#adhd ph
lightintheattic222 · 2 years
if fanfic writers could stop flooding neurodivergent tags with their stupid head cannons that'd be great thanks
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stolalias3310 · 3 months
Comorbidities (CW : vent)
Seriously, the worst thing of all is comorbidities.
It's finding out about them, it's wondering "how fucked up can one person be ?" coz when you think you're done, that you know your disorders, that you think it's already too many and then there is this one thing, this one new thing that can explain all the things you'd rather not think about. And with each new one, you wonder how you'll ever be able to function, how you can ever tell people all of them coz when does it stop being believable ? There's a limit to people's understanding. It's literal hell for you. And also, if you dare learn about it through social media, then you're done for.
But then you're still "high functioning" ? No you're just in a constant loop of denied self-destruction where you think you can do it, then persist until you can't, make you sick still insisting when you can't anymore and feel like it's your fault.
For f_ck sake why isn't there a f_cking limit bro, I've never been a fan of Pokemon I'm not trying to catch them all.
-Las Nevadas/Old host
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notabled-noodle · 2 years
examples of living with traits part four: ADHD hyperactive type
you have to have at least six traits from section A (five if you're over 17), plus every trait from sections B, C, D, and E. if you have some traits from this list and some traits from the inattentive list, you would receive a diagnosis of ADHD (combined type)
A. hyperactivity and impulsivity
wriggling around in your seat
can't stay still
stims a lot
movement helps you to stay focused
2. leaves seat when expected to be seated
leaving places completely unexpectedly
can't sit in the same spot for very long
3. runs about when expected to be still
you get up and walk around a lot
you are often suddenly hit with the desire to move, and you feel as though, if you stay still, you will implode
you jog on the spot during conversations, just to keep moving
4. does not engage in quiet leisure activities
you find sitting down and reading or watching TV to be boring
your idea of leisure always involves movement (e.g. playing video games, doing sport, playing an instrument)
5. acts as if "driven by a motor"
you move non-stop
you're always doing something
everything you do feels hyper-powered
6. talks excessively
you infodump a lot
even when not infodumping, sometimes you find yourself unable to stop talking
you talk in a very tangential manner... other people often lose the thread of what you're talking about
7. blurts out answers before the question has been asked
you think everyone talks too slowly and wish they'd just get on with it
you used to, or still do, yell out the answers to questions at school
when playing trivia games, you are unable to stop yourself from saying the answer before it's answer-giving time
the above also happens in normal everyday conversation
8. difficulty waiting turns
no matter how fast someone is moving, you don't think they're moving fast enough, and it MUST be your turn by now
you absolutely hate queues or lines of any form
you frequently attempt to jump ahead in the turn-taking process
9. interrupts and intrudes on others
you regularly interrupt in conversations
you get bored with your social group in social settings, and so end up wandering off to find someone else to talk to
you feel as though you HAVE TO do something or say something as soon as you think it, regardless of if it is socially appropriate
B. the above were present before the age of 12
C. the above are present in two or more settings (e.g. home, school, work, when socialising, when playing sport)
D. the above interferes with or impairs daily functioning
E. no other diagnosis would better explain the symptoms
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famewolf · 1 year
about to have my last doctor appointment for the foreseeable future. losing the health insurance I have had for three years with my job.
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From: This adhd butthead is Lucifer. He is nearly impossible to photograph. These are the three working photos I managed of him. @Ivizalinto
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officialbabygirl · 5 months
can someone write my essay
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copperbadge · 4 months
As I think most people do, I look at the year's end as a time for taking stock and evaluating life. I'm sure my ancestors, with the same rampant ADHD that I have, who regularly spent winters cooped up with their entire social network, were rethinking their life choices round about this time every year. I'm sure their loved ones deserve an honorable mention for allowing them to live long enough to eventually produce me. But the point is, I get the idea of using the quiet time between harvest and sowing to really contemplate life.
I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore, though. I was never that into them but the last one I made was to see more live shows and lectures, really get out in the world and experience in-person culture more. That was December of 2019. Seems like tempting fate to ever make another resolution after my last one was legally thwarted by a global pandemic.
These days I prefer to pick themes for years, guided by happenstance. A few years ago when I knew I could afford some home remodeling, I called it the Year of Upgrade. 2022 was the year of Completing Things. (Ironically "completing" the first shivadh novel led to a BUNCH OF STUFF MORE TO COMPLETE.) 2023 didn't really have a theme but I was dealing with a lot so the breathing room was kind of welcome.
This year it's been oddly less abstract but also more symbolic. I've been seeing a lot of mushroom imagery towards the end of the year and a TON of fire imagery -- perhaps more "heat/light" than fire, lots of candle/cookfire/forge stuff, but basically open flames as they involve creative transformation. I joked it was a year of flaming fungi to a friend and she said, "well, fire can't kill them in a way that matters either" which struck me.
