#verse. / first age
thelien-art · 10 months
Ar i lúmë, sérinqua lairë, hye rianna bime i nostale, ana i tuluvanye -o a sinya randa, isse san n- mal a hwesta man onlime voro westa astar cilmë me i nostale lairë
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Lillies: Purity, love, and grief
Lavender: Serenity, grace, and calmness
Forget me not: Respekt, royalty, and hope
And on that moment, a peaceful summer, he was crowned by the kind, to the coming of a new age, where he would be but a breeze who only ever knelt willingly for the kind summer
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Scala’s beloved, age 25 😊 (he probably wears this til his late 30s, give or take)
[original concept/sketch]
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livwritesstuff · 7 months
part 3 to eddie’s tattoo saga, feat. girl-dads!steddie
part 1, part 2
The first time Eddie’s oldest daughter draws on his arm with her Crayola markers, Eddie immediately gets it tattooed onto him permanently. 
She’s barely two so it’s mostly scribbles, but she’d never done it before, and she’d looked up at him with this big, proud, cheesing smile when she was done, and Ed had been caught so off guard with just how insanely much he loved her – that indescribable love parents felt for their children that, before becoming a parent, Eddie had thought he’d be able to beat the stereotypes and describe, but Moe proved him to be incorrect just about the second she came along – and he hadn’t known what else to do. 
He doesn’t even really think about it, just takes a photo so his artist will get the colors right and has her put it in an empty spot on the sleeve he’s been working on for years.
With Eddie and Steve’s second daughter, Robbie, it goes mostly the same. She's just about two years old and draws a collection of swirling scribbles on the back of his hand. Steve advises him to not get it tattooed in the same spot, and Eddie can understand why it might not always be opportune to have permanent child-scribbles in such a visible spot, so, again, he has his artist use it to fill in a gap in the sleeve on his left arm.
When their littlest girl, Hazel, is born, Ed intentionally leaves a spot on his bicep open for whenever she feels so inclined to draw on him like her big sisters had. She takes her sweet time, so much so that Eddie starts to get nervous that she might never end up doing it at all, and he wasn’t going to ask her. It had to be a natural thing, obviously. In the end, she’s nearly five years old, sitting in his lap with a pack of markers while he reads a book to her (Charlotte’s Web, because it was the first chapter book he’d read aloud to both Moe and Robbie, and now it's Hazel’s turn), coloring inside the lines of the tattoos he already has when she gets to the empty space on his arm he’d left just for her. A little bit later, it’s filled with a marker drawing of a blue house next to a green tree, with a yellow sun above the chimney.
“It’s our house,” Hazel tells him.
Eddie calls to schedule the tattoo session the second he finishes the next chapter.
He gets the okay from his artist to bring Hazel with him to the appointment, which he hadn’t done with Moe and Robbie because they’d been too little. They hadn’t had the disposition for it either, but Hazel is their sweetest baby, all solemn and shy, and the session is right before her usual naptime, so once he’s in the chair, she just sits in his lap and quietly watches his artist work until she dozes off about halfway through the process.
Eddie spends much of that session lost in thought – he’s becoming introspective in his old age (forty-five and some change).
He’s thinking about all the tattoos he’s gotten, all the spontaneous ones he’s gotten for Steve and for their girls. He’s thinking about what that means. 
In the family that Eddie and Steve have built, Steve is the one taking all those pictures and home videos and stuff. He’s the one who gets photos printed, framing their favorites and hanging them around the house and setting small ones on side tables, sticking others to the fridge with little magnets they’ve collected over the years, storing the rest in overstuffed shoe boxes he swears he’ll organize into photo albums someday (but their life is so hectic he probably won’t ever get around to it).
This is Eddie’s version of that.
This is his way of displaying to the world how much he loves his family, this thing that he’d spent years pretending he didn’t want because that was easier to sit with than the belief that it wasn’t even attainable for him, that now he gets to have.
It’s fucking incredible, is what it is, and it deserves to be documented.
