#Rory was the perfect kind of person to be a friend to Paris
alma-artts · 3 months
My roman empire is how the majority of people misjudge every single gilmore girls character it angers me so much
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xoxomireya · 4 months
📚﹒➜﹒how to rebrand yourself as a rory gilmore inspired it girl﹐⇄
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serenity is key.
Rory was always well-mannered, kind, serene and hard to offend. She treated people with respect and kindness but still had her boundaries clearly set and fought for what she thought was unfair.
organization will make your life easier.
Rory NEVER left her homework to do right before the due date. Always have your homework and projects done before hanging out with friends or doing activities that can be classified as non-productive.
set a goal of books you want to read every year.
Reading gives you power. Books make you realize things you didn’t know about yourself, educate you, expand your vocabulary and are a great entertainment activity.
get out of your house and breath fresh air once in a while.
Go on coffee dates with your friends, go on a walk, go to the library, the cinema… Having a change of scenery will help you relax and not feel stuck.
explore new study methods.
I promise you that studying doesn’t have to be hard nor boring. There’s a perfect study method for you out there, so don’t be afraid to explore and experiment with them ! (I can make a post about this if y’all want)
romanticize school.
Take cute notes so it motivates you to study more, stay out of drama so you can maintain a quiet and calm life and make moodboards to help you get in a studying mood and to remind you of the results you’re going to get.
what other people think of you means nothing, focus on your future.
NEVER be ashamed of focusing on your future and ambitions. Prove people wrong and show them what the results of hard work are.
keep aware of what’s going on in the world.
Know your stuff. It doesn’t always have to be about political or important stuff, Rory doesn’t skimp on pop culture references or jokes, and it genuinely makes you a more interesting and funny person!
be relaxed and confident.
I really like this one episode of the first season in which she’s scolded for not interacting with the other Chilton students and she accidentally joins a secret society whilst Paris has been trying her whole life. Act confident and calm, even if you aren’t, because one thing about confidence is that no one can tell if it’s real or fake. A confident person is a lot more appealing than an insecure one.
keep a positive balance in your life.
Rory spends a lot of her time studying and her academics are really important to her, but she still manages to have a good time and keeps a positive balance between her academic and personal life.
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Always carry a book in your bag, you’ll never know when you’re going to need an entertainment source !
Have your own CD collection. Even tho this is more of a Lane thing, Rory always borrowed CDs from her for every mood she was in.
Reading + coffee. Duh!
Go on walks or car rides to clear up your mind especially in fall to see the fall foliage.
Buy fall/book/coffee-scented candles to put around your house and/or room.
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buffysummers · 1 year
🔥 + Rory and her relationship with boys cause it's a mess.
Ahhh. I just need to preface this by saying that Rory is my favorite character. I love her so much! But that girl is a cheater, through and through.
She cheats on Dean with Jess, then cheats WITH Dean on his WIFE, then *sort of* cheats on Logan with Jess, and then cheats WITH Logan on his fiancée. The only person she doesn't cheat on is Jess, but who knows, if they had spent more time as a couple, maybe she would have.
Of course we can give Rory some grace since she is a teenager for a lot of this, but she's 32 in the revival and she's still cheating. So, like I said, that girl is a cheater.
Rather than discuss which ships I like more, I'd rather talk about Rory herself, since I don't really consider any of her relationships to be TOO toxic. Like, sure, there's some red flags and things are definitely far from perfect, but at the end of the day, it's a show and it's meant to entertain us. If everything was peaceful and happy all the time, we'd be bored.
Now, I hate to point fingers, but I think a lot of Rory's issues with men have to do with Lorelai. Lorelai, who basically made sex a taboo subject. A moment that Lorelai really fails Rory as a mother is when Rory opens up to her and tells her that she's considering having sex with Jess. Lorelai looks VISIBLY upset and disappointed when Rory is doing the right thing here. She's doing something that most kids don't do, she's opening up to her parent! And then there's the whole "I have the good kid" gloating moment when she overhears a conversation between Paris and Rory where Paris confesses she had sex and she isn't sure how she feels about it. Yes, Rory didn't hear her mom say this and some of this has to do with the WB just being kind of puritan about sex in general, but this moment perfectly encapsulates Lorelai's mindset, which puts a lot of pressure on Rory and probably confuses her.
Lorelai acts like Rory can talk to her about ANYTHING, but when it comes to boys, she behaves so terribly and there's no way this doesn't impact Rory and her decisions regarding men, especially considering how she places Lorelai on a pedestal. She even states in her graduation speech that all she's ever wanted to be was her mom. And that isn't necessarily a good thing, especially concerning Lorelai's relationship with men.
Lorelai runs away from her feelings, Rory sees this. Lorelai often juggles multiple men, Rory sees this. Lorelai had a kid at 16, Rory knows this. Lorelai basically turns sex into a bad thing, Rory sees this. It's understandable to want your child to make smart decisions and to be careful, but Lorelai does so much more than that and it's just... stifling! It isn't good parenting.
I'm taking the time to discuss this not only because, like I said earlier, it influences a lot of Rory's relationships with men, but also because I often see Rory attacked by the fandom, and rarely ever do I see Lorelai criticized. Lorelai is the adult here, not Rory. Rory can make mistakes sometimes, it isn't the end of the world. She doesn't deserve half the flack she gets from the fandom.
I think one of the most realistic aspects of Gilmore Girls is how MESSY Rory's love life is considering how she's raised. We often talk about how amazing it would be to have a mother-daughter relationship like Lorelai and Rory. How it would be so cool to be best friends with your mom, but you cannot be friends with your children. And Gilmore Girls shows the consequences of a mother trying to be best friends with her daughter.
This is why I love Rory so much. She's just sooo real. Everything down to her sense of entitlement... It all comes back to Lorelai.
So, Rory's love life is so messy but it's also extremely understandable and believable. I will add that my biggest frustration with Rory's love life is how her breakup with Jess is handled. It's unforgivable to me and just... not good writing. Thanks for the ask!
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
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kimwexlers-brownhair · 6 months
what are your thoughts on Gilmore girls so far?
I'm on season 3, so my thoughts may change, but so far I really love it, for the most part.
I'm fascinated by Rory. I'd very much like to study her under glass. I know a lot of people say the later seasons absolutely ruin Rory's character, and of course I'll have to wait for said seasons to say for sure, but I think there've been plenty of hints so far that she's got a darker side. The way she talked to Shane in the hair dye shop? Atrocious.
I mean, I don't really blame her at this point in the show. She's very young. Lorelai obviously overcorrected her parents' mistakes by making Rory her prococious other half and she along with her grandparents and the rest of Stars Hollow treat her like the preciousest princess ever. It's impossible for that not to warp a kid's mind.
I have the advantage of being older than most of my generation was when they first watched, so I can afford to be more objective. I told two friends my age who were huge fans back in the day that I was finally watching it and they both said they were "total Rorys". And I was like...no you weren't! I knew one of you back then, and you may be as smart as Rory, but you definitely were more of a Type A Paris! And that's great, because Paris is the greatest! But it's inevitable if you were a teenager in 2000 watching Gilmore Girls you'd imprint hard on Rory no matter what you were really like. You're meant to.
(I was a Lane who aged into a Luke)
But I do think the writers were slowly building to how unprepared all this adulation and idolizing made Rory for the real world. She may be incredibly smart, but there is no way she becomes the next Christiane Amanpour. When she sits like a bump on a log next to Paris when they're both supposed to be interviewing the college admissions people? Paris has the guts for that kind of life, but not Rory. That girl has zero guts. She'd make a kickass librarian, though. Some place like Library of Congress would be perfect for her, since I'm sure there are a lot of opportunities to help journalists in their research, which she'd be totally boss at. But charging into war zones and being, dare I say it, pushy sometimes and aggressive in not a passive way? Nah.
Not to be all Logan Roy about it, but she's just not built for it. And that's okay! Neither am I! And that's why I do work at a library! But of course, Rory is meant for GrEaTeR ThInGs.
I am very empathetic to Lorelai -- for anyone who says she acts like a spoiled brat to her parents, may I remind you of that time Richard blamed her for Christopher marrying someone else because she didn't marry him at *sixteen?* Fuck her parents, she's always laying down reasonable boundaries and trying to be the bigger person (okay, maybe not ALWAYS, but still) -- anyway, I'm empathetic to her, but she has put a whole different kind of pressure and set of expectations on Rory than her parents put on her.
"We're best friends first and mother and daughter second." Well, that's a big magenta flag if not outright red. I still give her a lot of leeway because of having Rory so young and the fact she herself never got to grow up normally. But it doesn't do Rory any favors.
And don't get me started on the Rory-Dean-Jess triangle. It's another example of how I'm older (and possibly more aromantic) than the target demographic. I just don't give any kind of shit about it other than the fact the storyline reveals more of Rory's self-centered streak. However, I'm just way more interested in the intergenerational tension between Lorelai and her parents, the Chilton plotlines, and the Stars Hollow eccentrics (Kirk my beloved!).
That, and obviously Paris is Rory's soulmate for better or for worse, so all this nonsense is just a waste of time.
To sum up, things I love about the show: it's addictive, for one thing, and it also manages to tell complex stories with multifaceted characters while still feeling very pleasant and easy to watch. Michel, Lane, Sookie, Miss Patty, Taylor, Babette, and above all my darling Kirk are all vastly underrated. Luke has his psychopathic moments, but I can't help relating. Emily and Richard are the worst, but the best at being entertaining so I give them a pass. Paris is all. I'm a big fan of this show overall.
Things I don't love: The Not-Like-Other-Girlsness of Lorelai and Rory, and -- I know I'm going to get stoned for this -- I find the Lorelai/Rory banter pretty goddamn tiresome. Neither of them are as funny as they think they are, and it's another example of how they both share the same Main Character Syndrome (yeah, sure, they are technically the main characters in the Doylist sense, but from a Watsonian standpoint they just steamroll every room they enter).
But my most important takeaway is that we fatphobes in the early '00s weren't willing to accept how gorgeous, cute, and sexy Melissa McCarthy was as Sookie. Those big blue eyes with that red hair? Those dimples? Lucky guy, Jackson.
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literatikoo · 3 years
Lane Kim deserved better
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would only write Lane Kim meta when I am very very angry because I need to be powered by spite and petty energy to unravel exactly how much of a disservice this show was to Lane and by extension any Asian kid with a similar life. And, well, it's happening now, so buckle up kids, this is going to be a loooong ride because I have a lot to say.
