#Retired Blackfire
audreythevaliant · 2 years
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It’s Silmarillion Awards time again!! Go nominate your favorite characters!
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satoshy12 · 5 months
It all started when Dani was known as a villain who fought against the Young Justice and Teen Titans, and Danny learned about it.
Let's say he wasn't happy and made his way to the Justice League reporting station to report the error.
So while there, Danny has a massive argument about why Dani isn't a villain, but the Young Justice and Teen Titans are the villains.
And showed a PowerPoint presentation about why Dani can't be a villain.
1 She is adorable.
2 She is my baby girl.
3 She can't do wrong.
4 She is a good girl.
5 Just look at these pictures of her!
And Danny did then go from her eating all her vegetables to wearing her home knit sweaters, sleeping during the day and when she is told, always brushing her teeth on time 3 times a day, and reading the books she is giving in school without arguing about pictures!
It ended up with Batman sitting down with Danny after Flash brought both coffee and saying. "He knows how Danny is feeling; the people don't understand that his son, Red Hood, is just misunderstood, not a villain."
Danny then said, " But where did I do wrong? I was a hero before I retired; was it because I date a retired villain?"
Danny had been dating Blackfire for a long time. He saved her after she had fallen to Amity Park, and she is pretty good at taking care of the house and loves the engagement ring. Komand'r Fenton fully retired as villain or alien princess. 
Batman:" I did the same, but I don't think it's that fault. My others are heroes."
Dani's villain costume is based on Danny's and Blackfire's costumes.
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How Would I Do….An Official DickKory Wedding Had I been in Charge if DC Comics
To clarify, the following proposal takes place within my version of a reboot for DC Comics Mainline books and continuity, as per my pinned post.
To catch everyone up to speed to when this will take place:
Two Event comics would’ve by now took place (Dawn of Fire and War of the Supervillians)
In between said events, Titans Leader Nightwing aka Dick Grayson would’ve had his secret identity discovered by a crime boss in Bludhaven with a massive grudge and used against him, more or less ruining his life and leaving the black and blue clad alter-ego wanted by the state Bludhaven is within with a massive bounty for a crime he didn’t commit (Clipped Wings and it’s subsequent Batfamily crossover Blue Hawk Down)
At the same time, the rest of the Titans would be attending to a crisis in space no doubt Tamaran related which leaves Starfire aka Princess Koriand’r emotionally shook to her core, and the B team of the Titans split with Red Arrow aka Roy Harper forming his own splinter anti hero team called Arsenal Inc. this combined with other unfortunate events to an entire half of the Titans leaves Wally West and Tempest aka Garth with no other options but to travel through time and ask for help from….themselves, their young Teen Titans selves, to which the Fab Five agree to and they travel forward in time and resolve to stay in this new future until things are set right. (See here)
Before the events of War of the Supervillains, Dick and Kory, now more or less in temporary retirement, are able to meet up with one another and share their experiences and interpersonal matters between them. Sure both are emotionally exhausted and burnout by recent events in their lives but they go through their issues together and strive to stay together, whether it be at Haly’s Circus once again traveling across the country or Kory taking a residence at Key West, Florida.
Once War of the Supervillains wraps up and status quos are reinstated especially for the Titans, Dick and Kory’s relationship is now stronger than ever before, thus leaving a pathway to their marriage wide open. Thus in this post, we shall cross it.
(Read more Below the Cut)
For a bit if Meta context , both Dick and Kory would have solo books in addition to Justice Titans at the very start of the reboot, released around the same time. So about around the 74th issue, what I had in mind was that the wedding would be a Seven Part Storyline with the following books in order:
An Alpha Issue (The Issue to which Dick, with a subplot in his solo book up to here would be finding a perfect ring for Kory once they approach the altar, and Kory finalize their plans for the wedding, their place, their minister/priest and all they talk of all the implications that can come from such)
Then Starfire #74 (We see her perspective of the big day fast approaching while the sub plot can deal with her further reconciliation with her sister Empress Komand’r aka Blackfire and as of this point in her solo book, her attempts to reconnect with her younger brother Ryand’r aka Wildfire starting to bear fruit; both siblings are given their perspectives of this wedding)
Then Nightwing #74 (On the flip side we see Dick’s perspective as he finally moves back to Bludhaven after Bruce Wayne and senator Janet Drake are finally able to lift the Wanted Bounty off Nightwing and find him innocent of all charges. We see the reactions of his fellow Haly’s Circus crew members and friends within the city of his upcoming wedding and their words they can give to the Boy Wonder)
Then comes the triple whammy of…
Justice Titans #74 (The main A team; other members besides Nightwing and Starfire are Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven and a resurrected and fully heroic Terra)
Titans #74 (The B team; consisting of Troia, Red Arrow, Tempest, Wally West Flash, Omen, Herald and Bumblebee)
And Teen Titans (The time displaced Fab Five of Robin I, Wonder Girl I, Aqualad I, Speedy I and Kid Flash Wally) #14;
These three take place on the Wedding Day itself but with a twist. They’ll fend off multiple supervillain attacks orchestrated by Benito ‘Boss’ Zucco (son of Anthony ‘Boss Zucco; see here) so that Dick and Kory can have their wedding in peace*. All the while each issue focuses on a particular character in their book and their perspective on the events unfolding. For example, Robin!Dick would be the one giving his thoughts about his future self’s wedding in Teen Titans.
