abnerkrill · 1 year
monroesimons -> moriondors
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sotwk · 10 months
Whag do you think about Lord of The Rings: The rings of power?
Did you watched it? If not, why? If yes, why?
Oooh! A bit of a controversial question, but one that I am happy to finally be asked, so I can give my thoughts and opinions about it. Thank you for the Ask, @estethell!!
My Thoughts on "The Rings of Power"
When I heard a new Tolkien/Middle-earth series was coming out, I was super excited about it. I watched the first two episodes the very evening it came out on Amazon. My excitement was so contagious, I even got my husband (who wouldn't know an elf from a dwarf) to sit down and watch it with me for like 5 whole minutes.
Now, the truth: my initial excitement about the series quickly dropped about four episodes in. The storyline and characterizations just weren't really what I expected (actually, I'm not even sure what my expectations were, except that they were high), and so my interest dwindled in my disappointment.
However, a few weeks later, after all the episodes had been released, I sat back down to finish the series, and my impressions of it improved overall.
I wouldn't say I love Rings of Power, but there are enough things about it that I liked and enjoyed to be able to engage with others who do love it. It's kind of like the folks who didn't like The Hobbit movies, but are able to gush over Lee Pace's Thranduil anyway.
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Stuff in Rings of Power that I liked:
Liked BEST: Young Elrond, and the way he was portrayed as such a wise and kind lord by Robert Aramayo (so handsomely elf-y!).
A Close Second: Durin IV and Disa. What a wonderful couple that brought just the right amount of comic relief.
The chance to see Khazad-dum in its glory.
Poppy Proudfellow. We all need a friend like her.
The music/soundtrack, ESPECIALLY the song "This Wandering Day" Poppy sang--I literally cried when she sang it.
Arondir. He was a such sweetheart and I hope he comes back next season.
Adar. The take on orcs being corrupted elves is one I embrace.
Elendil and Isildur. Excellent acting on Lloyd Owen's part, and I liked Maxim Baldry's earnestness.
Halbrand. I'll admit, I wasn't too impressed or happy with the revelation of him as Sauron, but the character alone as it stands was actually very good, and very well portrayed by Charlie Vickers.
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Stuff I didn't like so much (so probably don't ask me about them 'cause I prefer not to dwell on critiques):
Short-haired elves. Just not a fan, purely a preference thing.
Galadriel being short. This is petty and minor, but for some reason, even though Morfydd Clark did a fine job, it bugged me to see Galadriel looking UP at mortal men.
Celebrimbor cast as an older man. So sorry, Charles Edwards is a lovely actor, but this was far from what I had in mind for the character.
Eärien. Normally I will give OCs a chance, but I did not like this one. Felt really unnecessary, and the screen time should have been given to Anárion, wherever he might be.
The poor armor design and nerfing of the Numenorean army.
Portrayal of the Gwaith-i-Mírdain. Again, I expected much more.
The origin story of mithril. Such a strange choice.
WAY, WAAAAAAY too much CGI. Why is everything so shiny??
Overall low/poor production value. But honestly, there is never gonna be another production like Peter Jackson's trilogy. It's sad, but filmmakers just don't do that anymore. I hope someone proves me wrong.
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I remain conflicted about the following:
The Haladriel ship. I'm a Celeborn fan (I have some lovely HCs about him and his ties to Thranduil), and I ship Galadriel with him. However, the way Halbrand looks at Galadriel just does something to me, so even though I'm not sold, my mind is open to it as an AU. I blame Charlie Vickers being such a charming rogue.
The Elf-Human love story. Arondir and Bronwynn were sweet and convincing, and I did swoon for them, but... this is just so overdone already. Couldn't we have just featured other kinds of relationships?
The revised origin of Gandalf. I kind of get it, and I appreciate the relationship between him and the Hobbit progenitors... but it's kind of also weird.
Halbrand as Sauron. I plan on withholding judgement until I see where they are going with this in Season 2.
Overall Rating and Conclusion:
62% fresh SotWK Tomato Rating
I choose to just be HAPPY and GRATEFUL that we have another cinematic adaptation to the Tolkien fandom, however flawed it might be.
Definitely looking forward to Season 2 and I will definitely watch it.
Positive vibes ONLY, please! I am happy to publicly post and gush with others about the good points of RoP. But I will not have public bashing of things other fans might love and enjoy. I am very against crapping on the things others love, even if I might hate them myself.
If anyone wants to discuss the things I dislike about RoP, we can do it via DM or private Asks.
Everyone has a right to enjoy whatever they want in this show; let's just all respect each others' differences in tastes and opinions! <3
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conundrumoftime · 3 months
Writing patterns
Thanks to @thecoziestbean and @nocaptainonthisship for the tag!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
He says: “they’ll tell stories about us one day. (Shadow-Bride, TROP, Haladriel)
The moment she takes the Ring from the halfling, he knows. (Rise in Perfect Light, TROP but late Third Age, Haladriel)
After Eregion, after he returns to the south, after he faces Adar and drives a spear through the ungrateful thing’s throat, he hears that Galadriel is searching for her husband. (All The Kinds Of Alive You Can Be, TROP, Sauron/Galadriel/Celeborn)
In Galadriel’s dream her hands are numb from cold. (And white winter, on its knees, TROP, Haladriel)
The man shouldn’t have tried to jump him. (We aren't righteous, The Expanse (TV), Amos & Naomi)
Glorfindel is a little too bright, a little too perfect. (Say it like the sunrise when it's talking to the fog, Silm-LOTR, Celeborn/Glorfindel)
The pen is new, shiny, a little too expensive, probably a gift of some kind. (The Stars My Destination, Babylon 5, Bester)
“Explain again,” he says. (A green thought in a green shade, TROP, Galadriel/Celeborn)
The first time she hears that name there is a fire behind her and smoke in her eyes. (It would make every nightingale sing, Silmarillion, Elwing/Maedhros)
The elf is going to get them both killed. (Banquets have burned for you, TROP, Haladriel)
Still doing a lot of present tense; still like to begin within limited 3rd person POV in which somebody is noticing something.
I'm late to tags and don't know who's already done this, so please consider this an open invite to anyone who wants to pick this up!