Before we start on the negative aspects, the show got a lot of things about Lane right, which is why I care so much about her character. Yes, ASP obviously didn't know how to write a POC experience and it's seen in the way some very harmful stereotypes were propagated (the tiger mom trope, Mrs Kim's religious beliefs, the depiction of the Kim extended family etc) but at the same time Lane was beautifully written as a character, unlike her plot which left much to be desired. Lane Kim was an Asian girl with rock n roll dreams who had an extremely fraught relationship with her mother and had to fight for even a semblance of independence. And I hate to say it but a lot of daughters of Asian households are forced to hide a part of themselves from their families, so Lane's story was authentic.
Not only was Lane amazing as an individual, she was also a great friend. She was the only one who was really in Rory's corner; she never judged her and supported all of Rory's relationships (my favourite example of this is when she barely tolerated Jess in S2/3 and then did a complete 180 like 5 episodes later, all because Rory decided to finally accept she liked him). Lane never pointed out what Rory was doing wrong not because she was afraid of doing so but because the two of them had been friends for years and Lane believed that Rory would figure it out one day. Lane shows this unconditional kindness not only to Rory but to everyone. She takes in her Korean cousin and teaches her to have fun even when she's afraid that Mrs Kim has replaced her, she lets Gil be in the band because she empathises with him, she takes care of the band and prevents it from breaking up multiple times. And these are only a few examples of Lane being the kindest character on GG.
One of the best things in Gilmore Girls is that the most unproblematic, amazing guy is given to Lane. Dave Rygalski is the best love interest on the show hands down (Sorry to my boy Jess but Dave was LEAGUES ahead of him at 17) and Lane definitely deserved someone like that. Their story was adorable and I would have loved for them to be endgame. However, what grates me is that when I see people talking about Lane "deserving better," it's usually about Dave vs Zach. When Lane actually deserved better as a WHOLE and not only in terms of love interests. I always thought it made more sense for her to end up alone at the end of the og series. Because Lane was a person who craved independence and she was not going to get that while tied to some guy (even if that guy is boyfriend extraordinaire, Dave Rygalski). It's even worse when we see that Lane is the only female character on the show to be treated this way. Rory rejects marriage for her career while Lane ends up with marriage as her storyline. Lorelai and Luke get back together but their relationship is still left open ended, though arguably it would've made more sense if they got married when Lane and Zach did. Paris gets into Harvard Medical school and gets a great relationship, similarly Sookie gets the family she wanted and continues to be amazing at her job. But Lane... god Lane is the only one without an open ending, without any space for speculation of where her life might lead her. Not only did they marry her off, they also gave her a terrible first time and twins, effectively locking her to Stars Hollow. The show even cut down all hope of her being a rock n roll mom as one of her S7 storylines is choosing the kids over going on tour with Zach. She doesn't get to be her own person for more than ONE season; she's stuck with being a daughter and then a wife and then a mother.
Something else that angers me about Lane's storyline is that we never really get to see how badly her relationship with her mom affects her. Don't get me wrong, I adore Mrs Kim's redemption arc and I think it was beautifully juxtaposed to Lorelai and Rory's crumbling relationship, but having a mother like that is hard. Not only did Lane have to hide 90% of her personality from Mrs Kim but she also lived with the fact that one day she might have to choose between her dreams and her mother. In the end, Mrs Kim makes that choice for her and deals with it by kicking Lane out in S4, and yet we never really see how that negatively affects Lane. Hell, Jess acts like a broody teen for two seasons, Rory wastes six months of her life away at the DAR and they both come out of it successfully. Lane gets kicked out, figures out her own living conditions, gets a job, works insanely hard for her band and... ends up having to give her dreams up completely.
Lane and Paris shared a lot of similarities too, even if they both had different friendships with Rory. They both came from terrible families and looked to Lorelai as a mother figure, they both cared deeply for Rory, and they were both incredibly passionate about their careers. Paris made calendars and flashcards and went crazy studying for both pre med and pre law. Lane was a walking, talking music encyclopaedia, she bought CDs obsessively and organised them by genre under her floorboards, she taught herself to play the drums and then found a band to play for. And yet... only Paris becomes successful in the end, whereas Lane takes over Kim's antiques. Lane was still a musician in AYITL and she can be rock n roll even with kids but this is all hypothetical and we never see it on the show.
There is a lot of terrible, lazy writing on the show and a lot of characters get ruined because of it but with Lane, her character stays the same, they just ruin everything else for her. I think she'll be an amazing mom and will probably make her best out of doing music casually. But the writers also took something so special and destroyed it just because Lane stopped being as important to the plot as she was in seasons 1-3. Lane and Rory drifting a little after Rory leaves for Yale makes perfect sense, that's just how relationships are, always changing. And yet as Lane's importance to Rory decreased so did her importance to the writers.
Lane wasn't the kind of character that needed character development or a redeeming character arc- she was never a bad person and nothing about her had to be fixed, unlike Jess or even Paris. All she really needed was for her dreams to come true because for the first 4 seasons her dreams were the biggest fixture of her personality. Like how Jess needed to overcome his trauma and Rory needed to figure out where she fit in and Paris needed to become a girlboss, Lane needed to realise her dreams because that's where her arc was leading her. But it just didn't happen. Instead, Lane becomes 2-dimensional; a large part of her screentime is taken up by Zach problems, her dreams fall flat and she becomes tied to Stars Hollow for the rest of her life. Not to mention we see less of Lane in favour of Logan and the dickhead posse.
This is not me hating on all the other characters I've mentioned in this meta, I'm just pointing out the lack of respect the writers have for Lane in comparison to all these other people who fulfilled the role they were made for. Why would you write Lane to have all these dreams and make her struggle so hard for 4 seasons just to smash them to pieces? And why is it that one of the only POC characters on this show is treated like this?
And you can't tell me the writers didn't know what they were doing, not when this is a direct quote from Lane in S7:
"It was such a small window -- a peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then -- slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person."
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fkevin073 · 2 years
let's do gilmore girls since i had it playing in the background the other day, so question 2, 6 and 7!
and number 4 for favorite book ♡
okay so for fandom asks, here we go. this will have spoilers for Gilmore girls, so be warned! :)
2. Favorite episode/ chapter/ etc from [IF]
oh wow my favourite episode... that's a tough one. I think one of my favourite ones was the 24 hour dance marathon episode where Rory and Lorelei participate. I just love all the angst and humour.
Another one would be the season finale of season 2! I think it set up things super well. Also Milo Ventimiglia looks so good in that episode holy shit. I definitely prefer the episodes from season 1-4 tbh.
4. Favorite show/ book/ fandom/ etc?
I'm assuming you mean in general and not just the books talked about on the show?
That's a tough one too! I really loved The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid and Daisy Jones & the Six. But one of my all time favourites is "All the Light We cannot See" by Anthony Doerr. For classic novels I'd probably say Persuasion by Jane Austen or Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy.
6. If you could be friends with one (1) character from [IF] who would it be?
ouuu probably Paris. She's an absolute boss and I think she'd encourage me to be the best possible version of myself. she's also just so funny and so unapologetically herself. I love her work ethic (also, I will die on this hill but Paris should have gotten into Harvard instead of Rory. I said what I said). Also Lane.
And Jess as well. He has a pretty crazy taste in books, so I love that. also I could probably borrow some and he wouldn't be able to notice.
7. Least favorite character from [IF]
okay this may be unpopular but right now I'd say Rory. I really loved her in seasons 1-4 but afterwards like... damn. Idk how to explain it because I sympathize her with a lot of ways - she was idealized way too much as a kid and pampered a lot. She also had a lot of pressure on her shoulders to be perfect all the time and the town was WAY too involved in her private life. And also academic burnout. I get that! I get not having your shit together.
But like she cheated on all of her boyfriends except Jess and engaged in at least two affairs. Don't get me wrong, in those situations I believe the blame majorly goes on the person in the relationship, especially with the whole Dean situation (that whole blame the other woman thing is super toxic and gross). but like!! she never learns. she cheats on people and doesn't even seem to feel guilty about it. She also treated her boyfriend horribly in the revival for no reason.
I also found that she became really entitled and blind to her own privilege in later seasons. Like I remember she had an argument with Logan about how they weren't the same because she wasn't a trust fund kid and I was like your grandparents pay for all your schooling and accommodation and they're super rich. like?? your mom paid for all her own stuff, not you. But yeah, Rory kind of went downhill for me...
thanks for the ask :)
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mysteriesofloves · 3 years
What are ur favourite dan and Rory parallels?
oh this is a perfect ask. there’s so many parallels (finding respite in books, strained relationship with a parent, want to be writers) but i think my favourite ones would be who they are as people. i don’t want to give away too much because i’m literally writing a multi chapter long fic with dan as rory and blair as paris but: rory and dan have really similar roles in paris is burning and bad news blair which both work to show just how essentially kind they are. there’s really no need for rory to tell paris that she’s there for her, especially after paris humiliated her mother, and there’s really no reason for dan to go after blair, especially when she’s made it clear she looks down on him. but they do because they care.
they share other less than favourable qualities, which is a parallel i like too. they’re both entitled; they had parents that instilled in them from a young age that they were beyond gifted, pretty much perfect, and that they would go really far in life based on that. so when they’re faced with not living up to that, or failing, they don’t know what to do. they haven’t been equipped to handle it. and that entitlement extends past ambitions and academics, too, i think. rory initially doesn’t feel guilty about the dean situation because he was hers first. and i think there’s times when dan feels that way about serena. the dean/rory and dan/serena relationships definitely parallel each other in other ways, too. the safe place, the first person that was your person, who you keep going back to. lane and rory is how i see dan and vanessa having been growing up (so they share that, too, best friends who deserved better from the writers).
maybe my favourite one overall is dan writing inside and rory writing that article about logan’s party in s7. they’ve both benefited so much from the system and the atmosphere that they’re satirizing and it’s something they don’t really notice because they still feel essentially “othered” and haven’t grown out of that yet.
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stellaluna33 · 3 years
Your text post about Rory being a nurturing person reminds me of how she was nurturing and even motherly in certain moments to the guys she dated. You can see this in a lot of moments towards Logan and towards Jess in the early seasons, and even towards Dean, whom she always tried to placate and calm down whenever he seemed to be on the verge of exploding towards her because of his own insecurities. And the thing is, no one in a relationship has to do that, but Rory almost always did, and in a lot of times to her own detriment. I mean even after she and Dean broke up, and in a break up that he instigated no less, instead of her being the apparent "horrible girlfriend/friend towards him" the way a LOT of Dean fans want to say that she is, she went and tried to apologize to him after he publicly humiliated her, no less, she tried to hide any trace of her relationship with Jess in the following couple of weeks because she didn't want to upset him, and even afterwards you never see her somehow deliberately try to flaunt any form of her new relationship towards Dean. Hell, she even accepts his request of a friendship with her despite his previous insults towards her, that's how much she cares about other people's feelings beyond her own. A lot of people love to say that she's self-centered but almost all the examples they throw out actually mean "the show focuses on her life and struggles but not on her friends' lives which I prefer, which means that Rory is a horrible friend because she doesn't devote her entire life to worshipping the ground that her mother/friends walk on". Because a lot of the moments where we see her and her friends, she's almost always trying to help or hears them out or supports them.
