#WENDY i need you to know i cried writing this baby :((((
kagejima · 2 years
Can we also talk about how Bodyguard!Sukuna and reader start falling in love in the middle of the night, over whispered secrets between her closed door? How she’d sit against the door that he guards for hours, and occasionally, fall asleep talking to him. Can we also talk about how she’d wake up tucked in her bed the next morning?
girl, i swear to god i had all your bodyguard asks in order and then i forgot what order i had them in so now im like fuck it, i'll just write them out of order every sukuna sunday fhdjfklasjfasd
ANYWAYS this is tied in to the ABSOLUTELY ENORMOUS royalty AU that wendy and i came up with and have never stopped yelling about to this day.
She oh so kindly gathered all the posts so far and put them in this masterlist if you want to catch up!
We got Bodyguard!Sukuna. We got Swordsman!Nanami. We got Blacksmith!Osamu. We got Duke!Sakusa. We got a bunch of other men I can't even talk about yet because we haven't gotten to them yet fahjfadslfkasfds.
anyways more thoughts under the cut (female reader, reader is the princess, Bodyguard!Sukuna is true form Sukuna size big)
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Bodyguard!Sukuna who doesn't really want to admit it to himself, but he thinks that he may be falling for you.
Because he doesn't think he should allow himself the feeling of falling in love.
Not when he has so much at stake - the money he makes from doing this is the only thing keeping his elderly parents healthy and happy. They're his everything. He wants to take care of them the best that he can.
And he tries to control his ever-growing crush by telling himself that he isn't there to be in love with you, he's there to protect you.
But it gets harder with every passing day and night.
Especially on nights like tonight.
And so...
Bodyguard!Sukuna who has his arms folded and sits against the wall across from your door.
When you open your door and just stare at him in your dark purple silk nightgown, his cock stirs in his trousers.
He feels guilt eat at him, because he knows he shouldn't think of you that way.
Think of how his large hands, weathered and worn from helping his father on the farm and continue to be so from countless hours of training to become a knight and now training with Nanami... just how easily his hands could rip that nightgown off of you.
Think of how small you'd look in his arms as he lifted you up into the air, his hands clinging possessively around your bottom as he brought you to your bed.
Think of how gentle he would have to be with you because of his size, how you'd wrap yourself around him and whimper his name as he tried to bring you only pleasure and did his very best to not bring you any pain with his girth.
He exhales slowly as he tries to calm his racing thoughts, and you're still looking at him.
He asks you if you're hungry, because usually when you're awake this late, it's because you barely ate at dinner and you want a snack.
So when you shake your head no, he tells you that you should get back into bed.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart hammers in his chest as you quietly tell him from your doorway that you're having trouble falling asleep.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who sighs when you timidly ask him if he can tell you another story about himself.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who acquiesces to your request.
He knows he should tell you no, he knows he should be adamant in making you try to go back to sleep, but he finds it harder to say no to you each time you ask something silly of him like this.
And he wonders why this is, because he hardly ever shares with anybody else. Everyone else barely knows about his home life, Nanami is probably the one that knows the most about him.
So why is he always so ready to share about his past with you?
Do you use him simply as sleep assistance because you find him boring? This isn't the first time you've asked to hear more about him. He's lost count of the nights now.
Or do you really want to know more about him?
You're a confusing little one.
He lets out a small grunt in pain as he tries to push himself up from the chair against the wall. His training session with Nanami was particularly rough today, and he's feeling it now.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart aches as you rush up to him and ask him if he's hurt, your much smaller hand reaching out and touching his forearm, staying there.
He's just a commoner. You shouldn't be concerned about him like this.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who's heart shatters into a million tiny pieces as you start to get a little teary-eyed, babbling apologies and that you feel terrible for asking him to do something when he's in pain like this.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who shushes you softly, because he knows if anybody sees the two of you like this, it will be bad for the both of you.
One of his large hands comes up and he gently cups the back of your head, assuring you that there's no need to be worried about him, it's only muscle aches and nothing more.
"I'll... I'll stay out here." You tell him, "You won't have to move. I can stay here with you."
"You can't," He smiles softly at you, "What if someone were to see?"
Bodyguard!Sukuna who stiffens when you don't answer him back, because you've already climbed into his lap and put one of his hands over your thighs to make sure he can keep you from falling off.
"Just a little story. And then I'll go to sleep." You promise him.
Bodyguard!Sukuna who looks into your eyes, and he knows he can't tell you no.
"What do you want to know about this time?" He asks, adjusting you so you sit a little better on his lap, one arm is holding your steady around the small of your back and the other rests hesitantly on top of your thighs.
He hopes you can't feel how taut his body is as his mind drifts again briefly to just how much smaller you are in comparison to him.
"Tell me about your father..." You ask him this time, your finger moving in a soothing shapeless pattern against his chest.
And he does.
Bodyguard!Sukuna tells you of how his father never had much to bless him with when he was a young boy, but he still felt like he was.
He tells you of how his father, even though he didn't look like it, had so much knowledge about many things from listening to others when he went to the market to sell their fruits and vegetables. In Sukuna's eyes, he was the smartest man in the world.
One of his fondest memories with him was that once a week, his father would take him outside in the field and lay with him on a scratchy blanket under the stars, and he would point out certain clusters of stars and he would make up tales about everything and anything.
Tales of silly little animal adventures and tales of dragons and armies battling each other and tales of knights falling in love with princesses.
Tales of knights falling in love with princesses...
Bodyguard!Sukuna pauses in his story and glances down at you to see if you've heard him repeat himself.
But you're already fast asleep, your head resting against his chest.
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
This is the Story
Chapter 12: The End
A/N: We've finally reached the end of this beautiful saga. I hope you have all enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I'm not sure I'll be able to fully give them up, so there may be an epilogue coming, but only time will tell.
I'm so thankful for everyone who has helped me along the way with this one, but I'm eternally grateful to my besties @ccab and @elvisfatass for all their love and encouragement. You two mean so much to me.
Need to catch up? Here is my Masterlist.
Warnings: angst, sadness, depression, and then the smutty fun stuff, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, also mentions of pregnancy and periods
Word count: 4.7kish
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The depth of their misery is equaled only by their love for each other.
By sundown, Grace has packed everything in her car, including a crying Wendy.
"Mama, why do we have to leave Daddy? I like it here." She asks from the back seat, sniffling.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. We just have to go home."
"This is our home." Grace strokes Wendy's hair through the car window.
"I'm sorry, baby." She turns to look back at the house. She hasn't seen Elvis since she finished packing in the bedroom. She wonders if she should find him to say goodbye or if she should let him be. She goes back up to the bedroom one last time to the pile of things she left on the bed. She's left the boots he bought, the book, her necklace with his initials, and a few other things he's given her. She stands there with more tears on her face, looking at the pile. At the last second, she grabs the necklace. She can't leave it. She turns to walk out of the room and finds him there in the doorway.
"Grace, please don't leave."
"You know I don't have a choice."
"I'm not going to stop loving you. My heart is yours. If you ever change your mind, I'll be here."
"Elvis, please." As she goes to walk past him, he grabs her and holds her against him one last time. She melts into him, shoulders quaking as she cries on his chest.
"Honey, don't leave. We can figure this out together." He whispers into her hair. She almost gives in, wanting nothing more than to stay with him. But she can't forget about Wendy. Everything she does is for her and her good.
She pulls away from him and looks into his face.
"Kiss me goodbye."
"No. I refuse to believe this is goodbye." She looks at her feet.
"Then I have to go." She walks past him and down the stairs to the car out front. He leans against the doorframe and shakes as the tears stream down his face. He should've given her that last kiss. He tries to catch her before she leaves. But when he gets downstairs and to the driveway she's already gone.
He spends the rest of the day in bed. When the Colonel comes to visit the next day, he drags himself down the stairs.
"You've got a lotta nerve showing up here."
"My boy, I was only trying to protect-"
"You're fired."
"Now, my boy-"
"Get out of my house. And don't come back. You're fired. I don't care what I owe you. I'm done."
"You know it's a lot-"
"Don't do anything you'll regret..." The colonel tries to back away slowly, reaching for the door handle behind him.
"I'll regret my association with you for as long as I live. You've lost me the only woman I've ever truly loved. I suggest you leave before I find a gun."
The Colonel backs through the door, shaking his head, and leaves. Elvis slams the door behind him and sinks to the floor again. Jerry comes to his side.
"Come on, boss." He half carries him back up the stairs to the bedroom, where Elvis lays on the bed.
"Don't bother me until I say so."
"Yes, sir." Jerry watches with a look of concern as he backs out of the room. He's never seen Elvis like this before.
Almost two weeks later, Grace is still moping around her apartment. She takes Wendy to school everyday, but that's the extent of her ability to do anything. One day, there's a knock on her door. Her heart leaps. Somewhere inside her, she hopes it's Elvis. When she opens the door, though, she finds Maryann.
"What are you doing here?"
"We haven't heard from you since Christmas. And then I saw this." She tosses a tabloid on the counter. It's a picture of Elvis with a headline about him going back to Vegas early.
"Why aren't you with him?" Grace is lost in thought. The only thing she can see is that he has on her initial necklace in the photo. He's still wearing it. "Grace?"
"We broke up."
"My editor said I had to end things with him or I would be fired."
"And you chose your job? What the hell, Grace?"
"How would I take care of Wendy? If he left me?"
"You really think he would do that?"
"I don't know anymore." Maryann shakes her head. She can see now that her sister is broken by this decision. She decides not to push it any further.
"Well, I'm here. And I'm staying for a while. When was the last time you ate?"
"I don't know. My stomach hasn't been great lately."
"I'm making you some food." She starts to fiddle with pots and pans.
"No chicken. I can't eat chicken." Maryann stops.
"Grace. When was your last period?" Grace turns to her with a look of panic. She hadn't even noticed.
"I'm not sure."
"Because the last time you couldn't eat chicken..."
The first of February is Lisa Marie's 6th birthday. Priscilla brings her to Vegas for a party with Elvis and the rest of their friends.
He almost breaks down when Lisa's first question is about Wendy and Grace. Still, he swallows his feelings and slaps on a smile, explaining to her that they won't be there. She's sad, but after she sees the pile of her presents, she cheers up significantly.
He does his best to be happy all day for his baby girl, and he's pretty sure he's doing a decent job, but anyone who knows him can tell something is wrong. Priscilla walks over to Jerry about half way through the party.
"What's wrong with him?"
"With Elvis?"
"Yes. He's not himself."
"Grace left."
"And he's this messed up about it?" Priscilla raises her eyebrows.
"Priscilla, it's been almost a month and he's still broken. I don't know what to do." Jerry shrugs in frustration and Priscilla looks at Elvis across the room with Lisa.
"I'm sure he'll be better soon. He just needs a new girl." Jerry nods, but he's not sure he agrees.
By that first week in February, Grace has an appointment with her doctor, but she won't get the test results for another week or so. She's trying to go about her life as usual, but nothing is the way it should be. She misses Elvis every day so much that it hurts. And she still hasn't had a period. It was nice to have Maryann's company for a while, but she couldn't stay too long with the kids at home.
One day, after dropping Wendy off at school, the phone rings.
"Grace, it's Jerry. You have to come to Vegas."
"What? Why?"
"He's dying without you. He plays his shows like he's supposed to, but nothing is helping. When he's not on stage, he's in bed. He won't come to parties or anything. We've tried everything." Her heart sinks. She knew she was miserable, but she assumed he had moved back to his Vegas life and forgotten about her.
"I can't come back, Jerry. I appreciate you calling me, but I can't fix this."
"Please, Grace. He needs you." The last part makes her heart break in two. She didn't think it was possible to hurt any more for him, but she was wrong.
"I can't. I'm sorry. Tell him- nothing. Don't tell him you talked to me. I'm sorry." They hang up and Grace sits on the floor of her apartment weeping. Will this ever hurt any less?
In Vegas, the Memphis mafia guys continue doing everything in their power to get Elvis back to some semblance of himself. One night after a show, Jerry takes the initiative and brings a girl to him. She's young, blonde, beautiful, and everything Elvis used to like. He really hopes this will get him out of his funk.
He knocks and Elvis opens the door slowly. He's already in his pajamas and robe, despite the party that rages downstairs in his honor.
"What do you want, Jerry?"
"I brought you some company." He gestures to the girl, who waves nervously.
"Jerry, I'm really not-"
"Will you just try? Look at her. Come on, boss. You're going to have to move on at some point." He nods as though he's defeated and opens the door for her to come in and then shuts it behind her. Jerry says a quick prayer that this will work before he walks away.
Inside the room, Elvis gestures for the girl to sit on the couch.
"What's your name, doll?" He can't call her honey. He just can't.
"I'm Linda. It's nice to meet you." She is very attractive and he knows he should try.
"Why don't you come sit a little closer to me." He pats the couch right next to him and she scoots into his shoulder. He puts his hand on her knee and then looks down into her face. He tries with everything inside him not to think of Grace as he leans in and presses his lips against hers.
Suddenly, he pulls back and stands up. He feels like he might be sick.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this." She looks at him puzzled.
"Am I not-"
"It's not you. I just... I'm in love with someone else." He hangs his head and she stands up. When she puts her hand on his shoulder, the dam breaks. He sits back down on the couch with his head in his hands weeping. The girl looks at him awkwardly and then sits down on the couch too.
"Do you... do you wanna tell me about it?" Before he can stop it the words just start pouring out of him.
"I've never loved anyone the way I love her. She's the love of my life. But she doesn't believe that I'll be faithful. She doesn't trust me. And it's my own goddamn fault." The girl is shocked to see him so broken. He always seems so strong and in control on stage. She never dreamed he would have this depth of emotion.
"It sounds like you need to show her you're serious. Most women just want some security, especially if they've been hurt before." He looks up at her, eyes red and puffy.
"Yeah. She needs to know you mean what you say. Words are great but action is better."
"Mhmm." She nods her head, glad that he's finally stopped crying. "How far are you willing to go for her?"
"I want to marry her."
"Then you gotta tell her that."
"What if she says no?"
"That's a risk you're going to have to take if you mean what you're saying." He nods slowly and pats her hand.
"Thank you, Linda. I'm sorry this didn't go how you planned."
"It's okay. I hope it goes well for you." They stand up and he walks her to the door.
On the elevator ride down, she and Jerry are both silent. Jerry can tell by the way Elvis looked that his plan failed. He's wracking his brain for what to do next. And she's still reeling from the conversation she just had with Elvis Presley.
Grace sits in the meeting with Frank, praying he can't tell that she's spent most of the morning crying.
"This manuscript is beautiful, Grace."
"We're looking at a publication date in the next month." Grace takes a deep breath.
"You can't publish it."
"You just can't. I'm saying no."
"You know the higher ups won't like that."
"I don't care. Fire me. I'll find a new job."
"I'm done, Frank."
"You really loved him, didn't you?" Grace looks at the ceiling, trying to keep her tears in her eyes. "You still do."
"I can't have my name on this book. Publish it under a different author. I can't do this anymore."
"Well. We're no longer working with his manager. Elvis told us to publish the book only if you want to." Her heart leaps and she looks up at Frank with a flicker of hope.
"What happened to the Colonel?"
"He said he fired him."
"So... you don't have to publish it?"
"Not unless you want us to."
"No. Please don't." Frank looks at her sadly.
"Finish your novel, Grace. I'll keep you on a contract for just that project. Once it's done, that'll be the end of our professional relationship. You're fired." She nods and gathers her things.
After the shows in Vegas end, Elvis seems to get a second wind of sorts. He spends his afternoons looking for something around town. Jerry and the rest of the Memphis mafia breathe more easily, hoping this marks the end of his depression over Grace. Maybe he's finally decided to move on and is ready to get back to himself before he leaves for tour in a couple of weeks.
On the third day after he finishes playing shows, he seems to find what he's looking for. He sits by the phone in his suite anxiously fiddling with the small box. He keeps picking up the phone and putting it back down. His stomach flip-flops every other second and his palms are sweating. When he can't sit still any longer he stands up and paces for a bit, always coming back to his seat by the phone.
Finally, when he just can't take it anymore, he picks up the receiver.
"Fuck it." He dials quickly and waits as the phone rings, his heart lodged in his throat.
"Hello?" Even just the sound of her voice comforts him in a way he hasn't felt in months.
"Hi Grace." Her heart stops cold. It's him. She's spent the days since she got fired trying to come up with an excuse to go to Vegas, but she just couldn't get up the nerve. And now he's calling her.
"Elvis." She responds breathlessly.
"I want you to come to Vegas."
"As soon as you can." She glances at the calendar. Today is the 12th of February. Her doctor appointment to get the test results is tomorrow.
"I can be there on the 14th."
"Valentine's Day. That's perfect." She didn't even think about the fact that it would be Valentine's Day. Perfect for what?
"Don't bring Wendy. I want it to just be us. Can you swing that?"
"I'll call Paulette."
"Okay, well, I-I-I guess I'll see you then." The thought of seeing her again brings out his nervous stutter. "Grace?"
"Yes?" She doesn't know what to say, but she doesn't want to hang up either.
"I miss you, honey." Her heart melts and the tears gather in her eyes.
"I miss you too." There's so much more to say, but neither of them can bring themselves to say it.
After he hangs up, Elvis breathes a sigh of relief. She agreed to come to Vegas. He knows this may not mean anything, but for the first time in months, he has some hope. He puts the box in his pocket and sets out to make the arrangements.
The next day, Grace sits in her car in the parking lot of her doctor's office crying hysterically.
The test confirmed what she was too terrified to contemplate as a reality.
She's pregnant.
As the tears stream down her face, a million thoughts run around her mind. Just when she thought she had a chance of getting Elvis back, this happens. Surely, he won't want anything to do with her now. And even if he does, it'll only be out of obligation.
She doesn't have a job. It's hard enough trying to support Wendy. How will she raise and care for two children on her own?
Maybe she'll invent a dead husband to explain why she has two children with no man. She shakes her head at that thought.
And what will this do for Elvis's image? What if it gets out that this is his baby? Should she even tell him?
She holds her head in her hands and continues weeping. How will she face him tomorrow?
Elvis paces nervously in his suite. She's here in the hotel. He sent Jerry to the airport to pick her up an hour ago with a message to meet him downstairs at 7. He's actually going to take her to a real restaurant for dinner. He no longer cares if anyone sees them together. In fact, he hopes there are pictures in magazines after tonight. Every few minutes, he pats his pocket to make sure the box is still there.
He's dressed in the velvet jacket again, this time with a white silk shirt under it, unbuttoned enough for her to see that he's wearing the initial necklace. A cigarillo hangs from his mouth and he keeps running his hand through his hair, so it's especially fluffy. He's trying to recreate the feeling of New Year's Eve, since it's the last time they were really happy together, but he's not sure he's succeeded.
Finally, he looks at the clock and it's five til. He can head downstairs and not look like he's too desperate. When the elevator opens, he looks around anxiously. He spots her standing uneasily in the lobby. She's looking around for him too, her dark hair pulled into a low bun, purse tucked up under her arm. She has on the black dress she wore for Halloween. His eyes drift slowly over her body as the dress hugs her curves perfectly. He wants to touch her so badly it hurts. When he can't stand it anymore, he walks over to her and resists the urge to wrap his arms around her.
"Hi honey." She turns to face him, obviously nervous too.
"Oh hi!"
"Should we... go?" She nods and he leads her through the lobby to the parking garage where his car is waiting. He wants tonight to be as normal as possible, so he's driving his own car.
They make small talk as he drives the short distance to the restaurant. It's clear that they're not sure how to approach their reunion. Neither wants to be the first one to take the conversation into deeper territory. Yet they're both sitting on secrets that will require a real talk at some point.
At the restaurant, they're seated at a private table in the back. He pulls her chair out for her and softly grazes her shoulder she sits. His touch is electric and they both shiver with the contact.
They eat, talking about everything and nothing. He tells her about firing the Colonel and she tells him about being fired for not publishing the book. At last, they sit there with nothing to distract them and they both know the time has come. He clears his throat, assuming he's the only one with a confession.
"Grace, I asked you to come here for a reason."
"Elvis, wait-"
"No, I need to say this. I love you, Grace. I'm barely half a person without you. I can't live-"
"Elvis, I'm pregnant." His mouth drops open and Grace's mind runs wild. She's pretty sure he's about to backtrack on everything he just said.
"I'm sorry I just blurted it out like that, but I feel like you needed to know before you made some big declaration." He closes his mouth and sits quietly, his heart pounding as he reaches into his pocket. "Anyway, so now you know. I don't expect anything from you. I've had a baby out of wedlock before, I can do it again-"
"No. You won't." He sets the box on the table and opens it. Inside is a 8 carat emerald cut diamond engagement ring. Now it's Grace's turn to be speechless. He slides out of his chair and onto one knee beside her with the ring box in his hand.
"Grace, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the other half of my soul and I've been searching for you for as long as I can remember. Everything about you is music and poetry and you amaze me every day. You are the only woman I want for the rest of my life. Please let me love you forever. Marry me, Grace Dubois."
"Yes." She whispers it, unable to summon any more words. And besides, that's the only one that really matters. The smile that spreads across his face could light up a million dark rooms and he pulls the ring out of the box and slides it onto her finger. Without another thought, she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a deep and passionate kiss. Then, he kisses her cheek and they embrace.
"I love you, Elvis. God, I love you so much." She laughs as the tears slide down her cheeks and he pulls back, cupping her face in his hands.
"Oh, Grace. I'm so excited for this life with you, for our child, for our family. I've never been this happy before."
