#You can come to me with all your techie questions
sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
Hey I have a question, how do u make the links were they are underlined?
I’m tryna cook something up for a special thing in spring but have no idea how to do this. So any help would be great!
Ty so much!
I really hope I can explain this, I’m horrible with directions!
OK see you type out your text “links for mana” and then you wanna go selected, and there should be a little icon (see image) and you click on that and then you just paste the link to whatever your doing.
Also, if you are looking about posts off of Tumblr, the three dots in the right hand corner of a post, click that and there’s a little button, this is copy link!!
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mothman-etd · 1 year
Hey, I know you are somewhat techie, cause I follow Joy and you! I am curious if you could help explain something for the unenlightened.
I am very curious what a "bot" is, like I know it is a fake account, but where do they come from? Why do they exist? Do they serve a purpose? Is there some force (group, person, sever?) behind them?
I have been on Tumblr for years, and recently have been SLAMMED with bot follows and just am so curious why now...?
TLDR - Please explain the origin, history and role of bots?
"Bots" is short for robots, and in this context is a computer program that works as an agent for another system or simulates a human being/human action.
Example, I can write a bot that could search for frog pictures on the internet, log into my tumblr, and post one of those pictures for me. Now that I have my fancy bot I can have posts of frog pictures always going up on my tumblr feed without any interaction on my part.
A porn bot is an extension of malicious bots, these are robots that were designed to perform an action that will ultimately generate money for the person who wrote them. Usually illegal activity and to the detriment of innocent victims the bots interact with.
The porn bots I have seen on tumblr specifically attempt to get me to click on a link that probably has a payload that would install some malware on my computer. What can someone do with a hacked computer? Well a whole bunch of stuff.
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(I got this image from Krebs on Security, https://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/10/the-scrap-value-of-a-hacked-pc-revisited/, who is a journalist who likes to report on cyber security news)
What a hacker can do with your compromised PC is quite a bit so I am not going to go much further then that in this post, but just know all those items in the above image can be leveraged to steal money.
Honestly the recent influx of these on Tumblr probably relates to the situation happening at Twitter. Tumblr's reputation is on the rise for the first time in awhile, it is having very positive user growth and online attention. This in turn attracts the attention of thieves and gangs looking to make money off the crowd. In much the same way pick-pockets work crowded train stops, scammers need to operate where other humans are congregating.
This is a VERY brief run down on Tumblr's porn bots, but this is a huge topic that people dedicate their whole career to understanding.
So hopefully this answered your general question, let me know if you have another question or want me to get more specific about something.
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callofdudes · 1 year
could you do some hcs for platonic 141 and a techie/hacker reader? i’d love to see your take on their friendship with someone like that :) also love your work, thanks for making so many cool hcs and scenarios 🥰❤️❤️
I like this. This is good. 😄 Also thank you! I hope you enjoy your headcanons.
141 with a hacker/tech oriented teammate
Ghost 💀
Ghost is somewhat of a hacker himself. In the 09 game Ghost is the 141's hacker. Simon is in love with computers and codes. It's something of a hobby.
So when he meets you and discovers you are also a whizz with computers he's thrilled.
You two are both set up to work together and this is what brings you closer, bonding over your your shared skill set.
Sometimes you'll go to Ghost if you are having a particularly difficult problem, and him vice versa.
And despite Simon knowing everything there is to know about a computer from it's chip, to it's processing hardware, to the INS and outs of connecting wirelessly to and encrypted computer- he cannot figure out his own fucking phone.
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. He knows how to use it but sometimes he's socially inept.
"Sergeant. Johnny just sent me a link to this site... He put a smiley face emoji, and a... Heart?? Is this a threat?"
You take one took at the url and cringe. "Just ignore it. Don't click on it. I'm going to restrict Johnny's network access right now!"
Simon nods, not questioning it. Though he is curious what this site it. Knowing Johnny it can't be something innocent.
Simon also loves to spend his free time making complicated encrypted codes for you to puzzle through. If you're feeling bored he'll flip you a USB and tell you to clear the malware in an hour.
It's always fun.
And it's really what got the two of you close in the first place.
Simon always reaches out for your help in missions first.
"Y/n, can you open the door, it's blocked?"
"Is it online?"
"Bloody- yes it's online."
"Is there a key card for it??"
"Yeah... But I don't want to go look for it."
You chuckle. "Alright big guy, give me 2 seconds."
Johnny is scared of you two.
He came into the kitchen one morning and heard you using foreign 16 letter words and strange alien language while reading a book on computer engineering with Ghost. Worst part was, he spoke the strange language back!
Johnny thinks your aliens for a half minute until you define the words for him and he's good to go.
Simon knows you're a hacker, but he also tried to figure out your other hobbies. Like, maybe you take long walks around the neighborhood in the morning?? Or you play volleyball. Something like that.
He spends most of his time with you. He just likes hanging out with you in general. And after you rigged up a PS5 to the old ass TV in the common room it's been nonstop fun off duty.
He takes it upon himself to train you. You're both skilled but if there is something you aren't sure of or haven't faced before in your military training you'll go to him. And he's always willing to help.
Overall, Ghost really likes you. And he admires your skill. One day you might be as good a hacker as him 😉
Soap 🧼
You and Johnny are much more similar than you might think. Johnny does a bit of his own hacking when it comes to delaying a bomb, rewiring them or defusing them all together. So he knows a good thing or two.
He does a little bit of hacking, nothing spectacular like you or Ghost though.
Definitely asks you to hack the PS store so he can get more game points.
Asks you about video games in general. Yes, sure, your hacking is very professional and you use it for the missions but what about videogames!?
You find that jimmy rigging things for Johnny is just the best way to show your love. He came to you one afternoon asking if you could make one of his headphones play music and the other receive comms. From the others.
Silly Johnny.
Will ask you to somehow get the Christmas lights in his room connected to the main power. He is very disappointed when you tell him that electrician is a very different job from technician.
Will probably ask you to teach him some more advanced hacky stuff when he can. Definitely doesn't ask you for help pranking the recruits when it's tech involved. And you definitely don't occasionally help him.
Johnny is a bit scared by all the computer books on your shelf and all the big words inside. Your equally as scared by his quantum mechanics books and all his explosives manuals.
It's equal honestly.
He is like Ghost in the sense that when he could just ask you to do something for him instead of looking everywhere for something.
"Y/nnnnnnnn" he whines.
"What's up Johnny? Are you in the building yet??"
"No, it's locked and I don't know the code."
"Is it written down somewhere??"
"Y/n, could you just.... Open it??"
You chuckle. "Give me a minute buddy."
The door clicks and turns green. "Yippee! 😁" And in he goes.
You've found you need to wipe his phone every other month and set him up with an antivirus you need to remind him to pay for. Because he connects to any and all networks without a care.
MacDonald?? Connected. Ghost's hotspot?? Connected. Some random printer with one bar?? Definitely connected.
He's just kinda dumb like that.
You set up a little class for him about malware just to remind him.
You've started restricting his phone time so he can only use it for 4 hours a day before it completely shuts off. Just to tease him. Until he goes to Price and tattles ☹️
Johnny just thinks it's cool as shit. He didn't know it was an actual job for you? Like that's dope!
He likes to find different computer kits for you. The type of guy to dig old computers from the garbage and unpack it to get to the mother board.
If he finds a chip in there or a hard drive obviously he's gonna ask you to open it so he can snoop.
Johnny thinks your talent is really cool. He thinks you're really cool. And when you sit down and play video games with him even without all the hackers skill he still has fun.
Occasionally you are surprised when Johnny pulls out a super smash bros move so insane no one would ever attempt it in their right mind and wins.
So you both surprise each other with your different skills. You teach Johnny about computers, he teaches you about science and big things that go boom.
It's a nice partnership. Johnny would give this relationship 5 whole stars!!
Gaz 🧢
It immediately interests him. He's no hacker by trade, he has as much skill in the concept as Johnny does. But it really does catch his attention.
Wanting to spend a lot of his time alone, sometimes he enjoys just sitting there and watching you click away on your computer.
You even teach him a few things. Sometimes he'll feel like pointing out a code he's unfamiliar with or something else you do, and you're always happy to teach him.
Gaz is much quieter than the others, so you decide to make up some better headphones for him when on base so he can get the full quiet atmosphere experience.
He really like the glowing keyboard you have. (You know the one) he really likes it.
He isn't one to use you as a cheat code but sometimes you just like to spoil him. He doesn't want to ask you for unnecessary help when you are helping Captain Price across the building.
"Bloody hell, where is that stupid passcode!?" He looks around the desk, scattering papers in a hurry. If he doesn't get in this computer he would definitely be caught.
"Having some trouble Gaz??"
"I'm fine. Where is Captain Price at??"
You hum. Suddenly the computer in front of him flickers onto a loading screen and freezes. Several lines of code flash over the screen.
"Don't worry, using the wireless connection you set up earlier..."
The computer flashed on, past the passcode screen. "All clear sergeant."
He can't help chuckling. "Thanks."
He's 100% in the know of where to find all the best books and will often scan your shelves to see if your missing a volume of anything or if there is a new book he could get you.
He tries to make stuff for you. Like little computer decorations. It's a hobby of his making little decals and stickers, so your computer is glamorized in all of Gaz's little gifts.
Gaz isn't as interested in your computer sciences as Johnny, but he's also the only one you'll find lounging in your office at 2 in the morning reading one of your coding books because he couldn't sleep.
You flick on the lights in your office, startled when you see someone sitting in your chair. You sigh in relief when you see it's on Gaz, passed out with your heavy textbook open on his chest.
