#T: Knights In Leather Jackets
devilsanddarlings · 10 months
{ @ofblackskies asked for a starter for Autumn St. James. }
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Was it fate or chance that had brought him to this moment? Kol was uncertain. All the Original knew was that he didn't want to be in Mystic Falls when things went south. He had advised his siblings against waking Silas. He had told them it was unwise to tangle with such a creature, and as usual they had disregarded his warnings.
They were too arrogant to believe that one such as Silas could be a threat to them. Too focused on the idea of a cure that was little more than a ploy. Despite his best efforts, they had refused to hear him out about the deadly consequences that arose when one angered as close to a god as had ever roamed the Earth. And now whatever befell them was their own fault. He would not be hanging around for it. Which is how he found himself at a mostly empty truck stop in the dead of night, a bit south of Salem, playing hero.
"The lady told you to leave her alone, mate," Kol said smoothly, rising from his booth to slide between the massive trucker and the brunette seated at the counter he had been harassing. "More than once. I think it would be in your best interest to listen to her this time, before I make you."
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queen-of-the-avengers · 9 months
Knight in Shining Motorcycle
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: almost rape, touching without consent, kissing without consent, calling one a bitch and 'easy' for not giving in, heartbroken-ness, fluff at the end, bucky being protective
Summary: Your roommate, Bucky, is one of the worst players you've ever seen. He has a new girl every week and doesn't stay too long to get feelings. When a cute barista asks you on a date, he's not too keen on who it is. You think this is the opportunity you need to get over Bucky but the date doesn't go as planned, and your knight in shining motorcycle comes to your rescue.
Squares Filled: leather jacket (2020) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You didn’t get a lot of sleep last night after a particularly rough night. Your roommate had a special friend over making all kinds of noises you’d rather not hear come from his room. It’s not that you were upset that he was getting some and you weren't, it’s that you wish it was you in that room instead of her.
But it’s not like you’re gonna tell him that.
You get out of bed with a yawn and leave your bedroom in search of food. You just bought your favorite cereal that you can’t wait to dig into. You turn the corner and stop when you see a woman you don’t know in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. Upon closer examination, you see it’s your favorite cereal.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there,” the woman says and smiles at you.
“Is that my cereal?”
“Bucky said I could use this one.”
“Of course,” you roll your eyes.
You turn and storm over to Bucky’s room which is down the hall from yours. You don’t bother knocking so you enter his room expecting to see him lounging around but he’s standing in the middle of the room with only a towel on his waist. Water drips from his toned chest down to the top of the towel, and you find yourself watching the water droplets disappear behind the towel. He clearly sees you checking him out which boosts his ego. He always knew you had a thing for him ever since his sister introduced you two. You look at his face to see him smirking and you give him a deadly glare.
“Are you gonna stay for the show, or…?”
He undoes his towel but doesn’t remove it from his waist so he’s still covered. You jump at the thought of seeing how big his cock is.
“Tell your whores to keep their paws off my shit. She better be gone before I get home.”
You turn and slam his door, missing the way he smirks at your attitude. You quickly get dressed and head out before Bucky can leave his room. You meet up with your best friend who happens to be the sister of Bucky. She waves you over once she sees you but frowns at the sour look on your face.
“Is it Bucky again?”
“He was non-stop fucking this bitch all night, and she was eating my cereal this morning. I didn’t get a good night’s sleep and I didn’t get to eat breakfast.”
“I told you not to be roommates with him.”
When you moved into town to get away from your overbearing family, the only person who would rent to you on such short notice was Bucky. You weren't a stranger, you’re practically part of his family, and he figured he could make some decent money off your part of the rent since he can pay for it fully without your help. Mia warned you not to room with her brother since he’s known to fuck a new girl every week, sometimes twice a week, but you needed a place to stay.
“He’s not all bad all the time, but there are times like this morning when I want to wring his sculpted neck,” you groan.
“Still not over your crush on him?”
Mia is used to all her friends having crushes on her brother. He’s charming, cocky, arrogant, can be super romantic, very protective, and smoking fucking hot. You’re the only one who stuck around long enough to catch Bucky’s attention.
“He’s not worth crushing on.” She looks at you and raises her eyebrows. “Okay, no, and it’s never going to happen. I’m just waiting for this phase to pass however long it may take.”
You two head inside the coffee shop and get in line. Since you couldn’t eat breakfast at home, you’re going to get a sandwich and a coffee with a double espresso. You get to the front of the line and smile at the male barista, Jackson.
“Hi, how are you doing?” he asks.
“Better now that I’m gonna get some energy in me.”
“What can I get for you?” You give him your order. “What’s your name?”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” You blush at the compliment and look at Mia who smiles. “Is it safe to assume you’re single?”
“I am.”
“Can I take you out tonight? Say, seven?”
You’re quite sure what to say to this. Your mind thinks back to Bucky and how you’ll suffer waiting for him, and Mia shoves you forward as if to say, “This is your way of getting over Bucky”.
“Cool.” He scribbles his number on the cup and winks at you. “Call me.”
Mia gives him her order and the two of you wait on the other side of the shop for your coffees to come out.
“Girl, I can’t believe that just happened. He’s cute!”
“I know. Is it bad that I'm actually kind of excited?”
“Hell no! What are you gonna wear?”
“That new dress I bought last week.” You grab both your coffees when they’re ready and hand Mia hers. “I’m gonna see if I can get some work done before the date.”
“You work too much.”
“You can’t talk. You don’t work at all.”
You and Mia say your goodbyes and you head back to your apartment. Thankfully, Bucky’s whore is gone so you’ll be able to get some work done. Bucky locked himself in his room but you’re not thinking about him right now. There is a mini workstation across the room from you where you can go to work. Bucky was using it as a video game/music room but gave it to you when he heard you needed it.
You put your headphones on and get to work. You’re an IT support girl for Apple that specializes in fixing computers for people by logging into their network and diagnosing the problem. The next six hours are spent on the computer, talking to people, logging in lots of hours, and watching movies on your other screen.
You have two hours before the date starts so you decide to clock out for the day. You’re not sure what kind of date you’re going to go on so you’ll grab something to eat here. The kitchen is empty when you enter it, and you grab the ingredients for a BLT. Bucky made a bunch of bacon since it was expiring soon, so you’re finding new ways to eat it before it goes bad.
You slather some mayonnaise onto the bread and layer the ingredients on there. When you put the lettuce on, you squirt some mustard on top. The first bite always tastes like Heaven, and you smile as you chew.
Your smile is lost when you feel someone right behind you. Bucky places his left hand on the counter next to you and the other reaches up to grab a glass from the cabinet above you. He presses his body against yours so that you feel the outline of his muscles.
“Excuse me,” he whispers into your ear.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting a glass. I’m thirsty.” He backs up slightly which allows you to turn around but the hand on the counter doesn’t move. “Are you done with work?”
“Good. Let’s do something. The bowling alley doesn’t close until midnight.”
“I can’t. I have a date.”
Bucky’s entire demeanor changes. He takes three steps back from you and anger is evident on his face.
“What?” With who?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You grab your sandwich and a paper plate and walk back to your room. Bucky shakes his head and quickly follows after you, not being done with this conversation.
“Yeah, I would.”
“Can you get out? I’m changing,” you say and set your sandwich down on your dresser.
“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it and I’m all out of singles.”
“Get out.”
You push him out of the room and close and lock the door. Bucky can’t believe what he’s hearing right now so he takes his phone out to text his sister. If anyone knows who you’re going on a date with, it’s her.
Before getting dressed, you decide to take a shower. Bucky likes to keep his room clean but the bathroom is a different story. He has products everywhere, his short hair litters the sink and his clothes are strewn about haphazardly. You thought you were bad. You ran out of shampoo and conditioner a while ago so you’ve been sneaking some of Bucky’s without him noticing, and this time is no different. He’s not gonna miss a few drops from each bottle since he has so little hair.
After the shower, you walk into your room and grab the dress you bought last week. It’s strapless with the sleeves only covering your arms from the elbows down and it goes down to your knees. You pair this with chunky wedges that make you taller by a few inches, and you pin your hair back in soft curls.
As soon as you slide in the last bobby pin, Bucky comes into your room through the bathroom since your door is still locked.
“I could have been naked.”
“What the fuck are you doing going on a date with Jackson Elliot?”
Mia must have told him who you were going out with.
“He’s a nice man who asked me out. What the big deal?”
“He’s a playboy.”
“Like you aren’t?” you scoff and swipe some lip gloss on your lips.
“Doll, you wish you were going on a date with me.”
“Yeah, well, you didn’t ask me. He did.” You unlock your door and head into the living room with Bucky trailing behind you. A motorcycle can be heard from the street below and seconds later, a message pops up on your phone. “He’s here.” You two look out the window and see Jackson on his motorcycle which makes Bucky laugh. “What?”