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love-me-mercilessly · 2 years
K but like
Sauron is my poor little meow meow and has been for a while
And Adar is my shiny new trash boy
And they’ve been confirmed as enemies in ROP they’ve both basically said they hate each other and I’m guessing now Sauron’s in Mordor they’re going to fight next season which means at some point I’m going to have to pick a favourite
(Or I’ll just cope by starting to ship Sauron/Adar and idk get cancelled for being problematic or something)
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0ynes · 2 years
So episode 5 of Rings of Power. I still see it as a great epic fantasy show, but not as a great Tolkien adaptation.
My biggest problem was everything in Lindon. Gil-galad and Celebrimbor are acting so weird. Them thinking mithril has the light of a Silmaril just makes no sense. You want me to believe they don’t know the difference between a shiny object and the light of the Valar? The whole mithril thing really bothers me. And then what the heck was that scene with the Elf putting light inside a tree while fighting a balrog. Seriously wtf?? Literally no elf can do that. I guess Amazon is making their own myths. It’s like they want to relate mithril to elves when it’s always been a dwarf thing. Like it looks great, but what is it, precious. What is it??
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Another thing, the way Gil-galad and Celebrimbor are treating Elron. The fck, amazon is making them so manipulative by pulling at Elrond's heartstrings and cornering him. I hate it. Amazon doesn’t understand Tolkien’s elves it seems. Or rather they only seem to understand Elrond and Arondir. I’m loving how Elrond is portrayed a lot! AND AGAIN THE FCKING VEILED SERVANTS THAT ARE ALL WOMEN. STOP JUST STOP. Yeah as a Tolkien fan that’s what really bothered me in this episode. I can excuse a lot of things, but this just.. no. Anyway, Numenor is messy but with that plot compression I didn’t expect anything less. At least the story seems to be moving towards Numenor’s colonization of M.E which is great, because it’s one of the key points to it’s downfall. I still don’t know why Pharazon, “who would rather die than take orders from an elf”, named his son Kemen, a quenya name. But ok lol. I still like Elendil. Eru knows who the Stranger is suppose to be and Adar/Halbrand are definitely not Sauron. The scenes with Orcs are 10/10 as always. Nampat is an anthem. Amazon understands Orcs better than Elves, this is our reality now. Wandering Day was a 10/10 part too. I love that song! Again, if this show wasn’t based on Tolkien, I would have no problems, just some of the dialogues could be better, specially the “riling up the crowd” speeches. But yeah I need to speak my mind when something is not right. Lastly here’s Arago- I mean Halbrand:
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minka-g · 2 years
Personal gripes with episode 6
The Horse Stunt.  
It was cool when Galadriel did it the first time.  I’ve greatly missed the old ‘take a shot for over-the-top elf stunts’ drinking game of the Legolas days.  But then she did it a second time.  And then Halbrand did it to take down Adar.  
This led me to believe one of three things:
The stunt team suck and couldn’t think of any other way to make cavalry action exciting.
The director/showrunners have a weird hard-on for sideways horse riding – take that one as you will. 
Or (and get your tin foil hats for this one) it’s a form of badly executed symbolism.  A way to show a person’s growth.  Or, ya know, a dark lord watching and learning to mimic the actions of a good person.  
Speaking of symbolism…
Galadriel’s white horse.  
Look, I love the visual.  Galadriel looks awesome in her armour (finally decent female armour in a fantasy show, with no ‘separate boob bubbles’ and other impractical stuff).  And sure, if you’re the Queen Regent of Númenor and you’ve sent your people into a battle led by an elf, you’re going to want that magical commander to look good.  A shiny symbol of purity and goodness for all to see and be inspired by.  That’s not my issue.  There wasn’t a single other white horse in that entire charge.  They were all the same basic chestnut.  No darker colours, no lighter; no mottled.  So either Númenor has a colour selective horse master who is utterly ruthless (while still keeping the random well trained white horse floating around just in case a hero shows up and needs to use it) or the creative team on the show blanked out and thought that we needed the symbolism shoved even further down our throats.  Because they think we’re all stupid.  
Halbrand can teleport?  
Look, I am a mere mortal, and one prone to epic fangirling over damaged, broken men seeking to make amends (I’m looking at you, Winter Soldier & Gray Man) and so I did love when he came riding into view and did the epic takedown (even if I hated the execution; see above).  But like. HOW? How was he there?  From the opposite direction, too!  He didn’t cut and intercede from the side; it was a direct, head-on charge from the direction Adar was fleeing (aka, not the village).
When one is seeking to run away from something, they will generally continue on a forward trajectory.  There may be a bit of zigzagging to make people confused, but you will always be heading away from that which is chasing you.  In this case, it is Galadriel and the village that they were just fighting in.
I would love to have some sort of insane theory about how this proves that Halbrand is Sauron or something.  Maybe he… mentally manipulated Adar to change direction?  He teleports?  Lol.  No, none of that makes sense.  
So either Adar was riding in crazy, drunken 8’s around the village just for the shits and giggles, or there was a major breakdown in storyboarding and production. Sadly, I’m going to assume that it was the latter, and this – above all else – really fucking bugged me.
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jodeeeart · 2 years
Hey! Just want to say how much I love the little details that make your paintings so captivating! I keep zooming in to admire them all. Like in your most recent Adar piece, the little highlights in his chainmail, armor plates and sword add so much life and dimension to his figure 😍
Hey Nonnybobs!
Thank you very much for your lovely, kind words! I really enjoyed painting him. It was fun to pick out little shiny details amidst all the ash and matte textures, I am glad that you like the piece.
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verecunda · 2 years
Do you think Sauron wanted to live a normal life in Numenor after he was previously killed by Adar?
Hi, Anon! Sorry for not getting back to you at once. Every time I come on here, I get distracted by something shiny...
I haven't actually made up my mind on this question yet! But at the moment, I'm leaning towards yes? kinda?
I think, when Galadriel meets him on that raft, his fortunes are at their lowest ebb since the War of Wrath. He may have had this grand - if decidedly flawed - vision of healing Middle-earth, but his magical experiments so far seem to have failed, and resulted in Adar turning on him and - as the Good Omens fandom might call it - discorporating him. He's on the run from his own servants, pretty much, disguised as a mere human, and ended up as a castaway on the open sea. (I really don't get the feeling he planned to end up on that raft!)