"Aw, buddy." You come over and gently tip his hat down, pulling the book from his arms. You slip a bookmark in it and place it on your desk for later.
He's much too heavy to lift him, so you drape a throw blanket over him and turn the lights off. You can do your stuff later.
Gaz thinks you're really cool. He likes to hang out with you and learn more about you. And you like learning more about him.
You're the type of friends to lay on his bed for hours saying nothing but happy in each other's presence. You could be on your computer and he can be reading. But each other's presence is what makes the interaction special, even if you don't talk.
Gaz is glad you came to the team. Your a good asset and a good friend.
Price 🥃
Your skills were what attracted Price to you first. He wanted you on his team once he heard of your level of skill. It would be nice to have two techies at his disposal.
But he didn't expect how well you'd get along with his soldiers. You were a tight knit group almost immediately, he couldn't ask for it differently.
He admires how much you care for the others, and how you're willing to use your skills to do seemingly silly things for the boys.
You're very smart, and he loves when you info dump on him. He's old enough that most of the topics you bring up he is familiar with. Maybe not a genius but you get used to certain terms and trades when you've been serving as long as he has.
And you're always surprised when he has a little tidbit of information to add to the conversation.
Now don't get me wrong, Price is very technologically aware. He can set off a missile by the flick of his wrist and shut down enemy hardware within an inch of his skin. But he doesn't know what to do when Facebook crashes.
Whether he overthinks it or he's just kinda stupid, you'll never know.
You might just be the hacker but he's always asking your opinion things. "These are electric doors, what would be the best way to get them open without attracting attention??"
Always gets your opinion.
He is the dad who will get you everything you need to further your hobby/job in the task force.
He always gets you new books and cool looking hardware.
"Knock knock."
You close your laptop halfway and pull off your headphones. "Come in."
Price smiles when he comes in, seeing you all set up on your bed. "Hey kiddo."
"Hey captain, need something?"
Price sat down and looked at what you were working on. "is that the new game Johnny has been ranting about you making him??"
"Yeah, it's just a simple code like the Google dinosaur game, I don't know why he's so excited 😅"
"Well, maybe these will help?" He pulls up a bag full of a couple books you'd been talking about buying of they weren't almost 50$ each.
"Price??" You pulled out the books. "Oh thank you."
"Any time." He ruffles your hair.
Literally the most supportive dad.
Sorry but you are his child now. He has adopted you into his little found family.
Again, he really likes letting you talk to him about what you're doing when you're on your computer.
And you've saved his butt more than once with your quick skills.
"I've got the wires set up y/n, it's your turn."
"I'm on, give me two seconds."
"Good, we don't want them to get alerted, Johnny and Gaz are near the west hall."
"Aaaaalright..." You are quiet for a moment. "Ok, cameras are blocked, you're free to move around."
"Copy that sergeant."
Like I said, supportive and protective dad.
You've been amazing support for the team both as a teammate and a friend. Overall he's really glad that you're a part of the team. Very valued, very loved.
He's glad he met you.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 6
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook invites you over to work on the game but you but it's hard to focus when he's around Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Work Count: 1.9k~ a/n: So so sorry I've taken a longer break between posting but let me know what you think about this chapter ;) hardly edited but I figured I would get it out anyway Read from the beginning
I couldn't pay attention in class thanks to him. His stupid voice with his stupid flirting and his stupid face then to top it off having all of that up close and personal made my stupid brain go into overdrive, losing what little space I had left to combat his antics. I hate that he can make me feel like this. And for what? Because he called me pretty? More specifically used it as a pet name, which somehow amplifies the meaning, sending my sense of reason for a spin. I huff audibly as I gather my things and get ready to head out to meet 'he who shall not be named' at this point. I just need to leave class, work there for a few hours and then go home. Simple as that. 
"You okay?" I hear behind me in a semi familiar voice. I turn around perplexed as to who the voice could belong to and see the guy I had helped the other day. " I'm fine" I say and turn back around to continue packing up my belongings. "It's Jimin, we met the other day when you helped me carry all of the music books" he says, not sure if I would need the reminder. "I know" I say plainly and make my way out of the classroom. "Hey, where you headed?" he asks following me without a care in the world. "I'm done for the day so I'm going to go work on something" I say giving him the bare minimum, hoping he won't prod further but unfortunately that's not the case.
"What are you working on?" he asks, clearly curious but also kind of not, seeming happy to simply be making conversation with me for some reason. "A video game application" I say and leave the building with him trailing behind. "Oh wow that's really cool! I had no idea you were into that stuff" he says, clearly shocked learning what I'm capable of but blowing it somewhat out of proportion. It's not as hard as it seems but many people tend to lack the concentration, let alone have the desire to learn.
"Yeah well, bye" I say and walk a bit faster, heading towards the gates. "Wait, I could walk you to where you need to go. I'm done for the day as well" he says jogging a few steps to catch up to me. "That won't be necessary" I say and continue onto my destination but he walks with me anyways. "Why are you following me?" I ask, finally stopping to look at him and see what his goal with all of this is. 
"I just want to make sure you get to your destination safely" he says giving me a sweet smile. "She's safe with me" that stupid voice that I wasn't expecting to hear so soon says while taking hold of my hand. "Oh hey hyung, I didn't know you and y/n were working together" Jimin says, greeting Jungkook. "Well now you do" he says and then we all stand there in somewhat of an awkward silence until I pull my hand out of Jungkook's grasp. "Let's go" I demand and continue to walk towards the gates. "Bye y/n" I hear Jimin say behind me and I decide not to acknowledge it. "See you" Jungkook says to Jimin before following my lead. 
"Do you guys hang out often?" he says falling into step with me and guides us towards his studio. "No we don't and why didn't you just wait for me like I told you to?" I question still feeling uncomfortable from the situation I had been put into moments ago. "Because I wanted to walk with you, plus this way I could make sure you wouldn't run off or get lost. I promise next time I'll just wait for you to come" he says pressing the button at the crosswalk for us. "Whatever" I say under my breath, fixing the strap on my backpack but before I can settle it back into place I feel it being take off of me.
"Hey! What are you doing?" I say looking over at, surprise surprise you guessed it Jeon Jungkook now carrying my bag. "Give it back!" I say reaching for it but before I'm able to reach it he starts walking down the street, showing me it's time for us to cross. "Hey!" I yell after him but all he does is continues to hold it out of my reach. "Just let me carry it for you" he says, slinging it across his shoulder and widening his strides leaving me trailing behind him without much of an option to do otherwise. 
Once we get to his studio I'm met with another girl around our age blasting her music throughout the place and popping the bubble she just blew in her gum. "Hey Yuna!" Jungkook shouts, trying to be heard over the music. "Yuna!" he yells again and decides to just walk up to her to grab her attention. "So much for keeping to herself" I mumble under my breath. "Oh hey, sorry I was totally spacing out. Is this the girl you were talking to me about? You work in the computer science department right?" she asks, zeroing in on me. "Something like that" I say walking further into the room, taking a look at how messy it is.
 "Oh yeah sorry about the mess, things have been really hectic around here" Jungkook says walking over to his desk and clearing off some more space for me. "Pick up that trash first, and put away those books and..." I list off some ways to reorganize the studio into a more suitable working environment. "Clean up your desktop too. Seeing all the icons on the screen is giving me anxiety" I say and he surprisingly does everything that I've asked him to do without much trouble at all. 
"What did you do to him?" Yuna whispers to me, clearly impressed by how well he's following my instructions."I didn't really do anything. I told him that if this wasn't a suitable working environment for me that he would be working on this project solo" I say stating the facts. "Wow" she says not believing it, "Well I'm gonna get back to work, good luck" she says, amused at the dynamic already. 
"Hey" I say getting her attention before she gets back to work. "Can you please uses those headphones you have beside you? It'll be hard to concentrate with your music blaring in my ears" I say and go back to watching as Jungkook completes the list. Hearing what I've said Jungkook comes over to Yuna's desk and nicely puts her headphones on her so there's no argument to be had and she simply blinks at my sudden change in attitude towards her but goes back to work without another word.
I sit down next to him and place my laptop down on the desk and take a deep breath, opening it and turning it on after taking one more quickly glance around the place. "Begin" I say and he starts to open up one of his drawing programs and sketches out some various characters and background ideas while I continue to piece together the code for the whole thing. 
"How's it going?" he says after a bit looking over at my screen, interested in what actually goes into working on the behind the scenes stuff. "It's going" I say and continue typing the various strings of code working out how the character moves around the different environments. "Oh okay" he says, taking that as a sign of me not wanting to continue the conversation. "How are things going on your end?" I ask and lean over to look at his screen and I can see how he almost lights up at my question in my peripheral vision but decide to ignore it. 
He turns his screen towards me a bit so I can sit back a bit into a more comfortable position and explains all of the different outfits and ideas for power up items and he thoughts about what can be added to the storyline. "Yeah everything looks okay, but I don't want to settle for okay. You need to change this, it looks too crazy, I want something a bit neater" I say pointing out different flaws in almost all of his designs. 
"You do realize these are just the rough drafts?" he says rubbing his temples after going through and changing things as I give him one critique after the other. "Yes but I thought your work would look a bit better than this compared to what you've shown me before"I state pointing out a few more things to change. "Okay I need a break" he says standing up and stretching before laying down on the couch and pulling one of the blankets over him. 
"What are you doing? We've only been working for two hours" I say confused as to why he would need a break this early. "Exactly, it's been two hours and I'm tired, just give me like fifteen minutes and I'll start cleaning up the designs" he says and turns over giving his back to me and settling in to take a power nap. I roll my eyes at him and just decide to just go back and continue what I had been working on before I started checking up on his designs. 