"Me neither. I'm just so glad you're happy about the baby." He stands up and goes back to his chair, pulling it closer to hers so he can keep hold of her hand.
"Of course, honey. The girls need another sibling. I love that we will have one that is part of both of us." He kisses her hand. Then, he looks around.
"Hey, you know where we are?"
"We could get married tonight." His eyes sparkle with excitement and she laughs.
"We could."
"Why not?"
"I honestly can't think of a single damn reason."
They laugh together and head out of the restaurant hand in hand.
Elvis and Grace make it to a chapel before the paparazzi find them, but the way out is crowded with cameras. Elvis doesn't care. He holds up her hand to show off the ring and tells anyone who'll listen that he's happily married. Grace is shy at first, but his energy is contagious and before long, she's the perfect picture of a blushing bride. They kiss one last time for the cameras before he helps her into the car and they drive away, laughing and waving.
Back at the International, they maintain decorum only as far as the elevator. Once the doors begin to close, they turn and wrap around each other passionately, mouths pressed together with tongues dancing wildly. He slides his hands back to her ass and rolls his hips into her. She moans into his mouth and he kisses down her neck to her cleavage, running his tongue along the edge of her dress.
When the doors finally open, they tumble out of the elevator together to the door of his suite. He presses her body against the door with his own and she nibbles on his earlobe as he fiddles with the key. They roll into the room together, kicking off shoes and shedding clothing left and right. By the time they make it to the bedroom, they're both naked.
He lays her gently on the bed and kisses down her body to her stomach. He kisses just below her bellybutton and looks up at her softly. She knows he's thinking about the baby that's settled there for the moment. But he quickly switches gears and moves down lower on her body. He kisses the inside of each thigh before he presses his mouth to her center and she moans loudly, arching her back. He moves his tongue in circles over and around her most sensitive spot. He was always skilled, but in the time they've been together he's learned her body and knows exactly how to make her crazy. He slides first one finger and then two inside her and begins to move them against her as she squirms. He continues to move his tongue in a way that causes her to cry out his name. He knows exactly what she wants and he gives it to her until the waves of ecstatic pleasure wash over her again and again and she runs her fingers through his hair. He kisses back up her body and lines his cock up with her entrance. When he pushes into her slowly, they groan together at the sensation of him sliding into her tight pussy. She takes all of him easily, almost as though she was made for him to fill her up. He fucks into her, kissing her shoulder and neck and cheek.
"God, honey, I missed you so much. You feel so good." He says, his voice a husky whisper. She moans into his mouth as he pounds his hips against hers.
"I love you so much. Don't stop. Don't ever stop."
"Honey, that ring on your finger is a promise that I won't." He leans in and kisses her deeply, all the while filling her rhythmically with his cock.
She pushes him onto his back and settles between his legs. He loves it when she takes control like this. He never dreamed he would, but there's something about the way their love is a give and take that drives him wild.
Holding the base of him in one hand, she sinks her mouth down onto him, rolling his foreskin back so that the sensitive head hits the back of her throat.
"Oh, fuck, honey." He moans loudly and throws his head back. She continues to work, running her tongue up the bottom of his shaft and licking small circles around him. She's learned his body too and it's obvious by how she makes him come undone.
When he's approaching the edge, she stops and pulls back. He whimpers and aligns her hips with his desperately. He's so close to his release and it's been so long that he feels like he might burst. She slips him into her slowly and then lets him drive into her from underneath. He holds her tight to his chest with both arms while he fucks her, grabbing the back of her hair and pulling her in for deep kisses.
Before too long, he slams into her one last time, filling her with warmth as he shudders and pulses inside her. Neither of them expected her to tumble over the edge with him, but she does, the heat from her orgasm exploding from her center, muffling her hearing and coursing through her like wildfire. They lay there together panting and sweating for a moment. Then, she pulls off of him and settles in the crook of his arm, her fingers making circles in his chest hair. He's the first one to speak.
"I think I can handle doing that forever."
"You better! Not much choice now." They laugh and he rolls over to face her, bringing her fingers to his lips, suddenly serious.
"I know we said vows at the chapel, but I'm making another one to you now. I promise to always love you like this, even when it's hard. I promise to always try."
Her eyes glisten and she holds her hand to his cheek.
"I promise to trust you and believe in you with my whole heart. I love you, Elvis Presley. Always."
They settle in to sleep, finally secure in knowing there's no end to the nights they'll spend wrapped up in each other.
The first stop on his tour is Tulsa, so Paulette brings Wendy and they head to Grace's mom's house. The welcome they receive is warm and chaotic and their joy is undeniable. At first, Ruth is disappointed that they didn't have a big wedding, but the news of a new grandchild distracts her.
After several hours of family time, Elvis and Grace head to the hotel where they stayed for Thanksgiving, leaving Wendy to stay with her grandma again.
When they get to the door of their room, he stops her.
"Wait, I wanna carry you over the threshold." He scoops her into his arms.
"This is not our home, though?" She looks at him puzzled.
"Honey, my home is wherever you are." He kicks the door open and carries her inside, never looking back.
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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Friendly Faces Everywhere
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Codename Dovahkiin Part 2
Now that the Stick of Truth RPG is over it's time for N.K. to face the normal everyday life of South Park.
She should have known nothing in South Park is ever normal!
Day to day the craziness of this supposed quiet little mountain town she has to combat now.
Thank god, she has Tammy, Wendy, her boys, and her Social Media/Magical Girl Powers on her side.
This gonna be a wild ride!
Main Pairing: New Kid/Kenny McCormick/Kyle Broflovski
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Chapter 1: Photoshops sucks!
I hated the episode in Canon so much, maybe that’s why I couldn’t write more than what you will read now.
I just wanted to have it done in give it the conclusion it should have gotten.
You will see what I mean.
Hopefully, the next chapter will be better.
Happy reading, my loves.
Since I began school in South Park all had been calm and, dare I say it normal.
After what I experienced last week with the whole Stick of Truth RPG I’m really…surprised.
Don’t get me wrong.
I lived through some traumatic shit, but it’s fascinating how all in South Park just got over that Nazi Zombie nearly eat them and a secret government organization wanted to blow us all up.
As Tammy said, they are used to it.
Will I one day be used to it too so that it doesn’t matter to me anymore? I would like to live this day.
My therapy bill is already high enough.
No more traumas, please.
Or at least make me indifferent to them.
“What do you think, you got on our math test?”, ask me, Tammy.
She is standing with me by my locker, as I get the Math book, we need for our next lesson.
Sadly our lockers are not even close to each other. Would be too convenient if we were also locker neighbors.
Deadpanning I put the Math book in my pink backpack.
“A great disappointment. Math is so stupid. Like we will need this shit in real life. For what purpose do calculators exist?”
“You say it sis.”
“Big sis!”, cries the familiar voice of Leo.
I turn in time and catch the crying boy.
“Leo?”, I rub his back soothing. “Are you hurt? Do I need to kick someone in the balls?”
“What’s wrong, Butters?”, ask him Tammy also worried.
Leo sniffles, holding into me like I’m his only anchor in the world.
Who fucked up my baby bro so bad?!
They will pay!
“What’s with Wendy?”
“S-She s-said m-my g-g-girlfriend is a-a-a h-h-hobbit!”, he lets out a loud wail.
I shush him softly, while Tammy and I look confused at each other. None of us even know that Leo has a girlfriend.
“Now, now Leo. You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, was she with you when Wendy said that?”
Leo gulps and dries with one hand his tears.
“W-Well she said it to a picture of her. It’s Kim Kardashian.”
I let go of Leo.
“Little Bro explain please from the beginning.”
And he does.
Apparently, Lisa Burger, a little chubby girl, asked him out on a date and he said no. This is his right if he doesn’t want to date her, but he said to the poor girl’s face he doesn’t want to because she is fat. Wendy heard about that and confronted him. So Leo told her he likes women like Kim Kardashian and Wendy explained to him that people like Kim Kardashian photoshop their photos and she actually looks like a hobbit in real life.
He came then running to me because I promised him I would help him against bullies and Wendy has been a big ol’ meanie to Kim Kardashian.
Speechless Tammy and I stare at him.
Is he actually serious?
“W-Will you talk to Wendy, big sis? She was so mean!”
He is!
So I do what I never thought I would need to do with Leo.
I flick his forehead.
The younger boy whines confused, rubbing his hurting spot.
“Leopold Stotch, I’m very disappointed in you!”, I begin my lecture. “Not only did you say to a poor girl in her face she is fat, you also rather take a fantasy than someone real. Wendy is right! Kim Kardashian uses Photoshop, she doesn’t look like this perfect in real life. Also, she had a bunch of plastic surgery! There is nothing natural anymore about that woman. How can you be so vain? Would you like it if some girl you like told you she doesn’t want to date you because you have this huge and ugly scar on your left eye and she rather wants Zac Efron?!”
Tammy nods in agreement and Leo looks at me like I destroyed his world.
Good, he needs a wake-up call.
Better from me than from someone else.
The school bell sounds, meaning it’s time for our next lesson.
“I want you to think long and hard about all this and that you say sorry to Lisa Berger. Do I make myself clear?”
I don’t wait for an answer, since our Math teacher is a huge dick if we are not punctually at his lesson, take Tammy’s hand and go to our classroom.
At least Tammy and I sit beside each so we can whisper, while we should solve Math problems.
Math can suck my dick.
“Can you actually believe, Leo?! I thought he was better than that.”, I whisper to Tammy.
“All straight men are the same.”, she signs. “They want this perfect body, but we should lower our standers.”
“Sis, did I tell you I’m so proud of you? You are becoming a real feminist.”
“Thanks to your lessons.”
There is a knock on our door and Mr. Taylor calls for the person to come in.
It’s Mr. Mackey.
Wonder what he wants.
“Hello, Patrick, mkay. Can Novella-Karin come with me for a sec? Mkay.”
“Campo, you heard Mr. Mackey, go with him.”
Surprised I follow Mr. Mackey to the school counselor’s room. Ah yes, I remember it. Here was the gold key to the Cafeteria.
My surprise gets bigger as I see Leo already in the room, still crying.
…Why do I get this bad feeling in my stomach.
“Mr. Mackey, what’s wrong?”, I ask him.
“-N.K. is totally okay Mr. Mackey-“
“N.K., mkay. Please sit down. We will talk when the other person joins us. mkay.”
I do as I’m told and mouth to Leo what is going on, yet he refuses even to look at me.
Yeah, the bad feeling gets worse.
I hear how the door opens.
“Uh, take a seat, Wendy. I guess some mean things were said and I need to get to the bottom of it.”
Wendy and I stare at each other.
Since the Battle of the Dark Fortress of Clyde, we haven’t seen or talked with each other.
“What is she doing here?”, we both ask at the same time.
“Girls, please. I will explain, mkay.”
Confused Wendy takes a sit too and notices Leo.
“Oh, good. Lisa Berger told on you? Good!”
“Uh no, Wendy.”, corrects Mr. Mackey. “Apparently, you called Butters' girlfriend a hobbit. Then when he went to you N.K. to be consoled, you agreed with Wendy and even said that she had plastic surgery.”
My chin meets the floor.
Leo fucking sold me out to Mackey? For the Kardashian?
I say what, what the fuck?!
“Are you serious?”, says Wendy in the same disbelieve I am feeling.
“You did! You said Kim was short, fat, and hairy with big feet and she's a hobbit!”, yells Leo. “And my own big sister agrees with you and said she even had plastic surgery!”
“Because it’s true?!”, I shout throwing my hands in the air. “I can’t even believe that we have this conversation right now!”
“Also that's not his girlfriend! It's Kim Kardashian!”, adds Wendy.
“Uh, but, but, Wendy, N.K. Kim Kardashian is considered to be extremely beautiful, mkay?”
“Right, but she's not in real life. She's a hobbit.”, argues Wendy.
I can’t help but snort.
“Hah! I know like 100 people in real life who are way hotter than Miss Fake-Tits. I like natural tits on my woman more than these fake hard ballons.”
“Oh, Wendy said it again! And N.K. is calling her fake again!”
“Leo, I will flick your forehead harder, next time, maybe then your synapses will actually work probably and you don’t pull and think shit like this!”
“Now, now N.K. I won’t tolerate any threat of physical harm, mkay?”
“It’s just a flick. Any other boy would taste my fists.”
“Can’t you just hit him? Maybe it will do him good.”
“Enough, girls!”
Mr. Mackey hits them with a fist on the table.
I can see how Wendy frowns like me.
“Now, Wendy and N.K. Kim might be, uh, full-figured, and had some operations but a woman's outward appearance isn't all that matters, mkay?! Have you stopped to consider that maybe, just maybe, you're jel?”
Okay, I can’t help it I laugh so hard and loud that I nearly fall from my chair.
“Me? Jealouys? Hahahahahah! That’s the best joke over! I know I’m a hot piece of ass in my age group and I fucking love the way I look. Hahahahaha! Me jealous of someone so fake like Kim Kardashian? Oh my god, I can’t! Hahahahahahaha!”
I wipe away my laughing tears, while all stare at me.
“What?”, I wonder. “Never meet a pre-teen with sane self-love? Oh sorry right of course not because the damn patriarchy wants us to be insecure about anything so we don’t rise up against it as we should be.”
“Big sis…”
“I’m with N.K. I'm not "jel", and I happen to be the biggest feminist at this school! Or the second one as it seems. You are like a real-life Amazone.”, compliments me, Wendy.
I side-eye her.
“You could learn some more things about Feminism, young Padawan. The girl I met last week, hunted down, as you said, a two-faced manipulative bitch and didn’t want to be labeled as slut if she was seen at Unplanned Parenthood.”
At least she blushes in shame, playing with her fingers.
Mr. Mackey is back on track after my declaration made him probably regret having me here: “Uh that may be true, but there is a very fine line, Wendy, between being a feminist and being a hater, mkay? And you're gonna have to find that line because nobody likes a girl who's jelly!”
“Why aren’t you saying this to N.K. too?”
“Believe me Wendy someone who laughs like that and says what she said so death seriously, isn’t jelly. That’s the epitome of self-confidence.”
“Wasn’t always this way.”, I need to tell Wendy this. Hey, if I can turn another girl into a real Feminist then we can overthrow the patriarchy. “I worked years on it and did some stupid shit too. But since I’m Bi I found a lot of amazing friends in the LGBTQ+ community who helped find me and love me for who I am.”
Wendy nods slowly, but in aww.
“Are we done here, Mr. Mackey? I need to return to Math class, we are getting back our test soon.”
“…. All right, go along kids, but think about my words, mkay.”
Yeah, like I will actually do this.
The school day is finally over and Tammy and I make our way home.
I have my Math test in my hand, glaring at it.
“If you keep staring, you might set it on fire.”, sasses Tammy.
“That stupid D needs to burn like the Dick it is!”, I counter.
“N.K., Tammy, wait!”, calls for us Wendy.
Surprised we stop and wait that the younger girl reaches us.
“Hello Wendy, what’s up?”, greets Tammy.
“I just want to say…N.K. you were really cool earlier at Mackey office. You have so much self-confidence it’s admiring.”
“Like I said worked hard on it.”, I repeat.
She nods, seeming a bit nervous.
Mmh, I think I know what she wants.
I give Tammy a look and she nods. She understood too.
“Wanna hang out with us Wendy?”, I ask her. “We can do homework together and after that watch a movie.”
The black-haired girl smiles brightly like the sun.
“Oh, that would be wonderful.”
So we three make our way to my home.
“…And that’s why Boruto sucks ass and anyone who says otherwise can suck my dick!”, I end my rant.
I’m sitting with Tammy and Wendy in my room. We had a really fun afternoon.
Together we helped each other with homework and then we just started talking.
Since I have so much anime merchandise in my room Wendy got curious. I explained what anime they were, what the story is, and all that.
Somehow we ended up talking about Boruto, this underserving sequel to the masterpiece of Naruto.
“Sis, but Himawari is queen.”, reminds Tammy.
“Himawari is the only light in whatever Boruto is.”, I agree.
Wendy is holding the only copy of Boruto I have in her hands, looking trough it.
“From what you told me about Naruto it didn’t handle a lot of things god either, but a 13-year-old girl dressed like this…what’s her name again?”
“Sarada, right. Is really not okay. They turn a child into a sex fantasy.”
“Reminds me when this whole Stupid Spoiled Whore bullshit that Paris Hilton had started.”, I tell them. “God! I hated it so much. I’m all for women can wear what they want, but little girls should be little girls and not sex symbols. Also, men should be banned forever from designing woman character and their clothes because they will ALWAYS sex it up somehow.”
“And if the Bi girl who read Yuri says this, then it’s legit.”, can’t Tammy help herself.
“Hey! That’s my internal battle the feminist and the thirsty hoe inside me!”
“Is it really so hard?”, wonders Wendy.
I nod.
“Well yeah, one part of me is always like damn, naked woman or sexy skinny clothes me like, but the other screams in outrage.”
We discuss this hours later, till it’s time that Wendy and Tammy to go home.
It’s nice that Wendy has become our friend. I have a feeling with the right example she will be an awesome feminist and don’t fall into the patriarchy mindset she had going on during the Stick of Truth.
I go to bed with a satisfied smile.
My school day was going pretty boring till Wendy catches me at lunchtime.
“Hold on a minute. You are saying you wanted to show Leo how Photoshop works on the girl he didn’t want, that backfired so hard, that he send her Photoshop photo to everyone in school, and wanted to date her, but Clyde is going out now with her. Then you get sent again to Mackey office because you tried to explain to Stan and Jimmy that the photo is just a fake and the real deal doesn’t look like this.”, I repeat what she told me.
Tammy can just roll her eyes.
“That’s South Park for you sis, it always goes a fucked up way.”
“N.K., what should I do? I mean, can we do something about this? This can’t escalate.”, declares Wendy.
I rub my head, thinking.
“For now you have your cheer performance I will think of something.”
The cheer performance of the fourth graders is an eye-opener. I just sit there with Tammy not believing what I see. This Lisa Berger or more her Fake-Photo is the newest hot shit that she even gives out autographs.
But it gets better as Wendy tells me later that her friends wanted her to Photoshop their photos too. Of course, she didn’t do it!
Didn’t stop that next day at school it’s swarmed with photoshopped pictures of nearly all girls.
And all the boys, even my two crushes, act like the horny horndogs they are.
Tammy holds me back before I started swinging. She said that wouldn’t help our situation and we better talk with Wendy.
Well, we found her with Stan, yelling at him for his imperfection and then randomly pointing them out on other people.
No surprise she got sent to Mr. Mackey again.
We catch her after school.
She looks ready to go to war.
I ask her what she is planning. Wendy wants to go to the news and try to get Photoshop photos to be marked as what they are fake.
I have a bad feeling about that.
So I tell her to wait till I come up with a plan, but Wendy isn’t ready to stop.
Tammy and I can only watch how in the Morning News Wendy gets labeled as a hater and not taken seriously.
Okay, this has to end now!
I never thought I would use my powers for this…but what use have them if I don’t use them for the good?
Tammy and I catch Wendy the next day in the computer lab, ready to edit her photo.
“Wendy, don’t do it!”, I shout. “Stop!”
“Why? Why should I stop?”, she cries. “I thought you would help me, but I fought all alone and now I can’t anymore.”
“That’s not true Wendy. Me and N.K. worked on something.”, disagrees Tammy.
Wendy wipes away a tear.
“Oh really on what?”
“Didn’t you check Twitter, do it now.”
Confused she does as I say. Her chin meets the floor as she sees it.
“W-What is this?!”
“This is #NaturelBeauty and #DownWithPhotoshop.”, I explain. “I made beside my Facebook profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr, and TikTok accounts just to spread this message. I’m totally using my powers for this, but it’s for a good cause.”
In disbelief, Wendy sees the growing number of retweets.
“Over 3 billion retweets already and all countries in the world want to actually make a law that will label Photoshops photos as what they are? Fake?”
Slowly she turns around and looks at me with wide eyes.
“What kind of power do you possess N.K.? This…this is unbelievable! You changed the mind of people with two hashtags.”
I can’t help but flex a little. I put on some cool shades, get my phone out and show her how many followers I have on social media.
“It’s a social media power. I make friends and followers faster than anyone else on Earth. So I used it to spread our right agenda.”
“Come and look at this Wendy!”, says Tammy waving her over.
We three step out of the Computer Lab.
All around as kids and teachers talk about my two Hashtags, how woke and progressive they are. That they agree with the message of it.
They celebrate their imperfection.
The Photoshop photos get deleted or ripped apart.
Wendy is now full-on crying.
But these are tears of joy.
She formally jumps into my arms.
“Thank you!”, she cries hard. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
I hug her back and Tammy joins our hug.
I have a feeling this is the start of a fantastic girl trio!
