#adjustable windshield
sw5w · 6 months
Anakin Skywalker, the Boy from Mos Espa
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:59:35
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latenightdaydreams · 17 days
Werewolf König x Human!Reader (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, p in v, cnc, werewolf, knotty, breeding kink, biting, chase
3.5k word count
💖Set in the 1980s💖
It’s half past midnight as you hug your best friend goodbye. Her boyfriend had broken up with her, so you made the hour drive into the countryside to see her, but you work tomorrow so you aren’t able to stay the night.
“Are you sure you can’t stay?” Laura, your friend, asks. “It looks like it’s about to snow.” She looks to the sky with her sage green eyes, cheeks stained red from crying, but she still looks so beautiful.
“I can’t miss any more days of work, or else I would. I’ll drive safe, promise.” You hold your pinky finger out for her to wrap hers around.
“Call me once you get home, please.”
“I will.” You wave to her over your shoulder as you walk to your car. When you look up, you can see bright gray clouds and the full moon illuminating the night sky. You unlock your car and get inside, turning up the heater all the way.
 The radio turns on, Air Supply- “Making Love Out of Nothing at All”, blares from the speakers. Singing out with all your heart along with the radio as you turn your headlights on and set off back home.
The main road you take has no street lights to illuminate the path; only the light from your headlights and the moon to guide your way. When you look on either side of you, all you can see is dense woods with the occasional farm land.
Fluffy chunks of snow fall from the sky as the road ahead of you quickly gets covered. You turn on your windshield wipers at the highest setting. The snow makes the drive seem more surreal. As you have stepped into a Disney movie. It’s relaxing, to say the least.
Out of the corner of your eye, you can swear you see something big. You twist your head, trying not to look away from the snowy road for too long. Yet, you see nothing. You chalk it up to you being tired and seeing things. This area has no wolves, at least not anymore. They were all hunted into extinction or pushed out.
The drive only gets harder as the snow falls faster than what your windshield wipers can clear away. The visibility becomes so poor you can only see a few feet in front of you. Feeling your heartbeat pick up from anxiety, you slow your speed to 15 under the speed limit. You’d rather be safe than sorry.
König deployed to middle America twenty-seven days ago. It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out extraction that went sideways. Two weeks turned into four. Panic set in as he realized he will change away from his restraints.
Day twenty-eight, he looked at his men with hungry eyes. Their fear of him becoming easier to smell and he knew he had to get away from them for their safety.
“I’m going to patrol. Make sure no one follows us.” He lies.
The sky beginning to turn a pinkish orange hue as he drops his weapons and runs. His heart pounding in his chest, dirt kicking up beneath his feet, he tries to get as far away from them as he can.
Looking up, the sky turns a dark blue as the sun is almost completely set. After what feels like an eternity of running, he finds an abandoned run-down farm. He makes his way inside the barn to make sure he is alone.
Once inside König quickly pulls his helmet off of his head followed by his mask. He drops to his knees taking in deep breaths. He can feel his body temperature beginning to rise rapidly and his senses begin to heighten. His pupils enlarge, turning his icy blue eyes black as he begins to pant. Pain consumes his body as he begins to change, his hands grabbing at his shirt and pulling the rest of his clothes from his body with haste.
“Argh!” König’s scream comes out deep, inhuman. His body begins to contort as he drops to the floor in agony.
His fingertips now sharp claws, black and grayish fur cover his body. Standing up from the floor, fully transformed, he takes in a deep breath before letting out a loud howl. He now stands 9ft tall. Taking a moment to adjust to everything he can’t stop sniffing the air. There is a scent, one that he has never smelled before. He follows it outside of the barn. Stepping into the moonlight, he begins to run on all fours in the direction it’s coming from.
König is blinded by his pure primal drive as he runs with one objective. He stops by a roadside and looks up to see a small ranch style home with two cars parked outside. A woman with her back turned to him hugging a taller blonde. It wasn’t the blonde he was here for; it was you. He was smelling you.
His eyes follow you as you walk to your car. It was too risky to run out and grab you now. When the headlights turn on his eyes; he squints, retreating back into the tree line. König stands on two feet and sniffs the air, letting out a deep sigh before dropping back down on all fours. He begins to follow you.
You lean forward as you drive to try and see the road better. Driving was becoming dangerous, but you’re still 45 minutes away from home. Out of the corner of your eye you see the dark shadow again. It’s almost as if it’s something chasing the car, but you chalk it up to just the shadows mixing with the heavy downfall of snow.
The car’s tires begin to struggle to grip the road as it quickly becomes slippery from the heavy layer of snow. You lift your foot from the gas to let yourself slow down more.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You whisper to yourself as you feel your heart beating in your ears. You absolutely hate driving in the snow, especially when you’re so far away from home. Had you known it would snow, you would have had Laura come stay with you.
Just as you did breathing exercises to calm yourself, something huge darts in front of your car. You slam on your brakes and turn the steering wheel. A panicked scream leaves your mouth as your car drifts out of control. Within the blink of an eye, your car slams into a guardrail that stops you from falling into a ravine. Your head hits the steering wheel and you fall to the side slightly, making the music blast. The song “Every Breath You Take” by the Police fills the car.
“Shit.” You sit up and rub your head, feeling warm blood on your fingers.
Reaching over, you turn your rearview mirror towards you to check yourself. The low light makes it hard, but you only see a cut across your forehead. Letting out a deep sigh, you look at the car through the windshield. It’s smoking, but the battery is still running, so you try to get the car to start back up. Nothing. You’re stranded.
Stepping out of the car, you’re hit by the harsh cold and the snow on your face. It’s absolutely miserable outside. You remember the last roadside sign said there was a rest stop about two miles ahead, you could definitely call for help there.
You go into your car’s trunk and pull out the flashlight you had back there in case of emergencies; much like the ones you’re in now. The snow crunched beneath each of your footsteps as you made your trek to the rest stop. If there is one thing you can be thankful for, it’s the fact you wore your winter boots today.
“Just my luck…” you whisper to yourself, your breath visible as you speak. The wind whistles all around you as you hug yourself with one arm and continue holding the flashlight up with the other. The night is eerily quiet, not one other car on the road.
You continue ahead and stay to the side near the tree line just in case a car came. You can’t shake the feeling of being watched, as if you’re being followed. In your head, you tell yourself that it must be just all of the anxiety. No one else is actually out here.
That is until you hear a branch snap. You freeze for a second, holding your breath, trying to listen. All you can hear is the sound of the wind whistling around you and your heartbeat in your ears. Just an animal… You think, but then you scare yourself trying to think about what size animal that was.
With nothing you can do, you decide to just push forward and keep walking. Each step you take with haste, as you feel the fear of being watched, might be valid. You try to not freak out and waste all of your energy running, so in your mind, you try to calm yourself.
Maybe it was only a deer. Deer are heavy and live here. Could have also just been a branch falling down…
To relax more, you hum to yourself, just a random tune you made up in your head. You look up at the sky to gaze at the moon when you hear another branch snap. You twist in that direction and shine your light. That’s when you see the reflective glow of a pair of eyes inside the tree line.
The eyes quickly move away, your stomach dropping. Your mind goes back to the creature you saw while driving. You look around before continuing on. Your once hurried steps are more of a light jog. Your mind is torn between the primal urge to run and the human urge to remain calm.
Just a deer, just a deer, just a deer…
You hear another branch and you jump, turning again to shine the light on it again. The eyes appear once more, closer this time. You let out a shaky breath as you feel a wave of dread wash over you. Just then, you hear a low growl.
Not a deer, not a deer, not a deer!
Without a second thought, you turn and run, continuing down the road. Your mind goes a million miles a second as you try to process what animal it could be; maybe even a stray dog. Either way, you didn’t want to find out.
König watches you closely. Your smell is intoxicating. Consuming his mind, he can’t stop pursuing you. When you hear his heavy foot snap a stick, he freezes; he can hear your heartbeat race inside of your chest. The smell of fear growing stronger by the second.
You shine the light in his eyes, and he cowers away from the brightness of it. He lingers as you walk away again, getting some distance between the two of you so it would be easier to follow you without being seen.
He keeps his pace, listening to you hum a song to yourself. Acting as if you’re unaware that you’re being stalked when your elevated heart beat says otherwise. Then he does it again. This time you’re quick and flash the light on him instantly.
His urge to get close to you is uncontrollable. Your smell…what is it? He needs you, craves you. You are his. He lets out a deep growl, feeling his body tingle. You hear it and take off quickly. This is the moment, his time to pounce.
He picks up his pace until he is ahead of you. Once he is, he jumps out from the woods and walks in front of you. Standing up on two legs, he lifts his head and howls.
A deep, truly terrified scream escapes your lips as you watch a 9-foot-tall creature stand before you on two legs, howling as a wolf. Your flashlight illuminates the thick, dark fur covering its whole body. This was the creature you saw running beside your car, the one stepping on sticks, whose eyes you saw glowing…
You turn quickly and run back in the opposite direction, towards Laura’s house. In a panic, you drop your flashlight, your only possible weapon. There is no time to stop and pick it up, as you can hear the creature beginning to chase you.
“HELP!” you scream into the darkness, but there is no one around to hear you. “PLEASE!”
Adrenaline courses through your veins as your feet slip on the snow beneath you. You catch yourself and keep going. Looking over your shoulder, the creature is gone. What the fuck… You stop to look around, panting.  
If it wasn’t for the claw marks in the snow, you’d think you were hallucinating. Laura's home is closer to you than the rest stop, so you continue running back in that direction. As the adrenaline wears off, tears fill your eyes, the rush of everything you just witnessed causing you to break down. You take a deep inhale before letting out a loud sob, your feet slowing. Allowing yourself to have a moment before collecting yourself.
You wipe your tears away, trying to steady your breath as you turn to look behind you. All you see are your own footprints now. The cold makes your nose leak as you wipe it away on your coat sleeve.
“What the fuck is going on?” You whisper to yourself as you sniffle.
You turn back around and freeze. Up the road you see a dark black shadow. Your heart rate spikes again. It doesn’t move, so you take small steps backwards. Unexpectedly, the creature walks away slowly back into the wooded area. Confused on which direction you should go; you just continue to go towards Laura. Clearly, no matter where you go, this thing can move faster. Everything around you is quiet; on high alert, your eyes dart around in every direction.
“Just keep walking. You’ll be at Laura’s in no time.” Your voice cracks, lacking confidence in your own words. It’s as if this thing was toying with you.
Your body shivers from the intense cold. In your mind you convince yourself that this will just be a funny story you tell her once you get there. She will make you hot chocolate and everything will be fine. You’ll be okay.
Just as you started to believe your own hype, your body hits the snow-covered road- hard. Your head hits the ground and your vision goes blurry for a split second. You can feel hands grabbing your ankles and dragging you back into the woods. In a panic you begin to grasp at the snow on the ground, trying to pull yourself away from it.
“Let me go!” You try to squirm, trying to make yourself difficult in hopes it will drop you.
The creature growls at you, refusing to drop you. It drags you through the cold snow, sticks hitting your face and scratching you. Finally, it drops your legs. You turn quickly and begin to scoot away on the floor.
This… this isn’t real. This can’t be real. You see a 9-foot-tall wolf looking humanoid. A werewolf? No, they aren’t real.
König takes a deep breath in, having you this close makes that sweet smell so much more intense. His eyes travel over your body. He needs to claim you. He steps closer as you begin to crawl backwards. A growl escapes his lips as he lunges forward, grasping your ankle tightly; screams going unheard.
His clawed hand comes up and rests on your chest, pressing you into the cold ground.  Moving slowly, his cold wet nose touches your neck and you wince. His tongue coming out and kicking you.
His hands grasp your winter coat, ripping his sharp claws through it. A burst of cold hits you as you try to fight back. You hit him in the chest and on his face. He grasps both of your wrists with one hand and holds you down.
With your coat torn open, the sweet scent gets stronger. He is getting closer. In a frenzy he continues to tear off your clothing. Your small body wiggling didn’t slow him one bit. Covered in goosebumps from the cold you feel his nose trail down your body until he lands between your legs.
Nuzzling his snout between your legs he begins to take deep breaths, it’s what he’s been chasing. He’s finally found his mate. The aroma of your cunt begins to make his cock hard. His fat tongue presses against the fabric of your blue cotton panties.
“No!” You try to kick him again.
His blacked-out eyes snap up at you and snarls before looking back down. Grabbing the hem of your underwear with his teeth, he jerks his head to the side; tearing your underwear off. You have half of a shirt on, your bra torn down the center. You’re basically naked, the snow still falling heavily. Other than the extreme heat from the werewolf, you’re freezing.
Nuzzling his snout between your legs, he begins to lap at your cold cunt. His first taste made him close his eyes; he has never tasted anything as good as you before. Your back arches, hands still restrained above your head. Squeezing your legs around him you let out a tiny moan. He responds with a low growl. All he can think of is getting your scent all over him and his all over you.
His hands move to your hips and pull you toward him. His hands wrapping around your thighs and spreading your legs wide apart to fit his body between them. His hips grind forward and rub his massive erection along your wet folds.
You look up at him helplessly as he leans forward to lick your face and neck. Slowly the fat head of his red cock begins to slip into your tiny little cunt. A loud groan leaves his lips as he feels you wrap around him. His claws dig into the supple flesh of your thighs as he rolls his hips into you at a rapid pace.
Hands grasping at the forest floor, grabbing leaves and pieces of your torn clothes. You try to crawl backwards but he stops you, growling as he pulls you closer to him again. He gives you a glare as his cock stretches you to the brink, you’re his now to breed with and you won’t be leaving until you’re bred.
He drops your legs and turns you over. Your naked body hits the snow and you shiver. His hands grab your hips and pull you to him so you’re on all fours with your ass in the air for him. His cock slips back in, making him let out a small growl. His balls slap against your clit as he bucks into you.
Moans leave your lips, feeling disgusted with yourself for feeling pleasure from this beast. He loves to hear your pathetic little sounds. König’s claws dig into your hips as he gets closer to cumming inside of you.
Panting loudly as he leans over and begins to bite your neck hard. You let out a pained moan, the bite feeling slightly pleasurable. Slowly, the pressure of the bite increased and it was almost like he was keeping you in place.
That’s when you feel his hands on your hips push you down more on his cock. Your pussy is already full. You squirm from the pain. The squirms don’t stop him. He is close now. His hands firmly pull you back again as he pushes forward and you let out a loud moan. Little did you know he was trying to knot you.
König was ready to cum. His teeth sink fully into your neck, causing you to bleed. He pulls you to him and pushes forward until it pops in- finally. Instantly, your pussy clenches around his bulbous knot. You’re so tight, his cock throbbing periodically as he cums deep inside of you. Making sure not even one drop escapes you.
His massive body keeps you warm as you lie there in pain from being so full. You try to move and he growls at you, still not moving his teeth from your neck.
Slowly, he moves his teeth from your neck. You try to move and lie down, but you can’t. You're attached to him. Looking back over your shoulder at him, he leans back in and licks your face before licking your neck where he marked you. Now you’re officially his mate.
He stays locked inside of you as he ejaculates until his knot slowly fades away. Almost an hour on the freezing cold floor. If it wasn’t for his body heat, you would have frozen to death by now. As König slowly pulls out, he looks down at your small body. His eyes focused on your stretched pussy. Gently, he lifts you into his arms and walks you to the barn. He would not let you go now that he has found you.
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mattscoquette · 6 days
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it was currently 2:34 a.m., you were out late driving with your best friend matt. neither of you were able to sleep, so you both decided to just drive around for a bit. it began to drizzle when he picked you up, it now full on down pouring. matt could barely see the road three feet ahead of him, even with the windshield wipers on high.
“you wanna just pull over?” matt suggested, glancing in your direction. you nodded as he pulled off into the shoulder, turning into a target parking lot that was luckily right where you guys were. he found an empty spot, putting the car into park and relaxing, his legs spreading slightly. you couldn’t help the throbbing between your legs, matt looking a little too good tonight. sure, he was your best friend, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t had a couple fantasies about him now and then. he wore a grey t shirt that he cut to make fall right above his hips, the red waistband of his boxers showing underneath his plaid bottoms. you subconsciously drew your bottom lip between your teeth, eyeing him up and down. you were snapped out of your thoughts when you saw matt ducking his head down and waving at you to get your attention.
“sorry,” you muttered, looking up to meet his gaze as he smirked at you, “what did you say?”
“i asked if you were good, you just like zoned out.” he said, leaning against his seat and looking at you.
you nodded, turning your body to face him, drawing your knees to your chest. “yeah, just tired is all.”
he chuckled. “get cozy, sweetheart, i don’t think the rain is letting up any time soon.”
sweetheart. the nickname instantly went straight to your core, soaking your panties.
“anything you suggest we do then?” you smirked, watching matt as he eyed you up and down.
“maybe,” he whispered, leaning in a little closer, his arm now resting on the middle console in front of you, “do you?”
your mouth hung agape for a moment, quickly closing it and re adjusting yourself, so you now sat on your knees, your face inches away from matt’s. the only sound heard was the quiet yet heavy breathing coming from the two of you, and the hard sound of rain against the van. matt’s hand reached up, holding your cheek softly as he scanned your face. “this okay?”
you nodded slowly before feeling matt’s lips crash against yours in a hard kiss. your arms quickly wound their way around his neck, tilting your head to the side to deepen the kiss. you felt matt’s hand move from your face down to your waist, sneaking underneath your tank top and gripping it firmly to pull you in more. you gasped at the gesture, allowing matt to slip his tongue into your mouth. you let him take control of the kiss, feeling the both of your tongues swirl around as you messily made out. you broke away for a moment, breathing heavy while matt’s hand stayed on your hip. he quickly pulled you over the console, placing yourself on his lap while his lips quickly found their way to yours again.
the both of you continued to make out, growing needier and needier by the second as the windows began fogging. matt’s hands moved from your waist to your ass, grabbing the flesh harshly due to the easy access from your short pajama bottoms. he began helping you grind down onto his clothed erection, the both of you moaning from the friction.
“bet you love this, don’t you?” matt mumbled against your lips, feeling his cock throb. “fucking getting off on your best friends leg, hm?
“yes,” you whimpered while matt began to kiss down your neck, leaving purple hickeys in his wake.
you continued to rut your hips against matt, grinding down in slow circles. “fuck baby if you keep doing that ‘m gonna cum in my pants.”
you whined at his comment, continuing your actions as you brought your hand down to matt’s jaw, bringing his lips back up to yours. it was a mess of teeth and tongue, the two of you moaning into one another’s mouths while you continuously rocked your hips against matt’s. he brought his lips back down to your neck, groaning loudly while he finished, holding your hips against his still while he rode out his high. “shit,” he mumbled underneath his breath.
before you could even process it, matt’s one hand slipped beneath your shorts, pressing against your clit through your underwear. “so fucking wet for me,” matt sighed into your neck, teasingly running his finger along your wetness “all this just from grinding?”
you nodded, your brain turning to mush as you felt matt pull your panties to the side, plunging his middle and ring finger in your dripping center. his rings were a cold contrast against your skin, causing you to moan loudly at the sensation. his fingers thrusted in and out of you while his thumb stayed at your clit, rubbing it in small teasing circle. “can’t imagine how you’d act taking my dick.” he taunted.
“mm, matt,” you whined, bucking your hips against his fingers while you felt his lips feather kissed up your neck before meeting yours again.
“what, close already?” he pouted as he pulled away from the kiss, faux sympathy coating his raspy voice, “i’ve barely even touched you sweetheart.”
a loud moan pulled from your throat, you throwing your head back. “please matt,” you panted, “i wanna cum.”
