#XX Intersex Man
Dear Medical Complex and Government, Gestational Fathers Exist!
Dear Medical Complex and Government, Gestational Fathers Exist!
Dear Medical Complex and Government, My son and daughter are biologically related to both of their parents. We are two men, a gestational dad, and a seminal father. You see, I am an intersex man. I am not a woman.I am not female. We are not the only family like this. Please update your forms immediately! Your prejudice and denial of our existence is not acceptable!  We Exist! We are Real! We…
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fozmeadows · 3 months
As someone who hasn't read the works of radical feminists like Simone de Beauvoir, could you explain what's wrong and what bothers you about biological essentialism? I'm curious about your opinion after reading your post on radfems (and I'd like a perspective that isn't so based on biological gender essentialism, which I honestly have a hard time moving away from because I don't understand other perspectives well). 👀
The problem with biological essentialism is that purports to answer the eternally unanswered question of nature vs nurture in a wholly one-dimensional way - ie, with biological sex as The Single Most Important Aspect Of Personhood, regardless of any other considerations - while simultaneously ignoring the fact that biological sex is not, in fact, a binary proposition. We've learned in recent decades, for instance, that intersex conditions are much more common and wide-ranging than previously thought, not because scientists have arbitrarily changed the definitions of what counts as an intersex condition, but because our understanding of hormones, chromosomes, karyotpying and other physical permutations has expanded sufficiently to merit the shift. So right away, the idea that humanity is composed of Biological Men and Biological Women with absolutely no ambiguities, overlap or middle ground simply isn't true. Inevitably, though, if you mention this, people with a vested interest in biological essentialism become immediately defensive. They'll start saying things like, oh, but that's only a tiny minority of the population, they're outliers, they don't count, as though their argument doesn't derive its claim to authority from a presumed universality. To use a well-worn example, redheads are also a tiny minority of the population, but that doesn't mean we exclude them when talking about the range of natural human hair colours. But the fact is, even if humans lacked chromosomal diversity beyond XX/XY; even if there were no cases of cis men with internal ovaries or cis women with internal testes or people with ambiguous genitalia - and let's be clear: all of these things exist - the fact is, our individual hormones are in flux throughout our lives.
There are standard ranges for estrogen and testosterone in men and women (which, again, vary according to age and some other factors), but two cis men of the same age and background could still have completely different T-counts, for instance - meaning, even the supposed universal gender factor isn't universal at all. More, while our hormones certainly play a major role in our moods and cognition, so do a ton of other genetic and bodily factors that have nothing to do with the sex we're assigned at birth - and on top of that, there's nurture: the cultural contexts in which we're raised, plus our more individual experiences of living in the world. One of the most common, everyday (and yet completely bullshit) permutations of biological essentialism comes when parents or would-be parents talk about their reasons for wanting a son or a daughter. Very often, there's a strong play to stereotypical assumptions about shared interests and personalities: I want a son to play football with me, for instance, or: I want a daughter to be my shopping buddy. But even within the most mainstream channels of cishet culture, it's understood that these hopes are not, in fact, grounded in any sort of biological certainty. The dad who wants a sporty son might be just as likely to end up with a bookworm, while the mother who wants a little princess might find herself with a tomboy. We know this, and our stories know this! For the entirety of human history - for as long as we've been writing about ourselves - we have records of parental disappointment in the failure of this child or that to embody what's expected of them, gender-wise. More than that: if biological essentialism was real - if men were only and ever One Type Of Man, and women were only and ever One Type Of Woman, with recent progressive moments the sole anonymous blip in an otherwise uniform historical standard - then why is there so much disparity and disagreement throughout human history as to what those roles are? The general conception of women espoused in medieval France is thoroughly different to that espoused in pre-colonial Malawi, for instance, and yet we're meant to believe that there's some innate Gender Template guiding all human beings to behave in accordance with a set, immutable biological binary? And that's before you factor in the broad and fascinating history of trans and nonbinary people throughout history - because despite what TERFs and conservative alarmists have to say on the matter, our records of trans people, and of societies in which various trans and nonbinary identities were widely understood (if not always accepted), are ancient. We know about trans priestesses from thousands of years before Christ; the Talmud has terms describing eight different genders, and those are just two examples. All over the world, all throughout history, different cultures have developed radically different concepts of femininity and masculinity, to say nothing of designations outside of, overlapping with or in between those categories - socially, legally, behaviourally, sexually - and yet we're meant to believe that biology is at all times nudging us towards a set, ideal gender template? There's a lot more I could say, but ultimately, the point is this: people are different. While some aspects of our personhood are inevitably influenced by genetics, hormones, chromosomes and other biological factors, we're also creatures of culture and change and interpersonal experience. The idea that men and women are fundamentally different, even diametrically opposed, at a biological level - that the major separator in terms of our personalities and interests isn't culture, upbringing and personal taste, but what's between our legs - is just... so reductive, and so inaccurate.