I think 2024 may involve being very durable in the process of changing. Worrying, but then again are we not always on some level worried about my fragile mortal husk? I definitely am. I took some powerful (legal, medically supervised) relaxants the other day and I think I sprained a muscle in my calf from moving my leg after just...not being tense for an hour. I hurt myself by relaxing.
I know eyelids aren't supposed to twitch like this, I'm taking potassium about it, it's fine.
I did just get a clean bill of health, though. Blood tests show I'm super normal except in ways we already knew I was weird (personality, skin ph, etc).
I like to think of it as spiritual durability, anyway. Physically I'm the manifestation of a hapless gesture, but emotionally I'm a mushroom on fire, yelling encouraging threats as I speed past. Where am I going? Mind your business. Why am I screaming encouraging threats? I'm a mushroom on fire. Why, is it not working?
Anyway, happy new year. Mind how you go, my fellow flaming porcini. I'm off to cook a pot roast, tell some fortunes, and berate some ghosts.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
Did Zack ever ended up having Aerith cooperate on a prank on the Firsts? If so, how did it turned out?
The Drugs Prank
TW: Drugs
[Aerith and Zack are hanging out at the church. Aerith is calling Genesis from her phone while simultaneously shushing Zack's laughter]
[The phone rings four times before Genesis picks up]
Genesis: Yes, Mrs. Fair?
Aerith: Hi, Genesis! I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Zack isn't answering his phone or messages...
Genesis: Oh, I'm with Angeal and Sephiroth, so your paramour isn't here.
Aerith: No, no. When you see him, can you please tell him that he left the last of his white powder at my house?
[There's a pause. Genesis's heavy breathing is the only sound on the other end. Zack is silently dying beside Aerith]
Genesis: I'm sorry, he left his what at your house?
[There's two voices on the other end that sound like Sephiroth and Angeal asking him what happened]
Aerith: His white powder. He always brings it over, but never tells me what it is. He lets me try some of it sometimes, but I always end up coughing⏤
Genesis: White powder!? White powder!?
[Aerith covers her mouth to keep herself from laughing. Sephiroth's muffled voice is heard in the background: Genesis, are you buying illicit drugs?]
Aerith: Yup, white powder he always has in a small brown package.
Genesis: Aerith, dear, does he snort the powder?
Aerith: He does! And afterwards he always gets energetic, it's really cute!
[Aerith covers the receiver with her hand. She and Zack are silently laughing. Genesis is screaming on the other end. Shuffling and a garbled commotion are heard]
Genesis: ⏤DOING DRUGS! NO WONDER HE'S SO HYPER ALL THE TIME, HE'S BEEN COKED OUT OF HIS MIND! *shuffling sounds* No, Aerith just told me! *shuffling sounds* Well, what else could it be!? *shuffling sounds* You ask her then!
[There's more muffled back to back and then someone else picks up the phone]
Angeal: Aerith? Aerith? It's Angeal.
Aerith: Hi Angeal!
Angeal: Listen, when Zack brings over this white powder of his, does he make you take some of it?
[Zack shakes his head and pantomimes stirring a pot]
Aerith: Hmmm, sometimes? Usually he just has me cook the white powder with baking soda.
[Zack loses it and has to step away to laugh. Meanwhile there's a commotion on the other end that Aerith can just barely make out]
Sephiroth: Genesis he's having a panic attack.
Genesis: So am I!
Sephiroth: Genesis he can't breathe.
Genesis: I feel betrayed, SEPHIROTH!
Sephiroth: He's blue, Genesis.
Genesis: And I just found out our Puppy is the local merchant!
Sephiroth: Give me the PHS.
Genesis: Put it on speaker!
[There's some shuffling and then someone else picks up the phone]
Sephiroth: Aerith, this is Sephiroth.
Aerith: Oh, hey!
Sephiroth: Do you realize that you're recounting something which could put Zackary in prison?
Aerith: Really? I didn't know it was that serious! He says that you, in particular love the white powder.
Sephiroth: Myself? He told you this?
Aerith: Yeah! He says that every week when he brings you guys cookies, he puts the white powder in it! He even gives it to the other SOLDIERs regularly!
[Genesis and Angeal's collective screams drown out Sephiroth's heavy breathing]
Angeal: *crying noises*
Sephiroth: We're all going to prison.
Angeal: *crying noises*
Sephiroth: We're going to appear on the news.
Sephiroth: Do you have any idea how many times I've enjoyed those cookies?
Genesis: Angeal! Angeal! Breathe, man, breathe!
Sephiroth: This will be a nightmare for the PR department. Social media will have a field day. I can see it now. They're going to call him Zack-crack Fair.