Aaaand I think you've hit the nail on the head. Any time she makes a mistake or ends up inconveniencing anyone, she's accused of being "selfish." And... what???? Yeah, so she's not a perfect friend all the time. Lane and Paris aren't perfect friends to RORY all the time either! Because they're... wait for it... HUMAN BEINGS. Rory's made some pretty huge mistakes. She certainly has selfish MOMENTS. I'm pretty sure all of us do. But that doesn't mean she isn't ALSO usually an incredibly kind and compassionate person, because she IS. She doesn't always know what the exact right thing to do is, and sometimes her ATTEMPTS to do the right thing backfire. But that doesn't mean she doesn't CARE!
Honestly, I think the world is more forgiving to outright villains than to people who try to do the right thing and sometimes fail.
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literatigifs · 3 years
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It's always weird seeing so many people complain about Rory never acknowledging her privilege or the influence of her family's money and connections on her own education and portfolio when......you could also argue that Lorelai has that same sort of privilege herself, as well, along with Paris. Lorelai might not have directly used Richard's connections for her own business, but whenever she needed money in order to send off Rory to Chilton, have her house fixed or start construction on her own Inn while Rory was just starting at Yale, she could always rely on her parents' money for this.
Paris's family money in particular is why she's even capable of going to the same prestigious places of education alongside Rory in the first place, but I guess people like to ignore that in favor of pretending that Paris somehow "works harder" for all the things she wants to achieve more than Rory does, purely because we don't see Rory in a state of distress and frustration the same way we see Paris in constantly with other people. But many of the times Paris behaves like this, she also shrugs off any extra help from others in favor of doing everything herself mainly because she thinks her way is the best and that's that. Whenever I think about how Rory has to constantly manage her emotions while also having to take control of the situation that they're both in, it's crazy viewing all these posts about how 'terrible' of a friend Rory always is, as if she isn't one of the people that's always by Paris's side, whether it's to help her or comfort her. And yeah, I feel like Paris's behavior is often catnip for other white feminists who view the show, because she's a woman who's overly aggressive in a lot of the tasks she does in order to achieve success, she views her way as the best one and doesn't even take help from other people as a valid option, and I feel like a lot of the traits behind her behavior are the same that white men in power often adapt in order to keep their positions and to continue having others below them that either dislike them or fear them. This is something that white feminist behavior is pretty criticized over, since a lot of white feminists aren't really interested in complete equality between all women and men so much as achieving the form of power that white men often have in society, whether it's in business or even in their personal lives. And this doesn't even go into how Paris's overall story is pretty much her becoming even more successful and rich in her adulthood, and this still not being enough to make her feel confident in herself, so she still takes to being overly aggressive to either the people who work for her or random Chilton schoolgirls.
This isn't me hating on Paris, by the way, even with the way she behaves a lot of the time, I still enjoy her character on screen. But yeah, a lot of white female viewers I've seen express their love for the character seem to often ignore how the way she acts towards other people isn't remotely nice or good, but since she's aggressive and looks like she's confident in her abilities, as well as works hard for what she wants and still isn't given everything the way that white women in power often aren't (just look at how many people compared Hillary Clinton's election to the scene in Chilton where Paris is a promising candidate that still doesn't win for some x unrelated reason), she's kind of like their example of how rich white skinny women in power are never given the same amount as white men are when from their perspective, they should be. And idk, to me it just shows how limited their perspective of Paris is and how they can easily ignore her privilege and white feminism because she's not "perfect" and doesn't "achieve everything in her life without breaking a sweat" like Rory. But since when was Rory ever perfect and capable of achieving everything, exactly? I can understand this argument over Rory getting into all of her applied Ivy League colleges in season 3 whereas Paris didn't get into Harvard, but this pattern never holds up? In season 4 Rory has to drop a class which leads to her having a breakdown and making some seriously wrong decisions in her personal life. In season 5 Rory has another breakdown which literally leads her to stealing a yacht. Rory's fall from graces are always messy and hard to stomach at times, but in a lot of these moments, she goes through whatever necessary realization she should before getting back on her feet and working towards what she wants. And granted, she of course has privilege in her life by even having the chance to go to Chilton, then Yale, and pursuing journalism as a full-time career, but again, so does Paris. So does Lorelai for even managing to get her own Inn up and running while she has Rory going to Yale. All of the main women in the series, save for Lane Kim have money privileges, it's kind of impossible to just pinpoint to Rory and act like she needs to solely answer for all this privilege she has as if Emily, Lorelai and Paris don't have it either. And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to discussions about the privileges these women have or the type of feminism the show promotes.
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Another Top 10 Female TV Characters (In no particular order)
I posted something like this before but I added some favorite characters and I had to get my feelings down in writing :) You can read my other post, but in summation, the characters I mentioned before were: El Hopper, Anne Shirley, Lorelai Gilmore, Annie Edison, Joyce Byers, Paris Geller, Lois Lane, Jess Day, Midge Maisel, and Millie Helper.
Joey Potter (Dawson’s Creek):
Joey is one of the best characters in Dawson’s Creek. In my opinion the show should have been called “Joey’s Creek” :) She was a far more interesting character than Dawson. I haven’t finished the show yet so I don’t have too much to say about her, but from what i’ve heard she finally achieves her dreams and ends the series in a happy place, which makes me happy. What I do know is that Joey is extremely driven, creative, and smart. She’s also a character who has been through so much and has made it to the other side to be a very strong and kind person. 
Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls):
Alexis doesn’t get enough love for her portrayal of Rory. You gotta figure that this was Alexis’ first role ever and she was able to show a lot of emotion in this part, while also being extremely adept at the comedy as well. Rory had her ups and downs but i’ve always been a Rory defender. She’s not perfect, but I also would say that makes her a well rounded character. She’s smart, kind, and an amazing friend. 
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things):
Robin was such an important and fun addition to Stranger Things. She immediately brought such a new and dynamic atmosphere to the show. She’s a genuis... I mean, she fucking cracked a professional Russian code in a day. She’s hilarious and Maya is a tremendous actress. How she can go into a really serious and emotional scene and then go straight into a hilarious scene where she’s high with Steve is just simply amazing.
Veronica Mars (Veronica Mars):
Veronica Mars is my favorite character in the original  3 seasons of Veronica Mars. She’s talented, badass, and snarky/really funny. Veronica is a character who could benefit from therapy, but she’s very stubborn and in the 4th season seems to be adverse to the idea of going to therapy. She has been through more than any high schooler should go through. Even before the events of the 1st season. Her parents divorce, she is raped at a high school party, her best friend is murdered, her father, who was the sheriff at the time, accused her boyfriend’s father of killing her friend/her boyfriend’s sister. Because of that event, her and her boyfriend broke up and she lost her group of friends. Hopefully you followed with that last one cause it’s pretty complicated lol. And that’s just the events before the 1st season. Despite that or possibly because of that, Veronica has become a very strong and tenacious girl with a strong love of justice. She is also a loyal friend. 
Jeannie Nelson (I Dream Of Jeannie):
Jeannie is so sweet and loyal. She is my favorite character in I Dream Of Jeannie. There is truly never a dull moment with Jeannie around. She’s brings the crazy into any situation and I mean that in the best way possible. No, but seriously she is such a positive and sweet character until you cross her and then as a magical genie you will wish you had never been born ;) Also what fun Barbara must have had playing that character, not only because of all the crazy situations she got to play, but also Jeannie had the best wardrobe ever!
Laura Petrie (The Dick Van Dyke Show):
Laura was such a unique TV character for the time. In the early days of Television there were usually two types of women characters. You had the June Cleaver, stay at home, always dressed immaculately in a dress and apron, always there for some sage advice for her children type of character. And then you had the nagging wife/magnet for trouble like Lucy Ricardo. I don’t want to do too much of a disservice to Lucy cause she is a very beloved TV character and in some ways was very ahead of her time. Yet Laura was very different than those two types of characters. She was supremely real in every way. She wore pants a lot, she had breakdowns because at times being a stay at home mom was difficult and thankless, she talked like a real person would not like a June Cleaver or a Donna Stone. She was funny, talented. At one point, Sally was taking a leave of absence from Rob’s TV show that he was a head writer for and Laura asked to help out in any way. Rob agreed for her to be a typist for them, to at least fill some of the void of Sally’s absence. During that time, Laura actually comes up with some jokes and helps with the writing of the show as well.  She was a dancer, she is proficient in self defense. She was truly an amazing character and so unique for an early 1960s TV show.
Olivia Dunham (Fringe):
Anna was an actress who took me completely by surprise. The first few episodes of Fringe, I didn’t feel like she was such an amazing actress, yet as the show went on, Anna really showed herself to be an Emmy worthy actor. She got to play so many different versions of this character as well. She played the original Olivia and then we meet Olivia from an alternate universe and there are some big ways and some subtle ways that those two versions of Olivia are different. There’s a character named William Bell and he is played by Leonard Nimoy. For a stretch of like three episodes, Olivia gets inhabited by William Bell. So it’s Anna Torv doing a hilarious and really well done impression of Leonard Nimoy/his character in Fringe, her mannerisms are so funny in those episodes!! Yes, this show probably sounds crazy.... it is but in the best possible way, everyone should go watch it :) I remember when I became endeared to her character. It was when I saw her interact with her niece, Ella. It showed such a soft and real side of her. She’s a protector, she’s badass, she’s an incredible mother, wife, sister, friend, and aunt.
Astrid Farnsworth (Fringe):
Astrid is such a fun character in Fringe. She’s very endearing and real and funny. I’m sad that during the run of the show, we didn’t get to see more of her, but all that we did get was so much fun. The lab scenes are some of my favorites. The dynamic of Astrid, Walter, and Peter is just the best! Also the alternate universe Astrid is the purest and sweetest angel and must be protected at all costs :)
Sookie St James (Gilmore Girls):
The character of Sookie was really important in my opinion she is a beautiful plus size woman where her size did not define her, she was not the butt of the joke. She is a well respected chef, a loving mother, friend, and wife. When people think of Melissa McCarthy, they don’t typically first think of this role, but in my opinion it’s the best role of her career. She’s very funny in this part, but it’s a different and more low key kind of comedy than some people are used to seeing her in. BTW Drunk Sookie is iconic!! LOL
Lane Kim (Gilmore Girls):
Another character in Gilmore Girls that is underappreciated. She an incredibly talented drummer and she largely taught herself to play the drums. I can’t remember if the music store owner ever taught her but I feel like didn’t. I think she just let her use the display drums until Lane could buy them. Lane is funny and cool and a supportive friend. All the actors in Gilmore Girls were great at the dramatic bits as well, and Keiko was no different, some of those scenes between Lane and Mrs Kim really broke my heart which is credit to Emily and Keiko’s acting ability.
