#also donnie does have his tech bo!!!
tangledinink · 7 months
so I made the big momma dress and my brain went
"Big momma may be toxic as ever but she's still probably be chill with the twins wearing dressed if they wanted to she's just want to chose them"
So I made these more unfortunately for them after
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Leo's dress: much more flowy and dynamic made for the long strikes of confidence and to draw attention. Loose sleeve to make the dress more skinny and dramatic the bottom half is see through becuse pretty and lets more are through die to the mess.
Donnie's dress: alpt tighter and more form fitting made dark to blend in more and be the polar opposite of leo's much more triditional and calm eith short scenes to show off his markings. Belt attached on the waist and a more flowy ribbon is around the end of the sleeve.
Leo's pin: a simple brass sheild with twin katans stick into a tigars eye stone and ble glass behind the scene enphasises that leo's the defense of the two
Donnie's pin: based off a drawing Donnie made of a tech bow(becuwe I cant remember if he has one) with purple glass squared to highlights donnie's magic. Normally work on the belt attached to the dress getting simple enphasises donnies the awfence of the two
I love your au(is it wasn't obvious lol)
while im not quite convinced that big mama would go along with any potential requests from gemini's end, (not that they'd make any in the first place...) i can absolutely see her putting them in dresses if, say, a prominent enough designer proposed a lucrative enough brand deal of some kind...
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most stressful photoshoot of gemini's damn lives
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lactoseintolerentswag · 7 months
Rise Characterizations Pt. 3!!!
Now that Leo and Raph are done, it's Donnie's turn for character analysis as a writing reference. So without further ado,
Donnie Character Notes
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Language Habits:
Straight up talks like a redditor who hasn't touched enough grass (affectionate)
Oscillates between very scientific paper polished, sometimes adding a dazzle of shakespearean for dramatics, or abbreviations/a shorter version of a word with a more fun connotation (i.e. "brekkie" instead of breakfast)
Uses food as surprised exclamations or curses, "oh my peaches and cream", "banana pancakes!"
Emphasizes each syllable of a long word when he's excited or trying to make a point. Conquered becomes con-qu-ered
Either exaggerates his speech or speaks in deadpan
The science terms he uses as battle cries aren't chosen at random, but rather are related to the action/subject at hand, i.e. yelling "fibonacci" when throwing his spinning tech-bo
Will overly describe an item or a situation, and often gets caught up in these observations before processing what just happened
Will repeatedly yell "help!" when he's distressed and/or outnumbered
Refers to Mikey as "Michael"
Refers to his brothers as "brethren" or "gentlemen"
Refers to splinter as either "father", "papa", or "dad" depending on the weight of the situation
Refers to his tech as his "babies"
Answers the phone with, "You're conversing with Donatello"
Uses "gesundheit" instead of bless you
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The fixer, he supplies the family with tech and resources. He always has a trinket made for the situation at hand and/or offers his knowledge/data collected. He's always prepared to help. Even with outside resources, he likes to feel useful in solving their problems (i.e., building Todd that dog park)
The theater kid, in a similar vein to leo, Donnie has his own style of dramatics. He often uses shakespeare-like language, is mentioned to regularly recite the jupiter jim musical soundtrack, and has a music mode for his battle shell. He belongs on a stage, or at least thinks he does
Not good at lying, despite the glamour he can put on in the spotlight. This may be due to the side of himself that over explains his thoughts
An over-thinker, who really tends to over-complicate things. His first theory or idea will always be the most extreme buck-wild concept. After some filtering, he still word vomits
A dreamer/big idea guy. He does have big ideas and goals. A lot of these he's able to put into place, although some go a little haywire (see Albearto). He doesn't do things in halves, and puts everything into a project
Meticulous, someone who's very detail oriented. As mentioned before he tends to over-complicates things. This may be impacted by his love for data and collecting information (he does record Everything for a reason)
Always on the edge of violence, which is surprising. Donnie's not known as being the angry archetype of tmnt, but he can get a little violent in his fighting style and does often cite his desire to use lethal force
Low empathy, which is mainly due to his issues processing and recognizing emotions. He's been pegged as unemotional, but in canon he's rather emotional and expressionate, just lacking the skills to process such emotion (he's just like me fr)
Praise motivated, as seen with his interactions with Splinter. Also desires the praise of his brothers, who he doesn't feel understand him with all the teasing that's sent towards his direction. This also pushes him to seek validation and acceptance in other groups (i.e. the purple dragons), to feel a sense of security or belonging
Ignores his own mistakes, and will often pretend like they didn't exist or ever happen. This most likely has to do with his desire for praise, so he feels bad when he fails. If he never made a mistake, he never has to feel bad
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Fourth to unlock mystic powers
Uses "Bootyyyshaker9000" as most of his usernames and passwords, with his alt. username being "Alpha-Bootyyyshaker9000"
Has a fear of bees, spiders, and of course beach balls
Breaks the fourth wall the most
Loves the smell of pineapple, hates the texture
Has a hobby of rooting around in the junkyard and dumpster diving
Uses cheat codes in video games
Mikey's next of course :)
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freakadr0id · 2 years
ROTTMNT Character Fighting Style Analysis - Part 4: Donatello
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Hey! I’m back with my fight-style analysis! Sorry it took so long but we’re back in business!
This is a continuation of my first post about analyzing each of the Turtles' (+April's) fighting style, their strengths and weaknesses in a fight, and how Rise uses that to highlight different aspects of their character. I highly encourage you read that first before hopping into this one for full context. There is a bit of a TL;DR at the end.
[Part 1: Leo] [Part 2: Raph] [Part 3: Mikey] [...] [Part 5: April]
[Addendum] (Small addition to this analysis)
Next up on the stand is our dear Othello von Ryan aka Bootyyyshaker9000, aka...
Donatello: Striker/Support
Fighting Styles:
Categorizing Donnie's fighting style in Rise was surprisingly difficult as Donnie doesn't appear to have an easily identifiable pattern the way his brothers do. However, after I watched all the fights he's in several times over I've come to quite an interesting conclusion:
Unlike his brothers, Donnie doesn't have a specific fighting style - he has two.
Parry and Counterattack
Donnie's primary fight style in the show utilizes a more traditional combat approach (or as traditional as Donnie can get), utilizing his bo in combination with his tech to battle the enemy at close range. This fighting style is an interesting fusion of offensive and defensive techniques to create a style that caters to Donnie's strengths. It involves Donnie goading the enemy into attacking him with a series of swipes and jabs, then using a number of blocks and parry techniques to defend himself until he can find or create an opportune moment to create an opening and hit his foe with a devastating counterattack. While Donnie might not be the strongest turtle physically, his tech and proficiency with his bo make him a force to be reckoned with in his own right.
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Glass Cannon
Donnie's secondary method of fighting is one I would best describe as a "glass cannon" fight style. For those of you unfamiliar with it, the term 'glass cannon' comes from video games and TTRPGs and is used to describe a character that can deal a lot of damage, but has very little health and defense in return (think of wizard or ranged classes). "But wait, ‘Glass Cannon’ describes the attributes of a character, not their fighting style,” and yes, it does. However, in Donnie’s case, his fighting style changes in such a way that he becomes a glass cannon With this fighting style, Donnie tends to forgo the close-range, technical combat, instead more ranged attacks that rely solely on his tech. This is Donnie when he is fighting at his most offensive as these attacks can be VERY powerful and can deal a significant amount of damage, but they also leave him rather vulnerable. Donnie puts all his focus on dealing strong singular attacks, but if those fail, he ends up being more exposed to the enemy as his tech has very few defensive capabilities.
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Strengths and Roles in a Fight:
Donnie is the team's striker. His role in a fight is to deal powerful, precise hits against the enemy that are intended to quickly and efficiently defeat a foe. Both of his fight styles play into this role and both his Parry-and-Counterattack and Glass Cannon method are built to deliver strong, finalizing attacks. He is often seen entering a battle after his allies instead of charging right in (although he does sometimes do that - especially early on), choosing to be a bit more precise in who he fights, or joining an ally in order to provide that finishing blow if need be. His battleshell gives Donnie an aerial advantage, allowing him to swoop in unexpectedly and strike an enemy, or boost his speed and increase the strength of his attacks. While he is seen, on occasion, fighting outside of this role, he is at his strongest when filling the Striker position.
