#Thyroid cancer
gdbatbitch · 3 months
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I've been really ill the last couple of weeks. Turns out to be due to the medication that replaces the thyroid hormones, now that I am minus that thing, was all out of whack. So I had to go in for more testing/ultrasound/medication changes.
I'll be doing follow ups every few weeks for a while, at least a couple of years. This is mostly to monitor my thyroid levels. Because guess what? Even though the thyroid is gone, there may be tiny thyroid "fibers" that still remain, and unless my levels are tightly controlled, the cancer could come back. Hence the constant monitoring.
All this has cut into money for bills. I'm late on my rent and just don't have it to pay. I barely made my car payment, and it was late. I got stuck with a $200 electric bill even though I live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment. It's all just gotten real bad in a hurry.
I feel like I've been perpetually in the rock and the hard place, only it's medical bills and just regular bills, and they're both doing their best to crush me. So I need to push this all over the web as far as it will go. I'm still not close to my goal, and at this rate, I may have to push that goal out a little farther to get to where I need to be.
And right now that's really hard to even get up some days. Since my levels went wild, I've been unable to eat much, and when I have, I get sick. Or like with that nice bowl of soup I made a couple weeks ago my body decides to be sick before I even get a chance to eat it. Then there's the fatigue, brain fog, GI issues, my mental health just falling apart, and the inability to stay warm. I'm sitting here with two sweatshirts on and a space heater running next to me. It's 72 in here and in the 50's outside. I'm still shivering. So in case you're wondering how bad a thyroid can mess you up, it's BAD.
Not to mention, I've been trying to work a full time job while all this is happening, and it's been absolutely miserable. I go home at the end of the day and just collapse. So I'm asking to please make a donation if you can, and also share this around as much as possible. Donations have been pretty thin on the ground as of late, and it's been the only thing that was keeping my head above water. Please.
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ameliagiovanna0 · 5 months
Long story short, I was blindsided by a papillary thyroid cancer diagnosis two days ago. It's stage one and ridiculously treatable, but it's a hell of a thing to take in right now
Last week, I had surgery to remove the middle and right lobe of my thyroid because of some growing and uncomfortable nodules. Well, those nodules and the surrounding lymph nodes turned out to be cancerous.
I go back in for surgery on Jan 26 to have the rest of my thyroid (and cancer) removed. I have to wait for the swelling from my first surgery to subside before we do it again. Then, I start radioactive iodine therapy. I don't know what that entails yet. But I have a wonderful doctor and support system (aka my mom). I'm so thankful it was caught as early as it was. Not exactly how I wanted to spend 2024, but oh well.
Surgery, treatment, and post-op hormone regulation will probably be hell for a while. But eventually, I'll be fine. It's just a lot. Especially on top of already having six other chronic illnesses. Something tells me I'm going to be in for a rough ride for a while.
Even now, I had to tell my bosses, and saying "I have cancer" out loud feels so weird. I don't even know if it's sunk in yet. Granted, it's only been like 48 hours
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notallfay · 6 months
It really bothers me how creepy people are with weight loss. I was out shopping today, and I heard people commenting on how great this women looks with all the weight she'd lost. The women held up a pair of trousers and was pointing out she used to be size UK 20.
Then she mentioned that she was 15 stone, and was now 7 stone, and she'd lost that weight in 18 months... I was extremely alarmed with how rapid that was. So I butted in, trying to be polite as possible about how she needs a blood test, just to double check there's not anything underlying going on with it being that fast.
Everyone but the women looked very confused at me, but then the women replied with oh, I actually did. The doctors think I might have a tumour next to my thyroid glad, and I need some more tests to see what kind that is.
So I was like, oh I hope you're okay etc.
But what bothers me is just how creepy people are about weight loss, and despite this weight loss being scary fast, people were like OMG you look great, like a whole different person etc... Not thinking to ask if she was okay or anything.
Like excuse me, but health is the most important thing when it comes to body weight. Like weight loss is okay if it is done slowly. If the average is faster than 1-2 lbs (approximately 0.5-1.0kg) a week you need to check you are okay. Even if you are trying to loose weight.
Your health is the most important thing. Not how you look. I'm not saying you're going to have cancer, but there are all kinds of underlying health issues that could be happening.