We can absolutely have common experiences on the basis of a shared gender, but gender is not the only possible axis of commonality between two people, let alone the most salient one at all times, and the idea that we're all born on one side of an immutable biological equation that cannot possibly be transcended makes me feel insane. According to modern biological essentialism, intersex, trans and nonbinary people are either monstrous, mistakes or imaginary; all men are fundamentally predisposed to violence, all women are designed for motherhood, and we're meant to just hew to our designated places - which, conveniently, tend to echo a very specific form of Christian ideology, but which in any case manifestly fail to account for how variedly gender has been presented throughout history. It's nuts.
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doberbutts · 1 year
It was a year or two ago some annoying terf was harassing me because I'm a terrible evil trans man beguiling and leading gay men astray with my gross vagina or whatever
And at some point how women are born with vaginas and men are born with penises and that was that
And I replied 'what about those who are born into the space inbetween? Women with psuedo-penises? Testicles where ovaries should be? Naturally higher testosterone? Facial and body hair?'
And naturally she screeched about how I was an evil tra who throws intersex people under the bus when intersex people have asked to be left out of this conversation.
But the problem is... I was talking about MYSELF. If you're going to forcibly label me a woman because I was born with a vagina, I'm going to require you to tell me what your definition of "woman" is that doesn't inherently exclude me from being ABLE to be labeled such.
A woman is someone born with a vagina, ovaries, and a uterus? And never with testes, prostate, and penis? Well I have a little of column A and a little of column B and that is without any amount of surgery or medical procedure.
A woman is someone whose endocrine system is estrogen-dominant? Sorry, that's never been me, I've always had higher testosterone than estrogen even before I went on T.
A woman doesn't need to shave her face? My beard predates my HRT. Doesn't have an adam's apple? I've had one since puberty. Cannot penetrate a partner without the help of a toy? Can and have. Body capable of creating new life? I've got it on pretty good authority that I've been infertile since the day I was born and that if I did somehow manage to get pregnant the fetus likely would never be viable anyway.
Doctors are sure she's a female baby the moment she comes out? Well considering my name was almost Jon Roger before the doctor realized he needed to take a second glance...
Has XX chromosomes? Well since I figured out this year that I for sure am intersex I do actually know my chromosomes now... but I didn't before. XY babies with my condition usually just die and those who do survive aren't intersex so I have to be XX since I made it to 30 without dying (I mean I tried real hard tho) without medical intervention. But if we're basing it on just XX or XY then you still have to put forth the effort of figuring out where you sort all the other possible configurations such as XY babies that look identical to XX babies and were often not caught until something was medically wrong with them that required a deeper look than just what was on the surface.
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sunnysam-my · 10 days
Is it possible for Danny to have a female clone as a male?
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Short answer: Kinda. There are multiple options.
I'm not an expert by no means, but I'll try to simplify cloning for you. Also, reproductive cloning of humans is more of theoretical field than anything.
Let's start of with this: Dani probably isn't exactly a clone. A cloned embryo is essentially an identical twin of the original organism. She isn't that, because she isn't the same sex. Even if clones are genetically identical with one another, they will not be identical in physical or behavioral characteristics, because DNA is not the only determinant of these characteristics. That's why she is shorter, not as thin, behaves differently etc. Dani was made by reproductive cloning - the process of cloning an entire organism.
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So, how to make Dani out of Danny?
To create a female clone from a man you could take his cells and turn off the Androgen receptor genes. The person will develop as female with XY chromosomes and will have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. This method creates genotypically male individual but phenotypically female, making them intersex. This would make a clone, but it wouldn't be "genetically" female.
Deleting the Y chromosome. This will create a female child with Turner's Syndrome. Most of the effects of which can be countered with hormone supplements at appropriate development stages.
