#a small couch didnt have to keep him away from the interview
cosmicbash · 2 months
After seeing Em with Dre fifty and snoop again for the star of fame ceremony I'm hankering for some jealous kells or just em/the three of them in general
especially him and fifty
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t0shii · 3 years
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% comforting them when they're upset
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.! oikawa, tsukishima, matsukawa (sep) x gn!r
.! angst + fluff/ breakdowns, crying, etc. lightly proofread bc im lazy so sorry for any mistakes.
.! im so sorry if this is absolute word vomit or horse shit 😭 i tried my best though 😌 uhhh sorry for not posting yesterday i got my daith pierced and i was in a lot of pain after that so i didnt feel like writing anywho enjoy this 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 p.s. i was originally gonna write for mad dog but i was struggling so i went with mattsun instead sorry. also idk why matsuns ended up being so short i didnt do him justice i apologize 😩
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— always gets discouraged when his knee bothers him. today was one of those days. his coach had made him sit out of practice because he had been limping a bit. he came home distraught and you noticed right away.
"what's the matter toru?" you asked opening your arms for a hug, which he accepted, wrapping his arms around your middle quite tightly. "my knee is bothering me again 'n coach made me sit out. it's just not fair." he mumbled into your shoulder. you could feel his tears soak through your shirt. you nodded and responded, "baby, he just doesn't want you to hurt yourself. i know it's not fair but-", "but i wanna play volleyball, i wanna get better and practice." he said, aggravated that you weren't exactly on his side, still he held you tighter.
"toru, baby, look at me." he does as told, and you bring your hands up to wipe his tear stained cheeks,"toru, you can't strain your knee anymore than you already do, you know this. i know you only want to play volleyball, baby i know, but you have to be patient." he nods in agreement and you do the same, then guiding his head back to your shoulder, "i know it's frustrating toru, but you can't force it, y'know? he wouldn't make you sit out if it wasn't for your best interest. you know that, deep down."
the two of you had been cuddling on the couch, his back against your chest when you heard him sniffling again, "toru, what's wrong?" you ask softly, sitting up slightly. "i'm so useless, my own knee can't even work right. the team deserves someone better and so d-do you" he hiccuped, hiding is face in his hands. you felt guilty for not comforting him more earlier. "toru, that's not true at all." you stated, forcing his hands into yours, "take it back right now." he looked at you confused. "toru oikawa i said take it back right this instant." you said a little sterner than before.
"no." he managed to get out through sobs, and you knew the stern method wasn't going to work this time around. "toru, please. you're not useless at all, not to anyone, not to the team, and especially not to me. you're the best teammate, friend and boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and your knee just needs a break sometimes, you just need a break sometimes and thats okay. needing a break doesn't make you useless or weak, toru." you say softly, guiding him to a sitting position, hugging him closely and tracing small, comforting shapes on his back.
"you're so so strong toru, and you're an amazing person, an amazing boyfriend, you're such an amazing volleyball player and i'm so proud of how far you've come since highschool." you say, kissing the crown of his head. "you mean it?" he asks leaning back to look at you, "i always do, toru. i love you more than anything, and i'm so so fucking proud of you, but you have to know, it's okay to need a break sometimes and it doesn't change who you are as a person and it definitely doesn't make you weak or useless. he nods in response, burrying his head into the crook of your neck. you both stay like that, you whispering words of affirmations, him listening fondly until he feels better a little while later.
— he usually didn't let the stress of professional volleyball get to him like this, but he couldn't help it he would be lying if he said he wasn't overwhelmed, from interviews, to extra practice to prepare for the overseas games he had coming up, he was exhausted, to add onto it all he had been neglecting you and he felt horrible for it.
you knew practice was going to be running late since your boyfriend had told you in advance, so you weren't initially worried as to why kei had been coming home late at night. this night in particular was the fourth night in a row kei been home late and you starting to grow concerned. you hadn't seen him hardly at all that week, which was unusual because he always made time for you no matter what. worried, you decided to stay awake and wait for him to get home.
when the time finally comes, your heart dropped at his appearance, he looked absolutely horrible, as if he hadn't slept right in weeks. "why are you up?" he mumbled, taking his shoes off rather sloppily, uncharacteristic of him. you made your way closer to yoir exhausted boyfriend, "kei, i'm worried about you. i know you don't like me meddling with your career, and please don't misunderstand my concern for that. i'm just worried you aren't getting enough rest and i've barely seen you at all this week." you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
you knew something was wrong when you saw the tear swell in his eyes, but he just stood there awkwardly, you walked closer toward him, "kei, what's wrong?" you ask, extending your arms toward him, which he basically fell into, he started sobbing immediately, shocking you initially. "i'm s-sorry for neglecting you this week, i didn't mean to i-i just-", "kei, i'm not worried about that, i'm worried that you aren't taking care of yourself properly." you mumble, patting his back comfortingly. to which he shakes his head no."work has been too much recently, i can't sleep and i barely have time to even think. its just practice, interviews, practice, interviews i-i can't handle it all anymore, y/n." he sobbed into your shoulder, you were speechless at his vulnerability.
"kei,-", "but i can't stop now because that'll make me a failure and i don't want to let you down and the team too, i just want to make everyone proud but i think i'm falling behind." he cried, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "kei, you could never let me down. actually, i think i've been letting you down recently, i don't tell you this enough but, i'm so so proud of you kei, so proud you don't even understand, i'm sorry for not expressing that enough to you. i understand that you feel as if you're falling behind but overworking and stressing yourself out isn't going to help you improve, kei, and i know you also know that."
"you're working yourself sick, kei and i can't stand here and continue to let that happen so you're taking a day off whether you like it or not. tomorrow will be a me and you day, how does that sound? i'll call your coach in the morning." honestly, you wouldn't have let him say no anyways, and he knew that so he just nodded his head. "look at me kei, you have to tell me when you're feeling overwhelmed. it's not good to keep things in like this, it's just like you tell me." he nods his head, but avoids eye contact, "and i'm not disappointed or upset at you, you know. but i can't read your mind, so please just tell me when things start to feel like they're crashing down on you 'kay? i'll help you just like you help me." you smile, he looks at you and nods, hugs you closer and whispers an "i love you" into your ear, which you return.
— you knew his work was stressful and emotionally and mentally exhausting, so there were always worries in the back of your mind that he would become too overwhelmed, well today your worries became reality.
"welcome home issei." you called from the kitchen as your boyfriend walked through the door, though he offered you no response, which made you frown. "issei?-" you gasped when you felt a pair of strong arms sneak their way around your waist, "jesus, issei, you scared me!" you giggle placing your hands atop of his own, but you realized he was not laughing with you. "issei, baby?" concern laced in your tone as you maneuvered your way around to face him, "what's wrong baby?" you ask, taking his face in your hands to wipe at escaping tears.
"work was rough today." was all he said as he melted at the feeling of your thumbs running back and forth on his cheeks. "oh issei, i'm sorry." you mumbled, kissing the tip of his nose lightly, "is there anything i can do to help?" he didn't know why but something inside of him snapped when you asked him that, and sobs escaped his lips, he could only hide his face in the space between your neck and shoulder because for some reason he felt... ashamed to be crying in front of you like this. "please just hold me." he cried, so you did just that, shushimg him when his sobs got violent, rubbing your hand up and down his back soothingly.
the both of you stood there for a good 15 minutes before you spoke up after he had calmed down a bit, "is there anything you need to get off your chest? you don't have to tell me now or even at all but i want you to know that whatever is bothering you, you can tell me, anything at all. i know your job is mentally exhausting and honestly i dont even know how you do it but i dont want you thinking you have to carry the burden of it alone, okay? i'm so proud of you, so so so proud of you issei, i just wanted you to know that."
you felt him nod in the crook of your neck, a soft, "thank you." sounding shortly after, "of course." you responded, kissing his shoulder a few time.he wasn't sure when he would feel completely ready to get things off his chest but he felt loved knowing that you would always be there to comfort him, and for that he was forever grateful.
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fanfic-girlie · 3 years
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A/N: hey, it’s been a while. This is my first try on a smut so idk I hope you like it. Missing the moustache pics lol. Keep in mind english isnt my first language, so sorry if theres any mistakes. I didnt even edit it ‘cause I couldn’t bear myself to read it again lol sorry
TW: body insecurity, angsty, smut, mature language, oral sex.
Word count: around 1,2K.
You were chilling in the living room wearing your silk nightdress, drinking your coffee and thinking about nothing in particular, when Harry entered the house glistening with sweat, after having an already busy morning in the backyard, “Up early, I see” he says, glancing at the clock that reads 10:30 A.M.
“Oh, shut up already.”
It’s not that you are lazy, you are just enjoying quarantine like most people who can stay at home are: catching up on the sleep you lost after frantic weeks of working non-stop; also trying to bake and swearing you’ll ‘start working out tomorrow’ and never even trying to wake up earlier to join Harry in his workouts.  
Since quarantine started, he decided to let go a little bit more, not shaving everyday, getting used to settle down more instead of being constantly working and on the road, doing interviews, music videos and whatnot. And, oh boy, were you loving his new ‘loose’ style, that mustache driving you insane every time you even looked at him.
“You’re staring.”
“Sorry, what?” you ask, shaking your head. He chuckles.  
“What’s on your mind?”
“Nothing much, what’s on yours?”
“I’m thinking about shaving the ‘stache”  
“NO- WHY?!” you shift on the couch, recomposing yourself “I mean, why would you do that?” you try to say calmly.
“You really like it, huh? Wanna tell me why is that?” he says coming closer and smiling at you, then gets very serious “Please don’t say daddy issues.” You giggle.
“God, no. You’re a weirdo. It’s just.. It just feels nice, that’s it.” You smile at him and kiss his cheek “When you kiss me” you start traveling south, “when you kiss my neck”, you give him a kiss on the neck, earning a soft hum from his lips, “when you kiss my thighs”, you say giving a little squeeze on his leg, and move your lips to his ear whispering “when you kiss my pussy”.
“Oh, fuck, (Y/N)” he growls, immediately meeting your lips in a very heated kiss. His hands going straight to your waist, as you grind down on him moaning loud when he smacks your ass.
“I mean, let me at least say goodbye to it” you tug on his hair as his lips find your neck, leaving a trail of sloppy kisses on the way and giving your breasts a little squeeze. “Gladly” he says, his hand going under your nightdress to remove your panties, only then realizing you’re not wearing any, “so naughty” he smirks, sticking two of his fingers inside of you and licking your juices clean looking at you. You feel yourself getting wetter just looking at him.
“Fuck, you’re so wet baby”. His lips finding yours again in a desperate kiss, his tongue dancing with yours, neither of you wanting to break it off. Your hands going to the hem of his shirt trying to remove it, and he happily obliges, removing your nightdress as well exposing your naked body, his lips immediately going to your nipples and giving them lots of attention. You throw your head back in the process, and he takes it as his opportunity to fill your very exposed neck with lots of kisses.  
It all feels great in the heat of the moment, but in the back of your mind all you can think about as the sun hits through the curtains, is how exposed your body is right now, you’ve never even had sex with Harry with the lights on, and you start to get very insecure. He senses your body stiff “What happened? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something?” his hands reaching up to your cheeks and forcing you to look at his very worried eyes.
“No, baby, it’s not you. Why don’t we take this to the bedroom, huh?” you fumble trying to reach your nightdress, hiding your boobs with your arms. He furrows his eyebrows and starts looking around your body to see if you’re hurt, “Why baby? Is the couch uncomfortable?” he tries to pry your arms open, receiving strong resistance from you, “What’s wrong? Talk to me”.
“It’s just too light in here..” it comes out as a whisper, you’re fighting the urge to cry in front of him, but your lips give in first, quivering as the hot tears threaten to fall, “my body is not perfect like your ex-models', Harry. I don’t want to disappoint you.” You realize you can’t  hold your tears back anymore, your hands trying to cover your eyes as your arms try to hide your boobs, you feel so small that all you want in that moment is to disappear.
“Disappoint me? Baby, you could never disappoint me” his hands softly touching yours to remove them from your eyes “hey, look at me. Love, you’re gorgeous, your body is perfect the way it is, I love it,  I love you. I don’t want you to compare yourself to other people, please baby, it hurts me so much seeing you like this. You’re beautiful, fuck, you’re delicious, (Y/N). I love every little bit of you” he holds you, caressing your naked back.
You never thought you could genuinely love someone so much and be worthy of receiving that love back, but Harry never ceased to amaze you and make you feel special and very much loved. “Everything?” you asked chuckling, as he wiped your tears away.
“Everything” he smiles at you “you could have any men you want.”
“Even Harry Styles?”
“Yes, specially him” he chuckles “I’m so lucky to have you”.
“What about Brad Pitt?”
His face deadpans “Let’s see whose name you’ll be screaming when this is over” he quickly throws you on the couch getting on top of you.
“HARRY!” you shriek and laugh.
“That’s right, SAY MY NAME BABY”.
He goes back to kissing your neck and whispers on your ear “I want you to ride my face”. Your eyes going wide just thinking about it.
“H...” you trail off.
“Shhh, don’t worry. I know what I’m doing. Trust me on this, you’re not going to regret it.”
“Wow, you’re so full of yourself” you say making him chuckle as he lays back and pulls you with him, positioning your legs on each side of his face and locking eyes as he gives you a quick nod of reassurance and you slowly lower yourself on him. “Just tell me if I hurt you.” He yanks your hips down, his lips connecting to your clit instantly, making you moan loud.
His tongue starts working wonders, moving around in circular motions, his mustache tickling the area and making everything ten times better. His fingers digging on your thighs as you rock your hips back and forth feeling better than ever, you reach for his hand and move it towards your pussy and he gets what you want, slipping two of his fingers inside you and moving it around making you a moaning mess on top of him. His other hand gives your ass a little squeeze before smacking it again and making you jerk on his face, accidentally brushing his nose on your clit, “Oh, my God, Harry” you gasp. Your hand strongly gripping his hair and guiding him to where you wanted him the most. You felt your stomach tightening, a wave hitting over your body, “Harry, I’m gonna come” you moaned the words out, he encouraged you by not stopping his movements, his tongue licking and sucking your clit harder as you came undone on his tongue, moaning his name.
“So, I should keep the ‘stache?” he asked after you collapsed on top of him.
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
Can u do a Tom Holland x black model / actress reader where there in ffh together maybe she Palau’s Gwen Stacy and they were fwb while the press tour was happening then they get into a heated argument... then they see each to her at the premiere and they end up sleeping together later that night in maybe a Limo and getting caught by maybe zendaya or Jacob 💀💀💀  
Warnings: long smut, arugeing, getting caught, basically it! Idk what else, probably terrible smut btw
T.H| premier or how ever you spell it
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“This is so boring” “why? Because you aren’t meeting Batista?” “Oh I’m meeting Batista Thomas” he only laughed at you, it was the press tour today, everyone fancy and shit.
You and Tom have been friends for a long time, friends with benefits for a short one, you’ve only fucked a few times..... totally, just in the two hotels, the dressing room, on the couch, on the back of the couch, on the front door, the wall- anyways. But you’ve both always had a bond.
You both were making it to your hotel, in his car, he had his hand on your thigh, taking it higher and higher until he cupped you, you turned to him while he bit his lip still looking at the road, you pushed his hand down as he looked at you confused.
“Wow you look” “amazing” Tom finished your assistants words, triko (tree co) looking back him and nodding in agreement, your hair in a natural kinky Afro and a poofy dress, two layers, and off the shoulders, the color was yellow and it radiated off your skin, matching your dark colored acrylics (basically Rihanna’s dress but yellow, let’s act like it was invented yet) “Thanks” you say, smiling at yourself. “Well I have to go take care of something, uh your hair shouldn’t dry out so you should be fine” triko said, walking out.
“I-uh hi” he stuttered, coming up behind you as you turned to him. “What Thomas” you ask. “I was thinking about you-“ “so you just wanna fuck huh?” You cross your arms over your chest raising your eyebrows at him.
“I don’t just want to fuck, I want to talk to you, while we fuck” he smiles, thinking he is funny. “I’m not doing this anymore” you push past him, sitting on your vanity chair. “What are you talking about?” He asked, turning to you. “I’m not sleeping with you” you look at yourself in the mirror, fixing your makeup. “What did I do?!” He almost yelled.
“You only want to sleep with me! We don’t even talk any fucking more Thomas! You cup my vagina out of the blue, you come to my house almost every night with a bottle of wine, it’s like I’m a fucking booty call” you slammed your brush down, looking at him through the mirror.
“Hey you aren’t a booty call! What the fuck is up with you!” He yelled, his lips in a thin line. “Tell me the last time we actually had a sit down conversation Thomas” you said, he stops in his tracks, trying not to look away. “In the car-“ “in the car?! You mean the one you cupped me in! In the same day! Like I’m some sex toy and-“ “you know what fuck you, you can’t make random decisions like you didn’t like it!” You stood up, bit your lip sure it would bleed, walking up to him. “You right, i did like it, until what it did to you” you take your pointer finger, pressing it on his forehead and pushed it back. “And to me” you put your finger to your chest “and to us” you pointed and both of you. “Find some hooker on the street Thomas, or even better! Zen fucking daya, I’m not fucking wit chu, and you better leave my room or i swear-“ “swear what?” He asked, crossing his arms and looking at you. “Or I swear I will call you out for the user you are, think about it with me ‘Thomas the slut’ ‘can’t keep his hands off of y/n’ ‘using her for a fuck?’ ‘Isn’t using his brain’, I’ll ruin you and anything you’ve worked for, try me. And it doesn’t only have to be about me, I’ll just dig up more dirt” “now that’s childish y/n” “not when my feelings are hurt! Your fucking clueless man, I- fuck you!” You stormed out of the room, leaving Thomas there stranded trying to understand what even happened at that moment. “Fuck” he whispered, looking around and noticing he basically couldn’t slam anything because it is all yours.
“Hey y/n!” Jacob smiled, you smiled back at him “hey Jacob” “how are you” “eh things could be better” you shrugged. “Wanna talk about it?” He asked, really worried. Both of you making your way to the limo “not really if I’m being honest, I know I don’t wanna be alone though so do you want to take pictures with me?” You questioned looking at him, he only nodded.
Each of your arms wrapped around each other’s, smiling at the camera. Giggling as Jacob told you stupid jokes.
On the other hand thomas was taking pictures with zendaya, his hand around her waist and hers around his shoulders. “Hey can we do questions?” An interviewer asked, Tom nodding and coming forward.
Thomas answered a few questions and shared a few laughs until the question came up “so Gwen Stacy, you said you’ve always wanted a black cat but you have a Gwen Stacy, how does it feel?” “I feel like peter is a very lucky man” he laughed “but I am to, I’m lucky enough to work with y/n how by the way is sooo” he opened is hands as if somethings is in between spacing them “talented, I’m glad we have her and Gwen Stacy here, I mean at least we don’t have anyone bad right?” He laughed again, the interviewer laughing with him.