Getting lost in work I notice that it's been almost thirty minutes instead of the promised fifteen and try to call him over to get back to work. "Jungkook wake up" I say but it seems to have no effect on him so I groan and get up and walk towards where he's laying down and find him laying on his back, sound asleep. With the position he's reclined in I'm given a full view of his face, leaving me a chance to study his features for a second. 
He really is attractive, I can't deny that but that cocky attitude he has on him turns me off. His flirting is a different story though, feeling myself starting to blush again. I kneel next to the couch to see if he's really sleeping but it really does seem like he's still passed out. I brush the bit of hair that has fallen into his face back a bit and lean towards him a little bit. "You're really sleeping right?" I say and still he lays still, not making a sound and an unknown force pushes me closer to him and I end up placing a light kiss on his lips. 
I pull back and cover my lips with a hand after realizing what I've done and quickly but quietly pack up my things and leave. I open the door and am met with the sight of Yuna coming down to hallway back towards the studio. "Oh y/n you're still here. Is everything okay?" she says clearly noticing the almost panicked look on my face and blush slowly creeping up on my cheeks. "Yes never better. Please tell Jungkook I'm going home when he wakes up" I say and without another word run down the hall and out the onto the street making my way towards my apartment as quickly as humanly possible.  
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Welcome to yet another Ginkgo rants installment. I am your host, and today's sh*t I'd like to touch on is the many different errors, X's and symbols that are seen throughout the show.
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Spoilers, duh
This is actually just me shamelessly talking about something, someone smarter has already talked about. I've mentioned LoreDrone from YouTube before, and one of the best theories they've got is regarding all of the random symbols we see throughout the show. I'll quickly summarize the idea here tho.
The first question that would have to be answered is what does Error: 606 really mean? I'm not techy or sciency enough to give you a solid answer, but there is this idea.
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Drones are programmed with OS strings, directly stated by Absolute Solver and mentioned throughout the rest of the show. LoreDrone used N as an example:
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So, say someone or something (like Absolute Solver) wishes to upgrade N into a disassembly drone. One of the core strings must be removed in order to incorporate the Absolute Solver string. It is during this period of time that when the core string is missing, the worker drones have the Error: 606 message. The only time 606 number has been mentioned would be when the tape played at the beginning of episode 5, Home.
Alright, let's say the gang has been upgraded into disassembly drones. Error: 606 message disappears and they begin their new mission. Next question would be what do the X visors mean then? Once again, from the tape seen in Episode 5:
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X means there is a faulty OS string and something isn't lining up in the AI core programming. But how can that be? All of our disassembly gang work just fine. The X only shows up when they're going on a murder spree.
Exactly! When the gang is on a murder spree, their functions are heightened, using all of their weapons and abilities that were given by the Absolute Solver. It is during this time that the Absolute Solver core string becomes agitated and is more likely to take over and corrupt the trio. In order to combat this, they have a CYN administration blocking the Absolute Solver string from fully corrupting them. So, for every time that the Absolute Solver string attempts to corrupt the disassembly drone, CYN administration kicks in and stops it. Looking more like this:
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The admin program switches the OS string of the Absolute Solver to false and causes the X on the visor.
Diving in deeper LoreDrone dissected the entire hacking process that Uzi did in the same manner. She entered V's and N's memories in order to restore them. But the issue was that Doll showed up in the middle of all this, while Uzi was trying to update and reprogram the administration, causing this:
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With the admin program string missing, Error: 606 pops on their visors. This is quickly followed by the Absolute Solver symbol.
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As it sees the perfect moment to take possession of the disassembly drones. Thankfully, Uzi gives up the bug key and finishes writing the new admin program.
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Returning N and V to their usual self.
Now, if you're crazy enough to make it through all of this. GO WATCH THE VIDEO NOW ^_^
They explain it way better than me, and their "chats" with N are so hilarious. Then come back and yell at me about your own thoughts. Cause I have not seen any other solid theory that explains all the errors and X's in the show.
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marsssbarrrr · 1 year
Abandoned Buildings
Koro Sensei [Ryushi Korogane] x Assassin!Experimented!Reader
Had this idea for a while, just rewatched Ass.Class and thought I’d write it. 100% SFW don’t worry lol (I don’t write a lot of NSFW)
Synopsis: You met the infamous Reaper on an assassination job. Things…happened from there.
This was his apartment. The infamous “Reaper”.
He’d taken out your client’s son, and his grandson had since gone missing.
Personally, you didn’t care much. So what? The snot-nosed kid probably saw his dad get taken out. He was either running and hiding or the Reaper had taken him out too.
What the Reaper did wasn’t really your business. He was an assassin. A professional. Your were the same. Money is Money, though. And with the amount this guy was paying you, there wasn’t really room to refuse.
No one really knew anything about the Reaper. But to you, that only made this job more exciting.
You were a pretty techy girl. A city’s security cameras and a few quick firewalls broken through and his info was yours. He wasn’t very tech savvy, not the way you were.
You were now the only individual in all of Japan who knew where he holed up between jobs. The place was rundown. People in the other rooms dealing and doing drugs had no effect on you. You’d seen worse, seen much more sketchy.
His apartment was on the 3rd floor. You were perched up on the building adjacent, across the street. His black out curtains were drawn, but that did little to hide the small boy peeking through. Probably the grandson, you thought. Your client had paid a decent amount of money, and had an extra couple thousand waiting if you brought him back safe and sound.
Something clicked behind you. The roof access door. Shit.
You swing around, reaching for the knife in your thigh holster. But he was quicker. In seconds your front side was pinned against the wall near your spot, your sniper was abandoned and your knife clattered against the floor. The right side of your face burned against the rough material of the wall, and your neck was tense from the harshness of the impact. You could see his face.
He held your hands behind your back, knee between your legs and his right hand holding a gun to your back.
“And who might you be, sweet cheeks?”
You gritted your teeth. Damn it.
The man chuckled.
“Y/N.” You responded. “And who in the hell are you?”
He smiled. “I have a feeling you know exactly who I am.”
…fuck. The Reaper.
“Listen, hon. You’re good. Nobody’s ever been able to find me out the way you did. Place is under an old targets name and… well, you probably know the rest.”
You did. His money was dirty, and he likely was using the boy inside as either a decoy. He was good.
“Who sent you?”
He dug the gun harder into your back, his index finger firm against the trigger.
You stayed silent.
“Fine, then.” He smile turned to a dark smirk. “I have no trouble turning to torture tactics. This area is pretty sketchy, so no one will question this.”
He moved the gun down, shooting you through the thigh. You groaned, stifling a scream. The gun was moved up to your back again.
“Tell me who sent you, and I won’t have to waste your pretty face.”
You sighed. “You killed my targets son. Took his grandkid. He didn’t tell me his name, paid me a fuckton to bring him your body.”
“Huh. Shoulda figured.”
He stepped back, letting go of you and scratching his head with the barrel of his gun. You moved quickly, snatching up your knife and shoving him to the ground. His gun clattered to the right and you held the knife against his throat.
“Listen. Personally, I don’t give a crap what you do or who your targets do. Honestly, you did some pretty good work with that guy. But this is a lot of money, and I need it.”
He didn’t even struggle. Just laughed.
“Oh, I like you, sweet cheeks. Listen, how’s about you come work for me instead? I’m no good with all that technology crap and I can do a whole lot more for you than that old rich guy can. Just fine me his info.”
You clenched your teeth again. “What’s in it for me?”
“Warm food on the table. Companionship. Better compensation from clients when word gets out you’re workin’ with the Reaper.”
You pulled the knife away after a moment. Fine. You’d play his game.
“L/N. Y/N L/N.”
You helped him up.
“Ryushi Korogane.”
You banged your fist against the glass. Damn it. This was supposed to be a quick job. In and out. You should’ve known. The compensation was suspiciously high, the target to insignificant. Ryushi knew it was fishy but you’d insisted. And now here you were. Rooms away from him and stuck in some glass holding space. An Experiment, you’d been told.
That’s all you were now. A test subject.
From what you could find out, Ryushi was undergoing the same “treatments” you were. Tentacle Serum injected into the back of your neck. It had been months now. Assholes.
You hadn’t seen him. After months you’d learned to love the goofy pervert, and you’d gotten engaged shortly before the little shit you’d learned to love betrayed you. They’d taken your ring, the necklace Ryushi had stood for you, and all your clothes. A white sweater and sweatpants adorned your now frail body. They gave you the bare minimum in the form of nutrients, and it did little to keep you steady these days.
Yukimura walked through the door.
“Y/N. Good to see you.” You didn’t quite trust her. The way she talked about Ryushi rubbed you the wrong way. You’d lived your whole life reading people and you could tell. She liked him.
“Yukimura. My food, please?”
“Listen.” She started, pushing the button to get you your stale food and bottled water. “They’re transferring you. A new facility. They need to separate you and the Korogane. The two of you are due to combust March 13.”
You dropped the water, head spinning. Spiked.
When you collapsed, alarms started ringing. A message came over the over-com. Ryushi was out.
That’s all you heard before the world went black.
You fast as you could up the mountain. He was here, you knew it. You’d found him. Class 3-E, Yukimura’s old class.
You’d escaped your facility days after the one you’d formerly been held captive was destroyed by Ryushi. After months, eight to be exact, you’d finally found him. The government officials weren’t hard to beat answers out of.
Your tentacles sprouted from your neck, pulling you faster.
All the color had been sucked from your body. You were an ugly gray color, your hair a lighter color of pale white. Your body hadn’t changed much physically, other than color and tentacles. You briefly wondered what had happened to him.
You stopped short. The class building.
It was Wednesday. Almost 10pm. Abandoned, except for him.