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kamipyre · 4 months
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i'm rewatching psy.cho p.ass and i am reaffirmed miss aka.ne tsune.mori is absolutely one of my biggest inspos for suki :'D
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tophsazulas · 5 months
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Gwen and Nikki, first meet, circa February 1995
They first met in detention when Gwen accidentally threw a paper ball at Nikki when she meant to throw it in the recycling bin. There was a vibe between the two in that moment.
Gwen handed Nikki a pencil from her desk and chuckled.
“No problem. Just…make sure you give it back to me after detention’s over.”
Nikki chuckled, “Okay.”
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cephalopod-truther · 1 year
I just saw the new spiderverse (it was amazing) and all I can say is SERIOUSLY?? Y'all are thirsting over this guy???
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Man is beefing with a fucking fifteen year old! He sees Miles and immediately goes straight to ragging on him for not knowing something that he deliberately kept Miles out of the loop from! Oh wow Miguel! Miles doesn't know what a Canon event is? Crazy! It's almost like he was specifically excluded from the group of people who knew all about that! Who excluded him Miguel? Why didn't he know? That's what I thought bitch
and then he's like "yeah ik you have no superhero support network, yeah I have specifically told your friends not to speak to or talk to you for no reason I will explain, your dad dies in two days (I am yelling this at you minutes after getting unreasonably mad you didn’t know about things that are common knowledge in my spiderman club (the club you aren't allowed to join)) and also you aren't allowed to save him. I expect you to react calmly and logically to this news. I see no problem with any of this why are you being unreasonable" when Miles is understandably upset by this
Like the sheer audacity of this fucker is unbelievable
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binch-i-might-be · 1 year
currently obsessed with the thought of the reincarnation au aides all meeting back up and everyone in their mid to late twenties being just in AWE at tiny little nineteen year old Alex
like he's so little!!! he's a teenager!!! he still has BABY FAT. BABY FAT!!!! how is that allowed that shouldn't be allowed!!!!
last time most of them saw him he was a full grown adult,,,,, even twenties Alex was only a faint memory in their minds at that point
now he's a modern teenager who's not haggard from stress and war and too little rations. he's healthy and lively and still just as passionate as he used to be but now also. Squishy™. a squishy lil baby :(
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frozenambiguity · 1 month
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inardescere asked:
"Look over here, Kaeya. Sit still, okay?" Excited little red eyes shine as his hands are hidden behind his back. He waits until he has the other little boy's full attention, bobbing on his heels. Then, he lifts a very empty hand, no tricks behind his sleeves! Then waves his pointed finger in the air like casting a spell. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" A bop to his cute tiny nose, grinning wide before he turns heel and runs away, out the door with a squeal. (Lil Luc up to no good(?). It's sorta based on an interview Midorikawa did so if you want the link to the video www tell me on discord)
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«...?» An innocent gaze lifts from colorful building blocks to the young boy before him. Expectation and curiosity grow at the unanticipated request, though a hint of shyness may veil them.
Lately, Kaeya had noticed, the boy had been making an extra effort to interact and play with him. All right, all right — maybe not lately. Diluc had always been enthusiastic about the newcomer, perhaps wanting company in the form of a new friend. Indeed, maybe this was all about perception, for people experienced time differently depending on their own experiences and circumstances. Now that Kaeya was slowly warming up to his presence, to him, he was starting to notice the redhead's efforts more and more.
It is a good sensation. It makes him feel... warm inside, he thinks. However, they are not close enough for the younger child to predict what is going on inside the head of the older one. So, Kaeya blinks. Only when he hears the magic spell and feels the boop on his nose does he fully close his eyes. An innate response, due to not expecting the redhead's actions. Equally unexpected is the gentle smile that appears on his features and the innocent breath that escapes his nose — not fully a giggle, but the starting of one that was interrupted midway.
Eye shuts open when Kaeya feels the other turn on his heel.
«Wait...!» Thrown to the side are the building blocks, feet preparing to sprint after the redhead as a tiny hand tries to reach for the back that slowly vanishes. Wait for me.
That day, Kaeya found out that playing with building blocks was fun. And that playing with Diluc was even better.