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imafraidoftomorrow · 9 months
It was 6 years ago today that my life changed.
6 years ago today that I touched my neck and felt a huge, hard lump. 6 years ago that I looked in the mirror and could see it clearly.
I went to the ER and, after waiting for hours, was told that I was the perfect demographic for thyroid cancer. I was 20 years old. I was told that I needed surgery because the tumor was at risk of suffocating me. Suffocating. The pain became so unbearable that I was on opioids for 2 months. For 25 days I had to wait to find out whether the mass was benign or malignant. Whether or not I had cancer.
It was bigger than the surgeon expected. She had to cut deeper into the muscle; had to take more of the gland along with several of my lymph nodes. It hurt. I woke up with a blood-filled bag hanging from a tube laced through my throat. The first time I saw myself after surgery, I cried. I felt, and looked, like Frankenstein's monster.
I've been sick ever since. A body can't function properly with only half a thyroid. I'm tired all the time, yet I can't ever sleep. I have brain fog and joint pain and heart palpitations. The medication that I need to live costs $350 out of my pocket.
You might think this post will end heroically - that it will read, "but despite all of that, I'm still alive and I'm grateful!" And I wish that it did. But the truth is, I grieve this day every single year. I wish it had never happened to me. I hate being sick, and I hate looking in the mirror and seeing my scar. When I notice it in photos, like in the last picture, I sometimes still want to throw up.
I guess what I want to say is, sometimes hardships just fucking suck. A tragedy is just that - a tragedy - and what doesn't kill you can, in fact, leave you frail and broken. And it's okay to mourn for your old self, because I certainly do. I mourn for her every single day. And I mourn for my present self, too, for all that she has had to endure.
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lady0mandy · 5 months
Surgery is in 8 hours. I know I've worked hard. I know I am fully prepared and educated on what's going to happen. I know the (astronomically low) risks. I know I'll be dependent on artificial hormones for life. I have my support system. I followed the instructions. The surgery has a 99.9% success rate. But I'm so scared. I'll be under four hours. I'll have an incision. They're cutting out an entire part of me. Maybe more depending on what they see in there. My body has been at war with itself for so long and I'm trying so hard to distract myself and ignore the anxiety but afraid
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delajoy · 2 months
Diagnóstico do câncer na minha tireoide
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Completa 1 mês do diagnóstico do câncer na minha tireoide e, hoje vou trazer aqui um pouco dos meus dias desde então.
Mas antes, quero que você saiba que compartilho a minha história para despertar a atenção de todos em relação aos cuidados com a saúde de vocês e também a busca por exames que talvez vocês nunca tenham ouvido falar antes, apenas para saber mais sobre si mesmos e sempre terem a certeza de que estão tudo bem.
Desde meu diagnóstico no dia 22/02/2024 tem sido uma verdadeira maratona atrás de médicos, fazendo exames, tirando dúvidas, conversando com pessoas etc.
Os 4 primeiros dias após o diagnóstico foram os mais assustadores. Ouvir a palavra “câncer” deixa qualquer pessoa sem saber o que fazer e, bastante desnorteada.
No dia eu fiquei bastante inerte, não tinha processado a informação muito bem, no dia seguinte caiu minha ficha: Vou ter que fazer uma cirurgia e retirar a tireoide. Na hora minha pressão baixou bastante, fiquei com mal-estar. Nessa noite, não dormi quase nada, acordei angustiada, comecei a buscar sobre esse assunto na internet, até que encontrei o vídeo de uma moça que passou pela mesma coisa e fez um relato com muita leveza trazendo tranquilidade. E cada noite eu buscava algo para tentar ficar mais tranquila e conseguir dormir, pelo menos.
Depois com mais informações as coisas começaram a se ajustar na minha cabeça. Encontrei um médico, outro, outro, mais um e por fim cheguei até o Dr. José Guilherme Vartanian que me passou bastante segurança e decidi realizar minha cirurgia com ele. Aqui, eu entendi a importância de não entrar no desespero e fechar a cirurgia com o primeiro médico que encontrar. Essa é a coisa mais importante, buscar segurança e um médico que te ouça, te informe, fale sobre os métodos dele, te explique como funciona cada passo da cirurgia e passe tranquilidade com tudo isso.