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wsdohee · 2 years
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hello! it’s just little ol’ me, eunbin/yurim’s mun! i’m back here with my third muse. this is min dohee aka dandelion’s main vocal and leader! as always, here’s her profile & career page. an introduction to her will be below the cut. feel free to message me if anything catches your mind or just like this post if you’d like to plot! note: i'll be slowly following people because i heard t*mblr's been shadowbanning a lot of accts!!
straight off the bat, she’s got abandonment and commitment issues because of her cheating father!! she thought they were the perfect family but then she soon learned that he’d been cheating on her mom even before she was born. naturally, dohee’s sort of the fix-up baby that they had, but she did not fix anything for them!!!
this only leads to her feeling like she needs to overcompensate by being the best at everything. she craves attention and approval from the people around her because that’s how she feels loved 
it’s not healthy but who said anything about dohee having a healthy outlook on life!!!
anyway, her mother’s a classical musician which means that dohee’s been to broadcasting stations starting from a young age. whenever her mother gets invited, she tags along. that’s where she first gets the idea of becoming an idol because she sees all the fans waiting in line to see their star and then the screams and yells. to her, it seems like the best way to feel validated
auditions for yuseong at 2016 and makes it in! gets passed up for etoile’s debut lineup though, but she thinks it’s because she’s young or whatever (tries to justify it). four years go by without nothing and then she’s told by yuseong that her contract has been bought out by wishbone records
i mean... she’s pretty mad lmao this is a completely new company in her eyes, and she feels like she wasted 4 years of her life at yuseong since she won’t be debuting under them!! nevertheless, she goes with it and then debuts in dandelion a year later in 2021!! happy ending, right? 
kind of. she’s pretty satisfied with where dandelion stands right now (that viral moment needed to happen for her), but she wants more. she’s the most ambitious out of my muses, and she literally [sharpay evans vc] wants it all 
wants to release solo music (she’s very confident in her voice and i blame it on her singing wendy’s lines for dandelion’s red velvet releases), wants to be on the cover of magazines, be the face of all these brands, wants to be a variety-dol and even write music sometime in the future
as stated, she’s very ambitious. the type of person to fight for what she believes she deserves. career-driven because she thinks being successful is the only way to feel desired and wanted
that’s not to say that she’s a naturally extroverted person though. the persona she puts on for the cameras is pretty sejeong-esque where she’s bright and super energetic but that’s all dohee trying to squeeze out all that energy for the cameras
once the cameras go off, she needs to recharge. she’s a little more quiet and likes to keep to herself if she can. this has probably led to rumors about her being super fake and having an attitude when really it’s just her being exhausted after putting on a forced personality for the cameras
her fans like to label her as a born-to-be idol because of this reason though. she’s always doing what fans ask of her, and she doesn’t say no to fan requests. very likely to put on that girlfriend act and will do anything that makes her fans happy. gets complimented by non-fans too because she appears to be hardworking and knows how to feel thankful to her fans
honestly, she probably comes off as appearing to be super confident in everything she does, but other than her voice she’s kind of insecure? it’s why she seeks so much validation. if you catch her in one of her vulnerable moments, 99% likely to cry lol she doesn’t know how to express her emotions well but she cries waterfalls at any moment
really random fact but she hates her stage name lmao mainly because it doesn’t feel like she’s the one getting the love. has stated before publicly that she prefers to be called by her real name by fans
anybody from yuseong at 2016-2020! i do think the dynamic of a relationship would depend on who you are, but there’s no way you haven’t bumped into her since she was there for 4 years. she was a very in-your-face trainee too because she wanted to appear good to her seniors
maybe you catch her behind the scenes somewhere and you’re super shocked to see how different she is off-camera! this could be negative or it could just be neutral. or if you want something deeper, maybe you think that dohee’s hiding behind a mask and you try to get her to talk about it 
because she can come off as being snobby and off-handish, i do think it’s very possible that there are people who don’t have a great image of her? again, i’m sure somebody’s bound to think she’s very fake and just doesn’t vibe with her
(would require some more intensive plotting) but someone please give her a slowburn romance? i think she’s perfect for that because she has a hard time committing to a relationship. the moment she likes someone and she learns they like her back, she takes like three steps back because she’s afraid it’s going to end up in a mess. blame her dad for that!! 
for the same reason above, i’m sure she has some exes that had to break it off because they felt like she didn’t feel the same. whether she really didn’t or not is up for debate, but there’s a good chance she only pushed them away because she doesn’t know how to be in a relationship
dandelion members: she’s a pretty good leader. kind of strict though. the type of leader who probably tries to stop her members from using even slang when they’re in front of the cameras because it’s not proper language to use. very professional and kind of protective of her members even if she doesn’t appear like it!! look, she spent 4 years training and then finally got a group to call her own. she’ll do anything she can to protect that and the rest of the girls
i think dohee’s the best if you want more dramatic plots? especially because of how ambitious she is in this industry! i’m all ears for any sort of ideas you decide to throw my way <3
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jimlingss · 3 years
I love you. I love your work. That's it. I'm binge reading your fics. But I really had this dream that taehyung was trying to seduce me at work and I refused to give in because I'm professional. I went home and cried for rejecting him. Please write a fic about this for me. Why do I never get the guy even my dreams 😭 I'm a loser.
LMAO this is hilarious. I actually had a dream similarly like this too. I’ve always wanted to go to a fortune teller but the me in my dream was also a cheapskate and ended up not going ahahhaa so I feel you, anon. Hopefully this drabble can grant your dreams.
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↳ The Office Trip to Pound Town
2.5k || 70% Smut, 30% Fluff || Kim Taehyung
You’re neck deep in work.
Your hands flurry across the keyboard before you’re saving the document and grabbing your pen to look over the Jeon’s contract that needs to be prepared by tomorrow. There’s barely a moment to breathe, much less look up when there’s a quiet knock at the door and it opens.
“Go ahead with lunch, Wendy. I’ll eat after I finish this.”
“She already left,” a deeper, huskier voice says and your eyes finally flicker up.
Taehyung enters, shutting the door behind him. He’s without his blazer, simply in a white dress shirt tucked into his slacks that you remember you picked out for him a few months ago. His blonde hair is styled so half of it is pushed back to reveal his arched brow and the other half falls in front of his forehead to frame his face. It should be illegal to look this good, but you’re not complaining. It’s always nice to have eye candy around the office. It cures your fatigue. 
You smile at him, putting your pen down. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d visit. We’re supposed to be on our lunch break, you know. But of course, you’re always hard at work.”
“How else are the bills going to be paid? Unlike someone, I can’t just dilly-dally.”
Taehyung grins and comes behind you. You learn forward in your office chair, already knowing what he’s about to do. And the moment, Taehyung’s hands lay on your shoulders, a sigh escapes your parted lips. His thumbs dig into a particularly sore muscle, but he massages it out within seconds. You hate how easy it is to melt into his touch. 
“Hey, I work hard too.”
You hum. “Not hard enough. I’m coming for your job, Kim. I’m going to get promoted to director of the department and you’ll get demoted to just being the manager.”
Taehyung scoffs. “I’d like to see you try, Mrs. Kim.” 
He digs harder into another sore spot and you jolt with a pained moan. You pull away from him and turn your head around. “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”
Suddenly, he licks his lips and your eyes flicker to the movement. Taehyung’s voice drops an octave — it’s never good when that happens since he knows what that does to you. “Do you know what today is?”
Your eyes are rounded. You quickly scour your mind, but come up empty. “What is it?”
He sighs and starts to roll up his sleeves to his elbows, showing all forearms and the popped veins spiraling up his arms. “I’m disappointed,” Taehyung says in a husky tone. “But then again, I’ve always been the one to pay attention to the details. It’s the first day of your fertile window.”
“Oh. Okay.”
The two of you stare at one another. 
He stares at you. You stare at him.
“No. Taehyung, no.”
His mouth starts to twitch and it slowly quirks into a smile. “Come on.”
“It’s unprofessional!”
God fucking dammit. He’s giving you bedroom eyes. And it hits you that the top button of his dress shirt is popped open. Oh god. He came in here just to seduce you, didn’t he?!
“Don’t you want this baby?”
“Yeah, but last time I checked, we have a perfectly good bed at home. King size actually, thanks to someone’s instance.”
“I’m working a late night tonight.” Taehyung comes closer, crowding you with his larger frame and you move back until the office chair can’t even wobble and your side is trapped at your desk. “We can’t waste any more time.”
“Taehyung,” you say his name in a scolding voice, but it’s already weakening by the second. He knows it too.
“You’re not going to make me beg for you, right?” he asks, caging you in with his arms. One of his hands curls around the chair’s armrest and the other is gripping the edge of your desk. “Unless you want me to.” 
You swallow hard, resolve crumbling. It’s not like you don’t want to….
You look over his shoulder towards the door that’s shut and the blinds that have long been pulled since your online conference a few hours prior. A beat later, your attention is directed to him and his sly smirk. 
Taehyung whispers, “Please?”
With a sigh, you close the distance and you feel Taehyung’s massive grin as he kisses you. He leans down as your mouths are still connected and you fall back into the office chair. Taehyung looms over your frame and he tilts his head, deepening the kiss. 
His hot tongue licks into your mouth, eager and impatient. At the same time, his hands cup your jaw and he coaxes a whimper from you that’s muffled at his lips. 
You’re supposed to be the strict, no-nonsense manager on this floor overseeing the rest. It’s pathetic that you can be reduced to a school girl by your husband. Taehyung loves it and truthfully, you don’t mind so much, but if anyone else knew, they’d be shocked.
The pair of you pull away to gasp for breath. The strand of saliva between your mouths break. Your lips are swollen while his are stained with your red lipstick. 
“This is so unprofessional,” you whisper to him between pants.
Taehyung smiles sweetly, forehead pressed against yours. “A lot of people already left for their lunch break.”
“That doesn’t mean there aren't people on this floor and right outside the door.”
“That’s what makes it fun.”
“It won’t be fun if we lose our jobs.”
“Not if we get this done quickly.” He steps back and starts pulling at his belt. It clicks, unbuckling with ease and your core starts to heat in anticipation for what’s to come. Taehyung doesn’t miss the way you rub your thighs together. He smirks and then gestures to you. “As your superior, I command you to bend over.”
You scoff, but turn around anyhow to lean your front onto the desk. You wince when the papers underneath your hands start to crinkle, but it’s much too late to move them when he roughly shoves up your skirt.
“I could report you to HR for that,” you quip.
“You’d never,” he retorts with a thick voice.
He doesn’t move for a few seconds. You wonder why he hasn’t done anything, if there’s something wrong, but then it occurs to you what he’s eyeing your ass in. “Taehyung. I swear to god—”
The sound of ripping follows. 
The bastard’s torn into your black, sheer stockings.
You curse and turn your head around to glare right as he tears down your underwear. “It’s fine. No one will notice. Faster this way.” You suspect he just wants to fuck you while you’re still in stockings, bent over your own desk, but you don’t call him out on it. “I’ll buy you a new one.”
“Easy for you to say—” You yelp when your left heel is suddenly lifted off the floor. He props your bent leg on the desk and plops down into your leather office chair as if he owns it.
Before anything else can be said, Taehyung dives straight between your plump ass cheeks. He holds your hips in place, fingertips sunk into your skin as his tongue laps at your hole and he moves his face from side to side. A gasp breaks from your vocal cords and you bring one arm back to grab his hair.
“T-There’s no time, Taehyung.”
“It’s fine,” he murmurs, moving to suck a bruise into your right ass-cheek. Taehyung really gives another definition to kissing someone’s ass but rather than feeling like the superior one, you’re keening into him, crumbling at his touch. It’s turning you on how much this is turning him on, with the way he groans into your skin like he’s fully enjoying this, how he’s eager and happy to be on the giving end. 
Unintentionally, you push his face closer into your ass and his slender fingers begin to gently caress your slit. Your mouth seals to suppress another moan when his warm tongue licks at your hole again. You can feel the heat of his warm breath against your cunt, so close yet still so far. 
A minute later, he comes out panting. “Damn. This is better than any lunch.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s going to be your fault if you don’t get to finish.”
“Relax,” he sing-songs and you can practically hear his grin. “We’ll get there.”
Without much warning, Taehyung plunges his two fingers into your already wet cunt. You keen, failing to silence your whine and your back arches. You don’t see his smirk, how he’s fully enjoying the view while sitting back in the chair. He simply starts pumping his index and middle finger in and out of your heat. Taehyung stretches you out, curling his fingers at a particular spot that has you gripping the edge of your desk until your knuckles have turned white. You try your best not to make a sound, but it’s almost like he’s trying his best to get you to break and be noisy.
“Fuck,” he moans. “You’re leaking all over my pants.”
Even when he’s behind you, you can feel his intense gaze that’s watching you closely.
It feels degrading to be bent over your own desk like this. You’re practically dancing in the palm of Taehyung’s hand, giving into his every whim without being able to control yourself. But at the same time, all of this, the thought of him claiming your spot and taking you right here was turning you on. You don’t want to admit that you’re enjoying this as much as he is.
“T-Taehyung,” you gasp, cheek pressed to your paperwork. 
He chuckles lowly. “Alright, alright.”
He pulls his two fingers out of your sopping cunt and sucks on them till they're clean. Then Taehyung stands and lowers his pants just enough to remove his hard cock from his boxers. He pumps it twice and positions the red, leaking head to your swollen entrance.
You’re about to ask him what’s taking so long, but you choke on your words when he enters you with a single push of his hips. Your cunt stretches to accommodate Taehyung’s big cock that’s practically nudging at the entrance of your cervix. Your fingernails curl into the edge of your desk while you fail to stifle the whine that comes out, even when your teeth have sunk into the bottom of your lip.
“S-Sorry,” he groans. “Couldn’t help it. Don’t want to run out of time. Already at twelve forty.”
You turn your head around. “What?!” 
But there’s no opportunity to react more. Not when Taehyung grabs your hips, eagerly fucking into you. Like a man on a mission, like he’s making sure he’ll get you pregnant no matter what. He withdraws his cock and then plunges as deep as he can inside your tight cunt, his hips slamming against your ass. Taehyung bends your leg to get at an even deeper angle and you turn back around, trying your best to keep in your moans and quiet the whines of his name. 
The urgency of time presses on your minds, but it also fades with the onslaught of pleasure. All the papers underneath you are sure to be crumpled beyond belief, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
The pens and pencils fall over to the carpet. Your eyes sting. He’s filling you up so well.
“F-Fuck, this is so hot,” Taehyung groans, watching his cock disappear inside of you with each rapid jut of his hips. How you’re trying to still hold yourself together. The way your stockings have been torn and his underwear and yours are barely pushed away. “You’re so hot.”
“Hurry, Tae!”
He hums and you start to squeeze around him. Taehyung’s hips sputter. His pace falters before quickening urgently and impatiently. “W-Wait, wait.”
Taehyung licks his thumb and finds your clit with ease. You gasp as he rubs circles on the swollen bit and your toes curl. “Tae, Tae—” You’re afraid you’re being too loud, but the concern is overridden when you cum. There’s white flashing beneath your eyelids, a wash of pleasure that renders your knees weak.
Taehyung follows a few seconds later. He plunges in as deep as he can go with brute force and a pitched cry leaves your throat, making him slap his hand over your mouth to keep quiet. 
The picture frame of you and Taehyung in Malta on your honeymoon is knocked off. 
And then cum paints your velvet, warm walls. It fills your cunt, leaking past his cock. Taehyung pants on top of you and thrusts twice more in spite of your oversensitivity and his own. He holds you still for an intimate moment as you both catch your breaths. Then, he withdraws.
You shakingly get up as he tucks himself back in, buckling his belt again after he snags it off the ground. You try to fix the mess of your hair and he grins, cheeks flushed. Taehyung comes close and his thumb lifts to wipe the smudged mascara at the corner of your eye.
He can’t hold in his smile and giddily hugs you. His face affectionately nuzzles into your hair while you wonder if he knows that his cum is still leaking out of you and dripping down your thigh. 
Sometimes the duality of Taehyung is jarring. You wonder how this can be the same man who just bent you over your own desk and pounded into you until there were tears in your eyes. But you suppose that’s what makes him so charming and why you married him. One second, he’s throwing you over his shoulder and spanking you till you call him daddy and the next, he’s pouting and begging you to call his dad for him because he just stubbed his toe against the door and it hurts and he needs advice on what to do.
“Sorry about the ripped stockings.”
“Uh-huh. You better buy me new ones.”
“I will.”
The pair of you pull apart and he pulls a tissue for you to wipe yourself with as you sit down and peel off the stockings once and for all to throw into the trash. If someone asks, you’ll tell them it ripped on its own.
“Well, at least that was fun, right?” Taehyung smiles as you put yourself back together.
You eye him. “What time?”
“What time are you done with the meeting?”
Taehyung blinks, not sure where you’re going with this. “Probably at eight.”
“I’ll be at your office at eight ten then,” you state plainly. “It’s only fair. I can’t be the only one having my office destroyed.”
Slowly but surely, an enormous grin spreads into his face. Taehyung leans in to kiss your cheek. “It’s a promise then.”
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The Girl Who Cried Wolf
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|| Masterlist || | Prev | | | Next | Word Count: 1,740 AN: Hey so like, I'm sorry for the late as heck update. I'm also not that confident with writing action, but I think I've done okay... Please let me know if it sucks.
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The on lookers watched in bewilderment as the brown furred beast tore apart the aliens with no mercy. Her claws tore through their armour and their blue blood splattered over her muzzle and her canines dripped with the horrid tasting essence.
The creature throws the corpses of the aliens across the bar, one hits the far wall near the entrance and crashes through into the abandoned building next door.
When all the aliens were lay in several pieces on the ground, the enormous beast stood panting. Her shoulders heaving with each breath, a growl tore through her chest as a craft flew outside the building.
Wendy shook as she turned to survey everyone and find her team. Marcus was helping an elderly couple up from the floor, a stoic expression but a tremor in his hands. Tilly was helping a father and his baby daughter, trying to find something to calm the crying infant. Riley was absent. Was she still outside?!
“Riley?!” Wendy shouts, panic slithering its way up her throat and her voice breaks in her hollers for the younger woman.
The mother who had taken her baby back from their saviour tapped Wendy on the arm. Wendy deflated when she saw it wasn’t Riley but she follows the woman’s hand that was pointing to the beast on it’s hind legs. It had turned it’s head towards Wendy, shoulder hunched as it struggles to stand fully in the cramped bar.
The creatures ears were pressed down against its head and crouched onto all fours. It’s fur was made of a mixture of browns but appeared to have three lines of black running across its back. It’s two toned eyes bore into Wendy and recognition flooded her mind as she finally put the pieces together.
The colossal wolf before her was Riley.
Riley huffed before turning and climbing out of the already broken window to the ruined streets of New York. Her fur stood on end as she saw the countless creatures that were scaling buildings, flying on strange hover crafts or chasing people through the chaos of the street. Riley crouched with one hand on the floor, growls tore through her throat before she leapt towards the creatures on the side of the building opposite her.
The creatures screeched at her as she came soaring towards them. She latched onto the concrete of the building with her claws and took one of the creatures but the throat, slamming its head into the building and watching as it’s head caved in and blue leaked from its lifeless body. Throwing the creatures away she slashed and ripped through the others that still lingered and fired their weapons at her. Riley grabbed the final creature by its throat and kicked herself away from the building, crashing into three creatures aiming their weapons at a mother with her children.
She used the creature clutched in her claws to knock them down like bowling pins before jumping onto them and finishing the job. Riley turned to the mother as she clutched her children, she huffed and shook her head towards Wendy’s bar where Wendy was beginning an evacuation with the guide of the police force.
“Thank you!” The woman cried as she ran with her children the direction of the others. Riley softened at the woman’s words before turning back into the action.
She was making quick work of the creatures and directing more people towards safety as more police showed up to aid in the evacuation effects.
Riley tore through another creature as it screeched at her. It fell to ground dead and Riley crouched to bound across the way but froze at the sounds of a child’s screams. They weren’t on her current street; it was several blocks east and by the sound of the child’s cries Riley needed to hurry over there. She leapt onto the side of building and used her claws to scale up to the roof. Once she had a clearer view she searched for the child in distress.
Peering down she saw a little girl screaming in the middle of burning debris and two of the creatures were quickly approaching her.
Riley roared as she leapt into action.
The creatures attention turned to her and they fired their weapons. One was lucky enough to hit Riley’s left leg and she howled in pain as it burned away her fur and ripped her flesh from the bone.
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
Riley used her body as a batting ram and crashed into the two creatures. She limped on her leg when she stood tall over the two creatures. She clamped her jaw around the throat of the first creature, growling at the horrid taste of it’s blood spreading across her muzzle.
Thrashing her head she heard the snap of the creature’s neck break and she discarded it to the ground and turned to her next prey. The creature screeched in search of back up but Riley charged it and slammed its head into the ground and huffed as it’s head caved in much like the many others had. The concrete was covered by the blood liquid that spattered out of the creature.
Riley ran on all fours as her leg healed towards the child. The little girl cried for her mommy and Riley felt her heart sink when she smelt the stomach churning scent of burning flesh.
Her mother was in the burning car next to her.
Riley slowed as she came to the girl who looked up at her with widened eyes and trembling limbs. The girl stepped back and cried again as Riley bent down on all fours, her belly resting on the concrete beneath. She lowers her head and hopes the young girl sees she isn’t a threat. She whines and huffs when the girl slowly clams down to small hiccups. She reaches her tiny hand out and pets along Riley’s nose.
Riley knew she didn’t exactly look friendly with the alien blood and parts soaking into the fur on her muzzle. But the young girl seemed to grow comfortable with Riley.
An explosion rang in Riley’s ears and caused her to whimper as the ring echoed through her head. The young girl tried to reach up to Riley’s ear but Riley sat back on her hind legs. The young girl gasped at the sudden movement and waited for what the big wolf would do next.
Riley held her right arm out and the young girl stared at it as she sniffled. The little girl stared up at the wolf that didn’t seem terrifying with her matted fur and dirtied nose. She gripped onto the wolf’s arm and helped herself climb to sit comfortably in the crock of its elbow.
The little girl wiped her nose with the sleeve of her coat and looked up at her saviour. Riley huffed and stood on her hind legs, making sure she had a good hold of the young child before running her to safety.