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floof-ghostie · 11 months
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Meet my Spidersona, Web Weaver!
ID #1 [A paper and alcohol marker drawing of my spidersona. It is a picture of the full page: On the left hand side is my spidersona in full costume, with a blue, oversized high collared poncho/jacket with pink accents, and the sleeves cut off just below their elbows. He is wearing shorts, over a full bodysuit with blue, pink, and white leg warmers and blue, pink, and white sneakers. The mask is blue with white eyeholes with pink ribbed accents around them. They are also wearing blue headphones with pink antennae and stickers on them. On the chest of the jacket is a non-binary pride pin, and on one sleeve there is a green patch with purple writing that says "SPIDER", and on the other sleeve there is a black and red anarchy symbol patch. Beside them in black lettering and in parentheses is his pronouns "He/They/It".
On the right hand side is my spidersona without its mask. It still has their headphones on, and is knitting something pink. They have light skin, and dark curly hair. Below them is a few lines, with "Miguel talking in the background" between asterisks.
At the top of the page, their moniker "Web Weaver" is written with "Web" in pink, and "Weaver" in blue, with little lines around them in emphasis.]
ID #2 [The other two photos, but zoomed in a little to catch all the details]
A few facts about them:
Has been his earth's spider person for about 2 1/5 years now
They got bit by their spider during a class field trip to the art museum.
Met Hobie after a dimension hopping trip gone wrong
Got a watch about six months later after assisting with an anomaly that crashed on their world
Has a lot of responsibilities, but somehow always manages to find time for their yarn art projects
The anarchy symbol patch on the sleeve of their jacket is a gift from Hobie as well
Gwen crashes is his dimension from time to time as well
Its family does not like Web Weaver, which makes for some tense evening discussions
He's friends with @calciumcryptid 's spidersona, Ecto-Skeleton, and they like to visit each other's worlds
He also incorporates modified crochet hooks and knitting needles into his fighting style
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iobartach · 3 months
@gazelessmenagerie [ mauga ] // tfw when the plan backfires --!
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As always, disruption followed closely on the heels of Mauga's approach, not realising how much he valued quietness until the other man had taken it away with his stomping steps. With rear remaining parked on a stool, the sudden, and somewhat jarring rearrangement of his desk elicits a drawn out exhale from Miguel rather than a shout, spine and shoulders gradually straightening as he sets the test tube and tongs he'd been grasping down on his lap.
"Mauga, I'm not interested in--" Attempting to protest, his efforts appeared to go unheard, or worse, were simply ignored, as the Samoan's large arms reach towards his form with such speed that it caught the Spider completely off-guard. Not even a quick step backwards had any chance of improving his odds as Mauga seemed to keep pace with him, his thick arms locking his own limbs against his sides as, with a blur of movement, the man hauled him off his feet and tossed Miguel over a shoulder.
Bucking immediately from the gesture, a mixture of English and Spanish expletives bore into the giant's ear as Mauga whisked them away to the scene of the crime, a feat that Miguel himself had perpetrated, though was seemingly denied the credit for pulling off. "What are yammering on about, will you just put me down--" Another lift and sharp twist of movement cuts the geneticist off mid-rant, elevated against his will, feeling rather than seeing Mauga lift him off his shoulder and into the air above his head.
"Wait! Don't tell me you're going to--!" Shifting tracks, Miguel started to croak a completely different tune as he caught on to what the big guy was intending to do, a realisation that triggered a shout of alarm to well up from the depths if his lungs as broad arms pulled the Spider backwards over Mauga's head. "Don't-- Stop This at onc--" Parting with what could potentially be his last words, it was all that Miguel managed to add as he felt Mauga's fingers dig into his arms as he took aim and threw, tossing the brown-haired male at the ceiling, and towards certain doom...
...Except that's not quite how events unfolded, for, beneath the shouts that ripped forth from Miguel's chest, he did not end up smashing his face against the ceiling, as his worst fears had convinced him to believe, but rather, he clung to it, thanks to the reflexive reactions of his clawed hands and feet, instincts covering for the gap where rational thinking had been stalled by fears felt. Now anchored firmly in place, it takes the passing of a few seconds before Miguel could muster the courage to open his eyes, bearing witness to an inverted view of the room's interior for the first time.
