another blurry clip that people are going all crazy over. Like seriously, what is wrong with people? Is the lack of content driven them mad? No drama so we need to create it? Well, thing is that when you are in a healthy committed long term relationship there is not much drama. That's the way it is when you are settled and happy and know who you are and who you love and know that they feel the same about you. Arguments, disagreements, bad days - sure. That's life. But at the end of the day if people want drama they should go watch one on TV.
So, how do I put it to make is as clear as possible?
These insecurities we get from some of the fans, they work like clockwork. Every single time, in the past, when we didn't get much from the two there were these whispers and question marks regarding their relationship. Not even if they are still together, but down to the core of their bond, as to even question if they are close or friends. This phenomenon goes way back.
But since end of 2021 beginning of 2022, when they were on their break and later the hiatus into 2023 it blew up like a full on hydrogen bomb.
This got worse after they were assigned their own 'personal' IG accounts and went on their break.
The misconception by many that these accounts were somehow their private accounts that they use to interact with each other, I can't call it anything other than delusional. Sorry not sorry. And if people did not realize that themselves if only from the lack of posting or interaction with whoever, then we had the members themselves telling us that they regularly interact within their own private chat groups. That photos shared on IG with us have been previously shared with the others in those groups. These IG accounts were created to maintain contact between the members and their fans, knowing that the group is going into hiatus and that they will each be promoting their own individual solo projects. Yes, the group Twitter (X) account could be used for that, but there was an attempt to create a more 'personal' connection between each member and Army. These accounts were work, as simple as that, and them reacting to other members or talking with each other through these accounts was not an indication what so ever to whether they were in touch or not otherwise.
At the time, back in early 2022, when people were reeling over the lack of interaction between the two on their IG accounts I tried to explain that a. not seeing something most definitely does not mean it's not there (something those two made sure to prove time and time again over the past couple of years), and b. that the lack of interaction can actually be an indication to them spending most of their time together, as there is no need to comment on another's post when you are right there to tell them whatever it is you want to tell them to their face. Not to mention, and this part is all me, so take or leave it as you will, but some of said IG posts, well, how do I put it? I guess I just say it as it is... some of these photos posted were either taken by the other or they were right there or really near by when it was taken. There. I said it. In any case, the fact that these were the only two not to interact with each other in front of Army's face, out of the whole group, that, to me, meant they were the ones spending most of the time together.
Oh, and let's just address the whole fanservice stupidity surrounding those two once and for all.
If they were all about fanservice, how is it that since that during the break in 2021-2022 and then during the hiatus and their solo endeavors, we were robbed of said fanservice? Wouldn't you expect that the fanservice couple, the scripted couple, be pushed during each other's promotions? How is it that we have seen during these periods of promotions every single other coupling other than JM and JK. Even JK visiting JM during his rehearsals was heavily edited. How come, if we are being sold a fake bond? No JK being forced to go visit JM when performing at the music shows. No JM being forced to do the same with JK. JM paired with Suga for an add for Busan (? that one was really an odd one for me). When did we see them? So yeah, people can scream fanservice all they want, but deep down inside they know it's a crap claim. I won't even go into JK's lives. There was not one ingenuine bone in his body, and that excitement seeing JM's comments, that coquettish behavior while interacting with him (especially during the bed live, OMG!!!), the reactions to the JM centered content he CHOSE to watch during those lives, none of that is scripted nor acted. It's all JK. All him. And JM's reaction when JK shows up at his documentary viewing live, that little butt wiggle in his chair (reminds me of Bam when happy to see his dad/s, as shown by JK), the face lighting up, the genuine worry on his face talking about JK working hard (during another couple of lives), again, not faked.
So yeah, not fanservice.
I digressed, I think.
Let's get back to 2022 why don't we?
On their break these crazy stories of heartbreak and breakup and hate and suffering and god knows what, only all to be thrown out of the window as soon as we got to see the two together again during the Seoul concerts and then LV. Oh LV. That was a wild ride.
Then BTS went on hiatus and the solo era began. And we were getting less and less ot7 content, and once again the insecurities. These ups and downs (you know, the whole JITB party stories about them not being together - that was countered by the BTB that followed a while after), then Busan concert's high, then 2023's downs and ups and downs and ups and fruck it all, I'm sea sick from this stupidity.
Same exact stories were repeated in 2023!!!
Especially after THE CLIP "which shall not be named" dropped.
But again, I digress.
Insecurity regarding the two and their bond (seeing they aren't in the public eye) followed by realization that everything is as it was (if not even better and stronger) once we see them together again. And the reason we don't see them together while on break... wait for it... is because they are a private couple living their everyday life, not for the cameras, not for Army, but for THEMSELVES.
Who would have thought.
And when they are together, as in working together, either filming or shooting or performing, well their bond can't be hidden, as much as they might have to wind it down at times (which is mainly not when they are on stage hyped up on adrenaline, lol), seeing that this is still Kpop, with fandoms that feel ownership over them, not to mention them being a queer couple. You know. All the usual reasons.
This idea people have that these two owe us something. That they constantly have to prove their bond, their connection, their relationship. What utter bull.
Anyway, what a slap in the face (for some a good wake up call, for others a well deserved one) the news of them choosing to enlist together was for so many.
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Bottom line is, repeated for the millionth time, that these two young men have shown us time and time again that when push comes to shove they will chose one another!!!
I feel like I'm all over the place here. Came to talk about my trip and ended up talking about fanservice and insecurity and god knows what. I guess it's the jetlag (yeah, let's go with that and blame it on the jetlag).
In any case I will go with my favorite saying as of late:
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Why this whole long word vomit, you may ask (or you might not ask, who knows, lol)?
What the hell does this have to do with my trip?
Probably, lol.
But I am going to try to connect the dots. Even if they did make sense in my mind when I first started writing this post and no longer do...
How about the fact that the two chose to take these trips together?
See how I did that? Connecting the unconnected?
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Not even going to ask the egg-chicken question here, as I am quite positive it was always about the trips and the show/content for army was the excuse that allowed them to travel 'for work', and a little bonus of content for army when they are away - not to mention perhaps even an opportunity for a soft outing, who knows.
They wanted to spend this time together before enlistment.
We know of at least 3 trips. Connecticut, Jeju and Japan (the Jeju trip may or may not be part of that 'show').
We are yet to know what exactly this 'show' will be. Will it be an actual show, style BV or ITS? Will it be a Vlog? Will we be getting actual episodes or several minute clips? But one thing for sure. Whatever we get, it will be a drop in a lake of the time they spent together. They went on these trips to be together. They shot this 'show' to allow them to be on these trips. This 'show' will give us a glimpse, no more than that, of what they got up to while together. Bottom line - it's about them, not the show and definitley not us.
So yeah, tripping together (lol, as in traveling, just felt like using that fun word, which can mean so much more as well) is something couples love to do, and going on said trips prior to a huge life changing event (let's be real here, going into the military for 18 months, especially knowing that to be able to enlist TOGETHER, they will be placed in one of the harsher units and environments, knowing that even though they will be together they most certainly will not have the freedoms they enjoy prior to enlistment), well that is something they would do as well.
To sum this whole rant up:
I came here to show off some pics from my trip...
If Jikook are allowed to (and god help them all if we don't get that show eventually...), then so am I...
The scenery...
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And the wild life
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So there you have it.
I managed to talk about my trip and about Jikook all in one long ranty post.
To those that managed to work their way through it I have this to say:
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2kmps · 2 days
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eldritch detective x reader | 2.1k | mdni
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synopsis; everyone claims that the esteemed detective arsené is the best detective in watt city. the problem is that you've never seen him in the precinct before and he has no face.
story warnings; implied dubcon, smoking, drinking, brief mentions of body gore. this is an extremely fictitious take on detective work, y'all. don't take it seriously. a bit trippy in some spots, very nebulous explanation on arsené's existence. not proofread.
a/n: more about arsené at the end. if you enjoyed pls reblog! if enough folks show interest, I'd love to consider a longfic for him!
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Everyone at the precinct called him Detective Arsené, but they never said anything about his face.
It was simply that there wasn't one there, not that you were able to discern in any instance you'd seen him wandering the floor. You'd blamed the long hours, the glowing blue screens and useless eye predictions and corporate greed and mixing alcohol with allergy medicine before you finally accepted what you were seeing was real, yet no one else noticed it apart from you.
“What's wrong with his face?” you'd ask anyone with the time to spare to listen.
“Who? Arsené?” they'd laugh, whether in disbelief that you were speaking about Watt City’s genius detective in such a fashion, or that they thought you were the funniest person in the office. “What are you talking about? He's always looked like that! Lay off the booze, yeah?”
Those responses had never been satisfactory enough, going as far to set you ill at ease for the remainder of your shift, sufficiently distracting you from furthering your workload because your mind always came back to the detective and his non-existent face.
“He looks pretty normal to me,” said a senior member in your division, an older man you'd come to know as forthright and virtuous with a history showing that integrity. He had taken eyes off his computer screen, set aside his bifocals and pinched the high-point between his brows. “What's this about, really? I've worked with Arsené for years. You know that. He's been here since before I started. Good guy, hard worker. Drinks too much, though. Just like someone else I know.”
But, this was the first time you’d heard from this man that he had worked with Arsené, let alone acknowledged his existence at all. There was no reason for him to lie; he had spoken without inflection, warily, almost accusatory towards the end when he spoke about the alcohol.
“Detective Arsené? Well, I think he's really handsome. He just has that look about him, y'know?” The next person you questioned was a junior at the precinct, a pretty woman with silky black hair and long, blunt nails she used the tips of to clack away on her keyboard. “I've heard he has a really specific type, though. I've also never seen him take anyone out, or take a partner on cases, now that I think about it. Isn't he just a stand-up guy? I'd say he's the sort to bring home to mom and dad, but I hear he's got a drinking problem. Why do all the hot ones have vices like that?”
She particularly enjoyed her gossip, especially if it involved the detectives at the precinct; you were positive she'd never mentioned Arsené before now. As smart as she was, she didn't look below the surface very often when it came to men, so for her to say nothing at all of the detective’s smooth face was mystifying.
After that, you started paying attention to Arsené in a way you convinced yourself was discreet: Slowly peeking your eyes above your computer screen to observe his movements across the floor. Always in motion, he stalked around the place with undaunted familiarity, maneuvering the razored corners of desks and blockades from doors and walls, and languidly sidestepped the oncoming traffic of bodies in such a way that seemed premeditated. Practiced. Repeated.
This staunch dedication of yours lasted well over a week before anything came of it, and then one morning you found him waiting in your seat, teetering a bloated manila folder on a thigh while bouncing it impatiently. A very real sensation of unease took hold of the back of your neck, like a cold hand stroking lightly at the downy hairs there until they stood straight.
You thought about pretending you hadn't seen him, swiveling around, and leaving in a burst of urgency. It'd be easy to call in to say you had a personal emergency or became suddenly, very viscously ill and wouldn't be able to handle staring at a screen for twelve hours. No one would ask questions because you were exemplary, always on time, and seldom took time off as you couldn't afford to do so.
Arsené’s head slanting sideways and the waxy, flat face pointing directly towards you prevented you from acting on that impulse, however. He gestured you over with a lethargic wave, though the jitteriness in his leg seemed to worsen from impatience into sheer excitability.
“Clocked in early, aren't you? You have quite the habit of doing that, I've noticed.” He greeted, voice simultaneously undefinable and velvety. It wasn't so deep that you felt like it was gravelly or reverberated in the same way a baritone would, but there was a heftiness to it that weighted in your mind, as if it were possible for someone to reach through all your blood, tissue, and bone and press down directly on your brain. “I've seen you come in a few times, hours before anyone else. And you know what I think? I think, ‘That’s the kind of person who keeps a place like this running. That's the kind of person we want here in this precinct. That's the type of person who believes in the work that we do and who I’d want as my partner’.”
As much as you wanted to get away from the horrid sight before you, the no-face and potent voice wriggling around the wrinkles in your brain, you couldn't bring yourself to do so just yet. Not while you had questions you couldn't find answers to, not while you needed to sedate yourself at night because they ruthlessly endangered your dreams and were thieves of peaceful slumber.
“I've never met you before,” you said, giving a cordial handshake when he had offered it to you. The skin of his palm was warm and humanlike, though his grip was all wrong and entirely too firm. You didn't convey this to him, though. “I've seen you around, though. Were you transferred from a different department or precinct? Everyone says you've been around for a long time, but I find it hard to believe I've noticed.”
“Oh? Well, they'd be right.” Arsené said, finally releasing your hand to take up the thick folder. “I've always been there, and I'm always here. Now, that aside, I've cleared it with the Chief and I'd like you to help me on a case that I'm stuck on. If I've read right, you're the most recent person who's looked through everything to update the records, correct?”
