#Weight loss cycling
baharlivings · 30 days
Pedal Your Way to Wellness: Unlock 13 Health Benefits of Cycling for Body and Mind
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fjordfolk · 4 months
being part of dog health fb groups is great because it really broadens your horizons and gives a lot of context across breeds and teaches a lot of nuance in interpretation
and sometimes it lets you go 'holy heck im not in your breed but if i were i wouldnt touch ur programme w a 10 foot pole and a kite'
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justwannabeskinnii · 24 days
one of my big struggles rn is not binging when i get h!gh. like when im alone in my room with no food i lowkey lose my apetite but when im with my friends with hella good food around i just like forget ab my goals and like go into a binge blackout mode. hopefully this helps someone else struggling with this!
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fitgothgirl · 1 year
Yesterday I decided to take my bike to get my prescription. My pharmacy is only a mile up the road but I’ve never done that before. It’s a fairly busy road but it’s got a good sized/well marked bike lane. Since it’s so close so it was only just over 6 minutes each way! I’ve never ridden my bike to that shopping center, plus there’s another shopping center in the other direction from my house that’s even closer (like, twice as close lol); I really should just take my bike more. Honestly it isn’t even much slower. Probably not slower at all for that closer plaza.
I have a basket I’ve been meaning to put on my bike forever too, plus this past Christmas I got a more cushioned seat. If I want to be taking my bike to the store, it’d be good to have that basket. I don’t trust myself after looking at the install stuff for either of those things, so I think I’m going to take it to this mom & pop bike shop soon and let them take care of it lol.
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suvisfitness · 1 year
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new day, new workout
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motionlessinone · 4 months
Ive had so many problems with my period that it's finally motivated me to lose weight and be more healthy. Hoping my body will be better for it 🩷🩷
Did first workout earlier and i actually think i may die 🥺
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astrojaxsaga · 8 months
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I biked to work today ! I'm impressed with myself. Not too many hills and the worst part is luckily at the end.
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notanecromancer · 9 months
about dieting, being fat, and getting fed up: "Six Days"
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healthandfitness23 · 9 months
how to lose weight with Carb Cycling
Losing weight with carb cycling involves strategically adjusting your carbohydrate intake while maintaining a calorie deficit. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Set Your Goals: Define your weight loss goals and establish a realistic timeframe for achieving them. Consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian to ensure your goals are safe and attainable.
2. Calculate Your Calories: Determine your daily caloric needs for weight loss. You'll need to create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than your body burns. Online calculators or professional guidance can help with this.
3. Plan Your Cycling Schedule: Decide on your carb cycling schedule. Common approaches include alternating between high, moderate, and low-carb days throughout the week. For example, you could have three high-carb days, two moderate-carb days, and two low-carb days.
4. Choose Carb Sources: Select healthy carbohydrate sources for each day. On high-carb days, focus on complex carbs like whole grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables. On low-carb days, prioritize non-starchy vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
5. Monitor Portion Sizes: Be mindful of portion sizes to control calorie intake. Overeating, even on healthier foods, can hinder weight loss progress.
6. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Hydration is important for overall health and can also support weight loss efforts.
7. Include Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean protein sources (such as poultry, fish, lean meats, tofu, and legumes) into your meals. Protein helps with muscle preservation and satiety.
8. Include Healthy Fats: On low-carb days, include sources of healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil to help keep you satisfied.
9. Be Consistent: Consistency is key to success. Stick to your carb cycling plan over time to see results.
10. Monitor Progress: Regularly track your weight, measurements, and how you feel to assess your progress. Adjust your plan if needed based on your results and any feedback from your body.
11. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to different carb levels. Some individuals may feel better with more carbs on high-intensity workout days.
12. Combine with Exercise: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training can complement your carb cycling plan.
13. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider working with a registered dietitian or nutritionist who can help personalize your carb cycling approach based on your individual needs and preferences.
Remember, carb cycling is just one strategy for weight loss. It's important to find an approach that works for you and fits your lifestyle. Always prioritize balanced nutrition, overall health, and sustainability in your weight loss journey.
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freebeatfit · 1 year
Affordable Spin Bike
Looking for an affordable spin bike that's as close to the Peloton experience as possible? Want something that goes beyond just cycling, offering plenty of versatility and convenience? Look no further than the freebeat Spin Bike. This innovative bike combines high-quality engineering with thoughtful design, providing everything you need to push yourself physically. Whether you're a cycling enthusiast or a yoga lover, a busy professional or an everyday woman, the White Indoor Bike has something for you.
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​But what really sets this bike apart is its benefits over the Peloton. With 12 resistance levels and a comfortable, customizable seat, the White Indoor Bike delivers a smoother ride than its competitor. Plus, it comes equipped with an LCD display screen that tracks essential metrics like time, distance, calories burned, and speed. And with the ability to sync with popular fitness apps like Zwift and Kinomap, you can explore virtual courses and compete against cyclists from around the world.