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Donnie also fills the role of the team's Support and assists his brothers, April, and other members in a fight with the use of his tech (ha, get it - he's tech support). This is different than how Mikey supports the team as Mikey directly affects the enemy by disabling them, while Donnie supports the team by directly affecting those he's fighting alongside. Donnie provides numerous helpful gadgets with his tech that has a seemingly infinite number of configurations and uses in battle. His tech-bo had almost every tool under the sun and his goggles can give tactical information in a fight by pointing out weaknesses or additional information about an opponent. He also helps in moving allies around the battlefield using his hammer/tech-bo and battleshell, giving them a stronger advantage in the air and providing aerial assistance if needed. There are times when Donnie supports his allies by inhibiting the enemy, but more often than not his support is provided directly to his team.
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Donnie's Parry and Counterattack style is, arguably, his best fighting style as he can utilize his tech while fighting without being overly reliant on it. When used properly he can go up against many types of enemies and it allows him to be a bit more adaptable in a fight than he is when he is using just his tech or just traditional fighting techniques.
His Glass Cannon fighting style should not be discredited, however, as it is incredibly strong, but it is more situational than the Parry-and-Counterattack method. There are times when it is useful to have that one powerful attack that can be used to finish off an enemy to deliver an immense amount of damage, but it needs to be done in tandem with his team. When Donnie fights as a Glass Cannon by himself, he becomes incredibly vulnerable and, without anyone to back him up, puts himself at huge risk when his attack fails. Having the others nearby help weaken the enemy, making his attack more effective, or can help defend Donnie should he need it.
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Donnie's fighting styles are best suited for short battles against a small number of enemies while he tends to have a hard time in long, drawn-out fights or against a large number of opponents. Donnie's strengths lie in his ability to deliver strong individual attacks, which work best when he is fighting against just a couple of enemies where he can properly focus his energy. However, the longer the fight goes on, the more Donnie begins to struggle - the longer the battle drags on, the more likely Donnie is to get hit. Despite the fact that he does very well on the defensive when using his Parry and Counterattack style, once Donnie gets hit it becomes very hard for him to recover.
Donnie's role as the Striker can conflict with his role as the Support, resulting in him often having to prioritize one over the other. If Donnie plays a more aggressive role in the fight, both his fighting styles don't give much opportunity for him to use his tech for anything but his own attacks. When Donnie needs to fall into his Support role, this means he has to significantly "back off," so to speak, so he can fully deploy and utilize his tech to help his team.
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How it plays into his character:
Donnie’s fight style and roles reveal a surprising amount of information about his character, including the complexities of his personality and how his strengths and flaws are demonstrated in the way he fights.
Donnie's Glass Cannon style is the direct result of his arrogance and overconfidence in his tech. Donnie takes pride in his tech and inventions, which isn't inherently a bad thing, however, this tends to feed into Donnie's arrogance, causing him to assume that his inventions could never fail. When he does this in battle, he puts so much emphasis on his tech and his confidence in its success that he doesn't consider the possibility that the attack may not work. However, there are times when the Glass Cannon fighting style is needed, which is when Donnie has to find a balance between relying on his tech for a powerful attack and having the humility to recognize when it may not be the best option.
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Donnie's Parry-and-Counterattack fighting style exemplifies how skilled Donnie can be when the best parts of his character come together. This fighting method requires Donnie to be skilled, patient, and tactical; while also demonstrating how Donnie can use his intelligence and engineering in battle without being overly reliant on it. Donnie can be rash and overeager in a fight, especially when it comes to using his tech, but when he uses his Parry-and-Counterattack style he is forced to address that in order to succeed. When Donnie uses his greatest strength, his intelligence, all of these pieces fall into place, making him a very strong fighter.
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Donnie's role as a Support may not be very obvious since he tends to fight more offensively, but the way he supports his team in a fight aligns very well with how Donnie expresses his care and affection for his family. Throughout the show, Donnie repeatedly tells us that emotion and affectionate gestures are difficult for him, which could make it seem that he has little care for his family. However, this is far from the case, Rise demonstrates time and time again that Donnie deeply cares about his family, but instead of expressing it outwardly, Donnie's affection comes through in his inventions. We see several instances in the show where Donnie makes upgrades to his tech to cater to his family's needs and interests - and he does the same thing in battle. He has several gadgets specifically designed to keep his family safe, and we see how he modifies his tech to accommodate the needs of others in a fight. The love Donnie has for his family translates into every part of their lives, including battle, even when it isn't immediately obvious to anyone else.
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In a Team Fight:
In a combined team effort, Donnie is the best option to go last in a team attack. Given Donnie's role as the Striker and his fighting style that is heavily geared towards singular heavy strikes, it makes sense for him to be the one to deliver that finishing blow. This is where his Glass Cannon style works best as his allies have already worn the enemy down enough to make his final, tech-heavy particularly devastating.
With the mobility and the assistance he can provide with his tech, Donnie can help set up a follow-up attack, but this means he has to take a more passive role in the fight and he doesn't get much of a chance to attack. This can be beneficial when going against weaker opponents, but less so when fighting stronger enemies.
Donnie doesn't work as well as an attacker in the early positions in a team attack as his skills as a fighter are not suited to properly set up a coordinated effort. Even though his Parry-and-Counterattack style can create an opening in the opponent's defense, it also needs a very quick attack to follow up on that, which is difficult to execute without another person nearby. Attacking first or second may also require Donnie to fight his foe for a longer period of time, which increases the chance that Donnie will get hit and won't give him the time needed to recover from it.
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Donnie's analysis was definitely the most difficult one of the bunch. Whereas Leo, Raph, and Mikey all have instantly recognizable roles and fighting styles, Donnie's was much more complex. You know he's the tech guy in and out of a fight, but trying to find where he fits into battle beyond that was challenging. Interestingly enough, it mirrors how his own character is presented, where you know Donnie's general shtick early on, but it can be difficult to understand his character beyond the surface level if you don't pay attention.
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[TL;DR: Donnie has two distinct fighting styles in the show - one that prioritizes close-range Parrying and Counterattack techniques and one where he prioritizes his tech and becomes a Glass Cannon. These both feed into his role as the team's Striker, where he functions best as the final attack in a team battle - while also acting as the team's Support by assisting his allies with less combative tech. His roles and fighting style are all very indicative of Donnie's overall personality and the complexities of his character.]
Oh it’s good to be back doing these again. Sorry again for taking so long, but college be college and college be a bi- well, you know. Next up is our girl April O’Neil. I really will try to get it out tomorrow but I won’t make any guarantees.
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msbarrybeeson · 2 years
Like You | Donnie X Reader (Part I)
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A/N: Aha, confession imagine with Donnie? This is a part one, because I wanted to make a dramatic scene with you and Donnie during homecoming. Actually, this is the first time I’m applying two parts. Anyway, remember that constructive criticism is appreciated, and enjoy!
Summary: You were avoiding Donnie, so he pleaded April to talk to you, hoping he’d understand what happened. But low and behold, he found his own brother there.
Pairing: Rise!Donnie X Reader
Reader: Gender-neutral pronouns used. Mostly mentions. Few actual appearances.
Genre: Dramatic Fluff & Humor
Warning: Not proofread? I was in a hurry to get the argument part in.
Word Count: ~1430
Part: One / Two
“They’ve been avoiding me April!” Donatello complained, falling back on his chair while covering his face in dread. “I don’t understand. What went wrong— what is it did I do wrong?”
“Are you for real? That’s what you called me in for?” April crossed her arms. “(Name)’s probably just a bit shy around you.” 
“Oh the naïveté, it is never that simple.” He shook his head. “I hadn’t detected any signs of discomfort a couple of weeks ago. Then, suddenly, they don’t even respond to my texts until 48 hours 20 minutes later!
In fact,” the soft-shelled turtle slouched over, grumbling, “they decided to see another guy for calculus tutoring.”