You panted. You didn’t have supersonic speed like he apparently had. You couldn’t smell like he could or see. But that was hardly an issue for you.
Something snapped behind you.
“Hey there, sweet cheeks.”
You spun around. It was him
Might make a part two is someone asks for it. But for now, this is all :)
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emelinstriker · 1 year
Syntax ♤ New Me
Baked some floofy comfort for y'all! :D
Still sad about Syntax not getting any screentime regarding his past before getting turned, so my brain went like "...This has slight angst potential".
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♤ ~ Comfort ~ ♤
His green eyes looked into the bathroom's mirror, gazing upon his newfound looks in the darkness. From his green and purple colors to the fact that he no longer needed glasses made him feel very much uncertain if you still liked him. It wasn't a small change one could easily miss or brush off, after all. Syntax had four spider legs coming out of his back now, for crying out loud! How could you not notice?!
He sighed as he ran his hand through his now green hair, closing his eyes while contemplating his next step. The techy science nerd was still in love with you despite the venom in his veins, making him loyal to his queen above basically all else.
How is he supposed to tell you without you freaking out and leaving him? That was probably his greatest fear in that moment. A future without you by his side. That one flaw in his transformation he could never be able to look past.
Good thing you were still at work, so you couldn't see him tearing up in your shared home.
'I suppose I could always fully live in the Underground with the other spider demons if they reject my new form...', he thought, his frown turning into a bittersweet smile.
'...But then I wouldn't be able to see them anymore...'
Suddenly, he heard the sounds of keys clashing with one another by the front door...
His eyes widened at the familiar sound. 'They weren't supposed to be back yet! I can't hide in time!' He panicked as he slammed the bathroom door, closing it just as he heard the front door shut in a more gentle manner.
"Syn? Love? Is that you?", your concerned voice rang through the halls, all the way past the bathroom door. You were hoping it was him and not a burglar.
He took a deep breath as he leaned his back against the door as best as he could with his spider limbs, "I- Y-Yeah, just... not feeling all too well."
Your gut feeling told you he was lying... Well, partially. You were slightly more concerned now as your husband wasn't one to feel sick and take a break over it. Forcing him away from his projects was the only way you were ever able to even sleep most days! So him being in the bathroom on his own accord was strange, to say the least. Questioning his sickness, you decided to walk up to the bathroom and gave a light knock.
"May I come in?" Syntax swore his heart stopped from the sudden panic spike those simple words brought him. Tears slowly started to gather back up in his eyes as he scowled towards the ground.
"...I just- I don't think you want to see me", he said. You were even more confused now as you said nothing, waiting for him to continue. "Even if you do right now, I doubt you'd want to stay after seeing me... After witnessing what I've become..."
The faint sniffing you heard past the door was all you needed as motivation for your protective side to take over. "Love, please let me in. I don't know what you're talking about, but I can promise you I will never abandon you over your looks", you told him as you leaned in with your hands against the door. He could hear your gentle smile as you spoke the part after. "After all, I didn't marry my beloved tech nerd for his looks. His looks were a nice bonus... But what I fell for was his witty personality, his knowledge over things I barely have knowledge of, how he cared for me..."
You placed your forehead on the door now too as you heard what you could only describe as metal lightly clanking against the door's wood.
"You mean so much to me you don't even know..."
That sentence was all it took to break the spider demon and turn him into a sobbing mess. He opened the door just enough so you could see one half of his face within the darkness of the bathroom. The only light inside came from a little nightlight you once insisted on adding so you had an easier time navigating to the bathroom during nighttime.
You were surprised by his new looks and Syntax took your facial expression as a bad sign. However, instead of leaving him as he feared, you put a foot between the door and its frame.
"May I come in now?"
Your husband finally fully opened the door, despite being reluctant about it, and you were finally able to have a good look at him. And honestly, you would be lying if you said you didn't find him even more attractive now.
The only thing that kind of freaked you out were the newfound mechanical spider limbs coming out of his back. You carefully approached him as he took one step back out of instinct. But that didn't stop you as you took one of his hands into your own, gazing at its purple shade in wonder before using your other hand to lightly play around with its skin. This simple action seemed to calm him enough as he rubbed his eyes with his other hand to get rid of some tears that were threatening to fall.
"...I'm not scared of you, and I certainly am not less in love with you, Syntax. That being said, I am curious", you started before your eyes trailed up from his hand to his eyes. "What happened to you?"
He sighed as he took you in for a hug, inhaling your scent to calm himself further, to ensure himself that you were still with him and haven't left. You two simply held each other as you whispered more comforting words to him. A few minutes of just holding each other, and you looking at the spider legs coming from his back with interest, you decided to ask him if he was finally ready to speak, and he agreed.
You two ended up cuddling on your bed as he told you about what happened: The Spider Queen, her lackeys, the venom incident, him being part of the reason why half of the city's population became zombie-like, his newfound loyalty to his queen... He had to ensure you that he would never pick her above you however... While he isn't sure how far his loyalty for her would go now as his spider instincts tell him to follow his queen's every command, he would hate himself forever if he did end up leaving you.
It was a bit difficult for you to adjust to this new life of having a spider demon as lover in general. He would be gone for most of the time since he would regularly sleep in Spider Queen's Lair, and only ever come back home in the dead of night when you were already asleep. And unless it was the weekend, you were unable to stay awake due to you having work at the office the next morning. So nowadays it was hard for you to even see him, which was upsetting because you just missed his presence.
One day however, Syntax came to visit you at work while disguised in a cloak. He didn't exactly try to have a conversation with you as he wanted to avoid distracting you from your job. But not only did he leave you a lunchbox, but he also gave you a quick kiss. Once he was gone, you looked into the lunchbox and saw your favorite snacks(, that he probably either bought or stole right before visiting), as well as a little sticky note that simply read 'I love you ♡'.
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at how cute he was being. He was never the romantic type and would shy away from the simple idea of showing you public affection, so this came as a nice surprise. It was as if Syntax truly did change a bit in personality and became a bit bolder with his transformation.
Your husband was also there when you came home this time. He kept on using his charm the whole evening until you asked him why he was being so affectionate with you all of a sudden. And his response was that he was repaying you.
"Repay me for what? For loving my husband?" You asked jokingly.
"Well, of course! I hate being apart from you for longer periods of time", he responded happily with his nowadays signature shark-toothed smile. "Which is why I wanted to ask you if you'd be interested in moving into the Spider Queen's Lair with me. It would technically be closer to your workplace as well as my own. We could even have a lit tunnel that leads directly to your workplace!" Your mouth shaped an 'o' at the idea. You could be closer to work as well as see the love of your life more often? You saw this as an absolute win! Although...
"...Is this alright with your co-workers? What if the other spider demons won't like me? What if they want to eat me?!" Your brain started panicking as you imagined different bad scenarios that could happen. But then it halted on one scenario that you could not look past. "...What if your queen orders you to get rid of me?"
Suddenly, Syntax pulled you close to him so your chest would be flat against his as he embraced you with his head on your shoulder. You were surprised, but happily returned the hug.
"Well, then she'll have to inject venom into another person with a similar intelligence level to mine. I would rather drain the venom from my own veins than get rid of you. Besides," he chuckled, "the queen may have an army, but none of them come close to having my technological capabilities. And knowing the queen, she would not bother trying to replace me unless a better replacement is handed to her on a silver platter."
That made you laugh a little before you two leaned in for a passionate kiss.
You could definitely get used to his new self.
> Link to Masterlist <
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little-miss-dilf-lover · 10 months
Sorry sorry but I can't help myself, the power this man holds I swear. I feel like aaron and brian just fit them so right??
Sorry for the angst, I actually wanted to save it for when you're requests are open but I thought it's too sad and you might not want to write it. Is it ok if I extend it a little and send it a few days later? (Apologies if it's too much but you've just awoken something in me that I didn't know I had)
But I'm so in love wirh the idea that you'd be that one unfathomably cool trio that is just so reckless and chaotic. We'd be the brain of the group (if that makes sense) and the only one who thinks before we act. Feel like we would be able to handle ourself in small fights, so he sometimes just stands there, awe struck, watching you like, yep, that's my girl. But god forbid someone manages to lay a finger on you, he'll see red. He WILL choke the man to death, no questions asked.
In the novel it is mentioned that he likes to read while on missions (when he has the time that is) so I can just imagine him grabbing two books for both of you as you sit and read like the classy couple that you two are. ("Killed 12 people and y'all are over here reading." lem, probably)
This is so self indulgent so I apologize but if you're first language isn't english, he WILL learn a few things just for you. He adores the surprised look on your face, followed by that pretty smile and laugh of yours.
In an interview with aaron and brian, aaron looked confused at the word "simp" and I can just picture that with tan and lem. He doesn't spend that much time on the internet so when lem hits him with the "You're whipped." or "Man's got it down bad." he'd look so confused.
Ok but imagine you trim his moustache, omg, he'll have you sit on his lap, his hands gently placed on your waist, you'd be too focused to notice the soft look in his eyes. "Darlin' stop smiling, I'll mess up." he mutter a sorry but the smile still remains present on his face.
Rewatched the movie, love the way this man looks in his full suit. Gotta ask, what's your fav scene of him? Or maybe your fav line of his? I'm in love with the way he explains the white death's backstory, he looks so good in that scene too. Also like the way he says tickety-boo, it's just so silly. Again, I'm so sorry, I said I'll wait a few days but I just couldn't. Just when I send in the ideas I get new ones, no thoughts, head empty, only tan. If you want I'll write them in my notes and save them for few days later.
💺 anon
1. not to worry, he still has me in one too. and right?!?