So after all this failure, I think he's feeling pretty low (to put it mildly!), and resigned himself to hiding. You know how after Lúthien kicks him out of Tol-in-Gaurhoth, he simply turns himself into a bat and spends an unspecified amount of time hiding out in Taur-nu-Fuin? I think it's a bit like that. He's lost belief in himself, and he's resigned himself to obscurity, essentially going back to his old roots as a smith's apprentice. It's only when Galadriel identifies him as the lost king of the Southlands and starts calling on him to fill that role, that he begins to rediscover his self-confidence, and the wheels in his head start turning again. I think he was being essentially truthful when he told her she'd made him believe in himself again. Until then, I think he was planning to slink away into hiding in Númenor.
For what it's worth, though, I don't think he would have stuck to it! In episode 3, Galadriel says something about him chafing "under the rags of the common", but I think it's more that the Maia was chafing under the skin of his human disguise. He's too powerful, and that lust for power never truly left him. Whatever he may have intended, if he'd been left alone in Númenor, he'd probably end up causing its fall a lot sooner!
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vreenak · 2 years
How are you findings the Rings of Power, if you're watching?
I'm really enjoying it a lot! I don't think it's perfect or one of my top 5 shows or anything, but it's fun! And you know, these days that's enough for me, even though the flaws are obvious. I think the key is not having high expectations … which is so much easier said than done, especially with sth. as iconic as Tolkien's world. For context, I was in my late teens when the Peter Jackson trilogy came out, it was a huge deal to me. In no way am I a life-long fan or anything and I only read the Silmarillion once, but yeah, I was invested in the fandom for many years and it's all close to my heart. But ... I was never a purist or gatekeeper. And when they announced there was going to be a show I was excited. But I'm not naive, I know this was going to be sth. aimed at a mainstream audience and they made that crystal clear, the more info we got, about the characters, the time period they were going to cover etc. I admit, when the teaser trailer came out I was disappointed, mostly by the … basic writing/dialogue. But at that point I was just happy Robert Aramayo was going to play Elrond, who happens to be my favorite character. I just knew he'd nail it when that first photo came out, long hair or not.
And yeah, to me, Elrond is the best part of the show. He ties it all together. It's weird, but there are moments when I feel like he's channeling Hugo Weaving, without imitating him or anything ofc. I'm a sucker for elves anyway. Lindon is beautiful. Gil-galad! 😱Celebrimbor! tbh when it comes down to it, I'm just another fangirl who loves to see all these pretty people wearing their pretty robes in a dreamy autumn setting. It almost makes me forget that it's kinda shallow the way the writers/producers are playing us re: Sauron's identity. I know it's getting old, but I don't really care at the end of the day, cause they decided to throw in Adar and the Mount Doom/Mordor reveal, and the Arondir/Bronwyn romance, and Disa (!!!!), and the three creepy cultists I LOVE for some reason????? It's all shiny, I'm here for it.
Sorry, this got really long! Thank you so much for the ask!!! What do you think about the show? You're not super impressed iirc?
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tamariasykes-art · 2 years
14, 15, 16 for the rop asks!
The Rings of Power themed asks. 🍃✨
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14. Do you have a favorite episode if so, which is it?
Episode 6 because it is Adar and Uruks time to shine and also contains one of my favorite scenes in the series, the conversation between Adar and Galadriel in the barn. (Plus Halbrand lurking in the background) I really liked Adar as a character, so this scene was very interesting.
From their difference in body language, Adar sitting down and looking very small, to Galadriel standing over him for most of their conversation. How Adar is almost passive at the beginning, until Galadriel threatens his children and even then he only speaks with discomfort about Sauron and begins to defend his kind and their right to life. (Also the quote: "It would seem I am not the only elf alive who's been transformed by darkness-" I know I didn't focus to much on her in my rant, but I also did like Galadriel in this scene. Would be interesting to see them continue their conversation, although I don't think that is going to happen.
15. What is your favorite OST from the series?
Lord father. It is just so beautiful piece, starting of with these very dark and eerie tones before it ends on such very beautiful and clear note. Really does a great job of showing the different aspects of his character.
16. What is your favorite item from the series? (For example, Finrods dagger, the piece of mithril Durin gave to Elrond, Adar’s gauntlet)
I really, really loved the tiny piece of mithril Durin gifted Elrond. I was pretty exited to see how they might possible depict it in the show and I really liked how it looked, so shiny and sort of glittery. Very pretty!
Thanks for asking!
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m4gp13-d14ry · 23 days
General Discription of Linnet Marrow/Adar
Short black hair with large streaks of white and a fringe. Usually kept either really messy or obsessively brushed through with atleast one of her silver clips in it.
Amber/ light brown eyes
Average physique of a 18 year old.
During her time with Scarecrow she is put under immense stress as his assistant. She suffers frequent headaches from this and self medicates using the variety of drugs she's given access to under Dr Jonathan Crane.
She met Jonathan Crane on his last lecture before he was fired where she snuck in with a few of her older friends who attented Gotham State University. She was enthralled by him illustrating his point by firing a gun in a classroom full of students. She has a firm belief that religion should strike fear into sinners and felt Scarecrow's philosophy of scaring people into doing whatever he wants mirrored hers. She sees Scarecrow as an angel / messenger of God. The visions given to her by the Fear Toxin was of what she felt a biblically accurate angel looked like (in a lot of resources they're referred to being impossible to comprehend 'be not afraid').
Height - 5,9
Personality - Quiet, observant, obsessive, and chatters her teeth when she is trying to remember something (often). She loves shiny things and will atleast try to take them - she is bold about this and has multiple fake treasure stashes hidden in her apartment. She is jumpy but not easily scared. She is intelligent and mostly solitary: she uses her knowledge from studying psychology and teachings of her religion on how to interact with people but cannot keep an actualy bond. She is opportunistic. She is overly helpful to others but feels no empathy to them - she sees people as just 'shiny things'.
She is heavily religious, following catholicism until she sees the batman (and robiiin) - this convinces her that a creature so horrifying could not be created by a loving God.
She dislikes most animals especially rats (rats steal food) and is hated by cats despite them being the most tolerable for her (they are usually self reserved and mimic bird noises like a magpie).