“There’s no way in hell you’re getting on that.”
“You have a motorcycle.”
“Yeah, I know how to ride one.”
“I have a date to get to. Excuse me. Don’t wait up for me.”
Bucky watches you leave the apartment. You two are on the second floor so it doesn’t take long for you to get down to Jackson. Jackson gives you a winning smile as you climb onto the back of his motorcycle. You look up at Bucky who is watching from the window, and you slide your arms around Jackson’s waist just to piss him off. He glares down at you as Jackson takes off down the street.
He didn’t even give you a helmet to put on.
Jackson takes you to the beach that is quickly losing people as the sun goes down. The water gets colder, the wind gets cooler, and the beach becomes less crowded at this time of night. You didn’t know he was taking you here otherwise you’d have worn something warmer.
“Wow, it’s kind of cold out here,” you shiver.
“You’ll be alright,” Jackson says without offering his jacket to you. He takes you down to the tables where people can sit and have lunch or stop to rest underneath the umbrellas. The employees of the restaurant had tied the umbrellas down so they wouldn't blow away in the night. “So, have you lived here long?”
“For a year, yeah,” you nod.
“Then how come I’ve never seen you at the coffee shop? I think I would have remembered someone like you.”
“Well, my best friend and I actually went to this other coffee shop that’s in the middle of our apartments. We went there for quite a while but they closed, so we--” You’re suddenly cut off by his lips on yours. You’re completely taken aback by this and pull away from him. “What are you doing?”
“Kissing you.”
He leans in and kisses you again but you put your hands on his chest to push him away.
“Wait, a second--”
“Come on, you know you like it.”
Instead of attacking your lips, he forces his mouth on your neck. His right hand grips your thigh and starts moving dangerously close to a place where you don’t want him.
“No, stop,” you gasp and try to push his hand away.
“Come on, baby. There’s no one around for miles.”
“I said stop!”
You push him away and slap him right across the cheek as hard as you can. An angry look passes over his face as if you told him you wanted this and suddenly said no.
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he scoffs and gets up.
“I thought you wanted to date me, not do this. I wouldn't have come otherwise.”
“The only reason I asked you out was because I heard you were easy. I’m out of here. Find your own way home.”
If there were people around, they would for sure hear your heart break. Jackson leaves you stranded at the beach with no way of getting home. You contemplate calling Bucky but you don’t want to hear an, “I told you so” from him. Plus, he’d probably get off on seeing you so sad. Jackson’s motorcycle roars to life as he drives away, and you miss the second motorcycle that speeds by the beach after him.
Thirty minutes pass by that feels like hours, and you’ve moved from the tables to the sand where you’re sitting and watching the ocean crash upon the shore. No one is on the streets walking by or on the beach but you hear footsteps come closer to you. At this point, you don’t care who it is. The person sits down next to you and you see familiar boots come into view.
“Look at me,” Bucky says gently. You can’t. He slides two fingers under your chin and pulls it toward him so you’re forced to look at him. There are new and dried tears on your cheek that break his heart to see. He uses his other hand to wipe the tears away. “He’s not worth crying over.”
“I thought he liked me,” you sniffle. Bucky removes his hands from you and that’s when you see it. Bucky’s knuckles are raw and busted with dried blood crusting over the wounds. You grab his hand and run your thumb gently over the wounds. “What happened?”
“Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
He lets his hand linger in yours for a few seconds before he pulls away completely.
“I bought this dress last week. I never thought I’d get to wear it,” you sigh sadly.
Bucky opens his mouth to tell you just how gorgeous you look in it when he sees you shiver. Upon closer examination, he sees goosebumps litter your arm. He immediately takes off his leather jacket for you to wear.
“Here, put this on.”
“No, I’m okay--”
“Doll, take the jacket.”
He wraps the jacket around your shoulders. You’re immediately enveloped with warmth and his smell. It makes you smile which doesn't go unnoticed by Bucky.
“Thank you.”
“Come on, let’s go home.”
Bucky gets up and holds his hand out for you to take which you do, and he helps you to his feet. He takes you to his motorcycle and grabs the only helmet for you to wear.
“No, you should wear it.”
“Doll, take the damn helmet.”
You do and shove it on your head. Even this smells like him which is making you dizzy. He gets onto the bike first then you do, but you’re not pressed against him like he knows you should be. You’re sitting up instead of leaning into him, and he fires his baby to life. He jerks the bike forward and you go flying into him from behind. You wrap your arms around his waist to steady yourself and he smirks without looking back at you.
He drives off carefully but you’re holding onto him for dear life. Just as he thinks he can get used to holding onto him, he arrives at your apartment building. No words are exchanged as you two make your way inside the apartment. You stop right outside your door and Bucky leans on the wall next to it.
“Thank you for taking me home.”
“We live together. I was just driving myself home,” he jokes.
“Still. Thank you,” you smile. You grab your doorknob to enter your room when you pause. “Oh, here is your jacket.”
“Keep it. I have another one.”
“Okay,” you blush. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Doll.”
You and Bucky retreat into your own rooms for the night. You get ready for bed and crawl under the covers. You try and get some sleep but you can’t get the feel of Jackson’s hands off your body and the feel of his lips off your lips. No matter what you do, the disgust you feel is blocking you from getting sleep.
The thought of Jackson is replaced with the thought of Bucky and how gently he treated you. There is a softer side to Bucky that no one else sees but you that you’re grateful for. Maybe… no, he probably won’t let you. Maybe? You get out of bed and walk through the bathroom to his door and knock on it lightly.
“Come in,” you hear him say.
You push the door open and see him lying on his bed without a shirt on. It makes sense he doesn’t have one on since he’s going to sleep but the sight makes your cheeks heat up slightly.
“Can I sleep here tonight?”
Bucky doesn’t respond with words. Instead, he scoots over to give you room to sleep. You quickly crawl into bed and lay flat on your back. The both of you don’t say a word to each other for fear of ruining the moment. What would you even say to him? Thank you? Sleep tight? Don’t let the bed bugs bite? Bucky can hear the gears in your head turn so he turns toward you and wraps his arm around your waist. He pulls you into him so your back is pressed against his chest.
It’s scary how well you fit against him.
Bucky can feel you smile against his arm as you allow sleep to come easily to you. He presses his head in your hair and takes a whiff of your scent. He smells his shampoo in your hair and the thought of you using his shit makes him smile.
You make him happy and he hates it took him a year to figure it out.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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iovesia · 1 year
♡ㅤׄㅤִㅤ ୨୧ ⠀ movie aus with the lost boys.
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dirty dancing — paul.
60s aesthetic. paul teaching you how to mambo, and other dirty moves. swimming in the lake during sunrise. running to the staff quarters in the late hours to dance your hearts away. pauls hands all over you as he sways you along to the rhythm of the music. constant playing of the ronettes and 'hungry eyes'. hanging out by the log bridge. a summer fling you'd never forget.
grease — david.
sharing milkshakes at the diner. david teaching you to ride his motorcycle. loaning you his t-birds leather jacket when you're cold. making out in the car at the drive-in movie theaters. sharing cigarettes with you. brushing and greasing his hair for him. going out to celebrate with him and his friends after he wins a street race.
the princess bride — dwayne.
your knight in shining armour. his all-black attire, and eye mask contrasts perfectly to your flowing princess gown. carries you around everywhere. staying up for sunrises. pulls his sword out at any moment you might be in danger. "as you wish". going horseback riding together. sailing away along the far oceans.
titanic — marko.
taking you dancing in the third class levels. lying on the deck at night and gazing at the stars. he doodles you in his notepad constantly. pulling pranks on the other first class passengers. investigating the expensive carriages at the bottom of the ship. begs you to join him in america, which you happily do so. living a life of adventure together, with not a boring moment ever.
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© iovesia, 2023. do not repost, translate or plagiarise my work.
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rwbysworld · 2 years
A knight and His Lovely Blades
(A closed rp blog with @tokufan400)
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Jaune Arc,wearing a black leather jacket,a white t-shirt,blue jeans and white running sneakers,came back to his home with bags of stuff in hand.his home was a three bathroom,four bedroom house with two kitchens.he loved how his Huntsman job gave him a lot of Lien to keep supporting his wives,Pyra and Mythra.
"I'm home!"
He called out as he placed the bags on the kitchen counter before sorting through them.
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lambsouvlaki · 10 months
For the Hell of it - a Visitor
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: T, violence, swearing.
Word Count: 1968
Summary: A Jason from a different timeline appears in Andy's house. He has the letter 'J' branded on his face.
Sometimes it hit Andy that her best friend was an on-again off-again crime lord and an unrepentant killer.
She had a tumultuous relationship with crime herself. She was a felon after all, even if she contested her guilt, it wasn’t a label that came off. Any neat little ideas she was raised with about good people and bad people had been blasted off by the pressure washer of life. 
