#They don't actually happen until after she's been in a coma for two years and their lives are in shambles 🤡
eletaniaaa · 7 months
I had a minor epiphany this morning. I know exactly why I always gravitate towards to non-romaceable ones.
It's just really hard for a game to capture the feeling of these two idiots are in love but but either won't admit it, or don't know the other feels the same way. I like the slow-burn, I am a connoisseur of the chase, I want to spend 100 hours thinking about the time they almost admitted their feelings but didn't. I want them to be best friends and scared of ruining the dynamic. I want subtext! Innuendo!
But, in short. It's about the p i n i n g.
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
I've actually been wondering something. How are birthdays with each brother? I assume Leo and Donnie don't get to celebrate theirs but I wonder if Mikey gets to celebrate his at all. Does Raph celebrate his alone or does Splinter also celebrate the other's as if they were there?
Yeah Leo and Donnie don’t really do birthdays until everyone reunites, and then they kinda just decide to share a birthday after all the jokes about them being twins.
Big Mama picked the day she found Mikey for his birthday and they always celebrated with a huge party, where Mikey had to dress in uncomfortable, itchy clothes and it was never really much fun, but at least he got cake. Splinter goes all out for Raph’s birthday, he makes yakiniku, mochi and a cake, and after they meet April, she’s always invited. After they get separated, the days of Leo and Mikey’s birthdays were a pretty solemn affair, and usually Splinter wouldn’t get up and out of bed until noon, and hobbled together a late breakfast for him and Raph. Splinter builds a small shrine in the dojo for both of the boys, and he and Raph spend some time in there, before choosing some sort of quiet activity where they can just sit together and maybe as Raph gets older, reminisce.
After they reunite, birthdays are insane. And the boys, Splinter and April spend all day together before crashing in a food coma.
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When they first meet, Draxum has already briefed Three on Two’s involvement with the Shredder. Draxum was pretty shocked when he first discovered Two’s location after all these years, but he hid it well and ordered Three not to mention it outright. Instead he wanted Three to try and gauge how deep Two’s loyalty to the foot clan ran. In the year between them first meeting and Leo dissenting they probably only had the chance to interact five or six times, as Draxum’s dealings with Shredder were short, to the point meetings, every few months. But Three couldn’t help in the few times they did chat, to drive Leo crazy with how much he talked. So they didn’t really have a relationship, even with Three grabbing any connection he could and holding onto it for dear life. Leo saw their conversations as nothing more than Three rambling nonsensically, while he stood guard and tuned it out.
Before leaving the foot clan, Leo’s personality is pretty non-existent. He did what he was told and was just as ruthlessly efficient as his master. After rejoining his brothers he works on opening up, but it’s hard for him. Leo’s a pretty disciplined person, and the lair is pure chaos even before they bring Donnie home, so Leo’s often losing his cool over the smallest of things being out of order. He’s not used to the freedom, and it makes him uneasy and irritated constantly, which he, unfortunately, tends to take out on his bros and Splinter.
Leo’s attitude towards Three shifts somewhat, when he discovers who he really is, and Leo happens to be the biggest factor in bringing Donnie home for good. Add in the fact that he’s the only one Donnie has a previous link to, and it makes sense that he would gravitate to Leo the most. But it’s still very awkward because Leo just doesn’t know how to handle such an intense level of attention. Leo does try though—he likes being a big brother to Mikey, and is fine accepting the twin idea as long as it’s clear that he’s the older one. But their relationship doesn’t solidify until Leo messes up his sleep schedule and for lack of anything more entertaining, decides to spends his nights in the Donnie’s lab, watching his brother work. Sometimes they talk, and sometimes it’s just Donnie tinkering, but it breaks that awkwardness and gives them enough opportunity to be more real with each other. Eventually they get to a point where they can tease, and drive each other crazy in the same brotherly way they do in the show.
Also I just hit 5000 followers!! I just wanna reiterate how awesome this fandom is and how much I love y’all!!
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What Could've Been For Prodigal Son Season 3
Okay, so I already made this post by reblogging to one of my other posts but I thought I'd make an official post for it so I can make more for the "other future seasons" lol:
Version 1:
Martin dies and things happen more or less the way they do in my fic "Carved in the Cradle" (yes, this is a shameless plug lol)
Version 2:
Martin is in a coma for most of the season.
Malcolm goes on a spiral and locks himself away from the world for months.
Dani and Gil, maybe with Jessica, go to have a real talk with him and Malcolm just looks disheveled. Not like he's been attacked, but he's just numb and self-loathing.
Dani is the one to ultimately bring him back by just saying the specific phrase, "Defending yourself against a serial killer doesn't make you a bad person" because she separates the fact that it was his father and focuses on the fact that father or not, Martin Whitly is a serial killer who tried to kill Malcolm.
Malcolm returns to work, and we get a couple of normal case episodes, maybe some focused on the rest of the team like Edrisa and her firefighter guy, JT struggling with being a tired new dad, maybe an episode about fathers and daughters and we get a flashback episode about the day Dani’s father died (I'm convinced it was an unexpected death), and of course, a Jackie episode.
All the while, Martin is in a coma but is completely in Malcolm’s head, like in 2x09.
We definitely get a Christmas episode this season, we get Brightwell moments until they have a cheesy kiss under the mistletoe moment and that's when they unofficially get together.
I say unofficially because they don't talk about how it changes things between them until the episode that would come after.
Malcolm also comes clean to her about what happened to Endicott. At first Dani is rightfully upset about being lied to but tells him to continue with the rest of the story because she knows it's been eating away at him. She gets legitimately angry when she finds out about Ainsley’s stunt with the pig's blood because messing with someone in that way is never okay, especially when that someone was just trying to do what they could in the moment. Malcolm tells Dani that he understands if she doesn't want to be with him now, but he felt wrong starting anything with her without her knowing everything.
And of course, Dani says that she still wants to be with him, to try this out between the two of them because all she's ever really wanted from him that he wasn't already giving was full honesty. She's still a little miffed at him for lying but she does understand why he did it, doesn't condone, but understands.
There would be revelations that call back to Season 1 and how perhaps Jessica, assuming that Martin was having an affair, wasn't completely off base.
An episode with Edrisa’s parents involved in a case or having useful info about their victim, but we also learn how she became who she is.
We have a theater episode and find out JT's mom is actually a successful Broadway actress and she's even more bombastic than Jessica. It makes Malcolm more confused when JT says that Malcolm’s mom has a good calm energy but then he meets JT's mom and understands.
A beauty pagent case episode for sure, and Dani and Malcolm both go undercover. They've been keeping their relationship under wraps (maybe only Gil knows because if they didn't tell him, he'd figure it out). There are a lot of Brightwell heavy moments, and Malcolm is reminded of his dream he had a year prior. Both Dani and Malcolm experience jealousy for the first time. It was different when they were just friends because neither felt like they had reason to be jealous but now that they're taking things slow, neither like the idea of someone else trying to get romantically involved with them.
Where is Ainsley in all this, you might ask?
She's taken up a six month job overseas to just get away from it all. She doesn't want to come to terms with the fact that Martin tried to kill Malcolm, she's mad at Malcolm for stabbing their father (again), and she's mad at Jessica because no matter how much she loves her mom, she always has beef with Jessica.
When she gets back after the New Year, she still will not talk to Malcolm and Dani can see that it hurts him.
Ainsley tries to get between Malcolm and Dani because how dare he even try to be happy when their father is still in a coma. It doesn't work, of course. This isn't the end of it.
If you were wondering about Gil and Jessica, no worries, they've been smooth sailings the whole time, even with the Jackie episode. It's revealed that Jessica never disliked Jackie but the reason she didn't go to her funeral was because she didn't want to see them put her friend and her son's second mother (the only one who could get him to actually eat anything when he refused to) in the ground, it was selfish but it hurt too much. She also stayed away from Gil because she had feelings for him and out of respect for both him and Jackie, she didn't want to seem like she was going after him immediately after Jackie passed but then the weeks turned into months and the months turned into years.
Gil and Jessica have a really healthy relationship now and that's what matters.
The season ends with an episode of a case of a young woman (can't decide if her name should be Lorelai or Katherine) who was almost murdered. She was raised by a single mother and she's also recently married, having married someone in the Whitlys rich circle of society. She's a bit of a social outcast because of her past (or her mother’s past) and she never knew her father, she doesn't even know his name.
They catch her attacker but not before they try killing her again but she does land in hospital. She's in need of a blood transfusion and Malcom happens to be the same blood type so he offers to help.
They find out a few important things.
The girl was born in either late 1999 or early in the early 2000 (I haven't decided yet lol), and she and Malcolm happen to share more than a bloodtype, they share DNA. The reason she never knew her father was because her mother never wanted her to know that dear old dad was arrested in 1999... for killing 23 people.
The season ends with Martin's eyes shooting open and man, he looks pissed!
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aufi-creative-mind · 11 months
assuming youre asking for like general loz/totk thoughts, what are your thoughts/ideas that have sprouted from the light dragon?
No worries!
I actually got spoiled about the Light Dragon, literally on TotK's release day. Partly because of the YouTube algorithm and partly because my sheer curiosity was too strong that day. I essentially went into a singular state of TotK madness that day and the next 2 weeks afterwards. lmao
So I didn't get a strong emotional reaction like many other players did to the "reveal" once I knew what happened and why the Light Dragon exists. And as a result, I had a different gamplay experience as well as a different set of headcanons to how Link would comprehend the Light Dragon's existence.
And MAJOR TOTK SPOILERS AHEAD. Reader's discretion advised. (and long post incoming....)
The whole plot twist about Zelda transforming into the Light Dragon to spend the next 10 000 years to repair and infused her Sacred Powers into the Master Sword. It actually reminded me a lot of Doctor Who and the story tropes they had in regards to time travelling and what kind of impact that would inflict onto the characters involved. Particularly their individual perspectives of time.
Zelda essentially had to take the long path to the future.
With no other options to time travel herself back to the future...along with the Master Sword needing to be repaired...with what little time she had left. Zelda chose to undergo draconification and in a way, the Light Dragon was her vassal to travel into the future.
And...dare I say, to describe Zelda's plan to - transforms into an immortal dragon and restore the Master Sword for the next 10 000 years and that Link will hopefully recognise her as the Light Dragon and retrieve the Master Sword from her - as "long shoot" would be an understatement.
Her chances of her plan to succeed is - in the closest real life terms I can think of - the equivalent of NASA launching the New Horizon satelite in 2006, travelling through space in hibernation until it reached Pluto in the closest range that they could get to, in 2015. And it worked! (There's probably a better analogy to this but this is the closest I can think of.)
AND THEN, at the ending when the Light Dragon was transformed back into Zelda and how she woke up with the "feeling of a warm hug". This indicates that despite the looong path to the future she had to take... Her time perspective felt so short!
One moment, she was in a state of pain-filled dread and hope before her draconifcation. The next moment, she was in the warm arms of Link.
For Link, it must be very jarring for him to experience the whiplash of the Light Dragon's reveal as he experienced each Dragon's Tear memory.
One day, Link's arm almost gets severely damaged along with the Master Swird and watches Zelda disappear in a flash of light. Then the next moment, he wakes up with a strange new arm and then watches the Decayed Master Sword disappear in the same way as Zelda! And then finds out that its been....a month I guess (they didn't really say how long were Link & Zelda were missing from Hyrule) and the Upheavel happened while Link was in a coma...again.
And then...a week or heck a month later...Link finds out that Zelda willingly sacrificed her own state of being and spent the next 10 000 years as the Light Dragon as a means to travel back to the future and strengthen the Master Sword....all for HIM.
That is so gut wretching for Link to find out.
Whether or not, Zelda was completely lost in the Light Dragon...or was in a "state of preserved slumber" is another question though. Especially after the Ending.
I don't know if other players think about what the Wibbly-Wobbly-Timey-Wimey perspectives would be like for these two. But this is my deep thoughts about the Light Dragon and the story plot around it.
I do have a couple of prompts and comic ideas in regards to Link and the Light Dragon. Including my headcanon on how Link would react it to the Light Dragon's reveal, based on my perspective. A comic idea of Link spending time with the Light Dragon.
Also noodle cuddles.
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bopeisdope · 5 months
I posted an Unwind AU fic! It's from a Ghost!Roland au I made up. Read on Ao3 here
Connor wakes up in a haze, unsure of where he is. His whole body has a dull ache and there is pressure over his right eye. A bandage. The smell of bleach penetrates his nose. A soft and constant beep comes from his left.
He peels his left eye open to reveal a hospital room. His right shoulder aches as he moves his hand over the bed. The sheets are soft and feel as cottony as his brain does at the moment. Blinking the cobwebs from his mind he recalls what he can remember last.
The chop shop. The doors closing on him for what felt like the last time. An explosion. A revolt. And Lev, standing over him. That's all he can remember.
A nurse walks in carrying a chart, "So you're finally awake! How are you feeling?"
"Good," he croaks, then tries again. "How long?"
She glances down, "You've been in a medically induced coma for a little over two weeks."
Two weeks? The way his life has been going over the past year, where everyday feels like an uphill battle, two weeks seems like an eternity.
His mind is slowly catching up to him.
Risa... what about Risa?
He's too tired to mask his desperation. "There was a girl," he says, "She was on the roof of the Chop- the harvest clinic. Does anyone know what happened to her?
"That can all be sorted out later," the nurse dotes.
"No buts. Right now you need time to heal-and I have to say, you're doing better than anyone expected, Mr. Mullard."
Connor's brain stutters, he must've misheard. "Excuse me?"
The nurse shuffles things around, "Just relax now, Mr. Mullard. Let us handle everything."
His first thought is that he's actually been unwound. He was unwound and his brain was put in another body. But realistically he knows that's not right. The voice he hears is his. He can feel his teeth as he moves his tongue across his gums. He can feel his unkempt hair on his head.
"My name is Connor," he tells her. "Connor Lassiter."
The nurse gives him a mysterious look. One filled with kindness and a deep sense of knowing. It's calculating- disturbingly so. "Well," she says, "as it so happens, an ID with the picture charred off was found in the wreckage. It belonged to a nineteen-year-old guard by the name of Elvis Robert Mullard. With all the confusion after the blast there really was no telling who was who, and many of us agreed that it would be a shame to let that ID go to waste, don't you agree?" She changes the angle of Connor's bed until he's in a more comfortable sitting position and looks into his eye. "Now tell me," she asks carefully, "What was your name again?"
Connor gets it. He closes his eye, takes a deep breath, and opens it again.
"My name is E. Robert Mullard."
The nurse smiles widely and reaches out her hand to shake his. "A pleasure to meet you, Robert."
Instinctively Connor reaches his right hand to reciprocate and gets that same ache in his shoulder.
"Sorry," she says quickly. "My fault." She shakes his left hand instead. "Your shoulder will feel a bit sore until the graft is completely healed."
"What did you just say?"
The nurse looks like she's been caught saying something she shouldn't. "Well, the bad news is that we weren't able to save your arm, or your right eye. The good news is that, as E. Robert Mullard, you qualified for emergency transplants."
Connor rotates this in his mind, letting it sink in. Eye. Arm. Emergency transplants.
She sighs, "I know it's a lot to get used to. I'll let you be alone while I get your lunch." She heads for the door.
"Yeah," Connor replies absently, having focused all of his attention to the arm. "Lunch. That's good."
The arm has a slightly darker complexion than his skin tone and the nails need to be trimmed. It is more muscular than his left; he recalls reading about physical therapy for this type of thing. He touches all of the fingers to his thumb. His sense of feeling is the same. He flexes the fingers. They flex. He twists his wrist. It twists. When he rotates it a bit farther he sees something that makes him stop. His stomach plummets and he feels a surging wave of panic. He doesn't want to believe it. Connor refuses to even acknowledge it. On his arm is the unmistakable tattoo of a tiger shark.
Still reeling from shock, Connor hears a voice he thought he would never hear again. A voice that, given the arm surgically grafted onto Connor, couldn’t possibly be here at all.
"So," the figure sneers, "the Akron AWOL goes into the Chop Shop and lives to tell the tale.”
