#We have it better than a lot of people but renting this house bites
who-is-page · 5 months
We've gone without heat this whole winter because we can't afford to pay for it and we're worried the heater might be broken (and possibly set shit on fire, which is NOT ideal in a house with no working smoke alarms), and it SUCKS dudes. It doesn't get below the 30's here at the absolute worst (I think lowest I've ever seen was 26?) so it's fine and doable but it fucking sucks. It's supposed to be in the 30's at night this weekend and I'm dreading it. T_T
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cafecourage · 6 months
Pinky isn't Suffering
Chapter 1 - Beach Day
I am finally posting Pinky's part's that follow Enno Can't Get Their Crap Together on @luimagines
If you haven't read it then I suggest you read her first! Link
I'll be linking the next part that comes after so you can read this in full!
With the commotion a few nights ago there wasn’t much conflict that followed afterward. Sky had turned up his need to get to know me ten fold, making it harder and annoying to hide from. Warriors wasn’t helping. Neither was Hyrule.
Yet what was the most surprising was the puppy that started to follow Pinky around. Since that night Twilight has been tripping over himself to be near her. It was cute.
If Pinky would just agree that he is trying to impress her, then my life would be so much better. It’s literally the most obvious thing in the world and that was coming from me. It’s annoying.
When we landed in the familiar era of the Great Sea literally right next to the Island Oasis. It was the break in this adventure and really I needed to ask some questions. Pinky and most of the group left to go outside, leaving me to slip away from Sky, who opted to stay indoors and sleep. 
… yeah, I was not gonna stay inside.
Luckily it was easy to find Pinky. She was on the deck of the house looking over the other heroes who were playing and relaxing by the pool. She was far away for them to not hear us and since the closest person is also the person that is a dead man while sleeping, we should be good to have this conversation.
“Sooooo….” I plop down next to her leaning against the railing “Twilight huh?” 
Barely acknowledging me, she just continues leaning back enjoying the sun. “What about him?”
Well. Honestly I didn’t think I would get this far into the conversation. “He’s been following you around like a lost pup.” That statement earned a small bit of laughter. “It’s true, how can you function with him around you?”
“We are more similar than you think.” Pinky said, glancing over smirking.
“But you’re not OBVIOUS.” I pointed out.
“Only because my face is typically red anyway.” She sat up looking back out at the boys. “Spending a lot of time outside; I’m not really athletic; there’s lots of reasons for…having…red face…” 
She slowly became more red in the face, more so then because of the sun. “It’s not just because Twilight took his shirt off to go swimming. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” What? I look over to see the wolf man almost making a show in-front of Pinky to show off. Even having the audacity to make sure she was watching.
“… It’s totally because of him with his shirt off.” I said, holding back my own laughter. 
“Shut up.” She lightly smacked me. I was tempted to point out that he did move  in-front of Pinky to do it. 
“Shirtless Twilight now lives in my head rent free. Also he is hot. I rest my case.” It was stated like a fact.
“I mean… yeah…. I agree he is hot…”
“Not your type?”
“He would have been… he really would have been.”
“If not for some people.”
“We aren’t gonna mention him. He shall not be named isn’t a part of this conversation.” I tried to revert the conversation back to Twilight, not wanting to stay on Sky. “Look. I’m just saying. This is a 6’2” beast of a man who acts like a puppy dog only around you.”
There was silence. She was still looking at Twilight as he was playing around with the other heroes in the water. “…do you think he has fangs?” She whispers. 
“Yes.” I don’t actually know because why would I pay attention to that. But assuming that since Leg has bunny traits Twi might be the same way.
“Ahhh…. Ok” Pinky finally looked away, finding everything but Twi more interesting. "I don’t care who you are, fangs are hot." She said as if she was trying to convince me. 
“So you're saying that you want Twilight to bite yo-“ A giant splash of water and bunch of yells cut me off. Below us, Twilight was coughing up water at the pool. Did he fall in? Wait. Wolves have really good hearing. Did he hear? 
Pinky bolted up. “Is he ok?” She quickly went to check on him.
Twilight really didn’t want to over hear their conversation again. Once by accident is fine. But unlike before they purposely weren’t talking loudly on this small island. It wasn’t his fault! He sometimes curses this super hearing sometimes. 
This was one of these times. 
It was just a teasing line. It wasn’t even for his ears to hear. But the mental image of him biting Pinky’s neck… leaving marks…
He lost his footing at the edge of the pool and went face first in. Resurfacing only after a second of trying to calm himself, he was greeted by a pale, dainty hand reaching out to help him out of the water. Twilight had to move his hair back since his hair was basically in his eyes now to lock eyes with a red faced Pinky who was staring back at him with wide eyes. Her words echo in his head. She was blushing because of him.
“Need help?” She asks, shyness bubbling up to the surface. 
“Ah. Yeah thanks.” He reaches out to take her hand. Then in a sudden spark of boldness, he smirks, grabs her hand and yanks down, pulling her into the pool with him. 
Her screamed cut short as he brought her to his chest making sure she was supported in the water. When they both resurfaced, the others were snickering at the small prank. Pinky scoffs and splashes him playfully. She was still blushing.
“You ok there Darlin’?” He said in a low voice. 
“Ah-“ Her face exploded once more in red as Twilight moved them both to the edge, lifting her up with ease onto dry land.
“Get a room you tw- AH!” Warriors didn’t even have time to finish his sentence as he was shoved straight into the water.
Next Chapter: Link
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 15 is available on AO3 & Chapter 16 will be posted soon.
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Currently 15 chapters completed: 484.9K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm so excited to finish writing Chapter 16 because there are so many things happening for Buck and Eddie and the Diaz Family. For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 15, here's a brief overview: Buck and Eddie got engaged however the day they're getting married is different from the day they're planning to have a wedding ceremony. They're going to get married before Christmas in 2023 but their wedding will be in May 2024 so they can invite their found family and Eddie's family. Buck told Eddie he wants to take his last name and they immediately started saying they're going to be Mr. & Mr. Diaz. Also, two more people discovered they're in a relationship but who was it and what did they see? Bobby already knows but who else saw something that caused them to believe they're already together?
Here's some Buck and Eddie domestic fluff from Chapter 16 as they plan their international adventure.
“That’s good.  Also, we should probably start looking at the places we want to stay while we’re there.  I mean we don’t have to book anything yet but uh… we should at least have an idea of the types of places we’re interested in staying.”
Eddie nods but he’s sure Buck’s already looked at some on the internet.  “I agree but have you already done the research on the places that are available?”
He smiles.  “I did and honestly, the hotels are nice and all but I think it’ll be better if we rent some homes while we’re there instead of us staying at different hotels.”
Eddie likes the idea; he really does but he’s still worried about the cost.  They’re adding up and he remembers Buck saying the settlement money will cover it but he’s not sure if there will be enough to cover everything they’re talking about doing while they’re in Italy for almost eight days along with the seven days they'll spend in London.  He sits his fork onto his plate and inhales because he’s trying to figure out how to say what he wants to say.
Buck furrows his eyebrows.  “Is everything ok?”
“Yes it is but… the costs are adding up and I know you said the settlement money will cover it but Buck… that’s your money and you’re getting it for your pain and suffering.  We shouldn’t spend it all on a trip to Rome.  Let me do something to help because…”
He leans in and kisses him to make him be quiet.  He knows Eddie worries about money and he’s never asked for anything but this is their adventure and he could care less about that settlement money since he was planning to pay for the trip anyway and that was before he found out Harmony Clinic agreed to settle.
After he pulls back, he takes Eddie’s hand in his and replies, “Listen to me… there’s more than enough money to pay for our trip, to pay off this house and to pay off your truck and there’s still going to be a lot left over even after we do all of that.”
“Remember this is our money… OURS!  We’re getting married which means it’s money for our family.  I didn’t tell you this but I was planning to pay for the trip before I was awarded the settlement.  I was going to give it to you and Chris for Christmas.”
“You were?”  Eddie responds with a high-pitched tone in his voice because he’s shocked.
“Yes.  I have money in my savings account, it’s not a lot but uh… it’s enough to pay for the trip.  But now that the settlement money will be deposited into my account within the next couple of weeks, we don’t have to worry about the cost.  It’s our first international adventure.”
Eddie bites his bottom lip and before he can say anything else, Buck starts talking again.
“I just realized I didn’t tell you how much the settlement is…???”
How much money will Buck receive after Harmony Clinic pays him the settlement from the sperm donation mix up lawsuit? 👀
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-15 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 16 will be posted soon.
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insomniacwriter17 · 7 months
Saved from the Flames - Chapter Twenty-Four
When you’re born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it’s not.” –Richard Kadrey
Billy Hargrove is 9 years old. He tries his best to be the son his father wants him to be - quiet, respectful, and obedient. But Neil just pushes harder and harder, all in the name of raising a “strong man”. When Billy is removed from his father’s custody and placed in foster care, it takes some time for him to realize his world is no longer burning around him. New experiences, new people, new opportunities all make Billy realize there’s a whole lot more to life than respect and responsibility.
AKA: The story of how Bob Newby became a real life superhero for one little boy who needed saving.
Inspired by this post I saw from @connordax
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five | chapter six | chapter seven | chapter eight | chapter nine | chapter ten | chapter eleven | chapter twelve | chapter thirteen | chapter fourteen | chapter fifteen | chapter sixteen | chapter seventeen | chapter eighteen | chapter nineteen | chapter twenty | chapter twenty-one | chapter twenty-two | chapter twenty-three
read on ao3
A/N: OOPS - I forgot yesterday was Tuesday. MY BAD 😂❤️ Please enjoy! Next chapter coming Friday, just like usual!
Billy still felt a little nervous when he came back to Eddie’s room, knowing that the next time they went back out to the living room, Bob would be gone. He knelt back down where they were looking over the comic book, biting his lip and trying to focus on the comic illustrations. 
By the time Steve arrived with his nanny, Billy was feeling a bit better. This was just like hanging out with his friends at school, they were just at Eddie’s house instead! As soon as Steve had gotten there, the boys had moved to play outside. Directly across from the trailer was a small park, and Wayne sat on the front porch with a cigarette while the four boys scrambled all over the playscape in a riveting game of pirates. 
“You can’t steal the treasure chest!” Steve was yelling. “That’s ours!” 
“That’s what a pirate does!” Billy laughed, running off with the ‘treasure chest’ – an empty cardboard box they’d commandeered off the Munson porch. “Eddie, don’t let him catch me!” Holding the small box tightly, he scrambled up the slide. 
By the swings, Eddie let out a dramatic howl. “I’ve been captured, Billy! My pirate days are over!” Billy looked over to see that Jonathan had tackled Eddie, and the two were tousling in the dust on the ground. 
“Guess it’s just you and me now, Billy! I’m gonna get you!” Steve shouted, beginning to climb up the ladder on the far side of the playground. Billy shrieked and immediately slid back down the slide he’d just climbed. 
He continued running around the playground, Steve chasing after him. He managed to stay out of Steve’s grasp for a few minutes, but then Steve managed to duck beneath the playground’s platform, appearing in front of Billy and reaching out to tag him with a triumphant shout. 
“Pirates lose!” Steve and Jonathan shouted in unison, and Billy fell to the ground dramatically, dropping the empty box to his side. He tried to catch his breath, staring up at the cloudy sky where the sun was beginning to set. 
“Do the pirates want some consolation pizza?” Wayne called, having made his way from the porch to across the street. 
“What's a consolation pizza?” Eddie asked, having made his way over to Billy and helping him up off the ground. 
“It’s supposed to make you feel better when you lose,” Wayne explained with a laugh. “Come on, everybody.” He ruffled his nephew’s hair as he walked with all four boys back across the street. “You guys get cleaned up and then we’ll set up a movie.”
“I told him I wanted to watch Dr. Doolittle,” Eddie explained as the boys took turns washing their hands in the bathroom. “We even went to Blockbuster and rented it so we could watch it!” 
“Cool!” Steve gasped. “Tommy said it’s a really funny movie.” 
When the four of them get back to the living room, Wayne had put plates of pizza and carrot sticks on the coffee table for each of them. “Thank you!” the boys rattled off politely, digging into the food while Wayne started the movie for them. 
“You’re welcome,” Wayne nodded to them. He settled in the recliner in the corner of the living room with his own plate of pizza. “If anyone wants more pizza, just let me know. There’s plenty left.” 
This part was easy too. With pizza to eat and a movie playing, Billy wasn’t thinking about the fact that Bob wasn’t there. He was sitting beside Jonathan, which made it seem just like any other movie night that Billy was used to having. 
When Dr. Doolittle ended and Wayne brought out Eddie’s birthday cupcakes, Billy was starting to truly believe that he could do this! It shouldn’t be that hard to stay the night over here! He could be brave! This was exciting. He was hanging out with his friends and he even got to eat a chocolate cupcake while he did it!
And then they were putting on a second movie, and Billy settled into the couch happily. He was still right next to Jonathan, content with his tummy full and surrounded by his friends as the evening continued. 
When the second movie ended, Billy was surprised to see that it was already dark outside. He glanced over at the clock, his heartbeat starting to speed up when he saw how close to bedtime it was. All the courage he had a bit ago? Gone. 
“Alright, rascals,” Wayne called as he entered the living room. “What are we feeling? You guys want another movie? Or are you ready for bed?” 
“Noooooo!” the other boys shouted, causing Billy to jump. “More movies!” Eddie continued, pouting up at his uncle. “You said we could stay up all night!” 
“I did say that, didn’t I?” Wayne pretended to think over the question. “Here’s the deal,” he tells the kids on the couch. “Everybody get changed into your pajamas so that if you do fall asleep, you’re comfortable.” 
There’s scattered groaning from the boys on the couch, but Wayne waves them off. “None of that, you guys. All I’m asking is for you to change clothes,” he laughs. “Not even making any of you brush your teeth.” 
Finally, Jonathan convinced the boys to go change, pulling Steve down the hall with him. Eddie followed, moaning about how it was his birthday and he should get to decide! That left Billy standing by the couch, looking unsurely at Wayne. “You okay there, pal?”
“Um,” Billy trailed off, looking down at his feet. “Can I call Mr. Bob? Before we start the next movie?” 
Wayne smiled. “Of course you can, kiddo. Come on, you can call him from the kitchen, that way you can have some privacy.”
Billy smiled. “Thank you,” he replied quietly, following after the man. Wayne grabbed the note with Bob’s number on it and dialed the number, handing the phone to Billy. 
“Take your time, buddy, I won’t let them start the movie without you,” Wayne promised, ruffling Billy’s hair before he left the room. 
“Newby residence,” Bob answered almost immediately. 
“Hi, Mr. Bob,” Billy whispered, curling up in one of the kitchen chairs. He clutched the phone tightly, as if that was going to bring him closer to the man on the other end of the phone. 
“Hey, Billy!” The boy can hear shuffling on the other end of the line, like he was moving around. “How’s it going, kiddo?” 
“It’s good,” Billy told him with a small smile. “We had cupcakes and pizza and we’re about to watch another movie.” He twirled the cord of the phone around his finger, suddenly blinking back tears. “Everyone is putting on their pajamas.” 
“Yeah?” Bob replied. “Sounds like a good time. Are you having fun?”
Billy thought about it for a second. “Yeah, but I miss you,” he admitted, voice cracking. 
“I miss you too, pal.” Bob waited to see what was happening next. He wasn’t going to encourage Billy one way or another, because he didn’t want to make the choice for him. “What movie did you guys watch?”
“Um, Dr. Doolittle and then Treasure Island,” Billy continued. Bob could hear that the boy’s voice was wavering, like he was on the cusp of crying. “And I don’t know what we’re watching next. And I’m scared it’s gonna be dark,” he whimpered. 
“That’s okay,” Bob kept his voice calm, gripping the phone a bit tighter. “You can ask Mr. Wayne to leave some lights on if it’s too dark. Or if you want to put him on the phone, I can ask him for you.” Normally, Bob would advocate for Billy to speak up for himself, but tonight, Billy was already doing so many brave things. 
Billy was quiet for a moment, long enough that Bob pulled the phone away from his ear, afraid it had disconnected. “Will you?” he finally asked, sniffling. 
“Of course I will. But you have to promise to have a fun rest of the night, alright?” Bob smiled into the receiver. 
“Okay.” Billy’s voice was full of a new confidence Bob hadn’t yet heard on the call, and it made him smile. “Want me to go get him?” 
“If you’re ready to get off the phone, sure,” Bob told him gently. He could hear shuffling on the other end of the line, and Bob could practically see Billy shifting in his spot as he thought. 
“Yeah, I gotta go put my pajamas on so they’re not waiting on me for the movie,” Billy replied. “I’ll…I’ll go get Mr. Wayne.” 
“Okay,” Bob agreed. “Good night, Billy,” he adds quickly, before the boy can put the phone on. “You’re going to have a great time,” he promised. 
“Goodnight, Mr. Bob.” Billy put the phone carefully on the chair after he stood up, heading back into the living room. Eddie was back in the living room, wearing a big t-shirt that was clearly Wayne’s and some plaid pajama pants. Wayne was sitting beside him, smiling at whatever Eddie was saying. 
“Hey, rascal,” Wayne greeted, smiling over Eddie’s shoulder. 
“Hi,” Billy twisted nervously where he stood. “Um, Mr. Bob wants to talk to you, if that’s okay.” He offered a shy smile. “Thank you for letting me call him.” 
Wayne stood up off the couch, nodding. “Course, kiddo. I’ll go talk to him while you get changed, yeah?” he offered. Billy nodded quickly and hurried down the hall to where he could hear Steve and Jonathan giggling, not wanting to hang around while Wayne talked to Bob. 
Jonathan and Steve were shoving their day clothes back into their bags when Billy appeared, and Steve smiled at him. “Hurry up! We’re going to build a fort before the movie starts!”
“Okay,” Billy promised, feeling a bit more brave when he realized both Jonathan and Steve were carrying stuffed animals with them. So after changing into his pajamas, he hugged Winslow to his chest and trotted back into the living room. 
His heart rate slowed exponentially when he saw that Wayne had turned on a lamp by the couch, offering Billy the slightest nod when he saw the boy. Billy also noticed the coffee table had been pushed out of the way, and the other boys were busy laying out their sleeping bags on the floor. 
Putting Winslow with the other stuffies supervising on the couch, Billy moved to grab his own sleeping bag. “I wanna be between Jonathan and Eddie!” he insisted with a grin, and just like that, Billy forgot to be worried that Bob wasn’t there. 
One minute, Billy had been curled up between Jonathan and Eddie with Winslow tucked beneath his chin, watching some cartoon, and the next he was waking up to the television off and three boys splayed out around him, fast asleep. The room was dimly lit with the lamp that had stayed on, calming Billy’s rapidly beating heart. 
There wasn’t a clock for Billy to see what time it was, but he could see through the trailer’s window that it was still dark out. So settling back down with Winslow pressed tightly to his chest, Billy fell back asleep, not waking again until the late morning. 
He was the second awake, rousing himself as he heard one of the other boys waking up. It was Eddie, the boy having just sat up and rubbing sleep-heavy eyes as Billy opened his own eyes. “Hi,” Billy yawned as he pushed himself up onto his elbows. 
“Hi,” Eddie smiled back. “Today's my birthday!” the boy grinned.
“Yeah! Happy birthday!" It was Saturday, which meant Billy had done what he didn’t think was possible – he’d stayed the night at Eddie’s! It was morning! Bob would be here soon!
It wasn’t long before Jonathan and Steve were awake as well, and the four boys were splayed out in their still-standing fort when Wayne appeared, looking like he’d been awake for a while. He was already dressed and everything! “Well, morning boys,” he greeted, voice gruff but not unkind. 
There was a scattering of greetings, and Wayne smiled at them as he looked down at his watch. “It’s just a bit before nine,” he told them. “So it won’t be long before your people come to pick you up.” 