“Probably.” You didn't move when he rolled up another chair from a desk nearby. “I'm a Recorder. It's my job to go through files and periodically update them. I'm not qualified to help detectives on their cases, though. You'd need to speak to the Chief about getting an Assistant for that.”
“Ah, didn't you hear me? That's all been handled. Sit down. Sit down.” He waved you close, then took you by the arm to sit you in the chair next to him. “We have a lot to cover. I think we should start from the beginning and work our way through the evidence list, and then the interrogation tapes. After that, it'd be a good idea to revisit the site of the crime. Don't worry about clearances, I've got everything we need.”
It wasn't often that you saw the inside of the precinct after that day as Arsené particularly enjoyed his busywork and bringing you along for it. Most days you simply operated as a Field Recorder by transcribing statements into the handheld device provided by the precinct to maintain a digital trail. The work wasn't especially difficult, but it did take a level of skill and technological literacy to be able to do effectively, more so to be the sort allowed to tail after a detective on his cases and still maintain an overall ninety-eight percent accuracy.
Despite your job dictating it as such, Arsené never allowed you to fade into the background or stand around as a fancy accessory to go with his title. Oftentimes, he utilized you as his sole confidant as he worked through evidence and suspects, waiting in revered silence for you to offer your insight (however weak it actually was), and afterwards only let you bask in a glow of confidence through streams of unending praise.
“Egads! Eureka! Genius! How is it that it never occurred to me that way? Truly, you're spectacular! You're divine! Who knows how long I’d be running around in circles if I didn't have you as my partner.” They were all slightly variating compliments, though essentially all the same at the core and all very untrue.
You'd never forgotten about the things your colleagues had said about him, of his unrivaled prowess and veneration as the best detective Watt City had ever come to witness. He didn't need you. He had never needed you to solve a case, so you had learned to take his praise in the same vein as you did the silky-haired woman’s comments on men: uninspired and shallow.
When your disinterest became palpable, he seemed to only rely on you more as though he couldn't stand to be burdened with the idea of a rift. He had started calling you late at night about cases, going as far to come knocking at your door and walking inside reeking of stale smoke and a haze of booze, neither of which you could comprehend as possible considering he had no face.
“I just don't get it. I just don't get it! Where am I going wrong?!” He said so wretchedly, sides of his head cradled in his hands that were tucked between his legs. “This case, it’s getting to me. It's getting under my skin. I can't figure it out. Have I finally met my match? Have I finally been defeated? You! You’ve got to help me. It can't end like this.”
For all his dramatics, there was something obscenely cruel behind his words. Perhaps he thought you wouldn't have caught onto it because you simply a Field Recorder, just a person at the end of the day.
“Why haven't you mentioned anything about the victim? You're acting like they don't exist, Arsené. Is this about solving the crime so they get justice and the family gets closure, or for your reputation?” you asked.
He immediately stopped complaining and jolted upright, taken by surprise like he had realized this oversight and wasn't sure how to navigate around it. On that glossy slate of a face, one you knew was piercing deep into you despite a lack of hollow sockets and rolling gelatinous orbs within, you could tell he was now thinking of an answer.
“Neither,” was the answer he gave you. “It's neither of those. Come here. Sit down and talk to me for a while. I can't go home like this.”
The pitying part of you usually won in those moments where Arsené presented himself as his weakest. There was a part of you that believed he was taking advantage of your feeble-heart, your kindness, your blind generosity because at his worst, he'd find a way to strip you down and fuck you.
At least, that's what you assumed happened. You never really could remember as the memory was pitch black, his body was unfathomable above yours, but you were sure you felt his cock penetrating you, his hands desperately fondling your flesh and fat like there was too much to touch yet too little time to feel it all. He said things to you inside your head, words that you couldn’t seem to piece together yet ignited the tension between your legs, lit your skin on fire, and delivered lewd, high-pitched sounds to his ears that he reveled in.
He never left you a mess and he never spoke about those times after they happened. Since you were never sure of them yourself, they suffered the same indifference as his praise and the days simply moved onward in a similar way.
“Another case solved!” Arsené cheered, lifting a stout mug in the air for you to reciprocate with the long stem of your wine glass. It was a fragile tinkling sound, a gentle vibration up your fingers and into your wrist as you toasted his success. “I couldn't have done it without you, my beloved partner! If it's you and I, I could do this forever.”
You swirled the liquid inside; a light and dry, raspberry and vaguely earthy smell wafted up your nostrils before you tasted it and let your cheeks pucker. As you drank, you watched as Arsené lifted the stout towards the expanse of taut, clear skin that should've been his face, and saw liquid inside empty into nowhere.
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a/n; so, some folks might remember arsené from my last blog, but back then he was just a concept. I haven't really started a deep dive into this character just yet, but the story ideas I have for him currently are pretty fucking wild and trippy.
"eldritch" isn't quite an applicable term for what he is, but it's the closest thing I can compare him to without giving everything away.
what does he actually look like? no one really knows. I didn't touch on it here in this fic, but typically, mc wouldn't know how to describe his appearance at all aside from having "no face". they can get glimpses of his skintone or hair, but immediately forget what those features of him when they look away. he's quite, literally, unfathomable lmao.
is he good or bad? that depends on the situation and context. the technical answer is that he is moralless in the sense that they have no reason to exist for him. he is above them, and below them. he is motivated by things he wants and acts on it whether that's "good" or "bad" on an alignment chart, he'd probably fall chaotic neutral, but not really evil.
does he love the mc? oh, yeah, he does.
anyway, yeah. he's a pretty fun concept to explore and I'd love to explore him more. let me know your thoughts!!
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frozenmoonshine · 2 days
TR boys' unexpected/random red flags headcanon:
Just some crack and slander for the humor purposes. As always, don't take it too seriously, and have fun with it at least half as much as I did writing it!
Since I obviously need to spell this out for some of you, even though it's literally in the title of the post - these are the red flags you wouldn't normally expect from them! That's the whole point of them being unexpected. So don't go telling me how I missed the mark with some characters, or how their red flags are something else. Yeah, we all know the obvious ones, but why would I state the obvious?!
TW: F!reader; implied mysogyny; mentions of DV, cheating, and general toxic behavior.
🚩Mikey - proposes on the second date.
🚩Draken - never talks about himself whatsoever. Even when you directly ask him to open up about what's troubling him, he's still difficult and avoids conversation.
🚩Baji - mama's boy. At first, it looks sweet, how he cares about and respects his mother, but soon you realize that he is dependant on her, and cannot make any decisions bigger than what to eat on his own, without "consulting with his mom". Silver lining is that Ryouko is an amazing, lovely woman, but you don't exactly want to date both the mother and the son at the same time, do you?
🚩Chifuyu - overromanticizes everything, then gets mad at you if things don't turn out irl the same they were in his imagination.
🚩Mitsuya - really damn cheap. Like, ok, I know you grew up poor, but going out once a month won't bankrupt you! (You're not even asking him to pay for you or anything like that, but he just refuses to step even one milimeter out of his frugal ways!)
🚩Hakkai - aside from the obvious red flag (you get a package deal of Yuzuha and Mitsuya as well, if you are dating Hakkai), he can also be incredibly self-absorbed and condescending sometimes, thinking he's so much better than you, etc.
🚩Pah-chin & 🚩Peh-yan - putting them together cause they have the same red flag - if you date one of them, the other one will third wheel all of your dates, no exeptions. Might as well just go poly and date them both at this point!
🚩Smiley - refers to women as "females".
🚩Angry - doesn't let you do anything on your own/overprotective. Look, Souya, it's nice that you're being a gentleman, but do you really think I'm incapable of getting a glass of water for myself?! His behaviour can be incredibly stifling and suffocating.
🚩Mucho - won't ever let you pick a date spot cause he's convinced he knows the best. You always end up doing what he wants for dates, or you don't go on a date at all.
🚩Haruchiyo - yeah, sure, he's got more red flags than China, but the not so expected one is that he's incredibly fussy and naggy about the smallest of things. "That's not how you put the trash bag in the can!" "You folded the laundry wrong! Look how I do it!" "Wipe the counter with this, not that!" "Don't leave your hair everywhere! I don't wanna live with a cat!" And so on and so forth, it feels like you are living with your parent(s) all over again!
🚩Hanma - another one with enough red flags to call it a carnival, sure, but the one that catches you off guard is just how jealous and possessive he is. "Where are you going?" "Why is your dress so short?" "You can't go out with male company wearing your tits out!" "Why are you hiding your phone?" "Who's that?" and so on and so forth, you get the idea.
🚩Kazutora - yet another walking red flag in a row (at least his unhealed self), but even as an adult (healed) he still retains that aggression from his teens and gets into random street/bar fights semi-regularly. Him coming back home bloody and bruised is not a rare occurrence at all.
🚩Kisaki - cheats. No idea how he manages to, provided that he looks like... well, that, but he still does.
🚩Taiju - a religious freak prone to domestic violence... what more red flags can you even ask for? None, indeed. But what you don't expect on top of all that is his complete lack of manners and just how loud and embarrassing he can be in public.
🚩Inupi - rude to the waitstaff.
🚩Koko - never got over his ex, stuck on her forever, and cannot ever be fully present in his current relationship. Compares you to his ex all the time, every other person he dated after her was just an unsuccessful rebound.
🚩Izana - does he even have any green ones? Likely not. But what you wouldn't exactly expect from him right away, given all the other red flags that come into front upon the first contact - is that he's a bad mansplainer. "You probably don't know how the betta fish do this thing where..." - Izana, I'm literally a marine biologist.
🚩Kakuchou - breaks up with you over the smallest things. He missed your call cause he didn't hear his phone ring while in the traffic? - He's not good enough for you and you two should break up. He was late 5 minutes to your date because Izana needed his help with something? - He's lowkey ready to commit seppuku, and of course, dramatically breaks up with you. It's tiring, honestly.
🚩Ran - gaslighter and manipulator par exellence! Undiagnozed NPD, but the symptoms are everywhere.
🚩Rindou - loves the gym more than you. Obsessed with working out and body building, won't eat normal food, spends all time in front of the mirror flexing and "checking his gains". Will either try to "get you into fitness" (force you to act the same way he does) or constantly tell you that you "don't understand" just how important it is to him. Is your 10th workout this week really more important than our anniversary, tho, Rindou?
🚩Mocchi - manspreads all the time, and manspreads badly. He's also that type that won't move away from the sidewalk if a woman is coming the opposite way.
🚩Madarame - probably not unexpected, but he's the biggest, worst incel of all. Lives in the manosphere and inhales the alpha bro bullshit podcasts.
🚩South - judges and publicly makes fun of your music taste. It doesn't matter what you listen to, unless it's 101% exactly the same as his taste, he'll be a real bitch about it. Of course, don't even dream about getting a hold of the aux cord!
🚩Shinichiro - doesn't shower regularly. Idk Shin, maybe your lack of personal hygiene was the reason for all those rejections so far? Just some food for thought...
🚩Takeomi - yet another one that's redder than the red army, but what you don't expect is how much he infantilizes you, especially if you are younger than him! Even if it's just one year age difference between you, he'll act all patronizing and constantly emphasise his "rich life experience" and tell you how "you don't understand some things because you are (too) young".
🚩Wakasa - secretly insecure about his height and gets super jealous if he sees you talking to a tall guy. Doesn't even matter if it's your blood relative or a random stranger asking directions in the street - Waka isn't having any of that. He'll sulk and jab at you for the whole day, never saying what the actual problem is.
🚩Benkei - Cannot find/keep a proper job to save his life! Got into some kind of beef with every single potential employer, so he's doomed to working at the gym for the rest of his days.