“yeah, pretty girl?” matt spoke, his thumb now rubbing faster at your clit as he continued to slot his fingers in and out of you. you nodded, whining loudly as your hips subconsciously grinded down on his hand. “go ahead, baby, give it to me.”
you practically screamed, moaning loudly as you coated matt’s slender fingers in your arousal. he continued to finger-fuck you through your orgasm, pulling his fingers out and popping them into his mouth, sucking the juices off. he smirked as he pulled you in for another open-mouthed kiss, you tasting yourself on his tongue.
you both pulled away, breathing heavy as the windows were now no longer see-through from the body heat you two were emitting. the rain continued to pour hard on the car, causing matt to smirk. “round two?” he asked, pulling you into his lips once more.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: @alorsxsturn @sturniolossss @cammie4298 @bussybandit1 @amorttentia @franticroads @sturnsssbow @cams5sos @strombolilovr @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @mattscurlygirly @simply-a-simper @sturnrc @sturnifyed @freshlovie @imwetforyourmom @69isabella69 @mattsturnxoxo @stonermattsgf @pettydollie @fawnchives @mmay4ever @sturniololvrrr @whosthislyssbitch @pr1ncessmatt @lanas-doll @55sturn @grimholic @livvy4realll @freshloveee @hollandsangel
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seiwas · 8 months
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₊˚⊹。 make this drive last ‘til the end of this song | fushiguro megumi
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wc: 1.2k
summary: you wish this traffic jam would last a bit longer. 
contains: f!reader in mind, college!megumi, pre-relationship stuff! mostly centered around having a crush!, yuuji and nobara are here!
a/n: i think megumi loves to listen to music!! stargazing by the neighbourhood reminds me of him, and the song that inspired this is pretty by col3trane & mahalia! (reminds me so much of him too)!! may or not be inspired by very personal feelings/thoughts!!; for mi luv @soumies
you are here -> part 2
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It’s always just you and Megumi on the drive back home. 
For the last stretch of it, at least.
You like to think you’re friends, being in the same friend circle for the good part of the year. And if there’s anything you’ve learned from your crazy group of four, it’s that Megumi always ends up being the designated driver for everything—road trips, lunch breaks, late night food runs, and parties. Especially parties. 
Someone has to stay sober when Yuuji’s always too eager to drink anything that’s handed to him. 
You also live nearest to Megumi (coincidentally), just a few streets down from the building that houses his unit. This means you’re always picked up first and dropped off last, consequently making his passenger seat yours (indefinitely). 
The seat is practically adjusted to you by now, backrest pulled back a bit and the seat itself brought forward slightly. Because you get cold easily, the air vents on your side are always pushed up, allowing only a small slip of air to flow through. 
You notice that it never changes—all these adjustments, so it’s either people don’t mind or maybe no one else has been sitting there after all. 
(You don’t know how to feel when a part of you, maybe just a teensy, tiny bit, hopes it’s the latter). 
As tough as it is to get through the impossibly high and extremely fortified walls one (1) Fushiguro Megumi has set around himself, you think you’ve found your way in, slipping yourself into the space between his passenger door and sitting right beside him on the extremely well-kept leather of his carseat. 
(He’s particular when it comes to cleaning). 
It was awkward at first. Of course, it was. When two introverts are alone in a car for a 30-minute drive back from a college party, they aren’t bound to become immediate best friends. But you try to talk a little, ask a harmless question or two, comment on the music he plays—the safe things to say.
And you get closer that way. 
Megumi doesn’t clear his throat anymore when it gets too quiet, already used to the comfortable silence between you. You give each other small updates on what you both did earlier that day, and what you plan to do the next, for the weekend, and the following week, even. And you try hard not to think about it too much, but when he throws a little laugh your way when you talk about the haircut you did yourself in seventh grade, you think you feel an extra thump against your ribcage. 
Another thing you learn is that Megumi loves music; there’s always some obscure, low-beat song that he’s tapping to when you get in. You discover more of his taste through the playlists he plays, and you like it—
(—maybe him a little bit more than the music, though). 
The traffic is unmoving today, endless red dots flashing along every lane for the past 40-minutes you’ve been on this road—there’s a steady patter of rain on the windshield, wipers automatically going back and forth as he gives you full control of the music. 
You’d just dropped off Yuuji when you took a detour to avoid some flooded area, and now you’re stuck in a terrible traffic jam this late at night, with cars barely moving inch-by-inch a few minutes at a time. Megumi doesn’t give any indication that he’s bothered except for the slight sigh he makes when he leans back on his seat after pulling up the handbrake.
And you think, with your music playing over the comfortable silence you’ve built, being in his passenger seat one too many times—this feels nice. 
Any other day and you’d hate traffic as much as the next person, but not right now. 
There’s movement far ahead and Megumi prepares to shift gears, accelerating the car only to stop again after a few minutes of getting far. You look over to find him tapping on the steering wheel, one hand on his thigh, relaxed as red glows on his face from the stoplight. 
You feel calm, content even, if you’re really thinking. Now you know why some people have a thing for night drives in the rain. 
Megumi’s eyelashes are long, pretty, stretching on for miles—and you wonder if this drive with him can extend to the length of them, if you can stay in this traffic jam a little longer just to be in this moment with him. 
“Sorry, are you cold?” Megumi asks, interrupting your stare.
He probably thinks that’s the reason you’re staring, if his fingers hovering over the aircondition controls says anything. Heat rises to your cheeks. 
You shake your head, “No, it’s okay. Just spaced out, sorry.” 
“I have a sweater at the back, if you need.” he motions, arm already out reaching for it. 
It’s summer right now, that’s why you insisted on keeping the AC on full blast; you don’t want him to suffer from the heat just because you’re cold. So you’re a bit curious, because really, Megumi has no reason to keep a sweater in his car for this weather, heck, he didn’t even wear one to the party tonight.
You don’t want to assume anything but—
“Brought it for when you get cold,” 
He says it plainly, so casually as if he doesn’t know that it echoes in the pitter-patter of your heartbeat. If you’re being completely rational, it probably doesn’t mean anything, but he hands you the gray sweater over the console so simply as if to say: of course, this is for you, who else would I bring it for? 
As if you shouldn’t even wonder anymore. 
The gesture endears you so much you can’t help but take it. 
“Thanks,” you smile sheepishly, and he nods, the corners of his lips curling slightly as he looks back to the road. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt to put the sweater on, and think, this is a very bad idea because all you smell now is his detergent, that fresh, clean scent that he walks around with condensed into oversized cotton—oversized cotton that is now engulfing you completely. 
You sigh, buckling your seatbelt again as the car moves forward. 
The traffic is clearing up now, Megumi making fewer stops as he drives along the main road. You give it maybe 8? 7? minutes until you arrive home. You’re proud of yourself tonight, flutter-feelings aside, because you think you picked the perfect music for the drive. 
Megumi can never hide his distate for anything—songs included; when he doesn’t like something, he squints his right eye just a little bit, an involuntary reaction you think. You’ve caught it a few times before (usually when it’s Yuuji’s music playing), but his face has been relaxed this entire night, fingers tapping to whatever tune you put on. 
When you arrive in front of your apartment building, your playlist shuffles to your favorite song. Megumi knows because you never shut up about it, asking for it to be played every single time on the drive back home. And when he turns to you, you look almost sad, fixing your things as you prepare to get off. There’s that cute, small pout that he notices you always try to hide when you want to say something but don’t. 
So as you’re about to unbuckle your seatbelt, Megumi shifts the gear to drive and says—
“Maybe after this song.”
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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casiia · 1 year
virgin!ethan landry buying condoms before attending a party with chad (idk this would be so funny and awkward😭😭😭)
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[ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐞 ੈ✩‧₊˚]
pairing .: ethan landry x reader
genre .: suggestive
word count .: 3k
warnings .: suggestive content (minors dni.), female reader, alcohol indulgence, dry humping 
author's note .: SORRY NO SMUT! just a lot of plot! but i had soo much fun writing this, whoever requested this i think you’re so funny! i originally was going to add smut but lack of motivation. my little nerd boy psycho getting teased by shirtless farmer chad makes me giggle. but i hope you guys love this as much as i do because i’m giggling soso bad. also i don’t have a dick i’ve never bought condoms b4 so i tried my best errr. also also guys please b careful when drinking at parties. this is just a lot of plot and lowkey ethan x chad (im slash jay) but if enough people want it i will write smut in a part 2. 
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“wait why are you turning? we’re supposed to go down this street for another light.”
the muted sound of rain echoes inside the car; droplets of water splattering against the fogged windshield blurred the bright traffic lights, a mixture of green and red reflecting against the dash.
“pitstop. gotta pick up some stuff.” chad taps his fingers against the steering wheel impatiently – waiting for the light to turn green. his thumb smooths over the grooves that were engraved in the leather, frustration threatening to expose from his composed state. “get the fuck off your phone! go, the light is green.”
“pick up stuff? not drugs, right…?” ethan looks up from his phone, his illuminated screen lighting his features from the shadows of the night. with a buzz, he focuses his attention back to his device. a smile graces his lips as he reads over your notification, fingers moving quick to type a response to you. 
“no, not drugs. condoms.”
adjusting the seat belt that suddenly became uncomfortable around his neck, ethan swallows thickly,  a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “oh.”
“i mean, you’re gonna need them. i doubt nothing’s gonna happen between you and her tonight.” pulling into the lot, chad cheekily smiles over to his friend, playfully hitting his arm.
“w-what? we aren’t anything serious, i don’t think she looks at me like that.” leaning towards the window to escape chad’s ruthless teasing, he resisted the urge to check the notification that had vibrated his phone – knowing it was from you.
“she definitely does, she’s always giving you that look.” throwing his hands up in gratitude when he found a parking spot, chad carefully pulled into the tight spot. “you guys are so annoying, everyone can see it but you two.”
“what look?” unbuckling his seat belt with a click, ethan chews on his bottom lip to stop the smile that threatened to show on his face. 
“the ‘i want to fuck you’ look.” turning the engine off with the twist of a key, chad unbuckles and climbs out of the car. “just fuck already, what’s stopping you.” watching ethan take off the cardboard helmet of his costume, he chuckles lightly. “i mean, she wants to fuck a guy dressed up as a cardboard robot.”
“hey. it’s from that movie murder party, and maybe put on a shirt before you comment on my costume.” opening the passenger door, ethan reaches into the back seat, grabbing a plain white tank and tossing it to the shirtless farmer standing in the drizzling rain. 
“oh right.”
“i don’t think there is a ‘fuck me look’ i think you’re thinking way into things.” stepping out and shutting the door, ethan stuffs his phone and wallet into his back pocket, walking towards the pharmacy with long strides to avoid the rain.
“what would you know, you’re a virgin.” locking the car with a loud beep, chad swings his lanyard around his fingers, letting his keys jangle against each other carelessly. laughing loudly when he catches a glimpse of ethan’s shocked expression, he holds his hands out in reassurance. “well i mean, after tonight you won’t be.”
“i’m not gonna do anything with her unless she wants me to.” walking past the automated doors, he waits for chad to walk in front of him, not wanting to waste time and lead the two into the wrong aisle. 
“well of course, but it’s better to be safe than sorry at the end of the night. don’t wanna get her pregnant or anything.” chad grins, walking towards an aisle in the back – almost too easily, like he’s been here a million times. 
“right. how do you…put one on?” glancing at the many colorful boxes to his left, he clears his throat when turning to his right, staring at the shelf of the pregnancy test. 
“open the wrapper, careful not to rip it that’s important, then just slide it on. if it’s that much trouble just ask the girl.” chad hums to the music playing overhead in the store, squatting down to get a peak at the bottom shelves. 
“oh, okay. what about lube, think i’ll need that?” eyeing the different brands of condoms, he  feels his phone buzz again, the weight of his phone all of a sudden feeling heavy in his pants. 
2 messages from angel girl
ethan smiles at the notifications, quickly swiping into his phone to answer you. warmth bubbles in his chest as he replies, watching his message turn from sent to read in just a second.
“hey, are you listening to me?” 
“huh?” looking up from his phone, his smile drops, snapping out of his dazed state.
“i said, lube is a waste of money. just use spit, works the same if you can also get her wet.” picking up a box of magnums, chad stands from his squatted position, patting out the creases in his pants before heading to the register. “there’s nothing to be worried about, bro. just make sure you focus when it happens, stay in the moment. the usual.”
“mhm.” now very anxious, ethan trails behind his roommate with twisted fingers. “maybe i should take the costume off?” picking at the hem of his shirt under the cardboard vest, he laughs awkwardly; imagining you taking his ridiculous costume off before climbing under the blankets had him shaking his head.
“maybe just keep the helmet, can’t not dress up at a halloween party.” grabbing his wallet from his pocket once they reached the self checkout machines, he scanned the box before swiping his card. “we should go, mindy’s been on my ass.”
the two of them ran to the car, seeking shelter from the rain that turned from a light drizzle to a thundering pour. ethan ran his hands through his hair, combing his damp brown hair out of his face. leaning back into the leather seat with a huff, he groaned dragging his hands down his cheeks, the cardboard around his chest stiffening his movements. 
slipping his arms into the cut out holes, he shimmied the fake armor over his head and let it clumsily fall into the back seat. memories of you and him making the costume made him frown; he thought back to how pretty you look with ruffled hair, sitting on his bedroom floor in only pajamas, cutting away at the cardboard material with kid scissors, cursing at him when he accidentally cut out of the traced lines.
the loud crinkle of plastic strips him of his thoughts, chad loudly tearing into the box. “take a few. i’m just gonna leave the box in the car…for later.” 
“think you’re gonna end up with tara tonight?” ethan teases with a smirk. picking at the golden packs, he holds them up to the window, letting the plastic shine against the dull streetlight. 
“shut up, now strap in. we’re already late i cannot take another text from mindy.”
the far-off sound of music caught ethan’s attention as chad pulled into the neighborhood, a variety of cars piled into the driveway and along the street, lights flashing from the windows inside the house. 
grabbing his poorly made helmet made of cardboard, he slipped it over his head, making sure it sat comfortably and evenly on top of his hair.
“did tara tell you what she was gonna wear?” checking his phone for your notification, ethan frowned slightly when finding out you had left him on read. he was only a few paces from the house, where he would soon find you. although the more he thought of you, the more the nerves began to eat at him. would you even want to sleep with him, what if he was going to make a fool of himself – what if you friendzoned him. rubbing his forehead with a sigh, he stuffed a few condoms into his pockets, his heart beating out of his chest. 
“pirate i think, wanted to match but it was too last minute. what about your girl?” making sure the car was locked after they had got out, chad shoves his keys into his pants, letting the lanyard hang within view. 
“she didn’t want to tell me, said it was gonna be a surprise.” feeling his heartbeat in his ears, ethan balled his fist tightly, fingernails digging into the palms of his hands. he didn’t want to mess things up with you, he was scared – scared that he would mess things up and lose the best person that had ever shown up in his life. 
“relax, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“i’m trying, i’m just nervous. i don’t want things to go the wrong way tonight, what if i misread her.” stopping outside the door, he could hear the roar of music, walls vibrating with each base drop. the faint smell of marijuana and alcohol tickled his nose, his face churning immediately at the unpleasant smell. 
“whatever happens is for a reason, don’t make sex your first priority. if she wants to fuck you, which im sure she does, she’ll make it clear. stop worrying.” chad places a hand on the brunette’s shoulder, squeezing comfortably. 
“right. make sure i don’t drink too much? i actually want to remember this night.” taking one last deep breath, ethan turns the knob on the door, finally arriving at the party. an overwhelming amount of people crowded the kitchen, abandoned red solo cups lingering all over the house. 
pushing through the crowd of people with curt apologies, ethan scanned over the horde of tipsy college students, looking for your face in the midst of it all. relaxing a bit when he saw anika in the corner of the room with mindy, he glanced over his shoulder to see if chad was following him before nudging his way through to his friends across the room.
“where have you guys been? i thought we agreed to be here 45 minutes ago!” mindy throws exasperated hands in the air, eyebrows raised mockingly.
“traffic. where’s y/n?” frowning when he didn’t see you amongst the other girls, he turned back to the kitchen to see if you were stuffed in there.
“she was here a second ago.i  think she went to ask tara if she knew where you were, but honestly who knows where that little pirate could be.” anika shrugs lightly at the question, repositioning her legs over her girlfriend’s. “what’s going on with you two anyways?”
spinning on his heel at the sound of your voice, he can’t help but let a smile paint his lips. his voice catching in his throat when he sees you, he drops his arms to his side. jaw dropping ever so slightly, he couldn’t stop the way he looked you up and down, engraving your image in the back of his mind.
you were head to toe in white; high socks that squeezed the fat of your thighs, a white mini skirt  that just barely covered the curve of your ass, a semi see through corset, and to top it all off – a pair of small feathery wings that sat on your exposed shoulders.
“an angel.”
“surprise! where’s the rest of your costume? we worked so hard on it.” stepping closer to him to fix his lopsided helmet, you brushed hair out of his eyes with a pout. 
“left it in the car, didn’t want it to get ruined or anything.” looking down at you with a smile, he lets his hands wander to your hips; his thumbs caressing your skin just above the waistline of your short mini skirt. 
“oh, that’s a shame. you looked so cute in it.” pinching his cheeks in a playful manner, you bit your lip with a laugh, watching him squirm away from you. “let’s get a drink, i’ve been waiting for you.”
grabbing his hand in your left, you intertwined your fingers together, pulling him to the crowded kitchen. half filled bottles and empty plastic cups littered the marble countertop, a sticky residue sheening over the surface of the table. 
“hm, i think there’s enough for a couple shots.” 
letting go of his hand but still keeping him close, you leaned over the island to grab cups; unscrewing the cap of a half empty vodka bottle, you chewed your lip in concentration, completely eyeballing the amount of liquor you poured into the plastic cup. 
“bottoms up, baby!” bringing the cup up to your lips, you cringed lightly, the smell of alcohol making your eyes water. squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you tilted your head back letting the liquid flow into your mouth before swallowing. shaking your head with a groan, you stuck your tongue out feeling the booze burn down your throat, almost instantly warming your chest. “so gross.”
ethan hesitated before drinking the foul smelling alcohol, coughing abruptly afterwards. “not worth it.” hearing you laugh at him, he teasingly shoved your shoulder with a soft smile. “do you think…we could talk?”
“we’re talking right now, pretty boy.” starting to pour another round of shots, you briefly glanced up at him at his silence. “is something wrong?” 
“nothing’s wrong, i just meant talk in private.” taking off his fake helmet, he nervously rubbed the back of his neck – patiently waiting for you to finish taking another shot before replying.
“let’s go upstairs.” wiping your lips with the back of your hand, you tossed your now empty cups in the trash before grabbing his wrist and pulling him through the house. music blaring uncomfortably in your ear, you took in your surroundings before leaving; people at every inch of the house, a line forming for the bathroom, corners where couples made out, and a couch where all of your friends sat. catching chad’s eye, he gave you a knowing smirk while raising his eyebrows. flipping him off in return, you squeezed ethan’s wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs and to an empty bedroom. 
ethan tried his hardest not to look up your skirt while you walked in front of him, but of course he failed. he caught a glimpse of your undergarments – pretty pink panties with a white lace lining the edges. swallowing his guilt, he shifted his gaze back to the ground, fearing that he would get worked up the longer he stared. “do you know where you’re going?”
“not in the slightest, but it’s a big house, there’s bound to be one more vacant bedroom.” jiggling the knobs of each door, you giggled quietly hearing the muted moans from inside occupied rooms. “oh here.” twisting the handle and peeking inside, you opened the door for him when deeming it was clear. 
closing and locking the door behind you, you made your way over to the bed, sitting on the edge with your hands neatly folded in your lap. “what’s on your mind? you’re kinda scaring me.” 
dropping his costume prop near the door, ethan covered his face, groaning into his hands before finally piling up enough courage to look you in the eye. “what are we?”
“what do you mean?” furrowing your brows with an awkward laugh, you could feel heat creep up your neck, the liquor settling in your stomach. 
“you’re always calling me these names, and touching me in ways you don’t do with anyone else. i just want to know if you’re playing with me.” sitting next to you on the bed, he kept a fair distance respecting your boundaries. “i like you a lot. more than i want to, i need to know if you feel the same.”
“i-” sighing loudly with shaky hands, you shifted your position, sitting on your knees while facing him. the hem of your skirt creeping up your thighs as you sat back. “i like you too, i just didn’t know how to tell you.” crawling closer to him, you reached for his hand, pressing his palm to your heart. “this is how you make me feel. all the time.”
