#adhd made me do it
kittymeiga · 2 days
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I made a pride bracelet last night instead of sleeping 😅
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sanjifrankylove · 7 months
The grip that Dressrosa has on me is like a feral dog finding a full serving of meat in a restaurant’s trash bin
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chaos-empire · 1 year
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Do you like colouring in pages as a meditation or just chilling out...? Cause I love making them!
Check out my Ko-fi ♥
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thatdeadaquarius · 3 months
the pspspsps effectively got me. Im in. You’ve got me hooked. Now I present the new idea I just got for the language barrier au. You know how the genshin names have different meanings in different language like how Ei apparently means egg in german? Imagine speaking in another language/you native language and one of the words sounds really similar to one of the character’s names or just straight up is their name, so they ask why you call them but you’re not calling that character but are actually saying smth else like egg.
I think i talked abt this sometime ago in 2023 masterpost, so i felt more inclined to share some shitty art of how i imagine these moments go instead lmao
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(it should be very assumed atp that i am so so SO sorry i took forever to reply!! /gen)
sorry its just my art 😅
Safe Travels Anon,
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I feel bad tagging ppl for smth kinda small?? and its just my art not even a writing blurb - srry guys just thought smth better than nothing, more to come!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi / @fallen-starr / @areaderofbooks / @devilangel657 / @esthelily / @justinsomniachild / @nanithefuck / @questionotmystopit / @chinuneko
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chawliekin · 1 month
and if I said that dennis’ insistence on being the breadwinner/provider despite literally being a pampered princess who dgaf about traditional roles of masculinity in every other regard (aside from ego) is because his mom only stayed with/chose frank for his wealth and dennis is highly aware that he’s difficult to love and unable to show his emotions openly so he has to be contributing something to the relationship materially in order to feel like he’s worth staying for… and mac grew up with parents who were extremely ambivalent to him and eachother so he has to overcompensate by proving his worth at every given moment and seeking praise/validation from people (and religious icons) who will never demonstrate the same amount of dedication to him but he has no idea how else to desperately keep himself close to those he loves other than by eroding himself into something they’ll approve of… dear god they’re both exactly what the other needs — someone who can’t and won’t leave them even if they try — and they don’t even see it…
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louintotheocean · 2 years
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okay, Sia 🙄
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emolionsrawr · 6 days
buck: *mumbling*
tommy: whatcha up to babe?
buck: sh sh sh i'm in the zone
tommy: oh sorry
*three hours later*
tommy: uh, obviously! how is it made?
buck: okay so acrylic yarn is made from a coal based and petroleum chemicals, making them fossil fuels! the petroleum chemicals is treated with certain monomers, which is a type of molecule that leads to the formation of polymers! acrylic fibre and yarn are made from a synthetic polymer called acrylonitrile!
tommy: oh wow, that's really interesting baby *kisses buck head* what made you deep dive on acrylic yarn?
buck: huh? oh! i somehow got to crochet tok and got curious, but do you know what that means babe?
tommy: what?
buck: everyone who crochets dinosaurs with acrylic yarn is making dinosaurs with dinosaur juice
tommy: dino juice-
buck: dino juice!!
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howlidae · 2 years
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mop psycher raptor arms rise up!!!!!!
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puppyeared · 2 months
adhd is when you shoot for the moon but you forgot the rocket fuel and by the time you realize it everyones already on the moon and then you panic and crash into the sun and it explodes
#my meds stopped working and i didnt know thats something that can fucking happen apparently???#like i knew eventually my body can get used to medicine that the effect kind of dulls but for some reason this time around i thought#that my body just decided to become lazier since the meds were already working anyway. cuz thats the thing as soon as smth is made#easier for me even if its the thing thats supposed to make the disability less disabling i get too relaxed and end up fucking up anyway#so i assumed my fucking cells worked the same way LMAO. they still technically work like i can feel my energy spike when it kicks in#but everything else like focus and memory went down and i thought oh so its just a me problem then. my habits are getting worse#even though ive been doing everything the same like setting reminders checking my schedule. hell ive been setting MORE reminders#to make up for the memory thing and i didnt even realize i just knew i had to compensate since it feels like my memory is getting#worse again. and i only figured this out bc my brother showed me an icecreamsandwich video with him talking about the EXACT FUCKING#THING IM GOING THRU WORD FOR WORD#i have to bring this up with my doctor next week so maybe i have to take different meds. i wonder if this will be a recurring thing#i guess one thing that hasnt changed is that im still slow as hell and stuff only comes to me 5 hours after the fact#its 6 in the morning and i only JUST realized that the word froyo is probably short for frozen yogurt#yapping#adhd
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redysetdare · 7 months
Idk why people think telling ppl with ADHD to break a task into smaller tasks will help at all with executive dysfunction because you just told us to turn 1 task we are struggling to do into like 5 extra tasks that we will continue to struggle to do.
