#Virtue love is the highest form of love
azfellco · 10 months
Crowley before The Fall
Ok, so I love angelology, it's so interesting to me and is one of the main reasons I found out about Good Omens.
We all know Crowley used to be an angel and helped build some nebulas, but that was it from season 1.
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I found interesting this comment from season 2
"You'd have to be a throne or a dominion, or above".
- Muriel (S2E6 07:32)
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Crowley had access to the files, meaning he was a very high ranking angel, let me explain:
In christian catholic angelology there's 9 chorus (types of angels) divided into 3 ranks (being the 1st rank the highest) so we have:
1st rank
• Seraphim
• Cherubim
• Thrones
2nd rank
• Dominions
• Virtues
• Powers
3rd rank
• Principalities (Here's Aziraphale)
• Archangels
• Angels
Considering the duties from the 1st rank and dominions (from the 2nd rank) I consider Crowley was a throne, here's why:
- Seraphim are the caretakers of God's throne, continuously singing "holy, holy, holy", they have 3 pairs of wings and they use one of the pairs to cover their faces from the light of God. "The Burning One".
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- Cherubim protect the entry into the garden of Eden, and they continue to guard holy spaces where God dwells and Heaven and Earth overlap. "The One who Blesses". (Aziraphale has the characteristics of a Cherub, but I'll explain that on another post).
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- Thrones hold the throne of God, they're depicted as great wheels containing many eyes, and reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape. They mete out divine justice and maintain the cosmic harmony of all universal laws.
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- Dominions help keep the world in proper order, they're know for delivering God's justice into just situations and help angels in lower ranks stay organized to perform their work well.
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"Let there be matter, let there be gravity, let there be everything from pages 11 to 3,000,602 inclusive".
- Crowley (S201 01:10)
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"I wasn't the original concept designer, but I worked very closely with upstairs on it".
- Crowley (S201 02:10)
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Crowley: Gravity, it's, umm... A thing that happens when objects are pulled together. In this case, they're all pulled downwards because the earth is the largest thing around.
Jim: Why?
Crowley: Honestly, I don't remember. Seemed like a good idea when we were all talking about it.
- (S2E3 16:35)
Crowley made the nebulas Elephant's Tank, Carina and Horsehead (with Saraqael); also helped create the star factory (universe).
Also, at The Fall, some angels from every chorus fell, so it would be no surprise if a throne fell as well.
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So, I've noticed a few things about Sir Pentious' blimp and how it's built.
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Its main window is all circular, and if you look at how it's structured, it resembles a flower. Specifically, a window like this is often seen in churches, and they're called "rose windows"
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Then, the windows on the side: it's like they're made of stained glass. And, what do you know? They're also found in churches!
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And finally, the ship has a pointy extreme on its frontal area. It actually looks like a spire, aka the highest architectural element in a church.
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So basically, this blimp contains elements that evoke the place where everyday people come to confess their sins and become better people and be able to eventually ascend to Heaven.
Sounds familiar?
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Notably, a certain Sinner, who happens to resemble the Biblical representation of sin and evil (the snake), became a martyr and ascended to Heaven by using this machine of destruction to save his friends with no guarantee he'd be able to survive such an action.
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Such an act of self sacrifice to help beloved ones is seen as the ultimate form of love and virtue, and it fully explains the brilliance and plot reasons behind his blimp's sacral architecture.
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John, 15:13)
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blushcoloreddreams · 6 months
The 3 pillars of femininity- nourish, edify and beautify
The essence of femininity. Providing the conditions so that people can live well. The woman provides what is essential for life to be born and to continue its natural flow. She does this for her children, her husband, her friends and everyone around her. This is the nature of women, human beings are only born after being nourished by a woman during pregnancy. And it is this same nutritious essence that provides the essentials for life to continue at its best. A woman connected with her femininity will make her presence be exactly that to those around her. She is the means for life to flow naturally, she is the guarantee that everyone has a firm rearguard to return to. She nurtures by creating an environment of love and peace for her husband, children and friends. She nourishes by being that point of light in the middle of the darkness. She does this through words of affirmation that uplift, through physical touch that reaffirms love and renews emotional bonds, thoughtful acts of service that make life easier for the whole.
Creating the conditions so that people can live better. While nurturing is giving enough for life, edifying is more than that. It's leading to virtue, it's leading people to their most dignified and highest potential. And this is also a woman's nature. For this reason, it is possible to say that yes, the human being is only born through a woman, but more than that, the human being only reaches its best version through a woman. It is this same edifying essence that sees the potential and prepares the way, points the direction and provides the tools so that this potential can happen. The woman does this by establishing a routine that works and allows everyone to develop intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. The woman does this by being completeness, peace, and an encouragement to do what is right for the man. A woman does this when, through small actions, she sees the formation of a great character in the future. But can you understand that you can only edify, think of the future when people are nourished? For example if a child is starving, will you worry about forming great virtues on them or the first thing you will do is make sure they doesn' suffer from hunger? In relationships, in financial life it's the same thing. A woman won't think of marriage if the dating is not going well. Before you can build the people around you, you need to learn how to nurture them.
The prettiest and most feminine of all. The third pillar. Beautifying is seeking to make everything around you perfect, including yourself. The feminine points the direction of that which is harmonious, ordered and perfect. In other words, a woman beautifies when she makes everything around her become a living reminder of her creator. And it is impossible to do this before nourishing and building.
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lucistarrrrs · 4 months
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Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Principality Angel!Male!Reader
Dynamic: Friends to Stranger
Summary: Lucifer and M/n are friends since creation of Eden they're best friends until M/n found out that Lucifer did Lucifer tried to explain but not enough M/n misunderstood him.
Genre: Angst
Emily is his daughter in this story.
Warning: Bad Grammar
In the Garden of Eden...
Two angels are flying around heaven to watch over the two humans, Adam and Lilith.
The two angels are named Lucifer and M/N.
M/N is a principality angel who's in charge of protecting nations and guiding them.
Once Lucifer told him that he fell in love with Lilith, the human said, "Wait, you're in love with her?" M/N said as his eyes were wide, and Lucifer nodded as he talked about Lilith over and over. Then he tells about his dream. M/N likes to listen to Lucifer talk about his dreams, but Lilith gets bored when he talks about her.
M/n dropped her eyes and was a little sleepy because Lucifer talks about Lilith, and Lilith is there. M/n can't take it anymore. "Lucifer, how about your dreams?" M/n questioned him. Lucifer thinks for a moment. Lucifer talks about his creation, the ducks. M/n, take a look at the creature, and it quacks. I flinch, and Lucifer laughs. M/n looks at his beautiful laugh, and behind him it's like a...And M/n can't describe it, as M/n laughed with him.
Time goes by...
M/n watched Lucifer fall with Lilith; his eyes no longer spark with his eyes, like lively and gloomy. M/n stared at Sera with an empty expression, like emotionless, and flew away to his home.
He destroys everything in his home, breaking the vase and throwing a picture of Lucifer and him as he cries loudly and insanely. Michael runs towards him, but it's too late. M/N unleashed his real form. Michael and Raphael calmed him down. God came to the scene preparing some seals from M/N powers and erase his memories of Lucifer.