Then finally a double-sized Omrga Issue (in which via a ceremony that combines Tamaranean and Human customs, I.e. the rings and the “You May Kiss the Bride”, Dick and Kory FINALLY are wedded together in harmonious matrimony. We follow that up with the reception attended by Batfamily members, the Titans, the Justice League, Komand’r with her royal court and even the time displaced Titans, allowing both present!Dick and Past!Dick to meet face to face. This issue and the storyline end with Dick and Kory beginning their journey across the galaxy for their Honeymoon)
Within the Post-Wedding aftermath, I’d combine the Nightwing and Starfire solo books into one.
Now it’ll be called ‘Nightwing & Starfire: The Flying Graysons’, starting with issue #75
Side Notes:
*This follows a a similar plot point within the Wedding of Reed Richards and Sue Storm aka Mr Fantastic and The Invisible Woman in the pages of Fantastic Four
At the wedding itself, yes indeed Tim Drake, despite being technically older than the standard age ranged can be the ring bearer for Dick and Kory, out of wanting to take some part for his big brother
Please, reply and especially reblog to share your thoughts about this idea, that’ll be very appreciated
Tagging: @spider-jaysart @lightdusk96 @camo-wolf @meara-eldestofthemall @sillymanwithocs @mothnem @wisegirlandseaweedbrainforever @anasmoonworld @bluegarners @adalineozie @sbd-laytall @starlightbelle
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ofmoonlily · 8 months
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory 🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write 📫 my favorite type of ships
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🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
There was this lady I used to RP with when I was really young. I've always called her my RP mentor because of the lengths she went to guide me through handling a muse and how to gauge a character.
I roleplayed with her for years. From 14 to 21. She taught me so many things when it came to roleplay. I will always be indebted to her, and silently thanking her each and every day for broadening my horizons when it came to my imagination. She was so patient with me, protected me from creeps, and gave me lessons in grammar - I mean, she could only do so much as a non-english teacher, but I got the gist x"D
She is my favorite memory. I always think about her. Unfortunately, we lost contact somewhere along the way. But I pray she hasn't retired and scooped up another lost soul to take under her wing.
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
VARIED. I like fluff. Anything that's cute. It's very Yuna. She is an adorable little flower who has a lot of wisdom to share for anyone willing to listen. How she enjoys sharing moments of silence and stillness with the people she holds dear to her. I love indulging in that and incorporating so many wonderful, precious moments for her to look back on. I see them as her strengths. She will recall them when she feels down.
I can seldom do angst. I mean, I WILL. But. It needs to be delivered right for me to find it fun. I enjoy spiraling out of depressing control and watching my muse feel hopeless, inferior, powerless, lost, close to death, but not ALL the time. It messes with me.
But I usually lean towards silly cracky shit. There's something fun about throwing someone as serious and naive as Yuna into something so stupid and non-serious.
She really likes to play and act silly considering, she never really had much of a childhood due to her being so close with Yevon and the temples. They saw her as a prodigy because her father's talents for summoning was passed down to her. They took that, groomed her to be their new sacrifice, and she took that willingly and ran with it. Because it was the right thing to do.
She needs laughter, joy, and fun.
HORROR. I am a horror FANATIC. The Fatal Frame series is held dearly in my heart. I love those games so much. They're definitely #2 on my Top 5 favorite games. Final Fantasy series being #1. I love being scared. LOVE IT. Give me ghosts, give me zombies, give me movie star serial killers, UGH. I would love to throw Yuna in survival-horror genres where she cannot rely on magic, but her wit.
BATTLES. These are fucking HARD to do. I love doing them, regardless. However. Writing this as a healer is probably the most STUPIDEST THING. You cannot write something that doesn't sound annoying, or weird, OR UGLY. "SHE HEALED HIS WOUNDS" just sounds so bland, fake even. Like a false priest healing the sick. but make it flowery? Try, and it just sounds ridiculous. AMIRITE?
I also enjoy some smut. I'm really REALLY trying to get the hang of it. It's incredibly hard, lord I tell you. I get so nervous writing this shit because SO MUCH goes into it. You literally have to write all five senses. Miss one, and it seems as though your muse has not been attentive enough and it makes me FEEL SO BAD. Like, I read the reply! I did! I am sorry I didn't have my muse react to that. I am stupid fhirwoafjdkf
📫 my favorite type of ships
Oh god. I love so many types. It depends on the muse I write.
I used to RP Blackfire in the Teen Titans 2003 rpc and she LOVED going for the innocent guys. Bad guys? Eh. She'd use them to get her rocks off then make their life a living hell because she wanted to. Betrayal, stealing, murdering them after she got what she wanted. Yup.
Innocent boys such as Wally West, for example, (a ship I had many years ago xD) she was FIXED on. She wanted to corrupt him and make him belong to her. She was very toxic, possessive, downright horrifyingly disgusting with her behavior. While she's trying to murder her own sister, she goes back to Wally and wraps herself around him, sinking her claws into him. She was a nasty piece of work.