Roland is leaning against the wall, looking hatefully down on Connor. But once what used to be a whole boy is now a nightmarish apparition covered in stitches. He could almost be real if it weren’t for the gaping hole where his arm used to be. While there is no blood, the wound seems to emit an inky blackness that Connor cannot tear his eye away from.
“You did this to me, Connor.” Roland’s glare shoots daggers as he moves closer. Suddenly, Connor is acutely aware of his vulnerability, his logical mind is telling him this ghost can’t hurt him, but his heart doesn’t get the message. The monitor to his left starts screaming.
His mouth opens and closes like a fish, “No! You- you should be dead!”
Roland stops at the side of his bed, remaining hand toying with the cord of Connor’s IV. “Don’t you remember Connor?” A malicious grin spreads across his face, “Unwinding isn’t death.”
Paralyzed Connor watches as Roland silently reaches for his arm. “Weren’t you ever taught to share?”
A nurse rushes into Connor’s room, finally coming to investigate the shrill noise coming from the machine beside him. “Your heart rate is through the roof! Are you all right Mr. Mullard?”
Connor turns to where Roland had been mere seconds ago to find him gone. What just happened? Was that… real?
“Oh, I see you took your IV out! You really have to be more careful next time.” His heart rate slows but his mind fires at full speed. When did he take his IV out?
The nurse pats his hand satisfied that he’s all fixed again and goes to leave. “Wait,” he has to make sure he’s not going crazy, “has anyone been in my room since you left?”
Her smile never falters, “No, hun, just me. If you want to see any of your friends you’ll have to wait till after lunch.”
“What drugs did they give me? Would any, um, cause hallucinations?” Her picture-perfect smile wavers, probably rethinking her decision to save some kid who turned out to be a nutcase. “It could be a side-effect from your coma. The brain often tries to fill in gaps or create its own explanations when recovering from a trauma like this. It should wear off after a good sleep.”
Connor is doubtful more sleep could do him any good. He just slept for two weeks straight after all, but he doesn’t want to be here any longer than he needs to be by convincing people he’s insane. He returns a smile to the nurse, “You’re right Doc, thank you.”
After a hearty lunch of jello and chicken soup, Connor is finally allowed to leave his room to see Risa.
The nurse leads him to her room, most likely glad to be rid of him for a few minutes, and he lingers in the doorway. Risa is in a bed that reminds him more of a dentist’s chair. There are pins and rods supporting her up that Connor recognizes as signs of paralysis, something he’s only read about in textbooks heralding unwinding as the solution to all of your problems. His gut swirls with guilt. Risa didn’t accept unwind parts and she’s much worse off than what he would have been if he hadn’t either. How will he face her like this?
“You have a visitor.” The nurse steps aside and he can see Risa’s face. Her eyes fill with tears and she holds back a sob. “I knew they were lying,” she says. “They said you died in the explosion–that you were trapped in the building–but I saw you outside, I knew they were lying.”
“I probably would have died,” Connor says, “but Lev stopped the bleeding. He saved me.”
They talk of the victory at Happy Jack and the losses taken to get there. He tells her of his coma and new identity. In his happiness of seeing Risa he almost forgets his arm and the demon that came with it until he spots Risa looking at it. He flinches and the bandage shifts, revealing the tattoo. Her breath catches in her throat and Connor turns his head. She’s going to hate me. I mean, how could she not? This arm will always carry him with it.
“I promise,” he breathes, “I promise I will never touch you with this hand.”
Risa looks at Connor and he looks back, a broken soul. Connor takes her in, for this might be the last time she will ever want to see him.
“Let me see it,” she says, giving nothing away.
He hesitates, so Risa gently takes it from the sling. “Does it hurt?”
“A little.”
She brushes her fingers across the knuckles of that hand, and her voice is quiet, “Can you feel that?”
He nods. He watches her lift the hand to her face, the palm against her cheek, and she holds it there. When she lets go he decides. He decides what this hand will do. He decides its pressure, its direction, and its intent. And he tells himself he always will have that choice, not his parents, not Proactive Citizenry, and certainly not Roland. His hand brushes a tear from her face, moving down her cheek, across her lips. He takes his hand away and Risa opens her eyes and tightly clasps the hand in hers. “I know this is your hand now.” When she speaks, there is not a single thread of doubt, “Roland would never have touched me like that.”
She pulls him into a hug and he closes his eyes, sinking into her embrace. This moment is for them, after two eternal weeks of not knowing, after surviving the Chop Shop, after escaping the PC’s grasp, they can finally be teens again. There is still much more to do, but at least they will have each other to rely on.
However, a twitch in his arm shatters the peace, and he opens his eyes. Roland peers back at him from the doorway, watching them silently.Doctors and nurses shuffle about, unconcerned about the boy standing in the doorway, for this is not their fight. Connor realizes he’s the only one who can see him, because whether he likes it or not, they are now connected. He suddenly remembers what Roland said before he disappeared as he feels another uninvited twitch in his arm—Weren’t you ever taught to share?
A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed it! Feedback is always appreciated. Also I have a LOT of thoughts about this AU so let me know if you want me to spill lol
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aylacavebear · 3 months
Stockroom Antics - Chapter 19
Maria had changed jobs numerous times over the last five years, more to keep herself safe than anything else. Her mother had told her she was a fairy but she thought it was just her mom being weird. Honestly, though, she had no other way of explaining what had happened to her that stormy day before she'd gone into a coma for two weeks.
Please don't take my work. I'll post warnings for each chapter. Will probably be 18+ I haven't decided yet!
Word Count: 2524
Pairing eventually Dean Winchester x OC
Warnings: Angst
A/N: This one's written a little differently than my last one. Let me know what you think. It's the first time I've tried this type of writing. Chapters will alternate viewpoints as well. I also looked into an actual area so this one could feel more realistic. This one is taking on a life of it's own in a turn I hadn't anticipated, so adding a new tag.
----------------------------------------- Stockroom Antics Chapter 19
When the dragon crawled into your lap, it helped you relax a little. Plus, it felt nice to see it come over to you instead of interacting with Dean.
You still weren’t sure why it bothered you as much as it did. This whole “getting to know each other” thing made you nervous. Yeah, you enjoyed being around people, making them smile and laugh, but somehow, this felt different. So, you were nervous. Pinpointing why you were nervous was still something you couldn’t quite figure out.
The idea of adding to their grocery list felt strange. You even debated helping to pay for some of the groceries, but for now, keep that to yourself. When Sam mentioned you just going with them to the store, the idea was appealing. Then you thought about the dragon and how that would work. Would it stay at the bunker? It wasn’t like you could take a dragon out in public, no matter how small it was. People would freak out.
It was fairly embarrassing to tell them personal things about you, like reading fanfics on Tumblr. The thought of the things you enjoyed reading on there made you blush slightly, and you just hoped neither of them noticed. Thankfully, though, at least Dean had focused on baking. Although you couldn’t list specific things, so you generalized. 
Why did he have to look so damned adorable when he smiled the way he did, you thought to yourself. And the way he chuckled made you want to smile. Then, every time he’d called you sweetheart, it made your heart flutter a little. You pushed it away, though, as best as you could. No point in getting attracted to him, even if you would be staying with them while they figured this whole thing out. You’d already convinced yourself that you were weird, especially after your accident and these two hunted monsters.
Finding out that Dean loved pie like he did gave you an idea. There weren’t many ways you could contribute or show your gratitude for what they were doing for you, so you decided to bake for them. It was simple enough, and it was something you loved doing. Now, with your powers increasing, it might even be easier.
Finally finding a little courage, you asked about the sigils. You understood Sam's reasoning; it made tons of sense. But what Dean said made you smile a little; you just couldn’t help it. Plus, he looked really, really good with how he leaned back in his chair. Again, you shook the image from your mind, trying to focus back on the conversation.
Watching the interactions between the brothers was adorable. The little things where they were different and how they would get playfully frustrated with each other made you giggle or laugh internally, though. Their laughter was pleasant. Laughter was something you’d been missing over the last few days. Sharing why you were nervous was more nerve-wracking than anything.
It wasn’t until Dean said you were their kind of weird that you finally began to truly relax and genuinely smile, even if it was small. The two full beers and now your third were also helping you relax more. The dragon stayed asleep in your lap the entire time; its presence alone helped you relax further.
A half-hour later, Sam was picking on his brother about books, “You’d rather watch something than read, and you miss all the little details. The books are far better,” Sam insisted.
Dean leaned forward in his chair, “I don’t need all those things. The show is fine, and I get the important stuff,” he argued.
“It depends on the book and the show. What one are you two arguing over?” you asked curiously. This was clearly something they’d argued over before.
“Game of Thrones. The books are far better,” Sam insisted.
“I’d still rather have the visuals,” Dean chuckled.
You did your best not to laugh at both of them, “I can understand both sides. Although, having read the books and watched the show, you do understand more than if you only do one or the other,” you told them, giggling a little before taking a sip of your beer.
“That’s a lot of books, Sweetheart. I’ll stick to the show,” Dean replied, and his playful smirk made you smile again.
“See, that’s what I mean. You just dismiss reading, so you’re missing out,” Sam argued, and you could tell it was playful.
“I’ll read all day, for a case, but if I can watch something, I’d rather do that,” Dean stated, attempting to end the conversation on the matter.
You couldn’t contain your laughter at that point. Both of them were adorable, and so was their brotherly bond. As the conversation continued, you shared a bit about yourself. Yeah, you were still a little nervous about it, but alcohol was called liquid courage for a reason, and it was helping greatly.
“So, how come you live in the house you do?” Dean finally asked you, sounding curious.
The question threw you off, and your smile faded, “It’s been my home for so long, I don’t know, I just didn’t know where else to go,” you answered a bit quietly. Part of you felt embarrassed about your home, especially after seeing how the brothers lived. 
“Why not use your powers? Change it up?” Dean asked her.
Sam looked between the two. He had only seen the outside, although you were pretty sure that Dean had told him how your home looked on the inside. “I didn’t want to bring attention to myself. Only having a part-time job, I wasn’t sure how I’d explain the changes to the few friends I had.” You tried not to sound embarrassed, but it came out anyway.
“Makes sense. What about your family, though? They know you have powers,” Dean asked.
You shrugged a little, “I like my job and the people I work with… but…” you began, then trailed off, looking down at your beer. “With the King of Hell after me, not sure there is a safe place anymore.” Your tone had gotten quiet as the realization hit you. Where could you go at this point? You didn’t want to endanger your family, so that was out.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to make you sad,” Dean told you softly, leaning a little further forward.
When you saw him slowly reaching his hand toward yours, you held onto your beer and leaned back in your seat, putting more distance between the two of you. You did notice how he sighed and leaned back, though.
“It’s just… I don’t want to put them or anyone in danger because of me,” you replied, sipping your beer.
“Well, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you’d like,” Dean told you, making a smile play across your lips.
Part of you did miss your home, your friends at work, and the solitude your home had given you. However, you also began to enjoy being at the bunker with the brothers. You weren’t used to living with people and were still in the adjustment phase. With getting to know them more, you were hoping that things might feel less tense. After another half hour, your sides hurt from laughing so much. You couldn’t figure out how the dragon was sleeping through it all. Five beers was your limit, and you were on your fifth. Things were going amazing up until Sam said what he did about someone called Rowena. Your mood instantly tanked, excusing yourself to bed the moment you finished your beer.
You scooped up the sleeping dragon and made it to your room, only slightly wobbly on your feet. Once your door was closed, you set the dragon on the side of your bed and changed into pajamas. Climbing under the covers, you just sat there momentarily, wrapping your arms around your legs.
Could Rowena get into the bunker? Am I even safe here anymore? Am I putting the brothers in danger just by being here? Would the witch do the spell without consent? What would I even do if she did that?
Too many questions raced through your mind, even allowing a couple of tears to slip from your eyes. You wiped them away and turned off your lamp, then got comfortable on your side facing the sleeping dragon.
“I don’t want them to be in danger because of me,” you whispered, setting your hand on the dragon’s back.
An image of bubbles played in your mind. All kinds of different bubbles: soap bubbles, the kind that kids make with those bottles of bubbles from the store, bubbles in bodies of water, bubbles in a boiling pot of water, bubbles you make when you blow in a straw in chocolate milk. You furrowed your brow and looked at the sleeping dragon.
“Bubbles,” you said quietly, then rolled your eyes, remembering earlier. Dean had called her that after he’d given her bacon. If you weren’t as emotional as you were at the moment, you might have gone down a different thought path than the one that took over your mind. Anger hit you first, along with jealousy, all aimed at Dean. With all that had happened over the last week, you really weren’t thinking clearly; right now, anger was easier. The alcohol wasn’t helping either.
Bubbles shifted a bit in her sleep, stretching some and getting comfortable again, closer to you. You wanted to talk to Astaria again but at the same time, you didn’t. Then, you wanted to cry but didn’t do that either. The anger was easier to hold onto, almost making you feel grounded. 
Morning came far too soon. You hadn’t dreamt that night, and it was only after five in the morning, according to the clock on the night table. 
“Why can’t I just sleep in,” you grumbled just as Bubbles jumped on your chest, looking down at you like a happy puppy.
You giggled and began petting it, “What? Are you hungry?” you asked her, smiling a little.
You were still angry, but not like you were the night before. When Bubbles tilted her head, and you had an image of a forest come to your mind, you realized what she needed.
“Ohh, you need to go outside,” you said quietly, wondering if you could even do that.
Bubbles vigorously nodded her head, making you giggle again. “Can you use the toilet? I’m not sure I can take you outside or if it’s safe.”
She tilted her head as if she had no clue what you were talking about. “Come on. I’ll show you.”
You used your powers, changing into jeans, a tank top, and a red flannel, leaving it unbuttoned, then headed down the hall to the bathroom, Bubbles flying and keeping up with you. The idea of showing a dragon how to use a toilet had only come to mind due to funny cat videos you’d seen of cats using the bathroom. 
Bubbles watched you, her head tilted, and she looked puzzled and curious. You could barely stifle your laughter at the entire situation. When you finished, you flushed the toilet, then looked over at her as she was perched on the countertop.
“Your turn. Think you can attempt it?” you asked her.
She looked from you to the toilet and then back at you, making you giggle quietly, “Want me to wait outside?” She nodded, so you waited out in the hall, trying not to laugh. 
The toilet flushed moments later, and then the door opened. You glanced over as Bubbles hopped down off the counter and joined you in the hallway, “Feel better?” you asked, stifling another giggle.
Bubbles nodded, so you headed to the kitchen, figuring the brothers were still sleeping, with her flying alongside you. While the coffee brewed, you began writing out a list of items that you’d need for baking. You still wanted to do that, even if you were still feeling annoyed at Dean knowing your familiar's name before you did. 
When you got up to get a cup of coffee, Bubbles hopped onto the floor, went to the fridge, and looked at you. The word “food” came to mind, but you weren’t hungry, so you sat back down at the table, returning to the list you had been working on.
Bubbles got annoyed at your stubbornness, but you missed the dragon roll its eyes. She walked over to you and tugged on your jeans, causing you to look down at her. “What?” you asked her, having no clue what she wanted.
She looked over at the fridge and then back up at you, “Are you hungry or something?” She nodded at your question and went back over to the refrigerator, then waited for you.
As you joined her at the fridge, opening it up, you peered inside, wondering what dragons even ate. What you didn’t notice was that Bubbles was already opening one of the bottom drawers and pulled out a green apple. She held it in her hands as she flew over to the bench seat next to where you’d been sitting earlier.
“So, what do you want?” you asked, looking down.
When you didn’t see her, you got a puzzled look and glanced around the kitchen, barely seeing her head above the edge of the table. Closing the fridge, you were still puzzled but shrugged it off and went back to the task of the list. Bubbles had been watching you as you wrote down items on your list. Then, it jumped up on the table and took the pen from you, setting its apple on the table.
“It’s a pen. You use it to write things,” you told her, chuckling a little.
Bubbles flipped over the piece of paper and attempted to write. It was clear that writing was something she had never done before, as it looked like the scribbles of a toddler. She glared at you, and you did your best not to laugh, no matter how cute she looked.
“It takes time to learn how to write,” you told her, then thought for a moment, “Come with me into the library.”