2. don’t worry about it!! was a beautifully sad idea. yes yes!! you’re more than welcome to expand it
3. YES!!! like the brainy/ maybe techy one. I feel like he’d let you have your moment/ revenge/ fighting time etc until it gets too close, like he knows you can handle yourself and don’t need a guy to defend/ protect, but tan wouldn’t risk it. like after a few minutes if you’re still fighting, he’ll come and help (he knows you could’ve done it, but again he didn’t wanna risk you getting killed/ really badly injured) you’re like “I nearly had him” and he’s like “yeah, I know” but he’s grinning and checking you over for cuts/ wounds etc
4. UGHH I LOVE THAT!! very classy, sitting in first class, legs crossed reading the same book😩 that lem moment😭😭perfect
5. omg yes!!! even more cute and perfect if it’s broken and the verbs and tenses are wrong and he says something in different language and you’re like “you said, ‘I am very beautiful’” 😭😭😭 and you’re trying not to laugh or embarrass him
6. AHAHAHA yes!! I feel like lem knows lots of the lingo, and tan is at a loss, “peng? what the fuck is peng” “what the fuck does that mean?” so lem is always educating him on the words. I feel like he sounds old when he asks about it, like “when did people stop saying …” “what’s wrong with saying …”
7. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 that’s all I gotta say about that one, omg!!?! melting and crying at that thought. WANT THAT
8. well… I haven’t watched it in a while, but I have many memorable moments. so I love when he walks off the train and lighting his cig (for obvious reasons) when he’s punching the back train window (again, for obvious reasons) when he and lem are debating the 16/17 kill count. and quotes … “you following me? stop… arsehole” and something along the lines of “story about when gordon met percy and how percy’s bleeding from his fucking eye sockets” “not particularly, no” “some 80s dance off, innit” AAAAHH NEED TO REWATCH IT AGAIN SO BAD
don’t worry about it bby, if and evenever you get ideas, keep them in your notes and then like this time and last send them over. don’t worry about sending in a few days, if you wanna, send them when you want. I said send too many times😭😭 hope you catch my drift
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🐺- What animal do they most remind you of? for vg and bea
⚖️- Are they a good person? for rat about vg
⚖️- Are they a good person? for bea and honey
🧠- What's your best memory with them? Worst? for vg about vs
V: Uh...real or fictional?
Bea: What do you mean fictional???
V: Uh a praying mantis?
Bea: It's just a myth that they eat the heads of their mates actually.
V: No, the myth is the frequency. They do it, just less often than thought.
Bea: ...fair. Hmmm, for you? A dybbuk.
V: WHAT?! That's not an animal.
Bea: Hear me out, they're disembodied souls that, due to their sins when alive, are condemned to roam the earth until they find the body of a living person.
<Johnny: I'm not a fuckin dybbuk.>
Rat: I'll answer with a question. Who the fuck abandons the love of their life before they undergo major surgery?
V: Oh come on! I was stupid and afraid and it had nothing to do with you getting top surgery. I have never cared about gender once in my fucking life.
Rat: You...did you really think I was upset because I thought you were transphobic?
V: Is that...not it?
V: Okay, fine. But you're no fucking saint either. Who spiked all the active wreaths of that BD Shack with a virus leading to 5 deaths and 10 irreparable neurological injuries?
Rat: I WAS 14!
Bea: Honey is a fucking angel.
Honey: And you're the devil.
Bea: That's why we're best friends!
V: Best? The time we were chatting on WhysApp when we worked at this old techie and runner shop. We'd end up on the NCART together when our stops intersected and would sit next to each other. Now, we'd met through the net and had been chatting for a couple years now. So, I watched her take a pic of this hole in her jeans and send it to me. I don't even remember what the fucking message said. What I remember is the look on her face when I replied "look next to you" and we put a face to the names vip3r and w33v1l.
Worst? Fuck.
<Can I tell them?>
<Johnny: I'm over it, go ahead.>
<You're not over it.>
<I'm so over it.>
<You're really not.>
I can't tell you the worst one. It's still too raw. But the second worst memory is when she took the fall for a scam gone wrong and went to prison in ATL for me. Jackie and I grew up together, we'd always been tight. But there's nothing like the bond you establish when you just meet through the net. No real stakes just being authentically you because if someone hates you? Fuck 'em, block and move on with your life, right?
So, I told her shit I could have never told Jackie. And when she was gone? Well, I tried opening up to Jackie once and it didn't go well. There I am, crying my eyes out about some input dumping me and Jackie says he has a date with Misty and can't stick around for too long. Pinche coño. Turns out he's just uncomfortable with emotions but he's working on it with Misty.
Still hurt tho.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Never break an oath; Bucky Barnes x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay this was a long time in the waiting but I finally got the inspiration to do this request that was in my inbox for awhile. @littlesister20001​ hope you enjoy this and like it.
Now FAIR WARNING!! The reader is autistic and there are MANY levels of autism and the way I went with was putting the reader somewhere on the the high-function autism scale. Also EVERYONE with high-functioning autism act and behave differently, and I know NO ONE on the high function (my younger cousin is on the low spectrum autism) and this is what I chose after doing some research on high-spectrum autism so if there is ANY HATE directed at me, you WILL be blocked or I will just take this fic down.
That being said, I hope you all still enjoy this fic.
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I was currently reading my latest book on constellations and galaxies that Rocket had given to me on their last visit here to earth.  Apparently according to him, “Terran scientists don’t know jack-shit about what’s really out there”.  So while he and the rest of the Guardians were out refurbishing a place called Knowhere, he managed to find this book and he thought he’d give it to me.  And I’ve been glued to it ever since.
“So this is where you’ve been.” I perked up and immediately ran up and hugged Bucky as he caught me.
“I thought you’d be gone on that mission with Sam and Joaquin for another two days?”
“We finished early.”
“You didn’t jump out of another plane with no parachute again did you?”
“I can’t believe Sam showed you that video. I told him to delete it from his stupid bird robot.”
“First of all Redwing ain’t stupid. Second of all, you were the one who made the decision to jump freestyle out the plane. Not my fault you kept smashing into trees.” Sam said as he came up and grabbed himself a cup of OJ.  “And to answer your question little miss, yes he did. I’ll send you the video later.” I laughed.
“Don’t you have someone else you can ignore, Captain?” Bucky said turning to Sam annoyed.
“No. I bother you from 12-6pm. That’s my schedule.” Sam shrugged as he took a sip of his drink before leaving.
“I swear to god he’s annoying.”
“Stop it, you love him.”
“We work together, we’re not friends just co-workers.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Sergeant.” I said sitting back down.
“Okay so what have you been doing since we left? Sitting here reading your books Belle?” I playfully shoved him as he took a seat next to me.
“You know I hate being called her right.”
“You’re right sorry. I meant Hermione Granger.”
“That’s even worse! Stop!”
“Okay, okay, okay. But seriously was all you did was sit here and read.”
“Of course not silly! The Guardians came for a visit yesterday and I hung out with them. Got to see all their new tech they got for us to use against any oncoming future attacks from the Big Three.”
“I also can’t believe Sam taught you that as well.”
“Buck, come on. I’m not stupid, I’ve followed every fight you guys have done going back to yours and Steve Roger’s back in world war 2.”
“Okay stalker.”
“I’m not a stalker!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night techie.” He said throwing my words back at me.  I shoved him harder (which really didn’t do anything except make him laugh).
“Anyways, that’s when Rocket also gave me this book.” I showed to him titled: “THE FAR REACHES OF YOUR GALAXY; The truth about the stars”.
“Tell me that rodent didn’t steal anything of mine while he was here.”
“You still harboring a grudge against him for taking your arm. You know it was Nebula that had done that and be thankful she took it when you were asleep.”
“That’s still not okay. Do you know how pissed Shuri was at me for letting Wakandan tech go into outer space?”
“I will give you that but at least you told her who it was that got it.”
“But also she’s not quite sure how a raccoon can understand Wakandan technology and building.”
“He’s not a raccoon.”
“Really cause I’ve seen a lot of them and he definitely looked like a raccoon to me.” I rolled my eyes. “So what is in that book anyway?”
“The truth about the stars. It says it right on the title Bucky is your sight gone too?”
“More old man jokes, one thing I enjoyed being away from.”
“Just speaking truth Buck.” He nodded sarcastically before suddenly grabbing me in a headlock before giving my a hard noogie.  “GAH!! ENOUGH STOP IT!!”
“Take back the old man comment and I will squirt.”
“Okay you’re not old now stop!” he released me as I tried to fix my hair.  “Do you know how hard it took me to do my hair today? I accidentally forgot to wash my hair after using the pool and my hair was a bitch to brush this morning.”
“I’m sorry. How bout I make it up to you by letting me take you out to the science con that’s coming this weekend?”
“You mean the one where physicist Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski and neuroscientist Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler are speaking at?”
“Yeah. You and me.”
“Oh Bucky thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!” I said hugging him so tight.  He hugged me back and said,
“You should really thank Shuri. She’s actually gonna be a panelist Friday and Saturday so she’s the one who scored us the tickets.”
“Oh this is gonna be so much fun. I’m already bursting at the seams!”
“Okay easy there kiddo. Don’t want you blowing a circuit just yet.”
“Sorry I just—I’m so excited. Plus it—it’s the first time since you left that we really got to hang out together. I missed you Bucky.” He softly smiled and said as he gently ruffled my hair once more.
“I missed you too squirt.” He brought me into a one armed hug before giving me a soft kiss to my forehead as I cuddled close into his chest.  “So what interesting facts do the people in outer space say about our galaxy?”
“Well I’m glad you asked, first off did you know that…..” I then opened to the first page I had bookmarked and shared with him several facts that I never knew or what we had been wrong about.