Sometimes when Jason did something particularly adorable, which was alarmingly frequent, she remembered the new cellmate she got halfway through her sentence. She was in on nonviolent charges but nobody was fooled, she had turned herself in just to get off the streets. That new Red Hood guy had a bone to pick with her. 
The woman stared up at the guard towers in the yard on her first day and asked why there weren’t any spotlights facing outside the prison. She would wake up with a start and stare at through the bars in terror. Every shadow was suspicious. And she wasn’t the only one. Andy, a bookish nineteen year old afraid of making prolonged eye contact, found herself one of few inmates not afraid of the dark.
Really, only the sex workers weren’t afraid of Gotham’s latest nightmare. And wasn’t that bizarre?
Andy once saw Jason cut a radish into a perfect tiny little teddy bear to place atop a bowl of tonkatsu curry, purely because the recipe’s photo included a radish teddy bear and like hell was he going to miss out. This was the man her remorseless murderer cellmate cowered from. Gave up her freedom to escape.
There was that one rumour about a duffel bag of heads. Her cellmate never shut up about it. Andy dismissed it as the invention of terrified thugs with nothing to do on long stints of guard duty.
Having met Jason’s dramatic side, she was pretty sure she owed Cheesewire Wendy an apology.
She still struggled to picture it though. She understood Jason was capable of incredible violence. Intellectually, it was very scary. In practice… in practice she never felt safer than when he was around. Even in the helmet, he flustered her, but she wasn’t afraid of him.
Then she met the Arkham Knight. 
She was on her way home in broad daylight, walking down the corridor of her apartment complex, when she saw a bright strobing light under her own front door. A bizarre sound that made her ears pop rang out and then died at the same time as the light. She frowned, balancing her groceries to rifle through her handbag for her keys, and unlocked the door. 
“Jason, what are you-” She froze. 
She didn’t recognise the man standing in her living room. No, she did recognise him, right down to the way he pointed his gun at her face. He had a ‘J’ branded onto his cheek. In his other hand he loosely held the white and black civilian leather jacket Jason had left here last weekend. 
Andy put her hands up and didn’t move. Her groceries fell to the floor and loose tomatoes and a tin of coconut cream rolled across the hard wood. 
“Shut the door.”
She did as she was told then put her hands back up again. 
He looked at her through cold blue eyes, assessing. He was in military style armour, to her inexperienced eyes, with hard metal plates all over the upper body. A blue and black high tech looking helmet sat high up on his head. He had more weapons on him than she could count.
He had Jason’s face, but not his build, he was shorter, slighter, with pinched features, and there was something hunched about the way he held his upper body.  There was no bat on his chest. 
“You know me.” His voice was unmistakable. 
“I… I don’t know if I do.” 
His lips pursed and he lowered the gun. She didn’t think that was permission to lower her hands. 
“You know the me from this world.” He dropped the jacket on the back of her wheelie chair and cast his eyes over her apartment. Jason’s presence in her life had changed it, sure, but only in small ways. Surely that wasn’t enough to tell him anything? 
What he meant about ‘this world’ was too mad to be true. She stared into blue eyes that had been green for as long as she had known them. He didn’t recognise her. He recognised Jason’s coat. He had a fucking ‘J’ branded onto his face. It was too weird to question when there was a strange man with a gun in her house. 
“Don’t try to deny it. Did he retire from being the perfect and loyal little soldier?” He stalked towards her. “Pretend Gotham is fixed, that he can relax? That he’s safe?” 
“I- I don’t-” she shook her head desperately. “Jason isn’t a soldier. I don’t know what you’re talking about!” 
Maybe he was Jason Todd from another world. But he wasn’t the Red Hood. She had only ever made Jason one promise, and that was to never tell anyone his secret, not even people who already seemed to know. 
He stopped about a foot away from her and glared. Being smaller than her Jason didn’t make him any less terrifying. She blinked frantically, trying to clear the unshed tears of terror from her eyes. She couldn’t go to pieces now, she couldn’t.
After a long moment he scoffed. He stepped back. IF anything he looked kind of put out. She let her hands fall. They were shaking. 
“Can I pick up my things?” she asked.
He grunted. She took it as a yes and crouched down to start rounding up fruit and vegetables. He moved to go look out the windows. She snuck her phone from her pocket, lowered the volume to nothing, and quick-dialled Jason. She put it in the paper grocery bag and put the whole thing on the dining table. 
She cleared her throat and gathered her courage. “What do you want from Jason?” 
He looked at her sidelong. His hands rested lightly on the guns in his thigh holsters. 
“What do you want from me?” she asked. It came out as a rasping whisper. 
“What’s your name?” 
“What could I possibly want from you, Andrea?”
“I don’t know. You’re in my apartment. I assumed… for a reason?”
“I can tell you what you should have assumed: that the rest of your life is directly tied to whether or not you piss me off. By, say, calling someone.”
She froze. 
He crossed the room, leisurely, like some prowling creature, and reached over her to grab her phone out of the bag. 
She glimpsed the glowing screen. The green phone symbol for an active call floated over the contact name: ‘Still Has my Casserole Dish’, then the call duration of four minutes and counting. 
The intruder glanced at it, unimpressed. “You can keep the casserole dish,” he said, and ended the call. 
He unclipped one of his guns. 
The windows exploded in a blast of blinding light. 
She didn’t know what happened next, only the sounds of a scuffle, a gun fired twice, and she caught sight of yellow light armour blurring in her compromised vision, before she was standing behind the Signal. 
“Who the hell are you?” the intruder growled, as his helmet snapped down over his face. It’s face lit up with LEDs. 
Signal cocked his head and the LEDs immediately died again half a second before darkness flooded the whole room. The Signal grabbed her and hauled her out the window. 
They were swinging through the air before she fully processed what happened. 
A couple of gunshots followed them, and then silence. 
She looked back, as they stumbled onto a roof.
“Keep going,” Signal said, and pulled her forwards to swing across to a building not in line of sight of her apartment. 
They landed on the bare roof of an abandoned motel. There was no sound of pursuit. It set dread in her stomach. 
What kind of Jason Todd let his target go so easily? Signal looked around, not letting her get too far from him.  
“I don’t know who you’re supposed to be,” an all too familiar voice drawled from above. “Out in the daylight with your meta abilities, but all bats are the same at the end of the day. Predictable.” 
They spun and looked up. Standing perched on the edge of the neighbouring office building was their pursuer. He had a rifle slung over his shoulder. 
Signal stepped in front of Andy and spread his arms. 
A shot rang out, and the foreign Jason staggered forward with a burst of blood. He was hauled backwards before he could fall. Red Hood hit him in the gut.
“Time to get out of here,” Signal said. 
She couldn’t tear her eyes from the sight of the two fighting, what little she could see from this angle at last. 
“We are not hanging around to see the show, lady, they are both shooting live rounds.”
That shook her enough to let him pull her away and swing down to an empty alleyway several blocks away. Andy was beside herself with worry, but Signal wouldn’t let her panic. There were other allies closing in on their location apparently. 
Signal checked her for injuries and made her drink half a bottle of water. A Narrows accent was sneaking its way through the gaps in his suspiciously generic Gotham accent. It was calming. 
“What’s your name?” he asked. 
“Andy. Um. Andrea. But call me Andy.”
“Ha, take that Nightwing.” 
She blinked a couple of times. “What?”
“Hood talks about you all the time. Never says your name though.” He shrugged. “We were curious.” 
“Curious about what?” She asked, both her eyebrows rising. She had to be the least interesting person any of them knew. 
Signal just smiled and shrugged again. She got the feeling she was on the outskirts of some in-joke. 
Before she could chase it up, Red Hood landed heavily on the pavement at the alley’s opening. He was alone.
He stalked towards her, radiating fury and danger. The shaking, panicky thing inside of her chest calmed. He didn’t stop advancing until he was looming over her. 
“Are you hurt?” he asked. The voice modulator did a bad job disguising how upset he was. 
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she said, her eyes narrowed in on the cracks over the front of his helmet. Blood was smeared over his side. “Are you-”
“It’s not mine.” 
“And the other guy?” Signal asked. 
“Back to his own universe, I think. He disappeared mid-fight. O’s keeping an eye out in case we have any more visitors.”
Signal nodded. “That’s my cue then. Nice meeting you, Andy!” 
He shot his grapple gun and disappeared into the blinding afternoon light. 
Red Hood let out a shaky breath. He took off his helmet to reveal a domino mask underneath. He ran a hand through his loose curls. 
“You have to be more careful,” he said. “He was going to kill you.”
“He was just in my house, I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Calling me was the right thing, but if Signal wasn’t in the area… I wouldn’t have made it in time.”
