#WELL then i found it and i got the wii u working SO all that can stop now 👁️👁️ ok ive fr gone on too long
tails-artwork · 6 months
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Gaming Thoughts - October 2023 - Xenoblade Chronicles X
Ever since the announcement of the Wii-U's internet being discontinued, I had found myself going back to this game after so many years. Also, knowing me as a small disclaimer, you may be seeing this game a bit from me as well. XD
I had actually picked up XCX back at Launch and played it quite a bit, but because things got busy and also there was a point that I was stuck in the game, I had put it down for a period of time and said that I would come back to working on it later when things calmed down a bit. Well...now became that later so I may be a little scrambling to get things in it somewhat gone through. At least get some of the online-only content in there at the least before it is no longer accessible. (I know that Pretendo could be an option in the future, but I'm not 100% confident on if they will be able to get XCX up and running through their service since looking at their roadmap it isn't quite a priority yet and also I just have great skepticism on fan projects of this large of a scale ever getting finished as well, so it is more or less a 'I'll believe it when I see it deal')
Though coming back to this game now, I've been enjoying it a LOT more now that I'm finally able to understand certain mechanics. The game does jack-shit to explain how some mechanics with the battle system works (ESPECIALLY Overdrive most of all) and the digital manual is like a pain for me to even go through as well (and why I miss physical manuals in games, dammit) either way, after a bit of research and such I've been finding myself highly enjoying it more and more now at this point. It already was my favourite game as it was even with how difficult it was being before, but now only just cemented it even further.
Just as a note for anyone that may want to try to get into the game, DON'T ever approach it the same way you do with normal JRPGs, if you do and just try to go at it entirely for the main story and only hit the side missions here and there, you will find yourself disappointed since the main story itself doesn't present a lot of development for the other characters as it was with the exception of one. You get more of your development of the characters and even of the world itself through the affinity missions and the side missions most of all. Even most of the sidequests have a lot of their own little storyline to them as well too that helps expand more on the world and everything.
I actually wish this game will get at the very least a port to the modern consoles, though. Or even at least Nintendo's next console since because it was on the Wii-U it hardly got a lot of attention as it was and not a lot of people would have played it, but more of all, I would actually also would love to see there be a sequel as well considering there are so many things that are still unanswered as well that I would love to find some resolution to.
Anyways, when I played this game, I made my primary OC, Conrad, being my custom character as well. So I tried to draw him with at least the equipment that I have currently in-game. Out of the weapon types that there are, because of some of the prior things that I have done with him, I felt that out of the weapon options in the game, the Sniper Rifle was still the best one that did fit him as well and I'm still keeping that as being the main weapon that I'm basing my build around. (You have a LOT of options of how to make your build and a few different weapon options to use. You have to have one ranged and one melee weapon in your setup, but with how the game is designed, you really cannot balance your build between the two and it becomes more of one being your main damage dealer and the other being essentially there for support because of the arts that are available to it.)
Either way, odds are likely I'll be playing this game quite a bit either until I get a lot of things finished up finally or after the end of April, whichever comes first so if I end up needing to cover this game again because of this, I'll try to at least make it more on that month's summary as opposed to the game as a whole. XD
(All in all, I don't think I will ever see this being dethroned as one of my top favourite games anytime soon)
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miloscat · 3 months
[Review] Severed (PSVita)
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A very modern dungeon crawler for touchscreens!
I'm currently suffering through my first bout of Covid-19. It's been a miserable week so far, and one of the ways I've been getting through the days is playing portable games in bed. The Vita is so underappreciated and ticking this off my backlog helped me appreciate it all over again: the clicky buttons, thin and light form factor, and especially the large and gorgeous OLED screen. Severed is a game made for the Vita. Well, and for smartphones, 3DS, Wii U, etc... but the Vita is definitely one of the best ways to play it, probably.
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Severed comes to us from the Canadian dev Drinkbox Studios. I loved both their Guacamelee games, and the art style of this is very similar: lots of bold colours, no outlines, otherworldly creature design. The atmosphere and tone here is darker though, with little humour outside of a slightly quirky NPC or two. This grim tale of a young woman in some kind of oppressive afterlife world, searching for her lost family, is a far cry from Juan and Tostada's bombastic adventures—although they do have some themes in common come to think of it—but told with just as much care and impact.
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The gameplay is an interesting take on old first-person dungeon crawlers. You move between nodes or rooms, turning and stepping through them with the D-pad as you solve gate puzzles and navigate the labyrinthine structures. On the way you're frequently stopped by monsters in encounters that are preset so once you've cleared them you're free to explore and find secrets at your leisure. The minimap in the corner of the screen is so useful that I often found myself looking at it alone, and missing out on the lovely art of the main screen! It can also be expanded to plan your route which helps since there's no fast travel, but a small game world and the occasional shortcut can help if you want to backtrack.
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Of course the main point of the game is the combat, which plays out via the touchscreen. Each monster type has particular ways to tackle them, and there's clear communication of their weak points, when to parry them, and so on. All this is done by swiping strategically: you can do flurries of short swipes, more damaging long swipes, and you'll gain the ability to charge or use spells to stun them or steal their buffs. Most encounters also feature multiple monsters that you have to constantly rotate between. It can be a bit overwhelming at times!
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This whole mechanic is very polished and fun to engage with, although I had to step up my game later on as monster packs became more intimidating. Swiping on the responsive Vita capacitive touchscreen worked very well, although I'm partial to the precision of the Wii U's resistive touch with a stylus, so I'm sure it would be great there too. After defeating a monster is where the title mechanic comes into play (although the player character Sasha also lost her arm in the inciting attack, so it works on multiple levels).
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By building up a focus meter you get a brief window to sever the limbs and appendages of monsters after killing them. There's a large variety of these sourced from the bestiary of baddies, and you can then spend your stock on a skill tree. I liked expanding my abilities and trading for parts to get an edge on the next battle, I felt it was well balanced. Exploring also can net you more parts or expansions to your health and mana, and the difficulty was tuned such that these felt rewarding, even necessary, although it's also possible to just... get better at honing your swiping reflexes and responses to particular monster behaviour.
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I'm glad I lifted this one out of my backlog and finally gave it a go. It's very well made, the gameplay and presentation are slick and enjoyable, and it's got that unique combination of mechanics that make it stand out. The length also seems just right, the three dungeons plus backtracking taking me about six hours. I recommend this one but only if you take breaks to rest your wrist which has to hold the console while your other hand is swiping away... the Vita might actually be the lightest platform it's available on in fact, although resting your device on a cushion is also a good option.
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ottspot · 2 years
Here's How I Got 8 Copies of Bayonetta 1 (And Why I Wanted Them)
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I don't think it's that much of a surprise that I love the Bayonetta series. You could probably tell with the big trailer analysis post from earlier this year, really. But it's the truth! This is a series I've been passionate about ever since I got both games in 2016. And yes, this is where it all starts.
Bayonetta was revealed as the final downloadable fighter for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U on December 15, 2015. She was also revealed alongside Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates. But It was her that caught my eye. Which is honestly surprising, since I'm only attracted to men.
It wasn't her body that I saw, though. It was the high-octane action and combos in her moves, her sassy nature, and just the fact that she was from a series I had never played before. I knew that I had to play the games before she released as a fighter that February. So, I looked further into the series.
Bayonetta 2 was announced for a reprint after her fighter announcement, but this reprint would not include the disc with the first game. I knew that original version was the one I had to get. I saw it go up in price on eBay shortly after that, going for even more than the standard $60 price. Eventually, I would find what I was looking for. In January, I found that a GameStop near me had a pre-owned copy of the original version of Bayonetta 2 with the first game for around $30. I pleaded my parents to get it, and they thankfully did.
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My dad opted to get a copy of Ryse: Son of Rome for the Xbox One as well. He didn't like the game.
I went home that night and started the first game. About a day and a half later, I finished it and started the second one. Same amount of time passed, and I finished that too. In just a few days, I had beaten both Bayonetta games. There was still lots more to do, though, so I kept playing them. February then rolled around and Bayonetta was released as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. Because I had been familiar with her games, I was able to fight as her with ease, and she's still my main character to this day in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
But that's not what you came here for, is it?
Well, I would not get another copy of Bayonetta for a while. I knew of the Xbox 360 version's existence, but I was unable to play it because my 360 did not work. But almost a year after that purchase of my Wii U copy, the Xbox 360 version of the game became backwards-compatible on Xbox One. I looked into this and read about the performance, how it was supposedly better than even the Wii U version. Later on, my dad and I went to a used game store and picked the game up. I played it on my Xbox One when I got home, and the differences were very noticeable. Areas of slowdown on the Wii U version were almost nonexistent now. This was by far the better way for me to play. It was interesting getting used to playing it on an Xbox controller instead of the bulky Wii U GamePad, though. The game would also become a free Games with Gold title that August, so I would end up getting my third copy of the game as well.
Just a month later in September, there were rumors that the game would be coming to PS4 and Xbox One natively, bundled with Vanquish. That didn't end up happening at the time, though. I went ahead and disregarded that as just another rumor.
My next copy of not only Bayonetta 1, but Bayonetta 2 as well, would be the Nintendo Switch ports. They both released in February 2018, but I wouldn't get it until my birthday in October. This would be my fourth copy of the first game, and my second digital copy. While other territories at the time got a physical version of the first game in special editions, the standard edition of Bayonetta 2 in most regions of the world received the first game only as a download code. This wasn't much of a complaint for me, as I was getting Bayonetta on my Switch regardless.
The next copy wouldn't be for another while. I think at this point I had my goal of "getting every US copy of Bayonetta" in mind, as I was determined to get every one even if I wouldn't be able to play them. In late 2019, that original rumor of a PS4/Xbox One bundle of Bayonetta and Vanquish ended up coming to fruition, releasing the following February. I held off on getting it though, as I wasn't in a rush. My next copy wouldn't be until September 2021 when I bought the Steam version for $4 on GameBillet. It was cheap, so I figured "why not".
My most recent copies of the game would arrive this month, though. A physical copy of Bayonetta 1 on Switch released late September this year, and I got it earlier this month as a late birthday present. This was released mostly because the special edition of Bayonetta 3 has alternate covers for the physical versions of all three games, and it would be weird if Bayonetta 1 didn't have one.
My next copies arrived shortly after. The PS4 copy of the Bayonetta and Vanquish bundle, and... the ill-fated PS3 copy of the game. This version is notorious for bad frame-rates, reduced image quality, and looooong load times. Even so, it was still a copy of Bayonetta. I had an eBay coupon so I only got it for around $6. With all this... I basically had every US copy of Bayonetta 1.
Though, if we were to get technical, I would still need the digital Wii U version, the digital PS3 version (which, I don't know if that even exists), the digital PS4 version, and the physical and digital versions of the Xbox One bundle with Vanquish. Though, the first three are just digital versions of copies I already have, and the Xbox One bundle is exactly the same as the PS4 version. So essentially... yeah. My goal is kind of complete now.
Is that to say I'll stop collecting copies of Bayonetta? Oh, definitely not. I already have my eyes on the Japanese Wii U bundle with both games, and the UK first-print edition of Bayonetta 2. After that, other systems in those same regions, maybe? Who knows. I might be a little insane for doing this, but I really like the series. I think it's cool to collect all the copies of one game. Even if one of them happens to be the very worst version playable. It's an enjoyable experience and I like seeing my little collection grow.
Thanks for reading, everyone! I'm so excited to get my copy of Bayonetta 3 on Thursday night. I can't wait to play it and share my thoughts! Next up: The Wait Is Over: Bayonetta 3 Review
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mysmashplaythroughs · 7 months
99 Problems but F-Zero ain't one of them
I see Tumblr's joined the group of websites that felt the need to make their layout even more irritating with no actual gain. Well anyway, yeah another 'off-topic' post rather than something substantial. Admittedly, this has probably been my least productive year yet when it comes to my Smash Bros Playthroughs (Ironic that rereading my post at the end of last year I said I might actually be able to finish everything up to the Spirits etc on my list yet I've not even finished Tales of Symphonia yet...) I've beaten 3 games on my list and two of them I was barely able to justify being on the list as they were new releases (Pokemon Scarlet for the Pokeball item because it's the first main series game where you actually can manually throw a Pokeball to make a Pokemon appear and Fire Emblem Engage because of stage related reasons (there's no spoiler tag it seems on here so I'll hold off specifying). Beyond these though, I've been playing just new releases really including Tears of the Kingdom (the third on my list but I'll hold off why), Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed (which was fantastic) and I finally was able after all these years to play Spider-man on my new Steamdeck which took up a large chunk of my game playing this year (didn't finish Miles game yet though.) There are two other games I've mainly played, (besides every so often doing a few Mario Maker 2 courses which is part of a big project I've been working on for that) the first of which is finally relating to the dumb title I've used above. F-Zero 99 isn't what F-Zero fans wanted but it's still been great to play imo and I've been playing it far more than I thought I would. Hopefully this will be a sign of some possible attention for the series as a whole as it seems to have attracted quite a few casual players as well as F-Zero fans.