With that, you got up, grabbed your coffee, and headed into the library. There were still books strewn across the tables, so you used your powers, stacking them up neatly in a few piles. Then, you created some things to help Bubbles learn how to write. You weren’t quite sure how much she could understand, so you went with the basics: the alphabet and kindergarten stuff, along with a pad of paper and a pencil so she could erase. 
You sighed and sat in one of the chairs, wondering why she wasn’t communicating with you telepathically. Then, the anger flared back up because she’d communicated with Dean the day before, at least her name. You didn’t know about the other stuff. Using your powers, you retrieved the list you’d left on the kitchen table, along with the pen. Then, you continued your list while having coffee, and Bubbles taught herself how to write.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 20
Tag List: @djs8891 @deans-spinster-witch
Link to the series Master List
A/N: If you'd like to be tagged in future chapters, leave me a comment, and I'll make sure to tag you.
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tlouxobsessed · 1 year
College Affairs
why hello there, this is my official story on here; this is going to be a longish story. I had posted previously what it shall be about (for the most part) I'm also going to do a quick Q/A about me; my stories and my other socials. ALSO!!! I am completely new to this app, I have no idea how to use Tumblr or make it aesthetic. I have seen a few amazing profiles and wonder how they get it so nicely. So please bear with me if my story setups are shit. I take requests, my dm's are always open for messaging on how to be better and or write better. The actual story itself is going to start further down on this page. I'm not very sure how many chapters exactly it'd have but we will see y'know? Anyways back to the Q/A
My name is Maddie; I enjoy writing stuff like this. I have a wattpad, instagram and tiktok account for tlou fan stuff. I don't post much on Instagram nor tiktok but it is more for promotional purposes. I have my wattpad linked at all times in all my bios. @tlouxobsessed
I have an amazing girlfriend who also writes. Her @ on Wattpad AND Tumblr is @iluvtlou; she's an amazing writer and we both write pretty hot smut on there.
ANYWAYS!!! with that being said here is the story. For those of you who do not know what this story will be about; scroll on my page and you should find the small description :) Please don't forget to like this story and follow me :) as I said my dm's are always open 24 hours a day, I hope you all are having a great day/night! enjoy my loves :3
The beginning of this story will be mostly in Y/N's point of view. There will contain SMUT! smoking, drinking, sexual content; assault, swearing, aggression. There will also probably be LOTS OF SMUT/KINK TALK!!!
enjoy you freaks ;)
I was seven years old when my mother passed away, I was nine when my grandfather went into a coma; four months later my father had chosen to take the only man who ever cared for him, off of life support. When I was twelve my cat ran away, I found him beaten to death presumably by the neighborhood kids. Soon after my fourteenth birthday my grandmother had gotten hit by a car trying to pick up my younger brother from school. I was pretty used to the overgrowing grief in my life; none of my friends ever stayed, my family members died left and right, my pets my little crushes never liked me back. My life felt like the universe hated me. That was until my first year of high school, It had been a few months since my grandmother passed. I was living with my dad, brother and old sister.
We had two pets, a dog and a cat. Every now and then when I'd stare at Miley for long enough, I thought about Robin; god I felt so bad when I found her, her once grey fur was caked with dried blood. Her big green eyes stared at me begging for me to help her or at least take her out of her misery. I laid there holding her decaying body for hours, I sobbed into the crevasse of her neck. I went home later that day after burring her in the woods behind our home. I walked into my house covered in dried blood, in my hands was a ball of once fluffy grey cat hair. I sobbed, running into my older sisters arms.
"Y/N? what happened? baby look at me" I just resting my head on her shoulder sobbing, gripping the back of her white tank with my blood crusted hands. I'd think about that day when I'd stare into Miley's bright blue eyes, she was a white and brown cat. God she's a sweetheart, Robin was monstrous. She tore up whatever she could, she'd piss in your shoes if she didn't like you. One time Mackenna brought over a guy, slept with him but when he went to leave his shoes were both filled to the brim with piss, cat litter and a small toy that would squeak a "MEOW" when pressed on. I couldn’t stop laughing when my sister had told me about it. She cursed me, pushing me off of her bed. I landed on my back hitting the side of her dresser with my right palm while cracking up once again.
See my life wasn’t all that bad? Middle school wasn’t horrible. I made some friends that actually stayed. Lila, Katie and Richard. I loved them to death. I met Lila the first three months into ninth grade.
I walked into second period, we were about three months into school, I was exhausted from the night before. I studied my ass off for Mr.Brown's class. I was not prepared for that test but I had no choice. I had always gotten good grades until I started realizing I had feelings for some for the girls around me. I couldn't focus anymore; I felt wrong and gross with myself for looking at Madelyn Calvins like that or Jessi Smoldminor. I felt weird feelings when Jessi would come around but I tried brushing them off. I didn't have any friends after I came out to Jessi. She told everybody that I was a "fucking weird homo that you should stay away from." I spent the ride home on my bus that day sobbing, I screamed at myself when I got home that night.
"PLEASE JUST BE NORMAL!!" this all ended soon after I watched videos on youtube, realizing Jessi was probably just closeted. A mean internalized homophobic girl.
Anyways, I walked in sitting down by myself perusual, I didn't realize I wasn't alone until I felt a tap on my shoulder. A few weeks had gone by since the incident so I brushed it off as some person trying to bother me. "hey" I glanced over at the girl. She was probably 5'3, blonde hair and blue eyes. She had huge tits for a fourteen-fifteen year old. "hi" I said back questioning why this pretty girl was talking to me. I prepared myself for the worst until she just asked "do you have a pencil?"
four years later and we're the best of friends. When Brody Hunters broke up with her to go date Olivia Leone, she was devastated and I was by her side. When Jordan Micheals cheated on me I sobbed into her arms while she concealed me. We were inseparable. She never judged me for liking girls; even when I liked the most VULGAR girls.
I met Katie in tenth grade, she was in our gym class. She soon became our friend, we were known as THE trio at school. By tenth grade Katie had come out to us as Bisexual, obviously we supported her. Around this time I was already openly gay at school so I was usually told first when people were questioning. I had always gotten the “how did u know u were gay?” texts from girls I had never really spoken to. Or even the “I’m gay 4 u” comments on my posts. I always cringed but went along with it because I adored attention.
We met Richard because Lila and him started going out, they met at some fair in the Summer of late tenth grade. Ever since it has been the four of us. We graduated high school last week. I never thought I was going to make it but my friends really did help me. Before anybody asks, yes Katie and I DID have a small thing that went on but we both decided it was better off as friends.
We all got into the same College, University of Seattle. I was excited and so was Katie, her and I had become even closer since Richard and Lila. I suspected Katie was catching feelings for me again but I was NOT about to ruin our friendship again.
I walked over to my bedroom mirror staring into it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I've grown a lot since freshman year, I used to be 5'4, long light brown hair, blue eyes and small breasts. The girl that stared back at me was nothing like that. She was 5'6, medium length dark brown hair from being dyed so many times. Bright blue eyes, long eyelashes and plump lips. Double D's and a solid ass. I didn't realize how much I had progressed. I threw on a white tank top, some blue jeans and a hoodie. I slipped on my converse and grabbed my phone taking a quick pic of my room before heading out. Today was the last day of being at my house, I live a few hours away from my new school. Katie was on her way, I was shitting bricks. I was hoping to room with Katie but we got placed on different floors.
katieee my lovey - hi baeee i'm almost there 'kay? i wanna stop at panera after we get richie and lil
I adore Katie, I really do. She is a sweetheart, we did way too much together to ever truly be considered just friends but I saw her as a best friend just as much as a fuck buddy.
y/n - hiiii kk sounds good txt me when ur here i have smmmm shit to bring to ur car. gnna make mack and shawn help me ;(
katieee my lovey - okay my love ill come in and help too love u almost there xoxo
I ran downstairs towards the kitchen grabbing out a juice box pushing the straw into it and sucking out the liquid. I sighed at the orangish liquid coming through the clear straw just as I heard somebody coming in.
"heyy mama" Katie said walking towards me placing a sloppy kiss onto my left cheek. "hi babe, ready?" I asked gesturing towards my stairs.
Katie and Mack helped me carry out my items while Shawn sat on the couch watching his cartoons. I rolled my eyes at his laziness while we strained our backs carrying the heavy boxes into Katie's car.
"i'm really nervous Katie" I said to her once we were in the car alone. I wish I was still eleven laying in Mack's bed while we snuggled and watched movies talking about her new boy crush on the week. I must've dozed off because when I opened my eyes we were at Panera, Richard and Lila in the back seat swapping spit as Katie pulled into the parking lot.
"we're here you fucking love birds, yuck you're making me loose my appetite!!" Katie snarled. I laughed unbuckling myself heading into the building. I knew Katie's older sister Dina, went to Seattle university but that was the only upper class man I had knew. I was nervous trying to get down as much of my BLT as I could.
Once back on the road, I heard the two in the back once again swapping spit, their mouths smacking until finally I turned around.
"guy's SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, the two looked at me laughing then turned back to eating one another's faces.
"you ok babe?" Katie asked.
"I dunno I just feel really off, I'm nervous ya'know?"
"you need to get laid" I couldn't help but laugh at Katie's stupid comment. She looked at me smirking, no no no no. I was not going to do that again. I turned my head quickly looking out the window. I could feel the head spreading between my legs when I recalled that night. We were thirty minutes away now, I'm sure a little reminiscing wouldn't hurt anybody....right?
I was distraught. The text message I had just gotten from my girlfriend of over a year and a half. The "i'm so sorry my baby please- i didnt mean to she just was there i was drunk!" I broke up with her right away running to Katie's house.
She opened up the doors, I ran in collapsing into her arms. "oh my- baby what happened c'mere." Katie scooped me up placing her on her bed, I sobbed loudly until Dina and some girl walked by the slightly ajar door. The girl with her had auburn hair, green eyes and was around 5'5. She was pretty, her freckles sprouted out, her green sweatshirt and dark brown pants snug nicely on her body. I was attracted immediately but too sad to talk to her. Around this time my body was growing, my breasts were now a solid C, my ass was fatter and my make up skills were getting better.
I glanced away from the door looking into the Katie's eyes, I couldn't help what I did anymore. I was sad and needed somebodies love. I pushed my lips against hers. I was the one facing towards the door so I was able to see through the small crack, the auburn haired girl watched for a few minutes as my hands rose up the back of Katie's shirt, unclipping her bra and cupping one of her breasts while continuing to kiss her. I saw her finally walk away then shutting my eyes so I'd be back into the moment with Katie.
Normally I would've gone to Lila to sob but Richard was over so they'd defiantly be busy. My hand lowered down Katie's pants rubbing her clit-
"we're here!!" I glanced over at Katie who had her hand on my thigh, I was soaked at this point and I needed her. The last time we had hooked up was a few months prior. Katie hadn't ever been with someone until after we first ever fucked, then she dated some girl but that didn't last long.
We all carried what we could to the front desk, I looked around seeing tons of newly adults crying while hugging their parents goodbye. My dad was at work today, he said he'd come down tomorrow and help me upack, but meanwhile I knew Dina,Katie, Richard and Lila would help.
"Hi name please" the woman said at the front desk, she was wearing a tight black blouse and a purple skirt.
"y/n" I said watching as she aggressively typed into the computer, the keys clacking gave me a sense of relief. It had reminded me of when my mother would be typing on her computer while I sat with Mackenna eating our grilled cheeses.
"Here you go hun! room 3476...." she handed me the keys, I heard her say something to Katie but I walked a few feet away analyzing the keys. I saw a girl walk up to me meanwhile my head still being down.
"AHH MY BABY!!!" I looked up just as the black haired girl wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. I realized it was Dina, all my tension left. I felt so much better knowing she was going to be here, behind her stood a 6'2 Asian guy and the auburn haired girl. I hadn't seen her in years.
Her hair was shorter, her green eyes more vibrant and her freckles more prominent. She smiled at me putting her hand behind her head, scratching the back of her neck.
"how have you been my love??" Dina asked pulling the man behind her closer up so she could introduce him.
"I've been okay! you? anddd who is this?" I asked smirking.
"I've been great thank you lovey! this is Jesse my boyfriend" she said back raised her eyebrows. I laughed pushing her shoulder just as Katie walked up next to me. She leaned her head on my shoulder, I felt her warm breath hitting my neck. Chills went down my spine, I could feel my thighs getting warm again.
"Oh hey Ellie" Katie said looking at the auburn haired girl. SHIT! that's her name I literally could not remember. "hey katie" she said glancing down at her feet shuffling them around.
"anyways babe I got room 2489, so not THAT far but far enough hah" Katie laughed while dragging me along.
"wait what's your room?" Ellie asked referring to me. I looked at her struggling to make eye contact..."oh uh 3476..."
"no way...that's my room...c'mon I'll show you to it" I followed the girl up to the elevator as Katie and the rest followed. I was assuming Richard and Lila would stay back so they could have a quickie.
"It's just right this way, they told me I was getting a roommate but I thought it was jus' gunna be some random senior" I nodded, Ellie glanced back at me raising an eyebrow at my quiet reply.
She opened the door which had revealed a medium sized room. One of the sides was completely empty aside from a dark oak bedroom set with a small side table. There was a twin sized mattress which I was assumed to be mine.
I placed my box onto the bed taking out my light grey sheets and dark grey comforter, I began placing it onto my bed just as Katie ran over stopping me...
"I got it baby, you just unpack the rest of your shit, 'kay?"
I started unpacking the other tow boxes I had brought in, Jesse and Dina pulled Ellie aside telling her something. i could hear the aggressive whispering as the two left the room. Leaving it to be Katie, Ellie and I. God I'm so uncomfortable.
The room had a small island counter with a stove, a microwave above that; a sink, and a medium sized refrigerator. A door was shut which I was assuming was a bathroom.
Katie had finished making the bed for me, she walked over to me hugging me, "I'm gonna go start unpacking my shit, here is my spare key for when you go get the rest of your stuff. Let's get dinner later, I'll text you around six. Love you" She said to me kissing my cheek.
She waved Ellie a goodbye, walking out the door slamming it shut. Oh shit she was mad mad.
"okay I have to know.....are you guys dating orrrr"
I looked over at Ellie dropping my beaver stuffed animal onto the bed, turning around to face the girl. "no." Was all I said. I didn't feel like explaining but I knew I'd have to eventually. "okay...uh well I gotta go to my girlfriend's so see ya after?"
Aw shit. she had a girlfriend.
I nodded turning back to what I was doing, I had lots to unpack.
an hour later
"fuck man" I said harshly breathing out as I threw my last box onto the floor. I opened it up taking out my last few pairs of jeans placing them into the bins under my bed. I walked over to the drawers on my side of the room opening them hoping for some empty space.
I looked down seeing a large light pink strap-on. I was just about done. I closed the drawers gagging. I quickly pulled out my phone snapping a picture.
y/n - why is my roommate a strap-on lesbo.
*one attachment*
katieee my lovey - IM CRYING NOOOOO
richard (dick) - no way GROSS
I laughed turning my phone off. This was going to be hard.
Quite 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲.
Part 2
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iswmperson · 7 months
FNAF 2; The Movie; The Fanfic; Part 1
First time making a FNAF fanfic, much less a one about the movie.
Been thinking about this for the past 2 weeks or so. Hope you enjoy.
Day 0, part 1.
After a long day on a trip in Duluth, Mike, Vanessa, and Abby were returning home. On the way there, an advertisement for the 'New and Improved Freddy Fazbear's Pizza' started playing on the radio.
"Well, that's certainly odd." remarked Vanessa.
After 3 years, the franchise still exists. Getting a little hungry, they decided to stop by the restaurant and maybe get a bite.
"Doesn't seem too bad, on the outside atleast." Said Mike,
Abby looked around for the animatronics, but she could only see small, plastic versions of the characters she knew.
"Why do they look like that?"
"Well, Abby, i, don't know."
As they went to order, Vanessa looked at someone, and they looked back at her.
The both of them stared at each other for a while.
"Holy shit, haven't seen you in a while-"
The both of them laughed for a solid minute or 2, until the man noticed Mike and Abby.
"So, i assume this iisss-"
"Mike, Abby, this is my brother Jeremy, Jeremy, Mike and Abby."