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abundanceofsoph · 3 years
SkyFire 3: Chapter 9
BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw : October 2017   
Word count: 3.8k
Please for the love of god, if you like the story just hit the reblog button. I’m starting to run out of motivation to post since no one ever shares these chapters.
>Instagram posts
After the Phoenix show, the band took a weeklong break before meeting back up in Paris to kick off the European leg of the tour. During their break, Adam returned home to his young family and Sarah and Mitch took a short vacation together, while Aurora and Harry joined Niall in celebrating the release of his debut album, Flicker. They, along with Liam, Louis and some of Niall’s friends and family all arrived at his London house for dinner and drinks to celebrate the launch after Niall had spent the day doing press. It was a really casual evening, with everyone scattered throughout the living room, kitchen, and heated patio. Later in the evening Aurora found herself sandwiched on the sofa between Liam and Louis while Harry was off being the social butterfly he was, flitting from one conversation to the next. Rori loved that about the two of them, as much as they loved each other they never felt the need to be glued to each other’s sides when out with friends. She had just finished filling the boys in on the excitement of the first leg of the tour when Liam posed a question.
“I noticed you guys have a 2 week break between Milan and Singapore,” he said. “Got anything planned?”
“We’re planning to be home for 8 or 9 days and then fly to Singapore a few days early to hopefully explore a little,” Rori explained. “Why?”
“Well I was wondering if you wanted to get in the studio with me,” Liam replied. “Lou and I wrote a song a few months back and the demo I put together got selected for the next Fifty Shades soundtrack, but they want it to be a duet. We thought you’d be the perfect fit.”
“Oooh, that sounds like fun,” Rori smiled. “Do you have the demo on your phone?” Liam nodded and Rori fished her AirPods out of her purse and quickly linked them with Liam’s phone to listen through the track. “I love it!” she declared once it reached the end. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun.”
They were interrupted from continuing by a slightly tipsy Niall calling everyone’s attention to where he was standing on the coffee table.
“EVERYONE!” Niall yelled. “I just wanna thank ya all for being here to celebrate all of this. It’s mental that after so many months my baby is finally out in the world and every single one of you played a part in helping make this happen.”
“TO NIALL!” Rori yelled, raising her glass in the air. Everyone echoed her words, cheersing the jolly Irishman.
A week and a half after Niall’s album launch, after shows in both Paris and Cologne, the Styles’ were back in London for two back to back shows in Hammersmith. The day after the shows, before they headed up to Manchester Harry was due to appear on Nick Grimshaw’s breakfast show on BBC Radio One as Kiwi was releasing as a single that day. Unfortunately, when Harry came of the stage after the second show his voice was in shambles. The tour doctor headed straight for Harry’s dressing room and after a quick consult he was placed on vocal rest for the next 36 hours in preparation for the next show. Aurora immediately called Grimmy to explain the situation while Jeff attempted not to panic before joining her on the call. After much discussion between the 3 of them and many eye rolls from Harry, it was decided that Aurora would attend the interview the following morning so that Nick wasn’t left hanging without a guest and Harry would stay home to rest before travelling up to Manchester in the afternoon.
“Good morning you’re listening to BBC Radio One, I’m Nick Grimshaw and this morning I was supposed to be joined by Mr Harry Styles but unfortunately Hazza’s come down with a bit of a cold so he’s sent along his wonderful wife to fill in for him. Aurora thank you for joining me.”
“Thank you for having me Grimmy,” Rori replied. “Wish it was a bit later in the day, but you did buy me a coffee so I’ll let you off without too many complaints.”
“How generous of you love,” Nick smirked.
“Only for you,” she giggled, throwing a wink across the table towards her friend.
“So, I had all these fantastic, insightful question for Harry about the album and the tour and the release of Kiwi as a single today, but alas I’ve had to throw all that out the window. Figured since I’m bluffing the questions, we might have a bit of fun today and given that it’s Hazzas fault you’re up this early, what do you say we have that fun at his expense?”
“Are you gonna get me in trouble when I get home Nick?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it love. Besides we both know he’d never get mad at you, that boy is smitten with you.”
“We’ll see about that. What sort of fun did you have in mind?”
“How about we throw to a song and when we come back, I’ll start with a few softball questions.”
“You’re going to play nicely, aren’t you?” Rori asked as the mics were muted and a song started playing for the listeners.
“Of course,” Nick smiled. “I know where your boundaries are, and I text Harry last night to see what he was comfortable with us discussing in regards to song meanings and he gave us the all clear.”
“Alright then,” Rori sighed. “I guess it’s too late now to back out.”
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Nick laughed. “We’re gonna have a fun morning. You ready? Song’s almost done.”
Aurora nodded and readjusted her headphones.
“Welcome back, if you’re just tuning in, I’m joined this morning by the one and only Aurora Styles. Now Rori, your husband Harry, he’s a good mate of mine and the fans listening at home will be very aware that our boy H doesn’t like to talk about his private life much but between us gals I’ve got a few questions.”
“Oh god.”
“Now, now. We’ll have none of that. I’m wondering what married life is like?”
“It’s wonderful,” Rori answered. “We’ve been married for a little over 7 months now and it couldn’t be better.”
“And you’ve been together for what, 4 years now?”
“Something like that,” Rori agreed.
“What was it that first made you fall for him?”
“Oh um... I’m not sure what the first thing was, it just kind of happened. The dimples certainly didn’t hurt,” she joked. “But in all seriousness, I think it was just how genuine he was.”
“Boring,” Nick replied, rolling his eyes dramatically.
“No, I’m serious,” Rori laughed. “We met at the AMAs right before my first ever solo performance and I was in the middle of a panic attack and he just sat down next to me in the hallway and talked to me until I calmed down. We’d never met before and he just saw me freaking out and thought ‘I’m gonna help her’. You don’t find a lot of genuinely kind people in this industry and he’s always astounded me with how selfless he is.”
“That’s too cute. It’s disgusting. How do you manage being in a relationship with someone who is idolized by such an intensely loyal fan base?”
“Honestly, I love Harry’s fans. How could I not? They love the same things in him that I do. They recognize his talent and his kindness and they’re so supportive of everything he does. I’m honestly just so proud of him so of course I love his fans because he deserves to be adored.”
“You’re very sappy this morning sweetheart,” Nick replied. “Don’t get me wrong I’m loving it, you’re normally much sassier with me when you’re more awake. So how has it been being on tour with Harry and being a part of the band?”
“Oh my god, it’s so much fun. We have the best time when we’re all playing together, and we all get along so easily that it never feels like work. The tour has been incredible so far, getting to play this fantastic album to so many fans. I’m very lucky. There aren’t a lot of careers where you get to spend every day with your husband doing what you both love.”
“Speaking of the incredible album let’s play the new single Kiwi and when we come back, we might have a bit of a chat about the other tracks.”
After Kiwi finished, Nick grinned cheekily across the desk at Aurora as he welcomed the listeners back. “And we are back everyone, now before the song break, we were discussing Harry Styles, the self-titled debut of Harry Styles and Aurora I’d love to pick your brain about it since you were involved in the entire creation process, weren’t you?”
“From writing to recording,” Rori agreed.
“So which track is your favourite?”
“That’s tough. There are a lot of very personal songs on the album and in one way or another they’re all my favourites for very narcissistic reasons, but I think if I had to pick one, I think I have to pick Sweet Creature. It’s just a beautiful song.”
“You would pick a song written for you as your favourite.”
“I mean in my defence every song on the album is either about me or I wrote it so there was no humble way to answer that question, and also Nick,” she paused, smirking in anticipation for the rest of her sentence, “who said it’s about me?”
“Wait. Are you saying you’re not Harry’s Sweet Creature? Well who is it about? Did he step out on you?” Nick joked.
Aurora chuckled. “No, he didn’t step out on me, and I’m not telling you. She knows who she is and all I’ll say is that not all love is romantic love. Besides everyone who assumed it was about me didn’t even really listen to the song. I mean how could we have started out as ‘two hearts in one home’?”
“Well I’m sure all the fans listening are having a bit of a breakdown right now over that,” Nick laughed. “I want to come back to talking about the album later, but since you’ve never been shy about addressing fan theories, I thought it might be a bit of fun to look at what fans are talking about online. I’ve taken to Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr overnight to find out what's on their minds, what do you say Rori?”
“Let’s do it,” Rori replied.
“Excellent. Let’s play a song first and when we come back, we’ll be addressing fan questions, and speculations. This is Taylor Swift with Look What You Made Me Do.”
While the song played Rori and Nick talked and joked around about what he had found online and he promised, once again, that he wouldn’t put her in any uncomfortable situations.
“Welcome back,” Nick said. “This morning we’re answering the internets burning questions with Aurora Styles. First ones gonna be a soft ball Rors. It’s from twitter user @IwouldSellMyLeftKidneyForAuroraStark, who tweeted: My life is in desperate need for an Aurora Styles solo album/tour. Who do I have to kill to make this happen? So, when are we getting your solo work, love?”
“Oh wow, that’s very sweet,” Aurora replied with a blush, “But please don’t sell your kidney for me, you’re gonna need that. As for the solo work, while I appreciate the support, I don’t think I will ever go solo. I enjoy the collaborative process too much and a solo tour just wouldn’t be as much fun as touring with Harry. I will continue posting covers and demos to my YouTube channel and we have been tossing around the idea of a demo tape album so maybe you will get an album from me at some point.”
“Well I for one would be first in line for a vinyl of your Demo Tapes series,” Nick replied. “I found a tweet with a theory about some of your songs from twitter user @HarrysSuits. How cute is it that Aurora Styles has like 5 Songs that she’s written either about or with Harry that have the same or very similar titles to 1D songs? I mean there’s The Little Things, Just You and I, Still I Fly, Where I Belong, and All Night.”
“I mean when you lay it out like that there’s definitely a trend,” Rori admitted with a chuckle.
“You didn’t do it intentionally?” Nick asked.
“Not at all. Yikes. Makes me sound like a bit of a fan girl doesn’t it? Naming all my songs after theirs?”
“A little bit,” Nick chuckled, holding up his hand with his thumb and forefinger pinched together.
“How embarrassing,” Rori said sarcastically.