I thought I'd managed after what I mentioned last time to get every game I wanted to on the eShop before it closed on 3DS and Wii U, and I did manage that for my Smash list, but I was missing a game I'd always meant to pick up but never got around to... and I realised far too late that meant the only option now was trying to track down an overpriced copy on Ebay or something. I did however manage to win a copy in an auction (I wouldn't like to admit how much, just that it was below at least the prices for every other copy I saw on there) of Project X Zone 2. Because of this I've been playing that a lot recently, I've made it a fair way in, there's more characters than I expected that I at least knew the name or look of but it's definitely got a lot of ones I had to ask my friends who play a lot more obscure games about. With that said, since Phoenix Wright didn't get into Smash it is fun at least having him in something like it and I have been enjoying it. I've mentioned before I believe sometimes just liking crossovers even if they're things I've never heard of, I guess because in a sense it allows me as a newcomer to see it from the eyes of the other characters who've never met before and so I learn what they learn. Either way, that's been mostly taking up my playtime atm, which try as I might I haven't currently found a way of justifying to be on my list (granted, honestly adding it might be reaching too much even for me.) All of this however, has led to a problem that means I might have to change plans fast...
Nintendo's announced that the Wii U and 3DS will be losing their online almost entirely next year, with only redownloads of software you own, updates to software and Pokemon Bank I believe to still remain after next April (and Bank is stated to end sometime after...) This announcement made me realise I had to heavily look at my list and see if there's something that will make impossible. I worried about Federation Force and Triforce Heroes but those do seem to be at least playable in single player (definitely not ideal but not completely unusable) however, it's the other thing that has me concerned, Pokemon Bank closing. Due to this, I've realised I have to do what I originally planned to do after finishing the items on my list, which is to capture every single Pokemon that's appeared in Smash Bros in any form (Pokeball, stage background, Trophies, Spirits) but in it's home region. I was then planning on transferring them all to Pokemon Ultra Moon and using that game to get screenshots of them (with their region exclusive photo backgrounds in the game). Due to this therefore, I plan to start very soon playing through the final two Pokemon games I had on my list, Emerald and Crystal. Admittedly, Emerald isn't one I plan on actually using to capture Pokemon specifically, it's far far easier for me to use ORAS to do so, but for my actual playthrough of the game's plot etc, I plan on playing the original Emerald on GBA. Crystal is one I've been looking forward to for a while as it's my favourite Pokemon game ever and on my list of top 10 games of all time (the majority of which are on my Smash list) I do also have Sword and Shield on my Smash Bros list as well as Legends Arceus and Let's Go, however since they're on Switch I'm going to hold off on those till I was originally going to play them. Also because it's almost impossible beyond hacking or using complicated means from what I've seen to get certain Pokemon, I will settle for simply having ones like Celebi or Mew rather than specifically getting them from their regions, basically as you can probably guess I just mean I'll get what I can.
So yeah, that's where I'm at basically, I'll probably update my list after posting this as I've added a fair few things (Daisy for example is going to have Super Mario Bros Wonder become her actual game now seeing as it fits her in Smash a lot more than Super Mario Party did on my initial list) so yeah. I guess if I have an aim for this by the end of the year, I highly doubt I'll beat all the games I have on my list for Mii Costumes (from Tales of Symphonia to DOOM 2016) but I do plan on going back to a few I've skipped over either because I couldn't play them at the time or didn't want to burn out too much on one series (numerous Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games I've skipped over for now regarding costumes or stage elements for example) so at the very least I'd like to end this year with that looking a little bit more respectable. Typing this out has made me decide to finally stop holding back on this and get a move on with it, so I'm hoping perhaps by the end of the year I might finally write those last two Melee character posts and have good news on my progress after that. Either way, I guess in honour of Charles Martinet, I'll try and stick to the mantra of 'Here we go!' (Yes, feel free to unfollow me after that)
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samuelryanlilly · 2 years
Steam Deck First Impressions
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For anyone unaware, the Steam Deck is a handheld gaming computer developed by Valve with the main purpose of getting their Steam library onto a portable platform. After the their commercial flop of the home console the Steam Machine, they basically shifted towards a number of solutions to make sure their next attempt to bring Steam games to more people would go a little smoother. Enter the Steam Deck, a device that's best described as a chunkier yet beefier Nintendo Switch that is specifically tailored to run Steam games quickly and conveniently. I've been using it for roughly a week and half now and wanted to share some of my first impressions.
The physical design is pretty good. While it's a bit big to be going in any pockets and a bit heavy too, it's ergonomically very fitting to the hands. There's enough to hold onto so that makes it feel a bit lighter and to be fair, it's not as big as the promotional materials lead me to believe. For size comparison, it's about as long as the Switch with the Hori Split Pad Pro joycons on, though still thicker. Or relatively similar in size and feel to the Wii U Gamepad, though notably heavier than that. I got the 512GB model but it does have a microSD card slot for external storage expansion. There's also a headphone jack and a USB-C port for charging and peripherals. I tested these out some with headphones and a headset in the jack. I used the USB port to connect a mouse, a keyboard, a controller, and a USB hub to do all three at once no problem. I even connected a USB-C to HDMI cable to use it on my TV in the meantime waiting for the official dock to come out (which has at the time of writing this). I didn't test anything with the bluetooth connection but most of the USB stuff I connected with a USB-A to USB-C adapter with no issues.
After a quick setup I was logged in and ready to start using the Deck. The SteamOS interface here is pretty smooth aside from a few pages that require touch input or a mouse to navigate. You can tweak some settings but the biggest ones are brightness and frames per second because these will make a noticeable difference in battery life. While it's only a 1280x720 16:10 LCD display, being able to play in 60fps with this much powerful hardware is definitely a jump up from a Switch in handheld mode. One of my absolute favorite things they've implemented on the Deck is the compatibility system. Fixed specs means they can test if games are compatible or not pretty easily. Anything with a green check mark is considered great on Deck with full compatibility. A yellow “i” means it'll work but some features may not be ideal for the Deck such as interface, text, and so on. There are unsupported titles which may work just fine but are considered too much of a hassle to get working, among others I'm sure just won't work. I haven't found any yet that failed to launch or run but I did have one poorly optimized indie game become more trouble than it was worth to fix. And then there are the question mark ones that aren't tested enough to categorize. The reason I love this compatibility system is because I can just open up the store or the library, filter for everything with a green check mark, download, and I'm playing. No need to hunt through specs and hope it'll magically work with my configuration.
It's also even easier to play because most games will pick a default template for the Steam Deck controls, but you can also change templates to other presets or custom community ones. Plus the trackpads, touch screen, and extra back buttons give you lots of extra inputs and ways to control games otherwise not well suited to controller inputs. The innards of this machine are pretty respectable as well. Sure, it's no match for a full gaming rig, but for a portable system it does an admirable job delivering great performance and visuals. It feels so nice to just turn on a game, have it work, and be able to play with controller-type controls. I mostly have been watching YouTube stuff on the side while playing and it's great. No need to setup at my computer and plug in all my stuff. I can just pick this up, turn it on, and go. You do need internet for the cloud sync or downloading games, though. Cloud sync actually lets you switch between that and your PC pretty seamlessly. You can also use the auto-suspend of putting the Deck to sleep to resume games later without closing or leaving the system on. So easy and convenient and capable.
Is the Steam Deck a Nintendo Switch killer? Probably not. The libraries don't really overlap a ton so if anything it's like a Switch companion because if you already like playing games that way then you'll probably be more enticed to get through your Steam backlog on the Deck. It could replace it if you used a Switch emulator but that's not likely very legal. And to be fair, while I know you can do tons more with the Steam Deck in terms of emulators and dual booting operating systems and all that, I really just got it to play Steam games. That's what it was made for. And in that regard I think it excels incredibly well. It's a much cheaper alternative to gaming laptop for the ease of portable PC gaming. It's easier to pick up and play at a moments notice to relax than on a PC too. It can play a lot more games with more options and content than modern consoles and handhelds as well. And for anyone on the fence about which way to lean between console and PC, this comes in not only as a good midpoint experience, but also a midpoint price. It's just so impressive and it really does exactly what I've wanted for my Steam games for the longest time. It gives me the ability to spend less time troubleshooting and more time actually playing. If you think you'll like the Steam Deck already, you probably will. Go for it. It's worth it. But we'll see how it holds up past these first impressions as time goes on. I'll keep ya posted. Until then, thanks for listening to me ramble. It's just really nice to still find reasons to be excited about gaming.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/uDrC7yvKnyg
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svtskneecaps · 2 years
sunset in a bottle
(gender neutral) reader x lee seokmin
genre: fluff, and about three paragraphs where it gets a wee bit of angst in it ; words: 3.3k
horse camp!au; listen in the interest of full disclosure i ripped most of the mystery aspect from the Barbie Horse Adventures: Riding Camp wii game alright, anything in 'single quotes' is more or less quoted directly from the game. also, my knowledge of horses begins and ends with that game (and about twelve total hours on a horse over the course of my entire [redacted] years of life) so if you know stuff about horses. please stop.
note: HEYA @escapewriter I GOT YOU BABY, I BE SANTA, SORRY LAKJSDFLKAJSFD MERRY HOLIDAY BUD I HOPE THIS IS GOOD also hope that tag works anyway love u <3
(also thank u yellow for struggling to title this bad boy with me and coming up with the one seen here, let's just all agree not to think too hard about it thx)
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You wanted so badly to be mad. You wanted to be huffy, and you wanted to sulk, and you wanted to rail against your mom for kicking you off to some ridiculous horse camp on some ridiculous island a million miles from everything you’d ever known, but damn it all, the island was just too pretty. It was too hard to stay mad when the sea glittered everywhere you looked, and the distant sound of the waterfall serenaded you to sleep. So you wanted to consume yourself in angst--but you couldn’t.
C’est la vie.
The horse riding wasn’t too bad, either--once you stopped gasping every time the horse picked up speed. At least the horse was patient with you. The woman who ran the camp--Ms. Roberts--seemed unsurprised by your hesitance towards picking up speed. Apparently your grace in the saddle once you finally crossed that little mental hurdle was more surprising, although you didn’t hear that from her directly. You only found out when she sent you to saddle up.
“Try to find my nephew,” she said. “Ask him for Breezy.”
And you did as she’d said, pushing through the stable doors and looking for the stable boy you’d been introduced to on your first day.
“Seokmin!” You didn’t yell it as loud as you wanted, wary of startling the horses, but it was a big building and you weren’t about to keep Ms. Roberts waiting.
“Polo!” he called back.
You snorted, rounding the corner to see him grooming one of the horses--one you recognized as way above your skill level. “Shouldn’t that only come after Marco?”
“They’re both names, aren’t they?” He set the brush down, turning to face you with a smile. “What can I do for you?”
“Ms. Roberts said to ask you about ‘Breezy’.” Saying it aloud landed you with conflicting feelings--either you sounded like a spy, or a total dork.
Seokmin’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow, already?”
“Already?” you echoed. “Am I about to live my ‘main character in a horse girl movie’ dreams?”
He shook his head. “No, Breezy’s a total sweetheart, but usually my aunt keeps new riders on Tammy for another week.”
“Well, I swear I’ve never been on a horse before,” you said, holding up three fingers. “Scout’s honor.” You’d never been a scout, but he didn’t need to know that.
“That I could tell.” He laughed, but it didn’t feel mean. He gestured to the horse he’d been grooming. “This stunning beauty is Breezy.”
