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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Le Vengeur sinks during The Glorious First of June in 1794 after a furious engagement with HMS Brunswick, by Julian Bruere
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weirdlookindog · 9 months
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Les Grands classiques de l'épouvante #28 - Les Vengeurs des Carpathes ~ Éditions Elvifrance, 1981.
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coquelicoq · 2 years
--Mercédès se maria donc, continua Caderousse; mais, quoique aux yeux de tous elle parût calme, elle ne manqua pas moins de s'évanouir en passant devant la Réserve, où dix-huit mois auparavant avaient été célébrées ses fiançailles avec celui qu'elle eût vu qu'elle aimait encore, si elle eût osé regarder au fond de son cœur. (p. 289)
i'm getting more used to long sentences and the word order necessary to link all these phrases and clauses together. when i got to "avaient été célébrées" i was so chill about the fact that there had been no subject for this verb so far. french is OVS when it wants to be and i understand and accept this.
i am not afraid to admit that i still don't exactly understand what "elle ne manqua pas moins de s'évanouir en passant devant la Réserve" means. manquer is a tricky verb already and then you're adding moins and i just don't know what to do with that. is she fainting? is she almost fainting? does she need only to pass before la Réserve to faint, or does she barely keep from fainting when passing before la Réserve?
classic second type of conditionnel passé in "celui qu'elle eût vu qu'elle aimait encore, si elle eût osé regarder au fond de son cœur." i had to read it twice to get it though.
i love that dumas needed a way for dantès to learn what happened to all his former acquaintances so he just…makes this one dude magically omniscient on this subject lol. the fuck you know about the heart of a woman you're not even friends with, asshole??
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bondebarras · 1 year
One book a day keeps the doctor away
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“La liste des facteurs qui président à l’arrivée d’un livre entre nos mains est aussi longue que complexe, et même si l’on se croit seul dans le face-à-face avec la page, une fois venu le moment - intime - de la lecture, le livre n’en reste pas moins chargé, tel un souvenir freudien, d’une myriade de parasites.
Qui nous l’a offert, quelle était notre humeur quand nous l’avons acheté en librairie, qui nous l’a prêté et surtout pourquoi, combien de temps l’avons-nous laissé prendre la poussière, pourquoi l’avons-nous arraché à sa poussière, pourquoi à ce moment-ci, et pourquoi n’avons-nous pas dépassé la première page, etc. On pourrait ajouter à ces conjectures d’autres paramètres, plus culturels : connaissons-nous l’auteur, avons-nous d’autres livres du même auteur, est-ce le thème (signalé quelque part, en quatrième de couverture, dans la presse, etc.) qui nous a poussé vers lui, est-il publié par un éditeur en qui nous avons confiance ou au contraire dont nous n’avons pas aimé la dernière publication ? Il faudrait parvenir à dessiner la toile d’araignée au centre de laquelle nous nous recroquevillons avec le livre-mouche. Mais peut-être est-ce nous, la mouche, auquel cas ce serait le livre qui, usant des vibrations des nombreux fils au moyen desquels nous avons cru le ligoter, a réussi à nous enrober dans sa chitine d’encre et de papier.”
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montagnarde1793 · 1 year
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Je viens de tomber sur une pièce de théâtre de 1868 sur la bataille navale du 13 prairial an II et Le Vengeur (ce qui est d’ailleurs le titre), et les dialogues sont d’un naturel ! C’est exactement comme ça que les gens parlent... (Sans parler du fait que Jeanbon a perdu son “Jean” XD)
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fredandrieu · 1 year
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musicmakesyousmart · 1 year
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Cirque des Vengeurs #1 (Fictober)
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Okay, so... I got a bit carried away with yesterday's fictober prompt. I was planning on doing a oneshot (like I did the other day), but a whole new AU occurred to me. So please enjoy the first installment of Cirque des Vengeurs. (If I get enough support- or if I just feel like it- I may start a separate blog for this au.)
Prompt Number 7: Check that again, are you sure?
Fandom: MCU
AU: Circus AU
Warnings: None
Bruno and Kamala pushed through the crowd toward the battered red and white circus tent. Above the tent, a banner proclaimed it the ‘Cirque des Vengeurs’. Around the tent were posters of countless oddities and curiosities. 
“This is so…” Bruno said.
“Amazing?” Kamala grinned.
“Not exactly,” Bruno grimaced.
“You were going to say weird, weren’t you?” Kamala sighed.