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hauntedpearl · 2 days
oh wait. chewing chewing chewing. none of this might make sense to you and I'm sorry but it makes sense to me. mmm. dean on the back porch. he's drinking coffee i think..his brother won't let him spike it. he's inside and he's talking to someone about something. there's a lot of words that have everything to do with what dean's been doing to himself over the past few months, and sam tries to talk quiet and fast, but dean hears him anyway because he's keyed up and also because he's attuned to Sam's movements like that, can't help it. anyway. he's sitting. on the back porch. and his brother won't let him spike his coffee. the view from the backyard is not anything to write home about. the house is in the middle of nowhere and the lawn slopes down a little into woods that crowd the edge of the property. he likes it here, even tho it's landlocked, and nothing like the house he dreams about with a lake and a pier and a little dinghy tied to it and a town not half a hand away, and friends and. well. it's still nice, tho. he's looking at the trees. it's almost time for sunset and they are tall, still things, old things, and it's comforting being around them.
but then the sky splits open.
and there's cas. (and jack. also. obviously.)
but there's cas! is the thing!
he doesn't know what it is, if he's fallen into a stupor of some kind, if he did manage to spike his coffee somehow and he's just forgotten, and considering how his life's been lately, he wouldn't be surprised if that really did happen.
still, his body moves before his mind stops spinning and he pulls cas into his arms. somewhere behind him, he's aware of the house and his brother and the coffee sinking into the porch steps that he'd rebuilt not a week ago. he thinks god, thank god, thank god. says, baby, sweetheart, I'm sorry. says, I didn't think I'd see you again. I don't know what the fuck happened, but I'll — I'll fix it all. I'll fix everything. I'll make it up to you.
he cups cas' cheek and thinks, here, this here is my second shot at this. I won't get out. i won't rock the boat this time. I won't let anything ruin this.
but then cas looks at him like he doesn't understand, like he's a little scared, and his eyes go round and glassy and he says dean? the way he's never said it before, not even in dean's head.
yeah? he says, and his mouth is dry, and there's a moment when cas tilts his head and frowns and dean swears he sees a star light up behind those ridiculous eyes.
oh, cas says, mouth parting in a sigh. and dean's gotta be going crazy because he's back where he's wanted to go ever since sam came to him, but everything feels wrong and his skin itches and the forest is still there, although dean is wishing the lake back with everything in him, and cas is stepping back from him. he's digging his fingers into dean's arms. he's shaking him, and dean feels it in his teeth, weak that he is in this body.
what did you do?! and cas sounds hysterical in a way that should not have been familiar to him, but is, because he's wretched, and he doesn't know how to not destroy the things he loves.
i — he says, and what excuse does he have really, for anything. i —
the door at his back clicks open, and the world comes back to dean, all in a breath.
this is not a dream and this really is cas and dean's touching him like he's allowed to. behind him, footsteps rushing, and the catch of breath.
christ, said in wonder. fucking christ. is it really you?
dean pulls his hands back like he's burned and steps away from the only person that's ever wanted him the way he's wanted them. he stumbles as he slips out of cas' grasp, disbelief, and terror, and worst of all, hope, making his skin buzz.
this is real, he says to himself. (but it couldn't be, could it? maybe he's lost sense of it, whatever real is supposed to he..and now. now cas is here. and he's...empty.) he turns his gaze to his hands, his hands, shaking, but his. they have to be his.
he hears more than feels the scrape of his brother's palm against his shirt.
hey, he says, and he's using that voice on him, the one he uses when he's talking to victims and widows and children that have too much fight in them for their own good. hey, dean, come on. hey.
from far away, he hears, what did he do? and let's just. let's just go inside, alright? we'll talk about it and oh, dean. and that's why I couldn't find you and dean's ears are ringing now, because what the fuck..
what the fuck.
someone leads him back up the wooden steps by his arm, and he kicks the fallen mug onto the grass. he looks behind him and sees the trenchcoat, and backwards tie, and windswept hair and tired, tired eyes and behind him, another face, one dean's tried to erase from his mind like a coward, now pinched and pitying, and dean cannot take it, feels like he's going to explode. (like a ripe melon on the sun.)
he frees himself of his brother's grip. turns to face cas again. it's me, cas says, before he can say anything. really me. and dean says, do you remember? was it you in there, too? and cas says, not all of it. not really. it's complicated. and dean looks at the face, and thinks about him the last time they were this close, and alone, and running from death and God, the way tears pooled in his eyes.
i hurt you, he says and cas presses his lips together. swallows. says, yes.
and dean says, and it was you.
and cas says, yes.
and dean steps back, breathing hard. says, god. god. says, I'm sorry. and cas' lips turn up on a corner, a small smile that is all sadness, like forgiveness sits in his lungs, all the time, like it is easy as breath. dean can't take that either. dean wishes cas would get mad, for once. wishes he would raise his fists like he used to, wishes he'd stick the right end of hsi blade in his heart, and let him sink into his lap.
but cas is cas, and cas is good, and dean cannot — should not — be here.
I'm sorry, he says again. turns on his heels and takes off.
he drives for a day and change, sleeps in his car under an overpass, until he ends up somewhere cold and by the ocean (idk where!!!) and he climbs up one of those cliffs and sits there watching the water like silk in the night, and letting the wind slice his skin, and trying not to let thought take form in his mind.
dean thinks he's barely calmed down when he hears the snap crackle of electricity and the beating of wings and cas appears at his side, his sleeves rolled up and his trenchcoat open and his knees under his chin.
dean doesn't know what to say to him. so he says nothing. an eternity later:
it isn't like that, cas says. i don't remember everything. i don't *know* everything. just...images. snippets. feelings.
dean clenches his eyes shut. then, broken, and wet, I couldn't stand it. I couldn't live with myself. I didn't know how to do it. without you.
and cas is silent. when he speaks, his voice is deeper, and cracking just a little, I didn't think. i didn't think you would care. so much.
and dean laughs, because why would he have thought that. what reason did dean give him to think that.
yeah, he says. yeah. no. I know.
cas' hand trembles when it lands on dean's shoulder. the same one that he's marred twice now.
tell me about it, cas says. the good stuff. the — the breakfasts and. and the holidays. the boat. fishing. he breathes, even though he's never needed to. leans towards dean, like he can't quite bear the weight of his own body. please. dean. tell me —
I loved you, dean says, abrupt. twists his torso, and cas is so close, he's practically breathing into his mouth. it comes out harsh, and strange and not at all like the soft thing that dean had been chasing through everything. he shakes his head. lifts a finger to touch cas' cheek. it feels real, so real. skin and stubble and warmth. he tries again, pressing his voice into the shape of his feelings. I loved you. and you loved me. that — that was it. for a while. that was the good part.
cas says nothing, and dean takes the moment to finally let his eyes wander up to his face. to finally look. the moonlight paints him in shadows, and dean folds his index finger under his thumb, lets himself trace the cut of his cheek with it. in the night, Cas' eyes are grey and blue and bright, and they sinks into his skin, rippling into soft folds. precious things, cushioned in lines and laughter and time.
cas' lips tremble. I forgive you, he says. for the bad part. for all the — for everything else.
dean can't help himself. he leans his forehead against Cas' presses his crooked nose into his cheek. lets his hand slip to the back of his neck.
you shouldn't.
is that what you want? cas asks. for me to be angry?
[the muses are breaking up with me. also it's 2 am and I have work tomorrow.]
but basically. sth sth. cas saying something along the lines of. im angry. im so angry. but it's like he's angry at dean for doing the things he was doing and he's angry that dean never told him how much he was keeping inside and he's angry that he's home and dean fled from him (godbless this man he's so stupid <3 he really said torture what) and he's like and i will be angry for the rest of my life if that's what you want but please. please come home with me.
and dean says. okay. and cas says okay?
and dean says okay.
love confession. kisses. etc.,
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tgmsunmontue · 2 days
850 word ficlet for the topgunalternativeuniverse Bingo which I realised I should start ticking off so I can hopefully achieve at least one Bingo... Also for @thyknife for doing their editing!
Hangster - for the squares Stripper and Handyman. Teen+
Not here for you. Maybe next time?
                Long denim-clad legs, tight white t-shirt, low-slung leather tool belt with actual authentic looking tools. He definitely looks the part, he can see muscles in all the right places and even if the stripper isn’t booked for him he’s definitely going to appreciate the show. Part of Bradley is impressed, except for the fact that the guy has the day and time completely wrong. Or maybe the guy has the wrong house.
                “Uh, hey man. I think you have the wrong house.”
                “Three-forty-one Riverview Terrace?”
                “Uh. Yeah. That’s us, but we didn’t…” order a stripper he wants to say, except they did, but not for tonight. “Did you get the date right?”
                Now the guy is looking confused.
                “Uh. Usually when people call me they want me over as quickly as possible.”
                “Really?” Bradley asks, because he didn’t realize that emergency strippers was a thing.
                “Yeah, really. I had someone named Natasha call me? And as pretty as you are, I don’t think you’re Natasha.”
                “Uh. I thought Callie booked the stripper.”
                “A stripper? I am not here to take my clothes off…” the guys says, but he does sweep his eyes down Bradley’s body like he’s mentally undressing him and Bradley is pretty sure he’s blushing. “Not this time, anyway.”
                Before Bradley has time to reply Natasha is behind him, pushing him to the side and Bradley just stands there, gaping a little because the very hot stripper just made a pass at him. Maybe.
                “Oh! Are you Jake?” Natasha asks, and Bradley realizes then that he’s probably made a severe error of judgement, and it is mortifying on several levels.
                “Yes ma’am.”
                “Great! Can you come through and take a look?”
                “Of course,” the guys says, shooting Bradley an amused look. He wants the ground to open up and swallow him. Knowing that isn’t going to happen he needs to go and hide; why the hell hadn’t Natasha warned him? Also what had needed someone else’s help with, usually he handles all the odd jobs around the house, he’s a carpenter, he knows how to fucking fix things. He loiters within ear shot to find out that the two-phase oven they have in the kitchen, which apparently has two fuses, has somehow tripped something else and okay, if it’s wires and electricity then he isn’t touching it. He can stop feeling bad about her calling in a professional for that at least.
                The guy is making small talk, and his ears prick up at hearing his name.
                ��Oh no, Bradley can’t do wiring. He knows his own limitations at least.”
                “Good thing to have in a boyfriend, some guys are too egotistical to admit when they don’t know.”
                “Not my boyfriend, or anything else other than my best friend. And you’re as subtle as pink pantsuit at a white party”
                “Wasn’t trying to be subtle. And it’s all fixed by the way. You can get back to toasting your tater tots.”
                “That was fast.”
                “Well, I’m good at my job. You have anything else that needs looking at? You’ve got me for the minimum hour callout…”
                “I wouldn’t know, but Bradley will. One second.”
                Then she’s right there, eyes alight with mirth and laughing silently, because she obviously heard him before she interrupted and he could kill her.  He tries, with his eyes, right then and there, but it only makes her laugh more, and if it continues she’s going to start snorting, which is going to be another level of humiliation. Who needs enemies when you can have friends that laugh at your pain like this?
                “Anything you need help with?” Natasha asks, and Bradley shoves her. He’s annoyed, because there actually is something, and he steps past her, heads into the kitchen where Jake is waiting, and yeah, he still looks like a fucking stripper, but now that he’s looking properly he can see the multimeter, tester, wire strippers all hanging off the leather apron tool belt.
                “Hey man, uh, sorry about before. I’ve got a live switch to outside that needs to be made dead.”
                “Sure thing, lead the way.”
                Bradley leads him to outside to where the pump to the outdoor fountain is, the pump itself long gone, wires just loose and tucked back into the concrete plinth of the now defunct base. He gestures at it, can immediately appreciate that Jake is reviewing the scene, poking around a bit before he gets to work. He tests the wires and socket, then pops the switch cover off, then he’s unscrewing things and cutting things; jogging to his van, muttering about a torch and Bradley just watches. Then he’s slipping a sheath over wires and using a blowtorch to make it shrink to cover the wires.
                “So, interesting fact for you. I was a stripper when I was younger. Good money. Electricians generally have better working hours though.”
                “God, I’m sorry,” Bradley says. “I didn’t mean any disrespect…”
                “Well, that’s okay. If no disrespect was meant. Anyway. Here’s my card. If you’re ever looking for a private show… Call me.”
                “Okay, I will.”
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Trapped (Art Donaldson/Patrick Zweig)
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Description: Y/N is in love with Patrick but when she thinks that he doesn’t like her back she starts hooking up with Art who is in love with. When Patrick tells Art he likes Y/N without knowing Art and her were hooking up, Art will stop at nothing to make sure they don’t end up together.
Word Count: 3,859k
Author’s note: I didn’t put the warnings because it would be a spoiler. Also I still can’t comment anything on my own posts but I appreciate all the compliments! Thank you sm!! I don’t know why I can’t comment
When Y/N first met Art Donaldson she didn’t think anything of him. He was a well known Tennis player at Stanford and was on his way to becoming big. Art was nice and caring. But Y/N had her eyes on his best friend Patrick Zweig. Patrick was a bit of a player but had her heart. He constantly flirts with her but never makes an actual move. Resulting in Y/N and Art hooking up. Art was attractive Y/N never thought otherwise and when she realized that Patrick probably wasn’t into her she fell into the arms of Art.
Someone who was into her. But it was just sex. Great sex but still sex. After they had sex Y/N would get up and leave his dorm while Art stared at the door praying that Y/N would come to her senses and realize that he was the one for her. Y/N was his best friend besides Patrick and she never mistreated him and almost gave him everything he wanted. But yet he was ungrateful. Anytime he saw Patrick and her talking and laughing he was scared that Patrick would make the ultimate move on her that would end whatever they had going on.