She sucked in a shaky breath and let it out again. She grabbed his arm just to steady herself.
He pulled her closer and hugged her tight. He leaned his forehead against hers. 
“Alternate you is a real asshole.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
She scoffed. “You called in the cavalry, you saved the day, you don’t get to be sorry.”
“Maybe.” He cupped the back of her head. She felt safe. “I’m going to teach you how to handle yourself in a situation.”
“I don’t want to be in any situations,” she groused, hiding her head in his jacket. Oh, it was sticky. Gross.
“You’re always getting into a situation.”
She sighed.
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arcadiabaytornado · 7 months
Halloween Costume Ideas For Pricefield And Amberprice
A: Max: Pirate Chloe: Another Pirate (Of course!)
B: Max: Superhero Chloe: Sidekick
C: Max: Chloe Chloe: Max
D: Max: 10th Doctor Chloe: Rose Tyler (With her blue leather jacket outfit.)
E: Max: A Nerd Chloe: A Basketball Player
F: Max: Magicians Assistant Chloe: Magician
More Undercut
G: Max: A Photographer Chloe: Skater
H: Max: Velma Chloe: Shaggy
I: Max: Lumberjack Chloe: Lesbian Flannel Stereotype
J: Max: Deer Chloe: Deer Hunter
K: Max: Private Investigator Chloe: Witness
L: Max: Ghost Investigator Chloe: Ghost
M: Max: An Archeologist Chloe: A Skeleton
N: Rachel: Mermaid Chloe: Pirate
O: Rachel: Barbie Chloe: Allan
P: Rachel: Poison Ivy Chloe: Harley Quinn
Q: Rachel: Vampire Chloe: Werewolf
R: Rachel: The President Chloe: Secret Service Agent
S: Rachel: Ghost Chloe: Zombie
T: Rachel: Belle (From Beauty And The Beast) Chloe: Taco (Get it? Taco Belle.)
U: Rachel: Princess Chloe: Knight
V: Rachel: Sally Chloe: Jack Skellington
W: Rachel: Chucky Chloe: Tiffany
X: Rachel: Flapper Chloe: Cowboy
Y: Chloe: Butterfly Rachel: Raven
Z: Rachel: Witch Chloe: Cat
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redheadspark · 2 years
Reading by an open window + "what are you reading?" for Eddie
A/N: Awwww This is a great prompt request, dear Ally! Thanks for requesting it!!
Summary: Reading at your windowsill was your favorite past time, and Eddie enjoys watching you do so.
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Warning: Nothing but fluff :)
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One of your favorite spots to read was at your bedroom window.
You would sit on the awning, one foot dangling out and your back against the wooden frame. Only when the weather was nice, but once the temperature dropped, you had to resort to reading inside. It wasn't the same as reading with the cool wind on your face or dancing along the pages to have you hold them down to not loose your spot. Your window faced the west, getting the sunset every time when you would be on your perch and reading chapter after chapter. It was your safe haven, not just for reading but to think and to unwind from time to time.
On this particular fall afternoon, the tree next to your window was tinted with yellow and orange leaves as the sun was shining it in gold, you heard familiar steps across the side lawn right below your window. They were deep and heavy steps, you knew precisely who it would be.
"Ah, tis my Lady at her rightful throne, as beautiful as ever!"
You grinned, closed your book but keeping your finger on your spot as you peered down to see none other than your boyfriend Eddie Munson at the start of the vines that were climbing the house wall. He was sporting his usual Hellfire Club shirt, leather jacket and denim over vest with his long hair pushed behind him and his signature cocky grin on his face.
You beamed.
"Eddie, I thought you had Hellfire today?" You asked with a raised eyebrow.
"We had to cancel since Gareth has the flu and Lucas as another basketball game. Gross," Eddie said in a grumble, you giggled, "I gave the guys the night off. So, I figured you would want to do something tonight with me,"
"Sounds like a good idea," you hummed, Eddie snickering as he started to climb the large branches and trunk on the vine, "Eds! You don't have to do that every time ,you know!"
Ever since he watched you at your window for the first time two years ago when you two were simply friends, he was smitten with the view. He came to get your science notes since he was out sick for two days with pneumonia, wanting to cut through your side lawn to go to the front door. But he saw you there, foot out and dangling along the side with a thick book in your lap and drinking a soda pop through a bendy straw, he stood still in awe.
Maybe it was in the way your overall pants were rolled up to the calve, showing your bare skin that was tinted pink from the setting sun, or maybe how your wavy hair flew across your eyes to make you push them away with your fingers. But he saw you, and he thought you were beautiful in your own world within that book.
He was in love, instantly in love.
A few months later when you two started dating, Eddie found out a way to climb up the vines on the side of the house that ended at the bottom of your window, sneaking his way once or two into your room when it was too late to go to the front door or when your folks were out for the weekend. He thought of it as adventurous, daring even, like the knights who went to save the princess from the fire breathing dragon. But you were finding it amusing yourself as he was attempting to not get a splinter or trip over a vine poking out. There were plenty of kisses held there as he poked his head in the room, or rolled onto your floor with a yelp to attempt to not wake up your mom and dad two doors down.
Your dad caught him one time, hearing the noise outside the living room window that was directly under yours and seeing Eddie scaling his wall. Your dad rushed out, seeing Eddie trip and fall on his back from being up about 6 feet already. Eddie grumbled, back on the ground and facing the sky as your dad loomed over him with hands on his hips and an unarmed look on his face.
"You know, next time you can just knock. I'd rather have to knock on my front door than have you break your neck on my property, Eddie," You dad advised him calmly. Eddie just nodded and gave him a thumbs up.
"Noted, sir," he said in a grimace.
"One of these days you are going to break your neck," You warned him as he was finally to the top and was leaning into your window, you still in your perch. Eddie just chuckled and shook his head.
"Not when I'm agile," He gloated, moving to hoist himself to be perched on the other side of the windowsill. He would sit with you from time to time, either to watch you read as he would smoke out the window to not have it smell in your room, or for either one of you to vent to the other when things were getting too much. He knew it was your spot first, so when you two sat together with your knee caps touching and your fingers dancing together between you two, it was a new heavenly spot for you two to rely on.
Eddie leaned back to fish out a cigarette, then his small lighter to ignite it and taking in a long inhale. As the smoke was exiting through his nostrils, Eddie peered down at the book in your lap, "What are you reading?"
"Catcher In The Rye," You replied, Eddie humming as he held his cigarette between two fingers and you motioned you head to the book, "You would like it. Want me to read you some?"
Eddie's smile was genuine and calm. He loved it when you read to him, whether it was from the textbooks when you were studying together for a test, or from Lord of The Rings book when he got sick and you read to him by his bedside at his trailer. There was something about your voice that reminded him of safety, of peace.
Of home.
"Yes, please," he said, you grinning from ear to ear as you opened up to the spot where you stopped. And as you read to him a few pages and he inhaled a few more times, the smoke rising in the air and the autumn night about to come, you both found yourselves not wanting to go anywhere at the current moment. That moment of stillness at your windowsill, everything else slowing down and ceasing to be rushed, is that you both needed and craved.
If only it was like that when it was Spring Break a few months later, when the world went to shit.
The End.
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September Prompts
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solarisgod · 2 months
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 ⁽ — - ㅤ٬٬ ㅤ ✰ DETECTIVE PARADOX'S COMFORT LIST ! ⸝⸝ ₊˚. ₎
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Comfort food(s) : Blue raspberry candies, chips, mango, peach, Pho, sushi. Comfort drink(s) : Apple juice, chocolate milk, Crush cream soda, general blue raspberry drinks, mango smoothie with tapioca. Comfort movie(s) : Cinnamoroll: The Movie, Detective Pikachu, Everything Everywhere All At Once, In Space with Markiplier, Pacific Rim. Comfort show(s) : Pokémon, Digimon, Jujutsu Kaisen, Moon Knight, Sense8. Comfort clothing : Hoodies with finger pockets, leather jackets, t-shirts with graphics of favourite characters, my Eevee cap, my own + my beloved's sun ⅋ moon necklace that have " I love you " written in many different languages in the pendants. Comfort song(s) : Fireflies by Owl City, Million Knives by Tatsuya Kato ⅋ Zinee, This Endless Endeavour by Starset, Tenebrescence by Crywolf, What It Cost by Bad Omens. Comfort book(s) : The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún by Nagabe, The Way of the Househusband by Kousuke Oono, Unsolved: Supernatural by Ryan Bergara ⅋ Shane Madej, Faust by Goethe, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint by Sing Shong, with few outer space related books. Comfort game(s) : Night in the Woods, Pokémon Core Series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Telltale's the Walking Dead Game, Undertale.
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TAGGED BY : @vulpesse ( thank you so much ! ♡ ) TAGGING : @lunarisdog , @bakshiis , @jackdup , @earthsync , ⅋ you ! ♡ ₊˚.