"Hey..." said Mike, quietly.
"Hi :3" Abby said, as she looked at the menu.
"So, what were you up to, Vanessa? Haven't seen you in, 9 years, i think. "
"Multiple drug busts, gun buybacks, haunted animatronics, after that, not much besides being in a coma for 6 months."
The man stood there, surprised.
"Mhm, cool- wait, coma, 6 months?? What happened???"
"It's, a long story." Responded Vanessa
"Huh." Jeremy said.
"Trust me, y'wouldn't like to hear it." Said Mike, struggling to pull out his wallet.
"I can pay if yall want, i have plenty of cash to go around." Jeremy said, holding a credit card.
"No, no, it's, it's fine." Said Mike, slightly shooken.
"....Alright then."
The four sat down at one of the tables and started talking.
"So, are you two twins? You both look very, similar, eerily so-" Mike asked, looking at them.
"Actually, no, we're about, 1 year apart, we have different mothers, too." Replied Vanessa.
"Mister Jeremy, where do you work?" Asked Abby, curiously.
"Well, uh, before this, i used to work for a little ol' diner, think you've heard of it, Sparky's, they used to have an animatronic similar to those, with the same name as the restaurant, it was a uhh, if i recall correctly, a dog with a collar and floppy ears, but they removed him due to faulty mechanics, of course by the time i worked there, about 5 or 6 years ago, or 7, he was already gone. I think they had him in the storage room at the old Freddy's location for a while."
"Mike, didn't you see a dog in the storage of Freddy's?" Asked Abby, turning to Mike with a look resembling that of both concern, and curiosity.
"I...i think i did, it was disheveled and in, pieces." Mike replied, jogging his memory a little bit.
"Now, i'm going to be actually working, here. It's nice to work at a place you once loved and cherished dearly as a kid, ain't it Mike?"
Mike sat there, a little confuddled about what Jeremy just said.
"You, never been to Freddy's??" Replied Jeremy.
"I was, just, not when i was a kid."
"Jeremy, not everyone knows about Freddy's. You know that right?" said Vanessa.
"Yeah, yeah, i know, it's just weird how you can live in Granite Falls and not even hear about Freddy's."
"Yeah.." Mike replied, sleepily. It's as if the man hasn't slept in weeks.
The four of them sat in silence, until Jeremy spoke up again.
"So, could i actually stay with yall for a little while? My house is under renovations, and i'll only have to stay there for, a day or so."
"Sure, why not, i mean, you will have to pay rent though-"
"Mike, i'm only staying there for a day, that's nothing."
"Jeremy, i'll cut you a deal, for as long as you need to stay, we'll let you stay, as long as you pick Abby up from school, and keep the house clean." Responded Vanessa.
"Well, alright then, i guess that's a fair trade."
Later, after coming back home, Jeremy set down his items, dressed up in a Magenta shirt, black vest, gloves, and pants, alongside a nametag.
"Wait, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to start tomorrow?" Asked Vanessa.
"Well, i am, but today i'm going to get tested on how well i do on the job, a sorta 'test run' you might say. Anyways, i'm gonna be back home tomorrow, bye guys." Replied Jeremy, as he headed out the door with a large duffel bag.
"Strange, why would they do test nights instead of test days?"
"Jeremy was always a little, strange, lets just say that."
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Ever since watching the second movie, a question has been burning in the back of my mind: why doesn't Tails wield chaos energy but Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow do, even though Tails has the same color-coded trail as Sonic and Knuckles? Well, my theory is that he does have the capability to wield chaos energy, he just hasn't been able to yet, and so I decided to look back on everything we know so far.
The first time we see Sonic's chaos energy building up, it was because of his pent-up anger over ten years of loneliness after losing Longclaw, and judging by Sonic's reaction after he released it in a form of an electromagnetic pulse, this is possibly also the first time it's happened in his entire life. The next two times we see Sonic's chaos energy begin fluctuating again was him being upset at Tom's decision to leave Green Hills and then later hearing Tom declare him his friend. This shows that during moments of extreme emotion, that's when Sonic generates vast amounts of chaos energy, which is shown again during his first and third fights with Knuckles and him running across the Pacific Ocean, though it seems like he's practiced controlling it before he tried stopping the bank robbers in Seattle.
The rest of Knuckles' tribe fought with weapons and armor while Knuckles currently eschews any tools other than his chaos energy, but why he's so different from his tribe remains unexplained. It doesn't seem like Knuckles inexplicably possessed it before his father and the rest of the tribe left to go fight Longclaw, but much like Sonic, he must of gained it after loss of his people truly sank in. The earliest we chronologically see him utilize his own chaos energy is actually in The Official Movie Pre-Quill in presumedly the latest of many gladiator fights against his will, and Knuckles has obviously had more practice controlling it than Sonic.
We still don't really know about this version of Shadow, but what he has in common with Sonic and Knuckles is the loss of a loved one in the past, and with him being the Ultimate Lifeform combined with his current mental state after being in a fifty year coma immediately following the loss of Maria, of course his chaos energy is going to be even more powerful.
As far as we know, Tails never had any family before; if he did, he probably would've mentioned it to Sonic while explaining how he was bullied in the past. Combined with him being the youngest and having the least self-confidence and experience of all of them, he never had anything to lose unlike the previous three; isolation is all he's ever known growing up until he discovered Sonic and compared his tails to Sonic's powers. Even without that color-coded trail, the energy blasts from his insanely powerful inventions are also color-coded to his liking, which can even be similar to Sonic's quill serving as a power source for Robotnik's Eggpod.
TL;DR - That scene in SA2 where Eggman seemingly kills Sonic and Tails beats the shit out of him? Think of that as Tails' baseball field scene. But hey, that's just a theory. A Film Theory!
That's a great theory! And it got me thinking...what do we know about Sonic and Knuckles' powers? First, It's heavily implied (if not downright confirmed) that they're connected to chaos energy in some way. They're also not something just about any anthro alien can access, Longclaw says Sonic's power is unlike anything she's ever seen, and (like you said) echidnas wouldn't rely on weapons if they shared Knuckles' abilities.
But are we really supposed to believe that Knuckles and Tails just so happened to be born with these unique powers that no one else in the universe has? That's awfully convenient and goes against the idea that Sonic's abilities are special. And that's not even counting Shadow, who couldn't have been made with the emeralds and yet seems to have the exact same powers.
Unless, Chaos Energy in the movie-verse is like the Force in Star Wars, some metaphysical energy that surrounds the universe and is connected to all living beings. Maybe, like with the Force, every creature has chaos energy, but only a select few are born with the ability to harness it. Maybe the Chaos Emeralds themselves are a concentrated form of this universal energy.
And like we know, chaos is power enriched by the heart. That's why Sonic's powers first awaken in moments of high emotion, it's why the emeralds resonate with Sonic's love for his family. To add to your theory, maybe while these people with high levels of chaos energy posess superior abilities from the get-go (speed, strength, and maybe others), the full extent of those powers of those powers have to be unlocked through extreme emotions.
So yeah! If this were the case, I can see Tails also being born with a high chaos energy level (far below Sonic and Knuckles') that manifests through the speed of his tails. He just hasn't unlocked his true potential yet, unlike the other two.
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retro-memo · 1 year
For the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange and @iron-mum! I hope you enjoy this fic and I wish you a Merry Christmas!
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Happy Hogan, Dummy (Iron Man movies), You (Iron Man movies), Friday (Marvel), Karen (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Pepper Potts, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Warnings: Swearing
Ao3 link
"H'y Kar'n." Peter paused, taking a moment to swallow the bite he'd taken out of his sandwich. "Can you crank up the heat a little? It's getting chilly up here."
"Of course, Peter." Not even seconds later after she said that, there was a low sizzling and Peter leaned back into the suspended hammock he'd strung up earlier, basking in the warmth.
It was times like this when he really appreciated Mr. Stark's suit. Especially now that it was the middle of December and temperatures were way colder than they had any right to be.
Peter was pretty sure if he had been wearing his old suit — and no it wasn't a onesie. Stop calling it that, Mr. Stark — he would've probably gone from Spider-Man, and this was in May's words, to 'Spider-Popsicle'.
Which was something Peter found a little ridiculous since it hasn't even started snowing yet.
He would've been fine.
Well, he wouldn't have gone into a coma like last year when he was waiting for Mr. Stark to fix his usual suit after the wiring got damaged in the fire and he was stuck with his old one. 
Peter groaned and threw his arm over his eyes, cursing his stupid spider DNA. Why couldn't he just have gotten the cool powers without basically having snow as his kryptonite?
Was that too much to ask of the universe?
"Peter, there's a police report of a bank robbery two blocks down from us."
"Wait, really?" Peter perked up at that and lifted his arm; all thoughts on spiders and the overprotective adults in his life flying out of the window.
"Yes, there are reports of six armed individuals holding several hostages in the building." Karen paused. "They appear to be possessing extraterrestrial firearms."
"Wait, extraterrestrial?" Peter froze, his outstretched wrist hovering mid-air from where he aimed it. "As in alien?"
"It appears so." That was the last thing that Peter expected to hear today. Especially since Toomes had been in jail for the better half of this last year. It couldn't have been him that sold these.
So it wasn't him, that meant it had to be someone else that sold these weapons…
"Should I contact Tony Stark?"
Peter blinked. "Uh, no. No." He shook his head. "You don't need to do that, Karen. I'll be fine."
At this point, he'd gotten very much used to Karen suggesting to call Mr. Stark. He had a sneaking suspicion that she'd been programmed to do that but decided to not question it. It was nice to know help was there if he needed it.
"Are you sure, Peter?"
"Yeah, besides what's the worst that could happen?" Peter paused only for a moment. "Hey Karen, do you think Mr. Stark would like an early Christmas gift?"
"While I can't speak personally, I believe he'd appreciate it. May I ask why?"
Peter grinned. "Send Mr. Stark a message that I'll be swinging by to drop off a present."
Tony had been having a pretty good morning if he had to say so himself. 
For once, he actually got in a full night of sleep. And no; he didn't mean his usual two hour power catnap that came with ditching the other five in the lab way. 
This time, he clocked in all seven hours and was energized in a way that he hadn't felt since forever.
Hell, even the cheese burgers and coffee he had ordered had tasted better than it had in ages. It felt as if nothing could ruin this day. Not even one of those dreary meetings that Pepper had set up for him seemed to dampen his mood. 
That was until he got a message from Peter. 
Tony didn't want to think the worst of the kid.
But goddamn, Peter made it hard. The newly-sprouted grey hairs on his head - that certainly weren't there before the kid practically bulldozed into his life like a bull in a China shop - were enough evidence of that.
So when he got the notification from the kid's suit about Peter dropping off a 'present', all sorts of possibilities immediately started whirling through his mind.
With the kid involved, that 'present' could range from a 'minor' stab wound to being shot or even impaled.
Tony tried not to think about those 'worst-case' scenarios as he glanced at the workshop's window. It was the one of kid's favorite spots to crawl through when he popped in for lab days after patrol.
The kid had to be fine. If he wasn't, Tony would've already known from the suit which was programmed to send out an automatic distress signal if something had gone wrong.
This time around, he'd even made sure to put extra encryption so that the heart-attack-inducing kid wouldn't be able to hack into it again with his grubby fingers.
Unless the kid somehow managed to bypass the codes again and was bleeding out somewhere without Tony knowing. Too far away to call for any help.
Alone. Cold. Hurt and -
"Hey, Mr. Stark!"
"Holy shit!" Tony jumped, the soldering iron that he'd been holding clattering onto the metal table below as he whirled around to where the offending voice had come from.
"No, just me." The kid's head popped through the window, and even through the window, and even with the damn mask on, Tony could practically see the grin from where he was standing
The little shit.
"Oh, hey, kid." Tony crossed his arms, watching Peter as he crawled through the window. The kid seemed fine, his movements didn't seem jerky, there wasn't any visible blood that he could see and -
"What the fuck is that?" Tony knew what it was. He recognized it as soon as the kid landed on his feet and turned to face him but still.
"Uh." The kid shrugged as if the glowing alien weapon wrapped up in his arms wasn't a big deal. It was comically picture perfect to the whole damn turtle fiasco from a few months ago. "Merry Christmas?"
"Where the hell did you get that thing?"
"I found it on patrol." The kid answered like it explained everything and Tony stared. 
So much for a good morning. 
"What are we going to do with it?"
"We're not going to do anything." Tony leveled a glare with Peter. "I'm going to take this Happy and have him deal with it the way he wants to and you're going up to your room."
He should've known that with Peter, it wasn't going to ever be that easy.
"Why do I have to go to my room?" The kid looked awkward but determined as jutted his chin up and shifted on his feet the same way he always did when he didn't agree with Tony. 
In a way, it reminded Tony of May whenever they would get into an argument. Which didn't happen a lot even after finding out about Peter's alter-ego. 
"I didn't even get hurt this time and technically, I got the weapons here. Finder's keepers."
Kids these days and their damn loopholes.
Tony scowled. "One, because I said so and two, I know for a fact that you have one of those fancy language quizzes tomorrow. May called me earlier to make sure that you study for it if you swung by."
"Wait, you talk to my aunt?"
"Just give me the weapon."
"No." Tony shook his head. "Kid, I value my life. I'm not going to risk it with your scary aunt."
Tony wasn't exaggerating there. May was terrifying in her own right. He'd been there to witness how May transformed from Peter’s usual sweet aunt into a pissed off mother bear who’d tear his head off if it meant protecting her cub. 
He wasn't going to go through it again. 
"Please?" Goddammit. The kid was on the verge of pulling out the big guns; those damn puppy eyes that made even the coldest of men melt into a warm puddle of goo. Tony knew if he didn't get this finished quick, it was going to be game over. 
"Come on, Pete." He was on the verge of begging the kid to throw him a bone. A small chance. He could feel himself crumbling, just as he had with the turtle. "Just hand it over. I promise later after you've finished studying, we can blow up some other stuff here in the lab."
The kid didn't miss a beat. "Can we work on it for five minutes, please?"
And there they were. Those puppy-dog eyes that not even Tony on one of his best days he could say no to.
His mouth dried as he stared at the kid, who was clutching the weapon against his chest. Like it was a stuffed animal rather than something capable of massive destruction.
He groaned, throwing his hands up, finally waving the white flag of defeat. "Fine! But if your aunt asks, say that you were doing boring non-dangerous shit."
The kid grinned, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as if he didn't con Tony into risking his life on the line. "Thanks, Mr. Stark! You're the best!"
"Uh-huh." Tony waved Peter off. "You better remember that next time when you're grounded."
The kid giggled and Tony rolled his eyes as he turned back to the table and picked up the soldering iron that he'd dropped before.
He faced the kid again, gesturing to the table behind him. "Okay, gently, place here. We don't want to accidentally blow that thing up. For all that we could know, just sneezing the wrong way could make it go off."
Tony took a small step back, making room for the kid but keeping an eye on the weapon as Peter moved past him.
Once it was on the table and he was satisfied that it didn't look like it was going to blow up anytime soon, he felt the tension in his shoulders loosen. 
"Alright." Tony tore his eyes from the weapon. It was fine. Nothing bad had happened. They were fine. Peter was fine. "Alright, I'm going to get a few tools."
He paused, giving Peter a pointed stare. "Do not touch that thing while I'm gone."
"Yeah, mom." The kid snarked back. "I'll be fine, don't worry. What's the worst that could happen?"
"Famous last words," Tony grumbled under his breath, stalking away and passing Dum-E on the way. He pointed a stern finger at the bot, who had for the past hour been trying to find the screwdriver that Tony 'lost', and asked the bot to find. "Don't let the kid get into any trouble, you hear? If he does, I'll be donating your parts to MIT."
The bot whirled at that and Tony shook his head. However, he'd barely taken another step when it all happened at once.
He felt the blast of heat hit his back before even hearing it. He was blown forwards, his insides feeling as if they were ricocheting against his skeleton as he hit the ground.
And just like that, as quickly as it had started, it was over.
Everything was silent as Tony pushed himself up, having been blown forward hard enough to have lost his balance in chaos.
It was quiet. Way too quiet. Even straining past his ringing ears, Tony couldn't hear anything. All he could hear was his thundering heart beating against his chest.