You felt your own eyebrows shoot up, but you tried to soften the sudden fear. “Bit narcissistic to compliment your own work, huh?”
“It’s not narcissistic if it’s true,” he countered.
“I’ll give you that one, she truly is stunning.” You chewed your lip. “She’s also way out of my league.”
“Not if my aunt said to ask for her,” he said, grabbing the saddle hanging on the wall. “She thinks you can handle it.”
“Well I sure don’t.”
But he was already adjusting the stirrups, paying your naysaying no mind. “Ready to mount up?”
“Um,” you said, articulately, staring the horse in her sleepy, terrifying eyes. “What happens if I say no?”
“Then we’ll saddle up Tammy and you can practice until you feel ready.” He set a hand on your arm and smiled. “But for what it’s worth, my aunt believes in you. And so do I.”
For once, your lack of air had nothing to do with horses.
“Okay,” you said, when you finally found your voice. “Let’s give it a shot.”
It took you a couple tries to mount up. Breezy was taller (and terrifying) but you got it, without help, even, although it was offered. You found yourself beaming as you walked the horse over to Ms. Roberts, and you barely gasped at the speed changes and found yourself at ease in a steady trot by the end of the lesson.
Overall, an excellent day’s work, in your opinion.
Pretty quick, you were cleared for free riding across the island. You’d been strictly instructed to keep to the main trails, but otherwise you’d been allowed free reign (ha. free rein). And it was exactly what you needed; careening around the scenery at a walk or a trot or--very rarely--a gallup was a balm to your soul. You’d graduated from Breezy to a horse more equipped for the long rides you craved--Buckshot. You thought that’d be the kind of name given to a sprinter, but he seemed to enjoy long walks on the beach as much as you did, which was good, because one of your long walks uncovered the bottle.
At first you thought it was just trash, which kinda pissed you off.
“People have no respect,” you grumbled, swinging your leg over Buckshot’s back to hop down and grab it. Brushing the sand off it, you realized there was something inside--a paper. The cork in the bottle was stuck pretty tight, but with enough work you got it out of the way. It must’ve been ancient, since it fell apart under your fingers. Fishing the paper out of the bottle was the work of seconds.
You heard the callout while you read, “Marco!”
“Polo!” you hollered back, still skimming the page.
Seokmin appeared over the hill, reigning Tantor to a halt. “It’s sunset, time for campers to be back at the stables.” Then he blinked. “What’s that?”
“Message in a bottle,” you answered.
“Ooh, really?” He dismounted with grace you could never hope to match. “What’s it say?”
“Not gonna lie, it’s pretty depressing,” you said. “It says, ‘To whoever finds this, it looks like our boat is going down, and I will never see my beautiful island again. I was so scared to go on the boat, and now I know why. They’re getting the lifeboats ready, but I’m still scared. So if anyone finds this, you can have the jewelry I hid in the heart of the old place. Momma’s calling now. Think of me. Signed--” you squinted, trying to decipher the curlicues “--Hannah Roberts’.”
Seokmin’s eyebrows shot up. “Hannah Roberts?”
“Is she related to you?”
“Yeah, she’s my great-great aunt.”
You huffed a breath. “Oof, sorry to have read her final words out of nowhere.”
“Actually, those weren’t her final words.” He grinned. “She actually survived and lived a long and happy life at her destination. They shipped all her stuff back after she died of old age.” He frowned. “She was right about one thing, though. She never did come back to the island.”
“Well that sucks.”
He shrugged. “She seemed happy out there.”
You frowned at the note. “Wonder what she meant by ‘the old place’.”
“Are you thinking about trying to find it?”
“Well, if she never came back to the island, it’s probably still there, right? Family heirlooms should be with the actual family.” You shrugged, rolling your shoulders. “Besides, I need a project. Just something to focus on.”
“Blasting through ribbons faster than any camper on record isn’t enough for you?” he teased, moving to mount his horse.
You rolled your eyes, attempting to mount Buckshot and succeeding on the third try. “I’m not that impressive.”
“Sure you are!” He swung himself onto Tantor’s back, on the first attempt.
“Uh huh,” you said.
He sighed, shaking his head at you. “You can’t compare yourself to me,” he scolded. “I grew up here.” He wheeled his horse around, patting you on the shoulder. “Trust the horse boy, you’re doing amazing.”
Then he grinned. “Race you to the stables!” He clicked his tongue and Tantor took off like a shot.
You gasped, looking down at Buckshot. “We’re not gonna let that stand are we?” With a click of your tongue and a gentle squeeze, he took off after Seokmin.
(they beat you there, of course, but you didn’t fall off or panic and he didn’t even seem to be handicapping himself, so you’d count that as a victory of your own)
You met up with Seokmin after the first jumping lesson, throwing yourself dramatically to the porch next to his chair with a groan. He looked up from his book.
“That good, huh?”
“Curse you for inflating my ego with your repeated assurances that I’m a prodigy,” you grumble. “Do you have any idea what I’ve been through today?”
He pretended to consider, before smiling. “No clue!”
“First, Jeonghan had me set up the course by myself, even though I’ve never done it before, and I still haven’t figured out if it was a teaching moment or if he just didn’t want to do it himself--”
“The second one.”
“--And then I spent the morning toppling on my ass, and the afternoon icing my bruises.” You threw a hand over your eyes. “My pride is too wounded, I can never ride again. I will never move from this spot. I’ll become one with the moss. Remember me as I was, and not as I am. My strength. . . it’s failing. . .”
“Well, I found Hannah’s diary.”
You sat up. “My strength returns.”
He laughed and it sounded like a sunset. “You wanna see?”
“Am I allowed?”
He shut the book and stood, offering you a hand up. “Of course you are.”
You took his hand.
Reading the diary was an adventure. You kept cycling through emotions--from guilt over reading someone’s private thoughts, to giddy over witnessing this slice of history, to analytic as you scanned every passage of the diary for some hint as to what ‘the old place’ meant. The wild shifts made Seokmin giggle, but he was just as bad as you were, so you didn’t feel bad about it in the slightest.
Seokmin grabbed your arm, pointing at a passage. “Look, she mentioned the bottle!” He bent over the page (he was better at reading cursive). “ ‘Now that I’m safe, I wonder if anyone will find that message in a bottle I threw overboard. I would hate to lose my jewelry forever. Of course, they would have to find the Rainbow Waterfall and the cave painting I made in order to figure it out.’ ”
You chewed your lip. “There’s only the one waterfall on the island, right?” That trail had scared you far too much to attempt it.
“Yeah.” He suddenly seemed unsure. “But the storm caused a lot of damage across the island, and that path is treacherous on a good day. If you’re not careful, some of those bridges could snap right beneath you. It wouldn’t be safe.”
You sighed. “Then I guess the adventure ends here, until the trail gets fixed.”
“Guess so.” He patted your shoulder. “On the bright side, we’ve still got a ton of history to go through.”
“True!” You brightened. “I wanna see how she met her lover.”
“Her lover,” he echoed, faking a swoon. “You say it so romantically, it really is like the days of old.”
“Well I don’t know who she married!” You defended. He opened his mouth and you shrieked. “And don’t you dare spoil it!”
“I wasn’t! I swear!” He leaned back over the diary. “Come on, she’s going to that dance she mentioned a couple entries ago. You’ll miss all the drama.”
“If she didn’t manage to upstage Tiffany Greenwood the world has no justice.”
In your defense, you’d intended to keep the agreement. You stayed to the well trod trails, focused on your riding, careened over hill and dale, until you left everything in the dust and Marco, Polo became less of a joke and more of the easiest way for Seokmin to find you, when sunset finally came.
(by this point, you knew enough to start heading back by then, but he still came out to find you. truthfully, you enjoyed racing him to the stables in the twilight, and seeing him grin at you as you hurtled across the terrain affected your heart rate more than the adrenaline)
But you completed the camp requirements for a jumping ribbon, and you blasted through the Roads and Tracks ribbon, and there was only one ribbon left to work towards, and it scared you. When that was done, what was left?
And then it was visitation day.
And your mom came to the island.
And she took one look at your ribbons--four ribbons, obtained faster than anyone in the history of the camp--and said, “Well. It took you long enough.”
The sun didn’t set right, that night. You didn’t leave the bunkhouse. You didn’t see Seokmin. You just laid there, staring at your ribbons.
(took you long enough)
And then you were on the mountain trail, staring down a wooden bridge--barely visible between the faint light of a crescent moon and the vapor from the waterfall--with the reins clenched in your fists.
You dismounted, heart pounding. You wouldn’t put Buckshot in danger. Thinking was difficult, over the beating of your heart and the echo in your head (took you long enough), but you had enough sense to know that this was stupid--that putting anyone else in danger was stupid--and you patted the horse on the side and stepped closer to the bridge.
And then the call echoed up the mountain, “Marco!”
You froze.
Again, “Marco!”
You hesitated, but called back. “Polo.”
Seokmin guided Tantor up the mountain at a canter, dismounting with that grace you didn’t have--that you would never have--and hurried over to meet you.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked, and his eyes shone with worry.
“How’d you know I’d be here?” you said, instead of answering.
He started, stopped, hesitated, and then said, “I missed you at sunset,” he said. “And I was going to stop in and see if you were okay, and you were gone. The mountain was. . . just a hunch.” He placed a gentle hand on your arm. “But you didn’t answer my question.”
You looked away--you couldn’t meet his eyes. “It’s. . .”
You wanted to be honest. He made you want to be honest.
“I wasn’t fast enough,” you said. “I spent too much time being scared and falling off, and I didn’t get the ribbons fast enough.”
“Says who?”
The outburst made your eyes snap up to his face--his expression shifting from flabbergasted to annoyed and back, every second.
“You’ve advanced faster than any student we’ve ever had at this camp,” he said. “It took me a whole year to earn my Roads and Tracks ribbon, so you listen to me and you listen good.” And he took you by the hands and looked you in the eye which made it very hard to listen. “Not only are you fast enough, you’re too fast. I mean-- leave some for the rest of the campers, come on!”
You snorted, and he grinned.
“No,” you said, “it’s all mine. They can fight me for it.”
He laughed, squeezing your hands. “That’s the spirit.” He bumped your shoulder. “And I’m the resident horse expert, so you know I’m right.”
You glanced over your shoulder at the misty bridge. “Guess we better get back to the stables.”
“We could, but we’re already up here.”
“And it’s dangerous. You said so yourself.”
“I said it was dangerous for you. And that was before you finished the Roads and Tracks ribbon.” He mounted Tantor, wiggling his eyebrows. “How ‘bout it?”
He would be the death of you.
You swung yourself back onto Buckshot. “Let’s do it.”
The trail was as treacherous as was advertised, but the horses were careful and you made it to the top of the mountain with relative ease.
You dismounted, staring across the island.
“Pretty cool, huh?” Seokmin said.
It was no sunset. “It’s sure pretty,” you said, watching the thousands of stars.
“We’ll have to come up here before sunset sometime. You’ll love it.” He nudged your arm, then turned to an outcropping. “If Wii Sports Resort taught me anything, it’s that there’s gonna be a cave back here-- aha!”
“Wii Sports Resort?”
He seized your hand and tugged you behind him. “I can’t believe I never found this place before!” He yanked a flashlight out of his pocket, flicking it on to reveal the small chamber--and the painting.
“That is a big tree,” you said, staring at the mural overtaking most of the wall. Despite the years, it hadn’t faded really at all.
“For a cave painting it’s really detailed.”
“What I don’t get is why you’d leave a hint in a cave painting at the top of a mountain.” You shook your head. “It seems like a lot of unnecessary steps.”
“Shh!” He waved a finger at you distractedly. “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!”
“Didn’t that lead to the fall of Troy?”
“Shh!” He surveyed the cave wall, and then pointed. “There’s a heart on the trunk. That seems important.”
“Didn’t she mention something like that in the bottle? In the heart of the old place, right?”
He shook your shoulder, bouncing on his heels. “There’s only one tree on the island she could mean!”
“The Ancient Oak,” you finished.
“We gotta check it out. We gotta check it out now!”
“Since when was I the voice of reason?”
“Oh come on, you’re with me, and if we find the jewelry there’s no way my aunt will be mad at us when we get back,” he whined.
You laughed. “I was convinced from the minute you said it. Race you once we’re clear of the mountain?”
