#Vincent wasn’t going to be a love bug
spoookytay · 4 months
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Vincent Valentine and Katherine DeLight!
I’ll color her later, I have no clue on what her color palette will be LOL
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“I DO WHAT YOU NAME?” I forgot I flipped the canvas
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trevorite · 3 months
I just Wish.
[Now Normally I don't write fan fiction because I struggle with Writing but I did this as a practice so I can get better :D] [Ps: This ain't happy fan fiction Sob]
The rain fell making a soft pitter patter as it hit the roof of the Villa. Kerry was fast asleep and all cuddled up to his pillow, sleeping in just his underwear as he always did. Meanwhile Vincent was outside sitting down in one of the sun loungers that were near Kerry’s lake-like pool. He had a bottle of whiskey in one hand, and a cigarette between the fingers of his other hand. It may have been raining but V didn’t care, he just… needed some time to think. It felt like just yesterday everything happened… felt like just yesterday him and Jackie were having fun doing gigs, making fun of each other, and fucking around just being gonks together. That just yesterday he had gone out and done the horrid heist at Konpeki Plaza with Jackie and T-bug.. and had lost both of them. And that just yesterday Dexter Deshawn had put a bullet into his head, and he woke up with a terrorist named Johnny fucking Silverhand Yelling at him for a smoke. Truthfully that had only been a few months ago, but it all was still so vivid. The memories kept replaying in V’s head, and every time they did he felt more and more guilty. Didn’t help that he was also dying,  getting worse by the day. Finding a way to save both him and Johnny seemed impossible at this point, but he wasn’t going to just give up, not just yet. V sat up for a moment, setting the bottle of whiskey down as he took off his jacket. “Johnny?” he called out, waiting for a response. Of course the one time he wanted to talk to Johnny he was busy doing who knows what. V sighed, as he leaned back again. He had been feeling a bit down lately, and he couldn’t figure out why.. yeah he knew one of the reasons was because he was dying, but he just didn’t understand what else was making him so down. I mean he had everything he could dream of currently, a pretty and kind lover, a body that he felt comfortable in, fuck he had even been staying in a nice home with the man of his dreams. “Damn it Vincent… everything has been going pretty great, you’ve even got some leads on how to bring back Johnny, stop being such a depressed gonk,” V muttered to himself. He took a long drag of his cigarette, now pressing the cigarette against his arm to put it out. Then he grabbed the bottle of whiskey leaning back in the lounger, taking a sip of the drink… before just closing his eyes. The rain kept falling from the sky, and at this point V was soaking wet, but he didn’t care, he loved the rain. He took this time to just think about everything, and why he had been so down lately. A few hours passed, which had only seemed like a few minutes to V.. but he had slowly started realizing why he had been feeling the way he had been. Just 2 months ago Kerry had all the time in the world to hang out with him but ever since Kerry had started making music with the Us Cracks and working on his new album they had started hanging out less. “Oh I can’t be upset with that, he’s happy, and that’s all that matters,” he spoke to himself, now softly sighing, before thinking about it more. I keep waking up to nothing. I used to wake up with Kerry right next to me, all snuggled up, but now I wake up in the morning and he’s already up, already doing something else. He’s often busy now as well, we rarely talk. Lately, I’ve only seen him in the morning playing guitar on the couch or at dinner. Working towards finding a cure has also made it hard to see or talk to him but I’ve been trying to make time. But it seems every time I am able to get some time off to just hang out with him, he’s busy. I just want things to work out in the end… but I don’t even know if Kerry has noticed that I’ve been getting worse. I can barely eat, feel sick every time I try to, and I’m getting weaker by the day. I’ve been having more frequent seizures, and barely can recover from them…
Vincent had got so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t even realize that he had started crying, or that Johnny had appeared next to him. “Ay, kiddo I promise you things are going to work out, even if I have to get wiped,” Johnny stated as he looked down at V. “I’m not letting that fucking happen Johnny, and you know that, and you know how bad things have been getting…,” he now looked up at Johnny, “I just need you to promise me something okay fuckface?”
“Alright kiddo, have no idea what you need me to promise you, but I promise,” Johnny laughed softly, sitting down on the side of the lounge chair. “If I don’t wake up one morning and you wake up in my body… I want you to take care of Kerry for me, help him get over my death..” V looked off to the side before looking back at Johnny, “Just be there for him, make him happy… got it..?” He now closed his eyes again, yawning.
Johnny sat in silence for a moment before speaking, “Alright, got it.” Johnny said softly, running his hand through V’s hair. “I just wish we both could live, that’s all I want Johnny, for us to live and both be happy,” V stated softly, before drifting off to sleep.
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loveandmurders · 2 years
Hi!! So each Sinclair brother has his thing. Bo has cars, Vincent has art/sculpting, and Lester has animals/roadkill. So could you pretty please write something where either little sister or daughter reader is into bugs? Just doing weird kid stuff like “Caterpillars and ladybugs are my friends. No!! Don’t swat at it!!” And rattling off facts excitedly like “Did you know moths don’t eat and only live for about a week?” But then later her years of having bug collections comes in handy as she grows up to be an entomologist. 💛🐛🐞
Hello there <3 This was such a cute idea, thank you for requesting it!
I hope you'll enjoy <3
Warnings: silly facts about insects, mentions of murders, dangerous reader. If there is any mistake I'm sorry!
You were still quite young when your parents noticed your interest in insects. You could be playing in town and whenever a bug or a butterfly or anything would fly near you, you would stop to watch it with a certain fascination.
Very quickly you started to love to follow them and talk to them.
You even called them “your friends” (it wasn’t like you had anyone else in town anyways).
You enjoyed flying insects the most at first, but then you grew as fascinated about the walking ones, like ants, or even spiders (even though they are not insects).
Bo always found that weird, but he was glad he didn’t have to deal with a child who was screaming anytime she saw a little insect coming closer to her. Vincent enjoyed seeing your fascination and how your eyes lit up. Lester also absolutely adored it! He loved roadkills and animals, so your love for insects wasn’t that far and he could totally get it.
You started to ask a lot of questions about bugs and insects to your parents but their knowledge was soon not enough for you.
As you grew older, your love for them never stopped and you continued to wonder about them, and you were often asking Lester to bring you in the woods or somewhere you could discover new insects.
Bo bought you books and he tried to read some to you, even though he found this absolutely boring. He was always gently teasing you for this hobby of yours.
Vincent taught you how to draw animals and insects and dead nature. You became actually quite good and when he showed you some Vanity paintings of the Renaissance, it became your favourite genre.
You started to draw the insects you saw, or to follow some with your notebook and pen but you were always complaining about the fact you didn’t really remember them or that you hadn’t been able to see them well enough to do a good reproduction. So Lester started to bring you the insects he found dead on his way.
He didn’t find them often, but when he did he knew you were going to be really happy about it.
That was how you started to collect insects. And you continued to read books, and whenever you were finding a species you were trying to guess the family, and then you were looking up the exact name of it.
You also started to know a lot about them and you couldn’t help but share facts about them to your parents.
“Did ya know some moths, like the Luna moth, don’t have a mouth and so they can’t eat? And because of that they can only live for about a week?”
“No I didn’t, honey, but ya do have a mouth so please eat your soup now”
“And did ya know one ladybug can eat up to 5,000 insects in its lifetime?!”
“Yes, and ya eat heigh spiders every year, darling”
“That’s impossible, father, because the vibrations of our heart and breath are probably perceived as an indication of danger for the spiders!”
“... Ain’t knowin’ if I should be impressed or terrified right now, Y/N”
“Oh speaking of fear, caterpillars or larvae in general can feel stressed out because of loud noises! Isn’t it crazy that little things like that can feel so much! I wonder if they understand me when I talk to them, like Jonesy!”
Lester loved to listen to you and he totally encouraged you to keep talking about your passion, because he enjoyed how interesting you were but also because he wanted to let you know that he was proud of you and that he was supportive.
The twins listened as well but also shared looks, thinking their daughter wasn’t fully sane (but they still loved you).
You also started to get very interested in poisonous insects and deadly ones.
It was probably because you had been raised by killers, so you always loved dangerous characters in books and movies, and dangerous insects in real life.
You found it fascinating that a little thing could kill a human.
You also loved the idea that one day, a little thing like yourself, could kill a grown man.
On the other hand, it meant that your family wasn’t allowed to hurt one.
Whenever one of your parents would try to get rid of an insect, you would jump on their arms and beg them to let it go and to not touch it.
As you grew up, your collection grew as well: you also had more and more notebooks filled up with drawings and names. You also started to study the insects’ bodies and the way they eat, procreate, react when they feel in danger. You noted everything down in your notebooks. You also tried to fact check the books your parents bought you.
It happened that you sometimes proved the books wrong and you were so proud about it.
As you grew up, your hobby became a lot more serious for you and you started to really want to study insects.
Lester was really supportive of this. Vincent thought it would allow you to keep drawing so he was happy. He was also trying to make you do wax sculptures out of your little friends and you often agreed, so it was all good for him. Bo was quite proud that his daughter was going to study in the field of science, so he was also eager to let you go to college and then university for you to become an entomologist.
You were very grateful, especially because in a bigger city you also discovered how insects were reacting to the human impacts on their environment.
And that was how you decided you wanted to especially study this: the cohabitation and coexistence between insects and humanity.
Later on, you started to write articles about it and to work at a research laboratory that wasn’t too far from Ambrose.
Your parents were so proud they had been able to raise you right enough for you to have a normal job.
At the same time, your “normal” job allowed you to do some research such as reproducing the cell-killing protein of the spider Brown Recluse (Loxosceles reclusa), to make it more dangerous and then to use if on your blades, so now, when you came back home to kill tourists, your attacks were able to create instant necrosis on their flesh.
You ain’t a real Sinclair as long as you don’t use your knowledge to be destructive.
And gosh, your parents couldn't deny: you were one of them.
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celestiall0tus · 3 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 6 - Mr. Pigeon
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix finished her lunch with Alim at their usual spot for her birthday lunch. She put her plate to the side along with Alim’s.
            “Wonderful, as always, wasn’t it?” Alim asked.
            “Yup. Same as always,” Alix remarked.
            “Any plans before dinner with Jalil?”
            “Not really. Maybe head to a park. Or just stay home. Haven’t really decided.”
            “Well, I have something for you as this isn’t just any ordinary birthday.”
            “What do you mean?”
            Alim reached into his suit and pulled out a silver pocket watch. Alix tilted her head as she stared at it.
            “This family heirloom was made by one of our ancestors many years ago. It’s been passed down from one generation to the next on their 15th birthday. And today is your turn to inherit it.”
            “Why didn’t Jalil get it then? He had his 15th birthday way before me. Wouldn’t he have gotten it?”
            “Well, yes, but she wanted you to be the one to have it.”
            Alix straightened. “She did?”
            “Yes. While Jalil should have gotten it, you showed a certain aptitude from a young age that she knew you’d appreciate this much more.”
            “How so?”
            Alim placed the pocket watch on the table. He pressed the middle of the lid. It popped open as blue mist swirled and formed into a hologram of a woman holding up a watch. Alix’s jaw dropped. She grabbed the watch and inspected it.
            “How is this possible? And many years ago, right?” Alix asked.
            “This is incredible! Impossible even. I need to get home. May I leave? I have to inspect this immediately.”
            Alim smiled. “Of course. I’ll see you tonight for your birthday dinner.”
            Alix grinned. She kissed Alim’s cheeks and ran off. She made it home and headed for her room. She threw her backpack aside and sat at her desk. Tikki squeaked and joined her.
            “What’s that?” Tikki asked.
            “A family heirloom. Check it out!”
            Alix showed off the hologram to Tikki.
            “Incredible! Whoever made that is a true visionary and inventor.”