Yuna? I feel like her ships are incredibly flexible because of how she is. Yuna is very likeable due to how she was raised - first by her selfless father, then an entire village of Besaid. She is patient, kind, and resilient. All she wants to do is good for everyone. Yes. That includes the man who wanted to manipulate her into giving her very life to make him become the next Sin: Seymour.
And because she has a knack for holding out her hand to everyone, I think that makes her very susceptible to form ships from all walks of life. Yuna has a pool of people she would gladly give her love to, unlike some of my other muses I wrote for previously, and I think that's wonderful. ;u;
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gritsandbrits · 8 months
Rewrite vs. Canon: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Force
That show has so many problems but in short aliens becomes more and more general public knowledge. Ben decides to become an ambassador of sorts. Instead of bullshit love triangles it's a story about more heroes inspired by Ben and his team. The overarching threat are the Forever Knights and Aggregor.
Instead of being a villain sue, Aggregor was an Osmosian who was experimented on. He escaped to the Null Void and developed a following called the Rooters. He tempts Kevin to join by bringing up his father and for a while Kevin succeeds until he learns Aggregor's real plans. After defeating him, Kevin decides to retire for a whole to focus on getting his GED.
Sunny is not a reject blackfire instead her beef is feeling imperfect next to Gwen. Gwen also has issues with being talked over and not having her opinions respected but she eventually steps into her own power managing to shut Verdona down, and even defend Sunny when she tries to play favorites.
Ben is still his playful self after he realizes the mature serious hero shtick isn't helping. He can be a hero on HIS terms; if other people wont take him seriously that's their loss. He can save the day AND still have fun.
Jora's arc is also learning to use her powers for peace.
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shinobirain24 · 2 years
Hawkgirl (Year 2036)
Real name: Kiyera Hol
Hair color: Red
Species: Thanagarian
Family: Shiyera Hol (mother), Katar Hol (father), B'ran Hol (Paternal grandfather)
Weapon: mace
Occupation: Soldier, Commander of the Thanagarian army, Member of the Titans
Affiliation: Thanagarian army, Resistance, Titans
Super strength
Enhanced healing
Super acute vision
Kiyera Hol is a daughter of Hawkman and Hawkwoman, who are members of the Justice League prior to the League's disappearance. By some point in an unknown period of time, Kiyera had spent most of her life training in combat after Blackfire invaded Thanagar.
This led to Kiyera's hatred towards the Tamaraneans as a result of the invasion led by Blackfire and Darkseid. By the time Kiyera is now 17, she enrolled into the Thanagarian army and became one of its youngest commanders to have been praised by her superiors for her enthusiasm in battle.
One day, prior to meeting the Titans, Hawkgirl is approached by Wonder Woman (Donna Troy), and Aquaman (Kaldur'ram) who are the co-leaders of the Justice League in Thanagar while prepping for war. The League members invited Kiyera to become a member of the Justice League, since she is almost 18. But Kiyera refuses, believing the League responsible for her parents' deaths.
But changed her mind when her grandfather, B'ran Hol, Katar Hol's father, a retired veteran and Kiyera's grandfather, spoken to her about her parents' honor and choices, and though it may not be easy to make, but sometimes they took the action by any means being in the League to unite the galaxy as one.
Those words changed her mind and Kiyera joined the Justice League for the sake of revenge against Blackfire. The Green Lanterns also see Kiyera as a candidate to become a Green Lantern, but the Guardians disapproved due to her impulsiveness and anger issues.
By the time she joined the Justice League, she heard that Blackfire was spotted on Earth. Kiyera volunteers to hunt her down. But Aqualad refuses, fearing to would cause Blackfire to take advantage of her vendetta. But Kiyera disobeyed this, and led her Thanagarian forces to hunt her down using her position as a commander. But the hunt ended in vain when Ragnar, a red lantern, captured her fellow Thangarians. Kiyera was the last to fought him off until Speedy, Green Arrow, Aqualad, Blue Marine, and Wonder Girl intervene, but Ragnar defeated them all with the help of Siren.
The Void had captured the heroes along with Hawkgirl to be taken as prisoners for tortured or to be mind-controlled by Granny Goodness. And the heroes were taken to the Citadel. They were tortured endlessly until Superboy, Kilowog, and Nightstar rescued them. But also fought the Exterminators from LexCorp, invented by Lena Luthor.
Upon finding out that Nightstar is Tamaranean, Kiyera grew disgusted, despite Nightstar showing no ill-will towards her and tried to befriend her. But Speedy called her out for the discrimination. And Kiyera ignored her. And only cared about revenge against Blackfire and the Void.
Kiyera then grew to keep an eye on Nightstar, in case she turned out to be a spy. But after Ragnar attacked Kiyera as payback for the earlier encounter, Kiyera used all her might but ended up injured. Just when Ragnar was about to finish her off, Nightstar intervenes and saved Hawkgirl. And Ragnar was taken prisoner as he got weakened.
