#Toshi come knock me up challenge
nekomasnympho · 3 years
Men who are good with their daughters make my ovaries throb
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frogtanii · 3 years
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your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
your palms were sweaty as you adjusted your slacks, making sure the pleats were where they should be with not a wrinkle in sight. you wanted to look professional and put together, at least on the outside, because you knew you were actually about .2 seconds away from falling apart.
a quick glance to the boys at your sides notified you that they weren’t faring much better. atsumu kept fidgeting with his cufflinks, sakusa was so stiff you could knock him over with your pinky, kenma looked like he was about to pass out, bokuto was debating on squeezing under the table in front of you, kuroo was tapping a pattern on his pants (akeelah and the bee style), and akaashi kept reciting ominous poems under his breath.
the only people in the room who looked even remotely fine were osamu, oikawa, sugawara, daichi, and, surprisingly, yachi. osamu was munching on some peanuts that he pulled from... somewhere, while oikawa and sugawara were holding their own conversation by the window. daichi seemed to be minding his own business but you could never really get a proper read on him anyway.
well, you supposed yachi was okay because she knew what to expect. i mean, you were meeting her boss.
after you and kenma had posted your “exposing the hype(r) house” youtube video, an email had come to the both of you, inviting you to visit the “big boss” along with the rest of the crew.
you weren’t necessarily afraid of losing your job; the hype(r) house was already being dissolved and you were (finally!!!) getting to move in with makki and mattsun until you found your own place. you were genuinely excited to put the drama and literal hell behind you and begin to live your life again but...
that didn’t mean meeting the Man™ wasn’t terrifying. it was like being called into the principal’s office, complete with the existential dread and occasional bouts of gassiness.
the door opening made you flinch as you quickly moved out of the way to let the newcomers enter. while they walked past you, you couldn’t contain the shock that overtook your face, your jaw practically on the floor.
the man was massive.
built like a brick wall, the man who you assumed to be the “big boss,” had a chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, and massive fucking pecs, his white button up barely closing around them.
beside him stood a tall, lanky man who was dressed suspiciously un-office-like with a red buzz cut and wild eyes that seemed to cut into you as he took his place at the table.
the final man seemed a bit awkward in comparison to the other two, but he was trying to seem unaffected, his purple bowlcut, despite being rather juvenile, fitting perfectly with his slim but toned build and bright complexion.
yachi hurried to greet them, giving all three a blinding smile before motioning for everyone else to take a seat. you ended up between the redhead and atsumu, the former being way too entertained by just your general being. his eyes rarely, if ever, left your face sending shivers down your spine. the remaining members all hesitantly took their seats and “big boss” began.
“it is an honor to meet you all. i am ushijima wakatoshi but you can call me ushijima or wakatoshi or ushiwaka or toshijima or just ushi or just jima or just waka or just toshi.” for a moment you thought he was joking but his face never moved, not even with the awkward silence that followed. redhead seemed rather amused by the whole display and bowl cut looked like he was on the verge of spontaneously combusting.
it took an uncomfortably long moment for ushijima to proceed but he did as though nothing had happened. “these are my associates, satori—” redhead gave you a mischievous grin “—and tsutomu.”
“goshiki,” bowl cut interrupted, his voice wavering but his eyes gleaming with righteous indignation as though he was challenging wakatoshi to say something in defiance. instead, ushijima just gave him a nod and he visibly deflated back into his seat.
“goshiki is the social media manager for imla and satori is... satori,” big boss continued, not a hint of emotion on his face. the rest of the table perked up at his comment but atsumu was the only one who apparently had the balls to say anything.
“so yer the one who wrote that shitty among us tweet?” goshiki flushed horribly and sunk further into his plush leather chair, his body language showing he must’ve already gotten an earful about it. “thought it was a good idea,” he muttered while averting his eyes, completely ignoring satori’s cackle from across the wood.
ushijima put up a (massive???) hand to calm the both of them and it instantly worked. satori quieted down though he never lost the mirth in his expression and goshiki straightened up, a new wave of determination crossing his features.
you sat up as well, feeling the shift of energy in the room but you were startled to realize the boss had decided to focus his energy on you, his deep baritone voice calling your full name. “i am extremely sorry. we have failed you as a management team and as men. i have failed you.”
he sounded remarkably remorseful, his brown irises conveying heavy emotion and guilt. you had no idea what to say but he wasn’t done.
“although i do not have full control of the decisions that have been made here, i should have fought harder for what i believed was right and for that, i will forever be sorry.” you shifted uncomfortably under his weighty gaze, not that he noticed because his attention was swiftly taken by kenma at the opposite end of the room.
“who is in charge then? aren’t you like the ceo or whatever?” he asked. ushijima took a moment before nodding very slowly, his attention clearly on something in his head.
thankfully, satori rapidly took over the thread of conversation before the room could fall in tense silence yet again. “there’s a board of old, stuffy guys who basically kicked miracle boy wakatoshi to the curb and make all their decisions without him.”
...miracle boy? what did he have to do to earn that kind of nickname? you shook your head and tuned back in, just as the ceo spoke up once again.
“because i have not succeeded in doing my job properly, i have something to give to you,” ushijima deadpanned, sliding a thick envelope towards you. you carefully grabbed it and opened it up to reveal a thick, thick, wad of cash.
a gasp caught in your throat, words not coming to you as you thumbed through the money. there had to be at least $60k in there, your eyes filling with tears while you took in his generosity. “thank you,” you whispered, not trusting your voice to speak any louder.
wakatoshi nodded at you before addressing the rest of the table about something but you weren’t even listening.
you were so overwhelmed. for the longest time, you’d hated whoever management was for ignoring your pleas for help and trying to placate you with nice dresses and fancy dinners so meeting ushijima was quite the welcomed surprise.
despite everything that occurred, you could tell he felt horrible for letting things slide even though it was technically out of his hands and you couldn’t even articulate how much that meant to you.
the fact that he had gone out of his way to pay you extra, assumingly without the permission of the board, was heartwarming, confusing, shocking, and staggering all at once.
i mean, you could probably describe the past few months as exactly that. so much had happened, so much had changed, and while you could do without some of the life adjustments (the nightmares, spare trauma, and fear of public bathrooms to start), you felt blessed with new friends and the experiences that helped shape you to the person you were now.
the boys didn’t hate you anymore (well, not all of them at least and none were actively antagonizing you), you were seeing dr yamada again, you were getting to move in with your two best friends, you were just given enough money to expand your channel drastically, and you were finally feeling good. better than good.
meiko was behind you and though you missed the person she once was, you were so glad she was out of your life in a way where she couldn’t harm you or the boys any longer.
a grin spread across your face, your cheeks nearly burning from the intensity of it. things were definitely looking up.
a soft call of your name jolted you from your thoughts, your eyes landing on all the boys already standing as they got ready to leave the room. you could sense their worry and you shot them a genuine, reassuring smile before standing yourself.
you waved goodbye to the three men at the table, thanking ushijima profusely for his kindness but he shook you off, insisting that he had just been doing what he should’ve done a long time ago.
what a nice guy.
as you followed the boys out of the building, you took a moment to observe them together with fondness written all over your expression. they were laughing and joking around, the happiest and most carefree you had ever seen any of them. bokuto was begging yachi to get them ice cream, the rest of them piling on until she gave in with a playful roll of her eyes, giggling at the cheer that went up from the group.
atsumu seemed to notice you lagging behind, falling back to join you. “ya okay angel?” he asked, eyes focused on your feet as he slowed down to match your pace.
you didn’t answer for a while, instead focusing on the sun warming your cheeks, the cool breeze messing up your hair, and the sounds of pure joy swirling above you.
“i’m absolutely perfect.” you replied and you actually meant it. “race you to the van?” you sent him an impish grin before taking off, his yells of indignation making you laugh freely as the rest of the boys joined in, right on your heels.
this is it, you thought. no matter what, i’ll have this moment and i’ll be okay.
you’d been through hell and back and you’d survived. you’d been cursed at, choked out, hospitalized, and been beaten at mario kart more times than you could count and you had still made it through. you were resilient and strong and you’d never given up, despite how badly you’d wanted to, multiple times over.
things weren’t perfect, they rarely are, but you knew that if you could make it through all that, you could get through practically anything, especially with the boys by your side.
yeah. i’ll be just fine.
“told you it sounded stupid as hell.”
“gah, stop talking about it!!”
“you sounded sooooo old ‘shiki, what are you, 92?”
“what’s up miracle boy?”
“...what is ‘sus’?”
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℗ poker face
i’ll be just fine
series masterlist
an - AND THATS A WRAP FOLKS 🥳 wowowow did the ending give me trouble but that’s ok SISJSK the endings will be coming shortly but they might not be daily just cs they may take more time, who knows lmfao i’ll let y’all know :3 AAAA ANYWAYS ILY I HOPE U GUYS LIKED KITH KITH don’t forget to feed me <3
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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kkusuka · 3 years
Hi Wifey!! Congrats on 2k I’m so proud 🥺😫💖 anyways I would love a smut number 3 with Bakugou, Ushijima and Bokuto plleeeaaasssee my darling -✨Puppy🤩
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“We’re really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?”
Fem. anatomy!
genre: smut
characters: Bakugou, Ushijima, Bokuto
cw: public sex
an: i totally forgot to post this yesterday lol
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Bakugou Katsuki
The Back Alley
Patrol is simultaneously the best and worst part of being a pro hero.
Some days it was where most action happened and it was nice to see some fans every once in a while. Others, it was the most boring experience of his life, no villains, no robberies, not even a purse snatcher!
The plus-- if he could even call it that-- was that he was alone today. So what does a bored man do whilst they are alone? Scroll through all of his hidden photos for every single video or picture that you're stuffed with his cock.
Now not only was he bored and alone; but also horny and has a lot of time on his hands. He could approach this two ways; stop watching videos of his cock pounding you to hell as you cream like a whore for him and calm down or send you his location and fuck you agist the wall of the alley he currently resided.
The morally challenged being he was, choosing the latter was not difficult.
“Katsuki! Are you ok? You just said to come as soon as possible, you scared me!” your voice rang ten minutes after his cryptic text.
“Fine, just c’mere.” he led you into the small distance between buildings, tucking your body into him. Within a moment his lips were on your neck, bringing to light the reason you were called here.
His hand finding its way to your clothed pussy, singling your clit out through the thin layers of your clothes. Almost melting into his touch, you almost completely forget that you’re standing within view of anyone who walks past.
“We’re really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?” you push yourself away from his hands only to be violently pulled back into him. This time, his fingers going beyond the bounds of your panties, thrusting a finger into your already dripping hole.
“Let them” he states maneuvering your shirt into your mouth as a makeshift gag as he pushes your bra below your tits, “plus, if you don’t want to then why is your cunt fucking dripping on my fingers?”
Switching your positions, he kicks your feet further apart trapping you between his body and the wall. Sliding his fingers out of your clenching walls, relocating to your clit you feel something much bigger press against your folds.
Letting you settle for a brief moment, he presses his entire length into your heat. Pulling his hips back only to fuck it back into you forces you further into the wall. You can feel the slick running down your thighs as the sound of skin slapping rings through the alley.
“Fuck, you’d let me use you anywhere, look at you getting dicked in an alley where anyone can walk by and see,” he growled, holding up your falling hips, pulling them into his hips forcing his cock deeper than he was.
Your orgasm overtakes you as your legs collapse into his hold, his thrusts becoming sporadic as he leans to your shoulder and bites down to prevent the groan as he cums in your spasming cunt. The mix of your cum drips down your folds as Bakugou slides your panties back up your leg.
“I’ll be home soon, be ready.” he kisses your cheek and sends you wobbling out of the darkness.
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Ushijima Wakatoshi
Celebratory Car Ride
Ushijima is a silent force.
Unless you can read stone, knowing what he wants is nearly impossible until he tells you. You had to give it to yourself, knowing him since you were kids makes you a bit better at reading him than others.
Still, at times his stare unnerves you just a bit.
Like when you had gone to his class for the lunch break and he didn't say a word for the first twenty-five minutes. You thought he was going to break up with you, for what? You had no idea, but maybe he was having second thoughts about you, you’d only been dating for three years--since the second year of middle school if that counts--, maybe he got bored. His stare cut through your very soul.
He had you in a full panic only to tell you how cute you looked in his jacket. It was adorable that he spent all that time just trying to talk to you, but it bothered you that he could make you panic like that with just a look.
Luckily,  you made it past that stage of your relationship and understand that his stares are mostly sweet and he’s just trying to convey his emotion in a way that isn’t words.
But, even with all that, you had no idea what this stare was. If you could call it a stare, his eyes were following everywhere you went, which isn't the best considering this was one of the most important games in his career.
This stare was more intimidating. His lips pressed into a straight line, eyebrows tilted down, eyes seemingly looking right through you. It was his normal face but, he was sending chills through you every time you connected eyes.
They’d won, but Wakatoshi’s eyes didn’t lighten a bit, up close it sent waves of heat through your core. He looked at you like he wanted to swallow you whole.
“Wait for me in the car, I will be quick.” making due on his promise he meets you there a swift ten minutes later, surprising you when he swings the backdoor open. “Back here”
Following his command you slide next to him, a second after you’re throwing into his lap, hands already working to push your shorts out of his way. Not waiting a second before pulling your shirt over your head, throwing it somewhere into the front. Making quick work of your underwear by tearing it from your body, something you had stopped reprimanding him for, he’d buy you more if that’s what you wanted.
Watching him throw the shards to the side thrusts you back into the reality of where you are, “We’re really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?” you frantically begin to look at the vacant parking lot in case someone has already seen.
He answers you in silence and a mouth to your nipple, rolling it between his lips sucking like it would give him something. Placing you onto a thigh so he can release his cock from his shorts, moving your core over his tip.
“Who...who cares if they see. You are mine, they can watch all they want but they will never be able to touch.” his voice vibrates in his chest.
You breathe before Toshi pushes your body onto his, slamming his cock into your pussy. Running his hands along the curve of your waist his eyes train on how your head is thrown back as he presses against your cervix.
Not wanting you to wait, he lifts your hip then releasing letting gravity plunge you back onto his length. Taking control of the pace he begins to thrust up into you, his finger meeting with your clit, building the coil in your stomach.
Steading yourself on his shoulders, you angle your hips so his cock hits a particularly soft spot in your depths. Collapsing onto his chest he continues fucking your cream back into your pulsing hole, restuffing you with his load.
You close your eyes and feel yourself being covered with some jacket, then being moved to the front, waking up in your bed at home cuddled into your boyfriend's chest.
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Bokuto Koutarou  
Koutarou could convince you to do anything.
It was almost embarrassing at this point, you should really talk to him about it. You can remain strong when he’s not with you but the second he looks at you with those wide eyes and sweet smile, you fall apart. (like a nature valley granola bar)
So now you’re standing in front of the doors leading to the boy's locker room with an armful of random sweets to soothe your seemingly upset boyfriend. Knocking on the doors you hear him allow you to enter, immediately you see him lying over a bench.
“Are you ok, Kou?” you question only getting a peek of his eye before a wave to come closer. Once you were an arm's length of him he pulled you to lay over him. Wrapping him in your arms you ask what was so wrong to make him like this, but you only receive him pushing further into the crook of your neck.
Before you could ask again you feel a pair of lips sucking on your skin. Pushing his hands under your shorts.
“We’re really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?” pulling away you try to make a move to leave, stopped by his arms encircling your waist keeping you pressed onto his bulge.
“No! They won't come in I promise! We’ll be quick!’ he speaks as he starts pulling clothes from your body leaving you in a bra and pushes aside underwear. He barely gave you enough to realize he was lined up with your entrance.
Steadily fucking yourself onto him, his hands holding your hips almost bruisingly. Once you were fully situated on him, he switched your positions, throwing your legs over his built shoulders.
Bending an arm to lean on the lockers for leverage he pounded into your cunt, intertwining his other hand into your hair.
Fucking you through your orgasm, you clenched so hard he could barely move, your hole milking him for his load. Slumping over you he connected your lips in a sloppy, tired kiss, almost walking out of the room butt naked with you in his arms.
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kaidsos · 3 years
Exposure || Hitoshi Shinso
summary :: your relationship with Shinso is exposed.
warning: cursing, smut, monoma is a bigger ass than usual, probably grammar/spelling errors
note: university!ua, aged-up, secret relationship, bsf bakugou, spanking, daddy shinso, begging, slight fluff
The breeze whipped against you as you stepped out into the night. Your arms wrapping around yourself and fisting the thin material of your t-shirt. It was well past curfew, but you had grown accustom to sneaking out.
You slipped behind the building, being mindful of your steps as you moved further into the shadows. No lights were shining through the windows as the other students had long since gone to bed. Despite the full moon hanging high in the sky, there was nothing to illuminate the path and you had no choice but to rely on muscle memory.
Then there was a soft wisp of fabric and a tentative touch to your waist. Warm fingers grazed the skin where your shirt had bunched up and you relaxed into the familiar sensation.
"There's my kitten."
Shinso dug his fingertips into your sides as he pulled you flush against his chest. His head dipping until his face was tucked into your neck. "I was worried you didn't get my message."
"My phone died before I could reply." You mumbled as you twisted in his grasp. "I didn't want to make you wait too long."
Your hands lifted to his waist, thumbs hooking in the band of his UA sweatpants. The dark patches beneath his eyes hadn't worsened since you saw him last and you knew he’d been overworking himself. A frown etched onto your features as you pressed closer to him.
"Stop pouting," he murmured as he dropped his head to rest on yours. "I've missed you."
With exams quickly approaching you hadn’t been able to see each other through the week. Your days consumed with class or training while your nights were spent studying and preferably rest. That was something your boyfriend had clearly missed out on.
"I missed you so much." You sighed, leaning into his touch.
Keeping your relationship quiet had been relatively easy before. You had slipped away with one another at any given chance and when the weeks were long you had always had the weekends!
Until you didn’t.
His training with Aizawa only became more time consuming and you had fully immersed yourself into studies. With the weekend coming to an end you couldn’t help but wonder if the secret was worth it.
It had made sense in the beginning. With a best friend like Katsuki Bakugou it was a bit difficult to attract romantic attention. He was protective and moody and he already disliked the sly general studies student.
Shinso had been an outcast among his peers. It had improved after the first Sports Festival, though not everyone had been swayed. You heard the whispers that followed him, noticed how eyes would linger on his broad form as he sulked down the halls. When the words didn't cut deep enough, some got bold enough to step up and if they were foolish enough to challenge him—
"Kitty," He said lowly, hand lifting to wrap around your throat in an attempt to pull your attention back to him. "What's going on in that mind of yours?"
You let out a soft gum as you met his gaze. “Would you be happier if others knew about us?"
The thumb that had been caressing your jugular paused, his brow furrowing for a moment as his eyes narrowed. "I've never cared about others. I care about you. As long as you're mine it doesn't matter who knows."
"In other words you're leaving it up to me." You grumbled, not bothering to resist the urge to roll your eyes. A low growl pushed past his lips as he twisted you on your feet, pushing forward until your back was pressed against the cool stone. You gasped in surprise, back arching away from the cold. "Toshi—"
"You've got an attitude tonight." His hips knocked against yours as he pressed forward again, chuckling when you whimpered. “Where's your jacket, kitten?"
"I-I was in a hurry to see you and forgot it."
A lazy grin tugged at his lips and his eyes flickering over your frame before he moved away. He reached back to grasp the hoodie, pale skin catching your eyes as the material bunched above his hips.
Shinso had trained hard to get into the hero program and it showed. His frame had broadened, muscles strengthening to the point that they rippled without his intent. You had found yourself staring at him far more than you cared to admit. Whether it was in class, the commons, or across the cafeteria— he always stood out among the others.
Suddenly a ball of fabric hit you in the face, spurring you into a fit of giggles as you fumbled to keep it off the ground. You wasted no time pulling the sweatshirt over your head. It was still warm from Shinso and you inhaled deeply at his lingering scent.
When you finally met his gaze again his brow was quirked in amusement. You rolled your eyes, quickly adverted your gaze so the hood dropped to hide you from view.
Shinso slipped his hands past the hood, gripping the base of your neck and tilting your head back. "Silly kitty," he hummed, lips brushing against yours. "I didn't realize giving you my sweatshirt would have such a thrilling response."
His words did nothing to ease your embarrassment. A soft whine slid past your lips as he forced you to hold his gaze and you barely began stuttering out a response when he closed the space between you.
Your breath caught as his mouth moved against yours and he lazily rolled his tongue along the seam of your lips. When you didn't immediately part he snarled, a hand dropping to grasp your hip as he shoved a knee between your thighs. A harsh jolt of his leg caused you to inhale sharply and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue past your lips.
"Alright, kitten," he spoke into the kiss. "Time to go back inside before you get sick."
Your brow furrowed in hazy confusion, " I thought we were..."
"You have no idea how badly I want to." Shinso grumbled, mouth trailing along your jaw. "But the next time I touch you I'm not stopping until I've had my fill, and kitten, I'm starving."
His teeth sunk into your neck at his words, pulling a soft moan from you as your fingers threaded through his thick locks. Just before you were sure a mark would be left he pulled back, pressing a soft kiss to the irritated skin.
"Like I said it's getting cold and I don't want you getting sick." He placed a final searing kiss to your lips before pulling away.
You overslept the following morning.
It had been thundering fists against you door that had woke you up. Bakugou had called you every name but your own as you fumbled to let him inside.
"You're late, dumbass." He snapped, pushing his way into the room and plopping onto your bed.
You scoffed, but said nothing as you began racing around the room. It wasn't until you had shoved your things into a bag and started gathering your uniform that you paused.
"What the fuck!" You snapped, throwing your hands up in defeat. "I don't have a shirt."
"Wear your extra." He replied dryly, earning a glare from you.
You didn't bother hiding the roll of your eyes. "Wow, why didn't I think of that?"
"Watch it, idiot! I'm not the one who loses everything." Bakugou snarled before pushing to his feet and marching across the room. He grabbed the black sweatshirt that had been draped across the desk chair and slung it at you. "Go!"
A groan pushed past your lips as you stomped into the bathroom. You were quick to pull on the pieces of uniform you could find. There was a slight shake to your hands as you got dressed and you weren’t surprised with your abrupt morning. You fisted the fabric of the sweatshirt, lifting it to your nose and inhaling deeply before taking a final glance at yourself in the mirror.
Aizawa had very little to say about your uniform mishap. His gaze had only lingered on the black material for a moment before warning you not to make it a habit.
"I've never seen this before, Y/N." Mina chirped, reaching out to pinch the hoodie between her fingers as she flashed you a cheeky grin. "I'd have stolen it by now."
"I just got it the other night— day! I got it the other day." You nearly cringed as Mina's eyes narrowed.
"What are you looking at, extra?" Bakugou suddenly snapped, pulling your attention away.
You followed his gaze to the back of the room and locked with purple hues. Shinsou's lips quirked up for the slightest moment before looking past you to meet the explosive blond's eye. The warmth that his features held for you was nowhere in sight as he scoffed at the other male.
However, no words were spoken before the bell rang out.
The remainder of the day seemed to go by without any more incidents. You had felt an overwhelming sense of comfort wearing your boyfriend's sweatshirt. Though you would never admit it the time without him had been hard. Harder than you ever thought it would be.
You had enjoyed sneaking around, you both did, that's why it had gone on without a hitch for months. There was something about rushed touches and stolen glances that left you spinning in delight.
Before you were able to succumb to your thoughts your name was called. Your eyes trailed over the campus grounds in search of whoever had called for you and sure enough you caught sight of Kirishima waving you over.
A laugh had barely slid past your lips when you slammed into a solid frame. You let out a surprised yelp as you stumbled to the ground and landed on your bottom with a groan.
"I thought class 1A students were meant to be agile."
You didn't bother hiding the look of disdain that crossed your features as you looked up at Monoma. He had the nerve to sneer as is he hadn’t been the one to knock you off balance in the first place.
"Go screw yourself." You hissed, pushing yourself to your feet.
Before you were able to move past him he grasped your wrist. "Why don't you do us all a favor and drop out of the hero course? I think you've wasted enough of UAs time."
“Let go of me." You pulled harshly at his grip, which only tightened in response.
"Let go of you?" He feigned a moment of thought. "I'll tell you what, if you can—"
Whatever game he had been wanting to play died on his tongue as a sharp smack rang out. You were released so suddenly you nearly lost your balance.
The hand that had been holding you was in the crushing grip of Shinso, who stood tall between you and the other male. You couldn't quite catch a glimpse of his face, but the frightened gleam in Monoma's eyes told you enough.
A crowd had formed around your trio, the sudden intrusion unsurprisingly catching their interest. You instinctively shifted closer to Shinsou, who was still barring down on the stuttering blond. "W-what—"
"Stay away from things that aren't yours." Your boyfriend snarled, fingers tightening around Monoma’s wrist until it popped.
"You think she's yours?" He snapped, glancing nervously at the crowd before finally ripping his hand free. "You're delusional.”
Shinso didn't gift him with a response. Instead, he turned his focus on you and for a brief moment, you understood why Monoma had looked so frightened.
The purple-haired male easily towered over you both and his stature seemed to double in size as he held himself firmly between you. His jaw was set so tightly you were surprised his teeth didn't shatter and there was a predatory gleam to his usually passive gaze that made your chest swell in excitement.
Mistaking your observation as hesitation, Shinso held his hands by his sides. His palms turned towards you in surrender as his gaze softened, "kitten?"
The secret seemed so pointless.
Shinso had claimed you and it was as if everyone held their breath for your response. He had every bit of faith in your ability to protect yourself, but he had reacted out of instinct. You knew by the way his back stiffened beneath the curious eyes that he hadn't thought it through. He looked desperate and seraphic and you could not remember why you had kept him hidden for so long.
That was all it took. With a single stride he had closed the distance between you, head dipping to press his forehead against yours.
Wordlessly, he plucked the hand you had been holding protectively against you. A low rumble that could only be described as a growl vibrated from his chest as he stared down at the blooming marks. Had he really grabbed you that hard?
"Monoma?" Shinso pressed four fingers to your wrist, dangling it softly in the air as he turned on the blond with a heavy gaze.
His wide eyes flickered between you and your boyfriend before he replied. "What?"
The moment the word had left his lips his frame froze and a murmur rolled over the crowd. His shoulders had a strange slouch to them, his back was straight and his eyes were still locked with yours.