            “Do you think it’s possible to make another one? Dad said one of our ancestors made this. If someone who knows how long ago made this, it has to still be possible, right?”
            “Of course. Anything is possible, but it will be difficult.”
            “Excellent. I love a good challenge. However, first I need a design.”
            “What for?”
            “You’ll see. Now, hop in the bag. We’re heading out.”
            “Out? Out where?”
            “To the Trocadéro.”
            Adrien sat of the steps of the Trocadéro while he waited for the photographers to finish their prep. He checked in on Alya’s blog, the Ladyblog, to see if she had posted anything new. He frowned not seeing anything since his birthday party. He grumbled and crossed his arms. He had hoped his defeat of Copycat would have gotten him some attention, but it hadn’t. Bloody Bug still held all the attention, though he could see why.
            Bloody Bug was unlike anyone Adrien had met. She had her volatile temper that made her terrifying to deal with at times, but there was someone that cared enough under all that anger. The way she helps the victims see reason, even going as far as throwing him a party because that’s what Nino as Bubbler wanted. How many people would do all that for anyone they didn’t know?
            A shadow fell over by Adrien. He looked up as Alix jumped over the stairs and landed near the camera crew. They yelled at her, but she laughed and skated away. He watched her do a lap before she sat on a bench to change out of her skates into normal shoes. She ran up the stairs to the entrance of Trocadéro. He moved an inch to go see what she was up to, but Vincent yelled out.
            “We’re ready, Little Agreste. Smile for the camera.”
            Adrien frowned, then forced a smile. He told himself he’d get through this photoshoot before he went to see what Alix was up to if she was still there.
            Alix sat near the entrance of the Trocadéro. She placed her skates and backpack down before she took out her design sketchbook and a mechanical pencil. She left her watch in Tikki’s care while she worked. She was absorbed in her sketches when a hand tapped her shoulder. She jumped and snapped her head up to see Marinette.
            Marinette waved nervously. “Hi.”
            “Uh, hi?”
            “Would you mind if I sat with you?”
            “Uh, why?”
            “I just sorta feel like there’s someone watching me. It’s making it hard to sketch.”
            Alix blinked and looked past Marinette. She eyed Sabrina half hiding behind a corner. She glared daggers at Sabrina, who hid completely from view.
            “Alix?” Marinette asked.
            “Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, go ahead.”
            Marinette smiled and sat next to Alix. Alix paused her designing as she watched for Sabrina and potentially Chloe. She glanced between Marinette and the corner Sabrina hid behind.
            “So, uh, what are you doing here, Marinette?” Alix asked.
            “Oh, I came here to gather inspiration for a design contest.”
            Alix perked up. “Design contest? What kind of design?”
            “A derby hat design contest held by Gabriel Agreste. And whoever wins will have their design worn by Adrien,” Marinette squealed.
            Alix deflated. “Oh. Lovely.”
            “Isn’t it? I already impressed Adrien with my scarf, but now to show him and his father my designing skills. It’s why this needs to be absolutely perfect.”
            “Because it’s for Adrien, the love of my life. And if I win, I can get one step closer to him and his heart. Then we’ll start dating, and eventually we’ll get married, have kids, and maybe a dog. No, a hamster. Not just one, but two!”
            “You’re crazy, you know that, right?”
            “Nothing is crazy when done for love. And this is true love after all.”
            Alix snorted. She glanced around and saw Sabrina sneaking behind them. She hummed and closed her sketchbook.
            “Say, Marinette, what have you got done so far?” Alix asked.
            Marinette opened her sketchbook, considered, then covered it. “You’re not going to steal them so you win, will you?”
            “Do you honestly think I’d be so underhanded? Especially considering who you’re talking to?”
            “Er, right. Sorry.”
            Marinette lifted her sketchbook for Alix. Alix glanced at Sabrina, who held up a phone to take pictures. Alix grinned, turned, and chucked her sketchbook at Sabrina’s head. Sabrina screeched and ducked out of the way, dropping the phone. Alix ran up and snatched up the phone and her sketchbook.
            “Well, well, I’d recognize this phone anywhere,” Alix remarked.
            “N-no, please. She’ll be angry,” Sabrina begged.
            “And I’ll be angrier.”
            Alix smashed the phone against a pillar. She stormed away from Sabrina and towards the road.
            “Chloe! Chloe!” Alix yelled.
            Chloe scoffed. She stepped out from hiding. The disgust and annoyance on her face melted into fear when she saw Alix.
            “Kubdel! What a surprise. What brings you here?”
            Alix snarled and threw Chloe’s phone at her. “Leave now. Your plans are up in smoke, Chloe. Your attempt to steal Marinette’s design to win the stupid fashion contest has failed.”
            “Are you accusing me of such heinous and lowly acts? Honestly, Kubdel, I-.”
            Alix grabbed Chloe’s jacket and pulled her down, so they were eye-to-eye. “Don’t you start your crap, Chloe. Unless you want a refresher.”
            Chloe shook her head and leaned away. Alix released Chloe and she retreated. Alix sighed and returned to Marinette.
            “There. She won’t bother you anymore today.”
            “How do you get Chloe to leave you alone? If I tried that, she’d just laugh and bully me more.”
            Alix snorted. “No offense, but you couldn’t pull off what I do. You’re too soft.”
            “What’s that supposed to mean?”
            “What else? C’mon, Marinette, Chloe pushed you over several times and you didn’t even get up. You just laid there on the ground like a little bitch.”
            Marinette shrank back. “You saw that?”
            “Uh, yeah. You’d be surprised all the crap I see. Point is, you need to toughen up first, and that is something you need to figure out on your own.”
            Marinette hummed and looked at her sketchbook. Alix looked around and saw an unusual amount of pigeons.
            “Where the hell did all these pigeons come from?”
            “That’s… a lot of pigeons,” Marinette agreed.
            Alix furrowed her brow. She searched for any news updates on her phone and saw a pigeon-themed villain was attempting to take over Paris. She grumbled and rolled her eyes.
            “Marinette, I’ll see you later.”
            “What, already? What if Chloe comes back?”
            “She won’t. You’ll be fine. Good luck with your hat contest thing.”
            Alix grabbed her stuff and headed off before Marinette could say anything. She headed for a sheltered area without any people.
            “Alright, Tikki, let’s get this over with. Tikki, spots on.”
            Tikki disappeared into the earrings and transformed Alix into Bloody Bug.
            Bloody Bug headed out into the city. She curled her lip at the vast multitude of pigeons everywhere. She avoided them as much as she could as she searched for the villain. She paused when she heard a series of sneezes behind her. She turned to see Chat Noir, struggling to keep up with her as he sneezed. She landed on a rooftop and waited for him.
            “What’s wrong with you?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “I’m allergic to feathers,” Chat Noir answered.
            “My sympathies. Have you seen our mark?”
            Chat Noir sneezed. “No. I just saw you. Any idea where he’d be?”
            Bloody Bug hummed. She looked back and forth in thought as she noticed pigeons gathering around her and Chat Noir. She smiled and grabbed one of the birds.
            “What are you-?” Chat Noir started.
            “Hey, birdie. Fly to your bird master and tell him that Bloody Bug and Chat Noir will be at the Eiffel Tower. And don’t be late. I’d hate to start the barbeque without him.”
            The pigeon freaked out until Bloody Bug let it go. It flew off with all the others.
            “We aren’t really having a cookout, are we? I don’t think pigeon would taste very good,” Chat Noir remarked.
            “Don’t knock it until you try it.”
            Chat Noir curled back his lips and wrinkled his nose.
            “Let’s go. Can’t keep bird boy waiting.”
            Bloody Bug and Chat Noir headed to the Eifiel Tower. She went over designs for a device to capture the pigeons in her mind. If they could take away the army of pigeons, that should make it easier to get to the Akuma. They arrived at their destination before long. She finalized the details as their villain arrived.
            “Bloody Bug and Chat Noir, you dare to threaten my sweet, little birds? Now, you’ll face the wrath of Mr. Pigeon!”
            Mr. Pigeon blew on a dark purple bird call whistle as pigeons swarmed the tower.
            “Luck Charm!” Bloody Bug yelled.
            Ladybugs swarmed above Bloody Bug. They created a leaf blower device that fell into her hands. She grinned and strapped it on.
            “Uh, what are you going to do with that?” Chat Noir asked.
            “You’ll see. When you get a chance, destroy the bird call whistle. Got it?”
            “Alright. Ready when you are.”
            Bloody Bug turned on the leaf blower. A powerful vacuum sucked up all the pigeons into the device. They furiously flapped and flailed but were unable to escape the pull. She sucked up all the pigeons that swarmed the tower and the ones that Mr. Pigeon stood on. He plummeted once his support was gone. He raised the bird call to his mouth, but Chat Noir jumped in. Chat Noir extended his staff towards the whistle and shattered it, releasing the Akuma. Chat Noir dove for Mr. Pigeon while she caught and purified the Akuma.
            “Miraculous!” Bloody Bug yelled as she threw the leaf blower up.
            Ladybugs burst from the device. The captured pigeons were released and returned to their docile state. Bloody Bug joined Chat Noir on the ground with the pigeon man.
            “What happened? Where am I?” the man asked.
            “You were turned into a pigeon themed villain. Any reason why?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Huh? Oh, yes! I had a run in with that foul cop, Roger. He told me I couldn’t feed my little bird boys and gave me a ticket and warning. It just made me so angry that I couldn’t feed my babies.”
            Bloody Bug pursed her lips. “Yeah, you deal with this one. I’m gonna head out before I transform back. Bug out.”
            Chat Noir watched Bloody Bug leave before he turned to the man. “Hey, so, maybe instead of feeding pigeons in the parks, why not go somewhere else in the city?”
            “But, my boys, my babies! If I don’t feed them, who will?”
            “Well, there are a lot of pigeons in this city. While you’ve focused on the ones in the parks, the others have been neglected, haven’t they?”
            The man gasped. “I didn’t think about that. All my time feeding my park babies and I didn’t think of the others.”
            “Right? And if you feed them, I’m sure they’d tell their park buddies, and you’ll see the ones you feed in the parks where you don’t have to worry about getting in trouble for feeding them.”
            “Capital idea, Chat Noir. Thank you so very much for opening my eyes.”
            Chat Noir smiled as the man ran off. He headed back to the Trocadéro. He de-transformed and rejoined the photo crew.
            “Ah, there you are! Have your allergies cleared up?” Vincent asked.
            “Sure did. Once the pigeons were all gone, everything was better.”
            “Wonderful! Now, let’s get back to the shoot.”
            Adrien moved back to position when he spotted Marinette. She stared down at him with her jaw agape and eyes wide. He waved to her. It took her a minute to register the gesture before she smiled awkwardly and waved. He took another step when an idea popped in his head.
            “Hey, Vincent? Remember when you wanted an extra roughly a couple weeks ago? Think we could still do that?”
            “Ah, yes! A wonderful display, but with who?”
            Adrien looked up at Marinette. “Marinette, would you like to?”
            Shock spread on Marinette’s face. She fumbled her words as she made bizarre gestures. Adrien tilted his head at her behavior until he saw one of their classmates, Alix, appear behind Marinette. Alix had a wicked grin he’d see on Bloody Bug before.
            “Go on, Marinette, what’re you waiting for?” Alix asked as she shoved Marinette.
            Marinette screeched as she fell down the steps. Adrien rushed up and caught her.
            “Are you ok?”
            Marinette managed a small nod.
            Adrien looked at Alix. “That wasn’t nice.”
            Alix shrugged. “That’s a matter of perspective. From my perspective, it was the nicest thing I could do.”
            Adrien frowned as he set Marinette beside him. “How is shoving in any way a nice gesture?”
            Alix hummed. Her eyes darted to Marinette before she smiled softly. “Actions speak louder than words. Instead of justifying myself with empty nothings, judge for yourself what my actions and intentions meant.”