Y/N was at all of his games alongside Patrick cheering him on. When he won (which was almost every time) she would give him the best blowjob of his life. “So are you and Y/N…” Patrick trailed off as him and Art ate lunch together. Art looked at him and laughed. “Why? You finally into her or something?” God he hoped not. Patrick shrugged and it took everything in Art not to drop his smile. “I feel like I should have made a move on her a long time ago.” He said, Art nodded. “Yeah she’s an amazing girl.” Art said.
“Do you think she’s still into me?” Art looked at him and shrugged. “She never talks about you.” That was a lie. Y/N constantly talked about him. To her understanding there are no feelings between her and Art. “Well I guess there’s only one way to tell.” “What are you going to do?” “Talk to her later you dumbass.” Art hummed and felt sick. He almost had everything and Patrick was going to ruin it. 
Y/N gave Art a key to her room. He had a few hoodies there that she had taken from him that he told her he wanted back. She found it odd since he never cared before but gave him the key. As he entered the room he took in the scent. He loved the smell, it reminded him of her. He wasn’t sure where the hoodies were so he went over to her dresser. That’s when he saw her birth control.
He stared at it for a good few minutes before he thought about it. If he gets her pregnant she can’t go be with Patrick. She’d have to stay with him. But that was wrong and he knew it. He grabbed the pills and put them in his Tennis bag. He found the hoodies and left her room, guilt consuming him. “So we are going to have to be extra careful when we fuck because I can’t find my birth control pills and I don’t have time to get a refill so buy some condoms.” She told him as they walked back to her dorm. “Got it.” He said. “Well I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow.” She said and he nodded. 
The next night they fucked for the first time without her being on the pill and to make matters worse Art poked a hole in the condom before she got there. He prayed that this worked. After he came he pulled out and quickly threw away the condom. “Art why does it feel like you came in me?” She asked. He looked at her confused. She reached her fingers down and gasped as she felt his cum leak out of her. “Art holy shit.” She sat up quick. “I don’t understand. I wore a condom.” He said. “It must have broke without either of us noticing.” She said and went to his bathroom to clean herself up. 
The next few weeks Art made sure not to do that for a while so it wasn’t so obvious what he was trying to do. One day Y/N didn’t show up to his game or class. He was concerned and went to check up on her. She was sick. She had been puking all morning and felt terrible. “I think maybe I’m just ill.” She said but how? Y/N was very healthy and never got sick. “I’ll take you to the doctors, come on.” Art was keeping Patrick updated on the situation. Patrick really wanted to talk to her but she was so busy. “Well Ms.Y/L/N you’re pregnant.” The doctor told her. Her jaw dropped and she felt tears in her eyes. She nodded and left the room to go find Art who was waiting in the waiting room.
He stood up as he saw her, “Are you okay?” She shook her head and started crying. He hugged her as she cried. “What’s wrong?” He asked. She pulled away from the hug and sighed, “I’m pregnant.” She whispered. He wanted to celebrate but knew that this wasn’t something planned by the both of them. “What?” He asked softly. She nodded. “And it’s yours.” He gave her a soft smile, “wow.” “Art we aren’t fit to be parents, we aren't even together.” She said.
“We could be.” He said and she shook her head. “We just fuck and I like Patrick.” That annoyed him but he kept it together. “Patrick doesn’t feel the same way Y/N plus you deserve better.” He told her. “How do you know?” She asked him, “He told me.” “No how do you know what I deserve?” He was speechless. He wanted to tell her that he loved her but wasn’t sure that was the right answer. “Can you just take me back?” She asked after silence. He nodded and they left. 
It was a few weeks before Art heard from her. She cried and sobbed for weeks not knowing what to do. Art felt terrible for what he did but he could never tell her. Patrick was upset that she was pregnant and it was by his best friend but he didn’t find that out from Art. He knocked on Y/N’s door worried about why he hadn’t seen her in a while. She answered the door and she looked like a mess. “Holy shit are you okay?” He asked her. She shook her head and let him in. “What happened?” He asked as he shut the door.
She sat on the bed and cried. He sat on the bed with her and pulled her into his chest letting her cry. He rubbed her back and tried calming her down. “Patrick I love you so much.” She said through tears. His eyes widened and he looked down at her. “I know you don’t feel the same way but I needed you to know that.” She said. He smiled and laughed, “are you kidding me? Of course I feel the same way.” Her heart broke. “I’ve been meaning to tell you for awhile now.” He said and cupped her face.
At any other time she would have been so happy and smiled but she didn’t. He leaned down to kiss her but before he could she whispered his name. “I’m pregnant with Art’s baby.” He pulled away and looked shocked. “You and Art had sex?” He asked hurt. “We’ve been hooking up for awhile now but only because I didn’t think you liked me back and he confirmed that to me.” She said. “Y/N Art told me you didn’t have feelings for me.” They both look at each other and realized. Art was a shitty friend. 
Y/N banged on Art’s door. He quickly got up and opened the door. There stood a fuming Y/N who had tears streaming down her face. “Hey where have you-“ She smacked him across the face. “You asshole.” She yelled. He was taken back by her sudden anger towards him. “You told both me and Patrick that we didn’t like each other when we did.” She yelled. “You talked to Patrick?” He asked annoyed.
“Is that all you heard? How about the fact that you’re a shitty friend?” She screamed. He looked down at her words, she was right. “Why the fuck would you lie?” She asked. He didn’t say anything and kept looking down. She pulled his chin so that they were making eye contact. “Answer me.” She yelled. “Because I love you!” He yelled back. “And I want to be with you but you want him and he doesn’t deserve you.” He yelled.
“Art, it’s not your place to say whether or not he deserves me.” She tells him. “I know but I can’t, I can’t live without you Y/N. When you told me you were pregnant I was so happy because I thought that finally we could have a shot but no matter what I see now that you will always choose him.” He had tears streaming down his face. Her eyes softened. “Art.” She whispered and walked over to him. “I get it just go be with you him. Just let me see the kid.” He said. She shook her head and cupped his face. “No.” She whispered. She leaned in and kissed him. He was shocked but kissed her back. He pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. This was all he ever wanted and he got it. 
Y/N finished her first years of college before dropping out. Art stayed in college and managed to become a pro in Tennis. They got a house together near campus so he could still go while she stayed at home. He worried for her and never wanted to leave her alone. Patrick and him were no longer friends. Art got Tashi Duncan as his coach who also helped Y/N. She never judged Y/N for getting pregnant at 19 unlike her family. She made it so Art could continue school and not have to worry. 
Y/N was about ready to pop any second it seemed. Her due date was near so she and Art got everything ready for when the time was to come. It would be in the middle of the night that Y/N woke up screaming in pain. Art freaked out but took her to the hospital and called Tashi. Tashi was there at the hospital as Y/N got ready to push. Art held her hand as she screamed and cried as she pushed out his baby for dear life. Art looked as he heard the baby cry and saw her. He started crying seeing his beautiful baby girl. Tashi smiled as she saw the baby and congratulated the two. 
Playing Tennis and raising a baby was hard but they managed to do it. They both always talked about how she was gonna love Tennis and want to play. She looked just like Art but was a mommy’s girl. 
“Are you sure everything’s okay?” “Yes Babe Tashi is with her, she'll be fine.” Art assured her. She smiled as they walked down the beach that her Art and Patrick used to walk down all those years ago. Their daughter was almost 2 now and everything was perfect. Well almost. Art had a ring in his pocket that he kept playing with out of nerves. “Are you okay?” Y/N asked him as she noticed how nervous he looked. He smiled and shook his head, “I’m perfect.” She smiled but Art stopped walking.
Y/N turned to him confused. “Y/N, I love you so much more than anything on this planet. I couldn’t imagine a life without you or Y/D/N.” He got down on one knee. Y/N covered her mouth with her hand as tears formed in her eyes. “Will you marry me?” He asked. She nodded and smiled, “Yes Art.” She said and pulled him up for a kiss. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away to put the ring on her finger. 
The wedding wasn’t anything crazy just a simple one with close friends and family. Their daughter was the flower girl and Tashi was her maid of honor. Y/N sighed as she stood staring in the mirror as she got her wedding dress on. She looked beautiful. “Are you nervous?” Tashi asked. Y/N looked at her and shook her head, “Nope. I’m so excited and happy.” She said and it was the truth.
She knew that her and Art were meant to be. She had no fear or cold feet. Art stood in the mirror at the same time as her except he was nervous. Y/N hadn’t seen him without his curls as he just got his haircut today. He tried to push in the back of his head what he did years ago. He sighed and stepped away from the mirror. 
Y/N’s father walked her down the aisle. She sighed and looked around at everyone in the chairs staring at her, some in awe. She looked at Art and gasped. He cut his hair. He looked really good. They smiled at each other and what felt like eternity she was finally down the aisle. She faced Art and they both stared at each other in awe. I like your hair, she mouthed to him.
He smiled and thanked her as the priest talked. The phrase “you may now kiss the bride.” Couldn’t come fast enough but when it did. They both laughed in relief and kissed. They sealed their love with a kiss and the crowd cheered. 
Art wasn’t at his best and Tashi couldn’t stop giving him shit for it. She had put him in a challenger claiming that he needed his confidence back. “She says I’m not confident enough.” Art told his wife as they got in bed. She turned to him, “Is she wrong?” He shook his head, “I don’t know.” “From what I know you’re one of the best.” She said and winked at him. He laughed and pulled her on top of him. She leaned down and kissed him. 
“Patrick Zweig is here?” He asked in anger. Tashi nodded and looked over at Y/N who didn’t look upset at all. “Yes but you can beat him.” Tashi told him. Could he though? Y/N never was sure about that but maybe all this anger he had towards Patrick would help or would it distract him? 
“I feel like she planned this.” Art said as they walked into the hotel. “Doubt it babe it’s just coincidence.” She said. It was also a coincidence that Patrick was at the same hotel at the bar. Luckily Art didn’t notice but Y/N did. “I’ll meet you back in the room I’m going to meet up with Tashi.” She told him. He kissed her and entered the elevator. Patrick didn’t see her but she walked up to him. “Patrick?” He turned around and his jaw dropped.
“Y/N.” He exclaimed and hugged her, she giggled and hugged him back. “You look amazing.” He told her. “You do too.” He did oh god he did. He looked sexy. They stared at each other for a while, no words exchanged. Patrick saw the wedding ring on her finger. “So you married him?” He asked trying to hide the disappointment. She nodded, “yeah I did.” “How’s he doing?” “Good.” He nodded. “I don’t have a lot of time Pat but I just wanted to say Hi.”
“I’m glad you did.” She walked away but he called her name again. She turned to face him, “Do you ever think about what would have happened if you never got pregnant?” She didn’t answer him she just looked down. “Goodnight Patrick.” She said and walked away. 
She stared at the ceiling wide awake as Art slept next to her. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. Patrick. His question. Of course she thought about it. How could she not? It was sick to say but that was the only reason she gave Art a chance. She doesn’t regret it though but of course the what if? Crossed her mind. 
She cheered as Art won over and over again leading up to the finales. Tashi may have been hard on him but it paid off. Y/N hadn’t seen Patrick since that night. She wondered how he was doing, she never got to ask. She didn’t tell Art that she saw him let alone talked to him. That would make him more mad than he already was. It was the final game before the finals. It looked like him and Patrick would be facing off.
“Hey Art forgot his bag can you go grab it for him?” Tashi asked. She nodded and walked off to the locker room. She went to his locker and grabbed the bag. She smiled as she saw it was the one from college. She swung it over her shoulder but heard what sounded like pills? She put the bag down and looked in the bag for what that noise could possible be. She shuffled the bag again and opened the front pocket. She pulled out pills. She was confused until she realized that they were birth control pills. WTF? She thought.
She gasped when she realized that they were the ones she lost. Why did Art have them? She never took them around him. She shook her head and put them in her pocket and took the bag to Art. “Hey I’ll be right back.” She tells him and she walks away. She takes the pills out of her pocket trying to figure out why he had them. She sat on the grass and thought really hard. She gasped as she remembered how Art hated the fact that she and Patrick liked each other. He lied to both of them about the other's feelings.
Y/N remembered the time he asked for her keys and after that day she couldn’t find the pills. Art took them. She felt sick as she realized. Tears were streaming down her face as she realized that Art planned her getting pregnant. She got up and put the pills back in her pocket. “Hey.” She looked up and saw Patrick. “Hi.” He could see her teary eyes and walked up to her. “Are you okay?” He asked her. “Can you pick me up at midnight?” She ignored his question. “Sure…but are you okay?” He asked her, “we will talk about it.” She tells him and walks away. 
Art had won and was in the finals with Patrick. She hide her sickness towards him and congratulated him. Art hadn’t suspected a thing thankfully. 