Billy was the first to get up and dressed, packing away his things neatly and bringing his backpack to the living room. By the time he got back with the rest of the group, the smell of coffee wafted through the trailer, and it made Billy feel a bit more at ease. 
Jonathan had already rolled up Billy’s sleeping bag as well as his own. Just as Jonathan stood up, there was a knock on the trailer door, and Billy looked up hopefully. Wayne made his way to the door, coffee in hand, opening the door and smiling at whoever was on the other side. 
“Morning, Carolyn!” he greeted, and Steve perked up from where he was still curled up on the couch. Billy couldn’t help the way his shoulders fell, and he moved out of the way as Steve jumped off the couch to shuffle to the door. 
As Steve’s nanny stepped into the living room and greeted the boys, Wayne opened the door further. “Morning!” he called again. 
“Hey!” Now that voice Billy knew. He hurried to the door, peeking around Wayne’s leg as Bob made his way up the stairs to the porch. No sooner had Wayne moved out of the way so Bob could walk into the living room, Billy jumped into Bob’s arms. Luckily, the man had seen the mess of blonde hair peeking around Wayne’s waist, so he was ready to catch the boy. 
“There he is! Hey, Billy!” the man greeted, hugging Billy tightly. The smaller boy’s arms wrapped tightly around Bob’s neck, and his face buried deep into Bob’s shoulder. “Did you have a good time?” 
“Mmhmm,” Billy nodded, burrowing deeper into Bob’s shoulder. He was unwilling to let go of his tight grip on Bob, though he eventually picked his head up to look around. 
“Good! I’m glad you had fun.” Bob seemed to have no issue with holding Billy on his hip, so Billy made no move to get down. “What’d you guys do?”
Almost immediately, Bob had four very excited young boys talking to him at once. He and Carolyn both stood there and nodded in all the appropriate places as the boys told them all about what they did. Part way through their explanation, Joyce showed up for Jonathan, so the stories had to start all over again.
As the conversation died down, Bob looked at Billy, who was still content in Bob’s arms. “Do you want to hang out a bit longer with your friends?” Bob asked, but Billy shook his head. 
“Want pancakes,” he said shyly. “You promised, remember?” 
Bob chuckled. “I did promise, that’s right.” He bounced Billy in his arms and said, “Then let’s get going, yeah? Let Wayne and Eddie get on with their day. Can you tell them thank you?” 
Billy looked up and smiled at Wayne. “Thank you for letting me stay!” he recited politely, and Wayne smiled. 
“Of course, kiddo. We’ll see you next time, okay?” Then he turned to Eddie. “What do you say, rascal?” 
“Bye, Billy! Thanks for coming,” Eddie told him with a grin before looking at Bob. “Thank you for letting Billy stay over!” 
With that, Billy wiggled his way out of Bob’s arms and grabbed his bag and followed Bob out the door, calling a few last minute goodbyes to his friends. Once in the car and buckled in, Billy settled into the seat and watched as Bob walked around to the driver’s seat. 
It wasn’t until the two of them had breakfast set down in front of them that Bob spoke up. “Well, how do you feel?” he asked. 
“Good?” Billy replied, cocking his head to the side as he speared a bite of scrambled egg. “Why?”
“Just wanted to make sure you were proud of yourself,” Bob smiled. “You stayed for the whole sleepover!”  
Billy grinned, sitting up a bit straighter in his chair. “I did!” he realized excitedly. “The whole night!”
“The whole night,” Bob smiled. “Are you proud of yourself?” 
Billy thought for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing in thought. “I think so,” he told Bob, looking up with a smile. “I’m happy with myself that I did it even though I was scared.” Then he asked a question that felt like a punch to the gut for Bob. “Are you proud of me?” The young boy’s voice was hopeful, if not a bit guarded, and Bob put his fork down, leaning against the table so he could move a bit closer to Billy. 
“I’m always going to be proud of you, Billy.”
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sighbergeist · 2 months
on Chipper
i was kind of a lonely boy growing up. i was painfully shy and reserved; sensitive, insecure. i never really felt like i fit in anywhere. and being raised catholic certainly didn’t help. i felt like i always had to play pretend in someone else’s skin. or maybe it was less of a desire to fit in and more of an urge born of a soon-to-be record-breaking people-pleasing streak. whatever. either way, i spent a lot of time alone in my own little world. it would have been all too easy for me to turn inward and begin the time-consuming task of self-destruction. but on christmas morning of 2001 (i was 3 going on 4), there came Ripley, the first of a trio of dogs that gave me the possibility to turn outward and create instead of destroy… but this isn't really about me. this is more like a snapshot of something beautiful and innocent in an effort to honor it. i do think i needed to write this, though.
the four of us — we’d run and explore and play make believe all day. kings, queens, knights, ninjas, pokémon, bakugan, my own “-mon” spin off i’d created. i’d write plays and make music videos starring them. the possibilities were endless. exploring forests until we found a road, sliding down the slide one after another, totally slaughtering bad guys, listening to me cry when i felt like i couldn’t to anyone else. i consider myself lucky. they were family to me. Ripley and Trooper left in 2018, and now, Chipper has left as well.
the final addition to the trio, she was this little Catahoula Leopard Dog pup in the corner of the pound on a spring day in 2009. and when she looked at me with her beautiful honey, sad puppy-dog eyes, i immediately spoke up and requested to meet her. her name was Chi — some hippies were moving and couldn’t take their few-month-old puppy with them so they dropped her off at the shelter. hearing that story made me sad, but i was much much happier. she was timid and reserved like me and i instantly made up my mind that she was the dog we’d take home. her shyness didn’t last and she blossomed into a larger-than-life personality. "Chipper" was very fitting.
she was hilarious. she couldn’t keep up with Trooper so she’d grab onto his tail and he’d drag her. she’d drink water by sticking her nose into the bowl and biting. she’d always be on the prowl to pounce on Trooper, so she’d run on top of my dad’s car to get a better view (which i remember having to help wax once - thanks a lot).
she was so goofy, but she was smart and loyal. she knew friend from foe. she was excited to meet every person invited into our home. she only bit someone once — a guy who was casing our house. he never came back. the ups driver also seemed to have a bad aura, but she never bit them. she was patient with the little dogs and would lie down to play at their level. she’d would watch over Ripley like a hawk, but in a lot of cases, he was watching out for her. one story in particular stands out: she was messing with the donkeys and they got tired of it, so they were chasing her—heads and ears down, hot on her tail, mad as hell like rent was due—out of the pasture. Ripley was watching from just beyond the fence the whole time and as the donkeys ran up to stomp her out, he let out the deepest bark i’d ever heard from him (a mini schnauzer). it was like a cartoonish hit-the-breaks moment for the donkeys and Chipper was able to slip under the fence just in time. she was mischievous and, as kiddo-me would say, a little bit ‘evil’ in the best way.
she was adventurous, full of character, beautiful, and spry (though, she was still rather clumsy and became a bit chonky in her later years). but above all, oh boy, was she good. all she ever wanted to do was please you and be near you. she loved so much with her whole wiggly body and wrinkly forehead. she was gentle, friendly, and affectionate. everyone who met her would say they wanted to take her home. some of my friends may know her as Amanda (idk why). she was my dad’s favorite (that’s a big deal). she had i swear to god, you couldn’t train a dog to be any sweeter, and that’s just how she was. she was the best girl…
it stings a little extra now that i am the last of the original crew. i feel this unfillable absence, a constant dull ache in some undefined cavity in my chest. and though my heart breaks and a heaviness pools at the bottom of my throat, i wouldn't trade it for the world because i consider myself lucky far more than i consider myself sad. i'm happy to have shared even a fraction of this little life with them.
today, i generally blanket reject religious institutions. i think my perspective on the cycle of life is probably best summed up by a combination of the first law of thermodynamics and reincarnation. but there is a part of me that remains spiritual. the same part of me that wants only to do good in this world, if only out of rapacity. i hold out belief that there is something beyond this because, selfishly, i want to run with them again. i want to be greeted in an empty cornfield on a perpetually sunny day, untouched by the years and aches that came. there is no doubt in my mind that my unending optimism that there is good in this scary world is because of those three and the moments we shared. all that youth and beauty and innocence and love won’t be wasted on me.
so, the trio is reunited. i hope i’ll join them one day, in some way or another. rest in peace, Chippie. i’ll miss you. i love you, good night. 🧡
to be loved...
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is to be changed <3
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Chipper Chica was loved so so so very much for 15 long years. we were so lucky.
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local-kitten-smut · 9 months
since she met him in her sophomore year. He was confident, charming, funny, and so hot. It was very easy for them to become friends as they had a lot in common. They enjoyed the same bands and laughed at how many of the same shirts they had. They have an equal number of records all over their rooms. Both have a hidden stash of weed in their drawers. It was like they were meant for each other.
Eddie was obsessed the second she walked up to him. Her Metalicia shirt was cropped, and small bleach stains were scattered. He smiled, knowing he had one just like it in his closet. But when he started to get to know her, he was so dead. He thinks he already loves her since the first day. and just kept falling. when she asked to join DnD and was somehow better than he was. He knew he was going to marry her.
During Y/N’s junior year, she spent the whole time trying to make moves on Eddie. She cringed at how obvious her schoolgirl crush was, but he either wasn’t getting the hint or did not like her.
Every morning when he picked her up, she had a big smile on her lips and a touch on his knee (that got higher each day): “Wow, Eddie, those jeans frame your thighs so well.” She even fucking winked. He smiled and drove on, like she had not said a word.
Then, when they went to the pool, she did not bother to hide her staring. “Eds, your tattoos are always so fucking hot to see when you are on full display.” She even trailed her fingers over the design. And nothing. He blushed and basically walked away.
She decided to bite the bullet and ask him on a date. If he said no, then at least she knew where he stood.
When Eddie saw Y/N walking up to him with purpose in her eyes, he had no idea what to think.
“Okay, Eds, I have the house to myself this weekend; want to rent some movies and hang out?” She twirled a piece of her hair with her finger. batted her eyelashes as she looked up at him. A smile lit up his face. “Of course, I’ll go tell the group.” Before she could correct him, he took off.
She signed, “I meant just us.”
“So Y/N has the house to herself, so movie night at her place.” Eddie announced as he walked into the video store.
“She never asked me.” Robin protested, and Steve agreed.
“Well, maybe she just thought I’d tell you.” Eddie shrugged.
“Well, did she tell you to ask us?” Steve said, “She always asks us.”
“Well, no, but I just figured.” He shrugged again. What is with the questions?
“Dude, you are telling me Y/N told you she has the house to herself, invites you for a movie night, and you think she wants us there?” Robin pipped me with an eye roll.
“Dude, she was so hitting on you.” Steve smacked him on the shoulder.
“No, she is just friendly; she does not like me.” Eddie responded back, but Robin was quick with an answer.
“Eddie, she does not flirt with anyone but you.”
When he showed up at her house that night, alone, she was confused.
“I thought you asked the group?”
“someone told me the intention was for this to be a date?” He asked with a shy smile pointed towards her.
“Yeah, but I get it. You make it quite clear you do not like me.”
“Why would you say that?” He asked confusedly; he loved her.
“I flirt with you, and you ignore me. I ask you on a date, and you ask the group. It’s okay, though. We can just be best friends.”
“You never flirted with me.” He was even more confused.
“Eddie, when a girl is touching your knee, complimenting everything you wear, winking at you, touching your chest, batting her eyelashes, and twirling her hair, you know she’s into you.”
That night she finally kissed him, and he finally understood the feelings were mutual.
Now that it is senior year for the couple, they are more in love than ever.
Y/N was a bit more on the tough side, and Eddie was soft. She hated new people, but Eddie wanted to welcome everyone with open arms.
Being with Eddie meant watching people take advantage of his kindness. He is quite oblivious to the intentions of people around him. I mean, it took him two years to see she liked him. She loved and hated that about him.
And right now, the hating side has been flicked on.
Chrissy Cunnignham has been following her boyfriend around like a lap dog. It started with a deal. And Y/N thought that was the end of it, but she kept showing up.
Eddie and Y/N snuck out to the parking lot to each take their lunch together in the back of the van. They sat in comfortable silence when a voice cut in,
“OMG, Eddie! "There you are; I have been looking for you.” Y/N rolled her eyes at the high pitched voice. Eddie smiled at the girl, and Y/N hated the jab that landed in her gut.
“Just having lunch with my girl, what’s up?” She smiled at the fact that he reminded her that he, in fact, does have a girlfriend. Because Chrissy likes to forget that piece of information.
“Huge party this weekend; I want to invite you,” Chrissy said to Eddie and Eddie only. Her eyes never drifted from his brown ones.
Eddie looked over to Y/n with a question in his eyes.
“Baby, want date night at a party?” She did not want to spend her night with Eddie at a party, but if he wanted to go, she would suck it up. She gave him a nod.
“We will be there.”
After the little run in with Chrissy at lunch, Y/N felt a tad bit sour. She knows Eddie is hers, and Eddie only wants her, but that insecurity was settling in.
She shook it off and headed to Hellfire. She and Eddie are now partners in leading the campaigns. Her seat was always next to Eddie, so a huge scowl landed on her face when she saw a familiar ponytail sitting next to Eddie in her seat.
“Chrissy, welcome, but that is my seat.” Y/N said it as nicely as she could.
“Oh well, I would prefer to sit next to Eddie.” She giggled as she looked at Eddie.
Eddie was once again oblivious to Chrissy’s disinterest in their relationship.
“Well, I do not care; I would prefer to sit in my own seat with my boyfriend.” She did not care to be polite now.
The group was walking in behind them but stopped at the tension in the room.
“Well, if Eddie wants me to move, then I will move.” Chrissy bit back, and she crossed her arms.
One thing about Eddie is that he does not like to say no to people, and he does not like to hurt people’s feelings, except apparently his girlfriends’.
“Baby, don’t be so dramatic; it’s just a seat. The spare chair is in the closet.” Eddie smiled softly, truly believing he could easily fix the situation. Chrissy cheered.
The boys gasped at his response. Dusitn went to say something, but Y/N gave him a look. With the biggest breath she could manage, she grabbed the chair and placed it next to Gareth. Her boyfriend could fuck off.
Eddie frowned in her direction, but his attention quickly returned to Chrissy when she asked questions about the campaign.
Y/N rolled her eyes every time Chrissy would cheer on Eddie.
“Look, if you want to cheer so goddamn bad, why not go to practice?” Y/N snapped. Dustin tried to hide his laugh.
“Babe, no need to be rude. She is having fun; if you are going to sit there and be mean, you should just go.” Y/N felt steam coming out of her ears. Did he seriously just tell her to go home?
She bit back her response and clenched the dice in her hand. It was going to be a long night.
It got even worse. The news that Chrissy dumped Jason traveled fast.
Y/N had her theories of why this breakup happened so suddenly, but Eddie, of course, just wanted to help.
“Chrissy You deserve so much better. You will find someone perfect for you. I know it.”
Y/N felt like her eyes never stopped rolling. She shot a glare at the back of Eddie’s head as he hugged Chrissy.
It was the night of the party, and the couple was heading to the front door.
“We shouldn’t have come. All she wants to do is flirt with you and act like you don’t have a girlfriend.”
“She knows we are together, and she is not flirting. She just wants a friend so be nice,” Eddie warned as Chrissy opened the door with a smile and only pointed to Eddie.
Y/N felt her blood boil when Chrissy laced her hand into Eddie’s and yanked him out of Y/N’s grasp, dragging him into the house. Eddie’s head turned quickly to his girlfriend, “Babe.” He said it with a smile as he used his free hand to reach for her.
Y/N was very close to either killing Chrissy or Eddie. She understood that Eddie had no idea what was going on. He doesn’t know Chrissy has been flirting with him for days. But she wanted to scream at him for being so stupid.
She was dancing with Eddie, finally having fun since Chrissy got occupied with hosting. Her hands were in his hair, their hips grinding into each other, and matching smiles took over their faces. They were lost in each other, making out in the middle of the floor. This is what she missed about Eddie—being with him in this way. He has been so busy with Chrissy that she feels like she’s been pushed to the back burner.
“Can we talk?” She asked loudly into his ear. He pulled away, worried, and walked her out to the backyard.
They stood on the grass and passed a joint back and forth.
“I don’t want to be that girlfriend that controls you or picks who you are friends with. But this thing with Chrissy needs to either be talked about or stopped. I am not comfortable with how she flirts with you, how she touches you, and how she always needs your attention.”
“Babe, I told you there was nothing going on.” He sighed
“I do not care if there is nothing going on; it is the fact that she is trying to make something happen, and you will not shut it down. I know you think everyone is just being friendly, but I am your girlfriend, and if I am telling you that I feel our relationship is being neglected, you should be working this out with me, not trying to tell me I’m making shit up. I bite my tongue a lot, but the times that it splits, you turn on me. You tell me to leave it alone and go home. Do you know how embarrassing that is? and seeing her smug smile because she’s winning.”
Y/N noticed her friend Robin making her way out to the yard with Steve following behind. Robin could easily sense the tension, and she knew Chrissy had been a pain in Y/N’s ass, so she could imagine what was going on.
“She is not winning! There is no fight or competition. You are my girlfriend, not her. So I don’t see why we are having to talk about this. Why would I want to even try with her when I have you? Just get over this insecurity and jealousy so we can move on from it.”
Robin, Steve, and Y/N’s mouths dropped. Chrissy once again popped up with a big smile.
“I’m feeling some tension here; maybe we should take a breather.” Chrissy offered adviced as she put her hand on Eddie’s back. That’s when Y/N snapped.
“Get your fucking hands off of my boyfriend!” Eddie was quick to jump in front of Chrissy as Y/N marched towards her.
“Seriously, you need to calm down. You are embarrassing yourself and me.”
Y/N felt every piece of anger leave, filled with hurt. It was like Eddie wasn’t even himself. He was replaced with the shell.
“I pour my heart out to you. I tell you why I am upset with everything going on. And you first told me I was insecure and jealous, and now you are fucking protecting her? Are you saying I’m embarrassing you? What’s embarrassing is how she chases you around. how she dumped her boyfriend just to try to snag you. She’s fucking wearing a Metallica shirt, Eddie! with fucking black boots. I have almost the same outfit in my closet. She wants you! Why can’t you fucking see that?”
Eddie honestly did not know what to say.
“Let’s take you home.” Robin said as she grabbed Y/N’s hand.
Y/N was hurt, but he didn’t bother to say anything, didn’t bother to stop her, and never bothered to follow her to Robin’s car.
He just stayed; he stayed with her.
Y/N took the time away from Eddie to breathe. She needed some space. So she waited until Monday to talk to him when he picked her up.
The only problem was that he never showed up. She begged Steve for a ride, and he said yes without hesitation.
She was relieved to see she made it on time. But her breath of relief hitched when she saw his van pull up with her in the passenger seat. She watched as they climbed out. Eddie looked like he was in the middle of a huge rant, then Chrissy’s eyes caught hers.
If looks could kill, they would have murdered each other.
Y/N started to walk towards them, intent on calling them out, but she froze in her spot at Chrissy’s next action.
“Okay, I think we need to take some space away from each other because if it makes my girlfriend uncomfortable, I need to respect that.” Eddie explained as he pulled up into the parking lot and getting out of his van. He tried to call his girlfriend last night to tell her he was going to give Chrissy a ride to talk some things over, but she never answered.
“Eddie I don’t get it. You had a fight, and she left, and you stayed with me. You obviously just showed her that you picked me. Respecting her wishes is all out the window now.” Chrissy said as she peered over at her. an idea forming in her head. This was her chance to end their relationship once and for all.
Eddie went to protest when he felt her lips crash onto his. His eyes flew as wide as they could. He cringed at the feeling of sticky gloss coating his lips. He went to pull away, but her hand grabbed the back of his head to shove him closer. When he finally got himself free, he had no idea what had just happened. He was telling her they couldn’t be friends, and she kissed him? That’s when he noticed it; Chrissy was twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes, and he felt her touch in his chest.