"Why are you looking at them? Look at me."
Unsurprisingly, he obeyed.
"Your quirk doesn't quite work when you can't think for yourself, does it?"
There was a humorless jape in his tone, a low rumble that shot straight to your core. His tongue clicked against his teeth as he spoke once more. "I'll make this quick. You don't look at them. Don't speak to them. Don't even allow them to cross your mind."
And it was over.
Monoma stumbled back in shock as he regained control over himself, heat flooding his cheeks as he hurried away from the crowd. You didn't bother to watch him retreat as you reached out for Shinso.
He let out a soft sigh as you grasped at his uniform blazer, turning his attention back to you. For a moment his gaze flickered down to your wrist, but this time you tugged the sleeve of his sweatshirt down.
"Can we please leave?" You asked softly, all too aware of the crowd around you.
"Of course."
"That's my good kitty."
Your back arched from the mattress as Shinso pressed his tongue flat against your clit and lapped at it lazily. His thumb rolled over your hip, attempting to soothe the area he had gripped when he trapped you beneath him. He ran his tongue along your slit before finally delving inside of you.
A moan tore from your throat and he pressed his palm flat again your stomach to hold you in place. Your thighs trembled as the coil in your stomach tightened, so close to bursting free if he would just—
"Hitoshi!" His name pushes past your lips as your thighs clench around his head. Your hips rocked against his face and he moaned into your heat, licking and sucking at your core.
Then he was gone.
You couldn't bite back a whine of annoyance, however, the feeling was short-lived as long fingers curled around your throat. Shinso’s broad frame hover above you, eyes heavy with lust as an almost cruel smirk twisted at his lips.
"What's my name?"
"Daddy!" You blurted out, face heating as you realized your mistake. "I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to!"
He sucked a sharp breath through his teeth, head shaking slowly as he held your wide gaze. "You know better kitten. I'll have to punish you."
Another whine in protest fell upon deaf ears as he pulled you up by your neck. It wasn't until the both of you were on your knees, chest to chest, that he released your throat in favor of gripping the back of your neck. "Bend over for daddy."
You did as he ordered, heart jolting in your chest as he led you to press your face against the mattress. Your back arched in an attempt to grind your ass against him, desperate for some type of friction. A low groan vibrated in his chest as his clothed cock rubbed between your soaking slit. "Take your punishment like a good kitty and daddy might let you cum."
"Look how pretty you are." He purred softly, smacking his palm down on your ass in contradiction to his tone. "That was one. Count for me."
Another harsh slap sent you forward, teeth sinking into your lips as you spoke. "Two."
"Three." Came another. You felt yourself clench at the painful pleasure, eyes screwing shut in an attempt to suppress a moan.
Shinso let out a low chuckle as he bent down to press a soft kiss to your reddening skin. "You're not meant to enjoy this, kitten."
"I'm sor— four!" You rushed out as his hand connected with your opposite cheek. Then again, "five!"
"You're fucking dripping." He murmured and for a moment you weren't sure if he was taking to you or himself. "I bet you'd cum on my cock the second I shoved it inside of you."
His fingers kneaded into your rear before smacking against you once more. You had barely gotten out the number when it broke into a moan as Shinso reached around to pinch your clit between his fingers.
"You want daddy to stretch you with his fat cock? Do you think you earned it?"
"Yes! Please daddy, I need you so bad. It's been too long!" You whimpered and despite your frazzled state, you were able to murmur the next count of his hand.
Then you felt the head of his dick at your entrance, prodding slightly as he split you over his tip. He was thick and veiny and despite the number of times he had fucked into your pussy he always seemed to stretch you just right.
You couldn't hold back your moans as he fully sheathed himself inside you, hand connecting with your ass once more before holding you in place. When he made no motion to move you whined, attempting to roll your hips back against him only to earn another smack.
"Two more for missing your count." He snarled, "don't you dare fucking move."
Another smack rang out and you whimpered, cunt clenching down around his length as you fought the urge to shift. "N-nine."
His cock jumped inside you, spurring another moan from your lips as you fisted the sheets. The final slap was loud and it stung against your raw skin. You stuttered out the final count and he pulled from you, only to slam his hip into your tailbone as he sunk deeper than before.
Shinso let out a groan, fingertips digging into your asscheeks and spreading them as he watched himself fuck into your tight heat. "I can feel how close you are. You wanna cum on daddy's cock?"
You nodded wildly as you pushed back to meet his thrusts despite your trembling legs. "Please let me cum. Please, please, please!"
His lips covered every inch of skin he could reach, sucking and biting as he shifted hips to buck deeply into you. "Cum for me, kitty."
All of your self-control vanished at his words, your body twitching against him as you finally allowed yourself to succumb. Your cunt pulsed around him, spurring curses and moans that echoed in your ears as you finally reached your peak.
Shinso shifted his hips, hitting against the sweet spot he has grown all too familiar with, spurring you into a moaning mess beneath him. "Roll over, baby— I wanna see you."
Despite the haze from your orgasm you caught the change in his tone and your brow furrowed as you rolled onto your back. He wasted no time gripping the curve of your knee, pushing it into the air to get a clear view of your sopping pussy. His other hand wrapped around his hardened length, pumping it slowly as he stared down at you.
He drug the head of his cock along your slit and he let out a low hum as he slid the tip in, only to pull it out again. You were a moaning mess by the time he sunk into you, babbling nonsense as he hit up into your sweet spot.
Shinso dipped to press his lips against you, praise spilling from his lips as his hands sought out your own. He laced your fingers together, effectively pinning your arms to the bed. Your second orgasm took you by surprise and you arched from the bed, legs tightening around his waist as heat licked up your spine.
He fucked you through it again, however, when the bliss began to fade he waste no time running slow circles against your clit. You jumped at the contact, brow furrowing as you met his gaze with a whine.
The haze you were losing yourself in had a moment of clarity as he stared down at you. His eyes were blown wide with lust, however, there was an ounce of something else you hadn't seen before. He almost looked sad—
"You're mine." Shinsou muttered breathlessly, and while it had been a statement you couldn't help but see the concern in his gaze.
"I'm yours." You whispered and moment the words left you his mouth was on yours, smothering you with a searing kiss as his languid thrusts picked up once more.
"Mine, mine, mine.” He growled, enunciating each word with a hard thrust. The fingers that were on your clit sped up in time with his hips, "come with me— fuck! Come with daddy."
You spiraled over the edge for a final time, fingers tangling in his purple locks before you pulled him into a kiss. Shinso sunk his teeth into your bottom lip as he fucked into you, chasing his own climax. He moaned into your mouth when his hips rolled against yours and hot ropes of cum covered your fluttering walls.
After a few more lazy thrusts he rocked onto his knees, reaching between you to grip the base of his cock as he slowly pulled out. He let out a groan as he watched his cum seep from your used cunt, hot and white and all his.
You were his.
"Are you okay? That was differ—"
"I love you."
Your heart leaped at his confession, eyes widening as you stared up at him. Your words were barely above a shocked whisper as you replied, "I love you too."
"Open the fucking door, extra!"
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Little to No Space
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summary: tendou has a little crush on a certain someone, their straight faced manager that never reacts to his weird shenanigans. his best friend advises that they should get closer. 
-or, you get stuck in a locker with the guess monster.
a/n: this was based off an asmr i listened to a couple nights ago (you were hiding in a locker with a teacher of yours) it was kinda funny bc the one who  voiced it was oikawa’s official va. anyways, take whatever this is lol.
pairing/s: tendou satori x reader
wc: 2 147 (whoops)
tags: crack, comedy(?), humor, ur literally just in a funny situation lol, nsfw implication if u squint
-ꦼ———▸  crossposted on ao3
⋅. ♪ .⋅  Loving Tendou Playlist
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“You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.”  Ushijima’s deep voice broke him out of his trance, catching his attention.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Wakatoshi-kun.” He deflected. Okay, maybe he did tend to stare at you. But he swears he didn’t do it that much.
Ushijima rolled his eyes at that, “I may not be the brightest when it comes people-”
“You got that right.” He snickered while putting his gym clothes away.
“As I was saying, I at least know she isn’t the least bothered by you,” he shut his locker door with a firm bang, interrupting his musing for a moment, “we can all see how she isn’t fazed by whatever antics you flung at her.”
“But that’s just because she’s just like you!” His best friend raised his brows at him. “Not completely, but she’s uhh, I don’t know-stoic. Straight faced and doesn’t say anything much unless necessary.”
“I’m not stoic.” 
“Sure you aren’t.” Has he really not noticed?
“So you’re implying that you can be close to her?” He knew his best friend can be quite obtuse sometimes, but where did that come from?
“That’s not what I’m saying at all, where did even get that idea?” He turned his attention to his duffel bag, already done with the conversation.
But it seems Ushijima wasn’t, “You said she was just like me, even if it was just a bit. And since we’re close, that means you could be with her as well.”
“You’re grasping at short straws here Ushiwaka,” he teased. “Why do you seem so persistent to get me to talk to her?”
“Because I think she might be one of the few people that would actually tolerate your weird personality, rather than shun you for it like most people would.” Oh, that was actually helpful. He knew Ushijima rarely spoke, but whenever he did, it was always something meaningful and helpful.
Ushijima scratched at his neck, looking around the locker room looking for something.
“Uhh, watcha looking for there buddy?”
“I’m missing my pair of socks.” Ushijima groaned. Suddenly, all his previous thoughts of him being meaningful was diminished within a second. 
“That’s the fourth time this week ‘Toshi.”
“I know, but for some reason they don’t end up where they’re supposed to be.” He was pouting, the redhead could tell. You wouldn’t actually see it until you looked closely.
He had to reassure their captain before he drones about ads he read in today’s newspaper. He was not interested in discounts held for sock stores. “We’ll ask the janitors tomorrow, okay? Don’t fret about it.”
Satisfied with his answer, Ushijima nodded. They both grabbed their bags then turned to leave, until they heard a knock at the door.
“Uhm, excuse me. Is Tendou-kun here by any chance?” Speak of the devil...
He stilled, clearly not expecting for you to look for him. He wondered how long you’ve been there, hoping you haven’t heard a single word from their conversation that just happened to be about you.
Ushijima looked at him, a faint smirk curved at the corners of his lips. He gave him a look as if to say, this is your chance.
Without consulting him if he even wanted to answer, he strode towards the door and opened it without warning, causing you to jump back in surprise. The basket of jerseys nearly fell from your hands in shock. 
He mentally slapped himself in the face. Way to go Wakatoshi, scare off our manager.
“Satori’s right here,” He waved to him, standing still like a deer in the headlights. “I must go.” He walked past you, leaving no space for you to even start a conversation with him.
“Oh, uhm alright. Thank you Ushijima-san.” You waved to Ushijima before to turning to him, looking at him with a blank expression.
“I’m sorry, it seems I interrupted you on your way home. But I promise this will be quick.” You said with a flat tone. You reached down on the freshly laundered basket of jerseys, fumbling with the different colored fabrics as you looked for something. 
With a victorious ‘ah’, you held up a familiar pair of socks. 
“I kept seeing these somewhere in your locker rooms whenever I clean after practice. I usually just place them on the benches but this time it was on basket with the rest of the jerseys so I took the liberty to wash them.” He took them from your hands, fingers lightly brushing when he grab ahold of the very socks his best friend was pouting about. He jolted, feeling a sensation from the minimal contact.
Either you ignored him or didn’t notice, which was probably the latter, you moved on to place the basket on a corner. 
‘You need to stop staring at our manager and actually talk to her Satori.’
“So, how are you managing so far manager-chan?” He hoped his voice didn’t reveal how nervous he was to be alone with you. 
In truth, he liked being with you at any chance he could get. It was fun flinging non-nonsensical shit at you, just to get a reaction. It was like a challenge for him really, wanting nothing more than to see you flustered or even better, laugh at his jokes just for once.
You never looked irked or disgusted by his whole demeanor, which was something he appreciated a lot. He hoped you never would, fearing that it might be the inevitable truth he wasn’t willing to accept.
That he was a monster no one could truly understand.
“I’m still afraid of getting hit by a ball every time Ushijima-san serves, but other than that I’m doing fine.” You wiped your forehead with the back of your hand, exhaustion evident on your face. “You’re not going home, Tendou-san? It’s already late, I suggest you hurry now so you can rest easy for tomorrow’s practice.”
He smirks, suddenly feeling a mood for a good teasing. “Dawww, is our dear little manager concerned for the resident Guess Monster?” He quirked a brow as he leered at you with a teasing grin. 
Unperturbed, you tilted your head, looking a bit puzzled. “Of course I am. I am your manager after all, isn’t it my job to look after the team?”
“Don’t be shy, you can just say you like me, manager-chaaan~” He thought really shouldn’t tease you like that but he really can’t help himself.
What happened next surprised him the most.
He figured you’d wave off his teasing like always, roll your eyes then move on with your day. But instead, he spots the blushing of your cheeks. Something he didn’t expect from you at all.
He opens his mouth to say something but stops at the sounds of footsteps nearing the locker room.
Shit. If the team saw you alone with him in the locker rooms at this hour it’ll be the death of him. You wouldn’t have cared, but he knows they’ll hold it over his head and tease him relentlessly, insinuating that there’s something going on between the two of you.
With a hushed ‘Quick!’ he grabs your arm then pulls you into a vacant locker. He shuts the door in haste, making a loud bang that makes him wince. 
“Tendou what’re you-” he shuts you up with a hand covering your mouth. He looks at you pleadingly as he zips up his lips, urging you to stay quiet. You nod with his hand still covering your lips. 
“Hurry up Semi! We’re gonna be late!” Reon’s voice booms loudly as they enter the room, causing the both of you to jump in surprise.
“Wait a damn minute will you? I just forgot my wallet.” The sound of a locker opening fills in the sudden silence. He waits with a bated breath hoping they’ll leave soon.
But it seems that wasn’t the case. 
“Say... Isn’t that Tendou’s duffel bag?” You both hear Shirabu’s voice ask with uncertainty. Tendou freezes, unsure what to do.
There’s a muffled noise of shuffling. “Yeah, it’s his alright. It’s his jacket draped over it.”
“Then why is it still here? Shouldn’t he have left by now?”
“Didn’t we pass by Ushijima just earlier?” Shit. Shit. Shit.
The locker you were both hiding in was getting hotter by the minute. He feels a sweat trickle down his neck as he tries not to breathe loudly as to not grab attention. 
When Ushijima told him to get closer to you, he surely didn’t mean this!
Your soft hands reach to take his off your mouth. He mouths a soft ‘sorry’ but you shake your head softly, not minding his mistake in the slightest. With the ongoing conversation about his whereabouts outside he distracts himself with little details he begins to notice.
Like how you smelled of baby powder and faint deodorant, or how there are strands of your hair sticking to your exposed neck from your ponytail. He tries hard not to think about how close you were. Your shoulders pressed against his chest, head just below his chin, and your hips just right where his-
“Tendou-kun,” he hears you whisper. He cranes his just a bit, trying to get a look at your face. “Your phone is bumping my hip, I know there’s not much space but can you please move it a bit?” 
Phone? What phone? He was pretty sure he left it in his bag━
“Sorry.” He apologizes meekly, wiggling his hips away from you as he desperately wills his sudden hard on to calm down. This locker was gonna be the death of him soon if he stays here any longer. 
He thanks whatever deity is at work above for your obliviousness. A blessing in disguise he’s really thankful at the moment.
“Eh, why’re we wasting time here? He probably just went to the bathroom.” Semi cuts off as he grabs his wallet. Tendou thanks the ashen blond silently, promising not to tease him just for a day.
He hears the door shut. He waits until the footsteps are completely gone, then sighs in relief when no one comes back.
“Phew, that was a close call. Who knows what might’ve happened if they found us here.” He lets out a laugh, “we can leave now, [y/n]-chan.”
Then he’s looking at you, head ducked so he couldn’t see much of your face. But he peers between the strands of your hair and finally notices how flustered you look.
He smirks. “[y/n]-chan?” 
For once in your life, you try to avoid his eyes.“O-oh! Tendou-kun, are they gone yet?” 
“If I knew better manager-chan~ Judging by your flustered face, I would assume you actually wanted to stay here with me.”
Your eyes widen like saucers. “No! It’s just that it’s cramped in here, it got hot so I am blushing for different reasons!” Your composure was breaking by the minute, hands flailing in exaggeration as you try to explain in defense. 
He barks out a laugh. “Manager-chan, I was just kidding! Calm down for me, hm?” You don’t reply.
“Alright, I’m sorry for teasing you.” He says as he reaches for the knob, “let’s just get out of here-”
You shoot your hand on his wrist, surprising the both of you. “Uh... about what you just said.”
He waits for you to continue. With a deep breath you try to finish your sentence. “I don’t mind, being here with Tendou-kun.... that’s all.”
The message clicks in his brain. I like you Tendou-kun.
“Oh.” He replied numbly. He was sure he must’ve looked stupid with the face he was making, still awestruck at what you just admitted.
You giggle, a sound he finds himself emitting to his memory.
“You’re weird as ever Tendou-kun,” the look of adoration you gave him nearly made him choke. “But that’s fine, I like that about you.” 
Two confessions all at once? Was this a dream? Boy, he surely was gonna panic about this to Ushijima later, not that he’d be any of help.
Waving away the butterflies in his stomach, he ruffles your hair. “You’re too full of surprises today [y/n]-chan. Someday you’re gonna give me a heart attack if you just suddenly give me these cute faces without warning.”
He feels himself smile wide at another bashful look you give him.
“Now let’s get out of here.” He twists the knob inside but it doesn’t budge. Confused, he tries to twist it another way but it still doesn’t move. He struggles with it for a minute until he gives up. 
It wouldn’t open.
“Uhh... Tendou-kun, I think we might have to call the others.” He hears you say tentatively. 
“Sure, do you have your phone with you?”
You pat your pockets for a second. “Oh, I must’ve left it in my bag. How about we use your phone instead?” 
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Teaching You to Drive
Yagi Toshinori/ Small Might/ All Might x gn!reader
Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead x gn!reader
Warnings: None, maybe a little tiny bit of fluff
Aizawa Shouta
You had been putting this off for quite a few years now, and at this point you were much too embarrassed to do anything about it. You were reserved to bus stations and Uber rides, succumbing to the fact that you probably would never learn to drive.
Aizawa hadn’t noticed this fact about you, though. For the first date or two, at least. Once you slipped up, mentioning you were waiting for a ride to come get you, he immediately went into teacher mode.
“Wait wait wait... y/n, do you know how to drive?” He asked sharply. You inhaled as you realized you’ve been caught red handed.
“N-, well, um, I have my permit, but-“
“Absolutely not. Y/n! No,” He scolded over the phone. You cringed, but was grateful he couldn’t see your ashamed facial expression.
“Don’t plan on anything this weekend. I’m picking you up and you’re learning how to drive.”
He hung up, refusing to hear any excuses or objections you may have had.
—-time skip—-
At 9am on the dot, Aizawa was outside of your house. You were still sleeping peacefully when you heard him honking his horn. You sigh, pulling the pillow over your face.
About two seconds later, Aizawa was sitting on your windowsill, aggressively knocking at your window.
You opened it.
“Get ready. Now. I’m waiting.”
Just like that, he was gone again. You closed the window, sighing. You did not want to do this right now. Ugh.
You picked out something casual,
And just hurried up and met him out there. You knew the longer you waited the more you’d probably have to pay later.
He was sat in the passenger seat, his seatbelt on and arms crossed over his chest. He raised an eyebrow as you approached the car. On the wrong side.
You seriously weren’t ready for this.
“Are you ready for this?” He asked as if readying your mind. You couldn’t help but shake your head and laugh.
“Lose that attitude. Now. You’re ready, whether you know it or not.”
“Alright, now, what do you do first?” He asked, semi rhetorically. You put your hands on the wheel nervously.
“Wrong. Put on your seatbelt.”
This was gonna be a... trip. To say the least.
He gently yet firmly guided you though your mistakes and nervousness all while making sure you both were safe.
Everything was going fine until you saw a squirrel run in front of the car, stomping on the break a lot harder than you meant to. You both flew forward, your head nearly shattering the windowshield. Thank God for that seat belt.
“Come on, now. You can do better than that. Listen, it’s okay to want to not kill something, but be more careful before you accidentally kill yourself, too,” said Aizawa in his monotone voice. You nodded.
After a long day filled with vigorous practicing, Aizawa finally got back in the driver’s seat.
“Alright, baby, now let’s go do something fun. You’ve done really well today, and are making great progress. Keep it up and I’ll buy you something nice, alright?” He offered, his smirk barely visible. You smiled, accepting that challenge.
Toshinori Yagi/All Might/Small Might
Toshi knew you liked to be babied, so he never really questioned why you’d always ask for him to pick you up for dates or doctor’s appointments. He just thought you wanted to spend more time with him (which you did).
That was until one day, you had to buy spray paint and they had to check your id. You pulled out your wallet, showing your drivers permit. Toshi didn’t say anything, as to not embarrass you, but he made a mental note to ask you about it later.
“Hey, darling, I want to ask you a question,” he mentioned a few days later over a phone call.
“What is it?”
“Well, I noticed you have your driver’s permit, but... um... do you have- do you, um, well, can you drive?” he eventually stammered out. He didn’t want to hurt your feelings or make you feel small or stupid. (Which you did)
You sighed deeply. That alone was all the answer he needed. Before you could say no, he asked, “Do you have any plans for today at all?”
“No, but...” you started shyly.
“Don’t worry, I’m not working today. And no, you’re not wasting my time, sweetheart. I’m on my way. Get ready for me, okay, honey?”
You were silent for a few seconds. You clutched your heart.
“I love you, Toshi.”
“I love you more, baby. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. See you soon.”
The phone clicked, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Then, the fear set in. Shitttt...
You were already waiting outside of your front door when he pulled up. He playfully tossed the keys at you, and as nervous as you were, you missed them, and they fell to the ground. You swiftly retrieved them as you slouch into the driver’s seat. He watched you intently yet casually, not letting you know how nervous he was too. Sure, he taught the kids at UA, but that was hero stuff, stuff that is just second nature to him. It’s something that you can’t really get wrong, either. As long as no one dies and you win, you’re winning. But with driving, there’s so many laws, social rules, and even if you follow all the rules, someone else could always cause you to get in an accident.
Plus, you’re you. There’s a big difference between teaching students and teaching someone you love. You’re scared of hurting their feelings, or frustrating them, or confusing them.
So far, all you knew what to do was to put your seatbelt on. You looked at him, eyes pleading for step by step instructions.
“Alright, just put the key into the ignition, and we’ll get started.”
You nodded, fumbling for a moment. You turned it, the engine purring. Now the nerves really kicked in. This is real.
God I’m gonna kill us, fuck I can’t see him dead, it’s gonna be my fault, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die
Your brain rushed through horrific images of car accidents, blood, guts, and gore. And it’d all be your fault.
“Honey, is everything okay?” A hand met your shoulder. You looked at him silently.
“I can’t do this. I can’t...” you started sobbing. Toshi turned the key and removed it, the engine stopping. He rubbed your back gently, his fingers brushing along your spine.
“Shhh, shh... it’s okay. Tell me what you’re thinking, baby. It’s going to be okay...” he cooed in your ear.
“I just don’t want to kill us... I don’t want to die.. I don’t- don’t want you to die...”
“Oh, honey... I’m gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay. I promise.”
“It’s okay to be scared. But I promise you, you can and will do this. I believe in you.”
You took a deep breath, wiping the tears from your face. Your boyfriend kissed you on the cheek, dropping the keys into your hand.
“Are you ready to try again?”
You nodded. The engine started back up once again, and Toshi took a moment to show you where to position your hands on the wheel. Then, you placed your foot on the accelerator.
Way too hard.
You both flew forward. Startled, you stomped on the brake.
Toshi tried his best not to agree that maybe you *would* actually kill him today. Instead, he gently instructed you on how little pressure is really needed to make the car move at a normal speed.
You began again, this time doing much better.
“Good job, baby. Keep going, you’re doing so great for me,” he praised quietly. You blushed, the little compliments hatching into butterflies in your tummy.
You of course made mistakes, I mean, this is your first time ever operating a car. Ever. So that’s to be expected.
Overall, you were making quite a good bit of progress, especially after driving for just a few hours. Finally, after a good couple of hours, Toshi offered to take you home.
“Only if you promise to come cuddle!” You jokingly tease.
“Oh, absolutely. Count on it.”
And you did. When you got home, you dramatically flopped onto the bed, arms open and eyes needy. He pulled the blanket aside and pulling you close.
“I’m so proud of you, honey. You really did a great job.”
You thanked him with a kiss. And another. And another.
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
Saving Her (Ojiro Mashirao x Wolf!Reader)
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Part 14: Shinsou receives some surprising news, Eri-chan is adorable and Aizawa is 100% a proud dad. When you get back to Heights Alliance, Hagakure and Ashido have got a few tricks up their sleeves to push you and Ojiro together. Contains hints of all the ships: Kaminari x Jirou, Kirishima x Mina, Todoroki x Midoriya, Asui x Tokoyami. And a riveting game of truth or dare is finally enough for you and Ojiro to face the truth of the reason why your hearts beat so fast when you’re around each other.
Word Count: 9.9k
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That night when you got back to Heights Alliance, you were exhausted but at least it wasn't even near curfew yet.
During dinner, your dad had announced that he talked to the principal and they decided to allow him to fully transfer.
Shinsou's eyes were wide in shock as Aizawa elaborated that he would start classes in the hero course starting next week and Eri clapped her hands together jubilantly, diving in his lap to hug him around his waist.
"Toshi-nii, yayyy!!!"
Shinsou awkwardly patted her on the back, still reeling at the bomb his mentor had just dropped on him. He hadn't been expecting it so soon. According to his sensei's plan, he was supposed to undergo three more weeks of training and then a series of tests that would accurately assess whether or not his physical capabilities had improved enough to let him in.
But Aizawa had made a call, one that told Nezu that the teenager was more than ready to take on the challenges that would come with the transfer. He could handle it. He was more than prepared.
You had squealed happily once the news broke and eagerly asked if anyone else knew about it, to which your dad blankly stated that Nezu had only just informed him, so no, none of your nosy classmates were aware yet.