“Promise me that if I lose tomorrow it won’t matter.” Art stood in the bathroom doorway. She looked at him confused. “What?” “If I lose tomorrow, promise me that it’ll be okay. We will be okay.” She stared at him, “Why wouldn’t be?” “Baby please.” “Yes Art everything will be okay. I don’t care what the outcome is tomorrow I will love you no matter what.” She tells him and unfortunately that was the truth. She’s grown to love him and even though what he did was awful she still did love him. 
Patrick smiled as he saw Y/N run to his car. She got in the passenger seat. “Drive.” He pulled away from the hotel and drove off. “You wanna tell me what this is about?” He asked. “Pull over first.” She told him. He turned into an empty parking lot and parked. He turned towards her. She looked at him and handed him the pill bottle. He looked at it, “birth control pills? Why are you giving me these?” He asked her.
“I was taking those all through high school and college and never once missed a beat.” She tells him. “Okay?” She sighed, “Remember when I got pregnant?” He nodded. “Art took those from me so it would happen.” Patrick’s jaw dropped, “what? Are you sure?” She nodded. “I found those in his Tennis bag he had from college, he brought it with him and I never took those in front of him. One night I give him my key so he can take back his hoodies and after that I couldn’t find them.” “He hated that we liked each other.” Patrick said, “he lied about it Patrick.
He wanted this. Hell when I went to his room to confront him he guilt tripped me. I wasn’t going to be with him just cuz he got me pregnant. I loved you.” She exclaimed. “Y/N?” She looked at him, “do you still have feelings for me?” 
Patrick looked over at Y/N as he bounced the ball. Y/N kept a straight face as he bounced the ball a few times. Art watched as Patrick put the ball to the center of the racket. Art’s face dropped and he looked at Y/N. She wasn’t even looking at him. He looked at Patrick who nodded and smirked. “Fuck off.” He yelled. Patrick hit the ball and Art didn’t hit it back. Y/N held back tears as she watched Art’s world crumble. Why did she feel bad for him? 
Y/N hugged Patrick after they both came down from their highs. He inhaled her sweet scent. “I’ve dreamt about doing that.” He said in her neck. “In your stinky car?” She joked. He chuckled, “not exactly but it works.” He said and pulled away from her neck. She kissed him and it wasn’t full of lust. No it wasn’t something else. Love? He kissed back. 
They played Tennis like they hadn’t played Tennis before. And it was a great scene. Art was definitely angered but felt like it was deserved. Patrick was on top of the world that he got to sleep with Y/N. It was a crazy thing when at first it wasn’t clear who won. 
Y/N laid on Patrick’s chest as they laughed. “So you and Art had a secret way of telling each other when you fucked someone?” She asked. He nodded, “Yup. I almost wanna do it tomorrow.” “Will he know it’s about me?” “He should.” “Do it then.” Patrick looked down at her, shocked. “Really?” She nodded and looked up at him. “But I still love him.” She said softly and Patrick nodded. 
Art entered the hotel room with Y/N walking behind him. “So Patrick and you?” He asked. She nodded, “Why?” She took out the pills and gave them to him. His face turned more white than it already was. “How did you find these?” He asked her. “Your tennis bag is the same one from college.” She told him. “You hate me now don’t you?” He asked softly. She shook her head, “ No. I should but I don’t.” He looked up at her with relief. “You’re a piece of shit Art.” She tells him and his face drops. “But I’m willing to forgive you if we can add Patrick into our relationship. I’m not an idiot, I know you two had a thing for each other.”
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bingbongsupremacy · 6 hours
Tumblr media
Pt. 3
Pairing: Father! Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: I've never been on tour so the set up with how it's planned is probably wrong.
Series Summary: Years ago you and Eddie used to be friends. After you graduated, you two fell out of contact. After years of not speaking to each other, Eddie offers you a job you can't resist; be a nanny for his little girl.
Part Summary: Being a nanny for the child of a famous man is a lot harder then you expected. Will you be able to handle it?
*Not Proof Read*
Tag List: @maskofmirrors @saucypeanuttt @hugdealer
Pt.1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3
This is it. We're going to fly.
I look out of the small airplane window beside me. We're so high up.
The sky is bright blue with minimal clouds. That helps relieve some of my anxiety. At least we don't have to worry about a tropical storm or something.
We're still so high up though. If someone were to fall off the plane, even when it was touching the ground, it definitely wouldn't be pretty.
In a few minutes we're going to be thousands of feet in the air. That's terrifying.
" You alright? " Eddie's voice breaks through my thoughts. He glances up at me from a random rock magazine in his hands.
I nod stiffly, pulling my gaze from the window. I take a small breath to help myself calm down. " Yeah, I've just never been on a plane before. I guess I'm a little nervous. " I admit while beginning to play with my fingers. " Flying over the ocean is freaking me out a bit. "
Eddie sets his magazine on his lap and turns his full attention to me. " It's going to be alright. I've done this a million times. Nothing's happened then and nothing will happen now. Just try to distract yourself. " He reassures me. " Here. " He pulls out another magazine, this one also about metal music news. " It's band stuff so I hope you don't mind, but it might help to take your mind off of everything. Plus there's a pretty fire crossword puzzle in the back. " He says with a grin, trying to help me feel better.
I smile at him. " Thanks, Ed. "
Eddie's grin widens at the use of his nickname. " Why of course, m' lady. " He exaggerates a playful bow in his seat.
I roll my eyes. " You're a clown. "
" Actually, I prefer the term Jester. " Eddie laughs at my reaction. He glances to the chair next to him where Rose is curled up against the arm rest. The look of pure adoration in Eddie's eyes sends a flutter of happiness through my body.
He loves her so much. He's matured a lot since High school. I never would've pictured him to be this responsible. It's amazing what having a child can do to a person. He just wants the best for her.
" She's a great kid. " I compliment.
Eddie nods in agreement. " I'm very lucky. She's put up with a lot, especially with the tour and everything. "
I wonder where her mom is? I haven't heard Eddie mention anything about her and Rose never calls her.
" If you don't mind me asking, " I begin cautiously. " where's her mother? "
6 months seems very long for a kid to be apart from their parent, especially when they're as young as Rose.
A flicker of anger crosses Eddie's expression.
Worried I offended him, I try to fix it. " You don't have to tell me. Sorry, that was very personal, I shouldn't have asked. "
Eddie shakes his head. He gently pulls the blanket around Rose's small shoulder. " No, you didn't do anything wrong. " He sighs. " It's...it's a long story. "
Overhead the pilot announces that we will be taking off. My hands clamp onto my arm rests as we suddenly begin to move. I refuse to look out of the windows, focusing my attention on our conversation. " Well, lucky for you, I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon. " I nod towards the window. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the ground rush by. We're going to fucking fast.
When we pick up from the ground my stomach drops. A weird unsettled feeling courses through my body. I try to ignore it.
It's okay. It's just a plane.
Yeah a plane thousands of feet in the fucking air.
Eddie seems to pick up on my distress. He leans forward in his seat, as well as forward as the seat belt will allow him to go, and he pats my knee. " It's gonna be alright, Y/N. " He glances over at Rose who's still sleeping and very much unbothered by what's going on around her. " Her mom is a model I met at a party a few years ago. We dated for a bit and then we found out she was pregnant. " Eddie sighs. " She wasn't that interested in being a mom, her career was just taking off. We tried to stay together at least until Rose was born but she wasn't happy. We decided it was best if we broke up. She isn't around much. She's still out there 'finding' herself. She's supposed to come see one of the shows when we get back into the States. She wants to see Rose. We'll see how that goes. She doesn't even bother with child support so I wouldn't be surprised if it's too difficult for her to make it out to see Rose. " He doesn't sound like he carries much belief in the woman.
" I'm so sorry. " I send him a sympathetic look. " That's very rough. "
Eddie shakes his head. " It's alright. I've got Rose and Rose's got me. She doesn't need anyone else. " He tenderly brushes a strand of hair out of the young girl's eyes. " Besides, now she's got an awesome nanny who will be there for here when I can't. " He sends me a smile.
" Of course. "
I've only been around the little girl for a little while but I'm starting to grow more and more protective over her.
Eddie and I continue to talk and eventually, my fears of flying begin to subside and I can finally relax.
It's nice catching up with Eddie. It's been so long since we've seen each other. I forgot how easy he is to be around. In many ways he's changed but in so many others he's exactly the same. He's kind and funny. He cares about what I have to say.
Things my ex struggled with at times.
I don't even realize when I begin to fall asleep. The peaceful atmosphere along with Eddie's soft voice lull me into a hazy state.
" Y/N? " Eddie's voice feels distant and quiet.
I don't respond, my lips feeling too heavy to move. I manage to muster up enough strength to crack my eyes open just enough to see through my lashes.
" Can I get a blanket please? " Eddie asks a nearby flight attendant. She quickly returns with a blanket which he opens up.
I hear the faint click of his seat belt as he takes it off. He shuffles around for a moment before leaning towards me.
My eyes, too heavy for me to keep open, close completely. I feel Eddie's gentle hands tuck the soft blanket around my shoulders. His touch is light as if he's scared of waking me up.
" Sleep well, Y/N. I'm so glad I ran into you. " His voice is so quiet I almost miss his words.
Too exhausted to think over his words, I let my mind slip into darkness, the feeling of safety and comfort completely surrounding me.
I missed Eddie.
" How the fuck did they find out we were going to be here? " Eddie's slightly panicked voice.
My eyes widen at the sight in front of us. Dozens-no hundreds- of people are gathered around the entrance of the hotel we're supposed to be staying. Some are carrying large cameras with blinding flashes that go off as they snap pictures of the car. Others are loudly screaming and carrying signs. Everyone is loud and their eyes are desperate for a chance to see or be noticed by one of the boys.
" Someone must've leaked where you're staying. " Eddie's body guard, Tony, sighs. " Don't worry Ed, we'll get you guys in there safely. " He leans over to say something to the driver.
Eddie turns to me. " I forgot to pack sun glasses for you guys so this is what we're going to do. I'm going to get out and cover you two with my jacket. Keep her face hidden. Try not to look into the flash, that shit can blind you. " He pulls a pair of sunglasses out of his backpack and slips them on. " Trust me, it's not fun stumbling around while not being able to see. Don't worry about the bags. I'll send someone back to grab everything. "
I take Rose out of her car seat and pull her hood up. Eddie waits for me to get ready before he finally opens the door.
Noise floods into the car and the light is so much brighter than what the tinted windows let through.
I'm terrified. The crowd looks uncontrollable and hungry for the attention of Eddie.
The hotel's security struggles to keep a clear path for us to walk through. They firmly tell the crowd to back up but their voices only end up blending with the chaos of the screaming fans and inquisitive paparazzi's.
Eddie keeps true to his word. As soon as he's out of the car he turns his back to the crowd and holds his jacket out.
I hurry towards him, terrified of being in this mess longer than we have to be.
One of Eddie's arms snakes around my shoulders to block out the flashing lights. I tuck into his side, pulling Rose closer.
I keep my head down to watch my feet and keep an eye on Rose who's now restlessly twisting in my arms. The noise and lights are too overwhelming for her, she looks like she's about to burst into tears.
" Daddy! " She squeaks while trying to reach for the man. I struggle to keep a good grasp on her.
" It's okay, Rosie. It's okay. " His voice is calm, but I can tell he's nervous. His body is tense against mine and he's basically holding onto my shoulder for his life.
" Eddie! Who's with you right now? It this a new partner? " Someone shouts from around us.
" Is Rose there? How old is she now? "
" What do you have to say about the band that allegedly copied one of your songs? "
" Show us who you're with! "
Questions dart through the air causing an overwhelming feeling to flood me. There's so much going on.
" Back up! Back up! " Tony demands ahead of us.
" Please give us some space. We're just trying to get into the hotel. " Eddie's voice is forcibly polite.
It'll be over soon. We're almost there, right?
Damn it this walk feels like it's taken an eternity. The entrance really didn't seem this far away from the car.
Out of the corner of my eye I spot of hand reach under the jacket. It roughly yanks me back, causing me to slam further into Eddie. I let out a small gasp in surprise, my eyes widening.
Eddie firmly holds me down so I don't fall backwards, both of his arms grabbing onto me. " What the fuck! " He exclaims, pulling me further towards him and away from the person who grabbed me.
The jacket slips down slightly and I'm able to peek out over the top.
Rose is now full on sobbing, terrified of the sudden rough movements. Her small hands cling onto my shirt, looking for any form of comfort. The top of her head slightly peers out from between Eddie and I revealing one of her tear filled eyes.
I pull one of my hands over her face, trying to bounce her slightly.
I don't know what the fuck to do? How am I supposed to comfort a child when I don't even feel safe myself.
Eddie's livid. He sends a rough look towards the paparazzi who yanked me. " What the fuck is your problem? Don't touch them! Back the fuck off, you entitled piece of shit. We're fucking people! My daughter's right here! You could've hurt them both. " His grip around me is tight and protective.