April raised her eyebrow. “How did you even know—?” “And he’s not close to having the brains like I do!” As per usual during his rambling, Donnie ignored the question. 
She rolled her eyes.
“Don, you gotta calm down.” April placed her hand on his shoulder. “Maybe they’ve got a crush on you too, and they don’t know how to tell you that. They do owe you an explanation though….”
“Hah, sure, give me false hope that they’ll return—.”
“Oh no. Don’t you dare switch up on that cocky attitude of yours from just a second ago.” April hushed him. “Look, Donnie, if it bothers you so much, I—.”
Donnie slammed his hands on his armrests and sat upright. 
“—can secretly get (Name) to reveal their thoughts to you, while wearing a camera I can attach to you?”
“Wait what, I never said—!”
“I thought you’d never say so!”
April’s eyes widened. “Hold up, I’m not about to put (Name) on the spot like that! What if they say something that they don’t want you to hear?”
“Ignorance is bliss, April, they won’t have to know.”
“Well, for one, Don, I’m not that close to them. We don’t have any classes together. Also, I don’t wanna creep them out by asking personal stuff out of nowhere!” she said. “Are you trying to embarrass me!?” 
He groaned. “All right, I give in! Just at least ask them how’re they’re doing before I start chewing on my tech-bo.”
“At least I got something to entertain myself in school for once,” April muttered to herself, hiding behind one of the beams. “But I don’t see (Name) around, not with so many kids in the hall.” The camera on her glasses blinked. “Seriously, how much money does this school want?”
“April, over there by the lockers—. Who the hell is that?” 
April glanced to where Donnie mentioned. You were talking with a guy in a basketball uniform and cap. Oh boy, she could hear the bitterness through her earpiece.
“So, this must be her new, pathetic calculus tutor. Really, a guy in gym shorts?”
“Don, I can hear your muttering. And quit trash-talking about (Name)’s choice in tutors.”
“Whatever,” he scoffed, burning holes into the guy’s head when you started to smile with him. “Let me activate the human identification program based on your school’s database, so I— I mean— we could get a name.” 
Donnie paused for a moment. “Although, he does seem oddly familiar—.”
April’s eyes widened. “Hold up, is that Leo?”
Donnie monotonously replied, “Ha, that’s funny, April. Leonardo would never go to a school willingly—.” The student turned around, revealing the red markings on his green face. Not just that, his own program flashed a message in red. 
Donnie fell off his chair, choking. 
April immediately touched her earpiece. “Don! You good back there?!”
“Of course not! Why the hell is Leo in your school!?”
He grimaced even more at the sight of you laughing (more like chuckling) alongside his oh-so opposite brother. “April, quick, get closer to them without being noticed!” Donnie commanded. “I demand answers!”
“I thought our plan is to talk to them, not eavsdrop!” 
“Hey, plans change when it is necessary…. It-is-necessary, and I’m paying you twenty bucks for this!” 
April facepalmed in embarrassment. She snuck closer in, turning her head away so you and Leo wouldn’t recognize her. There, while the camera couldn’t catch your faces, its microphone did pick up on your conversation better. 
“I’m thankful I can count on you, Leon.” They could hear you sigh. “Calculus is taking up so much time, and my tutor isn’t being helpful..”
“Anything for mi amigue.” The red-earred slider grinned, leaning on the lockers. 
Donnie frowned. He didn’t want to question it, but.. were you feeling more comfortable with his brother than him..?
Then, Leo coughing brought Donnie back from his thoughts. “I do got something to ask you, though, (Name).” The soft-shelled turtle narrowed his eyes at how Leo rubbed his neck nervously. Worry was bubbling inside. 
“You said homecoming’s coming up soon, right?”
It piqued everyone’s interest. “In a week, I mean, there are posters everywhere for it. Why.. do you ask?”
“…You don’t have a date yet, do you?”
April gasped, covering her mouth.
That was it. Donnie’s heart dropped.
Suddenly, the microphone lost focus on you two. Instead, the host’s heavy breathing was heard. Donnie’s camera was shaking up a lot, making him panic. 
“Hey hey hey! They’re not done talking yet, April! I need to know what their answer is!”
“Dale’s coming my way!” she exclaimed, shuffling between other students. “And I’m not about to get asked out to homecoming by him again!” 
Not long after, Donnie’s camera disconnected. He sat there in shock… until he clutched his head. “No, no, no! This shouldn’t be happening!” 
Questions ran through his brain. It wasn’t adding up: how could Leonardo like you too? You and he had no common interests! Why did it have to be him out of everyone else!? 
“AHRGH!” Donnie groaned, slamming his head against his desk. Then, he stood up from his chair, storming out while punching numbers into his phone. “That’s it! I’m going to have a civil discussion with this traitor!”
A tennis racket flew across the room.
“Don, Donnie, I know what you’re going to say, but I promise— OOMPH!” Leo was knocked hard in the face by a thrown tennis ball.
“You!” Donnie snapped, picking up another one. “You traitor! You knew I like (Name), yet you proceeded to ask them to this homecoming dance anyway!” The red-eared slider dodged the second throw. 
“Is that why you randomly asked me, last week, to do your calculus problems for you! Taking my notes and answers only to give to them and take credit for my calculations!”
“I knew it was too good to be true: Leonardo, who’s never read any novels or understood mathematics beyond basic algebra, wanted to learn calculus!”
“Hey! I know more than you think, okay!” Blue took offense. “Donnie, listen to me—.”
“It just had to be another cliché, doesn’t it! The ridiculous ‘love interest picks the jock over the nerd’ scenario! Oh, I’ve had enough of your stupid stunts ruining everything, Leo!” Donnie tried to throw a punch, but he fell over onto the ground when his brother jumped to the side.
“Listen to me for once, Donnie— I never asked them to homecoming with me!”
“Oh, but Leonardo, why in the name of logic would you ever ask them whether or not they have a date to homecoming— while looking soo nervous back there— without any intention of asking them out?” Distaste dripping from his words.
“Bro.. I was asking for you!”
Donnie shook his head, tsking. “Excuses, excuses....” When his brother’s words loaded, he froze. “Excuse me, did you just say you asked them out for me? Why would you ever—!?”
“Hey, you had an opportunity waiting, and I took it for you.” Leon nudged him. “Don’t act like I didn’t just do you a favor.”
“I could’ve done that myself! There were posters everywhere; I would’ve known, therefore, I would’ve asked them!”
“Hah, mi hermano, you’re saying you’d actually have the confidence to tell them?”
Donnie scrunched his face and stared down at the floor. His smug brother wasn’t wrong on that; he used to be more sure, but with your distance, he had a hard time confronting you with his feelings. He didn’t want to make things any more awkward.
“Hey.” Leon grabbed Donnie’s shoulders. “Just be yourself, Don. Knowing them, they’ll love you no matter how weird and science-y you get.” 
Purple deadpanned. “Wow, you sure know how to reassure someone.” He touched Leon’s hand, gazing up to meet his eyes. A small smile formed on his face. “…Thanks.”
"Espera un minuto, repeat that again? I, uh, I didn’t catch that.” 
Donnie shoved him away.
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Hello! Can I plz ask for the ROTTMNT brothers (separately) react to their s/o being cute and innocent? Like they love watching animated movies, become a blushing mess if there's a kissing scene or in real life, love to draw, cook/bake, and dance, also are curious about everything. Oh, and they don't understand dirty jokes and if someone curses they put a hand over their mouth and look flabbergasted. They also are shorter than them and have small hands.
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Oh mi gosh,
You two are the most wholesome couple this side of anywhere.
Literally two peas in a pod.
Disney movies every movie night,
You bake together,
You draw together,
And he loves watching you dance around.
One of your favorite things to do is to walk around the city at night,
Just to see what you'll find.
He loves how easily flustered you are,
He thinks it's just the cutest!
Mikey thinks it's hilarious how shocked you get when someone swears.
You'd think someone just killed your grandmother!
The first time it happened is a treasured memory for the whole family.
Leo had fallen off his skateboard and smacked his face on the ground.
*Le gasp* "Language! Oh my gosh!"