“In a good way!” Bruno said defensively. “You know this isn’t really my kind of thing.” 
“Oh,” Kamala rolled her eyes, “And being cooped up on your computer all day is?”
“Is this your card?” A smiling man in a suit and top hat stepped in front of the duo, holding the ace of spades in twitching hands.
“Um, no,” Bruno said, “I haven’t even-”
“Check that again, are you sure?” The magician smirked. 
The magician flexed the card and it burst into flames. 
“Ugh!” Bruno said, shielding his eyes from the fire’s light.
The flames cleared, revealing Bruno’s driver’s license. 
“How-?” Bruno said, slowly taking the license from the man’s hand.
“Epic.” Kamala nodded to the magician, who bowed and receded into the crowd.
“Come on!” Kamala said, dragging Bruno by the arm. 
They reached the entrance to the tent just as fanfare played from inside.
“Tickets please,” A man with a name tag that read Scott said.
Bruno dug around in his pockets.
“Where-?” Bruno muttered. 
“Excuse us for a moment.” Kamala grimaced and turned away from Scott.
“Please tell me you didn’t lose the tickets.” Kamala moaned.
“Um…” Bruno bit his lip. “I may have?”
Kamala started to groan, but something caught her eye in the crowd and she gasped.
“Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh,” Kamala shrieked excitedly. “It’s Captain Marvel!” 
Sure enough, the crowd parted around a woman in a red leotard with a star on it. 
“What have we here?” The woman said, flipping her blonde hair behind her shoulder.
“Omigosh!” Kamala squealed. “You’re amazing! I’m your biggest fan!”
“I know I am.” Captain Marvel grinned.
“We get it, we get it,” Bruno sighed. “But Kamala, about the tickets-”
“Do you two need tickets?” Captain Marvel asked. 
“No, we’re-” Bruno started.
“Omigosh,” Kamala squealed. “You’re going to give us tickets, aren’t you?”
“Um…” Captain Marvel chuckled.
“Carol, we are not giving another one of your fans tickets,” Scott butted in. “Some of us have bills and alimony to pay.” 
“No need for tickets,” Captain Marvel said, putting a hand on her hip. “I’ll escort you in myself.”
“That’s not what I meant and you know it…” Scott face-palmed. 
“Relax.” Captain Marvel grinned. “I know Fury. What’s the worst he could do to me?” 
Kamala squealed, jumping up and down. 
“Follow me,” Captain Marvel said, walking into the tent.
“Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh,” Kamala whispered, following Captain Marvel with wide eyes.
Bruno sighed. What had he gotten himself into? To be continued…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 9 months
The unexpectedness of this scene and the way it was spoken of, the account of the patriotic ship, given coldly at first, and then the emotion with which the strange person had uttered his last words, this name of Vengeur, the signification of which could not escape me, all struck my imagination profoundly.
"20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" - Jules Verne
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blogapart3bis · 1 year
Les brefs du samedi: Anzillu, Silver Nightmares, Vengeur
Aujourd'hui sur Blog à part – Les brefs du samedi: Anzillu, Silver Nightmares, Vengeur Comme l'actualité musicale est plutôt calme, c'est le bon moment pour les Restes du samedi, avec Anzillu, Silver Nightmares, et Vengeur. #thrash #progmetal #electro
Comme l’actualité musicale a été plutôt calme en ce début d’année, c’est le bon moment pour les Restes du samedi, trois chroniques courtes pour des albums pour lesquels je ne me sentais pas trop d’écrire les 300 mots réglementaires. Dans cet épisode, du gros metal qui mord avec Anzillu, du prog-metal éclectique avec Silver Nightmares, et de l’électro-metal liturgique avec Vengeur. Dans la…
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jrnldbrd · 14 years
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Une VICE party s’est déroulée au lieu unique (LU) de Nantes vendredi 21 mai 2010. Cet évènement était notamment l’occasion d’assister à une compétition de catch de dessinateurs à moustaches (CAM).
Le catch de dessinateurs à moustaches, ce sont des joutes de dessins, mélangées à de la lucha libre et à de la musique endiablée (cette fois c’était DJ Carrément aux platines). Quant aux dessins, ils ne sont pas fait pas des bleus, puisque ce sont de vrais dessinateurs talentueux qui s’affrontent (professeurs aux Beaux Arts, dessinateurs de BD tels Olivier TEXIER, Quentin Faucompré, Tom de Pékin, etc.), visages masqués, empruntant des pseudonymes comme John Super Wayne, Foutre d’Argent, Révérend 666, Louis Vengeur, Monsieur Moulebite, El Pepito, j’en passe et des meilleurs… On a même vu LUZ de Charlie Hebdo monter sur scène !
Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photographies, le bon goût était au rendez-vous, et les catcheurs-dessinateurs ont su mettre de l’ambiance et électrifier le public (même ceux qui n’étaient pas au courant de la soirée et qui étaient juste venus boire un coup au bar…).
- - - - -
Nantes, France, mai 2010
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secretmellowblog · 1 year
One super funny thing about the French Rev (that Victor Hugo even references in Les Mis) is the way it altered naming conventions, resulting in tons of WILD amazing ridiculous names!
Basically what happened was— during the French Rev the laws around registering names were relaxed, so people started giving extremely revolutionary names to themselves and their babies.
Sadly Napoleon’s government later cracked down on this. When Napoleon came into power he passed a restrictive law mandating that people had to choose among a list of “normal” names, banning the weird revolution ones, because he was a spineless coward afraid of the power these names had. The restrictive naming laws weren’t repealed until late in the 20th century.
But anyway here are some of my favorite French Rev baby names (taken from this list):
Mort Aux Aristocrates -“Death to Aristocrats”
Amour Sacré de la Patrie l’an Trois -“Sacred Love of the Fatherland Year III”
Lagrenade —“The Grenade”
Droit de l’Homme Tricolor “Right of Man Tricolor”
Égalité — “Equality”
Régénérée Vigueur— “Regenerated Strength”
Marat, ami du peuple -“Marat, friend of the people”
Marat, défenseur de la Patrie—“Marat, defender of the Fatherland”
La Loi-“The Law”
Philippe Thomas Ve de bon coeur pour la République — “Philippe Thomas ‘Go with a good heart for the Republic’”
Raison —“Reason”
Simon Liberté ou la Mort —“Simon “Freedom or Death””
Citoyen Français—“French Citizen”
Sans Crainte— “Without Fear”
Unitée Impérissable— “Imperishable Unity”
Victoire Fédérative— “Federal Victory”
Vengeur Constant —“Constant Avenger”
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charlesslut16 · 11 months
summary : Max and you talked, so charles got jealous...
PAIRING : charles leclerc x fem!reader
WARNINGS : +18. SMUT, oral(female receiving), dirty talk, badly translated french and italian, curse words, unprotected sex (be safe!)
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You were standing in the Red Bull racing garage speaking with Daniel, Christian and max. Charles had just gotten a DNF, while Max was the first one on the podium.
Charles stormed into the Red Bull garage, said hello to the three of them and got a hold of your wrist, so he could pull you with him into his driver's room. Once you both were in his room and stood in front of him. 
"Vous a-t-il touché?" he said in a low growl. Approaching you like a predator catching his prey.  His eyes were a storm. His face was touched with... violence. Did he touch you?
" Pourquoi la merde vous en soucie-t-elle?" You snapped, not getting why he was suddenly so interested in your love life. He was close enough to fill your senses with his scent. Why the fuck do you care?
"Answer my fucking question, mia cara." charles snapped back. 
"And what if he did?" You were playing with fucking fire, you knew it, but you couldn't seem to stop challenging him.
His hands were trembling when they reached for you. You sucked in a sharp breath when his hot skin touched you around his neck very lightly. His breath hit your lips when he dangerously deep said :
"Then he will be a dead man at the end of the day. I'm going to repeat this question for the very last time, ma jolie fille. DID. HE. PUT. HIS. HAND. ON. YOU?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, anger vibrated in your veins. Only through clenched teeth, you managed to say, "Not yet. But that doesn't mean-" his mouth crashed onto yours, stopping you from forming, your sentence any further.
You wanted to push him away. You wanted to pull him closer. Not only that, but you wanted to taste every part of his body. You bit your lip. You could taste his blood on his tongue when he pushed it right in to your mouth.
Having you breathless all over again. It looked like he was forcing himself to pull away from you. Like you were acid that he didn't want to touch when he lowly said through heavy breaths.
"S’il vous a touché ce qui vous semble, ce qui a du goût et qui ressemble au mien, il sera un homme mort, vengeur. Vous détenez le pouvoir sur sa vie. Décidé si vous vouliez le gaspiller ou non." If he touched you what feels, tastes and looks like mine, he'll be a dead man, vengeance. You hold the power over his life. Decided if you wanted to waste it or not.