Saí do consultório com a cirurgia marcada para o dia 03/04 e com um fluxo de coisas para seguir: A primeira coisa é realizar todos os exames pré-cirurgicos, prestar atenção em como estou me sentindo e se qualquer coisa estiver ruim, precisa tratar e resolver logo, pois para fazer a cirurgia é necessário está intacta com a saúde. Nesse mês eu tive infecção urinária e a sinusite que atacou forte, precisei correr para cuidar e resolver.
Faltam 10 dias para a minha cirurgia e eu preciso me manter bem, estou bem tranquila com tudo isso. Mas sinto que cada dia mais perto, fico um pouco ansiosa. E isso é perigoso, tenho acompanhado muitas coisas sobre o assunto e, algo que é bem mencionado por vários médicos é o controle da ansiedade, porque pode impactar no dia da cirurgia. E tudo o que menos quero é que seja cancelada. O foco é resolver logo e seguir os próximos passos.
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31miw-inkpsycho · 1 year
Thoughts,positive vibes,prayers and love to Dan Sugerman of Ice Nine Kills. Fuck Cancer!!!!
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skylerlovesyou · 3 months
i got diagnosed with thyroid cancer yesterday, and i have mixed feelings about it.
usually i use my other blog to vent but i’m feeling the need for validation i guess
on one hand, it’s papillary thyroid cancer, it’s incredibly treatable and the prognosis is so close to 100% that i’m feeling like it’s silly to be scared about it.
on the other hand, it’s fucking cancer and it’s by the grace of whatever power fuels the universe that i found it when i did. i don’t know what my life’s gonna look like, but i know i’m gonna be really tired for a long time, and i already am chronically ill. i’m just already so exhausted and i’m gonna be having to recover from another surgery (i already had most of my thyroid taken out) and also adjusting to synthetic hormones that i’ll be on forever. i’ve already done a lot of grieving for my abled body, so that part isn’t unfamiliar. i just forget a lot of the time that i’m allowed to be upset about this.
i’m gonna have to do the surgery, and the treatment, and it’s gonna suck and i’m gonna have next to no money from the time i’m going to have to take off work. it’s a lot. i’m 21. i’m overwhelmed.
thank god i have the best friends in the fucking universe because i don’t know what it would be like right now if i didn’t.
anyways, at least i’m gonna get a sick ass butterfly tattoo on my chest after this is all over. (the thyroid is a beautiful gland in ur neck that looks like a butterfly) that’s gonna be sick as hell.
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smudge-cell · 1 year
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I've been dealing with Thyroid issues for a while and I wanted to express how I feel with my art. Went from being diagnosed with Graves disease, having a total Thyroidectomy, and then Cancer being found on my thyroid.
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icequeen1371 · 1 month
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I know the sun is only on one side of my face, but when I put the black-and-white filter on, it looks like I have a blackeye. Is that seriously how tired I look all the time? Wow….
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mercurys-niece · 2 months
Howdy folks, I am (un)officially cancer free for the first time likely since I was about 18! I’ve been dealing with all of this since I noticed a lump on my 23rd birthday in August last year; I spent my Christmas getting surgery and my Easter is being spent recovering from my first (and hopefully last) radioactive iodine treatment. And yesterday my doctor told me that by some miracle, even though my cancer had remained undetected for much longer than average, I didn’t show any signs of metastases. I have faced so many of my fears in the last year, and it is just such a relief to know that this is over, that I can finally rest and return to normal, that I won’t have to take any more unnecessary time off work. It all just feels like a miracle, which is mostly thanks to the amazing doctors I had through Cleveland Clinic. So yeah, just remember to celebrate life, you never know when you’re going to find a lump that changes everything for you. But also, if you do find that lump, or you already have, please know that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel.
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gdbatbitch · 7 months
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Fuck cancer. https://gofund.me/9a7b7d8b
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myhealingera · 2 months
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Two weeks after this photo was taken, I received a phone call that nobody ever wants to receive.
I was dealing with a slew of health issues: an inability to lose weight, hair loss, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue so intense that getting out of bed felt like a miracle, and severe brain fog. My joints were in so much pain that I found myself using a heating pad for most of the day.