            “See you two at school tomorrow.”
            Adrien raised a brow as Alix skated off. He snorted and turned to Marinette. “You sure you’re ok?”
            Marinette smiled and nodded.
            “Then would you like to model with me?”
            Marinette’s face lit up as she nodded.
            Vincent cheered. “Excellent! Let us begin.”
Also, shout out to @adventuremaker21 for the leaf blower idea
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
What do you think the Sinclairs reactions would be to their afab partner coming out to the be?
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You gathered the boys together, you figured it would be easier if you just ripped off the bandaid. So you waited until just before dinner as to try not to make a scene, and begged Vincent to stay. Normally he walked off to his art den to eat alone, but you just wanted to talk real quick. The man looked concerned, but you quickly assured him nothing was wrong.
“Sugar, you’re scaring me. Something the matter?” Bo asked.
He grew quite fond of you, though he’d never admit it out loud, it was obvious too his two brothers. You shook your head.
“Naw Bo, just when something important I wanted to tell you all. You’re my boys and you’re important to me.”
Bo’s face dropped. He thought maybe this was it, you finally grew bored of them and wanted to leave. He was gonna cut you off so he wouldn’t feel the sting, but Lester saw the gears turning in his brothers head and was quick to stop him.
“Relax Bo, let her speak.”
You cringed a little. Vincent took notice of this and signed a quick “you ok?”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to y’all about.” You mutteredz
The boys looked confused but you had their full attention.
“I don’t like it much when you call me She. It don’t feel right. I’m a girl in the same way you all aren’t killers. I can pretend to be all I want, but at the end of the day, we all know the truth.”
You grew anxious when non of them spoke. You began to fidget with your hands but Vincent was quick to grab them. He used his free hand to ask you a question?
“What are you?”
It sounded so foreign, but you knew what he meant. ASL wasn’t exactly the most delicate language, usually it was quite blunt and to the point.
“Demi girl I think. Like I still feel feminine I guess, just not like a girl.”
“We’ll all right then sugar plum, what do y’a want us to call y’a?” Lester spoke up.
“They/Them pronouns are fine.” You spoke slowly, trying to decide if they felt right on your own tongue.
Bo still had yet to speak and your worried he’d reject you.
“Bo?” You asked, knocking him out of his trance.
He cleared his throat and spoke up.
“So you won’t be my pretty girl anymore?” He asked.
It was cute, the puppy dog eyes he gave you. He was usually never this vulnerable in front of his brothers. So you knew he meant it, and was trying his best. You chuckled lightly, amused at the question.
“Just for you Bo. Everybody else gotta call me something different.”
He smiled and the three of you went on eating dinner like nothing had changed. Except Vincent felt more at ease today, and ate with you all up at the dinner table.
You’d been hanging out with Lester all day. Helping him collect road kill and playing with Jonesy. You threw some animal viens for the dog to play fetch with. Everything was perfect. Except something was bothering you, so you finally decided to speak up.
“Hey Les, can I talk to you for a min?”
You had that boys full attention in a heartbeat. He was worried when you spoke so seriously.
“Something wrong doll?”
You blushed at the nickname. It was cute and all, but only cause it was Lester saying it. If anyone else called you that, you might just punch them.
“Nothing serious, just wanted to tell you something’s all”
“We’ll go on ahead. I don’t bite.” He joked.
Petting Jonesy’s fur for emphases. You laughed a little.
“Here it goes I guess. I don’t really like you calling me Doll Les, it feels too feminine. And I don’t really feel very feminine if y’a know what I mean?”
He had this confused look on his face, and you’d didn’t blame him. You weren’t really explaining things right.
“I’m not a girl Les. I don’t really feel like one. Don’t really feel like much honestly.”
“We’ll Alrighty then Do-, we’ll what do you suppose I call you. Wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing and upset you now.”
You smiled at his kindness, he was trying so hard.
“I don’t mind it when you call me love bug every now and again. That one’s kinda cute. And if you could start using They/Them. Pronouns with me, that would be cool.”
“You got it Love Bug, suppose we should tell my brothers yeah. Don’t want them disrespecting you.”
“You think they’ll be cool with it?”
“Course they will. The love y’a, Bo’s a hard ass but he really does care. Might slip up a little but he’ll try, you’re important to him. Besides, I think Vincent might understand more than y’a think. He don’t really give off manly man vibes like Bo does, I seen him do his makeup under his mask once.”
You blushed at the thought of Vincent wearing makeup. Lester let out a huff, snapping his fingers.
“Ugh, what do y’a call it?”
“Yeah! I think old Vin might be a bit like you in that way. So don’t stress to much. They’re gonna love y’a no matter what gender you are. You’re the best damn thing in this town and we’re lucky to have y’a!”
And Lester was right, the boys were hardly surprised when you came out to them. Bo did mess up from time to time, but you cut him some slack cause you could tell he was trying his best.
You were in the house of wax, looking at Vincent’s art like you did when you needed to think. And you had a lot on your mind lately. At lot had changed since you came to Ambrose, and you were worried that change would make the boys you’d grown to love, hate you.
Vincent had heard your foot steps and came up to greet you. You were the only one who came around this time of day, so he knew he’d find you. But when he saw you lost in thought he gré concerned. He knocked on the door, alerting you to his presence. When you jumped he knew something was wrong. You were usually pretty good about telling when someone was around.
“What’s wrong love?” He signed.
“Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about art boy.” You’d taken to calling him.
He wasn’t convinced though. He sat down on the bench beside you. You sat in silence for a while before you finally caved.
“Vin, you ever feel like you’re not who you’re supposed to be?”
That question was a tad concerning to him, but he didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
“All the time.”
You offered him a weak smile at this. You know he didn’t mean it in the same way as you. How could he?
“Would you still like me if I wasn’t a girl? Like if I didn’t look like this.”
The man paused. What an odd question. Of course he’d still love you, you were, you! When he didn’t respond right away you kept going
“If I were a boy I mean. You think Bo would kick me out?”
“No” he spoke.
You were shocked, you’d never heard him speak before. You knew it hurt his throat.
“We love you” he spoke slowly.
You could tell it strained his throat and this made you weepy. He loved you so damn much he was willing to talk to you in your time of comfort. You pulled him into a hug.
“You always know just what to say Vincent.”
When he pulled away he went back to signing. Honestly you would lie if you said you weren’t disappointed. But you’d never forget the sound of his voice saying he loved you. Besides, you loved watching him sign, or watching his hands do anything for that matter.
“Name?” He asked.
“Umm, Y/N I guess. I like the sound of it.”
Vincent gave you a sign telling you he loved it.
“Help me tell the others?” You asked.
He nodded and escorted you up the house were Lester was setting the table and Bo was cooking dinner. Bo smiled when he saw you and you sheepishly hid behind Vincent.
“What’s wrong with ‘er?” He asked, absentmindedly.
Vincent felt you tense behind him and frowned beneath his mask. He decided to rip the bandaid off for you. Signing “not girl” at his brother. Bo raised a brow, looking at you. Lester looked confused.
“Not sure if I saw that right Vin, who’s not a girl?”
Vincent pointed at you, and you sheepishly waved, this not being how you expected things to go at all. Bo lowered the temp on the stove and turned his full attention on you now. A shit eating grin on his face.
“We’ll shit sugar, I could have told y’a that! You were Lester’s clothes have the time and play around in that filthy pit of his. I ain’t know no girls who like that shit.”
“You don’t hate me?” You asked, stunned at his response.
“Course not. If I loved you just cause you were a girl, well I’d be no better than my parents now would I? I’m a killer, not an animal. What name y’a picked out?”
“Y/N!” You said more confidently this time.
“I Like it, suits y’a bear cub” Lester complimented.
He started calling you that after the two of you managed to free a stray bear from Ken of the traps in the woods. And the poor scared thing wouldn’t leave your side the rest of the night. Kept trying to snuggle on you. He also called you “snow white” from time to time, but he figured you wouldn’t want to be compared to a princess.
“Is that all you wanted to tell us?” Bo asked.
You nodded. Bo smiled.
“Now be a good boy and help Lester set the table, yeah?”
You blushed like a mad man!
An: you didn’t specify what they came out as so I gave three options lol. Didn’t want to make Bo a bigot in this one, cause some of us deserve happiness 😭
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
A Halloween Costume Party that Ker and Johnny decided to throw🎃🍬
Tell me what the gang is doing during the party, and what they're dressed up as
->{please throw in your OC babies}<-
Good morning lovely!!💖💗
“Come ooooooon baby, it’s our first Halloween. Please?” Kerry was using his pretty brown eyes again to get Vincent to cave, wrapping Vincent’s arms around his waist before putting his arms around Vincent’s neck.
“I planned the damn thing, you’re going. It wouldn’t kill you to leave the apartment for something other than school and work.” Johnny sandwiched Vincent between them, pressing Kerry against the counter.
“What are you two going as?” Vincent asked, defeated.
“Pirates! It’s the bar theme, so the band and bartenders are going as well.” Kerry explained, moving some hair from Vincent’s face with a small smile. “It’ll be fun. If you don’t have an idea, you’re technically apart of the bar crew so you could also go as a pirate.” Kerry hummed, kissing him to sweeten the deal.
But Vincent already had a better plan.
The day of the party came quicker than Vincent was anticipating, but he was ready. He and Judy were finishing up in their cramped bathroom when Mike rolled in, fixing himself as he tossed his bag on the couch.
“Hello- I should have fucking guessed!” Vincent grinned at friend’s reaction, then laughed when he realized who Mike had based his costume off of.
“Where’s your husband, Mr. Swan?” Vincent teased, remembering that this was technically River and Mike’s first halloween as a couple as well, as if they hadn’t been doing couple costumes since they were in senior year of high school.
“Well hello hell hello, Mr. Turner!” Judy teased, searching in her makeup bag when River walked in, who bowed teasingly to them before coming up behind Mike to see Vincent and Judy.
“J and Ker are gonna flip, I hope you know that.” River grinned, leaning against the wall. He and Mike had dressed up as Will and Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean, marking four years of doing couples costumes and only one year of doing it as an actual couple.
“Yeah yeah, just don’t drag Johnny away. Halloween is one of our busiest nights.” Mike huffed, fixing his cuffs. He waved when Evelyn walked in, dressed in a tight mermaid type dress and makeup.
“I’m here! We have got to watch for little kids on the road!” The group looked over in horror at that, Evelyn just fixing her dress and pushing past the boys to check her makeup over Judy and Vincent.
“Well look at you! I didn’t think you’d actually do it!” She said excitedly when she saw Vincent, fixing his shirt and hair a bit out of habit. “I’m proud of you. You look great. Your boys have been bugging the hell out of everyone trying to figure out your costume.”
“They refused to believe I didn’t know it! I just knew Jude and Evie knew, and they still bugged me about it!”
“Alright kiddos we gotta go! Hurry up!” River called, grabbing the keys to his truck.
The bar was already packed when they got there, Mike, Vincent, and Judy sat in the bed of the truck, while Evelyn and River sat in the cab. They pulled around back, curtesy of Mike working there and Vincent dating one of the owners. And walked through the locker room so Mike could put his bag and anything else the group wanted to protect away with his stuff.
“Mike you-“ Johnny had come in a fury, clearly a bit overwhelmed when he saw Vincent standing there. The group just grinned and teased, as if pretending to show Vincent off to Johnny before walking away, Johnny muttering to someone to get Kerry back there.
“See why I wanted to keep it a secret?” Vincent grinned, stealing Johnny’s hat and putting it in his head. Johnny was looking at him like he was the full meal.
“Y’know, slutty siren wasn’t on my list of things you’d go as, but I’m not gonna complain.” Vincent laughed, nudging his hips against Johnny’s.