"I'm not yours"
"And that's where you are very wrong, mia cara" charles answered before he took both of your wrist over your head and pushed you against the wall of charles drivers' room.
You looked at him speechless. You wanted to tell him to fuck him self, but no words came out of your mouth. Every ounce of self-control left your body as you saw the look in his eyes. Full of lust and anger.
"Vous n’avez pas une grande gueule maintenant, n’est-ce pas?" You do not have a big mouth now, do you?
Before you could say something, he kissed you, putting one of his on your face and the other hand on your waist, pulling you closer to him, so you couldn't get away.
Without breaking the kiss, he pulled the straps of your dress down and pulled it down fully, so you were only standing in front of him in your panties, bra and high heels. Charles broke the kiss and looked you up and down and said :
"Tu fais vraiment comme si tu étais fait pour moi. Seulement moi." You truly do like you were made for me. Only me.
He pulled you against him again, so he could pull you to his couch and push you on it. As you laid on the bed, Charles crawled over you and kissed you again, while he opened your bra and threw it on the floor.
"Charles please"
"Use your word, mon amour"
"Please... Please fuck me..."
"I think you need a punishment, for nearly letting him touch you."
Charles answered as he pulled your panties down, threw them away, looked you up and down, now fully naked, and pulled you a bit down, so your feet were dangling off the couch.
He kneeled before the couch and kissed your thighs up until your pussy came into his view. He looked at your face for consent and thrusted one finger in your pussy.
You moaned as he thrusted another finger in your pussy and then another, until you were on the edge of cumming on his fingers, but charles pulled his fingers out of you and licked them clean.
"Charles, no... Please don't stop."
"You deserve it, mia cara"
Charles then pushed his fingers into you gain, until you were on the urge to cumming again, as he pulled his fingers out again. He did this for so long until you were overstimulated.
"I think you learned your lesson to never let anyone other than me touch you. Never"
As he said that, he unbuttoned his race suit, until it laid on the floor. Charles pulled you up a bit and crawled over you. He grabbed his cock and then thrusted into your pussy.
He didn't give you any adjustment time, as he thursted into you fast and full of lust. Not only that, but he grabbed your throat with one hand and gave it a light squeeze, while the other hand held you down, so you didn't get away.
"Tu ne t’évades pas, bébé. Vous prendrez tout ce que je donne." You don't get away, baby. You will take everything I give. 
"Tu étais faite pour moi, ma princesse, n’est-ce pas ? Tout à moi pour maintenant et toujours." you were made for me, my princess, weren't you? All mine for now and always.
After a bit, his thrust got slower and sloppier, which gave you the signal that he was near cumming.  You felt the familiar knot inside your stomach. He put his hand on your stomach.
"You feel me here, don't you, princess. Deep in your stomach."
You only nodded at him, as he came deep inside you with a moan. You did the same, you came around his cock with a loud pornographic moan. He stayed a bit inside you until he pulled out of you.
"Alors, qu’est-ce que c’était que de ne pas être à moi?" So what was that about not being mine? 
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ltwilliammowett · 8 months
Colours " Tied to the Mast"
Unlike in combat, the nailing of colours - which meant that the crew that was already in combat will not surrender.
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The crew of the Vengeur du Peuple nailing the colours on the mast. This is an element of the later Glorious First of June 1794 propaganda surrounding the event, and did not historically take place. In: Simples notions de morale civique, les droits et les devoirs du citoyen, par Charles Schuwer, Charavay (Paris), 1882, p. 42.
There was also the preventive method of tying the colours to the mast. This meant that the ship would not surrender and that a fight was inevitable to get her as a prize.
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bondebarras · 1 year
One book a day...
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“ C’est ma peur, la grande excavatrice. Ma grande peur faite de toutes mes peurs enfantines et adolescentes, la peur d’Anne, la peur de Florence, la peur de Muriel, la peur de Delphine, la peur du gros Lambert, la peur de Monsieur Trossard, la peur de Monsieur Benneteau, la peur de Monsieur Andrillon, toutes ces peurs tournent furieusement, férocement, comme des mèches de tarières, comme des foreuses, elles sapent le sol sous mes pieds, le monde disparaît avec moi dans le puits qui m’avale, mon vertige n’est que la forme de son évanouissement.”
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