She cannot fight at all and mostly aids with administrating fear toxin to patients. She does use fear toxin grenades when needed.
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falfriniel · 4 years
Vorinde shivers again, drawing her cloak tighter with her free hand. Though the chill of the road beyond seems a passing irritant, the very halls giving, and generously, their own warmth, Vórion's grasp on her hand remains her only comfort. The marchwardens, as sympathetic as they've been, are yet strangers.
Not for the first time, she wishes they had turned for Hithlum, guard or no. 
Still, for all her apprehension, little time passes before footfalls sound without the door. She rises, pulling twin along with her. 
"We meant not to trespass," she starts, instinct to beg forgiveness. Her ignorance of Doriath and it's laws remains near complete, save that it was for the name of kin she's never known that they'd been allowed to pass the border. 
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What that means now, nor does she know. Neither do, from Vórion's tightening grip, his alarm brushing her mind. She ignores both as best she might. For surely, if there was any to whom she must plead forgiveness, it is he. In none but her own king has Vorinde seen such grace, and where Turgon was as of marble, here before her was life itself, as though Telperion had taken for itself form of the Eldar. 
She finds herself, now, at an impasse, any previously planned speech swept aside in the face of authority itself. 
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tardispowered · 6 years
Doctor Who Book Review: Fear of the Dark
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Non Spoilery Review: A solid story with a few missteps. It doesn’t quite get the emotional payoff it was reaching for but is nevertheless an interesting (if sometimes bland) read. (and just a bit unintentionally kinky)
Spoiler Warning: This review contains spoilers
The Good:
This was a well structured book plot wise, with a few exceptions. While it wasn’t the most enthusiastic read, it was easy to read and there weren’t any moments where I wanted to fling the book against the wall. (As opposed to the Drosten’s Curse for example) All in all it’s a mostly solid story.
We also were introduced to a couple interesting characters, Stoker and Bunny Cheung. I loved Stoker as the hard bitten mercenary/pirate leader of the group with a passion for cigars and a get it done kind of personality. I also like the idea that she was given a love interest, if not the execution. Bunny Cheung also had a nice backstory and I loved that he had a family and a cybernetic arm. In the beginning, I enjoyed reading about them.
Another aspect I liked were Nyssa’s thoughts of Traaken and the couple mentions of Adaric and his demise. You could tell the central theme of the book was supposed to be death and the inevitability of it. Nyssa had lost everything she had and the narrative kind of touches on that very lightly.
The ending was kind of amusing, unintentionally I am pretty sure, so I can’t give it credit; but there were parts that made me grin and think of certain anime.
 The Not So Good:
This book felt always like it was reaching for something with a deep emotional resonance, but it never quite managed to get it. There could have been pathos about Nyssa coming to terms with Traaken or even just thinking of it and grieving it. I was thinking and hoping the Darkness would be somewhat attached or connected to that. But… it really wasn’t. It could have been about Adric’s death… and while they do mention it twice it’s only:
Ist time: Tegan remembering Adaric died and wondering how she could have forgotten about it.
Yeah how could you? Except maybe it’s thematically convenient.
2nd time: It’s mentioned the Doctor is always thinking of Adric’s death.
Except it never comes up, except in these two times. It could have been mentioned elsewhere. It could have been just after that death and they are still sort of reeling from the trauma so the Dark has a better hold on them. It’s only name dropped and nothing is done with it.
The Dark itself is a pretty lame antagonist. It didn’t help that I just read about a dark creature from the dawn of time that killed people and was the embodiment of evil in the Drosten’s Curse (and at least four tickled it into passivity while five kicked it back into the pit and set it on fire). Even if I hadn’t just read about it, I’ve seen this kind of enemy dozens of times. Dark entity, epitome of all evil, infects characters (somewhat arbitrarily) etc etc etc. Has a villain monologue near the end. And so on. I just didn’t care. There’s nothing interesting about pure evil. It COULD have been interesting if it accessed those hurtful emotions and had them mourn or even be sad about things which is a much more interesting take than making them fighty.
Back to Stoker and Cheung… As much as I liked Stoker as a concept…she really wanted the shiny the moon provided because…she just wanted the money I guess. But she keeps on wanting it even over the health and safety of her crew and them DYING until Cheung dies and she does a 180 like, glad to know they were just cannon fodder. And of course he was cannon fodder too. He was given a great little backstory but was killed off just to provide angst. The bloodbath of everyone dying save for our heroes was unnecessary, imo. I mean I guess it kind of fits the point that Death is inevitable but GOOD THING NO ONE SUPER IMPORTANT DIED right?
Also about halfway through some military guys come along because of a distress call and wouldn’t you know it, the commander Lawrence is Stoker’s old flame and they don’t hit it off because he’s dating someone else. Coincidence. I didn’t really care about that so much except when it switched to their conversations because I was not invested enough in their characters in and of themselves to give a damn. The author was much more invested in his OCs than I was.
And I like when there are characters aside from Doctor/Companions in the story but they need to have/develop some kind of relationship with the Core Cast otherwise they’re just a bunch of people in one room. Also their chat didn’t really have anything really to do with the main plot. It was just kind of there to round out their characters. But ultimately it didn’t matter because they both died in the end anyway. Also onboard the ship they have someone CONVENIENTLY there to be a secret heel turn/face turn and who knew how to defeat the Dark. Good thing he was there. :/  It was lame.
But not overtly terrible.
A decent start to a somewhat disappointing ending and boring bits. It reads as one of the more blander of Five’s episodes. While I wouldn’t necessarily recommend reading it, I wouldn’t warn anyone away from it either. All in all pretty meh.
In my canon library?
….eh. Why not.
 Three out of Five stars
 Up Next: Players by Terrance Dicks
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magicallibary · 6 years
Unknown Connections
A/N: I might make a part 2 for this one; I don’t know! I can see how it would work so, we’ll see. That said, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!
Word Count: 2367 Words  Warnings: I think there’s nothing :)
Summary: A young man starts taking care of a young kid, neither knowing about the child’s past.