The police watched frozen as the colossal beast ran at them. One pulled their gun from the holster on their hip and aimed it at the wolf, but luckily the other officer saw the child and demanded they hold their fire. Riley stopped before them and lowered her arm for the little girl to climb down and join the others in their escape.
“Is it one of the others?” The dark haired officer asked his sergeant. Riley had already turned back to the battle at hand.
“Doesn’t matter what it is, it’s getting people out of here.”
Riley was doing everything she could in aiding the evacuation efforts and it paid off. A large perimeter around the tower had been vacated and the fight was being pushed further inwards. Now that she didn’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt she unleashed havoc on the alien creatures.
She tore through their armour, ripped them apart and roared at the lesser ones before ending them in much similar fate.
Her attention was ripped towards the sky as a thunderstorm had began to appear as though the power of god himself was aiding in their efforts. But upon jumping onto an apartment complex, she saw the hammer wielding man that shot the lighting at multiple flying spacecrafts.
Must be on our side, Riley concluded before she heard the roar of another beast. Riley spun in the nick of time to see a large green mass hurdling towards her. She bound off the building to the street below as rumble from above fell to the pavement besides her. Looking up she saw the green mass leap from the building with its fists in the air ready to deliver a blow.
Riley growled as she leapt to meet the overgrown jellybean and dig her claws into its frame, clamping her jaw around its shoulder. The two collided with the ground, twisting and grabbing at the other to get the upper hand. They parted and Riley crouched down on all fours, teeth bared as a growl ripped through her, ears pinched and pointed above her as she readied herself to fight.
The oversized green steroid panted with breath, beat its chest and roared at Riley. Riley prepared herself to charge back at him, but the fur on her nape stood on end. There was a spacecraft flying dangerously low towards them. Riley took off running towards big green and mean but upon her last step, bounded off the ground and clamped her jaw around the alien’s arm that was ready to fire upon either of them.
Jolly green giant seemed to get the picture and smashed his hand through the front of the spacecraft and ripped the other alien in half. Riley stared at the green giant and waited with bated breath for his on coming attack. But he beat his right hand against his chest and huffed before turning to continue his fight on the aliens.
Glad to know I ain’t worth it.
Riley scaled the building again to get a better view on the situation as a whole. She could hear the commanding tone of a man ordering a team to push the enemy inward or light them up. She could hear a woman talking about closing the portal and that filled her with a renewed hope.
But then her entire body went rigid at the sound of someone bringing a nuke towards the city.
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finn-ray-nal-beads · 3 years
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“P-Phil,” you whispered panicked as you crossed your legs under the dinner table, the warm vibration of the little bullet causing the ripples to spread through your lower half. 
He smirked, flipping the volume up slowly on his phone as he let out a cough to stifle your hand gripping his thigh under the crowded restaurant. 
“What’s goin’ on babe?” he pandered to your scrunched face, the waves beginning to build more and more as you let out low breaths from your nostrils, “something wrong with the food?” his lips pouting as he sipped on his wine, his phone safely in his farthest pocket as he pat the spot. 
“Y-you k-know exactly w-what,” straining your voice just enough to catch the attention of Paul across the table. 
“Y/N?” he set his fork down, watching as you slowly scooted around yin your chair, the speed picking up on your clit as you took a huge swig of water, “everything okay?” his eyebrow raising as he watched your embarrassed and aroused face smile at him. 
You slammed a hand on the table, a laugh escaping Phillip as he dialed the notch to the highest degree, hearing your gasps while you pushed your thighs closed as tight as possible. 
Your disheveled behavior signaling most of the people surrounding your group to look over at you as you held a shaky thumbs up. 
“J-just f-f-f-i-i o-oh f-fuck!” the pleasure sweeping over you in a huge tsunami while your doting boyfriend kept his chuckling up, clearing his throat while his cock twitched in his slacks. 
Your cries now signaling most of the restaurant to glance at you, flipping your hair back as you smoothed your dress over yourself, the overstimulation causing you to wince openly. 
“I-I’m s-sorry,” you whispered, taking another sip of water, “this chicken is j-just s-so good,” cooing as you took a hesitant bite, smiling as you chewed and completely mortified at what had just occurred. 
“Is it honey?” he cooed in your ear, kissing the side of your cheek as he smirked, exhaling a breath on your lobe as his aftershave wafted in your nose. 
“I think I may wanna have what you’re having,” Wendy piped up, signaling the waiter to grab her the same dish as you took another bite of the chicken, sipping on some wine while you sat in your own spend the remainder of the dinner. 
His hand brushed the inside of your thigh, teasing your wetness again as he nestled his face in your neck. Kissing your pulse as his family droned on about the week they had. 
“I wanna take you home so fuckin’ bad right now baby doll,” his deep baritone vibrating to your core while you let out a pained moan that only he could hear. 
“Then what are you waiting for?” moving your face to meet his while a hand snaked to tickle his goatee, “you already are in for a whippin’ anyway,” smirking as you pecked a kiss on his waiting lips. 
“Oh is that so?” his eyebrows raised, “wasn’t it you who suggested that we should spice things up tonight, darling?” his pandering insufferable as you popped your tongue on the roof of your mouth. 
“Not admitting to shit, huh?” he giggled, swirling his wine again to stare you down, your eyes becoming slits as you shook your head in shame. 
“You’re so hot when you’re mad,” his toothy smile peeking through the glass as he took a sip, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat, making you salivate at the sight. Your lips curled in your teeth as you tried to hold back sucking a hickey over it in front of the family. 
“What are you lookin’ at angel?” he cooed, placing the cup on the cloth again to rub his hands on your thighs, your faces coming within inches of each other again making you revel in his signature scent. His buttons straining in his dress shirt as he reached his frame to you, enveloping you in the deepest of kisses, shoving his tongue with yours. 
“Okay,” brushing his very prominent erection in agreement, “I think you need to go home honey,” gripping his girth as he hitched a breath from the touch. 
He coughed again slightly, pushing his seat back and saluting his family as he grabbed your hand to escort you in front of him to leave the restaurant, bidding everyone goodbyes and air kisses while you sauntered your curves out of the doors. 
The drive back was excruciating, the bullet whizzing on your clit again as he couldn’t help himself with his new torture toy. Every stop light he changed the mode on it, beckoning a moan from your lips while he adjusted in his seat. 
His erection was so hard by the time you pulled in to the driveway he practically forgot to switch the car off to carry your ass inside. 
Bursting through in a fit of teeth, tongue, hands, and flailing appendages, he slammed the door with his large foot, taking the stairs to the bedroom with you bridal style two by two with you latched to his lower lip. 
He threw you on the bed, wiping the crimson from his mouth as he ripped his shirt off in one tug, your dress falling off of you in the blink of his eye as he took in your laced body. 
“Good God,” he hissed, lowering himself over you on the plush comforter, a fit of hair sprawled in a halo around your gorgeous face as he sucked in a breath, “how did I get the hottest wife in the whole world?” his lips kissing your jawline as you found his locks in your fingers. 
“You’re a smooth talker you naughty boy,” whispering with a chuckle as you pulled his throbbing cock to meet your entrance, “now fuck me like you mean it,” clawing his back as he lowered himself to touch your forehead with his. 
“Yes ma’am,” smirking as his gaze met his head, tapping on the top of the key before he inched himself in your sopping hole, “I think I gotta warm you up that way more often,” feeling your tightness choke his girth as he settled himself deep within you. 
“Shut your gorgeous mouth and fuck me babe,” you strained, his grin meeting you again as he set a punishing pace over you, the headboard banging the wall with every push he made. 
“Mmmm.. such a dirty little mouth my pretty wife has,” grunting at the feeling of your nails digging into his meaty shoulders, his tits straining with every moan he made over you. 
Melting into each other as the wails continued, and the pacing sped up. His tip touching your G-spot as he changed his angle slightly, making you choke on the air in a cry. 
“There we fuckin’ go,” he mused, pushing even further and faster as you cried under him, the sensation sending waves upon waves of fire through your spine as your release rose to new heights. 
“Fuckin’ cum all over my cock angel,” he growled, the sweat dripping from his short locks onto your glistening skin, digging into his biceps as you stared into his blackened eyes. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum for me baby doll,” he cooed, the damn breaking as a feral wail left your lungs, the pleasure sending you into overdrive as he reveled in your second climax of the night. 
It lasted longer than you could count, the ringing in your ears clouding the sounds in the room as you felt his warmth coat your insides in the most delicious way. 
The fog lifting when his movements slowed down, hearing his heavy pants as his seed spilled in its rightful place. 
“J-Jesus,” he huffed, removing to see the thick mixture spill from your gaping cunt as it begged to be plugged again. 
“That,” slapping the top of your thigh before crashing next to you on the bed in a thud, both your sweaty bodies spent in the best way as you listened to him continue, “was the best investment... Ever,” grabbing a handful of tit in a giggle. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed yourself honey,” rolling your eyes again with a smirk. 
“I know you enjoyed yourself too, babe,” kissing your cheek, “and so did the entire restaurant,” in a huge fit of cackles as he dodged playful slaps from you and rightfully so. 
taglist: @maybe-your-left, @safarigirlsp, @clydesfavoritegirl, @emeraldsiren20, @thepalaceofmelanie, @obsessedwiththemadness, @hopeamarsu, @caillea, @historyandfandoms50, @mariesackler, @millenialcatlady, @thepriceofstars, @roanniom, @kathorax, @driversmutbucket
LMK if ya wanted to be added to the list! All of the love! 
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ughseoks · 4 years
we have the meats | jhs
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— pairing; hoseok x reader
— genre/au; smut / pwp / crack
— rating; 18+
— word count; 2.2k
— warnings; hobi is overly dedicated to his job as a sign spinner, sexy sign spinning dance moves, swearing / smut warnings: unprotected sex, slight breathplay, manhandling, daddy kink, uncomfortably excessive cowboy dirty talk, fingering, public sex
— summary; when you show up to the strip mall on an ordinary Tuesday night, the super cute Arby’s sign spinner manages to catch your eye. he’s the total package—even if he’s a little too dedicated to his role as a fake cowboy.
「 masterlist 」
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— Written for the Fast F*cking Food collab hosted by @jinned!
— Thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ for this gorgeous banner & thank you to @parksfilter​ for beta’ing!! I love y’all <3
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You hate the fast food chain almost as much as your best friend from high school hated that business major who works at Chipotle. But that comparison doesn’t really apply anymore, because they ended up fucking and have now been on a total of three dates, and you don’t think you’ll be having sex with Wendy’s anytime soon.
The sign spinner for Arby’s, however, is a different story.
Every time you set foot into Bayside Tower Strip Mall, you make it a point to journey to the far corner of the property to visit the forbidden Arby’s—or more specifically, the overly dedicated yet inexplicably attractive sign spinner. Something about his aura draws you in; you didn’t even know sign spinning could be sexy, but the way he rolls his hips as he twists and turns that sign between his deft fingers makes you feel things you didn’t think you could feel.
That’s where you’re currently headed. Cheesy mall music filters through the outdoor speakers as your shoes slap against the pavement, feet carrying you towards your destination. The further you venture through the twists and turns of the large strip mall, the walkway becomes more dimly lit and the lights begin to flicker, the crowd slowly thinning until you’re the only person left in sight. It would be a creepy sight if you didn’t make the trek so often just to gaze at Jung Hoseok. (That’s his name. The sign spinner. You forgot to mention that before.)
You know you’re close to your destination when the low beat of “Grind With Me” begins to filter through the hallway, the sensual notes causing tingles of excitement to slither down your spine and raise the hairs on your arms. One step forward. Another step. Another.
You turn around the corner.
The sight you’re met with is a beautiful one. Jung Hosoek is laying face down on the floor, his forearms propping him up as he grinds into the sign lying beneath him to the beat of the music. A gasp falls from your lips when you realize that he’s wearing assless chaps, the muscles of his ass clenching as his hips rhythmically roll into the ground. Noticing the noise, Hoseok turns to look at you as he grinds, biting his lip sensually as he maintains eye contact with you. He doesn’t even blink until the song is finally fading away. Not even once.
“Howdy, little lady,” he greets with a smirk as he rises to his feet, picking the sign back up and slipping his cowboy hat back onto his head.
“Hi,” you blush, “that was, um, some pretty good dancing.”
“You think so?” He raises both arms into the air in front of him before rolling his hips forward in a borderline obscene motion, biting his lip as he does so. “I’ve been practicing for a while now. Wanted to impress the ladies.”
“Well, you can count me impressed,” you grin, taking a few steps forwards to extend your hand for a handshake. “I’m Y/N.”
“Hoseok,” he winks, “but you can call me daddy.” He reaches into a pocket that you didn’t even know existed and hands you a slip of crumpled up paper, completely neglecting to actually shake your hand.
You give him an odd look before uncrumpling the piece of paper. The words have clearly been handwritten, some of the ink smudged where he’d been too hasty in writing it. Heat flushes to your cheeks as you scan what seem to be items on a menu.
MEATS dick ......................... 1.99 dick ......................... 1.99 dick ......................... 1.99 dick ......................... 1.99 dick ......................... 1.99 dick ......................... 1.99
“This here is my special menu,” he grins, “VIC’s only. That means Very Important Customers.”
“O-Oh,” you exhale, trying to ignore the heat rushing to your nether region. “Am… am I allowed to order from it?”
“You sure can, baby,” Hoseok spins the sign a few times for emphasis, “and for you, it’ll be free of charge.” He takes a few steps forward until you’re toe to toe, his hand reaching up to brush a stray hair out of your face before he leans forward to whisper in your ear. “If you like my sign spinning, you should see all the other tricks I can show you, little lady.”
You shudder. “I’d like to see them, daddy.”
He pulls away from you with a smirk, allowing his fingers to thread with yours. “Come with me.”
You nod in affirmation before allowing him to guide you to a dark corner beside the Arby’s. He pauses at the bushes for a moment before tugging you into the foliage after him, dropping the sign flat on the ground behind the plants and pointing to it. “Hands and knees. Now.”
A shiver runs down your spine as you scramble to follow his instructions, the material of the cowboy hat shaped sign cool against your bare skin. You can faintly hear the sound of his cowboy boots crunching on the mulch as he positions himself behind you. (You tried eating mulch once. It didn’t end well.)
“May I?”
You turn and look over your shoulder to see him staring at you with lust, his gaze burning as it roams your figure. He seems to contemplate for a second before beginning to unbutton the checkered button-up shirt he wears; slipping off his brown vest and allowing both garments to fall into the bushes behind him. Your mouth waters at the sight of his toned abs and firm chest.
“Like what you see, little lady?” His overly dramatic country accent is even stronger this time, but it only serves to turn you on even more. You choose not to think too hard about why that is.
“Mhm,” you agree with a smirk, only to gasp when he drops his chaps and underwear to the ground as well. His cock stands at attention before you, and not for the first time tonight, you find yourself enamored with the physique of the talented sign spinner.
He stares down at you with a cocky smirk for a few moments before lowering himself to the ground, his hands bunching up the fabric of the skirt covering your ass and pushing it out of the way so he’s face to face with your clothed core. Your breath catches in your throat when he hooks his fingers beneath the band of your panties and tugs them down your legs before tossing them away.
He’s back on you in the blink of an eye, his mouth warm and wet as he leans over and grasps your chin in his hand, peppering sloppy kisses across your jaw and neck. You inhale sharply and bite your lip when he sucks on a particularly sensitive spot, the sound causing him to pause momentarily in his ministrations, looking down at you with hungry eyes.
“Don’t hold your back your moans, baby,” he coaxes you, using his hand to massage one of your breasts gently, “I want to hear how good you feel. Can you do that for me?”
You nod, allowing a generous groan to fall from your lips when his hands slither up beneath your shirt to grasp handfuls of your breasts. His teeth nip at the shell of your ear as he gives them a gentle squeeze, and you feel wave after wave of arousal roll down your spine as he continues his ministrations. The bushes around the two of you obscure you for the most part, but if anyone were to look over here with purpose, you’re sure that they’d be able to see Hoseok pleasuring you very clearly.
“D-Daddy, don’t stop, p-please,” you beg, “feels s-so good.”
Hoseok hums in response, the sound reverberating in your very soul as one of his hands slides down to your now exposed pussy. It isn’t long before he’s pushing two long fingers into your entrance, pumping them in and out of you steadily as you writhe beneath him. His free arm reaches around your waist, and your mouth waters at the feeling of his strong muscles holding you steady.
As he continues his ministrations, you feel your orgasm sneaking up on you—and quickly, at that. Hoseok seems to feel it too, because when your pussy begins to flutter around his fingers he redoubles his efforts, letting go of your waist to play with your hardened peaks as his fingertips massage your inner walls.
“D-Daddy, I-I’m—” you cry out. The rest of your sentence fades into nothingness when your orgasm crashes over you unexpectedly, white-hot pleasure floods your veins as Hoseok coaxes you through your orgasm with a smirk.
When your moans fade into cries of overstimulation, Hoseok finally ceases his assault on your pussy, giving your ass a light smack as his grand finale.
“You’re quite the charmer, little lady,” he grins, shifting so he’s kneeling behind you once more. “I’m not sure I can hold back from behind inside of you any longer. Are you ready to ride my big green tractor? Think you can take my cock like a good cowgirl?”
“Yes, daddy,” you plead, hands clenching against the sign beneath you when he begins to drag his member between your wet nether lips. “Please, fill me up. Give me your cowboy cock.”
It’s all the permission he needs, pushing his hips forward so his dick finally begins to slide into your entrance. It’s a stretch; Hoseok is by no means small, and you can feel every inch of him as he slides in up to the hilt.
A low moan falls from both of your lips when his hips finally rest against yours. Hoseok allows you barely any time to adjust before he’s thrusting in and out of you with a steady rhythm, his strokes slow, and purposeful and deep. Every movement of his cock drags against your warm and wet walls that squeeze him like a vice.
“You’re so rootin’ tootin’ good at this, little lady,” he grunts, punctuating his words with lewd smacks of his hips against yours. “Taking me so well; squeezing me so tight.”
“Daddy,” you moan, “harder; Please.”
His strokes falter at the tone of your voice. “F-Fuck,” he groans, hands squeezing your waist tightly, “you’re so fucking hot.”
You shudder at the pure unadulterated hunger in his voice, arousal shooting straight to your core when he suddenly begins to thrust with unparalleled speed and strength. Your body bounces with the force of his thrusts, walls clamping down around him when he leans over and his teeth nip at your skin. It isn’t long before you’re approaching your second high of the night; the moans fall from your lips grow higher in pitch as the pressure in your core begins to build until you’re sure the coil is about to snap.
“Are you gonna cum for me?” Hoseok asks breathlessly, his own hips beginning to stutter as he nears his own orgasm. “Gonna cream all over my country boy cock?”
“Y-yeah,” you whine, “gonna c-cum.”
Hoseok somehow manages to fuck you even harder and faster as his right hand slides up to wrap gently around your neck. The pressure is barely there, but it’s just enough to send you over the edge. Fireworks burst behind your closed eyelids; your walls clamp down around him as he fucks you through your high.
“T-That’s it, little lady,” he encourages you. He thrusts only a few more times before coming to a shuddering stop within you, his release painting your walls as your arms give out on you and the only things left keeping you upright are Hoseok’s arms.
When the two of you finally come down from your orgasms, Hoseok pulls out of you slowly before standing back up, flashing you a wink as he slips his cowboy hat back onto his head. “That was pretty damn enjoyable, if I do say so myself.”
You nod in agreement and pull your skirt back over your ass before standing up to face him while he puts his other clothes back on. It isn’t long before the two of you are awkwardly exiting the bushes, unsaid words of how you want to see him again resting on the tip of your tongue as he resumes his position outside of the restaurant and you begin to walk away.
Should you say something? Would it be too weird?
You freeze in place, hopefulness filling your heart as you hear Hoseok’s footsteps approach you from behind.
“Y-Yeah?” You ask as you turn to face him, noticing the colorful slip of paper resting between his fingers.
“I wanted to give you this before you left.” He hands you the slip of paper with a cheeky grin, clearly excited about whatever is printed on the thin material. You glance down at it with a blush on your cheeks.
!!! LIMITED TIME OFFER: 5 for $10 Meat Sandwich Month !!! Extra meaty sandwiches at an affordable price. Now made with extra extra meat!
Oh. It’s just a coupon. For discounted meat sandwiches. Cool. Very cool. Not the worst way to be rejected, you suppose.
“It’s a really good deal,” he says proudly, nodding towards the restaurant behind him, “you should redeem it before it expires.” He pauses for a moment, his voice much softer when he speaks up again. “Maybe you can come visit me while you’re at it. Sign spinning isn’t the same without an audience, you know.”
“I’d love to,” you smile, trying to hide the giddiness that you feel from showing in your voice.
“Really?” His grin is contagious as he shoots you two finger guns; how could you ever say no?
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a/n; i hope y’all enjoyed this 😳 i was laughing so hard writing the first part LMAO i hope you guys find it just as funny or else that’s awkward OOP anyways lmk what y’all think hehehehe LOVE U GUYS MWAH big things coming soon! kind of. maybe. hopefully OK BYE
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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maprron · 3 years
Growing up
A/N:Chendy family fluff… I felt bad for writing earlier so this is how I make up for it sorry for the gaps I am uploading from my phone 🙄 also once again I didn’t proofread so sorry there as well
It started out as any normal mission, well as normal as it can be when she had to work alone as most of the team members now had kids. And Wendy was really alone with this one as Carla had stuck behind with Chelia and everyone else was spending time with their families which was surprisingly scarce these days. Wendy didn’t mind though, she found herself on many occasions being alone on missions, besides she was stronger now than she was all those years ago when she joined the guild, she could handle these missions by herself.