Everyone just kinda looked at you then started laughing.
Mikey loves how much shorter than him you are.
I mean sure, it's only a few inches,
But he likes to rest his head ontop of your's.
Leo loves to make "That's what she said" jokes around you,
Mikey hates it,
He's scared you'll lose your innocence.
But everytime Leo goes, "That's what she said!"
You'll just look at him and say, "That's what who said? Who is 'She'? And why won't anyone tell me for gosh sake??"
"I'll tell you when you're older Cutie Pie."
You and Mikey are literally the sweetest couple, like, ever!
He finds your innocence impressive.
With the excistence of the internet,
He assumed there were no innocent teenagers left.
But you are on a whole new level of innocent.
And he thinks it's adorable.
Donnie does his best to shield you from Leo's jokes,
Because he is not about to let you be ruined by his brothers' crude sense of humor.
So imagine his surprise when you come ask him what one of these jokes mean.
He looks at you,
Then sighs,
You look at him confused as he stands up and grabs his tech bo
*Que screaches of fear*
Donnie loves that you dance too.
You guys have small disco parties every Saturday night.
He also loves how naturally curious you are,
Because it usually leads to him answering your endless questions about a ceratain topic.
But he doesn't mind.
He likes it when you ask him questions.
He also thinks its adorable how easily you get flustered.
Especially when it's over something as little as a movie scene.
He will tease you,
Just to fluster you even more.
And holy truffle mac & cheese,
You're so small!!
He has a habbit of resting his elbow on your head.
Kinda like how he leans on his tech bo.
You'll usually wave him off, and grab his hand instead.
Raph loves your innocent nature.
It just plays into how sweet you are,
And Raph loves him some sugar.
He's more than happy to participate in your hobbies,
Especially if it means you're trying to teach him something new.
You just look so cute when you're concetrating!
Like Donnie,
He does his best to keep you from Leo's awful jokes,
And like you,
He isn't very fond of swearing.
He'll act just as flabberghasted as you if one of his brothers were to swear.
Like, ExCuSE mE??
WaTcH YoUr MouTh YoUnG MaN!
Now when it comes to how much smaller you are than him,
It really depends on the day for how he feels about it.
On the one hand,
You are so tiny and adorable and he could just hug you for hours like holy crap.
Then on the other hand,
He is terrified he'll hurt you.
Human skin is just so friggin fragile,
And he doesn't want to be the reason you're in pain.
Just make sure your sweet self reassures him,
He'll get over it pretty quick with your help.
Oh my god, this boy teases you endlessly.
His favorite thing ever is to make you all flustered and stuff.
Whenever you two watch movies together he'll always pick some cheesy romance flick,
Just so he can watch you hide your face in your shirt whenever something romantic happens.
Leo loves baking with you.
Even if he's only allowed to watch.
(He set the kitchen on fire the last time he tried to actually help and in turn was perma banned from cooking.)
He likes trying all the sweet treats you bake up for everyone.
He also enjoys making jokes he knows you won't understand,
Because you look so cute when you're confused,
Your face gets all scrunched up while you try to figure out the joke,
And to him it's the cutest thing in the world.
Leo likes it when you freak out over swearing,
He thinks its funny.
You'll fan yourself with your hand all taken aback.
And your voice goes up an octave when you adress it,
"PARdon me?"
"I said fuck, (Name)."
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0mysticmidnight0 · 2 months
hey so can I get a scenario possibly with rise donnie. Him and his s/o were watching the mask of zorro and the dance scene comes up and s/o is like “wish that was me”. Donnie tends to absorb other people’s words. So how does he go about planning a dancing date? How would the day go? Or would he just get the music out and whisk them to dance right that instant?
Great idea! Hope you enjoy! For anyone reading, if you're interested in requesting, please do so! As or the scenario, even if you haven't watched "Mask of Zorro" I can assure you'll enjoy this scenario regardless! (i hope-)
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~Dance the Night Away~
You are currently with Donnie in the TV room for your once a week movie night! This week, it was your turn to pick the movie so you decided to pick "Mask of Zorro". You put it on and sit next to Donnie as the film starts. While watching the film, it was getting a bit late and you dance scene starts playing. You stared in awe as their bodies moved effortlessly and elegantly. Donnie was doing something on his phone, not paying much attention but listening to the music, moving his head occasionally to the song. You yawned and continued watching them dance with one another.. "Wish that was me". You smiled, not thinking anything of it while continuing the film. You didn't think Donnie heard you. Heck,You weren't even sure you said it out loud! Though, you caught him just staring at you.. "What?" you look at him. "I may just have a fix to all your problems!" he says as he proudly stands up. You sigh as you continue watching the film while Donnie rushed to his lab. Once the movie ended, You looked around for Donnie, a bit upset he didn't finish the movie with you. You entered his lab, it was playing your favorite song and there was a disco ball from Donnie's Tech bo hanging above you and there was also a dance floor. Flashing lights across the room. You looked around as his lab was all decked out with decor. You were surprised to find Donnie as he put his arm out for you to take. "So, this was your fix to all of my problems?" You chuckled. "Well, not all of your problems. but, i have been waiting for is for a while. I had to install the dance floor and fix the disco ball since LEO BROKE IT!..." He grumbles at the thought. "But of course, i managed to fix it before your movie ended!" He says this proudly. "Though that's not important right now.."
"So, May i have this dance, My love?"
I apologize that this scenario was a bit short, but let me know if you liked it! You can always request again! I hope you enjoyed! From: MysticMidnight
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14muffinz · 7 months
You know those aus? Where the characters are combined or 'fused?'
I've been thinking about that under the circumstances of a tmnt crossover fic. Where this combination is unwilling.
So the way I can see this going means it absolutely has to involve rise, which I also like because it allows for funky designs. Some mission in the hidden city, possibly involving big mama because ✨drama✨, and each boy is fused with their counterpart.
This can be very different depending on the iteration, so I'm just gonna write down vaguely I imagine each one being:
Leo: Slightly obsessive with training. He's passionate, but maybe a bit too much. He's a great strategist, but is unfortunately bad at explaining his plans to his brothers. The more anxious he is, the more talkative he becomes, usually spouting quips to distract himself. Has knowledge with a bunch of different weapons, but prefers the classic katanas.
Raph: Anxiety. This boy is stressed at all times, and the only way he knows how to mask it is by grouching, or hitting things. The people around him are infuriating, especially because they keep asking all these questions. Like, he's just one guy, why can't they get that? Raph carries both his sai and tonfa, but will more often fight with his tonfa.
Donnie: Very smart. Their brain processes information very fast. They like when things make sense. They're also the only fusion aware that they're a fusion, which, like Raph, they are not a big fan of. Their fusion is the least stable, defaulting to we/us and preferring they/them over he/him, though both are acceptable. They don't remember what each button on the tech bo does, but they do have a staff with a taser on each end as a comprimise.
Mikey: Wholsomest boy. The only reason he doesn't know about the fusion stuff is that the Aprils and Caseys don't want to burst his bubble, but they're all pretty sure he could take it. Big fan of art, he loves to cook as well but due to conflicting knowledge they don't do it as much as they would separately. He loves the extra long chain he gets from rise Mikey's kusari-fundo, so he uses that, though similar to the Raph's sometimes they'll carry around nunchaku as well.
So yeah, the supporting cast were not on this mission and thus were not turned. They received an emergency alert from rise donnie's systems while everybody was being fused, which is the only warning that they got.
It's mostly on Draxum to make a fix, but it's unfortunately not that simple because they're from different dimensions. Casey JR (is it alr if I call him June because I'm gonna fair warning it's instinct) tries to help where he can, but his knowledge is limited. There's a big argument between the Aprils over whether or not informing the Mikeys of the situation and letting them help would speed things up or not.
The issue with telling them, is Raph's very much denying the information. They know about it, but they refuse to listen. The Donnie's took a lot of convincing as well, and the topic clearly causes them a lot of distress, though they refuse to explain exactly why.
That's all I've got for right now. But if anyone wants to help me make this a solid au, please shoot me an ask. Please. I'm begging. I really want to have more to say about this but I need someone to pick my brain.