After the ambush, Kiyera asked Nightstar why she saved her, even after she treated her badly. Nightstar responded that whether she hates her or not, they are allies and their one goal is to save the Galaxy. Prompting Kiyera to rethink her impressions towards those she thought of as her enemies. And thanked Nightstar for her aid and even apologized to her to get to know her better.
Being born in Thanagar, Kiyera Hol became the pride of the Thanagarians for the sake of taking the pleasure of taking down the Tamaranean empire and the Void for it's injustices. Hawkgirl, at first hated the Tamaraneans for becoming tyrants and aiding Darkseid in kidnapping children and forcing them to serve him against their wills.
Cold, serious and demeanor. Hawkgirl won't stop at nothing to hunt down Blackfire as she was too self-focused. But she also cared for her comrades in her position as commander to the Thanagarian army.
Despite her determination as a soldier, Kiyera is also known to be very impulsive to her own goals. As she was too focused on revenge.
Leading to some problems on missions with the League. After joining the Titans, Kiyera would not trust Nightstar due to her being Tamaranean, and was selfish enough to insult her for her "leader's" actions. And was not prone to anger after telling Nightstar to back off.
But after Nightstar saved her life from Ragnar's assassination attempt, Kiyera begins to have second thoughts about Nightstar. Only then was she very remorseful of her actions. And would try her best to cooperate with her without letting animosity get the better of her.
Her mother's mace is a treasure for her as it was all that was left of her parents. Kiyera would then serve as a trainer of the Titans, being a soldier, she would not hesitate to boss around to help her teammates get stronger, but would have to limit her commands. Kiyera also serves as second-in-command to the Titans and respected Aqualad II as the leader and offers strategy.
Whenever Aqualad steps out for a risky task of politics, Hawkgirl would then take over as leader of the Titans, acting not as a soldier, but a Titan.
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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shyestofhearts · 3 years
Nightwing!Damian, Mid Teenage!Jon Kent and Robin!Jake VS A Legion of Doom led by Ra's Al Ghul, Lex Luthor and Blackfire (Starfire's usually wicked older sister)
I'm going to choose to believe Damian is Nightwing in this scenario because Dick was able to peacefully retire to be a stay at home dad for his kids or something while Kori works
Anyways, so Damian is always fighting near enough to Jake to jump in if Jake needs, because he's not letting his nephew get hurt
Jon is somewhere a bit farther up taking out as many up front as he can while Damian and Jake deal with the ones that make it past Jon
As for the leaders, Damian decks Ra's in the face, Jon roundhouse kicks Lex Luthor, and all three together drive off each villain
Damian takes them out for ice cream when the fight's over
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mejcinta · 3 years
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That crest with a plane behind Kory... Is this an army facility that Blackfire's imprisoned in? Has Blackfire caused some chaos upon arrival to the point of being captured and imprisoned, and now Kory has to bail her out?
"Why are you here?" Blackfire sounds retired and defeated in her state.
"You called me here!" Kory is doing this purely out of obligation. She wants to help whoever is in charge of the prison to give leads as to why Blackfire is on Earth.
I suppose Kory partially knows why Blackfire's come, but she doesn't want to give it a thought. She's still in grief of what's supposedly happened to her parents. She's blinded with rage at the mention, and sight, of Blackfire...but still, she's a Titan and must help with quelling tension before it explodes onto innocent people.
Whichever facility this is, Earth or beyond, this might be where the seed of mental and psychological instability is planted in Kory. Where Blackfire officially begins messing with her head.
Honestly, what exactly are Blackfire's powers? How did she manage to do what she did with Faddei and the innocent mom she took possession of in the season 2 finale?
How can Kory be sure she's safe from. Blackfire's trickery?
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lady-stirling · 3 years
Why did Anna say S3 is going to be heartbreaking 💔?! 😭 One of the Fanboyz on YT said he thinks Dawn is going to die. I’m hoping that’s the heartbreaking part.
I wish I knew :/
Although I don't like the character, I think that a death would not be ideal, we can see Donna's death last season 👀 what was that...
I think she can finally retire, and get out of this super hero life that clearly doesn't do her any good.
But let's see... Could be the fight between the sisters? Something like the last scene with Black Panter and Killmonger? Blackfire dying? Although I can't see her dying, either. I think she will stay for more seasons... but again, who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️
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DC: Demon Slayer
Interviewer: So a question asked by the public, "Inspired by the hit anime series Demon Slayer, if your sister was turned into a demon, what would you do?"
CW Barry Allen: Well...admittedly this is kinda awkward because my sorta-sister is now my wife. So...you know what, forget that part. Just know that I’d first make sure she wouldn’t hurt anyone. Then I’d ask Cisco, Caitlyn, and whatever version of Wells we have that year to come up with an antidote.
DCEU Barry Allen: Oh, Demon Slayer!? I love that anime, that’s a good series. Um...I...don’t...really...know. Maybe go back in time and stop her from becoming a demon? What’s the worst that could happen?
Cisco Ramon: Oh snap, I just finished the anime today! Yo, that fight scene between Rui and Tanjiro was frickin dope af. But on the real...I think I’d do what Barry said. I mean, I’m pretty sure I could come up with a cure. How hard could it be?
