planet-gay-comic · 3 months
Deep Love and Connection
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In ancient Greece, love was not bound by gender but by the beauty of the connection between two souls. This culture did not know our modern terms of homosexuality or heterosexuality. Rather, love was experienced as a multifaceted spectrum that could include all people.
Especially in the world of warriors, this freedom of emotional bonding was pronounced. The famous Sacred Band of Thebes consisted of pairs of men of the same age, whose mutual love was considered a source of their strength. Their bonds were not only strategic in nature but also deeply emotional. Such relationships were publicly acknowledged and respected, as they were seen as an expression of the highest virtue and harmony.
In the education of young men, pederasty was a socially recognized form of relationship between an adult man and a male youth in ancient Greece. These relationships often had an educational component and were an important part of the social structure. Peer-aged pairs were also common. It was a world where men could freely express their affection and admiration for one another without the strict labels that later emerged.
The ancient stories of Achilles and Patroclus or of Alexander the Great and Hephaistion offer examples of profound bonds between peer-aged warriors. The martial culture of ancient Greece, where strength and virtue were highly valued, provided fertile ground for the emergence of such deep emotional connections. For a warrior, the companion at his side was not just a fellow combatant in battle but also a partner in life, with whom all joys and sorrows were shared.
In our modern world, where we still struggle for acceptance, these ancient traditions remind us that love in human history has always been complex and boundless. It awakens in us the memory of a time when love was free from prejudice and definitions and celebrated for what it truly is: a deep connection between people.
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queerasfact · 2 years
Do not worry when people say 'That is not allowed and that is not permitted.' ... Make love to boys in their youth, when their beards begin to sprout, and in ripe old age. Sit down in every tavern, where wine and lovemaking are offered...
8th-century Arabic poet Abu Nuwas
Check out our podcast to learn more about Abu Nuwas and sexuality in the Abbasid Caliphate
(quoted in translation in JW Wright’s ‘Masculine Allusion and the Structure of Satire’ in JW Wright and Everett Rowson’s Homeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature, p.12)
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deathlessathanasia · 2 months
Ganymedes: The Adolescent Boy Zeus Abducted and Raped - Tales of Times Forgotten
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enby-caelans · 2 years
I have studied ancient sexuality and gender (did my MA diss last year on gender nonconformity in ancient greece) and i can recommend a few books that I think look at pederasty, or at least would be able to point you in that kind of direction:
Masterson, Rabinowitz and Robson (2014) Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World - a very good collection that contains more modern views and plenty of extra jumping off points for your own research
Davidson (1997) Courtesans and Fishcakes: the Consuming Passions of Classical Athens; Davidson (2001) Dover, Foucault and Greek Homosexuality: Penetration and the Truth of Sex; Davidson (2007) The Greek and Greek Love: a Radical Reappraisal of Homosexuality in Ancient Greece - pretty fundamental works but his views can be a bit contentious because he vehemental disagrees with Dover.
McClure (2002) Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World: Readings and Sources - another good collection
Halperin (1990) One Hundred Years of Homosexuality and Other Essays on Greek Love - a good overview
Halperin, Winkler, and Zeitlin (1990) Before Sexuality: the Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World - honestly i dont remember what this collection was about, but Halperin, Winkler and Zeitlin are big names in gender and sexuality research and this book was in my MA dissertation.
Skinner (2014) Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture - might contain some things but can't guarantee on this one
I could probably find some better sources with more time, but these are the ones I can find easily (by looking at the bibliography of my diss and desperately trying to remember which had entries on pederasty)
Thanks a ton! I’m actually super interested in Ancient Greek gender nonconformity after some of the erotic portrayals of Hermaphrodites I saw in Campania.
Really appreciate you reaching out with the recommendations! Sounds like an interesting dissertation.
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
From pederasty or "boy love" in ancient Greece, to ritualized homosexual initiation in New Guinea, to butch-femme lesbian relationships, to situational homosexuality in prisons, to contemporary North American gay couples – homosexuality has assumed many guises across history, cultures, and social situations.
"Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity" - Bruce Bagemihl
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my-own-lilypad · 8 months
This is a post just about my thoughts about Luca Guadagnino and Timmy and others. It's just personal musings, feel free to ignore and keep scrolling if it's not for you. Or block if you feel the need.