Azrael caught M/N in his arms. Azrael put Michael in his bed, and the seven virtues leave him in his bed as God replaces Lucifer with the virtue of patience, so... M/N is now the virtue of patience and one of the seven. 
Once M/N woke up, he saw his house was a mess. He took a look around, breaking vases and mirrors around the floor. As he cleaned his house, some knocks came in. When M/n opened the door, it revealed Azrael, the angel of death. "Hi M/n, would you like to come with me to the meeting of the seven virtues?" Azrael cheered, and his arms extended to M/n's shoulders.
Time skip
M/N becomes the highest principality, and the virtue of patience is a replacement for Lucifer. M/N joins the meeting and goes around the earth.
Azrael is planning something so that we spy on the court that Lucifer's daughter is here. "Who's Lucifer?" M/N questioned Azrael, and Azrael found that he doesn't remember that God erased M/N's memories of Lucifer.
Then we came to the court. The angels were stunned by this, and Azrael was eating popcorn. I facepalmed and looked at Sera. I squinted my eyes at her. Azrael looked at Adam, his middle finger. I smacked his hand away, and I dragged him out of the court. I looked at Lucifer's daughter, and then something rang in my head as I grabbed his collar as we walked out to the court.
"HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID?!" M/N shouted at Azrael, and he laughed, M/N's face palmed, and walked away.
While Later...
M/n was doing paperwork as the assistant brought some more paperwork. "Wait... What is this for?" M/n asked the assistants. "Raphael, send it to you, my grace." The assistants said. M/n banged his head to the table. "Put it on my table." M/n ordered the assistant, and they nodded as they put the paperwork on the table.
As M/N was focusing on the paperwork, somebody knocked on the door. "Come in," M/N said, and as the door opened, it was Emily Seraphim, who was crying. M/n eyes wide as he flew over to Emily. "What's wrong, my dear?" M/n comforted Emily as she cries to his chest and M/n caresses her hair. Emily calmed down and told him everything about what happened to the court and the exterminations. M/N is confused about the exterminations.
"What exterminations, Emily?" M/N questioned Emily; he was confused by this. Emily explained that exterminations make exorcists go down to hell and exterminate them; she wants to help Charlie, the princess of hell. As M/N comforted Emily, "Now how about you go to bed and I'll tell the seven's?" M/N said, kissing her forehead. Emily nodded and went to her room upstairs.
M/N continues his paperwork and planning for the exterminations that kill demons and souls within them.
"I promise Emily, I'll do whatever it takes to take Sera and Adam down." M/N slammed his fist to the table with evil smirking to his face.
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if its alr with you, can i please request an auditor x angel!reader?? im so STARVED for auditor content 😭😭
Feather light and black as night
Auditor x Angel!Reader
The contrast between you and your lover was almost comical in nature. Auditor, a being of hellfire, destruction, darkness and doom, and you, in pristine white robes, gilded jewellery, gold painted nails, and a beautiful decorated halo behind you head.
A vicious warmongerer in black and blood red, and a pure light of salvation seeking to heal wounded and lost sheep in your shared domain.
Your feathered ears twitched softly, listening intently to the wayward sinner before you, his burned out red eyes full of anger and indignant righteousness. "I understand your plight, shepard, but you and I both know calling on my kin to purge the land of this wickedness won't work. There are factors at play that put all of us in danger, and calling on Heaven's highest orders will amount to thousands of holy souls lost."
"This is unjust and you know it! A fellow angel should realise this! Wicked sin has scorned this earth and continues to mount, you think Heaven's gates will be safe should they learn a way to access theme?" Jebediah slammed his hands on your desk, his own damaged wings spreading wide. "It's only a matter of time before this wickedness spills over, and even Heaven itself will be corrupted."
"Have you no faith in the lord, Christoff?" Blinking slowly, your feathery eyelashes somehow fanning the flames of his damaged soul. "I know you're desperate for a solution, this is your home. But I cannot call upon those higher than me, even if I wanted to. Rest assured, we are watching, and when the time is right, Heaven's gates shall open, and salvation shall come to all the land. Patience, Christoff, is a virtue after all."
Jeb folded his wings behind his back, despite how often he came to argue his point, he would always back down at your words. You knew deeply he was soothed by the presence of a divine being, seeking to vent his anger and conflicted feelings at someone he shared ambitions with. "I shall continue this plight alone then, for now."
"You're never alone, Christoff. The lord is with you always. Go now in peace, shepard. May the light shine with you."
"And with you." As he left your office, the Auditor passed him, and slipped in, seeing as you were now alone.
"Is he bothering you again?" He knew of Jeb's reoccurring visits too, a desperate wannabe holy soul begging for reassurance he was on the right path.
"Not at all." Your wings fluffed up as you stood. "Greetings, Auditor. How may I aid you today?" The light of your halo illuminated your features, bathing everything in divine holy light.
Auditor shut the door with a flick of his wrist. "It's an informal visit, this time." He crossed the room and his figure melded to yours, his flames rolling into each crevice in your robe, swirling into your hair, gliding between your feathers.
To an angel, no matter their rank, touching wings was seen as the highest form of intimacy, saved for family, close friends, and lovers. "I'm still supposed to be working, my love," If Auditor had knees, they'd be weakening right now.
The sweet pet name, love, and the fact you called him yours. The words rolled off your tongue often enough, but the sparks in his stomach never dimmed, no matter how much you used them, never losing their lustre.
"Do you have any idea how maddening it is having you so close, but never close enough with those prying eyes?" Auditor longed to bask in your holiness every second of the day, but both of you had work to attend to, making his desires impossible.
You'd been sent down initially by your arch angel to help convert sinners, purgatory and hell having too high an intake for the demons to keep track of, and heaven offered to lighten the load, as long as the wayward would allow light into their hearts.
His lips brushed against yours, the heat of his body rushing over you, and instinctively you kissed back, hand cradling the back of his head, his hands coming to rest in the curve of your back and on your spine.
Reflexively, your spine plumage puffed up, an indicator of relaxation. "We still have much to do before we retire for the night," You mumbled softly, but you leaned further in his arms, letting him secure you in his grasp.
"You're not backing off though, angel." Auditor teased you. If you really wanted to, he'd let you go, but both of you knew you didn't want that right now. His touch felt good, and it had been a long day already. "Care to split early and allow me to indulge in your presence?"
A stubborn hardass, but Audi had a soft spot for you, not only because of the power you represented, but because your attitude. You were a lot more positive than the other people he was surrounded by, and that was what attracted him to you to begin with.
"Very well, I suppose we've earned some time to ourselves." You wriggled from his grasp, much to his mumbling protests, but you needed to turn your sign around. 'The Angel is OUT, please return at 6am.'
Auditor's body once again embraced yours, he was feeling rather clingy today. His hands rolled over your arms, fingers interlacing with yours, his chest pressed into your back, head resting on your shoulder, carefully avoiding being stabbed by the spikes of your halo. "Are you finished here dear?"
A gasp left your lips as he lightly nibbled your neck. "Behave!" Your wings puffed up, eyes opening on them to stare at him. "Such behaviour in public is inappropriate!" Even with nobody around, angelic prudishness still shone through.