“Very embarrassing,” Nick replied with a matching tone. “I hope they don’t notice because how awkward would it be if they know you’re a fan?”
“I’d die.”
“Thank god this is a private chat that no one else is listening too,” Nick laughed. “Ok so earlier in the show you hinted at the story behind Sweet Creature and I was hoping, since Hazza isn’t here to stop us, we can dive into the rest of the album. The fans and I couldn’t help but notice that there seems to be a bit of a common theme throughout the album with it being tied into the Columbia shooting and I've got a fan observation here from the account @18monthsTheySaid, it’s quite an in-depth thread but I’d love to get your take on it so here we go:
Whatever you do, don’t think about the fact that at least 4 tracks off HS1 are about Aurora and the Columbia shooting. These are obviously just my interpretations of the songs and I might be wrong but I’m gonna say it anyway.
Meet me in the Hallway: I think this is about the immediate aftermath. He’s roaming the hospital hallways, needing pain relief and he’s ‘gotta get better’ because he feels the need to pull himself together and be there for Aurora. He’s begging her ‘Just let me know…’ because he’d do anything to fix it or make it easier for her.
Sign of the Times is probably one of the most overt ones on the album, I mean ‘why are we always stuck’n running from the bullets’? and I’m pretty sure ‘we don’t talk enough… will we ever learn?’ is about how we can never seem to have an actual conversation about gun reform in this country and until we do we’ll never change.
Two Ghosts: ‘we’re not who we used to be’ is obviously about the fact that they both changed so much in the wake of the shooting and I think the idea of them being ghosts is Harry examining the alternative reality where she didn’t survive and maybe he wouldn’t have survived it either.
Ever Since New York: I mean the title says it all really. ‘Tell me something I don’t already know’ is maybe asking the doctors for better news because she went through so many surgeries and the results were always the same. And ‘Brooklyn saw me empty at the news’ I think is reference to Rori’s dad, Steve Rogers who’s from Brooklyn and some of the Avengers call him that occasionally in interviews.”
Aurora remained silent for a moment once Nick finished reading out the twitter thread. She was so often blown away by how observant the fans were and how much they picked up on. “When we sat down to write the album in 2016 we were so heavily stuck in the aftermath of Columbia that I don’t think it’s a surprise to anyone that a lot of the album is in reference to what happened to me and the fallout from that,” she explained. “This album was about us piecing ourselves back together in many ways and I think if you listen to the whole thing you can hear that entire process of us healing together. The incredible thing about Harry as a songwriter and as a performer is that he’s always been so good at making you feel exactly what he’s feeling when he sings, and clearly people are picking up on that tone and over-arching theme.”
“Was it difficult to write about what happened?” Nick asked.
“Some days,” Rori admitted. “There were a lot of tears but the thing I love the most about music, and the entire song writing process, is that it’s the best form of therapy. When I’m writing I can admit to feelings I wouldn’t otherwise be able to talk about. You can be really vulnerable in way that feels safe and comforting and then when you’re able to share that with the world and you let them in, it’s an incredible experience.”
“And I think I speak for everyone when I say how much we appreciate you and Harry letting us in. Now before either of us get too mushy, let’s throw it over to your favourite track off the album. This is Sweet Creature.”
While the song played, Nick looked across the desk to where Aurora was taking a deep breathe to steady her nerves after talking about something so personal. She loved talking about song writing and the meanings behind her lyrics, but she always got a little nervous when it was Harry’s songs she was talking about, knowing that he felt the opposite about sharing the stories behind the songs. He had told her countless times that while he wasn’t comfortable having those conversations he would never stop her from talking about it, but his silence on the topic always made his fans desperate for information which put a lot of pressure on her when she spoke about his work.  
“Alright,” Nick said, “you ready for the last one?”
“Is it what I think it is?
“It is. Not too late to back out if you don’t want me to ask. We can just talk about the BBC recording or about the tour some more.”
“No, it’s ok,” she replied. “It’s about time I say something. Just nervous about the response.”
Nick nodded in understanding and turned back to the microphone as the song reached its end. Aurora felt her heartrate rising and her hand started to shake as anxiety clawed at her throat.
“Now we’ve been addressing fan theories and answering the internet’s burning questions here this morning and we can’t really have a segment like this without touching on the biggest theory surrounding Harry that dates back to the very early days of his career and I know neither of you have ever addressed this publicly but when we were chatting last night about you filling in for him I asked if it was ok to bring this up and you both agreed I could ask…”
Aurora shifted in her seat hesitantly, her palm growing sweaty as she anticipated the next question. She’d avoided commenting on it publicly ever since she and Harry announced their relationship, which was not to say she didn’t have strong opinions about the topic. She just knew that it would cause a stir amongst the fans.
“For years now, fans have speculated that Harry and his bandmate, Louis Tomlinson, are in a secret relationship and that they’re management forced them to hide it so as not to alienate their fan base. In the past both yourself and Louis’ girlfriends have been accused of acting as beards for the lads, but you’ve never addressed the overwhelming online presence of what the fans call Larry Stylinson.”
“I really don’t like talking about it, Grimmers,” Aurora began. “But I guess by staying silent a lot of fans have taken that as an answer, so what I will say is that I’m not angry at those fans. I am sad though. I’m sad that they think it’s ok to harass myself or Eleanor or Danielle or anyone else in Harry and Louis’ lives. I’m sad that they saw two boys who saw each other as family and loved each other and that those fans couldn’t accept that two men could show affection for each other without it being romantic love. What worries me are all the boys out there who see the way these girls have acted over the years and how much that has reinforced the toxic masculinity in their lives. The fear of being seen as gay stops so many boys and men from telling their friends that they love them. My best friend Ella and I act the exact same way as Lou and H did in the early days of the band but because we’re women no one has ever accused us of being lesbians. The harassment has affected all of us and I know that the fans are acting out of a place of love. They love the boys and they want them to be happy, but it’s honestly just gone too far, and it needs to stop. The Directioners are such wonderful people who are so inclusive and loving and I think they need to remember that and remember that we see the things that they say online. I guess if there was one thing I would say to those fans if they’re listening it would be that I know you love Harry and Lou, but by attacking myself and the other women in their lives you are hurting them and I’m certain that that is not what you want, so instead I ask you to channel that love into supporting them and lifting them up.”
“Thank you love. I know you don’t like talking about, but I must say I completely agree with you. Now we’re going to go to one more song and then when we come back, we’ll wrap this up and let you get on with your day. How about you introduce this next track, Rori?”
“Thanks, Grimmy,” Rori said. “From his incredible new album which dropped less than 2 weeks ago, here’s Niall Horan and myself with Seeing Blind.”
“You handled that well,” Nick told her once the mics were muted. “Kept your cool and explained yourself clearly.”
“Thanks,” Rori replied with a small smile. “Think I might stay offline for the next few days to avoid the worst of it.”
“Probably a good idea love,” Nick agreed. “Ready to finish this off?”
“Let’s do it.”
When the song ended the pair chatted for a few minutes about the rest of the tour before they reached the end of their timeslot. “Well thank you for joining me this morning for a bit of a cheeky gossip session Rors,” Nick finally said. “For those of you listening at home that are missing Harry this morning, tune in to BBC on Thursday night for Harry Styles at the BBC, an hour long show with live performances and interviews with yours truly.”
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suethor · 4 years
ava can you tell us more about yoko pls and thank uuuu
yes i can !! thank you so much for asking <3 
yoko yukimura is a gilmore girls oc who is essentially rory’s character foil.  she’s kind of a bitch, definitely the mean girl of stars hollow high, cold and calculated, but the more you get to know her the more it becomes apparent that she’s actually a very loyal and loving person, she’s just got a frigid exterior and she takes her anger out on other people (parallel to rory, who seems perfect on the surface but the more you get to know her the more apparent it becomes that she’s selfish and mean).  
yoko isn’t her real name; i think it’s christine, but she started getting called yoko (after yoko ono) after she broke up the It Couple of stars hollow high by hooking up w the girl, and instead of taking it as an insult she reclaimed it and started going by the name officially.  when jess comes to town in season 2, she’s working two jobs: one as a waitress at luke’s and the other as a maid at the inn.  her parents are kind of messed up; her father regularly cheats on her mother and her mom lashes out at yoko bc of it so she tries to spend as much time out of the house as possible.  luke is kind of a father figure to her, just because he’s the only male figure in her life who isn’t actively mean to or neglecting her.  i think she’s close to lorelai in a friendly coworkers kind of way, and lorelai sees some of herself in yoko, but not necessarily in a good way.  
when jess arrives, the two become fast friends just because they’re both miserable in this stupid little town.  he joins yoko’s group of friends—courtney (mila kunis), caitlin (bianca lawson), ian (justin hartley), and shawn (percy daggs iii).  there’s also some overlap with lane and her music friends there i think ? but anyway, they get into a lot of trouble together, and yoko’s father eventually has to come home because she’s fucking around so much.  he tells her that if she doesn’t get things on track, she’s going to be sent away to boarding school or something like that, and so she starts getting it together—only, jess decides to do the same because he doesn’t want to get left behind by the person he feels is matching him.  
i think they might both end up at yale with rory (or one of them goes to yale and one to another nearby school) and they have their own side adventures there, still keeping up with many of their other friends who i think end up in new york.  yoko definitely likes paris but not in a “she’s fun to be around” way, more like “i appreciate her feral energy.”  she decides at some point to become a lawyer and starts hanging around rory to leech off her rich friends for networking purposes, which causes tension with her and jess and eventually they break up.  
during the revival, jess comes back to stars hollow (but i’m not sure what for yet ?) and he and yoko are reunited; she’s going by christine now and she’s dating some other bigshot lawyer (named lenny short for lennon lol) and realizing that she got her life together and it made her miserable because she’s not having fun anymore.  it’s not that she wants to be a dumb teenager again, it’s that she wants to care about things besides appearance, presentation, etc.  jess, now a writer, reconnects with her and they become “friends” but with obvious intense chemistry and by the end of the revival i think he proposes to her and is like.  fuck it and she says yes and then <3 they get married god bless
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
Rory Gilmore Character Analysis (Expanded)
raised by a single mom
basically abandoned by her father
grew up in a small town who adore her. Functionally like an extended family
huge reader
Family financially struggled when she was little
highly devoted to education
Goal oriented when she is young
Wants to be a journalist and travel
Highly obsessed with media of all kinds, a shared interest with her mother
Somewhat of a wallflower as a teen
attended an elite preparatory school for last three years of high school
Tends to do whatever is asked of her, most common with her grandparents going against her upbringing and mothers lifestyle
deeply competitive with her main Rival in school (Paris)
Excellent in academic settings
Displays a willingness to be in unhealthy relationships with her BF’s
Believes in a strict pattern in her life and rejects changes
Has visceral reactions to rejection, like with Mitchum
Learned to fit in well with an elite culture
Struggled in her work
Rory overall was a combination of natural gifts, communication issues, commitment, perfectionism, and a girl who faced very little criticism.