Tag is forced fusions au!
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mika-ayumi · 2 years
Ok so despite the fact my main tmnt oc is for leo. Donnie is my absolute favorite.
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He.Is.sweetheart. a nerdy.sarcastic.cold blooded. SWEETHEART!
Now hes not the biggest fan of pda. But he will hold your hand or have an arm around you.
He makes you so much stuff. Like you have drawer called "Donnies gifts" because hes made you so many that you are running out of room in your room! You love Them all BUT THERE IS SO MUCH!! He has made you a music box before and it sits on your desk
He helps you with homework. And will even tutor you if you want!!
He is a very good tutor and makes sure you understand the material to the full possibility! He is actually very patient when he tutors or helps you.
He has come to your school on multiple occasions. One to hang out with you. Two he wants to go to school. This started cause you texted him you lost your lost your favorite pen and he showed up with a new pen(purple ink ofc) and just stayed with you for the rest of the day.
You make sure he's going to bed at normal times and actually sleeping because you shouldn't be told by mikey donnie hasn't left the lab other then to get coffee in the past 3 days.
Shelldon? That is now your son. Im sorry but not my choice.(You hold him like misty from pokemon holds togapi)
Speaking of pokemon. You got him heavily into pokemon. He loves it, he owns the handbooks and all the games.
Video game competitions. Just. Video game competitions.
He will go on tech rants to you. Even if you have no idea whats hes saying he's just Happy you are willing to listen
Matching coffee mugs. Even if you don't drink coffee.
He usually calls you by name or shorten version of your name. But he does have nicknames he calls you. Some include " Honey, babe(most frequently used), and angel.
Scientific pick up lines. He doesn't use them often but he likes see the blush you get when he does use them.
Speaking of blushing. He blushes very easy. And when he does. He always trys to hide it as not ruin his "image"
You both will go on rooftops and just stargaze. He finds it peaceful and just loves your company
He is protective. Like if you get hurt? That person be fast runner. Because they will have angry purple turtle with tech bo about to beat their ass.
He cant always express how much he loves you. But trust me he really does love you
When he takes his battle shell off around you. He forever trusts you. Its also unspoken thing that you are allowed to touch his shell. Just be gentle
If you do steal his hoodies. He's not mad infact he thinks its adorable. But he will steal your oversized ones
If you have an animal? That thing is now his child. Its not allowed in his lab but he loves it. Especially cats I see him as a cat person. Has made it toys before.
He has playlist of your favorite songs and plays them when he misses you
If you have long hair he has spare hair ties(all in purple ofc)
He has taught you some things about tech and he was so happy to teach you.
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dandylovesturtles · 3 months
Also I feel like you might have mentioned this before but I can't remember, in World Away, how quickly does Donnie establish a "lab"?
Does he still build a battle shell and tech-bo? Does he invent Shelldon? What about the Tank?
Also now wondering what his encounter with the Purple Dragons would be or is like, if he runs into them at all in this AU.
It takes him a little while, probably the better part of a year before he really gets a space you could consider a "lab". Donnie's still a genius, but his knowledge of tech prior to escaping was largely situational. He worked out how to use a computer and some programming basics from watching the scientists, he's worked out some basics of circuits by messing with the security measures around his enclosure, he's figured out some basics of physics just from pure observation and understanding of the world, but he's got a lot of gaps in his knowledge that he'll have to catch up on. Of course, as soon as he's free, April starts bringing him books from the library and eventually sets him up with a computer so he can study on his own and he covers ground really fast. It will take him until he's a few years older to catch up to canon Donnie but he moves fast.
He also has a tendency to take apart literally any device Splinter brings into the lair, and at some point Splinter decides it would be better to give him a space to play so there aren't exposed wires and screws and gears everywhere. He's not allowed to lock the door, and Splinter is a lot more diligent about checking up on him throughout the day, to make sure he hasn't hurt himself and is remembering to eat.
(In general Splinter is a lot more attentive in this AU than in canon - having his kids stolen right out from under his nose did a lot for his character development off screen.)
I kind of like the idea that 100ft Donnie actually doesn't build battle shells - after so long with his shell exposed I think he would find it a bit constricting. He does still build himself wearables that he can use for different purposes, including jetpacks and spider arms, they just connect to his body with more of an exoskeleton type design than a shell.
He will absolutely make his baby the tech-bo, the second his dad hands him that normal wooden bo he'll go "haha no thanks" and make his own. It'll take him awhile to get it right, though. And he'll definitely make Shelldon eventually, we can't leave his son out!
The tank is my favorite thing that Donnie has made so I'd hate to not have it... I think it just takes longer. Plus the kids aren't obsessed with Jupiter Jim right away anyway. They will be soon enough, basically the first time Leo sees one of the movies on TV it's over, but the moon buggy isn't something he'd recognize right away so he'd have to find it later.
Thinking of how the Purple Dragons could come into play IS interesting! I don't think they'd be classmates of April's in the universe, but still teenagers. Maybe in this timeline they meet Donnie while they're in the middle of their own heist and Donnie, attempting to get something for a project, just happens to run into him? He'd likely still be enchanted by the jackets, though, but I think he would just try to steal one haha.
They think he's some kind of weird gremlin and they don't understand how he keeps messing up their tech.
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sodalpop · 11 months
okay, so i've been thinking a lot about those analysis type posts about leo being underestimated lately. i don't know if this counts as analysis type post or anything, but it's my thoughts about something i noticed when rewatching rise again.
so when i first watched rise i remember watching the episode Many Unhappy Returns and not trusting leo's plan at all, so when i first watched this scene:
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How come nobody trusts me? None of you guys have any faith in me. Why?
i remember being really surprised. i also remember thinking about how leo never really gave a reason for his family to trust him though.
during my rewatch, while watching The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek, i saw how leo was the one who got him and his brothers caught after he failed in his attempt to grab gus' dog tag and thought that could be a reason for why his family doesn't think he's trustworthy. But after thinking about that for a while, i realized that scene where he tries to grab gus' tag it could be argued that's why he is trustworthy. i'll explain.
during the first half of the episode, the turtles are shown to be bad at doing and recognizing what splinter teaches them. this is specifically shown with mikey trying to turn off the sun to keep to the shadows and raph stomping the ground trying to be light as a feather i think donnie also specifically fails in a method, not via attempting it, but not recognizing it here:
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if you count donnie's failure to recongize his tech-bo staff being pulled from him as a specific instance, all the turtles have a specific instances of failing spilnter's teachings, except leo.
later on in the episode raph, mikey, and donnie execute splinter's lessons poorly again, with donnie trying to blend in with his surroundings with an out of place cart, mikey and donnie speaking loudly enough to be heard making his slow motion jitsu very easy to spot, and raph trying to stick to the shadows by covering himself with a leaf, and later a painting. splinter ends up saving them. both indirectly and directly by not being an actual bellhop in mikey and donnie's case and throwing a painting in cover raph.
when leo tries splinter's lesson of blind spots, he's a lot more successful than his brothers. no one in the crowd of people he's in notices him advancing on gus, not even gus himself. where gus was shown to realize another presence because of a smell in the the other turtles cases:
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Something doesn't smell right!
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What is that awful smell?!
he doesn't have this reaction to leo at all because leo catches him at a time where he's distracted:
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leo out of all his brother's actually gets the closest to actually stealing gus' dog tag and only gets interrupted and caught is because everyone starts cheering after the announcer announces that kid cthulu won. an outside force is the reason for why leo failed to grab gus' tag, not because he was noticed for bad execution of splinter's teachings and then needing to be saved.
but because he was the one who ultimately ended up getting him and his brothers caught:
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that's the scene i remembered the most before rewatching the episode despite leo actually doing well this episode.
i don't really have a conclusion for this, other than i think leo doesn't get enough credit for when he actually does do things well and he deserves to be trusted a lot more than i initially thought.
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tangledinink · 9 months
So does swanatello have a different fighting style than Donnie? If so what’s it like? Does he still use the techy aspect of his Bo staff?