“I’ve always had the most biggest crush on Spider-Man, it’s honestly my brothers fault because he forced me to watch it” you laughed “what’s your favorite suit of his?” “Probably venom, he looked really cool but his attitude wasn’t it” you giggled. “Did i mention how beautiful you are, I just felt like I had to say it or else I’d regret it later” “ooo are you hitting on me?” You grinned, placing your hand on your collar bone. He nervously laughed “I mean, I guess so” “oo imma get you fired” you teased making him laugh, did I mention Tom was basically right next to you both?
His jaw clenched many times, trying not to glance over, his mind roaming into violent things, until he had it, he’d just talk to you or something, oh well.
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“I forgot my bracelet, I’ll be right back” you waved at tony as he only nodded “I’ll be right here waiting for you” he smiled. You walked off the the same limo, staying there for whatever reason you asked the driver to unlock the car, instead he just gave you to whole keys. You went to the limo, unlocking it and getting in. You digged in the side of the seat, trying to find it until you heard the door open and close again, you screamed and tried to stand for some odd reason but hit your head, you groaned and sat down rubbing over the spot.
You looked over to find Thomas, you both made eye contact and you groaned again turning away from him “okay okay look! We are going to talk, to fucking talk!” He said, you look at him and rolled your eyes, trying to open the door until it was locked, you looked at Thomas and he dangled the keys smiling at you. Then you groaned, once again. “You aren’t going anywhere until we talk about this” he said. “I’m not talking about shit” “well you aren’t leaving” “I got hot spot” you pulled out your phone, only to get it snatched, you had your Apple Watch on, “don’t even” “oh I’m going to” “I don’t wanna break it” “fine then, let’s talk” you gave up, sitting up straight, taking off the watch and throwing it at his head.
“Okay- whatever, anyways talk” “you wanted to talk! Not me!” “Alright then! Can you tell me what hurt your feelings?” “I be-“ “spit it out, stop being hard headed for fucks sake” you sighed, crossing your arms. “What hurt my feelings is that you- i- we don’t talk anymore all we do is just sleep around, I miss you Thomas, not your dïck, I miss you, I miss the talks over tea and the you coming to my modeling. If you want to have sex I get it but why almost every other week? I feel like you collect all of your shit and use sex to get out of it, I don’t want to be the one you do that to” “shit y/n, I don’t want you to feel that way, I don’t do that nor feel that way- now that I’m noticing it I am doing something wrong to make you feel that way” he frowned, coming closer to you and sitting next to you, taking your hand. “I can make you feel better I promise, I’ll do anything you want me to do” he kissed your hand, you looking at him and your hand. He trails up to your neck, not going to your sweet spot but everywhere else then it, you let out small hisses and shuddered. “I-“ you cut yourself off by a moan, his hands finding its way to your thigh “I won’t cup you if you don’t like it, I’ll do things for you, I really don’t want you to feel that way” he whispered, rubbing your thighs and breathing on your neck and your jaw, still moaning from the hand on your thigh. “You can be my pillow princess, you won’t have to do anything because I will, I’ll make you happy” “promise?” “Yeah i do, let me pleasure you, please” he then looked at you, lips so close you could almost feel them on yours, eye contact, so deep making it feel like your exchanging souls, the lust and love in both of your eyes, just now exposing you have feelings for each other.
His hand on you thigh raising to your underwear, pulling them down as he gave a kiss to you. “Can we take this off?” He asked, his other hand coming up to your chest, rubbing over each of your breasts and you whimper and nod.
He smiles, knowing your dying by his touch, all he had to do really his make sure he is your bitch at first, but this time he really wanted to have sex, not a fwb sex, there is a difference.
Your back lifts as he finished to take down your lacy white underwear, soaked. “Do I make you like this?” He asked, holding them up wanting you to look at them and you only nodded at him. “Look at it princess, look at the things I do to you, how wet you get when I touch you, you were probably wet the minute I even came close to you, yeah darling?” He bit his lip, taking your underwear and stuffing it in his back pocket. “Open up” he tasks and you follow, opening up your legs revealing your sweet angel smell. “I can smell you, it’s fucking perfect” he murmured, wrapping his hand around your back and unzipping the dress, pulling it down until your breasts were on display. “I wish I could take the whole thing off, but I don’t want us to get caught” he smiled, wetting his thumb with his tongue and rubbing over your nipple, he maintains eye contact with you, feeling your chest deeper as you breath in and out.
You could feel your clit wanting stimulation, slowly reaching your hand down you softly rub over pearl, letting out whimpers as Tom watched. “Touching yourself darling?” He lifted the dress, revealing you touching yourself, his hand came off your nipple and just watched you pleasure yourself, “mm” you bit your lip, your eyes getting slightly clouded. “Faster, for me” he said, now getting on his knees, standing infront of your womanhood, you start to speed up, Tom pushing your legs open more. “Buck your hips down” he ordered, you followed, a moan escaping your lips as Tom spit on you. “Good girl” he purred, kissing your calf’s, you bit your lip to contain the moans, “stop what you doing” he said, making you stop your tracks, he took your hand and suck the wetness off, smiling up at you and coming in between your legs, kissing your clit. “I want you to watch me princess, lift up that dress” you lifted up the poofs, meeting his eyes and he smiled “ready?” “Ready” you nodded. He took a strip of you, your folds open from your legs, your back arched, holding in to your knees, he kitty licked your pearl, you whining as you held tighter hearing the sounds as everything else was silent, he then harshly sucked you, “ah! Fuck tommy” you bit your lip humming, trying to open them more. His tongue trailed down to your slit and entered, fucking you with it, the texture of his tongue rubbing against your walls, feeling so good, he brings up his fingers, taking his tongue out and replacing it with his fingers, so wet and warm, easy to slip in. “Mmm” he pressed on your clit with his tongue, harsh circles and quick sucks, shaking his head side to side your breathing became heavier, him fucking you faster and your hand going down, running your fingers through his hair, tugging as he moaned in you, “mm!” You moaned louder, his name spilling out your mouth as you released. He lapped up some of your come, wanting to leave the rest.
He left your heat, on his knees still he unbuckled his pants “did you know you taste so good?” He asked, pulling himself out, thick and a bit over circumcised, precum on his head, “please fuck me” you whined, one organism not enough. “I hear ya” his knees in between your legs, he pumped himself before placing it in you, not wasting time. “Fuck” he whispered, bottoming himself in you and pulling out, just to go inside again. His hand came behind the head of the seat, fucking himself deeper and snapping his hips “Tom!” “Yes baby?” “Mmm” “that’s what i like to hear” he smiled, mostly to himself, looking at your dazed state, your eyes filled with so many things. After getting comfy he started to speed up, your body rocking with his, you grab his arms, digging in his skin as he hissed and fucked you harder making you let out a harsh moan. “Like that?” He asked, getting close to your spot. “Fuck tommy yes, I love it- ah!” He hit your spot, noticing the differences you made he continued fucking that spot, taking both hands and putting them behind the head of the seat he slammed into you, harder, faster, fuck it’s everything you want, everything you need, the skin slapping on skin, him hitting your spot and looking at you like a goddess, he moaned as you clenched so close, so so close.
Until the door opened “what the fuck-“ zendaya said, you quickly covered your breasts, looking over and seeing her eyes wide, Jacob behind her just starring at both of you, Tom kinda pissed because he was just there. “So uhm, I’m kinda hungry but I guess I’ll just take like a Uber or something” Jacob cleared his throat, couldn’t see this any longer. “Can’t we just drive the limo and leave them back here?” Zendaya distantly asked, closing the door. “I thought you locked it!” You whipped your head at Thomas. “The keys are in my front pocket! I’m guessing you accidentally pressed the button with your thigh!” He whispered. “Me!?” “Yes you” “Thomas get up” “can you just ride me because I really want to cum right now” you sighed as you nodded, him flipping both of you over. You rode him until both of you came, pressing kisses on your neck the car started moving. “What is happening?” “WERE GOING TO BURGER KING BITCHES!” Zendaya let out ‘whoos’ and Jacob laughed. “How long were we out here?” “For a while” Tom nodded, a bump causing both of you to moan, you get off of him and grab baby wipes to clean both of you up, don’t worry there’s a window separator, they can’t see you.
“You don’t get your panties back, there mine now” he smiled at you while you tried to fix your hair and your makeup. “Here’s some fabreeze! Might want to open the window while your at it” Jacob opened the window, throwing fabreeze in the back and Tom opened the window, letting the sex air out as both of you were dazed kinda, breath still heavy.
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brelione · 4 years
Endgame(Kiara Carrera X Reader)
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Request:with kie with a like super rich kook SO and bringing them to meet the rest of the pogues and they all expect to hate them but then not
Kiara had never liked you.Well, she had never reallly met you.She kind of just assumed you were a bitch.You were what Sarah Cameron thought she was, you came from a ridiculously rich family.
Your mother was a brain surgeon and your father was a famous actor so that obviously meant that you were ridiculously rich.Kie had done a lot of research on you, finding your name on your fathers wikipedia page and from there finding your blog where you posted videos of him behind the scenes and personal interviews with him on your youtube channel.
She was up for 16 hours straight watching all of your videos, memorising your intro song.You had a good one million subscribers, posting a lot of blogs and videos showing things that you had found on the beach.She would blush and giggle at your little comments.
 “Hey, beautiful people!Its your bitch and today im gonna show you guys my new surf board because my old one got broke on an accident.I mean, my wrist also broke so if you were gonna comment on it, trust me.I definitely noticed.So before I get into this video I just want to talk about mental health really quickly.”You paused to take in a quick breath, speaking a bit too fast.
Theres a new suicide game and its getting across social media really quick so please do me a favor and stay safe.It doesnt matter what the problem is now, its only temporary and suicide is a permanent solution.I linked some suicide hotlines and free therapy sources in the description so please just keep yourselves healthy and happy for me, okay?Okay, cool.”You licked your lips, calming down from the quick rant.
“Also drink some fucking water!Its hot out and I almost passed out the other day and make sure you get a snack because this video is already fifteen minutes long and im probably gonna be ranting for another hour.”You grinned at the camera.
Kiara bit into a carrot stick, her knees on her chest as she sat in the recliner of her living room. “Watching another documentary?”Her mother asked, noticing that her daughter hadnt moved in hours.Kie shrugged, focusing on you as you dropped your surfboard. “This is exactly how I broke the first one-fuck!”You laughed, picking it back up.
Eventually the boys started to spam her phone, interrupting her binge watching.She left her house with a sigh, walking out to the dock and waiting for the pogues.Thats when she heard your voice.It was quiet as you walked, wearing white jeans and a light blue button up shirt.
 “So you guys always ask me to show you the beach that I find all of my seashells at so thats what we’re-”You paused, looking over to Kiara.She quickly looked away, pretending to be busy on your phone. “Sorry guys, I just saw a really pretty girl.”You whispered to your phone, continuing your walk.
From there she finally worked up the courage to talk to you.She couldnt simply message you on instagram, you had hundreds of thousands of followers so her dm would get lost with all the others.
So she found her prettiest outfit and walked to your house, knocking on the door.You looked at her through the camera of your doorbell, knowing that you had seen her before.You set down your lap top as you were editing, going to answer the door. 
“Hi...um...hi.”She laughed, not planning on getting this far. “Hi, um...what’s up?”You cringed at your words. “Nothing much.I just live a block away and I just thought id say hi...im sorry.”She laughed again, becoming more anxious.
 “Its fine!So um...I dont know, do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?”You asked, leaning against your doorway.She licked her lips, trying her best not to blush. “Yeah, yeah ok.Um...could I get your number?”She asked, holding her phone.
You nodded, giving her your phone number and telling her to text you whenever.Once the door was closed and she had left you were a squealing mess on your couch, recording. 
“So you guys know that pretty girl I was talking about that I saw?Yeah so I just got her number and im low key freaking out-oh god lets just hope she doesnt watch my channel!”You laughed before finishing the editing process, uploading it to youtube.
Kiara got the notification while she was washing her face, watching the video and absolutely losing her mind.She buried her face in her pillow, squealing before deciding to text you.
Unknown number:hey!Its Kiara.Do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
You smiled, letting out a sigh.You screenshotted it, knowing that it would be fun to look back at in the future.
You:Sounds good!Do you want to come over and we can get coffee or lunch or something?
You:Works for me :)
You were anxious the whole night, trying to figure out what to wear.You couldnt decide, posting a poll on your instagram.They decided that you’d be wearing a dark green romper and sandals.You went to bed early since you’d have to wake up before afternoon, heart pounding.
When you woke up it was eleven and you were already behind, hopping in the shower quickly, drying your hair and brushing it, trying to get it to a soft texture.You didnt want to look like you were trying too hard, deciding not to use all of the hair products you’d usually put in your hair before a meeting or a date.
You got into your outfit quickly, pinning your pin back with bobby pins so you could moisturize your face, grabbing your box of beads and parting your hair.You braided the two groups of hair that framed your face, intertwining the beads along the way, securing it with an elastic.
You sighed, twisting a golden flower ring onto your pinkie before going down stairs to sit in your large living room, waiting for Kiara.Your doorbell alerted you to motion outside, getting excited when you saw Kiara walking up to your front door.
She was wearing a pink tube top, light washed jeans with her hair half up and half down, bracelets hugging her wrists.You got up, answering the door the second she rung the bell. “Hi.”You smiled, phone in your pocket.
 “Hi.”She smiled back, looking up and down at you.The two of you got into your car, you driving as you started your drive to a cafe. “So how are you?”You asked, realising you knew nothing about her. “Im good, what about you?”She asked, hands in her lap. “I was up all night editing which obviously sucked but you know, it is what it is.”You replied, biting your lip.
She smiled, knowing she’d end up watching the video. “Editing what?Like an edits account on instagram?”She asked, cringing at how stupid it sounded.You shook your head, slowing down once you got to the main road, searching for a parking spot.
 “No, I have a youtube channel.I kind of just post random shit and hope for the best.”You answered, pulling up next to the cafe.She nodded, turning to look at you. “That’s cool, what kind of stuff do you post?”She asked, resting her chain against her palm.
You bit your lip, glancing over at the cafe. “I post a lot of interviews and random videos of my dad and sometimes he’ll take me to a set with him and i’ll take videos with the cast.I got to meet Scarlet Johannson so thats cool.”You replied, unbuckling your seatbelt.She grinned.
 “Thats fucking awesome-were they in a movie together?”She asked, wanting to hear you talk more. “A show thats coming to Netflix soon, its kind of like a murder mystery meets greek mythology and my dad plays Zeus.We should watch it together.”You answered.
The car was cool but you felt hot, probably because her eyes were focused on you.She nodded, liking the idea of hanging out with you more. “That’d be awesome.”The two of you went inside, the barista grinning at you.
She had always liked you and liked showing up in your vlogs when you came in to get your coffee with boba.She looked to the unknown girl beside you, a small pout on her face. “What can I get for you ladies?”She asked, already preparing your coffee. 
“What do you want, Kie?”You asked, moving aside so she could see the menu. “Uhhh….whats a green frappe?”She asked, squinting at the menu. “Oh-its like a blended matcha latte with like mint and vanilla.It's really good.”You explained.
The two of you sat with your drinks, Kiara laughing as you stabbed the boba bubbles at the bottom of your cup. “You know whats cool?These straws are made of hemp plastic so its-”She cut you off before you could finish.
 “Biodegradable?”She asked.You nodded, glad someone finally knew what you were talking about. “Yeah!And the company is awesome, they have like 10% of sales going to help the Amazon rain forests and another 10% going to help clean the ocean.”You smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
The afternoon had ended with the two of you on the beach, taking photos of eachother discretely while you finished your drinks, searching for sea glass and watching the sun set.Kiara was freaking out on the inside, knowing that she was pretty much dating a celebrity.
It didnt take long after that first day for her to start showing up in your videos.You held your camera as you two walked down the beach, her hand holding yours and twirling you every once in a while, flashing a smile to the camera. 
“So we’re currently on our way to a place that Kie will not tell me about because shes rude.”You spoke, turning the camera to face you.Kiara simply laughed, placing her chin on your shoulder. “Uh...no its because im good at planning surprises.”She answered, grinning when you gasped.
Two surfboards were on the sand along with a blanket and a basket full of fruits, veggies and sandwiches.You cut the camera, giggling and pulling her into a kiss. “Love you.”She grinned, giggling.
 “Love you too.”You replied, looking down at the boards.It didnt take long for the two of you to be in only your swimsuits, grabbing the boards and heading towards the water.You clipped the camera to your board, making sure it was secure before stating to film, catching a few good waves on camera before focusing more on Kie.
 “There she is, showing off for you guys.”You zoomed in on Kiara as she rode the wave, twisting her body to get a beautiful spin on the dark blue wave.She disappeared under the water, resurfacing with a smile and hair on her face, swimming towards you.
 “Did you see that?”She asked, a proud smirk tugging at her lips.You nodded. “How could I miss it?”You asked, earning an eye roll from your girlfriend. “Shut up.”She splashed you, letting out a loud laugh when you splashed back at her.
Turning off the camera, laying on your stomachs against your boards, holding hands so you wouldnt drift away from eachother.It was heaven. “So...ive been thinking lately.”She started, a nervous look on her face.
You raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “And I think I want you to meet my friends.”She tapped her fingernails against your surfboard, waiting anxiously for your answer.She had told the boys all about you.
About how you had a huge following on youtube, how your dad was an actor and how you lived in the biggest house on figure eight.She had tried her best to tell them that you werent like the others, that you were fantastic and humble.
But of course they didnt believer her and ‘would believe it when they saw it’.She knew that if she didnt end up introducing you to them sooner or later that she’d lost the chance to introduce you at all.
You nodded, considering it. “Yeah, okay.When?”You asked, hoping you’d at least have time to think about this. “Tomorrow.”She replied, wincing when you let out a small shout. “Tomorrow?Shit-Kie, im not ready!”You exclaimed, covering your mouth when you realised how loud you had been. 
“Babe, chill.Let me pick out your outfit and it’ll be fine.”She insisted.You gave in, the two of you paddling back to the sand, wrapping up in your towels and sitting on the blanket, eating some cutie oranges.
She spent the night at your house, holding on tight to you even though the two of you were in a king sized bed and she had more than enough space to spread out like a starfish.
The morning came too fast, Kiara raiding your closet for something appropriate for the occasion, pleased when she came across a black bathing suit and a yellow shirt along with some jeans, tossing them at you. 
“Babe, you gotta get up.”She told you, already dressed and ready to go.You groaned, finally getting up a few minutes later, slowly changing and not even bothering to pick up your pajamas.You were still sore from last night, stretching your limbs as you pulled the jeans up your body.The boys were spamming her phone, making her annoyed.