Christian Bale Bruce Wayne: Damn...and here I was thinking I could just retire in peace with Catwoman. Now you’re saying I have a demon sister?
Teen Titans Animated Series Starfire: This “Slayer of the Demonic Sort” animation series sounds a lot like this show I watched back on Tamaran. It was called “Knopgar the Parademon Hunter”. Knowing that series, I think I’d just learn to live with my demonic sister, especially with how evil Blackfire already is!
CW Kara Danvers: Oh man, if Alex became a demon? Not sure what I’d do honestly! Maybe find a type of kryptonite that could reverse the effects? Or maybe ask Lena Luthor?
Arnold Schwarzenegger Mr. Freeze: Well first...I’d tell my sister to chill out. Then I would find a way to thaw out the evil lurking within her cold-hearted body. Then again, I can’t cure my own wife so maybe I’m even less suited to deal with a demon sister.
DCEU Wonder Woman: As a warrior for humanity, I believe that love and kindness can triumph even the most heinous of demons. And just like Nezuko on the show, I believe my own sister’s good heart will win out in the end.
CW Eobard Thawne: Well, it’s her own damn fault for getting infected by a demon in the first place. If she’s that careless then she deserves her fate. But I guess, if I HAD to save her, I’d just get the Flash to do it. Barry is such a goody two shoes that he’ll help, even if it’s me asking.
CW Leonard Snart: (sighs) Damn Lisa, she probably got turned into a demon from a heist gone wrong. What a rookie move, completely un-Snart-like. Well, I’m sure good old Barry Allen and his band of do-gooders would be willing to lend a hand. After all...his best buddy Cisco had the hots for Lisa.
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forlornmelody · 4 years
Thoughts on Titans Season 2 under the cut (for spoilers)
I love how they characterized the Wilson fam, for the most part. 
Slade was pretty spot on, though I’m not sure why he insists on calling Joey Jericho dead around Rose, when Jericho is right there in his head. Maybe cause he wants Rose to think that so he can get revenge? So she stays on his side?
Speaking of which, how long has Rose known the truth? How did she find out?
Somewhere I swear I made a post about Rose actually working for Adeline the whole time (I’m still hoping the housemom persona is just a front. I want superspy!Adeline, dangit), but it’s not showing up. I’m not sold on Rose just letting Dad carve her eye out and just trusting him with the process. Now, if she was doing that to convince him she was on his side, and no one else’s I could see it. Unless she thought it wouldn’t be permanent, which, given her behavior in Ghosts, it’s possible. Mostly, I think they got Rose’s characterization right--pushing people away to protect them and herself, but her whole backstory with her dad doesn’t quite add up on its own. 
Also, WHY DIDN’T WE GET MORE CLOSURE ON JERCHO’S ARC!? Is he still inside Rose? Does she go back to Adeline’s? Cause that would be fucking hilarious. Also, his body in a coma in a hospital somewhere? I have so many questions. He can’t stay in Rose because I want some Jeriwing action, dangit. 
I was really nervous about Chella being a first time actor, but he KILLED it as Jericho. It was so fun seeing so many people fall in love with one of my all-time favorite superheroes. I love how they made him canonically bisexual from the start, made him a music nerd, and a sweet heart with just the right amount of snark. I love how they cast a deaf, genderqueer actor to play him. I really hope the writers bring Chella back specifically next season. More reasons for Jericho to get his fucking body back. 
Also, it’s weird to me that the Titans screamed at Jason for planting shit in their rooms, and when they find out it was Rose and she apologizes, they forgive her just like that? Is it because of Jason’s near suicide that they grow up suddenly? It’s strange to me that the show didn’t explore this at all. 
As much as I loved Gar, Conner, and the Cadmus arc, I really wish they saved it for Season 2. Slade was supposed to be the big bad, not a runner up. Kory could have saved Jason. I have no idea why she doesn’t fly on this show. Her losing her powers is interesting, but she seemingly still had all of them in that episode. And Gar could have had stuff to do besides supervising Conner. Gar wants to be a Titan more than anyone in that Tower. He would literally involve himself in everything if the writers allowed him to. In the comics, Gar craves attention and validation.
If Jason isn’t back on the team next season, we better get Red Hood & The Outlaws, is all I’m saying. And I want Jason and Rose to reconcile, not quickly, mind you, but in a Shit Is Happening And We Have To Work Together sort of way. ALSO JASON DIDN’T GET A HUG. WHERE IS THE RIOT HAPPENING? I WANT IN. 
As for Blackfire being the big bad next season? I’m open to it. I hope they handle the story right. I’ve seen it handled poorly, even in the comics, more often than not. Kori is one of my favorite characters and Anna does her so much justice. 
I also don’t really want Bruce Wayne involved at all. The whole point of the Titans is to not be involved with their mentors any longer. They’ve had two seasons--let them fight without the training wheels next time. 
I didn’t want Donna to be the one to die, and I hate how it was accidental. Maybe they were making a point there, about war or whatever, but still. There are *cough* other OG Titans who really have told all they can of their story and are ready to retire, right? Right? You know who I’m talking about. Do they need to kill them off? Nah. Just give them their own show so I don’t have to watch them take up screen time I’d rather have focused on other characters. But if they insist, they need to die by a supervillian, imo. I’m a little sad that we didn’t get to see more of Donna fighting as an Amazon. And couldn’t she fly in the comics? Am I imagining that? Seeing her go toe to toe with Conner was AWESOME, though. 