:''') I tried to answer a bunch of asks (mostly swanatello related) together in a lump but tumblr had some sort of error and deleted a bunch of them as I was doing so. So I have all the ANSWERS that I wrote out,,, but not most of the asks = 3 = So??? Answers under the cut, and my best approximation of the lost asks! If yours isn't in here, I'm almost certainly hoarding it so I can draw an answer later on!
His fighting style is similar, as the foundation is still the same, but with a ballet flavor! His movements tend to be very graceful and 'swoopy' now, though he also tends to be a lot more aggressive in his attacks. He unfortunately lost his tech bo, along with his headset and tech gauntlet, during his transformation and his family has not yet been able to locate them. He is also currently unable to access his ninpo, so the integration of tech, mystical or otherwise, is missing from his combat style at the moment. He is, however, able to manipulate both light and the water of the lake (think waterbending style) when fighting-- or is it the lake fighting with him...?
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The Lake's Curse affects his memory. Anything that might detract from his ability to serve as the Lake's Guardian is obscured-- such as his family and details of his life before. They're not entirely GONE, Swanatello just has... a hard time accessing them sometimes. When his brothers are around, he has something to latch onto and has an easier time accessing obscured memories. But when they leave, the Curse works very hard to wipe them out again.
[ Ask was basically just a lovely compliment that I very much enjoyed, mentioned heartbreaking and had a sparkle heart emoji in it which is my fav <3]
Thank you! ; w ; I'm glad you like them!!!
[Ask was encouraging me to watch Princess Tutu!]
IT'S ON MY TO DO LIST... ; w ;
[Ask was inquiring if there was anywhere in particular where Swanatello likes to spend his time on the lake when his brothers aren't around.]
He usually spends most of his time alone dancing on the surface of the water-- or, if not this, he very much enjoys the willow trees the grows by the bank.
[Ask was inquiring if the Lake has ever felt the need to intervene directly rather than just affecting Swanatello's memory]
Not yet, at least...
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Yes. :)
[Ask was inquiring if Swannie views the lake as a deity or entity.]
Basically, yes. He views it as a living, sentient thing. And to be fair it... kind of is.
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His family, without a doubt. But his room, his lab, and the internet are a close second...
[Ask said 'since I can't boop Swanatello, can I get a fist bump?]
He's going to bite you! Be careful!!!
[Ask about whether or not I've seen the new Mutant Mayhem trailer with the turtle tots!]
Yes, they're very cute! <3
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beanieable · 1 year
Mikey: *chatting with his new friend online* Would you like me if I was a turtel?
Shoyo(Rise!Mikey): *chatting, knowing fully this is his alternativ self* Of course! I love turtles. Turtles are like the coolest.
Mikey: *on the verge of tears* My new best friend thinks I’m the coolest.
Donnie: *looking at the Tech Bo* Where did you get the high grade titanium? It must have been expensive!
Tsubaki(Rise!Donnie): It wasn’t. Just have to take it without asking.
Donnie: You stole it?!
Tsubaki: Of course… not.
Daiki(Rise!Leo): *kicks the door down looking panicked*
Leo: What did you do?
Daiki: Nobody died.
Soma(Rise!Raph): *accidentally hits Raph in the face*
Soma: *trying to decide between saying 'I'm sorry' and 'Are you okay'*
Raph: *utter confusion* What?
Tsubaki: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen!
Leo: Really? Name one law.
Tsubaki: Don’t kill people?
Leo: That's on me. I set the bar too low.
Soma: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Tsubaki: Stop romanticizing the past.
Daiki: *talking to Casey and April* I was arrested for being too cool.
Tsubaki: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Tsubaki: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Leo: Oh, you’ve been?
Tsubaki: Once. In the Hidden- Monopoly. In Monopoly.
Shoyo, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Soma and Leo: You did WHAT–
Mikey: William Snakepeare
Donnie/Tsubaki: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Soma: Wasn't Daiki with you?
Daiki: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Soma: *regretting his life choices*
Tsubaki: Naturally, we are on the cutting edge of technology.
Casey, amazed: Wow...
Mikey, to Casey: Well what does that mean?
Casey: I don't know.
Casey, to Tsubaki: What does that mean?
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
Since I am bored, here is what i think the rise boys would be like if they were in the 2012 storyline
(All the other characters remain as their 2012 versions, only the turtle brothers are swapped)
✨Season 1 edition✨
(first few are from the episode "Rise of the Turtles" and the rest are just jumbled)
Since i dont think you can just go up and buy an alligator snapping turtle and a spiny softshell turtle as pets let's say Splinter worked at a zoo or something
Leo, Donnie and Raph were new arrivals while Mikey just hatched a few days ago amd Splinter was assigned to idk, take care of them
Splinter was about to let them join with the others in their enclosure but the Kraang arrived to try and get some animals for testing
Splinter fought them, accidentally getting the mutagen on himself and the turtle, mutating them and turning him into a rat (he was feeding the snakes with rats before he went to check on the turtles)
He ran off with the turtles, trying to get away from the kraang and taking care of the new turtle tots at rhe same time
They still have different ages, Mikey being 13, Donnie and Leo being 14 and Raph being 15
Only Mikey has an exact birthday since he was hatched when Splinter was there, Donnie and Leo arrived at the zoo at the same time so they considered them twins while Raph arrived in a different time.
They celebrate mutation day with the tradition of Splinter telling them their "super hero origin story"
Raph was the only one actually allowed to go up top since he's 15 but the brothers complained and he promised to watch out for his brothers when they do
They are a lot more stealthy than they were before, it's a necessity for Raph, since he's big
Raph was the one that suggested they save April (instead of 2012 Donnie)
Leo and Donnie were ready to run off and had to be dragged back to join them in saving the girl
They fail miserably because they're not used to working together yet
Raph volunteers to be the leader (instead of 2012 Leo)
Leo was the one that threatened Snake when they caught him
"Let's play a game I creatively call, Mutation roulette! You can turn out as handsome as moi! Or you can turn into Donnie." "Wow." "Shut up, Donnie, you're ruining my drama!"
Raph had a hard time coming up with a strategy until Leo butts himself in
Leo is still the turtle that taunts Snakeweed to the power source thing
Donnie is still the turtle that saves April from the helicopter
Because none of them has a crush on April, there's no excuse at writing her badly.
Instead of the classic Leo and Raph rivalry, it's Donnie and Leo that fights for Splinter's attention
The spiderbytes episode would not happen because Raph is still like his Rise self, nothing really changes
It also wont happen because Mikey steals the phone, Leo smashes it on the pavement and Donnie makes sure no one believes the man
Donnie has a traditional bo instead of his tech bo because i dont think he can get his advanced tech in the living conditions of 2012
Plus Splinter is a but more strict on the hacking of banks
Since Jupiter Jim does not exist, they only ever watch Space Heroes, Mikey absolutely loves it
Donnie names Metalhead "Shelldon"
Leo thinks the name is so boring for such a cool robot
Raph still has Spike
Mikey still tries to befriend Chris Bradford and is the first to kick him in the ass when he finds out what he reslly is
When Splinter asked Raph whybhe thinks he was chosen as the leader, he answers with:
"Because i'm the eldest, and as the eldest, its my job to protect my brothers"
His answer is another reason why he won't be staying as leader for long
He is very much into the idea of being heroes
Often times Leo is the one that ends up giving strategies and ideas to the team
This caused somewhat of a fight between Donnie and Leo because Donnie thinks Leo is trying to steal the leader spot from Raph to get Splinter's approval
(don't worry they may fight for Splinter's attention but they're still twins through and through)
"Trying to steal the— you don't even listen to Raph half the time!" "Yeah because the ideas come from you!" "Those ideas helped us win!" "If you would just let Raph think for himself then—" "Fine! I'm gone!"
Leo walks away after that argument
"See if you can work as a team without me then!"
Karai ambushes Leo as usual
Leo sees her as a challenger, a fresh of breath air
"Look at what you did, Donnie! Leo's crying!" "It's just blinding powder, Mikey, this ninja ambushed me and—" "Someone ambushed you?! Are you alright?!" "I'm fine, Raph, geez."