Shinsou jolted out of his trance when you ran over to him and shook him violently, almost dislodging Eri as you asked over and over again which class he was going to pick.
He stared at you incredulously. "What the heck— Class A, now stop shaking me!!"
You immediately released him and cheered loudly, grabbing Eri to dance while Aizawa sidled over to his student.
"You okay, kid?" He asked with a touch of concern as Shinsou didn't react.
Blinking, Shinsou nodded slowly. "I just... I didn't expect it to come so soon."
Aizawa shrugged. "Well, you worked hard. You should be proud of yourself."
Shinsou looked down and swallowed hard. Was he proud? He didn't know. It all felt so sudden.
Aizawa's eyes softened as he picked up on the turmoil swirling inside of the younger and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Don't think about it so much. You worked hard, you earned your spot, Toshi."
After a pause, Shinsou dipped his head in hesitant agreement and Aizawa frowned, understanding why he felt he couldn't celebrate yet but almost wished that he allowed himself this accomplishment.
He had worked extra hard on his training on top of all his other schooling. If anyone deserved this, he did.
Another hour passed and after dessert, Eri could barely keep her eyes open.
Aizawa was reluctant to let you and Shinsou take a cab back to the dorms by yourselves since it was already dark out but he had to put Eri to bed and he made you both promise to text him the second you got back.
And under no circumstances were you two allowed to leave each other's sides until he confirmed it with a message that he had gotten your text.
Neither you nor Shinsou had rolled your eyes at the demanding tone he took with you like you normally would have done. This was too important.
The twenty minute ride that followed was uneventful at best but perhaps that was a good thing. It meant that nobody suspicious was lingering around and causing trouble.
"Thank you for your hard work!!" You said, bowing your head as the driver tipped his head in your direction before speeding off.
Shinsou elbowed you in the ribs, stuffing his hands in his pocket to fish around for his phone for a second before he found it. White light blinded him for a second before he got a handle on the device and adjusted the brightness so that it was no longer glaring in his face.
Sending a quick message to his mentor to let him know that you had both made it back safely, he shoved it back in his pocket, heading in the direction of Class 1-C's dorms when you latched around his arm.
"Where are you going?!" You wailed, hanging onto him with the help of your tail as he furiously tried to throw you off.
"Ack, get off of me, you little leech." Shinsou hissed, only growing more annoyed when you shook your head stubbornly and stuck your tongue out at him childishly. "Geez, you're worse than Eri."
The affronted gasp you let out was all the incentive he needed to pry you off and race towards the dorms.
"TOSHI!!!!" You shouted as you barreled after him and he laughed, so openly and freely that you forgot to be mad at him for the comment you know he didn't mean about Eri.
He loved her, he really did, and you knew that the only reason why he said that was to rile you up and get under your skin so you would let go. You hated how it worked.
Waving goodbye for now, you two parted ways.
"Welcome back, L/N-san!!" Midoriya greeted earnestly as you stepped through the doors.
You skipped over to him, giving him a hug as a greeting and he stammered, clearly affected by your presence. Giggling, you took mercy on your friend and did a quick scan of the commons.
Tokoyami, Koda and Hagakure were studying on the couches, Kirishima hanging over Koda's shoulders in an attempt to get the difficult material through his head.
Sato was in the kitchen, no surprise there, but the additional presence of Kaminari had you doing a double-take.
"Uh, are you sure he's meant to be there?" You asked skeptically, jabbing a thumb towards the electric blond who had his tongue poking out in concentration as he stirred something in a mixing bowl.
Sero barely spared a glance in the direction you pointed at, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as he concentrated on beating Ashido in this round of Mario Cart.
"He hasn't burnt anything down or caused a power outage yet, so Iida says it's okay." He told you, cheering when he passed the finish line first.
As Ashido was left to pout, you observed Kaminari for a second longer. It was rare to see him so focused on a task, you were almost wondering what happened to him.
You leaned over as Hagakure gestured for you to come closer, envisioning the smirk the invisible girl must have had on her face as you complied.
"He's getting Sato-kun to teach him how to make chocolates for Jirou!!" She whispered to you so discreetly that none of the boys surrounding her picked up on it as they talked over the paper they had to finish by the end of this weekend.
Tonight wasn't a school night, thankfully, so everyone was a little more relaxed. Which, if you thought about it, actually made sense since less than half of the class that was downstairs was working on homework.
In the group of seven girls, it wasn't a secret that Jirou was harboring a bit of a crush on the electric blond, but what was a surprise to you was that those feelings looked like they were returned.
Your heart skipped a beat and you fought the urge to jump for joy, knowing full well that Jirou would not appreciate you spilling the beans on that secret.
It was just so cute!!
It was nowhere near Valentine's Day, so you wondered what got his heart twisted in a bunch to do this for her, but you couldn't say you were complaining. Practically the whole class was waiting for one of them to confess.
Ashido even managed to lock the two of them in a closet together but it didn't go anywhere, much to her dismay, and she spent the rest of the week dodging Jirou's earphone jack before she readily apologized and the other girl begrudgingly forgave her.
All of that going on took away from the fact that Kaminari's shoulders slumped in defeat as he trudged back to his room, locking himself away for the rest of the day. No one had noticed it except for Kirishima and Hagakure, who happened to look his way by chance.
You were glad that he was doing this though. Something told you he still intended to go after her until he worked up the courage to confess.
It was rather endearing.
Slinking stealthily to the stairwell to avoid drawing the attention of the rest of your classmates, you raced upstairs to the room of the one person you wanted to see the most since he wasn't on the common floor.
Knocking on the door, you bent over your knees and caught your breath before opening it a fraction when you heard him say you could come in.
"Hey," You said softly, bounding inside as he motioned invitingly and nuzzled the top of Ojiro's head from where he was seated at his desk, slaving away over the math problems he got assigned earlier that day.
He turned around the instant you stepped into the room, attention shifting over to you as his tail curled around you in a brief hug.
"You're back." Ojiro breathed in relief, his eyes flitting over you for a second. "Did you have fun?"
"Oh yeah," You giggled, flopping onto his bed, propping your head up with one hand. "Shinsou nearly won the last match they had."
Ojiro laughed, striding over to you and knelt down by your side. "Nearly?"
"Mmhm..." You hummed. "Dad put him in a headlock though that he couldn't get out of."
Ojiro smiled at your tease, shaking his head slightly but was ultimately glad that you were just happy. Even if it had been at the expense of Shinsou.
He was one of the only ones that knew exactly where Aizawa's flat was, that information strictly to be used in an emergency situation only.
The last thing Aizawa wanted was for them to destroy the peace and tranquility he had at home on his days off when he didn't have to deal with something being broken, set on fire, or carelessly thrown around that required funds to fix it.
No way.
The rest of his classmates were aware of how much time their teacher spent with you and Shinou outside of class but nobody minded the favoritism, all equally aware of how tough Aizawa got on you two especially during school.
With your background and Shinsou's aloofness, it was only natural for most of them to be glad that their sensei had taken to you two so well.
Most of them.
Bakugou had exploded on more than one account that he didn't care but in truth, he was just as curious to see where you and the brainwashing kid left after school. You both always came back rather late, it was odd.
Shoji had expressed his concern on more than one occasion, wondering if you really were safe enough to come back on your own after it got dark out but you waved him off, reassuring him that the phone Jirou had bought for you and taught you how to use was very effective in calling emergency services when you pressed a simple button.
You weren't worried. You felt safe.
Safer than you had in years.
You squirmed, trying to get comfortable on the bed even though nothing helped to quell the heat you felt creeping up your neck at Ojiro's closeness.
He raised an eyebrow and you swore you saw a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Y/N?"
That time, there was no mistaking the playful lilt in his voice and you fumbled, throwing the blankets up in your haste to hide under them.
Ojiro's voice was muffled when he called out to you and even though you tried desperately to block it out, nothing worked, your mortification only growing as he pinched a corner of your makeshift den, as though he was going to lift it up.
This wasn't fun. He got too much joy out of teasing you when you two were alone, it was so unfair!!
He always managed to catch you off-guard somehow, with those sweet smiles that radiated kindness and were the beacon of your hope.
It wasn't your fault!! You got flustered easily!!
Throwing off the blankets with a huff, you kept your arms pinned to your body as you pouted up at him.
"Don't tease me!!" You cried indignantly and he laughed.
"I'm not." Ojiro replied but the twinkle in his eye all but gave him away.
You pointed an accusatory finger at him. "You are!!"
Chuckling, Ojiro caught your hand when it flailed in his direction and lowered it gently. "Okay, maybe I am."
As he laughed again, you pushed your bottom lip out even further but when it clearly wasn't dying down, you shuffled back under the blankets until only the top of your head peeked out.
"Y/N, come on out." Ojiro tried to coax, biting his lip when your ears flopped around as you shook your head stubbornly. "I'm sorry for teasing you."
At the genuine tone, you cautiously pulled down the covers, gazing at him suspiciously. "You are?"
Ojiro nodded. "Yes."
As you sat up, satisfied with his apology, you squeaked in surprise when he accidentally leaned closer to you in the process.
Neither one of you expected that proximity. You blushed and stammered while Ojiro ducked his head down to avoid your gaze.
Nothing could be heard except your breathing and the rustle of his tail as he accidentally knocked something over, both of you wincing as the silence was broken.
You giggled slightly, feeling a bit ridiculous. "Mashirao?"
You almost fell over when you caught his eye, the sheer amount of tenderness in his gaze making your heart pound and blood rushed to your head when he hugged you carefully.
"I'm sorry, you're just... very easy to fluster." He said slowly, choosing his words carefully, wondering if you could somehow hear how hard his heart was pounding.
"Oh..." You trailed off quietly, unsure about how that made you feel. So he was teasing you. That hurt a bit more than you thought it would.
But Ojiro's arms tightened around you when you tried to wrangle free, sensing your sadness as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "Wait, I didn't word that right."
You could barely breathe, not daring to take a breath for fear that this moment would shatter. The atmosphere was heavy and it felt as though an invisible tapestry had draped over you both, only to be lifted when he got the courage to say what was weighing on his heart.
"It's... very cute." Ojiro admitted sheepishly, growing shy as you blinked at him innocently. "You're... cute."
His hesitation probably should have raised red flags but they didn't, and that was because you knew he was being completely honest with you. He was never one to waste breath on saying something he thought was unimportant.
It was odd, the giddiness that overcame you as you bumped your nose against his, a spark of joy running through your system as you heard him voice that he thought you were cute.
Ojiro laughed breathlessly. "Yeah."
It was short but it was sweet. You nudged his jaw and he tilted it instinctively to let you scent him. Sighing when his comforting scent flooded over you, you snuggled into his neck, closing your eyes as he hugged you closely.
You could feel his solid body pressing against yours, it was warm and safe. It felt like home.
Ojiro's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he caressed your hair, drawing back to whisper into your ear before he lost his nerve.
"Y/N, there's one more thing I want to tell you."
You hummed, your tail wagging in lazy eagerness as the appendage answered for you and he laughed nervously, his own tail flexing anxiously as he thought about what he was finally going to confess.
What he was finally going to say after a whole month of debating about it.
His feelings went deeper than a crush. He knew that much. Every time you walked into the room, he was left wondering when you would come over to him and every time you left, he always worried about where you were going and if you were safe.
Nothing set his heart at ease other than having you in his arms after a long day of classes and rigorous training. There was nothing like inhaling your sweet scent and breathing you in until you both fell asleep in each other's arms, limbs tangled together on his bed or yours.
How a proud smile never failed to appear on his face whenever you worked your way through something that was difficult, whether it was an emotional or physical barrier that prevented you from achieving what you wanted to achieve.
You were brave. You were kind. And you were so strong.
Ojiro took a deep breath. "I lov—"
A sharp knock at the door interrupted him, effectively making the two of you spring apart and shattering the bubble you had been in.
“Downstairs in ten minutes!!!” Hagakure’s voice floated through the door as she jumped up and down excitedly outside. “And no excuses, we’re playing a game!!”
The rapid footfalls signaled that she had scampered away, presumably to rope the rest of your friends into this little game that she had schemed up on the fly. 
You glanced at Ojiro, clapping a hand over your mouth when he stood up and almost tripped.
“I’m sorry—” You giggled, unable to help it at the mock insulted look on his face. “I don’t know why I’m laughing!!”
You really didn’t. You certainly didn’t think it had anything to do with how fast your heart was beating at how close he was to saying something you dearly hoped wasn’t a trick of your mind.
You guessed you would never know now. 
Timidly taking his hand as he offered it to you, you bit back a smile as he grabbed your favorite plushie and handed it to you.
“We’re going down now?” You asked curiously as he led you out and closed the door behind him. “Hagakure said we don’t need to be downstairs until ten more minutes.”
Ojiro shrugged slightly, giving you a small smile. “I don’t want them to take all the good seats.”
Throwing your head back, you laughed at the cheeky reply as the two of you made your way to the vacant common floor.
The TVs had been turned off as well as all the lights and you didn’t bother turning them on as you got comfortable on one of the couches in the living area.
Five minutes passed.
You wriggled on Ojiro’s lap, trying to contain your excitement. It was almost 11 pm at night, way past Bakugou’s bedtime, and you were currently keeping yourself occupied until everyone else got down here, wondering what Hagakure had planned for tonight.
Given no other explanation, you played with your lion plushie while you waited for her to come back and explain what was going on. 
“Y/N…” Ojiro said with a smile and you froze in place. 
Willing your tail to calm down and stop tickling his face, you giggled as he rested his chin on top of your shoulder, your cheeks pinking. 
“Sorry…” You said sheepishly but he shook his head.
“It’s okay.” He chuckled, holding back a fond smile.
You were playing with Koko to keep yourself entertained while you waited and his heart warmed when you dropped a kiss on its fuzzy head. It wasn’t as though you didn’t use the presents that your friends gave you but this was special because this was the one he had given to you.
And this was the one you held every night before you went to sleep.
Everyone else came in a slow trickle, most of the boys obviously skeptical of how Ashido managed to get them all roped up in it. 
“What’s all of this about?” Kirishima asked earnestly, pulling his stubborn best friend who was violently protesting the entire way behind him that this was a waste of time and that he needed his sleep.
Somehow, he had managed to bring Bakugou along. You weren’t sure that was a win though, with how disgruntled the explosion boy looked from being woken up.
“Why do I have to be here?” Jirou grumbled, dragging her feet as Ashido tugged her along.
“Because~” The pink girl whined. “It’ll be fun!!”
“This is not my idea of fun.” She sighed but reluctantly caved in and took a seat next to Shoji, sitting cross-legged on the couch and twirled one of her jacks around a finger.
Ashido clapped her hands to garner everyone’s attention, smiling widely. 
You snuggled further into Ojiro, wanting nothing more than to curl up and take a nap on him. You had thought you would be more nervous around him after what you thought he had almost said before he was interrupted but there was nothing other than the pleasant hum of your heart. 
 Today had been taxing with news that Shinsou’s dream was finally going to be put into motion and you really didn’t want to do anything else besides sleep in his embrace. His hand landed on top of your head and he stroked your hair evenly until you almost drifted off. 
That was, until you heard what Hagakure announced next.
“Let’s play truth or dare!!!” She squealed and you nearly fell off of Ojiro in shock. 
Eyes wide in horror, you could practically see the mischievous glint in her eye and your mind raced at a mile per minute. 
Oh no, no, no, no, no—
“Y/N’s going first!!” Hagakure shouted.
“No way!!” You sputtered in disbelief, cheeks coloring as all eyes turned on you. “Why do I have to go first?!”
Sensing your unease, Ojiro intervened.
“Maybe we should play another game?” He suggested diplomatically.
Ashido pouted, planting her hands on her hips. “Noooooo I have a question I want to ask Kirishima really bad!!”
Kirishima blinked in shock and pointed to himself as though he couldn’t believe that out of everyone, she had something to ask him. “Me?”
Your shoulders sagged in relief as she hadn’t called you out but that didn’t make you any less wary of her or Hagakure’s intentions. They were both well known for being deceptively crafty when it came to anything romance related and you were sure you weren’t safe just because you were friends.
Todoroki had Soba in his lap and was petting him idly, largely ignoring the chaos raging around him while everyone bickered about the order to go in.
Yaoyorozu and Midoriya pitched in that there should be an impartial game of chance to determine who was going first, Iida echoing their reasoning with swift hand chops and a shout that could be heard above the clamor.
Eventually, for fairness, Ashido ended up using Aoyama’s idea of putting everyone’s name in a hat that Yaoyorozu created for random drawing.
The person selected could ask anyone a question, even if they’ve already gone and once they’re done, the selectee picks another name from the hat. 
No matter if the person picked truth or dare, if the person doesn’t want to answer the question or do the dare, they’d have to prank Aizawa.
During class. In front of everyone as proof.
And no one wanted to cross their homeroom teacher. Not even you wanted to take chances with your dad. He could be extremely scary when woken up from his nap during homeroom and no one was willing to take a chance on their life just to avoid answering a question or to negate a silly dare.
Because everyone knew that their lives would be at stake if it boiled down to their furious homeroom teacher who had been disrupted by their antics.
With that, the game began.
Surprisingly, Yaoyorozu got drawn first, and being the kind person she was, she asked Uraraka if she would like to go on an all-paid-for shopping spree the next day they had off, to which Uraraka promptly burst into tears at her friend’s generosity, blubbering out an agreement of sorts.
Once she collected herself, Uraraka drew next, getting Koda and asked him if there were any pets that he would like to own. He shyly signed that he had been wanting to take care of a Mamushi, a Japanese pit viper, but was uncertain about how Kawaii-chan would deal with the snake if and when he got one. 
The stunned silence that followed was not surprising since this was so far left-field, it even caught Bakugou off-guard. 
Koda drew from the hat, sweating nervously when he opened it up and saw the name.
“... Bakugou…”
Bakugou’s forehead irked in annoyance. 
“Dare.” He spat before Koda even got a chance to ask him.
Koda’s nervousness grew to unprecedented levels at the red aura emitting from the enraged pomeranian, stumbling over his words so much so that you felt bad for him. He could barely form his thoughts, let alone get his words out.
“I dare you to be nice to Midoriya for one day.” Koda said quietly, shaking frightfully as the aura increased to murderous and he squeaked, absolutely petrified.
Ashido slapped a hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing as Sero and Kaminari promptly burst into tears of hysteria, smacking their thighs as they howled in laughter.
“Bakugou, that’s enough.” Shoji instructed evenly, shielding Koda before the seething teen could jump on him, though it did nothing to stop the sparks from popping in his hand.
“Why the fuck do I have to be nice to shitty Deku?!” Bakugou exploded, whirling around at the sound of a throat clearing calmly.
“Are you saying you can’t do it?” You asked slyly without cracking an eye open and Ojiro nearly lost it.
Bakugou scowled. “Like hell I can’t!!”
“Well then!!” You clapped your hands, sitting up as you flashed him a cheeky grin. “Then this should be no problem for the number one hero, right?”
Bakugou growled at you but he knew he had landed himself in this trap. You had covered it with honey and like an idiot, he went after it. 
“Fuck.” He hissed under his breath, snapping around to face a petrified Midoriya head-on. “I’m going to fucking kill you—”
“Ah, ah, ah!!” You tsked, wagging a finger at him. “Play nice, remember? 24 hours starts now.”
Bakugou raged for a good five minutes before sitting down heavily, glaring holes into the back of Midoriya’s head. 
You flashed Koda a thumbs-up and he smiled at you gratefully for enforcing the dare he wouldn’t have been able to do. 
The next several rounds passed by in the blink of an eye. 
Bakugou dared Aoyama to go outside and yell that he loves cheese, Tokoyami got dared by Aoyama to go the entirety of next week without wearing black, and Tokodoki was dared to leave Soba in the care of Bakugou, to which he promptly responded that he’d rather pour water over Aizawa’s head.
Next week was going to be interesting. 
You giggled at the horrified expression on Tokoyami’s face that he had to go without all next week without wearing his favorite color, so much so that you missed your name being called until Ashido and Hagakure screamed excitedly.
You nearly jumped ten feet into the air. “AHHH, WHAT?!?!”
Ashido grinned, rubbing her hands evilly. Todoroki had just gotten done asking her a question about what her favorite food was. 
“Oh, Y/N-chan~” Ashido sang and you sweated nervously, subconsciously leaning back into Ojiro’s chest as she trained her golden irises glimmering with mischief on you.
Hagakure tugged on her sleeve, whispering something in her ear and a crafty grin spread across her lips. 
“Truth or dare?!”
“T-Truth…?” You stammered out uncertainly, wary of that look in her eye. 
Your heart plummeted as Ashido clapped her hands gleefully.
Oh no.
Ashido wasted no time leaning forward and peering at you with her eyes gleaming. 
“Do you have a crush on anyone?” She asked cheekily, already knowing the answer thanks to your slip up the last time all you girls had gathered. 
Your fingers halted from where they were playing with Ojiro’s hands and you squeaked. 
Behind you, Ojiro went rigid as he tensed underneath you and his breath hitched, unconsciously waiting for your answer along with the rest of your classmates. 
Playing with your tail anxiously, your ear twitched and heat warmed your face, setting it on fire the instant her question hit you. 
Biting your lip, you uttered quietly a noise of confirmation that had Hagakure squealing and Ashido jumping for joy.
The majority of the boys looked shocked but Bakugou rolled his eyes, thinking everyone had to be blind not to see it.
“Who is it?!” Hagakure demanded, trying to get you to admit it and you just flashed her a smile.
“Nope, I already answered the question.” You said, grinning widely at her whine, thinking you found a loophole to this little game of cat and mouse they were playing with you.
Despite her protests and Ashido’s pouts, you drew another name from the hat, passing the torch of attention over to Sato as he was picked. 
Once he picked truth, you eagerly asked Sato if he would ever open his own bakery one day and he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully as he said he always wanted to but he wasn’t sure that his creations were good enough.
You shouted incredulously, blurting out that you thought they were amazing along with the rest of the girls, Shoji even inputting that he thought that as well.
“These truths are so tame.” Kaminari complained after almost everyone had gone once. “There needs to be more dares.”
“Ooooo, then why don’t we switch it up!!” Uraraka said, her eyes shining excitedly at the prospect of a challenge. “Only dares from now on!!”
“Eh?!” You yelped. “What, why?!”
“YES, GREAT IDEA!!!!” Ashido squealed and you groaned, burying your face in your hands. 
“No…” You moaned. 
Aside from knowing that they had something up their sleeves planned for you, you were really not looking forward to doing whatever that was. You didn’t want to be involved in any of this or have anybody’s attention on you, all you wanted to do was watch your friends have fun. 
This was going to be a disaster. 
Ojiro chuckled as Kirishima threw an empty paper plate in Bakugou’s face but even he couldn’t stop his heart from palpitating and he prayed that you couldn’t feel it against your back. 
You hugged Koko to your chest anxiously as the dares got more and more bold, elaborate and downright ridiculous. 
Asui got dared to peck Tokoyami on the cheek, Sero got challenged to a match with Bakugou the next time they trained together and Yaoyorozu had to go without buying anything from online stores for three days. 
The only reason why Sero didn’t make it involve all the stores was because he knew she’d go crazy.
And then, the dreaded time for your second turn came around. 
Luckily, neither Ashido or Hagakure drew your name, it was Yaoyorozu instead. 
Her eyes were sympathetic as she regarded your fidgeting form. 
“Y/N-chan,” She started, loud enough for everybody to hear. “You must spend 30 minutes with Ojiro-san in the pantry.”
It was silent at first, then the uproar started.
“WHAT?!?!” You shrieked, your face bright red.
You couldn’t see it, but Ojiro was wearing an identical expression of shock and embarrassment as Jirou laughed along with Uraraka and Kaminari, Iida loudly shouting for them to have some restraint.
“Go go go!!!” Ashido and Hagakure cheered together, yanking you up to your feet while Sato hauled Ojiro up to his, subsequently pushing the two of you together until you fell inside the pantry.
You immediately fell and Ojiro toppled in after you.
The lock that clicked sealed your fate and you whimpered at the sudden darkness that encompassed the two of you.
Ojiro’s eyebrows scrunched together in the dark, concerned that you had hurt yourself. “Y/N?”
You feebly answered that you were okay, knowing that he must be worried about you, and your hands knocked into his as you scoured the tiled floor on all fours, searching for your fallen plushie in the cramped space.
“Koko…” You whined, your eyes lighting up when your fingers brushed against something soft.
You could almost hear the smile in Ojiro’s voice. “That’s my tail.”
You drew back, yelping in pain as the back of your head banged against the shelf and a lump got caught in your throat when Ojiro scrambled over you.
“Y/N!! Are you okay?!”
You mumbled out an embarrassed yes, losing your ability to say anything else as he pressed up against you. He was so close.
Too close.
There was almost no breathing room between you two and all you could feel, hear, and sense was Ojiro’s labored breathing and the soft swish that his tail made as he balanced himself over you so he wouldn’t crush you.
A pout formed on your lips and even though he couldn’t see it, you made sure that the forlorn whine in your tone carried through. “Koko…”
Ojiro fingers clumsily found yours and he breathed a sigh of relief at having found where you were. “I’m sure you just dropped her outside.”
You hummed disappointedly, ears flicking as you heard the conversation pick back up outside, indicating that the rest of your scheming friends resumed their game. At least you were in here and not out there in this predicament. 
You didn’t want to know what they would say if they say you guys like this.
“Um, Mashirao?” You whispered, scooting up a little bit so that you were sitting on your bottom.
It was a bit awkward. His knees bumped into yours more than once as he figured out how to situate himself and you squeaked when he pressed against you in an attempt to find space somewhere. 
Repeating his name when he had settled down, opting for slotting his legs around yours that were propped up so that he was no longer crowding you, you sighed to yourself.
“How long do you think it’s been?” You asked curiously, oblivious to the crimson staining his cheeks due to the lack of light.
Ojiro cleared his throat, forcing his tail to stop swishing nervously, lest he knock something over and clue you in on his anxiousness. Being in here with you and being this close was making his heart pound and his palms sweat. 
It was too much, and at the same time, not enough.
Because he still had yet to tell you how he felt.
“Y/N—” He started quietly. “Can I ask you something?”
You were startled since you thought that he would just want to sit in silence until the time was up and you found yourself nodding instinctively before you realized he couldn't see you. 