Oh God. Peter.
Tony scrambled to his feet, whirling around to where the kid was, his heart in his throat at the cloud of smoke covering the whole lab.
"Pete!" He ran, a million possibilities running through his head. Distantly, he heard the lab sprinklers turn on but paid little to no attention to them. "Buddy, you there?"
He didn't get any reply and Tony was almost scared as he came to a stop where the kid should've been. Where he left him with that damn weapon. He should've known better, shouldn't have turned his back and now Peter was -
That was when Tony heard it. The smallest of coughes but it was enough to jumpstart his heart faster than a V8 roaring to life, but something stopped him from running forward.
Terror gripped Tony so that he stayed rooted in place as it overwhelmed him. Fearing that he'd just heard the kid's final breathes. 
"Kid?" Tony took a hesitant step forward, almost too scared to peer through the smoke and - 
He blinked once. Twice. And then a few more times because there wasn't the burnt-to-a-crisp corpse or pile of ash that he'd conjured up from the darkest depths of his worst fears. 
No, no, no. It wasn't that but rather, there was a baby.
A baby, who barely reached to Tony's knee and was waist deep in the Spider-Man suit with hair soaking wet from the sprinklers. It was rubbing its eyes, letting out the smallest of coughs and whinning, its little chest heaving with the action.
Tony stared. He was a genius. He could put two and two, together. Heck, he could do even more than that.
That didn't stop him from freaking the fuck out. 
This had to be some sick part of his imagination or he'd finally gone crazy from the blast hitting the back of his head too hard. Because there was no way that this was possible. 
Still, Tony swallowed and opened his mouth. "Kid?" 
If it wasn't possible for Tony's heart to beat faster than it had before, it certainly was now. The baby tensed at Tony's voice, its head turning up to him, blinking up at him with those oh-so-familiar brown eyes. "Mr. St'k?"
It was muffled, choppy, and barely coherent but it was enough. The final nail in the coffin. It confirmed everything. Any sliver of hope that Tony had that the baby in the middle of his lab wasn't who he thought it was, vanished with that single word.
"Oh God." Tony stumbled back, gripping onto the table nearest to him to stop his legs from giving out from under him.
He stared at the very small and fragile baby a few feet in front of him while his heart throbbed in his chest. It felt ready to jump out from his throat and throw itself out of the nearest emergency exit. 
"Shit, Pete." Tony closed his eyes and shook his head, letting out a small giddy laugh that felt as if it quaked his heart with it. "You're a baby."
And May is going to kill me. 
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Post #27: UXM issues 161-164
The first chapter of the Brood Saga actually has very little to do with the rest of the story. We start with the X-Men gathered around Xavier, who's getting worse and worse. Scott can't handle it, especially after what happened to Jean, and it's taking everything he's got to keep it together. He snaps at Ororo, saying it's her fault the X-Men have such bad publicity lately, and that he should be consulted more often. Ororo reminds him that she's the leader, and she offered the position back to him and he refused. He apologizes, and finally opens up to her. Xavier was until recently the only father he'd had. He's been helpless all his life, and in the face of losing another loved one to things beyond his control, he's grasping at the one thing he's ever controlled, the X-Men. But it's time for him to let go and let the team help him. In his coma, Xavier is dreaming of memories, a time 20 years ago when he met two people who would change his life. In the memory, he's called by a psychiatrist associate to an Israeli hospital for Holocaust survivors. He meets a young Magneto, currently going by Magnus and volunteering at the hospital, and a catatonic patient named Gabrielle Haller. He enters her mind, and finds a hellscape filled with demonic monsters in Nazi uniforms. He's able to break down the walls and bring her back to consciousness. Having found with Gaby the purpose he's been searching for, he stays at the hospital for a time. But because Xavier is also a piece of shit, he starts a relationship with her. Over this time, he also becomes increasingly close with Magnus, swapping theories about human evolution. One day, Hydra soldiers come to kidnap Gaby. They get away with her, but Magnus kills several of them, revealing himself as a mutant to Xavier, who at this point in time had only ever encountered the Shadow King. He reads the mind of the one surviving soldier, and discovers that in the concentration camp, Gaby was used as a treasure map to Hitler's gold reserves, the torture she endured having implanted the location in her subconscious. When Xavier, took her out of catatonia, it was an opportunity for Hydra to find the gold. Xavier and Magnus go after them. Magnus kills a bunch of Nazis and tells his friend that mutants will meet the same fate as his people if they don't fight back. He takes Hitler's gold and flies off to wage his war. Meanwhile, Gaby has reverted back to catatonia, and Xavier realizes that if he keeps psychically saving her from this, she'll become too dependent on him. He calls out to her to fight for herself, and she does, waking up on her own. In the present, Lilandra has given up on telepathic rescue and calls out to her beloved the same way he once did to Gaby. It pulls him out of his coma and back to his family. Lilandra is happy, but now that he's recovered, she must return to her empire. Her yacht arrives, and she invites the X-Men, except for Xavier, who's too weak to travel, to a farewell dinner in space. It's cut short by the arrival of Deathbird and the Brood, who kidnap the heroes.
Issue 162 is one of my favorite genres of X-Men: Logan running around on his own, trying to focus on a mission while being tormented by his own mind. It begins in media res as he flees through an alien jungle. An evil plant sprays him with hallucinating pollen, and suddenly he's in Japan with Mariko on a peaceful horseback ride. It's interrupted by Brood hunters, and now he's back in the present fighting for his life. In his internal monologue, he calls them the deadliest killers in the universe, except for him, but before he can put it to the test, the canopy collapses and he falls into a giant spider web. When he wakes up, he finally has a view of his surroundings. The jungle is growing out of the ribcage of an Acanti corpse. Suddenly he has another hallucination, this time a memory of the time right after Deathbird's attack. The team was at a party with the Shi'ar, but Logan's sense were going crazy, telling him something was wrong. He realized too late that they were all hallucinating in the imprisonment of the Brood queen, who was planting eggs in their stomachs. In the present, wild scavengers have come for Logan, but he releases his berserker rage and we finally see that even when he's let loose, he's still holding back in front of hai family. But here, in an alien setting, he's given up all inhibitions and shreds his enemies. He says his most famous line for the first time, "I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice." I like the juxtaposition of Logan running through the jungle in silent violence like a wounded animal while his inner dialogue is contemplative and full of love for his family. There's another flashback to the night before, when he woke up and snuck out to find out what was going on and why the others didn't see anything wrong. After a sweet moment where he considers bringing Kitty but then doesn't want to put her in further danger in the jungle, he leaves and finds his answers. He sees one of the Imperial traitors, Fang, being overcome by a Brood embryo placed within him and have his body transform and be overcome by the Brood. In the present, the process begins for Logan, but a combination of his healing factor, inorganic skeleton, and force of will allow him to purge the embryo from his system. He's spent the night questioning whether he's a man or an animal, and while that question will always haunt him, in one sense he's destroyed a monster within him and reaffirmed his humanity. But as he sets out towards his friends, he knows there may be no cure for them, and he's prepared to kill them all to save them from Fang's fate. And if that happens, there'll be nothing left to hold him back from waging a one-man war on the Brood.
The first friend Logan finds is Carol, who was separated from the others due to her unique biology and is being tortured by Brood scientists. Logan kills them but doesn't tell her the truth about the eggs, and they head off together. We cut back to Earth, where the remaining allies of the X-Men get news that their friends have been taken to the Brood home world. Christopher resolves to save them if possible, and refuses to take Alex because he doesn't want to expose him to the brutality and violence of pirate life. Meanwhile, Scott is having horrible dreams of himself and his friends becoming Brood, but he's able to push them aside and see reality for what it is with the mental training Xavier has given him. He's able to wake Ororo up from the illusion too, although the others are still perceiving Lilandra's palace, just as Logan and Carol arrive. Logan tells none of them the truth as they all set off in search of Lilandra and a ship. They find both, but Logan also catches the Brood Queen's scent, and despite Scott's orders, he goes after her. Just before he makes the killing strike, the heroes who stole a ship beam everyone up. Now without a target for his grief, Logan is about to reveal the truth when the Brood launch an attack on the ship.
Logan and Carol fight back with the ships weapons, along with Peter, who hesitates to attempt any kills. Scott and Ororo both try to use their powers, but Ororo's Brood embryo is messing with her control, and she accidentally kills several space whales. Meanwhile, the Brood experiments on Carol have caused a delayed chain reaction that manifests in her glowing with energy and destroying the whole fleet just as Kitty fixes the warp drive and they escape. We cut back to Earth, where Xavier and Illyana are the only inhabitants of the mansion. Illyana has psy-shields from Belasco that Xavier can't penetrate, and he no longer has the will or drive to try. It's one of several story threads that Claremont will move over to the New Mutants when that book starts. After the quick scene, we're back to space, where Carol realizes that she now has a physical connection to the universe that gives her the ability to tap into the power of a star. She renames herself Binary, and Kurt invites her to officially join the team full time, but she's no longer sure if Earth has a place for her. Ororo is lost in sorrow and self reflection, and through her unique connection between her power, body, and soul, she realizes the truth about the Brood and flees in a scout ship. Logan finally tells his team the truth, and in response, Carol goes mad with rage and flies off to get revenge- but in the process she destroys the airlock, leaving the X-Men struggling to avoid being pulled into space.
I'm gonna cut the post off here for a couple reasons. The most important is that this was Cockrum's last issue, and I want to take some time to reflect on his second run. It was overall pretty fun, but it was sandwiched in between John Byrne's revolutionary time on the book and the upcoming Paul Smith era, which has some of the best character work in Claremont's run. The second Claremont/Cockrum run had issue 150, one of my favorites of all time, and there weren't any bad issues, but overall I think the constant guest pencilers kinda derailed the momentum in a way that Byrne's uninterrupted run never had to deal with. He also got the short stick with leaving halfway through the Brood Saga, because while the first half was great, especially the Logan issue, the next two issues are the reason it has the reputation it does. I enjoyed the time with Cockrum, but I'm excited to move on into the Paul Smith run. First, though, the second reason I'm splitting up the story: in the middle of the Brood Saga, Claremont launched the first X-Men sister title, New Mutants, which will be the next post.
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min-youngis · 3 years
breaking bread - l.dh
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it's just me and my banners against the world
~ Pairing : Lee Donghyuck x Reader, non-idol
~ Genre : Fluff, Humour, Crack™
~ Summary : Does somebody want to be fake engaged to me for like two hours to try free wedding cake samples?
Strangers to Lovers
~ Word Count : 3.9k
~ Warnings : swearing, excessive simping over bread
~ A/N: looK AT HIM !!! i started writing this on my period but then my period got over before i could finish it so there's a steady decline in theatrics throughout the story.
i'd love to hear feedback, spread the love!
masterlist in my description.
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    The first time you pass the bakery, you’re with Hyejin.
    It’s newly opened, you can tell. There are balloons hanging from the ceiling inside, and all the counters look bright and shiny. But it’s the smell that arrests you, your feet stalling of their own accord as you take a deep breath in; so deep, you’re on your toes by the time you finally decide to exhale.
    Your friend doesn’t even realise you’ve stopped, continuing her story for her non-existent audience until she turns and sees you staring with alarming intensity at the new shop.
    If you could, you’d sleep in the smell.
    You feel a gentle palm on your shoulder, as she worriedly asks, “Y/N? You good?”
    A dopey smile. “I’m perfect, thank you, and you?”
    Slowly, you begin to inch toward the shop, almost creepily, not even looking at Hyejin when she snorts next to you at the fact that you’ve slipped into a food coma without even tasting any food.
    You’re close enough to read the bright board on top of the counter now, nose nearly pressed right up to the glass as you ravenously go through the menu and prices.
    If there were somebody behind the counter, they’d have born witness to all the stages of grief.
    “Hyejin,” you moan lowly, agony apparent in your voice, hands now on the glass even as the smell assaults you more the closer you get. “Hyejin, we can’t afford this.”
    Behind you, a firm hand wraps around your elbow. “I know, sweetie. I could have told you that from the font on the name board.”
    You let out another broken groan, palms sliding down the glass dramatically as you take a last long look at the pastries lined up inside.
    “There, there,” Hyejin comforts, tugging at your arm and rolling her eyes when you stop to inhale deeply one more time, the scent of fresh bread and sweetness filling your lungs. “I’ll buy you an ice-cream at that place next to the apartment, come on.”
    It’s a crappy substitute, but you’ll take it if you don’t have to pay for it. You can’t forget the smell, though. It haunts you until you fall asleep that night; fresh and delectable and sweet.
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    The second time you pass the bakery, about a week later, you nearly give in. Nearly enter and order one of the pastries, like some kind of millionaire trust fund baby.
    You’re alone, on the way back from a meeting, and there’s no Hyejin this time to be your voice of reason and to drag you away from your own impulsive decisions.
    Dawdling on the sidewalk, you bend, pretending to tie your non-existent shoelace so the person manning the counter inside doesn’t get suspicious.
    Your fingers still in their exaggerated movements as you let yourself take a deep breath in, sinking into the scent, shoulders actually drooping a bit as the smell of freshly processed dough fills your lungs.
    It’s the sound of shoes slowing down and stopping close to you that snaps you out of it. 
    Too close.
    Hurriedly, you stand up, shaking yourself out of your bread induced reverie. You had expected somebody to be staring at you in judgement, waiting to question you about why you’re pretending to tie shoelaces on sandals on the middle of the pavement; but all you see is a man standing a couple of feet away, speaking into a phone as his hands move dramatically in the air, frustration evident on his face. 
    In the clearing of your haze, you can tell he’s cute. No older than you, messy brown hair and a plain black t-shirt with ripped jeans. Really, your only complaint would be his attitude toward the bakery that you’re slowly beginning to regard as a legitimate place of worship. If he’s intent on swearing at some poor sod on the other end of the line, would it kill him to do it a few paces to the left? Away from this culinary haven?
    He doesn’t seem to have noticed you, apparently comfortable with boring holes into the shop as he stands, and your plan to stall until he leaves so you can continue inhaling rarefied air doesn’t manifest in the next couple of minutes.
    With a disgruntled look in his direction, (he keeps moving closer to the bakery, still shouting into his phone, and it’s beginning to annoy you), you inhale one last time, hope it sustains you until your next visit to this particular patch of pavement, and continue on your way home.
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    Day 3 involves a bench, a stranger and a revelation.
    You’ve had a shit day at work, and it’s imperative that you’re reminded of the good things in life. The detour you take to ensure you pass the bakery on your way home is really self-preservation.
    Strengthening your belief that only good things can happen on The Pavement, as you’ve come to fondly refer to it in your brain (and when you’re waxing lyrical to Hyejin, who just doesn’t get it), in a genius marketing move, there’s a bench that wasn’t there previously.
    Right next to the entrance, facing the road, like in McDonald’s but without Ronald.
    You try not to seem too excited at what’s basically an invitation for you to conduct your ritual, and casually slow down your pace as you near the area, trying to set up your subsequent action to seem like a nonchalant afterthought.
    Until you spot the man again, walking in your direction. The same person whom you saw the other day desecrating the shop, and who cut short your...sniffing. And he’s walking toward you, making a beeline for the bench.
    Screw nonchalant.
    Subtly speeding up, you walk closer, noticing that he does the same thing.
    Distantly, you’re amused at how the two of you have come to the same conclusion - that on an empty bench that can easily fit four people, only one of you can sit. Or maybe you’re competing for first, you aren’t sure.
    You both reach at more or less the same time, exchange a stiff, polite smile that speaks volumes (yours says you won, his indicates the opposite), and sit down, leaving enough space in the middle to fit another person.
    The first breath you take feels like being reborn.
    Next to you, the Dude (which is what you christened him when you had ranted about his insensitivity and disrespect to Hyejin), is back to shouting at somebody on his phone.
    You take yours out too, so you don’t seem pathetic. It isn’t like you’re stopping outside a bakery that you can’t afford just to smell bread on your way back from work.
    At that moment, the shop doors open on your left, letting a customer out, and along with her, a strong, delicious waft of chocolate.
    You’ve decided. This is heaven.  This is where you’ll get married, and this is where you’ll ask your friends to bury you.