Dumb Blonde:Where are you guys
God:Are you bringing them with you
Trash Rat:Dont bring them with you 
Trash Rat:The place is a mess
Trash Rat:Kie
Trash Rat:Kiara
Trash Rat:Kiara Madelyn Klark Carrera
God:Where are you guys
Dumb Blonde:Wait are they the one with the dad that was in that one movie
She ignored their texts, turning off her notifications and sending you a quick smile, promising to get you an iced coffee on the way.You were half asleep in the passengers seat until she handed you a french vanilla iced coffee, slowly becoming awake.
By the time you had finished your coffee she had pulled into John.B’s drive way, hand on your thigh in attempts to calm you down. “You’re gonna be fine, babe.Everyone likes you, they just havent met you yet.”She grinned, getting out of the car.
You squeezed her hand, following her into the house.The boys were all sitting on the couch, looking up once the two of you had entered.JJ immediately looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow.You felt a bit insecure, trying to figure out what he thought of you.
 “This is (Y/N).(Y/N), these are the boys.Thats John.B, thats JJ and thats Pope.”She pointed to each of the boys.The tension in the room was ridiculous until Kiara pulled you into her lap, the boys looking between eachother. “So whats it like having a movie star as a dad?”JJ asked, the first one to speak up.
You bit your bottom lip, pulling at the skin on your hands. “umm...its really cool sometimes.Chris Hemsworth is a family friend so thats cool but like...I cant go anywhere with him when he’s home without getting followed around and there was this one teenage girl stalking him once and she was climbing our house and was watching me sleep.”You answered, relieved when you heard Pope chuckle. 
“Wait, actually?Thats so scary.”He replied, the two of you beginning to calm down a bit.You, John.B and JJ were all conversating about Chris Hemsworth, all of them asking a lot of questions.
 “Wait-who else have you met from the Avengers?”John.B asked. “I met Scarlet Johanson and Chris Evans.”You replied.Kiara smacked your leg. “You met Christ Evans and never told me?”She asked, outraged.
You rolled your eyes, pulling out your phone to show them the vlog that Chris had made an appearance in.Kiara was just confused as to why she had never seen it before you informed her that it was private. 
“Ew-ignore my face.Just wait a few seconds.”You told them, the phone between the circle that had ended up forming. “Oh my god!Its Chris Evans!”JJ shouted, staring at the phone.Chris had leaned over your shoulder, saying a quick ‘hello’ to the camera before Scarlet stole it from you. 
“This is Scarlet Johannson and I have decided to take over my new role as (Y/N)’s mom.Im sorry (Y/M/N) but they’re mine now.”She smiled.Her hair had been dyed a light blonde, red lipstick and light eyeshadow.
You had been freaking out the whole time. “Wait-will you ever see her again?”JJ asked.You hummed, sure that she’d be making an appearance for a Christmas Party. “Can you tell her I love her, please?”He asked, face red. “She reaches my vlogs-do you guys want to be in one?”You offered, remembering that you had your camera in your bag.
They all agreed, excited as you took out your camera, Kiara holding onto you. “So Kiara introduced me to her friends today and JJ has a special message for Scarlet.”You grinned, pointing the camera towards him. “Marry me, please.”He winked, giggling.
Pope flashed a peace sign at the camera, John.B sticking out his tongue and doing finger guns. “This is John.B and this is Pope, and then we have Kie as always.”You pointed the camera at her.She bit her lip, winking at the camera and making you laugh.
 “Oh my god- what is this vlog.”You shook your head, turning off the camera.When you had posted the vlog that night you were spammed with comments demanding JJ’s instagram and of course you had to give the people what they wanted.
JJ was more than happy to have a ton of pretty girls hyping him up in his comments, Pope getting a lot of attention as well.Scarlet had made sure to let you know that she had watched it and to tell JJ that he was too young for her but she was flattered by the offer.But then your instagram was being spammed.You were being tagged in dozens of edits of you and Kie along with one of you and JJ.But the comments on that one were so funny.
Kieand(Y/N)4life:bruh no
(Y/N)officialfanpage:no <3
(Y/N)officialfanpage:Kiara and them are meant to be bb
Kiara(Y/L/N):Kiara and them are meant to be buddy
KIEANDYNAREENDGAME:uhhh isnt it confirmed that Kiara and (Y/N) are dating?
“They’re catching on.”You told Kie, sitting down on the bed and showing her all the things you were tagged in.She grinned, telling you to post and make it official. “You sure?”You asked.She nodded, fixing her hair as you got ready to take a photo, kissing her cheek. She bit her lip, watching you type.
We are endgame.
@poguestyleskye  @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp  @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @i-love-scott-mccall​
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leonidas-writes · 3 years
The Brood part 2. The tenth arrives! Clearest backstory, also the one that they didn't fully intend to get.
Elisabet was working when she got a call, answering on instinct.
"Hey, Lis? This is Catherine, from Wakefield." She remembered her. Kind, had done a lot for them, matched them with four of their nine kids.
"Hey Cat. What can I do for you?" The other woman paused, and Elisabet did as well, dread pooling in her gut.
"I know you guys were gonna be done after Apollo, but I got a case and thought of you guys."
"Alright, lay it on me."
"Female, estimated two weeks." Elisabet froze. Estimated? "No name, not registered at any hospitals. Left on the damn doorstep. No record, no way to track any parents, was just left there."
"We'll take her."
"You don't need to talk to Gaia?" There was a note in her voice that said she knew exactly why she didn't.
"No. I don't, I know she'd wanna help this kid." Catherine's voice was fond.
"You're both good people. I'm glad she's gonna have you. When do you wanna pick her up?"
"Tomorrow. We'll have a name when we come to get her." A soft laugh came across the line, and she felt her cheeks flush despite herself.
"You're a good person, Lis. How's noon sound?"
"Sounds good. Thank you, Catherine. Now I've gotta call Gaia to tell her we're adopting a two week old daughter."
"I don't envy that conversation. Good luck." The call ended, and Elisabet took a minute to gather herself before she called her wife. She answered the call as promptly as ever.
"Hello, Elisabet."
"Hey Gaia. We adopted another kid."
"What?" There was shock and anger in her voice and fuck, she could've handled that better.
"Catherine called me about a two week old girl who got left on their doorstep, no records or anything."
"And you said yes." The tone was far more understanding now, and there was a pause. "We'll need a name."
"Yeah. I was thinking something metalurgic, to cheer Heph up after Apollo said his first words without him around."
"We can't make it too overt or Minerva would be angry." She smiled a bit.
"You're such a peace keeper love. How about solder?"
"You can't name a child solder! May as well name them wire." Elisabet chuckled.
"Sprocket?" Gaia was smiling, she could hear it in her voice.
"Mm, why not go all out? Argentum."
"Oh, I love when you speak latin to me." Gaia laughed at that. "What about alloy, huh?" And then she paused.
"I hope you made a note of that."
"I will now!"
They had a name when they showed up at the agency, and Aloy was brought home in Elisabet's arms. She was introduced to her siblings, and Hephaestus was the first one to hold her. And he smiled and spoke softly and they knew immediately that he was going to dote on her the exact same way he doted in Apollo. Hades was not allowed to hold her, as he wasn't allowed to hold Apollo, because neither of them knew how to keep him from acting the way he did, cruel and cold. Aloy was loved by her siblings, though, and that was all that mattered to her mothers.
Aloy was four, and running around the yard with Apollo and Vala, chasing them as she shrieked with laughter. Hades was ten, and had never outgrown his cruel anger. So when he walked past them all on his way out, knocking Aloy over, he didnt care about the startled shout and the upset look he was given. Aloy stood back up, Vala and Apollo there and checking on her, but it didn't help her mood much. They went inside, to Hephaestus, and Aloy curled up in his lap. Aloy wasn't sure why Hades had pushed her, wasn't sure it was on purpose. So she didn't say anything about it, just curled into her oldest brother.
Aloy was six and her brother came and sat next to her. Her right eye was swollen and her knuckles were red.
"I broke a kid's nose for not leaving Minerva alone, once." Her eyes widened and she looked at him.
"Really?!" He nodded.
"Really." He looked at her, took her hand, kissed the sore knuckles. "Which is why I'm sure your hand hurts." She blushed a bit, pulling her hand away, but he just chuckled. "Long as you were defending you or Apollo, they won't care too much." She cuddled into him.
"They were pushing him around, making fun of him." Like Hades did to her, she didn't say. "I told them to stop and one of them stepped forward and told me to make them. So I did." Hephaestus kissed the top of her head.
"You've got such a big heart, Aloy. Don't let anyone take that from you." She nodded, and he kissed her head again. She closed her eyes.
Aloy's eye hadn't even fully healed from her run in with the bullies when she snapped at her older brother.
"Stop it!" He paused, one eyebrow raised.
"Or what?" She huffed, hands curling into fists.
"Or I'm gonna punch you like I did the bullies that were hurting Apollo!" Hades chuckled, smirking a bit.
"You couldn't hurt me if you tried." He crouched, face to face with her. "You're a weak little brat, what could you-" Her fist met his jaw with a solid crack, and his eyes widened. His hand pressed to where she'd punched him, and he snarled. "You little-"
"You're such a bad brother! You always make fun of me and push me and I hate it! I hate you! You're a terrible brother and I'll punch you next time too!" And her chest was heaving and he was staring and then her eyes widened and she ran to the edge of the yard, to... To Hephaestus, who he'd looked up to the entire time he'd been here, who was picking Aloy up, who was looking at him with confusion and anger in his eyes and oh, it was directed at him. Why was he angry with him? He stood, and Hephaestus pulled Aloy closer to his chest before turning and leaving. Hades huffed. And then rubbed his jaw, thinking on her words. Was he a bad brother? He'd thought that was just what siblings did to each other.
When Aloy turned seven, Hades gave her a present for the first time. And she took it, wary of what it was, opening it when she shook it and nothing happened. And her eyes widened at the small, badly made, stuffed snake. She looked up, and he rubbed the back of his neck.
"I wanted to do something to apologize. I didn't... Realize how bad I was. So. Sorry." And she stared at him for a long moment, and then hugged him, snake held in her hand.
"Thank you. Sorry I punched you." Hades had frozen when she hugged him, but he ruffled her hair now.
"Mm, don't worry about it, kid. You got a mean hook." She smiled sheepishly, and Elisabet gave Hades a nod from the side. Looks like he didn't totally fuck up the apology.
Aloy was ten when she came home, flopped on the couch, and buried her face in her hands. Minerva and Eluthia were at college, but the rest of her siblings would want to make sure she was okay. Apollo, however, walked in behind her.
"Aloy's got a crush!" A pillow was launched at his head and he laughed, throwing it back.
"A crush?" Of course Demeter was the one that spoke up first. She was grinning. Aloy threw the pillow at her.
"Shut up!" Hephaestus walked over and picked her up, ignoring her indignant shriek, sitting where she'd been and holding her to his chest.
"On who?"
"I'm in biting range of you!"
"Talaaaanaaah." Artemis smirked.
"What was it? The beautifully tanned skin? The incredible archery skills?" Aether laughed.
"Was it the rich family?"
"I will make nine robots, one specifically tailored for each of you, to ruin your lives in the most annoying way possible." Her siblings burst into laughter, and Elisabet walked out of the kitchen, smiling a bit.
"Hey, she takes after me, leave her alone." She walked over, rescuing her youngest from her brother's arms. "To be fair, I am also curious about Talanah. Tell me about her." She was taken to her room as she started talking about her friend, who was only her friend, and she curled into her mother's side, content in the warmth of this situation. When her mother started laughing, she froze, and very quickly tried to remember what she had be just said.
College was hard, but at least she had Talanah. And she'd met Ikrie, too, and Ikrie was awesome. When they'd brought her home over holiday break, she'd known it was gonna be a shock for her, finding her massive amount of siblings. Still, she could see Ikrie was nervous when they pulled into the massive driveway and saw the other cars there.
"You gonna make it, snow ghost?" Ikrie snorted, smacking her arm as she parked and killed the engine.
"Just introduce me to your damn family." Aloy laughed, getting out of the car, and she was ready. She knew Minerva. Knew the snow on the ground meant war. So she was prepared to dodge the grab at her collar, dropping and flinging snow at her eldest sister, who laughed, tackling her down. Ikrie stared, at least until snow smacked her in the face.
"Perfect shot, Heph!"
"You expected anything less?" Ikrie made a snow ball and scanned the area, trying to find her attacker. And then someone came out of the trees to her right, she turned, and shrieked, falling into the snow. Aloy groaned.
"Hades, tell me your not covered in blood."
"I'm not covered in blood."
"Is it fake blood that you're covered in?" His silence told her all she needed to know. "What injury have you got?"
"Knife in my neck." Ikrie smashed snow into Aloy's face.
"Could've warned me your brother likes to do gore prosthetics!" She grinned at her.
"Mm, nah. Too much fun to see how you reacted." Minerva was pulled off her, and she could see her brother now, fake knife sticking from his throat, blood on the knife and trailing down his neck. "Isn't that uncomfortable?"
"Very." He helped her up, and she brushed herself off.
"ALOY!" She was knocked forward into the snow as Apollo tackled her, and she sighed.
"Hey Apollo." He moved off, grinning, and then turned to Ikrie.
"So. You're Ikrie, huh? Aloy talks about you a lot." His face was shoved in a snow bank.
"You're insufferable!" Hades smiled, and Minerva and Hephaestus both laughed loudly. Ikrie smiled, her face flushed slightly. She shoved Apollo further into the snow drift.
Hades had had an interview, one where he talked about why he was so passionate about his work. And so Eluthia had declared that they were gonna surprise him. Getting tackled in a parking lot probably wasn't how he'd wanted to end his day but, joining in on the dog pile her siblings had made, hearing Hades shriek indignantly, maybe it was a good way to end it.
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i just watched this video of chris drunk during an interview and omg he is the cutest bean ever😍 so here comes another request, chris is out, drinking with friends and he calls you because he is clingy with you more so when drunk and he is just spilling everything, how much he loves you and the whole wedding vows and promises and then he comes home but doesn’t recognize you and he is like ‘no, i don’t wike you, i have a girlfriend’😂 i know very specific but omg i’m so in love with him💕
Babes, he is the Sweetest cutest drunk man ever, if its the video where he goes on about how hes not a tap dancer, but lets lay claim to that fame, cause why the hell not. XD haha. I loved trying to picture what he would do. And absolutely he would get so gushy for his girl, needing to tell her how much he loved her. Awww. Love this one, thank you so much! 
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“God I need a break”
Chris’s arm slung over his eyes as he tipped his head back, taking a deep chest raising breath. You glanced up from your seat across the room, watching him from over your book. A frown playing on your lips at the sight of him being so tensed and stressed out. Everything about him right now was taunt and rigid. And with a sigh he moved back into a sit, leaning over his documents spread on the coffee table. Setting your book aside, you grabbed your phone and headed into the kitchen, pulling up a group chat with all of Chris’s closest friends.
‘Hey what you guys all doing tonight?’ You chewed your lip a bit waiting. They were rather quick though, sending you a quick fire replies.
‘Staying home on the couch watching trash tv’
‘Whats up Buttercup?’ Last one came from Scott, he started giving you teasing nicknames simply cause you were practically his sister in law at this point.
‘Chris desperately needs a night out with all of you, and wont ask for it himself. Help him (and me) out?’
You peeked back out of the room, to see Dodger huffing at Chris with a ball in his mouth, shoving into his lap. Chris absently with a flick of the wrist tossed it across the room. The fact he wouldnt even look up, but the crease deepened in his forehead as his eyes scanned the words, rubbing his chin let you know he needed this. He kept up like that, his beard you adored so much was gonna be rubbed off. Come on guys, you thought. It was then you heard the ping, and it popped up on your screen.
‘Say no more, we will take care of it’
They were the best. Seconds later Chris’s phone started buzzing, rattling across the coffee table, jarring him at the noise. It was persistent, as he reached to grasp it, going through the ‘Buddy, Julios, 8 pm tonight!’ messages, Scott sending a private one later ‘Picking you up tonight’ Leaving it so Chris didnt have to worry about driving.
“Y/N, the guys want to go out tonight... “ He pushed off the sofa and went in search of you, finding you standing at the kitchen counter, selecting an apple out of the fruit bowl and start slicing it up. “Hmm, whats that Chris?” You ask while coring your fruit, asting as if you didnt know what he was gonna ask.
“Guys want to go out tonight, you want to come? They are apparently not taking im to busy as an answer. Scotts driving.”
You act surprised, and give a shake of the head. “No, Im gonna stay home tonight. Working on a work project, and I want to finish it up.” You gather your fruit in a bowl and come around to reach him. “But I will leave the porch light on for you Handsome.” You lean up as if to kiss him and when he went to meet you, you stuff an apple in his mouth, grinning as you pluck up another piece and snip of the tip of it.
“Just dont forget your keys cause I will be sleeping.” You smirk, after swallowing, moving to go around him. He wasnt about to let you get away though, catching you around your hips and pulling you in close, using his beard to tickle your neck. “Oh I know you had something to do with this Baby!”
You are laughing and squealing, denying your guilt as you try to escape. “No way! It wasnt--- CHRIS!” he was relentless though and chased you into the livingroom once you broke free, already he was starting to relax more.
That night, you did as you promised and left the porch light on, making sure the door was locked and headed into the bathroom to brush your teeth. Your phone sat nearby, and right in the middle of you scrubbing for those pearly whites, Chris’s ring tone popped up, the phone lighting up the picture of the three of you. Picking it up, you had to chuckle at the message.
‘Baby, I miss you so much. What are you doing? Do you miss me yet.(sad face sad face heart)’
You typed out ‘Brushing my teeth and heading to bed. Sounds like your having a good time. (wink)’
It wasnt even seconds before you got another one, this time it was ‘But do you MISS me?’ Yea he was tipsy, he always got a bit needy once he had some liquor in him.
‘Yes, course I do. Sleeping all alone is tough without you to cuddle up with.’ You knew that would make him smile. Snapping off the light, you go into the bedroom and turn down the bed, setting about doing the rest of your nightly routine when it pings again. This time there is a video, which you move to sit up against the headboard, hitting play.
It starts out all wonky, like Chris didnt have the camera still, and then it turns to him, at an odd angle, he must not be holding it high enough, and hes shouting over the music. “Y/N, I couldnt type anymore, the keys are to small.” he lifts it higher and you can see the others in the background, goofing off and shouting at him to return to the party, he waves them off and steps away further, away from the music, so you can hear him properly now. “I just wanted to tell you how much I fucking love you. Oh so much baby.” He rubs his face quickly, you can tell what hes saying is important to him, something that hes kept for a while, but finally had to get it out. Whenever he gets emotional, he rubs and touches his face. “I just need you always in my life, and I know you will tell me not to be silly, but listen. I love you so much, I just need to tell you. When we get married, im writing my own vows, your worth so much baby, I cant wait to make you all mine. I still need to go buy that ring though. How do I open up reminders?” His finger slammed down on the phone and its here he accidentally hit send, making you laugh hard enough that tears start streaming down your face.