[Zack accidentally snorts loudly and Aerith slaps him upside the head]
Genesis: ANGEAL STOP EATING YOUR OWN SHIRT—Sephiroth he's having a mental breakdown.
Sephiroth: They're going to call me Sugar-roth.
Sephiroth: You're going to be Gene-snow.
Sephiroth: And Angeal will be Crack-geal—Ow! Ow! Ow!
[They continue to argue on the other end while Angeal cries. And then everything goes silent]
Angeal: Guys...Isn't that Lazard over there?
Genesis: It is....And he's eating one of Zack's cookies....
Sephiroth: Stop him!
[Shuffling and the sound of running footsteps are heard, followed by Lazard's: "Good evening, gentlemen. Why are you all⏤ACK!" and then then sound of something heavy crashing through glass]
[The line goes dead]
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u3pxx · 3 days
it's times like these that i wish more adhd meds are legal in the ph
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sad-leon · 10 months
Just Let Me Live In Despair
[I don't wanna wait for Ao3 to come back, so I'm just posting this straight to tumblr]
Summary: Leo had promised Raph that he'd stop with the self harm. These promises are not so easily kept. Fortunately, Leo has a family who loves him unconditionally.
Tags/Warnings: Discussion of Self harm, Depictions of self harm, Unreliable narrorator, meltdowns/breakdowns, Hurt/Comfort, Leo-centric
(no beta, so please dont be too harsh on any typos)
Wordcount: 2497
”Promise me, Leo, please.”
“Yeah, yeah, I promise,” Leo sighed as he wrapped his forearm before sliding his sleeve up and over the bandages.
Raph sighed.  “Do you even know what you’re promising?”  There was a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I promise to no longer cut my arms when I’m stressed.”
Raph smiled.  “Thanks, little brother.”
Leo hummed as Raph wrapped him in a hug.  He knew this was not a promise he’d be able to keep.
Leo growled as he stomped through the crowded venue.
Stupid crowd.  Stupid anxiety.  Stupid ADHD.
It was stupid really.
Leo was supposed to be walking with his brothers toward a Jupiter Jim booth during the most recent convention after New York had rebuilt itself.  They didn’t even have to wear disguises.  It was supposed to be fun and relaxing!
But nope.  Leo just had to get distracted and wander off toward a booth that caught his eye without saying anything to his brothers.
As he neared the booth, he noticed the pins and charms on display were of characters that looked a lot like himself and his brothers.
“Oh, are you a fan of the Turtle Heroes too?”
Leo jumped and stood straight up, staring at the artist behind the booth.  “Oh.. uh, Turtle Heroes?”
“Yeah…?  That’s who you’re cosplaying, right?”
Leo looked between the artist and the charms.  He suddenly felt as if everyone had turned to wait for his answer.  His hands started to itch as he tried to come up with a reasonable answer.  “Umm.. yeah! Yeah.  Sorry, I- uh.. I didn’t know anyone else knew of.. them?”
Luckily the artist accepted his stuttered response.  They shrugged.  “Yeah,  I tend to get ignored whenever I try to talk about them.”
Panic settled in Leo’s gut.  That meant this person had seen them outside before, probably during the invasion.  Who else had seen them, then?
“Hey, you’re shaking.  Are you okay?”
Leo snapped back to attention and tried to ignore the itch that had taken over both his forearms.  “Uh, yeah.  Sorry.  I’ve got- I’ve got to go.  I like your art, by the way.”
He quickly turned and walked away before the artist could respond.
“Hey-” Leo cut himself off when he realized he couldn’t see any of his brothers.  “Oh.. uh… okay.”
He glanced at the ceiling and tried to orient himself.  Now, if he just walked forward, he’d find his brothers, right?
If he just kept walking…
If he just…
“Fuck,” he hissed when he passed a booth he’d already passed.  He glanced at the ceiling.  He was not facing the right way.  “Of course…”
Standing on his tiptoes, Leo spotted a door that led outside.
He obviously wasn’t getting anywhere, so he might as well leave.  The others would notice he wasn’t there, eventually.
Quickly, Leo stomped toward the door.  He scratched his arms.  He knew this feeling, but the promise he’d made Raph echoed in his mind.  He wouldn’t give into the urge to claw his arms open.
Pushing the door open, Leo almost broke into a run as he found a secluded alleyway.  He crouched down and took a breath.  “Okay.  The guy who beat the Kraang getting lost in a convention and running away is not a good image, but who's watching, anyways,” Leo hummed to himself.
He pulled out his phone, intending to call Donnie.  His twin would either give him directions, or come find him and they’d go home.  Silently, Leo was hoping for the second option.  He really didn’t want to go back into the building.  Even the thought of going back made his anxiety sky-rocket.
Leo tapped the power button.  Nothing.
Again.  Nothing.