Duplicate the male X chromosome - turning an XY into an XX. Though the resulting individual wouldn't be a perfect clone because the proportions of source DNA wouldn't be right, all the source material would come from the original male.
Bring in donor chromosomes from an unrelated female. All other genes will be identical to the "parent's" genome, and by controlling which X is active (only single X is active in a female). The 'clone' wouldn't be as identical as the other methods.
So yeah, either Danny is trans or Dani is intersex :D
Danny Phantom, Trans icon since 2004
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Calico Tom pride flag.
This can be used by any man or similar gender with XX* chromosomes. Whether they are intersex, trans, part of a system in a body that has XX chromosomes, or some combination.
*also including chromosomes variations such triple(or more) X and XXY
The flag design is based off the bear flag. The black, brown, orange, and off white are common colors of calico cats. With the lighter blue-green representing non-binary and multi-gender men, and the darker blue representing binary men
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confused-robot-cat · 2 months
Preschool: Numbers are simple. They go 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
School: Numbers go together to make more numbers in all kinds of ways.
High School: Numbers can also be letters and they also have opposites.
College: Numbers can be entirely theoretical.
People: Gosh, learning math sure did get more complicated over time. That's reasonable though.
Preschool: Dog. Cat. Boy. Girl. Flower. Bugs. Rabbits.
School: Dogs and cats are mammals. Flowers are plants. Bugs are insects. Rabbits are rodents.
High School: All bugs are insects, but actually not all insects are bugs. There are lots of different classifications. Let's talk about minibeasts...
College: Rabbits, despite their resemblance to rodents, are actually lagomorphs.
People: Gosh, learning biology sure did get more complicated over time. That's reasonable though.
Preschool: Boy. Girl.
School: Boy, girl, man, woman.
High School: XY Male, XX female.
College: XY male, XX female, XXYY male, XXXX female, X female, XYY male, XY female, intersex, gender identity, gender -vs- sex...
People: There are two genders!!!!! !!! Where were you in high school biology huuuhuhh??????? Stupid!!!!!
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lipid · 5 months
we all know this but these people NEVER cared about "women's sports" or "protecting women", they just want to use cis women as an excuse to be as bigoted as they want, saying bullshit like "woman= human female with xx chromosomes" but the second they see a cis woman with an endocrine disorder their metric magically disappears... would it be because they just weaponize bioessentialist rhetoric to be transmisogynistic? 🤔
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non-white cis women specially also get the same treatment bc of different traits like body hair, like this cis Jewish woman called a man for her looks by supposed women's rights defenders and Caster Semenya getting banned from competing for being intersex are proof they don't give a shit and that bioessentialism is bullshit white supremacist rhetoric that only benefits an extremely low percentage of the population
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thedawnofcrime · 1 year
To the gender criticals out there, know that when we say “let trans people in sports”, we are not suggesting that we should end the conversation at that. We are suggesting that with the topic of trans people in sports, y’all are not going in the right direction.
You cannot identify womanhood by any given trait or feature, besides the fact that somebody feels like a woman. That is what makes them feel comfortable in society and their bodies.
Not all cis women have uteruses. Not all cis women produce estrogen. Not all cis women have breasts. Not all cis women even have XX chromosomes.
These women are biologically female, and their womanhood should not be defined by arbitrary traits that you assign them. Besides, to imply that they are worthy of womanhood, and trans women are not, is hypocritical.
Gender isn’t just a social construct, it’s the way our brains perceive ourselves and our role in society from birth. You cannot be critical of things that are not subjective concepts. That is called ignorance.
The issue with trans people in sports (and I know there is one) is not that they’re a danger to sports, it’s that the system we compete based on is outdated, and biased towards a very stereotypical type of man and woman.
The solution is not banning a minority from something built for enjoyment, the solution is to abolish the system that they, along with many people outside of the minority, do not fit into.
There is no one-size-fits-all for sports separation, and different sports can be separated in different ways. If your system is built to regulate womanhood, it is not a system of protection, it is a system to oppression. We are all humans, and every day the excuses of “gender ideology” and “gender confusion” become more and more absurd.
Think for yourself. If you were born with something that made you different than other men or women, would you really be okay with everybody excluding you? From children’s soccer teams? From high school basketball practices? From putting in the years of effort to compete in the Olympics? All because you were born “imperfect” by their standards.