“can i kiss you?” 
nodding with a big grin, you let him lean forward to connect your lips. putting a hand on his shoulder to stabilize yourself, you hummed softly feeling him pull you closer, straight into his lap. the kiss was sweet and soft, lips moving slowly against each other, teeth clashing together with inexperience. you wrapped your arms around his neck, slightly grinding your hips down into his. “fuck, sorry.”
whining into your mouth, ethan squeezed your hips harshly. “no, please. again, m’felt good.” pulling away from your lips with a heavy pant, he cupped your face, thumb smoothing over your cheekbone.
“yeah? s’that why you brought me up here?” giggling, you rolled your hips again, the seam of his pants nudging at your clothed clit. lips parting with a quiet moan, you bit the inside of your cheek, a blush painting your cheeks.
“maybe.” tilting your head up with his thumb, he pressed kisses down your exposed neck, nibbling and sucking numerous marks along the way. “fuck, i want you.” slipping his hand down your back, he squeezed the fat of your ass, mumbling against your neck.
“i know, baby. but not tonight.” pushing him away just enough to see his face, you pressed a sweet kiss to the button of his nose. “want your first time to be something you’ll remember, not even a little bit fuzzy.”
opening his mouth in protest, you shook your head – your opinion already set in stone. pecking his lips one last time, you climbed off of his lap. 
“you’re such a tease” 
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🏷 .:@loaksbitch @sullybby @dilfverz my stinkies
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lixiepixiedust · 6 months
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"Real smooth, Seungmin"
pairing — bf!seungmin x f!reader; established relationship
word count — 1.8k
warnings — she/her reader, flirty seungmin, terrible jokes
summary — you and seungmin's main love language has always being sarcasm and jokes. a tired day from work can't even stop you two.
"Seungmin," a gentle voice called, coaxing him out of his slumber. "We've arrived."
Seungmin's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the comforting sight of his home through the windshield. Glancing around, he spotted his manager wearing a warm smile. With a slight pout, Seungmin leaned onto his manager's shoulder, who affectionately patted the puppy's head as though he were his beloved little brother.
"So tired," Seungmin mumbled, still half-asleep, his eyes remaining closed.
His manager chuckled, causing his body to shake against Seungmin's head.
"M' sorry you had to drive me home so late," Seungmin added.
"Don't worry about it; I'm a night person," the manager replied.
"I know you're just saying that," Seungmin laughed.
His manager rolled his eyes. "Go inside now and get some rest in a real bed," he urged, shooing Seungmin away.
Seungmin nodded, grabbing his backpack before exiting the car. Leaning down towards the window, he gave his manager a playful wave. The manager patiently waited until Seungmin safely entered the house before driving away.
As Seungmin stepped inside the house, he was greeted by the glow of lights that immediately made him squint. The stark contrast between the darkness outside and the awakening played tricks on his eyes.
"Seungmin?" your voice called from the kitchen.
You approached the front door with a glass of water in hand. As Seungmin's eyes finally adjusted to the brightness, you became clear to his view. His gaze swept over you, taking in the unexpected sight of your figure adorned in a short tight dark dress, unfamiliar jewelry, and styled hair.
"Y/n, I thought you'd be asleep," Seungmin remarked.
"No, I actually just got back home," you replied with an awkward smile.
"Where did you go?"
"I was kind of bored at home, so I went out to the club with friends."
"Ah, I see," he nodded, setting his things down.
Although you shared a living space, the hectic schedule of the comeback season had kept you apart for about two weeks. He returned home late and left early, your paths crossing only while you were asleep. Observing him now, it seemed like he had lost the sparkle in his eyes, his complexion was paler, and his voice carried an air of exhaustion.
"I'm going to take a quick shower," he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
"Make sure to sing while you're at it," you grinned, as if you were the world's funniest person.
He shot you a look that suggested otherwise.
"Cause you're Seungmin—" you started explaining your terrible joke.
"Yeah, I got that," he chuckled, walking past you and ruffling your hair.
Following him upstairs, you parted ways as he headed to the bathroom. In your bedroom, you changed out of your uncomfortable dress into pyjamas. You then entered the bathroom, where Seungmin was showering, and the humid air hit you. you were a suddenly met with Seungmin singing his heart out in random vowels that didn't sound like words. You stifled a laugh as you started removing your makeup, doing your skincare routine, and brushing your hair. You kept on having to wipe the mirror repeatedly due to the steam from Seungmin's shower.
When Seungmin finally turned off the water and emerged from the shower, he shrieked upon seeing you, prompting a giggle from you.
"You can't just pop in like this; you scared me," he complained while towel-drying his hair.
You looked down, smiling to yourself at his reaction. Your gaze lifted when he wrapped a towel around his bare hips. He came up beside you as you patted moisturizer into your skin.
"Gimme some," he whispered.
You squeezed a bit out of the container, and he turned to face you. Applying little dabs of it across his soft face, you began to rub it in gently with your fingers. Once it was absorbed, you used the excess cream on your hands to glide along his bare neck and shoulders.
Seungmin continued to stand there, eyes closed, as you gently massaged his muscles. As your fingers traced along his features, he let out a content sigh, and leaned his head against your shoulder.
You chuckled, "Feeling tired, are we?"
"I might be more exhausted than I thought," he admitted with a small smile.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him into a gentle hug. "Well, you're home now. You can relax."
He mumbled, "I missed this."
"What, my amazing skincare routine?" you teased.
"No, the shoulder to lean on," he replied, opening his eyes to meet yours.
"Real smooth, Seungmin." you smirked, patting his back. "But you're lucky I enjoy having you around."
Seungmin scoffed playfully, "Who wouldn't? I'm a delight."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that," you retorted, continuing to pat his back.
You two stayed like that for a while, the warmth of the hug and the soft hum of the bathroom fan creating a comforting atmosphere. You felt Seungmin's weight against you grow heavier, and a soft snore escaped his lips. You couldn't help but laugh quietly.
"Fallen asleep in a bathroom, huh?" you whispered, gently patting his back.
"No, I'm not," he mumbled, clearly half-asleep.
"You're too tired," you replied, your voice gentle. "Come on, let's get you to bed."
You managed to guide Seungmin to the bedroom, his arm draped over your shoulder. As you helped him settle into bed, you threw him a pair of boxers to sleep in.
While putting them on after removing his towel, he muttered, "You're like my mom, aren't you?"
"Someone has to take care of you," you teased.
"Guess I'm lucky it's you," he said with a sleepy smile.
You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Get some rest, Seungmin."
"Goodnight, Y/n," he murmured, already drifting off.
"Goodnight, Seungmin," you whispered pressing a light kiss on his lips.
Just as you were about to leave the room, Seungmin's phone emitted a soft ding. You hesitated for a moment, debating whether to disturb his peace, but concern won over. You approached the bedside table, intending to turn off notifications, when you noticed a message from Chan on the screen.
Of course, Chan wasn't asleep yet. You didn't want to disturb Seungmin, but the possibility of it being something important nagged at you. Carefully, you leaned over and softly mentioned, "Chan texted you, by the way."
Seungmin, still half-asleep, hummed in acknowledgment, turning his body towards his phone. Satisfied that you did your part, you quietly left the room, closing the door behind you and making your way into your room.
As you sat on the bed, reaching over to turn off the lamp, the door suddenly burst open. Seungmin walked in, smiling widely, and you couldn't help but be both confused and amused at his unexpected burst of energy.
You couldn't help but laugh along with Seungmin, his infectious giggles breaking the silence of the room. "What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
Seungmin, still chuckling, tried to compose himself. "The 7 am show got cancelled."
"Is that a good thing?" you inquired.
"Silly you, of course it is! That means I'm free the whole day!" He exclaimed, collapsing on the bed with you.
"Poor them. What if something happened? It's a little mean that you're celebrating." you said, half teasing.
"Oh, shut up, Y/n!" he chuckled, rolling his eyes.
You couldn't resist pushing the playful banter a little further. "Oh Seungmin, what are you going to do with a whole day off anyways? Besides napping—"
Before you could fire back another teasing remark, Seungmin surprised you by leaning in and pressing his lips to yours, effectively silencing any further banter. Your eyes widened in surprise for a moment, and then you couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
Seungmin pulled away with a smirk, "I'll spend the day bickering like an old couple with you."
You chuckled, "Fair enough."
But Seungmin wasn't done. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pushed you down against the bed, capturing your lips in another kiss. This time, he laughed into the kiss, and you couldn't help but join in, the light and joyous sound creating a playful and affectionate atmosphere.
As the laughter subsided, Seungmin propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at you with a teasing grin. "You know, you looked really hot in that dress tonight."
You gave him a sly smile. "Flattery won't get you out of chores tomorrow, you know."
Seungmin chuckled, undeterred. "I'd say it was worth a shot, though.” He leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your ear. "But seriously, you must've turned heads."
You feigned surprise. "How'd you know? Some guy actually did hit on me at the club."
Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows, a touch of possessiveness flickering in his eyes. "Really? What did he do?"
You laughed, "Oh, the usual stuff."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, "Spill."
"How are you suddenly alert, Seungmin? Weren't falling asleep on me a few minutes ago."
"I got excited so I'm wide awake." He paused. "Now tell me what happened, darling".
Rolling your eyes, you gave in to his curiosity. "Let's just say he tried to dance on me. But I handled it. He was bad at dancing too."
Seungmin raised an eyebrow, “I’m glad you’re okay.” He said while gently rubbing your arm. “But bad dancing? Now that's a crime."
You laughed, "Well, at least he's a better dancer than you." You (obviously) joked.
He put his hand against his chest, taken aback. "Wow, I'm jealous of this guy, Y/n. He's stealing you away from me." He said, almost way too sarcastically.
You nudged him, "Oh, please. As if you're the jealous type."
Seungmin leaned in closer, his tone low and teasing. "Maybe you just haven't given me a reason to be jealous yet."
"Real smooth, Seungmin." You commented as he chuckled.
Seungmin's gaze softened, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Y/n, can I stay here tonight?"
You looked at him, your expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "Why tonight?"
A grin tugged at the corner of his lips. "Cause it's my day off tomorrow."
"Okay? That doesn't explain much," you remarked, raising an eyebrow. "Why not on your work nights?"
Seungmin, always quick with his words, leaned in a bit closer, a smooth smile playing on his lips. "Because I wouldn't be able to get out of bed every morning if you were next to me."
You blinked, caught off guard by his unexpectedly sweet words. "Well, someone's turning on the charm tonight."
Seungmin chuckled, "Say it, Y/n."
"Real smooth, Seungmin," you teased, unable to hide the smile on your face.
He playfully rolled his eyes, "I try my best."
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eli0004 · 3 months
Your first time having sex with Eren Yeager is spontaneous.
It happens on the 3rd date. The two of you go to see a movie, you’ll be mindlessly nudging your socked foot against his leg, hand resting on his meaty thigh. You have no idea how crazy you’re making him.
By the end of the movie, Eren is praying for a chance to adjust himself in his sweats before you notice the damage. He takes his chance, but you sneak a cheeky glance and notice.
The two of you get into his car, the parking lot basically empty as light rainfall begins to sprinkle the windshield. You Gaze at his green eyes through shadows cats by distant street lamps. He notices, and lifts his hand to scratch at the back of his neck, growing unnerved by the silence.
“You wanna fuck me Eren?” You cock your head to one side, subtly leaning in towards him with a smirk. “You wanna touch my body?”
If you really listen hard, you’ll hear his breath catch in his throat, stunned.
“Erm…h-here?” He whispers, glancing around. The rain comes down harder now, soft music playing lowly through the speakers. You turn it up just slightly, and climb into the backseat, beckoning your sweet brunette to follow.
“Why not?” You pull him into you as he settles into the seat, kissing him with a sly grin “don’t you like a little thrill?”
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nexysworld · 6 months
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Summary: New to town, stuck late and caught in the rain to boot; your night couldn't possibly get any worse. At least that's what you thought until on your way home you're pulled over by a certain blonde haired blue eyed cop. Pairing: RE2R CorruptCop!Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Dubcon, Abuse of Power, Semi-public sex, Finger Sucking, Sex Toy, Temperature Play, Unprotected Sex, Handcuffs, Light BDSM, Toxic Dynamics, no use of y/n
Title from the Deftones Song - Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)
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The rain was pouring down, pattering against the cement of the parking lot as wind blew the smell of dew and crisp air across your face. It was late, later than you had wanted to stay at work, but things kept piling up and before you knew it, the sun had come down and your coworkers had all left you alone.
Yellow light flickered off of the closest street lamp, the only other source of illumination was your phone’s screen lit up. You tapped against the glass in frustration, a cold shiver running down your spine. “Come on, come on!” The signal symbol in the top corner of the screen kept flashing, leaving you unable to make any call or access the internet. All you had wanted to do was pull up maps again, being new to town you hadn’t familiarized yourself with the roads – the weather was so bad that you didn’t want to test it either.
The windbreaker you had on was doing little to help the chill in your bones now that the rain had begun blowing sideways, soaking you even under the awning that covered the entrance. Now soaked, freezing, and not wanting to wait any longer, you made the decision to book it to your car. Relishing in the heat you relaxed back against the fabric of the seat, slipping the soaked jacket off along with your damp shirt. Luckily the tanktop beneath was mostly spared of the icy rain water.
Giving it one more shot, you looked at your phone, still no signal. A sigh escaped you as the wipers turned on helping to remove the frosty fog from the windshield, tossing the useless device on the passenger seat.
When the windows were finally defrosted enough for you to mostly be able to see ahead of the car, you backed out of the spot and took off down the road. “Ok, I got this. I make a right here by the giant oak tree.”
The dark road ahead of you felt familiar to the one you took home during the day, but without much peripheral vision it was hard to tell. Soon the open road became dark with nothing but your headlights as the last streetlamp passed you by, an uneasiness taking over you. “This isn’t right.” Walls of trees surrounded you on both sides of the road, only visible when passing cars illuminated them for you. Not sure what to do, and nervous as hell, you kept trekking forward, hoping to at least find a major highway or something that looked familiar.
It wasn’t long until red and blue lit up the inside of your car from behind. “A cop? Shit.” With the back window frosted over you hadn’t seen him pull onto the road, and with the darkness surrounding you, it was difficult to tell where you could even pull over safely. You gripped the steering wheel tightly, knuckles turning white. The anxiety that coursed through your veins was already bad enough as it was, but once you hadn’t pulled over quick enough, the sound of the sirens blaring through your eardrums caused you to nearly jump out of your skin. Immediately, you slammed the breaks, causing the car to squeal before coming to a complete stop.
Not more than a few moments go by before you hear the sound of boots thudding against the ground getting closer. Taking the initiative, you roll down the window, letting the cutting winter air slap you in the face once again while you gripped your ID tightly, waiting for the officer.
Blinding light encompassed your vision, causing your hand to go up instinctively to shield your eyes as they adjusted.
“Good evening, Miss.” His voice sounded young, and you could hear the smacking of gum being chewed loudly between his words.
“Good evening officer… Kennedy” You gave a weak smile, eyes reading his name tag before finally settling on his face. He was young. Piercing blue eyes almost glowed with the illumination of the metal flashlight in his hand. Plush lips upturned into a friendly smile, coupled with soft features. Soft blonde hair framed his face accentuating his cheek bones and dimpled chin. He wasn’t just young, he was cute – handsome. If this were a different time and place you would’ve actually considered hitting on the guy.
“Wanna tell me why you didn’t pull over when you first saw the lights?”
“I wasn’t sure where a safe spot to pull over was. I hoped maybe a little up the way would be a place with more light.”
“Uh huh…” He said, eyeing you over, the tone in his voice clearly indicating suspicion. “Do you know why I pulled you over this evening, ma’am?”
“Uhh no honestly, I can’t say I do.” An awkward smile tugged at your features, nerves bubbling in the pit of your stomach. The only relief coming from the hope that this fresh faced, doe-eyed cop would go easy on you. He seemed friendly, and if his age was any indicator he likely hadn’t been a cop long, perhaps that could score you some bonus points.
A thick blonde brow raised as he spoke. “You were going pretty fast. Speed limit in most parts of Arklay County is 35 if you’re not in the city. I had you going nearly 60.”
“Arklay? Oh shit –” The realization you had gone in the complete opposite direction from where you were supposed to have been headed struck you like a tonne of bricks. “I’m so sorry officer, I’m not from around here.”
“Well normally I’d understand that, but there’s signage posted all down this strip of road.”
“Oh. Well, you know it’s late and rainy with my windows fogged up it’s been a little hard to see, especially where there’s no street lights.”
He leaned back from where he hunched over your window, looking at the car. “Your entire rearview is frosted along with more that ⅓ of the viewing radius on your windshield. It’s not safe to drive like that, especially speeding in the dark.”
Your eyebrow twitched with annoyance, the sound of the gum in his mouth beginning to grate on your nerves as well. The last thing you wanted was a lecture – tired, cold, and away from home you wanted this encounter to be over. The hope of him going easy on you seemed to dwindle with each word out of his mouth.
“I know, my car's kind of a junker. I’ve been meaning to get the back wiper fixed. I just haven’t been able to yet. I’ll do it soon I swear.” He didn’t say anything, taking in your words. You took the opportunity to continue. “Look, is there any way you can let me off with a warning? I’ve been having a really bad night. I just started a new job in the county over. I got stuck late in the rain at said job, and now I’m lost trying to get back home.” Batting your eyelashes you gave him the best kicked puppy look you could muster hoping to inspire some sympathy from your tale.
His features steeled into a neutrally unamused expression. “License and registration.” He said flatly.
“You can’t be serious!” You exclaimed, slapping the steering wheel in frustration. “Come on, I’m begging you, sir.”
Officer Kennedy didn’t respond, instead he moved to clip the flashlight to a loop on his shoulder to keep it in place as he pulled his notebook out, penciling down on the yellowed pages before finally speaking again. “Speeding. Not adhering to street postings. Reckless driving in an unsafe vehicle, and refusal to provide documentation to an officer of the law.”“Huh?” You were gobsmacked by his words. “What are you –”
“Miss, I'm going to need you to step out of the car.”
“Wait, wait no I have my license right here. I wasn’t refusing, I was–”
“Please don’t make me ask again. Step out of the vehicle, hands on your head.”
The nerve of this guy! Unbuckling your seatbelt you exited the car as quickly as possible, putting your hands atop your head like you were told.
“Are there any drugs or weapons in the car or on your person I should be made aware of?”
“No, of course not! Please, this is all a misunderstanding.” His gloved hand grasped at you, turning you to face your car again. With both hands he patted you down gently, the cold air causing goosebumps to form on your skin now. If the night hadn’t already been going bad as it was, this was the worst.
No reply again, just the same sound of that damned gum gnashing between his teeth and the smell of his spicy cologne wafting into your nose. He brought his hand up to your right arm, gently pulling it down behind your back, before mimicking the other.
The jingle of metal on metal made your heart stop. “Y-you’re not arresting me are you? You can’t do that, you haven’t even read me my rights.” It took everything you had to will any oncoming tears away.
He replied by clasping the metal around your wrists before clamping them shut. The weight of the situation made you feel like you were shackled to the earth where you stood. Hands trembling behind you, as his hot breath ghosted over your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. “I haven’t read you the rights because I’m not arresting you. Just making sure you and I are both safe while I check things out.
“Check what things out?”
“You know, you ask a lot of questions. Maybe if you listened more you wouldn’t be where you’re standing right now.” His hands slid down your sides again, this time stopping on your butt cheeks, patting them down lightly before feeling the warm leather splayed against your inner thigh lingering a tad longer than what was appropriate. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you tensed up, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“What’s the matter?” Despite not seeing his face, you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“You aren’t hiding something, are you?”
“No! What the hell?”
“You sure? Then why are you so tense, if you have nothing to hide?” He dragged his hands up your side again, applying more pressure before sneaking his hands around your torso, palms against your chest giving a little squeeze. You jolted against the car, gasping.