Vincent had done a play on the pirates and sirens legends, just about ten times slutty and better since his pirates would be unable to stop looking at him. He had even put some glitter on his tattoo to match the makeup scales on his face and chest, his shirt open and a baby blue and basically see through, and tight jeans he had drawn on to try and make look like a tail.
“There’s a surprise somewhere, you just gotta look.” Johnny’s hands slipped around his shirt, before finding it over Vincent’s collarbone. It was Johnny and Kerry’s names written in what had to be eyeliner.
“What’s so- Holy shit.” Kerry walked in, then stopped dead in his tracks. Johnny moved so Kerry could fully see, making Kerry shut the door behind him. Vincent laughed, the two drawn to him like pirates to a siren song.
Kerry immediately kneeled down in front of him, taking his whole costume in.
“I need prep for this, baby! I wasn’t expecting you to steal the whole show!” Kerry whined, gripping his hips and pressing kisses to his bare stomach.
“It was almost a lot worse, but Judy stopped Evie.” Both groaned at the realization that the costume could have been a lot more revealing and wasn’t.
“Sorry, maybe next years.” Vincent teased.
Johnny checked his watch, eyeing the door. Then down at Kerry, who seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“We got ten minutes before Rogue comes busting the door down, let’s try to make it five-“
“Oh absolutely not! I worked hard on this! Earn it before you even think about ruining my makeup.” Vincent pushed out from between them, strutting away as the rockers groaned again, Kerry catching up since he technically didn’t have to work and Johnny being forced to deal with his hormones in his own time. Rogue whistled when she saw Vincent, grinning at him as he pulled Kerry towards their friends to dance.
Johnny couldn’t take his eyes off of them, Vincent seemed to have gotten a bit more confident since the three had gotten together, less shy in his moves. Kerry definitely helped, but he was always good at making people feel more confident and safe around him.
Towards the end of the night, Johnny felt a kick. “Let’s go dance!” Rogue called before grabbing his hand, Mike and Blake had already disappeared into the crowd to dance with their friends and partners. Rogue dragged him towards their friends, Rogue getting caught with Nancy and as always, Johnny behind Vincent, pressing him against Kerry even more than he already was. Vincent smiled up at him, the two meeting for a kiss. He tasted like Malibu and Johnny should have known that sweet shit would be his favorite.
The next morning was rough, for all three of them. Thank god for Vincent’s blackout curtains because Kerry’s head was fucking pounding. Speaking of, how was that man- It was noon. That’s how he was already awake. He rubbed his eyes, smelling coffee and feeling Johnny shift next to him. He did not want to get up but was desperate for coffee and whatever greasy food some Saint brought for brunch.
He climbed out of bed and searched for some clean clothes in Vincent’s drawers, before stepping out. The apartment was dark, which was to be expected with a bunch of hungover college kids. He found the one he wanted on the couch, nursing a cup of coffee. He leaned down and kissed his temple before searching for coffee. The Saint that brought the food and coffee was Rogue.
Other than the soft tv, everyone was quiet. Mike was sleeping in the oversized armchair, River sat in front of him barely awake. Judy and Evelyn were probably in Judy’s room, and Nancy and Rogue were eating, or trying too anyway.
Kerry sunk down next to Vincent, taking a small sip off coffee before cuddling up next to him. Johnny probably wouldn’t be awake for another hour or two, but he couldn’t deny it was fun seeing Vincent come out of his shell a bit more, and his costume technically being a part of his and Johnny’s. He couldn’t have asked for a better halloween.
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garbagefarm · 1 year
Mutucule Farm (#7)
2023-01-27, Mutucule Farm session #7!
me (@mothmute)
Belle (@snacco)
Cam (@amanita-spore)
Erin (@salamand3rin)
Highlights include, but are not limited to:
no way, I’m not taking notes for everything before the game even starts
(“maybe our premium patreon donors can have the pre show notes”)
Belle has dibs on the watering can (but little do we know)
I read out the invite code—FDCZA009H3A—before copying/pasting but Erin said she’d already gotten it (I’m skeptical)
we continue referencing cowtown
I go to the mines, get our first stardrop!! Yeah!!
Belle delivering Sebastian his daily Frozen Tears
Cam finds some glasses in the lava......?
(they’re Erin’s, I put them there)
Erin almost forgets Jelly Night!
It’s Jelly Night!!!
Pierre is ignoring his wife to focus on his true love, Money
(camily is endgame)
Level 6 Combat! Slegg press......
I overexert myself, fishing is now forbidden
Robin puts up the Special Orders board, Lewis tries to take credit
(I keep mistakenly writing my notes in two places, whoops)
Watering can!!
... wait, Belle already has a copper watering can. Okay, Erin gets it instead
I defeat another slloor
Belle bullies me into going into Joja on a wednesday to get more pumpkin seeds
(I’d literally completely forgotten you could buy seeds from Joja)
Vincent wants to watch the bug race!!
Pompkin in the pumpkin patch!!
Rosie (the cow) exploring
I’m planting so many trees! Don’t ask what happens to them later, it’s carbon offsetting!
Beach crate??? ... 5 mixed seeds, thanks
Erin throws me a hazelnut from across the farm
George wants green algae to roast for dinner. I can’t tell if George is the best cook or the worst
Studying the scientific benefits of moose-sniffing
put my axe in the shop!
I saw bread in the trash, asked “is anybody gonna eat that?”, didn’t wait for an answer
Emily wants fancy rocks
Concern about accidentally taking the wrong bus and ending up in the desert
Back-to-back cutscenes!!
Haley absolutely does not want to clean under the couch cushions. I tell her to suck up and deal and she throws a tantrum
Emily is having a psychedelic dream about me
I’m gonna end up with Penny ‘cause her name sounds like pasta
Penny alla vodka......
Eel Quest??
Penny wants an eel for her sore head (???)
(bitches love eels)
I have no reserve eels, it doesn’t rain in time, and we aren’t set up to get rain totems yet. Eel Quest fails :(
Why do people live here? oh hey, Belle gets a cutscene of Shane depression drinking about it
Belle and Cam pile into my bed. Erin wasn’t invited :(
(to be fair ... nobody was.)
I get a mail pizza from Shane
Cam talks about going into the woods and cutting down trees to blow off some steam. Paraphrasing:
“You took a life!” “yeah but what about all the fish?”
“They’re fine, you can just put them in an aquarium and they perk right up!”
Belle got her steps!
Marnie’s cows can have a little amaranth, as a treat
Special order for TRASH
we don’t even get to keep it?? is man not entitled to the trash of his brow???
“a real live new england fishboy”
I have a secret project, it is not a birdhouse. none of us seem very interested in the coop.
There’s grass all over, I’d like to speak to the plantager
We should get another silo! needs copper bars, we’ve only got raw, aaand the coal is missing
Belle only needed the coal for a second! unfortunately, I also needed it for that same second!
Robin is not available to build a silo :(
Tomorrow is workout day :( :(
We gather ‘round the fire for a portrait
Cam and I get so caught up doing a sword dance that EVERYBODY DIES, costing us several thousand G in robbery! on our own farm!!
festival, grange????
tool upgrades???
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marie-dufresne · 1 year
Starbucks Prompt Roulette! It’s been 10 months since I’ve been able to do this so I’m quite rusty and we also forgot what time Starbucks closes so we were only able to squeeze in 3 prompts. Happy to be back at it though!
Characters: Yazoo & Hojo Prompt: Marriage Proposal
It was the first time Yazoo had seen his father, his true, biological father and they all stood on the rooftop, weapons drawn. It didn’t surprise him that Edmund Hojo intended to kill him and his brothers, but the old man would be in for a nasty shock if he thought the triplets weren’t going to take him down with them.
Cloud Strife was there, squaring off against his eldest brother, Sephiroth, but neither the triplets nor the professor were paying much attention to the battle that raged above. Not yet.
“You’ve made Mama quite melancholy,” Yazoo noted, keeping his firearm trained on Hojo, stepping to the side as he spoke, closing the distance between him and Loz. Loz was sensitive and impulsive. He may act rashly if the wrong thing was said.
“All drama,” Hojo laughed, “that woman could have acted her way to the top, but she didn’t have it in her, did she? She ran off like a coward to save you three little weasels.”
Yazoo’s face showed no offense, no inkling of insult, no hint of anything at all. A soft, unnerving contrast to the two brothers beside him whose lips were curling and boots shuffling against the concrete.
“The three of us disagree, for what it’s worth.”
Though they were each trained in combat, Yazoo didn’t want to pull the trigger. He didn’t want to kill Hojo, not in reality. This was Papa’s kill. Papa deserved to take the life of the professor, not him. He’d be here…any minute. He knew he would come.
“She’ll be married when this is over,” he went on, “Papa has proposed to her. The only thing standing in her way is you…father.”
Hojo adjusted his glasses, the reflection of the setting sun gleaming with the moment, and he cackled, lowering his weapon.
“Papa! That’s what Valentine has you calling him? How….rich.”
This time, Yazoo’s jaw set. Of the three, he was the closest to their beloved Papa. He was the one who followed in his footsteps, quiet, reserved, with a love for firearms. Vincent was the listening ear on the occasion Yazoo needed someone to confide in, someone outside of his brothers. Someone…with life experience.
His fingers squeezed the trigger lightly. He shouldn’t…it wasn’t his time, he had to—
Yazoo drew a breath, relaxing and stepping back at the sound of his Papa’s voice before he felt the breeze of the older man stepping in front of the three, his own triple barreled weapon drawn. Even in his sixties, Vincent Valentine stood strong, sure of himself more than anything with a firearm in his hands, and as willing to die for his family as he’d been since the day the triplets were born.
“You’ll leave my sons out of this.”
Characters: Cloud & Heidegger Prompt: Arranged Marriage: Royalty Monkey Wrench: Poem
Two lands at war Neither willing to cease Two queens in despair Desperate for peace
A daughter, a son One warlord, one soldier Him quiet, abrasive No one could control her
The King to the North refusing to yield Though his wife was much softer The Queen in the South accepting the trade Her only son to their daughter
The Heideggers satisfied The Strifes felt much better With the new royal pair Of Cloud and Rebecca
I hate poetry.
Characters: Aerith & Kadaj Prompt: Kill the Bug!
Gods, she was smug.
And to think he’d once mistaken her for his mother when he had a perfectly good and real one at home.
With his arms crossed and a scowl deep on his face, Kadaj sat atop the counter watching as Aerith scrubbed at the underside of her boot, unfazed by the giant beetle she’d just smashed beneath it.
“I didn’t squeal,” Kadaj protested, scowl deepening when she giggled at him, telling him in no words at all that she didn’t believe him.
“It surprised me,” he went on, the leather of his jacket cutting into his skin the more he drew his arms closer to his chest, showing his displeasure. How was he supposed to know a twelve inch beetle was going to come skittering out of the cabinet when all he wanted was a damned glass of water.
“A shriek then,” she suggested, disposing of the cloth and reaching for the mop.
“A yelp.”
With a grunt, Kadaj thudded his boot against the cabinet, splintering the door. “It wasn’t a squeal, or a shriek, or a yelp, or any of those stupid girly noises. I hollered. It surprised me.”
“Hollered,” she agreed, “Yes…that’s much more manly, I’ll concede.”
He could tell by that stupid fucking tone that she was messing with him. Did she really think he was unmanly? Or childish? No, that didn’t matter. What did her opinion matter? She was just some dumb girl that big brother had failed to kill. She thought she was special.
Even he had thought she was special. Turns out, she was just—
A small kiss to his cheek stopped his stewing but when he turned to her, she was already gone from his personal space, hanging the mop up on the nail across the room.
“Lighten up,” she suggested, tossing him a soft smile as she adjusted her hair bow, “don’t you know how to play?”
“Playing is for children,” he muttered, face reddening at her scolding. Why did he care so much what she thought? And why was he always stuck with her in this shitty bar when Rude was off with Tifa? He didn’t need to be babysat.