    You’re soaking in the lingering after effects once the doors have swung closed, trying not to make your deep, quite frankly meditative breathing too obvious, while also trying to tune out the sound of the Dude ranting into his phone next to you, when you hear a mobile ring nearby.
    And it isn’t yours.
    You still. He stills. Marimba repeats one last, sad time and stops.
    The thought forms through no conscious decision or effort of your own, slowly becoming more and more concrete.
    You can feel him looking at you, as if waiting for you to call him out, and he opens his mouth to start talking at the same time as you do.
    And then the door opens again, releasing another delectable whiff of sweet pastry, making the words stop at the tip of your tongue.
    The two of you exchange a look, silent and full of gravitas, only breaking contact when he takes a deep breath and mutters, “Oh, shit, that’s so good.”
    “Are you here for the smell as well?” Never in a million years did you think you’d say that.
    He nods, sheepish smile on his face. “Yeah. I’ve been coming nearly every day for the last week.”
    You can swear, in that moment, with his bucket hat and his baggy jeans and his now more obvious small sniffs, that you’ve never met a man so attractive in your life.
    “This is my third time,” you reply, nodding in understanding even as a grin makes its way to your face unbidden.
    His eyes twinkle, and you aren’t prepared for his next words. “I remember you from that evening when you were pretending to tie your shoelaces.”
    “Were you faking the phone call then, too?”
    “I was hoping you wouldn’t bring it up.”
    Emboldened, you offer him your hand, weirdly endeared by the way his mouth curls up in a half-laugh. As he puts his palm in yours, you shrug, “No judgement. You gotta do what you gotta do, yeah?”
    “Absolutely. I’m Donghyuck.”
    “Y/N. Lovely to meet a fellow bread enthusiast.”
    When you spend twenty minutes talking about the bakery that night to Hyejin over dinner (she’s come to expect it at this point), the Dude has a name, and isn't so much of a dick as you had initially thought.
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    "Y/N, no."
    "Y/N, yes."
    She huffs, exasperated, random wisp of hair on her face flying upwards before settling freakishly perfectly. "I am not pretending to be engaged to you for free cake."
    You're equal parts pleading and frustrated as you tug at her arm again, curling up as close to her on the couch as possible and batting your eyelashes as enticingly as you can. "Please? Am I not your very favourite person in the world?"
    "Top ten at the very least?" you ask, undeterred.
    She gives you an unimpressed look, pries your hand off of her elbow and turns back to the television, pressing play on the sitcom.
    You don't even know what you're watching. You've been too busy concocting your master plan the entire evening, ever since you had passed the bakery and seen the newly installed sign outside that said FREE WEDDING CAKE SAMPLES!
    You didn't even linger on the pavement as long as you usually do.
    (Okay, maybe you lingered a little bit, hoping to run into your new acquaintance, but you had a plan, goddammit, and you had to convince Hyejin of it as soon as possible.)
    "Give it up, Y/N. It's wrong and deceitful, I'm not going to do it."
    You move away like you've been burnt, offense writ large on your face.
    "Wrong? It's for a good cause!"
    You admit, you probably deserve the eye roll for your theatrics. Recognising a lost case when you see one, you sigh slowly, settling back against the couch and resigning yourself to a cake-less existence.
    "Why don't you ask your new friend? Mr. Fellow Weirdo."
    "His name is Donghyuck. And I've only spoken to him once."
    She shrugs unsympathetically, letting it go; but in your brain, the gears are turning again.
    What about Donghyuck?
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    It's come to a point where you're willing to start saving specifically for the express purpose of buying cake.
    Every time you pass the shop, your resolve weakens and your fingers inch closer to your wallet. The only thing that stops you is the fact that the end of the month is nearing, and expenses will hit you like a ton of bricks.
    But you've come up with the perfect routine now. Every Monday and Thursday, at exactly 6 PM, on your way back from work, you sit on the bench outside the bakery for fifteen minutes. You haven't met Donghyuck again, but paradoxically enough, the more you don't see him, the more inviting Hyejin's suggestion seems. Twice already, while conducting your ritual, you had decided that if he showed up that day before you left, you would propose the idea to him.
    You're in a similar headspace this evening, already planning out a conversation in your head and how you can bring it up if you meet him without sounding completely creepy, when you hear the devil himself, interrupting your monologue.
    "Hey! Been a while, huh?"
    You smile as he sits down next to you, a bit startled at seeing him in person after having fake conversations with him in your head, but nod happily. "How have you been?"
    "Good, yeah. A bit busy, so I haven't come around much. But man, it's good to be back."
    And there, as you watch his eyes close briefly in satisfaction and his shoulders rise and fall slowly as he takes a deep breath in, content smile spreading on his face when the smell hits him, you decide that Hyejin is one smart cookie.
    "Do you want to be fake engaged to me?"
    Granted, it isn't your smoothest work. And it completely derails any and all pointers you had come up with in your head for this exact scenario, but he doesn't get scared off.
    His eyelids do snap open, though, and his serene expression morphs into one of confusion, but with remarkable calmness, he asks, "Uh, excuse me?"
    Without a word, you point at the blackboard standing outside the shop on the other side of the doors. They've added balloons with green chalk now, as decoration. You hope they're better at baking than they are at drawing.
    You watch his face clear up, realisation dawning as his lips curve into a wicked grin, one you haven't had the absolute pleasure of witnessing before.
    Somehow, you don't think Ms. It's-Wrong-And-Deceitful would approve of this Donghyuck.
    "I like the way you think," he says approvingly, glint of mischief in his eyes.
    You can't stop your own excited smile from appearing, as the possibility of actually being able to have a taste of what you've been dreaming about becomes more of a certainty.
    "Okay, but we've got to figure some stuff out, though."
    "Agreed," he replies, all business. "Gotta make it believable. Which is your favourite Shrek film?"
    You barely manage to restrain yourself from snorting, but from the twinkle in his eye, you're certain that you're about as good of an actress as the bakery owners are artists.
    Calming down, you clear your head. "Okay, but for real, though. Basic things. What's your last name?"
    "Lee. Your favourite ice cream flavour?"
    "Mint chocolate. No, I don't take constructive criticism."
    He shuts his mouth abruptly, his obedient nod making you giggle. "What do you do, job-wise?"
    "I work at a record store."
    You can't hide the impressed look on your face, eyebrow cocking up. "Dude, that's super cool. I do freelance journalism."
    He nods, filing away all the information to whip out later. “What’s our proposal story?”
    “Uh, something simple so they don’t have too many questions. Just say one of us asked over dinner?”
    “Cool, yeah, makes sense. Summer wedding?”
    “Summer wedding,” you agree, nodding.
    Really, it shouldn’t be so easy to come up with fake wedding planning details with a veritable stranger.
    He straightens up, standing and offering you his upturned palm, mischievous grin making a reappearance. “Ready?”
    “Yes, yes, a million times yes.”
    His laughter at your exaggerated tone dissipates some of the nerves, as you feel his cool hand wrap loosely around your fingers. It’s time for the performance of a lifetime.
    "Let's get this bread," he mumbles, pushing the door open.
    You nearly slump at the first proper breath you take. As lovely as the air outside is, everything is so much more intense here. Your fake fiancé's hand flexes in yours slightly, and you know he's going through some kind of spiritual awakening as well.
    If the man behind the counter hadn't spoken, you're sure the two of you could stand there forever, just breathing.
    "Hi, how can I help you?"
    You snap out of your haze, slowly squeezing Donghyuck's fingers to get him back. It's show time.
    You plaster on the brightest smile you've got (it isn't hard), and walk with him to the counter.
    "Hey! We saw your board outside, about the wedding cakes."
    He nods before replying to Donghyuck's non-question question, smiling enough for you to feel a pang of guilt; but not enough to abort mission. "That's right. Are the two of you engaged?"
    You nod enthusiastically, impatient to start tasting. Maybe you overdo a bit when you giggle and say, "Yes!" with the brightest, most in-love laugh that you can manage.
    You hear a muted chuckle from next to you, and you hope Mark behind the counter (according to his name tag) passes it off as joy and excitement.
    "The bakery smelt so good from the outside, that we just had to come in and see if we could get our cake and desserts for the ceremony from here."
    With a fond smile, he says, "Why don't you take a seat there, and I'll bring out the samples. Are you looking for any particular flavour?"
    If you weren't nearly vibrating at the fact that you're this close to finally tasting what you've been dreaming of for weeks, you would have snorted at Donghyuck's very enthusiastic 'No preference whatsoever, bring them all!'
    "Is this really happening?"
    He squeezes your hand, excited grin and devilish smirk fighting for prominence on his face as he sits down next to you, whispering back, "Fuck, yeah."
    He comes back bearing a tray with two spoons and a bunch of plates, each one having a small slice of different coloured pastry on it. In the other hand, a pamphlet with options for customisation and tiers. You don't know how to tell him that you couldn't care less about how many levels a wedding cake should have.
    The moment he sets the tray down on the table, right in between you and Donghyuck, and the smell of the mixture of flavours and bread assaults your senses, you have to do everything in your power to not begin inhaling everything, to not grab a spoon and dig into whatever you can get your hands on. From the stiffness of his shoulders next to you, you know that your fake-fiancé is having the same problem in self-restraint.
    "If you're going for a summer wedding, I'd suggest the berry based flavours-" Mark points out one delectable section of the tray, "-and for winter, our customers prefer chocolate or coffee varieties."
    Donghyuck throws a subtle wink in your direction (and looks damn good doing it), before he asks, anticipation clear on his face, "Where would you like to start, baby?"
    The pet name throws you off for a second, and from his grin, you have a sneaking suspicion that he knows exactly what he's doing, but there's no time to analyse it now. There's a slice of red velvet directly under your nose that's practically begging to be eaten.
    You're thankful for the customer that walks in at that moment, making Mark move away; you aren't sure how convincingly you can pretend to be a normal, engaged couple that hasn't been camping outside the shop for weeks once you've actually tasted the goods.
    "Together?" Donghyuck asks, once you both have a spoon full of cake.
    Nodding firmly with a grin, you count down from three.
    The first bite renders you blank. The literal definition of no thoughts, head empty as the flavour bursts in your mouth, your eyes closed and spoon stuck inside. Next to you, you hear a borderline pornographic moan, but you'll be the last person to call him out on it. 
    Before you know it, you’ve dug your spoon into the cake again, right as he does the same, and you’re chewing another bite, practically floating in serenity. 
    It’s mostly silence as the two of you make your way through the ten odd pieces of pastry on the table, only punctuated by satisfied sighs and muttered ‘Oh, fuck’s, and you feel like you’re having an out-of-body experience, here in this expensive shop with your fake-fiancé who has the same (perfectly normal) enthusiasm for bread as you.
    “I can’t believe we thought sitting outside was good enough when this exists,” Donghyuck says after swallowing a large bite of chocolate raspberry truffle. His eyes shine in satiated glee, fingers tapping a steady, restless staccato beat against the surface of the table as he chooses the next slice to taste.
    Tucking your spoon into the strawberries and cream flavour that’s quickly become your personal favourite, you nod enthusiastically. “Very glad I met you. Who knows how long I would’ve sat outside otherwise, living unfulfilled, believing my life was complete?”
    His chuckle makes the cake in your mouth taste sweeter.
    You lick off your spoon once you’re finally done a few minutes later, audibly huffing as you settle against the back of the chair, satisfied. Next to you, Donghyuck does the same.
    “You’ve got some icing on your face,” he observes, settling his spoon down and handing you a tissue.
    “A little to the left.” 
    Wordlessly, you watch as he brings his hand up and lightly taps the left corner of your mouth, pad of his index finger gently grazing your commissure, heat from his hand lingering for a just a second before he pulls away, his gaze suddenly holding a little less mischief and a little more intensity, and his knee briefly knocking into yours under the table as he tilts his body toward you. 
    You almost don’t want to wipe off the icing, but you make sure not to break eye contact when you do, the faint sugar rush making you bolder.
    “Oh, you guys are cute! Were you able to pick a flavour?”
    You’re startled at Mark’s sudden reappearance, uncharacteristically flustered as Donghyuck smiles brightly and smoothly replies, “They were all incredible, thank you. We’d like to try some other places and then decide. We’ll let you know!”
    You think you see a faint air of suspicion around Mark when you follow Donghyuck’s lead and stand up, and for good measure, you make sure to grab his hand while walking out, fingers easily tangling together. To his credit, he shows no surprise, playing along unceremoniously and even going so far as to lightly swing his arm as you open the door and step out.
    Leading the way a few steps away from the shop, once you’ve ensured that Mark won’t be able to see you, you let go. 
    It’s all a little awkward. What do you say to break up a fake engagement?
    “We can never go back in there without disguises again, that’s for sure.”
    That should do it.
    “Think he’ll notice it’s me if I wear a fake mustache?”
    The shared laughter at his comment lasts for maybe ten seconds before it’s back to a vaguely uncomfortable silence. You know this is it. You know you both probably won’t meet again because you’re done with this bakery. Why are you finding it so challenging to say goodbye?
    He opens his mouth slightly, looking a bit unsure even as he begins to talk, that same intense look in his eyes making a return.
    “There’s a small restaurant they’ve just opened near my apartment with a Valentine’s day two-for-one offer. Do you want to maybe see if we can get away with it again?”
    His voice pitches up hesitantly towards the end of it, as if mimicking your subtly quickening heartbeat. 
    “Or,” you start, shy smile creeping onto your face as you slowly take your phone out and hand it over to him to enter his number. “We could make it a real date, and have a meal with no moral repercussions.”
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    That night, when you tell Hyejin your story (which is decidedly more interesting than all your previous stories combined, according to her), the Dude has a name, a cute face and a discount lunch with you next week.
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , slight hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
he knows what could happen if you remember. he’ll do anything to prevent that.
word count : 1.6k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀whatever iwaizumi was thinking, he certainly had no logic. honestly, he probably would've been better off just not telling you a thing about oikawa. after all, he should've known from the start it's in human nature to want to push past restrictions forced upon them. and as much as it pained him, he knew he had messed up bad, his anger getting the best of his common sense and regretting it a day later.
⠀he knew you were curious about your boyfriend.
⠀rather, the boyfriend you didn't even know you had.
⠀from the very beginning, hajime could see it in your eyes - the natural attraction your body held as you and oikawa first exchanged short glances towards each other in class. volleyball had taught him to be quite the observer, and you made no effort in being subtle. unfortunately for iwa, oikawa noticed your innocent curiosity as well.
⠀he was afraid to ask you more about what you remember. it was different from the first day you had woken up from your coma, you were completely out of it so your muddled brain couldn't have remembered nor recollected much. now that you were spending regular time at school, just like normal, your memories might have just resurfaced sporadically. as far as hajime knew, you remembered everything, just pretending like you're still suffering from memory loss.
⠀but he knew you weren't like that. you wouldn't do that to him.
⠀you two weren't best friends before the accident, basically just friendly acquaintances who shared the same pain in trying to make the aoba johsai volleyball captain learn how to stop and take a damn breather. you had made it quite obvious in the past that you were an admirer of oikawa's, much to hajime's dismay - but he suppressed such feelings, in fear he'd be seen as too selfish.
⠀and he paid the price by seeing you happy in oikawa's arms.
⠀maybe iwaizumi was biased, but tooru really was more on the shitty side when it came to being a boyfriend. he had asked his peer countless times why he had accepted your feelings when he knew he didn't have time for a relationship; and every single time, hajime would get the exact same answer:
⠀"she made me happy at the winter tournaments, i'm only returning the sentiments."
⠀does causing your car accident count as making you happy?
⠀seeing how determined tooru was to get close to you again, pissed hajime off. what was there to be pissed off about, though? if this was a game, iwaizumi was winning. oikawa lost everything, from his reputation to his girlfriend. hajime was on his way to making you happier than tooru ever could. there was no competition here - he had this hook, line, and sinker.
⠀at least, he should have it in the sinker.
⠀a part of him knew, deep down, he was always default to second place. even without your memories, you still had your conscience, that internal voice in the back of your head that still held its senses. and if your conscience was stupid enough to adore oikawa even after everything he's done to you, how could the ace possibly fight against it? you could've died. and it would've been oikawa's harsh words as the true perpetrator.