I still love Jason’s arc so, so much. We got to peak underneath all the jokes and the cockiness and see the fucked up kid who just wants people he can trust. 
I also like Dick’s a lot. Did it take up too much screen time? Eh, maybe. But at least it was interesting. But he doesn’t have to save everyone all the time either. He shouldn’t have to. Give the other Titans time to shine and give Dick some time to see a fucking therapist. Also, give him more hugs. Preferably from Jericho.
Overall, I LOVED Titans. I literally started following everyone from the show on Instagram because I craved content in the 6 days between new episodes. It’s gonna be a long 10 months til season 3. It just frustrates me how much is left unsaid at the end. 
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aspiecrow · 5 years
Earth-46: Fancasts
So, as of right now, these are the characters I have fancasted for Earth-46. I’ll most likely be adding to this as I fancast more characters. Also, I’m aware that there’s some repeats. That isn’t a mistake.
In alphabetical order, they are:
“Aunt” Harriet Cooper: Madge Blake (circa 1966-1967)
Ace (Alycia Wayne): Millie Bobby Brown (circa 2015-2016)
Adam Strange: Vincent Ventresca (circa 2008)
Agnes “Crystal” Bellinger: Amy Poehler
All-American Kid (William “Billy” Armstrong) & Kid Karnevil (Jeremy Karne) (possessing spirit): Mason Cook (circa 2012)
Alpha (Michael Sommers): Keanu Reeves
Anarky (Leonard “Lonnie” Machin): Dane DeHaan (circa 2011-2012)
Arthur Curry, Jr: Nathan Gamble (circa 2011)
Bat-Devil (Michael Lane): Michael B. Jordan
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain): Yanin Vismitananda (circa 2007-2008)
Big Barda (Barda Free): Gwendoline Christie
Bizarro: Christopher Reeve (circa 1986-1987)
Bizarrogirl: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2008)
Black Adam (Teth-Adam): Dwayne Johnson
Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance): Sarah Michelle Gellar
Black Mask (Roman Sionis): Zachary Quinto
Blue Beetle (Theodore “Ted” Kord) [RETIRED]: Adam Scott
Blue Lightning (Jefferson Pierce): Cress Williams
Bluebird (Harper Row): Bex Taylor-Klaus
Brother Blood (Sebastian Blood IX): Freddie Highmore
Calendar Girl (Paige Monroe): Monica Bellucci
Captain Boomerang (George “Digger” Harkness): John Jarratt
Captain Cold (Leonard Snart): Wentworth Miller
Captain Marvel: ??
William “Billy” Batson: Noah Schnapp
Carrie Kelley: Sophia Lillis
Carter Grant: Levi Miller (circa 2015)
Catherine “Cat” Grant: Calista Flockhart
Chief (Niles Caulder): Timothy Dalton
Chief Peter “Pete” Ross: David Harbour
Christopher Kent (Lor-Zod): Jackson Robert Scott
Colonel Jacob Kane: Michael Keaton
Cyclone (Maxine “Max” Hunkel): Sadie Sink
Cynthia “Sin” Lance: Aubrey Anderson-Emmons
Darla Dudley: Faithe Herman
David Cain: Stephen Lang
Deacon Joseph Blackfire: Denis O’Hare
Deadshot (Floyd Lawton): Will Smith
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): Joe Manganiello
Detective Harvey Bullock: Brendan Gleeson
Devil Ray (David Richardson): Michael Kenneth Williams
Doctor Linda Martin: Rachael Harris
Doctor Mid-Nite (Elizabeth “Beth” Chapel): Anjelika Washington
Doctor Poison (Rei Aoyama): Eihi Shiina (circa 1998-1999)
Doctor Simon Hurt: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Dream Girl (Nura Nal): Nicole Maines
Dreamer (Nia Nal): Nicole Maines
Elasti-Woman (Rita Farr): April Bowlby
Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny): Seth Green
Eugene Choi: Ian Chen
General Zod (Dru-Zod): Terence Stamp
Green Arrow (Oliver “Ollie” Queen): Ewan McGregor
Green Lantern (Alan Scott): Jeff Bridges
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner): Tyler Posey
Guardian (Malcolm “Mal” Duncan): John Boyega
Headmaster Collingwood Vaughn Hammer: Christopher Lee (circa mid-to-late 2000s)
Holly Robinson: Katie Stuart (circa 1998-1999)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli): Eliza Dushku (circa 2007)
James “Jimmy” Olsen: Rupert Grint
Jonathan “Pa” Kent: Harrison Ford
Knight (Cyril Sheldrake): Matt Smith
Lady Shiva (Sandra Wu-San): Ming-Na Wen
Lian Harper: Lily Chee
Livewire (Leslie Willis): Natalie Dormer
Lois Lane-Kent: Winona Ryder
Lori Lemaris: Eline Powell
Lori Luthor: Isabelle Fuhrman
Lucifer Morningstar: David Bowie
Lynn Stewart: Christine Adams
Maps (Mia Mizoguchi): Mana Ashida
Mary Batson-Bromfield: Malina Weissman
Merlin: Sam Neill
Millie-Jane Cobblepot [DECEASED; GHOST]: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2003-2004)
Mister Terrific (Michael Holt): William Jackson Harper
Negative Man (Lawrence “Larry” Trainor): Matt Bomer (voice); Matthew Zuk (body)
Nicholas “Nick” Bromfield: Cooper Andrews
Nightwing (Richard “Dick” Grayson): Jesús Castro