Fuck.  How did he forget to charge his phone?  Oh, Donnie was so going to kill him.
Before Leo could focus on that thought, irritation bubbled through his veins, resulting in a low growl.
He needed to hurt.  The anger was just beneath his skin and he needed to let it out.
No.  He promised Raph he wouldn’t.
But the itching was getting worse.  It hurt.
It hurt to not hurt.
Leo shook his hands, trying to shake the feeling out.
It wouldn’t leave.
If anything it was getting worse.
“Fuck!” Leo yelled and swung his arm to the side, smacking it on the edge of a dumpster.
A choked hiss escaped Leo as he cradled his throbbing hand to his chest.  God that hurt, but… the itching was gone.
Leo looked at his hand.  No obvious bruising or swelling.  He tried to make a fist and winced.  Okay.  Not fists… or holding things for a while, but he’d be fine.
He’d be able to deal with it.
Taking a breath, he gathered himself and started toward the nearest manhole cover.  Donnie would pull up his tracker and see back home at some point.
Leo hoped they would have fun.
Leo was awoken by a consistent poking of his face.
“Hmmm, wha-?”
“Oh good.  You’re awake.  Now.  Would you like to explain to me why we turned around to find you missing only to pull up the map and see you back in the lair?”  Donnie was standing with his arms folded right next to Leo’s bed.
“Good morning to you too, Donnie,” he grumbled.  His hand was throbbing.
“It’s been three hours since we came back to find you asleep.  Raph insisted we let you get some rest before interrogating you, but I have run out of patience.”
Leo felt a twinge of annoyance at his twin.  This was not how he wished to wake up after the shitty time he had earlier.  “Woulda texted.  Phone was dead.”
Donnie huffed.  Before he could say anything else, his comm beeped.  “Saved by the crime alert, dear brother.  Hmm.  It’s not an emergency, but we should probably go check it out.”
Dramatically, Leo sighed and lifted himself off his mattress.  “If we must.  Gimme a few minutes, I’ll meet you guys in the kitchen.”
“I’ll tell Raph and Mikey.”
Leon watched Donnie leave before he looked down at his hands.  The one he had hit barely looked swollen.  Okay.  That’s… good.
He flexed his fingers and bit back a his as his right hand hurt from the movement.  That was less good.  He tried to make a fist.  It hurt, but he could do it.
It would have to do.
Raph wouldn’t have to know.
Besides, Leo should deal with the consequences of his actions.  Maybe then he’ll learn to stop hurting himself.
Leo was tired of the Foot Clan.
The two leaders were still missing, but the remaining members had formed their own factions, it seemed.  The Foot did not seem content with letting the turtles rest, so once again, it was up to a group of teenage brothers to put a stop to whatever chaos the Foot was trying to start this time.
“Hey, do you guys wanna take a vacation?” Leo hollered toward the small group of ninja trying to sneak through the alleyway.  “You’ve been committing crimes for what.. a few years now?  Surely you can take a week or two off.  Get some rest.  Relax~”
A knife soaring by Leo’s head made him shut up real fast.  The ninja were silent, but they had stopped trying to sneak away.  Leo’s hand throbbed.  He might have preferred if they just left during his speech.
He really didn’t want to fight.
“Leo,” Raph hissed.  “We talked about this.”
Leo just shrugged.  “Sorry bro, old habits and all that.”  Leo realized his mistake as soon as he said it, so before Raph could put the pieces together, Leo jumped down to engage the Foot ninja.
He tried to use only one sword, but the ninja were stronger than he expected.  Even as his brothers joined the fight, Leo was forced to pull his second sword out.  And man, did his hand hurt.
The fight went on for longer than Leo would have liked.  His hands were shaking and his right hand was going to give out if it didn’t end soon.
Leo had finally gotten the upper hand of the ninja he was fighting when he caught sight of one of the ninja trying to sneak up on his eldest brother.
“Raph!” Leo screamed, but he knew his big brother wouldn’t be able to do much against the sneak attack.
Leo ran, but the only way he’d be able to deflect the attack was if he swung with his right sword.
Biting his lip, Leo swung.  As soon as there was pressure on the sword, his hand gave out and he dropped his weapon.  He brought his second sword up to defend himself, but he wasn’t fast enough.  A sharp pain erupted in his right shoulder.
In a flash of blinding light, the Foot ninja was gone and Mikey was shaking, standing in front of Leo.  “Thanks, Mike,” Leo whispered.  His attempts to hide the pain he was in were futile.  His little brother saw right through his stupid facade.  Maybe the sword sticking out of his shoulder wasn’t helping his attempt to be fine, either.
“Leo!” Raph cried and turned around to hold the slider.  Leo could barely make out his big brother's face as his vision blurred.  The worry made itself clear enough in just Raph’s words, though.  “Why did you do that?!  What even happened?  You had your sword, right? What..?”