⠀he wanted to prove a point to himself, you, and oikawa. that he was worth it. that you shouldn't have to waste your time with a scumbag who took your adoration and admiration for granted. the entire team knew that tooru wasn't the type to put anything over volleyball, and he displayed that when it came to your guys' relationship. while the captain was deserving of any praise he received that was volleyball related, hajime knew that it was unfair for you to be neglected because he spends so much time and energy on it.
⠀"hajime? are you listening to me?"
⠀he turned his head towards you, your words shaking him out of his daze. he blinked a couple of times and sat up, turning his head so his attention was fully on you. "sorry, y/n. a bit tired today. what do you need?"
⠀"huh? i don't need anything." you shook your head. "i was telling you that makki and mattsun were inviting me to go out with them today, just out to eat so they can also fill me in on random things, and to talk a little more. i said yes because they seem nice enough, and you seem to trust them, so i didn't have a reason to say no. i just wanted to tell you because i'm not going to be walking home, so you don't need to take me today."
⠀hajime's heart dropped to the abyss in his stomach.
⠀you were going to what?
⠀he knew exactly what those two were planning on telling you, and he was not having any of it. panic bubbled and almost erupted out in the open, but he saved himself with a deep breath and a plastic smile, nodding his head slowly. "right, i trust them... yeah. you have fun with that." you appeared happy with what he said, giving him a quick hug before walking off. he waited for you to turn the corner before walking off on his own, his jaw clenched and his destination set.
⠀"iwaizumi, where's - " hanamaki was grabbed by the tie as the brunet glared at his former teammate, his eyes anything but nice. "what are you doing? let me go. i'm supposed to be meeting - "
⠀"i know what you're fucking doing," he spat, his grip around makki's uniform only tightening. "this isn't just some random meeting. y/n asked you for this meet up, didn't she? she wants to know stuff, and figured you two would willingly comply." he laughed, more of a mocking volume. "and what do you know, she was right."
⠀"iwaizumi, let me go." the male with pink hued hair snapped more sternly the second time around; hajime hesitated for a few moments before reluctantly releasing his grip on his fellow third year, who pressed his lips together as he fixed his uniform hastily. "you got us," he muttered, his eyes finding iwa's. "she came to us during lunch and kept asking us. you were already on your way back to the table so we simply told her we'd tell her after school. that's all."
⠀"that's all, my fucking ass." pointing an index finger in takahiro's face, hajime shook his head. "you better not tell her about oikawa. she's much better off without that piece of shit in her life."
⠀"but she has a right to know."
⠀iwaizumi's face paled, taking a step back as makki crossed his arms. holy shit, he was serious. he and makki were going to tell you everything. "she's a big girl, iwaizumi. she wants to remember her life before the car accident. i can't imagine what she's going through, having her memories blacked out like that. i know if i was her, i'd want to know every single detail." makki's eyes narrowed. "including the memories that could hurt me."
⠀hajime's hands clenched into fists as he shook his head again in protest, sticking his foot out to prevent the other from walking forward. "over my dead body will i let you do that. the last thing she needs is a reminder of the nightmare he put her through. you won't tell her a fucking word about it."
⠀"or are you just scared you'll lose her to oikawa again?"
⠀just that question was a punch to the stomach as hanamaki observed iwaizumi's reaction. a corner of his lips protruded upwards as he stared at the other male in the hallway, the truth so horribly obvious. "doesn't take an idiot to see how set you are in making y/n fall for you. using her amnesia to your advantage to brainwash her into forgetting oikawa and becoming her new boyfriend... i was on your side at first, iwa. now? you're being just as shitty as he is."
⠀"don't you fucking compare me to him. i'm not like him, and i will never treat her like shit."
⠀"maybe not like shit, but she's certainly more like a prize than an actual person in your eyes."
⠀takahiro watched the frustration boil to hajime's face, taking a deep breath and walking around him before he could be stopped again. "if you excuse me, you made me late. i'm sure y/n will - " he grunted as a sharp pain grabbed hold of his wrist, his eyes widening slightly as hajime seethed at him, jaw clenched and face glowing angrily.
⠀"i said, you're not telling her anything."
⠀"who's going to stop me?"
⠀iwaizumi's smile was anything but pleasant as he pointing towards the school entrance. "mattsun and y/n are waiting for us, right? we shouldn't leave them waiting for too long."
⠀makki's breath hitched in his throat at the realization and cursed to himself quietly, shaking his head as he had no choice but to pull hajime along with him. "your logic is fucked up. y/n is nothing but a trophy for you to show off."
⠀"y/n means more to me than what you could ever hope to understand. keep walking, bastard."
⠀"hajime? what are you doing here?" your face revealed genuine surprise as he had appeared right beside hanamaki, releasing his iron grip on his wrist before exiting aoba johsai. "i thought you were walking home?"
⠀he could see the silent exchange of glances going on between the other two, and he could tell by matsukawa's quiet but exasperated sigh that he understood what was going on. iwaizumi pretended to not notice, however, as he moved to stand next to you. he saw the confusion flickering within your irises, how they were averted towards the ground instead of looking at him. if only he could tell you how important you were to him and why he was acting this way for your own good, maybe you'd understand his side better.
⠀"i figured since i was hungry, i'd join you guys. after all, we all trust each other enough to discuss anything, right?"
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a / n : second post today! promised it would come out soon 🥳 ALSO, THANK YOU SM FOR 900 FOLLOWERS !!! it truly means the world to me that you all decide to stick around my profile, i promise i’ll do the best i can to provide content worthy of your attention 🥺❤️
taglist ( closed ) — @ot127 @rena0921 @karlitabi-rrito @psychicpercyjacksonfan @crescentbitch @amelimiles @damnirina @pasta-warlord @blossomingbangtan @clinomanians @i-am-kinda-in-alot-of-fandoms@manq-fandoms @cirtruss @sugar-wara @haikoo @anime-simp @kairostatue @awkwardspontaneity @iwantapoptartqwq @aquariarose @softestdreamer @plantisnotplant @avylee @froppysgirl @that-animebitch @wisepandaslimeland @samanthaa-leanne @dumplingzumispam@0hakaashi @captain-janeway @afterglowkuroo @bellabelieveme @attixca @chickenrest@tycrackculture @ynjimenez @karaseijoh @lavieenblancetnoir @dabilove27 @cuddlesslut @crypto-s @keigosbitch@readeretal @shittykawaa @donghyuckster @adriloen @ella-solei @emiyummy @kukiisan @catyuyuyuu @sillykittt @dolan-mendes @kiritokunuwu @the-third-wall @yammerss @monviemoo
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doc-pickles · 3 years
all roads they lead me here
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This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong
This is the last time I say it's been you all along
This is the last time I let you in my door
This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore
“Hey it’s Alex, leave me a message or whatever.”
“Alex, it's Jo. I just talked to your mom because you weren’t answering my calls and she said she hasn’t seen you or heard from you in awhile. So… please call me back. I just need to know you’re okay. I love you.”
“It’s me. It’s just been… A really long day and all I really want to do is curl up in bed with you. But you’re not here and you’re not in Iowa and I’m starting to worry that you’re dead in a ditch somewhere. Anyways I love you, please call me back.”
“Hi, it’s me again. Jo, you know your wife? The woman you married? I just… I’m worried about you and the longer I don’t hear from you the more worried I get. So please just call me back. I love you.”
“Alex, please pick up the phone. I don’t care where you are or what you’ve been doing. I don’t care if you’ve… committed murder or something. I don’t know, I just… I need you to answer me. If you’re not coming home I need to know so please just stop my wondering and answer me. Please. I love you, call me back.”
Alex sighed as he listened to the plethora of voicemails that Jo had left for him, her voice sounding more desperate the more messages she left. He wanted to call her, to answer one of her phone calls but he didn’t think it was fair to her. How was he supposed to drag her away from Seattle and everyone they loved to come to the middle of nowhere? How could he ask her to make that sacrifice when he was struggling to accept it himself?
As if hearing his thoughts, his phone screen lit up with a photo of Jo and him on their wedding day. Despite his doubts and worries Alex punched the green accept button and brought the phone up to his ear.
“Alex? Is that you?”
He only hesitates for a moment before letting out a sigh and answering, “Yeah it’s me.”
The relieved sigh and barely concealed tears break his heart as he listens to Jo on the other line. This was why he couldn’t go back, why he couldn’t face Jo again. Just hearing her on the other end of the phone was breaking his heart, he knew if he stood across from her and told her the choice he’d made that he would never be able to walk away.
“Oh my god, I thought you were dead,” Jo’s voice rang across the line, cries punctuating her words as she spoke a mile a minute. “Are you okay? You’re not hurt or in trouble or anything are you?”
“No… No, I'm okay. I’m fine I promise.”
“Good then where the hell are you,” Jo’s voice went from worried to stern in a flash, her tone almost scaring Alex as he listened to her. “I haven’t seen you in a month and a half and no one has been able to contact you for almost three weeks now. I thought you were lying in a coma somewhere so you better have a damn good reason as to why you haven’t been answering your phone.”
Of course she was angry, she had every right to be. If Alex were in Jo’s shoes he would’ve lost his mind trying to figure out where she was. But he wasn’t, instead he was lying in a hotel room thousands of miles away from Seattle keeping a huge secret from his wife who he normally told everything to. Alex let his eyes roam to the crisp white envelope on the bedside table next to him, Jo’s name in large letters across the front of it.
“It’s a long story, Jo.”
“Well start talking then Alex. I have been losing my mind here and I deserve an explanation,” Jo paused for a moment, her voice coming back clear and resolute when she spoke again. “If you’re leaving us, if you’re not coming home I need you to say it. I can’t keep sitting here playing back everything I’ve done trying to figure out what I did wrong.”
“Jo you haven’t done anything wrong, you could never,” Alex is quick to stop the destructive thoughts he knows are swirling around in Jo’s head. A deep pang of guilt hits him as he realizes that his lack of communication has probably torn her apart. “I’m just trying to figure some things out and… that might mean I don’t come back to Seattle.”
The line is silent and for a long moment Alex almost thinks that she’s hung up on him. Finally Jo speaks again, “You're telling me I didn’t do anything wrong but you’re not coming home? I don’t get it. Can you just tell me what's really happening?”
“I have kids.”
“I was going to-“
“With Izzie. She used the embryos and she has twins. We have twins,”
The all consuming silence from the other end of the line surrounds him once again. This time though, the pause felt like the heaviest thing he’d ever felt, the weight settling on his chest and taking his breath with it as he waited for Jo to respond to him.
“Jo, I had no idea. I called Izzie before Mer’s trial and I was telling her all about you and then… then I heard them in the background. Alexis was singing some song and Eli was yelling at her to stop and I couldn’t not ask about them,” Alex let out a sigh as he ran a hand across his face. “They’re perfect Jo, god they're… They’re everything, the best of me and the best of Izzie. I have a chance to make this family whole, and I just hope you love me back enough to let me ta-“
“You have a family here too Alex! You have people that are depending on you and waiting for you to come home,” Jo was on the verge of tears and she yelled down the line, her voice trembling as she tried to get her point across. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or answer your phone? God Alex I love you but sometimes you can be so stupid. I’m looking up flights now, I can get there tomorrow afternoon.”
“No babe, I don’t need you to come out here.”
“Then tell me what I’m supposed to do! Because I’ve been sitting at home for the last month and a half waiting for you to come home and that didn’t do anything.”
Alex let out a sigh, his shoulders falling as he leaned back against the headboard of his hotel bed, “Jo I’m sorry but I have kids and I need to be here for them. I’ve already missed five years of their lives, I don’t want to miss anymore.”
“Then let me come out there Alex! If you’re planning on staying why won’t you let me come out,” the next pause that comes is from Alex as Jo let’s his silence answer her questions. “You really weren’t planning on coming back to me, were you?”
“Jo, please-“
“No Alex! You don’t just choose to end things without asking me! It's like the past seven years have meant nothing to you,” a steadying breath sounded over the line, Alex’s heart beating out of time as he listened to Jo. “You cannot just leave us here like garbage Alex. I deserve more than that, we deserve more than that! So either you come home or…. Fuck! I don’t know. Alex please.”
Alex thinks he can almost tangibly feel his heart breaking in two as Jo cries out to him. He loves her, more than anything he thinks, but he has children and their faces pop into his mind every second of the day now. He can’t fathom leaving them after already missing so much of their lives.
“Were you even planning on coming back home? Or were you just going to ignore my calls until I got the hint.”
“I didn't know she would have my kids, and now that she does, I don't know how to look anyone in the eye if I don't stay and do everything I can to make this work, make this a life, make this a family,” Alex’s pauses to catch his breath, listening to Jo’s cries. “I never meant to hurt you Jo-“
“Then you should’ve told me! You knew for weeks before you left and you didn’t say anything. You just kissed me and laughed at my jokes and ate dinner across from me crawled into bed next to me and made love to me like nothing was wrong. But the whole time you were just counting down the days until you left without another word,” her breaths are unsteady now, Jo hyperventilating on the other end of the phone in a way that makes Alex want to forget everything he’s seen in Kansas. “I can’t breathe, I can’t do this Alex. If you’re leaving us just say it. Please.”
“Jo, I’m sorry-“
“Just say it!”
“I wish getting everything I always wanted didn't have to hurt you in the process. But I can't lie to you. And I can't come home,” Alex is forcing the words out, barely able to say them without bursting into tears himself. “I'm not coming home, Jo. I can't face you. I can't look you in the eye because I wouldn't be able to walk away.”
“And that doesn’t mean anything to you? Everything we worked for, every uphill battle we fought to be together means nothing now? Did you ever think I would go with you, no questions asked,” Jo takes a deep breath before finishing. “I get that you have kids in Kansas, but you have a family here too Alex and we’ve been here for years, we’re always going to be here waiting and wondering and… I have to go. I love you and I’m sorry we weren’t enough.”
The line finally drops silent and Alex lets the tears he’d been holding back fall. He thinks he’s making the right choice, being there for his kids and giving them what he and Jo never had as children. But the pain and aching in his heart make him second guess his decision, if only for a moment.
It’s two days after his phone call with Jo when Alex realizes that he might have royally screwed everything up. His eyes follow Eli and Alexis around the farmyard as Izzie tells him about their life.
“We were actually in Tacoma before moving out to Kansas. Well, really it was just me but I was already four months pregnant by the time I decided to move,” Izzie let a chuckle out as Alex’s brain began to work overtime. “Somehow we made it though, I swear those two have been keeping me on my toes since they were in the womb.”
Alex ran back Jo’s words from their conversation in slow motion. He had played them over and over again in his head since she’d hung up on him but now he realized they might have a new meaning.
“If you’re leaving us, if you’re not coming home I need you to say it.”
“You have a family here too Alex!”
“You cannot just leave us here like garbage Alex. I deserve more than that, we deserve more than that!”
“We’re always going to be here waiting and wondering.”
“I love you and I’m sorry we weren’t enough.”
Sure she might have meant Meredith and her kids and the family he’d found for himself in Seattle but Alex knew Jo better than that.
“You know what I mean,” Izzie’s voice snapped Alex out of his daze, his eyes glassy as he looked from his hands to the blonde next to him. “You okay?”
“I uh… I think my wife is pregnant.”
It’s nearly 10 PM when a knock sounds on the loft door. Jo almost doesn’t get up from her spot on the couch as her fatigued body sinks into the cushions, reasoning with herself that anyone of importance has a key. When there’s another knock however, she begrudgingly drags herself up to slide the metal door open.
“Oh my god…”
Standing in front of her is Alex, eyes tired and hair damp from the near constant downpour of Seattle rain. She tries to ignore the suitcase at his feet, not wanting to get her hopes up when they’d already been so crushed just a week before when she’d spoken to him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I walked away from you and from all of this,” Alex runs a hand through his hair, his gaze floating to the ceiling as he struggles to keep his composure. “I want to be here Jo, you mean everything to me.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to let you back in when I know you were about to leave me without a word,” she’s begging herself not to cry right now, she’s done enough of that in the past week. But her stupid hormones bring tears to her eyes that she tries unsuccessfully to blink away. “Alex, you were ready to walk away from everything we’ve built without so much as a goodbye!”