“Oh fuck, you are flirting. Look I’m in love with Y/N so this will never happen” He stated as he pulled himself away. He messed up. His girlfriend told him over and over, and she was right. Chrissy didn’t respect his relationship with Y/N. And he allowed himself to disrespect it in the same way.
He was quick to head towards the school, but that’s when his eyes caught his favorite ones. She stood there, unmoving. Tears flowed down her face, her hand tightly holding her backpack strap. His heart dropped. She saw it. She saw her kiss him.
He went to move, but she was faster; she ran off into the building.
“BABY, WAIT!” he screamed as he ran after her. He followed her into the girls’ bathroom; he didn’t care.
She was sobbing into her hands on the floor. His heart shattered. He was quick to kneel in front of her. He grabbed her hands away from her face and wiped off her tears.
“Baby, I promise, I didn’t kiss her. I didn’t know she was going to do that. I’m so sorry. You have every right to be mad at me. You told me over and over, and I just chose not to believe you. It’s just that I’m so goddamn in love with you that I don’t even notice anyone else. I didn’t notice her flirting because half the time I don’t even notice her. I’m thinking about you. I’m sorry I called you insecure and jealous. You aren’t; you were upset, and I should have made you feel better. "I promise with everything in me that I only want you, and I only want you for the rest of my life.” He didn’t notice that he began to cry too. He was so scared that he’d messed this up so badly that she’d leave.
“Please don’t leave me, baby. I need you. Please don’t,” he was sobbing into her now. His face was tucked into her neck.
“I’m not going to leave you, baby.” “I love you too,” she said, kissing his cheek. She knew he understood his mistake now. And she also knew he was going to fix everything he cracked.
He pulled away with a sniffle. Red, puffy eyes met each other’s on the bathroom floor. He leaned in for a kiss, but she pushed him back.
“Not until you get that 30¢ gloss off of you,” she teased. He took it as seriously as he should have. and began to scrub the hell out of his lips. After about three washes, he went to her with a smile.
“Now?” He asked, and she nodded.
Their lips met in a needy kiss. Every once of love and passion was sent to one another.
As the couple walked out of the bathroom, they were definitely late for class now. Eddie spoke up.
“Just so you know, I’m marrying you.”
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 7 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 7
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Carlos -  
Despite my promise to Kyle, Detective Turner isn't the first person I contact. 
He already seems disinclined to like me and it's barely six a.m. 
I doubt he'd appreciate the wake-up call.
That privilege goes to Aunt Toni, whose number I contemplate with nerves tingling and my heart picking up speed in my chest. 
After rehearsing what I'll say in my head, I tap the screen and wait while the call connects.
Just like last time and all the times before, it goes to voicemail. 
I take a breath, intending to leave a message but my throat closes off and I can't speak. 
I end the call, open the messaging app and begin typing out a long and detailed explanation.
Then, as I re-read it, the last conversation I had with Toni replays itself in my head.
It wasn't pretty. 
I accused her of taking advantage of me, using me like a tool of her trade, keeping me from having a normal life under the guise of protecting me and it hadn't gone over well.
In the end, she'd called me an ungrateful little shit and told me not to come crawling back to her when reality caught up and bit me in the ass.
Reality was biting all right and here I was, on my hands and knees.
Sighing, I erase the message and type out a different one.
Auntie, I'm sorry for what I said. I miss you. Can we talk?
Tapping ‘send’ before I can talk myself out of it, I flop back on my bed, blow out my breath and press my palms against my eyes.
The ball's in her court now and the next move is hers but I'm not holding my breath for an answer any time soon.
Aunt Toni loves me like a son but I know I hurt her and Antonia Martinez holds a mean grudge.
After leaving a message for Turner, I get dressed, eat breakfast, grab a spare battery and jumper cables and catch the bus into town. 
In the Walmart parking lot, I find my truck where I left it, thankfully unmolested and with a boost from the spare battery, it starts right up. 
Then I drive around a bit, letting the truck's battery charge,and stop at a roadside flower stall for a bouquet of white carnations.
I don't know enough about flowers to tell if they're a good 'sorry for your loss' gift, but they're white and cheap, so I figure they'll do.
Lucille Peters lives in an old Victorian a few houses down the street at the crest of a small hill. 
The garage belonged to her late husband and stood vacant, falling into disrepair, until I came along and asked if the property was available to rent. 
It was, she said, under certain conditions, one of which was that I couldn't make any changes without her approval and another of which was Kyle.
Now that Kyle is gone, I can only hope she doesn't decide having a tenant is more trouble than it's worth and rescind the offer.
Gathering my nerve, I walk up the paved path, climb the steps to the porch and ring the bell. 
The place looks like it's seen better days, with peeling paint and so many cobwebs hanging from the rafters it looks decorated for Halloween.
The interior appears dark and after ringing the bell twice, I'm about to leave the flowers on the doorstep and retreat when I catch a glimpse of movement through the frosted glass windows beside the door. 
It opens a crack, and Lucille peers out at me with puffy, red-rimmed eyes.
"Yes? What do you want?"
"Hello, Mrs. Peters. Um..." I hold out the bouquet. "I just came by to say I'm sorry about Kyle."
She stares at the flowers as if she's never seen anything quite like them, before taking them in a claw-fingered hand. 
She looks more like Kyle's grandmother than his aunt and I wonder I how much older she is than his mom.
"Oh, yes. Thank you," she says, wiping her eyes. "My poor, dear nephew didn't deserve this, you know. He was a good boy, at heart."
Personally, I think there are very few people in the history of humanity who would actually deserve what Kyle went through but I merely nod.
"The police aren't any help," she continues, in her unusually deep, gravelly voice.
"They won't even let me see the body."
I swallow. 
"That's... maybe for the best, Mrs. Peters. I'm sure Kyle would prefer you remember him as he was in life. In fact..." I hesitate, then take the risk. "In fact, I've seen him around. He's okay now. Well, I mean he's dead, obviously but he's... better."
‘Okay, Carlos, shut the fuck up now.’
Mrs. Peters gives me a strange look. 
"You've seen him, you say?"
"Yes. My family... Well, I wouldn't say I'm psychic, in the usual sense but... Yes, sometimes I see things."
"Er... Well, yes. And other things."
‘Stop. Talking.’
Like a certain Alice, I give myself very good advice but I very seldom follow it.
"Has he said anything?" Mrs. Peters asks, narrowing her eyes at me.
"Oh, um, no. He doesn't talk. He just hangs around and bothers me. Kinda like when he was alive."
‘Carlos. For fuck's sake, shut up.’
"Is that so? Well, personally, I believe that my nephew is in Heaven, with his mother and my dear husband, where he belongs and I'll thank you for not speaking such blasphemies again. Good day, Mr. Martinez. Thank you for the flowers."
She shuts the door in my face with a snap.
‘Great, great. This is why people don't like you, Carlos. And now you'll be lucky if you're not evicted. Way to go.’
Sighing, I turn around and walk back along the path to the street and down the sloping sidewalk to my truck. 
As I step into the street, walk around to the driver's side and open the door, movement catches my eye. 
I look up and see another, much larger truck rolling towards me and picking up speed.
With a yelp of alarm, I leap into the cab but I don't have time to close the door. 
The other vehicle barrels right into it, snaps it off its hinges and sends it skidding down the street in a shower of sparks. 
There's no one behind the wheel.
Shouts echo from further up the street and a breathless man dressed for heavy-duty yard work, whose truck is on the run, dashes up and leans in to look at me.
"Holy shit. Are you okay, man?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm not hurt," I gasp, assuring myself of this at the same time.
Meanwhile, the escaped vehicle hops the curb and comes to rest harmlessly on someone's front lawn.
The man clutches the sides of his head and swears. 
"Fucking hell. I swear the brake was on. I checked. I always check. I coulda sworn..."
"I'm sure it just wasn't engaged all the way and failed," I say, though I'm not sure at all.
"Shit, you sure you're okay?"
I climb out of the door-less cab and shield my eyes as I look up and down the street. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can't say the same for my truck, though."
"Shit, here." 
The man pulls a pen and card from his breast pocket, scribbles something on the card and hands it to me.
I take it and frown. 
"What's this?"
"My info. For the insurance company, you know? Gimme yours, too."
I give him a business card for the garage.
"I better check if there's any property damage, too. I don't wanna get sued. Better take some pictures, too. Document everything." 
He pulls out a phone in a heavy-duty case and snaps a few shots. 
I do the same, recalling that I'll need it for the insurance claim, anyway. 
Then I walk down to where the other guy is inspecting his own truck.
"Just a scrape and a dented bumper," he says. "No property damage either, thank God. Here..." he jogs over to where my door lies like roadkill at the side of the street. "Lemme help you with this."
Together, we carry it back up the hill and toss it in the back of my truck.
The man dusts his hands off and extends one for me to shake. 
"Rafael," he says. "Moretti Bros Landscaping. You need any work done, call me. I'll do it free."
I finally take a proper look at him and see a handsome face with blue eyes and black hair. 
He grins sheepishly.
"Shit, man. I'm just glad you're okay. I coulda sworn somebody stole my truck. It looked like it was steering itself right at you. Crazy, right?"
"Yeah," I agree, a little weakly. "Crazy."
As crazy as talking to ghosts, anyway.
~ ★ ~
"So what, now the ghost is trying to kill you?"
John Turner looks up from his inspection of my truck and arches a brow at me. 
When I texted him, he'd responded by showing up in person. 
At least I know he comes when called.
"I don't know," I say, scratching the back of my head. "Maybe he was mad I upset his aunt."
"Or maybe the parking brake failed."
I frown, recalling the number of near misses I'd had while Kyle was alive. 
Turner straightens to his full height and looks down at me. 
"You worried?"
I shrug. 
"Not really."
"Maybe you should be. I don't know if I believe in this supernatural shit but I believe in evidence. You're close to this case and like I said, we think Kyle knew his killer. That means you might know the killer, too."
I frown. 
"You never did tell me what evidence you had that linked me to the scene."
"The cigarettes," he says. "Marlboro Lights. Whoever used Kyle's eye-sockets as ashtrays smokes the same kind."
I turn aside, sickened by the thought and then startle as a large, warm hand settles on my shoulder.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that. You get hardened to shit and you forget not everyone is as fucked up as you are."
I laugh shakily. 
"Don't worry. I'm pretty fucked up."
A car backfires somewhere down the street, one loud pop and two softer ones. 
I turn to look, wondering what kinda weird-ass custom engine would make that sound, when I'm tackled to the ground and crushed into the sharp gravel, pinned beneath John Turner's body.
A second later, he's up again, weapon drawn, while I stare at a fluffy cloud floating in a patch of blue sky and listen to the fading roar of an engine.
Turner leans over me. 
"You okay, Martinez?"
I cough and sit up, rubbing the back of my head and squint at him. 
"No. What the fuck, Turner? You never heard an engine backfire before?"
"Sure, plenty of times. I've heard semi-automatic handgun fire, too."
He points and I see two new holes in the side of my truck. 
"Do backfiring cars typically shoot bullets?"
"No," I say weakly. "And neither do ghosts."
He nods and helps me to my feet. 
"Supernatural shit aside, the evidence is telling me one of two things. Either somebody really hates your truck or somebody wants you dead. For safety's sake, let's bet on the latter."
"Fuck. What do I do?" 
I hadn't even known I was in danger until he pointed it out but now my voice shakes with a late surge of adrenaline.
He looks at me with the expression of a man about to do something unpleasant.
"Pack a bag," he says. "You're coming with me."
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
Thanks for opening the inbox again, and a huge thank you for being such an awesome source of information and a great person!
Tw emotional stuff, hints of physical(?), drugs and alcohol, and general uncomfortableness
So about a month ago I was able to finally escape my adoptive parents (emotionally and psychologically abusive, neglectful, physically abusive in the way that they overworked me and I developed health problems because of it, and my adoptive mother pretty much ran a cult (hits almost all the points in the BITE model) ). I ended up going to my aunts in a very far away city, and she made herself sound like a really awesome and good person.
But she is... I wont say she is a bad person because that sounds mean and she is letting me stay at her house rent free, but she is... not great.
Firstly, she drinks, and she drinks quite a bit. She'll go outside and drink some bottles if wine and then some beer and get drunk, and like she isnt the worst drunk?? But she likes to drive people around when she is drunk and can be quite uncomfortable. She also smokes a lot of weed and keeps many many large jars of weed in the house, and will get high at random times and still drive people around high and do stuff like that.
She can be okay when she is high, but she is also high or drunk a lot of the time, and has nearly gotten into car crashes because of it (just within my time of being here that has happened multiple times).
When she isnt high or drunk she can get mad at odd things? She hasnt gotten so mad that she attacks (verbally or physically) but shes done that before in the past. Recently one of the things she's been mad at is my cousin and I spending time together, because of a mix of transphobic, queerphobic, sexist and general projection of past people believes that we will get together into a relationship. BUT I (the older one) would be the victim and the target because I'm the poor little orphan child who has gone through a lot in foster care and everything (but she is part of my adoptive mother's cult and loves her and believes everything she says).
She is super super disrespectful and downright inappropriate with my cousin,and us slowly becoming similar to me? In a way at least. She treats me like a stray dog she took in and doesnt really like what I do too much?? She goes to other people and sometimes cries about what I told her because it was "so terribly sad" even though shes put her own kids and grandkids in similar positions? She also shares my personal information to anyone she wants, including the fact that I'm trans.
She has been getting progressively more mad at my cousin and I (for context, my cousin is also on the run from their horrible parentals and dont have a 100% safe place to be, but their current guardians are better than the last) and it's been really really really uncomfortable. She has used manipulation tactics to get what she wants and has triggered our ptsd big time and then calls us weird, creepy, uncomfortable, and immature for reacting that way.
She also has had talks about how weird it is that I have trauma and absolutely refuses the idea my cousin has been traumatized.
Idk what to do because I really need to move out but I'm not ready to move out (just escaped from a cult and trying to adjust to the world without much of a support system because I wasnt allowed to know many people growing up). My cousin really needs a place to stay but with the whole rumors that my aunt is spreading if they came to live with me things would get worse (they are already seemingly getting worse).
I've also been trying to get a list of places to spend time outside of the house so I can get away from my aunt, but that can only last so long and I dont have anywhere I could go overnight (until my cousin's place is free again, but just like them coming here their guardians can get odd).
Do you have any advice or opinions or pointers or anything youcould offer?? I could deeply appreciate any insight from you.
I've uh, sent a few things in to you before and you've been a big help for insight then. I super appreciatethose times of help, thank you for doing what you do.
I'm so happy you got away, that could not have been easy. It's so fucked up they managed to ruin your health beforehand, I've been affected like that too and I despise it.
I had to look up what BITE model is, and it's Behavioural, Information, Thought and Emotional control, extremely cult oriented, and dedicated to keeping a human being completely controlled. It looks terrifying, here's a link to an explanation for anyone else interested.
I'm glad you're at your aunt's place, this sounds horrific. It's okay to complain about your life conditions anytime, even if you don't pay rent, even if you feel like you owe gratitude. It's important to be able to acknowledge when something bothers us, and isn't in line with how we want to live our life, and you're supposed to do it, at all times.
I'm responding to this as I read, because it's so long, and okay the first complaint is big – I don't think anyone abused would feel safe living with a person who drinks a lot. It's unstable, unpredictable, non-reliable, non-consistent person around you, and you do have to always be on your toes, worrying about what will happen next, because drunk people are not at their most responsible – and driving while drunk is dangerous, I'd be upset as well. It would be much safer and more stable to be in the company and under care of people who are sober, reliable, responsible, consistent, emotionally available to you, and this is not the case, and it has to be stressful, and filling you with anxiety.
Almost car-crashes are terrifying! That's human lives being treated as play.
Mad when sober is even worse, that would freak me out so much, I can't imagine how it is for you. Especially if she's attacked you in the past, it can feel like you have to pretend everything is okay on the surface, but in reality, you're just waiting for the moment when you'll inevitably be attacked. This limbo of not-knowing and always expecting it can be just as bad as abuse, I remember hating it even more. I don't know if you do feel like this, but I'm picking up from the circumstances that it's possibly a concern.
Kinda stunned that you're being judged for the possibility of getting into a relationship with a COUSIN, people will just say anything? I'm so sorry, you do not deserve that kind of phobic projections on you, you should be free to spend time with whoever you please, without anyone getting mad. It sounds like the projections are wild and completely misplaced.
Being disrespectful and innapropriate with your cousin also crosses a line, nobody would choose to live with a person who disrespects their loved ones, and it's becoming clear you're stuck there, and stuck tolerating this. Also pretending to be your saviour but then crying to other people how difficult it is to hear about your pain – that's a violation of trust. Who would want to tell someone about abuse, only for that person to go spread it around with their own narrative of how it burdens them?  Sharing your personal information and your trans status is also invasion of privacy and a breach of trust, that's awful anon.
I hope your cousin and you are a support to each other, and can offer some solace and emotional peace to each other, because it sounds like the world is not treating you with love you deserve.
What the aunt is doing to you is not okay, manipulating a person sick with ptsd is absolutely disgusting, lowest trash behaviour. Victim shaming and blaming them, also, garbage and trash behaviour, gross. Nobody should ever be doing that to you, for as long as you're alive.
I understand you can't immediately go and need some time to gather yourself, to make sense of your situation, and to find some stability within, and that's normal and okay. I wish you'd be treated better, because this toxic treatment can make the trauma worse, or prolong it and normalize it since you still have to suffer abuse, but you're progressing, you're moving forward, and even if it takes time to move, it's okay. I believe in you, and I know you'll go to a place that is safe and fills you with security and warmth.
It's smart to spend time outside! I often did that too when with abusers. It is sad that outside can be draining and doesn't work long term.
I wish I could give you an advice, but all I really can is acknowledge that your situation is bad, that you've done everything right, and that you're right to be disappointed and upset at how badly you're still being treated. Based on where you came from, this might seem like something small, easy to overlook, but it does stir emotions in you and you're able to register it as wrong. That's a great progress to make!
You've escaped from worse than this, and I believe you'll do whatever recovery you can under these conditions, and then when you find a way, get even safer, get a place that makes you feel protected. I wish you the best of luck, if anyone has any other piece of advice for anon, please share it.
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donnabroadway · 4 months
Healing your inner child
I see a lot of millennials talking about healing their inner child and while I understand that we may have felt we missed out on things as a child, I am here to tell you that you cannot heal your inner child with permissive parenting.
As someone who has two kids and needs to pay someone to clean their carpet and to repair a few things because kids are destructive, letting your kids do all the things you wish your parents let you do as a child, gets old and expensive real quick. I believe part of the parenting expense is replacing things your kids break because they surely break a lot.
I see a lot millennials claiming they are buying themselves the McDonalds they never got as a child, which is cute, or whatever but buying yourself McDonald's because your parents claimed not to have McDonald's money when you were a child or having a closet full of shoes because your parents refused to buy you Jordan's is only going to make you fat, in debt, and your house cluttered. Do you know that after awhile shoes, even the real ones, start to dry rot? You have spent thousands of dollars on something with a very short shelf life. I am not one to tell anyone how to spend their money but putting a band aid on childhood wounds in the form of buying what you never had is not it. You need to ask yourself if the shoes are a trigger because you feel rejected, like your needs weren't truly met, and not having them made you feel inadequate and like you didn't fit in. Does your mom saying no to McDonald's make you feel ignored and neglected because you saw her money and she worked, so in your childhood mind, she surely had McDonald's money? Does childhood you think your mothers check should have been used to buy you shoes and fast food, even if you guys were just scrapping by but you didn't know it because it wasn't your place to know that your mom had to borrow money for rent or you were almost evicted or she had to go without food to buy your new shoes, even if they were payless? Did you have shoes and food to eat or did you just want Jordan's and McDonalds? Please don't get me wrong and say I am dismissing trauma, I am simply trying to give perspective. I know it hurts to see your parents with not just McDonald's money but Chick Fil A money and new outfit money for your kids, but think about this, a twenty something working a minimum wage, or just above wage job, with several kids to support, is different than a 40 or 50 something, who may have gone back to school to get a career and now has a better job, and let's be real, only having your grandkids a couple days a month is great on your food, water, and light bill. What I am saying is really look at your childhood trauma and ask yourself why is it tied to these really inconsequential things because it's probably not about the thing but the emotion and perceived action attached to it.