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goldammerchen · 5 months
Where I (semi) ignore canon about HWS Prussia: His style.
Example: Request vs Christmas Event Page 2
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[Request 6] [2011 Christmas – Page 2]
First one done by the author's hand, yet still a request OTL; second is part of events' crazyness canon (and heta). He's not the only country that dresses like a dad, others including his brother and America (post by coralcatsea gathering all 3) (+Hima thinks that young Americans dress like Japanese dads in specific, looks like the same thing Gil is wearing).
Heta-people could lag behind his own people fashion anyhow.
Exceptions: Hoodies/Jacket (*too lazy to open something better than paint*)
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[Oct 2010] [2012? Found it through Zerochan T-T] [Oct 2022] [Card Stolen from Pinterest]
3 black hoodies, 2 from Hetaween + 1 leather(?) jacket, card illus (not very, canon...). He dresses in black, right, right? Right. Black Hoodies and Leather Jackets (+Denim) (and Boots, ignore the rest)
(shout out hetalia fantasia 3 chibi knight; hetaween knight costumes; prev hetaween tuxedo)
What to do with this information? Whatever you want. I use some sort of scale for multiple interpretations:
-Canon(plus): Dad Rock + Metalhead (Wacken Open Air ref) and/or Grunge. Maybe listens Punk >:(, maybe not anymore or only old bands, while only maybe has clothes with bands patches.
-Canon(plus) but still boring (fuck): Listens Punk (first love: East German Punk+Classic), however no piercings and not many bands patches :(((--Extra: Friends with punks but soon drives them insane or vice versa, can't live with them for long. Conclusion: Mf still too much soldier-like.
-Fuck it, ye olde good Punk!Gil: At least some piercings, has a battle jackets and the patches aren't only music themed; in friendly terms with the locals to the point of crashing in squatted places; dude likes teaching so could impart knowledge in self-managed community services... Not too much soldier-like anymore!
+ more than one of these / in between
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cherryobx · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦 | 𝐄.𝐌. 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
request?: nope (but feel free to leave your ideas in my asks!)
summary: Eddie knows you're scared of thunderstorms so he picks you up and takes you back to his place.
warnings: suggestive themes (but no smut!!), language, thunderstorm???
wc: 0.8k
a/n: once again got inspiration from real life aka there was a thunderstorm here lol
gif is not mine, credits to the owner!!
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You had never been a big fan of thunderstorms. Yes, sure, just rain would be totally fine. Great even and somewhat calming and relaxing. But when the rain was combined with thunder, lightning and howling wind, it was a no go. It was straight up scary.
And Eddie knew that, so as soon as he heard the thunder in the distance he hopped into his van and drove over to your place to take you back to his trailer where he knew you’d feel safe.
He parked in front of your house and ran up to the front door, trying to avoid the rain that was starting to fall down from the clouded and darkening sky. Wiping the few drops off of his face, he knocked on the door.
You unlocked the door and stood face to face with your boyfriend. “Eddie? What are you doing here?”
“Do not worry, your knight on a white horse has arrived. Well actually he drove here in his dirty van but that’s besides the point. Grab your stuff, you’re spending the night at my place.”
“Not that I have anything against it but why?” you asked, a confused expression on your face.
“I’m not going to let you ride out the storm here all alone when you could ride me at my place.” His lips curved into a sly smirk.
“What? I didn’t say anything wrong and you know it.”
“You almost had me in the first half, you bastard.” 
“So is that a yes?”
You rolled your eyes and went to your room to grab a few things. Then you made your way back to the front door and closed and locked it behind you. 
Eddie took off his leather jacket and held it above you when you walked up to his van so the rain wouldn’t drench you. Otherwise you’d probably get sick and that’s the last thing he wanted to happen. 
You drove in comfortable silence as the heavy rain fell down, making it almost impossible to hear anything else. He reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it encouragingly. You looked at him, a smile on your lips. He might’ve looked scary and intimidating but in reality he was the softest person ever with the cutest locks and a personality of a cuddly teddy bear. You loved that side of him that only you got to see. That side was for you and you only.
Once you reached his trailer, he ran over to your side and opened the door for you. Grabbing your free hand once again he ran towards the door, pulling you with him. 
He closed the door behind you and let out a laugh as he took a look at you. You were outside for 2 seconds and you still looked like you had just taken a swim in the puddle in front of the house.
“You look like a wet dog!” 
“Shut up, you literally look worse than me.” You took off your muddy shoes, leaving them in the entry.
You walked into his messy room and opened the closet, looking for something clean and dry to wear. 
He followed you, already pulling off his wet shirt over his head. “Didn’t bring any of your clothes?”
“Why would I when I have all of this.” You pointed at his clothes with your hands and then grabbed a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and made your way to the bathroom.
“Don’t go!”
“What? Why?”
“I wanna see the show,” he answered.
“What show?”
“You undressing, of course.”
“I’m not going to change infront of you because then I won't get dressed again tonight.” 
“So? I don’t see the problem.”
“Not happening tonight, honey,” you laughed and went into the bathroom to change out of your wet and cold clothes. You instantly felt better when you put on his. His smell was heavy on the clothes and it already made you feel better like it always did. You hung up the wet clothes and then joined Eddie in his bedroom, who had already changed out of his clothes and was laying in the bed, comforter pulled up to his chin.
You smiled. “You look so adorable right now.”
“Damn it, I was going for sexy as hell but I guess that works.”
He held up the corner of the blanket, motioning for you to go and join him under the covers. So you did. 
He pulled you against him and you hid your face in his chest when you heard the thunder get louder.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’m right here.”
“Thank you for picking me up today.”
“I would do anything for you, y’know that, right?”
You pressed a light kiss onto his bare chest. “I know.”
Falling asleep had never been easier. You felt so safe and comfortable in his arms that the passing storm wasn’t even bothering you as much anymore.
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another Eddie thought™
@corrodedhawkins Melissa this is for you *smooches* I hope it doesn't suck I'm tipsy kinda and it's past 2am so ofc unedited, unbetaed, mistakes are all mine and all that jazz ✨
this is 7.7k words of where the fuck did that come from
SMUT, minors dni!!!, fingering, slight perv!Eddie if you squint?
It's been a long week for you and it's only Tuesday. You kinda don't want to go to the hideout after the absolutely atrocious day you just had, but you know that your best friend Eddie would pout at you for days if you don't show up so after getting home from work you literally grab the first clean thing that isn't work clothes off the floor, snag your leather jacket and make your way to corroded coffins favourite (and only) venue to play.
There's a few more people than usual hanging around and after not having eaten much during the day the large beer you get makes you feel pretty light - headed in an instant. You sway to the music and smile up at Eddie a few times, but tiredness is already creeping up to you and you can feel exhaustion seep into your bones. But it's tuesday, so it's eddie day, and you really can't bail on him, you see him too little anyways ever since starting that office job as a junior secretary in training. So you stifle a yawn and push through it, hoping Eddie doesn't notice, but ofc he does. It's the reason he is extra speedy packing up after they've played their set and it's the reason he softly stirs you through the trailer by your shoulders upon arrival, in a beeline to his room. Where you plop down on the bed and just sit there, kinda staring into nothing while he rummages around the room, putting away this and that. When he is finally done and comes back to you, your eyes are almost closed, that's how tired you are.
And you're tense, in your shoulders and your back. "long day?", he asks in that soft voice of his and you can just nod, hiding another yawn behind your hand. "Let's go to sleep then shall we" you agree with a vague noise, but don't move the tiniest bit. "princess, you gotta help me a little here if you wanna go to bed." instead of an answer, you raise your arms above your head and mutter a small "please". Eddie is unsure at first, but then leans in and peels your hoodie off of you, as gently as possible. Your head with ruffled hair appearing from underneath it makes him chuckle regardless. He thinks that's it, but your arms go up in the air again. "off, please", you mutter, and he coule swear his heart is going a hundred beats a minute. Your T-Shirt has ridden up already and he can see the pale skin of your tummy. He can feel his hands get slightly clammy... And his jeans uncomfortably tighten.
His best friend is asking him to help undress them. The same best friend he's been having a crush on for an eternity. The same best friend he never quite closes his eyes on when they have to change infront of him. Oh, god. He will spontaneously combust, he knows it. Still, he bites down on his lip and makes work of your shirt. As soon as he sees your bra he averts his eyes. They land on a clean version of his hellfire shirt and he leans forward, grabs and shoves it into your direction in one swift motion, not daring to look your way especially as he hears more rustling that sounds like the last garment coming off (and a shirt being pulled on), in fear he might die on the spot if he sees your bare tits right in front of his face. When you softly squeeze his shoulder, his face has turned a pinkish lightish red and his skin feels too hot for his liking. "help?" you mumble, eyes already drooping again, pointin to your skin tight jeans. No way. Fuck.