It was no hidden fact that Chris wanted to tie the knot, he had mentioned it several times, so you couldnt wait to show this to him to see that flush rise up his cheeks and him shrugging as if he confessed some big secret. “Dont pay attention to that, I have to do it right!” Little did he know that you didnt even need the ring. If he just asked, you would in a heartbeat agree. But as he said, he wanted to do it right, and you were fine with waiting for him to be ready.
You send a message to Scott. ‘Please bring Chris home safe, hes so liquored!’ Which Scott just sent back a laughing emoji, clearly amused with his brother. It went quiet, and you pull the blankets up, falling asleep shortly after.
It was a couple hours later when you heard Dodger shuffle out of the bedroom and give a soft bark. Chris must be home, you thought as you rolled to get up, and wearing nothing but his oversized tee, you pad out to see where he was. Ahh, the kitchen. On the counter was several bags of what looked like taco bell, and he was rummaging for something. You lean in the doorway and say his name “Chris, honey, what are you looking for?”
From in the fridge he remarks “more cheese, I need more cheese” Between his legs, Dodger also has his head stuck in the fridge, the two of them quite the pair. You open a cupboard and take out some nacho cheese, unscrewing the top for Chris. In this state of mind, you didnt want him to try for himself. “Here Handsome, I got you a jar.” He turned suddenly, half tripping over Dodger as he went for the bag of tacos, and dumping out a pile of food. “Your the best... “ drizzling cheese all over his taco and taking a big bite, he gave what could only be described as a dirty moan, his eyes rolling back. “This is the best, besides Y/N’s tacos. I miss my baby” 
“Im right here” You state, but he ignores you, going back to his taco. While hes eating, you go back to lock the door, pick up his shoes, and leave the rest of his chaos for the morning.
Getting back, you see hes left behind his meal, and with a roll of your eyes you pick that up to. He would make it up to you tomorrow. You would be sure of it. Heading towards the bedroom, you saw him collapsed on the bed, groaning. You bite your lip to keep from laughing, going to set on your side of the bed. “Chris, do you want to get undressed?”
His eyes slanted open as he looked up at you, and he groaned, turning away. “Go away, wheres Y/N?”
Well this was a first for you, your hand touches Chris’s back. “Baby, its me.”
He shifted once more to turn on his side facing away from you, muttering “I dont wike it, Stop, go away, your not Y/N”
“Chris?” You move to lean over him, your hand braced on his shoulder for leverage to glance over his half sleeping form, and he half slapped at your hand touching him, grumbling into his pillow. “Stop, I dont wike it. Wheres Y/N?” It wasnt often Chris resorted back to placing his W’s in place of the L’s.  
You pull back and study him a moment, getting your phone and texting Scott.
‘How much did you guys give Chris?’
‘Oh honey, that boy is out of commission when I dropped him off at home. He should be passed out by now.’
No shit Scott, you think. Setting your phone aside. Chris has shifted again, to his back, and gives a smile seeing you and sighing. “Y/N is so beautiful, I cant wait till we have all the babies. Little Y/N all over the place.”
You pat his chest and lay down next to him. “Yes sir, all the babies, and Chris can change all the dirty diapers, and car pool them back and forth to soccer camp.”
He loped an arm around you and cuddled you in close to him, humming. “Yup. Tell Y/N that when she comes home that I miss her.”
“Oh of course, she will be very happy to see your home safe.”
That made him smile and he buried his face in your hair. Within minutes he started snoring softly, and you moved his arm from over your chest to settle at your waist. Finally you to drift off for the night.
The next morning came to you waking up first, bleary eyed, Chris came into focus, having moved during the night. Now he was on his back, head tipped back into the pillows, and mouth wide open. You were pretty tempted to take a picture, but before you could move, he slung an arm around you and twisted to his side, muttering against your shoulder.
“What Handsome?”
“I want... to die. Ugh” He lifted his head enough to rub the sleep out of his eyes and rubbed his chin against your neck, resettling himself against you. “How bad was I?”
Your hand comes up to card your fingers through his hair, light and gentle, he started humming softly at the soothing feeling.
“Well... You insisted on eating tacos, left a whirlwind of stuff in our livingroom, and you didnt remember who I was.” That shot his head up, in confusion.
“Yea, you were convinced I was another woman and everytime I tried to like touch you to make sure you were okay, You brush me off and demand to know where I was.” You giggled softly at the memory, and he dropped his head groaning.
“Shit baby Im so sorry if I was an ass.”
“No no, you werent. It was more like you just wanted to see me, and you werent gonna accept another woman. It was kind of cute. You kept saying I dont wike it whenever i touched you. Oh and you um... sent me a video.”
He grumbled against your shoulder. “Course I did... I dont even want to know what was on it.”
You bring your hand to slide down the back of his neck, to his shoulders and rub along his upper back. “Well, it was all good stuff Chris. It was about how much you missed me, and loved me, then there was talks about a wedding ring.” Again he groaned against you, lifting his head up.
“Listen Y/N, when I said all that... “ He started and you cupped your hand over his mouth.
“Stop Babes, you were drunk. You really dont have to say anything. It was a cute video, and thats all I took it for.”
His eyes flashed in a touch of relief, another less sure woman might have been hurt at her mans relief, but you knew better. Chris was a man who ‘wanted to do it right’. You tilted your head up and nuzzled your nose against his. “How about you jump in the shower, and I will go make us a hangover cure?”
“And whats that?”
“Why more alcohol of course.”
He seemed to ponder a bit on your offer, and rolled to sit up, stretching. “Your on baby. Can you stay in my shirt though?” His blue eyes darkened in desire. “Cause your so fucken sexy in my clothes and I have plans for us later.”
You move to get off the bed, cupping his face once you stand and kiss his lips playfully. “Of course” As you turn to leave, his hand snaps playfully across your bare ass, and you smirk leaving the room.
Party is just getting started now.
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buginateacup · 4 years
So I finally figured out the best way for me to plot Rings is to write it out like I did before ie like you;re telling a rapid story/juicy gossip which stops me from writing the same scene in different angst/fluff/horny versions
so spoilers for the next few chapters under the cut if you’re interested
So the first night of the honeymoon is...fine. They spend most of it laughing over whatever the fuck was today and agree that staying married is really not an option. Megamind has conveniently forgotten that he agreed to be a superhero and Roxanne winds up laughing in Megamind's arms as he proves that he can in fact dance like Fred Astaire on the balcony of their suite. Its a remarkably fun night all things considered until Roxanne goes to push open the door to what she assumes is the other bedroom of the suite and finds the kind of closet that she's been dreaming of all her life and that means...
There is only one bed. Fuck
Cue panic
And Roxanne getting stuck in her dress 
But Megamind has also been having just a hint of a breakdown because dancing with Roxanne made him realise that oh no he's in love with his wife and he hasn't wished he was human for a long time (not true) but it does mean that she's probably not going to be okay with tentacles which is the kind of thing you should probably tell a prospective partner BEFORE you marry them so he's going to sleep on the couch far far away from temptation. And Roxanne is an absolute horny mess because she is absolutely hiding her feelings behind her libido but Megamind is being very considerate of not being THAT KIND of villain which means she feels like he doesn't want her and nothing kills desire faster than not being wanted so that’s its own problem.
Except the couch is kind of squeaky because its leather and he can't sleep and eventually Roxanne comes storming out and demands he come to bed so they can both sleep because he's keeping her awake too.
And they do.
Just sleep
And wake up tangled together on Friday morning.
That's not awkward at all
That's also the morning they find out they have the suite for the rest of the weekend, which, delightful. Divorce can definitely wait a couple of days while they ruin Wayne's credit rating. There may be a bit of a moment where Megamind catches Roxanne trying on his mantle over her pjs that will either be incredibly angsty or incredibly hot but that that is not part of the plan we're just pretending that didnt happen, or it did and that is how they decide to be married for the weekend (IDK, working on it). In the mean time there are casino heists to plan and chess and scrabble to be played and evening brings Megamind back to bed with Roxanne because its just easier at this point. And when he wakes up because UNFAMILIAR in the middle of the night he plays with Roxanne's hair at her askance for an hour until they both fall asleep.
Roxanne is more than okay with having someone permanently willing to play with her hair on tap as all people should be.  
On Saturday Roxanne is awake first and spends some time thinking about how tired Megamind looks and how he should really take some time off and they can go to the beach or something after they get back. This should probably have been a clue about her feelings but hey, leave a girl her river in egypt.
This may or may not be the day she also glues him to the headboard of the bed with the decoupage setting on the de-gun while she has a shower.
Megamind genuinely considers gnawing off his own arm because she didnt quite manage to close the door properly and that is its own kind of torture.
They have a bet about paper airplanes and landing them in the fountain. Megamind wins so Roxanne has to show him a trick (Roxanne is not thinking about that thing she can do with her throat nope not at all) which is how he finds out his wife is a master at throwing cocktails and they get more than a little tipsy and he shows her how to fire the degun which is adorable and a little hot and they wind up slowdancing on the balcony to the Something for Kate cover of When the War is Over because I love that freaking song and I'm very attached to that mental image right now.
The second night, they know its all over by tomorrow and they spend a while talking in bed in the dark which is where I will probably make all of you cry with how lonely being the last one is for Megamind and it breaks Roxanne's heart a little to and they have the kind of thing that you just do not talk about in the light of day because if what happens in vegas stays in vegas then what happens that night is like the what happens in vegas stays in vegas of what happens in vegas stays in vegas.
Look it makes sense in context okay
They also both stay clothed so chill.
Sunday morning brings them to the foyer and its bittersweet and lovely and they just want to hold one another but they CANT because there is a PLAN and of course they shouldn’t stay married but oh shit the divorce desk doesn’t open until 11 and its only ten and their chauffer is waiting for them to take them home so shit, that is an issue but its fine because there's a form you can fill out and they will post you the divorce papers.
So great. They head to the airport and get on the plane and oh look there's yesterdays paper and why is there a photo of their wedding certificate on the front page?
And when was megamind going to tell Roxanne he was becoming a hero?
And Megamind had genuinely forgotten about that. Oops
So it turns out all of Metro City has been waiting for this day for YEARS. The paper is full of happy articles and letters to the editor saying we knew those crazy kids had it in them and Carlos has won a considerable amount of money in the pool and has taken his family to disney world.
And well they cant stay married obviously (can they?) but everyone is clearly expecting them to come home as a couple so sure they can fake it for a while before quietly separating except Megamind is not okay with the idea of Roxanne getting kidnapped by anyone else because no one else will be careful enough. And Roxanne is very unimpressed that the defenders council are trying to replace her with an official damsel. She is staying damsel thank you very much Gerry.
This may also become the fic where Roxanne finally sets up a damsel's union.
So they have a bit of a talk and yep practice kissing is definitely a thing they need to work on
a lot
that moment where the copilot walks in on them is a little embarrasing
but they land and oh look there's a car waiting for them to take them to
The Scott's are throwing them a party after all
So Roxanne gets dressed by Minion for the second time in a week which is where she finds out that "Oh sir was always so worried that if he ever found someone the tentacles would be a dealbreaker"
Prehensile or?
Oh for fucks sake Roxanne you dont even know what they're for stop it
No but seriously where are they?
Megamind on the other hand has just found out that Roxanne has a tattoo from Metro Man of all people and there is a very awkward/sexy/funny moment in a butler's pantry where Megamind finds out exactly where Roxanne's tattoo is and Roxanne has it confirmed exactly what those tentacles are for after all.
Great so add that to the list of things we're thinking about like his shoulders and his hands and his eyes instead of our feelings.
Roxanne takes great solace in her libido as it is far easier than arguing with her head or her heart.
Or she would be if she was getting laid.
And SURPRISE this party is not the intimate dinner they were promised but a full on party with Megamind's prison uncles set up on a webcam in a theatre which is a lovely cute scene and Roxanne is definitely getting baby stories out of these men.
Megamind uses her as a human shield. Its force of habit and has nothing to do with how much he's blushing at all.
And they get asked to make a speech and Megamind tells everyone exactly how much he loves his wife and Roxanne is almost in tears because what the hell where was this when it was just the two of them? He cant mean any of this clearly and wow that fucking hurts.
And then Roxanne's great aunt helen shows up because of course family was invited and she is an unpleasant woman at the best of times and Roxanne goes full "Fuck off Helen he's my husband and I love him"
she does doesnt she?
Nope straight back to denial on that one. Cannot think about that right now
Because he clearly doesn't feel the same way or he'd have told her personally, not to a crowd of people. And Megamind thinks she was exaggerating because he’s also thinking where was this in vegas? And Roxanne is forcibly reminded she can't be the damsel if she's married to the hero so she is never going to see him again unless its for an interview which means she has to spend the rest of her life chasing him down in the van with fucking hal and ow ow ow
So they leave the party and Megamind drops her home only for Roxanne to find her apartment full of boxes as she is also being kicked out of her apartment as she is no longer acting damsel.
So she grabs a bag and tracks down the lair and oh hi husband can I live with you or not?
Hi wife yes please say (stay forever please stay forever) which is where we get the SECOND there was only one bed because half the lair was demolished in the last big battle and there is no space for another room right now and of course they have to keep sharing a room or Minion will get suspicious
this bed is much smaller than the giant orgy sized one in vegas
good thing they’re already getting used to waking up in one another’s arms
Roxanne does manage to ask for a small room to use as an office because she needs somewhere to cry and she's used to living alone but wow does this feel like moving in...
And that brings us to chapter 6ish?
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chicagopd2020 · 4 years
New Beginnings Are Good For Everyone!!!
Kim Burgess has loved everything about her job. Honestly it was getting to be a little to much for at times. She loves being an FBI Agent & helping save lives of the people & putting away the bad guys but she is ready for something different. She still wants to work in law enforcement but something with a smaller unit of people. Luckily she made a new friend with a woman that had some into the FBI a few months ago. Erin Lindsey.
She was given the job of showing her the ropes of how everything was done. Within the time that they had soent together they had become very close, she would even go as far as saying Erin was her best friend. She was jealous of her a little though becayse tge unit that she came from in Chicago was exactly the kind of work that she has always wanted to do.
It just becomes a bit much at times. I just sometimes wish I work in a unit like you used to work in, Kim says to Erin
Kim you have been here for right at 5 years if you a change nobody would judge you. Erins tells her
That may be true but I honestly wouldnt even know where to start, all I know is how to be an FBI Agent.
If I can set up a metting between you and my old sargent in Chicago, would you be willing to fly out there for a few days.
You would really do that for me? She asks
Of course as much as you have done for me its the least I could do.
Kim thinking that it wouldnt actually happen told Erin if she could set it up that she would fly out and me him.
Erin let Kim know to keep her a couple days & she would have an answer for her.
Kims weekend was pretty uneventful for the most part. It was just her & her couch...with the work week she had she thought she deserved it. Knowing Monday morning would come quicker than she wanted it to. As her alarm goes off at 4:30am like usual she gets up so that she would have enough time to get ready to make it on time to the office.
She arrives at the office at 6:30am like normal with her & Erin's morning coffee to help them survive the day.
Erin spots Kim walking her way with the extra coffee in her hand. She met her halfway because she was just so excited to let her know about the phone called that happened this weekend. She just had to let her know everything that she was told.
Good Morning Beautiful    Erin says excitedly with a huge smile on her face.
Good Morning to you too.    Smiling back to her
So I was going to wait til lunch and tell you the information that i found out this weekend but I dont think I can wait that long.
What are you talking about?    She asked puzzled
So I talked to my olf Sargent Hank Voight and he actually has an open spot in the Intelligence Unit. He is willing to meet with you next week to see if you would be a great addition to the team or not. I vouched for you and told him that he wouldnt find anyone better.
Kim had this blank look on her face...she just couldnt believe this was happening. She had pushed it of her mind thinking it wasnt going to happen.
I cant think you enough for doing this for me. What if he doesnt like me?
Just be yourself & he will love you. Plus ive seen first hand what you can do in the field. I know you are an amazing cop & would be a perfect fit for the team.
All Kim could do is hug Erin so tight.
She left for Chicago tomorrow & would be there for couple days. She has never been more nervous about anything but the only reason that she was this way was because she wanted it so bad. Everything was packed and ready to head to what she was hoping was the beginning of a new start to the rest of her life.
Ever since Erin had left without saying anything to him he just hasnt been the same. He goes to work does his job but besides that he doesnt really care about much of anything else. His job is the only thing that he has good going for him right now. He would only hang with the team at mollys for few drinks but he would always stay quiet just thinking about maybe what he done to cause her to up and leave him without as much as an explanation.
Everyone was worried about Jay, they knew he was hurting because of her leaving but he never let it affect his job performance. They just want him to be happy and find someone to make him happy again. They all know that she isnt coming back this time. She is gone for good and there is nothing that Jay,Hank or anyone on the team could do to bring her back. Maybe they could talk him into letting them set him up on a blind date.
5 months had gone by and he knew that he should put himself back out in the dating world but he didnt really want to start caring about someone again the way he did her just to be hurt again, but he also knows that he cant compare every woman to her and not every woman out there is going to hurt him or leave him. He just has to be a little more cautious this time before letting someone competely in. Maybe just maybe he might take the guys up on their option of letting them set me up on a blind date, I mean if it doesnt work out i mean at least he cant say that he didnt try.
He walks into the pin and he sees Adam & Kevin having a conversation so he walks up to them with a slight smile on his face.
Set it up. He blurts out
They both look at him kind of lost.
Ok..What exactly are you setting up?
You said that you wanted to set me up on a blind date & i thought that i would give it a shot. Whats the worst thing that could happen....Get stood up or End up not having a good time. I will never know if I dont give it a shot.
They were surprised but they are just glad that he is finally putting himself out there or at least giving them the opportunity to get him back in the dating life.
You got it brother..    They both say with a smile on their face.
Saying that he was nervous was a little bit of an understatement. He had arrived a little bit early just to make sure that everything was fine and set up to his liking. He had been sitting for 30 mins. She was a few mins late...whoever she was.
After sitting there for a little while longer he realized that she wasnt coming so he just decided to go to the bar and have drink or 2 or 4 he hadnt really made up his mind. He was sitting there looking at his drink when he seen a shadow standing next to him.
Is this seat taken? The nice lady ask
Not at all feel free he says as he goes back to nursing his drink getting lost in his thoughts.
Im sorry i dont mean to intrude but are you ok? You dont look the best...No offense. She ask him
No offense taken. I let my friends set me up on a blind date and whoever she was decided that to stand me up, so instead of sitting at the table looking like a fool i decided that i would come over here and have a few drinks. So i guess you could say that i have been better. Whats a lady like you doing out at this time of night?