“And friends,” she added. “We are friends now, aren’t we?”
For a second, and only one second, he perked up. He didn’t know what it was like to have friends, as he’d been raised in hiding, his very existence a secret to the whole planet.
“We…know each other,” he settled on, hopping off the counter. Where was Rude? He was supposed to be back…Kadaj checked the clock…
In an hour.
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
Mod Dirk my beloved, gimmie the Habit blurb, I love uuu - Mod Ren
Okay before I post this I am just gonna let you know that you asked for this Ren. Its 744 words. -Mod Dirk
You’ve tossed and turned for what felt like hours. But to be honest, it might have been about 45 minutes. Something about not having the normal sleeping figure next to you was bugging you recently. You had grown quite used to Evan not being there due to Habit. Just like how you had gotten used to how Habit would bang around your home like it was his. Or how his arm went around your waist a little too snug when other people were just a little too friendly. You had heard the stories from Evan and Vince about how evil this being was, but for some reason, he kept it to a minimum with you recently. You don’t know why but it lulled you into a sense of security.
That sense of security is what leads you down the stairs quietly, arms crossed across your chest to hug yourself. You stalk through your home quietly toward the closest source of noise. The sound of pacing and speaking. He's talking to himself. Something about Vincent and a plan of action. He faces away from the doorway speaking to himself. The floor creaks under you as you make it to the doorway. His movements and speech pause. He turns slowly on one foot, eyebrow raised. “What are you doing out of bed Rabbit?” There is a hint of curiosity in his voice. You were so quiet when you got out of bed that when you snuck up on him he thought it was someone unwanted in your home.
“I can’t sleep.” Your voice is so soft and quiet. “It’s hard to sleep without someone next to me.” A smirk plays upon his lips as you say this. “How fuckin sweet.” Any other time you would think he was being condescending. But not now. Now he seems genuine with a hint of teasing. He starts to walk off but pauses when you don’t follow after him. “Well? Are you comin or not? I don’t have all night.” You nod quickly and follow after him head down. The two of you make it back to your room where he kicks off his boots and crawls into bed. You don’t hesitate crawling in next to him.
His body being so close to you doesn’t fill you with the dread it should. You feel calm. He begins to hum. It’s a soft low hum. At first, you don't recognize it, then when he hums the chorus it hits you. ‘I’ve got you under my skin’ by Frank Sinatra. Habit had played it before while doing whatever it was he did in your home. Somehow, it's like you now have it memorized.You turn to him and he narrows his eyes in question. “What?” He had been doing it absentmindedly? “Nothing...I like the humming. It's nice.” He shakes his head and laughs. “Okay? Go to bed now Bunny.” Bunny. That was a new one. You can’t help but give a small nod and turn away again. You also make a mental note to tell him tomorrow that you like the new nickname as he begins to hum again.
It’s been two weeks since then and every night without fail he ends up in your bed again. He started waiting the normal 45 minutes downstairs then going to the room with you when you came down for him. It had become like a ritual for the two of you. Tonight wasn’t any different. You came down, still hugging yourself, still looking at your feet like you were ashamed to ask. “I can’t sleep again.” Without a word he begins walking to your room, expecting you to follow. Of course you do. Like you always do.
He climbs into bed after kicking off his boots and you climb in next to him. His arm goes over your waist. A new part of the ritual that you two had made. He begins to hum the same Frank Sinatra song for you like he had for weeks. You start to realize that this is the most peaceful part of your day now. Lying with this demon and just being around him in general has become your new norm. To be honest, you don’t hate it. You also don’t hate the fact he's there anymore or how he calls you Bunny. When that changed is beyond you as you start to drift to sleep. Before you completely doze off you hear a gruff goodnight from behind you.
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frankiekatt · 3 years
Hiiii can I request maybe how would Bo (House of wax) react on his s/o "cheating" on him? He maybe walks on his s/o while they were trapped by a guy and he was kissing them, but s/o didn't actually kiss back, even tho it looked like they were kissing him back? Hope that this isn't confusing, have fun writing <3
Okay so this is set in high school, I hope you don't mind!
TW: Blood, mentions of murder
Words: 1400
Bo Walking In On His S/O Kissing Someone Else:
You were the one thing in Bo’s life that made him feel human. His mother, who was dying slowly with each passing day, always made him feel as if he was some rabid dog who could never compare to her precious Vincent, who could do no wrong in her eyes. His father, in his own words, viewed and treated him as a monster. His two brothers, however, offered him relief in his life. Vincent was his biological other half. He felt powerful next to his twin brother, a nice change from feeling so small and incapable in front of his parents. Vincent was submissive and hated conflict, which made ordering him around quite easy.
But you - you were his spiritual other half. The only person on earth he would willingly bow down to.
The two of you had met in kindergarten. Bo was loud and outgoing, while you tended to stick to yourself, not making very many friends. The two of you couldn’t have been anymore different, but that didn’t stop the both of you from gravitating towards each other.
Bo thought you were pretty and nice, and you found Bo to be funny and alluring. The two of you became fast friends, playing together during recess, coloring together and sharing snacks during snack-time.
In middle school, the two of you began to develop both physically and mentally. Bo began to see you in a different light - more than just pretty - you were beautiful and kind and when Bo thought about you his chest pounded.
For you, Bo began to grow handsome and charming, making your cheeks glow red at just the thought of him.
Once high school hit and Bo and his two brothers spent time in foster care, the two of you were inseparable. You gave Bo’s life a sense of normalcy in contrast to the death of his parents, his disfigured and troubled twin brother, and life in an uncaring foster system. You were more than happy to stay by Bo’s side, comforting him whenever he needed it. Bo’s happiness was vastly important to you, and you would do anything, sacrifice anything, do help him achieve it.
The two of you began dating in freshman year, only deepening the bond the two of you shared. The two of you were attached at the hip, spending everyday together. Bo was affectionate with you, peppering you in kisses and holding you by the waist every chance he could. To everyone else, he was rough around the edges, snarky, and unfriendly. With you, however, he was unashamed to show his love and adoration for you. He wanted you to feel special, to feel cared for. He was infatuated with you
So when he walked across the parking lot towards your car after school only to find you pressed up against the side of your red Volkswagen bug, locking lips with some blonde footballer, he felt like his world was crashing down around him.
“The fuck?” he shouted.
The two of you sprang apart, both of your faces holding a look of shock. You looked more mortified and dismayed than the boy who had been kissing you. The jock looked more startled than anything.
“Bo,” you began, voice trembling. “This isn’t....I didn’t-”
Bo smashed his fist into the blonde boy before you could finish. The boy fell to the ground with a grunt before wiping the back of his hand across his lips, revealing a severely split lip. Bo then bent down to grip the front of his t-shirt, and punched him again. “Get the hell out of here. Now.”
The blonde boy scrambled his feet, face bloodied and bruised, and rushed off before Bo could land another punch on him.
Bo could hear you whimpering behind him, but he refused to turn around and look at you.
“Bo, it’s not what you think, I swear.”
Bo let out a humorless laugh. “Not what it looks like? So the two of you weren’t making out, you were just playing pattycake, is that it?”
Tears streamed down your face, dripping off your chin to wet the asphalt beneath your feet. “No, Bo please just listen-”
Bo finally whipped around to look at you. “I don’t listen to whores like you. After everything I’ve goddamn done for you, you throw it all away for some dumb jock who couldn’t less of a fuck about you?”
Bo was hurt. It was written all over his face, swimming in his eyes, etched into his facial features. Masking his vulnerability with anger was something Bo always did, but never with you. Seeing him look at you with such contemptment and sadness made you cry harder. It reminded you of all the late nights you and Bo had spent together throughout freshman, sophomore, and junior year, baring your souls to one another as you laid in each other's arms. Bo often worried if he was enough for you, if he deserved you, and had voiced these concerns to you on more than one occasion. Every time without fail, you reassured him that he was the only one for you - that you were soulmates, and you were incapable of loving anyone else but him.
Knowing how betrayed he must feel, you attempted to reach for his hand, hoping he would be quiet for just five seconds so you could explain, but Bo jerked away from you in an instant.
“Don’t fucking touch me. You’re a liar and a slut, and this? Us? It’s goddamn over.” With that, Bo stormed away from you before you had a chance to react.
Bo had just broken up with you over a misunderstanding and your heart felt like it was splitting in half.
Bo spent the rest of the day and most of the evening in the town’s auto shop, trying to cloud his brain by tinkering with cars.
It wasn’t working. Bo’s only thoughts were of you - of your smile, your laugh, the way you hid behind him when you got nervous, the sweet way you told him you loved him. Everything about you made his chest ache. He couldn’t fathom how your pure, unbreakable relationship had ended so suddenly on a random Friday afternoon, because you cheated on him.
You cheated on him.
You cheated on him.
Why? Why why why why? The two of you had always been immensely close and faithful to each other. You had both talked about marriage, about getting out of Ambrose and starting a family together. Was that all gone now?
Bo stiffened at the sound of your voice. Why were you here? He had ended things. He had made it clear that he wanted to be left alone, that the very sight of you made his blood boil.
“Go away,” he snapped.
Stepping further into the garage, you grabbed both of his shoulders and forced him to look at you. “Baby, please, please just listen to me. I did not kiss David! I would never do that to you.”
Bo shook you off of him. “I know what I fuckin’ saw. Get the hell out of here, I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“I didn’t kiss him! I swear! He came up to my car and started asking for my number. I told him I was taken, and then he just pushed me against the car and shoved his lips on me!” Your voice was cracking with every other word. “I couldn’t push him off of me. He was holding my arms down so tight he left a bruise. Just look”
Bo looked down to see you lifting up your sleeve to reveal a large purple bruise on your upper arm.
“He did that to you?” Bo snarled.
“Yes! Yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Baby, I would never cheat on you, you know that. I’d rather die than betray you like that.”
Bo’s face contorted into fury. Some fucker had forced himself on you, made him think you had betrayed him, made him call you names, made him break up with you.
“I’ll fucking kill him. I’ll slit his fucking throat.” Bo grabbed you and crushed you to his chest, letting out a heavy breath. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for calling you names and for leaving you like that.”
You let out a sigh of relief. You were back in Bo’s arms again, the one place you felt safe and secure.
“It’s okay, it’s okay honey,” you cried. “I’m just happy to be with you. I’m sorry you had to see that. I felt so disgusted with his lips on mine.”
“I meant what I said, you know,” he whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m going to kill him. I’m going to make him suffer for what he did. I’d burn in hell for you, and I’m going to make sure that cock sucker does too.”
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starlitangels · 2 years
dad!vincent is so cute … the kid definitely had a vampire phase in elementary (we all did, cmon now, but having actual vampires as parents???? there’s no way this kid wasn’t imitating).
Def is that kid that goes “my dad could beat your dad!!!” And causes playful drama for Vincent during PTA meetings because of it.
The milkshake drives being a bonding thing… absolutely adorable. they would all probably have little camping nights in the backyard with a fire and s’mores and a little tent ❤️❤️ I’m melting
If the kid was an electro energetic you alr know theyre bugging lovely a lot to teach them new things. everytime a light bulb breaks in the house vincent goes “they take after you”
also in a sleep aid audio vincent mentions a trick his mom used to do to him to make him fall asleep. He does that with his kid. I won’t budge on this
VINCENT WOULD GET BABY FEVER FIRST WTF !!!!! and the Micah part! Yes! You just know that Micah is the kids literal hero and role model they follow Micah around everywhere
Man :,) 🦆
Well, Ducky, you've made it official. The Pups AU is getting a freaking new character at some point XD Mind you, Vincent/Lovely's kid is like at least 5 years younger than Micah, but they absolutely will hero-worship Micah. Their big, tough, wolf "cousin" who is only soft for them. Like, Micah is nice and stuff to Natalie and Danny and the other pack kids barring Andrew and Justin given they make fun of Danny, but Micah is downright sweet to Vincent/Lovely's kid. And high key Micah is Vincent/Lovely's favorite babysitter because she's protective and capable.