“Get the fuck off of me!” You shouted pushing yourself back against him, your voice while intended to sound angry came out a wavering whine.
“What was that?”
“I said, get off of me you pig!”
“Mouthy, mouthy. You really don’t want me looking here, do you?” To emphasize his point, he squeezed your chest again, rubbing your pebbling nipples through your thin bra with his thumbs.
“Fucking creep!” You spat struggling against him.
“That’s not very nice.” He whispers into your ear. “Know what I think? I think you are hiding something and you don’t want me to find out.” He pulled you back against him, far enough from the car that he could grab your tanktop from the center, yanking it down, roughly stretching the fabric of the spaghetti straps before they finally snapped against your shoulders, stinging as the shirt was yanked to your stomach.
His fingers made their way to the front clasp of your bra, deftly jerking the hook to come undone, breasts bouncing out as your nipples pebbled in the cold air almost painfully. A whine echoed from your mouth as he spun you around, roughly pushing your back into the frigid metal of your car.
“Hmmm. Nothing here.” He said, sky blue orbs moving from your face to observe your cold-perked breasts. He watched you shiver with that sickeningly sweet smile plastered to his boyish face. “Poor thing, it’s pretty cold out isn’t it? Those little buds look so hard they could cut glass.”
“Fuck you!”
“You know what they say, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Why don’t you try behaving for a minute and see where it gets you.” As if displaying his point, he brings his large hands back to your breasts, kneading them in his palms a few times before soothing his thumbs over your nipples again. The feeling makes you tingle, the warmth more pleasurable than you’d ever want to admit. “See, that’s better isn’t it? Just be compliant for me and this will all be over faster.”
Anger swirled in the pit of your stomach, wanting nothing more than to knock that smile off his stupid-pretty face. You couldn’t believe only 10 minutes prior you had actually thought he was handsome, a nice cop who’d understand your plight and let you go.
Hyper aware of how stuck you were, your brows knitted together in frustration, a few tears finally spilled out of your eyes burning hot against your cheek. He swiped them away, a gesture that would have been sweet if it was coming from anyone besides this power-abusing creep. “No need for tears. We’re just doing a standard inspection. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to be afraid of, right sweetheart?”
The pet name made you sick, and you couldn’t contain the venom on the tip of your tongue.”Fuck you asshole!” You shouted jerking away from him again.
His smile faded almost instantly to an unamused look. “Resisting an Officer too? You really are up to no good tonight.” He said, grabbing you roughly by the arm, pulling you away from your own vehicle and tugging you towards his cruiser. He’d switched the flashlight off leaving you mostly in the dark as he trudged you along. Fear made you attempt to dig your heels, but his grip was like a vice and as he yanked, you were forced to tumble forwards with him until he shoved you face first into the back seat, your bottom half hanging out off the black faux-leather.
The inside of the car was toasty warming you up almost instantly, but your legs shivered desperately against the freezing air swirling outside. “Stay still.” He commanded, as you felt two fingers make their way into the waistband of your pants before he unceremoniously yanked them down to your ankles.
“What are you –”
“Finishing my inspection.” He replied, brushing his hands up your thighs, this time applying more pressure directly to your skin, making his way closer and closer to your panties. A firm slap was landed on your ass hurting so much it made you yelp. “That was for that bratty attitude.” Soothing the sore spot with gentle rubs from one hand, he brought the other between your legs gently rubbing against your clothed slit, stopping to nudge at your clit through the fabric.
Your eyes went wide as saucers, mouth agape. You hated that your body reacted to the feeling, a moan making it’s way out of your mouth, feeling the arousal building up at your center.
“Don’t feel anything yet, but you can never be too sure.” He pulled his hand away, your body instinctively bucking back a little without any input from your brain. Your underwear received the same treatment as your pants, but not before he snapped the elastic of your waistband, making you whimper at the sting.
You felt the starched fabric of his uniform pants brush harshly against your inner thigh before he used it to pull your legs as far apart as they would go while still restricted at the ankles by your clothing. Something cold and smooth was dragged up your leg, making you squirm in place uncomfortably. It was different to the texture of his gloves, you couldn’t tell if it was plastic or metal. The object made it’s way to your slicked up folds, running through them gently.
“Gahh!” You squealed trying to wiggle forward away from the icy feeling.You couldn’t go any farther, stopped by the grating that separated the seat you were in from the other side.
“None of that.” He said, moving his arm forward, dragging whatever it was against you again. The sheer temperature was uncomfortable, but when he circled it against your clit, the torturous mix of discomfort and pleasure made you shudder involuntarily. More slick leaked out onto the seats.
Coating its base into your wetness, he prodded your hole gently. Craning your neck to the point of pain, you looked behind you as best you could to see what was happening, the night stick gripped firmly in his hand. Your brain screamed at you to be scared, while your body betrayed you, clamping down over the cool tip of the thin object. “S’too cold!” You pleaded, voice a pathetic whine. He ignored you at first, moving it inside of you slowly, shallowly. It was enough to have your pussy aching, but not enough to hit that one spot that would have you seeing stars. It was a teasing sensation you’d never experienced before.
“Too cold? Can’t be that bad, not with the mess you’re making all over my backseat.” He twisted the baton this time sinking it in farther enough to bump against that special bundle of nerves making you keen. “You really have no sense of self preservation, do you baby? Needy pussy will slop all over anything it’s given, won’t it? At least I know you’re not hiding anything now.”
You hadn’t the capacity to refute him or spout an insult back his way, though you wanted to, badly .
He set the night stick down between your legs, not pulling it out of you. You heard the sound of rustling fabric until some warm teased against the skin of your leg. The night stick was lifted gently again, back to its painfully slow rhythm of thrusting just outside the reach of where you wanted it. Quickly you realized he’d removed his gloves, his hands so warm from being inside them his fingers nearly burned against your numbed skin. He used the middle and pointer finger of his left hand to rub agonizingly slow circles around your clit, as he worked the baton into your hole again.
Both sensations felt good, but just so… not enough . Trapped in the backseat of his car against your will, arms stinging from being stuck behind you, face pressed against the seat knowing the pattern would be smooshed into your skin by the time you were ever allowed to move again. You hated how the handsome asshole of a cop was working you up so much with his vile mocking and teasing movements. But most of all, you hated how much you wanted more . More pressure. More heat. More speed. Just more of whatever you could get.
You weren’t sure how far he was going to go with this, but not wanting to give in, you attempted to focus on everything that wasn’t him. The smell of the pine air freshener blowing throughout the car, the sound of that stupid fucking gum still going between his teeth – you even tried to close your eyes and imagine you were somewhere else. None of it worked as you were left trying to grind back against him, desperate to alleviate the tension between your thighs and desperate to get out of there. Soft whimpers echoing throughout the confines of the vehicle.
“Poor thing, you just look so miserable. You want something don’t you?” He cooed the question out, picking up the pace of the fingers on your clit, finally using them to apply pressure as he rubbed it directly. Your whole body strained against the confines you were in, tensing with pleasure, mouth opening into an ‘o’ shape. Being teased for so long, you were just on the cusp of an orgasm as he finally gave you some sweet satisfaction – before you could feel that sensation of relief he pulled his hands away stopping entirely.
“Wha-?” The disappointment in your voice despite the lack of an entire sentence was obvious.
“Ask me nicely, maybe I’ll give you a reward for being good. After all, you passed my inspection with flying colors.” He resumed what he was doing again, back to the terribly slow movements that never gave you enough satisfaction to tip you over the edge.
You refused to give in, to beg, to admit out loud that you wanted anything from him. Doing your best, you tried scoffing, voice shakily creaking from your throat. “I-I don’t want anything from you. Except to let me go!” The malice and bite you wished coated your words wasn’t there.
He laughed in response, flicking your clit lightly. “Liar. That stubborn little mouth of yours might not want to admit it, but your pretty little pussy is giving everything away.” Leaning forward he pressed a kiss to your shoulder trailing the kisses up your neck before flicking his tongue against the shell of your ear. He managed to extract another pathetic whine as he blew on the spot he licked, sending a shiver right down your spine. While he’d pulled the night stick out to use that arm to support himself over you, his remaining hand was still tucked between your legs, sloppily playing with you. Against your thigh, through his pants you could feel his hardness pressing into you. “Come on baby, you don’t need to keep up the act anymore. We both know this was your goal from the start, wasn’t it?” He sucked a bruise into the skin of your neck before placing another kiss between your shoulder blades, the way he was pressed onto you forced your arms to tense in a way that hurt. “I saw it all over your face the moment your window rolled down. Batting those pretty lashes at me, probably thought you could flirt your way out of trouble.”
“N-not true…” You squeaked out.
He sat up, pulling his hand away from you. Metal on metal and the sound of the zipper behind you told you he was freeing his erection from its confines. He let out a relieved hiss before he was back over you this time you felt his soft lips against your leg, kissing the back of your knee before trailing his tongue up your leg, the cool air drying the strip of saliva as he went before placing a kiss to your buttcheek where his hand had left a raised red mark. “No? Then why are you sobbing between the legs for me?”
He moved forward nestling the head of his weeping cock against your slit, rubbing it against your clit gently before swiping it up to your hole. He didn’t enter though, merely rubbing it around before dragging it back down – your pussy clenched around nothing in anticipation of the pleasure that wouldn’t come. “Mmm, so hot and wet.” He moaned, stroking himself as he rubbed the swollen tip against you.
A noise caught in your throat as he did it again, teasing your hole again. Frustrated tears reformed in your eyes, body hot, bothered, and screaming at you for relief. The last shell of pride you had cracked at the tantalizing idea of his thick cock stretching you open.
“P-please…” You finally choked out, quietly.
“What’s that?”
“P-please….” You repeated again, louder this time.
“Still too quiet –”
“PLEASE!” You nearly shouted this time.
“Hmm, please what? Gotta use your words, I’m not a mind reader.”
His teasing now had you more frustrated than the initial traffic stop, you were ready to sob if you had to go one more second without relief. “Please, please fuck me. Want you inside me, please.” You begged bucking your lower half up against him, hoping it would entice him to give in.
Expecting more teasing on his end you were pleasantly surprised when you felt him slip inside of you, not bothering to go slowly, slamming himself from tip to balls into your tight heat. “O-Oh.” You moaned as he pulled out, slamming back inside. Your eyes nearly rolled back as he set a fast rhythm, pounding against your sweet spot over and over again, finally giving your cunt something to clench around properly.“Oh god…fuck…” You spewed more incoherent words as you drooled against the seat. “So…fucking good.” Pleasure washed over your brain, stopping any coherent thoughts from processing.
“Look at you, dumb on my cock already and I’ve barely started fucking you. You, that desperate?” He reached over, swiping some drool from your cheek, flicking it away with his thumb. “Messy little slut, can’t help but leak from both ends, huh?”
“N-nuh uh.” You tried to protest, tongue almost falling out of your mouth as he angled his hips just right. Giving up on any further attempts of saving your ego, you attempted to speak again, wanting to feel something against your lips. Another incoherent noise came out instead.
He leaned in, slowing his hip movements. “What was that?”
“K-kiss.” You managed to get the word out. “Please.”
“Awww, not romantic enough for you sweetheart? Need some kisses too?”
You nodded, bottom lip quivering. He turned, spitting the gum outside the car before leaning forward again to connect your lips. It was rough at first, him biting your bottom lip before entangling your tongues together. You whimpered into his mouth, tasting the remnants of mint on him. He pulled away a trail of saliva connecting you before he placed a few sweeter pecks against your lips.
“Are your arms sore?” He asked running a hand over one of them as he sat back up.
“Can I trust you to be good if I take the cuffs off?”
There was stillness for a moment as there was the jangling of keys behind you. Soon your wrists were freed from the cuffs that hit the car floor, clanging together gently. You let out a relieved groan, letting one arm flop to your side as the other dangled onto the floor, shoulders stiff and sore.
The blonde kneaded his hands against your shoulder a few times to relieve the visible tension. He let you flop against the seat as he resumed his rhythm of fucking into your tight heat, leaving you babbling and whining loudly, enjoying the sensation of being split open on him.
“Perfect little pussy, just sucks me right in.” He pulled you back this time, so your ass was at a higher angle making it easier for him to slip in and out of your wet heat.
Close. You were so close to finally being tipped over the edge. White hot pleasure pricked at your vision, core aching deliciously. Almost to your peak when his voice tore through that bringing you back into the moment. “Hear that? Sounds like a car coming. Better quiet down baby, or they might come investigate. Wouldn’t wanna let them see what a little whore you are.” Despite his words he didn’t slow his pace, in fact he landed another slap against your unmarked ass cheek. “Or, maybe that’s exactly what you want, since you’re still crying like a desperate little bitch in heat. Want them to come over here and see you get fucked? Tell them what a bad girl you are, getting pulled over and getting fucked in the back of a cop car?”
“N-no….” You looked at him eyes wide. “P-please… don’t want – please.” With him pistoning into you, you couldn’t stop the noises that flew out. “P-please…oh god…” Time was running out as the headlights of the oncoming vehicle began to light up.
“Since you asked so nicely, I’ll help you out.” He leaned forward pressing two fingers into your mouth, greedily you pulled them in lapping over them with your tongue before sucking on them like a lifeline.
“Good girl.” He praised quietly into your ear. “Good fucking girl.” His own quiet grunts were becoming labored, his hip movements becoming sloppy, indicating his release was close. You turned your body so you were laying on your side more, grasping at his wrist holding his hand in place, nearly gagging on the digits.
The yellow hued light from the stream of passing cars lit up the inside of the cruiser giving you a view of the man’s face once again. His own eyes heavy with pleasure, black pupils dilated as he slowed his pace once last time to watch you suckle on his fingers as the last of the cars passed by, darkness encompassing the vehicle again before your eyes readjusted to the dimly lit roof light.
He pulled his fingers free, and brought the saliva coated hand down to rub against your clit as he picked up the pace fucking you again. He didn’t waste time taunting you, nor did he slow down, letting you fully bask in the hot waves of pleasure radiating from your sensitive pearl of nerves.
“G-god…oh god…” Your eyes rolled back as the coil of tension snapped, toes curling as your pussy clamped his cock like a vice. He groaned, fucking you through your orgasm before his hand gripped your hip with a bruising tightness, eye closing at his cock twitched, pulsing hot ropes of cum inside of you. He slowed down, thrusting just enough to ride out his own orgasm enjoying every twitch of your silky walls as he filled you up. Afterwards he braced his hand against the roof of the car to catch his breath and come down from the high of it all.
Once softened, he slowly pulled his cock out, wiping it along your thigh as he did so before tucking it back into his pants and fully standing up outside the car, stretching. “You alright?” He asked when he finally poked his head back in. He didn’t wait for your answer before tugging you towards him again, sliding your body along the seat. Pressing a kiss to the back of your still trembling legs, he hoisted your bottoms and panties back up, any leaking seed being caught by the fabric. “There we go.”
Too exhausted to move or think, you laid there like sentient jello as he readjusted you, slipping into the back seat himself so he could pull you onto his lap. Flopping against his chest, you buried your face in the crook of his neck, as he wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back with one hand.
He let you rest for a while against him in that hazy-twilight state recovering from both the mental and physicality of the ordeal. The sound of the wind whistling outside coupled with the even badump badump of his heartbeat relaxed you. The radio on his chest buzzed, a crackly voice on the other end reading out some police codes you didn’t understand. “10-4, I’ll head back to the station.” He replied. “Hear that? Looks like this stop has come to an end.”
You rubbed at your eyes, sitting up. Honestly you had no words to reply, what could you even say after all of this. The cop reached up, tucking some hair behind your ear. “You said you were lost on the way home?”
“Where were you headed?”
He nodded. “Go sit in your car for me, I’ll be over in a few.”
Not arguing, you slipped off his lap and out into the dark cold stumbling your way back over to your car, ready for the night to just be over with finally.
A few minutes went by and sure enough Officer Kennedy reappeared at your window, a piece of paper in hand. “Directions.” He said handing it to you. Before you could reply, another paper was thrust into your hands, a ticket at the top. “Have a good night, Miss.” He said, popping another piece of gum into his mouth as he disappeared back to his cruiser.
“No fucking way. After all of that, he’s still giving me a fucking ticket?” You asked out loud, eyeing the ticket paper resisting the urge to rush it in your fist. You were heated all over again, ready to punch something – until it occurred to you he never actually took your license or anything. You reached up and pressed on the ceiling light to get a better look at the ticket. The entire form was blank. “Huh?” Flipping it over in confusion you saw the penciled note. ‘Try to drive more carefully, Sweetheart. Call me if you need a tour. - Leon Kennedy’
Your jaw hung open, shocked by the utter audacity of him after all of that. You knew you should’ve shred that paper up on the spot, or reported him. Instead, for whatever reason that only god knew, you tossed it into your glove compartment before reading over the directions he’d given you. With a turn of the key into the ignition, you pulled out onto the dark road, taking off to make the trip back home.
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kimbureh · 6 months
Okay, it's almost 8 years since Mad Max Fury Road premiered in cinemas, and 15 hours ago the trailer for the long announced Furiosa prequel has dropped. I'm not one for media hype, but I am pumped for this, and here is why:
there is a clear aesthetic continuity with Mad Max Fury Road: the color scheme, the bright eyes, the center frame. The look is referenced enough to be recognizeable, but it's not just a simple copy but adjusts it to the story: the color isn't *quite* as glaring, the center frame isn't adhered to as strictly as in mmfr
it's called HER Odyssey! Chris Hemsworth (who is there for some reason) asks Furiosa "do you have it in you to make it epic?"; this, my friends, is Nico Lathouris speaking. He's not just one of the writing credits of mmfr, he's also a master of ancient storytelling techniques, and he's telling us right to the face what he's about to do. Furiosa is an Odyssey with a female protagonist, and just as Odysseus in the Greek original, we can expect her to be a complex character, sometimes making questionable choices (she becomes Immortan's Imperator for a good reason!).
the religious references are just as numerous; she's called the darkest angel, the promo poster shows her with an halo (and the low angle shot of hers with a soft focus length?? Goddess). Does she rise from the ashes of this world to become a Godlike figure herself, just as Immortan Joe attempts to be, because it's either apotheosis or death? A guy like Lathouris, who knows the old canon so well, might have some very interesting ideas on that.
there are war boys! RIDING EPIC CARS!!
more references from mmfr: the shot of Max standing up from the trickling sand is reference (symbol of his pain & overcoming bondage), as well as the shot Nux driving his car looking at the audience through the windshield (absolute madness trying to follow his destiny bestowed to him by Immortan). I am curious to what degree Furiosa might go through Max's and Nux's arc, but with a twist???
the green place! VUVALINI!! SO MANY VUVALINI!!!!!!
this is going to be epic in the most literal sense!!!
MARGARET SIXEL IS EDITING THIS!!!!! I want a three hour reel of her talking about her craft
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another-lost-mc · 11 months
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When MC Drives For Them on a Road Trip
1.7k words | NSFW | gn!Reader
Content warnings: Mostly lots of fluff and family dynamics, minor cursing. Some suggestive content but nothing explicit.
A/N: I think they'd appreciate the novelty of MC driving them on a road trip in the human world. I think they'd find it attractive too.
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He offers to drive if you don't want to because his main priority is that you enjoy yourself.
If you insist on driving, he wants to sit in the passenger seat, and he'll play play rock-paper-scissors if that's what it takes.
If you need directions, he reads them off your phone for you instead of using the GPS.
He adjusts the trip so you drive along the scenic routes instead of the busy freeways—it's nicer for sight-seeing.
(And it's a convenient excuse to spend more time with you if you're the only ones in the car.)
He won't admit it, but he's concerned about the other terrible drivers out there so he'll choose whatever route avoids the busiest highways if he can.
He tells you that you can listen to whatever music you like, but he’s very happy if you choose to play something more suited to his tastes.
If you place your free hand across the gear shift, he'll lace his fingers with yours, even if his brothers in the back seat whine or tease him about it.
If you go on an evening drive together, there's a very good chance you'll end up making out after he drags you into his lap.
He likes to get you worked up, and then he smirks when you drive back faster than necessary.