Rory’s relationship with her mother Lorelai is the deepest defining connection. Her taste in media and food come from her mom, as well as her struggles to form competent romantic connections. Lorelai instilled an independent identity as well as a fun-loving idea and a love of laughter. Lorelai also shaped Rory by acting as much of a friend as a parental figure, part of this was having trouble ever telling Rory “no”, or that anything she did was wrong. Rory was to some extent a parentified child. She helped run a lot of the boring but important parts of living and was the main emotional support for her mother. Lorelai and Rory also had a relationship that lacked normal boundaries between parent and child. Lorelai did love and support Rory. Lorelai would do everything she could for Rory and worked her ass off to give Rory everything she could to be happy and successful. Rory did know that, and it was important in her best characteristics.
Rory grew up with a very strong extended family in the form of stars hollow. Mia was a grandmother figure more than Emily when Rory was very young. Sookie acted as an aunt figure to Rory often, was at all the parties, baked the birthday cakes etc. Lane was her very close friend throughout her childhood. Lane appreciated Rory and Lorelai as an escape from her strict home life. Rory was influenced her in musical taste by lane, as well as her seeming to be Rory’s only friend around her age in stars hollow.
Luke was a large part of Rory’s life way before he dated Lorelai, often playing a fatherly role. He consistently made meals, helped with birthdays, giving presents, taking care of Rory when she was ill, fixing up the girls house, being deeply protective and attending her big events. Rory struggled with her lack of a father but seemed to really appreciate Luke even going to him when she was struggling during her and her mother’s huge fight.  He was awkward and sucked as much as the girls in proper communication, but tried as best he could to support her. Luke is just as protective as her own father, and present way more often.
The rest of the town: Ms Patty, Babette Dell, Morey Dell, Fran Weston, Bootsy, Gypsy, Taylor Doose, Mrs Kim, Jackson Belleville, Andrew & Kirk Gleason were all very important in Rory’s upbringing teaching her different things, keeping her in books. The town at large loved Rory as a kid and into her adulthood. They all come to birthdays and throw her a bon-voyage party.
Being surrounded by a large extended family in the form of the town gave Rory a kind of cushioned experience with how people treat one another. Even if she wasn’t intensely popular at school the town at large prop her up, told her she was wonderful and basically never told her that she was wrong. She was the darling of everyone. Rory was deserving in some senses, she was kind and helped with the town but she struggled to learn how to deal with other people realistically, expecting things to always go well and others not to take advantage of her.
Rory's relationship with her grandparents becomes extremely close after 15ish years of almost no interaction. They love Rory but are controlling in a way that causes strain. Another problem they often have is they are also navigating around the fallout of Lorelai and her parents' history. Emily and Richard want to "fix" what went "wrong" with Lorelai. Rory is their second chance, placing an unfair expectation. They also feed Rory's need to be perfect and expectation of getting it. One reason I do think they click is they do in a way give her more traditional parenting. Lorelai struggled to balance her want to be friends with Rory and Parent, Emily and Richard are always parents. I do think even with headstrong, stubborn and independent person like Rory to have people care for her and not force decisions on her. But this becomes toxic when she lives with them and she suffers the stifling aspect of emotionally controlling and abusive nature of the Gilmores.
Dean was her first love and an important part of her life for a long time. Her relationship with Dean was fine enough in the beginning but Rory overlooked the part of that that wasn’t healthy. The unhealthy behaviours grew overtime instead of exceeding good parts, this ultimately leading to them having an affair and Dean hurting his wife. Rory was supported in this relationship when she was younger by most of the people around her. Rory wanted him to be the one and only but it was an unrealistic goal. Their second try at a relationship began as cheating and ended when Dean realised she had more to her life than being his girlfriend.
Her relationship with Jess started off as a kind of forbidden romance against the wishes of society and the feelings started while she was dating someone else. the relationship was strained for a lot of the time because they both sucked at communication. She was also the only person besides Luke Jess ever had, it's hard to experience a healthy relationship when you are really the only person the other one has. They did care deeply for each other though, and end up helping the other be a better person through their deep understanding of each other, even if their romance didn't work out.
Logan and her relationship was mostly healthy in terms of making each other happy and was the best communication, though that is a low bar. In slightly less productive he was also a large part in her embracing the partying lifestyle. He also enables worse impulses like leaving Yale, he doesn't force them but his lack of care and Hakuna Matta lifestyle making it easy. Their disagreements like the others come mostly from lack of communication and being hyperemotional people. Rory expects him to be the worst he can be, and he doesn't take time to think through what he doesn't. They also have similar family lives which cause strain, though the handle it differently, Rory tries to be the perfect Gilmore while Logan bucks the system. Logan also has aa implied Alcohol addiction problem which of course strains their lives, as it always does.
Rory's relationship with Paris Geller is another huge one in her life. They start off pretty much enemies in school. Paris is so obsessed with being the absolute best she hates that Rory is able to match her skill and standing in the class. She spends much of the first year playing games to have more success and power. Rory is also a perfectionist and has the same natural skill and usually, the same time and work put in.  Rory ends up seeing that Paris is deeply insecure and has even worse family relationships then she has ever had. It's hard for them to hate each other when they are both struggling to be as best they can, working together. They end up being more "frenemies" for the last two years of high school and in college.  They push each other forward a lot and support them as time goes on. Paris's intensity and propensity to think everyone is acting against her, and their inherent need for competition keeps them going back and forth quite a bit. But they stay friends for their whole adulthood seen in AYTL.
Rory slid into higher society better than her mother ever did. She was close to her grandparents that might have been healthy they expected a better Lorelai and in many ways, that’s what they got. Rory learned the functions well, attended elite schools and dated a Huntzberger. Rory, in the beginning, so conflicts averse she did as she was told, and then adopted much of that lifestyle by choice later. This society allowed her intellect to continue to be praised as well as her looks and luck of birth.
Rory’s friends and family viewing her as usually flawless has always been the best, and truly being naturally gifted academically made it very hard for Rory to deal with any rejection. She is so deeply perfectionist that losing is unexpected and quickly hugely destabilizing. We see this when she isn’t perfect at college and then in extreme form with Mitchum Huntzburger.
Rory broke down twice around not living up to her and others expectation. The second time landing her in jail and listless in her purpose. This dates back to her never being told know and perfectionist tendencies.
Inbetween the end and AYTL we see she burned out early and was fine cheating on her boyfriend (who she treats real shitty) by sleeping with an ex who was engaged. She falls back on her most destructive tendencies forgetting that even with her natural gifts she had actually done the work when she was, young.
Overall Rory is generally kind and willing to help others, her lack of communication and relationship skills were often detrimental to her. Her overstated belief in her own raw talent and tendency to deny the obvious made her professional life struggle as well.
hyper interest
hyper fixating
needs a schedule to function
attempts organization but has trouble sticking to it
outbursts of emotion
impulsivity often masked my anxiety
difficulty in social settings
struggles to understand her emotions
An overwhelming fear of failure
easily overwhelmed by stimuli
easily stressed out
escapism through books
fear of expressing emotions causing bottling up till it spills over
needs things done in one way
Obsessive behaviours, organization and studying
panic attacks when she is older
people pleaser to avoid conflict
struggles to define her needs in relationships
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mrsmess · 5 years
Meta season 4 - part 1
This season ranks second on my list (number one just has to be season 2), partly because of Rory’s in between-ness, which highlights the reasonable flaws in the character, and Lorelai’s bold innkeeper journey, and basically every other character having really interesting and plausible arcs.
Ballrooms and Biscotti - Such a great episode, I’m laughing constantly AND finding out that Stars Hollow does celebrate Groundhog Day! (obviously)
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The Lorelais’ first day at Yale - Copper boom. Need that on a t-shirt. Such an iconic episode. I remember watching it when it first broadcasted thinking, this is me and mý mother, me and my family. It could have, should have, been a defining moment for Rory; it’s going to be very difficult being Christine Amanpour broadcasting from Tehran with her mommy. You only get one life, and there are so many interesting paths for you to choose, just, you can’t possibly do them all, and sometimes, loving and needing your family is a gift, not something to overcome, but something to build your life around. To invest in the fact that you are a better, richer, person with them around. That’s what I realized at that same point in my life, anyhow. And poor Luke. His pain is so entertaining though.
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The Hobbit, the sofa and Digger Stiles - An interesting episode.
Rory Gilmore subscribes to the Stars Hollow Gazette! Having her become Chief Editor in AYITL might have been one of the brightest decisions for the revival, at least if they had bothered exploring it for a bit. (They could’ve cut the inexplicable With a Little Help From My Friends-scene - copied right out of Across the Universe, if anyone has missed that - and given me more Rory Gilmore gets The Gazette up and running instead.)
And Emily and Paris being two peas in a pot! “Don’t you want people to owe you?” Until Paris decides she hates the party persona she’s trying on anyway.
Rory has to defend her staying in her room with a book; she’s not hiding, she’s actually enjoying it. I’m torn on this. Lorelai is great for reminding our girl to stay in the moment, but I also think that Rory has a point, and that she should be allowed to take on the world in her own pace and her own way, me and my mother have a similar dynamic. But sometimes I think Lorelai is a bit stuck on Rory experiencing all these big absurd things (biker parties, barn burnings) while she is real uptight about her experiencing more plausible things for her age; love, sex, more realistic and ultimately necessary adventures. And then it struck me that Lorelai herself didn’t really get to have those adventures, since she got pregnant so early.
Tana is adorable.
Jason is really interesting and actually my second favorite love interest for Lorelai, but more on that later. He’s like a combination of Logan and Christopher with some actual guts, not that it works out for him but it doesn’t for the other boys playing it passive either. And Emily recognizes the danger entering into business with him.
Rory puts off telling Emily what she really thinks about her buying stuff for the dorm room, adopting Lorelai’s way of dealing with her.
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Chicken or beef - Rory has cut her hair. Like everything monumental on this show it doesn’t happen on screen.
Dean is getting married, which I do not need to mock, right? Repetitive and redundant.
I love the Zack and Brian dynamic. Also, them referring to Dave going off to California - Hilarious! And Rory schooling them on schooled rock ’n rollers - priceless!
Gosh darnit I have a weak spot for Dean, or more specifically: I’m really into the character arc. It’s so elegant and sh*tty. How he starts out a pretty decent guy and could’ve gotten to think that about himself that way his whole life if he just hadn’t fallen for our girl. He’s the perfect example of how love can wreck a person, and not even in an epic- but totally mundane and kind of icky way. I dig that (his happy ending in the revival was sort of a cop out). Jess actually has the opposite arc, which of course I dig even more.