“You’re on!”
Going down the mountain was harder than going up, somehow, and while Buckshot was an angel, he was not a racer, so naturally Tantor and Seokmin won the breakneck chase to the tree.
“Check it out, it’s shaped like a heart!” He pointed at a knot in the trunk as you trotted up. “It’s the thing, it’s gotta be!”
“Is the jewelry in the tree then? Or like, buried under it?” You swung yourself off your horse.
“In it I bet, she said in the heart, didn’t she?” He inspected the knot. “Yeah, there’s a hole there!”
You poked the knot, and the wood dislodged, revealing a small space behind it. “How long did it take to hollow this out? That’s nuts.”
He giggled. “Tree pun.”
You snorted. “Unintended, I promise.”
He shoved his hand into the space, fishing around. “I’m not feeling--oh wait!” He yanked his hand out, shoving it towards you. “I found it! I found the thing!”
“A necklace, huh?”
“A locket,” he corrected.
You made a face. “The locket is the thing on it, it’s a necklace with a locket.”
He ignored you, fumbling for the clasp. “There’s a drawing here. It’s her! This is amazing!”
“It’s her?”
“Her and her friend I bet, the one from the island.” He laughed. “And their horses, of course.”
“They’re valued members of the team,” you said, thinking of Buckshot and Tantor tramping over the mountain with you when they could have been snoozing in a warm stable.
Seokmin beamed at you with that sunset smile. “You’re a valued member of the team. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say you’re the best thing that’s happened to this island in a long time.”
“Well, I don’t know about that.”
He crossed his arms. “Not convinced, huh? Well you’re sure the best thing to happen to me. Have fun debating that one.”
He would be the death of you and damn, you’d sit back and watch it happen.
“The feeling is mutual, may I assure you, detective,” you said, pretending like your head wasn’t singing.
“We certainly cracked this case, partner,” he said.
“You sound like a cowboy now.”
He shrugged. “I think I prefer that to a detective. Not enough room for horses in a mystery novel.”
“The horses are the most important part.”
He coiled the necklace chain, placing it carefully in his pocket. “Guess it’s time to get back to the stables, since we solved that mystery. Too bad there’s no sunset to ride into.”
You smiled. “Who needs a sunset? I’ve got you.”
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garybobdarkness · 2 years
Everytime i think about the Revue starlight movie, it gets better
SPOILERS for the revue movie
At the end, when they all get seperated they explore some new friendships while still being gay (probably) with their original pairs. Also I loe that Hikari is visiting EVERYONE with her suitcase (I know its symbolic of change but i dont wanna go too far into it)
Kaoruko has Futaba’s FUCKING BIKE ALKDJFAKLDS. She’s also the new leader of her dancing school thing and it makes me asdfalksfjalkjewakga. Good on her, especially her ‘DONT TELL FUTABA’ thing so she IS waiting for her so so cute.
Mahiru, TENDO MAYA and Futaba han going to the National something something is so fucking good too. Futaba han despite her insecurities actually got into there, Mahiru who used to be Karen dependant and I thought she’d be alone now has 2 friends beside her, and TENDO MAYA who used ot be the strongest stage girl out of htem all is now on equal footing with everyone which feels so nice as Mahiru and Futaba used to be the most insecure out of the entire cast and now they’re on equal footing with Tendo. But tbh the main reason I love this so much is because I love Mahiru so fucking much especially when shes at hte center good girl good character design thank u.
Also, Junna chan is in america, full on broadway star in New York. Coming to play Wicked near you, maybe. Good for her she found her own star and her being a New Yorka is funny to me. Especially when Junna and Hikari did that fucking step ball change.
Also CLAUDINE WORKING AT STARBUCKS ITS SO GOOD. She’s in fucking france. Wii wii bitch. Theres nothing much to say but all her outfits were so cute Maya looks so good in green. Like, too good in green. She even has a fucking duck/bird, even mroe gay symbolism with Tendo Maya as if her entire revue of being a lesbian wasn’t enough.
Banana and Hikari going to the same school and being in Lndon together makes me feel happy, especially after their previous conflicts and overall dichotomy. Hikari is the trigger for all the change while Banana tried to keep everything the same in the original series. Also their revue against each other was fucking good. Also Daiba Nana being in a new country makes me feel good because she was originally doing the same thing for like, maybe over 60 years  by now. HMMGHHH. I also love banana so much good shit, SUPER good shit God Bless. Amen. Yes.
Then at the end where Hikari doesn’t meet Karen because she’s busy but they are still in contact shows their friendship/relationship while Karen is more independant and reaching her own star. And then it gave me fucking goosebumps when she was auditioning for something and then went all ‘I AM AIJO KAREN, I WILL STARLIGHT YOU’ and like, alkdfadsfa shes still saying that for every audition I love her so much good character.
also the ending song is so cute I still listen to it, it’s stuck in my head.
Thanks Revue starlight you are raising the bar constantly, and doing it well. Also I’m excited for the new wild screen circus thing that looks like some kind of Revue starlight spinoff. Maybe not but its made by the same revue starlight people so i WILL enjoy it.
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hohoz · 3 years
The ones that suffer the most
I wanted to talk about this for a long time.
I’m a Resident evil addicted, I finished almost every RE game released and I must say that Capcom made some poor choices regarding Jill and Chris, they are EASILY the most mistreated characters in RE Franchise. 
But let’s explain why is that: 
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Jill and Chris are survivors, they had to survive in a mansion with a lot of puzzles and zombies, while looking for items that could help them to progress and find a way to reach Brad. 
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When they arrive at STARS Office, they are revolted that Umbrella did all that under their noses and innocents were dying because of that and they explained EVERYTHING in a report - but Irons made that go away. 
In the ORIGINAL RE3 we had this special file (Jill’s Diary) 
August 7th Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating people's flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet...
August 13th Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris's face with coffee. I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walked away. I wonder what happened to him...
August 15th Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that, "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that, "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest, without even telling me.
August 24th Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with them somewhere in Europe. That's when my real battle begins...
For some weird reason this file isn’t available in RE3 Remake. 
But ok, here we see that Chris was doing some investigation - in the RE2RMK  you could see this letter that Chris left in a way that normal people wouldn't understand - the only thing that Claire says is that “doesnt look like him” but how normies would understand what Chris is like is he is not well represented in media ??????????????????
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And Jill had all the detective work in her wall. 
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So far so good - we understand the basics about them - they are Special police force, the elite, they had a traumatic experience and they survived to tell the story. 
Some problems until now:
Jill had a MAJOR personality change in RE3 RMK- I honestly like most of that, she is a badass in the originals and she is a badass in the rmk but I still dislike the fact that she swears all the time (specially because in RE1, RE Rev, RE5 she doesn't do that) 
We can tell a lot about her personality just looking at her room, but I still miss some stuff (I had expectations - so this is not a real problem. but still) like a Vinyl player (since she is probably into classical music), some letters from her father so new players can understand her origin and why is she so good in lockpicking and more about her dog (she had a pic in the original that could’ve been her boyfriend but it was replaced by a dog in RE2 rmk but in RE3 Rmk there in no dog) 
Okay - after you finish the game the only thing we see is this: 
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In my opinion this is Chris since he is always associated with Green colors while Jill is associated with blue. 
So my speculation here is that she found him while in the original we had this: 
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This is not a major chance but still is important (lore of course - duh) but the problem here is that while Jill is looking for him - Code Veronica is happening. 
So I can only assume two things, they did not show him because they DON’T HAVE A FACE FOR HIM or I am wrong and that is Jill, but if that is Jill so why there is no decent epilogue like the original ? 
Okay, now we are arriving in the real trouble area
I will do RE5 first and the Wii and Rev1 (even tho those two comes first in the lore) 
So before the game was release we had some propaganda, including this: 
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So have in mind that Jill was dead, I thought that she died and RE5 would explain that shit. 
But in the beginning we see that Chris is looking for her and have in mind that Chris HAD A MAJOR CHANCE IN HIS APPEARANCE, and I’m not talking about his muscles. 
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I will not address Chris in CV since he was good in that game but I the team that made CV also made the original, it had CONSISTENCE. 
Here we have Chris, he’s THE classical american soldier protagonist from Hollywood in the 80′s/90′s and he had some omage to TOPGUN
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He also shares some traits with his sister
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A major trait here is that HE HAS BLUE EYES, typical good looking soldier from US. 
and now let’s have a look at Chris in RE5...
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Yeah... I still hate this face even tho I love his Character in this game, this ugly a** monkey looking mf and he had a lot of steroids
So we have some lore to him in RE5, Jill and Chris went to a mansion looking for Spencer (one of the fathers of Umbrella and the one that was behind project Wesker, he wanted to do this Virus so he could live forever, so RE has a good lore, it’s not just about zombies) but when they found him, he was dead and Wesker was by his side, in a fight Jill sacrificed herself to save Chris’s life. 
Chris started doing mission after mission because her body was never found, and he made a name for himself, he became a ‘legend’ inside BSAA and you can see that in the beginning of RE5.
The reason behind the muscles was probably to fight Wesker mano to mano but still is not well made, it really felt weird playing for the first time. 
So now we have a problem here, there is thing that you use in a narrative that is to make someone strong af powerless, and they did that to Jill. (a good example of this is in TWD- Ricky is a fucking legend and Negan made him powerless in the face of a event) 
Jill was used in a Boss fight and that is it... She is not in the game as a character, she is being manipulated and her whole design was changed, she looks like Nina from Tekken. WTF. - BTW, the fact that Wesker had mind control over her created 1000 fics of sex 
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 So that is it, my main problem here isnt Jill itself, but it’s the fact that they used her character as a boss even tho she is the heroine, she never appears in RE lore again until some guy inside Capcom said “Well people are asking about Jill so let’s place a file in Rev2 saying that she is in rehab” 
The only time that she appears again is in a 3DS NINTENDO ONLY game, it felt that Capcom simply don’t care about her character. 
By the way Revelations 1 is a great game and was adaptable some years later for PC and consoles
But you think that this is bad, wait until we arrive at RESIDENT EVIL 6 
When I learned that Jill was not in RE6 I was mad... But after I played that game I said “thank you God” that game was bad, transformers kind of bad, it had bad writing, the lore was all over the place and Chris was the one that suffered the most in this game. 
He was responsible for the death of an entire squad, suffered amnesia and people still wanted him in the command 
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The golden boy of BSAA reduced to THIS. 
By the way, the director said that HE WANTED TO KILL CHRIS IN THIS GAME to SUBVERT EXPECTATIONS - so if you liked Piers now that he died only because of that. 
So now let’s analyse what we know: 
The first 2 main characters are not well represented in media until RE6, they don’t know how to re introduce Jill in the games and Chris was reduced to a normal guy at a Russian bar;
But it gets worse... 
Capcom LOVE Leon, we know that. he is always the hero, he is the protagonist in almost every movie and he is always the cool guy so when he get’s a new model, he looks like this:
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But When Chris get’s a new face he look like this: 
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WHO DAFUQ ARE U, no offense to the model but he has NEGATIVE JAW LINE.
And still he doesn't look like Claire’s brother, there is no blue/green eyes and he looks younger that he was in 6 (and 6 still uses that ugly character model) 
But let’s go in the lore- we HAVE 0 info on Jill in RE6 / RE7 and no sight of her in RE8 
And speaking of which, they tried to make Chris the bad guy in the trailer so when we play we see “Ohhhh he was not the bad guy, that happened and that is why he did that” 
But still... 
If they are going to do that to his character don’t use this character, shit ! Do something with that Wesker’s son that made 0 sense in RE6 but leave Chris out of this - it really feels that they simply don’t know how to treat him right
And you may think that I may be complaining a lot because of his appearance
But this is him in RE8  
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(to me this is some random dude from Russia) 
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And this is him in RE:Verse (that is going to be release TOGETHER) 
So this tells me that they have 0 clue of how to handle his looks
Jill got RE3Rmk but it felt like a cheap game compared to RE2Rmk where the original RE3 was SO MUCH BETTER
And this is bad because there are so many new fans joining the fandom only to see 2 great characters suffering from poor director’s choices. 