"Then allow us to go somewhere more private?" Darkness filled the room, and suddenly you were both in the Auditor's private chambers. It was dimly lit by candles, and soft ambient lighting from fairy lights on the ceiling. Lavender incense burned on his side table, bed carefully laid with your favourite comforter and pillows.
"You've been slacking off work to do this, haven't you?" You giggled, turning to see him changing into lounge wear, hanging his suit up to keep it crisp and straight.
"Perhaps a little. But you're worth the effort, and so much more, carissima." You opened your drawers, taking out your own lounge robes, slits in the back to fit your wings into. Fresh white linens with golden embroidery, folded with care and neatly in line. "Lay down, I would like to prune your wings, if you'll allow me."
Audi melted into the floor, flames rolling over the ground and onto the bed, before he manifested again, patting his lap. He really, really loved your wings. "Very well, seeing as how much effort you've put into this." Slumping down onto your shared bed, you spread your left wing over his lap, and he carefully began to run his fingers into the white plumage.
Black and red mixing with white and gold, a harsh contrast that seemed to fit so well together. "Ah amica mea, you're too kind." Again your spines puffed up, relaxing as Audi's warm hands massaged your wings and pulled out loose feathers.
Latin, oh, you nearly made him swoon. "Anything for you carissima."
"I do have a query, dear."
"Yes my lover?"
"What do you do with my loose feathers?"
"I.. Keep them. In my suits. Replace them once they get frayed and worn. It's nice to have little pieces of you with me when you can't be there physically." He leaned down, kissing your wing softly.
"Unfair, why don't I have something like that?" You giggled playfully, not being serious.
Auditor's face turned red, that was unexpected. "I could offer you that if you wanted." You looked up at him, his face flush and burning. "There is nothing you could ask for that I couldn't deliver." He summoned a golden necklace, a tiny vial acting as the pendant. Slowly unscrewing the top, he placed a piece of his fire into the jar, sealing it shut again. "Sit up, let me put it on you."
You obeyed, rising to your knees and turning your back to him, sweeping your hair out of the way, allowing him to attach the chain. "It's perfect," Touching the bottle, you felt heat radiating from it, the same warmth when he touched you.
"And how perfectly it adds to you." He smiled, cuddling into you. "What a wonderful idea, now people will be aware of the fact you're mine."
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Hi! This is so I don't lose track of my fics so far. I thank you all for your kind reviews and reblogs, they make my day. Main is blueredwrites. Feel free to drop your thoughts be it in the form of asks, replies or reblogs. 😉
What am I working on?
✨️ Indicates smut.
🪆 Indicates possibly triggering.
🍂 Indicates angst.
🧸 Fluff.
House of the Dragon
Alicent Hightower
Crime and Punishment ✨️🪆
The Queen and you get along wonderfully. After all, the strongest friendships are based on shared interests.
Speak now
Alicent is not too sure of how she feels about you. Or about the fact you just proposed to run away. But she is sure about how she feels about the wedding. 
Harwin Strong
Win some, lose some✨️
Harwin and his wife have a disagreement over communication skills. The end result is exactly as the title says.
Lemon cake ✨️
Harwin’s wife is a tough crowd.
Aemond Targaryen
Mini series
Death in four moves 🪆
Aemond and his new partner explore trusting again after SA.
Death in four moves 🧸
Whatever souls are made of 🍂🧸
Caught in the crossfire of your familiy's ploys, you never expected to catch the eye of the enemy.
Threads of fate
Last man on earth ✨️
No one told King Aemond about the Song of Ice and Fire. As the daughter of Rhaenyra, you have one last mission left.
Aemond needs to blow off some steam, so you offer to verbally spar with him. 
Last word ✨️
Aemond instructs you on the importance of protecting your virtue.
Push and pull ✨️
You just love riling him up. Especially on his name day.
Bouquet of Violets 🧸🍂
You are happy in your marriage, even if your husband can be quite hellish. It all starts to go wrong when a secret admirer shows up.
The Seamstress ✨️
Prince Aemond is your favorite client.
We light the way
House Hightower does not have dragons, but they have a magic of their own.
No masters or kings🪆
Aemond has issues around sex. The thought of being married to you, an angel, it's not helping.
Aemond and you are tired of being pawns. Instead of chess, you decide to play draughts.
At the start of the Dance of the Dragons, you host a familiar face. But it is not your husband who darkens your doorstep. It is his nephew.
Daemon Targaryen
Daemon seduces his unwilling Lady Wife.
Courting. Daemon's version.
You think you married the plainest woman on earth, and you look away for one second and suddenly she is not. Typical. At least, for Daemon.
A Thousand Words ✨️
You want to marry him. He wants to fuck you. The two things are not as incompatible as they sound. 
Violent delights 🪆
As a dornish princess, you live by one saying. All is fair in love and war. When Prince Daemon stumbles into your life, you start to reconsider your stance.
Inside the highest tower of the Red Keep, lives a girl with long silver hair...
Bestiary ✨️
Your husband and you do not speak the same language. During your wedding night, you find out that High Valyrian and the Common Tongue pale when compared to the way your bodies allow you to communicate.
Vūjigon ✨️
Companion piece to Bestiary. Daemon has been having sex without love his whole life. It's easy. Marriage should be more of the same, right?
The dragon has three heads ✨️
It's Viserys first day as a King. You and your twin see him off.
You wouldn't believe the things I have done for her ✨️
Daemon lives a dangerous life. You wish you could find a way to protect him, but you are too afraid of guns. Lucky you, Daemon has a plan.
Gold rush ✨️
Your whole life you have been Daemon’s voice of reason. Tonight, you choose to be the impulsive one. 
To conquer
Incest is common amongst Targaryens, Daemon assures you. Unfortunately, Alicent got to you first.
Little lamb✨️
After the death of Viserys Targaryen, CEO of Targaryen industries, his heirs get into a legal battle over the validity of the will. It's a terrible time to start fucking your sister's brother in law. So of course, you do just that.
Divine intuition ✨️🪆
My take on modern reader meets Daemon
Threads of Fate
A nefarious plot to place Princess Rhaenys on the Iron Throne leaves you, a handmaid, as the sole witnesses. Deciding to save an innocent life, you find yourself an unlikely protector. But Prince Daemon does not make favors lightly.
Helaena Targaryen
Golden Chains✨️
Helaena isn't yours, but you are always hers
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Baby teeth
Cousins. You love them or you hate them. And Rhaenyra knows exactly how she feels about you.
Three-headed dragon ✨️
Three times Rhaenyra marked you, and one time you did too. Or snippets of the love story I so wanted to tell but didn’t feel confident enough to write.
Threads of Fate
Viserys Targaryen (Yuck)
The dragon has three heads ✨️
It's Viserys first day as a King. You and your twin see him off.
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drconstellation · 5 months
First-Order Archangels
Part 2: Foils of War
This post follows on from Part 1: Maybe You'll See An Archangel
In Part 1 of this meta we looked at some parallels between Gabriel and Crowley that were being shown to us in S2. This time we are going to focus on the differences, as well as some parallels between their partners, Beelzebub and Aziraphale.
A foil is a character who contrasts with the protagonist, to highlight or differentiate certain qualities between the characters. Crowley and Gabriel do this because they have come from essentially the same place, and share some story elements, but they still end up in different places.
Lets start with their first meeting in S2.