Nora Bromfield (née Parker): Marta Milans
Ocean Master (Orm): Patrick Wilson
Oracle (Barbara Gordon): Kiera Allen
Pedro Peña: Jovan Armand
Plastic Man (Patrick O’Brian): Ben Schwartz
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley): Jessica Chastain
Power Girl (Kara Zor-L/Karen Starr): Melissa Benoist
Professor Alexander Scarlet: Roddy McDowall (circa 1966)
Professor Edgar Heed: Vincent Price (circa 1966-1967)
Professor Emil Hamilton: Matthew Modine
Professor Hugo Strange: B.D. Wong
Professor Isla MacPherson: Michelle Gomez
Queen Hippolyta: Lynda Carter
Queen Rhea: Teri Hatcher
Rā's al Ghūl: Oded Fehr
Raven (Rachel Roth): Natasha Negovanlis
Red Hood (Jason Todd): Dylan O’Brien
Richard Dragon (Richard Drakunovski): Jason David Frank
Riko Sheridan: Zoe Flood
Robin (Damian Wayne): Arsalan Ghasemi (circa 2005)
Robin (Timothy “Tim” Drake): Asa Butterfield
Robotman (Clifford “Cliff” Steele): Brendan Fraser (voice); Riley Shanahan (body)
Rupert Thorne: John Goodman
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane): Julian Richings
Scarlet (Sasha Volkova): Ashley Boettcher
Scream Queen (Nina Skorzeny): Kristen Stewart
Secret (Greta Hayes): Lulu Wilson (circa 2016-2017)
Simon Trent: Adam West (circa 2015-2016)
Solomon Grundy: Kevin Durand
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown): Chloë Grace Moretz
Squire (Beryl Hutchinson): Maisie Williams
Starfire (Princess Koriand’r): Sharon Belle
Stargirl (Courtney Whitmore): Brec Bassinger
S.T.R.I.P.E. (Patrick “Pat” Dugan): Luke Wilson
Superboy (Jonathan Samuel “Jon” Kent): Finn Wolfhard (circa 2015-2016)
Supergirl (Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers): AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2008)
Superman (Clark Kent): Christopher Reeve (circa 1986-1987)
Sweet Tooth (Jeffrey Leonard “Jeff” Fink): Jeff Blim
Tempest (Garth): Jack Falahee
The Atom (Raymond “Ray” Palmer) [RETIRED]: John C. McGinley
The Atom (Ryan Choi): Ryan Zheng Kai
The Joker: is a complicated case. Basically, as an extension of the idea that he has so many different moods, I’m using a variety of different face claims for him. So for example, one day he could look like Willem Dafoe, and the next, like Cesar Romero.
Theodore “Teddy” Malik: Danny Pudi
The Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot): Bob Hoskins (circa 2005)
The Question (Charles Victor “Vic Sage” Zsasz): Misha Collins
The Riddler (Edward Nygma): John Mulaney
Thomas Wayne [DECEASED]: Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Thunder (Anissa Pierce): Nafessa Williams
Tobias Whale: Marvin “Krondon” Jones III
Trickster (James Jesse): Mark Hamill
Two-Face (Harvey Dent): Jon Hamm
Vigilante (Gregory “Greg” Saunders): Nathan Fillion
Wildcat (Theodore “Ted” Grant): Bruce Campbell
Wildcat (Yolanda Montez): Yvette Monreal
Willoughby Kipling: Mark Sheppard
Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark): Julia Sarah Stone
Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira aka Diana Prince): Ioanna Triantafyllidou (aka Joanna Fyllidou)
Samara Morgan: Daveigh Chase (circa 2001-2002)
Abaddon (Ryan Gaven): Joe Keery
Annabelle McConnell: Summer Glau
Defense Attorney Alexander “Alex” Wright: Wayne Brady
Detective Warren White: Joel McHale
Elizabeth Kennington: AnnaSophia Robb (circa 2006-2007)
Gemstone (Kayley Smith): Joey King
Lily Wynstrom: Kennedy Brice (circa 2013-2015)
Lumina (Aurora Dawn): Jodelle Ferland (circa 2010)
Queen (Jesminder Kapoor): Linnea Berthelsen
Rosaleen Hatcher: Jodelle Ferland (circa 2006-2007)
Violet “Teacup” Stoker: Talitha Eliana Bateman
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ashebraum · 5 years
12th Sun of 5th Umbral Moon
Pub night at Corsa’ir’s bar seems to be a regular event, and tonight was no exception as he was holding a fight night with the winner receiving a prize. I entered of course, sadly no actual weapons aloud so I couldn’t smash anyone's face in with a shield. My first match was actually against another member of the Black Garden, a newcomer so to speak from a recent merger, Obadiah. We both stepped into the ring downstairs in front of the crowd, ready to fight. In the end I managed to beat him somehow. He got a little beat up, but a few people nearby were healers and had him patched up in no time. I retired to one of the tables downstairs, watching the rest of the fights for the night as I saw some of my crew mates step up themselves and win a match or two. In the end myself, Kayne Blackfire, a dragoon in our ranks and a good fellow, and two others not in the Black Garden made it to the semi finals. That would have to wait for another night however as the night was getting long. I was happy to turn in after the bit of exercise I had that night.