Even though he wasn’t seeing clearly, Leo could see Raph connecting the dots.  Donnie beat him to it, of course.  The overachiever.
“’Old habits', huh?”  He reached into Leo’s bag and grabbed what he needed to be able to take care of the wound as they removed the sword.  Leo bit down a scream at the pain.  “And enlighten me, ‘Nardo.  What old habits are we talking about?  Because I don’t think it’s just the bad jokes.”  Donnie didn’t hesitate for a second before grabbing Leo’s right hand.  He applied pressure to the side Leo had hit, making Leo hiss.
Mikey made a noise from the side.  “Leo?  What happened?”
Leo frowned and hummed.
Raph sighed and gently picked the slider up.  “We’ll be talking about this, but for now we need to get you home.  Donnie, would you do the favor?”
“Already done,” Donnie said proudly just as the Turtle Tank pulled around the corner.  “Let’s get home so we can finish taking care of that wound.”
The next thing Leo was aware of was the steady breathing of his older brother.  Looking around, Leo noticed he was held in Raph’s arms while Donnie and Mikey slept near the bed.
Leo shifted and hissed at the pain in his shoulder.  Right, he got stabbed.  He remembered Donnie rambling about different galaxies as he stitched Leo’s shoulder in the tank, then it all went fuzzy.
“Guhh.. what time even is it?” Leo hummed.  He’d meant to keep that in his head, but oh well.  A small pit of guilt opened in his gut when Raph grumbled as he woke up.
“Leo..?  Leo!”  Raph quickly arranged himself and Leo so Leo was leaning against a bunch of pillows while Raph sat up, facing the slider.  “How are you feeling, little brother?”
“Like I got stabbed…”  Leo tried to laugh but it came out as more of a wheeze.
Raph frowned.  Leo jumped when he felt a hand softly smack the back of his head.  Donnie and Mikey had both woken up as well.  Donnie just glared at Leo as he brought his hand back down to his lap.
“Leo..” Raph hummed.  His voice was very soft and full of despair.  “You made a promise.”
Leo shrunk into himself.  “Technically, I didn’t cut myself,” he muttered.
“Same difference,” Donnie cut it.  “Self harm is self harm.”
Leo flinched at his twin’s bluntness.  Before he could say anything, Mikey spoke up.  “You were doing so well, Leo, what happened?”
Thinking back on it, Leo felt stupid.  He was alone and got angry so we flung his arm out and hit a dumpster?  How stupid.
“I had a pathetic breakdown behind the convention,” he muttered.  It was supposed to be laughed at.  No one laughed.
“You… you didn’t ditch us,” Donnie said.  Leo wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be a question or an observation, but he nodded anyway.
“Well, I kinda did,” Leo muttered.  “I got distracted by a booth, but couldn’t find you guys, so I came home.”
“I’m sorry,” Donnie said.
Leo tilted his head.
“I was rude to you earlier.  I thought you left us on purpose.  It was smart of you to come home rather than risk getting more lost.”
Leo… wasn’t sure what to do with that.  “Thanks..?”
“So, what caused your… breakdown?” Mikey asked, Dr. Feelings shining through.
“I…” Leo considered lying, but decided it wasn’t going to do anything to help his case.  “There were a lot of people.  I was overwhelmed and lost.  I- my head was loud.  Everything was itchy.”
“Itchy?” Raph asked.
Leo nodded.  “That's why I did it so much.  It feels like my blood is itchy.  It needs to get out.”
“But you didn’t cut earlier?”
Raph surprised Leo with a smile.  “That’s good.  Not good that you hurt yourself in a different way, but good that you resisted the urge to cut.  I’m proud of you.”
Leo couldn’t stop the tears if he tried.  “But I still hurt myself..”
“You did, but you didn’t cut, even though you felt the urge.”
The words were stuck in Leo’s throat, so he shook his head.
“...No?” Raph asked, confused.  “I don’t know what you’re trying to say, Leo.”
“Shouldn’t- Shouldn’t be proud.”
Raph slowly wrapped Leo in a hug, giving him the chance to pull away.  He didn’t.  “This… this is a hard situation, but that doesn’t mean it has to be awful.  I’m not going to make this harder on you than it already is.”
Leo could see Mikey nod from the side.  “Raph is right!  Recovery is hard and full of ups and downs!  Just because we’re in a ‘down’ doesn’t mean we can’t go back up.”
Leo sniffed.  “Thanks, Mikey.”
Donnie put a hand on Leo’s knee.  “Perhaps, I can… I could make a sleeve that simulates the pain until you find another coping mechanism…”
“Really, Donnie?” Leo asked.