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There's a couple of things about this scene worth noting. The first is Crowley's reaction. In my honest opinion, this is seems a a bit of an overreaction, even considering what happened during the body swap scenes. The reaction is more about something that happened to Crowley himself, not to Aziraphale, and my guess is its something to do with Crowley's Fall. But what exactly happened at that point, I can't say.
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The second is the white bust. It does look like it is passing some kind of judgment on Gabriel there, and they are perfectly aligned in the shot-blocking, just as they were aligned over Crowley's shoulders before he turned around and saw Gabriel in the GIF above. (Yep. Go back and take a close look - Gabriel sits on Crowley's right shoulder, and the bust sits right on his left.)
I talked about what it represented here in Part 1 of Gabriel as a Shoulder Angel: S2 Study
This bust is identified in the meta A. Z. Fell & Co. bookshop and its statues by @youryurigoddess as the Head of the Victorious Athlete. The op applies an interpretation in context to Aziraphale but seeing how we get Gabriel posed next to it twice, perhaps we should have a closer look at what it might be trying to tell us about this angel as well. The op says: "The presented athlete is victorious because he’s the epitome of the Platonic Triad of higher Forms: Truth, Beauty, and Excellence, understood in the wider context of the Greek Aretē."
Arete is a nebulous concept, and while it meant one thing in the earlier post it is trying to convey a slightly different message here. Its about combining a number of qualities to live up to your best potential of excellence. Such a person would be displaying the highest levels of strength, courage and wit. Having been confronted with Gabriel unexpectedly, Crowley has just lost his wits and courage - for a moment, at least.
Gabriel, still stripped down and presented to us in a basic, classical style of robing, is dealing with one of the other aspects of arete. "See, told you I looked like a Gabriel," he says, standing on the angelic right-side. Truth is virtue, truth is knowledge, and in arete virtue is knowledge as well.
In vino veritas means "In wine, there is truth." It refers to the fact that people under the influence of alcohol tend to speak without filters.
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We've already talked about one meaning for the red horse on the wine bottle Crowley obtains to do some thinking with once he's hit with Nina's comment about people's love lives in S2E5. Yes, everything on that table right there is about love. But if you read all the reblogs on that post-thread, a number of people also mention that red horses are connected to War (as in the third Horseperson of the Apocalypse that didn't happen - their horse, if they had one, is supposed to be red.)
Firstly, the date on the bottle impossibly old for reality (believe me, you will not find a bottle that old in a little cafe like that, not matter where you are) so it is more likely a fictional date to refer us to the year before WWII started, the last peaceful year for most people before widespread war broke out (hmm, a bit of foreshadowing there, maybe?)
Secondly, and more importantly, Crowley pauses to pick up the bottle with the passionate red horse of War* on it to take it with him when he goes to talk to Gabriel.
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Oh, I'm not here to make peace, Crowley declares as he enters the room - look at the way he turns the label to face Gabriel as he enters - I'm here to do battle. Isn't that what you wanted, Gabriel?
(If you go back to the scene blocking for the following sequence, you'll notice that Crowley starts on the right-side, the side of Heaven, that wants to re-start and hopefully win the War, but Gabriel, who has changed his mind, is more on Crowley's usual left-side now, wanting peace instead.)
In S1 Gabriel was the one all for starting, or more rather, continuing a war that was never concluded, but now seems to be backing away from that, and Crowley just can't work it out.
The recording of the trial in Heaven gives some explanation as to why, but not the whole reason for Gabriel's back-down on war.
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He is removed from the office of Supreme Archangel for the reason of "[refusing] to exercise your celestial authority." I'll come back to this shortly.
On the other hand Crowley will fight on the spot if required but would rather avoid a prolonged war if at all possible. And he doesn't hesitate to lay down his own authority to achieve that. Astonishingly, no one in the bookshop disputes this, and he quickly takes control of the gathered celestial councils.
CROWLEY: Nobody's at war. You idiots sent an idiot to lead a gang of idiots to attack a bookshop. Those idiots there want their Archangel back so they can fire him.
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MICHAEL: [clears throat]If it is to be war… CROWLEY: No, no, no, no, no war. Aziraphale, let's sort this out. Where's the cardboard box?
Crowley gets Gabriel back to his true self, rescues the mortal humans from being turned in pillars of salt, asks Aziraphale to take over from him as he leads Maggie and Nina outside, and kindly remembers to retrieve Mr Brown from wherever he was being held in Hell (he was not killed, Neil commented on a tumblr post he was merely taken to Hell and held in a cell overnight; Crowley just retrieved him from that hell hole.)
(OK, so I had something else here at first but discussion on another post at the time of writing has led me to delete it. The main aim of my argument was to show that Crowley naturally took control of the room to avert war before the Metatron showed up - and no one disputed or objected to it.)
The word "authority" is used multiple times in Ep.6, so there is some emphasis on it being important. Once the demons left, and it was just the angels talking, Michael tried to take over:
MICHAEL: I am authorized to remove the name of anyone who helped Gabriel from the Book of Life. You will never have existed, Aziraphale. In the absence of Gabriel, I am the Supreme Archangel. URIEL: Duty officer.
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It wasn't the first time Michael tried to claim the position of Supreme Archangel on their own - with Uriel pushing back - and it brought to mind the famous saying "Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely." I like to check the exact wording of well-known sayings such as this, because they tend to get misquoted, and I know I myself misremember them, so I was interested to find out the context behind its origin, because I think it offers an insight into one of the cut minisodes for S2 - the one that would have been set in the Vatican. The writer of said quote, Lord Acton, was making a comment on how historians should judge the abuse of power by past rulers, especially popes. Unchecked power tends to lead to abuse of said power. The Metatron arrives to put a check on Michael's grasp on power, but who's keeping a check on the Metatron if God is not talking to anyone at the moment?
Control is something Gabriel feels he has never had, even though he is nominally in charge.
BEELZEBUB: Well, you didn't win. GABRIEL: Tell me about it. Everyone in Heaven is all like, "Well, you're the commander-in-chief, can't you just make the war happen anyway?" Like, I make the rules. BEELZEBUB: [scoffs] That's exactly what my lot said. GABRIEL: Well, it's good to know there's someone who understands. Thank you. It's a pity we'll never speak again.
In S1 when Aziraphale asks Gabriel who summons the Four Horsepeople for the Apocalypse, he doesn't know, and doesn't really seem too phased about it either, as long it happens. And there are a few other times in S1 he just seems to be going with the flow as well.
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The trial was probably the first time Gabriel ever got to say "no" to anybody, and ironically he was exercising his celestial authority, even though he was accused of not doing so. Up until then, he'd always been more of a yes-man.
GABRIEL: I told you you could ask. However, I am the only First-Order archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe, so I'm not gonna answer so much. But you feel free to knock yourself out with all the asking. Anyway, Armageddon the Sequel, that's a nah.
And there is Gabriel also saying no to answering questions!
One thing I've often wondered - can Gabriel's trial offer us a look back at what happened to Crowley before his Fall?
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Something, some link between Gabriel and Crowley, is implied when Gabriel states he is the only First-Order Archangel in the room. I'm not just talking about the prince of Heaven comment, but Crowley could have been put through a similar trial before his Fall and shown similar defiance? Who would dare say no to the Metatron?
