#She introduced Sirius black in the first chapter of the very first book and then doesn't show him again until the third book
Dear God, what will it take for me to develop the patience of jkr lmao.
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marcelllyn · 17 days
The return of the princess
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Anyway, I really enjoyed writing this, I never read the books, but I watched the series. I know that Aleksander is a monster, but he has a tragic past, and it is also Ben Barnes who portrays him. This will be a fanfic with a few chapters, while I work on the Sirius Black fanfic. I don't know much about the Grisha universe, but I'll research it if necessary. (I almost always spend more time researching than writing) Synopsis: The princess is back after spending years in a convent. It didn't seem like a big deal to Aleksander, but the princess's desire to get to know him more and more begins to worry him. Warnings: English is not my first language, almost no revisions, mild anguish, sexual mentions.
There were new visitors to the small palace, which meant more headaches for the general. On the same rainy morning that the guests arrived, the king made a big announcement: his daughter would return from the convent where she spent much of her life. It was no secret to anyone, even though she was his bastard daughter. Something that only three people in the kingdom knew, including the general. He protected her with everything in his power.
Aleksander pretended to be enthusiastic about the news; if he cared about the royal family, he could simply kill them with the touch of his hands, but it would go against his conduct even if it is a little dubious.
Two days after the announcement, the princess arrived, and he made no effort to look beautiful that night. He hated eating dinner or looking at the king's wrinkled face as he sat on that throne, but it wasn't the king he was getting ready for. Sometimes, at some events, ladies were interested in him. “All for appearances,” he thought.
Arriving at the throne room, there were flowers everywhere: white and blue margaritas and several pink tulips. His nose began to get irritated by the strong smell of the flowers; the environment seemed so different from normal days, prepared just for the princess. Normally, it was dull and colorless; you couldn't smell anything other than the drinks that were always in the king's hand.
Various servants and Grisha serving everywhere, family members, and people in important positions chattering about very futile things. The looks of fear at him never stopped; he liked, in a way, being feared by those people, but sometimes it irritated him deeply. He could barely step foot in the place without all eyes going his way.
After the ritual of greeting the king and queen, he met some lords and some people he didn't know and had no interest in meeting. Finally, the princess joined them; luckily for him, the event would soon end, and he could finally return to the comfort of his room and his troubled mind.
— Dear guests. — The king said it in a groggy voice. — It is with great happiness that I tell you that my daughter Ekaterina has returned to the comfort of this beautiful palace!
The king was already drunk for a change; I wish Aleksander could too, so next to the king appeared a short woman, no more than 1.70, with long black curly hair, her brown skin shone in the light, and with a smile, she sweetly waved to the guests.
Aleksander's eyes lit up when he saw that stunning figure right in front of him, almost as if she were a goddess blessing his day just by being present. The party suddenly seemed interesting, the smell of the flowers was wonderful, and the incessant chatter was like music. She was beautiful, very different from her father; she never met her mother, but she was sure that her daughter would draw all her beauty from her.
Several people went to talk to the princess; even though they wished they could introduce themselves, they thought it would be better to leave that for later. Princess Ekaterina was not an option for him, so there was no point in courting her.
Ekaterina, in turn, hated big and pompous celebrations, with people clinging to her, wanting to make guesses even about the way you breathe. She wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible by making some stupid excuse. The king wouldn't let her leave, even if she were dying.
The smell of flowers was something that calmed her, a way to distract her mind from several women touching her hair with their filthy hands and some dukes looking at her like a piece of juicy meat. And suddenly, as if by light, he followed a man who passed behind the women. He was handsome, with his hair combed and his military way of walking.
Like a frightened animal, there was the beautiful princess cowering in a corner of the garden, delicately pulling the grass and getting dirt on her hand. The night was beautiful, with a full moon and many stars. He liked the strong cold wind; winter was coming, his least favorite time. It felt great to be in an open environment, away from his father's gaze.
She knew that her father didn't miss her; she just saw an opportunity to have a celebration that, deep down, was for him to show off, as if being king wasn't enough.
A long sigh that wasn't hers made her look to the side, and she saw the same man before, standing and looking at the sky. She was excited by the idea of ​​being able to talk to him and declared herself. His stepmother had said that this was the famous General Kirigan.
— The night is beautiful — she commented.
She had thought the man had noticed her presence and wanted to be polite, but from the way his eyebrows rose, he hadn't seen her.
— It's not safe for a princess to be alone out here. — he replied with a strong tone of voice.
— I'm safe with the general around. — She declared and went towards him, stopping in front of him. — That's what I hope.
— I think it's better to go in; it's windy, and you could get sick. — said the general, still in his crude tone.
— I plan to enter when my father is lying in his bed and the queen is sleeping with one of her beautiful lovers. — The princess laughed as the wind blew her hair to the side and in front of her face.
He wanted to laugh, but that would show a terrible lack of manners on his part. I thought that a princess who came from a convent wouldn't be that sinic, but there must be a reason why she was sent to a convent from the age of six. His stern face.
— No sense of humor, I get it. — Her delicate hands anxiously removed all the hair that the wind brought to her eyes. — Could you ask something?
His heart pounded in his chest, she was a figure of power, but not like him, she couldn't tear anyone in half. Maybe it was because he had barely been around male figures for a long time, and he was so handsome especially in the moonlight.
— Of course, I just don't know if I'll be able to do it.
— I would like your permission to visit the small palace, mistress; it is a great curiosity of mine. I won't make any fuss, I promise. I don't want to disturb your generals things.
She bit her lower lip as she waited for his answer. It was strange how her body filled with adrenaline just by looking at him. You had to lift your head to be able to look into his eyes. I wanted to see the Grisha and possibly see old friends. She remembers light flashes from some friends moving fire and others making it float with the wind.
— not? — She furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief.
— I'll be very busy these days, and if I couldn't keep an eye on you in the palace, your father probably wouldn't approve. It wouldn't be a good idea; maybe at another time.
So, without her being able to give him an answer or beg, he turned his back and walked away. He knew that it would not please anyone that she was attending the small palace, after all, she was no different from her father or stepmother. He was still royalty, he saw the Grisha as exotic animals.
— Why can Nikolai travel and I can't? — asked the princess.
— Dear, your brother, besides being a gentleman, is the general of the first army. — said the queen in her sinic voice.
— I don't see General Kirigan traveling like that — he replied.
—You just got back anyway. You don't know everything, darling. — The queen smiled, taking a sip of her wine. — Kirigan traveled a lot—to battles, to go to warp.
Ekaterina snorted. She wished she could do something fascinating besides staying in her room all day or just wandering around her kingdom. Not that she wanted to go to war; she just didn't want to stay still. But certainly, between staying in the comfort of her room and the bloodbath that is war, the choice was obvious: her room.
He gave silent thanks for the full table set in his kingdom; people were starving, and he was very lucky.
She looked at the general, who, for some reason, was having dinner with his family that night. It was ridiculous how restless she was—like a child around him. His eyes were deep and obsidian, looking sideways as he feasted on the lam meat.
— I see that you have been very interested in the general; you talk about him whenever you can. And there was the reason—just his humiliation. The queen said, in her less resilient tone, that she wanted to shame her and punish her for talking about Nikolai. — I'm starting to think you want to sleep with him. — He joked.
The ice-cold wine running down his throat became hot, and his cheeks burned. He threw a hateful look at the queen. He was lucky it wasn't his mother, just the woman his father had the misfortune to marry. It was incredible how she loved to provoke fights and embarrassing situations.
Without looking at the general sitting in front of him, he completely ignored what she had said.
— She talks a lot about you, general, she even said that you were very handsome. Ekaterina didn't lie, of course. — The queen ran her hand through her stepdaughter's hair. — Isn't she cute too? Even though I have tiny breasts,.
The general drank all the wine in his cup and didn't respond, which was much worse. He really was very handsome; he even mentioned it on the night of his arrival and commented on it at least five times. Or maybe ten. A few good times, but never directly to your stepmother.
— She's really very pretty; she must have taken after her mother. — The general said. Making a wicked smile appear on Ekaterina's face.
—What did you say? — The queen of Ravka arched one of her thin eyebrows.
— I meant, her mother's beauty is really something that stands out; after all, she doesn't look much like the king. Already Nikolai has pulled your beauty, madam. — A lie, Nikolai was very handsome; maybe he wasn't even their son. You could see how good the general was at lying. Possibly not so much, since she knew it was fake or wished it was a lie that he called her stepmother pretty.
Even with kilos of makeup, you could see the lady's cheeks turning pink; it was stomach-churning. But, in truth, it was the fact that the general found her beautiful that made everything increasingly strange. She was rarely courted.
— you my dear. — said the queen sensually.
There was a smile on his face that quickly disappeared as he turned to face his father, displeasure evident.
— Go to your room. — He ordered,
— I didn't finish eating.
— I won't tolerate you making fun of my wife like that. I thought I was sending you to a convent to fix this thing of yours… — He coughed. — Your lack of education! Go up to your room immediately!
The girl looked half-closed at her father and said:
— I thought you sent me to that hellish place with the intention of getting rid of me, keeping me as a disgusting secret that no one could ever discover. — His impetuous tone served to make the king increasingly irritated. — And I didn't eat dessert; I refused to get out of that chair.
— Because if you don't leave this table now, you'll be without food for three days! — the king shouted
— Well, so be it. — Like a spoiled child, she continued to sit with her arms crossed.
— General, please, I'll take him to his room! — ordered the queen.
The general got up, walked over to her, and pulled the chair back.
— I'm not getting out of this chair. You can even try… — Effortlessly, the general held her in his arms; even as she struggled, he didn't show that he was making any effort.
Stepping out of the dining room into a long hallway, he gently placed her on the floor.
— Come on, I'm not going to carry you to your room.
— You can go back to your dinner. — That sounded much more like an order than a request. — I know where my room is.
— The order was for me to take the nuisance to the room. — His strong hands grab the princess's slender arm. —Then go to your room, trouble.
She was in shock at his slightly cruel words. Being called a nuisance was common; she had been called that since she understood herself as a person. His first word should have been hindrance, probably. However, he didn't like the way the word sounded when it came out of the general's mouth.
He decided that walking and getting it over with would be much easier. The silence began to become disturbing, and then Ekaterina said:
— I imagine you and Nikolai know each other; how is my brother? High? Strong, I imagine; he was always very electric.
No answer.
— The dinner was good? I found it a bit bland. — she said, looking at his feet and black boots. — I liked the boots.
The hallway seemed longer than usual; there were many doors, and the floor was white stone. It was beautiful.
— Is your room upstairs? — The general's voice was beautiful when calm. Like a symphony of angelic vowels that sent shivers down anyone's body.
— Yes. — He faced the staircase ahead. — I don't need your company anymore; I don't want to disturb your dinner.
— It’s already gotten in the way.
She rolled her eyes and started up the stairs. The shame of the queen's words had not crossed her mind. Implying that a princess wants to sleep with the general. In front of the general, what a ridiculous and shameful thing!It is even worse to say about the breasts.
— I don't want to sleep with you. — I was making it clear. — I also only mentioned it five times, out of pure curiosity.
The general chuckled softly with a smug smile.
— Five times is a lot, even for someone who is just curious. What exactly were you curious about?
— Banal things. — He smiled. — And, actually, five times is very little. Normally, I can't stop talking about people I'm interested in.
— What kind of banal things? — He stopped walking. — Let's clear up your doubts.
— I no longer have any questions; they have all been answered.
— Not for me; I don't remember talking to me other than that night in the garden. — he said sarcastically.
— I asked my father, If you were married, why didn't you let me go to the small palace. Why only you wear black and some other silly questions.
— I'm not married, and I don't intend to either; marriages are hard work and require a lot of patience. My Kefta is black; there is no one like me in this place; it's more to differentiate. — That man's gaze was like fire; it made your entire body feel hot. — The king would not like to see you in the small palace. But you can go there at your own risk. However, I prefer you to go when I'm not busy.
— Weddings are beautiful. — He scored. — They are loving and can be wonderful if you choose the right person.
The woman stopped in front of a large door. It was the wedding part that bothered her; he had extraordinary beauty and should pass that on by getting married.
— Of course they are. — He mocked. — Good night, Princess.
— Good evening, General Kirigan. — She smiled sweetly and opened the bedroom door. - Have a good night of sleep.
— The same for you, miss. — He waited, standing in front of the door, still with a smug smile.
The two looked at each other for seconds before the door cut off contact. But Ekaterina remained still for a moment, a sudden desire to invite her in. He shook his head several times and walked away from the door. He looked at his room; since he was six, nothing had changed except his bed. Full of dolls, teddy bears, doll houses, and extremely green-pink. The smell of flowers was perfect for the moment.
When the general left her, all the feelings for dinner and her father, missing her mother, and how everything seemed so… Melancholic came to the surface. She wanted to be someone else's daughter, but she understood her privileges as the daughter of the king of Ravka. A feeling of despair and a knot in her stomach appeared when she looked briefly in the mirror.
She hadn't noticed before how the pink dress made her scars evident; she was afraid that the general had noticed or even anyone else.
She held tightly to an old rag doll her mother had made for her and threw herself onto the bed. Even with a room full of trinkets, it was empty. She hates that; she should have called the general to stay with her for a moment without saying anything, just that he was present. So, then, she wouldn't have to deal with her mind constantly reminding her of the convent.
That was it, there will be more chapters soon. I hope you enjoyed.
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braveclementine · 1 month
Chapter 5
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book. It is solely fluff- nothing sexual
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖔𝖔𝖗 𝖜𝖆𝖘 opened immediately by a tall, thin woman wearing emerald-green robes. She was beautiful, in a sense. She had black hair that was pulled up into a tight bun and wore square spectacles pushed tightly up on her nose. Though no one had said her name nor had she introduced herself, I knew that she was Professor McGonagall and could turn into a cat because she's an Animagus. I'm not particularly sure how I knew that but it was the least of my concerns at the moment.
"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," The man said.
"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here."
The man who's name was Hagrid shuffled off to the side, leaving us with Professor McGonagall. I barely knew her and I already admired her greatly. She just gave off that. . .energy I suppose is the closest word.
The doors were opened even wider to show the entrance hall. It was enormous. I think it would've fit our house perhaps twenty-two times inside of it. The décor was much like those of other wizarding places in our communities. The walls lit with flaming torches and marble staircases. We liked flair.
Professor McGonagall led us to a separate chamber hall from the rest of the school. I could hear the older students laughing and talking nearby. I was suddenly conscious of everyone standing much closer together. I found myself once again, next to Hermione, who was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. Harry was two people over. My stomach turned and my skin tingled with nerves.
He was quite handsome and he looked so much like dad it was ridiculous. Even his black hair was sticking out everywhere just like dad's was in every picture Lupin had of him. He pushed his glasses up on his nose again. I wanted to reach out and touch his shoulder and say, "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Potter", but I refrained from doing so. Now wasn't the time.
"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said and I tore my attention away from Harry once again. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room.
"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin." She said the last house with a faint air of distaste. I grinned, I liked her a lot already. "Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while any rules-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours."
I was begging inside my head for Gryffindor. I could tell she was the Gryffindor house head. Plus literally my entire family, James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius had been in Gryffindor. I had to be in that house. It was like a need.
"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." She paused for a moment to give the words effect. I saw Harry flatten his hair out of the corner of my eyes. "I shall return when we are ready for you, Please wait quietly."
She turned and left the chamber. Hermione started speaking under her breath. At first, I thought it was nonsense and then I realized that she was repeating spells under her breath.
"What are you doing?" I asked her, confused.
"Well I don't know exactly which spells I will need to perform in front of the school so I'm just trying to remember everything that I know." She said nervously.
I laughed quietly. "No, it's nothing like that. They don't expect us to know any magic yet. There's this thing called a sorting hat. We just put it on our head and then it decides which house will be the best fit for us."
"Oh." Hermione said, her shoulders relaxing. "Well that makes it all a bit more better now, doesn't it?"
I nodded. Then several people screamed, making both Hermione and I jump in the air. I looked around in a hurry, sure we were being attacked by a magical beast from the Forbidden Forest.
About twenty or so ghosts had floated through the wall and were arguing with each other. I listened in delight.
"My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost- I say, what are you all doing here?" Said a ghost with a ruff and tights. Nearly Headless Nick. Now how in the world had I known that?
I mean, of course, my father had told me all about the different ghosts at Hogwarts and Peeves the poltergeist. Perhaps I had remembered more than I thought I had.
Nobody answered. I guess they were all to nervous to talk to ghosts.
"We're about to be sorted." I said, rather calmly for meeting a ghost for the first time, I thought. "We're first years."
People muttered around me. I guess they were shocked that someone had answered. To be fair, I was a little shocked myself. I was normally quite shy.
"Hope to see you all in Hufflepuff." Said a larger ghost, the Fat Friar. "My old house you know."
"Move along now, the Sorting Ceremony's about to start." Professor McGonagall said, marching back into the room. I watched the ghosts float through the walls without saying another word. Hermione was staring at me in awe. I blushed and looked down at the floor.
"Now, form a line." Professor McGonagall said sharply. "And follow me."
Hermione got in line behind the orange haired boy and I got behind her. We walked through the doors into the Great Hall. I felt my cheeks flush red. Everything my father had told me about the Sorting Ceremony hadn't prepared me for the feeling of hundreds of students eyes on me.
I looked up at the ceiling. I heard Hermione whisper in front of me, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts, A History."
I wanted to immediately talk to her about the book. I'd read that book when I was seven and read it multiple times a year. I wanted to know her opinion about everything in it. The legends and myths and history and founders. But I kept my mouth shut.
We stopped in front of the teachers, the Sorting hat sitting on a wooden stool two stairs up. Professor McGonagall was standing to the side with a roll of parchment. All the students in the hall were staring at the hat, and everyone I was standing with was staring at the hat as well. I knew it was about to sing and I waited, amused. I wondered what it sounded like.
"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty But don't judge on what you see I'll eat myself if you can find A smarter hat than me. You can keep your bowlers black, Your top hats sleek and tall, For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat And I can cap them all. There's nothing hidden in your head The Sorting Hat can't see, So try me on and I will tell you  Where you ought to be You might belong to Gryffindor,  Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindor apart; You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil; Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind; Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends. So put me on! Don't be afraid! And don't get in a flap You're in safe hands (though I have none) For I'm the thinking cap!"
The entire hall burst into applause. It bowed to the four tables and became still again, waiting for students to put it on. I felt a nervous twist in my stomach. I was no longer worried about which house I would be in. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff- as long as I wasn't in Slytherin. No, now I was worried that the hat would see the images in my head. What would it say? What would it think? Did it matter?
I scanned the table, because I knew I would find the man in the purple turban up there. Indeed, he was sitting next to a tall man with shoulder length-black hair and black eyes. Professor Quirrell. Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. Evil and fake. Talking to Professor Snape. Potions. The person who looked like a villian but was really a hero.
Evil and fake? Villians and heroes? Why had I let those characteristics define Professor Quirrell and Professor Snape? Growing up with a werewolf as a dad had led me to make judgements after knowing the person, not before. So why had I jumped to such hasty conclusions?
I let my thoughts die down as Professor McGonagall opened up the roll of parchment to start calling names.
"Abbot, Hannah!"
A pale, yet pink faced girl with blonde pigtails walked out of line, stumbling over a boy's leg. I heard a small laugh behind me and I spun around to see a pale blond boy standing between two fat boys smirking. I turned back around with a roll of my eyes. Bet he was going to be in Slytherin.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" shouted the hat.
The table on the right clapped and Hannah went to sit with them. Hannah looked like a nice girl and so did the rest of the Hufflepuff table.
"Bones, Susan!"
I watched a darker haired girl climb up the steps and sit on the stool. The hat fit just over her eyes.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat shouted again.
"Boot, Terry!" A dark haired boy crept out of the line and went to sit on the stool this time.
"RAVENCLAW!" The table on the left clapped and multiple Ravenclaw students shook hands with Terry as he sat down. I wouldn't mind being in that house either. My nerves went down a notch again.
"Brocklehurst, Mandy."
"Brown, Lavender." This was a skinny and tall girl with golden brown curly hair. She had blue eyes and wore a bandana in her hair.