“Nod.  The pain is what helps clear away that itchiness, right?  If I could find a way to simulate it, then you can clear your mind during a breakdown without actually hurting yourself.”
“Wow,” Leo sighed.  “That would be awesome.  Thanks. Donnie.”
Raph tightened his arms around Leo slightly.  “Go to sleep, little brother.”
Leo hummed and let his eyes fall closed as he listened to his brothers talk a bit before they settled down.
“Oh, and Donnie,” Raph hummed sleepily.  “We are so having a conversation when we wake up.”
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lightintheattic222 · 2 years
anyone else CONSTANTLY getting up to leave class so you can walk around for a bit bc you've been forced to sit still for too long and need to stim and the fidget toys just aren't cutting it and oh god my classmates must think i'm so weird
or is it just me?
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stolalias3310 · 29 days
Unknown systems growing up : *show signs of dissociation* Also them : must be the ADHD
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hiiiiii!! so u’ve quickly become my fav tumblr user lol. anything with pidge would be great!! any prompts u wanna use is all good with me, i just want more pidge content.
thx sm!! <3
U BETTER STOP RIGHT NOW ANON. I’m so flattered that I’m one of your favs 🥰 that boosts my confidence in my writing soooo much you have no idea. I’m definitely not skipping over a bunch of requests just to write yours first nope not I. So I wrote smthng about Keith and reader being stuck on a planet during a mission and needing rescue and them having a cute bonding moment. I’m gonna do that but with ✨Pidge✨ 🌷Thank you for the request and ENJOY~
Ps: wow. This took me forever to finish. I wrote it in so many pieces over so many days. I’ve been so busy omg this is all over the place…sorry 😌
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Listen…Pidge’s calculations may have been the tiniest bit off. You were sent on a mission with them to pick up a specific mineral on a specific planet that will power a new invention Pidge is working on. As their lion approached the surface of the planet, some weird energy source nearby had all of Pidge’s signals glitching out. All of a sudden, the green lion completely shut down and you two had a bit of a crash landing. Now…You’re lost. In space. No way to get back, no way to contact the team. And if Pidge can’t figure out how to get y’all back to the castle, you definitely can’t. Obvi they’re like 1000 times smarter than you.
“Dang…well…we’re stuck here now.” Their words make you panic a bit. Stuck? Geez, for how long? Until when? Wait…Stuck?! In the middle of space all alone???
“Someone will find us eventually.” “You’re not helping, Pidge…”
They’re trying to hide their smile as they silently laugh at you. “First time stuck in space?” “Uhm YEAH?! IM SCARED! YOU’RE NOT???” “Nah.”
Pidge has been there, done that with being lost in space alone. It’s scary but it’s amazing at the same time. Like when Pidge got stuck on that trash nebula, they weren’t scared, just bored until they found a way to distract themselves and eventually get a signal to the team. They just need time to figure it out.
Before you can say any more, they are closing their helmet over their face and offering you a hand. “Let’s go.” They close your helmet over your face and now they’re enthusiastically dragging you out of green and onto the dusty surface of the planet.
Pidge is very smart but also has some ADHD tendencies. This lil babe will squirrel out and go buck wild when it comes to science, technology and space. They can’t stay focused on the topic at hand, there’s too much to look at, too much to think about, too much to talk about.
They are still holding your hand, pulling you along as they ramble on about the pH balance of the air on this planet and the gravity difference compared to Earth and how cool the specific mineral is that they are looking for. Wow, cute little smarty pants just won’t shut up 💚
Plz just pay attention to them. They LOVE the attention they get from you when they say big words and explain complex things you don’t really understand because,
The face you make when you try to follow along with their science rants KILLS THEM. You’re like 😯 trying your best to keep up, it’s too cute.
They love when you say things like “wow” “whoa” “cool” bc then they’re like 😎 “yeah I am pretty wow, whoa and cool, aren’t I?”
Like plz just swoon over their brilliance, that’s all they want. They want to impress you SO BAD. Little do they know they’ve already captured your heart…
So anyways, they are practically running now with you following beside them as they frantically search for the mineral they need.
A beeping catches their attention and they stop abruptly. An excited laugh leaves their mouth as they check a piece of tech on their wrist, similar to a watch but with info about the planet and atmosphere around you.
Pidge is always busting out new gadgets they’ve made and it still surprises you sometimes. “Pidge, what the hell is that?” is a very common phrase that frequently leaves your mouth. They’re always testing out new tech.
“AHAHA!!! (Y/N), guess what?! This whole planet’s crust is the mineral!!! WE CAN GET SO MUCH OF IT!!! Obviously not too much, but OH MY GOD!”
Omfg, now it’s your turn to admire how cute they are when they geek out like this. They’re pretty much jumping with joy, smiling from ear to ear, and they still have a hold of your hand.