The man's eyes widen in surprise. He's momentarily paused from taking pictures. " Hey man, I didn't mean anything buy it. I was just trying to get your attention. "
" Well you fucking got it. " Eddie snaps.
I haven't seen him this mad since failed Mr. Ryan's chem class for the 3rd time.
" Eddie please, let's get inside. " I beg the man.
Eddie's eyes shift towards us. His anger seems to morph into slight concern at the sight of our state. " Yeah, I'm sorry. Let's go. "
He sends one last nasty look towards the man who pulled me before we continue towards the hotel.
Eddie was right. These lights are blinding. If Eddie wasn't holding my shoulder's I'd definitely fall.
We finally make inside and I let out a breath of relief.
The doors close behind us and immediately security guards stand in front of them to block the entry of the nosy mob.
Eddie lets go of me and immediately reaches for his daughter. He shields her from the windows by blocking everyone's view with his back. " Oh, baby. " He mumbles with guilt. " I'm so sorry. Daddy's sorry. " He gently rubs circles into her small shaking back.
We make our way further in to the hotel and finally out of the view of the mob outside.
The crying seems to have worn out Rose because by the time we reach the front desk she's passed out. Not that I blame her, the whole day's been exhausting.
We collect our keys from the front desk before beginning our journey to find our rooms.
" This was a mistake. I shouldn't have brought her here. What if she's like traumatized now? She's too young for all this crap. " Eddie mumbles in concern.
" Hey, she's going to be alright. " I try to reassure him. " She's a strong little kid, she'll be okay. Don't beat yourself up too much about it. "
Eddie doesn't look like he believes me. Instead of voicing his concerns further, he chooses to nod and remain silent.
We finally come across the massive suite we're staying in. As soon as we enter we're greeted by a large common area with a beautiful gift basket full of treats. To the side is a small kitchen and bathroom.
Eddie disappears into one of the other rooms, one I'm assuming is a bedroom.
I make my way into the other room and a rush of exhaustion hits my body. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I saw the bed.
I abandon my backpack near the door and flop onto the bed. A small sigh escapes my lips as I close my eyes to block out the bright lights.
This is going to be harder then I thought.
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ragzonacamrencruise · 7 hours
Azutara #10
highschool popular kid / nerd au
oooooh i got it. okay let's go.
Katara forgets how to breathe for a moment.
Most of her junior year, she spent sat at the bleechers, her nose buried in at least two books alternatively, checking out the dissimilarities between them talking about the same subject. She then combines the two to create her own version, taking the gist of it and applies it to her exams. It seems to be working really well cuz she keeps getting straight A's.
She always prefers the bleechers, mostly because of the ample space the benches provide her to actively spread out the study material. But also because the ambient noises of students training for various different sports, provide for a great white noise for some reason.
AP Biology rocks her world like no other subject has ever done. In knowing the intricacies of the human body, as well as other nuanced processes that tag along with it, Katara's even better than her teacher, sometimes. Proving to be humile, she bites her tongue every time her teacher get it wrong. So, it's safe to say that Katara knows fairly well how the human body works.
That is exactly the reason why she's surprised when she realises she forgot how to breathe. Standing there, two meters away from her, sweat glistening on her body, looking directly at her, is the school's most popular girl.
Azula Fyre.
All these days Katara spent on the bleechers, she had had to control her eyes whenever they betrayed her, straying to the pale Asian girl, running the circumference of the whole ground at least 5 times before she went in for her routine workout. And each time she passed Katara, the blue-eyed girl couldn't help but stare at Azula's lithe frame, whizzing past her. In theory, Biology came easy to Katara. But practically, she has no control over her body whenever the popular girl is involved.
Azula steps closer to her, cautiously. "Do you ever do anything else other than study all the time?"
Up unitl now, Katara, not really keen on sending her body into a frenzy, had been quiet, trying her best to ignore Azula's scrutinizing look. But now that she's directly speaking to her, and no one's around for at least 50 meters, Katara has no choice but to interact.
"Who? Me?" She asks. She knows it's dumb. But she can't help but let her brain short-circuit.
Azula lets out a chuckle, the afternoon sun doing it's best to tan her pale skin. "Yeah, you. There's no one else here. I see you here all the time and you've always got your nose buried in heaps of books."
"Right." Katara blinks, looking around awkwardly, trying to settle her nerves. "I do other . . . stuff. It's not just reading."
Azula arches one perfect brow. "Like what?"
Katara takes a moment to answer. Not because she doesn't know the answer, but because she just started sweating through her shirt for some reason and her body doesn't seem to be listening to her. "Does wrestling with my brother for mundane stuff count?"
Azula lets out a breath, smiling ever-so-slightly. "Maybe." She steps closer and takes a seat right beside Katara.
Katara tries to go back to reading. She really does. But the heated presence of Azula physically stops her. She doesn't know why or how.
"You're Katara Ocean, right?" Azula quips, after a second, resting her palms on either side of her toned thighs, looking at the blue-eyed girl sideways.
Katara perks up. "You know my name?"
"Uh . . ." Azula blinks for a moment, seemingly faltering for some reason. But she quickly collects herself. "You're in Bio with me."
Of course.
"I'm Azula." She says, with a soft smirk on her face. "You would know that if you turned your head to the back of the class too, from time to time."
Katara fights a smile, which unfortunately for her, breaks through her lips with barely any resistance. "I know that." She manages to mumble, looking down at her books.
Even if she didn't turn around in Bio class, she would've known that.
Azula tries to catch Katara's eyes, bending forward a little. "Then you must also know that I do track."
Katara nods, looking at the pale girl through her eyelashes. What she doesn't know is why is this girl talking to her?! She literally is at the top of the food-chain. And Katara is . . . well, Katara. She hangs out mostly with Aang, who's a freshman and her brother Sokka, who's a senior. She keeps to herself most of the time.
Seeing that Katara isn't that responsive, Azula lets out a short sigh. "Well . . ." She says, making a move as if to get up.
But Katara, seeing that her chance is slipping right through her fingers, interrupts her. "Do you only sprint?"
"What?" Azula sits back down, smiling.
"Track." Katara says so fast, it's barely English. "Do you only sprint?"
Azula looks at her curiously for a hot second. "No, I'm uh . . . I signed up for marathons too."
Katara frowns. "That's . . . dichotomic . . ." Azula raises her brow again so Katara explains herself. "I mean, sprints require white muscle groups to-"
"-to provide me with a quick, short burst of energy, I know." Azula finishes Katara's sentence and Katara can do nothing but let her lips fall open at her surprise.
She's smart too?!
Azula looks down at the ground. "I need to improve my stamina; build up my red muscle groups so that I can sustain for long periods of time too." Then she turns to Katara. "That's why I signed up for marathons and been practicing for it ever since."
Her almost golden brown eyes scan Katara's face, noticing her surprised look. "What?"
Katara closes her mouth in a hurry. "N- Nothing."
"I'm in Bio class with you remember? If that's what you're thinking . . ."
"She taught us that completely wrong in class."
"Well," Azula gets up from her seat, with a tone of finality in her voice. "I may be a jock. But I'm not that dumb."
She smirks at Katara and her stomach suddenly flips without her permission. "See ya later! It was nice meeting you!" Azula shouts over her shoulder as she sprints away in direction of the locker room.
The grin on Katara's face doesn't let her read anymore.
"Yes, Miss Fyre?" The Biology teacher, Mrs. Hung, pulls her glasses down to the tip of her nose to see better.
Katara turns around in her seat to follow her line of sight, and soon enough, her eyes fall on Azula's raised hand, at the back of the class.
"15." Azula states simply, with a bored look on her face.
"That's incorrect." Mrs. Hung says with a sigh. "Anybody else?"
"15 is the correct answer." Azula says again with an annoyed look on her face.
Mrs. Hung sighs again. "I'm afraid the correct answer is 12, Miss Azula."
Azula rolls her eyes. "No. I'm pretty sure it's 15. You forgot to add the 3 molecules of ATP when pyruvic acid is converted to acetyl coA and oxidation by the mitochondrian transport system. The answer, hence, with basic math, 12 + 3, is 15."
Katara gulps.
Azula's right. Mrs. Hung's been messing up the entire Kerb's cycle today and it feels like that was Azula's last straw. But the look on Mrs. Hung face, the glare that she's aiming at the popular girl, her cheeks turning redder than Rudolph the reindeer, alarms Katara.
"Are you questioning my method of teaching, young lady?!" Mrs. Hung boils.
"I most definitely am, old lady." Azula says with a smirk on her face.
Katara's eyes widen. The whole class goes "ooooooooohhhh" at that.
"Alright, that does it!" Mrs. Hung yells. "Miss. Fyre, out of my class. Now!" She points to the door.
"Gladly." Azula breathes a huge sigh of relief, gathering her notes in her arms and walking to the front of the class.
When she reaches to where Katara's sitting, her golden brown haze locks with sparkling blue ones and Azula throws her a victorious smirk, just before exiting the class.
That's the second time this week Katara's had trouble breathing.
That afternoon, as soon as Azula's golden brown eyes fall on Katara, she comes running to the bleechers. Katara's face heats up quickly as she makes the blunder of looking at the popular girl's toned abs in her track uniform as she runs.
She averts her gaze as soon as Azula nears her.
"One may think Hung will shut up for decades after I embarrassed her like that. But that isn't gonna stop her, is it?" The lithe girl breathes out, panting a little.
Katara looks up with a hesitant smile. "But, you shouldn't have done that."
"What? And let her grow a bunch of dumb-witted jerks?! I don't think so."
Katara doesn't try to stop her grin this time.
Azula looks at her longingly. "You can laugh. It's funny."
"It was kind of funny." Katara chuckles.
Katara's eyes, heavy from straining to hold itself up, drops down to Azula's heaving chest, where a single drop of sweat runs the length of her neck and drips down, and disappears between her-
Katara clears her eyes and averts her throat-
Wait, no- She clears her throat and averts her eyes.
God! She really needs to get a grip!!
"Your hair looks . . . very dark." Azula says hesistantly, and Katara meets her gaze again. "It can house an entire school of Anglerfish in it. Because . . . it's so dark." The pale girl slightly points her finger to Katara's hair to further insinuate her point.
Katara frowns slightly. That was a very . . . specific compliment to give. If you can even call it a compliment. Azula seems to realise her plight too and she subtly scratches the nape of her neck awkwardly.
Nonetheless, Katara offers her a sweet smile. "Thank you."
Azula's face immediately lights up, and Katara practically swoons at the girl's smile. She tries to distract herself again, by letting her eyes fall down to the book in front of her, but not before she hears the golden-eyed girl mumble something along the lines of ". . . can't believe that worked!" to herself.
A few seconds of silence passes, until Azula breaks it, again. "I'm sorry, I know I should just let you study, but my track-meet is coming up this weekend and I was thinking that maybe you could . . ."
Katara looks up at her, eyes wide with surprise. "Y- You want me to attend your track-meet?"
Azula offers her a nervous smile. "Well, the whole school would be here, and since you study so much I thought maybe you wouldn't be interested these kind of . . . activities. I thought if I invited you personally maybe- you know what? Forget it. I never should've asked and-"
Katara involuntarily reaches out to place her palm on the rambling girl's arm. "I'll be there."
Azula sucks in a sharp breath. "You will?!"
"Of course." Katara reluctantly withdraws her hand from Azula's arm, but not before getting a glimpse of how toned it felt under her fingers.
The grin Azula gives her could dull the Sun. "Okay, great!" She stands up abrupty. "I will look forward to it." She walks back awkwardly. "See you there. Bye!"
Katara waves her goodbye and Azula once again, sprints to the locker room.
It's loud. Very loud and Katara almost starts an headache. But she pushes it to the sidelines as she focuses on a jumping Azula, way over there on the race track. She's twisting from time to time, hopping on her feet, warming up.
Katara's never seen the bleechers so full. Ever. She's sitting at the blue side of the seats that represent their school. Azula hops a little more, and Katara stares at her, hoping against all odds that she would win.
Suddenly, Azula's eyes find her, and Katara's breath catches painfully in her throat. Even from this distance, her golden brown eyes are striking.
She waves directly at her and Katara's face heats up quickly. Every person around Katara waves back to Azula, thinking they were the ones being waved at.
Azula just rolls her eyes, noticing it and returns back to hopping.
A few minutes later, a shrill whistle echoes through the area and the contestants immediately fall into position, bracing their fingers on the ground, ready to sprint.
It's a 200 meter run, and Katara's heart rate quickens in anticipation, her eyes never leaving the pale skinned girl. A voice on the mic says, "Set." and the runners' butt lift in unison.
Silence falls heavy on the bleechers, building up the anticipation. Then suddenly, the shrill whistle blows again and the runners take off in jet speed.