Oh goodness! It’s Dean with crappy friends. Now, see, that’s plausible, him having stupid friends, quantity over quality, kind of like Logan (yes, I have issues with Finn and whatever the other guy’s name is, can’t believe they made it to the revival! With a little help from someone else’s friends... *smh*). One of the things that gets to me the most from Swan Song is how Jess can get away with his lie about the football with a buddy. He does not have friends outside of fictional characters and it always makes me sad that Rory buys into his bogus explanation when her obvious reaction should be: “What buddy?”
Oh, and that’s Leo, and Schmidt!
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And Luke is the best. I’m getting teary thinking about how he’s a real mensch to just everyone and so rarely get credit for it. Love Luke.
“Why didn’t she love me?” I feel so bad for him, but then he marries Lindsey without dealing with anything.
And Rory just takes Luke’s word and doesn’t go to the wedding. A level of trust, or maybe she was looking for an excuse.
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sensationalrp · 5 years
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as promised, here are our final five member groups! these ones are based on more classic films. but round off our ten member groups. your character doesn’t have to slot into any of these perfectly, especially if you feel as if your character falls in between two of them. so honestly, you can pick based on whether you like the film or the colour. we don’t mind. they’re just outlines for you guys!
there’s lots more previews and exciting things coming your way, so stay tuned!
silence of the lambs
you choose your words carefully. they are like bullets on your tongue ready to fire. you are considerate, every thought and movement carefully planned to ensure you are always on the top. sometimes it may seem like you don’t care, but in actual fact for some of you, you almost care too much. you care about how you are perceived, you want to be perfect, the best, and sometimes you break down when you cant manage that. you can be quite abrasive, seem disinterested in others problems. you are self indulgent, always talking about your problems, yet, when you need to be, you can be loyal. fiercely so, protective over those you love and those you care about. you’d fight to the death for them. even for those who didn't ask for it.
character parallels: hannibal lecter (hannibal), cersei lannister (game of thrones), paris gellar (gilmore girls), klaus mikkaelson (the originals), elliot anderson (mr robot), sheldon cooper (the big bang theory), spencer hastings (pretty little liars)
shakespeare in love
you dream big. its intoxicating, you want the world and you want to give the world to those you love. you have a big heart and you want to give every piece of it away and you try to, you are determined to. you believe in tradition, in the man proposing to the woman, to getting flowers on valentines day and going to church on sundays. you wildly, passionately dream of love. you day dream about it, wonder whether you will ever achieve it. your dreams are powerful things and sometimes, they are your only focus, your biggest dream, however, is to fall in love, to be in love and to provide for your family. you work hard, as hard as you can. your work ethic is enviable, you never stop. you make great employees, quietly getting on with it.
character parallels: caroline forbes (the vampire diaries), kara danvers (supergirl), betty cooper (riverdale), dean forrester (gilmore girls), karolina dean (the runaways), phoebe halliwell (charmed), jack pearson (this is us)
you live for dramatics, centre stage, lights on you. you are driven by your emotions and they can get the better of you. they lead you, and you follow them. no matter what dark hole they send you to. you trust your gut above all else. it barely ever fails you, you think. you have a tendency to do whatever the hell you want, especially when it involves being spontaneous. you don’t like to plan, you like to do. reading instructions is not the kind of thing you’re interested in. some of you thrive on conflict, on being the centre of drama, you like to believe your life is tragic and you are a firm believer in being the protagonist of your own story. you are your own hero, you don't need anyone to save you.
character parallels: eleanor shellstrop (the good place), rebecca bunch (crazy ex girlfriend), hanna marin (pretty little liars), izzie stevens (grey’s anatomy), janis ian (mean girls), kurt hummel (glee), draco malfoy (harry potter)
you can’t help but take risks, it’s in your blood. you want to know the truth, you are determined and you’ll do anything to do it. your self preservation is second to your determination to get to the bottom of something or finding that next adrenaline rush. you may find you jumping headfirst out of an aeroplane or in the wild, living off nature just for the thrill. some of you get that thrill from your work, just the feeling of stepping on set or in the recording studio, starting a new project. you are passionate about what you do and when you speak, people listen to you. you are a commanding presence, made to lead and people listen to you. you can be calming, cool, easy to be around, everyone’s friend.
character parallels: jughead jones (riverdale), veronica mars (veronica mars), meredith grey (grey’s anatomy), robb stark (game of thrones), alex danvers (supergirl), sirius black (harry potter), allison delaurentis (pretty little liars)
gone with the wind
you are the voice of reason in any room you walk into, careful, calm, soft. you’re intelligent, but you don’t boost about it, you are more likely to quietly let others get the credit while you do all the work. you can be indecisive at times, but mostly you just step back and let others do what suits them. you are maternal, caring, you care wildly about what people thing, but you don’t want to let it on. you listen to all sides of an argument rationally before forming an opinion and you consider the needs of others in everything that you do. you may not be a middle child, but you are often a mediator between other big personalities around you. you’re a judge, you have a quiet power that people respect but you never command the presence, you are usually happy to let others lead, but you do guide. guide them to the right answers, inform them of their mistakes. you are respected. people look to you for advice and guidance and you hold that power with a stern responsibility.
character parallels: piper halliwell (charmed), rory gilmore (gilmore girls), loras tyrell (game of thrones), bran stark (game of thrones), emily fields (pretty little liars), chidi anagonye (the good place), amy santiago (brooklyn nine nine), mon-el (supergirl), toni topaz (riverdale)
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writer-or-whatever · 6 years
I'm the anom from the Coffee one, your fic was sweet and amazing thank you very much Rory/Paris: Rory tries to be more sophisticated in one the Weller galas for Paris sake with hilarious results.
Hi, yes, I saw this and was like I know what I’m gonna do and then I proceeded to write all 3,253 words of it instead of reading my middle age lit for tomorrow because i really was not in the mood for old English, tbh. 
Also, just a note, I may have taken the “with hilarious results” and sort of… chucked that bit out the window. I really didn’t mean to; I had a nice, funny, fluffly, fic planned out and then I got to writing it and I was about three quarters of the way done writing it and I was like  what if, instead, I have angst and so I did. 
Anyway, enjoy (or cry your heart out, either way):
[Read on AO3 or FFN]
“Grandma, could I talk to you for a minute?” It was an odd request, not because Rory and her grandmother didn’t get along, but because she hadn’t once, in the two years of Friday Night Dinners, ever asked to talk to either of her grandparents alone. That was usually her mother’s thing, and, at least with Lorelai, it never meant anything good. Her grandmother, however, didn’t ask questions, merely nodded and followed Rory into her grandfather’s study, the closest private space she could think of.
“Rory, is everything alright?” Her grandmother looked concerned, and Rory felt kind of bad for worrying her over something that wasn’t even a problem. Well, something that wasn’t a huge problem, anyway. Just the little issue of her secret girlfriend asking her to come to her family’s super important, super formal, Hanukkah celebration that she had absolutely no idea how to act for.
No big deal, not at all.
“Everything’s fine, Grandma. I was just wondering if maybe you could help me with something?”
“Of course, Rory, but why are you asking me in here and not at the dinner table if nothing is wrong?” Ah, just another aspect of the problem at hand: not only did Lorelai not know that she was dating Paris, but she would be mocked endlessly if she knew that Rory wanted grandma’s help to act like a proper lady and impress Paris’s family, even if they didn’t know that Rory was their daughter’s girlfriend.
“Well, see, a friend from school invited me to an event and I don’t really know how to act at those sorts of things and I thought that you would know but you know mom, she’d mock my desire to learn about proper etiquette until the day she dies, possibly longer. You know how mom is when she sets her mind to something, nothing will stop her, not even death and-”
Emily interrupted her rambling before it could go on for too long, “Say no more, I completely understand. Now this even, when is it?” Her grandma’s interest was clearly piqued now that there was a chance to teach Rory something that was clearly important to her without Lorelai. The fact that it was about etiquette, Emily Gilmore’s specialty, just made it that much better.
“It’s on the seventh.”
“The seventh? Well, that doesn’t leave us much time, but it’ll be alright. So, who invited you to this, again?”
“Just a friend from school.” Rory really, really, hoped that she wouldn’t push any further because they were treading on dangerous ground here as it was.
“Someone whose family you want to impress by showing them that you’re a proper Gilmore? A boy you like, perhaps? Of course her grandmother would push, it’s Emily Gilmore, she’s the queen of pushing for information.
“Something like that.” There, hopefully Rory provided just enough to placate her grandmother’s need for information without actually confirming if there was a boy, which there most certainly was not.
“Alright, well, I’m glad you’ve moved on from that Dean, clearly to someone more suitable since they attend Chilton. How about you come over here a few days this week and we’ll have you all ready for next Sunday in no time.” With that, her grandmother lead the way back into the dining room, quick as you please, leaving behind a slightly grim looking Rory who could only nod her head and think about how, if her grandmother found out about who all this was for, she might actually prefer Dean.
Back at the table, she came face to face with a very curious Lorelai Gilmore, to whom she could offer no sturdy excuse for her talk to grandma.
“So, what was that,” she waved her hand between Rory and Emily, “all about?”
“Oh, you know, just asking grandma if I could come over here a couple of days next week and get a ride to the Hartford Library to get some books for school.” She could tell, before the entire excuse was even out of her mouth, that it would not hold up against her mother.
“What’s wrong with Stars Hollow’s library?”
“They don’t have the book I need, I looked.”
“And what book is that?”
Oh boy.
“I, uh, don’t remember off the top of my head.”
“You, Rory Gilmore, girl who actually likes school and studies for more hours than she sleeps, don’t remember something about school? About books?!” Her mom was in fine form tonight, both dramatic and relentless about something Rory would much rather not talk about.
“Well, I can’t be perfect all the time, right? Give someone else a chance, eh?” She could tell her mother wasn’t buying it, but, thank God, her grandfather changed the subject to his upcoming business trip to Utah. Her mom went with it, asking what else could there possibly be to insure in Utah other than cows, but Rory knew that this interrogation was far from over.
Mid-afternoon on Sunday the seventh of December found Rory in her grandmother’s house hiding in the kitchen on the phone with Paris. It’d been nine days of hiding etiquette lessons with her grandmother from her mother and hiding the person that was the reason for said lessons from her grandmother. Frankly, it was exhausting and Rory just really wanted to see Paris, formal event and etiquette be damned.
“I can’t believe you accepted her offer.” Paris was laughing at her, which, if it were anyone else trapped in the Gilmore house hiding from Emily and her personal stylist, she would be laughing too. But, it was Rory and Rory would just like some support from her girlfriend, thank you very much.