It had all started a couple of years ago. A heat wave had been around for a few weeks and the thick, hot atmosphere was starting to affect everyone. Pools and beaches were filled to the brim with people trying desperately to cool down while air conditioning systems were being installed and turned on everywhere. The sun covered streets were becoming more and more empty as the days passed since people would much rather stay inside in front of their fan.
On one flaming night, a young adult named William was preparing himself for a long anticipated rest. A white tank top and a pair of loose shorts that ended right above his knees, covered his rough copper skin. As he walked to his room, a hand tangled in the short dark brown grass of his hair, the sound of a soft knock made his steps stop in a halt. He was about to ignore it and blame it on his imagination when the knock came again, louder this time. An exaggerated sigh fell through his pointy tipped lips while he turned towards his dark door.
Opening the door slowly, William prepared himself to greet whoever was at the other side, but he didn’t expect to find a young girl at his doorstep. For her apparent young age she had rather long hair that was colored a light brown similar of those of fallen autumn leaves, the color seemed to fade into the white of a cloud as the tips of the strands ended. A couple of black dots seemed to be scattered around the wrist of her left arm, that had a tone that could remind you of a silver necklace with highlights of the white tinted sand by the salty water of the beach that were being slightly hidden by the drops of sweat that fell from her forehead. William’s tall figure covered the girl with a shadow while his hazel eyes squinted as he caught her pair of jade green orbs. Her eyes were quite big compared to the male’s small pair and the intense green color of them contrasted the bright white shirt and light blue shorts she wore.
The older individual called out as he looked around for the girl’s guardian but ended up finding no one around. Deciding that he couldn’t just leave her there, William slowly made move to pick her up, making sure not to scare her in the process. As he held her small form, the hazel-eyed male noticed how much colder her skin felt compared to his own. Also, he was now made aware of a shiny necklace that hung around her neck, the name Eira on the jewelry.
“I guess that’s your name.” William whispered, a small smile began appearing on his face as he closed the door and he entered his house, the green-eyed girl in his arms. “Eira?”
That’s how it all had started. William had spent the following days calling and informing everyone he knew about the small girl, who’s name was Eira. Years passed, and the brown-haired male found nothing so he continued to care for Eira like a sister or a daughter. As she grew older, her appearance change a small bit, most noticeably was her curly hair. Her hair remained light brown but the hints of fading white tips were much easier to notice making it seem almost dyed. Truth was, he had grown quite fond of her and the company around the small house truly helped him, though he began noticing things about Eira and he began questioning whether all those things were there to begin with and he hadn’t noticed. One of those discoveries had been her skin temperature. She always seemed to be colder than anyone else, not by much, but it was different enough that the temperature change could be noticed. The other was much more alarming for William. When Eira turned thirteen, William began to make notice of a mark by her left wrist. At further inspection, he learned that it was a simplistic almost mandala-like design of a bird. The wings were extended and curled upwards so the were beside the head while the feathered tail was formed so it made its way away from her hand. William began panicking. Had Eira gone and paid for a tattoo? He began thinking back on the past weeks and found that they had spent every waking moment together, so, when had she done it? William’s chest tightened at the discovery, he didn’t know if he was truly mad at her and somehow he found a way to blame himself for the seemingly permanent mark on Eira’s wrist. That feeling banished and was replaced with curiosity and nervousness after speaking with her.
Eira hadn’t even noticed the drawing by her left wrist and worry laced her voice as he swore to William she hadn’t done anything, that it had been a surprise for her too. Of course, William had trouble believing this, until tears began forming on the edges of her jade eyes. The next couple of weeks were spent trying to find out how this mark came to be and, to none of William’s surprised, he had found absolutely nothing. As time continued passing, both William and Eira had grown to like the tattoo-like mark. Eira felt some sort of strange connection with it. She felt her heart beat slightly faster when someone, even herself, would run their fingers on top of the drawing. Everytime something would become too overwhelming, she would focus on the delicate patterns that made the bird image come together. Likewise, William learned to like the drawing, too. He quickly noticed how her skin was much colder on the place where the mark stood. Of course he had his questions about it, but he decided that those where better saved for another time. He simply reminded himself that one day he would find all the answers he wanted, for both himself and, also, for Eira.
And, one day, those answers did arrive.
One morning, William opened his curtains to find a snowy scenery before him. This alarmed the young adult since as recently as two days before, everyone was talking about a nearing heat wave. Turning on the television to watch the news, he found that no one was expecting the ongoing weather and it had seemingly caught everyone by surprise. Eira was extremely happy about the sudden temperature change, though. William’s strange day filled with weird surprises continued when he saw the short girl run around under the falling snowflakes in nothing but a mid arm sleeve shirt and loose pants. He attempted to dress her accordingly but she refused, claiming that the chosen clothes were too warm for her. At some point, William had to stop pushing Eira into the clothes and he began noticing how her body temperature remained constant no matter how long she stayed out in the cold snow for.
Soon, the night arrived, being colder than the day. William began preparing everything to send Eira and himself to bed, when suddenly he got interrupted by a soft knock. Flashbacks of the night he found Eira began playing in William’s head, noticing that the only difference between that night and the current one was the weather. He slowly reached the doorway and when he opened it, more similarities began rising inside his brain. A teenage girl was what he found by his doorway. She had tanned, tawny skin and was dressed in brown clothes. A long, black cloak reached her toes, her hands hidden in the pockets. She had big, hazel eyes but, by far the flashiest feature she had was her hair. The top of her head was dark, almost black, but where her neck ended the hair was completely orange. The different shades of the flame color mixed together, giving her a beautiful yet scary appearance.
“Where’s the girl?” She demanded, her voice deep, her face serious. Anyone could read her annoyance and desire to finish whatever she needed to do rather quickly.
“What girl?” Asked William, playing coy. He didn’t know why, but he had this strange feeling on the pit of his stomach that told him to be wary of her.
“Look.” The mysterious girl suddenly banged her hand on the wall next to the opened door, blocking the snowy scenery as she began getting closer to William. He, on the other hand, attempted pushing her away from the entrance of his house, still not trusting the flashy-haired girl. “I don’t have time for your little ‘I don’t know’ act, so are you going to tell me where she is or are we going to have to do this the difficult way?”
“Look,” he began, imitating her. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about and, even if I did, why would I trust you?” He raised his right eyebrow as he finished his question, clearly trying to end the conversation.