“Y-Yes, of course you can.” You stammered out, cursing yourself for your inability to form a coherent sentence without stumbling over your words when you were around him.
Once. Just once you wanted to know what it was like to speak with complete and utter self-control and clarity when it came to him. 
Your massive crush on him probably wouldn’t ever let you.
Ojiro played with his tail absentmindedly, able to find a sliver of comfort in the familiar way it felt in his hands as he prepared himself for the inevitable heartbreak. “Who… Who do you like?”
You froze and you swore the temperature in the cluttered pantry dropped by several degrees.
“W-What?!” You squeaked.
“Earlier, when Ashido asked if you liked anyone… you said yes.” Ojiro reiterated, avoiding looking at you even though he knew you wouldn’t judge him.
Not that you could, you could barely make out his shape in this darkened place. 
You couldn’t come up with an excuse for that one. 
Ojiro’s tone morphed into curiosity. “What are they like?”
The underlying sadness went unnoticed as you frantically tried to think of a way out of this situation and you tripped over your words in your haste to get out.
“I… You… Argh!!”
Ojiro nearly jumped out of his skin as empty cans clattered down on the floor from where your tail had gone rogue and knocked them all off of the shelf. They really should get rid of those and free up some more space in the endlessly full pantry but Asui liked to use the empty ones for growing water lilies when they were nothing more than just a pink or white bud. 
“... Y/N?” Ojiro prompted, hearing you go quiet.
You hesitated. You really didn’t want to say this but all your thoughts were filled with him and only him. You hardly knew at this point if it was because you were actively trying not to think about him that made things this way or if you were really just that obsessed with him.
I’m screwed, aren’t I?
“He’s kind.”
Ojiro broke out of his stupor once he realized you had actually answered him.
You smiled softly to yourself, envisioning the dumbfounded look that must be on his face, knowing that’s how he got every single time you said something about him. 
“He’s sweet, not just to me, but to everyone else.” You continued quietly. “His eyes always light up when something makes him happy and he’s such a good friend…”
Ojiro felt like he was hearing all of this underwater as you continued to speak so highly of this mystery guys, his heart breaking with every word you said. And he thought he was so sure that if you didn’t return his affections, that you at least thought of him as a good friend but now he wasn’t so sure after hearing all of that.
It seemed like this guy that you were crushing on hung the stars in the sky. You spoke of him like he was your whole world.
Ojiro swallowed thickly, blinking back tears.
Maybe this guy could take better care of you than he could.
You couldn’t see it but you sensed the mood change in the air and shifting to move onto your hands and knees, you padded forward curiously, nervously wondering if he had figured it out and didn’t return your feelings.
Pushing that aside once your ears picked up on the sound of his sniffles, your brow creased in concern, worried about him.
“M-Mashirao?! Are you okay?!” You asked frantically, keeping your voice low so that you didn’t draw the attention of your friends outside. This would be the worst possible moment for them to open the door. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I’m fine.” Ojiro managed to respond, closing his eyes briefly to gather himself. “Don’t worry, okay?”
Your being filled with apprehension as his hand skimmed the side of your face to find it in the dark before plopping on top of your head to ruffle your hair reassuringly. But you let out a slight whine when he pulled away quicker than normal.
“You don’t sound fine…” You whimpered worriedly, nudging your nose against his hand as you located it easily. 
While your eyes took a longer time to adjust seeing in the dark, your senses were sharp and you detected his ragged breathing as well as how his hands drew back before fisting at his sides.
He definitely wasn’t okay. 
And you thought you might be imagining it, but was that hurt in his voice that he tried to mask? Was he offended that you thought so highly of him?
Ojiro’s eyes glazed over as he heard you whimper sadly and he sucked in a breath. And even though his heart was shattered, he still wrapped his arms around you and tugged you close to him.
“Y/N, I—” His tongue felt thick in his mouth, unable to form the words he wanted to say and he sighed. “I hope you find happiness.”
You blinked up at him, tucking in your knees tight. You couldn’t relax against him, physically incapable of it since the comfort his presence usually brought you was nowhere to be found at the heavy sadness in his tone. 
You stuttered, “I-I— Mashirao, I—”
“You don’t have to tell me who it is.” Ojiro said sorrowfully, hushing you quietly as his jaw clenched in jealousy. “I just hope that Shinsou’s able to protect you well enough.”
Bolting upright at the shock of his name, your jaw dropped. “Shinsou?!”
Ojiro cocked his head to the side. “Isn’t it him?”
You shook your head so fast that he felt the air whip around him from the force of your hair flying. 
Another head shake, faster than the last.
Ojiro was running out of options. “Then who? Is he in our grade?”
“It’s you!!” You blurted out in frustration, unable to prevent yourself from holding back any longer. 
Ojiro’s entire body tensed in shock, his eyes going wide at your confession and the hands on your waist stilled as he sucked in a sharp breath.
You pounded your fists on his chest, your head falling on his shoulder, unconsciously leaning into him and seeking him out as your anxiety took over.
“You dummy.” You mumbled, shaking in fear of a rejection. 
You should’ve been more prepared for this. As the time ticked by, he still failed to say anything in response and your heart was going into overdrive. 
Pushing his hands away, you tried to untangle from him but that apparently disrupted whatever trance he was in because his arms tightened around you, preventing you from getting up.
“No, wait—” Ojiro protested, his mind spiraling as he tried to collect his thoughts before you could leave. “Y/N!!”
Your skin prickled with unease at hearing him call it out so panicked, like he was afraid he’d lose you. You were the one who was worried about that, why should he care so much?
“It’s fine.” You sniffled, wiping your nose furiously with the back of your hand as you attempted to backpedal again, only to be stopped by his strong arms. “Ojiro-san, let go—”
“Mashirao.” Ojiro corrected brokenly. “You… My name, call me by my given name.”
You swallowed hard, shaking your head against his shoulder as he squeezed you closely to him and you squirmed. You thought you had lost that privilege to call him by his first name, the intimacy a sour taste in your mouth as you realized that some other girl would get to call him that one day.
You stopped fighting against him but refused to meet his gaze.
Ojiro’s hand slid under your jaw, tipping your head up and this close, you could see his eyes shining with emotion.
“It’s you.” He murmured breathlessly, his eyes softening as they filled with the deepest amount of pure love. “It’s always been you, Y/N.”
Gasping, you nearly choked as he rested his forehead against yours, his warm breath puffing out over your cheeks and you giggled uncontrollably as he pulled your legs across his, tucking your head under his chin. 
“You were talking about me?”
The disbelief in his voice had you wiggling out from under him.
“Yeah,” You blushed, thinking about how much you gushed about him before he actually knew that you were referring to him. You thought it was obvious that you were talking about him. “Was— I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
Ojiro bumped his nose against yours reassuringly. “You didn’t.”
He could have hid it better if you were so close to him but since you were, you could feel the air around you stir as his tail thumped happily against the wall. 
Though, you couldn’t blame him. Yours was just as bad, hitting his side every time and you were about to apologize when he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head.
“I love you.” Ojiro confessed softly, his heart pounding in his ears as he finally told you what he had wanted to tell you for so long. 
From the very first moment he saw you, he knew he wanted to protect you. He wasn’t sure when that feeling morphed into something stronger, paired with the desire to call you his but the pang that went through his heart every single time he saw you with someone else clued him in that his feelings may have run deeper than he was willing to admit. 
You tried to stop it but a wide smile still spread from ear to ear and your heart skipped a beat. “You do?”
He nodded, bending his knees slightly to bring you impossibly closer and you giggled at the action, recalling what had happened before Hagakure had accidentally interrupted you.
“Is that what you were about to say earlier?” You asked curiously. 
Ojiro floundered for a second, trying to think of a half-believable excuse that you would take, but then realized he had nothing to hide now that you already knew. He chuckled slightly and nodded, albeit nervous when you started playing with his hands.
“Y/N?” He whispered, his exhales hitting the top of your head as he held you.
You smiled to yourself, unable to explain the happiness that swelled in your chest, skyrocketing the moment he said that.
“I love you too.” You replied softly. 
As cheesy as it sounded, it was true. 
He was your first friend, your first confidant, the first person you fell in love with and now, your first boyfriend. He was the person you trusted the most next to your dad.
You laughed slightly, your tail fluffing out in embarrassment, unsure of why you were laughing but you supposed it had something to do with the fact of the astonishment that your pining after him hadn’t been for nothing.
It was mutual.
To be honest, your head was still reeling and you weren’t sure you were going to be coming down from cloud nine anytime soon. 
Ojiro smiled down at you fondly, his heart squeezing as you beamed up at him joyously. 
“Princess…” He murmured softly.
Your ears perked up happily and you rubbed your nose against the crook of his neck, inhaling his scent deeply. It rolled over you in waves and a happy rumble emitted from the back of your throat. 
“... I like it when you call me that…” You mumbled shyly, burrowing your face into his neck when he tried to catch a glimpse of your face.
Ojiro smiled, elated. “Princess~”
“Nooooooooo…” You whined, hitting his shoulder weakly. “Don’t tease me.”
He let out a small laugh, his eyes twinkling with humor. “Sorry, princess.”
“You don’t sound sorry at all.” You grumbled but you weren’t really upset about it. 
You couldn’t wait to hear it more often, more freely and similarly, Ojiro couldn’t wait to use it all the time since it was practically second nature to him by now. 
You were just so pure, so soft. Oh All Might, he loved you so much. 
It was close to a year since he first met you and he couldn’t help it. He fell for you so hard but he didn’t regret a thing. And he couldn’t wait to tell Holly. 
She would be jumping for joy the instant he told her, he could already see it. 
Ojiro tapped your knee lightly to catch your attention as you continued to trace random patterns on his chest. “... What do you think about messing with them a bit?”
You sat up straighter, knowing exactly who he was talking about, a mischievous grin slipping onto your face as he whispered the plan into your ear.
It was payback time. 
Half an hour went by rather quickly, most of Class 1-A eagerly awaiting to see what the current situation inside the pantry was.
Most were hoping that a confession of some sort had taken place, since Tokoyami was exasperated on how clueless the two of you were around each other. 
You guys had been chasing each other for months now. Everyone was getting sick of the puppy love, memory on all of their phones stocked with snapshots of the two of you together when you were looking. 
At first it was cute, but honestly, seeing you chase your own tail would be more adorable and endearing than seeing the two of you stammer around each other like it was nobody’s business. 
Ashido and Uraraka hoped that you and Ojiro would be kissing when they threw open the door but that wasn’t exactly what the picture was. 
Instead, an image of you on the floor across from Ojiro greeted the entirety of the class.
Kaminari nearly fell off of Kirishima’s head from where he was stacked on top of him and Jirou’s eyes widened in surprise. 
Bakugou scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “Took you extras damn long enough.”
There you sat. With a chip halfway to your mouth. 
“Seriously?!” Hagakure shrieked incredulously.
“I was hungry!!” You cried out, it coming out more muffled than you intended as your cheeks bulged hilariously. You looked more like a chipmunk in that moment rather than the wolf that you were.
“What’s your excuse?” Tokoyami asked blankly, catching his friend snacking alongside you.
Ojiro shrugged nonchalantly, popping a wasabi snack in his awaiting mouth and smacked his lips obnoxiously. “I was following her.”
Sero snickered and Kirishima grinned at his cheeky response. There was a glimmer in his eye that wasn’t present before and they knew that no matter how comfortable the two of you looked, something had changed between you.
Something for the better.
“THEY CONFESSED!!!!!” They chorused together, dancing around while wildly waving their arms about as they did a jig. 
You almost choked, cheeks going rosy. “Eh?! W-Wait—”
“FINALLY!!!!” Ashido squealed. “THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!”
Ojiro’s expression matched yours in terms of mortification and he leaned forward as you shuffled behind him to hide.
“Y/N, you alright?” He asked softly as your classmates continued to chime in with how long that took and how much things were going to change. 
You both blushed when Shoji told an excited Kaminari that it also meant you guys had the ability to kiss from now on, the girls cooing and most of the guys gagging. 
“Yeah, I-I’m okay…” You mumbled into his back, finishing the rest of your food and taking his hand that helped you up. “Thank you.”
Ojiro smiled at you and this time, in the light, you could see how clearly radiant he was. 
“You’re welcome.” He whispered quietly, hugging you once more before you both rejoined the chaos that was your class. 
It took another few minutes to actually make your way back to the common room couches where everyone else had gathered because you pouted and said you wanted to stay in his arms longer.
That, and Ojiro was weak when it came to you.
You bounced when you jumped onto the couch, Shoji steadying you when it looked like you were about to fall and you flashed him a grin in thanks. 
Shoji shook his head at your antics and Ojiro, who had been grabbing you a few more snacks from the pantry, rushed over, scanning over you to make sure you weren’t hurt. 
You popped a cookie in your mouth. “Wufdidwemwis?”
Jirou blinked. “What?”
Breaking off a piece, you smiled broadly and it only grew wider when Ojiro handed you the discarded lion plushie you had lost a hold on when you were yanked to your feet. Squealing happily, you hugged it tight to your chest, beaming up at him in thanks. 
“What did we miss?” You repeated, smothering Koko with hugs and kisses.
Todoroki didn’t even look like he moved once from his spot, in the exact same spot that you saw him last and he didn’t spare you a glance as he held up a feather just out of Soba’s reach so that he could bat at it playfully.
“Kaminari gave Jirou the chocolates he made for her, Ashido asked Kirishima out on a date and Asui has to go with Iida to switch out Aizawa-sensei’s sleeping bag to see if he notices it.” Todoroki relayed impassively before blinking once, realizing he had left one out.
“Oh, and Midoriya kissed me.” He deadpanned and your jaw fell to the floor.
“WHATTTTTT?!?!?!” You wailed. “I missed all of that?!?!?!”
Todoroki shrugged, playing with his kitten too much to pay any attention to your outcry. “It wasn’t much.”
“WASN’T MUCH?!?!?!”
He merely nodded. “I didn’t get to kiss him back.”
Ashido’s hand punched up in the air. “Next dare is for Todoroki to kiss Midoriya!!!”
“Okay.” Todoroki agreed, brushing off his clothes before getting close to a flushed Midoriya, yanking him over to smash his lips onto his.
The whoops and hollers echoed throughout the common floor, even Bakugou smirking as the damn nerd owned up to his crush. It was fucking weak to hold out for that long. 
Confrontations were for the strong and brave of heart, just like he was. 
Proudly, he watched from the sidelines. They were all shitty extras but they were his circle of extras and he’d be damned if he let anyone else say shit about them. 
They were fucking happy.
Nevermind the fact that Kirishima and Kaminari were blushing ten different shades of crimson, Jirou was hiding in the corner with Shoji and Yaoyorozu’s aid as she tried to dodge all the questions you flung her way the second that Ashido exposed all the ships that sailed while you and Ojiro were having a heartfelt conversation.
“Spill it!!!” You exclaimed, shaking her shoulders furiously as though that was going to get her to answer you faster. “You have to tell me what happened!!! Kaminari gave you the chocolates already?! I missed it!!!!”
“Ack, calm down!!” Jirou shouted at you, blushing violently. “It’s not that big of a deal!!”
“NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL?!?!?!” You yelled, your tail twice its size as you bounded in circles around her. “HE NEVER LIFTS A FINGER FOR ANYONE ELSE!!!”
“Hey!!” Kaminari pouted, insulted.
You grinned, planting your hands firmly on your hips. “It’s true.”
“H E Y.” He enunciated as he frowned, clearly put off and he lunged at you playfully.
You spent the rest of the night playing a deadly game of tag with the extremely flustered electric blond, having mercy on Kirishima cause the poor boy looked like he might faint at any moment.
Ojiro only got involved when you jumped over the couch and into his waiting arms to escape from the madman and he laughed when you claimed him as a safety spot. 
Kaminari complained at your immunity, saying you needed it at the beginning for it to be effective but you shook your head stubbornly, looping your arms around a blushing Ojiro’s neck and sticking your tongue out at him childishly.
“Princess…” Ojiro chastised quietly but his low voice wasn’t enough to escape Jirou and Shoji’s enhanced hearing.
“Princess?” Jirou asked curiously. 
The rest of your classmates’ jaws dropped in shock. 
“PRINCESS?!?!?!” They all thundered unanimously. 
Iida instantly shot up to his feet. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing them!!!”
Too late for that.
You giggled. Even if it was, it didn’t matter. You had them all by your side and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“So let me get this straight, Ashido asked you out on a date?” You questioned slyly, aware of you pink-haired friend’s crush on him. You just didn’t think she’d act on it so soon.
“More like demanded.” Kirishima corrected dutifully, pink dusting his cheeks.
Ashido loomed over him. “Eh?! I asked!! And you said yes!!”
“Wah!!” Kirishima shouted, waving his hands frantically once he realized he gave off the wrong impression. “That’s not a bad thing, Mina— ack, wait!!”
Their antics dislodged Koko from your hold and you immediately burst into tears.
The plushie was instantly thrown back at you by a disgruntled Bakugou and your cries ceased.
“Thank you, Boom Boy!!” You cheered.
His forehead creased in irritation and he scowled. “Don’t fucking call me that.”
“Hey,” Ojiro cut in, his eyebrows furrowing. “Come on, don’t swear at her.”
You waved it off, not minding it in the slightest. “It’s okay, that’s just Boom Boy’s love language.”
“Hah?! Like hell it is!!” Bakugou exploded at you and you rolled your eyes.
And when 3 am rolled around, everyone was passed out on the couches and sprawled in different places across the floor. 
Iida was sitting upright on the couch, Yaoyorozu asleep on his shoulder. They looked normal, but they were the only ones. 
Kirishima and Ashido had stayed up late talking, falling asleep against each other until they lost their balance and crashed to the ground, effectively waking them both up. They moved to a spot near the coffee table after that. 
Kaminari’s mouth was hanging open, a dribble of drool obeying gravity from where he was hanging upside down like a monkey, the string of saliva pooling on Tokoyami’s cloak.
He was going to be pissed when he woke up. 
The rest of the girls had bunched together, making a fort at the last minute so that they could all sleep in it. 
Shoji was responsible and brought down blankets for those that wanted them, even throwing a few over some that he felt needed it. 
Cough, Bakugou, cough.
Bakugou had passed out second to last, determined to claim his victory over you but you flicked his nose just as he was knocked out, a cheeky grin stretching from ear to ear.
You won. 
And when Aizawa arrived with Eri and Shinsou in the morning to help the latter move into his new dormitory, he raised an eyebrow at the mess that greeted him as Eri immediately bounded over to where you were, shaking you awake.
It didn’t pass unnoticed how you were tangled with Ojiro, your tail draped lazily over your own hip as his sturdy one was wrapped around your waist, tugging you impossibly close. 
Aizawa heaved out a sigh, numbly pointing out where the elevators were so that Shinsou could get started before everyone else started to get up and make breakfast. 
He wasn’t sure he approved of this, you two would face many challenges on your way to becoming pros, not to mention the hardships that would come with making this relationship work once you guys graduated but that all faded away the second he came closer to see you.
Ojiro’s hand was cradling your head carefully, even though he was unconscious, cushioning it in your sleep so that you were comfortable and your own hands had gone lax in fisting his shirt, probably in a sleepy attempt to draw him closer to you. 
The corner of Aizawa’s mouth twitched humorously as Eri tried shaking you awake, only for you to roll further into Ojiro and snuggle into his chest, the said boy pulling you closer the instant you did with a contented sigh.
Oh well… Aizawa thought to himself as Eri drifted back to his side and softly asked if she could go upstairs and help Shinsou unpack. I suppose it could be worse. 
She could’ve fallen for Bakugou instead.
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Just Come Down (Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader)
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Word Count: 2,438
Warnings: my shit writing, anxiety, hella fluff, Bakugou’s bad language
can i request somethin for Shinsou and/or Iida (my boys) with a s/o (gn or male preferably) who has a very powerful telekinesis quirk that is closely tied to their anxiety. during training or something, they have a panic attack and end up causing lots of chaos, the ground shaking and cracking and random objects (and people) begin floating and the boys have to talk them down to get to calm down? thank you so much sorry for all the words
I had so much fun writing this! I hope I was able to capture Shinsou’s personality right😭😭 this is the first time I’ve ever written my reader insert as male and I hope I was able to do it right! @unconsciousmayhem​ thank you so much for the wonderful request and I apologize for only writing about Shinsou! I want to write more stuff for BNHA and that includes Iida also! I just figured I would focus more on Shinsou this time around. I hope it’s to your liking! As always feedback is welcomed! Please enjoy and I hope you guys are having a great week! 💕💕💕
“You know you don’t have to be so nervous; everything will be fine. You’ve gotten better control over your power.” Shinsou murmured, eyes flickering over to your form as you guys walked towards the training grounds.
 You could feel your throat closing, a sudden dryness taking over your mouth, your eyes darting around you rapidly. You were trying to ground yourself to reality, trying not to go into that dark and deep space in your mind. If you did… cataclysm would erupt, the ground would break and shake just like your very core. Objects and people would be flung up to the heavens, even though you yourself were a devil for causing such destruction -
 “Hey.” indigo eyes were suddenly peering into yours; strong hands gripped your shoulders. 
 You blinked, a familiar heat creeping up the back of your neck. You cleared your throat, one of your hands coming up to the back of your head, ruffling the hair. “Sorry.”
 His eyes narrowed considerably before leaning closer into yours. 
 “H-Hey! W-What are you doing?” You asked frantically, pressing a hand against his chest, pushing him back. “We’re in public.”
 Shinsou rolled his eyes, but stepped back nonetheless. “Don’t be so cold, everyone knows we’re together.”
 Of course everyone knew, both of you were the biggest gossip piece at U.A. You were from the hero department dating someone that was in the general education department, for whatever reason, people found that entirely strange. Or maybe it was the fact that you both possessed strong quirks, quirks that had the potential to be used for evil.
 Which was why you guys had been in each other’s lives since you were little, you both gravitated towards each other, bullied together for having villainous quirks. 
 But the biggest reason why you guys were always being talked about was the fact that Shinsou had gotten into the same class as you, and he was excelling rapidly, surpassing you entirely.
 While you were incredibly happy that all of his hard work was finally paying off, and he was developing friendships outside of your relationship, you had the fear that Shinsou would find you entirely pathetic, leaving you further behind and abandoning you completely. 
 Your hand grabbed at the front of your P.E. uniform, clenching at the fabric that stretched across your chest, your heart aching at the mere thought of Shinsou no longer being part of your life.
 “Hey,” a warm rough hand rested on top of your head, ruffling the short hairs. “I don’t know what you’re thinking about, but you need to stop. I told you that everything is going to be fine, just listen to me for once, okay?”
 You knocked his hand off your head, not saying anything as you walked forward to the training ground, ignoring Shinsou’s raised eyebrows at your coldness.
 Usually you adored physical contact, initiating it, or asking for it. So the fact that you didn’t want his touch, well, something was definitely wrong.
 Shinsou mentally noted to keep an eye on you during training; he had hoped that for once Aizawa would pair you two together. 
 That was wishful thinking on his part. He knew why though, both of you did. You were too dependent on him, and in Aizawa’s eyes, that was a bad thing. 
 Pro heroes need to be able to work with a wide variety of other heroes, there would be a slim chance of both of you working at the same agency in the future. 
 It was purely for your own good. 
 But that didn’t mean that Shinsou would ever stop himself from looking out for you, that wasn’t something he was capable of doing.
 He was always looking out for you, ever since you were kids. He knew how much you’ve grown though, despite how you felt, or what you thought, he knew that you had improved over the years.
 Shinsou was proud of you; there was a pride that he held in his heart at having such a strong partner who was incredibly kind and gentle, despite how destructive your quirk was. 
 But he also knew how bad your anxiety was, how it triggered your quirk in the worst way. You were an entirely emotional person, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes… that’s what made your quirk incredibly dangerous. 
 “Y/n and Bakugou, I want you guys to pair up together for this training.” Aizawa said lazily, you were the last two people to get paired together.
 You glanced nervously at the fuming male standing near Kirishima; flinching hard when his angry red eyes landed on you.
 “I don’t want to be paired with that pretty boy.” Bakugou sneered loudly.
 “Is it because you’re afraid of developing feelings for him?” Shinsou called out, an eyebrow quirking up. 
 You ignored the soft snickers and giggles around you, eyes being cast down at the floor.
 “What the fuck did you just -” Bakugou’s face went blank, causing you sigh loudly as you looked over at Shinsou who was grinning widely.
 Everyone was howling in laughter now, causing Aizawa to huff in irritation. 
 “Toshi.” you mumbled softly, “Don’t make my life harder, release your quirk please. I don’t need Bakugou beating my ass even more now.” 
 He sighed, grin fading from his beautiful face, he always listened to you, even as children, so regardless of how he felt towards the rudeness of the loud blonde, he complied.
 “I don’t want your boyfriend you purple haired shit brain!” Bakugou began screaming, Kirishima holding him back.
 “Why’d you call him pretty then?” Shinsou asked, tone bored.
 “Because he is!” Bakugou screamed, explosions going off in his raised hands.
 It was dead silent in the training ground now. 
 You could feel a soft heat creeping into your cheeks, you considered opening up the ground before you and jumping into it.
 “So you do want Y/n?” Shinsou challenged, “I won’t let you have him.”
 Mina let out a low whistle next to you. “Wow Y/n. I wish I had two boys fighting over me.”
 You groaned loudly, crouching down with your head in your hands. This was too embarrassing.
 “Y/n-kun it’s okay.” Midoriya encouraged on the other side of you, squatting down to pat at your shoulder as chaos erupted around you.
 “Be quiet.” Aizawa snapped, his quirk activating. You stood up immediately, everyone else straightening up as silence engulfed your group.
 “Get in your pairs already and start training.” He grumbled. 
 As everyone started walking off to meet up with their partner, you felt a gentle thump on your back, you turned to see Shinsou offering you a small smirk before he walked off towards Kaminari who was waving him down excitedly.
 So that’s why he provoked Bakugou, to help ease your nerves, a soft smile twitched at your lips. He knew you too well.
 You felt calm for the most part now… except…. except… 
 Oh god. 
 Why was he looking at you like that? Bakugou was fuming, looking incredibly feral at the moment, and if it was any other time you might have thought that his face was the funniest thing you had ever seen. But today, and the fact that he was focused on you… well, you definitely wanted to run away.