"GRYFFINDOR" The hat shouted. The table on the far left clapped. I looked over to see that table and laughed out-loud, quickly stifling it. Fred and George Weasley were cat-calling.
"Bulstrode, Millicent." A thick, dark girl with stringy black hair was called up. I wrinkled my nose. What was with me today? Perhaps I was sick. Mentally sick. Was that a thing?
"SLYTHERIN." the hat shouted. The last table exploded into cheers. I didn't even look at them. That table wasn't an option for me.
"Crabbe, Vincent."
The thick guy that had been standing next to the pale blond boy pushed past me to get up to the stairs.
"Could've said excuse me." I muttered under my breath so no one could hear me.
"Finch-Fletchley, Justin."
"Finnigan, Seamus," A sandy-haired boy walked up calmly to sit on the stool. The hat stayed on his head for nearly a full minute.
"Granger, Hermione."
Her name gave me a start and I watched as Hermione eagerly ran up the steps and grabbed the hat from Professor McGonagall. She jammed it on her head. The Sorting Hat took about twenty seconds to decide that she was going to end up in Gryffindor. For some reason, my heart sank.
"Goyle, Gregory."
The second thick boy stomped up the stairs and sat on the stool. I wondered if his weight would break the stool legs.
"Kane, Elizabeth."
My heart leapt into my throat and I walked as calmly as possible up the stone steps and sat down on the stool. The hat was placed on my head and slipped down past my eyes.
There was a small voice that seemed to be talking directly into my ear. "Yes, you are a difficult case, aren't you. You have plenty of courage and you have great talent and smarts. . .hmmm. . . but you're futuristic thoughts. . .that could prove to be a problem."
Futuristic thoughts?
"Yes, those flashes of memories are the future. You should use those smartly and sharpen your skill. I believe you could make a wonderful seer. . .I dearly wish to put you in Gryffindor, but that doesn't seem right."
The Sorting Hat seemed to be talking more to itself than to me. Why not Gryffindor? I thought defiantly. Especially if it's where you believe I belong.
"It all leads back to those futuristic thoughts, Elizabeth Potter, though I never said that Gryffindor was where you belonged." The name gave me a start.
You know who I am? The real me, I mean.
"Of course, I'm the Sorting Hat. I believe that, though you could possibly belong in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, they are to dangerous for you. So is Slytherin. Like I said, you'll figure it out in due time. Sharpen those skills. . .besides, you were already sorted in Hufflepuff long before you came here."
Before I could even think dismally about Hufflepuff and argue to be in Gryffindor, the sorting hat had shouted. "HUFFLEPUFF!"
I lifted the hat off of my head and handed it to Professor McGonagall. I wondered exactly how long I had sat there. Surely, longer than a minute. Hannah shook my hand as I sat down and Susan Bones smiled at me.
I smiled back, sort of out of it. I didn't notice Neville Longbottom as he tripped over himself on the way to the stool. The hat took forever with Neville as well. But I didn't notice.
Futuristic thoughts? I looked up at the teachers table. Professor Snape was looking down at me. I stared back. Multiple flashes happened in my mind, looking at him. A bloody leg, a flash of him and my mum on a wedding day, and him and Quirrell in the forest.
"Potter, Harry"
I jerked my head towards Harry. Whispers immediately arose through the tables. Hannah and Susan looked wide-eyed at each other. Albus Dumbledore, who had been sitting back in his chair, looking bored, suddenly sat straight up and forward, all eyes on Harry.
Harry had the hat on his head for twenty-three seconds before the hat shouted "GRYFFINDOR"
He received the loudest cheers yet. Fred and George were yelling "We got Potter! We got Potter!" Another red head with glasses, a prefect if that was what his badge was for, shook Harry's hand. I felt like crying. I'd never felt so far away from my brother as I did now. Perhaps because we were in such close proximity and others were meeting him before I was.
"Thomas, Dean." Was a good-looking black boy, much taller than most of the other boys our age. He was sorted into Gryffindor as well. I looked on gloomily.
"Turpin, Lisa."
The red haired boy that Harry had been talking too, Weasley, Ronald, was also sorted into Gryffindor. I supposed the entire family was probably in Gryffindor. I would've been there too, if the stinking Sorting Hat hadn't put me in Hufflepuff. Well. . .no. . .no, maybe it wouldn't have. I was trying to blame the hat for something that wasn't it's fault. If it believed me to be a Hufflepuff. . . wasn't I a Hufflepuff? Why was I fighting this decision so hard?
"Zabini, Blaise." was sorted into Slytherin.
I stared down at my plate. No, this didn't mean anything. After all, the Patil twins had been separated. Parvati was in Gryffindor and Padma was in Ravenclaw. Harry and I could still be brother and sister, even if we were in separate houses and yet. . .
If the sorting hat thought it was dangerous for me to be in the same house with my brother. . . and my parents didn't want anyone to know that I existed. . .then should Harry know? I mean, when exactly were my parents going to show that I was Harry's twin brother? What if I never was meant to be known by anyone except my family. My family that was now only Lupin since Lily and James and Sirius were all gone. . .
And though the decision hurt, that was when I decided not to tell Harry I was his sister. Friends, and that was it if I was lucky. Until I got some sort of sign or learned more about my parents secrets or somehow managed to wear the sorting hat again and find out more, I wouldn't tell anybody about my secret. And that now included Harry.
Dumbledore stood at that moment and I was glad to be torn from my thoughts. Professor Snape was staring at me again and I thought about the vision I'd seen with him and my mum. That certainly wasn't in the future. And it certainly couldn't be possible because my father was James.
"Welcome!" Dumbledore said and I looked away from Professor Snape. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"
I laughed and clapped with the others as food appeared on our table. Now that I was resigned in my decision, I felt that I could relax. . .for the time being anyways. I didn't eat much since I preferred dessert over everything else. But I did eat a small piece of steak while waiting.
Hannah, Susan, Leanne, and I all talked while we ate. All three of them were Half-bloods like me. They were extremely interested to find out I was adopted though I steered clear of names and specific details.
I stopped talking to eat ice cream and a slice of cake. I know, I'm an eleven year old with a sweet tooth. I didn't have any flashes while eating. I wondered if that was the key to not having flashes- Eating.
Eventually the food went away and Dumbledore stood up again. He's going to deliver some strange news, I thought randomly and then wondered if that was just knowing that Dumbledore was sort've eccentric or if I was predicting the future. Perhaps a bit of both.
"Ahem- just a few more words now that we are all fed and watered. I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all pupils. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."
I noticed that his eyes flashed to the Gryffindor door table and to Fred and George Weasley in particular. Yes, those were my kind of guys.
"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, the caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch."
Maybe next year I would buy a decent broom and try out for the team. Or maybe I would buy the broom if I made the team.
"And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death."
Some people laughed, but I did not. This was serious. A flash happened in my mind and I saw the three-headed dog again. Okay, that was a pretty legitimate reason not to go down that corridor. I would rather not be a dog chew toy. I didn't like dogs. I was scared of them.
"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" Dumbledore said, becoming more excited than he had the entire speech. I looked at the other teachers. All except Professor Flitwick, the charms Professor, looked like they'd rather take a sip of Skele-grow which is a disgusting medicine I had to take once at St. Mungo's when I broke my arm doing Muggle ice- skating.
Everyone stood on their feet as words twisted themselves into the air, having erupted from the tip of Dumbledore's wand. I tried numbly to think of how I was going to sing this. I hated singing with a passion (in public)- I was no good at it. I became faintly aware of Professor Snape's' eyes on me again. What was his deal?
The school suddenly started singing and I blushed, still unable to think of a way to sing this song.
"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts Teach us something please, Whether we be old and bald or young with scabby knees Our heads could do with filling With some interesting stuff For now they're bare and full of air, Dead flies and bits of fluff, So teach us things worth knowing, Bring back what we've forgot, Just do your best, we'll do the rest, and learn until our brains all rot."
I was never going to forget anything I learned here, I thought, looking up at the ceiling. I was going to learn and I was going to be the smartest witch of my class. I was going to prove something to myself and to everyone else- I just wasn't sure what yet.
Dumbledore clapped loudly when everyone was done singing (The Weasley twins had sung as slowly as possible, almost making me laugh). "Ah music," he said, as he wiped his eyes. I wondered if he was legitimately crying. Like I said- eccentric. "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!"
I followed Susan one our way to our common room. Leading the way was our prefect, Gabriel Truman. We followed him to where the kitchen was. I knew it was behind the fruit painting though no one else gave it a second look. It was disconcerting really, knowing so much about a place I hadn't even spent four hours in.
Gabriel stopped in front of a bunch of barrels and said, "Gather around and look very closely. Our common room is the only one with intruder-repelling devices and unless you fancy smelling like vinegar for a couple days, I suggest you pay attention."
He showed us that we had to pick barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, and tap on it in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff'. He demonstrated it and we all entered the common room. My mouth dropped in surprise.
Even though we couldn't have possibly been on ground floor, there were round windows near the top of the walls that let in light. Of course, it was night now so they weren't lit. Instead, the lamps on tables were lit.
The common room was a large, earthy, round room, with a low ceiling. Everything about the room was circular.
The décor was probably meant to emphasize the earthy-feel of the room. There were many plants hanging or sitting around the room. There was a dancing plant near the window. Ivy crept around the fireplace and on the walls.
The furniture was all yellow and black patterned and was made up of rounded sofas and chairs. They were furnished with copper touchings. The tables were made of pine, oak, and cypress and were also round.
There were two, large round doors on either side of the common room, opposite the entry door. They led to the boy and girl dormitories.
The entire common room gave me a hobbit like feeling. I wondered if this was how J.R.R. Tolkien pictured Frodo Baggins home. Or maybe like a cabin in the middle of the woods.
Gabriel told us to retire to our rooms and I followed the other girls to the large wooden door on the right side of the room.
The other girls got ready for bed immediately and soon, they were all sound asleep in their beds. I didn't go to bed right away, too jittery to try and sleep.
I went to my trunk, pulling out a sheaf of parchment. Lighting a candle, I grabbed my Muggle pen. I wrote a letter to my dad. Perhaps it was the feeling of disappointment, but I wanted him to tell me everything was all right. I just wanted to feel his strong arms around me again. I wanted to hear him call me his daughter- just like the night of the robber.
I wrote quickly:
Dear Dad, I'm not entirely sure how I feel right now. A lot has happened since I got on that train. I keep seeing visions of random stuff. A red stone, a three headed dog, and a bunch of other objects, places or people. Sometimes Harry is in the visions too. The sorting hat could see those visions inside my head and told me that it wasn't safe for me to be in Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, or even Slytherin. He said they were futuristic visions and I needed to hone my skills. He said that being in Hufflepuff was a safe house. I'm not really sure what's going on though. I guess that brings me to my next point: Harry. I don't think I can tell him who I am. My parents obviously thought I should be a secret and the Sorting Hat seems to think so too. He knew my true name- he called me Elizabeth Potter though only I could hear. I also keep seeing visions of Professor Snape which is weird and when I look at the teachers and some of the students, I already know their names even thought I've never met or heard their names before. Do you think that's part of the visions? I'd be lying if I said I was fine. In reality, I'm scared. I mean, I'm going to tough it out- I'm not your daughter for nothing. I do feel like I let you down by not being in Gryffindor but the sorting hat did say that if it wasn't for my visions, I would've ended up there. . .well maybe. He didn't really say that. He just said I could've belonged in Gryffindor. I don't know if that's really the same thing or if I'm just trying to will it to be the same thing. He also said something about me being sorted into Hufflepuff a long time ago. I don't know what he's talking about. I miss you already. I hope you don't get to worried when you read this, I don't want to worry you. Hopefully my classes go well tomorrow. A lot of love, Elizabeth 
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
"'You think the dead we have loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble? Your father is alive in you, Harry, and shows himself most plainly when you have need of him. How else could you produce that particular Patronus? Prongs rode again last night.'"
Year Read: before 2006, 2007, 2010, 2016, 2024
Rating: 5/5
Thoughts: I think this was the first book I realized how intricate and well-plotted these are, not just individually, but as a series. One can't help but notice on a reread that Sirius Black, the main antagonist of this book, is referenced in passing all the way back in the very first chapter of the very first book, and that's just the beginning of the ways Rowling drops clues and layers her mysteries throughout the series. I loved being able to make those connections as a kid, and the time travel in Prisoner of Azkaban makes for some especially fun plot twists. Far from being a fix-all, however, traveling through time complicates things immensely for the characters, and it's a one-time only plot device. It's also one of the few times I think the movies might have done it a little better in blending the two timelines and leaving hints for viewers to pick up on.
The characters also take up additional subjects at Hogwarts that expand on the magical world-building, to often hilarious effect. Divination and Care of Magical Creatures are a trip, and I was always disappointed as a younger reader that we don't get a closer look at Hermione's other subjects, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. (I suspect this would be a very different kind of story if she were the narrator.) We also finally have a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in Remus Lupin, who introduces us to all kinds of dark magical creatures. Both Lupin and Black also shed some light on Harry's parents' history, which up until now has been pretty much a blank slate. They're two of my favorite characters in the entire series.
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thekinghazzastyles · 4 years
Black Lake // Remus Lupin x Slytherin Reader
Pairings: Young!Remus Lupin x Slytherin Fem!Reader Warnings: None Word Count: 2175 Time Period: Marauders Era Summary: Remus wants to introduce his girlfriend to his friends but it doesn’t go very well.  Requested: No Authors Note: I hope you enjoy!
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Harry Potter Masterlist        Masterlist
You and Remus had been dating for almost a year. You both kept it private for the sake of not being judged. More so you because you’re in Slytherin. Slytherins and Gryffindors don’t date, they aren’t friends, they don’t like one another. But you and Remus didn’t care about the stereotypes forced upon your houses.
“Do you want to tell people about us?” Remus asked. You were both in the Room of Requirement. It was in a library form but filled with muggle books and a small rustic table with a pot of tea on top. There was a couch in the far corner of the room, it looked a little worn down but it was rather comfortable. You had taken a small nap but Remus wasn’t tired so he just stayed awakened to make sure you were always comfortable.
“What do you mean? Like, tell your friends?” You were timid for a Slytherin but, proud of your house. You knew how people from every house would react to you dating Remus. You were more intimidated by his friends' opinions. The Marauders were ruthless with everything they did. The entire house of Slytherin was already mostly on the receiving end of their pranks, bullying, and belittling; but to be singled out by Black and Potter was something you would most definitely not enjoy.
“No, I mean everyone, the whole school. I know you think my friends will do something to you but they won't. I promise.”
“I trust you, but how do you know they won’t? What if they think I’m not good enough for you?”
Remus has never seen or heard you talk so down about yourself. “You are enough for me Y/N, if anything I’m not enough for you,” you were going to cut him off but he stopped you. “You know me and my biggest secret, and after knowing it you still wanted to date me.”
You finally cut him off, “Remus John Lupin I swear on Salazar Slytherin's grave that if you talk about yourself in such a  manner one more time, I will hex you into oblivion. You are perfect, everything about you is perfect. I love everything about you, even if you don’t,” you finished.
“Now I never said I wasn’t perfect,” he smirked.
“Remus!” you laughed.  
“Really though, I want to tell everyone.” You both stared at each other before you nodded, “let’s just let everyone find out on their own, the news will spread quickly.”
* * *
Not a single one of your classes before lunch included Remus, so usually, you would both sneak away sometime during lunch to catch up. Now you’d be able to go up to him anytime you want without caring about anybody seeing. Sneaking away to somewhere private at Hogwarts during lunch had to be the most impossible thing you had ever done.
You had been in the library during your free period looking for nothing in particular. You did, however, find a muggle romance novel you had never read before. Pride and Prejudice seemed like it could be a piece of literature both you and Remus would enjoy. Also decided that this would be one of the best ways to reveal your relationship to the school, you were going to ask him if he wanted to go to your special tree at the Black Lake and read with you.
Briskly you made your way to the Great Hall and straight for the Gryffindor table. You could feel your nerves settling in but you didn’t let your face falter. You approached the table and caught sight of Remus and his friends as they were laughing about something,  not caring if they were irritating the people around them.
The silence in the hall seemed to diminish once you were behind Remus. Potter and Black looked up at you first and they both wore an equally disgusted scowl as they stared you down. “Remus?” you spoke softly, suddenly feeling timid. “I found a new book, do you want to go read it with me?” You failed to maintain eye contact with Remus as you continuously looked down at your feet and the book in your hands.
“What does this snake,” Black seethed, “want with you Moony?” Potter seemed to agree with him but Peter, who was sat next to Remus with Black and Potter on the opposite side, looked like he didn’t feel the need to contribute to this conversation.
Remus stood up and wrapped you in a hug whispering into your ear, “I’ll handle this, promise.” He turned towards his friends, “Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N, Y/N these are my best friends James, Peter, and Sirius.”
The entirety of the Great Hall was waiting for the reaction of ¾ of the Marauders. It was silent. No one spoke for what seemed like an eternity before James spoke up, “can we talk somewhere private?”
* * *
The Room of Requirement has once again aided one of your needs. On the journey there you were dreading the conversation that was about to happen. The five of you had been seated across from each without uttering a word for the past five minutes. You didn’t dare look up at the three boys across from you and kept your eyes trained on yours and Remus’ entangled hands.
“What is happening? How did this,” Sirius gestured at you and Remus, “happen?” Sirius leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He and James seemed to be the most concerned with Remus dating a Slytherin. You were completely harmless but solely because you are a Slytherin, they automatically despised you and everyone else in your house.
“No matter that, why would you let this happen, Moony? A Slytherin? Really?” James stood up abruptly which caused you to jump a little. Remus squeezed your hand to reassure you that he was there. “Are you under a love spell? Is it amortentia?” he turned to Sirius, “I think she has him under a love spell.”
They both began whispering amongst themselves and Peter kept to himself on the couch. You decided it couldn't hurt so you gave him a small smile and he gave you one back. You were pleased that he wasn’t completely against you.
Remus stood up catching everyone's attention, “Prongs, Padfoot, Y/N did not put me under a love spell. She has been my girlfriend for almost a year; I think it would’ve worn off by now. I love her and if you two can’t accept that I don’t think I will speak to you for a while,” he finished sitting back down next to you.
“Remus you can’t do that, they’re your best mates,” you scolded him. You didn’t want him to choose between you and his friends, who had been there with him for a lot longer.
“The snake is right Remus,” Sirius was cut off before he could finish.
“Don’t call her that. She is not a snake, she is my girlfriend and I love her. I didn’t think you two could be so close-minded. And I will not sit here and listen to you two belittle her just based on the robes she is wearing,” he finished as the room went silent. “Come on Y/N, we’re leaving.”
“Remus, wait! We can work this out, mate!” James called for him but you both kept walking. He kept walking until we were at the Black Lake. He was first to sit down and lean against the tree, Remus pulled you down softly to sit between his legs.
“Can you read it for me?” His voice was soft. You didn’t want to bring up what had just happened or the fact that you still had classes to attend because he needed this.
“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” You could feel his breathing slow down as you lay against his chest. His arm was wrapped around your waist, drawing random shapes on your side. You finished the first chapter and pulled out a bookmark before turning to face Remus. “Remy?” you asked quietly to not disturb him.
“Yes?” he asked, not bothering to open his eyes.
“I think you should speak to your friends, without me. I don’t want to be the reason you lose your best mates, Rem. They’ve been with you through everything, more times than I can count. You can’t end a six-year-long friendship over me, I won’t let you.”
Remus was quiet as you both sat there. He was playing with the grass when he gave you a slight nod and met your eyes. “I will speak to them. I’m sorry I upset you. And I’m sorry they spoke to you like that.”
“Remus all that matters is that you speak to your friends. I’m fine. I love you,” you finished, hugging him. He said it back and returned the hug. Remus stood up and held his hand out to help you up but gave you another hug.
What the two of you didn’t know is that Sirius and James had used the Cloak of Invisibility. They didn’t expect to see such an interaction. And they didn't expect you to tell Remus that he needed to speak to them. They had no time to dawdle and had to head back to the Gryffindor common room to listen to what Remus had to say.