The crowd erupts in cheers, urging their favourite players on immediately. Katara clasps her fingers together, watching with bated breath.
Azula runs like the wind. She runs so fast that there's at least a meter's gap between her and whoever's behind her. She quickly takes the lead, crossing the finish line in a whirlwind, securing the first place, with the kind of ease only she seems to posses.
The crowd goes wild. Their cheer slowly turns into a chant of Azula's name over and over again. Every one rushes into the track, scooping Azula in their arms and lifting her up.
Katara almost cries.
Monday afternoon sees Katara hesitantly walking into an empty girls' locker room, eyes scanning for a specific someone.
A locker door shuts close and immediately reveals Azula clad in just her bra and sports shorts. Katara gulps, averting her wandering gaze quickly. But before she could even start talking, Azula's captivating gaze falls on her.
"Hey!" She beams. "I was so worried! You weren't there after the track-meet ended and I didn't see you at the bleechers today either."
"Sorry." Katara says sheepishly. "I was a little . . . pre-occupied."
Azula gives her a suspicious look, but doesn't question it further. She throws a towel over her forearm and holds her silence for a second longer before she chuckles. "I had no idea you'd know the way to the locker, considering how your nose is always in a book."
Katara reaches over and slaps Azula lightly on the arm. "Shut up."
The motion causes the towel over Azula's arm to fall to the floor. Katara immediately steps closer, bending forward to pick it up, before Azula could. She straightens herself, a sudden rush of adrenaline pumping through her viens. "I'm so sorry. I-"
And for the fourth time, Katara forgets how to breathe, as she suddenly realises how her face is merely an inch away from the sprinter's face.
"Don't worry about it . . ." The golden-eyed girl is saying, but she trails off, too close to even whisper. Her gaze dips to Katara's lips, staying there a second longer before she returns her now darkening eyes back to Katara's brilliant blue ones.
"Azula . . ." Katara whispers.
And before she knows what's happening, Azula is upon her, hungry lips crashing with hers in a cacophony of new emotions Katara didn't know the human body could feel.
It all happens so fast. One moment Katara's eyes are widening from the shock and the next moment she's kissing the popular girl back just as hungrily. The towel in her hand falls down once again and neither even pays attention to it.
Azula's hands find her hips and she grasps it firmly, before lifting Katara up with ease, slamming her against the locker. The blue-eyed girl could do nothing but whimper, as she wraps her legs around Azula's toned back. She tries to keep up with the pace Azula's setting, but fails miserably.
Azula pulls back a little, planting her lips under Katara's ear. "I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you at the damn bleechers months ago." She rasps into Katara's ear and Katara can only shudder in response.
She clutches onto Azula's neck for dear life, as she captures her lips again with a raw hunger, devouring her to submission completely.
Silent whimpers from Katara's throat when the kisses become deeper and filled with more purpose, makes Azula pull away, resting her forehead on Katara's.
"Azula . . ." Katara says again, but her brain seems to freeze completely, focusing on nothing but the way Azula's holding her right now, painfully aware of the fact that Azula's between her legs.
"I wanna do this right." Azula states, panting like she just ran one of her sprints. "Jasmine Dragon. Saturday night. 7 pm."
Katara nods frantically, bumping her nose against Azula's. The sprinter lets out a chuckle, kissing the tip of Katara's nose softly, before giving her a chaste kiss again on the lips.
She lets her down from her grip, and Katara slides down, knees buckling under her. She fights the urge to just slam her lips back on Azula again.
"Get out of here before I change my mind." Azula breathes out.
Katara stumbles all the way back to her home, her brain still not grasping on to what the heck just happened, a stupid smile on her face.
i throughly enjoyed writing this omggggg
if you find any typos, no you didn't 🤭
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ericshoney · 13 hours
Toxic Friends ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You and the triplets were childhood friends and still to this day, you were close, often going out to LA to visit them or hang out when they came home to Boston. However, the triplets have noticed you've changed and not for the good, only putting it down to your new "friends".
Warnings: slight angst, toxic friends, mentions of underage drinking/drugs/smoking, mentions of not eating/eating disorder, mentions of not sleeping, broken home, brief panic attack, anxiety, pet names used in a platonic way, let me know if there's anything I've missed.
Nick, Matt and Chris had just arrived back home in Boston and were first greeted by their parents, who met them at the airport. When the trio arrived at their childhood home, they were next greeted by their older brother Justin and best friend Nate. However, the three were expecting to see their other childhood friend, Y/n.
The triplets and you were still close to this day, including Nate, the four males basically being brothers to you now. But you happened to make some new friends to keep you company in Boston when Nick, Matt and Chris weren't there or Nate was busy. Nate however, didn't like them one bit and today was the day he was going to tell the trio the truth, he was far too worried about what was going on.
After texting you about your whereabouts, the four started to chill, but Chris was first to notice something was up with Nate.
"What's up?" Chris called, the younger male looking at him.
"She won't reply. She's with her new friends." Nate said.
"New friends?" Matt repeated.
"Yeah, she got some new friends the past month but they aren't the best." Nate admitted.
Before any of them could respond, their phones pinged with a group chat notification from you, saying you were on your way and ten minutes later, you arrived.
"Hey guys!" You cheerfully greeted, hugging the three.
"Hey." They all replied, taking in your appearance.
And instantly, they knew something was wrong. You were a lot thinner than last time they saw you, dark circles under your eyes, which were also slightly bloodshot and your clothes had a funny smell to them.
"Nate was just telling us about your new friends." Nick said, breaking the silence as you sat on the sofa.
"Oh he did. Don't worry they'll never replace you guys." You reassured them.
"Well of course not, we're the best." Chris said with a cheeky smile.
"Right. Nate's not that fond of them." You mentioned, the said male nodding at your comment.
Nick, Matt and Chris all nodded and dropped the subject for a while. The five of you hanging out like old times.
A few hours later, Nate had to go. You all said bye and you remained in the Sturniolo house. You were still sitting on the sofa, scrolling through your phone. You were wrapped up messaging your new friends, that you didn't notice Chris sat on your left, Matt on your right and Nick pulled up a chair in front of you.
"Kid, we need to talk." Nick said, taking your phone from you, placing it on the table behind him.
"Okay...." You dragged out, feeling slightly confused.
"Nate told us about your new friends. Before he left, he mentioned they aren't the....cleanest people." Nick mentioned.
"What do you mean by that?" You questioned.
"Doing drugs, drinking underage. I mean your only nineteen and Nate mentioned the oldest just turned twenty-one. So out of what, five people, one is legal to drink." Chris answered.
"Just cause they smoke and drink, doesn't mean they are bad people." You tried to argue. But deep down you knew, they weren't great.
"Sweetheart, we're going to be honest with you. You smell like weed and look like you haven't slept in weeks. Plus you've lost a lot of weight. You don't look healthy." Matt said softly.
"I...I...so?" You tried to fight back the tears building up.
"We're your best friends, basically your brothers, Nate included. Don't push us out. You know we're not going anywhere." Nick said, holding your hands gently.
"We're not going to push you either. But if your ready, tell us what's been going on." Matt said, rubbing your back in comfort.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, looking down at your lap. A wave of disappointment washed over you.
"Bub, you don't need to be sorry. We're not angry. We just want to understand so we can help." Chris replied.
"I...I met some new friends....t-they seemed okay at first, but they do drugs and drink. At first I said no, I said no many times I swear!" You began to explain, feeling your breath quicken.
"Hey, sweetheart take a deep breath okay. We believe you, calm down. It's only us four, nobody else. We're not mad, Nate's not mad okay. Take a deep breath in and out." Matt gently said as Nick squeezed your hands to keep you grounded.
You closed your eyes tightly, a few tears still slipping out as you focused on your breathing and Matt's voice. Once you calmed down, you began explaining again.
"I...I said no. Said I don't wanna do drugs or smoke and that I won't drink till I'm twenty-one but only if I wanna.....but the peer pressure got too much. I caved. I felt like I was losing you guys to LA, I know you always come back and we still talk everyday but I was still scared. I didn't want to burden Nate with everything so I tried to find new friends. My parents are constantly arguing, so I thought being out late at night with these new friends was a good thing. I stopped eating because the drugs made me not hungry, I couldn't sleep cause the house felt cold and dark. I just fell down a big rabbit hole and I'm sorry." You finished explaining, more tears rolling down your face.
"Kid, you don't ever need to be fucking sorry, okay? We're sorry." Chris said, patting your shoulder.
"You don't need to be sorry. You didn't do anything wrong." You responded.
"We're going to help you okay. First off, your going to tell those people your done with them, then block their numbers. You don't need toxic friends." Nick said.
You nodded as he passed you your phone, the trio watching you as you texted the group chat, saying you were done with them and had real friends who cared about you. Before any of them could reply, you blocked their numbers. Nick, Matt and Chris smiled as the eldest took your phone back.
"Now what?" You asked, looking at the three.
"Well, how about you move to LA with us?" Matt suggested.
"Really?" You asked in shock.
"But what about my stuff here? What about Nate? Oh what will my parents say? Will they shout a-" You rambled, but got cut off by the guys.
"Hey, kid calm down okay. Fuck your parents, if they're constantly arguing to the point they can't see you need help, you don't need to be around that. Nate will be okay, he comes to visit often and we always come back here. You can text or call him everyday too. We'll pack your stuff up and talk to our parents so they are aware too." Chris said first.
"Okay. You guys really want me to live with you in LA?" You questioned, still feeling in shock.
"Of course bub, we'll help you recover, we love you." Nick said.
"Thank you." You said.
The three smiled and pulled you into a group hug. You knew it would take time, but with their support you would be back in a good place again soon.
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danieyells · 24 hours
Rui mizuki’s lines from Tokyo debunker if you haven’t yet PLEASE I will love you for all eternity
They’re edging me with the rui crumbs every chapter I can’t take it anymore
One flirty reaper coming right up!! And by right up i mean almost a week after you asked hhahaha
BUT YEAH WE DO GET A LITTLE OF HIM HERE AND THERE i wonder why he pops up so much. Especially for someone who allegedly tries not to be around other people much due to his deadly touch? Kinda sus--
also this is the first time i've posted all of someone's lines! not that i don't always end up posting 95% of them anyway, but for some reason some of Rui's were ordered weird(they're normally not entirely in order but they're usually sectioned properly, but for some reason one of his affinity chats was way in the wrong place) and I ended up closely paying attention to which one i was looking at and before i knew it i posted all of them lmao. . . .
You've Got Mail:
"Huh? Did you know you've got unread messages? Oh, that's why you've been leaving me on delivered! Ahaha!"
no that's just because my adhd makes me hyperfocus on things and it refuses to allow me to attempt to allot attention or energy to things it deems me not having enough attention span or energy or time for and i'm sorry--
"Aw c'mon Ed, again? Why does he always leave his socks on the floor... It's actually exhausting picking up after him all the time..."
lazy sloppy vampire lol
"You look kind of tired {PC}, you doing okay? Why don't you stop by the bar later? I can be your shoulder to cry on."
"Hey! You on break now? If you're super nice and you're gonna come chill with me now, put your hands up!"
"{PC}...were you just checking me out? Hey, it's all good, don't be embarrassed!"
"Oof, Ed popped out of nowhere so I accidentally touched him and he died again. Now I have to carry him all the way back to the dorm..."
i love the face he makes when he says this lmao like he is so tired of Ed's carelessness!
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ignore that he's in the casino i always have my background set there since i usually have taiga as my hs
Affinity 1:
"{PC}! Did you come here to see me first thing? No way! You just made my day!"
Affinity 2:
"Aw c'mon, Ed, what are you doing sleeping out here? Didn't you just take a nap, old man? You're gonna catch a cold!"
Affinity 3:
"Oh hey, it's {PC}! Can't believe I ran into you here, so random! Guess we've gotta go on a date now, huh? It's like, written in the stars!"
i love flirty characters like rui lolol just. there's always More Going On there. and Rui starts off with More right off the bat.
Affinity 4:
"I can touch the plants as long as I have gloves on! I mean yeah, I'm pretty sure the same goes for people, but don't you think it'd be scary to test it out?"
Affinity 5:
"Come swing by the bar later! I'd rather watch a pretty face like yours while I work instead of a bunch of drunk guys."
Affinity 6:
"What? Ed was praising my good looks? I mean he's right, right? People always tell me my face is my only redeeming feature!"
but rui works so hard!? who's saying that!!
Affinity 7:
"Oh sorry, I don't do the whole class thing! You go, I'm all good here!"
Affinity 8:
"Ouch! Aw man, that rose thorn just scratched my arm... Wait, nooo! My rose bushes are wilting!!"
it's so easy for him to accidentally kill anything lmaoooo
Affinity 9:
"Are you out here by yourself, {PC}? Isn't that like not super dangerous? ...Wait, did that make sense? Whatever, let me walk you back!"