I consulted my aunt, who is a pediatrician, and she reviewed my recent blood work. She observed that my TSH levels were consistently borderline high, often surpassing the normal threshold. Encouraged by her insight, I visited my OBGYN and shared my symptoms. She ordered hormone testing and referred me to a rheumatologist, given that lupus runs in my family. The results indicated elevated TSH, DHEA, and C-reactive protein levels.
I then saw a remarkable rheumatologist who conducted over 120 tests. All came back normal except for my thyroid antibodies, and I was diagnosed with arthritis in my hands. Around this time, my neck began to swell, feeling as though something was stuck in my throat. My primary care physician scheduled an ultrasound, which revealed swelling in my neck and a lymph node, and identified a nodule or "ectopic" tissue.
Returning to my primary care doctor, I was told my lab results were normal and advised to follow up in a year, despite continuing to experience swollen lymph nodes and being told that the neck nodule was unrelated to the swelling. At this point had been to urgent care 3 times, completed 3 rounds of steroids, a z-pack, and tested negative for mono, Covid, and strep.
Despite my tendency to avoid conflict, something felt off, and I knew I wasn't okay.
I requested a referral to an endocrinologist, which I received, but they couldn't see me until after Christmas. Not wanting to wait, I found another endocrinologist who could see me on Halloween. At my first appointment, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and hypothyroidism. She ordered a biopsy "to be safe," emphasizing that a finding warrants investigation. Even at the hospital for my biopsy, the PA questioned its necessity given my primary care's advice to wait a year.
On 12/22, my endocrinologist informed me that the biopsy results were suspicious for thyroid carcinoma. I returned on 1/5 to discuss the findings.
They had sent my sample for Afirma testing, a genetic test for medullary thyroid cancer, due to the unusual results and the aggressive nature of the potential cancer.
I was then referred to an ENT, who suspected the nodule might actually be a lymph node. A CT scan confirmed this suspicion, revealing a lymph node suspicious for thyroid cancer, yet with no nodules on my thyroid itself.
The decision was made to remove the lymph node, with intraoperative pathology consultation to decide whether to also remove the thyroid.
On 2/24, the lymph node was removed, but pathology was indeterminate, leading to the decision not to remove the thyroid.
The following week, I was informed that my results had been sent to a larger university hospital for further analysis and a second opinion, an ominous sign according to my ENT.
Ultimately, it was confirmed as papillary thyroid cancer that had begun to metastasize to the lymph nodes, indicating occult thyroid cancer, typically undetected until it spreads to the lymph nodes. Likely, there are microcarcinomas on my thyroid undetectable by imaging. Thus, another surgery is required.
My complete thyroidectomy is scheduled for 4/24.
Honestly, none of this truly sank in until I received a call from the hospital's oncology department to schedule a radiation consultation for post-surgery RAI treatment.
It’s been an incredibly tough start to the year, to say the least.
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therubberotter · 1 year
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I saw my doctor a couple days ago. The inflammation has almost disappeared! Next step is getting the vaccines that I need. After that, he will see me in May and we'll decide on the need (or not) of inmunosupression.
I've been fighting what I believe is a mix of a headcold and a autoinmune reaction. Been feeling horrible, to sum up. The worst part is my throat closing and not being able to breathe. It's happened six time in the past three days. Three while at work, and another three at night. My colleagues now get scared everytime I cough :')
Now we've got an electric kettle al work. That mean... Hot tea in class!! That's truly been the highlight of my week! Being able to drink hot tea while teaching... I've never felt so comforted in class. And so sophisticated! It's also been a true relief now, with these low temperatures that we're having this week!
I even gave in and bought a couple new sweatshirts (and more books!). I wanted to spend less and save more money this year, and I'm being horrible ATM :'( I also got a pair of wireless headphones...but dad convinced me of buying those, so it's not my fault.
Tomorrow I've got a work meeting, very early in the afternoon, so we're having lunch in the academy. I'll try and get some work done between that and my evening classes.
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rowyngoldeart · 1 year
Monkeybone and Processing Trauma
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lady0mandy · 5 months
My pain was doing so well and now today I have the worst muscle spasms in my neck I've had to take so many pain killers but they don't want me to take muscle relaxers it hurts to eat and drink and my stomach is upset anyways and my parathyroids haven't caught up yet so I'm not doing so well now
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