That’s the thing I love best about Bucky.  Whenever I tend to go off on my factual ramblings, or want to overshare certain events or facts, he listens.  He doesn’t interrupt, complain, or pretend to listen (I’ve always hated when people do that to me).  He gets me, and that’s why I’ve always loved Bucky more than any member on the team.
The next morning, I had gotten packed up and ready to go to the convention.  Well we were actually gonna take a flight to LA and take a day just to sight-see before the con would start Friday.  After packing my last suitcase I pulled up the website on my phone and found the schedule they had posted.
“Knock, knock, you ready to head to the airport?” I heard Bucky’s voice say.
“You betcha. And I’ve already got our schedule all planned out. On Friday there’s a seminar on Nano-technology and then Shuri’s panel about how Vibranium can make life easier. And after we get some lunch you can see Dr. Farrah Fowler talk about women and science along with Dr. Rostenkowski.”
“Sounds like a full day for Friday. What about the rest of the con?”
“I can do that when we get on the plane. No better thing to do on an airplane than get some work done.”
“I would agree to that. C’mon I’ve got our ride waiting for us downstairs.” I grabbed my bags and we proceeded down the elevator when running up to us was Joaquin Torres.
“Barnes! Sergeant Barnes! Thank god I caught you. We need you for this mission now!” he said urgently.
“What mission? We completed our mission early.” Bucky said.
“We thought so too sir but we’ve picked up another signal from a few remaining members of the Flagsmashers. We really need your help on this.” Bucky looked between me and him and he told Joaquin.
“Torres, I’m sorry but you gotta get someone else to—”
“I know we would ask anyone else to back us up but anyone who could is unavailable to do so. Please Sergeant Barnes, we need your help.”
“NO!!” I cried out. The two men looked at me.
This wasn’t supposed to happen! He already had to be away from me for six weeks trying to capture the remaining members of the Flagsmashers and that was the longest he had been away from me.  His next mission wouldn’t be until at least a couple months if not 3 weeks!
He shouldn’t go he doesn’t need to go! He promised me we’d go to the science con together and damnit I want us to go together!
“Find someone else to go because he’s not going with you!” I snapped.
“(Y/n), I know this is difficult for you to understand, but—”
“DON’T TALK DOWN TO ME!! I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY! I know Bucky’s mission schedule because Sam has told me about it! And if there were a surprise he’d warn me ahead of time about it! Bucky already made plans with me so find someone else to go on the mission because you’re taking away MY ONLY FRIEND AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!” I slammed my bags down on the floor and took off running.
I ended up back in my room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.  My breathing became constricted as I collapsed to my bed and wept into my pillows as I tightly gripped onto my sheets.  A knock was soon heard at my door.
‘(Y/n)? Can we talk?’
“Go away.” I grumbled before getting under my covers.
‘Not gonna happen squirt. You know how stubborn we old folks can be.’ He tried to joke which honestly did get me to quirk up a smile.  ‘C’mon kid, don’t make me bust down the door or break it off its hinges again like last time.’ I lay there for a moment before reaching for my phone and opened the door for him.
I felt the bed dip near my legs and he asked me.
“You doing okay breathing wise?”
“My chest still slightly hurts but at least I’m not hyperventilating like my last meltdown.”
“Yeah that was pretty scary.” He admitted.  “Why don’t you come out from under those covers, you know there ain’t enough oxygen when you’re under something.”
“It’s actually carbon dioxide we breathe in, and oxygen comes out.” I said getting my head out from the blanket.
“Right of course. Silly me.” I softly scoffed before fiddling with the ends of my hair.  “You know Joaquin is still trying to learn the ropes.”
“I know. But he shouldn’t have said I don’t understand things. I hate it when people use my disability against me.”
“He wasn’t trying to. No one does, and even if we do you end up proving them wrong with a savage comeback.”
“Still he shouldn’t have said it.” I grumbled.
“I’ll get him to apologize to you later.”
“You mean when you come back from your mission?” I said laying back down and turned away from him. I heard his sigh as he said.
“That’s actually what I came up here to talk to you about.”
“Bucky……” I now sighed deeply.  “I know I still have to get used to sudden changes in life. Because that’s what life is, but I struggle with understanding that. Why do we have to have sudden changes to our lives without thoroughly planning them out? Or when you make plans with someone why does something have to interfere with them or they cancel last minute?”
“Again kid, that’s life. Doesn’t mean we have to like it, all we can do is just—roll with the punches. Or how you kids say go with the flow.” He said the last part like he was trying to sound cool.
“So you are going to go on the mission?”
“Going off against super soldiers, they’re gonna need a super soldier on their side.” I let out a soft whine.
“I just got you back after a whole month and now I’m losing you again. Ever since the Flagsmashers have risen back up, I worry about you Bucky. Sure you’re a super soldier but they are 20 super soldiers. 20 easily overpowers one.”
“You really count me out just like that?”
“Now you’re making me sound like a negative doubter.” I said sitting back up and glared at him.
“I know you’re not a negative doubter, you’re just stating facts and I know. 20 to 1 is not a fair fight but you’re forgetting one thing squirt. I’m Bucky Barnes, I can handle myself. You don’t need to worry about me, okay?”
“It’s hard not to. What I said back there was true. You’re my old friend here.”
“What about Sam?”
“Sam’s cool but there are things that he sometimes doesn’t get when it comes to my autism. That or with him being the new Captain America, he’s too busy to hang out. And don’t tell him this but—you are honestly cooler than him.”
“FINALLY! Thank you. Someone who finally admits it.”
“I think I wanna take it back now.” I teased.
“No, no, no you can’t retract it back now. It’s too late.” I shoved him playfully and he nudged me back.  “How about this, when I come back, we take a whole month off of work, just you and me. Road trip even.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep Buck.”
“Well good thing this isn’t a promise.” I looked at him confused.  “It’s an oath. And everyone knows that while a promise can be broken, an oath never can. What do you say squirt, you and me out on the open road. Deal?” he extended his hand out to me.  After a minute between looking at him and his hand, I took it and we shook on it.
“I’ll hold you to that oath.”
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I was wondering since don is your fav do you have a least fave?
So I'll admit, I read this at first as "Do you have a least favorite Donatello" and I was gearing up to answer that, but then I reread the question and realized what it was asking, which is good, because finding stuff on The Next Mutation is not as easy as it should be, and that Don is my least favorite Don.
However, I now see that it's asking which turtle is my least favorite which is, hm, an interesting question.
You see, I don't have a least favorite in the terms of "I don't like that one" or "I would prefer not to have that one there" or anything like that. I love all the turtles! No, for me, the idea of least favorite turtle is more like the turtle that I focus on the least or something.
Which is actually really interesting, again, because of how that works out. Let me explain:
When I was first in the TMNT fandom, over 10 years ago, when 2003 was still coming out, my clear favorite was Donnie. After that, Mikey was my second favorite. Raph and Leo bobbed up and down in third and fourth place, and I just really didn't think too much about them.
Fast forward (Faaaaaaast Forward!) to now and, typically, Don is still my favorite, but the placement for the others bob and weave around as I've developed my sense of character more. When you take into account all of the iterations, too, well, things get a little more complicated. I'll spare you the long, drawn out explanations as to why, but here's my rankings in a nut shell:
1987: Don first, Raph second, Mikey and Leo bouncing around for third and fourth.
90s Movies: Honestly, there's not enough character development for all four turtles for me to pick well. I default to Donnie being my favorite, but I really, really feel for Raph and Mikey in movie three. They're all about equal, honestly.
The Next Mutation: This is my least favorite Don, ngl. But I still like him a little more than the others, even thought they're all about equal.
2003: Don first, Raph and Mikey bouncing around for second, and then, depending on who is second, Raph, Mikey, and Leo bounce around for third and fourth.
2007 Movie: We, again, don't get a lot of character development beyond Raph and Leo, and even then it feels like I was dropped into the middle of a story. However, I think I do like Donnie and Mikey better than Raph and Leo here, just because I relate to the overworked sibling trying to hold it all together vibe.
2012: Don first, with Raph, Mikey and Leo all about equal with such slight moments of pulling ahead that no one ever takes a clear place.
Bayverse: Don is my absolute favorite. Raph takes second place. Mike and Leo are about equal here.
Rise: Don takes first place again, but here, Leo takes second place. Raph and Mikey bounce around third and fourth.
Mutant Mayhem: I don't really have a favorite here? I think if Don had been given more techie moments, he would have been my clear favorite, but right now I just kinda like all the boys equally. This will probably change with rewatches and the new series.
When you get to looking at that, Leo is almost always near the bottom of my rankings. And that's because he doesn't tend to fit in types of characters that usually my favorites. My favorite characters tend be the smart ones (Spock, Data, Daniel Jackson, Milo Thatch), the underestimated comic relief (Justice League Flash, Beast Boy, Sokka), or the stoic warriors that really care (Worf, Teal'c).
I can find two of those favorite types of characters in Don (the smart one) and Mikey (underestimated comic relief) but neither Raph nor Leo typically fit those or the stoic warrior types--with the exception of Rise Leo, who fits in the underestimated comic relief type.
But that doesn't mean that I love Leo any less than I love the rest of them. This boy is always looking out for his family, he's dedicated, he is so talented with strategy, and I absolutely love him. "Least favorite?" I guess, but it's like putting a Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar, Reese's Cups, an Almond Joy, and a Carmello in front of me and saying "which is your least favorite?" Like, none? I love them all? Please give them all to me? I may have one that I want more than another at that moment, but I love them all.
So I guess Leo? But also at the same time, I love him.