Okay, okay. This child's vampire phase lasted a long time. And the "my dad can beat up your dad" always makes Vincent laugh when a teacher brings it up
Let me be real with you for a second: the milkshakes while driving thing is something my dad and I did before I got married and moved out. Whenever my sister was being difficult or either of us were just really stressed, we'd go get a shake and just drive. We also did backyard campouts, so absolutely Vincent and his kid would do that!
Oh if that kid was an Electro Energetic they absolutely would hang off Lovely's every word.
Vincent would help his kid sleep with his mom's trick every time they struggled and you don't need to budge on it because I'm not budging either
I mean... am I wrong that he'd get baby fever first?
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Sinclair Brothers Au X Reader (F)
Highschool Au with the Sinclair Brothers. Fluff and Angst. Bo mentions sexual stuff but in a joking manner.
They have a crush on you while you're dating someone else.
SFW, Fluff, and Angst.
Bo Sinclair - Female Reader dating Lester
He hated this. His stinky, stupid little brother just had to bring his girlfriend over. You’re supposed to be his girlfriend. You just never got the memo.
Lester had the biggest smile on his face as you and him sat next to each other at the dinner table. Vincent wasn’t paying attention, too engrossed in his gumbo and comic book while Bo sat there shooting daggers at his brother. Thank god Bo is always in a pissy mood around his family, they thought nothing of his sneer.
Bo watched with fury whenever he caught Lester leaning in close to you. His brown eyes look at you with adoration. Could tell when Lester ran his hand up and down your thigh, thinking he was being slick. Amateur.
“Y’know, Y/N, ever since you’ve started dating Les, he’s been showering. See Trudy, told ya it’d take a girlfriend to get him to act human.” Lester went bright red and looked down in embarrassment.
“Victor! What you mean is it’s nice to see Lester so happy he’s just showing us all just how happy.” Trudy knew what Victor said was right, just it broke her heart to see Lester’s face fall at his words.
“Let’s hope it lasts,” Victor mumbled.
“It won’t,” replied Bo.
“Beauregard! Can you not?” Trudy fumed. Bo stood up from the table not wanting to be a part of the awkward tension that was dinner. He stole a glance at you as he walked away. He swore he saw it, that look. The look of “Please don’t leave.”
He lied in bed, not wanting to listen to your laughter downstairs, Lester singing your praises, how you both planned on going out Friday night for another date. Fuck.
That night it was Vincent who went to Check up on Bo. Your Twin will just know when something is off.
“She looked at me, y’know. I could read her eyes. She didn’t want me away from her.” Bo said with a smug knowing tone. Vincent shook his head and signed,
“She probably felt bad, felt awkward, it was her first time here.”
“Ya, well, let’s hope it’s her last.”
Vincent turned towards the door. He slumped his shoulders. Bo took in what Vincent was staring at. His stupid stinky little brother. Lester’s eyes, usually so vibrant, were downcast, a little glossy even.
“...Just because you hate her, Bo…” Lester couldn’t finish before he walked away from his older brothers, cursing himself for not sticking up for you.
Vincent gave Bo a knowing look and left.
Bo stewed on his bed, remembering when he first fell for you. Mrs. Power had partnered you up in science class. Bo wasn’t the best partner, he never did the work but he sure could make you laugh. When you first laughed at one of his jokes, be it from genuine humor or just being nice, Bo fell in love.
Then why didn’t he ask you out? Why did he have to date those other girls instead of you? Would be an ass to you in front of his friends but sweet on ya when it was just you and him. Why did Lester have to bug him at his lockers? Lester had immediately taken a shine to you right then and there. Why did you have to fall for his stupid stinky little brother, the one who used axe body spray like a shower? The weird one who collected roadkill and was friends with the employees at the dump.
How in the hell could his brother think he hated you. You. Warm, funny, kind you.
Bo doesn’t hate you. He wishes he did...
Lester Sinclair - Female Reader dating Metalhead Vincent
Lester made his way to Bo’s truck. Dodging past his peers and moving cars, Bo always parked the furthest away in the student parking lot. He wanted his car right at the exit so he could get the hell out of school asap.
“Hey, Bo!”
“Hey, Rat boy.”
“Don’t fuckin’ call me that.”
“What? You are our Rat boy.” Lester hated his brother. But he was Lester’s ride home so he never pushed a disagreement too far.
The two stood in awkward silence just waiting. Bo broke the silence with a huff. “The Freak is probably three deep in her right now.” Normally Lester would laugh at such a crude remark but it involved you. He didn’t want to treat you as some faceless girl the guys joked about being ‘loose’
“That freak better hurry up, he has a doctor’s app in an hour. And Dad likes it when a patient gets there early. Crotchety old man…”
Lester just stood there, remembering the last skin graft surgery and how the skin didn’t take to Vincent at all. Vincent tried his best to hide the pain, the physical and mental, but late one night he could hear his brother sobbing a room away.
“You know since he started dating, Y/N, he’s been less nervous about these appointments. Fine by me, I can’t stand when his ass gets all moppy.”
Lester knew what Bo meant. Bo got just as nervous as Vincent and vice versa. It was some weird twin thing they shared.
“There’s the fucker!” Bo pointed you and Vincent out. Lester had seen you and Vincent countless times together and every time he saw you both it felt like the first time all over again. That twist in his gut and pain in his throat. He remembers the first time he saw you with Vincent. You were acting all shy around Vincent’s metalhead buddies. They kept patting Vincent on the back,
“Good job, man!”
“Didn’t think you’d get a cute one.”
“Hey, Y/N, got any friends?”
Vincent wore his wax facial prosthetic covering most of his face but Lester knew that his brother was as red as a tomato.
Lester remembers meeting you in geography class. In the same group tasked to map out the local park. You and Lester buddied up, mapping the wooded trail. “Oh, Lester look, frog bones!” You quickly covered your mouth, embarrassed at pointing out something so weird but Lester fell in love. A girl into vulture culture? Perfect. You and Lester looked around for more bones, finding none. You handed him the frog skull. “Here, a memento of this weird day.” You smiled as you said it, Lester knowing you wanted to say more but fear of sounding sappy took over you.
Lester should have known it was the beginning of the end of the night you stopped by to drop off his assignments after he had been sick with mono. Instead of Lester at the door greeting you, it was his long hair, covered in judas priest-like stud bracelets and, Metallica shirt-wearing brother.
“Hi, Vincent! Huh, these are for Lester, do you mind giving these to him?” Lester wanted to scream out to you but with his groggy state wouldn’t allow it. He had no idea what Vincent was attempting to say to you, Vincent could speak but it was horse and quiet. Lester fell back asleep, your laughter from downstairs should have been soothing, should have made him feel better, but knowing it was because of Vincent…
You and Vincent were hand in hand making your way to Bo’s truck. Bo wore a straight face while Lester hid his disdain. “Hey, Lester!” You shouted with a smile! Damn it, Lester tried to hide his blush, he turned his head around to make sure you didn't catch it.
“Y/N, wanna ride home? If so, hurry up, Candle Head has an appointment.”
Vincent flipped Bo off and helped you into the truck. You snuggled together in the back seat of the car, Vincent nuzzling into your hair and murmuring sweet nothings.
Bo gave Lester a look, smirking at Lester’s scowling.
Vincent grumbled as Bo pulled up to your place. He tapped Bo on the shoulder and Bo nodded, understanding his brother without words.
Vincent walked you to your door, his large hand holding yours. You kept looking up to Vincent, smiling and giggling.
“Les, you can stop scowling.” Said Bo.
Lester grumbled.
“If it helps you, do it for now. Just learn to get over it. Vincent has never been happier. When Candle Head is happy, I feel it. When he’s sad, I feel it. So just let Vincent have this. Besides, you chickened out on asking her.”
Lester ignored his brother and watched you and Vincent. “Oh shit, haha, Hey Candle Head! Nice one!” Bo shouted out the window to his brother, making Lester’s ear ring in the process.
Lester watched as Vincent removed some of his wax prosthetic and gave you a deep kiss. His stomach churned, his heart stopped, his head felt full and his left ear was still ringing.
Bo was right. Lester had chickened out. He had so many opportunities to ask you out but his insecurities got the best of him. He couldn’t be too mad, Vincent was happy for the first time in years. He’d learn to be happy for his brother, but not happy at losing out on you.
Vincent Sinclair - Female Reader dating Bo.
“Hey, Vin, want some? Vin?” Vincent stared intently, eye not leaving you. Lester spoke up “Hey, Candle Head?” Vincent whipped his head at his little brother, he had his prosthetic on but Lester knew he was scowling. “Hey, got yer attention. Want some of this?” Lester shoved a funnel cake in his brother's face. Before Vincent could react “Well, too bad, you’ll have to get yer own.”
God, Vincent hated his brother sometimes. Speaking of brothers. Bo had you under his arm, shouting over your head to one of his friends “Ya, see you later, no, much later, I’ll be busy!” He leaned down to kiss your cheek “Busy with you, Dollface.” Vincent loved your laughter, just hated when it was Bo who made you laugh.
“Hey, Candle Head, gotta fiver?”
“Bo, don’t call him that, it's mean.”
“It’s a family thing, Candle Head don't mind, right?”
“Stop it, Bo!”
Bo scoffed at you and sneered at Vincent. “I’m gonna bum us some food.” He said to you as he kissed you on the forehead. Bo slammed his shoulder into his brother as he walked by. Vincent stood firm, his wider frame feeling nothing against his brother.
Walking up to Vinny you placed your hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry for him. I know he’s your twin but he still doesn’t have to be that mean.” Vincent shrugged his shoulders, hands deep in his pockets. He fought the strong urge to pull you into him, hold your head into his chest and never let you go. He hated himself for being so sappy over you but he really couldn’t help it.
Vincent remembered when he first met you, the school library after class time. He was looking for an art history book. He saw you in the same aisle, grabbing scanning for what he remembers was ‘a book about frogs’ It was for your science class. Vincent walked over to you, did his best to speak, and ask what you needed. You excitedly told him, which shocked him. Mostly because, even though he talks to girls, they are never happy to talk to him. You rambled on and on to him, how annoyed you were at your stupid science partner, Bo. Vincent laughed, explaining to you that was his stupid brother.
“I feel like an ass. Sorry.” You sighed and hid your face behind your hands. Vincent assured you that it was okay and Bo is an asshole. If Bo was an asshole, why did you have to start dating him?
He remembers when Bo snapped at you in the hallway, the embarrassment was all over your face. Remembers when Bo stood you up on a date. You came into school the next day cussing out Bo. He called you a bitch and from that moment on he found a new sense of hatred for his twin.
“Hey, Candle Head, get yer own girlfriend, Babe, get over here.” Vincent gave you a sad look as you returned one to him. You ran into Bo’s arms and he spun you around, careful not to drop the red snow cone in his hand. “See, Babe, Red, so we both can enjoy it.” You giggled sweetly at him, he held it up to you, pushing it into your nose.
“Bo!” You scolded but laughed as he kissed the red juice off the tip of your nose.
Vincent’s feet felt like lead. He wanted nothing more than to walk away and not look at the gut-wrenching scene, but seeing you bashful and just got to Vincent. He’d give anything to have that be you and him. Give anything to go back to the day he met you and ask you out himself.
“Come on, Candle Head, we need one more person for the strawberry twirly ride thing,” Bo called out, gesturing for Vincent to follow. You turned to Vincent and grinned at him.
“Come on, Vinny!” For you, Vincent would follow. No matter how much it hurts.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Could you write Otis Driftwood & Bo Sinclair's reaction when they finally got their S/O a puppy and she gives him all her attention please?