* * *
Remus briskly made his way to the Gryffindor common room. Before you went your separate ways, he told you he would let you know how it goes. He was nervous to face the rest of the Marauders; maybe not Peter but James and Sirius had a vendetta against the entire house of Slytherin. When he entered the room the two out of the three boys were sitting down listening to James complain and watching him pace about the room. All three heads turned at the sound of the portrait door closing.
“Remus-,” James was cut off.
“I need you to have a seat and listen to what I am about to say.” James took a seat in between Sirius and Peter, waiting for Remus to begin. “Y/N is my girlfriend and I love her. She loves me for who I am, I trust her. I didn’t think you guys would react this way but this is exactly what she said she was scared of. I wish the three of you could just not care that she’s a Slytherin, she’s never done anything remotely evil, she reads and loves pastries.”
“I’m sorry,” Sirius started. “We’re sorry,” he emphasized. “We shouldn't have let this get out of hand. We trust you and your decisions, so we should’ve trusted you on this.”
“We shouldn’t have judged her so quickly,” James added.
“She seems nice,” Peter spoke.
“She is,” Remus smiled, “and I hope the four of you can set aside your differences and become friends.”
* * *
You were sitting in the courtyard working on your potions essay when two shadows loomed over you. Your eyes met with Sirius and James. Closing your book and putting away your parchment, you sat up a little bit straighter before speaking, “may I help you?”
“We wanted to apologize,” James spoke. “We shouldn’t have treated you the way we did and assumed you would be bad for Remus.” James kept his head, too embarrassed to make eye contact.
Sirius decided to speak as it seemed that James was finished, “we just want what’s best for him and if that's you, we have to get used to it. I hope we can set our differences aside and be friends.”
“Okay,” was all you said. You didn’t feel the need to scold them for their behavior, that wasn’t your place. The boys both nodded and walked away. You felt more at ease now that they didn’t dislike you. Your eyes strayed on the spot where the two boys had just been standing, not noticing another person who had just sat next to you. Remus watched you for a few seconds before clearing his throat. “They apologized,” you said, turning your head to face him. “I accepted it.”
Remus didn’t respond. You both sat there with your head rested on his shoulder watching as the sun gradually set. He stood up reaching for your hand. You both made your way to the Great Hall and toward the Gryffindor table. You were too tired to protest so you didn’t say anything. Your head was still rested against Remus’ shoulder even when you took your seats in front of the other three Marauders. You gave them a tired smile and they returned it.
Dinner continued rather quietly from your side of the table. Remus and you didn’t bother speaking to one another but silently communicated through facial expressions. He dragged you to the Black Lake for a moment before curfew set in. As you lay on his chest you focused on the way his heart sounded. “I love you,” you whispered.
“And I, you.”
Harry Potter Masterlist        Masterlist
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thetypedwriter · 3 years
All the Young Dudes Fanfiction Review
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All the Young Dudes Fanfiction Review by MsKingBean89
This is a first. 
If you’ve been following this blog for some time, then you know I generally read young adult books and write far too lengthy reviews on them with the occasional outlier of adult fiction, mystery, sci-fi, etc. 
At any given time, I usually have both a physical book that I’ve bought from somewhere that I’m working on (right now it’s Firekeeper's Daughter by Angeline Boulley) as well as a fanfiction that I reserve until before I go to bed (my treat for a day well lived). 
Fanfiction is something that I’ve mentioned copious amounts of times on this blog in varying degrees, but this is the first time I’ll be writing an actual review for one of them on this platform. 
The reason for this is myriad. 
One, this fanfiction called All the Young Dudes is a far-cry from your normal standardized fanfiction of 5-50,000 words-something I can easily consume in a few minutes to a few hours. 
Nope, this behemoth ends on a staggering 526,969 words and 188 chapters, not including bonus chapters and extra in-universe canonical content the author has also written and published. Roughly speaking, if this was actually published onto paper it would be well over 2,000 pages. 
2,000 pages. 
Yeah. And I enjoyed every single moment of it. 
Two, while I read a lot of fanfiction I generally don’t put any of it on this blog because while I’ve dedicated it to published novels, I also usually have very simple feelings about fanfiction. My thoughts run the gambit of: It was good, it was fluffy, it was a train-wreck, so on and so forth. 
Normally my reviews are so long and wordy because I have too many thoughts about the published books that I read and I need an outlet to let them loose. 
Whether because of its longevity or because of its content, All the Young Dudes is a story I find myself having a profusion of thoughts for. Hence, the birth of this review. 
If fanfiction isn’t your thing, feel free to skip this particular review of mine (although fanfiction is a gift to this world and you should really rethink your stance on it if you don’t like it, just saying). 
Third, All the Young Dudes is well written and rivals any actual published content. 
Fourth, because of how extensive this fanfiction is, it took me over a month to read it-time I generally would have been reading something else. Instead of leaving you all hanging for a few more weeks until I finish Firekeeper's Daughter (don’t hold your breath-the book is sort of a slog for me personally right now), I decided to just take the jump and write my first-ever typedwriter review for a fanfiction. 
Fanfiction has been a part of my life for the better part of almost two decades now. It was truly something I found by accident and in retrospect, it’s insane to me that it’s still something that brings me continuous joy and happiness. 
I discovered fanfiction when I was 11-years-old and deeply obsessed with the Harry Potter fandom. 
Now, as an overall disclaimer I completely disagree with J.K. Rowling’s stances of gender and biology and differ wholeheartedly with her views of trans and non-binary individuals. With that said, I still love Harry Potter as a story and while I no longer buy anything that profits J.K. Rowling directly, I still love the fandom and the people in it, including fanworks like All the Young Dudes. 
When I was 11, the seventh Harry Potter book had yet to come out and like many other people in this time period of agony while waiting for 2007 to roll around so that I could find out what happened, I discovered fanfiction as a way to fill in that ache I was so keenly feeling. 
I found myself suddenly immersed in this world of online fiction-both good and bad-but completely entrancing all the same. 
I never left. 
That is to say, I did eventually move onto other fandoms with their own fanfiction cultures, but Harry Potter was still my first in terms of fanfiction and introducing me to the concept as a whole. 
Specifically and maybe oddly, I never found myself curious for actual fanfiction about Harry or Hermione or Ron. In my mind, I already knew what had happened to them and reading about them in fanfiction was redundant. 
In addition, the first fanfiction I just happened to come across was a Lily/James marauder era fanfiction on mugglenet.com
This idea immediately intrigued me as fans as a whole knew next to nothing about the infamous Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs and while I knew everything I needed to about Harry Potter it was intoxicating to think that I could learn about a time before the series had existed and about characters who were important, but off screen. 
I was hooked and devoured as much as I could for most of middle school about the marauders and Lily and James’ romance in particular (I even wrote and published some of my own that will go unmentioned as they are truly really terrible). 
That being said, I haven’t read a Harry Potter fanfiction in years. I grew up and out of the fandom eventually thanks to Twilight and from there I’ve bounced from fandom to fandom as I’ve aged and consumed different things and fallen in love with different characters and different worlds. 
That isn’t to say I’ve forgotten though. 
I still remember my favorite marauder stories, my favorite Sirius Black/OFC (original female character), and my favorite baby Harry drabbles. They made such a huge impression on me and even though it’s been sixteen years, I still recall those stories with fond nostalgia and jubilation. 
Which is why it’s almost ironic that I would return to this particular time period of the marauders with All the Young Dudes. 
In a fashion that’s almost scarily full circle, I happened to be on Youtube one day and saw a recommendation video about this girl reviewing a fanfiction called All the Young Dudes. Now, youtube book reviews aren’t uncommon, but a thirty minute video for a fanfiction? Not your typical sighting. 
So out of pure curiosity, I searched All the Young Dudes fanfiction on Google and low and behold the overwhelming and top results were all for a marauder-era fanfiction by MsKingBean89. Piqued, I clicked on the link in ao3 and thought why not? 
While I’ve mainly been reading in other fandoms recently (BTS, some anime and manga, All for the Game) I had been in a little bit of a slump for finding a really good, really alluring story for some time and really didn’t think I had anything to lose by reading All the Young Dudes, especially as the more research I did, the more I found how popular it was-a plethora of videos on youtube, tiktok compilations, and dozens of fanart posts. 
Plus, it had been so long since I had read anything from my progenitor fandom and the thought of going back was strangely comforting.
Hence the journey of reading All the Young Dudes began and oh what a journey it was. 
Now, that this review is already five pages in, I should probably tell you what on earth All the Young Dudes is actually about. 
The whole story is a marauder-era fanfiction told from Remus Lupin’s POV from the summer of 1971 when Remus is 11-years-old to the summer of 1995 when he is 35-five-years-old. It is an in-depth portrayal of Remus’ time at Hogwarts from year one to year seven and then going all the way up to the start of the second wizarding world, ending around the time Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix begins. 
While already the scope makes this a massive undertaking, the author also includes all canonical content from the original series involving Remus, the Marauders, and the time period and incorporates it into her fanfiction-making it canon compliant from start to finish. 
While a very large portion of this story is not romantic, there is eventual WolfStar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black) and if you have read the original Harry Potter series...well. You know things don't end up super dandy for these two characters in particular so you know how the story will end before it begins. 
This fanfiction left me speechless for so many reasons. 
The scope and length is frankly unbelievable. This fanfiction was published on March 2, 2017 and it was completed on November 12, 2018.
How did she manage that? I frankly have no idea, but I am in complete and utter awe at her ability to write content with such a magnitude and actually complete it. She gets an award just for that honestly. 
Not only that, but the fanfiction is actually superbly well-written. I won’t lie and say it’s the most poignant and beautiful piece of literature I’ve ever consumed, but it was consistent in its pacing, characterization, themes, motifs, and structure, which, for 2,000 pages, is an incredible achievement when you think about it. 
Speaking of characterization, everyone was So. Well. Done. 
Remus was such an interesting POV to read from and while he was compliant in every sense of the word-werewolf, prefect, bookish-MsKingBean89 added so much more to his character and fleshed him out so incredibly that it’s truly tragic that he’s not a real person. 
And to that extent, she does this with all of the characters. You see James’ optimism and leadership, Sirius’ arrogance and loyalty, Peter’s jealousy and chess skills. 
Every character was so well-rounded and real. She did an incredible job of taking the bits and pieces from the canon series and using that to build up her own flesh and blood people with motivations, likes, dislikes, dreams, and desires. 
That being said, she also had 2,000 pages to do it sooooooo it would be bad if the characters weren’t fleshed out by the end honestly. 
In addition, I really appreciated that she didn’t just focus on Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. Lily Evans played a critical role in Remus’ school life and after and so did the other Gryffindor girls like Marlene and Mary. 
Too often, the focus is on the boys and their close friendship and while that was a huge focus, we also get to see Remus develop friendships with the girls in his own right and other friends as well that were often OC’s of the author’s. 
Now. OC’s are generally something I dislike. I’m reading fanfiction to read about particular characters that I’ve sought after, not to read about some imaginary cast. However, just like any of the canon characters, all of the OC characters were well-developed and played crucial roles in Remus’ development-while either at Hogwarts or after-and I found myself not minding them in the least. In a few cases (Grant) I actually really loved them. 
The biggest draw for this fanfiction for me was Remus’ time at Hogwarts. It was so well-written and incredibly descriptive and I found myself thrust back into the world of magic so suddenly and seamlessly that it was like I never left. 
MsKingBean89 includes so many intricate details and builds up the world so beautifully that I’d recommend any Harry Potter fan to consume it, just to get some good Hogwarts material out of it. 
Another thing I greatly appreciate about this fanfiction was the slow burn. I’ve read slow burn before (All for the Game trilogy anybody?), but this truly took the cake. Sirius and Remus don’t properly get together until the end of year six going into year seven. That’s over 100 chapters in. 
100 chapters out of 188. 
Meaning that over half of this beast doesn’t have the main pairing even together. For some people, this could be a drawback. You might think to yourself: It takes how long for them to confess their feelings and stop being prats?
A very, very long time. 
However...it didn’t bug me. I like slow burn to begin with, but being along for the ride as Remus goes from being a child to an adolescent with unrequited feelings to being in a relationship with someone he loves is so rewarding and fulfilling that the 100 previous chapters are completely and utterly worth it. 
MsKingBean89 develops them so well and so carefully that the payoff is so sweet and satisfactory that it's enough to bring the tears right then and there. 
The last huge feat of this fanfiction for me was the author’s dedication to canon not just confined to Hogwarts and the Harry Potter books, but also to the time period. Either she lived through the 70’s and 80’s herself or she had done her due diligence when it comes to research because anything from London anti-gay laws to British slang was commonplace in her fic. 
I found it completely amazing how she was able to tie in real-time historical and cultural moments like famous singers and movies playing at the time alongside convoluted muggle politics warring with the wizarding ones. 
I was so blown away by the accuracy and genuine love behind this fic that it often brought me out of my own mind to simply ponder once again how much work this was and how well she was delivering it. 
Even unpleasant things, like homophobia and bigotry, are dealt with in a very carefully constructed way that is aligned with the time period in which the story takes place. 
Unfortunately, everything beautiful is not without flaws and All the Young Dudes is not the exception, although it’s flaws are nary compared to its achievements. 
The few complaints I have with this fic are honestly quite negligible. 
First, there are a few grammatical and punctuation errors. Very few, but I did notice some. 
Next, and again, this complaint is really just me whining, but...the end of the fic was really fucking sad. The end of this whole story took me so much time to complete simply because I didn’t want to read it. 
I know what happened during the first wizarding war and I also know what ended it (James and Lily Potter dying, Harry being shipped off to the Dursley’s, Sirius imprisoned for a murder he didn’t commit, Peter presumed dead) and in one fell swoop Remus lost everything and everyone he ever loved. 
After spending over 1,500 pages of Remus growing to love these people it is absolutely devastating and heart-breaking to see him lose it all. 
The last handful of chapters are just really, really sad and it makes me wonder why MsKingBean89 decided to write it in the first place. Frankly, I don't know why she didn't write about Remus’ time at Hogwarts and stop after graduation because we all know what happens after that and none of it is good. 
Looking back, I wish I could time travel and tell myself to stop at chapter 150. I truly didn’t need to read about the tragedies that happened after that and the hell that all of the characters go through. 
And while it does end on a….sort of kind of maybe positive (?) note with Sirius and Remus reuniting briefly once the events of Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban take place, it was really tainted and bittersweet for me knowing that in a year Sirius would die and Remus would marry his fucking cousin and have a child. 
I just can’t. 
That being said, I understand it’s not the author’s fault and I’m not saying it is. She wrote a canon compliant fic to the end and it was my choice to continue reading. That being said, she said she ended it before the events of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix because Sirius and Remus are happy and back together and she didn’t want to write what was coming next if she continued. 
I truly, truly get that. 
But in the same vein, why even write the events of the first wizarding world to begin with then? I’m confused with that response as it doesn’t make much sense to me. I felt like ending it right then and there was not a happy ending. They’re together, yes, but at this point they are both shells of who they used to be. Both have severe trauma and PTSD and frankly I don’t even know if I agree with them being together just because they’ve put each other through so much. 
It’s just an interesting choice at the end of the day in terms of the author. 
Once again, however, I truly understand that she can do whatever she wants and that she doesn’t owe anyone anything, especially as she’s writing this for free and just because. So please keep in mind that although I’m complaining, I truly understand how fortunate we are to even have this fic in the first place. 
Secondly, my only other huge complaint is that MsKingBean89 made Remus gay. Not bi, not pan. Gay. 
You could argue that Remus just calls himself gay in the fanficiton as he didn’t know about other kinds of sexuality. You could argue that Remus’ sexuality changes and develops as he ages and experiences trials and tribulations. You could argue that it was a sign of times like so much else in this fic. 
I frankly just found it to be a frustrating choice as the fic is canon compliant and even though it ends before the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows we know that Remus eventually marries Tonks and has a baby son named Teddy Lupin. 
How does that make sense?
I tried very, very hard to come up with some sort of feasible explanation for how a gay man would have ended up with the love of his life’s female cousin and truly could not think of one that was not fucked up to some degree. 
Again. I know I’m being nit-picky, but it irked me that she made this choice regarding Remus’ sexuality and essentially ended her fic with Remus stuck in a corner regarding how the series actually ends. 
At the end of the day, all of the negatives are truly, truly not important. I’m just whinging to whine and to express my thoughts, but I do once again understand that MsKingBean89 isn’t profiting from this fic and that she can do what she wants as is her prerogative. 
I hope I was able to express that while I understand that, I can still be frustrated with some of the choices she made. 
To wrap this all up, All the Young Dudes is a masterpiece and is a must-read for anyone who loves Harry Potter, the Marauders, or Wolfstar. I was blown away by the sheer magnitude, the love and care she put into her craft, the slow and deliberate development of all the characters, the beautifully constructed love between Sirius and Remus, and the intricate world-both muggle and magic-that surrounded the story like a cocoon. 
I am so happy I found this fic and I truthfully am floundering at what to do with myself next. If you have any more current Marauder era fics that I’ve missed out in the past eleven years, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 
Recommendation: Go read All the Young Dudes. For weeks, you will cry, you will laugh, you will despair, and you will smile. This fanfiction will make you wish this was canon and in my mind, it now is. 
Score: 8/10
1. All the Young Dudes on ao3 
2. The Youtube Video about All the Young Dudes that made me aware of its existence 
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sk1fanfiction · 3 years
Okay I know we're supposed to hate Dumbledore for letting Sirius end up in Azkaban without a trial when he presumably had the power to order one or at least vouch for Sirius but I personally am convinced this entire subplot is just Exhibit A of JKR's numerous plotholes where she introduces things (ex: the Trace) and then has situations that contradict them without explanation (ex: Tom Riddle doesn't get investigated for using the Killing Curse three times while underage in a Muggle dwelling).
For further evidence, she kills off Sirius a mere two books later after barely using his character, because she wanted Harry to have a father figure but didn't know what to do with him especially since the Harry was still living at the Dursleys'. Whether you love Sirius or hate him, he serves very little purpose to the plot and the plot of Prisoner of Azkaban has like 0 impact on the rest of the series, especially considering it's preceded by Chamber of Secrets (introduces the first Horcrux and Voldemort's true identity) and followed by Goblet of Fire (resurrects Voldemort).
Furthermore, Sirius's death is discarded as a plot point after the end of Order of the Phoenix. Harry, who was absolutely distraught just a few months earlier, is barely affected by his death even in the opening chapters of Half-Blood Prince, so whatever emotional payoff she was going for clearly wasn't very important since everyone acts like Sirius never existed.
That's why there are so many 'Wolfstar raises Harry' fics; because it makes the most sense for Sirius to be a proper guardian for Harry as soon as he is introduced.
JKR didn't know what to do with Sirius Black; change my mind, I dare you.
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crankynewt · 3 years
Chapter Two - Letting You Go
Another Love Series Masterlist
Pairing: Regulus Black x Fem!Reader, Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Song: Think of You - Christina Grimmie
Warnings: Fluff, angst, (past) major character death, a very altered timeline, and Snape being Snape (frightens all ;))!
Word Count:  t o o  l o n g
Author’s Note: Y’all asked so I delivered (instead of doing my uni classes lol)! This ones a lot longer than the first chapter cause I got a little too carried away writing it, so grab a snack and enjoy! Parts of this chapter were inspired by Think of You by Christina Grimmie, who was tragically killed about five years ago, but I highly recommend listening to her music as she truly had a voice like no other.
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Had you told yourself fifteen years ago at your graduation that you would eventually return to Hogwarts as a professor, you would have laughed in your face. Don’t get me wrong, you adored your time at the school, but you could never see yourself leaving Regulus and the family you’d hoped to start one day for nine months at a time. You thought you had your life figured out on the train ride home following your seventh year, but that all fell apart within twelve months. And then it did again a year later.
Now you were gazing upon the Great Hall once more, this time alongside your former professors as not teachers but colleagues. The towering stone walls of the castle brought back more memories than you would like to admit, especially not to Remus. This is not the result of any lack of love towards your husband, but you don’t think he would necessarily approve of what you and your late then-boyfriend got up to. Holding Regulus as sobs wracked through his body in the early hours of the morning after he returned from doing unspeakable things with his fellow Death Eaters had become your typical Friday night routine. But now that burden no longer sat upon your shoulders, and hopefully the commencing year wouldn’t be quite so stressful. Grading and rowdy students you could handle; another war, not so much. 