I’m sorry about this rant, if you like Chris face and looks its okay, really, but dont tell me that Chris from 5/6/8 is the same from 1/CV and if you think im wrong about Jill its fine, but she is an amazing character that could have so much more impact in RE universe (I mean, she never even appeared in a RE movie - animations) 
But it’s sad to see so many characters that receive good representation in media and good games/lore while Jill get’s almost none and Chris is handled like random face guy. 
I was going to talk a little bit more about Rev 1 and RE Umbrella Chronicles but there is no need since Im mad right now and it seems that Capcom has 0 interest in making Code Veronica and Umbrella’s fall after that since their fav boy Leon need a rmk in RE4 even tho RE4 is not that old. 
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Fun fact: Chris served in the Air force, so yeah, to me even Tom Cruise looks more like Chris than Chris from the games
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Thoughts on IntiCreates? MN9 felt really off with how Mega Man's shooting and platforming was at odds with their whole dash and absorbing stuff. I feel like trying to stick with the retro style kind of gives false expectations, like how COTM has an infinitely spawning 1up so you never really have to worry about your life count, or how they want to have cool scripted moments. It feels as if they want to keep reinventing the wheel and never really feeling as polished as Shovel Knight was.
As a side note first off, I wouldn't pin any issue with Mighty No. 9 on Inti. Comcept was in charge there, and that game turned out the way it did solely because Kickstarter games always promised a bajillion absurd stretch goals back then and they overestimated what they could handle. They promised a simultaneous launch across eight platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and Wii U) and the team had to do all of those in-house. Combine that with the promised online features and they simply ran out of time and money to finish the rest of the game. (I also actually enjoy the way MN9 plays, as well as the character designs and the music, it's just super unpolished for the aforementioned reasons.)
Anyway, as for the general output of IntiCreates in recent years: yeah, I definitely feel like there's something a little lacking with a lot of their games
I think when you look at the stuff they've done with other companies - Mega Man Zero, ZX, 9, and 10, mainly - they do some great work. Those are some of my favorite Mega Mans! But when left to their own devices there's often something... missing. They make really respectable 7/10 or 8/10 retro platformers, but not 9/10 or 10/10s. I found a lot of Blaster Master Zero really dull. Gunvolt is fun, but just doesn't grab me like their Mega Man work. Curse of the Moon is a cool Castlevania throwback, but it's not a game that really sticks in my memory. I was looking forward to Dragon: Marked for Death, but it got a lukewarm reception and the weird version split they did kind of put me off. The only recent-ish game of theirs that I've loved is Mighty Gunvolt Burst, and even that is clearly in a tier below something like Shovel Knight
I don't know what it is. They just don't have that extra oomph or pizzazz, that je ne sais quoi that takes a game from a fun afternoon to an experience that really sticks with me. It's hard to place, but I feel it in my gut. I know they can make great stuff, but their recent lineup of retro throwbacks don't quite feel like them at their peak
(They also make Gal*Gun, which... yeah let's not talk about that)
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1tsnoya · 4 years
✧・゚quarantine activities with karasuno✧・゚headcanons
i found this while going through my drafts (i have a bunch of requests LOL) and realized i never posted it! here ya go!
this is also a long one so i added a mark!
pairings: hinata x reader, kageyama x reader, suga x reader, daichi x reader, asahi x reader, nishinoya x reader, tanaka x reader, tsukishima x reader, yamaguchi x reader
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you guys are SO bored together
all this boy wants to do is play volleyball but he cANT
u tried passing to eachother inside but almost broke a glass table hsjksjsj
so u guys pass time by doing whatever u can think of
u make SO MANY tiktoks with eachother it’s wild
lots of binging disney movies
cuddles after !! duh
u guys spend lots of time with natsu too awh
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also pretty bummed that he can’t play volleyball
he usually just sets a ball against the door
but let’s face it. he’s pretty clumsy and a little dumb
when he almost broke something, u were like “ahh okay its time we go do something-”
so. much. cuddling. baby boy is LOVING IT
he’s always liked cuddling in private so this is just ideal to him
lots of naps too
u try to help him out with online school but he’s just so unmotivated. he wants to SLEEP
u guys also run out of icecream/milk very quickly
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he picks up baking while ur stuck at home
he’s just the type yk
will always ask u to sample something for him
“is this too sweet?” or “does this need more flavor?”
the house always smells like cookies
he gets tired after baking so he’ll fall asleep right after
dessert and ur boyfriend is asleep in ur lap?? win win !!
overall just loves helping and taking care of u
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when u get frustrated with online classes, he’s always there to help
a shoulder u can always lean on
he’s pretty average when it comes to school so sometimes he’s even more confused than u are
when ur both just fed up with the work, you’ll go start a new show
he gets INVESTED into this show. no matter what it’s about
whenever there’s a new episode on tv, you’ll drop whatever just to go cuddle and watch
also ur emotional support buddy during this boring time
lots of deep talks with eachother
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cuddles to DIE FOR
everyone describes him as a giant teddy bear and i can 100% agree
u guys become the pros of self care
always makes u tea or coffee
lots of spooning aw
when his hair got super long, u offered to cut it for him
he was lowkey nervous ab that LOL
“ahh no it’s okay!”
he had u braid it instead🥺
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he’s insanely bored so tries to come up with the weirdest things to do together
LOTS of all nighters
dance parties as well🥺u guys even have a playlist
he’s also a tiktok addict
will definitley pull little pranks on u that he saw on the app
u noticed and started getting revenge
and it turned into a prank war hhshjs
u guys now have a small competition to see who’ll get more likes/followers on tiktok
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1000% games
and tries to get u into gaming
even if they’re super simple or cute
just loves spending that kind of time with u
u guys sleep in quite a lot
likes distracting you from your schoolwork
LOTS of watching scary or action movies
u know that thing on tiktok? where it’s a themed dinner at home?
def does those with u. he knows u miss going out so he sets them up when ur sad🥺
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here me out pls...
he definitley smokes weed
y’all smoke weed together and just talk
you stay up late and watch the sun rise
and then sleep in late
during those late nights, u guys play the Wii
specifically smash and mario party
ur sleeping schedule is fucked up but it’s okay. you guys like it that way
let’s j say that,,, u two are quite intimate yk yk(;
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wakes up early with u and you two make breakfast
or if ur tired and don’t wanna wake up, he’ll make u breakfast
^^pancakes w strawberries is his fav to make u🥺🥺
you, yams, and tsuki are the ultimate trio so you play cards against humanity online over skype
i feel like he plays stardew valley
so he gets you hooked on it too
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claudeparkcentral · 3 years
whats their favorite pasttime to spend with one another? also u have talked about their fan kids before would u like to do that some more now 👁
EHEHEHE for pastimes i think they're the kind of people to really love like. being in the same room doing different things and not talking but the other person is there. so they'll both partake in their different hobbies at the same time that way.
but also i think they go hiking together a lot! they also go out and forage together too. jake will pick up a puffball mushroom and go to claudette and be like hey babe i found this thing its bigger than your head❤️ i think thwy probably also like fishing and birdwatching.. but they'll also read and play games together. claudette probably has like a ton of books so i imagine they sit next to each other or she'll sit in his lap and she'll have her book open while jake reada over her shoulder
for the fankids im gonna put this drawing of them here again for reference
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all three kids spend a lot of time with jake since he's like a housewife most of them time. he teaches them survivalist stuff and has taken them fishing but aecha fucking hates it. claudette hangs with the kids a lot too and they probably have like. a wii or something and they get really competitive while playing just dance until joel gets mad and accuses eli of cheating somehow (they're just good at it)
the kids get along fairly well, and they share a lot of their friends so whenever one of them goes out they usually all go out together. when its time for chuck e cheese the entire family is about to fucking destroy those ball machines. aecha's pretty careful about making sure joel and eli behave and dont like. destroy shit but sometimes they will fight because eli is pretty adamant about doing whatever they want usually.
aecha takes after claudette a lot so she asks to hang out with her at work. she doesnt get to often but when she does she loves it because she's really into entomology. meanwhile joel is more reserved and during family activities he sits out a lot and just chills. claudette tries to get him to join when she can but he's just got like. low energy and gets tired quickly. eli just likes making prank things and would probably make pipe bombs if they knew how. jake regrets showing them some of his traps bc they'll like. leave traps in the house that cover him in flour
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Final Fantasy III Review
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Year: 1990
Original Platform: Famicom
Also Available on: Nintendo DS, iOS (DS port), Android (iOS port), Ouya (Android port), Steam (Android port), PSP (iOS port)
Wii/3DS/Wii U Virtual Consoles and Nintendo Classic Edition releases are only in Japan.
Version I Played: DS
Four orphans (originally only named by the player, DS remake gives them names) fall into a crevice after a sudden earthquake. There, a mysterious crystal warns them about the oncoming darkness that will engulf the world. The four orphans must band together to restore the balance between light and dark.  
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I’m warning you – this is the most difficult Final Fantasy game to date.
There are no ethers - only elixirs, which you should definitely reserve for the hardest battles. Also, phoenix downs cannot be found in stores - only in treasure chests and as dropped or stolen items from enemies.
The gameplay returns to that of the original Final Fantasy –  turn-based combat and the Job System, only this time the Job System is greatly expanded. Vikings and Geomancers and Bards and Dragoons and the list goes on. Summons are introduced to the series via the Evoker job, which later gets upgraded to Summoner. The expanded Job System allowed for greater customization of your four characters than in the original Final Fantasy.
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This game is notable for the Onion Knight. In the beginning of the original Famicom game, the default job is Onion Knight. If you continue playing as an Onion Knight, your stats remain relatively low. However, if you dare to play the entire game as an Onion Knight and reach level 99 – the Onion Knight suddenly turns into the most powerful job in the game.
The DS remake does things a little differently. Instead of the Onion Knight, you start out as a Freelancer – a new job that has a little bit of everything. However, the longer you use the Freelancer job, the weaker you become. This is a good incentive to have players naturally explore other jobs.
The unfortunate feature of the DS remake though is that the Onion Knight is ONLY available after performing sidequests via wireless with friends. This is impossible to do now since the wireless features for the original Nintendo DS (and also the Wii) have been discontinued. HOWEVER. Playing the DS remake through Steam allows you to unlock the Onion Knight by completing at least 25% of your bestiary. You will then receive a message via the Mognet to start the sidequest.
Final Fantasy III is notorious for its high difficulty. The trick mostly lies in constantly switching between jobs and finding the right balance for the right moment. However, changing jobs requires you to level up that job. This means grinding – lots and lots of grinding. Insane amounts of grinding. This is Final Fantasy: Grind City.
In retrospect, Final Fantasy II was hard as well, yes, but more in a stupid way. Leveling up there was annoying but people could find tricks around it like finding weaker enemies and purposely hitting yourself and healing yourself to raise your HP or defense stats.
Final Fantasy III is difficult but it hurt so good. This game turned me into a masochist. There's two types of video game rage - the good and the bad kind. The bad kind is usually because the game's mechanics are irritating or virtually unplayable. The good kind is cursing out loud but then saying, "I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME!" and actually being pumped about trying again because you see it as a challenge.    
The game has an explosively difficult finale. The finale takes place in the Crystal Tower, which is surrounded by Ancient’s Maze. You have to walk through the maze, then through the tower, then fight multiple bosses through other events which I won’t spoil here. The entire ordeal can pretty well take up an entire hour. At least (in the DS version, I don’t know about Famicom) you can save before entering the Crystal Tower. But if you ever need to venture out into the world map again to get something you forgot, you have to go through the Ancient’s Maze. Once you enter the Crystal Tower, you cannot save the game. It’s one long shot to the final of final bosses. In the Crystal Tower, you get to walk around seemingly endless and maze-like floors such as this:
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Seriously though - I still enjoyed the challenge and thought it was epic. If you're going to hit me hard, you might as well go all out. Nothing in this game is held back. Also, the expanded job system allowed you to try out so many different things.
I tried for the longest time to play Final Fantasy III on an emulator but for some bizarre reason, I couldn't save, not even on save states. When I have the time, I definitely want to go back to that, try a different ROM or something, and experience the original. But I played enough of the original to know how hard it is. I died right away when I ventured outside the first town.
The DS remake mostly retains the difficulty of the original, which I admired, unlike the watered down PSP Anniversary Editions of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II.