They always run to the same two people every time they have some cool sciency shit to tell and that’s Hunk and you. As much fun as it is to go on a tangent with Hunk about cool space stuff, they love talking to you about it bc you don’t interject, you just listen and learn.
Their fav part is days later when you mention something they told you about in great detail and they’re just thinking ‘oh my god, you remembered, you learned, you’re so smart. DAMN I ADORE YOU.’
At this point, Pidge is having such a good time with you, they’ve forgotten that you’re both stranded here. They’re holding your hands and you’re smiling so big now and suddenly they can’t come up with words to say rn.
“So…are you gonna tell me how we are gonna harvest some of this stuff or…?” The silence is so loud but Pidge can’t speak, they’re just lost in your eyes and your hand fits so perfectly in theirs and the longer they stare at you, the more red your cheeks become and- “Pidge…are you okay?” Finally, they snap out of it.
This honestly happens way too often with you. Pidge never thought they’d be the type to zone out and start daydreaming about someone but they are just soooo into you, oml. They’re always so focused and in control and calm and collected but you’re just too hot cute, you are such a distraction. They can’t believe that you are so interested in them, it clouds their brain sometimes. They know a lot but one thing they can’t figure out is where they stand with you.
“I’m fine. First things first, we need some help getting off this planet. We need to figure out how to contact the team.”
Just keep in mind… they haven’t let go of you for even a second since you walked out of their lion together 🥹❤️‍🔥
“Hey, what about your watch thingy on your wrist? Couldn’t that help-“ “(Y/N), yes! I forgot about this for a tick! Okay, come on. Give me something to work with….” Finally, they let go of your hand as they poke at the piece of tech on their wrist, their eyes become brighter and wider.
They swiftly pull out their bayard and launch it towards their lion, perfectly wrapping it around their lion’s tail.
“Uhm what are we doing?” “We need to get off this planet.” “WHAT?! I mean I know that, you already said that but-but…how are we gonna do that? Your lion is-“ “Just trust me.” They reach out for your hand once more, the handle of their bayard in their other hand.
They grip your hand tightly and before you can take another breath, they activate their jet pack and you two are whisked away towards the sky.
You’re screaming and Pidge is laughing. They’re such a punk sometimes.
As their bayard reaches its limit in length, Pidge is still grasping your hand tightly as they finally begin to explain just what their plan is.
“The crust of this planet, which is also the mineral we need, is what’s causing interference with all our tech. Except for this, I guess.” They gesture to their wrist. “The further we get away from the surface, the more chance we have at getting a signal to the team. But, the gravitational pull of this planet only goes on for 4.7 miles, which is like waaayyyyy less than Earth’s gravitational pull so I had to keep us tethered or we’d just float off into space.”
Normally you’d find their ranting interesting and endearing but rn you’re just terrified of being this high up from the ground and also terrified of accidentally floating off into space.
They can tell you’re scared so they quickly let go of your hand and link their arm with yours, pulling you in closer. They’re not laughing anymore, they give you a more serious look with a soft smile. “I got you, (Y/N). I won’t let anything happen to you. Promise.”
Although they are the smallest Paladin to ever exist, you make them feel so big and strong. You make them feel like they could fight 100 galra soldiers all on their own. You give them so much confidence and they just want you to trust that they will always protect you. Tho they be small, they are mighty.
“I trust you, Pidge.” Great…you’ve lost them again. All you did was say their name all soft and quiet and they can’t look away from you now.
The lingering eye contact is simple but causes you both to smile and blush uncontrollably. You both look away then look back at each other, your movements in sync which causes you both to laugh.
“You’re really cute. I like you a lot.” The words just sort of slip out of their mouth and before you can even process what they just said, as if on cue, static cuts the silence.
Suddenly, you can hear Allura calling out for you guys through the comms in Pidge’s helmet. “Pidge? (Y/N)? Hello?” “Allura! Geez, are we glad to hear your voice.”
As Pidge gives the princess a run down of what had happened to you guys, you just watch their lips move and watch as they purposefully avoid your gaze. They’re embarrassed of what they just confessed to you and now they’re anxious to hear your reply.
Once the voice in Pidge’s helmet had gone quiet, you finally speak up.
“You like me?” “Huh? Did I say that?” “Yeah, you did. You said I’m cute too.” “Oh wow…uh yeah…I guess I did say that.”
It’s silent again for a moment.
“Do you like me too?” Pidge asks softly now, their whole demeanor has changed. They’re not holding you as close, they’re eyes look full of concern, they’re biting their lip.
“I thought you were a genius..?” They’re a bit taken aback by your response. “It’s not like I haven’t been dropping hints left and right. Of course I like you, Pidge. And I think you’re pretty cute too.”
The next 10 minutes as you two wait for rescue are spent talking and laughing about how you two dummies have been crushing on each other for MONTHS but you were both too scared to say anything to the other.