Head sent spinning from this new perspective, he had seldom the opportunity, nor in truth, the desire, to test the scope of his abilities, let alone in a forced manner like this. But, regardless of preference, only one thought rose to dominate all others, finding a voice, as well as volume as he denounced Mauga for his reckless behaviour.
"You're INSANE!!! You could've killed me, you bastard!"
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sparklestheunicorn · 11 months
I can see you is so pen and kelsea coded
#taylor swift#the tearling trilogy#ME!#(bet you bitches thought i was done)#'what would you do if i went to touch you now? what would you do if they never found us out? what would you do if we never made a sound?'#and the whole kelsea not feeling ✨️sexy✨️. and im pretty sure she thought something along the lines of what would you do if i kissed. what#would you do if we fucked right here right now#AND THEN THERES THE CHORUS 'i can see you waiting down the hall for me' HE IS HER PERSONAL GUARD. OF COURSE HES WAITING FOR HER#'and i could see you up against the wall with me' HOW SHE STARTED LOOKING FORWARD TO THEIR NIGHTS TOGETHER#and back to the first verse 'ive been watching you for ages and i spend my time trying not to feel it' girl has been watching him and wonder#ing why he hasnt made a move yet but she is the queen of a dying kingdom and has more important things to worry about than her teenage urges#'AND WE KEPT EVERYTHING PROFESSIONAL BUT SOMETHINGS CHANGED ITS SOMETHING I LIKE' like come on#pen desperately clinging to his job his duty and kelsea's just begging him to touch her#'they keep watchful eyes on us'. the mace the next day like 'ohoho what do we have here' and how he's just been so overprotective of her#not to mention the rest of her guards always watching.#'i could see you make me want you even more' THE FACT THAT SHE COULD HAVE LOVED HIM BACK. THAT SHE WAS ALMOST THERE. THAT HE WAS WHAT SHE#WAS CLINGING TO IN THE DUNGEONS OF MORTMESNE#im very happy i made this connection#needed another tearling post for a while now
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sparklecryptid · 2 years
Also, random question - which of you Silmarillon OCs/SIs would be most likely to swing Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah', and what would be the onlookers/listener's reactions? (Just think! The Eldar's love of song, the invocation thereof in this 'verse, despair and love and hope - "And even though it all went wrong/I'll stand before the Lord of song/With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah" -)
You know what?
It’s probably Anordil. Anordil who grew up knowing something horrible was going to happen but being unable to stop it. Anordil who was an onlooker despite how much she might have tried to stop her father and uncles (there is only so much a child can do), and an onlooker when Eregion fell because no one would listen.
Why would they listen to someone they forget after not seeing her for three days? Why would they listen to someone they can’t remember? To them she isn’t a princess or royalty. She is a bard with too many thoughts and it hurts when her cousin can’t even recognize her.
(She gives up. Of course she does. Why bother trying to change anything when it won’t work? Why bother staying in one place when the world is determined to forget you? Her fathers vassals don’t remember her, why would anyone else?)
(When Anordil gets to Imladris and is recognized it takes but a moment for hope to bloom in her chest despite her best efforts. She can’t afford to get attached. She can’t. Not when she doesn’t know if they’ll forget her again)
(She sings. Anordil sings and it’s quiet but powerful and it’s captures the attention of everyone present.
Love is not a victory march / it’s a cold and it’s a broken hallelujah -
How many people has she loved and lost? How many people have they all loved and lost?
There's a blaze of light in every word/It doesn't matter which you heard/The holy or the broken Hallelujah
The song ends. There isn’t any applause, a thoughtful silence consumes the room instead.)