Sitting with Remus on your left and Professor McGon- Minerva, on your right, the beginning of the feast was nothing short of delightful.
“That one’s got to be a Gryffindor, he looks overly sure of himself!” You whispered to you husband, sure to keep your voice down so your colleagues could not hear your guesses as to where each of the first years would be sorted.
“What- no, Gryffindors are brave, not cocky! And besides, he’s clearly a Slytherin, they’re the overly-confident ones.” He replied, defensive of his own house. And, unfortunately for you, he was right, shooting you a smug smirk when the sorting hat roared Slytherin across the hall.
“See, cocky!” You pointed at him before taking a sip of the amber liquid in your goblet and focusing your attention towards your plate. What you didn’t see was the look of utter adoration that he focused on you, as if he was still in awe that you were by his side let alone married to him.
McGonagall couldn’t help but smile at both the childish-antics of the two newest professors but also the connection the two of you clearly shared. She remembered worrying about the both of you following the news of the youngest Black brother’s demise and downfall of the Marauders, however, she found her concerns eased seeing the solace the two of you found in each other.
“It’s Teddy’s turn!” He nudged your side, bringing you attention back to your youngest son who timidly made his way up the stone steps onto the stage at the front of the hall. He looked to Remus and yourself for reassurance, finding comfort in the slight nod his father gave to him and the look of pride in both sets of eyes. Rather than guessing his placement, the two of you sat in silent anticipation as you strained to hear what the hat was saying.
“Ah, a Lupin! I haven’t seen one of you since your father was here.” The enchanted garment began. “You certainly hold his courage and intelligence, yet I see a hint of something else in there - it must be your mother! I remember sorting her as well, she could have gone into any of the houses, and I think I sense her determination and kindness in you. Are you going to follow in your father’s footsteps and be daring in Gryffindor? Or will you take after your siblings and find greatness in Slytherin? Or, yes, that’s it. You belong in… Hufflepuff!”
Remus and yourself felt pride rise in you as you clapped harder than ever before. In the audience, you saw Archie and Cassie rise from their seats as they applauded as well, proud that their little brother had finally made it to Hogwarts regardless of what house he was in. 
The rest of the ceremony went by in a blur, Dumbledore introducing Remus and yourself to the school as professors Lupin and Y/L/N. Not only did you and your husband intend to keep your marriage a secret to the students, but you agreed with the headmaster that hiring a Black to the staff would not sit well with parents following Sirius’ recent escape from Azkaban. Students would eventually realize that Remus and Teddy were related, but Archie and Cassie were a little reluctant to reveal that their parents would be teachers in fear of the inevitable teasing from their peers. But for now, you would all keep this secret close to your chest.
Keeping an eye on your children throughout the rest of the feast, you were pleased to see both Teddy and Cassie cheerily conversing with a number of their peers whilst they ate. What was startling, however, was how you never saw Archie speak to anyone other than the occasional comment in his twin’s ear. His face held Regulus’ signature look of bore with a hint of irritation, a far cry from the boy that you typically saw at home. You’d had to do a double take, not seeing your son but a vision of Regulus from years ago. 
On the other side of the great hall you saw another child who looked the spitting image of their parents - Harry Potter. The boy was conversing with a ginger boy, probably a Weasley, and a girl you didn’t recognize. Everything down to his demeanour screamed ‘I’m James Potter’s son’ with the exception of his eyes - those were all Lily. 
Tears formed in the corner of your own eyes as you thought about your lost love and friends, for it was almost as if many of you had been reunited in the Great Hall once more. Placing a hand upon your forehead to shield your eyes from wandering glances and placing your weight upon your elbow, you leaned on the table as if you were only extremely focused on your meal. Noticing this, Remus wished he could take you into his arms as he was feeling a similar gloom, but the hundreds of people around him prevented the man from holding you close. For now, a comforting hand on your knee underneath the table would have to suffice. 
The rest of the evening was uneventful, and by the next morning you in such a rush to get to your first class that you were too distracted to think of anything else. Glancing down at your attendance sheet, your first class of the day was third-year Gryffindors and Slytherins just before lunch, and you searched for familiar names on the list. Both Archie and Cassie’s names were at the top of the sheet, and you were thankful that you would be starting each day with two-thirds of your children. Malfoy was not too far below it, and a physical groan left your lips. Of course Lucius’ son would be in your class, he’s probably just as delightful as his father. Even further down was Potter, and you quietly began to devise a plan that could hopefully resolve at least one of your problems. 
Meanwhile, three Gryffindors made their way down the halls of the school towards their third class of the day. They were still in awe of Professor Lupin’s second period Defence Against the Dark Arts class as it seemed they would finally have a decent teacher in the subject.
“Do you know anything about the new astrology professor, Hermione?” Ron asked, clearly concerned about the coming period. Saying that this subject wasn’t the youngest Weasley boy’s strong suit was an understatement.
“Professor Y/L/N? I don’t know, but it sure looked like Professor Lupin liked her last night.” The girl began, the stack of books in her arms so tall that she could barely see where she was going over it. “I’m just excited to finally have another female professor!”
“Yeah, and she seemed pretty young, so let’s hope that means she’s more fun!” Harry said. “If Lupin’s friends with her, how bad can she be?”
“Yeah, do you think they’re, you know…” Ron said, trailing off unable to finish his sentence as he made an odd movement with his hands.
“What, if they’re together?!” Hermione exclaimed. “Seriously Ronald! Men and women can be friends with each other and not be in love! And besides, Lupin has a son in first year who would have probably mentioned if his mother was teaching here as well.”
The boys agreed with their friend as they approached the classroom, Harry stopping in his tracks as he noticed the eldest of the Black children leaning against the wall beside the door a couple feet away from other third-years waiting for class to begin. Noticing Harry’s hesitation, Ron and Hermione turned back to look at where their friend had stopped. Motioning for them to come back, he eventually dragged them to the wall before whispering.
“Do either of you know how Arcturus is related to Sirius… They’re both Blacks.” Harry began, warily glancing towards the boy who was too absorbed into his book to notice them staring at him. 
“No… But Harry, you don’t honestly believe that Arcturus would help him get into the school, do you?” Hermione asked incredulously. As much as she didn’t want to believe that one of her classmates was plotting to help a madman set on killing one of her best friends, stranger things had happened.
“I mean, who knows?! Have you ever seen either of the Black twins with their father? That could be Sirius, for all we know!” Ron exclaimed. This time when the three students glanced towards the boy, he met their eyes with his own cold, green orbs.
Before anyone could react, their attention switched to the opening door where their newest professor stood with bright eyes and a warm smile.
“Well c’mon in, guys!” You beckoned as the children began filing into the classroom, both Archie and Cassie giving you small smiles as they made their way in. Before long, all your students had settled into their seats and your lesson could finally begin.
“I should probably start by introducing myself as I am a new face to most of you, my name is Professor Y/L/N and I am the new astrology professor here at Hogwarts.” You began, scanning the many small faces staring at you. “I was a student here not too long ago myself, so not only am I very excited to be back but I also know exactly how you guys are feeling. I’ll try to keep that in mind in my lessons so that we can all have a fun semester, yeah? If you guys have any questions real quick before we start, feel free to ask!” 
A few hands shot up within the crowd and you picked one, a timid looking Gryffindor in the very front row.
“Yes, Mr…?” You began, trailing off unsure as to the boy’s name.
“Longbottom, ma’am. Neville Longbottom.” He shakily replied, and you suddenly saw traces of Frank and Alice in him. The thought saddened you, remembering the disgust that filled you when Regulus explained what your  estranged cousin-in-law had done to the poor couple.
“Ah, yes! What is it, Mr.Longbottom?” You questioned, a smile working its way onto your lips as you encouraged the boy, hoping to give him a tad more confidence.
“I was just curious, cause you said you were a student here and I saw you two talking yesterday, how do you know Professor Lupin?” Neville said shakily. 
“Uhm, I had meant questions about the course rather than about me…” You trailed off, hoping that the anxiousness filling you at your secret getting out would not show. You could see Archie and Cassie stifling their own giggles at the question, finding the speculation of your relationship with their adoptive father very amusing.
“It’s just cause some of the students have bets goin’ as to whether or not you guys are together. Like, in love, together.” Neville tried to explain, earning himself sharp glances and scoffs from the rest of the class.
“Professor Lupin and I were friends when we were both students here, that’s all. Strictly platonic friends.” You explained, feeling your face slightly flushing in embarrassment at the inquiry. “Now then, let’s begin!”
The rest of the class went by smoothly, no more incidents of any of your secrets being exposed as you went through your introduction lesson. As you concluded your lecture, you decided it was time to introduce the major project for the course.
“Now, I will be introducing your major project for the year and be giving you your partners.” You explained, grabbing the list of pairs you had created from your desk. “I’ve assigned both you and another student a constellation that the two of you will be compiling research on in order to ‘teach’ it to the class at the end of the year. You guys all good so far?”
“Uhm, Professor?” A hand raised accompanied by a voice in the back of the classroom.
“Yes, Mr. Weasley?’ You replied, the red hair being a dead giveaway as to the boy’s identity.
“How come we don’t get to choose our own partners?” The ginger-haired boy questioned, glancing towards the curly-haired girl beside him who was shooting him a warning glance.
“Good question! I have decided that you will be paired with one of your peers from the other house.” You said matter-of-factly, as if your words hadn’t just scandalized your students. A collection of gasps and protests arose, even from your own children, Cassie’s jaw dropping as Archie hid his head in his arms and laid upon the desk in exasperation.
One sharp clap from you was enough to regain their attention, the rowdier members of the group sunk into their seats in fear of the possible removal of house points before the first half of their day was even over.
“Now I know this is upsetting to many of you, especially considering your two houses’ complicated past, but your cooperation with each other will be a part of your grade in the assignment. Sometimes opposites are the best pairings.” You said. “Now, would you like to hear who you’ll be working with?”
A collection of nods was all it took before you began listing the combinations. 
“Seamus Finnegan and Pansy Parkinson for Gemini, Neville Longbottom and Blaise Zabini for Taurus…” You began, listing off the partnerships before you reached your final three. “Ronald Weasley and Cassiopeia Black for Canis Major, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy for Orion, and lastly, Harry Potter and Arcturus Black for Leo.”
The clock began ringing, signalling the end of class and beginning of the lunch period.
“There’s no homework for today, so enjoy it while you can and have a nice lunch everyone!” You dismissed your students, not giving them a second glance before you made your way through the door of your office at the back of the room and began going through a stack of papers. You hadn’t noticed the boy who had remained in your class, shyly following you to the back before hesitantly knocking on the already open door.
“Mr. Potter! Please, sit!” You said when you saw the source of the faint noise, beckoning him towards one of the chairs in front of your desk. “What can I do for you?”
The boy hesitated for a moment as he took in your office, the sandy-coloured stone walls having been decorated in a style that seemed to perfectly fit the personality you’d projected to his classmates the past hour.
“I was just wondering if it would be possible to switch partners for the assignment…” He trailed off, unsure of how to continue. His words were a shock to you, and as a mother, you worked hard to fight the defensive instincts threatening to consume you.
“What’s wrong with Mr.Black?” You question in as calm a tone you could muster, however, you were sure Harry had picked up on the unsteadiness of your voice. The boy’s mouth opened and closed, seemingly searching for the right words to say, when his anxiety made you realize that this was not really about Archie at all.
“Is this about Sirius Black?” You said, your voice much softer this time. Your suspicions were concerned when Harry began furiously nodding, clearly distressed at the mere mention of the man.
“Ah...” You replied, unsure of what exactly to do about the boy’s anxiety, when you realized that the truth may be the best solution. You stood and turned to one of the tables behind you and began searching through one of the drawers.“Harry… What do you know about the House of Black?”
“Uhm, not much?” Harry answered, clearly confused as to your response.
You eventually turned to face him again, this time with a box in hand. Although smaller in size, the black box was ornamentally covered in green and gold details. You sat back down across from the boy, placing the box in front of you and ignoring it for the time being. 
“The Noble House of Black was a part of the Sacred 28 wizarding families and were a long line of Slytherin blood-purists. Orion Black was the patriarch of the house and, along with his wife Walburga, had two sons - Sirius and Regulus. Regulus is Arcturus and Cassiopeia’s father - have you heard of that name before?” Harry shook his head no, and that was all you needed to continue. “Regulus was two years younger than Sirius, and the pair were very close throughout childhood. However, when Sirius attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor rather than Slytherin, he soon began rebelling against his parents and their values. He criticized their purist prejudices and wanted nothing to do with his little brother when he was sorted into Slytherin. This hurt Regulus deeply and he began to resent his brother and, although he slowly started to agree with the criticisms Sirius had gotten disowned over, he felt as if he couldn’t betray his family. So as Sirius grew closer to your father, Reg-”
“Wait, how did he know my father?!” Harry questioned, desperate to understand how his parents fit into all of this.
“They were best friends, you didn’t know?” You replied as horror began washing over the boy’s face. “Harry, Sirius is your godfather. I know it’s probably shocking and scary now, but if you keep listening, I think everything will make a lot more sense and you’ll feel better.” The boy nodded as tears welled in the corners of his eyes.
“So, while Sirius and Regulus drifted apart, the younger brother was forced by his parents to join He Must Who Not Be Named as a death eater when he was only sixteen. Regulus quickly became his right-hand man, but something didn’t sit right with him. It was only after he fell in love that he began to realize that this was not the path he wanted in life. So while Regulus continued to attend Death Eater-meetings, he fed information to the girl who he would eventually marry who then relayed the intelligence to a group called the Order of the Phoenix. This included your parents, Sirius, Professor Lupin, the Weasleys, Dumbledore, me - people who were dedicated to stopping him.”
“So you knew him… Sirius Black?” Harry questioned, eyes still glassy as some tears had stained his cheeks. 
“Yes, Harry, I did…” You trailed off. “And if it’s any comfort, I don’t think he did it. The Sirius I knew wasn’t a madman, and although your other teachers would probably disagree with me, I really don’t think he’s out to get you.”
“What do you mean? Everybody keeps saying he’s looking for me!” Harry exclaimed, disbelieving the words leaving your mouth. “Even if he was innocent, doesn’t he blame my family for getting him locked up?”
“He is very likely looking for you, but not because he’s mad at you. Like I said, he was your godfather, and your father was like a brother to him. If anything, he’s looking for you because he believes you are each other���s only family left.”
“Why wouldn’t he go to his brother?” Harry inquired, slowly becoming curious about his relationship with Regulus.
“Because he figured out a way to stop Voldemort. Regulus discovered he’d made something called a horcrux, and that by destroying it, he could be killed.” You began, emotion beginning to build up in your throat, not having talked about losing your husband in quite some time. “Regulus found out where it was and set out to destroy it, but he died in the process. He left behind a wife who was pregnant with children he would never know he had: Arcturus and Cassiopeia. Regulus Black was a good man, Harry, a great one. The twins lost their father to the same man who killed yours, and I think you’re a lot more alike than you know.”
You finally opened the box in front of you and Harry watched you reach for a pile of pictures and began searching through them, finally finding the one you were looking for about six pictures in. You placed the extra pictures on your desk and handed one to Harry, and the contents of it made his eyes widen. 
The image was of two men and three toddlers, the caption reading ‘Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony with Harry, Archie, and Cassie - September 1981.’ The children were very happily playing, and Harry recognized one of the men as being Professor Lupin while the other was the face who he’d seen in every newspaper the past week - Sirius Black.
“We were… Friends?” Harry questioned, shocked at the revelation that the Slytherin boy had been his first friend during his infancy. You simply smiled and nodded, Harry eventually tore his gaze away from the card in his hands moving to one upon your desk. “Is that… Regulus Black?” 
Your eyes flickered to the picture he was talking about, only to meet one of Regulus from about six months before he died.
“Yeah, that’s him.” You said as a sad smile graced your lips. “Anyways, I’ve wasted enough of your lunch hour Harry, you should find your friends and eat something. You need to get some sugar into your stomach, so go grab some chocolate.”
The young boy stood and you began to walk him out of your classroom but just as he opened the door, he paused and turned around to face you.
“Professor, how did you know Regulus?” He said, yet something in his tone told you that he already knew.
“What do you mean, Harry? I told you, I worked for the Order.” You replied, even though you knew that showing him the pictures was a dead giveaway. But it was well worth it.
“You were married, weren’t you? You’re Arcturus and Cassiopeia’s mum?”
“Just don’t go telling the whole school,” you began. “I don’t think very many parents would approve of a Black teaching their children. It’ll be our little secret.” 
Harry nodded before running off to join his friends, and you left the classroom not long after. Walking through the halls, memories came back in flashes as the tears became harder and harder to fight. You thankfully held your composure until you arrived at the office door, tears beginning to fall as you began frantically knocking upon the rough wooden surface. 
When it eventually flung open to reveal your husband, his face immediately softened at your state as you rushed into his office room, Remus closing the door behind you. He opened his arms that you quickly flung yourself into, sobs wracking your body as he held you close. Remus didn’t ask what was wrong, he didn’t have to. He knew you hadn’t been back to the school since losing Regulus and, although he didn’t doubt your love for him, knew that there was the possibility of past emotions resurfacing and overwhelming you. He knew you too well.
As you calmed down in his arms, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for crying over your past love. Shouldn’t you have moved on? You had this wonderful man and a beautiful family now, that should be enough for you. But Hogwarts was where your love story with Regulus began, you wished on these stars, they were yours, and the halls would always bring back memories of him. You might have let him go, but at least for the next little while, he would consume your thoughts at the school.
The next few months progressed with little incident, and it became increasingly easier to control the strong emotions that had overtook you your first day. You watched Harry and Arcturus slowly become friends, and you watched as your son became the happy boy Remus and yourself had raised. While the uneventful year was a welcome tranquility, that peace came to an end when your husband came bursting into your quarters one evening.
“Honey, what’re you doing? Isn’t it-”
“Peter is alive! We have to go now!” He exclaimed, grabbing your wrist and dragging you through the dark halls of the castle and towards the shrieking shack.
While you were running, Harry, Hermione, and Archie approached a trembling Ron in the rotting house. 
“Harry! It’s a trap! He’s the dog, he’s an animagus!” Ron exclaimed, pointing behind the trio. Turning around, they watched what was left of the door creak open to reveal the fugitive the entire wizarding world was searching for. Although Harry remembered your words, he couldn’t help but feel afraid as a pair of rabid eyes stared back at him.
“If you’re going to kill Harry, you’re going to have to kill us too!” Hermione shouted, jumping in front of Harry as Arcturus followed suit, pointing his wand at his estranged uncle.
“Only one will die tonight!” Sirius remarked, slowly walking towards the children. He hadn’t paid much attention to the boy standing in front of Harry but as he approached, he was shocked to see his dead brother protecting his godson. He didn’t have time to think, though, as Harry quickly shouted something he only heard the end of before wrestling him to the ground. Raising his wand, Sirius let out a sickening laugh.
“Are you going to kill me Harry?”
Nobody had time to respond as the doors burst open, Remus shouting expelliarmus as Harry’s wand went flying across the room. You followed closely behind him, yet stood in the doorway just out of your brother in-law’s sight. Harry stared at Lupin and you, his breathing heavy as your husband tilted his head quickly, and that was all the boy needed to run back towards his friends. You raised your wand as well, approaching your husband’s side as you stood slightly behind him.
“Well, well, Sirius, looking rather ragged, aren’t we?” Your husband began, continuing to approach his former friend. “Finally the flesh reflects the madness within.”
“Well you’d know all about the madness within, wouldn’t you Remus?” Sirius retorted, looking between you and your husband as he took in just how much the two of you have changed.
The comment brought a small smile to your face, one that eventually grew bigger as you dropped your arm to your side, Remus following suit. You both reached out your hands and helped Sirius to his feet, him taking you into a bone-crushing hug.
“I missed you, sister.” He breathed into your hair, you mumbling how you missed him as well only loud enough for the two men to hear.