And yes, 2k3 Leo is still my favorite Leo. Look at this boy:
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bitebackbaby · 1 year
just read through your clone OCs post and i just have to say, i love them, your honor. i've loved getting glimpses of them in the fox in the henhouse series, and now i need to bundle all of them up in warm blankets and make them warm beverages. thanks for sharing your lovely creations with the world <3
i have been keeping this in my inbox like it’s a blanket for my little mouse body that soothes me on these long winter nights, but i suppose i must learn to let go…
anyway IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY OCS!! It might be a little early to begin discussing marriage, but im willing to start the arrangements if you are <3
for real, its super nice to hear that people are enjoying the clones i throw in my fics (here is a list with more information, for the uninitiated!) — each of them is my super special baby who is god’s weakest soldier and i love them dearly. they each have a purpose, too! i enjoy exploring what it means to be military (but not) and the weird state of martial law that Coruscant edges into even before the empire ever rises, and some oc clones makes it easy to dig deeper into different aspects of that without completely transplanting canon characters, though the canon guard members have such little screen time that some futzing doesn’t matter too much…
and i'm rambling. well! as a reward (?) for making it this far, here’s a couple of new characters that will be featuring this month as febuwhump goes on!
JUDGE: [he/him] a techie who (allegedly) works with the Senate air traffic control. this information is mostly guesswork, as anytime someone comes looking for Judge, he tends to be sitting in the break room on his comm, so it’s hard to say if he does any work at all. completely unbothered by pretty much anything, he nonetheless has a reputation around the Guard of being a complete badass because he can make any senator shut up within two sentences. he accomplishes this by being the one in charge of clearing flights to the surface, and any senate workers who invoke his wrath quickly find themselves on hold for the next two hours while he takes a long lunch.
name origin: due to his unflappable nature, he quickly became the go-to trooper to be called upon to mediate petty disputes. there is apparently no rhyme or reason for which side he chooses, but it has become an unofficial rule within the barracks that once Judge has made the final call, the party’s over.
TWO: [he/they] a member of Thorn’s diplomatic escort team, but the rest of them all try to keep Two at the back (preferably with his mouth taped shut) because despite his excellent marksmanship skills and high scores on the diplomacy and hostage negotiations sims, Two is a mean little bastard who would probably dox people on twitter in a modern au. Thorn snatched up Two very quickly, because he knew that his batchmate Moriarty was aiming for the recently-graduated cadet to join the Guard’s T&I division, and Thorn didn’t think Fox’s blood pressure could handle that.
name origin: “Two” is actually short for Two-Faced, and has nothing to do with their CT number. Two greatly enjoys getting the chance to explain this to people, and daring them to say anything about it. be careful, this one bites!
thanks for the ask, and thanks for reading this far!! if anyone ever have questions about my ocs or wants to chat about writing, feel free to hit me up!! i’ll take any chance i can get to talk about my little freaks 🥰
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sometipsygnostalgic · 2 years
found entrapta in xc3
except he is is this 4 year old boy (12ish physically)
his name is Valdi and he looks like a Mechonis (android) from Xenoblade Chronicles 1 except hes vat grown and ages at the same rate as humans somehow because thats how everyone in this game ages, it is pretty fucked up
he is the “best engineer in this side of the war” 
anyway here are the reasons valdi is entrapta
1. he picked a fight with 6 experienced fighters because he wanted to get more supplies for his tech 2. when we beat him he goes WOW, SO COOL, TEACH ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW and our characters are like ???? why would we do that? you tried to fight us??? 3. our resident nopon techie guy is like "your robots were shit because you upgraded light armored robots with heavy robot weaponry" and hes like "oooh that makes sense" 4. "what colony are you from?" "30!!" "who is the commander?" "oh that would be me!!" "you fucking wot mate???" we see him talking to an exasperated advisor, he literally ditches all of his duties so he can come out and fight us with robots 5. "it's okay i can walk home and make new robots to escort me from random scrap!"  "wouldnt that require salvaging??" "oh shit, yeah. uhh i might need help" 6. "what were we doing here again??" "salvaging??? did you forget??" "oh yeah!!!" 7. he only makes Attack robots because he loves making Attack robots and has literally never considered doing anything else 8. he sees a bunch of destroyed robots, indicating a lost battle, and is like "wow! this makes me sad because i just WANT TO SALVAGE ALL THIS TECH" and the other characters want to fight him, and then he comes up with some random profound shit he heard from his dead master 9. he. he says this!!!! he says this fucking line!!!!!!
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Entrapta: Well, there’s no reason to get huffy because an experiment fails.  Failure is a vital part of scientific endeavor!!!!
(i actually made this joke on tumblr the other day after it was in a trailer, and forgot about it and was taken offguard when he said that quote ingame) 10. he is told "you know if you are sick of people taking advantage of your Attack robots and getting themselves in trouble, you can start making Non-Attack robots, right???" and he goes "OH YEAH... IVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORe, WTF" 11. he makes an Emily on the spot. he makes a robot to look after himself out of scrap from robots that hed built to kill people. i dont make this up.  12. someone from Management (one of the bad guys) shows up and says "wtf??? you wanna stop making destroyer robots??? from what i recall, you said "ill be fine as long as i can make my death robots", right???"
13. he also doesn’t really give a shit about helping Agnians, the opposite side of the war, or his colony’s sworn enemy Ouroboros, because he kind of sees everyone as an opportunity to learn more about technology. he is the ONLY character in the game so far to not care what side of the fight he’s helping. 
EDIT: 14. even though he kind of sends them to their death, he thinks all the robots he creates are sapient. he says “in the next life ill make you into the best protector robot” immediately before he pulls a gun on his best creation to destroy it. then his giant mech is stolen, his emily-bot dies protecting him, and he has his mandatory xenoblade chronicles breakdown about how he is a small guy but his robots taught him he was worth something. this kid is fucking wild. 
EDIT 2: 15. i told him everything in his life was a lie and he didnt give a shit!!! he let me liberate his colony without asking any questions or talking to any of them about it. 
16. then he asked to join my team and when i accepted it said that I “inherited his traversal ability and can now climb up walls”, which sounds about right. 
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morganlefaye79 · 7 months
For the Cyberpsychosis Ask:
Can i please have for all three:
6: Bloody Ritual: Does your OC have any pre or post mission rituals or superstitions?
7: Discount Doc: Is your OC good at improvising? Would they survive a mission under prepared?
Thank you for the ask 💜. Interesting questions, never thought about that.
You can ask me more questions here.
Bloody Ritual: Does your OC have any pre or post mission rituals or superstitions?
Valaire: Before a gig, Valaire sits down asking for forgiveness to whoever might listen (He doesn't belong to any religious group) if he has to kill someone. After a mission, when he actually killed someone (if avoidable) he will drink himself into oblivion. Vicco always accompanied him to give comfort and a "buddy" therapy session, which Kerry will do as well when they are in a relationship.
Vicco: Vicco doesn't have any rituals he does. He gets the job, he does the job and goes home.
Joris: Dependant on what kind of mission he is he will check his gear at least 10 times over to make sure it is all functional.
Discount Doc: Is your OC good at improvising? Would they survive a mission under prepared?
Valaire: He would never take a "under prepared" mission. He's not a gonk. Later when he is a fixer himself, he will not take "half-baked" plans from clients, and he will tell them to their face. Either they come back when they thought it through in a reasonable manner, or he will offer to do the planning, but this will cost extra. Still with the best plan, something can go wrong, therefore Val always has someone in the OP that can quickly find solutions and improvise. During the times he was a solo merc, or even sometimes when he was still at Arasaka he himself had some situations where he needed to be quick-witted to get out unseen, but it was mostly due to the fact that he prepared himself thoroughly before the mission. Vicco: Vicco prefers to work alone, or maybe if necessary with a techie/Netrunner backup. So there's only their life at stake onsite. Depending on the mission they will prepare themselve accordingly (if stealth is needed) or just run in guns blazing.