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unblot · 1 year
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@makovu​​ :    the answer is given simply. it's a confirmation of what leona knows, likely given because malleus knows leona would know if he was lying. the answer doesn't come with the feeling leona expects. he expects bitterness and sorrow and mistrust, but instead ———
the truth sparks through leona like lightning catching dry grass in the savanna. he lunges for malleus, hands grasping at his collar. "give me one reason not t' turn you to sand right here, you horned bastard," he growls, his ears flattening against his head and his green eyes alight. leona can practically feel the fabric of malleus' shirt breaking away into sand beneath his fingers, the itch of magic beneath his skin and behind his lips whispering that the only reason malleus is still alive now is because his unique magic is kept secure behind an incantation.
hurt coils in his gut and bubbles through his veins. the proximity is not unusual for the two of them nowadays, but this time is different. this time there is no warmth or openness. this time there is only guarded hurt, leona's vulnerabilities as concealed as possible from malleus, and rage.
"maybe i should do it. end this right now." but already the bite is leaving his voice, and the tremble in his hands becomes more palpable. "why?" he asks, quieter now. "did you think it was funny, toying with me like that? because i don't." but you knew that, he doesn't say aloud, letting the accusation shine through in his eyes.
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The confrontation is anticipated. In fact some might argue that it was written in the stars from the very beginning, written the moment Leona laid his head down to sleep that first night. That night began the first chapter of their story, page after page sewn into a sturdy spine until both of their heartstrings were too entangled to separate without tearing the whole thing apart. Even now as Leona threatens to tear away from him, Malleus feels his heart unravelling at the seams. Nothing was ever going to make this encounter easy. No amount of time was ever going to prepare him for what lies ahead. 
In contrast to Leona’s vibrant fury, Malleus remains placid & composed. They’re a faded echo of themself, face completely colorless as they let Leona manhandle them. The prince stays stock still, his expression empty save for pale green eyes. Those eyes stay fixed on Leona, betraying Malleus’ true feelings as they meet the other’s enraged glare with a melancholic gaze. 
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“  Because you love me.  ”  The answer comes simply & without any sort of mirth or malice. It would be all too easy to use this fact as a means of taunting Leona. Were they both closer to the beginning of their story Malleus would have used anything as leverage without hesitation. Back when all that lied between them was schoolyard rivalry & an endless chess game. 
But now it’s different. Now this answer is given because it is the only answer to give. This answer is given because it’s true & they both know it. Leona loves him & in turn Malleus loves Leona as well. The unconventional & fantastical terms in which they came together does not make the statement any less true. It does not make their love any less real.
That love is palpable in the intensity of Leona’s grasp, in the hurt & betrayal that fails to be completely concealed from his eyes. It lies in Malleus’ stillness, in their willingness to accept defeat without giving so much of a fight. This encounter is a testament of their love, not a display of the absence of it. 
Malleus takes note of Leona’s shaking hands & moves to gingerly take one in his own. He does this knowing full well the possible consequences of it. With their head high, & their heart unafraid Malleus steps further into the lions den knowing the king of beasts intends to slaughter him. 
“  If putting an end to me will repair your broken heart, I will not discourage you. But you ought to know this fate for us was not premeditated. I did not personally weave your dreams into something that would please me.  ”  Tentatively Malleus squeezes Leona’s hand in his, a wordless affirmation of his continuous & true love.  “  The purpose of the enchantment is to create a reality in which its inhabitants are safe & happy. What brings happiness to each individual is not my choice or control. If this version of time led you to me, that is not my doing. You should know better than most that magic has a mind of its own.  ”
Malleus then decides to take a chance, a leap of faith that sends them hurdling deeper inside the belly of the beast. He raises their intertwined hands, pressing a reverent kiss to Leona’s knuckles. Were it not for the sadness still resting in the fae’s eyes, one could believe nothing had changed between them. Without another word, Malleus releases Leona’s hand, effortlessly stepping out of the prince’s steely grip. 
“  I will not think less of you if you choose not to believe me, dearest. I’ve come to understand that trust is a fickle thing for humans. But my feelings for you have always been true, & I hope that at least at one point you were certain that your love for me was real.  ”  So long as he has that, Malleus will accept whatever happens next. He’ll die peacefully if it’s with the knowledge that for a brief moment he was in love & the one he loved cared for him too.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
brb getting sent straight to heaven by big time rush's immaculate harmonies?????