 In truth you had never trained with Bakugou before, you admired his wit and strength, but he wasn’t someone that you were necessarily friends with.
 You were too quiet and meek to hang out with someone as angry and loud as him.
 “I’m going to ruin your face pretty boy.” He sneered and launched himself at you.
Your eyes widened in shock and immediately you activated your quirk, hurling large chunks of the ground at him.
 Your fight or flight senses were kicking in and your entire body urged you to run at this point. He was ferocious, quick and strong as he easily evaded your attacks.
 Bakugou easily overpowered you, which caused your nerves and anxiety to skyrocket.
 “Fucking fight me already you damn extra! You’re so weak compared to me.” he sneered, a wicked grin overcoming his features as he blasted another explosion at you.
 You barely had enough time to yank a rock in front of you, the debris flying everywhere, but better the rock than your actual face.
 You could feel the panic setting in now though, the quickness in your heart increasing rapidly, your hands sweating for another reason than the fact that you were trying to stay away from the blonde male. 
 He was right, you were an extra, you were weak, the fact that you couldn’t overpower Bakugou, the fact that this entire time you guys were sparring you were simply avoiding getting blasted by his quirk.
 You hadn’t actually launched an attack on him yet.
 What… what kind of hero were you? 
 At this right… at this right you weren’t going to become a hero. You were running away, what kind of hero runs away?
 All Might never ran away.
 Shinsou… Shinsou never ran away either, he stood and fought, and you… you were going to get left behind.
 Your breathing started to come out quick now. Your hands trembling as those voices of doubt began creeping into your mind, taking over your senses and then - 
 It felt like the world stopped as you began floating up. Your eyes glazed over as white began to seep into your irises, bleeding out of your pupils and covering them up completely.
 The sounds around you became muffled as your arms raised up, the debris and rocks around you beginning to rise. 
 “What the fuck?” Bakugou’s eyes went wide as he stared at you, the ground beginning to shake, but everyone knew it wasn’t an earthquake. When Bakugou began being lifted into the air himself he couldn’t help the loud screaming and cursing that flew from his mouth as he launched multiple attacks, although, none reached you as the rocks and debris swirled around your form in a protective ring.
 “Shit.” Shinsou muttered as everyone paused to look at the two of you, without even thinking about it he began sprinting over to you.
 “Sensei! Y/n needs you!” Iida called out, but then the ground began cracking, splitting everyone up as they tried to gain their footing.
 Aizawa struggled to make his way over to you, the quickest and easiest way to get you to calm down would be to just erase your quirk, but the shaking and the trembling of the ground, the rocks and debris flying up around everyone, he couldn’t gain his footing.
 “Y/n!” Shinsou was near you now, gazing up at you with concern. You didn’t spare a glance at him, but he could clearly see the tears streaming down your face.
 He knew the mental struggle that you were dealing with internally. You were struggling to bite down the emotions that were taking hold of your quirk.
 “You need to stop this. I know you can do it!” He continued calling out.
 “I can’t do this.” You screamed. “I’m not strong enough. I can’t… I can’t be a hero with a quirk like this!”
 You were drowning in your emotions, the anxiety swallowing you whole and numbing you.
 “You are strong! You’re the strongest person I know. You’re going to be a great hero, stop saying that you’re weak! Stop letting your emotions take over like this, fight it.” Shinsou yelled back, his eyes never leaving your form.
 You shook your head. “I don’t… I don’t know how-”
 “What kind of hero do you want to be Y/n?” he asked, his urgent tone dying down to something softer.
 “I want -” you could feel your mind going blank, the raging storm within your very core diminishing dramatically. You could feel the soft touches of his quirk, gently soothing your mind, creeping into your being tenderly. 
 The coldness that crept into your body began seeping away, replaced with the familiar warmth of Shinsou. You vaguely felt your body beginning to drift down, the rumbling sound of the earth coming back together, and the loud crashes of the debris falling down echoed around you.
 You registered the loud cursing of Bakugou as he fell ungracefully back to the ground, and the urgent chatter of your classmates.
 But your soul felt at ease now, you felt warm, safe, loved, and you knew exactly why. Shinsou’s arms wrapped tightly around you, pulling your upper body into his lap. 
 His strong fingers brushed at the tears that lingered on your cheeks before carefully pushing the hair away from your forehead.
 You were passed out now. Your quirk leaving your body entirely exhausted and spent. But he was relieved, you were safe now, and you hadn’t injured anyone from the looks of it. 
 “Is Y/n okay!?” the class surrounded the two of you, peering down at you in concern. 
 “You just had to take things too far didn’t you Bakugou?” Kaminari scolded, followed by many other voices.
 “He’s fine. When his quirk gets like this it exhausts him completely. He just needs to sleep for the rest of the day.” Shinsou said quietly, everyone completely ignoring the loud complaints from Bakugou.
 “Sensei, can I take him to the infirmary?” Shinsou asked, glancing up at Aizawa.
 “We’ll end class early today.” Aizawa nodded.
 Wordlessly Shinsou easily shifted you onto his back, silently walking off towards the infirmary.
 “Hitoshi.” you mumbled sleepily, pressing your further into his neck. “Thank you. You’ll always be my hero.”
 A soft smile tugged at his lips, the grip he had on your thighs tightening. “Go to sleep.” 
 Shinsou ended taking you back to the dorms, his dorm. He sighed softly to himself as he once again brushed the hair off your forehead.
 “Idiot. As if I would ever leave you behind.” He muttered quietly, pressing his forehead against yours gently.
 He knew that was one of your fears, on top of not being a good hero. But he wouldn’t let any of that happen, he wouldn’t leave you, and he definitely wouldn’t let you become some mediocre hero either.
 Exhaustion suddenly crashed down on Shinsou; his lips found the top of your head, pressing tenderly against it before he situated himself next to you on the bed, his arm slinging around your torso and tugging you closer to him.
 He definitely could never leave you behind, the love of his life. Despite what you and everyone else may think, you were everything to him.
 If he had to be there every time that your quirk went out of control then so be it, he’d bring you back down every single time.
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uwu-shinsou · 4 years
HC: How They First Say “I love you”
A/N: “I don’t know what I’m doing but what if I try to write something cute” has entered the chat. Lmao anyways enjoy, and requests are open!
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He’s always been rather forward and blunt with how he feels
The first time he saw you he couldn’t even remember his own name
Immediately had to talk to you
“You know, you’ve got a pretty cute smile”--> one of the first things he said to you
Shameless flirting, even before you start dating
He’s delighted that you aren’t intimidated/put off by his quirk
When you start dating your cute and fun back and forth banter remains, but he also starts to become a bit softer
It starts with little thing
“I’m glad I have you” “Holding your hand is my favorite part of the day”
Sure it’s kind of cheesy but it melts your heart
Shinsou has always had the small fear in the back of his mind that this was all some kind of dream, and you would be taken away from him
Even if he doesn’t voice it, you’re always quick to give him reassurance
A quick squeeze of the hand, a little bump into him as you’re walking, a hand trailing across his shoulder as you pass by him
He’s never felt so comfortable and at ease with another person before
When first tells you that he loves you, it wasn’t something he had planned to do that day
The two of you were walking around the campus grounds after class hand in hand, wandering aimlessly 
Shinsou cracked a stupid joke that sounded dumb to him the second it came out of his mouth
Still it had you cackling, doubling over and leaning your weight into him as you tried to catch your breath
He slowed you two to a stop, staring at you with a look of awe
He turned your face up to him, flashing him a dorky smile as you gave his hand a squeeze
“I love you, y/n”
The words were out of his mouth without him even realizing at first
You blink up him owlishly, your mouth dropping into an “o”
Suddenly he realizes his heart is beating a million miles a minute, the hand holding onto yours growing clammy
Then your face breaks into a brilliant grin
And you’re glowing with happiness as you throw your arms around his neck
“I love you too, Toshi” you say, face smooshed against his chest
And those words flip some kind of switch in him
He lifts your feet off the ground, spinning you around in a circle that has you giggling in delight
He sets you down but wraps his arms even tighter, curling you into him
“I love you so much,” he whispers into your ear, feeling like he couldn’t say it enough
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He is not very good at verbalizing his feelings
The two of you actually started dating because you asked him out
And it wasn’t because he didn’t want to ask you out, he just didn’t know how, let alone if you would actually say yes
As the two of you became closer he relaxed a bit
He’s not really a PDA person but around friends he would put an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your leg, a soft touch to the small of your back
Words were still difficult, but he showed his feelings in actions
Pack you a lunch, pull out your chair for you, offer his jacket when you’re cold 
(Carrying you up to bed when you fall asleep on the couch in the common room)
You knew that while he wasn’t a PDA fan, he really did enjoy physical affection
When alone there was always some part of you touching him
His favorite thing were those good good head scritches
It was one afternoon in his room, the two of you sitting on the floor with your hand in his hair, the quiet sound of the YouTube video playing on your laptop, that he came to a realization
He cared about you
And obviously he had cared about you before, of course
But he really really cared about you
This time that he spent with you was the best thing that had happened to him. Period.
He couldn’t imagine what his time at UA would have been like if you weren’t there
Not fun, probably
And not that becoming the world’s best hero wasn’t a fun and dandy time but it wasn’t this
But what did that mean?
So he thought on this. For awhile. A good few weeks, actually.
He cared about you, but not in the same way as his siblings 
He was better because of you, happier, more excited about the future, a future that included you
Is that what it means to love someone?
After thinking about it for another week, he thinks he knows the answer.
So he immediately goes to tell you
It’s 8:30AM on a Saturday and you sleepily open the door to a frantically knocking Todoroki
“Sho, what’s wrong? Why did you wake me up so early”
“Y/n, I think I’m in love with you”
You’re not quite sure if you’re fully awake, or if perhaps this is some strange dream
“You what?”
“I’ve thought about it for a long time, and I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you Y/n”
You pull your boyfriend into your room and flop the two of you onto the bed, wrapping yourself around him
“I think I’m in love with you too, Todoroki Shouto”
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While Bakugo didn’t come to UA to make friends, let alone date, he’s glad things turned out the way they did
He didn’t quite realize at first that you were flirting with him
He took the flirty banter as a sign of a challenge, an initiation of rivalry
Bakugo did not know he was accidentally flirting back until Kirishima asked when he planned to ask you out
And Bakugo went ?????
And then he understood, and it made him a little nervous (though he wouldn’t admit it)
But it showed, and you started to pull your playful taunts and flirty jabs in a little, worried he wasn’t into it
The day after you were thrown for a loop when he brought you some flowers
“Isn’t this the shit you’re supposed to do or whatever?”
Your heart went doki doki
While he was still fiery, his whole demeanor would change when he talked to you, and everyone could see the hearts in the air
After he’d finally asked you out, you really started to get to know Bakugo better than anyone else
He was thoughtful, planning out dates, buying you gifts, cooking dinners
He was meticulous, wanting to get everything just right
Because you were already perfect, so you deserved only the best
When he first realized that he was falling in love with you, he knew he couldn’t just say it
So he planned out a day. The perfect day. To tell you how he felt.
First he brought you breakfast in bed
Then he took you to an aquarium (where you forced him to take a picture giving a dolphin a kiss, aka your new screensaver)
After he brought you to a special dinner, the reservation placed more than a month in advance
It was here that he had planned to say it, just after the main course but before dessert 
But as you sat there, smiling at him, he got nervous because maybe you didn’t feel the same way
And he’d make a fool out of himself and embarrass you and oh god what if he ruins everything!!?
So he chickens out, and the dinner finishes in a very normal fashion
The two of you arrive back at the dorms
As the gentleman, he walks you back to your room, caught up in his thoughts on how the evening should have ended
“Thank you for today! Goodnight, Katsuki”
You press a goodnight kiss to his cheek and turn to open your door
Bakugo grabs your hand, keeping you from entering your room
He spins you around and pulls you into a kiss, holding you close
“Goodnight, I love you, Y/n”
It really was the most perfect day
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Trophy Boyfriend Toshi
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warning(s): cursing
word count: 2.6k
Ushijima Wakatoshi x You
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[A few months into the 1st year of dating]
You knocked on Ushijima’s office door, eyes glancing at your watch to check the time. It’s almost 9. He answered almost immediately, giving you permission to enter. You peeked into the room first instead of stepping in straight away.
Standing behind his desk, Ushijima tilted his head a bit at the sight of half of your body peering into his office. You could see multiple documents and files scattered in front of him. He was no longer wearing his suit in full; the blazer he had on when you saw him earlier was now hanging on the coat rack at the corner of the room. He also had his shirt’s sleeves folded up to his elbows. Damn. What a look.
“You’re still here?” Ushijima asked.
Fuck it. It’s now or never.
“Happy birthday!” your voice was two pitches higher than normal, nerves getting the best of you.
Pushing the door wider, you finally entered Ushijima’s office with a small cake in your hand. Between the door and his desk, you found it harder to navigate past the sofa sets and coffee table that evening, knowing that his eyes were glued on you. As your legs made their way towards Ushijima, you saw him clasping the lower half of his face. Moonlight shone through the high windows behind him, making it quite hard to see the guy’s face. However, the moment you arrived at his side and he turned to you with creased brows, you could not feel happier; the surprised facial expression Ushijima had on was a new sight.
“Oh God, did we have a dinner plan? Did I forget?” he took a swift look at his phone that was on the desk, trying to see if he had missed any event reminder.
Your lips carved an amused smile at his reaction, the beatings of your heart becoming erratic. Using a lighter, you lit up the candle that came with the cake before answering him, “no, we don’t have any. You didn’t even tell me it’s your birthday!”
“Oh,” was all Ushijima could manage. His eyebrows now furrowed at you, questioning.
“Facebook,” you offered.
“Well, thank you, Mark, I guess?”
You shrugged, “I guess.”
“Sorry that I never told you. It never crossed my mind.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it. If you had told me, I wouldn’t remember anyway. I’d still have Facebook remind me.”
Ushijima chuckled, “thank you,” he expressed before blowing on the candle.
“No, thank you. I haven’t had cakes for so long, this is a good excuse to finally have some. I hope you don’t mind the flavour.”
“What is it?”
“Chocolate cheese berries.”
“Your favourite?”
“Well, you never told me yours so might as well get something that I am sure one of us would like.”
He let out a laugh, “smart.”
“Anyway, just letting you know, I’m a birthday person so kindly put your reminder on…”
“Why, thank you for the heads up.”
“You’re welcome.”
Your eyes took a sweep of Ushijima’s desk, trying to find a place to set the cake on. Realising this, Ushijima gathered some papers up, clearing almost half of the surface for you. You put the cake and lighter down before reaching into you jacket’s pocket for a couple of forks that you brought. Offering one of them to Ushijima, you caught him looking at you with pursed lips.
He shook his head as he accepted your spoon, “I know you’re a busy woman and all, but I still want to know, did you bake this?”
“Oh, Ushijima,” you took a hold of his hand, patting it with a smirk on your face, “it’s too early for that. Try again next year.”
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[going into 2nd year of the relationship]
“Happy birthday!”
You set a cake down in front of Ushijima, flames on the candles flickering because of your movement. He stared at the cake for almost half a minute in silence. You were about to ask why when he leaned in to blow the candles out.
“So… did you bake this?” Ushijima’s question sounded careful. Oh, so that was why he was studying the cake.
“????? You were with me this whole week going around trying to finish this project, when exactly do you think I had the time????”
He went silent for a moment.
“I kind of have guessed because this is a pretty cake, but… you must have forgotten.”
Ah, so calm as ever. You really liked that about him. Even when you were provocative and aggressive, he would keep his composure and just respond with an equally mean reply.
“You don’t have to say that out loud! And I’ve forgotten what exactly?” you took out the forks that Ushijima kept in his drawer and passed one of them to him.
He accepted the fork and dug into the cake, knowing you would not do it before him since it was his birthday cake, “I asked the same thing last year but you said it was too early into the relationship and told me to try asking again this year.” However, he only managed to bring the piece of cake close to his mouth before stopping in mid-air, as he anticipated your answer.
“Wow, I did? Damn, I’m always surprised at how blunt I can get, but sorry, Wakatoshi. And…” you forked a bit of the cake out, bringing it to Ushijima’s lips, “try again next year.”
The snicker that you had on your face caused his brows to furrow but there was a tiny smirk on his lips as well. Ushijima bowed down a bit to feed on the cake that you offered him, with eyes piercing into yours. The tension present was making the air around you tight. You could sense that he took it as a challenge.
“You’re quite difficult aren’t you?” he commented while extending to you the piece of cake that he scooped up earlier in return.
“Well—” you paused to take the bite in and munch it down, “I’m just very particular at deciding when to put in how much effort into something.”
“Well then, I’ll just stay long enough until you’ll bake a cake for me.”
“I sincerely hope you’ll get there. You’re a very promising candidate, Ushiji— fuck!”
“Mm, you were doing so great this week.”
“Ugh! Well, at least I lasted four days. That’s the longest record of not calling you by your last name for now.”
“Whatever, you still owe me a kiss.”
“You know, as I get better at this, the number of kisses I have to give as punishment is lesser. Maybe we should change it— for every time I call you Wakatoshi, you’ll reward me with a kiss.”
“As long as I get to kiss you— works for me. Now, come here and give me my kiss.”
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[2 years+ into the relationship]
“Did you bake this?”
Ushijima’s question stopped you in your tracks. Lifting an eyebrow, you handed the glass of wine that you just poured out to him. Your eyes glanced over at the cake on the dining table. In the background, gasping noises could be heard coming from the TV in the living room.
“You saw me going bat shit crazy over how busy I was with work… pretty sure you can tell I didn’t have the time,” narrowing your eyes at Ushijima, you sipped some of your wine, not sure what was going on in the guy’s mind.
He looked down at his glass and stirred it, “you have forgotten again.”
“I forget a lot of things,” you reminded him.
“You told me to ask that question again this year,” Ushijima’s statement caught you off guard. You could sense dissatisfaction in his voice and it was making your throat feel thick. Setting your glass down on the table, you tried recalling the memory from Ushijima’s last birthday.
“Why would I do that?”
"Because I asked you the same thing last year and the previous one, and both years you said it was still too early into the relationship for you to bake me a birthday cake.”
Oh, right. That.
“Why does it matter so much if I baked it or not? Store bought ones are definitely better since I suck at it anyway. And you know I hate cooking. Well, baking in this case.”
You did not understand his obsession with getting a homemade cake from you. Okay, maybe obsession was too strong of a word but —
“Well, exactly because of that? You hate cooking— or baking. So if you were to do it for me… it’d surely reassure me of how much you actually love me.”
“OK! You know I am willing to do anything for you— on my own accord. But if you start imposing what you are expecting from me… I won’t give in! I cannot feel like I need to do something because you told me to. It makes me feel like I’m surrendering myself to you in defeat, especially when you won’t do the same for me too.”
Either way, you understood him actually. But at this point in the relationship, you did not think that it mattered that much anymore. You two were together for more than two years already, why would a home-baked cake be the proof of how much love and appreciation you had for him?
Ushijima put his glass down on the table, almost slamming it out of frustration. He was about to retort but you knew damn well the denial that would come from him.
So before he could do it, you called him out, “you’re lying if you say you don’t feel the same way. I let you put your work first but that does not mean I’m not keeping tabs.”
He was silenced. A rush of guilt crept in as you gazed into his eyes that were softening on you. You struck home but hurting him meant doing the same to yourself. Even though there was no regret present because what you said was the truth, you wished you had worded it out better.
“Toshi,” your voice now calmer, “just because I did not bake you a cake for your birthday, does not mean I love you any less. You know how much I like to tease you.”
“Yes, you’re right,” Ushijima gave in with a sigh, “I’m sorry for being pushy. Still…”
“There must be a way for us to be able to give our 100% into this without having to feel like we’re being forced? I mean, other people managed, surely we can too?”
You exhaled a long breath, “man, you know the two of us are just shit at displaying affections…”
“Okay, so let’s change that,” Ushijima reached out to hold your hands. His grip was firm, promising you that he was ready to change. “I want us to be more expressive. I want you to be comfortable enough to be vulnerable around me. I will try to do the same as well. How about we start with that?”
“I am vulnerable around you!” you argued.
"Hey, it took you more than a year to stop flinching every time I kiss your head.”
“… but that is as far as I can go…”
“I know, and I’m saying, let’s do better than that.”
“Fine. Whatever for you. BUT, promise me you will not pick up work calls during dinner time anymore.”
“Fine. Whatever for you.”
“Service fee is 100 bucks.”
"How about 100 kisses instead?”
The two of you stayed quiet for a moment to process before dissipating the silence.
“Can’t believe you made us fight on your birthday.”
"At least I managed to strike a good deal out of it.”
“God damn it, I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
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[on the way to your 4th anniversary of the relationship]
“Ok come on, sit here!”
You pulled out one of the chairs at the dining table, making sure it was one that was not facing the kitchen. Ushijima complied, his brows slightly creased. He probably had an idea what this was all about but still wondering what exactly you had planned.
After he was seated, you left him for the kitchen and headed towards the fridge.
“Can I look?” Ushijima asked.
“Well, if you look, it won’t surprise you. So, your choice,” you replied, though hoping he would not peek.
Ushijima did not say anything anymore as you opened the fridge and took the cake out. The candles that were already on it were lit up by you before you made your way back to the dining table. Standing behind your boyfriend, you carefully held the cake above his head and slowly descended it in front of him, your arms circled around Ushijima while your lips sang the birthday song.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Toshiiiiiiii
Happy birthday to you
When the cake was finally set down on the table, you enclosed Ushijima into a back hug. “Happy birthday,” you whispered into his ear before planting a kiss on his cheek.
Rendered speechless, Ushijima reached up to hold your forearms that were around him. You both rested the side of your heads against each other as you studied the cake together.
“Did you—”
“Yes, I finally spared some time to bake you a birthday cake.”
“I was not ready for this.”
“You’ve been asking for one three times already and now that you actually got it, you’re not ready??”
“You’re unpredictable.”
“The spice of our relationship.”
“I love watching it grow,” Ushijima moved to clutch your hands that were locked against his chest, “and this is a nice reminder of how far we’ve gotten.”
“I know. Thank you for being patient,” you squeezed him tighter in your embrace and gave him another kiss on his jaw. “Anyway, blow the candles already! I wanna know how the cake tastes like.”
Ushijima chuckled before he blowed on the candles. You pulled away to sit in the chair beside him. He took one of your hands into his, eyes studying you with a smile on his face.
“Thank you,” Ushijima uttered.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Also, I actually… have something to give you.”
“Oh, damn? It’s your birthday and I am getting something?? Sweet.”
“Well… technically, if you say yes then it’d be a gift for me too.”
You furrowed your eyebrows at him. Say yes? The little voice in your head started running around pulling out every memory drawer trying to find a reason someone would say that other than during a proposal. You did not want to get your hopes up.
“Toshi, what…?”
Ushijima took a small box out from his pants’ pocket. He opened it before presenting the content. The diamond engraved onto the ring inside was glinting a smile at you.
“Holy shit…” you clasped your mouth, eyes going back and forth between the ring and Ushijima. Without realising, you were squeezing his hand that was holding yours.
“Will you marry me?” Ushijima smiled at you. You looked at him in disbelief as your words were failing you. The moment that you saw his eyes were watery, tears started falling down your cheeks. Your mouth quivered, trying to form some sounds— any sound, but to no avail.
“Hey? Are you not gonna say yes?” Ushijima shook your hand gently, a calling to ground yourself back on earth.
You wiped your tears, head nodding a few times while a small laughter escaped your lips, “yes! Of course. Oh my God.”
“I finally got to surprise you.”
“I gotta say, not bad for your first time.”
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.7
a/n: Kai in the underground fighting ring will always be delicious. but do yall like the new image/header? :D i made it xD
warnings: this cannot be read solo, a bit of harassment
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 8
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased​​ @infinite-universe-love​​ @dirtypride​ @blackymomo03​
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“This is what we’ve been able to gather in the gala.” You began your report. Eyes glued to the table separating you and the chief. Once again, he had locked the doors when you stepped in. Tsukauchi was supposed to accompany you but he had matters to meet up with All Might. “The Fukuo Kai’s boss handed out his call cards to some select people. Villains mostly, presumably.”
“And this was handed to Overhaul.” He was staring at you instead of the card. “Did you come in contact with any of the three Tsukauchi mentioned?”
“Akuji.” The memory made you cringe. Added with the sensation of being locked in this lewd office only made things worse. “He caught me off guard and infiltrated my thoughts. Rest assured that he was not able to gather any information regarding this mission.”
The chief began to tap his index finger on his knee. Taking in the information, he was delighted with the news relayed to him. However, one thing was bothering his mind.
“How did you escape his quirk?”
There it was. The dreaded question. You had no problem in telling others that Overhaul had rescued you from Akuji. In fact, you were pretty proud that he, a villain, actually thought about your safety. Allegedly, of course. But if the man in front of you were to know, he might restrain your communication between you and the young yakuza boss.
“Your hesitancy is not a good sign, my dear.” Standing up, he slowly made his way beside the table. Your peripheral vision following his every move. When the couch dipped, you bit your tongue. He somewhat smelled of beetroots. Not the best purchase if you could say. “Did you sack him in the knee? Point a gun at his face? Or none of the above?”
Shutting your eyes and letting out a long exhale, you clenched your fists and moved an inch away from him. You liked vegetables, but as a cologne? Pass.
“Overhaul managed to intervene just as I was about to make a move.”
Upon hearing your answer, his eye twitched. Placing a hand on your shoulder, he squeezed it just enough for you to turn your head and face him.
“When is your next meeting with Overhaul?” The way he prolonged each syllable in his name made you want to punch him in the nose. Yet his stare never wavered nor did he blink ever since you turned to face him. His thumb now began to brush the fabric of your shirt.
“Later this afternoon.” Your meetings with Overhaul was something you made sure not to put in your calendar. It was in this instance that you were glad you didn’t. “He still has some business to attend to.”
“Call him.” His hand began to trail down your arm. The small shiver you did made him feel dominantly good. His index finger slowly making a line. “And tell him, that your chief will be tagging along for this meeting.”
“He doesn’t do well with cops.”
“Defending him now?”
“He’s a villain and we’re asking support from him.” You reasoned out. “It would only aggravate him if we crossed that border line.”