The thing about Luca and Timothee is, so there are scenes in CMBYN where Timmy is naked and we see his ass. Not full-frontal but he is naked. And we see him walking around like that. Now, that is pleasurable for viewers, for us, for certainly the many gay men watching the film, and there is nothing wrong with that, I want to make that clear. I don't find anything wrong for example, with an older gay man desiring a younger man. I do not equate pederasty with paedophilia, absolutely not, they are not the same thing. I am not attacking the relationship between an erastes (the older male) and his eromenos (younger male). I understand the nature of that relationship. Therefore I understand gay men coming to this film and getting pleasure out of seeing Timothee Chalamet playing a 17-year-old and being butt naked. Timothee is an erastes' wet dream, that is just a fact. Nothing wrong in it, I'm sure Timothee must be well aware of it. So the thing is, Luca chose to have Timothee nude in the film. That was his choice. This is where it starts to get complicated. Timothee's body was used to create that desire in Luca's audience. Luca was selling his eromenos to an audience of eraste, particularly men who had lived through the 80s and been either Elio's age at the time or Oliver's. Timothee walking around nude is a great incentive for them to watch the film, and also the peach fucking and the blow-job scene etc. Now put that in the context of a long warm summer amongst the trees of Northern Italy, good food, good wine, books and learning, cultured people and it all seems very romantic and sweet, innocent even. And it is, the film is all of those things, that's what makes it great art. But the relationship still exists between Luca and Timmy, that Luca sold Timmy's body and Timmy consented. I'm not saying there is necessarily anything wrong with that, I'm not on some moral rampage, and the film was not overtly sexual but more an exploration of desire, you can't fault the film on that, it was done very well, but that relationship exists. And it's there again in Bones and All in the field scene, I mean any eraste would look at Timmy in that scene and get aroused. It was a very sexy scene, Timmy is a very sexy guy, he can turn that on when he needs to, and he was really sexy in that film in lots of different ways, overtly and in more vulnerable and intimate ways-it was the only good thing about the film. What's the point I'm trying to make? Well there isn't one, I guess.
Luca brushed AH's accusations away and now he is directing a film based on a book written by a man who thinks AH is innocent (Bret Easton Ellis), and that book is pretty misogynistic in a good old fashioned 80s way, see previous post. I just feel like something aint right there. It just does not sit right with me.
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immaculatasknight · 6 months
The bestialization of a generation
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hussyknee · 1 year
The full story of Korin and his Lord can be found here (page 27 - He Died To Save His Lover)
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liberty1776 · 1 year
The TRUTH About LGBTQ+ in Ancient Greece - Once and for all
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rodfleming · 1 year
The Gay Lifestyle -- a gaping Hellmouth that destroys boys.
The Gay Lifestyle — a gaping Hellmouth that destroys boys.
The gay lifestyle is legitimised pederasty, of the most exploitative and abusive kind. For decades now, we have been force-fed the idea that the gay lifestyle is all about sweet young boys loving each other. And what could be so wrong with that? But that is not what the Western ‘gay lifestyle’ is about at all. Most males in the gay lifestyle are not actually homosexuals. I used the ‘s’ there…
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angel-tears1004 · 2 years
Hmmm the teacher from Never Been Kissed really fucked right off the very second he found out Josie is NOT actually a minor, didn't he?
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ferrolano-blog · 9 months
Un sacerdote cuenta al final de la misa que sufrió abusos en su infancia por un cura: ha remarcado que el problema de los abusos sexuales a menores en la Iglesia es algo que "no se debe esconder ni minimizar"... ha revelado que tras un tiempo en el que parecía haber olvidado, los recuerdos volvieron y le causaron escuelas físicas, como ansiedad o arritmias. Tras acudir a varios profesionales, el sacerdote decidió contar públicamente los hechos y tomó la decisión de denunciar en la Pascua de 2022
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Apparently, (at least in Westeros), the age of maturity or “legal majority” for a Westerosi nobleperson, male or female, is 16.
There is a distinction between a “girl”, a “maid”, and a “woman” conceptually.  A female noble who has gotten her period can be married and have sex with a nobleman of any age--this is a “maid”.
The controversy about Westeros practices and customs concerning gender, marriage, sexuality reminds me a lot of the Edo Japanese “wakashu”, the Ancient Greek pederasty system, Victorian and Romantic concepts of innocence and the Cult of Childhood, etc. (Wakashu all the way at the end.)
Basically how human history had some overlap concerning sexuality and childhood, and how exactly they became so. Even today, the concept of a innocence carries with a 
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Paraphrasing Large Part of Essay: Democratic Athenian aristocrats (yes I mean what I say here) also used the old practice of pederasty as a means to maintain their own social identity as nobles, separating themselves from nonnobles. All under the context of challenges to their status from nonoble citizens who brought up how such young boys and men--the "eramenos"-- were untrustworthy an that they actually disrupt the ethos and mental ability of Athenian male citizens--endangering the integrity of the "polis", since such sexual relations could divert the man's focus away from politicking (the belief). Pederasty was practices since before Athens really became the first democracy, and the nobles of Democratic Athens thought that through preserving their customs, they would remind in power and keep their noble identity/status.
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rzvera · 1 year
so um. i haven't seen any discussions in fandom about it but it seems like gay relationships were illegal in revachol up to '04 when the communist party legalised them
i had no idea about this piece of lore so i'm sharing a line from fayde for those who didn't know it too
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(i don't know if it's unclear from the word usage but i'm pretty sure dros uses the word "pederasty" to refer to same sex relationships as they are and not to some form of pedophilia. in post soviet countries a lot of older people are calling gay people (men, usually) pederasts and gay relationships between adults pederasty)
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radlymona · 3 months
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rodfleming · 1 year
The Four Horsemen of the Gaypocalypse
Okay, so the four horsemen of the Gaypocalypse is tongue-in-cheek. But for too long we have been fed real whoppers by the New Gay Man apologists and activists. The first of these is that ‘gay’ and ‘homosexual’ mean the same thing. They don’t at all, and this curious conflation — of four horsemen into one — has been extremely useful for those New Gay Man and ‘Queer’ activists, and thoroughly bad…
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