He will not manage to peel those off of you without busting a nut, he's sure of that. Your body is radiating warmth and he wants to bask in it and die right there. Nevertheless, he does the job... kneeling before you, like one of those medieval knights from the fantasy romance novels you like to read. When his eyes make contact with your knee he has to surpress the sudden urge to kiss it. Then, the black garment joins the others on the floor and he sits up again to tower over you. You look up, blink, and then wince. "what's wrong, princess?" - " 'm sore, Eds. All tense and tight." an inappropriate thought runs through his mind at 'tight' and he tries to shake it off. He can't, he really can't think of his best friend that way, but he feels that every glance from you is just pulling him further in, moving him closer to the edge of crossing a line. And fuck it, he might just do it tonight. Your big doe eyes are the last straw, when yoh quietly ask him to give your shoulders a bit of a knead. Nothing more. But it's enough to do him in for good.
His calloused fingers are like magic to your sore muscles, prodding and pulling and making the tension dissipate. You're too far gone into your sleepy haze for any kind of self-control, so the moan that slips past your lips when Eddie hits a particularly sore spot goes uncommented, but it does things to him you don't even know about (yet). He wants to scream and he wants to bite the soft skin of your neck and he has to angle his hips away awkwardly from his position sitting open legged behind you, or you will notice what's going on with him. He's hard, and he's leaking, and he wishes you would fall asleep so he could scramble away to get some relief. It's bad enough he has to do that. You should not realize your best friend wants to fuck you desperately.
As soon as he stops and comes to sit beside you again, you fall back into the pillows with a soft 'umph', brain halfway in dreamland again already. But Eddies hands on you were so nice and your legs hurt as well, so you half-hapharzadly put both his hands there and -
something within him seems to just snap. He's leaning close into your body, he can see the tiny wet patch on your dark blue panties that's probably there for other reasons than arousal, but it still turns him on immensely. He kneads and tugs at the soft flesh of your thighs and you sigh, melting into his touch. You don't object his slowly, ever so slowly creeping hands, higher and higher up they go, and when four of his fingers hook into your waistband and pull down the soft cotton, no word of ill will can be heard from you. There's a small gasp when his slender fingers first make contact with your clit, and you moan in that delicate way once more when he gently pushes one into you, and then another. He gets you worked up good, and your body reacts, but your brain is already on the way to nirvana. A third finger added to the mix is pushing you closer to the brink, he can tell from the way you're tensing up around him, from the shudders running through you. Ragged breathing and the wetness of your cunt are the only sounds and it feels forbidden, seeing you like that. Maybe it was Adam who really tasted the forbidden fruit, he thinks to himself. Because the sight in front of him is sweet torture, heavenly sin in the best way and he knows he will be going to hell for replaying this memory in the future to get off to.
Eddie repeatedly hits that good spot inside of you then, the one that makes you see stars and you unravel like a loose thread, whispering his name over and over like a prayer, pussy pulsing.
Before you've come down completely from your high, you're already fast asleep. Eddie can't stop staring at you and he's so enamoured that he notices he's come in his pants only after a couple of minutes of just laying there, spaced out. He softly tugs a stray strand of hair behind your ear, then slides off the bed to clean himself up in the bathroom. The night is a restless one for him, while you sleep undisturbed, one hand grasping his shirt and your face finding the most perfectly shaped hiding spot in the crook of his neck. Your breath is warm on his skin and he swears you're not lightly snoring, it's an angel sighing.
He's gonna be in big trouble, his heart's already lost to you, now he will never get rid of the mental image of you orgasming, burned to the inside of his eyes. It's glorious and wrong and it frightens him... cause he realizes he loves you, right then on the spot. And if he can't see you doing that glorious thing again, he might die. Fucking hell.
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ashes0909 · 6 months
35 Obi/Ani
So excited to have the opportunity to write this pairing! Thank you for sending in this prompt!
“Please take my jacket.”
Anakin/Obi-Wan; Rated T
The door to the quarters Anakin shared with his Master slid open. He knew from the hum in their Force bond that it was Obi-Wan returning from his solo mission, yet Anakin still glanced up from the holopad, drawn instinctively to the other man. 
Anakin’s attention was halfway back to the holopad when he paused, frozen, then slowly returned his gaze to peer at his Master from beneath his eyelashes. 
The Jedi Knight mumbled under his breath while pulling off his boots, barely paying attention to Anakin’s presence.
Which was perfectly fine with the Padawan, at least for the moment, if being invisible to his Master allowed Anakin to freely admire the rest of the outfit he’d worn on this mission. The thought of others seeing his Master in this attire stirred a surge of anger, jealousy and possessiveness within him--emotions he struggled to release to the Force. For once, he’d actually managed to succeed. Maybe there was something meditative, or at least transfixing, about his Master in leather boots, tight brown leather pants, a loose linen shirt with an open collar, and that damn blue jacket. 
The jacket hugged along his Master’s muscular back, riding up over his waist to reveal a sliver of skin between the leather pants and the jacket’s hem.
Anakin forced his attention back to the holopad and furiously hoped he hadn’t been openly gaping at his Master, especially now that Obi-Wan was addressing him. Apparently, he had been speaking to Anakn for some time. Anakin completely missed everything he had said.
Clearing his throat, Anakin felt his cheeks redden. “What was that, Master?”
“Padawan, please.” Obi-Wan sighed. “I require assistance getting out of this--this--this ridiculous costume! Please, take my jacket.”
Anakin swallowed. “Take it? Take it where?”
Obi-Wan turned to face Anakin, narrowing his eyes with frustration. An expression Anakin knew all too well.
“Take it off of me, Padawan. It’s too tight, I can’t physically remove the dreaded thing myself. Why did anyone in the entire galaxy think this outfit was a good idea?”
Anakin barely managed to restart his mind but eventually tossed  his holopad to the side, shuffled off the settee, and walked over to his Master. “Sure, Master, I can assist in, uh, undressing you.” Anakin smirked, because he knew it would make Obi-Wan fluster or exasperate more.
“Anakin, don’t be obscene!” Obi-Wan replied, in that predictable flustered and exasperated tone.
“Of course not, Master. I’m sorry, Master.” Anakin bit his smirk so it wouldn’t spread into a smile as he ran his hands over Obi-Wan’s shoulders. “Let me start with your jacket.”
Anakin officially considered this to be his favorite outfit in the entire galaxy.
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queen-rainy-love · 1 year
Clothes in my AU
I was having trouble figuring out what to do for this and I have no way of completely explain myself without making a novel size post. And doing each character will take so long to do. And there's no telling what updates will bring...
So I'm going to try to explain each character's outfit choice within a few sentences. And I'll stick within the Pure Lily siblings and the Custard brothers. Also, remember, I'm not an artist, a writer. I can only explain as best as I can with words.
Madeleine: Let's all be honest. He would wear some noble clothes like a puffy shirt with ruffles, high-waisted pants, and boots. He's the only one to look like a prince in his casual clothes. Also, all the puffy sleeves are his fidget toys. You can't change my mind.
Red Velvet: I know a lot of you are thinking of Hot Topic...no, that's Licorice. Red Velvet is more of a bad boy with a hint of elegance: leather jackets, combat boots, nice pants, and sometimes glasses. And a few outfits from HellHound's closet.
Clover: He would wear a lot of tunics and clothes he wouldn't mind getting dirty. Think of Link with a lute and without the need to break pots.
Knight: Just like Madeleine but a bit more rough around the edges. No puffy sleeves and lots of tears. He would also wear vests with secret pockets. And since he's dating Princess, you know he'll be wearing some current styles.
Lilybell: Straight up, fae style. Even when she moved to the Cookie Kingdom/Vanilla Kingdom, she would still wear a lot of loose dresses and flowery clothing. As well as a pouch to hold her lye and small shiny things.
Cream Puff: Cute kid academia style. She has a more uniform look compared to her siblings. Every now and then, Cream Puff will try styles that her siblings wear.
Royal Margarine: Flynn Rider. That's it. And every now and then, he would wear some fashion from Crème Republic.
Clotted Cream: Proper clothes (button-ups, slacks, sweater vests, etc.), primarily due to being Consul. He does have a few T-shirts and regular pants, thanks to Red Velvet.
Custard III: When not wearing his royal clothes, he has a similar style as Clotted Cream. He will also wear something similar to the Pure Lily brothers.
There we go! I don't know if that explains what they wear perfectly well, but I did try! I know I could describe them better in the fanfic and I am curious about what you guys would think would be in each of their closets!
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athenswrites · 9 months
Knight of Dawn: Chapter 1 [Not Your Typical Fairytale]
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Content below the cut!