The mission was simple enough, find some bandits and capture them, so Wendy did exactly that. They were easily defeated as they didn’t expect the 25 year old girl who still looked 13 that asked them for directions to hold so much power so they let their guard down which is the exact time she striked.
By the time she got the bandits back to the town that they were camping near it was already night and Wendy desperately wished Carla had joined her. “That would have made this easier” Wendy thought out loud with a huff as she made her way to the only inn in the small town to sleep for the night.
As soon as she made it to her room she collapsed onto the bed and slept for 14 hours as if she was a cat. As soon as she woke up the next morning she quickly left the town so the inn owner didn’t think she was weird.
As she walked to the train station she considered just walking home but before she could make her mind up she was sitting in the train and it was heading back home to Magnolia. “Maybe” Wendy thought to herself as she rested her head in her hands as the motion sickness started to kick in “Maybe it is for the best that I took the train, Chelia would probably be upset if I showed up at 5 pm from a mission that only took 30 minutes”. Wendy was correct but for different reasons.
As soon as the train stopped Wendy grabbed her bag and ran out of the train. People looked at her as she lost her balance and fell onto the hot concrete of the train station though she didn’t mind. She laid there until a worker told her to get up, which she quickly did.
Wendy skipped down the streets that covered Magnolia on her way home to the cottage that they bought after they got married which was soon to be 6 years ago somehow. Wendy thought about how time flies. She remembered the day that Levy had told her she was pregnant and now the twins were 11. It felt strange to her. It felt like forever since the team went on the 100 year quest yet it also feels like it all happened yesterday. She was starting to feel old and maybe it was because she was or maybe that Nasha was 8 this year, maybe it was because Shutora and Yajeh were 11, or maybe it was because Asuka was already 17. All of that was put behind her as suddenly her body stopped right in its tracks as she heard soft cries coming from an alleyway next to her. She couldn’t stand hearing the poor cries so she decided to figure out what the source of the crying was.
Behind a bunch of trash lay a woven basket which held a small baby. Wendy froze. “Who would…?” The only words she could get out but she wondered who would leave a child in an alleyway instead of literally any other place.
There was a note in the basket that told anyone who had found the baby to take her as her mother was unable to take care of her. Wendy knew from the moment she saw her that she had to take her home.
When she got home she banged on the door using her foot, hoping that Chelia was home for once.
“I’m coming” the voice of a slightly agitated Chelia rang throughout the home. As she opened the door her face went from anger to happy to confusion
“Babe? Why were you kicking the door in?” Wendy had managed to hush the baby and Chelia hadn’t looked down at Wendy's arms yet to notice the baby in the basket.
Instead of responding Wendy glanced down at the basket and back up at her wife since she didn’t have a good way to explain it
Chelia was still oblivious to it all. They stared at each other for what felt like an excruciating amount of time to Wendy. The one who made the presence of the baby known was herself as she began to whine again.
Chelia jumped back, grabbing a hold of the door frame so she didn’t fall onto her back. “Where did you get that?”
“Seriously? That is how you are going to react?”
Chelia shook her head and grabbed the baby out of the basket and brought her inside. The baby was small, alarmingly small. She was the size of a premature baby yet she was very skinny, who knows how long she was in the alley.
“Carla!” Chelia yelled, placing the baby down on the counter top in the kitchen “can you help us out real quick?!”
“What do you need…” the exceed who was currently in her human form asked, slightly aggravated. She quickly stopped in her path as she walked into the kitchen noticed the two girl leaning over the counter
“Can you get us some baby formula or something please?” Wendy tucked a strand of her now short hair behind her ear as she looked up at Carla. “And maybe some other things, I don’t know can you just help us out here”
“Uh… sure” Carla looked around a little stunned before walking towards the door and putting her shoes on.
“Here take this” Wendy pulled out around 10000 jewels from her bag and handed it to Carla.
“Do you usually carry around this much-“
“It is part of my pay from my job” Wendy said as she cut Carla off. Carla just simply shrugged as she turned to leave for the store.
10 minutes later a familiar blond and redhead barged into the house
“Is what Carla said true?” Erza said as she walked into the kitchen
“Hey, there is a thing called knocking” Wendy remarked
“Ouch,” Erza pretended to clutch her heart at Wendy’s comment “where did my sweet like girl go?”
“She’s still here” Chelia smiled as she looked up at their guests
Lucy walked up behind Wendy, gasping as she rested her hands on Wendy’s shoulders “oh they are so small, where did you find them?”
“I found her in an ally, near your old apartment actually, and guess her mom was the one who had left a note saying that she couldn’t take care of her” Wendy softly answered
“Why would someone leave a newborn baby in an alleyway” Lucy’s motherly instincts talked for her as she looked at the poor baby
“Well, I’m glad you found her” Erza smiled at Wendy “are you going to keep her?”
Wendy and Chelia looked up at eachother, neither of them hadn’t thought about what they were going to do with her.
“Oh we don’t know yet” Chelia brushed of my question with a wave and Wendy smiled.
Lucy smiled at the two girls and let out a small laugh.
“What is it?” Wendy looked over at the blonde woman who had been like a mother to her for years, her and Erza both
“Oh nothing, I���m just am realizing your not a kid yourself still” she smiled
“You didn’t realize that when I got married?!” Wendy turned at looked at Lucy
“Wendy, no one thought of you as an adult when we got married” Chelia smiled, resting her head in one of her hands while the baby held her finger on the other.
Wendy slumped over and the comment “oh okay” she pouted. The three women laughed at Wendy which caused her to crack a smile.
Soon Carla returned with the things Wendy and Chelia had asked for along with some things Lucy and Erza had requested before they headed to see Wendy and Chelia for questioning.
“Crap, Lucy, how do you do this?” Chelia asked as she tried to fix the baby formula
“It says it on the box” Lucy laughed at her
“Yeah but… can you just help me” she looked at Lucy with puppy eyes and Lucy agreed, not like she was going to tell her no
“Aw poor baby” Erza spoke in her motherly voice as they took the baby out of the sink, where they were bathing her, and wrapped a towel around her small body
Wendy smiled at Erza’s funny tone as she dried the baby off before laying her back on the counter to put a diaper on her
“I DID IT!” Chelia yelled, throwing her arms up in the air. Lucy quickly took the bottle away from her before she spilled it all and handed it to Wendy.
“I’m proud of you, honey” Wendy smiled. She placed the bottle on the counter and then picked her up from the counter, holding her gently in her arms. She then picked up the bottle once again and began feeding her. Wendy smiled as the baby happily drank from the bottle instead of pushing it away. Chelia walked up behind Wendy and placed her hands on her bare shoulders.
Erza and Lucy smiled at the scene in front of them. “Yeah,” Lucy whispered to Erza “I think they will do fine” Erza simply nodded
‘Our little girl isn’t so little anymore I guess’ they both thought to themselves
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years
Coming Home pt. 2
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here. 
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“This place looks nice” Mark said for the third time since we got to Jaehyun’s apartment building
We’re waiting for Jaehyun to answer the door, deciding to drop by early since Mark wanted to see Chae Yoon.
“Hyung can you please hurry up” Mark said through the intercom, the door opening with a Jaehyun wearing a bright red polka-dot apron and a smile
“Why do you look like that?” Mark asked the older one
“I’m cooking breakfast for Chae, hey” he said nodding my way, “She’s up already?” I said as we enter his apartment
Apart from the furniture he needs there weren’t a lot of stuff in his place. The only thing that makes this place look likes it’s Jaehyun’s is the electric keyboard in his living room.
It’s his hobby; he likes to play when he’s not that busy or just to relieve some stress. It was one of the few things he took from our then shared apartment
“Wow hyung, your place looks great”
I chuckled at my younger brother who is happily looking around like a puppy exploring a new place, “He’s been saying that since we rode the elevator” I told Jaehyun making him laugh at the younger one
“It’s okay, you want some pancakes?” he asked us, Mark nodding his head in agreement.
At the same time the baby monitor went off, signalling that Chae woke up
“I’ll go get her” Mark said before neither Jaehyun or I say something
“The door on the left” Jaehyun said with a chuckle, my brother already skipping away
“Is he really in college? He looks like a kid” Jaehyun said from where we has standing, infront of the stove flipping some pancakes
“He’s my baby forever, let him be” I say then sat on the stool by the counter
“You baby proofed the place?” I asked, noticing little details around the room. The electric sockets were covered, sharp corners were covered and no stuff was laying around where Chae Yoon could reach it
“Yea, tried as best as I could. The landlord was planning to give me a bigger place with stairs but I told her I have a baby that just learned how to crawl so it’s a big no no”
“She’s starting to stand up too” I said, making Jaehyun smile a bit
“Don’t remind me, I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad she’s growing up too fast” he answered, setting the cooked pancakes on a plate before putting them infront of me. I took them to the table, while he gathers utensils
“Next thing you know she’s telling us she’s going on a date” I teased him, the smile was replaced with a frown
“She’s not allowed to date until she’s 30” I turned to look at him with a raised brow
“So you’re that kind of parent”
“I mean she can date when she can make a decision for herself and make the right judgements, there that sounds better. But you best believe I will be there on her first date” his statement making me bust out a laugh
“If she’s anything like you then you’d be in trouble”
“I’m not that bad, I’ve dated like one girl. And that was you incase you forget” he said, pointing the spatula at me. I rolled my eyes at him, 
“She’ll be breaking hearts left and right”
“I wasn’t like that! what are you talking about?” I can’t help but laugh at his reaction
“Yea right, I can’t even count how many confession you turned down. Do you even remember all those letters they leave in your locker during valentines day” I stated, recalling the old memories
“All those cards and only one says happy birthday”
It was from me, it was no secret that people leave gifts by Jaehyun’s locker every year during valentines. No one just ever left birthday gifts from him. 
“You’re welcome” it was now his turn to roll his eyes
“At least tell me you’ll choose a seat four spaces away from Chae and her date” I said, enjoying the conversation we were having
“Three, and they’re sitting on opposite sides”
“What are you two laughing about?” Mark asked from behind us, making us turn to him. Our daughter already reaching out for Jaehyun
“We were talking about Chae going to her first date” I said taking a seat on the table while Mark sat beside me and Jaehyun across from us and Chae Yoon on her high chair
“Does hyung know her little crush over Jeno?” Mark asked no one in particular, I looked over at Jaehyun who has a confused look on his face.
“What crush? She’s a baby, she doesn’t know what that even is” Jaehyun defensively said making me chuckle
“He’s talking about how whenever Jeno is around, her eyes just follows him, quite literally too. One time she swatted Mark away from Jeno” I told him as I cut up the pancake into smaller pieces to give to my daughter
“Maybe she finds him cute, that adorably eye smile and all” Mark mumbled, the frown on Jaehyun’s face getting more prominent
“Stop saying that, you’re going to give Jae wrinkles if he keeps on frowning like that” I pointed to the guy sitting across from us
“I was joking! Kind of, I mean she does look at him like he’s the most fascinating thing” Mark said inbetween chuckles
“Okay enough talks of that, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there” Jaehyun mumbled, pushing a pancake in Mark’s direction to shut him up.
After hanging out at Jaehyun’s place for a couple more hours, Mark needed to go back to university. His friends on their way to pick him up, they all decided to go home for the weekend and carpool together since they’re roommates anyways.
“Nice place hyung, definitely will hang out when I get back” Mark said as Jaehyun walk us out. Chae Yoon in her stroller hugging the bear given by her dad when she was born
“Sure, give me a call when you visit. You already know, call me when you need anything” he said directing the second half of his statement to me.
“Will do, come on you still need to pack” I told Mark, saying my goodbye to Jaehyun.
This has been the set up we’ve been doing for the past five months, Chae Yoon spends the weekends with him when he doesn’t have any work to do. He either drive over to pick her up or I go over to take her.
It’s been a good system for us. If we’re being honest, we did it for the both of us.
It was hard trying to make something work when we both knew we were already on the edge. Jaehyun wasn’t the type to give up, but his actions told me otherwise. That’s how I knew we had to call it off.
I can’t be the selfish one and ask him to stay when he didn’t want to. I knew it was nothing against being a father to Chae Yoon but entirely about being my fiancé. So I made the decision to break it off. It did break my heart, I still have a hard time reminding myself the once promised future of us being together is not there anymore.
But my daughter comes first, above anything. I didn’t have a doubt that he’s trying to be the best father to our daughter, and he is. There is no one in this world that loves her the way Jaehyun does.
The moment she was born in this world he was a goner. The way he cried and said a silent thank you to me when they laid tiny Chae Yoon in his arms, I knew she would have someone to love her for the rest of her life.
I also realized I love Jaehyun too much to tie him down like that, it was always a push and pull with him. Back in our high school years, he was the popular but down to Earth kid. He knew people talked about him, he also knew almost no one was immune to his charms. I took pride in the way his eyes light up when he see me in the crowd or the way he always shoots a salute my way before his game starts or the way he can’t let go of me after a very long tiring day because he needed cuddles or the way he whispered I love you in my ear in the middle of a party just because he felt like saying it.
I’ve seen Jaehyun in lights that no one ever has, I was with him through the ups and downs. I always tried to catch up with him, I just realized now that I probably never will. I also realized how I never ask why he once never asked me if I was keeping up or was I okay with the steps he was hurriedly taking.
I’m not mad.
Deep in my mind I’ve always known I loved him more that he loved me.  
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After what felt like the longest weekend ever, I was back at the office. Buried in piles of paper work that needed approval and signatures.
“Hey Y/N, the digital artist from Japan is here. You have a meeting with him?” my co-worker, Wendy said. I looked up from the drafts I was currently reading
 “Oh he’s here? I thought the design department said they will have an on-boarding meeting with him first?”
“They said they’ll do it after you” she shrugged then passed me the folder
“Okay, I’ll be there give me a minute”
I stood up from my chair and made my way to the meeting room Wendy told me where the new hire was waiting, “Hi, sorry for the wait. I wasn’t expecting you” I told him when I enter the room.
He immediately stood up shaking his head, “It’s fine, I wasn’t waiting long”
“Right well take a seat, the head of our design department recommend you himself so he must trust your work. We’re glad you could make it here”
“Yes, well I actually live here I just visited my hometown for a while. I’m Nakamoto Yuta by the way” he said then extended his hand out which I gladly shook
“Lee Y/N, Taeyong has told me a lot about your work. We’re very happy to have you in our team”
After the meeting, I was back in my desk tied down to a bunch of paperwork.
I do love my job, I have enough time to focus on my daughter and also grow my career. I was lucky to be given this chance and I wasn’t going to let it pass.
After a long a couple of weeks of the same routine: go to work, go home to Chae, take Chae to her dad.
One weekend Jaehyun called that he was on his way up to the apartment, taking Chae back to me after his weekend with her.
“Hey Y/N” He greeted me with a smile when I opened the door,
“and hello to you beautiful girl, how was your weekend?” I said to the excited little lady who was reaching out for me
“She was trying to walk all over the place. I bolted every furniture I had in my apartment just to be safe” Jaehyun answered as he put her stuff in the living room with me following behind him
“Oh right I still need to do that”
“Do you need help? I can come over some time next next week maybe”
“Next next week?” I asked
“I have a business trip to Japan this Friday until Tuesday next week. Too bad I can’t be with her next weekend” he explained, I nodded along completely understanding his work schedule
“By the way is my box of documents still here, I’ve been meaning to get it” he asked, “It’s probably in the office, I haven’t really touched anything there so things are the way you left it” just as I say it an emotion crossed his face, it went quickly as it came. I almost wouldn’t notice if I wasn’t looking at him
“Thanks, can I?” he asked gesturing to the office at the end of the hall “you lived here too, go” I chuckled. He shot me a quick smile before walking in the direction of his old home office.
I was playing with Chae Yoon when I hear Jaehyun call out my name
“What is it? You didn’t find it?” I asked him when he walked back to the living room
“I did, I was just going to say we have this company party tomorrow. I know it’s very short notice and it’s a Monday but if it’s okay with you, will you come with me?” he asked, eyes staring straight into mine
“Me?” I asked back, I sounded stupid I know but I was just confused why he wanted me to come with him
“Yes, you” he said with a small smile on, a dimple showing slightly. I almost agreed then and there.
“Why?” I asked sceptically
“Well who else would I ask? I mean you don’t have to come if you don’t want to, I absolutely understand. And I know you can’t leave Chae-“
“I’ll come”
Even I was surprised by my answer, he looked like he was too.
“Okay, that’s great. I’ll come pick you up at six?”
We both didn’t know where the conversation was going, but suddenly Jaehyun looked behind me. I thought something bad happened but when I turned Chae Yoon was standing up by herself, about to take her very first steps
“Oh my god, Jae” I whispered, careful not to scare her
“That’s it baby girl, want to walk here?” Jaehyun calmly told our daughter, kneeling beside me so he could look at her eye to eye
A determined look was etched on Chae Yoon’s face, she put up one foot infront of the other. Still a bit wobbly
“Careful there” I mumbled, feeling a bit anxious. Jaehyun must have sensed it because he shot me an assuring smile before looking at our daughter again
“She’s fine, she can do it. Right, baby?” she squealed then suddenly took many steps straight to where Jaehyun was. She stumbled a bit but Jae had his arms waiting for her ready to catch her if she falls.
The little laughter’s she was letting out was worth everything.  
“You did it!” I told her, giving her cheek a little squish. The proudest look on my face, I didn’t notice Jaehyun was just staring at me
When our eyes met, a small smile was on his lips
“Thank you” he whispered.
I didn’t need an explanation, I already knew what he was saying thank you for.
It was for this little girl who had become the center of both our universe the moment we knew of her existence. The late night drives to the convenient stores when I was craving something, the early morning sickness and terrible nausea, the sudden outburst of tears I had because of hormones, the back pains, the tears, all of that was worth it.
We had a silent agreement, even after all of the things we went through we would gladly do it again if it means we’ll end up in this moment right here.
Chae Yoon was, is and forever will be worth all of it. 
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 “Oooh how about this dress?” Wendy asked while holding out a yellow flowy dress
“It’s a company dinner, not a picnic. Cute dress though” I said then continued to browse through my closet
“I know, can I borrow this?” chuckling at her question I looked around the row of clothes in front of me
“Maybe I should just cancel, I don’t have anything to wear”
“You’re standing in the middle of your walk-in closet, what are you talking about?”
Okay maybe I was just looking for an excuse not to come. After thinking about it all night, it just dawned on me now that this will be the first event Jae and I will be attending since we broke up.
I tried so hard to get some sleep but my mind wouldn’t shut up.
Also Chae Yoon decided to wake up at 5am, I didn’t have the time to put her back to sleep before I needed to go to the office.
And now I’m here, I asked Wendy for some help to pick out my clothes and look after Chae Yoon while I get ready
“Chae Yoon-ah, look at your mommy getting all nervous about her date with your dad” she told the baby playing with her blocks on the carpeted floor
“It’s not a date”
“He asked you to be his date, Y/N” she deadpanned, I was trying to think of an excuse but she had be backed up on a corner with her statement
“Not to sound rude, but why did he ask you?”
“I asked him the same thing” I mumbled, picking out a long fitted dress with straps and a slit on the leg
“How about this one?” I asked holding out the dress to show her
“Yes that one, perfect. So back to my question”
I sighed, putting the dress on the lounge chair, picking out shoes to match with the dress
“He didn’t say why, he just said why not”
“That’s a lame answer” she muttered, making faces at Chae Yoon. The little one giggled, holding her hands to her face.
“It’s just a friendly invitation, he didn’t have anyone to ask that’s probably why”
“Are you two sure you’re done?”
Her question made me stop on my spot, for a moment I wasn’t sure.
“Of course. We’ve talked about it. He moved out”
“That’s not what I mean though, yes he moved out and yes you literally called the engagement off so why are you two acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Are you serious? Like you two are still together, Y/N. The getting him dinner, driving you home, asking you to be his date”
“He’s Chae’s father. I can’t just completely erase him from my life, whether we mean it or not we’ll always be in each other’s life so we could be there for her”
“I know that, and you two are doing such a great job at being her parents. But it’s not your job to care for him anymore”
“I can’t just stop caring about him”
“You can’t but you don’t have to give so much to him when you don’t have to anymore. I love you I really do, but don’t you think it’s about time to live a life that didn’t revolve around him?”
I knew she had a point, what was the use of being broken up when we still do things like this. In my mind I keep repeating that I’m doing this as a friend.
But I don’t really know how to be just his friend.
“I don’t mean to pry in your business, I just want you to be happy and guard your heart”
I shot her a grateful smile, fully understanding that she meant well.
Her words where ringing in my head for the rest of the night, even after Wendy bid goodbye after helping me get ready.
I was just reading a book to Chae when the door bell rang, “Looks like you have a visitor, little lady” I mumbled, putting her down. She immediately stood up and tried to walk to the door on her own. Of course I was close behind her, ready to catch her just in case. 
I opened the door, I swear I doesn’t matter how long I’ve known Jaehyun because he can still steal my breath away. 
He looked good, wearing an all black suit with a white dress shirt. His hair did differently from its everyday style. And of course his most attractive accessory couldn’t be forgotten, his smile. 
“Hey” he said when I opened the door, he looked down at the baby who is now holding onto his leg
“Hey you, are causing trouble running around like that?” he playfully asked Chae then took her in his arms peppering kisses all over her face.