I am staying in a room upstairs & have alot going through my mind so i thought that maybe if I came down here and had a drink that maybe it would ease my mind a bit and that i would actually be able to get some sleep. She informs him
Are you in Chicago for business or fun?
I am here for business I am currently living in Washington but I have an interview tomorrow and if all goes well then i may just end up permanently in Chicago. Heres to hoping she says as she holds up her glass.
He holds his up as well. I hope everything goes the way that you want it to tomorrow. My name is Jay he says as he sticks out his hand with a small smile.
My name is Kim it was very nice meeting you Jay but I think that it is time that i head upstairs to get some rest so that i dont look too tired in the morning. Good Night and I hope that your night gets better.
Thank you Kim, Good Luck tomorrow on your interview.
As she walks away he couldnt help but to look over his shoulder one last time before she was out of his sight knowing that he may never see this woman again. He was surprised that when he looked over he shoulder that his eyes was met with hers looking right back at him and she turn the corner with one final smile. When she was out of his sight he finished the drink in his hand he decided to just head home, turns out that being stood up turned out to be one of the best things that had happened to him. He really had to thank the boys for choosing such a horrible date for him.
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blkgirlcafe · 4 years
Home PT. 7
Viktor Drago x Cyra (Black OFC)
Cyra (Ky-Ra) -Sun or throne
Kazimir (Kah-Zee-Meer) - Bringer or Announcer of peace
Viktor Drago is married to the love of his life, they have a 5 year old son. He is willing to do anything to keep them safe.
Warning: Kidnapping, abuse, mentions of child abuse, slight smut, fluff
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Flashback 7
Ever since that night, he meet her at the gym to walk her home, sharing a kiss at the end. He wasnt lying when he said how he inexperienced he was with dating. He was his normal sweet self, opening the door for her, letting her go first, holding her bag as they walked. 
Viktor couldn't help it, he was falling in love with her. But nothing lasted forever and he waited for the day this all would be yanked away from him. He didnt deserve the niceness that was Cyra, he was a animal, just here to fight. Sometimes he looked at her and felt sad because he knew that this little window of joy would only last so long. 
“Come upstairs, I got something to show you.” a smile painted across her face. 
He silently followed her upstairs, locking the door behind them. They were alone, good because he and Anna didnt get along. She came back with a wrapped package about the size of a book.
“Its not much, but I thought you would like it since you are always staring at me.” she giggled. He took the package and opened it carefully, not wanting to damage whatever was inside. 
He pulled out a small photo album, flipping through the pictures. It only held 10 pictures but he loved each one. The first few you could tell were just selfies she took on her phone, a few had to be from when she was back home. The last 4 were of them together, most of the time he was looking at her, but one photo she was kissing his cheek and he had a smile on his face, he liked that one the best. 
“Thank you.”
���No problem Vik, I thought you would enjoy it.”
“I do, very much.” he shifted on the couch, she came back with two waters for them, straddling his lap instead of sitting next to him. 
Over the weeks he had got use to her soft touches, he was use to being hit and slapped, and punched. But Cyra, never, always a soft touch, a gentle squeeze here or there. 
Their lips connected and he groaned into her mouth. Everything about her was the opposite of him, soft vs hard. He silently hopped she didnt move, not waning his erection to be noticed. He was painfully hard. His hands traveled from her thighs to her hips, pulling her closer. 
She pulled away briefly, Viktor whined at the lost of contact. Cyra looked at him, before taking her shirt off.
“Vik do you want me to stop?” she asked. 
“God no, please dont stop.” 
That was all either need, He fumbled getting her bra off, wanting to touch her bare skin. 
“Slow down babe, its fine.”
She kissed his jaw, reaching one hand back to undo it, he couldn't even got it down with two hands. 
Viktor ran his hands from the small of her back up, gently cupping her breast. She was perfect in every way. 
A shudder ran through him when she grinded against him, he never felt anything so good before. 
She helped him take his shirt off, the skin to skin contact sent him on another frenzy. When her head feel back he sucked on her neck. 
“Vik, please make love to me.” her voice was husky, needy almost. 
Viktor stood, not letting her go, carrying her to her bedroom, closing the door behind them both. 
Their first time had been clumsy and quick, learning each other bodies. Viktor stayed the whole night, not caring what Ivan would say. He was where he wanted to be and where he want to stay at, here with Cyra. This felt like home to him.
5 hours until the fight 
Viktor was throwing up, he never had fight jitters, this is what he was born to do. He was worried about Cyra and Kazi. 
If everything went right he would be seeing them in a few hours and he prayed everything went right. He never been religious before but he found himself praying several times a day now. 
His locker room was empty, he didn’t like a lot of people around before the fight. Just his trainer and the officials who checked him out to make sure his gloves were legal. 
He drank plenty of water his phone ringing as he finished off a bottle. 
“Everything good?” Andriy asked. 
“Yes, everything will happen as it’s supposed to. Can I talk to Cyra?”
“No you need to focus on your fight, make it a good one.”
Viktor hung up as Ivan entered the room. He hated this man, and to know he planned this all was a spit on the face. 
“You ready?”
“Yes but I left my mouth guard in the car, can you get it?” He hated he had to keep this charade up. But Trey told him, it all depended on him keeping his cool. So he did for his family. 
“Yes, be ready to spar when I get back.”
Ivan turned and left Viktor. After 5 minutes his trainer walked in, giving Viktor his mouth guard before wrapping his hands. 
Ivan would miss the fight. 
Cyra has a bad feeling. It was just something in the air that set her on edge. Kazi felt it too and never moved from her side. He wasn’t his normal talkative self, just sitting there quietly clutching his toy. 
They had been fed breakfast, but no lunch, or dinner. They had been let out the room to use the restroom but not outside. 
She knew today was fight day and they would be watching closely to ensure he did what they ask. She could faintly hear the tv, he gave a interview before the fight keeping up the trend of being boastful. 
Cyra head snapped up when she heard a loud bang. Their captors were never loud, not even raising their voice so this was definitely out of place. After 39 seconds of silence she heard other voice. 
“Police! Get down everyone!” 
Holy fuck, someone had found them. Cyra grabbed Kazi, sinking to the floor on the side of the bed out of view. 
The door to the room was kicked open and she saw flashlights dance over the covered window. 
No someone was playing a joke on her. How could it be Trey. 
Heavy boots rounded the bed and she looked up and saw her older brother holding a gun. 
“Fuck, I’m so happy you guys are okay.” 
Cyra let Kazi go, she had been clutching him hard. He ran over to his uncle happy to see a familiar face. 
“How did you…”
“Now isn’t the time let’s go.” Trey helped her up and they walked out the front door together. Her truck was gone, of course it would be. 
“Do you need medical care?” Someone asked her and she shook her head no. This was all very overwhelming. 
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on-a-palehorse · 4 years
I wrote a smutty fic based on a dream.
Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia.
Read as Henry and 'I'
2863 words
This morning I walked in to work, ready to pitch an article to my editor, on a rather high profile client.
Henry Cavill was currently in town filming his new show 'The Witcher,' and since most of the show is filmed on location, I only had a few days to get this done before they headed back to Budapest. Now I've had my fair share of noteworthy clients. But Henry Cavill was my all time celebrity crush since 'The Tudor's', and it was well known around the office. So an interview with him was a major bucket list item. I'd keep it professional though. Besides, he'd never give someone like me the time of day outside of work.
"Sir, I wanted to do a piece on Henry Cavill for 'The Witcher.' They're only in town for a few days, and it's kind of now or never since they're heading back to Budapest."
My editor didnt even look up from his computer. "Trying to get that dinner date?" He joked.
"We both know that's not going to happen. I'm a lady, and a professional." I joked back.
He gave me a 'yeah right' look before saying "Sure you are. Just take a press pass and get a good piece. Bring me back a doggy bag will ya?"
I cleared my throat and nodded. "Sure thing. Thanks boss."
I grabbed my stuff and made my way across town to the studios, determined to get a good article. If I left an impression, all the better.
After arriving on set, I stood off to the side and watched as Henry shot a scene that ended with a sword fight.
His deep voice, made gravelly for his role as Geralt of Rivia, sent shivers down my spine when hearing it in person.
His moves were fluid and graceful, as if he'd stepped right out of the time period, just for this role, and I mentally commended his trainer for doing such an excellent job.
Watching him move was like watching a piece of art come to life; his steps were agile and precise, never stumbling. The linen shirt and leather pants showed every muscle and its movement. From the thick muscles in his back and arms, to the strong muscles of his thighs and ass. His gaze was focused, his concentration never wavering, even when his white hair moved around his face.
At that moment, an assistant let me know the scene would soon be wrapping, and that I could wait in Henry's trailer for the interview.
After a short walk to the other side of the lot, I opened the door on a large trailer, labeled "H. Cavill," and stepped into a small apartment on wheels. Setting my bag on the nearest chair I glanced around, wondering what it was like to live here for weeks and months at a time.
The small kitchen to the right had a bowl of fruit on the counter, next to a small blender, and a gallon of water. The "living room" had a two seater table next to a window, looking out in the direction I just came from. Small pictures hung on the opposite wall, just above a built in couch to make the space feel like home; a Kansas City Chiefs poster, Henry and his dog Kal on a beach, Henry with 4 other men, presumably his brothers, and another with a younger Henry, and people who I took to be parents.
I heard a scuffling coming from the opposite end of the trailer, toward the bedroom. As I took a step forward, his dog, Kal, trotted over to me and sniffed me before rubbing against my leg. Just after leaning down to pet him, I heard footsteps and a voice outside, as someone came up the small flight of stairs leading into the trailer. Glancing over my shoulder at the opening door, I was greeted by a tall, muscular form, backlit by the lowering sun. Standing up as the door shut, I smiled and extended my hand to a somewhat startled Henry.
"Hi, I'm from SceneIt. I was told to wait here for you if that's okay?" Golden eyes met mine for a moment and I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat- did he not know I was coming? Was he angry a stranger was in his trailer, petting his dog?
"Ah yes." He said in a voice first like Geralt's, then clearing his throat and becoming himself again, "I was told you would be here today. Please, sit." I sat on the end of the couch closest to the kitchen, as he reached in the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water.
He smiled and offered me one as he sat next to me. "Staying in character?" I asked, gesturing to the wardrobe and full makeup. He chuckled before nodding slightly, "3 more scenes to do, and this takes 2 hours to put on, and an hour to take off. So, what questions do you have for me?" he said, the smile reaching his eyes and making me catch my breath.
"Uh... so many questions." I mumbled, staring at those golden contacts. Why, brain, why?! I was normally cool as a cucumber around my clients, but not him. He was my "big fish," the one I had... those dreams about.
His light laugh at my total lack of professionalism, brought me back to reality. "Right. Questions." I pulled out my list of questions and my recorder, setting it down between us. I rambled off my questions, only half listening to his answers. I tried not to focus on the small beads of sweat on his temples, or the way the air conditioner gently moved the white hair of his wig around his face; the burning golden irises set under those dark brows. I pretended not to notice the little patch of dark hair peeking from the loosend top of his linen shirt, and I definitely wasn't focusing on the outline of his pecs and biceps under his shirt, or the way they moved when he did, begging to be touched. Thank god I was recording this, or I wouldn't have anything to turn in to my boss other than my resignation.
I brought myself back to the present to finish up the interview.
Looking down at my list of questions, I asked, "And what about horse riding? Geralt has such a strong relationship to Roach. Have you ridden a horse before?"
I glanced up to notice his golden eyes were cast downward, staring at my chest as it rose and fell with each breath. Slowly looking back up and meeting my gaze he said, "oh, I love being ridden." I felt my face flush as heat pooled in my groin.
"You mean you love horseriding. Right?" I asked quietly, barely able to get the words out, as I watched him watch me.
"That too." He said with a sly smile.
He leaned forward and I could almost tangibly feel time slow to a stop the closer he came towards me. All of my senses burst to life as my brain put together what was about to happen. I could feel the goosebumps raise over my entire body as my nipples hardened and my groin burned with heat. His soft breathing so close to me was as loud as thunder in my ears, and I could smell his sweat and deodorant. I swallowed as silently as I could before meeting his lips the rest of the way.
The moment our lips touched, my body felt like I was zapped with a bolt of lighting. One of his hands held my face while the other wrapped around my body, pulling me toward him to straddle his hips, before moving both of his hands down my back then resting them on my ass, pushing my body into his even harder.
My hands kept moving from his biceps to his chest and back again, trying to feel every inch of his body that I could.
I finally took a deep breath when he moved his lips from mine to pull my shirt over my head, before kissing his way down my neck to my chest.
I moved my hips slowly over his, feeling his erection under me. His hands made quick work of my bra as his ragged breathing filled my ears, before he slipped a hand under my waistband, his thumb rubbing my clit while his fingers swirled inside me.
I wrapped my arms around him as he stood up, moving us toward the bedroom area.
He laid me on the bed, before standing and pulling his own shirt off. He met my body with his, the weight heavy and amazing, as I wrapped my still clothed legs around his waist. He kissed me like he was trying to break a curse, while my nails dug into his back, desperate to melt our bodies into one. My hands found their way between our bodies to the ties on his leather pants, pulling them to free his sizeable erection.
He let out a low grunt as I grabbed him, using the softest parts of my fingers to wrap and slide my hand, up, down, and around. Moving his mouth away from mine again, he kissed a path down my throat, over my chest and down my stomach, stopping just above the waistline of my pants. He sat up to slide down the jeans and underwear together, tossing them on the floor. He kneeled above me momentarily, naked and panting, those golden eyes burning straight through to my soul, as I laid there looking up at him equally naked and breathless.
Just as I begin to worry the moment was fading, he gave me a grin that reignited the fire in my body, and in a move as graceful as his sword fighting, hitched one of my legs over his waist as he entered me. The sudden feeling of his body inside mine sucked the air from my lungs in an audible gasp, as my other leg wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer and deeper. My hands traveled all over his body as we both moved and moaned, dew forming on our skin. "Henry..." I whispered breathlessly, feeling that familiar knot of tension building. "Do it." He whispered, as he sat up to move harder and faster. My back arched, coming off the bed, as he grabbed my hip with one hand while supporting himself with the other. As soon as I came, he drove himself into me as far as he could and growled while rolling us over so he was under me. I bit my lip, remembering his comment about enjoying being ridden. I leaned back down to first kiss his mouth, then jaw, then his neck, before sitting up, one hand on his stomach, the other between our joined bodies, and began to roll my hips back and forth. Throwing his head back, he groaned and let out a deep breath, both hands on my hips. Digging his fingers into my flesh, I could tell he wanted me to go faster; instead, I raised myself slightly and went slower, drawing him in and almost out of my body, over and over, while he shuddered and growled at every movement. I wanted to draw out this beautiful torture- watching him want more and more of my body, while giving and taking of his for myself; but even I couldn't handle it much longer, feeling that tension building yet again. I lowered my body all the way down, taking in all of him, and rolled again, this time with more speed and force. His hands moved from my waist, one to join mine at the center of our bodies, fingers caressing my clit, while the other wrapped around my neck, pulling me close to him. I could hear his breathing growing more ragged by the second, as his body swelled inside me and his muscles tightened around me. I moved one of my hands to his jaw, running my thumb over his bottom lip. "Your turn." I sighed, feeling the knot in my own body tighten just to its breaking point. With one last growl he bit his bottom lip and slammed into me, filling my body as the tension in my own body burst with his. Sweaty and spent, I laid my body on his, both of us breathing hard. He wrapped his arms loosely around my back, smelling my hair and kissing the top of my head. I turned my head to look at him, to see those golden eyes again. "I know it's just contacts, but it's a good look." I chuckled. He laughed then feigned a frown, "what, the blue doesn't work for you?" "Oh no, I love the blue," I said, rubbing my hand on his jaw, feeling the stubble. "And the brown hair," I kissed his chin, "and the cleft chin. It's a pretty great thing you've got going here." I laughed while indicating his whole body.
I rolled over onto my back, head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. I did my best to hide my disappoint when I said "Well. I'll let you get cleaned up, I'm sure you have to get back out there." His arm tightened around me and I could feel him shake his head gently "I actually have another hour or so." I sat up and gave a small smile. "Then I'll be right back." I slipped out of the bed and into my underwear before tiptoeing quickly past the windows, grabbing my shirt, our waters, and my recorder, which was still on. I walked back to the bedroom to find him sitting up against the headboard, boxers on, Kal at his side. I climbed in next to him, leaning over to scratch Kal's head and handed him his water. "So this was still going..." I said holding up the recorder. "And it has a really good mic..." we looked at each other silently before he started laughing, and hit play on the recorder. Silence from the little box slowly gave way to shuffling as it was set on the couch, followed by Henry answering my questions. Now that I was much more satisfied, and far less distracted, I focused on his answers, thankful that I had enough for an article.
A few previously missed by me innuendos later, and I hear those words "oh I love being ridden." Face flushing, I glance at Henry from the corner of my eye to see him barely containing a smile. A few seconds of silence is suddenly interrupted by the sound of movement, kissing, and heavy breathing. The sounds fade as we left the living area, but that mic was... very good. Every moan, groan, and grunt was more than enough to know what was going on.
"Oh my god. I'm so glad I type my own tapes." I said, buying my face in my hands. Henry laughed and pulled me into him. "I like it. It really gives the imagination a lot to work with. That's a big thing in my line of work." I groaned in embarrassment before sitting up and slipping my shirt on. "Someone will probably be here for you soon, we should get you ready." I grabbed his shirt and climbed back in bed, and straddled him before kissing him. We both sighed as we parted, and I slipped the shirt over his head and back on his arms, while not at all subtly touching as much of him as I could. Brushing the now tussled hair from his face, I stared at him for a moment, not speaking, just taking in his face; the lines of his lips, the shape of his eyes, the dimple in his chin, all while he stared back at me.
I nodded and climbed back out of the bed, stepping into my jeans. Henry pulled on his leather pants, and walked to the living room, Kal trailing behind him. I grabbed my recorder, thinking about how a much sought after assignment became a one night stand, and that I would never see him again like this. He came to stand beside me, my bag in his hand. I slipped the strap over my shoulder and looked up at him, his face not hiding that he wanted to say something. Hesitantly I asked, " is something wrong?" He was quiet for a beat before taking a deep breath and saying, "Would you want to go to dinner tonight?" Inside, I was screaming. Outside I nodded and smiled, "yeah. That sounds great." He smiled back at me and nodded, "Good. You can stay here with Kal and work if you want to, or come to set. Stage 34." He kissed me once more before petting Kal, now at my feet "take care of my girl Kal." He winked at me before walking out, back to work.
I let a tiny scream escape my lips before plopping myself on the couch and pulling out my laptop to type up our tape- minus the best parts.
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dragetunge · 3 years
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@timewept​ sent:  ☆ with hisiccup hdkhsjdh
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Who trashes the house? Do either of them get physical? How often do they argue/disagree? Who is the first to apologise?  Hiccup and Douxie really don’t have disagreements and if they do they’re exceedingly small and aren’t a big matter. Just a disagreement about dinner or what not. Usually its met with kisses and laughs.