Affinity 10:
"Sorry! A drunk customer broke a glass, so I'm cleaning it up! Everyone's a little pent-up lately, I guess."
Affinity 11:
"Watering plants in the AM is such a mood lift, right? Whoa, everything's blooming like crazy out here! Better get my pruning shears."
it's a testament to how well he takes care of these plants that they grow super well in permanently-night Obscuary, i think. 8'D
Affinity 12:
"Huh? Look, you've got loose threads on your uniform. Give it to me, I'll fix it for you!"
Affinity 13:
"Hey, {PC}, did you eat yet? My door's always open! You can just stay the night after!"
damn already inviting you to stay over at affinity 13--just don't share the bed, you'll wake up super dead
Affinity 14:
"(yawn) Wow, I am dead tired... but I've gotta take a shower, make breakfast, and do the laundry before those two sleepyheads get up."
it takes a real man to be a single mother. . . .
Affinity 15:
"Oh hey, what's your poison? Wait, I mean, morning! Man, I tried to take my friend's drink order when we were hanging out yesterday too, occupational hazard I guess."
Affinity 16:
"A mission? I'm good, thanks though! Oh hey, you should invite Lyca! He'd totally be into that!"
Lyca also probably needs them to pass the grade lol
Affinity 17:
"No way, look at the time! Wish I could keep listening to you talk... Wanna stay over?"
Affinity 18:
"Oh man, I'm sorry! I'm closing early, I've got plans with a friend tonight. It'd be awesome if you could come by tomorrow!"
Affinity 19:
"Congrats on making it through another day, {PC}! I seriously admire you for working so hard. You're not doing this all for me, are you?"
Affinity 20:
"Morning! Whoa, you wanna help me with the housework, {PC}? It's all good, thanks though! The thought's more than enough for me."
c'mon, refusing help at affinity 20? let the pc be your little helper at least!
Affinity 21:
"Obscuary looks like it'd be full of downers, but it's actually pretty lively in there, right? Not gonna lie, I def prefer it that way."
Affinity 22:
"Lyca's an open book, but the flip side is he says the darndest things... I feel like watching him is bad for my heart..."
he talks so much about his teammates, he really is such a mom. . . .
Affinity 23:
"My eyes are red? Huh, that's weird... Oh yeah, I was cutting onions just now when I was preparing the appetizers for the bar!"
. . .idk this is pretty high affinity. . .you were crying about something weren't you rui. . .or romeo paid you in weed and you were getting tweaked up in the back of the bar
Affinity 24:
"Oh, don't worry about me, I always sleep late! I'm down to chat till you drift off to dreamland."
Affinity 25(max):
"Sometimes I wish I could've met you as a regular guy. I guess you wouldn't have given me the time of day if I had though, ahaha."
is it just me or. . .does it feel like he gets a little more distant as his affinity gets higher? like after affinity 17 it feels like he gets a little less flirty and a little more at arms length. . .like he knows his feelings are getting so strong that he might not be able to resist touching you, but he's too scared to do it even with the gloves on. . .so he tries to keep you a little further away. . .and then he admits it, he wishes he could be with you like a normal person, but if he were just some flirt in the street none of this would have ever happened. Poor Rui, he's cursed to be beloved but unable to give love how he wants in return.
"Oh man, so nice... The weather's like perfect this time of year, right? Wish we could just chill like this forever."
"Man, you wouldn't even know it was spring with how bleak it is in Obscuary! Aren't there any cuter anomalous plants out there?"
"I feel like Ed's getting more senile every day... Maybe I should confiscate his tablet."
"So, what do you think of my spring-inspired cocktail? Almost as cute as you, right? I'm gonna add it to the menu!"
"C'mon! It's summer, how can the sun never rise in Obscuary!? I wanna get a tan!"
"It's not summer if you don't hit the beach! I used to go all the time back when I surfed. And then I'd pick up girls on my way home... Just kidding, I promise!"
why 'just kidding' lolol you're not together! this relationship is not monogamous even if you were!
"Ta-da! I've got sparklers! Fireworks are fun and all, but there's something special about holding a light that only sparkles for a hot moment."
"It's so hot out, I bet the bar's gonna be a ghost town... Guess I'll send Harurin and Romi a PR message!"
reaching out to the local population of alcoholic ghouls to remind them to give him business lol
"There's so many dead leaves this time of year, it's a nightmare keeping on top of them! But you can use them to make a fire and roast stuff. Gotta look on the brights!"
"Hey {PC}, when are you free? I have a date idea for us—a romantic walk to admire the fall leaves! I'll pack us a lunch!"
"Oh damn! You look so cute all bundled up like that, {PC}! We've gotta take a selfie together!"
direct contrast to romeo who sees you in winterwear and calls you a fat slug kekw
"That piano anomaly makes the soundtrack for the bar! The song picks really tug at the heartstrings, right?"
"You're a little late today, huh? If you can't get up in the cold, I could be your alarm!"
just gotta be really loud since he'd be too afraid to touch you awake, since he actually wants you to y'know wake up--
"Oh man, how is Lyca so full of energy when it's this cold? You should take him to Frostheim and see if he runs around in the snow like a puppy."
rui pointing at lyca: that dog is my son please take care of him
"Nothing like winter to make you miss the warmth of human touch... Oh, I'm good! Just getting to talk like this is all I need!"
"Here, this Rui-original hot cocktail will warm you up! I'll blow on it for you, free of charge!"
is this the next step after gamer bathwater. host club host breath.
His birthday:
"Yeah, it's my birthday today! Oh damn, you're gonna celebrate it with me!? No way, I'm like, super touched right now!!"
Your birthday:
"{PC}... Happy birthday!! C'mon, birthday girl, sit down and chill out! This is your day, you should take it easy!"
New Years:
"Happy New Year! Want to start the year off on a high and come on a shrine date with me?"
Valentine's Day:
"Oh damn, are these for me? My heart! Is this your way of professing your love to me? Do I have a shot here?"
White Day:
"Ta-da! Happy White Day! This is for you! What's inside? You've gotta open it and find out!"
April Fool's Day:
"Guess what!? I finally broke my curse! Let's hold hands... just kidding! April Fools!"
this feels more like a joke on him than on you. . .a mean one at that lol
"Happy happy happy Halloween!! Trick or treat! Obviously I'm picking trick, ahaha!"
"Merry Christmas, {PC}! Oh man, I must be like, super blessed to get to spend it with you!"
"Hey, hey, hey! We finally get to spend some time together, it's illegal to take your eyes off me!"
"{PC}? You seem kind of busy, guess I'll take this chance to get some work done…"
"{PC}, you're back! I was worried you'd forgotten about me!!"
he's so flirty and clingy, but also he can't be clingy because he's scared you'll die if he touches you, even if he's wearing gloves. . .also surely your curse would cancel out his? Then again I'm sure a reaper i stronger than any other [living] anomaly out there. . . .
but. yeah. rui's a darling haha he just. he's another one of the 'i just wanna be a regular person, i wanna go back to normal' characters whose desire to just be a guy makes him special in a more fantastical world. i'm really looking forward to seeing the Obscuary chapter--probably like a month away, right? 'u'
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marblerose-rue · 8 days
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got asked to draw two of my old wc rp ocs :-) left is cicadahop, right is scallopstar
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druidshollow · 5 months
"what would your character be like without their trauma?" is such a hard question for me because it makes me feel like a massive asshole LMAO
(im attaching a picture of a tundra literally to add context to my ramble in the tags because my posts are structured by a sane person) (you should read the ramble in the tags i talk so much about rivers fsr)
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#like. rivers would probably just purpose funky things for the hell of it and study lizards and stuff#i think environmentalism would matter to him since he was created long before the great equalizer when there was like. actually a view#have you guys ever looked at a tundra for real theyre so pretty. i think the colours would be funkier though#purples and blues along with the reds and oranges i think but id have to draw it tio be sure its not ugly#anyways. rivers would probably be interested in nature conservation especially since the ancients destroyed the world-#but the iterators construction obviously had a massive part in that so hed feel ownership#him and glass wouldve got along VERY well in this circumstance since that matters a lot to her (specifically animal conservation though)#but at the same time glass doesnt exist without rivers trauma right. she cant exist if flowers isnt in his life because he Literally built#her (glass) just to be mean to rivers#doomed for real#i....... want them to be friends in the walky au. my massive block is trying to think of some reason nights Needs to leave his can because#he wouldnt if not required. and glass just wouldnt leave him. in no circumstance would they willingly separate from eachothers company#theyd ALSO need to be really fast because the only opportunity nights would get to get out is when odyssey goes to him to help her build#the weapon she needs to kill dune. (odyssey has the gift. the twins dont know anyone else who does((other than phrases obvsly)))#this happens a considerable amount of time after phrases and rivers escape. they have like. a month's time on them#odysseys like “if you guys are for real about leaving do NOT go straight south. dont. dont. dont. youre like 2 feet tall you WILL die”#nights is like “DEAR GOD SERIAL KILLERS??????” and glass is like “wtf youre only like a foot taller than us”#anyways i think glass and rivers would get along and rivers has a positive arc here right and realizes hes wrong and hes glad he didnt.#kill the twins. yeah its good you didnt do that dude#i jsut really really think theyd get along if rivers had the chance to associate her with anything but flowers horrid treatment of him#because in the normal story all he sees when he sees her is flowers. and like flowers could the twins can tap into his work and see his#files and logs and such whenever they wanted. they didnt do this very often- glass really never looked at rivers work unless she was told t#but rivers was just made SO paranoid by flowers abuse that thinking of being watched makes him feel sick and horrible#and his whole thing is trying to find a way to feel less horrible right so thats (part of) why he decides to get rid of them#hm. if rivers wassnt traumatized hed like nature and creatures. anyways#oc posting#look to the tags for the oc posting
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Re: Chair Lore: Where is the Chair From?
I was joking about the seat looking like a sim chair, but after doing some research, I'm almost 100% sure they just took seats from a 2012 Ferrari 458 and put them on plexiglass platforms 😭
I couldn't find any pics that look *exactly* like the chair itself, but I think these are pretty similar, no?
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It's going to bug me so much that I can't find the exact chair UGH, like with the white stripe in the middle, you know? But yes anyways, this is my theory.
*fyi, I'm planning a drawing with this chair and my thought process with finding reference is always "this has to be exactly perfect and 100% accurate" so thats why I'm being incredibly specific and over-detailed about this 😭 please don't think I'm weird
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jorvikzelda · 2 months
today i had this Vivid memory flash through my mind of kissing my ex boyfriend (this was like 2018) and i felt so viscerally fucking revolted and I gotta say. it is truly impressive that I didn’t realise I’m a lesbian sooner than fucking half a year ago
#z talks#like the misidentifying as ace was Inevitable i think. that was due to repression that realising i didnt like men would not have fixed#(context: id’d as bi ace like. i wanna say 2016/17-2021/22 sometime and then went into ace and Questioning)#remember the time i really solidly settled on being aro because ‘romance has never not felt like a chore and putting on a facade’#babe no thats because your most recent and also singular long term relationship was with a Man#and thats the only one youre looking back on#its so funny how i dated a guy and it was so thoroughly Meh that i just didnt feel like pursuing anything romantic for a very long time#(A REACTION I HAD NOT HAD AFTER MY PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS WITH GIRLS)#And DIDN’T somehow consider that maybe I just Didn’t Like Guys#its nothing i grieve or feel sad about dw its honestly mostly funny to look back on#no wrongs were committed and i dont hold a grudge against the guy it was just me being confused and compheted#(…which is also a weird word to apply because at the time i identified and was out to my friends as a trans guy Binary.#This Was Also Wrong.)#was a weird time man. a truly weird time#anyway. all is well i have now been on 2 dates with a really cute girl and she gave me tulips <3#as part of a Care Delivery bc i had a Migraine and No Painkillers Or Snacks#get well flowers <333333#and now i dream of kissing her under the moonlight#With the uh. Hornetposting lately it May seem unlikely but yes I DO interact with real women! Romantically!#They coexist Wonderfully <3#Anyway. I’m gonna go to bed#Realising that im a lesbian solved all my identity problems including my fucking gender which is just fantastic#I am very happy and whenever I think of being a lesbian it grounds me to reality a little bit stronger and i go yeah. Yeah.
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konfizry · 3 months
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He would not fucking say that but listen,
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raelyn-dreams · 6 months
I think Ryuseitai and Crazy:B should have an event together purely for the Rinne-Chiaki parallels because the !! Main Story really gave us "If I had taken one wrong step, I would've ended up exactly like you" and then just. Never really elaborated when there is so much that could be done with it???
Do you know how often I think about the potential of these two??? I am literally skimming through stories for Chiaki-Rinne mentions its that bad.
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