#THEIR VOICES AGED SO DAMN AMAZINGLY LIKE GAWD OUR MANBAND NEVER MISSES; THEYRE SO TIGHT HERE I COULD LISTEN TO THIS ON A LOOP FOREVER FR <3#ISTG EVERYTIME IT PLAYS A PIECE OF MY SOUL BREAKS OFF AND ASCENDS TO PARADISE; I'M GONNA BE A RAPTURED PILE OF CLOTHES IF I KEEP THIS UP#ESPECIALLY!!!! WHEN THAT VERSE HITS AND KENDALL TAKES THE FLOOR AND!!!! GIVES US LITRALLY EVERYTHING!!!! GRAMPAPI I AM SO WIPED FOR YOU UGH#AND LOGAN'S PLAYFUL SINGING AND HEAD SHIMMY AT THE END LIKE THEY JUST DIDN'T LEAVE ALL THE GIRLIES (NEUTRAL) DEAD AND INJURED OKAY MISS SIR#I'LL NEVER STOP BEING JEALOUS OF THOSE LUCKY ENOUGH TO EXPERIENCE THIS LIVE. DO Y'ALL BINTCHES KNOW HOW TRULY BLESSED YOU ARE. PRAY FOR ME#ALSO THE DADS LOOKING GORJEOUS IN THEIR LIL REHEARSAL SHORTS!! <3 CRYING SHAKING FISTFIGHTING ANGELS IN A WHITE CASTLE CARPARK ETC. ETC. <3#IT'S SO GOOD I'LL EVEN FORGIVE THE RETURN OF MR. MASLOW'S RATTY MOUSTACHE LIKE WE DIDN'T NEED THIS THROWBACK BUT WE LOVE U LOTS ANYWAY HEHE#btr#big time rush#logan henderson#kendall schmidt#james maslow#carlos penavega#fall#song#video#rusher#big time boys#stop it forever#sorry if anyone's witnessing my nonstop blog crimes for the first time ever but i was unfortunately like these for the last two song drops#and there's really no getting better from the rusher tunglr terminal braimrot metnal illinois. also smth like that one b99 meme abt how#i've only had this song for a couple hours but if anything happened to it i would kill everyone and then myself. that's the energy here#n e way no one else in this dangt household seems to wanna do it and hype btr up to the rest of this hellsite so. i gotchu fam#when their new album finally drops u can catch me collapsing myself like a lawnchair before anyone else gets affected by my bullshit#but also!!! if anyone wants to scream abt this song or our Boys in the notes or inbox or wherever pls do!!! i love to see that always (^w^)
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neverhangd · 11 months
[ bathe ] sender helps receiver wash themselves in a bath (from teach)
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Anne sits in the chair feeling as good as nude, despite being a few layers off of that. No boots, no socks, no coat, no hat. Swords at the door. Leather ring off, even, though now in her distraction she plays with the dull golden bands attached by a cord to serve as a necklace. Just that, her trousers, her belt, and her blouse. --And the knife he's already seen and knows better than to expect to see again any time soon.
It shouldn't be this intimidating, really. And maybe if it was only her blouse that still needed to go, she wouldn't think twice about feeling intimidated. But there were things she hadn't exactly mentioned to Teach Edward that she can't help feeling unsure of.
So now he's staring at her like a petulant child and oh, does she feel like one, but not following an order and telling him to go fuck himself are two very different things, and Anne--be proud!--has so far only done the first.
"Ye should get in," she says, though she isn't a dumbarse: she can see he's full-clothed and knows this bath isn't supposed to be his, anyways. She's the one that's been running all over port, the one that hasn't spent more time than it takes to sleep in this room. She just wasn't expecting to get ambushed by a bath first thing on waking from a short nap. Even steeped in sweat from the intolerable heat that'd driven her to disrobe to this point, it's not something she's sure she can face right now.
"Water's gonna go cold if ye don't."
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spring-lxcked · 6 months
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Will over the years <3
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