Who is on top? : Primarily Hiccup. ( But they do like to swap from time to time) Who is on the bottom? : Primarily Douxie (as mentioned when Douxie is in the mood he tops) Who has the strangest desires? : I don’t think there is any I can think of as of this moment  Any kinks? : Hiccup is the kinky one of the two. Thought what they are stays between him and Douxie. Sorry no spicy tidbits ;) Who’s dominant in bed? Hiccup most of the time. (except when its the Douxie times) Is head ever in the equation? 100 % all the time.  If so, who is better at performing it? Hiccup he’s been with a few partners to know and experience it  Ever had sex in public? hfdgndfgdfgd yes  Who moans the most? Douxie. These two experience a lot of new things together.  Who leaves the most marks? Hiccup. He leaves the most mark and almost makes a game out of where to leave the most revealing to where Douxie can’t hide them before work. Who screams the loudest? Who is the more experienced of the two? Hiccup is definitely more experienced since he’s been married twice before.  Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Both. It depends when the mood strikes them.  Rough or soft? Depends on the mood.  How long do they usually last? A while....Hiccup’s a dragon rider they can go for about an hour or so.  Is protection used? No there isn’t. Does it ever get boring? Definitely not. Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? The Renn Faire tents in the back while they were working 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Who is the favorite parent? Who is the authoritative parent? Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Who changes the diapers? Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Who spends the most time with the children? Who packs their lunch boxes? Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Who cleans up after the kids? Who worries the most? Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
No kids they’re going to be the best gay uncles though to everyone else’s kids. Plus Hiccup’s had kids and doesn’t want to do that again. 
Who likes to cuddle? They both love cuddles. Who doesn’t like cuddles? Who is the little spoon? Douxie most of the time except Hiccup wants to be the little spoon. Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Hiccup 100% and he walks it off while leaving Douxie flustered and completely red in the face. Who struggles to keep their hands to themself?   Both of them do after they’ve started dating one another.  How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? They reposition into a new cuddle formation.  Who gives the most kisses? They don’t really keep count seeing they’re always smooching or giving the other smooches some place on the other.  What is their favorite non-sexual activity? They really like doing things together. Like cook or play video games. They love movie nights Where is their favorite place to cuddle?  The couch. They have a comfy couch. Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? This is probably Hiccup more than Douxie but I feel like Douxie’s had his fair share of doing it.  How often do they get time to themselves? They do not like being apart from one another when they’re in the same space. 
Who snores? Hiccup most likely.  If both do, who snores the loudest? Hiccup’s not very loud when he does. Its more of a dozing snore.  Do they share a bed or sleep separately? In the same bed. They gotta.  If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? These boys are on top of each others. Limbs are usually a mess between them both.  Who talks in their sleep? Hiccup again. He gets ideas during his sleep and probably has said them to Douxie while asleep. Like Douxie’s awake when he does XD What do they wear to bed? Doux wears pjays and Hiccup wears a lose tshirt that doesn’t really fit and a pair of underwear. Its easier that way so he can air out the stub.  Are either of your muses insomniacs? Douxie mainly but Hiccup has his nights  Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? No I don’t think so Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Their limbs cannot be distinguished when they’re asleep in the bed Who wakes up with bed hair? Hiccup. The king of floof in the morning this one Who wakes up first? Depends on the day really.  Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Hiccup. He’s the cook in the relationship. And he loves spoiling Douxie  What is their favorite sleeping position? They get comfy sleeping any position tbh Who hogs the sheets? Hiccup. He is a comfort fiend.  Do they set an alarm each night? Douxie does seeing he works at a local restaurant  Can a television be found in their bedroom? Yes. It’s primarily there so Douxie can watch his shows when he’s not going to sleep on some nights Who has nightmares? They both do. And they’re never pretty Who has ridiculous dreams? Hiccup again. He has some pretty weird dreams which usually spark new ideas the next day Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Hiccup again. He sprawls out so he can cuddle Douxie mostly. Douxie has no place to go but sleep on top of him.  Who makes the bed? Douxie does. Hiccup’s pretty useless in that department.  What time is bed time? Whenever they decide its bed time.  Any routines/rituals before bed? Douxie doesn’t have any. But Hiccup rubs his leg down nightly. To prevent chaffing the next day and to soothe any ache he might be having as well. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Douxie. If not woken by Hiccup or Archie they have awoken the bear. 
Who is the busiest? Douxie seeing he works outside of the apartment.  Who rakes in the highest income? Hiccup does.  Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope Who takes the most sick days? Douxie when Hiccup gets sick Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Douxie cause Hiccup has no self control and usually tries to prevent Douxie from going to work. (he’s usually very successful most days) Who sucks up to their boss? I dont think either of them do? What are their jobs? Douxie’s a server at a high end restaurant close to the apartment. Hiccup makes swords and other trinkets and sells them online and does custom work for high prices.  Who stresses the most? Douxie most likely. His job involves people Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I think both of them like what they do. Hiccup’s happy to be tinkering and making weapons and Douxie does love working with other people and making their day a little bit brighter.  Are your muses financially stable? They’re very well off. 
Who does the washing? Hiccup Who takes out the trash? Hiccup Who does the ironing? Hiccup Who does the cooking? Hiccup Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Douxie doesn’t cook much but he’s not horrible but most likely Douxie.  Who is messier? Both?  Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Douxie. After a long day he just yeets clothes before crawling into bed next to Hiccup. Who forgets to flush the toilet? Neither Who is the prankster around the house? They both get into a prank way but Hiccup always starts them.  Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? They both lose their keys when they gotta go out. They’re hopeless like that.  Who mows the lawn? They dont have a lawn Who answers the telephone? They always answer their cellphones when someone calls  Who does the vacuuming? Hiccup Who does the groceries? Hiccup primarily does but when Douxie’s off work they like to go together so he can let Douxie pick out his own snacks.  Who takes the longest to shower? Hiccup does. He’s disabled and needs to sit down in the shower.  Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Douxie does. He gotta cover all the hickey’s Hiccup leaves. 
[ I hate this outs Hiccup as the house bitch but I’m also thriving because of it.]
Is money a problem? No never.  How many cars do they own? They don’t drive. They have a whole dragon and can walk.  Do they own their home or do they rent? They own their cabin in the woods North of the City. And they’re renting to own their condo in NYC Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Both Do they live in the city or in the country? Both  Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yes they do. Douxie’s the more lively one out of the both of them and loves to go out and see things or go to places more than Hiccup does. When, Hiccup goes out he does like to observe.  What’s their song? “All of Me” by John Legend What do they do when they’re away from each other? Think about the other mainly. They really do not like being apart from one another.  Where did they first meet? Douxie’s bookshop back in Arcadia How did they first meet? Hiccup went to Douxie’s bookshop looking for a particular book about gemstones and entered Douxie’s shop. He really didnt pay much attention to Douxie seeing he was hyper focused on funding that book. Until he fell off the ladder and met Douxie face to face while hanging upside down because his prosthetic got stuck on the wood of the ladder. Who spends the most money when out shopping? DOUXIE Who’s more likely to flash their assets? I dont think either would Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? This is Douxie 100% because when Hiccup does trip or fall he looks to the item in question and calls it a whore or a slut for inconveniencing him.  Any mental issues? Im not disclosing this one sorry Who’s terrified of bugs? Seems like Douxie  Who kills the spiders around the house? Hiccup takes them outside of their home so they do not get squashed.  Their favorite place? I feel like any place becomes a favorite so long as they’re together.  Who pays the bills? Hiccup takes care of the finances. He’s done it pretty much before and can do it.  Do they have any fears for their future? Oh yes they definitely do. But they do talk to one another a lot when these fears arise and they comfort one another.  Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Hiccup. He utterly spoils Douxie but those fancy dinners are usually done at home because he’s a very good cook.  Who uses up all of the hot water? Neither. They usually shower together most of the time. Who’s the tallest? Hiccup coming in 6′1 Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? They’re both very guilty of doing this. They just like being together. And they become very relaxed when they bathe together.  Who wanders around in their underwear? Hiccup does seeing he doesn’t really leave their apartment unless he really has to. Also due to his health he really just decides to stay home unless he knows Douxie’s having a bad day at work and ventures out.  Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Douxie does. Hiccup cannot sing worth a damn.  What do they tease each other about? Anything and everything.  Who is more likely to cringe at the other���s fashion sense at times? Modern clothing is new to Hiccup so he tries a lot of new things and Douxie does cringe about it.  Do they have mutual friends? Of course they do. Basically everyone they know Who crushed first? Douxie because a pretty roguishly good looking boy appeared in his book store and fell on his property.  Any alcohol or substance related problems? No Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Hiccup because he does get drunk but he usually does it at home. One time he did and he put googly eyes on everything in the pantry and Douxie couldn’t eat anything the next day because he thought the things in their pantry had feelings.  Who swears the most? Douxie. Im not saying Hiccup doesn’t swear. Douxie just does it more than he does. 
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mimiiis · 4 years
Can't Take My Eyes Off You [Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader]
part 1 of Let's Call A Heart A Heart
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At long last love has arrived and I thank God I'm alive. You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you.
Summary: he finds her 70 years in the future,but she doesn't remember .
Warnings: small mention of death, couple of curse words
A/n: lets just pretend that steve cares abt bucky and endgame never happened 😳✋
!!!really very sorry this took forever!!! I was a bit held back by some family and personal issues i hope you all understand
"Y/n M/n L/n was born in the year of 1920. She had a close relationship with the hero Captain America and his best friend, James Buchanan Barnes, since their childhood. When James had been declared dead on a mission and when the Captain had gone under the ice, she had seemed to disappear as well. not a single trace of her was found until the year of 1947 when a young woman on the side of the highway was found dead. the woman had all the exact features Y/n had. therefore, Y/n M/n L/n had been declared dead at the age of 27 " Friday spoke.
"fuck" bucky sighed under his breath
When Barnes and Rogers had seen the girl who looked oh so much like Y/n at the small market, they hurried back to the compound to look up on what had happened to her. They searched through all the books about Captain America and Howling Commandos to see if they had any information on her but none did. not even a single mention of her name. so, they asked friday to help look around some files to see what information they had about her.
"is there anything else that happened after I went under?" Steve asked
"she didn't go missing until 1946. in the short while she was still around, she was close friends with Margaret Carter and Howard Stark. She was Barnes lover, according to an interview with Carter."
"alright. thanks Friday" He replied
"this is hopeless. what if we never see her again?" Bucky whined, throwing his head back and covering his face with his hands
"back at the market, you said you had an idea of how she's still 'alive'. what is it?" Steve asked
Bucky looked at his friend with a face of uncertainty before shaking his head and looking down
"it's just.. it's just that before I left I... we promised each other that we'd see each other again. In this or my "past" life. That when we see each other we'll finally be happy together. but it's just a silly promise.." He said, quieting down and whispering the last part
The two stayed quiet before Steve finally spoke again
"what if it's not just a silly promise? what if fate wants to get you two back together?" he blurted out
"Steve that's ridicul-"
"you two made that promise so long ago. made a promise that you'd see each other in a new or the same life. well, you basically have a new life and so does she. and you just saw her again. have at least some hope" He said
He grabbed his friend by the shoulders and stared him in the eyes
" just a small ounce"
Barnes looked into his eyes.
Steve wanted him to be happy. He wanted his best friend to be happy. happy with the girl he loved. happy with the girl he loves.
So, he nodded his head
"yeah, yeah okay"
and smiled
In a small apartment in Brooklyn, a girl by the name of Y/n L/n paced around her room while on the phone.
"Oh c'mon! you gotta go! you hardly get out nowadays and this is like, a once in a lifetime thing!" A girl yelled from Y/n's phone
"Tony Stark hosts parties like every month, Charlie" Y/n replied, chuckling
"oh fuck you, you know what I mean."
"yeah yeah"
"but pleeease Y/n!! you hardly get out of the house and i really wanna take you" Charlie begged
"I'll think about it" Y/n responded
"yay!!," her friend yelled ," alright so the party is at 7 pm sharp tomorrow and ill pick you up at 6:30, okay? okay. Bye!!" Charlie yelled before hanging up
"Hey i said I'll think about i- and she hung up" Y/n sighed.
She threw her head back and laughed.
"What am I going to do with that girl?" she chuckled before walking over to her bed and turning off all the light
As she lay on her bed, drifting off into sleep, she heard a voice call out to her
One that she's heard before but can't quite put a finger on who it was.
All she could remember was that it made her heart ache in a way she's never felt.
"c'mon Buck! You can do it!" Y/n cheered, looking down at a boy who was a few feet away from her as she sat on a tree branch.
"How'd you get up there so fast?!" Barnes panted, throwing his body onto a branch right beneath hers and pulling himself to a seating laying position.
"You're just getting old I guess" Y/n snickered, her head right over his. she was now with her stomach laying vertically across the branch so she could see him better.
"oh shut up i'm only two years older than you" He said, pushing her head away from him.
They both laughed as Y/n came down to sit in front of him.
"soo, anything new going on?" she asked the boy
"eh not really. Steve keeps picking fights with the school bullies and I have to keep breaking them up so" James responded
"oh that boy.. will he ever learn?" Y/n laughed
"probably not" He laughed with her
Their laughing slowly faded away into silence. a comforting silence.
The sound of beach waves crashing against each other and onto the shore was the only noise that could be heard.
that was until James spoke
"Bo" he started
Y/n hummed in response, not bothering to look at him since she was looking at the sunset
"i think...I'm thinking of telling this girl i like that i uh, like her" he stuttered
Y/n's head then shot into his direction.
She stared at him with wide eyes..Her heart shattered as she forced a smile onto her lips
"that's good.. very good" she whispered, more to herself than him
"when are you planning on tell her?" she continued to talk to keep herself distracted from crying
"I'm thinking tomorrow, at sundown.. around this time" he responded
she nodded her head as he continued to speak
"you think she likes you back?" Y/n asked
"not sure to be honest, but i have a good feeling that she might" James said
Bo kept nodding her head as she faced the opposite direction of where he was.
Tears slowly trickled down her face but she quickly wiped them away with her sleeve
"you good?" Bucky asked
"yeah just, allergies" She sniffed, focing out a small laugh
he let out a small hum in response and they fell back into silence
but it was awkward this time
they were both keeping something from each other and they were too scared to say it
so it was left at that
The sound of Y/n's alarm clock rang loudly throughout her room
The sun beams peeking in through her curtains and onto her face woke her up more
She lifted herself from the bed and got ready for the day
"So what exactly do you wear to a Tony Stark party?" Y/n asked Charlie
"well, i usually just wear something classy but casual" Charlie replied
After Charlie told Y/n about the party last night and hung up on her rather quickly and didnt give any time to establish details, Y/n called again in the morning for them to agree to go out shopping to buy Y/n an outfit and get ready at Charlie's place.
So, here there were. Walking around New York, looking for a dress
"Oh youre gonna love it, Y/n!" Charlie exclaimed.
"The Avengers are everything you'd ever dream of. Hotter up close too" the girl winked at her friend.
Charlie was a very energetic girl with curly ginger hair, brown eyes, and a face full of freckles. Charlie and Y/n had known each other since their college days. Both studied in the arts and became very close.
After graduating, Charlie started to work for Stark Industries and was very close to Tony Stark. She helped with all the iron suit designs.
She was so close to him she basically got invited to every event Tony held. Even events such as Morgans birthday parties. but now was the first time she was allowed a plus one. and she wanted Y/n to go.
"Didn't you 'sleep' with Thor?" Y/n asked, laughing
"I did! We even had a small thing going on but i guess it couldnt work" Charlie said, pretending to sound hurt at the end
"You're stupid" y/n laughed
"Oh shush. You know, maybe we can find someone for you. Cap is still single you know? You're probably his type. Oh! Or maybe his buddy Bucky!" exclaimed the ginger haired girl
"Bucky?" Y/n asked
"Yeah, Bucky. The Winter Soilder?"
"oh yeah..."
They continued to walk along but Y/n couldn't get the name out of her head
Why was it so familiar?
It was a quite afternoon.
Y/n sat laying on her couch, listening to her vinyl play.
The orange and yellow lights softly streaming in from the windows set a comforting mood.
She was listening to Billie Holiday as she read her book.
It was the day after she had gotten her heartbroken by James. So she tried to distract herself by doing the things that comforted her the most.
A peaceful environment.
Until James came busting through the door
He was breathing heavily and was crouching down. His hands on his knees as he tried to collect himself. His hair a mess and his body was sweating.
"Buck? What happen-" Y/n gasped, running over to him
"Y/n! Doll! I-" he began to have a coughing fit, walking over to her too
"Bucky tell me what's wrong-"
"I need to tell you something first!" He yelled at her, standing up correctly and grabbing her by the shoulders all of us sudden.
They looked into each others eyes. James' more intense and Y/n's scared yet confused.
His eyes then started to close slowly.
She was cut off.
His lips pressed against her soft ones.
Her eyes went wide as she realised what was happening.
She slowly closed hers too and savored the moment.
Then they pulled away.
Their breathing and the music softly playing in the background were the loudest thing
"What was that for?" She asked, her cheeks red from embarrassment
"I uh.. I like you. And have for a long time. Ever since we were little. I always just though it was a weird crush and that i'd get over it but then I've recently found that just the thought of being without you makes me sick. It's okay if you don't like me the way i like you i just needed to get this off my chest because being around you just- just makes me want to explode. It was getting late so I had to run over and tell you around this time like I said yesterday and I couldn't wait another day or have you think I had told an other girl.. Do you- do you know what i mean?" He blurted out
Y/n stared at him in silence.
Trying to process what had just happened.
And she started to laugh
She laughed so hard she fell to the floor
"Y/n? Doll? Bo?" He asked, worried.
She then knocked him over so he was on the floor too.
She moved on top of him and started to kiss his face.
"I like you too, you big dum dum!" She continued to laugh
"Then why are you laughing?" He laughed back, grabbing her waist and flipping her over so she was on the ground now
"Because. What you said yesterday really had me thinking that you were in love with some random girl that you probably don't know crap about." She smiled, her hand coming up to fix his hair.
He grabbed it and started to give small kisses.
"Bo.. My bo" he started whispering.
He laid himself down against her and pressed his ear up against her.
"My bo..." He said before drifting off into silence
Y/n smiled to herself before kissing his forehead and closing her eyes
Her mind wondered off into a far off place of the future and happiness, not knowing what was to come
It was now 7:40 pm.
Y/n and Charlie were running late to the party.
"Hurry your ass up!" Charlie yelled at her friend from afar.
Y/n, who was running towards her, yelled back, "It's hard to run in heels!"
"Oh shush yours aren't even that tall!" Charlie laughed as Y/n caught up and now stood next to her
Y/n rolled her eyes as they continued to walk
Earlier in the day, it had taken Y/n 5 stores to finally find a dress both she and Charlie liked
It was a short red dress that hugged her curves perfectly. It showed her collarbones and stopped right above her breasts with the sleeves atop her shoulders and stopping almost midway on her arms. She wore her hair down to complete the look.