Bo Sinclair and Otis Driftwood finally getting their S/O a puppy:
Bo Sinclair
You had been bugging Bo about a getting a puppy for months now. The brothers already had Jonesy but he spent most of his time at Lester’s, you wanted a puppy of your own. Bo was against that idea, unsurprisingly.
Vincent and Lester were all on board for a new puppy, but Bo was dead against it.
You had no idea what changed his mind but when he came home with a puppy at his feet, you had never loved him more.
“Oh my God, look at you!” you rushed over to them, leaning down to scoop the excited puppy into your arms.
Bo crossed his arms over his chest, watching you. Alright, the sight of you and the puppy was adorable but he wasn’t going to let that show on his face.
“What? No ‘thank you’?” Bo asked, clearly annoyed by the lack of greeting, not that he would admit that.
Tearing your attention away from the puppy, you looking at Bo with a bright smile. “Thank you, Bo” you lent up to kiss his cheek in thanks. That seemed to satisfy him for the moment.
But as the days went by, your attention remained focused on the puppy. Playing with them and training them. A puppy needs plenty of attention after all.
Bo wouldn’t admit that it bothered him but it did, he didn’t like that you’re attention was on something other than him. Though...now he could imagine how neglected you might feel from time to time.
Bo isn’t exactly friendly towards the new dog, since they’re getting most of your attention.
You’ll be in the living room and he’ll be glaring at the sight of the puppy curled up on your lap. The dog follows you around town when you go out. You’d even let them join you in bed, which really pisses Bo off. 
He would never say anything, not wanting to admit that he was jealous of a dog of all things, so it’s just something that you realises. The snappy comments, the glares and huff, you knew what he was grumpy about.
The best thing to do to get him in a better mood is to just show him some attention, to climb into his lap and kiss along his jaw. He’ll forget about your attention having been elsewhere completely.
And it’s not like you neglect him! You still show him plenty of attention, since he wouldn’t allow you not too, but he just doesn’t like when you are paying attention to and showing affection to something else.
Otis Driftwood
When you had first mentioned wanting a puppy, Otis kind of brushed it off as just a random thing you said. As soon as you asked him for a puppy, he began to consider it.
He didn’t want a dog but he has nothing against them, hell he could even see himself liking having it around. So, eventually, he gets you the damn puppy.
When you ran over to him and the puppy he had in his hands, he thought he was about to get the best ‘thank you’ ever. He...didn’t get that exactly. 
You took the puppy from him and giggled at it’s excitement. Instead of Otis receiving the fuss and kisses, the dog got them.
“You need me to give you two a room?” Otis mumbled, not impressed with being ignore.
“Thank you so much, Otis. I love them” you grinned, scratching behind the puppy’s ear, until you heard Otis clear his throat. “And I love you, obviously” you lent up to give him a quick kiss, instantly turning your attention back to the puppy.
Of course you continued to show the puppy a lot of attention, caring for them, playing with them, and training them. Maybe he should have considered this before getting it...
Now, Otis isn’t going to straight up tell you that he’s jealous of a dog, but he says enough to let you know.
“Fucking hell, it’s sharing our bed now? Want me to to just crash on the couch?” Otis scoffed when he saw you and the puppy curled up on the bed. The question made you laugh a little but you got the hint, you’ve been paying too much attention to the puppy and not enough to him.
“Oh don’t be silly. Come here” you encouraged him to join you on the bed, which he did without argument. “I love you both equally” you teased, earning a glare from him. 
But when the dog jumps up onto his lap and he sees the happy look on your face, he can’t really complain. He knows he did the right thing.
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
I'm sorry this one might be a bit weird lol
Slashers with a s/o who loves fish like she has a ton of tanks at her house that she takes care of and sometimes could watch them swim for hours
You're writing is amazing! Thank you for always taking my request you do such a perfect job!
I love your requests and they are always very welcome. Also I love fishies and I’m a huge animal person so this is right up my ally!
Slashers x Fish Keeper
Michael Myers
He would find about your fish keeping hobby whilst stalking you.
At first he thinks it’s weird in all honesty. Michael doesn’t understand why you have so many fish and would believe it was just a waste of time and money.
That is until he realizes that he’s gotten so lost in watching your fish swim around their tanks that he had lost track of you. He’s an expert stalker s he then realizes that maybe it ins’t dumb.
Then he begins questioning how you ever get anything done on time with so many mesmerizing fish just floating around.
Michael is also very curious and would enjoy you rambling on about your different fish. Would even listen to you talk about pH, salinity, all the aspects of the water as well. He just thinks it’s neat.
Bo Sinclair
Bo would tease you about having so many fish. “Are you trying to make friends out of fish since you can’t seem to befriend people?”
Pretends he wasn’t staring mindlessly at the fish swimming about anytime you catch him. If there’s a tank in the living room, although you probably convince him to have multiple, you can often find him staring at the fish rather than whatever is on TV.
You may also notice that Bo is a lot calmer, there isn’t as many angry outbursts from him as they used to be. Apparently fish can manage to calm down even the angriest person in Ambrose.
Tries to give the fish dumb names. It’s on the same level as his terrible dad jokes honestly. Don’t ask him his opinion because even if you give the fish a different name he is still going to call it by the name he came up with.
Vincent Sinclair
Unlike Bo, Vincent can come up with much better names. They’re all very artsy and sophisticated.
Vincent would also like if you set up a tank just for him. Like put all his favorite fishies in there. He’ll stare at it for hours and allows for him to just zone out. I think he would appreciate it very much.
Usually, taking care of the tanks is something you have to do all on your own since Vincent stays pretty busy. However, whenever he gets the chance he’s more than happy to help you out. Knows how heavy all those tanks can be and he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself.
Finds your fish keeping hobby very cute. All your fishies are like your shared children. He makes sure to feed them whenever you’re not around. Would also replace a fish that has died before you notice if he can. However, he soon realizes you recognize your fish way better than he thought…
Brahms Heelshire
He doesn’t like animals and is very much against the fish at first. Brahms had planned on sitting and angrily staring at it until he ended up simply just staring at it. Wow, that fishy is indeed swimming.
Brahms eventually begins to want to feed the fish. He’s dramatic and would probably even add it to the daily schedule. May even feed the fish multiple times and just hope you don’t catch him.
He wouldn’t allow you to have to many tanks though. That would interfere with the amount of time you focus on him after all and he simply cannot have that.
Wants to name the fish and expects you to allow him to give it whatever dumb or dramatic name that he wants. Goes for some old fancy book inspired name. If the fish dies and you two get a new one it’s the same name just with the second, third, and so on added on to the end. You cannot change the name.
Billy Loomis
You’re obsessed with fish, he’s obsessed with murder, everyone has their fun little quirks right?
Thinks that your fish keeping hobby is kind of nerdy but still cute. He likes listening to you ramble about different kinds of fish and how to take care of them. Expects you to listen to him ramble about horror movies in return.
Horror inspired fish names? Absolutely! The crown tail beta? His name is Freddy. Goldfish? A classic, his name is Michael. Would probably even name one after himself.
Won’t help much with tank upkeep. But if he sees you struggling to lift something heavy obviously he has to use it as an opportunity to show off and swoops in to help. We get it Billy, you’re big and strong.
Stu Macher
Absolutely loves helping you with your fish keeping hobby! Especially loves helping you pick out fish. Oh, this one’s o expensive? No it’s not because he’s aging for it.
If he buys the fish he has come up with the rule that he gets to name it. This means you have a handful of rare and beautiful fish with dumb ass names.
Stu likes to just sit and watch the fish swim around with you. It gives him the perfect excuse to just cling to you while the two fo you do nothing and he enjoys it a lot.
You have more than one fish that he has started to call jr because they are his favorites so he claims them as his sons. He doesn’t care, to him all the fish are boys so.
Jesse Cromeans
Funds your fish keeping hobby and is more than okay with having tanks all over the house, whatever makes you happy. Besides, you spend more time in the house than him, you deserve something to keep you entertained.
Please talk to him about all of your different fish. He’s amazed by the fact you have so much mesmerized about all of these different fish and how to take care of them. He just thinks it’s very dorky and cute.
Just picture him sitting on the living room couch with you, working on a laptop. He looks up to find you staring at a tank and ends up getting lost as well. Just two idiots sitting on a couch staring at fish. Forgets all about his work.
Your fish are spoiled just like you. They come from the best stores, have the best supplies, and consume only the highest quality of fish food.
Asa Emory
Absolutely gets your fish keeping hobby. After all he’s obsessed with bugs and people and has a collection himself. Asa respects the hobby and finds your love for fish endearing.
Knows that it can be a lot of work to keep up with so many tanks so he will help you but reluctantly. Complains the whole time about how you shouldn’t have gotten in over your head even though he encourages you to get more fish.
Asa thinks naming your fish is stupid. After all, you have so many how do you keep up with them all. There’s no point y/n, all of them in that tank look almost identical, identity theft isn’t a joke.
Asa isn’t ashamed of staring at the fish. If you tease him about it, he’ll go on a big rant about how it’s good for you and what not. Just admit staring at the fish is fun Asa, it’s not that hard.
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Imagine if the suitors went to the beach for a whole day in the modern world...what crazy crap do you think will happen
Here are a handful of crazy and/or cute headcanons that came to mind! :D
-Mozart swatting away seagulls because HE IS TRYING TO EAT IN PEACE
-Jeanne watching him, MC offering him two water guns with a silent nod (sunglasses on, we’re going full meme)
-Jeanne then proceeds to shoot at them (no gulls were harmed in making of this promotional video) and his aim is impeccable it would be disturbing if the thwarted squawking wasn’t so funny
-Little kids start swarming around Jeanne asking how he’s so amazing and wanting to play team battles, inviting him to join
-Napoleon encourages him, and even Mozart joins in despite not liking getting wet very much (he wants Jeanne to have some positive fun times bc he BIIIIIIIG depressy)
-In the end they both admit to having fun, and one of the kids even teaches Jeanne a special ten step handshake (Jeanne has no idea what that was but the kiddo was smiling so he figured he’d go with it)
-Dazai, alternatively, gathers the fallen gull army and becomes their god with a singular cylinder of Pringles. No I will not elaborate--THE SEA GULLS GOT HER!!!!!!!!
-Spends most of the beach day wetting his feet in the tide pools and talking very earnestly to the gulls about this new thing he learned about called tax evasion while people pass by this fucker in full kimono at the beach and are convinced he’s lost it
-Dazai is very much not sane but we knew this already, offers sea shells to little kids that ask him what he’s doing and tells them to listen to the secrets bird friends can tell them
-If Dazai sounds like an Animal Crossing Villager, that was entirely by accident but remains no less true
-Surprising absolutely no one, Arthur suggests volley ball after watching people play and invites some pretty ladies to join him
-Arthur ends up needing two more people to play, so he invites Vincent and Theo (Vincent is so excited about trying something new that Theo can’t say no despite wanting to make a volleyball-shaped crater in Arthur’s face)
-The funniest part about the volleyball game is that not only is Arthur a shit player (CANON WEAK ARMS FOOL) Theo destroys with his spikes, and Vincent’s reach is insane--the two brothers end up becoming the talk of the beach
-I just laugh imagining Vincent sincerely complimenting people around him and the ladies swooning because he’s just so nice and pretty is he even real
-Men aren’t happy about that^TM but at the sight of Theo’s defensive glower they keep their malicious traps shut--which turn on whichever girls weren’t interested in Vincent jahkslgjh
-**Kaguyasama narrator voice** Today on Arthur Shenanigans: Arthur loses
-Poor Isaac is hiding under the umbrella clutching sunscreen bc HE IS A PASTY BOY HELP HIM
-MC brought a few of the newest Maths/Physics books in her time for him to read, and while he doesn’t enjoy the intensity of the sun--not like vamp weakness, it’s just the strain on his body (too many stimuli too many people too much noise) that makes him tired and ultimately thirsty bc aberrant. But the change of scenery's not so bad.......