Cheerful elevator music filled the space, although it didn't drown out the pounding of Piers' heart. The glowing red numbers on the screen ticked down, as their anxiety ticked up. The cotton of their gloves was already sticking to their hands, and they prayed the sweat wouldn't turn the white fabric yellow. Looking at themself in the mirrored doors, Piers raked their hair back one last time and let out a sigh. The elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors slid open with a painful whine. The entry hall was empty, save for Grady who stood by the heavy double doors leading to the Great Hall. She ushered them over with an urgent gesture, the worry on her face making her look a little older than she was.
“Hi.” Piers hurried over and hugged her briefly, before stepping back to smooth out their jacket. Grady relaxed a little, cracking a smile. “Good luck, Princess.”
Laughing weakly, Piers shoved Grady slightly, “Won’t be one for much longer, Commander.”
The tease earned them a playful smack on the shoulder, before Grady grew serious again. “You’re going to do great, Piers. Heads up, feet firm on the ground. Don’t let them convince you that you aren’t capable. You know exactly what to do.”
Pushing their shoulders back, Piers titled their head slightly upwards, feeling the ground firm beneath their feet. No tripping on the carpet this time. No missing a step onto the stage.
“I will be right here for you. Always.” Grady pulled one of the elaborate wooden doors open, and an awful creak reverberated through the cavernous hall. Piers’ shoes clicked on the tile as they stepped into the Great Hall, echoing lightly, before being damped by the soft red carpet. The small audience up front turned to watch them, hateful glares boring into their soul. Piers kept their eyes forwards. The murmurs and whispers filled their ears, but Piers refused to listen. They didn’t matter right now.
If Adele could do this, so could they.
Guards, dressed in the same dark gray and green as Grady, stood along the aisle, between the audience and Piers. They snapped to attention as Piers passed, bringing their right first to their chest, holding ceremonial rifles still in their left. Grady stood behind them, guarding the doors and watching their back, like always. Unlike the others, she carried a pistol, hidden but loaded and ready to fire. Unlike the others, she was there to protect them, not for display.
Someone in the audience scoffed as Piers approached the front of the room, daring to speak louder than the others.
Councilor Mason. Piers glanced towards the council, spotting her sitting there with her arms crossed over chest, trying to seem bored out of her mind.
Their foot caught on the carpet. 
Piers stumbled a little, but straightened themself and refocused on the task at hand. Finally, after a deep breath, they met the stare of the Chief Councilor, Shanna Miles, more bitter than the rest. Hundreds of eyes followed them as they stepped up the few stairs onto the stage, back stiff and posture perfect.
Unlike Adele’s coronation, the gilded throne had been put away. It was only them and Councilor Miles, for everyone to see. A royal coronation without a throne, it was a show that Adele’s era of royal opulence and questionable policy had come to an end.
Piers came to stand beside Councilor Miles, before turning stiffly to face the audience head on. In her bare hands, she held the original copy of the modern Constitution, a thick, leather bound book.. She began to recite her lines, voice amplified by the tiny microphone clipped to the collar of her shirt. 
“Princess Jillian Piers Hall, youngest child of Queen Adele Paris Hall, shall be the next Monarch of the State of Georgia, representative to the former Union, as per the birthright clause established in the September Constitution of 2097.”
Piers and Councilor Miles turned inward to face one another, and she continued to speak, this time directly to them.
“I ask you on behalf of all your citizens of the Seven Zones and Rising Settlements, will you enact your birthright and take the crown and all responsibilities which come with her?” Her voice was level and calm, but anger simmered just below the surface. And, that angry twitch in her left eye was back.
Piers hesitated to respond for just a moment. They could deny it, could give it all up. But, Piers had plans. Big ones. Good ones, to fix their mother’s mistakes. They had people relying on them, expecting them to fix everything that was broken.
“I will enact my birthright as the child of Queen Adele Paris Hall, and take the crown and her responsibility.” Piers responded. Fingers twitching anxiously, Piers carefully pulled off their white gloves, slipping them into their pocket. They rested both hands on the book, left on top of right.
“Then, Princess Hall, do you swear to serve the people within the Seven Zones and Rising settlements, to the best of your ability?”
“I do.”
“Do you swear to preserve the security and integrity of the Seven Zones and Rising Settlements, at all costs?”
“I do.”
For several minutes, this call and response went on. Councilor Miles and Piers had put up with each other for a record amount of time to memorize each line. It had been hell on earth but it had to be perfect. Finally, finally, the time came.
“Please kneel on the stage and face the people whom you will serve.”
Following script, Piers turned to face the small crowd, primarily Council members and high Palace staff. Marcie, from the front row, gave them a comforting nod as they kneeled carefully on the stage. 
Bare hands in their lap and their head slightly bowed, they closed their eyes and tried to breathe. Miles’ voice, even though she stood right next to them, wasn’t loud enough to be heard over the pounding of their heart. The modest crown weighed nothing, as she placed it upon their head. Then, Piers lifted their head, opening their eyes. They recited something from memory, something they couldn’t properly understand at the moment. Miles placed a hand on their shoulder, speaking once more, before allowing them to rise to their feet. 
Looking out over the audience, Piers held their breath. There was no clapping, no cheering, just silent stares from both friends and foes alike. They stood in Adele’s shadow, be what that may be for everyone in the audience. People had assumptions about them and Piers knew there was nothing else they could say or do at that moment to change those assumptions.
And with nothing to say, they stepped off the stage, leaving Councilor Miles behind. It was only then the audience reacted, some beginning to taunt, to sneer, to rise to their feet while others tried to defend them. The Royal Guard lining the aisle held in their seats, as Piers tried not to listen. Grady let them slip out of the Grand Hall, before shutting the doors and the voices out behind them with a resounding thud. The sudden silence was deafening.
“We need to go.” With a hand on their shoulder, she pushed them towards the elevator, then punched the button for their shared floor. As the doors slid closed, she bumped her wrist against the scanner, and the elevator began to ascend. Sighing, Piers slid down the wall, pulling the small crown off their head. The silver one had gone missing years ago. They polished Miles’ fingerprints off the dingy metal, before looking to Grady, who looked like she’d seen a ghost.
“Piers, you just walked off the stage! People were expecting you to at least say something! You can’t say people don’t like you when you don’t give them a reason to like you!” She squatted in front of them, brushing the hair out of their eyes.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t think of anything.”
Grady scoffed, “Couldn’t think of anything, my ass! You can run your mouth for hours about military strategy or old-age movies or the political state of fucking Ohio but you couldn’t think of anything to say.”
Piers brought their knees to their chest, trying to hide, “I just…it’s different when it comes to this stuff. I’m not good with people and I didn’t take my meds because Dr. Panya forgot to order them, by the way.” 
The elevator stopped, and the doors opened, revealing their hallway. Sighing, Grady pulled Piers to their feet. “I’ll shut up about it, alright?”
“Please. I thought I was going to die there from a goddamn heart attack. I don’t know how mom ever did it. Plus Miles? She was up my ass before this and she’ll be up my ass afterwards. Plus I gotta fix whatever she broke between Mom’s abdication and today.” They stepped out of the elevator together, and Grady bumped their shoulder.
“Speaking of, you should go visit Adele. She’d appreciate it. You don’t know how much longer she’s going to be around.” Grady held her hand out, “Gloves?”
Piers pulled their white gloves out of their pocket, handing them to Grady, “Knowing her, she’s going to outlive me, even with her spiral. I’m surprised Dr. Panya still hasn’t figured out what’s going on with her.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. She is the most stubborn person ever. In the whole world.” Folding the gloves, Grady stopped them at their door, “Mask. Lean forward.”
Piers leaned forward, letting her catch her fingertips under the stiff gray material of the half-mask. It made an awful peeling noise as she pried it from their sweaty face, where it stuck to the scars. The string messed up their hair, and they flipped their head over, shaking it out. Grady tried to smooth it back, but they swatted her hand away.
“It matches me. A hot mess.”  Pushing open their door, they spotted the respirator and winter gloves sitting by the window, carefully placed to remind them- “Shit, I promised Lennox I’d visit him today.”
Grady rubbed her temple, taking a deep breath, “You’ve got two hours. Marcie is going to be up here in an hour or so and I’m not sure how much longer I can keep her in the dark about you sneaking out now.”
“You’re the best.” Piers grinned, giving her a hug, “I’ll be back safe before you know it, I promise.”
“You better.”
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
Photos of Young Jason Todd
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Batman #426 — Jason looking through the box that will lead him to his death
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Batman #432 — Batman carrying around Robin Jay’s photo right after his death
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Batman Annual 13 (1989) — Bruce with Jason’s photo on his nightstand, soon after Jay’s death
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Nightwing Vol. 2 #63 — Dick finds an old photo after he killed the Joker
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Gotham Knights #45 — A social worker suspicious of Jason’s death interviews about Bruce’s parenting
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Batgirl Vol. 2 #1 — the lead up to Bruce adopting Cass after two years of knowing her
Image descriptions in alt text are also copied below the read more.