As for Charlie, she wore a green dress with spaghetti straps and a flowy bottom. The back was open with a bow tied on the bottom part and her hair in a bun.
As the girls entered the compound, they were greeted with the sounds of loud music and screams of enjoyment
"So uh, want me to show you around?" Charlie yelled, loud enough for her friend to hear.Looking around at the large crowd up people, Y/n yelled,"yes please!"
The first 15 or so minutes were Charlie showing Y/n around until Charlie finally led Y/n to a far off corner where Tony Stark and a couple of avengers sat.
"Noods!" Stark yelled as soon as he saw Charlie, getting up out of his chair to walk towards her
"Stank!" She yelled back, walking towards him and pulling him into a hug
"Noods?" Y/n giggled at the nickname
"As in noodles! Have you seen her hair when she hasn't done it!" Tony yelled
Y/n continued to giggle as Charlie gave Tony a playful smack across the head.
"Tony this is my friend, Y/n, the one I always talk to you about" the ginger said
"Pleasure to meet you, Y/n" Stark greets her with a hand shake
"Pleasure is all mine" She smiled
"ah! Meet the rest of the team. This is Clint, Pepper, Nat, Wanda, and Bruce" Charlie said, grabbing Y/n's arm and motioning to everyone at the table
"Hi" Y/n smiled and gave a small wave
Was heard as they all gave their greetings
Wanda invited Y/n over to sit next to her as Charlie went off to go bring drinks
"So! What brings you here?" Wanda asks
"I was forced not gonna lie" Y/n replied
"yeah Charlie does that. You tell her maybe as she's already planning the whole thing." Wanda laughed
"Not even! I bet she already has everything reserved and bought before she even asks you!" Y/n laughed along with the girl
They seemed to get along well
Upstairs where all the Avengers living quarters were, 3 men in casual suits made their way to the party.
Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, and James Barnes
"It's all Barnes' fault we're late" Wilson joked
"No one asked you to wait for me" Barnes replied
"Hmn..I blame Steve"
"Excuse me?" Roger's said in a slightly offended tone
Barnes and Wilson laughed at his reaction
The trio slowly got closer to the loud sound of music playing. They looked over the crowd to see almost hundreds of people dancing, drinking, or chatting the night away. In the center of it all was a large dance floor where many drunk men and women danced to the newest trendy hip hop song. Next to the mess was a bar where people came and left every few seconds.
They made their way down the stairs as the song suddenly changed
An Elvis song started blasting from the speakers and several screams were heard as more and more people rushed to the floor tp dance.
"Oh i love this song!" Wanda yelled to Y/n
The girls had been chatting away about the most random things when the song had changed. And when it did Wanda grabbed Y/n by the arms and led her towards the dance floor.
As Y/n was being pulled, a certain figure at the top of the staircase caught her eye.
He had long scruffy brown hair and a red dress shirt tucked into some black pants from what she could see.
A spark inside of her then lit up. A feeling that was close enough touch but not hold.
Was it longing?
She couldn't think about it for too long before she and Wanda were in the middle of the dance floor making the weirdest movements to go along with the song.
Atop the staircase was Bucky chatting away with Natasha who had come up to find him.As they chatted he turned his head towards the large crowd until someone caught his eye.
A girl in a vibrant red dress being pulled across the dance floor. She had a smile on her face as she looked up at him.
He felt a pang in his chest and the world stopped.
"So tony just wanted me to ask you if-" Natasha was cut off
"Hey, I'm sorry but I ,uh, need to go..." He said in the quietest voice as he started to head down the stairs.
He payed no attention for his mind was only set on one thing
As the song came to an end, a new one began.
Can't Take My Eye's Off You by Frankie Valli
The soft slow music began before Y/n told Wanda she was going to go find Charlie for she had been gone too long.
A new song had started when Bucky had finally managed to get through a large crowd
A soft tune started to play
He made his way into the dance floor with one purpose, find Y/n.
At this point Y/n was lost in the crowd. It wasn't a large dance floor its just that it was har for her and she couldn't navigate where she was going with so many people.
So, she helplessly wandered to find a way to escape the pushing of bodies
The song picked up a pace when James had searched through most of the crowd but still couldn't find the girl.
The flickering lights and moving of people every second made it harder
The speakers blasted with the sounds of trumpets going off
A circle of women jumped up and down, knocking Y/n back and she bumped into a large figure.
Then it went quite for a second
She turned around and saw him
Barnes had almost began to think she might've left the dance floor when he couldn't find her.
Until someone bumped into him.
He look to his side and his eyes went wide.
The sound of people screaming the lyrics was only heard
"I love you baby! And if its quite alright i need you baby..."
James Barnes looked down at the girl standing besides him.
Y/n Y/l/n.
@perrythefrickinplatypus , @fresa-luna , @hotheadbarnes , @msrawog
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thorsstorms · 5 years
Abroad Pt. 7
Summary: Being the Hemsworth Kids’ Nanny, you were vowed to keep it strictly professional for their sake, but do the stolen glances go unnoticed between you both?
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: little anxiety. smut, oral (f recieving) +18!!
A/N:  The California wildfires were so so devastating and scary. You can google for more videos of people trying to escape the fires and it serious makes my heart race watching it. Miley and Liam losing their home breaks my heart, the interview she did afterwards, she tried to stay calm and upbeat but you could tell underneath it freaks her out. 
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You sat waiting on the bleachers at your brothers college baseball game, waiting on the call. Your parents were tucked down in front of you in their stadium chairs. You watched patiently as the sun sunk lower in the sky. You could see your brother pull his sunglasses off his hat and shield his eyes out in center field.
The clock read 8:40PM. It’s almost 7 PM, his time, and he still hadn’t texted at least. Impatience grew quietly and your leg started to bounce anxiously. Staring at the clock on your phone, tapping it every now and then to keep it alive.
He had been texting you briefly this morning telling you that they were all getting freaked out as the wildfires grew closer, they were packing their things and keeping it all in the garage incase they needed a quick out. You told him to be careful and don’t take any chances, but of course he blows it off with a smile saying not to worry.
Cheering ripped you out of your gaze. You looked up just in time to see a ball bounce off the left field fence and your brother rounding second. You gazed out as he settled at third, wondering how they were already at the top of another inning. You watched as he looked towards you, tipping his helmet in acknowledgement, he knew you weren’t watching. Great.
8:45PM. You walked down the stands after Ty and two others came home, most likely sealing their win. You pressed the facetime button and waited. Facetime unavailable? You clicked the call button and it went straight to voicemail. Okay his phone is dead, they were probably out all day getting things situated. One of the kids probably drained it. You continued making excuses for him. After all, you did have a tendency to worry about what always turns out to be not a problem. You pushed down the uneasy feeling, ready to ride out the rest of this game.
“Did he answer?” Your dad asked as you settled behind him again. Of course he knew everything. It was a superpower of his, or any father really.
“No, I’ll try again later, I don’t wanna miss the game,” you turned your phone on full volume and set it down next to you. But not without sending Miley a text asking what was going on.
9:37PM. You were back home and just cancelled on your ice cream date with your closest cousin. This feeling wasn’t shaking and it almost made you physically sick.
“He hasn’t called, Ty. And she hasn’t even read the text!” Ty, still in his uniform, just got home and was standing in the doorway to the guest room while you were sat on the bed with a death grip on the phone.
“Im sure they are OK, you said it yourself this morning that they were keeping any eye on it,” though he tried, his words were not soothing. He stood awkwardly in the doorway and you sat silently on the bed. There was nothing you could do about it. You didn’t have Liam’s number, and who’s to say that he would answer either?
“Let’s just look at the news, they’ve been covering the fires LIVE for weeks now.” You followed him to the living room where he turned on CNN. They had another phone video from a family inside the car trying to evacuate. Flames and debris were scattering across the road and you could hear the panic in their voices as they drove through it.  
“Ty, I don’t want to watch this,” you mumbled, but not making an effort to look away. You read the story headline at the bottom of the screen referencing Malibu homes being helpless. Another mumbled ‘oh my god’ escaped your lips as you stared with panicked features at the television screen.
Suddenly, you had a lightbulb moment, there was one more number you could try. Gen! She was in the city, safe from the fires, and you knew that for sure. Immediately after clicking her name, she answered on the first ring.
“Gen! What is going on!”
“Can you get ahold of Chris?”
“Can you send me Liam’s number? I don’t have it.”
“(Y/N) I don’t know he hasn’t responded all day. I didnt even think about calling Liam,” she scolded herself over the phone. You yapped at her to quickly send it to you. As soon as the contact came through you were calling.
No answer. You shook your head to yourself, staring at the call log.
“Ty, something is wrong. When my flight lands tomorrow, I’m going to be stranded at the airport because not one of them grabbed a damn phone charger! Their house is probably burning up right now, if it isn’t yet, it’s about to be.” You knew you sounded crazy. You probably looked crazy too.
“(Y/N) chill out, he is a grown ass man and hopefully smart enough to leave when he should. Or better yet, they are probably out at a bar drinking a damn beer, perfectly fine.” You rolled your eyes at your father. You knew sure as hell they couldn’t go to a bar, but your father didn’t have to think about those things.
You went to bed that night with little to no sleep. Forever staring silently at your phone sitting still on the bed side table for most of the night, ready to answer it within a second if it rang. It didn’t.
8AM. Your flight didn’t leave until 1PM and you were ready to leave the house at 8AM. The conflict you had between wanting to rush back versus spend as much of these last few hours with your family almost tore you in half. Regardless, you knew you weren’t leaving till 1PM.
9AM. You were seated at the breakfast bar in your grandmother's house. The entire family came for a breakfast to tell you goodbye with no idea how long it would be till you came back. You shoved around a single, half eaten pancake, hardly able to rack up an appetite. You tried their phones again this morning. Nothing. You sat numbly, sending small smiles and ‘I’ll miss you too’’s around to everyone.
11AM. Even though it was early for your small airport, you sat anxiously in the correct terminal. The people surrounding you were boarding a flight before yours. Even some netflix wasn’t able to catch your attention as you watched the clocks and randomly tried one of their phone numbers again. Gen was going to meet you at the baggage claim when you landed. You at least had the knowledge to call her for backup so you weren’t stranded. You could figure this out and locate them together. One could only hope that Chris remembered what time your flight landed.
12:35PM. You sat in your assigned seat after boarding the flight. Without making an effort to pull out headphones and get comfortable, you stared at the lock screen while the flight attendants went through the safety motions in the isle. It was a picture that Miley sent you the day after you left. She snuck a picture of Chris laying between your legs, his arms wrapped around your waist, using you as his pillow. You were both passed out on her couch. When you asked her why, she just sent a shrugging emoji saying it was ‘too cute’. You smiled slightly at the photo. She was right, it is cute.
1:30PM was when you landed in LAX. The time change saving you a few. Taking your phone off airplane mode, the notifications could not come in fast enough. That’s because there weren’t any. A text from your mother saying don’t wait so long to come back, and to let them know how things play out. But honestly, if someone could let you know how things were going to play out, that would be great. You pulled your back pack over your shoulders and speed walked through the crowd to the baggage claim. Your eyes scanned the crowds for Gen, looking for her against everyone else but didn’t spy her anywhere. You turned towards the carousel keeping an eye out for your bag, all while double checking your call log and text messages. Still nothing.
After a couple minutes, your bag finally started to come around towards you. You glanced one more time around you for Gen but came up empty. You sighed and started to walk closer to your bag. Just as you were stepping closer, a hand reached it and grabbed the handle, hauling it off the belt.
“Hey, that one’s mine,” your heart sank, confrontation is the worst thing in the world, but the second you saw who was grabbing it, your breath was taken away. Chris’s eyes were full of humor, he had to know it scared you that your bag would be taken.
“Oh my god!” You lunged your arms over his shoulders, knocking his hat off in the process. His familiarity flooded your sense and you felt yourself let go of so much weight that had been lingering around. “Your phone. You are here,” you mumbled incoherently into his shoulder as you tried to swallow tears of relief that pricked at the back of your eyes. You felt his grip tighten and your feet hitch off the ground.
“I’m here, I know! I’m sorry,” feeling him shaking from laughing. You could feel your body warm in his embrace against the cold airport air. Squeezing around his shoulders reminding you he was actually here, no more waiting and worrying. Your feet hit the ground when you pulled back reluctantly, keeping your fingers locked behind his neck, grounding your senses.
“Don’t laugh! I was so worried,” a stray tear escaped and he quickly wiped it away and pulled your face to his. Rightfully so, you missed him so much, and you let him know. He kissed you rushed, putting his apology into it. Your hands rested down his chest, against his shirt as he pulled away too soon.
“I knew you would be.” He spoke quietly, scanning your eyes, making sure you were okay. A small smile was all he needed. He pulled you in again for a quick kiss before picking up his hat and throwing it back on. You giggled out an apology while he put it on. He grabbed the handle of the suitcase and your hand in his. He quickly scanned his surroundings, you too, but everyone seemed to be minding their own business. It seemed a little too good to be true but you didn’t dwell on it. You both quickly walked towards the doors to the parking lot while you fired a million questions that he had trouble keeping up with.
You got your answers, sure enough, as he drove. You didn’t know where you were going, but he seemed like he did. Having the energy to ask where you both were headed escaped your mind as you thought about Miley and Liam losing their house and all their belongings. Sadness filled your heart for her, a tornado took your home when you were younger as well, but you were maybe 8 years old, and were able to rebuild and find some belongings around the area. You pulled into a driveway of a mid sized home, that you came to figure was your place to stay till you leave town. You caught Liams truck in the driveway. Chris parked the car and gave your hand a squeeze.
“It will all turn out,” he said while you both opened the doors.
Inside you were attacked by the kids, giving each of them a squeeze. You hugged them close, missing them just as much as their father.
“You can’t leave for that long ever again,” India whispered into your ear. “Papa missed you too much.”
You whispered right back before letting her go, “I’ll try my best.” She pulled away shyly and walked across the room to a couch where she was seated on a tablet before you came in. You scanned the room and spotted Miley sitting at a dining room table ignoring everyone else in the house. She sat still with her back to you with a phone pressed to her ear.
Chris shut the door loudly behind you making you jump a bit in your spot. He pressed a kiss to your temple and walked past you, disappearing into a hallway, suitcase and backpack pulling along with him.
At the door closing, she finally turned around and saw you. You walked over the boys at your feet and met her in the dining room, crushing her in a hug.  After talking for a while, you got the gist that she was able to figure things out. She laughed about going to the store to buy a new phone charger for everyone, somehow finding humor in all the missed calls and texts from you to her. You glanced at the table she was sitting at and spotted, along with hers, one other phone plugged in charging as well. She caught you eyeing them on the table.
“Guess chargers weren’t that important to us,” she laughed awkwardly.
“I’m just happy everyone is okay.” It was the truth. She was still shaken, you can see that visually. It probably hasn’t manifested fully yet. After chatting a bit more and seeing Liam out on the back patio on hold with his insurance, you followed after Chris, finding him after he disappeared in the hallway. The master of the house was cute, and perfect for you both. Your suitcase was half empty on the bed as he was hanging up a shirt in the closet, next to his unpacked suitcase.
“You don’t have to do that,” you said, watching him from the doorway.
“We are going to be here for two weeks (Y/N), I want to,” okay, can’t argue with that. The bed looked so inviting after a sleepless and anxiety filled night. You climbed and laid across it, resting your head on your folded hands, sighing.
“I need a nap,” you mumbled, closing your eyes. Chris abandoned his station in the closet and crossed the room. The bed dipped beside you and he pulled you closer, pushing his arm under your head. His other hand ran across your back, he kissed your forehead lightly.
“You are so nice,” you giggled quietly. “Nice to cuddle.”
“Nice huh?” You didn’t open your eyes, but you could hear the smile in his voice. The 10 seconds of quiet you received came to a halt when you both heard one of the boys scream for him across the house. Peaking one eye open, not wanting to move, you saw Chris throw a hand over his face in annoyance. You watched his face closely as he rolled on his back and stared at the ceiling fan.
“Papa!” Tristan yelled again. You rolled your eyes at his laziness and started to pull off the bed.
“I’ll go see what he wants, make him stop yelling.” Chris didn’t make a move to stop you, but his head followed you around the bed and watched you out the door, disappear around the hallway corner.
After about 30 minutes, you figured out the tv and put on a movie for the kids, sitting with them until the calm down. They sat silently while you were in the kitchen with miley, and when you returned to the living room, they were all three asleep. Guess they didn’t get much sleep last night either. You whispered to Miley that they were all asleep in there and that you were going to try to take a nap as well. A suggestive wink and wave of her hands was all you needed to round to corner and head back to the bed.
When you walked back in the room, Chris was breathing evenly and laying still on the bed. You quietly shut the door behind you and took off your shoes, next to where Chris kicked his off. He looked so inviting to cuddle up to but you were trying so hard not to wake him up. The throw on the end of the bed looked soft and was going to have to do because he was laying on top of all the covers. You returned to your spot and slid between his arms. He adjusted slightly, pushing you closer with a hand on your back. A lazy and quick kiss pressed to your forehead was brief and he was out like a light again, probably didn’t fully wake up in the first place. You nestled quietly and felt a weight lift off your shoulders. It was a relief to be back in his arms, all is as right as it can be.
11PM. You woke up cold, as always. Except it was dark out and there was no reason for him to leave you hanging. Its startled you slightly when you could tell the sun was down from the closed blinds on the window. You searched your pockets for your phone. You felt like it was a trick being played on you when you saw that it was past 11PM. You stilled and tried to listen beyond the bedroom door for any sign of life but it was dead quiet. You slid off the bed and flipped on the light, digging through drawers for pajamas, turning up with leggings and a baseball t-shirt of your brothers.
You creaked open the bedroom door and still didn’t hear anything. The house was still, the upstairs lights turned on, the kids were probably asleep up there. You continued till you saw movement out the back windows. Peering through the back door you spotted the three sitting on the patio furniture. Just talking, it seemed. You watched as Liam sat back and slid a hand down his face, probably stressing out. A habit they both have in common, you learned. You pushed the door open and all eyes turned to you.
“Hey, did we wake you up?” Chris asked, craning his neck around the back of his seat. You shook your head and made your way towards him.
“I woke up because I was cold. You always disappear,” you hughed, messing up his hair with your fingers. The other two let out a low ‘ooooo’ and he turned back to them to flip them off.
“Even when I am around your always still cold,” he complained. Just on time and breeze caught you and you shivered slightly. It wasn’t even the slightest bit chilly, he was right.
“My point!” he pointed up at you laughing, the other two joining in.
“Yea, yea. I’m going back to bed.” They all three followed you in after you told them what time it was. Miley and Liam trudged up the stairs while Chris followed you to the room.