Monique is prime example of unhealed childhood trauma and projection, and anyone rooting for her to keep telling the same story for the last 15 years with no real intention of healing or reconciliation is just an enabler. Tyler Perry and Lee Daniels have both apologized to her and yet she still finds a way to make her yearly rounds about the same thing she has been complaining about for 15 years. For the record, I get it and I am not saying that Monique shouldn't tell her story but she made a choice and choices have consequences. We have all made the choice to say no to something and regretted it but if you look deeper, this is not about her allegedly being blackballed. I am not dismissing Monique's pain but I don't think her pain comes from Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels, or Oprah and if you actually listened to her talk and not just the sound bites, you would realize the experience triggered Monique.
Monique is a victim of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of her brother. It wasn't a one time thing, it was ongoing. Often when people are violated, they try to make themselves less appealing and I believe Monique's weight and hygiene, i.e. not shaving her legs is a way to make herself unattractive and therefore less of a target of abuse. I believe Precious triggered Monique's trauma and when the movie became big and her story became front page news, I believe it overwhelmed her and she wanted to retreat, which is why all expenses paid and an extra week didn't appeal to her, even when offered to bring her family. I think the promo and attention from all she was doing overwhelmed her and she needed a break and couldn't say it, so they made it about the money, which it wasn't because no amount of money would have been sufficient. 2009-2010 was Monique's year, she had a TV show, won an Oscar. Monique was it and I believe success can trigger deseeded trauma. I believe Monique was triggered when she saw her entire family on the Oprah Winfrey show supporting the person who caused her so much pain. It has to hurt to not be believed but to have everyone rally around the person who not only hurt you but is now clout chasing by saying it is true. That had to hurt. I don't think Monique needs an apology from the big three and I think all three have already acknowledged her pain and at least two have tried to pay her or give her a job, I think the apology and acknowledgements she needs is from the two people who are dead. I think she needed her mother to believe her and acknowledge her pain and she only did on national TV with her brother, her abuser. Even recently, someone claiming to be her sister, made a viral post attacking her for not attending her parents funerals and that had to hurt, even if she didn't acknowledge it. Even today, nearly 50 years later, no one has acknowledged the pain of what happened to her as a child and they all want her to move on and stop talking I don't think Monique ever got a real life, one on one acknowledgement of her pain from anyone, let alone her family, which is why every time someone disagree with her, she has to confront them and put them on blast. It's almost as if that experience of being called a liar as a child, has made her always want to defend herself and prove she isn't a liar. My heart really hurts for Monique and I say this in love, but it is time to figure out how to move forward. It has been 15 years and it seems as if every time she tells her story, the list of people that have wronged her, only seems to grow but it also seems as if the list of people who don't want to be associated with her or limit their interactions with her and her "daddy" grows as well. Like I said, Monique may very well be right but in a world built on relationships, it isn't working, especially if after 30 years in the game, you still have to borrow money to pay rent, obviously this hobo tour isn't working, so what is the plan, sis? How do we get you consistently working and paid for your jokes, not just your pain?
Then Jesus saw him and knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, “Would you like to get well?”~ John 5:8
It is time for Monique to get to the bag. You do not prove your innocence by lasting everyone you disagree with, you prove it by showing up, working hard, being talented, and handling grievances privately. I also don't think her husband is doing her any favors. I understand he is a king and he is protecting her but saying you're being raised by a mate in your 40s and 50s is a bit disconcerting, especially calling him daddy. I think that may also be another sign of trauma, maybe her dad was there but not present but either way, Monique is going to be 80 and Oprah will be dead and we will have long forgotten about Precious and Monique will still be on this who wronged me tour. Let's heal that inner child sis because this ain't it.
0 notes
danielxricciardo · 3 years
Hi there! I don’t know if you got my ask before😭 but I did sent one about Daniel being jealous type? Like Max is Reader’s ex and got bit too touchy and familiar to the reader at party, and like Daniel and Max got into a fight and where other drivers need to break them up. Angst story please! I wanna see Daniel super jealous and protective over his gf.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I am so sorry for not writing the last request!!! I had an extremely busy period and there will be a few more crazy weeks! At first I tried to write in order but I didn't have much inspiration so I started writing randomly! So sorry again!
Summary: You are Daniel's girlfriend and he is jealous on Max, your ex.
Warnings: angst, a little swearing
Word count: 1.7k
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Jealousy is an insane feeling... It comes out when you are very affectionately attached to someone or that even the thought of its possession with someone else creates a rage in your heart.
It can be constructive or destructive depending on how you presume to take it.
For him, in any way, it feels like his heart is in a constant state of dropping, his legs get shaky, he feels a twisting in his stomach and all he wants to do is snap at people. It's a horrible feeling that he feels a lot.
Jealousy can come from the fear of losing one or more of the following: power, love, sex, and possessions. Jealousy is a powerful emotion. It exists for a reason, to protect ourselves, but can cause havoc if left unchecked.
A jealous man who feels insecure in himself believes he’s not good enough to keep another person attracted to him over time. He fears that someone better than him is going to make his loved one reconsider their relationship.
Daniel never showed you that he was jealous. Although you were Max's ex-girlfriend, Max should be the one upset and jealous of the two, right? Because after you two broke up, friendly, of course, you soon got together with his best friend.
"Hey, love!" Daniel called to you from the bathroom. "I know you won't let me see the dress, although it is bullshit to me because we're going to a gala, not to our wedding, but can you at least tell me what color it will be? I need to choose a tie."
"Red." you answer from the bedroom, focused not to ruin your nail polish. "And it's not bullshit. I want to surprise you."
"For all I care, you can come dressed in a sack of potatoes and I will still think you are the most beautiful woman in the world."
"Mmm I smell bullshit!" you joke.
The FIA Prize Giving Ceremony is an annual event promoted by Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile which honors the achievements of all drivers over the past season.
Although you are not new to this sport, going to Grand Prix as the girlfriend of a driver for more than 5 years, you have never been present at a gala. Of course, you were invited every year, only something always happened and you couldn't go. This year, however, you wanted to be present, especially since Daniel was going to receive the Action of the Year award.
Daniel left before you, he and the boys rented a limousine with which they would get there, and you and the other girls would arrive, also with a limousine. You're not the type to refuse a limousine, especially since you've never been in one, but Daniel and the other boys had to leave their personal cars at the gala because the limousine won't leave you at home, you'll each go to your homes with your own cars.
You were wearing a beautiful backless, tight-fitting red dress, having almost like a silk texture to it, perfectly shaped to fit your figure, strapless, having a corset that makes your breasts bigger than they really were.
When Daniel saw you, you were sure he forgot to breathe for a few seconds. His already large eyes seemed to protrude from his pupils. Your heart had started beating faster, and you had butterflies in your stomach. Even though you had been together for more than three years, you still felt like you were looking at him for the first time.
"You're splendid," he tells you when he helps you out of the limousine. He kisses your hand and you see the dozens of paparazzi flashes towards you.
"You don't look bad either," you answer and enter the building.
Inside were hundreds of people talking to each other and looking like they were having fun. Daniel leads you to your table where you two were seated with Max, Charles, Esteban, and Sebastian with their girlfriends.
"What do you want to drink?" Daniel asks you as he takes off his jacket and leaves it on the back of the chair.
"A glass of white wine."
Daniel kissed you on the cheek and went to get you your drinks. You look around to try to recognize someone and notice that Max is coming towards you.
"Hey, Y/N! Wow, you're so beautiful!" he says and takes your hand to spin you to see you well. "Daniel is a lucky man."
You giggle.
"I saw Kelly, she's gorgeous too! And you're a lucky man because you have her."
He laughs and takes a sip of his drink.
"Yes, you're right. She looks great," he says and looks after her.
Kelly was talking with two women you didn't recognize. It was as if she felt the two of you looking at her, she turned her head towards you and waved.
"Daniel will receive an award, right? Good for him."
"Yes!" you say joyful. "I'm so proud of him."
Max leans over and lightly touches your cheek. You look at him with wide eyes, not understanding what was happening.
"You had a fallen eyelash," he says. "Make a wish."
Before you even thought about a wish to make, you heard glasses breaking, then you saw Max thrown to the floor by someone. Not just someone. Daniel.
Your head was buzzing and you couldn't hear what Daniel was shouting. But you could hear the sound of his fists and the screams of several people who immediately came to separate them.
"What the fuck? Daniel!" Max said as soon as he was lifted from under Daniel.
Kelly immediately ran to him and took his face in her hands, looking for the wounds. He was going to have some pretty big bruises.
"She's my girlfriend!"
Your eyes widened and you immediately looked at Max, who mimicked your movements. What the hell was Daniel talking about?
"Yeah, and Kelly is my girlfriend too. Are we still getting to know each other or are you going to tell me what the fuck happened to you, dickhead?"
"And your girlfriend, Kelly, does she agree with this intimacy between you and Y/N? And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. I saw you earlier, you almost kissed!"
"Do you hear what you're saying, jerk? She had a fallen eyelash! Get your head out of your ass and realize that no one is trying to steal your girlfriend. Neither I nor anyone else."
You snort and everyone turns to you. Your face had taken on the color of the dress: red. You were angry. You were shaking and you wanted to beat Daniel, but you were at a formal event; although that didn't stop Daniel from punching Max a few times. You take a step towards Daniel and slap him across the face, hard enough to sting.
"In the car. Now!" You command Daniel and head for the exit, all the people who had gathered around you now getting out of your way.
In the car, none of you had said anything. You didn't know if you had to start saying something or you should wait for him. You had so much to say, but how did you get started? You had so many curses prepared for him, but in what order did you tell them? You wanted to die of shame because of the little stunt Daniel did inside.
You snort, probably for the hundredth time in just a few minutes, and get out of the car.
"Where are you going?" Daniel shouted after me.
He's joking? Because it seems so to you. How dare he ask you where you're going, considering that since you got back in the car he hasn't said a damn thing. He even acted as if your presence bothered him. It's like he doesn't care about you.
You wanted to leave. Go home.
It's just a small problem. The building where the gala took place was in a part of town where you had never been before. You didn't know the way back to the house, you didn't have any money with you to get an Uber and you didn't want to enter the building you just left, ashamed, to ask someone to take you home.
Even though you didn't know where you were, you got out of the car and head for the gate you entered by car.
You snort angrily and hurry up. You try to keep calm and not run away, although you are sure that you could not run considering that you are wearing huge heels. You don't realize when he got behind you but now he grabs your hand and stops you. You try to jerk, but he only tightens his grip around your wrist. You face him, giving him the angriest look you're capable of, but he doesn't even deserve it.
"Let me go, please."
You frown. Daniel doesn't say anything and doesn't move, as if he were a stone sheepfold. He is tense and slightly agitated. Finally, he withdraws his hand, then passes it through his curly hair, then puts it in the pocket of his cloth pants.
"I am sorry," he says softly and you can barely hear what he said. "I was jealous."
"Jealousy? Why?"
He shrugs.
"I have no idea."
"You do not trust me?" you ask, feeling like you're about to cry.
He nods frantically.
"It's not like that at all... My jealousy does not come from a lack of trust. It comes with the insecurity when I thought that someone may take my place or was trying to take my place."
"But Max and I are in the past, you are my future..." you say and bite your lip. "You had to talk to me, not pull that little stunt inside. Do you realize what the papers will say tomorrow?"
"Do you think you can forgive me?"
"You need to apologize to Max. I won't have the whole face bruised tomorrow."
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cherryyharryy · 3 years
angst to fluff where y/n finds out she was originally just supposed to be a rebound type thing after he broke up with someone like idk something like he broke up with someone on the european leg of tour and she was supposed just be with him until he went on another leg but then he started to love her and brings her on the rest of tour with him and she finds out abt the rebound thing after the last show of tour where everyones drunk and celebrating and one person lets it slip
I tweaked it just a bit...hope that's ok:)
WC: 3.5K
“You look beautiful.”
I skim my nose across Harry’s cheek, his chin resting on my shoulder, and hum against stubble that wasn’t there this morning. “You’ve said that five times tonight.”
“And?” He slips around to face me.
His suit is a deep maroon, probably black if you’re far away, probably purple if you’ve had too much champagne. His chest expands when I slide my hand down.
“Love this dress.” He takes my hand off and pulls me closer, pressing a kiss to my head.
“You two forget where you’re at?” Another foreign voice surrounds us, well, foreign to me.
“Fucker,” Harry says to the man. They pat each other’s backs as the guy walks away. “Tyler Johnson.”
“He worked with me on the last album.”
It’s like the fifteenth person that I’ve been introduced to tonight, all of whom pass by with quick hellos, inside jokes with Harry, and little interest in me. The fast paced world of the rich and famous doesn’t slow down, even for charity.
“Harry, so glad you could make it.” Another voice, another man. This one lingers, long enough to receive my name, and offer a cliche compliment about my patience to put up with this beautiful bastard on my arm.
I thank him with the smile I’ve learned to speak through. These celebrities never stop smiling. Never stop posing. Never stop.
Then he’s gone too, and Harry’s whispering yet another name in my ear, of which I’ll forget seconds later because these people ultimately mean nothing to me. They all seem to pass through each other’s lives whenever convenience allows, playing house and acting like grown ups who get the privilege of not truly growing up.
I feel like the Gucci dress Harry had tailored to my body doesn’t fit. My posture sucks. I’m too scared to eat any of the finger foods being carried on silver platters through the hall. I haven’t learned how to smile through food I don’t like or not make a mess or take small enough bites. I swear, not one glass of champagne has any lipstick on it. They’re like magic.
I look at Harry. He’s stepped away to converse with a face that I do know. He and Jeff speak animatedly, Harry’s arms gesturing to whatever story he’s telling. I step over to one of the dressed tables and place what little weight I can onto the chair, needing to cling to something. When I look back up I smile, the two of them now laughing, and probably a little too loud for this charity auction.
I whip around, a man I’ve seen in pictures on Harry’s phone holds out his hand.
I straighten my back and accept his greeting. “Yes.”
“Finally we meet!” He catches my confusion and chuckles. “I produced Harry’s last album.”
Something clicks in my head, and he’s suddenly more familiar. “Oh! I knew that.”
Tom Hull...Kid Harpoon I process just as he introduces his name.
An arm slipping around my waist stunts my question, Harry tipping back a red drink with his free hand while the other squeezes my hip. “Just tell this one to leave you alone,” he jabs.
Tom rolls his eyes, patting the breast of his green suit to look for something, only to show off his middle finger.
“Can’t believe the two of you haven’t met,” Harry says.
“I know, I guess we just missed each other.” Tom nods to me. “Heard you went to quite a few shows.”
“As many as I could.”
An uneasy sting travels down my spine. I did go to many shows, practically following Harry around his entire tour...all on his dime. Lord knows the man can afford it, but I still felt weird about him dishing out thousands of dollars to add me to each plane ride.
“Well I’m happy to see you two kids together,” Tom jokes, patting Harry on his back. “I’ve told him he needs to date women who will fuck him up. That’s where the songs are.”
He saunters off like he did not just say that. No. Absolutely not.
My face burns and it hurts to turn my head, but I still manage to narrow my eyes at Harry.
“Do you want another drink?”
I wait. I give him more than enough seconds to explain what the hell that was. But he’s clueless—ignorant.
“No. I do not.”
I do not bother taking my heels off in the car. My plan is to storm into our hotel room the second we park. Possibly locking Harry out...haven’t decided on that part yet.
The vague chit chat he makes with the driver stirs my nerves. It shouldn’t make me angry, and it’s not so much the act as it is his demeanor. He’s too cheery right now and it’s pissing me off.
“Okay,” he grabs my attention from Los Angeles flying past my window, the partition rolling up to leave us completely alone in the back seat. “What’s wrong?”
I bite my tongue, literally. “Nothing.”
“You seemed...irritated.”
“Did I?”
I turn to face him, inhaling sharply to calm my coming words. “Why are you with me?”
His face pales, and not a muscle moves. He just stares at me until he finally blinks and starts jerking his jaw around. “What are you talkin’ about?”
I roll my eyes. “The fact that you don’t know, bothers me even more.” I sigh, fighting back tears because I am determined not to cry in front of him. “Tom said that you should date people that fuck you up.”
“O—oh. That’s all?”
I squint, curling my lip. “What do you mean, that’s all? Is that not enough for you? Because that was a lot for me to hear tonight.”
“Baby, he was just messing around.”
I don’t budge.
“Really, it’s nothin’ to think about.” He tucks my hair behind my ear, trailing his hand down to cup my jaw. “Promise. It’s just like when people told you that you could do better than me, or insult me to compliment you.” He shrugs. “It’s just party talk.”
I process his words, supposing he’s not wrong. He did receive quite a few insults in lieu of my praise tonight. Maybe I was just on edge because of the setting; being surrounded by the rich and famous while I struggle to pay my rent each month isn’t exactly grounds for positive thinking.
“Okay, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for.” He leans over to kiss me, stroking my face as his lips skim over mine. “Did I tell you how stunning you look tonight?”
It’s funny how your brain works. How emotions swoop in and corral your thoughts, like a salesman who pretends to care about you so they can get what they want. My mind was desperate for relief, from hearing Tom’s nervy comment, and I naively allowed Harry to take what he needed in that moment.
Something’s not quite right. I don’t know what it is, but I can feel it.
I’ve been mulling over Harry’s words in my head all weekend, playing them on repeat, hoping they’ll start to make sense, but if anything their value keeps dropping. What worries me the most, is that I don’t know whether he’s trying to protect me or himself. I don’t know if one is any better than the other.
It’s golden hour when we pull up to the beach. I can hear the music before I even open the car door; a volleyball shoots up over the rows of bushes hiding the party, disappearing and popping back up a moment later.
I don’t really want to be here, but I also don’t want to be the girlfriend who won’t support their boyfriend.
“Ready?” Harry asks, and I nod.
The closer we walk, the clearer the music becomes. Harry’s voice takes over the private beach, and I wonder if they’re playing his entire album or just Golden on repeat.
A good bit of the people drinking and chatting I recognize form the event the other night, but there are still plenty of new faces. I take some fruity drink that was offered to me and down half of it before my feet hit sand.
And so the routine continues. I’m introduced to someone, they compliment me, laugh with Harry, congratulate him on pretty much everything he’s ever done, and then repeat with a new face. I do manage to find Sarah at one point after I’ve detached myself from Harry, and the two of us head for the water.
“Are you feeling okay?” Sarah asks once our toes are wet.
I hold my breath and count to five, finishing whatever the hell I’m drinking before I can answer her. “I’m great.”
“Harry said you weren’t doing too well after the auction?”
“Yes, Harry does a lot of talking with people when I’m not around.”
“Alright, spill it,” Sarah says.
I trace the rim of my glass, flicking my eyes over my shoulder to make sure we’re far away from the party. “It’s stupid, really, I’m just a little...I don’t know...Tom said something the other night that rubbed me the wrong way. And Harry doesn’t seem to care.”
“What did he say?”
“Just something about how Harry needs to have relationships with people who will fuck him up.”