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He's willing to drive for you too, even though the others will complain about it.
They tell you that he's so reckless when he drives, but you've never seen anything like that in your experience.
(He drives slower and safer because you're in the car with him.)
He's also willing to play rock-paper-scissors for the front seat, and he’ll start offering bribes to whoever won if they’ll let him have their spot.
He turns the volume up if you want to listen to music in the car—he says it helps drown out the losers stuck in the back seat.
He usually puts on the playlist you made together so it's the perfect blend of both your favourite music.
If any of his brothers are in the car, he doesn't hesitate to offer you his hand across the gear shift.
If you're alone, he'll rest his hand on your thigh or he'll stretch his arm across the back of your seat.
He's too distracted chatting with you to offer to help with directions, so you'll need your GPS for that.
He won't complain about your driving at all—he might even encourage you to drive faster.
He will 100% will make out with you in the car, and if he's feeling particularly riled up, he might ask you to ride him in the front seat, or he'll fuck you against the hood.
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He doesn't mind sitting in the back seat—the glare from the windshield can be annoying if he wants to play his handheld.
If he's not watching a livestream on his phone, he might request to listen to playlist of his favourite anime opening/ending songs.
(You already have it on your phone, sometimes you listen to it when you miss him.)
He thinks it's hot cool that you know how to drive, but he won't admit it.
He might joke that it's a good thing you're a better driver in the human world than you are playing Devil Kart.
If you pretend to be offended, he gets flustered and stutters when he tries to apologize.
Depending on how well he slept the night before your trip, he might doze off beside you even though he tries to stay awake.
He spends half the trip glancing at you nervously and wiping his clammy hands on his pant leg before he clears his throat dramatically and holds his hand palm-up over the gear shift.
He stares out the window and pretends he doesn't care what you do, but you can tell he's smiling when you take his hand in yours.
He's too anxious to initiate anything in the car, but he will fall to pieces if you suggest he gets in the back seat.
He turns beet-red when you tell him it'll be more comfortable to blow him or ride him back there, and he fumbles with his seatbelt in his haste to switch seats.
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He would prefer to sit in the front seat with you, but he won't throw too much of a fit if he can't.
The exception being: if Lucifer ends up sitting next to you, Satan will sit behind him and kick the back of his seat throughout the entire trip.
He feigns innocence when you glance at him over your shoulder, but you hear his quiet grumble about how Lucifer started it (even when he didn't).
It's so much worse if Lucifer, Satan and Belphie are in the car together.
Lucifer insists that their antics are too disruptive for you and it usually devolves into him warning them to behave or else.
All you have to do is threaten to withhold cuddles/napping together/kissing and they (mostly) behave themselves after that.
Satan prefers to keep the radio volume low because he'd rather talk to you than listen to music.
He brought a book with him, but more often than not it ends up ignored on his lap while you chat for most of the drive instead.
He'll reach for your hand if it's free, or he'll rest his hand on your thigh if it's not.
He's the one climbing into the back seat and trying to drag you back there with him as soon as you've parked the car somewhere partially secluded.
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He likes sitting in the front seat where the sun is bright and warm, and he likes being able to stretch out and relax.
He buys you new sunglasses, even if you have your own.
They match the new ones he bought himself, and he likes to compliment how good they look on you.
(He gets annoyed if Mammon any of his brothers try to wear them, he bought them for you.)
He'll sing along with whatever music is playing.
He gets a little flustered when you compliment his singing, so don't be surprised if he scrolls through your playlist and croons out a sappy love ballad to get you worked up in retaliation.
If you're not listening to music, he scrolls through his social media feeds and updates you on the latest gossip.
He's also taking lots of pictures and videos of human world scenery and neat things he sees along the way.
He takes a lot of pictures of you, too.
He likes to hold your hand while you drive.
If he feels particularly affectionate, he tells you quietly how much he appreciates spending quality time with you like this.
He's not as fond of car quickies—a heated make out session to tease you is as far as he normally pushes things.
After a long drive, he's more interested in drawing a warm bath for both of you so you can relax properly after being cramped in the car all day.
Besides, he'd rather take his time when he shows his appreciation for you between soft sheets on a comfortable bed.
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You basically give him the passenger seat by default because you know he'd be too cramped in the back seat.
He feels bad if the others whine about it, and he'll offer to switch seats if that means they'll stop bothering you.
Of course, that's very nice of him to offer, but no, they can deal with it.
He feels bad chatting with you too much because he thinks it's distracting, but he's more talkative if you reassure him it's fine.
He packed a lot of snacks for the trip, but most of them are in the backseat or the trunk.
If he keeps them in the front seat, they won't last very long.
If you see a farmer's stand along a country road, you pull over so he can look at whatever's for sale.
You figure buying fresh fruit or home-baked goods is better than buying junk at a gas station, and Beel appreciates the snack variety.
He doesn't buy a lot of souvenirs on these types of trips because he spends a lot of money on buying food to share with you instead.
Trips with Beel take a bit longer because of food-related detours, but the others enjoy them too even if they don't want to admit it.
They like knowing you're well-fed and rested if you're driving, and they can trust Beel take care of you in that way.
If he's feeling frisky, Beel's more likely to press you against the hood or side of the car if he wants to kiss you (or more).
He still prefers to you to bed properly once you've both had a shower and a snack together.
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He won't put up much of a fight for the front seat since the back is more comfortable for napping.
If it's just the two of you, he sits up front with a neck pillow (that you bought him), and you keep the music volume low if he's napping.
He's interested in the new places you explore together, and he likes picking up little souvenirs from your travels.
You offer to stop if he sees an interesting tourist attraction so he can take photos (usually of you, and Beel if he's there too).
He forgets to bring sunglasses with him which means he usually asks to borrow yours.
Sometimes he gives them back, sometimes he doesn't.
He'll hold your hand while you drive, or he'll trace little shapes into the top of your thigh to tease you.
He might rile you up on purpose so that you're a squirmy, needy mess.
If you drive somewhere secluded and pull over, he lays across the back seat and pulls you on top of him.
Kissing him is slow and lazy and indulgent, but if you ask him nicely, he'll make sure you're sated before you have to drive again.
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handful0fteeth · 8 months
sexy when you scream
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kinktober day 2: roleplaying
summary: you told eddie you wanted him to stalk you. he obliges, and makes your wildest fantasy come true.
pairings: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: slight 90s!au, smut, minors DNI, explicit language, lots of dirty talk, A LOT of cnc, stalking kink, kidnapping kink, bondage, fearplay, (slight) knifeplay, rough sex
words: 9.7k
Oh, you are so fucked.
The cold, hard metal of your keys bite into your palm as you clench your hands together, pressing them against your chest as you slowly take inventory of your porch. 
You wouldn't believe it if you weren’t standing here and seeing this with your own eyes. But here it is, in all its terrifying, thrilling glory. You worry your bottom lip with your teeth and take a step back.
Hundreds of daisies have been sprinkled on your front stoop; some rest in clumps atop the seats of your wicker chairs and a dusty metal table, while others are threaded through the thin whorls of metal within your iron porch columns. A path of daises led you to this discovery in the first place, smatterings of pink, white, and red petals and long green stems guiding you to your home from the driveway. In front of your door, pink clusters have been arranged to form the first initial of your name inside of a crude heart.
 A cold wind blusters a few flowers across the tops of your tennis shoes, and you retreat down the concrete steps leading up the porch a little further. This egregious display was most certainly not here when you left for the gym an hour ago. You adjust your duffel bag on your shoulder and swallow hard despite your suddenly bone-dry mouth.
You know who did this. You spin on your heel, scanning the sparse forest encasing your home for anything - or anyone - who shouldn’t be there. 
“Hello?” Your voice is small, scared, fluttering away on the autumnal breeze with all the conviction of a mewling kitten. The forest remains defiantly silent. 
You see it when you’ve stepped onto your driveway, back turned to the floral explosion blocking your door. Nestled about one hundred yards away from your house, mostly camouflaged beneath a tapestry of oak leaves that have gone red and orange with the October chill, is the white-brown front bumper of a car. 
No, not a car - a van. 
Your stomach flips as you ascend your porch steps. The trees are blocking the windshield, so you can’t see if anyone occupies the van’s interior, but it feels like eyes are on you. Trying to find your house key proves difficult as your hands shake, and you keep glancing over your shoulder to ensure the van doesn’t move. Losing sight of it somehow feels scarier than knowing it’s there.
You finally slip the correct key into the lock, but when you turn it, there’s resistance. You try again - no luck. You hold the knob and lift, shimmying the key inside the door to dislodge whatever lay inside, but nothing gives. Sweat beads at your hairline and pools in your palms, and just as you’re about to throw the keys down in defeat, you notice your silhouette is pasted against the door. The world is suddenly much brighter than it was moments ago, and when you chance a look behind you, you realize why.
The van’s headlights have flared on. You blink against their harsh yellow light as your stomach drops into your shoes.
Shit. You bend, trying to peer inside your lock's narrow channel to figure out what’s jamming it. The dying evening light doesn’t give you much clarity, and you curse yourself for forgetting to switch on the porch light before you left. 
A loud rumble pierces the air, disturbing a few nesting birds nearby into flight; he’s revving the engine. 
Yep, definitely fucked.
You scrape the tip of your key along the rim of the lock, hoping you can dislodge whatever’s inside to unlock your door. White and pink petals crumble out, and it dawns on you as the glow of the headlights abruptly shuts off, and the engine cuts out. 
He’s stuffed daisies in the door.
“Motherfucker!” you growl, slapping your hand uselessly against the doorjamb. 
The sound of a car door slamming shut makes you whip around. The oak trees still obstruct your view, so all you can make out of the figure now slowly stalking toward you are a pair of dingy white sneakers crunching over the carpet of rotting leaves. 
You don’t think - you just act. You swing your duffel back off your shoulder, offloading the unnecessary weight, and hear it crash into one of your wicker chairs as you dash down your porch steps. You fly around the side of the house, mud squelching and slipping beneath your tennis shoes, and just before you reach your backdoor, you trip.
All the air in your lungs whooshes out as you collide with the cold, wet ground, and mud squishes up between your fingers as you skid forward on your stomach. Pain zaps through the knee you landed on like lightning, and you gasp, but you don’t have time to sit here. He’s gaining on you. You can feel his presence at your back, if you can just get inside before he reaches you…
You scrabble forward, clawing at the mud and flinging clumps behind you as you struggle back up to your feet. Footsteps squish behind you, measured, slow.
The screen door crashes against the wall as you fling it open, but you hardly hear it over the blood rushing through your ears. Luckily, or stupidly, you never lock your back door, and though you have a hard time grasping the knob with your mud-slick palms, it gives way quickly as you barrel your entire body through it. When you slam it shut, your whole house rattles. A silence settles over you, thick like smoke and just as suffocating. Over the roar of blood in your ears, all you can hear is your own ragged breathing. 
Then, you laugh.
You bend over, hands gripping your knees, lungs still burning, heart still pounding, and you start laughing. Mud is drying on your skin and clothes, and as your body quakes from the force of your laughter, flakes drift to the floor in front of you. Adrenaline throbs through your body, and something stirs in your stomach, intermingling with the fear that’s still got your teeth on edge and your hands shaking. Before you can name it, the doorknob in front of you jiggles.
He’s trying to open it.
You slap both hands over your mouth to stifle the giggles still pouring out. You wonder if he can hear you, if your girlish sounds of mirth are amusing or irritating to him. The knob wiggles harder, more insistently, forcing the door to tremble on its hinges, and just when you think it’s going to shake itself loose - it stops. The quiet creeps back in as you lower your hands, giggles under control for now. Seconds bleed into minutes, and you’re just standing by the door, watching it expectantly, like at any moment, the lock will magically fail and allow your unexpected guest inside. 
You can’t help the scream that bursts from your lips. The sound of a demanding fist pounding on your door rings out like a shot, and you aren’t even aware that your feet are whisking you away and into your kitchen until you’ve almost run straight into the counter. When you whip back around, ready to threaten the presence at the door and bluff your ass off, the banging stops as suddenly as it started.
Oh, he’s good.
You scurry to the living room and snap the curtains closed on all the windows, but not before peering outside. You eye the spot where the van is supposed to be parked and are met with nothing but empty forest.
Where did he go? He couldn’t have driven off that quickly, could he? Surely you would’ve heard the tires squeal over the forest floor, and surely he couldn’t have disappeared in a matter of seconds? You nibble your bottom lip again and back away from the windows.
You rub your bare arms, trying to soothe the gooseflesh that’s apparated over your entire body and take a deep, shuddering breath. Your heart still thunders against your ribcage, so much so that you’re sure it’d be audible from across the room. 
You only notice the envelope taped to your fridge when you turn to face the kitchen.
You almost scream again. The writing on the outside is a familiar scrawl, addressed in black ink to a “Sweetheart.” Your legs are like lead as they shuffle over to the fridge, and when you bring the letter to your face with trembling fingers, a blend of cigarettes, weed, and something earthy-sweet wafts into your nose. Your resolve melts a little when you peel open the envelope and read the note within:
Hope you liked the flowers. I picked ‘em special for you. I’ll be seeing you soon, sweetheart, even if you don’t see me. Behave yourself.
A shiver ripples down your spine. You run your fingers over the letter, feeling where he’s pressed the pen into paper so hard it’s left indentations. God, you’re so tempted to run outside and call for him now, to end this little game before it’s even truly begun - the heat in your cheeks and the throbbing between your legs demands it. But where’s the fun in that? 
You hug the note to your chest, chewing your lip, and slide down to the floor like a smitten schoolgirl instead of someone who should be terrified that their house was broken into and that whoever broke in left you a note promising constant observation. And on some level, you are scared. But the fear is the best part of all of this.
When Eddie asked you weeks ago if you ever had any fantasies you’d be interested in roleplaying, you’re sure he was expecting you to say you’d love to be the naughty student to his seductive professor or even something in a fantastical, magical vein that he could really sink his teeth into, but you didn’t. You hadn’t wanted to answer him at first, truthfully, because for all the dark, wicked things you’d already confessed made you embarrassingly wet, you didn’t think Eddie would be very on board with the idea of acting like some psycho stalker while you pretended to fear for your life.
Oh, how wonderfully wrong you were. 
You hardly had to elaborate on the finer details of your fantasy before he emphatically agreed to participate, and he didn’t allow you to leave anything out, either. When you tried, when you curled in on yourself or tucked your head out of shyness, Eddie was there, grabbing your chin and crowding into your space, encouraging you with his velvet-soft tenor to keep going. The words tumbled out of you so freely it was like you weren’t even thinking about them - you confessed to wanting to be desired so fiercely that nothing would stop Eddie in his pursuit, not even you running from him. You wanted him to obsess over you, to make it clear that he was always there, always watching and waiting for another opportunity to express his devotion, whether you liked it or not.
You admitted, with Eddie’s deft fingers rubbing tantalizing circles around your clit, that you wanted him to make you scared. True, bone-chilling fear isn’t what you were after; you just wanted that thrill, that dump of adrenaline that kicked your body into overdrive, like when you’d watch a scary movie. In the face of mundanity, the dreary day-to-day that was living in Hawkins, that jolt of fear let you know, doubtlessly, that you were alive. 
The shrill chime of the phone tears you from your thoughts, and you yelp. You back into the fridge reflexively, eyeing the phone on the adjacent wall like it’s a wild animal rearing to bite if you make a move toward it. Your heart batters so hard against your chest that you’re sure it’ll burst free at any moment and plop on the floor in a bloody, steaming heap. Gross.
You don’t move, and the phone rings out. The house isn’t silent for a full second before a second call jars the receiver, and you swallow thickly. You wonder how many calls you’d have to ignore before Eddie came banging around the house again, and for a moment, you consider doing just that. But that’s not part of the game. You’re supposed to be a poor, helpless victim who does just the wrong thing at just the wrong time. So you stand, your thighs quaking with the effort of keeping you upright, and pick up the phone.
“Why’d you run from me, sweet thing?” Eddie croons. His voice is dark and smooth, and even through the receiver, it rumbles right down into your core. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
“Who is this?” you ask, and though the tremble in your voice is real, it isn’t from fear. You’re so fucking excited. You have to chew on your thumbnail just to suppress the giggles building in your throat, and you’re glad, for once, that Eddie can’t see the smile on your face. 
“Aw, what, you don’t recognize me?” Eddie pouts, and you can practically hear him jutting out his bottom lip. “That hurts, sweetheart. Really stings.”
“Who…who the fuck are you?”
Eddie sucks in a hissing breath through his teeth. “Ouch, such foul language from such a pretty girl. I should wash your mouth out for that.”
The thought is, confusingly, very arousing. You decide you’ll table that and bring it up to Eddie at a later date.
“Anyway. D’you get my note?” he asks, as cool and casual as ever. 
“I…How the fuck did you get into my house?”
He laughs. “Let’s not pretend you live in Fort Knox here, sweetheart. All I needed was a few tools and five minutes, and boom - it opened up like it was waiting for me. Just like you will.”
Fuck. You choke on your tongue as you press your back to the wall, knees buckling and threatening to drop you to the floor. You wonder where he’s calling from, if he drove away from your house, or if he just retreated further into the woods. If he’s out there now, watching, waiting. 
“I’m not doing shit for you, you fucking weirdo,” you snarl, and Eddie laughs again. 
“I am definitely gonna have to teach you some manners, aren’t I? Rude little thing, you are. I wonder if you’d be so keen on mouthing off if I was standing right in front of you.”
“I’m not scared of you.” A lie; you’re most definitely scared, but you’re also so fucking horny you’re having a hard time thinking straight. By sheer force of will, you don’t beg down the phone for Eddie to just come and take you now. You want to wait and play this whole thing out just as you two had planned, but God, it is so hard to have patience when he condescends to you. 
“You should be,” Eddie purrs. “‘Cause you know what I like to do to mouthy little brats like you?” You hear him shift wherever he is, and the sigh that billows past his lips sends a shiver down your spine. You know that sound intimately, and how his breath hitches as he speaks confirms precisely what you’re thinking.
“I like to make them scream. Break ‘em ‘til they beg for mercy. And it’d be so easy to do, tiny little thing like you can’t even run two feet without tripping over herself.” 
Your mind goes blank. An embarrassed flush rises high on your cheeks, but you hardly notice; Eddie’s low, almost imperceptible groan is bouncing around the inside of your skull, and you know for a fact you heard the jingle of his belt coming undone. He’s touching himself, maybe pulling his cock out of his jeans as you speak, so aroused at what he has planned for when he gets his hands on you that he can’t help himself. You clench your thighs tightly, pretending your panties aren’t getting wetter by the second.
“I-I’m gonna call the cops,” you threaten weakly. “I’m gonna c-call them right now, and when they get here they’ll-”
“They’ll what, sweetheart? Hm? C’mon, don’t be silly, you know they won’t believe you. Not like they’d be faster than me anyway. By the time they busted in, I’d already have my cock down your throat.”
You have to bite down on the back of your hand so hard it hurts to stop the moan that wants to spill out. This side of Eddie, this arrogant, cold, mean side of him, is unexpected but dizzyingly sexy. You can’t help the image that trickles into your brain: you on your knees, your hair fisted in Eddie’s hand as he thrust himself so deep in your throat that you’d have no choice but to gag on him, blinking tears from your eyes as your supposed “rescuers” came face-to-face with the very man you called to report in the first place. 
“I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N,” Eddie promises, his voice gruff with arousal. “But I’ll make sure you don’t see me ‘til I want you to. Think you can be a good girl for me ‘til then?”
“Fuck you,” you spit, and he laughs.
“I thought so.” There’s a pause, and when Eddie speaks again, it’s softer, quieter, like he’s afraid someone is eavesdropping. “Are you okay, by the way? Like, really. That fall looked like it hurt.”
You smile, twisting the phone cord around your fingers. “I’m okay, baby. Just muddy. I don’t even think I scraped anything.”
“Good. Do you remember your safeword, angel?”
“Mmhm. Mercy.”
“And what happens if you call mercy?”