The original Famicom game definitely has a lot more going on than the first two Final Fantasy games. Battles are still 90% black space but the rest of the game is 8-bit Heaven. 
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The DS remake is AMAZING. I would argue that Final Fantasy III DS is really the first great Final Fantasy remake. They got a chibi thing going on and it works here. It’s cute without being obnoxiously cute.
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The FMV sequence for the DS is staggeringly beautiful.
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I also kind of laugh at this one part where Luneth and Ingus are arguing and it’s the equivalent to a stock photo of two people arguing.
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I only wish they added an ending FMV. That would have been the cherry on top for the remake. 
Final Fantasy III is kind of like crossing the original Final Fantasy with Final Fantasy II. The story is wider in scope and more epic. The fictional world is much more interesting. The score has a wider repertoire. You fly many different airships. It also begins what I like to call the "Crystal Trilogy." Final Fantasy III, IV and V, as you'll read later, are quite similar in their general plot, which utilizes crystals as important plot devices.
There’s more to the story than people give credit for. You venture into the world and run into secondary characters who have their own stories, such as Cid, Desh, Princess Sara (reference to the original Final Fantasy), Prince Allus, Priestess Aria, and even four imposters of the four heroes of light. You save towns with a variety of problems, from a village cursed by a genie to finding a missing precious stone for the dwarves. Then you discover the truth behind the world you live in. . .
The DS version elaborates on the story by giving the four orphans names: Luneth, Arc, Refia, and Ingus. This sharpens the story by connecting more dots. The DS story starts with Luneth and Arc as childhood friends. They later meet Refia, a runaway who was tired of her guardian's blacksmith trade, and Ingus, a knight of Sasune who protects Princess Sara. I was disappointed by one rather misleading thing in the DS remake. The opening FMV sequence seemed to imply that Priestess Aria plays a wider role in the story – she doesn’t. That disappointed me.
As I’ve said already, the DS version is a wonderful remake of the original. I very highly recommend it. It enhances everything about the original and more. The remake's heroes hardly get any recognition in other Final Fantasy media and that’s a shame.
As Final Fantasy games keep getting bigger, so does the score. Uematsu shone here. He did some unique things for a Japanese composer at the time. An example is the illusion of having chords in the track Crystal Cave.
Final Fantasy III’s soundtrack is twice as long as Final Fantasy II’s. I’d say that out of the entire Famicom/NES era, this game probably has the best soundtrack. The battle theme has a sexy bass with more drums added to it. Eternal Wind, the world map theme, is definitely the greatest map theme in an RPG. Period. It truly gives the feel of wandering around a fantasy world.
The DS version reinvigorates the entire score. I loved every second of it.
The way Uematsu composed the final of the epilogue is reminiscent of how John Williams does his finales in the credits for Star Wars or Indiana Jones films. In this case, he references the Final Fantasy Main Theme at the end of the credits.
The result is a wholesome feel to the game. Final Fantasy III has a fantastic score that is perfect for closing the 8-bit era of Final Fantasy.
Notable Theme:
I'm split between Eternal Wind and Priestess Aria's Theme. Fortunately, the DS opening cinematic includes both. It has a great orchestrated rendition of the classic themes.
The hardest out of all the Final Fantasy games (so far). At the same time, there’s so much to enjoy – but it’s not for everyone. Because of the difficulty, I would save this game for last. There’s something about this game that actually gives me a true “final fantasy” feel. The final stretch is so kick-your-nuts-hard that nothing else in the series can compare to it.
If you go for the DS version, however, that can be a tad bit easier. Just a tad. A smidge. Nothing more. It’s one remake that I highly recommend. They did a good facelift on both the game itself and the story. The DS version was adapted into Android and then ported into Steam, so you can get it there. 
Direct Sequel?
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inkedstarlight · 3 years
Bittersweet: Chapter 11
Summary: The Inner Circle rings in the New Year. Notes: Read it here on AO3! Warnings: brief mention of (implied) self-harm scars, themes of depression Bittersweet Masterlist
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“I fucking hate the holidays,” was Emerie’s greeting to Nesta a couple days after Christmas.
Nesta glanced up from the drinkware she was cleaning to watch Emerie hang her jacket on the hanger in a huff. Her raven hair was pulled back in a loose braid, her eyes lined thickly with kohl and mascara. Nesta couldn’t help but smirk with amusement. “I take it seeing the family didn’t go well?”
Emerie snapped her head to glare into Nesta’s eyes. “They spent all of Hannukah lecturing me about doing something else with my life, something more respectable than 'slinging drinks around a dirty bar,’” she recalled with air quotes, her lip curled in disgust.  
Nesta dried the last glass. She threw the towel on the counter and turned to face her coworker. Crossing her arms, Nesta inquired, “And your response was?”
“I threatened to go into sex work.”
Nesta quirked a brow. “I thought you already worked at Euphoria on the weekends. If I recall correctly, you invited me to watch one of your performances.”
“Yes, Nesta, I'm aware that I'm already a stripper. That's the beauty of it. I threaten to join an even more unconventional line of work so they will accept my moderately unconventional job. They would much rather I bartend than strip.”
Nesta snorted. “I can’t argue with that logic.”
Before Emerie could try to convince Nesta to visit her at Euphoria again, Helion swooped in from behind them. He planted a loud kiss on Emerie's cheek. She feigned disgust, wiping the spot where his lips had been. Turning to him, Emerie smacked his chest playfully.
"Hello to you, too. You look ravishing," Helion wiggled his eyebrows with a wolfish grin.
Emerie rolled her eyes. "I'm immune to your charm, Helion. You should know that by now."
Helion gave her a questionable look that said, You sure about that?
He then turned his attention to Nesta with a grin and took a step forward - most likely to try to kiss her cheek as well - but he was quickly met with a death glare. He did this every time he came into work, and Nesta always rejected his affection. She had to admit he had balls for not giving it up.
Then again, he was a certifiable slut.
Helion's hands were raised in surrender when he turned to address both of them.
“I see you ladies are falling behind," he said, nodding his head to the current score of their little competition. Helion had titled the game, "Who's Got the Biggest Tip?" with an obscene drawing next to it.
Nesta looked behind her at the chalkboard. She was in last place.
The tip competition hadn’t even crossed Nesta’s mind. What with college, Tomas, and family, she wasn’t quite prioritizing the opportunity to man the music at Rita’s. Free booze on the other hand... that she could get with.
“Hey, I’m not that far behind you!” Emerie protested. “It’s Nesta who’s lagging behind.”
They both turned to her. Nesta merely stood there as they inspected her, Helion rubbing his chin in contemplation while Emerie tilted her head as if she would see something different horizontally.
“I’m not entirely surprised,” quipped Helion. “I mean, she’s gorgeous, but if looks could kill…”
Emerie hummed in agreement. She gestured to Nesta’s chest. “The uniform does wonders for her tits. It’s just once you get to the face. The hair can be let down, maybe pinch some color on her cheeks.”
Nesta continued to give them a blank stare. She was highly unamused.
“Don’t forget the smile,” Helion chimed in.
“How could I forget? Gods, her resting bitch face is even worse than mine.”
"There's potential, though."
Before the mischievous duo decided to go all "Miss Congeniality" on her, Nesta interrupted their daydream. “Are you guys done?”
Her question brought them back to reality. Helion sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Time to make some tips."
With that, the three of them got to work. Throughout the night, Nesta found herself trying to smile more. At customers, at Emerie and Helion. But every time she managed to pull her lips up, an invisible weight seemed to drag them back down to a deep frown.
Smiling had never been so hard.
They were celebrating New Year’s Eve at Feyre and Rhysand’s place. Nesta hadn’t been looking forward to it considering they had all just gotten together on Christmas Day. Seeing her sister’s asshole of a boyfriend and her infuriating neighbor biweekly was enough for her, thank you very much.
The night was uneventful. Elain had volunteered to be the designated driver, so Nesta took the opportunity to have more than just a couple drinks. By the time the clock struck 11:30, Nesta was far gone. She rarely ever got drunk in social situations, instead choosing to get fucked up in the comfort of her own home. The last thing she wanted was to lose control and do something she would regret the next morning.
But all those worries were thrown out the window the minute she had her first sip of liquor.
Nesta hated the phenomenon of New Year’s resolutions. She hated the idea of self-reflection, of changing, of setting a personal goal. It was bullshit. She felt this obligation to be better. To change into an entirely different person, someone sensitive and warm and outgoing. In other words, someone - anyone - except for herself. It was suffocating.
So as Nesta downed drink after drink, she watched the people around her – she doesn’t quite consider them friends, save for Amren – waiting for the new year to begin. Particularly Elain and Azriel.
Since Elain confessed her feelings for Azriel to Nesta – though some may say Nesta forced Elain to spill the beans – Nesta had been watching them like a hawk. Elain hadn’t yet been in a relationship, at least to Nesta’s knowledge. Perhaps that was why Nesta felt so protective over her sister. That, or because she was the most gentle person Nesta knew.
Nesta didn’t know much about Azriel. Their conversations had been scarce. All she really knew was what Elain told her. He had grown up across the street from Cassian and Rhysand, and the three of them had been thick as thieves since childhood. While Rhysand attended Pryth U and Cassian joined the Marines, Azriel stayed home after graduating high school to take care of their mother, much like Elain with their father. But their mother died just a few months after the three boys graduated. After working a couple minimum wage jobs, Azriel founded a local animal shelter a couple years ago with his friend and since then, his entire life had been dedicated to it.
From what Nesta could tell, Azriel seemed like a good man. But she could tell he still struggled with things from the past. And it wasn’t just the scars on his hands that gave it away. Feyre had briefly mentioned to Nesta that Azriel had gotten in trouble with the law many times in his younger years. Although Feyre didn't elaborate on his wrongdoings, Nesta couldn't help but imagine the worst.
Nesta would be lying if she said she didn't see similarities between herself and Azriel. The scars, the haunted looks, the guarded demeanor. And because she knew that there was no way she could possibly be in a healthy, functioning relationship, she had a feeling that Azriel couldn't either. It was painfully clear that he hadn’t yet dealt with whatever trauma he’d experienced. If he were to get into a relationship with Elain, it would only end in heartbreak for her.
Nesta watched from the kitchen table as Elain and Azriel played the Wii. Nesta could tell just by Elain’s body language that she was smitten. Her entire body leaned towards his when they sat next to each other to take a break from their “bowling” competition. And while Azriel engaged with her, Nesta noticed the hesitance in his expression, the way he shied away when Elain got too close. Almost like it was a reflex.
Nesta's hand twitched. She wanted to interfere.
It’s Elain’s life, Nesta reminded herself. As much as you worry, she has to be the one to make her own decisions.
With that uneasy thought, Nesta relaxed back into the kitchen chair she was sitting on and took a large gulp from the mixed drink she held. Everyone was mingling in the living room as Nesta watched from the breakfast bar. All their backs were facing her, offering her the slightest bit of solace knowing that no one was paying attention to her.
She hadn't seen much of Cassian tonight. They both seemed to be holding themselves to their agreement to distance themselves from one another. He seemed perfectly content to stay out of Nesta's way, and Nesta felt the same. She just couldn't help but be surprised he hadn't tried to get a rise out of her.
At least, not yet. There was always time.
Nesta loathed the way Cassian was able to get under her skin, hated the way he made her feel. She didn't understand it. He was virtually a stranger and yet he made her blood boil. And all because he found it entertaining to watch her lose control? Gods, he was twisted.
As the thirty-second countdown began, the couples paired off. Mor grabbed Aurra until nothing separated them. Feyre leaned against the wall and Rhysand rested his hands above her head. That only left Azriel, Elain, Nesta, Cassian, and Amren.
Cassian and Amren remained seated on the couch that was directly in front of Nesta. Amren was whispering to him, no doubt making fun of every couple in the room. They laughed together. Then of course, Azriel turned to Elain with a shy smile.
And that left Nesta sitting alone at the bar, her drink half empty. Her glazed over eyes followed Elain and Azriel.
They looked at each other.
Azriel took a couple steps closer.
Azriel dipped his head to Elain’s ear and whispered something.
Elain blushed. She looked up at him and nodded with a smile.
Azriel gripped her waist with one hand and pulled her in.
Elain melted into his touch.
They stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
Azriel pressed a soft kiss on Elain’s cheek. She closed her eyes as if she were trying to savor it, to hold onto that moment for as long as she could. Azriel’s lips reluctantly left her cheek, only for him to lean his forehead on her temple. Their chests rose and fell heavily, their breath seemingly in sync. They remained like that for a moment, both unwilling to let go of one another. It wasn’t until Rhysand hooted, “Happy New Year,” that Azriel broke away from her and re-entered the present. Eyes wide, all they could do was blink at each other, the air between them palpable with uncertainty and excitement and pain and hope.
Everyone around them was cheering. It was almost too loud for Nesta. Her ears rang.
As everyone around them laughed and yelled, Cassian looked behind his shoulder from where he sat and his eyes met Nesta’s.
They looked at each other for the briefest of seconds before Nesta flipped him off.
Nesta could've sworn Cassian's eyes brightened before he returned the gesture.
tag list (let me know if you want to be added/removed):
@sjmships​ @sleeping-and-books​ @sirgwaines​ @books-for-sure​ @blowing-mikey​ @b00kworm​ @wineywitch202​ @drielecarla​ @liquifyme​ @gisellefigue08​ @theoverlyenthusiasticwriter​ @loysydark​ @stardelia​ @sayosdreams​ @maastrash​ @superspiritfestival​ @courtofjurdan​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @thewayshedreamed @booksstorm​ @laylaameer01​ @rainbowcheetah512​
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childhoodgrave · 3 years
whats dtl about ifff ud like 2 talk abt it i see cute sprites & decide i wanna know things.. hehe the top hat n cape guy gif is in sync w my music hehe
IM SO GLAD U ASKED this game is probsbly my favorite game ever its been a special interest if mine since i was 7 and i dont think its a GOOD game per se bt i love it a lot and it impacted me a lot as a little kid w a mild interest in art :)
so basically the game is a little 2d adventure platformer where u get to draw and design the character u play as. its p clunky and the way ur character moves looks rlly silly bt again this game was released in like 2010 on the ds so its ok .. the game also gave u templates to go off of and use too just in case u didnt want to design a character from scratch
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the story of the first game is abt this world that was drawn into existence by “the creator” in the book of life. u hav this little sequence where u get to draw the world, and the forrests and the creatures tht wld inhabit it. the creatures tht inhabit the world are callec raposa and they r little fox creature w funny ears :)
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like this guy (his name is zsasha and hes a thief but hes like a bad one who ends up returning all of the stuff he steals and also watching over a little orphan girl who he basically adopts LOL)
in the universe if the game the “creator” eventually went silent and the raposa lost hope in them ever returning. the world was slowly shrouded in darkness and gradually all of the raposa inhabiting this little village were either lost or left on purpose bc it was slowly falling apart. the game starts when one of the remaining raposa, mari, prays to u, the creator, to come back and help restore her village, saying that everyone else has lost hope but she still believes you can return to her. u can answer, and either say that u will help or you wont, but either way u end up agreeing to help her and she goes to tell her dad, the mayor, abt it. you create a “hero” to be the vessel you will speak thru, and thats the character u end up designing and playing as. the game is abt going to various areas from the village and rescuing all of the raposa that are lost there, as well as restoring the village to what it used to be and drawing in bits of the landscape, like the sun and plants and stuff.
the villain of the story is a guy named wilfre, who was another villager in the town who ended up drawing in the book of life bc he wanted to create things the way the creator had. he ended up making these big inky monsters and got consumed by them, and when u meet him at the beginning of the game he tears up a bunch of pages in the book of life which get scattered across the land and you have to collect them in order to restore the village.
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so u basically just go around saving villagers, collecting pages of the book of life, and redrawing bits of the town that were lost to wilfres shadows. eventually wilfre ends up like, killing maris dad (the mayor) and then after youve restored a majority of the village you enter his realm and kill him!! yay :)
throughout the game you also meet these two weird npcs called heather and mike. heather is a little raposa girl who has half of her face covered in shadows, and shes mostly mute. shes found early on in the game and is taken care of by another one of the main characters named jowee
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mike is a character u end up rescuing later on in the game, hes p confused and doesnt know how he got where he is, and hes also different from the other raposa bc he doesnt have ears like they do and kind of just looks like a normal human (even tho none of the raposa know what that is and they just think he looks rlly weird)
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in the first game heather is shown to take a liking to mike but it isnt explained why and she doesnt talk to its left unexplained
so yah the first game ends with you, the hero, defeating wilfre. mari takes on the role of her father and becomes mayor of the town, and all of the raposa (+ mike) live happily in the town youve restored. the hero goes dormant because theyre no longer needed and u get a scene at the end of the game w them sitting by the ghost of maris father.
the SECOND game takes place a while after the first game, in which wilfre returns and captures heather at the beginning of the game. he also kidnaps a bunch of the other villagers and transports them somewhere else, and he drains the color out of the village the raposa were in. they end up fleeing on a giant turtle with an abandoned town on its back that appears while the color is draining from the village. inside mari and jowee find another mannequin similar to the one the creator had drawn the hero on in the first game. they pray to the creator for help and thats when u draw the hero u get to play as for that game!! the hero doesnt seem to remember mari and jowee or any of the events of the first game, but they agree to help them rescue heather and all of the villagers wilfre stole.
jowee also has like, this magic pendant that belonged to heather that he found after wilfre took her, which seems to be leading them to where heather is. they use that to navigate the turtle thru the ocean to a bunch of other islands on the world. the second game is basically about traveling to different islands and helping them restore the color thats been drained out of them by wilfre. you also meet these two characters, salem
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who is a villain in the first island u travel to, and sock
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who is a villager on the first island u visit who ends up befriending jowee and traveling with them while they try to save heather.
so ur doing all of that but THEN, halfway thru the game mari is shown to be talking to wilfre, and then she dissapears. jowee assumes wilfre has captured her too, but shes later seen on the turtle again, and rips out a bunch of pages in the book of life the way wilfre did in the first game, and then wilfre appears to take her away and says that shes working with him now. jowee is heartbroken but resolves to get her back as well as heather
THEN, sock, jowees friend from the first island whos been tagging along and helping out, is ALSO revealed to be wilfre in disguise and he betrays jowee and steals heathers pendent, leaving jowee with basically no means of finding heather and wikfre and mari by extension.
so eventually they do end up finding where wilfre is and mari is like “jowee you dont understand wilfre has shown me the truth of our world and who the creator is and thats why im helping him” and jowee is like “i cant believe yoy are helping him how could you i cant believe you bla bla bla” and so wilfre is like “FINE ill show you the TRUTH of this world” and takes jowee and then the hero is kind of left ln their own for a bit to like wander around the world and try to keep rescuing ppl and such. and eventually jowee comes back and is like shaken up but kind of vague abt what wilfre showed him, but he still decides to side with the hero and the creator and eventually mari is convinced by him to join them again as well
so u fight wilfre again and EVENTUALLY wilfre reveals that if you defeat him basically the entire world will dissapear and thats what hes been trying to avoid by fucking w things and messing with the book of life. so all of the raposa have a bunch existential crisis abt them ceasing to exist if they go thru with this but then they decide to to it anyway bc the alternative is just as bad blah blah and u go and kill wilfre and he does this when he dies which is cool
[the gif was fuckjng broken im sorry but like look up his sprites and youll fjnd it 💔]
and now heather is back!! and her and mari and jowee are all talking about mike and how important he is and meanwhile mike has no clue whats going on and is kind of freaked out by all of this, but theyre all like “mike you need to wake up” as theyre all fading out of existence and shit around him and eventually him and heather are the only ones left and they dissapear too
and THATS when you get the ending and find out it was all like a dream mike was having while he was in a coma after a car crash anx this plays while the credits role lol https://youtu.be/Kur0qaYM1jM
^ they ended up releasing different versions oft he game w a less dark (but still w the whole ‘it was all a dream twist’) and thats it!!
there was also another game released for the wii that like gave wilfre a girlfriend kind of but i never played it to completion bc it used the wii remotes motion controls to like draw and shit and it was rly janky and hard so i never finished it and most ppl did the same. i kind of rlly want to try playing it again tho bc it was a p cute looking game even if the controls were fucked up
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AND YEA thats drawn to life its a weird silly little series tht i was obsessed w when i was a kid and it still holds a special place in my heart :) i basicaly just spoiled the entire series i guess but if u have a ds or a 3ds (bc the game is backwards complatible ! ) id still suggest like getting a cartidge off ebay or something and playing it bc its honestly a rlly sweet and beautiful looking game and i think a lot of it still homds up even if the controls r rlly janky now
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getallemeralds · 3 years
Explorers of Arvus: uhhhh / 3.23.21
today's notes are different from usual bc. well. you'll see
LAST TIME ON EXPLORERS OF ARVUS i broke my sleep schedule and am barely existing so this is fine. we went back to camp vengeance an uhhhhhhhhhhhh we are now going to fuck off into the forest to die or prove a very important point
oh god we forgot to level up
im so fuckin tired. what on earth am i doing. how do i level again
k is not here this time but instead we've got mae+nii bonking their heads together to simulate 2 braincells and so far it is not working. i might just have to like fuckin, drop out n zzz partway thru or somethin. would be fun to see how chaotic michael makes charlie in my absensce
oh wait i can do d&dbeyond i think. how do i work this again. will i ever remember i have shield
what level am i. level 6? pog. oh shit i think i have a new thing
. new spell
. 3 total 3rd level spell slots
. bend luck! i can now screw people over on purpose (and will probably use my sorcery points FINALLY)
michael is leveling charlie up bc my brain is apple sos
ASDXFKLJFH I FEEL CALLED OUT zec rb'd my most recent art of MaX with "all i know about xem is that leo likes xem a lot that's the extent of my knowledge" THANK U FOR SUPPORTIN ME ANYWAY
there will be less blaseball distractions than last time bc blaseball is now on siesta. however i will still have MaX brainrot in the background bc i was drawing xem
wyatt mason my beloved
OKAY I GOTTA MUTE THE TACO STAND FOR THE ENTIRETY OF D&D i cannot and will not get distracted. we can do this. we
nintendo wii
we havent even started yet and im already incoherent
ok i have made a decision and that decision is that i do not have the brainpower to play. however i do have the brianpower to take notes hopefully! so ill just like. vibe. this will be a first
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oh man im gonan pick up Blink. charlie is gonna be a fucking menace to herself and others
oh my god its not concentration so charlie may continue teleporting while unconscious. thorne is going to hate this
[charlie gets her soul eaten by a ring] [charlie singing dragonston din tei at halvkWAIT JORB HAS A PRIZE
jorb got a thing! an evil genius thing! figure man. fugrine. figuring. help
my notes are a disaster. this is so sucks
serotonin is stored in the wiggly zoomy jorb camera
jorb: his pinky is the size of the rest of his fingers
leo: he has a disease
jorb: he has a disease.
jorb: that disease is male pattern baldness
leo: [reduced to tearful giggling for mysterious reasons]
LAST TIME, ON EXPLORERS OF ARVUS: we've returned to camp vengeance! taure is still unconscious, which is not very great. camp vengeance is doin better tho!
michael, as part of the recap: ingrid is getting railed by her new girlfriend,
first dice roll of the day is michael rolled a 1. good start
OH THORNE IS AN ARTIFICER NOW thorne took a level in artificer!
"...it's like figuring out the right mathematical equation to summon a gun."
group is gonna go check out the statue that we passed by now that we're not WHAT DO YOU MEAN PONK AND GEORGE CANONICALLY HAVE IBS thats it im not looking at 772 anymore
im doing a bad job of paying attention but at least im Present
michael: what do you want to do with your new flying powers?
leo: how many problems can i cause in 10 minutes
guard 1: ...why is the halfling flying?
guard 2: [rolls a 3 on intelligence] i think they can just do that
groundhogs, the real scourge of the campaign
silje and sieron are gonna hunt a big elk. they got distracted and sieron is putting grass on silje's head. i think
we have discovered kali's tragic backstory whoops
update i am. too sleepy for this. good nigh everyone
[ and then leo went and somewhat took a nap! solar, normally playing thorne, started playing charlie in my stead. @jorbs-palace, local hero, started taking shitpost notes in my stead. ]
jorb's ghostwritten notes for leo:
help solar is immediately doing a cursed voice for charlie. charlie can do so many crimes
congratulations, charlie is now temporarily immortal!
dwarves can hit things with their beard
kali wants to know if she's legally allowed to bail
she'd feel really bad if she had to loot our corpses for payment if we died.
we have entered the Tree Zone
one of the corpses is now a flamingo (has one leg)
silje has decided to stab the ground. take that, dirt
kali was large size for a second there but then she remembered to not be a giant
"you accidentally deleted my cat?!"
silje has learned naruto cloning jutsu
be gone, thot
oh boy, making an int check to look at a statue! 11! silje is dumb apparently.
hmm. the statue has divination magic. it's also affecting silje.