“I think I have to put cushions all over the house at this point, come in” I told him, holding the door open for him
“I have a few more of those covers you can put on corners of table and stuff like that, I’ll bring it over when I get back”
“Thanks, I’ll just get her bag so we can leave” I was leaving her to my neighbor while we go to the party. I packed an over night bag just in case I stay out too late, and in case of any emergency
We walked over the apartment across from mine, waiting for Unnie to open the door
“Is that Chae Yoonie?” she called out from the other side of the door before opening it
“Hi- Oh hi Jaehyun, I haven’t seen you in a while” she said when she saw it was Jaehyun holding Chae Yoon
“Nice to see you too, Noona. You sure you can handle her, she can walk now” he jokingly said
“I heard! I’m so excited to see her run around, and you already know I love having her around. Don’t worry about it, go enjoy your night” She said with a smile on
“Here, all of her stuff is in there. Can’t forget about her favorite bear” I said while handing over her the bag and Chae’s favorite stuffed toy
“You’ll be good for Unnie, right Chae? I’ll see you later” I told my daughter giving her a quick kiss. Jaehyun did the same before passing her to Unnie. 
“You two have fun, okay? Bye” we bid goodbye then made our way to the elevator
We didn’t say much, a comfortable silence while we make our way to his car. 
“Thanks by the way, for coming tonight” he said when we started to exit the parking area and out into the streets
“No problem” I answered,a small smile on my face. 
“You look great, by the way” I just chuckled at his statement, already seeing the redness starting to show on his ears. One thing he can never hide. 
“Thank you, I see you decided to go with the bangs up hairstyle”
“The what?”
“You know, that hairstyle. The I’m the boss here kind of hairstyle” I said pointing at his styled hair, he was just smiling at me. probably finding my statement weird, 
“Oh yea? Do I look cute?” he asked making me roll my eyes
“You’re a dork” i muttered, making him laugh out loud
“I’ll take that as a yes” he said then we were back to the comfortable silence. 
In that moment I realized just what Wendy meant when she asked me are we really done being together
This night so far is not helping me clarify the blurred questions I’ve been thinking about. 
I just knew I was in it for a long night. 
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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“Twinkle, twinkle, little star, So we'll know where you are --  Gleaming in the skies above, Lead me to the one who loves me...”
~“The Second Star to the Right (cover),” by Simone
Hahaha, yes! This is Peter-Pan!Orion and Wendy!Carewyn (Carewyndy?). No, I won’t be writing this AU before the Tangled AU at least (and yes, I should have that up hopefully by next week)...but I couldn’t resist doodling these and talking a bit about the daydreaming I did based on this concept. Orion’s ripped pants were kind of based on how the pants are ripped in the 2003 Peter Pan’s costume, but I just couldn’t resist giving him his canon fingerless armwarmers. (I see them being forest green just like his pants, though, while his tunic is a light tan.)
Basically I see eternally 12-1/2-year old Orion Amari taking a strong liking to 10-year-old Carewyn Cromwell when she comes to Neverland. Even though she does act a bit too grown-up sometimes, it’s largely because of how deeply she feels for other people -- she’s determined to protect others, whether from bullying or actual danger, and she hates the thought of anyone feeling alone. She actually is the only person who’s ever asked Orion if he was lonely, being the only child who was destined to never grow up. And as much as Orion will airily state that “to die would be an awfully big adventure,” he finds that it’s Carewyn who believes this most, for the idea of growing older doesn’t frighten her the way it does her grandfather, the man now called Captain Hook. If anything, what makes her saddest about leaving Neverland is not for her sake, but for Orion’s -- she, Jacob, Charlie, and Bill were all going home to London, along with a good chunk of Orion’s friends among the Lost Kids...and Carewyn hated the thought that she’d never see her friend Orion again. So she reminded Orion that she would always have her window open at night, if he ever wanted to come and visit, hear her read a story or two, or even just listen to her singing while she did her evening chores. Sensing Orion’s hesitance, she reassured him that she’d never forget him. 
Orion proceeded to return to life in Neverland, embarking on those same old adventures that make the days blur and make it easy to forget things. Forgetting was part of Neverland’s magic -- even Bill had almost forgotten he had a new baby sister back in London, when he, Charlie, and Carewyn had been there with Orion and the Lost Kids. But, as Orion would often tell himself, adults forgot things in the other world too: they forgot the joys of childhood, they forgot the freedom and the simple pleasures and the bottomless daydreams. All of them, every last one of them, eventually forgot how to fly. 
But perhaps because of Carewyn’s final promise, every time Orion thought of how easy it was to forget things in Neverland, and therefore how easy it was to forget things outside of it, Carewyn’s face and words always returned to his mind. And so, the memory of her conviction and caring never strayed too far from his mind...and with it, other thoughts would crop up too. How stable things had been, when Carewyn was around. How well she understood him and how easy it was to talk to her and trust in her. And it was then that Orion realized that he really, truly missed Carewyn. It was a feeling he’d never really experienced that deeply before, not even for the other children who had eventually returned home to their families. Even Bill and Charlie, who Orion likewise grew reasonably fond of, didn’t make him feel like his stomach was always empty, no matter how much food he ate -- like his heart was scraping at the inside of his chest like a hungry animal desperate to devour something outside its cage. And that feeling only intensified when his fairy guardian Merula would try to urge him to go challenge Torvus and the centaurs to a race or splash around with the mermaids, even when Orion wasn’t in the mood to do so. 
Orion felt restless, unsure of quite what was wrong with him and not knowing how to explain his muddled thought process to McNully and his remaining Lost Kids. One day Orion was eventually persuaded by McNully to lead an expedition to find a lost chest of pirate treasure, and for a short while, the Boy Who Never Grew Up was simply able to enjoy pulling one over on his old enemy and sharing the loot with his gang. That changed, though, when Captain Hook crashed the party. 
Orion and Hook traded as many blows as ever, throwing insults at each other like they always did -- but this day, Hook said one barbed phrase that stuck in Orion’s ear more than he ever would’ve admitted.
“Already forgotten my dear Winnie, I see. But I guess I can’t be surprised. After all, the only thing that can break through Neverland’s curse -- that thing that makes everyone forget...is love. And you -- ha -- you don’t know anything about that, do you, boy?”
Love. Yes. That was the thing that made Carewyn remember her lost brother and mother, even while she was a Lost Girl. That was the thing that had made Charlie remember his parents, even after he’d forgotten London altogether. That was the thing that made Bill remember his other siblings, once he remembered how his baby sister Ginny would always cry after her afternoon nap until he came home from his newspaper route and bounced her up and down for a minute or two. That was the thing that had made Jacob remember his little sister in London, even after he was kidnapped by Hook and commandeered into piracy. And, Orion realized, it was the thing that he missed most about Carewyn -- her ability to love more deeply than anyone else he had ever known...like a mother would, and yet like an equal...a companion, more than just someone to go on adventures with. 
Orion tried to broach this topic with Merula, but the huffy little fairy put up her walls and stubbornly refused to let them down. Feelings were grown-up things, and Orion didn’t need grown-up things! Orion wanted to agree, but the feelings he felt were becoming heavy -- so heavy, in fact, that he found it harder for him to find his center, to think thoughts happy enough that he could fly to any height he wanted. He actually found himself hovering and floating more than flying...and this troubled him. It made him more anxious than he could remember ever being. 
Then the thought struck him -- why didn’t he just go and visit Carewyn? She said he could, whenever he wanted. She could tell him some stories and sing some songs for him -- maybe she could even sew him a new pocket for his shirt! These thoughts perked Orion up a bit, and he decided to leave for London straightaway. 
He hadn’t expected it to be so cold -- for you see, in Neverland, it’s every season all year ‘round, all except winter. It was a fact Carewyn had lamented, for winter was her favorite season. She loved the Christmas holidays and how everyone would gather around the fireplace with warm food together and sing Christmas songs and tell stories. It had actually sounded kind of nice to Orion, when she described it to him and the Lost Kids -- but on this day in London, Orion didn’t think the cold was so nice, nor the gray, dreary city itself. There were buildings that had been crushed and holes in cobblestone streets, made by bombs that had been dropped by German Zeppelins, and just about nobody raised their heads enough to look skyward. The adults prowling the streets were just as lacking of joy as Orion had always imagined them to be, yet it wasn’t due to stupid grown-up things like wearing a tie to work or paying bills. Instead there was exhaustion, sadness...pain. Orion hated these people’s wrinkles even more than the ones he’d see on the pirates’ faces, from dwelling on mindless things like how much treasure they had or what their daily duties were. 
But none of that mattered, of course. What mattered was seeing Carewyn. But alas, when Orion arrived at the Weasleys’ house, it was still daytime...and the window to the room Carewyn, Bill, and Charlie once shared was locked. 
Orion rattled at the window desperately, slapping the glass and pulling at its handles as he cried her name. All logic left his mind -- his breathing became raspier and weaker even as he shouted louder. 
She had to be there -- she had to be there -- she couldn’t have forgotten -- she wouldn’t have forgotten -- she promised -- she promised she wouldn’t forget him -- love was what kept someone from forgetting -- Carewyn knew love better than anyone -- she loved her brother -- she loved the Weasleys -- she loved the Lost Kids and Torvus and the mermaids and the fairies -- she loved Orion -- didn’t she love -- ?
As Orion’s anxiety spiked, the magic of Merula’s fairy dust began to abandon him. He found himself becoming heavier. He tried to cling onto the windowsill, pulling at and smacking the window, but it wasn’t wide enough for him to hold onto while it was closed. Soon enough he found himself falling slowly, like someone drifting down to the bottom of a pool...and when he landed on the ground, he landed on his knees, shaking. He clasped his hands together, his eyes wide and hollow upon the frosty ground as wintry condensation fell from his panting lips. 
He’d lost his happy thought. He’d lost it. 
He tried to fly. He tried desperately to fly, only to fall and scrape his knees and hands. Never in his life had Orion Amari ever been so frightened, shuddering from head to toe in the freezing cold. 
He shakily got to his bare feet and, barely knowing where he was going, he walked. He wandered aimlessly, his eyes glassing over as he gasped for air, searching every revolted and anxious face that he passed as the faces’ owners cringed at the state of his long hair, ripped clothes, and lack of shoes. 
Orion wandered for what felt like hours, until at long last, as if by fate, he ended up not far away from a Church-funded school, which taught both elementary and higher-elementary-level students. One of those such students was a girl with a ginger braid and almond-shaped blue eyes, walking home with several classmates, including a black-haired girl with glasses carrying a bunch of books, a rather pretty blonde with pigtail braids, and a rather cowardly-looking boy with blond hair, brown eyes, and a very thick sweater and mittens over his Church-provided uniform. The ginger-haired girl herself was wrapped up in a rather thick old dark blue blanket she’d turned into a shawl after it got ripped and had been holding it tightly around herself when, all of a sudden, she heard her name being cried by a misty, and yet anxious voice. 
“Carewyn! Carewyn...!”
One can only imagine what Carewyn’s school friends Rowan Khanna, Penny Haywood, and Ben Copper thought, seeing such a scrawny, ragamuffin street boy running toward their friend. Rowan actually tried to step in front of Carewyn as if to protect her, while Ben made as if to cling onto Carewyn’s arm in terror. But Carewyn herself, her eyes very wide upon the boy, immediately tore away from both Rowan and Ben and ran to Orion without a single shred of hesitation. 
She barreled over, whipping the shawl off her shoulders and wrapping it around his instead. 
“Orion, what are you doing here?! You’re going to catch a death of cold!”
Orion hadn’t been able to stop shaking for an instant, but her shouting his name, rushing to take care of him -- her remembering him -- it made his heart feel like a beast craving food again. Her concern wet his appetite. He wanted it. He wanted her caring. He wanted her love...
She was as tall as him. She’d been so tiny before...
“Carewyn...you know this boy?” asked Rowan, looking bewildered.
“Yes,” said Carewyn, glancing over her shoulder, “he’s a friend. Rowan, this is Orion. Orion, this is -- ”
“You’ve...grown older,” Orion’s absent mumble cut her off. 
Carewyn fixed him with a faintly reproachful look. “I’m afraid that does happen, in the span of three years...”
Thirteen. She was thirteen. ...She was older than him.
Carewyn’s eyes welled up with concern as she looked Orion over. She turned to her friends quickly. 
“...I’d better get him inside and warm...I’ll see you all tomorrow, okay?”
She quickly bid her friends goodbye, before wrapping an arm tightly around Orion’s shoulders as best she could, rubbing his arm through her shawl in an attempt to warm him. 
“Orion, what were you thinking?” she whispered, her voice full of concern as her eyes stayed locked ahead at their path. “Coming here in broad daylight, in this cold...”
Orion had started to shake again, his hands clasping more tightly. 
“Your window was shut,” he mumbled. 
Carewyn looked very upset. “...My old window, you mean? The one I shared with Bill and Charlie? Oh, Orion, I don’t share a room with Bill and Charlie anymore -- I share with Ginny now. Girls’ room, you know. Charlie and Percy actually share that room now...Bill’s sharing a flat with several other boys, closer to the newspaper’s headquarters in the East End...” 
Her eyes rippled with pain. 
“...Ginny’s and my room doesn’t have a window,” she explained. “I’ve told Charlie and Percy to keep their window open for me, but...well, Percy’s grown up way too fast. He must have closed it to block out the air raid sirens last night and forgotten to reopen it...”
Orion didn’t understand half of what Carewyn was saying, but the tone she spoke with held such reassurance and remorse that it soothed the racing anxiety that had so paralyzed him. He closed his eyes as the adrenaline his anxiety had built up ebbed away, leaving him oddly drained and colder than ever. He was so out of it that he barely seemed to acknowledge that his head flopped down onto her shoulder. 
“Orion?” said Carewyn, startled and worried. 
But Orion merely inhaled and exhaled slowly. Her caring fed that beast in his chest. He wanted a bit more. 
“Carewyn,” he murmured, “did...did you think of me?”
He felt Carewyn adjust her arm around him. 
“Of course I did,” she said softly. “I told you I would never forget you.”
The tenseness in Orion’s clasped hands and face loosened its grasp. “...Because you love me.”
Carewyn looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. “What?”
But Orion barely reacted -- as if he didn’t think what he’d said was the least bit weird. 
“There’s only one thing that can prevent someone from forgetting...and that’s love. For once you love someone, your heart never really forgets them. Instead they become part of you...an indispensable piece...that would make you feel incomplete, if it was ever removed.”
Orion slowly opened his eyes, his lips spreading into a small, rather soft smile that made him look a bit more like his usual self. 
“...It’s what helped you remember your brother and the Weasleys, while you were with me...and your brother remember you, while he was with Hook,” he said. “It’s something I know nothing about...but I know you know it very well.”
Carewyn considered him for a moment, before returning her gaze back to the road. Plenty of people passing by gave her and Orion the side-eye, but she didn’t care. 
“I don’t know if I’d say you know nothing about it,” she said at last. “You remembered me just as much as I remembered you, did you not?”
Orion’s smile faded from his lips as his eyes widened ever-so-slightly. Then his expression slowly relaxed.
His black eyes trailed over her arm around his shoulders and her hand rubbing up and down his arm hesitantly. His arm beside her chest twitched slightly -- then, very, very tentatively, he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulders in return. It was a bit awkward, with the shawl wrapped around him...but once Carewyn sussed out what he was doing, she adjusted enough to give the shawl enough slack that he could successfully hold her in return. Once he had gotten his arm around her, he seemed oddly proud of himself, his smile spreading and his eyes closing again as he leaned into her, his head beside hers on her shoulder. 
They stayed that way for several blocks, walking in silence and simply enjoying each others’ company. Orion felt his center of balance returning to him. It was like having this stable place, with his arms wrapped around Carewyn’s shoulders and hers around his, was the earth he needed under his feet to launch himself back up into the air. He felt like he might even be able to fly again at some point...maybe not yet, but soon. Time always moved more slowly in Neverland than in London anyhow, so no one would mind if he took his time...
“I...don’t know if I can make it back to Neverland,” he confessed. 
Carewyn looked at him, her eyes once again flooding with concern. 
“I fell, when I failed to open your window,” Orion explained. “I’ve only ever fallen like that once before...when...”
“...When Grandfather made you think unhappy thoughts,” Carewyn finished grimly. She turned away from him, facing the road again. 
Orion nodded. His black eyes flickered across her face, even though she was no longer looking at him. 
Hook had taunted him then that Carewyn had no reason to stay in Neverland -- that she preferred the thought of growing old and dying to staying with him -- that he could never meet her high standards. He’d taunted that one day, Orion would go back to find her window locked and barred -- a grown woman who’s forgotten all about him, about Neverland, about how to fly...who’s replaced all of it with adult things Orion could never understand. Ambition. Family. ...Husband. 
Carewyn wasn’t an adult yet, but she certainly wasn’t a child anymore either. There was a practicality to her posture -- a steadiness and gravity to how she walked. There was a neatness and meticulousness in how she handled her appearance. And yet even so, her hands were still so warm and her eyes were still so soft...and the sincerity in the little wrinkles that creased her brow and eyes and kissed at the corners of her lips was just the same. 
Carewyn raised her head in Orion’s direction, but her eyes couldn’t quite reach his. Instead they landed vaguely on his shoulder. 
“...I never told you...Grandfather was wrong, did I?” she asked quietly. 
Orion tilted his head. “...I suppose it depends on which thing he said that you’re thinking of. You did say you’d never forget me, or Neverland...or how to fly.”
“Yes,” said Carewyn, “but I didn’t say that he was wrong, that you’d never understand ambition or family. That’s definitely not true. Ambition isn’t just an adult thing -- you dream of never growing up, of never losing your freedom or your independence...your spirit. That’s a wonderful ambition. And you have a wonderful family too, in Neverland. The centaurs and mermaids -- Merula and the fairies -- the Lost Kids! You take care of them as if they were your family.”
Orion stared at her for a moment, his face very unreadable, but his black eyes rippling with a strange emotion. Then he curled his fingers into the puffy white sleeve of her shirt. 
“...And...the last thing?” he asked softly. “‘Husband?’”
Carewyn frowned deeply. “Is marriage something you even want to understand?”
“No!” said Orion instantly, looking revolted. “No...but...well...”
He swallowed, his own gaze drifting away. “...If you grow up...you’ll eventually want one, won’t you?”
Carewyn cocked her brows coolly. “It’s possible. But honestly, marriage seems like a bit of a bother. I’ve had to answer to plenty of adults in my life: I’d hate to have to answer to one more by choice. Especially if it means I have to give up Jacob, my friends, and my dreams just to make him comfortable.”
She said this so huffily, and yet it comforted Orion more than he could ever properly express. His own chest seemed to lighten and he felt better able to breathe again. His eyes softened upon Carewyn’s face. 
“...I see.”
The two finally reached the Weasley home again. Orion noticed the house across the street that Carewyn had once pointed out was hers and Jacob’s had been boarded up. 
“It’ll get torn down soon,” said Carewyn, noticing Orion’s gaze. “The family that lived there had their house ransacked, just because they were German...”
Her eyes narrowed. 
“...It’s disgusting, how they were treated,” she added to herself. “They were very nice to Jacob and me, when we first came home...”
“Where is your brother?” asked Orion. 
Carewyn deflated. 
“...The war front,” she said sadly. “He’d been saving up so we could move into our own place, but...well, the army needed soldiers, so both he and Mr. Weasley signed up. Mrs. Weasley let me stay here, so I wouldn’t have to struggle to find a place to stay myself.”
Orion felt something oddly like pity prickling at his chest. “You mean you’ve lost him again, after only just getting him back?”
Carewyn didn’t answer as she opened the door of the Weasley home and bustled him inside. Once the door was closed, she guided him over to the main room and into an armchair, wrapping several more blankets around him. 
“Wait here,” she said. Her lips spread into a fuller smile. “I’ll make you some hot cocoa -- that’s sure to help you fly again.”
Orion felt his heart give a somersault. 
“Do you remember?” he said very quickly, before she could leave the room. “...Do you remember how to fly?”
Carewyn beamed. 
“Of course. All you need is faith and trust, and to have been brushed with fairy dust. Then you think happy, wonderful thoughts, and...”
She spread her arms, and -- amazingly -- her feet actually came up off the ground.
Orion’s black eyes widened. Then his mouth slowly spread into the fullest, brightest smile as he found himself coming up off the ground himself. He floated just below her, spreading both of his arms too so as to take her hands and hold them out on either side of them.
Even when the world was so miserable -- even when she had so much reason to forget...Carewyn still knew how to fly. 
“You’re flying,” said Carewyn with a warm smile. 
Orion’s eyes sparkled as he guided her around in a circle, just as he had when they danced with the fairies. “I found a happy thought.”
“Did you? What is it?”
“A person whose company makes you feel stronger, when you’re at your worst.”
Carewyn smiled. “I believe that’s what’s called a ‘friend,’ Orion Amari.”
Orion’s midnight-black eyes gleamed.
Yes. A friend. Not just someone to go on adventures with, or look after, or play make-believe with, or give direction -- but someone to be your shoulder to lean on. To listen, to comfort...to love. That was a friend. As much as he cherished the Lost Kids, he was the one who had found them -- they answered to him, seeing him as leader, since there was supposedly no one else who could. 
This friend...he wanted this friend by his side forever. “Forever,” as Carewyn had once reminded him, was an awfully long time -- but he didn’t hesitate in this thought at all. 