Splinter taught him a lesson that he already knew.
His brothers doesn't need him, he needs his brothers.
The incident with Snakeweed happens like before, Mikey still gets knocked out and Raph only ever tells Donnie to attack and Donnie, out of pride, has to follow orders.
Raph tells them to retreat even if Donnie doesn't want to
Donnie ends up finding Leo and Karai on the rooftop before they plan on stealing the sword. (instead of 2012 raph finding him)
Leo does the naming most of the time
Mikey still tames and names Leatherhead and instead of the weird pizza soup, he actually cooks hims something nice
Mikey loves cooking and when April gabe them groceries from time to time as a thanks, he took that as a sign to learn how to cook
He shudders everytime he remembers they were eating algae and worms for most of the 13 years of their lives
Also the first to discover pizza
Him and April bond over cooking
Donnie ends up being close to April like a sister, he's slowly turning her into ghe darkside
"Stop corrupting her, Donnie" "She already came in like this."
Donnie wants to go to April's school but he knows he can't
His motivation of saving Kirby is not because of April (maybe a little bit since he's a bit guilty that he at first, was about to ignore her when she needed help) but because he wants to prove himself
He named the Newtrilizer like usual and Leo is offended
The whole A team, B team still happens, but the B team ends up being menaces.
The purple dragons do not like Leo and Donnie, most importantly they don't like Mikey (Mikey yelled at them for choosing a life of crime instead of actually working for once)
Donnie and Leo had a little bit too much fun rolling Chris Bradford around in the trash can when they used him as hostage in exchange of Murakami
Mikey smiling down on him was the last one he saw before he was shoved in said trash can
Most of the ninjas are afraid of how big Raph is
The brothers bully Baxter Stockman as per usual
The parasitica episode is practically the same, but Raph and Donnie's bites hurt a lot more
Instead on just focusing on tech, Donnie is more rounded and has knowledge with chemistry and biology
Leo is team medic because Donnie does not want to touch the ew
It's practically the same when they first encountered the Shredder, but Donnie and Leo kept on attacking
Mikey went in his shell when the billboard fell on him
Leo went out of his way to impress Karai whenever she shows up because he wanted to look cool and a better rival
Donnie ends up telling them about Karai
Mikey thinks she can be good
Raph doesn't trust her like Donnie
Raph ends up being the one that has to drive the Shellraiser
Leo drives if Raph can't
Raph can't have his own go cart because he's too big
The whole mutant cockroach thing went differently because Raph isn't afraid of cockroaches
At the season finale, Leo overhears Splinter telling Raph that the mission must always be accomplished no matter what or who is the cost
He took that to heart
As the Technodrome began to fall from the sky, Leo saves Mikey from falling in the gaps and uses his brother's kusarigama chains to hold Kraang Prime back
"GO!" "Leo! I'll hold em back, give me the chains—" "Get them out, Raph! April can't barely stand, you're the only one that can carry her and our brothers to an escape pod in time!" "I am NOT leaving you—" "I SAID GO ALREADY!"
Raph understands that and grabs Mikey, and Donnie (and in extention April, since Donnie was struggle a bit when carrying her)
Donnie tries to run back out to Leo but Raoh closes the pod.
"'Nardo!" ("Leonardo!")
Donnie was, honest to god, ready to cry.
Mikey was ready to dive into the ocean despite not knowing how to swim
Raph thinks back to what Splinter said. He thought it was supposed to be him that's under water, not Leo. He's the big brother, he's supposed to be doing the sacrificial acts
"Missed me already?" "LEO!"
Cue in a turtle pile plus April
He got scolded real good by Raph
Splinter apologizes in the end about what he implied and was glad his sons are back and that the world is saved
Splinter suddenly says that Leo is the leader now (after Raph suggested it)
(damn this got unnecessarily long)
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haute-pockette · 2 years
My observations and head canons about fighting styles in Rise
As per Hamato tradition he learned Karate and Kobudo from his grandfather. Likely a more hard striking style since the purpose of learning was to potentially take down the Shredder demon.
He likely learned to use Nunchaku first as that’s pretty common, using them helps develop a better posture in fighting as well as speed in striking. But my guess is Sho likely focused on more lethal weapons (Splinter looked perfectly comfortable with a pair of axes when fighting Draxum to save his sons)
When he left though I have a feeling Splinter explored different martial arts as self-expression. He picked up Aikido as it’s a softer fighting style.
In a lot of his fight scenes Splinter almost never throws a punch (he might in one of the faster frames but a strike with his hands shown on screen is almost never done). Instead he keeps his hands occupied with weapons or blocking opponents. 
That or he tends throw his opponents and use their momentum against them. He even does it to the giant Yokai monsters in the battle nexus. Hence Aikido.
Most of his strikes are kicks (or tail whips as Splinter but that doesn’t count). They are often high or done with a jump or a spin. I’m guessing he picked up Taekwondo as well.
Movies don’t want the same throws over and over, they want cool strikes and some violence. So he picked up Taekwondo to do movies cause a part of him didn’t want to touch Karate again.
Taekwondo is similar to Karate in that it’s a hard striking style, only it has more kicks involved. So he took to it pretty easily.
Besides I personally think it’s a more visually interesting fighting style than Karate, so that’s what he mainly used for his films.
His style quickly turned into a mix of the two. Throws and grapples to keep his opponent off balance with kicks and strikes to knock them down for the count.
He adopted the kick and throw style of his father from copying Lou Jitsu movies just as his brothers did.
He tends to prefer the kicks since being in close-quarters combat puts him at a disadvantage weapon-wise.
Half the time his throws are not to take down his opponent but distance them from him.
Donnie was always nitpicked over getting the techniques right. He’d keep practicing until he could pull off a move effortlessly both with empty-handed moves and with his bo.
Mainly because he knew he wasn’t as strong as Raph or as quick as Leo and Mikey, so he worked to have the most accurate technique.
He was bummed about having the bo at first when they were little. But as he learned to work with it he realized that it can be dangerous and powerful. The weapon’s momentum adds to the strength of the strike so it makes his attacks stronger.
Plus it’s length allowed him to fight with some distance and that gave him more confidence in fights.
Before he made his tech bo he was always looking to diversify and expand his skill to have as many advantages as possible. He’d practice some Kungfu techniques he picked up from online. While he’s no expert in this style, Donnie can still use them in a pinch.
He dropped it when he made his tech bo though because the style works better with longer and more flexible staffs than titanium could offer.
Slowly picking it up again after getting his Ninpo and working on techniques for the various weapons he can change his bo into with the mystic energy.
Lou Jitsu style fighter all the way.
Prefers kicks over throws cause it looks cooler and he’s all about that aesthetic. He pulls all the stunt attacks from the movies.
He also started copying Capoeira because it’s cool af and bad ass.
He doesn’t really punch cause his hands are occupied by swords (or sword if it’s during the show cause ODACHI ARE HUGE, seriously boy be waving that thing around with one hand??????).
He's only ever made lethal strikes against origami ninjas, Shredder, the Kraang, and Warren Stone.
He’s very precise about taking out enemies without killing any other time. Splinter drilled into his mind when he was little that he was not meant to be a killer. That they are more than just fighters.
If he is weaponless he goes for quick takedowns.
He prefers not to be weaponless though, and is always the first to grab improvised weapons.
While he tends to stick to swords and sword-style fighting, Leo is one of the best at picking up different weapons. Kama, Staves, Tanto, Tanbo, Nunchaku, Tonfa, really anything he can dual wield he tends to favor.
When he got his Ninpo he practiced throwing weapons more. He’d practice with Shuriken then move onto his Katana. He practiced with his brothers present as well, they practiced catching so he could switch places with them in the heat of battle like he did with Raph during the finale fight.
Being smaller than almost every opponent, he favors throws to keep them off balance.
He’s a fast striker, preferring to go in to hit then get some distance before any retaliation. 
He also incorporates flips and gymnastics so he can maneuver around his opponent and strike in even small openings. 
His kicks often come from above, using the momentum of a flip to add power to his strike.
He’s picked up some other martial arts styles, practicing some Kungfu with Donnie, they both do a lot of more Northern styles together. 