This isn’t something I’m willing debate. If you disagree with including minorities in sports, or allowing intersex people to compete, you need to do some long, individual reflection on why you care so much about how limited of a human experience a minority should have. Don’t try to reword yourself into the hero. Use some critical thinking.
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harrypotterfuryroad · 4 months
if we were a monosexed species, if we had genuinely achieved the ability to do away with sex based oppression and dysphoria, what WOULD be a woman to you? like if we ignore bodies, because they are mutable and ever changing and exist on vast spectrums, what IS a woman? if someone born without a uterus and vaginal opening has xx chromosomes, are they a woman? or is that something else? if people can exist without what you believe are hallmarks of womanhood and yet be viewed by society as a woman, are they not women? sure, intersex people arent biologically nonbinary or whatever, im not arguing that, but i am arguing that there are people alive today that exist outside of what binarist views of man and woman are. they arent exceptions to rules if they exist by the millions and have varied opinions on what their gender means to them, so explain where they're included. explain perfectly where someone with xxxxxxy chromosomes goes and i'll detransition.
if we were a monosexed species
we're not
what WOULD be a woman to you?
what would steering wheels look like if humans had hooves
if someone born without a uterus and vaginal opening has xx chromosomes, are they a woman?
oh i bet you know tons about genetics and development, this is gonna be fun
sure, intersex people arent biologically nonbinary or whatever, im not arguing that
yes you are
but i am arguing that there are people alive today that exist outside of what binarist views of man and woman are
what qualities do they have that sets them outside of the binary
they arent exceptions to rules if they exist by the millions and have varied opinions on what their gender means to them, so explain where they're included
oh we did the sneakily-swap-out-sex-for-gender move, fun
explain perfectly where someone with xxxxxxy chromosomes goes and i'll detransition.
probably wouldn't make it past the first few cell divisions after fertilization but men with klinefelter syndrome are still male
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why shouldn’t bathrooms be separated by sex (excluding intersex peeps for the sake of simplicity)? why can’t man and woman (or XY and XX) be ungendered labels? like “XX man” for a trans man for example. is it because gender and sex are too intertwined in society and there’s still discrimination because of gender? would it work in a perfect world?
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chrissy-kaos · 8 months
Couldn't make it as a man so you tried to become an ugly "female" whore? You're always gonna be some ugly dude with a mutilated dick.
Oh, you're funny 😂😂 I guess you missed science class. Let me take you back there asshole. Maybe we can learn ya something.
I'm what is called Intersex, I have XX chromosomes and ovaries. I'm literally a woman inside and out. I'm not a man. I never was one. I never will be one. But go right ahead and show the millions on people on tumblr how fucking stupid and how bigoted you are bud. I'm certainly not going to stop you.
As for being ugly 🤭.. speak for yourself, Anon. But I'm sure there are thousands of people who don't think I'm ugly. I'm pretty sure when they see this post they will let you know a few things.
(Now I would never wish this apon anyone. But bigots, terfs, pedo's, and republicans are the exception)
#1) Go ki** yourself
#2) Ki** yourself
#3) I'm not ugly. In fact, you're probably in love with me.
#4) You're an uneducated pile of shit
#5) Did I mention ki** yourself?
You're pathetic, and your insults don't hurt me because I'm not even a man. Chromosomes don't lie, as you bigots say..
So yeah.. just go ahead take your L and do us all a favor and die all ready. The world will be a much better place without you.
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Poem: A Gestational Father on Seahorse Day!
Poem: A Gestational Father on Seahorse Day!
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sandu7174 · 19 days
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Men and Women Are the Same.
🤍Reblogs are appreciated!🤍
Some of you may be wondering: “What? Men and women are the same? That’s not entirely true.” But it is. Let me explain.
Most people believe that to be a woman is to have female sex organs, developed breasts, little body hair, high-pitched voice, wide hips, more estrogen than testosterone and XX chromosomes and that to be a man is to have male sex organs, no breasts, moderate to large amount of body hair, deep voice, narrow hips, more testosterone and estrogen and XY chromosomes, to name a few key features. And even though most men and women exhibit their respective typical gendered traits, it’s not the case for everyone.