And so, not long after, the Boy Who Never Grew Up returned to Neverland. He passed his mantle of leadership onto Lost Boy McNully, said a quick goodbye to all of the members of his Neverland family...and decided to leave for good. Even his short trip back to the Second Star to the Right took up a few weeks, but when he returned to London, his friend was waiting for him. And Orion and Carewyn grew up together, as close of friends as teenagers and later adults as they were as children. Orion grew more than just a fraction of an inch -- he soon towered a good head over Carewyn once more. He even grew a mustache, and a beard too! And yet even with this, it was never beneath his dignity to climb a tree, nor to engage in food fights, nor to read adventure books about pirates, nor to crow like a rooster upon winning a game. No matter how much his other classmates at school would frown, and no matter how much the adults would disdain and scold him, Orion never cared -- and neither did Carewyn, or Bill or Charlie, or any of the other friends he made over the years. 
So you see, even if Orion grew older, he never truly grew up...for all children grow up, except one. And one day -- many, many years down the road from when Orion first made the choice to stay -- he looked at Carewyn and realized that his first and dearest friend had become something even more precious: a friend he wished to love, cherish, and live beside far longer than forever. A friend he would call “lover.” 
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hello! this is the bulk of the event, and this is how it will work: under the cut, there will be a list of 20 songs. most of them will be happy, fluffy songs, but i’ll add in some sadder songs too. send in a character and a song title, and i’ll write a drabble or a fic based off of it.
please request only for the characters I write for. any requests that break this rule will be deleted. find the guidelines here if needed. 
each song can only be requested once. first come, first serve. no exceptions.
i'll include a few lyrics from the song to help give you a feel for what it’s like if you’ve never heard it before, but i do recommend you read the lyrics or listen to the song. this will be a long post, so my apologies! happy requesting!
1) Would You Be So Kind - dodie [Kei Tsukishima]
“I know you know that I like you, ‘cus that's not enough; So if you will, please fall in love with me”
2) Oh, the Moon! - AJ Abdullah [Eijiro Kirishima]
“Love always feels like it gets in the way, hanging out but we got nothing to say, see you tomorrow, love you through sorrow, leave me some breadcrumbs and I swear I'll follow you”
3) Rewrite the Stars - Zac Efron, Zendaya [Katsuki Bakugo]
“What if we rewrite the stars?; Say you were made to be mine; Nothing could keep us apart; You'd be the one I was meant to find”
4) Cloud 9 - Beach Bunny [Shoto Todoroki]
“But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating; When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody; Even when we fade eventually, I'm nothing; You will always be my favorite form of loving”
5) Somewhere in Neverland - All Time Low [Hitoshi Shinso]
“Wendy run away with me; I know I sound crazy, don't you see what you do to me? I want to be your lost boy, your last chance, a better reality”
6) Outro: Propose - BTS [Shoyo Hinata]
“I give it to you; Although it was a bit awkward, I want to give it all to you; I give it to you; To me, who sometimes cries and laughs, it’s only you”
7) Mr. Loverman - Ricky Montgomery [Katsuki Bakugo] 
“Before it can get back to you (Mr. Loverman); Oh what am I supposed to do without you?”
8) Electric Love - BORNS [Denki Kaminari]
“Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle; I can't let you go now that I got it; And all I need is to be struck by your electric love”
9) Still Into You - Paramore [Shoto Todoroki]
“I should be over all the butterflies, but I'm into you (I'm into you); And even baby our worst nights; I'm into you (I'm into you); Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all”
10) I Just Want Love - Han Seungwoo [Satori Tendou]
“Tell me more roughly; Draw me a world only for us two; You can get a little more drunk than usual; I just want love; I just want love”
11) Serendipity - BTS [Izuku Midoriya]
“The universe has moved for us, without missing a single thing; our happiness was meant to be, ‘cuz you love me, and I love you”
12) cliché - mxmtoon [Ochako Uraraka]
“That's all we were, a silly cliché; I still think you're cute, but maybe it's better this way”
13) Crystal Snow - BTS [Yuu Nishinoya]
“I want to hold you one more time before you disappear; Ah, crystal flies high wherever it goes; Hey, there’s nothing else I want, I just want to feel a little more; Can I touch your heart?; I want to touch it but it keeps slipping through my fingers; someday, someday”
14) All I Wanted - Paramore [Hanta Sero]
“I could follow you to the beginning, and just to relive the start; And maybe then we'll remember to slow down; At all of our favorite parts”
15) Jamais Vu - BTS [Izuku Midoriya]
“Please give me a remedy; A remedy to make my heart beat again (remedy); What should I do now?; Please save me, give me another chance”
16) What is Love? - TWICE [Katsuki Bakugo]
“How it keeps you smiling all day?; (I wanna know) How the whole world turns beautiful?; I wanna know know know know; What is love?; Will love come to me someday?”
17) Levitating - Dua Lipa [Denki Kaminari]
“Shining just the way we are; I feel like we're forever every time we get together; No, we're never gonna be apart”
18) Can’t Sleep Love - Pentatonix [Eijiro Kirishima]
“The kind I dream about all day; The kind that keeps me up all night; Gimme that can't sleep love”
19) Sunkissed - khai dreams [Tooru Oikawa]
“So slowly a sunlit dream pulls me out of sleep; Feel the morning through the blinds; I get to thinking 'bout your sunkissed face; And a quiet place where I could give you all my time”
20) Ms. Seductive - Jeff Bernat [Denki Kaminari]
“Why do you give me butterflies when I simply just look at you?; Why must I fall for you?; Or why I can't think of words when I simply approach you?; I don't know what to do”
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babie-jeno · 3 years
no longer.
genre: fluff-ish, angst, non-idol, female reader, cupid au
warnings: prolly some inaccuracies in the origins of cupids, major character death, su/cide
word count: 2200
synopsis: Every baby born under the Venus bloodline were assigned a cupid and a soulmate. Cupids would care for the Venus babies and guide them to their soulmate. Once they fell in love with their soulmate, the cupid would have to bid their goodbyes and move on to the next Venus baby in line. Cupids are incapable of love. Despite being the epitome of love, they themselves are unlovable. Jeno has been a cupid caring for countless Venus bloodline babies since the beginning of their time. Jeno enjoyed all of his Venus bloodline babies he has cared for but he was always envious of his Venus babies. They would always grow up to live a happily, lovingly, and long life with their soulmate, something he longed for but was supposedly incapable of. Then he took care of you...
Since the beginning of their creation, Jeno has been a cupid caring for countless Venus bloodline babies. He enjoyed his time with all of those he was assigned, but he always nursed an envy of them. They would grow up to live a long happily loving life with their soulmate, something he longed for but was supposedly incapable of. Then he took care of you...
Jeno stood on a cliff stretching his beautiful long white wings and adjusted his crooked and dull gold halo. He was about to fly home after bidding goodbye to his Venus offspring named Chen, who had just hosted his wedding and was getting ready to go on his honeymoon with his pregnant soulmate. Jeno had spent 28 years preparing, planning, and perfecting Chen’s love story.
When he arrived home, he had expected the gods to give him a break, as he has been working back to back on Venus bloodline babies for quite some time. 127 years to be precise.
As usual, the gods summoned his presence and demanded his technical works to be put to use for the next Venus offspring. They informed him the offspring was a female. Jeno tilted his head, confused. He had worked with only a handful of female Venus offsprings. He was only assigned them once every blue moon because he specialized in males. The gods dramatically laughed at his confusion, “Trust us, you would not be our first choice either, but Wendy failed her mission with a female baby. Nature is replenishing herself, and Wendy is now sentenced to 145 years in the garden. No cupids are available, so you can take it, or you can leave it and serve the 145 years for Miss Wendy. You wouldn’t want that, though, am I right?” Jeno scoffed and glared at the gods.
“I’ll take it.”
Your loud cries and your mother’s pants filled the labor room. “It’s a girl!” the doctor shouts. Jeno looked down on the room and smiled. You were absolutely precious.
Every night, Jeno would watch your crib to protect you from any lurking danger. He would tuck you into bed after your mother left. Before that, though, your mother would tell you every night before you went to sleep, “Angels are watching over you.” Little did she know, she was correct.
You were only 8 years old when you encountered your first bully. Jeno watched from afar, and his heart clenched at the sight of your glassy eyes threatening to spill. He had decided to take form of a younger boy to protect you. It was a risk for cupids to actually participate in their Venus baby’s life, but he simply couldn’t bear another moment in the presence of your sadness. He took into form, fought off the bullies, and comforted you. You felt so small in his arms; you felt right.
Jeno had only expected to protect you in the human boy form this one time, but you didn’t socialize much after getting bullied. So, he took it upon himself to be your companion because it would be easier to protect you, right? Changing his appearance to seem human took a lot of his cupid energy, but he endured it for you. You were so lovely and kind. He couldn’t understand why the humans didn’t fancy you, but the humankind was always confusing him, so he wasn’t surprised.
You had invited him over for a movie marathon night at your house, a tradition that you guys have religiously done since you were 8. You had put on your pjs and were patiently waiting for Jeno to show up. You heard 5 hard rhythmic knocks, a code the two of you had created when you were 10. You ran to open the door to greet him and spent the night eating snacks and watching scary movies in his arms. Jeno watched as you fell asleep. He caressed your face and your nose scrunched at the sudden touch; he couldn’t help but giggle. You were so cute. He picked you up bridal style and tuck you into bed, just like he has every night since you were born.
When you were 16 you experienced your first real crush named Chan. Jeno was petrified. He knew Chan was not your soulmate, as his halo didn’t glow brightly to indicate a Venus soulmate. He knew the moment you introduced Chan to him that there was potential for your heart to be broken. For years, Jeno had managed to subside small childish crushes, but you were gonna be an adult soon and your feelings were slipping through his fingers. His also knew his job was to protect you and guide you to your soulmate, so he demanded you to quit seeing this stupid waste of a crush.
“Y/n, are you out of your mind? He is no good for you! What do you gain from this stupid boy?!” he yelled at you.
You were greatly astounded by his harsh tone. He had never once used such tone towards you in your many years of wonderful friendship. Was this the same boy who protected you from bullies, babied you, cuddled and tucked you in all night every halloween? Your eyes became glassy, just like the first time you met him. Looking into your eyes, he realized how he had hurt you. How could he? He questioned himself. In that moment, he understood he wasn’t doing his job. Yes, he was trying to protect you, but you ignited this fire in him. You made him feel pain, in the sense of love? He had feelings for you. Impossible, he thought. Cupids were practically feelingless beings who provided the feelings. Then, he said the 3 words cupids were forbidden to say.
“I love you.”
The air was thick, and your glassy eyes softened. You took a big step towards him and pecked his lips. Jeno was alarmed but was distracted by your soft lips against his. You cannot love him; it was no good for you or for him. Your life would end short if you rejected your soulmate and loved another, especially a cupid. For Jeno, he would spend 100+ years in the garden, and the gods would torture him and strip his memories of the mission he failed. Which means he would forget you. He couldn’t risk that. He wants to remember you. Jeno pushed you off and stormed away.
You laid in bed that night sobbing. Jeno watched from above, waiting for you to sleep and tucking you in.
Countless failed attempts of contacting Jeno lead to many missed calls and pathetic voicemails. You eventually gave up, and you never saw Jeno again. You went to your dream university that Jeno granted with the snap of his fingers. You lived comfortably, and every morning you went to the same coffee shop around the corner. You were standing in line when someone bumped into you, spilling their iced americano all over your white t-shirt. He panicked, “Omg, I’m sorry! Here’s my sweater”.
You only laughed. He was tall and extremely handsome. “It’s okay, my name is y/n,” you said and took his sweater.
“I’m Johnny,” he smiled. Jeno stood above, halo shining brightly. You had met your soulmate.
Years into dating Johnny and you were beyond happy, but something in you still thought about Jeno. Jeno knew you still thought about him, but he still needed to accomplish his mission. You needed to marry and accept your soulmate. Johnny stood in the jewelry store looking for a new watch when he glanced at the wedding rings. Jeno took the chance to whisper little persuasive words in Johnny’s ear, “Do it.” Johnny blinked and bought a beautiful diamond ring. On his way to his car, he texted you. “Babe dust off that red dress. We’re going dancing”. You replied with “so sudden but ok babe lol”.
You were in your red dress, slow dancing with Johnny. You were simply just enjoying the other’s presence, when Johnny got on one knee and proposed to you. Of course you said yes, Jeno made sure of it. He watched as his plan worked from above. Not his best delivery, but it succeeded. His time with you was running out.
The day had finally come, and you were finally getting married. You looked at your reflection in the mirror, and you started to get the jitters. Do you want to marry Johnny? Are you ready? Why was Jeno on your mind; it’s been years? You panicked and started to pack your stuff. You grabbed a pen to write a letter to apologize to Johnny.
You weren’t the only frantic one. Jeno panicked and showed his true form. He grabbed your wrist before you could begin to write. You looked up and were taken back by his halo, his lack of clothes, and his huge wings. “J-jeno?” He cupped your chubby cheeks and looked dead into your glassy eyes. Oh was he was gonna miss those dazzling eyes. You were as gorgeous and beautiful as ever, he thought.
His eyes glowed a bright pink, and he began to compel you,
“I love you, but you need to marry Johnny. You won’t remember me. You fought your bullies alone, and every year you spend Halloween alone, your first crush Chan rejected you, and Jeno never existed, and you love Johnny so, so, so much. You’ll forget you tried to ran. You’re gonna walk down that aisle, get married, go on your honeymoon, have kids, and grow old with Johnny. I’m gonna kiss you and you’ll forget everything associated with me.” You were overwhelmed, and you were about to speak when Jeno kissed you and disappeared.
Your memories were wiped. You looked around. Why were your things packed? You could’ve sworn you had already unpacked. Why was there a pen in your hands? What were you gonna write down? One of your bridesmaids walked into the room, “You’ll be walking down in 10.” She looked at your lips and pointed at her own, “You have a little smear here.” You awkwardly laughed, looked in the mirror, and cleaned up. You could’ve sworn the smear wasn’t there a moment ago. Jeno watched and smiled at your confusion. Johnny is one lucky man.
Again, he stood on the same cliff stretching his long white wings with a crooked and dull halo. Was this all to his life? Mission after mission with no love to share? He flew home and again the gods called for him. They were probably wondering why was he home early. His mission wasn’t finished until you said those 2 bonding words, but he couldn’t bear it anymore. Instead of going to the gods, he went to the garden, where they held prisoners and golden arrows. Cupids are immortals beings, but magic always has a loophole. Every cupid has their own golden arrow capable of taking their life. It’s what the gods used to threaten cupids into working in love labor. He grabbed his arrow when the guard was not looking and flew back to the cliff. Jeno opened a portal to watch you walk down the aisle and say your vows. God did he wish it was him you were marrying. The priest began to say his line,
"Do you, Y/n take Johnny Suh as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
“I do.”
You said those two words that bonded you to life with your Venus soulmate. Which meant Jeno had officially finished his mission.
“She no longer needs me,” Jeno spoke before he pierced his heart with his golden arrow.
2 years after your wedding, you and Johnny began to try to start a family. You were happy to find out you were pregnant and that your due date was Halloween. You don’t really know when it began or why, but Halloween has always been your favorite holiday. You had expected for a baby girl, so you chose the name Yeeun.
Like clockwork, you began to go into labor Halloween morning. Johnny rushed you to the hospital. You were emitted to a labor room and gave birth. “It’s a boy!” the doctor shouted. You and Johnny were confused, since you had been expecting a girl.
“What would you like to name this baby boy?” the nurse asked. You were in deep thought.
“Oh we haven’t thought abou-.”
You interrupted Johnny with, “Jeno, J-Jeno, yeah Jeno his name is Jeno.” You don’t know what compelled you to say such an uncommon name, but it felt familiar, comfortable even.
this was based off a dream I had so like dhjdfnnsdk
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hildagirl99 · 3 years
The last Outlaw
(part 1)
Bill, like every night, wakes up from the same nightmare, a shadow chasing him calling him.
"Is it still the same nightmare?" Aiyanna asks, who was by his side.
"Yes… I don't know why. I don't believe in premonitory dreams." Bill answers.
"Is there something bothering you lately? A fear? A person?"
"Not really…"
"No, just… hope."
"A hope ?"
"Yes, you know that for the past month I've been trying to find information about my missing father." Said Bill.
"Maybe it's him you see in a dream."
"Maybe… you know this mission is my last chance to find my father. I need all the information I can get. I need my mother, also see if he doesn't have any friends."
"Bill, without wanting to make you lose hope, but maybe you have to face reality ... your father may have died. It's been 45 years since he disappeared and when we go to conquer the however, we seldom come back alive. "
"I need to know! I can tell he's still alive!" Bill said, determined.
Aiyanna sighs. When Bill was determined, it was impossible for him to go back.
"If that's it, then I'll come with you." She says.
"Sorry ?"
"No matter how dangerous, I'll follow you."
"If you say so, I will feel less alone. I will go see my mother the next day, because tomorrow is when my expedition starts. Please don't tell Tanka about it." Bill smiles before going back to sleep.
The next day, Bill goes to his mother, who was waiting for him with her 5 brothers and sisters.
"It's been a long time…" her older brothers, twins John and Ethan were saying.
"The last time was 2 years ago… What did you do?" Asks his big sister, Martha.
"Well… that's why I want to see you, I need your help." Bill answers.
"If it's to ask for money, it's no." Teases his big brother, Tom.
"No, it concerns our family."
"Do you want to talk about daddy?" Julia, the last of the family, recalls.
"How do you know…" Bill sighs.
"My intuition, big brother."
"Precisely, in a little while, I am leaving… I am going on a trip, to try to find him."
"Are you serious? But… isn't it a bit too late? Bill… we had already tried but nothing. We can only conclude that he is dead." Martha said.
"No… you have to persevere! I will do what you all were unable to do!" Bill writes, exhausted to hear that his father may be out of this world.
His brothers and sisters look at each other, as if he is right.
"Have your own experience, bro. We trust you." Said Tom.
"Dead or alive, I'll find him."
"And what do you want to ask us in the end?" John asks.
"Do… do you have a picture of him?"
"A photo? Uh… I think you should ask mom. But I'm afraid she's gotten rid of it."
"Whatever!" Bill said walking over to his mother.
His mother, Lana, since the disappearance of her beloved, her life no longer had any meaning or interest. She held on thanks to her children. She stayed most of the time in her room embroidering or knitting. For 30 years, she had sent letters to her love hoping in return for his news. She had given up since, as if she had completely forgotten. Bill was not to rush her.
"Hello Mom." He said in a low voice.
"I thought you were in jail after everything you had done for us." She replies, not taking her eyes off her knitting.
"Mom… I was doing it for you, to keep us from starving. I apologize if I had to be away for a while."
"What's your excuse?"
"Mum, I… do you have a picture of daddy?" He asks.
Lana stops knitting. Bill knew it was difficult to talk about his father.
"I don't know what you're talking about…" she replied after a long silence.
"Mom… seriously, it's for a good cause! Remember! You certainly have a picture of daddy! I'm asking you that because I'm going to look for him!"
Lana's eyes widen.
"Come on… I didn't think you would really go looking for him, there is no hope that you would find him."
“Mom, please…” Bill pleads.
"You're like him… I don't want you to go! You risk your life! Go north alone, you have to be suicidal!" Said her mother getting up from her chair.
"It doesn't matter! Dead or alive! I'll find him!"
"Geez, you've got all of him… determined, fearless and stubborn…"
"Mom, just a picture of him." Said Bill ignoring what she just said.
"It's not very visible but I'll show it to you anyway." She said moving to her nightstand.
She pulls out a tiny, yellowish, worn photo.
"It's him…"
Bill is speechless, as if he held the Holy Grail.
"My god… I had no idea what he looked like when I was a baby but now I have a face on my dad. I understand why you tell me I look a lot like him…" he said.
"But what's the use of this photo? He's aged a lot in 45 years… how are you going to recognize him, if god knows he's alive." Lana asks.
Bill was moved to hold in his hand the only photo of his missing father.
"I don't know… what was his name?"
"He was known as Jack Terror when he was a bandit… His name was Jacky."
"Jacky… daddy… Jack Terror…" Bill whispers, staring at the picture.
"This is the only photo of him… I pray with it every night since his disappearance."
"Don't worry… I won't take it… I finally have a face and a name on our father." He said, returning the photo to her.
"When are you going to leave?" Asks his mother.
"I'll start the research, when and where last we saw it, tomorrow. There must be records of the gold conquest." He replies.
"Bill… please I don't want to lose you like I lost your father. Just be careful! If anything happens to you, I'll never forgive myself…"
Bill turns around and hugs his mother.
"Don't worry, mom, I'm careful, I love to play with death…"
"Cheeky kid…" his mother said, smiling weakly.
After saying goodbye to his mother, he walks over to his siblings.
"Be careful bro, it doesn't matter if you can find a trace of daddy." John said.
"Don't worry, I'll do my best, I'm doing it for all of us." Bill responds with a wink.
Back in the Indian tribe, with Aiyanna.
"Did you get any information?" She asks.
"I had a face and a name on my dad, but right after that, it's going to be serious. I'll dig deeper."
"Do you plan to brief Lorelei and Penny on your trip?"
"* Sigh * I don't want to endanger them, especially not my daughters and my son. This is my story, it's only about me. I don't want to cause them concern."
"You're not causing any concern, honey. I'm happy to participate in your research. And if it's important to you, you don't have to tell them."
Bill looks on the horizon.
"I will not do."
"I could come ?" Said Tanka, their son.
"Tanka? No… it's dangerous." Said Aiyanna.
"Dad will need a pair of fangs if there's a bad beast or bad character around."
"Hehe definitely… like father like son… we'll go together, but if I feel the danger is approaching, run and hide when I tell you." Laughs Bill.