“Ooh,” she nods, seemingly well versed in the statement. “Yeah that’s an Iggy Pop quote. Tom mentioned it in Rolling Stone when he was interviewed.” She sips her drink, eyes growing small over the rim. “It was just a cheap line of advice he gave Harry after he was torn up after his last breakup.”
“Wait, so he actually did say that before? Like before the other night?”
Sarah drifts her eyes up in thought, nodding. “Um hm. After him and Camille broke things off.” She shrugs, and gestures to the party exploding on the beach behind us. “Fine Line.”
I have no idea what I’m feeling. No clue what is coursing through my veins, but it’s not blood anymore. The corners of my jaw tingle until my face starts going numb, my breathing shallow and chest tight.
“You okay?”
“I uh, I gotta go.”
Sarah calls after me but I let my name die in the breeze as I march back to the crowd. It’s nearly dark now, and finding Harry among all his people will take forever. I try to look for him, but I’m so distraught I can’t concentrate long enough to make out faces. I give up and head back to his car, only to find it’s locked. The asphalt is warm on my legs as I lower down to the ground, careless to the dirt I’m getting on my clothes and the scratches on my skin.
I’m not in this position for long. Not long enough, at least. Harry rounds the corner of the bushes, speeding up when he sees me.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
He moves to sit down beside me, but I jump up before he can.
“You’re a fucking liar.”
“Whoa! What!? What’s gotten into you lately?”
“I told you! What Tom said the other night!” I’m yelling, too loud for public, I know. But a small part of me wants someone to hear. I want to disrupt the bubble Harry lives in.
“And I told you that it was just nonsense.”
“And that’s why you’re a liar! Sarah just told me, that he said that to you after you and Camille broke up.”
I inhale as deep as I can. It makes me dizzy, adds to my headache. “And, what the fuck am I supposed to do with that? With the knowledge that the only reason you’re even with me, is because I’m gonna fuck you up so bad you’ll get songs out of it?
“Y/n,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, “you’re taking this waaay too literally. Trust me.”
“You’re not in a position right now where I even want to trust you.”
“This has gotten completely out of control. I cannot believe you’re this upset over something so stupid.”
“Right there, Harry!” I point at him. “You keep dismissing how I feel! You don’t even care that this upsets me! That I feel like I need to reevaluate our entire relationship!”
“What is there to evaluate!? I haven’t even done anything! You’re blowing up about something that someone else said!”
“But you listened to him!”
“What,” he shrugs, “what do you want?”
“I don’t know what I want, Harry. I don’t know if I can do this.”
“Do what?” He pauses, swallowing. “Us?”
I roll my eyes. “Yes, us. I can’t be with you if—if you’re just waiting around for me to ruin you emotionally.”
“You’re seriously gonna let someone else’s words do this to us? You’d break up with me because of something another person said?”
“Harry, if I break up with you it’s gonna be because of what you’ve done. I don’t care that he said it, I care that you agree to it. And quite frankly, it’s pretty insulting to Camille. You spent a part of your life with that girl, and you just capitalize off of it. I’m not gonna let you do that to me.”
“I’m not capitalizing off of anyone! What the hell am I supposed to write my songs about? I’m just supposed to not date then?”
“It’s the fact that you sought out a relationship in order to fuel your writing.”
“No, y/n, that’s not what I did.” He narrows his eyes at me, and even in the dark I can see his anger. “I sought you out because I was devastated after me and her broke up. You were only supposed to be a rebound.”
I feel like the wind’s been knocked out of me. The music overhead blurs into noise scraping my eardrum, my vision grows weak and foggy. He wanted to hurt me, and he did.
“I expect a thank you when you release your next album.” I spin on my heel and head towards the main road, yanking my phone from my pocket to call an uber. For the second time tonight, my name trails behind me in the wind. I can hear Harry’s steps pick up, and as fast as I walk, he still catches me.
“Y/n, please, let’s go back to the hotel. You can hate me and not talk to me, but please don’t leave.”
I ignore him, trying to set up my ride. “Where the hell are we?”
He glances at my phone, and I can tell he considers keeping the answer to himself, so he can keep me to himself. He drops his voice, much weaker than before. “Carbon Beach. Canyon road.”
Ten minutes.
“I am not interested in discussing this with you.”
“I’m so sorry. I—I was mad and was just trying to win the argument. Whichever way I could.”
“Congratulations on your win.”
“Y/n, please, honey. I don’t want to lose you.” He drags his hands down his face, keeping his palms dug into his eyes. When he lets them drop, there are tears spilling down his cheeks. “I can’t lie and say you weren’t, but yes you were a rebound for me, but that went away. Literally weeks after we started dating. I care about you so much. I wouldn’t drag you to every show and event I have if I didn’t. I’m so proud to call you mine. The last thing you are to me is—is just grounds for my writing.”
I stare out across the road. A jeep speeds by and the gush of wind it brings sends chills down my arms.
“Harry, I just...it’s a lot. You’re a lot. Your life is a lot.” I sigh and slowly turn to face him. “It feels like the significance of us being in each other’s lives are so different.”
He kicks a rock across the road, dust flying up around us. “Fuck. Y/n I’m begging—”
“They’re here.” I nod to the headlights approaching us.
“Baby, please.”
“I think I need to be alone right now.” I get in the backseat. “Enjoy your party.”
I text him when I’m back at the hotel, having nowhere else to go. I didn’t think my plan of leaving through, because he’ll come back here before the night’s over. But I’m hoping he’ll stay away for a bit, long enough for me to process everything at least.
Deep down I know there’s not as much to the comment as I thought. And Harry’s not that type of guy. But the lack of concern over my feelings...the fact that I was just used as a warm body while he got over Camille...that’s what hurts the most.
There’s a fine line between being sorry because you’ve been called out, and truly being sorry. How sorry can he be when he got what he wanted? Even if I’m not what he envisioned past a few quick fucks, he still comes out on top happy.
I feel like the lifestyle these people live is embedded with secret codes, all of which I’m not wired to pick up on. The money, the mistakes, the adoration... Everything is a lot, and playing catch up is nearly impossible.
I don’t get the alone time I’d wished for. There are curses and clicks of the doorknob right before Harry comes in. He stands at the entrance, staring at me on the lounge chair like he’s unsure if I’m real.
“Wasn’t sure you’d come back here.”
“Where else can I go?” I nod to his phone in his hand. “I texted you.”
“I was driving.”
I sigh, flinching when he turns the lights on. “I know you wanna talk, but I don’t even know what to say.”
“You don’t have to,” he says, dropping his keys on a table to come sit beside me. “I’ll talk though.” He inhales, holding his breath for a second before forcing the air out. “I know that me saying I’m sorry means shit to you right now. And to be honest, it probably is coming from me...in a way. You’re right about everything. And whatever you’re feeling, once you figure that out, you’re valid about that too.”
“How would you feel if you were only meant to be temporary in my life? You never mentioned why you were interested in me in the beginning. And no, I never would have gone out with you had I known. I would never want to be someone’s rebound. There’s just something sneaky about that.”
His head drops into his hands, and his shoulders shake right before I hear him cry. “I know, I—I get so caught up in myself sometimes. I’m such a fucking prick.” When he looks up, his eyes are burnt red, glassy and defeated. “I don’t deserve you, and I really don’t deserve anyone.”
“Harry,” I chastise, not expecting the downward spiral he’s ventured onto.
“I swear I care about you. I want you to be happy, and I want to make you happy. I don’t want to be the one to treat you this way. Ever.”
I inhale as deep as I can, holding my breath until it hurts. “I know.” I take his hand in mine. “And I know your heart, and I know you care about me. I—” I sigh, “I’m not comfortable with...just forgetting all of this though. I can forgive you, but I think we need to take a couple steps back. I’ve gotten so swept up in your life and your world, I’m losing my own.”
He nods slowly, accepting my words with a pained face.
“I care about you too.”
He looks up for the first time, catching the last few tears with the back of his hand. “I know you do.”
I offer a small smile and lean in to kiss his cheek. His eyes fall closed, and blindly he turns to press his lips to mine. Our kiss is salty and urgent.
“What did you say to everyone when you left?”
He frowns in thought, like the memory is too far away. “Nothing. Jumped in my car and prayed this is where you’d be.”
I take his hand and pull us both to our feet. “We should go to bed. It’s been a long night. Too long.”
We’re quiet and slow as we shed our clothes and brush our teeth, slipping into bed around two a.m.. Harry doesn’t waste a second in pulling me into his warm chest, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug that has me burying my face into his neck.
We lay there, silent, but when I know I don’t have much longer before sleep overcomes me, I kiss his shoulder, whispering how much I love him before I close my eyes.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Being tom’s costar & him setting you up with his brother, Harry. Maybe reader keeps saying no because she thinks Tom is asking her out
combined with another request (hope you don’t mind)
Reader is dating Harry & Nikki like doesn’t her because she’s tom’s love interest in a movie. Harry & Tom defend reader
wc: a fat 3k (sorry lmfao took this too far)
When you were first called in for a dry run through of a script that would later be your next movie, you didn’t expect Marvel’s very own Spider-man to be there too. Of course, he didn’t expect you there either, but you were still pleasantly surprised that the director had called in for willing or suggested actors. 
The two of you immediately hit it off, clicking on screen and off screen. And though you were playing lovers in front of the camera, your relationship with Tom was strictly platonic — and you were glad he was on the same page. 
That didn’t, however, mean Tom wasn’t completely involved with your love life. After returning to your trailer directly after a date, Tom was waiting for you — and wondering where the hell you’d been. You confessed you’d gone out with someone, but the date wasn’t smooth and they weren’t your type at all. The date went pretty badly, and Tom pointed out later. Ever since then, he’d ask you if you were going on another date. 
It had been a month and a half since then, and though you were ready for a relationship mentally, you knew it might be hard with all the press you and Tom would be doing around the world. You weren’t sure why you would be going on tour, though — it was a recreation of Sandra Bullock’s film While You Were Sleeping. Tom and you were popular enough as it was — a tour simply didn’t seem necessary. But, alas, you complied with your manager’s advice. 
“Sooo…” Tom followed you into your trailer. It was around eight o’clock, and he was using the voice he used whenever he wanted something from you. “Are you seeing anybody?”
It had been about two weeks since the last time he’d asked, and you were already rolling your eyes. “No, Tom. I’m not interested in whatever offer you’re about to make.”
“But Y/N!” He whined, pouting. “I know somebody who’s perfect for you!”
“As perfect for me as Andrew from the Uncharted crew?” You raise a brow, setting your purse down while Tom huffs. 
“He wasn’t that bad! How was I supposed to know that he doesn’t wash his beard?” “That seems like common knowledge to me, Tom!” You’re trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the conversation. “I could smell it from across the table!”
“Alright, alright.” Tom winces at the details. “I’m sorry about that one. But this time, I’m sure of it.”
“I swear to god if you pull some weird cliche shit and say yourself, I’m going to kick you out of my trailer.” You deadpan, pouring yourself from coffee from the brewer he’d just used while you were out. 
“It’s not me, Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, but you keep giving me dates with people that aren’t my type and then saying you have someone better. What if you’re buttering me up?” You smirk from behind the mug, sipping it smoothly. He rolls his eyes, but blushes nonetheless. 
“It’s not me.”
“Whatever you say, Spidey.”
He rolls his eyes again, sighing dramatically before heading towards the door. “See you tomorrow.”
“For what? Our date?”
“Quit teasing me!” He spins around, body halfway out the trailer entrance. “I meant ‘I’ll see you on set.’” You laugh wholeheartedly, waving to the brunette as he leaves you alone for the night. When you awake, you’re due early for a shower and straight to hair and makeup. You’re not sure why your character always wakes up so damn early just to work in a train station, but you comply with the director. 
“G’morning.” You greet the assistant director with a smile, bagel in one hand and your script in the other. 
“Morning,” He smiles before offering you some coffee. “Coffee?”
“Please?” You smile wider at the mention of the beverage, internally cheering as he makes your order — he’s memorized all of the crew’s by now, and it’s truly astonishing. You take up a conversation with him while you wait for your day to begin. 
Tom comes in through the double doors, spotting you immediately — with another boy. He races over as quickly as he can manage with his tired body and with what’s left of his dignity. He doesn’t want to seem too eager, but he really thinks he’s found a promising boyfriend for you. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He greets before his jaw clenches subtly. “Morning Conor.” 
Conor nods at him before pouring another cup of coffee for the Brit. You’re rolling your eyes at Tom — you know him well enough to know when he’s feeling anything but positively. 
“Excuse us,” You smile apologetically at Conor. “I have a part of the script I’d like to talk to Tom about before we start.” Conor nods understandingly, and you pull Tom aside, walking behind the sets while you angrily sip your coffee. “Y’know, you don’t have to be so dry to the crew that happens to talk to me.”
“I wasn’t dry!” Tom defends, shoving his free hand in his jacket pocket. 
“Then what do you call that?” You gesture behind you with the roll of your eyes. “I thought we were on the same page about our relationship, here. I don’t like you in a romantical way, and I’d prefer it if you’d keep that base of our relationship out of work.”
“Y/N, Y/N.” He’s wide eyed, hands gesturing for you to slow down and listen to him. “I don’t like you in that way. I just… think I know somebody who you’ll really get along with.”
You groan. “Tom, you’re a shit matchmaker. Y’know that?” He gasps at your response, feigning offense. “Look, I’m being real with you! Nobody you’ve set me up with has lasted more than a week. You suck at this job, Cupid.”
Tom rolls his eyes but stops you from walking any further, grasping your arm to turn you in his exact direction. “Look, just trust me on this one?”
You ponder the idea almost with your body, head tilting in unsureness. “I don’t know…”
“Please,” He’s practically whining now. “Please, just… one more date?”
“Fine.” “Yay.” He smiles in victory just as the two of you are called back onto set. With heavy feet, you drag yourself to set, but this time, you can’t help but feel a little hopeful. Don’t fuck this up, Cupid.
You’d wrapped up filming last week, and the director’s were quite positive you wouldn’t need to come back in later for reshoots. So, you were flying out of Chicago and down to Atlanta with Tom for the weekend. He was going to “introduce you to his next option.” You still didn’t trust him, but you didn’t have any immediate projects, so you agreed anyways.
Tom was due to start filming Spider-man 3 on the upcoming Monday, so you knew you’d be going to the airport alone on your last night — that is, if things didn’t work out with this new date. 
After receiving a text from Tom to be ready by eight o’clock, you’d showered and done your makeup. Settling on an outfit wasn’t as difficult because you had only what you brought with you. You were driving down to Tom’s rental home — apparently Marvel Studios always rented him that one — by seven forty-five. You were driving a rental car, and you mentally kicked yourself for not bringing a jacket in the middle of winter. 
Parking in the open driveway, you rang the doorbell. Tom swung the door open, hair slicked back and trousers fitted nicely. You rolled your eyes with a groan, and before Tom could even greet you, you complained. 
“Tom, I told you I’m not going on a fucking date with you- please ju-”
“No, no, no, love.” He laughed. “C’mon in, it’s game night with me and the boys. Your boy is inside waiting for you.”
You looked at him skeptically before walking up the steps and through the door. Tom led you through a rather modern-looking house, through an extremely large kitchen and into a back den room with a poker table. You rolled your eyes, but your facade dropped in the immediate moment where all eyes turned to you. 
“Guys, this is Y/N, my co-star in that rom-com we just wrapped.” You saw Zendaya smile and wave, Jacob greeting you with a cheerful “hi!” and then you saw a freckled boy with red hair and immediately felt butterflies tickle your stomach. “Y/N, this is Harry. The guy I told you about.”
You wanted to curse at Tom for practically keeping this guy a secret. You wanted to curse him for setting you up with all those other tramps instead of this gorgeous boy right here. You wanted to curse at Tom for-
“This is my brother, Harry. Harry, this is Y/N, the girl I told you about.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out at his words, for reasons being that this “Harry” is his brother and that he’s talked about you to him. Keep your cool, Y/N.
“Uh, hi.” You nervously laugh, stepping forward to shake his hand. Harry smirks at you, hand reaching up as his lanky fingers make contact with yours, shaking from his seat without even standing. 
“Hey.” His voice is deeper than Tom’s and it catches you by surprise. Tom had told you about his three younger brothers, but he never mentioned specific details like the ones you’re noticing now. 
“Right then,” Tom clasps his hands together. “Y/N, you can share the seat with Harry while I get the drinks.”
You nod and try not to come off as too flustered, heart pounding against your chest, palms sweating. They’ve pulled up a loveseat to the poker table, suitable for two people, or two lovers. You wince at your own self, wanting to kick yourself again. But you don’t, instead sliding in next to Harry. He smiles, removing the toothpick that was sitting on the side of his mouth, sticking out like a truck driver. He throws it, and it lands directly into the garbage bin. You bite your lip and begin the game. 
You end up staying in Atlanta for a lot longer than your two-day trip for the weekend. You’re there for a total of four weeks, and you’ve spent practically every hour with Harry. You were in a hotel for the first four and a half days before Tom had groaned at you leaving at one in the morning again, telling you to stay in Harry’s room and stop wasting your money on lousy hotels. The proposition made you giddy inside (and nervous, but they didn’t need to know that), and when Harry smirked at the idea, encouraging it too, you agreed.
So, you spent practically four weeks in Harry’s room, giggling at jokes and cuddling and watching movies and taking pictures. He’d taken you to set too, showing you around, talking nonstop about his cameras and their many different lenses. 
The Spider-man crew was dispersing for a two week break, and Harry had already decided that you were going with him and Tom back to London. 
“Love, are you ready?” Harry called for you from the bathroom connected to his bedroom. You shouted back your reply, zipping up your final suitcase while he walked back into the room. 
You knew that after your trip to London, Harry would have to go back to work and you’d have to go home before starting your next project. But you didn’t care — the two of you had already discussed long distance relationships before confirming yours; you could make it work. 
You would land in London by your two-month mark, you realized with a smile. Harry gave you a forehead kiss before talking both of your suitcases downstairs to the car. You grabbed the duffel bags and followed him out of the room where it all began. 
The flight was exhausting but nostalgic in a weird sense. You spent the latter half of it curled up into Harry’s side, asleep or watching a movie. When you finally boarded off the aircraft, you went straight to Harry’s flat without protest. Normally, you’d fight about checking into a hotel so you wouldn’t catch anyone unprepared, but you were too tired to care. 
Now, it’s been a day since your flight and you’ve promised Harry — and Tom — that you’ll go with him to their parents’ house for some lunch. You admit that you’re nervous and that it’s probably too soon to be meeting parents, but you pay no mind as you’re entering Holland's childhood home. 
“Mum!” Sam, Harry’s twin who you’ve just been introduced to, yells out. “They’re here!”
You hear excited squeals as Sam leads the three of you through and into the kitchen. Nikki’s back is turned when you enter, but she excitedly turns around to greet her sons. She’s taken off-guard at the sight of you next to Harry, but still leans in to tightly hug her sons, who she hasn’t seen in quite awhile. 
“And who’s this?” She inquires, gesturing in your direction. You’re a little taken aback at how unwelcoming she seems to be acting, but you shake it off as nerves. 
“Mum,” Harry smiles, a hand on the small of your back, nudging you a little closer to him and his mother. “This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
The whisk in her hand seems to stop mixing the recipe in the bowl. Your smile falters slightly, but Tom fills the silence at Nikki’s ajar mouth. 
“Mum, she’s- uh, she’s my co-star in that rom-com I got casted for. Remember?”
“Oh,” She smiles a tight-lipped one, and you can tell it’s forced and fake. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Nikki.” She wipes a hand off on her apron before extending it for you to shake. You accept the offer with a hesitant but genuine smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” She hums but doesn’t respond, instead turning her attention to Tom. You make eye contact with Harry worriedly, and he shakes his head, bewildered. He kisses your temple before sending you in to meet Paddy and talk to Sam — somebody who actually welcomed you. 