Crowley has nearly always been ready to say no when necessary, since the very beginning. He said no to killing children, he said no to taking up a Duke of Hell position (so far 😉) and he said no to Armageddon, amongst other things.
The scene down in Hell with the two thrones in S2E1, where Beelzebub offers Crowley "anything [his] nasty little heart desires" has a lot of parallels with the Metatron's offer to Aziraphale and is jam-packed full of other good stuff, but I'm just going to pick out a couple of aspects here, because I promised some Beelzebub-Aziraphale parallels.
One is the implication that Crowley was an equal to Beelzebub when they were both angels when Crowley responds to the threat about the Book of Life.
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The two of them sitting together, side by side, reinforces this impression of them being equals of some kind. And just as Beelzebub is an Aziraphale parallel, so Aziraphale is Crowley's equal as well - in the present day. (They're a team, a group of the two of them, an Us.)
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But what about when Beelzebub gets up to face Crowley, and leaves the other throne vacant? Hmm.
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So we know the second throne was supposed to be for Gabriel, who never arrived. During the course of the series it gets pushed to one side, then disappears altogether, and Beelzebub appears on a cushioned white and gold chair reminiscent of Aziraphale's chair by his desk (see below.)
Ah, on second thoughts, I'm going to leave the rest of what I was going to say here for another meta (sorry!) because it pertains more to speculation about Crowley and Aziraphale in S3. Let's move on...
BEELZEBUB: Do you ever think, wouldn't it just be nice if someone told you what a good job you're doing?
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@vidavalor already covered most of this parallel here, but while Aziraphale has Crowley to fall back on, and Crowley is happy to oblige with a few words of - lets not call it a "praise kink," isn't the love language term Words of Affirmation? - now Aziraphale is not reporting to Heaven, Beelzebub hasn't. Well, Demon Josh really isn't the appropriate person to be delivering that, anyway! And part of the problem lies with the next item to be discussed. I'm wondering if Gabriel is going to need to a bit of work in that department.
We need to have a talk about the following exchange between Beelzebub and Shax towards the end of S2E4:
BEELZEBUB: Can you enter the bookshop, without permission? SHAX: Not technically, no. But give me a legion of Hell's finest troops and see what I can do. It's a chance I've been waiting for, Lord Beelzebub. To be clear, you are hereby authorizing me to storm the angel's bookshop, sending wave after wave of demons to besiege it until it falls and capture the Archangel, destroying anything and everything that stands in our way? BEELZEBUB: No. I am not authorizing you to do that. SHAX: Oh. BEELZEBUB: I am commanding you to do it. I want you there, Shax. On the ground. Bravely leading the attack into the bookshop, leading the army of the damned.
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I've already mentioned that there is a bit of emphasis on the word "authorize" and "authority" in places in S2, and this is one of them. But here it has a particular context. You need to ask what the difference is between commanding someone and authorizing someone, and it turns out there is a significant difference in meaning. (No, it doesn't mean pulling out a hand-written permit from your back pocket ...)
An authorization is mere official permission for something, but a command is a directive that implies there is a hierarchy in place, and the one giving the command is the one in authority who expects compliance. This was Beelzebub reminding Shax where her place was.
Later, Aziraphale takes command of the bookshop...well, somebody has to. Or, if you don't agree its here, perhaps it will be in S3. He's definitely not at the top of either hierarchy here but this is his domain.
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I think I will wrap up this meta with one last example - the two parallels reaching out for their significant others.
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There are probably a few more examples that could be discussed, if enough come up in discussion I'll do another post. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed this look from a different angel - er, angle.
"Enemies, as well as lovers, come to resemble each other over a period of time." - Sydney J. Harris
*There have a been comments lately on other posts linking Nanny Ashtoresh's name with the ancient goddess Astarte, a goddess of both Love and War, amongst other things.
This meta is part of a series on Gabriel
Gabriel as a Shoulder Angel: S1 Study
S2 Study Part 1: Ep.1 The Arrival and Ep. 2 The Clue
S2 Study Part 2: Ep.3 I Know Where I'm Going and Ep. 5 The Ball
S2 Study Part 3: Ep.6 Every Day
First-Order Archangels Part 1: Maybe You'll See An Archangel
First-Order Archangels Part 3: Seeing Eye to Eye
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zionultra · 1 month
nooo aha pls don't waste jewish deli foods on those privileged self-victimizers! we all know they'd wholeheartedly be vandalizing jewish businesses :/ btw it makes me sick that they decide to bring so much attention to THEMSELVES in the middle of a conflict which has actual people suffering.people are dying and there is a genocide against israelis and jews! a genocide that has been going on forever in the middle east! but nooo they gotta make it all about themselves and their need for gluten vegan dairy free organic erewhon food. THEY are the ones asking for donations?! they are hardly the ones most in need! thing is,i've noticed that in any war (especially one fought by a islamist terrorist group) it's always civilians (in both sides) that get killed and pay the price for their governments desires. Hmas SAd women and kills their own kids to use as human shields ffs. What do they think Hamas does to say,palestinian atheists or palestinian christians or palestinian jews or hell,even people who refuse to adhere to their radicalism/insanity(to say the least!) they could at the very least...idk...assemble aid for civilians and kids who don't wanna die because honestly,the thought of civilians suffering makes me ill even if they are palestinian. but no they have to ask for donations for themselves! i hate the hamas. am yisrael chai. israel was created for you. i hate how these kids end up in invy leagues and have no reasoning or nuance or compassion to bring to something that causes at the very end,the most helpless to suffer and that they have zero knowledge of the history of israel. the bloody romans renamed Israel palaestina wtf. love prayers and support from the Indian-Christian community.
Well said. They are just spoiled brats who love role playing as victims in need. Quite sick actually when there are real people who need food and basic necessities. It just proves that this is only virtue signaling in its highest form. Thank you for your support 🇮🇱
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planet-gay-comic · 3 months
Deep Love and Connection
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In ancient Greece, love was not bound by gender but by the beauty of the connection between two souls. This culture did not know our modern terms of homosexuality or heterosexuality. Rather, love was experienced as a multifaceted spectrum that could include all people.
Especially in the world of warriors, this freedom of emotional bonding was pronounced. The famous Sacred Band of Thebes consisted of pairs of men of the same age, whose mutual love was considered a source of their strength. Their bonds were not only strategic in nature but also deeply emotional. Such relationships were publicly acknowledged and respected, as they were seen as an expression of the highest virtue and harmony.
In the education of young men, pederasty was a socially recognized form of relationship between an adult man and a male youth in ancient Greece. These relationships often had an educational component and were an important part of the social structure. Peer-aged pairs were also common. It was a world where men could freely express their affection and admiration for one another without the strict labels that later emerged.
The ancient stories of Achilles and Patroclus or of Alexander the Great and Hephaistion offer examples of profound bonds between peer-aged warriors. The martial culture of ancient Greece, where strength and virtue were highly valued, provided fertile ground for the emergence of such deep emotional connections. For a warrior, the companion at his side was not just a fellow combatant in battle but also a partner in life, with whom all joys and sorrows were shared.