At nightfall, everything was calm, a little too calm, a thick fog surrounds the tribe.
"Brrr… it's suddenly cold." Said Aiyanna.
"Is it normal in August?" Bill asks.
"No… Oh !! Look!"
In the shadows behind the teepees, a gigantic lean form moves slowly.
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"My god !! But what is it?"
Suddenly they hear war cries and barking.
"Quick! Let's get out!"
And what they saw froze them in place. The creature was about 3 meters tall, it stood on its skinny legs, it possessed a long tail, one could distinguish in the middle the bones of its half-gnawed tail, the monster had a bone head in the shape of a deer with horns, and finally, large hands with long claws. The Indians were around the beast, screaming to frighten it, that didn't help, it only made the beast even more angry, it growled.
"This is ... this is ..." Aiyanna stutters.
Tanka was close to the beast trying to bite it in his wolf form.
"Tanka !! Back off !! You're going to be hurt!" Bill writes running to his son.
Bill's screams attract the beast, which turns its head towards him. She walks up to him. Bill's legs remain frozen in place, unable to move.
"Daddy !! Go away !!" Said Tanka.
An Indian throws a stone at the beast to divert its attention. She growls and leaps at the Indian, grabbing him by the mouth before running away.
"My ... god ... what is ..."
"It was the wendigo !!" Writes Aiyanna.
"Wendi what?"
"The wendigo! A cursed Native American creature! What was he doing in our tribe? And he took one of our brothers!"
"Are we cursed? If the wendigo has come to our tribe, it means a bad omen." Sighs the Indian chief.
"But can someone explain to me what wendigo is?" Bill asks in confusion.
"It is an evil creature, often depicted with a human body and the head of a deer. It is a cursed creature that only lives to eat human flesh ..."
"If he's around, he's got no more to eat and now he's coming here to get food… we're on his hunting ground now." Said Aiyanna.
The whole tribe was now in a panic.
"It's weird… he didn't seem to be hunting…" Bill thought.
"And how do we kill this creature?" Aiyanna asks.
"Nothing… his skin is hard as a stone, our arrows will do nothing. Only fire is fatal to him." The chef answers.
To be continued...
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella?  Oh you are just mean. Nutella is amazing as a filling or icing, but when it comes down to it I guess I look for peanut butter more often. I love both though.
Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes?  Mashed. But baked potatoes are pretty good too; the only reason I didn’t pick it is that I don’t get to have it as often as I do mashed.
What is your oldest sibling’s middle name?  I’m the eldest sibling, but my sister, who comes after me, has Beatrice as her second name if that’s what you mean by middle name.
Do you like breadsticks?  Yes. The more cheesy-garlicky, the better.
What are your favorite things to spend money on?  Merch or food.
Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten?  Puppy. Not the biggest fan of cats.
How old will you be on your next birthday?  24.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people?  If it’s the combination of having to be around people I’m not too close with, like workmates, and I’m eating something that tends to be messy, like jjajangmyeon, then yeah I can definitely feel conscious.
When you opened your eyes this morning, what were your first thoughts?  I fell asleep from 11 PM to around 3 AM and when I woke up then I thought  “ugh, I fell asleep early again?”
What is one thing in the room you’re in that reminds you of somebody?  My vape pen constantly reminds me of Andi because they were the one who gave it to me.
Could you ever be friends with somebody who was homophobic?  No.
Would you ever want to be a supermodel, or date one?  I did want to be one, at one point. It was all a matter of being stuck with the wrong crowd at the time lol.
Honestly, have you ever made fun of somebody so bad they cried?  Probably with my sister when we were very young.
Honestly, would you rather be complimented on your looks or intelligence?  Intelligence.
Have you ever purchased a pregnancy test, for yourself or otherwise? I never have.
You can get one thing, anything, for free right now. What do you pick? Why?  A 1 or 2 TB hard drive. My phone has reached the stage where I’m starting to have to constantly delete shit so I don’t reach the maximum storage, so I need someplace to dump all my photos and videos in to free up my phone.
Honestly, have you ever danced naked?  Nope.
What was the first illegal thing that you did? Did you get caught? I dunno...buy pirated movies? I didn’t get ‘caught’ since pirated movie stalls are widespread here anyway, so for the most part I’ve always been more concerned for them than I am for myself.
What is the home page on the computer you’re on?  Technically it’s supposed to be the Google home screen, but I have an extension that shows me my to-do list for the day.
Do you like to write poetry?  Nah, that’s always been my Achilles’ heel when it comes to writing.
Are your ears pierced?  Yup. Surprisingly enough they’ve never closed up despite never having worn earrings (clip-ons notwithstanding) in the last 13 years.
If so, were they pierced with a piercing gun, or with a sterile needle?  I’m not sure, since my mom had them pierced when I was a baby. I would guess piercing gun, though.
Do you wear makeup regularly? I never wear makeup.
Did you eat cereal for breakfast today?  I never have cereal unless I’m staying at hotels. It’s just never been something I look for.
When was the last time you tripped over something?  A box that was lying around in my room.
Any obsessive-compulsive tendencies?  I’ll sometimes get concerned with how many times I have to flick the switch of our hot water dispenser or open and close the refrigerator door before I feel completely satisfied...but I dunno if that counts.
Who was the last person you yelled at?  Technically...Angela? I was filming an unboxing video for a gift she randomly got me and I loved the gift so much I was yelling my excitement through the screen.
Why did you yell at them?  ^ That.
Favorite type of apple?  I don’t like fruits.
Ever seen live horse racing?  No, it’s not something that interests me.
How about live greyhound racing?  I don’t even know what that looks like.
What’s one thing, besides the obvious, that you couldn’t live without?  The arts, I guess. I need something to listen to, to watch, etc on a regular basis.
Have you ever touched a giraffe?  I don’t think so.
What does your mom call you?  Robyn, or the Filipino term parents use for their kids.
What stresses you out the most in life?  A particular client at work. We have a million campaigns going on for them at any given point so my life virtually revolves around that brand these days.
Do you play any PC games? What is your favorite?  Nope.
If you were pregnant, how would you tell the father? Well, that would depend on the circumstances. Did we want a baby? Was it a bad surprise, a happy surprise? I can't answer this with just one idea. < Yeah.
What’s the hardest level you can play on Guitar Hero?  If I’m using a Playstation controller, I can go Hard or Expert. But my finger coordination with the actual guitar controller is terrible and I fail most songs even at Easy.
What ever happened with you and your first boyfriend?  There was never any ‘boyfriend,’ but my first girlfriend and I have basically had a falling out and I haven’t talked to her in months, and I expect it to continue being that way.
What’s your favorite country song?  I don’t have any.
What is the worst thing a former boyfriend/girlfriend has done to you?  Putting her pride and anger first even when I’m obviously in a state of disstress or breakdown in front of her. That’s some emotional rollercoaster I’m glad I don’t have to deal with anymore.
What were you for Halloween last year?  Just Dora the Explorer again, which was a repeat from the year before that.
Are you feeling guilty for something?  I don’t think so; at least there isn’t anything I’m actively feeling guilty about at the moment.
Are you usually quiet or loud?  I think I’m in between? I’m pretty loud but I can space out at the most random moments hahaha.
How many hours do you spend on the computer a day?  This question always makes me wince at myself...I guess anywhere between 16-18 hours? The only time I put my laptop down is when I’m off to bed, but otherwise it’s constantly open.
What is the show that you watched when you were little, and you still do? I don’t think there is such a show.
Do your siblings text you?  Nope. We live under the same roof 24/7 so there’s been little need to text.
Do you want a small or big wedding?  Big.
Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth?  Yes, but that was when Google Earth was still super bare so I wasn’t able to see the actual house anyway, but just the general area where we’re located. I haven’t used Google Earth in years.
Who is your ex dating/talking to?  I don’t know and I hoooonestly could not care less.
Ever kissed someone who smokes?  Yep.
Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you?  Depends on my mood. I have my moments where it’s very easy for me to get irritated.
Do you own your own computer?  I mean it was bought for me, but I didn’t get it with money I earned.
Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings?  When my brother was starting to mature, my sister and I very very briefly experimented sharing a room, but it lasted like all of two weeks. My parents ultimately just transferred our balcony to a bedroom so that all three of us had our own rooms.
What noises in the room you’re in, do you hear at the moment?  An airplane is flying above me at the moment so I can hear its engine. I can also hear some crickets chirping and the faint barking of dogs.
Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?  Yup.
What’s the biggest upcoming event for you?  I guess my second vaccine dose is kinda big? It’s happening this Friday.
What do you typically order from Wendy’s?  I rarely get Wendy’s tbh, but when I do I usually go for their Baconator.
Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper?  No, it’s not something I would be into.
What do you love most about yourself? Continued the next day because I am terrible at taking a survey in one go. I like that I don’t hesitate to do or buy things for my loved ones, not even inwardly. I guess it’s because my family has always lived very practically, so I want to make up for that by spoiling my friends.
Have you ever received a hickey from the last person you kissed?  Yes.
What are you doing right now?  I am supposed to be at work but it’s a relatively quiet day, so I’m here. I do have my screen split between Tumblr and my emails though, so that I’d be able to see if new work will come in hahaha.
What’s bothering you right now?  Quiet work days always make me anxious because it makes me think if I’m forgetting about something crucial.
What was the last thing you drank?  I literally just took a sip of my coffee before moving on to this question.
Be honest, do you like people in general?  Depends on the situation, I think. Like when I go to concerts, I know I’m around people I share the same interests with, so there’s a sense of solidarity that goes with that. But when I’m like...I dunno, lining up to get my license renewed at a government office, I know people there are in a rush and tend to get rude, and that makes me feel a little bit overwhelmed. I don’t think this is something I can generalize.
Do you want your tongue pierced?  No. Lip I can consider, but I have to pass on tongue. 
Do you change your phone background a lot?  I do these days, yeah.
Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something?  Possibly.
Have you ever been strip searched?  I’ve been searched, but was never asked to strip.
Do you have a funny last name? Does anyone make fun of it?  No, it’s an ordinary surname.
Ever have a drug overdose? What did you OD on exactly?  Never.
Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? I get sick of people who call themselves bipolar, and of people who use ‘bipolar’ to describe someone else who just has your typical mood swings.
Describe your day so far in three words:  Business as usual.
What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school? I was once designated as a leader for a science investigative project, which didn’t make sense because science was definitely not my strongest point. Needless to say it didn’t go well and I ended up being a terrible leader. Choose one- Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:  Butterfinger, even though they’re a bitch to eat and chew.
Have you ever stepped in dog poop?  Maybe once or twice. It fortunately doesn’t happen a lot.
What was the last thing you spent money on?  I got Angela and Reena cheese tarts. The reason behind it was Jin held a VLIve last Monday and he had been eating egg tarts during the stream; and because I was happy to have watched my first Jin live, I got my friends cheese tarts hahaha. I don’t know a lot of places that sells good egg tarts so I settled for cheese tarts instead, which I think are better anyway.
Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed?  Yeah.
Is there a guy that knows a lot about you?  I guess Hans? We personally don’t get to have a lot of heart-to-heart exchanges, but considering how Angela’s my greatest confidante I’m sure she has shared bits of my life to him, which I don’t mind.
Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without?  I don’t really like answering this question anymore because the people that I’ve declared ‘for keeps’ have faded out of my life at some point. I’m a lot more guarded and self-preservation-y when it comes to this now.
Do you prefer Starbucks coffee or small cafe coffee?  Ooooh, both. I love coffee.
Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum?  No.
Do you enjoy being outdoors?  If the weather is nice, yes.
Do people tell you that you have an accent?  I mean I’ve been told my English is strong, but my accent in particular doesn’t really get noted.
Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July?  I don’t celebrate that.
What’re some unspeakable subjects for you?  I don’t like talking about my brother. Otherwise I am pretty open about everything.
Is there anyone you would take a bullet for?  Several people come to mind.
Do you enjoy tanning?  If I’m at the beach, sure. It’s honestly not something I have to constantly keep up with, though, since I’m already naturally tan enough. Are you a virgin?  No.
Who’s your celebrity crush?  Taehyung :(
Did or do you get good grades in English class?  I always got pretty good grades in English.
What part of your body are you self-conscious about?  Teeth, and my legs sometimes.
Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner?  I don’t celebrate that.
Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer?  Yes.
Do you personally know anyone who is transgender?  Yes.
When was the last time you got a shot?  Last month, then I’m getting my second dose tomorrow.
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Survey #425
“evolution repressed by our backwards contest  /  breeding our torrential demise as we come to this edge”
Serious question, peanut butter or nutella? I think Nutella is a godsend, but I use peanut butter waaaaay more often. We don't even really buy Nutella because I will destroy the jar. Do you prefer baked potatoes or mashed potatoes? Baked. What is your oldest sibling’s middle name? Kathryn. I think. Do you like breadsticks? I just like bread, man. What are your favorite things to spend money on? Tattoos, uuuuugggghhhhh <3 Which would you rather have a new puppy or kitten? Neither, really. Most puppies drive me insane (even though they're cute as everliving fuck), and I don't want another cat. Mom actually talked about getting another, but I really just want my one boy. Roman would get SO jealous, anyway. I enjoy just having my baby. How old will you be on your next birthday? 26. Yikes. Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? As "the fat one," I can be sometimes. I would say though that more often than not, it's sort of whatever to me because I'm a human that has to eat. When you opened your eyes this morning, what were your first thoughts? I thought I slept way later than I actually did. What is one thing in the room you’re in that reminds you of somebody? My stuffed meerkat Rebel. Jason got it for me for my first birthday that we were together. Could you ever be friends with somebody who was homophobic? Never again. I was once able to think "agree to disagree," but sometimes by doing so, you're siding with evil by not enforcing what is more than just a belief. It should come with being a human. Also given my own sexuality, it would be a slap in the face to me. Would you ever want to be a supermodel, or date one? Hell no. I'd date one though, if they were modest about their position. Honestly, have you ever made fun of somebody so bad they cried? Wow, no. Honestly, would you rather be complimented on your looks or intelligence? Quite frankly, nowadays, my appearance. I need it. My self-confidence is so far below "shit." Have you ever purchased a pregnancy test, for yourself or otherwise? Nope. You can get one thing, anything, for free right now. What do you pick? Why? Hm. I know I talk about it a lot, but it would still probably be a 40 gallon terrarium for Venus. She needs - and deserves - it. Honestly, have you ever danced naked? NOOOOOOOO. What was the first illegal thing that you did? Did you get caught? Downloaded music. My mom eventually found out, but didn't care much. What is the home page on the computer you’re on? Google. Do you like to write poetry? I do, but I haven't done it in a while. :/ Are your ears pierced? Yes. If so, were they pierced with a piercing gun, or with a sterile needle? Piercing gun. Which, by the way, do not do. There are many more risks with a piercing gun versus a needle by a professional. Do you wear makeup regularly? I never do. Did you eat cereal for breakfast today? No. I've been on a bagel kick lately. When was the last time you tripped over something? Last night, actually. The rug in the living room was slightly turned up, and I tripped in the dark. I didn't actually fall, thankfully. Any obsessive-compulsive tendencies? I'm diagnosed with OCD. I experience more ruminations and intrusive thoughts more than obsessive behaviors, though. Who was the last person you yelled at? Probably Mom. Why did you yell at them? I don't remember. Favorite type of apple? I like pink lady apples. I really enjoy any, so long as they're crisp. Ever seen live horse racing? No. To be totally honest, I don't really like the concept of it. Motivating a horse to run by hurting it doesn't exactly seem moral... How about live greyhound racing? No. What’s one thing, besides the obvious, that you couldn’t live without? The Internet, haha. Have you ever touched a giraffe? No. What does your mom call you? Britt. What stresses you out the most in life? I really don't think I could pick a top one. There are so many. Do you play any PC games? What is your favorite? Yeah. Y'all probably know WoW is my favorite. If you were pregnant, how would you tell the father? Well, that would depend on the circumstances. Did we want a baby? Was it a bad surprise, a happy surprise? I can't answer this with just one idea. What’s the hardest level you can play on Guitar Hero? I used to be able to slam out Expert easily with only very few songs I had to play on Hard, but now it's been YEARS. I've played less than once in a blue moon, and my skill's definitely faded some. It really depends on the song. What ever happened with you and your first boyfriend? He couldn't handle my depression anymore. What’s your favorite country song? "When The Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw, probably. What is the worst thing a former boyfriend/girlfriend has done to you? Fail to communicate what he was feeling with me and then make a dashing break for it very, very abruptly after three and a half years. It put me past a state of shock, but trauma with how no less than obsessed I was with him. What were you for Halloween last year? I didn't dress up. :/ I wish I had the money and motivation alike to. Are you feeling guilty for something? I always will. Are you usually quiet or loud? Quiet. How many hours do you spend on the computer a day? Like... uh... all of them, oof. What is the show that you watched when you were little, and you still do? Meerkat Manor. Do your siblings text you? Not really. Do you want a small or big wedding? Small. Have you ever searched for your own house on Google Earth? Not the house I currently live in, but I have before. Who is your ex dating/talking to? I don't know. Ever kissed someone who smokes? No. Does it take a lot for someone to annoy you? Frankly, no. Do you own your own computer? This laptop, anyway. Did you ever have to share a room with one of your siblings? Yes, with my younger sister as a kid and pre-teen. What noises in the room you’re in, do you hear at the moment? I hear the video I'm watching, as well as my fan. Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours? Yes. What’s the biggest upcoming event for you? Nothing. Not like that's a surprise. What do you typically order from Wendy’s? Son of the Baconator. @_@ Have you ever been given a lapdance by an actual stripper? No. Those are so awkward to me. What do you love most about yourself? I don't know these days. Have you ever received a hickey from the last person you kissed? No. What are you doing right now? This survey and re-watching John Wolfe play Outlast 2. What’s bothering you right now? I'm immensely nervous about tomorrow. I have my first (and I pray the fuck to God not only) session with my new personal trainer then, and I'm terrified by how my body and my mental fortitude is going to react. Y'all have no fucking idea JUST how out of shape I am, and the muscles in my legs seem basically non-existent by now. I have to do something about my health, though, and I'm determined to make this shit work. More than determined. I know the first day is going to be hard, but I need to do this more than I can explain. What was the last thing you drank? ... What great fucking timing, I have a can of Mountain Dew, lol... That's another thing that needs to change. I've gotta stop the emotional and boredom-eating and chill the fuck out with soda. Be honest, do you like people in general? Quite frankly, no. There are plenty of people I love and think are amazing, of course, but I think I lean towards humanity being too shitty to like "in general." Do you want your tongue pierced? I miss my snake eyes. :/ That was suuuuch a cute piercing. I just had to take it out for the safety of my teeth. I kept accidentally clamping down on one of the balls when eating, and it would cause tiny fractures. Do you change your phone background a lot? No. Have you ever made someone so mad that they broke something? No. Have you ever been strip searched? No. Do you have a funny last name? Does anyone make fun of it? It's not funny-sounding, no, I just think it's too manly for me to enjoy as part of my name. Ever have a drug overdose? What did you OD on exactly? Yes. Oddly enough, I don't remember what I OD'd on now... You'd think I would, given how extreme the situation was. It was some cold medicine. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? I absolutely do. It's extremely insensitive to people like myself who legitimately suffer - and I do mean "suffer" - from the disorder. Describe your day so far in three words: Dull. Lazy. Anxious. What was the most stressful project you had so far/while in school? Probably my senior project and the presentation I had to do for it. I taught about the fallacies and misconceptions of snakes, and I made a PowerPoint and some drawings to color and crosswords for the special ed children. I was so, so very nervous, but I got through it fine and the kids seemed to enjoy it. I actually still have the recording. Choose one- Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers: MILKY WAY. FUCK I love those. Have you ever stepped in dog poop? UGH yes. What was the last thing you spent money on? My niece's birthday present. Have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed? Yeah. Is there a guy that knows a lot about you? I almost said "yes," but then I realized he doesn't know me at all anymore. I've changed so much, hopefully mostly for the better. He hasn't "known" me in many years. Is there someone you just can’t imagine your life without? It's terrifying to imagine my life without Mom; Sara, too. Do you prefer Starbucks coffee or small cafe coffee? I prefer no coffee. Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum? Nah. Do you enjoy being outdoors? If it's cool outside and I have somewhere to sit that's not the ground, yes. Do people tell you that you have an accent? Sometimes. Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July? They're pretty, but I don't support their usage by this point in my life. They're a fire hazard, triggering to some vets with PTSD, and beyond terrifying for animals. What’re some unspeakable subjects for you? I get most heated about child molestation. You do not fucking touch a child like that. I don't even write any of my bajillion evil guys committing it in RP because I just can't stomach it. Even when my little sister (a children's social worker) is telling Mom about some stuff she sees at work, I have to not be present, 'cuz that shit isn't rare. It's nauseating. Is there anyone you would take a bullet for? A good number of people, honestly. Do you enjoy tanning? Hell no, I avoid the sun and heat at like all costs. Are you a virgin? This is going to sound weird, but I actually don't know, but I lean towards no. Who’s your celebrity crush? mARK EDWARD FISCHFUCK Did or do you get good grades in English class? I was always excellent in English. What part of your body are you self-conscious about? My stomach. But I'm self-conscious about everything else, too. Are you expected to help fix Thanksgiving dinner? No. Everyone knows I can't cook worth a damn. Have you ever lost anyone close to cancer? Truly close, no. Unless you include pets, actually. Then a few. :/ Do you personally know anyone who is transgender? Yep. When was the last time you got a shot? Earlier this year for Covid. Get your fucking vaccine, btw. :^)
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