“Mum, what’re you doing?!” Archie exclaimed from the other side of the room, clearly taken aback by you embracing the man who’d just threatened to kill them. All three of you look over to a bewildered Archie, you dropping one of your arms from Sirius while the other stayed around his middle.
“Is that Archie?” He asked, glancing between Remus and yourself, the pair of you nodding. Sirius took in the sight of his nephew, who he earlier had believed to be his reanimated brother, before turning his attention back to his dearest friend who embraced him.
“I found him,” Sirius gasped between laughs.
“I know,” Remus soothed.
“It’s him!”
“I understand.”
“Let’s kill him!”
“No!” Hermione interrupted, shouting at the group of adults. “I trusted you! And all this time… You’ve been his friends!”
She paused to catch her breath and regain her composure before continuing her rant.
“He’s a werewolf! That’s why he’s been missing classes.” Your body stiffened as your husbands secret was exposed to Harry and Ron, and you saw Archie suffer from the same reaction. Of course he knew of what happened to his father every full moon, however he also knew the discrimination that accompanies it. Remus’ eyes darkened as he began to approach the girl.
“How long have you known?” He spoke with a demeanor that was so unlike the kind and gentle man you had fallen in love with, sending chills down your spine.
“Since Professor Snape set the essay.”
“Well well well, Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age I’ve ever met.” Remus said as Sirius grew impatient.
“Enough talk, Remus! Come on, let’s kill him!” Sirius shouted as he began pacing.
“Wait!” You warned, but that only angered him.
“I did my waiting!” He shouted. “Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!”
Remus you glanced at each other before looking towards a petrified Harry, clearly weighing your options as your husband began fiddling with the strange wand in his hands. Looking towards the floor, Remus hesitated before handing Sirius’ wand back to him.
“Very well…”
“Dad! How could you?!” Archie yelled from across the room, too upset with his parents’ actions to care about keeping their secret any longer. This came as a shock to both Sirius and the other children, their heads snapping towards your son as he raised his wand towards the man he’d considered to be his father. 
“Dad?!” Harry and Sirius exclaimed, almost comically in sync, as you put yourself between you son and your husband. You slowly grabbed the end of Archie’s wand and took it from his trembling hand, quickly wrapping your arms around the boy as you turned to face three shocked faces.
“We’re married, Sirius.” You explained, and Remus raised his left hand to show his friend the ring adorning his finger. Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s eyes flicked between you, your son, your husband, and your brother-in-law, at last putting your connection together as your betrayal stung them even deeper. Sirius’ face softened at the revelation, but Remus quickly picked up where they left off. 
“Kill him,” he began, “but wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why.”
“I know why!” Harry shouted. “You betrayed my parents! You’re the reason they’re dead!”
“No, Harry, it wasn’t him. Somebody did betray your parents but it was somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!” Remus exclaimed, and you finally felt Archie begin to relax enough that you could let go of your hold on him. 
“Who was it then?!” Harry argued.
“Peter Pettigrew!” Sirius yelled matter-of-factly. “And he’s in this room! Right now! Come on, come on, Peter! Come out, come out and play!”
“Expelliarmus!” A new voice called, Snape having snuck up on the group and quickly disarmed Sirius as many horrified faces turned to look at him. You tightened your grip on your wand as you moved to stand in front of Archie protectively. “Ah… Vengeance is sweet. How I’d hoped I’d be the one to catch you.”
“Severus,” Remus moved towards his colleague before quickly flinching away as Snape moved his wand towards him.
“I told Dumbledore you were helping and old friend into the castle and now - here’s the proof!”
“Brilliant, Snape. Once again you’ve put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion!” Sirius mocked. “Now if you’ll excuse us, Remus, (Y/N), and I have some unfinished business to attend to.”
Snape, having previously lowered his wand, quickly raised it again, this time right against Sirius’ neck. 
“Give me a reason. I beg you.”
“Severus, don’t be a fool.” You said, attempting to diffuse the situation.
“He can’t help it, it’s happened by now!” 
“Sirius be quiet!” Remus added.
“Go quiet yourself, Remus!” Your husband turned away and approached you, visibly annoyed at his friend’s sour attitude.
You stopped listening to their quarrel as you saw Harry reaching into Hermione’s pocket in the corner of your eye. Shifting your attention over to the teens, you saw him slowly pulling out her wand before you turned to Remus, who hadn’t noticed this subtle movement. Before long, Snape was knocked unconscious into the bed. 
In the following minutes, the truth about Peter Pettigrew was revealed as you led the quivering traitor alongside your family and students through the tunnel. 
“I must say,” Sirius began, glancing between you and Remus as he helped Harry carry an injured Ron. “I never expected the two of you winding up together. How long?”
“We’ve been married for ten years.” Remus replied with a shy smile, hoping his friend would approve of the match given that you are still Sirius’ brother’s widow. 
“You still have to see Cassie, and you can meet Teddy! He’s our youngest, this was his first year here and he was sorted into Hufflepuff!” You explained, excitement lacing every word as you held your husband’s hand. To your students, this talk of a long-term relationship and PDA was a shock, as they were unaware of just how close the two of you really were. Sure, they’d had suspicions, but your talk with Harry led them to believe that you were still grieving Regulus.
Upon exiting the willow, Sirius finally had the opportunity to pull Archie aside for a moment, just a few feet away from the others.
“You look just like him, you know…” He began, not knowing exactly what to say to his nephew. 
“I know.” Archie nodded, a sad smile forming as he looked towards his uncle.
“Y’know, I’d hated your father for years when your mother showed up at my door. I didn’t know just what he’d done until after he died, when she showed up at my door telling me what a hero he was.” Sirius recounted. “I felt awful, like he’d still be here if I’d just given him the chance. But then, y’know what she told me?” Archie shook his head. “She told me she was pregnant with you, well, you and your sister but we didn’t know that at the time, and that was when I knew. I promised myself that I would be there for you, that I would fill his shoes and protect you. And I did for a year, up until I was arrested, but you guys and Harry were all I thought about in that cell as I rotted. I’m sorry that I’ve failed you the past twelve years and although I’m so glad that Remus has become a father to you, I still want to be there for you. I want to be a part of your lives, whether it be every day or whenever you can spare a visit.”
“I’d like that too.” Archie simply stated, embracing his uncle as Harry began approaching them. He left the two of them to talk before gazing into the night sky. Admiring the moon as it began to move from behind the mountain, it took him a minute to fully register exactly what night it was. 
“Dad?!” Archie exclaimed, bringing all of your attention to the full moon in the sky as the inevitable began. 
Chaos ensued, a horror film of a night that you never want to experience again.
The following week, it was no surprise to Dumbledore when you and your husband resigned. Snivellus had let slip the truth about the two of you, him being a dangerous werewolf while yourself having aided the “madman” that was your brother-in-law, two things that don’t typically sit well with parents.
Packing up your office, Hermione made her way in, ginger cat in her arms as she watched you pile your belongings into boxes.
“Professor, what’re you doing?” She questioned, shocked to see you packing up your office. “Did Dumbledore fire you? He must know that-”
“No, no! Dumbledore has been nothing but supportive, but... He stuck his neck out hiring Remus and I, knowing who we are, and now that Snape has revealed the truth about us, it’ll be best for everyone if it looks like he let us go.” You explained, pausing your ministrations as you looked around at the now empty shelves.
“I’m sorry…” She began, unsure of what else there was to say. “I’m sorry for everything that happened that night, I feel as though we just made a mess of everything. Pettigrew escaped and now you and Professor Lupin are leaving…”
“Hermione, now you listen to me.” You sat her down in a chair and crouched before her. “Two innocent lives were saved because of you and Harry. Now that is something amazing, and something I would be willing to lose my job for all over again.” You gave her a smile, one that quickly became a tight-lipped wince as the cat on her lap began licking your face. 
“Crookshanks!” She exclaimed while pulling the feline away from you, horrified at his actions.
“It’s fine, Hermione. He’s quite a cute cat.” You gave her a wide smile as you took Crookshanks from her arms and held him close to your chest. He gazed at you with an almost human-like intelligence upon his face, before shutting his eyes as he purred at your touch. “Is he part kneazle?”
“Yes, actually.” She began. “The man at the Menagerie said it was why he’d been there for so long. The kneazle part made him look a little odd, but I think it’s what makes him handsome.” 
You handed the feline back to her, glancing at the clock upon the wall and realizing that you’d agreed to meet Remus at the entrance in five minutes. 
“Can you please do me one last favour, Hermione?” You asked, heading towards the only item left on your desk, a small black box. Opening it, you pulled the top picture out and extended your arm to hand the girl the image. “Could you please give this to Harry next time you see him? Remind him that his family will only ever be a letter away.”
She nodded as her eyes scanned the paper before her, seeing that it was a picture of a younger Remus and Sirius playing with Harry, Archie, and Cassie while they were all still babies. She smiled, finding solace the fact that Harry’s family life will be getting better than how the Dursley’s have treated him the past twelve years. An orange paw upon the paper tore her attention away from the image, Crookshanks looking to be the center of attention once again.
“Well then,” you gathered all your possessions into one trunk with a final flick of your wand. “I must be off, but I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again very soon.” You turned to walk away, leaving your classroom far behind you as you eventually met up with your husband at the front of the school.
“Have you called the meeting yet?” You questioned, quiet enough so only Remus could hear.
“Yes, my dear. They should all be waiting at home when we get back to London.” He replied.
“Excellent.” You commented as you walked hand-in-hand away from the castle as you made your way back to 12 Grimmauld Place, the Black family slowly beginning to resurface in the both of your lives once more.
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In Love and Death. Part 1
Harry Potter AU (request fic)
Summary: (set during current time) Regulus Black has made a lot of mistakes. Now he has a chance to fix the mistakes or possibly make them worse.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M- later chapters
Song at the beginning: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
She knows what I think about and what I think about...one love, two mouths, one love, one house. No shirt, no blouse. Just us, you find out...
“I’m going to hell.”
It was the thought going through Regulus’ head as he looked down at your sleeping form.
“I’m going to hell and Evan is going to kick my ass from one side of the place to another but she’s worth it...always will be worth it.”
Regulus turned on his back and slammed his head down on the pillow. His life was one series of failures after another. After drowning and staying dead for a while, Regulus woke up at the bottom of the cave’s lake surrounded by actually dead inferi. As he kicked to the surface the best thing that Regulus could put together was the potion didn’t let him be fully drowned or Voldemort was really losing his touch.
Things were, even more, confusing the first time that Regulus looked at himself. He hadn’t changed. The boy looking back in the mirror was the same boy that Regulus was when he had gone to that cave in the first place.
Dead things don’t age.
His mind had supplied. Confusing was the best way to describe everything. Waking up in a different generation, finding out Sirius had gone to prison and was now on the run, and realizing the secret that he “died for” was out...Regulus had to sit quietly and take everything in. It took Sirius and Remus talking to him numerous times to get Regulus to actually speak again.
That is where you came in and shook his fucked up world some more. You were an auror and a young one at that. Before you walked into Grimmauld Place and made Regulus feel like he had been slapped on the back of the head with a book, he never had any interest in falling in love. It was too risky and he didn’t have the time nor the drive for it. Now some girl with sandy hair and bright blue eyes was making him reconsider everything that he felt about relations and Regulus had no clue who you were.
It wasn’t until Sirius introduced the two of you after seeing his brother’s expression did Regulus realize how fucked he was…Evan Rosier’s daughter...you were his fucking best friend’s daughter that had clearly grown up in the time that Regulus was dead.
Regulus had to quickly look away in order to chastise himself for even looking at you that way. It didn’t matter that you were an adult (and a very attractive adult at that). Regulus was there when you were born. Hell, he had been there when Evan turned up at Grimmauld Place the summer before 7th year freaking out because his girlfriend was pregnant. It had taken Regulus all that he had to not tell Evan that he was a fucking fool when the other boy made the comment that he was told that Emma wouldn’t get pregnant if she jumped up and down after sex. Regulus had sat there staring at Evan the whole time with a frown.
“Jumping up and down? What? Where do you get your facts? My mother, as prudish as she is, at least gave me a pamphlet on what happens. I told you not to listen to the Carrow twins!”
Regulus had to shake the thoughts from his mind as he took in your confused expression. The moment that you spoke for the first time, Regulus again felt like he had been whacked with a book.
“Sirius, I thought that you said your brother was dead?”
Sirius nodded then shrugged.
“Yes but apparently he’s not. It's kind of confusing.”
“So Supernatural dead?”
“Excuse me, but what is Supernatural and just what does this have to do with me?”
Regulus had finally started to become annoyed with wondering what the two of you were talking about. It was Sirius that had to give him the update on “pop culture.”
The next few weeks led to Regulus falling further and further in love with you. Whether it was wrong or not, he couldn’t help it.
“She won’t want me. I’m a former dark wizard. She’s an auror. What kind of fucked up joke would that be?”
Others in the Order, particularly Alastor Moody, took great pride in watching every move that Regulus made around you. Moody was not about to let one of the girls that he cared about could be harmed by someone that was on his “list” once upon a time. It didn’t matter to Moody that “to the world,” Regulus and yourself would physically make a cute couple. To someone looking in, they would assume Regulus was just some 18-year-old kid and would have a decent shot with you.
“It's best you stay away from Y/n. You are old enough to be her father. I don’t care how young you look or if you have been taking a years-long siesta...you’re a death eater and that’s what you’ll always be in my eyes. Y/n has dealt with a lot in her life. Her family has abandoned her. She doesn’t need some guy who has affiliations with those people.”
Regulus still scowled at Moody’s comment. It didn’t matter to the auror that Regulus actually provided proof that he “wasn’t bad.” To Moody, that dark mark on Regulus’ arm would always be damning evidence that he couldn’t be trusted.
To Moody’s displeasure, you agreed to go with Regulus on a several months mission to Greece. Regulus had to fight back a fit of laughter as Moody threw a fit like an overgrown child about it. It wasn’t until you came into the conversation did the elder auror cool his heels down.
All of the previous events led up to Regulus’ current situation. The two of you had been in Greece for a few days spying on what looked like was the Carrows. It was day three when you kissed him for the first time. The memory would be forever ingrained into his memory….
Regulus stood looking over the edge of the hotel balcony. After another day of watching his former friends wander around like blind idiots, Regulus was exhausted. He wasn’t a “sit back and watch” type. He would much rather just go and hex the hell out of the Carrow twins then ask for forgiveness later. The sensible side of his head, however, told him to cool his heels and calm the fuck down. If he wanted any hope of clearing his name and showing that he wasn’t a monster; going against what the Order wanted was no way to do it.
He turned at the sound of your voice calling his name. You stepped out onto the balcony with him.
“Have they done anything new?”
Regulus shook his head.
“I think Amycus will need a new liver soon. I have never seen someone drink so much.”
You laughed at the comment as you began to watch Amycus practically snog the bottle of fire whiskey. Regulus, meanwhile, kept his eyes on you. It was wrong to be looking at you like this. He bloody held you as a newborn; now he was drooling over you.
You reminded Regulus of Evan. There was the same serious expression that Evan wore 95% of the time along with his physical looks. Regulus was thankful, however, that you were nothing like the Rosier family. You were spunky and had an amusing sense of humor.
After a few moments, you turned back to the man at your side.
“Can I ask you something?”
Regulus nodded. He was trying to keep himself as closed off as possible to you. Maybe if he acted as if he wasn’t interested then you would believe him.
“Don’t get mad.”
You said before standing on your tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips.
After that, he was hooked. You didn’t kiss him again for another two days. In fact, it was Regulus that made the next move. He had spent enough time in his head going batty until he had to touch you again. To his pleasure, you didn’t fight back.
“I’m too old for you.”
Regulus mumbled between kisses. Your fingers were locked into his hair making sure that he wasn’t about to get a clean getaway.
“No one would know. We look that same age.”
“This is really fucked up. You know what I am…”
Your hand was on his lips silencing any further comment.
“What you were. Not now. I don’t care what our friends say. My family...I’m a blood traitor to them so they aren’t shocked by anything that I do anymore.”
Your moving pulled Regulus from his thoughts. He quickly closed his eyes hoping that you would think that he was still sleeping and not worrying about what was going on in his head.
“I know you're awake.”
You said with a grin. Regulus’ sighed as you wiggled your way on top of him. His grey eyes rolled up to your bright blue ones. You were used to the serious expression on his face. It was rare when you got a smile from him.
“Beautiful boy.”
You said with a smile. Regulus reached up and grabbed your hand. He gave you a raised eyebrow before bringing your hand to his lips.
“You spoil me.”
This was how the two of you had spent most mornings. The Carrows didn’t come out until typically late in the evening so that left Regulus and yourself with free time during the day.
“As I should.”
You replied, stroking your hands through his messy hair. Although neither of you had said “I love you” yet, you knew that you were in love with Regulus. This was the first time that you had felt that emotion in your life. You credited this to your parents. More like your mother, Emma. She never told you one time that she loved you or made you feel loved. You assumed that she just went crazy after your father died.
Regulus was in the same boat. He didn’t talk about his parents much. In fact, he didn’t want to talk about his childhood ever. What you knew about his childhood, you had learned from Sirius. At first, you didn’t think that Regulus would want anything to do with you. That quickly changed, however, when he realized how nice it was to have someone want him. He was as touch starved as you were! It was rather amusing how you had gone from being a girl who “didn’t need a man” to a girl who bent over backward to please the man that you were falling in love with.
You already knew that your friends wouldn’t be thrilled with the relationship. Tonks had already sent a text asking if something was going on with Regulus. You simply brushed off the question with some witty humor (but you knew Tonks wouldn’t be so easily thrown off).
“Y/n, please. The two of you have nothing in common. He’s dangerous and I think that you know it. An auror dating a former death eater isn’t a good look no matter what Regulus can do to prove his innocence. I just care about you. If Regulus can come back from the dead what’s not saying your father won’t?”
It didn’t matter how many times you told Tonks that Regulus’ waking up was most likely due to Voldemort. Your father was killed by Moody. If he came back from the dead then there was definitely some weird shit going on.
“We have to go back tomorrow.”
Regulus’ calm tone pulled you from your thoughts. He quickly pulled you back down into the bed beside him. You settled yourself against his chest as Regulus reached up to gently stroke your hair.
“I know. I’ve been dreading it.”
Regulus was quiet for a few moments.
“So do we break up and act as if nothing happened between us or are we going to go in and be ready to fight?”
Your head snapped up.
“I don’t want to break up. I want to be with you.”
The question broke your heart. You wished that things could be as easy as they appeared. To others in this hotel, Regulus and yourself looked like innocent teenagers out on a holiday. They didn’t know the “truth” but your friends would know.
Regulus took his place on top of you. His left hand had gone back to your face. Your eyes fluttered to the dark mark on his arm. Maybe you were being childish but you didn’t care about that brand on your lover’s body. He was a different man now.
“I want to be with you too. I don’t care what our so-called friends have to say. It's not going to be easy and I think you are a smart enough girl to know that.”
Regulus was relieved when you pulled him down for a kiss.
“I’ve faced a lot of bad things in my past. I’m not scared of making my friends mad. They’ll either accept it or we can go out on our own.”
Regulus sat up. Going off on your own would be a lot easier said than done. There would be no way in hell that Alastor Moody was about to let one of his aurors go off with a death eater. Alastor Moody would track Regulus down like a dog and take you away.
You were on your knees behind him in an instant. Pushing a chunk of his curls away from his face, you pressed kisses to his jawline.
“You know that is a lot easier said than done. If we go off on our own...find our own little place...it's not going to look good on your job being married to a death eater. We’ve had this conversation before, Y/n.”
Regulus stated, calmly. He could tell that you were beginning to get frustrated the moment that you pulled away from him.
“Yes, we have. No one has to know what you were. You keep your arm covered up. Besides, there are a lot of former death eaters running around just fine. Take a look at Lucius Malfoy, for example.”
Regulus rolled his eyes again.
“Yes, love, I know. Lucius Malfoy is the scary mother fucker that gets away with everything. I don’t think that I am going to be that lucky.”
You got out of bed and slipped the lace nightie that you were wearing off.
“We shouldn’t worry about things that haven’t even happened yet. Come join me in the shower.”