“You’re right, you shouldn’t trust me.” She pulled the other hand out of the coat pocket, revealing a shiny dagger with intricate orange designs that made it look like a feather on the side of the sharp object. She placed it near him threateningly. “But, I’d listen.”
Before she could say anything else, a voice interrupted her.
“Adara! Leave the man alone.” Another teenage girl said. She stood tall, her skin tone was similar to Eira’s one but the rest of her appearance was different. Her slightly below shoulder length hair was blue that faded into white and her eyes were matching, icy blue and large. She wore a white and blue combat suit with many gray belts and straps. The outfit had a collar than framed around her neck and the sleeves ended after the mid arm point. White fingerless gloves fitted her hands and high white boots started at her feet. On her left hand she held a dagger similar to the brown-dressed individual, but it was decorated with a light blue metal wing, similar to the one of a dragon. Beside her a teenage man stood. His maya blue hair was long and combed to the right. His eyes were the same color as the girl beside him. He wore a similar outfit just fitted for him and he, too, had the same blue decorated dagger.
“And why would I do that dear? He’ll have to tell me where your precious ‘half-sister’ is eventually.” The girl, apparently named Adara, used her fingers to make quotations.
“Can’t you see he doesn’t know?” Began the blue-haired male. “We can’t let you hurt him for no reason nor can we allow you to find the girl for that matter.”
“Well, Lixue, you always say something like that, don’t you? Plus, you need to know where she is and she has to be near for you two to intervene, otherwise you would’ve left me alone. Unless, you don’t know where she is. Then, it’s just a fight for who finds her first. How did you know we were coming anyway?”
“You fire phoenixes were always predictable anyway; you take your heat waves with you everywhere. We are more unexpected.”
Questions began filling William’s head. What was happening? He didn’t even know where to begin. Worry remained in his veins as he started realizing that everyone was talking about Eira.
“Whatever you say, Neve. Well, farewell dears, may the best find the girl.” Suddenly the figure that used to be the one of a female turned into the one of a bird. A medium bird colored in all the tones of a powerful fire flame. As the big wings fluttered away a small trail of yellow sparks stayed behind, burning out after a while.
“Sorry for that, William.” Apologised the girl.  “Despite everything we said, this whole event did surprise us at the beginning, but we’ve learnt to react quickly.”
“Who are you? How do you know my name?”
“Oh right, I’m Neve Icebound and this is one of my brothers, Lixue Icebound. We are ice phoenixes.”
“Ice phoenixes? What is going on?” William questioned himself.
“Well, you know Eira, right?” Neve began. “She was supposed to be our sister, but, a fire pheonix named Agni cursed her when she was born turning her mostly human. Of course, a few attributes remained like her cold skin but most of the main abilities were lost. Due to the danger we would bring her in her now more fragile state, we had to leave her with you but we gave her a mark so that we could find her, that’s the drawing by her wrist, if you’ve seen it. But now, she seems to be gaining power, quickly. And it isn’t any power, she seems to be stronger than both fire and ice phoenixes which has alarmed them, so they are after her. We are not sure if they want her dead or captured but we can’t allow either. Not just because she’s powerful but because after all she’s still originally our sister.”
Unknown to them, Eira heard the whole exchanged and they learnt this when she pushed passed William to see the other two individuals. Neve and Eira’s eyes locked together and tears began forming in the male sibling’s eyes at the sight of his growing sister.
“You two are really my siblings?” Asked the small voice of Eira.
“Look.” Said Neve, while kneeling to her sister’s height. “Give me your left hand.” The younger girl raised her hand, hesitantly. Neve grabbed her hand lightly and ran her thumb on top of the drawing of a phoenix on Eira’s wrist. Suddenly, the mark began glowing a bright blue color where it used to be black before it died down to its original color. 
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A gasp escaped everyone’s mouth, all at once, as they shared an impactful silent moment. The two sisters embraced each other as the silence continued. Until, Eira broke the silence with her sudden concern, looking into her sister’s bright blues with her green orbs.
“Are the fire phoenixes going to hurt me?”
“No.” Answered Lixue, no hesitation in his strong voice. “We’ll protect you. Neve and I. We’ll protect both of you.”
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antivanruffles · 6 years
shipping meme
@linguini17​ tagged meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
First ship you ever read fic for:  Usagi/Mamoru from Sailor Mooooon.
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Technically I think Rei/Jadeite from Sailor Moon? It was a rather vague fic if I recall. I think the actual first full on shippy fic was Makoto/Nephrite. 
Ship you write the most now: Anne/Phillip from TGS, and always gotta have some Cassandra/Varric from Dragon Age.
Ship you read the most now: I’ve actually been terrible about reading lately, but when I do it’s been mostly CarWheeler. 
Newest ship: Newest to me? G’Kar/Londo from Babylon 5.
Rare ship you wanna read more of: I apparently can only get truly obsessed with smaller fandoms/ships and/or older ones so it always feels like there isn’t ENOUGH CONTENT GOSH YOU GUYS!
Your taboo ship: Hell if I know? I mean depending on who you ask Senshi/Shitennou used to be considered a hot button. Same for Cass/Varric.
They never met in canon ship: I don’t think I have one? Unless we’re talking crossover in which case.... Kaidan Alenko (mass effect) and Felix Gaeta (Battlestar Galactica) and that is Janie’s fault. Plus lots of other brotps. 
Your unexpected ship: G’Kar and Londo is the most recent example. I didn’t care for Londo at first and there was such animosity and THEN THINGS HAPPENED AND NOW I’M DYING SQUIRTLE 
The ship you always forget to give love to: So many. I have a fucking armada of ships, and older things get pushed aside for the new and shiny regularly. 
Ship your OC with a canon character: Well I mean that’s p much what romancing Bioware characters is so...? The most fleshed out for those purposes are Corinne Shepard and Kaidan, Wren Adar and Josephine Montilyet, and I guess Evie Treveylan and Cullen Rutherford. Though Evie wasn’t meant to be a fully fleshed out character.. it just happened.
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship:  I was a little embarrassed to ship Londo/G’Kar at first but I soon got over it. Outside of that.. I have no shame.