“I’m sure you told him that there would at least be 2 other people he might meet.” He tilted his head and his hand trailed upwards. “That is standard procedure when we ask them. Don’t bother manipulating the situation, (Y/N). Call him.
Defeated, you took your phone and dialed his number. How you were going to act like you always did would be a new challenge. Glancing at the clock, there was still 2 hours before you would meet up with him. Somehow, you wished he wouldn’t answer. Somehow, you wished he was still busy with whatever his layered mind intended to do today.
The phone kept ringing till you were met with the other line saying he was unavailable. You slowly eased and carefully let out the breath you had been holding on to.
“Also, while you’re here, I have decided to move our scheduled dinner.” Twirling strands of your hair, he let out a satisfied hum. “I took the liberty of clearing your schedule for tomorrow. We shall be dining at the Tadrona Manor.”
Cursing at how far that restaurant was, you had already agreed so there was no choice.
“I shall pi-”
Both your eyes darted to the vibrating phone on the table. His contact lighting up the screen. Why did he have to call back?
“Well, answer it.” The chief took your phone, answered it, and held it up to your ear. Holding it by the edges, you waited for him to let go of your device before fully grasping it in your hand.
“Apologies for not answering.” Overhaul spoke over the line. “I had just finished my task for today.”
“It’s fine.” You tried your hardest to sound how you usually did around him. “So, uh, I have an update about our meeting later.”
“What might that be?”
“Uh…” You shivered as he felt his finger touch yours. “M-my boss wants to join the meeting. Hear me out. This’ll only be a short meeting and I can make sure to get a secluded booth for us. It’ll last no more than 20 minutes.”
You wished you hadn’t said that. In truth, you were excited to see him today. With the stable advancement the mission had, you were planning to buy him cheesecake as a thank you for cooperating. It just had to go down the drain.
“15.” He demanded. You could feel your heart sinking with disappointment. Your highlight of the day just got reduced by 5 minutes.
Ending the call, the chief patted your head and finally gave back your personal space. Giving you permission to exit the office, you hastily made your way out and proceeded to go to the women’s toilet once more.
Furiously pumping on the hand sanitizer dispenser, you slathered it all over your exposed skin. The remaining amounts, you patted it on your clothes. That was even worse than before. Flopping on to the toilet seat, you mentally recalled all the previous times you entered his office. You never really saw how he stared at you since you were usually too preoccupied with your reports. The memory of him cunningly brushing his skin on yours as he handed out folders. And, perhaps that may be the reason why he kept giving you high cases. To have you all to himself in his little private area.
Shuddering at the reminder, you grunted and once again found yourself in the same position last time. Your phone vibrated once more. Lazily taking it out, you didn’t bother checking who the caller was.
“(L/N) speaking.” Voice heavy.
“What was that about?” Of course he would call back.
“He’s a moody ass.” You snapped back. “He likes to pry whenever I do my cases. I’m sorry to get you involved.”
“Is he bothering you?” His tone serious as he carefully chose his words. The way you sounded over the phone made him think that something happened, again
What you’d give to say yes but this was your problem. Not his. Bringing him into the picture would surely escalate things even more.
“Everything’s fine, birdman.”
“My bad.” You finally managed to chuckle. “I meant to say Overhaul.”
“Do as you please. I’ll see you later, problem child.”
Ending the call, you were now feeling much better. Still dirty from all the contact but lighter than before. By the time you were seated on your office chair, Tsukauchi knocked on your cubicle and dragged his chair to sit beside you.
“I called the place you wanted to hold the meeting in and they told me they were already preparing for your arrival.”
“Thanks, Nao.” You began to pack your stuff. “How’s Toshi-san?”
“Same old. Still trying to protect people despite his situation.” He paused and squinted his eyes. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” Shrugging your shoulders, you faced him and winked. “I’m just… anxious for later. The chief wants to tag along.”
“Hmm. I see.” His quirk was telling him that you weren’t entirely truthful but maybe it was because of that. He had taken notice that if given the chance, his boss would join in on your case. You were always neutral about it. Why was this any different? “Are you okay with him joining?”
“Don’t use your quirk on me, Nao.” Booping his nose, you stood up and walked to the lobby.
There, you desperately prepared for the short taxi ride you would take. It was too obvious the both of you would sit in the back seat. When you saw him walking towards you, you swallowed every bit of your pride and forced a grin on your face. Leading him outside, you managed to quickly hail a cab.
Expecting him to open the door for you to enter, you swore you looked like an idiot when you realized he was waiting for you to do the action. Well, he was the chief so you simply rolled your eyes as he entered. The middle of the back seat was a saving grace as you placed your bag there.
It felt like forever but the taxi finally arrived at your destination. Entering the establishment, you were greeted by a waitress, you gave your name and she led you to a private room. Peaking at your watch, there was still 10 more minutes before the meeting would start. 10 minutes of agony.
Now that you were seated, the waitress asked if you’d prefer coffee or tea to be served. The chief spoke up and went for tea. The sliding doors finally closed and you were left alone with him.
“This kind of environment,” He spoke. “Is the scenario I reserved for us at Tadrona Manor. Exciting isn’t it? Privacy at it’s best.”
Forcefully lifting the corners of your mouth, you lowered your head as acknowledgement. You’ve never dreaded tomorrow like you did today. The doors opened and your breath hitched. Wearing his usual get-up, the bird mask was on full display today. The golden tip shinier than usual.
“You’re early?” You asked. Relief in your voice evident in his ears.
“The area was clear of traffic, hence my arrival before the agreed time.” Overhaul took the seat across you. His sight shifted to the man beside you. “If possible, I’d like to start now. I still have tasks at hand and this being of low importance.”
“This is mostly about the calling card. I just, uh, I was thinking about making you wear a device that enables me to hear what’s happening during the meeting.” You asked as you fidgeted with your fingers. Nails digging into your skin.
“The Fukuo Kai like to check their visitors.”
“I thought about that part. I’m taking into consideration of le-”
“We’ll give you an ear piece. You use your quirk on it and when you're inside, rebuild it. I hypothesize that the connection would still be established since the parts are technically the same.” The chief explained for you.
Observing how your jaw tightened and you barely made any eye contact, perhaps his assumptions were right. He could see the way you were leaning away from him. How you fidgeted around. And basically, how you weren’t as lively as you were when you're with him.
“I have no problems with your plans.” He commented ominously. His golden eyes staring directly at your chief. “However, I despise unclean people like you. As much as I’d like to cleanse this world from this horrible disease, perhaps I should get rid of men who cut women off as they speak as well.”
“She’s my employee.” The chief retorted. “We only have 15 minutes to this meeting and she was moving slow, as always.”
“And I handle a yakuza organization with twice the amount of workers.” Overhaul fought back. “Yet, we have been taught to always act chivalrously towards women.”
“Overhaul.” You tried to break the growing tension. When your eyes met his, he saw the relief painted in them. The way your shoulders relaxed and your features softened told him he had done his part. “It’s okay.”
You wanted to say thank you but with the chief around, you’d have to save it for later via message.
“Do you have anything else to share?” He asked you.
“No. That was all for today.”
“Leave the room first. We’ll follow after.” Overhaul rested his elbow on the table and leaned a little towards the chief. His brows furrowed when you weren’t sure of whether or not to leave the room with him and the other man alone. “Did you not hear me? I said leave the room. Now.”
Shocked that he had used that tone, you briskly took your belongings and exited the room.
You were grateful for his actions but this would not look good for tomorrow’s dinner. Bumping into the waitress with the coffee in tray, you told her that there was no need and that the meeting had to stop for personal reasons. Wanting a breath of fresh air, you stepped outside and waited for them there.
It was only a matter of seconds before they exited the establishment. The look on your boss’ face ultimately displeased of what had just transposed. His mind travelled to tomorrow. You were surely going to regret not speaking up on his behalf. Putting on a fake smile, he bowed lazily and hailed a cab.
“Problem child.” He snapped you from your thoughts. “Go home and take a shower.”
“What?” That sentence was least expected.
“You smell like him.” His eye twitched and he felt his blood boil when he realized that man’s scent was on you. “I can smell you even with this mask. Tch. You’re even filthier than before. Did you bring your car?”
“No. We had to take a cab.”
Massaging his temples, he let out a groan of annoyance.
“Follow me. I’ll take you home.”
- - - - -
2 uploads await all of you tomorrow :) do you guys have any questions? feel free to comment and ill gladly answer them :) take care and i hope you guys like this chapter <3
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meigh-day · 4 years
Breathing Lilies (Tendou x Reader) - Part 3
Title: Breathing Lilies
Characters: Tendou/Ushijima/OC Students/Reader
Includes: Hanahaki Disease, Angst
Status: Complete
Word Count: 1.4k
Previous Next
The next day you found yourself trudging through the hallways, lunch in hand, intent on sitting with your friends. It had been a little while since the three of you had sat down to each lunch together and Tendou had made it pretty clear he was going to actually be in attendance so you had made up your mind to go. It was hard being so distant with him. You missed being around him, you missed his smile and the sound of his laugh. You missed his bad jokes and silly songs. Honestly, it was everything, you just missed him. So the prospect of sitting together again was very appealing, despite the way your chest twinged at the idea.
As you enter the lunch area, you pause, scanning the tables for a familiar head of spike ready hair. A smile starts to form on your lips as you see him and you can feel yourself start to move forward automatically but find your steps falter immediately. At his side, in your seat, was someone new. It was her.
Ushijima finds his gaze drifting across the lunchroom, spotting you easily by the entrance. He was about to wave you over but the look on your face stops him. You looked stunned, and confused but also like you were in pain. In fact, you were in pain. The sight of them at the table together, laughing and talking together, watching as Tendou gently wraps his arm around her and pulls her in. That...that was your spot...that used to be you. You avert your eyes, finding yourself staring back at Wakatoshi. There were no words you could have mustered to any of them in that moment, so instead you merely shake your head at him and leave.
As you hurry away you can feel that all to familiar tickle begin to manifest in your throat. You pause in an empty corridor to take a gulp of water but end up choking on it instead. It didn't stop there though, you can't seem to stop coughing, heavy dry coughs wrack your body. Tears stream down your cheek and you honestly weren't sure if it was from the coughing or the image of them sitting together that kept replaying over and over in your mind. As the coughing began to subside you felt like something was caught in your throat and stuck in your mouth. So as your use your sleeve to mop away the tears from your eyes you reach two finger into your mouth and grasp onto the foreign object. You turn your gaze onto the object in your grip and stare at it curiously.
It was bright red in color and seemed to curve a bit on the sides and edge. It was really rather pretty but what the hell was it and why was it in your mouth. As you pondered that you let your gaze drop and found several more of them down by your feet. You knelt down, intent of picking them up when it felt like something in your brain seemed to click. They looked like flower petals. In fact they greatly resembled the petals on red spider lilies.
For several minutes you sat there, staring at the petals.
Why were they in my mouth?
That question kept repeating itself in your mind, over and over. For days it plagued you, though deep in the back of your mind a thought kept rearing up. You knew why. You knew why it hurt to breath and why there were sharp pains in your chest. It was fairly obvious why it got worse when he was around, when he talked about her or when you saw them together. You'd started making up excuses to avoid having lunch with them and the few times he'd mentioned getting together you'd exaggerated the amount of work you had to do. You could tell he was sad the last time you had turned him down and couldn't help yourself from promising to get together soon. That seemed to cheer him up, for the moment at least.
Now you were sat in your room, unfocused eyes staring ahead through your curtain of hair. Your head was pounding and your cheeks were tear stained from the lengthy coughing fit you had just endured. Long red petals fluttered around you, coming to rest in your lap and across the floor.
You don't even hear him come in despite his polite knocking and the verbal announcement of his impeding entry into your room. So when you suddenly see a pair of legs in front of you it helps snap you back to reality, sitting upright as best you could and sending the long thin red petals that had gathered in your lap, fluttering to the floor.
"Y/N...what is all this?" He questions as his eyes take in the sight of your room, flower petals scattered across the floor and you in the middle of them all. You were propped up against the side of your bed, legs splayed out in front of you, head bowed.
Though at the sound of his voice you slowly raise your face up to meet his concerned gaze. You looked exhausted and as he drew closer the raspy sound of your slow breathing reached his ears. Something was...off...and he couldn't quite pin down what it was but you were more sick than you had been letting on and there was no way it was just a normal cold.
"Hey 'Toshi..." You whisper out, offering up a weak smile.
"Hey..." He stared down at you for a moment, his steps leading him to stand directly before you. "What's going on?" He dropped slowly down into a crouch, his large hand reaching out and grasping a few of the petals from your lap, eyeing them curiously as he waited for you to reply.
"Nu...nothing. I was feeling tired...and...then...I dropped these.." You couldn't even come up with a good excuse in your current state, mind too exhausted to lie. However, you were also unwilling to tell him the truth, so you gave it a shot anyway.
Ushijima remained silent for a moment, mulling over your weak ass excuse, before turning his eyes on you. His brought his hand up to your face and gently plucked something from off your bottom lip. Your eyes went a little wide when you saw another red petal sticking out from between his fingers.
"Try again." It was almost like he was challenging you to try and lie, yet more of a command to be honest. It was clear he wasn't buying it.
"I...I really do feel tired." You manage to mumble out, your eyes starting to go glossy as the urge to cry began to build.
"Yes, that I can believe. Now what is this." He said referencing the petals in his grip.
"Flower petals..." The tight feeling in your chest was returning as you petulantly avoided the question you knew he wanted answered.
"I can see that...." Ushijima was not necessarily a patient man but he was stubborn and knew he would need to push gently. "Why are they all over your room....and your mouth?"
"I...I don't..." You start to try and deny it, tears welling as you try to think of something, anything semi-believable. However, you can't seem to finish your sentence as you find yourself coughing again.
The dark haired boy watches you, eyes wide and filling with panic as he watches red petals fall from your lips. You fight to get control and soon find yourself wheezing in lieu of a cough, tears running down your cheeks once more. You knew he had seen, there was no way to hide it from him, but it didn't mean you still didn't want to.
He stayed crouched before you, his voice is gentle and low as he spoke. "Do you have Hanahaki disease?" It was a question with an obvious answer but he wanted you to tell him. He was certain you would admit it but found you shaking your head at him instead.
"Y/N..." He began but stopped when you met his gaze.
"No!!" You whimpered out as you shook your head back and forth once again. "It can’t be... Cause that would mean he doesn’t love me back." You can't help the pained sob that escapes as you break down weeping.
Ushijima says nothing, what could he possibly say to you in this moment. Instead he carefully reaches out and pulls you into his arms.
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comicgeekscomicgeek · 3 years
Their Hero Academia – Chapter 74: 10 Short Films about 1-A
Presenting the next installment of my on-going, nextgen, MHA fic! Earlier chapters can be found here
“What’re you watching, dork?”
Toshi looked up from his desk to see his sister, Hana, standing in the doorway.  “Oh, just a video Shota sent over.  He wanted to know what I thought.  It’s Sequoia Rose and Kestrel fighting some of the Sons of Stain… Looks like they were planning some kind of raid on the local Agencies before they routed them out.”
It was a pretty impressive fight.  But the Sons of Stain were no joke; they were followers of the late Hero Killer, who still believed Hero Society was corrupt and worked to bring it down.  There was something very satisfying about seeing them get beaten.
Hana rolled her eyes. “I don’t know how you can just watch all that stuff in your free time.  Dad’s a Hero.  Mom’s a Hero. More than half the adults we know are Heroes.  You’re studying to be a Hero and so are all your friends!  Don’t you get tired of it?”
“No?” he tried. “It’s just all… so cool!  Besides, Rose and Kestrel are still pretty young!  There’s a good chance I might get to work with them someday, so it helps to know about…” She rolled her eyes again and Toshi trailed off.
“Do you even hear yourself?”
“You know,” he said, “just because you pretend you’re too cool for this kind of stuff doesn’t make you cool.  We used to watch videos together with Dad!  You used to run around in a Froppy onesie!”
Hana looked him dead in the eyes.  “Meh.” He actually felt a chill go down his spine, but pressed on.  
“Oh, come on!  You wanted to be a Hero when you were little! What changed, Hanners?  Your Quirk’s way stronger than Grandma’s! It’d be perfect for Hero work!”
“Maybe I don’t want to spend my life beating people up, dork!  You ever think of that?” Hana looked annoyed.  He’d known for a while now her interest in Heroes or in being one had been waning, but her disinterest seemed to have picked up speed since she became a teenager.  She did want to be a doctor, which was still helping people, but…
“But you could be a Rescue Hero, like Mom!  Or a Medical Hero, like Aunt Eri!  Your Quirk would be great for that!  You could move rubble or people, maybe even help with injuries....”
Hana pointed at him and he felt a slight shove in his chest, nearly knocking him out of his chair.   “Tosh,” she said. “Let it go.  Not everybody wants that life.”
“Even with a punch like that…” Toshi began, but the fire in her eyes silenced him.  “Okay, okay.  I’ll let it go.”   He smiled. “You know we’ll all be proud of you, no matter what you do, right?”
There was another eyeroll.  “Could you be any sappier?  I’m surprised you aren’t crying.”
“I don’t cry that much!”
“But you know, though,” he said, “Aunt Eri and Katsuma got through med school way faster with way less debt…”
“You’re what?” Katsumi growled, staring at Dad.
Dad looked up from where he was packing his suitcase.  “Going to the Training Camp,” he said.  “The other teachers think it’ll be a good idea if I go and get an idea of what you kids can do.”
She threw up her hands in irritation.  “And you were planning on telling me this when?”
He shrugged.  “Didn’t find out until a couple days ago.”   He’d been commuting back and forth to U.A. a lot lately, getting things set up so he could start teaching the next term.  She still wasn’t sure how she felt about that or how she felt about having him around and in her space that often.  “And I’m telling you now, aren’t I?”
Scratch that.  She was relieved to still have him around after his injuries.  But she still wasn’t sure how she felt about him being their teacher.  Aunt Itsuka was a homeroom teacher, not a subject teacher, so it probably wasn’t as bad for Kana as this would be, but maybe she’d talk to her and see how she dealt with it.
She crossed her arms. “So you’re leaving Tai alone with Papa to eat take out the whole time we’re gone?”
He gave her a look. “I’m not that dumb.  Tsukushi’s given them a standing invitation to dinner while we’re gone.  She’ll make sure they’re fed.”  
Leaving Papa and her little brother to the Monomas?  Dad was desperate.   Well, Papa and Tsukushi got along.  And Tai loved Takeru.  It was really only Dad and the elder Monoma who fought, usually over stupid stuff like hedges and an ever escalating “niceness” war that probably wouldn’t end even when they moved.
“Don’t worry,” Dad said. “I’ll give you your space.  I’m not going to be looking over your shoulder the whole time or anything.”
She held his gaze, then shrugged.  It wasn’t like she had anything to hide anyway.  It was just the principle of the thing.  “Yeah, all right.”
He grinned after that. “Don’t think I’m going to go easy on any of you, though.”
“Wasn’t asking you to.”
“Not even Izumi.”
The words caught in her throat.  She could handle All Might pushing them.  His jocular demeanor meant that even when he was driving them the hardest, it was hard to get mad at him.  Even Aizawa’s pushing was a serious, focused thing.
Dad would push as hard of any of them, probably harder.  It was, she admitted, what they all needed, how nuts things were right now.  He’d force them to go beyond their limits, because he knew no other way.
Could she handle seeing her best friend pushed like that?  She’d been trying hard to let Izzy face her own challenges and not step in immediately to protect her.  Even since the Sports Festival, she’d been more acutely aware of how Izzy could take care of herself.  Dad knew that about her.
“She’ll appreciate that.” She’d have to try and do the same.
The device exploded, leaving a large scorch mark on the opposite wall of the testing range.  Automated systems activated, with arms extending from the wall and spaying fire-suppressant foam over the flames. Later, a cleaning robot would emerge and take care of the mess.
Flipping up her protective mask, Mother let out a laugh.  “Aw, I thought for sure that baby was going to work!  But didja see the size of that explosion!  Wowee!”
Sora joined her in the laugh.  “Most spectacular!” she agreed.  “Perhaps we should adjust the fuel to power ratio by twenty-percent for the next version?”
Her brother shook his head. “If we are intended to make a rocket-propelled gauntlet for our costumes, then we will require sufficient force to do any damage.  Better to reinforce the material to survive the forces involved.”
He was incorrect about that. “Material strength will only go so far,” she told him.  “And reinforcing the material will add additional weight, which will diminish speed.”
The incorrectness persisted. “Incorrect,” he said.  “The advancements being made with lightweight alloys should prove sufficient to…”
Both of them frowned, then turned to face Mother.  At the same time, they began, “Mother tell him/her that I am correct!”
Mother let out another laugh.  “Babies, babies, babies,” she said.  “I think it’s adorable when you have a science fight.  And as much I’d love to weigh in on this one…”   The clock on her design desk chirped with an alarm.  It was loud, shrill, and impossible to ignore.   Father had insisted on her having one like that.  It would even trigger back-up alarms if not silenced with the correct passcode.  It was ultimately necessary to allow Mother proper time-keeping.
She silenced the alarm. “I promised your father I would have you both in one place so he could talk to you.”
At that, the door to the lab snapped open and Father walked in.  He had his projector laptop under one arm.  Sora looked at Tensei nervously.  It was rarely a good sign when he brought that out.  It would mean he had a topic for discussion that he considered important enough to require slides.  
Father regarded them seriously and set his laptop up.  He pushed his glasses up his nose.  “As you know, you will be leaving on Monday for the two week Training Camp.  While I trust Aizawa and your other chaperones to maintain order, I also still remember the third year camp my own class undertook.   Denki and Kyoka were somehow able to sneak away to go skinny-dipping.  The resultant pregnancy scare that resulted a few weeks later is not something I wish to see repeated with either of you or your class.”
Tensei brought a hand up.  “Father, seeing as how Takuma and I are both male, that would be a highly unlikely outcome, should we choose to engage in such behavior.”  He went a bit red.  “Even though we will not.  May I be excused from this discussion?  It seems as though it would be better focused on Sora.”
The traitor!  She made a mental note to hide his soldering kit later.
Mother, however, just shook her head.  “Let him have this.  He spent all of his last day off making these slides.  I tried to distract him, but he resisted my feminine wiles.”
“Mei!” Father erupted. “That is not an appropriate thing to say!”
“I thought it tied right in, Tenny.”
Father went a bit red, as he often did when Mother teased him.  “Regardless,” he said, “as you are both now in relationships, I feel this next stage of talks to be highly necessary.”
The presentation projected from the laptop’s holograph lens began with Relationships: How to Make Smart Decisions That Will Ensure a Successful Future for You and Your Partner.  Looking carefully, she could see the slide was numbered as one of one hundred fifty.
It was going to be one of those presentations then. Father certainly did love to lecture. Takuma, she understood, but how could he not trust Toshi?
“Perhaps we should be taking notes?” Sora ventured.  “But I believe I left pen and paper in my room.  I should go and get them!”
“As should I!” Tensei agreed quickly.  
Father seemed to be searching their faces for signs of deception, but nodded.  “Very well,” he said.  “Ten minutes, then we will begin!”
More than enough time. She ran out of the lab as fast as her legs would carry her, Tensei hot on her heels.  
Carefully, Kimiko closed her suitcase.  She had enough clothes to get her through the Training Camp and a few of the medical textbooks Doctor Izumi had provided her with.  According to Doctor Izumi, since she was progressing well with her studies, she’d be able to receive additional medical training at the camp.  The studying was often long and arduous and cut into her gossip-wrangling time, but she’d be lying if she said it wasn’t also rewarding.  It was an application of her Quirk that didn’t involve sneaking around, didn’t make being invisible the be-all and end all of what she was.
There was a knock on her door.  “Come in, Daddy,” she said.
Her door slid open as Daddy padded inside.  He smiled. “How’d you know it was me, ‘miko?” As always, he was able to look her right in the eyes, something almost no one else could.  Even Kenta had trouble with it sometimes.
“Pretty distinctive knock,” she told him.
Daddy smiled again. “You’re getting good at observing,” he said.  He nodded towards the shelf where some of her medical books still were.  “You’re getting good at lots of things.”
“Oh, Daddy,” she said. “You’re going to make me blush!”
He chuckled at that. “You’ve got everything you need? Sunscreen?  Extra changes of clothes?  Reflectors?”
“Yes, yes, yes, …wait, no!”   Kimiko ran to her dresser and pulled out her reflective headband, armbands, and gloves.  They were useful when she was going places in the dark, otherwise it was very hard to see just her clothing.  They stood out when she couldn’t.
She stashed them in her suitcase.  “Whew! You’re a lifesaver, Daddy!”   She threw her arms around him in a hug.
“Offf!”  Daddy grunted, returning the hug.  “I still need to breathe, ‘miko!”
She let go, but gave him an affectionate punch on the arm.  “Oh, Daddy!”
“Smart, pretty as your mother, and a heck of a right hook,” Daddy said, beaming.  “No wonder you’re going to make a great Hero.”
“Daaaaaddy!” she wailed, arms flailing.  “You’re too much!”
“I’m just telling the truth.”
He always did believe in her.  When she’d told her parents she wanted to be a Medical Hero, get her paramedic’s license, they’d both been supportive, but Mom had been more cautious, telling her about all the hard work that would be involved.  But Daddy, Daddy had immediately thrown his full support behind her.
She gave him another hug. “Thank you.”
After the hug, he crossed his arms.  “Now, you’re going to behave yourself on this trip?”
“Of course, Daddy!”
“You’re going to pay attention to Aizawa and the other teachers?”
“Of course, Daddy!”
“Not going to hit your friends too much?”
“…I’ll try, Daddy!”
“Not going to spend the whole time shipping your classmates and friends?  Or trying to arrange a ‘summer romance?’”
“…I’m only human, Daddy.”
“’miko…” he began, a chastising tone in his voice.
“Fine,” she said, stomping her foot.  “I’ll try and keep it to a minimum.”
“That’s all I ask.”
Shopping in the upscale boutique, Takiyo reached for the designer shirt. Another hand did so at the same time. Wrapping his glowing fingers around one side of the hanger, he tried to take it.  But the other hand, ending in sharp looking claws, wrapped around the other side and tugged too.