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masterhandss · 3 years
HameFura LN5 - A Lady for Nicol (theory)
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While we all love all the harem members for Katarina, but in the end she’s just one person and only one person can reign as the victor of her heart. 
One of my most favorite theories/observations that came from the bakarina reddit discord is the importance of the “Lady” from Light Novel Volume 5, who was the main character alongside Nicol is their chapter in that book. The lady isn’t given a name or a physical description in her chapter which could indicate that her role is merely that of a plot device in order to prevent Nicol from giving up on Katarina’s hand. Her constant support and encouragement of Nicol’s feelings is what encourages him to continue pursuing her despite already graduating in the academy by Volume 5, cementing Nicol’s place in the harem, and yet for some people this chapter implied something else; feeling like this lady will be a contender for Nicol’s end-game love interest once Katarina chooses. 
A few users on the discord pointed out how wonderful it would be for Nicol to end up with this Lady, given how strong and admirable her personality was build up to despite only appearing for a single chapter. She’s smart, honest, independent and can carry a conversation; which is a lot of traits that Nicol seems to like in a partner. 
It is possible that this Lady will never be named and become her own character (unless the Second Season of the anime adapts his chapter and introduces her to everyone as a filler scene), but it is still possible for her to return as a future candidate for Nicol’s partner as the series eliminates the competition for Katarina’s heart. 
Despite all this though, who could really say that we don’t know this character yet? 
I propose that as of Volume 9 (the most recent JP release of the novels), we already know who the Lady from Volume 5 is! 
It’s all just a matter of observation/elimination!
Spoilers for the light novels and a lil bit from the webnovel!
Edit (2/13/21): I added a lil more!
I believe that the identity of the Lady that Nicol met during his matchmaking meetings is none other than Fray Randall, the student council president of the Magic Academy in Volume 6. 
Quick note, J-Novels translated Fray’s name to “Fray Landoor”, but its supposed to be Fray Randall. I mean without even pulling out the kanji for Fray’s surname, you read it out loud ‘Landoor’ as “Ran-do-ru” in japanese, in the same way you’d read ‘Randall”. Regardless if you pull out a raw version of the novels or google translate both surnames, you get the same characters of “ランドール“, proving that Fray is from the Marquis of Randall. The connection is even more undeniable considering the fact that Fray is described as a girl with black hair and blue eyes in LN6, just like Suzanna. 
Part 1 - Fray and the Lady
First, lets establish what we know about the Lady:
She is from a high ranking family
She is a member of the Student Council in Katarina’s final year in the Academy (an underclassman that is close with Katarina)
She gives an allusive, strong and resilient impression
She is very intelligent, talented and has a high magical aptitude (evident in the fact that she is in the Student Council)
She is very curious and perceptive about other people
She admires Lana Smith (Suzanna Randall)
She is very supportive of Nicol’s feelings for Katarina
She has no intention of marrying and wants to work independently in the Magic Ministry
She is the 5th and last candidate for Nicol’s fiancee
Before going to Fray, I just want to establish something for those who do not know: Light Novel Volume 6 isn’t the first time we’ve seen Fray. She, as well as her best friend Ginger, are already well established characters even before the Volume 5 was published, because those two characters comes from an extra web novel chapter that was not adapted into the first arc (the first two books) of the novels. The extra chapter is called “About the Duke’s Daughter” which tells the tale of Ginger Tucker’s experience of meeting Katarina. The chapter itself doesn’t introduce anything new about Fray, other than the fact that the Randalls are a Marquis Family, but the chapter will come up again later. 
Now, lets establish what we know about Fray Randall:
She is from the Marquis of Randall, a high ranking family
She is the next president of the Student Council in Katarina’s final year in the Academy (an underclassman that is close with Katarina)
She is well-mannered, polite and charming
She is very intelligent, talented and has a high magical aptitude (evident in the fact that she is in the Student Council)
She is quite perceptive when it comes to the feelings of her tsundere friend Ginger
She is most likely related to Suzanna Randall (as they share the same last name; either sisters or cousins)
She is very supportive of Ginger’s feelings for Katarina
I probably don’t need to make a chart to emphasize the similarities of these two characters (but i’ll still compare anyways). I know not everything lines up, especially when it comes to their personality. We haven’t seen too much of Fray to write a perfectly accurate description of her, all we know is that she behaves like a perfect noblewoman in front of others but is also quite cheeky when it comes to teasing her friend Ginger about her admiration for their Katarina-senpai. 
That isn’t to say that there are no other similarities between them! Nicol has noted a few times how smart sounding and well-mannered the lady is, which while does apply to most ladies, it should still be considered. Both Fray and the Lady have perfect etiquette, but has a more energetic and outspoken personality. The Lady reminds me a lot of Suzanna Randall, and that comparison makes me feel like the Lady could be Fray, because of how likely it is that Suzanna’s little sister/cousin could be as brazen and independent as she is. 
Both Fray and the Lady are open minded people. the Lady does not care about the existing culture of high society and wants to act independently. Fray does not care about the culture of high society and accepts Ginger despite her normal appearance and low status. 
Both Fray and the Lady as very supportive of another’s characters feelings for Katarina, aka Ginger and Nicol respectively. Both characters insisted that their friends accept their feelings of love/admiration, and to act on them. Anyone who has seen either the web novel chapter knows that Fray and Ginger are very close to Katarina and the harem, which is important because the Lady specifically got all the tea about Nicol liking Katarina from Sophia. 
Both Fray and the Lady are from high ranking families. Specifically, Fray is a Marchioness, which is a rank higher than Nicol. 
Speaking of the Marquis of Randalls, the Lady has voiced her admiration about her idol:  a woman who works for the Magic Ministry but isn’t of a high ranking family. She is most likely talking about Lana Smith (aka Suzanna’s alter ego). The Lady mentions that her family highly opposes her desires to work in the Ministry and insists that she marries instead. 
Suzanna in Volume 3 and 4 implies the same things: despite her desires to study magic, she is forced by her parents to attend matchmaking events in order to find a fiancée (which ended up becoming Geoffrey) and it is not hard to surmise that her family is one of the reasons she hides her identity in the Ministry. If Fray is from the same family, then she will most likely be receiving the same treatment. 
We cannot say whether of not the Lady admiring Lana Smith is an indication that she knows who Lana is. There is the possibility that the Lady admires Lana but isn’t aware of her identity at all, but there’s also the possibility that the Lady does know who Lana is and gave Lana’s fake story as to not blow her cover. If the Lady really is Fray, then both sides of the theory can do wonders for her character. 
Both Fray and the Lady are smart and magically-talented, as you can tell by the fact that they are both in the Student Council. In fact, Fray is so smart and talented that she will eventually succeed Gerald as President in the Magic Academy! Doesn’t that remind anybody of a certain Randall who is also a prodigy?
Part 2 - Katarina’s Underclassmen in the Student Council
Speaking of the Student Council, one of my key arguments as to why I think Fray Randall is Nicol’s Lady from Volume 5 is because of the web novel chapter “About the Duke’s Daughter” featuring Ginger. In the light novels, Fray was introduced in Volume 6 while the Lady is introduced in Volume 5. Since the web novel chapter was never published, LN6 is the new introductions of Fray and Ginger.
In the anime and light novels, it is identified that in Sirius and Nicol’s batch, there were 7 members of the student council (Sirius, Nicol, Girl 1, Girl 2, Boy 1, Boy 2 and Boy 3), and in Katarina’s batch there is 6 student council members (Gerald, Keith, Alan, Mary, Sophia and Maria). With that we can assume that their is typically 6-7 new freshmens to join the student council every year (push it to 6-8 if you want but I’m going with 7)
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First draft of my fan designs for Ginger Tucker and Fray Randall btw :DD
I made Fray look too sweet in this doodle, she’s a sass-pants I swear!
Like I already said before, both Fray and the Lady are members of the student council, who are close to Katarina. Knowing only the light novels, one might assume that it is impossible to determine how many members Fray and Ginger’s batch of council freshmens are, but in reality its pretty easy. 
I’m not going to say that out of the freshmens, Katarina is only close to Fray and Ginger, since they are the only ones to show up in Volume 6, but I will agree that it is likely. If we go by the estimates of 6-8 council members per batch, we’ll go in the middle and say that Ginger’s batch has 7 student council members as Katarina is in her final year. 
In the web novel chapter “About the Duke’s Daughter”, there is a scene where Ginger is being bad mouthed by 3 of her female peers in the student council room. Here’s the scene from the web novel chapter (in Ginger’s POV):
There was something I didn't understand in class that day so after visiting the teacher, I went to the student council room and arrived later than usual. Then some of the same classmates, who were members of the student council seemed to be ahead, and I heard voices talking from inside. 
'What's with her attitude! I'm so angry at her, that Ginger Tucker." "Indeed! What can we even do about her?" "Being so prideful just because she's a little smart" 
 I unintentionally pulled my hand from the door handle. This is a scene I can't enter.
So it can't be helped. It was then that I thought I should wait a little before entering. 
"I don't think Ginger is like that at all" 
Perhaps she was there the entire time, as now a voice of a third-party spoke in between their angry voices. 
 "K-Katarina-sama? Were you here this entire time?" In a surprised voice, it turns out the those girls were not aware of Katarina's presence.
With this we can identify 5 out of 7 of the student council members, with the final two we can assume that they are either two guys or one guy and one girl (but its most likely the prior.
We would have <Ginger, Fray, Girl 1, Girl 2, Girl 3, Boy 1 and Boy 2>.
But that begs the question, who is the Lady? Is there only 1 male student in the freshmen batch of the student council, with the Lady filling that last spot, or is the Lady among the 5 girls we’ve established? Or are there 8 student council members instead? I don’t need to answer my own questions, you do the math :))
Of course there’s the possibility that the author is disregarding this webnovel chapter and creates a new freshmen batch from scratch, but while The Lady nor Fray has yet to be adapted into the manga and anime, i’ll take this as a win for me. 
Edit (2/13/21): A thought just occurred to me while reading the japanese wiki!
Ginger, in the webnovel chapter, has made it perfectly clear that she wants to join the Ministry to become independent. The “Lady”, in Volume 5, has made it perfectly clear that she wants to join the Ministry to be like her idol, Lana Smith (Suzanna Randall).
With that in mind, doesn’t that increase the chances of the “Lady” being Fray Randall?? because the two best friends want to eventually join the Ministry and join their senpais and idols??? it wouldn’t make sense if it was Ginger and another character from the student council third batch that we don’t know of!
Anyways, that's it for this hamefura theory. I might edit this if there's new information to come around. With the announcement of the Second Season, there’s a very high possibility that this chapter will be adapted as filler. It is possible that we will meet this lady, or maybe even Fray, whichever comes first. 
The Lady most likely is just the plot device though, but we do what we can with what we have lol. 
Regardless if this theory is correct or not, I think I made a pretty strong case! Thank you for reading!
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with-love-anu · 4 years
The New Neighbour 1
PAIRING: Sirius Black x Reader
Series Masterlist
Sirius sat down at the table yawning. James was just back from his run and was making a smoothie for himself.
“Morin’” Sirius mumbled.
“Good morning.”
Sirius poured himself some coffee, making himself a sandwich.
“How many steps today?”
“14 K . It’s getting better, I am nearing the goal.” James said smiling as Sirius nodded.
“James, you are amazing, they’ll regret not having you on the team.” Sirius said taking a big bite of the bread.
“I know, I know. I just want to make sure my audition goes well.” They heard some fumbling and turned to see Remus coming out of his room with disheveled hair.
James sighed.
“Were you up again, reading all night?”
“In my defense, there were just 5 chapters left.” Remus said, boiling some water for tea.
There was a knock on the door and Sirius groaned.
“Must be the encyclopedia man. I’ve told him so many times we are not interested, yet he wouldn’t just listen.” Sirius got up fussing and opened the door.
“WE DON’T BLOODY NEED YOUR ENCLYCOPEDIAS! GET A HINT! …fuck off?” Sirius stopped yelling seeing a (Y/h/c) haired girl standing outside.
“Oh… hello?” Sirius whispered, cursing himself for behaving such in front of a cute looking stranger.
“I assure you I would not try to sell any encyclopedias to you.” She said with an amused smile and Sirius clenched his eyes shut.
“I’m (Y/n) by the way. I was moving into 18 B and thought I’d introduce myself.” (Y/n) said with a smile.
“Sirius.” Sirius said giving the girl a smile. He opened the door wider and gestured to his friends.
“He’s James and he’s Remus. We’re roommates.”
“James, Remus this is (Y/n) and she’s moving in 18 B.” (Y/n) gave a small wave, smiling at them.
Remus furrowed his brows.
“You aren’t (Y/n) (Y/l/n), are you?”
“The very same.”
“Holy shit!” Remus said widening his eyes. “I am Remus Lupin, we’ve conversed several times through mail?” (Y/n) gasped.
“Oh, hi! I adore your feedback on my books! Thank you so much!”
“I love them so so much!! Your poetry is a-amazing!”
James and Sirius watched the scene play before them in amusement. ‘Who the hell was this girl’ Sirius thought. ‘And how did she look so perfect in the morning?’
“It was so nice meeting you guys! I must go now.” (Y/n) said giving them all a tight nod.
As soon as the door closed, Sirius stalked towards Remus.
“Okay spill. Who is she?” Sirius asked.
“She’s a poet. She’s written so many books like- “Thinking out loud” and “Dreams and fantasies”. I’ve read them all and I know she’s a super sweet person. She always answered my mails, takes time to address questions and replies.”
“So are we just going to ignore the fact that Sirius straight up told her to fuck off?” James smirked at Sirius, making him release a groan. Remus laughed.
“Well, the encyclopedia man comes at the same time!!!”
“Is it only me or Sirius checked her out the whole time?” Remus asked James.
“Oh, he did.” James said looking towards Sirius.
“Sirius, can I request you to please not sleep with this one girl; because A: She’s gonna be our neighbor and B: I really like talking to her.”
“Not that it was going to happen, but fine.” Sirius grumbled.
You moved into your new apartment a few days later. The neighbors seemed to be very welcoming. And Sirius… well, he was hot. You put on some music and got to setting up the house. You had already got the shifters to place the heavy furniture into their specific rooms, so you had much lesser stress. There was a knock on the door. You frowned going to see who it was. Sirius, your new neighbor was here.
“I’m sorry. Was the music too loud?” you asked.
“Oh no, it’s fine.” He said shrugging. “I just thought I’d check up on you.”
“I was just setting up the house.” You opened the door wider so he could look in.
“Would you like some help? Me and James have nothing much to do and are pretty much bored out of our minds. Plus, bonding experience.” Sirius said gesturing between him and you and you let out a giggle. Sirius smiled widely, he loved that sound.
“Well if you insist,” you said.
Sirius went back to his apartment, and switched off the T.V.
“Hey!” James groaned. “I was watching that!”
“Come on, (Y/n)’s setting up the house and I offered we would help her.”
“You bloody never help cleaning this house and offered to help her set up hers?” James asked raising his eyebrows.
“Well I am being a good neighbor and you should too. Come on, get up!”
“You like her.” James pointed out. Sirius felt a blush rising on his cheeks.
“No, I don’t. I just want to be a good neighbor and do a nice thing.” Sirius said looking away.
“Oh my god, you do like her.” James laughed and Sirius glared at him, making him stop.
“Okay let’s go.” James mumbled.
“Hello there, neighbor!” James said as he came in and you gave him a warm smile.
“Hey James, are you sure you want to help me? I feel very selfish taking both of your time.”
“Oh shush. I am happy to help.” James grinned. “Wow, the colors are lovely!” he said looking around.
“Thanks!” you said opening up the lighting box. You took out the lamp, the neon lights and other fancy bulbs. Sirius and James were beside you, helping you clean them.
The three of you spent hours un-boxing, cleaning, talking and having fun. Strange, how with better company, work seems so much easier. Sirius constantly flirted with you, a thing you thought he did with everyone. He was apparently a fashion designer and James a fitness trainer and owned the gym named “potters”. You sighed opening the last box. Your paintings. Portraits of acquaintances, complete strangers and best friends. James and Sirius gasped as you took the canvases out.
“You draw too?” Sirius asked with widened eyes making you giggle.
“Yes. I actually love doing a hell a lot of things and hence take up only part-time jobs. I’ve sketched and painted as long as I could remember. All over the years, travelling to different countries, writing and working as a part time designer and editor; I kept the habit alive. Took out my canvas and brushes whenever someone seemed to pluck an inspiration in me.”
Sirius looked at the different canvas in awe. Was there one thing, you couldn’t do?
“You seem to have so many talents!” Sirius said softly.
“Ahhhh… well, thank you.” You said as you felt heat crawl up your face.
“Mate, look at this one!” James said pointing out the Jack’s painting.
“This is Jack. He owned a bar at the outskirts of Amsterdam. He was about 72 years when I met him. Never saw someone so full of life and energy. And he was pretty open minded too. Talked to depressed people at the pub, always leaving them feeling happier.”
James gave you a wide smile.
After putting up the canvases in the room you let out a long breath.
“Thank you so much, guys! Couldn’t have done this without you. Let’s go eat somewhere. Does pizza sound good? My treat.” You asked them, relieved that you settled in much faster than you had hoped.
“Well I can’t deny anything when it comes to you, my love.” Sirius said smirking and you blushed and widened your eyes slightly. You turned towards James, who grinned and nodded.
“You could call Remus too, if he’s not busy.”
“He’ll probably be reading some book right now. He loves doing that. He is actually an editor. Wait, meet me outside, I’ll call him” James said and turned to leave. You went in and grabbed your coat, keys and your purse.
Sirius was looking at a picture when you came back.
“Ready?” Sirius smirked. You nodded. He gave you his hand which you took it, giggling. Did he have to be so charming in everything he did?
Remus gave you a small smile as he saw you. You all went to the local pizza place laughing and chatting. They seemed to be very nice people. You hoped you all could be friends.
“And then he goes in and is like ‘whaaat’; and I am like, ‘bitch please, you knew this would happen’.” James recounted, making you snort. Your cheeks were already hurting with how much you laughed and there were tears in your eyes. As you all returned towards the apartment, you stopped by the ice-cream truck for some treats.
When you went to bed that night, you smiled. You felt happy after a long time, talking to genuine people, not someone who was all too intent on making a good impression on you.
The boys however grinned and smirked at Sirius. They had every well seen Sirius act differently around you.
“So, I saw someone watching (Y/n) as if she held the world.” James teased.
“Shut up, she’s just very nice and a really cute person.” Sirius said not quite meeting his friends eyes. Remus mock gasped.
“Never. Never have I heard in the last 12 years of our friendship, that Sirius finds a girl ‘just very nice and a really cute person’” Remus said air quoting.
“They are either: hot, really hot or meh. Did the sun rise from the west today or has our pretty little Sirius finally fallen in love?” James said cocking an eyebrow. Sirius rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Okay, I might like her.” he said pointedly.
James hooted and Remus threw his hand up in the air.
“Finally! someone he actually likes. What do you think Remus? Though I am happy for him, how long do you think before he messes up?”
“A week.” Remus said winking at Sirius, making him groan.
“I hate you guys.”
“You know you love us!” they laughed as Sirius went to his room shouting-‘fuck you!’
A/N: I’ve completed the series. I’ll be posting it everyday. Stay tuned. And this is my second series, the first one wasn’t much of a hit so feedback would be greatly welcomed! And ahhh... yes, prepare for some pinning
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grimwand · 2 years
The background of my fanfiction
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After a long silence, suddenly a dozen ideas hit me today about what can I post here. My basic guideline will be my fanfiction, so let's start with introducing that to you a little more. I won't write about the actual story now (I will go in details about that later) rather than the basic ideas behind it.
I think a lot of stories born with a "What if...?" question - and this especially fits the fanfiction genre. So here is my question:
What if Sirius Black had a daughter?
After I came up with this question, I started thinking about the possible outcomes and I did my best creating as logical ideas as possible.
I knew that there will be things wich I have to change, and there will be things which I can change (based on my own taste). I did both and since I have not finished the fanfiction yet, I will continue doing so.
Thinking about the circumstances and the ages of the characters when Harry's parents died, it was obvious to me that my OC (original character) should be at the same age with Harry. And then came the exciting idea that with an OC like this I could rewrite the original Harry Potter story chapter by chapter with my changes.