Your sexiest ship: Okay now sexiest in the sense I find them both to be so unbelievably pretty I cry a little bit? Or sexy as in they drip UST? Sexy as in they could both stab me and I’d thank them? Like these are all vastly different things and I’m pretty sure I have a ship that covers all possibilities here. 
Your most tragic ship: Alisha and Simon on Misfits. Keyleth and Vax on Critical Role. Aya and Razer on Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Christian and Satine from Moulin Rouge. For someone who usually deals in fluff I have plenty of doomed and tragic ships. It’s gr9 *sobs in a corner*
A ship you want more content for: ALL OF THEM. GIVE IT TO ME I AM GREEDY! 
And I was going to tag people but it’s not letting me? FOR SOME REASON? 
So please steal this if you would like to and tag me back (IF TUMBLR WILL LET YOU!) so I can see what you said okay thanks byE! :D
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“Where is Legolas?” Thranduil asked, returning from his short trip to the Raft-Elves and not seeing te bright eyes of his son waiting for him when he entered the boy’s room. Legolas had still been asleep when he left, and the Elvenking had not had the heart to wake him, simply kissing his forehead in farewell and tucking the blankets more securely around the small form.
“I think he went with Lady Míriel’s family,” a passing laundrymaid said, bowing to the King and his Captain. Thranduil nodded his thanks. He would have liked to see Legolas, but he had matters of state to concern himself with this afternoon, judgements to pass in Commoner’s Court and such.
“Very well. Bronwe, send a runner to Lady Míriel and tell her to return my son for evening meal.” Thranduil said, turning on his heel and striding towards his Throne Room.
“Lady Míriel?” The Elveenking asked a few hours later, at the sight of one of the most graceful ladies in the halls appearing near tears as she stormed into the large cavern.
“My lord,” she curtsied, “I received your messenger, but…” she trailed off, looking like she wanted to cry. Thranduil began to worry.
“What is it?” he asked, worry making his voice harsher than intended. Míriel flinched.
“We never picked up the Leafling,” she whispered. “I have not seen him since yesterday. Alphel and I went to see if he wanted to play, but his rooms were empty. A passing servant told us he was with you.”
“What?!” Thranduil roared, jumping to his feet. Sick fear filled him. “Bronwe, I want everyone on high alert! Find my son!” he ordered, not even staying to watch the Captain begin barking orders, casting everyone in the room into a frenzy that spread like rings across water through the halls.
Thranduil was running. His heart beat double time, fear of loss that he had never quite conquered since the death of Thalion and the realisation that Nínimeth was bearing again, filling his soul. Where was his son? Panicked, he returned to their rooms, calling Legolas’ name and looking behind all the larger pieces of furniture.
It had been hours. Thranduil had no clear idea where he personally had searched, though it felt like everywhere. He was beginning to believe that Legolas had been kidnapped or worse; fallen into the roaring river that ran beneath his caves, perhaps, and been swept off, drowned in the rapids. His mind kept spinning up scenario after scenario, his hands shaking, longing for someone to blame, someone to threaten or kill until whatever enemy had taken his child returned him, hale and whole. Bronwe had forced him back to his rooms, pushed him down into a chair where he now sat, his goblet of Dorwinion untouched beside him as he stared into nothingness in front of him. Not another one, he thought, I cannot lose another of my sons, please Valar, not another one… not THIS one. He stood, abruptly, knocking the goblet to the floor in his haste. Maeassel put her hand on his arm, but he shook off the comforting touch angrily. Thranduil did not want to be comforted, he wanted his son! Thranduil stormed to the window, gasping in the clean night air. What if Legolas was scared, or hurt? What if he had been stolen away, never to return?
“I believe I’ve found something that belongs to you,” a voice said, quiet and calm. Thranduil whirled. In the doorway stood the most beautiful sight he had seen in years, he thought. Her mithril hair gleamed in the light of the lamps, the beads glinting with the flicker of flames. Her blue eyes were smiling as she pressed a finger to her lips for silence. In her arms, however, was the true reason for his rapture. The small body was fast asleep, his pale head curled towards her warmth, one of his hands wrapped in her shiny tresses.
“Sellig,” Thranduil breathed, reaching for what he was nearly certain was nothing but an apparition, a dream conjured up by his own desire to have his child safe once more. Taking two faltering steps, he had reached her, wrapping his arms around her solid form, hiding his relieved tears in her pale hair. When he let her go, she relinquished Legolas to his arms, though the elfling kept a tight grip on her hair. “Thank you,” he whispered, unsure if it was aimed at his long-absent daughter or the Valar who had allowed her to find Legolas.
“He found me in the forest,” she replied, answering his unasked question. “I did not think Legolas was old enough to wander alone,” she frowned. Thranduil sank back into his chair, barely noticing Maeassel’s exit.
“He ran away,” Thranduil admitted. “I spent the morning down by the Raft-Gate, and no one had seen him all day. We’ve been searching the halls for hours. I had only just ordered a wide sweep of the forest.”
“I was surprised to see him, wandering about an hour’s walk from here,” Rhonith said, stroking Legolas’ small cheek as she sat on the floor by Thranduil’s feet, leaning against his legs with a soft smile aimed at the sleeping elfling. “He told me he knew I was coming, so he’d gone out to find me… and got a bit lost, perhaps,” she chuckled. Thranduil joined her, relief flooding his overwrought heart until he was sobbing against Legolas, holding the elfling close to his chest.
“I thought…” he whispered. “Oh, sellig, I was so afraid.” Rhonith said nothing, simply gripping his hand tightly and watching Legolas sleep.
“Ada…?” Legolas murmured sleepily, blinking up at his father’s concerned face. “Rhonith?” he asked, when Thranduil could find no words. “Look Ada, I found Rhonith for you!” the small boy grinned, clearly expecting Thranduil to praise him.
“What did I tell you, Glasseg?” Rhonith asked, keeping her voice calm but adding a touch of displeasure. She had found him in the forest, almost dissolved in tears because he couldn’t find her or the way home, and she knew Thranduil and the rest of his caretakers had warned the elfling not to leave the Halls unaccompanied.
“That Ada would be worried where I’d gone,” Legolas parroted obediently.