“Everything stops, right there and then,” you say, repeating what you’d gone over probably dozens of times before tonight. As excited as Eddie was, he refused to participate in anything risky like this without a safeguard, for both of your sakes. As he’d put it, “If the whole point is you sayin’ ‘no,’ how am I supposed to know when that really means ‘no?’” 
Eddie chuckles. “That’s my good girl. Alright, go get cleaned up. I’ll be watchin’ you.”
The line goes dead without another word.
You stare at the receiver for what feels like a long, long time. You’re half expecting him to call you back, maybe to taunt you some more, but he doesn’t.
You’re still so fucked. And you’re thrilled.
Days pass without much incident.
When you wake up the next morning, the daisies have all mysteriously disappeared from your porch, as if they were never there. Your duffel bag has been propped up in one of your wicker chairs, but when you unzip it, it’s empty, save for a single pink daisy at the bottom. You don’t know if Eddie’s around or watching, so you stealthily pluck the flower out of your bag and tuck it close to your chest. You suppose it sort of ruins the illusion if you keep your “stalker’s” creepy calling card, but beneath that, who are you to throw away the flowers your boyfriend gifts you?
You try to go about your life normally but catch yourself constantly looking over your shoulder, flinching at every twig that breaks in the woods, running to the window to fling the curtains open if you think you hear a voice on the breeze outside. There’s never anything there, but you always check. Nighttime is when Eddie’s decided he’s going to mess with you the most. He doesn’t need to break in, as you gave him a key ages ago, but you’d discussed that feeling more authentic for the fantasy, so he does it. 
He comes in at around three o’clock every night - you awake to footsteps creaking along your floorboards, shadows rippling over your wall, and dissipating in the blink of an eye, but when you gather the courage to storm down the hallway, he’s nowhere to be seen. You only know he was there because his scent lingers behind him, earth-sweet and smokey with cigarettes. The anticipation makes it harder to fall asleep every night, like a kid waiting to catch Santa Claus in the act.
After a week, he amps it up. You awake to daisies in front of your bedroom door, and when you return home from work that night, a white one is on your pillow. He’s edging closer and closer to you, circling like a vulture readying its descent toward its meal. You start waking up to calls in the middle of the night, but when you pick up, Eddie doesn’t speak. He only breathes, deep and slow, into your ear until you scream at him and hang up. You toothlessly attempt to brat at him, perhaps bait him into just doing whatever the fuck he’s planning already, but he remains cool-headed. When you swear at him, he merely chuckles, a knowing, expectant sound, and any insults you can conjure during your calls go unheeded. 
That’s possibly the scariest part about this - Eddie does not, and has never, taken your bratting lightly. He enjoys nothing more than putting you squarely back in your place should you decide to put even one toe out of line, so the fact that he’s permitting abject disrespect and taunting from you means he is biding his time. You know he’s running a mental tally in his head, and you will soon reap the consequences. 
That thought runs rampant in your head when you doze off one night, too exhausted to keep your eyes open. The book you’re reading lays askew on your lap, and the rain pattering against your window lulls you into a deep, dreamless sleep. You don’t know what time you drift off at, nor how long it is before you’re jostled awake, but when you regain consciousness, you’re immediately cognizant of three things.
First, you are upside down. Blood pools in your skull, making it very hard to concentrate on anything but the dull, persistent throb in your head.
Second, you can’t move. You thrash uselessly, but your arms burn in the position they’re forced into behind your back, and your legs have been bound at the ankles. 
Lastly, your mouth is full. You try to scream, but the sound comes out garbled behind a thick, round hunk of something that’s been shoved so far into your jaw that it aches. You can feel thin straps on either side of your face, digging into the tender flesh of your cheeks, and when you poke at the strange object with your tongue, all you feel is smooth, rubbery roundness.
The fog of sleep stubbornly refuses to clear quickly enough for you to orient yourself, so all you can gather for a moment is that you’re cold. When you shiver, a dark, gleeful sound slithers up your spine, one you’d recognize any day.
“Well, good morning, gorgeous,” Eddie hums, and when he shifts, you glean a better understanding of what’s going on. He’s thrown you over his shoulder as if you weigh less than nothing and brought you outside somewhere. You can’t tell if you’re just outside your house or if this is a different part of the woods - all you can see are the dark, spindly shadows of dying trees against the velvet black of the night. You thrash futilely, screaming obscenities at him as best you can as buzzing heat cracks through your veins like lightning.
“Aw, what’s wrong? Didn’t order a wake-up call, huh?” 
His voice sounds oddly muffed, though you can’t discern if that’s due to the blood roaring in your ears. Something clatters open ahead of him, and before you can blink, you’re being tossed through the air. You shriek and land on something warm and soft; when you flex your fingers against it, you realize it’s a pile of thick, fuzzy blankets laid atop what appears to be a mattress. You don’t need to look further to realize where Eddie’s dumped you - you’re inside his van.
He’d modified the back of it ages ago, when you first started dating, partially because having sex on the floor was murder on your back and hips, but mostly so you two could have somewhere private to sleep and hang out. Eddie didn’t have anything against going to your place, but he always seemed…stiffer, somehow, inside the four walls of your home. Like he was acutely aware that he didn’t belong there, or at least didn’t feel like he belonged. Your house's tidy, eclectic decor was so different than the cluttered, shabby interior of his trailer, and that had never bothered you, but it so clearly bothered him.
When your eyes fall on Eddie’s face, you realize why he’d sounded so strange. He’s wearing a mask, one he no doubt procured from a Halloween store - the long, white face appears perpetually frozen in a mournful scream, and its black eyes are narrowed at you in apparent anguish. A black shawl hides Eddie’s long hair, blending in with his all-black outfit tonight. He tilts his head at you slowly, crossing his arms and leaning against the van’s open door.
“Whatsa matter, pretty girl? You look so scared. You scared of me?” His voice is cloyingly sweet, deliciously patronizing. You whip your head from side to side, viciously denying it, even though your entire body is shaking and your heart is hammering against your chest. You’re coming to regret your choice of pajamas tonight, as the thin, silky nightgown you’d chosen before slipping into bed does nothing to protect you from the frigid air trickling into the van. 
You’d also forgone panties entirely, something you aren’t sure Eddie’s noticed yet.
How long had it taken him to tie you up? You wiggle your arms within their bonds and glance down at your legs, noting the white, plastic sliver encompassing your ankles. Zip ties? Where the fuck did Eddie get zip ties? And how did he manage to use them without you waking up? Surely, no one was that careful.
Drool oozes from the corners of your mouth, dribbling embarrassingly down your neck, heedless of your attempts to rub it away with your shoulder. 
“If you behave, there’s nothing to be afraid of,” Eddie coos. He bends toward you, and a single, black-gloved finger crooks beneath your chin. He angles your face toward him, expression entirely indiscernible beneath his mask. His thumb brushes over your cheek so gently, mopping up some of your saliva, and you have to remind yourself of the part you’re playing so you don’t lean into his touch.
Then, Eddie’s hand is gone from your face, only resuming occupancy on your body when it closes around your throat. You squeak, a wet, pathetic sound from beneath your gag, and your eyes go wide as saucers.
“Although, you seem fucking incapable of behaving yourself lately,” he snarls, jostling you back and forth. “What’d you think was gonna happen, hm? Acting all fucking high and mighty, talking to me like I’m some scumbag? You need to learn some fucking respect, girl, some goddamn humility.”
You whimper, Eddie’s threats tingling pleasantly down to your pussy. Tears well up in your eyes, and you desperately try to communicate an apology, but it all comes out as broken nonsense. You knew this was coming; you knew he wouldn’t let you off scot-free for anything you’d said over the past week, but something about the white-hot indignation in his voice makes the fear smoldering beneath your arousal burn that much brighter. You try wrenching out of his grip, but all that earns you is a fist knotted in the hair at the back of your head. 
“Oh, you’re sorry?” Eddie mocks, pitching his voice higher. “Yeah, I bet you think you are. But you’re gonna learn what sorry looks like soon, what it really feels like. I told you, breaking little brats like you and making them scream for mercy is one of my favorite pastimes.”
Eddie shoves you onto your back, and the faint light from the yellowish bulb inside the van vanishes as he crawls on top of you. The chalk-white features of his mask hover just above your face, shiny and thick and reeking of powder. You wail in protest, hurling muddled insults at him while trying in vain to tug yourself free of the zip ties. The struggle feels good, cathartic, in a way. It helps to alleviate all the jittery, excited energy pent up inside your body, and it thrills you to know that Eddie won’t stop fighting you right back unless you call mercy. He’ll take what he wants from you as roughly as he pleases, and in turn, you’ll give him everything you have. You trust him implicitly, so when he grabs your throat again and squeezes until you’re gasping around your gag, you lay there with raw, feral arousal roiling in your belly instead of fear. 
“How’s my angel?” Eddie whispers into your ear, and you relax further into his hand. His fingers slacken just enough to allow you a small, shallow breath, and you nod vigorously. You hope your eyes can communicate what your mouth can’t right now. 
“Good girl, you’re doing great. If you need to tap out, I want you to kick your feet down three times, okay?” He raps his knuckles by your head to demonstrate his point. You nod again.
When he lifts his body off yours, cold air sweeps you up in its grasp, and you shudder. Wordlessly, Eddie hops out of the van and slams the door shut, leaving you alone in the back. He jumps in the front and revs the engine just as you’ve begun to scream and flail around again.
“Scream all you want, sweet thing,” he encourages. “No one’s gonna be able to hear you anyway. Nobody’s comin’ to save you from me.” The metallic squeal of a guitar suddenly bursts into your eardrums; Eddie’s turned on the radio and cranked it almost full blast, effectively drowning out all your cries for help. If anyone were outside the van, they wouldn’t even know you were there.
Eddie hits the gas, and the van thunders to life before speeding off into the night.
You must be more tired than you’d initially thought because somewhere between your initial “kidnapping” and the van finally skidding to a stop, you doze off again. 
It’s hard not to - Eddie blasts the heat, probably because he can see you shivering in his rearview mirror, and the blankets pressed beneath your nose smell just like him. How can you not bury your face in them? And you only intended to shut your eyes for a second, honestly.
A hand caressing your cheek pulls you from your sleepy haze, and you blink at Eddie’s still-masked face. Having briefly forgotten he was wearing it, he startles you, and you suck in a sharp breath as best you can through your gag. He chuckles.
“Just me, pretty girl. Look at you, drooling all over yourself already.”
You feel the slimy wetness of your saliva coating the side of your face as soon as he mentions it, and you self-consciously try to wipe some of it away by rubbing your face into the blanket. He lifts the corner and dabs it along your cheek and jaw.
“Do you need a minute, baby?” he asks. “You look so comfy.”
You shake your head. You can sleep back here whenever you want, but Eddie’s gone through all the trouble of dragging you out here (wherever here is) for a reason. You’re dying to see what it is. 
Satisfied with your answer, Eddie wraps his fist in the front of your nightgown and pulls so hard he forces you into a sitting position. Your arms tingle and your head spins with the sudden decrease in blood as he tugs on the loops holding your gag secure. As they fall away, the rubber ball in your mouth plops into your lap, but your mouth isn’t empty for more than a moment before Eddie’s gloved fingers slide across your tongue and press into the back of your throat. You gag and gasp in surprise, trying to flinch away, but Eddie holds your head in place with his free hand.
“If you scream, the next thing going in your mouth is gonna be my boxers,” he warns, and you wrinkle your nose. That’s a soft limit, something you’re not entirely willing to try but are open to having your boundaries pushed about, especially for a punishment. Admittedly, a dark, perverse thrill slinks through your gut at the thought. Having Eddie on your tongue like that, inescapable and unavoidably pungent, is equally humiliating and intriguing. But you don’t have time to try and weigh that thought out, so you just whimper and rock your head from side to side as much as possible.
“That’s what I thought. Keep your fucking mouth shut.”
He drags you out of the van by your gown, swinging your body in front of his as you settle unsteadily on your feet. You squint into the surrounding darkness and realize with a cold squeeze of dread that you have no earthly idea where Eddie has driven you. The trees are thicker here, dying leaves black in the moonlight, and there are no stars when you look up at the sky, only bulbous clouds. The air is still and cold, dense with the threat of rain. 
The edge of something scintillatingly sharp drags itself down your spine, dangerous even through the fabric of your nightgown. You don’t dare turn around, but you can feel Eddie pressing himself closer as he allows that pointed edge to linger on your flesh. 
“Feel that?” he asks. He taps it against your thigh, and you gasp.
“Y-Yes,” you squeak.
“That’s my knife.” Fuck. You have to hold your breath to prevent the moan that wants to spill out.
When Eddie kneels by your legs, he takes a moment to drag both hands appreciatively down either side of you, fingers flexing and kneading the soft flesh of your thighs as his blade pokes menacingly through your skirt. Then, in one swift motion, he slices through the zip tie around your ankles.
As if sensing your inclination to bolt away immediately, Eddie stands and snatches the plastic loop still ensnaring your wrists and tugs you backward against his chest. He wraps his other arm around your neck and the steel of his blade glints from the corner of your eye. You refrain from inhaling his scent, leather, cigarettes, and sweet earth, but just barely. 
“Hold on, bunny, don’t hop away just yet,” he murmurs against your hair. “I haven’t explained the rules of our game yet.”
“Mmhm. And if I hear one bit of attitude from you, I’m gonna cut this pretty little dress off you and make you run around these woods stark-naked. Do you understand me?”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you bite, not entirely understanding why you feel the need to do the exact opposite of what he’s just told you to do. He laughs, a downright sinister sound.
In one fluid movement, his knife cleaves through the front of your nightgown, splitting it open all the way down to your belly and allowing your breasts to spill out. Your nipples harden immediately from the frosty air, and you gasp, hands instinctively trying to cover yourself up. 
“What were you saying? I wouldn’t dare?” Eddie teases. He nudges the torn fabric aside purposefully, further exposing you and taking the opportunity to grope your soft, chilled flesh. Warm breath washes over your ear, and he grinds shamelessly into your ass from behind.
“Now, our game. I’m giving you the chance to run, run, run aaall the way home. If you can find the way back through the woods and make it there before I find you, you’re free, sweetheart. I’ll leave you be and won’t darken your doorstep anymore. But…” Eddie bends you over forcibly, ghosting his lips across your skin as he speaks. You want to beg for him; your body cries out for it, but you don’t. You’re so fucking wet from all of this, from his threats and the glaring danger of his blade, that your thighs stick together every time you adjust your stance to gain some semblance of balance.
“If I find you before you make it home,” Eddie purrs, “I will spend the rest of the night breaking you, bit by bit until you can’t remember why you ever wanted to run from me in the first place. You’ll be my perfect little victim. Sound fair?”
“I…I…” You’re certain your brain just split clear down the middle. Something inside of you, something ancient, urges you to flee, to make your way back to safety by any means possible. But something else, the very same need that demanded it be known all those weeks ago when you first told Eddie about it, desperately wants to be caught. You want to streak through these woods, possibly getting yourself hopelessly lost in the process, only to have Eddie successfully hunt you down and make you suffer so beautifully for him. It’s so overwhelming that you don’t notice Eddie’s cut through the zip ties on your wrists until both arms have fallen limply at your sides.
He steps back, leaving you uncomfortably cold all over again, and lands a hard swat on your ass. You yelp and twirl around to face him, glaring heatedly at that morose white mask. His arms are folded, his posture is relaxed - you haven’t even started running yet, and he’s already so confident, the bastard. You pinch the sides of your shredded nightgown together and step back from him.
He flaps the hand clutching his knife at you, waving you off. “Go on,” he says. “Run along. I’ll even give you a thirty-second headstart since I’m so nice.”
When you, stupidly, don’t move a muscle, he heaves a sigh and pulls the sleeve of his jacket up to look at his watch. “Twenty-eight, twenty-seven-twenty-six…”
Shit. You pick a random direction and sprint.
The sound of him counting fades as distance mounts between you, and once you’re alone, in the total silence of the forest, Eddie is not the only thing you’re afraid of. You’ve heard stories about these woods, the frightening disappearances, and general odd goings-on that happen within. As you leap over a dead, fallen log while determinedly holding your rapidly disintegrating nightgown together, you recall what happened a few years ago to the kid Hawkins deemed Zombie Boy. Supposedly found long dead in a reservoir, bloated and green with decay, his family even held a funeral for him - only for him to turn up, alive and well, weeks later. What could’ve caused such a terrible misunderstanding? What’s worse, who’s to say that whatever - or whoever - caused that misunderstanding isn’t still out here? Who’s to say that they aren’t listening to every branch that snaps below your bare feet, that they haven’t picked up on your scent by now and are tracking you with all the stealth and efficiency of a wolf?
You shake the thought from your head and persevere. 
You can’t remember, for the life of you, what direction home is in. You must start down half a dozen different paths before you think better of it and double back to the place you started, and none of your options seem correct. You curse yourself for dozing off in Eddie’s van instead of trying to count how many turns he took, what direction he was going in, anything that might help orient yourself now. 
Something rustles the bushes a few yards behind you.
You don’t think - you pick a path and fly down it, swatting low-hanging branches out of your way and ignoring the brambles that hook into the fraying hem of your nightgown. Maybe you should’ve let Eddie cut this cumbersome thing off you when you had the chance. All pretense of trying to be sneaky, of trying not to attract attention, is gone - you are running blind, panting, heaving, whimpering, slapping down tree limbs, and crunching over dead leaves in the hopes you manage to stay just out of Eddie’s reach.
You are terrified. You are exhilarated. You’ve never felt this free in your entire life, and you can’t believe it’s taken you so long to ask Eddie for this.
You weren’t sure before, as you’d tried to tell yourself it was just the sound of your own footfalls echoing in the woods, but you’re certain now that you can hear Eddie’s boots striking the ground as he gains on you. Your thighs burn with the effort of propelling you forward, and every pull of ice-cold air into your lungs is like swallowing needles, but you press on. You want him to catch you, but he needs to work for it, and as you swing a hard left over fallen logs, his hysterical laughter explodes into your ears.
You chance a look over your shoulder. Eddie’s lithe body weaves and slinks through the forest behind you, seemingly unaffected by the foliage that’s presently slicing open the bottoms of your feet and legs; his mask bobs mournfully above his black clothes, a bloodless beacon reflecting what little moonlight leaks through the thick stormclouds above. He’s so close that if he really wanted to, he could reach out and snatch you up by the nape of your neck like a kitten.
You scream. The sound reverberates through the trees, shrill and elated, and another round of laughter booms from Eddie like thunder.
You’ve just managed to leap over a gnarled root without tripping over it or slipping in the mud when you feel fingers at the back of your neck. You squeal and swat aimlessly, which is a stupid fucking idea - Eddie nabs your wrist and pulls, forcing you to come to a skidding halt.
“Let go of me, you fucking freak!” you wail, thrashing against him as he gathers your hands together and snickers into your ear. 
“Looks like I win, pretty girl,” he breathes. Something jingles just beyond your head, and before you can wonder what it is, Eddie shows you - steel handcuffs, silver and glittering, dangle in front of your eyes. You whimper and drive your elbows backward, fighting with everything you have to force Eddie off you. You succeed, albeit minimally, and can free one hand. You swing and claw at him, fingers scraping for something to grab hold of until they finally pinch one of his mask’s eye sockets. Lightning cracks across the sky overhead as you rip the mask off Eddie’s face.
The brief flash of light gives you a full look at his face. His brown eyes are wild and bright, crinkled at the edges from the maniacal grin splitting his cheeks apart. His skin is pink and glowing with sweat, and you can’t help how your heart swells as you stare at him. Perhaps if you ever do this again, you’ll set a shorter time limit - you don’t know if you can handle not seeing him for over a week again. 
“If you’d stop squirmin’, this’d all go so much faster, sweetheart,” Eddie huffs, trapping your hands together again as you uselessly pound them against his chest. Despite your best efforts, Eddie snaps one cuff around your wrist with a soft click and, as he works on the second one, pushes you both up against the broad trunk of a tree. The bark scrapes painfully along your shoulder blades as you shriek and try to kick him off of you, but it’s too late. He wrenches your arms above your head by the thin chain connecting the handcuffs, and browning leaves descend onto your face as he loops them over a branch. 