First of all I had to decide one main fact: who is the mother of the child?
I am aware that Rowling said Sirius was too busy being a rebel to have a relationship (or get married), but I can imagine a scenario which works for me.
Nobody can argue with how important were his friends to Sirius. His friends were his world and he was happy and satisfied with them. I imagine him having a few dates with girls, but it is hard to imagine that he trusted anybody easily with the Marauders' secrets, especially Remus being a werewolf.
As a solution I came up with an other OC: a sister of Remus (Mira Lupin), who is one year younger than the boys and also a gryffindor. A playful girl, who could hang out with the Marauders from time to time and was taking care of Remus' secret without a doubt. I can see the pair coming together shortly after Mira finished her seventh year at Hogwarts. Based on the series, the coming years seemed really dark and full of fears with Voldemort trying to reach his full potential. While I can imagine James and Lily planning their own family with a baby - even in these troubling times - it makes more sense to me that Mira and Sirius lived "carpe diem" and Mira "just happened" to become pregnant. It could be that they freaked out first, but then waiting for the two babies together with their friends became another adventure.
I decided that on the horroristic night Voldemort went to kill the Harry, Mira died, too. She left her daughter at her grandfather - Lyall Lupin - and followed Sirius. Then se became one of the victims of Pettigrew's mass murdering on the street.
The next question was: who will take care of the baby girl? I will write about it in detail when I analyse the very first chapter of my fanfiction here.
So I got this background for my main character. Since Harry Potter is the chosen one of this series, the boy is the only "real" main character. But in a way my OC and Harry are the two sides of the same coin - I will be fun to find a purpose and a story for my character in all seven books.
Thanks for reading :)
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Pure Blood 2 (Sirius Black x Fem!Oc)
Book II
Words: 2, 349
A/N: Now, meet Perseus John Black-Singh. I couldn’t resist casting Logan Lerman, he’s so beautiful. -Val
Chapter 1: / Chapter 3
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“Hey, Sirius.”
“Hi, Jenna,” He greets with a frown. "Uh, Persephone isn't-"
She raises a hand, stopping him.
"Can I come in?"
Sirius nods, stepping aside. They both sit in the living room of the apartment.
"I don't mean to be rude, but what are you doing here?"
She sighs.
“I waited for Persephone to not be here. This is not easy, but I didn't want you to hear it from someone else.”
"What happened?"
"It's Regulus,” She looks him straight in the eye. "What was the last you heard from him?"
Hearing the name of his younger brother Sirius feels a strong pressure on his chest. He understands why Jenna doesn't want Persephone here. Whatever the news are, he knows it won't be good for her and the baby.
"He joined the Death Eaters, as was his plan," He answers uneasily. She nods. "Just tell me, Jenna."
“Well, he achieved his and your parents' goal. He became a great member of the Dark Lord's followers. Some say that it’s close to him, but,” She fidgets on the couch. "I'm so sorry, Sirius. He died.”
A huge lump forms in Sirius's throat. The news these days are rarely good but he wasn’t expecting this.
“Shit," He says with difficulty. His breath hitches and feels his head spin. He closes his eyes for a few seconds, trying to control himself. “How— how did you find out?"
Although she and Sirius have never been close, no one deserves to go through all of this.
“He’d been missing since last year. The Death Eaters knew he was dead, but did nothing about it. Moody got that information.”
"Missing? Don't you know where the body is?"
"Sirius, please don't get hopeful. No, they haven't found the body, but it's been over a year now. You know that now that doesn’t guarantee anything.”
"How do you not want me to if—”
"What would you do? Go get him? Nobody has an idea where he might be and if he hasn't shown any signs this year, what makes you think he’ll come back? " She knows that she’s being very hard on him, but for that very reason is why she offered to break the news. If any of her friends did it, they would end up with some crazy plan, or if it was some authority, Jenna knew that the first thing Sirius would do would be to disobey. "You have other things to worry about, Black."
"It's my brother, Jenna,” He answers through clenched teeth.
“Yes and I’m very sorry, but there’s nothing you can do. Persephone needs you now more than ever. Your baby’s coming soon and I don't think she’ll allow you to go out on a risky mission right now."
"I can't stand idly by.”
"You must do it. For the sake of your family. Think of your son.”
The place remains in a tense silence. Jenna hopes Sirius doesn't do something stupid, while he struggles on what he should do.
"You're right,” He whispers.
Jenna takes his hand and squeezes it.
Feeling helpless, Sirius's eyes fill with tears. He holds Jenna's hand like his life depends on it. She lets him cry, she doesn't know what to say or do. After a few minutes, he wipes his face and breathes calmly.
"Will you tell Persephone?"
He shakes his head.
“I don't want this to affect her now. I'll talk to Remus, maybe after we have the baby, I don't know. I don't know what to do— I, uh…”
“Don't worry, it's okay. No one from the order will interfere in these matters. I took care of this.”
"Thanks, Jenna,” He smiles sadly at her.
All of this reminds him of the time he was told the news of his uncle Alphard. Him without being able to do anything, not even make a dignified funeral. With another person notifying him of the tragedy. Both in the wrong places, he can't help but feel chills at the thought that the most important people in his life were alone at that moment. And no one could say goodbye.
"Can I ask you a favor?"
“I want Reg to have a headstone in the same cemetery as my Uncle Alphard. I don't want him to stay with my parents."
"I can do that.”
"Thanks. I know it's a lot to ask, but now I have to ask permission for everything…”
"I understand, Sirius. You don’t have to worry. That's what your girlfriend's best friend is for.”
That makes them laugh a bit, until the apartment door opens.
"Sirius, you won't believe what we bought!" Persephone walks in, Remus at her back. They both have several shopping bags on both arms.
Sirius wipes his face completely, gets up from the couch and walks over to his girlfriend with the best smile he can do.
"Tell me everything, love,” He kisses her lips and brings a hand to her belly.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He frowns.
I was scared.
"I wanted you to know what it is to have a normal life.”
His gray eyes look directly at me. Damn, he's just like his father.
“But it was never normal, I have never been normal. Everyone at school says so.”
"They don’t know what they say. They tease you because you're different, but it doesn't mean that's bad, my star. Besides, you're always going to face those taunts, both Muggles and wizards,” I grimace. "They'll always find something different in you to use against you, but—”
"I must not let them affect me, I know,” He rolls his eyes.
“Exactly,” I laugh.
"So, I have magic?" He says.
“Yeah, but it's not like in the movies, darling. It's not that you can manipulate everything with your hands. You need a wand, books, the teachers will teach you to control it…”
“A school for wizards. Cool.”
"Aren't you upset anymore?"
"I don't know,” He shrugs. He thinks for a few minutes and then smirks. "Does this mean that I’ll never see my classmates again? Nor Harry?”
Oh, no.
“You’ll no longer go back to that school, but you’ll still see Harry. He’s a wizard too.”
"What!?" He screeches. "Why? It's not fair, why does he always have to be everywhere? Who else is?” He crosses his arms.
"Uh, Harry, your uncle James, Remus, Andromeda, Dora, Jenna, Apollo, Jane, your cousins,” I look at him as his brow continues to frown. “Me."
"No, that's not true. I've never seen you do magic.”
“I had to hide it from you. Wait. I told you all those names and you just distrust me?"
"Sometimes you tell lies, mum.”
"It's not true,” I say offended.
"I know you forgot Uncle Moony's birthday, and you went to buy his gift when you said you were going for more soap," He says raising an eyebrow.
"That was different.”
"Who ate the last slice of the Phoenix cake?"
"You had chocolate on your cheek.”
"Okay! Those were little lies, but I also have magic.”
“Show me.”
Now I raise an eyebrow.
"Why don't you look in the mirror, kid?"
His eyes widen and he runs to the bathroom.
"My hair is blue!" I laugh. “We're wizards!" He squeals excitedly, but his smile doesn't last long "Dad is too?"
"Yes, he is " I smile tensely at him.
“He studied at holwarts too?"
“Hogwarts," I correct him. "Yes, we were both there.”
"Wait, do you think he's in the wizarding world? I can look it up!”
The knot in my stomach tightens.
“Percy, we've already talked about this. He doesn't want to be found.”
He sighs.
“Okay," He says, looking down.
It hurts to see him like this. Telling him that his father is far away was not a good idea, but at that moment, I didn’t know what to say to him, despite having a plan. I couldn't just tell him that his father had died. I just can’t.
“Hey," I clear my throat and take his hands. "You should know more about the magical world.”
"Well, in the school there are four houses and depending on your aptitudes, they’ll choose you in one of them, it’s like being in a team with the whole school,” He watches me attentively. "They are Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor.”
"Which one were you on?"
“Slytherin, and your father in Gryffindor.”
"What do I have to do to get elected to one of them?"
“You'll know when you arrive.”
“Mum,” He complains.
“No, I won't screw it up. I— uh, there is something else,” I try to sort my ideas. "All houses have their history and Slytherin is not the best of all, but don’t get carried away by that. It doesn't matter where you stay,” I smile at him. “What matters is who you are, okay? I want you to continue being the same clever boy as always.”
"I can do it.”
I nod.
"Do you remember the story your Uncle Apollo told you about our family?"
“Well, it's all true, only with magic. The Singh have been very important wizards and witches in the wizarding world, almost all of them were in Slytherin… Listen, maybe someone they will recognize your last name and they know very… uh, scary stories about them. I just want to warn you of what could happen.”
"Don't worry, Mum. I'll be fine.”
"Okay, but if you need help, you know your cousins are there too,” He nods. "Okay, I think that tomorrow we can buy your books and everything you need,” I tell him, handing him his letter.
“Great," He’s about to leave, but he returns scared. "Can you return my hair to normal? I like blue, but not in my hair.”
I roll my eyes. I’ll never understand why Sirius and Perseus care so much about their hair.
He sees his reflection in a pot and sighs in relief.
"And now everything’s ruined by Perseus,” says Harry when we reach his side at the station.
“I’m not excited to see your horrible face, four-eyes.”
"A beautiful day to take the train, isn't it?" James says to then hug me. I laugh corresponding.
"Do you have everything you need, love?" I ask Harry. "Your father can be very messy.” I raise an eyebrow at the man.
After witnessing the two Potters wanting to buy everything, distracted by pretty things in Diagon Alley, I had to help them.
"Everything on the list, Aunt P.”
"And a little more,” adds James sharing a giggle with his son. I roll my eyes. "Harry, why don't you introduce Ron and Perseus?"
"No, I saw him first. Perseus can get his own friends.”
"Harry," James says in a more severe tone.
"I don’t need his friends, surely he’ll be just as stupid as him.”
"Fine!" He growls.
They both walk towards a red-haired boy along with a lady and a little girl.
"You know they don't have to share everything, right?" I tell James as the two of us watch our sons interact.
“Yes, but I've already given up on their friendship. So, I decided to have fun watching them fight,” He answers making me laugh.
"So, Ron?"
"The Weasleys. I think I heard that last name at school, but we never met them, their parents Molly and Arthur, they have seven children, counting Ron."
"I know,” He laughs. "They seem like good people, and the boy was nice.”
The whistle is heard throughout the station, all students must board the train.
"Ready?" I tell James and he nods.
When the two boys return, I ask Harry to come over and James does the same with Percy.
I crouch down to his level.
"Okay. I just want to tell you that I’m very excited that you are finally learning the truth about magic and that you’re starting your classes at Hogwarts,” He smiles at me. "We both know that things won't be easy with your whole story," He nods. “But, I want you to know that if at some point something happens, you can write to me. Hedwig will know where to go. If you have a problem, or just want to talk to me, don’t hesitate to do so, I’ll always answer you.”
"Thank you.”
"Come here,” I hug the boy tightly. "Oh, and something else,” I say as we part. “I know you don't like the idea, but I would like you to take care of Perseus too,” He’s about to complain, but I interrupt him. “I'm not saying that you’re his babysitter, I just want to know that if something happens, you’ll be there for him when I can’t,” He sighs. “Please? I won't be able to sleep if you don't promise, love,” I pout.
"I promise," He says through clenched teeth.
I laugh and kiss his cheek. I get up and we meet the others, now it is my son's turn. I hug him tighter.
"You won't give me another lecture, will you?" He says when we part.
"You've already gotten a lot,” He nods, I kiss his hair. “But there’s something I forgot to tell you. An advice.”
"Have fun.”
One last goodbye and they both get on the train.
"Ha! I told you we would make it,” I turn to my right and laugh as I see Jenna and Marlene say goodbye to Josephine, who then runs and gets on the train.
"Who fell asleep?" I ask them.
"It was the silly muggle traffic, my wife didn't want to use any other faster means," says Jenna.
"I don’t regret it.”
The train begins to move, in the distance I see the small head of Perseus, as soon as he sees me he smiles and says goodbye. I wave at him back.
Little by little he goes away. Only until this moment does nostalgia come to me.
"Aw, you’re both crying," says Marlene.
I turn to James, who’s doing his best to hide his tears from us.
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@treestarrrrrrrr​ @thagreenmoon​
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fleetingpieces · 3 years
Everything we were CH 3
@hereforwolfstarr and @heyitssmiller thank you so much for reaching out when I wasn’t feeling too great about my writing, you’re both wonderful <3  I know this might not be what you expected but I wanted to gift something to both of you, and since I haven’t finished chapter 5 of One in a Million, I hope this one is ok <3
Love youu
Everything we were Masterlist
Chapter 3
The view of the castle from the middle of the lake took Remus’ breath away. Hogwarts was set on top of a cliff, its many towers pointing at the moon like spears, the numerous windows illuminated from the inside contrasting majestically against the night sky. Remus could almost feel the magic pulsating from it. 
The dark rippling waves reflected the golden light, gasps of admiration coming from all the boats around him. The massive game keeper, who had introduced himself as Hagrid, was a heavy weight at his back. Remus had chosen to sit with him so he could keep to himself and avoid other students, just like he had done on the train ride.
Saying goodbye to his parents had been harder than he cared to admit. Especially his Mum. Who would he talk to if not Hope? Through his lonely years of secrecy, his mother had been the one constant in his life, the rock that kept him grounded. He confided in her, and felt comfortable in her presence.
As the train had left the station that morning, he’d felt an undeniable sense of dread. He would be alone now. Utterly alone. He hadn’t met that many people before, but at least his parents had been there for him. Now he wouldn’t even have that, and instead he found himself in a train full of students whom he couldn’t trust and that would turn him away in an instant if they found out about what he was. When was the last time he had even been around any kids his age? Two years at least, and even longer before that.
But, as the city landscape had given way to green rolling hills, he also felt…excited. Like some light had been ignited inside of him, and it couldn’t be put out. He was going to learn magic. With his own wand, not just reading the books his dad brought for him. He could put up with being alone in exchange for some minimal sense of normalcy, even if he couldn't have it all. He had been so sure that he would never be able to go to school, that he still couldn’t quite believe he had been given a chance. And he was not going to let that go to waste.
So he had sat on a corner, looking through the window, avoiding the small talk the three second year hufflepuffs had tried to strike with him in the compartment.
The boat shook a bit under the mass of Hagrid, bringing Remus back to the present, and he gripped the wooden edge, scared that they would sink.
“Don’ yeh worry, this ruddy thing‘s made ter support me,” said Hagrid. “Yer Remus Lupin, ain’t ya?”
Remus jumped. “Um. Yeah. How did you know?”
“Ha! Yeh look exactly like yer dad! Great lad, that Lyall.”
“You know my dad?”
“’Course I do! Bloody interest in the Forbidden Forest, he had. Always wantin’ ter see the creatures in there, could hardly keep him out,” he huffed a laugh.
Remus had no idea what the Forbidden Forest was or what sort of creatures his dad could have been so interested in, but he didn’t want to show how little he knew about Hogwarts by asking. He thought maybe he could ask more about his father’s time at school, but then his attention was brought to the dark tunnel they had just gone in at the side of the cliff, leading to an underground harbour.
A tall, dark haired witch in emerald-green robes was waiting for them, and soon they were being led to the Entrance Hall. The stone walls were lined with flaming torches, the ceilings were incredibly high, and in front of them was a huge marble staircase that led to the top floors.
The witch guided the first years through a small chamber, facing them once they were all inside.
“Welcome. I am Professor McGonagall, deputy Headmistress and Head of Gryffindor House. We’ll be going into the Great Hall soon to start the Sorting Ceremony, to determine which house you will be in through your time at Hogwarts.” Remus knew this much, his dad would occasionally mention Gryffindor Tower and his common room, but he didn’t know what the ceremony was about. Most of the students around him were whispering excitedly and he had to look down to hide the flush that was creeping onto his face. He decided right then he would try to learn as much as possible, as soon as he was able to. The tall witch opened the door, motioning to them. “Form a line and follow me.”
While organizing themselves, a kid behind Remus asked, “What do you think the ceremony is about?”
Remus looked back to a slightly plump, blond boy. He was about as short as Remus himself, and he felt kind of relieved to know that he wasn’t the only one lost there. He shrugged helplessly, turning around to focus on what was in front of him.
Going through the door, Remus tried not to gawk, but a gasp escaped his lips nonetheless. He was pleased when he realized he wasn’t the only one. The Great Hall was enormous, stone walls lined with high windows reaching up to the ceiling. Or lack of ceiling. Remus wasn’t sure, ‘cause all he could see was the cloudy night sky above him. Must be bewitched, he decided. Thousands of floating candles lighted up the faces of the students sitting on four long tables, placed in front of the smaller staff table at the top of the hall.
Professor McGonagall led them up there so they were facing the hundreds of students, making Remus shift uncomfortably. He had never seen so many people before, let alone all of them together in one room. It felt like they were all staring at him.
No one can know.
He had to remind himself a few times that they wouldn’t be able to tell what he was just by looking at him. Still, he tugged down on his sleeves, making sure his arms were fully covered.
Remus looked down again to avoid the gazes and noticed there was a four-legged stool in front of them. On top of the stool, McGonagall placed an old wizard’s hat. Everyone’s attention shifted to it when a rip near the brim of the hat opened and it started singing. It was an eerie, dazing sound that lasted for a few minutes, and as soon as it was over the Hall erupted in applause.
McGonagall stepped forward with a roll of parchment then. “When I call your name, sit on the stool and try on the Hat,” she said, and without further ado started reading out loud.
“Avery, Enos!”
A bulky looking boy with short brown hair walked to the front. He put on the Hat, sitting on the stool, and almost instantly the Hat shouted “SLYTHERIN!”
There was a round of applause from the table on the far right as Avery went to sit with the rest of the slytherins. A couple more kids were called forward, both of whom stumbled to the front before being sorted and sitting on their respective house tables. Then McGonagall called the next student.
“Black, Sirius!”
A hushed murmur came from the Slytherin table, as a student with wavy black hair and clear eyes walked to the front with lazy elegance. Remus recognized him as the boy that had been staring at him and his mother at Platform 9 ¾. He had looked at them so longingly it had made Remus feel uncomfortable in his mother’s arms, and Remus had made a point to avoid the boy’s compartment when he’d gotten on the train.
Despite the confidence with which the dark-haired boy walked, he looked nervous as he shoved the Hat onto his head. He sat perfectly still as the seconds dragged by. The Hat was taking longer with him than it had done with the other students, and some tension was rising in the air, although Remus couldn’t tell if it was from the boy or exactly where it was coming from. Everyone seemed to be sitting still, waiting, until –
Black stayed there as if paralyzed. After a few seconds, he took the Hat off slowly and glanced with wide eyes to the Slytherin table, but then looked away quickly. There was a moment of shocked silence before the table on the far left broke into tumultuous cheer, and Black walked to the other gryffindors as if in a daze.
The list kept going, “Derwent, Adrian!” went into Ravenclaw, and a red haired girl by the name of “Evans, Lily!” was sorted into Gryffindor as well. Remus heard someone close to him cursing: a boy with a hooked nose was looking sourly at the girl as she sent him a sad little smile. Remus saw Black move up the bench to make room for her, but Evans took one look at him, made a disgusted face, and folding her arms firmly she turned her back on him. Remus wondered if he had been staring intently at her too when she was at the station.
The roll call continued, and maybe too soon there was a shout for “Lupin, Remus!”.