“Worried?” Thranduil said incredulously, feeling that the word did not do his feelings justice one bit. “Worried?!” his voice rose as he jumped to his feet, still holding Legolas, and not hearing Rhonith’s pained cry when the elfling pulled her hair. “Legolas, I have had four hundred Elves searching for you for hours! We thought you had gotten hurt, or simply lost, or even been kidnapped!” Anger snapped through the words like the crack of a whip. The little boy began crying again, sobbing apologies when Thranduil crushed him to his chest, breathing hard at the resurgence of fear. He felt almost more scared now that he held his reckless son in his arms than when the boy was missing. Hugging Legolas tightly, he rubbed a soothing hand along his small back. “Hush, ionneg,” he whispered. “You’re back now, you’re safe now. Adar is here.” Legolas was clinging as tightly to Thranduil as Thranduil did to him, as he cried out the fear that had overwhelmed him when he realised he was truly lost.
 Earlier that day:
Legolas woke up to the sun shining through the green maple leaves outside the windows, feeling happy. He had dreamed that Rhonith would be coming today, though he didn’t remember it as having been a dream, simply a fact. The elf who brought him breakfast told him that Adar would be back later, but he could go play with Alphel, if he liked. Legolas liked playing with Alphel, but Rhonith was coming! Excited, he had barely finished his breakfast before he began running through the halls. At first, he had thought that Rhonith was already here, but when he had spent all morning searching the caverns without finding her – even venturing down to the scary dungeons that Adar used to store root vegetables during winter – he remembered that she was coming, not already arrived. Feeling proud of himself, Legolas ate lunch in the kitchens, stealing an extra bun for Rhonith before he set off, somehow avoiding anyone’s notice. He was a mighty hero off on a grand adventure to find the beautiful princess!
 An hour later, the grand adventure was becoming a little scary. The trees were very tall around him, and Legolas felt quite small. Nibbling on the currant bun he had taken from Maeassel’s tray, Legolas continued down the path, unaware that his small feet missed a bend while his eyes were staring up, up, up, trying to see the sky.
Legolas no longer liked his adventure. Heroes were all good in stories, but actually being one was very difficult, he’d found. He didn’t know where he was, he was cold, his food had gone, he was thirsty, and he wanted Adar! The last word became a shrill cry, as Legolas burst into tears, sinking down on the mulch of the forest floor.
“Ada, Ada, Ada!” he cried, feeling more alone than ever before. The shadows of the trees, no longer pretty with their red leaves but scary and darkening with the setting of the Sun, lengthened. Legolas kept crying, calling for his father. He got up slowly, hiccupping sobs as his small voice began to give out, telling himself that he had to keep moving, find the way home. Maybe Rhonith wasn’t coming after all?
 “Legolas?” At first, the little boy thought the voice was not really there, some magick of the forest meant to confuse him. A hand shook his small shoulder. “Legolas, glasseg, what are you doing so far away from the Halls?”
“Rho-nith?” he asked, croaking out her name as he finally dared to look up at her. Legolas didn’t think magic would scold him. “You came!” he cried.
At first, she had thought the whimpering animal in origin. Wanting to arrive – lembas was great for travelling, of course, but she had been hoping for a proper meal tonight – she would have ignored it, if not for the fact that the whimper sounded an awful lot like her name. Fear, fully formed in an instant, sprang to life in her breast. What if someone was truly hurt, asking for aid? Turning her feet, she headed towards the sound, calling for whomever it was to answer her.
“Legolas?” Rhonith thought she was seeing thing. What in the name of Durin was Legolas doing so far from home? And alone? The elfling shivered, but did not look up. Reaching for his shoulder, she kept her voice mild, hoping not to startle him. “Glasseg, what are you doing so far away from the Halls?”
“Rho-nith?” he asked, croaking out her name as he finally dared to look up at her. Rhonith felt her heart break a little at the misery on his face, mend a little when he gave her a wide smile. “You came!” he cried. Noticing the way he shivered, she picked up the small body hastily, clutching him against her chest as she wrapped her cloak around him.
“Ai, little one, why are you all alone out here?” she whispered, pressing kisses against his hair as Legolas clung to her, wrapping his arms and legs around her body.
“Want Ada,” he wept, burrowing into her warmth. Rhonith hummed soothingly, rubbing his back. The small body had not yet grown into an adult elf’s hardiness and imperviousness to weather. Legolas was chilled to the bone, she felt.
“Yes, we’ll go find Ada, Leafling,” she promised, dropping her pack to the ground as she began to run, her feet pounding the leaf mulch beneath her. “Atheg must be worried sick about you,” she whispered, when Legolas’ breathing told her he’d fallen asleep.
“Rhonith!” Bronwe hailed her when he caught sight of the running elleth, he mithril braids bouncing on her back.
“Where’s Atheg?” she asked, hardly waiting for his response.
“Legolas is missing, the King is in his study.” Bronwe said, perplexed by her urgency.
“I found Legolas,” she called back over her shoulder as she ran past him. Bronwe turned to follow, barking out orders to call off the search among the trees. “Send someone back for my pack!”
Opening the door, Rhonith found Thranduil leaning out of the window, gasping for breath.
“I found Something that belongs to you,” she said, making him turn, wide-eyed and stare at her. Shifting the cloak to reveal the now-rosy cheeks of Legolas, whose warmth had been restored, Rhonith smiled at the Elf she called father. Thranduil moved faster than her eyes could follow, his hands roaming Legolas’ body where it lay cradled in her arms, searching the small elfling for any sign of injury.
“Thank you,” he whispered reverently. Rhonith relinquished the sleeping elfling though his grip on her hair meant she could not move far – not that she wanted to, staring her fill at the little boy she loved above all other souls in Arda. Thranduil sat heavily in the chair behind him – Rhonith wasn’t sure he even knew it was there, as he stumbled blindly backwards.
Legolas cried himself into exhausted sleep. He did not let go of the lock of mithril hair he had claimed during Rhonith’s run through the forest, and Thranduil did not relinquish his hold till morning woke his son, hungry for food. In truth, he hardly let go of Legolas at all that day, though the boy did not seem to mind; being outside without Ada’s protection had scared him greatly. Instead, the two blonde elves listened to Rhonith telling stories, exclaiming over the toys she had brought with her from the Dwarrowdelf and enjoyed a quiet day of each other’s company.
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