He looked to his right and shot them a glare, finding a boy his age, with a mane of purple hair and a feline-ish cast to his face.  He was very pretty, with a style that suggested the kind of trying too hard to look like he wasn’t trying hard to look that good. “Pardon,” Takiyo said, “I had it first.”
“Oh, please,” the boy said.  “I saw it first.  It’ll look better on me anyway.”
Takiyo wondered if he could distract the boy by using his Quirk like a laser-pointer, but he doubted he was cat-like enough for that.  “There must be something wrong with your eyes if you think that’s true.”
“Mmm-hmm,” he said, his yellow, vertically-pupiled eyes moving quickly.  He tapped a finger against his chin. “U.A. student, right? First year?  I do remember seeing a glowing boy during the Sports Festival.”
Takiyo’s thoughts darkened at that.  He hadn’t stood out nearly as much as he would have liked and he was certain he’d only ended up on an Internship with Cellophane because the class’s parents had arranged for no one to be left out.  Still, if he had made enough of an impression for someone else to remember, even someone infuriating…
He put his free hand on his hip.  “If you remember me, then you should remember how stunning I am.”  He almost regretted his words.  He had told Koda he was trying to be nicer to people.  She would be disappointed in him and he hated to think of that.  He could already see her disappointed face in his mind…
The boy shook his head, sending his mane waving in what had to be a practiced motion.  “You keep telling yourself that.”  He snapped his fingers, then licked his lips. “Now the boy who took first… that’s a different story.  Though my friend was rather partial to the girl who took second.  But nobody was talking about you, honey.”
Neither of them had let go of the shirt in the meantime.  It was the last one left in that color and style and he was not backing down.  “Regardless,” Takiyo said, “none of it changes the fact that I had my hand on this first.  It’s mine.”
The cat-boy laughed, but did release his grip on the shirt.  “I suppose it’s the duty of the pretty to do everything they can to help the less fortunate.  And you, my friend, need a lot of help.”
Takiyo gritted his teeth, feeling his glow intensify for a moment.  “Must you be so infuriating?” he demanded.  
The boy laughed as he walked away.  “Oh, you’ll see just how infuriating I can be, honey.”
What did that mean?
“Up!  Up!”
Takuma looked down to see his little sister, Moji, tugging at his pant leg.  She looked a lot like a miniature version of Mom, with pinkish skin and horns, topped by dark, fluffy hair.  At only two, she didn’t have a Quirk yet, but he was sure it would be trouble, whatever it was.
With a grunt, he bent down and picked her up.  She wrapped her arms around him and he planted a kiss on top of her head, causing her to giggle.  “Did you come to see your favorite big brother? Or did you just want a snack?”
She gave this serious consideration.  “Snack!”
Takuma laughed and shifted her so he was only holding her with one arm.  “Okay, hang on, I think we’ve got goldfish crackers around here somewhere… Assuming Mom hasn’t eaten them all.”  At four months pregnant with twins (Or as Dad like to refer to them, “Players to be named later.”), Mom had developed a lot of cravings.
“Snack?” Moji repeated, more insistently.  She had a bit of a one track mind sometimes.
“I’m getting it,” Takuma told her, finding the small serving pouches.   He set her down, ripped the top off, and handed it to her.
“Snack!” Moji said again. “Thank you!” Her cravings satisfied, she walked off, leaving him alone in the kitchen.   She dodged around Mom as they passed each other in the doorway.
“Hard to believe you used to try and sell your brothers,” she said.
“In my defense, Kenta really wanted a brother.  He would have liked Yamato.”
“You’re not going to try and sell the twins, are you?”
He shook his head. “Nah.  I’ll be out of the house by the time they’re old enough to be trouble.”
“You will, won’t you?” Mom asked.  “Hard to believe you’re almost sixteen.  I must have done something right.  Tsu and Momo were so worried when I had you!  They were afraid I’d leave you at the park or something!  As if!  That only happened two times.”
“Three,” he corrected. “It was raining.”
“Meh, who’s counting.” She crossed the room and pulled a container of ice cream from the freezer.  Mom grabbed a spoon and proceeded to eat directly from it.   She gestured with her spoon.   “So how’s things going with you and Tensei?  Good?  Tell me it’s good.  In-Laws with the Iidas?  Mama’s gonna have a nice retirement!  You know, Training Camps are great for cementing relationships…”
Takuma felt himself flushing a deep purple.  “Nope, nope, nope, not having this conversation!”
Mom cackled at his discomfort.  “Oh, come on. You can’t possibly be traumatized by this.  Your dad and I have always been very frank about sex.”
Too frank, really. And with four siblings and two on the way, too often too.  “Nope, nope, can’t talk, gotta go upload my last video!”
Not entirely a lie; he wouldn’t be able to upload anything while at the camp.  Two weeks without external validation from strangers?  He was gonna die!
The Anivoice Agency was not a large organization, but the building was significant.  This was because the ground floor contained an animal rehabilitation center.  Most of the animals had been seized from trafficking operations.  Father was frequently called upon to rehabilitate the animals before they were returned to the wild.  
While there were employees charged with caring for the animals, Father also liked to spend time with them.  Akaya had many memories of helping and was accompanying him today.
They paused before a large enclosure holding a gigantic beast, combining the features of many animals. “How are you, Manny?” Father asked. “Feel like talking?  No?  Okay, let me know if you do…”
Manticore made a soft rumble.  He had been in Father’s care for ten years and was barely closer to regaining his humanity than he’d been the day he arrived.  Yet Father tried.  
Father turned to her. “Looking forward to the Camp?” With other people, Father often had trouble finding his words, but never with her or her mother and brother.
What could she tell him? That the words that had shattered her during her Internship still haunted her? That her classmates were all finding themselves in relationships, while no one had expressed any interest in her? That she was certain that no one would look upon her with romantic eyes?
“I am,” she said.  Not entirely a lie.  She could throw herself into being a Hero. And there would be plenty of time to spend with her friends.  It did not do to devote oneself entirely to romantic pursuits.  Father and Mother had not even begun dating until they had graduated.
She had time.  She could tell herself that.
“I’m glad.”  Father was also not one to push, preferring instead to simply listen.  
Her faith taught her honesty…
“I’m not,” she said. “I haven’t felt truly glad for a long time.”
“I know,” he said. “We were worried you would never tell us.”
“You knew?” she asked.
“You’re like me, easy to read,” he said.  “Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
“It began during my Internship.”  She told him all that had happened.
“I’m sorry you went through that,” he said. She could tell he was pushing down anger on her behalf. “The world’s filled with too many people filled with hate.  But love wins.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“It did for me.  For Grandma. For her father. Our skin is stone, but our heart still feels.  We’ve all felt it.  You’ve already braver than I was at your age.  Stronger too. I know someone will see you for the amazing person you are.”
“Would that I could be so certain.”
“It will get easier.  Someone will see you and just go ‘wow.’”
“Do you truly think so?”
“I know it.”
She wished she could believe it so easily.  Something about the way Father said it made it sound possible.  “Okay.”
For a moment, the world was all right.  Manticore cooed encouragingly.  “Thank you, Manny,” she said.
“It’ll be fine, Mom,” Daisuke said, sitting at the kitchen table, sipping tea.  Mom sat across from him, likewise drinking tea, a nervous look upon her face.  Dad was at work.  
Mom was a tiny woman, dark-haired and serious.  She had an arm-stretching Quirk and had been a graduate of U.A.’s General Education program. She worked in finance, well away from the world of Heroes.  And she was worried.  It didn’t show on her face, but he could tell by the subtle way her teacup shook in her hands, the way her arms kept ever so slightly lengthening and then retracting to their normal length, the way she was blinking too much, her breaths quick and shallow.
“The first time your dad went away to a training camp,” Mom said, setting her cup down, he lost a hand, most of his classmates were injured, Bakugo was kidnapped, and Fumikage almost was too.”
“The hand…”
“And don’t say the hand grew back!”
“…Yes, Mom.”
Mom frowned.  “I’m sorry.  I’m just…  I’m not like Tsu or all the other spouses.  I’m not a Hero.  I worry enough about your dad when he’s out there.  Haru gets it, Mei a little, but… I remember how worried I was when the news broke about what happened at the Training Camp… I don’t think I slept a wink until he called.”
“It’s not going to be like that,” he told her.  “One, there’s no Villains after us.  Two, even if there were, Tokoyami’s Quirk isn’t like her dad’s and wouldn’t go berserk no matter what else happened.  And three, anyone who kidnapped Kirishima-Bakugo would return her within the hour.”  No offense meant to his explosive classmate, but she would be far more trouble to kidnap than anyone would want to deal with.
Mom frowned at that. “I know.  Just promise me you’ll be careful, all right?  Even with your teachers watching out for you, you’re going to be out in the middle of nowhere.  If somebody gets hurt…”
Mom worried a lot.  It was easy to forget sometimes, how many people didn’t have powerful Quirks, how many people weren’t Heroes.  At U.A., it was a bit of an insular bubble for his class, the children of so many Heroes who’d not only grown up as friends, but were all concentrated in one place.  People like his mom had to worry more about Villain attacks, about who would help if something went wrong, about who would get hurt.
His Quirk and his strength made him a frontline fighter and a brawler.  She would worry about him getting hurt no matter what.  But how could he not put his skills to use?  His Extendo-Arms might not have been as flashy as the majority of his classmates’ Quirks, but he had the right skills and the right Quirk to be the right person for someone who needed a Hero.  He didn’t seek fame or glory.  He just wanted to help.  It was enough.
“I promise, Mom,” he said.
“Can we have Mighty Burger for dinner?” Taki asked.  Asuka’s dark-haired younger brother was the only one in the family to look entirely human. Though the eleven year old’s shadow never quite seemed to match his movements.
“Yeah!” Nanami added. Her nine year old sister’s wings flapped furiously, though not quite enough to get her off the ground.  
“That would be good,” Asahi said.  Her frog-faced brother, all of thirteen, had not picked up the moodiness that some teens seemed to.  If anything, he was too well-behaved.
With Mom at sea and Dad at work, it was left to her to manage her younger siblings.  Normally, Asahi would be in charge since she’d started UA, but as long as she was there, she was drafted into the role of caretaker.  Not that she minded.  She had already done so before attending U.A and had been doing so for much of the Summer break.  They’d spent much of the afternoon at the library, so that Nanami could check out books and so that Asahi could begin to do research for a project he would have in his next school term, and were now walking home.  
“I don’t think so,” she said.
“Mighty Burger!” Taki insisted.
“Mighty Burger!” Nanami said.
“Mighty Burger!” Even Asahi was joining in now.
Asuka felt the familiar sensation of Frog-Shadow leaving her body.  “Mighty Burger!” Frog-Shadow insisted, joining in the now repetitious chorus of wanting to get take out.
“We have food at home,” she said firmly, using the same tone of voice her mom used to manage them. “I’m making pasta for dinner.”
Frog-Shadow zipped and around and hovered right in front of her beak, eyes wide and pleading.  “Pleeeeeease,” her familiar begged.  “They’ve got Hero Babies toys in the kids’ meals!  I wanna get Baby Ground Zero before they discontinue it!”
“…Why do you know any of that?” Asuka demanded.
“Because Toshi told you about it and I know everything you know.”
Asuka squeezed her eyes shut tightly.  Ever since she had almost lost her, she had made a greater effort to include Frog-Shadow, allowing her to roam freely and speak to her more often.  It had, by and large, been going quite well.  Being included more often had tamed some of her childish impulses, though it seemed that it was still an uphill battle.
“I’m pretty sure you’re outvoted, Asuka.” Taki said.  The shadows around him rippled a bit.
Asahi just laughed, a low, croaking sound that flared his throat pouch.  “Hey now, Mom and Dad left her in charge.  If she says we’re having pasta, then we’re having pasta.”
There were now four pairs of eyes staring at her.  She should be strong.  She should be tough.  She was the responsible adult here.  If she could wrangle her classmates as Vice-Representative, then she should certainly be able to handle her family as eldest child.
And perhaps if she flapped her arms hard enough, she could learn to fly without Frog-Shadow.
“Fine.  Mighty Burger!”
“Hi!  Welcome to the Nice Guy Convenience Store!  Let me know if you need help with anything!”  Isamu said to the customer who had just entered.  Ever since he’d returned from I-Island—and he still couldn’t believe everything he’d become privy to during that time—he’d been working in his dad’s store, pitching in where he could.  It was nice and normal and grounding.  The woman grunted and nodded in acknowledgement.
Weird. The dark-haired woman looked familiar.  Where had he seen her before?  That was going to bug him until he figured it out.  She headed to the back to pick up a handful of ready-made frozen meals and a six pack of energy drinks.  
The woman seemed to be eyeing him as well when she returned to the front.  As he was ringing her up, she asked, “U.A. kid, right?  One of Eraserhead’s brats?”
“Ah, yes, ma’am,” he said. Was she a Pro-Hero?  He didn’t think so, though she could have been an Underground Hero.  But not that many people would know who Aizawa was, even if his own face had been on practically every television in Japan during the Sports Festival.
That, mercifully, had started dying down.  The U.A. Sports Festival was a major event, but compared to daily Hero fights and premieres, it was easy to get forgotten by anyone who wasn’t a diehard fan.  
Was he in danger? He let one of his hands behind the counter.  Slowly, he began charging up an energy pulse, just in case he needed it.  He just needed to keep his face neutral…
“Thought I recognized you,” she said.  “You’re the zippy kid who tackled me at the last second.”
Isamua’s eyes went wide. Shadow-Thief?  She was on parole, right?  Aizawa said they earned their paroles…
“Yeah,” he said.  Should he apologize?
She shrugged.  “Just didn’t expect to see any Hero kids working a regular job.  I thought all you Hero types had rich families.”
“Not a Hero family,” he said.  “Just me.”
“They stuck you with all those Hero kids?” Shadow-Thief asked.  “What the hell?  That ain’t exactly fair to you, is it?”
“I’ve already learned a lot from them.”  Isamu shrugged.  A sudden and rare burst of confidence filled him.  “And besides… I think I’m doing all right for myself.”  Sports Festival winner, Intern with Deku, “Hero” of I-Island, even if he wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about that last one, especially the paycheck that had shown up from the Mighty Agency for “services while deputized” with way too many zeroes in it.  At least that adventure had been kept out of the news.  
Shadow-Thief laughed at that.  “You, you’re all right, kid.”  She took the bag with her purchases in it and headed for the door.  “Stay in school kid.  I wanna get to say I was your first take down someday.”
What did it say about his life that getting encouragement from a former Villain was not the strangest thing to have happened to him?
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter three: got your tongue
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings:
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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Your weekend off flew by, Friday night and the entire day and night of Saturday were a blur as you felt numb and empty since leaving work that dreadful night. Your body never left the place you called home, staying in pajamas and blankly staring at a tv screen. Your mind would wake up enough when your stomach growled, demanding to be fed, other than that you spent all these hours in a daze. Sunday morning came, the sound of your phone jolting you awake as the blanket covered your head and you smacked your dry lips. The ringtone was loud and made you wince as the piercing music rang throughout the quiet bedroom. Groaning and stretching out, your fingers grasped at the device.
"It's fucking 8am! Does he not sleep in," you growled with a sleepy voice as you hit answer, face falling back into the pillow as you sat on your knees, butt perked in the air.
An attractive chuckle came from the other end. "Don't you have the cutest sleepy voice!"
"It's too early Toshi, stop trying to suck up! What do you want?"
"I wanted to remind you that you have a job interview today with a little girl, not very tall, white long hair, ruby red eyes and a little horn?"
You couldn't help but giggle, being the first genuine emotion you shed all weekend. Something about Hitoshi's voice and how he talked soothed you.
"Okay, okay, I'm up! What time will you be here?"
"Well that all depends on how far away you are from my location at the moment!"
You shot up even more out of bed with an exasperated "What!"
"Why - you said dinner! Isn't dinner like around five, six in the evening? Are you a bunch of hobbits or something? Gotta eat your second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon?"
Hitoshi let out a hearty laugh. 
"You really are too fucking cute, I knew you were a nerd! I'm coming to get you so we can go grocery shopping and put together some kind of treat so you can win the kid over! I'm trying to help you out here sweetness!"
Pulling your knees to your chest and pulling the thick blanket over your head, you sat there groaning. After not moving a single fucking muscle all weekend, unless to eat, change the channel, or use the bathroom, you weren't ready to go back out into the world. The hero waited patiently on the phone, clicking his tongue as you whined out his name.
"I'll feed you!" He replied in a singsong tone.
Quirking your brow, a grin spread. Little did the hero know, you could put away some food, this little offer he would quickly regret.
"Okay, I'll text you my address!"
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Checking yourself in the mirror, a giddy smile crossed your face and you pushed your cheeks down trying to force it away. 
"It's just a few hours with him ... well more than a few hours. Pull yourself together! You need this job," you chanted mentally, pointing in the mirror. 
The phone on your bed pinged and you picked it up to read the message. Quickly, you checked yourself over again, wearing a plain dark grey knit sweater and dark jeans with a brown beanie covering your ears. You skipped off, grabbing your bag and phone then ran out the door, locking it behind you.
Once downstairs it wasn't hard to pick out that familiar set of wild purple locks outside the door. Taking a breathe you calmed down, not wanting to look too excited to see the hero. Before you could exit out the door though he turned around and saw you, a smile instantly plastering on his strong, pale features.
"Goddammit," you said defeated with a grin and walked outside to him. That reaction melting your heart and sending an already finishing blow to it.
"Hey sweetness! It's strange seeing you in normal clothes!"
The hero cheered as he brushed a lock of your hair out of your mouth from the wind blowing it. His fingers brushed your lips and cheek, making you blush at the contact. Hitoshi smirked, knowing damn good and well he was the reason for your pink cheeks. Smirking, he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and started walking with you along side him. You didn't say much, which was weird for you, at work the two of you went at it constantly. 
The hero looked down on you then lowered his head, his lips barely grazing your ear. "Cat got your tongue?"
"Oh my god, fuck off with the cat jokes Toshi!" You finally spoke with a grin and elbowed his side.
His hand around your shoulder patted your head, bringing it closer into him as he placed an unexpected kiss to your beanie. "There she is!"
Rolling your eyes, the two of you walked along until hitting the train station where you boarded and headed towards the grocery store. On the way Hitoshi let you know more about his little sister. You learned about her powerful and impressive quirk and how she came into Aizawa's care. It was a dark story and you were grateful yourself that the pro hero took in the child. Hitoshi seemed to glow while telling you stories of how she loves to play hide and seek, how she never leaves him alone when they are together and her love for sweets! You figured the two of you would get along, there were so many easy and fun treats that you already thought of to make with Eri.
"What's her favorite food," you asked.
"Apples, the kid loves apples!"
"Oh, I have the perfect idea then! It's really simple too, so it won't take us long to make!"
"Us?" Hitoshi quirked a brow looking at you with a smirk.
"Yes 'us'! I may wait on you hand and foot at that café, but if Eri likes me and I take this job, then I won't be your waitress anymore. We'll be equals and work as a team to take care of her. In fact, the second I leave that god awful place, I'm burning that stupid outfit." You looked away and out the window, mood shifting as you tugged the sleeves of your sweater.
Hitoshi noticed, frowning a bit trying to think of what to say to lighten the mood and get a smile out of you again. He knew talking about your job was sometimes a sore subject, either you'd joke and play about it or get defensive. You definitely weren't always easy to read, keeping the hero on his toes, but he liked the challenge and it helped him learn more about you, a subject he could never seem to get enough knowledge about. 
Finally he smirked, growing the courage to take his next fun poke at you, unsure what reaction he might get. His foot knocked into yours that dangled from the seat, making you looked at him and hum in response.
"Well, can I request you keep the ears and collar?"
Your (e/c) hues narrowed as a smile played on your lips. "Why?"
"Hmm, just because, they may come in handy down the road ... you know with the kid, yeah! You see she likes to play dress up sometimes and you just make for a convincing little cat!"
You hummed an exaggerated "mhm" and smirked. Suddenly, you swung your legs around, plopping them into his lap and leaning your face close to his. Hitoshi seemed to stiffen as your breath fanned his cheek. You smelled sweet, like always, indulgent and intoxicating, it's like you were a bakery all in yourself.
"Good thing I like to play dress up too, maybe one night just me and you can play together?"
Shinsou's cheeks were now the ones violently blushing, he choked on a laugh, rubbing the back of his neck and giving you one of those lazy yet seductive grins, trying to think of something to clap back with but it looked like he was defeated. You leaned in even closer, barely brushing your lips against his ear lobe as he had done earlier.
"Cat got your tongue, Hitoshi?" Your seductive tone now turning into a giggle.
The hero rolled his eyes and groaned, unsure of if he found the way his name fell from you lips as sexy or cute. Using his fingertips, Hitoshi pushed your face away. He could dish out the teasing, but he had a hard time taking it himself. Girls in his past could never make him blush or make his mind go completely blank the way you did, it was infuriating at times, the effect you had on him, but a good infuriating.
Accepting his defeat Hitoshi smiled and shook his head, one hand then rested on your legs that still laid in his lap, thumb brushing over the fabric and he relaxed against the seat, one arm laying across the back of it as he made himself comfortable. Obvious that he didn't mind the close contact you smiled back, leaning onto the wall of the train behind you and crossing your arms, glowing in your victory.
"You're going to be my undoing (Y/N), I can already tell."