A sudden fear seized his body. Remus walked to the front feeling incredibly nervous. He tugged at his sleeves again, being very careful as he put the Hat on his head and sat on the stool. He stared at the black inside of the Hat as it fell over his eyes and waited, trying very hard not to squirm on the seat, but he ended up bouncing his leg anyway.
“Well, well, isn’t this interesting? I haven’t had a werewolf in over 300 years,” a voice whispered in his ear.
Remus’ thoughts turned cold, panicked. His secret was out so quickly he didn’t even last a freaking meal. But then he remembered that the Hat hadn’t said anything out loud about the rest of the students other than their houses.
“Yes, exactly,” the Hat continued. “You have a good brain, maybe Ravenclaw would be a good fit.”
Remus clasped his hands tightly on his lap, thinking furiously, “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Oh no, I am only here for the Sorting. It’s all here in your head, you see. I can see you’ve had to face hardships a lot of people wouldn’t even survive, but still you remain kind. Very mature for your age. Very interesting, indeed. It takes plenty of courage to be here despite your many fears, with an attitude like that you better be GRYFFINDOR!”
As the last word was shouted to the school, the Gryffindor table gave a loud cheer, and Remus headed over there feeling a bit queasy at the thought that a mere hat had been able to tell his secret in just a few seconds. Fair enough, it clearly wasn’t just any normal hat, but he still felt so shaken that he didn’t even notice the pats on his back or Sirius Black making space for him as Remus sat next to the boy on the bench. He looked down at his lap, frowning. He was gonna have to be extra careful if he wanted to finish his school career without being chased by a mob.
“Hello,” a tentative voice came from beside him. Remus looked up to silver eyes and a hesitant smile. Up close, he noticed how expensive Black’s clothes looked, how he held himself like he was better than the rest of them. Remus was relieved right then that he had taken the time to fix the tiny hole on his sleeves before getting on the train. Sewing was a tedious task, one he couldn’t wait to be able to do magically, but he had learnt to do it early on so he could mend his clothes, and avoid making his parents spend extra money on him. He was painfully aware that taking care of him was expensive sometimes, particularly with the few times they had had to move from town to town.
Black was looking at him funny and Remus realized he had been staring for a while without saying anything. “Um, hi.” He flushed, cursing himself. Why would this fancy boy want to talk to him? Black’s smile turned soft, but then a cheer erupted around them as a boy called Peter Pettigrew got sorted into Gryffindor as well. Remus looked up to see the blond boy from before.
Pettigrew came to sit in front of them, looking very pleased with himself.
“Can’t believe I got into Gryffindor!” he gushed to Remus, who tried to give him a small smile. Pettigrew’s eyes got wider as he contemplated Black, but the raven-haired boy had his eyes on the front as McGonagall called the next name on the roll.
“Potter, James!”
A boy with a mop of wild black hair and a huge smile walked to the stool, moving like he owned the place. Remus envied that kind of confidence, and tried to straighten his back slightly as opposed to his usual hunched posture. As the Potter lad put on the Hat and sat down, he felt Black beside him tense up, but the Sorting Hat had barely touched the boy’s head when it screamed “GRYFFINDOR!”.
Potter flashed his teeth in a dazzling smile, walking with even more confidence to sit next to Pettigrew. His smile only grew when he looked at Black.
“How great is this? Can’t believe you actually broke the tradition, mate! That’s brilliant!”
Remus was almost sure Black's cheeks had gone slightly pink, but the boy still managed to give a lazy smile. “Yeah, I was a bit surprised myself.” Then he frowned, glancing unconsciously to the table on the opposite side, “I hope it’s ok.”
“Of course it is! This is the best house to be in! And we are together!” said Potter, practically bouncing on his seat. Black smirked at that.
“Yeah, I bet you would cry if you didn’t get to share a dorm with my magnificent self.”
“Shut up.” Potter laughed. “But yeah, it would have been a bugger to get my first friend sorted into Slytherin.” He smirked back, and Black’s eyes seemed to brighten, while Remus sunk on his seat.
It’s ok, he repeated to himself, I don’t need that, it’s ok.
Every student looked up when McGonagall took the Hat away and an old wizard in royal blue robes stood at the staff table with open arms. Remus almost sprang up when he realized it was Dumbledore. He’d been so nervous about the whole ceremony, he hadn’t even noticed the Headmaster was there. Now that he thought about it, it would have been weird if he wasn’t.
Dumbledore gave a short welcome speech with an easy smile on his face, and Remus found himself smiling a real smile for the first time since he had left King’s Cross station. That is, until the Headmaster went on to the last bit of his speech.
“Lastly,” he said, “before we fill ourselves with warm food and I lose your attention completely, there’s an important announcement to make. I would like to remind you all that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds to any student that doesn’t want to find themselves in deep trouble. And also,” he looked at Remus for just a fraction of a second, making Remus’ heart skip a beat. But then it was gone and Dumbledore was looking sternly at the students, “this year we have an addition to our school grounds. The Whomping Willow is a rare and valuable specimen that we’ve had the pleasure to receive as a donation. But I must warn you, it can be very violent, so all students are to keep away from it.”
There was a deafening silence as the words sank in, some students even gulped. Then Dumbledore smiled affably again and clapped his hands once. “Now let the feast begin!”
The dishes were suddenly piled with a wide range of delicious looking food. Everyone tucked in happily, as if they hadn’t just been given a warning about a very violent freaking tree that was on school grounds.
“But the Forbidden Forest…” Remus heard someone saying and he looked up.
Black and Potter were talking about the numerous, dangerous beasts that were rumoured to dwell in the dark Forest. Remus didn’t like the excited way their eyes were shining.
He should definitely keep away from those two.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
Torn: Remus Lupin Story: PS OC: Chapter One: Sordid Sorting
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Remus Lupin Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Remus Lupin x Vega Black (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
“Yet when books have been read and reread, it boils down to the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them.” ― Walter Farley
This Chapter’s Song: “River” - Leon Bridges
Vega was eleven when she first met Remus.
She incredibly nervous at the time seeing as how it was her very first year at Hogwarts.
Her aunt and uncle had heavily warned her about getting into any house other than Slytherin....as if she had some kind of control over that kind of thing.
Sirius, her older cousin, who was more like a brother to be honest, had simply wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"It'll be fine, V. I swear it. No matter what house you get in. It'll be fine. Maybe you'll even be a Gryffindor, like me." he had told her with that infamous smirk of his.
Twelve years old and full of pride over his house.
But Vega was not convinced.
She'd been home when they'd received the news of which house Sirius had been placed in....and well, it hadn't been good.
She remembered very clearly that she'd grabbed Regulus and they'd ran off to hide until the storm blew over.
If you were present when Orion or Walburga Black were angry....well, you'd likely become a target.
After her parents had died when she was seven, she’d been placed in the care of her closest relatives and that happened to be her Uncle Orion and his family. 
She’d left behind her beloved country roads and enchanting woods of Tennessee in America and was relocated in London. 
She was expected to go to Hogwarts rather than Ilvermorny.  
She was expected to be a respectable pureblood and get sorted into the only reasonable house. 
Needless to say, she was terrified. 
At that particular moment in time, they were racing down the tracks on the Hogwarts express.
To calm her nerves, Sirius had offered to have her sit with him and his friends in their compartment.
She was first introduced to James.
A boy with impossibly messy black hair, glasses and a permanent smirk...almost identical to her brothers.
Next was a small boy named Peter with impossibly blue eyes that were a tad unsettling to her just due to the nature of how piercing they were. 
He looked friendly enough and if Sirius liked him she was sure she would too.
Lastly, was Remus.
Oh, Remus.
He was tall and lanky with very pale skin and light brown hair.
Vega could distinctly see a few scars across his face and on his hands but due to his clothes all else was hidden.
But he had the most beautiful green eyes but curiously enough there seemed to be a very faint golden brown ring around them.
She wouldn't have noticed had she not been so taken with him.
He was much quieter than the others but still quite nice.
Remus John Lupin.
Her very first crush.
Remus would've died from mortification at that time if anyone knew but....he found her quite pretty.
She was a year younger, yes.
And she was also Sirius little cousin, this was true.
One that he’d spent the better part of last year talking about to his new friends.
“Oh, you’ll love Vega, mates.” he could remember him telling them. “She’s a little shy at first but she’s actually from America.  A cowgirl.” 
Remus doubted if she was actually a cowgirl since Sirius had a way of being dramatic.
But she was so pretty.
She and Sirius resembled each other a lot with their thick black hair and big striking grey eyes but her features were softer than his.
She was much quieter with Sirius, although not impolite.
Sirius, whether he liked to admit it or not, had had the same good etiquette beat into him that she had and it often gave him a sort of casual elegance.
Little Vega sat stiff backed, mouth shut and eyes trained determined on her book.
She found reading to be easier.
She could focus on the words there and not on what she might say wrong that could potentially anger her parents.
Books were just by far much easier.
This intrigued Remus.
He had asked her so softly.
"What are you reading?"
She jumped at the sound of his voice, even as soft as it had been.
"Oh, um, it's-uh." she stammered.
"Oh that's The Black Stallion." he smiled. "It's a great book. My mum read it to me when I was little. It's a great muggle book."
Fear struck through her.
"Oh, I- please don't tell Aunt Walburga. I just- It looked so interesting and I wanted to know about the horse." Vega rambled as tears filled her grey eyes.
Sirius gave a hard forced smile to his friends before he grabbed his cousin and yanked her out of the compartment.
"Vega! Calm down! Bloody hell!" he snapped.
Tears were spilling, "I'm sorry, Sirius! I'm sorry! I didn't meant to get you in trouble with your friends! Now, Aunt and Uncle will be furious! I'm sorry!"
Sirius placed his hands on the side of her face.
"Vega, V,  look at me. Look. at. me." he said holding her in place and willing her big, frightened eyes to focus on him. "It's fine. No one will tell mum and dad. These are my friends. Remus was just making conversation. His mother is actually a muggle."
He added the last bit with a little smile towards her.
She'd been so frightened.
She sniffled before she hugged her book closer to her for a moment.
"Come on. Come back inside." he said trying to lighten the mood.
She shook her head sending the black tendrils everywhere.
"No." she said. "Those are your friends. I...I'll go sit with someone else."
"V, come on." he said.
But she'd already whipped around and was dashing away.
Sirius shook his head as he entered the compartment.
"I'm sorry, Sirius. Really, I didn't mean to upset her. I didn't think-" Remus began his apology.
Sirius waved him off, "It's fine, mate. V's just....she's a little skiddish is all. Our family can be a bit much sometimes. She just doesn't want to get in trouble."
There was a collective nod around the room.
It wasn't a huge secret that Sirius didn't have the greatest home life...but he was good at hiding it.
Seeing Vega be absolutely petrified by pure conversation....made it all too real for the twelve year olds in the compartment.
The four of them played cards for a bit longer until they train stopped and everyone filed off.
Remus caught glimpse of the silky, black hair glinting in the night and those two big grey orbs that looked like moons themselves.
They landed on him and he could even see her flush red...even in this poor lighting.
He smiled at her kindly and gave a little wave to which she returned...hesitantly before she was bustled along into the boat with the other first years.
He joined his friends and soon they were seated at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall listening to Dumbledore and waiting for the Sorting ceremony to begin.
Vega almost hid behind some of the first year boys as she entered the Great Hall and her cousin Narcissa smacked into her pushing her way to the front. 
She’d willingly let her take the spotlight and hide amongst the others but it wasn't for long before someone spotted her and the whispered began.
"It's the Black girl!"
"That's Sirius' little sister!" 
“No that’s his cousin! The one who’s parents were killed!”
"Bet she'll get into Slytherin!"
"Maybe Gryffindor!"
"I bet she's evil!"
"She looks just like him!"
“Did you hear about her father being a-” 
She shook her head to try and drown them out and before she knew it...
"Vega Equuleus Black." came the crisp words from the professor.
She gulped and took careful steps up to the stool before carefully settling down on it.
The giant hat was placed upon her head and...
Big, grey eyes snapped open in fear and shock.
She could distinctly see Sirius and his friends whooping and hollering on her behalf while her cousins at the Slytherin table looked less than pleased.
If she hadn't been in front of all those people....she would've cried.
Because she knew.
She knew that when Orion and Walburga found out....and she went home for holiday....there would be no escaping it.
They would be angry and she WOULD be punished.
Chapter Two
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Hello my lovelies! Here is another rewrite of a previous work of mine that I had on Mibba! I did a bit of reworking on the character, her name and her backstory because I just felt like she deserved more!  I would love to know what you think of little Vega! 
So please comment, reblog with thoughts and/or smash the ask box!  I do so love hearing from you my loves! 
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 26: The Deathday Party
Frank lay there for several moments before the screeching noise finally roused him from the stone cold floor. Shivering with every twitch of hands, he pushed himself into a sitting position and lethargically looked around to see who was being tortured. They turned out to be musical saws, and Frank counted his blessings when he banged his head on something and uttered a curse on the far side of the room, rather than being in the younger Black's condition of landing right next to these still going while no one was playing. Considering this only mild compensation for the way he'd acted in the last room, Frank rolled himself out from under the table just for the movement, as he was sure he was already turning blue from the cold, but stopped in surprise when he saw the papers he'd been holding from Lockhart's office had come along.
Eager and always willing to go find her, he hurried over to Alice's side, who was huddled up next to the door with a very put out expression in place. "Normally I love the cold," she happily told him. "'S my favorite time of year, with the beautiful snow and warm mugs, but I think I can pass on whatever this place is."
"A Deathday Party," Potter informed them, having not landed too far away, rubbing his hands together for warmth as well but looking quite pleased with himself as he quickly snatched up the book. "This is brilliant, can't believe Harry's going to one of these!"
"Must be Nick's, he usually makes a thing out of his," the more tolerable Black for now agreed as he came wondering over, hardly looking as if the cold was bothering him at all.
Potter was already flipping through pages to find his place as the two went near their other friends, while Frank eagerly turned to Alice and explained what he found.
"It's a good thing you weren't made Prefect," she couldn't help but laugh when he was done. "Going through a teacher's desk like that, what's come over you!" She happily teased.
"Don't let my mother hear you saying that," he tragically informed her. "She wouldn't stop going on about it all summer, rest of my life most likely."
Alice's smile lit up the whole room as far as he was concerned, hardly even noticing the puffs of air still visible for the warmth of her smile. "So you finally mention her, and that's what you come up with. We've been dating nearly ten months now, how is that the first time you've mentioned your family to me? I've all but introduced you to mine."
Frank just shrugged without comment for now, and as always Alice happily stepped off the topic with good grace. "Well, our theory of objects going into motion with us seems confirmed then, you keep hold of these papers and maybe when we finally stop spinning through this kids life they might just come back with us all together."
"You think that's possible?" He asked eagerly, looking around again and thinking of several advantages they could have of this. It would be quite something to find magic beyond their years, even books not even published yet, and take them back to the past of all things!
"I don't see why not at this rate, with all we've done," she sighed, looking far less encouraging to the idea, her mind clearly on whose timeline they could erase in all this.
Frank frowned in acknowledgment of that, and quickly kept on track. "Right then, I'll leave them in here when we leave and hopefully they'll go back to him."
"Best hurry up and let me read them then," she agreed, holding out her hand. Potter was already up to the explanation of why Harry was going to this Deathday Party, though neither of them had given much care at all for Filch haranguing another student about filth in the castle.
Lily had paused in surprise of hearing Filch was a Squibb, but apparently she'd been the only one not to be enlightened of this news. Must be a mudblood thing, her mind scathingly informed her as she went back to braiding her hair and pacing restlessly along the black crepe paper nearest the instruments. It wasn't at all pleasant, the sound harming her eardrums so much she hardly caught a word of what Potter was now saying in regards to Harry's own dissent coming down here. It was still better than the rest of the room. That younger Black had moved away from this area at once and had instead located over to the rotting food table with a blanket look of disgust, as well he deserved, she hoped the smell was atrocious. The Marauders were all located more in the center of the room, as if hoping to avoid all repellent things around them, while Alice and Frank stayed near the door and continued whatever they were chatting about. She had no wish to join them this time, she just wanted to be alone.
That wasn't even true though, she wanted Severus. Alice's defense for her had been heartwarming, she'd even grudgingly acknowledge under duress she admired the extreme reaction from Potter in his shout she be apologized to. At the very least though both were just pacing acquaintances in all this, at most Alice was turning into a genuine friend and Potter slightly more tolerable if he could stop bothering to hex the one person missing. She wanted her best friend here for her, to have him be the one to tell Regulus off for that, to offer her to tag-team the little whelp in retaliation for that remark. She could so easily envision what Sev would have done for her in that moment of need of a true friend she was almost smiling despite the circumstances.
"-Prongs, would you bloody pay attention! You'd be done by now if you'd quit gawking at her every other line," Sirius groused beside him.
"Eh?" He muttered, turning to him in surprise, before Sirius was proven right the very next second by his eyes again flickering to her. He loved it when she played with that long red hair, though he preferred it down than the tight braid she was putting it in. He could almost imagine it, that long mane sweeping around them between the pearly figures that should have been surrounding this place, possibly passing through several without a care, eyes only for each other. They'd sway to the tune of this awful music around them, but it wouldn't be so awful with her in his arms, the two keeping each other warm in this freezing room.
"J-J-James! I am b-b-begging you t-t-to-" Peter couldn't even get the full sentence out he was stuttering so bad from the cold, and Remus wasn't even trying, pressing himself so close to Sirius he looked like he was trying to jump right into his arms for any warmth. James released a gusting sigh, yet more visible air puffing out of him, as he grudgingly turned back once more to his lad having a miserable time at this party. He did suppose those two weren't as used to the cold, they didn't have to go out in Quidditch practices during it but instead spent their times up in the warm fires while he and Sirius became accustomed to this. Course on nights during these weathers they all had fur coats, so that wasn't a problem either.
"Oh yes, alright," he huffed as he went back to seeing Peeves taunt Myrtle, that was nothing new. He honestly would have skipped right past the Headless Hunt being such ponces to Nick, as they were every time he invited them. They'd only heard of his Deathday Parties once before, tried to sneak down here last year but been caught, but from what he'd heard inside the room before then had been similar. This bit was turning out to be nothing of interest at all, and his mind was just starting to wander back to clever ways he was sure he could convince Evans to just have one dance with him in here when Harry finally excused himself from this place, and heard it again.
His breath caught in his throat, he swore his friends even stopped shivering in surprise and went for their wands with nothing but a steady hand as they all again strained to hear a thing, but it was just too noisy in this room with that horrid background sound. He wasn't even sure if he'd caught anyone else's attention besides his friends, but he certainly did when he swore at the top of his lungs.
"What do you mean Harry went after that voice!" Sirius agreed while looking faint. "Prongs, I think your kid may well have a death wish!"
James did not disagree, reading on in a complete panic Harry would catch up to whomever this was!
Regulus was quite grateful he didn't, not even he wanted to hear of the murder of a twelve year old, but he did come across something just as intriguing as an icy voice in Hogwarts.
"Chamber of Secrets?" Alice murmured for herself. "I've heard of that, I think my cousin Flora mentioned it, but I hardly listen to a thing she ever says." She already wished she could go back to reading more pages of that strange interview Lockhart had given a man regarding a werewolf attack, it had certainly been better reading material than this tale.
"Me mum might have mentioned it once as well, more like an old wives tale surrounding Hogwarts and when it was founded," Frank agreed, scratching at the back of his neck as he tried to recall.
"Twice in one day, I'm flattered," she happily told him.
"Don't get used to it," he chuckled, wrapping an arm around her to draw her in as her shivers continued to increase.
The two froze, almost literally in these conditions, and it wasn't all for the cold anymore. "What's happened to Mrs. Norris?" She whispered so quietly beside him it was as if she feared whatever, or whomever, had done that were in here now.
Frank had no answer. Of all the things he'd seen the kids in this school do to each other, maiming a cat like that still ranked pretty high on his list.
Even now that the voice had gone, Potter clearly wasn't in any better of a mood. He seemed genuinely distraught at the arrival of someone, only to deliver another insult. No one got a chance to react again to that word being spoken as they were pulled once more from this room.
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