Two panels from Batman #426, which shows 14 or 15 year old Jason sitting on the edge of his bed, turned to the center of his bed where a box lays open with photos scattered on the bedcovers. Jason picks up one framed photo in his hand to look at. Narration boxes say, “Photographs are a bridge to the past. Black and white reminders of the way things used to be.” The next panel shows a framed photo laying on the blue bedcovers, which Jason is touching with two fingers. The photo shows a very young Jason, smiling in a suit on the far right of the photo while his mother Catherine Todd holds him in her arms. She’s wearing a short sleeved dress with round jewelry and a bob haircut. The last on the left stands Willis Todd, Jason’s father, who wears a suit the same unclear shade as Jason’s. He’s smiling at the camera. Narration boxes say, “Links to those who are no longer with us. Priceless treasures.”
A cropped panel from Batman #432, showing the back of Batman’s head looking down at a handheld photo of Jason Todd as Robin. The background is red.
A cropped series of two panels from Batman v1 Annual 13. It shows Bruce’s bedside table with a date paper reading Aug 3, a buzzing alarm clock, a purple lamp, and a portrait of a smiling young boy (Jason). The second panel shows Bruce asleep on his bed next to the bedside table.
Two panels from Nightwing (1996) #63, showing Dick Grayson wearing only shorts, shirtless, as he kneels down and picks up a photo from a bunch of photos scattered on the floor. The next panel zooms in on the photo in his hands, which shows Dick, with shoulder length hair and a leather jacket, standing next to teenage Jason with his arm around his shoulder. Jason’s wearing a vest over a hoodie, and is grinning. The background shows snowy mountains and trees. Underneath the photo are written words saying, “Me and Jason.”
Two panels from Gotham Knights #45, showing Alfred as viewed through a camera screen. He’s sitting in a marroon armchair in front of a bookshelf, wearing a suit and holding a blue-framed photograph out towards the screen. The second panel zooms in on it. The photo shows Bruce with Jason standing slightly in front of him. Both are smiling and hitting their left fists into baseball gloves on their right fists, in mirror image of each other. Bruce wears a red hat and gray t-shirt, while Jason wears a red hat backwards and a green t-shirt. Alfred is saying, “We gave him a home and we gave him the love of a family, something he had never known before. But Bruce Wayne could only be a father when Jason needed a mother also. And that is the very thing we couldn’t give him.”
A cropped panel from Batgirl (2008) #1, showing two photographs on a red wall. The first has Bruce Wayne smiling, standing to the side and gesturing while Jason stands next to him, smiling with his eyes clothes. Both are wearing black suits. Bruce is holding a wine glass while Jason has a cup with a straw. Behind them can be seen a tree and mingling, well-dressed people. The second photo shows Jason in thick clothes, holding a hiking stick and standing at the top of a peak on a mountain. Alfred is speaking and he says, “Even Master Jason remains better represented here than Miss Cassandra. Though we called her family, it never left our minds that she was birthed by assassins...and raised by a monster of a father.”
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siriannatan · 1 year
Count fWhip's Biggest Secret - WitherHusbands
Guess who took a break from other stuff and wrote more WitherHusbands?
o } o
fWhip didn't have many fears and secrets. Being a dragon hybrid was hard to hide. He was not ashamed of being a vampire on top of that and did not hide it. In short, there were a few things his allies (friends really) didn't know about. And he'd not mind most of them getting out. Most.
His love of romance literature for example. He was quite sure Gem knew that one from the romance novels she hid among books they often swapped since some of their hobbies - alchemy - matched. Or his love of ballroom dancing. Any proper noble should know how to dance well in case there was ever an occasion to dance. Even if he could do either part... There were just no good occasions to dance among their group of rulers.
No. Those people could know, he'd not be ashamed. But... there was one thing he would never want anyone to know about him. A little hobby he'd rather nobody knew. He'd rather spend a full day in the sun than have that secret hobby found out...
The thing was... 
At night when everyone was asleep and there was the lowest chance anyone would need him somewhere quickly fWhip liked to dress up.
You'll say, 'but fWhip. Save for your sooty leather jackets you are practically wearing suits all the time'. That was not that kind of dressing up. What fWhip did in his free time was put on fancy dresses and maybe dance a bit to himself. They just made him look really pretty okay. Nothing weird or anything like that.
So. One night he went to his secret, usually locked with keys he always had on him, room for said hobby. And put on a really nice, open-back, sparkling ball gown. It was really sparkly... his dragon brain loved it. And it was really well made and fit him to a T and he could not help but do a couple of twirls. He really liked that one. 
No. He was not changing into heels. He was not weird or planning to break a leg.
What was Sausage doing in Grimlands... fWhip's mansion to be precise around midnight? Well. Being the chosen of a god like the Blood Sheep came with some caveats. One being, less need for sleep meaning a night of no sleep about once a week. But at least he wasn't the only person with sleep troubles... Well. fWhip just didn't need to sleep and if he ever decided to have a vampire nap... he'd do it during the day. 
So, at the current moment, Sausage was looking for his good friend... who he might have a big crush on. But who would blame him? fWhip was handsome. Strong. Smart. Really Handsome... Like really really handsome. And Sausage might have had more than one dream about fWhip. And maybe thought it a shame how many layers he usually hid under - understandably since the sun did hurt him quite badly.
"If I were a vampire-dragon hybrid where would I hide?" he wondered taking another turn. He was pretty sure he was in that corridor already but it could have been another very similar corridor that he was thinking about. Having already checked all the usual rooms fWhip could be found at - his library, his reading room, his various workshops. He even checked his bedroom. No fWhip anywhere, so he was left with the aimless wandering of fWhip's ancestral manor and poking his head into any room he passed by in hopes of finding the man. He did knock. He was not here to annoy fWhip.
He was about to just start shouting for fWhip, but there was no one else in the manor when from behind the door he was about to knock at came a yelp. A fWhip yelp. And thus, as any proper knight should, he just barged in ready to save his friend and froze in the door. 
There was a fWhip there but... Since when was fWhip wearing dresses? Ball gowns... And... why did Sausage think he looked good in it?
"Sausage... you... Why are you here?" fWhip asked not even attempting to get off the ground. Sausage for some reason really wanted to see him in full dress...
"I couldn't sleep so I thought we could hang out... I can leave if I'm... interrupting anything..."
"No... you... you can stay but no telling anyone about... this..." fWhip stopped him and tried getting up. 
Sausage took being allowed to stay as an invite to help fWhip up. He did not shoo the help away what was probably a good sign. "You look really nice..." Sausage mumbled and quickly shut his mouth. fWhip looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. The count was not known for his patience or for being nice to those who offend him... But he did look really nice in red and it was making it hard to focus on anything but his exposed collarbones. And freckles. All the freckles the dress showed that were usually always hidden...
"Thank you... um... I really mean it when I ask you to never tell anyone about this... I'd be very angry," fWhip sighed, leaving Sausage's personal space to get to a nice chair next to a whole rack of nice dresses. 
Dresses of varying length... Suddenly images of fWhip in a dark navy blue dress were in his mind. Bad Sausage... "I mean... who would even believe me if I did tell them?" Sausage could only chuckle nervously and shuffle in place. He had no idea what to do with himself at this revelation. And his imagination was running wild.
"I suppose no one would expect this from me," fWhip joined in on the chuckle and took a sip of blood. Another thing Sausage was far too curious about... "Care to share what's on your mind?" he asked with the most mind-melting smirk ever and Sausage had to take a while to reboot his brain.
"You're... really distracting like this... Pretty I mean... not that you aren't pretty usually just... It's very different and..." he froze when fWhip set his glass away and stood up. Red was really his colour...
"It's flattering to hear... Care for a dance?" he asked, shocking Sausage even further. "If you're good enough a dancer I might change into any other dress you want?" he added with a smirk. One hand extended to Sausage who tentatively accepted it. 
He was still pretty sure fWhip was about to kill him for discovering his secret. But a dance with fWhip was worth a painful death. "I'm not too good of a dancer..." Sausage mumbled following fWhip to a small dancefloor.
"Just relax and don't worry, I'm not going to bite," fWhip chuckled, setting them in the proper position for a dance.
"What if I want you to bite me?" Sausage really wished he could shut up for once in his life... But here he was, blushing like mad and looking at anything but fWhip. Thinking of a way out of having his arms around fWhip. Why was he supposed to be leading the dance and not fWhip?
"That can wait until after the dance, now come on," fWhip chuckled as music mysteriously started and Sausage was dragged into a dance. An activity that usually utilised his whole brain. With at best a third of his brain functioning...
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