In our modern world, where we still struggle for acceptance, these ancient traditions remind us that love in human history has always been complex and boundless. It awakens in us the memory of a time when love was free from prejudice and definitions and celebrated for what it truly is: a deep connection between people.
Text supported by Chat GPT-4 Images generated with SD-1.5, overworked with inpainting and composing.
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I love how almost every superhero "deconstruction" like The Boys operates on asking the same three questions.
1. What if superheroes used swear words?
2. What if superheroes were selfish, bigoted, sociopaths who didn't actually care about helping people?
3. What if superhero fights had copious amounts of blood and gore in them?
And somehow, people keep falling for this.
Because they've fallen for the lie that nihilism, cynicism, and bleakness are Deep and Meaningful and that the highest form of art is taking something hopeful and optimistic and dragging it down into the dirt. Virtue is childish and depravity is enlightened.
As I said before, boring, boring, boring.
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ultimateunidino · 9 months
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now before I get into lore shit about this fuck I just gotta preface this.
Sariel lore applies by @muzzleroars fallen gabe Au and you can probably see a lot of inspiration from them in Sariels design and the other fallen angel ocs that are to come. (I've got another in the works but I'm trynna do get their fallen design completed)
THIS FUCK TOOK SEVERAL HOURS OF MY LIFE. I had to redesign his pre fall design (trust me the orginal looked like shit) and now that I'm so glad with how the redesign came out I wanna redesign his fallen design now. WHICH SUCKS.
Anyway lore and stuff below
Sariel before his fall was a high ranking virtue (like the highest rank a virtue can be before being an archangel). Sariel also was a highly skilled Archer, at one point being kinda the head of heavens archers.
This is the reason why the council decided that during the lust renousance that he would be one of the angels sent on a reconosanse mission just to see what was happening in hell at the moment.
During this trip he fell in love with a mortal women. Eventually though he did have to go back to heaven because the mission ended, but he'd still make special trips for them just to see them. Infact this affair lasted for a long while.
But eventually the council decided the lust renousance was to be ended. They appointed sariel to lead heavens archers but sariel refused. After a bit of prodding sariel eventually flat out protested ending the lust renousance. Which like pulling a loose thread on a sweater quickly lead to this affair being revealed.
But here's the neat part, when the council was about to inflicted his punishment instead of kneeling and accepting what was going to happen to him like most angels he did something different. He ran, he ran right out of heaven. (Which is considered a big nono!) It's considered cowardly not to accept defeat and specifically run from a fight or something like this. So if he wasn't in trouble before he's super fucked now.
So sariel ended up running to Hell. He went and found his love and then immediately told her to get the out of lust as fast as possible as heaven was going to burn the place to the ground any day now. This would be the last time he ever saw his mortal love again.
They hug and have a sweet moment before sariel rushes to try and get to where King Minos is to warn him of the impeding doom that is to come.
Unfortunately Sariel wasn't able to get to Minos Before heavens armies arrived. In the chaos Sariel ended up being caught and brought back before the council. Where he had his light ripped from him.
Now here's where Sariels story gets REAL interesting.
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(but of a quality drop from the last one but eh)
Sariel some how managed to survive his fall and become a "fallen angel". Now since he ran instead of accepting his light being torn from him he wasn't treated with nearly as much respect as other fallen angels who get their own tombs. Sariel was left to rot where he lay. Only being dumped in the remains of lust.
Now here's the part where I answer the question on everyone's mind "why does fallen sariel look so human when he's a virtue?" Because it's his punishment.(I noticed that muzzleroars post about fallen angels didn't have a punishment for fallen lust angels but I kinda get why tbh so I had to come up with it myself)
Fallen angels of lust's punishment is to be forever trapped in the form they worshiped. Aka, trapped in their human disguise . Now to a human that doesn't seem that bad but that's since their human.
For an angel (especially less humanoid ones) it's highly uncomfortable to be in their human disguise for long periods of time. It's like wearing clothes several sizes to small. And now I wasn't able to convey this in the drawings but pre fall Sariel is taller then his human form by a couple feet minimum. Now from an outsiders pov there is no desernible difference from him being human. It also feels incredibly claustrophobic. I wanted to give Sariel a second pair of arms but I wasn't able to add it to the drawing.
But that's enough about his fall it's self let's get to what happens after.
So Sariel fell and is now in the middle of lust after it was decimated by heavens armies and now the corpse of king minos. At this point he's hopeless, he may have survived but to what?
Eventually he decides it would be better if he just descended into deeper into hell. On his adventures he started trying to build himself a replacement for his old armour which no longer fits him as it's designed to fit his much taller and more abstract body.
Although this had a surprising outcome. A pair of Street cleaners, being social creatures, noticed him one day going through junk to try and add to his armour. Well since he's an angel he's not techn biological. So they thought he was also a street cleaner. Just a heavily damaged one. They thought he couldn't beep and such because he was broken and that's why he didn't have aFlame thrower. And so Sariel completely defenceless in his human form was totally freaked out by these two machines.
But it ended up being like a wet stray cat being forcefully taken off the streets.
Eventually Sariel kinda ends up being the mechanic of the crew. He even ends up learning the language of beeps and boops the Street cleaners make although that took years.
They did eventually figure out he was an angel and not a fellow street cleaner but they all had known eachother for so long it did not matter.
This trio ends up going to wrath at one point (not sure why yet, probably blood).
But that leads to the next OC I've got lined up so no spoilers.
I'd also like to think at one point Sariel was by himself in heresy looking for machine parts probably singing to himself YMCA before he heard the distinct sound of one pissed off archangel, barely hiding in time. Only for Gabriel to like rage walk passed to get to the organ he was playing when he met V1 a second time.
He got the fuck out of dodge immediately after though.
That was also his closest encounter to any of the main four archangels in muzzleroars Au.
He had known of them maybe been in the same room as one of them but that was it.
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 15/02/2024
Corridors of Vine
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by Heboyi
Right, okay, we've had a good streak recently of covering more "traditionally good" rips for the blog - arrangements and remixes like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), genuinely good arrangements like mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange), even the premiere of a new Season with the Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab. I think its about high time we change the clock to something "stupider" - the kind of rip that reminds you just how much SiIva is driven by the wild imagination, skill, and commitment-to-the-bit of its contributors. Only within a community like SiIvaGunner's will you get something like Corridors of Vine.
With memes as a whole, there seems to exist some sort of...invisible hierarchy that defines their public perception, that I've always found really fascinating. It's not impossible to understand why this hierarchy exists: Memes like the Hampsterdance in Wario's Hampster Mine, the Sparta Remix in THIS. IS. SOLEANNA. and more call back to a different, more innocent time in internet history, wheras memes like Despacito in Plains of Des-passing-to and It's Everyday Bro in It's Everyday Lake are oft met with comments like "I hate that I love this", or other similar sentiments. Memes generally follow a trend where, once one has worn out its period of inferred relevance - typically once it stops being a niche internet activity and spreads to marketing teams and unfunny people in general - its labeled as "dead" and unwanted, left as a relic of a smaller period of internet activity. That is, of course, unless it gets brought back into fashion by virtue of nostalgia and given some sort of new spin, as we've seen happen with Doge as of late - until that then too becomes co-opted by unfunny people (this time crypto-grifters) and the cycle begins anew. Yet part of what makes SiIvaGunner as a channel so great, is that very few of the memes it uses ever reach that state of abandonment: the team is so good at finding new, inventive ways to use memes as old as from Season 1, to where they rarely feel stale. And if they do feel stale - well, then that can ironically become part of the joke, playing into just how samey and played-out the joke is for a sort of ironic appeal.