SILJE LEARNED A 6TH LEVEL SPELL? its only single use but still
you solved my statue riddllllleeeee
thorne forgot to have eyes
its a shame mac and cheese doesnt exist in the d&d universe
wizards are just math criminals (the criminal part is setting people on fire)
sieron crit fails a check but it was still a 9 because of having +8
thorne is looking for what's weird!
uh oh music got scary, never a good sign
hmm. those leaves over there weren't dead a moment ago.
UNDEAD TROLL TIME! rolling initiative
"it's ok, im a wizard, it's my duty to be correct." "wow! waow!"
woooah here he comes
thorne backed up and cast eldri- oh, ray of enfeeblement. character development continues
charlie is going to just blink out of existence for a minute.
big chungus has grabbed silje and sieron. BIG CHUNGUS HAS THROWN SILJE AND SIERON.
sieron is using hit and run tactics! isn't good at his extra attack yet though
silje is activating bid bid blood blood blood
thorne uses beam of skipping your leg day. troll's legs are now skipped.
michael is trying to determine what a 'clavicle' is
"does that mean the star trek kind, or the bdsm kind?"
charlie wants to cast magic missile.
charlie has vanished back into the ethereal plane mid-taunt
silje has decided to not get bitten today
silje may or may not have stats.
oh, right, trolls are weak to fire! and also we forgot to upgrade sieron's firebolt. so it actually hurts now!
silje is full of knives and blades and does 31 damage in one turn!
charlie shouts words of encouragement from the ethereal plane. a nearby ghost vibes with this.
🎉 eldritch blast 🎉
kali remembered she hates the sun
silje is enthuasiatic about charlie saying "get him cat boy!"
charlie contemplating using fireball to nuke the troll and also the entire stonehenge
charlie has decided to use magic missile instead, probably for the best
the troll bit at charlie SO POORLY it broke some of its teeth on the ground
charlie is too small to hit
accidentally rolled advantage on a firebolt, so got to learn it WOULD have done 29 damage with a crit but instead it missed because it was not actually with advantage
silje has just sliced open its entire back and made a spray of frozen blood! radical. big boy is down!
we have burned the body because we are not stupid. well, we ARE stupid, but not stupid in the way of leaving a body full of necrotic magic around
[dr coomer voice] i think it's good that he died!
we're also doing a funeral pyre for the other corpses that were around. just to be sure.
our loot is: the satisfaction of a job well done
thorne is cosplaying as charlie
charlie has located the direction troll came from! she found the 'the way to sweet loot' sign
thorne is apparently better at survival checks than our hired guide? wack
we found a viking house! it has: mead, a shield, gravestones,
found a gold coin in the mead! maybe it was thirsty
oh theres a LOT Of coins in there actually. 60 gold and 120 silver!
have successfully pointed out a hole in the DM's logic :)
there was a raven! it cawed and left. ok bye buddy
and that's where we leave it! heading back to camp vengeance next time.
someone rated this session a 7.2 out of 10, which is very specific
good night mr coconut
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crusherthedoctor · 4 years
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The beach trope: another one that often comes early in Sonic's quests, and this one's no different, though expectations are very mildly subverted by making it the third zone instead of the very first. (Careful Crusher, you had the audience on the edge of their seats there.)
More importantly though, it's possibly one of the most famous and celebrated level tropes in the series. Emerald Coast is undeniably iconic, Seaside Hill is just as iconic while also merging with the Green Hill setup, and Wave Ocean... is a poor man's Emerald Coast, but it's probably better than most levels in '06 by comparison, so it too is iconic, from a certain point of view. We can't forget Jungle Joyride either, even if that's mostly because we got to see the frame rate die before our very eyes.
So how do you make your interpretation stand out? How do you prevent having a Wave Ocean 2: Wave Oceaner on your hands? Well, it's actually very simple...
Creating Zone 3: Coastline Resort
3-1: Shining Shore
Remember when I said that sometimes all it takes to make an environment feel different is the time of day, or a change in weather? This is one of the first major examples of putting that philosophy into action, as compared to previous beach levels, which were usually content with taking place in the bright sunny daytime, this one takes place under a pleasant purple sunset.
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This of course contrasting heavily with not only the blue sea, but also the sands, which although given a mild touch of purple courtesy of the sunset, cannot fully hide their natural shade of white.
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And of course, waterfalls.
We can’t forget the waterfalls.
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Despite being a true blue beach level first and foremost, there are also a few hints of plaza, further setting it apart from the Emerald Coasts and Not-Emerald Coasts of old times past. This aesthetic in particular is based heavily on the seaside town of Whitby.
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No doubt Sonic would admire this place, at least when he's not forced to go deep underwater. Maybe when the adventure is over, he can come back here and have a relaxing moment with... someone. Dunno who though. I doubt Eggman would be interested, and not just because he's actually in-character. Oh well, plenty more horses in the sea.
Speaking of, what about the underwater sections? Shining Shore does have them after all, in full 3D, as opposed to making them bottomless pits in disguise. Unsurprisingly, everything's a lot more blue than purple down there, gorgeously so, but the coral reef provides its own variety of colour.
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The local fishies don't seem to mind you being in their line of sight... nor do the Badniks, but probably for a different reason.
Since we're three zones in, you might have noticed by now that each zone, regardless of their overall colour scheme, has one element in at least one act that goes all rainbow with the colours than everything else. You had the flower patches in Gleaming Meadows, you had the wood barriers in Tricky Tropics with their rusting paint jobs, and now we have the coral reef in Coastline Resort... any reason for this?
Alas, the answer is a mundane one: it's just a little way of tying all the zones in Viridonia together. As this quest revolves around the mystery of the elusive Ethereal Zone, this seemingly inconsequential aspect is a way of ensuring that it will always remain at the back of your mind. It may be relatively more subtle and easy to miss than, say, a giant moon glaring down angrily at you no matter where you go on the map as it literally comes closer and closer to killing everyone, but the intention is effectively the same: the central meat of the setting and story is always present in some form, however indirect, even if the characters aren't currently discussing it.
Also, shout out to the lighthouse that helped our heroes by inadvertently blinding the pursuing mechanized orca.
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You really put a dent in Heavy Gunner's strategy.
First Section (calm): Lagoony Tunes (Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced) Peach Field (Mario Hoops 3-on-3)
Second Section (adrenaline): Lost Palace (Team Sonic Racing) Hang Eight (Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back)
3-2: Crazy Rapids
Being a whimsical water park, made even more whimsical to fit the video game format, this one explains itself in a lot of areas. But let's go over the finer details anyway, shall we?
As mentioned in the fic, the park has been made to fit in seamlessly with the ruins present in the area, thus creating a Good Future-esque wonderland of nature and technology in harmony. For an idea of how the ruins aesthetic would work, imagine something akin to the Sunset Beach Resort in Jamaica, particularly the long bridge and archways you can see in both of these shots:
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Kind of has an Aquatic Ruin vibe, doesn’t it?
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Even then, that only applies to half of the architecture, as the other half breaks up the yellow with some white, reminiscent of a certain OTHER watery location in Sonic's past...
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We also have the giant fountains sprinkled around the place. There are two types of fountains to be exact, both of which may seem familiar to the attentive eye...
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The difference? They're larger. MUCH larger. As in, you can actually platform your way on and around them.
As for what’s inside? It's exactly how you'd imagine it to be, albeit exaggerated even further to befit a Sonic level.
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And in-tune with the beachside mood, the Chao Garden found nearby would take a page from the one in Station Square...
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...with a little extra flavor of this...
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...complete with miniature water slides and the like for the adorable inhabitants... the inhabitants that Eggman currently has an unexplained interest in. How do the Chao factor into his latest plan?
Heh heh, only I and those I've discussed it with in PMs know that for now.
First Section (outside): Windy and Ripply (Sonic Adventure) Ocean Palace (Sonic Heroes)
Second Section (inside): Data Select (Tee Lopes) Wii Shop Channel - Mii Channel (Super Smash Bros. Wii U)
3-3: Aquarium Gallery
Disappointed that Crazy Rapids lacked that smooth red-on-blue contrast that Aquarium Park from Sonic Colours had? Well we can’t all be in the same league as Eggman sadly, but fear not, for the similarly named Aquarium Gallery gets right in on the action, combining red walls and an overall upper class aesthetic...
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...with the expected quantities of shimmering blue that comes with the aquarium setting. And with glass tanks of great size, comes great fishies to go along with them.
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The black and white checkered floor would also be a must. It's a Sonic game, we gotta have a checkered pattern somewhere. It just works. /ToddCrusher
Don't worry about the living conditions for the fish here, by the way. Eggman mechanizing them aside, the people who work at the park - and those who visit it - make sure to treat all the marine life with the utmost respect and kindness. Just a shame that they're apparently not so willing to lend that same understanding to Trudy... but it does provide an early hint that despite the few genuine bad apples who are outright antagonistic towards Trudy, most of the folks ignorant to her condition are exactly that at worst: ignorant. Meaning, despite first impressions, most of them are not bad people at heart, and with a little help and persistence, it's not entirely impossible that they can eventually learn to understand and sympathise with Trudy's situation.
In other words, they have more dimension than the background characters in Sonic Boom, where they're all mostly a bunch of one-note arseholes with little redeeming qualities and don’t deserve to be saved by Sonic in the slightest.
Anyhow, eventually, after a trip through one of those sweet underwater tunnels...
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...we find ourselves in the cavern area, where red is exchanged for turquoise, and there are reflected ripples galore. Since the Marble Caves in Chile already look halfway to being a Sonic level due to its unique formations, that's the best comparison I can make here.
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Too blue, you might say? Well, the sunset from earlier would be poking through the holes in the wall, adding some warm to the cool once more... the giant seashells everywhere help spice it up too.
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Like these, but bigger than Ken Penders’ ego.
If that’s even possible...
First Section (aquarium): Rooftop Run - Night (Sonic Unleashed) Coconut Mall (Mario Kart Wii)
Second Section (caves): Sea Shell Shenanigans (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex) Dire, Dire Docks (Super Mario 64)
3-4: Hydro Plant
The outside structure for this place is shaped like a giant wall, which predictably brings the Hoover Dam to mind:
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And that applies inside as well, at least initially. The similarities indoors come mostly from the generators, as well as the sheer size of the place.
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Since it's considerably rustier however, we have darker lighting in place, with the sunset outside preventing it from being too dark inside. There’s also a copious amount of daring graffiti caused by hoodlums... or maybe Eggman, since he'd probably be the type to do that to any property that isn't his. Some of this graffiti would look very impressive...
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While others would... uh...
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Look, they tried, okay?
With all this graffiti, that means there’s opportunity for a generous helping of cheeky references to previous installments if you’re able to find them... and if you can understand them. To this day, the typo in “make belif reborn” has not been corrected. Absolutely disgusting.
But as the fic dictates, the further you go on, the tidier and more high tech it becomes. Simply put, this section would remind one of Aquatic Base from '06, mainly because I've always liked the idea despite its characteristically terrible level design, so why not salvage the concept and give it a second chance?
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With some added flavor to make it less monotone, mind you. Like actual water sections, some green lights to break up all the blue, giant crab robot threatening to kill you... the works.
Sonic may be glad that this zone is behind him, but little does he know, it's not the only zone with intense water action around these parts. Luckily for him, that won't be for a while, so he can breathe a sigh of relief for now. Still, we know Eggman has other ways of keeping the gang on their toes...
First Section (rusty): Wily Stage 2 (Mega Man 7) Pokey Pipes (Donkey Kong Country 3)
Second Section (high tech): Ocean Base Act 1 (Sonic Advance 3) H2 Oh No (Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex)
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