-MC laughs when she gets out of the water and the salt dries visibly on her skin, Isaac’s eyes bug out and he asks if it hurts (startles when Leo flicks sea water at him and asks how on earth they got in the water when it’s so cold!!!)
-Leo chats with him and he likes being able to draw theorems and the like in the sand, it’s like one big chalkboard (until a kid tramples across them in the middle of writing, POPPYCOCK!). Isaac ultimately has fun but prefers to stay inside poor bub
-Leonardo, surprising no one, falls asleep in the sand the second he gets there HE IS HOME (Italian beaches, amirite)
-MC decides to, after a point, bury him fully in the sand for shits
-Comte notices and aids in her shenanigans from his beach chair, snickering the whole time
-When the two are satisfied they go for a swim together, trusting Leo to look after Isaac if need be (even if he’s a mummy rn)
-Comte is relieved to hear that she knows how to swim, but also watches carefully and doesn’t let her drift out too far by keeping closer to the shore himself (riptides!!!! can be!!!!!!! dangerous!!!!!!!!!!) if he had his way (he would never impose but he worries ;-;) she’d be wearing floaties SAFETY FIRST
-They splash at each other like maniacs and chat amiably until they start swimming away as fast as possible when Leo wakes up, laughing
-How do we know that Leo woke up?
-Because he sat up ramrod straight and a tower of sand fell. He then proceeded to jump up and sprint to the water despite Isaac’s startled cries about being careful, and swam after them like a shark to get his revenge (it was like something out of an anime s2g)
-Mostly just tugs on MC’s leg, picks her up in the water, and yeets her across in retaliation; really harmless, she’s cackling the whole time
-Dunks Comte’s head in the water while he’s being scolded, and MC has to de-escalate their increasingly dangerous shenanigans before the life guard comes after them LMFAO
-They concede only bc MC looks sad/worried abt being kicked out, and agree to keep things fun FIGHT TO THE DEATH LATER TONIGHT
-Napoleon goes for a nice long walk along the shoreline and climbs the rocks if he finds any til he gets to the top (he does not go to his happy place HE GOES TO HIS HIGH LONESOME PLACE) wishes that Jupiter could be here to enjoy the brine
-Our boy Napoleon is simply just vibin he loves the beach. A little further off the sound of people is p muted, it’s just the crashing waves and crisp smell of salt, the light breeze ruffling his hair 
-Sebas is absolutely watching through binoculars and writing down how majestic Napoleon is while making sure no one gets lost/wrecked as he takes notes
Bonus: since volleyball games can often happen back to back on a sizable beach, the boys^TM were playing and Arthur called out “Theo duck!!!!” and just as Theo was saying “Are you fucking kidding me did you really think I’d--T H W A C K” Theo gets nailed in the back of the head (Arthur later died after being put in a headlock)
Shakespeare didn’t feel like playing volley ball and didn’t have much else to do (can’t swim and has no interest), so he just sat back and tried to throw Theo off his game as much as possible 
Por ejemplo: Theo misses a serve and Shakespeare just “For never was there a story of more woe; O bard Alexa, verily, play us Despacito” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
Jeanne also gets hit by a stray volley ball, but when Vincent said “Oh no, Jeanne, duck!” he has one of either two reactions: 1. Boulevard of Broken Dreams plays obnoxiously loud as he dodges inhumanly fast 2. he quacks, gets nailed, and doesn’t react because he doesn’t have any brain cells to damage
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the-slasher-files · 3 years
Hello, can i request 16 and 46 for the prompt thing with a S/o with low self steem with Bo? Please and sorry for my english 🥺🖤
OOOH ANGST!!!! I love it thank you! and honestly your English is perfect :) It’s like these 2 sentences were made for a reader x bo scenario!
So I went a little wild with this that’s why it’s a bit longer (1k plus words) but I really love how it turned out.. also Bo maybe says ‘I love you’ for the first time when he’s sober :o hope you enjoy 🔪💕
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WORD PROMPT:   “I want you to be happy... even if it’s not with me” AND “Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so...”
Today was just one of those days. 
You felt your mind weigh heavy on everything you did. It badgered you every second of the day, pounding your self-esteem lower and lower with every glance in the mirror and every tug of your baggy clothes. You couldn’t escape the constant hounding and you felt almost uncomfortable sitting in your own skin; as if bugs were crawling on top of you, and as if a fire was set beneath your feet and every moment you struggled to hold yourself away from the burn. 
Bo was at his dingy garage all day and Vincent was in the basement making more creations for the town, and honestly, you never knew where Lester was at any given moment but he defiantly wasn’t in the house. This left you all alone in the reticent home, just your thoughts and heartbeat. Sure you could go down to the basement to have company with Vincent, but he never liked to be disturbed while working, and you could go to the gas station but something was blocking you in the house; your demons wanted you away from the sunlight and easing voices of the people you loved, they wanted you all to themselves today. You let them win today for you didn’t have the energy to fight it. 
As the sun faded behind the native Louisiana wood that surrounded Ambrose the voices became deafening, and Bo’s absence was louder than the voices at times. Skull crushing and heart aching. You didn’t care if it was his yelling or large footsteps creaking on the hardwood, you just needed to hear something else besides the twisted thoughts that were burning, and chugging along like a freight train threatening to run itself off track and kill the engineers. 
Bo will never love you... Bo has never thought you were beautiful... Bo hates you... hates your body... hates your love... Bo just wants some skinny perfect woman... one from his trophy wall... one better than you... one to satisfy his every need better than you ever could...    
Tears stung in your eyes painfully, as you tried to make yourself busy with dinner. Every cut of a vegetable and every stir on the bowl was becoming a burden, you felt the lump in your throat build and tears spilled out in a stream much to your dismay. Anger, frustration, sadness and pain became all too much for your psyche to handle, and in an outburst you pushed everything off the counter, carelessly letting dinner go to waste and everything around you crash and clang against the linoleum.  
Silent sobs sealed your airway and you sank to the floor slowly with your back scraping against the fridge, raking your shaky hands through your hair, tears falling wherever they pleased. Breathing seemed fleeting at this point, you felt as if you were drowning in the ocean, all alone, with sharks circling you, taunting your demise. The sobs began to become more painful and broken wails hung in the humid Louisiana air, the force and strain made it feel like you were vomiting but betrayed the fact that your throat was closing against the laments.  
Suddenly there were heavy footfalls coming towards you, it was clear as day who they were from; the give away was that the gate was a little unbalanced from the apparent stiffness Bo had always carried in his right leg. The steps stopped for a moment as he was taking in your balled up shaking frame under the flickering fluorescents of the old house. Food, utensils, bowls and plates were all scattered around you like war zone debris, and you were the broken soldier in the middle waiting for the end. You knew he was standing there but you didn’t care; he was never one for comforting you, why would he care tonight? 
“Baby... Baby girl wha- shit” Bo stuttered but quickly came to encase you in his muscular arms, groaning as he sat in front of you, his legs caged you, feeling every sob, every painful sharp inhale. “Shhh, shhh, baby it’s ok” he cooed, trying to be soothing though it went against his gruff nature. 
His warm body caging you and the unmistakable smell of gas, cigarettes, and some sort of sweet undertone to his cologne that you just couldn’t place, made your body ease enough to catch a deep breath filling your strained lungs. Opening your swollen eyes with a sting, you were somehow surprised to meet his worried stormy blues, eying you like a hawk; his intensity made you force your eyes closed, jerking your head downwards and off to the side, not wanting him to see you so broken. Stifling your cries by biting your lip hard enough to draw the coppery taste along the soft flesh, letting whine escape.
His rough fingertips gingerly caressed your wet chin, commanding you to look up at him; though Bo’s fingers were gentle, his blanketing dominance coated every movement he made effortlessly. Once again your eyes met; pain and concern clashing.
“Angel, what’s wrong?” He spoke softly letting his cigarette stained breath ghost over you. The question brought a new set of tears that started to swell up, teasing to fall through wet lashes. Bo didn’t force you to speak and he just let you catch your breath and collect your thoughts, studying every part of your face as if it was new to him. Checking for any apparent injuries that might be causing the sobs; at least that he could fix that, but no, these wounds were behind the skin, in the deep tissues of your heart and brain, strangling them.
“Bo... I just-” You weakly strained against the lump in your throat. “I’m sorry” pulling away from him you saw something dangerous flutter behind his eyes; Bo was full of his own troubles and insecurities too, and your choice of words fueled something under the surface of him, some deepness he wasn’t ready to face yet. His touch became a little tighter, slowly and agonizing like a python, squeezing the truth out of you. Your apology was out of your embarrassment for him having to see you like this, but he thought it was for cheating on him or harming someone he loved; ultimately resulting in your slow painful death. 
Before allowing his anger rise you quietly cried “Bo, baby, I’m just having a bad day... the voices in my head just wouldn’t shut up... I-I just broke” He relaxed his grip slightly and pulled you against his chest with a huff, relaxing around you. Bo was no stranger to the way you felt, he had ended up on the exact spot on the kitchen floor many times before, he was probably drunk when it happened, however, but he understood. In a strange way, you mirrored him like broken glass glued together. 
Clutching his coveralls like holding onto a lifeline you stained them with tears, as he moved his hand to cradle your skull closer to him if it were possible, carding his hand through your hair, and his other hand snaked around your waist. His warmth was welcomed but dangerous and painful, loving a broken soul like his hurt all too much; behind every kiss and pleasure, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was better off with someone else, and think about the day he doesn’t come home. Bo’s love was addicting and one day you knew it would be ripped away and you would be left scratching and clawing for any remnants that could be salvaged.   
“I- I want you to be happy... even if it’s not with me,” weeping and shaking you let your insecurities come to the light allowing Bo to see the sick but not unfamiliar thoughts. “I’m fucking broken... I’m nothing you should have, just damaged goods... You can find someone much more beautiful and stronger... I’m not what you want” 
Spilling your guts like a wounded animal begging to live Bo’s hands moved to your shoulders, now pushing you away to look at him with authority oozing off, it made you stop; thinking he was going to lose his temper, and you just waited for the yelling or for him to drag you to the bedroom. The yelling never came. The forceful grip of his large hands never appeared. Just his eyes hardened on you, the blue becoming dark and foreboding, like the black sea that has swallowed a thousand ships.
“Please don’t say that about yourself. Please don’t believe that. You’re so much more than that. You’re so...” He begged then allowed his fortified walls to come down for a brief moment worried you would shatter him completely, “You’re my everything baby... Why don’t you see that?” his voice broke at the vulnerability. The knights were down, off their posts and able to rest after 20 some years of being serviced, taught and berated. This was like a searing knife to his core, slipping between the bones and waiting for it to be yanked out and have him bleed out on the linoleum, alone. “I- I love you.” 
Those words, the three words he spoke echoed loud and clear in your brain. The only time he had ever said it was after 5 beers and sloppy sex. Bo was sober tonight and he was painfully aware of it. He said it without flinching or moving his gaze from yours. This is the moment you waited for, after almost 2 full years of rage, blood, tears, love, fights, and pain; it was out there crystal clear. Of course, you had hoped it would be on a scenic hill looking out at the night sky, with your fingers interlaced and shallow breaths matching each other in perfect harmony; not on the cold floor with glass and destruction around you, brokenly clutching one another. However, you were going to take what you could get.    
Tears began to flow again but for a whole different reason, as you cupped his strong square jaw, running your thumb on the long jagged scar he carried with grace. “Bo Sinclair, I love you too.” He crashed his lips against yours, his hands were everywhere on you, he craved you, he needed you as much as he did the oxygen to breathe.
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