It’s so high up that you must stand on your tip-toes to avoid burdening your arms with all your weight. Because of that, you can’t gain enough momentum to swing them back down, and Eddie takes a leisurely step back to admire how well and truly stuck you are. He pants, leaning forward on his knees and staring at you through his dark lashes.
“Goddamn, you are a feisty little thing, aren’t you?” he asks, giggling breathlessly.
“Get me down from here, right now,” you growl. Admittedly, it’s very hard to be intimidating while your tits hang out of your shredded nightgown, but you still try.
“That’s not what we agreed on. I told you - I catch you, you’re mine. Good thing, too, my dick was just achin’ watching your cute little ass running from me.”
You whimper as Eddie straightens himself out, heaving one final, deep breath before passing a hand through his hair. You don’t realize he’s flicked his knife out again until he’s got the blade right beneath your nose.
“Now, let’s get this shit outta the way.”
You gasp and reflexively bend your body away as Eddie plunges the sharp edge down through what remains of your nightgown, hacking away at it as if it’s personally offended him until it’s reduced to nothing but a pile of silken scraps by your feet. You shudder, wholly unprotected from the cold now and utterly incapable of hiding the arousal smeared down your inner thighs from him.
His breath clouds in front of him as his eyes roam over your naked body with all the hunger of a predator eyeing its meal. The pink of his tongue darts across his bottom lip as he stalks up to you, already making quick work of his belt.
“D-Don’t touch me, don’t you fucking touch me!” you howl, even though the idea of his hands on you right now makes your stomach flutter. He ignores you, of course, and casts his gloves aside before resting both hands on the trembling flesh of your biceps. He’s so wonderfully warm, blood pumping right below the surface of his skin.
“I can’t wait to split this pretty pussy open,” he murmurs, mouth hovering just above your cheek as he drags his fingers down, down, down until they’re slipping between your hips and cupping you. You try to disguise the pathetically aroused sound that falls from your mouth by shrieking in faux disgust.
“Stop it! Get off, get off!”
“Dirty girl, you’re soaking wet for me already.” Without warning, Eddie plunges two fingers deep inside you, chuckling at how your eyes roll into the back of your head, and a scream tears itself from your throat. 
“S-Stop it,” you sob. You throb around him, unable to disguise your body’s physical reactions, and it only sweetens everything for you. The way your cunt betrays everything you’re saying, twitching and clenching and gushing around Eddie’s fingers in the face of your pleas for him to stop, your insistence that you don’t want him, pulls you deeper into this fantasy. 
“I don’t think you really want me to stop,” he muses, thrusting in and out of you so slow you’re confident you’ll go bat-shit insane soon. “If you did, you wouldn’t be dripping for me. What a nasty girl you are, all worked up for the big, scary man who chased you down in the woods like a scared little bunny rabbit.”
“Fuck…fuck you,” you say weakly, and stars explode behind your eyes as Eddie curls his fingers inside you. You screw your eyes shut and press your lips together to trap the noises threatening to burst out of you. 
“Oh, I will,” he promises. “I’m gonna fuck you stupid. And then, I think I’ll keep you all for myself. Take you home and keep you tied to my bed like a good little pet. I’m sure you’ll learn to love it.”
You could cum just from listening to Eddie talk. Your heart is pounding so hard you can feel it beneath your tongue, and if it weren’t for the steel around your wrists forcing you upright, you’d sink to the ground and beg for him to fuck you already. You don’t care if it’d break the illusion, if it doesn’t coincide with the game - you are desperate, dripping just as he said, and the lust fogging your brain makes it impossible to consider anything but your own arousal.
“P-Please,” you whimper, hoping all you need from him is conveyed in that one word.
Something hot and hard nudges between your legs, and you gasp - you didn’t see him do it, but Eddie’s removed his cock from his jeans. The hand not buried against your pussy is fisted around the base of it, pale against his red, wet shaft and thick head. You gulp hard. 
“Please? What a sweet word out of that filthy mouth.” He crushes you harder against the tree and lifts one leg over his hip, stroking himself slowly as you struggle to keep your eyes forward. His fingers leave your weeping cunt painfully empty for a brief moment, and then he slides his cock through the slick puddling just below your hole and teases his head around the rim. 
“Oh, darn, looks like I forgot a condom, too,” Eddie says, sucking his teeth and shaking his head at his apparent negligence. Your stomach clenches, and heat pools between your hips. “I’m sure you don’t mind, do you, dollface?”
When Eddie enters you, you tip your head back and moan. It’s been a criminally long time since you’ve felt him inside you like this, hot and raw and forcing your muscles to stretch around his thick cock. It burns just a little, but the lack of prep and the pain hueing your pleasure makes it better.
“God, God, oh God…”
“Nope, just you and me, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s teeth latch onto the flesh below your jaw, pinching and sucking it into his mouth as he bullies his cock deeper inside you. Usually, he’d take his time getting you ready for it, loosening you up around his fingers and drawing a few orgasms out of you until you were perfectly pliant for him. Right now, though, he doesn’t have it in him to bother with all that, and you are so grateful.
Fat drops of rain plop onto your hair and dribble down the sides of your face as Eddie starts fucking you in earnest. His hands come around to grasp greedy handfuls of your ass and pull you in tighter against him, and he quickly litters the side of your throat with hickeys as his hips snap forward. You can’t help how you squeal and groan as you’re jostled against the tree, and you realize with a shudder of humiliation that you’re getting close already.
“P-Please…please, Eddie, please…” You don’t particularly know what you’re begging for; you just hope he’ll take pity on you for it and give you more. You need impossibly more. You need him to ruin you properly. The way he throbs inside you reminds you of the lack of protection, and you beg for him again.
“What a fuckin’ whore. I knew you wanted it,” Eddie snarls, the edge of his teeth rasping against your jaw. 
“I…fuck, Eddie, please, it’s so much,” you whine, choking on air as he buries himself as deep as he can get. He shushes you, and another flash of lightning in the sky illuminates his handsome face as he pulls back to look at you.
“Do you need mercy, baby?” he asks, blinking rain from his big brown eyes. Your hair sticks wetly to either side of your face, and you can’t tell if you’re shivering more from cold or pleasure. You whip your head from side to side.
“N-No, no mercy,” you mewl, “I-I just…please, please just fuck me, break me, I need it so fucking badly, baby, please.”
He doesn’t respond, not verbally, anyway. He yanks your other leg around his hip, settling your weight entirely in his lap, and the slight change in angle pushes him just that little bit further inside your twitching cunt. Your mouth drops wide open as he quickens his pace, the denim of his jeans slapping against your bare ass so hard it burns, and the way he grunts from the effort makes your toes curl.
“I didn’t think you’d be such an easy fuck,” Eddie teases. “Guess you’re just a dirty slut after all, huh?”
“Fuck, oh God, fuck, I’m cumming, I can’t stop, E-Eddie!”
Your orgasm scorches through you like molten lava, burning you from the inside out and robbing you of enough air to scream. As Eddie continues pounding into you, you claw at the branch beneath your fingers, desperate for something to anchor you to reality. You don’t think you’ve ever cum this hard in your entire life, and the fact you did so without even once touching your clit fills you with an odd sort of pride.
“Fuckin’ squirting all over me, fuck, sweetheart,” Eddie growls, and you only realize he’s right when warmth starts trickling down your thighs. You blush, trying futilely to bury your face in his neck out of embarrassment. When he doesn’t stop fucking you, and your orgasm ebbs enough for pain to start lapping at the edges of your pleasure, you whimper.
“H-Hurts, hurts.”
Eddie shushes you. “I’m not done with you yet. Just shut up and take it, like my good little victim.”
He crushes you tightly against the tree, huffing and panting into your ear while he desperately chases his own pleasure inside you. You cry out openly, the chill of the rain intermingling with the heat of his body against you so deliciously that you think that if lightning struck the pair of you right now, you’d die a happy woman. 
“You’re gonna take every drop of my cum, understand?” Eddie snarls. “If even one drop leaks out of you, you’re gonna lick it up.”
“Yes, fuck, I understand.”
“Your pussy clenches so hard when I threaten you, baby, fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”
Thunder claps overhead as Eddie presses stills inside you, cockhead pressed as deep as it’ll go inside your throbbing slit and starts cumming with a wanton howl into the night. Liquid heat floods into your core, and though you weren’t even aware of it building again, your second orgasm crashes into you as you realize the risk you’ve just partaken in by letting Eddie cum inside you. It feels so right, allowing him to claim you this way, bearing his mark on the deepest part of you, and you know for a fact that after tonight, you will beg him to never use another condom again. 
When he’s finished, Eddie sags against you, trembling hands digging into the globes of your ass as he shakily supports your weight. You pant, blinking rain out of your eyes, and kiss the wet curls beside your face.
“Thank you,” you murmur.
Turns out, Eddie didn’t take you far from home at all.
In fact, he drove only a mile away and spent about forty-five minutes doing circles in the woods because he didn’t want to disturb your nap. He tells you this as he leads you out of the forest and back to the van, holding his leather jacket above your head like a makeshift umbrella.
He retrieves a towel from inside and wraps it around your shivering, rain-soaked body before planting you in the driver’s seat. After he drapes a thick, flannel blanket around your shoulders and points all the vents toward you as the heat blasts, he cups your face in both hands and kisses your forehead.
“You did such a good job, sweetheart,” he murmurs, trailing his lips down over both eyes, your cheeks and finally landing on your trembling lips. His mouth, despite everything, is still so warm.
“I did?” you ask sleepily. He nods and rubs your arms to inspire blood flow back into your extremities. 
“You did. I’ll draw a bath for you once I get you home, okay?”
“Join me?” Eddie smiles and pinches the sides of the blanket tighter around your shoulders.
“I would, but someone’s gotta feed us both.”
When he hops into the driver’s side, you note with a snort that he’s stripped down to his boxers. He laughs and revs the engine, throwing an arm over your seat as he reverses out of the forest.
Eddie doesn’t allow you to walk the few paces up the steps and across the porch to get inside your house. Instead, he cradles you against his chest, bridal-style, and struts through the door he purposefully left unlocked before setting you down on the toilet in the bathroom. You slump against the sink as he readies your bath, arms pillowing your head and eyelids drooping. Steam fills the room and carries the sweet, light scent of roses, and the flash of a pink bottle in Eddie’s hand clues you into the fact he’s dumped some soap into the faucet to create huge piles of white, frothy bubbles.
You’re nowhere near steady enough to lower yourself into the tub alone, so Eddie grips you by the elbows and slowly sinks down until your butt hits the water. It’s almost too hot at first, but after your body adjusts to the sudden change in temperature, you recline against the porcelain at your back and sigh. Eddie brushes a hand over your hair and kisses your forehead again. 
“Thank you,” you mutter, eyes closed.
“It was my pleasure, sweetheart. I’m so proud of you, you handled everything like a champ.”
You glow under his praise and nestle further into the hot water and bubbles. It’s going to be a challenge not to doze off here.
When you blink your eyes open, Eddie’s still hovering next to you, lips quirked in a small, soft smile as the early morning light falls in purplish shafts over his face. You reach for him, sliding your palm through the hair at the back of his head, and bring him close enough to kiss his lips. He tastes like rain and cigarettes.
“I’ll come get you when the food’s ready, alright?” he whispers, squeezing the hand you’ve rested on the rim of the tub before standing. You nod dreamily.
“I love you,” you call after him, and though his frame is bleary through the steam condensing in the room, you see him turn back and smile at you.
“I love you too, pretty girl.”
taglist: @silky-luxe, @celestialwaavelength, @bornslippys. if you'd like to be added to my taglist, i have a post on my page, or you can dm me!
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sw5w · 5 months
Anakin Struggles to Stay on Course
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:06:04
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unboundprompts · 3 months
can you do a prompt where you are describing how the car accident happened in persent. like; he speed up his car, breaking the rules and then suddenly the car hit something, no, someone.
Describing a Car Accident
-> tw for a sensitive/traumatic subject
-> feel free to edit and adjust pronouns as you see fit.
His foot was heavy on the pedal, the car humming beneath his fingers on the wheel. Wheels spun on the rough road, the car all but vibrating as he reached speeds of 70, 80 miles per hour.
She listened to the roar of the engine, loving the sound of the purr as she stepped on the gas. She'd do anything to listen to that noise.
The speed limit was a mere suggestion, and they felt unstoppable in that moment.
The windshield shattered. That was the first thing he noticed. Cracks like a spiderweb and finally glass flying everywhere. He scrambled to hit the breaks, wheels burning on the road.
The noise was the worst part. The screeching of the tires, the scream that poured from her lips. The thud of the body. The silence that followed.
They hit someone. There was someone in the road. There was blood, so much blood. They couldn't breathe. Oh God, what did they do?
If you like what I do and want to support me, please consider buying me a coffee! I also offer editing services and other writing advice on my Ko-fi! Become a member to receive exclusive content, early access, and prioritized writing prompt requests.
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lis-likes-fics · 8 months
Drivin' Me Crazy
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader Word Count: 3.2k Kink: Daddy Kink/Spanking Warnings: NSFW, daddy kink, spanking, fingering, blowjob, p in v, car sex, unprotected sex... A/N: I managed to write this in a few hours (it's almost two in the morning). I'm still behind but at least I can try to catch a little bit now. Thank you for your patience!
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You closed your door as you set the beer case you were holding in the backseat of the Impala. Dean’s door closed after, doing the same with his own case before starting the ignition and pulling out of the gas station. You both sat in relative silence for a while, the only exception being the normally blaring music playing softly in the background.
You glanced over at Dean, the side of his face turned to you as he stared harshly at the dark road illuminated by Baby’s headlights. You sighed gently, reaching over and setting a hand on his knee to ease his attention toward you.
“What’s wrong? You seem tense,” you wondered quietly, casting him your gentle concern.
He glanced at you and sighed. “Nothing.” His deep, gruff voice proved otherwise as he continued to glare out the windshield, the dark night passing by him on the way back to the motel where Sam was waiting for the both of you.
“Baby, talk to me,” you urged gently. “I know when something’s up, and something is up. What’s wrong?”
He shrugged, clenching and unclenching his jaw. He ran a hand down his face quickly, sighing. “Just tired.”
“And?” You raised a brow.
He turned to you a little more. “Why?”
You straightened up, turning your body to face him with a slight warning in your tone. “Don’t you dare. I’ll kick your ass, Dean Winchester. You know I’m only asking because I care about you.”
He simmered down, knowing better than to challenge you like that as he nodded and glanced away. “I’m sorry. Just frustrated.”
“All these damn hunts,” he huffed. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s just how it is. The family business, but damn it.”
You nodded, understanding his issue. You, Sam, and Dean had been on the road for well over three months on constant hunts, going from one state to another as more and more issues kept popping up out of nowhere. It was a call from a hunter one moment and suspicious activity in a newspaper the next. He was getting tired, so were you and Sam, but Dean was so much more pent up—especially when the two of you couldn’t let out that steam with Sam so close all the time.
“Is there any way I can help?” you asked gently.
He looked at you, switching his hands on the steering wheel and humming as he set his own hand on your knee. “You’re always helping.” He smiled a little, moving to grab your hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss the back of your palm. “You do enough.”
You smiled a little, moving your hand from his as you placed it in his lap, easing it a little closer to his crotch. “Can I do a little more?” He looked at you knowingly, a little smirk teasing his lips. “Sam isn’t here, and when is the next time we’ll have the opportunity, hm?”
He sighed. “You’re right,” he lifted a brow. “I love it when you’re right.”
“I know you do,” you muttered as you pulled your seatbelt off so you could move closer to him. “We’ll have to ask Baby’s forgiveness later.” You slid your hand over his crotch as you moved to undo his belt. Dean gripped the steering wheel as you undid his pants with too much expertise and pulled him from his jeans.
He was half hard already as you looked up at him. “Been needing this for a while, huh?” you asked.
He licked his lips and shrugged, “You think you can help me out? My hands are a little full…”
You shook your head lightly, chuckling. Taking his cock in your hand, you stroked it slowly with special attention to his tip. He clenched his jaw, forcing his eyes to stay open to watch the road.
You adjusted in your seat as you shifted to lay across it and his lap. Dean was going to lose his mind as he glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes, sighing when you took the head of his cock into your mouth, your tongue laving over it. You continued to pump the length of him in your hand, feeling his cock stiffen as you suckled gently around him.
One of his hands found the top of your head, tangling his fingers in your hand as his thumb stroked your head. You sunk a little deeper onto him, taking him farther into your mouth as you enveloped his cock in your warmth. You hummed lightly, the vibrations rushing through his spine. You could taste the precum seeping from his tip and onto your tongue.
“Shit, just like that, baby,” he grunted.
You swirled your tongue around him, suckling gently some more as you pumped the rest of him. After a while, your jaw began to ache, but you kept going until he was hard and thick and stiff. You pulled off of him, licking at his tip and using your saliva to keep stroking him.
“Pull over,” you breathed.
He didn’t argue with you, pulling off to the side of the vacant road and turning off the engine. He was on you in a moment, his lips crashing down on yours and his hands roaming every inch of your body, dipping underneath your shirt to pull it over your head.
“Been driving me crazy all day,” he grunted, attacking your lips again before heading down to your neck. “You and these tight fucking shorts.”
His hands reached down to grab a handful of your ass, gripping at the shorts in question that just barely covered your ass. “I was wondering when you’d get the hint.” You sighed deeply, moaning lightly when his teeth grazed your flesh.
He pulled away from you, his eyes, usually candy apple green, were a deep forest. “You little brat,” he shook his head, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in again as you shifted yourself to sit in his lap. You straddled him, tangling your fingers in his hair as you let him devour your lips.
You ground your hips into his lap, his hard cock pressing against your clit through your pants as you sighed. He dipped his hands underneath your shorts to grab handfuls of your ass, kneading the flesh in his palms. “Fuck. Dean, I need you,” you moaned.
His lips grazed the skin of your neck, sucking on the flesh there in a desperate quest to mark you up. He hadn’t done it in forever, and it was well past time for it. “Yeah?” he mumbled in between kisses. “You need Daddy to fuck you nice and deep?”
You ground your hips down on him again. “Yes.”
He pulled his hand out of your shorts to smack the side of your thigh. “Say it again,” he ordered sternly.
“Yes, sir,” you corrected. “Need you to fuck me nice and deep, Daddy.”
“Good girl,” he said. “You know what isn’t good?” You moaned your reply. “The fact that you’re not wearing any fuckin’ panties.” His rough voice made you shiver.
“Like I said,” you breathed. “I was wondering when you’d get the hint.” He smacked your thigh again, harder this time. You whined.
He pulled at your shorts, undoing the button and helping you get them off your body. You kissed the side of his neck, dipping into his shoulder as his hand cupped your pussy. He dipped his finger into you, and you moaned as he massaged it inside of you. He curled his finger, adding a second when you were wet enough for it. You ground your hips into his hand, wanting so badly to feel more friction as he pleasured you.
But he just smacked you a third time, this time landing a heavy blow on your ass. “Be still,” he reprimanded.
You mewled. “But I need you.”
He grabbed your face, puckering your lips to make you look at him. “I think it’s been too long since we’ve done this. Someone needs to remind you of the rules, huh?”
You whimpered, nodding lightly. “Yes, sir.”
Dean eased you out of his lap to lay you over it instead, your ass on full display as he smoothed his palm over it. “Rule number one.”
You bit your lip, letting out a heavy sigh as you squirmed in his lap. His hand came down on you and you winced at the blooming pain. “Stop moving,” he grunted. “First rule.”
“Speak when spoken to,” you whimper.
He spanked you again. “Again.”
“Speak when spoken to, sir.”
“Good girl,” he rasped, smoothing his palm over your ass again. “Rule number two.”
“Always address you as Daddy or sir unless you say otherwise, sir,” you answered as quickly as possible.
“Good girl. Number three.”