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— Blackfire constantly butted heads with her father, Myand’r. They could argue about anything at the drop of a hat.
Their home noises consisted of slamming doors, glasses breaking, Blackfire yelling at her father with tears streaming down her cheeks, punching holes in the walls, banging noises, and screaming pleas to “let her out” of the holding facility specifically made for Komand’r’s outbursts.
Myand’r wasnt against raising his voice or restraining Blackfire when she’d get out of control. Regretfully, though, sometimes the king’s temper would wane its patience, and win the reigns of his rationality. Eventually he’d come to realize his daughter would be lying on the floor with a bright red hand print across her cheek, only to turn his back to her and retire to the throne room.
Their arguments got so bad that Myand’r & Blackfire physically attacked each other over something as small as how to preform a war tactic, only for Luand’r to interfere just in time before her husband nearly killed his daughter, threatening to seperate her windpipe from the rest of her body.
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My Personal DC Cinematic Universe (Part 3)
Phase 2 (Continued)
Raven: Following some sort of...phenomenon that triggered in the presence of Blackfire’s demon army courtesy of the first Titans movie, Rachel Roth finds herself being called back home  to her mother Arella, hoping to spend the quality time she somewhat missed out during her stay with the Titans. Development of her trademark powers will become a somewhat conjunction towards Rachel's development and bond with her mother as they discover hidden truths about her heritage. The villain of this piece will be rather a return than an introduction; Sebastian *Now nicknamed Brother* Blood, disgraced from STAR Labs for his religiously/satanically sounded and cruel treatment towards his three patients, now fully embraces his Satanist roots with the young Rachel as his supposed vessel. 
Starfire II: Siege of Tamaran: Returning finally to their home planet as part of a temporary leave from Planet Earth and the ‘Titans’ conflict, Starfire and her elder sister Blackfire finds themselves seeing an unforeseen predicament; their very home is blazing with fire and ruins throughout and the eerie similar looking Gordanian ships are hovering the parts of the planet in flame. A full blown invasion of the planet has thoroughly decimated a very large portion of their home and the few forces who fight back are loosing ground every single day that passes. Realizing the fact without their help and hope their very species will see their last days of freedom let alone life, the two must learn to work with one another if their home is be saved.  
Flash: Yellow Bolt: In the relatively slow moving and calm Central City, there once existed a prominent hero to protect its citizens. One such fan of this seemingly long lost hero, a young, admiring and headstrong teen by the name of Wally West, walks by his daily life without too much to stress over. Oh every now and then came in the occasional murder case his uncle Barry Allen would find without any sort of expectation but for the most part this town seems the almost perfect example of the Modern American dream. Enter a long nemesis of this town’s law enforcement to come out of retirement to unite the crime lords under his gadget based iron grip: Enter Captain Boomerang. Wally feels the need to stop this baddie to protect his cousin and friends..if only he can just...get to this criminal on time. Well, one freak accident of chemicals and electricity later, Wally might have all the time he needs...and he might even have the speed of thought needed to find out about a certain secret about his uncle that might just not only save his city, but recapture the lightning this sleepy city needed...literally. 
Green Lantern, Emerald Flight: US Marine Jon Stewart recently has found himself without any sort of way to help the innocent caught in the chaos of war. Suffering the devastating aftereffects on his mental from recent combat experience,  Stewart’s courage in light of opposing odds comes into a mishmash of conflicted choices to make and overthinking of the consequences. This might change with a certain unexpected tool that defies his sharply logical mind making its appearance; a small green ring flowing a sort of cosmic energy just sitting there waiting to slide onto his index finger, but not just yet...apparently the level of bravery Jon has might be a tad off before it can slide on. Not too much time to worry about that though, a massive alien creature descending on Jon’s home turf of Detroit has begun its rampage, turn the city into a war zone. and Jon determine to save as much innocents as possible, sucks up his conflicted emotional state to rush in to help. Then the ring slides on after all. Once the monster is defeated , what can Jon uncover about this ring and the creature that can ties back to him? 
-While similar in aesthetic to the first Green Lantern movie, the effect will very lean on the practical end of special effect with mostly digital enhancing a la The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. 
This’ll be it for now but next time, the Phase 2 Finale or rather send off then the beginning of Phase 3 for my DC Capes and Masks Universe. 
Please leave suggests and comments if you decide to contrbute.
@lightdusk96 @fireflyxrebel @tarisilmarwen
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