Joris: Joris is similar to Valaire. But he also has the motto no risk, no fun. He and Vicco work perfectly together. Vicco is too bold, and Joris tells him where the exit is. 🤣
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angelthecat153 · 11 months
Dylan x reader camp crush part 14
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Dylan's POV i closed the door behind me and y/n to make sure we're safe "oh this place is kind of a dump huh" y/n said looking around "ok when i was a camper here it was barely working it hadn't been used for years and it took me a really long time actually to get this place cleaned up and looking the way it is so i'm sorry if it's not up to your standards but i've been putting in a lot of tlc ok" i said while looking at y/n then she looked at me back "ok" she said raising an eyebrow "let me get this set up" i said walking to my desk and sitting down "allright" i said to myself while figuring out how to fix it "anything over here we can use" y/n asked and i turned my head around "the power tools" i said answering her question and getting confused at the same time "no" i said "um that's Mr H wanted more storage so it's kind of how he let's me keep the station going" i said and finished my little speech about storage "gotcha" y/n said looking around "so uh how far does it go" y/n asked
y/n's POV
i wanted to know how far it goes through "oh um well it was designed just to broadcast to the P A's around camp for announcements and to you know portable radios and whatever so i think the range is about a mile" he said answering my question "how do you even you know all this stuff" i asked curiously "i lust kind of picked it up" he said answering another one of my questions "the tech technical stuff has always been a little uh hard for me to get a handle on" i said and he showed a face with realisation about what i asked "well if you like i could show you the ropes" he said impressing me since we're a couple now "like a class" i asked while blushing "yeah it's easy like climbing" he said which made no sense at all "sign me up teach" i said joking around "anyway's this thing's gonna need a bit of a power up" he said while changing the subject "um but that's where this comes in" he said plugging something in "it does magnet" i said confused "it's supposed to be a signal booster it's kind og janly looking but it's worth giving a shot" he said while explaining to me
Dylan's POV
i'm glad that y/n seems interested in what i do "so we can actually talk to people with this thing" y/n asked in a confused voice "yeah well it's not a 2 way radio so um you know we can talk uh but the best we can do is switch it over 2 the reciever and see if anyone broadcasts anything back which is unlikely but"i said "well i mean it is what it is i guess" y/n said and i nodded agreeing with my girlfriend "yeah so what should i say" i asked y/n "uh just like make it sound urgent" y/n said giving a suggestion "ok" i said agreeing with her and talked into it "hello how's it going out there this is uh uh we help this is uh we are counselor's at Hackett's Quarry summer camp and there's been a horrible accident attack some stuff bad here we need your help uh there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere and there's these hunters too and they seem to be shooting at the bears but also at us um which is not good and a few of our friends are hurt and um we are in desperate need of help so please help there's vicious bears and uh we don't know what to do so please uh come help us sos uh this is an emergency us save our ship come on down please help us" then i hung the phone up after calling for help
y/n's POV
what bears there were no bears around "did i do good was that" he asked "swarm of bears" i said and raised my eyebrow at my boyfriend "yeah' he said while looking at me "herd of bears" i said as in group of bears "yeah i've heard of bears but" he said not knowing what i meant so i sighed "oh my god" i said and sighed again "allright i i guess i should just like switch this over to the reciever and see if we get anything back" he said checking to see if it still works "ok yeah i'm gonna keep an eye out while you do all this techy stuff" i said going on the look out but he stopped me "how about i look out while you try and fix it" he said and i gave him a nod so he was on the look out while i just read an instruction manual and when i was done reading the instructions i trying my best to fix it "check it" i said and Dylan turned around "allright i got a ping on the radio but with no response i'm gonna" but it got cut off "wait did he did he say lodge" Dylan asked and i shrugged "i don't know hold on" i said and listened closely "another couple unaccounted for" the radio said and it got cut off again "copy that out" the radio said again and stopped "holy shit they're talking about us" Dylan said realising "fuck fuck fuck what the fuck man" i said and whispered in a panicked voice
Dylan's POV
great now we got hunters after us "how" i asked "cause we just told them on the fucking radio fuck" y/n said starting to cry "they know where we are Dylan" y/n said crying "we can't stay here" i said "shit shit fuck" she said still crying "hey hey let's let's stay calm ok um let's let's go find Kaitlyn and everybody ok" i said while hugging her because she was scared "ok ok" she said while hugging me back then she rushed to the door and immediately closed the door getting frightened again "why didn't you tell me there was something out there" she said in a scared voice "i i i wasn't sure y/n" i said in a unsure voice "fuck what the fuck was that" she asked still scared "i have no idea" i said unsure and it was climbing on the roof "uh Dylan" she said "sh sh sh sh sh" i said telling her to shush "is it a bear" she asked "i don't think bears can jump like that" i said while whispering and we realised we had no gun because Ryan had it "what is that" y/n asked pointing out the window so i just found a gun that was lying around and picked it up and held it "fuck" i said "what" y/n asked "Kaitlyn,Abi,Ryan and Nick they're coming up the path" i said "oh shit" y/n said panicking "they''re coming toward us we gotta warn them um what about the P A" i said pointing "up top yeah ok" y/n said walking to the chair "yeah we can tell them to hide or something" i said and y/n sat down going to talk in the speaker but there was a noise
y/n's POV
when there was a noise i panicked "oh fuck no" i said and stood up "oh shit" i said walking away from the chair "hold the button" i said and my boyfriend held the button "uh Kaitlyn get into a building now do not come up here now there's an animal outside the radio hut just get into a cabin now go" Dylan said yelling through the speaker and the others went into the nearest cabin they could find "oh fuck dude" i said getting pissed off and panicked at the same time "they're gone" Dylan said reassuring me when there was a noise on the roof he pointed it up "what now" i asked getting frightened "we gotta kill it" he said reassuring me again "it's not a normal animal Dylan" i said getting all frightened "i don't think a gun's gonna cut it" i said still frightened "of course it is why wouldn't it be" he asked "i don't now Dylan i just don't think it's a good idea to go running out guns blazing against some random ass super animal" i said getting very concerned at his idea "what the hell else can we do" my boyfriend said impatiently while asking me and getting pissed off "well if it's got hearing like a like a dog maybe i mean we could we could play a really high-pitched feedback loop and crank it to the max and i mean it would hurt like hell but" i said suggesting on how to stop the animal "ok fine let's do it feedback thing" he said agreeing to my idea "allright" i said and whispered
Dylan's POV
that was actually a pretty good idea and y/n sat down "ok come y/n let's do this um" my girlfriend said talking to herself while i looked out the window "it's almost" y/n said and i realised she was starting to have a panick attack "hey y/n just take a breath i'm sure you can figure it out" i said trying to calm her down "ok yeah right" y/n said while taking a breath "so there's something missing what's missing" she asked herself and the noise came back "oh crap it pulled the wire" she said "fix it" i said while still holding the gun "i'll cover you" i said the i went to look up from the window then i pulled back because the creature was not outside "do it now go quicly" i said and she stood up on the desk reaching her hand up to fix the wire then something horrible happened she got bit on the hand and started screaming in pain and crying as well "ah fuck help me oh my god" then the creature let go and she landed on the floor with her hand on her wrist while she was crying in pain "oh oh fuck oh no" she said still screaming in pain "oh no god it hurts make it stop" she said and yelled at me in pain still crying
y/n's POV
oh shit that was the most painful thing in my life and i was still screaming and crying in pain "what do you want me to do what do you want me to do" Dylan asked in fear while i was still in pain "fuck it's spreading you have to cut it off" i said still screaming in pain "cut it off cut it off" i said begging him to do it "shit fuck no ok ok just hang on hang on" he said in a worried voice "fuck" i said yelling in pain then he put the gun down and grabbed the chainsaw "are you sure" he asked "yes fucking do it" i said when he was cutting my hand off i was still screaming in pain "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" i said crying "the wire get the wire get the wire" i said while i was still in pain "what" he said still in a worried voice "the wire" i said starting to faint "ok" he said and went to get the wire "plug it plug it into the thingy" i said still fainting "hey keep pressure on it" he said and put my other hand on my wrist to apply more pressure onto it and i howled in pain while he went to do the wire "what do i do what do i do" he asked "the button the button" i said then he pressed and the feedback loop played which was loud and i covered my ear with my one hand
Dylan's POV
the pain was very loud and it scared the creature away "oh we blew the speaker" y/n said giving a thumb up with her one hand "it did the trick" i said in victory "nice work y/n" i said while she was lying on the ground and she laughed and i gave her a worried look but she stopped laughing "oh fuck my hand" she said realising her hand was still missing "right right" i said and looked for something to cover up her hand and i found duct-tape "just hold on" i said putting out my hand in front of her "why did you do that" she asked "you told me to" i said making a very good point "that was a bad idea" she said realising about the cutting her hand off idea "oh fuck" she said and closed her eyes so i put the duct-tape on her hand it took her about 5 minutes to open her eyes when she did we went outside
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andromeda4004 · 11 months
6, 13, 17, 40! (so many good questions!!)
Oooh, good choices!
6 - Do you have your work beta'd? How important is this to your process?
I don't generally have my work beta'd, although I do sometimes ask my husband to read something to give me a "sense check" if I'm trying something unusual for me. I write on a word processor and I have been a professional typist, so typos aren't generally an issue, and for my day job I spend a lot of time correcting other people's written work, so my grammar and syntax is pretty good. I do like to sit on my writing for a while though; ideally I would write something, leave it a few days, then re-read (even if I wasn't editing) to spot any errors. Writing - posting - writing the next bit has been quite an adjustment for me!
13 - what's a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Oh, tough one! I threw out a lot of the writing tips I heard as a beginner writer when I realised that they mostly make you easy to read, but not necessarily interesting. The best authors ignore them, because they have learned when they don't apply. I just googled "top writing tips" to try to answer this and they are all useful to a specific writing style, and no damn use to me. So the tips I do follow are "break rules intentionally" - learn the rules then figure out when breaking them will create the reaction you're looking for more effectively than following them would - and "know your audience". If you're writing something techie, lean into the tech; if you're writing something historical, lean into the details. If your audience didn't love that stuff as much as you do, they wouldn't have started reading it at all.
17- what do you do when writing becomes difficult? (maybe a lack of inspiration or writers block)
Switch tack. I get my best moments of inspiration when I'm meant to be focusing on something else. I could not stop coming up with interesting fic ideas when I was supposed to be finishing my Regency story; I wrote quite a lot of an original novel when I was meant to be working on my degree. If I want to stay immersed in a world but I just can't do the writing at the moment, I'll get deep into the characters instead, I'll do moodboards and playlists and go window shopping for things they might own. I've also written what I think of as "deleted scenes" for my OCs, storylines which are fun but which would mess up the actual plot, because then I can get them out of my head and get back to the main idea. If I'm really stuck I'll shut the laptop and go back to crochet or sewing, something entirely separate, and let the ideas churn away in the background until they're ready.
40 - If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I've commissioned a couple of pieces of artwork for Morningstar Abbey and they were for romantic moments, I suppose. I do think about my stories in a very visual way, I know where things are in space during a scene, so I suppose I would love to see fanart of a scene that had a lot going on, because that would mean that I'd got the visual element across to the reader. My current WIP is an action/adventure so that will have a lot of very dynamic scenes that would look great on the screen! 😎
Thanks for the asks! ❤
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