As soon as y’all are rescued by Shiro and Hunk, they’re both like “oh! You guys finally noticed that you’re both in love with each other? Good. Nice. Took y’all long enough.”
The whole team could see the hardcore pining the whole time. Even Keith was like “I thought y’all were already dating???”
Wow. What a couple cute little dorks you guys are.
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚢 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝!
♥︎ My name is “Dreamii Krybaby” but you can simply call me “dreamii” or “kry”.
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♥︎ I go by She/Her pronouns
♥︎ I also speaks both English and Spanish since am Chilean
♥︎ I have combined ADHD, hyperhidrosis and physically disabled but I do not require the use of a disability aids.
♥︎ DNI (Do no interact) list:
MAP/ P*d*ph*l*
Toxic shipper
Crazy ass stans
Generally any unjustified discrimination
N x Cyn (murder drones)
Uzi x Khan (murder drones)
♥︎ Interact if interested in:
Making theories [ L O R E E E ]
Animations (especially indie ones!)
Five nights at Freddy’s
Bendy and the ink machine
Bendy and the dark revival
Showdown Bandit
No Straight Roads
Your turn to die
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Friday night funking
Dungeons and Dragons!
The Life SMP series
Empires SMP
Afterlife SMP
Rats SMP
Witchcraft SMP
Bojack Horseman
Bee and PuppyCat
Gravity Falls
The Owl House
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Walten Files
Any analog horror
Steam Powered Giraffe
Marina and the diamonds
The living tombstone
Melanie Martinez (tho I don’t support her that much..)
Lemon Demon
Mother Mother
Emily jefrey
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
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OC Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag @simslegacy5083! Since it took me a hot second to get around to, I'm doing a two for one deal with both my legacy heir and her spouse.
Name - Ophelia Marie Lemon
Nickname - I call her Feefs sometimes (from the ph in her name) but her most famous nickname is Lemon Cake, which is what her husband Xander always calls her. 
Gender - Cisgender woman
Star sign - I think she’d be an Aries
Height - Adult Sims are the same height but if they weren’t I think she’d actually be on the shorter side like 5’3”
Orientation - Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity - Ophelia was born and raised in San Sequoia but I feel like she’d have ancestry in Windenburg
Favourite Fruit - Ironically it’s not lemon, but açaí! She makes açaí bowls for breakfast all the time
Favourite Season - Spring
Favourite Flower - Lilies
Favourite Scent - Water-based scents like rain or ocean water 
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate - Coffee, though she does enjoy a cup of peppermint hot chocolate every now and then in the winter
Average Hours of Sleep - she runs on coffee and determination so she only needs like 6 hours
Dogs or Cats - Cats all the way
Dream Trip - Mt Komorebi, she’s visited for a bit but she’d love to vacation there and ski
Number of Blankets - Just a light comforter and the top sheet is fine with her
Random Fact - Ophelia’s competed on a baking show! If you know you know
Name - Alexander “Xander” Amir Lemon (née Pappas)
Nickname - Pretty much everyone calls him Xander except his sister, Hilary, who usually calls him Alexander
Gender - Cisgender man
Star sign - I think he’d be a Sagittarius
Height - Adult Sims are the same height but if they weren’t I think he’d be 5’11”
Orientation - Pansexual
Nationality/Ethnicity - Xander was born and raised in Tartosa but his dad was Greek and his mom was Indian (we don’t have worlds in the Sims that represent those nationalities though, even if Tartosa has some Greek influences I consider it more Italian-based)
Favourite Fruit - He’ll say it’s lemon because it reminds him of his beautiful wife, but he’s not gonna sit around and eat raw lemons, so his actual favorite fruit is pineapple
Favourite Season - Summer
Favourite Flower - I feel like Xander wouldn’t know anything about flowers, so something basic like daisies
Favourite Scent - Nectar
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate - Coffee, he autonomously makes it every day. 
Average Hours of Sleep - He gets like 6 hours of sleep a night but it’s enough for him 
Dogs or Cats - Xander likes both but cats are way less needy and with four kids, cats are just easier pets to have. 
Dream Trip - Batuu but Ophelia always shoots it down lmao
Number of Blankets - One, he runs hot at night 
Random Fact - I just downloaded Divergent Sims so we'll see if this is canon, but I always had it in my mind that Xander has ADHD but never got diagnosed because his parents, while relatively open minded about most things, didn’t really believe as much in stuff like that and thought he just needed to “focus” more in school. 
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logan-exe · 5 months
Just finished watching the Doctor Who special.
I gotta say. I am loving the new interior - especially as a person with ADHD-Ph. Good for zoomies.
The representation for gender identity felt a bit spoon feed but eh. I still quit enjoyed it.
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