Idk Abt anyone else but the thing is my brain already splits tasks into smaller ones and THATS WHY I can't JUST do one task. For me one task is like 8 mini tasks I gotta do. It makes my dysfunction even worse.
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windandwater · 7 months
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Ed + being a whole adhd mood, part 2 (part 1)
note: first, this isn't a diagnosis, only a very familiar pattern. also I know that we have contextual clues to hint that breaking the record was about more than boredom, but. that is such an adhd line.
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dailymanners · 2 months
Be respectful of other people's time. If you make plans with someone else, avoid being late (at least beyond fashionably late) or flaking on them last minute, and especially avoid being a no-show. This is especially applicable for time sensitive things, such as going out to a movie or live performance.
This also applies to appointments with professionals, such as hair appointments, nail appointments, ect. Because the person you've made an appointment with is likely a working class person just trying to earn a living and make it through the day, but when their clients are late this can affect their ability to keep their work schedule and keep all their clients happy, as well as keep them at work late and affect their personal life (such as being late to pick up their child from day care because they had multiple clients who were late to their appointments that day)
Flaking last minute on appointments also affects their livelihood, as it can be hard to fill an appointment time slot last minute so this can affect their earnings for the day. Respect working professionals by respecting the appointment times you've made with them to the best of your ability.
Of course, life happens. We all forgot things, and we all have unforeseen circumstances pop up which force us to be late or cancel plans. But it is important to at least make an effort to be on time, and to honor the plans you've made, so as to be respectful of other people's time and energy.
If you must, set phone alarms and/or leave notes for yourself.
Part of this is being honest with your friends about making plans you don't actually want to do. It's better to be honest with your friend that you don't want to see that movie with them on that night, rather than lying and faking interest only to flake last minute. With the former they could have planned more accordingly and found someone else to go with or even been prepared to go alone if they wished, with the latter you are wasting their time and energy.
Again, life happens, sometimes the bus or train is late, sometimes the traffic is worse than we anticipated, sometimes health problems crop up. But at least make an effort to be on time and honor the plans you've made, as this is more respectful to other people's time and energy. When we make no effort to be on time or honor the plans we've made this can come across as disrespectful to other people's time and energy. Your time and energy is not the only time and energy that matters.
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sanjifrankylove · 1 year
Hey you should follow me so that I have motivation to post cracked out fan theories and hot a$$ fanfics because I’m suffering from One Piece brain rot k thanks love you bye
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fatwithoutkatsudon · 11 months
Having undiagnosed ADHD until you’re an adult is so hard because it has shaped so much of your life and personality it’s hard to tell where it ends and you begin, but it’s also the answer to every time you have screamed, crying, frustrated with yourself “WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!?!”
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marlenacantswim · 9 months
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"I don't remember a time when I didn't want to be a police officer, apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog."
for @whoophoney, with love.
i know for a fact that nicholas angel, autism CEO, would absolutely, as a child, refuse to watch any movie that didn't feature kermit. he rewatched the muppet movies like crazy. if anyone lied about kermit being in a movie just so he'd watch it, he'd have a meltdown once he realized.
danny's so lucky nicholas loves him so incredibly. for the first time, his cinema palette is expanding, and he's okay with it.
lineart and flats under the cut, snippy snip
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why are there so many... songs, about rainbows... and what's on the other side...?
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markscherz · 6 months
I swear you would get along super with my previous evolutionary biol prof (Dr. Bulte) from Canada (CU). He loves turtles and I remember him as a kind, humble dude who resembled a french lumberjack of sorts. Does that sound Canadian enough?
Keep up the great blog! 🐸
I am sure we would get on swimmingly! Who doesn't love a good turtle—or a french lumberjack, for that matter‽ I spent some of my afternoon today reorganising a bit in our turtle shell collection at the museum, after returning a specimen that was recently used for a talk. Such fascinating and beautiful animals.
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