“Well, to be fair, when she offered it was less like an offer and more like an order.”
“You’re going to show up here looking like a proper seventy year old woman.” Paris was still laughing. “Oh, this is going to be great. You’ll really liven up my spirits; it’s the perfect Hanukkah gift.”
“Keep it up and I’ll bring her along to give you a last minute makeover. Then we’ll match. Won’t that be fun?” Paris stopped laughing, she was pretty sure Rory was serious.
“You’re not serious about that are you?” Oh, she did think Rory was serious.
“As a heart attack.” She still sounded serious, but just barely.
“I take it back,” and, with those words, Rory let out the laughter she had been holding in since she first threatened Paris with an old lady makeover. “Are you laughing, Gilmore?”
“I might be.” Not even two seconds after those words left her mouth, her grandma came into the kitchen. “Uh, gotta go, talk to you later,” and then she hung up on Paris, a thing that was basically a cardinal sin in the guide to dealing with Paris Geller.
“Who was that on the phone?” Her grandmother was looking at her with that look, the one that meant that she knew that Rory was talking to “the gentleman,” as she’d taken to calling the nonexistent boy that Rory was doing all this for.
“Just Paris, I needed to double check about the pages for the reading for history is all.” It wasn’t completely untrue, it was Paris on the phone, just not for information on the history reading.
“I see,” her grandmother said in a way that made Rory fairly certain that she believed that Rory was telling her it was Paris as a cover but didn’t want to pry, “well, now that you’ve cleared that up let’s finish getting you ready, shall we?”
When Rory left her grandparents’ house, she looked like an illustration pulled straight out of a modern retelling of Cinderella, tiara and all. She cannot believe she let her grandmother dress her like this, but there was nothing for it now. She approached the Geller’s house, which made the Gilmore residence look like a humble home in comparison, and rang the doorbell, secretly hoping that the butterflies in her stomach would take flight and take her with them. She was so nervous, what if Mr and Mrs. Geller didn’t like her? After all, they were not the most affectionate people in the world. What if they found out about her and Paris? What if Rory embarrassed herself? There was so much that could go wrong. Thank God the maid answered the door, took her coat, and ushered her inside.
She wasn’t even ten steps into the house when a hand grabbed her from one of the closets in the foyer and pulled her in.
“What the hell?! Let go of me,” She was yelling and twisting away from the hands that were on her arms in the dark closet.
“Gilmore, chill the fuck out. And stop yelling.” It was Paris. Of course it was. She came to see her in her own house at her invitation and she was still getting pulled into closets.
“Oh, hi.” She turned to face what assumed was Paris’s face, though it was too dark to see anything.
“Hi,” She flipped the light on as she said it, revealing the two of them and about four coats in the small space.
The butterflies were back, but this time it wasn’t because Rory was nervous, it was because Paris was fucking gorgeous. “You look nice,” she reached up to grab Paris’s hands from where they rested on her upper arms.
“Mhm,” not only did Paris look nice, but Rory really wanted to kiss her. Unfortunately, Paris chose tonight to actually wear a lipstick that would be very noticable if it were both smudged and on Rory.
“You do too, not at all like a grandmother.” Paris was smiling when she said it, very clearly holding back a laugh over Rory’s early hysterics over being turned into an old lady by her grandmother’s stylist.
“Thank you,” Rory did a little curtsey as she said it, just adding to the princess illusion.
“My very own princess charming, what do you know,” And Paris was leaning in, and, yeah, lipstick be damned because they were kissing and Rory was fairly certain that it was magical and that fact had nothing at all to do with her fairytale appearance and everything to do with the fact that it was Paris that she was kissing, being in love will do that to you. Not that Rory was in love with Paris or anything. Or, at least, not that she’d admit. Yet.
When they broke for air, Rory decided that she needed to point out the flaw in their kissing plan, “What are the odds that we’ll be able to make it to a bathroom to fix this,” she gestured to her lipstick smeared mouth, “without running into anyone and outing ourselves?”
“Very high, the maid knows and there’s a bathroom that’s for the staff three doors down from this one. She’ll give us a knock when all the other guests are here,” and, with her worries cleared up, they were back to kissing.
This lasted for about five more minutes before there was a knock on the closet door, clearly from the maid, since Paris pulled away and straightened up. “After you, her majesty, your public awaits.”
“Har de har har,” but Rory followed Paris out of the closet and into the bathroom anyway.
They got cleaned up and slipped into the midst of the party without anyone noticing, much to Rory’s relief. It wasn’t that difficult of a night, she remember to stand up straight, which fork was used for the salad, and how to politely exit a conversation every time someone asked her if she, a nice young lady, was seeing anyone.
It was all going fine, or at least it was, until the other guests had left and it was just Paris and her parents.
She was going to leave with everyone else, but Paris had asked her to stay for the lighting of the last candle on the Menorah, something that she typically just did with her family. It obviously meant a lot to Paris that Rory be there, and, if she was honest, it meant a lot to Rory to have been asked to stay. They lit the candle, followed the traditions, and everything was fine. Her parents were leaving, on their way to their separate wings of the house, when it happened. Paris turned to her and whispered, “I love you, thank you for coming. And thank you for staying.”
Rory was just about to return the sentiments when, faster than Rory would think possible for the large man, Mr. Geller was there and he was not happy. “What did you say? You love her? She’s a girl, Paris. You were raised better than this. You were raised to bring greatness upon the Geller name, not shame.”
“She’s not bringing shame, Mr.Geller. She’s being who she is, someone who is wonderful and ambitious and driven and intelligent and you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking such a thing, let alone saying it to your own daughter on a night that is supposed to be special and about celebration.” Rory couldn’t help it, she jumped to Paris’s defense, snapping and merciless, even though she knew Paris was completely capable of defending herself.
“It is a shame and she is not welcome in this house until she realizes it.” He turned away, resolute and hard in his decision, while Paris’s mother simply looked on.
“Good. There’s nothing here for me anyway, with parents that love their family name and money than they ever could me.” Paris was angry, and she certainly sounded it, but Rory could also see from the set of her jaw that she was moments away from crying.
“Let’s go, Par. Come home with me.” Rory’s arm was around Paris and guiding her over to the door where they both got their coats and a kiss on the forehead from Paris’s nanny, who Paris promised to call tomorrow.
They drove to Stars Hollow in silence, Rory driving Paris’s car and Paris glaring resolutely out of the passenger side window.
When they pulled up to Rory’s house, Paris finally spoke, “So, how are we going to play this? Poor Paris needed a night away from her parents so she’s spending the night at her friend, Rory’s, house?” Paris basically spat the word friend with more venom than she’d ever heard her use before, even back in their sophomore year when they were enemies and Paris didn’t spend a free minute not tormenting Rory.
“No. I’m going to tell her. I’m going to go in there and say ‘mom, this is my girlfriend, Paris, whom you’ve met, and I love her very much and she’s had a very rough night, can she please crash here?”
“You love me?” The hard edge left Paris’s voice, leaving a soft vulnerable whisper in its wake.
“Yeah, I do. And I’m so sorry that your parents are such homophobic assholes and I know that this won’t make up for it, but I do and I want you to know that.” Just as the last word left her mouth, Paris was kissing her, and it was salty and wet and sad, but it was Paris.
“Okay, then,” Rory said, getting out of the car and heading around to Paris’s side to open her door, “let’s do this, shall we?”
When they got into the Gilmore household, it was dark, but there were lights and sounds coming from the living room, so the tv was clearly on. And, when in the Gilmore house, where you can find a movie, you can find Lorelai, so the two girls made their way into the living room, divesting themselves of their heels in the process.
“Hey, Rory, how was the thing?” Her mom was very caught up in the movie, Casablanca, and hadn’t yet looked at Rory and so she didn’t see Paris, either.
“Not so great.”
“No? Nothing a little classic love triangle can’t fix.” She was still absorbed in the movie, despite having seen it approximately one thousand times.
“Not this time, mom.” That got Lorelai’s attention, alright, because, in the world according to Lorelai Gilmore, there was very little that could not be fixed by Casablanca. She was clearly surprised to see Paris standing there in her living room along with Rory, both of them disheveled and clearly upset.
“What happened?” She made her way off the couch and over to the two girls, Rick and Ilsa completely forgotten.
“Um, well, I went to the party at Paris’s, like I said, and it was fine until after everyone else left. I stayed to watch them light the Menorah because Paris asked me to and then, well, her parents found out about me.”
“Found out that you were there? Didn’t they invite you? Strange people, those Gellers.” At any other time, Rory really would have appreciated her mother’s attempt to make light, but not tonight.
“No. They found out that I am Paris’s girlfriend.” There, she said it. Now all that was left was to see how it went over.
“Girlfriend? Like friend who is a girl or…”
“The or option. Girlfriend as in hold hands, kiss, go on dates, kind of girlfriend.”
“Okay. So they found that out and what? They weren’t happy with it?” Lorelai sounded like she was teetering on the edge of the dangerous kind of angry that she only got when someone did something to hurt her kid, which, in a way, the Gellers definitely did.
“Definitely not.” Rory wasn’t really sure how much more Paris wanted her to say.
“They kicked me out.” Paris, apparently, had no qualms about telling Lorelai the whole thing now that it had been established that she didn’t care about the fact that they weren’t straight and were very much together.
“What’s your address, again, Paris? Tomorrow I’m going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind, I think. In the meantime, you’re more than welcome to stay here.”
Rory couldn’t help it, she practically leapt forward to hug her mother and whispered, “thanks, mom” into the embrace. Hugging one girl clearly wasn’t enough for Lorelai, since she pulled Paris into a hug as well.
Later that night, when Paris had gone to bed in her bed because Rory wouldn’t let her take the couch, Lorelai sat down on the arm of the couch by where Rory’s feet where, as she lay sprawled out on the couch under about four hundred blankets. “So, is this why you and Dean didn’t work out? I thought it was about Jess, but was it because you don’t like boys?” Her mom was quiet, something rare for her, which meant that she was trying to really understand, not make light.
“No. Dean and didn’t work out because I had feelings for someone else, but it wasn’t Jess. It was Paris.” She took a deep breath, “I really did love him, you know. I just wanted him to be happy, but, after a while, I wanted to be happy too. I hated hurting him, but it wasn’t because of Jess. I mean Jess is a great friend but that’s really all he is.”
“So, you like boys and girls?”
“Pretty much.”
“How lucky for you.”
“What?” She didn’t expect her mom to be made about it but lucky? What the hell was that supposed to mean?
“You’ve got twice as many fish in the sea, kid.”
“Oh my god.”
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