The day goes on like this, and though the tension is most obviously present, you don’t touch the subject, knowing it’s not your place or your home, especially since you came almost unannounced. You don’t want to be angry with a woman you barely know, so you try not to mirror her feelings.
“So, Y/N,” She directs her attention to you for the first time all day. You look up from your intertwined hands with a smile. 
“Did you just decide Tom wasn’t good enough based on his character and then move on to my next son?”
You’re shocked, mouth ajar as you blink. “W- what?”
“Tom told me about how many ‘date failures’ you had until you finally settled on Harry.”
You want to curse at Harry for offering to refill your drink, and you want to curse at Tom for spilling the secrets of your dating life. “I- I didn’t settle for anyone.”
“That’s not what my son says.”
Just then, both boys walk in together, laughing in conversation about something. You’re already crying, but the minute the door opens you stand abruptly, nearly knocking Harry off his feet. 
He laughs at you, “Love? What’s u-” But he’s cut short when he notices your red eyes and fresh tears. He sets the glasses down, wiping your cheeks and grabbing both of your hands. “What happened? Hm?” He’s shushing you, trying his best to calm you down. “C’mon, angel. Tell me.” 
“Your- your mom just said a few things.”
Harry’s eyebrows furrows, and so do Tom’s. They turn to look at the woman in the chair skeptically, questions flying out immediately. 
“Mum? What did you say to her?” 
You excuse yourself, not wanting to be a part of the conversation just yet. You run off to the bathroom to freshen up while Harry and Tom talk to Nikki. 
“Harry, I’m just being a protective mother, okay? I didn’t say anything that bad.” 
“Mum, you made her fucking cry.” Harry’s fuming, nostrils flaring while he glares at his mom. 
“Don’t talk that way with me.” She points her finger at her son. “That girl is no good for you.”
“Mum, I introduced them.” Tom says. “I know her; she is good.”
“Not if she has to settle for Harry.” She clicks her tongue. “I remember all those dates you told me she went on, Tom.” She sighs while he scoffs. “Anyone that tries that hard to find a boyfriend is out for other things.”
“That’s bullshit.” Harry interjects. “She’s an actress, of course dating is hard.”
Nikki purses her lips but doesn’t reply. 
“Mum, she’s crying.” Tom says softly, seemingly trying a different approach. “You haven’t talked to her at all, today. I think you shouldn’t have judged her too quickly.”
“Apologize.” Harry says finally before standing up. “Apologize or we’re leaving.” He walks out of the room, heading to the bathroom where you’re hidden away, sitting on the toilet while you catch your breath. He knocks, coming in with your permission. 
He pouts when he sees your tear-stained face, face puffy and eyes red while you sniffle. 
“‘M sorry.” You grumble the words while he kneels in front of you. 
“What’re you sorry for, baby?”
“For causing all this drama.”
“Hey, hey,” His thumb rubs across your knuckles. “You didn’t do anything wrong. She had no right to say those things to you.” You look at him as he finishes, engulfing him quickly, crying into his shoulder while he catches you with his arms, holding you against his chest lovingly. After a few minutes, there’s a knock at the door, and Tom’s voice rings through. 
“Mum says she wants to talk to you guys.”
Harry makes eye contact with you apologetically, thumb still moving across the skin of your hand. 
“Well,” he stands tall. “Shall we?” You wipe your cheeks one final time before standing with him, taking the hand he offered you as you head for the bathroom door. 
“Guess there’s no avoiding this part if she’s going to be my future mother-in-law.” 
Harry sucks in a breath, and as you make eye contact with a smirk, there’s a glint in his eyes that acknowledges that you’re feeling better. He smirks back, opening the door for you as you head back into the living room. 
Keep your cool, Y/N. You inhale a deep breath, emerging into the room. Keep your cool. 
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 year
Tumblr media
*Warning: Adult Content* 
"Rio. Nico. Come here." 
Martin Hunter beckon to his children as they sprint towards him across the little patch of scrubby, unkempt lawn. 
Each holds a small, rubber band propelled plane. 
Colliding with him, they bury their faces in his shirt and then slip around behind his back, using him as a human shield as their neighbor, Mr. Stevens, draws nigh. 
Mr. John Stevens is in his early seventies and seems to have made it his mission in life to embody the stereotype of a crotchety old man.
"What happened, you guys?" Martin asks quietly, as Rico and Nico sniffle against his back. 
"You know better than to go in Mr. Stevens's yard."
"We were jus' tryna get my airplane," Rio whimpers. 
"It went over the fence by accident."
"Yeah," Nico concurs tearfully.
"But Mr. Stevens yelled at us."
"Alright. You two go inside and see if Sky needs any help in the kitchen. I'll handle Mr. Stevens, okay?"
With a sniffled ‘Okay’ the pair release Martin and dash off towards the house. 
A little reluctantly, Martin walks forward to greet his neighbor.
"What can I do for you, John?"
"Damn hooligans were 'cross the fence again," he says by way of greeting. 
"I told you to keep your brats on a leash."
Pinching his lips together, Martin shakes his head.
"Don't talk about my kids that way. They were just after their toy. They didn't mean any harm."
"Meant it or not, they trampled the flower beds and broke a branch off my pear tree. That's trespassing and property damage right there."
Martin sighs. 
There's no reasoning with some people and it's best not to try.
"I'm very sorry about that. I'll speak to them and make sure it doesn't happen again."
"See it doesn't," he says and narrows his rheumy blue eyes. 
He scowls and peers past Martin towards the half-renovated garage, shaking his head and wobbling his grizzled jowls.
"Best be sure that's up to code, 'specially if you mean to rent it out. They'll hit you with some hefty fines for violations."
"Thanks. I've had the county inspector out already," Martin says, interpreting his words as a veiled threat and keeping his tone as level as he can. 
"I have a permit."
Mr Stevens nods. 
"Good. Don't want the place looking like some kinda crack den. Neighborhood's going down the drain as it is."
Martin stares at him, biting back the first few replies that come to mind and wonder if he's even aware he's said something offensive or if he'll start ranting about the evils of immigration next.
"Tell you what, John," Martin says at last. 
"You stay on your side of the fence and we'll stay on ours."
Abruptly, Martin turns and walks away, leaving Mr Stevens to ponder this as he will.
At the kitchen's threshold, Martin stops and stares, feeling as if he’s stumbled into a strange but not unpleasant dream. 
Skylar West stands at the stove, pouring broth into a steaming pan, his long golden hair bound in a messy bun and his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. 
The strength of his forearms shows against his smooth, pale skin and Martin spots what look like rows of greenish-blue, scale-like tattoos running up the undersides. 
The rich aroma of sauteed garlic and tomatoes perfumes the air, while Nico and Rio huddle around the ice chest on the floor, happily absorbed with whatever it contains. 
Skylar glances up at Martin, the muscles of his lean, handsome face stretching in a smile that reveals bright, even teeth and Martin’s heart does a funny thing in his chest. 
Maybe  Ambrose Thorne is right, after all.
"Everything okay?" Skylar asks as Martin joins him.
Martin smiles. 
"Yeah. Just your typical old man who hates things like children and progress."
Skylar laughs. 
"Your politics are one thing I've never mastered, I'm afraid."
Martin blinks in surprise.
"Are you not from the States? I mean... I thought I detected an accent but..."
Skylar shakes his head. 
"Nope. I'm from... Well, actually I was born at sea, so I'm a man without a country, you could say. But I've spent a lot of time in the Mediterranean, Spain, Italy and Greece especially. I'm drawn to coastal places. This is the farthest inland I've ever lived. Speaking of..." 
He gestures at the ice chest. 
"I hope you like seafood."
Leaning over between Rio and Nico, Martin spots mussels, clams and whole shrimp packed in ice.
"There's a specialty shop in downtown," Skylar says. 
"Their supplier drives his fresh catch up every other day, all the way from the sea."
Taken aback by the effort ‘and probably expense’ Skylar had made for the sake of the meal, Martin says the first thing that comes to mind. 
"The boys said you only knew how to cook rice."
Thankfully, Skylar laughs. 
"That was true for a time," he says. 
"I used not to like cooked food very much at all but once I developed a taste for it, I've come to love many cuisines. Maghrebi, Mediterranean, Japanese, Korean, anything with a lot of fresh seafood, really."
Martin joins him at the stove and peers at the pan, it’s contents bubbling gently. 
"Is there really nothing I can do to help? I'm, um... not used to having someone else cook."
Skylar winks. 
"Then I imagine you're due a night off. And no, it's really not involved. You're not even meant to stir it after adding the rice. Gets a nice crispy coating on the bottom that way. Then, once the rice has absorbed most of the water, add the shellfish and shrimp, cook until done. Simple."
Martin laughs easily. 
"If you say so."
"Have you always done the cooking?" Skylar asks. 
"Or only since..." 
He glances at the boys with raised brows. Rubbing the back of his neck, Martin looks away. 
"Rio, Nico," he calls. 
"Why don't you two go get cleaned up for dinner, okay? Mr. West... I mean, Sky... is making such a nice meal, let's be on our best manners, okay?"
"Okay, Daddy."
With one last lingering glance at the shellfish, they dash away upstairs, giggling, tears and tribulations left behind.
"They're good boys," Skylar remarks, looking after them. Inexplicably, probably because of the recently cut onions, Martin’s eyes sting. 
He rubs at them hastily. 
"Yeah, they are. Anyway, yes, I've always cooked. My... ex-wife is a pediatric surgeon." 
Not because she was particularly interested in helping children, Martin sees in retrospect but because she didn't particularly mind cutting them up.
"I was happy to take on the domestic role while she pursued her career," Martin continues. 
"I work from home, anyway."
"Oh? What is it you do?"
"I'm a novelist."
"Really? What do you write?"
Again without apparent cause, Martin blushes. 
"Crime fiction."
"Tell me about it." 
Skylar leans against the counter, arms crossed, wooden spoon in hand and a look of apparently genuine interest on his face. 
Taking a deep breath, Martin obeys and for the next forty minutes, he somehow ends up talking about himself more than he has in the last twelve years. 
He hadn't realized he had that much to say.
"I've never make the New York Times Bestsellers List," Martin concludes.
"But if I can make a living and put my kids through school, that's more than most writers can claim these days."
Skylar West frowns. 
"That sounds exhausting. And you do all this while also caring for four children and managing a house? What of yourself?"
"What do you mean?"
Skylar waves a hand. 
"Well, surely you don't want to be alone the rest of your life."
Just like that, Martin snaps out of whatever rose-hued fantasy he'd fallen into, his guard back in place.
"I'm not alone," he says stiffly, turning away from Skylar. 
"I'm surrounded by family, in fact."
"I mean in terms of a partner."
Skylar speaks plainly, Martin gives him that.’
"Love may be the one thing I think I am allergic to," Martin says and shakes his head, laughing under his breath. 
"No, I'm perfectly happy on my own."
"Ah, I see. But what I mean is..." Skylar cuts off as the door opens and Martin’s other children, Flora and Miguel traipse in, black instrument cases in hand. 
Flora plays the French horn and Miguel plays the clarinet. 
They pause in the entryway, sniffing the air and then fix their eyes on their father and their art teacher, Skylar West. 
Miguel gives a slight nod of acknowledgement and heads upstairs but Flora marches straight towards them.
"Dad? What's going on? Why is he here?"
Martin huffs a laugh at his daughter's natural protectiveness. 
She's not an Alpha but probably a strong Beta, like her Aunt Freya, pack warriors, ready and willing to defend.
"Nothing going on, sweetheart. Didn't your brothers tell you Sky was coming over?"
She shakes her head, eyeing Skylar with distrust. 
"Well, he's been so kind as to cook us a special dish. Paella."
Flora's suspicion intensifies. 
Martin shakes his head, perplexed by her unwelcoming reaction. 
"Because... he's a friend, now."
Her brows pinch but she nods. 
"Okay. If you say so, Daddy."
She turns and dashes upstairs after her brother. 
Martin sighs and gives Skylar a rueful smile. 
"Sorry. She's a little protective, sometimes."
"No need to apologize," Skylar says easily, with a slightly wistful smile of his own. 
"I wish my family were so... willing to come to my defense."
Martin’s curiosity stirs but Skylar turns away quickly and checks the pan.
"Ah, it's ready," he says. 
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Summer Secret Part 1 - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist
Part 1 of my mini-series 'A Summer Secret' want to be tagged? Let me know!
Part 2
Requested/About: After bursting a water pipe and flooding his house, Fred needs a place to stay - whilst the family is on a vacation he temporarily stays at  George's house. Y/N tries to get out of an arranged marriage her parents have planned with the Malfoy Family. Failing to do so, she flees to George's house - the father of her best friends who promised she could stay there to escape. Fred and Y/N meet unexpectedly, and something sparks between them - something that Fred vows to be nothing more than a summer fling, a summer secret... but is it?
Warnings: Age gap relationship (y/n is 18), swearing, mention of arranged marriage, mention of food and eating.
Staring out of the train window, bidding farewell to the mountains, the river, and to Hogwarts, you felt tears prick at your eyes. You weren't ready to go home for summer, you never did - you were always at the Twin's house, living under George and Angelina's roof to escape the arguments your parents caused when you said no to them controlling every aspect of your life.
Unfortunately, Gideon and Fabian were going away for the summer with their parents to visit Charlie and you were unable to join them, you understood and was fine with it, but you were absolutely terrified to step foot into your home, with your parents trying to force you into a marriage you didn't want.
"Cheer up, Y/N." Fabian frowned "I hate seeing you upset."
You broke your stare from the scenery and looked over at your best friends, taking some puking pastilles from their bags.
"Just in case" you muttered, "If they're sick they'll leave me alone."
Fabian smirked and shook his head, tutting "Did they say anything else in the letter?"
You shook your head back "No, they just told me I didn't have a choice.  I've graduated, I'm eighteen yet I can't decide what I want for myself."
"I can't imagine getting married at this age to someone I've probably never met."
You stared at Fabian, a little sore and taken aback by his sudden burn.
"Thanks, Fabian, I can't either." You squirmed in your seat and pulled out some jelly snakes from the bag of sweets you were sharing, biting and pulling at the tail, stretching the snake, bursts of green apple and lime flooded your mouth.
"I'm sorry Y/N," he apologised starting to panic.
You shrugged it off and tried to stay calm, throwing him a jelly snake"It's okay."
Gideon rummaged through his large bag and pulled out a large bronze key, handing it to you. "If things get really bad, stay at our house anyway."
You smiled slightly and took the key from him, examining it before stuffing it in your pocket "Thanks, lads."
Fabian nodded his head, flicking through job applications he had filled out before sighing and plonking them back in his bag. "Thank Merlin we've got dads shop"
"Tell me about it" Gideon replied "Uncle Fred will be chuffed when we roll up begging for a job."
The two of them laughed, waiting for you to join in, but you were too busy staring out of the window getting lost in what could unfold in a few hours time.
Dear Y/N,
We are so proud of you for working so hard, we are very eager to find out your N.E.W.T results in the next few months to come.
Your mother and I have been looking for jobs you can apply to once you're home, if you've got the grades, working for The Ministry seems rather promising. Your friend's uncle worked as an Auror for a little while, the one who now picks up spare shifts at that joke shop every now and then.
Anyway, we have got some news we need to share it with, unfortunately, we are unable to tell you in person as the wait is too long, but I don't doubt our owl is rather fast at delivering letters; a lot faster than yours it seems.
We have decided that you will be getting an arranged marriage, your status needs to be high if you want to go for and do well in life, you will marry into a very successful family, one that will open doors for you which your N.E.W.Ts cannot.
If you have anything going on with anyone right now, you need to end it before you arrive home. This matter is not up for discussion, neither is the family we have chosen for you.
Arrive home on time, well dressed, and we will go through the meeting. Don't you dare show us up in front of them, you will regret it.
Please write back, I'm not sending another owl to check on you and you are old enough to realise that Howlers are for kids.
Grow up and act like an adult.
See you soon.
Safe Travels,
-  Y/D/N
Grumbling down the path to your house, your stomach started to do flips as you inched closer and closer to the front door. Seeing yourself in the reflection of the glass diamond shape in the middle of the door, you quickly fixed your hair that got ruffled in the wind, unrolling your skirt and straightening out the creases in your blouse.
Taking a deep breath, you exhaled and pushed the front door open, carrying your trunk inside, your owl flying inside eagerly for scraps of food. Your heart thumped in your chest and you could hear each thump in your ears.
"Mum!" you called out "Dad!"
"We're in the living room, Y/N," Y/D/N replied.
Setting down your trunk beside the stairs in case you needed to make a quick escape, you walked into the living room, staring at your shoes, afraid your parents had already pulled out a wedding dress and pamphlets of various venues waiting to be hired.
"How lovely to see you," your mother smiled, getting out of her seat to pull you into a hug before your dad cleared his throat.
Yeah, go on, scare her away from me like you always do.
Your mum quickly sat back down beside your father who didn't hug you or welcome you home. Instead, he pulled two moving photographs from the pocket in his waistcoat, setting them face down on the table in front of you.
This must be the family he's chosen for me.
"Well dressed like I asked, thank you." He smiled "You'll be happy to know that the family we have picked out for you are rather eager to... get the ball rolling. They've been kind enough to offer to cover the costs of the wedding, and helping you move into their home once you have married their son."
A wedding... I won't get to choose...
Moving into their home... where I cannot escape...
Fred cursed under his breath standing in his kitchen, the bottom of his trousers heavy and drenched because of the water rising up to his ankles. He dragged himself around the kitchen, searching for some parchment and a quill, but with no luck, he grabbed the muggle telephone, trying to remember how to ring his brother.
"Hello, George Weasley speaking-"
"Alright, Mr Fancy arse" Fred replied, swearing as his shoes started to squelch with each step "Look, I need some help."
Angelina could be heard in the background, telling George to meet her at the airport after she lands with the boys.
"What's up, Freddie?"
Fred sighed "I'm up to my ankles in water, a bloody pipe burst and these muggles take ages to get here. The whole house will be flooded by the time you get here, can I crash at your place? I don't want to bother mum, she's got enough going on with Ron and Hermione's newborn."
George smirked through the phone, amused at his brother's bad luck with something as simple as a water pipe, magic not being able to fix it after a prank going wrong with Fred's wand.
"Of course, me, Angelina, and the boys will be gone for a few weeks though, there's enough food and that - all I ask is that you look after the owls for us."
Fred walked up the steps, his lower legs now getting wet "Thank you, George, I owe you one!"
"It's okay Freddie, just don't get up to any trouble."
"I won't. Say hi to Charlie for me!"
If Gideon and Fabian knew Uncle Fred was staying at the house too, they would have texted you, sent an owl if they didn't have any signal, but they didn't know - and their father didn't think to tell them.
If Fred knew a younger girl would be staying in the house, he would have rented a room somewhere else, hell, he would've stayed in the office above the shop, but he didn't know.
And you of all people would've forced yourself to stay under your parent's roof for a little longer, or jump on a plane and bump into Gideon and Fabian just by chance, but they didn't tell you.
Fred always felt amazed when he was in George's house - it was large and cosy, a proper family home, a master bedroom with an ensuite, two guestrooms where you had slept during previous summer - where the twins often slept instead of their own room from time to time, and a large bathroom that could fit in the whole Weasley family.
You swallowed hard, shifting in the stiff chair, you shook your head, your voice wobbly as you tried to speak.
"Dad, I appreciate all of this, I really do - but I'm an adult, it isn't your choice or right to make decisions for me, I don't want to get married, I don't want to live with another-"
You wanted to continue, but Y/D/N glared at you, he spoke through gritted teeth, flipping over the photographs of the family trying to buy you for their son.
"How dare you disrespect me. After everything I have done for you, for this family, you are not an adult, you still act like a child!"
"I'm eighteen!" you snapped, feeling brave, finding your voice.
"You are still living under my roof! You will do as I say!"