This is proven by the existence of intersex and transgender people, which also proves that neither sex nor gender is binary. There are plenty of women (cis and trans) who have one or more of the traits exhibited by the typical man and vice versa. There are also plenty of people who blur the lines between what a typical biological male is and what a typical biological female is, be it that they were born with certain ambiguous traits (intersexuality) or got them later in life (medical transition). And even though certain types of traits are associated with a certain gender, the fact that those same traits can be found in people of other genders means that those differences are irrelevant. With regard to equality and dignity, those differences would be irrelevant either way.
Don’t get me wrong, when I say that men and women are the same, I do not mean that everyone should be or is bisexual and nonbinary or whatever. I am not here to dictate people’s personal sexual and romantic preferences and gender identities. I also don’t mean that everyone should receive the exact same resources regardless of their sex or gender, I don’t think cis men should be going to see a gynaecologist or that cis women should be getting a prostate exam etc. What I actually mean when I say that men and women are the same is that we shouldn’t decide how we treat someone based on their sex or gender. Even though there are a lot of cultural and societal complications when it comes to sex and gender, it doesn’t justify unequal treatment of people.
Including nipples. Which is what my artwork emphasizes. Topfreedom is an important part of the feminist movement that is often ignored and brushed away like it is somehow irrational and unnecessary. What REALLY is irrational and unnecessary is the fact that cisgender men can have bigger breasts than many cis women (see: fat men and gynecomastia), and yet those same cis women are still the ones who get censored, sexualised, banned and harassed simply for daring to do what men have been doing for 100 years, and that PROVES that topfree inequality is actually not about breasts at all; it’s about misogyny and oppression.
There certainly are some physical differences when we compare the average man and the average woman (note: AVERAGE, many people are not average); hormonal differences, cultural differences, genital differences etc. But when we look past all that onto the actually meaningful difference? There is none. Gender is a social construct, and while that doesn’t mean that gender doesn’t exist (it evidently does exist as a social construct in our society in which social constructs reside), it does mean that gender is completely and utterly meaningless. It has no purpose other than to let us identify ourselves within arbitrary standards. And it’s often used as an excuse to harass and oppress people, which is what sexism is.
The breasts of female-presenting people are not sexual organs. They’re just not. They develop to feed babies, and that’s it. Men looked at female breasts and decided they were sexually explicit, leading to the widespread practice of treating female nipples as taboo. That’s not right! It’s cruel and it doesn’t reflect the idea of what a fair society is at all.
It’s time we fight back and spread the joyful, powerful and freeing message of gender diversity, inclusivity and equality.
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female-malice · 2 years
Opinion on women with higher testosterone levels being able to compete or not compete with other women? And intersex females?
"Women with higher testosterone levels" is a fictional problem used by TRAs to divert attention away from males. As someone who watches a ton of women's sports, this is not a real problem.
Right now, the real problem is there are males competing in women's sports.
Women's sports is for females. People who were born female, go through female puberty, and then have athletic careers.
And then there's the males who find their way into women's sports. Males like Lia Thomas and Caster Semenya. These two athletes have extremely different life circumstances. But they have some things in common. Both of these males identify as women. And they both went through male puberty.
Caster Semenya is frequently mislabeled as an intersex female. This is not correct. Caster is an intersex male with 5-alpha reductase deficiency. Caster has the exact same advantage from male puberty that Lia Thomas has. Just because Caster was raised as a woman, that does not erase biological advantage.
Intersex females competing is another fictional problem used by TRAs to divert attention away from males. Most people know very little about intersex conditions and assume it means "halfway between male and female." But that is not how genetic disorders work at all. Actual intersex female conditions do not offer much athletic advantage. Many of these conditions effect health in a way that would make a professional athletic career extremely challenging.
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99.98% of women have 46 XX SRY- dyadic female genes. And these genes are extremely diverse. There is way more genetic variation among dyadic females than among dyadic males.
But there is much more social acceptance of dyadic male genetic variation. There are huge male athletes like Andre the giant, Shaq, and Boban Marjanovic. These guys are over 7 feet tall. And when they open their mouths and speak, their voices are impossibly low. They sound like their voices are being digitally lowered for a giant character in a fantasy film. But that's just the normal voice that comes out of them.
No one questions whether Andre, Shaq, and Boban have some fantastical intersex condition. When people meet a 7'4" man, they aren't surprised to hear a voice lower than every other male. The look at the size of the guy and go "yeah, that voice makes sense."