He also likes to practice Capoeira with Leo too.
He’s damn fast with chain weapons. Two section Nunchaku, three section Nunchaku, Kusari-fundo, Chigiriki, Kusari-gama, rope-dart. If it’s tethered he can wield it. (Also the most accurate at firing a grappling hook, like Leo and Raph can’t even get their hooks to catch on something half the time)
He’s pretty decent with a bo too, but he prefers the movement chained weapons allow.
Is also the most accurate with thrown weapons like Kunai and Shuriken. The boy just has the best sense of spacial awareness out of all of them really. He kind of developed it as not to hit himself with his weapon and it only kept expanding from there.
With his strength and size he is the most comfortable fighting without weapons. Kicks and throws can send baddies through walls.
Half his throws are inspired by wrestling, the big nerd.
He's the most comfortable using his fists since the Tonfa and Sai are just extensions of one’s strikes. Without them his style reflects Shotokan Karate despite never having been trained in it by Splinter.
He kind of misses his Tonfa cause he’s not always comfortable being able to stab with the Sai. He’ll really only go full strength against big bads like Shredder, Kraang, and Big Mama (who he knows won’t hold back).
He even pulls his punches on Origami Ninjas cause he feels bad and doesn’t want to really hurt Buddy’s brethren.
He knows how to handle other weapons, he just needs time to adjust and settle in to handling them before he’s decent. Surprisingly good with Nunchaku, finds them similar to Tonfa but with more extension and mobility. 
He just isn’t as precise in his attacks as the others. His technique lacks but he makes up for it in strength and ferocity.
Worst aim of the bunch when it comes to projectiles. He leaves the Shuriken throwing to his brothers.
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thissliceofnonsense · 9 months
Donnie likes Magic... at least in the beginning. (First episode Donnie notes)
(All my Donnie-magic-arc notes from my rottmnt show notes. LOOK I HAVE EVIDENCE :3. This is mainly for future reference.)
Okie, Donnie's first words in the show are him using his science to support his brothers and be overdramatic.
Donnie has tech in his shell for when April needs a ride, meaning that, again, he is constantly making tech to help others, along with his own interests.
(Also the way he flies? So overdramatic princess-y. I love him. And I can't take screenshots for some reason. Sadness. )
They do have rehearsals for 'if they come in contact with humans'. So.... do they worry about that? Also, Donnie never goes to them. I can relate. Things I find unnecessary that I take away from my 'writing time' are things I try to avoid at all costs.
Donnie screaming 'Fibonacci' or just being happy and showing off his tech makes me so sparkly inside.
(I'm not even five minutes into the first episode.... this might take awhile)
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Donnie's tech does not work, he tries but it does not work a ton. Which I love. Our favorite/ special things not working, or just not being that great is something I relate to a lot/ want to see more in media. It's the thing we base our lives on. It HAS to be good. Otherwise, what's the point of our existence?
Yes... I kin Donnie.
All of Donnie's lines are immediately iconic in my brain
Donnie again tries to make things better with his tech abilities
When Donnie 'insults' his brothers. ('You guys are fools') He'll say something positive about it later. ("You beautiful fools') he's basically doing /pos all the time.
Donnie, upon finding the hidden city, says "Exactly what I expected." (At 11:37) Meaning that he is a cryptid theorist confirmed. He has theorized about the existence of mystic beings since before they found the hidden city.
(I will do another "Why Donnie dislikes mystic powers" later, because this gives me the notion that Donnie dislikes mystic powers the same way some physicists dislike quantum mechanics or the Copenhagen interpretation of it. It doesn't make sense. It contradicts and he can't figure it out, that wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for his brothers immediately getting it. In the AU, I would have an 'episode' where their mystic powers start making Donnie inconsequential. They already don't listen to him most of the time. And now his tech doesn't help anymore....
anywho that's for later, back to episode one!)
According to Donnie's calculations, they are in a 'Tertiary metaverse'.
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A google search revealed nothing on that. But ..... DONNIE HAS CALCULATIONS FOR THESE SORTS OF THINGS, AAA-
Donnie loves Draxum's lab. Specifically, the color scheme and the style. These two would get along so well.
Donnie has high grade titanium, how did he get high grade titanium?
(my headcannon is that he goes on 'shopping trips' with his siblings, mainly April, sometimes Mikey. And he steals things.)
He seems awed. At 14:41 he says "it's like mystic and science had a baby"
OKIE OKIE, here's my headcannon.
Originally Donnie was a science person (obviously) but he was like - "well there's no definite evidence that cryptids and magic AREN'T possible. I mean... black holes and quantum mechanics make no sense. Science does wild things sometimes, why can't these things exist? And you know what? I'm going to prove it!"
But then he actually SAW mystic powers and everyone else doing really well with it. Replacing him. And while his prior experiments with the crystal have led to good results in tandem with his goggles, but when he tries afterwards, it doesn't work. (Because mystic powers are based on emotions and he's frustrated.) That's weird. Science should lead to definite, predictable results.
So *character arc*
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His tech is constantly on the fritz in this episode. Mainly his tech bo. Maybe that's a newer piece? His battle shell seems to work fine. I think that may be one of his first pieces of tech, and the flying part looks like what would become Shelldon in the future.
AND, I think he gets better at making his tech in the future, while still making mistakes :D
Plus, his tech being on the fritz, makes his whole "they care more about what I can do for them than me"/needing to be useful, and fix things, mean that much more.
Also also, I'm basing above off of the fact that the siblings like his tech, but don't trust it, and they often don't exactly listen to him that often ('DONNIE NOT HELPING!') Which I feel like would hurt after some time. Also this post.
Donnie goes to his phone after his achievement of his tech bo working, he's probably documenting his success + photo archives + data points.
Mikey gets bored of the Villain banter really fast. Donnie wants his own world to keep working as it does and just coast along with his family while still 'spending time with them' (I can HEAVILY relate... or maybe I'm just projecting, but wanting to be in your own world while being around others is literally my whole life in a nutshell.)
Mikey's mystic weapon is a cackling fireball gremlin that is absolutely uncontrollable. Everyone (including Donnie) thinks it's REALLY COOL
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
(Since the Donnie Au has practically sailed)
Would Donnie still have a battle shell or his tech-bō? Or would he fight in a more traditional manner?
And once he reunites with the 2003, what does Raphie and Don think about S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N.?
(It really has lol)
Oh he would definitely still have his battle shell and tech-bo. I imagine his Uncle Don either helped him make the first iterations of it (or just straight up made the first battle shell b/c they all panicked over the toddler not having a hard shell.) Though he might use the tech-bo's attachments a little less then cannon, simply b/c he would have been taught the value of surprise attacks. (and what better surprise attack is there then the mother of all multitools.)
maybe it's me, but i kind of see Donnie as being the best at fighting in general, even in cannon. Like episode 1 he pretty much 1v1'd Draxum and damn near won while the others were floundering. Yeah, you can argue that that was possibly due to the other 3 getting acquainted with their new weapons, but even before that. The other three were almost clumsy with their old weapons while the only trouble Donnie had was with the new tech additions acting up. And that was with just the 'copy the movie' training method.(and maybe some private studying on his part? I could see Cannon Donnie deciding he needed to learn more and spending time learning on his own via books and youtube) So imagine how op a properly trained Donnie would be, especially with an unknown number of tech attachments hidden in his bo (and battle shell). dude would be terrifying even before he got his mystic powerup.
As for Raphie meeting SHELLDON? I think he'd see SHELLDON and be like "Wow, my kid created an actual AI. I'd have to ask Don but i'm pretty sure that's very, very impressive." Then SHELLDON goes and calls him gramps or something and he's just "Wait. does this make me a grandpa? is this AI technically my grandchild? Im only 32! I'm not old enough to be a grandpa!"
thank you! i really do like this version as well. Sticking two of my favs together and making them be family is just very sweet.
(also just realized that Raphie and Donnie both have trouble dealing with and vocalizing emotions so, like, that's a thing they share. which has nothing to do with the ask but it popped into my mind while i was answering so bonus content i guess.)
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