Your mother did nothing but stare into the fireplace, perhaps deep in thought or imagining you in a white lace dress, walking down the aisle with a face smile plastered on your face.
"No, I will not!"
"You will!" your dad bellowed, rising out of his chair "because they are coming to meet you in an hour and you better comply, girl!"
Tears pricked at your eyes, your chest tightened and the familiar lump formed in your throat. Staring down at the picture made you sick to your stomach, you recognised the young lad in the photograph, for he was no other than Scorpius Malfoy.
"The Malfoys!" you also stood up "I will never, ever marry into that family! Not after what they did!"
Y/D/N grunted "What are you going to do? Marry a Weasley? Work in a joke shop and be a laughing stock for a living?"
You stormed out of the living room, grabbing your trunk, your mother continued to stare into the flames, blocking out everything around her, smiling about what could have been.
Your dad followed you, grabbing the other handle on your trunk, pulling you to him.
"You aren't going anywhere!"
"I'm going anywhere but here!" you snarled back, your trunk opened and your clothes dropped onto the floor, letting go, you stormed up the stairs and sprinted to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you.
Frantically, you pulled out your phone, messaging the twins.
Y/N: They want me to marry into the Malfoy family! I can't fucking do it.
Fabian: Wait. Scorpius?
Gideon: You've got to be joking.
Y/N: No! I'm not! His family are coming to meet me in the next hour, what the fuck am I going to do?
Gideon: Puking Pastilles?
Y/N: No, I'm not risking leaving this bedroom if I'm not going outside.
Fabian: You've got our house key, use it genius.
Y/N: I will tonight, I just need to fake this shit, hopefully, I won't be married by morning, I'll run away to yours in the night.
Gideon: Be careful.
Fabian: Don't do anything we wouldn't do.
Y/N: Why do you think I'm running away? The Malfoys are the worst match!
Fred got used to being alone in the house after a week, blasting loud music, dancing like no one was watching, walking around in nothing but his boxers as the summer heat became unbearable. He felt on top of the world, he was alone, enjoying himself, in a huge house all to himself.
Managing to escape through the night as you had planned, you were taken by surprise when you arrived at George's manor to find the lights on and music blaring through the walls.
Maybe the twins came home early to surprise me.
Knocking on the door was pointless, even if you yelled the music was too loud to compete with. Pulling out your key, you unlocked the door and walked inside, setting your bags down on the table on the porch, hanging your coat up on the peg. Following the music you stopped in your tracks, in front of you was Fred, dancing in his boxers, sliding across the wooden floor in his socks, playing the air guitar. Your cheeks started to go red. If this was a prank, it was definitely well thought out - but deep down, you knew that Fabian and Gideon hadn't come home.
You had met Fred before, you always visited the joke shop with your friends and he had been at George's many times over Christmas, and Summer when he wasn't working. Each time you had seen him, he had always been on his own, no girlfriend, no ring on his finger.
Fred spins around with his eyes closed and opens them as he faces you, he jumps out of his skin and instantly covers his private parts with his hands as his eyes met yours, you grabbed the remote and rapidly paused the blaring music.
"W-What are you doing here?!" he asked, breathless and red.
You picked up one of his T-Shirts and threw it at him, leaning against the table, staring at your shoes as he got dressed "I could ask you the same thing." you replied shyly.
taglist: @amourtentiaa @alwaysnforeverfangirl @horrorxweasley @inglourious-imagines @reeophidian @sebby-staan @xmalfoyweasleyx @onlyfreds @lucymfer @livvysnaps @supermassiveblackhope @youralternantpersonality @xgoodbyexinnocencex @gustepasilyte 
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Leave No One Behind
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Chapter 16: Endings Beginnings
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Ari and Hannah settle into life back home, but it isn’t all as smooth as they’d have hoped…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
Word Count- 4.5k
A/N: It was recently brought to our attention that in a few other chapters there have been a couple of things that Ari has said/done that are not technically accurate for someone of Jewish heritage. First up, it was reference to Ari observing a ‘Sunday Roast’ when he visited Mama Navon. We just wanted to remind people that Hannah is of Catholic Christian and Jewish heritage (Spanish Catholic Mother, American Jewish Father) and her and Sammy’s upbringing has always been a combination of the two. So, when Ari visited Mama Navon when he was home from Sudan, clearly this was her tradition he was observing. Secondly, in another chapter Ari was praying to the ‘God and the Saints’. Of course, Judaism does not have saints, so there’s a slip up on our part with that one. As with the third point, when we described Ari rushing Sarah to the alter. He would have rushed her to the hoopa.
Regarding all of the above, we would hasten to add, that Ari grew up in the USA, leaving when he was 18. From what little we learn of him in the film, we know was taken by a British Soldier, who married an American Nurse. From the way he talks about it, we don’t get the impression his ‘adoptive’ parents were Jewish, so that alludes us to suspect he had a largely Christian upbringing, whilst clearly  being aware of his heritage. Therefore, we don’t think it is beyond the realms of possibility that he would pick up the odd little thing such as the above three points.  
That aside, we hope the above didn’t distract anyone else from the narrative as it did the reader who brought it to our attention.
Now, just a personal plea from myself in general. Myself and Storm do this for free, and not being a person who pays much attention to religion at all (that’s another debate in itself) it is for this reason I was VERY nervous about continuing this storyline beyond the plot of the film. We certainly don’t have the time, nor brain capacity to be researching things into any kind of huge depth. It’s why most of my story lines centre along similar types of things that I have a good background in. This fic was never supposed to focus on the ins and outs of a particular race of people, just the lives of two dumbasses in love. As all writers on here, we do this for free, and the moment it becomes hard work or unenjoyable, we won’t be continuing. So any other little slip ups, please, unless they’re offensive, give us a little leeway and put it down to Ari being exceptionally Westernised as pointed out above.
Sorry if this comes across as being a little harsh, but this has been playing on my mind a lot over the past few days, to the point I was seriously considering if we ended the fic where it currently stood. That said, I think we have a lot left to tell of Hannah and Ari’s story so, I’ll shut up now and let you read it…if you want that is.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Part 15
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“You haven’t forgotten tomorrow?” Hannah heard her mother ask, as the woman stood up from the table while holding the teacup and saucer to place them in the sink. “You do remember you have to pick Sammy up from the airport tomorrow afternoon, right?”
 Hannah rolled her eyes at her mother’s back. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” she sighed as she played with the crumbles of the pastry she had been nibbling on, “I mean, it’s not like I’ve got anything else going on, is it? Seeing as Ari is with Maya and according to Sarah’s stupid rules I can’t be there with them…”
 At that, Maria Navon turned, giving her daughter a sympathetic look and Hannah snorted in anger.
 It had been four months since they arrived back in Tel Aviv, and Hannah had to concede that for the first few weeks it was fine. She and Ari settled nicely in the apartment Mossad rented in Ari’s name once all the paperwork following the end of the mission had been sorted. Ari had asked Isaacs for an upgrade of his living quarters, given he was now having Maya over to stay every other weekend, plus numerous nights of the week. Not to mention the fact Hannah was moving with him. When Isaacs had asked Ari to put a justification forward, he had simply shrugged, “I fucking earned it, Isaacs.”
 So he got it. Just like he usually got what he wanted, one way or another.
 Hannah was back working at the clinic. Her hands and the experience she had acquired while in Africa were needed more than ever now that it was only her mother and her to run it, although how long it was before her mom decided to retire fully was anyone’s guess. It had been a couple of busy months, what with interviewing for new nurses and locum staff, but Hannah would be lying if she denied having enjoyed every minute of it. She might have Mossad secret agent skills, obviously passed down by her father, but she was a doctor at heart. And that hadn’t changed in the two years she had been away.
 The team had split up within a month of arrival back in Tel Aviv.  Ari and Max had been working to help the refugees. Many of them had simply melted away post their arrival, still not trusting the mysterious white men who had come to their aid. However, some had stuck round; being housed temporarily in hostels, and was those who Ari and Max were tirelessly working for. They focussed their efforts on obtaining them permanent, legal status along with finding them better places to live and jobs of sorts to help them fit in their new reality. 
 Jake had headed back overseas to continue work as a diving instructor, this time in Jamaica, whilst Sammy had been in the States with Rachel for almost two and a half months now, and was, as Maria just reminded Hannah, due back the following day. Hannah suspected, however, not for long, fully expecting him to move there permanently to be with Rachel.
“Sammy is lucky, you know? He has none of this shit with Rachel’s ex.” Hannah grumbled, “Sarah is just being a pain in the ass. And I know for a fact it’s because we told her we got engaged. She was fine with me being there when Maya was until that point.” Hannah finished her rant as she placed her teacup and saucer on her mother’s extended hand. 
“You can’t be sure about that, sweetheart. Maybe there’s something else."
“No, she’s being a bitch.” Hannah quickly stopped her mother’s attempts at justifying Sarah’s behaviour. “She seems perfectly fine with us having dinner during the week and going out and stuff but won’t let Maya stay when I’m there on a weekend, basically just preventing us from spending those days together, for no reason other than she’s bitter.”
Maria Navon sighed. She knew where her daughter was coming from but, being the gentle and caring woman she was, she couldn’t help but try to put herself in the other woman’s shoes. She saw Hannah bite her lip and twirl her engagement ring round her finger, a rounded blue sapphire as deep as the ocean set against a halo of smaller white diamonds on a white gold band, before she spoke again.
 “I wouldn’t mind mama but they’ve been legally separated for years! The terms of their divorce are basically already been agreed. All they need to do is sign the damned papers but recently, well, Ari seems afraid to even raise the issue in case Sarah starts making it all awkward again and stops him seeing Munch.”
“Hey, sweetheart. Listen to me.” Hannah’s mother caught her attention as she pulled out a chair to sit next to her. “Everything is going to be ok, she’ll sign eventually. She knows there isn’t anything she can do about it, she’s just grieving.”
 Hannah’s brow creased at her mother’s choice of words. “Grieving for what? She left him, years ago!”
“She left him because she couldn’t cope with his lifestyle anymore, and he wasn’t winning any awards for being husband of the year, Han. That doesn’t mean she didn’t love him,” Maria woman spoke softly as if to appease her daughter’s raging tone.
“So, basically, I’m just stuck here waiting until she gets her head out of her ass?” 
“Have a little patience, honey. You two have waited over a decade, one way or another, to be together. You sure can wait a few weeks more.” Maria smiled as she reached out for Hannah’s hands who were fiddling with a teaspoon. 
“That’s the thing, Mama.” Hannah sighed as she looked up to meet her mom’s eyes. “I don’t think it’s just going to be weeks.”
“You don’t?” The woman frowned. “Well maybe she’s more stubborn than I thought.”
Hannah shook her head and then noticed her mother’s features had suddenly softened into a smile and she was looking straight over her shoulder. Hannah turned to see Ethan walking into the kitchen in his signature crisp work suit.
“Hi Ethan,” Hannah smiled at him and then looked up at the clock over the fridge before standing up and shrugging. “I should go. Spend the night with my fiancée before I’m banished back to my childhood home for the weekend like a love sick teenager.”
As she left the kitchen dramatically, she heard Ethan ask Maria. “That bad?”
“She’s pissed off,” Hannah heard her mom whisper back, “can’t say I blame her but she needs to make an attempt to see this from the other side, so to speak.”
With an angry growl, Hannah slammed the door and set off walking back to their apartment, in even more of  bad mood than she’d been in when she arrived at her mother’s. 
 Why was anyone treating her like she was the spoiled brat?
Ari was getting ready for Hannah’s arrival. He had been cooking, or sort of, making an attempt at dinner for a while and was now setting the table for two. He wanted to make tonight special as he knew this week was going to be the third weekend out of six that he and Hannah would be apart thanks to Sarah and her fucking rules. 
He was finding it hard himself. He’d gotten used to sleeping besides his Firefly since they had got together in Sudan, especially at night. But he knew Hannah was finding it harder. He was sacrificing their time together so that he could spend his allotted weekends with his daughter, which lessened the blow a little, but Hannah was basically being banned from living her life as it was for two days every two weeks, and that make his heart ache. 
And the worst bit about it all, was that he had seen it coming a mile off, and had been powerless to prevent it.
It was a bright Friday morning when they told Maya about their engagement. The previous evening Ari had proposed to Hannah for a second time after buying her a lavish ring. Thus, they had decided to take Maya for a walk and ice cream to break the news to her.  The little girl had been over the moon with the idea of her dad and Hannah getting married, which hadn’t surprised Ari seeing as his daughter had been all over his fiancé ever since they had met at Mossad headquarters the morning they had arrived home.
Now, as he approached Sarah’s apartment to take Maya back, he was about to tell his ex-wife and he was not particularly looking forward to it. But, he was being cautiously optimistic. Sarah had, after all, been amendable since they’d gotten home and seemed okay with Hannah being a part of Maya’s life.
Still, he felt his stomach churn as Maya walked up the apartment they had all shared once upon a time, and rang the doorbell.  No sooner had Sarah opened the door, Maya bounced in blurting the news out without hesitation.
 “Mom, guess what? Dad and Han are getting married! He asked her yesterday and she said yes!”
Ari groaned internally to himself, “Sarah, I didn’t ask her last night,” he smiled bashfully as he explained himself, “and I certainly didn’t do it in front of Maya.”
Sarah shook her head and brushed it off.  “Don’t worry, Ari and … erm, congratulations, I guess.”
“Erm… thanks.” Ari blinked. “I just thought you should hear it from me first… even if you technically did hear it from Munch.”
Despite the civil exchange, Ari could tell that Sarah was hating she didn’t have time nor the privacy to digest the news, and that wasn’t what he’d planned at all. He’d wanted to tell her, quickly, and leave, but Maya had put paid to his plans. Ari could feel coldness of his estranged wife’s stare, along with the tell-tale faint twitch of her nose and upper lip. He knew Sarah well and he, also knew how she deep down felt about him and Hannah. 
“She seemed cool about it but I know her, Han. Too cool for Sarah.” Ari told Hannah that night over dinner. “I can’t help feeling this is going to be bad…”
For once, Ari wished to God he’d been proven wrong. But, Sarah ended up doing what he feared, reverting back to being petty and petulant. She called him the next day to announce from that moment on, when Maya stayed with him, be it during the week or on her agreed weekends, Hannah wasn’t to be there overnight because, as Sarah had put it, it wasn’t appropriate for Maya to be around when they were… well, “up to stuff.
Hannah went ballistic, telling Ari his estranged wife was being ridiculous and she could go to hell, but Ari knew Sarah well enough to know she needed to get this out of her system. He tried his best to explain to Hannah that until she did, there was nothing he could do but roll with it, certainly for the time being. Making Sarah angry would not only risk her going back on terms of the divorce they’d set out in their separation degree, but also, he feared, make her get pissy about him seeing Maya. And that simply wasn’t something he was prepared to risk. He’d already missed too much of Maya over the years, admittedly through his own fault, but he didn’t want to miss a single second more than he had to.
Just as Ari was turning down the heat under their dinner, Simon’s ears pricked up and a second later Hannah’s key was heard in the door. Air smiled at the dog, who let out an excited whine, and leaned to give him a scratch behind his ears.
“Mama’s home, buddy.”
The pooch looked up at his master almost like he was pondering his words and Ari scoffed. 
Yeah, home. Bar the weekends when she’s banished to her mother's…
 Simon trotted off and soon after Ari heard Hannah greeting him. A moment later she walked into the living area and gave him a tired, but genuine smile. 
“Hey Lobo.”
 Ari beamed at his fiancé as he walked to meet her and without warning, he grabbed her face with both hands and stamped his lips on her plump ones, kissing the hell out of her. Hannah moaned in surprise but melted into his hold, her hands instantly reaching for Ari’s bearded cheeks.
“Hey Firefly.” He whispered when he broke the kiss.
She smiled at him as her hands travelled upwards and tangled in his hair. “Something smells good.”
“Thanks, I just showered.” Ari drawled, a cheeky smile on his face.
“I meant the food, you ass.” Hannah laughed as one of her hands slapped Ari shoulder, but his grin never faded.
“I’m a whole meal, honey.” He continued, playfully. Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped back. “But yeah, I’ve been cooking or rather mixing things in pots and pans.”
“Hmmm should I be worried?” She shrugged off the light jacket she was wearing to shield her from the summer showers.
“Well, Simon tasted everything and he’s still breathing.”
“Simon used to eat jellyfish, Ari. That’s not a bar to measure your cooking with.”
“Hey, I tried, okay? Give me some credit. I’ve never cooked for a woman before.” He grabbed her hips and pressed her to his body, one of his big hands splaying over her back.
At that Hannah smiled at him lovingly. He was right. She suspected he had never cooked for Sarah and he certainly hadn’t cooked for her, not once. Never in the brief amount of time they had been secretly dating, and at the resort it had been Chef Aziz's job to cook for everyone.
“I’m honoured, and I’m sure it’ll be great. Give me five to go wash up okay?”
“Sure, babe. I’ll plate the food and open the wine.” He winked at her and Hannah stood on her toes and gave him another quick peck before she headed into the bedroom, Simon following her.
True to his word Ari had done a pretty good job and thirty minutes later they were both sat at the table after having enjoyed a dammed passable and tasty attempt at a beef stroganoff on Ari’s part that left Hannah pleasantly surprised. 
She sighed with satisfaction as she left her fork on her plate and when she looked up she noticed Ari was looking at her intently, his eyes shining under those long eyelashes.
“You trying to seduce me before my carriage turns into a pumpkin tomorrow, Levinson?” Hannah asked before bringing her glass of wine to her lips.
“Hannah...” he sighed.
“Please don’t, sweetheart. I don’t want to argue.” 
It was her turn to sigh, heavily. Ari’s words were more of a plea than a warning to her, but she couldn’t help the way she was feeling. Granted, she wasn’t quite as pissed as when she had left her mother’s house, but she still had a sour feeling which was nagging at her. 
“I don’t want to either, Ari. I just don’t like the prospect of spending my weekend away from you. Again.”
“And you think I do?” He asked, reaching for her hand over the table. “Honey, this won’t be forever. Sarah just needs to get her stupid tantrum out of her system.”
“Yeah, I know and I don’t want you having trouble with Maya because of me, I wouldn’t keep you from Munch, ever. But you’re my fiancé and I just...” she trailed off, shrugging, “I don’t want us to be apart.”
Ari licked his lips and pondered for a moment as he looked at their entwined hands. “Okay, I’ll talk to her when I pick Maya up tomorrow.” He nodded with determination when he looked up at her. “See if I can reason with her and...”
“Don’t Ari. You’ll only set her off.” Hannah rapidly cut him off.
Ari groaned and let go of her hand, his look and voice growing harder. “Well then, what do you want me to do? You literally just said-“
“I know, but I don’t want you to poke the bear! I just want this fucking ridiculous situation to be over.” Hannah shook her head. She knew she was riling Air up, but she was sick of everyone trying to get her to accept the situation they were in without so much as a word of complaint. “I’m not blaming you, it’s just…forget it, can we just pretend we are a normal couple who are having a normal evening dinner?”
“We are a normal couple. Well, as normal as most anyway.” Ari took her hand again, his features softening. “Look, I’m sorry. I really am. I just don’t know what I can do.”
“Love me.” Hannah stated after a while.
Now that puzzled Ari. Was that a request or was she doubting him. She couldn’t be doubting him, right? With concern written all over his face he pushed his chair back to stand up and hurriedly crouched beside Hannah, his hands grabbing her thighs firmly as his eyes searched for something in hers. 
“Firefly, I do love you. You know this… I mean, at least, I hope you do.”
“I do.” She nodded as she looked down to him. “Just don’t stop loving me, no matter what crazy ideas Sarah comes up with.” 
“Hannah, that’s not gonna happen.” He assured her after swallowing hard. “I promise you. Nothing she says or does is gonna change the way I feel about you.” 