All of this is to say, that I always find it immensely funny whenever the team decides - seemingly at the drop of a hat - to begin using memes that have been thoroughly labeled as dead for years by that point. A meme like the Harlem Shake didn't have so much as a pulse by the time Season 6 rolled around even past its sole revival to relevancy a few years back from being attached to Ajit Pai - yet The Harlem Shakeover of that very season was one containing over THREE HUNDRED rips utilizing the joke, next to none of which were made with the intention of sounding bad. Funny enough, then, that one of the first events we'd see during that same Season would be doing the exact same thing to a meme that's likely far more loathed than the Harlem Shake ever was - Damn Daniel, the core joke to Corridors of Vine.
Damn Daniel is perhaps the closest we've ever gotten to having a meme that felt like a social experiment - a complete non-sequitor of a joke starring an average, marketable teen and his immaculate footwear. At the peak of Vine's age of randomness humor, the series of various videos on Daniel's Vans absolutely blew up - and immediately, there were cynics from outside of Vine, older internet dwellers mainly, who made a big point about how lacking-in-funny the videos were. Yet the guy, Daniel, made it onto the damn Ellen Show of all things within mere weeks after his debut, and in a way it kind of made Damn Daniel a symbol for everything considered wrong about Vine: its mainstream appeal and focus on short, memeable videos had created a form of shitposting that...no longer felt like they were part of a community.
That is, of course, just my summary of the opinions I gathered from all the way back in 2016 - back when SiIvaGunner itself was first revving up into gear. And I find it so incredibly befitting that it was during Season 6 that the Damn Daniel event occurred on SiIvaGunner - the Season all about letting go of the past. To have it begin with SiIvaGunner, itself a 2016 meme, acknowledging its near polar opposite made around the same time: A meme that was, for a solid while, one of the most wanted-dead memes of all, one that the internet as a whole frankly felt a kind of hatred toward during what would come to be a rather cynical, hateful year in general.
There's definitely an overarching aura of irony applied to the anniversary celebration's rips regardless, of course - part of the joke with Corridors of Vine is that its using a song otherwise so closely enveloped in emotion and vulnerability (one SiIva itself used to similar effect with 時の回廊 <ver. CCC>), alongside a joke that's so bitterly remembered that its mere inclusion makes it difficult to take seriously. Yet Corridors of Vine takes itself as seriously as the concept could be, it is a genuinely fantastic YTPMV using several of the famous Damn Daniel Vines in conjunction with one another, resulting in an infectiously catchy combination of lead- and backing melody instrumentation. I do think the commitment to the bit worked excellently, and the comments of the video itself appear to agree with me - despite how beloathed Damn Daniel itself was, the time to properly acknowledge and accept it had arrived, and we were for once actually...enjoying the meme?
To circle back to the point made in the second paragraph here - the truth is, there are very few memes that wind up actually full-on dead for long. Dead memes as a concept are a label we put upon jokes we feel have ran their course, yet especially in the world of YTPMV there will always be people out there able to prove the naysayers wrong, even if the intentions are purely ironic. Ironic or affectionate, the end result is the same, isn't it? You've got a smile out of your audience through your work in adapting the meme! And through all the comments expressing their concerns over returning to the hellscape that was 2016s meme culture, those smiles - even through the barrier of the internet, felt as if they were shared by all of us. The entire event - and Corridors of Vine in particular - showed Damn Daniel a sense of affection it likely hasn't had since the days when the SiIvaGunner channel's name began with a G.
Here's to 8 years, Daniel.
...Stussy man, Damn.
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radical-revolution · 4 months
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Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse 🙏
"A few years ago I saw a comic strip of some students approaching a yogi on a mountaintop. This yogi had a bottle of bourbon in front of him. With a look of surprise,
one student says, “Oh! The guru drinks bourbon too?” illustrating the assumption that gurus should set an example of virtue. Disciples are often surprised if a guru drinks alcohol, eats meat, or has girlfriends. But in the tantra, you cannot make assumptions. In fact, assumption is a weakness that tantric Buddhism will toy with and ultimately kill.
While some followers are put off by the Vajrayana’s incorporation of sexual imagery and wine, there are others who take the Vajrayana path because of these same things. Or because in their minds Vajrayana is less misogynistic than the other yanas. To them, the segregation of men and women in the Mahayana and Shravakayana traditions is a form of misogynistic fundamental religious extremism. You can’t really say one yana is wrong and another is right. But if you have strong feelings about how a guru should behave, you may not be fit for tantra. The reason Taylor loves Reggie can be the very reason Bon Bon despises Reggie. Likewise, all the personal qualities that attract you to a particular guru can very well be the qualities that turn others off.
Assumption is a mouse, and tantra is the cat.
When I told my Tibetan friend Wangchuk the story of watching His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa dipping tobacco and spitting the juice into carefully folded papers, I was full of praise because to me, the Karmapa was so elegant and majestic even when he did something so truck driver–like. His habit of popping this disgusting stuff into his mouth while sitting on the throne had such an impact on me, in a nice way. So many people feel nostalgic about his famous love of birds, but I was just as inspired by his snuff habit. It increased my devotion. But Wangchuk immediately denied that it ever happened. He insisted that the Karmapa would never use tobacco. When I finally convinced him, he implored me not to tell this story to anyone else. I had to say, “He’s not good enough for you now? You would prefer a Karmapa who doesn’t do snuff? And you want me to keep it a secret?” As if the Karmapa needs to be protected from a bad reputation.
It’s not just Wangchuk—we all want our leaders to be perfect.
When I recounted the same story about the Karmapa’s snuff habit to Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, he advised me to collect that spit in the envelope the next chance I had and make a life-protecting amulet from this precious substance. Unfortunately, I never had another chance.
If you think collecting spit is disgusting, there are still countless Buddhist paths to choose from. You may be “happier” on a spiritual path that confirms your beliefs, values, ethics, and morality. But if your goal is of the highest sort—not limited to saving the world or dismantling your own ego, but to liberate all beings—you could be perfectly ripe for Vajrayana. Instead of being a conformist and settling on a secure and safe path, you should dare to follow a path designed to unsettle you,
a path that will destroy your comfort zone. And you should be persistent in that daring.
The compassionate tantric guru’s function is to deconstruct your assumptions, so expect the unexpected."
~ from The Guru Drinks Bourbon?
"Choosing a guru and deciding to follow him or her to enlightenment is as precarious, exciting, rewarding and destructive as falling in love and getting married. You know it’s risky, but that’s the part that cracks you open. This is your journey. You are choosing the tantric path so that the cracking happens. . . . Our pride and our ego should always be on edge, not knowing what will happen next.”
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cainware · 2 years
This was always how it was going to end. Jason Todd has been dead since the beginning. The man you see before you is a ghost story; he is nothing but a walking reminder that the universe, in all her fickle cosmic ways, will always mark the damned from the moment they're conceived.