But then giant 6'9" female athletes like Han Xu and BG open their mouths and speak with low female voices. And everyone loses their minds about it.
Even though women have more variety than men, society only allows women to look one way. Dyadic female genetic diversity and uniqueness is marginalized in every sector of society except for sports. In sports, ideally, everyone is sorted by merit. Women who don't get promoted in other fields because of their looks do get promoted in sports through merit.
So when TRAs say "what about women with higher testosterone? what about intersex females?" what they're really saying is "what about all these ugly brawny women who are good at sports? They seem like men! Males should be allowed to compete against them if they want to!"
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redditreceipts · 6 months
Isn't it strange to define sex in terms of phenotype (genetics + environment) rather than sexed physical characteristics one has? Because that's like saying that a person still has 2 legs because of their phenotype, even if they've lost both legs.
There is a difference between primary and secondary sex characteristics.
Primary sex characteristics are the factors that are used to determine one's biological sex. These are typically chromosomes, gonads and genitalia.
Secondary sex characteristics develop during puberty and are for example:
breast growth or lack thereof
beard growth
strength and muscle development
hormone levels
Secondary sex characteristics vary from person to person. If we determined biological sex by secondary sex characteristics, a tall woman would be less of a woman than a short woman, or a man without a beard would be less of a man than a man with a beard. A woman with her breasts amputated would not be as much of a woman as a woman who has not had her breasts amputated. Arguably, this would not be the ideal case.
So a female is a person whose phenotype includes:
having a uterus
having fallopian tubes and ovaries
having a vagina, labia and clitoris
having XX chromosomes
A male is a person whose phenotype includes:
having a penis and erectile tissue
having testes
having a scrotum
having XY chromosomes
If you have a mix of both, you are intersex.
It is not possible to acquire primary sex characteristics later in life. For example, a neovagina is not a vagina, as they have wildly different anatomical features.
Unless you would consider a male with secondary female sex characteristics (like gynecomastia) "less of a man", or a woman with secondary male sex characteristics (like mustache hair) "less of a woman", it's not a good solution to determine sex by anything but primary sex characteristics.
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loveerran · 11 months
There are LDS folks who believe a) all Spirit Children of our Heavenly Parents are binary male or female, and b) everyone's assigned sex at birth matches their Spirit's eternal gender. Since LDS theology holds that our underlying Spirit is part of an eternal existence that has no beginning or end, the binary gender view is particularly significant.
However, consider that there are times sex at birth is assigned incorrectly or cannot be determined:
Perhaps 100 billion humans have lived. If only .02% have had ambiguous/divergent genital/chromosomal presentation, we're discussing 20 million individuals, up to 2 million of whom are alive today. At broader definitions of intersex, that number is more than 100 million persons alive today - about the same percentage as people born with red hair.
Use whatever criteria you want to determine whether a body is male or female, somewhere there will be an individual who rides the line between male and female such that you cannot determine which side of the line they fall on. No matter who defines the criteria, or what those criteria are, there comes a point where we just can't tell.
Which Spirit does God put in that body? What if, under given criteria, the body is 60% male/40% female outside and 60% female/40% male inside? What Spirit is sent to the body then?
We don't have to go far to find cases that raise questions. Castor Semenya was born, raised and competed as a woman her entire life, until it was discovered she was XY (and she still competed as a woman some after that). Other cases, like a 33 yr old man with a uterus, ovaries and XX chromosomes internally, but full outward male genitalia, or an XY woman who never got her period, are mentioned relatively frequently in medical literature and the news. Development factors, natural and artificial, further complicate gender and sex identity. We're still learning about neurological differences outside of typically identified intersex characteristics.
If someone who is reproductively female spends their entire life as a man, what Spirit did God send to that body? Because somewhere, somewhen, this has happened and it may be more often than you think.
Since we cannot make a blanket statement about the gender of Spirits matching assigned sex at birth, let's be more careful about what we say. The truth is we don't always know. The gospel is about ministering to the one, and somewhere that one is listening to you. Be kind to them. Tell them the truth, even if that truth is 'we don't know all the answers for everyone' (LDS Handbook 38.7.7). There is goodness and power in admitting to not knowing everything and in pleading with the Lord for further light and knowledge. Such honesty may give us less to repent of later.
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