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Ready to take your indoor cycling to the next level? Follow these steps to get started with the White Indoor Bike: first, adjust the bike to your height and secure your feet in the pedals. Next, choose a workout program that fits your fitness level and goals. Transform your indoor cycling experience with the White Indoor Bike.
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littletigerhealth · 2 years
How do I plan my workouts ?
For good health we need a great workout regime that gives us right amount of energy to maintain our daily schedule and also helps us get a good night sleep. So I start my day with workout for multiple reasons listed below- 1. Less traffic for outdoor activities 2. Pollution levels in control 3. Hormones secreted post workout makes you cheerful 4. I would know how much I need to workout to be…
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manokamorin · 1 year
Better qualities...
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landunderthewave · 1 year
As food transits past the duodenum, there is still an opportunity for iron absorption but less so as intestinal peristalsis carries the digested food forward. Surgical bypass of the duodenum also prevents physical contact of dietary iron with the duodenum to absorb iron as well. This is applicable to patients who have undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for weight loss. Those patients should have a blood count and iron studies checked once or twice a year at a minimum and consider intravenous supplementation if dietary and oral iron is inadequate.
This is part of the reason why I H-A-T-E gastric bypass surgeries. You are literally surgically making your body less able to unable to absorb certain nutrients, possibly having to take supplements all your life. And in this case, you can’t even take supplements, because you are physically incapable of absorbing them. Nutrients you need to stay alive. It is SO unethical.
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weightlosspark22 · 1 year
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nextsteplegacy · 1 year
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eglectic · 1 year
December 4 — Starting a new cycle
Current weight: 196.6
I could tell last night when I weighed myself before bed that the number today would be higher again. I choose to feel like a winner and excited about that. I’m still in this and committed to my goal. Times like these are where the biggest growth and learning happens!
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Sunday, December 4:
Iced coffee with whole milk in the morning
Breakfast — Veggie stir fry with eggs
Another cold brew for the start of my shift
Lunch — Cobb salad with garlic butter shrimp; French fries with chipotle mayo
Dinner — leftover chopped salad with chicken, 2 cinnamon cookies
Look at me eating three whole meals for the first time in a while! The only thing I ate off protocol were the two cookies. Before eating them, I promised myself I’d have my back about this decision, even though I didn’t plan to eat them in advance. Maybe it was my slight sleep deprivation, or a thought creating defeat, but I wanted those cookies and I don’t feel regret or anything. In fact, I planned to eat more food than usual today simply because I wanted that last night. I can literally put anything I want on my protocol and that’s what I did.
I think maybe I did feel a little defeated when I chose not to wait until tomorrow for the cookies. Let’s look at that unintentional model.
C — Weight is 196.6 lbs on December 4, 2022
T — My weight keeps going up no matter what I do
F — defeated
A — Eat two cookies unplanned
R — I’ll probably see a bit of a weight gain tomorrow
C = circumstance, T = thought, F = feeling, A = action, R = result
Otherwise, I took a nice 40ish minute walk today. And apart from the number on the scale creeping upwards the last few days, my clothes are fitting more loosely again and I’ve been experiencing hunger and getting comfortable with it. So let’s create an intentional model as well.
C — Weight is 196.6 lbs on December 4, 2022
T — I wonder if there’s anything I still don’t understand that’s contributing to this weight
F — Curious
A — Adjust my diet, remove dairy, eat less salty food, cook more at home, notice and honor my fullness and hunger sensations in the body even more
R — 170 lbs / 24 % body fat
It’s been at least a month now that I’ve been following my protocol extremely well. Not only is my weight higher than I want, I continue to see acne breakouts. I’ve been wondering what the culprit might be and I have two ideas. 1) a lot of these salads have cheese in them. I think it’s time for me to cut out cheese and avoid dairy as much as possible (not always possible) for 2 weeks and see what happens. In the past, cutting out dairy give me clear skin.
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Another thought I had in my scientific mind, is about the veggies I’ve been eating. I wonder if they’re secretly salt bombs. I’ve also wondering if the cheese has a lot of sodium, too. A lot of my salads from work have olives and banana peppers in them. I wonder if those are canned (probably yes) and if the sodium content is high from that (it tends to be for canned veggies). First I’m going to try not eating dairy, but if I don’t see an improvement in my skin in 2 weeks, I may have to stop eating the salads at work and cook more of my own food, which I know for sure will give me the results I want. If I do do this, I’ll still have salads occasionally, but I’ll probably go for the wings more often. Or do like burgers no bun with broccoli, or rice, or sweet potato fries.
Cycling is an important aspect of the program. It means cycling a food in or out of my diet and observing how my body responds. So let’s see what happens without dairy!
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