Ari meant what he said and took it upon himself to make sure his Firefly was left with no doubt as to his feelings for her all through the night. And then again he made sure she hadn’t forgotten the following morning too before she left to pick Sammy up from the airport.
Ari collected Maya, as arranged, from the summer holiday camp run by her school and then, throwing caution to the wind, took her to Maria’s to see not only Hannah, but Sammy and the family. Hannah was surprised, but pleased to see them both and hugged Maya tight as the girl threw herself at her, chatting away about her day. They ate a lovely dinner, courtesy of Maria, and later, retired to the shared garden in the warm, July air. 
As Maya sat with Sammy, who was telling her stories about the states and Rachel’s kids, Ari found himself watching Hannah. She was sat with her mom and Ethan, the three of them sipping wine as the dusk drew in. It wasn’t long before the first little twinkles around the tree flashed through the darkness, signalling the fireflies had come out to play. 
Ari’s mind quickly travelled back to when he first met Hannah, how those little bugs had been present in the garden, earning her the nickname. His nickname for her, which had stuck and become a term of his love for her, symbolised by the pendant round her neck. It was that pendant, or more specifically how he had given her that pendant, which had fixed the idea on how to present her with the sparkling sapphire and diamond ring on her finger…
It was a Thursday morning, and Hannah walked into the bedroom after her morning shower. Ari looked up from where he was fastening up his short sleeved shirt and smiled as she grinned back at him. 
“You really do suit that colour, pretty sure Ethan’s secretary will approve.”
“Ethan’s secretary?” Ari continued, stopping two buttons under the collar.
“Yeah, that’s what I said Lobo.” 
“Ethan’s secretary is nearly a hundred years old, Firefly.” Ari rolled his eyes with a chuckle, his hands on his hips as Hannah frowned.
“Well who was the young, blonde girl at her desk the other day when I called in?” She picked up her hairbrush from the top of the chest of drawers that served as her vanity unit.
“Lorraine? She’s an intern, Mrs Goldman is training her.”
“She likes you. I can tell.” Hannah hummed, combing out her locks which had been piled on top of her head to prevent them getting wet.
Ari rolled his eyes as Hannah pulled her hair back into a neat ponytail. “Whatever.”
“You can whatever me all you want,” Hannah sang as she picked up a bottle of lotion and sat on the bed, “I can sense these things.”
Ari snorted, looking down at his girl as she sat on the bed applying lotion to her legs. “You getting all territorial on me?”
“Do I need to?”
“Don’t be an ass!” Ari snorted, leaning down to kiss her. 
As they moved around the room, Ari took his time, a lot longer than usual, dragging his morning routine out as long as possible. If Hannah noticed he was making a meal out of tidying his beard up, something he had taken to doing since returning to civilisation, she didn’t notice.
He was stalling for one reason, and one reason only. The surprise that was waiting for her in her underwear drawer.
After what seemed like an age, she crossed the room and pulled it open. Ari held his breath as she reached in for a pair of panties, but instead she gasped, he hand flying to her mouth.
When Hannah spun around, the red, velvet box in her hand, Ari was waiting on one knee, beaming up at her. “Still wanna marry me, Firefly?”
Tears brimmed in her eyes and she nodded, her voice thick with emotion, “yes, you know I do!”
“Had to ask with a ring, sweetheart.”
He watched as she opened it, her mouth dropping open once more as she stared at the ring. 
“Lobo, it’s gorgeous… I… I love it!”
As Ari rose to his feet, he sighed with relief, “good, ‘cause I had a hard time finding something worthy of my girl.”
“It reminds me of the ocean,” she smiled up at him, “and your eyes.”
“Kinda why I bought it, the ocean that is.” Ari smiled as he took the ring from the box, slipping it over her knuckle, watching as the sapphire settled at the base of her finger. “Hannah Maria Navon, I love you, baby girl.”
Hannah glanced at the ring before she beamed, her hands cupping his cheeks, “and I love you, Ari David Levinson.”
Ari smirked a little at the memory, they were totally late for work after getting a little ‘distracted’ so to speak celebrating their engagement once more, only this time in a bed and not the back of a shitty jeep in the Sudanese desert. 
“Dad?” Maya bounced into his lap, drawing a huff from him as she accidentally elbowed him in the ribs, “Are those fireflies?”
“They are Munch.” He nodded, kissing her head as she watched them zipping around. “Can you see now why I call Hannah my Firefly?”
She grinned, “yip!”
Hannah, who had been watching them, cleared her throat. “Ari, it’s getting late. Shouldn’t you two be heading back to your apartment?”
Ari looked at her pointedly. “Our apartment, sweetheart.”
Hannah was about to shoot a response back but then remembered Maya was there so she merely sighed. “Ari, look, you shouldn’t even be here now anyway. It’s not worth the argument if she finds out.”
“Why can’t we stay here, dad? I wanna stay with Han!” Maya piped up and Hannah groaned a little, shooting Ari a look.
“Because Han needs to stay with Sammy tonight, she’s not seen him for a while. You can stay some other time, okay?”
“I’m not gonna say anything to Mom if that’s what you scared of.”
At that, Ari and Hannah exchanged a look. “Why do you say that? Why would we be scared?” He asked and Maya shrugged.
“I heard Mom say some things.”
“What things, Munchkin?” Ari smoothed her long hair back and waited for her to reply.
“Well, I was upset, because at first I thought Hannah didn’t like me anymore as she always left when I stayed over. But one day last week, I heard Mom tell Grandma on the phone she had made you and Hannah spend the weekends apart because I was with you.” Maya paused and looked at Hannah, “Is that why you don’t stay with us at the apartment?”
Hannah blinked, she was stuck. She didn’t want to lie but also didn’t want to start bad mouthing Sarah in front of Maya, no matter how tempting. “Erm, it’s, well it’s complicated, sweetie. You and your dad need to spend time together. But I promise you it’s absolutely not because I don’t like you. I do, I love you very much.”
At that Maya stood up and launched herself at Hannah.  “I love you too, Han.”
Ari and Hannah could do nothing but exchange a look, which Hannah broke as she leaned down to hug Maya, tears visible in her eyes.
And it left Ari feeling even more like shit than he already did.
No, he had to fix this, even if it meant pulling Sarah up on her attitude despite Hannah asking him not to. Whilst he understood Sarah’s anger, and that she had every right to direct it at him, the fact that it was clearly having an impact on Maya was something he couldn’t let slide.
With a sigh, he stood up, instructing Maya to bid everyone good night. Before he left, he pulled Hannah into a kiss, his hands cupping her face.
“I’m gonna fix this,” he whispered against her lips, “trust me, baby.”
“I do.” She sniffed a little, her nose bumping his. “Go, go on. I’ll see you Sunday.”
As they walked the few blocks home, Maya’s hand locked in Ari’s, he was only partially listening to his daughter as she spoke. 
“Dad!” Her voice drew him from his thoughts about how exactly he was going to approach the subject with his soon to be ex-wife. He glanced down at her.
“We’re you listening to a word I just said?”
“Honestly, no!”
“Daaaaaad!” She whined and Ari chuckled.
 “I’m sorry baby, what were you saying?”
“I was saying that I should get Hannah something for luck.”
“What do you mean?”
 “Well, Mom was talking to Auntie Louisa, and she said that Hannah was going to need plenty of luck being married to you so…”
Ari took a deep breath, anger flashing through his system, rolling his eyes. “Oh, did she?”
“Yup.” Maya nodded.
“And, do you think Hannah’s gonna need luck?”
Maya looked at him, and grinned cheekily. “Well, you are an idiot!”
“Rude!” Ari narrowed his eyes playfully, “mind you, technically, you might look more like your mom but you’re half me. Guess that makes you half an idiot, huh?”
Maya went to dig him in the ribs and with a chuckle, Ari swung her up and onto his shoulders. Her hands tangled in his hair as she giggled, before she leaned down, fingers threading into his beard.
“Han’s right, you do look like a wolf.”
Ari laughed, his hands tightening around his daughter’s ankles as her heels lightly bounced against his chest with each step he took.
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slytherinbangchan · 3 years
Kareshi, okarishimasu!✨ (SKZ Hyunjin Fake!Boyfriend!Au)
A SKZ (all members) Fake boyfriend!Au where there’s an app where you can easily rent the perfect guy to play the role of your boyfriend. Guess the hard part will be not falling for him.
The reader is different for each one of the SKZ members. There’ll be smut in some of the chapters. (The first chap of this Au was Kareshi, Okarishimasu! Seungmin)
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Pairing: Hyunjin x femreader Word Count: 2.5k (I made it a One-Shot this time.) ︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ 1st Date So, there you are. Waiting right where your friend told you to. She insisted so much on you doing this but what's the big deal? How is dating a  fake boyfriend going to help you out with your actual romantic life? Plus, it's not like you have any problem with being single. Actually you only agreed to do this cause your friends were so annoying about it and they said they'd shut up if you tried it. They even paid for you.
You look around as you wait. You hate this. You were so anxious about it that you left an hour early but it's getting even worse as time passes. There's a girl next to you who seems nervous aswell. She must be waiting for her date too. You sigh as you look around a last time, then you see him, the guy your friends chose for you from the app, walking towards you. Your heart skips a beat even if you were trying so hard for it not to do that.
  The guy is a bit early, guess that'd be a good sign if he was actually your boyfriend.  As he comes closer you notice he's not exactly looking at you and, with a confused face, you watch how he stands in front of the girl next to you. 'Hey, I'm Hyunjin, are you y/n?' He asks and the girl looks at him practically with heart eyes. 'Yes, yes I am'. She says, almost mesmerized, and you click your tongue as you roll your eyes. 'No, she's not. I am.' He looks at you and apologizes to the girl then to you. 'Sorry, your friends forgot to send a picture.' He says as he scratches the back of his head and smiles a bit nervous for his mistake. 'It's fine.' You soothe him then you look him up and down. 'What are you a model or something?' You ask and he chuckles. 'What?' He laughs and you start walking. 'There's a lot of people turning around just to look at you, it's annoying'. You say, making him laugh again, but he's flattered. 'I'm sorry'. He apologizes as he catches you up to walk by your side. 'I wanted to look good for you'. He says making you feel a bit guilty. 'It's whatever, I just don't like people looking at me'. You explain. 'But you do look kinda nice.' You mumble as you blush making him chuckle again. 'What was that?' He asks as he pokes you with his elbow, making you blush even more. 'Nothing, I said you're ugly.' You say and he laughs.
  You thought it'd be a bit awkward to maybe start a conversation but it's not. He listens to you carefully but still participates in the convo. He looks at you a lot while you chat and even if you think it's cause he's just being polite, he actually finds everything you have to say very interesting. 'Let's get in here.' You suggest as you walk by an arcade and he gladly follows you inside.'Hey, what about this?' He asks as he points to the race cars game. 'Sure.' You say as you smile and sit on one of them. He sits right next to you. 'I'll destroy you'. You say and he smiles as he moves his head to a side. 'Okay.' He ends up winning the first race though. You bite your lower lip as he snickers poking your side at your waist level. 'Thought you were going to destroy me'. He teases. 'Let's go again.' You say, not even looking at him. Your cheeks blushed. A smug smile draws on your face as you stand up to move to the next game after destroying him on the second race as you promised. 'Hey!' He exclaims as he follows you. 'Did you let me win the first time?' He asks and you chuckle. 'Maybe'.  He gasps. 'Really?' You giggle at his face. 'Nah, you were just lucky'. You say as you swipe your finger over one of the guns on the zombie shooter game with your eyes fixed on his. 'What? This one?' He asks and you nod. 'Whatever you want, princess'. He says and you throw him a look making him nervous. 'W-What?' He asks. 'Princess? Ah, did my friends tell you to call me that?' You guess and he nods. 'You don't like it?' He asks as he distractedly looks in his wallet for some coins for the game. 'Nah, it's fine. I'd rather be called queen though'. You inform him and he smirks. 'Yeah, I feel like that suits you better'. He says as you both wait for the game to start.
  'How long have you been doing this?' You ask as you take a scoop of the ice cream you're sharing and he tilts his head. “What do you mean?” You roll your eyes. “The fake boyfriend thing, what else?” He smiles at your question. 'I don't know what you're talking about'. He says, making you smile. “So you are my boyfriend”. You remark. “Of course.” He smiles again. “Yeah? Would you kiss me then?” You ask. You know he won't kiss a stranger. But he chuckles. “If that's what my Queen wants.” You scoff. “No way! Do rental boyfriends really kiss their clients?” You ask and he smirks once again. 'What's a rental boyfriend?' You chuckle softly. “Okay, I give up. I'll allow you to be my boyfriend for today, no more questions about it.” He seems happy about that.
“You know there's more than one person following us, right?” You ask him as he walks you to the station and he nods. “I'm sorry about that.” He apologizes and you sigh. “Will you be okay?” You ask and he smiles as he tilts his head. “Are you worried about me?” He asks and you frown a bit confused. “I mean, there's a bunch of people following you...” You say and he chuckles. “Right. It's fine, I'm used to it.” He smiles but you can tell he doesn't like the situation one bit. “Are they your clients?” You ask and he sighs. “Get home safely, okay?” He says, then pats your head. You purse your lips but nod. “You take care too.”
You don't hear about him after that, but that's the thing with rental boyfriends right? You didn't even have the app to begin with, your friends were the ones managing everything. Why do you feel so bad though? That goodbye felt so bittersweet. Maybe you should have ignored those people as he was trying so hard to, but you couldn't just let that go. At first it was only one person following you two around but little by little the number went up to even five people. How can he live like that?
Anyway that's none of your business, is it? He didn't look like he wanted you to even mention it so that's it. It's not like you're seeing him again.You had fun today though... More than you thought you'd do.
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2nd Date
Okay, maybe you ended up downloading  the app, and maybe after a few weeks you finally gave up and rented Hyunjin again. And now you're walking towards him as he waits for you at the same place where you waited for him last time.
“H-Hey...” You wave at him even if he's looking at his phone, but he looks up as soon as he hears your voice. “Oh, it's you!” He exclaims. His eyes shining. He looks like a happy puppy right now “I should have known when you asked me to look ugly for the date. Why didn't you tell me it was you while we chatted?” He chuckles and you blush lightly. “I didn't think you'd remember me, and by the way is this your idea of looking ugly?” You ask as you point at his outfit. “Of course I remember my girlfriend? And what do you mean? I'm wearing the first thing I saw and I barely did any makeup.” He smiles and turns around proudly, showing you his entire outfit. “Huh?? I look just like any other guy!” You want to complain cause he doesn't look any uglier today but he's just so cute and he's so excited about his clothes... “Right... Yeah, you did a nice job actually, thanks.” You say and he smiles again. “Okay, where should we go today, my Queen?” He asks as you both start walking. “Well, they opened a horror house nearby.” You say and you can see the panic in his face. “What?... Wait, are you afraid of that kind of stuff?” You ask and he nods. “Horror movies too?” You ask again. “Well, yeah? Isn't that what they are made for? To scare people?” He says and you laugh. “I guess so, but I don't think any of them are actually scary.” You say as you chuckle and he blushes lightly. “Okay, let's go then.” He says and you lean on him bumping your shoulder against his arm playfully, then holding his hand with both of your hands. “It's fine dummy, we don't have to do that.” You say as you blush. Your eyes glued to the floor. You really decided to embrace you role as his girlfriend today and it's making him feel all kind of ways. “W-Well... I want to do it now, so you better take me there.” He says, not looking at you either.
An hour later or so you're both coming out the horror house. “Well, that was terrible.” He says still grasping on your arms with his huge hands as he walks behind you. You chuckle and turn around to take off his cap and fix his hair a bit. “C'mon it was fun.” You say but he doesn't say anything. He's blushing though. “I'm sorry. I guess you really hated it, huh?” You ask, feeling a bit guilty about dragging him there but he shakes his head. “Nah, I liked it cause I was with you.” He says and you scoff as you smile. “Liar.” You say. “I'm not lying.” He argues and you hold his hand as you start walking, dragging him again. “Let's watch a horror movie then.” You suggest, not looking back so he can't see the blush on your cheeks after holding his hand again and he whines. “Can't we just go to the amusement park? Maybe karaoke night?”
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??? Date
“How long do we have today, Jinnie?” You ask as you play with the puppies at the dog cafe. “Look here, I'm taking a picture.” He says and you pose with the puppy making Hyunjin chuckle. “Hey, don't ignore my question.” You pout but he's looking at his phone. His smile slowly fades as you keep calling his name to get his attention. “Don't worry about that y/n.” He says and you tilt your head. “I'm not worried, I just want to know.” You say and he looks at you and puts on a fake smile. “We've been here for a while, let's go somewhere else, yeah?” He says. Your heart sinks a little after that interaction. Did you upset him somehow? You know he doesn't like when you make it difficult for him to play your boyfriend's role but that question could have been easily responded without mentioning his actual schedule as a rental boyfriend.
“Can I see the pics you took?” You ask while you walk to the movies and he smiles and hands you his phone. “Ah, that one was my favorite.” He says as he scrolls back to the pic you just passed. “Ah really? I look ugly though.” You giggle. “No, you don't, dummy.” He chuckles and holds your free hand lacing his fingers with yours. “You look perfect, and the puppy too.” He says, then an alarm on his phone startles you. “Omg, I almost drop it, sorry. Here.” You say, handling it back. “Is that an alarm for your next date?” You ask and he frowns as he turns it off. “Of course not. Why would I have other dates?” He asks. “Hyunjin, it's fine, you can tell me. I haven't paid you for the next hour yet.” You say and he lets out a frustrated sigh then smiles again. “I don't know what you are talking about, let's get inside already, the movie is going to start.” He says and a chill runs down your spine. “Omg, that's so creepy, stoop!” You say and he sighs again and drags you to a hidden alley with no people around.
“Why did you call me creepy? I'm not creepy!” He complains and you make a point by looking around the place where he just dragged you. “Okay, but I wasn't being creepy before!!” He says and you chuckle. “Yes you were, you looked annoyed and then a second later you smiled like nothing.” You say and he rolls his eyes. “I wasn't annoyed I was upset that you kept asking about when our date was going to end!” Well, he looks annoyed now for sure. It's the first time you see him like this though and you can't help but to chuckle for some reason. “Why are you laughing? I'm serious!” He complains. “I'm sorry. It's just that I feel that this is the first time I'm seeing the real you and I think it's cute.” You say and he blushes. “Well, this is just frustrated me. Just so you know, I'm my real self around you all the time.” He says, then lets out another frustrated sigh. You're a bit surprised right now at what he just said but before you can even notice yourself you're pulling from his shirt and kissing him.
You push him away immediately, covering your lips with your hands. “Omg, I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from.” You apologize as a very blushed Hyunjin stares at you, making you blush too. But before you can apologize again he's pulling you into another kiss.
Your body against his as you keep making out until you're breathless. You can't believe you've been kissing Hwang Hyunjin in a creepy alley for like an hour now.
“So, you do this with all your fake partners?” You ask and he clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes. “There's no other dates or partners, I told you.” He says and you sigh. “Are we still playing the perfect fake boyfriend game?” You ask and he smiles. “I haven't been accepting dates for a while now, dummy.” He confesses and you frown, confused. “But you took my money...” You say and he laughs softly. “I gave it back everytime after our second date. I knew you wouldn't even notice.” He laughs again. “Are you serious?” You ask and he nods. “I just wanted to see you so I played along.” He says and you raise your eyebrows. “Shut up, that's not creepy, it's cute.” He says and you laugh. “Pfft, yeah, only cause it's you.” You say and he smiles before pecking your lips. “Shut up, you love me.” He says and you peck his lips back. “Nah, you love me.” You say while he kisses your neck and he smiles against your skin. “Yeah, I do.”
Blog’s Masterlist
Taggies: @princewonwoo​​​​​ ♥
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