11:20PM. You were snuggled into the covers while he turned the lights off, the lamp on, and the fan on, smirking at you. He started to strip his clothes down to his boxers, and you got to smirk while watching him. He crawled in next to you, and boy was he a sight to look at. You could stare all day. You missed him enough that you did so, shamelessly, though he wasn’t allowed to say anything because he does the same thing.
An arm slid underneath you, he pulled you to him and laid his head on your chest like you were a pillow. Fingers automatically finding themselves at the nape of his neck, and the other resting on his arm. You sighed as goosebumps covered your arms because they were now above the warmth of the blanket. Your fingers rubbed down his spine and and pressed against his muscles and he hummed in appreciation. Of course, now you were wide awake after sleeping so long. You waited patiently until you thought his breathing evened out, to stop moving your hands. He shrugged his shoulders like a needy child when your movements stilled.
“I was so worried Chris,” you whispered.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He lifted his head and found your lips in the moon lit darkness and placed a chaste kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You could see his eyes and feel his body still against yours.
“You, what?” He lowered his head pressing a kiss to your jaw lightly flowing lower to your neck.
“I love you,” you said slowly, feeling foreign coming out of your mouth. His lips left your neck, cold in his absence. Though he wasn’t gone for long, a slow and hard kiss pressed against your lips, eyes falling closed to the darkened room. He kissed you slowly, drawing his tongue in and showing his love for you endlessly. It was sweet, slow, and sensual in its own way. His stubble ran across your skin, leaving a tickle in its wake that you loved so much. When he pulled away, he kissed across your neck, leaving you to catch your breath. One hand was gripped softly behind your neck, giving himself more room while the other squeezed harder around your waist. He took his sweet time feeling you out, sliding your annoying in-the-way shirt off and paying attention to your chest that was rising and falling under his touch. You gasped as he payed attention to your nipples that grew hard quickly against the cold air and his fingertips.
“Say it again,” he demanded across your skin. Trying to grasp yourself to reality from his assault, you murmured ‘I love you’.
His hands flooded to your leggings and easily slid them under you and down your legs. Goosebumps rose across your skin and he ran his hands up your legs, finding home on your waist against underwear that hadn’t come off.
“Just take them off,” you told him breathlessly. You expected to see him fight off a smirk against your eager tone but there was no reaction except for lust flooding his features. As soon as they slipped past your ankles his hands where under your knees, carving a spot for him. He laid open mouth kisses down the inside of your thighs, making you humm in frustration.
“Love, do you even know how long you made me hold out?” He squeezed the back of your thighs playfully. “Let me enjoy this.” He settled himself lower against the bed and you could feel your heels rest against his back, your legs over his shoulders as he traced around where you wanted him most. You were almost shaking with anticipation, feeling his hot breath over you.
You licked a hot strip up your center, flicking your clit with his tongue. Your hips shuttered under his fingertips. You forcefully closed your mouth in attempt to silence yourself as he licked around your clit and held your hips down from moving. His hands eventually found yours and pulled one away from covering your mouth, intertwining his fingers with yours. His tongue dipped around and circled your entrance, and you gasped at the new feeling. He pulled up and bit playfully on the inside of your thigh.
“Let me hear you,” his voice broke your trance. Your own hands ghosted his as he ran his up your abdomen, his fingertips feeling hot over your skin, while sinking back down towards your heat, assaulting you with his tongue. He was treating you so good, adding fingers, one after another, stretching you for him. You came quickly on his tongue, not really giving you a choice, complying.
“Are you, enjoying it yet?” you asked breathlessly as he kissed up your abdomen. He grazed his teeth over your nipple, pulling a shocked noise from you.
“I am,” he said quickly, sucking a love bite at the base of your neck, giving you a moment to breathe normally again.
“I love you,” you said again, it spilling out as if against your will. Chris pulled off the bed and disappeared into the closet, emerging again with a foil pack in his fingers. You watched him with a small smile on your face, not missing his outline in the black boxers he was wearing. He looked at you as he crossed the room, on a sex high with your hair spread across the sheets and a love drunk smile. He was the lucky one here.
“I hope you don’t always move that slow,” you teased as he took his time padding across the room.
“That’s all up to you, beautiful,” he crawled up next to you pulled you close, kissing you deeply, lighting another fire inside you, though it never seemed to dim. You were the lucky one here.
Taglist: @keithseabrook27 @odinson-barnes @jonsnowisthesexiestbastard 
@weekendswithnewtmas @innerpaperexpertcloud @toomanyflowerboys @thefashioncomplex @basmaraafat
A/N: Going to try and get the next chapter up before April 26th! we need a little promo tour in this. What happens when the reader meets Evans? lmao.
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xplicitgrayson · 5 years
Words: 629
(Reader x blake )
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You and Blake had been fighting a bit
more frequently. The fight would start off
as small disgreements but then they would
turn into arguments. You knew
Blake was stressed due being in and
out of the studio, having to go to
interviews and preparing for tour.
So much was on his plate and you
understood that. He was becoming
distant. When he would leave
your shared apartment. All he would
do is  mutter where he was heading
and take off. Everything was pretty
much small talk. He would sometimes come home without directing a single
word to you. It really hurt. You missed
when he would go talk to you about
his day. You missed the cute goodbye
hugs and kisses. You didn't like this.
  It was late at night.Blake wasnt home yet. You were sat on the couch cuddled up in a blanket watching your favorite movie
   10 things I hate about you.
You were so focused on the movie you almost didnt hear the front door open and close. Your eyes avert to see Blake
dropping his guitar case and hanging
up his coat. He had a frustrated look
on his face. As usual he was about to
head your room but you couldnt stay quiet anymore.
" Blake" you almost said in a whisper as stood up from the couch.
"We need to talk"
Blake looked at you. He looked so tired.
" Look y/n ,  I'm tired and all I want to
do is go to bed" he says with so much
sterness in his voice.
" We can't keep doing this Blake." you said walking towards him.
" Keep doing What Y/N?! Everything's Fine " he yelled.
" You've become so distant Blake. I don't like it . You dont talk to me and if we do its small talk. Please just tell me what going on. I dont like how things have become between you and me. I miss you." you say with tears now brimming your eyes.
" I'm already stressed enough. I come home to try to get some sleep after and already horrible day and now I have to put up with you being so fucking needy. Can't I just get a break?! Just leave me alone!" he exlaims
" All I'm doing is trying to fix this , but If I'm so needy maybe I should just leave."
" Yeah Maybe you should..."
You stare at him with tears
streaming down your face. You were shocked at his words. Without hesitation you march towards your room , grabbing a suitcase and begin to fill it up with your things. Tears kept falling as you kept packing.
" Y/N " you heard your name being called by the voice you knew oh too well.
You turned to see the man you have been in love with for as long as you can remember. He was crying. His eyes were bloodshot.
" Please don't go. I didnt mean a single word. I've been so stressed lately and I haven't been able to express how I feel. I am so so so sorry. I'm such an asshole. Please dont leave me. I promise things will be back to normal. I will do anything to fix this. I need you.
" He looked right down at his shoes.
You walked over to stand right in front of him. You gently lifted his head up. You put your hands on both sides of his face. You look into his eyes and lean in to peck his lips ever so softly. He gladly returned the kiss. You back away to rest your forehead against his.
" Please forgive me" He whispers.
You smile at him " I forgive you "
He leans in to peck your lips once again.
" I love you "
        " I love you too"
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
This Life Chapter 16
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Title: This Life Chapter 16
Summary:  Dean Winchester is the Vice President of the motorcycle club The Hunters. After almost 7 years in prison, he's free. But things have changed and Dean has to figure out how to put things back together.
Warnings: Language, mentions of drug use, this chapter is pretty sad
AN: Thank you to the lovely @sams-serialkiller-fetish .  The song for this chapter is Come Join the Murder by The White Buffalo & The Forest Rangers
Sam was curled up in the passenger seat of Baby as Dean drove them back to Wolfpine. He had his arm cradled against him and his eyes were closed. Dean kept casting glances over at him. The kid had worked himself up the minute Ellen stepped out of the truck and asked where Benny was. Jim had forced him to take a couple pills from the med kit that Bobby kept in the truck and before Dean knew it, his not so little, little brother was snoring softly beside him in the Impala.
Dean was exhausted. He couldn’t wait to get back to Wolfpine and collapse onto his bed. And he had the pull out couch for Sam to sleep on for the night. Unless he decided that they needed to spend the night in John’s old house. But Dean didn’t think it was a very good idea. Plus, they had the Wayward Sons following them to Wolfpine to think of a plan in case the remaining Horsemen decided to retaliate for Azazel’s death.
Bobby had called in some favors with a couple sheriff’s who owed him a thing or two. Benny’s body would be returned home, and the bodies of Azazel and the henchmen would be dealt with. Jody assured Bobby of that. Bobby could focus then on putting Benny to rest. His dad was currently drinking his way through Atlantic City, and his mom was on her honeymoon with her new husband in Europe. Bobby doubted that either would be there to say goodbye to their son.
And then there was Sam. That kid had been through more trauma in the past year than any of them had. He had watched as a fire destroyed everything, he watched his dad shot in the chest and was left for dead, and then he was chained up to watch as a man who was like a brother to him was shot in the head and killed. Bobby didn’t know about what Azazel had told Sam, and neither did Dean. Bobby didn’t know about Sam’s downward spiral into depression that John managed to pull him out of. Dean was afraid it was going to happen again.
“Sammy.” Dean said gently when he parked Baby in Winchester-Singer’s lot. Sam groaned and slowly opened his eyes. “Hey, we’re at the garage. I thought we could stay here tonight then head to my place tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Sam said softly, opening the door and slowly getting out, stretching his long legs as he did. He had been asleep when they stopped in New Mexico. He didn’t even remember Dean making him get out of the car to use the bathroom and forced him to eat a little something that the medicine in him wouldn’t screw him up too much.
“How’s your arm?” Dean asked, coming around to look at Sam.
“It’s fine.” He whispered, but he was holding it close to him. Dean was sure that it was probably hurting. He followed Sam to the building. He could hear the others pulling in. But Dean knew that Sam needed time away from all of them. Hell, he needed time away from all of them. So they made their way through everything to the room that Dean used to sleep in when he just couldn’t handle being around John, until he got the apartment that was. It wasn’t much. A large bed mainly. But that’s all they really needed. They needed sleep.
“Let me look at that.” Dean said when he closed the door behind him. Sam held out his arm for Dean to check it out. He knew basic first aid. And he knew how to change bandages. He was going to make sure that they were always clean and taken care of. “It looks fine. It should heal nicely.”
“Thanks.” Sam sighed and set down on the bed. “You want the bed?”
“I think there’s enough room we could share.” Dean laughed. “And I’ll even keep my boxers on.”
“God, you’re ridiculous.” Sam said, kicking off his boots and laying back on one side of the bed. Dean kicked off his own shoes and his vest was next. He tossed himself down on the bed.
“God, this thing stinks.” He shook his head, not wanting to know what had been done on this bed. “I’m replacing it once everything is done and over with.” Sam didn’t answer. Dean looked over to find Sam fast asleep. He couldn’t help but smile. “G’night bitch.” He said, turning over and falling to sleep himself.
The next morning, there were not alarm clocks. Everyone slept in as much as they could, just enjoying their moments of peace. They knew that war was on the horizon, especially once the other princes found Azazel. They also knew that they were going to have to bury Benny. Bobby had tried over and over again to get a hold of either of his parents, but nothing.
Sheriff Mills came by in the afternoon. Dean was out in the garage, trying to focus on a car to keep his mind off of everything. The Wayward Sons were staying at John’s old home for the night. Bobby had never sold it, figuring that Sam might want it during the summers or something. Or that Dean would get tired of that apartment and want a change. Lucifer, Andy, Gabriel, Ruby, and Meg were all there, waiting for the other shoe to drop and war to break out.
“Dean Winchester.” Jody said, walking up to him. Dean smiled some.
“Hey Jody.” Dean said, wiping his hands on a shop rag. She could tell that his smile wasn’t reaching his eyes though and she immediately hugged him. She might have been on the Hunters payroll, but she was also a friend. That’s what made it a little easier to look the other one every once in awhile.
“Benjamin Lafitte has been released to the North Star Hospital Center.” Jody explained to Dean. “So you guys can arrange…” Dean nodded.
“Thanks Jody. We really owe you.” Dean said. Jody looked up then and smiled some as Sam came out into the garage, favoring his arm.
“Sam.” She hugged him, careful to miss his arm. “Welcome home.”
“Thanks Jody.” Sam said softly. “Hey Dean, have you seen Jim?”
“No, not yet. Your arm hurting?” Dean asked. Sam nodded. Dean was about to say something when some new bikes pulled into the lot. Jody was a little on edge. “It’s ok Jody, they’re friends.” Dean said. Andy took his helmet off and looked over at Sam and Dean.
“You okay?” He asked, walking past Jody.
“I’m fine.” Sam sighed. Jody took this time to size up the Wayward Sons. Andy seemed okay. Meg and Ruby weren’t too bad. Gabriel looked a little rough around the edges. Lucifer was fucking scary.
“I could score you some Demon Blood man.” Lucifer said. “It’ll stop all the pain.”
“Yeah, and it’ll stop him from being a functioning human being.” Ruby hissed. “Don’t even bring that shit around here.”
“Demon Blood?” Dean asked. “What the fuck is that?”
“Street drug and nasty.” Jody told him. “I just had to interview a couple of girls who had been slipped it in their drinks.” Dean watched Ruby awkwardly rubbed her arm as Jody spoke. “Moderation shouldn’t cause any life altering effects. But too much and overdoses can really fuck you up.”
“Can we change the subject?” Sam asked. “I don’t need Demon Blood. Just some low grade, over the counter painkillers and I’ll be good.”
“What happened anyway?” Jody asked.
“I got shot.” Sam said dismissively before he headed to where Ellen and Jo were to see if they had anything.
“Well, I guess you guys have things to attend to.” Jody said. “Let me know when the funeral is. I’d love to pay my respects.” She patted Dean’s arm and offered a small smile. “And tell Bobby to give me a call.” She left then. Dean went to go make the arrangements to have Benny buried. He didn’t want him to lay there and rot because his parents couldn’t give a shit about him. He also needed to research whatever this Demon Blood shit was.
“She was addicted to it.” Andy said to Dean, startling him some. “Ruby was. She was kicked out of her home, lost her job, everything. All she wanted was more of it. But she pulled herself out and is very anti Demon Blood.”
“Why is it called that?” Dean asked.
“No matter what form it’s in, it’s a deep red. It looks like blood. And it causes the user to hallucinate. A very common side effect is they believe they have powers.” Andy looked over at Lucifer, who was talking with Meg and Gabriel. “Lucifer OD’ed on it. That’s why he’s insane.”
“That did that to him?” Dean asked.
“Gabriel said he had a slight mental illness anyway. And he got hooked on Demon Blood. And he just took more and more until his body couldn’t take it anymore.” Andy explained. “Sam got lucky. He took it once and it made him sick and he promised to never take it again.” Andy realized as soon as the words left his mouth, he shouldn’t have said them.
“Wait...what did you say?” Dean asked.
“Nothing.” Andy shook his head.
“Sam took this drug?” Dean asked. Andy sighed.
“Once, as a moment of weakness. Right after Jess died. But he got so sick that the benefits were overshadowed. And he promised all of us and God himself that he would never do it again.” Andy could see the anger bubbling away under Dean’s skin. What else had Sam neglected to tell him? Instead, Dean stormed off, leaving Andy there. He went to find Bobby so they could get ready to bury Benny.
The funeral home was quick to have things set up. So it was the next day and they were ready. Benny was prepped and placed in a closed casket. It was sunny and warm. Every trope in movies said it was supposed to rain. So it couldn’t really be a funeral.
It was a graveside service. The funeral home did bring Benny to the cemetery via hearse, and the Hunters and Wayward Sons were the pallbearers. While the Wayward Sons had only known Benny a couple of days, they felt obligated to stand there by the Hunters. Ellen and Jo sobbed. Especially Ellen. She had watched Benny grow up from a chubby toddler to a man.
Sam was one of the first to leave when the ceremony was over. He had to get away. He needed air. So he stormed off, running away to a club of trees where he could sit and be alone. But he wasn’t, because Dean was right behind him.
“Sammy…” Dean said. “We got revenge for Benny and for dad.”
“You think that Azazel planned this all on his own?” Sam asked. Dean was about to speak up. “There are three more princes out there, plus their fucking henchmen. Dean, we have to stop them all.”
“And we will in due time.” Dean said. “We just buried Benny.”
“They won’t care.” Sam told him. “And if what Azazel said is true…”
“What? What did he say to you?” Dean asked.
“He told me that he slept with mom when her and dad were separated and that I have a good chance of being his kid.” Sam told Dean. “I don’t believe but…”
“Dad told me about that.” Dean said. “You’re not Azazel’s son. Even if you were, it didn’t change anything. Dad loved you so much.”
“No buts Sammy. You’re a Winchester, that’s all there is to it. You ain’t getting out of this family that easy.” He smirked at Sam, who rolled his eyes. “Come on. I think a trip up to Austin for a burger is in order. My treat.”
“Can we take Baby?” Sam asked.
“Of course. Probably hard to steer your bike with that arm anyway.” They headed back to the others. They had gotten a ride with Bobby. Dean didn’t mention anything about what Andy had told him about Demon Blood. He just wasn’t in the mood to fight with Sam. He got his brother back and he wanted to keep it that way. He didn’t want to push him away.
And a trip to Austin really could do them both a lot of good.
Aguila, Arizona
Azazel’s body laid on a table as Asmodeus, Alastair, Ramiel, Lilith, Abbadon, and Dagon stood around. It had been chaos when the princes had came back from a run to Mexico and found their fourth dead on the ground. This just stunk of Hunters. Alastair was sure of it.
“They’re all dead.” Asmodeus finally said. “The Hunters have to be exterminated.”
“What do we do?” Ramiel asked.
“We slaughter them like the pigs they are.” Lilith hissed. She held Azazel’s favorite pistol in her hands. “I want to kill at least one of them.”
“Lil, just breathe.” Abbadon said. She looked at the others.
“Actually, I think it would be a fantastic idea to include the girls.” Alastair said. “They have a moral code. They’re not going to willingly shoot women. And they don’t have women in their group. It would be the perfect distraction.”
“Then let’s get ready.” Asmodeus announced. “I want the Hunters dead by the end of the week.”
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @i-would-die-for-woodland-demars @dekahg @marvel-af @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk
Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles  Tags: @luciathewinchestergirl @sheris532 @bobasheebaby @flamencodiva @bella-ca
This Life Tags: @soulslaststand @jamielea81 @caplansteverogers @becs-bunker @colie87
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @cloudyskylines @supernaturalwincestsblog @sams-serialkiller-fetish
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