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jaseyspace · 4 years
Adventures with little Class 1-A (long)
(trigger warning does involve suicide attempt,bullying, mentions of selfharm and such nature if this bothers you then please don't read any further) Midoriya's pov: I was walking through the halls of yuuie, while hearing constant chatter and clanking. Looking up to see Shinsou being pushed against the lockers by his usual bullies. It angered Midoriya to see the other not fight back and just take what was coming to him. There'd been times he'd caught Shinsou shaking during class because of his anxiety. From the distance he could see that the bully was holding something over his head with a levitation quirk. Continuously shoving shinsou against the wall of lockers, the bully's lackeys used taunting words Midoriya had heard from them all to often. Midoriya's dom side was beginning to come on, he was a daddy dom, he had a little and a boyfriend. Todoroki was the said boyfriend and little, but both boys grew feelings for Shinsou, in a way they were more platonic than sexual. Still it angered the green haired daddy, having Todoroki as a little opened him up to a different world. Knowing that the little had problems with anxiety and abuse from his 'father'. Midoriya had at many times used his daddy side to help Todoroki through those tough panic attacks. This was no different except for the anger that rose, it wasn't enough to full activate his quirk at full charge but he did glow with all for one. Approaching the group Izuku used his stern daddy voice and said. "Get away from him.now!" The bully looks down to see his challenger and laughed "Or what, you gonna bite my ankles shortie?" Shoving the bully forcefully he growled "I said get away from him didn't I?" A sneer plastered on his face as he looked at the other on the ground who had a slightly taken a back look. "What, did you not hear me? This is why you open your ears and pay attention." Midoriya faked a step forward and the bullies flinched, inactivating his quirk the bullies scattered. The thing fell from the sky and in front of him, it was a journal, that said 'little space journal'. Picking it up he turned to see a frightened Hitoshi Shinsou holding himself tightly against the lockers. "this is yours right?" Midoriya asked holding it out to him, Shinsou gave a nervous nod but slowly took it back. The greenette could see that he was shaking harshly obvious having a panic session, frowning he sighed and said. "I know what you are...and its okay...they have no right to bully you no matter the reason." Shinsou's teary eyes looked up from his hunched state, Midoriya began to talk as if he was talking to Todoroki. "You're safe little guy, I promise, I wont let them hurt you any more. Its okay to be little, its okay to be you." "th-they s-...they say I is bad" Midoriya could tell Shinsou was slowly slipping into little space, he understood what he said. "is it because of your quirk?" Shinsou gave a small nod, Midoriya frowned and replied with a heavy heart. "Your quirk doesn't determine who you are, you decide who you are not your quirk...There are gonna be dummies out there who are gonna tell you different but just know that, I think your quirk is great." Shinsou's breath was still fast but he was a little less jittery, Midoriya then decided to do breathing exercise. "alright take slow deep breaths in with me ready?" Shinsou agreed and followed Midoriya in his breathing exercise that seemed to help after a bit. When Shinsou had calmed down Midoriya got out a tissue from his book bag travel sized back of tissues. Handing it to Shinsou who gently blew his nose and shoved it into his pocket to throw away later he smiled. Glad that his classmate was better, and he'd gotten his belonging back. "Well why don't we head to class, don't want to be too late now do we?" Shinsou only nodded not ready to talk as he was battling between his little space and big space. As the days went on the bullying didn't exactly stop, but Shinsou just stopped reacting. He didn't flinch when he was grabbed and shoved around, he didn't utter a word when he was spoken so cruelly of by his peers. He didn't say anything when he was castes to the side and abandoned, when no one would talk to him out of fear of him using his quirk on them. He didn't argue when others would tell him that his dreams of being a hero would never come true. That he was weak, useless, stupid, and could only be good for a villain's apprentice but. It was still eating at him alive, he was eating less, crying himself to sleep at night, forcing himself to take the pain, and was in little space less. He thought that being a little was his weakness, no one will want a weakling in their life. He would force himself out of little space and would 'punish himself' if he dared to slip even if it only for a bit. The purple haired teen was slowly self-destructing again, and he didn't know what to do anymore. He wished he'd had a caregiver who would cuddle him and remind him of his goals, and that he was worth it, and other positive things. Shinsou felt as if he'd had no one to comfort him, no one to make him feel better, no one to kiss his painful scars better, no one to hold him and let him cry on their should. No one to love him. Shinsou had been hurting himself, starving himself, over training, and over studying weren't the only things he did. He would also bite himself, cut, scratch, or hit himself. Today was one of those days were he didn't want to even get out of bed, but he had to hide that from his dads and sister. He had to hide all of the pain from every one, Hizashi, Aizawa, Erie everyone. He didn't wanna burden anyone else so he kept his mouth shut, it seemed to put people at ease when he didn't speak. Getting out of bed, Hitoshi quickly got ready put on new bandages over his fresh wounds he'd given himself during the night and getting dressed. Going down to get breakfast he was greeted by his parents and little sister who were happily chatting in the kitchen. "Here Toshi eat your breakfast before we go." Aizawa says handing his son his breakfast, Hitoshi takes it and takes a few bites which convince his parents that he's eating. Though he planned on not eating the rest, he didn't deserve his parent's kindness, he didn't deserve to eat. Before he left for school he kissed Erie on the forehead thinking 'she deserves a better brother'. At school he didn't bother to fend off the bullies he didn't even stop he just kept walking as they circled him. He'd take the beating at his locker, then head into the bathroom to spew up the food he forced himself to eat. When he walked into the bathroom he didn't see Midoriya or Todoroki when he burst in and shoved his fingers down his throat to force up the half digested food. Crashing to his knees in front of the toilet he gagged up what he made himself eat to please his parents. Both boys could hear the purple haired teen vomiting from outside of the stall. Midoriya felt bad for him but when he opened the unlocked stall what he saw made him sick to his own stomach. When Shinsou couldn't puke any more he sat shaking, crying and tearing off the bandages with his teeth, gnawing at his still scarred or raw skin. Midoriya whispered to Todoroki to get a teacher while he would try to help Shinsou. Midoriya knelt down and rubbed his back and began to gently hush him. Shinsou held himself tightly and began to shake fight Midoriya's gentle hold. "Shh its gonna be alright, just take deep breathes, no one's gonna hurt you any more." Midoriya used his soft daddy voice holding Shinsou to his chest, he then gasped when he hear loud grunt. Looking over Hitoshi's shoulder he panicked, seeing that he'd completely chomped down on his hand. Blood was streaming from his injuries. "j-just let m-me do this M-Midoriya, I deserve it." He cried but the caregiver wasn't gonna take 'no' for an answer, he force-ably took Shinsou's hand out of his mouth and grabbed wads and wads of paper towel to help with the bleeding. "I wont let you hurt yourself just as I wont let anyone else hurt you. Do you understand little one?" His last words were serious but caring, Midoriya didn't mean to trigger Shinsou's little space but it happened. Shinsou made a little whimper before having a complete melt down, crying into Midoriya's chest his breathing was still fast but he was making incoherent words. Midoriya had to keep applying pressure and more paper to the wounds. 'god where's Todoroki with a teacher?' The green haired teen thought as he did his best to keep calm, thankfully his prayers were answered. Todoroki came in dragging Vlad King behind him, the teacher asked what was going on and Midoriya gave him the explanation. Vlad knelt down and asked Midoriya to hand over Shinsou, with the request being followed Midoriya stood up not realizing his hand and uniform shirt was covered in blood. "I'll need you to come with me Midoriya-" Noticing the blood stains Vlad knew he needed to get him to recovery girl, Vlad looks to Todoroki. "Can you get Aizawa and Present Mic, take them to Recovery girl please." Todoroki nods and quickly leaves as does Vlad and Midoriya. As they hurried thoughts raced through Midoriya's mind, they weren't pleasant ones int he slightest. 'is he gonna be okay?' 'that was a lot of blood' 'why would he do this?' 'I didn't even get a chance to tell him that I love him' 'I wish I could've helped him more!' When they arrived at Recovery girl's office, Izuku knocked on the door and was soon given the 'come in'. Frowning upon seeing only Izuku she sighed and said. "what did you do now Midoriya?" Midoriya twiddled his thumbs saying "its not me this time," Vlad soon walks in holding a limp lifeless Shinsou in his arms. "Oh my god!" Recovery girl gasped with a look of shock "its Shinsou who needs your help. Me and Todoroki found him trying to hurt himself in the bathroom." Vlad lays the boy on a cot and Recovery girl takes off his uniform removing him of its bloody stains. Seeing all of the damage from the outside a look of horror came when she heard Izuku. "H-he did this to himself?" Izuku nods having a hunch on why, the hunch was very strong, and a very correct one. "is someone getting Mr Aizawa or Present Mic?" Speak of the devil and they'll come a knocking, and that's exactly what happened. Both adults had appeared, Todoroki left them be, waiting for Izuku with both of their book bags, saying he'd meet him in class. Walking into the room both parents had a look of complete shock and hurt, Aizawa was good at hiding his emotions from Hizashi. Hizashi on the other hand was trying his hardest to stay strong as he laid his eyes upon Shinsou. "wh-...What ha-happened to him? T-Todoroki said he and Midoriya found him in the bathroom puking." Hizashi asked, Shota looked to Izuku who spoke looking them in the eyes. "We found Shinsou trying to force himself to vomit, I though maybe he was sick but. Soon when I opened the stall I see him getting and then ripping off the bandages and biting at himself. He had a lot of scars and bite marks. I tried to stop him but next thing I knew in the midst of screaming he bit himself hard" Recovery checks out the self inflicted injury on Shinsou's hand. Shota gently wrapped an arm around his partner rubbing his back softly to comfort him, still holding onto his tough face. Izuku soon finished his explanation, mentioning the bullying he'd witnessed. Aizawa's tough expression hid the hurt, the fear, the nervousness, and the guilt. "I-I'll leave you guys alone so you can be with Shinsou" Midoriya says but it stopped by Recovery girl, she hands him a fresh uniform for him to change out of. "thank you" He says before leaving to change, and eventually go to class. Ready to keep this whole situation under wraps and take it to his grave, him and Todoroki made a silent promise not to speak of it to anyone else. Sitting in their home room class for what felt like forever with solemn looks on their faces Iida noticed and brought it to Ururaka's attention. "Hey you guys okay?" She ask quietly, Midoriya and Todoroki fixed themselves and nodded Todoroki faked a yawn, while Midoriya pretended to have a head ache. "y-yeah just have a head ache, little Todo had a nightmare last night and kept me up on the phone all night. But it was worth it, he felt better after we talked it out. Though he's most likely still a bit sleepy, aren't you Todo?" Todoroki nods and nuzzled into his boyfriend's shoulder earning a sweet smile from his friends. "Oh well that's good to hear that's all it is, you had us worried for a minute." Ururaka spoke with a bright smile, Iida made his robotic arm movements as he agreed. Suddenly Mr Aizawa came back with a neutral face, he sat as his desk quietly. Staring blankly at his class, he'd shortly received a text from Hizashi, saying just end class. "Cl..Class is canceled for the day" The students returned a silent blank stare at their teacher so gave off a different aura than he looked. Only Midoriya and Todoroki knew what this was, and in a way they were experiencing their own feelings. When two minutes went by the class had began to empty out and pack up to leave. Shota Aizawa sat there all alone, feeling alone, feeling like how Shinsou felt. Feeling like how Hizashi felt when he found the raven haired male drowning in the bathtub with an empty bottle of ipecac and vomit all over the toilet. He began to lose himself in the depths of his mind pulling him down, down, down. 'I'm an awful parent' 'this is his second time' 'Why didn't I notice this sooner' 'He's hurting because of me' 'I'm a horrible excuse of a mentor and parent if my own child tried to kill himself again.' Slamming his hands on the desk then burying his face into his hands letting go of the tears. The thing was he didn't know he was crying, he didn't know how much he'd balled up since he'd seen Shinsou. 'What's gonna happen, is he gonna be mad at me for not helping him sooner!? Is he gonna quit, is he gonna hate me and Hizashi? How am I gonna tell Eri this time?...She's such an understanding child, so is Shinsou, they both deal with so much.-' Interrupted from his thoughts by a knock on his classroom door, looking up to see the teachers along with Hizashi they all had a look of pity. "sh-Shota, y-you're crying love." Hizashi tries to pull up a sweet smile as he watched his husband wipe away his tears wordlessly. "Eraser...we're sorry this happened to you guys" They all bowed Shota sighed and thanked them, Vlad then speaks. "Recovery girl told me to tell you that Shinsou is able to go home when you're able to take him." Both males nod at the information, Hizashi agreed to go out and get Eri from preschool. That left Shota to go and get Shinsou, slowly getting from his chair he ventured out to Recovery girl's office once more. Walking inside seeing the sleeping boy he tries his best to enter quietly as to not disturb him. When he's close, he looked down to see multiple scars scattered across his body it almost made him sick. Gingerly laying a hand on the pale scarred shoulder, tracing the scars seemed to make the teen stir. Aizawa stopped noticing his gesture had made the other move, it didn't take long for Shinsou to wake up. "hm?" He hummed groggily trying to sit up but, his body felt heavy and weak. "shh just lay down Shinsou, you've been through a lot" He whispered gently pushing him onto his back. Shinsou frowned when looking seeing Aizawa but his eyes were more red than usual. As if he'd been crying, and Shinsou knew why, he'd been caught! "I'm going to take you home alright" Aizawa says offered a hand his son's bandaged one to hold onto. Shinsou nods and slowly sits up taking Aizawa's hand, standing with his help. Shinsou had soon made it to the car and sat in the passenger seat. Sitting in a silent car ride with Hitoshi curled up in the seat with thought swarming his head. It seemed that Aizawa's mind was being swarmed too! "H-...Hitoshi" Shota tries to break the painful silence but doesn't know how to. "I-I'm sorry you're hurting on the inside, I really am." Shinsou could hear the sincerity in Shota's voice, hearing how much it hurt to say it. Knowing no parent should have to see the sight of their child covered in blood and scars because of how awful they feel. Knowing that no parent should hear that they're kid tried to kill themselves, or that they're being bullied. Shinsou began to shake trying to hold back tears as his anxiety began to come back. 'were they mad at him?' 'would Aizawa dump him back to the foster system?' 'would Eri be afraid of me?' Aizawa looked to see his son was starting the breath rather quickly and tears started to fall. Thank god they were in the neighborhood, it really hurt Shota to see his son shut down. When they pulled into the drive way Shota parked the car and got out, going to the other side Watching Shinsou slowly get out. Feeling weak on his feet he hand to lean on Shota for support, they soon walked into the house together. Taking off their shoes Shota guides Shinsou to the couch and sat him down, setting his book bag on the floor next to them. Shinsou is starting to shake harder, Shota gently hugs the boy holding him to his chest allowing the other the release he needed. "Go on Hitoshi, get it all out. I know you want to, I know you need to." His soft loving voice says as he rubbed Hitoshi's back, earning a choked sob from his shaking body. Crying from all of pain he'd bottled up for so long, crying all of tears he'd held back. Crying into Shota's shoulder, the shoulder he needed for so long, he didn't care who but he needed someone to let him cry it out. "There you go, that's it...come on Toshi" His sobs weren't loud they weren't earth shattering, they weren't silent, they were just sobs. Soothing circles rubbing into his back to help him, Shota didn't say much except words of encouragement. It wasn't long that Hizashi came home with Eri, walking into the house he announced that they were home. Walking into the living room Hizashi sees Shota comforting Hitoshi on the couch and asked if Eri could give them a few minutes. Being the sweet understanding child that Eri was she nods and scurries off to her room to go and play with the cats. Joining the two on the couch Hizashi talks in a more gentler voice like Shota. "Hey there kiddo, how ya doing?" Shinsou didn't answer he just continued to cry, making the blonde frown he looked to Shota. "Its gonna be okay bud, we're here for you whenever you're ready to talk." Finally Shinsou managed to get out a soft "I-I'm..s-sorry" It really killed the two heroes to hear how broken their son was. Shinsou cried for a little while long until he was ready to talk. "H-Hitohi, can you tell me why you did this to yourself?" Shota asked referring to the cuts and bite marks all over him, Shinsou sighed and explained why. "I-it was a punishment, I punished myself when I did something wrong, or didn't meet up to expectations. I felt like I didn't deserve the things that I have, being in the heroes course, having you guys as parents and Eri as my little sister." "oh Hitoshi of course you deserve this, you deserve so many things you don't even know." Hizashi replies "Besides it doesn't help that I still get bullied because of my quirk" Hizashi and Shota frowned, they thought they'd passed that hill already but, I guess not. "They're still bullying you? Why don't you fight back?" Hizashi asked "I don't want to cause trouble, and give them another reason to call me a villain." Aizawa nods understanding how Shinsou felt about his quirk, what he didn't expect was for Eri to come out with a cute card and words that would make Shinsou feel better. "Hitoshi" She gently tugs on his pants for his attention, looking down to see the ivory haired girl with a card in her hand. She offers it to him, thankfully taking it he opens it. Its a picture of Eri and him hugging, it seemed to crack a smile from the depressed boy. "I like your quirk though, its really cool." "Can you tell Shinsou why you like his quirk Eri?" Shota asked, the other parent knew what he was trying to do. Sometimes kids know how to help better than other adults do, being that they are able to better connect to the same energy. "Its really cool,he can control people and make them do silly things is really cool!" Even though Eri didn't exactly know what Shinsou could do with his quirk she wasn't that far off with her description. It seemed to make the other's heart feel warm again, giving her a soft smile. Eri noticed the bandages and asked him why he had them. Even though Eri had been through her own bouts of depression its not easy to explain to such a small child. Both parents didn't know how to answer Eri's question with out making anyone feel bad but Hitoshi seemed to know how. "Well Eri I don't feel good, I've been feeling very sad a lot and sometimes when you get too sad you tend to hurt yourself...Its not something you should do, its not good for you but. I thought that if I hurt myself then I'd feel better...but it didn't make me feel better it made me feel worse." Eri frowned and did something very sweet and something that made them all smile. Taking Hitoshi's bandaged arm she kissed it softly, like how some parents do for their younger children when they scrape their knee or get a cut. Hitoshi couldn't help but cry at how sweet his sister was and how close he was from hurting her by killing himself. "that help Hitoshi?" "yes Eri that made me feel so much better" He says hugged his little sister who happily hugged him back. Hitoshi gave a soft tired yawn and snuggled into Shota's chest like Eri would when she was tired. Surprised by their older son's sudden gesture they then hear him say "sleepy" in a small child like voice. They figured he was just tired and needed so they just let it slide, letting the teen drag himself to bed. Telling him not to lock the door as he entered his own bedroom to change into his PJs. When the teen had left the living room Aizawa thought to check Shinsou's bag just in case he had blades in there. As he searched he found two of them and then a small purple journal that had a few stickers that spelled out 'little space Journal'. Curiosity said to look inside, the other side said that's most likely a diary and you shouldn't read someone's diary. Still he was curious maybe Hizashi knows what this is? "hey Hizashi do you know what it is?" Showing the blonde the journal Hizashi furrowed his brows "I found this in Shinsou's bag" "Well open it maybe its just a diary, maybe it'll help figure out what we can do to help him more." So with that Aizawa opens the journal and looks through the first page. "What's it say shota?" "Its says 'little space to me: a head space that allows me to relax and cope with emotional pain and be myself. Def of little space: allows me to mentally feel younger than I already am' There's more it says 'about little me. name: Hitoshi Shinsou, big age: teen, Little age: 2-5, likes: to play with legos, watch little kid movies, take naps, play with the cats, and eat jello. Dislikes: mean people, loud people, & yucky tasting things.' hm so it seems to be a lifestyle thing that he enjoys, it allows him to act like a small child around Eri's age." Aizawa says while reading a few pages, he soon gets to a page that says 'Things I want as a little' "hm? Pacifier, a stuffie, a caregiver who doesn't mind my depressed self.' and other things that you give toddlers." "sounds kinda cute" Hizashi smiles "Well if it makes him happy then why not let him do what he needs to do. Whether that's acting like a toddler or crying on one of us for an hour n a half. As long as he doesn't go back to hurting himself that's all that matters." The next day was the weekend and Shinsou was walking with his parents over to the Todoroki house. It hadn't taken long to find their place seeing as Endeavor was a hero and heroes tended to talk about home. Reaching the house Shinsou rang the door bell, waiting a little but Fuyumi Todoroki answered the door. "Ahh hello" "Hi I'm Hitoshi Shinsou and these are my parents" Fuyumi recognized the two other pro heroes they recognized her, sometimes pro heroes would have family get together parties. "Hello Fuyumi is Todoroki home?"  Eraser head asked noticing his son was anxious "uh yes he's training with father I'll go get him, please come in." she smiles allowing the three inside of the house settling them in the living room she excused herself to get Todoroki. Of course hearing that Todorki's teachers were here and wanted to speak to him Enji had to join in, so they followed Fuyumi back. Todoroki smiled when he saw Shinsou seeing the bandages he was glad to see him a live and okay. "Hello Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada, hi Shinsou.-" "So Eraser head what brings you Present mic and...him hear?" Of course Enji knew none of Todoroki's classmates by name only by the nicknames such as 'All might's brat' you could guess who that is. "Well first off this is our son Shinsou, second Shinsou you said you wanted to tell Todoroki something?" Shinsou was shy and Enji's intimidating aura wasn't helping the situation he then stuttered out. "th-thank you...f-for s-saving m-me" Enji raised a confused proud looking down at his son who cracked a smile from his usual blank face. "Well I'm glad you're okay, Midoriya has been very nervous about you." "I'm just so glad Hitoshi has at least someone who cares, I thought the bullying was over if he switched classes." Aizawa smiles gently rubbing Shinsou's back, folding his arms the largest of the heroes in the room then breaks his own silence. "Any one mind explaining what you are all talking about?" "uh Hitoshi do you feel like explaining what happened? you don't have to go into detail." Hizashi asked he could tell that Endeavor was very hard to talk in front of even as an adult. "I..I tried to end myself, Todoroki and Midoriya found me in the bathroom, if neither of them had went and did what they did I would've tried harder to kill myself. Even if I didn't succeed I would've kept trying." Looking down at his son he was a little surprised but then smirked "Well Aizawa I guess my son will definitely be a hero if he's already saving lives. Good thing he's got me as a father and mentor." Enji says ruffling Shoto's hair roughly making the other flinch a little. Aizawa and Hizashi could tell their loving father son relationship was fake but, they knew that Todoroki didn't really have anyone. Well except for Midoriya all of class 1-A knew that 'tododeku' was a thing, and Todoroki was basically another son to Mama Midoriya. "Hey Sh-Shinsou does Midoriya know you're okay?" "uh well we were headed there" "ah okay" The three of them stand up and Enji offers to lead them out which they all smile at and gratefully take it. (we're all gonna pretend Inko doesn't exactly know she's dating the number one hero) Approaching the Midoriya house hold Shinsou knew that Midoriya was the one who got all of the blood on his hands, and saved him the time before that. Knocking on the door Shinsou is soon greeted by a brightly smiling Inko Midoriya. "hello oh you must be Shinsou, and hi Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada." "Inko dear who's that?" Asked Toshinori who was in the living room with Midoriya, only a few of the teacher have seen the Toshinori side of him the more human side of him. "Izuku's teachers Mr Aizawa and Mr Yamada" Hearing it was them his sighed in relief and smiles coming to the door hearing her invite the three inside. "Izuku can you come here please?" Inko called out, which prompts for the green haired teen to come into the living room. "h-hi Midoriya" Shinso says shyly Izuku smiles seeing the other, as they sat on the couch Shinsou fidgeted with his fingers. "Go on Shinsou, take your time." Aizawa encouraged, as Shinsou tried to make words tears began to form. He realized he was sitting in front of the person who'd saved his life, saved him from trying to kill himself. He knew that if he didn't succeed the first time he would've tried it again. "Oh Shinsou~" Midoriya cooed feeling himself slipping a little into caregiver space, he approached the other and opened his arms for a hug. Shinsou embraced the other and cried into his chest, the room was quiet aside from the soft crying. "Th-thank you M-Midoriya for s-saving me, I-I'm sorry I tried to kill myself." Hearing that Inko and Toshinori both had a look of shock, not judgement but shock. Still since they knew that Midoriya was dating Todoroki it wasn't the first time this has happened. "Don't worry about it Shinsou, I'm just glad I found you in time and that you're okay." Wiping his tears the violet haired boy sniffled and smiled "If you need someone to talk to you've got me alright." "Ahem." Came from Eraser head who caught Midoriya's attention "yes thank you so much Midoriya" Inko looked to her son and hugged him proudly but then Shinsou "I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, all Izuku said when he came was that someone had attempted to hurt themselves and he did what he could to help." (and that is how ToddoShinsodeku happened)
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lord-explosion-baku · 6 years
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Shinsou x reader
Warnings: none I think??
A/N: hello I wrote this at work HUUUZZZAAAHT
There was a slight rustling in your bed, making you stir in your half dreaming state. A hand lightly caressed your shoulder and you smiled, turning slightly so it would rub your back. That rewarded you with a low chuckle from you boyfriend who happily traced patterns across your skin. You let out a satisfied hum and opened your eyes to sleep dusted purple ones. They blinked at you and he gave you a half smile that absolutely warmed your heart.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” he whispered, bending down to kiss your arm.
“Mmmm,” you shuddered from the contact of his soft lips, “you sure it’s morning? I don’t think even the birds are up at this hour…”
“You’re not wrong,” more tentative kisses. You rubbed your feet across the sheets and opened your arms, hoping Shinsou would fall into them. He clicked his tongue and said, “I have to go sweetheart…” though his hands didn’t match his words for they were slowly running down your sides, softly grabbing at your hips.
“Nuh-uh,” you grabbed at his shirt and tugged in it, not enough force to bring him down but he willingly fell into your embrace. “You’re too warm to let go.”
“I can stay five more minutes,” he said, nuzzling up into your neck. He softly kissed your nape and you whined in protest. “Or,” he started playing with your hair, “I can take you with me.”
Shinsou had to train. Everyday he got up early to meet Mr. Aizawa leaving you alone in your dorm bed. Shinsou definitely was not allowed to stay over nights but the two of you were good at sneaking around and keeping quiet but it was pretty obvious to Aizawa what the two of you were up to when Shinsou did bring you in with him to train. For that, there was always an unspoken price to pay.
You groaned, warranting a smile against your neck. “Come on,” he said, “I can bundle you up and carry you so you can sleep in there.”
“Hmmmph!” Shinsou has gotten a lot more stronger after he started taking private lessons with Aizawa. For awhile, you would have to sleepily lug behind him to the training room but after getting more confident (and after you stopped protesting) he started carrying you there. Like a pre-workout but he thoroughly enjoyed having you wrapped up in his arms, like a doll, half-asleep and comfortable. It was fine until it wasn’t.
After a little more than five minutes, you managed to fall back asleep until Shinsou started to tuck the blankets around you and easily lifted you from the bed.
“Toshiii, nooo!”
“It’ll be fun, we’re using bo staffs today.”
Fun didn’t seem like the right word. Interesting, maybe but you’ve been ripped from your slumber and fun for you wouldn’t begin until maybe noon. Still, you were happy to be with Shinsou.
Nobody was up yet so there wasn’t anybody to witness Shinsou carrying you out of the dorms. When you got to the training room, Aizawa was already there, stretching. His sleeping bag was lazily placed by the wall., not bothering to roll it up or anything. He probably slept there that night. What a guy. You thought your teacher was weird since the first day of classes but he never ceased to amaze you.
Shinsou placed you all bundled up against the wall and kissed your forehead. You gave him a sleepy grin and closed your eyes, pulling the blankets closer to your body, already missing the heat of his strong arms wrapped around you.
You tried your best to keep your eyes open while Shinsou joined Aizawa in his stretches but the weight of your kids got the better of you and you drifted into a light slumber once again. The clacking of the bo staffs seemed to meld to your mind into your dreams.
In your dreams you saw Shinsou with a long gleaming indigo tail splashing in the water. Clack! Water splashed you and you giggled at him. There was some far away grunting that didn’t make sense to the picture behind your eyelids but it didn’t draw your attention away from your mermaid boyfriend. You reached a hand out to dream Shinsou’s glistening tail but before you could touch it, Clack!
“Too slow,” dream Shinsou said but his voice was far deeper than normal.
“Toshi…?” You said aloud, rubbing your eyes open only to find Aizawa pointing his bo staff at you.
“You’re up. Maybe you can give Shinsou a fighting chance.”
You glared at the bo staff. It was far too early for that. Still you unraveled yourself from your blanket cocoon and grabbed it. “I don’t get to stretch first?”
“That’s what you should’ve been doing instead of sleeping,” Aizawa took several steps back and looked to Shinsou who was smirking at you, readying himself for another spar.
You groaned but still, you couldn’t deny the rush of excitement you got from preparing a battle. Sleepy you may have been but fighting was in your blood.
Aizawa told you to begin and you ran for your boyfriend, swinging your staff rapidly, intending to show off that you could be ready to throw down at any time of the day. Still, Shinsou was fast when defending against you and soon he was on the offense, swinging back at you, making you have to retreat back many times.
He hit your ankles and you yelped from surprise, warranting a confident grin from Shinsou. You just had to up your game a bit.
Swing, clack! Pivot, glide, clack! Clack! CLACK!
Your staffs were pushed against each other, a fight for power and dominance. Face too close to yours, Shinsou smirked at your obvious struggle to keep your staff pressed against his. “Finally waking up there, sweetheart?”
He pushed you and you stumbled back but managed to block his next swing. Though struggling, you laughed, “I think I might be dream fighting you.”
“If you were dreaming, you’d be able to get a hit in.”
Smug asshole. You gave him a devilish grin, “If I were dreaming, this would escalate to something else entirely.”
He chuckled at that but his cheeks turned bright red. Got him. While he was distracted you hit the edge of his shaft, knocking it upwards so you could dip yours under his and pried it out of his hands.
You placed the tip of your staff to his chin and winked at him. His eyes widened in surprise and mild amusement before he returned your grin.
Knowing you defeated him, you let him take your staff out of your hand and you skipped into his arms, cupping his face so you could give a sweet ‘forgive me’ kiss.
He laughed, “you didn’t brush your teeth!”
“Mmmmnope,” he giggled and kissed him again, bringing your arms around his neck. Shinsou didn’t object but-
“That’s enough,” Aizawa cut you guys off from being gross in front of him, “Shinsou, why did she win?”
“Because she cheated.” He nudged you with his shoulder.
“Because he let his guard down!” You poked Shinsou’s side, making him to grab your hand so he won’t be seen being tickled in front of Aizawa.
“That’s correct. Miss L/N used a weakness of yours to get you to lose focus and she took advantage of that. Always be on guard.”
“Yeah, Hitoshi. Don’t let those villains use your weaknesses against you!”
Shinsou put his hand on your head, making you feel small. “You’re my only weakness, babe.”
You blushed and leaned on to him, letting out a long yawn. “Can I go back to sleep now?”
“Not quite,” Aizawa pulled out a third staff. “That was just your warm up. Now,” He took a defensive crouch, holding his staff out towards the two of you, “come at me.”
You grinned and eyed Shinsou who was smirking back at you. The thrill of the challenge for the both of you to take on your teacher was too rich not to be excited for. The both of you readied yourselves, crouching down, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and ran full speed ahead.
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