“I know but-“
“But what?! Izzie sent you back home? Your conscience suddenly crawled back into your body after taking a two month vacation,” Jo’s voice rises as she stares Alex down. “What do you think you could possibly say that would make this better?”
Alex takes a step forward and Jo can’t bring herself to step away from him. Her mind is swirling, tears stinging her eyes as she meets his gaze, “Jo, I’m sorry.”
“Well sorry doesn't fix everything Alex.”
There’s a quiet moment between them as they stand mere inches from each other, eyes locked but no words exchanged. Alex does look remorseful, like every decision he had excluded her from is finally weighing heavily on his shoulders.
“I’m not going back to Kansas. Well, I’m not staying there at least,” Jo blinks up at Alex, waiting for him to continue before she says anything else. “I love my kids, god they're perfect, but that’s not where I belong. And I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize that, I’m sorry it took you yelling at me to realize that because it just confirmed that I should’ve talked to you as soon as I found out.”
Alex takes another step forward, his chest almost touching hers as his hand comes up to cradle the curve of her stomach that one of his old shirts had hidden. In the month and a half that he’s been gone Jo’s figure had curved outward significantly, the baby bump now noticeable no matter what she wore. She’s not sure how he’d figured it out, but the simple act breaks the flimsy hold she has on her emotions. Instead of the tears she’d become so used to though, Jo finds herself overwhelmed with anger as she pushes away from Alex.
“If this is why you're back you can turn around and leave again.”
"It's not…. Well it is but it's not the only reason."
“Just listen please. I'm not back because we're having a baby, I’m back because you being pregnant made me realize how stupid I was being when I decided to move to Kansas. Eli and Alexis... They're amazing, but they were amazing before I got there too. And I don't want to be a dad without you by my side. I want it all with you Jo and I know that might be hard to believe right now but-“
Before Alex finished his statement Jo had launched herself into his arms, tears staining his shirt where she had her face pressed against his chest, "I'm still pissed at you but these stupid hormones all telling me to give you another chance.”
“Thank god, I didn't have a backup plan if you kicked me out again.”
"But,” Jo leaned up and fixed Alex with a serious look. "This is your last chance. If you EVER screw up this badly again…”
“I won't.”
Jo leans back, pressing her lips to Alex’s as she pulled him into the loft, “Welcome home.”
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Starstruck - cth
part four: travels abroad  part one || part two || part three
summary: calum and his superstar travel to korea for a fan event.
author’s notes: this was requested a while ago and i may have forgotten about it when my inbox deleted everything but i found it recently! i hope you enjoy!
anon requested:  since ur talking about koreasos! could you maybe write something continuing starstruck and the boys are doing the show in korea and when the reader who’s famous gets asked to do it she invites cal and they both get to experience it together
masterlist || request 
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Calum loved when the band traveled to Asia, he loved exploring the cities and getting lost in the cultures they had to offer. They'd be in Korea for two days now, most of which he'd spent too jet-lagged to even remember anything he'd been meant to be doing. But he'd spent the last two weeks missing his girlfriend who he knew would've loved to be exploring the city with him. She'd been busy with some media business and due to the time difference that had made it nearly impossible to talk to her much, Calum missed his girlfriend.
The band had been tasked with filming themselves exploring one of the districts in Korea, exploring and trying pretty much any food that they could get their hands on. It had been a day of walking around market halls, getting lost with Ashton in an alleyway, and eating way too many dumplings. Calum barely remembered making it back to his hotel room and falling asleep on the couch, it wasn't until he heard steady knocking on his door that he shifted from his position and found himself on the floor that he realized he'd been asleep.
Picking himself up from the floor, Calum groaned as he felt the ache in his back. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and made his way towards the door, his brain crowded by sleep and annoyance at whoever kept knocking on his door. With hesitation, he opened the door to at least stop whoever thought they could knock consistently for three minutes from causing the pulsing headache that he was sure would start soon.
"Hey handsome, I was getting worried." she laughed softly as she saw Calum open the door, his eyes were red from the nap she'd assumed he'd been taking since he never answered her calls or text messages. "Thought you had gotten lost somewhere in Korea and I was going to have to find you."
Calum didn't know whether his brain was playing tricks on him or whether she was actually standing in front of him. Maybe it'd been all those dumplings he'd stuffed into his body earlier that day, maybe it was a dumpling-induced sleep coma dream that brought her to his hotel room but he was going to revel in it for as long as he could. It wasn't until Calum felt her arms wrap around him and pull him close that he realized that it wasn't a dream and his superstar was in Korea hugging him. And the second he pulled her closer into his arms and felt her body next to his, Calum felt like he was back at home.
Jet lag eventually led both of them back into bed and in each other's arms. Calum tried his best to stay awake and listen to her as she talked about her plane journey here and why she was even in South Korea with him, but his eyelids drooped and he found himself drifting off in her arms before he could stop himself. The next time Calum woke up, he saw the city lights from the window across the room and heard the rain hitting the window. She was in his arms, both of them having shifted during their sleep with limbs intertwined and her face pressed against his chest. Calum had missed waking up next to her like this, he missed the way she let out quiet noises while she slept and the way her eyebrows would scrunch up when she got too hot and would throw the covers off her body.
A few hours later, as the nightlife in Korea seemed to be crowding the small alleyways that were lined with restaurants and shops that called both their names to explore, Calum found himself with a beer in one hand and the love of his life in the other. The guys had been almost as excited as Calum had been when they heard about her being there, immediately suggesting a night out on the town to celebrate. After a short conversation with the receptionist in the lobby on the best place to find some fun at night, they all found themselves in a karaoke bar singing along while having too many beers and too many plates of food that the waitress would bring them every once in a while. Calum was watching Michael perform his rendition of Bad Romance, a song he surprisingly knew all the lyrics to, while she sang along next to him.
"I'm really glad you're here. I missed you." Calum whispered in her ear, "Are you all done filming for the rest of the year?"
"I am. Don't have anything else scheduled until February, I think." she mumbled and smiled, "I missed you too."
The night had gone on with more drinks and more delicious food. By the end of the night, when Calum was leading her back to the hotel room and they were both tumbling down the hallways trying to find their room in a fit of giggles, Calum realized that the band had a busy day the next morning and he was almost definitely waking up with a massive hangover. By the time he and his superstar were laying in bed and in each other's arms, the sun was rising and Calum knew he'd only have an hour or two of good sleep before he would be woken up by someone from their team knocking on the door.
The fan event had been the band's idea, a way to give back to all the fans who they rarely got to see and interact with. It was a weekend event where the band would do panels and end it all with a concert. What Calum and the band didn't know was that the host of the show just happened to be their favorite superstar. When Calum woke up that morning, his head pounding and the other side of his hotel bed cold, he couldn't help but be in a bad mood. As he jumped into the shower and tried to wake up, he couldn't help but let his sour mood cloud the fact that his girlfriend was nowhere to be found. She'd probably left to grab some breakfast or to explore the city on her own while Calum had to survive a hangover and deal with hours of press.
Riding in the car to wherever the event was being held, at this point in the morning, Calum didn't even bother to ask where they were headed; he just hoped they had coffee. He still had no messages from her about where she was and Calum had almost thought he'd dreamed of her being there but his hangover definitely wasn't a dream. So when he and the guys walked into the event center where their fan concert was going to be held, he hadn't expected to see her on the center stage doing a mic check.
"What're you doing?" Calum asked with a frown, his eyebrows furrowing as he walked over to her, "You just disappeared this morning without saying anything!" he whined.
"I told you I was hosting the event." she giggled out, way too cheery for someone who had drunk almost as much as Calum had the night before. "I had to be here early to go over the schedule and figure out what I was going to say."
So maybe Calum wasn't the best listener, maybe he was a little jet-lagged and that meant that he didn't hear the moment she'd told him exactly what she was doing here with him in South Korea. But now that things made sense, Calum's sour mood seemed to go away and he was even more excited about the show than he had been before. With a kiss on her forehead and a promise to see her before the show started, Calum left to find the rest of his band and get ready for what was sure to be a great show.
Calum had been obsessed with staring out of his hotel room window. The view of the city had been his favorite since that first night the band had landed and he'd been missing his superstar. Even now, as he heard her singing from the shower while he wound down from the meet and greets, the signings, and the concert of the day, he was still entranced by the city lights below him. He was glad that they had a few more days in Seoul, something he hadn't been glad about a few days ago, but now he had more time to spend with the love of his life in a city full of adventure. Taking one last look at the skyline, Calum smiled before walking off to join his superstar in the shower.
taglist: @hoodhoran​​ @finelliine​​ @moonlightcriess​​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo @lowkeyflop​  @stollls @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​ @myloverboyash​
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Pass the Time
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader.
Summary: You feel like you spend more time outside of you dorm and so does your neighbor. Why? Both of your roommates are hooking up.
Word Count: 1,548.
Note: It took me longer than it should've to write this since Tumblr was keep messing up so please don't let this flop ( I reached my breaking point with trying but I still like it) and tell me what you think :) I hope you love it! Thank you @snkkat for posting the photo and inspiring me to write this!
Hey," your roommate, Jazmyn, speaks softly from her side of the dorm to see if you are still awake or not. You hum in response, not looking away from the episode of your newest favorite Netflix original TV show- the reason why you are not studying right now- Outer Banks. Jazmyn moves to sit upright on her bunk bed and swings her feet back and forth and gives you puppy eyes, "Can I ask for a favor?"
Knowing what she will ask, for not the first nor late time, you say, "I'm not moving, Jaz."
She jumps off and walks over to you and must go on her tippy toes to learn against your mattress. It is a fail on her part when she tries to grab your throw blanket off of you since you're wrapped in it.
You sing, "told y'all" in a teasing tone and Jaz response is a weak, "shut up."
"Why can't you just go over? I'm comfortable right here in my dorm."
Ignoring your point of view, she easily lies as she says, "I swear it won't be long."
"Really? Two nights ago, Andrew said the same thing to Drew before you went over there for three fucking hours!" Before she can try to deny it, you hold up your hand to add, "I actually mean fucking for three hours."
You roll your eyes as she blushes and gets lost in dream land that is made of all the sex, she and your next-door dorm neighbor, Andrew, have.
Which is a lot.
You knew that going to a University there would be a huge chance to live crazy college stories that one day will blow your kids' minds whenever they accidentally find one out. Getting locked out of your dorm on a weekly basis so your roommate can hookup? That is not one of them, it is annoying as hell.
The first time you got locked out was just last month, three months in your freshman year. After taking two tests in one day, you just wanted to go in a nap coma for the rest of the year. Since the elevator in your building did not get fixed yet, you had to drag yourself up to the firth floor. You could not help to wish the sock on your dorm knob was just a part of your imagination. But it was not. From the noises you could hear from the other side of the locked door, Jazmyn had someone over. You jumped and cursed when the door next to you opened and an extremely attractive and tired boy smiled at you as he tried to fix his bed hair. He noticed the sock and grabbed it to throw it over his shoulder, inside of his dorm. "I was wondering where Andrew went." He holds out his hand and as you shake hands, he told you his name and you told him yours. You agreed that you did need coffee, so you two left the hallway to grab some.
“You know, it’s weird that we are finally meeting.”
You looked over your shoulder and silently wished Jazmyn would open the door so could lay down, “We’ll probably see each other more in the hallway if they keep this up.”
A week after you talked with Drew over two refills of coffee for who knows how many hours, he saw you walking up the stairs after your last class of the day. He kicked himself off the floor to learn against your door.
"Are they...?"
He nodded in response and told you that he does not know how long, or how much longer. He followed you into your dorm after you slightly pushed him away to unlock it.
"I was planning on doing something with Jaz tonight but since you're here instead... have you ever done a face mask?"
He wiggled his eyebrows and used a husky manly tone to ask, “Sexually?"
His laugh echoed after you throw one of your pillows at him.
The third time was a couple of hours later and Drew agreed to go as far away as possible. You two went through a drive through before going to a park to eat in comfortable silence until he tried to be sneaky to grab some of your food. A small food happened before you two acted like big children on the swings, trying to see who could go up the highest. Since he is so tall, it was easy for him to do the monkey bars.
Now what was supposed to be a relaxing and do-nothing day, you let out a fake cough. “You can’t let Andrew come in here, I’m sick.”
“I’m sure Drew would be willing to take care of you.”
“I hate you.” You mutter as you get up to put your shoes on. You try not to think about how he told you he wants to make you his famous homemade chicken casserole soon since you’re been stressed with all of your school work, working part time and being home sick.
“You love me! Have fun whenever you guys do this time to pass the time.” She winks at you as you slam the door closed behind you. You stop knocking on Drew’s door with your blanket still wrapped around you and carrying your laptop when his voice comes the end of the hall, “fancy seeing you here.”
He knows your smile is half fake so he nervously asks, "You can come over if you want? I can let you in before heading to the showers."
 Andrew comes from the end of the hall, looking like he ran up the stairs while holding a plastic bag from the nearest gas station. You can see Jazmyn’s favorite candy and a box of condoms. Classy. You do not think twice before reaching into Drews maroon gym shorts to grab his keys while they have silent conversation. You miss how much his eyes widen for leaving them both in the hallway.
“I swear to God I’ll give up on being your wingman and move out if you do not make your move.”
Drew pushes Andrew out of the doorway and glances over at you to make sure you are not listening. “You are not my wingman!”
“Yes, I am! I am giving you two alone time as I have sex! It’s a win-win for everyone!” Andrew pushes him inside, “I’ll see you tomorrow!”
From his bed, Drew hears the confusing in your voice when you say, “it’s only one am?”
“I stopped listening to what he says a long time ago.” Drew states as he can hear Andrew’s and his own voice in head saying, “she’s on your bed” repeating.
You mutter, “same” for trying to do the same thing with Jazmyn.
Over the trim of your laptop, you watch Drew stand in front of you and starts taking off his gray and black long sleeve hoodie in slow motion.
"Oh my god."
"What?" He asks, amused.
"What?" You ask, embarrassed.
“Take a picture, it would last longer.” He teases, sitting next to you. You shove your elbow in his ribcage, “Shut up!”
You should not be surprised when he teases, “make me.” But your skin gets covered with goosebumps.
“Okay, last time we hangout it was two, three nights ago?” You try to change the topic, “I just remember that I beat your ass at Family Feud. Wanna play that again?"
Drew lets out a breathless, “no” as he puts both of his arms around you, his hands resting against the wall. “Let’s play a new game.”
He grins ear to ear when he feels you take a big breath in, the air faming the side of his face. “Let’s see who can the be the loudest, them or us.”
You look at him like he grew a second head when he starts hitting the wall and making grunt noises.
“You want to make it seem like we are having fake sex?”
He laughs, mostly to himself, “It’s not like you are taking me out of my misery and-“
You cut him off by pulling his hands off the wall to put them on both sides of your waist as you to help you saddle his lap. As you trace the outline of his abs, you cannot help to lick the rest the way up until he puts one of his hands under your chin to pull your face upwards to his. Both of you do not know who kisses who first.
When you need to catch a breath, you mutter, “what?” since his smile makes you smile too. “I want to take you on a date and stop using our roommate sex lives as an excuse to hangout.”
“Okay.” You feel like you are on cloud nine when his smile becomes even bigger. “When?”
“We got time to figure that out. For now…” He gives you a quick kiss before setting you to lay on the bed so he can get up.
You watch him grab a sock before opening the door wide enough to put it on the doorknob. “I want to keep on doing what you started.”
He runs his way back to his bed to tackle you while you have your arms wide open.
Tagging the people who reblogged or comment on the post about which college AU to write first:
@ilovejjmaybank @softstarkey @pixelated-pogues @everydayimfangirling @maaybanks @scandalousfemale @thelocalpogue @sunnypogue @sortagaysortahigh @tembo-ndoto @arthiriticcricket @jjsbxtch @thatsme-johnbookerroutledge @rudysrings @ptersparkers @obx-saltlife @ssjiara @drewsephsmiles @obbx-tings @jjmaybanksbaby @jjaybank @mahleeyuh @jjcultmain @tcmhollnd @teamnick 
The college AU for Rudy will hopefully be posted tomorrow!
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