Jason Todd was born to die. Jason Todd was born to live, born to love, and born to suffer for it. The tragedy lies within the heart, within the atoms of stardust that came together in just the right ways to create a man so full of love, that it tore him apart from the inside out. A destiny of pain, wrought from the ashes of compassion.
Kyle Rayner has read this story from cover to cover. He has seen it line for line, written the thesis and sent it back for review, vain hope within his soul that somehow, his prayers for a better ending would be answered.
The ending never changes. He can feel it in his bones that no matter the timeline, Jason Todd will always suffer, will always dig himself from his grave in some form and will always breathe in the fog of the graveyard with weak, frantic lungs.
Kyle Rayner knows, in the core of his being, that he cannot love Jason Todd in the ways that would fix the broken parts. He knows he cannot solve this cosmic dilemma, that he cannot change the universe that is Jason with gestures of faith and blind kindness. But still, he tries.
Jason lets him in slowly, and the farther through the door Kyle finds himself, the more he realizes the terrifying truth.
Jason Todd was born to die for love. Jason Todd, in all his bravado and worldly experience, was crafted from the light of a dying star. It makes Kyle's heart ache, to see a man so built for good find no solace in the world that killed him. So Kyle Rayner decides to put in the work.
It takes years. Years of patience, of carefully reaching out and allowing Jason the knowledge that he's there, that he won't beg for Jason to see him so much as wait for him to notice. Kyle offers a net to catch him as he plummets, a perch for the former Robin to roost on the days his wings are too tired to fly. Kyle works a thankless job, day in and day out, of making Jason feel safe and loved like he does for so many others.
And then the day comes that Kyle finds himself without a net of his own. The dawn finds him at deaths door, and Kyle is willing to accept his fate at the cost of saving the universe. But the end never comes.
They say that red light travels the farthest at the fastest rate, and Kyle knows this to be true in his experience. But a lesser known fact of the basics of the prisms of light is that violet light, while the slowest, also carries the most energy. It has the highest frequency of any of the wavelengths of light, and thus, is the most powerful wave of light.
Patience, Kyle learns, is a virtue. For as he opens his eyes, surprised by the fact that he's still part of the living, he finds himself encased in a protective structure crafted of violet light. His eyes follow the thin line of connecting light, his lips curving into a soft smile at the sight that greets him.
Before him, his protector stands juxtaposed to the stars, a soft glow of violet light radiating from him and his ring. Jason Todd smiles back at him, and Kyle counts himself lucky to see that crooked grin again.
"You know, if you were going to go and die out here all alone, the least you could've done was call."
Jason Todd was a man born to die. But the dead have a funny thing about laying still when their hearts, full of so much to give, continue to beat. Kyle Rayner knows many things, and he knows one thing quite well: no man nor grave can hold the love of a Star Sapphire once its been earned.
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
So.. say I wanted to design an angel in this universe ( just an oc of course ). what would be some key components to the design and some things I should avoid? :)
Angels can have very varied appearances. Some are furred, others entirely feathered, some hairless. They can be thin and gaunt like rails or plump and short- Go nuts!
Common physical traits tend to be:
A pallid coloration. Not necessarily white, pastel hues are common. Darker angels do exist but they're rare;
More than two eyes. These can have all sorts of shapes as well. Some are part of the body, others "hover" nearby. They can glow, they can be different colors. The more eyes there are, the more attractive an angel is considered;
Wings. Long, short, fluffy, smooth, whatever you please. Back wings are common, head, ankle, waist and other locations are less common. There can of course be more than one set at a time;
Halos. Sometimes these are part of the body (like with Belo and Adelo), other times they may hover behind or above the head, maybe in front. Or loop around sections of the body. Big halos are attractive. More than one halo makes you the hottest bitch in town (and powerful). Colors tend to be bright and/or pale;
Tails are not very common, but they occasionally show up. A lot of angels don't have mouths.
Just like with siadar, there are casts of angels. You have worshipers, warriors, and workers. The three Ws really. They are determined generally at birth and mobiblity is unheard of. I will introduce each kind briefly.
Worshipers are angels who are trusted the most by siadar, they hold very important positions and often commandeer other angels. They are assistants of the highest order. Here you have: Seraphim (the angels of love); Cherubim (angels of wisdom); and Thrones (angels of steadfastness). They tend to be short and compact. They often wield instruments or bows.
*It is not uncommon for these angels to have secondary forms, which are more powerful and dexterous, to deal with emergency situations which require violence.
Warriors are very self-explanatory, they often work closely with Protectors and have the most contact with Hell. Here you have: Dominions (commanders and strategists); Virtues (second in command); and Powers (common soldier). These angels tend to wield all sorts of weaponry. They are generally well-built, muscled or otherwise very sturdy.
Workers are often put to use for menial tasks on Earth or selected to do upkeep with Eden. They are the backbones of their society. Here you have: Principalities (guards and watchers); Archangels (public speakers, messengers); and Guardians (chosen to protect specific lessers or maintain areas). This cast has no set physical "norm".
More power = more halos/more eyes.
Making them extremely humanoid;
Making "saints";
I can't think of anything else sorry...
I hope this helps! :7
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Rook Info Compilation part 4: Rook and Vil
Vil becomes irate with Rook when Rook comments on his weight, quote, “When were you planning to begin your diet? You’ve put on a little weight in the past three days, Vil."
When Vil protests, Rook explains, “Who do you believe: Moi? Or everyone else? I spend more time looking at you than you do looking at yourself in the mirror. That should be all the evidence you need.”
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(Despite this, however, he has a voice line where he says, “I hold beauty in the highest regard. But my conception of it isn’t based solely on appearance.)
An irate Vil is almost immediately offered cake by Trey.
He refuses it, asking Trey to give his portion to Rook. “Force-feed it to him, if you have to”, later explaining that “his only crime is keeping too close an eye on me…Rook reads me more accurately than any scale. Possible more accurately than a mirror.”
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Rook himself assures us that he knows Vil’s exact measurements but, “as a hunter”, he also makes it “a point to memorize the species and height of every student on campus”.
Rook recites Ace, Deuce and Grim’s heights, class numbers, classes and species upon meeting them for the first time (for the player character he says “height unverified”, but this was an addition to the NA-edit of the game).
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Rook otherwise dotes upon Vil, saying it is “an eternal joy simply to bask in Vil’s presence”, gifting Vil 100 poems for his birthday and saying that “imagining the rush of exhilaration I’ll feel when I capture you is going to keep me up all night” before Beanfest.
It is often reiterated that Rook is is big on beauty. To quote, “To extol the virtues of beauty and pursue aesthetic excellence is my very mission in life” and “the world is filled with beautiful things…and I simply love each and every one of them”.
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Rook also says, “my life is enriched by the mere existence of beauty in all forms. Beauty has the power to grant salvation to its beholders, or to drive them utterly mad. But it is also fragile and ephemeral. The moment you take your eyes off of it, it could be lost forever. Which is why I make it my goal in life to protect and support beauty to the fullest extent of my abilities. What I wish to safeguard is not Vil himself; it is the notion of beauty he embodies."
"Your eureka moment will come once you meet someone whose mere existence illuminates your life like so many sunbeams.” and “No matter how much one studies, beauty is impossible to comprehend in its entirety. That’s why it captivates me so.”
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