“Do as Daddy tells me–” His hand came down on you again, gripping your cheek roughly before smacking it a second time, just because he could. You cursed under your breath.
“That’s number four. What is number three?”
You could feel his cock pressing into your side, turned on by this and you. “Tell Daddy when it’s too much,” you moaned. “He doesn’t wanna hurt me.”
“No, he doesn’t,” he nodded. He stroked your ass as he leaned forward to press a kiss to the side of your head. “Number four.”
Your head was swarming with lust. It had been too long. “Do as Daddy tells me to do.” He rewarded you with a light pat to your side, stroking you again.
“Number five.”
“Brat’s get punished, sir,” you huffed. “Don’t be surprised when Daddy takes advantage of that.”
“Good girl,” he groaned, thrusting two fingers inside of you and spreading you apart with a little squelch. You moaned deeply, your eyes fluttering as you felt the pleasure spread. He pulled them out of you. “But I’m gonna have to punish you anyway. Count to ten for me, baby.”
You dropped your head into your arms, nodding as you spoke, “Yes, Daddy.”
Dean gripped your ass in his hand before raising it up and delivering a harsh smack to it. You yelped at the feeling, squirming in his lap and trying not to as you spoke quickly. “One, sir,” you moaned. He did it again. “Two, sir.” And again, faster this time as he enjoyed the way you responded. “Three, sir.”
And he just kept going like that, one blow after another until a couple of tears bubbled out of your eyes and you were sure your ass would be sore after. When you reached ten, he smoothed his hands over your ass and smiled, dipping his fingers back inside of you as reward for behaving so well.
“Good girl. Doin’ so good for me. You love it when I punish you, don’t you?” he spoke.
You whimpered. “Yes, Daddy.” He just shook his head and chuckled, pulling you up to sit in his lap again. You winced at the feeling of your ass against his lap, especially after he’d just smacked it so much that you were sure it had changed colors.
“You want me to fuck you now, baby?” he asked, his hands caressing your sides.
You nodded quickly. “Yes, Daddy. Please, Daddy. Please fuck me.”
He pushed his pants down his legs the rest of the way, leaving him in his shirt as his jeans pooled around his feet. “Daddy’s gonna give you what you want, sweetheart.”
He took his cock into his hand, pumping up and down the length of it with a deep groan before he positioned himself at your pussy. “I wanna hear you beg one more time.”
You whined, grinding your hips against him as you obeyed. “Daddy, please, fuck me. Please, sir, I need you to fuck me so bad. Needa feel you inside me.”
He gripped your waist tightly as he listened to you, his cock bouncing a little at the high praise. “Such a good fucking girl,” he mumbled before pulling your hips down as he thrust himself inside of you to the hilt in one go. You moaned loudly, settling in his lap with a slight swivel of your hips as you clenched around him to get used to how thick he was.
“Fuck, Daddy,” you moaned. “Feels so good.” “Yeah?” he hummed. “You’re dripping all over me, and we haven’t even started yet.” If he hadn’t already started, you were in for a good fuck.
He held you tight as he started moving your hips to grind against his, grunting roughly as he slowly built up a speed. He lifted you off his lap just until you were left with the tip of his cock inside of you before slamming you back down onto his lap.
“Fuck, I’ve been thinking about this all day. Hell, all week,” he groaned as he began to bring you down on his cock hard and fast. You threw your head back, moaning as he fucked up into you. You helped, lifting yourself up and falling back into his lap with his rhythm as you let his thick cock fill you up until you were nice and full.
“Just like this,” he continued, grunting in your ear. “All desperate for me. Taking Daddy’s cock as fuckin’ hard as I give it to you. He fucked into you a little faster, his kiss-swollen lips falling open as he stared up at you. Your chest rose and fell quickly with heavy breaths that stuttered out of you with the pace of his cock.
He smacked your ass again, making your yelp fade into a moan as you took it in stride. He felt so good inside of you. You thought you were going to lose your mind as he fucked you hard and deep, the sound of your skin smacking against his amplified by the arousal dripping all over his lap.
His fist tangled in your hair as he pulled gently, tilting your head back so he could devour your throat. “You’re clenching around me so tight, baby. Drivin’ me crazy.”
“More,” you gasped. “Daddy, I need more.”
“You need more of me, baby?” He leaned back a little, shifting just enough to be able to thrust some more into you. “I’ll give you some more.” His hips smacked into yours with the desperation of a starved man. You clenched around him, moaning and whimpering his name as he fucked you.
You held onto his shoulders tight, moving your hips to meet his insistent thrusts and crying out when the head of his cock pounded into the deepest spot inside of you. His thumb came to rub circles into your clit, tight and fast ones that built you up as he continued to thrust into you.
“Ahh, Daddy, I’m gonna cum,” you mewled, seeing stars. You whined when he hit you again.
“No, you’re fucking not. You gotta wait for me.” He said, his deep voice deeper and rougher, his heavy command filling you up as he did what he wanted with you. “Gotta wait for Daddy to tell you, you can cum. You understand?”
A couple of tears streaked down your cheeks. It had been too long since he fucked you like this, hard and desperate. You were gonna blow soon. “I can’t,” you moaned weakly. “I can’t hold it.”
“You’re gonna have to, or I’ll have to punish you again,” he grabbed your face and turned your head to look at him. “Do you want me to punish you again, baby?”
“No, sir.”
“Then wait for me to tell you when you can cum for me. You understand?” he asked.
You nodded, “Yes, sir.”
His thumb picked up the pace again, purposefully building you up closer and closer to your release to torture you into having to hold off on it. He grunted and groaned and growled as he fucked you, needing so badly to fill you with his cum.
“Gonna have you fuckin’ screaming for me, my little slut,” he muttered. “Been so good for me.” You kept grinding down on him, accepting each and every thrust with a moan. As you swiveled your hips, his sounds shifted slightly. “I’m gonna cum, gonna fill you up nice and deep, baby.”
“Please, Daddy,” you begged. “Please fill me up.”
His head fell back a little at your pleas, addicted to the way you sound all fucked out on his cock. He cursed again, the word falling from his lips insistently. You could feel his cock twitching inside of you as he got closer to his release.
“You ready, baby? Daddy’s gonna fill you up now,” he said.
You nodded again, desperate. “Fuck, yes. Please, let me cum.”
His thrusts became sloppy, his hips faltering but slamming into you just as hard. He grunted lowly, “Fuck, cum. Cum for me, baby. Fuckin’ squeeze my cock and cum for me.”
The coil snapped, and you cried out as you followed his orders. You clenched tightly, gushing around his cock as you came with the shout of his name. “Oh, Daddy, yes!” you exclaimed. “Fuck, Daddy.”
He rolled his hips into you as he followed after, you squeezing around his cock so hard shoving him over the edge as he came with a shout. He growled in your ear, pulling you down on him as deep as he’d go as he spilled inside of you.
You could feel him begin to relax, his hips bucking into you a couple more times before he calmed with a long grunt. “There’s my good girl,” he sighed. “Fuck, so good for me, aren’t you?”
You leaned forward, resting your head against his shoulder as catching your breath as he continued to hold your waist. His thumbs brushed circles into your sides, soothing you as you both came down from your highs. One of his hands traveled up the length of your back as the other buried into your hair. He groaned when you ground your hips against his a little, trying to bury him deeper.
“Fuck,” he whispered. He pulled you back to brush his thumbs over your cheeks. Your eyes drooped, a lazy grin finding your lips as he watched you.
“I love you, Dean,” you muttered, a secret between the two of you as he held you close.
“Yeah.” He smiled, wondering how he got so lucky. “I love you, too.” His hands fell to your waist, and you whimpered when he pulled out of you with a grunt. He opened the glove department and pulled out some tissues to wipe you down with. You were messy, and the mixture of your cum was beginning to drip onto his lap.
He helped you redress before he set you back in your seat, wrapping a hand around the back of your neck and pulling you in for another kiss. He rested his forehead against yours, kissing you quickly once more before starting the engine once more. You settled back against the seat with a sigh, closing your eyes for a moment and resting as Dean reached a hand over and squeezed your thigh.
When you both finally made it back to the motel, you grabbed the beer from the backseat and made your way to your room. You pushed it open, waving at Sam on your way to put the beer in the fridge. He cast the both of you an annoyed, almost disgusted look.
“Those seats better be disinfected before I step foot in that car again.”
You flipped him off, and Dean rolled his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Sammy.”
He scoffed. “Jerk.”
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bonebrokebuddy · 3 months
@kodedgeekthings eyo you mentioned wanting a dpxdc prompt for Howard, Batman’s mechanic!
Harold misses fixing toys for kids and in his off hours has taken up the habit of answering questions on forums about machining, electrical, engineering, mechanics, and mechanical design that are often frequented by students.
One day, he comes across a request by a college student who is trying to assemble his own car out of scrap he bought from a local wrecking yard.
Ghostly_Boy states that he has previous experience in machining and can make replacements for broken or too-damaged parts if need be, but he doesn’t know where to start and what specific requirements he needs to reach to ensure it’s street legal.
Harold willing to help, he answers a few of Ghostly Boy’s clarifying questions:
- Great questions!
It’s good to note that if you’re not careful, fixing or making your own car from parts can be a moneysink and can cost you more than a brand new vehicle. - That being said, your first major step to ensuring you can drive the car is to get the title of the body/frame of the car you plan to build. It’ll have the VIN on a plate welded to the frame usually near the lower edge of the windshield wipers on the drivers side. It’s how the DMV identifies vehicles for licensing.
- Generally, you’ll at first get a “wreck out” title that shows the vehicle is listed as a total loss, but if you can assemble the parts for the car with that frame, the DMV can check if it’s properly running and road worthy & license for you to use it on public roads if you’ve done the proper paperwork.
- Once that is done, it’s largely a case of getting the right parts and assembling them. Depending on how much you have to repair, you could be taking on a task that could give a challenge to even a seasoned mechanic. There may be additional paperwork depending on what exactly you need to repair, like the breaks, lights, steering, etc.
- If you want to build the car entirely from scratch, chassis and all, that’s an entirely different story with a much more complicated list of requirements to make it street legal, so getting a frame from a junkyard is a great first step!
- Make sure to keep all bills of sale, junkyard receipts, invoices and manufacturers’ certificates on any major parts you used in building the vehicle to prove its road worthy to the DMV when it’s complete!
Harold doesn’t always answer first but over time he’s found the adventures of this kid amusing and keeps up with it.
Ghostly_Boy keeps the forum updated with his progress:
The kid spontaneously deciding to scrap the wiring system and make his own in a span of 3 days, leaving experienced mechanics on the forum practically screaming at the kid for his updates showing him using random wires he salvaged and pigtailing them together to get the length of wire he needed.
Mixing not only multiple types of wires but ones that didn’t have the protection needed for auto use. DIY-ing his own relay and fuses he didn’t have and connecting the wrong grounds and switches. And planning on leaving the wires unwrapped and loose.
Leaving Ghost to promptly redo the wiring, correctly this time, within 78 hours.
Making a repair of a massive rusted hole on the passenger side by the bumper and the front tire via cutting 1/2in past the rust, grinding it pretty and clean, tac & seam welding the vintage aluminum housing material of a toaster to cover the hole to the response of Harold and many others in the forum just going “… I guess that would work?”
Harold and many others telling the kid that this “ectoplasm” material wasn’t cleared through the EPA’s Clear Air Act and could be illegal to drive with it as it’s fuel source unless he got the emissions tested & the center of gravity of the car adjusted to have the center of gravity a gas car has, it wouldn’t pass Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Nor would the previously untested on material make it easy or quick to get an Emissions testing certificate. Best to just stick with gas.
Removing what he thought was a “skid plate” that turned out to be another rusted out section on the frame on the bottom of his car and repairing it with steel he salvaged from an old medical table he had laying around. (To the multiple slightly confused commenters asking how Ghost had a spare medical table, he replied, “eh, my folks visit every so often and they’ve been giving me things they’re clearing out of the house so they can move closer to my older sister. I just so happened to get the ye olde medical table. They’re an odd couple of folks but that’s why I love them.”)
People just crying at the kid to go to rockauto.com and just buy the damn parts he needs for his car. (A good resource btw)
The kid kept cutting corners to save cash but through the badgering of Harold and many others that he actually would have to spend money to make this car be safe to drive in, he finally got it completed.
Ghost’s post of him leaving DMV waving the updated title to the car in its envelope in the air, titled, “THE DMV FINALLY SAID IT WASN’T A FIRE HAZARD! ONLY TOOK 2 YEARS! THANKS EVERYONE!” Got the most amount of responses he’d ever had with congratulations from lurkers and previous commenters.
Over the course of those two years, Danny learned how to draw his own wiring diagrams, properly solder and weld, and learning to actually plan out his projects so he got it right at least the fifth time instead of the 20th. Not bad for a kid that went straight from graduating high school with a 1.5GPA to construction jobs.
But after finally getting the car approved, Ghostly_Boy returns to the forum with a new problem. Lamenting that his parents keep coming over and “modifying” his car to no longer make it street legal.
At this point, about half of the answers to the submission think it’s either a joke project taken very, very seriously with a good chunk of money behind it, or a kid with parents that have narrowly avoided falling completely down the mad scientist rogue rabbit hole.
After all, what sort of parent would think that the DMV would approve to “anti-ghost missiles” being attached to the outer body of the car? Either way, the submissions always had video attached showing a demonstration, proving that Ghost wasn’t just completely yanking their chain. And a good amount of money would have to be sunken in to not only pay for the fines Ghostly continued to get from the additions to his car, but to actually manufacture and make a unique working product for each plea for help request.
Harold is not only taking notes on some of these defense measures but also decides to bring up the boy to Alfred. Intrigued, they together keep an eye on Ghostly_Boy. Bruce may be their employer, but they can handle a case or two on their own.
- I wanted Danny to try to make smth for himself now that he doesn’t have access to his parent’s lab anymore but he also doesn’t have access to ectoplasm so he’s fairly unfamiliar how to wire things Not for ectoplasmic standards.
Also I wanted to make a prompt where Danny had a good relationship with his parents & went into a fairly realistic job after high school with his fairly bad GPA so he’s saving up for a technical school via construction jobs as he doesn’t like the idea of working fast food for understandable reasons.
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notsosweetchan · 2 months
hi 🥰🥰 I'm currently in my clinically insane, needs to be locked away for a long time, haven't slept in over 24 hours, have been pmsing for way over a week because my period is late as hell era but I wanted to ask for Felix and yandere reader ���💗 I mean there's always reader x yandere idol so why not the other way around 🤔 ANYWAY hope you're having a great day and sorry for tmi'ing you a little in there
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ʚ♡ɞ Jealousy’s grip ʚ♡ɞ
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Note: If this isn’t good don’t blame me I’m not good at writing yandere lmao
Warning : Smut Yandere Reader
Paring: | Felix x Reader |
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Felix didn't know how to respond to Y/N's jealous outburst. His heart raced as he looked at the girl who had been flirting with him earlier, and saw the fury in Y/N's eyes. He tried to reassure her by taking her hand and leading her away from the dance floor towards the exit.
The music was loud, so he bent down to speak into her ear, "Baby, it was nothing. She was just drunk and being silly." But Y/N pulled him closer, her grip tightening around his hand as they walked out of the club.
The cold night air hit them like a slap when they stepped outside, and Felix shivered slightly. Y/N took off her leather jacket and draped it over his shoulders without a word. He thanked her quietly, pulling it close around himself as they walked to his car.
Once inside, he started the engine but didn't move from his spot in the parking lot. Y/N glared at him through the windshield until he turned off the ignition and faced her. "Look," he began slowly, "I don't know what you saw back there, but I promise you—"
But before he could finish his sentence, Y/N was unbuckling his seatbelt and climbing into his lap with a determined look in her eyes. She kissed him fiercely while unzipping his pants, her free hand reaching inside to grasp him through his boxers.
Felix gasped at the sudden move but gave in to their passion; kissing back just as hungrily as she pushed him against the steering wheel. Moans escaped them both as she worked him with practiced fingers while their tongues danced wildly together in an open display of ownership and desire.
Her breathing was ragged when they finally broke apart, her chest heaving against his. “You’re mine, got that?" she growled lowly against his neck before nipping at his Adam's apple. Felix shuddered, unable to respond any other way than with a moan of agreement as Y/N continued to grind against him through their clothes.
Felix closed his eyes, lost in the sensation of Y/N's body against his. His grip on her hips tightened as she continued her ministrations, silently communicating his arousal and surrender.
It wasn't until a car honked its horn behind them that they both remembered where they were. Y/N smirked and reluctantly sat back in her seat, adjusting her clothes while Felix buckled up and started the car. The ride home was tense but charged, their heated glances meeting in the rearview mirror every few minutes.
As soon as they pulled into the driveway, they practically tumbled out of the car and sprinted inside their home. The front door slammed behind them as they stumbled down the hallway, tearing at each other's clothes as they went. They made it as far as the living room couch, where they fell onto the leather upholstery in a tangle of limbs and desire.
Felix had never been so turned on in his life …and he could feel her heat against his skin as they pressed together, their lust-filled kisses leaving a trail of saliva between them.
Her hand gripped his hair tightly, pulling his head back for another deep kiss as she ground her hips against him in a fierce rhythm that left Felix breathless. His heart pounded with desire and need for her touch as she undid his pants, freeing his throbbing member from its confines.
He groaned loudly when she wrapped her soft, warm lips around the tip of his cock and began to suck gently, taking him deep into her mouth. It felt so good that he couldn't contain the ragged moans escaping his throat. Her other hand roamed across his chest and stomach, teasing him with gentle caresses while she took more of him into her mouth.
The taste of her lips on him was intoxicating; it made Felix even harder than before. She looked up at him with hooded eyes when she released him from her mouth, licking the pre-cum off of her lips “ No one will ever make you feel the way I do,” she purred, Y/N's words sent a shiver down Felix's spine, and he gripped her hair tighter in response, arching his back as she took him back into her mouth.
The sensation was too much for him to handle, and he came suddenly, shooting his load onto the couch in a strong orgasm that made him see stars. She swallowed every drop eagerly before looking up at him with satisfaction. Her eyes held a mix of love and lust as she pulled away from him, smiling wickedly.
Without another word, she slipped out of her clothes and straddled his hips, guiding his cock to her wet entrance. She slowly sank down onto him, their breaths mingling in the air as she took him completely inside her.
“Fuck baby ," he moaned, gripping her hips tightly as she rocked back and forth, each movement sending shockwaves of pleasure through him. Y/N threw her head back and moaned in ecstasy, her breasts bouncing with each thrust.
Felix could feel himself hardening again within her warmth; she must've noticed because she smiled seductively before leaning forward and whispering in his ear, "You like it when I'm a little jealous, don't you?"
couldn't deny it—the adrenaline of the situation had him harder than ever before. He growled in response, gripping her hips tighter and matching her rhythm as they rocked together furiously.
Their moans echoed off the walls, their feverish movements leaving sweat stains on the leather couch beneath them.
Felix could feel himself reaching his climax again when she suddenly stopped moving and looked him straight in the eyes. "Say it," she breathed heavily, her face flushed with arousal, "Say it's only me."
Felix knew what she wanted to hear, but damn if it didn't make him hotter. "It's only you," he panted out through gritted teeth, "Only you."
Y/N's eyes darkened with desire and she pushed herself down hard onto him, driving him even deeper inside her as she let out a guttural moan.
Felix's vision went white at the sensation, and he met her intensity with his own, pounding into her relentlessly.
Their climaxes hit them at the same time, their cries of ecstasy muffled by each other's lips. They collapsed together on the couch, panting and sweaty but sated. Y/N wore a smug smile on her face as she wiped away the sweat from her forehead. "I knew it," she purred victoriously, nuzzling his neck with a satisfied smirk.
Felix chuckled breathlessly, running his fingers through her damp hair. "You drive me fucking insane," he said between gasps for air, "But I love every damn second of it." Y/N purred in response before nipping at his earlobe playfully.
"Good," she drawled sexily before pulling away to gather their discarded clothes, "Now clean up this mess and let's go shower before we pass out on the couch."
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